#I needed motivation to draw
zacharyleartist69 · 1 year
I wanna get Part 2 out so that I can start drawing out the scenes from this part and Part 1
Cause I needed some inspiration and I’m in my Donkey Kong phase.
Disclaimer: This writing may not be accurate towards the actual movie but it’s kind of a replica of how it went down.
It all happened so fast. One minute DK and Mario were with the rest of the gang, then the next thing they know they are falling to who knows where. It was a horrifying sight. A horrible sound even. Especially to Funky Kong, who saw his brother fall right before his eyes.
Funky let out a cry while tears fell down to his hands “DONKEY KONG!”
Funky’s sunglasses fall off of his face and goes down the open area where there was once a road as he cries out for Donkey Kong to come back. Clutching his tank top hard as his vision becomes a blur. He can’t see anything. He can’t hear anything. Everything is circling around him.
Cranky turns his kart hard around “Get back to your Kingdom, Peach, AND DEFEND IT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!”. Peach and Toad look at each other then at Cranky, nodding, then Peach quickly speeds away. Cranky speeds up to Funky as fast as he can until he spotted some clown propellers flying around the sky, some with the kongs and some still capturing them.
“FUNKY!” Cranky yelled.
Funky lifted his head up as soon as he heard his fathers voice. “Funky if you can hear me get your butt out of here, they are capturing the rest of the-'' before Cranky could finish his sentence, a clown propeller grabs his kart and lifts him up in the sky.
Cranky holds onto his kart “FUNKY!”. But it is too late, Funky has already been taken by the clown propellers. He didn’t pick up a fight against it, he just stood still. Looking down with tearful eyes.
Meanwhile, Mario and DK are still falling to who knows where. DK grabs a piece of the rainbow road and throws it at Mario “THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”. “ME? WHAT DID I DO!” Mario yelled back as he dodged the piece. “THAT BLUE SHELL WAS GOING AFTER YOU AND I SO HAPPENED TO GET HIT AS WELL!” DK roared with a hint of frustration in his tone.
Before Mario could say anything, he spotted a pair of sunglasses behind DK “hey isn’t that Funky’s?”. DK turned his head around to see what he was talking about and gasped “No no no no those are his favorite pair!”. DK tried to reach for the sunglasses until he landed in the water alongside Mario.
The two began sinking in the water, but it didn’t stop DK trying to reach for the glasses. Mario swims towards DK to try and get him to the surface. However, DK pushed him away and successfully grabbed the sunglasses. He throws his hands up in excitement until a tire hits him on the face hard, causing him to go conscious and sinks some more into the water as he lets go of the sunglasses.
Mario acts fast and pulls DK by the tie to get him up to the surface. While Mario pulls DK up, the sunglasses and the rest of the items that were around them get eaten by a huge mouth and soon its eyes pop open.
Mario made his way to the top of the water as DK slowly woke up from his consciousness and swam to a barrel to float quickly “Mario.. You saved my life”.
“Yeah well I won’t tell anyone” Mario said jokingly.
“Good please don’t” DK said immediately. Mario rolls his eyes at DK “Okay.”
Mario looks away from DK as he searches around the water to see if there's any land. Unfortunately for Mario and DK, a humongous type eel surfaces from the below and stares down at the two. Before they could say or do anything, the eel opened its mouth and swallowed the two whole, then swam down in the deep water to rest.
Back at the surface, A floating lava like island still sails on in the sky and heading towards the mushroom kingdom. Inside of it, there is this one area where prisoners are being held captive in hanging cages under a pool of lava. Luigi happened to be one of them.
Luigi sighs as he sits in his cage bored out of his mind while listening to the blue stars little song that.. dark to listen. Eventually he hears voices coming down. He gets up to check what it was and soon spotted some cages falling down filled with kongs.
“Ohh fresh meat for the meat grinder!” A blue star excitedly said as he swirls around in his cage.
“Oh who is this ray of sunshine?” Cranky said sarcastically. “Someone that has been tormenting us.” the Penguin King answered as he looked at Cranky intensely. Cranky scoffs and looks around searching for Funky.
Kemak soon teleports in the dungeon on his floating broom stick “Congratulations prisoners, you all will be sacrificed at King Bowser’s wedding! To honor his success in marrying the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach”. The prisoners groaned and gasped in fear, except for the blue star who cheered excitedly at Kemak’s announcement. Kemak smiled at the sight and disappeared into thin air as he took his leave.
Cranky grunted in frustration “well isn’t that just great.”. He leaned his head out of the cage and locked his eyes at Luigi “You!”. Luigi jumps a bit and points to himself “M Me?”. “Yes you, find my son, he has a white tank top, some blue shorts, and a red bandana with white polka dots.”.
Luigi gulped a bit and started searching for the kong Cranky described. He soon spotted the Kong that Cranky described and reached his hand up. He gently taps the cage to move a bit and Funky looks down at Luigi “Oh.. um that monkey wants to talk to you”. Luigi points to Cranky, who looks offended after being called a monkey.
Cranky clears his throat a bit and brushes his beard with his hand “If you didn’t hear.. We are being sacrificed for a wedding”
There was an awkward silence between the two until Funky started to speak out “I heard.. You don’t need to remind me”. Funky turns his back against Cranky, who looks offended “Funky don’t turn your back on me now, how the heck are we going to get out of this situation?”.
“Why ask me, you’re the king after all” Funky replied.
Cranky gasped a bit dramatically “don’t give me that tone young man, you know I am a good king. I give every single kings in my kingdom their wants and proper attention.”.
“Yeah well what about me and Donkey Kong huh? We are your sons, we are supposed to get the same wants and attention as you give to those kongs in our kingdom, but since you are so busy being all ‘royalty’ that you never gave the same recognition to us, making you a hypocrite!” Funky argues as he turns around and grabs the bars to stare down at Cranky. “I ain’t no hypocrite! I do care for you two, but you two don’t see it the way I see it because you think I'M the problem!” Cranky argues back as he waves a finger at him.
Funky grew enraged and yelled back “BECAUSE YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! DK always comes to me when he has a problem, he always comes to me for attention, he always comes to me when he needs affection from a family member, he always comes to me to feel some closure. HE ALWAYS COMES TO ME FOR ATTENTION AND WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE NEEDED YOU THE MOST HUH!? WHERE WERE YOU!”.
Cranky grew silent as he looked at Funky in disbelief. Funky huffed a bit then moved away from the bars and sat down. He takes the photo out of his pocket and looks at it for condolence.
“Funky I’m-”
“Save it, if you really are sorry then undo the feeling of neglect. It will never happen anyways now that DK is gone.” Funky said as he whips a tear away when it forms.
Luigi looks up at Funky after witnessing the whole situation down between Funky and Cranky. It reminded him of Mario and his own father. All he can do is feel sorry and sit in his cage, listening to their argument.
Back at the water, the eel is sleeping peacefully after having a good meal. Inside of the eel is DK and Mario sitting separately from each other with their backs turned against each other. DK holds a broken piece of the rainbow road as he looks down at it “Now this is how I don’t wanna die. Being stuck inside of an eel's stomach next to an idiot with overalls.”.
“Well at least your brother isn’t gonna die because of you” Mario replied.
“Well at least you're not gonna die with your dad thinking you're a joke” DK said as he threw the piece aside. Mario put his arms against his knees as he looked down “Well my dad thinks I’m a joke too.”. “Yeah well… YOUR DAD’S RIGHT!” DK yelled as he turned around. “You know what! I feel bad enough just- just leave me alone.” Mario argued. “I never met your dad but he sounds brilliant” DK argued back. Mario turned around fully as he grunted in frustration “Why don’t you just go in a corner and smash some stuff you smash monkey!”. DK makes an offensive grumble then gets up as he starts slamming his hands and grabbing some stuff to smash on the floor “I. AM. MORE.THAN. A. GUY. WHO SMASHES THINGS!”.
A grumble sound erupted from the eel, making Mario and DK grow silent. Out of nowhere, a wave of water starts pouring inside of the eel with some sea creatures flying around. DK and Mario hold onto the closest item as long as they can, trying not to go down the deep hole. The water soon stops flowing because of the eel closing its mouth, going back to slumber.
DK and Mario soon crawl themselves back up after getting slashed from the water. DK tears a blooper off of his face while Mario shakes his head a bit to get some of the water off then notices something shiny on the floor. He picked it up and gasped a bit “Well will you look at that, it’s Funky’s sunglasses.”
DK turns his head to Mario quickly and grabs the sunglasses out of his hands “give me that you will break it!”.
“Geez not even a thank you for finding them?” Mario replied as he crossed his arms. DK doesn’t say anything as he checks for any cracks on the sunglasses. Luckily, there weren't any cracks, just smeared dirt on it. DK uses his tie to clean it up then sighs in relief “Perfect.. I thought I lost it.”
Mario leans to the side a bit as he cups his hands together and swirls his thumbs around “So.. How close are you with Funky?”. “Why you need to know.” DK said, annoyed as he glared at Mario. Mario put his hands up quickly “Alright geez I just wanted to know.”
DK huffed a bit then turned his back against Mario, rubbing his thumb against the sunglasses. He slowly starts frowning at the sight then sighs “since I’m gonna die in here. Might as well answer your dumb question.. Yes me and Funky are close.. Really close actually. We practically do everything together; we play, we race, we tell stories, heck we even pull pranks on our dad together. We were inseparable. When I’m with him, I feel safe and happy. I look up to him like some hero in a story book. Heck I even drew a picture of him surfing a huge wave.. He’s a really cool brother. He’s my inspiration to be myself. He always makes sure that I feel good about myself even when my dad looks down at me. But now that I’m separated from him, I feel lost.. Alone.. And scared.. We’ve never been this separated before and I hate it. I hate it so much. I wanna go home and be with my bro.. My big brother..” . Mario stayed silent after hearing DK’s answer. He pats DK’s back but DK shrugs his shoulders to get Mario’s hand off of him. He sighs a bit and looks around the area until he spotted one of the rocket barrels from the broken down kart “Hey I think I have a way to get us out of here”. DK turns his head to see what Mario was talking about and widens his eyes. The two looked at each other and smirked, thinking of the same plan.
The eel is still taking a nap until he feels something rumbling in his stomach, and not in a good way. He quickly swims up and coughs Mario and DK out, flying on a rocket barrel. They cheered and hooted as they flew in the sky.
“Mushroom Kingdom here we come!” Mario yelled. “Never yell in my ear again but okay!” DK yelled back as he put on the sunglasses. “You look exactly like Funky with those sunglasses” Mario commented as he raised an eyebrow. “Yeah but hotter” DK said confidently. Mario rolls his eyes and holds onto DK as they make their way to the Mushroom Kingdom.
To be Continued.
(Welp there’s gonna be a Part 3 fuck)
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sketchy-tour · 7 months
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Blame eechytooru for Beta Wally taking up so much free real estate in my mind. And blame work for as to why I am posting...MORE sketches. But! These were some Wally practice cause I'm never happy with how I draw him but also just...ya know. *Gestures to the art
Anyway. Beta Wally am I right? Yea??? Yea....
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koffeenoe · 9 months
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mychapel-004 · 7 months
i’ve seen so many people discussing the springlock scene in both negative and positive ways and i think it brings up really cool points about how matthew played that scene and balanced fan expectations with his own characterisation.
i think the discussions around this movie have rlly exposed the disconnect between fanon and canon in fnaf, especially talking abt the core games in isolation, bc frankly in the game universe (ignoring the books) we get Very Little characterisation for William other than the obvious, but Matthew managed to add so much in the way he talks and his body language.
in the reveal scene, we see afton at arguably his peak. in his first scene, he comes off as somewhat demeaning and judgemental until he recognises mike’s name, at which point he seems to have this nervous energy, rushing to cover it up but stumbling slightly, his reaction to the tables being turned even slightly is massive.
this is a man who committed multiple mrdrs in essentially broad daylight, hid the bodies in the most obvious place, and still got away with it, and then kept the crime scene as a trophy of his actions, and an ongoing prison sentence for his victims. he has been in complete control for decades, and is confident that he can deal with any kind of threat quickly. his confidence in his reveal is palpable
it changes when vanessa shoots him. the whole parallel with vanessa and the animatronics is hugely interesting too- how william refers to the animatronics almost endearingly as “kids” when he wants them to obey, how both vanny and the animatronics have an unearned loyalty to him, almost a pseudo-adoption through what he did to them, taking them from their parents and keeping them under his thumb, forever stuck as naive, forgiving, obedient children. vanessa breaking from that control shakes him, but the mask slips back into place almost immediately.
then, he’s outsmarted by the brother of one of his victims, and the child he planned to end next. his pseudo-children turn on him and he can no longer manipulate his appearance or shed his skin to escape. he explodes on them, and his language is incredibly telling that he is being dishonest.
he calls them small, trying to belittle them into submission, even though they are ten feet tall metal animatronics powered by rage. he is grasping at straws to regain control, and failing miserably.
finally, the springlocks go off. the locks in the movie look more like a ribcage, so the first two likely puncture his lungs. they’re slow, and painful, but he doesn’t scream or beg or sob. he grunts and groans, gritting his teeth and only letting out sounds of pain that sound almost involuntary. there is no way in hell he would visibly let himself show weakness or pain in front of these creatures that he believes he has control over. he isn’t brought to his knees until there are eight metal spikes embedded in his abdomen. he doesn’t let the mask fall for even a second, until he literally PUTS THE ACTUAL MASK ON and finally collapses. even then, he’s fighting for consciousness, twitching and writhing with no control over his body. william afton thrives on control, and his soul will not rest until he gets it back.
it’s why he keeps the pizzeria- he always comes back. he can’t help but return to the scene of the crime, putting on his old costume, continuing his killings. he revels in being a constant threat on the horizon. and now, he knows he is going to die, and he knows the suit will bring him back, and noone will be able to get rid of him then. so he puts the mask back on, and waits.
in terms of the sfx- they’re pretty accurate. with stab wounds, you need to leave the knife in the wound as long as possible for best chance of survival, as it stops the blood from escaping. in terms of the springlocks, there wouldn’t be copious amounts of blood as the locks are keeping the wounds filled- which is good because it means a slower, more painful death.
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lil-lemon-snails · 15 days
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decided to draw some of your guys' tags from my harlequin sun and moon post!!! These guys are so much fun and you're all so funny >w<
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blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
There are more things in the Parable than Stanley knows about. [Blank Scripts AU]
#hoh boy i was going to make a comic to introduce these monsters but#i couldnt help myself and made an animation instead#because i just think they're so neat and cool okay#listen i cant for the life of me just infofump about my AU and OCs#because i just think that making actual content about my lore and stuff will not only raise the chances of people being interested#but also it will also raise my motivation to actually produce more content other than the same old recycled front-facing-profile drawings#i need to get creative with my stuff or I'll also loose interest and I DONT want that#in order to be happy with what i have i cant just think about it and expect to be given something new NOOOO i need to MAKE it ughh#i cant believe in order to get more content out of my own au i would need to draw it and feed myself ugh ugh ugh unbelievable (kidding)#but also#i wanna make a little music video or animation again for youtube#its been a hot while since ive uploaded anything in there at all#maybe an animation reel will do for now?#i hope so :(#because ive been working on expanding the Black Scripts AU#and honestly i dont regret it#i had a lot of fun making up scenarios and comics for Stanley and the Narrator (Black)#but yeah!#apart from this little video#you wont be getting an explanation on what these things are supposed to be#and why theyre there#actually i was originally gonna make this into a full fledge animation with sound effect/music/frame-by-frame movement/etc.#but i got lazy HAHA#tsp blank scripts au#tsp au#the stanley parable#the stanley parable ultra deluxe#tsp
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fumifooms · 1 month
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That. That screentone on Chilchuck’s chest in the low open collar. Is Chilchuck having chest hair canon Kui. Kui? Gripping my knee
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chalkrub · 18 days
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mockley time it's mockley time will you have some mockleys of mine
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sunflowersinheaven · 10 days
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another wip, that i wont be able to finish for a while
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idolomantises · 3 months
I've been thinking about soft-resetting my plague doctor characters. Maybe slowly build up Violet and Lucy's relationship and break off Samson, Atlas and Azalea's throuple and turn them into a very committed (and somewhat unethical) medical trio.
Would you guys be alright with that?
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atmothart · 1 year
Wouldn't lizard fashion be something like spikes and scales and a frilled lizard collar?
Like so?
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(Bonus art under the cut)
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thecosmopossum · 5 days
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Assorted DCA doodles (mostly Sun)!
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yomeiu · 10 months
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vampire chuuya got me thinking...what if... feral?
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bixels · 5 months
While I do think anon was rude, I do think it's pretty shitty to set up all this stuff you were going to add the au and then just drop it. It's disappointing. Definitely unfollowing.
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#ask me#anon#once AGAIN.#I am not dropping anything#the au is not getting cancelled. more than likely i'm gonna take a break from it until i find motivation again#But I've been drawing the AU for half a fucking year#In that time I've only drawn 5 things that aren't mlp related#I'm getting tired and my last few posts didn't do as well as I'd hoped#And I'm not about to burn myself out on mlp au art even if I really do love making it#I'm still gonna make comics. I have a bunch of ideas.#Tulli and I still wanna do the limited run merch shop#Discord is still coming. Sunset is still coming. Sombra is still coming. I have so many ideas#But I need to do something else for my own sake. Did you know I was supposed to get the background 6 designs done by now#But I didn't because I'm TIRED#I've been keeping myself on a schedule to keep content pumping despite travel and school and family and I'm tired#what i'm getting isn't matching what i'm giving and that's nobody's fault. i'm not frustrated at anyone. a slump was bound to happen#drawing the au was fun until it become my Thing. Because when your Thing––your identity––starts to faulter#it can really make you freak out#And that's not healthy for the project or for myself. I need to find the fun again and I'm sure I will#I'm really appreciative of everyone's support in my inbox and replies it really does mean a lot especially given that about 2/3 of my#followers followed for mlp. But if you're gonna react to me saying “i'm gonna cool down on mlp art and draw my own stuff” with “i'm#disappointed in you." then Leave! I think it's good you're unfollowing#you are not obligated to stick by my side! But don't act like I'm doing you a disservice by turning my attention elsewhere#I didn't promise anyone anything and I definitely didn't say I'm breaking any promises.
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piaart · 4 months
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Kissy Solus/Copia/Special sketches
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ninjasmudge · 6 months
When Macaque can take his relationship with Sun Wukong falling apart better than Megatron does with Optimus.
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why cant you be more like macaque, he just beat some people up and put on plays until he felt better
anyway enjoy this niche crossover
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