#I saw a stupid post again and I’m trying to be so brave
hoennislands · 1 year
Wanting to vague post while also not wanting to risk being blocked because people are potentially lurking is hardddd
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“Letters to My Love” | Hanji x Reader
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Fandom: Attack on Titan  Pairing: Hanji x Reader  Words: 4k 
A/N: This is a self-indulgent, completely unfiltered, messy little fic that deals with my love for Hanji. Ever since I started reading AoT back in 2015, I’ve had a soft spot for Hanji. My little ray of sunshine, one of my first comfort characters, the one character I could actually see myself becoming friends with in real life. Seeing her death finally animated (beautifully) brought a lot of feelings forward. She was brave and gorgeous and kind and absolutely amazing. It actually feels like I’m saying farewell to a close friend of mine. And so this messy fic was born, mostly unedited but with a lot of my personal feelings channeled into the reader’s POV. You can read this as either a platonic or romantic relationship, whatever floats your boat. I hope you enjoy the fic! 
Warnings: lots of angst, major character death, implied reader death, some blood and violence, struggling to cope with grief, post-war/post-snk 139 world, Hanji is referred to as female with she/her pronouns 
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It’s all so stupid. A stupid idea, a stupid reason behind it, a stupid man telling you about it in the first place. Why even bother with this in the first place? It’s not like it’ll help you in the long run.
But Falco’s still staring up at you with those big eyes, the slightest quiver of his lip, arms stretched out towards your own.
“Please?” His voice is unnaturally soft; it might be the lighting, but you can almost see a tear in those huge eyes. “At least try it, won’t you? I promise, you’ll feel better. Just like Dad says.”
You don’t have the heart to tell the kid his father’s full of shit, just like everyone else in this horrible world. Nothing’s left for you to enjoy, nothing you can cling to during the tough times. Those days are gone, the memories of bliss vanishing with every passing day.
But he looks so sad, so fucking hopeful, as though he still believes you can do it. You can lift this crushing weight off your chest with just a pen, some paper, and a few words every day.
“…Fine.” He practically shoves the dusty old notebook into your chest with a smile. “I’ll give it a shot.”
You’ll try, but you already know it’s a waste of time.
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I’m not good at this. Writing’s never been my strong suit—not when it comes to other people. But you already know knew that, didn’t you?
Mr. Grice gave me the idea. Says writing everything down is a lot better than saying it out loud sometimes. Falco said the same thing; he still writes to his brother every other week. 
I don’t understand why. It’s not like I’ll ever send them, they’re just gonna sit in my desk collecting dust. But I told Falco I’d try for him. He’s a sweet kid, I can see why you like liked him. Sorry, it’s a habit. 
I don’t know what else to say. I guess I’ll try again tomorrow.
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It’s me again. Onyankopon came to visit again. He checks up on me at least once every week. Same day, same time. It’s like he doesn’t trust me. Maybe he’s just looking out for me. That’s what Levi says.
Things are slowly going back to normal. He says it’s been almost five months since you left the battle. It’ll be spring soon. This winter hasn’t been too bad though. I miss the snow a little bit. Maybe one day we can go further north to see some next year. I know Gabi and Falco would enjoy it.
I can’t think of anything else to write down. I’m sure I’ll be back soon though.
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Mundane topics. What you ate today. Who you saw at the market. The stories Gabi and Falco would make up whenever they were bored.
It’s all so stupid, but you write it down anyway. Stuff she’d like, stuff she wouldn’t like. Not her name, never her name. You can’t bear to say it out loud, not even spell out the letters without bursting into a fit of sobs. What’s the point, anyway? Not like she’s here to answer her own name anymore.
Still, you keep writing. Every day, at least something goes down in that little brown notebook. You’re the only one who reads it. Mr. Grice refuses to, says it’s for your eyes only. Falco sometimes shares what he’s written to his brother, but only when the two of you are alone. He has a little brown book of his own, same shape and size too. Always keeps it in the first drawer of his nightstand, same place you keep yours.
The days crawl by. Every breath hurts less and less. Slowly but surely, you wonder if you’re actually getting better.
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I thought of you today. The kids wanted to stop in a bookstore during our shopping trip so I let them. They can be so eager and hyper when they want to be. (Why can’t they be like that when it comes to their chores?)
They both went for the bookshelf in the far corner. Books about the world; about weapons, inventions, plants, animals, experiments, I couldn’t keep track of how many there were. And the kids just sat there for hours, leafing through book after book. I ended up leaving just to drop off the groceries at home before heading back to pick them up. And when I got there they were still poring over those dusty, wrinkled pages.
You would like the bookstore. It’s on the smaller side but it doesn’t feel crowded. It’s got a few benches for people to sit and read for a bit, and there’s a café right next door too. But when I told Levi about it he got a little snippy; I think he’s jealous, his tea shop will always be superior.
He’s doing okay, I know you’re probably worried about him. His leg still gives him trouble but he’s getting better every day. He gave me a job after the shop opened a few weeks ago. Right now I’m just cleaning off tables and fixing up pastries in the back. Gabi handles inventory with Levi (she’s actually pretty good at it) and Falco takes care of the customers up front. He has the best attitude out of all of us, I think. The job is a bit boring sometimes but it beats killing Titans, using ODM gear, being a soldier
Never mind. I’ll write more later, I have to go for now. I’ll be back.
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It’s really warm today. I keep thinking about that summer we spent in Krolva, in 848. You kept hunting for strange plants and flowers in the forest and had me and Moblit chasing after you all day! But you didn’t stop, not even when Levi threatened to knock you out and haul you back to base.
Sometimes I can still see Erwin’s smile, hear Mike and Nanaba’s laughter, feel the light summer breeze against my face.
I can still remember the way you said my name. I miss hearing the sound of your voice.
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For the first time in a long while, you wake up with a smile on your face.
Your cheeks are stained with tears, still. You haven’t gone to sleep silently once in the past six months or so. Always stuffing your face into the pillow, muffling your sobs, praying neither Levi nor the kids hear you being so pathetic.
Your head is pounding, throat tight but chest feeling lighter than ever. You have to write it down, you don’t wanna forget, don’t forget—
The notebook is resting on your dresser. Your hands still shake when you reach for it, almost clatters to the floor when you try to pick it up. The pen leaps from your trembling fingers. The first words you write are barely legible, but you don’t stop writing for anything.
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I had a dream about you last night. I can’t remember everything but I know you were in it and you were still alive smiling.
Still had both eyes, silly girl.
None of our comrades were there; no Levi, Moblit, or Mike. Just me and you, sitting on the rooftop of the old Survey Corps base, watching the stars twinkle above us. Your arm was so warm against my shoulders. Your messy hair tickling my cheek. You were laughing about something, I can’t remember what. But you looked so happy, so carefree and joyful. You haven’t looked that relaxed in years.
You whispered something in my ear, and my throat exploded with laughter. You held me close, lips brushing my cheek, eyes shining in the glowing moonlight.
You were happy, so I was happy.
But then I woke up, you were gone, and I was cold again.
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Summer’s almost halfway over. The tea shop has been busier, Levi seems to enjoy the success. He’s still not very sociable but he’s learning to be more pleasant with the customers. They’ll keep coming back if he’s not rude to them all the time.
The town is expanding. Onyankopon thinks one of the nearby cities will start offering jobs, either railroad work or seamstress positions. A lot of factory jobs will start coming back too, and they’ll pay well. He says I could apply, just to keep my hands busy. Says it’s good to get out of the country once in a while.
Still undecided, I’d be going alone. Levi refuses, he hates the idea of city living, and he has the tea shop to worry about. The kids would stay with them; Gabi doesn’t like the smell of smoke, and Falco wouldn’t go anywhere without her. I can go, I don’t have anything tying me down.
What do you think I should do?
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Four weeks left. It’s getting harder and harder to keep writing. I thought it would get easier, like Falco said. But I still feel that horrible pit deep in my chest. A weight that’s making it harder to breathe every day.
I don’t know what to do. I’m a burden. I can’t do anything on my own anymore. It’s always Levi or Onyankopon who’s there to hold my hand. Always Gabi and Falco to bring me back, remind me I have to keep living, to keep my head out of the clouds. But sometimes I wish I could run away. Leave it all behind. Maybe that city idea doesn’t seem so bad.
I wish you were here with me.
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August 22nd. Two weeks to go.
Levi’s been quieter nowadays. Onyankopon isn’t as eager when he’s talking about the recovering towns and cities. Even the kids are more solemn than usual.
Still hoping this is all a bad dream. That I’ll wake up and you’ll be at my side, smiling and laughing like you do. Not a single care in the world.
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The calendar is torn to shreds, left on the kitchen table for everyone to see. Gabi is utterly silent, a far cry from her usual loudmouthed self. Falco is quick to pull her aside as you storm past them, down the hall and into your room, slamming the door with a thud.
Burying your face in your hands. Chest wracked with sobs. Throat burning as her name rips itself from your mouth.
Stop it.
Your back hits the wall, knees buckling beneath your weight. Nails tear at the roots of your hair, scraping down your cheeks, eyes growing warm even though you keep them shut.
Another scream, you throw yourself against the wall. Your shoulder collides with the bookcase, but the pain doesn’t help. Nothing helps you anymore, not even writing in that shitty little book—
Someone’s calling your name on the other side of the door. Tiny fists pound on the wood; the knob twists and turns in vain. You made sure to lock it after coming in here.
Stop it. Can’t they see you want to be left alone?
Alone. You’re all alone now. You have no one left.
No parents, no children, no comrades…
And no other half.
“Stop it!” But you can still hear her name, swirling around in your head, a chorus of a thousand voices.
Hanji, Hanji, Hanji.
“Leave me alone!”
Something shatters against the wall. Your palm stings with something fierce, a shadow of red seeping from the skin.
The book, the book, where is it? Where did you put it?
There it is—right on your bed where you left it last. You’re scrambling over broken glass to grab at it, bloody fingers clutching the pen stuck between the pages. The tears are hot against your cheeks. Hurt like nothing else, not even the pain in your chest.
And they just keep on coming as you keep on writing.
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Why did you leave me? Why did you have to go? Why did you have to kill kill yourself like that?
We could’ve handled it. Without your help. Maybe if you’d let us you’d still be alive with me. If you’d just trusted me—why didn’t you trust me? I trusted you, why didn’t you return the favor?
It’s your fault I’m like this now. I was fine before but then you fucked it all up.
Did you think you were some kind of hero? You’re not. Going out in a blaze of glory? Selfish asshole.
You’re not. You never were. You left me and now I’m alone and I hate
I hate you.
I hate you I hate you I hate you didn’t have to leave me but you did and now I hate you I can’t believe I love loved you how could I ever love someone so selfish fuck you so selfish
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Levi finds you hours later. Sitting on the floor at the foot of your bed, hands trembling against your knees. The book is lying halfway across the room. Must’ve thrown it earlier.
He heaves a sigh, dragging his hand across his scarred face. And despite the ache in his leg he still kneels down to your level, taking a seat beside you against the bed. Wrapping up your hands in one of the spare shirts you tore from the dresser just minutes before.
“Brats were worried,” he finally says, and he sounds so fucking tired. There’s an inkling of guilt blooming in your chest. Such a burden to him, as always. “Said you’d run off and started crying.”
He rolls his eyes, focusing on your bloodied hands. They’re dry now, and he makes a sound of disgust in the back of his throat.
Eventually he pulls you on your feet, leads you to the washroom and runs your hands under the warm water. He wraps up your hands in some clean bandages; over his shoulder you can see two sets of eyes staring at you from down the hall. One brown, one hazel.
“Quit beating yourself up like this. That’s not what she died for, brat. And don’t ask me,” he snaps when I open my mouth, “what she died for. Because you and I both know the answer to that. …So don’t make me say it.”
You’re still blubbering like a child, fat tears rolling down your cheeks, splashing onto the clean bandages around your hands. Levi sighs again before pulling you in close, one arm looped around your shoulders. His chest is warm, heart strong against your palm.
But it’s nothing compared to hers—and the thought makes you cry even harder.
“I get it.” His lips are warm against your forehead, hand cupping around the back of your head. “I miss her, too.”
You’re not sure when he makes you leave the washroom. But once he does he brings you down to the kitchen, giving Gabi and Falco each a pat on their heads. You give them a smile, tears still fresh in your eyes, before gathering the torn pieces of the calendar in your bruised hands.
Maybe you can fix this. It’s the fifth of September, after all. Not a day you want to forget just yet.
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I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it, I swear on my life. I wanna rip those pages out but I’ll lose the other letters and I don’t want to lose them like I lost you.
I don’t hate you. You’re not selfish, you never were. I know you did the best you could as Commander of the Survey Corps, with the incredible weight on your shoulders. Your main priority was always keeping us safe and giving us hope.
I know why you left that day. But I wish you hadn’t left me behind. I could’ve gone with you, helped you out that day. We could still be together dead or alive.
I love you. I wish I could’ve said it when you were still alive with me. I wish I could say it to your face instead of writing it down in a dusty old notebook.
I love you. I miss you. I wish I could see your smile one last time. Hear your voice again. See the beautiful shine in your eyes.
Because I love you, and I always have. Maybe someday I’ll see you again and tell you face-to-face. Maybe by then I won’t be such a coward.
Hope you enjoy your birthday up there.
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Every day brings something new. Smells, tastes, sounds, even the wind outside is different every day. People passing each other hour after hour, car horns filling your ears, the sting of smoke deep in your lungs; it’s easy to get lost in the atmosphere.
You take it in stride. Onyankopon is standing there, holding out his hand, ready to guide you deeper into the city. He’s offered to carry your suitcase but you insisted you do it yourself; too many memories are stuffed in between the clothes inside.
You suck in a breath and take his hand. A little awkward, with a suitcase in your other hand, and the old tattered notebook resting in the crook of your elbow. But the damn thing has already wormed its way into your heart, no way are you leaving it behind now.
A tight swallow, a soft smile from Onyankopon, as you let him lead you towards the next chapter of your life.
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City life isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. It’s busy and crowded but it keeps me looking forward. No time to dwell on the past here. Maybe that’s why Onyankopon was so adamant about me living here.
There’s a bookstore here, much larger than the one back home where Levi and the kids live. It pays well, the owner’s nice, and she lets me borrow some of her own books from her personal collection from time to time.
She wears glasses too—not as cute as yours, though.
I try to visit Levi and the kids every other weekend. Gabi and Falco come to visit once in a while but Levi always stays behind. Blames it on the bad leg but we both know the truth. Too many bad memories of Mitras has made him wary of crowded cities.
But I like it. I have my own apartment, right next door to Onyankopon’s, with a balcony and a slew of potted plants. Onyankopon says some people like to name their plants just for the fun of it. The two sitting on the windowsill are Sawney and Bean. (You’re welcome, silly girl.)
It’s hard work but I’m getting better. I don’t dread writing in this book anymore. I can think of your smile without bursting into tears. For now I’m content to sit back and enjoy city life, until whatever god watching over us decides my time is up.
I promise to write soon; have to head to work now. I’ll be back.
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It’s been a year since you left me. I still want to see you again.
Onyankopon and I are heading into town for a few days to visit Levi. He says he doesn’t need help around the shop but he never complains whenever I show up at his door. Sometimes I wonder if he feels obligated to put up with me. If he thinks you’ll haunt him forever if he turns me away. That sounds like something you would do, silly girl.
I had another dream about you last night. Right after the celebration for Shiganshina, the night before the expedition to reclaim Wall Maria. We were laughing and drinking and sharing old stories—but we weren’t alone. Erwin and Levi were there. So was Moblit, and by some miracle, so were Mike and Nanaba.
I hope we’ll all be together again soon. I hope they’re all watching us, waiting to see what we’ll do with this new world we’ve forged for ourselves.
I know you are. You’re always watching, aren’t you?
I have to go now, or Onyankopon will head out without me. I’ll let you know how Levi and the kids are when I come home.
Miss you more every day. I hope I’ll get to see you again soon. Until then, I’ll just have to keep writing these silly little letters. I think you’d like them anyways.
See you later, Hanji.
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It’s bright when you open your eyes. Too bright, a soft breeze kissing your cheeks, nose scrunching up as you shield your face with your hands. Funny, you don’t remember leaving the window open when you fell asleep. Or sleeping outside, for that matter.
You’re lying in the grass, a bed of wildflowers sprawled beneath you. There’s a forest at the edge of the valley, close enough for you to see the shadows of animals spilling across the trees. The sun is warm on your skin, so bright and beautiful, not a single cloud in the sky.
Almost too good to be true.
Is this it? Have you finally reached the end of your line? All those days with Levi, Onyankopon, and the kids, moving from town to city for work, seeing what little of the new world you could for both you and your other half…
Has your time finally run out?
“Hey, over here!”
Your blood freezes in your veins. A shadow crosses yours in the warm sunlight. A heavy cape blows in the wind, a dark green to match the forest beyond the meadow.
A pair of wings splashed against the fabric. Messy brown hair tied up haphazardly. Shiny glasses reflecting in the sun. Warm brown eyes that remind you of home.
“I was wondering when you’d get here. It’s been kinda lonely, I have to say…”
Hanji Zoe is standing right there in front of you, looking as radiant as ever. No scars or bruises to be seen, nor the black patch over her left eye. No burns or charred fabric on her body.
She looks…happy. Safe, content.
“…Dumbass,” you finally find your voice, rushing into her outstretched arms. “You had me worried sick! Are you hurt? Can I do anything for you? I swear, I won’t let you go anywhere alone ever again! I’ll be right there by your side for as long as you—”
“Hey, hey, hey, come on now! You’re gonna make me blush with all that sweet talk!”
But you can’t stop yourself. And before you know it you’re sobbing into her chest, arms wrapped tight around her wrist, feeling the soft b-bmp of her heart against your ear.
“Love you, you know that? I love you, so please don’t leave me again…”
You’ll say it over and over, as many times as she wants to hear it. But for right now she’s silent, her arms resting around your waist and shoulders, tugging you in for a bone-crushing hug. Her messy hair is tickling your nose again, her smile could rival the sun in the sky. She shakes her head and lets out a laugh, before pressing a warm kiss to the apple of your cheek.
“I won’t ever leave you again, alright? I’m sorry about that, I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t mean to leave you like that…”
You hold her tighter, knocking her down into the wildflowers below. She lets out a real laugh this time, hair sticking out like a halo above her head, palms against your cheeks. For the first time in months—no, years—your chest feels whole again.
“I know you didn’t. It’s okay, I promise, it’s okay…”
A comforting silence washes over the two of you. It’s so warm right here, in this little meadow of your own, surrounded by a thousand wildflowers. She’s finally safe in your arms, after all these years, and you are never letting her go ever again.
“…I love you, Hanji.”
“I know,” she answers with a smile that makes your heart soar, “and I love you too.”
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me-writes-prompts · 1 year
-:Random prompt #1:-
By @me-writes-prompts (see pinned post before using the prompt)
“So, you go around sucking people’s blood, is that it?” The human tilted their head sideways, arching a curious eyebrow, their eyes gleaming with the light coming from the moon that stood high in the sky.
The vampire lifted their chin a little high. “What?…yes.”
“Oh, how no fun. Sounds boring, really. Having to drink blood. Can you eat normal food or no?” The human asked again. The vampire breathed a sigh. They just wanted to have their dinner in peace, but there was no peace to be found. This human wouldn’t leave them alone for the past 15 minutes they had found them, stumbling in the woods. They were testing their patience, which was running thin on ice.
The vampire scowled. “If you weren’t so brave, I would have killed you by now, you stupid human.” The human grinned, taking a step closer to the vampire who scowled further, smelling their scent.
“Surely you can’t be saying I’m ‘stupid’ after I saved you from a pack of wolves. It’s quite the opposite.” The human murmured, voice lowering. The vampire grudgingly turned away, not wanting to look at the human with their mischievous grin still plastered perfectly across their face. The human was right, they did save them from the pack of wolves, but even if they hadn’t, the vampire knew they could very well save themself from the hungry animals.
The vampire scoffed before muttering, “Just because you saved me, doesn’t mean I won’t try to kill you.”
The human smirked, licking their lips. “I’d like to see you try, little vampie.”
The vampire flushed at the nickname and glared at the human. The human in return flashed them another smug smile, feigning indifference to the vampire’s words. It was if they weren’t scared at all for their life, it was jarring to the fanged creature. It had been a few good years since they saw someone who wasn’t intimidated by them.
They tried to say something, but a growl erupted from behind them, making them falter. There was a presence, the human could sense it too as they flickered their eyes around frantically. The vampire froze. The strong smell of the sea tinged with strawberries entered their senses. A strange combination, really. But they knew who it was. Their worst enemy, who was the head of the wolf pack that lived in the woods. The woods they were currently standing in.
Flirt human x flustered human? Yeah, count me in.
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galactigoos · 2 years
What Happened Last Night Pt.2 - Jack Russell x Reader
Summary: You wake up feeling less content than you had falling asleep. Then Jack drops the bombshell of a lifetime on you. You don't take it well.
Warnings: fluff (savior it, this chapter is rough), learning you're a werewolf, mentions of an animal attack, a bit more info on reader, no ted :(, and hmm what am I forgetting? oh yeah. Angst. Like a lot. I’m so sorry for all of you that were just here for the fluff. I promise there will be more in the future.
Word Count: ~1.5k
A/N: I was trying to get this out by Halloween, then by Día de Muertos, but this chapter took about two hours longer than the last one because I needed it to be juuuust right. I hope I did it justice.
Cross-posted on AO3 as always
Part 1, Part 3
Part 2-
When you woke up, Jack had fallen asleep beside you. He sat crisscrossed, his head propped up on his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. He swayed a little, his unconscious body trying to maintain balance. It made you smile.
Ted was nowhere to be found, although you did find some clothes laid neatly beside you. Nothing fancy, simply some old, baggy t-shirt and some sweatpants, but it was definitely better than staying naked in the forest. You threw the shirt over your head and, with some difficulty, managed to shimmy the sweatpants on without agitating your broken ankle too much. You leaned back with a huff, which apparently was enough to wake Jack.
He startled slightly, his head slipping from his hands. As soon as he got his bearings, his focus snapped to you. He grinned widely.
“You’re awake!” You nodded, a little taken aback by his enthusiasm. “How’re you doing?”
“I’m alright,” you said slowly, still groggy and a little weirded out by how much attention was focused on you. When you were actively bleeding, that was one thing, but this man was looking at you like he had to commit every detail he saw to memory, as if you were going to suddenly disappear before him.
His smile fell slightly and he focused his gaze on the ground, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry I fell asleep. I wanted to watch over you and make sure you were alright but… I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Ok, so when you weren’t delirious with pain, this guy was super weird.
“That’s okay. I didn’t expect you to stay by my side at all times,” you shrugged. 
Jack murmured his assent.
“Where’s Ted?” you asked, more to make conversation than anything else.
“He’s probably just going for a walk. Or gathering firewood. Or doing something stupid that’ll mean I have to rescue him again.” Jack’s tone was light as he spoke of his friend.
“You,” you said, eyeing Jack up and down, “rescue Ted?”
Jack gave a single nod with a smirk.
“What’s brave enough to go after Ted?” you said, puffing out a snort of incredulity.
“Monster hunters,” Jack said frankly.
“Monster… hunters? As in multiple. Multiple monsters and multiple hunters?”
Jack nodded again. “Is that so crazy to believe? I mean how many times have aliens and superhumans and sentient robots destroyed New York City? Nowadays, fantasy turns into reality all the time.”
He had a point. But everyone knew about the aliens. You’d never heard or seen a credible source of monsters running around. Until Ted, that is. You were questioning this possible new development when Jack cleared his throat. 
He muttered “no hay razón de andarse por las ramas,” to himself, then turned to face you more squarely, his posture straighter than it had been in the meager time you had spent together.
“Speaking of monsters and hunters, what do you remember about last night?”
You really had no idea what had happened. You went to bed in your little one-story house, and woke up in the woods with half an ear and your ankle in pieces. You told Jack as much.
“Well, based on what Ted told me, you… transformed last night,” Jack said, never once breaking eye contact.
“What the fuck does that mean. Are you saying I, like, hulked out and what? Tore myself apart?” Jack’s serious expression broke into a little smile.
“‘Hulked out’ isn’t the terminology I would use, but more or less, yes. Y/n, I think- no I know- that last night, the moon came up and you-”
“I’m sorry are you trying to insinuate that I turned into a fucking werewolf? Seriously, Jack? Do you really think I’m going to believe that I went to bed as me, saw the moon, and turned into some… some beast? Do I look like fucking Lon Chaney to you?” Admittedly, you had begun to yell a little bit, but Jack seemed to have been expecting this. With a stupid smirk on his face he replied quietly, “Well, I mean you did get caught in a bear trap so The Wolf Man is probably the most apt analogy…”
You glared at him and he chuckled, albeit a bit nervously. You glared harder.
“But yes, y/n, I was trying to tell you that Ted didn’t bring you into our camp this morning. Ted brought a werewolf. When the sun came up, you turned back into you.”
He had to be messing with you. This was all some fucked up joke. He probably was some deranged lunatic who kidnapped you and hurt you to fit whatever fantasy you were fulfilling.
“But, don’t freak out, okay? It’s not so bad. I manage pretty well most months,” Jack was obviously trying to comfort you, but the more he talked the worse you felt.
“Oh, so you’re a werewolf now too?” you said tacking a humorless laugh on the end of your statement.
“Well, I’m me. But, yes, a part of me is a wolf,” Jack said, his tone a little less sure as he spoke of the difference between himself and the wolf.
“You're insane.”
“Y/n, I know you can feel it. You feel the ache in your bones from twisting into something else last night. Everything is brighter and louder. You can hear my heartbeat if you listen for it. No normal human can do that,” he was pleading with you to understand now.
And you knew he was right. From the moment you woke up this morning, you’ve been disoriented. Not just because of the unfamiliar location, but the intensity of it all. The way the smell of your own blood had threatened to drown you, the noise of the fire, hell, even the coffee tasted richer. Everything is so much more than it used to be. And it was freaking you out.
Not to mention the fact that you had gotten attacked by… that thing in the woods a month ago. You had been biking home from a later shift at the pub you worked at. It wasn’t too far of a trip from the little secluded cottage you called your own. But it was dark and it was raining, so you didn’t even notice the creature growling by the trees until it pounced on you, knocking you off your bike. It hadn’t had time to do much damage before grizzled old Mr. Kessler had intervened. His truck’s horn and lights had scared it off, and he gave you a ride back to your house. You had been fine to go to work the next day, simply wrapping up the bite mark on your arm.
Honestly, you hadn’t thought much of it. You lived in a farming town, and wildlife was not unfamiliar to you. You had just started carrying bear mace and continued with life as usual. The wound didn’t even get infected. It just went away on its own after a week or two.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. I know this is confusing and it’s going to make everything more complicated. But I can help you. Ted and I can stick around for a while, we can figure out what this means for you together,” Jack reached to put a comforting hand on your arm. The arm that had been bitten. The arm that he had probably bitten.
You yanked your arm away from him. You didn’t care how hurt he looked. You were angry. And scared. And you let that cloud your judgment. You let that anger and fear lead you to conclusions you had no basis for, let it push you to lash out like the cornered animal you now were.
“Don’t fucking touch me. I don’t want someone like you even near me. You may have turned me into this, but I won’t be like you. I won’t be some sick freak that kidnaps girls to patch them up after you maul them. I won’t be like you,” you snarled, ignoring the way Jack’s eyes widened, the desperate devastation dawning on his face as you spoke.
“Y/n, no. I didn’t-” you ignored his pleas, instead resolving yourself to getting the fuck away from him. You awkwardly clambered to your feet, the rage you felt numbing you to the pain of your ankle.
“No, no, no, no, no. Y/n, you shouldn’t be walking on that, you’re going to hurt yourself. Just, let me help you-”
“No! Jack, you are not some type of good samaritan savior. You don’t get to help me, or anyone. You’re just some… beast. A fucking animal. A monster,” you spat. You began to walk away, and you knew Jack was about to call out to you. Maybe you heard his mouth open with your newly heightened hearing. Maybe you just needed to get one last dig in. So as you walked away from Jack Russell, you snarled your last words to the man.
“And you deserve to be hunted like one.”
I'm sorry. But I needed some drama. And I mean are you seriously going to tell me you wouldn't be a little bit weirded out by Jack? He's very intense and then he just gives you some life altering news and insists on being apart of this transition. We, as viewers and readers who know Jack, know he means well, but our poor reader character does not have that same context.
Also I've set up a dangerous prescient of having at least one werewolf movie reference in these parts and idk if I can keep that up. Brownie points to you if you can sus out my obscure werewolf homages.
Feedback, criticism, comments, reblogs, and likes are all always appreciated. Please tell me what you think! I really gave this one my all and I hope you guys enjoy it. <3
Let me know if you would liked to be tagged in the future!
Tags: @starfirette, @nicolewithanee, @fangurldayandnight, @zakizigekwe, @for-bebbanburg, @missdragon-1, @howlingco, @arvalee-knight, @emiemiemiii, @spicydonut25, @sparkythefallen1, @girlymusiclover09, @pxl8ed, @littlenosoul, @lemmons1998
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dragonmarquise · 11 days
Bro i love reading your brc headcanons, do you have more about the futurism and eclipse crew members that date each other? I think i saw it mentioned in one of your posts and the idea lives in my head rent free
Ahhh thank you!! ;u; And I have a few for them! Maybe not as extensive as my other BRC ships but still.
Before I get into headcanons, just want give a shoutout again to this awesome art by @monkiinart which inspired me to ship these two in the first place! ;u;
So then, the two particular characters here, at least for my headcanons, are Nyx (FUTURISM spring palette, joins BRC in the post game) and Aquila (Eclipse summer palette, the one with dark brown hair).
First, the set up for them dating:
Nyx decided to just be blunt and asked Aquila for her number. Aquila of course thinks it’s just a trap, with the two of them being on rival crews and all. She challenges Nyx to a series of score challenges, five in a row, but is genuinely impressed when Nyx manages to nail all of them!
A quick script-thing of part of their exchange after Nyx finishes the challenges:
Nyx: So, am I getting those digits or what? Aquila: Still hoping for that, huh? You’re either very brave or very stupid. Nyx: Why not both?
That actually gets a laugh out of Aquila, and she figures, fine, why the hell not. They start texting/calling each other, and eventually go on dates, and then the rest is history!
And now other random bits:
Not quite related to them as a couple I think? But Aquila is femme and Nyx is butch, just saying. :u
At first, Nyx was pretty flustered around Aquila on their dates, partially in a “Holy crap I’m actually dating her now, what the hell do I do” kind of way. Which contrasts a lot with her usual calm and confident personality! Even after a while of dating, Nyx is still sometimes flustered around her girlfriend. Aquila herself doesn’t mind, she thinks it’s cute and will say as much. Which makes Nyx even more flustered most of the time, lol
Aquila does yoga and has gotten Nyx into it too. Nyx has also been getting Aquila more into video games, she’s found she enjoys turn-based RPGs the most.
Nyx tends to be snarky with others, even to friends and people she respects like DJ Cyber. Aquila is the only person to whom Nyx drops the snark. Likewise, Aquila is usually fairly dismissive of others outside of Eclipse, especially any rival writers, but with Nyx she’s genuinely respectful and kind. Not to mention they’re both very loving towards each other!
Favorite guilty pleasure for both of them is watching cheesy rom coms and romantic dramas together!
Aquila’s day job is as the director of a science museum in New Amsterdam. She loves it and often brings up science topics while she’s on dates with Nyx, like new research projects and discoveries across a whole bunch of science fields. She’s really happy with how Nyx is interested in this stuff too and can keep up with her.
Though, sometimes Nyx has to look up a ton of stuff afterward to get a better understanding of certain things they talk about. Usually with topics that she isn’t already familiar with. But hey, she gets through it for her girlfriend!!
Aquila has been meaning to try out cooking new recipes and stuff, but she would often put it off. Now that she’s dating Nyx, she has encouragement for cooking more, plus a taste tester for new recipes!
I mentioned in the FUTURISM post that Nyx sometimes gets into little prank wars with Cueball. She does “pranks” on Aquila too, but instead of like, scary or annoying pranks, it’s more like hiding positive and lovey-dovey notes for Aquila to find~
I think that’s about all I have… for now! If I end up brainstorming more stuff, I’ll either add them here or make a new separate post. :D
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Power of names
Summary:. Nina and Maul get to know each other a little better. They are still at the old ruins of the villa. Pairing: Darth Maul x OC Nina Cerasus
Warnings: Mention of wounds, violence, medication, anxiety, mutual pining, idiots in love, angst (Let me know if I left out something.) Minors DNI!
AN: This fic means a lot to me and I worked on it a lot. If you have any advice or comments, please share them with me kindly. I'm posting for the first time in years and I don't want nasty comments to discourage me from posting again. Remember it’s a slow burn! If you don't like it, please go to another blog. I did my best to translate it, so pls forgive me, English is not my first language.
Please enjoy reading!
previous chapter
Divider by the lovely Saradika
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"My idea is that we use the one answer for one question method. Truth for truth." she spoke.
Maul found this quite interesting, he didn't know the woman, but he never thought that she could be like this. In fact, he had never met a woman who was the way she was. Sure he met Komari Vosa and a few nameless female jedi, but as a non force user, a young woman she was quite an amusing little thing. 
That if she was brave or brazenly stupid, he couldn't decide it yet. She was definitely beautiful in his eyes, but even then it didn't mean much. He killed much prettier faces before.
"Why are you here?" he asked, voice in low and a bait imperious.
"I told you, I helped you. Remember? You got blacked out about a standard hour ago."
"You were here before I saw ... "
"One question, for one answer." She beckoned.
Maul just looked at her for a minute, trying to get into her mind and see if she was serious or just a lunatic. It didn't work. He ran into mental walls.
"Now it's my turn. Are you some kind of stalker?"
This hurt Maul's pride a little. He thought about how easy it would be to break that pretty neck of hers. Nevertheless, he held back.
"No" he answered simply.
"One answer for one question." Maul mimicked her pronunciation mockingly. 
"I offended you." she said.
"Now it's my turn." growled Maul harshly. He never liked being interrupted.
"I didn't ask, I just stated." she shrugged. Maul let that comment slip into the dark night and instead he asked her:
"You just pointed out that not many people go around here. Then what were you doing here? A lady like you alone in the forest."
"I’m not alone. You are here aren't you? Anyhow I came to stargaze. Then I saw you curled up like a deformed shrimp, and noticed you might need some help." the woman pointed to the telescope. "You?"
"I came here to wait. Did you take my clothes off?"
"Now you say this as if I approached you with dirty intentions." She frowned. "Yes, I took off some of the pieces of your outfit, because your body was hot as fire, I was afraid you would go into a fever shock.” 
“And yet you left a wounded male behind and left?”
“Well I figured that you wouldn’t be so happy to be woken up in the hospital. From the fact that when I tried to put a poultice on you, you growled at me and pushed me away. Plus, you're quite heavy, I couldn't have carried you with me, and the ambulances don't come down here, the vegetation is too dense. So I went for medicine and some food.”
“Are you planning to hurt me?” she asked after a short pause.
“That depends. Did you touch my saber?”
He raised an eyebrow at her. She sighed.
“Look this thigy seems quite personal in your culture. I know it's a weapon, so I didn't even plan to hold it or play with it, lest I hurt myself. That's why when it rolled off your belt I preferred to leave it there.”
Silence settled over them, Maul weighing the facts, seeing no sign of a lie. He was skeptical though.
“So. No comments? Are you silent-treathing me?” she asked and he eyed her. 
“What reason would I have to believe your words little starlight? You could lie. You are obviously very good at that.”
“How do you know that?”
“You have the qualities for what it takes to speak like a senator or a lawyer. Twisting the thread of truth is also a kind of lie, little starlight. "
"But If I were a liar, wouldn’t my lies be valuable to me, to negotiate with you?” she asked, a cunning glint in her eyes.
"Probably. But I have already guessed that you have the ability to show your false image to the world.
Her eyes widened only for a moment, then she changed the subject.
"You hungry? I brought some food for you.”
She had to do something. The silence was becoming awkward. The male zabrak saw through her during one single conversation, and she doesn't like that. She began to take out of the bag what she’d brought. The male followed her every move and Nina did her best not to look at him.  Because the longer she looked at him, the more attractive he got in her eyes. 
He was tall, and despite the many clothes, his muscular frame was visible. Nina already noticed this when they first met. However, now the male was not wearing a hood, so she could easily see his face. He was captivating in every way. Nina liked the tattoo marks that accentuated his features and made him dangerously handsome. And that pair of eyes, which haunted Nina for days and nights in her dreams. She felt goosebumps from his wild eyes when they’re watching her. While they were talking she counted his horns. Ten of them adorning his skull like a haunted crown.
He had mysterious aura surround him and had a face so exquisitely chiseled it could’ve been sculpted by one of the ancient nabooan artist.
He was quite possibly the most beautiful and the most dangerous man she ever met. 
“So this is soup and I brought bacta and some pain killers. You need my help with the wounds?” 
He only glared at her site. She let out a tired sigh.
“Don’t be a thick skull! I don’t know what you’ve been through but you need to be taken care of.” she tried again with a faint smile. “I promise it’s not poisoned or anything. Remember I was in a rush, maybe next time.”
Maul only lingered in the quiet contemplation that settled between them.
“Fine, suit yourself. But I have plans for my evening.” she told him her green eyes shine coldly, and from her voice Maul could feel that he offended her. 
Nevertheless, it did not escape his attention that indeed she did not ask permission nor mercy to let her go. She simply ended the conversation and left. How arrogant of her. Nevertheless she managed to earn his recognition for her bravery. It was kind of refreshing. Almost the biggest compliment in his vocabulary.
He only followed her with his gaze, and casted his shadows out around her. Trying to find a crack on her shield to read her, while she was bringing her telescope out to the old garden. He successfully slipped in a small crack. Her thoughts were available for him now. 
She was annoyed by his silence, and this made him amused. But he watched her forgetting about him and concentrating on the stars instead and he felt that a specific kind of nostalgia settled around her aura. 
What an odd hobby. Watching the sky. What could happen? Ships come and go in the atmosphere. The stars are just as dim, and none of the observed ones are necessary for orientation. Then why does she care about them? This seemed like a waste of time to Maul. Still, by the time he realized it, he was standing outside a few steps away from her. He rolled his eyes at himself. Pathetic.
Maul was surprised, she wasn't even scared of him. She simply treated him as if she had been waiting for him. It's like he's known her for a long time. As if they already belong to each other on some level. Maybe it was possible, but he doubted.  
He didn't know this feeling, but warmth spread in his stomach, tingling all over his body. He didn't move, he just looked calm, collected and not able to be readed. It was as if he could have stopped this one moment in time like this, stretched it like a movie screen and viewed it detail by detail. Maul could feel how much a single moment could change everything. That this moment would be important in his life, but he didn't know how yet.
The young woman looked at the sky through the telescope, probably spying the comets that pass each year. She looked full of life and cheerful, her eyes sparkling with excitement as if her irises had been sprinkled with a sea of ​​stardust. When she noticed that Maul hadn't moved, she looked up and closed the distance between them a few steps, holding out her hand.
When she smiled, he noticed her dimples, the small wrinkles around her eyes, and the gap between her front teeth. No one had ever smiled at Maul before. This was new. It wasn't mocking, or contemptuous, or fear, it was just a cheerful and friendly smile that she gave him. Or was she a crazy person? Smiling at him, someone who meant to be a nightmare to the ones who saw his face.
"How about a fresh new start? My name is Nina. Nina Cerasus.”
Her voice was feminine but a bit hoarse. Maybe he was too rough with her.
Maul found it ironic that her name in old language was the same as the drupe fruit of the tree that smelled like the perfume she used, and whose pink petals dappled the snowy ground of the planet Carlac when it bloomed. Her other name meant grace.  
"You haven't given me your name. I can't call you a mysterious stranger every time we meet." she laughed faintly, not breaking eye contact. “ My grandmother said that a name has power. If you don't know someone's name, you have no power over them.”
“What if I don’t want you to have this kind of power?” he asked, but he knew at that moment it was late for that. She affected him in some way, since they met. 
He wasn't able to concentrate while he meditated, he felt frustrated all the time.
Maul felt uncertain, when he was in an uncharted unknown place, there he could always refer to the Force. This time it's different somehow. The Force was whispering to his intuition, so he answered by it.
He accepted the hand extended to him. When his fingers slid into her palm, the Force for a moment created dim images, they were more part of some sort of feelings than clear images. It showed him feelings of nostalgia for future memories. Nevertheless made sense to him, that was the moment when Maul knew that his fate was partially intertwined with Nina's. The average, non-Force sensitive  Nina.
Since he told her his name he realized that he would always be Maul to her. Not Darth, not Maul the apprentice, not the assassin, just Maul heir to Dathomir.
He only remembered this name. If there was another and different before, it no longer belonged to him.
What wise words were spoken by her relative.
His master really had Maul under his control, as he had given him that name when he earned it.
He wondered about this when Nina tried to show him a couple of comets up close through the telescope. He still didn't understand why she was special, but even if impulsively and unexpectedly, Nina showed a little bit of herself, just for him,her mental walls were nowhere to be found. This made him feel important for some reason, in a way, he couldn't grasp a thought about but felt …
Her eyes drifted to the colorful comets before they drifted back to his. His hearts slowed a fractions of a heartbeats. He noticed the heat rush back to her pale skin on her cheeks. This made tiny crackles of electricity hum under her gaze. It grounded him with such a weight that it took a big amount of willpower not to step closer to her. Instead he shake off the strange sensation and stepped back.
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Then he left for his ship, he felt that he needed to give back her space. Never even think about her that night. 
The golden and crimson lights of dawn reflected on his black attire as he meditated on the grass. This time with success. This was what his mind was so wrapped up about. Nevertheless he went for a walk  to clear his thoughts before his morning training began.
She was almost out of the woods in the clear between the forest and the house. He stood before her and in his stretched hand was her bag, which she brought earlier for him. 
When their eyes met, he clearly felt the young woman's attraction to him. The green in her irises seemed even brighter in sunlight like jade crystals in crown jewelry.
"I didn't mean to disturb your meditation." she spoke softly.
“Maybe I’ll see you again. “ he said. 
“Maybe you will, Maul.” 
She meant it, but never promised anything.
This was the first time saying his name out loud. The name slipped softly and elegantly from her lips, and he liked the sound of it as if it was a whisper into the receding night.
She felt her mood swift to this new sensation, excitement and the colorful stars she saw. Meeting him was indeed like watching a handful of shooting stars in the sky. Suddenly the ruins felt less quiet, buzzing with some sort of disturbance. It was dark, but comfortingly dark, the one she always knew.
Then she turned away and went home, leaving the moment fading away, with a half smile on her face.
next chapter
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Taglist: @stardustbee @hellhound5925 @cloneloverrrrr @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @firstofficerwiggles
Let me know if you want to be added 💖
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Sully’s Stick Together
Chapter 1
I sat on a branch of hometree with my feet dangling off the edge. Tears streamed down my face after my brothers' last teasing. Neteyam never meant to make me cry, he was too protective for that. Lo'ak was different. He always took things too far. But if I was ever in real danger, he was there to stand in between the threat and me. I heard steps next to me just as a figure came beside me and sat down. I quickly wiped away the tears and looked the other way trying to hide the fact that I was upset.
"What's the matter, baby girl?" Dad asked softly. I took a deep breath calming my voice, "Nothing's the matter. I'm alright," Part of me knew that I wouldn't be able to hide it from him, but it was worth a try. I never wanted my family to see me as weak. "Hey, come on now. You know that's not gonna work." He put his hand on my shoulder gently turning me to face him. I took another deep breath in defeat, "Lo'ak is a jerk." He nodded now looking at the branch we sat on. "He was picking on you again wasn't he?" I nodded wiping away a stray tear. "What did he say?"
"He called me a wimp. He says that I am a crybaby and that whenever he does something I always tell on him. And that I'm not brave, but I am!" He pulled me a bit closer now, holding me tight against him. "Oh, Nelyia. Don't listen to your brother. You are none of those things. You know Lo'ak. He doesn't really mean those things anyway."
I pulled away from him standing on the branch, "No, he hates me! He always picks on me and makes me sad." I heard rustling behind me, causing me to spin around to see who was there. Lo'ak stood at the entrance to the hall of hometree. "Neliya, I don't hate you. You're my baby sister. It's my job to pick on you." He stepped outside walking closer to dad and me. Dad stood up and got behind me placing his hands on my shoulders. "You take it too far, Lo'ak. You always make me cry! Neteyam picks on me too but he doesn't make me sad." I backed up a bit, standing closer to dad for comfort. He looked to Lo'ak with a knowing look and put his arm around my collarbone loosely.
"Oh... Sis, I'm sorry. I didn't know," he stepped closer. "I won't go so far next time alright?" He looked at me with pleading eyes. I nodded slowly and stepped away from dad, "Promise?"
"I promise." He held out his hand, tucking in all of his fingers, except for his pinky. Dad said that on earth it's called a pinky promise, a promise that can't be broken. I hold out my pinky to him and he interlocks it with his own with a smile. With that, dad walked away, patting us both on the shoulder as he walked by. Lo'ak and I went inside the tree and went to our home to find our siblings. We ran inside our home where Neteyum, Kiri, and Tuk were all getting ready to go out.
"Neliya!" Tuk called out once she saw me. "What are you all up to?" I asked walking over and ruffling up Tuk's hair earning a giggle from her. "I was just going to go fishing. I made a new bow so I want to test it out," Neteyam said as he grabbed his bow and arrows standing up. "I'll be back later. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. Kiri just rolled her eyes. While she wasn't the type to actually do something stupid, she hated being told not to do it anyway.
"Relax bro. We're just gonna go explore like always," Lo'ak said from behind me. Whenever he said that he was going to explore, it almost always meant he was going to get into trouble.
Hey everyone! This is a story that I started a little while ago on Wattpad. It’s gotten a really good response on there so I decided that I would share it on here as well. I will be posting the new chapters to Wattpad first, and then moving it over here. So that being said, if you want to see the updates when they are posted, go follow me on Wattpad: Laurenstark1
 I'm still trying to hammer out some details for this, so don't be too hard on me yet! If you can't already tell, Nelyia is going to be a daddy's girl, and yes that is my daddy issues talking. 🤪 Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
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wakgaes · 2 months
Wakgae NSFW edit account to be doxxed then deleted - Jul 25
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look at this little bitch deleting after all I said! I'm still going to come for you stupid fuck. @seulgi444501 you nasty fucking predatory piece of shit. Fuck you you are paying for that nasty shit you put up about Seulgi. Deleting your account now won't save you Wendy akgae 8:54 PM · Jul 25, 2024 KST x.com/wincetwice/status/1816441935411785837 🔗
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Not so fun now when your idol's reputation is on the line is it? You got so brave spreading 🐻 deEpfake$ like a human with no moral, now you want to preach about unity? 🖕🏻 12:50 AM · Jul 26, 2024 KST x.com/simp_seulgi/status/1816501224201761127 🔗 -
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I’m afraid that I’ll be reporting a lot of accounts since they are now using deepfakes to attack her. 12:07 AM · Jul 26, 2024 KST x.com/ladidalou/status/1816490472652886289
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Bailey Boom Jul 25, 2024 @wincetwice Replying to @ksg2flo2 My goal is to get press about it and I will make it so. These dumb whores have been actively lying about Seulgi & getting away with it far too long. Exposes will be happening. Want to make up lies about her ok let's tell the truth with some legal names and face cards then I say. @TcciQnJ5qB3396 Please I dont want Wendy to read anything like this. We just stop and move on… it effect Seulgi too when she read this so it better we just stop everything now. dont let our idols be hurt 11:46 PM Jul 25, 2024 KST x.com/TcciQnJ5qB3396/status/1816485157307576588
🗨️ LOL [post/44189]
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@TcciQnJ5qB3396 @wincetwice Hello dear.. first I want to say we cant keep fighting. Im sorry for actions. I hope to explain.. I am fan for very long time, almost since 2014. It hurt me when I see people bring down Wendy. But I decided to take action on Seulgi fans… but not right. 11:04 PM Jul 25, 2024 KST
🗨️ LOL now they got scared because a fan decided to take action
The thread is interesting. They said the photos were from that fan editor turned nsfw editor and again queen ssw in involved lol | I hope they all get exposed. how can they attack seulgi because of something other people are doing they're not even rv fans [post/44187]
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Look into that gapjheels account. Pretty sure the owner is responsible of all this. The behavior is the same. 9:20 PM · Jul 25, 2024 KST x.com/simp_seulgi/status/1816448442014875770
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It's go time. Found linkedins, personal pages and all. If you are going to continue you make up the lies you will be getting it back. Like it's a done deal.
8:41 PM · Jul 25, 2024 KST x.com/wincetwice/status/1816438626672091386 🔗
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fucking mass report this account asap this mfing creepy weirdo is sexualizing seulgi wtf (dont look at his replies and media) https://x.com/Seulgi444501?t=ZTGAFAJhNSXQjIhggtTUcg&s=09 5:39 PM · Jul 25, 2024 KST x.com/minjoohyuns/status/1816392910222585907
🗨️ I usually never say this, but these poeple deserve to get doxxed and shamed. Just cause of some stan twitter fight they had to go to the lengths of creating such disgusting nsfw pictures and a new account. Such a fucking lowly act. Goes to show what kind of mentality they possess. Fucking pests [post/44194]
🗨️ A lot of seulgi set up accounts are being created just this month alone. How low wakgaes can be [post/44186]
Thu Jul 25 2024 17:53:09 GMT+0900 🗨️ @writingmymuses is so disgusting, seems like she created a fake Seulgi account and have been replying to every Seulgi account with Seulgi nsfw photos and videos. It’s @seulgi444501 | Thu Jul 25 2024 17:57:58 GMT+0900 Ew I just checked it out. Doesn’t surprise me one bit though, you can never separate wakgaes and their love for photoshop and editing nsfw photos. They have bad things coming their way, although I’m not sure how much more unfortunate looking Wendy can get or how lower her relevancy status can go. [post/44152] | Thu Jul 25 2024 18:01:48 GMT+0900 I assume that she saw the discussions about her here on board and went crazy and got triggered but recent seulrene postings so she is trying her best to stain Seulgi’s image. nsfw accounts don’t post anything on public, it’s obvious that the account hates Seulgi. Please report it
🗨️ x2 Hold them accountable. 💪 | DA Hold them accountable. Expose these fans. Let people know that these are Wendy fans so that the issue will be associated to Wendy and she will finally reprimand her fans. Let them know that they are mostly porn addicts men and transmen. If we can also have evidences that some of them are insuating fanwars in korean forums, better. [post/44218]
0 notes
this-is-fox-speaking · 9 months
tw parental death. just my own thoughts and feelings on my own recent loss, super long post.
my dads always given me mixed feelings. you can imagine how much worse it got after he died.
when he was alive, he was horrible to my mother. he had the worst anger issues, and was a raging narcissist, my mother says. i’m not sure what a narcissist looks like, but he probably fits the bill. my mother was a brave and strong woman, taking the worst of his anger issues behind closed doors and away from us. the most me and my brother ever saw was loud arguments and my father getting mad over the smallest shit. i never even knew the worst of it until years later after the divorce.
he makes me angry. i fucking hate him for what he’s done to my mother. i hate that he would vent to anyone who would listen but would still create more and more problems for himself, not listening to anyone but forcing anyone to listen to his issues that he fucking refused to fix. he was the worst man in my life. sure, he didn’t murder, my mother wasn’t perfect, what-fucking-ever. but he was fucking god awful. and i’m glad he’s dead.
but i’m only glad that side of him is dead.
the father i had, i can barely remember. he was always gone and whenever he was home, he’d be angry. whenever we went somewhere, he’d be angry. but that’s all i can actually remember, so maybe he wasn’t always angry. but i’ll never really know. i was in elementary, after all. but the late father i had was gentle. he was emotional. he was pathetic, i thought at times. “he has the gall to wish for my mother, when he ruined her life?” it twisted my gut at times whenever i saw him date a new woman- five or four, in total- because i knew what he’d done, but i know he’d never tell them what he’d done. the children he’s abandoned, the mothers he’s left behind, the abuse he’s inflicted on the family that stayed. on the family that didn’t deserve it, that were just trying their fucking best to get by, god damn it. but the late father i had was emotional. but he certainly never let me or anyone forget his roots- his favorite past time being to use the n word like a replacement for the fact he couldn’t say christ’s name. he was ironic for his beliefs. he was mixed, but hated the whites and blacks mix in together. he was grown this way. grown into the part of my family- his family- that fed well on lying to the new generations that unfortunately came to be under their last names. in their blood line.
i don’t know. i’m ranting.
my dad was emotional. i remember at one of my old therapy sessions when i was younger, he started to bawl about his childhood trauma. his dad and everything. i’ve heard the story before. his dad was terrible, he doesn’t know how to be a dad, etc. but i don’t think he ever did- or ever will, even in some belief of afterlife- learn that just because your childhood sucked, there’s no excuse to use that as a crutch to keep abandoning and harming those who are trying to be in your life. it’s never excused, even when you try and help them later on. you stupid piece of shit.
right. the death. i forgot. i’m ranting again.
when i was told he died, i expected a joke at first. i teared up, i silently cried through laughter. i was fine for a few days. i missed school for a while. then it finally hit me all in one day. and i broke down completely. everything he’ll ever miss in my life hit me like a train wreck.
he called me the night before the morning. i told him about my current ceramics project, told him if i finish it i’ll try and show it to him. he said he wanted to come down for halloween, if he could. then he had a heart attack. i joked he could come visit me for halloween, that he didn’t even need to dress up from being a spirit now.
i was fine for a while after my meltdown. i went to school, i think. i don’t remember. his funeral finally came around, surprisingly shortly after everything. my grandma was there. one of my sisters talked about how she shouldn’t have to bury her child, no mother should. my fathers casket was a bright mint. i joked that it was ironic, like one last prank on him. because he used to tell a story that he choked on a mint once during a sports game and puked, so the smell made him sick. we went to a store full of people’s old junk being resold, beforehand. i found some horror themed wreaths, and joked that we should buy one to put on his grave. i don’t think the real dad i had deserved it, not in the slightest. but the dad i had did. at least in some capacity. i bawled at the his casket, as it hit me that he was in there. my father was in that casket, and i couldn’t handle it. they had it closed. i thought i’d regret it later, but i still don’t. i didn’t want to see my dads cold laying corpse. i wanted to remember him how i always saw him. he was always trying to lose weight, but i don’t think i could handle seeing him thinned even slightly. his skin was always tanned, and i don’t think i could handle seeing him any bluer or any whiter. i used to mess with his stomach as a kid, saying how he should never get skinny. me and my brother both did. sorry that your weight loss is being done by maggots, dad. but at least it’s quicker than what you were doing, right?
for all the trouble he caused, he was still a dad to me. he made sure to always tell me he loved me, he shared my interest of horror and the nasty bits and pieces of human nature. we would talk about scary things like serial killers. he loved to look into serial killers, he had such a fascination with them. he actually told me stories about how, when he was younger, he’d have dreams of killing people as jason voorhes. i’d judge, but i have worse taste. besides, what angry little kid hasn’t dreamt of killing people, right? or maybe that was just us.
he went to pawn shops a lot. i always hated going to them, i thought they were boring. but now he’s all i think about whenever i see one. i don’t get emotional, i still think they’re boring. but he lives on somehow, i suppose.
he spoiled me rotten. to a very literal degree. i have a feeling he’s the reason for all my rotted teeth, all my mothers dentist bills. but i can’t blame him.
he always asked me if i’d live with him. no, dad, i don’t want to. i never wanted to. living with you wouldn’t have been good for me, and i’m sorry i was never honest with you. it just.. would’ve broke your heart. i’m sorry i’m such a terrible liar, i’m sorry i was so vague all the time when you asked me.
something that broke me the most was when i thought about what his last thoughts and words were as he passed. the flash of regrets he might’ve had as he died. i’ll never know. he can’t tell me.
i saw the wonka movie today. i started to tear up and silently cry as wonka waved to the figment of his mother in the crowd at his greatest accomplishment, the one she’d promise to be there for. him blowing a kiss to her. when she disappeared into thin air when the man passed infront of her, it hit me all at once. it hit too close. i smiled, i joked, but i cried for a bit. i silently cried, but once the lights turned on i forgot about it, i joked, i defended, i wiped the tears away, i went to the car, we went home.
oddly, i don’t miss him. i never spent time with him, because for the past year or two he’s never come to see me on the weekends like documents said he was supposed too. he was always busy. to me, always running from someone. it was either he couldn’t pay for something, he lost his job, something like that. last time he told me that, he was actually visiting my family 2 days away. he didn’t tell anybody. it feels like he was a deadbeat. an emotional one, though.
i’m sorry to everyone he’s ever dated, ever ‘loved’, ever met, ever touched, ever made. i’m sorry he’s screwed all of our lives over. we all have to live with what he’s done to us, how he’s effected us. but i’m glad we met. you’re apart of the family now, i hope you enjoy us.
i don’t miss him. but i wish he could’ve lasted at least just a few more weeks, just one more year. be there for my 18th, be there for my first job, my first car, my first anything. he’ll never be there for any of it. and it hurts, but not because i wanted him to see it. i didn’t need him to see any of it. i could’ve just told him about it, and that’d be ok. but i can’t even do that. phone calls don’t go to hell, after all. yeah, you didn’t use the lords name in vain, but you weren’t exactly the type to love thy neighbor. not fully. at least you weren’t homophobic, i guess? very racist though.
at least he’s the reason i have a loving dog named otis. he remembered the one and only time i joked that if we ever got a dog, we should name it otis. he remembered, and i didn’t in the slightest.
he did some things right, but all of his life he did wrong. i guess.. i’m glad i don’t have an obligation to see him, anymore? i don’t know. it’s weird.
0 notes
Different Kinds of Falls
Request : autumn themed + underwear store with Wilhemina
A/N: @blacksmokieee25 since you’re probably not going to bed until the sun rises, I’m posting this now. Happy birthday lovely ^^ I tried lacing together your two requests and came up with this weird, vignette fic that I hope you’ll like. I hope your 23rd year will bring you love and happiness. I’m very glad I know you xx
Warnings: a tiny little bit of smut and a lot of bad English
Word count:  ≃ 4 600
She was like a princess in a fairytale, trapped in a tower and waiting for someone to save her from isolation. Except no one had come. She would have to do the saving herself.
But she was too tired, she protested. She couldn’t do the saving. She said, Because to save someone, you have to think they are worthy, you have to love them at least a little. And the dragon keeping me prisoner – that dragon is me. I cannot save myself for I do not think I’m worthy.
All this of course she didn’t say. You thought it yourself, as you lay in bed watching her, the sheet pulled up high so she could hide herself – she wouldn’t say she’s hiding, she would say she’s cold. You had been reading The Island of Doctor Moreau next to her, a little appalled, a little sleepy, until you had come upon one sentence and stopped. Now you stood watching her as the sentence played in your head like a record spinning again and again.
The Thing that bled and ran screaming and sobbing – that is dead, too.
Wilhemina felt your gaze on her and glanced at you, looking as if she couldn’t quite believe she had allowed you to lie half naked in her bed like that. She looked a little fierce, you thought, a little too mean for a lover. She looked like she didn’t quite know how to let herself be loved.
You gave her a smile and ran one finger down her cheek, along her jaw to her chin, down her neck. Wilhemina’s brow furrowed, shoulders tensing as your finger reached the collar of her nightdress.
Will you let me see you naked? you wanted to ask, just a whisper so as not to scare her.
Of course you didn’t.
You wouldn’t make a good hero, you thought. You would make a terrible knight. The one who always runs away first, who says bad jokes to make up for her cowardice and her overwhelming fear of love.
You would take one look at the dragon and leave the princess in her tower.
The Thing that bled and ran screaming and sobbing – that is thriving, too.
But consider, you thought, as Wilhemina, still frowning, leaned in to plant a kiss on your lips: what if you saw the princess before you saw the dragon. What if the princess saw you. Doesn’t love make the lovers brave?
Wilhemina’s kisses were often clumsy. They were always terrified, that this kiss would be the last, that after it would only come the bite of her own teeth and the burn of her tears. Her fingers slid behind your neck and clutched your hair. She pressed herself against you.
As you guided her head to your neck and closed your eyes, you slipped your hand under her nightdress to feel the skin of her shoulder. Brave? Or stupid? Wilhemina’s breath hitched.
She pressed herself deeper into you.
The Thing that bled and ran screaming and sobbing – that is dying, too.
“It’s alright,” you tried, both hands held up, wide eyes quickly shifting from Wilhemina’s face to the fragments of glass on the floor and her bare feet. “Be careful, I can take care of it.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” she snapped. Her hand was pressed against her chest, fingers clutching the towel wrapped around her body as if it were the last remaining piece of her broken armor.
You winced.
“It’s alright,” you tried again. “I –”
“Get out!”  
You met her eyes again, wide with fear and fury because you had walked into the bedroom as she was getting dressed, and you had almost seen her, and in her hurry to hide from you she had knocked over the vase with the flowers that she had bought for you three days ago.
“Mina – ”
“Y/N if you do not get out of my sight in the next two seconds I will hurt you.” Voice breaking, hands shaking.
Still you hesitated.
Wilhemina grabbed a pillow – the beside lamp was nearer – and threw it at you.
She never screamed. It was that scream that made you obey.
You stood behind the closed door and listened as she cried.
She didn’t believe that you could love her. And yet she felt it, in the way you kissed her, and she saw it shining in your eyes, and in your smile, and she heard it in your voice too. So she tried to find an explanation. You were lonely, in need of company, and a good actress. You were smitten and infatuation blinded you but it wouldn’t last. You were an angel. You had taken pity on her.
She couldn’t find a reason. Some nights it made her so angry she felt like smashing all your things or – even better – destroying herself. She wanted to hurt you and to pull the truth out of your throat so she would understand why and how you were smiling at her like that.
She didn’t believe that you would stay and she didn’t understand why you were here in the first place, but she found that she rather liked your presence. Loved. So she fought against her impulse to be mean and agreed to sometimes share a few things with you; things that lived at the surface, not the big, the dark, the important things that lived deep within her – there was no point sharing those. She hid those and she hid her shame so maybe you would stay a little longer than you had planned.  
It was selfish, she knew it. But she was way past selfishness.
You met her on a Saturday afternoon. It was the fall and outside the leaves were falling.
You were scrolling on your phone as you sat, bored, on a chair by the fitting rooms, waiting for your roommate who was trying on the new sexy underwear she’d need in case she successfully seduced the boy who had just moved in next door.
You were distracted by an unfamiliar sound, and looked up just as a woman walked in, supporting herself on a cane and looking as if she owned the whole world. It seemed to you even her nostrils flared a little, in outrage that some servant hadn’t sprayed myrrh or sandal wood in the air to celebrate her arrival.
You eyed her as she passed you, and quickly lowered your gaze as hers met yours. Her eyes were dark. Cold. Glazed.
This woman is scared, you thought, without knowing where the thought came from. She’s terrified.
Just as you were glancing up at her again, your roommate burst out from her fitting room with her arms thrown up in triumph and crashed right into the woman.
The shock sent her stumbling backwards, until her legs bumped into your knees and she fell onto your lap.
Instinctively your hands fell on either side of her waist to steady her, and you felt her flinch and tense up.
“Don’t touch me,” she snapped.
And already she was pushing herself up onto her feet, and you sat as if petrified on your chair, your cheeks flushed, your hands still held up, the reminder of how she had felt burning low right under your skin.
Your roommate immediately walked up to the woman with an apologetic expression on her face and one hand raised as if to touch her shoulder, but she was stopped by the loud, threatening noise of her cane hitting the ground.
The sudden noise broke the trance you had fallen into. You jumped, remembered where you were, became aware that your roommate was wearing a low-cut black lace nightdress that barely hid her body. And the woman was staring at her with anger burning like a low fire in her eyes, but the rest of her face was completely blank, unreadable, terrible.
Your roommate cleared her throat, and decided her safest option was to ignore her. She turned to you, opened her arms and asked in a voice which, to her credit, barely shook at all: “How do I look?”
“Horrendous,” the woman said, her voice quiet and low but laced with contempt and mockery.
What happened next you saw as a movie on a big screen. It felt unreal, somehow, but most of all it felt scripted; part of you already knew exactly what your role would be. It didn’t ask for your approval. It just happened.
Your roommate turned back towards the woman, fists clenching and eyes shining. “Excuse me?” she said, not quiet as the woman had, but loud, and angry.
The woman smirked. “I said,” she answered, still as slowly, “you look horrendous.”
“Then why don’t you try it on and we’ll see if you look any better!” your roommate nearly screamed.
Your gaze was riveted on the woman’s face, and you saw something uneasy flicker in her eyes.
Your roommate saw it, too. Her confidence flared up.
“Come on,” she laughed, taking one step forward. “Go get one your size and put it on I dare you.”
At that exact moment a vendor walked in, alerted by the noise, to peer curiously at the scene. The woman quickly scanned his face, assessing danger.
“Do you ladies need anything?” the vendor asked.
“Yes,” your roommate roared, “another nightdress and then stay with us, you can be our judge, you can decide if she looks any better than me wearing it.”
“I think you look very good,” the vendor said to your roommate politely.
“Ah!” your roommate exulted, turning to the woman again, her eyes burning their way down to rest on her cane, and then up again to sneer, her face shining with the certainty of her triumph.  
That was when, as was scripted, you stood up. You didn’t become aware of your action until your roommate glanced curiously at you. And then you heard yourself speak, something about decency, about kindness, about you leaving if your roommate was going to be such an ass.
You didn’t know what you were saying. Your roommate’s expressions were your only guide. You saw surprise, and then anger. Her eyes narrowed a little. They told you it would take time for her to forgive such a betrayal.
Later, you would say that surely it had been fate pulling the strings. But back then, all that you knew was your body’s vibrating, burning, coming to life with the reminder of how the woman had felt.
“I didn’t need your help,” Wilhemina – Ms Venable? Wilhemina – snapped a few minutes later, as you walked out of the store together. The air was cold and already smelt of winter.
“Would you like to get a drink?” you heard yourself say.
She let out an incredulous laugh. “Certainly not.” Another laugh, eyes falling on your face, briefly, as if to make sure you were real.
“Does that mean I’ll never see you again?” was what you said next, and you would have blushed at the plea in your voice if you hadn’t been so intent on making her stay.
“We’ve barely talked,” Wilhemina said, face hardening, “why are you so interested in me?”
She was suspicious, wary, ready to jump at your throat. You didn’t know how to explain what was happening to you – the vibrating, the coming to life – without sounding like a complete fool.
“Let me walk you to your car,” you offered.  
Wilhemina hesitated. Nodded.
When you reached her car, she stood with her back to the door and you laughed nervously and started rambling about the weather because you didn’t want to see her go just yet. You said how autumn was your favorite season because of all the colors and of all the smells. You said you wanted a life full of falls. You said, Falls as in the season, but also as in falling in love. Here you averted your eyes and felt yourself blush.
It wasn’t you talking. It couldn’t be. It was too bold.
You looked up again and said, Why don’t we go on a walk? and don’t stop, until we’ve found a leaf the exact same color as your hair.
At this very moment the breeze blew into Wilhemina’s eyes a strand of hair that had escaped her impeccable ponytail, and she raised her hand to brush it away, fingers gracefully grazing her skin with just a touch of annoyance, and you thought  - Dear Lord, you thought, as one thinks who has just fallen in love.
But you didn’t believe in love at first sight, you reminded yourself. What was it, then? You had seen the dragon and you had seen the princess and they were the same.
But you were no hero. Curiosity? Or your soul whispering to her soul?
But wasn’t that love?
You took a peek. There was inside you the irresistible desire to know everything about her.
You insisted you gave her your number and she accepted it “to get rid of you.”
On the third day after that, she called you.
The full moon had risen a few minutes ago and the night shadows had retreated into the corners, where they lurked. You shifted closer to Wilhemina and nuzzled her neck with your nose.
“I’m sorry about the vase,” she whispered. You hummed. Her hand fell on your head. I’m sorry I snapped at you.
You pulled away to meet her eyes, and traced her brow with your thumb. The moonlight painted her in black and silver.
You trailed your finger over her shoulder and stopped at the collar of her nightdress.
“Will you let me see you?” you asked.
You were not sure you were brave enough to watch. But you asked anyway.
Her eyes met yours again. “Don’t forget the story of Lot’s wife,” she answered. “Orpheus and Eurydice. Medusa.”
You planted a kiss on her cheek.
“What these stories teach me is that everyone looks.”
“And they all die.”
“No. They all turn into something else.”
“Eurydice dies,” Wilhemina insisted.
“Are you afraid I’ll die if I see you?”
She shook her head. She let go of you. “It’s not the one who sees that dies. It’s the one who is seen.”
“Are you afraid I’ll hurt you?”
You propped yourself up on one elbow to watch her as she got up and crossed the room to the window. She closed it against the cold.
“Are you afraid I’ll leave you?” you insisted.
“I like you blind,” she said.
“But I’d love to see you.”
She turned, gave you a smile that shone a little defiantly. “When Oedipus finally saw, he stabbed himself in the eyes.”
You fell back on the bed with a groan. “Enough with mythology. We aren’t gods. We aren’t heroes.” You opened your arms to hold her close as she slowly made her way back to bed.
“Do we even know what we’re looking for?” you asked, bending to avoid a branch full of golden and red leaves.
“I do,” Wilhemina answered. “I spent yesterday evening reading about mushrooms.”
You grinned at her.
“One of us had to make sure we won’t die intoxicated,” she said, a little coldly.
“That’s very noble of you,” you teased.
This was about a month after you two had first met. You now spent most of your spare time together. Wilhemina had even stopped doing extra hours at work to spend them with you instead. Your roommate barely saw you anymore. She had complained about your absence and asked whether she should look for someone else.
You had always craved a strong connection with someone, and it seemed you had finally found it. You didn’t need words to communicate with Wilhemina, as if your soul and her soul were made of the same stuff. You could point at a star in the night sky and knew she felt the same about it. Knew you were understood.  
You wanted to spend every second of every day with her.
Two nights ago, you had kissed her. You hadn’t expected it of yourself. It was too brave, too bold. That’s how you knew that you loved her.
She had frozen with her hand on your thigh, eyes wide open, breath caught in her throat, until suddenly something had changed and she had turned ravenous. She had kissed you back as if you were the ghost of a long-lost lover she was about to lose again, and the desperation she had poured into your mouth had made you fear that this was too much for one person to bear; too much need, too much anger, too much love required to fill the gaping, sucking black hole inside her. You had broken the kiss, panting, and almost run away. But the way she had held on to your wrist, the way she had looked at you, the feel of her on your lips – you had stayed.
None of you had mentioned the kiss since then. She seemed to be waiting for you to make the next move, and you weren’t sure you wanted to. Weren’t sure you were brave enough.
“Look here,” Wilhemina said, pointing at a small cluster of brown mushrooms half hidden under dead leaves.
You crouched down to examine them. “Yes,” you smiled, “these look like penny buns.”
You picked one for Wilhemina to look at.
“Butter, garlic and parsley,” you grinned, watching her as she inspected the mushroom, held delicately between two fingers. “One or two potatoes.”
Wilhemina hummed and cautiously put the mushroom in the basket she was holding.
You took the basket from her so you could hold her hand as you walked slowly down the path. Wilhemina glanced sideways at you, as if to make sure ill intent wasn’t shining in your eyes, before she pushed her palm against yours and laced her fingers with yours.
After a few minutes you stopped looking for mushrooms and gazed up at the beautiful leaves instead. The air was cold and crisp, and smelt of damp earth and decaying leaves. Every so often the sound of something falling – a dead branch, an acorn – reached your ears.
Wilhemina’s heart was drumming against your palm. Was it your touch, you wondered, that made it beat so fast?
She wasn’t looking at the ground either. She kept glancing at you. You knew this, because you kept glancing at her, too, and more than once you found her gaze already on your face. The first time your eyes met, you both blushed, and if Wilhemina quickly looked away, you found it impossible not to gaze at the dusting of pink on her cheeks.
“Look,” you breathed.
On your left between two oak trees was a small, round, dark pond. Its surface was half covered with leaves and you wouldn’t have noticed it at all if the wind hadn’t blown the branches above and sunlight hadn’t caught it. Wilhemina and you paused at the edge of it, hand in hand, to look at your reflections in the dark water.
“It looks like a fairy pond,” you whispered.
Wilhemina hummed her assent. You stroked your thumb over hers as you stared at her reflection, fully clothed, tall but with the edges trembling.  
“If we stay here long enough maybe we’ll see a doe.”
“You’d never have the patience,” Wilhemina teased.
“Well,” you cleared your throat, “I would if we had something to do to keep each other busy.”
Something, very close, fell from a tree.
It felt like dissolving into the golden light – like becoming part of something beautiful – when Wilhemina gently pressed her lips to yours. The basket stood between you two, so she hastily set it down on the ground before she captured your lips again, shyly, so very delicately it made you tremble. As if you were something precious. Something to be treasured.
It was this gentleness that made you kiss her back.
When you broke the kiss, Wilhemina squinted in the sunlight that fell through the branches and directly into her eyes. Dear you, she looked so scared. You wanted to push her, to make her fall so she would know you would always catch her. You wanted her to do the same to you.
You started walking again. You were both so focused on the other that you forgot the basket. You remembered it five minutes later. You found it funny; Wilhemina’s jaw tightened with anger. It had never happened to her before, she assured you. She didn’t forget things. The implication made her shiver.  
You walked back to the pond and found the basket on the moss where you had left it.
From where you were lying between her legs, you slipped your hand under her shirt to feel the warm softness of her tummy.
“Don’t you sometimes wish you didn’t have a body?” she asked.
You glanced up at her sleepily. She was reading your book, the one you had finished just a few days ago – you wondered if it was the same sentence that had caused her to stop.
You dropped a kiss on her hip. “I rather like having a body,” you answered. “And I love that you have one yourself. How would I kiss you otherwise?”
“Without a body, you wouldn’t need or want to kiss me.”
You considered, hand absentmindedly stroking her tummy.
“I don’t know,” Wilhemina went on. She was thumbing the book nervously, her eyes a little glazed. “It seems to me the body only brings its owner pain.”
“But I love your body,” you retorted.
“I am sick of it,” she said. “I am sick of the competition that comes with it. The pain, the probing, the examination.”
You watched her in silence. How could you tell her that some days when you woke up before dawn you would spend long minutes delighting in the sight of her body? And that you would press your lips on her skin to kiss, not who she was, but the body that you loved.
You took the book from her (you were starting to think that giving it to her in the first place hadn’t been the brightest of ideas. She had never told you the kind of surgeries she had undergone, the kind of names she had been called. You didn’t like the look on her face now) and put your arms around her waist. You pressed your cheek against her thigh and closed your eyes.
“I don’t like my body (she knew this already. You’d told her before). I think it’s too flat. And yet you find it beautiful. Maybe that’s mankind’s curse. Maybe that’s beauty’s curse. The beautiful doesn’t know it’s beautiful until someone comes along and tells it so.”
She started running her fingers through your hair, and you opened your eyes to find her gazing at you with a fond and thoughtful smile. She checked herself when your eyes met. Her face hardened a little.
“No need,” you smiled.
And then you were crawling up the bed, planting kisses on the strip of skin between her panties and her shirt, and then up her cleavage, smiling when she pushed her head back to give you better access to her neck. You twisted a strand of her hair around your finger – hair let down, only for you – and slid your other hand down to cup her center, determined to take her mind off the horrors she had read, or been reminded of.
You had made love before, but never entirely exposed, never entirely seen. Part of you loved it. Another part of you hated that you loved it. That part wanted you to stop being cowardly and to take the jump. To fall. Tear off the sheet, tear down the tower’s walls.
What terrified you the most was, there would be no going back, the day she would show you her back.
Your fingers started massaging her clit over her panties.
“How would you be able to feel me if you didn’t have a body?” you breathed, lips planting open-mouthed kisses up her neck.  
Wilhemina’s only answer was a small, breathy whimper. She lifted her hips to push against your hand.  
You followed the sound of her voice to her bedroom. She sounded afraid. You hurried.
“I’m right here,” you called, as your hand closed around the door handle. “Is today the day I’m going to,learn you’re terribly scared of spiders?” you joked, to try and curb the worry in you.
You pushed the door open, walked in and stopped as if suddenly turned into stone.
Wilhemina was standing with her back to you, facing the mirror on the wall. She was wearing the low-cut nightdress your roommate had dared her to try on all those months ago at the store. She was trembling.
You held her gaze in the mirror, unable to breathe, heart speeding up until all you could hear was its mad, terrified, elated gallop.
For a moment you stood completely still, not daring to look at her back, until the fear in Wilhemina’s eyes threatened to spill over, and you took a step forward.
Gently you gathered her hair in one hand and pushed it over her shoulder. Wilhemina’s gaze in the mirror glazed over, looked through you and at a place where she was safe and numb.
You took a deep breath. You watched.
A shiver ran through you as your gaze followed the diverted course of her spine, skin pulled taut over the bones. For a moment you watched with the awe-stricken eyes of one who is shown a terrible thing, terrible yet fascinating, for the watcher is safe from it. Then you swallowed, and forced your attention back on the importance of the moment.
You were still not breathing as you trailed your fingertips down her back to the black lace hugging her waist, and then back up again, lingering this time, stroking every scar.
Wilhemina’s breath hitched when you pressed your lips on her spine. Grazing her skin, planting a kiss. You rested your chin on her shoulder and waited for her to come back to you, pressing your front against her back to show her you were not disgusted, not disappointed, not running away.  
When her gaze turned clear enough for her to see you again, you offered her a tender smile, and stroked up and down her arms.
Wilhemina drew in air through her teeth. “This kind of nightdress wasn’t made for people like me,” she breathed out.
“Nonsense,” you cut her off. “You look beautiful.”
And dear you, she did, with her eyes barely guarded now and the lace barely hiding the swell of her breasts, nipples peaking under the delicate fabric. Your arms wrapped around her waist to pull her closer against you.
“Thank you,” you breathed into her hair.
She nodded, but didn’t speak. She was still trembling against you.
“How are you feeling?”
She let out a self-deprecatory laugh. “Like I don’t want to be here.” She took hold of one of your hands. Her eyes glossed over.
“Does it terrify you,” you breathed, trailing your lips down her neck, “to know that I have seen you and found you beautiful?” A pause. Your heart was beating too fast. “That I have seen you and decided to stay?”
In the silence that followed you heard your words echo all around you. You had expected each one of them to sow a grain of fear inside you. That wasn’t what happened. Instead each one of them pulled up a fear sprout that had already been sown inside you.
Wilhemina’s eyes met yours in the mirror to share her surprise. For she was – okay? There had been no harsh landing? She let her body relax and she realized that, even though her mind was still very anxiously expecting danger, she wasn’t hurting. She was okay.
Tag list: @mssallymckenna @supremeinlilac @pluied-ete @rainbow-hedgehog @pearplate @angelxsarahp @paulawand @asktammyr @peggycarter-steverogers   @coconutlipss  @saucy-sapphic @thesupremewife @paulsonpills @billiedeansbottom @lilypadscoven @winslctrg @simpforpaulson @venablesgirl @mckennamayfairgoode  @ka-s @lntlmate @talulahmae @mrsdeanhoward
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onlyonekenobi · 3 years
A little vignette of D/s deancas. I’ve got something very special in the works and realized I needed to post a little background scene to give it some context. So, here’s that! I’ve decided to turn this universe into a series over an ao3, if you want to check it out. there’s no explicit content in this vignette, but there will be in other parts of the story, so minors dni please. without further ado, please enjoy “I Am”!
“I’m so sorry, Castiel,” were the first, rushed words out of Dean’s mouth.
Cas looked up from where he sat stiffly at the kitchen table, reading glasses slipped halfway down his nose.
He jumped up to meet Dean at the door before the words, “Dean, what happened, are you okay?” were fully out of his mouth.
Two grocery bags dropped to the floor as frustrated tears welled in Dean’s eyes. “I’m so sorry,” he repeated, “there was an accident-”
“An accident?”
“Not me, just on the road, but I got stuck, and of course my stupid frickin phone died so I couldn’t even call you, and I didn’t even want to be on that side of town anyway except they didn’t have your ice cream at our regular store, but I know it was supposed to be part of this whole thing, so I didn’t want to come home without it, so I just thought I could try the other store- I thought I had time- I did have time, I should have had time, except for the traffic, which I should have thought of, but I didn’t even think- and then you were just here, waiting, and-”
He blinked up- not quite leaving his spiraling reverie-, as Cas placed a gentle hand on his chest. Sweet as it was, it still felt firm. Solid, just like him.
“I’m so sorry.” Dean’s voice was weak this time; deflated, nearly a plea.
“Dean,” Cas whispered back- a plea all its own- “I was worried; not angry.” He rubbed small circles onto Dean’s chest, an exercise they had done many times before. Breathe with me. “The grocery store not having something isn’t your fault. Bad traffic isn’t your fault-”
“But I should have-”
“No.” Cas’s voice was firm. “You called me Castiel when you came inside. Did you mean that? You want to initiate?”
Dean was silent for only a moment. “Yes, Castiel.”
“Oh, sweet boy,” Cas murmured, cupping his free hand to Dean’s jaw, “then I know you want to listen.” Dean’s eyes had hardly gone to his feet when Cas said, so gently, “Look at me, sweet boy.”
Dean did.
“We had negotiated for a scene when you got home today. That doesn’t mean we’re beholden to it. If you’re too upset, we can- and I would like to- do something else instead. If you still want to do this, though, we’ll just take some time now to calm down and reset before we start. Is that something you would want to do?”
Even as Cas continued rubbing calming circles into Dean’s chest, his voice came out tight and breathless. “Yes, Castiel.”
Slowly, Cas nodded. Dean felt as Cas raised his other arm, cupping his face in both hands now. He felt as Cas’s hands brushed down his neck, over his shoulders, down his arms. As Cas gingerly squeezed both his hands.
“Come with me,” Cas murmured, guiding them both into the next room and onto the couch. He instructed Dean to sit and then lie back, cradling Dean’s head in the crook of his own shoulder.
“I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer. Do you understand?”
He felt a single, firm squeeze on his hand; Yes, Castiel.
Cas sighed, screwing his eyes shut for just a moment. Oh, Dean. “For the rest of this conversation,” he soothed, “I’d like you to answer verbally, if you can.” Cas rubbed more lulling circles into Dean’s back, trying to give him a moment to just breathe.
“Are you good?” he finally asked.
Safely nestled into Cas’s side, Dean burned. He couldn’t even unbury his face to look up.
The silence became tangible, its own character in the dialogue.
“Oh, sweet boy. Look at me.” Cas guided Dean’s face out from where it was hiding in his shoulder, kissing slowly at the worry lines in his forehead. “You are good.”
Dean stayed frozen, exactly as Cas left him.
Cas sighed again, small and sad.
“Are you good?” he asked again.
Seconds passed before Dean uttered a barely audible “yes.”
“Mhm, that’s wonderful, sweet boy. Yes, you are. Now, when I ask you that again, I want you to respond in the affirmative by saying ‘I am good.’ Do you understand?”
This time Dean’s mouth said yes before his brain really registered what was happening, and Cas smiled softly.
“Are you good?”
The silence spoke again as Dean’s agreement caught up with him; but he had made the agreement, after all.
“‘m good,” he finally mumbled, hardly loud enough to register.
“Enunciate,” Cas encouraged him.
The “I am good,” came out on a breath, small. Cas kissed Dean’s forehead again.
“Very good. Now, keep that pattern. Are you deserving of love?”
Dean cast his eyes down.
Cas waited.
And waited.
“I am deserving of love.”
“Yes, you are. And are you mine?"
"I am yours."
This sentiment came out far more easily than the others- a fact not lost on Castiel.
"You are mine," he murmured gently, pausing to kiss Dean’s temples and forehead. To cradle his face. To look him directly in the eye.
"You're mine because you want to be,” he gleamed. “And because I want you to be. You're mine because you're brave enough and strong enough and selfless enough to give yourself to me. Before you're mine, sweet boy, you are your own. Every day you wake up belonging to yourself, and you choose to give yourself to me instead. Do you understand how incredible that is? It's so powerful.”
A gorgeous heat was creeping across Dean’s face and neck, but Cas wasn’t done. Dean needed to hear all of this; to know it. “It's beautiful,” he went on. “You're beautiful. And I am awed by you. By how good you are, in every sense of the word. I am the luckiest man on earth, that you chose me to trust with yourself. And it's my job to prove to you how lucky I am, to make you aware of what a gift you are. As long as you're mine, I want to take impossibly good care of you, because that's what you deserve. Do you understand that?"
The words were clamoring like church bells in Dean's mind, but he still managed to nod. He managed to hear as Cas asked once more, "Now, are you good?"
"I am good," he breathed again, and this time he almost believed it.
"Are you deserving of love?"
"I am deserving of love."
Cas kissed his forehead again and smoothed down his hair. Dean preened into the touch.
"And you are loved- so loved. Tell me you're loved."
"I am loved," was accompanied by a blush. Dean saw his favorite smile- gentle and dark- settle onto Cas's face.
"Tell me you're mine."
“I am yours, Castiel.”
Cas’s grin curled into something playful and wicked at the honorific. He stroked a hand through Dean’s hair again.
“Good, sweet boy,” he murmured. “Now, come with me.”
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Your life is as good as it gets. The perfect husband, the perfect daughter, the perfect job. But what you are unaware is that your husband is a deadly assassin and your long-lost friend, now a fearsome mob boss is hell bent on getting you back. But what you don’t know can't hurt you, right?
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: psychological disorder, PTSD, domestic abuse, yandere, obsession, violence, cursing. If you find any of this triggering please DNI. Also inform me if I left something out.
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Oh, lawd! i have to post everything again! Send me all your energy. If you wanna be tagged, just inform me!
Also, I’ll be changing the story by a little, (or by a lot, idk) from my previous version.
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You were feeling like John Travolta from the music video of Stayin’ Alive. Vibing to your own rhythm, living your own freedom. Attending college miles away from your hometown, you were the captain of your ship. Though you loved your parents more than anything, you were glad for the freedom granted upon you.
Your Freshmen year had just begun and you had already made a few friends. But what you didn’t want to accept just yet was your crush on one of them, Bucky. With his steely blue eyes and boyish charm, even a goddess might fall for him, and you were just a mortal. You were simply happy with being friends as you believed he would never like you and well, a little crush never hurt nobody.  
Completing your shift in a local bookstore, just outside the campus, you were walking back, lost in your own thoughts. What caught your attention was a group of howling high schoolers; from the look of it, they were barely a year to two younger than you. A group of tall and popular kids were bullying a skinny, helpless dude; ufff the usual cliché you thought to yourself. What you failed to notice though was his bleeding nose.  
You were a kind soul, always helping others, but you were no fool. All alone in an unknown town, you weren't going to confront the burly teens who were twice your own size. After giggling and cracking some stupid jokes on the poor dude trying to impress a girl, they left him and that’s when you noticed all the blood. You quickly crossed the road and walked towards him. He seemed smaller than he was as he was crouching down and trying to rub all the blood.
“Hey! Pinch your nose, don’t disturb it by rubbing.” you said while bending down. “Uhh, okay... thanks!” he looked at you with big doe eyes and you were utterly mesmerized by the blue oceans he had for his eyes. “Do you.. Do you need something else kid? Where do you live?” you asked giving him a candy and your water bottle. “I’m no kid!” he exclaimed and you flinched.  
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. You are helping me and here I am shouting at you.” You could clearly see remorse in his eyes and you wondered why would someone hurt him? “yeah, yeah.. It's Okay... now have this candy, the sugar will help you feel better.” you said with a soft smile. “thank you so much... and by the way I live two streets across. I mean I can go by myself, I'm a grown-up.. But...” he trailed off and you helped him get up.
“I’m Steve” he tried his best to smile and you followed by sharing your own name. And with that his chatter train began, he explained that he was just trying to help another girl getting bullied, when the bullies decided to change their target and chase Steve instead.
“you should wear your own mask first and then help others wear theirs.” you quipped and instantly bit your tongue. “Hmm, what?” he asked genuinely curious. “what I meant is that you did what is correct and very brave, but sometimes you gotta think for yourself too. But these are just my thoughts.” you shrugged. “I’ll remember that.” he said with a genuine expression. And after a million thank yous he finally went in his house. By the size of his house, he seemed rich and you wondered maybe this wasn't that cliché.  
The next day, you were walking back the same road, when you thought of Steve. He really was a kind and sweet person. This world needed more of people like him. And just then you saw him smiling brightly and waving at you, his nose bandaged. He had a huge box in his hand.
“Heyyyyy! Thank you for helping me yesterday. So I just... kinda got this as a ... a token of appreciation. I considered you might like donuts, so I got you this.” He said rubbing his nape. His cheeks had become so red he looked like a ripe tomato. “well, if you haven’t already given me diabetes by saying so many thank yous, after eating sooo many donuts I’ll surely get it.” At that you both chuckled and the atmosphere became lighter. As you picked a donut, he looked at you with such admiration you thought you would melt then and there.
Suddenly with a stern expression you asked “what if it’s drugged?” His eyes widened and he stuttered, “I... I would never do that ...” he looked down and you thought he might cry. “hey waittt.. don’t get so sad.. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. I was just joking. I have this really bad habit of saying things when I shouldn’t. God I just ruined everything.” You just made a mental note not to joke around him, he seemed to be quite emotional. Though it was going to be difficult to tame your tongue. “don’t be. I just take things too literally.... anyway let’s have some donuts what say?” He said with such shine in his eyes you wondered whether he was sad just a moment before.
You both walked up to your university campus, munching on donuts. You both shared things about yourselves. You told him how you were passionate in becoming a doctor. He on the other hand talked about his struggles in studying. “will you help me? You are so smart and bright, will you help me study if I have a doubt or something?” he asked giving his big doe eyes.
You weren’t going to agree at first, you had just met him a day ago. But after looking in those calm blue pools of his eyes you agreed. Seeing the joy on his face, you wondered whether he just won an Oscar.
What you didn’t know was that Steve had already fallen in love with you, yes love, he was convinced that you were the one for him, his one true love. Not a moment had he been able to think of anything but you since he had met you. You were everything he needed and wanted and much more. He was simply desperate to spend more time with you.
It had been around six months since you met Steve. Over the time you two had turned out to be best friends. While Steve had fallen even more in love with you, you had fallen hopelessly in love with bucky. While you always told bucky about Steve and vice versa, you never confessed to Steve about your love for Bucky, thus furthermore increasing his hopes. You desperately wished to make Steve and Bucky meet. They were two important people in your life and you more than anything wished that they got together well.  
Today was the day when you decided to arrange a small meet and greet at the park where you and Steve met every day. You and Bucky walked together towards the tree where you usually sat with Steve waiting there for you. You knew both would like each other, but somewhere deep within your gut you were getting a not-so good feeling about this.  
Steve’s eyes lit up seeing you but as they turned to Bucky, it felt as if all the energy had been sucked out of him. You didn’t like that one bit. “Bucky!?” Steve exclaimed in half disappointment and half fear. “You both... you both know each other?” you ask bewildered. You tried chuckling to lighten the mood but by the looks of it they were sworn enemies, but you prayed that you were wrong. “yeah, we know each other a little too well... Uh... We were good friends once.” Steve quietly admitted.
All this time Bucky had his jaw clenched, dragging in a deep breath he began. “I knew it! I knew it would be you, you little fucker! You want to have everything don’t you? Goddammit! I had this feeling it was you but I thought it was too much of a coincidence, but no. fate had to be so cruel.” you were shocked to see Bucky's sudden outburst. You wondered what conspired between the two, as either hadn’t ever mentioned the other.  
You were snapped out of your thoughts with Bucky calling your name. “let’s go. I don’t want to see him even for a minute more and neither do you.” Bucky started pulling your hand but you stopped him “Bucky no. I guess you have some misunderstanding; Steve is a good person. And you don’t get to tell me who to talk to and who to not.”
Suddenly Bucky turned back to Steve, anger written all over his face. “You didn’t tell her, huh, did you? Don’t worry I'll tell her. Steve is the son of Joseph Rogers and he is the freaking Don Corleone of this area. Do you know how my father died? Steve’s father had him killed just because unknowingly he provided shelter to his father’s fugitive. Steve just pretends to be a caring, emotional person but he is a snake behind that mask, so is everyone in his family.” towards the end Bucky was in tears and you were in utter shock. Now that you tried to remember, Steve never really did tell you much about his family. And the fact that Steve wasn’t denying any single allegation made you want to puke your guts out.
“You have taken too much from me. But not this. Not her. Not the woman I love more than anything.” Bucky said it out loud in the heat of the moment. You were too dumbstruck to even blink. Did Bucky just confess that he loved you?  
Bucky turned to you and held your arm with such softness you wondered if he was just now screaming his lungs out at Steve. “I know I can't tell you who to be with, and I promise I never will in the future, but trust me you want to be caught up with him or his family. And still, if you choose him, well then, I can’t be with you.”
You knew you had to make a choice then and there, there was no going back, and you chose Bucky.
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harringtown · 2 years
i saw you were active again, so hiii <3
“you are, without a doubt, the most annoying person i’ve ever crossed paths with. and don’t even get me started on the sound of your voice.” with steve harrington from the etl prompt list thingie :)
hi!!! its been a Long time since I wrote for the boy I missed him <3
“Ow. Ow. Ow—Jesus—” Steve swats lightly at the bloody chunk of gauze in your fist. It’s gauze sheet number three, and still, his chest is covered in a filmy layer of gunk. Blood, dirt, ash, and a tar like substance you recognize but haven’t been brave enough to ask about yet.
You sit back, tossing the gauze and reaching for another, cocking a brow at him. 
“Did you just swat at me?”
Steve huffs, leaning back into your bed frame and gripping one of the posts. “You’re doing it on purpose,” he spits through clenched teeth. They’re stained red and black, too, as if he took a bite out of whatever did the same to him.
“Doing what? Other than trying to disinfect a dozen bite marks that definitely need stitches?”
“Is that what you’re doing? Because, honestly, I think I’d take those damn bats over you.” He rakes a hand through his hair, but his fingers get caught in clots of muck. With a sigh of frustration, he drops his hands and shakes his head.
“I’m trying to help you, you know. You could at least stay still and be quiet.”
“Oh, is my pain an inconvenience?” he asks. He’s clinging to humor with a vise-grip, but you’ve known him long enough to recognize overcompensation when you see it.  But it doesn't stop you from taking the bait.
“Not your pain. It’s you,” you snap. “You are, without a doubt, the most annoying person I've ever crossed paths with—”
His lips part in what will inevitably be a stupid retort, but you don’t give him room.
“—and don’t even get me started on the sound of your voice. Because, somehow, despite almost dying, again, you are still talking.”
“Then why’d you open the door?” he says, giving a dramatic flourish with one hand. 
“Because I knew you were on the other side of it,” you say. The words come so fast, chucked from an angry hand before you even realize what the cards are, there is no stopping them. 
Steve’s brows jerk up, but he quickly recomposes himself. 
“Why did you come here?” you ask. “Why do you always come here, bruised and bleeding? So we fought a demonic mutant dog once. We’re not exactly friends.”
Steve doesn’t say anything, an oddity in itself. His expression twists, and then goes soft, his lips turning up in a tiny, sad smile. 
“It’s like you said.” He swallows. Lifts his gaze to meet yours. “Because you’ll open the door.”
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I saw your lgbtq+ request are open so I'd like to request!Could you make the brothers reacting to MC that's pansexual and fawns over everybody no matter what they are man,woman,queer,demon,angel,bea,etc.
Okay so like... this is just me... I'mma just do me- also please don't let this post flop I struggled to write this cause my brain is so slow Mc is gender neutral.
When first in devildom Mc was surprised at the beauty that surrounded them, every demon, angel and human they met was so attractive they could barely handle it.
They couldn't help but fawn over everyone they saw, Sometime they started to flirt slightly but mostly just admired them from afar.
Of course it became clear all the others how Mc reacted to everyone around them.
He noticed how they tend to fawn over every single person they meet almost immediately. They had just been teleported to Devildom and looking completely distracted.
He tried thought it may have just been the shock of the situation or simply just the confused, so he was very taken off guard when they finally spoke.
"Your all so beautiful! I get to stay here for a year! of course I'll do it"
He wasn't sure how to respond to this, so just simply moved on and finished the rest of the explanation.
Over the first few month he grew used to seeing Mc fawning over every demon they saw, so it wasn't much of a surprise when they explained they where pansexual.
If he is romantically interested in Mc, he may get a tad bit jealous that Mc admires other people besides him but he moves past that once he find them admiring him as well.
If it's just a platonic relationship he would be very supportive, making sure that they don't get to distracted by the beautiful demons or ends up doing something to stupid by flirting with almost every demon they see.
When mammon was called to Mc side on their first day in devildom, the human instantly starting complimenting Mammon.
"Ohh! your so handsome! I'm so lucky to have such a pretty demon watching over me!" he was very surprised and flustered, expecting the human to be scared or many indifferent but not this.
It took him while to get used to the constant compliments and fawning, but got extremely jealous when they do so to other people.
If he is in love with Mc he almost always is trying to make them not focus on other people and simply just fawn over him. Of course if this is pointed out he will get very flustered and deny it.
If he isn't romantically in love with Mc he can get a bit annoyed at it, often dragging Mc away from any hot demons that distract them but does join in sometimes.
He doesn't know about this quirk that Mc has for awhile, he did get extremely flustered when they fawned over him but thought it was just him and his brother since he didn't go outside with them often.
He brings them to an anime convention in devildom and then noticed how they fawn over everyone they can see, it gets worse when they dress as a character they like.
Levi get extremely embarrassed but also very jealous, trying to distract Mc from the hot demons surrounding them. It was difficult at times but they were focusing mainly on levi and spending the day with him.
If he has romantic feelings toward Mc he will spend more time with them when they are outside, despite how much he may dislike it he wants to be near them to distract them if they start to fawn over another person.
If Mc is just his friend, he wouldn't mind it to much as long as Mc doesn't draw too much attention to him. They spend most of their time inside and away from other demon, plus they can fawn over fictional characters together.
He laughs softly at when Mc first came to devildom and surprised Lucifer, already telling that his human would cause many problems for his older brother. Though besides that he didn't care much for them at first.
That was in till he met them again at the library where he found them admiring him from afar and trying to hide behind a book. So he walks up to them and ask what they where doing.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't help it, your just your so beautiful! and I can't help it.. I did come here to study but then you came in and.. I got distracted"
He found a pattern in that, after while he started to help Mc study but found they couldn't do it in a public space or any random demon who walked by. He does try to keep them on topic but it is a failing battle.
if he has romantic feelings towards Mc he would try to find out what things they find most attractive from all the people they fawn over so he could try to make himself more attractive to them. Of course there was little reason to why they fawned over people so he gave up quickly.
If he is simply friends with Mc he tends to be a bit annoyed by them being so distractible, but he finds it amusing. Usually studying where no one else is so they do not.
He instantly liked the new exchange student once they got distracted by everyone his beauty, Introducing himself to them and quickly getting close to them.
They quickly bonded on the fact they find every demon they run into is attractive and fawn over them. They did still fawn over Asmodeus often, which the demon loved all the attention.
If Asmo has romantic feelings for Mc he would get a tiny bit insecure at times. Though sometimes asking Mc nervously if they were just with him because of his looks, which they quickly denied.
If Asmo and Mc were just friends, they often go out and flirt with demons helping each other pick up dates and admire others.
He was very confused with Mc at first, he saw them get distracted every few seconds when at Rad but it took him a bit to figure out that they were fawning over the demons that passed.
He was still confused at that, but didn't really think much off it. Occasionally picking up Mc when they get too distracted to carry them to wherever they may need to.
If he's in love with Mc he will get far more flustered when they fawn over him, but still overall doesn't care if they fawn over others. As long as they still spend time with him he's happy.
If he is simply friends with Mc he will constantly ask if they are in love with the people they fawn over. Which does fluster Mc like crazy, but they don't mind.
Belphie can find it irritating at times, but over all doesn't care. When he does spend time with Mc they are both usually alone so it's nice, but when Mc does drag him out of bed and to the outside he gets annoyed if they get distracted and fawn over another demon.
If he is in love with Mc he can get very annoyed by it when they are spending time together outside. He will glare slightly at any demons that pass by, but after Mc teases him about it a few times he stops.
If they are just friend/cuddle buddies he often teasing Mc for getting distracted by anyone who walks by, and fawning over them but the teasing is light hearted.
Lord Diavolo
Lord Diavolo was so excited was not only comfortable around and fawning over the demons that they met, including him. It was surprising to him, it wasn't often someone was brave enough to flirt with him.
He loved all the attention he got from Mc, and joined them when they fawned over other demons mainly lucifer. He was just happy to spend time with them.
If he is in love with Mc he will be a bit pouty at times if they fawn over others when he is there, but that will quickly change whenever they turn their attention back to him.
if he is friend with Mc he was be happy to join in with them when they fawn over everyone, their both are a chaotic pansexuall duo.
Barbatos was taken off guard by Mc at first, When he was working he would often find Mc fawning over him from afar which left him extremely flustered.
He was used to people simply ignore him or just being indifferent towards him. It took him awhile to get used to it, he also made sure that Mc did not get to distracted and miss anything important.
If he fell in love with them, he gets far more flustered when finding them fawning over him. Part of him trying draw their attention to him more, so he can get more of their praise.
If he didn't fall in love with Mc, he is overall neutral to this habit. Though he can find it assuming at times.
He was very assumed at this, often asking Mc about why they fawned over basically anyone. Which caused them to go into a long winded rant about beautiful and how everyone is pretty.
He enjoys listening to their train of thought, even if it boils down to people = pretty.
If he is in love with Mc he often finds himself writing small stories based on whoever they are fawning over, sharing them with Mc all the time. He does get a bit flustered when they fawn over him, and does write a few stories about that as well but if far too embarrassed to show Mc.
If he is just friends with Mc, he will encourage them to talk to the people they fawn over more. Occasionally teasing them slightly when they getting distracted.
He is the biggest shit about it, constantly teasing them when they get distracted and fawn over everyone they see. Of course he does kinda do the same but just slightly less obvious.
If he is in love with Mc he will tease slightly less but does try to draw their attention away from whoever they are fawning over. Usually by doing something very stupid with magic... Mc will have to make sure he doesn't get himself killed.
If he is simply friends with Mc he will do similar things but do it so that they draw all the attention towards Mc. He will try to get a bunch of demons to flirt with Mc, wanting to see them get flustered.
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19 and 53 for the JJ song prompts 💕
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I See Us In Black and White
Songs: "Everyone is Gay" - A Great Big World (#19: "You've got so many options, every fish in the sea wants to kiss you") ; "Black and White" - Niall Horan (#53: "You ask "When did I know" I always knew")
Words: 862
OOO get ready for Wedding!JJ. It's all I can think about with this request.
Of course you were crying over a stupid boy. A stupid boy you thought you were in love with. Your mom had told you it would end, but she always projected her relationships on you, so you didn’t exactly believe her. Yet, here you were, sitting in the chateau with JJ and Kie, crying over stupid fucking Tommy Kline. As soon as you’d shown up in tears, Pope and John B had dipped because they were uncomfortable but Kie and JJ had stuck around to make sure you were okay.
“Okay, I’m going to the store and I’m getting alcohol and ice cream and any post break up necessities. JJ, don’t make her cry any harder.” Kie stood up grabbing her bag and heading towards the door. The fact she had to warn JJ to not make you cry any harder warranted a watery laugh from you, making him smile.
Over the next couple hours, you’d calmed down a bit and decided to join the gang out by their bonfire, wearing the hoodie that JJ had offered you since you didn’t want to wear the one Tommy had given you. Of course, the guys all gave you a weird look when you sat down next to him in the sand and laid your head on his shoulder. He really was your best friend, and despite the warning to not make you cry, he’d done most of your cheering up.
“Burn the sweatshirt.” he told you. “It’ll make you feel better.” He was right. You tossed the hoodie in the fire, grinning as it went up in flames. To be petty though, you took a snap video of it and sent it to Tommy with it just saying “hope you didn’t want that back.”
A few beers later, you and JJ were the only ones still awake as the fire slowly burned out. He sat with his arm around you and you laying your head on his shoulder again. It was quiet, peaceful even.
“Hey, Y/N” he said. “You know you have every right to be upset right? He was a dick. But I want you to know something. He wasn’t the one. You’ve got so many options, every fish in the sea wants to kiss you.” You half smiled, looking up at him. He was staring down at you, the light of the fire reflecting in his eyes.
“That was cheesy, Maybank.” you said, making him smile down at you. “But, I don’t know about every fish in the sea.”
“Well, there's at least one other fish then.” he said.
“Yeah? Who is this fish then? You know him?” You asked, half rolling your eyes at him.
“Maybe I do. Maybe he just doesn’t want to make it awkward since you just broke up with Dick bag Kline.” he said. You hummed, turning to look down at your feet. You knew he was talking about himself. He’d been super jealous every time he saw you and Tommy together.
“Hmm, well I say he should try it.” you said. “Maybe I feel the same way about this fish.” He didn’t miss a second, and the next thing you know his lips are on yours. You couldn’t stop smiling.
“How was that?” he asked. “That was a brave move for the fish.”
“I dunno, I think the fish needs to kiss me again, but maybe somewhere a little more comfortable than the sand.” you told him. He laughed, dragging you inside, and pulling you onto the couch with him.
“I can’t wait to get you out of this dress tonight.” JJ whispered into your ear as he spun you around the dance floor. You couldn’t help but laugh, your husband always had some sort of comment for you.
“Pretty sure you did that on the night you proposed, Maybank” you told him. You looked past his shoulder at the blonde haired toddler swaying in her Uncle Jebbie’s arms. A lot of hard work had gone into making sure your daughter would have a good life. A lot of penny pinching and saving but you were able to buy a small home for the three of you, and you were making good money now.
“I sure did, and look at what came out of that.” he said. “Maybe it’s time for another one.” You laughed again, pressing your lips to his.
“As much of a dream Isla is, in your dreams, JJ” you told him. The song came to an end, and you walked over to your friends hand in hand. Soon, you’d be leaving for a week to a location that he wouldn’t tell you but had been saving for since he knew he was going to marry you, he said. A glass of champagne in your hand, you looked over at your husband, who was now swaying to the next slow song with your little girl. When he returned, you sat beside him.
“Hey JJ.” You said, turning to look at him. “When did you know? That you were going to marry me I mean.” He smiled, taking your hand and bringing it up to his lips.
“I always knew”
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anasticklefics · 3 years
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Poe/Finn
Summary: They land on a planet that has a field that tickles anyone who comes near, and Poe is having one too many feelings about it.
A/N: My first fic back from hiatus! Honestly I’m only posting something because I wrote more than half of this while I was gone, but felt inspired to finish it today. I hope you like it, I’m very proud 🥺
Words: 2k
A breeze of heat ruffled Poe’s hair as he stood at the edge of the Field of Laughter on a planet that had too much of an orange tint for his liking. It reminded him of dry, unforgiving land full of sand and nothing but sand, but mostly it reminded him of the times he’d been stranded, so thirsty he could die, running for his life over the scorching ground. Just last week, that is. It reminded him of being near death, and of watching Finn and Rey getting dragged just out of his reach.
“It’s okay, you know,” Finn told him now, watching Poe as Poe watched the field. “If you want to try it, I mean.”
Poe chanced a glance at him, wondering what the orange tint made his blush look like. “I’m good.”
“Poe.” Finn had mastered the knowing smile he occasionally shot his way wonderfully. An amusement to it, but also something kind that made Poe all the more embarrassed whenever it was aimed at him. Vulnerability, even during the war, was always something that terrified him, even more than the war.
“Really, I’m okay,” he said, averting his gaze back toward the dancing blades of yellow grass. They’d been told the field was bigger than it seemed, twisting and turning behind the mountains and the trees Poe had been surprised to find here. They all looked dead, but were apparently perfectly fine.
“If you’re worried someone will see or hear you we could go further.”
“Why do you think I want to try it?”
“Oh, come on now.” Finn bumped their shoulders together. “You don’t have to pretend with me.”
The Field of Laughter was said to be a very ticklish experience; so much so that the natives who lived by it had developed a thicker skin, quite literally so, in order to survive having to cross it. It had saved them valuable time, not having to walk around it, and it only got a couple of giggles out of the younger ones now.
Poe was absolutely certain he would never escape the dancing blades, whose only purpose in life was to tickle whomever walked over and through them. They were kept regularly short, cut with hovering blades and quick hands, as they could probably tickle someone to death if they were able to trap them. A field of torture for most, but something else to Poe.
“I promise to pull you out if it becomes too much,” Finn continued, but Poe could tell he wasn’t going to push it more. It was up to Poe to decide whether he was brave enough to be vulnerable in more than one way.
They’d landed there by accident. A mission gone wrong, but not so wrong it had really cost them anything. Just time, which they sometimes couldn’t afford and other times were swimming in. They’d been fortunate, for once, to be rich enough to give it away so easily to a planet that neither attacked them nor wanted to help them. Proud of their history, but wary of their grounds, meaning they told them everything but let them see little. Poe knew of the group that had settled not too far away from their makeshift camp, keeping an eye on them and making sure they didn’t stray past the point they’d been allowed to see. Poe wasn’t sure why they’d been forced to stay by the Field of Laughter of all places, but he’d been thoroughly on edge for the past two days because of it.
“Better be careful,” Jess had said, pointing to the field. “If you piss me off I might throw you in.”
Poe hadn’t replied, his ears still ringing with the story of the field they’d just been told. Lab-made. Torture device. Impossible to stop. It had made him want to peel his skin off to hear it.
“Poe.” Finn, his one and only confidant in this, hadn’t teased him like Poe had feared, but that knowing look had almost been worse. “Come on, let’s take a walk.”
One thing you should know about Poe Dameron: he had absolutely no idea how to handle any type of feeling that involved vulnerability, which included embarrassment and fear and love and lust. Unfortunately his feelings about tickling had traces of all, to a certain point. It was embarrassing to love something most people hated. It was terrifying to love something to the point of sensuality.
Finn had found out by accident, too. A drunken night, Poe too touch-starved and exhausted and in love with him to keep quiet, and while whatever they were was still unsaid and only shown in quiet fingertips to skin, Finn was all too eager to give him what he wanted after he’d let it slip. Poe refused to talk about it now, all of it unsaid and quiet, all theirs but barely.
Finn hadn’t mentioned the field as they’d started their walk, but Poe couldn’t look at him as they’d walked along the edge of it, maybe too close to it for comfort. One misstep and he could fall in, and then he’d have to face one too many truths at once.
Truth was, he almost wished someone would push him in. Just as an excuse.
“It almost doesn’t look like the blades are dancing,” was the first thing he’d said. “There’s no rhythm to it.”
“I’m sure they’re trying their best,” Finn had replied and Poe had laughed, nearly hysterically, as if giddy at the idea of having them dance over his skin.
“How does it even work?” he said now, two days later, the evening sun still bright and orange, but fading ever so slightly by the minute. “Like, do they go for your feet first or trip you or what?” He was only able to ask because it sounded so stupid to ask it.
“No idea.” Finn tilted his head at the field. “Does it work if you’re dressed and wearing shoes?”
“No idea.”
“Maybe we should ask someone. I’m sure they’d be willing to share.”
“We’d look too invested.”
Finn grabbed his wrist, squeezing once and calming him instantly. “We don’t have to.”
Poe went to bed untickled, tangled up in Finn’s embrace.
He only went because he’d dreamt of it and had learned to take dreams seriously years ago. In his dream it had been intoxicating, the sensation unbearable enough to have felt real, and so he went, wondering if he would leave or die there, laughing until it hurt him. That was the most fascinating part. Where did the line go between pleasure and pain when it came to something like this? How much could he take? Were Finn’s occasional prodding hands enough or was he capable of handling more?
In retrospect there was probably a safer way to figure this out, but Poe stopped by the edge of the field, feet bare and pants rolled up to his calves, with a relief he rarely ever felt regarding this. The early morning sun was more of a soft canary yellow than orange, and Poe felt he could breathe more easily.
“Hello,” he said, his voice a murmur as he bent to get closer to the grass. “Aren’t you causing a lot of commotion.”
He didn’t feel stupid to speak to it. Somehow he felt it was alive, just communicating differently than him. He’d walked as far as he’d been able to, but felt as if his laughter would still be heard if it caught him. Many years ago, when he’d had too much pride to admit to vulnerability, he’d been captured by a rope and remained hanging upside down for longer than was comfortable, squirming, struggling, but refusing to scream for help. He knew he wouldn’t be able to keep quiet during this.
The blades did nothing to acknowledge his presence and Poe longed for a thick forest - preferably a dark green one - to hide him from view when he reached out a finger to hover above it. An idiot, they would call him if they saw him. An idiot that’s asking for it.
If only they knew how desperately he was really asking. How loud and persistent and starved his pleas were, in the midst of a war that gave him no privacy to be candid.
“Would you let go of me if I asked nicely?” The blades were just out of reach. He could imagine them suddenly reaching forward and gripping him by the wrist, pulling him in and under for the rest of his giggly eternity.
But of course, they merely kept dancing. He wiggled his index finger over them. “Are you ticklish yourselves?”
The silence around him was deafening. If he fell he would be heard by the whole universe.
If he didn’t fall he could pretend he had. Say he’d been sleepwalking, hence his lack of proper footwear, and had ended up in this ticklish awakening.
Finn would know, naturally, but Finn would never tell. Would only try to gently coax the answers out of him and Poe would blush and blush and blush until he would say something stupid that would have Finn either laughing or rolling his eyes. Finn would drop it only momentarily, for it was too big of a thing to do on your own for him to never bring up again.
Poe wasn’t surprised when Finn appeared a moment later, his steps quiet but not non-existent. “Hi.”
Poe sighed and straightened, turned to glance at him quickly to hide the already spreading flush. “Hi.”
“I knew I’d find you here.”
“Dead or alive?”
“Hmm, either. Happy it was the latter.” He stopped beside him, letting their shoulders brush as they gazed over the field. “Are you gonna do it?”
“Not sure. Honestly I might’ve stood here for hours if you hadn’t arrived.”
“I can hold your hand. Pull you back out.”
Poe looked at him. Finn, with his own worries and dark circles under his eyes from how little he actually slept and his ever present way of reaching out without expecting anything back. If he trusted anyone with this it was him.
Finn met his gaze. “Okay?”
Poe held out his hand. “Okay.”
Finn took it.
In retrospect it was both an overwhelming and underwhelming experience. The idea of it, the actual act of stepping his bare foot onto the field, still made his heart race. But while it did tickle it wasn’t the hysteria he’d been imagining. To be fair, he only let it go as far as to his calf before he decided he’d had enough, but for someone as sensitive as him it should’ve been worse.
It did tickle, though. It tickled a lot.
“I think you’re just too used to the sensation,” Finn told him after they’d returned to their quarters.
Poe huffed in embarrassment. “Not like that.”
“Oh, come on. I’ve pinned you plenty of times.”
“Not like that,” Poe said, quieter.
“That sounds like a challenge.”
As he’d stepped onto the field, Finn’s hand tight over his, Poe had felt fear and excitement and shame and acceptance, all at once, as the blades started dancing over his skin. When he’d realized, after the blades had started tickling between his toes, that he wasn’t able to actually remove his foot from the grass, was when he’d started laughing and couldn’t stop.
“I’ve never heard you laugh like that, though,” Finn said now. “I’m actually offended. I’m definitely taking this as a challenge.”
“How did I laugh?” Poe asked, because yes okay sometimes embarrassment made him stupid.
“Desperately. More high pitched than usual.” Finn’s smirk was intoxicating and fucking terrifying. “Want to try to recreate it?”
“People will hear us,” Poe said, already laughing stupidly, nervously, too smitten for his own good.
“I have a perfectly good palm to muffle it.”
And so the rest of Poe got tickled, too.
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