#I just fuckin love this episode and I don’t think it gets enough appreciation
We as a collective do not talk about 9x7 Bad Boys nearly as much as we should it has so so much to unpack about Dean and his early years
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janovavalen · 8 months
Hi can you write a Percy Jackson x fem reader
The reader and Percy do not get along it’s like a love hate relationship.During episode 4 Percy sacrificing himself at St Luis arch the reader breaks down the door and sees him fall.she then jumps after him.When they get out the river they both have an argument about the whole incident.which leads to the reader admitting she cares about him.Happy ending pls.
✧RECKLESS || percy jackson x fem!reader
summary: as the group go to their next destination they arrive at the arch, annabeth and y/n’s mom’s sanctuary for some time. just when they think they’re safe, things don’t go to plan.
warnings: y/n and percy being in a enemies or lovers trope, annabeth and grover being third and fourth wheelers, arguing, near death experiences, slight blood warnings, poisoned percy, a bit of crying? LIKE A TINY BIT, y/n is very argumentative.
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as the group made their way to the st. louis arch, they weren’t doing very good. at all.
on their way, the original plan was to get straight to las vegas, but thanks to the monsters and not wanting to take a break, their train got ruined by the mother of monsters.
as they walked into the front entrance of the arch that annabeth and y/n recommended. they had stated that monsters can’t get in and it will give them more time to find some way to get to las vegas a lot quicker than on foot.
‘six-hundred and thirty feet wide’ annabeth started—‘six-hundred and thirty feet tall, both two within an inch’
as they four of them walked fast enough to cause an old lady whiplash, percy and grover listened to the two of them explain their mothers sanctuary.
‘it’s got no internal support. each side is balanced perfectly against one another’ y/n states once more as annabeth nodded along with what she said.
‘the arch is held up by symmetry, it’s held up by math!’ annabeth expressed.
‘oh and it’s earthquake proof’ y/n added to annabeth’s comment, giving annabeth a small glance before they walked down the steps of the entrance into the small museum full of kids on a field trip.
‘it’s also high enough so poseidon can’t ruin it…but i don’t think mom would appreciate his child being in here, so.’ y/n looked over to percy who gave her a tight thin lipped smile before mumbling.
‘nice…’ annabeth and percy looked at the two before giving each other a look to soon squeeze themselves through the group kids.
‘excuse me’ annabeth mumbled to the boys and girls who turned and moved out of the way for the four.
‘this is how you show athena your love, a monument to the power of perfection’ annabeth told.
‘it’s a monument to some other stuff too’ grover added as they looked around and saw other things regarding more olden times, guns, head skeletons of buffalo and other things.
‘your talking about what some humans want this place to be about. we’re talking about what it actually is’ annabeth placed her hand over her own chest while looking at percy and grover who frowned but agreed nonetheless.
y/n rolled her eyes when she saw the amount of ‘skeletons’ and other things that litterd the walls and glass casing all around them. the people seeming to be pleased enough at what they saw to take a picture.
‘it’s sad to know they don’t know what it really means. very pathetic really.’ y/n mumbled to herself as she turned to annabeth. percy looked over at her and blinked before widening his eyes and choosing not to say anything about what she said.
‘whatever…we’re safe here, right?’ grover made sure to comprehend as they walked.
‘no monsters can enter…not even echidna’ y/n reassured grover who nodded nervously.
‘we’re safe’ annabeth added on.
‘great…well since our train exploded! i’m going to see if there’s another one we can get tickets on. we can’t stay here forever.’ grover looked over at the huge plastered picture of buffalo being attacked and hunted by hunters.
looking overly slowly at the three he said once more—‘just because we’re prey doesn’t mean we need to be helpless.’ turning around to leave, annabeth nervously cleared her throat and walked up to him.
‘wait! i’m going to go with you. you two wait here, don’t leave and don’t move’ annabeth ordered y/n and percy who frowned their eyebrows.
‘where would we go?’ y/n asked her with a raised eyebrow. annabeth rolled her eyes and caught up to grover who walked rather fast.
as the two of y/n and percy watched annabeth and grover walk away, percy decided now would probably be a good time to start a bit of conversation to stop the awkward silence.
‘he doesn't like it when people mess with animals,’ he added.
y/n didn’t both turn to his side but acknowledged his voice—‘yeah. i know.’
percy turned to y/n who kept her eyes focused on annabeth and grover even though they were long past the barrier of her eyesight.
‘…why are you so quiet?’ percy mumbled, his eyes looking over y/n’s frame that was unmoving from her standing position.
‘why does it matter?’ y/n turned to his presence now. seeing he was a bit away from here
‘it doesn't it’s just…you know…kind of awkward?’ percy nervously mumbled.
sighing percy didn’t want to really give up on the conversation knowing it would probably be best. the last thing he needed and had the time for was for y/n to snap at him, but it was worth the shot.
‘so, this is your moms place?’
y/n kept quiet and turned her eyes and head another direction from percy who kept speaking. clearing his throat he spoke—
‘be right down just going to the potty’ he said in a girly squeaky voice. this gained y/n’s attention.
as childish and stupid as it was, it was definitely an uplift from the previous mood. she lightly grinned but turned her head.
‘listen…me and you don’t get along and we both know that—‘
‘is it that obvious?’
‘shut up and listen okay?’ y/n sighed as percy nodded shamefully and let her continue .
‘i know you said it all in me and annabeth’s head…mostly mine? that i tell myself that our mother cares because it’s easier that way.’
percy let his eyebrows frown once more as he shook his head—‘i didn’t say that?’ he looked at y/n who turned her head to him and gave him a small look of which spoke—‘really?’
he shrugged it off and continued to talk—‘look ive been a demigod since…’ looking off to the side to calculate he finally came with an answer—‘last saturday. you shouldn’t listen to me.’ he told her as y/n let what he said soak in.
looking off to the side a bit she came up with some idea—plan for him to take, an offer.
‘you know, this is my mothers place. but…a temple is a temple. maybe you can say hi to your dad while your here?’ she explained.
percy seemed to almost take up her offer but quickly denied it. not wanting to really contact poseidon at the moment.
‘no thanks.’ he quickly shrugged off. this came undeniably confusing to y/n.
‘what could it hurt?’ she genuinely wanted her answer but he still shook his head.
‘your think with your mother…i get it, it’s different, it works for you. but my father…i don’t want anything from him. he had his chances—honestly you’ve done more for me in the past free days than my fathers done my entire life. if i have to stick with someone i—‘
trailing off as he caught himself y/n seemed to catch his slight slip up and tilted her head to the side a bit. her eyes looking him up and down before she smirked a bit—‘careful..i think you were about to call me a friend.’
before the beginning of the quest. before all of this. they had claimed in stone, they were and would never see themselves as friends. nothing more nothing less: the two of them simply didn’t see eye to eye. their priorities were set on two different things, and they both knew that.
but, things seemed to have change a bit on one end, and a lot on the other.
percy slightly looked down at the floor below as y/n turned her own head away from his.
‘somewhere around here the Oracle is laughing at us but you know—‘
as she said this percy seemed to feel insanely dizzy and instantly fell to the floor, y/n being there to catch him—‘whoa! percy? what’s going on?’ she asked him, being careful not to bombard him with too many questions given the fact he just fell out.
her arms being slightly wrapped around his shoulders he held onto her as he let her slowly let go of him. percy slightly sat down onto the floor as he caught his balance.
‘hey! what happened?’ grover and annabeth came running immediately when they saw him fall.
‘i think…i think those stinger things were poisonous…’ percy breathed heavily, his breath seeming to shorten on supply.
y/n looked around and it seemed to click for both the athena children—‘i have an idea’ the both of them claimed.
as the two of them grabbed up on percy they found themself in the water that sat in front of the museum. with percy sitting down into it, the other three stood as they scooped and splashed percy from the head down with water.
he sat there and took it as they kept going scoop from scoop, hoping something would happen.
passers walked by and some stood to watch what they were doing and they their were kids sitting in the fountain but none took it upon themselves to stop it.
‘the water cured him back at camp! it should work with poison too!’ y/n found herself quickening her scoops of water while annabeth looked momentarily at her sister who wore a very worried expression.
if anything, she’s never seen her this worried. not for a while. not for percy.
‘you know—i think, i think this is working’ percy grabbed onto y/n’s hand who helped him stand—‘this was a great call’ he acknowledged their idea but only to end up stumbling back down into the water with even more dizziness.
‘or not.’ he breathed out.
‘maybe it needs to be naturally running water for Poseidon to heal him?’ y/n mumbled while she placed her hand comfortingly over percy’s shoulder.
grover looked to annabeth who went to speak but just then they heard crashing and sirens going down just ahead of them. they all went to look and seen a police car being flipped into another car.
‘we need to get back inside!’ annabeth went to pick up percy along with grover but y/n was quick to deny.
‘no we need to keep trying!’
‘ this isn’t working y/n—and she’s coming!’ grover sadly looked at y/n who stressed her expression of worry towards percy who looked up at her momentarily before the two of them looked ahead along with annabeth and grover to see echidna slowly strutting her way over to them with a grin.
y/n breathed out and quickly thought—‘okay look, we’ll take percy inside and we’ll go to the temples alter’ y/n went to pick up percy who grabbed onto her arm and hand as the other two helped to pick him up as well.
‘alter? where is there an alter?’ grover asked, frowning his eyebrows at the two.
‘the highest point—the best view!’
‘okay! but what good is that even going to do us?’ grover stressed once more.
y/n sighed and looked over to annabeth who looked at her and percy.
percy had his grip held tight on her as she equally had the same amount of strength being held onto him to secure him from falling.
‘we’re going to get to the top, and we’re going to ask our mom for help’ she breathed out. grover seemed to stop for a bit along with y/n who was nervous about this plan.
‘ask mom for help? annabeth are you insane?’
‘i thought we didn’t ask for help?’ percy put his two senses in making annabeth look over to him. seeing they didn’t have much time for anymore conversations, annabeth ushered the group to begin walking.
‘come on; we need to keep moving’ annabeth spoke in a hurry.
grover placed percy’s other arm over his shoulder to help balance out their walk and annabeth stayed to y/n’s side.
just as they began to walk and y/n with annabeth failed to walk a bit and happened to stumble behind. echidna began screeching to the two girl who turned and started—couldn’t help—but listen. their expressions becoming more flat, a bit worried.
percy took a heavy notice of y/n’s absence and turned to see mainly her with a saddened expression on her face.
why did she look like that? what was she seeing? what was she hearing? his thoughts raced. seeming to focus on her rather than himself being poisoned.
she let her eyes widen and she snapped out of some trance along with her sister who gripped her arm—‘guys? did you hear that?’ y/n looked over to annabeth who nodded immediately.
grover and percy however?
‘hear what?’ percy asked her with concern. grover shook his head and y/n looked at annabeth who sadly looked down.
‘come on—let’s keep walking—go help percy’ annabeth told y/n who jogged to percy’s side and grabbed only his arm once more.
as the group hurried their way around the people who were mindlessly talking with themselves—completely unaware of the danger that was happening for the demigod children. they kept turning around to make sure their backs were clear.
some people would momentarily look at the group who carried one boy who looked like he just seen a ghost as they had their wet clothes tracing the floor as they walked.
the four of them getting into the small sitting elevator, they sat down—‘what was that back there? what did you guys hear?’ he asked the two sisters, but his main eyes trained on y/n who didn’t say a word. annabeth doing the same , she found her pinky slowly reaching over to y/n’s.
she got the hint and fully placed her hand over annabeth’s. percy looked down at their hands and came with the conclusion.
‘she spoke to you two’ percy breathed. his body was cold, and wet. the poison doing nothing more and adding onto his weakness and cold body.
‘alecto did that with me. back in the museum back in new york’ he recalled. annabeth and y/n still not speaking a word, only looking down and blinking momentarily.
percy didn’t really want to admit but he was becoming concerned for y/n’s mind. what did she hear that was bad?
‘what did she say?’ he asked once more.
just then, annabeth looked up in a hurry and squeezed y/n’s hand who looked up as well—and there she was. echidna.
she stood over the small metal balcony with her moneyed baby right behind her.
just as the doors shut they saw the two horns. y/n let her eyes widen along with the rest of the group’s.
grover gulped but began to talk—‘was that the chimera?’ he looked over to y/n who place she head in her hands and held them their in stress—percy looking over with frowned eyebrows as his wet hair dripped into his eye.
‘i—i think that was the chimera!’ grover worryingly spoke. percy let his focus set on y/n who kept nervously looking anywhere but the group.
‘how did the chimera even get inside here? how did any monster get inside here—‘
‘y/n?’ percy breathed out, his worry building up on y/n who kept quiet. annabeth looked over at her sister who didn’t even look at her either.
‘we’re in a secretary, athena would have to let her in but why would she do that?’
‘y/n!’ percy called out to her once more. seeing her eye finally set up upon his own he hoped they could keep their eyes trained on one another.
‘what did echidna say to you?’ he asked—demanded and answer.
she worryingly looked back down before shaking her head a bit, biting on the inside of her cheek.
‘she said my impertinence ruined our mother pride. and that that, would be our doom.’ she looked angrily over at percy who shook his head.
‘impertinence? what kind of—‘ finally recalling. medusa’s head.
giving y/n the look of knowing she gave him a look as well as annabeth and grover watched them talk.
‘ medusa’s head.’ he nodded while y/n shook her head, a frown setting upon her features.
‘i embarrassed my mother…’
percy shook his head while trying to clear up his running thoughts—‘but—i’m the one who sent the head to olympus? i sighed the note—‘
‘and i went along with it! it embarrassed her…now she’s angry. because of your impertinence, and because i was dumb enough to go along with it, we won’t get any help, we won’t get an answer from her!’ y/n shouted to percy who shook his head.
‘no! annabeth, he needs to understand this isn’t some game, this isn’t camp, we can seriously die out here, and he can’t just go around sending dead body parts to the gods just because?’ y/n stressed even more as percy nervously looked at y/n who avoided his eye contact once more.
‘guys…what are we going to do?’ grover broke the silence as they seemed to be near the top of the arch.
‘she isn't going to help us when we get to the top to have percy’ annabeth expressed to grover who cut her off—‘no i mean what are we going to do about echidna and chimera? they're going to be right being us,’ he exclaimed.
as the four of them looked at each other—percy hoping to catch y/n’s eyes but failed he looked down at the floor.
‘we’re not going to have much time’ as the group let themselves out of the elevator, y/n getting out first to leave percy with grover and annabeth to help him out.
percy took a hard notice to this but tried to shrug us off—‘they’ll be up here any minute. and if our mother isn’t going to protect us, then we’ll just have to fight it out up here’ y/n finished as they walked up the short amount of stairs to the top.
once they did was when y/n lost her confidence for a second and saw a huge crowd talking among themselves with phones taking pictures and smiles on their faces.
and when percy, grover and annabeth were behind her, they saw the extent of trouble they were in.
‘oh no…we gotta get everybody out of here’ grover expressed with worry as he held onto percy.
percy looked to y/n who seemed to smile a bit with her idea.
running to the fire alarm she pulled it, setting off a loud beep that got everybody's attention.
as everyone slightly panicked and walked their way down the hall with the others, y/n placed her hand onto annabeth’s shoulder and ushers them along the hall.
‘you guys follow the group down the steps—‘
‘what?’ percy hurried to look at y/n who momentarily look at him then back at grover who spoke.
‘no, no—we—were not spitting up’ grover expressed.
‘grover come on!’
‘y/n i’m not leaving you here!’ annabeth spoke to her sister who gave her a sad look.
‘no… no no no no we’re all getting out of here together’ percy breathed out, hoping to get y/n’s attention. once he did he kept their eyes focused on one another.
‘we won’t make it! the chimera is a demigod killer! someone has to stay back to slow her down and buy everyone some time’ y/n walked with her hand on annabeth’s back while they walked to the steps with everyone going down in a hurry.
once they got to them, grover, annabeth and percy turned to y/n who stood at the door to make sure she shut it before they left.
‘okay—once you get downstairs you need get him to the river. and don’t stop. not till you get to hades. not till you have the bolt, do you understand?’ y/n looked at the three before looking at percy, he shook his head in denial.
‘y/n you can’t just stay here and say that and expect me to listen—‘
‘do what i say annabeth! just this once, okay?’ she pleaded. annabeth shook her head with a frown upon her lips, forever going the same.
‘okay go!’ she heard the footsteps of the two right behind and went to shut the door only for percy to speak.
not wanting to let her go he quickly came with a plan.
‘wait!—‘ taking the pen that formed into a sword out of his pocket he held it to y/n who looked at it.
flipping it around to make sure the handle would be in her touch, he held it out to her and spoke once more—‘take this’ he held out to her.
as she went to reach slowly, he waited for her grip to hold tightly onto it—only then did he switch sides, pushing her into the room and closing the door.
‘percy!’ y/n yelled out to percy who made sure the door was locked.
‘percy!?’ grover yelled. the three of them baging on the door as percy breathed heavily, his body weak and pale.
‘percy no! don’t do this! they’ll kill you!’ y/n yelled her voice becoming louder but more weak.
‘posiden never helped me before. he wasn’t gonna start now. i would’ve never made it to hades. but you can. and now you will.’ percy talked to them before he walked away from the foot. their banding never stopping.
‘percy! please?! you can’t do this!’ y/n cried out.
walking towards echidna and the chimera who walked their way to percy who’s eyesight blur more and more. causing him to stumble and his weakened grip on his sword.
‘this is the end sweetheart.’ echidna spoke softly, her motherly tone never wavered. ‘don’t fight it. you’ll only make her angry.’ she warned.
as the chimera walked over to percy he held his sword up higher with determination in his eyes. the chimera began to growl as she went to open her mouth, inside a small orange and red glow becoming prominent, percy swung his sword at the leg of the chimera, making it rawr out in anger and slight pain.
behind the door y/n banged harder and harder, hoping somehow he would come back and change his mind.
annabeth couldn’t watch her sister be like this—hurt, confused, mainly disappointed. turning sound as she reached into her pocket to grab her own sword that extended, she let it change its form into a smaller pick pocket knife.
‘you two! go now, go to the bottom of the steps and wait outside, police are bound to show up, so stay with them and don’t move! i’ll meet you down there with percy!’ y/n demanded her sister and best friend who shook their head.
‘y/n please—‘
‘annabeth! listen to me! okay? i’ll be okay, i’ll see you guys down there, go!’ she pushed them slightly as they looked at y/n once more who nodded to the two, giving them a slight smile.
annabeth gave one back as she nodded and grabbed along of grover, the two of them making their way down the stairs.
as y/n turned around the let her knife be placed into the middle of the lock, letting it extend, it did just enough to to break the lock and break the metal of the door.
pulling and pushing its paw up, she pushed percy far into the metal railing of the side of the wall, making him fall and yell out in pain. the chimera snarling at percy. as she walked over to percy once more he laid onto the floor with weak arms and body to see it open its mouth and their in the pit of her throat, fire. being bubbled and arousing through the back of her throat.
‘percy!’ y/n yelled. he turned around immediately to see y/n run towards him and pull him out of the way of the chimera’s fire that erupted through its throat and mouth, spreading and melting the floor below. y/n grabbed ahold of y/n as she pulled him away form the fire.
his grip holding onto her to make sure she was safe and unharmed, y/n quickly checked over percy as he nodded slightly.
in the distance, echidna raised her hand and flexed it towards the floor before them, a huge gaping hole being torn open into the carpet and metal floor. the wind from the highness of the arch blowing into the faces of y/n and percy who held each other.
the chimera roared loudly as y/n went to help percy stand up the two for them made their way over to the chimera with their swords in hand, y/n made her way in front of percy who noticed this and tired to quicken his pace so that he was in front of her.
swinging her sword the chimera dodged it and hit y/n so hard she passed out right onto the other side of the hole.
‘y/n! percy yelled—‘ soon percy tried his turn only to be hit with the chimera’s horns. throwing him back in the walk and down the gaping hole.
the chimera seeming pleased, it walked its way along with echidna to see percy still holding on.
‘y/n! wake up—‘ he grunted.
y/n paid along the side of the carpet ground with her head pounding.
‘so unfair. you never had a chance did you?’ echidna looked down at percy who was praying to whoever that y/n woke up right now.
‘if only someone cared enough about you to provide you with one’ she tilted her head as percy grunted and held onto the metal plate that was the only thing supporting him right now.
‘y/n?!’ he called out once more.
just afar, she grunted and let herself slowly wake up. just as she looked over and grabbed ahold of her sword. seeing echidna shake her head down into the hole she stumbled her way up, the blood on the head running down her eyebrow and down the side of her eye.
‘percy?’ she looked and saw he was nowhere to be found.
putting up all her strength, she stood up and hit echidna across the back of her head with her sword making echidna help out, the chimera turning around to her mother to her y/n had yelled out—
‘percy!’ she yelled seeing him reaching out to her as he fell, she took her jump and went right after him.
the two of them falling down further and further, y/n stretched her hand far enough for the two of them to be holding each other's hand.
as y/n felt herself lose consciousness once more from her injury, percy gripped her hand even tighter, and just as he turned a bit from the air around them, he saw a huge water thing, coming right towards them.
when percy came to. he was under the green water. the small fish and thing around him, he hurried his eyes and head to turn and see y/n not too far from him. her eyes still closed and her hair clouding around her.
swimming out and going to pull her up to the surface, percy felt himself and her go back down a bit—looking to see her foot caught and stuck around something that held her in place.
swimming down a bit to held her foot get unstuck he grunted and strained as the bubbles from his mouth started to flow and go up to the surface. pulling and pulling he suddenly saw something.
something glowing in the green water—‘you are frightened.’ it claimed.
blinking his eyes to see what it was he frowned, but kept pulling at y/n’s foot, his only priority was to get her out.
‘it’s alright percy. your father sent me to tell you, it’s alright.’ he paused a bit at this and looked over at the flowing glow.
‘just breath.’ she instructed. going to do so—he abruptly stopped and went back to pull at y/n’s foot. her head still bleeding and her body still unconscious.
‘your father is here, he’s always been here’ she continued to talk as percy pulled at y/n’s foot.
‘it’s so hard for him to stand back, to see you struggle. it is so hard for us all. but he’s here, and he’s so very proud. trust him. trust yourself. stopping his movements and looking over at the flowing glow, he held onto y/n’s leg who started to shake awake.
her eyes slowly opened and focused to see her and percy and somehow ended up into the water. she looked to see percy looking over at something, following his gaze she saw what he was seeing and frowned.
‘just breath.’ she told once more and when y/n turned down to percy, he breathed in and seemed to be breathing just fine under the water.
looking up at y/n he saw her holding her breath and went right back to pulling her foot with all his might, this time she was there to help. pulling up her foot, percy came with an idea, one that she definitely wouldn’t like.
going up to her, face to face, he placed his hand on her shoulder then soon her neck—if y/n couldn’t speak with her words, she definitely would with her expressions. with one that woke—‘what are you doing?’
he looked down with his eyes at her mouth and she immediately shook her head knowing exactly what he was implying. he looked at her and grabbed ahold of her cheek while she looked down to pull at her foot, her lungs burning and screaming for air.
percy gaining her attention, she blinked the water going in and out of her eyes and she held his eyes with her own. frowning she nodded her head slightly and let percy lean in under the water—his lips setting upon hers he breathed in his air to buy her more time. once they retracted, y/n and percy held eye contact before he kept his hand held on her own.
once he was down to her foot, he tugged as she pulled and soon she was free.
grabbing only y/n, the two of them hurried and swam to the top.
when they got to the surface, they swam to the concrete surface and pulled themselves along the metal rails. y/n got the helping hand of percy who pulled her with the two of his hands.
‘your okay, are you okay? your okay, right!?’ percy rushed to ask y/n who caught her breath and immediately reached up to touch the blood and wound that happened to close up.
looking at percy who half his hand on y/n’s arm and neck he checked her body and she took note of how he was healed as well.
‘percy! i’m okay…im okay’ she soothed him as he slowled his movements and looked into her eyes.
‘you jumped after me…you followed me down not knowing what would happen—‘
‘how could i not percy! how could i not? you are so careless, reckless and so selfish to think nobody would think of you and how you could have died! you left me— us, behind in the staircase to go off on our own and save your mom from the underworld!? how messed up is that percy! she would want to see her son! not two kids who she doesn’t know!’ y/n percy in his chest who stumbles back.
he looked nervously up at y/n trying to grab her hand only for her to slap it away—‘your selfish, greedy, reckless and so so stupid percy jackson! and i’m stupid enough…’ when he heard this he looked at her from the ground to see her slowly shaking her head at percy who looked up at her with hope.
‘i’m stupid enough to be the idiot one as well and jump after you. and i’m stupid enough to have cared so much. too much about you. percy…you can’t do things like that…not now, not even. not as long as i’m alive.’ she felt her eyes water a bit with the amount of worry he put her through when she was behind that door and out of his reach.
percy took note to this and hurried to grab her up and hug her tightly. she arms immediately finding their way around his body and his wrapped along her body as well. the two of them held each other so tightly they forgot about the world around them.
when they let go from the hug that seemed to have lasted forever, sorry nervously laughed. y/n looked confusingly at him with a small grin on her face.
‘so…what happened underwater—‘
‘don’t!’ y/n placed her hands over percy’s mouth who smiled at her as she shook her head in a hurry, her cheeks seeming to redden.
‘percy!’ two voices yelled from behind them. the two of them turned around to see grover and annabeth running to them.
‘annabeth!’ y/n happily yelled. as they embraced each other, percy hugged grover who hugged him tightly.
‘your safe’ annabeth breathed out’—but how—‘
‘doesn't matter! what matters…is that we’re together, safe.’ y/n smiled as she turned around to grover and percy. her eyes lingering on percy a bit more which seemed to not go unnoticed by grover and annabeth.
‘come on! we need to get moving’ annabeth held her hand along y/n’s back who walked with her.
as they walked, annabeth and y/n talked amongst themselves while grover and percy walked.
grover noticed how percy’s eyes never left y/n’s form and his focus never left her.
‘so..’ he started. percy let his eyes linger but his head turn to grover before his eyes focused on him.
‘what happened under water?’ grover finished making percy abruptly stopped, pulling grover with him laughed.
‘what—how do you—‘
‘my ears hear many things dude’ he smiled at percy whose face was grew redder by the second.
turning to see y/n and annabeth still walking and talking he turned to grover, turning him around so their backs were friend to the girls.
‘under the water…i found out i can breath. but y/n was stuck so…to give her more air— i had to share my air—‘
‘so you kissed?’ grover interrupted making percy grow red all over—‘don’t say it like that and don’t let her you know! she’ll kill me…she also. happened to tell me she actually cares about me, a lot’ percy smiled at the recalling of what she said.
‘so…she basically confessed she likes you?’ grover added once more. percy looked to the side as he nodded slowly.
‘grover please! don’t tell her—‘
‘i won’t i won’t!’
percy nervously breathed out before letting go of grover who straightened his jacket.
as the two turned around to see the girl waiting but still taking, grover turned it percy and yelled with a smile—‘so y/n what happened!?’ he ran over to y/n making percy run after him
‘grover!’ percy yelled.
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vivicheri · 1 year
Can I get Dethklok with a pastel goth reader?
You sure can!
Pastel Goth x Dethklok
Nathan Explosion:
Judges a little bit on what you wear because he might not find it “brutal” enough at first
However, he does eventually come around and he begrudgingly allows you to pastel him up.
The big guy acts like he’s above being pampered and getting makeup thrown on him, but truthfully he doesn’t mind at all. As long as you’re the one doing it, he’s happy.
Asks a couple of questions about being pastel goth, and you guys have in depth conversations about it.
Develops a respect and understanding for pastel goths, and considers it to be brutal. Also, he just admires how cute and sexy your outfits are, regardless of the color scheme.
If anyone dares to make fun of you, he simply holds you closer and ignores them, asking a little hesitantly if you’re okay when you’re both alone.
His past experience with makeup from Snakes n Barrels definitely helps him understand your style more. He for sure helps you with your eyeliner, and he takes the time to admire your beauty.
Isn’t crazy about the pale colors, but incorporated with black is pretty cool.
Literally as long as you feel confident, he supports you no matter what
He’s all about supporting what makes people feel comfortable in their own skin (trans pickles hc is incorporated here)
He is all about picking out the gothic parts of your outfit, while you pick out the pastel parts. Team effort, he’s a fuckin’ sweetie.
Because he’s such a sweetheart, if there’s a chance that you get made fun of in public for how you look, you hardly think about it because pickles knocked them right to the floor in one foul punch. And he will reassure you and show you off.
Somewhat misogynistic at first depending if you present as feminine. He’s like “of coursh women have to ruin the goth look!”
He might make some bad jokes about you being goth and you might have to playfully punch him.
He doesn’t want a single person to judge you, especially in public. He will curse someone out if anybody tries to bark at you or is just an asshole.
After some time, Murderface might start to dress a bit more gothic, experimenting with mascara and eyeliner. You have to help the poor bass player, but you don’t mind at all. Having him in your grasp is just euphoric in itself. And no matter how much he pisses and moans, he likes it too.
Couldn’t tell the difference between pastel goths and e-people for a while, and you had to explain it to him a few times before he understood.
Overall, he’s pretty cool about it, but it takes him some time.
It’s no secret that the Norwegian has some personality traits that are similar to that of a child. Does not make him a child, but it makes him appreciate the usage of softer colors.
Is an absolute sweetheart and can watch you model pastel gothic outfits for him all day. He’ll even make it like there’s a runway for you, snapping some photos with a wide smile on his face.
Will actually kill somebody if they judge how you look. He will lay them out like that one guy in that one episode. (I’m great at references, I know.)
He fucking adores you and will 100% support right from the get go, and will ask to come along when you go clothes shopping.
The guitarist definitely likes to pamper himself up too, and he would love to match some outfits with you :) he will even do his hair the same way you do yours, although you might need to fix it.
I’m probably biased because toki is my actual husband and I love him so so much
The lead guitarist is a little bit weary at first, but here’s the reality; he fucking loves the feminine form. If it’s shown off in any way, he will not care what you wear. Hell, he thinks you could pull off wearing a trash bag.
He preferably likes it when you mix baby blue into the mix, because his eyes are nearly that shade. He wants to be a part of you in that way, and you definitely comply.
He likes to wear white and black, not so much pastel colors. However, he tries his best. He might surprise you with baby blue elements in his outfit, or maybe a light pink accent.
Absolutely gives no fucks about what anybody thinks about you, and his voice echoes through your ears instead of what some jackoff said.
He won’t mind if you try to do his makeup, but he’s actually pretty proficient at it himself. When you’re mad about how your makeup didn’t turn out right, he’ll fix it delicately with the swipe of the thumb, or the extra bit of mascara.
All in all, he’s supportive and thinks you look just as attractive in that style, if not more!
Aaaa thank you for another suggestion! I tried. Also, just got back from the dethklok concert :3
If y’all like the stories please give me a follow! I would really appreciate it and would give me initiative to keep writing!
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shinjiikar1 · 3 months
So as I've been watching My Stand-In I've been writing down my thoughts on each episode, because boy do I have a lot of thoughts about this show. It's just really good to chew on! I'm a little behind and I'm trying to catch up before the finale, so I thought I'd post them throughout the week as the show comes to an end;; Starting with Episodes 1-4 under the cut ^^
Ep. 1
Joe… my guy… everything sucks so bad for you already huh ☹
Wut being at the hospital and talking about old joe… joe being like “guess I have to be a stand-in for another guy again” like so resigned, it hurts :(
It’s interesting to see like, Ming already having some sort of feelings for Joe when he probably doesn’t even realize it
The way he looks at him when Joe cooks for him and does nice stuff for him, he seems to just not “get it” and I think he’s confusing his feelings of like general attraction (esp due to his similarity to Tong) and his warm feelings of being cared for, for just that similarity
The fact that Joe just likes him immediately and wants to do things for him is I think not super helpful for his brain, like, in some ways it is, bc he’s being shown care in a way I suspect doesn’t happen often, but also Joe is really just letting himself get steamrolled
I do appreciate his mild level of self-awareness with the “you shouldn’t sleep with someone like me as your first time” thing
Ep. 2
Getting that jealous when you’ve slept with him once and he’s gay is Wild, like you have So many issues richboy
I appreciate that Joe is trying to communicate rationally, unfortunately your bf is a freak, sorry
The shit with Tong is Wild, you need to get over him girl he sucks So bad I hate this bitch
It’s crazy how you’re that jealous about a man you’re ostensibly not dating and “don’t care about”
Making him sleep on the floor in his own damn house and then yelling at him… girl……
Joe please run
Ming has so many issuesss, he can’t fuckin communicate at allllll
It’s nice to humanize him a little in these moments with his sister, he seems to love her a lot, which is nice to see bc based on the first ep you wouldn’t really see that was the case
He’s such a generally unhappy person already
The one person in his corner is the one person he Can’t tell damn… that’s kind of crazy
Oh man Joe is Gone already, I appreciate that he turned Sol down nicely, that does make the fact that Sol is kinda weird later a littler Hm. But not like So bad? We shall see
I wish we had more time to see Why Joe likes Ming so much (prior to him saying he’s in love) but also I get these things happen fast and we have a lot to do
It just seems like his feelings are So strong, otherwise he could let go on round two but… alas
Ming did seem like he was maybe going to apologize, Ming style at least, when he showed up
Cooking dinner is Really cute… making breakfast for my beautiful wife… the kitchen is burning down
The dinner scene is Really sweet, I think it’s a good way to show that they both do like eo
It’s crazy that Ming does still think this is about Tong on some level though, like, girl tf has he done for you
But the way they were laughing;;;;
Ep. 3
Shopping montage, Ming is So bad at not just defaulting to his first reaction to everything ever, which is being a huge bitch about literally everything on earth
Like clearly he doesn’t actually hate all this stuff, but Joe hasn’t learned to read him well enough yet to understand that (which isn’t on Joe, just that like, maybe he could’ve figured that out eventually if it weren’t for the other shit), so Joe just takes his initial reactions at face value (understandably so, he’s a very open person himself and also takes people in general at their word and assumes they are also honest in their reactions)
However, Ming does manage to resolve the apartment thing Fairly okay all things considered, even if it wasn’t entirely bc he’s actually fine living with Joe there (I think he kind of is but won’t fully admit that to himself), negligible points for Ming!
I’ll say this later but I think the show gives you like, some good moments where Ming doesn’t actually suck, which allow you to understand why this is so hard for Joe and also to keep him from becoming like, the devil dfhjgjdf
We’ll see how that progresses in the present, but at least in the past I think they do a solid job with that
I need everyone to stop trying to intrude in Joe’s private life, like leave his ass aloneeeeeee
That dinner did Not go good man rip
Okay Sol is pissing me off a little, idk why so many people keep defending him. Like obviously he’s better than Ming in some ways, but I don’t… love the way he treats Joe, and the fact that he keeps pushing him after Joe Very nicely turned him down… not a huge fan
Can Joe just have like, normal people in his life for once?
I think if they dated it wouldn’t have been like horrible, but I can also see it going poorly. Like imo Sol gives off the vibes of like, getting bored after he gets what he wants but I think I’m overreacting. It mainly just bothers me that he’s so pushy and doesn’t really respect Joe’s boundaries or autonomy. Like, if he tells you it’s his problem and you should let it go then let it go!
Also all the job stuff sucks so badddd Tong is the worstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
I feel like Ming would have told him more Eventually, but Joe is really worried about pushing him, their relationship probably feels precarious to him a lot of the time, and he doesn’t want to ruin it by upsetting Ming
I think he also wants Ming to tell him stuff himself, based on what we see, it seems like he has some idea that Ming’s family situation is difficult, so I think he wants to give him time to trust him as well
If Ming could communicate, we would not be here, but we are :/
Anyways Ming small win about the Christmas stuff, like he is trying a little, he’s not Totally understanding how to be in a relationship, but he has decent moments, the restaurant is way too fancy, but he does actually deal with the watch situation well, good job!
Unfortunately. Tong.
The moment he has with his sister is really sweet. I’m glad there’s someone to tell him that this seems to be good for him. Alas. Tragedy is about to strike.
The mugs is so fucked too…
☹ Joe ☹
Ep. 4
God. It literally couldn’t have gone worse.
Like, I’ll be real, I think if Ming had reacted better, he could have eventually won Joe back
If he’d /listened/, and backed off, and tried to show Joe that he cared about him as a person, not just as a stand-in, I think Joe is forgiving enough, and loved him enough, to make that happen
Unfortunately, it really seems like he’s still kind of unaware of his own feelings on a lot of levels
Like, I think he does think he likes Joe on some level, but he’s unable to untangle that from his feelings for Tong
It’s hard to know how much of his love for Joe is because he’s Joe
ALSO I know I’m not supposed to know this yet, but it’s hard to know how much he actually likes Joe for Joe at all. Like given the whole way he fell in love with him on a very superficial level… Obviously later on I think he does like Joe for who he is, but even though it was never really Tong, that image he had of Joe’s back wasn’t really Joe either y’know?
Anyways, that’s kind of beside the point but I’ve been thinking about it
I know I’ve been pretty charitable to Ming so far but that does end here LMAO
He handles this in literally the worst way possible, like confronting him /at work/?!?!? You’re deranged girl
He’s just so possessive and not used to not having whatever he wants all the time, his rich boy Momence
Like, Joe is /rightfully/ upset, and you’re like “well that’s my personal business” HELLO??? 911???
I hate Tong so bad guys you have no idea, I know it’s far away but I’m sooooooo excited for his downfall
Ming grovelling a little but it’s too lateeeee, or too early, like I said, if you gave it some time maybe
Crazy to be like “oh you’re cheating on me and all you care about is your job” when Joe has literally never lied or hid anything from you… like be SOooooo fr right now
Anyways literally knocking him out AND CHAINING HIM IN A BASEMENT is definitely like, idk how to even phrase this aside from girl what the actual fuck you thought that would get you anywhere????  THIS IS NOT KINNPORSCHE YOU ARE NOT IN THE MAFIA, YOU ARE A NEPO BABY WITH NO JOB AND THAT IS YOUR NORMAL-ASS BOYFRIEND
Joe like sadly seducing him to break out is really depressing, very hard to watch, I’m sorry everything sucks so bad for you I love u
Lets talk about Joe for a second too, I think you can make a case for the fact that he handles the situation a little poorly, but who among us would do better?
Based on his perspective, it’s really hard to tell what of Ming’s affection for him is real, and along with his own extant insecurities, there’s no way he could handle this calmly
Also why should he have to? Regardless of how he feels /now/, Ming did start this entire thing because he was comparing Joe to Tong. End of. Even if they had actually slept together that first night, he was with Joe partially because he was mad at Tong. He hadn’t necessarily made the connection about how similar they looked yet, but he still wasn’t doing it just because he liked Joe.
So like, the only thing I think Joe could have handled better was the acting situation, but he’s having such a miserable time, and trying to regain any sense of dignity and self-respect and this is the only way he can think to do it. If it helps him get back at Ming a little too, I get it y’know?
I don’t really blame him
And as for taking the job, again, what was he supposed to do? He has no support, and he’s obviously not willing to go back to Ming. Those are his only two options since Wut won’t help.
Sidebar I know Wut can’t do much, but to not give him any advice other than “if you do the only thing you can think of to do in this situation I’ll abandon you” ………….. wtf dude. I feel like he’s trying to scare him off it, but you can see how bad of a state he’s in right now… ANYWAYS, not thrilled with Wut
Anyways this show is such a tragedy, you can see all the points where each character could have gone a slightly different way and maybe it would’ve been better, but they didn’t, and now they’re here ☹
Joe’s death is also like, so horrifying btw, literally one of my worst nightmares
Anyways back to the present we goooo
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wifelinkmtg · 2 years
Who’s Hot in New Capenna
Okay! Streets of New Capenna was set in a glitzy 1920s Fritz Lang-style metropolis ruled by a bunch of different criminal syndicates. Its major contribution to Magic is that it introduced jazz to the multiverse, and was otherwise a substandard draft set anchored to, presumably, a story? I’m almost positive there was a story, but I’ve never spoken to anyone who knows what it was. They juice angels to make drugs? Vivien shows up, because where is Ms. Park Ranger more at home than Industrialized Urban Environments? Urabrask is also here?
Anyway the frequent badness of Magic story is tempered by the fact that we mostly encounter it in isolated pieces of cardboard with killer fucking art and are free to derive better ideas about story and characters and setting than you would get if you actually read the story, most of the time. It’s also tempered by the fact that girls!
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Night Clubber (art by Joshua Raphael)
Ask me how I know Moustache here is from Queens. Go on, ask me.
Cause if he was from Brooklyn, he could dodge ‘er!
But seriously, folks: arms like fuckin tree trunks here. That is delectable. And just because you’re heading out for a night of swinging baseball bats at the heads of tourists with expensive wristwatches doesn’t mean you don’t dress to the nines, or at least the eights! Or like realistically maybe just the sevens - the pinstripe trousers are great, the lip color’s great, and I adore the extreme sleevelessness, but it’s clear her clothes have seen better days - which is maybe why she’s out here with the bat.
Also, baseball is canon in the MtG multiverse now! That’s fun. Maybe the Gatewatch could put together a company team, if any of them are left at the end of the current storyline. “Take Me Out to the Holodeck” but it’s our favorite surviving planeswalkers against, like, Freyalise’s supremacist elves. Chandra struggling to swing a bat without immolating it. Kaya getting into an argument with the umpire about whether ghosting through an opposing baseman holding the ball counts as being tagged out. Garruk-as-Worf yelling DEATH TO THE OPPOSITION. This bit was about a specific episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; I really appreciate you reading my horny Magic blog, and I am not going to be respectful of your time.
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Dapper Shieldmate (art by Greg Opalinski)
Okay, on a strict practicality level, having a plate mail waistcoat that leaves your neck and sternum covered only by a starched collar and a tie is basically just a chainmail bikini for lesbians. I can imagine Beige Sonja here thinking “well, I’ve got pauldrons on my pinstripe suit, for safety, but I’m worried I don’t look like enough of a dyke, so I’m going to make sure to roll my sleeves up,” because that’s the sort of thought process that often guides my sartorial choices as well. I also love the “I don’t particularly care about my appearance” messy hair on top combined with the “I really actually desperately care” glossy waves on the side. She’s trying way too hard, and honestly, that’s hot.
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Glamorous Outlaw (art by Maria Zolotukhina)
Okay, there’s trying too hard, and there’s “I rented a panther for a date” trying too hard.
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Venom Connoisseur (art by Marta Nael)
This isn’t a subtle piece of card art, but sometimes it’s enough to get your tits most of the way out and slap a python on em. Convincing someone to shake a hand with at least two venomous snakes coiled around it probably requires a substantial distraction, so: this cleavage is actually tactical, did you know?
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Psionic Snoop (art by Marcela Medeiros)
I’m not going to lead with “oh, you’re psychic? can you tell what i’m thinking?” because I’m sure she’s heard that a hundred times from a hundred different slimeballs, but also she definitely knows it was my first thought, which is pretty embarrassing. Actually it is probably a bad idea for me to try and sleep with any kind of telepath unless she’d be remarkably tolerant of the sort of anxious inner monologue where I can’t ask a pretty barista’s name without first getting sidetracked into a long thought process involving Martin Buber and the alienation of capitalism, culminating in not asking her name and coming back another day, by which point it turns out she’s moving to Colorado and I’ve missed my shot, and all I got out of the whole thing was pretty good music recommendations (Khruangbin, in point of fact.) Hm. What were we talking about?
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Jetmir’s Fixer (art by John Thacker)
Rakish, flamboyant, good with explosives: the cat’s hot, sorry.
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Caldaia Strongarm (art by Randy Vargas)
Ma’am. Your arms.
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Jaxis, the Troublemaker (art by Zoltan Boros)
Look I’m just a simple, honest lesbian, you know? End of the day, I want what we all want: a ripped, sweaty woman in suspenders with the world’s most utterly contemptuous sneer, the kind of sneer that stomps all the way down your spine with cleats, the kind of sneer that’ll slam you against a wall, spit in your face, and leave you bruised for a month. Yes, it has been entirely too long since someone beat the hell out of me, thank you for asking!
We’re almost caught up, folks. New Phyrexia is very, very soon.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
First of all, happy (late) birthday! Wishing you health, wealth, and many more years 🎂
Second of all, I cried lol
I loved how you jumped between the aftermath of what happened on Friday and seeing the development of Chip’s relationship with everyone at The Beef. It’s giving Season 3, Ep 1 vibes with all the flashbacks and that was my favorite episode of the season, so yay ✨
It was sooo cool to see how you used the original scene where Mikey shows Tina the picture that Carmy sends him from Copenhagen and seeing how Chip would fit in that moment AND the confrontation between Carmy and David
“I just-I just made the-The only fuckin’ good thing in my life leave…” P A I N
Also, Carmen not being able to confidently say that he wouldn’t have taken the bait of giving the Exec Chip’s number…oof
You know what? Chip is 10000% correct about the whole Christmas dinner shitshow, like why didn’t anyone defend Mikey? Everyone kept telling him not to throw the fork, not to engage, but Lee started it! I think the only person who told Lee to shut the fuck up was Uncle Jimmy but it was a half-hearted effort at best
Seeing the moment when Mikey calls her Chip, after learning about the weight of being nicknamed Jack…and then the line “He will never realize that you consider the exchange equal”…yeah my heart can’t take this
WAIT, Chip started doing research on wine pairings to impress Syd?! oh this makes them growing apart for a few years even more painful...it should’ve been them all along bro like who tf is Carmen? Don’t know him.
I appreciate the “that’s what she said” joke thrown in there 🫶🏼
“‘I’m not gonna forget you love me, Chip.’ and neither of you know this is a lie, yet.” and now I’m sad again
The entire exchange between Carmy and Richie was so heartbreaking, especially when Richie hits him with “if that’s what your love is, I don’t want it and I don’t want it for Chip, either” like DAMN
“…he might as well tear his hair out because there’s no reason for it anymore if you’re not in it.” oh my guy is going THROUGH IT
The freezer scene with Mikey…yeah that was rough. Like I never really thought about just how bad Mikey got. Obviously, bad enough to the point of taking his own life, but I never pictured the moments leading up to that. The pain of withdrawals, the feelings of shame that come with relapsing. The emotional toll that it takes on everyone who loves the person that is struggling with addiction, really going through the highs and the lows with them. And the parallels between the brothers, too! Carmy and Mikey having some of the lowest moments in their lives play out in the same freezer with Chip and Richie being there for both 💔 AND the foreshadowing of the door handle breaking off one day because of how hard Mikey was pulling on it…you’re a genius fr
“Do I look like a fucking milf, what the fuck is going on —“ Not Uncle Jimmy thinking they were having a kid lol
“I don’t want to choose between her and my career. If that’s what getting a star takes, I don’t want it.” okay I think we’ve been focusing on the wrong love interest for Chip. I see the vision now, and Carmy’s not in it
The scene with Eva was so cute and then I get hit with “You’re gonna break your neck Mike. I don’t want to plan your funeral.” EVIL
“You will not realize he is trying to make things clean and square, until it is too late.” “You think Mikey has a future, still. Mikey knows he doesn’t.” Both of these stabbed me in the chest and I haven’t recovered, just fyi
Mikey wanting, needing Chip to promise him that she’ll talk to Carmy when he comes back because he knows she’s good for his soul…😔 (wait I think you said to remind you about Mikey and fire a few chapters back when I said he was playing matchmaker? I’m seated)
I love that despite still being upset with Carmen for being a dick to Chip, Richie and Syd decide to help him help himself because he’s CLEARLY in desperate need of an intervention
“He’s gonna be your man, and he’s going to fucking earn that title. He’s going to prove it.” When I tell you I’m EXCITED. Rooting for him ✨
okay being completely honest, the last portion of this chapter was really moving. It was so fucking sad to read their last phone call. But what actually made me cry was “He said he would come home and you believed him because he never lied to you before.” She set his things on a tray because he said he would come home. She fell asleep on the couch, waiting up for him because he said he would come home. Yeah. That totally didn’t break me just a little 🥲
This really has been your best chapter so far, 10/10 💜
Thank you for the birthday wishes! Sorry for the crying! But also maybe you’re welcome? Also I’m begging everyone to read this ask/answer because this is like. My director’s commentary of this chapter and i want you to play the fucking dvd extras that is this series. please.
I had Mikey’s scenes planned for so long, and I was planning on putting them all like, back to back with each other, travelling through time. And then S3EP01 came out and i was like oohhhh i could be a little spicy?? I could be a little timey wimey weird? Had a lot of fun that way. 
S3 really gifted me with those two scenes to work with, because I HAD planned something similar with Mikey and Chip to the Tina and Mikey scene, but the way they did it in the show was SO much better i had to yoink it. AND they let me know exactly how Carmen would react one on one with fucking david so that’s. Ah. the timing was genuinely insane of S3 coming out pretty soon after Just Dropped, ,,, in s y n c
I shant say anything about the number because as the end of the chapter puts it, they told each other everything I wrote down. So Chips gonna have some…… thoughts about all that. 
Chip’s whole dialogue about the Christmas Dinner was my own therapy. I was getting so fucking hyphy watching that scene. I dunno man. I’ve always stuck up for MY older brother when he gets thrown shit. WHY THE FUCK WAS IT ON MIKEY TO CALM DOWN?? HE’S NOT BEING ALL THAT UNREASONABLE?? BEAT HIS (uncle lee’s) ASS!!!!!!!!!! 
The big like, through line I took from Mikey’s character is that he feels as though he is made to give to other people, and so when Chip is the one giving back to HIM he’s like. Oh I guess I’m not the giver here. I’m simply taking. And that’s how relationships work. Someone always has to lose. And simply never realizes that there can be relationships where the burden is fucking shared. 
…berzatto men share a lot of the same brain chemicals. 
Everyone go scroll and look for the ‘who folded’ poll to vote for syd (or whoever). I think you only have a couple hours left. Or go to the #sillylittlepoll tag. GO VOTE!! It’s really quite cute though. It’s referenced in Doing Too Much that they played a game of matching wines to her plates, but it was never confirmed until now that Chip literally deliberately started doing that just for Syd. 
I need somewhere to rant so much about Richie in this chapter, like. Am I gonna do it here? I think I’m gonna do it here. This is the director’s commentary part. EVERYONE LISTEN TO ME !!! EVERYONE SHUT UP!!
This whole chapter was so fun to write, because each scene is very weirdly mirrored and sewn together with each other, and that very much also coincides with Richie being in BOTH sequences. Let’s just go scene for scene. 
What are you amish? To 0ERR. This one is very simple, the line ends with In your life/Out of his life. Simple. Cute. Whatever. There’s also the aspect that Mikey/Richie very deliberately interrupt Chip’s mental fatigue and then no one talks to Carmen and let’s him spiral… Interesting. 
Then there’s 0ERR to fixing the coffee machine. Carmen says he can do it all by himself, that he’s good by himself. And he tries to think of Chip but she’s not here and it’s not working. And then we go to coffee. Where Chip admits that she’s not good by herself and she hasn’t been for a while, and she needs The Beef. And then she spirals and Mikey is there. And he is able to calm her down. Without even asking if she was freaking. 
Then coffee to handing off the dessert. Again, Carmen reminisces about his old life, he didn’t know any of his coworkers because they didn’t matter. He knows the faces of everyone here but doesn’t actually know them. Very much so unlike Chip. 
Dessert to Fixing the Chair. This one’s not a big flip, but—
Fixing the Chair to the DAVID TALK is huge. Because it’s very clear, Chip used to be a lot more guarded and insecure. She still is. But worse then. And it was thanks to her Guiding Light Mikey. And he supported her, and believed in her. Believed in his brother too, but he never said it. And then with David, David says Carmen is excellent but it’s with such vitriol. Carmen doesn’t get the support, and the praise he does get doesn’t feel good. Because there’s really only a few people he actually wants it from. 
You’re Needed Asshole to You’re Needed, Cousin. Not much to say more there. Just fun. 
But then. There’s Narcan to I would be so lucky. Richie saw all that shit. Richie saw how much of a fucking mom friend and overly prepared Chip always is. OF COURSE he’d be so lucky to have her because he IS so lucky to have her. She’s a LITERAL LIFESAVER. And to see fucking CARMEN? MAKE HER FEEL LIKE IT WAS HER FAULT??? OHHHHHHFHHFHF. …. I should’ve made him throw fucking punches i’m mad all over again. 
24 Hours Sober to Fighting in the Window, not much to say there. Their contrasts of talking one on one is enough, howeevverrr
This is where I have so much to say about Rich. Because his ‘stop being you’ means so much to me. BECAUSE he’s saying it with so much sincere love. Like he really is. Because you can see in the NEXT SCENE, with the withdrawals, he WATCHED his best friend have to very literally stop being him, and TRY to grow. Fucking RICHIE had to stop being him, he had to become the guy, he had to stage, he had to start wearing suits. He had to fucking GROW! And Richie KNOWS how fucked Carmen’s brain is. And that this kid is torturing himself in his head. The best solution for Carmen, to Richie? He needs to stop being him. 
Which is why he was so fucking pokey with ‘have you done the work?’ because Mikey had to, Richie had to, even Chip had to do work. He doesn’t see that work in Carmen! He gives up on himself because he doesn’t think he’s worth the work and it PISSES RICHIE THE FUCK OFF!!
There’s also the aspect that Richie literally screams back at Mikey while he’s going through it in the freezer, and Chip has to tell him to not be mean. But Chip’s not there in Carmen’s moments anymore! So no ones there to pull him back!
The deal scene vs the bear flickering scene isn’t much besides the burn the money, but I do love that Sydney asks ‘can you stay after close?’ and that being the exact same thing Carmen said to David. The difference is Carmen actually did stay to hear the critique. Proud of him. 
I’ll leave it there, because this is so much to process. But thank you for giving me a place to yap about all that. 
Anyways, back to the things YOU wrote because there’s still much to discuss. The freezer scene with Mikey was one I had set up since the beginning, and it really was so crushing in execution. There’s so much love in it, with all three of them being there— And it really just makes the introduction scene from chapter one so much more painful because it felt so familiar to both of them, just without their original Bear.
“I don’t want to choose between her and my career. If that’s what getting a star takes, I don’t want it.” okay I think we’ve been focusing on the wrong love interest for Chip. I see the vision now, and Carmy’s not in it
My master plannnn,,,, i’ve pulled you all in,,,,
The scene with Eva was so cute and then I get hit with “You’re gonna break your neck Mike. I don’t want to plan your funeral.” EVIL “You will not realize he is trying to make things clean and square, until it is too late.” “You think Mikey has a future, still. Mikey knows he doesn’t.” Both of these stabbed me in the chest and I haven’t recovered, just fyi
Yeah i was fucked up for these i have to quote them back to you because i did get a little crazy. A little wild. 
MIKEY KNEWWWW, original CarmTony shipper before they even met frfr. Which, speaking of, as promised, the Mikey Fire thing. ALRIGHT. 
So in Just Dropped, as I said before, there were SO many different routes I was considering, but one of them that I didn’t mention before was that the oven that Chip fixed, once Carmen dropped the ‘you failed Mikey’-- Was going to full flame up. Like that one scene where Carm tried to light a cig and it almost lit his fucking hair on fire? That. 
I ditched this idea, inevitably, because it just felt too much like me fully going ‘yeah ghosts are fucking real’. And I wanted it to be more a choice for the reader whether or not they want to see that as a thing. So instead, there was the expo clock buzzing out for no reason— And if you choose to believe it, it might be Mikey trying to both scare Carmen out of fucking tweaking (painful back massage) and get Carmen to get Chip back out of the parking lot to fix it. Alas, it doesn’t work. But he tried. He also (if you choose to believe it) made the Bear’s logo buzz out. A design you technically helped make. That was just petty older brother shit. I like to think it coincided with Chip at home and the picture frame falling off her wall. 
I like this because it adds context to other random breaks. The toilet spraying water in Tony’s face when she started to think she was nothing, Carmen’s oven breaking when Syd was on the verge of losing it. I like to think the Guy is still the guy. Even dead. 
I’M GLAD THE LAST SCENE WAS MOVING!! The phone call was also one of those scenes that had a lot of different routes, and I’m glad I went with a lot more of a very simple almost sweet and like,,, pedestrian phone call? Like a normal day, almost. And it just makes the rest so much worse because YEAH SHE EXPECTED HIM TO COME OVER. HELL .
Thank you for your review, and thank you so much for reading it and thank you so much for reading THIS god i just spent like an hour yapping. If anyone read this please send me your thoughts on this director’s cut alone honestly just so i know someone read it and i am not yapping into the void THANK YOU LOVE YOU KISSES HOPE THE NEXT ONE IS ALSO GOOD HOPEFULLY
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
Casting My Opinions Into The Void: d20′s Neverafter ep 1+2
this is the first d20 campaign im going to be following live and i am excited enough to do a lil post each week or so about it. mostly bc recycling and adapting and retelling and retranslating old stories that “everyone knows” is my whole shit. like i got a degree in the study of ancient greek and roman civilization (classics). my whole thing is reading old myths and plays that “everyone knows” how they go and seeing what each author/translator brings to the table.
anyway i watched episodes 1 n 2 and i am excited and my observations are below
(like if you were really into the Sisters Grimm series as a kid and are similarly excited for this lol the modernized fairytale characters in that series are literally called “Everafters” and its because it’s really good shorthand for the audience. i see you brennan i see you)
normally ppl who do the whole ‘dark/horror/thriller fairytale’ thing fuck it up bc they think it’s about the shock value, or about seeing how nasty you can get with it, so I usually avoid them, but after bingewatching a kadrillion d20 campaigns, I trust brennan to do it right. you have to find the core value/crux of what is horrifying about the story and tease it out, and play with the symbolism and icons of the original story to reflect that. and brennan fuckin delivered.
ep 1
folks, give a hand to the people who put detailed yet non-spoilery content warnings in the description. tbh dropout shows are setting the standard for sensitivity and inclusion in media. it’s so lovely to see a show w content warnings or pronouns put up onscreen and it just not be addressed. i am forever spoiled for any other kind of media tbh
at some point in the past, brennan found out he could make a really good realistic choking/gagging noise, and he has used it in every campaign since.
i appreciate the ‘scare off the meek early’ approach of it all.
th. the briars. the concept. the dead princes - UGH good backstory yall
i very much like the idea of becoming a ranger out of necessity, and because plants obey you on account of that whole feeding-on-your-blood thing
puss in boots using ‘pib’ as a nickname instead. of ‘puss’ or ‘boots’ - inspired
also zac is using his ‘smart little shit’ voice like he did w lapin and i am v excited.
look ill say it - the little red hen did nothing wrong and thats on that. i read that one when i was very little, it was on electric company or sesame st or between the lions, and i’ve always liked it.
so......anyone see how mother goose’s husband has the last name hubbard? like old mother hubbard lol
also there really is a Jack in so many stories, i’m glad we’re addressing this. little shit gets up to so much trouble
it feels like I have seen so many tired rewritings of little red riding hood, even though I can’t think of any off the top of my head. it’s usually a sort of surface-deep ‘girl power!’ situation. i’ve never seen one like this. i LOVE it. it was terrifying. the fact that we all just sort of accept ‘barbarian’ as a normal dnd class is kind of wild tbh, i like exploring that rage and its source.
Ep 2
saying the actual nursery rhyme in the context of being the nursery rhyme is so powerful. i fully didn’t understand what was happening to nat king cole (v powerful) until he was gone.
also, herr drosselmeyer - fantastic get. you have to talk about the sugar plum fairy at some point and they already went in hard on her in acoc so i love that they were like you know what, it’s weird uncle time.
(context: herr drosselmeyer is clara’s eccentric uncle with a bunch of automatons and he gives her the nutcracker)
also every production ive seen has his drip immaculate. 
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my gender is this man’s cloak
Murph is the fucking ball again
“Please tell me how you’re a monster too so I don’t feel so alone” - Jesus Christ Emily Axford
Almost getting distracted by a bird instead of picking up v obvious plot hooks: pt 2
Brennan really looked at K’s finale scene from mismag and went “how DID the mice get lithium?”
The POV of the mice - simplifying it makes it sound ridiculous, but if you really dig into the idea of the mice as sentient beings it’s horrifying.
Dude the symbolism…stepmother eating her kids bc they were always either a tool or an obstacle to her, of course they would be a sacrifice to her hunger for power.
i’ve always liked endings that have the stepsisters reconciling w cinderella bc in the end they were also victims of abuse and it wasn’t the same or the same degree of abuse as cinderella but they were still constantly on thin ice
can you tell that i rewatched d20 live recently and sobbed at adaine and aelwyn’s ending?
Cinderella stabbing the fairy godmother with the broken heel of the shoe that symbolizes both the ending she was meant for and the life that she was forced into. Turning that into glass armor. dude.
The pumpkin carriage rotting bc the fairy godmother is trying to make the happily ever after stay exactly how it is forever but nature decays and time passes and she can’t acknowledge that without realizing both that her role is in the story is over and not only does cinderella not need her anymore, cinderella doesn’t want her anymore, and maybe never wanted her in the first place. 
When puss in boots was asked what he wanted in life and he just said ‘to be comfortable’ #relatable like I know all this is gonna end with him realizing the value of love and friendship over material goods and I 100% agree with that but i feel like this goal or some variation of it are v common today and not often addressed in stories like this
Pinocchio swearing - 10/10. Also how the fuck is Lou doing a Pinocchio voice that perfectly straddles the line between hilarious and annoying. It’s ridiculous enough to always be funny, but sustainable and varied enough that it doesn’t grate on you.
i think we’re getting into “all the princesses in all the stories are all sisters” territory and i for one am THRILLED
"mirror, mirror.......leaned up against the wall”
we learn in this adventuring party that the OG concept for lou’s pinocchio is that he snapped off his nose so he would be able to lie, which is AMAZING. i fully did not put that together.
i am v excited for this battle, and v terrified.
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Okay friendies, I did it, I’m all caught up on the Eclipse. (Three Star Bar review, see you Monday or Tuesday, I owe you a cocktail and a can of something delish for getting bumped!)
I don’t think I can muster a complete review of episodes 10 and 11, per se, because there’s so much going on between these two, so apologies just for the random thought thread.
1) Episode 10 ate. What a GORGEOUS balance of romance, intimacy development, TRUST building, revelations. Like I said yesterday, the pacing through episode 10 was exquisite. Akk’s growth into himself, trusting himself to fall into Aye. That bedroom scene! And Kan! Kan being his sweet and ballsy self, growing literally in front of our eyes to be brave enough for the confession. So lovely.
2) Episode 10 also gave us so much more of the panic and anxiety development that is dogging Akk, and I appreciated the strong set-up that someone was “behind” Akk’s devolvement -- I think that was the right framework to move the plot forward.
3) One more point about episode 10 -- Teacher Waree talking about the minority disrupting the majority was excellently done to reveal that essentially what we’re talking about in this show is internalized homophobia. (All my credit for this revelation goes to this Tumblr post by @kittyann, which I read once I was brave enough to check the tag.) Waree and the students who call the protestors misfits, cannot stomach the different-ness of the demands, and of the protestors themselves. And, to the point of the post by @kittyann, of course, we’ve been seeing this repression this whole time vis à vis Akk and to a smaller extent, Kan. 
Interesting that at this point, one begins to realize that Aye is at this school to break HIS friends, his lover, his people, his family from this curse. For Aye, it becomes not only about revealing the truth about his uncle -- it becomes about keeping his new chosen family from experiencing what his uncle experienced. LOVED THIS SETUP. 
4) Moving to episode 11: Wat, you’re the real MVP. 
Seriously, leaving Thua aside for a goddamn fucking second (W. T. Actual. F. Thua.), Wat, y’all came through! Number one, you covered for your homies, badass. Number two, you THEN like, kinda cutely blackmailed your homies for your art. I’m sure Warhol did the same thing. Number three, you THEN CREATED an INSIDE comedic JOKE ARC about Thai BL, which all of us viewers, I think, damn needed, because Thua and Chadok fuckin’ fucked us up so much! Wat -- LOVE YOU. WE NEEDED YOU, MAN. 
5) Also leaving fuckin’ Thua aside for another goddamn second, I think the plot line about Chadok and Dika was rushed. (Speaking of that, Sani, you’re also an MVP, all with that Polaroid reveal. Love you and your cape blazers.) Chadok literally choosing Suppalo over Dika, Chadok getting Dika moved to Parot -- I think some stuff was glossed over. They get outed at school, okay, but I’m not quite sure I’m following why their relationship would have had to end. They could have still lived together in secret. If I missed something, please fill me in -- am I reading that plot line correctly? I could very well have missed something. 
I am wondering, though, as I write this, if essentially, Chadok chose the school’s demand for internalized and externalized homophobia over being out with Dika -- but again, I’m not sure if that was clarified, considering Chadok’s previous voiceover had stated that their intention was to marry and live together in secret. So I’m just not sure why that would have changed, with Dika moving to another school. Maybe it was the trigger of the entire experience that sent Dika into his own depressive devolvement, leading to his suicide. I’m not sure, but for something as emotionally complicated as that, I’m not sure the plot gave enough room to that development. 
6) So, Thua. I unfortunately think his own plot line was REALLY RUSHED, and I think he comes out looking like a whiny prick because of it (but I think it kinda resolves in the end, I’m just angry right now, ha). Wanting to know the truth is fine. Feeling defensive about the protestors and what they were going through -- I totally understand that. The protestors are young, out, and clearly did not deserve what all happened to them.
But I think framing the accusations against Akk, and trying to out him, without being able to then connect Namo into the evidence just didn’t make sense. And not admitting to the group that you, Thua, yourself also continued the curse! And literally actually continuing the curse to get people to ‘fess up. 
I mean, it weirdly worked, but other than knowing about Chadok from his step-dad, I’m just not sure that the impetuses for why Thua would DEMAND these revelations made sense. 
In other words, was Thua written as the right foil for the revelation of truth -- was his demand convincing to me? I’m not sure, especially considering how he had been written throughout the series. I get the plot needed a kick to get Chadok to talk, but the jump to Thua being the trigger was a big ass kick. I think the writing suffered here.
(I want to note that the amazing @respectthepetty​ has a post about the closeted bully trope, and the argument that Akk had his outing coming to him, because Akk as a prefect was/is a bully himself. I want to acknowledge that I need to sit with this post and give it time in my head, and hopefully I’ll be able to process it on Monday. But right now, I’m still angry at Thua, ha. And I’m still not comfortable with the outing. I’ll take the time to process all of this, though.)
Sigh. All of this is me just complaining a little bit. I think the jump then to the Thai BL comedic arc was really cute, but a bit too fast, considering that the Chadok/Thua storylines are actually really heavy, and we still have Akk and his pain to get through.
7) Akk. Wow. He is so beautifully written. God, a character that really takes us through every emotion he is going through, the pressure he’s under. Watching him makes me wish I was a teenager watching this show, and feeling that it is OKAY to know that dealing with the pressure of the WORLD on your shoulders is unreasonable, and that it’s OKAY for your friends and lovers to support you through seeing what reality actually is, or should be. 
Generally speaking, except for Sani and the various parents, the adults are absolute failures to the kids in this show. The pressure the Suppalo grown-ups put on these kids to uphold adult values is insane -- and, from an Asian perspective, I can totally relate, ha. It’s how my family raised me. Be good for US -- be good for Suppalo, regardless of what it does to you.
And we see what it does to Akk. 
8) And Aye -- what a foil! What a FOIL against that. He literally puts into WORDS his own PROTEST against what that pressure will do to Akk. He is literally putting his hands out against that pressure to keep it from touching Akk anymore.
His gaze at Akk during the award ceremony, the wordless support he gives to his lover -- Aye, you’re the best boyfriend in the world. 
Aye really grows in this episode. He sees what the F is happening with Thua and calls that shit out. He comes to Akk in his defense. He confronts Chadok. He absorbs the revelation about Chadok and Dika. That is a LOT FOR A YOUNG ADULT TO TAKE. 
And yet, he still stands by Akk and supports Akk in his moment of stress. Gorgeous. And written very convincingly. While we think that Aye is potentially unstable, in fact -- he becomes the model of stability, and the real holder of the real truth of this entire circle. 
WHEW. I’ve only just started digging into the tag, I gotta take some time to read up on the thoughts of the episodes I really loved, namely eight, nine, and 10. Fantastic show. @the-nihongo-adventure, I need to send you flowers or something! Virtual hugs, friend! I also have high high hopes for episode 12!
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I just finished Staged 1!! My reactionz (apologies for wall-of-text; I cannae “read more” on mobile);
(tl;dr at the end)
Props for getting me to not despise a Zoom show on sight. Uses the medium really well despite it being, you know, a remnant of the world fuckin ending
Very Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead, like the patter/volley, lotta chemistry (goes without saying)
David Tennant using Frost/Nixon as an example to explain who Michael Sheen is to Samuel L. Jackson makes me feel so seen. Maybe it’s an American thing idk
Nina, my beloved… serving cunt as the day is long. Rip to her beleaguered assistant lmao
The celeb cameos weren’t annoying !
Bordered on naval gaze-y but self aware enough (meta!) to skirt the line well
Simon’s sister rules lmao
The exterior shots showing empty Englandland were beautiful and captured a (shitty) moment in time very effectively. And sheep! Pastoral VS city, good stuff
Who the fuck is Michael Sheen?!
I wish David writing the play came up earlier, structurally it felt kinda thrown in the last two episodes, but they’re short so it’s a lot to put in
Michael crying over the old lady possibly dying 🥺 Best unseen character uwu
Welsh is a horrifically ugly language but I appreciate their commitment to the bit
Best ep by far was the 3rd (I think?) one revolving around lying. Fantastically written and all around a tight episode
He is in the naughty corner!!
I’m ignorant af whooooooo is the black actory guy in the 5th (I think?) episode who goes on a run to deal with stress and reads Ulysses twice? Love him. I will follow him into the dark
The Ulysses bit is very haha Bri’ish
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Reference !!!!
The credits gag is *chef’s kiss*
I… don’t like the music. It feels very Kevin Macleod student film stock piano sorry
Also could be my hearing issues but I just couldn’t hear sometimes, at least with the wide shots. Maybe there are subtitles but I wouldn’t know since I watched it completely legally uwu
Editing with fade-to-black annoyed me at first since that’s not how Zoom works but it won me over, very effective theater-y choice. Elevates it a lot along with the way the Brady Bunch boxes move
David and Georgia’s dynamic is adorable and they play well off each other. Not sure if I’ve seen Georgia in anything before (statistically speaking she was prob in Doctor Who lmao) but I really like her as an actress! Very charming
Anna’s not in it as much so can’t say for her acting ability but she was fine idk. She has zero chemistry with David and Georgia but her and Michael seem to have a little bit, just not nearly on the same level as the Tennants. It’s “meta” so not quite sure what that implies irl but her awkwardly leaving Georgia on read was very funny
Idk who Simon is but he’s a good actor! More of a writer? Self effacing and fun
D̵̨̜̓̽͆͘Ḁ̴̪̻̘̗̮̀͛̈̊̅͆ͅM̷̭̒͛̓̔̐͛̉̂̈́̔͘Ë̷̲́̿̅̀̐̆̇̅͋̓̋͂̉ ̴̟̖͉̳͖͕̫̑̌́͂̀͑͐̽̈́̃̃J̶̨̤̞̰̙̻̯͍͖̯̠̝̥̤̿͐̄̂̈̅̎̃̌͊͊̓͠Û̶̢͍͔̱̦̩̬̦͙͖̓̿͘D̶͇̭́̋̓̆͆̋̋͘I̶̞̳͕͖͗̓̓͑̐͆͊͋̂̚͠͝ ̴̧̨͎͖̲̳̼̎̈́̋̐͘Ḑ̸̲̖̟̲͓̝̠͍̤͛͆͐͘E̷̛̻̥͙̯͂͌̌̈͂̒Ņ̷̛̭̦̗͔̝͙̖̆̀̆̌̚ͅC̴̢̬͉͈̉͐̃̀̋̓̓̓̀̚H̵̡̠͕͚̹͑͂̃̉̐̈̾̍̕͠
In the same vein, the button of the cookie jar acting game— yes. All yes
Once again hammering the meta theme but it is interesting to see how David & Michael’s chemistry really does get stronger as the episodes go on. I’m assuming it was filmed in order so a lot of it is the awkwardness of acting on Zoom I think since they had better chemistry in Good Omens 1 imo. They said they became closer friends through it and it shows
Also feels less ‘actor-y’/more comfortable between them as it goes on, which I get is scripted but you can tell the difference, like when a sitcom cast for many years either starts hating each other at the end or becomes inseparable
tl;dr Overall it’s quite cute! Well written, easy watch, lotta subtle funny moments and back and forths. Interesting to see something that feels like a play as a Zoom TV show, it’s unique. Everyone is having a good time and likes each other and it shows. Not sure I’d come back for a rewatch if not for it (apparently) becoming a lot more meta as it goes on and then whiplashing from funnier in season 2 to major bummer in season 3.
It’s fascinating to see a friendship develop in real time, and even aside from that, it’s written and edited concisely. Based on .gifs I’ve seen it looks like season 2 has a lot more of the iconic/memorable moments. Don’t really see the “love story” aspect yet but I guess that comes in time. (And arguing! I’m excited for arguing. Actors love that shit.)
Started season 2 with episode 1 and already like it more with how meta (this no longer sounds like a word) it’s getting. Cool concept and I’m glad it exists
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
TFA for the ask game!! >:]
The first character I first fell in love with: PROWL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my G0D he was such a super mega insta-fave. its so funny bc i watched tfa as a kid and i didnt remember much abt him (bc ratchet and sari were my favorites then) but rewatching it now it didnt even take the end of the first episode to just become obsessed with the guy. truly doing it like no other iteration of prowl The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: bulkhead !! he was also one i didnt remember a ton about from watching the show as a kid ? i expected to like him enough but the show gives him so many little details outside of "doofy well-meaning clumsy wrecker" like his instant and very strong connection with sari, his passion for art, the """twist""" that hes an expert space bridge engineer, just the fact that hes the heart of the team overall ! hes got a lot going for him i wish he was wayyy more appreciated The character everyone else loves that I don’t: not counting any like 2-second side characters that i think people just associate with versions of from other iterations of transformers fucking. i cant even remember his name. and im not gonna look it up either but the guy the fucking guy who chops other cybertronians up and takes their shit to sell or as trophies. a concept that could have been really cool but just ended up so boring in execution. and hes not even hot !!!!!! hes utterly swagless !!!!!!!!! i dont know why so many ppl are just foaming at the mouth for him hes NOTHING The character I love that everyone else hates: UMM again bulkhead maybe ? i dont think hes hated i just think people dont tend to appreciate him or consider him much at all which is a shame because hes wonderful The character I used to love but don’t any longer: the last season kind of really soured bumblebee for me LOL like i dont hate him or anything he just stopped being any fun to watch at all. fuckin djw getting his practice for the omniverse version of ben tennyson in The character I would totally smooch: oh my g0d how could i choose. theres grimlock theres ratchet theres arcee theres wreck-gar theres theres jazz theres blackarachnia and starscream but in both of those instances i think i would die The character I’d want to be like: this is a tough one everyones kind of a mess. not even optimus has his shit together. as a child i DID want to be sari but that was because she had cool robot powers but those kind of become less appealing when youre 23 that seems like a lot of shit would just become so inconvenient idk like do i get covered by health or auto-insurance The character I’d slap: STARSCREAM AS WELL ! again i would definitely definitely die but it would be worth it A pairing that I love: PROWLBULK OF COURSEEE with blackarachnia/slipstream being a very close second. i dont care that they never interacted in the show or even in any supplemental material through evil and love all things are possible A pairing that I despise: now of course not counting all of the ones that are gross obviously i really don't like bee/prowl. LIKE objectively there's nothing even wrong with it i can see where ppl r coming from but they just dont read romantically very well to me at all. theyre more like besties who want to maim each other to me thats all
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judasisgayriot · 2 years
Actually your analysis reminds me of a couple things
1. Nathan’s locus of control; he’s spent his whole life being controlled by others that even having control of just his life doesn’t feel like enough when he gets it. That combined with how he’s been raised to “change the world” or whatever leads me to believe that he only feels like he’s the one in control if he’s controlling others’ lives as well. He can’t give himself mental breakdown bangs alone, he has to drag someone else along (such as Claire in s3), and then he acts almost surprised when the other people involved don’t like the results.
2. Nathan’s identity/lack thereof/lack of awareness of it. If Nathan’s got a true self, I think it’s hidden WAAAAY down deep, so deep down that even he doesn’t know where or what it is. This leads him to “not know” who he is without his family or others to tell him. So repressed that his surface-level brain doesn’t even know what gay is.
3. You know, you’re right that this man spends basically every episode of this show utterly in the trenches, with vibes resembling a cat that fell into the bathtub.
4. All that said, I think part of why I feel the way I do about Nathan is a factor of timing. When I got into Heroes, I was at a stage of processing/healing from my own childhood emotional neglect that involved deliberately NOT sympathizing with a parent’s plight and instead prioritizing whether the child is having their needs met, because a lot of my CEN trauma came from not wanting to put a burden on my mom due to her own problems. Thus, I’m super sensitive to when fictional kids are going through CEN. So first, I was like, put off by Nathan’s jerky persona, and then I was seeing all the ways that Claire, Monty, and Simon weren’t having their needs for support and validation met just- white hot rage on their behalf tbh. Like yeah Claire DOESN’T have reason to trust him at the end of S1, yeah she DOES have the right to be disappointed in him during S3!! And yeah okay maybe she cuts him “too much slack imo” in Mexico, but that’s probably more of a “I’m trying to have a relationship with you” thing than an “actually I do believe you can 100% fix this” thing.
I guess all this is why I’m more inclined to point and laugh at Nathan personifying the Ben Affleck Smoking meme than to sympathize, but I really appreciate the conversation— did a lot to help me understand the ins and outs of how he personifies said meme!
Completely fair tbh - we all bring our own experiences and perceptions etc to everything really. I guess in the context of the show Simon and Monty are such non-characters that the show basically just forgets they exist, and so do I a lot of the time lol (not to be callous, the show just doesn’t bother to do anything with them lol). I see what you mean 100% though, although I think in the very few scenes we do have it seems like he is genuinely good with his kids, or wants to be (Claire saying he wants to be a good person in Into Asylum is very astute) - it’s very open to interpretation, although I think Nathan is just like, bad at giving his full emotional self to anybody, lol. He’s fuckin broken. A shell of a man. With Claire, I think he means it when he’s like, I missed out on all this time with you and now you’re grown up and idk how I even fit in your life now. He did Severely Fuck Up (and you’re right that he ends up dragging others into his personal trauma spiral lol) but I do love their scenes in Mexico just bc I think both of them really *want* to have a relationship but don’t rly know how to yet and Claire is. Just so good to him and they both break my heart :( I think it’s so sad how he literally thought she was dead for most of his life too. Has to fuck someone up. Not that that’s an excuse but eh. Idk. He’s just like a sad wet cat to me. I love him whether or no. Lol
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years
Ahh, I’m happy. First episodes of Rings of Power are a few steps above my expectations and I had a really good time watching it, which was all I really wanted to begin with. Numenor hasn’t even arrived onscreen and I’m already pretty invested. 
I was actually surprised by how much I liked the Harfoot plotline, I had expected to find it really irritating and extraneous but it was so delightful to watch I was taken in. I think it was Lenny Henry’s influence, his acting was great and i’m really attached to Sadoc already. I’m STILL not sold on old meteorman Gandalf, mainly because I don’t want to see fuckin Gandalf, but also because he DOES feel very extraneous to the plot they’re driving towards. But the scenes with him are still well acted and seeing how big he is in comparison to Nori is endearing too. Liked being able to decipher the Quenya words for blessed and heat in there, which I assume was him trying to explain stars. 
Oh it’s so humiliating... I do like Lindon 😔 they are using the set really well and the shots are sumptuous and filled with interesting detail. Also good GOD I love elf politics, I love incredibly elevated elven speech that’s just so elaborate that they sound like they’re in a Shakespearean play at all times. (some of the proverbs are a little over the top but still). Yes they SHOULD sound that ridiculous. I am also very much enjoying Elrond’s character and the way they have interpreted his ‘Herald’ position in Gil-Galad’s court. Speech writer and little busy body to be sent to solve problems. I think the promos really did a disservice in calling him ‘politically ambitious’. It’s technically true but on it’s own it doesn’t accurately describe his motives, he’s being invested in his people and wanting to help. He’s a young but very noble elf and full of optimism and love for all things! He’s excited to be of use! Maybe a little too invested! Hah.  
Celebrimbor also I like so much, he’s got this 1920′s dandy vibe, he certainly feels like a jewelsmith to me. His mannerisms are so endearing and sharp, and when he speaks about the things he’s passionate about the actor actually manages to get this feeling of... a glint in his eye? Like he’s generating his own energy talking about it, very autistic of him, I love it. And I especially appreciate this much more emotive and engaged portrayal after the disastrous Shadow of Wardor nonsense. I respect them going for the precise opposite character. He even fucking cares about people beyond elves! Cares about middle-earth in fact! Oh and also! With his excitable dialogue surrounding dwarves, I have been given new hope that we WILL be seeing Narvi in later seasons. Indeed, these two episodes have really solidified in my mind what they’ve done to the timeline. It’s ALL contracted, including a lot of the aspects of characters we expect, their development has been reclaimed for the show to walk us through. We’ll see how that plays out as the years go by but I can see the logic of doing it that way. 
THE DWARVES! Oh my days the dwarves. Every dwarf scene was so gorgeous and Durin’s actor has a way of settling his body into the costume that makes him feel heavy, durable and powerful. I’ve really gone on a 180 about his design. Even this rock breaking contest, which always felt really silly to me, actually is implemented in a way that I really enjoy. Disa is just... I can’t stop thinking about her, Sophia Nomvete matches Durin’s energy so perfectly and the way she uses her eyes is simply entrancing. I just want to watch them all the time. I also really loved the cameo of a bust of the dragon helm of dor lomin being paraded around by Durin’s children. I hope we get more of them too, can’t see enough dwarf children. The idea Durin just has replica heads lying around? Did he make them? Is it a hobby? I’m delighted. 
But I can’t talk about Durin without mentioning his and Elrond’s relationship. A while back I commented on twitter that the way the promo material discussed it, it sounded like Durin was Elrond’s jilted lover and I joked about the idea that Elrond had just... forgotten about how time passes for Durin, causing Durin to feel entirely abandoned and to move on and get married..... WELL! don’t I feel like Apollo struck me with the gift of prophecy. The emotion within the elevator scene alone... the genuine pain in Durin’s voice, the heartbreak on Elrond’s face as he hears it! I lived a life in that time, a life you missed! I was surprised the show was able to drag out real feelings from me this early on. The way Disa is trying to heal this rift between them too. I’m so fond of all of them and I now even more cannot wait for the Elrond/Durin/Disa polycule fanfic. What twists and turns of fate. 
The Southlands gave me slurs for elves so I will be forever grateful to them, although I was looking for something a little more imaginative than pointies. Would have liked something derogatory ABOUT immortality. And damn! We’re really going for racist elves! Love it honestly! I’m pretty shocked that they aren’t veering away from the textual ‘blood will out’ narratives. Elves really be inventing Faramir’s Darkmen/Middlemen/highmen paradigm as we speak. I also love mean elves, I love watching elves be snappy at each other, in general I love the expansion of what it means to be an elf outside of the heroic nobility we’ve only seen up until now. It’s a great elf portrayal! I love the mention of artificers by Arondir, elves usually expecting their bodies to heal on their own, but needing elf therapy to tend to much more fragile souls. As for Arondir and Bronwyn themselves? They are sweet and I do like the way they put their relationship into a historical context, but I want to see more of them enjoying each other’s company. Certainly I like Arondir and Bronwyn as characters on their own but I want to get to know them better.
I think the MAJOR issue I have with this show at the moment is definitely how thick it feels. All the plot threads are good and I can see how they are all going to tie into one another, I can even see how the entire arch will feed into the eventual Akallabeth, but it’s SO MUCH to get through. I’m feeling nervous about there being only 6 episodes left in season 1. I wanted more breathing room between major plot points and whilst I was surprised by the amount of character I was able to glean from such short scenes, I was still left wanting more time to explore the more complex aspects of each of the situations.
I think the southlands suffered from this the most. You are left unsure what to think about morgoth worship, whether it’s active in the village, are the elves right to hold them hostage like this or is it because of their actions that they are turning back to those dark ways? It’s definitely an uncomfortable aspect to work through and I just felt it needed more time and care than it’s gotten at the moment. And it means that, despite how much I like it, I actually still feel like the Harfoot storyline was a thread too far. I would like to know about entwives and such, but I just don’t think the show has the time. 
STILL annoyed about Durin III and Durin IV existing alongside each other. I would like to know how they’ll explain it or if they even will, but for now it’s a niggle that I can’t quite let go of. 
I’m not sure how to feel about the whole Valinor thing, because on the one hand... religious overtures are DEFINITELY the right vibe for it, the more uncomfortable the better, there’s even a slightly offkey singer amongst the choir in the soundtrack for Valinor, and an ominous scary part to the music too, but it’s still... A LOT. I suppose it also enabled them to not show Valinor again and so forth. And honestly I am intrigued by the treatment of returning to Valinor being a reward for exemplary service, it’s kind of inline with canon and creates to me a very strange and intriguing dynamic. BUT... Valinor is so hard to get right, we’ll see if it comes up again. 
I think that’s all I have to say! All in all, as I said, the show was fun and it was absolutely what I was looking for after House of the Dragons reminded me why I fell off of Game of Thrones in the first place. I would just like a little universal meta morality in my fantasy shows.
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saeyoungs-angel · 2 years
Hey lovely, if you don’t have too many asks id like to request shota or denki with a partner that struggles with depression, mainly with taking care of them selves in this. like hygiene, getting out of bed or doing anything really. denki or shota help them do little things that. i think you know what i mean so just write it how ever you want or don’t, if you are uncomfortable with this.
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⨳​ punctilious — mha
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starring. aizawa & you
plot. you may think you’re slick, but your boyfriend pays attention to everything. this includes the lack of care that you’ve shown yourself, recently.
genre. comfort, fluff
cw. mentions of depressive episodes and depressive behaviors
notes. god i am so sorry it took me so long to get to this, my writers block is so fuckin bad rn but i managed to finish it! i hope u see this since i cant tag u and idk if ur following me but if u do then i hope u enjoy it:)
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! <3
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“(y/n), this is the fourth day in a row that you’ve slept in so late.”
you grumble in your half-asleep state, swiftly snatching the blanket he had so rudely stolen from over you. you tuck it back underneath your weary arms and roll away from aizawa.
huffing, you reply in a slurry manner. “tired, shota. didn’t get enough sleep.”
he hums, tilting above you to reach your furrowed eyebrows—he softly thumbs the crease forming in between them.
“stop that, you’ll look old.” he chides, feeling a bit hopeless with your attitude. he knows very well that your sleeping pattern has been through the ringer this past week, and he also knows he can’t force you to fix it.
that said, he still stubbornly wants to try.
“hey, sweetheart. if you get up now, we’ll go to a cat cafe. how’s that sound?”
your eyes fly open, only to dim moments after.
“not feelin’ it today, sorry sho.”
now, aizawa isn’t surprised by much, but this? this has him reeling on the inside. you never turn down an invite to a cafe, let alone one filled with cats.
something is amiss, definitely. though he’d like to speak with you about it directly, he’s worried that you’ll close yourself off even more—it’s not like you never confide in him, but you’re obviously keeping something from him.
he decides to let you rest, offering him enough time to consider his options.
when the sun begins to set, aizawa grows concerned. why are you sleeping so late now? with only solicitous thoughts of you clouding his mind, he shuffles quickly towards your shared bedroom.
creaking the door open, he finds the lights still untouched. “sweetheart?”
his eyes adjust, tracing the outline of your face that’s illuminated by your phone light—which isn’t very bright, probably because you’ve been in the dark all day long.
“hm? oh, sorry. i got stuck on social media.” you end your excuse with a light laugh, not even inching to shut of the device while your eyes lay on him.
he shakes his head and dismisses your words, moving to seat himself on the edge of the bed closest to you. he grasps your hand in his, smiling at you in concern.
“you haven’t been out of the room today, you know? it’s eight o’clock already.”
his voice brings silence with it, you averting your eyes as you can sense what’s ahead of you. scrolling on your phone, you distract yourself unsuccessfully.
“is there something you want to tell me?”
your scrolling pauses for a brief moment, just before you regain yourself and continue. your heart is by your feet and you have no idea where you should take the conversation now.
“i’m—i, uh. fuck, sho. i’m having trouble, alright? that’s all, and i’ll be okay in time. don’t worry about me, please.”
the last sentence drops from your lips and aizawa worries more than ever—those words always come from someone that needs to be worried about.
“quit it. i’m here to help you, not scold you or something. i’m your boyfriend, (y/n), not your mother. i can’t do anything if you refuse my help, but i’m asking you to let me help you.”
your scrolling doesn’t pause this time, it ceases completely. you shut off your phone, the room dimming before you reach for the lamp and switch it on. your vision is a bit blurry and you’re trembling ever-so-slightly, but you respond.
“okay.” with a shaky voice, you nod your head in extra confirmation.
aizawa’s lips turn upwards just lightly, “then it’s a deal. just one more thing, though. i need you to work with me, you have to try, alright? i’ll be here with you for every step, but i need you here as well.”
that’s how it started, you and aizawa both working to turn your episode upside down. two is better than one, right?
“hey, time to get up. i gave you an extra hour, so i expect a kiss after you shower and brush your teeth.”
you sneer, hating the fact that he knows you would’ve preferred to stay in bed and skip those things.
“why not now?” your tone is playful, yet he answers you honestly.
“because it’ll also be a reward for you, sweetheart. now get up, we’re going for coffee.”
the moment the toothpaste reaches your mouth, you gag lightly. after some time without tasting it, the feeling it leaves on your tongue is unfamiliar—aizawa is immediately by your side, brushing his teeth with you.
staring at him through the wide mirror, you smile to yourself. having someone next to you doing the exact same thing effortlessly may not be super comforting, but as he smiles back towards you the world seems just a bit brighter.
he snags your attention through the reflective surface, pointing from you to himself. your eyes leer on him as he counts on his fingers to a certain number, then switches his toothbrush to the other side. he wants you to repeat it, that much you can tell.
as you follow his actions, you turn it into a tiny game for yourself. thirty seconds, done. thirty seconds, done. thirty seconds, done. thirty seconds, aaand completely done.
“that wasn’t so hard, right angel?” he smiles down at you as you flip him off sarcastically.
“actually, it’s easier than i remember it. that might be because you’re here, though.”
critical hit, 98 damage dealt to shota aizawa!
feedback is extremely meaningful!
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terezis · 3 years
this is unrelated to today’s episode of imbalance i just thought it’d be funny
Lup comes home to the mouth-watering smell of garlic sautéing on the stove. It's fucking delightful. She loves having a body again. Not enough people appreciate having a working nose; for a long moment, it's all she can do to stand in the hallway and inhale. Mmm. Fuck yeah, that's the good stuff. 
Then she kicks off her shoes and heads on into the kitchen, because after twelve years trapped inside an umbrella and several months as a lich, Lup also greatly enjoys having legs. It's the little things, you know? Taako's standing by stove, and when she enters, he glances back and waves her over to the counter.
"Oh, good, you're just in time," he says. "Come grate this parm. Where’s Barold?"
Lup rolls her eyes, but pads over and pulls a box grater out of the drawer. "What, no hello? Barry’s still filling out paperwork, he told me to go on ahead. What's cookin’?"
Taako sticks his tongue out and reaches past her for a bowl of diced tomatoes. "Pasta puttanesca," he says. The tomatoes sizzle finely as they're added to the pan. Lup watches as he stirs, then lowers the heat to let them simmer. "How was day one of Reaper school? You gank some ghouls yet? Slurp up any souls?"
"Nah, no soul slurping," Lup says. "That's day two." She eyes the skillet, then his mise en place. "You never add enough red pepper." She reaches for the little bowl.
Taako slaps at her hand. "Don't you fuckin' dare,” he says. “If you add it now it'll burn."
"Um, excuse you, it'll be nicely toasted." Lup elbows him back, then picks up the block of cheese and resolves to try again when he's not looking. "Orientation was good, though," she says. "Pretty standard onboarding. It reminded me of the IPRE a little, actually. Krav made us do icebreakers."
"What, like two truths and a lie?” Taako snorts and reaches for the salt. “’Course he did."
"I like him, though. He's a good egg."
"Who, Kravitz?"
"Yeah, he's a huge dork," she says, nibbling on a bit of cheese. "Like I almost feel bad about trying to kill him that one time. Did you know he collects board games?"
Taako thinks he's slick, but Lup catches the little smile on his face as he goes to taste the sauce. "Ch'yeah, I went over to his place after our third date, but instead of getting nasty—”
"Taako, gross!"
"—instead of getting nasty, we sat on the floor and played Fantasy Pokémon cards for three hours."
That startles a laugh out of her. "What?"
Taako shrugs. "Well, he kept demanding rematches. Took ‘im a while to realize I was transmuting the cards into fruit leather and eating them when he wasn't looking." He passes her the spoon. "Try this. More salt?"
"Too much salt. Also, oh my gods."
Taako purses his lips but thankfully puts down the salt shaker. "You shoulda seen the look on his face,” he says. “Fucking priceless. Ch’boy spent fuckin’ hours afterwards looking for a replacement deck, but like, totally worth it.”
Lup looks over at him, brows raised. Taako's still watching the sauce, but when he feels her eyes on him he glances up at her, frowning suspiciously. “What?”
“No, just—you did all that? Like you didn't blackmail Angus into scoping out the hobby shops for you? You went yourself?”
That gets him. Taako stiffens and he turns away again. “So what if I did?”
Lup whistles. "Damn, son. you got it bad, huh?"
Taako’s face reddens, and not from the heat of the stovetop. "I—no. Shut up!"
"Aw, I think it's sweet! Reminds me of me an' Bear."
Oh, he's definitely blushing. This is great. He tries to cover for it by stirring the olives and capers into the skillet, but jokes on him; Lup has eyes, and she can see the way his ears twitch. Taako says, "That's worse. You see how that's worse for me, your brother, right?"
Lup laughs. "I mean it! I'm glad. Today I watched your boy hold a conversation with a raven for thirty minutes. It wasn't even like, a familiar. It was just a regular bird."
"Yeah, he does that."
Lup nods decisively. "He's a keeper. You gotta be nice to him, you hear? Or I'll fill your socks with fruit punch. I will burn holes in all your favorite hats if you ever break this boy's heart. Lup's on Team Kravitz now. I’m gonna make t-shirts."
"Jokes on you, goofus, there are already holes in my hats. It's a fashion statement," Taako says. There's a pause, then he looks up, frowning. "Wait. Is this a shovel talk? You’re not—are you giving me a shovel talk right now?"
Lup grins.
"I’m your brother! Shouldn't you be giving Kravitz a shovel talk?" 
"Nah, everybody knows Krav's a sweetheart," Lup says. She hip checks him out of the way and sprinkles a little pepper into the sauce, while he’s distracted; some oregano, too, while she’s at it. "You, on the other hand..."
Taako brandishes his spoon at her, probably for emphasis. "I am your heart!" Mostly he’s emphasizing the way he just flicked sauce all over the wall.
"Give me that! I’m kidding. Mostly."
"Mostly," Taako scoffs.
Lup snatches the spoon away from him. "I'm just saying, he's sensitive! The other day Magnus jumped out at him from behind the couch and it scared him so bad he was all bones and no boy for like twenty minutes. You gotta be nice."
"I’m very nice!"
Lup raises a brow.
"I’m nice to Kravitz," Taako says, after a beat.
"Good!" Lup covers the skillet and leaves it to thicken. "Kravitz deserves a nice boy. Not a boy who eats his toys when he's not looking."
"I didn't eat the rare ones," Taako grumbles.
Lup laughs. "Is he coming over for dinner? He didn't say."
Taako dares a glance at her, eyes narrowed in suspicion like this is a trick. "Yeah. I've got a tart chilling in the ice box. He goes nutso for that shit, you’d think he’d never had a dessert before.”
Lup feels a little bad, because she was trying to offer him an olive branch, but Taako just makes it too easy for her. "Oh, you made his favorite, huh?"
Taako summons a Mage Hand to push her bodily out the door. “And we’re done! Out! Get out of my kitchen. You’re dead to me, goodbye!"
“Aw, since when is being dead a problem for you? Kravitz will be so sad!”
Taako’s outrage is music to her ears.
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harrieatthemet · 3 years
He has never been keen on sharing. 
And Gemma’s mere existence, as well as the small indent on her left thumb she swears is a scar (though Harry vehemently denies it is), is living proof. 
Mr Ducky was his favorite bath time companion for a good bulk of his childhood. There were even times he’d carry it around with him in the house tied to a string like a pet, one of Anne’s fondest memories and favorite stories to tell whenever she found the opportunity. 
Maybe it was Gemma’s own fault; she was only six at the time and was foolishly under the impression that the stupid rubber toy was at anyone’s disposal, which is what led her to try and situate the duck in her backpack as she geared up for school. 
It’s also what led her to tears because Harry caught her on the way out the front door, Mr Ducky in tow, and he instinctively sunk his teeth right into the side of her hand in protest. And, okay fine, he may have bit down a little harder than he should have, but the overall message he was sending came across very clear. Gemma never touched anything he owned again for a very, very, long time; and eventually went on to tell everyone in her class she had a vampire as a brother. 
“What do we think of this little number,” your hip jut, innocent as it was, just now became a permanent memory in Harry’s brain, “too much, like.. revealing?”
You like nice in red; devilish, even, and in the best way possible. There’s nothing revealing about the dress at all. Somehow, though, he finds himself perched squeamishly at the foot of your bed in complete fucking anguish. In theory, no, the dress is not too much. It’s the perfect ensemble and flatters you so well he feels like whoever made the dress conjured it up with you specifically in mind. 
And no, it’s not too much, for literally anyone else except him. How is such a modest dress enough for him to think you up the way he is right now; bent over in front of him with your hair wrapped tightly up in his palm while that dress lays in a sloppy ball by his feet. 
“Would be nice with nude shoes,” he mules, “like, those sandals y’ave, yeah?” 
The way your eyes light up, that same way they always do when your mind starts to move at light’s speed as you start assembling a million different ideas into one, is enough to tug a grin onto his mouth. 
He didn’t really want to agree to this. When you texted first to ask he ignored it, that way you’d have just carried on without him and he could blame a busy schedule or an overrun nap on his delayed response time. It’s much easier to blame a missed text for no response. Of course it’s not in your nature to send a text, and he knew that already. So it came a son surprise when he was bombarded by 4 phone calls. By the fifth one he had picked up, succumbing to you and just the flat out unfulfilled urge he had to hear your voice at the other end of the phone.
“Seriously Harry,” your voice is like fucking honey, sweet and sullen like it always is, and he’s in euphoria listening to it as you poke your earring through the lobe of your left ear, “it’s just, y’know I don’t- I’m nervous and I appreciate you helping me do something as stupid as picking a dress.” 
“S’not stupid,” he reassures, “y’know I just like spending time with yeh, since y’so busy ’n stuff.”
Which is true. That’s the only thing that got him over here; and he rescheduled a zoom call just to sit in your bedroom for all of twenty minutes. Not one part of him regretted it, either.
“I’m busy?” You tease, “coming from the A lister who’s in London, than LA, than New York, London again, oh, than LA again oh, then ‘sorry love, m’in Tokyo.’”
Also true, he knows that, which is why he’s snickering at fault in response to your harmless teasing. He wouldn’t say it now, mainly because he doesn’t want to make it weird, but regardless of where he falls on the map he somehow still finds a way to fit you in. He’s never minded doing it, either. 
Twenty minutes isn’t enough. Maybe another twenty more could be a sufficient amount. That’s almost an hour, right? Forty minutes is almost a full hour with you and he’d love to get even that much. Or twenty more hours, even, would be that much better. It’s better for him to think of getting more time with you than to let his thoughts wander and remind him of where you’re getting ready to go off to. 
A date. It’s why he was so hesitant to come here. It’s hard enough as it is being a prisoner to his own thoughts, being around you and not getting to interact with you the way he actually wants; kiss you the way he wants, touch you the way he wants, hold you and talk to you the way he wants. Adding a new element to the mix, another man getting access to you the way he wants, well that’s just mental warfare. 
You don’t know anything about though. And thank God, because if you could get a peak into his thoughts and see just a preview of what he thinks he almost knows for sure you’d ice him out in a heartbeat. He’s got a soft spot for you, nonetheless, which is why he swallowed the massive-sized lump in his throat when you told him you needed help on an outfit for a date and b lined it over to your place.
“Who’s this guy, anyways.” He chimes, following you similar to that of a lost puppy as you start heading towards the staircase, “Like, wha’s he look like ’n stuff.”
Immediately after he asks he wishes he hadn’t. The way that pesky fucking lump reappears when you wiggle your eyebrows in response, stuffing your hand into your leather purse in an attempt to fish out your phone. A simple response like ‘handsome’ or ‘he’s a nice guy’ would’ve sufficed for him. Seriously, that’s all he needed. What he didn’t need was an entire fucking slideshow of an above average looking guy. And he had a cool mustache, to boot, which really pissed Harry off for some reason. 
“Should probably shave,” he squints his eyes at the photo you’ve got propped right in front of his face, trying his hardest to act like he isn’t so fucking jealous of that mustache, “kinda looks like a squirrel on his top lip."
“If I didn’t know you so well,” you tut teasingly, “I’d think you’re a dick.”
“You know me so well and still don’t think that?” 
He likes the way your laugh sounds, and it makes him happy that he said something amusing enough to drag it out of you. And the toothy smile you pair with it practically knocks the wind right out of him. Everything you do seems to wow him, corny as it sounds. It makes him feel so at ease, and the butterflies he gets each time gets him reminiscing to the days where he was just a kid and had the worlds biggest crush on the girl who sat three rows ahead of him in grade school. He’s giddy and he doesn’t want you to leave for this date. 
For a second he thinks about doing something elaborate; breaking his foot or faking an illness so that you literally have no choice but to hang back and look after him. That’s selfish though, and honestly just crazy and super fucked up, so he opts out of that. But he doesn’t want you to go so bad he seriously considers it, especially as you start sorting through the downstairs closet to find a coat that doesn’t clash with your shoes. 
He could just be honest. He could just tell you that he doesn’t want you to go, solely because he’s absolutely infatuated with you and for every hour he’s awake and functioning you manage to consume every thought he has. He could just be an adult and tell you he’s got feelings for you that very much surpass a platonic, friendly demeanor. That might be a better way into persuading you to stay back with him than breaking his fucking foot. 
“Ok now wait a minute,” he chokes, and there’s a painful twang that strikes his gut when you frown, “gotta tell y’somethin’.” 
“What,” you groan, and he swears he would rather die right now than do anything else, “it’s the shoes, right? They make my calves look like I’m a running back don’t they?” 
He wants to laugh but he thinks if he opens his mouth he would projectile vomit everywhere. But the thought occurs to him that if he does that than it would be an excellent excuse for you to skip the date. Though, of course, he runs the risk of grossing you out and absolutely humiliating himself all in one go of it. 
So he shakes his head no. In fact he loves the shoes, and they make your ankles look slender and really compliment your legs quite nicely. Still, he’s scrambling to string together a coherent sentence because his brain is working a lot faster than the muscles in his mouth are and it feels like someone just super glued his lips shut.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace,” you tease, and the cheeky wink you shoot him over your shoulder just edges him even more if that’s possible at this point, “Styles.”
“I don’t want y’to go on this date, (Y/N).” 
He’s well aware that he blurted that out in a way that he really, really, wish he hadn’t. Now the air in the room is stale and heavy, dense too, like someone just sucked all the air out and left the two of you here with nothing to inhale but words and unspecified tension. 
And he’s starting to get more anxious as your playful manner dissipates. He can tell your puzzled not just be the demeanor of your face, but by the stance of your body because your letting shoulders hang the way you do when you’re a little uncomfortable. 
“Oh,” you breath, and his chest starts sinking inward, “okay, I just- well why not? Do I not.. like, do I look bad or something?”
“No,” he coos, and he feels like the worlds biggest asshole when you start to frown, “No y’don’t- Christ, (Y/N) y’look amazing. Y’always look so fuckin’ amazing. It’s just-”
“What,” you huff, “than what is it, than? Why wouldn’t you want me to go?”
He’s really done it now. The proper thing to do would’ve just been to let you go, walk out with you and watch you drive off before he headed home himself. The proper thing to do would’ve been for him to just go home and think about you on a date with someone other than himself, curled up in a ball watching a Friends episode he’s already seen four times while he felt sorry for himself. But that’s not what happened, and what he should’ve done was just broke the fucking foot like he initially thought to do. That would’ve been less agonizing than this. 
“Because,” he’s frustrated now, not with you but really just himself, “I should be taking y’out. M’absolutely in love with yeh, (Y/N), and I don’t have a cool mustache but I could take y’out on a date, ’n I want to so bad.” 
There’s still that dense energy looming in the room, and his gut now too as he feels it winding up tightly in an anxious bundle of knots and twists. You’re not saying anything and the only thing he notices is that you’re breathing is vaguely staggered and your clutching onto that purse in your hand like he’s about to snatch it and run off. God, he should’ve just broken the foot!
“Please don’t go out wit him,” and now, his voice is small, “think it might kill me.”
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alaura5675 · 2 years
Welp just watched Hollow Mind and….
Philip Whittlebane is a fucked up person through and through
The way he thinks terrifies me honestly like this is a person i would honestly be terrified of
Someone who can only see his viewpoint as the right one and then inflict and punish others for not following or agreeing with his every word.
All his carnage and manipulation of people and the demon realm
Its…just plain scary. Beacause its so very real. It has happened and continues to happen
A couple months ago during the hiatus i wrote a post, writing about how I believed the Owl House was heading towards the subject of how the church was used to colonize and destroy the cultures of the indigenous people of the Americas.
And all i can say is that this show has hit the mark. In describing and accurately depicting the awful crimes that happen during colonialism. What happened to the Americas, South Asia, Eastern Asia, Aotearoa (New Zealand), the pacific islands. Today In Pakistan and In Ukraine, and many others…
The restricting of culture and language(magic), The killing of those who disagree, labeled as anarchists or sinners (wild witches). The outright imprisonment to starvation (V and the other basilisks).
These are signs of coloniasm and genocide. And the Fact that Dana Terrace is doing this is bringing me a weird sense of Happiness, but also grief and anger
Happiness that were at a point where we can actually air a show like this. And talk about serious issues.
But I’m also just overwhelmed by the fact that its not being treated seriously. And its getting canceled. Probably for the same reasons im so happy it exsists.Its a weird sense of knowing this show and those who see and understand. Know how important shows like these are to give meaningful connections, that history and the news don’t when ur in ur own bubble of the world.
But also the sad fact that this show like many others gets written off for its medium. Or for the fact its for “kids”. I think im going in circles at this point
But going back to Philip. I think Dana Terrace has created this character extremely well that i think other shows that have attempted to create a pure villain haven’t. I’m not sure I have the words to describe it but like i said earlier this is a man i would be truly terrified of and mostly i think its his way of easily manipulating any situation to make himself the victim. Or the martyr the hero. He flips the narrative for everyone else including himself. Because he truly believes he is the hero. And nothing will change that. (i could literally write a whole acdemic esaay with sources on how fd up he is, and how his mind literally alters his own perception of his actions)
Referencing other similar characters. I think of are Ozai, and Og Hordak in shera. They are colonizers and mass murders. Intent in genocide. But personally I was never afraid of these characters. Ozai was always off screen. We saw his abuse through his children. And the world. But we never saw his direct influence as a person if that makes sense.
And OG Hordak just kind of swept in and we saw him as a character. But never him directly influencing and actively harming others. If that makes sense???
So Philip has both enough character, action, and hearsay. As well as harming their own family multiple times. And traumatizing them indefinitely. Plus the imperialism and genocide to boot.
What im trying to say is. This show has raised the bar on villain writing. And I think has given a just outlook at describing the horrors of Imperialism, The awful parts of Christianity, and Shared Trauma. As well as just writing a good fuckin story making me cry every fin episode.
Thanks to all the people who work on this show and working with a studio that doesn’t want them to succeed. We the fans appreciate all your hard effort to write, animate, and in general produce this story. I love it and can’t wait to cry next saturday
disclaimer: by acurrate depiction i mean for a disney show meant for children between 7-12. Which I would normally expect nothing. Just to clarify…
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