#I love you nerds
le-fandom-prince · 3 months
it's almost 12 AM and i'm sitting in bed brain storming ideas for a fanfic featuring my new oc William!! (he's heavily inspired by Will Wood and Ducky from Pretty in Pink so you can imagine the chaos that he is)
all i have is the picrew i made of him atm, eventually i'll draw him (rip) n e ways, you can probably put together what he looks like anyways, i mean come on
Will Wood
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and Ducky
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thedawningofthehour · 5 months
you changin the title from pig to piq bc this story is gonna be PIQ EMOTIONAL DAMAGE (o゜▽゜)o
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matchstique · 1 year
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I see ya, and I love ya. Keep doing ur thing 💙💕🤍💕💙
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brassandblue · 2 years
Four years ago I followed because I thought your Arthur was spectacular (and still is btw) I'm still here because you are an absolute delight to write with and generally just talk to. I stalk your threads for all of your muses these days, I love the creativity, the fun and the truly diverse and interesting personalities and backgrounds you have built for your muses and their various verses. Sorry, you're stuck with me now. <3
You--!!!! This is!! Very much! And I can't even believe it's been four years (though I've been on hiatus for at least half of it).
I'm so, so grateful that you've indulged me and my boys. You're one of the reasons I've stayed here, it's been such a joy to write with and talk to you.
Back when we first started writing I was SO down about writing Arthur, and just discouraged/not at all confident. Getting people to write with him was always a struggle on other RP sites that I never really had the chance or reason to develop him beyond what I already had, even in 5-6 years of writing him.
I'm so glad I came to Tumblr rp, and so glad I stumbled onto you, @governmentofficial and @therapardalis. If I've improved at all in four years, I owe it in part to the three of you for giving me reasons to keep at it.
YOU are stuck with ME. <3
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transgender-catboy · 4 months
Kissing you sloppy style (platonically)
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trashmakerarticle · 8 months
Everyone thinks that dick was the golden child when in reality it was Jason.
Clark: Bruce who was your favourite robin?
Dick: obviously it’s me?
Tim: it’s dick
Damian: I am superior robin, it will be me.
Bruce: it’s Jason
Everyone: WHAT?!?!???
Bruce: why are you so surprised? He didn’t jump on too my chandeliers which I had to replace each week
*everyone looks at dick*
Bruce: he didn’t drop out of school
*everyone looks at tim*
Bruce: I didn’t have to stop him from killing everyone who annoyed him
*everyone looks at Damian*
Bruce: in fact, he enjoyed school and handed all his homework in on time, we would spend hours in the library reading his favourite classics. He even helped Alfred with most of the cooking, He was my little boy
Jason: stop spreading lies, I hate you go away
Bruce: my precious little boy
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anon-nee · 5 months
There's something like the anticipation of a Kiss...
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Purple magic nerds kissing. That's it. That's the post.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lap Pillow
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ashleyeveerson · 2 months
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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elvhendis · 8 months
“He was probably quite decadent in the past, perhaps abusing his power a little bit. I see him as being very intelligent — very erudite — and highly manipulative when he wants to be. Very vulnerable and traumatized, but also incredibly witty and funny. He’s got etiquette, he’s articulate, and he’s very sophisticated. He’s a lover of the arts without, I believe, having the talent to produce art himself. He’s also rather good-looking, and he’s not afraid to use that as a way to shield himself or to get what he wants. He’s immoral, not amoral. I would say he’s quite aware of morality. He just chooses not to [be moral], darling, you know?”
“His sense of freedom is the most powerful thing about him. The drive to be free — the need to be free at all costs, including things that are morally gray and sometimes completely wrong. But the overriding sense is never wanting to be trapped again in a situation like the one he’s come from for the last 200 years. Underneath all of that, if you can find a way to him, he’s also probably one of the best friends you’ll ever have.”
-Neil Newbon on how he would describe Astarion (source)
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le-fandom-prince · 3 months
genuine question did you just walk out of the year 2013
shhh!!! don't out me!!
in all honesty i do this chaos bs for nostalgia reasons and to give people a little escape for a few minutes! just a place to be the weirdo you wish you could be. all is welcomed!!
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charmwasjess · 8 months
Lightsaber Theory: Obi-Wan "Sith Lords are Our Specialty" Kenobi consistently loses duels to Dooku not for any reason of technical form mismatch or lack of ability, but because Dooku is not even pretending to try to kill him. Resultantly, Obi-Wan can’t figure out what the fuck is going on when they fight. 
Obi-Wan: (preparing to defend an expected lethal strike) You’ll answer for your enormities, Count!
Dooku: (giving him the lightest love tap on the leg) Don’t be so sure, my special good lineage baby boy, so perfect in my eyes. 
Obi-Wan: …What?
Dooku: What?
Which Dooku and Obi-Wan proud lineage moment is even the most unhinged? There are so many to choose from! Is it Dooku’s frequent inability, both in AotC and TCW, to keep from spontaneously gushing about Sidious’s plans and even his own dark secrets to Obi-Wan?? Is it the time in Labyrinth of Evil where Dooku drags a long-suffering, bored Grievous over to watch a holorecording of Anakin and Obi-Wan thwarting his plans yet again, to point out how beautifully they’re working together as a team and how much he likes watching their lightsaber work evolve? Is it in the recent Brotherhood novel, where Obi-Wan just has to casually namedrop Qui-Gon to get Dooku to do exactly what he wants?
Obi-Wan is a big problem for Sidious in his mission to destabilize and corrupt Anakin, and Sidious knows it. He needs him out of the picture to do the same isolating, evil bullshit that worked so well when ensnaring Dooku himself. But the war has been going on for years now, and guess who remains inconveniently alive? And whose job was that to take care of? Oh yeah. I remember. His useless, Padawan assassin-collecting apprentice: fucking Count Dooku. By the time of RotS, Sidious has specifically ordered Dooku to make fucking sure Obi-Wan is dead only for him to completely ignore the command about a half-dozen times.
Going by the Stover RotS novelization, in the same scene where Dooku also literally refers to Obi-Wan as his fucking grandson actually, add that to our earlier list, Sidious reiterates that KILL OBI-WAN is the plan (over the sound of Dooku’s loud complaining) moments before that final duel.  I kind of wish we’d gotten a shot of Sidious's incredulous, enraged expression as Dooku knocks Obi-Wan unconscious and pins him safely out of the way. He is, once again, going out of his way to not kill Obi-Wan in that duel, and this time directly disobeying his Master to his face after they just had a conversation about it. You just know exactly what Sidious must be thinking at that moment. Oh, Dooku. You are so fucking fired.
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myersesque · 8 months
i think part of why npmd works so well is bc the nerdy prudes are all kinda real af??? like... i dressed just like pete in highschool and have pictures to prove it. for better or for worse, watching richie in certain scenes was like fondly cringing at my past self. ruth's reflexive "don't bully me!" and their collective tendency to assume the worst whenever the popular kids talk to them (and the realisation that not all of them are bad, actually, some of them - like steph - are really cool)... god. it's so real. painfully so, at times
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bakudekublogblog · 17 days
kacchan is standing before him, openly weeping, childishly professing he wanted a forever with him and Izuku is like ?? kacchan haha do you have brain damage ?? horikoshi when I fucking catch you
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konigsblog · 3 months
tw: size difference/size kink, handjob, degrading, guilt tripping. MDNI 18+
giving nerd-könig a handjob. 📚
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könig doesn't like when you make him out to be a pathetic, perverted man who can't control his fat cock, even if it's the truth. he's not pathetic in the sense that he's submissive, but he's pathetic in the sense that he'll use manipulation and coercion to get what he wants, yearning for your soft, lustful touch.
könig gets off to the sight of you wearing his glasses. growing up, he'd get frustrated by the comments people would make about him wearing glasses or asking to try them on. but you? you're an exception. gazing dizzily into your eyes, the sight of you wearing them left könig's eyes half-lidded and delirious, his thick and stiff boner hardening at the sight of you.
he appreciates it when you rub his hard dick. his eyes shut tightly, feeling his core tighten, craving the softness of your fingers around his girthy cock.
you roll his navy blue sweatshirt up, revealing his chubby and hairy stomach, globs of his pearly creaminess smeared along his abdomen. könig's leaking cock oozes out his milky arousal, hot and thick, running down his shaft as you hold it firmly. he huffs and puffs, his chest rising and falling with anticipation and excitement as you begin stroking him slowly, watching as his body jerks and twitches, his meaty girth throbbing in your soft hands.
you giggle quietly, mocking his desperate and guttural groans and the sound of his pleasure and ecstasy, watching him roll his eyes and glare at you for taunting him like this. you feel his calloused hand grasp at your hand firmly, guiding your soft fingers up and down his girthy shaft, increasing your pace, and showing you exactly how he enjoys it.
you listen to the sounds of his laboured, heavy breathing and watch the way his dick twitches and pulsates at your soothing touch. it's so comforting to könig, whose head is spinning, becoming drunk and intoxicated off of your addictive touch. könig feels himself getting closer to his release, his head thrown back, sweat droplets running down his chubby stomach, spurting thick strings of his hot, white load all over himself, as well as your hand.
you might as well ride him afterwards, to be an outlet and collect his cum? :(
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hellsitegenetics · 4 days
String identified: SCP-3999 Object Class: Apollyon Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3999 cannot be contained stop be contained
String identified: Item #:
String identified: Researcher Talloran:
Closest match: Trametes ferrium Common name: Metal eating fungus.
Researcher Talloran is to be identified using the BLAST database modeled using AlphaFold kept in a standard terrarium suitable for moths.
Common name: finding tumblr's genome one post at a time.
String identified: The following file contains a virulent infohazard. Due to this, it is imperative that all personnel accessing this file be certified as having a Cognitive Resistance Value (CRV) of no less than 14.5. Should you fail an automated CRV verification, please remain calm and do not move. A member of your site's medical staff Researcher Talloran will be with you shortly.
Special Containment Procedures: Researcher Talloran is to have his genome aligned with its 12 closest genetic matches using MEGA. Navigate to the "table" section and select phylogenetic tree. Click "yes." Use sub-branches to note connections between each branch, such as families or kingdoms.
Item #: Cydia strobilella genome assembly, chromosome: Z Object Class: Spruce seed moth
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(Researcher Talloran must link the image source.) This can be the only conclusive fact.
So stop asking.
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