#I like it though and I have a lot of sketches I drew during this period I might post later
abelllia · 2 years
“Your hands are cold/Don’t worry, I know the way.”
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[Image ID: A digital painting of Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood from episode 159 of the Magnus Archives recreating the “Your hands are cold” scene from Pride and Prejudice 2005. Jon is a thin man with long salt and pepper hair, brown skin splashed with pockmarks, and a short beard. He wears an oversized green sweater. Martin is a fat man with short brown hair, pale skin, and stubble. He wears a pale blue dress shirt and a dark blue tie. A single tear threatens to fall down his face./.End ID]
On the tail end of Pride, have a Pride and Prejudice redraw :) This was my big month-long wip and I’m glad it’s finally out!
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plleeeepppyyyy · 1 year
wally + clumsy and silly reader!
wally likes them silly,,
these are just little ramblings of wally with a silly reader.,,
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★★★ — ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ — ★★★
you were always known around the neighborhood to be clumsy, you were always clumsy y/n! silly y/n, always tripping over everything. which made you frustrated, despite the others giggling and helping you out.
but, this really didn’t stop you from doing a lot! it made you happy that your friends could at least get entertainment out of your clumsiness. so, you didn’t mind much at times. you were always going around making others laugh, without having to break your head.
you were bouncing around, falling, then coming right back up. if anyone could describe you, you would be a bouncy ball.
as you did this, you noticed a certain blue haired fellow. wally, he was.. different. when you would look at him; you just see him staring at something. or remark about something. he was just chill, whenever you would be around barnaby. he was there. just looking at either the two of you. and for some reason, you felt embarrassed as you did a silly thing.
as if he was silently judging you and it made you feel stupid. nonetheless though, you kept your act up. wanting others to be happy. cause thats what you were, silly, clumsy, happy y/n!
so, one day, you were just strolling around, doing daily shopping and whatnot. till you tripped, for like what? the millionth time? maybe nobody saw it, right?
well, not exactly,,
wally just happened to be right in front of you, holding out his hand. which made you instantly nervous, i made how could you not? just looking up at him, with his usual intense stare, those doting eyes, admittedly it made you more embarrassed by the encounter. more embarrassed to be around him.
but, he didn’t laugh, nor tease you, he just held his hand out. calling out in his calm tone, asking if you were fine.
after stammering out a yes, he dusted you off and helped you out. to admit, you never talked to wally much before, have you? yes, you greeted one another, but imagining yourself tripping daily right in front of him was humiliating.
so, you kept your distance more than usual.
after he helped you out and went on his way, it made you feel a bit bad. for practically trying to ignore him, being too careful around him. you just couldn’t help it though! he was so calm, intense at times, maybe you could even say aloof. after that encounter though, you definitely changed your mind.
after many thoughts dawning on you, you decided to hang around him more often. and he drew you in more. he was just alluring,, soo cool, definitely relaxed. more than you usually were. you were tripping all over the place, just making the others giggle, and you were a bit dumb at times,, (sorry
just silly you were, wally definitely thought you were charming. you were just nice to watch, you would do your own thing, usually break a thing or too, he loved watching you.
he would usually be there to help you back up after you fall, watch you, and giggle at you at times. he didn’t want to lie, you were so charming. you really were like a cartoon character.
basically you guys started being attached at the hip, which was a great surprise to the others! they always saw you together nowadays, wally would just follow along while you were skipping around, missing a beat once a while as you talked and talked. while he listened without a care about anything else.
(basically you guys are calm + hyper)
during this period, wally DEFINITELY wants you to be his muse,, his inspiration. it doesn’t matter if you’re always moving , or bouncing your leg, or always bumping into stuff. he wants to paint you, sketch you, just,, to him you’re so fun to look and see. why not paint you daily? he definitely has an art portfolio of just you, ranging from sketches to paintings. it’s totallyyy not because he’s in love wit you.
he also finds himself staring at you 24/7, even if you guys are hanging out with poppy, julie, baranby, or anyone. he’ll just admire you more than he ever did before. back then, he would hum and watch you a bit as you did another silly thing. nowadays, when you would be fumbling with a straw for your juice, doing something silly, or just anything. it makes him kick his feet, it’s just so endearing, you’re so endearing.
it’s not only wally falling in more, it’s also you.
i mean, what’s not to love about wally? he’s so smooth, calm, he definitely is the type of dude whose got it all under control. he was just,, the opposite of you. maybe that was what attracted you to him, he just was elegant. at least compared to you, when you thought about it.
he was good at everything, he drew well, spoke well, walked well too. you weren’t that for sure, it was like he could guide you through anything. and you’d make it out okay. it made you feel better about your clumsiness.
hopefully by your silly antics and such, it would make it worth while for him.
wally notices on how much you try to make him happy, how you always offer to pose for him, give him ideas; always giving him stuff. it warms his heart to be honest, the fact you’re trying so much for him makes him feel happy.
later into ur guy’s relationship, you both def get comfy. a minute with you two and you already know something’s definitely going on.
cause you guys are just basically flirting at this point, well you can consider wally is, idk about you tho,, ur for sure doin something! (٥⁀▽⁀ )
but if we’re being for real, you guys def flirt. in ur own little ways, wally is pretty smooth when it comes to flirting. once in a while,, he’s pretty awkward with it, due to his,, tone at times. but the other times he’s good at it, like he for sure had some practice (≧◡≦) ♡
literally everyone around you two are just sick of it, you two think ur being sneaky with the flirting, nope! they’re basically bystanders wandering if you guys will finally announce that you’re finally an item!!
you for sure did something like,
“this ones for you wally!!(•̀ᴗ•́)و 🏀”
then the ball misses and launches back onto your head, bonking you sillier.
wally is charmed! ♡︎
it took a while for you guys to happen, wally for instance was actually a bit confused. it took him a bit to figure out what he was feeling, he found you silly, charming, cute,,
okay, maybe he thought you were something for sure.
while you,, poor you,, you just got nervous around him and NEVER would’ve talked to him about ur feelings. like., you just felt like he was out of your league.
but, you two eventually happened,, you did it! ( ˘ ³˘)
today was simple, just you, wally, and him sketching. you kept peeking over at what exactly he was sketching, it varied to be honest. apples,, a dog, or just some scribbles.
how could he just simply draw? so easily, while the best you could come up with was chicken scratch. nonetheless, wally was patient with you, he just accepted you. even if you didn’t do anything that impressive.
speaking of this, why did he do that? he just accepted you daily, he would just coo and praise you over anything. how he didn’t mind how much you tripped over something or bumped into one of his art supplies. now that wasn’t simple.
“uhm, hey wally?” wally perked his head up as you spoke up, putting his full attention on you. you felt a bit intimidated as he looked at you with those eyes of his. even if you two came this far, you always found yourself flustered by his presence.
“yes, darling?” he asked, keeping his usual smile up. you cleared your throat and spoke back, “not to be too disruptive but.. i’ve got a question.” he watched you as you sat yourself on the grass. you could feel the spring air flow by as he looked at you with question.
“you’re never disruptive, but do tell. what’s got you thinking, y/n?” as you tried to get your words together, you sighed as you felt yourself get nervous. why did you get nervous? he was just your partner, why be so shy? god, if only you weren’t this flustered all of the time.
“uhm, okay so.. you know how clumsy i am? like, to the point where it’s my whole personality?” you drawled out personality, wally hummed. “well, i wouldn’t say that is your whole personality, but go on.” he said with sincerity, which made you cringe at yourself.
“it’s just.. why do you even like me? i just, i’m so.. stupid at times. i’m always fooling myself out while you— you’re just not that. you know?” you winced at yourself at your explanation, it was clumsy as you usually were.
wally paused for a bit, looking at you with an emotion you can’t really describe. maybe it was pity? concerned? you couldn’t really tell, sometimes whenever he looked at you, you just couldn’t say what he was thinking.
all he did was sigh and close his sketchbook, putting it beside him as he patted his lap. you knew immediately what that meant as you shuffled beside him, laying your head right on his lap. as you did so, he stroked your hair gently.
“now, why would you think about yourself like that?” he asked in his usual soft tone, “i think you’re perfect the way you are, not stupid.” wally looked down at you as he stroked your hair.
wally would never understand how you could think of yourself like that. to him, you were just perfect for him.
“well, it’s just— i.. i don’t know why you gave me a chance.” you mumbled out of embarrassment, wally looked at you with an amused expression. “remember that day when, we actually got to talk? when i tripped right in front of you? i tried so hard to stop that from happening. because, well, you’re the type of person. i don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of. clearly i didn’t do such a good job on that, huh?”
you kept your focus on your hands, not daring to look at him. you noticed how his hand stopped, he kept his hand right on your head.
“y/n.. why would that matter? i have seen you trip tons before.. and, plus, i don’t mind how much you bump, trip, or fall. i’m always there to help you back up, right?” he made you look up as he titled your head upward, “i think its charming.. not how you get hurt at times, of course. but, the way you keep getting back up after you trip, it’s.. well, its admirable. you’re admirable.”
you both paused as silence dawned on the two of you, it made you think. he really loved you, didn’t he?
“you mean that, right?” you asked, looking up at eyes he could never say no too.
wally let a soft chuckle out. “of course i do, silly. gee, you’re asking all of these silly questions.. i mean every,” he leaned down to kiss your head. “word. i promise.” his words made you smile, to the point where you could kick your legs and giggle.
“thanks, sweets. sorry, i’ve just been thinking a lot.” you hummed as you felt better about the whole thing. wally nodded and kissed your head again, keeping your head on his lap.
“but, besides that, what really drew you toward me?” you asked another question, wally hummed in thought as he stroked your hair some more. as if he was thinking.
“a lot of things.. but, it was cute seeing you do funny things. you were just a silly little neighbor to me back then, even still..”
“hm, that’s nice.. wait!” you quickly sat up, “what do you mean silly little neighbor?! could’ve at least said lover.” you whined as he chuckled quietly. “ah, yes. you’re right, silly little lover. you’re my silly little lover, right?”
wally hummed in amusement as you huffed, “guess so.. if you’re gonna call me something stupid you might as well make it less stupid.” wally shook his head and pulled you back to him, wrapping his arms around you.
“oh you, it’s not stupid.. and you definitely are the opposite of stupid.” he giggled and kissed your cheek, he definitely was feeling touchy today.
you couldn’t help but relax back into his arms. you were his silly little lover, his. and that made you okay with tripping daily, if it meant that.
as you closed your eyes and leaned against him more, he let out a little gasp. which made you jump a bit, “oh my, i gotta go give barnaby his microphone back..” he sighed and pulled you off of him gently, looking at his watch.
“you wanna come with, love?” wally asked as he grabbed his stuff, you quickly nodded. as he got up, he held his hand up. looking at you the same as he did the first time, admiration.
you took his hand without hesitation, you stumbled over a bit as you stood up.
he hummed in fondness, “you got it?”
“yep, totally!” you huffed in confidence, but after one step almost tripped over. you cursed yourself mentally.
“uhm.. how about i just hold onto you?” you sheepishly asked as you wrapped your arm around wally’s.
“not a problem with me, darling.”
(character and artwork belongs to partycoffin!)
okayy,, i made this a bit longer than i expected it to,, but thats fine. anyways i think i figured out how to open up my inbox! sooo,, if you guys want me to write more stuff about wally or anyone else. im up for it!
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kivino · 7 months
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my masterlist
Word counter - ~900 words
Tags/Warnings - pure fluff!
A/n - ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE ANON <33 i can't really post a complete fic rn because i'm working on another midterm essay so here y'all go! I also have another fic with Roommate!Soap planned out, so stay tuned sdkflskdfjs
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You two met through his sister, you, being her college friend, visited her and her family during breaks many times, and that’s where you met Soap. You two were on pretty good terms, and he would sometimes call you when he or his family were not able to get ahold of his sister when she would go out to parties (usually accompanied by you). However, the two of you became roommates only later in the future, when he decided that he didn’t want to live with his family anymore, but leaving an apartment all empty for months on end would just be foolish. So that’s when he decided he needed someone to co-exist with, and you casually made your way into his life.
Whole Task Force 141 plus Laswell know about you, because of how homesick he gets sometimes! And you don't always respond to messages, you have your own life after all (plus, Soap knows you're not good with texting back, so he tries not to pressure you). However, unintentionally he starts to remember or mention you in unrelated conversations. And that's how everyone around him knows that it's time for him to go on his leave.
Not a lot of people are allowed to call him Johnny. He still gives his older sisters shit for calling him that sometimes. You and Ghost, however, are both allowed to do it. Not like his discontent would’ve stopped you though.
More often than not talks about you in a way that makes it appear like the two of you are together, with how he’s all smiles during these conversations. Describes you like he’s an infatuated teenager and then gets confused when someone assumes Soap is talking about his significant other. It's not that he is oblivious to his feelings, or a dumbass, of course not, it's that his feelings lasted for so long that it's very much normal to him and he doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary with it.
The love language that you both share is bullying and insulting each other relentlessly. Soap is less harsh with his words, but you’re just merciless. Sometimes it also grows into play fights and roughhousing between you. Soap tries to be careful, because he knows that he’s stronger (he’s in the military, duh), but he still won’t go down without a fight. So he goes easy on you.
We know that Soap has a whole sketchbook, filled to the brim with many drawings of various quality, his thoughts, and different garbage he picks up when he has the opportunity. A pretty leaf? Snatch. A random receipt from when you got groceries with him together? Snatch. A note you scribbled for him to finally wash his damn dishes? Sad snatch. When he's on leave he takes the opportunity to sketch you as much as possible, so he remembers every single detail of your face, the expressions you make, or the way you position your body. Soap does it to be able to replicate it when you’re not around him. He has millions of sketches where you’re napping on the couch.
When he’s absentmindedly doodling something during the briefings and meetings he draws small figures that resemble Task Force and you. One time he bought some colored pens so he’s not bored out of his mind on base, and the assigned color to draw you was blue, while he drew himself with a red pen. Gaz got green and Ghost he draws using a black pen, both Laswell and Price share the fact that Johnny draws them with a pencil.
One of the small traditions that you have when he’s on leave, is cooking something for each other while some show you’re not paying attention to plays in the background. The kitchen in the apartment is pretty modest, so two people cooking and moving around at the same time is a bit too much for such a small amount of space. When you get too into the process of mixing or cutting something and Soap needs to squeeze past you, he gently puts a hand on your lower back and you instantly know what he wants, because of how much he does it. It’s never arrogant or invasive, instead, it’s gentle and a bit playful.
Johnny’s very sociable and likes going out to drink frequently. You, however, prefer to not get involved in his escapades as often, so you stay home, instead telling him to call whenever he needs you to pick him up. On multiple separate occasions, when he came back home a bit tipsy, he would stumble into your room and fall on your bed, getting knocked out almost in a second. Soap’s snoring is pretty loud when he’s drunk or has a stuffy nose. Plus, he’s as heavy as a damn rock and you can’t move him because of it, so instead you sleep on the couch, sacrificing the health of your back for Soap’s sweet dreams.
Johnny is pretty good with his hands. If anything broken needs fixing, or anything heavy needs lifting he’s always happy to help. He’s also a decent cook, so if you’re not feeling like cooking dinner after you’re back home from work he’s ready to throw something together for you no problem. Partially because he knows that you’d do the same for him if he asked. And, well, he just cares about you. He’s ready to cook dinner for you for the next decade if it means you’ll feel better.
Your texts with him are filled to the brim with stupid videos and photos you send each other. If Johnny sees something that reminds him of you, what you like, or some random inside joke – you best believe he’s already snapping a photo and sending it to you.
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check out my masterlist for more fics or send me a request/comment!
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flamebringer0 · 4 months
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[Image ID: Sketches of an original character, numbered from one to ten. He is a Nightwing, a kind of dragon from the Wings of Fire series. Each sketch depicts him posed differently. In the first sketch, he is using his forelegs to hold a spear while using his back legs and wings to walk. In the second, he is looking at his tail through his forelegs. In the third, he is sitting on a deck chair. In the fourth, he is standing normally and displaying the undersides of his wings. In the fifth, he is flying. In the sixth, he is standing on his back legs and looks uncomfortable, like he's about to fall over. In the seventh, he is standing on his forelegs and looks even more uncomfortable. In the eighth, he is laying on his stomach, looking away from the camera. In the ninth, he is standing with his forelegs braced against some kind of barrier, looking over the top of it. In the tenth, he is sitting on his haunches looking away from the camera. /.End ID]
Sketching random poses for practice.
Part [1] [2]
Some commentary:
1. Dragons in WOF are often described as moving around while holding objects like spears and scrolls. This usually looks weird to me in the graphic novels, where they mostly end up doing a strange three-legged walk that I imagine would get tiring after a while. There's also a part in The Lost Heir where Anemone apparently walks around with a lance jammed in her armpit... foreleg-pit... whatever. My headcanon is that this three-legged walk doesn't really happen, and instead the way to walk while holding something is to either hold it with your wing, or (as shown here) walk with your wings and hold it with your forefeet. I think this idea might sound weird and therefore not occur to people because they think that the wing is so thin that it must be too flimsy to walk on, but I feel that if it's strong enough to carry a dragon in flight it must be strong enough for this. Maybe. It makes sense to me anyway.
2. Originally this was sort of inspired by the pose at 0:34 in this video (cw for violence). I wasn't really satisfied with how my attempt looked so I changed the head to be doing something else. I still like that pose though and I might try it again.
3. This was inspired by Spyro sleeping on the deck chair in the remake of Spyro 2. I don't know if they have deck chairs in Pyrrhia. My friend told me the chair is about to get impaled and i guess he's correct. Maybe it's made of a very thick fabric.
4. This is how dragons T-pose.
5. What do dragons do with their legs in flight? This question bedevils me. When I was creating my Minecraft skin (this) I changed how the legs are posed during the flight animation several times, and I'm still not sure it really looks right.
6. Before I got into WOF I mostly only drew anthro characters, so something I want to understand better is how to draw a character standing on two legs without making it look like they have a human skeleton. My headcanon is that dragons can learn to stand and even walk like this, but most don't. You can tell an expert from an amateur because an expert will stand all the way up onto their toes, whereas an amateur will keep their heels on the ground. I think the main students of this technique are circus performers. If you do this in public you will be stared at. The only tribe where a lot of dragons can do it is Rainwings, because they think it's funny. The only major non-Rainwing character who can do it is Qibli.
7. Standing on your forelegs isn't really considered harder than standing on your hind legs, but it is considered a more advanced technique because you're much more likely to snap your neck if you fall over.
8. It's really hard for me to draw a tail curling away from the camera like this. I don't exactly understand what I'm doing wrong. The scales look weirdly skewed to me, like a Playstation game where the polygons are touching the edge of the screen. This happens regularly but I haven't figured out what to do about it.
9. Standing on two legs is a lot easier if you brace the other two up against the wall.
10. Wings look silly here. Wings are the hardest part of these sketches to make look naturalistic I think, probably because I conceptualise dragon bodies as like ... a dog with wings, as opposed to a bat with forelegs. Hopefully if I keep doing this I will be able to develop a holistic understanding of the anatomy of a body plan that does not exist. That's my ambition, anyway.
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xcaptain-winterx · 2 years
i have no idea if you are accepting request but could you write where reader is in labor and her husband, steve rogers is out in a mission and kind of missed the birth of his new born daughter
I love this idea💙
summary: above
warnings: child birth, blood, fluff, angst, sad Steve, happy Steve, guest appearances
a/n: English is not my first language, meaning you will probably find a lot of misspelling etc.
Main Masterlist Steve Rogers Masterlist
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Being married to an Avenger sounds like a dream and it indeed is one. There are a lot of good sides to it, like literally never having to worry about being robbed, while you’re on a walk with them. Sadly there are some things though, that are not that nice, like missions. Of course you like hearing on the news that your husband saved people or when he tells you that they took down another bad facility, but you don’t like that he has to leave. What if he gets hurt or doesn’t make it back. Your husband, the famous Captain America, isn’t really on hydras friend list.
Steve’s also scared when he’s not with you. What if something happens to you? The list of enemies is long and knowing that he’s not always there to protect you scares him.
Everything changed when you got pregnant. The day you found out was probably one of the best moments in your life, and seeing Steve's face light up when you told him made it even better. Steve knew from the moment you told him that he was going to be the best dad ever for your little bean. He almost passed out when you both found out that you were having a girl. A Girl. A little baby girl.
He would stay up at night, talking to your belly about how excited he is to meet her and tell her about everything that is going on.
“Yesterday we painted your nursery, bean. I drew some sketches that are now hanging there. I Hope you are going to like them.”
“Uncle Bucky came today and helped me build the crib, while your mom was with her friends shopping. Don’t tell her, but we were both completely lost on what we should do.”
“I think we need to talk about the food you want. I may be old enough to be your grandfather or even great grandfather, but I don’t think that pickles and peanut butter are a good combination.”
“I’m so excited to meet you, everyone is, especially your mom.”
“Can you promise me to make it easy for your mom when you arrive? She’s been carrying you for eight months now and even if she doesn’t want to admit it, I know she’s tired.”
Everything was going amazing, three more weeks and your baby girl was going to arrive, but sadly Nick Fury decided it was ok to send your husband on a mission. Steve was furious when Fury told him. He tried to explain that he can’t, that his wife is going to give birth soon, but Fury didn’t give in. It was a mission that involved saving people from an underground facility.
You overheard them talking on the phone and how Steve is needed for it. Obviously you hate the thought of Steve going on a mission, but you hate the thought of innocent people being held captive in a dark room even more. You also saw that Steve didn’t like the thought either.
After the call you told Steve that it’s ok if he goes. He told you that he’s not going on that mission and that you can’t convince him.
And he was right.
For thirteen hours.
Apparently being highly emotional during pregnancy can help in convincing your husband to join a mission.
The day he left for the mission was not easy for both of you. He tried to not wake you up but failed.
“You shouldn’t be up. Go back to bed, sweetheart”
“I wanted to be awake when you go”
A slight smile appears on Steve's face “I love you, you know” he says, pulling you closer to him, while making sure to not put too much pressure on the belly.
“I hope so or I’m going to give you the ring back” you say with a smirk, trying not to show how sad you are “I love you, too.”
He smirks at you “Hold up. First” he softly slaps your ass, making you gasp and him laugh.“Now” Steve goes, trying to stay serious “You know I love you more than anything else-“
“What about Bucky? What about him, Steve? He’s better up there too”
“Ok, ok, ok” he laughs “I love you, Bucky and our soon coming little baby girl more than anything else.” A smile crosses your face.
Steve gets on one knee, now directly at eye level with your belly. He places a hand on it “Make sure to watch Mommy, while I’m away. Ok, Bean?” You laugh when you feel the baby kick against the spot where Steve placed his hand, “I think we have a deal.”
“Don’t worry, we are going to be fine.”
He gives your belly a kiss before standing back up and giving you a long and passionate kiss “Yeah. I will finish the mission as soon as possible and then I will come back.”
Your husband gives you another kiss before walking out the door.
The sun just started to set, while you were getting another bowl of cookie dough ice cream. Humming some random song as you grab some raisins from the cupboard to put in the bowl. Just when you wanted to walk back into the living room something wet started to run down your thighs.
Looking down you see a puddle at your feet, and that’s when you realize.
“Please, no.” Just as the words come out of your mouth a contraction hits you. The bowl drops to the floor and shatters into a hundred little pieces “Ahhhh”. This can't be happening, it's too soon. Of course you were told that babies could arrive sooner, but the doctors assured you that it wouldn’t happen because the baby most likely has Steve's super soldier serum.
Another contraction hits, this time stronger than the last one. Steve’s not here, you can't have her yet. You know you should go to the hospital cause the contractions are already coming every seven minutes.
You waddle over to the counter to grab your keys. Is it safe to drive right now, probably not. Steve and you didn’t pack a back for the birth yet and there’s no way that you could pack one now. Stepping inside the car you think about calling Steve, you know though, that he wouldn’t pick up. You take a deep breath before finally starting the car.
The way to the hospital thankfully wasn’t that long and painful, you're happy that you both live that close to the hospital and that you inherited your dad's ability to handle a lot of pain. The nurses there immediately took you in and gave you a private room. Again, thank god for being married to an Avenger. They checked you to see how many centimeters you are dilated. Fucking six.
“Mrs. Rogers, should we call someone for you? Giving birth can be painful and we would advise you to have someone with you when it happens.” The nurse says, smiling at you.
No shit, giving birth could be painful. That’s completely new to you.
Your husband is on a mission, Bucky is with him, Nat is with him, Sam is with him. Clint is not in Brooklyn and neither is Sarah. Wanda is currently on her honeymoon with Vision, and Tony and Pepper are probably having an argument right now. There’s one person that you know of who’s currently in New York, but you never really talked that much.
You think for a few seconds before finally deciding that it's better to have at least someone with you right now. “Yes, please call someone.”
Fifteen minutes later you here someone come down the hallway, screaming at some nurse about how Mrs. Rogers requested her to be there when she gives birth to a fucking watermelon.
The door opens and they walk in, “You’re huge.”
You give a painful laugh, “Thanks, Yelena”. She looks at you before slowly stepping closer. She’s a black widow who fought against black widows and dozens of bad guys, but she has never been in such a situation.
The contractions are getting worse every second and the pain medication doesn't seem to work. Fuck Steve and his super soldier sperms.“Ok, I’m here, everything is ok” Yelena says, standing next to you grabbing your hand, “Just take a deep breath.” Squeezing your hand, you slowly calm down. Yelena tries not to show how much her hand hurts because of your squeezing, and how relieved she is that you let go. Trying to distract herself from the pain she asks “Why did you call for me? We’re not that close.”
You look at her and smile, “You’re Nat's sister, which means you’re part of the big family. We may haven’t seen each other that often but I still trust you”. You say, grabbing her hand softly. Yelena looks at you, not believing that you count her as a family member. Nat told her once that the Avengers are like a second family, but she always thought that she was lying. Maybe she was always thinking like that because she knew that the avengers wouldn’t accept her.
Yelena looks at you with tears in her eyes. “Really?” She doesn’t even try to hide her shaking voice.
“Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t have called you.” Yelena quickly wipes a tear away and gives you a big smile
The nurse walks in. “Let’s check how many centimeters you are,” she looks and smiles at you. “Your ten centimeters! I’m going to inform the other nurse and then you can start pushing.”
Oh no, no, no, no, no
Yelena sees the worry in your eyes and quickly grabs your hand. “Hey, I’m here. Everything is going to be ok. I will call them immediately when the mission is over,” she squeezes your hand “now let’s focus on that Watermelon”. You give her a nod before the nurse tells you to start pushing.
It was a hard mission and Steve is happy that he’s finally back, he can't wait to come to you and the little bean. All he wants now is to cuddle you and touch your stomach, while watching one of your favorite comedy shows that you already watched hundreds of times. He definitely has to take a shower first, though, when he gets home because he smells like sweat and dirt. He walks out the jet with Bucky by his side who’s smirking at him. “What’s so funny now, jerk?” he asks, hiding a smile.
“Well, punk, I think it's funny how I can immediately tell what you're thinking about. So, did you already call Mrs. or are you surprising her with coming home early?”, Bucky says, patting his back.
Steve chuckles, walking with him over to his car, “She doesn’t know, I’m going to surprise her”. Bucky can't help but smile at that, he’s happy that his best friend found the ‘one’ after all those years, a true angel. And now that angel is pregnant with his niece, to be honest Steve didn’t tell him that he’s going to be uncle, but that doesn’t matter because the little girl is going to be his niece no matter what. Bucky knows when the due date is and already made sure to be ready when he gets the call from Steve, that his niece is coming. Bucky snaps out of his thoughts when Natasha walks over to them.
Steve slams the trunk close when he sees her, “if Fury wants me for another mission tell hi-“
“Steve”, she cuts him off. “It's about y/n, she gave birth”, a sad expression forms on her face “Yelena just informed me, she stayed with her meanwhile.”
Steve's whole face falls and he lets out shaky breaths, without saying anything he opens the car door and speeds off. Leaving an utterly shocked Bucky and a confused Sam, who apparently just walked out off the jet. Steve's mom always told him to be careful and he always listened to that, but right now he’s driving like a mad man to the hospital.
Not five minutes later he’s there and running to the reception, “I’m here for Y/n Rogers!” The nurse looks at him and lets out a gasp when she realizes who he is.
“S-Sure, right away, Mr. Rogers." She leads him to the door and gives him a reassuring smile before walking away. He takes a deep breath, and another, and another, and another before finally walking in. You look up when the door opens and smile when you see the now dad Steve walking in. Steve's eyes move from you to the small bundle in the crib. This is all it takes for him to start crying and you follow.
You reach your hand out to him and he immediately walks over to you, sits down on the bed, kisses your hands and pulls you closer. “I’m so sorry I’m late”, he says, looking at you. “How late?”
You softly touch his cheek “It’s ok. Our bean just decided to come early, we can't blame her, she’s just a baby” Steve laughs. He turns to the crib and slowly rises from the bed and walks over to the crib. A tear runs down his cheek when he sees her little face, a cute small nose, chubby cheeks and a full head of blonde hair. Steve carefully picks her up and holds her in his arms, swaying back and forth, you smile at the sight of them together.
“Hey, bean, daddy’s finally here. Sorry, that I took that long, daddy was saving the world.” He looks at the information paper on the side of the crib before turning to you, “I’m 26:44:49 hours too late.” He sits back down next to you, one arm around you, the other around his daughter.
“I swear if you are going to blame yourself again I will hit you,” you say with a stern expression.
Finally Steve laughs, “Sweetheart, I’m holding our daughter”. At that exact moment the sleeping girl opens her eyes and looks at her dad with big y/e/c eyes. He looks down at her “Hey, princess. Do you know who I am?”. What if she doesn’t know him, he wasn’t there during her birth. What if she never heard him when he was talking to her late at night. She wiggles around in his arms. Steve holds his breath, is she going to cry?
She doesn’t cry though, she looks at her dad and gives him a smile, well, as far as a newborn can smile.
You kiss his shoulder, “I think she knows who you are.”
Steve kisses her forehead and after that yours, “I love you, you know.”
“Likewise. We still need a name,” you say.
Steve gives you a grin. “Yeah, we should decide that before the rest of her family comes”
Yelena walks in with a bunch of snacks, “hey отец, finally there. Next time you hold her hand” she says, showing her hand in a cast, “I also brought a few guests.”
Nat, Sam and Bucky walk in with a few gifts. Bucky immediately leaves the gifts on a table and rushes towards the baby. “Hey doll, it’s me, your uncle Bucky.” Steve hands her to Bucky and he holds her close to his chest, “Is your dad already annoying you? He has been annoying me for about 105 years now,” Steve lets out a small hey, but Bucky doesn’t care. He looks at you for a second, “You did a great job mama.”
“Thanks Buck, but I couldn’t have done it without Yelena,” Natasha nudges her sister, smiling at her, she knew Yelena would get warm with at least someone else.
The baby gets passed around and in the end gets passed to Bucky again because he wouldn’t stop whining. “Now, what’s her name? Let me guess, Samantha,” Sam asks, smirking.
You both look at each other before looking back at them. “Welcome, Sarah Brook Yelena Rogers, named after her grandmother, Steve's home and the person who stayed by me during her birth.” Yelena looks at you both with tears in her eyes, giving you a big smile, now being ok with you breaking her hand. Bucky walks over to you and gives Sarah back to you, whispering before that how she’s going to be his new favorite.
He looks at them “I'm the uncle, right? Don’t leave me hanging, Steven.”
“Yes, you are.”
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oinkinpigprince · 2 months
Can you maybe write a Charlie (smiling friends) x gender fluid reader (not together, but they kinda like each other) that draws him in their notebook and he finds them drawing him
I’m trying to write about him, it’s just sometimes I get demotivated yk, and I feel like there are hardly any Charlie x readers out there, we need more, hopefully with the new series, it gets more people interested idk
That’s so swaggy! Im sure I’ll have my work cut out for me after the new smiling friends season. I’ve been watching oneyplays content because the creator/va for Charlie sometimes is on there and it is hilarious
Charlie x genderfluid reader
You and Charlie are like, really good friends. You two often work with each other on paper work and just chat in the break room
Okay, he two MIGHT have developed a crush on you. Charlie just doesn’t want to admit it because dating your co worker is risky, plus you’re just a really good friend
You often doodle in your notebook during down time, small sketches and funny things. It’s a good pass time, you’ve been drawing Charlie a lot though
It’s cute and innocent, some simple sketches and him on different outfits and funny memes. Nothing bad, just friendly! They’re friendly drawings, you just happen to draw him a lot! Nothing weird, about drawing your friend, on every page of your sketch book.
Okay not every page, you still sketched other things you just liked drawing Charlie and he’s literally right there all the time
You were sketching Charlie, inspired by his recent escapade with James. When you heard a cough behind you. Only to see the muse standing right behind you
“Whatcha, whatcha drawing there buddy?” Your soul left your body. You started laughing so fucking hard, you almost threw up.
Charlie couldn’t help but chuckle, it was really, silly. He did end up liking it and asked you to draw some video game characters. Charlie knew you drew but didn’t know you were that good
He tried to draw you something too, it was, a drawing! A for affort! It’s the thought that counts
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aalissy · 2 months
Reverse Crush
Anddd here is today's second chapter :). I hope you like it! I am forever tormented by how little reverse crush we got in the show. I always want more haha. Lemme know what you think <3
Adrien sighed quietly, leaning on his fist as he craned his neck back to stare blatantly at Marinette. It was study hall so he could finally get away with just focusing on her. Not for the first time that day, though did he wish he sat behind her. That way, he’d be able to peek up at her periodically through the day rather than having to crane his head back awkwardly to look at her.
She looked adorable. Just like she did every day. Her tongue was stuck out of the side of her mouth as she concentrated on whatever it was she was drawing. 
Clearing his throat, Adrien leaned forward, tapping her desk to get her attention. She looked up, her pretty blue eyes wide with shock. 
“What are you drawing, Marinette?” he asked, hopeful to hear her soft voice as she directed her attention to him alone.
Her surprise at his sudden question melted into a warm smile, and Adrien couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.
"I was actually just sketching some of my ideas down for fashion. It helps for inspiration when I’m creating." Marinette replied.
Adrien leaned in a bit closer, intrigued by her creative process. "Can I see?" he asked eagerly, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Marinette hesitated for a brief moment before nodding. She turned her notebook towards Adrien, revealing a series of intricate designs that showcased her talent and unique style.
The first page held numerous sketches of her and her friends in beautiful gowns. They all looked amazing. When he looked at the next page, however, his mouth dried. It was him. Or, well, Chat Noir, in a few different designs from Marinette. 
Suddenly, Adrien was struck by the urge to commission her. He’d wear those designs every day. He bit it back, however. As much as he might want to, he couldn’t reveal his secret identity. Not even to someone as perfect as Marinette.
"These are beautiful, Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed, genuinely impressed. "You're so talented. I especially liked the way that you drew Chat Noir." He winked up at her.
An adorable red blush lit up her face at the compliment, and she smiled gratefully. He needed to figure out how to get her to do that more often. She looked so cute with a flush on her cheeks. "Thank you, Adrien. That means a lot coming from you, being the son of a famous designer and all."
Encouraged by her positive reaction, he couldn't resist teasing her playfully. "You know, if you ever need a model for your designs, I'd be happy to volunteer."
Marinette's eyes widened in surprise, and then she burst into giggles, her laughter like music to his ears. "Sure, Adrien. I'll keep that in mind. If ever I make one of these frilly dresses, I’ll make sure that you’re the first one I call." She winked.
His heart quickened at her reaction, feeling dizzy with giddiness.
Wink! She winked at him. How was he meant to mentally function after that?
Adrien’s grin must have looked completely ridiculous as he couldn’t stop it from stretching wide across his cheeks. “I’ll be looking forward to it,” he replied, his voice filled with genuine excitement.
As the bell signaling the end of study hall rang, Adrien reluctantly tore his gaze away from Marinette who was laughing softly at his words. He made a mental note to find a way to bring up the topic of her designs again soon, maybe during their next study hall. 
After all, she had winked and laughed at him! That had to mean something... right? He wracked his brain, trying to remember if he had ever seen Marinette wink at anyone else. He couldn’t think of any which was a very pleasant thought.
As he walked to his next class, Adrien couldn’t shake off the image of Marinette’s sketches, especially the ones featuring Chat Noir. It was both thrilling and nerve-wracking to see himself depicted in her designs, knowing that she had no idea of his secret identity.
Maybe... maybe he could sneak over to her room one night, just to commission one of those designs. After all, if Adrien was able to take a peek at her designs, he figured she’d certainly let Chat Noir, a superhero, see them as well. With that plan in mind, Adrien’s grin stayed on his face for the rest of the day.
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crazychaoticizzy · 1 year
French Girl
note: this is a birthday present for my friend I hope you enjoy &lt;3
The poor boy from France that you'd run into on the ship had caught your attention, and you can't help but ask him to portray you the way he sees you.
WARNINGS: Titanic AU kinda, Fem!reader, fluff, nudity, suggestive but not explicit
Word Count: 3.1k
AOT Masterlist
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As you flip through the somewhat erotic sketches in the notebook you hold, you can't help but think about the hands that drew them.
The fact that being seen with him could completely ruin your reputation was the last thing on your mind as your fingers gently graze the edges of the pages, carefully admiring every detail in each drawing.
“You drew all these?” you ask, looking up at him.
Jean smiles, his eyes moving from your face to his notebook, and nods. “Yeah, all of ‘em.” His voice has an accent that yours doesn’t have, and you can’t decide if it’s because of the language he uses or something else. “Turns out lots o’ dancers in France are willin’ to drop their panties for me.”
Your jaw drops at his crude words, which makes Jean laugh. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees at he looks at his own drawings. The movement makes your kneecaps touch, and you find yourself subconsciously crossing your legs.
“Nah, m’just kidding. Well, mostly, anyway.” Another chuckle slips from his lips when he notices your slightly widened eyes. He gently grabs the notebook from your lap, flipping through the pages.
“Like this one,” he said, turning it to show you. It was a charcoal drawing of a woman and a man sitting at a table, the woman wearing an eyepatch and the man missing two fingers. “I approached ‘em in a pub one day and asked if I could draw them. The lady—well, they actually didn’t identify as a man or woman, they told me, but their name was Hange—seemed a lot more enthusiastic about it than Levi, the man. Anyway, they told me about their time in the military as I drew ‘em.”
You nod along to his words as you take the notebook back in your hands and admire the drawing. Even though your eyes are distracted you hold onto every word he says.
Upon further inspection, you notice the man’s right eye was white, barely a hint of an iris in the drawing.
“They both lost an eye while serving,” Jean continues, noticing how you seem to focus on that small detail. “Hange lost their’s completely, I’m pretty sure, and Levi went blind in his right.”
“I wonder what happened,” you softly muse.
Jean shrugged. “They didn’t really give details about their injuries, they really only told me about their dead comrades and training and such. Actually, their commander was someone I’ve drawn before—can I?”
You nod, handing him the notebook so he could flip through a couple more pages.
“They saw the drawing while I was looking for a clean page and asked about it. His name was Erwin Smith, and he was the thirteenth commander in their survey corps. Hange told me they were the fourteenth after him, and they passed it on to some blond boy named Armin before retiring. I think Armin is on this boat, actually.”
Jean turns the book back to you in the middle of his small rant, showing a blond man with thick eyebrows. You noticed that instead of a head shot like the other drawings, it was a full body portrait to show that he was missing his right arm.
“They spoke the world of him. It seemed like the three of them were incredibly close.”
Jean sounds sad talking about them, almost like he knew the ins and outs of their relationship personally. He might have, you suppose, because it seemed strangers spilled their hearts and souls to him during one single conversation.
“Are the first two a couple?” you ask.
Jean shrugs, handing you the notebook again so you can continue flipping through it. “Dunno. They seemed really close and like they trusted each other with everything they had, but never mentioned bein’ together.”
You nodded, flipping through more drawings. There were multiple of a young boy with dark hair and freckles throughout the journal, all dated very close to each other until you stopped seeing them. He must have been close to Jean, but you don’t ask about it since the last drawing of him was done years ago and seems unfinished.
“So, those French girls. Is there a reason they…” you paused, hesitating to repeat his earlier words. “You know.”
“Dropped their panties for me?” He smirks cheekily at you as you bite the inside of your cheek, nodding. “Nah, don’t think so. Though I do think they thought I would pay them back with something more erotic than what they got.”
“You drew a lot of dancers,” you comment as you flip through, noticing two or three drawings of naked women on each page.
“Jealous I’ve seen naked women before?” Jean teases, lightly nudging your knee with his.
Your lips tighten as you fight the urge to smile. “No, it was merely an observation.”
Jean laughs. “I was just teasin’. But they make for good anatomy practice. They can bend their body any way they want and stay for extended periods of time. They’re the perfect people to draw for practice.”
“And they have to be… bare?”
Jean shrugs. “Well it’s more difficult to draw bodies with all those bulky clothes they wear.”
You make an O shape with your mouth, unable to decide if he’s telling the truth or simply teasing you again.
It’s silent as you continue flipping through the pages, the soft ocean breeze being the only sound between you and Jean as he watches you.
You notice a black-haired woman appear multiple times throughout the notebook. She has short hair that frames her face perfectly, and there’s a mark just below one of her steel gray eyes.
“You liked this one,” you note, reading the small writing at the bottom of one of the pages. “Mikasa Ackerman. She’s very pretty.”
“What makes you say I liked her?” Jean asks.
“You drew her quite a lot.” Jean hums, but doesn’t say anything in response. “I believe there might have been something going on.”
You smile. You don’t turn to see, but you can feel Jean’s expression change as he continuously denies your claim.
“No, no, we were just friends. She was always at the dance studio when I went, so I was just always drawing her.” His cheeks are pink though, and when you turn to look at him he puts his hand over the bottom half of his face.
You hum condescendingly, turning back to the pages. “She was very pretty. I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point you developed feelings for her.”
“Yeah, she was.” Jean’s voice is soft, a whisper, almost. You keep your head down but glance at him, noting the way he fondly looks at the drawings.
“You did like her, didn’t you?” It’s not an accusation, and you don’t mean it to be. You make sure your voice is gentle when you say it, coaxing him to tell you more.
He’s still for a moment before he gives a single nod. “Yeah, I did.”
You can’t tell why his accent changes, but the way he said I sounded more like ah. You assume it might be due to him having been all over the world, and make a note to ask him about it another time.
“I eventually realized we would never happen. She was too high class for me.” Jean doesn’t sound sad about it, in fact he talks about it as if it’s a nostalgic memory for him.
“Just like I’m too high class for you?” The words slip from your mouth without thinking, and you immediately shut your mouth. But now that you’d said it, you realize that you’re right. You shouldn’t be seen with him. The blow that could do to your family, the rumors it could start. If the wrong person saw this it would be a one way ticket to poverty for your family.
Jean purses his lips. “Yeah. Jus’ like you.”
You softly nod, closing the notebook and handing it back to him. “Thank you for allowing me to see your artwork, Mister Kirstein.”
“It’s just Jean,” he said, grabbing his notebook and standing up with you. He tucks the leather bound book under his arm, bowing his head slightly. “Someone as posh and fancy as you shouldn’t be givin’ me titles like Mister.”
“Of course.” You gently bite the inside of your cheek, smoothing out your dress. “Well, I thank you anyway. And I suppose we shall see if we run into each other again on this boat.”
Jean gives one nod. “Maybe we will.”
You noticed that his responses were curt, and you took that as your cue to bow your head and walk away from him.
As you walked past a few people on your way back to your room, you noticed some giving you a glance, and you prayed to God that they wouldn’t let anything slip.
You giggled with Jean as you entered your room, closing and locking the door behind you after you made sure no one had seen you.
Apparently the wrong crowd had seen you two together when you were looking at his drawings. That had led to a lovely dinner with your family and fiancé which led to another series of events that had reconciled the two of you.
You remember being slightly buzzed when you asked if he could draw you, but he agreed nonetheless. He waited until there was no alcohol in your system and no one you knew was around before he asked if you still wanted him to draw you. You had nodded, following him to his cramped room before grabbing him by the hand and dragging him back to yours.
You weren’t exactly trying to be sneaky anymore, but you were still cautious of who was watching.
Jean stood in the center of your room in awe, mouth agape as he looked at the intricate wallpaper and fancy light fixtures and beautiful paintings leaning against couches.
“Is the lighting alright?” you asked, taking a step closer him him.
He hummed in question, closing his mouth and turning his head to you. “Oh, yes, yes. It’s fine. Perfect, actually, uhm…” He nodded once. “Yeah.”
You could tell he was nervous, but you weren’t sure why. It’s not like this was your first time alone together, and you certainly knew he had no problem sneaking around with you.
“Are you alright?”
He nodded again, averting his gaze to one of your paintings. “Is that Pixis?”
Your eyes followed as he stepped in the direction he was looking, noticing the mostly gray and red painting.
“Yes. You know him?” You stepped behind him, leaning over as he crouched down and softly touched the edge.
“I love his work. He was a Chief Official in the French army before he passed. He painted in his free time and most o’ his work depicts his time on the battlefield. There’s one he painted of giant beasts that he saw in his dreams.”
Jean’s eyes swept over the painting once more before he stood up, turning to you. “So, anything you want to be drawn by? Or with?”
It took you a moment to register what exactly he was asking about. You had been admiring his amazed expression, lost in the way his lips slightly curved while looking at your paintings.
You nodded. “Yes, give me just a moment and I’ll grab it.”
Jean nodded, softly scratching the back of his neck and looking around as you retreated to your sleeping quarters and opened the closet door.
You turned the dial on the safe to open it, retrieving the black box Eren had put in it at the beginning of the trip. You hesitated a moment, looking at the rock on your finger before taking it off and leaving it in the safe.
You returned to Jean, watching for just a moment as he admired another painting you had. Your approaching footsteps brought his attention to you, and when he turned he saw you opening the box.
You handed it to him, watching as he gingerly lifted the expensive necklace and looked at it in the light.
“This is a real nice necklace. Probably worth more than I am.” He softly laughed, glancing at you as he placed the box down on a side table. He lifted the necklace again, looking at it closely. “What is it, sapphire?”
“Diamond,” you replied, stepping closer to him. Your side pressed against his, and you felt him tense up slightly. “I want you to draw me wearing it.”
He briefly glanced at you again before looking back at the necklace. “Alright. Where?”
“Wearing only that.”
Jean paused, turning his head to look at you after the words left your mouth. He raised a brow, as if to ask if you were sure about your decision.
“I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. The dancers.”
You watched as the corner of his lips twitched, fighting the urge to smile. He placed the necklace back on top of the box, running a hand over his face. “You sure?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
He allowed his lips to curl into a charming smile as he gave you a once over before nodding. “Alright. What room?”
You gently grabbed his hand, leading him into the room next to yours and turning on the lights.
“Whatever pose you’d like,” you said. “Any lighting you’d like, as well. I only want you to draw me.”
He smiled down at you, handing you the necklace. “That I can do. Wanna undress here or should I wait?”
He softly laughed at your expression, gently patting your shoulder. “I’m only kiddin’. Go get ready while I set up.”
His hand traveled from your shoulder to your wrist, and he gently lifted your hand to his lips. He left a soft kiss on your knuckles, not breaking eye contact before he winked and walked further into the room.
While you undressed you heard something scraping around in the other room, stopping after a couple moments. You assumed Jean was moving around furniture and liked where he had placed it.
When you finished you slipped on a robe, tying it around the waist so it didn’t fall open before you wanted it to. You clasped the necklace around your neck, adjusting it so the large diamond sat in the middle.
When you walked back to the room Jean was sharpening a piece of charcoal. The fireplace had been lit, allowing an ethereal glow to outline him as he worked. You took a moment to admire him before he noticed you.
He softly smiled, his eyes sweeping over you as he stood straighter and put his blade down. You walked over to him, taking graceful steps.
“The last thing I need is another portrait where I look like a delicate flower. I want you to draw me as you see me, Jean.” You smiled at him, showing him the quarter held between your fingers. “And as a paying customer, I expect to receive what I ask for.”
Jean softly laughs as you place the quarter on the table. “And what if I see you as a delicate flower?”
“I know you don’t. Why do you think I asked you to draw me?” You watched him laugh in shock as you winked, taking a step back and seating yourself of the edge of the couch. "How should I pose myself?"
Jean looked you up and down, biting the inside of his cheek in thought. "Laying down," he said after a few moments.
You nodded, untying your robe and slipping it off your shoulders. You draped it on the arm of the sofa, turning your gaze toward Jean.
You watched as his eyes swept over you, trailing the edge of your shoulder as you laid back. He took you in for a moment, mouth slightly agape and eyes sparkling in awe.
He softly shook his head, bringing himself out of his trance as he gave you a once over again. "Life your arms above your head," he said, returning to that same thinking look you loved.
You did as he said, and when he stood from the chair and stepped forward to adjust your pose your breath softly hitched. You felt his warm hands along your arms, gently moving them to his will. You took a moment to admire his own face, the straight slope of his nose and the sharp line of his jaw. His lips looked soft, and you wondered for a moment what they might feel like against your skin.
He stepped back, crossing his arms as he assessed the pose he'd put you in before nodding to himself and sitting back down.
"Alright, don't move," he softly said. You nodded, which made him softly chuckle. "I said don't move."
"Well that was hardly moving," you replied, but a smile spread across your lips anyway.
You watched as he picked up a piece of charcoal and began drawing soft lines across the sheet of parchment. You watched the way his eyes followed the pencil, flicking between you and the drawing. The light coming from the fireplace made his irises glow, making them a beautiful honey color.
You watch as his long and elegant fingers move across the page, eventually staining themselves with the dark charcoal. You remember the many times he had lightly touched you, lingering for longer than he needed to. You remember how warm his hands were, and when you tried hard enough you could imagine they were on you again.
You're not sure who starts the conversation, but most of the time he draws is spent talking. The two of you exchange life stories. You tell him about your upbringing and the people you knew as a child and teenager and he tells you about his.
The entire conversation put into perspective how different the worlds you came from are, but you can't help but think that you were meant to find each other.
He stands when he finished, grabbing your robe from where it was draped and handing it to you. He only shows you the portrait once the robe is tied around you once again.
He's signing and dating it when you come up behind him, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder. You softly smile at it when he puts his drawing materials down, turning your head to leave a soft kiss on his lips.
"Thank you," you say.
He turns, your faces barely touching as he gazes into your eyes. "You're welcome."
He leans forward, leaving a quick, chaste peck on your lips.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! she doesn't have a tumblr account but she is amazing and I wish her the happiest year yet
also, should I make this into an au? idk I kinda liked it
anyways I hope you all enjoyed. as always likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated so please do that!
-Izzy <3
TAGGING: if you'd like to be notified whenever I write for Jean please comment or DM!
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beltransadie · 3 months
Small tidbits about my Still Into You 2ha animatic
Coz it's April, exactly one year from now was when I started completing it and I'm in the mood now. + I don't think I made a proper one + it won the twitter poll
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Check it out if you're interested... or not! I just want to dump my thoughts and fun facts that I thought of while making this.
To preface this, check them out if you haven't seen it yet: (Still Into You & Please Don't Leave Me)
If you've been hanging around my blog for a while, it's kinda evident that I did post a promo post for Still Into You back in January 2023. And that first part does have an in-depth explanation about what it covers (which is from the start to the first chorus).
If you're wondering why: TL;DR I can't work on An Act of Kindness coz I was back home from school for vacation and I thought of the idea during a trip.
Anyway, I ramble. Time to get to the actual discussion.
(spoilers!!) The Actual Discussion
Making the rest of Still Into You, unlike Mo Ran's feelings for CWN, was actually just straightforward. I already knew that it'd cover the rest of the book, given that I intentionally focused heavily on book 1 while making part 1.
Like part 1, part 2 was that type of animatic that just naturally flowed during the storyboarding and rough sketch process. The whole animatic is divided into three phases which covers the following: Book 1, Book 2 and 3, and lastly the Epilogue.
Book 1 I've already discussed in an earlier post here but I did find this interesting tidbit I wrote to my cousin:
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Anyways the discussion:
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Yeah I really wish I have a funny image to put here. I'm really enjoying looking back at my stuff and seeing my initial plans though.
Order at which I made each part.
One thing of note (and actually a common oversight I experience while doing storyboards coz I don't do timings) was that I storyboarded the frames when the vocals started and forgot the timings in between.
So I kinda had to fill the parts between part 1 and 2 last-ish? (don't really remember the proper timings).
Oh, oh! And another fun fact:
Still Into You Part 2 (Rough Draft)
Part 2 was initially done on my tablet in CSP so there's a whole different and rougher version of it. (pls lower the volume if you're wearing earphones)
Funnily enough, this took me like one sitting to finish and a whole lot of sessions to clean up. I do like this process though given that, around the time I drew this, I started leaning heavily into animation and prioritizing getting my thoughts across without care for cleanliness. (Something I felt held me back too much while making Please Don't Leave Me).
In fact, there are some obvious frames that I didn't really bother polishing up (mostly because they're too hard for me or they just flash by quickly). A glaring example is this frame from the third part:
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Another fun fact about the scene where TXJ shows CWN the plant he's been raising is it's actually inspired off of a doodle I made for someone in the Two Lifetimes CSE back in April 16 2023.
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I just really think that it's super adorable for them. Mo Ran in the the epilogue section alternates between TXJ and 2.0.
Aside from the plant, TXJ also appears in this frame which is inspired from one of the extras. Another silly intentional decision I did is to have him pour alcohol onto a cup and drink from the bottle.
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Meanwhile 2.0 appears here:
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The one on the left is also from (you guessed it) an extra! It's based from an offhand mention that CWN makes in one of them. (Let me know what your guesses are haha)
I kinda just jumped into the 3rd half of the song, huh? I hope my ramblings aren't too much! I just wanna let it flow naturally.
Returning to the topic of the storyboard, I really only had a rough idea of what I wanted for the 3rd half. The references to the extras and even Goutou's appearance just came when I was already putting it into frame. Like, this was what I initially had in mind for the 2nd chorus to the end.
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I think one of the notable differences is that I initially planned on doing the half MR half CWN screen transition the same way i did with chorus 1 and 2 but decided against it. In retrospect, I think it fits a lot because both aren't divided anymore.
Something about the second verse + chorus of the song
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Like in chorus 1 and chorus 3, this section of the song takes on a darker tone since it covers book 2 going into book 3. It's a lot to talk about so I'm gonna select a couple that I personally like that's worth mentioning and leave the rest to the viewers to guess.
Also sorry not sorry for those who got spoiled by the animatic lmao.
The confession scene
Another fun fact: The confession scene in Still Into You and Please Don't Leave Me are intentionally connected through the color palette.
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It's just that Still Into You takes a dump at how it treats it. Yes, the stick figures are intentional. It adds to the funny and tbh Still Into You really is just a feel good animatic. The comedy also serves as a whiplash to the angst hell that is the chorus 🥰.
(Insert obligatory CWN running at a tree meme here)
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My Favorite 2ha Moment
Gotta insert my favorite chapter here (ch 184) which I think is one of 2ha's peaks because it resolves CWN's doubts about MR's feelings all this times.
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And I'm just soo glad I could incorporate it in an animatic because it's so important to me. AND Like, 'yknow, I think it echoes the song very well because guess what MR tells CWN then?
“It has always been you."
That one frame before the chorus
There's like this moment before the second chorus starts where MR tells CWN something. I wanted it to echo ch 207 where MR felt the pressure of having to reveal that he actually is reborn and has memories of his past life.
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If this were animated I'd have had MR match the song and tell CWN "I'm still into you".
Anyways, here's the frame before it zooms in. Physically it's still at ch 207, but I wanted the shadows to imply what happens next which is the chorus.
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Other Bonus stuff
Ran out of stuff I wanna gush about so Imma talk about cut content.
XM and the MHX twins are supposed to have more frames (I didn't include it because it felt like it had too much energy)
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2. Ling'er and the village ranwan visits during farm arc is also supposed to make an appearance
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3. I forgot to animate the butterflies
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4. I was supposed to polish the sequence at 2:41 - 2:51 at one point.
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5. Fuck ow
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6. CWN was supposed to glomp MR at the reunion scene
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7. You and I
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anyways go watch it
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alicenpai · 3 months
art thoughts lately!! particularly about con prep ..
- i am getting tired of drawing chibis during con prep season 😔 like i mentioned before, i think im "good" at drawing them, but they are kind of uninteresting to draw. and i get bored after a while! i think that's why charms burn me out so fast. luckily my last "specialty" merch design was just submitted so . i can move on to prints and other designs now
- i still like designing charms but i think i might try portrait charms. which means that like . my charm catalogue will cover a less broad range of fandoms (?) bc portraits will take a lot more work + harder to draw characters i don't know well
- might also still do buttons bc i like the idea of having low cost options on my table (i.e. canadian con goers tend to have a lower purchasing power?) although i think i may have been under charging...... i might have to raise the price by a few cents, because again, they do take time to draw. i put unnecessary amounts of detailing in them . it sparks joy ok 😔 anything priced under like. $10 (?) will be a low cost merch option and i like the idea of still having my art be "accessible" and not just like. having $15-20 charms and prints
- i also want to lean more into like. stickers in the style of the baccano sheet i drew last year! i think it's a lot of fun to interpret a favourite series in this graphic design style. a lot of work and research but yeah
- i hate lineart again so it might be time to learn how to clean sketches again
- might also be time to crank out the chisel brushes again - whenever i see artists using the chisel brush it makes me miss my 2017-18 era art sm .... there's such a delicious flow in chisel brushes .. part of the reason i stopped using them is 1. i was getting tired of using the brush (though i think my 2019 art was a bit tame compared to the previous year), and 2. complications on my computer with photoshop and then having to move on to clip. i can't replicate the tilt sensitivity of my ps brushes (specifically the helen chen brushes) in clip ^__T so i had to learn to wield another set of favourite brushes. i know clip also has chisel brushes but this one was my favourite aughhgh. will have to dive into the brush settings window for like 2 hours again ..
- overall, im really looking forward to stickers and prints the most! esp prints! i have a greater vision of what i want to capture in my art, after doing the Halloween piece and the pandora hearts twin mirrors piece. i want to push my art in a more illustrative direction (thank you miss shirahama kamome of witch hat atelier you have changed my life), if it works out. ill definitely have to toss the old prints that don't suit my style anymore, though ill see about doing a "last call" to see if anyone wants em during anime north 🤔 if not they will be recycled hehe
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Lines drawn in Charcoal : Jason Todd x Male Reader.
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This will be the frist writing I've ever posted online, so I hope at least some one enjoys this. @n0cturna1-m3 here ya go!
Cw: mentions of scars, childhood truama, past truama in general, body image issues and self image issues.
Living in a safehouse with Jason has a roommate had it's ups and downs, no matter how many years you've know Jason. It was no secret he had been through a lot, only a small drop of that pain he's shared. Most he keeps in his head, if to remind himself he is still alive or to torture himself to stay in control. You were never sure.
That's what made scenes like this sobering, reminding you that he's still the sweet Jason under all the walls he built up. The Jason that no matter how much he tries to hide it, to cage it, he has a heart bigger than himself. This morning, Jason choose to spend in his favorite reading spot. Slumped in the red padded chair that caught his eye, while walking past the antique store. The thought of leaving the chair or even moving an inch, melted away has soon has your fluff ball decided to join him.
The cat had falling asleep purring hours ago; Jason's attention was only focused on the book that he was half way through. And where were you? You were sat on the couch with your sketchbook and charcoal pencils, capturing each soft and rough line of the handsome man.
Making sure to get every detail and proportion right; his sharp jawline, the soft lines of his lips, his brows knitted in concentration. More importantly how relaxed he was, where he wasn't on edge and paranoid. That the next corner he turns someone will be someone with a gun pointing at him, or worse, someone he cares about.
During one of the times you were looking down at your sketchbook, Jason finally pulled out of the fantasy world he was so engrossed in. Probably from the not so subtle sound of the pencils dragging in short or long strokes on the paper.
' Whatcha drawing now?' he inquired, with his own hypothesis that you were drawing the fluffy croissant in his lap. 'Just my world' you replied causing a sign to leave Jason's lungs at how cryptic the answer was. Sure it still could very well still be the cat, you drew the little whiskered demon everytime she was still. With the vague answer though, it could be a sketch of the city, to your favorite food.
' Ya gonna give me any hints or am I gonna have to geuss on my own?', Jason knew you loved when people tried to geuss what you were drawing. He also loved the weird ass guinea pig like noise that came from your throat, when someone didn't geuss correctly. 'the sketch is of a living thing' now you were intentionally being vague to draw out the game.
' Let me geuss, is it the ball of fluff in my lap? That for some reason, you took one look at, and named spleens??', Jason interrogates with a humored toned. The unique chuckle coming from your vocal cords, was he needed to hear to know he was wrong. 'for the record I explained why I named her spleens, when I first brought her home with me. And Nope! It's a human, a handsome and strong one at that'.
Handsome and strong? Jason had to think harder with that answer; my world, handsome and strong. Was it a trick answer and you were referring to poetry? 'Atlas??', he replied, perplexed. His answer was met with more of a laugh this time, he assumed he got too far away from the answer. You laughing frustrated him,' Fine, enough of the game. I give up, who are drawing?'. He didn't care about winning anymore, just wanting to know the answer.
' It's you', the answer and smile you gave was so simply, but it cut through Jason deeper and with more weight than of of the League of assassins' blades ever could. Him? Your world? Handsome and strong? Jason couldn't see where you were coming from, or more so his insecurities wouldn't allow him too.
This had to of been a sarcastic answer and you actually drew someone else, it has to be. He's seen himself in the mirror, he knows he's not anything but disgusting. He's not handsome, his body looks like a living corpse, all the damn scars that covered his body. The walls felt like they were closing in, there was ringing in his ears. His image, his face, his body changing in the mirror being distorted. Taunting him, proving that no matter how much he tries to move on from what joker did to him, he'll never be anything more than what Joker made him. The memories of his biological father screaming about how much hates him, Batman -
' Jason!', your worried voice and your gentle hands touching his face, with the other on his arm brought him back to the present. He hadn't realized he had been shaking or the panic that exploded out of his chest. 'Breathe, you're going to past out if you don't. Focus on me, follow my pace of breathing.', he did has you said syncing his breathe with yours.
Once Jason finally calmed down fully you asked why he just had a panic attack, 'You don't have to share all of it, you can just give me the cliff notes'. He doesn't know what he did to deserve someone so understanding. 'When you said those things about me, my thoughts got the better of me. Reminding why I can't be any of those things', he stated still a little shakey.
'Do you want to see what I see you had?', he was hesitant, no he was scared to see it, but your voice sounded so reassuring. He trusted you,' If you think it would help, then yes', you gave him the finished sketch. His mind didn't allow him to believe fully that someone could see him like this, he looked normal, he looked so happy. You held his hand and flinched, like he was still on fight or flight.
'When I see you, I don't see you has your trauma or a victim. I see you has a survivor. You aren't who you are, because of joker or anyone else. You made yourself who you are, despite what happened to you.', you took a breathe giving that chance to look him in the eye.
'I read somewhere that in some Asian cultures, when a plate breaks they mend it back together with gold.', Jason felt like he couldn't breathe, he didn't know what to say. 'You aren't something that needs to be fixed has if you were brand new, that's not how truama works. But if let me, can I help mend those wounds with gold? To help build you back up?' Jason couldn't stop the tears that welded up and fell down his face. He pulled into the strongest hug he could muster, he never knew he need to hear those words, until you said them.
You let him cry has long has needed, he's been holding those emotions in for so long. He finally answers the question in a shaky voice, so small you almost didn't hear it.
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jayskaiart · 3 months
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💚 2021 - 2022 SKETCHBOOK TOUR 💚
ah my 2021 sketchbook,,,, i love it and i hate it. idk. i was going through so much shit back then (the bugbear page is proof enough of that i think lol), but somehow i managed to draw a lot and have a pretty sketchbook (even if it has some cringe drawings). Though i have to say, many pages are just sketches i drew in class that i sticked there lmfao i didn’t actually draw that much.
i used this sketchbook a bit during 2022 but most of the art is from 2021... i wasn’t able to finish this sketchbook because it brings me back many bad memories and i wanted a fresh start, but looking back this is definitely my favorite sketchbook and i hope i can make another sketchbook like this soon ;w; it’s so colorful and aesthetically pleasing lol i love it
btw i'll post my 2022-2023 sketchbook tour soon too !
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Mayhaps I request Sodo finding out u constantly sketch n draw him for fun n subconsciously n when he confronts u about it u say it’s bc he’s pretty and u love him n he’s confused bc he looks just like the other ghouls but he doesn’t know he’s the first ghoul u ever saw and liked in every kinda way
I stg I actually had this premise jotted down in my notes for Copia. Sodo works a lot better for it tho <333
He had always seen you with a sketchbook in hand, often scribbling down whatever was in front of you. He had seen Swiss post for you several times, in those cliché poses one would see in life study sketches. He thinks he’s seen Aether volunteer a few times, though he always seemed stiff whenever he stood in front of you. Rain’s anxious smell had made him dizzy the one and only time he actually posed for you, and Mountain had stayed still long enough as he lazed on the couch for you to do a quick sketch of him. Even the ghoulettes had giggled as you snapped a quick picture of them to use later.
In the beginning you had asked him a few times to be your model, and he had complied. For a price, of course. Just a little of your blood. It was like a treat. And though he would never admit it, he was flattered whenever you asked, melting against your hands whenever you would help him into the position you wanted for the sketch.
But lately, you hadn’t approached him. Sure, he still saw you here and there, your pencil scratching against the paper as you drew. You had even sat in during their practices a few times, and Papa had been so flustered when you asked him to strike a pose among the others. He wondered just what your sketchbook looked like and how everything was pieced together.
He got his wish when you had left it behind during mass. He knew it was yours by the personalized cover – an old gift from Terzo if he remembered correctly. He picks the little book up, flipping through the pages. He remembers these poses he struck for you. A smile tugs at his lips as he sees the sketch you did when he gave you Baphomet’s signature pose. You had inked it, adding little details in red. He thought it was cute.
As he continues through the pages, he decides to sit down on the pew. There’s no surprise when he sees multiple poses of Swiss and a few of Mountain speckled in here and there. There’s also Aether and he loves how you added on the ghoul’s rings and bracelets. He even sees Copia and Terzo on a couple pages.
But then he gets a little surprise. The next several pages are all of… him? Casually sitting at the tables during lunch, him tuning his guitar, even a really quick one of when he had flipped off Aether during practice. Had you… had you been sketching him all this time without him knowing?
“Oh! Hey, Sodo.” He picks his head up, staring at your face. “I see you found my sketchbook.”
“I didn’t know you drew me.” It comes tumbling from his lips as he gestures to the book. “Like… a lot, too. I thought you just had people pose for you?”
“Catching everyone in their uh… natural habitat makes for better sketches.”
“But… me?”
“Well, yeah.” You give him a smile. “I love drawing you. You’re also pretty, so like… bonus points.”
“I’m not special,” he huffs out. “I’m just a ghoul like the others.”
You walk over to him, taking the sketchbook from his hands and setting it aside. “Aether has a nose ring. You don’t.” Your fingers thread through his long hair and he finds himself leaning into your touch just that little bit. “None of the ghouls have long, soft hair like this.” Your hand moves to his cheek, cupping his face. “No one else has your facial structure or those soft eyes.” His face heats up as you kiss his forehead. “And no one else will ever be my favorite model.”
“I…” His tail flicks wildly behind him. He was actually your favorite? A smile appears on his face again. “And here I was, thinking that Swiss was your favorite.”
“He gives me good poses,” you tell him. “but no one is… natural like you are. You always keep me guessing and you always do something new. You’re different.”
“Now you’re just trying to make me blush.”
“And I can see that it’s working.”
“Shut up!” Still, you two are smiling at each other. His arm is laying across the back of the pew, his head dipping down to lay on top of it as he lets out a soft, thoughtful hum. “So, you think I’m pretty, huh?”
“Very.” He moves a little closer to you, a smile on his face.
“Well, maybe I could show you how pretty I am in other places.”
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mararabbit · 2 months
How did you learn to draw as well as you do? Do you have any tips or advice?
Ah, thank you! I’m still learning a lot myself, but I can try to give some tips! Take me with a grain of salt though because I’m not a great teacher.
1) Simple volumes help so much during planning/sketching. Drawing a few circles and lines just to know where things are can help so much with proportions and posing.
Though of course people make use of them in many ways. Like drawing 3D boxes to get the volume down or just drawing 2D circles to get your bearings.
2) Have fun! Draw what you like, and indulge in whatever you’re interested in. I have also found that fanart is so good for exploring your style and enjoying yourself. I draw my OCs and UTDR stuff a lot because I just love them so much, and I’ve been seeing improvement.
3) Use reference! Also it’s crucial to remember, because I struggle with this so much, (this applies more to a stylized look) you don’t have to copy every detail you see.
For the longest time I avoided reference because whenever I drew it, the drawing look nothing like the image. You are not using reference to just draw the image, you are studying how certain things look in that image. How clothing folds, how you can show those folds in a simpler way. How the body bends and overlaps, and how you can try to visualize that in a way that’s easy to draw.
I have found that drawing my OCs doing or wearing whatever I’m studying to be so helpful.
4) Get feedback! If you don’t like how a drawing looks, even a sketch, it can be hard not to just trash it. Maybe from time to time if you’re struggling with something, ask around in friendly communities with artists. It’s helped me before, but I need to do it more often.
5) And last but not least, every artist is unique and special in their own way. Yeah, their styles are all different, but beyond that is our process.
Everyone draws in a different way, down to how we start a drawing. All tips and tricks you hear from artists are based on their own experiences and stuff. I’ve tried so many different methods and they just don’t click with me.
I can’t get the hang of using 3D shapes, so I just don’t usually. I don’t use the line of action a whole lot because it just doesn’t work in my head yet.
It’s all about that sweet practice so you can experiment with a bunch of stuff and figure out what is best for you.
I hope these help, at all?? I’m not great with advice, as my own thoughts are constantly shifting. But I’m very confident in my answers.
Also thank you again!!!!
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clydiepie · 1 year
can I request some hcs of clyde with a reader who loves to draw him? they always doodle him in their sketchbook, in the corner of their notes, etc etc. ty!
Clyde x reader who likes to draw!
Thank you so much to everyone that has sent me requests! I will try to do them as fast as I can! I really liked this one (y'all know I love my Clyde) so I hope you like it! I used she/her pronouns since you didn't specify I hope that's okay!
Clyde Donovan x reader who liked to draw (pre-existing relationship)
She/her pronouns
baby boy clyde<3
cw: none!
Clyde knew you loved to draw
Whenever the two of you were together you normally had your sketchbook in hand
You were always pretty private about what you drew and you never wanted him to see, even though he was so curious
Even in class you constantly doodle on the pages of your notebook not really paying a lot of attention.
Cylde would notice you constantly stealing glances at him during the lecture but he thought it was nothing
At lunch, you sat with Clyde and his friends Craig and Tweek
"Hey babe you seemed a little distracted during class, so I got Kyle to send me a copy of his notes for you." Clyde smiled shoving a forkful of food in his mouth and chewing contently
You blushed remembering what had captured your attention during class
"Oh you didn't have to do that, I appreciate it though" You smile scooting closer to him at the lunch table
Clyde just hummed in contentment as he wrapped a strong arm around your waist
After your last class was done you met Clyde by your locker where he always waited for you
You gathered your things and Clyde wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you both walked toward the front doors
But just before you could reach the door Butters came running around the corner and knocked your books out of your hands making papers fly everywhere.
Butters starts to profusely apologize rambling on about how Cartman needed him quickly for some scheme
You tell him it's no worries as you bend over to collect your things
You look down at the ground to see Clyde has already started to gather the papers that had flown every which way
You see his face turn a dark shade of red as he examines a particular piece of paper. the one you just so happened to be doodling on in class
He looks up at your embarrassed face and asks "Is this me?"
"Ha um yeah.." you explain shyly as you rub the back of your neck
He calmly stands up and folds the paper into a square and sticks it in his pocket
Before you can ask what he was doing he spoke up again
"I'm keeping this, I hope you don't mind." he smiles and hands you all the other paper he gathered
"You don't think it's weird." you laugh
"Not at all, I think it's cute you're obsessed with me." He smirks putting his hands on your waist and drawing you in close
"Don't let this go to your head." you giggle
"Too late." he mumbles before pulling you in for a kiss
I also think after his he would want to look at your art all the time
Like all of it even the stuff not about him or stuff you think is "bad"
He is without a doubt your number 1 fan for sure
I can imagine him standing in a Micheals craft sore for an hour trying to pick out a good gift for you
"Fine tip? what does that even mean?" he would mumble to himself
He also defiantly brags to all his friends about your talent
"Guys Y/N drew this sketch yesterday, isn't she so talented?' he would gush
He is definitely the type to go behind your back and swipe some pieces to put in his locker
In between classes, he liked a little reminder of you to look at (but when you found out he had stolen your art you defiantly let him have it)
One day he was at his locker with the boys and Cartman had dared to make a comment about the goofy sketch you had made for fun taped up in Clyde's locker
"Dude, what is that?" Cartman laughed pointing at the picture
"Y/N drew that for me so shut the fuck me." Clyde barked
On your anniversary Clyde tried his hardest to draw something nice for you, he tried to draw the two of you together on your first date.
"Oh it's so cute...what is it?" you sheepishly laughed
"It's us! can't you tell?" he huffed, his face as red as his coat
"Ohhhh I see it now." you smile at him, taking his hand in yours
After that, he vowed to take an art class next year so maybe one day he could draw you something not so shitty
If any of your art was ever displayed anywhere Clyde would hype you up to no end
"My girlfriend is so talented." he beamed at you with pride looking at a piece you made hung up
"Clyde it's just on your fridge." you laughed
"Hey, that's a place of honor babe."
I hope you liked that! I kinda got carried away but I just liked his prompt so much!!! Have a great day!!!
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urukaart · 29 days
vigilante joker au… I NEED THE LORE !
The BatFam doesn’t know he’s joker??? How did this happen???
i apologize for any mistakes, english is not my first language. i really REALLY tried to make everything make sense.
okayyy so i didn't think about this in detail, but joker disappeared in some accident 2 years before jester appeared. naturally, everyone thought that at one point in time, impersonators would appear, and no one really questioned him. timeline-wise, it happens somewhere after jason quits being a robin (in this au, he never dies because i want my baby to be happy for once), and tim becoming a robin (so tim becomes robin after few month of jester running around).
bruce tried to unmask jester at first. when he was about to, j said, "please, don't spoil the fun." he smiled, "i know you're a control freak, bats. i'm playing by your rules. so can't i just go out and have some fun without you knowing what i like for breakfast or what?"
bruce abandoned the idea after it. didn't track him, didn't dig into him, though he REALLY wanted to. he had to respect jester not wanting to be unmasked.
as for jokers motive, it's all just fun and games. he wanted to have a peak at the other side of the batman.
harleen (her pseudonym is harlequin in this au) appears separately from joker. jester often fights her for "stealing his gimmick".
i imagine jester using a lot of kid toys. toy knives, giant toy hammer, jack-in-the-box toys with smoke, etc. bombs attached, toy guns, that sort of thing. he's just goofing around, painting the town rainbow.
j nearly crosses the line during his manic episodes. bruce slowly learns how to deal with them, the others don't understand why he gives jester so many chances. bruce thinks he can prevent him from becoming another joker. though it's really hard sometimes because jester reminds him of joker a little too much.
bruce reveals first (joker really asked him not to). he never feels like he can trust jester enough, but he needs jester to trust him. it happens during jokers panick attack (i didn't really think about the details) and somehow manages to calm him down, but makes things even worse in the long run.
i imagine two possibilities for jokers reveal, one purposeful and other accidental. in purposeful in happens randomly. they're just sitting and talking one moment, and the other joker is without his hat and mask, staring, waiting for bruces reaction. in accidental, it happens when while fighting, they get thrown into a water. when they come out and bruce looks at the jester, he starts staring. joker doesn't understand why. his lipstick and eyeshadow partly washed away, revealing more of the white skin. bruce walks up to him and runs a finger along his cheek, trying to wipe the white paint off, and joker slowly understands how fucked he is.
this reveal can go two ways, too. they either try to make it work or return to the old ways. i'm an angst hater (🤞) so i imagine them trying to make it work.
i drew a lot of inspiration from the "half way across" fanfic and telltales "the enemy within". well, you can tell.
i think i told everything i imagined yet. ty for asking!!:p i may post more about it if i'll get some new ideas. so i'm creating a tag to find allat easier!! andd i'll go post new sketches of this au now!!
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