#I like the idea of both of them pinning because they know their relationship would never work
the-s1lly-corner · 1 day
CRP characters crushing on the reader 1/?
Not sure how many parts this will be split into, probably 2 or 3 we will see! If the character you want isnt here check the other parts! If they aren't in any parts assume I dont write for them! Ben will not be included in this series
Characters: Slenderman, Splendorman, Masky, Hoodie, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Puppeteer
Notes: reader is GN but focus is mainly on canon characters
CWs: canon typical stuff, stalking/observing
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Honestly the idea of an old forest creature developing feelings for you is kind of flattering, at least it is to me. Especially when you headcanon that said creature can kind of sense what kind of person you are, without needing to directly interact with you. Assuming you both haven't interacted, you notice flowers placed in areas of the forest you walk around and visit a lot. You also notice a looming presence but you can pin point where it's coming from, you just know you're being watched. Observes you from afar, and the only reason you ever catch him it because he lets you see him. Not a traditional relationship or one that forms with a confession, more like... you both growing more and more attached to each other as he assimilates himself into your life. I can see him doing this in general, regardless of if he feels ends up being romantic or not.
Not as reclusive as his brother, he's more open to approaching you and trying to strike a bond. Here's to hoping you don't freak out from being approached by this tall lanky monster! Puts off asking you out for a while to give you some time to get used to him and for a proper relationship to build. Keeps track of everything you've ever said to him and uses it to get on your good side. Gifts, ideas for activities, and so on! He likes letting you talk, and he lets you vent to him. His advice can border a bit on toxic positivity, but he does do his best to actually take in what you're saying. In a way you can say he's obsessed with you, but it's more of a puppy love kind of way as opposed to how some other characters may be... which we will get into later!
A watcher, keeps a close eye on you before even thinking of interacting with you. Darts out of sight before you turn around and manage to catch a glimpse of him. Leaves things on your doorstep, things he's picked up on you enjoying. He still does this if the two of you are already familiar with each other, sometimes he even does it if you're letting him stay in your house. Protective, as well, so you won't ever have to worry about anyone attempting to come hurt you or otherwise mess with you! He's kind of like a cat in regards to watching from afar but not wanting to get directly involved, kind of shrinks away from any affection or moves you throw his way. Weird shit.
He's very similar to Masky, but he's more likely to mess with you and get your attention. Leaving notes, or letting you catch peeks of him before he decides to come interact with you in person. If you ever go outside, he leaves you some thing he's found while out and about in the woods. Cool rocks or small sticks, things like that! More likely to approach you and/or accept any attention you throw his way than Masky is, actually he enjoys when you return the energy and you're just as weird as him.
Congrats, you've found an old music box that looked cool... little did you know you now have a secret admirer. Definitely the type to make a version of you in his head before he even interacts with you. I think it would be a coin toss on whether you live up to his expectations or let him down. I mean even if you do, he still wants to know everything about you. Open flirt and a tease when you get used to his presence. A yapper, through and through. He's going to be all over the place in an attempt to keep your attention on him and he visibly wilts and pouts when you need to put it somewhere else. Very openly affectionate, as well.
One of the few that would not end up confessing his feelings unless you did it first. I always tend to write him as hermit and a recluse, not wanting to interact with others given the whole... eating flesh thing... and the bloodlust hc I have. He likely saw you through stalking another person, or maybe you were the person he was originally planning to harvest from. Who knows! You just know that you went from feeling like you were being watched and followed to becoming hyper aware that those signs just... stopped... It's a little unnerving... You notice a gift on your doorstep, and that's it. Like someone was trying to make up for something. He internalizes his feelings a lot, too. This actually makes him angrier with his situation since it's another part of his life he can't get back. Botched human sacrifices, am I right?
You notice your things being moved or outright going missing. Sometimes they look used. Unlike other characters that watch from afar before making themselves known, Puppeteer can't help himself and he wants to get in your face. You kind of get a ghost roommate, soo... have fun! Teases and flirts with you to your face, if you ever return the same energy he doesn't let you know how much it affects him. Deflects by turning it back on you. Demands your attention like Jack, but he's more... hmm.. about it. He doesn't outright say he wants you to pay attention to him but he finds ways to make you pay attention. If that makes sense...
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
Wait before I go to bed I do have one ship I need to mention: Fox/Deuz. Because I've been thinking a lot about them lately.
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bonitanightmxres · 10 months
Break the Rules || JOHN PRICE
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PAIRING: Captain John Price x f!reader
SYNOPSIS: Months after breaking up, you and price agree to a “no strings attached” relationship to fill the void in your lives—but it proves to be harder than anticipated when you both start to catch feelings again.
WARNINGS: smut, 18+ mdni, angst, language, some kinda fluff i think lol
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Price’s breath becomes heavy as you lay underneath him, wrists pinned to the bed. He mutters a string of curses as he thrusts into you, hips meeting yours. You can tell not by his pace, but by the force with which John digs into your hips with his hands as he grabs hold of you that he’s had a rough day. So rough, in fact, that he’s being rough with you; because on those days, you woke up the next morning with purple bruises that perfectly matched the shape of his fingers.
When your hands traveled along his body, and found their grip on his back as your nails dug into the skin, he shuddered. Obviously, you’d done it on purpose, knowing full well how to elicit that kind of reaction– it wasn’t your first time doing that to him. You were gentle, though, just barely grazing the skin as you scratched his back, careful to not be too rough. You both knew the rule– no visible marks. After all, you had appearances to keep. If he were to change in the locker room with his team in the vicinity, he didn’t need all the questions as to where he got all the marks on his back from, and he especially didn’t need them to ask about you; and you, for one, could really do without having to waste makeup on hiding hickeys and bruises again. But, you did wonder what it might be like if you did happen to break the rules a little. Just thinking about other people seeing the marks you’d leave on his skin the way you used to, made your heart race; or if he just let loose every once in a while and accidentally lost himself in you, and left a hickey or two on your shoulder peeking out of the collar of your shirt so that your friends could see; and they could ask you who left it, and you’d giggle shyly, telling them about your rekindled romance. 
Yeah, that was something you’d sell your soul for.
With the way he begins to slow down and make sure that he’s inside you as deep as possible with every languid thrust tells you that he’s close. He was easy to read like that. As he buries his head in your neck, the hair of his beard tickles your skin and his deep groans become louder for you to hear. You place your hands on the back of his head, softly tugging at his hair, coaxing the orgasm out of him the way that you’d done before, knowing that it always made him cum just a little bit harder. You smirk a little when you’re proven right and feel him twitch; all he can muster out is a breathy “fuckin’ hell”. When his body collapses next to yours, you have half the mind to curl up closer to him, to nuzzle your way around his arm and place a hand on his chest and feel his heartbeat. But that would be too intimate– and that’s against the rules.
Sex was just sex. Simple as that– two consenting adults in an agreement to use each other without any kind of romantic feelings. And who better to be in this kind of agreement with than your ex-lover? The one who knew everything about you, down to how to make you writhe and beg for more. The rules in this agreement were his idea, so as to not get confused, given your history with each other. And you had been perfectly fine with them at the time.
But that all began to change.
“I’m gonna shower. You’re more than welcome to join me,” you say cheekily as you enter the bathroom, and he chuckles slightly. “But if you’re gone by the time I get out, have a good day. Tell the boys I say hi.”
He was always gone by the time you finished showering after sex. And tonight was no different. But that didn’t stop you from wishing that maybe one night you’d come back to find him sleeping soundly in your bed again. Or that you’d wake up in the middle of the night with his arm draped over you, thumb softly rubbing your arm as he drifted off to sleep because that’s how he fell asleep the fastest. You scoffed at yourself in the mirror as you combed the tangles out of your hair.
How pathetic, you thought. You’re over here losing your fucking mind dreaming up some perfect little fairytale where you and John Price live happily ever after when you’re the reason you’re broken up in the first place. Hell, for all you knew, there was some other girl waiting for him in her bed too. But maybe he took his time with her, talked with her about things other than work or the weather; or better yet, maybe on her bad days, he didn’t know what to do, so he just held her. Or maybe he was the one who confided in her, and talked through his frustrations with her and thanked her for being there for him, instead of taking out his frustrations on her with her ass up and face in the pillows like he did with you. Obviously, you weren’t complaining about that, but you wanted more. You wanted the relationship that you and Price had agreed to keep out of whatever this was. No other woman had known him like you did—how he liked his breakfast in the morning, and that he preferred to spend his weekends out and about, but appreciated weekends spent inside the house. And the thought of him going to someone else for the things he used to go to you for, made you sick. 
Physically and emotionally ill.
But it wasn’t that John was some animal, some kind of alpha type who didn’t suddenly didn’t care about you and your feelings, since technically you weren’t together anymore. That wasn’t the case at all—it was the opposite. He always made sure to talk to you, make sure you were good to go, or that you were okay afterwards, and that was the problem, ironically. John Price treated you like something more than just the woman he was fucking and somehow in the middle of all the complexities and hesitations, he made you feel like you were his again and you fucking hated it. You hated it because it hurt too much to admit that you missed him. If only he’d been mean, or treated you like you meant nothing to him–then your life would’ve been easier.
But, no.
Instead, he treated you as he always had done, even way back when you were dating; from greeting you with a smile to offering to help clean you up if need be—but you never let him, electing to take a shower each time instead. Not because you didn’t want him to, but because you couldn’t stand to sleep while smelling of him, not when you couldn’t call him yours. With every quick hug or kiss on the head, he only made you fall harder, which went against the whole foundation of what you guys had. It was rule number one, and you had gone and fucked up and broken it like a fool.
A couple weeks had gone by since the last time John had heard from you. Every time the ding of his phone went off, he hurried to it, hoping that it might have been you. Of course, none of his notifications were you, as he’d kept your conversation muted on the ‘do not disturb’ setting on his phone. It was too risky. If his task force ever caught a glimpse of your name in his phone or any of the messages, he’d never hear the end of it. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed by you, but more so that he had a reputation to keep. How was it going to look if he, the captain, were distracted? If something went wrong on a mission, he’d blame himself for being too caught up in his own world than paying necessary attention to what really mattered.
That’s what he told himself anyway, and for a while, he believed it.
But it drove him fucking crazy. If he could, he’d go back to that Monday night all those months ago, and ignore the tension between you as you tried to talk through your relationship; he’d put aside his own desire and he’d stop himself from making the second worst decision of his life by declining your proposal to continue seeing each other with “no strings attached”. But if he really could, he’d go back to the beginning of that stressful phase in your relationship that took a toll on both of you; and he’d stop himself from making the worst decision of his life–letting you go.
Every time you sought each other out, he became more addicted than the last. And John knew it was starting to affect you too, he hoped it did. With the way you’d softly touch him when you thought he’d fallen asleep, or the way you wanted to just talk with him. He saw it in your eyes when you held back, wanting more so desperately but were afraid to do it, afraid that you’d push him away. 
And when you sent him a text during the third week of not having heard from you, he knew he was ruined for good.
You promised yourself that you wouldn’t do it, that you’d keep your urges to yourself and find some other way to satiate the hunger that ran rampant through your body. But there was nothing like John and there was no way you were going to be satisfied until you had him.
So there you were, sat on top of him, legs on either side of his waist as you take every bit of him inside, and ride him in a way that his cock hits your walls with every movement of your hips. He sits up on the bed, while his big hands keep you in place. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, pulling him close so that you’re chest to chest. Hiding your face in his neck, you want to scream his name, but you hold back, biting your bottom lip and only allowing yourself to quietly moan. But the way that he holds your waist, guiding you up and down, or forward and back in such a way that he knows makes your body react more, makes it harder to keep control. You need more. You want more, but it feels so fucking good right now that you’re practically put into a trance, like you’re moving on autopilot with not a care in the world. Your vision becomes blurry, and your brain is consumed with the feeling of ecstasy that comes with riding John like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do.
“Nghhh,” you cry out when you feel his cock hit just the right spot, nearly making you cum right then and there that you have to grab onto his shoulders for support and lift your head. “I-I’m… God, fuck–”
“That’s it,” he coos, trailing his hands up your body, giving your breasts a rub and a pinch to your nipples, sending a sudden shock through your body. “That’s my girl.”
He didn’t mean to say it, it just came out in the heat of the moment and he regretted it as soon as the words fell off his lips. Price wanted to apologize, but he feared he’d be making a big deal out of nothing because, of course, it was just sex. Maybe you didn’t even realize what he’d said. Still, “my girl” was way too out of line. It was reserved for those people in relationships, the ones who talked about their feelings and waited for the other to get home from work. “My girl” was what he had called you before and he hadn’t said it since until now.
Your whines fill the room and they show just how much you need him tonight. Nearly reaching your climax, it’s like a red alarm went off in your head—you don’t want it to end. Because when you cum–which won't be too far off in the future–John will leave and you’re left alone again, as always. So you slow down your impending high as much as you can, slowing the rock of your hips and slowing the way your body slides up and down on his cock. It was supposed to help keep your orgasm from crashing down on you, but the way you’re suddenly forced to feel every inch of him, every vein so slowly, it feels like it’s going to make you burst. The knot in your stomach grows, and you can feel your body desperate to let go and feel the wave of desire wash over you. And the way that John’s practically an expert when it comes to your body makes it hard. He knows exactly where to touch you, how to make you cry out for more, and he’s using that to his advantage. The way your eyes turn glossy, with not a thought behind them spurs him on and inflates his ego. He wants you to cum, he wants you to come undone on top of him, right before his eyes, knowing that it’s his cock that’s got you losing control of your own body. He couldn’t care less about his own pleasure, but with what you’re doing and how absolutely fucking beautiful you look while doing it, he’s not far behind you. He flexes and thrusts his hips back into you so hard that his skin slaps against yours. John is just as eager as you, but he’s not the one trying to hold off from cumming. He knows you want it too, if not more than he does, and every time he bucks into you, you can feel him subtly pick up his pace.
“J-John… wai–”
It’s too late, you can’t even finish your sentence before tension within you snaps and euphoria clouds your mind. And you’re still coming down from your high as John continues to fuck you, his thrusts becoming more erratic and sloppy. This was his favorite—well, aside from having your lips around his cock and fucking your throat—watching you ride the waves of your orgasm; whether you were on top or underneath him, there was something angelic about the way you fluttered your eyes, trying to keep them open; and the way that he could see your cheeks turn red, even in the darkness of night with only the dim brightness from the string of lights around your room. The sinful sight of your gorgeous form above him is what sends him right over the edge and leaves him in a cloudy state of mind.
When you both catch your breath, he shifts his body backward onto the bed, and lays down. Gently, he guides you down, allowing you to lay on him for a moment, which isn’t necessarily new, but it makes you feel complete. Your head lays on his shoulder, while a hand of his travels up and down your back. The roughness of his palm and fingers send shivers down your spine, and threaten to lull you to sleep.
John brushes the hair out of your face with his fingers, wanting to get a better look at you in your peaceful state; he had to admit, though, this might be his new favorite sight. Your eyes open, and you look at him, confused. There was a soft tiredness behind them, that reminded him of a waking puppy. And god, every time you blinked with those eyes, he was willing to ruin his life a hundred different ways.
The rough pad of his thumb swipes across your cheek. Staring at your lips, he leaned forward and kissed you, catching you off guard when his tongue brushed your bottom lip and easily slipped into your mouth. It’d been so long since he kissed you like this; with such fervor, such desperation, like suddenly his life was dependent on tasting you, and your heart pounds as John kisses you eagerly, so hungrily. But as much as you’d been conjuring up scenes in your mind about what this would finally feel like, you can’t help but wonder if this is all just some cruel dream that you’ll wake up from in a matter of minutes; you can’t enjoy this, your mind refuses to let you because he’s just broken his own rule and he doesn’t seem to care.
Pulling away quickly, you climb off of him, and search for your clothes scattered all over the place, “I-I can’t do this anymore, John.”
He’s taken aback, watching you hurriedly pull a t-shirt over your head and not realizing that it’s actually inside out. John gets up, pulling his clothes on too, and follows you into the living room of your apartment. You’re grabbing his things, shoving them into his arms like you’re a teenager trying to rush a boy out of her parent’s house.
“Hang on a minute,” he says, setting his keys and wallet down on your counter. “You can’t do what?”
“This!” You shout, pointing a finger at both you and him. “Whatever fucking mess we are, I can’t do it anymore!” Clutching your hair in your fists, you pause to take a breath, “I just… I can’t…” And as quickly as the anger came, it left; and was replaced by a familiar sorrow. “I can’t keep pretending like it doesn’t hurt every time you leave. Like I don’t lay there alone at night, wishing you would just stay.”
“And what about me, eh? You don’t think about what I’m going through?” Price is slow as he takes small steps toward you, afraid that any sudden movement will set you off and scare you away. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he was angry with you, but what you hear in his voice is frustration. “You take your showers after our nights together, probably hoping to rid yourself of me, and I bet it works, doesn’t it? But everything about you is so ingrained into my mind and body that showers can’t fix that problem for me.”
Price stands directly in front of you, rubbing your shoulders as he closes his eyes and presses a kiss to your forehead. Wrapping his arms around you tightly, he rests his chin on your head. It’s the first time you feel this close to him, despite all of these months spent entangled together in your bed. He just stands there, hugging you, and softly rubbing your back. Your arms inch their way around him too, and you give him a small squeeze. John’s grip around you doesn’t waver, and for the first time in months, you’re not afraid of him leaving.
“I regret this,” he says, lifting your chin up, so that you’re looking at him. “So fuckin’ much.”
The way your eyes look like you’re about to cry makes his heart ache. He can see the tears filling the brim of your eyes, and he knows how much you’re holding them in.
“I should’ve never agreed to this.” His voice is soft, nearly a whisper.
For a moment, you’re afraid that he’ll leave again and not come back so you grab onto his arm, begging him to stay. “I’m sorry, John,” your voice cracks as some of the tears finally break free and slide down your cheek. “For everything. I-I should’ve.. I should’ve fought harder for us.. I shouldn’t have let things get in the way, of what we had, I.. I ruined us.” By now, you’re choking out sobs, gasping for breath, but all you can do is lean into his chest as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.
“Shh, take it easy, love, don’t blame yourself,” he rubs your back soothingly, the way he once did. “I’m not faultless here. I should’ve taken more care of you, should’ve seen the signs…” He presses a kiss to your head, “I want us to date properly again, celebrate our anniversaries, and do other things in that bed of yours, like sleep for once.” You chuckle at the last bit, and he smiles; he’s always loved hearing your laugh. “Because I don’t think I can go another day like this. I don’t just want you at night, I want you all the time.” 
“A-are you sure you want this again?” You ask, wiping your cheeks, and having a hard time believing that you were having a crisis over everything you lost and yet gaining it all back in the same night. “What about the rules?”
“Fuck ‘em,” he shrugs, reassuring you that you are what he wants. “We’ll break every last one.”
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a/n: i’m trying to get out of this writer’s block 😭 and i never proofread so apologies for any mistakes lol
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tteokdoroki · 3 months
happy valentine's day!! thank you so much for your lovely writings ❤️❤️ may i swipe spicy (breeding kink :3) for nagi + ring? thank you again!! i hope i'm doing this right ;-;
⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ˚⟡. — SEISHIRO NAGI. swipe spicy: bound forever.
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about. boom, it’s a match! after a perfect proposal, nagi decides to make you his forever in a more sinful way ( 2.3K ).
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! nsfw, smut, characters aged up to 20s, established relationships, engagements, light choking, cum play, unprotected sex, breeding kink, pro player!nagi, fem!reader.
・:〃⤥ bumble date, swipe right event !
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seishiro nagi is effortlessly good at everything. 
with his friends — his aloof charm and easygoing nature is enough to keep them entertained. they don’t find his shy and laidback nature too off-putting or boring. with soccer, his talent is natural — born from nothing but a spark of interest. when he’d first started, nagi was a level above the rest without any of the extra hard work and training…but he’d craved to be better, to win above everyone else. so, at times, soccer was worth the hassle.
and with you, well, being with you was as easy as breathing air. 
effortless is exactly the word the white haired striker would use to describe his relationship with you. on good days and bad, you and nagi fit together like perfectly made pieces of a puzzle. there’s something about the way that you love him, that motivates nagi to push himself past his limits. he’s better because of you, wants to be better for you — always. there is no feeling of hassle or tiredness when it comes to making you happy, your laughter fills nagi with life and a passion akin to what he feels whenever he’s on the pitch.
seishiro has no idea what it is about you that made him this way. but what he does know now is that he can’t live with you — the way you smile at him, hold him, love him, kiss him. it’s something he can’t bare to be without now that he’s tasted what it’s like to live life with you by his side. that’s why he finds the courage to propose to you on Valentine’s Day — uncharacteristically serious and nervous as he sinks down onto one knee in the cosy corner of that restaurant you like. 
what if you reject him? what if you say no? bringing back the ring would be a hassle but the thought of losing you is even worse…
though, when you realise what’s going on and your eyes light up with such undiluted love and adoration — the words of little speech nagi had prepared for this moment slip from him easily as if he had been born to ask you to marry him. to be with you forever. and now, for the rest of your lives — you will always be his and seishiro nagi will always be yours. 
a promise that is commemorated with the biggest and most blinding diamond ring nagi’s hefty soccer player paycheck can buy. 
romantic dinner plans were quickly thrown out of the window as soon as your engagement ring took residence on its rightful finger. after ringing up the bill and abandoning your half-finished meals, the both of you find yourselves stumbling home to celebrate the beginning of forever. your movements are frenzied and fuelled by the high of your engagement as you make it over the threshold, hands tugging and tearing at the fancy clothes inconveniently in the way while your lips meet in passionate, ravenous kisses — your tongue running over nagi’s pearly white teeth as he pours hungry moans and love and adoration into you.
“sei—!” you whimper, soft and needy as your back hits the wall behind you. your newfound fiancé uses the entirety of his strength and height to lift you into his arms, wrapping your thighs around his slender waist whilst his hips pin you to the cold surface. lines between love and lust are quickly blurred when the heavy outline of nagi’s dick presses against the treasure hidden between your perfectly plush thighs — your dress pushed up just enough to reveal them to greedy cool-tone grey eyes. “seishiro…mph, i love you…”
“y’love me, angel?” the striker’s entire body trembles with pride at the way you call his name, keening into his closeness and the way that he towers over you. your fingers rake through his silvering hair, the band of your diamond ring icy on the back of his neck as you tug him even closer as though his proximity is not enough. “s’that why you’re gonna marry me? let me…fuck, let me have you forever?” nagi coos his sinfully words quietly, tucking his face into the alcove between your neck and shoulder — kiss swollen lips dragging over your heated flesh and fluffy white lashes fluttering against the spot as well. 
you’re so soft, so warm underneath him and nagi can hardly resist the siren’s call of your body — ripe and fresh for the taking, much like the fruit in adam and eve’s garden. he can’t help his innate desire to take you, and it’s just a little bit frustrating. 
his dick pulsates behind the layers of boxers and slacks, desperate to be sheathed within your silken walls. and in response, you clench around nagi’s tip through your thin cotton panties almost as if you’re coaxing him into making love to you. right here, right now. each time he drags his hips back and forth, slow and steady, against you, your thighs tighten their grip around his waist and your body twitches to life in seishiro’s hold. his chubby erection, leaky and hard, slides through your panty clad folds at your sensual bump and grind, only adding to your exertion. 
“‘m gonna keep you as mine...” blood rushes through seishiro’s ears and shoots through the rest of his lean body, carrying adrenaline and lust hormones via the red blood cells teaming under the surface of his skin. he needs you, he can hear how much you need him too. it’s evident in the way you gasp and mewl out for him — your own body following your fiancé’s lead. 
“uh huh, wanna be yours…” the tail end of your words fall away into a whistle tone whine, layering over the sound of a clinking belt and shuffling dress pants which give nagi the room to pull his girthy cock out. 
he noses his way up the side of your face, breathing growing erratic and unstable against your ear as he positions himself at your quivering entrance — sliding into you with very little resistance. “ngh…so t-tight, angel. can’t…can’t wait t’be the only one who gets to fuck you open for the rest of our lives.” seishiro sighs dreamily. his hips jut upwards, filling you up with his milky cock in one swift movement. you stretch around him deliciously, walls rippling around him to accommodate for his size — despite having been taken like this many times before. “don’t…don’t clench down on me like that. s’not fair, you’re gonna milk me ‘n we’ve barely fuck started.” 
the white haired player stutters with both his words and his hips — struggling to set a steady rhythm to the way he grinds into you. like that of a wet dog slipping into his rut. sometimes nagi thinks he’s being selfish, snapping a girl like you up and making you his for the keeping…but it’s times like this — where your cunt squeezes down on his seedy cockhead every time it pulls out of you — that nagi is reminded of his ego. the selfishness that’s been born into him with every play on the field and every precise, lax movement he makes to help you reach cloud nine. 
he can’t stop running his mouth, lustful and debauched gibberish slipping and sliding over his wet tongue as he builds up the momentum behind the forceful juts of his hips into yours. “unless that’s what you want, yeah pretty girl?” seishiro continues to grunt even when the length of his creamy cock slips out of you, running through your puffy folds. “f’me to knock you up… make you take all of my cum.”  your dainty fingers reach down between the slow rolls of your body to push him back in, sending a shudder down your fiancé’s spine. 
no matter how many times you touch him, fuck him, love him… he will never get used to having you wrapped around him like this. dripping so sweetly down his heavy balls. “make you even warmer in here… s’warm and wet all for me. ‘m so lucky. you’re so good.” 
a symphony of wet slaps from skin on skin echo throughout the hallway of your apartment — for every slothful plunge of nagi’s sloppy, seedy dick against your gooey and sensitive insides reverberates in the heated buzzing between your heated and temperate bodies. nagi, and all 190cm of him, curls over you protectively — lips tacked to yours as he chases your sluice, salacious pussy for more than you can give him. an impossible closeness that he craves now that you’ve agreed to marry him. 
it’s ungodly how much control you and the ring on your finger have over him — reducing the mighty, notoriously undefeatable striker to a drenched, sweaty and sex-driven mess. “i want you inside…” pressing his forehead to your own weakly, nagi’s white hair sticks to your skin and his hot, heaving breath coasts over your cherry-bitten cupid’s bow as you speak — dampening the surface. “need you to cum inside, sei. m-make me yours…please!” 
all the striker does is moan low and sexy in response, the husky sound sending thunder-strikes of dopamine across your loved-up brain. all he can think about is breeding you, stuffing you full with so much cum and so much of him that you can’t walk for days. impulsively his hips twitch upwards rapidly,  so fast that your eyes disappear into the dark depths of your skull and nagi’s cockhead bears down on that needy, spongy little spot inside of you. 
everything grows wetter, hotter and nastier. amidst your surprise from the uptick in your fiancé’s usually languid pace, your fingertips on your right hand sink into the broad expanse of his back while your left ( the one with the ring )  suddenly ensnares the colum of nagi’s throat — pulling him down so that your faves are only a breaths width apart. the cooler press of your engagement ban against his feverish skin only eggs him on, driving the pro soccer player to pursue the intoxicating squelch of your count around his thick base, a white mixture beginning to foam there from how vigorously you’re fucking each other.
nagi is loving and lazy, but greedy when it comes to you. he plans to be that way forever, if it means he can witness the look of delirium on your face whenever he has you fucked out like this. and you’re the same, a perfect match, bucking into him as though to match his strong pace — so that you both can see stars and reach new heights of insanity together. 
you’re overwhelmed, the both of you are. senses being worked into overdrive from the way nagi’s cock shines each time he pulls out of your snugg, wet sex to the way that your needy gripes and laments harmonise into the night. “g-god angel, ‘m gonna cum…g’na let go inside’a you…fill you up,” seishiro rambles in warning, losing his rhythm and tripping over his words. he could cream your cunt right now, selfishly reach his high before yours — but nagi loves you; loves the feel of your diamond engagement ring cutting into his cheek when you move to cup his face through the final moments. “spread your legs a little more f’me, ‘m gonna touch you…”
so instead, he pulls back the hood your clit with the hand on the arm that keeps you steady against the wall, and burns the letters of his name into the puffy nub. “‘hmygod, s-sei!” you squeal at the new found pleasure, groping at your man as your head falls back against the wall. it begins to creak under the pressure of sex, tinging nagi’s skin a soft pink while his dick throbs in the warm hug of your addictive walls. “‘m close!” 
“i-i know pretty thing, i know,” spreading the filthy mix of your arousals over your slit while he pumps in and out of you lewdly, nagi whimpers your name loud and proud. everything is so messy, so fucking raw, his shaft is doused in an opaque white that clings to the oretty blue veins spiralling around his cock while your mound seeps and weeps a wetness only he can bring out of you. “you gonna cum? you g’na cum f’me baby? drip d-down my cock…let me cum in you after?” the pitch of nagi’s moans rise in octave until they’re enough to rival your open-mouthed bleats. 
“y-yes! please sei, p-please!” fat droplets of precum and your juices along between your bodies and crudely drip to the floor, and it’s not long before the tickle at the base of your spine becomes a bright spark — your orgasm breaking dawn first. 
waves of your precious nectrar and liquid gold gush from your fluttering entrance before you even realise it — so fast it almost forces the white haired striker out of you. “y-yeah, yeah, yeah…fuck! that’s it angel, c-cum all over me…” nagi’s cock never relents, bullies it’s way through your blistering hot walls to nudge at  your g-spot all throughout the ordeal while the world of colours flashes behind your eyes. 
you’re such a good girl, you’ll be such a good wife — letting nagi use you and continue to canter into you until your rippling cunt push him over the edge into his own high. “c-cumming!” he gasps as if he’s taken a bullet to the chest, thrusting into you as if it’s the last thing he’ll ever do — intent on keeping you bred and full. seishrio’s load pours into you like a never ending stream of thick white, warm and viscous as it coats your mound copiously. painting you in his claim. 
he doesn’t budge even as you both fall back down to earth from your heavenly highs — making sure that not a drop of his cum is wasted on anything else except for you. a lazy giggle escapes you as your hand slinks down from nagi’s cheek to his plush lips, leaving a pink-ish (yet pain free) mark from your ring on his cheek. 
“i love you, sei,” you whisper in tired amusement as he kisses the ring on your finger.
seishiro hums happily, squeezing your thighs in his hold. “i love you back, forever ‘n always, angel.” 
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
cold snap II l.williamson x reader
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I have no idea where this came from or what it really is besides a whole loft of softness cold snap II l.williamson x reader
the early winter cold snap came as no surprise to anyone who'd spent a few years living in england, and if you'd lived there your entire life it was just another unfortunate but expected consequence of the dreary uk weather.
that wasn't to say that though you always knew it coming that it wasn't unpleasant, from the plummeting temperatures, icy roads, snow covered yards, frosted windows and the icy chill of the wind as it pricked at any and every sliver of skin it could find like tiny little pin pricks.
but though it had its downsides there were some perks to the temperature drop, to you the key thing being the fashion. you'd always loved the feeling of being bundled up in a multitude of clothing. hoodies and jackets and coats and scarves and beanies, you had it all and would near drown yourself in layers like a burrito.
not that you really needed them when you had the best defence against the cold you could ever hope for, leah.
leah who loathed the cold, hated the temperature drop and detested winter with all her might. any chance she got she'd whisk you both off for a weekend away somewhere warm, which was seldom given her career choice and insane schedule.
but the best defence against the cold snap was her body pressed up against yours, arms tightly squeezing you as you'd melt into her embrace, warmth flooding your body as her rosy pink lips gently peppered tender loving kisses against any sliver of skin they could as if trying to protect it from the incoming cold.
it was routine to find yourselves wrapped up together in a mountain of blankets on the sofa wearing one anothers hoodies and limbs entangled. your body cradled between leahs legs as her hands would creep up your top to find your stomach, tracing gentle patterns on the skin with her fingertips.
the gentle lull of her heartbeat and the steady rise and fall of her chest would reward you with a sense of safety and security you knew you'd never find with anyone else, not that you ever felt the need to test the theory.
leah was perfect, and she was yours as much as you were hers.
you'd always been a morning person by nature especially having valued your studies as a teenager you were always early to school, hidden away in the library with your nose buried in a book or scribbling down notes.
leah who was your best friend at the time ribbed you relentlessly for it. but the blonde was hardly ever on time for class herself and you'd often teased she was even late to her own birth which her mum roared laughing at.
but over the years you'd tried to break her out of her sleeping habits leah learned that those little pockets of time alone with you in the library before school were some of her most treasured memories.
she'd watch you over the top of the book she was pretending to read, eyes flickering down to the page when you'd look up and almost catch her with a smile.
leah loved how you looked those mornings, your eyebrows furrowed and glasses nearly slipping off the end of your nose as you'd quietly mumble along to what you were reading, finger tracing along the words as you went.
to leah you'd always been an anchor point. reliable and dependable and endlessly endearing, and yet always seeming just out of reach as you'd flit from relationship to relationship never really settling down with anyone long enough to allow them to get to know you.
but that was where leah knew she'd always won because there wasn't a single part of you that you'd not opened up and shared with her, and much to the infuriation of your partners over the years leah was always your go to person for everything and anything, and the first person you'd go to with any sort of news good or bad.
it didn't take leah long to realise that she was in love with you, but fearing that if she stuck her foot into the rotating door of partners you'd spun over the years that her feelings might not be shared and she'd be rejected or worse lose you entirely, so it took her a long time to be honest with you.
her mum had known of leahs true feelings for years and was forever encouraging leah to open herself up and be upfront with you, and there were too many times to count where leah was sure she was about to do it but then she'd chicken out right at the last minute.
but as leahs football career began to grow and afternoon trainings and weekend games turned into her missing days and sometimes weeks of school for camps, tournaments and academy commitments it had finally clicked.
you were just as much in love with leah as she was with you, though neither of you were yet to actually realise this.
but what you did both learn was that distance makes the heart grow fonder and the more time you had to spend apart the more you silently yearned for one another.
it was your final year of high school and leah had just returned from a tournament in morocco with the england under 19's squad. with the yearly cold snap having just kicked in and the blonde having coming from scorching temperatures you'd died laughing as she turned up to school in about ten layers.
"yes miss i've been told and i've already been given my warnings! but its fucking freezing and these don't do anything." leah snapped at your english teacher who warned her for the grey hoodie she had on beneath your uniform, yanking at the paper thin blazer covering her.
you'd grabbed her knee beneath the table and squeezed gently, giving her a warning look as leah mumbled an apology and your teacher hummed but let her outburst slide much to your relief.
"hey you need to calm down you can't afford an afternoon in you've got training." you warned quietly, her head falling to your shoulder as you shared your textbook, leah having overslept and turned up late she'd forgotten almost everything bar her head.
but with her mood only worsening as time went on you'd opted not to tease her for it, rather doing everything you could to try and make her first day back easier. "i wish i was in bed." leah mumbled with a frown, tapping her foot against yours to signal to turn the page which you did.
"you and me both lee, you and me both. lunch is next anyway, then two more classes and you get to run around and get all dirty and sweaty like you love!" you pinched her cheek and again turned the page as her foot knocked against yours.
"two classes you aren't in." leah huffed, pulling her head off your shoulder and slumping backwards into her chair, arms crossed over her chest with a frown.
the bell to end class cut you off before another word could be said, leah shoving your books back into your bag for you as the two of you joined the rest of your friends, making your way to where the six of you always ate together.
"leah!" you laughed as the girl attached herself to you from behind, hugging your back firmly to her front. "m'hungry and i'm cold." the girl mumbled, having already eaten her food you knew she was eyeing off yours.
"and thats my problem how exactly?" you mocked, shoving the last mouthful of your sandwich into your mouth and leaning up to kiss her cheek. "mate the betrayal!" leah gasped, fingers digging into your ribs as you squealed and tried to push away from her but the girls iron grip was unbreakable.
both of you missed the knowing look shot among your friends, all of whom had front row seats to your endless pining over one another over the years and had spoken to the pair of you individually about no longer dancing around it.
"wanna go to the library?" leah asked, chin resting on your shoulder as you reveled in the warmth from her body hugging yours. "is leah catherine williamson willingly asking to go somewhere with books!" you gasped sarcastically as she flicked your ear.
"yeah its warm in there they have heaters!" "alright you've sold me lets go."
"stop looking at me and read those notes, you need to catch up!" you kicked her from where the two of you sat cross legged on the floor, hidden away behind the aisles. "but its so boring man!" leah groaned, snapping the book closed and dropping it in her lap.
"then go find a book thats interesting, i have to finish this." you chuckled, gaze dropping back to the homework in your lap as leah rolled her eyes. "thats not even mandatory and we got it an hour ago, you don't need to do it right now!" leahs foot nudged the book.
"its not mandatory for me but you're behind and its mandatory for you. so if i finish it now then you can take it with you and copy after training so you won't need to stress." you answered without looking away, swatting her foot away as leahs face softened.
it was at that moment as you sat together in the library, hair tucked away in a beanie and glasses once again hanging off your nose that leahs body surged with adoration for you and for the first time along with that came a confidence she'd lacked until now.
"hey. can we talk about something?" her foot bumped you again and hearing the obvious switch in her tone of voice you nodded, putting aside your notebook and raising your eyebrows to show you were listening.
"so i have this friend yeah? and she's sort of got this massive dumb crush on someone shes really close to, like her best mate." leah started, avoiding your eyes as she looked up to the roof and you frowned a little.
"okay." you nodded slowly, encouraging her to continue. "but she's afraid that if she tells her best mate that they won't feel the same way and it'll make it weird between them." leah continued, still not looking at you as you moved so you were sitting beside her.
"okay." you repeated, unsure if you were misreading this as your hand sat dormant by leahs. "so what would you do?" leah asked, a lot quieter now. "if i was your friend?" you clarified as she nodded, neither of you making eye contact.
"i would tell your friend that lifes too short, that she should tell her best mate. because if they are close then even if the feelings aren't the same it won't ruin anything, and if the feelings are the same then by telling them she won't miss out on an opportunity to explore that." you answered honestly, heart hammering now as you hoped you weren't misunderstanding.
a silence fell between the two of you the only noise the gentle chatter of your peers scattered around the library but in your own little bubble all you could focus on was leah.
suddenly your pinky moved just a few centimetres, gently nudging leahs before stilling. holding her breath leahs own pinky inched sideways a little grazing yours, and slowly you felt it interlock, eventually her whole hand grabbing onto yours and interlacing your fingers.
"so i'm sort of in love with you and i have been for years, and i don't know if this makes things really weird and if it does then i'm so sorry but you're like the best human ever and-" leahs head snapped toward yours as she started to ramble making your lips curl into a smile.
leahs words died in her throat as you cleared the gap between you and cut her off pressing your soft lips to hers, pulling away as the blonde stared at you dumbstruck.
"does that fix your friends worries?"
several months later and you and leah were even more smitten with one another than before. with school nearly finished you knew leah was angling for a contract with the arsenal senior team and when leah wanted something she put her entire being it making it happen.
"hi love! she's still upstairs, even though she knows we need to leave in five minutes!" leahs mum amanda greeted you with a hug before yelling upstairs making you laugh. "im nearly ready woman keep your pants on!" came leahs yell back making her mum roll her eyes.
"charmer she is." amanda sighed as you shot her a grin and she hurried off to make sure jacob was ready to go, the four of you headed to watch him play with his own team.
jogging upstairs you entered your girlfriends bedroom but frowned unable to see your actual girlfriend inside of it. "rah!" you jumped about a foot in the air as hands grabbed your waist and spun you around.
"dickhead! don't do that." you scowled as she put you down, doubled over laughing as you kicked her and she whined, flopping down onto her bed. "leah you're not even dressed, hurry up!" you groaned impatiently.
"okay sorry mum!" the blonde mocked, disappearing into her closet as you clicked your heels together impatiently. "stop that! its stressing me out." leahs head popped out to point to your feet as you smiled and continued to do it making her eyes roll.
"leah we need to leave, shift it!" amanda yelled from downstairs as you stood up, the blonde finally stepping out of the bathroom fully dressed. "ready now?" you quirked an eyebrow. "mm not yet, one more thing." leah held up a finger as you sighed, hearing amanda huff from downstairs.
to your surprise your girlfriend grabbed your hands and pulled your body into hers, one hand cradling the back of your neck as the other nudged your chin upwards and her lips captured your own.
"we need to go!" you laughed quietly into the kiss, trying to pull away as leahs grip on the back of your neck tightened. "they can wait thirty more seconds." leah grinned, teeth tugging on your bottom lip teasingly.
but right as it started, the kiss came to an abrupt end as leah pulled some sort of material over your eyes. "come on! god you're always making us so late babe." leah groaned holding her hand out as you adjusted the beanie she'd put on you and rolled your eyes.
"you know being cute only gets you so far williamson."
once at the game you and leah tried to be discreet as you sat down together, not having told either of your families just yet. but with amanda on your right and leah on your left with her aunt and cousins sat behind, it didn't take long.
the two of you were pressed as much into one another as you could be, leahs arm draped over the back of your seat as you leaned into her side and she'd whisper things into your ear every few minutes making you grin or giggle.
your feet would tap and poke against one anothers playing footsie like a couple of children, one of your hands resting on leahs knee, fingers playing absentmindedly with the strands of denim which protruded from the rips in her jeans.
you both missed the amused looks from leahs mum beside you who'd just been waiting for one of you to crack and tell her after she'd unknowingly caught the two of you making out in the living room one afternoon, choosing not to make herself known and rather leaving you both to it.
but as the game continued leahs advances seemed to get bolder, her lips kissing your cheek and forehead with a loud smack as you'd huff and shove her away making her grin and do it over and over again, for once barely paying the match any attention.
"stop! your fingers are freezing." you laughed quietly, wrenching her hand away from where it travelled up your hoodie. "and your stomach is very warm, stop being selfish!" leahs hand crept back up, cold fingers pressing teasingly into your ribs making you squeal and smack her.
"girls." you both looked up as amanda called for you, subtly pushing leahs hand out of your lap. "you know this means no more sleepovers and closed doors under my roof, yes?" amanda smiled as you choked on air and leah hit your back, giving her mum an incredulous look of shock.
"mum!" was all the blonde managed to scoff out in surprise as both of your faces burned bright red.
"what? i gave you lots of opportunities to tell me! you missed your chance love."
nowadays, the cold snap still came and your girlfriend still loathed it, but she made sure to take full advantage of all the perks she could squeeze from it.
which is why her arms tightened around your torso as you tried to get up, causing you to smile. "baby?" you spoke softly, running a hand through her blonde her, her face calm and still, eyes squeezed shut. "leaaah!" you sang out slowly, finger tracing gently across her face.
all you received was a huff and a grunt as she rolled over, burying her face in your neck and tangling her legs with yours. "come on i said one more hour and its been two now, get up!" you laughed, tucking a hand up her hoodie and scratching at her back.
"if you wanted me to get up you'd not have started that love." leah sighed happily, shifting herself even closer into you. "don't you dare! give it back." her head popped up and she cracked one eye open with a glare as you retracted your hand.
"doesn't belong to you." you teased with a smile, moving your hands beneath you as leah scoffed. "does too!" leah argued, both eyes open as suddenly she was on top of you. "so does this, and this, and this, and this and-" she peppered kisses all over your face and neck as your laughter filled the room.
"baby its cold and its raining and we both have the day off, just want cuddles." leah flopped back down on top of you, lips curled into a pout as you rolled your eyes playfully.
"fine! one more hour."
that hour again became two and with leah well and truly dead to the world this time you managed to wiggle out of bed, leaving her tucked away in the covers as your body screamed for coffee.
you sighed in relief as the first sip hit your lips, taking a seat at the counter and staring out the window, watching as each raindrop smacked the glass and trailed down carving its own little path.
"what part of i want cuddles did you not understand!" you glanced over your shoulder to see leah with the duvet wrapped around her, hood covering her bed hair and an annoyed scowl on her face.
"what part of one more hour did you not understand?" you smiled teasingly, sipping at your coffee as she rolled her eyes. "is the heat on? im actually freezing." leah mumbled, her body quickly moving to wrap around yours.
"go put another layer on then baby, the heat is on." you chuckled, craning your head back to press a few lazy kisses to her jaw, head resting against her chest. "can't believe you chose coffee over me." leah grumbled.
"well one fuels me and the other drains me so..." you trailed off with a shrug, squealing as suddenly you weren't in your chair anymore, feet off the ground as leah carried you into the living room. "leah!" you laughed as she dropped you onto the sofa and crawled on top of you.
"look! its like our private little kiss cave." the blonde beamed, tugging the duvet over her head to engulf the both of you like a fort as she hungrily kissed you, stealing the air from your lungs as her hands slipped up your hoodie.
"baby your hands are freezing!" "oh really? see my lips are the coldest right now, you would be a terrible girlfriend not to help me warm them up."
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
Persistent. (Ghost x Reader.)
!CW!, NSFW, Smut, p in v sex, rough sex, ghost being very rough with reader, (lemme know if I missed any.)
(Summary); Reader and Ghost are in a secret relationship and when Keegan joins task force 141, he takes a liking to Ghosts secret lover.
I wanted to do the bar fight like requested but I would feel too bad for my bby Keegan. :(
You can find the asks for this or similar here here here here
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Ghost lifts his mask up to the bridge of his nose, smile playing at his lips. The room is pitch black, and he’s got you pinned up against an old desk. “Simon- you’re going to get us caught.” You giggle. He leans in, lips sliding over the skin on your neck. “We’re fine. Just as long as you stay quiet f’me, right?” He smirks, grasping your thighs and lifting you up onto the desk. “Ugh.. I’ll try my best.” You roll your eyes as he moves himself between your legs.
Meet in my office. 10 minutes.
Both of your radios go off at the same time, pulling a groan from the both of you. “This isn’t over.” He smirks. He pulls his mask down, helping you down from the desk. The both of you creep over to the door, when the coast is clear, you walk out into the hallway, trying your best to make yourselves look like you weren’t up to no good just minutes ago. “What’s going on Captain?” You ask as you step into his office, Ghost following close behind. “We’re welcoming a couple new recruits to the task force tomorrow morning. I want everyone out there to make them feel welcome. Am I clear?” He says. Everyone nods their heads. “Alright.”
Everyone agrees and he sends everyone on their ways. It’s just about time to turn in for the night, and you rush to your room to prepare yourself for your nightly visit from Ghost. The excitement floods through you, as it always does as you wait patiently for your secret lover to emerge. This would never get old. The both of you had been dating in secret for a while now. You knew how much trouble you could get into if anyone found out you were dating while on base and neither of you wanted that. You decided it’d be best if you kept it a secret. You finished cleaning up for the night and climbed into your bed, turning over just in time to hear the click of your door. A smile growing on your face.
The next morning, you and Ghost are equally as exhausted. The nightly visits that sometimes lasted hours kept you both awake. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but you were both too distracted with each other to care. The chopper was landing right now, and you and Ghost are making small talk. When Ghost sees the familiar man walk down the ramp, he smiles behind his mask. He greets everyone and when he makes eye contact with Ghost, he makes his way over. “Ghost, long time no see.” He reaches a hand out. Ghost takes it. “Same to you, Keegan. Been a long time.” He laughs. “Yeah. And who’s this?” Keegan smiles. Reaching a hand out. “I’m Y/N.” You take his hand, shaking it. “Real pretty name, for a real pretty girl.” He winks. You can see Ghost stiffen up immediately, nervousness flooding through your veins.
This was going to be a long few weeks.
Ghost had had enough. Not only was he keeping a massive secret that was hard to hide, because god only knows how bad he wants to hold your hand and kiss you in public, but now it was like he was in a competition. Keegan spotted the way you both acted around each other and asked Ghost right to his face if there was something going on. Ghost seethed behind his mask, having to lie and say, no. That you weren’t dating. And seeing the outline of a smug grin on Keegan’s face upon hearing you were single. It pissed Ghost off to his core. He wanted to be mad, he wanted to throw Keegan up against a wall and tell him off. Tell him how you were his and his only, but that would ruin the secret. So he had no choice.
Every time Keegan greeted you in that flirty, sick voice. Ghost felt searing hot lava pumping through his veins. Getting up and walking away. Sometimes Keegan would spot you comforting Ghost, which led to him asking more questions, which lead to more denial from both you and Ghost, which lead to even more jealous flooding Ghosts brain.
Ghost was staring at himself in the mirror. The amount of jealousy he’d been feeling lately was too much to bare. He was just about to reach his breaking point. Ghost finishes up cleaning and walks out of his room. Taking a deep breath. He needed to make his way to the mess hall. Needed to see you. He’s watching his feet, not paying too much attention to anything going on around him, but he happens to look up. He clenches his fists through his gloved hands, teeth gritted so hard he’s surprised none of them have broken yet. Keegan is leaning up against the door frame, pinning you between himself and the frame. “You’re real pretty you know?”
“Keegan I-“ you go to talk but he laughs. “I know.. you’re worried about getting into trouble right? There’s no secret I can’t keep.”
Ghost clears his throat and this makes Keegan pull back immediately. “He bothering you?” He asks you. “Uh.. no.” You laugh awkwardly. Keegan was nice. Very sweet and flirty and you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He really did think you were single. He had no clue what went on behind closed doors. “Dinner starts in 5, excuse me.” Ghost fakes the nice voice to push passed Keegan, you following behind him awkwardly. You sat at the same table as Ghost and to Ghosts complete dismay, Keegan sat down next to you. “So, heard Soap and everyone planned on going to the pub tonight, you guys going?” Keegan asks. “Yeah, I’ll be there. Ghost?” You look at him, pleading eyes. “Yeah of course.” His voice is gruff and if looks could kill, Keegan would be a pile of flesh. Ghost felt a little like an asshole, he knows it’s not Keegan’s fault but he still feels an overwhelming sense of jealousy. A sigh leaves your lips when Keegan stands up to go find something to drink. “Maybe we should just tell him?” You look at Ghost, “that’ll get us into trouble Y/N. We can’t.”
“Yeah well. That’s easy for you to say when you aren’t the one he’s trying to put his charm on. If this goes on for too much longer, I’m worried it might start working.” Your attempt to taunt Ghost works. It gets right under his skin and settles there. “Ha. Ha. So funny.” Ghost rolls his eyes. Earning a laugh from you. “I’m kidding. You’re my one and only big boy.” You pat his shoulder as you walk away. Going to clean up for the night.
Everyone is sitting inside the pub, having a good time. You’re sitting at the bar, the others are playing pool, darts, or flirting with some of the foreign women. Ghost is playing pool when he sees Keegan finish his game of darts, walking over and sitting down next to you. Ghost is so pissed off, it makes him lose his game of pool against Soap. Soap notices how rigid Ghost goes, eyes staring at the bar. Soap glances over, spotting Keegan talking you up. “Gotta piss.” Ghost lays the pool cue down and walks off. Soap waits a minute before following. Ghost is washing his hands when he walks in. “What’s going on?” Soap asks. “What do you mean?” Soap scoffs. “I mean the death stares you keep giving Keegan every time he talks to Y/N.” He laughs. “You think I’m blind, Riley?” Soap crosses his arms. “There’s nothing going on.” Ghost rolls his eyes. “Ghost, give it up. You either like Y/N or there’s something going on between the two of you. Either way, there’s another guy out there putting the moves on your girl and your fear of getting into trouble is just letting it happen.” Soap hisses, fake pain moving across his face. “Whatever, mind your own business, Johnny.” He pushes passed him, making his way back to the bar. Stopping a few feet away when he hears you giggle. “Ouch.” He hears Soap behind him.
“Y/N. You about ready to go?” Ghost asks. “Oh uh.. yeah sure.” You smile. “Woah, why don’t you stay a while? I can walk you back to base.” Keegan places a hand on your thigh. Ghost is quick to intervene this time. He takes your hand, helping you up. “Sorry mate, she usually walks back with me.” Keegan stands up. “Why do you keep trying to wiggle yourself between us whenever I make a move on her ah? You jealous or something?” Ghost rolls his eyes. “Jesus Christ, what is this? High school?” You’re blushing, nervousness flooding through you. Keegan is strong and can hold his own, but Ghost is Ghost.
“I mean seriously? What the hell?” Keegan rolls his eyes. “Alright, fine. Since you’re so curious, me and Y/N have been dating in secret for about.. 8 months now? I was keeping it a secret so that I didn’t get her into trouble but thanks to you, that’s out the window.” Keegan’s eyes widen. “Oh god.. I’m sorry. I had no idea.” Ghost sighs, and you look down. “It’s okay Keegan, you didn’t know.” You blush. “Let’s go Y/N.” Ghost tugs on your arm. You follow behind him. “Jesus Ghost, couldn’t hold it together for a minute longer?” You groan. He rolls his eyes. “He fucking touched your thigh Y/N, that’s a no from me.” He seethes. The walk back to the base is short and Ghost marches right into his room, you following behind him. “You can’t be mad at him, he had no idea!” You throw your hands up. “I can be mad at whoever I fucking want to.” He crosses his arms. “Uh.. no? You can’t? You kind’ve need a reason.” You say sarcastically, the smug look on your face drives Ghost crazy.
“You’re acting like a brat.” He growls. “No I’m not! I’m being serious Ghost.” He closes the gap between the both of you, pushing you harshly back onto his bed. A dark chuckle leaves his lips. “First you tease me and say his charm is working and to get him away from you, than you get mad at me for doing what you wanted me to do.” He breathes. Climbing over you and straddling your hips. Pinning your arms above your head. “Why don’t you make up your fucking mind hm?” He growls. Lowering his face into yours. He hears you swallow hard. He locked the door behind him, so he’s not worried about being caught. Your silence makes him laugh. “Had so much to say earlier hm? Nothing now?” He growls. He lifts himself off of you, forcing you to roll over onto your stomach. Wasting no time to practically tear your clothes off of you. “You’re mine.” He growls right at your ear. The deep grumble in his chest has heat pooling between your legs. “Maybe you forgot that. Maybe I need to show you who you belong to.”
Him thrusting right into you has a gasp leaving your lips, clutching hard at the blanket on his bed. He wastes not one second before pounding his hips into yours, wrapping a hand in your hair and pushing your face into the bed as he fucks you from behind. You can’t keep back the moans falling from your lips, and at this point, Ghost doesn’t care who hears. He repositions himself, tugging your hair until you’re up on all fours. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours is lewd, followed by the moans leaving your lips. It sounds like something straight out of a porno. Your skin is already beat red, scalp numb from him tugging at your hair. You’re sure you’ll have his handprints imprinted into the skin on your ass as he spanks you harshly. Thankful for him rubbing and soothing the skin after each hit. He hammers his hips into yours, balls slapping against your clit with each hard thrust he takes. He talks more than he usually would, which is different for you. He’s growling out, taking a tight grasp on your hips. He’s trying to keep himself together but the way you’re wrapping around him is almost too much. He grasps your hair, pulling you up until your back is flush with his chest and he wraps his arms around you, holding you tight to him. The new angle has you whimpering out. “Who do you belong to sweetheart?”
“You- You Simon!” You moan out. A slap on your ass has you crying out. “Who’s?”
“Y- yours!”
“Ghost!” The nickname falling from your lips in a cry is everything he needs to keep pounding you. You’re his, only his. He pinches your nipples between his fingers, earning a mewl from your lips at the stimulation. “Such a good girl, knowing who you belong to. I reward good girls.” He growls, lowering his other hand to rub circles against your clit. They’re quick circles and he has your high building up too quickly. “Oh fuck- Simon-“ you cry, trying to grasp his hand in an attempt to make him slow his circles. “Want this tight pussy to cum on my cock.” He growls into your ear. “Nobody will fuck you like I can, you know it. I know it. And there’s one more way I can show everyone that hm?” He chuckles a dark chuckle. “What- what do you mean?” You whimper. “Gonna fill this pussy.” His laugh is dark. You know he’s not kidding. “Simon- you have to pull out.” You whimper. “No. You’re mine. It’s time I make it official.” He groans. He slides out of you, helping you move until you’re on your back. He moves himself between your legs. “Rub your clit, and don’t stop until you cum.” You nod your head, a gasp leaving your lips when he enters you again. The thought of him filling you up is exciting. Something that was so forbidden until now. You almost want to thank Keegan for this.
His thrusts are sloppy and hard, the squelch coming from your sex is filthy, and it eggs him on. “Simon- I’m so close.” You cry out, his cock is sliding perfectly up into your spongy spot. You can’t take it anymore. The knot that’s built up in your belly comes undone and Simons eyes widen when you clamp down around him. Grunts leaving his lips as your pussy milks his cock of everything he has to give. He thrusts a couple times to work you through your highs but the sensitivity has him stalling. He collapses on top of you, cock still inside of you as he pants, trying to come down from his high. “Bloody hell you feel good.” He groans. Your cheeks are bright red, and Simon can feel the way you’re throbbing around his cock. Overstimulated and overwhelmed. “You’re mine. Don’t ever forget that.” He growls, kissing you hard, cupping your cheeks so that you can’t move away from him. “I’m yours Simon. All yours.” You laugh when he finally pulls away. He slides himself out of you with a groan and a gasp leaves your lips when you feel his cum seeping back out of you. His eyes are wide as he watches it. He knows this will be the first of many times he gets to see that.
“We’re going to have so much explaining to do tomorrow.” You giggle.
“Oh yeah we are.”
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crimsonbubble · 6 months
Hello there, can i get uhhhh railao x reader x johnshi with tomas on top, please 🥺🥺 sfw and nsfw if you fancy
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cw. a bit of fluff and a fuck ton of nsfw, afab!reader + Tomas, johnshi and railao poly relationship, threesomes/foursomes (you get the idea), oral, face sitting, overstimulation, praise, degradation, hair pulling, fingering, creampie, cum play, a bit of a spit kink, cum eating, handjob, masturbation, voyeurism *not proofread, just pure horny
[I don't know how I managed to write this much 😭😭 I think it was the sheer amount of horny] I tried to keep this gender-neutral but I'm too horny and these boys deserve some top-tier pussy
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Like I said in the other version
They all pined over Tomas
But when you get thrown into the mix, it increases tenfold
Yknow how I talked about the boys pining over Tomas?
Yeah imagine that but with you
Although Tomas asks inquiries you to join them after a few weeks because he can't take it anymore
So now it's johnshi and railao + Tomas and you :))
Okay horny time now im having too many thoughts
You thought you and Tomas were being doted on before?
Well now that you're both another addition to a poly relationship, it's a lot more now
Each of them would fall face first and trip over one another just to be your first choice
But you can have anything and everything you could ever desire
Tomas and Raiden give in the easiest to you
Kung Lao too but his resolve is just a bit stronger than those two
Anyways, Tomas and Raiden
They're handsy, oh so handsy
Real big on giving
They'd prioritize your pleasure and safety before anything
Tomas loves to give you head and Raiden praises both of you
Sitting in raidens lap while Tomas eats you out >>>
Raidens caressing your hips while he coos out soft praises
Tomas holding your thighs open while he kitten licks at your clit
Getting soft neck kisses from Raiden and small shocks to your inner thighs
Tomas gets so lost in your taste and the pretty sounds you're making that he unknowingly overstims you
Raiden has to pull Tomas away from you because you're shaking and so so sensitive :((
But Raiden gives you more soft kisses to make up for it
Raiden loves to have you against the bed so he can pin your hips down
But he doesn't mind having you sit on his face
It's okay if you're tired darling, he'll move your hips for you <33
And when they actually fuck you, it's a great time
Raiden goes first, so he has you ride him
He wants you to look him in the eyes as you bounce on his dick
He loves when your eyes flutter and you nearly roll your eyes into the back of your head
Pulls you down so he can latch his mouth around your nipples
Def leaves soft hickeys around your chest
Grabs your face gently, and shakes your head to keep your eyes on him
Tells you to "give Tomas a nice show for me, yea?"
Loves how your thighs shake and twitch when you're close
Loves to make you cum around his cock so he can feel you clench and squeeze around him
Raiden lets out soft moans and breathy groans but he whimpers when he's close
Tries to pull out but you just feel so fucking good that he ends up coming inside you
Lifts you off him so he can see his cum leak out of you
Tomas nearly cums right then and there
His eyes are glued to your cum slicked hole, fluttering as you clench around nothing
Tomas simply straddles raidens legs, pushing your chest down to his
He's whining softly as he slowly pushes in
Fucks into you with harsh thrusts bc he's so lost in you
Hides his face in your neck because he got flustered when he made eye contact with Raiden
Raiden pushes him off you and pulls you around to press your back to his chest
He tells you to "watch how pretty he looks when he fucks you."
Holds your face up so you have to look at Tomas
You're both equally fucked out
Just losing it only two orgasms in
Calling out Raidens name bc you can feel his cock twitch against your ass
Kung Lao bursting through the door because he wanted to see his darlings only to see them having their own fun
Tomas whimpers when you tighten around his cock, sucking him in even more and milking him for all he's worth
Kung Lao carding a hand through Tomas' hair, pulls his head back and goes "Hm, seems like you three are having a lot of fun, huh?"
Kung Lao crawls onto the bed to kneel behind Tomas, who then leans back into him
Kung Lao takes Tomas' cock into his hand and jerks him off while planting sweet kisses along his neck and shoulders
Raiden tugs your body up, to have your pretty and used cunt up against his leaking cock
He wraps a hand around the base of his cock to tap his tip against your swollen clit
You move to sit up, straddling Raiden reverse cowgirl and wasting no time in sinking onto his cock again
Tomas who reached behind him to tug at Kung Lao's pants, pushing and shoving his hand beneath the fabric so he can pull his cock out
Tomas who jerks Kung Lao off in time with him while they all watch you bump and grind yourself against Raiden
Kung Lao is more of a heavy groan and low grunter but he gets high-pitched if you rub against his sensitive spots aka the underside of his t
Tomas knows this and focuses there while dipping his thumb into his slit.
Johnny and Kenshi drop by just to cool down after training
Barely paying attention to the lewd moans and skin-on-skin as they each strip themselves of their button-ups that were seconds away from becoming a second-skin
Johnny openly stares at the tattoos on Kenshi's body, trailing them with his eyes as they lead down further than his waistband
Kenshi finally spoke up about the increasing volume of moaning coming from the bedroom. "So, you wanna join in?"
Kenshi is already walking towards the door and Johnny is stuck in place to ogle at the ink covering Kenshi's back
Side note; I only added this part with Johnny and Kenshi because the mental image of Kenshi shirtless has been plaguing me (I want to lick his tattoos) anyway back to the fic
Kenshi simply leans against the door frame with his arms crossed and observes
You catching sight of him from the corner of your eye, jaw going slack as you tried to focus on getting the orgasm you wanted
But with Kenshi standing there, in his half-naked glory with his tattoos glistening with sweat, it made it hard to not cum almost immediately
Johnny came up to stand behind him, his arms crossed in a similar manner
Peering over at Kenshi with teary eyes as you spear yourself open on Raidens cock, calling out to him as your eyes roll back into your skull
Johnny pressing up against Kenshi from behind just to press his hands to his hardening dick
Johnny palmed Kenshi over his dress pants and grinding against his own leaking cock again Kenshi's ass
Kenshi walks over to tilt your head to face him, cooing when tears stream down your face. "Yeah, does it feel good, baby? Like having a big cock split you open?"
Raiden is one more orgasm away from shooting blanks; the way your warm cunt wrapped around him felt like you wrapped your hands around his soul
Kenshi looking over at Raiden and pressing a kiss to his lips as he came again
Grabbing at Kenshi's thigh as your hips slow down, lifting yourself off of Raiden to feel thick globs of cum leak out of you
Johnny pulling you to the edge of the bed so he can eat you out from the back
Kenshi watched Johnny be a whore and lap at the sticky cum that coats your swollen pussy and pulsing clit
Kenshi harshly tugged Johnny away by his hair, shoving him out of the way so he could turn you around
Kenshi holding your face in his hands while your own hand palms him over his pants
Tugging his belt loose and unbuttoning his pants, pushing them down past his thighs
Pulling away from Kenshi to kiss down his chest to his waist
Pumping his shaft with one hand while the other pushed against the edge of the bed to keep you upright
Pressing light kisses to his rosy tip, lapping at the pearls of precum that dribbled from his slit
Wrapping your lips around the head, dipping your tongue further into his slit
Meanwhile, Johnny is kneeling behind you with his pants around his thighs because he can't wait a second longer to be inside you
Johnny bottoms out quickly, forcing your head down Kenshi's cock
Gagging and sputtering around Kenshi's cock as Johnny has his way with you
But don't worry, he'll take good care of his baby <33
Constant praise from both Johnny and Kenshi plus the content and amused hums from the men around you
Hearing "so fucking good for us, aren't you baby?" "fuck, you feel so good." "look so pretty like this, all fucked out for us, huh?"
Back to Kenshi; moaning around his dick as Johnny's fast and brutal thrusts have you deep-throating him
Hollowing your cheeks as you run your tongue along the underside of his cock
Kenshi tangling his hand into your hair and pushing it out of your face so he can see the way tears line your eyes and spill down your cheeks
Feeling the metal of Johnny's belt smack against your inner thigh as he fills you over and over
Losing your balance as Johnny knocks his tip against your sweet spots so you have to brace yourself on Kenshi's thighs
Feeling his muscles twitch and jump under your palm as you bob your head along his length
Kenshi who pulls out of your mouth so he can stroke himself in front of your face
Pushes the tip into your mouth last second so he can spill his seed in your warm and wet mouth
Makes you open your mouth for him to spit into before making you swallow
He definitely makes out with you afterward
Maybe pressing his thumb against your tongue to keep your mouth open and watch you drool over yourself
Back to Johnny; can't not cum in you
Simply can not bring himself to pull out
He loves how tightly your cunt wraps around him when he fills you up
Loves your soft whimpers as he fucks his cum back into you when it leaks out
Quick thought; sucking hickeys into Kenshi's hips and waist while Johnny fingers his cum back into you
You'll never be neglected by these boys
They'll always find a way
Oh yea, phone sex is common with Johnny too
It doesn't matter if he's supposed to be working
He's a man with needs for his sexy partners
Sending Johnny nudes with any one of the boys as an incentive to get him home quicker
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jenosbigtoe · 8 months
Okay you wrote forbidden relationship with jeno but imagine forbidden relationship with markie 🤭 He would be so bad at hiding it too. At least jeno tried to be sneaky
mature. mdni (18+)
pairing: brother’s best friend!mark lee x haechan’s sister!reader
warnings: unprotected sex, creampie
a/n: reqs and thirsts are open. send them in my inbox for a lil blurb
no because if you were like haechan’s sister and were fucking mark on the downlow, YALL GETTING CAUGHT THE SAME DAMN DAY 😭 mark’s ass is not slick, especially when he is down bad for someone
brother’s best friend!mark has loved you ever since you were kids. haechan always knew his best friend had a thing for his sister and she had a thing for him but he also was a sadist and liked watching you two act stupid and suffer over each other.
he never would’ve thought sweet mark lee would be the one to initiate things between you two, thought mark would’ve been too gentleman to make a move on his best friend’s sister.
but one day, when both of you guys were alone at the pool and you wore the skimpiest bikini that showed off your plump ass and juicy tits, you begged markie to rub tanning oil on all the places you couldn’t reach. whining and pouting so cutely “please markie?” and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
mark pinned you to the ground and ripped your pathetic excuse for a bikini (could’ve been made out of shoe string for fucks sake) right off your body and started fucking into your juicy cunt. the deep mating press he had you in had the tip of his cock kissing your cervix with every deep thrust as his strong hands pinned your hips to the ground.
you screamed and clawed at his back, fuck his cock was so thick and veiny. so much better than you have ever imagined (and trust you imagined it a lot. several times a day in fact)
he would be so vocal too. moaning and panting so deliciously right in your ear. so so many praises too.
“baby this pussy was made for me.”
“love you so so much. have no idea how much i’ve wanted this.”
“pussy is so much better than i could’ve ever imagined fuckkkk.”
“be mine, baby. fuck, i don’t know what i’d do without you by my side. love you so much, please please please be mine.”
and of course, he would definitely nut deep inside your drooling cunt. and it would be so much, dripping out of your pussy before he even pulls out. he just couldn’t help himself, blushing and stuttering excuses that it was just an accident and he didn’t mean to. but fuck was it so hot, you flipped him over and straddled him for round 2.
when haechan figured it out later that night, he threw up twice.
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bones4thecats · 9 months
Dorm leaders x Reader who has little siblings
A/N: I personally do not have any little siblings, but I'm writing this on the experiences told by my friends. Also, like in all of my other pieces, the reader is not MC!!
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❤️ As an only sibling, Riddle has no idea how close the bond is of an older sibling towards younger. But he did grow up with Trey, so he has seen sibling-bonds in person.
❤️ When you two became a couple, he started understanding love and real care for someone else, but he was nothing short of surprised when your siblings came bellowing into Heartslabyul on Family Day with smiles on their faces.
❤️ When the housewarden learned you had younger siblings, he was shocked yet he couldn't help but find it quite amusing how blunt the children could be. Like when they looked at his mother and said she was pretty for a weed.
❤️ He tried to bond with your siblings in his own ways, like helping them study a certain subject they may be struggling in, or helping them learn their magic (if they have any).
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🦁 Leona has a sibling, and he's the younger, so he understands if one of yours was struggling getting out of another's shadow. Been there, done that.
🦁 He never really enjoyed being around his brother, but he would enjoy watching you mess around with your younger siblings, it brings him back to the days when he and his brother weren't pinned against one another and constantly judged.
🦁 Watching your siblings play with Cheka does kinda annoy him though, having really young kids (like 8 and younger) bothers him because their voices are so high-pitched.
🦁 But this second-born can put his problems aside to help you with your family problems, after all, he has experience with his nephew.
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🐙 Another student who has no siblings. But unlike Riddle, Azul can actually see the bond of siblings through his right and left-hand men Floyd and Jade Leech.
🐙 Azul doesn't quite trust easily, but when he saw how you truly cared for your siblings and treated him and his eel duo like your own family, it sent him in a frenzy.
🐙 He never really bonded with many when he was younger, but watching your siblings bond with Jade, Floyd, and even him, it was remarkable how soft and caring the trio could be when it came to the younglings.
🐙 This guy does mess up at some points, which is normal, but he doesn't exactly understand that. So if he accidentally let your sibling touch something and get a small cut, he'd go nuts over how you'd be mad at him.
🐙 But when you just looked at him and told him this was normal for children, it calmed him down. Our little paranoid octomer.
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☀️ This boy has now somehow reached another level of being a ball of sunshine.
☀️ This dormhead has so many younger siblings that he lost track! And when an older sibling loses track, then you know theirs a fucking ton.
☀️ He loves watching your siblings play with his, it makes him feel more close to you, as his family means pretty much everything to him, alongside his friends and you, of course!
☀️ You having younger siblings is very fun for him, and you're probably ashamed to admit it, but the attention he gives them all does make you a hint jealous, which makes Jamil come to rest a hand on your shoulder, saying it's normal.
☀️ Total softie for children, unlike a certain lion.
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👑 He never really had anyone in his life to see sibling relationships and how healthy they could be. Sure his vice housewarden may have both older and younger siblings, but as Rook lived in Sunset Savanna and Vil was from the Shaftlands, he never saw it in real time.
👑 But when his father mentioned how you spoke on the phone to your younger siblings, Vil was shocked. You had never mentioned them, but no one, that he knew of, had ever asked.
👑 Seeing how your siblings sat down on either the ground with class or in a chair of some sort really made him surprised. He was told by many of his old co-stars and celebrities that having siblings was hard as you're either in their shadow or are the shadow-caster without knowledge, no in between.
👑 But seeing how your siblings weren't directly in your shadow or were casting a shadow over one another surprised him. And at the same time he was quite happy, he didn't want to see you upset about your siblings arguing about something as trivial as that.
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🎮 He is the one who knows exactly what you're going through at some points.
🎮 Idia loves his younger brother to life and death and life again. So seeing how much you cared for your younger family members made his heart skip a beat, it reminded him of simpler times when he and Ortho were younger and both okay.
🎮 This fire-head doesn't enjoy many people's presences, so if he's not in the mood, Ortho takes your siblings out of Ignihyde and around the campus.
🎮 On the other hand, if any of them enjoyed video games or really anything on the internet, then Idia would be happy to teach them the basics of defeating bosses on games they're playing, as he's most likely played every game in existence.
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🐉 This prince of fae has never really had a family, as he never knew his parents growing up, but he did have Silver later on in life, and he did see him like a younger brother, as Lilia raised them.
🐉 Malleus isn't the easiest to approach, but if one of your siblings does it, the rest do too. Nobody wants to be the chicken of the group after all!
🐉 After they get used to his presence, this only makes Malleus want to be together with you even more. Imagine doing this every day but with your own children and not your parents'!
🐉 But this is a dragon-fae we're talking about, do his possessiveness has no limits, but with your siblings, he tries holding himself back. They had you first, in blood, not through love alone. So he tries not to be rude and get all your attention, knowing your siblings also need it.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 2 months
Sated [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left (@hotchbabygirl) Center (@psykopaths) Right (@aiirene)
Prompt: Aaron and the reader continue to have to postpone being intimate with each other, and when the jet breaks down stopping Aaron from being with the reader one more time, he takes matters into his own hands to get what they both desperately want. 
Pairing: [established relationship] Aaron x non!BAU!reader. The reader uses she/her pronouns
Category: fluff/comfort/smut
Word Count: 8K
A/N: Content warning after the cut. Hi loves! First off, this story is 18+, minors DNI. Please respect this boundary. Content warning after the cut. I have had the idea for this fic for ages, and it’s finally here. Sorry for my lack of writing/posting. I’m trying hard to stop procrastinating at my real job, which takes away from my writing time which I love. I might consider this pwp if you squint, but let me know what you think. If you enjoy this fic, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you’re having a great start to your weekend and thanks for reading. Love Levi - ❤️
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Content Warnings: Sex [Hotch and reader], shared masturbation, phone/video sex, use of sex toys [reader], hand job [Hotch] mutual pining, Aaron and the reader are horny, mention of poisoning and death [brief and case related], fear-mongering about the border, mention of drugs, mention of alcohol and food. Please let me know if I missed any. 
List with all stories 
y/n = your name 
_y/f/d_= your favorite dinner 
_y/f/s/s_ = your favorite scented soap
Aaron had been itching to get back to y/n for ages now. It had been issue after issue that had kept them intimately apart for weeks. The jet breaking down had been the last straw as he moved back toward his room in the hotel for yet another night without the warm and calming presence of his partner's body and pussy close to him. This desire to be sated had been building up for some time. Hotch wasn’t always so needy, but it had been a long road here. It had started with their last date when Aaron had come over, and they’d agreed to take a long walk and look at the fancy houses two blocks from y/n’s modest apartment. The contrast in wealth was often astounding to y/n, who every now and then complained about rents being raised every year without a change to her salary. And even though she could run her mouth about that kind of thing, she said it less and less often now that she was dating Aaron. He’d helped make her apartment much more livable by fixing the leaky faucet and putting up removable wallpaper that she could take down once she inevitably moved in with him. That was a conversation still to come, but something they were both thinking of. Aaron had done a host of other things for her around her one-bedroom unit as well while she watched him dreamily. y/n adored him in a plain t-shirt or even better, one of his faded academy shirts or hoodies from his law school days that barely held together anymore. Often after he was sweaty from a project, y/n would offer him some cold water and lead him to bed, where she’d have the pleasure of peeling off his clothes. They’d make quick work of making passionate love after they had both stripped bare, sometimes going two rounds.
But as often as they could be found in the sheets or the shower, or wherever the couple might find to have sex, they were also good at reading each other’s energy levels and not pushing for intimacy if one or both of them was not feeling up to it. Aaron realized pretty quickly in his relationship with y/n that she enjoyed him just as much relaxing on his chest on the sofa while he played with her hair as she did while he was pinning her to the bed and making her moan out his name so all of her neighbors could hear them. This was perfect for both of them because it gave them quality time to relax together and get to know each other outside the confines of sex and that side of exploration of the other. Hotch was a good bit older than y/n, and he worried that he wouldn’t be able to perform for her as much as he wanted or y/n expected. But as it turned out, they fit each other perfectly both in and outside of the bedroom. There had been no sex on their last date, as they both were exhausted, but they’d talked about the future and what they hoped to achieve this year personally and in their shared life. 
Then a case had pulled Aaron away from y/n and it overlapped with Valentine's Day. He’d planned a nice dinner and to wine and dine y/n before they came back for some alone time while Jack was with a sitter for the evening. That didn’t end up happening, and y/n called the restaurant to cancel. Hotch had only had the chance to get about a twenty-minute call to y/n to tell her that he loved her before he got word that another victim had been found by Emily. By the time he’d gotten home from that case which dealt with heartache and murder, Aaron was too tired to do much else but collapse into y/n’s arms when he got to her place. She helped him to the bed, out of his oxfords, and then his tie and pants. Aaron smiled up at her and said in a quiet voice, “Sweetheart, don’t bother folding that stuff. I’ll get it dry cleaned on the weekend. I just want you in my arms, baby.” y/n turned to him and ran a hand down his jawline and dropped his clothes on the floor. y/n moved to turn off the lights in the entryway, bathroom, and bedroom before dropping into bed next to Aaron who had snuggled under the covers. Hotch pulled her close to his chest and buried his face in her neck and shoulder blades. y/n opened her legs enough for Aaron to slide one of his legs between hers. The warmth of her thighs around his leg grounded him, and y/n took his hand in hers and placed it on her side while asking, “Bad case, Aaron?” Hotch mumbled into the crook of her neck and replied, “Yeah.” y/n squeezed his larger hand. She wanted to be cognizant of his triggers, of the things that might make him relive things again either from his past or prior cases, but y/n also wanted to let him know that there was always an open channel of communication between them. So, y/n inquired broadly, “Kids?” Hotch nodded again and replied in a low voice, “Um-hm. Just two kids. Cousins. That was enough.” 
Aaron rarely expanded on case details. One because it would break security protocols and two, and more importantly to him, he wanted to save y/n from the horrors of what he saw on the field.  Sometimes, however, he painted her a vague picture of the team's exploits on their crazier cases without giving her any details on the unsub or the victims. Not that y/n was looking for the unsub or victims. However, she cared about Aaron and wanted to make sure he was okay physically and mentally. Dating an FBI agent did make reading the newspaper on the weekends more suspenseful. y/n would read a headline and look at Hotch and he’d come around to see what it was she was looking at and reassure her that he wouldn’t be involved in that, or that she shouldn’t be concerned. y/n’s mind snapped back to Aaron as his hand left hers and wrapped around her waist. y/n didn’t mind days like these when they were snuggled close and she let Aaron physically relax by her presence. Within a few minutes and y/n saying soft words and gentle brushes of her hand, Hotch fell asleep with y/n following shortly after. 
This had all been fine and both y/n and Aaron were happy, but their anniversary was coming up and Hotch had planned another night for them to make up for missing Valentine’s. This time he had planned on making dinner for them both and then he had a vision in his mind of what would come after. He flushed at the very idea of what he had in mind. y/n was so excited about what he’d told her to expect. Something about a bottle of her favorite red wine, _y/f/d_, and some dancing in the living room with his beige couch and table pushed out of the way while their playlist was in the background. Then there was the comment that had taken y/n’s breath away when he’d whispered in her ear, “And let me add, that I’m just grateful you're on birth control too. We might need it after our night is finished.” y/n had been so flustered that Aaron took the opportunity to peck her mouth and pull back, saying, “Penny for your thought sweetheart.” y/n pulled out of her reverie and smiled slyly saying, “hmm. You’ll have to pay me a whole lot more than that for me to share. But, if you’re patient, and you wait till our anniversary, I’d be more than happy to show you.” Hotch flushed and was itching for that day to come sooner. He’d make a move now, but it was his weekend with Jack, and he wanted to spend some quality time with his son. He and y/n would spend that Saturday taking Jack to the rollercade where his son and y/n always managed to lap him and he somehow always ended up on his ass. It was going to be a fun day no matter how many times he fell. 
That weekend came and went and Aaron didn’t anticipate seeing y/n again until that weekend on their anniversary because both of their weeks looked busier than usual. The anticipation only made Friday night more and more enticing. Hotch limped into the office and made it almost to his door when Rossi came out of his office and noticed Aaron’s odd gait. Dave couldn’t help but joke. “You and y/n try something new this weekend?” Hotch rolled his eyes in a way he only did when Rossi ribbed him. Aaron replied, “Unfortunately not unless you could falling while roller skating counts as something new.” He paused for a second and continued, “It’s actually been a minute since we’ve done… that.” Dave raised an eyebrow and asked, “Problems?” Hotch answered, “Far from. We’re just both busy and tired recently.” Aaron didn’t add on how he likes to be fully present and energized when he and y/n have sex. But to him, his stamina was essential so he could bring y/n to climax multiple times and in as many ways as they wanted. Aaron flushed again at the thought and said, “Now, any more questions about our personal life, Dave?” Rossi scoffed, and replied, “Nope. Grilling over. Someone has to check in on you.” Hotch rolled his eyes once more and unlocked his door to get out of Rossi’s mirthful gaze. Secretly Aaron was happy Rossi looked after him, and his sex life. It wasn’t exactly an easy topic for him to discuss with anyone apart from y/n, but it was nice to know that Rossi was invested in all parts of his life. The team was invested too, annoyingly sometimes. They all adored y/n, and she loved them too, but sometimes he caught them whispering and looking in his direction when y/n was around. He wasn’t so insecure to think that they were making fun of him, but y/n was younger than him and it could end up being a topic of conversation that he chose to ignore most days. 
The day started as normal in the office but ended in one of the most frustrating cases he’d seen in years and yet another reason why he couldn’t get to y/n and satisfy their needs. When JJ dropped the case off on his desk he thought it would be a short affair. Murders in a small Texas border town normally meant that it was drug-related and the jurisdiction went back to Mexico or it was a local or personal dispute that could be easily figured out in a town of three thousand people. It turned out to be the latter, a wife wanted to divorce her husband, but the poison intended for him accidentally ended up at the family reunion killing seven people. As easy a case at it turned out to be for the BAU, as soon as the team arrived the town was swamped. The police of Procedio Texas wanted all the credit for cracking the case, but one of the victims was from Big Bend, so the Big Bend Police force sent two units to try and solve the case as well. Along with this and the constant media blast about the tension at the Southern border of the United States, State Troopers and Border agents had come as well hoping to push the narrative of fear about those immigrating and people allegedly flooding the country with cocaine. 
It was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen. The precinct didn’t have enough space or resources for all of the people there, and the team was bombarded with fifty different angles and agendas upon arrival. It was annoying as if those trying to swing them in a certain direction did ‘t know full well that the BAU had to be fully unbiased as they worked. There were lots of wild leads and bad reporting and mostly it was hot. Hot and crowded. Something about the elevation and the Texas sun made sweat drip down Aaron's neck and back under his white shirt and suit in an uncomfortable way. It had been Derek who had finally cracked the wife who ended up telling Morgan and Emily that it had all been an accident. Everyone but the BAU seemed disappointed. The team was just happy they would finally be able to go home. No one could be more excited than Aaron. If the jet left in less than five hours, he’d be able to make it to the highly awaited anniversary dinner and his plans after. The thought had him a bit flustered as they finished up at the hotel and moved toward the small airstrip where the jet was being prepped. 
It wasn’t until everyone was on the plane that the pilot stated after five minutes on the ground, “Hey everyone. I’m sorry but we’re going to have to disembark. There’s something wrong with the electrical system that’s just popped up and I’ll need to get it checked out before we’re cleared to fly. This made everyone groan,  and Aaron ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Everyone got out but Hotch who moved to the cockpit and checked in with the pilot asking how long he approximated the fix would take. He asked for the team and himself. The man shrugged and said, “Depending on what’s wrong it could be an hour or it could be overnight. I’ll keep you updated Agent Hotchner. Sorry about the delay.” Aaron nodded and moved off the jet and onto the blistering tarmac. He knew it wasn’t the pilot's fault; he was just annoyed. Rossi had waited for him while the rest of the team went to get more vans to drive them back to the motel. Dave raised an eyebrow at him and Aaron replied to the unspoken question in a clipped tone, “He’s not sure. I have a feeling it’s going to be a while.” Rossi nodded and asked, “You sounded bummed about it.” Aaron rolled his eyes and replied, “You’re not? Tonight y/n and I had plans for our anniversary. I miss her.” Rossi got the implication and gave Hotch a pat on the shoulder as they moved toward the cars that were rolling toward them. Before they got in, Dave said, “Well, maybe it’s time to think outside the box.” 
The team ended up having to get another night at the motel and after everyone had settled and put their bags back in their rooms, most of the BAU made plans to get dinner at one of the restaurants in town. Emily asked Aaron if he wanted to join them, but he politely told her no, that he needed to call y/n and let her know that he wasn’t coming home tonight. Prentiss saw the disappointed look on his face and said, “Well, I’ll pick you up something to-go and keep it in my fridge. You can come and knock on my door when you want it.” Aaron gave her a smile and pat on the shoulder, appreciative of how she looked out for him. Once everyone was gone, Aaron picked up his cell and called y/n. His mind wandered to what he wanted to be doing to y/n right now or had planned for later that night, and he couldn’t help but let out a small groan at his image of her spread out on his bed, legs apart and shaking for him as he licked her cunt and clit over and over again until her first orgasm had her thighs wrapped tightly around his face pulling him closer to her core. He’d let her rest for a moment before prying her legs open again as y/n was still panting. He’d tease her entrance before sliding his cock deep inside her to have another go and get off himself for the first time. The very thought had his member twitching in his black slacks. Aaron couldn’t hold back the thoughts anymore. He’d waited for what felt like so long to satisfy y/n and himself, but her pleasure always came above his own. The tightness in his crotch told him how badly he needed y/n, and Rossi’s words rang in his ears turning them, and the rest of his face red. 
Hotch had an idea flash in his head as he waited for y/n to pick up. He wondered if he could even do it. He and Haley had been traditional, this idea would never fly with her. But y/n, either to due her age or just plain confidence was more adventurous than Haley had been. They tried new things in and out of the bedroom and Aaron wondered, for a moment, if she might agree to his wild idea. With the state of his cock pressing against his fly, he was going to need to do something to relieve the pressure, and if he couldn’t be there with her tonight in person, maybe there was another way for them to get off. Just as he was building up the idea, y/n picked up. 
y/n picked up her phone from the side table as she was fixing up Aaron’s place for when he got home. She had bought Aaron a bottle of his favorite scotch for him to sip on after dinner and before the real fun would begin. y/n was tidying up Hotch’s room and just moving to clean the kitchen so it gleamed when her phone beeped to life. y/n wasn’t expecting a Facetime call from Aaron. Normally after a case, he would give her a quick call on the way to the tarmac or on the jet where the reception was choppy at best. So already, y/n suspected something was up with that. She quickly swiped the answer on the call and smiled as Aaron’s beautiful face filled the screen. “Hey sweetheart,” he said in a voice that was a bit deeper than y/n expected. She noticed that he wasn’t in the jet and that he looked flustered. His eyes seemed deeper than normal. y/n smiled at him and replied, “Hi love. Did something go wrong? Is everyone on the team okay? Are you okay?” Hotch let out a huff and ran a hand through the hair on the back of his head. He said, “Well, everyone’s okay, But… well the jet isn’t. I think it’s going to be down for the night.” Aaron watched as y/n’s face fell and his heart clenched in his chest. He tried to not let the frustration get to him. Life happened, just at unfortunate times.  y/n swallowed back her disappointment as she realized that Aaron wasn’t coming home tonight. “Oh,” y/n let out, adding, “Well that’s frustrating, but your gift got delayed by FedEx so I guess it’s a blessing in disguise?” Aaron knew y/n was trying to keep a good attitude, and he appreciated that she tried to see the silver lining in things. He nodded and said, “Well… I had a few things planned that I thought you might like tonight too, and well… Maybe we could still do them in a way. Over the phone?” 
y/n tilted her head. The way he was talking was the way he talked right before they had sex. Even though he was excellent in bed, he always got a little shy. y/n was slightly shocked that Aaron would come up with such an idea, but it wasn’t unappealing, in fact, y/n’s core clenched in the way it always did when they started kissing and heading to the bedroom. However, they’d never had phone sex before, and y/n wasn’t sure if or how it would work between them. y/n also didn’t want to read into the situation too much in case this wasn’t what he was implying. If it wasn’t, y/n would be mortified. So to ensure she wasn’t wrong, y/n said coyly, “What exactly are you insinuating, Aaron.” 
Hotch’s face turning red told y/n that she was right, but she wasn’t going to let him off the hook. Instead, she smiled at him reassuringly as he said, “Well, I was thinking.” Aaron took a breath and continued with more confidence, “I was thinking that because I won’t be there tonight, we could come together, like if we were with each other, just on the phone?” y/n’s eyes glistened and Hotch’s flustered face made him so attractive. y/n nodded and replied, “Okay Aaron, we can try. I, I um, I’ve never tried that before, but I’d like to since we can’t be together. Just” y/n’s words faltered. She realized that she was now as shy as Aaron. y/n was going to say not for him to make fun of her, but he never would. Not in any scenario would he put her through that. That fact made y/n more confident, and she said, “Never mind about that last bit. So, how are we going to make this work? We both need our hands for what we’re talking about.”  
Aaron paused. The idea had come so quickly to him and he wasn’t sure what came next exactly. His brain kicked in and he said with a sheepish smile, “How about I send you a Zoom link from my account? That way we can see and hear each other better and we’ll have our hands too.” He watched as the idea flirted through y/n’s mind. He could tell that she was a little hesitant to try this, and he said, “y/n, we don’t have to do this. I understand if you want to wait for me to be there. I just miss you in that way. I miss being with you.” y/n softly smiled at his reassurance and said, “I miss you too, Aaron. Happy anniversary by the way. I kind of forgot when you said you couldn’t come home. And, I want to try this with you. Could you give me a few minutes to just take a quick shower and get in bed? You can send the link and I’ll open it when I’m ready?” Aaron nodded, happy to know that they were going to try for something and that y/n wanted this like he did. It also comforted him that y/n needed a few moments to get ready and composed. Hotch wasn’t feeling that composed either as he nodded, told y/n that she could take all the time she needed and that he’d send her the link in a minute or two. 
When Hotch hung up he took a long breath. He was surprised at himself for getting the idea out there and rather proud of himself too. That wasn’t a guarantee for what would come after they started, but it was a start. Aaron’s cock twitched in his pants again and he knew he’d need to calm down for a moment of risk coming all over his neither regions with just a few strokes of his hand if he heard y/n making the sounds he adored so much when they were together. His body was more pent-up and ready for release than he had realized. Aaron quickly pulled out his laptop and flipped to Google and his saved tabs. He kept Zoom pinned to the homepage because he often used it to talk to Jack when cases ran long and Jack needed a few minutes with his dad. Aaron always obliged his son when he could with this. He never wanted his absences to feel like a full departure for Jack and this was the easiest way for both of them if it was a longer talk. But what Hotch had planned here was nothing wholesome. Aaron tapped his fingers quickly and hashly across his keys and he brought up a new meeting and just titled it y/n. He sent her the link and access code and moved off of the bed. He knew that if y/n was just taking a quick shower and getting into something more comfortable, she’d only be about twenty or twenty-five minutes, so he took time to kick off his pants and get into a blue sweatshirt. He moved to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face and neck to cool him down slightly. He then moved back to the room pulled a cold water bottle from the fridge and took a few big sips. He was feeling warm already. Aaron turned to look at the image of himself reflected in the mirror on the wall across the bed. He realized that if he was facing forward on the bed he’d see himself and that didn’t seem that appealing to him. Yes, he and y/n might have liked to show off in bed, but the idea of doing that here in the hotel room with just him inside seemed narcissistic to him, so he pulled a towel from the bathroom and placed it over most of the mirror. He also decided to face away from the mirror just in case he could still see some part of himself reflected. The mirror did give him an idea for when he got back home to y/n and that sent another jolt through Aaron’s member and he stifled a groan. 
y/n was did take a quick shower to just relax for what was coming and to feel a bit more confident before it started. She washed over her body with _y/f/s/s_ under the warm, steady spray of the shower head. When she got out, she spritzed on a body spray that she knew Aaron liked. y/n had bought new lingerie for the evening in hopes of making Aaron, well Aaron and it was a style that she thought would drive him crazy. For a second she considered saving them, but why not wear them now Hotch still had eyes, and he’d see them fine on Zoom. They were sheer were her pussy was already getting wet and there was lace on the sides that matched her skin tone perfectly. There was also an accompanying bra to match with similar sheer panels for her breasts and lace on the band that wrapped around her back. y/n hoped this wasn’t too much. However, she didn’t want to just pop up on camera nude, as she highly doubted Aaron would do so. He was too much a gentleman for that. y/n lit a candle on the side table, threw away the match, and turned on the lamps in the room for a more atmospheric environment that would keep her calm and let her body unwind to be able to do what she wanted to do. Finally, y/n pulled out her laptop and opened her email. The Zoom link was waiting for her and with a last hint of hesitation, she clicked “join meeting.” 
Aaron was sitting on the bed with just the lamps on when y/n joined. His boxes were still on and he had pushed the laptop screen up so it was mostly his head, upper chest, and torso that filled the frame. When y/n’s camera turned on and he saw that she was wearing a new set of _y/f/c_ brazier and panties, his jaw slightly dropped, and his brain momentarily went blank. Suddenly his T-shirt felt incorrect for the occasion. He cleared his throat and said, “Oh my God, y/n. You look too hot in that. Did you get those just for me? Are they new?” From the screen, y/n smiled and tried to say something but her mic was muted. Aaron shifted forward and said, “Sweetheart, you're on mute darling.” When y/n recognized what Hotch had said, she rolled her eyes and moved forward on the bed so that she turned on her mic. This gave Aaron a much closer look at her beautiful tits, and he wasn’t mad about that one bit. There was a hint of embarrassment as y/n audibly said, “Oh lord, it’s all going South already. Why is forgetting to turn on your mic the most embarrassing thing ever?” Hotch chuckled and said, “Sweetie, there are a lot more embarrassing things than that. Now, would you let me get a look at what you have on. It looks fantastic on you.” y/n flushed and moved farther back from the computer at the head of the bed. She sat on her thighs with her knees open slightly enough apart for Aaron to get the whole package. y/n placed her arms behind her back which pushed out her chest a bit more for him as well. She could see his eye flash dangerously and his tongue slipped between his parted lips and wet them in a flash. Without saying anything, she shifted her weight up and turned to the side so he could see the details on the side and her profile lit by the lamp behind her. 
When y/n was back in a more natural position on the bed, Aaron said, “y/n, do you have any idea how badly I want to strip those things off of you right now?” y/n smiled and replied, “What, these old things?” while stroking a hand over her chest and down to her center. Hotch let out a hot breath and said, “You’re being a tease tonight, aren’t you, y/n.” y/ replied, “Only as much as you. You still have your shirt on and I haven’t seen very much of you, love.” Aaron nodded and took the hem of his shirt stripped it off and threw it to the floor He also sat up a bit so y/n could see the large bulge in his underwear clearly in need of attention. y/n let out a little whimper at the sight and she wasn’t sure if the sound carried enough for Aaron to hear. y/n realized she’d have to be a little more vocal to make sure Aaron got all of her pleasure and moans of his name. Aaron swallowed back a little grunt. Her vocalization was barely audible, but it turned him on massively. He moved a hand to his groin and stroked over his underwear. His hips jerked a bit with the movement and he moaned slightly. 
Aaron’s dark eyes looked at y/n as he said, “If I were there I’d slip my hands up your body and rest them on your breasts and massage them until your nipples got hard and begged to be played with. Instinctually y/n moved her hands up to her chest and did as he said even though her nipples had already become hard with his statement. The small bumps and hard center moved under her hand. They were sensitive and y/n let out a little moan when she pinched them with her fingers. Hotch kept moving his hand slowly up and down his clothed length as he said, “You sound so pretty like that, y/n. Keep playing with them for me love. You know how I adore your breasts.” It wasn’t long before y/n’s fingers slipped under her bra and she started tweaking her nipples the way Aaron liked to. All teasing fingers until his warm mouth got involved. The idea made her moan and her panties which were already wet, wetter. As hot as the idea was, her hands weren’t as skilled as Aaron’s large ones. Although Hotch had stamina and strength, he was always gentle with the foreplay. Helping y/n ease into whatever they had planned or innovated for the night. y/n knew she was being rougher than he was, but couldn’t find the right touch. After a few more moments of this, y/n slipped her hand under the right and then left straps of the bra and let it slide down her chest. Hotch took a deep breath like it was the first time ever seeing her like this. y/n had a way of memorizing him with her body that no one else had before. y/n undid the clasp at the back of the garment and tossed it aside. 
Aaron cleared his throat and asked, “Are you wet sweetheart?” y/n whimpered as her fingers traced down her center line past the waistband and into her warm folds slick with anticipation. Aaron stopped his palm where it was midway up his dick as precum beaded at the top of his cock. y/n took in a sharp breath as y/n’s fingers traced her clit up and down from her entrance to her sensitive bundle of nerves. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she could hear Aaron groan her name. When y/n opened her eyes which were still half-lidded, she saw Aaron had pushed his briefs down his groin and they bunched around his hips and under his balls. His pubic hair was dark, and y/n wished she could push her mouth down this dribbling cock to the root. To feel him throb inside her throat as he guided her head up and down his length as he pleased. y/n couldn’t take waiting much longer and she knew her hand wasn’t going to be enough anymore. Not after she’d had Aaron for as long as she had. y/n pulled her hand out of her panties and Hotch asked, “Hmmm. What do you taste like, baby? Since I can’t be there to try you myself. 
y/n pulled her dripping fingers from her pussy to her mouth and sucked them clean while Aaron watched, and his hand and hips started moving again. y/n pulled her fingers from her mouth and said, “It’s salty. Like your cum but different. Ugh. Babe, I’m going to get a toy if you don’t mind.” Aaron’s hips halted mid-way through moving up from the bed, and he replied, “Darling, do whatever you need to do sweetheart. I don’t mind if you use a toy at all.” y/n was a bit flustered. They’d talked about sex toys and getting off while they were both away before. Neither Hotch nor y/n often felt like getting off without the other, but sometimes the wait was long and instinct played out. Hotch had asked y/n if she used toys before him and bashfully y/n had nodded her head, though she admitted it was nothing compared to him pushing deep inside her until she could barely take any more of his length. He pulled out and pushed in again and again tantalizingly slow as he picked up to a furious pace; pushing her into the mattress with his strength and weight. Hotch had only once passed by her small basket of toys on a high shelf as he changed a lightbulb she could reach in her closet. He didn’t spend much time looking at her things, it didn’t bother him that she had them; he was fully aware that it took women a lot more effort than it did him imagining y/n undressed and seated over his cock while in the shower. But now that Aaron was going to get a chance to see y/n move with her own pleasure in mind, he was more interested to see how she acted and what she liked. 
After a moment and some shifting from the closet, y/n returned with a vibrator. y/n set back down on the bed. She knew she was going to have to go wash the sheets after this, but it didn’t matter. They’d be fresh when Aaron came back at least. y/n felt a small pang that he wasn’t here in person right now but pushed it aside to focus on the fact that he was still there just on a screen. Hotch watched as y/n settled on her back and tipped the laptop so he could see her face a bit of her lower body, but getting the angle right seemed difficult for Aaron to see all of her. y/n turned on the wand pressed the head to her still hard nipples and let the vibrations course through her sensitive skin. y/n let out another moan before turning to Aaron and asking, “How are you doing baby? Are you feeling good?” Hotch nodded, absolutely absorbed by y/n’s every movement. He was working almost on autopilot now, but the feeling of precum on his left hand as he moved it up and down reminded him that he needed to pace himself. He cleared his throat and replied, “Good y/n. I feel so good watching you like that. Why don’t you take it slow y/n. You don’t need to rush. Do what feels good for you.” y/n nodded and a wistful smile played on her face as she saw the need in Aaron’s eyes and the way the tip of his dick was red and needy. 
y/n pushed the head of her vibrator between her fold and slid it up her clit. The vibrations sent a jolt through her and Aaron watched as her face changed to one of concentration and pleasure as her body twitched. y/n increased her moans and she moved more to try and find the right spot to orgasm. y/n clicked up the intensity on her toy and looked as Aaron started moving his hand faster. y/n took a few minutes to run her toy up and down her pussy as her juices dripped onto the sheets. y/n was getting tired of getting close to the edge and losing it. Aaron watched with sympathy as her face focused on her task. He knew if he was there, he could help her get over the edge with his mouth, hands, and cock. He grunted slightly as he almost spilled over the edge. y/n pulled her toy off her body and slumped back on the bed. It felt good, and y/n had come in the past with the toy, but somehow having Aaron watching her seemed to affect her. y/n caught her breath and said, “Aaron, I don’t know if I can do it right now.” She sat up and Hotch’s eyes moved over her body that he could tell was tense for release. Hotch stopped touching himself again and said, “Sweetheart, would you try once more? What if I told you what I would do if I was there? Do you have a dildo baby? You can pretend I’m right there with you.” 
y/n considered this for a moment and said, “Okay, I’ll try, but you must be so close. You look like it, Aaron. Do you want to get off first? I don’t mind.” Hotch chuckled and said, “It’s okay, y/n. Once I touch myself again I’ll come, but I can wait a moment. I might not be able to hold it until you climax, but I want you to have that rush that I can give you.” y/n nodded and got off the bed again. She pulled out her favorite dildo, which she never expected to be used in front of Aaron, and moved back to the bed. y/n felt for a moment like hiding it behind her back, but he didn’t. Aaron looked at y/n’s choice. The new toy was flesh-colored and not as wide as he was. For some reason, this gave him a small surge of pride which he realized was very silly. Nevertheless, he smiled. y/n got back on the bed and Hotch said, “Darling, why don’t you put the computer at the foot of the bed? Then you won’t have to worry about how you look or if I’m watching. You can relax and it will just be my voice here with you.” y/n quirker her head and asked, “You don’t mind that?” Aaron gave her that little toothy grin that y/n loved and she felt fully relaxed and confident again. y/n was going to give herself a hard time that this wasn’t easy and she kept feeling self-conscious, but she reminded herself that this was the first time either of them had done this and it was highly sensitive and just based on that, they were both doing well. y/n took a breath, set the toy down, and repositioned the laptop at the other end of the bed. 
y/n lay back down with an exhilaration of breath and tried to let all of the stress go. Aaron could see her body relax and he replied, “That’s good, sweetheart. You look so pretty with your legs open like that and your pussy so swollen from teasing yourself.” Hotch swallowed before continuing, “y/n, are you ready to start with the toy or do you need some time.” y/n shyly replied, “I’m ready, Aaron.” Hotch smiled and said, “Good girl. Now just picture me there and run the head of your dildo up and down to get it nice and wet.” y/n did as he said and touched the tip to her cunt and moved it up and down. It wasn’t the same as Aaron, but picturing him doing this to her made her say his name aloud and Hotch said, “Yes. that’s it. Just say my name baby.” Aaron made y/n stroke herself a few more times before saying, “Now y/n, just put the tip in for me. I know you’re sensitive, but just push in a little and pull out for me.” He watched as y/n did as he said, his view was beautiful to see between her legs like this and watched y/n’s folds open as she slid the toy inside herself slowly. Aaron bit down on his lip to stop the loud groan from escaping his lips. Hotch told y/n “Now run it back over your clit again y/n, and when you feel ready put it back in as deep as you like. If it was me I’d slide myself deep into you.” Without thinking y/n slid the dildo back to her opening and pushed it all the way in herself. There was a small sting as the toy opened her up, but it felt so good pushing her walls open. 
Aaron started pumping himself again and he knew he was going to cum as y/n started pushing the toy in and out of herself at a steady pace. Aaron matched his hand to her rhythm and said, “Ugh, y/n you’re so hot like this. Just pleasing yourself like that.” The pair worked in tandem for a minute and Hotch couldn’t hold back anymore. “I’m going to finish y/n. Ugh. Hmmm. I…I love you so much. You’re so… good for me.” Aaron moaned as his hand reached his tip again and his cum spilled out the top and over his hand in warm, sticky waves. His hips stuttered and his breathing hitched as he let go. Aaron’s sounds of release had y/n pushing her dildo faster and deeper inside of her. Hotch took a few moments to compose himself and wipe his hand over his thigh. y/n’s noises and the sound of her toy dipping deep in her wetness were louder. Hotch could tell she was engrossed and her body was nearly ready for her. He didn’t want to break her flow, but he decided to say, “y/n, slip your free hand to your clit and circle it until you can’t take it anymore baby.” y/n’s hand slipped between her folds and as soon as the tips of her middle and pointer fingers hit her bundle of nerves her legs started shaking and she let out a breathy, “Aaron.” Hotch nodded and replied in a low voice, “That’s it. Just keep touching yourself. It will just be a moment darling. Pretend my fingers are circling your clit and I’m pressing into you so deep.” Aaron’s words were all it took for y/n to press her slick fingers onto her clit and push the dildo into the base which hit her spot. y/n let out a loud, “Fuck. Agh Fuck Aaron.” Hotch watched her body, covered in a sweat writhe with bliss as her legs closed and pulled the dildo deeper inside her. 
Waves of heat poured over y/n again and again like she was drowning for a moment. After the feelings subsided she relaxed back onto the bed which was slightly wet from her sweat. The cool feeling, though slightly gross did cool her body and mind down. She pulled out her toy and set them on the bed sheets which she would wash in a few minutes. y/n rolled onto her stomach so she could see Aaron’s flushed cheeks and wild eyes after he came down from his orgasm. She smiled at his blissed-out expression. y/n was sure she looked the same with her hair messed up and her stray ends everywhere. She cleared her throat and said, “Well that was something.” Hotch chuckled and said, “It sure was. Are you feeling okay. Was it alright for you?” y/n loved the attention that Aaron gave to her aftercare if not physically then always emotionally checking in. Sometimes when they got absorbed at the moment they went all in losing control of the other and he always checked in with her afterward. Of course, it would be no different over the computer. y/n nodded and said, “It was good. Thank you for suggesting this. It made me realize just how much I miss having you here. I’m excited for the real thing. So I hope you’re ready when you walk in that door whenever you come back tomorrow.” Aaron flashed her a toothy grin and replied, “Thank you for trying something new with me love, and don’t you worry. I’ll be ready.” y/n looked at the sheets and sighed before saying, “I guess I’m going to put these in the wash and take a shower to clean up. What will you do now, Aaron?” Hotch took a moment to think and said “I’ll shower and change. Emily got me some food when the team went out, so I’ll get that and eat and then sleep. But I’ll text you before then. Also, check the freezer, I got your favorite flavor of ice cream. I assumed I’d be there to share it with you, but it’s all yours baby.” y/n giggled at Aaron and how well he knew her. After they had sex she had a penchant for wanting a snack and the fact that he’d pre-bought her a sweet treat warmed her heart. 
They both hung up shortly after this and spent the rest of the night thinking about the other until they went to bed. The next day the jet was fixed and everyone happily piled inside. As Aaron took his seat, y/n’s words rushed through him and his body started to react. He cleared his throat and pulled one of his files over his groin to hide his growing erection. He tipped his head back and couldn’t wait to be home. Together he and y/n would be sated in the most adoring way possible, and he was going to dream about it every minute of the ride home until it happened for real.
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themultifanshipper · 17 days
“You utter cunt!”
“Fuck you!”
That was how karting usually ended when you two were involved. No matter where either of you started on the grid, you and Liam always found a way to crash into each other.
Warnings: gn!reader, rough sex, lots of swearing, rivals to lovers, smidge of angst, like 2 seconds of fluff before it descends into madness
“That was my line!”
“You call that a line? Ha! My blind grandmother can see that’s a shit line!”
And you were only thirteen then. Now you were both in formula 1. But unfortunately, the insults hadn’t matured, and neither had you.
“You absolute wankstain! What the fuck was that?!”
“That was me having to crash into my teammate! Because my teammate is a shit driver who doesn’t leave me any room, you fucking prick!”
“Oh, dear! Looks like the alpha tauri duo are having a trackside screaming match... again.”
Crofty sighed. At this point it was almost a weekly occurrence. You and Liam were bitter rivals on track and had been since you started karting all those years ago. It always ended in a screaming match that usually lasted well into the evening, and sometimes all the way up the corridors of your hotel rooms, and one time, it ended with Liam shoving you into your room and fucking you right there on the carpet.
That was one time. And you and Liam had never talked about it. The next day you’d bickered on the private jet, as per usual, and just like that it was forgotten.
Except it wasn’t, not really.
The problem was that Liam had unknowingly taken your virginity that night. And it was, by default, the best sex you had ever had. But your relationship stayed the same and the two of you never even acknowledged what happened. You weren’t obsessed with the concept of virginity either of course, it was what it was, and he was you first, whatever. But it would be nice if he stopped being such a huge prick, you know?
Then came the end of season celebrations in Abu Dhabi. You’d been drinking heavily to forget this nightmare of a season and the fact that you (just you, not Liam) had essentially been threatened to stop fighting next season or you would be out of a seat faster than you could say ‘hypocrisy’.
You tried your best to avoid him all evening. But he kept appearing in your line of sight, on the dancefloor, getting drinks at the bar, shuffling off to the toilets every now and then. You kept drinking so that your vision would hopefully go so blurry you wouldn’t be able to see him at all, but of course with those drinks came the need to pee.
So, there you were in one of the stalls thinking about the face of the man you were trying hard not to think about. Then, said man walked in, crossed the room and the sound of him undoing his zipper was heard.
You knew it was him from his stupid shoes that you recognised very well, as he had once thrown them at your head. That was an incident worthy of getting fired....
Anyway, for some obscure reason (about 7 tequila cocktails) you thought it was a great idea to voice that thought out loud.
“I never told you, but those are the ugliest shoes on the fucking planet”.
There was a pause as he zipped his fly back up.
“Jesus, are you stalking me now? The fuck are you doing in there?”
“Pissing, obviously”
Another pause.
“Right” he said “anything else you want to tell me? Or can I get back to having fun now?”
You rolled your eyes “Yeah actually, you need to stop crashing into me, dickwad”.
He snorted. “And why the fuck would I do that”.
“Because I’m out of the seat next time we crash, and because you fucking owe me, so please just cool it with the- !”
“Wait, why the fuck do I owe you anything? It’s not my fault you can’t drive!”
“Because you fucking took my virginity Liam!”
Okay maybe you weren’t completely over it.
You could’ve heard a pin drop. You desperately hoped there wasn’t anyone else in the stalls.
You were so embarrassed you tried to get out of answering by flushing the toilet and waiting for him to leave.
Obviously, that didn’t work.
“Unlock the door, please” He sounded almost winded, which confused you so much you actually opened the door. He was leaning against the wall and as his eyes snapped to yours, you could see there were tears in them.
Your bewilderment must have been visible because he immediately wrapped his arms around you in a tight bear hug.
“I’m so sorry you’re first time was like that... I’m so, so sorry...”
You pushed him off enough to be able to breathe again “The sex was great Liam, what the fuck are you sorry for?”
He stroked your hair as he spoke, refusing to meet your eyes. “Because... I thought you hated me so I... Your first time shouldn’t be, you know, hate-sex. I thought that was the only way I would get to do it with you so I-   I didn’t know you’d never done it before- it was a spur of the moment thing”.
You were even more confused. “The only way you’d get to do it?  What the fuck does that mean?”
He finally looked at you and he seemed so weirdly vulnerable, so heartbroken that your brain started to catch up, and your breath caught in your throat.
“Do you...” your heart was beating fast as you scanned his face for a reaction “like me?”
He had a pained look on his face and just looked down at the floor. He didn’t like you. It went deeper than that.
“Liam look at me” He did. You didn’t know what to say so you just stared at him.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about that night, you know” he said softly. 
“Neither have I” you whispered, and your eyes met as he looked at you in shock.
You both moved at the same time, crashing your lips and bodies together as the years of tension finally washed away and you were on the same wavelength for the first time.
As you both caught your breath a minute later, he chuckled. “Come on, let’s get back to the hotel. I owe you a do-over”.
And do-over he did.
As in, he did you, over every surface.
It started out sweet enough. He carried you to the bed, undressed you slowly and took his time fucking you slowly, almost maddeningly so. But you both quickly realised that he’d already corrupted you the first time, and now you liked it rough. So he gave it to you. First he flipped you over on the bed, grabbed your hair and pushed you face down into the sheets as he pounded into you mercilessly from behind, occasionally leaving hand prints on your ass, then he took you standing up against the glass windows, one hand around your throat, the other sneaking down to touch you where you were making a mess of yourself.
“Fuck, you like it like this don’t you? You’re basically dripping onto the carpet”.
Then he flipped you and lifted you up, your legs hooking over his arms as he entered you again, the position giving you no choice but to just take it.
“Yes, take it baby, fuck- so tight around me, take my fucking cock” he growled and bit into your shoulder, making you moan. “You’d take anything I give you right? Such a fucking slut for it my god”
His hips stuttered as he had a thought.
“It’s my fault, isn’t it? My fault that you take it like you were made for it, fuck”  his thrusts became even harder as you both felt your highs quickly approaching, your hands were scrambling for purchase on his sweaty shoulders, settling in his hair to give it a sharp tug, his answer was a deep thrust that knocked the breath out of you.
“Fucking made for me. Only I get to see you like this now, don’t I? My little cockslut, all for me. Isn’t that right?”
You nodded quickly, but he made a noise of discontent.
“Words baby, I need words or I won’t let you come. Who do you belong to?”
“You Daddy, please I’m gonna come” you couldn’t help it, the name slipping out as his hips stuttered and he made a punched-out noise.
“Shit- say that again baby, that sounded good”.
You huffed out a whine, now was not the time to be embarrassed “Daddy please, please I need to come so bad”.
He groaned “Okay baby go ahead, come on daddy’s cock, now.”
You came so hard. All over yourself, and it ran down onto his thighs and the feeling of you dripping everywhere sent him over the edge, thrusting a couple more times before stilling, deep inside you as you felt him fill you up.
He carried you like that into the bathroom, setting you down gently in the shower, legs and hips sore from the position and you both spent an eternity in there, soaping each other up and kissing tenderly, trying to make up for lost time.
As you got into bed with him, you checked your phone and saw two things: the alarm for your flight was in 2 hours, and a text that read “does this mean you two will be cooperating from now on?”  from your performance engineer.
Your cheeks burned red, she had the room right next door.
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Inspired by lestappen tbh
I blacked out, and an hour later this monstrosity was born! Hope you enjoyed lmao
Also I used alpha tauri bc i refuse to put Visa Cash Card Paypal App Racing Redbulls in my goddamm fics.
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tarotofzhivamoon · 7 months
Masterlist • P@tr30n • Personal readings
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
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Hi! Thank you for stopping by and reading my work. I hope that you’re going to find the guidance that you need🫶🏻 You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any reading.
Pile 1
It took us a while to fall in love, to let each other open up to this possibility that maybe we are meant to be together because old habits kept coming back, they kept influencing our ability to open our hearts and they hindered this beautiful fresh start of a new beginning for us, as we came into this with suspicious and cautious eyes. I must say I lacked experience in relationships, it took me a while to understand how I am supposed to show up for you, how to actually be able to make you part of my routine, but it’s all so clear now that I can push past the limitations of my past. My heart is open to you, it is open to love and inside of me there’s a constellation of feelings that I feel for you because you just bring out the best in me, a part of me that I never really knew existed. I have tried to hide behind the shadows of my defense mechanisms, of every behavior, thought and action that I took with the idea that I needed to take care of myself and preserve who I was in case someone else wanted to conquer me, take everything and leave me with nothing but with you all of my defenses dropped. I can’t think clearly when you’re around, I can’t even describe the things I am feeling when your soft skin touches mine but I know that I am surrendering to you; you can have all of me, you can take over everything I am because I completely trust in you that you do not want to change me, I trust that you love me just for who I am and that whatever you’ll take, whatever I will give you, you will also give back to me so that both of us can grow beautiful gardens within us that are watered by our gentle, pure love. I want everything with you, I want to see the end of my days next to you, I want to start my mornings and end my nights with you here, with a kiss, a touch, a smile and other tokens that symbolize the absolute love we have for each other.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
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Pile 2
I have walked alone for years and years, always leaving parts of me everywhere I went, something that people could remember me by or it maybe was because I had lost so much of myself in that relationship of place that I didn’t know what was mine to take. I have always been one to want this world to become a more loving place for everyone, I understood and observed others, saw their pain and I took it on me to the be the person that is always there for them because I thought they needed me, even though I was also hurting on the inside and no one actually really saw me. I didn’t want to fall in love ever again, I wanted to be on my own because I felt that I had a bubble of protection around me that no one would be able to break if I didn’t let them get too close to me, I just didn’t want to surrender to such a powerful, yet possibly extremely hurtful experience if it wasn’t meant to work out; I didn’t want to take that change at being heartbroken anymore because I felt like if it happened it would have turned me into this cold hearted monster that had no empathy, no understanding and no love to give, only madness at a world that seemed to be against me and never showed me the love that I needed and wanted in return. I have been in my own world, my own safe space, like a little scared rabbit I would hop in and out of relationships and places the moment I started to feel vulnerable and threatened, nobody was really able to catch me and to show me the love, show me the way back towards a part of me that I actually lost in the process of trying to protect my heart. You were able to make me want to stay next to you because you have been so gentle with my heart, you have actually a better understanding than me about the things that I was going through because you’ve been through similar experiences but you still turned out differently, those experiences actually transformed you into being even kinder, even more loving and your energy has showed me the way back to myself.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
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Pile 3
I threw logic out of the window with you, I didn’t need it and I don’t think I will ever need it because I knew that I needed to let my heart guide me to you and guide me with my relationship with you. I manifested you, I spent entire days thinking about you and wanting you to find your way into my life so that I could experience this type of psychedelic love with you, one that lifts me up to the sky on soft clouds and makes me feel lighter than ever, like I have no other worry in the world. Your love is spiritual, I do think and feel as though you have a spiritual purpose in my life, this romance isn’t simply practical, it isn’t a simple “this is what I need to do, this person is good for me”, it’s more than that, it’s deeper and besides that feeling that you are the one for me, there is something that doesn’t really make sense. And it’s beautiful that it doesn’t make sense, because we are nothing alike, we see the world differently, but we want the same thing which is love and growth. My prayer has been answered when you came into my life, romance found its way into my life in the most elevating way and I knew right from the start that I was going to marry you because it was the only path our connection had as an option. I’m here to work hard for you, I’m here to work hard for our relationship because I know that the effort I put in matters and I know that it makes a difference towards actually achieving the beautiful things that we both want out of this connection. I know that both of us are going to be successful because everything we need is right in our hands. I know that sometimes these feelings can get overwhelming and sometimes too much, even if it is love, can do great harm if it transforms into smothering and being too present, I am guilty of that, I’m guilty of wanting to spend all of my time with you, guilty of doing everything with you but I also know that we should maintain this sense of independence for us to be able to do things outside of the relationship too because it’s healthy.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
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Dividers by Kawaii-Lau on Tumblr
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bitchesuntitled · 3 months
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Summary: What happens when your husband, Dieter, forgets who you are?
Warnings: 18+ minors get outta here! Cursing, fluff, smut, feel good, oral(f receiving), fingering(f receiving), probably not like realistic medical knowledge but it’s fiction 🤷‍♀️
A/N: Thank you so much @papipascalispunk for editing. @jay-zzle for the idea AND the mood board 😍❤️ I really liked writing this and had a lot of fun with it. Hope y’all like it! @schnarfer(it's here!)
Masterlist||AO3 Link
“Wait, who said we can’t have fruit bars anymore?” you ask, turning from the pantry to look at your seven year old daughter, Luna, sitting at the kitchen island.
“Daddy,” Luna states matter of factly, “He said that it’s fake food and we should only eat organic stuff.”
“Yeah, we need organic food,” your son Leo pipes in from the seat next to her. At three years old, he is currently in the copy everything big sister says or does phase.
“So, what do you want as a snack in your lunch box then?” you ask, raising your eyebrows, waiting for an answer.
“Uhhh… banana?” Luna shrugs, “Daddy wasn’t very specific on what I should eat instead.”
“Okay but get your breakfast eaten before your cereal gets soggy,” you say, pointing at both before starting on the dishes.
Of course Dieter would be the one to tell the kids not to eat certain foods. The man scolds you every time he sees your Bluetooth headphones – droning on and on about the effects it’ll have on your brain waves and how it’s going to damage your mind. Your relationship with Dieter was a bit of a chaotic whirlwind, meeting randomly on the set of one of the movies he starred in, one your friend was working on the set of.
“Well, hello there,” Dieter had said, standing next to you by the craft table. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”
“Excuse me?” you asked, looking around to see who he was actually talking to.
“Or should I walk by again?” he said with a smile.
“Is that how you get all the girls?” you asked, picking up a piece of cheese and pointing it at him, “Because that shit was pretty cheesy if you ask me.”
“No, trying something new,” Dieter said, cracking up into a giant fit of laughter. “Sorry, sorry. That– yeah, that was pretty good.”
“Bravo needed on set!” someone with a headset shouted in the distance, frantically waving at him.
“Guess that’s my cue,” he sighed, “Hope to see you ar– wait, what’s your name?”
You introduce yourself and he takes your hand, kissing the back of it.
“Pleased to meet you,” he said, repeating your name and winking, “Hope to see you around.”
That was the conversation that started it all nearly eight years ago. Within the first year of knowing Dieter, you were married and pregnant – and no – it wasn’t a shotgun wedding, as much as the tabloids tried to pin it as one.
“Dieter Bravo and Mystery Woman Seen Leaving Las Vegas Wedding Chapel”
“Dieter Bravo Expecting First Child with New Wife – Shotgun Wedding?”
“How Long Before Dieter Bravo Gets His First Divorce?”
You both just knew you were meant to be together. With the birth of Luna, he had sobered up completely. These days he hardly even drinks beer. It’s weird in a way, that he’s changed so much from who you first met, but still the same Dieter in every other aspect. Wild, spontaneous, creative, romantic, chaotic at times, and so loving.
“Good morning, my babies,” Dieter says, waltzing into the kitchen, giving each of his kids a kiss on the top of their heads.
“Hi, Daddy,” Luna and Leo exclaim.
“Hello, my love,” Dieter smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist giving you a sloppy smooch on the cheek.
“Ew,” Luna shouts, making gagging noises.
“Yeah, what Luna said!” Leo says, copying his older sister with fake gagging.
“Stop with the fake gagging,” he replies, looking at them, “You’ll make mommy sick.”
“Hi, babe,” you laugh, “Someone’s in a good mood this morning.”
“I want to start doing my own stunts like Tom Cruise,” Dieter explains excitedly, “And I think I’m going to crush it today! I’m supposed to scale a building, don’t worry, everything is going to be totally safe.”
“Seriously, Dieter?” you sigh, “You may say that it’s safe but I’m still going to worry – please be safe.”
Dieter gasps, putting his hand to his chest as if he were clutching a set of pearls. “Babies, I don’t think mommy trusts daddy!”
“Momma,” Leo laughs, perching up on the chair more, “Daddy be fine!”
“Yeah, momma,” Dieter says with a grin, “Daddy be fine.”
“Yeah, okay,” you say, snorting and shaking your head, looking at your watch you realize you’re going to be cutting it close in getting Luna to school on time. “Shit!”
“Mommy,” Luna scolds, “You shouldn’t say bad words like that!”
“Luna, hurry up with your cereal or else you’re going to be late for school again,” you say as you turn to Dieter who is rummaging in the fridge for his own breakfast. “What time do you have to be on set?”
“In about an hour, get her to school. My favorite son and I will be fine here at home. If need be, I’ll tell the director that I’m going to be late. Family first,” he says, “Not like they’d fire me at this point. I’m the entire reason people are going to want to see this movie.”
“I love you so much,” you say, giving him a kiss before ushering Luna out the door.
“Love you too, baby!” Dieter shouts.
“I’m back,” you announce from the front door.
“That didn’t take as long as I expected,” Dieter chuckles, “I gotta get headed to the studio though.” He scoops Leo up into a tight hug, “We'll play superhero when I get back home, okay?”
“Otay,” Leo says, pouting.
“Poor baby,” Dieter coos and glances up at you with a smirk, “You sure you don’t want another one?”
“Dieter,” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck, “We’ve talked about this. If it feels right, then maybe, but right now? No.”
“Fine,” Dieter groans, “But the moment you think it feels right, tell me?”
“Promise,” you smirk.
Dieter tells Leo goodbye with the promise of playing superheroes when he gets back home. Your mind begins to wander back to Dieter’s question about another baby as you go about your chores. You start smiling thinking back to when you first decided to start trying for a baby –  lying in bed together shortly after getting married.
“How many kids do you want?” Dieter asked, playing with the wedding band on your finger.
“I’d always imagined three honestly,” you smiled, “Why?”
“I want whatever you want,” he grinned, slotting himself between your legs again. “But if you wanted at least one I wouldn’t mind trying now.”
“D, we just got married a month ago,” you said, shaking your head, “Is that the only reason you married me? To have a baby?”
“Of course not, baby,” Dieter said, linking his fingers with yours and pinning them above your head, “I just know I really, really want them with you.”
“Oh yeah?” you whispered, tilting your head up to capture his lips. He moaned into your mouth, slowly grinding his stiffness against you.
“Yes,” he panted, breaking the kiss.
“Let’s do it then,” you said, nipping his bottom lip, “Fuck a baby into me, Dieter.”
“Fuck yeah, baby,” he groaned.
“Momma!” Leo shouts, pulling you from your thoughts, “Your phone.”
You had been so deep in the memory you didn’t even notice your phone ringing. It’s just Dieter, probably checking in to see how your day is going. He tends to do that while he’s on breaks at work.
“Well, hello, Tom Cruise,” you answer, giggling – except it isn’t Dieter on the other end. 
Instead, you hear his assistant, Andy, saying your name before, “Dieter’s been in an accident. I’m almost to your house, I’ll watch Leo so you can go to Cedars-Sinai medical,” quickly spills out of his mouth, “It’s not good.”
It’s been two weeks that you’ve sat beside his bed in this damn hospital, waiting for him to wake up. The doctors are all hopeful that he’ll wake up at any minute, but it’s been two days since he’s been off the ventilator, and nothing has happened yet. The kids keep asking where their dad is, and you don’t have any other answer than he’s sick. 
“Dieter,” you beg, holding onto his hand, “Babe, please wake up. We need you. Luna and Leo miss you – I miss you. Please just wake up.”
The nurse comes in to check Dieter’s vitals for the third time today. Since she’s keeping him company, you decide to head to the cafeteria to get some food, grabbing something simple before heading back to Dieter’s room. When you return, you notice a flurry of activity.
“Mr. Bravo, can you tell me what year it is?” a doctor asks, shining a small flashlight in his eyes.
“Of course I can, dumbass! It’s 2016,” Dieter snaps. “Now will you stop shining that light in my eye?”
“What’s going on?” you ask hesitantly.
“He woke up while you went to get food,” a nurse explains, “We’re trying to make sure mentally he’s with us.”
“Oh, for fuck sake!” Dieter cries out, “I’m fine, never felt better! There, she must be my new assistant.”
All eyes turn to you. This was a possibility the doctor had talked about before – temporary amnesia. Hopefully that’s all it is. The doctor motions you to follow him out of the room.
“He seems to have hit his head harder than we thought. In all honesty, I would try to play pretend with him for a little bit. Try thinking of things that might remind him of who he actually is today,” the doctor suggests. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Bravo.”
Dieter is having a conniption in the room while nurses are trying to calm him down. As you step back in, you see your husband frantically disconnecting and throwing the wires off of his body and onto the floor. 
“Where the fuck is my assistant?” Dieter yells.
“Dieter, D, baby – Mr. Bravo!” you shout and Dieter immediately freezes, eyes wide as saucers. “You need to calm down before you hurt yourself.”
“What happened?” Dieter asks, looking around at everyone.
“We’ll give you guys some space,” a nurse says quietly while ushering the others out of the room. You grab the chair next to his bed and sit down, reaching for his hand but stopping yourself as you notice your ring. Right now, this isn’t your husband. This is Dieter Bravo who believes it’s the year 2016.
“You were in an accident, you hit your head pretty good,” you start explaining to him, “You’ve been in a coma for two weeks now.”
“So, who are you?” he asks, looking you up and down with a raised eyebrow. “I knew my team wanted to hire me a new assistant since things didn’t work out with the last one – didn’t realize they’d pick someone so hot. Would you wanna have sex with me?”
“Dieter, I don’t think you’re cleared for those types of activities,” you chuckle, “I’m here for whatever you might need though.”
“Can you get me my phone?” he asks with those puppy-dog eyes he does best.
“Sure,” you reach for your purse digging around and find his phone, handing it over to him. “The passcode is 332016”
“The fuck? Why would I change it from the classic 42069?” he asks, looking at you with confusion.
“It’s uh… an important day to you,” you say, looking away, not wanting him to see the tears forming in your eyes. The day you met. 
“So, did I have an accident on set?”
“Yeah, you were scaling a building and the cable holding you snapped. You fell a good distance and smacked your head on the ground.”
“Wait,” Dieter says looking at his phone calendar, pointing it towards you, “Why does this say it’s 2024?”
“Because it’s not 2016,” you shrug, “It’s 2024.”
“How long have I been in a fucking coma?” Dieter asks, starting to panic again, frantically searching through the contacts in his phone, “Why can’t I find my dealer's number? I need coke. Wait, you’re my fucking assistant – go get me coke!”
“You’ve only been in a coma for two weeks and the only coke I’ll get you is Coca Cola,” you say crossing your arms, “I won’t let you have drugs in m– the house, Dieter.”
“Wait, my assistant lives with me?” he gasps, “You’re just supposed to come when I call you.”
“Different kind of assistant here.”
“Wait, I can’t have you in my house! I see that ring on your finger – I don’t want to get in between a marriage,” Dieter says, pointing at your left hand.
“It’s– it’s complicated right now,” you shrug.
“Fine, stay in my house, but stay out of my way,” Dieter sighs in frustration.
This is going to be a lot harder than you thought. He doesn’t remember who you are to him. He doesn’t remember getting clean when he married you. He doesn’t remember anything. Going home that night doesn’t help either because Luna wants to know what’s going on with her dad.
“Andy said that daddy woke up!” Luna says vibrating with excitement, “How come he’s not home?
“I had to leave him at the hospital because he’s still sick, honey.” You sit down on the plush couch in the living room, “Come here. I wanna talk to you about something.”
“Okay,” Luna hesitantly says, coming to sit next to you.
“Daddy is still sick. He looks fine but his brain is sick right now.”
“What’s that mean?” she questions, looking at you with the same eyes as her father.
“He doesn’t remember some stuff about his life right now,” you continue, “But we are gonna try to help him get it back. We have to think of the best memories we have with daddy so that maybe he’ll remember better.”
“So, we have to fix daddy?” she asks with tears in her eyes as you grab her into a hug, stroking her hair.
“Yeah, sweet girl, we have to fix daddy,” you say, trying not to cry yourself.
What was supposed to only be a few days turned into a week at the hospital. A week of playing Dieter’s assistant and having him boss you around. He was still adamant on getting drugs, but you put your foot down on that one. You weren’t going to let him ruin his seven years of sobriety just because he lost his memory.
“Alright Mr. Bravo looks like you’re all set to leave. Just need you to sign a couple of papers here and then you can be on your way,” the doctor says, handing him the papers.
“Fucking finally,” Dieter groans, “Not that this isn’t a wonderful hospital, but I’d much rather be home.”
“Of course,” the doctor says.
“Will you go ahead and bring the car around? I’d rather not walk too much considering my condition,” Dieter asks, looking at you.
“Of course, D– Mr. Bravo,” you grit through your teeth with the most customer service smile you can muster. That was a new development, Dieter wanting you only to refer to him as Mr. Bravo. You rush out of the room so that it doesn’t blow up into another argument. He’s already tried to fire you twice because of the no drugs thing. You had to make up some story of how you’re in a five-year contract that cannot be broken and tell him three times before he finally bought the story.
Pulling the car around to the front of the hospital, you see him being wheeled out.
“Thank you again so much for taking care of me,” he says, winking at the nurse, “Best care I’ve ever received!”
“No problem at all, Dieter,” she giggles. 
“Could I possibly get your number?” Dieter asks, looking expectantly at the nurse after getting settled into the passenger seat of the car. She shakes her head violently.
“No, sorry,” she says before running off wheeling the wheelchair back into the building.
“Well, that was fucking weird,” Dieter says, looking at you. “Did I do something wrong? Most women don’t literally run from me like that.”
“No, Mr. Bravo, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you growl, “Nothing at all.”
You begin to play a song you hope might bring back some sort of memory of you. With all the hope you can muster you hit play and hear Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz, one of the songs you guys would listen to while you got high together. Dieter starts to chuckle listening to the song.
“What?” you snap at him.
“It’s just this song,” Dieter said grinning, “It reminds me of someone.”
“Oh?” you ask, trying not to pry too much hoping he’ll just continue talking.
“Yeah, I can’t remember what her name is, though. Good lay, that’s for damn sure,” he says, laughing a little, “All I remember is she wasn’t even in the business, she’d call me out on all my shit, and we would smoke weed together listening to this song a lot. I think that’s why I liked her. Wonder what she’s up to these days?”
“Oh um… who knows, maybe she’s still in town?” Your heart swells realizing he’s talking about you, that he remembers some remnants of you. 
“No way!” Dieter says and sighs, “Way too fucking good for someone like me anyways. Probably found some nice guy, got married, has kids, the whole white picket fence shit and everything. She was way out of my league.”
Pulling up to the house you don’t even know what to say to him. He looks almost defeated in a way and then looks confused when he sees the front door opening.
“Oh no,” you whisper, watching Luna run to the car, “Dieter, wait here. Do not move!”
“Why the fuck are there children at my house?” he asks while you’re getting out, but you shut the door behind you, ignoring him.
“Luna, baby, I need you to go back into the house. Daddy’s sick, remember?” you say, trying to usher her back up the driveway.
“Mommy!” Leo shrieks, running to you.
“Fuck – I mean fudge,” Andy says, frantically running out to the driveway, “I was in the bathroom. She must’ve heard the car, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“The hell is going on here?” Dieter’s voice booms while getting out of the car, “I asked you why there are kids in my house.”
“Da–” Luna starts, but you cut her off.
“You two, inside. Now,” you say, ushering them towards Andy. Once they’re inside you whip around to look at Dieter standing by the car.
“You,” you snarl, walking towards him, “Screw what the doctor said. I’ve had enough of this shit. I’m not your fucking assistant so stop bossing me around. I’m your wife – those two are our children!”
“Wha–” Dieter stares at you with wide eyes, “D– DNA Test, I want a fucking DNA test!”
“Dieter, there isn’t a need for a DNA test because they’re your kids. I mean, did you even look at them?”
“Those are not my kids, they look Latino,” he argues.
“Dieter!” you yell, “You are Latino.”
“Oh, yeah,” he whispers, looking down. “So, you’re my wife?”
“Yes, Dieter, I’m your wife. I’m the girl that would get high with you listening to Clint Eastwood.”
“Wild,” he says looking at the house, the ground below him, the yard, anywhere but you “Wild.”
It’s been a week at home now, but Dieter is trying his hardest to regain his memory after you lay everything out on the table for him. You show him pictures of your Las Vegas wedding, your pregnancy photos, the kids’ births – he finally relents to the truth when you show him their birth certificates with his name listed under Father. Luna has been trying to show him drawings that she’s done for him, but nothing is working. Poor Leo just wants to play superheroes, but at just three years old, he doesn’t understand what’s going on at all.
One night, after you put the kids to bed, Dieter comes to your bedroom.
“What if we had sex?” he suggests.
“Dieter, I don’t know if that would be a good idea,” you groan, flopping onto the bed rubbing your eyes.
“I’m just saying, what if we did?” he shrugs, “Was just a suggestion, but I get it.”
“Come here,” you say, patting the spot next to you in bed. He reluctantly sits down next to you as you open your arms as an invitation. “How about we cuddle?”
He nods, setting his head on your chest. You can tell he didn’t know what to do with his hands because he’s so tense. You grab one of them and push it around your back, hoping he’ll understand your silent suggestion. 
“Like this?” he whispers, carefully adjusting both arms to wrap around you.
“Just like that,” you hum, stroking the curls at the base of his neck, breathing his scent in for the first time in weeks. Clean laundry, a hint of eucalyptus, and something that’s so specifically Dieter.
“I like this,” Dieter purs, rubbing his head against your chest, “I wish so badly I could just remember everything.”
“I know D, I know,” you sigh, continuing to gently stroke his head, “We’ll get there.”
Dieter moves so his head is in the crook of your neck. You feel his lips begin to place soft kisses against your skin.
“Dieter,” you gasp, turning your head to look at him, “What are you doing?”
“I wanna make you feel better,” he says, giving you those puppy dog eyes you can never refuse. “You’ve had to deal with a lot and this is the only way I know how to try and make things right.”
“Okay,” you whisper, nodding your head. As much as you’ve avoided intimacy with Dieter while his memory was gone, he’s still your Dieter and you miss him. 
He starts nipping along your jaw and down your neck. One of his hands moves to your breast gently kneading it. His lips move down your throat to your chest, making his way down to your stomach and pushing your shirt up. He places several kisses around your navel down to the top of your underwear, looking up at you again for confirmation. “It’s okay,” you nod, giving him the go ahead. He peels them off your hips and down your legs, throwing them to the floor.
Without warning he flattens his tongue, licking a stripe up your seam. Working his tongue against your clit and back down to your entrance. Up and down, up and down.
“Fuck, baby, I’ve missed this,” you cry out, running your fingers through his hair, “Feels so fucking good!”
Dieter starts humming, loving the praise you were giving him. His tongue continues circling your bundle of nerves, hoping to hear more words of praise.
“Taste so fucking good,” he says breaking away, “Best pussy I’ve ever had.”
You grip his hair tightly and shove his face back to your core. It’s almost embarrassing how quickly you can feel your orgasm approaching.
“Please don’t stop,” you moan, “I’m so fucking close!”
Dieter doubles down his efforts after hearing those words. He’s determined to get you off now. One of his hands makes its way to your center, teasing your entrance before plunging two of his thick fingers inside, curling them up to hit that spot only he’s ever been able to reach.
“Oh, fuck,” you cry out, back arching, “Y– yes, just like that!”
He starts grunting, rutting into the mattress, so badly needing to make you come. He knows you’re close, listening to your breathing and hearing the pitch of your moans. 
“D,” you moan, while he grabs your thighs, pulling you unbelievably closer to his face to completely devour you before sliding his fingers back into you. “I’m gonna come!”
“Give it to me, baby, come on,” he says, pulling away panting before diving back in for more, “I need it”. He feels the way your legs begin to shake, your walls fluttering around his fingers.
“Fuck,” you hiss, head thrown back against the pillow closing your eyes, “I– I’m gonna… god.”
Dieter feels your walls constrict around his fingers and hums, collecting your release slowly. He takes his time licking you clean before you push him away, feeling overly sensitive. When you finally open your eyes to look at him, you notice his smile and a glint in his eyes. He crawls back up the length of your body and you grab his face, kissing him deeply tasting yourself on his tongue.
“I can’t believe you married me,” he says, breaking the kiss and wrapping his arms around you again, “Love me forever?”
“Dieter, I’m pretty sure I’ve already proven that I’ll love you forever,” you softly chuckle, beginning to stroke his back.
The doctor keeps saying to just be patient, that it’s going to take time for Dieter’s memory to return. But it feels like it’s been forever as another week passes. Everyone is getting frustrated, especially Leo.
“Why is daddy broke?” Leo screams at the top of his lungs, “He no play with me!”
“Leo, Daddy just doesn’t feel good,” you try to explain.
“He no like me!” Leo wails, “He only likes Luna.”
“Leo, daddy does too like you,” you try telling him, “He loves you very much.” 
“No,” Leo cries as you scoop him up as he buries his face into your shoulder.
“Shh, it’s okay, baby. It’s okay,” you soothe.
It wasn’t that Dieter wasn’t trying with the kids, he just didn’t know how. His dad instincts hadn’t been brought back full-force. He was great with Luna –  engaged in conversation with her, drew pictures with her, watched her put on fashion shows. With Leo though, he didn’t know how to interact with a toddler. Leo would get upset and Dieter didn’t know what to do besides call you for help. Before Dieter’s accident Leo was his little buddy, followed him everywhere, would play with him for hours being superheroes or whatever Leo decided on that day.
You were able to get Leo to calm down and because of his tantrum he wound up falling asleep. After putting him in his bed for a nap you went to search for Dieter.
“Hey,” you sigh, seeing him standing by the window looking into the backyard.
“Hey,” he says sniffling, wiping his sleeve against his nose, “I’m so sorry.”
“Dieter, I’m not the one you should be saying sorry to. Leo misses you! I know that you’re trying, I do, but I need you to try harder for him,” you sigh, “I can’t pretend that I even know what you’re going through, but our baby boy is hurting because he misses his dad!”
“I know,” Dieter says turning around, you could now see the tears falling down his face, “It’s just… he scares me! It’s easier with Luna because I can understand every word she says, she can show me things, she doesn’t throw a tantrum every five minutes.”
“Dieter, he’s your son! Not some little monster to be scared of! He’s three and doesn’t know any better,” you scold him, “Like I said, I just need you to try.”
“Okay,” Dieter agrees, wiping the tears off his face, “When he wakes up from his nap, I’ll try.”
Dieter could hear Leo awake in his room as he slowly made his way there.
“Dad-Bomb an’ dude-bomb! To rescue!” Leo says, jumping off his bed with a cape around his shoulders. Dieter stands in the doorway observing him. Why did that sound so familiar? Dad-Bomb.
“Hey Leo,” Dieter says cautiously, “What are you playing?”
“Superhero,” Leo smiles, “Want to play with me?”
“Can I?” Dieter exclaims, “I’ve always wanted to be a superhero!”
“Yeah!” Leo shouts, running to his closet to grab something. He comes back out with a big purple cape with D-B on the back, handing it to Dieter. “Put on your cape.”
Dieter pulls the cape around his neck, tying it so it wouldn’t fall off. He notices Leo’s little green cape he was wearing also had D-B on the back.
“Do we have names, Leo?” Dieter asks, “I can’t help but see we have stuff on the back of our super-awesome capes!”
“I’m Dude-Bomb, you’re Dad-Bomb!” Leo gleefully exclaims 
“Yeah, like ‘da-bomb’ –  means super cool,” Leo giggles.This was starting to feel extremely familiar to Dieter. 
Leo scampers off to his closet again, rummaging through it trying to find something. He comes back holding a piece of paper and hands it to Dieter. Dieter holds it up, staring at it. His drawing of Dad-Bomb and Dude-Bomb, fighting crime together, and it all comes rushing back.
“Oh my god, Leo,” Dieter yells.
He picks Leo up, swinging him around. Hearing the commotion, you start running towards Leo’s room fearing the worst. Rounding the corner into the room, you saw Dieter crying, hugging Leo tightly and swinging him back and forth.
“Dad-Bomb and Dude-Bomb!” Dieter exclaims, grinning from ear to ear.
“Yeah, that’s you an’ me!” Leo announces proudly.
“Everything okay?” you ask quietly, looking at both of them.
“Yeah. March 3, 2016 – that’s the day I met you,” Dieter says, tears rolling down his face.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, “Baby.”
“Yeah, baby. It’s all back,” he says, setting Leo back down and rushing to grab you in a tight embrace, “I’m back.”
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brienneoftarth1989 · 10 months
Under Her Desk NSFW
Larissa Weems x fem reader
Summary: It’s been a long day at work and you just needed to let off some steam. You head to Larissa’s office to go have some wine like you normally do. However, no one knows your supposed to be there. Larissa shoved you under her desk when someone comes in to have a chat with her. What a silly idea that was
Warnings: fingering, pinning, teasing, cunnilingus, sensual, humiliation, dirty talk, shifted cock, aftercare, smut
Requests open
The end of the school day was always your favourite especially on a friday night because that is when you get to see Larissa. After a long working day you would normally head back to your room which was on site. From there you would normally do some writing which always helps you relax. You enjoyed writing fanfics about your favourite actress.
After about an hour you would normally then spend another hour just listening to music while you get ready for the evening. You recently created a Spotify playlist called the Era’s Tour. You have added the whole setlist from the Taylor Swift Era’s tour including all the surprise songs she has performed so far.
After then spending an hour listening to music and sorting yourself out for bed you would then go have dinner before spending the rest of the evening watching your favourite movies and series. The series you were watching at the moment was a series called Chucky which is about a serial killer who transferred his soul into a doll. It was a good series which you recommend.
However things changed for you one day after you had finished a one to one meeting with Larissa. She asked you if you had any plans for the rest of the evening, to which you told her that you were just going to go to your room and chill like you normally do after work. Of course Larissa didn’t like the sound of such a boring evening so she invited you to her office for a glass of wine later that evening.
From that moment every Friday evening you would make your way to Larissa’s office for a glass of wine and a good old chat about the week the both of you have had. It was quite enjoyable and as time went on so did the types of activities the two of you shared. It started out with the two of you just chatting and drinking but you started to develop feelings for the tall beauty.
So one night you decided to see how far things would go and you told her that you liked her more than just a friend. That night you ended up sleeping together and now the two of you have been together for just over 8 months. It still didn’t feel real that you were dating such an amazing person.
However the two of you did decide that you would keep your relationship a secret for a little while. You didn’t want your colleagues thinking you were getting special treatment from the boss and even after the 8 months of being together the two of you still meet up every Friday for a glass of wine and to chat about the week the two of you have had.
So you were currently packing up your classroom so you could then head down to Larissa’s office. When you arrived outside of the large oak doors you knocked your secret knock before waiting for Larissa to invite you in. You never wanted to just barge in because sometimes her meetings run late and you would never want to interrupt them.
Plus at least if you knocked if she was in a meeting the person wouldn’t start questioning you about why you just invited yourself in. Not even five seconds later you hear Larissa call for you to come in. You opened the door to see just Larissa sitting at her desk with two glasses of wine already poured for the both of you.
You walked over to Larissa helping yourself to one of the glasses before taking a sip. You definitely did enjoy Larissa’s choices in red wines. “Hey babe, how have you been today?” you asked her as you perched yourself on her desk. “It’s been alright darling, just writing up the report from the incident that happened on outreach day. I know it has something to do with Wednesday but I just can’t seem to prove that she had something to do with it” she sighed before taking a sip of her wine.
“I swear that a child always seems to be up to something and is always the centre of attention when it comes to these types of incidents. I’m sure she will cock up one day so you are actually able to prove that you were right” you chuckled slightly trying to get her to crack a smile which you managed to achieve.
Larissa and Wednesday seem to have a love-hate relationship at the moment. Larissa deeply cares for Wednesday but Wednesday seems to be trying her hardest to get to her last nerve. Larissa doesn’t want to have to be so harsh on any of her students but if they keep pushing her to her wits end then there will be consequences.
“Enough about me, how has your day been?” she asked you while closing her laptop to give you all her attention. “It was alright. Just been teaching and marking papers so nothing too ex…”
You turned to look at the door before looking back to Larissa. “Are you expecting anyone?” you whispered to Larissa. “No I am not” she whispered to you. “Who is it?” Larissa then called out. “It’s Marilyn, would I be able to have a quick word if you're not busy” Marilyn shouted from the otherside of the door.
“Quick get under my desk I can’t have Marilyn know you're in here, she will get suspicious” she whispered before shoving you under her desk. She then handed your glass of wine to you so Marilyn didn’t question why she had two glasses of wine when she was the only one in the room. “Come in” Larissa then shouted to Marilyn.
This was humiliating! Why did you have to hide under the desk? It was at times like this you wished everyone knew that the two of you were dating but you knew better to rush things. Therefore you sat patiently under her desk sipping on your drink and eavesdropping on the conversation.
“So I have some concerns about Wednesday,” you heard Marilyn say to Larissa. Of course this conversation would be about Wednesday and you already knew that Larissa wasn’t in the best mood at the moment due to her. You also knew that Larissa most probably doesn’t even want to hear her name so you decided to cheer her up the only way you could at the moment.
You placed your hand on her bare calf and started to gently stroke up her leg. You were quite surprised she had foregone her stockings which she normally wore. At least this will make things a little easier. As you let your hands wander up her legs you started to leave small little kisses along the inside of her legs.
You heard her gasp slightly which she then covered up with a cough. “Are you alright Larissa?” you heard Marilyn ask. “Umm yeah, I’m fine, just had a little tickle in my throat which I needed to clear” Larissa responded. All you could do was smirk at her lie. As your hands travelled further Larissa slowly spread her legs which gave you access to everything.
You continued to press feather-like kisses up the inside of her legs before finally reaching her core. You knew she was turned on from this as there was a damp patch on her panties. You continued to leave sweet kisses over the top of her panties. You knew this was going to drive her wild and all she would be thinking is when will Marilyn leave?
You carefully moved Larissa’s underwear so they were now out of your way before latching onto her clit which you sucked on and traced with perfect little patterns that you knew Larissa enjoyed. You knew this would drive her wild and it won’t be long before she can no longer keep her cries and whimpers in.
“So what are we going to do about Wednesday Larissa?” Marilyn asked her. Larissa was trying her best to hold in her cries and moans. What a stupid idea to hide you under her own desk. “Umm.urr.. I’m not too sure at this moment in time. I..I need to have a word with We..Wednesday before I take any further action” Larissa managed to get out.
“Are you feeling ok?” Marilyn asked, concerned that her boss wasn’t able to compose a simple sentence without stuttering. “Ohh..I’m fine I’m just not feeling that great. I think maybe I need to go for a lay down” Larissa managed to say quite confidently. “Ok no worries Larissa, I hope you feel better soon” Marilyn said before leaving the room.
Larissa was quick to grab your head with her hand and push you further into her cunt forcing you to eat her out. You would die happy from suffocation. “Fuck y/n, yes right there, please put your fingers in me” Larissa finally moaned out. How could you deny her such things? You trailed your hand up her leg before lining two fingers up with the entrance of her pussy.
You slowly pushed your fingers in which slipped in with ease. “Fuck baby, you’re soaked” you moaned into her pussy. “Yes, all for you baby. Now fuck me like a slut” she moaned. Fuck she really knew how to turn you on as well. You slowly started to move your fingers inside of her before picking up the pace ever so quickly.
As you pounded her with your fingers you sucked harder on her clit. “Fuck y/n, I’m going to cum!” she moaned out. “Yes baby! Cum for me! I want to be drunk off your cum” you moaned. That was all it took before you felt Larissa’s walls clench around your fingers before she cried out from pleasure. “Yes baby, don’t stop, don’t stop!” you moaned as she came all over your fingers.
You let Larissa ride out her orgasm before slowly pulling your cum covered fingers from out of her. You put them straight in your mouth, sucking them clean. “You are in trouble” Larissa said while standing up allowing you to crawl out from under the desk. “What? Why? I just made you cum and somehow I’m in trouble” you laughed ever so slightly.
“Because my dear you did not have permission to touch me plus what if Marilyn had caught you” she smirked. “Well I would put on a show for her. I’m sure she would have loved to have stuck around to see who you belong to” you moaned as you pinned Larissa to the nearby wall.
“Ah I don’t think so! You’re done being in charge. Now it’s my turn to have my way with you” Larissa moaned into your ear before flipping you both around so you were now the one with your back flat against the wall. “Why don’t we take this to the bedroom” you whispered as you watched Larissa strip down in front of you.
“Oh what a brilliant idea” Larissa purred once she had removed all her clothing. She then grabbed your hand leading you to the shared bedroom. She immediately pushed you onto the bed before stripping you of all your clothing.
You felt yourself shiver as the cool air hit your body. “Aww is someone cold?” Larissa teased. “Don’t worry my sweet girl. I will have you sweating in no time” she whispered once again into your ear before starting to leave a trail of kisses from your neck down your body.
You squirmed under her touch. You knew where you wanted her but you knew deep down that Larissa was going to take her sweet time getting there and that was just what she did. Larissa slowly kissed down your neck before paying attention to your breasts.
She immediately latched onto one of your nipples while her hand pinched the other. You arch your back out of pain and pleasure. She knew just how to turn you on. “Fuck Larissa! Harder baby! Treat me like the slut I am” you moaned. “Oh don’t worry baby, I will make sure you are fucked like the slut you are” she moaned against your skin.
She continued to torture your nipples before slowly starting to make her way further down your body where you were desperate for her touch. She finally reached your throbbing core to which she left a small kiss on your clit. You threw your head back in pleasure. “Please baby” you moaned.
Larissa ran her finger up and down your slit brushing against your clit every so often “Oh, you want me to pleasure you? Well all you have to do is ask baby” she smirked. You knew she was up to something. “Please Larissa! Please fuck me” you moaned as the teasing intensivied.
“Ah ah, that is no way to ask me to please you. Now what do you say?” she smirked as she looked up at you as she continued to run her finger through your folds. You had a thought as to what the right answer would be and then it came to you. “Please mommy, please fuck me. I’m desperate and I need your touch” you moaned as you tried to buck your hips into her hand.
“That’s better baby girl” she moaned as she pushed one of her fingers in you as she latched onto your clit immediately. She knew just the way you liked it. She continued to add more fingers before she eventually had four fingers deep inside you as she continued to torture your clit with her tongue.
“Fuck Larissa I’m close! Please can I cum?” you practically screamed. “Yes baby! Cum over these fingers! I want to taste every drop of cum that comes out of you” she moaned as she kept up with her pace which only brought you closer and closer. “Fuck baby I’m cumming!” you screamed as you felt your walls clench around her fingers as you rode out your orgasm.
Larissa helped you ride off your orgasm as she lapped up all your juices. Once she knew that you had come down from your high she slowly pulled her fingers out of you which she put straight into her mouth. “Mmm you taste amazing darling” she moaned as she sucked her fingers clean.
Larissa stood up and you couldn’t help but stare at her growing member. “Uhh babe?” you question. Had Larissa forgot to tell you something? You could have sworn you were eating her pussy out about half an hour ago.
“What’s the matter darling” she asked you, getting slightly concerned herself. “Babe you have a penis!” you told her not sure how to react. Larissa looked down at herself before quickly trying to cover herself up.
She sat down next to you clearly embarrassed about what had just happened. “I’m sorry babe. I should have told you. I’m a shapeshifter and sometimes when I’m really horny I lose control of my ability and this is normally the result. Let me go and sort this out as it’s harder for me to shift back when I’m this hard” she said smiling softly before standing up.
You grabbed her hand before pulling her back towards you. “I have a better idea” you smirked before getting down on your knees. You grabbed her cock before slowly wrapping your mouth around the tip. Larissa gasped at the sudden action before letting out a moan as you swirl your tongue around the tip of her cock.
You coated her in your saliva before taking her out of your mouth. “I want you inside me” you moaned as you stood up. Larissa pushed you back onto the bed before lining herself up with your entrance. She slowly pushed herself inside of you, which you both let out a deep moan. Larissa allowed you to adjust to her size before she started to move inside you.
It didn’t take long until she found that perfect pace that was bringing you both closer and closer to the edge. “Fuck Rissa I’m going to cum again! I want you to cum inside me” you moaned as you wrapped your arms and legs around the tall beauty. That was all it took before you were both sent over the edge. You came first which caused Larissa to follow straight after.
You felt as her cum fill you up and it felt amazing as she continued to fuck it deeper inside of you. She finally came to a stop before pulling out of you. She watched as the cum oozed out of you. All you could do was lay there in post orgasmic bliss. Larissa was quick to stand up and head to the bathroom.
You ever so slightly sat up and watched as she walked back with a warm cloth. She had already shifted back. Just shows how desperate she was to cum. Larissa came over to clean you both up before she snuggled up next to you in bed. “Get some rest darling! I think I might have just fucked you dumb” she laughed.
All you could do was mumble a response as she wasn’t wrong. “Goodnight my sweet darling girl. Sweet dreams, I love you” she smiled as she laid down next to you. “I love you too” you managed to mumble out before sleep finally overtook your body.
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Smutty Kol mikaelson headcanons?
mmm smutty kol… i need to get back into the swing of writing for him!
okay. i have so many WIPs where he's more dominant, but have only posted one smut of him and he's submissive in that one. that being said, i can see him going both ways.
also, in general, idk why i started doing my hcs like this, but i can switch them back to the other format if preferred
tw: cnc / dub / non section; minor noncon mentioned
he's definitely experienced & mostly dominant
he's been alive since the dawn of time
he's an original vampire & whether or not he reveals that status, he will embody it by being the more dominant one in the relationship / situationship
and as charming & flirtatious as he is, it's safe to say he's got a lot of experience under his belt (HA - accidental pun)
that is to say, though, he's probably never been super serious about any of his flings
until, ofc, he meets the one that he absolutely falls for, and none of those hookups matter + he's lost interest in anyone else
1920s - little subsection for if you met him in this decade
okay so i read about this thing that happened in the 1920s called "petting parties," where PDA and sex weren't really acceptable, so people would have these orgy-type things centered around heavy petting and i can see that as SUCH a kol thing
i was actually going to write something based on that idea but need to do more research on it first
but kol would be so engaged with something scandalous (for the time) like that
he'd have girls worshipping him for the way he touches them; for the feel of his fingertips against their skin; the way he undresses them with his eyes, both parties wishing they could strip themselves of the last layer of separating fabric
he'd get into so much trouble in the 20s for this kind of stuff
flirting with other men's women, making crude hand gestures under tables to turn them on
he knows how to lay on the charm and fit in with the 20s, but he has the sexual appetite and style of a modern man
ofc, those words being nothing negative, but instead just him knowing how to be rough and how to please
modern day
likes the vulgarity & speed of modern sex
likes that he can strip a girl of her clothes and pin her to the wall and she welcomes it
likes that there aren't a thousand eyes watching his every move; likes the freedom & lack of rules nowadays
he wasn't around for the sexual revolution of the 80s (thanks, klaus 😞), but he would've relished it
all the young women looking to finally express themselves sexually; him giving them the best first experience he could deliver
despite all that, though, he loves the tender, loving sex of being with someone he knows, once in a while
he appreciates it more once he gets into a stable relationship, but sometimes his menial hook-ups were on the gentle side, too
modern day in an established relationship
rougher by nature, but can certainly be sweet, and often is
slow & passionate, kissing all over - forehead, neck, down your stomach, chest
roughness or gentleness depends on his mood
depends on your mood, too, because he cares & won't ever push you into something
respects boundaries if you say no
he maybe wasn't always like that, but when he started running with witches, he learned a specific respect & appreciation for others, especially women & those he'd sleep with
so, when he wants to have a long-term relationship with you, he really puts in the effort to be the best he can be
he wants you to know he loves you and shows it
so i read a fic about this, and i can see it fitting him 100% - some kind of predator / prey; hunting / hunted type dynamic, where he stalks & hunts you & then when he finally catches you off guard, fucks the daylights outta you up against a tree
very much a kol thing
throw a knife in the mix, too
you're pinned to a tree with a knife at your throat and his fingers are underneath your clothes, pleasuring you out of sight
bonus points if it's at night. or, if he hunted you all day and finally caught you at night. by now, he's extremely hungry
speaking of hunger, let's not forget about feeding
he definitely fed on most of the girls he railed in one night stands, but if it were a person he loved, he wouldn't feed until he knew he had enough control to not hurt them
the most intimate situation he can imagine is slow, passionate sex with blood sharing at the end
him drinking from you, then healing you back with his blood, or a mutual feeding if you're a vampire, too
first time with him with someone who just turned, he'd be very gentle, knowing how difficult the transition is
giving into every single need, including offering his own vein when the blackness starts to form under your eyes
i'm not sure kol would be into exhibitionism, but pda and public flirting, certainly
flirting across the bar at the grill, beckoning you closer with his eyes, then (mostly tasteful) jokes once you sit next to him
even when you're dating, flirts like you're strangers and he's still trying for your attention, just for the thrill
though places that are kinda hidden but kinda public, he loves to take you into those for a quick time ;)
bathroom stalls, dressing rooms, janitor closets, the whole lot
also... shower sex
he'd think it'd be a great idea even if you're skeptical
but you agree & it's ofc, a disaster, bc it never actually works out like it does in tv
but you make it fun anyway & he has a very strong hand on you to keep you from slipping
now, klaus' room, i think, he'd love to take you in there as a "fuck you" to his brother after a fight
an orgy type of guy, i think, as long as you're consenting of it
and then gives you all his love & attention afterwards when you get jealous of one person in particular
makes up with gifts & a very long night in the bedroom, with lots of aftercare
witch!kol would 100% tease you in public
it's over for you once he discovers vibrating panties
sometimes gets turned on by you at the worst possible times
you stand up to him against one of his brothers? yes
you fight off an enemy all by yourself? yes
even if you're joking around and fit a whole doughnut in your mouth or something, he's dtf
and his response to your shock is always along the lines of, "i can't control it!"
if he's in a submissive mood
is submissive at times, and some times, needs you to be more dominant
especially when esther is around
i can see kol having mommy issues & needing that reassurance
but it would take a certain level of trust for him to be comfortable telling you that
at first, you were surprised at how submissive he got, but then you were happy to provide what he needed
he's very appreciative of your comfort & lack of judgement when he gets in that type of headspace & makes sure to shower you in thanks & kisses when he "wakes up" from it
tw: cnc / dub / non
can't see him being into this, especially in a relationship
except for the desire to hunt you, i don't think he'd be into it straight up
as previously mentioned, pre-witch hanging-out, he might've had a few incidents that were a little questionable, but he's straightened out & learns that those incidents were wrong & does not repeat them
his biggest offense in one of those situations was probably nonconsensual blood drinking that turned him on
was still kind of a baby, psycho vampire when it happened, & he probably still regrets it to this day
dubcon, though, where you're both drunk after a night of bar flirting, he's into
like, if you were used as a distraction for him when caroline was used to distract klaus
you're both drinking way too much and one thing leads to another and then you find yourself in the mikaelson mansion in the morning like 🤷‍♂️
he makes sure you don't regret it, though, and you don't
calms his worried little not-beating heart
somnophilia, given explicit consent beforehand, he would like
the prospect of you waking up full of him, or with him delivering pleasure via tongue or fingers
you wake up and the first thing you feel is pleasure brought on by him - he loves that concept
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adamstnheights · 1 year
Simon “Ghost” Riley NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: I am a sucker for NSFW alphabets so I thought I’d make my own for our resident meow meow Ghost <3
Content: AFAB reader. Pure smut. Also for this one, the reader is in Task Force 141 too, perhaps how they met :)
Word Count: 5k
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Extremely cuddly. He’ll immediately pull you close to him, engulfing you in his warm arms and nuzzling his face in your hair or your shoulder. He’ll press kisses on your forehead and rub circles along your back as both of your breathing syncs up. At the beginning of your relationship, he didn’t know much aftercare etiquette, but over time, he’s learned how to dote on you properly. If you even try to get up out of bed, he’ll gently push you back down and insist that you stay comfortable while he goes to get you a damp washcloth and a glass of water. When he returns, he’ll pull you close to him and ask you how you’re feeling, if anything hurts, or if he did anything too harshly. He’s always scared of disappointing you or accidentally doing something to make you uncomfortable. He likes it when you two lay back down, facing each other, and he can feel your soft skin against his. He’ll wrap his arms around your back and hold you close, feeling grounded and so lucky that he has you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s most proud of his physique—his chest and his arm muscles. He likes his hands as well, or moreso the way that his hands look so huge in comparison to yours; the way he can wrap his whole hand around both of your wrists to pin them up above you.
His favorite body part of yours is your thighs; he loves squeezing them lovingly when you’re just sitting together and he wants to rile you up. When he’s eating you out, his hands will be gripping your thighs like he’s holding on for dear life, trying to hold you in place as he licks and sucks you. Similarly, he loves your tits because he can grab onto them as well while he’s fucking into you. If you’re riding him, he can lean up and suck on one while kneading the other. He likes your hands and how delicate they are when they roam his body, trace over his scars, and massage his scalp when he’s laying in bed with you. He also likes how small your hands look when they’re wrapped around his thick cock.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Loves coming inside of you. It feels the most intimate to him and he loves the idea of marking you as his. Watching his cum spill out of you as he gets up to get you a warm washcloth is the hottest thing to him. He doesn’t necessarily have a breeding kink—his personal thoughts on having kids tend to go back and forth often—but the way you moan and spasm around him as you feel his cum shoot deep inside of you makes him go feral. On the less-common occasion that he pulls out and cums all over your stomach and chest, he’ll lick it off of you and spit his cum into your mouth, feeding you. Then he’ll kiss you, messily, enjoying the taste of him and you on your lips.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Before you and Simon began officially seeing each other, he had a huge crush on you. For a while, he honestly didn’t even know what his feelings for you were until Price and Soap kept pestering him as to why he would always gravitate towards you. Perhaps that was why Price partnered you and Simon up for combat training on base (Maybe a little bit of close-contact will open his eyes, thought Price). For a whole day, you and Simon were training together, practicing different stealth and strength moves on each other, touching each other, grabbing each other… Simon could barely keep his head on straight. He became so disoriented that he allowed you to just completely flip him over and pin him down on the training mat. It was probably one of the first times he’d ever been able to stare up at you and the way you gazed down at him with your legs locked around his body, pinning him down, it made his cock twitch.
Simon had scrambled and grumbled something about him being done for the day, and luckily most of the others were already clearing out from the gym/training area. You’d raised your eyebrows at him and held out your hand to help him off the ground, which he hesitantly took, feeling his cock growing even harder in his pants. You had quickly slipped away back to your room, also being completely flustered by the whole situation. This left Simon to go back into the locker room to shower. No… he shouldn’t… but fucking hell he was so hard. As he stood in the shower, he just couldn’t help but lean his one arm against the tiled walls and slip his other hand down and around his hard cock. He shut his eyes tight, imagining you, thinking about your intense gaze looking down upon him, as he pumped his cock over and over again. A few grunts and groans escaped his lips despite trying to be quiet, not knowing how he would deal if anyone walked in and caught him. He didn’t let up with his pace, though, his whole body jerking forward as he got closer and closer. He came long and hard, in the showers, thinking of you. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Has some experience, but nothing too intimate. He’s had his fair share of one night stands, but those hardly gave him the ability to really get used to someone else’s body and their sexual desires or to do much of any experimenting. Obviously, he’s never really felt comfortable enough to open up to someone in such a vulnerable activity until he met you. He knows the basics, but now that he has you, he’s eager and focused on learning exactly what you like and what makes you feel good.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Call him vanilla, but I think Simon’s favorite position is missionary. He’s able to see your face and all the expressions you make while you come undone under him, and he can clearly hear all of the delicious sounds you make. He can reach down to cup your jaw and look deep into your eyes while he’s fucking you and he can lean down, nuzzling into your shoulder, and whisper filthy things into your ear. He can also easily rub your clit or hold a vibrator on your clit while he’s thrusting into you.
His other go-to positions include doggy style (he loves grabbing onto your waist and ass, as well as being able to grab your hair to pull your head back to kiss you), up against the wall or standing (he loves that he’s able to easily lift you up off the ground and put you where he wants you, he loves manhandling you), cuddlefucking you from behind (he loves gripping your thigh to hold your one leg up and lazily thrusting into you, also he loves being able to wrap his arms around you and hold you close to him), and cowgirl (he can lay back and look all over your gorgeous body, grabbing at your tits and losing his mind as you bounce on his cock).
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Simon is definitely more serious in the moment—not the same kind of serious when he’s leading a mission, but more of a passionate seriousness. Part of it stems from his own self-consciousness. Being in such a passionate, intimate moment with you only makes him second guess himself, of whether he’s even worthy of being with you. So more times than not, he’s not as humorous or sarcastic as he usually is when you’re hanging out with the rest of the team. He’s focused, intense on pleasuring you and showing his love for you. That won’t stop him from cracking a joke if the opportunity arises, but he’s mostly trying to live in the moment and cherish the time he gets to be with you in an intimate way.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps up a small amount of trimming upkeep, simply for his and your comfort. Also he has a happy trail!!! And God help him if he ever shaves it because you will be fucking pissed. You love it when he’s just wearing sweatpants or boxers and you can see the trail of hair around his belly button teasingly going down, hidden by the bottoms he’s wearing. No doubt you will be on your knees in front of him within seconds.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s not the stereotypical romantic, clearly. Hell, most of the time, he truly doesn’t even feel as though he deserves to have you. He won’t light candles or scatter flower petals over your bed (at least, not because he thought of it himself; he definitely would do it if you expressed that you wanted it). But when he has you naked in bed, he takes his time with you, wanting you to feel properly loved and cared for, and he wants you to look into his eyes so he can see your love (and you can see his). He loves it when you maintain eye contact with him while he’s fucking you, feeling his whole body tense with pleasure knowing that you’re seeing him, all of him through his eyes, and you’re coming undone because of him. He likes it when your foreheads are pressed together while he’s thrusting into you and rubbing your clit and he’s nodding his head at you, urging you to cum, and you’re nodding your head feverishly back as he’s talking you through your orgasm and you’re digging your nails into his arms as you let yourself go.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Simon is so attached to you that even jerking off without you there feels wrong to him. He knows that he could if he wanted to, especially if he’s on a mission and doesn’t have you. However, he’d much rather call you up and balance his phone in between his shoulder and his ear as he’s jerking himself off and panting while listening to you touch yourself on the other end of the line. He loves to hear your muffled voice telling him that you’re close and that you want him to cum with you. If he does reach the point where he has to jerk off without you there in any capacity, he’ll do it, but it really won’t be enough to satiate him. He’ll be frustrated and pent up until he can see you again.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Firm believer that Simon likes to give up control sometimes in the bedroom. Given his position of authority in 141 and the pressure he feels every day on base and especially during a mission, Simon likes to be able to let go of that control with you. After all, so much of his pleasure comes from watching you feel pleasure and do what makes you turned on the most, so he will always let you take control if you express that desire. When he’s on top of you, kissing you intensely, you can push at his chest and move to get him to flip over on his back, you on top of him, grabbing at his wrists on either side of his head. Even though he has the strength to manhandle you back under him, he loves it when you take control like that.
He also has a size kink. He loves having you sit at the edge of the bed, standing in front of you and seeing just how small you are, looking up at him. He loves seeing your small hands struggle to wrap fully around his cock and how wide you have to open your mouth just to take the head in. He has the ease of being able to pick you up and move you into whatever position he wants, to flip you over completely or hold both of your legs up or grab both of your arms to get more leverage. One of his favorites is how he’s able to hold both of your wrists above your head with just one of his hands, or how big his hand looks when he snakes it up and around your neck, just slightly squeezing the sides.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
For the most part, Simon feels the most comfortable at his place or the place that the two of you share. It’s the only place he really feels able to relax, let alone get into a compromising situation with you. It’s very rare that he would be down to fuck in a public or semi-public area, he would have to be so riled up and have some sort of reassurance that you wouldn’t get caught by random strangers (ie. sneaking away to one of the spare bedrooms in Price’s house when he’s hosting a dinner party).
In terms of your place, though, Simon will take you anywhere. He likes fucking you in bed the most, but also favors the couch when you’re both watching a movie and your hands begin to wander around his body and he gets so turned on that he just has to turn and grab you and kiss you hard, sliding his hands down your waist. He also likes to be cheeky and distract you from cooking in the kitchen, pressing himself up against you from behind and kissing your neck until you melt in his arms. In a matter of seconds, he’ll spin you around and lift you up onto the counter, getting onto his knees to pleasure you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Sure, it sounds cliche, but Simon’s whole motivation is you . Forget sexually for a second, but romantically he is just so so in love with you. He can’t believe that anyone else on this Earth would ever love him and care for him, but you do, and he will be forever grateful. He was kind of forced to accept that he had no family, and for most of his life he was okay with that, but now that he has you, he never wants to imagine his life without you. You’re his family, his everything. That being said, you turn him on so much . It doesn’t matter what time of day or what you’re wearing, the second you enter his view, Simon is practically making heart eyes at you (and his cock is immediately twitching).
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
My hot take is that I firmly believe he would not have a daddy kink. His own childhood trauma with his father would make that a huge turn-off for him. (He’d rather you call him Lieutenant or Sir, if anything.)
Also, anything too rough, borderline inflicting pain onto you (even if you insist that you’d like it) Simon would not be into. He can certainly indulge you in spanking or light choking or a certain level of manhandling, but anything that he personally feels is a little too intense, he will refuse. He doesn’t want to feel like he is genuinely hurting you, even if consent is given. Yeah, the bruises on your ass from him spanking it are hot, or the red marks around your wrists from when he pinned your hands above your head, but seeing those kinds of marks on you makes him instinctively feel bad. He’ll apologize over and over while rubbing his hand over your red skin soothingly or pressing a warm wet washcloth to any bruised area, needing lots and lots of reassurance that he didn’t hurt you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He could eat you out for hours. He has before. He loves situating himself between your legs and holding your thighs apart as he licks and sucks at your cunt. Loves it when you grab at his hair and close your thighs around his head. He’ll tongue-fuck you while rubbing wet circles over your clit with his thumb and using his other hand to press gently down right below your belly button, adding pressure that makes you feel even more pleasure. Will also lick and suck on your clit eagerly while he slips two fingers into your cunt, curling them inside you and trying to hit your g-spot. Just obsessed with your pussy, he gets drunk off of being in between your legs. Simon makes sure that both of his hands and his mouth are on you at all times, and he loves it when you reach your hand out to grasp his because he’s making you feel so good. I also think that while he’s eating you out, he’ll be grinding his cock into the mattress desperately, moaning into your cunt. And unless the both of you just couldn’t wait, Simon likes to make you cum at least once with his mouth before fucking you.
In terms of himself, he isn’t nearly as adamant about getting his dick sucked, but he certainly won’t pass it up if you’re offering. Again, most of his pleasure comes from your pleasure, so when you’re drooling and moaning on his cock, he’s going to be in absolute bliss. It turns him on so much how both of your hands can wrap around his cock and you can pump him while sucking and licking at the head. He also likes it when you press both of your hands down on his inner thighs so he can’t buck up into you while you bob on his cock. And of course, he loves it when you take your mouth off of his cock, spit falling from your lips, and you crawl up on top of him and kiss him hard.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It all depends on the day and the mood. Simon is very good at adapting (on the battlefield and in the bedroom!) so he can easily go from roughly fucking you to slowly and passionately making love to you. If you two start off pretty hot and heavy but need to take it slower, he’ll turn you so you can lie on your back comfortably and he’ll thrust lazily into you so you can both catch your breath. He’ll kiss down your neck and your chest, shuddering when you run your fingers through his hair. Likewise, if you’re starting things slowly but you moan out “Faster!”, Simon will absolutely oblige within seconds. He’ll grip onto your waist or your thighs tightly and begin fucking into you faster, grunting as he quickens his pace and makes you cry out.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
I doubt Simon would ever refuse a quickie, it’s just that he prefers being able to get comfortable and take his time with you. If you entice him enough to get him to sneak off into the locker rooms or have you quickly before you have to go somewhere, he’ll glady lift you up into his arms and fuck you against the wall until he’s cumming deep inside of you. However, I definitely believe that a quickie is also a promise that he will take care of you properly later that night, when he can lay you down somewhere comfortable and get on his knees in front of you and eat you out until you cum at least twice. To Simon, a quickie is a fun prelude to the main event, even if it takes a few hours to get there. Quickies are also usually the times that he’ll fuck you with the balaclava and/or mask on, assuming that he’s too lazy or rushed to take any of his clothes off. As much as you like it when he takes the mask off and you can see all of him and run your hands through his hair, seeing his intense gaze into your eyes while the rest of his face is covered by the mask is immensely hot, especially when he haphazardly lifts the balaclava over his nose so he can kiss you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Absolutely down to experiment, given that you’ve been together for a good amount of time and he fully trusts you. If you’re wanting to try out something new in the bedroom, just bring it up to him! He’ll listen and try to understand exactly what you want so that he can do his best! There’s obviously a scale of things that he would be more game to try and things he would be more hesitant on, but generally I think he’s the type to be willing to try something at least once.
When it comes to risk, however, that’s a whole other story. Most of his insecurities and fears stem from putting those around him in danger, so that’s something that he never wants to do. Even when it comes to sex, he’d never want to do anything that would put you at risk or in a situation you wouldn’t be comfortable with. In terms of getting caught, Simon is acutely aware of making sure that neither of you could potentially be caught in such an indecent position. It’s not that he’d be ashamed if you two got caught in the act, necessarily, but his own self-consciousness would definitely take over and make him feel uncomfortable, even if he was caught mostly clothed. More importantly, he’d be worried that you would feel embarrassed and exposed.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I think Simon would usually be able to go two rounds before he would have to take a longer break to get reset and ready to go again. His main focus is pleasing you, of course, and during those breaks he will have no problem going down on you ravenously, wanting to make you cum at least once with just his mouth while his cock gets hard again. For the first two rounds, I believe that Simon would cum deep inside of your cunt, slowly pulling out and watching as his cum continues to paint your gorgeous pussy. He loves having his cock and your pussy glistening in cum as he continues to fuck you over and over again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Simon doesn’t personally own any toys, but that doesn’t mean he’s not open to trying out any or using ones that you already have. He wouldn’t feel threatened if you wanted to use a vibrator, he would eagerly let you work your vibrator over your clit as he fucked you hard and deep. He loves to see the way you come undone with the extra stimulation.
If you want to use any toys on him, he’d probably be more hesitant. Depending on how long you’ve been together, he may not be open to it at first. However, he has to admit he’s intrigued, and on his own time and terms, one day he’ll bring it up to you that he’s willing to try. Part of his own pleasure comes from your pleasure, so if you’re super into using toys on him and it’s riling you up, he will enjoy it that much more.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing is one of Simon’s favorite things because he knows he can do it so well. He takes pleasure in working you up, tracing his fingers along your body in bed in the morning only to then get up to make breakfast, leaving you wanting more. He can tease for hours, days even. Of course, he’s also going crazy for you, but he’s just better at keeping a straight face and hiding it. You, meanwhile, will get more and more whiny, more and more pent up.
One night you’ll be sitting on the couch together, Simon having been teasing and practically edging you for days, and you’ll slip your hand beneath your panties, beginning to grind your clit against your palm. Simon will notice and gently wrap his hand around your wrist, asking you Can you just not take it anymore? You’ll whimper out and shake your head fervently, pleading that you want Simon so badly. His eyes will sparkle and he’ll grin devilishly, patting his thigh. He’ll tell you that he wants you to grind against your thigh and cum like that first, only further teasing you. But if you’re good and do as he says, he’ll make it worth your while, making sure to fuck you hard and good to make you cum for a second time.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Outside of the bedroom, Simon is clearly not a man of many words. I think this would semi-translate into the bedroom, at least at first. Maybe early on in your relationship, he would be hesitant to get too loud or make too much noise. If anything, it was because he’s so focused on you and your pleasure, but also partly because of his own self-consciousness. He grunts and growls, his usually deep voice going even deeper. Over time, as you and Simon explore each other sexually and learn what the other likes, he becomes more vocal for you (especially if you communicate to him that it turns you on!) He’ll do anything for you—if you ask him to beg and plead, he’ll beg and plead. If you yank at his hair while you’re riding him, he’ll yelp out and whimper. If he’s letting you take the lead, he’ll be putty in your hands, moaning and crying out your name as you make him feel good. On any given day, though, he loves praise and he loves to praise you (He likes to be called good boy). When he has you naked under him, he won’t stop murmuring about how beautiful and gorgeous you are. While you’re riding him or sucking his cock, he’ll groan and call you a good girl and tell you how good you’re making him feel.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Likes it when you ask him for permission to cum. Not even in a dominating controlling way, because he will always crack and give you what you want, but he loves feeling you get close and then stopping, looking deep in your eyes, and asking, “Are you gonna cum for me? What do you say?” And immediately you will begin nodding fervently and pleading: “Please, please, please, Simon, can I cum? Please can I cum for you? Am I allowed?” Simon loves when you become a begging, pleading, whimpering mess for him, and it will always play out in your favor because he can never say no to you, especially when you ask so nicely. He likes thrusting lazily into you or slowly rubbing your clit while you beg, knowing that you’re going absolutely crazy trying to hold yourself back. And then when he finally says “Go ahead, cum for me, sweetheart” he loves watching your face as you let go, moaning out in pleasure and throwing your head back and shaking as your orgasm washes over you. The sight of you cumming will always make Simon cum right along after you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7.5 inches and thick.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s definitely not like a rabbit in heat or anything, but he will absolutely get aroused whenever you’re in the room. Simon’s good at controlling his urges and waiting until he can get some alone time with you until he lets himself go crazy. I also think he mostly tries to base things off of you—if you’re super turned on and needy he will immediately grab you and take you to the bedroom, but if you’re not particularly in the mood that night, he’s equally as down to just cuddle in bed until you both fall asleep.
I personally think his sex drive is the highest in the morning. If he got into a position while he was sleeping where his cock is pressed up against your ass, he will be absolutely feral when you both wake up. He’ll turn you over so you’re facing him and start rubbing his thumb over your clit. You’ll gasp and shove your hand down his boxers, gripping his cock already dripping with precum. You’re both panting as you get the other off; his morning voice is deeper and gruff as he grunts and praises you until you cum. When he cums, he tells you to rub all of his cum back over his cock. He’ll shove his boxers fully off of his legs and put you on your back and rub his cum-covered tip over your clit teasingly, just for a moment, before pushing into your cunt, all wet and slick. He cums again, quicker than before, deep inside of you, and without pulling out he’ll flip you both over so he’s on his back and you’re on top of him. He tells you to keep grinding into him, his cock still rock hard, and to make yourself cum. This time, you’ll cum together.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Simon doesn’t fall asleep easily, although after tiring himself out from going rounds with you, he won’t protest to closing his eyes and cuddling with you under the covers. He’ll be soothed by the sound of you breathing softly and your arms wrapped around him, and he’ll lay there content, thinking about all the ways he’s completely and utterly in love with you. He’s always putting you first, even if he’s enabling his paranoid tendencies, and will always stay awake until you’ve fallen asleep, just in case something happens and he has to jump to his feet to protect you. When he feels absolutely sure that you’re soundly and safely sleeping, then he’ll start to drift off to sleep himself, holding you close.
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