#I love that Hunter's gender presentation is just a shrug
aceghosts · 8 months
OC Interviews
Hey Guys! I was tagged recently by @carlosoliveiraa, but was also tagged a while ago by @henbased, @nightbloodbix, and @katsigian. (I think I got everyone who tagged me last time.
Tagging (Opt out/in here): @amalkavian, @bbrocklesnar, @marivenah, @clicheantagonist, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @theelderhazelnut, @captmactavish, @alexxmason, @captastra, @cassietrn, @strangefable, @direwombat, @fourlittleseedlings and anyone else who wants to do this!
Blue Murphy
Name: Jay Casey Murphy Nickname: Family and Close Friends call them Blue Jay while most others call them Blue. They're also called Deputy, Dep, Rookie, and Rook in Hope County. Eden's Gate occasionally refers to them as wrath. Gender: Genderfluid (They/Them) Star Sign: Aries Personality Type: Chaotic Good Height: 5’6 ft Orientation: Bisexual Nationality/Ethnicity: American (Blue is originally from West Virginia, but spent most of their adulthood in Colorado before moving to Hope County, Montana.) Favorite Fruit: Mangoes. Blue has a bit of a sweet tooth. Favorite Season: Winter. They think mountains always look great covered in snow and love to go hiking in snowy parts. Blue is also a snowboarder, and winter is the perfect time for that. Favorite Scent: Pine Tree Needles Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Hot Chocolate with lots of marshmallows and whipped cream. Average Hours of Sleep: Before Hope County, roughly 6-8 hours. After the reaping kicks off, Blue’s average hours of sleep varies. Dogs or Cats: Both. They love Boomer and Peaches equally, spoiling both animals. Dream Trip: Kicking Horse. They've heard wild things about the slopes, and Blue would love to try them out someday. Number of Blankets: One. Before Hope County, Blue had a nice quilt that they slept with. Before the Reaping, Blue sent that quilt along with most of their things back to Colorado. Random Fact: I might have said this before, but Blue's favorite time of day is dawn. Something about watching the sun rise makes them feel happy to be alive.
Rooney Shepard
Name: Rooney Shepard Nickname: Most refer to Rooney by their last name. It is very rare for anyone to refer to Rooney by their first name. Those that are allowed to call them by their first name are people that they deeply trust and care for. In their ME universe, Thane uses Siha as a term of affection. Gender: Agender (They/Them) Star Sign: Aries Personality Type: Neutral Good Height: 5’10 ft. Orientation: Rooney would probably say they fall somewhere on the asexual spectrum, leaning towards demisexuality. Nationality/Ethnicity: Canadian/American in their cyberpunk verse. They have Irish heritage in both universes. Favorite Fruit: Apples Favorite Season: Fall Favorite Scent: Cinnamon or Leather Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Tea. They normally drink black tea, but their real favorite is cinnamon tea or something similar. Average Hours of Sleep: In an ideal world, Rooney would simply not need sleep. However, their hours of sleep vary depend on their workload/how deep they're in on a case. Dogs or Cats: Rooney is fine with cats and dogs, but they prefer hamsters, especially their Hamster, Shepard Jr. Dream Trip: Anywhere and Everywhere. In both verses, Rooney grew up in a sheltered town, reading about the world/galaxy and dreaming about it. (In their ME universe, it's part of the reason Rooney joined the Alliance.) Although, a part of Rooney would love to explore a completely unknown, never inhabited before planet. Number of Blankets: They have a basic comforter, but their favorite is a cooling weighted blanket. (Rooney gets hot at night.) Random Fact: Rooney is a puzzle fiend. They always have some sort of word search, crossword, Sudoku, etc. open on their device.
Hunter Delaney
Name: Hunter Shea Delaney Nickname: Dearheart by Wesker. Occasionally, people refer to Hunter by their last name. Gender: ¯(ツ)/¯ (They/Them) Star Sign: Scorpio Personality Type: Chaotic Neutral Height: 6 ft Orientation: Bisexual with a preference for mean blonds Nationality/Ethnicity: American (They're originally from Brooklyn, New York.) Favorite Fruit: Cherries Favorite Season: Summer. Back when they weren't infected, Hunter liked going out to paint landscapes during the summer. Favorite Scent: Wesker’s cologne. It makes Hunter feel safe. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee, preferably black. They're not really into super fancy drinks. (Actually, if you handed Hunter a very fancy coffee, their response would most likely be 'What the fuck is this?') Average Hours of Sleep: Depends on if it’s a good or a bad night, but anywhere from 3-5 hours. Dogs or Cats: Dogs. They’re literally so black dog coded. Dream Trip: The Louvre in Paris, France, and The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. (In truth, Hunter would love to go see any art gallery/museum, but these two have always interested them. Number of Blankets: Hunter likes a thick comforter, but usually sleeps with one to two blankets. (Wesker’s jacket also gets stolen as a blanket from time to time.) Random Fact: Don't think I've conveyed in this any of the stuff that I've written for Hunter, but they talk with their hands.
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Writing Request: The culture shock that the witches are going through by being in the human realm. Particularly dealing with the fact that the Boiling Isles being free of homophobia and transphobia while the human realm isn't like that. Maybe Luz trying to figure out the best way to explain that horrible aspect of the human realm to her friends so that they stay careful. Or she started by explaining the bi flag in the house that Camila got to support her when she came out before going to the demon realm.
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Combo attack. @bee-bee-loves-things, one of them is yours :D
Warning beforehand about. The most mildest of suggestiveness. I probably don't even actually need a warning. Anyway.
Luz paced back and forth across the room. “Guys, I need to come out to my mom in the coolest, most creative, and rad way possible. Any ideas?”
Amity raised a hand. “What’s ‘coming out’?”
“Coming out of what?” Gus asked, “Your skin? Oh my titan, are you molting?”
“Do humans molt?” Willow asked him. He shrugged.
“No! Come out! As in, tell her I’m bi?”
Hunter raised a hand.
“Yes! Hunter! Idea?”
“What’s ‘bi’? Is… are you sick or something? Are you dying? Is that why you haven’t told her yet? You should tell your family if there’s something wrong, she can help you!”
Amity grabbed her girlfriend’s face in her hands. “You don’t feel feverish. Is it interna bleeding? Are your organs bursting?! Ohhhhh I KNEW catching the common mold might have been really bad for humans!”
“No, no, I’m okay, Amity. I’m not sick. Hunter, bi is short for bisexual.”
“Which is…?”
“You know,” Gus interrupted, “she can reproduce in two different ways!” He squinted at Luz. “What’s the second way?”
“No. Gus, just… no. Bisexual. I’m attracted to multiple genders? You know, like some people are attracted to guys, and other people are attracted to girls, and then I’m attracted to both.”
There was a collective “ohhhhhhh” from her friends.
Right. Sure. Probably the boiling isles had different words or something. “Sooooo… any ideas for the most spectacular coming out of all time?”
Amity clasped her hands together, pressing her index fingers to lips. “Riiiiiiight, there’s that. So, that’s like… telling your mom that we’re dating?”
Luz gave her a thumbs up. Finally, some progress. “Yeah, that’s part of it! But also just letting her know that I like both in general.”
“…Why? I mean, why’s it such a big deal? We’re dating. We tell her we’re dating, right? Why’s it matter if you’re… bi-sechs-ual?”
Luz hissed in. Thing had been so much more relaxed in the demon realm, she’d forgotten until now that it wasn’t always so simple. “Welllllllllll… it’s… not a huge deal in the demon realm, but here, in the human realm… people can get really weird about you liking the same gender as yourself. Or about you expressing your gender in different ways.”
“What?!” Gus yelped, “Why?!”
“Lots of reasons. Religion. It’s how they were raised. Someone in power told them to. I don’t know how it all started, but… that’s how things are here. So telling people who you are, who you like, it can… well, it can be dangerous. A lot of people have to hide who they are from the people around him. And ‘coming out,’ or telling people about it, can kind of be a big deal!”
Luz shrugged. “My mom’s not one of those people who would be weird about it, at least I don’t think so, but… this is really important to me, and I want to do something amazing about it so that my mom will know just how much it means to me.”
“I can help with some illusions!” Gus suggested, “What’s some stuff about being bisexual? I can make them appear!”
Luz opened her computer. “I’ve got a couple of pictures of Amity and I on my phone. I could do a little presentation. Then Gus’ illusions… maybe I could get her an ally pin? But what if she doesn’t want to wear it?”
“Let’s just stick with the presentation and the illusions for now,” Amity suggested, “Afterwards, maybe the pin?”
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.” Luz pulled up a picture of a pink, purple, and blue flag. “Okay, Gus, listen super close, here’s what I think we should do…”
Luz twisted her new bi pin around on her hat with a small smile. “Hm?”
Hunter tapped his index fingers together. “Do you think… you could explain it again?”
“Explain what?”
“Being bi.”
Luz blinked. Weird request. Maybe it was different, but it was hardly the strangest thing she’d ever had to explain. Had she been unclear about something earlier? Maybe she’d been too vague? “Uhhhh okay, so, I’m attracted to more than one gender, right? Guys, gals, nonbinary pals—”
“Right, right, what does that mean?”
“Being attracted to someone? Like, literally? You’re being pulled towards them?”
“Oh.” Luz hummed. “In a way, I guess? But not literally. More emotionally.”
“So… like how people were drawn towards Belos?”
Luz’s spine straightened. “No! Well, maybe, I don’t know what went on in anyone’s heads, but no, not like that, it’s… mmmm… okay, well, it’s like… you like them. Like a LOT. And you want to spend a lot of time with them, and be near them all the time.”
Hunter frowned. “So, more like how I want to hang out with you and Gus?”
“Uhhh I doubt it.” Luz let out a short hiss. “Wow. Okay. You know what, romantic attraction is weird to explain, let’s do something easier. Hunter, do you, uhhhhhh… do you know how babies get made? Not, like, however grimwalkers get made, the normalish way?”
He flushed bright red. “Of course I do. I’ve taken anatomy lessons.”
“Okay, well… attraction is… wanting to do that with someone.”
Hunter frowned. “Attraction is… wanting a baby with someone? That’s… weird.”
“No? I mean, yes, but you don’t have to… actually have a baby.”
“Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you do that if you didn’t want to make a kid? What would be the point?”
Luz’s cheeks burned, and she yanked her beanie down over her face. “Uuuuuuughhhhhh forget I said anything. Just… mmmmmmmmmm… yeah, forget it.”
“Wait—no—Luz—sorry, I’m sorry, I just…” Hunter took a deep breath. “I don’t think I understand it? And… I’m just… I don’t know if it’s just one of those things that I never got exposed to in the coven, like having friends, or if it’s… you said it yourself, grimwalkers don’t get made the same way, so maybe… maybe that’s why?” Hunter tugged her hat up, looking her in the eye. “Basically, is this something I’m going to figure out eventually? Or is it something I’ll have to pretend I feel so that they don’t realize I’m a grimwalker?”
Luz perked up. “Oh! Well, actually, good news on that, I don’t think it’s a grimwalker thing. Hang on.” She grabbed her computer, typing “asexual” into the search engine and clicking on the wiki. She handed the computer to Hunter. “Here.”
Hunter scanned the page, his eyes widening. He looked at the page, then back at Luz. “You want to make babies with Amity all the time? And that’s normal?!”
Luz choked, coughing and flushing red. She dropped down into her desk chair, burying her head in her arms. “Not all the time,” she whispered hoarsely.
“Does Amity know that? Have you told her?”
Luz clutched at her beanie, thumping her head against the desk. “Hunter! You can’t ask people that! Quit talking about me, talk about you. Obviously you don’t want to…”
“Nope. Not even a little. Gross, Luz.”
“It is not,” she protested.
“Very gross.”
“Hunter, that’s how 99% of people are!”
“99% of people are very gross,” Hunter insisted.
“Okay, okay. Whatever.” Luz spun around in her chair. “You want to make a powerpoint?”
“What? No, I don’t think it matters that much.” Hunter pointed at the computer screen. “I like this. I’m keeping the word. You know, technically, grimwalkers do reproduce asexually! So I’m asexual in all respects, yeah?”
Luz burst out laughing, gasping for air. “Yeah,” she wheezed, “Guess so.”
Hunter marched down to the basement with the computer, and Luz followed. Hunter plunked the computer down on an old card table and cleared his throat. Willow and Gus looked up from the earth book on plants they were looking at, and Hunter pointed at the computer screen.
“This is me,” he announced, “It is a totally normal thing for humans—and presumably witches as well—to be. There are no strange or hidden reasons for me to be this way.”
He beamed and gave Luz a thumbs-up over Willow and Gus’ heads as they examined the computer screen. Luz put her face in her hands.
Very smooth, Hunter. Not suspicious at all.
“Aw, cool!” Willow cheered, “Hey, maybe we could get you a pin like Luz’s! But with this flag instead!”
Gus drew a circle, and an illusion pin appeared on Hunter’s shirt. “It suits you.”
Hunter pulled his shirt out, going cross-eyed as he looked at the illusion. “You think so?”
“Yeah,” Willow agreed, “That looks good!”
“Yeah,” Hunter said softly, smiling at the fake pin, “Yeah, I like it.” He looked back up at Luz, a big grin splitting his face. “I like it a lot.”
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 9 months
Merry Porfmas! If I was really dedicated to the bit I would have written them actually at the Christmas party and called it "Two Losers At A Christmas Party" to harken back to the first fic I wrote about them "Two Losers At A Party." Maybe that'll happen after Christmas
For now, enjoy these nerds as they prep for a party
Make The Yuletide Gay
“How do you feel about Christmas parties?” Sara asked, chewing on a pen.
“How does anyone ever feel about Christmas parties?” Hunter replied with a shrug.
“Jovial, generally.”
“Oh. Then not that?”
Sara laughed good-naturedly. “Alright, Scrooge.”
“I’m not successful enough to be Scrooge. And it’s not the Christmas part, it’s the party part. Christmas parties are just a worse form of normal parties.”
“Mm, yeah, you don’t go to a lot of those. Would be fun if you did, though. With me. You could be my arm candy.”
Now it was Hunter’s turn to laugh.
“I’d be happy to go to your party, I’m just warning you, no one in the history of parties has ever thought, ‘You know what would make this more fun? Hunter Richardson.’”
Sara leaned across the kitchen table, peering deep into Hunter’s soul. “I have.”
Hunter felt her face growing warm, so of course she was forced to change the subject. “When’s the party?”
“Friday, 6 to 11.”
Hunter made a face.
“Dress code?”
“It's an ugly Christmas sweater party.”
“That's what I was afraid of,” Hunter said with a sigh.
“Don't worry, you can borrow one of mine.”
Just like that, they'd moved from the kitchen to the bedroom and Sara was whipping out sweaters in a frenzy.
Hunter had already brought up the whole “we are different sizes” thing, but Sara still insisted on dressing up her tiny girlfriend now and then. What was a slightly oversized ugly sweater on Sara was essentially a dress on Hunter.
It also, true to its name, was very ugly. It was green and red and covered in a rainbow of pom poms and it read, “Make the Yuletide Gay.”
“Do you like it?”
“I made it,” Sara said proudly.
“It's very you,” Hunter replied.
Sara chose to take that as a compliment.
“You look adorable in it.”
“What are you wearing?”
Sara presented an equally queer Christmas sweater that had a picture of Santa holding a finger to his lips and the caption “Shh, nobody knows I'm gay.”
Hunter had to admit that Sara looked incredible in the sweater, but she still had some concerns.
“Do the people at the party know you're gay?”
It wasn't like these people were her friends, in fact most of them were complete strangers. As part of her business, SaraPenaPartyForHire, Sara got paid to go to parties and dance and mingle and “make things hype.”
“There's a discrimination clause on my website that says I am within my right to deny service to anyone who is bigoted towards me or my staff based on gender identity or sexual orientation, and I vet my clients accordingly.”
“That's pretty smart. Wait, what staff?”
“That would be you. They legally have to pay me more if both of us attend. It's part of the Deluxe Diamond Party Package.”
“Oh, so that's why you wanted me to come,” Hunter teased, though she'd known from their “second date” that this was part of dating Sara. The grind never stops, not even for Christmas.
“It'll give us a little extra money just in time for the holidays. Plus… I just love seeing you in my sweater.”
Hunter couldn't argue with that.
“Alright, I'll go. I just have one more question.”
“Will there be mistletoe?”
Sara grinned and leaned down to kiss Hunter, accidentally brushing a pom pom off of the sweater. “I think we can make do without.”
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“Sammy” by kingofglyswing
age regressor!sam winchester x caregiver/daddy!Dean winchester
no negative comments or I’ll cry, spelling/grammar corrections are okay though. don’t read it if you don’t like it. Enjoy!
(mentions of gender identity/exploring gender identity, Sammy wears a skirt, Sammy uses he/him pronouns, mentions of eating and having trouble eating [due to regressed age and size of food], Sammy calls dean daddy, Sammy slips into baby space, Sammy wears a diaper, discussions of gender identity)
It was around six o’clock in the evening that Sammy heard the motel door open, pulling his attention away from whatever kids’ show was playing on cable.
His hunter instincts prevented the 19 year old boy from running to jump into his daddy’s arms until he saw that it was, in fact, his daddy.
Once he was sure it was dean, though, he slipped right back and ran to tackle him in a hug. “Daddy!” he yelled excitedly.
“Hi, baby!” Dean said back, just as excitedly. He loved coming home to find that his little one was happy and little. “Ya miss me?” he asked as he scooped his baby up.
“Mm-hmm,” Sammy nodded enthusiastically. “Missed you this much daddy,” he said, stretching his arms out wide.
“Oh, I missed you just as much, baby. If not more.” He walked over to the bed in front of the TV and sat Sammy down, much to Sammy’s disappointment.
“Wan’ daddy,” Sammy whined.
“I know, baby, but aren’t you hungry?” Sammy nodded. “Good, I’ll make us dinner then.”
“I help?” Sammy asked.
“As long as you follow daddy’s directions, honey. I don’t want to have to clean up a big mess instead of cuddling you, you little hug-monster,” he joked, kissing Sammy’s cheek all over, making him giggle.
“Daddy stop, it tickles!” Dean stopped, much to Sammy’s relief, and fixed the pink skirt that Sam was wearing that had ridden up while he squirmed away from the kisses.
“Oh, that’s my favorite skirt of yours, Sammy,” Dean said. “So do I have my little boy today or my little girl? Or are you just my little one?” he asked with a genuine smile.
Not long after Sam revealed to dean that he age regressed, he also revealed that sometimes he was very feminine when he regressed. Both Sam and Dean enjoyed when Sam was daddy’s little girl, but Sam had problem presenting feminine when he was big.
He and Dean been working on that, trying to help Sam feel comfortable as he was, and they did this by helping sam be feminine when he was little and less guarded. Sam and Dean had had the discussion of sam’s pronouns, and sam said he wasn’t sure yet. He decided that he/him would still be good to use unless sam specified otherwise, at least until he had explored himself more and made a more definitive decision.
“Umm…I don’t know,” Sammy said. “Can’t decide.”
“Well, did you pick out your clothes while thinking about that?” Sammy nodded. “Okay, baby, that’s good. That helps us communicate. So you’re wearing a pink skirt and a dark blue sweater. Did you want to be both my little girl and my little boy?”
Sammy shrugged, feeling himself slipping more. “Just wan’ be dada’s,” he pouted.
“Aw, you’re always gonna be mine, Sammy.” He ran his fingers through Sammy’s hair, enjoying the way Sammy relaxed completely into it. “How about this, baby? You tell me everything you’re thinking, and if it’s too much we don’t have to decide. That sound good?”
Sammy nodded, slipping out of his regression ever so slightly. “I wanna feel pretty, but not too cutesy. I don’t wanna wear pigtails or anyfing, but I like my skirt. I like my sweater too, cuz it’s big and warm and smells like daddy and it’s blue.
“I think I feel like a boy, but I just wanna be pretty,” Sammy decided.
Dean smiled at him. “That’s good, baby, you did good.” Sammy smiled and blushed at the praise. “Let me know if it doesn’t feel right, okay?” Sammy nodded. “Okay, let’s go make dinner.”
Dean picked Sammy up and placed him on his hip. Sammy laid his head on his daddy’s shoulder and put his thumb is his mouth as they walked over to the kitchenette and Dean pulled out a pot.
“Whatcha want for dinner, baby?” Dean asked, already knowing what he would say.
“Mac n cheese,” Sam slurred around his thumb.
“Baby, don’t suck your thumb. It’s got germies, remember? Do you want your paci instead?”
Sammy nodded, and Dean walked them over to the nightstand, where the green paci was sitting. He made sure there was no dirt or anything on it, and pressed it to Sammy’s lips, who took it in eagerly.
“Better?” he asked. Sam smiled and nodded.
They went about making dinner with surprisingly minimal difficulty. Sam poured the pasta in the water when it was ready, and Dean let him stir the mix a little after the butter had mostly melted.
Dean separated the food into two bowls, and microwaved two hot dogs to cut up and put in there too. Once it was all ready, he passed Sammy his bowl and walked them over to the bed in front of the tv.
Sammy curled up into deans side, and gave his paci a few last bobs before he reluctantly took it out to eat. Dean chuckled at the action and put an arm around Sammy.
“Want me to feed you, bub?” Dean asked.
“I got it,” Sammy said.
They both watched the kids show that was playing, Sesame Street, while they ate. Sammy had some trouble with his hot dogs bits, and dean ended up feeding him, having already finished his own food.
He figured out the issue was that the hot dog bits were too big for Sammy, so he cut bits of them off before feeding the bits to Sammy. The action made Sammy feel much much smaller, and he was almost slipping into baby space by the time he finished his food.
“All good, sweetie?” Dean asked Sammy once he rejoined him on the bed. Sammy nodded and lifted his head up to lay it in deans lap.
Dean ran his fingers through Sammy’s hair again, which had Sammy asleep in less than two minutes.
Dean was content to stay like that all night long, but he had to work in the morning so he needed to get to bed eventually too. He let Sammy sleep for about an hour, then woke him up to get him properly ready for bed.
Waking Sammy up was always a struggle if he fell asleep while he was little. Dean pressed kisses to his head, temple, and cheek while quietly calling his name.
Sammy finally was woken up when Dean picked him up and put him in his lap, rubbing his hands up and down his back. He was a little upset at being woken up, but he was to little to vocalize any other way than the fussiness of a baby.
He whined and tears pricked his eyes before he felt the gentle kisses and soothing sound of deans voice, low in his ear.
“Let’s get your pajamas on,” Dean said.
He did as such, finding it a little challenging since Sammy wasn’t lifting up when he asked.
Eventually, he got Sammy’s short sleeve, pants less onesie on him, his diaper only barely sticking out the edges.
He brushed Sammy’s teeth for him without much problem, and didn’t worry about making him go potty since he was wearing a diaper.
Once he got Sammy tucked into bed and curled up around him, Sammy facing his chest, Sammy started fussing again.
“What is it, baby?” Dean asked, falsely hoping for a verbal response.
Sammy didn’t talk though, whined more and starting tearing up. Dean went through a mental checklist of the nighttime routine, and realized he forgot two things:
A bedtime bottle for Sammy, and his pacifier once that bottle was gone.
“Oh, I’m sorry, love bug, I forgot your bottle. I’ll be right back with that, okay?”
Sammy may have nodded, but he was too worked up for dean to tell. He kissed his forehead, and went to get the bottle.
He was back soon, like he’d said, with a warm bottle and a paci in his hands. He sat up in the bed with Sammy cradled in his arms, and began feeding him the bottle.
Sammy calmed down immediately, enjoying the soothe of deans voice and his words. “Yeah, there you go, baby, all better. Daddy’s got you, honey, it’s okay. Good boy, taking the bottle so well. You’re daddy’s precious little thing, aren’t you?”
Sammy curled his hand around one of deans fingers, and Dean cooed at him more. “Aw, you cute little baby. So tiny for daddy, huh? Today a hard day without me, honey?”
Sammy definitely nodded that time, and Dean smiled as he sat Sammy up to burp him.
Once Sammy was ready, Dean laid him back down and put the paci back in his mouth. This time dean was lying in his back with Sammy lying on his chest.
“Goodnight, Sammy. I love you,” Dean said, pressing a kiss to his head.
Sammy pushed his face further into deans chest for just a second, and Dean got the message.
Goodnight, Daddy. Love you more.
Let me know if the text is purple cuz I have my tumblr on the rave color setting and it’s all purple to me. Also let me know if I should make more parts of this. Please give me attention <3
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archived-kin · 4 years
diluc ragnvindr and the secret spouse
note from kin: i was running around dawn winery looking for any chests i might have missed when this idea suddenly popped into my head. honestly i was tempted to do this similarly to the obey me solomon piece i did a while back and give diluc a husband but then i figured i should probably keep it gender neutral for both the girls and the gays
this is super short but i’ve had writer’s block for AGES so at least i got something out! i hope this isn’t so awful it burns your eyes out :,) i tried my best okay
fandom: genshin impact
character(s): gn!reader, diluc, aether, paimon
pairing(s): diluc/reader
warning(s): none
genre: fluff!!
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You wake to the distant buzz of household conversation and a distinct absence of the usual presence beside you. Slightly disoriented, you sit up, rubbing at your eyes as the morning light peeking around the edge of your heavy velvet curtains casts the creases of the sheets around you into sharp definition.
A still-steaming mug sits on the bedside table, indicating that it hasn’t been long since your dear husband got up and made you your usual morning cup of tea. There’s a little red flower sitting on the saucer - a Windwheel Aster, which, if the flower language the two of you have developed over time still stands true, means that he’s still at home. He’d have left a Snapdragon if he was going out, a Calla Lily if he’d be gone for the day, or a Cecilia if he’d be away for an extended period of time. Of course, he tells you these things in person when he gets the chance, but, well - duty calls, and duty certainly doesn’t wait for a sensible wake-up time.
You throw your arms up and stretch, limbs trembling slightly as all the knots and cramps that have built up throughout the night finally straighten out. Windwheel Asters usually herald a good day in your household - though with Diluc, they can become Snapdragons and then Calla Lilies in the blink of an eye - and you’re looking forward to spending some time with your husband. It’s been a busy week for the both of you, what with an unexpected increase in the number of Abyss Order attacks cropping up around Mondstadt as well as several sudden unexplained deaths of hunters from Springfield, and you’d really like to have twenty four hours to just relax.
Diluc’s usual coat is still draped over the chair beside the desk, so, after a moment’s thought, you pull it on over your nightclothes. You have the weekend off, anyway - all your pending cases have been essentially solved and are ready to go - so you don’t see any need for donning your usual detective garb, though you do feel tempted to put on your trademark scarf to ward off the morning chill.
You take a few minutes to make the bed and open the curtains before you sit down in the armchair by the window to enjoy your tea. You can see several of the usual workers milling about between the grapevines, as well as what looks like a carrier balloon being docked just by the road. That’s new - deliveries to Dawn Winery usually come by carriage, but then again, the fact that the balloon also appears to be smoking extensively and is being accompanied by a very dishevelled-looking man who looks close to tears indicates that this probably isn’t a delivery,
On further inspection, you realise that your husband is standing nearby the smoking balloon, conversing with a young man with long golden hair tied back in a braid that you’re not particularly familiar with. You’re sure you recognise him from somewhere, though - in the same way that you might recognise the general composition of a painting you’ve seen in passing.
You don’t have time to continue contemplating the boy’s identity, though, because next thing you know, Diluc is leading him inside. You drain the remainder of your tea to the dregs with one gulp and pull yourself to your feet, resolving to go down to greet the two.
While you don’t bother with changing into something more formal, you do take a moment to wash your face and freshen up your breath with some of the mint-water Diluc keeps in the bathroom. You’re not fussed about keeping up a ‘respectable’ image, but you do at least want to be presentable.
Diluc is sitting with his back to you when you slip into the front room, still dressed in just your nightclothes and his overcoat, now with your feet tucked into a comfortable pair of slippers as well. The boy he’d invited in is the first to notice you, looking up from the map in his hands and face steeling slightly as he registers your presence.
An odd little fairy of some kind is bobbing about behind him, chewing on what looks like a large slice of cake. Her eyes widen to the size of saucers as she spots you, exclaiming so loudly that she sprays crumbs all over her unsuspecting golden-haired companion.
“Who’s this?!” she shrieks, alarmed in an almost comically exaggerated way. Her shock sends her even higher into the air, and she threatens to hit the ceiling head-on. “Y-you don’t look like a maid!”
You raise an eyebrow, mildly amused. “That would be because I’m not a maid.”
Diluc finally turns around, eyes lighting up slightly when he sees your choice of attire. A small smile curls at the corners of his lips as he moves to the side, leaving enough room on his seat for you to settle down beside him.
His young friend’s eyes dart between the two of you rapidly as Diluc continues droning on about something to do with transport balloons and the influx of monster activity in the area without a word as to your sudden appearance. He’s certainly quick-witted, you’ll give him that - he seems to deduce your relationship almost immediately.
Still, he asks about it in a polite and roundabout way - bless the boy. You can imagine that he’s a little afraid of making assumptions, especially about a man like Diluc.
“Is that your coat, Master Diluc?”
Diluc pauses in the middle of his explanation, eyebrows lifting slightly. You don’t know why he seems so surprised by the boy’s question - after all, the impression of the prideful Darknight Hero he has probably doesn’t incline him to think of him as a relationship-y sort of man.
“...yes.” He says finally. You don’t miss the way he steals a glance at you through the messy fringe of his red hair.
“Why so surprised?” You chime in, smiling at the boy as he straightens up slightly at the sound of your voice. “Surely you’ve deduced our relation already?”
He looks thoughtful for a moment. “Are you two… partners?”
You laugh. “Well, you could certainly put it like that.”
“You’re so clueless, Aether!” complains the boy’s fairy companion. “They’re obviously dating or something!”
Aether shoots her an unimpressed look. “That’s what I meant, Paimon.”
“Your name’s Aether, then?” You note. He nods. “Good name, Aether. You seem like a smart boy.”
“Hey!” The fairy glares at you, but it doesn’t really have much effect when she’s got the face of a baby lamb and crumbs still decorating her lower face to boot. “Don’t forget about Paimon!”
“Paimon’s a lovely name too,” You comply with a smile. “Very trustworthy.”
She looks appeased by the compliment, crossing her arms with a smug grin aimed at her taller companion. “See? Paimon’s trustworthy.”
“I heard them, Paimon,” sighs Aether, wearing the kind of expression that tells you he has to put up with this sort of thing a lot.
“What are you doing up so early?” Diluc asks you, and you start slightly at his sudden question. “Normally you sleep til noon on Sundays.”
You shrug and give his thigh a firm pat, taking great enjoyment in the way his ears flame up slightly at the gesture. “Guess I just missed your lovely face.”
The red of his ears darkens. “...you’re ridiculous.”
“You’re cute,” you counter with a smile, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose. He chuckles in spite of himself, the corners of his eyes crinkling in a smile that he rarely lets anyone but you see.
“You’re both gross,” Paimon decides with a pout, and the two of you suddenly remember the presence of the two other people in the room. Aether is pointedly staring at a painting on the wall, but at Paimon’s words, he hurriedly turns back.
“No, no, it’s fine,” You laugh, waving off Aether’s apologies for his fairy friend’s comment. “The maids often say the same thing.”
“The maids wouldn’t say such things if you didn’t insist on being so affectionate everywhere,” Diluc comments, though the smile still tugging at his lips tells you that he definitely doesn’t consider that a bad thing. “If you don’t want them to talk, perhaps you should take it down a notch or two.”
“Who said I didn’t want them to talk?” You counter, inching closer to him again. You'll refrain from kissing him right in front of Aether and Paimon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tease him a little. “Besides, you’re one to talk. You’re the one always hanging off my shoulders whenever you get the chance.”
Diluc, however, doesn’t seem to have the same qualms as you about abstaining from affection in front of guests. His smile widening almost playfully, he gently lifts a hand to your chin. “Oh? Are you complaining?”
“Who said that?” is your response, and you lean in and kiss him.
It isn’t until the two of you pull away that you realise that Paimon has started making gagging noises as Aether frantically tries to shush her, all the while determinedly refusing to look in your direction. You almost feel bad for the kid - he clearly isn’t the best with affectionate couples.
“Sorry, sorry,” You say airily, moving away from Diluc, though you keep a hand resting on his knee.
“Is this what all married couples are like?” Paimon says, still wrinkling her nose in disgust. “If so, Paimon doesn’t want to get married, ever!”
Aether, still avoiding direct eye contact with both you and your husband, mutters an exasperated, “Bold of you to assume anyone would want to marry you.”
She immediately kicks him in the head, nearly knocking the poor guy right off the sofa. “Paimon heard that!”
“What a rowdy pair,” You comment cheerfully as Aether retaliates by flicking Paimon hard in the head, sending her spiralling halfway across the room with an indignant yelp. “You really do make strange friends, Diluc.”
He makes an odd chuffing sound in response to your words. “They aren’t any stranger than you.”
You shake your head. “You still married this strange detective, didn’t you?”
“I suppose I did,” He smiles softly again, setting his right hand over the one you have on his knee. “I wonder if I made the right decision?”
You give his knee a reproachful pinch and he gives short, sharp laugh in response - something that you don’t hear nearly enough from him. “Of course you did!”
You move to jab him in the sides, knowing exactly where all of his sensitive spots are, but he stops you quickly, seizing both your hands in his and firmly refusing to let go. You struggle for about a second before giving up and slumping against him with a dramatic huff.
“You’re too strong,” You complain, though your affectionate nuzzle into the side of his neck directly contradicts your pseudo-annoyed words. “I don’t like it.”
Diluc chuckles, knowing full well that you love the fact that he can lift entire tables without breaking a sweat. “Whatever you say, darling.”
The look that you give him as you raise your head nearly knocks all of the breath out of him. The adoring grin on your face doesn’t relent as you lift a hand and brush his cheek, your touch feather-light and sending shivers down his spine.
He finds himself leaning in again, overwhelmed by your presence. You smile knowingly and reach up to meet him - only to be interrupted with a start.
Paimon complains, half-disgusted and half-resigned, “They’re doing it again!”
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starryeyedweeb · 4 years
Valentine’s Day With Hunter x Hunter
Characters Included: Kurapika, Hisoka, Chrollo, Illumi
Content Included: Floofity fluff- Valentine’s style; fairly gender-neutral
A Valentine’s Day With...
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Kurapika’s actually beyond excited for Valentine’s Day with you, and has counted down the days until the event
He has a pretty traditional way of celebrating Valentine’s, but isn’t it tradition because it’s beloved by all?
He had made arrangements to get off work early that evening weeks in advance, and when the day finally comes, he can’t wait to go pick you up for your date
Like most, he had made reservations at a romantic restaurant, but the one he had chosen was more of a hidden gem- in a quieter part of town, with a niche menu, and in an intimate setting
You observe your surroundings in delight as you’re led to your table, where you sit side-by-side in front of a spindly vase of flowers
“Do you like it?” Kurapika asks, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he watches your reactions carefully. “I saw this restaurant months ago, and I’ve always thought you would enjoy it.”
“It’s perfect,” you reply, squeezing his hand lightly, and he averts his eyes with a sheepish chuckle
After enjoying your romantic course meal, Kurapika takes you off to the next spot of the night: an observatory, which is conveniently empty of all other people
“I’ve always wanted to go stargazing with you, but it’s too cold to go now. Even if it wasn’t, though, you can’t really see any stars in the city,” he explains. “So I decided on the next best thing.”
You could sense his nerves, for he wanted so badly for you to enjoy yourself completely
“I love it, I promise.” You press a kiss to his cheek. “Come on. Let’s go sit down and enjoy it.”
With hands still linked, you relax into your reclined seats and stare up at the celestial scene above you, pointing out constellations and naming your favorites
After settling deeply into your contentment at the time you were having with each other, Kurapika sits up slightly and reaches into his pocket
“I’d like to give you your gift now, if that’s alright.”
“You got me something?”
“I did.” He laughs gently, his cheeks reddening again. “I’ve always wanted to get you a nice gift, and this seemed like the perfect occasion.”
He hands you the pristinely wrapped package, which you open to find a delicate necklace, with a single but stunning ruby charm
He had saved up for months to get you something nice, and had labored over picking out something that would remind you of him without being too pretentious on his part
So, needless to say, happiness swells in his chest when you break into a wide grin
“It’s so beautiful,” you breathe
“Would you like me to put it on you?”
You nod, and with gentle fingers brushing against your skin, he fastens the chain around your neck, placing a whisper of a kiss just below your jaw.
“Thank you for spending this time with me,” you murmur as the two of you sit back again, your faces illuminated by the starry scene above
“If it was up to me, I’d never leave.”
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Going into Valentine’s Day with a partner as unorthodox as Hisoka left you with many questions about what he would do to celebrate, if anything at all
You were prepared for anything, so you were less surprised than you might’ve been when he shook you awake nearly at the crack of dawn
“What’s going on?” You mutter sleepily. “Why are you awake so early?”
He merely drops a bag down next to you and strides out of the room
“Put that on,” he instructs, shutting the door behind him
Your brows knit in confusion as you reach into the bag and pull out an outfit that toes the line between summery and skimpy, presenting the question of “Is this streetwear or lingerie?”
Knowing it would be more fun to play along with his plan, you do as he told and go to meet him outside the room
Your breath catches in your throat as you see him with his hair down and makeup off, almost as if he was going incognito
“It’s a little cold to be wearing something like this, isn’t it?” you ask by way of announcing your presence
Sighing headily as he takes in the sight of you, he approaches and wraps his arms around you, his hands sneaking down to give your ass a squeeze
“It will make sense soon, I promise.” He grabs your coat off the rack and holds it out for you. “We need to get moving if we’re going to make it on time.”
You allow yourself to be swept up in his plan, which ends up with the two of you on a plane he had “borrowed” from Illumi and the Zoldycks, flying towards an unknown destination
“Seriously, Hisoka, what’s going on?” You demand, peering out the window for clues
“Relax, darling. Would I ever lead you wrong?” He pours you a drink and holds it out to you
You take it and flash him a dubious look. “Do you really want me to answer that question?”
“Fine. I’ll give you a hint. I’ve always hated the cold, so I want to take the opportunity of a romantic holiday to escape it with you.”
“That’s better, I suppose.” You sip your drink, noticing him look you up and down out of the corner of your eye
“I did an excellent job picking out that outfit for you,” he declares, cocking his head slightly sideways. “We still have a while to go. Why don’t we do something to keep busy?
You slide a bit closer to him, drawing a finger up and down his hip. “What did you have in mind?”
Hours later, when the plane finally arrives at the mystery destination, you find yourselves on a secluded island, approaching a quaint beach house that had been carefully prepared for your arrival
“Was this the surprise?” you gasp, staring at the scene in awe.
“It was. Some time away where we can pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist,” he replies with a self-satisfied smirk. “Are you pleased?”
“I am! This is perfect.”
He snakes his arm around your waist, leading you towards the entrance of the house. “Let’s get started, then.”
“I thought we already did get started.”
“Darling, you should know by now that what we did was only a warm up.”
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Chrollo had been secretly planning a celebration for months, mapping out all of his operations around keeping that one special day open
On Valentine’s morning, he’s gone, but in his place is a tray of your favorite breakfast and a note instructing you to dress warm and be ready to leave by 7:00 that night
There are no other clues, so as you indulge in the breakfast, you wonder what he could have planned for you
Because with Chrollo, it could be anything
Meanwhile, he’s spending the day making all the last-minute preparations for your celebration, and hen the hour arrives, a knock sounds on your door
But instead of Chrollo, you find a driver that had been sent to take you to the date spot
You end up being driven so far outside of the city you halfway wonder if you’ve finally fallen victim to one of the revenge kidnappings Chrollo had always warned you about
Until the driver pulls up to the base of a massive hill, where your boyfriend waits with a smile on his face
“What on Earth have you planned this time?” You ask as he extends his hand to help you out of the car
“I’m a criminal mastermind, love. I simply cannot afford to be predictable.”
He leads you up to the top of the hill, where he set up a candlelight picnic on a blanket covered in rose petals, situated overlooking a fantastic view of the entire city
“Oh, Chro, it’s lovely,” you breathe, but can’t resist a shiver as you sit down and take the glass of wine he offered
He tuts. “I thought I told you to dress warm.”
“You didn’t leave much more information, so I wasn’t sure just how warm.”
“Well, then, I suppose it’s a good thing that I planned for this, too.”
He takes out a blanket and wraps it around both of your shoulders, and you enjoy your cozy meal whilst overlooking the lights of the city
“Let me guess,” you begin, reaching for yet another gourmet appetizer. “Everything here is stolen.”
“Why, of course it is.”
“And the Troupe is probably quite angry with you for sending them on such a trivial errand to get all of this.”
“Initially, but they were alright with it when I offered them half of the spoils for their own enjoyment.”  He shifts, pulling something from his coat pocket. “But I’d like to give you something that, for the first time in years, I haven’t stolen.”
“You actually bought something?” You gasp incredulously, taking the small box in your hands.
“Sort of. I had it made.” He shrugs. “I wanted it to be perfect.”
With him looking over your shoulder to gauge your reaction, you flip open the top of the box and discover a ring, the delicate silver band formed in the shape of an elegant spider web, tiny diamonds glistening at the points
Once you’ve taken the sight of it in, Chrollo takes the ring out of the box and slides it on your finger
“Since you’re reluctant to get a Troupe tattoo, I wanted something else to symbolize.”
“To symbolize what?” You ask, admiring how the ring glistens in the candlelight.
“To symbolize that you’re my home,” he replies with a cheesy, almost joking expression, but his eyes sparkled with truth. “Do you like it?”
“Chro, I love it.”
The corners of his lips turn upward as he cups your cheek
“And I love you.”
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Honestly, Illumi had never even heard of Valentine’s Day before you came along
So, needless to say, no plans to celebrate were made until he was out for drinks with Hisoka the night before and Illumi was asked what he was going to do to celebrate
He just blinked, completely confused
“You know, people tend to get very upset if their partners don’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. They’ve probably got something planned for you,” Hisoka teased.
When Illumi was still staring at him with a blank expression, Hisoka explained the concept and helped Illumi make some last-minute arrangements
So, when you wake up on the morning of Valentine’s Day, you find an ornate vase full of orchids and a box of luxury chocolates sitting at the end of your bed
Gotta use and abuse the Zoldyck family funds, you know
You’re overjoyed and pleasantly surprised
Honestly you had expected nothing at all, so assuming that the flowers and chocolates were the entirety of your surprise for the day, you happily go about the rest of your own Valentine’s plans: a day of self-care and self-love
Dating an assassin with a personality like Illumi’s was rewarding, but also immensely challenging, so you definitely deserved it
In light of cliche and tradition, you decide to make some fondue for yourself, and are just getting ready to serve it when you turn around to find Illumi standing behind you in the kitchen
You let out a startled yelp and drop the spoon you’re holding
“Illumi, you scared me!”
“I thought I’ve been teaching you about awareness lately. You should’ve sensed my presence.”
“I was just distracted. Besides, I wasn’t expecting you to be here at all. I thought you were supposed to be working tonight.”
“I just learned what ‘Valentine’s Day’ is. I rearranged the plan so that I could come spend the evening with you.”
You sense a warm feeling spreading across your chest, and have to fight the urge to swallow him in a hug.
“Well, perfect timing. I was just about to serve dinner.”
The two of you share a two-course fondue, then settle in on the couch
Illumi wasn’t really a TV person, so you play some music softly in the background and gaze out the window as rain begins to fall outside
As you lay with Illumi’s arm folded around your waist, you reflect that your quiet Valentine’s Day was a little less than orthodox, but the peace it brought was exactly what the both of you desperately needed
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obeywho-meduh · 4 years
February 2 - Werewolf
February Monster Boyfriend Challenge
Non-Obey Me content
Based off @cosmic-whorror Character: Claudio
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Warnings: Mentions of blood, animal cruelty (bear trap mentioning), Clastrophobia (avalanche), Near-Death Experience
Everyone around here has heard about the Legend of The Great White Wolf. You’d only lived in the area for a couple of months now but the stories of it now feel like a daily ritual when you went into town to get breakfast at the diner. 
“I’m tellin’ ya! It’s at least 15 feet tall! With claws as big as a bear! I don’ know why it would attack me but it did!”
You drank your coffee as you heard some of the hunters complaining about the clearly fake animal. Or probably just a really big wolf, they aren’t as small as most people think, you would know. You’d nursed some when you were younger with your family, probably why you became a vet. But this wasn’t your concern, clearly, they haven’t been able to catch it. And no one seems to really like having these hunters here. Especially him.
He’s a pretty tall guy with pale blue eyes and blonde hair, always has a snowboard with him and is actually pretty well liked around here. “Shut the fuck up already. If you got attacked by the wolf you were doing something you shouldn’t have been doing. Let me eat my damn breakfast in peace.”
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[image made by @cosmic-whorror link to image]
He seemed like a hard ass but he’d never been rude to anyone unless they deserved it.
“You gonna make me shut up? Huh? Claw??”
Getting up, you leave before anything gets worse or you get caught in the crossfire. Because you yourself had a pretty strong opinion of animals.
You love animals, maybe that’s why you found yourself living out in the woods, the trek up to your remote cabin seemed like you were entering another world. And as you were about to head inside you heard howling in the distance. Wolves are after all very common in the area but no one has ever been attacked by one. Even the supposed ‘white wolf’ has never attacked anyone. You brushed off the howl until it was followed by a whimpering wail that hit your heart as if you could feel its pain.
Quickly you set down your stuff inside and then grabbed a bigger jacket as well as your personal medical kit. Rushing out of the cabin you wrap your scarf tightly around you and head in the direction of the noise.
You knew the sound, but looking at an actual wolf is always intimidating, but when one growls at you as you approach its even more daunting. 
You get down on your knees and present yourself to the wolf as you slowly move closer. You could finally see why it had been whining. It’s caught in a bear trap, its back paw was coloring the snow red around it.
“I’m not going to hurt you…” It wasn’t like it could understand but it still seemed to calm down as you inspected the trap. “I’m going to get you out.” Bear traps are terrible things, and they are even harder to get open if you didn’t have the strength to or if they were rusted. While you pushed it open you could feel the metal piercing your gloves and puncturing your hands, it stung but you needed to save this wolf. 
Once it was open enough, it took its foot out and you let it go. You had assumed it would run away but it limped beside you and laid down on its side, and you could hear it panting from the pain. 
Taking a deep breath, you then get your kit out and begin to stitch up what you could. To your surprise the wolf let you help it. And when you finished, it then quickly got up and while still limping ran into the woods.
“TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!” You exhale heavily and look at your breath in the air before looking down at your bloody gloves. Luckily the cold made your hands numb and you didn’t feel the pain as much. And you can take care of your hands when you get home. Which you needed to do soon, wouldn’t be good to get frostbite.
The sunlight was waning as you finished putting together your medical kit, you didn’t bring a flashlight so you needed to head back. You could feel the temperature dropping rapidly and it looked like it was beginning to snow. The woods seemed so quiet. You didn’t hear any owls, no chickadees, the only thing that echoed were the sounds of you crushing snow under your feet. Then your nose started to tickle and you sneezed.
That became the loudest echo as it bounced around the wood of the trees and the sheets of snow. You shivered, you knew you’d walked far but it still seems like you should’ve been home by now. 
What was... No. There’s no way… The sounds of trees breaking made you turn your head. NO! You started to run in the opposite direction, this wasn’t the time for an avalanche to be descending on you. You knew you weren’t going to outrun it. There was no way. 
Snow surrounded you, it hurt as it pressed you down, it’s cold and you couldn’t move. You couldn’t breathe, there wouldn’t be a point in even trying to open your eyes. Plus... You were getting sleepy. No one would show up to save you. You at least helped that wolf today, that… that was enough… right?
You could feel the pressure of the snow against your chest, everything started to sting. It wasn’t going to help to cry from the pain. If you let go and you won’t have to worry about the pain anymore.
How long have you been under here? Waiting was pointless. Letting go would be easiest. Fine. You exhaled one more time before you just let your body succumb.
Not feeling how light the snow felt on you, but you did know that your body loved that soft warmth that held you. Were you dead now? Is the warmth you feel from the supposed light you see when you die? 
You still didn’t want to open your eyes, but when you did the feel of the fire only made you want to go back to sleep. Yeah, it would be better especially… Wait. Fire!?
Your body tried to shoot up but you were wrapped in a big mound of fur.
Wait… This fur. IS MOVING?!
Again you tried to shift, as you did you were met with bright beautiful blue eyes as a thick tongue licking your cheek.
As your mind processed, you noticed the immeasurable size difference between you and this.. Wolf?! How’d you get here? Where was here? You look around frantically and you realize it’s actually your cabin. Your heart pounded, what was happening?!
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[image made by @cosmic-whorror link to image]
Once again, the wolf licked you, only this time starting from your neck and finishing at your ear.
Your body shivered as you reflexively  bonk its nose.
“Owowowow! Geez! What the hell did I do!?”
Eyes wide, jaw on the floor and it felt like you couldn’t breathe. Did… Did it just speak!?
The shock made you pass out. There would be no way an animal that size existed and on top of that! BE ABLE TO SPEAK!
When you opened your eyes again, you were on your couch but the warm feeling you got from the fur was gone. It was all probably a dream... Thank goodness…
“I just want to say that fucking hurt, can you not hit my nose anymore?”
You froze, your hand was touching something warm and as you look down you see a thigh and leg. Well… that’s not a furry body, but… You turn your head around to see that guy from the diner!
With you in his lap! You shoot straight up, headbutting him in the process. Oh great, now you have a splitting headache. 
You could hear him growl a bit, “Why… in the fuck…” You were both holding your heads while you grabbed the blanket and put it over him. 
“Uuuggghh… I think that was hard enough for a concussion…” Then your mind shot back to the avalanche and you breathing started to hasten.
“Hey!” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him, “You have to calm down, your body took on a couple pounds of snow.”
So it did happen. Wait…
“Did you… did you say earlier… that I hit your nose?”
“Ah…” He sighed heavily before scratching the back of his head, “Shit. Well, guess there’s no point hiding it.” His whole body morphed and about tripled in size as his blonde hair turned while but once you saw his blue eyes you knew it was the same wolf as before.
So it really wasn’t a dream.
“And now that you know, if you tell anyone.” He lowered his head, his breath was hot against your ear. “Then I’ll have to eat you and them.”
After a few minutes of hearing multiple threats he turned back and put on some spare clothes I had. Good thing I always buy miscellaneously large shirts and keep plenty of different sized pants. Easier to stay bundled with layers if the layers can actually go on top of one another. 
“I’m Claudio by the way. Claw, preferably. And you don’t have to thank me for saving you, it was actually Nuka who told me about you being out in that area. So it’s a thanks for saving him and bandaging that wound.”
“The wolf.”
“Is he your pet?”
“No, why would he be? He’s a good friend.”
“Well he has a name so I thought..” “No, that’s what he said they call younger siblings where he comes from. So I guess he sees me as an older brother?” He shrugs while he puts on a spare jacket. “I think I’ll keep these clothes, they’re pretty nice.”
“By the way… What's your name?”
You didn’t think saving a wolf would end up with a werewolf saving you and now… we'll have to see what happens next.
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mlmxreader · 4 years
Flowers | Obi Wan Kenobi
request; "Could I request “What’d I ever do to deserve you?” with obi wan please?" // ANON
notes; gender neutral reader
It wasn't rare for both you and Obi Wan to be awake during the nights, he had plenty to worry about, there was more than enough of his plate, and you... well, you struggled to sleep regardless; often, on nights where neither of you could seem to find resting peace, to fade away into dreams, Obi Wan would sneak you away from everyone else, stealing you away into a lavish garden where flowers bloomed brightly regardless of the seasons and the air was cool but not quite cold, the sky glittering as it filled with stars, splattered across the bleak obsidian canvas.
Tonight was one of those nights, you held onto his arm as you fell into step beside him, your head against his shoulder as a comfortable silence fell over you both; he would steal glances at you, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, tempted to push you against the nearest tree and kiss you. It wasn't as if he hadn't done it before, his hands on your body, his chest pressed against yours as he kept you steady whilst stealing your breath and swallowing your moans, but on sleepless nights, neither of you had the energy for it.
Looking up at the sky, you studied it for a moment, a thousand little galaxies written in your mind, a million sentences waiting to be let loose, but all were erased the second you tore your gaze away. "Do you remember that time we met that bounty hunter, Din, and you got jealous?"
Nodding, Obi Wan's grip on you grew a little tighter, as if the jealousy still coursed through his veins as he spared a glance at you, doing his best not to make a move to kiss you, he was trying. "How could I ever forget? And you accuse me of flirting my way out of situations."
"You do, though," you told him, stopping in your tracks to lean up and kiss his cheek, humming and smiling as you snuggled back into him, once more falling into step. "But I wasn't flirting."
"Oh, you weren't?" He asked, the sarcasm evident in his voice as he didn't even try to hide it, raising a brow and chuckling. "It wasn't flirting when you pressed your hand against his?"
You chuckled, shrugging. "Does it count as flirting if I was just doing it to make you jealous, though?"
"Yes, it does," Obi Wan replied, shaking his head as he pulled away from you, heading towards one of the bushes and disappearing into it for a moment, re-emerging with a few flowers in his hand, a cocky smile on his lips as he presented them. "They're your favourite, aren't they?"
You took the flowers from him, your fingertips ghosting and grazing his as you took a sniff, eyes drifting shut as you smiled; the scent of those flowers always reminded you of home, wherever you were, they reminded you of home, and you could feel it in your chest as you nodded, beaming at the Jedi stood before you. "How'd you remember?"
Obi Wan shrugged, clasping his hands behind his back as he admired you, as he looked at you the way an artist looked at their muse, how a writer looked at an object of affection, a softened and adoring gaze, as if there were literal hearts dotted about in his eyes. "Believe it or not, but I do actually listen when you tell me things, my love."
You rolled your eyes, chuckling softly before closing the space between you and him, careful not to damage the flowers as you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, tender and silky, gentle and slow, smiling against his lips before you pulled away. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"I ask myself the same thing," he whispered, that devilishly dashing smile tugging at his lips. "Come on, it's about time we headed home, don't you think?"
Linking your arm with his, you pressed your head against his shoulder, easily falling into step with him as you stole one more loving glance. "I love you, Kenobi."
tags; @pascalispedro , @spnfanboy777 , @princess-of-fuckup , @galactic-magick , @snips-n-skyguy0501 , @guns-n-marvel
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shianhygge-imagines · 4 years
Playing the Game {Devil May Cry} x {Among Us}
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AN: So, I’ve been playing a lot of Among Us in my down time. My old coworkers from Uniqlo (haven’t worked with them for around a year and a half now, love them to bits though) have been inviting me to play full games. And because everyone else seems to really love the Among Us content on Tumblr now, I figured, why not? It’s easy enough to write something for it.
So, anyways, this is actually a one-shot instead of a headcanon. And there are technically no pairings. Reader was written Gender Neutral as well.
If you like the content I create, please consider donating to my Ko-fi! Please help me feed my tea addiction!
|Masterlist Link|
27th September - 04:58pm - Devil May Cry
It’s a miracle that everyone happened to be in the same place at the same time when Patty barged into Devil May Cry with a cart full of laptops. Dante had gone to hide as soon as his Patty senses tingled, practically pulling off an acrobatic feat just to get to the second floor in time. Curious as to what the young lady wanted, you put your book down and stood to help the blonde mortal with her burden.
“It’s good to see you, Patty. Dante’s currently expelling his stomach lining in the bathroom.” From behind you, both Vergil and Nero snorted at your comment while V quirked a brow at your antics. “Were you looking for him?”
“Yeah! I found a new game we call all play!” Patty lifted a small laptop, presenting it to you. “We can all play it if we have enough players… but um… I can wait until Dante’s out of the bathroom. Is he okay?”
Taking the laptop, you waved nonchalantly with a grin. “Oh, he’ll be fine. It was just a week old pizza. He’ll be down once he’s done! Until then, take a seat at his desk!” You take your seat between Vergil and V on one of the couches, opening up the laptop to glance blankly at the only desktop icon on the screen, then at the bar at the bottom showing that was connected to the internet already. “Is the game called ‘Among Us’?”
Patty nods with a hum, opening her own personal laptop up. “It’s an online multiplayer game. You play as a space crew, walking around the map completing tasks in the form of mini games. All crew members have to complete their tasks to win the game.”
“There’s a catch, isn’t there?” Nero scoffed, peering over your shoulder at the computer screen when you opened up the game. Kyrie and Nico also joined him in taking a peek.
“Yeah! Each game has anywhere from one to three imposters.” Patty informed, nodding her head as she explained, beyond ecstatic that you were seemingly interested in playing. “The imposters look like crew members, but their job is to sabotage or kill the crew, preventing the crew members from winning. Imposters have a little menu that they can use to turn off lights, or shut doors. They also have an advantage of being able to enter vents to escape an area. Imposters win when they’ve cut down crew member number enough. To weed out the Imposters, crew members can report any bodies they find or press the emergency button on the map once per player to have a meeting. From there, players can present evidence of a player being innocent or guilty of being an Imposter, and the crew can vote whoever they think is ‘Sus’ or suspicious off the ship.”
“So it’s a game of skillful assassination and deceit.” Vergil summarized, now slightly interested in participating.
“Perhaps a bit of patience and being able to read others.” V interjected, closing his book to shoot a judgmental expression at Vergil… one that the elder Sparda twin gladly returned with a haughty smirk. It’s nice to know that even if V was once a part of Vergil, they still feel disdain towards one another.
Patty thinks for a moment, her blue eyes observing your group by the couch for a moment before nodding, “Yeah, I guess it is! Gotta be careful though, because Imposters can self report their kill… but they also have a kill countdown… but even if a crew mate is killed, they can still roam the map completing their tasks as ghosts. Obviously though, if you die, you can’t tip off who the Imposter is to people who are alive. Once Dante’s back, we’ll have a few practice rounds before doing an official round.”
“Count us in.” All heads in the downstairs area turned as Dante descended the stairs, Lady and Trish behind him. “Bunch of hunters like us? It’ll be a piece of cake.”
Official Round Start
When the first official game started, you were all seated in various locations of Devil May Cry’s first floor, laptops in your laps and noise cancelling headphones on. The front door was locked, sign flipped to read ‘CLOSED’ so that nobody interrupted the series of unfortunate events unfolding within the shop.
There were ten players in total: You (Purple), Dante (Red), Vergil (Blue), Nero (White), Kyrie (Cyan), Nico (Green), V (Black), Trish (Yellow), Lady (Orange), and Patty (Pink).
When the countdown finished, and your screen went black, you schooled your face until it was carefully blank. Well, well… this will be fun. You decide when the screen informs you that you and Kyrie are the Imposters. Discreetly, you and Kyrie glance up to look around the room before winking at one another and directing your eyes back down to the computer screen.
The map that Patty had chosen was the Skeld with two short tasks, two normal tasks, and one long task.
Starting off in the Cafeteria, you moved down to Admin, following as Vergil, Dante, and Nico went to do their tasks in the room while you sat at wires, watching until one of them moved. Walking out just as the task bar went up, you headed down and right until you were in Shields.
You watched as Nico and V passed you before moving up towards Weapons, where you saw Trish downloading files. Quickly, you walked behind her and clicked the Kill button before venting, popping up in Navigation just as Kyrie knocked out the lights.
Deciding to take the risk, you went into the other vent in Navigation and popped out at Shields again, moving out of that hallway to Storage, pretending to empty out the trash just as Vergil passed you by with Dante at his tail, making deliberate and erratic movements. Just as you are about to Sabotage Comms, a meeting is called, and you notice that V was killed along with Trish. Shrugging, you take off your headphones with everyone else.
“VERGIL’S SUS!” Dante pointed at Vergil with a grin.
You could practically see Vergil’s last thread of patience snap, “If anyone’s suspicious, it was you!”
“Kyrie and I found V’s body in the Cafeteria right after the lights were fixed.” Nero announced, interrupting his father and uncle to look at V, who just sighed heavily and took out a book, refusing to make any facial expressions to help the Crew… and ignoring the superior stare that Vergil aimed at him. Well, this is going to get tiring really quick, isn’t it. You deadpan at their interactions, hoping that they would just warm up to one another already.
“Well, I can account for Lady, Dante, and Y/N.” Vergil sighed, lips thinning in displeasure that they were two down already. “Lady was already fixing lights, and Y/N was coming from the east side to do the garbage… Dante has been following me the entire game.”
“Did anyone happen to see where Trish’s body was? Or where she headed off to from the start?” You asked.
“Trish headed to MedBay while Kyrie and I went to the Engine and Reactor.” Nero piped up, “I didn’t see her for the rest of the round.”
“Okay…” Lady mumbled before her heterochromatic eyes landed on Patty, who jolted from the older woman’s intense stare. “Patty, where were you?”
Patty paused to think, “When the alarm was sounded, I was with Nico in Security.”
“Can confirm!” Nico nodded with a ‘humph.’
“But before that, I went to Weapons to shoot asteroids, looped back into Cafeteria to go down to Storage to do a task there. I was just behind Y/N as they headed off to the right side… and then I went left into the Lower Engine before meeting up with Nico.” Patty concluded.
“Are we going to vote this round?” Vergil wondered, eyes fixed upon the timer countdown. “Or should we skip?”
“Hold on, Vergil.” Lady raised a hand before continuing to stare down Patty. “So you were the last one in the Cafeteria?”
“Um… that I know of?” Patty raised a brow, “But that was like at the beginning of the round.”
“So, you could have killed V at the very beginning.” Lady’s eyes narrowed, “That’s a bit suspicious.”
“So… voting out Patty?” Nico asked, seemingly convinced. “We could wait, but…”
“I voted already.” Lady chimed.
“Done.” Vergil confirmed.
“Well, if we’re sure…” Nero shrugged.
“Wait! That’s jumping wayyyy too into conclusions!” Patty protested. “There were a lot of people near the Cafeteria. They could have done it during the black out.”
“Nah, a lot of us were accounted for.” Dante clicked his tongue before turning to look at Patty. “Sorry, Patty.”
You and Kyrie had already voted. The only one who didn’t vote for Patty had been Nico.
Patty screamed in frustration before falling silent, “You all suck!”
Patty has been ejected.
“Nico, why didn’t you vote?” Nero questioned his mechanic, “You’re the one who asked to vote Patty out.”
“Sus-pi-cious~~~” Lady sang quickly before you all put your headphones back on.
The next round, you watched as Vergil, Dante, and Lady headed off to the right side before dancing back and forth in front of Nico and Kyrie, asking them wordlessly to follow you to the MedBay. When Kyrie followed me, Nero followed after her.
Once all four of you were in the MedBay, you pretended to complete a task while Nico got a med-scan. Almost all at once, you Sabotaged the MedBay doors as well as O2 within a few seconds before you and Kyrie got a double kill, getting Nico and Nero both at once. Both of you took the vent into Security before killing the Lights, walking down together to Electrical, where you turned the lights back on. Just as you were about to exit the room with Kyrie, you two encounter Dante, Vergil, and Lady.
Noticing that the cooldown had ended for the Kill button, you clicked on it, watching as your character stabbed Vergil’s in the back with a knife. It seemed that Kyrie had the same idea, as Dante was dead once the animation was over.
The screen went black and you and Kyrie cheered, throwing ‘air-fives’ at each other from across the room.
Everyone took their headphones off, shocked as their eyes trained upon you and Kyrie.
“What… the hell.” Nico muttered.
“I TOLD YOU GUYS IT WASN’T ME!” Patty screamed at everyone in the room, slumping in her seat and pouting.
“That was scarily efficient.” Dante groaned, staring at you and Kyrie with a new light.
Nero groaned and buried his face in his hands, “I knew there was something odd going on when we lost one another by the upper engine when the lights went out.”
“Hehe.” Kyrie laughed sheepishly, patting Nero on the shoulder. “Oops?”
“Y/N! I trusted you!” Nico wailed, looking as if cartoon tears would be streaming down her face if possible.
Raising a single hand up, you grinned and made the sign for ‘Victory.’ “I guess you guys just can’t underestimate us, then!”
“Another round.” Vergil demanded, glaring at you with a challenge in his eyes. “If I’m Imposter, you won’t be able to escape me. And if you’re the Imposter… then you won’t get the drop on me twice.”
You all grinned, and clicked on the ‘play again’ button. “Challenge accepted.”
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wishfullyeternal · 5 years
Crowley x Reader- Hellhound
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Crowley x Reader- Hellhound
Words- 1210
Warnings: Violence, fighting, gore descriptions, angst, death, language
A/N- A kind of different fic I went for here, more angsty and dramatic then most of the fluffy stuff I have been writing, my requests are open as always and of course, exercise caution as you read, this is not the worst, but certainly not pretty. Love you lovelies!
“Fuck” you hissed under your breath, Crowley scolded you,
“Language missy! I told you not to get into any trouble with squirrel and moose while I was gone-” You interrupted him sharply,
“Fergus!” You started, clenching your teeth,
“I know what you told me, and guess what?” You shrugged your shoulders, causing Crowley to put one hand on them to keep them steady, he was currently tending to a deep gash a vampire gave you.
“I,” You lowered his hands from cleaning the wound.
“Don’t,” Looking him in the eye you caught a glimpse of those beautiful brown eyes. He flicked them red and pushed you down whilst you hollered,
“Care!” Crowley put both of his hands on your shoulders, keeping you seated. You went to push him away but was met with a searing pain in your shoulder.
“Y/N!” He growled, “I was going to clean it so I could heal it better, but since you obviously want to disobey me and my orders, which are for your protection” He added,
“I might not” You pushed back your emotions and stopped resisting, Crowley sighed softly.
“There we go darling, now let me tend to that gash before I heal it, then you can get something special.” He winked at you before looking back to your wound that had freshly reopened, not like it had really closed in the meantime. Blood dripped down onto your blouse and you rubbed your hand to your shoulder to keep from staining it to no avail.
“Darling, just let me work my magic, okay?” You nodded and he grabbed a piece of gauze and doused it in alcohol. Molotov Cocktail anybody? You thought to yourself. He put it to your cut with no warning and it left you hissing in pain.
“Bitch!” You instinctively pulled away,
“At least warn me!” Crowley shook his head,
“And they called you the strongest hunter in the midwest.” You bit back a retort and resorted to sitting in the chair, letting him work his magic.
“Would you like me to tell you everything I’m going to do princess?” He mimicked you in a high voice. You stayed silent.
“I’m going to heal your gash now, princess.” He put a soft hand to your gash and a familiar warmth left his hand, the pain suddenly dissipated and you were left with new skin to injure again.
“Now don’t get into any more trouble with the Winchester boys, I don’t fancy seeing you hurt and I also don’t fancy giving them another visit, seeing what they did to me last time.” He cringed in remembrance.
“I’ll be seeing you soon I presume,” You shrugged,
“You know where to find me,” You winked at him, he waved goodbye and just like that, he was gone.
A few weeks passed and soon you were, ah, what was it? Praying? Praying to Crowley? God, it sounded rhetorical, but you needed to know what that present was going to be. Crowley, to your surprise, popped right into your bedroom.
“Hello love,” You heard panting and realized that there was a hellhound next to him.
“Juliet?” You guessed, Crowley shook his head,
“No, not quite.” Crowley held out his hand for you to hold and put it onto the hound’s fur. It tickled your fingers and Crowley said to you quietly,
“It’s your present darling.” You gasped,
“Me?” He nodded, “You need something to protect you since the Winchesters are…” He paused, looking for the word,
“A little, self-concerned so-to-speak,” You pet the hound a little more while he explained,
“So, to combat them whilst I am out doing King of Hell duties, you get to have this lovely little creature.” The invisible hound sniffed your hand as Crowley put your hand to the hound’s head. He murmured a few words under his breath and took away his hand, a sliver of your power seemed to be seeping into the hound’s fur and suddenly it became visible. A beautiful black coat with the perfect amount of sheen. Piercing red eyes that were paired with the body and strength of an Alaskan Malamute, your favorite dog.
“Oh,” You paused, asking Crowley the gender,
“He’s beautiful,” You corrected yourself,
“Handsome” You petted him more and he wagged his tail, just like a regular dog.
“So,” Crowley stated, “What are you going to name him love?” You paused for a few seconds, looking over the dog, and then Crowley.
“Romeo,” You said, Crowley smiled, the first true smile you saw him put on.
“Oh, I knew you’d find the right name.” You hugged Crowley tight and he hugged back. You found out a long time ago that the cruel King of Hell was one hell of a softie.
“Hey!” Crowley picked you up and laid you on your bed, he kicked off his shoes and climbed in next to you. Romeo jumped on the bed as well and laid towards the end. You put your feet gently against his fur and relished the hellish warmth he radiated.
“Crowley he’s like a damn radiator” You pointed to him and he chuckled,
“They are from hell, you know.” You blushed and cuddled up against him.
“You’re lucky I love you,” You said against Crowley’s chest. Crowley sighed and cuddled you closer. Romeo got up and managed to squeeze himself between the two of you. You cuddled with the both of them and slowly but surely, through the warmth of two of the most feared creatures in hell, fell asleep.
To tell yourself that Romeo didn’t help you was a complete lie, you loved him. He helped defeat vamps, ghosts, skinwalkers, and banshee’s alike. He got a little beat up at times, but Crowley would heal him and he would heal at three times the rate of a normal dog. He also could take on a lot more than the normal dog, a deep gash that would be life-threatening to a regular dog would be just a scratch to him. To say you didn’t spoil him would also be a lie. You treated him like royalty, making Dean build him a doghouse (even though he slept in your room most of the time), giving him the best food, (and no, not dog food) even though Romeo technically didn’t have to eat, he enjoyed the activity. So when Dean was cooking, or Crowley was snapping in a meal, they knew to make another portion for Romeo. A few months passed and every day started the same.
“Romeo!” You called, he came barreling into the room in puppy-like fashion, sitting at your feet obediently.
“Who’s a good boy!” He wagged his tail erratically,
“You are!” You pet him all around and he pretended to bite you. You heard the door of the bunker open and listened to the sound of Dean’s footsteps down the metal stairs.
“Dean!” You yelled to him, you received no response.
“Dean?” You asked again, Romeo growled,
“Romeo? It’s just Dean.” Romeo didn’t back down from his protective stance and backed towards you, barking loudly. Dean appeared in front of you and had a completely blank face to him.
“Dean?” You asked him again, “Stop fucking calling me Dean!” He yelled, what the fuck you thought. This was not Dean, Romeo barked again, louder, growling and baring his teeth.
“Back your hellhound off,” Dean ordered,
“You aren’t Dean,” You yelled at him,
“Who are you!” Romeo barked again as Dean took a couple of steps towards you,
“I’m the angel, Uriel.” You sneered,
“I’ve heard of you,” You yelled at him again,
“You hurt my friend!” He nodded,
“And I’m here to do the same to you,” You quickly prayed to Castiel and called to Crowley. Uriel laughed,
“Castiel can’t hear you from here, I’ve blocked angel radio.” Fuck you thought. Romeo kept to your side and you pet him comfortingly. Uriel pulled a blade out of his sleeve and charged at you, Romeo charged back and bit him in the forearm. Blood poured from the vessel’s body and you called to Crowley for help whilst looking for something to defend yourself with. Deciding on a dagger from a table Sam had been researching on earlier suited you. You didn’t care at that point if he needed it or not but you needed to get the hell out of here. Romeo went to your side as you parried the hit of Uriel and countered it by stabbing him in the side of the stomach, he lurched in pain and spit out red crimson blood. Romeo bit him again and shook his leg relentlessly. You screamed as Uriel brought the knife to Romeo.
“Romeo!” You screamed, the dog yelped in pain as the angel blade went through his shoulder. It poked out of the other side, diagonally through his body, cutting through the tough muscle and fat that surrounded the joint. You heard a sickening squelch as the knife was pulled and suddenly Crowley appeared.
“Y/N!” He quickly seized Uriel and avoided his stab. Putting a hand to his head he knocked him out and teleported them both away.
“Romeo…” You whispered to him,
“Oh, Romeo…” He laid on the ground, blood pouring from the deep wound on his flank.
“Romeo, Romeo, Romeo…” You whispered the rest of the quote,
“Wherefore art thou Romeo” Tears pricked at your vision as he laid there. He lifted his head from the ground, seeming taking an immense amount of effort. He licked your hand and laid his head back down. You screamed in your head for Crowley.
Crowley! Please help, Romeo, R-Romeo is gonna… You couldn’t finish the sentence. Crowley didn’t come, and you were left with your hellhound, unable to do anything. A regular dog would die, he would die too, his blood seeping out onto the wooden floor. You kissed him softly and sang to him. You didn’t even like the song but knew that Romeo would like the words.
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I’ll be waiting, all you have to do is run
You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess
It’s a love story-
Romeo laid his head down and closed his red eyes, his flank stopped moving and he slowly let out his last breath. He was gone. My baby, my Romeo. My love. He was gone. You began to sob uncontrollably. Your hands were shaking as you kept stroking the every growing cold body of your once beloved hellhound. You screamed, your voice tearing through the rooms of the bunker, echoing around the space. Creating a tense volume of tears and bloodshed throughout the room.
“URIEL!” You screamed you kept on repeating his name, crying into your dead hellhound’s fur. Crowley appeared out of nowhere, seemingly drawn to your outburst of such raw unbridled emotion.
“Oh love,” He stammered, “Oh darling,” You cried to him,
“Crowley, t-there’s got to be something you can do, can you heal him, you’ve got to. You have to save my Romeo.” Crowley frowned at you,
“Darling, there’s nothing I can do, he’s already gone. You know I can’t bring back the dead.” You cried into the ground, crumbling into a ball. Crowley picked you up and laid you in a chair in the bunker, away from the sight of Romeo. He grabbed a washcloth and began to wipe the blood of your hound off your hands. You stared at the red blood, somehow wishing it could stay so you would have some memory of your friend.
“I’m sorry,” He started, he lost his words and stayed silent.
“What about Dean…Is he okay?” You felt bad for not caring about your friend,
“He’s fine love, Uriel didn’t use Dean’s body, he made it seem like it was him.” You asked Crowley again,
“What about Uriel?” Crowley answered softly, wiping off the rest of the blood off of your hands.
“I’ll take care of him, I have him captured, don’t worry, mourn your loss. I’ll be here whenever you call, you know that.” He washed the cloth and lifted you off the chair. He led you to your bed and tucked you in.
“I’ll make sure Romeo is taken care of, you can bury him later, or cremate him, whichever you prefer.” You nodded,
“Thank you Crowley, for everything.” Crowley kissed the top of your head before heading out,
“There’s no need to thank me love, I’ll always be here.”
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kickingitwithkirk · 5 years
A Kiss Upon Your Shoulder
Pairing: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Trouble Lacroix (OFC)
Warnings: 18 + only: kissing, humping M/F, intercourse, cursing, mention of addiction, angst
A/N: For @saxxxology #saxxxology vol.1 writing challenge
SONG PROMPT: Off My Mind-my favorite on the album
A/N: Set season 14 during Dean Winchester's possession by Apocalypse World's Micheal. Timeline extended and some events altered from series. I borrowed title from song lyrics.
*no beta- all mistakes are mine.
*GIF not mine
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The sound of the bunker door closing reverberates through the room.
Several of the hunters around the map table stop what they're doing to watch an unusually tall Omega with long, smoky pink hair braided in a loose plait and wearing hunters garb descend the metal staircase halting at its bottom.
Sam Winchester is sitting at the far end of the table alternating between his phone receiving updates from hunters out in the field and the laptop looking for clues in the search for Dean while strategizing with Mary and Bobby their next move froze disbelieving his eyes.
“Sammy,” the Omega hesitantly says, her lightly accented voice startles him out of his stupor.
Batten down the hatches Sammy boy, Trouble just done walked back into my life… Dean used those exact words years ago introducing him to this Omega, never knowing how true they would turn out to be.
But not for him.
Sam's eyes shift into a fiery glow as his inner Alphas outrage surfaces at this imposter trying to pass itself as his long gone Omega.
“What fucking game are you playing at?” Sam gets up growling, stalking towards her pulling his demon blade.
“Sam wait!” Mary hollers at her youngest son knowing all too well the damage Sam can inflict under normal circumstances but in the state of extreme stress he’s currently under doesn’t want him to do anything he’ll regret.
The Apocalypse World hunters glance at each other perplexed having never before seeing an enraged Alpha, unsure what they should do.
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After their arrival to this reality Sam gave them a crash course on life here, including the multiple genders of humans, Alpha/Beta/Omega, their confusing hierarchies and how they relate to each other.
The Alpha/Omega intricacies and nuances were still hard for them to comprehend since all of them were Betas.
The Omega cast her eyes down in deference to the large Alpha. “I'm here abo...” she doesn't finish speaking as he wraps his hand around her throat, slamming her back against a support column. She seizes his wrist as her eyes snap up meeting his glaring back before tilting her head as far as she can to the right exposing more of her throat.
Sam cautiously leans in, running his nose along her neck. The unique scent of winter, perceptible only to the Alpha under the scent blockers she’s used triggers memories he’s diligently repressed to keep this Omega off his mind come flooding back. The blade clatters loudly on the floor in the now silent room.
Wrapping his arms around her nuzzling into the curve of her neck he sucks on that spot he knows drives her crazy. Biting her lip she tangles her fingers in his long hair drawing him back up, running her tongue over his lips seeking entrance that he grants swirling his tongue around hers.
Someone's wolf whistling snaps them out of acting couple newly presented teens caught by their parents being very naughty.
“Hmm, not sorry,” she whispers nibbling on Sam’s ear making him quiver.
“Behave,” Sam mutters back taking a deep breath and subtlety adjusting himself before turning around to deal with everyone's reactions, not really ready to answer the inevitable questions.
Scenting his anxiety she twines their hands together offering a reassuring squeeze.
They’ve drawn quite a large audience from the library and adjoining hallways. People are elbowing each other grinning, whispering among themselves about their Chiefs and strange woman's reactions to each other then necking in front of everyone.
Mary stands there, arms crossed with the patented mom’s not amused look.
Sam huffs out an embarrassed laugh. “Everyone this is Trouble Lacroix, she’s my...she's an old friend.”
“I’m just an old friend after everything I went through for you?” Trouble snaps and Sam growls a warning at her tone but fuck it, she was right.
When Dean introduced them they were both junkies. Sam drugs of choice were demon blood and the power it gave him. Trouble’s was whatever made her forget her hunter fathers dominance over her as an Omega.
By the time they both got clean Sam found he could love again and she had learned to trust the Alpha in him wouldn't hurt her like others had. Sam swore during his next rut he would claim her as his Omega.
A week before he said yes to Lucifer and the subsequent showdown at Stull Cemetery he went into rut.
At their secret rendezvous, an old hunters cabin in Arkansas with his rut over Sam hadn’t claimed her, saying he couldn’t damn her, that this was his last chance to, unlike Jess, save her from certain death.
Trouble stood at the cabins window overlooking a small lake silently crying, unable to respond. The Alpha scented her sadness wanted nothing more than to comfort his Omega but all he could do was to kiss her shoulder, as he’d always done before leaving that last time.
Almost a decade later Sam can see the damage his refusals done in her sorrowful eyes.
“You kiss all your old friends like that?” Bobby quipped sarcastically eliciting a few laughs and breaking some of the tension.
“You look like Bobby Singer but you...resonate all wrong,” Trouble remarks as her light colored eyes surveys the others in the room finally coming to rest on Jack. “A Nephilim without Grace?”
“Yes, he is,” Mary answers crossing over to stand next to Jack, “how can you know that?”
Trouble shrugs “I’ve always been able to perceive things that are outside the normal spectrum.”
“You can what?” Maggie asks confused.
“The Omega can see that you’re out of tune with this reality,” Castiel states tipping his head to the side studying her, “she also possess other abilities.”
“I don’t need them to see your a dick.”
“Trouble,” Sam warns knowing she’d picked that up from Dean.
“Sorry, Angel of the Lord.” She half ass apologizes.
“And you suddenly show up here out of nowhere because?” Mary tersely inquires in her Alpha voice. Sam bristles unhappy that another Alpha, even his own mother, thinks they can question the Omega.
Releasing Sam’s hand she steps closer to Mary taking the same stance staring her straight in the eye. “I’ve seen Dean.”
Trouble tells them everything about her encounter with Dean in Nova Scotia, where she’s been the last two months.
They question is why he let her live when he’s killed others he has had contact with, another piece in a puzzle not making sense.
Sam asks her to stay but she turns him down, telling him it's safer for her to keep moving. He counters what better place is there for protection than in the heavily warded bunker?
She reluctantly agrees but only until Dean returns.
Mary makes it vehemently clear it’s problematic having an unclaimed Omega stay.
Sam reminds his mother that he is a mature Alpha, been making his own decisions without her input his whole life and with the daily suppressants he’s taken for years can control his instincts.
That got Mary’s back up, ready to argue with her youngest son, reminding him the Omegas already made the unmated Alpha act out. Bobby pulls her to the side and somehow he convinces her that the Omegas will be an assist in finding Dean. She doesn’t like but relents. Trouble is to stay in Dean's room, his Beta scent will help cover hers more to mollify Sam and a physical space between them for Mary.
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Sam's frustrations over having not found Dean yet and his personal anxieties were intermittently fluctuating. The stresses he’s under, hardly eating, barely sleeping a couple hours a day while keeping track of people out on cases and figuring out how to help Jack adapt to not having his powers. Then there’s Nick, the mere mention of his name makes Sam shudder, let alone the traumatic physical and emotional memories dredged up by their face to face interactions.
Thankfully, there hadn’t been any real drama between Mary and Trouble. They’ve avoided each other as much as possible in the bunker.
It was really late or early, depending on how one looked at it, and Sam was still setting in the quiet library, waiting for the last couple of hunters to check in. “Sam, you’ve been here for hours, go to bed.” Trouble softly remarks as she walks up behind him gently running her fingers through his hair.
Sam closes his eyes enjoying her touch. “Just waiting on Maggie and Sharon to check in then I'll go.”
She snorts snagging his phone when it sounds, “Who you lying to? OK, their at the one star for the night. Everyone's accounted for.” Sam reaches for his phone and she dodges typing before handing it back and walking off.
“Cas is what...the hell that’s happening!” Sam gets up going after her.
“Bobby’s idea so go bitch to him mister ‘cause technically your off duty for the next twenty-four hours.” Trouble says unintimidated with him following her fuming, “Your exhausted Sam, you need a break so quit fighting and let us help.”
She stops at the shower-room door. “First, go bathe, you reek Alpha, then meet me in your room.” Sam goes from pissed off to aroused in three seconds. Trouble scents him, “Yeah right, it’s Netflix and chill...” She remarks them gives him a mischievous grin sashaying off.
Sam had been making courting overtures towards her, even though they were on a time limit, hoping he'd be awake long enough to make the most of this opportunity.
After the much needed shower Sam heads to his room in nothing but a low slung towel tosses it with his clothes into the dirty laundry hamper. Trouble came in carrying a tray of food locking the door behind her stops, inhaling sharply at the view of a completely naked Sam. He shivers as her eyes rove over him.
Sam’s not as bulked up as he was a decade ago, a leaner version still possessing a well defined upper body leading down to his flat stomach, the sharp v of his hips and those long legs. And between those legs...Swallowing hard and flushed Trouble moves setting the tray down on his bedside table as he hastily pulls on sweats and a grey t-shirt.
“Your three episodes behind in that series, figured you might want to watch it.” Trouble says grabbing his laptop and crawling onto his bed pulling up what he had been watching. “Have you seen it?” He asks sitting next to her.
“No, first your gonna eat,’ she gestures towards the tray with tomato rice soup, crackers and fruit, “then you can catch me up.”
By episode three Sam had eaten everything on the tray, brushed his teeth and was sacked out. Trouble shut the laptop down and placed it on the desk.
Turning out all the lights but a bedside one she slips back in next to Sam picking up the book she brought from the library. She’d been reading for awhile when Sam rolls over in his sleep, one leg landing between hers, arm draped across her waist and his head on her shoulder nuzzling into her neck murmuring, “back in my bed.”
As consciousness slowly filtered through the haze of extended sleep two things simultaneously get Sam’s attention, the cool scent of the Omega he’s spooning and his morning wood trapped between them.
“Must’a been a good dream,” Trouble yawns rolling onto her stomach, the sheet sliding down reliving her long legs and lower cheeks peeking out under her oversized T-shirt burying her head in the pillow mumbling “I was gonna leave after you fell asleep.”
Running a hand up the back of her thighs he pushes till she parts her legs far enough for him to touch her outer folds feeling how wet she already is before slipping two fingers into her tight channel. Trouble moans as he them slides deeper, making her wriggle against the mattress seeking friction against her clit. Sam crawls over wedging a knee between hers.
Pulling his fingers out Sam moves straddling her legs, pinning them closed as he sits on her thighs stroking himself, using her slick as lubricant. Grasping her hips he starts rutting his cock between her ass cheeks.
Grunting, Sam shifts picks up momentum and with her under him, even like this, knows he’s not gonna last long. “Fuc..fuck Trouble..gonna cum…” Sam jerks back fisting his cock rapidly, cumming on her before falling forward and catches himself with one hand next to her, breathing hard. With his other hand Sam runs his fingers through his spending's rubbing it across her back.
Trouble pushes up onto her elbows looking back at him, “Dude, are you scent marking me?”
“Maybe.” Sam replies with a smug smile.
“So gross, Alpha.”
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Sam was beyond frustrated and feeling sick on his drive back from Atlanta. The rumored sighting of Dean end up being a bust, another one of those crazies he’s sick of wasting his time chasing. Switching off the radio that's making his headache pound harder making him wish he was home already.
Trouble, utilizing her abilities, was able to help eliminate some of bogus reports. Unfortunately, when any of them got to close, Dean disappeared.
The last time she had him, he created some kind of feedback knocking her unconscious. Cas checked her over, telling Sam she would be fine.
When she woke up Trouble tells them she’s seeing Dean doing strange experimentation on different types of monsters using Archangel Grace and it scares the hell out of her.
That was Sam’s breaking point. He stormed through the bunker in full Alpha mode from the infirmary to Deans room, packed her duffel and hauled it to his room. Even Mary knew better than to get in his way this time.
Sam couldn’t get her off his mind anymore now he had her back in his bed. She allowed him hold her whenever they slept together but wouldn’t permit anything else since that morning.
The Lebanon City Limits sign was a welcome sight. Sam was sweating, shaky and just wanting to get home.
He arrived at the bunker wondering what the hell he had caught. Mary greeted him with a hug and frowned catching his scent. Sam played it off, saying the Beta who had one too many hits of the brown acid was ill and he must have caught it.
Another hunter handed him a bowl of soup and bad news about some gypsy vamps attaching truckers. He had them set up checkpoints and sat down to hack the traffic cams. Mary gripped his arm concerned as he’s typing but he says he‘s good. She didn't believe him but doesn’t push knowing he wasn't gonna stop.
Six hours later as he left Nicks room he felt a massive surge go through him, no longer able to ignore what was wrong and it was his own damn fault.
Sam had forgotten his suppressants and for the first time in years was going into rut. He made it to the end of the hall before passing out.
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Cas had been by his friends bedside since Sam was found unconscious in one of the hallways days ago. He had been able to temporarily bring Sam's fever down and gave him sedatives to help him rest but with his age not being mated and having gone years without a rut his biology was demanding only cure, his chosen Omega.
Cas had called the Omega only getting her voicemail, left a message and began sending multiple texts.
He explained to Bobby that Mary had to leave the bunker, not only for her safety but the Betas also living there, unsure of how Sam will react to having another Alpha present when his Omega returned. Bobby found a case in Oregon that would occupy them for at least a week.
So Cas continued to do the only thing he could and watches over his friend.
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Sam woke groggy from the sedatives to the strong scent of an Omega in heat pulling him to full consciousness.
Rolling onto his side he finds Trouble lying next to him naked, covered in a light sheen of sweat fitfully sleeping.
Moving to spoon her from behind he grips one leg hooking it over his rocking his hips sliding his engorged cock through her dripping folds, Half asleep she whimpers pulling out of his grip, drawing both legs to her chest. Rumbling in discontent Sam scoots behind her again, lines up and buries himself in her tight heat making her moan with pleasure, her cunt stretching around him.
Sam pulls out and hauls Trouble onto her hands and knees spreading her legs wide and sinks back in till his hips are flush against her ass. Feeling her relax around him Sam grasps her waist so tight bruises already forming and growling at the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her slick cunt he starts pounding his hips rapidly.
Trouble reaches out grabbing the headboard to stop Sam from shoving her into it since he has six inches and nearly seventy pounds on her and is running on his instinct to mate.
Sam's knot starts to swell he continues thrusting wildly wrenches her hips up, forcing her to arch her back more as he grunts ramming the now fully engorged knot into her cunt locking them together and falls over her back, rolling his hips as she clenches him cumming.
Sam pushes himself back upright pulling her with him, flush against chest seizes a fistful of her thick hair bends to bite deeply into her neck making Trouble cry out loudly and cum again.
As they counterbalance each other Sam runs his tongue over his mark cleaning off the seeping blood helping the wound seal up faster before shifting to lay them down on the mattress.
Feeling the tug of his knot Trouble clenches tightly around him again, sending another orgasm rippling through Sam, releasing more of his seed into her.
Sam wraps his arms around Trouble, their bodies trembling from the exertion and a feeling of immense peace he’s never had before settles within him. He places a kiss upon her shoulder as it dawns on him he’s finally being to call her his omega.
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“It's just every time I think about ya know its a..its like a nightmare. I can't eat, can't sleep, it’s always just there watching.” Dean bitched as they’re walking through the hallways.
“Dean, it’s just a beard, I’ve been a little busy lately” Sam remarks back exasperated and relived to have his brother back giving him a hard time.
“Yeah well, that’s not an excuse ya know, ‘cause a.. Duck Dynasty called and they just they want it all back.”
“Some people say I look good.” Sam proudly states almost telling him why he’s really kept it.
“No..no Sam, no people say that.” Dean shakes his head.
“Duck Dynasty is a step up from Dr. Sexy in some peoples opinions,” Dean turns to counter that insult disbelieving his eyes like Sam did weeks ago.
Trouble’s leaning against the wall now sporting titian tresses that rival Rowena's.
“Good to have you back Dean,” She says giving him a hug, “and I like the beard.” Walking over to Sam she pushes him against the wall wantonly kissing in front of Dean.
Breathless, Sam touches his forehead against hers running his fingers along the flannels front, “I was looking for this shirt the other day ‘mega.”
“Hmm, my bad, suppose I need to be punished Alpha.” She teasingly remakes biting her lip as Sam purrs low in his chest sliding the shirt off her shoulders.
“You’re back together?” Dean blurts out in disbelief interrupting them.
Sam turns pulling Trouble with him, her back flush against his chest reaches up moving her hair revealing his mark.
Dean looks between them, “fucking took you long enough Sammy,” he barks before continuing down the hallway grumbling, “there better not be any more surprises.”
Sam nuzzled into her neck breathing in the new honey-vanilla scent mixing with her naturally cooler one reaches down placing his large hands protectively over her womb where their surprise is resting tenderly kissing her shoulder.
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zombriekid · 5 years
Medium [Alucard/Gender Neutral Reader]
Series: Hellsing
Summary: “…could I request where the reader uses their medium powers on a mission and Alucard begins to believe them?” victory usually tastes so sweet but not at the expense of the innocent
warning: vague mentions of violence against children
 Mediumship is nowhere near as glamorous as the entertainment industry loves to portray; it’s not all traipsing (see: trespassing) on ancient burial grounds and hurling invasive questions into the air in the hopes of something Otherworldly™ responding. You don’t often see apparitions- full body or otherwise- and it’s rare to hear much more than a single whisper, in fact the vast majority of the time your dealings with the dearly departed amounts to little more than just random surges or depletions of energy.
 This is not to say that your spirituality is weak, it’s just that… that’s what “ghosts” are- energy left behind by the living like an imprint of history, and this energy can be influenced by events, past or present, and passionate emotions, negative or positive, thus rendering any argument that they exist a hollow shot in the dark. Because you can’t prove what you (often) can’t see, not to others, especially in this day and age of technology with photo/video manipulation. And the fact that mediumship has a bad rep due to prior exploiters and frauds.
 But you purposefully leave that last bit out of the conversation cause even though He’s acting like He’s not interested, you know that Alucard is tuning in.
 Not that you can blame Him though. What else is there to do?
 From the moment your little menagerie of hunters stepped out of the Hellsing jet, absolutely nothing has happened. Nothing, zilch, nada. This might be ideal in other situations but you were promised a paycheck upon the eradication of a vampire who’s “more monster than man” and the subsequent purification of his/her hunting grounds, and goddammit you can’t let this mission stain your record! That and Mr. Tall Dark and Frightening is assigned as one of your partners.
 Well… more like you’re the one that’s assigned but yadda yadda fine details and all that.
 “So in other words…” Seras pauses with a drawn out vowel, “you feel ghosts rather than see or hear them?”
 You shrug in response before catching your boot over a pile of broken glass. It’s inevitable that you’ll trek through some before the mission’s end- hell before the night’s over because of friggin course a bloodsucker sets up shop in an old, forgotten hospital- however the less shards you have to pluck out of the soles later the better.
 “Depends. I hear Pip just fine, and on occasion he visually manifests himself for me, but that’s only cause of his connection with you. Uses your energy.”
 This seems to satisfy the young vampire for she gives you a quiet hum in acknowledgment with nothing else to follow. Silence hangs over your small group as the three of you inch down the hall, briefly turning your attention into every passing doorway and you specifically avoiding stepping on to jagged scraps of splintered wood and dusty glass; these two might be immune to pathogens but that doesn’t mean you are.
 “So you sensing energy… you mean that literally?” She asks.
 “Yes ma’am.”
 “Then riddle me this, revenant,” Alucard’s voice disrupts the conversation, chases away any semblance of peace and echoes into every dark corner of the walls around you. The fine hairs all up and down your skin suddenly stand to attention with the intrusive introduction of His baritone. It’s not as if you forgot that He’s there, or even that He’s eavesdropping, you just didn’t expect Him to vocalize His opinion. Should’ve known better, it’s friggin Alucard after all. “Do you ‘sense the energy’ of our target?”
 That’s the thing.
 You don’t.
 You can pick up both of your companion’s energies easily- Alucard’s is oppressive and dark and just plain inhuman while Seras’s is warm and jovial, but scarred, reticent, as if she has a blanket of secrets weighing down her back until she aches. That’s the best way you can describe it at least.
But there’s no other energy nearby.
 Now you’ll always be the first to admit that there are certain limitations to your spiritual sensitivity- for instance you wouldn’t be able to sense someone in the parking lot from this deep in the complex- and there are many factors outside of your control that contributes, with species acting as a major contender. After all, man eating monsters tend to amass a surplus of energy with every soul they devour, human or otherwise.
 So why can’t you feel the target’s energy? Sir Integra herself described them as “a gluttonous, beastial affront against the Lord with a deplorable appetite for children”; loss of humanity, depraved morality, the murder of kids… merely one of these would be sufficient enough for you, let alone all three, so this should have ease akin to your breathing offending Alucard in some way.
 Then why…?
 “I’m callin’ it,” Seras huffs before her boots cease their trek, which (shockingly) causes your other vampiric squadmate to pause as well. No need to single yourself out, strength in numbers as the saying goes, so you do the same. “They’re not here.”
 “I agree, but why not ask Hellsing’s residential medium? After all they’re supposed to be able to sense this thing’s energy.”
 The walls quickly sprint by in your vision as you snap your attention to the right, and you channel every poisonous thought and cutting emotion into the glare you fix the back of His head with. Alucard feels the weight, you know He does, just as you don’t need to see it in order to know that there’s a self satisfied grin stretching across His face.
 God, He’s such a petty bitch.
 Then again so are you.
 “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you could use the energy of your soul to sense someone else’s!” You spit out through a clenched jaw, but you’re not yet done. Now for the zinger. “Wait! That’s right. You can’t cause you don’t have o-”
 A plume of icy chill kisses your pebbling skin. Fine hairs rise. Your spine straightens. Instincts, or a sort of magnetic pull to your right. Not Alucard though. Further.
 Over your shoulder.
 A winding stairwell.
 Energy. Young. Scared. On the same floor. Your floor. The first stair.
 There’s a-
 “Murray?” You hear someone ask but you quickly shush them.
 Because there’s a ghost at the base of the stairwell in the little passage off to the group’s right; it’s not strong enough to create a perfect visual, or rather much of a visual at all, instead you’re graced with an opaque silhouette vaguely humanoid in shape. You can make out where the head and shoulders are supposed to be, though the legs dissipate below (presumably) the knees, and judging by the relatively small size you can almost safely assume that this spirit comes from a child.
 An assumption that dries out the roof of your mouth, tightens the muscles in your throat until it hurts to swallow; child ghosts have always proven to be the most harrowing in terms of purification, if nothing else because of the implications of their demise. No one cherishes the idea of dead children, after all.
 It’s in the nature of your job, unfortunately, and it’s time to get to work so first thing’s first: is this ghost related to the mission?
 “Do either of y’all know any history about this place?” You ask in a voice that practically toes on screechy, and yes you’re aware that your drawl is a touch thick right now. “A children’s hospital, maybe?”
 Seras stumbles over her words, likely a result from your behavior considering this is the first she’s bore witness to this side of your role, but she quickly regains her faculties with a throat-clearing cough.
 “N-no, it’s umm.. was just a general hospital. Mostly used during one of the World Wars.”
 Your kneecaps ache- cold, sharp, it bites at the crevices between your joints and it slinks down both shins until your toes start to feel chilly. A sort of rolling, hollow loftiness churns the pit of your stomach, and your head seems far too heavy to be sitting on such a stiff neck, and a dusting of salty tears sting the fleshy corners of your eyes. A scream tears at your jaw.
 But you don’t panic, there’s no need to because this reaction is not yours. The pain in your legs, the woozy light headedness that’s sapping your energy, the involuntary urge to sob and shriek until the lining of your throat feels like sandpaper? None of this belongs to you. This is your body reacting to the stimuli from the child’s ghost.
 Or as you like to call it: minor possession.
 “Why do you ask..?”
 A vampire with a preference for younger victims.
 The shade of a terrified kid, silhouette incomplete, and everything from your knees down plagued with an icy burn.
 …there’s no denying it, what you’re currently staring at, subsequently what’s burrowing into your bones and siphoning your energy, is a casualty of this mission’s target.
 You hear someone call your name, more specifically your first name, but with so much metaphorical cotton stuffed in your ears you can’t really determine who so you instead lift a pointer finger towards the spirit; perhaps crawling through mud would be easier. God you feel so weak.
 Seras is the first to respond.
 “Wha’ is it? I don’t see anything.”
 Through your teeth you manage to bite out: “g-ghost.” And that is perhaps the worst thing you could’ve said or done because the shrill gasp that she unleashes is nothing short of jarring, and she bounces from one foot over to the next and back again as her red eyes widen and glimmer with what you could only call excitement.
“Where?! Where is it, where do you see it?!”
 These questions gush out of her like a broken spout with many more to follow, but you can’t help but to tune them out cause this? What she’s doing right now? Yeah this is the exact reason why you prefer to tend to spirits by yourself; the fascination that borderlines fetishization that most carry with their individual worldviews often leads to disrespecting those who have long since passed. Hence your profession boggled down with money-grubbing charlatans, and entire programs dedicated to ghost hunting- ah, your apologies, you mean “paranormal investigating”. It’s distasteful, it’s tacky, and it’s downright insulting, and it etches itself deep into the lines between your brows and the downward tug of your frown.
 This… must convey your message perfectly for the young vampire’s delight gradually bleeds into something more somber.
 Maybe if you weren’t so tired you’d find it in yourself to let it go? “That’s one of our target’s victims, Victoria. Try to show some respect?”
 At least she has the decency to look ashamed, unlike her master whom you can feel the glare He levels you with behind the orange tint of His glasses. Any other time and the weight of His ire would intimidate you, but you honestly don’t care right now.
 The child’s spirit rises and bobs up the stairs, as if it’s simulating the act of walking, and with it goes the sensation of ice and pain and fear out of your joints. From beside you, on your right, you can barely make out Seras quietly saying “I think I see something.” It rounds the sharp bend in the stairwell before it continues its ascension until you can’t see- or sense- it anymore.
 And then something dawns on you.
 “I think he/she wants us to follow.”
 Alucard scoffs from somewhere behind you. “Is it going to lead us to the target?”
 A nod is all that you give Him. He in turn allows a single barking laugh to rip from His throat out of derision, judging by the sound in the way it’s meant to curl around your cheeks until they feel hot, however you’re rather confident in your assessment. In fact you’re very nearly absolutely certain that that is what’s going to happen: follow the ghost and you’ll find the target.
 Which brings you to your final conclusion, one that Seras seems to be grasping at herself. “Wait. If this ghost genuinely is a victim, then it really shouldn’t… exist per say, yeah?”
 “Yep. Man eating monsters, especially vampires, essentially absorb souls as a means to substitute what they’ve lost.” You glance at her in your peripheral. “Which means one of two things. Either my hunch is wrong and this spirit truly is an echo from the past, or…
 “My hunch is right, the spirit is a casualty, and our target’s already dead.”
 Silence picks up where your sentence ends; the nothingness of the quiet permeates through one ear and out the other, and it presses down on the bones of your shoulders until your spine shivers. There’s a tension in the air not unlike a rubber band being stretched from both ends, you can feel it in the cavity of ribcage, and though you could easily attribute the stress to the hospital’s atmosphere or the very real possibility of your estimate holding true, your instincts- built from some odd months worth of experience and adversity- place the blame on something else.
 Or rather someone else.
 Because His opinion of you, and of your work, is coated in an acidic venom, and He’s very open about this with every sharp word and barbed look that He deems worthy of His time. Yet He hasn’t said anything else, hasn’t done anything else since His last outburst of sarcasm, and it makes you hyper aware of Him. As if He’s going to attack at any moment, physically or otherwise. Does He disagree? Is He biding for time until the finale where He can deliver yet another calamitous blow to your already scarred ego? … Is He actually considering that you may be right about this?
 Not possible. His pride is greater than His hatred for your existence.
 And on this dismal thought, you decide to not dedicate any more energy in to solving the enigma that is Alucard and you take a few strides towards the stairs before you mumble out a “only one way to find out.” You don’t bother waiting for your companions.
 Not twenty minutes later the three of you are provided with a definite answer to your theory.
 But you don’t gloat, there’s not even a hint of desire to. Because, after all, no one cherishes the idea of dead children.
a/u: had ta repost this bitch cause i done messed up a-aron, which in turn meant tumblr pissed in my coffee and not showed it in ANY tags sooo... presto here we are again! once more with feeling: thank you to the anon who requested this, and thank you to everyone who reads <3 if ya liked my scheisse then please tickle the heart, leave a comment, and reblog it so other peeps can enjoy it too -3-
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ladyatthecrossroads · 5 years
*pulling up to the best drive thru ever* Can I get uh number 18 from the super sappy lines prompt list with reader saying that to Mollymauk?
Anonymous said:
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” (18 from the sappy romance prompt list) with mollymauk and a gender neutral reader ? love your writing btw ! 💕💕
Thank you for the requests, anons! I hope you enjoy this!
As a note, I didn’t originally intend for this to turn into a post about body positivity, but here we are. also I’m bad at titling things…
Title: BeautifulWord Count: 1,640Pairing: Mollymauk x gender-neutral!reader
“Hey, do you wanna come hang with us in our room?” You turn your head at the sound of Beau’s voice, pausing mid-stride in the upper hall of the Pillow Trove. It’s a good thing you do, because you most certainly would have tripped over Fjord, who you now notice is just getting up from sitting in the same hallway outside the rooms you have all rented. Lost in thought as you had been, you didn’t even notice him until just now. But Beau is looking at you with something that is half-expectation and half-dead-pan. She shrugs one shoulder. “‘S just an offer. Y’know, ‘cause Molly…”
As she drags out the tiefling’s name, you can hear a very audible string of laughter and giggles emanating from Fjord and Molly’s room. You blanch. Dear Gods, he wasn’t joking, you realize and give the monk a nod, following Fjord into the room.
Jester is cross-legged on the bed, clutching a luxurious silken pillow and twiddling her fingers at you and Fjord; mainly Fjord. He looks so out of place, his green skin taking on an unusually warm tone. The both of you take a seat wherever available in the lavish suite.
Conversation ensues. You’re honestly impressed; this place is much nicer than any of your previous stays, so far out of all of your price ranges combined, that it feels entirely surreal that you were even here. The hour grows later, not that you take much notice of the passing of time. Sometimes it was good to just sit and talk nonsense with your crew.
That’s when he bursts into the room, lavender skin and tattoos bared to the world, his tapestry of the Platinum Dragon draped over him to give him some modicum of modesty. Mollymauk carries a half-eaten plate of fruit piled with fresh grapes and berries and you think you even spy a cut pomegranate. His jewelry twinkles in the dim candlelight and he has a glow about him that suggests his massage was very nice, indeed.
“I am your god!” he exclaims, ever the drama queen, “Long may I reign. Eat of my fruit.” The rings on his fingers sparkle as he extends the plate before him to share his delectables.
You notice Fjord running his palm over his face, obviously still uncomfortable by this display. As for you, you could feel your own face growing hot. That tapestry really left little to the imagination.
Mollymauk was quite a specimen. You had never known anyone so rich in flavor and flair, flamboyant and vibrant as the peacock tattoo embellishing his skin. Truth be told, despite his often ostentatious mannerisms and insatiable appetite for flirty remarks, you really had grown to like the blood hunter. Quite a lot, actually.
Sanguine eyes rove over your face and catch your stare. He gives a saucy wink and you avert your gaze, unable to keep the heat from growing on your face. You feel a sudden need for some refreshment to cool off. “Drink it all in, love,” he purrs, arms extending to put himself on display, “I am here for your entertainment.”
“Sounds like you had quite a night,” Beau comments, dryly, unfazed by the tiefling’s posturing.
Molly crosses the room to set the fruit bowl upon a table; you snatch a half of the pomegranate in passing, absently picking at the ruby arils. He places a hand upon his chest and takes a satisfied breath. “Never underestimate the power of a good massage and the company of beautiful people. You never know what you’ll learn.”
“I learned I may need to rethink my choice of roommate,” Fjord groans to himself. Molly chuckles under his breath.
“That must have been some massage,” you add, waving a hand in his direction and doing your utmost best to tame your slowly spiraling thoughts. “You’re practically glowing.”
He flexes and you get to watch the lean muscles of his back ripple in response. “Honestly, it’s the most relaxed I’ve felt in a very long time.” He cranes his neck to look at you again. “You should give it a try sometime. I’ll try anything once; that’s my philosophy.”
You let your eyes focus somewhere over his shoulder, nodding your head in consideration as he turns back to Beau and Jester. You sneak another glance his way, entirely too tempted by the long path of skin he’s revealing. Every now and then, the tapestry sways, giving you a lovely little glimpse of his tail and buttocks before shifting back into place.
But then your eyes take in the faded pink lines crisscrossing all up and down the back of his neck and arms, a road map of scars both self-inflicted and otherwise. Some cut through the various ink designs while others seem much more healed over. He doesn’t seem all that bothered to put them out there for you all to see, but that was Mollymauk for you.
You return to the present at the sound of your name being repeated and you blink to focus yourself in. “Hm??”
Molly is staring back at you, deep pools of crimson watching you, closely. He tilts his head, a mildly amused smile softening his features. “I said, I feel like a walk.” The tiefling extends a clawed, lilac hand towards you. “Care to join me?”
You cock an eyebrow in his direction, your mind made up for you before you manage get the remark out. “That depends. Do you plan on actually getting dressed or is public indecency one of your kinks?” You slide to your feet, already prepared to follow wherever he leads you.
He throws his head back and laughs, clasping you on the shoulder as the both of you make your way from the room. “What would you know about my kinks?” he teases.
Behind you, you can barely hear Fjord’s audible sigh of what sounds like relief, as well as Beau’s warning against staying up too late and Jester’s cheerful jeer of, “Goodbye Y/N, bye Molly, have fun!”
Molly’s arm drapes across your shoulder as the two of you stroll casually down the halls of the Pillow Trove, as though one of you isn’t clad in only a gaudy blue and silver tapestry. Occasionally, his hip sways into yours, and you find yourself thinking perhaps it’s not merely by coincidence. He turns, warm breath brushing over your cheek, a hint of the scent of sweet wine reaching your senses, as he leans in to whisper to you. “You know, normally I would say it’s terribly impolite to stare.”
So, he had caught you, after all. Fiddling with the pomegranate half still in your hands, you smile at the ground. “Yes, but you say that as though you don’t enjoy being the center of attention.”
“Point taken,” he says, and you can feel the press of his skin against yours, warm, strong, reassuring. His thumb rubs circles into the flesh of your shoulder in an almost soothing manner. He’s quiet for a moment before speaking up once again, this time in a more serious, softer tone. “Do my scars bother you?”
This is a turn in the conversation you weren’t expecting. So much so that you pause mid-stride and turn to face him, brow furrowed in confusion. “What in the world gave you that impression?”
He stops, turning to face you, and for once you see an expression appear on Molly’s face that you have never before seen. He’s almost bashful, a hand reaching to rub at the back of his head, blood red eyes now avoiding your gaze. His cheerful demeanor is gone, replaced with an oddly insecure look that makes something inside of you ache. “Well, I don’t know, you had this look on your face that just made me think maybe you were disgusted by them.”
“Disgusted?” You cannot help the shock from dropping your jaw right open, gawking at him. “Molly… Molly, look at me.” He does so. “Are you ashamed of your scars?”
“Not really, no…”
“Why would you ever think I would think less of you because of them?” You shake your head and close the distance between the two of you, taking one of his hands in yours and extending it. There’s so many faded wounds all along his forearms, testaments of battles past. “We all have our scars, but that doesn’t define us. Your scars are a part of you, but that doesn’t mean that’s all you are.” You trace patterns into his palm, mimicking something he’s done before with you, though you’re no palm reader, could tell no future from past. You only see the present. You only see Mollymauk.
He tilts his head and gives the faintest smile, and it’s all you need to know he’s at least reassured. “That’s very insightful of you.”
You shrug one shoulder. “Glad to know you value my opinion,” you admit, starting when his fingers close over yours.
“I always have,” he’s quick to reply. The way he stares at you warms you and brings many more questions to your mind, questions that maybe you’re not quite ready to ask while he’s barely clothed.
Pulling back after a moment, you hike your thumb over your shoulder back towards where the both of you had come from. “Well, I guess I should head back. It’s pretty late.”
“You’re telling me.”
“Alright, well… Night, Molly.” Turning, you pause at your door, weighing your words before you speak, daring yourself to say what’s on your mind before you completely lose your nerve. When you glance up, he’s still staring at you from across the hall. “For the record… You could never disgust me. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Sanguine eyes widen at this admission, but before he can respond, you’ve returned to your room and shut the door.
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velshie · 5 years
Kingfield Omegaverse
Dwight swore he could feel his heart going a mile per hour when he received the envelope in his hands. This is it, he’s just turned 18 and now it’s time for the school's mandatory secondary gender test.
Dwight had never really been afraid of these before. He came from a family of Beta’s, minus the fact that his older brother was an Alpha but with how almost painfully average he was, he never had that thought that he could be an Alpha or Omega. 
So then why was he so nervous?
He shook his head almost laughing at himself for his nerves and putting the results in his bag. The chances of him being anything other than a beta were slim to none and he knew that, besides he’ll open it later. Walking past the medical office he was in, he made his way to the foyer as he left the school and sat on a concrete block. Not too far from him were two bigger boys who were having a conversation loudly, not even noticing Dwight there yet. 
“I’m not even surprised we’re Alpha’s, it was kinda obvious.” His tone was casual, but it held a bit of pride in his voice. Dwight wasn’t much surprised either, but he was a little jealous. Alpha’s are top of the food chain after all. They usually have the drive and ambition to get whatever they want whenever they want. That includes-
“Yeah dude, me neither but think man, we get to have a cute little omega to claim.” He grinned at his friend and Dwight could feel his nose scrunch and disgust. He genuinely felt so bad for Omega’s, while they no longer are seen as property, they still have a long way to go to be respected. They are still over-sexualized and objectified by Alpha’s but at least there are laws to protect them. Ignoring the conversation, Dwight quickly looked at his phone. David should be finished up with a meeting with his teachers by now, so what’s the holdup?
“Hey Fairfield, what did your results say?” Dwight ripped his eyes from his phone and looked at the two guys asking the question surprised that they were talking to him. He knew Hunter and Eli from David, as they both play rugby outside of school with him, but they never showed much of an interest to really have a conversation with him. 
“Beta pretty expected.” The two nodded, not surprised in the least at his secondary gender. One of them looked at him and snickered and Dwight looked confused but braces himself for an insult. They have become pretty subtle with what they dish out given that David is his best friend and obviously the bigger Alpha compared to those two. Dwight would be surprised if his friend was anything else.
“Yeah, you being a beta makes sense, but for a minute there, I thought you’d be an omega.” Dwight was almost insulted but mostly confused. Curious, he leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees and leaning forward, his attention focused on them.
“An Omega? What makes you think that?” Eli snickered and elbowed his friend.
“Because you’re really weak, duh!” Dwight just gave him a flat look but didn’t say anything, not wanting to provoke the newly presented Alpha into handing his ass to him on a silver platter. However, the look Hunter, the one who inquired, gave him a look so intense it made his skin crawl. 
“You’re also kinda cute too, like a lot of Omegas. Soft and very...Submissive.” Dwight clenched his jaw, feeling almost physically gross. His friend also gave him a strange look and gave Dwight an uninterested once over. 
“I can’t say I agree dude, he looks pretty plain beta male to me.” Hunter’s look never wavered from Dwight. His eyes roaming Dwight’s body, looking like he’s itching to touch him and it made Dwight shrink into himself. 
“Oi, losers!” The boys look lost intensity as he was startled. The other alpha grinned and gave a wave and greeted the stronger alpha. Dwight felt himself deflate in relief as his best friend came down those stairs, giving him a friendly shove before greeting the other guys. 
“Babysittin’ over ‘ere I see?” Eli snorted, making playful banter and just roughhoused with him, making Dwight smile. He was glad that David could make friends easier then he could, Dwight was never great at making friends but thanks to David and knowing him since they were 6, he was able to still keep his friendship with David while he helped him make friends. 
And kept bullies at bay.
Dwight looked over at the other boy who caught his eye. The look wasn’t as intense but it was still full of intent that Dwight had an inkling it wasn’t innocent, given his little description about him when explaining his assumption. Hunter’s eyes darted to David, casually greeting him but not joining in on the play. 
“So dude,” Eli said, stopping their horseplay to look at him excitedly. “You got your results yeah? Alpha?” David gave him a playful but rough shove that Dwight was sure would break 99% of his bones if he were receiving it. 
“Obviously mate, what else would I be, an Omega?” He joked as the other two laughed, razzing him on how much of an ugly Omega he would make. Hunter glanced quickly in his direction once again and Dwight’s amusement at David’s antics died as the frequent stares and glances made him uncomfortable. He wanted to leave and fast, but he knew it was up to David and Dwight knew he couldn’t monopolize David’s time with other people. He had other friends then Dwight but god he wanted to avoid the Alpha’s darkening blue eyes. The stare made him feel dirty…
“Ready ta go?” Was what he heard before a large hand tangle into dark brown hair and knocked his head forward. Dwight feigned an indignant noise but his false outrage was obvious based on the grin on his face. 
“Been waiting on your slow ass this entire time!” He hopped off the concrete slab he was sitting on before taking his place next to David like usual, not bothered that the alpha towered over him. He outgrew him when he was 13, he stopped being bothered by the height difference a long time ago. David lightly hip-checked his smaller friend, not enough to make him fly but enough to move him slightly. 
“Aight, ya shit, let’s go.” He said placing a large hand on the back of Dwight’s neck, urging him to move. Dwight looked at his friend curiously, this is something he doesn’t usually to ever, but Dwight wasn’t all that bothered. He loved David, more than he probably should, so his friend’s touch was always welcome.
As David said his goodbyes, Dwight kept silent and didn’t look back. He didn’t want to know if those eyes were on him anymore but thankfully David came in at the nick of time and he didn’t have to think about it anymore. They were casually chatting like they usually did, nothing awkward or forced just their usual banter and enjoying each other’s company. 
“So, what was that all about?” David’s inquiry sounded confused and almost aggressive? Dwight looked at him with a quirked eyebrow, not understanding what he’s talking about.
“You’re going to have to be a little more specific because that came out of nowhere,” Dwight said, his tone was teasing but David only soured and the brunette couldn’t figure out what it was that changed his mood suddenly. 
“Th’ way Hunter was lookin’ atcha, kinda weird don’ ya think?” Dwight’s expression changed, he was hoping to forget about that whole exchange and couldn’t help but shudder a bit, wanting to shake off the stare. 
“No kidding, talk about uncomfortable. The way it all started too? No seriously, it was so weird!” David didn’t look at him like he didn’t believe him. His face was uncharacteristically serious, his expression was stony. To be quite honest it kind of unnerved him a bit, so he looked forward and just kept rambling.
“He was asking about my results, right? Then he was saying I looked like an Omega because I was cute and submissive looking.” He trailed off, not looking back at his friend but feeling so much better now that he was getting it off his chest. “Like who says that? Especially from Hunter. I know him and Eli don’t care much for me and are only decent because they’re friends with you. So when Hunter just said that, I gotta admit, it wasn’t expected and frankly I feel sorry for any omega he’s around.” 
Dwight glanced back at his friend and he was surprised at how furious he was. His teeth were clenched tight and his fist was balled up, knuckles turning completely white. Dwight always knew David was almost unreasonably protective over him and everyone knew that. But he thought he would laugh at something so weird then get aggressive over it. Then again, it could be because he just dissed his friend. 
“You good man? It’s not a big deal, it was just a really weird moment. He’s probably going into a rut or whatever. Apparently, after we present and get our result, we should be going through the worst of it something this month and he’s horny or something.” He didn’t know why he was defending Hunter’s actions, they really weren’t acceptable but he hated seeing David so angry. He also wasn’t going to apologize for what he said about the other Alpha, especially when what he said was true. 
“It’s fine, I’ll probably ‘ave a chat with ‘im tomorrow.” Was all David said before everything went silent. Dwight wasn’t sure what was going on with his friend. Sure this wasn’t a...Common occurrence but not enough for him to get angry about. After a couple of minutes, David spoke again, the anger has calmed down enough for him to start another conversation. 
“So, you got the test results back you said?” Dwight nodded and shrugged, he hadn’t opened the letter yet but he knew he didn’t really have to. He was going to open it, just to say he saw it and then chuck it out. 
“Yup, beta. Not surprising, but I would rather have that then be an Omega, ya know? Especially after the whole Hunter thing.” David frowned, and Dwight could tell that he was getting defensive. 
“Aw c’mon Dwight, yer not jumpin’ on that bandwagon are ya? I think Omega’s get shit on enough, you saw a fraction o’ what happened and jus’ look at what they say about me mum.” Dwight instantly felt guilty. He loved David’s mum and he would never want to say anything bad about her. Dwight knew it wasn’t what he meant though, so he scrambled a bit to find his wording.
“What? No! I have nothing against them. I just...I dunno. They have it so hard and I just don’t know if I could handle what they go through. Especially with Al-Entitled...People.” Dwight stumbled for a minute, choosing his words carefully so he didn’t offend his childhood best friend, who didn’t seem all that impressed. He clicked his tongue in irritation, firmly keeping his eyes off of Dwight.
“Nice save,” He said sarcastically, his voice holding a bitter tinge to it and the guilt weight even heavier on Dwight’s poor heart. He never wanted to insult him, but it felt in the moment nothing he said would have been positive. “But sure, whatever I guess.” They reached their neighborhood and David spread up, Dwight almost jogging to keep up with him at a quicker pace.
“Come on David, I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry!” David ignored him and Dwight could feel himself deflate. Once you’ve annoyed David, nothing will reason with him until he gets out of his mood and Dwight has been on that side of David’s temper before. “Alright… I’ll see you tomorrow I guess.” David just grunted, turning into the house across from Dwight’s and entered the house without even a goodbye. Dwight huffed in irritation and David’s dramatics and stormed into his own house, mood dampened. 
“Dwight? Is that you?” His mother called out, making him stop at the top of the stairway. 
“Yeah mom, it’s me. School was fine, going to do homework.” His voice was clipped and it was obvious that he was in no mood to talk to anyone about his day. David put him in a bad mood and now he just wants to be alone and unbothered. He didn’t wait long to continue heading back to his room, not waiting for his mother to answer him back. As he entered, he shut his door and chucked his backpack to the corner of his room between his bed and the computer desk. 
Whatever David overreacted and he’ll get over it. Dwight wasn’t going to expect David to wait for him on their usual walk to school together when David is like this, he gives Dwight the silent treatment all day and then will start talking to him again. Not the most mature solution but it was a David solution that drives him up the wall. Dwight huffed as he threw himself on the bed, crossing his arms with a pout. His eyes landed on the bag he threw in the corner remembering his test results and got up to open up in his bag.
All of a sudden, he felt his stomach twist with nerves. He hated anticipation, he knew what he was but...What if it was something else? Dwight took a deep breath and shook his head. No, he’s over thinking it and this stupid envelope was giving him anxiety. Besides, he would be one very plain looking Omega if he was. Dwight snorted at that thought as he ripped the top of the envelope open. Unfolding the results his eyes skimmed everything else before his eyes landed on the symbol. 
Dwight froze as he started to frantically read the rest of the paper. He didn’t see the italicized B with the elongated tail that he was expecting. Instead, the results showed an open O. There must have been a mistake, it didn’t make any sense. 
He couldn’t be an Omega. 
He let go of the paper and ran into the bathroom that was attached to his room. Throwing up all the contents in his stomach. After a bit of dry heaving, he removed himself and resting in the nook between the toilet and the bathroom, his breathing hitting hyperventilating levels. He didn’t know what to do or who to tell. Does he tell his parents? His brother? 
He didn’t think he would be an alpha like his brother Jeff, but he showed no signs that he was an Omega. All the signs pointed to be like his parents, his aunts, uncles and his cousins. Beta. 
Dwight in his panic couldn’t hold his tears back but he did try to regain his breathing. He’ll tell Jeff, he’ll know what to do. His older brother always knew what to do. His hands shook as he took out his phone, going through his call history and pressing it flush against his ear and heard it start ringing.
“Come on Jeff, pick up the phone. Pick up the phone Jeff. Please, please, please-” 
“Hello? Dwight? What’s up bud?” Dwight was so relieved his brother answered that he just burst into another wave of tears, just sobbing into his brother's ear as Jeff let out a concerned noise, trying to calm down his brothers panic. Dwight wasn’t exactly a cry baby, but he was prone to anxiety attacks that evolved into panic attacks. It was concerning, but Dwight was always good at talking to someone before it hit this level.
“Shh shh, Dwight, it’s okay. I’m here, what do you need?” Dwight was always soothed by his brother's voice. For an alpha, he always had such a soothing voice that could help calm him down. It was so very, unlike the stereotyped Alpha that David seemed to fit into better. Jeff, even for his size and stoic looking nature was also riddled with anxiety and had been in Dwight’s place before but was always able to help his little brother in his time of need.
It only made Dwight wonder if Jeff had someone to help him through his moments. Who was his person when he needed it? Jeff leads him through some breathing exercises, calming him down through the phone. His voice holding no maliciousness or annoyance, but concern and familial love that left Dwight feeling calm, if not exhausted. 
“There we go, do you feel better?” Dwight nodded at first at the question before realizing that Jeff couldn’t see it. He took a shaky breath before confirming that he was better. 
“Good, I’m glad to hear I could help. But Dwight, what happened?” And Dwight spilled everything. The creep that had been eyeing him like a piece of meat, the fight with David and what he said to him to make him angry, the test results that sent him into a fit of panic. Everything. He completely spilled his guts to his older brother who let out a surprised noise at the fact of his little brother's secondary gender. 
“Okay, I’m almost home‍. I was going to surprise you with a visit but I think we need to figure out a plan. Have you told mom and dad yet?” Dwight shook his head before realizing he did it again and his brother couldn’t see him.
“No, your the only one who knows and I want it to stay like that.” Jeff let out a grunt that Dwight knew he fully disagreed on. Jeff was not the kind of person to spread information that was not his to spread and Dwight knew he would keep a secret if asked too, despite whether or not he agreed.
“I think you need to tell them, Dwight, it would be better for you if you do that. You already have me to back you up but mom and dad probably be able to help you more.” He paused for a second, Dwight could almost hear the thoughts going through Jeff’s mind. “Why don’t you talk to David’s mom? You don’t have to tell David yet, even though that should be done sooner rather than later too. But she would give you more valuable information than any of us.” 
Dwight processed the information and despite how embarrassing it was, Jeff was right. David’s mom was an Omega and she helped both Jeff and him for years, treating the two like they were an extension of her own family. She would always be happy to help and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind taking care of an Omega pup herself. 
“Yeah…Yeah, your right. But can we just...Keep it to ourselves for now.” Jeff sighed but agreed to keep it on the down low for now. As they kept talking about how art school was going for Jeff and how his band his doing, The oldest told him he had to get going if he wanted to make it to the house by tonight. Excited, Dwight hung up after their goodbyes, feeling a bit better but still anxious. Taking a glance at his phone, he saw there weren’t any texts from David as expected, and put it on the charger and went to take a shower. He needed some time to think and what better place then a shower?
After he was done, he checked his phone to see that it was still empty of messages but he went and opened up a message to David’s mom instead. He never usually texted anything to her unless Dwight gave her a heads up that they were going out and David was notorious for forgetting to text her which left her worried sick and had her pacing. He sat there, not knowing what to do or say but he knew she would be the best person to talk to. He decided against it and tossed his phone on the other side of the bed and covered his face with his hands. He wasn’t ready yet for anyone but to know, he trusted Jeff and he wasn't the type to blab. Plus, he was always close with Jeff, he couldn’t imagine not telling him something like this, it would be like not telling David.
Dwight paused for a minute. David. What was he going to tell him? He had told his best friend he was a beta, so what now? Would he think he was a liar? Would it be better to keep it from him? 
“No. No, I’m going to tell him.” He said to himself and looked at his phone. It didn’t feel right to text him about this on the phone, not something as big as this anyway. He’ll tell him tomorrow after school or something when he was ready to talk to him again. He picked up the test results again and really read it. The information really sinking in and that this was real. He felt exhausted, putting the paper down he curled up in his bed, ready for a nap. No one was waiting for him anyway so a nap couldn’t hurt ...He felt his eyes grow heavy before they closed. 
Yeah, maybe an hour or two won’t hurt.
Dwight almost jumped out of bed when he heard a soft knock at his door. His heart racing even though his eyes were still heavy. He looked at the test results that we chucked into his night table and put it into one of the draws, not wanting his parents to see just in case. 
“Come in.” He said, his voice still thick with sleep and the initial fright was gone. His door opened slowly before a man with long hair and a big, bushy beard poked his head in with a big smile. 
“Hey sleepy head, did I wake you?” Dwight could almost feel his eyes sparkle in excitement, jumping off his bed to give his brother a hug, who returned it just as fiercely. He didn’t see his older brother enough as it is, he was glad to see him back from Canada. 
“Yeah, but I think I’d be more pissed off if you didn’t,” Dwight said as he let go, letting Jeff walk into his room and they both sat on the bed. It was nostalgic, it reminded him of when they were younger and would talk and play video games when David would be in England visiting family. David was his best friend but Jeff was a close second. 
“You feeling better now?” He said casually and Dwight paused for a second before he shook his hand in a so-so motion.
“It...Has kind of settled in but I’m- I don’t know how to feel. I know what they have to go through and I’m...Afraid if what’s coming for me.” Jeff smiled at him sadly before ruffling his brother's hair.
“It’s not going to be easy Dwight but that doesn’t mean your life is over. The world isn’t going to go out of its way to get you because your an Omega. Yeah, you're going to have to...Ya know, Be more careful about...those, uh, biological urges...Dwight- Dwight stop laughing, I’m trying my best here and it’s awkward.” What started out as a giggle blew up into full-blown laughter, only making him laugh harder when Jeff hit him with his pillow. Jeff feeling awkward was something that never failed to amuse him, especially since most Alpha’s are shameless, so seeing such a humble Alpha who got weirded out by talking to his brother about normal body functions was hilarious! 
“I’m so-sorry, I’m sorry, s-stop, your gonna make me pee myself!” Dwight was barely able to get those words out through his mirth. He missed this, he missed having time with his older brother. When Jeff left to go to art school in Edmonton, Dwight couldn’t have felt more betrayed and abandoned. But Jeff always did his best to make sure he was still involved with his life and with David there, it made the separation a little easier. 
“Then stop laughing geez! You know how awkward I get when talking about this shit. With my little brother no less!” Jeff said exasperated, before he leaned back, running his hands through long hair. “David still having a good ol tantie? You would think at 18 he would get over having temper tantrums and talk like an adult.” Jeff rolled his eyes and settled himself against the wall. 
Jeff loved David like a little brother, but when David gets into these moods Jeff tends to get a little annoyed. When they were younger Jeff would always cold shoulder him and get defensive over Dwight. It always hurt his little brother when they didn’t talk and he was sure it still did, Dwight just got used to it now. 
“It’s...Just his way of needing a break to get over it. He always does. By the end of tomorrow, he’ll probably start talking to me again.” Jeff leveled him an unimpressed look but shrugged it off. That was David and as much as it annoyed both the brothers they knew it was just something they had to ride out. 
“Sure, whatever. Want me to pick you up tomorrow, maybe hit up a clinic before the weekend starts? One less thing to worry about.” It was a gentle prod and Dwight did his best not to get annoyed or defensive. Jeff was doing this because he knew he was the only one to know about his secondary gender and this was to help him keep it hush hush. 
“You can pick me up but...Can I see how I feel after school?” Jeff nodded in understanding a shrugged.
“Sure, see what you want to do. Personally, I think it’s better getting it out of the way, but if you want to wait a bit til Monday, we can.” Dwight smiled in relief, thankful for his brothers kind nature. He didn’t know what he’d do without him. Jeff yawned before he got up before he did a stretch, his spine and joints popping. 
“Anyway, dinner is ready, I’m exhausted, but I miss our family dinners. You coming?” He said, knowing the answer as he opened the door and Dwight got up before pushing his brother out of the way in a not so gentle shove.
“Last one there gets the smaller plate!” Jeff let out an indignant cry before chasing after his brother, not wanting to be beaten. 
“Come back here you little shit, I just came home after a long drive! After all I’ve done for you!” 
It was a good night and despite the news that rocked Dwight’s world like an earthquake, he felt better with a bit of normality. His family is together again during his time of need, despite only one of them knowing what he’s going through. But with all the laughter and light banter, Dwight could forget about it for the night and continue like he was normal. 
The next morning, Dwight woke up feeling groggy. He could easily crawl back into bed and sleep it off but knowing that he couldn’t, he got up to start his day. Jeff was already down there sipping on a cup of coffee and working on a sketch. He looked up, took a sniff then scrunched his nose in disgust. He turned to where his brother was and sent the look his way. 
“Dude, go take a shower, you stink.” Dwight blinked a little at that but shrugged. Maybe that will help him wake up more and maybe get that fog out of his brain. Trudging back upstairs he took a hot shower, feeling a little better but the feeling didn’t go. As he got back downstairs, he got his brothers approval that he didn’t reek anymore and Jeff made him a cup to maybe help him feel better.
It didn’t, but whatever. 
Jeff grabbed his keys and told Dwight to get in the car, they took a look to see if David was waiting and no David in sight. Dwight leaned into the window, not in the mood to talk or even do anything. All he wanted to do was listen to the radio and drift off. Unfortunately for Dwight, they got to the school faster then he had wanted and thanked his brother, who gave him a thumbs up before driving off. Dwight shuffled into the school and hung by his locker, grabbing the things he needed for class, zoning in and out. Was he getting sick? He felt fine yesterday despite his panic attack but other than that he felt like everything was fine.
As he walked to class he felt himself start to cramp. At first, they were little ones, then they got worse and almost excruciatingly painful. What is going on? He could feel himself start to sweat, his body feels like it’s on fire and it felt like it was too hot to breathe. Maybe he should go to the nurse, she’ll know what to do. He made his way down to the school nurse, opening the door to see the pretty redheaded woman going through some files before look up to send a kind smile to her patient before it dropped and she looked more stunned. 
“Dwight? Sweetheart come here, Your smell hit me like a train as soon as you came in.” She said, gently pulling him forward and closing the door, locking it in place as she urged him to lay down. 
“Everything hurts Mrs. Smithson.” Dwight panted out, almost groaning in relief when she placed a cool hand on his burning forehead. Hurt was not exactly the most correct term, overwhelmed would be closer. So many sensations that he’s never felt before all coming at him at once. 
“I know sweetheart, you're experiencing your first heat. It’s almost ironic being that you have just gotten your test results yesterday.” It was a joke, but Dwight couldn’t seem to get himself to laugh. Instead, he just listened to her soothing voice to help anchor himself from all the sensations.
“I-I don’t know what I did.” Mrs.Smithson gave him a sympathetic look, grabbing an ice pack and wrapping it in a towel before placing it where her hand used to be. 
“It’s nothing you did, it’s just your clock. Sometimes heats come at a different time and yours is right on time. Sometimes when there are Alpha’s around it helps speed up the process. Even just being near one can trigger the first heat and then you can be near one without going into heat as long as the Alpha is not in a rut. Where you near any Alpha’s lately? 
Dwight nodded, scrambling to find words as his body got hotter and everything was getting hazier. Cramps were starting to subside but suddenly he felt a wetness spread between his legs, slick and uncomfortable which made him give out a whine. 
“My brother is an Alpha, M-my best friend is too, we grew up together ya know? He’s mad at me, but I still think he’s the best friend anyone could ask for. I don’t know what I’d do without him, he’s amazing.” He started to babble, he knew he was babbling but right now, all he wanted was for David to be near him and to help him. He wanted David’s body to surround him and claim him.
Mrs. Smithson looked at him fondly. She knew that his thoughts were going more on the primal side but the way he talked about David was so similar to the way she talked about her husband. She knew heats were bad but she can tell a genuine fatuation just by the way he talked about him. However, he started to squirm and the most she could do was try and keep his head steady while she kept the ice pack on his forehead. 
“I’m going to call your parents okay Dwight? I’m going to see if anyone can come and get you.” Wild eyes looked up at her before shaking his head. His body starting to tremble. The first heat was always the worst, but he had it bad.
“Jeff! Call my brother Jeff, he’s the only one that knows that I- That I’m a- Just please, not my parents!” She hushed him and agreed. Asking necessary questions like if he was on his emergency contact lists, to which Dwight had confirmed he was. All of his family was on there just in case. She nodded as she had got up and grabbed her keys.
“Dwight, Dwight Sweetheart I need you to look at me okay-there we go, good boy. Do not open the door for anyone. Not for faculty, not for sick students, not even for David, okay?” Dwight gave out the most heartbreakingly distressed whine that she had ever heard and it almost made her wonder if…
“I know Dwight, I know. But I need you to promise me not to open the door for anyone.” Dwight nodded, letting the nurse place his hand to hold the ice pack, before she left, locking the door and making sure that it was locked before she left. Dwight felt nausea settle into his stomach from all the overwhelming sensation, he wanted this to stop, this hurt! God, he’ll do almost anything to make this all stop! 
That nausea got worse and he felt himself start to gag. But there was nowhere to throw up! Where were the trash cans??? There was no way he can throw up on the floor of the medical room! He stumbled out of bed, letting his ice pack hit the floor and he rushed as fast as he could to the door which he unlocked and ran to the men’s bathroom that was next door. Running to the stall with the only toilet, he proceeded to throw up the coffee and stomach acid that was in his system. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, hugging the toilet to his chest as he dry heaved into it but he felt so much better when he did. 
Dwight felt to weak to stand, so he sat there in the open stall next to the toilet, his eyes hazy and out of focus. When was Jeff coming? He wanted to suffer at home, even if he was outed to his family. It could be worse, it could be-
“Huh, so this is what smells so good.” Dwight’s hazy eyes look up to see who was speaking. Isn’t that David’s friend? The one that was eyeing him? Dwight’s brain just couldn’t function, he didn’t know what to do or what he wanted to do. He felt uncomfortable though and couldn’t help the instinctive thoughts that came through his brain. This wasn’t his mate. This wasn’t David.
He felt fingers graze the skin of his cheek, startled, he flinched away from the touch but wasn’t able to move his heavy body away from him. The Alpha threw him a feral grin as he grabbed his face, it was firm and felt almost unbreakable and fear cut through the heat haze. He felt disgusted as the boy's eyes roamed his body and Dwight could tell the boy made a decision.
He was going to claim him. 
Dwight could feel himself panic as the boy started to claw at his shirt in a frenzy, ripping buttons off his shirt before his chest was exposed. The boy stopped for just a second, before sliding a finger lightly down his chest before sliding to the right and using his thumb to circle around the nipple. Dwight squirmed at the sensation, uncomfortable but could help his body from reacting from the pleasurable sensation. He tried to push the boy’s wrist away but it only made him angry, the hand on his face moved down to his neck, which gave a squeeze as a warning.
“I’ll break your pretty neck if you try and struggle again, you got that?” He snarled, making Dwight whimper in fear as the boy went for the button of his now slick soaked jeans. He let out a distressed cry as the boy’s hand went down his pants quickly, seeking out the source of his wetness. Dwight gripped the wrist as tight as he could, trying to stop him from going farther which made the boy tightened his grip on his throat and shoved his head into the wall. 
“You struggle, but look how wet you are.” He said, prodding his hole and feeling the slick coming out. “You want this slut. Or else you wouldn’t have come here smelling this good now would you?” Dwight shook his head his grip still firm and felt so disgusting, so violated.
“I don’t- I d-don’t want this, please let go of me!” He cried out, trying but failing to get him off of him by flailing. The boy took his now wet hand out of Dwight’s pants before tugging roughly on his pants. “Please, don’t-Don’t do this please!” He was desperate. Desperate to get him off him, to keep his pants on and save what little dignity he had left. Dwight started to cry, hyperventilating sobs wracking his frame as his pants and underwear were ripped off.
He was going to be raped and there was nothing he could do about it. 
He heard the boy’s zipper go down which only made Dwight cry louder and struggle harder. He felt his head connect with the wall again, making his vision blur and the pressure on his neck tightened to the point where he could cry anymore and saw black spots in his vision. 
“Shut the fuck up, you're ruining it for me.” His tone was menacing, feral and demanding. He was going to get what he wanted, whether Dwight wanted it or not. He could feel the boy’s dick near him and Dwight let out a sound that sounded like he was being murdered. He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see all of this happen. His first time being taken by someone he doesn’t even like, let alone love. 
Suddenly, all that weight and pressure was gone. Torn off of him like a bandaid and he felt like he could truly breathe. He blinked the tears and blurry vision away to see the boy getting absolutely mauled. His brain clicked when he saw the bigger Alpha beating the ever-loving hell out of the other boy. 
It’s David. He came for him. His Alpha came for him. 
The other boy got a few good hits in but David was bigger and stronger and so much angrier. David snarled, teeth bared as he looked like he was going to rip his throat out with them. The smaller Alpha had obviously lost the fight but Dwight couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to lose his life too. 
Dwight whimpered, this was already too much for him to handle. He just wanted his Alpha, he wanted here to hold him.  David stopped to look at Dwight before he looked back at the smaller Alpha. 
“Ya touch ‘im again and I will gut ya like a fish, got it!?” The smaller whimpered before he was literally thrown in the direction of the exit in which he scrambled to get out while tucking himself sloppily back into his pants. There was silence now, but David didn’t pause anything as he took off his jacket to wrap around the Omega and zipping it up. He glanced at the shirt and pants quickly before giving a disgusted noise. Dwight’s clothes were beyond repair, the only thing that was safe were the slick soiled underwear. Dwight was smaller in stature but he was still all long legs, so while David’s clothes would look ridiculously baggy on his friend it wouldn’t help much in terms of cover. 
“Sorry Dwight, yer knickers need ta go back on.” Dwight looked almost disappointed, which made David balk a bit. He felt Dwight’s finger trace doodles on his arm and David couldn’t help the pleasant shudder. He wasn’t as unaffected as he seemed, Dwight smelled close to divine and keeping control was a struggle. With the light touches, wasn’t sure if he could keep himself from-
“You came for me. You always promised you would and you actually came.” Dwight never usually sounded like that. What should have been appreciation came out more seductive with a little bit of awe. 
“Yer my best friend, o’ course I would. I woulda killed ‘im too if ya hadn’t sounded-” like you needed me. David wanted to say but he had a good inkling that was the heat affecting him. He grabbed the soiled briefs, gritting his teeth as a strong wave of his smell came from them. He felt horrified with himself as he had a hard time calming down. His best friend was nearly raped and he’s sitting in front of him, hard as a rock trying to get his underwear on. 
What a friend he was.
His eyes snapped open when Dwight pushed him on his ass, straddling his thigh as he rocked himself into it. David’s breath quickened and swallowed hard. Dwight was never one to have any type of sex appeal but this? This was hot. Something he wasn’t sure his awkward but sweet friend could actually do. 
“David. I want you.” David nearly snapped when he paired those words with a roll of his hips. He looked into his friend's eyes and saw the heat haze had completely clouded his friend's judgment. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t do that to his friend who was unable to consent to any actions forward. God dammit it was hard but if he did anything, he was damn sure it would hit Dwight just as hard as that assholes assault and he would be no better than that pitiful waste of flesh. 
“Fuck mate, I thought you said you were a Beta.” Dwight practically purred when he said mate and his alpha instinct went wild. 
Claim him
Claim him
Claim him
David dug his nails into his palms, feeling the short, but sharp nail cut into his skin. He’s gotta keep in control, that’s his duty as a best friend and as an Alpha. He gently cupped Dwight’s face to get him to look him in the eye, The omega leaning into one of his palms as he looks at the alpha in affection.
“Not here. Not in a dirty bathroom where you almost- Let’s go home.” Dwight perked up in interest, mistaking his words for a promise of relief later to come. As he tried to get Dwight back into his underwear, Dwight had used every dirty tactic in the book to get him riled up. Trying to spread those long legs to give him room in between them, kissing along his neck and jaw. David was going to go into the shower after this and after a good wank he was getting himself a beer, his dad be damned. After getting his underwear on, he lifted his friend up. He almost felt bad that he was holding him like a girl instead of a man but throwing him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes sounded like a horrible idea in his mind. He stopped for a second, his brain short circuiting. 
Where does he go now?
He wasn’t sure if any Alpha would be stupid enough to take him on if he walked to the office, but he also didn’t want to risk causing a rut. He could always talk to Sally, she would know what to do. Holding him close, he couldn’t help but thank whatever god was out there that they were right next to the nurses office. As he walked in he stopped, seeing a panicked Sally and more surprisingly, Jeff who looked like he was going out of his damn mind. They both snapped into the direction of the door and Jeff almost bristles at the state of his little brother.
“What happened.” Jeff snapped, which made David’s hackles rise. Jeff was big, a bit bigger then he was and in a fight he couldn’t take him on as he was now. He didn’t like the accusation coming from the oldest, but he had to remind himself that Jeff is in pack frenzy. Trying to not to shake at the not so innocent touches that omega in his arms was giving, he explained what had happened and how right now, Dwight needed to get home as he’s in the middle of his heat. 
Jeff came to grab his little brother and David almost wanted to growl but let him go as his Alpha instincts knew that he was no threat. Dwight whined, looking thoroughly distressed as he was taken from David, but Jeff’s strong grip didn’t let him move. 
“I’m going to let your mom know what’s going on. I think you need to head home for a bit after being...Exposed, to a heat. I’m proud of you David for keeping your cool and...I’m so fucking grateful for what you did for Dwight.” David nearly preened at the compliment of the older Alpha. He’s known Jeff for as long as he’s known Dwight and he’s always looked at him for acceptance from him and he feels like he finally got the verbal confirmation he wanted. 
“Thanks Jeff, just keep him safe, yeah?” Jeff nodded, trying to keep a struggling Dwight in his arms. Both Alpha’s were struggling for different reasons at the Omega’s reaction. David saw Sally grab Dwight’s hand and let out a soothing pheromone that made Dwight sink into Jeff’s arms and quiet down. Both Jeff and David blinked in surprise, they were soothed by the smell but not enough to turn them into a wet noodle.
“How did you do that?” David saw Sally’s sad smile and he wanted nothing more than to comfort the kind nurse. He always had a soft spot for Sally, even if she did chew him out good for all the fights he got into. 
“Every Omega mother is able to do this. I was given this ability even though my child was stillborn. Usually it’s used to put fussy children to sleep but it can work with an Omega too.” Jeff let out a noise, horrified that he even asked the question and scrambled to get out an apology.
“It’s alright, it was a long time ago. My husband and I have come to terms and we are hoping to try again.” She said as she gave the awkward alpha a pat on the arm. She turned to David and gave a smile that reminded him of his mum when she was happy with him. 
“I’m going to head back to the office and call your mom to let her know what happened. I’m sure she would be very understanding to your issue.” She said as her, Jeff and Dwight made their way out. David looked at Jeff who looked a little green and looking like he wants to vomit. 
“Jeff, ye okay mate?” Jeff nodded but it was very convincing. In fact he looked like he was about to be even more sick.
“Yeah….Yeah, It’s just-Ugh, Dwight smells awful.” David looked at him in disbelief and Sally let out a laugh, then started to laugh harder at the look on David’s face.
“He- You- What?” Dwight smelt amazing, how could Jeff be so repulsed by his scent when David was pretty much ready to put that smell as a fucking candle. Sally was able to knock her laughter down to a giggle.
“It’s a sibling thing. It’s an instinct to prevent inbreeding within the pack, so Alpha’s are usually repulsed by the smell of their Omega’s siblings heat pheromone.” David almost snorted, that was almost unfortunate. But it made the Alpha in him feel much better at the fact, despite knowing Jeff would absolutely never do something like that to Dwight, ever. There was a burst of Dwight’s smell that practically crippled David as he wanted nothing more then do then claim his best friend but that thought died pretty quickly when Jeff vomited all over his brother.
It had been a good 3 days before David was allowed to see Dwight. When his mother found out he was an Omega, her eyes practically turned into stars as she had an Omega pup to baby now. 
But David...Kind of just felt awkward now. He was so heavily affected by Dwight’s pheromones and his control had wavered and nearly snapped. He knew that maybe a talk would be best but that’s never been his strong suit. He’s never been the ‘sit down and talk about your problems.’ Kinda guy. He’s always just ignored it and hoped it got better or goes away completely. He didn’t know how he was going to do that without completely cutting Dwight of his life and that...That thought actually made his heart hurt.
Cutting Dwight out was like losing a limb, but after what happened, he didn’t feel like he could just go back to normal. There was a shift that he knew they both probably couldn’t ignore even if they wanted too. David took a deep breath as he tapped his pencil on the textbook, trying to ignore the thoughts that plagued him. He was finished, but his thoughts weren’t. He got up and went downstairs, seeing his mum do the dishes and belting out a tune so horribly off key that it was grating. 
“ ‘aving fun there mum?” He said, making her turn her head to look at him and she smiled at him cheekily. 
“Only if it annoys you.” She said, her accent was much more posh than him and his dad, but it suited her. 
“Good ta know. Maybe I’ll belt out a tune or two.” He saw her face turn in mock horror and it made him grin. His mum was a character, he couldn’t deny that. 
“For the love of god, please save my ears.” He snickered as he sat at the dining table they kept in their fairly large kitchen. The one here wasn’t as big as the one they had in Manchester, but it was homey and he couldn’t help but love it. 
“Will do.” He said, before he nervously tapped his fingers on the table. He wasn’t sure what to say or how to say it but he really wanted her advice, she was always good at it and he feels that this would be right up her alley in her expertise. “Mum, can I ask ya somethin’ ‘bout Dwight?” She paused for a second, putting down the hand towel she was using to wipe her hands after she washed them and sitting down across from him. 
“Sure, what do you need to know?” David swallowed a little, still nervously tapping the table as he got his barings together. He was never very smooth in his delivery, but his mum always got what he meant.
“Well...After-After the whole thing with Dwight, I-uh, feel kind of awkward. I kind of felt like, I dunno, like a predator or a pervert.” His mother gave him a sympathetic look before putting a comforting hand on his. Feeling more comfortable to continue he let it all out. 
“I feel like after all that happened maybe I should let ‘im go or somethin’. I always thought we’d be okay ‘cause he was a Beta but now that I know ‘e isn’t...I feel like, he’s more at risk being with me then without me.” His mum squeezed his hand before waiting a beat to see if he had anything else to say. When she realized he said his piece she said something.
“Why don’t you think of it from his point of view. What would you think is more embarrassing? The fact that your friend was protective, kind and even though he was affected, he still kept his cool as much as possible to make sure you were safe or the fact that you tried to seduce said friend into mating with you and practically molested him.” David almost regretted asking his mum when she said such a thing, he felt his face go red as he leaned back and his mother started to laugh. 
“He won’t think of you as a bad guy. Not after you saved him from a very real and mentally crippling situation. Then even though he wasn’t in his right mind, you still let him decide for himself whether or not he wants you when he’s coherent enough to consent. If you cut him off because you feel like your a danger without talking to him, he is going to blame himself and his biology all his life.” She ran a thumb on healing knuckles lightly as to not aggravate the bruises and scabs. “You two...Have a bond that is so very rare. I believe that you two thrive better together then you would apart.”
She stopped and something seemed to have fallen into place in her brain. She let go of his hand, seeing him reel it in to grip the edge of the table. 
“What would you do if I told you that Dwight mated with another Alpha that wasn’t you.” Suddenly, there was a loud crunch that sounded through the air and both of them looked surprised when David was holding a chunk of their table in his hand. David looked at the chunk silently his mouth gaped open. He didn’t mean to do that. Just the wave of Jealousy, anger and devastation that had mowed him down so suddenly just made him- 
“My table!” His mother cried out as she looked at the clean break. Looking like she was about to cry. “David, this is a marble table, do you know how expensive this is!?” David blinked at his mother’s antics. She’s more concerned that he broke the table then she was astonished that he broke a marble table with his hands! 
“Uh…’m sorry?” She gave him the nastiest glare he thinks he has ever received and placed the broken pieces on the table, slowly moving away from his distraught mother to the staircase. 
“Go to your room and think about what you’ve done. Think about the reason why you broke my bloody table.” She said in distress, trying to place the broken piece back but only making it worse as the piece started to crumble. 
He quickly made his way up and went into his room before he paused. Then it dawned on him and hit him like a ton of bricks. 
He was in love with his best friend. 
He groaned and collapsed face first into his bed, groaning even louder and longer into the sheets. 
What’s he gonna do now?
Later in the early evening did Dwight come over with the most delicate knock on his front door, embarrassed with what had transpired during the first day of his heat and having no issue if they didn’t hear him or weren’t home. But nothing passed David’s mother’s keen ears as she opened the door not seconds later. She looked peeved but pleased at the same time and looking even happier seeing him on her from porch. 
“Oh! Dwight Sweetheart, it’s good to see you again. Feeling better?” Her tone was light and non-judgemental, making Dwight feel a little better, even if he was embarrassed. He felt a little awkward because everyone and their mother were well aware of what transpired. He knew he could hide forever and if he did, the results would end up with him losing his best friend and he needed to apologize anyway. Dwight shot her an awkward smile, not to keen on talking about the most humiliating 3 days of his life.
“Yeah, it’s over now.” Jeff made sure to let him know and made him air out his room today. Jeff looked like he was going to cry in relief once his heat was done. This was the most humiliating heat he will ever experienced because he was assaulted, he tried to seduce his best friend into mating with him AND his brother threw up on him. Not to mention that he’s terrified to go back to school. They had a ‘zero tolerance policy’ towards Omega harassment but that was usually bullshit. Dwight couldn’t help but wonder ... would they blame him for what happened? 
She stepped aside and let him in telling him that David was in his room and also something about a broken table?
He made his was up the stairs and sat in front of David’s room for a second. Taking a deep breath to steal his nerves before knocking on the door. He heard some shuffling on the other side of the door before some footsteps and there was David. 
Handsome, athletic, perfect David. 
Dwight could feel the heat of embarrassment crawl up his neck, redness threatening to cover his face. David looked stunned before he snapped out of it. A little bit of red creeping onto his cheeks at the sight of him. 
“Ah, Dwight,” he said, he himself sounding a little awkward making Dwight feel a bit nervous, David has never felt awkward by him ever in his life. This is definitely a moment he is going to hope for the best but expect the worst. David stepped aside to let him in, this was a talk they had to have alone but Dwight couldn’t help himself in thinking it was a good sign that he still was okay with being alone with him despite what happened and accepted the invitation inside. 
“So,” they both started, grinning awkwardly at each other, and shuffling a little while pausing, giving the other a chance to speak. When neither of them spoke they both tried again.
“Look what happened-“ they both stopped, looked at each other and started to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. Both of them wanted to talk but neither could seem to get it out.
“Do ya wanna go first or me?” Dwight paused for a second, but was determined for David to hear his piece first before making a decision that could change their friendship. 
“I- let me- I should go first. I have a lot to say.” David nodded and sat down on his bed to make himself more comfortable, spreading his legs and resting his forearms on his knees and lacing his fingers together, making eye contact with Dwight so he knew he was paying attention. Dwight swallowed nervously, this was it.
“I...I am so sorry. What I- What I did to you was unacceptable and I couldn’t imagine how you must have felt and how much I humiliated you.” David looked shocked, appalled even, and Dwight inwardly cringed, this was worse then he thou-
“Dwight, you were in the middle of your heat! You weren’t even coherent by the time everything was said and done. Besides, I’m the one who should apologize. I nearly jumped you during your heat like a dog, It was so hard to pull away Dwight and I’m so-”
“You did?” Dwight felt almost giddy, sure, the pheromones are one hell of a drug and it pulls at the basic, most primal part of your instincts but you still have choices, despite that. To have David struggle to control himself usually means he is desperate for sex or he finds him attractive.
“...You sound a little excited for someone who was nearly about to be molested by his best friend.” David said slowly, not awkwardly but more stunned and confused.
“I wouldn’t mind.” 
What. What did he- He didn’t just say that. He didn’t just say that! He sounds like a creep! David’s face dropped in shock. Lips parted and eyebrows shot up to the hair line. Catching Dwight’s eye briefly before the geeky brunettes brown eyes avoided his and a blush turned his face red with humiliation. He wanted to run, just jump out head first out David’s window, bonus points if he broke his neck.
“I-I mean, I uh.” He couldn’t even save his own ass! Nothing was coming out and David still looked like he had been hit head on by a train. God, he really wanted to lose David today, he just kept ruining everything. 
“Say that again.” Dwight’s brain went to a screeching halt as he looked at his best friend who never in his life looked so hopeful. Something seemed to click in Dwight's brain and he couldn’t help but think ...Did he maybe..?
“I wouldn’t have minded,” Dwight said slowly, looking at David’s expression intently, looking for any signs of his face shifting. “If you wanted to mate with me. Especially if it’s you.”
There was a silence, but it was tense. Dwight knew after this, the relationship would change. He could just feel a shift and after that confession he didn’t think they could ever go back even if he wanted to. David moved, it was slow, like he was approaching a spooked animal  then his best friend. He looked like he wanted to touch him but hesitated, almost afraid too. So Dwight decided to do something so uncharacteristically bold of him and grabs his friends hand and he immediately grabbed back. 
“Is...It’s no’ just-” Dwight smiled when he couldn’t get the words out. It made him feel better that he wasn’t the only one that was affected. He wasn’t the only one that was unsure if his feelings were reciprocated. 
“No, it’s not just the sex or the fact that we’re Alpha and Omega. I’ve wanted you to look at me for a long time.” Was all Dwight had to say before a relieved smile spread onto David’s face and Dwight swore he fell in love with him all over again. Dwight however, didn’t expect David pull him into a breathtaking kiss that had blown any and all fantasies he’s ever had out of the water. Dwight returned the kiss fiercely, grabbing the back of his neck, trying to get as close as possible. He felt David’s tongue swipe at his lower lip and he was more than happy to let him in-
“David, I hope you know that table is going to cost m- Oh my god!” As soon as she opened the door she closed it almost immediately. “If I knew you two were going to snog, I would have knocked!” 
The two had practically jumped away when they had realized she had walked in, both their fair complexions going a fetching shade of tomato red and with her comment Dwight had practically turned purple and hid his face while David turned a darker shade of red.
“You should ‘ave knocked regardless!” David’s voice cracked as his pitch went hysterically high, which caused Dwight to giggle in his hands. In David’s embarrassment he shoved Dwight hard enough to where he fell but his giggling turned into outright laughter. It was the most embarrassing thing he was ever caught doing and he could officially say this was the most embarrassing week of his life and he just could help the hysterical laughter. 
“Why are ye laughin’!?” But he couldn’t help but join in the infectious laughter. It might be the most embarrassing week of Dwight’s life but at least he has David and he is going to suffer with him 
It had been months after the incident and school for Dwight had become much harder after the whole school found out about him being an Omega and the whole heat debacle. Some kids maliciously teased him, he was called everything under the sun when he passed by. He was humiliated, thankful that he was on the last month of high school and graduation was only a couple weeks away and he had David to come to his rescue. 
He had been waiting by David’s locker and on his phone, not really looking at anything. He was too nervous to look up and see eyes on him or to have someone approach him. However, when he saw sneakers come into his view, he felt his heart drop to stomach. 
“Heya slut, how’re you doing.” Dwight slowly looked up from his phone, trying to stop the obvious shake in his hands. Hunter was back  and unfortunately, only got a three day suspension because it was a ‘hormone based sexual assault.’ And therefore wasn’t ground to anything permanent. Eli and Hunter already didn’t want anything to do with him before but now they wanted him to be as isolated as possible. They had tried to convince David, but they were met with aggression.
“Kinda cute how you’ve been trying to avoid me. Especially after you got me fucking suspended when you were out here trying to get me to fuck you. Trying to play hard to get sweetheart?” Dwight looked at him in horror. Did he genuinely think that or was he trying to discredit him? Maybe trying to taunt him?
Hunter started to crowd Dwight’s space, making the brunette press himself against the locker. He was completely trapped, especially as he caged him in with his arms and leaned in. Dwight could only look up at him helplessly, brown eyes wide and not hiding his fear. He looked away, feeling sweat bead on the back of his neck.
Hunter reveled in Dwight’s fear, finding a fierce sense of power over the smaller boy. His smile was feral, grabbing the omega by the chin making sure that Dwight looked at him and realized who was in charge and who he should respect. 
“Oh no no, look right here sweetheart. It’s rude not to look someone in the eye while talking to you, don’t you know?” His tone was light, but the intent was there. Dwight didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know what Hunter was going to do. Was this just to scare him for getting him in trouble or was this going to be a more coherent part two of what happened a few months ago? His palms started to sweat and he tried not to hyperventilate. God he just wanted this to stop!
Suddenly he felt he could breathe again when Hunter stepped off. No, he didn’t step off, he was dragged off and thrown to the floor by a very, angry David. Dwight had seen his best friend turned boyfriend angry before but this was a different level of anger that he has never seen before.
And it was possibly the most terrifying thing he has ever seen. 
“Ya sure like ta push boundaries don't ya, ya shit.” David’s body was tense, ready for a fight and Hunter knew he had absolutely no chance as he backed away from the stronger Alpha, Scrambling as he crawled backwards. David grabbed the boys hair, who let out a cry as he scratched at David’s hands in panic not expecting to be thrown against the closest locker face first, Hunter’s head recotieting off the metal door as he fell back onto the floor, crying out in pain and holding his face. He let out a high pitched sob as David grabbed his legs and dragged him closer, only to grab him by the collar, wind his fist back and hit him straight into his already bleeding nose. A sickening crack echoed in the air and Dwight heard someone gag at the noise. Dwight looked around to see a crowd gathering, excited and terrified whispers and cheers mixed together, egging David on.
“I told ya once already mate ta stay away from ‘im.” he said sending his fist to the side of his face. “The second time I’ve ‘ad to drag yer fuckin’ body off o’ him but I guess I gotta give ya a reminder.” David hauled Hunter’s weak and sobbing body as he threw the boy into the lockers again, head bouncing off violently before going face first into the floor. Dwight felt queasy at all of the blood. He could feel himself shudder in disgust seeing the other boys head connecting to metal. 
“Don’t touch wha’s mine. Ya got it? Or I’m gonna do so much fuckin’ worse, I swear t’ god.” Dwight’s attention snapped to David at those words. Horrified and absolutely furious at even being mentioned as a thing. He wasn’t a possession, he wasn’t a prize to be won so why…? He paused, David won and he knew he won so why wasn’t he backing off? A light bulb went off in the Omega’s head as he really looked at him. The aggression, the over possessiveness, that wild almost animalistic look in his eye. How could Dwight be so stupid! Of course, he’s going through his first rut!
Dwight nearly ran face first into David’s chest as he stopped him from picking up the now unconscious Alpha and tried to push him back as much as possible.
“Hey hey, c’mon. I’m okay, see.” He smiled nervously as David stared him down, his intent still murderous and with such an intense, angry expression that bored down on him. He could feel himself start to sweat and for the first time in his life, he wasn’t sure that David wasn’t going to hurt him. “Please David, it’s over, he’s not even conscious. Y-you won and that’s enough yeah?” There was a silence all around. Not one person made a peep, to scared to even move, let alone talk. Not when David’s face was cold with such a bone deep rage that they were sure that David was going to maul his childhood friend/Boyfriend. Dwight could feel that panic creeping up his spine with full force, it felt hard to breathe and he could feel his eyes water. He wanted to believe that David would never lay a hand on him but David’s never looked at him that way before and he was so fucking terrified.
“David please. Your scaring me.” His voice was fragile, it cracked and Dwight almost felt ashamed for how much of a coward he sounded like. But he’ll think about it later, first he had to see what David’s next move was. David’s body didn’t quite deflate but he put his hand around the back of Dwight’s neck firmly and brought him closer to his body and keeping his hand there before guiding him roughly with his movements. He snarled at anyone who was close by and students quickly backed up to get as far away from the violent Alpha as they can. Dwight kept his head down, too afraid to look David in the eye in case it sets him off. He heard that first ruts could be rough and violent but this was an extreme. Usually during ruts, Alpha’s show more aggression towards other Alpha’s as a dominance and territory factor, but David was bleeding hostility towards anyone with a pulse. As they reached a classroom, it was majorly empty except for a few gaggles of Beta girl’s. They all stared at the two boys and while Dwight flushed in embarrassment, David bared his teeth.
“Get th’ fuck out.” He snarled, making the girls scramble in their haste. When they all left through the door, David was quick to lock it. Dwight swallowed nervously, fidgeting with his hands, not prepared for what David had in store for him. To say he was nervous was an understatement, he was downright terrified as he has never dealt with David, let alone an Alpha in a full blown rut before. Dwight let out a strangled noise as his waist was grabbed and he was placed on David’s lap not expecting have David ...Nuzzling him?
“I can smell th’ fucker all over ya.” Ah, he’s scenting him. That makes a lot more sense that he’s being more territorial than normal. Dwight thought back to the whole conversation and frowned. Now he was irritated, especially when he felt like he was being considered more of an object then a human being with thoughts and feelings. He understood that David wasn’t really himself but...
“You realize I’m not an object to be claimed right?” His voice held a heavy amount of annoyance which made David stop what he was doing and tightens his grip, nuzzling into his ear.
“No, no’ an object. But yer mine.” David nipped at his ear and tugged, causing a delightful shiver to go through Dwight’s body, the possessive tone not doing him any favours of calming himself down. 
‘Stupid virgin body with stupid virgin needs.’ Dwight thought as David kissed up his neck while grinding himself into Dwight. Dwight’s face went bright red as he felt David’s hard cock pressing up against his most sensitive parts and couldn’t help the needy whine that came from his throat.
“Not, ah! N-not here. Home.” David seemed plenty content to continue what they were doing right here but stopped when Dwight started to struggle.
“Fine.” It came out more of a grumble, maybe because he was going to get want he wanted and not in a place where there were so many smells of other people. As Dwight got up, David was quick behind him. David’s focused onto the back of his boyfriend neck, where his neck and his shoulder meet that was partially hidden by his shirt. That particular spot that he wants to dig his teeth into and- 
Bite. Mark. Claim.
Dwight hurried to unlock the door, trying to scramble out of there trying not to get caught in the middle of their haste and David following close after. As they got into the parking lot, Dwight turned around and opened his hand, Which made David looked at him in confusion and mild irrational.
“Your keys. You’re in no state to drive.” He heard David growl low in his throat, but this time Dwight was fully aware that David wasn’t going to hurt him, so to get what he wanted, he played dirty.
“Please Alpha?” Bingo, right on the money. David paused, his eyes darkening and crowding Dwight’s already limited space, pressing him against the car and planting a searing kiss against his lips while also pressing The keys into Dwight’s hand. He backed off as Dwight ushered him into the car, wanting to get home as soon as possible. The drive home was agonizing, especially when he had David trailing his hand up his thighs and fondling him through his pants. Large hands unbuttoned his pants and brought the zip down exposing black briefs which tented obviously. Dwight could feel sweat drip down the back of his neck, his grip on the steering wheel tightened as he tried his best to keep eyes on the road. They hit a red light and Dwight hit the breaks a little harder than usual when David snuck his hand down his briefs and grabbing his cock. As they waited, Dwight spread his legs, one hand white knuckling the steering wheel and the other on David’s wrist, trying to urge him to go faster. David smirked as his brain came up with the most devious idea, letting go of Dwight’s cock making the Omega cry out in dismay.
“Both hands on the wheel.” David demanded, trying to pull Dwight’s pants and briefs a tad bit further down, making the smaller male lift his hips slightly to help, complying with the demand.
“Don’t look away from the road and don’t you dare take your hands off the wheel.” Dwight was about to ask but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a loud moan as David’s mouth deepthroated him like it was his fucking job. Dwight tried to thrust into David’s mouth but his seatbelt limited his movements and fought the urge to close his eyes as the Alpha bobbed his head, taking Dwight’s cock deeper with no issue. 
‘Oh god, he doesn’t have a gag reflex.’ The realization caused pre-cum to hit the back of David’s throat, only to have him swallow around him causing Dwight to cry out, nearly cumming right then and there. God, he was going to run them off the road at this point, he was going to die with his cock down his best friends’ throat. 
David came up slowly. His cheeks hollowing as he came up and letting Dwight’s cock go with a slick pop. Dwight whined, not sure if he was relieved because now he could drive or disappointed because was desperate to cum.
Dwight nearly cried as he tore into his driveway. Switching off his car and putting it in park hastily, he stuffed his achingly hard back into his pants but didn’t bother to do them up. Knowing that no one was home, he shakily put his key and unlocked it, taking a little more time then it should as David ground his covered bulge into Dwight’s ass. When he was able to fling the door open, he practically dragged the Alpha inside, not bother to lock the door when David lifted him up and carried him to the bedroom. 
David threw Dwight down on his bed, wasting no time in taking everything off and settling between his Omega’s legs and ripping off his clothes. Dwight was wet-no, absolutely soaking, when David brought two fingers down to his hole, burying them knuckle deep into his boyfriend and finger fucking him at a brutal pace, making Dwight sob and beg him for more, the Omega spreading his legs as far as he could go. 
“God, I can’ wait ta fuck ya. So tight and wet get me. Fuck, do ya ‘ave any idea wha’ ya do ta me?” David’s voice was low, coming out as a growl and the words coming out of his mouth were down right sinful.
“’m gonna stuff ya good with m’ cock, fill you with m’ cum and knot ya real good.” He crooked his fingers upwards in a particularly brutal thrust making Dwight sob as he hit the spot inside him directly, making him see stars, crying out his name like a prayer.
“Mm. Tha’s right sweetheart, say m’ name.” David said, giving him a couple more jabs to Dwight’s prostate before taking his fingers out. He flipped him around, tangling his fingers into brown hair, keeping his head down and lifting the Omega’s hips up. Lining his cock to his entrance before thrusting in. Dwight keened as David set a brutal pace, thrusting hard into the spot that made Dwight see stars. Dwight feel tears leak out his eyes at the onslaught of overwhelming pleasure, glasses askew before he ripped them off his face and tossed them. He gripped the head board to ground himself as David fucked him, he couldn’t help the loud moans and cries spilling out of his mouth but it only seemed to spur David further.
“Pl-EASE David, FUCK! I need to cum, please let me cum! Please, please, please!” He felt the Alpha reach around to grab his cock, jerking him in time with his thrusts. “Yes! God yes, I’m so close! Cum in me David,  please knot me!”Dwight babbled, before screaming as he came hard onto his sheets. He could feel David’s knot swell before he felt him fill him up with his cum. The Alpha’s knot catching onto Dwight’s rim and he slowed his thrusts into shallow rut. 
David said something, but Dwight couldn’t hear him for a minute after being fucked stupid. 
“Hmm?” Dwight hummed lazily after getting his senses back.
“I said, Are ya alright luv?” Dwight shot him a sloppy grin, not quite yet able to form words. David gently lifted him onto his lap, making sure not to tug on the knot keeping them together, making Dwight hum again happily cuddling into the broad chest of his Alpha.
“I was pretty rough with ya, especially since ya never done it before. you sure you’re okay?” David’s rut was a lot more vicious than he anticipated. While he knew that Dwight enjoyed himself, he wanted to make sure that he’ll come back down to earth feeling taken care of. 
“Can we do that again?” Dwight said dazed, voice rough from his earlier screaming. David laughed, only to laugh harder at the dopey grin on his boyfriend’s face. 
“I thin’ that could be arranged. My ruts no’ over for ‘nother two days, so you’ll ‘ave yer hands full.” 
“You mean I’ll have my ass full.” David howled, not used to this kind of talk from Dwight and honestly, it was hilarious. David briefly wondered if he created a monster but he can’t say he regretted it. 
“Later. Fer now, we’ll wait till the knot dies down and we’ll ‘ave a shower and eat. Maybe take a short nap until my rut hits me again like a bag of bricks.” Dwight nodded enthusiastically, but felt a little disappointed when he felt the knot start to deflate and cum leaking out. 
“Good thing I’m on the pill, I like the feeling of being full.” Dwight felt a smug grin creep onto his face as he felt his boyfriends cock twitch inside him and hands gripping his waste tightly.
“If ya keep going like tha’, we might ‘ave to push that shower and food back” Dwight ground himself onto the hardening dick inside him, making the Alpha moan low in his throat.
“Or we can go at it in the shower?” David took a deep breath as he pulled the Omega off his cock, his boyfriend groaned unhappily, up on shaky feet as he gave a displeased look to his boyfriend, only to yelp as his ass cheek was slapped.
“Go run th’ shower.” It didn’t take long for it to click and Dwight just smirked at him.
“Yes sir.”
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b0rtney · 4 years
Why I Do What I Do, Part 2: Every Good Writer Reads
When I was little I read everything I could get my tiny fingers on. I read my way through my elementary school library– the librarian wouldn’t even bother sending me back to class after a certain point, because she knew that if she did I’d be back for another book by the end of the day. I read a lot, and I got fast at it, and I loved it. 
I especially loved the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter. Gail Carson Levine was a staple for me; I never read Ella Enchanted, (because I didn’t know that had a book counterpart yet, I just knew the movie), but I loved Fairest. I can’t remember the title, but I remember a book about a girl who was a genius, but intentionally flunked all her tests so nobody would separate her from her only friend in her grade. I remember a book called Savvy, about a family with inherited preternatural abilities that don’t always work quite right. I read Girl in Blue over and over and over again. I loved Greek mythology and fairy tales and folklore, and I read that whole shelf of the library twice. Until I was twelve I loved every book I came across.
 I can only remember reading one book that I didn’t like– I don’t remember the title, but it was a very slice-of-life novel about a teenage girl and her mom not agreeing on where the girl’s life should go, and bickering about what kind of sweater she should wear– and I hated that book. It took me three years to slog through it. 
Everything else I chose haphazardly and read voraciously. Fantasy, sci-fi, action, school life, home life. I didn’t go to bookstores very much because there weren’t any close by, but when we did I spent hours picking one promising-looking book– because I knew reading was an expensive hobby, and I’ve been a little frugal since I was young.
A lot of it was probably escapism as a coping mechanism, but I just knew I was having a blast even when my neurochemicals didn’t really want to cooperate with me, or when getting out of bed was too much.
When we moved to California, I stopped reading as much, but I still read some in middle school. The Found series was great until I lost one of the books. I read a biblical fiction book, Lineage of Grace, which was an unexpected treat– and it should be mentioned that I first read the Bible in sixth grade, and understood next to none of it. I discovered my two favorite book series of all time in middle school (I think in eighth grade): the Monument 14 series by Emma Laybourne and the Unwind series by Neil Shusterman. Both of them have been my favorites for a long time, and still are. 
In seventh grade, I saw an advertisement for the movie adaptation of Atlas Shrugged, and I asked my mom if she knew what book it was based on. She said she’d heard of it, but that I probably couldn’t read it because it was very long and very difficult to get through. So, being who I am as a person, that was the book I bought next time I found myself in a book store, and I read Atlas Shrugged in a month or two– I’m still proud of that because there have been several people (all grown businessmen, which grinds my gears even further, personally) who scoffed at me and told me that middle-schoolers can’t read that book, because they couldn’t. It pissed me off so much once that I dragged the offending man into a philosophical discussion of Ayn Rand’s point– I don’t agree with all of her philosophy, but I wanted to piss that man off as much as he had pissed me off. I was an angry seventh-grader, but I digress. 
By high school, with three AP classes each year and accelerated classes as part of my high school’s trimester system, I was reading less and less “traditional” literature in my free time, except for my assigned reading for my English classes. Lucky for me, I loved most of those too. “Chronicle of a Death Foretold,” “The Yellow Wallpaper,” Jane Eyre, and everything written by Jane Austen (admittedly, I haven’t read much of her yet, but I’ll get there) were all instant loves. Catcher in the Rye was interesting, if not as much of a favorite as some others. Hamlet was good, if only because I appreciated something (anything) that I could interpret as homosexual or homoerotic (yes, I am talking about Hamlet and Horatio). The only thing I can distinctly remember reading and disliking was Romeo and Juliet– all the characters were a little too short-sighted for my tastes. 
However, I discovered a new reading love in high school– and you may cringe when I say: Fanfiction. I fell in love with fanfiction, and I still love it just as much as Unwind or Pride and Prejudice or The Hobbit. I won’t spend a whole lot of time here talking about fanfiction and why I appreciate it just as much (if not more) than traditional literature, but I may give y’all an update down the road about it, because I am genuinely passionate about treating fanfiction as a genre of literature just like any other written piece. For now though, I will move on.
In college, I spent one semester knocking out all my prerequisites, which meant mostly math and science classes, and one English 201 (my AP classes let me out of 101 and 102). That English class was miserable, probably one of the most miserable classes of my life. Everything we read was misogynistic, at least semi-racist (of course, under the guise of “historical realism,” because we all know people of color were first seen in 1963), and depressing to top it off. Whatever literary, technical merit the works had as representations of the craft of writing was entirely washed out by the abysmal or just plain repulsive subject matter and themes. This English 201 class did teach me, however, that there is a world of difference between being good at writing and being a good writer. I hope to be the latter. 
My last three semesters at my current college have been significantly kinder to me. My major, Creative Writing, means I get to take a lot of literature classes, even if my community college only has one writing class. 
I’ve taken a Shakespearean literature class, and loved it. My teacher opened the class by calling herself a heretic, and that some of her opinions about Shakespeare (he was not an illiterate wool merchant, he had male and female sexual interests, he was a feminist despite him writing “Taming of the Shrew,” and he was absolutely insufferable to be around) are borderline psychotic, as far as some other academics are concerned. So, of course, I love her to death. I followed her to two more classes in subsequent semesters, both being one half of a British Literature sequence from the inception of the English language to modern-day. My favorite works from these classes are Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice (again, you’ve gotta love the queer representation, and the hilarity), Austen’s “Plan of a Novel, according to Hints from Various Quarters,” and Mill’s “On Liberty.” 
I took a similar literature sequence for American literature with a different professor, but I took the “Civil War to Contemporary” section before the “First Contact to Civil War.” This professor is another whom I love to death– he majored in English with an emphasis in Queer and Gender Studies, and wrote his dissertation on video games as a form of literature (also, he’s written peer-reviewed academic essays on my favorite video game series, Bioshock). So almost everything between these two semesters of American ltierature had a focus on people of color, indigenous people, genderqueer and nonbinary people, and queer people. We read Passing by Nella Larson, and I met some girls in the class and we got so excited about the book that the professor told us he’d let us come in to talk about it to future semesters. I also loved reading Benito Cereno with the class, mostly for the discussion and the essay I got to write about it. 
This semester, I’m taking a World Literature class, and I’m currently in the second half of that British Literature sequence– which means, after this semester, I will have taken every literature class my community college offers except one– as well as a philosophy class, my final semester of required Spanish, and a creative writing class. 
You have two out of the three pieces of the puzzle of where I’m from now. You know about me as a person, and you know about what I’ve read. I’ll see you here, same time, same place, next week to tell you what I’ve written, and then we can move on to the present. 
I can’t wait to see you guys again. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, and happy. 
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fatbottombucky · 6 years
“Wow, so romantic. I hate it,” *Dean Winchester x Reader*
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you’ve never spent it traditionally, so Dean decides to change that by giving you a traditional Valentine’s Day.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Male!Reader (platonic)- mostly Gender Neutral, I don’t think I used pronouns but if I did, then I apologise (it is meant to be Male Reader) but I don’t think I used/ stated IN the fic it was a Male
Rating: [PG-13] Teen
Notes: You’ve spent your entire life as a hunter, from the moment you were born, and you’ve not exactly experienced the usual social standards. You never attended a public high school, only ever met other hunters as you grew up. So, after a long nights talk about never actually dating people or celebrating Valentines Day- Dean, your best friend, decides to change it for you - Dean and Reader have a similar friendship to me and my bestie - Rosalie
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“Not even a birthday?” Dean asked astonished by your confession, you just simply shrugged from the backseat of the Impala.
It had never bothered you, how you were raised. It’s all you ever knew about the world, saving people and hunting supernatural beings, that is your life and entire existence. You didn’t have the usual childhood of sleepovers, homework and video games. Although a part of you knew you were missing out, you don’t regret how you grew up.
So you missed Christmas and birthday’s, holidays just were never on your parent's agenda. Yourself and your siblings always tried to keep up, tried to get the odd present every couple years but it just wasn’t important or necessary to your lives. Every day that you survived was a present enough to your family.
“Holidays just weren’t important to us Y/L/N,” Dean exchanged a look with his younger brother, “you guys know I didn’t attend school, so why would we celebrate trivial stuff like that?”
“True. You guys had it rough,” Sam sighed, “I talk about my childhood being bad, the constant moving around and different schools, but you guys didn’t even attend one. All you’ve ever known is hunting,” you frowned when Sam put it like that, not really realising how… different of a life you’ve had to other hunters. “So… you’ve never dated anyone, I mean like when you were a teenager?”
You shake your head, “Nope. Not even now, I just never had the time. I’ve hooked up with a few guys of the time, different places mean different people and experiences, but never dated.” You laughed at Dean’s face, “I don’t get the fuss anyway, our lives are hanging by a thread most of the time. Imagine loving someone and then not coming home one day,” you shrugged and looked out the window.
“That means you’ve never had a valentine,” Dean remarks and you nod, raising an eyebrow at the older Winchester, “I’ve had… so many, like a lot of ‘em. You’ve never received or given a card, taken someone on a nice meal or gotten those gimmicky heart-shaped chocolates?”
You shake your head, a sly smile coming on your face, “Why are you interested Dean-o?” He rolled his green eyes in the rear-view mirror and smiled.
You had forgotten about the conversation inside of the Impala, when you got back to the bunker you went to bed and fell into a much needed deep sleep. You often had conversation’s about ‘the old times’, old hunts and so forth. It didn’t strike you as a weird for Dean to ask those questions, you expected him to forget about it and move on in all honesty.
So when you woke up, you didn’t expect to find a present left on the empty side of your bed. You had stretched out as you woke-up, your hand knocking against something hard, you blinked your eyes open and tilted your head up to see what it was. A heart-shaped box, pink and tied with a golden bow.
You sit up and grab the box, seeing a handwritten card and plucked it from the package. Tilting your head at the cursive writing, it had no name of the sender but you had a slight indication- since there are only two other people living in the Bunker. You pulled the silk golden bow off, smiling slightly at the contents. An assortment of chocolates, all different flavours and kinds.
“Okay, which one of you two yahoo’s got me the chocolates?” You asked strolling into the kitchen, still in your flannel pj’s and placing the box down with an airy chuckle.
Both Winchester’s looked at it perplexed, Dean already picking a chocolate to scoff down and Sam reading the note with a grin. Both shrugged, you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t get you it,” Sam defended, “But I’ll take the credit if it’s not Dean either.” Dean shook his head, pursing his lips as he did.
You rolled your eyes, “It has to be one of you, there’s only three of us here.”
When neither admitted it you decided to just leave it, knowing they meant well anyway. Probably, just wanted you to get a nice Valentines present- since you’ve never gotten one before. You got dressed and decided to do a bit of research, see if you can find any new cases and leads.
“C’mon,” Dean walks in with a smile, you throw him a questioning look. “We’ve gotta go somewhere, Sam is staying behind to do some research,” he doesn’t grab a bag or anything but only a jacket.
You follow suit, quickly grabbing a denim jacket and following your friend out to his car. You get into the passenger seat, it’s silent as Dean starts up the engine and begins to drive. You watch as the bunker disappears and trees begin to pass by, your eyes glance to Dean every few seconds because this is… odd, especially for a Winchester.
“So…” you start, “Dean where are we going?” He doesn’t answer just drives.
He drives till you reach a town, it’s a small town with a bar, a diner and a small theatre. He parks and gets out, not a word is said but you follow him. Looking around you realise Dean had parked outside of the bar, you let out a sarcastic chuckle and roll your eyes at the Winchester.
“Really? You drive us here, to the middle of nowhere, to go into a bar?”
He shakes his head, nodding to behind you and you look over your shoulder. You missed the small restaurant, it was decorated with Valentines hearts and candles. You frowned as Dean walked passed you, nodding for you to follow and you do, a little gobsmacked as well.
Dean opens the door and the small, old lady gladly shows you to a table for two. You look at the Valentines themed menu, glancing over it to Dean who has already ordered the drinks and looking over the food also. You both order food, burger and fries- the usual for you both.
“Dean,” you start, “what’s going on?” you felt a little awkward, he’s your best friend and he brought you out on Valentine's day to a nice place for a meal. “This is nice… but you’re my best friend, heck you’re my brother and this is…”
Dean shakes his head quickly, “Slow down cowboy,” he chuckles lightly, face illuminated by the candlelight. “This isn’t some grand romantic gesture, okay? I just don’t want you to die tomorrow and have never experienced a Valentines Day,” you nod with a small smile. “Valentines Day isn’t just for people in love, it’s not always romantic. Different love’s, platonic love is a big one on this holiday too. Two best friends, expressing their love whilst eating great burgers.”
You smiled lightly, a little warmed by his speech. The food comes out and you eat in mutual silence, it had been a while since you had this type of break, from nothing bad happening and no people to be saved. It was nice to just eat, chat and be in the moment with one another.
You get back to the banker just after midnight, Sam had already called it in for the night. You were laughing at some stupid joke, shaking your head at Dean’s ridiculousness.
“Hey,” you start and Dean raises his eyebrows, “thank you for today. I mean it, I love you, Dean.” You tell him sincerely.
He nods with a smile of his own, “I love you too.”
“So you were the one that got me the chocolates?” You asked following him to the kitchen, nudging him into the wall so you could get to the fridge first. “And you were the one to eat them all too,” you hold up the empty box and tip it, only crumbs falling out.
He only grins back at you, “I did,” you chuckled. “And… yeah, I ate them all. Sorry,” he does a little one-shoulder shrug.
He opens two beers, passing you one with a smile, “Wow, so romantic, I hate it.”
Dean shakes his head, “I know right, it only happens once a year for me.” You laughed lightly, “seriously though, we gotta get you a boyfriend because I’m not doing this crap every year for your sloppy ass.”
“I hate you,” you say walking out with a smile.
“Hate you too, Y/N,” Dean calls back.
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