#I mean this in a very normal way I love hearing how someones voice fits in and moves through their mouth
howarddevotoeater · 1 year
I did not realize I was going to get this fucking high
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kalims · 1 year
you say I love you as a goodbye accidentally | all
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"okay," you smile at no one in particular, though you've got a feeling the other person on the line can feel your smile. "thanks. I love you, bye," without a single thought behind your head you hang up and emit a dreamy sigh.
your smile drops as your face shifts into panic.
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completely spaces out, lowkey having a crisis. did you mean it or no? part of him wishes you were because his heart is just gonna start combusting either way. everyone is concerned why he's been staring into thin air for the past two minutes tightly gripping his phone like it's his life support. he looks like he's in a dilemma and two seconds away from suffocation because of how long his breath seems to have been caught away.
can't stop thinking about it and seems more silent when in person with you. *ascends to heaven*
riddle, deuce, azul, jamil, silver.
is very.. verbal about it. is either bragging to everyone who really does not want to listen to his constant nagging or proclaiming, as in busting everyone's eardrums off with his shrill screams of excitement. if he could he would practically be characterized by someone jumping around the room in a fit of joy and adrenaline. he just has to do something to tame the literal mile his heart is running.
is way more affectionate with you than normal which you don't know if you should be concerned with or happy.
cater, floyd, kalim, epel, rook (sometimes.)
on the more calming side. but can't help but crack a smile at your words, partially aware that it was out of habit but it didn't exactly stop the myriad of crisis you just sent his mind to. though he looks completely fine on the outside he's just teensy, tiny bit freaking out on the inside. don't worry, all you need to know that he is very pleased about it.
starts to tell you 'I love you too' by the end of your calls, making everyone assume you're dating but it's more like a married couple than a normal.
trey, jade, vil, lilia.
is just a big fat tsudere that can't seem to look you in the eye properly when you both meet in real life. you have no idea what he's thinking but what you do know is the words you accidentally blurted last night so.. basically two idiots who are thinking the same thing but refuse to talk due to the embarrassment. would talk about it if the other initiates first though..
wants to talk about it but also doesn't wanna talk about it?
deuce, epel, sebek, jack, idia.
NEVER LETS YOU FORGET ABOUT IT. having dinner? oh would you look at that, that's before you told him the words. raining? it was raining during that time too. do you just want to rest? too bad, because his face is twisting to that smug look and you know full well what's coming out of his mouth next. he's always teasing you about it.
thinks what you said was a joke but doesn't really mind if it is. an 'I love yous' an I love you and he will keep reminding you that :) playfully but uses it against you :'( *descends to hell*
ace, leona, ruggie, lilia.
immediately brightens up and flashes everyone with his sunshine because he's so happy. his familiar love for you just grows a thousand times bigger than before and he finds himself doing what you ask without any complaints. he just wants to help you <3 cause he just kinda considers you as a family figure now..
leaves idia in the dust lowkey haha.. he still loves him tho
ortho (platonic)
grins and looks immensely pleased. his giggles are a little ominous but even you can discern the clear happiness in them. it was so subtle that you didn't even notice him straying closer than usual.
can't seem to leave you alone now.
rook, jade, floyd.
uhm.. hello? child of man? lilia told him that this.. electronic box would make him hear your voice even through the portal of diasomnia but he can't seem to hear anything, nor see anything but a black screen. strange. is it broken? (yes malleus, you broke it because you were too excited to talk to the prefect.)
did not know but probably would have died if he ever heard it and immediately propose to you and stage a ceremony.
note. why did I forget about some characters until the last moment lolll. I am out of ideas fr HAHA. perhaps this is the end of the posting streak?
not proofread
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jiggy-manda · 3 months
can you write gf!amber headcanons?
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gf!amber headcanons
she loves to make playlists for you <3
super protective— you all saw how she was with tara at the beginning
along with that part, she’s not the most trusting of others. it takes awhile for her to warm up to some people but it wasn’t that hard with you
neverrrr lets you drive!!! you’re her passenger princess <33
she’ll take you shopping and buy you whatever you want, but she’ll pretend to hate it
refuses to admit to being a softie. she’s a big mean scary gf >:(
whenever she meets new people she always analyzes how you act first so she can follow your lead
definitely definitely needs you to have your location on 24/7. she’s a bit obsessed with you and of course she has to make sure you’re always safe…
she has a lotttt of emotions like everything is always an extreme for her. just one tiny thing could make or break her day
she pouts when she’s upset :(
if she ever does something that upsets you she’ll beat herself up about it for literal weeks even if it was something small, and she’d constantly apologize even if you’d already forgive her
would kill for you. literally.
she jumps to conclusions a lot so there’s often some miscommunications but it’s just because she loves you a lot and is a bit insecure 💔
“mean to everyone but soft to that one person is such an overused trope blah blah blah” I DONT CARE!!!!!!!! amber fits that trope to a T!!!! she can be the meanest most intimidating person to someone else and then turn to you and get back to being doting and caring in seconds
OBVIOUSLY she’s the top u don’t even have to question it 😭
very experienced but she’s never condescending or patronizing about it
sometimes she’ll let you take control (keyword: sometimes. whenever you “take control” it’s more like just her being a power bottom)
likes to experiment with darker things
she’s especially interested in knife-play…. for obvious reasons
she can go for hours like her stamina is kind of crazy. obviously she has the ability to murder multiple people in a night so she has more than enough energy in bed
into restraints and such but would never let you restrain her
definitely a bit rough at times. she has no problem slamming you against a wall or throwing you on a bed
she has a thing for whispering in your ear… something abt the way your body reacts to it just makes her crazy… and the fact that just a small fraction of the normal volume of her voice can make you fall apart? amazing
super super obsessed with foreplay and making you beg
looooves making you moan & hearing the way you react to her
private > public. she’s not much of an exhibitionist, but she does love pda like kissing and hugging
will send you racy pics while you’re at work or otherwise unavailable 👀
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azulock · 7 months
hi can you please do sae, karasu, and isagi nsfw hcs?
Listen, you could consider what I wrote Isagi slander, but I know there are a bunch of people out there who'd be into it. Like, dude seems too average to actually be normal. "Oh my type is someone with a nice laugh and beautiful smile", suuuure, go off you sword art online looking motherfucker.
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Karasu Tabito
⟳ Looks like a dom, is probably a switch - but ends up not having a lot of luck in finding a chance to be a sub. So if you can do it, I bet he'd love to be bossed around a little, so he can let go for a bit. Would probably like to be edged and have you control when you get he can cum.
⟳ As a dom, though, he can be a bit mean, likes teasing you and bossing you around. Will probably love edging you too, only letting you orgasm when he has you whimpering, crying and begging him to. Probably not very much into brats, prefers a sub who is eager to please.
⟳ As per the egotist bible, he has a voice kink (this manga continues to be strangely horny). Probably gets excited if you send him audios, you could be talking about anything, doesn't matter, he really can't help it. Obviously, he likes to hear your voice when you are fucking, so if you aren't one to talk he will make you talk. He is gonna talk to you, ask you things, and demand an answer.
⟳ For that same reason he prefers giving oral rather than receiving. When he is receiving he can't really hear you, so he is cut off from one of the things he finds the hottest. But on the other hand, he will love to spend a lifetime between your legs just to hear all the sounds you can make. He is very good at it too, but he will take the edging to almost a torture, only letting you cum when you are crying and begging.
⟳ Not against bondage or ropes but not big on them either, he is far more into seeing you struggle to keep yourself restrained when he tells you to. He's gonna tell you to keep your hands behind your back and you gonna have to do it or else he stops. Gonna tell you to keep your legs still and you gonna have to do it, or else you are getting edged for longer - call it an exercise in self control.
⟳ He likes people watching so he prefers fucking you either in front of a mirror or while facing you. He wants to see your every reaction, as well as hearing them. Be it missionary or mating press, he won't take his eyes off of you. Loves fucking in front of the mirror, even if he has you sitting on his lap and facing him, cause that way he can see both angles.
⟳ Dick is long but not really thick, curved upwards nicely, and not really veiny, just a couple thicker veins showing. He is shaved clean, and definetly a shower.
Itoshi Sae
⟳ This guy took a quick liking to Shidou, so those dead eyes are def hiding something. Maybe not the highest sex drive of all, he is pretty controlled, but for sure kinky - and mean. Also seems like the kind of guy to be into someone who'd already be kinky by themselves, no time to be teaching.
⟳ A mean dom, of sorts, he is fair always, but isn't afraid to punish someone. Will reward you if you please him, he isn't one to change his word just to amuse himself, if you obey he will give what he promised. Though, if you behave like a brat, you get treated like one. The punishment is always fitting to the transgression, can tolerate mistakes and mishaps, but not willful misbehavior.
⟳ Not really vocal, mostly silent actually. Will start grunting and groaning when he gets closer to orgasm but really he is mostly quiet. Sure, that is aside from satisfied hums when you behave and disappointed huffs when you don't. Also he's really hard to read unless he is close to cumming.
⟳ Tailors what he is gonna do with you depending on what you like and how well you behave, he is pretty flexible on that. Likes to tease you by using the things you like most as a carrot on a stick type of deal - you get it if you behave, you don't of you misbehave. Not fast and easy with praises but he has no problems in praising someone when they earn it.
⟳ Very much into hair pulling, gagging and having you ride him. Prefers receiving oral to giving - will make you swallow. Likes choking, not even necessarily hard enough to restrict airflow, just really likes the possessiveness of having his hand around your throat.
⟳ Not much above average in length, but thick enough to leave you felling full. He is veiny, curved upwards and has a small head, which makes it look bigger. Not shaved, but trimmed.
Isagi Yoichi
⟳ Perv. Have you ever seen someone who looked too normal, almost bland, like a piece of bread, not bad but not noticeable, tho you felt there was something deeply off with them? It's him. He is too normal, which of course hides something not normal. (Alexa, play Creep by Radiohead)
⟳ The underwear stealer type of perv. Actually, any of your clothes within range of his hands is not safe. The jerking off in the bathroom while he can hear you talk in the other room type of perv. The watching his neighbor through the window with binoculars type of perv. He gets horny and his morals suddenly take a nosedive.
⟳ Not a dom, not a sub, just a desperate pervert. If you pull up with the attitude to whip him into place he will gladly lick the floor you walk on, will cum in his pants while you pull him on a leash. He is gonna be eager to please, if anything a bit too eager, kinda like a dog in a rut.
⟳ Now, if you let him be in charge, well, he is still a dog in a rut - just as eager to please but not good at controlling himself. It's not all bad, he is a pleasure dom, sort of. He wants you to feel good, very much so, and while he is still fucking you, he will continue working to bring you to an orgasm. Even if you've orgasmed already like four or five times before.
⟳ Both vocal and loud, grunting, groaning, moaning, talking, whatever. He tries not to be loud but loses the notion of how loud he is halfway through. I say either shut him up or live in a house, else the noise complaint is coming. Though, sometimes he will grow silent, but that's cause he wants to listen to the noises your bodies make while you fuck.
⟳ Underwear sniffer, if you are dating he is gonna steal one - probably more - of your panties for when he has to travel. Gotta be used. And he has a preference, generally goes for whatever you find more comfortable - cause then it's seen more use. Also if he ever calls you during a trip there is the very real chance he is jerking off while on call.
⟳ His favorite position is gonna be whichever has your bodies the closest, he actually likes the feeling of you both sweating while fucking. Has no qualms about licking and sucking in your skin when you are like that. As a dom he loves positions that leave you open and vulnerable to him - may have a bit of an intox kink, kinda into dubcon.
⟳ His dick is average, nothing to write home about, not bad but not exceptional. It has a nice curve upwards tho, that gives it a bit more of a kick, he isn't veiny, mostly pretty smooth, it's not bad. He tens to just be trimmed, but would fully shave if asked to do it.
Nonnie, whoever you are, whevere you are, I hope you liked this. Cause you managed to ask for two characters I have a hard time getting into (Isagi and Sae) and I did my very best. Actually, I like Sae a lot more now, so thank you for that one.
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shinysugar · 2 years
Pumpkin Patch
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x Reader
SUMMARY: Bucky gets a taste of normality
WARNINGS: None, just fluff
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“I look ridiculous.”
“People are staring.”
“At how cute we are.”
You look over at Bucky and can’t help but smile at how awkward he looks. Standing in the middle of a pumpkin patch with his hands buried in the pockets of his jeans and grimacing at the cheesy red and orange sweater you had shoved on him for the occasion. It had a giant pumpkin stitched to the front with an array of multi-colored leaves all around; something he would have never thought he’d be caught dead in. You knew it was a bit excessive, but Bucky had missed out on the cheesy parts of life, and in the past few months that you’ve been together, you had made it your mission to give him all the experiences he missed out on.
And truth be told, you hadn’t been the “matching couple” kind of person before Bucky. Your previous relationships had their own spark for sure, but being unnecessarily cute wasn’t in your repertoire. At least, until the Blip. Watching the people you loved being turned to dust had changed your entire life. Those five years had taught you to treasure every moment you had with the people you loved, and Bucky fit right into that category.
“You look handsome, Buck,” You remind him, reaching out to hold his hand, “I promise.”
He sighs but doesn’t argue, simply letting you pull him down another row of pumpkins. He doesn’t know much about the “art of pumpkin picking”, his dates back in the 40s never covered that particular topic, but he does know you. He knows that you don’t know anything about pumpkins either, despite the fact that you’ve been prattling on about every one you’ve passed and deemed “not worthy” for the front porch. But he doesn’t care that you’re spewing literal nonsense about the lopsided one he’s picked up, he just loves to hear your voice. He loves how passionate you can get about something so trivial.  
He just loves you.
“What about those over there?” He asks, pointing off to the side.
There's a collection of massive ones all set up together. Ones so big you swear you couldn’t get your arms all the way around, let alone actually pick up. They’d certainly make a statement, sitting outside your brownstone house, though you’d never be able to open up the front doors all the way. And while you wouldn’t mind, your three other housemates were another story.
“Well, I mean they’re nice,” You tell him, “But not very practical. I’d never be able to convince the others to keep it.”
“But do you want it?” He questions, hand at the small of your back as he leads you over to them, “Don’t pretend you weren’t looking on the way in.”
As much as you want to deny it, you were looking at them. You didn’t need the giant pumpkins and you certainly did not go there with the intention of getting one, but you’d never actually had the option before. It was almost a childlike desire to do something completely outrageous and the closer you got to them, the more badly you wanted to buy one.
“You know they’re gonna throw it out,” You remind him of your roommates, “Its gonna block one of the doors.”
“Well then we’ll just have to get the biggest one, they’ll never be able to pick it up.”
And he was right.
A week later your roommates would band together to try and toss it after walking into the front door that wouldn’t open all the way one too many times. And just like Bucky said, even the tree of them together couldn’t budge the pumpkin he could lift himself.
And every time he passed your house and saw that orange monstrosity on your porch, Bucky couldn’t help but smile. It was just a little reminder of what it felt like to do something normal for someone he loved.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Queen’s Blood And How Its Lore Reflects/Possibly Affects The Plot
Warning: This contains spoilers for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
“My name is Lidrehl Balmon…and I am the creator of the game Queen’s Blood. Which means that…this nightmare is of my own making. I didn’t know. How could I? You hear her too? Time’s running out. She’s made me her prisoner. Her accursed card my shackle. The end is nigh. Or perhaps…this is only the beginning. The Shadowblood Queen is…”
• After Cloud experiences this strange vision, the NPC who he was playing against accounts how skilled players have been experiencing visions lately. To quote: “Visions in which one is visited by the ghost of the game’s creator, who speaks of portentous events. To add another wrinkle…some of the world’s very best have recently met with unnaturally violent deaths. People are calling this the Curse of Lidrehl.”
• Another strange recount from an NPC:
“After he started selling cards, he spoke of hearing a strange voice. He then withdrew from the public eye and became a recluse. No one saw him until after his death. There’s no shortage of people who’ve had their lives turned upside down by the cards. Just goes to show what a deep and captivating game it is.”
• According to Lidrehl Balmon himself, the lore behind Queen’s Blood is as follows:
“Once, there lived a queen of peerless beauty and compassion. She loved her people, and they in turn loved her. But one day, a change came over the queen. In the blink of an eye, her love turned to hate—her compassion to cruelty. Fair and beauteous though she remained, her heart became black as pitch. Conquest was now her cause, her subjects mere fodder to feed her boundless ambition. And so her kingdom grew as her people perished.
Until, that is, a ray of hope appeared—a sorceress who would be their salvation. The Emerald Witch they called her. And with her arcane powers, she led the people in rebellion, captured the queen, and put her to death. Yet from the tyrant’s body spilled blood as dark as shadow. And from this wicked ichor, the myriad fiends of the world were born.
And that... is the story of the Shadowblood Queen. Some call it a parable. A myth. A fairy tale. And I wish it were! But she is as real as you and I! And she is coming. Her resurrection is nigh. You know what must be done. She cannot be allowed to return. She must not reclaim her throne! I pray you will succeed…where I so miserably failed. You are our last hope…Cloud.”
• It’s easy to dismiss this as a story to give the card game depth, but according to Lidrehl, who’s been essentially cursed because of QB, this story is very real to the game’s world and he feels major guilt over what he’s created, blaming himself for bringing about this curse to the world.
• We later find out that this curse is very real and it turns out that Regina the QB champion has actually been possessed by the Shadowblood Queen card, but we’ll get to that later.
• When you look at the lore you can interpret it in two ways to fit both the alleged “affecting the real world” —their world, what’s happening in the game’s world—and VII’s plot.
We’ll look at the first interpretation: That the Story of the battle between the Shadowblood Queen and the Emerald Witch is referencing Jenova vs. The Cetra.
“Once, there lived a queen of peerless beauty and compassion. She loved her people, and in turn they loved her. But one day, a change came over the queen. In the blink of an eye, her love turned to hate—her compassion to cruelty. Fair and beauteous though she remained, her heart became black as pitch. Conquest was now her cause, her subjects mere fodder to feed her boundless ambition. And so her kingdom grew as her subjects perished.”
We can discern that the Shadowblood Queen was the unnamed Cetra girl who Jenova took as a host. Not to say that this character was a high-ranking person, but definitely someone who was loved and led a normal life until Jenova took over her body and began her “conquest” so to speak.
“Until that is, a ray of hope appeared—a sorceress who would be their salvation. The Emerald Witch they called her. And with her arcane powers, she led the people into rebellion, captured the queen, and put her to death.”
The Emerald Witch here would be The Cetra as a whole who sealed Jenova in the crater. There’s also a possibility that The Shadowblood Queen/The Emerald Witch could be The Planet/Jenova, but since The Cetra were the ones to defeat Jenova and The Panet’s weapons weren’t used then, we’re gonna go with The Cetra.
“Yet from the tyrant’s body spilled blood as dark as shadow. And from this wicked ichor, the myriad fiends of the world were born.”
This is likely talking about The Jenova Project that gave birth to the “fiends of the world” meaning Sephiroth (and Angeal and Genesis) which is how Jenova later comes back to nuke the planet again.
The second interpretation is that the Shadowblood Queen and The Emerald Witch are parallels to Sephiroth and Cloud.
“Once, there lived a queen of peerless beauty and compassion. She loved her people, and in turn they loved her. But one day, a change came over the queen. In a blink of an eye, her love turned to hate—her compassion to cruelty.”
This is talking about Sephiroth, who went from hero to villain, good to evil, compassion to cruelty, after the events of Nibelheim.
“Fair and beauteous though she remained, her heart became black as pitch. Conquest was now her cause, her subjects mere fodder to feed her boundless ambition. And so her kingdom grew as her subjects perished.”
This alludes to Sephiroth’s goals, to become a god, the reunion of worlds and the multiverse mindfuck he’s cooking now in the trilogy.
“Until that is, a ray of hope appeared—a sorceress who would be their salvation. The Emerald Witch they called her. And with her arcane powers, she led the people into rebellion, captured the queen, and put her to death.”
The Emerald Witch in this case is Cloud/ Cloud + the rest of the gang.
“Yet from the tyrant’s body spilled blood as dark as shadow. And from this wicked ichor, the myriad fiends of the world were born.”
Since the trilogy is leading to the events of Advent Children, this could be talking about the remnants and geostigma, basically other ways Jenova manifests as a pain in the ass.
• And NOW let’s talk about the part where Cloud defeats the actual Shadowblood Queen because I think that’s all but a confirmation that Queen’s Blood mirrors real life.
Lidrehl: “Through the card, she feeds on the wielder’s life force, claiming their strength, that she may one day be reborn. Countless players have succumbed to this vile curse. And now one more death is all she requires to return. Cloud…find the sorceress. She who rallied the people, she who deposed the queen—The Emerald Witch. Her card sleeps in Nibelheim, with a monster of chaos.”
• When Cloud meets a weakened Regina [the Queen’s Blood champion] again, it’s revealed that the cards really do possess the players, and that Regina is possessed by none other than the Shadowblood Queen herself who’s been sealed in the card. Regina alleges that the card’s been speaking to her and urging her to give herself to it [the card].
• While she explains this to Cloud, The Shadowblood Queen takes over Regina’s body, and her dialogue reeks of Jenova:
“I remember well this land, for it was once mine. Until that witch rallied the unwashed and put me to the sword. Well, little puppet. What do you say? A match against your queen. For you, human, have a blood debt to pay in full.”
• After Cloud defeats her in a QB match, the Emerald Witch card in Cloud’s possession flies at and stabs The Shadowblood Queen. And then The Queen almost manages to defeat Cloud and uses some more Jenova/Sephiroth-coded dialogue— “Be still, little puppet. You belong to me now!” (seriously, what is it with people trying to possess Cloud??)
• But then Vincent shows up to help and they manage to seal the queen back in the card, setting Regina free.
• I can’t help but notice how similar Regina being possessed by the card is to Cloud being controlled by Sephiroth—I mean even the queen called him a puppet. This could be another tiny hint at how the Queen’s Blood story and the story happening in the game’s plot are either connected—albeit in a smaller, subplot scale—or Lidrehl Balmon was right on the mark when he alluded to the game reflecting real life.
This isn’t a theory so much as it’s another really cool detail about Rebirth that I hope more people talk about. The use of Queen’s Blood as a parallel to Sephiroth/Cloud (and/Or Jenova/ The Cetra) is interesting since we see Cloud defeat the real Shadowblood Queen, which means Sephiroth is going to have his ass handed to him in part three lmao.
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drabble #1 - shots
kol mikaelson x reader
summary: of all the places for your secret crush to be revealed, of course it's at a loud, unruly bar. and, of course, your crush overhears everything you say about him.
tags: alcohol, drinking games, secret crush, minor steroline
word count: 953
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For the last three hours, you and Caroline have been in the grill, getting drunker by the minute. An innocent game of rating people who walked through the door quickly became a less-than-innocent game of electing how many shots it would take to kiss said people. Then, of course, things took a turn when instead of asking about strangers, the questions came about friends. Now, you’re in a full fledged, back-and-forth, public game of how many shots it would take to kiss your friends. 
“How many shots to kiss Matt?” You ask.
“Considering I’ve already kissed him, probably none. The embarrassment is already gone. Been there, done that. Now, how many shots would it take you to kiss Jeremy?”
“Girl, like ten, to get over the fact that I’m kissing Elena’s little brother. I mean, he’s good-looking enough, but oh my god.”
“True. Okay, your turn.”
“Hmmm… oh, this is a good one. John Gilbert.”
Caroline chokes on her tequila shot. “That is not a friend!”
“I’m branching out.”
“Like, a thousand!”
You erupt in a fit of laughter, “same. Straight alcohol poisoning.” 
“How many to kiss… Alaric?”
“Saltzman? Seriously?”
“Mhm. And give a real number. Be honest.”
“Ugh. Well he’s not unattractive, but he’s also our teacher, Care. Ummm… sixteen.”
“Very specific.”
“I thought about it thoroughly.”
“Okay. How many to sleep with-”
“When did this turn into ‘sleep with’?! I thought we were kissing!”
“Shut up,” you giggle, “how many to sleep with Stefan?”
Caroline goes quiet immediately. She starts counting on her fingers. “Six. Because we’re kinda friends, but not super close. And he’s also Elena’s ex, and Damon’s brother, so that makes things a little weird.”
“What would you say?”
“I’m not sure, actually.”
“Alright then.” She looks around the restaurant for a minute. In a split second, her eyes land on someone, then bounce off immediately. When she turns back to you, she’s smirking. “How many would it take for you to sleep with Kol Mikaelson?”
On a normal day, you’d blush red and refuse to answer. But tonight, you’re too drunk to remember you have to hide your crush on the man. “Two. Both solely for confidence.”
Her jaw drops, “Y/N!”
“You’d sleep with him barely drunk? Not even drunk, like slightly tipsy?”
“Girl, I’d sleep with him sober, I just need the confidence boost.” You shift in your seat as she says nothing. “I know you feel the same way about Stefan, so don’t come at me!”
“I said six!”
“I know you’d do less, given the chance!”
“What?! He’s hot,” you mutter, “and I like a bad boy.”
“You’re crazy,” she laughs, “we’re gonna need another bottle for this. I’ll be right back.” She saunters off towards the bar, still shocked, but also giggling, about your truthful answer. 
“Might take me a shot of confidence, too, darling. To match your boldness.” A voice comes from your left. You whip around to find its owner, just to come face-to-face with Kol himself. 
Your face pales.
“Aw, come on, don’t get shy on me now.”
“Did- did you?”
“Hear you? Definitely. Vampire hearing, darling. Plus, girls get louder when they’re drunk.” He smiles. “But not to worry, I’m flattered it would only take a couple confidence shots to sleep with me. Say, we can make that a reality. I’ll admit, the reason I come to this bar every night with my brother is on the off-chance that you’d be here. Looks like I came on the perfect night.”
“You look for me?” You stutter on your words.
“Not in a creepy way, but like an ‘I need to know you’ way. Seems to me that you’d like to know me better too, if it’s not so outlandish of me to suggest.”
“No, not at all.”
“Sounds lovely. Meet you at seven, here, tomorrow night?” 
“I’d love to.”
“Perfect, then.” He takes your hand and kisses it. “See you then, darling.”
He leaves with enough time to spare so that Caroline doesn’t cross his path.
“I nearly had to fight Matt for the bottle. He tried to say we’re too drunk. But- why are you blushing?”
“I’m not blushing.”
“You totally are.”
“I am not.”
“Fine! I might be!”
“Why? What happened? Spill!”
“Our conversation may have been overheard.”
“Oh no! By whom?! Not Stefan, right? I would die.”
You bite your lip, “nope, Kol.”
“Mikaelson?!” You nod, and her eyes go wide. “What did he say?!”
“Invited me out on a date,” you try to not squeal in excitement, “tomorrow at seven.”
“And you’re going?!”
“Of course. I did say I’d sleep with him, right?”
“Oh my god, is he the secret crush you have that you wouldn’t tell me about earlier?”
“Quite possibly.”
“I can’t help it, he’s hot!”
“He’s going to eat you alive.”
“Not if I eat him first,” you say, wetting your lips. 
“Oh my god, girl, you’re crazy!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye out for your guy to set you up,” you snicker, “then we can both date our secret crushes, and sleep with them with minimal shots taken.”
“I do not have a crush on Stefan.”
“I didn’t say Stefan.”
She pales, knowing she’s caught. “You’re so bad!”
“Bad? Or going after what I want? Come on, Care, join the dark side. You know you want to.”
“Mmmmm… you better tell me how that date goes tomorrow.”
“Oh I will.”
“Now,” she puts on a fake serious face, “how many shots to sleep with Damon, if he wasn’t a dick?”
You snort, “I don’t care how less dickish he is. If I already have Kol, I don’t want anyone else.”
195 notes · View notes
hollowwrites · 6 months
A Recipe for a Bad day
Ominis x MC
Summary - Ominis' bad day continues as he finds his jealousy towards the new fifth year reach new heights
A lot of this is Garreth and Sebastian I just like the goofy bois. It’s my absolute favourite thing rewriting scenes from the game in more detail. And if you can’t tell I love shoving voice lines and dialogue in!!
Warnings - Mentions of Ominis past and Evelyns past (Her mother has passed) other than that just another PINEFEST!
Word Count - 4668
Ominis wasnt sulking. He was not brooding.
No matter what Sebastian said.
No, this was just his face. He normally walked around looking like he was sucking on a lemon. Whilst that was normally true, that wasn’t the case here.
He just couldn’t remove the images he had conjured for himself of Evelyn and Leander.
Sebastian said ‘dragged her away’. Did he mean figuratively or literally? Did he touch her?…grab her? She did look annoyed, but how much can one tell from someone’s gait. And he doesn’t truly know her well enough to make those kinds of assumptions.
However, he couldn’t stop the anger he felt for himself allowing her to slip through his fingers. Quite literally.
So he was back to square one, torturing himself with images of her softly placing a hand on Leanders arm. Giggling to some joke.
She does that for me.
Now he was sat across the room from her. It was almost worse than if she wasn’t there at all. At least then he might possibly be able to concentrate on this awful class. Right now he was much more fixated on eavesdropping into every conversation she had. Desperate for just that small crumb of information about her. Just one more detail.
From what he could gather, she was sat between Sebastian and Garreth.
Ominis was friends with both of them. Good friends. But he couldn’t quell the wave of jealousy he felt upon hearing her laugh.
It was Garreth, of course she was laughing.
But that didn’t stop it from stinging.
Why do you care? Why are you acting this way?
He summised that it was his minds way of replacing Anne. No, not replacing. No one could replace Anne, and Sebastian would never speak to him again if he voiced those thoughts. But he needed a friend.
Just a friend.
After coming back to school, the first year Anne would be completely absent, and after spending the entire summer helping Sebastian and Solomon ‘make her comfortable’, Ominis was left with a friend shaped pit in his stomach.
And this new fifth year seemed just the right fit.
So why was he feeling this protective? He was never like this with Anne, nor Sebastian.
Maybe he was just being sensitive. He’d watched one companion get ripped from him, his other not taking that departure well either. And even though Sebastian’s behaviour had taken a swing towards the positive as of late…Ominis could feel a distance between them. Like it was only a matter of time.
So he would keep this new friend of his close…no matter how possessive it made him feel.
After Professor Sharp set the task of a ‘simple’ Wigginweld, Ominis physically turned himself away, hoping the act itself would put a stop to his obsessive nature.
If anything it made it worse.
Not many people knew about Ominis’ advanced hearing. Whether it came from one of the spells his parents tried as a child in an attempt to ‘fix him’ or if it was simply his bodies way of compensating for his disability, he didn’t know. He had just always been able to hear from across large rooms, even busy classrooms. Such as this.
He was suddenly very thankful for Imelda standing next to him. She silently brewed her potion as instructed, not caring much for small talk, allowing him to listen in on the table at the far end, whilst he haphazardly chopped at his Dittany leaves.
Evelyn watched as Ominis turned towards his station and began slicing through the neatly piled assortment of leaves. She couldn’t help the growing need to help him as she saw his fingers glide effortlessly across the chopping board to find his knife.
He didn’t fumble for it, nor did he injure himself upon finding the blades edge instead of the handle. He was perfectly capable. But she felt she could help him. Make his life just a little bit easier.
She just wanted to help.
“Do you think Ominis is upset with me?” She muttered to no one in particular, aiming the question out towards the middle of the classroom as she stared off towards the Blonde Slytherin in the distance.
Garreth and Sebastian looked at each other, a smirk pulled wide over the latters face.
“I don’t think it possible for you to upset him” Sebastian responded under his breath, slicing into his own pile of Dittany “Why do you ask?”
“He just seems…off with me. Since Herbology…” she wondered out loud, absentmindedly cutting and prepping her own ingredients like she’d done this a thousand times “…you don’t think I offended him do you?”
“Oooh interesting. What did you do to offend the powerful and ominous Ominis?” The curly, red head chirped with an impish grin across his features.
Evelyn looked across to his station. Every available surface had been covered with vials of various sorts. Some of them weren’t even ingredients. In fact she swore one was labelled ‘Troll Belly Button Fluff’ but it was empty…She decided not to question it, partly because she was scared of the answer.
Her confused features must’ve been quite obvious based on the amused little chuckle from Sebastian.
“I suppose I should introduce you two. This is Garreth Weasley. Garreth, this is the infamous new fifth year everyone has been talking about. Evelyn Hollow”
“I’d shake your hand but honestly, Merlin’s knows what’s on them now…” Garreth beamed, shaking a vial of thick liquid he’d pulled from his robes.
“Oooookay” Evelyn giggled. “Are you related to Professor Weasley?”
“She’s my Aunt” he replied, pouting like a child whose sweets had been snatched from their grubby little hands “Keeps to close an eye on me for comfort. But she can’t be everywhere”
Something about this red head caused a wave of comfort over her. It’s possible it was the slightly vacant and near constant smile on his features. Or maybe it was the blatant disregard for the rules and his charming and almost arrogant tone of voice.
“So how did you offend Ominis?” Garreth asked.
“She hasn’t. He’s just moping…as usual” Sebastian shot a look up towards Ominis, smirking.
“You sure? I’ve never seen him so…cold” Garreth teased, shivering dramatically.
“Stop that!” Evelyn moaned. “I’m serious…”
“Okay well…what did you do that you think has offended him so?” Garreth asked, genuinely for the first time as well as working on his potion for the first time too, finally adding his chopped Dittany to the Pestle and Mortar and crushing it lazily. He looked almost…bored.
“I helped him in Herbology…” Before Evelyn could continue, Garreth gasped loudly, grabbing the blade of his knife and pretending to stab himself in the heart.
“Godrics Great Golden Garter…you didn’t help him did you?” Garreth said rather unnecessarily sarcastically “…You are indeed a cruel witch”
Evelyn decided to ignore his display, continuing on like nothing had happened
“I didn’t mean to suggest he couldn’t do any of it alone but…” she pouted slightly thinking back to how many times she interjected in his work “…some muggle-born girl comes along and acts like she knows everything. Must be frustrating…”
“It is…” Sebastian smirked, piling onto the teasing with a soft nudge with his elbow.
“…thanks” Evelyn retorted flatly “…I don’t know why I bother talking to you”
“Look…” Sebastian started, placing his utensils down pointedly “…Ominis is a complicated fellow. As his friend of many years, he just…gets like this sometimes. I promise it’s not you”
That satisfied her for all of five seconds, but dropped the subject anyway. Lest she suffer more teasing from the comedy duo either side of her.
Evelyn looked between the two boys as she worked on her Wiggenweld. How she’d landed with these two she wasn’t entirely sure but she felt like their combined charm and roguish behaviour could very easily lead her astray. She smiled easily, listening to the two of them endlessly tease her for her worrying.
At some point, Professor Sharp hobbled over to the other side of the room and Sebastian slipped an old dusty book across the station towards Garreth, who stowed it whilst looking shiftily around the room. She recognised it immediately as the book Sebastian pocketed upon entering the Restricted Section.
Almost as soon as Sharp turned his back, he’d shot back around, his eyes narrowing as they fell over Garreth and their table.
“Miss Hollow…” the old Auror addressed her with a curt nod “…How are you getting along?” He continued, looking towards Sebastian and Garreth, the implication clear in his voice.
“I think I’m doing okay, Sir. I’ve already bottled some” she picked up the tiny corked bottle and held it up for the Professor.
“Hmm…” Sharp inspected the bottle intensely, turning it over in his fingers over and over “…Not an easy potion to brew. Well done…And from what I hear of your recent exploits in Hogsmeade you’d also do well to practise brewing the defensive Edurus potion. Professor Weasley had you acquire the recipe from J. Pippin’s correct?”
“Yes, Sir” She heard Sebastian snort under his breath, clearly amused at how quickly she transformed into the most studious of classmates.
“Good. For the moment you can find the ingredients you need in my office - in the future however you will be expected to provide your own. Some will require you to be a bit more - resourceful. Perhaps your friends can help you with that…” Sharp turned toward Garreth again as he shook a vial of ‘Dragons Blood’ towards Evelyn before hiding it quickly as Sharp stared through him.
“I don’t even want to know, Mr Weasley. Just keep it out of your cauldron…” Professor Sharp didn’t reign in his clear disappointment as he rolled his eyes, though Evelyn swore she saw a vague smirk pulling at his lips “…Come and see me when you’ve finished brewing, and we’ll see if it was luck or skill the first time around”
This time as he left, he shot her a wry half smile and nodded firmly, moving over to the table next to them.
“Speaking of resourcefulness…Did I hear Professor Sharp say that you have permission to go in his office?” Garreth hissed quietly over the bubbling and various other noises of their station.
“He did say that” Evelyn replied tentatively.
“Brilliant! You, my friend, have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity. I’m missing one tiny ingredient from this potion I’m working on” Garreth said looking down at the purple liquid in front of him. Everyone else cauldrons were an array of greens…Garreths’ looked more like an angry bruise than any sort of Wiggenweld she’d ever seen.
“I suspect that’s where I come in?”
“You were right, Sebastian. She is as clever as I’d hoped” Garreth grinned devilishly before continuing: “I simply need a single Fwooper Feather. As you’ll already be in Sharps office - with his permission, perhaps you could grab it for me.”
“I don’t know Garreth. I don’t want to get on Sharps bad side.” Evelyn murmured, eyeing the old Auror from across the way.
“You won’t. Fwooper Feathers aren’t that valuable. Sharp won’t even miss it.”
Evelyn rolled her eyes before flipping to the page in her Potions book labelled ‘Edurus’. She made a mental note of the ingredients and headed towards Sharps office without another word.
“And now we add the mallowsweet and…that’s odd. What’s happening?” Garreths eyes went wide as he stirred in the stolen Fwooper Feather and the liquid turned from a deep purple to a bright gaudy pink.
“Wait it’s not supposed to- ah!” Garreth yelped crouching behind his station as the fireworks of pungent sparks fell around him like snow. “Dragon Dung! What happened?”
Evelyn couldn’t help but giggle as Sebastian leaned over into her station and covered her with his robe. A seasoned avoider of Garreths mishaps she assumed.
“What now, Mr Weasley?” Sharp rose from his chair before falling back into it, quickly deciding it wasn’t worth the pain in his leg for another one of Garreth’s failed experiments.
“Sorry, Professor” Garreth pouted and used his perfected ‘guilty’ voice
“That’ll be points from Gryffindor - again. Miss Hollow…a word please”
Evelyn shot Garreth a stern look as she pulled from out of Sebastian’s robes, a long boney finger pointing accusatorily at the Gryffindor. “You said…”
“I said nothing…”
“I brewed an Edurus potion as you asked, Professor” Evelyn chirped, trying her best to seem sweet and innocent, like the previous carnage wasn’t completely her fault.
“I’m surprised you had the time…” He snapped crossing his arms like a disappointed father, his tone, for want of a better term, was Sharp. “…You seemed rather busy helping Mr Weasley brew chaos”
“Sorry Professor…” She sighed “…I thought considering you’d given me a more advanced potion to brew, you’d done the same for Garreth. He told me he was quite proficient at Potions…I assumed he was just trying to be efficient. I misjudged the situation. I’m sorry.” She lied…expertly, her brows meeting in the middle out of faux concern. She was perfectly aware of what Garreth intended to do. Sebastian had talked about the shenanigans he got up to in class and despite her not agreeing to get the feather, she decided to grab it when it was just lying in the office. It was begging to be taken.
“Ah…” Professor Sharps posture relaxed exponentially, his arms falling to clasp together in front of him “…well now you are aware of Mr Weasleys intentions I shall also assume this won’t happen again, and that you have learnt a lesson.”
“Of course, Professor” she nodded repeatedly, a practised look of disappointment on her features.
“Taking responsibility for one’s actions does go a long way with me. As for the work you did at your own cauldron, I will say you’ve done well. I confess I was skeptical, but you have exceeded my expectations.”
She immediately felt bad lying to the man. He seemed sweet…even if he did have a rather unpleasant aura around him. One of authority and command.
“Thank you, Professor”
“Class is dismissed” Professor Sharp called in the middle of Evelyn taunting Garreth. He smirked when she told him she’d played innocent and dropped him in it, clearly unbothered that he may be in more trouble after her conversation with the Professor. He playfully called her a ‘Typical Slytherin’ and lightly punched her arm as he walked out of the class, one more detention under his belt.
“Mr Gaunt, if you could stay after class to work on your Wiggenweld it would be beneficial” Sharp said after the majority of the students had left the classroom. Only Evelyn, Sebastian and Ominis remained.
She tidied up her station slowly, memorising the ingredients as she packed them away into the drawer below the desk. Sebastian was leaning against the counter by Ominis.
“Miss Hollow, perhaps you can use your natural gift for potioneerring to actually help one of your fellow classmates. Mr Gaunt has a fantastic theoretical knowledge in the field. He just struggles a little with the practical elements”
She watched Ominis turn in her direction, an almost pained look on his face, similar to when she’d overstepped and touched his hand.
Her chest tightened.
“Of course” she agreed under her breath, hoping this after hours session wouldn’t be too awkward after how their Herbology class ended.
Professor Sharp gathered his things piling an extraordinarily large pile of things into his briefcase before picking it up and shuffling over to Ominis. He placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, tapping twice.
“I know you can do this…” Sharp murmured, a gentler tone than she had heard all evening. “…Mr Sallow, you best be off, lest Scribner start looking for you…again” With another tap to Ominis shoulder, Sharp left the classroom.
“He’s right…that Detention won’t complete itself. Thanks for getting me out of it by the way” Sebastian said sarcastically, pulling his robes over his shoulders properly.
“You’re welcome” Ominis chirped, completely unphased.
“Don’t have too much fun you two” Sebastian purred with a suggestive tone, his eyes rolling as he strolled casually out of the classroom.
Oh god…
He knew.
Sebastian knew this was going to be awkward. What else could he mean?
Evelyn gulped as she turned slowly towards Ominis, silently thankful he was blind. She just couldn’t hide the look of apprehension on her face.
There was silence for a long time as Ominis silently read and reread the recipe, his wand illuminating the words as it pressed against the page. The potion he had toiled on, over and over, sat forgotten in the cauldron in front of him, its heavy medicinal scent wafted over them both. With a sigh, he placed his wand down over the recipe book, marking the page with the tip.
“It seems pandemonium follows you” he broke the silence first, with a smirk “First the Sorting Ceremony, then Hogsmeade…now here”
“In my defence, I didn’t actually do anything” Evelyn retorted, falling into a playful tone easily.
It was so easy with him…
“So then what actually happened? I could just hear - and smell the carnage from over here”
“I was coerced into stealing from a teacher” she exaggerated, her voice turned soft and twee. Like butter wouldn’t melt.
“Huh…” he laughed softly “…You’re quite the covert little thief aren’t you? Well done”
Her cheeks burned.
She couldn’t pinpoint exactly why. Whether it was his praise or him referring to her as ‘little’, as he peered down at her gazelessly. She was unsure. But she decided to physically take a step back, hoping some distance might quell the rising blush.
“Oh I…well…” she stammered after she realised she hadn’t said anything “…I wouldn’t say that. Though I’m sure Garreth appreciated it. Even if it did earn him a detention.”
“Yes…” Ominis’ tone shifted, a sudden sharpness cutting through “…it seems Gryffindors have a bit of a thing for you”
. . .
So maybe he was a little jealous…maybe
Though his mind spilled out over his lips without much thought, he knew what he was doing. He fished for any information he could about her little trip to see the cabbages. After she’d disappeared into the secondary greenhouse, Garlick called an end to the lesson and he’d lost track of her completely.
He wanted to know what Leander had said. What he had done…if anything.
“Gryffindors?” She laughed “…Well so far only two have been tolerable”
“Two?” He tried to question innocently but the jealousy rose in his throat like bile.
“Who’s the second?” His tone betraying him again
“Natty” she spoke like the answer was obvious. Of course! Charms! Thank Merlin for Natty.
“Ah…have you not met Leander?”
“Oh I’ve met him. I found him to be quite…insufferable” she shivered at the memory of Leander. His clammy hand around her wrist, his blatant dislike for Slytherins, his constant oneupmanship.
Then Ominis grinned. Wider than she’d seen previously. The flash of pearly white teeth and the way he bit into his lip made her stomach flip.
“Sorry…” he mumbled but continued to smile wide “…I shouldn’t smile. But I can’t help but agree”
It was a little white lie. He didn’t actually mind Leander. If anything his stupidity was a constant supply of entertainment. That and his minor fued with Sebastian.
But now he was getting friendly with Evelyn.
And that simply wouldn’t do…
“So…” she cleared her throat “…Professor Sharp says you’re in need of some help.”
“That’s putting it lightly…” he chuckled, his brows knitting together in worry “…My Wiggenweld Potion’s utter rubbish. Wish I could just replace it with one from J Pippin’s” the tiny self-deprecating laugh that left him, broke her heart.
“Mind if I take a look?” Evelyn asked, the fear of over-stepping coming back to her in one tidal wave of paranoia.
“Be my guest…” he gestured towards the Cauldron, taking a step back out of her way. But she didn’t move.
“And you don’t mind me helping?”
He’d overheard her conversation with Sebastian and Garreth…
…Well…not overheard…he was actively listening in
She was so sweet to think his sudden shift in attitude was because she had helped him. And not because of some silly hormonal obsession over her that he still could not place. He reigned in his emotions best he could, something he was never very good at. Sebastian often said he wore his emotions on his sleeve…or across his face in the form of an ever-changing mask.
“Of course I don’t…” he almost whispered, his voice far softer than he’d ever sounded. It almost shocked him. If he hadn’t known he’d said those words, he never would’ve believed that was his voice. “Why would I?”
“It’s just I…” she started, shaking her head in embarrassment after she was now confronted with her reasoning…He was sweet…how could she think he’d be upset over her trying to help “…it’s nothing, anyway…”
She rose on her tiptoes to peer into his cauldron, the stand just a little bit higher than hers due to his surprisingly tall frame. It leaned slightly closer to blue on the colour spectrum as it simmered away.
“This doesn’t look too bad…the colour is a little off. Suggests the Dittany wasn’t prepared properly.”
“Let me see…” he says, a phrase that ordinarily wouldn’t cause much fanfare. But as The Blind Slytherin took his wand and dipped it into the liquid, Evelyn stood transfixed.
“Does that let you…see?” She asked leaning into him out of curiosity. Purely…curiosity.
“In a way. It’s how I see colour. For example…” he withdrew his wand, a slight curl of disgust to his lips as he wiped the liquid on a handkerchief he pulled from his back pocket. The light at the tip of his wand turned green as he pressed his wand to her head.
“You have grey hair…” he said matter of factly, before removing his wand from her locks, a strand or two curling around the end as he pulled away.
Sebastian was right. He was perfectly capable.
“That’s fascinating…” she breathed a little too excitedly. Just him knowing that little bit about her made her smile giddily. “…perhaps you could use that to see what a proper Wiggenweld should look like” she said genuinely…but her choice of words earned a smirk and a raised eyebrow from Ominis.
“You don’t mean yours do you? That would be awfully big headed of you” he teased lightly.
She opened her mouth to apologise. She didn’t mean to insinuate she knew exactly what she was doing. For the most part she just read the instructions and applied what she already knew from cooking and baking. But when she saw the way he smirked down at his wand, tilting his head in her direction, she decided perhaps she needn’t be as cautious around him. Perhaps they could be…friends
“Well…Sharp did say I had a natural talent” she smiled back, the act itself clear in her voice and Ominis’ smirk widened to a smile.
She pulled the little vial of Wiggenweld she had made from her robes and passed it Ominis. He uncorked it with his teeth, possibly unwise considered she could’ve handed him anything, and poked his wand into it.
He trusts me!
Nodding, seemingly satisfied, he put the stopper back and passed the vial to her as she looked through her textbook.
Ominis could hear the soothing sound of pages turning as she read through her Potions book. Accompanying the tiny bubbles popping in his bubbling concoction, was the faint smell of Horklump juice. Not entirely unpleasant. It was earthy and warm. The constant breeze coming from the open window made him feel as though he were taking a walk through the woods.
And yet again, he found himself enjoying the smaller aspects of one of his least favourite subjects.
Off in the distance, the gentle hum of students going to their Common Rooms for the evening drew Ominis’ attention to the time. Potions was his last class, and the reminder that it was getting closer to curfew may ordinarily annoy him.
But he was with his new friend…
This is…lovely…
“Let’s start over…see what you may be doing wrong” she offered gently, still trying not to offend
“You mean; Let’s find out what I am doing wrong” he corrected and pulled the spare Dittany from the potions case to his right. Fifth pot in from the left, the lid slightly indented. He immediately began to chop the leaves, knuckles down into the foliage, guiding the knife. Flawless technique! He scooped them in his hand and waved it over to the cauldron…before he felt cold digits grab his wrist.
“Wait…” She guided his hand back to the chopping board coaxing the long ribbons of leaves from his palm.
“Here…” Her fingers weaved with his, flattening the pads of his fingertips against the Dittany.
“Cut sideways as well as lengthways. Smaller pieces disperse better in the cauldron. Even better if you can crush them.” She explained softly, whilst her hand worked against his to shift the ingredient. When her hand was clear, he reached for his knife again as she searched for a pestle and mortar.
He felt the ghost of her hand cup his, even after she’d left. His skin both frozen and on fire in her wake. Her phantom voice still whispered in his ear whilst she read the book again. He could hear her shifting around. And her presence just stood there caused the back of his neck to tingle.
“You really are a natural” he murmured, trying to shake her from his mind and focus on the now.
“Not a natural…” she replies half heartedly “…I cook and bake a lot. Potioneering seems quite similar so…I’m just transferring my skills”
“You like to cook?” He asked gently, ears pricking at any shred of new information. She was muggle-born at the end of the day. She likely had many skills he didn’t. From relying on magic on a day-to-day basis to growing up with house elves, He wasn’t the most domesticated of people.
“Not really…” she exhaled a laugh “…I have to. I live alone”
“Oh?” Ominis inquired almost gleefully. She was opening up! He was learning all about her! Her and Sebastian had spent quite a bit of time together but…he knew Sebastian wouldn’t ask about these sorts of things. He now knew something no one else did!
“Mmm hmm…” she hummed almost hesitantly. He heard her fold her arms around herself, the stiff fabric of her robes scratching against itself “…I never knew my father and…my mother. She passed away just a little over a year ago. I’ve had to teach myself a lot of different things…” she laughed singularly “…and then obviously coming here…it’s a lot of new experiences”
“I-I’m sorry…” Ominis muttered, immediately regretting pushing the issue.
He wasn’t the most…compassionate of people. He found it difficult to relate to matters he had no experience in. And especially when it related to family. He despised his family. It’s all he ever knew. Losing his parents would mean…nothing to him.
He tentatively reached a hand out to her shoulder and squeezed softly. He felt her stiffen beneath his hand and he felt the urge to pull away immediately. But her fingers brushed against his delicately and then dropped to the counter.
“Thank you…but honestly it’s fine. It was for the best” she explained, rather flatly but he took no offence to her tone.
“I understand”
She was quiet for a little while as he continued to work on his potion. He pulled a pipette from his potions set to help him with the Horklump measurements.
Her assessment was right. The only thing wrong with his potion was the Dittany. The moment the last drop of Horklump juice touched the liquid it bloomed a bright, almost neon green.
“You did it!” She chirped, completely different from the somber tone she had just moments previously.
“Well…I had some help. Not as much as I would have liked but…” he teased, a soft gentle smile on his lips.
“It seems you didn’t need it…”
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elvensorceress · 9 months
sunday sentences
tagged by @hippolotamus @alyxmastershipper @monsterrae1 @disasterbuckdiaz @wikiangela @messyhairdiaz @giddyupbuck no pressure tagging if you have something and want to share 💕 @spotsandsocks @shortsighted-owl @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @shitouttabuck @cowboy-buddie @bekkachaos @bigassdiaz @heartshapedvows @ebdaydreamer @wildlife4life @theotherluciferr @transbuck @butchdiaz @911onabc @spaceprincessem 💕 It's been soooo long idk who has done this and who hasn't, but some lovely people tagged me and I have a random thing to share? I have no idea what it is yet, but here, you can has.
“Hen,” he says very slowly and patiently so she doesn’t get the wrong idea. “I’m not gay.” 
“Eddie,” she says with a barely contained edge of exasperation that can only be perfected by someone who deals with very young children or a stream of incompetent, rude, bigoted, ignorant assholes on a regular basis. “Liking men doesn’t automatically mean ‘gay.’ There’s infinite variation between ‘gay’ and ‘straight.’ It’s not an ‘either/or’ situation. Sexuality is complex, multilayered. Gender identity is the same way. People don’t fit in neat categories.”
Eddie lets out a sigh that is almost as agitated as he is, and he tries very hard not to roll his eyes. No one wants to be on the end of an annoyed, grumpy Hen. “I’m not bi either. I’m not being—” When he tries to think of a word to describe what he’s trying to describe, and comes up with nothing. His mind is blank. Zero. Run dry. Wiped clean of everything. Much like the whole of his love life or sexuality or whatever they’re going to call it. He settles for, “Like that. I’m not homophobic. I love you. And Karen. And I don’t— There’s nothing wrong with it. I don’t think there is. I don’t have a problem with anyone being gay or whatever else. I’m just not— I’m not. Queer. That’s not me. I’m not—”
His breath stops and his words fail and he’s pretty sure his hands and fingers go numb. Somewhere across the station, Buck laughs. He’s laughing. In a bright, joyous, throw your head back and burst with happiness from the depths of your whole heart and soul. Because Buck is like that. He’s glowing, wonderful, pure sunshine and warmth. 
And Eddie knows his voice. Eddie knows his laugh. 
Eddie knows his smile and his warmth and his endless loyalty and devotion so well that it makes his own chest tighten. 
How can anyone breathe properly in the face of something so magnificent? How can anyone’s heart not rush after hearing him, watching him, knowing him? 
It’s normal. There’s nothing extraordinary about it. Buck is extraordinary but this isn’t extraordinary. If you watched a vivid sunset or held a sleeping child or ate your favorite meal or heard your favorite song or somehow found peace, contentment, reprieve from loneliness— it’s only reasonable that you’d get a flood of happy chemicals through your body that make you feel pleasant. 
That’s all it is. There’s nothing more to it. 
Eddie swallows hard and his skin prickles electric danger in the air all around him. “I can’t be. It’s not that— I’m not being— I’m just not. That. I can’t be that.” 
Hen’s gaze narrows like she’s diagnosing problems and wow, does Eddie need their shift to be over immediately. Why has it only barely started. She tips her head, looks at him sideways, looks elsewhere in the station like maybe in the direction of Buck and his laugh and his happiness and life-giving sunshine. “You can’t be that,” she says still without looking at him, like it’s not a question and she’s not expecting an answer, and there are alarms in his head and knots in his stomach and neon warning lights everywhere. 
That’s right. He can’t be that. He can’t be and he’s not, and it has nothing to do with sexuality or orientation or homophobia or fucked up expectations for someone of a certain gender. 
And Hen of course zeros in on that. “You can’t be queer,” she says again like it’s so simple and easy and fragile and why does it feel thinner than ice in 120° Los Angeles summer? “Because then you could be in love with Buck.”
Is it hot in here? Of course it’s hot in here. It’s far too hot and Eddie has on too many layers. Not that he wants to take off anything because Buck — and Chimney but Chim isn’t the whole fucking issue here — bounds up the stairs and over to the sofas where Eddie and Hen were drinking coffee and not discussing anything. They weren’t talking and there were no comments or incriminating accusations made. Buck plops himself right next to Eddie (because why wouldn’t he) and then launches into a story, something Chim had been telling him about Jee-Yun and Maddie and bubble soap, and Buck is beaming and clearly trying not to get too animated or bouncy with his wild gestures and reenactments. 
But maybe that’s only clear to Eddie. Because he knows how Buck gets when he’s excited and how he tries to hold himself back and it makes tension wind through his back and shoulders and thighs—
And Eddie is not thinking about Buck’s thighs. 
Eddie is not looking at Buck at all. 
No one can look directly at the sun. They’ll only be burned. They’ll only be blinded. 
It would only ruin everything. 
But there’s warmth next to Eddie. Enough that his skin is too cold, too icy, and his heart is too frozen, and of course none of Eddie dating ever works and of course Eddie never feels anything. There may be faraway stars but his universe spins around and pulls him into the sun. There’s only one sun. There’s only one Buck. 
He smells like coconut and vanilla. Sweetness and softness that’s rare and rich and decadent. They’re not even touching but he’s so close, they could. If they wanted. 
If he wanted, he could touch. If he wanted, he could pull Buck into his arms and kiss him and Eddie could love him the way he should be and Eddie would never let him feel undeserving or like he isn’t enough and Eddie wouldn’t let go of him for a single moment.
Eddie can’t think like that. He can’t because he’s not into anyone, never will be into anyone, and that’s the end of it. 
He’s not in love with Buck. He can’t be. It’s impossible. 
Buck laughs again as he finishes his story and immediately turns to Eddie with his big blue eyes and his bright smile and his effusive personality. 
Eddie smiles back, he tries to but knows it’s weak and that anyone could see through it. But Buck especially will be able to. So, Eddie does what he does best. 
He gets up and runs. 
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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I shower for ages, standing underneath the piping hot water with the pressure on its highest setting because I like the way it pummels the aching muscles in my shoulders and my back. This is the border of punishment and pleasure. I stay like this until I hear the dressing room doors open and all of the other boys coming in with loud, raucous laughter and the clack of the metal studs of their rugby boots on the tiles. 
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“Let off early, Turner?” one of them calls to me as I round the corner of the shower room towelling my hair. 
“Yeah, I’ve plans,” I explain, and as I dress myself by the lockers they all chortle and speculate loudly about the nature of said mysterious plans.
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“You’re right,” I say when they suggest that I’m fucking Doherty’s wife, and they love that. They laugh with delight because I am a good sport and I play along with whatever they’re talking about, laughing whenever they’re attempting to be funny. Jen criticises me for this, she says my teammates are like my cronies, whatever that means. That they all follow me around and try to to impress me, but that’s not it. Some of them are nice, they just don’t always know what’s funny and what’s not, what kind of hair looks good, what music to listen to. They need someone else to tell them. 
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Back in my uniform my footsteps echo in the school hallway. The cleaners are working in the classrooms. I hear them hoovering the floors and emptying the bins, and around the corner some guy is going through his locker. He jumps when he sees me. 
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“Evan,” I saunter in his direction, “Still here?”
“Detention,” he seems pleased with himself, like detention is a fitting part of his self-image. I note the way he pushes his thick fringe out of his eyes as he says this as though I, Jude Turner, am not the worst behaved boy at school. Perhaps he would like me to be shocked or ask him what he did, and I would if I were remotely interested in knowing.
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“New eyebrow piercing,” I note, “Did you get that from Santa?”
He scowls. I think Evan knows when I’m joking, I believe he is smart enough to note the difference in my tone but he always does this, acts like I’m being mean because it confirms his biases about people like him and people like me. He doesn't want to get along and prefers to believe that we are a different species who are not supposed to be normal with one another. He gets off on the idea of being the enemy of the boys who play rugby, even though it’s mostly not true. Actually, most of them don’t even know who he is. I know because I brought him up in the dressing room before and they were all confused.
The only reason I know who he is is because he’s going out with Michelle, hence contact with him is inevitable. 
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“Says you, with the earrings,” he bites back, but I just shrug. They look good and he knows it. 
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I move around him and he shifts his body to shield his open locker “A bit protective of your locker, there,” I observe, “Hiding something?”
“Not your business.”
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“Right, cool. Well, good chatting to you as always, this was so nice. I’m off now to-” I pause. It’s probably not going to be very funny to say spend the evening at your girlfriend’s house judging by how poorly this conversation has gone already. “Um, to go home. See ya, Evan.” 
He grunts. 
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Mist creeps in from the sea that evening and it sits around the yard, lit up orange from the street lights. A girl I used to talk to is at the school gates, and my stomach sinks with dread when I see her. 
“Hey, Jude,” she says, quietly, her voice almost obscured by the swoosh of a passing car, so I pretend not to hear her and hop the wall so that I can avoid passing her at the gate. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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incendio22 · 1 year
Chapter 4: The Three Broomsticks
The conversation with Ominis lingered in my mind throughout the entire day. After classes I decide I need to talk to Sebastian. I need to get things off my chest. He is most likely in the Slytherin common room or the library. I decide to start with the library since I know it's one of the places that brings him comfort and for some reason I sense he needs just that.
I enter the massive library. Bookshelves climbing each and every wall all the way up to the roof. For someone who loves books, like Sebastian, I can really see why it is a place of comfort and peace. The atmosphere in the library is calming. I see a group of Ravenclaw students studying. I shrug my shoulders and think that only a Ravenclaw would be studying the first day of the semester. I see Amit amongst them. He looks incredibly focused and does not notice me. I wander through the library and try to see Sebastian, but he is nowhere to be found. A ghost flies by and I nod out of politeness. I make my way to the common room, but he is not there either. I see Imelda, and even though I despise her she might have knowledge of Sebastian's whereabouts.
''How was quidditch camp?'' I ask her politely since I overheard her talking about a summer quidditch camp.
''It was absolutely marvelous!'' She looks ecstatic that I asked her. ''I think I have a good shot at becoming quidditch captain this year actually. Have you thought about trying out for the team?''
Sports were never really my thing in muggle school, but I did however have some good skills on the broomstick. Even though the thought did not fully appeal to me, it's too soon to say no.
''I havent't really thought about it,'' I admit. ''Do you really think I'd be a good fit for the team?''
''Hear me out,'' Imelda leans in and lowers her voice. ''No one has ever beaten me in my practice exercises, and we both know that I am the best flyer at school. I think you could make the cut.''
''Well, I'm happy to hear. I need to think about it, then.'' I say and smile to her. ''Have you seen Sebastian?''
''As a matter of fact, I have.'' She says and her voice is back in her normal pitch. ''However, I won't tell you unless you tell me what is going on between the two of you. I saw some sparks flying last year, but they seemed to die before the O.W.L.s... People, I mean, I am wondering.''
Her face looks devious and I really do not want to share the story with her. But knowing Imelda, she won't give me an answer unless I provide her with at least a crumble of what she wants.
''I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we are just friends. And had a small falling out when we got caught up in the stress of the O.W.L.s,'' I say, hoping she does not see my lie.
''Y/n,'' Imelda leans in again. ''I know a lie when I hear one. But I am also kind enough to understand that you don't want to tell me.'' She looks bitter and her facial expressions almost scare me. ''He was heading to Hogsmeade. Alone. However, next time you need a favour from me - Don't come empty handed.''
''Thank you, Imelda.'' I say and I try my very best to look grateful. Stupid witch, I think. Expecting strangers to spill their secrets to her.
I head out to the clocktower courtyard and mount my broom. It's gonna be a quick fly to Hogsmeade. As I take off and leave the castle behind me I see a thestral flying in the sky, just over the forbidden forest. I lean forward, increasing the speed of the broom and feel the chilly, autumn air stroking my cheeks. My hands are almost numb, since I forgot gloves. I land just outside of Hogsmeade and walk the last bit, thinking that he must be at the Three Bromsticks. I walk rapidly and greet Sirona in the bar. On the top floor I see him, sitting in a corner with a book in his hand. I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
''What?'' He asks angrily before he turns around and sees me. ''Oh. It's you.'' His voice softens and he puts the book down. The best healing plants I read on the front.
''Still looking for a cure?'' I nod towards the book and sit myself down on the seat next to him. He nods.
''I will never stop looking for a cure.'' He looks sad. ''I keep thinking that if I find a cure, she may forgive me. I know it's silly, because how could she ever forgive me after what I did?''
There and then, I want to put his hands in mine to comfort him. But I know that by doing so and not having only friendly intentions, I might risk our friendship. And it is not a gamble I am willing to risk.
''You need to give her time, it's still very fresh.'' I say in my most sympathetic voice. ''It hasn't even been six months. It's gonna take some time for her wounds to heal.''
''I guess you're right. And I need to make amends with others, too.'' He says. His eyes are fixated on the small glass of fire whiskey.
''Really?'' I ask. Genuinely wondering who he is referring to.
''Let me buy you a drink.'' He insists. ''Assuming you chased me here, it's quite rude of me to not even offer you something to drink. What do you want?''
''A butterbeer, thank you.'' I say. He stands up and makes his way down the stairs.
I can hear him and Sirona talking. He sounds amused, laughing at whatever she is saying. A short moment after I see him coming back up the stairs with one glass of butterbeer in each hand. He gives me a large smile.
''One butterbeer for the new girl.'' He puts it down next to me on the table. He knows that I despise that nickname, but I don't say anything. ''So, travelling all around Europe this summer?''
''Yeah,'' I nod. ''Like I said, Paris was best by far. The rest is kind of a blur. Have you ever been there?''
''No, I barely leave Feldcroft.'' He admits, looking a bit ashamed. ''I did, however, read about Paris after you wrote that you went there.'' He looks into my eyes. ''Let me tell you, there is not much to be found about that city in wizard books. I had to travel quite far to get my hands on a muggle book about it.''
''Really?'' I ask, genuinely surprised he went that far to look up what I wrote him about. ''You could just have asked me to bring you one.''
''I haven't really been in a good state since, you know, so I didn't want to ask any favours of you.'' He looks down again. When he looks sad, he looks small. Almost childish. Not in a bad way, but more in an innocent kind of way. He looks like the kind of person you could never lay a hand on to hurt them.
''After what we went through I assumed we could ask the other one for favours.'' I say with resistance to his statement.
''You're right. Like I said, I haven't been myself since that. I did bad things to many people whom I care about. That does something to your mind.''
''I understand,'' I say with compassion. It's almost like I forget that I got hurt by the fire, too. ''Well, I hope in the future you can come to me.''
''I did enjoy reading about Paris.'' Sebastian changes the subject really fast. I assume I hit a sensitive spot. ''I would love to see it someday.''
''Oh, it's absolutely marvellous!'' I say with excitement, some foam from the butterbeer still on my upper lip. ''It's a stunning city with great architecture and the atmosphere is just... Romantic.''
He looks into my eyes and smiles. His hand is approaching my face and he strokes his thumb on my upper lip to remove the foam that I was too excited to notice. It feels almost electric, his thumb on my lip. I want to hold still and keep it like that for eternity, but my reflexes pull me away.
''Just some foam.'' He says, breaking his eye contact and looking slightly embarrassed. ''What I found most exciting about Paris is how many things happened to the city, almost breaking down completely from the revolution and uprisings. Just to find some peace and building it all back up.'' He looks around the room. We are alone. ''It just brings me some hope, if you understand.''
I nod, because I really do understand.
''I think you should talk to Ominis.'' I say. Now it's me changing the subject abruptly.
''I doubt he wants to.'' Sebastian looks a bit upset. ''I want to give him some time and space. And when the timing is right, he can let me know.''
''It does not always work like that.'' I tilt my head and look at him with empathy. ''You hurt him, Sebastian. And yes, he needs time. But first and foremost, he needs an apology. And then you can give him some more space.''
Sebastian nods and finishes his butterbeer.
''I owe you an apology, too.'' He says hesitantly. His voice is barely audible. ''For everything.''
''Thank you, Sebastian.'' I smile at him and without even thinking about it, my hand reaches for his. I put my hand on top of his and start stroking it. ''I have already forgiven you.''
''You are one of the best people I have ever met and I would never put you through that again.'' He squeezes my hand and once again, I get that electric feeling.
We decide it's time to head back to the castle. It's really cold, especially without gloves and scarf. I tell Sebastian that I have my broom with me, but we decide to walk. We walk through the dark and foggy September night, letting the frost bite our cheeks. I start shivering and Sebastian looks at me.
''Merlin's beard! You do not even have a scarf with you?!'' He asks with an upset tone. ''Here, take this.''
Before I can talk back he has taken his scarf off and puts it around my neck.
''Much better.'' He says proudly and grins at me. ''Now we just need to get you to the castle before you turn into an icicle.''
We walk slowly to the castle, despite the biting cold. Because right in this moment, with the tiny raindrops and stars in the night sky, everything feels peaceful.
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Gareth HCs
A/N- I was so thankful to have both parts of my Gareth HCs saved 🥰 unfortunately i still haven’t been able to find my Eddie HCs but i feel like if i’m unable to find them i’ll still be able to rewrite and repost them soon :p
❗️Please remember that these are MY personal HCs, it’s alright to agree or disagree with them, just make sure to be nice if you have some criticism❗️
Gareth has been aged up to 18 for the NSFW HCs :)
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He’s definitely the older brother of like 2-3 sisters, and i like that everyone seems to agree on that 😂
His parents are ex-hippies, so they’re super into letting him and his sisters express themselves in whatever ways they see fit
Which is why they let the band practice in their garage, and it’s also the normal hang out spot for the boys
Total mommas boy, but not overly weird about it
He just loves his mom :)
LOVES sci-fi and horror films
His favorites are Alien (obviously), Night of the Comet, and The Thing
He also doesn’t listen to strictly metal, his music taste is kind of all over the place from listening to his parents old records and his sisters singing their favorite songs in the car
His #1 guilty pleasure artist is Kylie Minogue
He is VERY oblivious to whenever someone is flirting with him
It took a lot of convincing from Jeff that when you twirl your hair while talking to him, that means you’re flirting
Doesn’t have a lot of experience with dating, other than the elementary school version of a girlfriend, he’s never actually been in a serious relationship
Him and Jeff have been best friends since they were little, they’re pretty much inseparable at this point
He made it pretty clear that when you date him, expect to have Jeff around you guys a lot
But he makes sure to still have special nights just for you two
His favorite dates are ones where you don’t need to get all dressed up and actually go out and do something
He loves going on long backroad drives to just talk and listen to music, stargazing, snuggling while watching a movie, things like that :)
Snuggling with him is always the best because he’s constantly cold, so he likes to get really close under the blankets
He gets very nervous around you even after you start dating
Like he’ll still ask if it’s ok to hold your hand
He’s also a really good listener, and loves to hear your voice at any chance he gets
Definitely a sub
He’s not the type of guy who’s super comfortable with being dominant, but he has his moments
Loves when you call him a good boy
He’s not super loud during sex, just because he gets a little insecure about it, but he’s definitely a whimperer
Prefers to receive rather than to give, just because he doesn’t have much knowledge on how to do it right and he doesn’t want to make it not good for you
His favorite part of your body has to be your lips
He loves how soft they are when he kisses you and he thinks they look so pretty wrapped around his cock
Gets hard just from making out
Loves to have you on top, just so he can get a good look at your entire body and run his fingers over every inch of you
He doesn’t smoke often but you convinced him one night to try high sex and now it’s his absolute favorite way to sleep with you
Pretty vanilla, but he’s not afraid to try new things out
Definitely has a mommy kink, he loves to be praised and taken care of
He’s also not opposed to pegging but he has to be in the mood for it
If you’d like to read more of my work, make sure to check out my masterlist 🥰
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blood-bound · 8 months
for mark: 13, 19, 21, 32, 36, 51, 59, 63, 69
HIII thank u for sending! - 13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
Uhmmm I don’t know if I have specific motifs but here are some things that are like. His. ~He says “very funny” a lot sarcastically - intentionally done early on ~He wears sweater vests a lot - ST made it canon because he is wearing them in a lot of art of his ~In general themes of privacy (or the lack therof) are things his story deals with FUCK IDK I can’t think of anything good im sorryy
19. what sparks genuine, unadulterated rage in them?
Due to the blood bond, criticizing/demonizing (in his view) Julius can piss him off really fast. It did so in game even when his touchstone did it, to the point where he shoved him and had to leave to prevent more violence. He will also get incredibly angry if someone were to tell him that humans are all evil/useless/pointless but is better at hiding that if needed. 
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you?
Me? No idea. I hope he does not die anytime soon. I want him to die after unliving longer than a human one but not so long that he loses too much humanity. Him? He is hoping that he lives forever. If you got an honest answer out of him he would probably say he expects to die trying to free himself from Julius one of these nights, but hopefully not anytime soon. 
32. which of your decisions led to their voice being the way it is?
I’m confused on this being literal voice or like. Voice in like how they speak so I will answer how he speaks because I feel that actual has reasoning behind it other than vibes? His pretentious way of speaking came from me deciding he will put on a strict persona normally of being a professor nerdy guy. He hides a lot of himself which is why he keeps his tone more flat, and sometimes snarky, to fit that persona. 
36. how do they fidget?
Mark plays with his glasses a lot of a lot. Usually keeping them on his face, constant minor adjustments. He’ll wring his hands excessively if he doesn't have them for whatever reason; he isn’t comfortable without them. 
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
Honestly a lot of his backstory came much later and was fleshed out after a very long time and the ST helped a lot with the more immediate backstory bits.. Hm. 
On initial creation the thing I am most proud of making A Thing was making him a former street racer cause that really helped to start fleshing him out. At this point the thing I am most proud of is probably essentially tracing the broad strokes of his whole human life - the city he went to. How school was for him. His parent’s jobs. What his uni life was like. Why his touchstones were so important. Stuff like that. I also like that I figured out things about his autism that are similar AND different from mine. That isn't one element so uhm. One element is how he believes in the good of humanity and how that is tied to his passion for history :)
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with?
Mark thinks human society gets better slowly and incrementally. That’s fine and I agree it is getting better - I just disagree that it's a slow incremental process. People have to fight for it and people have fought for it. It doesn't happen naturally over time. Hmm what else. Oh he also believes in soulmates and ‘the one’ and all of that, and has a very idealistic, non-materialist view of love and romance. I don’t agree with that either - soul mates aren’t really a thing. And unlike Mark I do not think romantic relationships have to be/are always the most meaningful ones in someone’s life. 
63. what’s a meme or tiktok or vine (or whatever) that you associate with them?
I don’t really have any augh. :( I mean. When I hear ‘sad wet pathetic dog of a man’ that’s Mark 100 percent. Does that count. OH WAIT I DO HAVE A VIDEO: https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/728585123578118144?source=share&ref=_tumblr
him as a living professor
69. what’s one secret they don’t want getting out?
Mark has a lot they don’t want getting out… he doesn’t want people to know Sampson is not blood bonded to him, nor that he cares about him. He doesn’t want people to know who his sire is. He doesn’t want anyone to know he is trying to kill his sire. He doesn’t want people to know he’s gay. He doesn’t want people to know that he feels lonely. He doesn’t want people to know that he finds most kindred’s attitudes towards kind abhorrent. He doesn’t want people to know that he has a soft spot for the gargoyles. 
Honestly he doesn’t want the vast majority people to really know him at all. Only the image he projects. 
Still though, of the above the one he would choose to hide if he could only pick one is the one about killing his sire. That one would cause either his final death or total blood-bond enslavement forever. 
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payservewomen · 4 months
I’m tempted to say “I’ve hit a new low”😔 but in reality, I’ve been at rock bottom for…a very long time. Years I suppose.
But at least a few years ago, I interacted with women outside of work. But now? I don’t even leave my bedroom on my days off from work.
I sit on my bed, watching humiliation clips; calling ignore phone lines; taking embarrassing photos of myself; edging myself, oftentimes for many hours(almost never less than 4hrs. up to 12hrs)
The one newer development is- I’ll edge for a while, but then the sadness/anxiety makes me go limp….or i’ll be semi hard but my loser penis only grows slightly larger.
It’s like i’m trying to keep in as small as possible, because I know it should be teeny tiny. It CAN grow to 7in but considering how pathetic I am, part of me wishes I had a microdick. Then I could forget these thoughts i have of becoming a normal person again.
Then I could search 24/7 for a superior woman who wants to use and abuse me.
I fantasize about meeting a woman and dating….Getting comfortable with her to the point that I’m able to do the best I’m capable of in making her orgasm…. But then we open up and share kinks etc….and i know as time goes on, there will be many times my dick doesn’t work.
Slowly over time, she realizes just how much of a beta i am, and begins flirting with real, confident men.
By this time, we’re living together; Maybe one month she asks me to cover all the rent, then bills and spends her money on going out….Then a “friend” of hers(maybe with a unisex name that’s usually a woman’s name)is coming into town; she offers our place to stay….Tells me to make dinner etc saying “ali loves lobster tails and filet mignon! I know ur low on money, but it’s ok! I’ll still have enough left until ur next paycheck! Thanks sweetie! Maybe we’ll meet at the airport, then I’ll let you know when we’re on our way, flight gets in i think about 5pm but who knows if it’ll be on time”
I get off work, begin prepping everything….texting her asking if ali’s plane arrived at 5:30….”it did but we’re tryna find the luggage etc. With traffic it’ll take quite a while, plan for a late dinner!”
By 6:30, still nothing, so i text then call to find her phones off.
I figure she’ll probably be walking in any minute….So i check the “find my iphone” tryna be extra sweet and have everything timed perfectly. I see it moved from the airport towards home and begin making dinner….Until i realize another hour has passed. I check it again to see it’s been somewhere between home and the airport for 2 hours now!
Next thing i know, it’s 10, then 11, then 12 midnight!
I’m dozing off and finally see a text “Omg babe i’m sorry! I lost track of time! Ali said getting a hotel room would be easier, and we’ve just been catching up but ugh it got so late and you know how i don’t like to drive at night anyway, so I’m just gonna stay here tonight, see ya tomorrow!”
I just fall asleep, and wake in the AM to see several weird video texts from a number i don’t know….I hear giggling and a man’s voice….almost seeming like someone’s trying to record something and my gf saying “no stop don’t! that’s mean ali!” There’s at least 4-5 clips like that, the last one ending with my girlfriends sexy belly on the screen. I figure ohhh they’re just having fun i guess? But it did give me a bad feeling in my stomach….
Those vids were sent at about 1am. Then at 2am, just a close up of what i’m sure is my gf’s skin, but i can’t tell what part of her body…..but the audio on it was simply my gfs voice sounding like she’s whining or moaning or something? and saying “mmmmm ohhhhk fuck it”
Then 30mins later the clip begins blacked out, but with clear audio…just sounds like licking and slurping….Then a man’s voice “yeah worship it bitch. Now, say it” then the phone moves, showing an arrogant looking man smiling, then it slowly pans down over his entire perfectly fit muscular body….very slowly, stopping on each part of his stunningly perfect body….i mean this guy had an 8pack! Absolutely chiseled in every way. Then it stops to show his abs and v-lines, and then slowly shows his balls…I didn’t know balls could actually be that big!
Then slowly as possible, the camera moves to show the thickest cock i’ve ever seen!
Then the vids stop…but there’s a text at 4am with only an address….my gf knows i wake up for work at 4am…
i call and text her but her phones off ofc. I go to work, and finally around noon, my gf calls saying she’s going shopping with Ali, saying she didn’t bring any of her credit cards asking if i’ve got any money left…i tell her i’m not sure how much, but i’ve got $500 in a sportsbook app from winning the night before…”omg babe that’s perfect! Don’t worry i can move it from there, is it your normal password?” I answer yes, and ask her just to leave at least $100 or so….
And ask if theyre gonna be having dinner tonight…”yeah sweetie we are! I’ll let you know when we’re on the way”
I ask her wtf all those vids were. and who that guy was and she replies “huh? Wait what? You’re telling me you got videos from a random number?! And it had a perfect man’s body with a horse cock?! Lol babe i dunno what websites you’ve been visiting but i’d imagine it’s something to do with that!🤣 What?! u think i’m cheating on you with an old friend or something?! jk! Love u babe”
I hang up the phone and immediately get the same text with the same address, i look up the address to find a really really nice hotel is there. Then another text comes through simply saying “penthouse suite, beta cuck”
Then another text….just a screenshot of a receipt from stub hub for tickets to the nuggets game that night, 5:10pm. 2 tickets, $250 each, wow, better than i’ve ever had for sure.
Then one more text again with the hotels address, saying “ur welcome to stop by whenever, but i suggest you either wait for us to get there or something. not getting up to open the door if we busy fuckin. Can’t wait to see your bitch ass cry🤣”
This one hits me like a ton of bricks and it’s feeling more n more that it’s gotta be exactly what it seems….but no way she’d do this to me!
The great part of our relationship is complete and total honesty and openness! My gf, allison is kinky and loves to be a dirty slut, and we have talked about her fucking others, maybe even a gangbang!
But we’d only done a handful of super kinky things….we’re both submissive so it’s kinda hard to push it and try really crazy n kinky things….we both need that more aggressive attitude!
But i know she loves me deeply. We’ve such an intensely strong emotional connection, more than either of us ever have!
Still no word from my gf and it’s 8pm. At 9pm she finally texts me but it’s the exact same as from the other phone number and it’s just the hotel address and room number…..I call her back, and it rings and rings until going to voicemail. Maybe she didn’t hear it, i call again…it rings 3-4times, less than the last time, then goes to voicemail. I try again and it rings twice then voicemail….Again, same thing. I call yet AGAIN, prob the 6th time and it goes straight to voicemail!
I check the phone locator app and see her phone was at ball arena(nuggets play there)the length of the game….and moved to exactly where the hotel is.
I get dressed, now fearing the worst, but thinking “ok this makes no sense! Either she’s playing some joke on me; something weird like that or some surprise for me?”But i do realize that the most likely thing is…maybe she’s been partying with her friend, she cheated and isn’t sure how to deal with me…..But what’s up with the pics etc? ofc she’s aware of my pervy kinks etc, and she’s prob making it seem like she’s cheating on me, i’m hoping!
I walk to the light rail station, and get on the train….Ugh yeh don’t have the money to get an uber…i checked my bet365 account to see its at zero!
Wtf?! I had some futures bets….ones i could cash out for about $250 total, but they were all just cashed out! i’ve not one bet at all and no money here!
I see that $800 was withdrawn and my bank account was credited $800! But $500 used for the tickets, and $300 spent at some weird fancy store downtown.
Ok that’s it i’ve gotta see what’s up as i’m sitting on the train, mind running wild. Fuck, i gotta get off and walk 20mins, then get a bus!
I get off the train, walking to the bus stop…..Bus finally comes and oh fuck, as i’m tryna buy a bus ticket on the app(for $2.75) It dawns on me “fuck i don’t have enough money in my account” i look at the driver and say “i’m not sure why it’s not working” he looks at it and says “yeah cuz you’re card is being declined, sorry” and closes the doors.
I’m defeated and want to cry. Looking at google, i see it’ll take 2.5 hours to walk there….
It’s now almost 10pm and i consider going back home, but then wtf?! I can’t just sit at home wondering wtf is going on!
So i walk and walk…i watch the clip again and again of the perfect man’s body, fantasizing that the woman i’m in love with is cheating on me in the meanest way possible….Finally, it’s after midnight and I arrive at the hotel….I ask the front desk how to get to the penthouse, and she tells me “the elevator is right over there, but Sir, there isn’t anyone staying there right now”
I thank her and walk away tryna figure out what to do.
I text my gf asking why she texted me that address. she texts back right away with another address! I lose it and call a few times, each time it’s sent to voicemail. I text her back yelling “OK WTF is going on?! What’s your problem? Tell me what’s happening right fucking now!”
She texts back “i’m sorry sweetie, i didn’t mean to upset you! Just having fun with my friend, sorry guess i didn’t realize….I’ll be home tonight, but we’re out, omg babe i’m so drunk! I’ll see you at home, probably late!”
So i begin to walk back home…and remember the light rail isn’t running anymore….Now, I’ve got a 3.5 hour walk!
Finally i arrive home, it rained a little and i’m soaked, socks wet, and miserable and exhausted….
I open the door and hear slurping sounds and my gf giggling. My heart sinks and i already know what’s happening….I yell “wtf are you laughing about?! The fuck is wrong with you, ur being a fucking bitch!”
And i see the same man from the clips emerge from my bedroom, butt naked….he’s holding my favorite shirt, sweat dripping off his immaculate body and he wipes it off, then wipes his asshole with it, now it has skidmarks and throws it at me, saying “wtf did you say bitch?”
I ask who he is and what he’s doing at my place he replies “whatever tf i feel like doing faggot!” I say no it’s my place, and no i’m not gay” i emphasize gay, since i’m not a fan of bigotry and homophobia…”yeh didn’t say your gay, but you ARE a bitch ass faggot! Wtf you gonna do about it, huh? that’s wtf i thought, now, on your knees…obey or i’m gonna beat you up so badly….maybe you’ll get outta the hospital by the time i get out of jail, but it’s your choice” while making his pecs bounce in a very intimidating way. he walks up to me cracking his knuckles saying “ya know, i really DO hope you put up a fight; nobody ever wants to fight me” I look him up and down, knowing he’d kill me quickly….He’s gotta be a foot taller than me….im 5’9 and he’s gotta be at least 6’6!
I ask if i can take my shoes and wet socks off first and he laughs then slaps me in the face, open handed but hard, immediately followed by a left handed slap, i lose my balance and stumble to my knees, then i say “ok ok” on my knees looking up at him.
“Thank me for bullying you. Do it bitch” i thank him, he laughs, spits on me and gives me a wedgie….i make noise indicating it’s hurting, and he proceeds to give me an atomic wedgie…laughs then demands i take my clothes off but keep my wet socks on….
He laughs hysterically at my dick and shouts “baby, how tf were you actually fucking THIS?! omfg, ok come on slut”
And i see my love…she’s crawling on all fours..crawls up to this greek god and begins kissing his feet. She works her way up his legs, as she kisses and licks literally every inch of his perfect body.
Ali then says “ok now, don’t make me tell you again”
She looks me directly in my eyes “Bobby, keep looking in my eyes, ali says we must keep eye contact and he’s in charge here, ok? Please listen to what he says, i don’t want you to get hurt, i really don’t…not physically anyway. I say that because i i i DO want you to get emotionally hurt. I am sorry but when Ali told me he wanted to fuck me, i told him about you. Over months he kept teasing me for fucking such a loser; i love you but you are a loser. He’s been sending me pics of him, and the girls he fucks and omg babe, they cum so hard, and I fondly remembered being fucked by ali. I broke up with him cuz he cheated constantly and i thought that wasn’t ok, Now i realize how superior he is. It’s a small price to pay to be allowed to touch a superior man, im sure you understand. After i admitted how badly i wanted him he began insulting you and making fun of you. He made me take pics and record our sex, and that’s why i haven’t cum in so long, he said i wasn’t allowed with a loser like you. Ali is a sadist, he loves to make women worship him and loves nothing more than breaking beta men like you. That’s not an insult; you’re a beta, he’s an alpha, ya know?
He’s been planning for months to do this….it’s his masterpiece of destroying a loser!”
By this time i’m crying, tears streaming down my face…
“now bobby, we’re recording all of this and you’re now going to thank ali for making your fantasies come true. I know it hurts; the goal is to break you. Ali and i will marry, and you will work for us and live in a tiny room in the basement. U will be used and abused. I know it hurts but this is your new life now. Sure you can run away or something, but then ali will send all the vids and clips to your entire contact list.
But right now you’re going to beg ali to let you eat his sweaty asshole, do it you fucking piece of shit!” By this time ali is rubbing her pussy with his foot and it’s making her horny af….mmm fuck, i fucking hate you loser!” And she spits on me, confusing and hurting me.
I begin to beg to eat his asshole….
And wow, I began this planning on just whining about being so sad and pathetic but then wrote all this…wow i’ve got issues
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aeniqmata · 2 years
@diabolikxyui​ answered:
yui was EXCITED. she was able to go out to a party. with humans, with people she could go out and talk to. people she could be normal around. yui couldn’t remember the last time she had been out unescorted, let alone to a party full of people.
of course, she was an optimist. she focused on the good parts, not the fact that she didn’t really know anyone who would be there. or that there might be issues with drink or anything else. or the fact she really didn’t know how to act in parties. in fact, her only concerns were that she didn’t know what to wear. her last costume party had been when she was a tiny kid, and apparently cat costumes for those her age were a bit… revealing. some quick searches showed that a lot of costumes were revealing and for people with CONFIDENCE. that wasn’t her.
but it did give her an idea. maybe she could wear something that would give her confidence. was it a good idea to go as him? maybe not. joker… yeah, it fit, a costume party was come as you aren’t right? a THIEF yeah. she could do that, maybe it would give her an edge, a confidence she needed. yui loved to talk to people but she was still sheltered and naive, and it would take a bit of courage to put herself out there.
the costume was easy enough to put together, though she tried her best to get details right.
when she got to the party she was still incredibly excited. there were so many people, she wanted to try her best to have fun and have new experiences. but it quickly got overwhelming… there were SO many people. that was good and bad. she recognised no one. a cup of strong smelling alcohol was thrust her way, but she couldn’t bring herself to drink it. tried to back away.
yui’s costume certainly wasn’t like everyone else’s flashy outfits… did she choose wrong? she back up, biting her bottom lip. stepping back again and - right into someone.
“sorry r-really sorry!” it came out quickly, in her soft and lilting tone. she turned quickly, come face to face and so close with…. huh?! yui brightened immediately. she didn’t know who was behind the mask but it didn’t matter! same costumes~ and there’s was so impressive. someone else came as a phantom thief too?
“we have the same costume,” she cheered happily, her soft voice just making it over the noise of the crowd. “amazing~ that’s so great! your costume looks so impressive.” it made her so happy to see. so that made joker their favourite too?
The infiltration wasn’t supposed to go this badly. Something had kicked him out of the MetaVerse, but hadn’t changed him back into normal clothes. Or at least that was what he thought, but it seemed that instead, a whole host of normal people had been pulled into the MetaVerse by unknown means. A whole party he’d wandered across with people in danger. So he’d stayed nearby, waiting for the rest of his team to find him. They’d find the party and they could take things from there.
Or that had been the plan until he’d found a shadow or two wandered around the outskirts of the party, looking to pray on these people. It’d take very little effort for him to either dispose of them or scare them off. Shadows were attracted to the strength of his will, and would follow him away from nearly anyone else. 
So he began mingling, or at least wandering around the party and steadfastly avoiding the alcohol that he was sure was spiked with something. And he had been doing a good job of it until someone had nearly taken him entirely off his feet. Someone dressed exactly like him and with a voice that he would recognize regardless. The same girl he’d met in the park that Succubus had him kiss.
“ you have some of the worst luck i have ever seen, my little trickster. “
“ Yeah, I’ve been a fan of the Phantom Thieves for a while now. Though if I could be a little forward, this doesn’t seem like a place you would normally be found. Did you get invited here? “ His voice was only loud enough for her to hear, leaning in to speak in her ear. Worst case scenario, someone else might recognize his voice and it would be harder to work, and he would do all he could to prevent it.
“ I can’t stay for long, but you should not be here. It’s not safe, and it’d be better to either find another party or go home. “ Far away from the MetaVerse and the Shadows looking for a snack in the middle of the night. He turned to walk away, back towards an alley where he could easily get back onto a rooftop. He needed height to look for his friends, he’d decided, and the music and lights were making it hard to see from down below.
He could only hope that she would listen and leave, not follow him or stay at the party.
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
Best Day of the Year
A/N: Been holding onto this one for awhile. Happy Birthday to our favorite Special Agent! Rated T for language.
40. The big 4-0. Many people hate the age and the so-called mid-life crisis that’s supposed to come with it. She’s only 19 hours into her first day and it’s already the best year of her life. It couldn’t’ve started more perfect. Her husband woke her up with sweet kisses, singing his own rendition of happy birthday to her before they joined their very enthusiastic girls in the kitchen who had cooked up a mean breakfast fit for one Kensi Blye Deeks. A stack of chocolate chip pancakes, candles, and another round of happy birthday later, the family of four spent the rest of the morning at the beach, surfing. 
After their morning at the beach, Fatima and the two Roundtree siblings picked up Rosa and Pilar, whisking them away to Disney for the weekend. Now here they are…just the two of them, walking down the street to the restaurant of her choosing. She’s not all that into PDA but today’s just too perfect not to be. Her arms have been wrapped around her husband’s since they stepped out of the truck…her husband, he’s a special one. Not that she hadn’t already known that but in the 7 and a half years they’ve officially been together she’s never felt less than the most important thing in his entire world. 
He has this way about him that can make any special occasion or normal day, exciting. She loves everything about his enthusiasm for life, especially on days like today when he really shines. Actually, today might be her favorite of all because when it comes to her birthday he shines the most. It’s hard to find words to describe just how much she feels loved by him…seen by him. And cherished, most definitely cherished.
She’s so lost in the moment, the brunette doesn’t even register what he’s saying until he stops them in their tracks. “Hey, this place looks kinda cool. We should check it out.”
“Baby, we have reservations.”
“We still have time. Come on let's just check it out real quick and then I promise I’ll buy you double chocolate everything on the dessert menu.”
“You were gonna do that anyway.”
“Fine. How about I’ll eat you out at least 4 times tonight?”
Her jaw drops and her skin turns flush, immediately transported to a few hours from now when they’re in a big empty house, just the two of them. “Maybe we should just forgo dinner altogether.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat.”
The blonde can’t help the grin that curls at his lips, god how he loves this woman. Shaking his head, he leans down, his lips finding hers in a not-so-chaste kiss. “Fine. What if we check this place out first and then get dinner to go?”
“Extra chocolate syrup?”
“Come on before I get arrested for indecent exposure.”
The pair step into the dimly lit bar. Deeks ushers her in a little further to the back which should set off her warning bells but just when she’s about to question him…
She’s been searching for him for a good 10 minutes now, but it seems as though she’s misplaced her husband. Wouldn’t be the first time. “Hey, have you seen Deeks anywhere? I went to the restroom and now he’s gone.”
“Last time I saw him he was-“ Sam smiles as he catches a glimpse of the small stage.
“Hey, everybody, settle down.”
The sound of her husband’s voice pulls her attention in the direction where the former Navy SEAL is looking. He hasn’t done anything yet but she can already feel the heat working its way up her neck. Her eyes meet his and the smile that’s solely reserved for him curls at her lips. 
“Kensi, baby, you mean everything to me and I don’t know what I did in this life to deserve someone as beautiful and amazing as you but I’m glad I did it. You’re everything…baby, you’re everything. Happy Birthday, Sunshine.”
The familiar tune of My Favorite Girl begins to play. Deeks starts to belt out the first few lyrics but then suddenly stops. She’s expecting to hear just the music but another voice comes from the speaker…a voice she can’t quite place. Then it happens, the person who belongs to the voice steps out on the other side of the stage. 
Max’s eyes go wide in surprise. “Is that-“ 
“Holy shit. That’s Joey McIntyre.” Mandy answers the other woman’s question before she can even get it out. 
Mindy keeps her eyes trained on the stage, but lets her thoughts be known to the birthday girl whose being serenaded. “KayKay, you better give Marty anything he wants tonight.”
“Oh, please, like she doesn’t already do that.” Tiffany with a y states. Her eyes also glued to the stage. 
Mindy shakes her head. “I’m talking extra.”
“Oooh, maybe you could talk him into having a threesome with Joey.” Tiffani with an I blurts out.
“Tiff!” Mandy shakes her head, chastising the blonde. Can’t take these women anywhere.
Tiffani shrugs, unbothered. “What? When is she ever gonna have another opportunity like this?”
They turn to Kensi, expecting to be met with an affronted glare but the trance she’s in tells them that her attention is clearly elsewhere. Her eyes are glazed over, darker than ever before as she watches him move to the beat of one of her favorite songs and dance next to her favorite boy band member. Oh, she is doing things to him tonight.
“Kens?” Max tries to get the brunette’s attention.
“Huh?” She ‘answers’, but her eyes stay on her husband.
Max grins, shaking her head. “Never mind, Tiff, I think she’s already thinking about it.”
She’s staring. She knows she’s staring but she can’t look away as her husband and childhood crush go on about not being able to dance like they used to. 
“Listen, guys, I gotta leave. Sorry to sing and run.”
“Oh, no problem, man. Thanks for doing this.” The blonde shakes the other man’s hand before they both turn their attention to the birthday girl. 
“Oh, it was an absolute honor. It was very nice to meet you, Kensi. Happy birthday, again.” 
She’s screaming on the inside as the boy band member steps up to her and wraps her in a hug. Her eyes dance with glee as she looks over at her husband and sends him a playful wink. “Thank you, Joey.”
Pulling back from their embrace, the brunette moves closer to her husband’s side, her hand finding his, intertwining their fingers as they watch Joey turn to leave before he suddenly remembers something and pivots back towards them. 
“Oh, one more thing.” He reaches into his jacket pocket and proceeds to pull out lanyards but not just any lanyards.
“What are these for?” The agent enthusiastically takes the backstage passes from the other brunette, her wide fan girl eyes shining bright in amazement.
“Well, I heard from a little birdie that it’s been a dream of yours to go to one of our concerts in Hawaii.”
A knowing smile spreads to her lips as she turns to her husband. “A little birdie, huh?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone that talks as much as much as you do, Marty.”
He shrugs, wrapping his arm around his partner and pulling her into his side. “I’d talk every second of every day if it meant that my baby got what she wanted.”
Her eyes meet his as her arms thread around his waist. “Aw…but please don’t.”
The brunette watches the two with a smile. “And on that note, I gotta go see my wife.”
As Joey makes his way out the door, there’s a beat of silence that fills the air, their eyes locked onto one another yet again. 
“Come with me.” Taking hold of her partner’s hand, Kensi pulls him to the hallway just off the stage where no one can see. 
“What’s wrong-“ Before he can finish his sentence, she cuts him off with her lips in a fiery passionate kiss as she pushes him up against the wall. 
They’re in a public place with their friends in the next room, somebody’s gonna come looking for them but he can’t pull away from her, not now, not ever. Threading his fingers through her beautiful brown mane, he wraps his other arm around her waist, closing any distance left between them. 
A few minutes and swollen lips later they’re forced to pull back. The rise and fall of their chests show just how much air they're lacking.
Licking her lips, the brunette looks at her husband and then meets his eyes, the same darkening desire she feels in her own, shining in his cerulean blues. “We’re leaving.”
“But what about your party?” He tries to convey concern but the darkening hue in her eyes sends a thrill through his entire body and the way she’s licking her lips sends him over the edge. Why did he ask that question again? 
“I told the girls to tell everyone that we had to leave.”
“Why? Wherever else could we be going?”
“Well…” She brings her lips to his ear, tracing her finger down his chest seductively. “I vaguely remember you making a promise to me earlier about your mouth in a special place and I have a few places that I’d like to put mine.”
A shit-eating grin curls at the former detective’s lips as his wife takes hold of his hand yet again and pulls him out the back door. “Did I mention how much I love your birthday?”
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