#I think I was wet and cold all day and my work aggravated me
spookykestrel · 2 months
Everything is hurting my head but not in like a headache way in a inside way I want to yell at everyone
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Hi Sun, could I please request some Alejandro whump headcanons? How does this man react to being taken care of? I love your writing 💜
CW: Sickness, Injuries, Canon-Typical Violence thank youuu anon!!! also sorry for the wait😭😅 I did ramble a bit, so sorry if it doesn't make sense or things get repeated Also I wrote this at 2 veeeery different times so sorry again😭 as always, no beta read, and feel free to ask for clarification on anything :))
My dude is man-cold kinda guy It has nothing to do with the fact that he doesn’t know how to ask for affection and you always cuddle with him when he’s sick
But only for unimportant things. A cold or a sprained ankle?
He's dying, needing you to cater to his every need
But if he's seriously sick or injured he will push himself till he passes out
You have threatened to tie him down if he does not obey his medical leave
Case in point:
He had some lung issues after pulling Rudy from the fire during the whole Hassan fiasco
He got pneumonia because he didn’t rest and exposed himself to cold, wet environments
Oh and he had fracturedbruised ribs from his time with teh Shadows
Of course he didn’t go to the doctor, and you were out of town and couldn't force him to
You walked in on him coughing so hard he couldn't breathe
Blood was splattered on the floor as the coughing aggravated his ribs which aggravated his lungs which made him cough and then it'd start all over
You watched in horror as he choked, as he tried to inhale something other than his saliva
The 12 minutes and 47 seconds it took for Rudy to get to your house were the longest of your life
He was confused when he woke up in the hospital two days later, until he saw you sitting next to his bed, your hand in his, head lolled to the side as you slept.
You gave him a reaming of a life time
"Do you not care Alejo? About yourself? About Rudy? About me? Do you not care what we would feel if you died because you're too Godsdammed stubborn to ask for help? You made this-"
"Ay Cariño, you are beautiful when you cry."
"Don't try to flirt you're way out of this Vargas, I am so worriedmad at you right now."
"I am sorry Amo-"
"Don't do this again Alejo,. I don't think I could handle walking in to find you...because you didn't take care of yourself, okay?"
He hit a wall at that point in your tirade, and you could see it
You climbed into the bed with, curled up so your head was on his chest and fell asleep, the first peaceful night you'd had since coming home and finding him
Things were different after that
It was slow going, but you could see him making an effort to tell you when things were bothering him, to not deflect his emotions and issues
You make him chicken noodle soup when he's sick
And then you'll climb in bed with him and watch Disney movies until he falls asleep
You don't kiss him when he's sick because, ew, germs
But you'll cuddle and run your fingers through his hair
Your dialogue when he's actually hurt vs. when he's exaggerating is drastically different
"Sick" days look like: "Ay, you'll feel better baby." "You're no' gonna die, it's just a sprained ankle." "Do not kiss me Alejo." "Yes baby, we can watch a movie."
Sick sick days look like: "Alejandro sit your ass down!" "Do not make me call Rudy over here." "What do you think you're doing? Alejandro!" "Alejo, baby, why won't you let me help you?"
He got sick 2 weeks after you moved in with him
Like really, actually, sick(he had the flu)
Your first clue something was wrong was when you woke before him
The man had woken up at 6:45 am on the dot your whole relationship, so you knew something was up.
The heat you could feel radiating under the covers was the second
You were fully prepared for over-dramatic, whiny, clinginess, just like he'd acted when he got the cold a couple of months ago
So you were surprised when he got out of bed and started getting ready for work
Your third clue something was up was the fact that he didn't notice you watching him lean against the door for support as he pulled his pants on
"Alejo?" He spun around to face you, honest to god swaying on his feet
"Alejo, baby, you can't go to work like that."
"Like what?" His voice had just the slightest quaver to it
You looked his flushes face, his trembling hands, the way he was leaning against the door and sighed
The only reason you even got him back to bed was because he had the day off, he had just wanted to train
It hurt a little, how he didn't ask you for anything. He didn't beg you to cuddle or hold him, in fact it didn't seem like he wanted you there at all
Not because he wasn't being loving or because you felt unwanted
But because you knew it came from a childhood of misplaced trust and neglect.
He made it clear he didn't want to be touched, but you still hesitantly placed your hand on his forehead to check his temperature
The way he pressed into your palm and the small, shuddering sigh he gave broke your heart.
In the end you had Rudy pull him from the schedule, and spent the next week curled up with him in bed
You got into a very heated argument on day 3, which ended with you in tears and him coughing so hard he can't breathe
When you stayed with him, rubbing his back even after everything, things got better
He still doesn't like being a burden, but it's a start
He didn't/doesn't like your desire to care for him, not because he didn’t want it, but because he didn't know what to do with it/doesn't understand it
He’s spent his whole life in a warzone. He’s never had the opportunity/ability to sit back and let someone take care of him.
It wasn't that people didn't love him as a child, but in-between the drug-trades, gang fights, the cartels push for power and the subsequent war launched by the government, the struggle to survive outweighed any of his problems.
"Alejandro, we can't afford a doctors visit right now, you'll just have to drink some water." "Ay mijo, you have to be more careful, I can't afford the hospital bill to fix your arm, we'll just have to wrap it up at home." "Alejandro I already told you, we can't make it to the ceremony." "I can't, we can't, you can't..."
He’s used to patching himself up, used to people not having time or resources to care when he’s injured. It why he over plays the little things, because he didn't worry anyone when or take up precious time when his ailments could be fixed with a band-aid
His family was too busy making sure they survived to give him the attention a child required. It's why him and Rudy are such good friends.
They spent more time with each other than with their own flesh and blood.
My man does not like being open, and Valeria's betray
He deflects, much in the same way he did as a kid, by overplaying the little things so no one notices the big things.
For the longest time you had to have Rudy text you when Alejandro got injured, because he wouldn't tell you
Anyways hope you enjoyed my rambling!! I tried out a new format so lmk how you like it! Oh and reqs are open :3
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violetsandfluff · 1 year
Laundry Day
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yessss here you go, babesssss xx i actually really love this tysm for the concept!
cw: fluff. fluff. fluff. only loosely proofread.
wc: 1014
“Y/N, can you go get the other laundry basket?” Harry inquired, his voice echoing through the bleak, hollow laundry room.
“The big one or the little one?” she called back as she padded into their carpeted bedroom. Whenever Harry returned from tour, there were always loads upon loads of laundry that needed doing. On top of that, she had chosen that specific day to wash sheets, towels, and her own clothes.
“There are still more?” Harry asked disdainfully, sinking back against the wall with his legs straight out in front of him. “We’ve been doing laundry all day.”
“I know,” Y/N sighed as she appeared in the doorway, an overflowing laundry basket balanced on her hip. “But think how nice the clean sheets will feel.”
“My back hurts,” Harry complained, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “I’m all sore, Y/N.”
“We’re almost done,” she assured him. “Only two or three more loads.”
Harry let his head fall backward, hitting the wall with an unintentionally jarring thud. He winced in pain, but Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle at his alleged misery. There was no doubt in her mind that he was playing it up slightly to get out of housework.
“Up you go, Haz,” she encouraged him playfully as she knelt in front of the washing machine and began transferring its contents to the dryer. “The laundry isn’t going to flip itself.”
“I think I got a concussion,” he murmured faintly, placing his hand on his forehead for dramatic effect.
“Surely you don’t intend for me to tackle this chore alone?”
No response arose from the injured man on her floor.
Whether it was on purpose or not, Harry wasn’t sure. All he knew was that a pair of cold, soggy socks was flung at his head followed by an equally wet pair of boxers. Wordlessly, he peeled them off and tossed them into the dryer, quickly reassuming his injured persona.
Y/N turned around to inspect the accessories she had bestowed upon Harry, her eyebrows raising in surprise when she spotted them already in the dryer.
“Cheeky little bastard,” Harry tutted with a begrudging shake of his head.
Y/N laughed before turning to the washer once more, her pleasant mood quickly dissipating as she struggled to free one of Harry’s heaviest sweatshirts from the agitator despite bracing her feet against the side of the machine and clenching her jaw. She gave the garment one final tug before stepping back and throwing up her hands in surrender.
“Let me help, darling.” Harry rose to his feet, leaning into the machine with his longer body as his fingers worked to the root of the problem. The sweatshirt was loosened and released in no time, but the same couldn’t be said about him.
“Are you getting it, Haz?” Y/N inquired as she watched his body twist to liberate itself from the machine.
“I got it,” he managed, grunting as he strained to break free from whatever had caught on the collar of his t-shirt.
Just as she was about to ask another question, an aggravated fragment arose from the machine.
“I’m stuck.”
Y/N clamped a hand to her mouth to keep from giggling, but her efforts were in vain. Laughter spilled out of her like a waterfall.
Harry’s face reddened with a mix of embarrassment and strain. “Go ahead and laugh, love,” he deadpanned monotonously. “I’d laugh if I were watching you get eaten by sharks.”
“I can see the headlines already,” she cried, drawing in a shaky breath before erupting into another fit of laughter. “Harry Styles left concussed and swallowed by a washing machine in his LA home. How pathetic would that be?”
“All in the name of love.” He shook his head, his voice cracking with desperation. “My death will be remembered as slow, painful, and tragic, and really obscure.”
“Harry Styles: A Life. From headlining world tours to a fateful encounter with a washing machine. All you need to know about One Direction’s late heartthrob.”
Even Harry had to chuckle at that, momentarily forgetting his predicament.
“I don’t even want to think about the tabloids.”
“I do. Knowing them, they’d depict me as a hero.”
“You think so?”
“Sure. Make up a story of me being kidnapped by the Hobama conspiracists or something,” he shrugged, his shoulder bumping painfully against the side of the washing machine. “Care to help me escape?”
“What’s stuck? Your sleeve, your arm, your dick?”
“My collar.”
“What is it stuck on?”
“If I knew, I wouldn’t be stuck,” he reasoned.
Y/N slipped her hand into the back of his shirt, maneuvering it around the collar until she found the snag.
“Jesus, your fingers are cold!” he whined, his entire body tensing.
His collar was caught on a deep scratch in the agitator, presumably put there by coins and pens that had been carelessly forgotten about. Once she got a good angle, it didn’t take long for her to free Harry from his short-lived captivity.
He rose to his feet slowly, grimacing as he leaned from side to side to stretch. “All the blood is draining from my brain,” he said dizzily, leaning against the wall for support as his head cleared itself.
“Not even a thank you?” Y/N pouted, feigning hurt.
“Thank you,” Harry said politely.
“You forgot something.” She reached pointedly back into the infamous machine to withdraw Harry’s damp sweatshirt, whirling around and smacking it lightly against his chest.
“Ow,” he whined. “Soon my cause of death will be murder, not a washing machine!”
“Oh, Harry.” She lowered the towel. “This is ridiculous. We can fool around after we finish the laundry.”
Harry leaned forward slowly, giving her a hard peck on the cheek and swiping the sweatshirt from her hand. He swung it at her playfully a few times, letting out a triumphant whoop.
“Harry Styles dubs Y/N Y/LN his personal hero, claiming that she delivered him from sure death.”
“Easy there, Haz. Do you mind reloading the washer for me?” Y/N beckoned to the overflowing laundry basket that remained untouched in the doorway.
“Promise me this,” Harry pleaded as he ran a hand through his hair, disheveled from a day’s hard work. “If something else gets stuck, we’ll call the fire department.”
“Or the paparazzi.”
Taglist: @madybeth21 @groovychaosavenue @fishingirl12 @sortingharryshairclip @mrspeacem1nusone @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cayleyhannha-blog @whitemancumslut @xxrosebunny @hsdaydreaminghaze
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vidalinav · 2 years
I said I wouldn’t write snippets to myself for this fic... but I can’t help it. Snippets are my thing. 
This is from A House Full of Spiders. 
“You’re not as strong as you used to be,” Feyre notes, a wistful sigh playing on her lips.  
Nesta scoffs, but she can’t help but follow her sister’s gaze where the corners of the house speak of cobwebs and sullen cement. Half-peeling tiles are not appealing to the higher class and her mother would have shrieked to see the House in such disarray. Not fit for the Archerons anyway...  
Just thinking of the inadequacy makes insults want to rage off her tongue. How dare Feyre say such a thing when she is the only one keeping their family home from falling apart? Oh, wait... Feyre doesn’t even want to be here. She’d rather be off in the forest, sleeping with the dogs.  
A little flea.  
Nesta breathes in a calming breath, instead of speaking these words. She remembers Elain chastising her for being short-tempered. You’ll never make relationships, never mind maintain them. I don’t want to see you alone the rest of your life, Nesta.  
Nesta wants to sigh, aggravated that her sister’s voice doesn’t disappear from her mind like they ought to. Leave then, she should have demanded. Leave if you can’t stand me or this house. 
What’s so important about relationships, anyway?  
But Nesta grits her teeth, squaring her shoulders. “I am perfectly fine,” she bites. 
“Then why is the House falling apart?” Feyre tuts and the condescension—the accusation that slices through her—is another reason why Nesta cannot make a promise to be more agreeable. She isn't born to be sweet like a lily floating through the waters. She’s grown to be as lethal as hemlock. As lovely as a blooming nightshade. A rose with all its cutting thorns.  
“The House has a mind of its own. Maybe it wants to fall apart. Maybe it would be better if it did... Perhaps, it would be a blessing if it buried us and left nothing but the cold cemeteries. All alone and echoing with the dead.”  
Feyre frowns, a concerning furrow worming its way on her face, but Nesta won’t apologize for speaking the truth. She only listens to the sharp notes of her sister’s laugh, though the sound seems odd and not at all humorous. “That was entirely too morbid... please tell me you’ve spoken to someone other than the crypt keeper since I’ve been gone.”  
Nesta’s spine goes taught at that and she can’t help the way her mind seems to think of him. Murderous intent is often mistaken for infatuation it seems for Feyre’s gaze lights up, her body practically thrumming with excitement.  
“You have?” She asks, laughing.  
“No,” Nesta declares, in that no-nonsense way of hers. But her tone never does keep Feyre at bay... not like her mother’s voice. 
Feyre shakes her head, settling on her large bed that bounces as she sits. She pats at the cushion beside her, but Nesta wants to go to window tucked on the other side. There she’ll imagine him down below working around the vines that pull at worn brick. A head full of dark hair... bronze skin... sculpted and polished and perfect. 
But Nesta won’t go to the window and she won’t confess her secrets to her little sister. There’s something about this that makes her feel watched. Vulnerable... Trapped inside, instead of safe inside. Hiding behind glass. 
“I’ll just ask Elain if you don’t give me details.”  
Nesta sighs, and her eyes move to the ceiling where a particular chandelier has seen better days. The crystals are yellowing, and she wonders if it is because she’s growing weaker as well as her will. Her body doesn’t feel like anything’s amiss, but perhaps it’s her soul. Something rattles there, clanking against her ribs when everything should be silent and still.  
The House is falling apart. Where it once was glorious under the pruning of her mother, it’s now only weeds. Elain would have a better time, she thinks. It should have been her responsibility. Even Feyre could have done better, never mind if the house ended up smelling like wet dog, the floors tainted with muddy paw prints.  
But where would Nesta fit if not for this House? Doesn’t it deserve someone who won't abandon it?  
“We hired someone new,” she mumbles lowly.  
“Someone knew?” Feyre’s eyes go wide and Nesta would snort at the look if she didn’t know what it meant.  
Nesta doesn’t let anyone in.  
Why did she hire him then?  
Perhaps, Elain is right and she yearns for change. The House changes because she wants something new to manifest from the cracks in its foundation. Daisies sprouting through cement. 
“Are you going to describe this new person, or do I have to go gossip with Elain?”  
The question has Nesta shaking away her jumbled thoughts, imagining them being put in a jar where she tightly closes the lid. She schools her features into something nonchalant and meaningless. This information is all strictly business. Nothing else. “We hired him to fix the house, I’ll have you know. Which you would have found out if you hadn’t accused me of being too weak to hold our family together.”  
“Him?” she gleans, boldly, ignoring her accusation. “I’m sorry, but you hired a man? The last man who visited here was thrown in the pond with the piranhas.”
Nesta scoffs, “They were goldfish.”  
“They were piranhas.”  
“They were goldfish.”  
“Piranhas,” Feyre sings.  
“Fine, they were piranhas, but neither they nor I like the taste of man.”  
“So, you don’t find him attractive?” Feyre smiles coyly as Nesta pauses at her words. “You do? How interesting...”  
“He is not beautiful.”  
“He’s a hulking buffoon with a penchant for flirtation that I find appalling.”  
“Ooooh,” Feyre snickers. “You must really find him attractive if you’re using your professor voice.”  
“Never,” she says, and it sounds more like a challenge. But who is she challenging? Nesta thinks it must be Cassian. 
I won’t like you, one bit, she thinks. Don’t you dare. 
To be continued...
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hiswickedhellfire · 2 years
TW: Murder, drugs
I was always told that the weight of the world feels so close when you feel the most pain. I think it was my father who would repeatedly say, “Grow up, son, and let all that shit go,” but I don’t remember. After a while, things begin to blur together . . . nearly lost in translation like a boat drifting away into a long, wet abyss. I’ve always loved getting fucked until I can get a good high off some crack. I love the idea of not needing to think or feel, occasionally slipping through the cracks and forgetting how to breathe.
What a fine line between life and death.
I’m a token for lost souls when the mere thought of having to cope with my own sorrows feel completely out of reach. I know that I was just a branch of reality — a cosmic mistake in the volatile and never-ending time and space continuum.
No rest for the wicked. No rest for anyone.
I felt the loss of peace more violently and vehemently than before, the dangerous reverberations are burning even stronger now as if to describe the lack of common ground beneath the soles of my feet.
The steering wheel was cold, almost untouched from the evening before. But some semblance of elusive daydreaming made the events of the last 48 hours easily a remembrance of a mindless thought. A lifetime ago if I breathed in so. In retrospect, I spent the last 24 hours high as a fucking kite, singing the melody of Alya’s every word and praying for the last eight years of my life back.
I’ve had the lasting vibrations of a pale, ashen cigarette in mid September, replaying the mindless voices that echo through my brain as I’ve had countless conversations with my old man in my head every night since I’ve come home. Yet, as the hours passed and the days went by, I was left merely with a multitude of questions and remarks I had feared saying to my father since the day my mother disappeared from our family. I had pictured the smug grin my father would wear the minute he saw me after declaring my return in the grand way I had. It was as if to protest my emotional prowess after the loss of pain weighed so heavily. Yet I had been so foolish; I was unable to see clearly. Perhaps he saw me as a fucking coward for spewing my insecurities at him like a diabolical whistleblower from the mewspapers, thus further exhausting all my emotional sanity. And a fucking coward I was.
I felt like choking on my own burning saliva the second I tasted it. “What the hell happened . . .” I said through fragmented, airy breaths, the weighted feeling that something was wrong sat brazenly within me. That what was real never truly was.
And it wasn’t.
“Fuck, you’re losing it, man, for real,” Ricky said.
“Her name was Alya, like the wind,” I remembered hearing her say, the echoes and memories transcended through hallucinations, but I still said it aloud. And Ricky mistook my disillusionment for stupidity when he said, “Jesus, Kai, I don’t give a damn about some random bitch you loved way back when. Don’t you have things to do, places to be?”
“You’re home, and just when I thought we would’ve seen the last of you . . .” His gaze held visions of aggravation and disdain, the kind of darkness that can only be affirmed by the icy cold glare he wore. “You seem to show up just in time. Aren’t you full of surprises?” It was then that I saw a half-hearted, disgusted smile on his face, as if he was laughing at a joke I had muttered in his ear — one only he could hear. My father hardly broke the silence to seek answers to his many questions. He refrained from locking eyes with me as he hurried toward the liquor cabinet. I then recall that just before meeting Martín, I had stolen a very bottle of hard whiskey from that same cabinet of irresistible beverages. Home. What a lost cause, and what a terrible place to be. “I’ve been keeping busy . . . I’ve been getting my shit from Ricky again,” I told my father quietly, so as not to have the maids and servants overhear. Otherwise, it would ultimately disrupt the tidy work schedule. It was terribly even with every memory from the night I buried my father’s driver in the backyard casually haunting me for a lifetime.
“You've got a lot of nerve coming back here, son, especially after the way you spoke to me the last time we saw each other,” I could hear the hatred in his voice, as he then poured himself a glass of cold bourbon to wash down his disgust like simple erasure. He exhaled deeply when he swallowed his saliva to enjoy his bourbon like his life depended on it. “Don’t do that. Don’t act like you give a damn. If you did, we wouldn’t be here.” My father quickly shook his head at my dark tone that wreaked a familiar disdain for his awful scorn and long, hard stares.
“Do spare me the sob story and tears, Kai. It’s pathetic, even for you. And I know I taught you better,” He inhaled sharply after swallowing hard and disregarding me. He sat back down at the head of the long dining room table as if he was the king in the chess match. I watched as he flipped through the daily newspaper to go about daily tasks, pretending like everything was perfectly fine. I stared at him blankly, the anger boiling inside of me like an explosion, as he continued to ignore my silent cries for help. For attention.
“You’re a liar,” I spat softly as if I was just a little kid. The kind of kid mothers and fathers cared to listen to. But instead, I felt like a ghost in a silhouette who was dancing painfully in the dark, screaming at the world. It seemed to catch my father’s attention, too, because he soon stood up from the chair. “Broken promises are easy to break, isn’t that right? That’s what you told me when I was little. I remember your jarring smile you wore. I remember how it just teared through the muddy darkness.” My father slapped me right across the right side of my face. I paused in that moment, not for effect or patience for remembrance, but anger and hurt, for I was both. “That night, I wanted to say hello, one last time before you inevitably ran her dry, and I would’ve killed you a thousand times over.” Before any tears could even be shed, I breathed in and swallowed every ounce of heartache I could. I hated everything that my father was. And that made me hate myself even more.
My father muttered something of a curse under his breath. Something about how I was nothing more than wasted space. And I waited a moment for him to speak, contesting that my accusations and hurt were all for nothing, like an ocean tide ripped through the waves after his hand harshly grazed my cheek. As a kid, I was a fool then, but time doesn’t always heal, knew.
“Don’t be so naïve, son. Your mother was no good for you or your sister. Too much bad blood over the years. Everything I have done has been to protect this family. To protect the Welles name. And you may not like it, but it’s better if the past stays buried,” My father said calmly and without room for question on my part. “Hell is filled with lost souls tethered to both life and death. To some, it’s in the form of renewed passion and vibrant fireworks. But for me? It’s like coming home after a long day’s work.”
My father had a way with words that frequently disturbed me, and that alone, was enough to startle the depths of my salvaged heart. And a decrepit one at that. “Is that what you tell yourself so you can sleep at night?”
You wonder why she isn’t here to sing unchained melodies to you while you sleep?
“I just wanted to say hello,” I repeated once more.
Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetops,
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock,
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all.
My mother used to sing that song to me when I was a baby. All of those voices, all of those sounds — merely hushed whispers in the night, like sullen ghosts gasping for air that’s caught between life and death. I heard them all in my father’s voice. Didn’t he ever get tired of the blatant lies? Forget his scorn and his ceaseless desire for betrayal. There was hate in his eyes. For those he deemed dirty, fucking liars. Cheats. Just like him. Was that hatred baring another piece of my father’s soul, too? Maybe for my mother in another life, yes, but he hardly spoke of what was before and what was becoming of the past like water slipping through cracked cups.
I saw the desperation and resentment. I was forever going to be nothing more than a disappointment. Wasted breaths he wished he could spare so our eyes wouldn’t be forced to meet. It was true, and we both knew it. That hatred in his eyes was for me.
* * *
I was lost. Constantly lost, even when I felt like everything was at my fingertips. Like daydreaming in mid July. It was raining, that I was sure of. One of those gloomy rain storms that occur just before leaving the rotten remains of the human psyche distraught and utterly alone. The rain itself was heavy, the droplets of water falling onto the windowsill beside the door frame. I had taken a drag from my cigarette but I knew . . . I was a long way from home.
I became aloof, like I was daydreaming in the night. Maybe I was even catching glimpses of her by starry seas and distorted waves that reminded me of home. I think it was the remembrance of the ocean breeze that caught me gasping for air as the rain fell. The windows were left open from the evening before, and as I inhaled gently, I whispered her name to the clouds to keep myself from falling face forward. It felt like I was allowing each letter of her name to become a piece of Mother Nature’s bare soul.
“Oh, Kai, you’re like a ghost in the night, you know that?” She’d quip softly into my ear. She spoke as if we had known each other for a lifetime. It was like she was stormy rain and I was the moon clinging to her every notion. Her eyes were red with bags beneath her eyes that signaled her drained insomnia as she became delirious with the evening light.
“I guess,” I said, but it sounded so miniscule and inconspicuous. Stupid, even. She punctuated her every word like we had known one another for a lifetime and then some. I wondered if it made me a Goddamn fool.
“It’s not a bad thing,” She announced, soon after silence weighed on me, but I simply wished I could fall vacant to the starlight above. “There’s just something about you.”
I felt like I could remain in this trance forever. A blank silhouette dancing in the wind. Quiet, reserved.
She leaned forward, and I clinged to her like a little kid when I felt her lips touch mine. I heard low voices, soft whispers.
I should’ve known the truth. We were a desert without rain. A brush fire falling by stormy clouds and heavy rain. Maybe we were both buying ourselves a bit more time before we killed ourselves as we both inhaled. Like water stuck in my lungs, I’m trapped. Hidden beneath a sun kissed sky in the wake of death and loss.
My heart ached when the throbbing in my chest intensified the longer I remained still. I felt the cool air brush up against my skin when my chest rose once to then fall again. The pressure in my lungs was merely painful as time passed like I was a passenger in my dreams, and she was a lost angel. Whisked away like smoke in the midnight air, a sudden break from reality and Hell tightened at the core of my chest and what followed terrified me. A part of me tasted the blood on the tip of my tongue. The echoes enveloped my brain, the voice . . . it simply haunted me for a lifetime. Partly because I knew who it was before he had a chance to introduce himself.
“Wake up, wake up!”
The morning was fading fast, like absent songbirds singing in a deluded lullaby. I was forever reminded of my lost immortality the second I woke to the smell of the gentle rain. A devilish smile had begun forming across my features by the sight of him, like a laugh on the brink of expelling. An old friend in another life. Truth be told, I would've killed him a thousand times over, too.
“Martín, it’s been so long.”
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Mafia Bucky and prompts “seeing you between my legs is so hot” and “I may have left some marks”
Mafia!Bucky can have my heart if he wants it
Warnings: a slight, teeny tiny mention of violence, smut, cursing, oral (m receiving) minors dni
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Bucky had been working on his temper. Though, he never did have a short fuse and was usually able to stay level headed. He wanted to be better and the man who was holding a hand over his bleeding nose and mouth in the middle of Bucky's office, took him three steps back.
He let out an aggravated groan, grabbing a cloth from the drawer of his desk to wipe his right hand clean. "Deal with that." Bucky ordered to one of his men.
He slipped his suit jacket off and dropped it on the blood stain that tainted the grey carpet. You'd be there any moment and he didn't have time to deal with it.
Just as he sat in his desk chair, the doorknob turned. "Hey, babydoll." He said with a soft smile that melted your heart. "Everything okay in here?" You asked, glancing down at the suit jacket on the floor as you made your way to him.
"Is now, c'mere." Bucky tugged you onto his lap, thick, contrasting arms of metal and flesh circling your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. "How was your day?" You asked, letting your hand rest on the back of his neck.
He started muttering about the man and what had happened. How he tried but as soon as the man saw your picture on the corner of Bucky's desk he made the wrong comment that made Bucky feel like the man was objectifying you.
It was his favorite picture from a beach trip a few months before, so he hated to have to move it. Captured perfectly of you with a gleaming smile plastered on your face, wearing a sundress that ended up torn on the floor of the hotel room hours later.
"You need to relax, Buck." You sighed, feeling his lips brush the side of your neck. "I am relaxed." He grumbled like a child.
Shifting around you fiddled with the buttons of his shirt. "Want me to help?" You asked, popping the first one open as he lifted his head to rest against the back of the chair. "Do you even need to ask?"
You gave him a smile and moved to stand on your knees between his parted thighs, Bucky watching you with dark, lust filled eyes as you kissed the exposed skin with each button that was undone.
Letting his nimble fingers undo his belt and fastening to his pants, you gently massaged the tops of his toned thighs as his hand dipped under his waistband; wetting your lips when he pulled his throbbing erection from the constricting fabric.
Bucky let out a low groan when you flicked you tongue over his leaking tip, already becoming putty in your hands from the simple action. "Seeing you between my legs is so hot." He huffed, a gravely moan pulling itself from his throat as you took his swollen head into your mouth.
"More, take more, sweet girl." Bucky moaned, bucking his hips into the welcoming warmth.
Bracing yourself with your hands on his thighs, you position yourself so you can take him further; swallowing him to the base. "God, I don't know how you fit me in that pretty little mouth. But it feels fucking amazing." He purred, metal hand tangling in the back of your hair.
You hummed around him, earning another thrust of his hips and pleasured sigh before you were being pulled off of him. "I wasn't-" A soft yelp cut you off from the sudden movement of being lifted onto his desk.
"Love stuffing your mouth, but I wanna fill you up, babygirl." Bucky said, hands palming up the sides of your skirt to pull your underwear off in a haste.
He slotted himself between your legs, hands wrapping around your calves to pull you closer to the edge of the desk; his lips engulfing yours in a messy, lust filled kiss as he buried inside you.
Your breath caught in your throat at the sudden intrusion, not having much time to adjust to his thickness when his hips rolled into yours at an erratic pace.
"Bucky-" You whimpered, arms hooking under his to hold his shoulder blades, nuzzling your face into his neck to muffle the moans and whines he caused.
Bucky did the opposite, letting the vulgar sounds fill the air freely as he bit and sucked marks into your neck, angling his hips up to fuck into the rough patch in the back of your pussy. "No one can hear, babydoll. Be as loud as you want."
The gravely moan that rumbled from his chest was nearly pornographic when your clenched around him, hips stuttering for a moment before he found his rhythm again; grip on your waist tightening. "Make a mess on my cock, sweetheart." He panted, nudging your jaw with his nose as you bit your bottom lip harshly.
Bucky slipped his hand to your clit, pressing sloppy circles to match the ruthless pace that made your head spin. "Louder, baby. C'mon, I need it." He nearly whined, needing every sound and reaction he could get to replace the thought of another man thinking of you.
Your jaw went slack, moans and pants spilling out as you release around him.
Bucky was nearing his own high, gripping onto your thighs with a force that would surely bruise; the swirling in his stomach growing stronger from the whines you made before his head snapped to the opening door.
His hips still against yours, a cold glare being sent to someone behind you. "Can I fucking help you?" Bucky sneered, your eyes blinking open as your breathing started to slow.
The man quickly averted his gaze from the vulgar scene unfolding on Bucky's desk and cleared his throat. "I figured- you- you usually lock the door. There's some urgent business." He stuttered out, trying to keep his eyes on the carpet and not how you were clinging to the front of Bucky.
"More urgent than what I'm doing right now?" Bucky snarked, biting back a groan at how your walls fluttered around him when he shifted slightly. "Of course not, sir."
"Then get the hell out, I'm busy." The man quickly nodded and rushed out of the door.
You looked at Bucky through your eyelashes, the hard look on his face softening when his eyes flicked back to you. "Where was I, sweet girl?" He hummed, nipping your bottom lip. "Lay back."
Nodding, you leaned back on your elbows, throwing your head back in a moan when he returned to his rough, steady pace.
His hands pressed flat against the wood of the desk, trying to pull another orgasm from you before bringing on his own.
You could feel the pressure building again, higher and higher with each punishing snap of his hips. "Please, Bucky, so close." You all but sobbed. "I know, sugar. Cum again for me."
He groped at your chest, hips stuttering and thrusts growing sloppy when you did, your thighs quivering against his sides.
A choked grunt tore from Bucky's throat, spilling into your velvety walls.
A satisfied smirk graced his face when he noticed the blossoming hickies on the side of your neck, both of your chests heaving and skin coated in a thin layer of sweat. "I may have left some marks."
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havin-a-wee · 3 years
If Only She Knew
pairing: dad!harry x cheerleader!reader
word count: 4.2k
warnings: smut (fingering + unprotected sex), cheerleading position implies readers weight, 20 year age gap
hi! ive been having some really bad writers block but i wrote this and even though its def not my best work i like it enough to post it :) also, i totally didn't mean to imply the readers weight, i only realized afterwards, so im really sorry about that. also the age gap is kinda big, so if ur uncomfy with that you shouldn't read this <3
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“Geez watch where you’re going!”
You don’t even look up at the girl, recognizing her nasally voice easily from how annoying it is. You were nose deep in a book while walking down the school hallway, and of course your worst enemy had to be walking down the same hallway, at the same time, in the opposite direction. You are both at fault for the collision, considering Ella had her eyes locked on her instagram feed. But knowing the girl, there is no way in hell that she will take any responsibility, even though you are the one who has coffee dripping down the front of your white blouse.
Since middle school, Ella Styles has always hated you. You have never known why, but she seems to have a vendetta against you, and tries her best to make your life miserable. You never let her, always refraining from giving her the explosive reaction that she was looking for. And that makes her hate you even more.
High school is over in 2 months, and although you are going to miss the freedom of being a child, you most definitely won’t miss the people from the tiny town you’ve lived in since you were young. You’ve always been the type of person to have a small friend group, only 4 people in your circle. But that’s how you like it, because crippling social anxiety makes it difficult for you to meet new people.
“I- sorry.” You still don’t look at her, instead peeling the soaking wet top off of your stomach.
“You better be sorry.” She flips her blonde hair, ensuring that the fluffy locks hit you right in the face. You are lucky this time seeing as she didn’t take it further, because sometimes she would purposely embarrass you after small incidents such as this one.
Tears well at your waterline and you run into the nearest bathroom, pushing open the blue door and locking yourself in a stall.
After all these years of torment, Ella rarely was able to get to you. But sometimes, she does something that pushes you off the edge, leaving you with red, tear-stained cheeks. The final straw this time was her ruining your brand new shirt, the one you were anxiously waiting to debut at school.
But now there was coffee dripping down your chest and staining the bright white fabric. Your only saving grace is the cheerleading uniform in your backpack. In fact, you were walking to the locker room to change for practice, and then for the game at 6 tonight.
You had been excited for the game, knowing that Friday night games always led to parties and fun afterwards. You rarely go to parties of course, but the buzzing energy never fails to rub off on you. But now that stupid Ella had to go and mess up your day, you’re dreading seeing her smug face while she asserts her dominance as cheer captain.
You untie your top and rip it off in a haste, frustrated tears running down your face periodically. You could’ve put a jacket on and gone to the locker room, but Ella would be going there soon, and the last thing you want to do is run into her with teary eyes. She can’t know that you let her get to you.
You brush your hands down your uniform, pulling down the skimpy costume and stuffing your old clothes in your backpack. Once out of the stall, you pull your hair up into a high ponytail, reapply your lip gloss and walk back into the hallway, having already done your makeup that morning. You’re happy that it’s a home game today, because the home game uniforms are two pieces and the skirts are smaller than the ones on the away game uniforms. There is a certain someone you are looking to impress, and the way your tits spill out from the top of the outfit will most certainly help you in your mission.
It’s not like you need to impress him, because he’s shown time and time again that he finds you sexy no matter what you wear. And when he doesn’t tell you, he shows you, by pressing his hard on up against your ass after you just woke up, despite your messy hair and bare face.
However, he also loves when you tease him. And that’s exactly what you’re planning to do.
You sling your heavy backpack over one shoulder and trudge down the hallway, the old fluorescent lights practically blinding you on your journey. The locker room is dingy, smelling of cheap soap and Victoria’s Secret perfume. At least it doesn’t smell like the boys locker room, which smells like sweat and more sweat.
It's already bustling with people, your teammates scrambling to get ready in time as to not get yelled at by the coach.
“Y/N!” The familiar shout of your best friend Rose is like a breath of fresh air, and you bound over to her. She’s standing in front of your lockers, the two of you obviously picking ones next to each other. “Wait, why are you already changed?”
“The bitch spilled her coffee all over me,” you grumbled, your eyes shifting over to where Ella and her little goons are giggling.
“I keep telling you, anytime you want me to beat her up I will gladly do it.”
“Not that I doubt your abilities Rose, because I know you would have her on the ground in a heartbeat, but I can’t let you do that. She can’t know that she upsets me.” You lower your voice for the second sentence, irrationally fearing that she can hear you over the loud chatter echoing through the room.
“I still think you should let me beat her up, but you do you I guess.” Rose shrugged her shoulders and turned back to her locker, bursting out into laughter with you after a beat of silence.
The rest of the getting ready process goes smoothly, Rose distracting you from the girl side-eyeing you in the corner. Soon enough, the whole squad was in formation outside, and you have your hands on the shoulders of Rose and another girl named Bethany. You are a flyer, meaning that you’re the one who the bases support while you pose and flip in the air. Its a hard job, but you are one of only three girls on the team who is advanced enough at flying to be safe doing it in routines. One of the other three girls is Ella.
Ella is the flyer for the middle group, seeing as she is the captain. You are on the right and the other group is on the left. Luckily, Rose is a base in your group, so you feel a lot better putting your safety in the hands of someone you already trust with your life.
“ELLA! YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!” Coach Habbiths voice is piercing, her angry shrieks bouncing off your ear drums. Ella audibly huffs, displaying her frustration with the critiques she has been receiving since we learned the routine weeks ago. That’s one of the biggest problems with Ella, she believes that she's always right.
Every single practice she has done a needle instead of a scale at the end of the routine. It's aggravating for everyone, and that frustration is amplified everytime she makes the same mistake over and over. “Alright, everyone down. group 1 and group 3 take five, Ella and group 2 stay on the field.
The team obliged to her instructions, and you are brought down from the air.
“Okay Ella, I want you to watch how Y/N does the last move, because she’s actually doing it correctly.” Coach is standing in front of you now, and she emphasized the word ‘correctly’. This is much to Ella’s dismay, and much to your excitement.
Nothing brings you more joy than seeing Ella’s face when you one up her, and this time is no exception.
Aside from a few eye rolls and nasty looks, Ella corrects the move without much fuss. By now there's 15 minutes until the game, and the players have been warming up on the field for about half an hour.
“Did you see her face!” Rose tugs on your arm while you walk back to the locker room, water bottles in hand.
“I know! I should’ve taken a picture!”
“We can only hope that it knocked her ego down a peg.”
“I doubt it” Rose nodded in agreement and you continued your chatter, talking about the random things that best friends talk about.
“It’s go time ladies!” You jumped in surprise when Coach Habbiths yelling booms through the locker room, the hefty amount of metal in the room enhancing the echo.
In a blur, your entire team rushed out onto the field, the crisp air cooling your warmed skin. There was a huge crowd. probably the biggest the teams ever had. But that makes sense, because this game was against your school's biggest rival. Luckily, despite the huge crowd you were able to lock eyes with those piercing green irises you have gotten to know so well over the past couple months. Everytime you see him he gets more and more attractive, and this time is no exception.
At this point, the teams routine is muscle memory and you’re done with it before you can blink. Most people would think that being thrown in the air is memorable, but your main concern is the growing wet patch on your panties that spreads each time you squeeze your thighs together. Just the thought of the man is enough to turn you on, and now that you’re sitting on the cold metal bench your imagination has time to go wild.
The only thing that snapped you out of your daze was the eruption of appaulause from the audience, and the realization that the other cheerleaders were standing up and running towards the players. You breath out a sigh of relief, recognizing the cheering as a signal that the game has ended.
“Hey, you coming?” Rose tugs on your arm, looking down at you still on the bench.
“Um, actually I don’t feel so well, I think I’m going to go home.”
“I should’ve known. You know, one day you’re going to have to go to a party.” Rose places her hands on her hips, giving you a sarcastically annoyed stare.
“And today is not that day.” You grab your backpack and sling it over your shoulder, turning back to Rose for a second. “Have fun and be safe.”
“I always do.” Rose places a chaste kiss on your cheek before turning back to the gathering crowd on the turf.
Instead of heading to the sidewalk and walking home, you duck under the bleachers and walk down the gravel path, pushing open the fence that separates the field and the school. The contents of your backpack slosh around while you sway your hips as you walk. Finally, you make it to the back wall of the school, leaning your back against it and plopping your heavy backpack down by your feet.
And now you wait.
Much to your convenience, the wait this time isn’t long, only five minutes passing before you see the familiar man following the same path you did earlier.
He has a pair of brown slacks on, pressing against his waist courtesy of his black belt. A button up white shirt hides the tattoos on his stomach, but he's rolling up his sleeves as he walks over to you. He's walking with intention, hungry eyes zeroed in on you.
When he’s only steps away, you cheekily bite your lip and use your finger to push up your skirt a little bit more.
Your actions have the intended effect, his eyes blowing wide and hands grasping at your waist.
“Y’can’t do that.”
Before you have a chance to ask what he means, his lips collide with yours, his tongue slipping in only moments after the initial kiss. But as soon as he started, he pulls away.
“Y’can’t be teasing me on the field like tha’, had me hard next t’my friends.” His hand is on the wall above your head, and his other arm is wrapped around your waist pulling you into his chest. He’s panting, and you are too.
“Sorry Mr. Styles,” you push your bottom lip out in a pout, giving him the most innocent look possible. “Just wanted to wear it cause I know how much you like it.”
“Aw, my babygirl wore this f’me? Well I guess y’can be forgiven. Now let’s get t’my house before I fuck yeh right on this wall.” He places a soft kiss to your lips picking up your backpack from the floor and turning to the direction of his car.
“But it hurts!” He turns around again, giving you a sympathetic look and caressing your cheek. The rings on his fingers are cold, but you’re used to the feeling.
“I know sweet girl, but I can’t take care of yeh here, s’too risky.” He pauses for a moment, thinking of a solution to your not so little problem. “How bout I give y’my fingers in the car? Hows that sound hm?” You nod eagerly, pulling his hand down from your cheek and holding it. He takes the signal and begins walking to his car while you follow him.
You never planned to sleep with your bullies dad. But a few months ago your parents dragged you to a family friends housewarming party, and that friend happened to be a friend of Harry’s too. There were no other teenagers there, so your focus was on the attractive older man who had been checking you out since you first locked eyes, and after ending up in the upstairs bathroom together the two of you have been fucking at least twice a week. You only learned that he’s a dad when you saw him for the first time outside the party. He didn’t look the part, and you actually thought he was in his 20s until he corrected you. He’s 38, having become a parent at only 20 years old. Your relationship is a bit taboo, but you’re a mature 18 year old and you and Harry get along well. So well that your time together has developed from casual sex to a mutually exclusive relationship. (Neither of you like labels, but you’re basically boyfriend and girlfriend).
He makes you really happy, and when you have to face off against Ella, it helps knowing that you have power over her, even though she doesn’t know it.
“Did she do anything today?” Harry is walking beside you, hands still intertwined.
“Besides spilling coffee on my shirt, nothing much.” Harry sighs in frustration and squeezes your hand as a show of affection.
“M’so sorry, I wish y’didn’t ‘ave to deal with her.”
The thing about Harry and Ella is they can barely be considered family. Ella’s mom is, for lack of a better word, a bitch. She’s snobby, conceited, and rude, and those behaviors have rubbed off on Ella. Another thing that rubbed off on her was her mom’s hatred for Harry. Being young parents put strain on their already struggling relationship, and they split before Ella’s first birthday. Harry said he tried his best to make it work for Ella’s sake, but her mom was looking for someone to pay for her life, and Harry had just started working his way up as a businessman.
Now, he’s a CEO, but luckily Ella’s mom already found a new beau with plenty of money, so she didn’t come crawling back to him. However, the success Harry achieved only a few years after their breakup made her jealous, and so she instilled that anger in their daughter. So currently Ella spends most of her time with her mother, and when she is with Harry she doesn’t treat him kindly.
“It’s not your fault Harry, you don’t have to apologize for her actions.”
“I know, I jus’ hate tha’ she treats yeh like that.” He sighs again, reaching into his pocket to grab his keys. In a few more steps you’re standing outside the sleek black suv, walking around to the passenger seat and sliding in once you hear the click of the door unlocking.
You both take a few seconds to breathe, an unspoken gesture to prepare for the night's events. Harry turns to you, a sexy smirk plastered on his face. “What d’ya think about fixin’ that ache darlin?” You nod eagerly, sliding down a bit in your seat to give your legs room to spread. “Think yeh can take off y’skirt fo’me?” Your head bobs once again as you nod, hooking your fingers under the elastic waistband and shimmying out of the skirt. While you’re doing that, Harry turns the car into the deserted street, using only one hand to steer.
You toss the tiny skirt into his lap, giving him a signal without distracting his eyes from the road. He reacts immediately, his free hand coming down to squeeze your thigh. You mewl at the contact and bite down on your lip, trying to stop your hips from bucking up in search of relief. His squeezes move up your thigh, and finally his fingers press against your weeping cunt. Swiftly, he pushes your soiled panties to the side, swiping his fingers up your folds collecting your juices. You shriek and buck your hips up into his hand, but much to your dismay he removes it from between your thighs. The car comes to a stop at a red light, and Harry takes the moment to look at you, his eyes wandering your squirming body. He’s practically drooling when he places his fingers in his mouth, tasting your sweet wetness.
“Sorry pup, jus’ needed t’taste yeh.” He chuckles again, and you whine softly in desperation. In one quick motion, he dives his hand back to your pussy, pressing his thumb on your swollen clit.
“Fuck!” The pleasure shoots up your spine, goosebumps raising across your body as he rubs circles on the puffy button. “Harry- please,”
“What d’ya want puppy? Want m’fingers?”
“Yes, yes,” you breathe out, words barely comprehensible through your panting.
“Alright, alright, I gotcha.” And with that his two fingers press into you, filling your tight hole perfectly. There is no hesitation before he begins pumping the digits in and out of you and his thumb never lets up on your bundle of nerves. “Such a needy puppy, got yeh soaking f’me from out in the stands hm?” His eyes are still on the road, but you can picture the lust filled eyes that are undoubtedly on his face.
“Get so wet jus- just thinkin’ about you,” you gasp, writhing as his fingers slam in and out of you.
“Yeah? This is my cunt, m’the only one who can make yeh this wet, isn’t tha’ right?”
“Only Harry.” At your confirmation he speeds his hand up, your vision clouding with white spots as the knot building in your stomach grows tighter and tighter.
All of a sudden, he pulls his fingers out of you, leaving you empty. “Wha-” You begin to question him but you realize that he’s pulling into his driveway. Instead of complaining, you sit up quickly and unbuckle your seatbelt, pulling your skirt back up your legs to avoid being nude on his front lawn.
As soon as you feel the little jolt your hand yanks on the handle and you hop out of the car. Your brain is fuzzy with need and all you are focused on is alleviating the aching between your thighs. You hear Harry lock the car while you're on the steps, and you turn back to ensure that he’s behind you. And sure enough, he’s hot on your trail, just as eager as you to get inside and onto his bed. Your foot is tapping on the ground anxiously, waiting for Harry to unlock the front door. After what seems like an hour, he is next to you again, fumbling with the silver keychain in his hand, eventually unlocking and pushing open the door. You both practically run inside, hands roaming each other's bodies and lips locking as you shuffle through the hall.
You disconnect breathlessly when you reach the stairs, subconsciously wrapping your hands around Harry’s neck so he can pick you up bridal style. He does so hastily, barely a second passing before he’s plopping you onto the fluffy mattress. “Finally,” he pants, hands fumbling with his belt buckle. There’s a prominent bulge in his trousers, and although you’ve seen it plenty, you are always in awe at how thick and big he is. While he’s busy removing his clothes, you are practically drooling at the sight of his bare cock, full, heavy, and dripping precome.
He looks back down at you with his emerald green eyes, simultaneously dropping his recently-removed shirt on the floor. “Can I ride you?” The look he gives you is indescribable, a mixture of need, lust, cockiness, and beauty all rolled up into one.
“Whatever y’want puppy,” His hands scoop under your ass, and he lifts you up and switches your positions. Now it’s your turn to undress, and Harry makes himself busy by running his hands up and down your torso. “So gorgeous, y’know that?” You nod quickly then pull your shirt off of your head. “Most beautiful girl in the world I reckon.” You blush at the compliment, butterflies being added to the many sensations occuring in your body. You straddle his thighs, wrapping your hand around his length and tugging a few times. A loud groan rumbles through his throat, and you smile knowing you’re the one who made him feel like that. “Thought- thought yeh said y’wanted to ride me pup.”
“I do.” You keep your hand on his cock, sitting up on your knees and lining him up with your weeping cunt. All at once, your body is put at ease as his cock fills you up perfectly. He bottoms out inside of you, both of you moaning and groaning while you adjust. “So big-” Your words come out in choppy pants, the syllables being cut off by your heaves. You suck in one deep breath and move upwards, sinking back down onto him quickly. His large hands hold a tight grip on your waist, guiding you up and down his member. His lips attach to your neck, suckling on the supple skin just enough so that it doesn’t bruise.
“What a dirty little puppy you are,” he growls, eyes focusing heavily on where your bodies connect, watching himself disappear inside of you as you bounce up and down on his cock.
“Feel so full-” Tingles ricochet down every part of your body, and your legs are becoming weaker with each movement. Harry can feel your movement faltering, so his hips thrust upwards to meet yours, fucking you from underneath. “Harry!”
“I know pup, I know.” His thumb strokes your cheek and he leans in for another kiss, devouring your plump lips and swirling his tongue around yours. “So fuckin tight,” The words tumble from his mouth in a low growl, which sends the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. His cock twitches inside of you, encouraging you to muster all your energy and finish both of you off. Adrenaline kicks in and your strength returns, riding him faster and harder than before. “Let go f’me Y/N.” It only takes a few more thrusts for you to come undone, Harry’s orgasm following suit. The waves of pleasure roll through your body, and you throw your head back in ecstasy as you allow the feeling to overcome your body. Spurts of his hot cum cover your velvety walls and you ride out your orgasms together, resting your foreheads against one another.
You end up sleeping at his house, feeling safe knowing that Ella is staying with her mom today. It’s normal for you to sleep at his place, seeing as both of you are usually so tired that you pass out before you can leave. What isn’t normal is for you to be woken up in the morning by Harry’s phone ringing. Harry is a deep sleeper, and you laugh at the sight of him conked out while his ringtone blares on the nightstand just a few inches away. Carefully, you reach over his sleeping body and grab the phone, planning on hanging it up and going back to bed. However, when you saw that it was Ella calling, you changed your mind. Making a split second decision, you slide the icon to the right, holding it up to your ear.
“Hello?” Her whiney voice rings through your eardrum and you wince. Not the nicest thing to be woken up to.
“Hello,” you answer, your voice not reflecting the cocky grin that spread across your face.
“Who the hell is this!” she shrieks, and you make a mental note that she must not be a morning person.
“A friend of your dads.” Your response is once again calm and monotone, trying to stifle the laugh that is bubbling in your throat.
“Ugh! What’s your name?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N”
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thesevro · 3 years
So I read desert rose and loved it. It gave me an idea for an imagine where Sukuna and the reader kinda have a relationship like Hades and Persephone. They meet at first, not fond of each other, but they start to understand each other and slowly they fall in love. Not just any love but one that's so deep that it envelops them, a love so deep its embedded into their soul. You can add smut if you want, I don't mind. I just thought that this would be amazing!
thank you for the first request i’ve received here on tumblr!! 
this shit actually turned out longer than i thought it would. i got a little carried away. ahuhuhu~~ hope you enjoy this anon bby!! 
WARNINGS: mentions of rape, sukuna calls you a whore and a slut AWOOGA, explicit smut
“No man has ever survived that curse.”
Her laugh cuts the air. It is dangerous. Snorting and derisive. The absolute opposite of the slack-jawed shock on his tattooed countenance.
“Well, then it’s a good thing I’m not a man.”
Her hands spin in a small, tight circle, focusing the cursed energy in the tiny space of power she traces with her hands. She stares at the man with unblinking eyes. Bears insults down on him with the laughter in her eyes.
“You fucking bitch,” he seethes, hissing at the scorn curling her mouth. He does not need his hands to form his own curse. It only takes another vilifying look at her for one more curse to fly in her direction. He breathes an aggravated breath through his nose as one of her servants takes the shot instead, performing the same technique with their own hands.
“Ooh, that one was a little weaker, don’t you think?” she mocks, then turns to her servant with a pleased smile on her lips. “Good boy.”
The boy simpers at the praise, leaning into the touch the woman pets onto his head. Sukuna loses control at the casualness, the apathy. To have such inferior, lowly beings smile in his presence…  for them to have the fucking nerve to even meet his eyes…
He is the King of Curses. Whoever the fuck it is this woman may be, he knows he has to put her and her proletarian flunkeys in their damn places.
His four hands tremble as a wild rush of cursed energy pulses through his veins. A manic grin cuts his frown into a smile.
I’m going to fucking kill you.
But in the next moment, his hands begin to tremble for a wholly different reason. His blood goes cold.
“You know, you aren’t that bad-looking for someone with two faces and a mouth on their stomach.” The woman traces the frowning tincture of a smile on his stomach, arm raised into the air in order to reach it. She almost stands on her tip-toes. Even with her diminutive stature she seems to be the most powerful in the obliterated room. 
When did she—?
“If you accept defeat, your highness…” A sharp, sardonic quip comes to make him fraught with wrath, “Then I might just let you live and have you become one of my menials instead. You could do plenty with those four arms of yours.”
Her fingers have opened the mouth on his stomach. Now she only tries to prick the pads of her strong fingers on the razor-edged ridges of teeth there, awaiting his answer with easy patience. Her hand grows sticky with his slobber.
“She could kill you in seconds, King,” the boy from earlier speaks up. “Could just grab that tongue in your stomach and wrench it upward ‘till the tip of it comes out one o’ your eye sockets.”
“Oh, don’t spoil my fun Jackie,” she says, still playing with the mouth on his abdomen. “I was planning to keep it a surprise for our man here.”
“I’ll be part of your fucking band of delinquents,” he interrupts, locking eyes with the woman, head lowered. “But you will make me the superior of the rest of your blue-collared pack of idiots.”
“You’re going to have to work for that, Ryomen-chan.” She flashes a smile at him. Her hand slips further into the mouth on his abdomen. He knows what she’s doing. Tempting him into trying to bite her hand off, if only so she could acquire an excuse to kill him.
And no one. No one fucking gave her the authority to call him Ryomen-chan.
“I don’t fucking care,” he snaps back at her, grabbing her hand before quickly relaxing his grip. He falters ever so slightly as something in her eyes goes dark, then with a begrudging gentleness slips her hand out of the mouth. “I’m already part of your ragged band of lackeys, bitch. So fucking tell me what it is you me to do.”
He hates her with his entire being. With each day that passes he thinks of slitting her throat open and raping her as she dies. It is a train of thought that has been of much prominence since he was forced to join her group of brainless monkeys.
And he hates this, too, but he can’t say it’s all that bad. It’s much better than letting the bitch climb onto his shoulders and stand on his head to gain the elevated vantage she constantly insists is necessary to scout the area. When she has the ability to fucking fly. Fucking dumbass. 
So, yes. This isn’t… as demeaning as the rest of the orders she gives him.
“No, Ryomen-chan, you’re supposed to twist that strand over the middle one—oh, you’re hopeless.” 
Scratch that.
“That is the middle strand, bi—Ms. (Y/N),” he disguises the anger shaking in his voice with a call of her title, then shoves the strands of hair between his fingers to the front of her face. “Are you fucking blind?”
“As opposed to your deluded delusion, Ryomen-chan, this is the middle strand.” She holds a lock of her hair, plucking it from between his fingers. Something thumps in his chest as her fingers brush his palm. “Are you blind? Now that would be a horrible addition to your already damaged brain.”
“Let me fucking try again then. Give it here.”
Jeez. No one said styling a woman’s hair would be this… toilsome. 
“No, let me show you how to do it, Ryomen-chan. Sit down.” 
His knees bend as she shoves him down onto the plush pillow she uses when presenting herself as the Queen of Curses (a title he finds himself unable to contradict, fuck). His brows furrow and he turns back to protest but she only grips his chin in her fingers, her eyes meeting his, and snaps his head forward. 
“I said let me show you.” 
Something thuds in his chest again. He wills for it to shut the fuck up.
Her hand falls from his face, though her fingers stroke the bottom of his chin with the fleeting touch of danger before her hand moves to twine into his hair. He sits still, the breathless tightness in his chest soon giving way to ennui as he watches her braid his hair from the mirror. He finds himself observing the way her eyes glaze over with focus as she styles his hair. For the quickest second he wonders how hazy her eyes would go with him inside her.
“Alright, done. Did you take notes, Ryomen-chan? That was an important… lesson…” 
Her voice falters. He looks back at her and finds her eyes on his legs. Particularly on something protruding from between his thighs.
“Sukuna... I just braided your hair—”
“Not. Another. Word.” 
The first time he slides inside her, it’s like fucking himself into heaven.
He makes no sound as he fucks her, as she lets him fuck her, but everything in his head has blurred together to narrow his vision to only the sight of her beneath him.
He’s missed fucking women. Missed being inside them. He hates the fact that she is better than any bitch he has ever shoved his cock into.
He tries to keep his head in the crook of her neck. But then her legs hook together from around his waist, fingers curling into the hands he’s pinned to her wrists, and she’s moaning like the bitch in heat she really is. The curiosity to watch her face as he fucks her overwhelms him completely.
The touch she shares with his hands is more intimate than it should be. It’s as if his hands keep her grounded, keep her here with him as he makes her cum. 
Her back arches, and a third hand of his grips the small of her back to keep it arched, so that her stomach touches the mouth on his own abdomen.
For some fucking reason he wants to give her all the pleasure he can. Make her go cross-eyed. Fuck her 'till she goes stupid with sex.
He lets the mouth on his stomach fall open. The tongue there is long enough to slide between their bodies, wet enough to slither between them with ease. He smirks with the smile of a devil as the Queen of Curses, his only superior, cries out in pleasure as the tip of his tongue curls around the free space between their joined bodies. His tongue flicks her clit. Dips inside her to join the fullness of his cock. His eyes shut in lazy pleasure as she squeezes him tighter.
She has the body of a virgin. He can tell she’s only been touched once or twice in the past, judging from the way her dominance had fluctuated the moment she finished undressing him. Her touches were hesitant. Apprehensive. But for some reason she had also sought his pleasure, had taken his cock in her mouth and sucked not like an inexperienced little village girl but a masterful whore. 
He says it now, “The Queen of Curses, Ms. (Y/N), now the desperate bitch of her King.” A chuckle rumbles in his chest as she trembles in the wash of her fourth orgasm. He knows how many she’s had. He’s been counting; plans to give her ten. “A slut in the sheets, a queen in the streets. How delightful.”
And this, this makes the slut cum. 
And when she does, her authority returns. With a look of glaze-eyed intoxication in her eyes, she pushes his behemothic body off her, and rides him until he finally says her name. 
And at that point, he knows not whether he is her whore, or she is his. All he knows is that it’s fucking good to be inside her, and that she sounds and feels better than any other hole he's fucked.
The next time he fucks her, there are braids in her hair. 
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oneprompt · 3 years
hello there! may i request one portgas d. ace x fem reader with prompt 4 (trying to concentrate on a task, but your lover is kissing your neck, making your head spin) ace being the pest he is. pls & ty <3
authors note : hello ! my apologies for the delay … oh my. but yes ! I can do that for you, yes , yes <333 please enjoy !
Ace x F! Reader , Lover Distracting You Via Neck Kisses
Slightly Suggestive Content Below ! Beware
You had been up for how long no? You had no idea, truly. You stood upon the top of the hefty ship deck of Whitebeards boat, looking through the vast star dotted sky for any signs of land. Being a navigator wasn’t easy, you had to work day and night. It didn’t matter what condition the weather was in, you had to stand out there all night and you devoted yourself to it. Even if nobody told you to do such a thing, you had to. It was the principle, the least you could do as not only a navigator, but as a friend.
You were so invested in your focused search, you hadn’t even heard the creaking of wooden planks and foot steps from a certain someone. To not notice your own beloved Ace… you were really dedicated to finding land, weren’t you?
“What’re you still doing awake?” Ace asked, hands stuffed in the depth of his pant pockets. He was topless as always, the moon light making his toned muscles appear as lovely as ever, highlighting every inch of his bare skin.
You gave Ace the basic courtesy of a side glance before your eyes returned to the dark scenery before your eyes. “I could ask you the same,” you said softly, not wanting to wake anybody. That was a mixture of both a comeback and a genuine question.
Your eyebrows knitted together in worry as you finally turned to the young man, giving him a sudden sliver of attention. “You should rest, you had a rough day today.” Your voice was full of sincerity, not holding back on any affections. If you acted cute, he was sure to listen. Right…?
Ace chuckled, making his way closer to you. You stared at his arm as it swung around your waist, locking your body in place.
“Why should I when you’re all the way out here?” Ace cooed, delivering a delicate kiss to the nude nape of your neck, left exposed thanks to the v neck shirt you wore. You couldn’t hold back as your cheeks went a rosey colour, resembling the most pretty shade of pink.
“Ace… I’ll be out here until sundown.. just go to bed. I’m looking for land to dock at..” you mumbled, shivering as your lover didn’t remove his warm lips from your neck. Why must he be so stubborn? Ace was never one to give up. Sure, you admired that about him for the most part but when it was in situations like this, it grew a bit aggravating..
You tried to wriggle out of Ace’s clutches but failed, his ripped arm keeping you snug close to him, mouth still exploring the surface of your skin. Part of you wanted to send him off, shouting at him to let you do your job. But you couldn’t. The kisses Ace left on your neck made you feel floaty, leaving a throb in your heart and the slow tightening of a knot within your stomach, a feeling that made your knees weak.
“Cant you take a break?“ Ace asked, murmuring against your neck. You gasped as a sudden warm and wet appendage grazed your neck, warming the cold surface with his scorching drool. “I miss you.” He licked a stripe against your neck before kissing at the line he left behind, watching your face turn redder by the second. He loved seeing you try your hardest to deny him, it was cute.
You wanted to abandon your duties, letting your lover take the long night out of your possession. But you had to find an island to dock at… there were some repairs that had to be done to the ship and lord knew you couldn’t do that upon the harsh oceans. And who knew what Whitebeard would say if you didn’t have the ship docked and fixed in time? He was a yonko… and nobody could go against one, not even their own crew mates. You greatly respected him and the thought of disappointing Whitebeard was one that you didn’t want to have cross your mind.
“I can’t, Ace….I-I’m being serious,” you huffed, trying to shrug away the pleasures sighs that threatened to pour from your succulent lips. “I need to find somewhere to stop, the ship needs to be…-“
The sudden digging of something sharp washed over you, a pinch of pressure applied to your neck. Ace really wasn’t going easy on you, clouding your mind with endless thoughts of sexual pleasure, something that could easily be fulfilled by him. How bad did he want such a thing…?
“Stop playing dirty…!“ You hissed at the man, teeth clenched to stop any of your high pitched breaths to be released. “I’m being serious… step off..!”
Your words clearly held no weight, as Ace’s gestures only worsened. You could feel one of his large hands slither into the back pocket of your jeans, pushed against the ripeness of your butt. Where did he think he was touching!? “Cmon… can’t you let me take care of you?” Ace purred into your ear, his burning tongue dancing along the fold of your ear lobe. He had no mercy, did he? As expected of a pirate…
That offer was too tempting, so painfully tantalizing. You looked down at the darkness of your shoes, your boyfriend still all over you, leaving his manly musk upon you already. This was all so intoxicating. Just Ace’s presence alone was enough to make your head run in endless loops.
You knew how important this task was, how mandatory it was to assist not just yourself and Whitebeard, but the entire crew. You wanted to keep your brain fixated on the surroundings upon the dark and cold ocean but your boyfriend made it entirely impossible. From the way Ace’s hands roamed your form to the way his tongue and lips plagued your mind with lewd thoughts. It was all far too much.
“F-fine…. But not for long.. this is important.” The sound of you finally giving in and submitting was music to Ace’s ears. He knew he could persuade you, even with such minor touches and movements. It was adorable how high your sensitivity levels were. One would never assume so, a pirate is supposed to be tough against anything. But your weakness was your lover himself. Ace was the one thing you couldn’t overpower. ”Dont worry, you’re in my care. I’m certain you’ll enjoy yourself~.”
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macnevercries · 3 years
Hurt me? You could never (Kirishima x Plus F!reader)
Warnings- face riding, oral(receiving), plus sized reader, female pronouns/body, alcohol use, (slight dub con?)
Word Count- 2k
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The sway of the music was heavy as you moved with it, lost in a mob of people. Your hips circled drunkenly, dancing the night away in a pit of sweaty people enjoying themselves as much as you. As the room rolled and jolted you started feeling hot, the sudden flashes of temperature overwhelming you. You started to tug at your top, trying to get it off to relieve yourself of the burning sensation in your body. The fabric clung to your skin and you started getting angry. Just as the shirt started to give way it was tugged back down by a pair of large hands. You almost screamed in annoyance, turning around to see your boyfriend standing behind you, holding your drinks and trying to have you keep your dignity. Your annoyance turned to a soft smile, then a giddy laugh when you spotted the alcohol. Swiping towards the drink in his hand, you almost feel over with the motion. Kirishima dragged the cup away from you, steadying you on his muscular arm.
“I think that’s enough for tonight sweetheart” Kirishima consoled you, smiling at your cute pout.
“Kiri it’s sooooo hot in here, help me cool down” you mumbled, slumping into his chest. A deep chuckle erupted from him, your childish antics humourous.
“Were gonna go home now, okay babes? He asked, pulling you up into his arms, discarding the drinks in the nearest trash can. You mumbled an okay as he pulled you towards the exit, the blaring sounds of yelling and bass fading the further you got from the crowd. Kirishima nodded at the bouncer as you exited the club, pushing the heavy door open and out into the dark rainy parking lot. Clubbing was fun for you two but somehow it always ended in him taking care of you. Your weight had fluctuated over the years but you were always a little fuller than the other girls you knew. Despite your weight, you could not hold your alcohol. Kirishima had seen your drunken state many times and while it could be a hassle, he loved the way your soft body clung to him, you were a needy drunk.
 The rain soaked through your white top, exposing the pink Lacey bra you were wearing. Kirishima felt his pants tighten a little, looking at you in the rain, smiling brightly and lighting up his world. You had always shined so bright to him, even on your worst days. Kirishima ushered you into the car, leaning over your full breasts to buckle you in. He held in a breath at the touch, he could sense you sobering up and he was definitely in the mood. He got in the drivers seat and started the car, handing you some water to sip on for the drive home. For 15 minutes Kirishima was silent, only occasionally looking over at you to check and make sure you were fine. Every time he peeked at you and you had your lips wrapped around the straw of the water bottle he gulped, speeding up slightly, his anticipation building from within.
When you guys pull up to your shared home the red haired man practically runs around the car to open your door. He offers to help you walk but you’re almost sober now from all of the water you drink. Kirishima walks behind you up the driveway and steps to the door, watching the way your hips sway in your skin-tight clothes. Kirishima’s love had boosted your confidence a lot since you guys started dating and he was glad because tight clothes were definitely a blessing to his eyes. He had always had a thing for bigger girls, your soft figure brought him comfort when his own body and quirk wouldn’t allow it. Taking off your shoes at the entryway and locking the door, you headed to the bathroom to use it before slumping on the couch. The clock on the wall read 2am, it was too late to be awake. You leaned your head down on the pillows, resting your eyes momentarily. The catnap did not last long because after around two minutes you felt heavy gaze scanning your body. 
Sure enough when you opened your eyes, Kirishima was in front of you, gazing at you lovingly with half lidded eyes. Your top clung to your chest in all the right ways and the way you were laying accentuated your curves, to Kirishima you look delicious. Kirishima started towards you, crawling onto the couch beside you and snuggling himself between your thick legs, having his head rest on your plush chest. The slow up and down of your breathing both calmed him down and spurred him on more. You look at his flustered face, amused at how heated he was. Had you done something while you were drunk? Pushing that thought aside you accepted Kirishima, softly petting his head and running your fingers through his hair, making him sigh. His barely audible mumbles of praise and ‘I love you’ made you smile. He buried his face into your chest as you rubbed away his tension. 
Slowly he tugged at the neck of your shirt, pulling it down slightly so he could kiss up your collarbone. His kisses made you shiver, you could feel the lust and need oozing out of him. He rotated so that you were on top on him, pressed against him in the most tantalizing way. His lips traveled up your neck and your jaw until they reached your lips. He met you with a passionate kiss, hungry and desperate. He hiked your thighs around his waist, standing up and walking towards the bedroom, his lips never leaving yours. No matter how heavy you were, Kirishima was stronger. He never had an issue lifting you and the way he did it made it seem so easy. 
He set you down on the bed and then crawled around you so that he was laying down behind you. You glanced back at him questioningly but the look on his face frightened you. He had a lazy grin and a mischievous glint in his eye, something enjoyable on his mind. 
“What is it Kiri?” you asked hesitantly, afraid of what you were about to find out. At your question he grinned wider, his sharp teeth sparkling in the dimly lit room. He pulled you close to him and leaned into your ear
“I want you to ride my face” he purred, happy with his idea. At his words you turned beet red, shaking your head aggressively and backing up slightly. This was definitely not what you expected. He pouted at your discontent with his idea.
“Baby please, you would look so good on top of me and you taste so good. God I want you in my mouth” He assured you, tugging you closer to him again.
“What if I hurt you? Eiji you know I’m too big for this.” you sighed, disappointed too. Maybe in a different scenario but this could never happen.
“Hurt me?” he laughed. Your eyes popped open, shocked by his change in demeanor. 
“Do you know what I would give to suffocate in these thighs?” he asked, squeezing your leg with love, but his grip was a little hard. 
“Just get on top of my face, if it doesn't work then we’ll stop, I promise” he reassured, stroking your back and coaxing you on top on him. Your will broke at his words, after all his idea was appetizing to you too. You took your pants off, tossing them in a far corner before situating yourself on the red head’s shoulders. He grabbed the back of your thighs, drawing you closer to his face. You couldn't help but turn away, despite the number of times you guys have had sex, Kiri’s pure love and devotion to you made you squirm. 
He licked a wet stripe up your panties suddenly, causing you to gasp. On instinct, your hips rutted back into his face and he chuckled, you muttered apologies, embarrassed by your lack of composure, You went to climb off of him, ready to go hide away but not before Kirishima could grab your hips with a bruising grip. Your head snapped back in his direction.
“You're not going anywhere kitten, we haven't even started.” He pulled your panties to the side and the cold air against your exposed core made you shiver. At the sight of your glistening cunt he licked his lips and got to work.
His tongue pressed flat against your cunt, licking heated and hungry stripes up you. He’d go down to tease your entrance and then up to circle your clit, sucking lightly and grazing it with his teeth. The pattern he created left you on a rollercoaster of feelings, moaning, mewling and dragging yourself against his face. Every time your hips stuttered and you got close he’d pull away to focus somewhere else. You whined, aggravated by his teasing. Some time passed and he kept his rhythm, never letting you finish. By now you were fuming, boiling over with rage.
“Eiji what the fuck” you spat when he changed stopped again for the umpth time. He looked up at you with the most innocent eyes, trying to convey his confusion with his mouth still buried in you.
“Why won’t you let me finish? I want to cum, please Eiji, make me cum” You purred. If he was gonna be like this then you would play his game. At your words something sparked in his eyes. His hips rutted up from the bed, your affect washing over his entire body. He curled one of his hands away from your thigh and prodded your entrance with his thick fingers. Slipping two in easily he watched in awe as emotions flashed past your eyes and you ground yourself down onto them.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my fingers, just like that baby” He murmured, causing you to go faster. He attached his lips to your clit, sucking with all of his might. His tongue flicked over your sensitive bud, teeth grazing it. His name flowed from your mouth as you humped down onto him, trying to snap the tightly wound coil that has been building up since you guys began. He pushed his fingers in a little deeper, twisting them and curling them right where you wanted him. This sent you flying over the edge, cussing and moaning as your orgasm hit you like a bus. He coaxed you through it, slowing his attack and letting you come down gently.
You slide off of his face, laying down in the bed beside him, still panting. Rolling over on your side, you nuzzle in his neck, placing your hand on his broad chest and basking in your post-orgasm glow. A nice familiar haze settled over you, happiness and lust blurring together.
“Thank you Eiji, that was amazing.” you breathed. He laughed lightly when he turned to you, a pleased expression on your face. 
“Of course, I don’t know who enjoyed it more, me or you.” He smiled, fond thoughts of you racing his mind. You kiss his neck, flitting around and placing butterfly pecks all over him. He giggles at your antics, rubbing your back encouragingly. 
“I love you, you know that right?” he asked, kissing your forehead and tilting your chin up so you would meet his eyes. You beamed up at him.
“I love you too”
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peachbear88 · 3 years
You Know You Love Me
A/N: Inspired by a TikTok I saw. Disclaimer: THIS IS A SCHOOL AU. DON'T COME AT ME!
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warning: Angst, enemies to lovers, character death.
Word count: 1.59k
A young girl with dark red hair taps her foot against the tiled floor, humming a song while reading her book.
"Drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. Them good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singing this'll be the-"
"Can you shut up?" She tears her eyes from her book to see you, a hateful glare on your face.
"No." She stares defiantly into Y/E/C eyes, making your resolve waver for a second before returning full force. You bristle as she returns her attention to her book.
She starts humming again under her breath, smirking subtly when you don't object. Something wet and sticky hits her neck and she flinches, glancing your way. You glance out the window quickly, a smug smile on your face.
She brushes the spitball away before returning her attention to her book. Another spitball hits her, this time on the cheek. She brushes it off once again, her patience growing thin.
Once more, a spitball hits her, this time, right in her ear. She explodes, her chair falling backwards as she launches herself at you, grabbing you by the collar.
"What is your problem!?" A teacher rushes forward as she continues to throttle you, your face turning red. The teacher pries her off of you, sending a stern look at you.
"Both of you, principal's office now!" Her voice is shrill as you grab your bag, glaring at the girl who glares right back at you, her head held high as she straightens her shirt before marching out of the room.
"So. Ms. Danvers tells me you were attempting to murder Ms. Y/L/N? Ms. Romanoff." The girl, sorry- Natasha, stares straight into Fury's eyes, her back ramrod straight.
"It was aggravated assault," she reports as you mentally sigh, preparing yourself for the punishment.
"Snitch," you mutter under your breath which causes Fury to arch an eyebrow.
"Well in that case, I guess I'll be marking the two of you as absent for the next week." He reaches for the phone on his desk. "You're suspended."
You launch yourself from the chair, leaning across the desk.
"Suspended?" You let out a disbelieving laugh. "I can't be suspended sir." Fury stares at you.
"And since when were you Principal?" You huff, grabbing your bag and storming from the room. Natasha grabs her backpack calmly, nodding at Fury before leaving the room.
She walks briskly, catching up to you in no time as you stare straight ahead, tearing through the school hallways.
"You brought this on yourself." You growl, grabbing her and pinning her to the wall of lockers. She doesn't even flinch, staring at you expectantly.
"I hate you." You release her, muttering it under your breath. She smirks, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
"You know you love me," she whispers teasingly, her breath warm against your ear. You shove her away, jumping onto your bike and pedaling home. She watches you go, shaking her head with a smile as she turns away.
You push open the door of the ice cream shop, licking it as you plop down on the curb.
Your mother had taken the news surprisingly well. You had a record for being, well as your mother liked to put it, troubled.
Humming a tune from a musical you loved so dearly, Hairspray. It's a jaunty little song, 'The New Girl In Town'.
"Can you shut up?" A husky voice rings out and you look up, your eyes squinting before landing on a familiar, lean yet muscular figure. Her silhouette is outlined by the sun towering about you. Her red hair looks like it's aflame as she sits down next to you. You scoot away a little.
"Can't I sing what I want to sing without being harassed?' You quip and she snorts.
"Hark who's talking." She laughs as you square your shoulders, turning away from her. "Oh don't pout. You look cuter when you smile." You blush faintly, hiding behind the ice cream cone which doesn't go unnoticed by the redhead who bursts out laughing.
"I hate you," you mutter into your shirt sleeve at a poor attempt of hiding your flushed cheeks. She wiggles her eyebrows at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder which you shrug off almost instantly.
"You know you love me."
Your nights are plagued with visions of the fiery haired girl with eyes as green as the forest, a smile as bright and white as the snow.
Could it be? No. You hate her. Right? Yes. Without a doubt.
You sigh, flipping your pillow back over in an attempt to go back to sleep.
When Natasha asks you out, you want to throw up. Your heart throbs as you watch her hopeful expression, proffering the bouquet of orchids to you.
The way her smile falls when you say 'no' nearly breaks your heart. Nearly. She gives you a small, sad smile, getting back up and walking away but not before promising you that she wouldn't give up.
"I hate you."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do."
"You know you love me."
You beg her not to but she turns a deaf ear to your pleas, kissing the palm of your hand before leaving.
4 times.
It takes 4 more tries before your dams finally break and you agree. She jumps up, whooping for joy. You shriek as she picks you up, spinning you round and round.
You'll never forget the smile on her face as she stares into your eyes breathlessly before glancing down at your lips nervously. Giving her a slight, subtle nod, she surges forward, capturing your lips with hers.
You sigh, leaning into her hold as the icy walls around your heart melt under her love.
As long as you had her, you felt like you could take on anything.
The next few weeks felt like a dream. A moment stolen from someone else's life.
The happiness is never ending, like a never ending tunnel full of love and hope for the future.
But deep down inside, a dark feeling tugs at your gut.
It won't last.
She won't be here forever.
Shut up, you think and the monster quiets down, delving back down into the darkest parts of your mind.
"You okay?" Natasha asks, noticing your sickly appearance.
"I'm fine." You smile queasily at her. She opens her mouth as if to protest but after a firm smile, she closes it, wrapping her arms around you and returning her attention to the movie.
You relax at the reassuring touch.
Even if it does have to end, you'll at least have the memories.
Hearts are meant to be broken in the end.
Natasha's fading away.
Slowly but surely.
The cheeky, smug girl you'd met years before was gone, replaced by a shell of her former self.
Everyday she'd wake up, pour herself a cup of coffee, down it and leave the house for work. All before you wake up.
You never confront her.
Always hoping that the next day will be different, that maybe she'll return to her chipper self.
The cycle is painful, watching as she comes home, collapsing on the couch and flicking the TV on. The bright screen illuminates her pale face. Her once vibrant green eyes, full of life are now dull, replaced by an emptiness that scares you.
You shake off the feeling, returning your attention to the dishes in the sink.
"You know, when we first met, you always told me-" she chokes, blood spilling forth from her lips. "You told me that you hated me. I didn't believe it." You sob, attempting to staunch the gaping hold above her heart, the knife lying at her side.
"Please, no."
"I hate myself." You sob even harder at that, abandoning any attempts to stop her from bleeding out, caressing her face.
"That's not true."
"It is. I know you've noticed it. And I'm sorry." She wipes the tears from your face, her hands shaking. "You deserve so much more than a person like me. Someone whole. Not broken."
"No, you're not broken, you-" you stammer, your brain failing to find an answer. "You just need some help." She lets out a pained laugh.
"Be free. Don't worry about me. This is a gift." Her eyes flutter shut for a moment before returning, even more pained then before. "Remember I love you okay? Live for me."
"Okay. I will." You sob uncontrollably, burying your face into her neck.
"It's okay. It's okay." She shushes you quietly. Her voice dies and you look up. Her eyes are wide open, empty, void of anything. You grab her by the shoulders, shaking her frantically.
"No no no no!" You press your lips to her bloodstained ones, attempting and failing to steal one last kiss from her. "No..."
"Hi Nat. It's been a while huh?" You chuckle weakly, kneeling down in the dirt. "I've been arguing with myself lately. Internal struggle, whatnot. And I've come to the the conclusion that you're right." You inhale sharply. "You know that I love you." A small tear rolls down your cheek, landing in the soil.
The words echo throughout the empty lot of land.
You know that I love you.
Pressing one last, lingering kiss to the cold headstone, you pick yourself up and walk towards your car, glancing back at the grave and waving one last time as if expecting to see Natasha standing there, waving back at you.
Hearts are meant to be broken.
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @ima-gi--na-tion @nicole-rayleigh-hot @olsensnpm @peabrain-likes2read
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baecvlt · 3 years
Oh my gosh! I love Kazuichi!!
Can I request a Kazuichi x female reader where she's a quiet nerd who spends a lot of time studying so she doesn't really have many friends but one day she's extremely stressed out for an exam and she asks Kaz straight up "Fuck me like an animal" just to relieve the tension.
(so kinda rough, feral, lots of dirty talk from Kaz if that's possible please ❤️)
Kazuichi x Quiet Reader
a/n: i love this idea sm i will be projecting onto this
“Hey, thanks for helping me study, it means a lot, really”
“Of course. What are friends for?”
There was a pause as you picked up your pen and began writing in your notepad. “Hey, me and the boys are gonna go out Friday night and they’re all bringing their girlfriends”
You finished jotting down a note in your notepad, clicking your pen. “Yeah? Sounds like fun”. Then, another pause. “So I was kinda wondering if you wanted to come with me, y’know so I don’t look like a complete and fucking loner”. You sighed softly, running your hand through your hair. “I’ll think about it,” you answered, only for Kazuichi Soda (your college friend) to call your bluff. “But that’s what you always say, I’d prefer you say ‘no’ straight up!”. He was right, but that wasn’t gonna change your mind.
“You know I don’t do well around people, you’re one of the only few people I feel comfortable around. I’m sorry”
He shook his head. “No, don’t be. I’ll figure it out, thanks anyway”.
He walked away, not looking back. Part of you felt bad, but you didn’t want to put yourself in this situation where you had to endure being around people you had no business being around. It’s not that you don’t like them, but you never seemed to click. You packed your things an hour later, deciding that regardless of the fact you didn’t do enough, it was getting late and you were sleepy. Upon leaving the library, you noticed Kazuichi was still outside, now by his truck (that used to belong to his uncle because that’s totally worth noting). He waved at you, you waved back and approached him.
“What are you still doing here? Thought you had to be home?”
“I don’t live there no more. I’m rooming with Hajime!”
“That’s great, but why are you still here?”
“I came to take you home!”
You raised a brow, he hardly does that. Why now? Especially, why after you denied accompanying him? “You look so sleepy,” he said softly,“It’d make things easier on ya”. You smiled, rolling your eyes. “Alright,” you said. He became giddy, taking tiny, but quick steps to you door. He opened it for you, then got to the driver’s seat. Now, you were off.
He played soft classic rock on the radio, volume low. He was right, you were sleepy. You leaned your head against the window, looking out of it: the sun was setting and the closer you got home, the darker it became. Finally, the sun was down, stars in the night sky. Then, you didn’t remember much else. Blackout.
“Hey, princess—”
You felt cold against your cheek, wincing a little. The cold turned warm, as your eyes fluttered open. The blur cleared and there was Kazuichi. “You must’ve really been sleepy, huh?,” he teased,“Well, we’re here now”. You looked around, seeing the familiar parking lot of your apartment complex. “How long was I out?,” you asked, still familiarizing yourself with your surroundings. “Maybe ten minutes,” he said,“I think I’m gonna take you home from now on. Pretty long walk, don’t cha think?”.
“I don’t get paid well, I don’t want to burden you on gas money—”
“It’s no burden. It’d be so cool to take my favorite chick home”
You blushed, smiling softly. “Let me walk you up, yeah?,” he asked, getting off the car. He wasn’t about to take ‘no’ for an answer. It was dark, anything could happen going up. I mean, it’s not like Kazuichi has that much fight in him (worst case scenario), but hey, it’s the thought that counts. He took you up the 3 flights of stairs as you told him about your studious day of reading books, taking notes, citing sources—boring shit. All he could do was grin and say,“Damnit, you’re so smart”. You shook your head, snickering.
“Shut up”
“No, seriously. You could be a doctor or lawyer if you wanted to. Something smart, ya know?”
“I guess”
You stopped, letting him know this was your door. “Nice”. You grabbed your key, opening the door slowly. “Alright, well, thanks,” you smiled,“It means a lot that you’re offering to take me, y’know. It gets dark and stuff and I’m always so tired so that just means a lot—”. As you ranted, he wasn’t smiling anymore. His eyes, they just remained fixated on your lips, but you couldn’t have known. You were in your own little world.
“—and don’t worry! I’ll find a way to repay you. I can’t let you do this completely free, even if we are friends, because that’s what we are right? Hey, are you even liste-”
Suddenly, he raised his hands to both sides of your jaw, pulling you in and kissing you. He pulled away, still close to your lips as he whispered,“I’ve always wanted this”. His hands remained on your face, now caressing your cheeks. “I know I’m not that kind of guy that can be smooth and pick up girls, but you’re so sweet to me. I’d do anything for you,” he whispered still,“And you work so hard, you’re so amazing...I just want to make you feel so good”. Just as you were about to speak, his thumb pressed gently against your lips.
“Don’t say anything, Just...if you ever need me, Imma be here”
“Yeah and do what?”
“Leave you shaking a little”
He walked away, leaving you almost on your knees. Almost. “Goodnight, princess,” he said. You said ‘goodnight’, now running back into your house. You nearly squealed and your face burned as you held a pillow. Why did he do that? Why to you? Was he okay?
That didn’t matter. You weren’t upset about it either.
The next day, you walked outside pf your complex, seeing him outside. “Hey, you!,” he said running up to you,“I’m so sorry about yesterday. I don’t know what got into me and—”. You shrugged his apology off. “Don’t even worry about it,” you said,“it’s all good”. He smiled, opening the door for you.
Kazuichi and you decided he would be taking you to school and home, so that was a great thing that happened today. Last night’s incident wasn’t discussed, although you couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Later that day, you found yourself still studying and studying for that test. When Kazuichi, came to you to study, you seemed a little aggravated. “Hey, I’m here for our hour together,” he said. “Okay, just sit down and let me know if you need anything,” you told him. He noticed your tone, it was irritated and tired. As he opened his book and took some noted down, he look at you. You had very noticeable tics (hard blinking) and your hands kept rubbing your temples. It wasn’t until he heard you sigh that he asked,“Hey, are you doing okay?”.
“Yeah, I’m just...—”
You were terribly stressed, you knew that. You looked him up and down,“I need to get something in the archives”. You left him there, but all he could do was follow you. Once there, you saw him head inside,“I don’t like seeing you like this. I think I should take you—”. You closed the door as he spoke, dropping to your knees in front of him. “H-Hey, what are you?-”.
“I’m so stressed, Kaz”
His bulge grew in his jeans, just to see you like that made him hard. You took your right hand, softly palming his growing erection. “Oh— fuck, I~,” he sputtered. “Fuck me like an animal, Kaz,” you whined softly,“Make me feel good”. You pushed him back onto the nearby table where he sat, but propped himself up. He unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out. He stroked himself a little with one hand as he told told you to “come here” with the other. You got got closer to him, but he didn’t give you time. He sprung out of his seat and got on his knees. He pulled down your skirt and panties, making you squeak. Grabbing your hips, he pushed you back and made you land on the table. As soon as your bare skin touched the cool table, he used his mouth on your dripping cunt. “Ngh!~ Kaz, no! S-Stop,” you whined.
“Mmm, but you taste so sweet”
His hands reached up to rub your trembling thighs as you gripped his hair. “Such a pretty pussy,” he whispered,”so wet too”. His tongue moved from your clit, bow thrusting inside you. His tongue was long, sometimes when you’d hang out, you wondered how it’d feel to have him eat you out, always cursing yourself for it, but bow he was here, tongue fucking your pussy and thrusting it in and out of you. “Kaz...”.
You were wet and close to cumming as he pulled out his tongue, simply placing kisses along your pussy. “So pretty,” he muttered, thumbing your clit. He got up, positioning himself between your legs. He rubbed his cock between your folds. You groaned, feeling his cock play with your warmth. “How do you want this?,” he asked. “This is okay, just please I need you inside me”. He snickered, ramming his cock right into you. You gasped as he kept his pace fast, stroked rhythmic. His tight and painful grip on your hips stopped hurting, your skin easing into his touch. He wasn’t just holding them, though. He was pulling you by them, making sure his cock ruined your insides. “I’m gonna rip you in half,” he spat, tearing your button-up open. You had subconsciously planned this, that’s for sure. You just realized you wore this bra that hooked from the front. “Tits...”, he mumbled, unclipping the front. Your bra burst open, your breasts having some recoil from his thrusts. “God, your face, your fucking face,” he groaned,“When I look at you, I just want to stuff my cock, deeper and deeper in you”. Each time he said ‘deeper’, he thrust hard with his hand on your throat. It was easy to see how little experience he had, he wanted to try everything all at once. You weren’t complaining because everything he was doing just fucking worked. Your eyes rolled back as you covered your mouth to muffle your moans. He took your hand off, but now you were noticing how flushed his face was. “Fuck, I’m sorry,” he grunted, cumming inside you,“I can’t stop, I’m still so fucking hard”.
“Don’t stop, Kaz”
He leaned forward, kissing you softly. You whined against his mouth as you felt his cold hands pinching and rubbing your nipples just right, keeping you in this deep state of arousal. He tried keeping his composure as his only goal now was to make you cum. Watching you cum is something he’s always wanted. Now you’re here, in the backrooms of the school library with him, your cunt sloppy on his cock. “Oh, g-god, you’re so pretty,” he choked out,“Y-Your face remains...angelic as I ruin your— Ah!”. He trailed a butterfly kiss from your lips to your jaw to your neck as he life your leg up, wrecking your uterus at this point. “Ah!~ T-Too deep, too deep!,” you cried. “I know,” he whispered. You felt your orgasm rattle through your body, but before you could cum, you wrapped his legs around you. “H-Hey!-”. You had gotten the best of him.
“Fuck, I-I’m cumming!”
You came along his cock nicely, your spreading warmth making him ejaculate once more inside you. He pulled out slow, watching his cum drip from your hole. Once he got a view of that, he collapsed onto your chest. He pecked your jaw a little, nuzzling you after. “I came too quick, didnt I?,” he asked, insecure about his sexual performance. “No, you went long enough,” your reassured him,“Christ, my legs feel so funny”. He was now concerned.
“Did I hurt you?”
“You were a little too rough”
“I-I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away. You’re just so fucking hot”
You kissed him, hoping it’d shut him up. “Don’t say that..just, com on. Help me get dressed”.
He helped you but your panties and skirt back on, handing you his jacket to deal with the ripped shirt issue. He was being cute and slipped your flats back onto your feet. Quickly, you grabbed your school bags from outside and left the library. He took you home, his hand on your thigh the entire way back. You didn’t hate it, though. In fact, when he took it off and apologized for it, you put it back. He smiled, eyes back on the road.
He took you upstairs, this time you decided to invite him in. Now, you were both in bed. He lay on your stomach, caressing your thigh. He suddenly gasped, with a hand on your stomach. “I felt a kick!,” he joked. You rolled your eyes, hitting him with a nearby plush. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you the pill tomorrow,” he assured. “I should shower,” you noted,“You wanna join?”. He became flustered, giving you a look as to ask if you were serious. “Uh, yeah,” he muttered.
“Not right now, though. I’m still a little tired”
“About that, did it help at all with the stress?”
“Sure did”
He smiled, becoming shy,“I didn’t think we’d ever...y’know..”. You kissed him all over his face, making him smile. “Hey, I kinda decided,” you began,“I decided I’ll go with you. As your girlfriend”. He looked at you wide eyed. “Really?!”.
“I love you— no, wait, I’m sorry-”
“You are so cute”
He blushed, muttering,“Let’s just go take that shower”.
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pleasantanathema · 4 years
Wet Pleasures
Fandom: BNHA
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Hitoshi Shinsou
Tags: dom!Shinsou, rough sex, dirty talk, hair pulling, bondage
Word Count: ~7k    
           “You’re such a good girl,” He mused, his other hand drifting down your arm, thumb dangerously close to the outline of your breast, “you never tell me no.”
           You shook your head faintly in agreement, your eyes drawn to the beautiful muscles of his body that you had yet to see before.
           “If you don’t tell me no right now, kitty, I’m going to do very naughty things with you.”
Request for dubliinwaltz
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           It was late, far too late to still be at the hero agency you worked for, and especially far too late to be taking a shower in the locker room. But, there you stood, frustrated and wet. You wanted to be home, curled up in your bed and reading your favorite book, but you were still trying to scrub your hair and body clean from the incident you had earlier in the day.
           Sometimes you forgot just how gross some quirks could be. But you were rudely reminded earlier when a villain you had been chasing chose to smother you in grey goo from his fingertips. You could feel the goo begin to crack and harden against your skin as you ran, matting into your hair and folding into the creases of your body. You had to wipe globs from your eyes and nose, unfortunately flicking the substance towards unsuspecting bystanders as you flashed by them. While you and your partner hadn’t stopped your pursuit, inwardly you had wanted to scream and use your quirk to actually kill this guy and end everything there and then. But you resisted that urge, and thankfully your partner was incredibly adept at capturing people.
           You could hear your partner sighing in similar discontent in a shower adjacent to yours. Shinsou was cursing rather loudly, mumbling profanities into the steam.
           “Are you okay, Shinsou?” You called out forcefully, hoping that he could hear you over the pounding of hot shower water against the cold tiles.
           You caught the grumble of a very angry affirmative.
           He cleared his throat, sighing stridently, “Actually…do you have any good shampoo? Mine isn’t cutting it for this stupid fucking goo.”
           You looked down at your feet, glancing over the contents of your little shower caddy. You had only showered at work a few times before, but fortunately your previous times had encouraged you to buy a few travel sized bottles and fill them with your favorite soaps. You plucked one from its home, twirling it in your fingers as you remembered that this particular shampoo was for thick hair, which would probably help Shinsou’s lavender locks.
           “Yea, heads up!” You tossed the little bottle over the white brick wall that separated the showers. You listened to hear if it clattered to the floor, but the lack of sound suggested that Shinsou had caught your throw.
           While some partners would’ve found it very odd to be showering in such close proximity, you and Shinsou were a little different than most. You were very comfortable around one another and had been from the start of your time working together nearly a year ago. But, there was also something about Hitoshi Shinsou that had you absolutely pining for him. He was inconceivably clever, and his keen intellect impressed you, especially when he used that wit to craft jokes that made you both chuckle. But aside from his charm, it was the mystery of him that had you thinking about him for far too long while in bed. Despite being so relaxed around one another, he didn’t open up much about his personal life, or really any very personal thoughts.
           Despite his aloofness, you did everything you could to please your partner. You never told him no, not like you ever really needed to, but everything inside of you trusted him and wanted to submit to him. He was powerful and you were drawn to him like a kitten to a new curiosity.
           You closed your eyes for a moment, running your hands over your skin, wondering what his would feel like instead of your own.
           You heard another very frustrated grunt from the neighboring shower.
           “Ugh, now I smell like flowers.”
           His complaint had you giggling to yourself as you continued to use a loofah and scrub at the undersides of your arms and behind your knees, and all the other nooks and crannies that this goo had decided to claim as a home. While the warm water still felt like a soothing blanket to your skin, your long time spent scrubbing had the soles of your feet aching against the rough tiles. You groaned, just wanting desperately to get clean. You stretched your toes, and soon you yawned, stretching your arms up and over your head. That’s when you felt the skin of your back crinkle in a very strange, and sticky, way. You stopped stretching and began trying to touch the skin of your middle back, but unfortunately there was a spot that you couldn’t quite reach. Undoubtedly, your back was still in need of cleaning.
           You cried out loudly in annoyance, head falling back and eyes closing as you let the shower water splash across the front of your body. Your desperation must’ve been made clear, as you heard the adjacent shower curtain rustle.
           Shinsou cleared his throat and the sound was closer than you expected. You peeked over your shoulder, finding only his head visible from around the wall. Soap suds still littered his indigo hair, and his expression mimicked the aggravation of your own. You suddenly blushed, realizing he was currently able to see all of your backside. You instinctively wrapped your arms around your breasts, maintaining eye contact with your partner.
           “Um,” he started, eyes darting away momentarily, “do you need help washing this shit off?”
           You sighed in defeat, nodding your head.
           “Yea. Do you?”
           “I can’t even get it out of my own hair.”
           He dipped back around the wall and you heard the creak of the knob as he turned off his shower. You began to breath more quickly, realizing that very soon he was going to be here, with you, in your space, in this shower, naked. You shook your head, hands running across your face under the fall of the water. Sure, the two of you had changed into your hero costumes many times before in this very locker room, but you’d never really seen each other fully nude. Your limits of comfortability with your partner were about to possibly reach their limit.
           “There’s a spot on your back, you know.”
           You let out another very exasperated sigh.
           “Yea, I know. Can you…?”
           “Of course.”
           Your back was still to him as he approached you in the shower. Casually, you handed your loofah to him over your shoulder, and he took it gently, fingers brushing over your knuckles. His other hand wrapped around your upper arm, steadying you as he began to rub at your back. His grip on your skin was delicate yet firm, large hand enveloping your arm. He kept a comfortable distance between your bodies, staying a step back so he could work at the crusted goo upon your skin. You reached forward and turned the temperature up in the shower, hoping to blame the heat of the water and steam for the redness of your cheeks and not him.
           You let out a groan of satisfaction when you felt something heavy peel off the skin of your back. His continued to scrub at the spot, but now more lightly, like he was rinsing off the remaining residue of the substance. You then felt the wisp of the loofah back on your shoulder, and he tapped you with it to get you to take it back. As you wrapped the dangling strap of the puff around your fingers, you assumed he was finished, but then you felt his hand on your back.
           “Why is this shit so stubborn?” He grumbled, using the tip of his nail to scrape at the portion of skin between your shoulder blades.
           Shinsou had been equally as frustrated with all this mess as you. Not only had the motherfucker you two had been chasing cover you both with his nasty quirk, he had coated Shinsou’s capturing weapon to filth. What he wouldn’t admit to you was the true reason he was struggling to clean off himself in the shower: he had been sitting over there diligently scrubbing the cloth of his weapon and tired himself out. Even now, the scarf like tool was pooled into a heap on the shower tiles, forlorn and still stained with dark spots.
           Instead of continuing to deal with this situation on his own, he had hoped you would be willing to help him. You always were, and he had taken notice that you hardly ever said no to him, which was something he found very appealing. He wasn’t ashamed to admit to himself that not only did he find you particularly attractive, he found you alluring and very compatible to himself and his…wants and needs, so to say.
           Shinsou liked a woman who would do whatever he asked, which was only natural, given his quirk. And he had an inkling that you wanted him to tell you what to do more often.
           He had successfully cleaned your back, so he took a moment look over you before continuing with bathing. He took both of your arms in his hands now, gingerly skimming his palms down to your elbows as his wandering eyes marveled over your beautiful back and plump backside. He was taller than you, and it gave him a great vantage point to peer over your shoulders to the front of your body. He could smell the sweetness of your skin, your scent filling the steamy air like a billowing aroma. If only he could just taste you, oh the sinful things he’d—
           “Hitoshi?” your easy voice brought him from his thoughts, “are you done staring? I need to wash your hair.”
           He grinned at the lax in your tone, delighted to know that you were aware of his gaze. He moved forward, wrapping his strong arms around your shoulders from behind, his embrace open and lazy, contented even.
           “Can I at least get a thank you, dear partner of mine?”
           He nestled his chin against your wet hair, and you could imagine the grin on his face.
           “Thank you, Hitoshi.” You grumbled it, but still you smiled.
           Shinsou slipped around your side, lean and towering body shifting to be in front of yours. The width of his body took over the spray of the water, leaving you cold and damp behind him. For an instant, you marveled over the muscled planes of his back, but chose not to stare like he had earlier. You reached up, standing on your toes as you raked hand through his wet hair. Somehow, despite being wet, much of his hair still seemed unruly and thick. It appeared dark blue now, with soap suds still dripping off the long strands. A few strands still were colored grey from the mysterious gunk, but not too many.
           “Rinse the old shampoo out and I’ll try another.”
           “Bossy, bossy.” He quipped, bringing his hands to his hair and scrubbing.
           You reached into your shower caddy once more, picking the entire thing up and searching through it for anything that could help. You found a bottle of hair oil, still mostly full. You shrugged, hoping that perhaps it could help along with more shampoo.
           Returning to Shinsou’s back, you sighed, looking up at the expanse of hair upon his head. You’d have to be on your toes the whole time to reach the strands, but you could handle it. You mixed some of the oil and shampoo in your palms, once again stretching up to reach his head. You lathered your fingers through his hair, paying special attention to pull at the pieces still stained from the goo on the back of his head that he definitely couldn’t have seen earlier.
           He hummed softly as your delicate fingers massaged at his head. He had definitely made the right decision asking for help, especially now that he could feel your body brush up against his back and shoulders as you attempted to clean him. He almost shuddered when he felt your breasts press up against his skin, nipples hard and skating across his wet back.
           Shinsou realized you were struggling to stay on your toes. He went to lean forward and bend down to alleviate your straining feet and calves, but his movement threw you off balance. He audibly hissed as your fingers wound themselves into his hair, clutching at him as you tried not to fall backwards on the slippery floor.
           “Fuck, kitten, easy with the claws.”
           Your other hand came to his arm, nails digging into his skin for purchase as you steadied yourself. You shook your head as you regained your sense of self on your feet. Then, you blushed, your brain recognizing the words he had just said. Kitten?Oh, oh that name sounded so sensual coming from his lips. You almost wanted to say something about it, but you assumed he misspoke—he never called you that, at least not to your face.
           “I’m sorry, just don’t fucking move again and I won’t fall.”
           He crossed his arms in front of his chest, peering over his shoulder, though he couldn’t quite glimpse you.
           You went back to working at his hair, mindful not to pull at him again. It took a few minutes, but eventually you worked most of the crusted gunk from his hair. A few times you pressed your palm to his head, forcing him forward to wet his hair more under the shower, which made him sputter and grumble as water dripped across his face. Hey, he asked for this, and cleaning his thick hair wasn’t an easy task. Eventually, his gorgeous locks felt clean and smooth in your hands, finally free of any lingering mess.
           You scanned his back, finding a few grey flecks. You used your nails to chip the substance off his pale skin, now made more pink and flushed under the heat of the shower. He hummed as you worked at him, eyes closing in delight at your touch. He wondered how far he could push you, if he could ask for more. He already had you with him, in the shower, naked, washing him, surely a little more wouldn’t push you away.
           He called your name softly, and you stopped touching his back, standing up straight and still.
           “Yes?” Your voice was quiet, almost meek in his presence.
           “Can I touch you?”
           An awkward moment of silence ticked by, but before you even thought about it, your mouth stammered out an answer that your brain didn’t screen for approval.
           “Of course.”
           You said it matter-of-factly, subconsciously confirming to yourself that telling him no just really wasn’t an option. Every fiber of your being wanted to please him. You could feel your gut stir with butterflies, explodingbutterflies, as he turned around, the two of you coming face to face in the shower. He cupped your cheek, thumb brushing over your flushed skin. You peered up at him with glossy eyes that trailed over the small perfections of his face.
           “You’re such a good girl,” He mused, his other hand drifting down your arm, thumb dangerously close to the outline of your breast, “you never tell me no.”
           You shook your head faintly in agreement, your eyes drawn to the beautiful muscles of his body that you had yet to see before.
           “If you don’t tell me no right now, kitty, I’m going to do very naughty things with you.”
           Your mouth opened before you realized, “please,” you sounded breathless.
           He leaned down, mouth trailing close to your own, tongue licking at left over water droplets on your cheek. You felt like melting against him.
           “Please what? I like when you use your words.”
           A gulp was caught in your throat, mind reeling over the turn of events. You wondered for a moment if this was even happening, perhaps your daydreams were becoming a little realistic. But then you felt his warm tongue against your skin again, and you knew that this was real. You moaned loudly, eyes closing as you gathered your confidence. His palm dipped low to cup your breast, squeezing it gently, like he was testing your resolve.
           “Please touch me, Hitoshi.”
           His tongue snaked between your lips then, mouth covering your own in a searing kiss. He groaned against your lips at your command, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against his body. Your mind was overwhelmed with thoughts as you tried to make sense of every new sensation that was sending your nerves running wild. His lips on yours were dreamy and lazy, like he was kissing to taste you and drink you in. His body was warmer than yours, with hot water threading down the soft expanses of skin. You could hear the roaring sound of the water splashing against cool tiles, rumbling echoes of the splatters sounding around the darkened, empty locker room. You moaned as you felt his fingertips grip into your sides, one large palm still encircled around your sensitive breast. Your body curved against his, stomachs pressed together, and his muscles were lean and hard. He felt like some kind of divine being, raised from the sea and finally hearing your desperate cries for attention.
           After a few moments of holding you, tongues gliding over one another like shifting tides, Shinsou’s kiss shifted from languid to ravenous. You gasped as you felt his hands tighten around your body, gripping hard enough to bruise. The hand on your breast began tugging and pinching at your nipple roughly. Your lewd groan at his ministration had him smirking against your lips. A hardness was pressing against your thigh now, making your cheeks redden as you realized his cock was responding to your body.
           He used his hold on you to turn you around, placing your frigid body back under the warm spray of the shower. You slicked the hair away from your eyes as you stood before him, the water and steam pouring over your figure. He grinned roguishly at the sight, hand reaching forward and cupping your chin, keeping your eyes on his.
           “Get on your knees,” he whispered, authority laced between the words.
           You nodded quickly, taking a step back and sinking to your knees in worship.
           You tried to keep your eyes to his, but his beautiful, silken cock was now just above your line of sight, the head brushing against your brow. Your eyes widened at the sight. He was big and glorious, damp violet hairs kissing the base. He curved ever so slightly, ever so deliciously, and you licked your lips in anticipation. He fisted his cock, and you sat up straighter and to attention. He brushed the head against your cheeks, marveling at the lustful look on your face.
           “You look so pretty all wet, kitty.”
           Heat rose to your cheeks again, tickling up to your ears, making them burn.
           “I like that name,” you murmured, eyes fluttering up at him.
           Fuck, he groaned to himself, cock twitching in his hand. You were so perfect below him like that, supple mouth just waiting to taste him. You’d be the death of him if you continued to look at him that way and say words like that. He could already feel his core constricting into a tight coil at just the sight of you.
           “You’re my little pet now,” he nudged his cock against your lips, feeling your tongue tentatively lap against him. He pushed in a little deeper, finding the cavern of your mouth somehow warmer and wetter than his surroundings.
           “Yes sir,” you mumbled it against his cock, the vibrations tinging down his skin. He fisted one hand into your wet hair, encouraging you to take him into your mouth. Eagerly, you complied, placing your hands on his thighs for leverage as you dipped your head further down his shaft. You both moaned simultaneously. Your tongue flattened against the underside of his cock, keeping him moist and slick between your hollowing cheeks. His girth made it difficult to venture too far down, and you began to readjust your jaw, opening your mouth as wide as possible to fit him.
           You set a brisk pace, fervent to feel him deeper in your mouth. He helped to guide you, fingers weaving between the strands of your hair and his strength encouraging you to take as much of him as possible. You groaned and gulped against him, tongue swirling with each plunge of your head. You could feel the thick veins of his cock against your tongue and cheeks, the wide head skimming against the back of your throat. You closed your eyes against the running water, finger nails nipping into the skin of his thighs as you controlled your gag reflex. You had never had such a large cock in your mouth before and it felt sinful just how far he stretched your cheeks.
           “Oh kitten,” he groaned out, making your thighs press together in anticipation. His voice was low and succulent, growls continually ripping from his chest. His sounds invigorated you to please him more. You took all of him into your mouth, gasping as he slid down your throat. Your nose was buried in that violet hair at the base of his cock, bumping against his skin. A tumble of curses spilled from his lips, the hand in your hair tightening as you pulled back and repeated to the motion, saliva slipping from your lips to be washed away by the spray of the shower.
           He kept you between his legs for a while, captivated by watching your sweet mouth swallow up the whole of his cock. The feel of your tongue swirling around the head of his cock with nearly every thrust of your head had him panting for more. And then your eyes opened again, water dampening your lashes as you caught his gaze as you nearly choked on his cock. He almost lost it then, using his hand to pull you from his cock before he became too rough with your lips.
           “Fuck,” he hissed, cock throbbing as it once against rested against your face, “you be a good girl and stay right there.”
           You almost questioned him, but you were trying to catch your breath and couldn’t find your voice. He stepped from the shower, leaving you on your knees. You sunk down closer to the floor, hands against your thighs as you took deep breaths under the deluge of the warm streams of water.
           Shinsou returned quickly, his damp capturing weapon laced around his arm.
           Oh fuck, you thought, looking up at him like a lost lamb. He lifted his lavender eyes to scan the ceiling. You sat patiently, breasts heaving with breaths, the heat between your thighs growing as you thought about what he could be thinking. You’d be lying if you said you had never thought of the terribly dirty things he could do to someone—to you—with that weapon of his, and now he stood before you with it, naked and smirking.
           “Now let’s get you off the floor.”
           Before you could even blink, you felt the carbon fibers of his weapon wrap around your arms, hoisting you up into the air as the other end of the fabric looped over a steel beam from the ceiling. Your arms were tethered together above your head, dangling you above the floor and close to the back of the shower. Your body was still bouncing in gravity from his first action when he sent two more strands of the weapon to envelop your legs, pulling them apart and fastening the ends of the ribbons to the beam in the ceiling as well. You cried out in surprise at his rapid movements, effectively trapped and spread before him.
           Shinsou laughed at how easy you were to capture, but soon his eyes darkened as he soaked in the image before him. You looked perfect and delectable, dewy skin glistening against the binding of his weapon. He had thought of tying you up like this dozens of times before, even daydreamed about it when you trained together after work. He always felt a little twinge in his cock whenever he swung you from his weapon during missions, and he imagined binding more than just the occasional wrist or arm.
           He stepped towards your suspended body, reaching behind you to turn off the shower. He planned to keep you like this for as long as he could, no need to waste water. He skimmed his fingers up your legs, capturing a calf with his hand. He experimentally pulled on your body, watching your breasts bounce as the fabric allowed you to move only slightly.
           “This is perfect,” he mused, eyes dropping to between your legs, “oh fuck, kitten, what a pretty pussy you’ve been hiding from me.”
           You let out a small mewl at his words, desperate to touch him. You had barely gotten to explore his skin beyond his cock, and you wanted to hold onto him and feel him against you. You struggled against your captive binds for a moment, arms pulling at the weapon suspended above your head.
           “You know how this works; you’re not getting out of these ties until I say so.”
           You let out a huff, but you were quickly distracted from your binds when a slim finger unexpectedly slid between your folds.
           “Fuck! Oh, Shinsou—.”
           “It’s sir, from now on. You understand?” He emphasized his point by flicking his knuckle across your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure across your suspended body.
           You nodded ardently, eyes closing at the pleasure.
           “Words, kitty.” He tittered.
           “Yes, sir, I understand.”
           “Mhm, good girl,” he smirked, watching your head fall back as he brought another finger to your pussy, dancing them playfully between your folds. His eyes watched your stunning breasts rise and fall with your heavy breaths, and he brought his other hand back to the breast he toyed with earlier. He rolled your nipple between his fingertips, pinching and pulling at it roughly. He delighted in the moans that tumbled from your parted lips. He dipped one finger into your sopping pussy, feeling your walls stretch and twitch around the digit. He slid it in and out of you with agonizing slowness, relishing how tight you were just around one finger.
           Heat was spreading across your lower belly like a fire, his finger stroking the flames. His hold on your nipple didn’t cease, he continued to pull and tease it as he finally added a second finger into you. You couldn’t help but cry out wantonly, and with the deafening roar of the shower gone, just your voice rang out against the cold walls. He curled his fingers expertly within you, continuing a slow and sensual pace.
           He was watching you keenly, observing how lewdly you responded to the simplest of his touches.  
           “You’ve thought about this before, haven’t you?” He chuckled, feeling your pussy tighten around his slow and steady fingers.
           “Yes, sir,” you admitted breathlessly.
           He only gave an appreciative hum in response, fingers picking up their pace inside of you. Your captured legs twitched at his antics, toes feeling cold and forlorn in their suspended state. His thumb began to circle your clit, sending bewildering shocks of pleasure throughout your body. You whined noisily, tugging a lip between your teeth at the searing pleasure of it all. He relinquished his grip on your nipple, choosing to instead soothe and cup your breast in his large hand. His fingers continued to curl up into your body, spread wide just for him. They were long and slender, perfectly twisting against the most pleasurable spots inside of you. He was confident in his actions, and the steady assurance of his fingers had you pining for him.
           “Please, sir,” you whispered, head sill lolled back, “more.”
           “Hm,” he pondered, “are you just a greedy little girl, or do you like it rough?”
           His fingers didn’t cease their actions, persistently plunging into your hot core. He spread them slightly, and you could feel your walls stretch and give at his actions.
           “I’ll be whatever you want,” you breathed out, puling your head up to catch his gaze once more. His purple eyes were dark like shadows in the night. His thumb glided wickedly against your clit, fanning the embers of your ecstasy even hotter and higher than before. A shriek of pleasure erupted from your chest, a lusty haze settling over your mind. You squeezed your core, body attempting to move against his fingers. But as soon as you attempted to move against your bindings, he stopped, slipping his fingers from within you.
           You were panting, about to start begging, when those dark eyes narrowed at you.
           “And what if I want you to be mine?”
           You quiet, almost speechless, his words like the most sinful temptation. He wrapped the fingers that were once inside you around your throat. The scent of your arousal permeated his skin, your slick sticky against your neck. He watched you, impatiently waiting for an answer.
           “Then I’m yours.”
           He hummed again, his other hand wrapping around your tied thigh. You could feel the swollen head of his cock brush against your folds, making you shudder. Your wet skin was still cooling, but the heat from inside of you made you feel like you were steaming.
           “I don’t know if you understand the weight of those words.”
           “I do,” you said quickly, eyes scanning his face, “I promise.”
           Without warning, he slammed himself inside of you, eliciting another blissful scream from your lungs. He groaned as he bottomed out inside of you, feeling your round ass pressing against his thighs.
           He stayed still for a moment, savoring the feel of your pussy clenching and stretching around him.
           “You know, I think you’ve been mine for a long time, partner.” He said the words weightily, authority resounding in his voice.
           You could only nod your head in response, hips burning from both his sudden intrusion and unbridled lust. He began to pound forcefully into you, fingers bruising your legs between the bindings. He tied you at the perfect height for his cock to sink into you deliciously and powerfully. Every thrust sent waves of euphoria blossoming from your core, your body unable to do anything but react to his movements. Your breasts bounded with every thrust, and his eyes were glued to the picturesque, moist globes as they swayed for him. Your head once again lost the battle of staying upright, reclining back to hang at his mercy.
           With your throat now exposed, he leaned forward, biting and kissing at your delicate skin. You gasped, the pain of his teeth melding with the pleasure of his huge cock spreading you. You felt dangerously full of him, like any push of his cock could rip you open. His heavy hands slid from your thighs to were your ass cheeks, pressing and kneading into the flesh violently. His merciless thrusting had you breathless, gasping for air every time the head of his cock slammed back into you.
           “Where’d all those pretty words go, kitty? I wanna hear you…” he growled against the skin of your neck, lips melting into the juncture of your jaw. His teeth sunk deeper this time, causing you to cry out at the concoction of sensations you felt spreading across your body.
           “Shinsou, s-sir,” your voice stammered between thrusts, “you feel so, so good, ah, don’t stop, please!”
           He picked up his pace, cock hammering into you ruthlessly, undoubtedly bruising your soft, tantalizing skin. He forced your body against him, one hand wrapping around the cloth bindings and using the leverage to keep you against him. Your nails began to bite into your hands, intense pleasure brewing inside of you. The sound of skin against skin saturated the locker room, your moans echoing off the shower walls. Your breasts were pressed to his muscular chest now, sliding against the light dusting of hair found there. You fought to keep your mouth from falling agape, but the intensity of him had your lips parting and incessantly moaning for him.
           “Such a naughty, desperate little girl, huh? You like being stuffed with my cock like this?”
           “Yes, fuck,” he licked a long, hot stripe up your throat, panting mouth resting at your chin, “yes, sir, I love being tied up…”
           He chuckled then, angling his hips to hit you deeper and harder, one hand leaving your ass and snaking up your back to pull at your dripping hair. He pulled hard and fast against the strands of your hair, arching your body as it could against his chest. You squealed at the smarting of your scalp, but were too overwhelmed with the throbbing of your stretched pussy to care. The pain heightened your senses, and you felt every deep plunge of his cock hit harder, more extreme than before.
           “Oh I knew you would, every little kitty likes to play with string, right?”
           You couldn’t nod your head for the grip he had on your hair. You screamed out for him, completely lost to your ecstasy as his devilish words had you edging towards true bliss. He continued to tug at your locks, enjoying every ounce of control and power he had over your body; and he didn’t even have to use his quirk, you’d do anything for him without his influence. This realization had him hardening even more inside of you, cock thumping with more blood as he shoved into your silken walls.
           He could feel your body start to tighten around him, your strung up legs beginning to shake. He grinned knowingly, slipping his other hand from your ass to your stomach, then dipping lower to your aching clit. He hovered his thumb over the bundle of nerves, letting each thrust of his cock allow your clit to skim just perfectly over the pad of his finger. You moaned louder than before, desperate to feel the bubble of pleasure burst from inside of you. But he wasn’t ready for that.
           “You want to come, kitty?”
           “Yes, sir, p-please, please.”
           “Then I want you to work for it.”
           Confusion washed over your mind and body as you felt his cock pull away, leaving you open and empty without him. You yelped in discontent, body struggling against your bindings in a vain attempt to free yourself and bring him back to you. He stepped back, eyes trailing over every detailed of your flushed, used body, tied up like a plaything for him. He was saving the picturesque scene in his mind. He pumped his cock a few times with his hand, finding it smothered in your own slick.
           With just a motion of his fingers, your legs came untied, tumbling down to the feat of gravity. But he didn’t release your arms. Instead, he came and sat below you on the tiles, back pressed to the wall of the shower with his lean, muscled thighs stretching out against the floor. His cock was rigid and hard, pressed up against his stomach like it was straining to reach you. He waved his fingers again, the ties around the steel beam loosening enough to drop your body into his lap, legs spread over his own. But he kept your hands tied securely above your head, leaving you without the ability to touch him.
           “Sit on my cock, kitty, I want to kiss you while you work.”
           You did as he commanded, sinking yourself onto his stiff, thick cock, eyes fluttering closed at the immense pleasure of being so full again. Your legs trembled, having just gotten their agency back and still numb from being tied. But you pushed through the lingering pain, desperate to please him. You rocked your hips slowly, letting him slip completely inside of you once more. The new position had his perfect cock hitting you in all new ways, sending new jolts of pleasure down your spine.
           Shinsou cupped both your breasts in his hands, using them as leverage to encourage you to rock harder and faster in his lap. His lips found yours again, tongue lapping against yours in a battle of dominance that he all too easily won. You felt the entire length of him slip from inside of you, only to slam back and fill you once again. The ecstasy overwhelmed you, knees slipping against the wet tiles. He kept his firm grip on your bouncing breasts, his strength and his capture weapon the only things keeping you upright in his lap.
           From this angle, your clit brushed against the violet curls at the base of his cock, stimulating you and emboldening you to roll faster against him, fraught to find your release. The coil in your belly was ready to burst, and his passionate mouth against your own was soaking up all the wanton moans you exhaled into him.
           But soon your own pace wasn’t enough for him. As much as he loved a show, he also needed his own release, and nothing set him on edge more than having full control. His big hands slid down from your breasts to your hips, using his might to lift your body in his own and thrust his hips up into your sweltering heat at a faster, more brutal pace. You broke from his lips with a scream, and the sound of his own grunts had your eyes opening to see him.
           His head was dipped back against the wall, eyes closed and lips just barely parted. His damp indigo hair was tussled into wild plumes, curving over his thick neck and expertly corded shoulders. He looked like a god below you, and felt divine within you. His thumb swirled against your clit again, and the unexpected touch had you exploding into euphoria.
           “That’s right, kitty,” his eyes opened then, lust simmering within them as he caught your gaze, “I want you to come for me now.”
           The circles of his thumb quickened, his cock still mercilessly pounding up into your core. You could feel the broad head moving against your insides, veins protruding even more noticeably than before. You felt like a toy in his hands, like his cock was too big for you and he still kept hammering himself into you for his own pleasure.
           Finally, you came, screams rippling from your throat and eyes closing as you allowed the waves of euphoria to wash over your body, every single nerve ending exploding with ecstasy and pleasure in intensities you had never felt before. Your walls struggled to clench around his massive cock, the fluttering of your insides lasting longer and longer as your body writhed in white hot heat. His cock never slowed, and your bouncing body was continually thrown over the orgasmic ledge, nerves trying to find purchase against the onslaught of his hips. Your hands were wrapped into fists around the binding above your head, gripping like you were trying to keep yourself afloat amidst the sea of ecstasy that your body was being tossed into.
           You ultimately came down from your high, body limp as he fucked up into you. With a satisfied sigh, you called out to him, “Hitoshi…”
           Your weak voice, and the image before him of your listless body riding upon his cock, had him tumbling over his own edge. He rasped out your name as he came, hot ropes of thick cum spilling inside of you. His cock throbbed and pulsated inside your womb, his lungs panting for breath as his fingertips gripped into your sweaty, damp skin. His chest heaved, shoulders slumping in bliss as he rode out the waves of his orgasm.
           You both sat against the cold tiles, breathing hard and letting your minds come back to earth. Your head was slumped down in front of your body, hair pooling around your cheeks and his chest. The fabric of his capture weapon was the only thing keeping you from sinking into him. His cock was still hard and hot within you.
           After a few moments, one of his hands left your hips, reaching up to grab your chin and pull your head up to look at him. He smirked at you, glancing over the already blooming bruises he left on your breasts, your hips, and the broken, purple skin on your throat from his bite.
           “Fuck, kitty, you really took a beating. Are you feeling okay?”
           You laughed, straightening your shoulders and pulling your body up by gripping the ribbons, legs twitching against his thighs.
           “I feel great,” your voice was weak, but your smile was beaming as you chuckled, “we should probably shower and clean up, don’t you think?”
           He laughed, kissing your lips kindly as he released your aching arms. He helped you stand, marveling over how strong your body must have been to withstand his fucking and his bindings. You stretched like the little cat that you were, waking up all the muscles that had gone dormant.
           You both rinsed off quickly, grabbing towels and finally drying your bodies.
           “I meant what I said earlier,” he said nonchalantly, like he was expecting you to know what he meant.
           You continued to get dressed and thought for a moment, thinking back through the hot haze of memories. Your mouth fell open in realization.
           “You want me to be yours?”
           “You’re the best partner I’ve ever had and I’ve had my eye on you for a while. You don’t have to say yes right now, but maybe another good fuck could convince you.”
           You slung your bag over your shoulder, letting him lean down and kiss you. You relished in the taste of him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and threading your fingers through the hair you had so carefully washed.
           “Yea, another good fuck wouldn’t hurt.”
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laurfilijames · 3 years
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Talk You Out Of It
Pairing: Fili x female reader
Words: 4708
Warnings: 18 + Rated E. Explicit content. Oral sex (M/F receiving), M/F intercourse, unprotected sex. Slight asphyxiation. Blindfold used during sex.
Summary: You and your irresistible husband Fili are meant to be getting ready to attend a royal feast, but manage to talk each other out of going. Basically p*rn with a smidge of plot.
A/N: I still flush every time I read this over. Please indulge in this delicious filth that I can’t seem to stop writing. I’m sorry it’s so long.
Editing/Beta courtesy of the wonderful @guardianofrivendell 💚
You didn’t really want to go to the feast, but as the wife of the Heir to the Throne of Erebor there was a very high level of obligation.
The day had wearied you, full of duties and tasks that had left you uninterested and you just didn’t have the energy to endure the raucous of dwarves and make niceties with- well, anyone if you were honest.
It was a big event, an engagement announcement for one of the Princes from the Iron Hills, and you knew it would be loud and exhausting. You were typically always keen to attend a celebratory feast, being able to eat and drink to your heart's content, dancing and laughing with your closest friends, but tonight you didn’t feel up to it.
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you wished more than anything that you could stay locked away in the comforts of your chambers with your husband.
You greedily eyed Fili through the mirror attached to the vanity in front of you as he walked out of the bathing room, his skin and hair still wet from his bath.
Gods, was he ever a sight for sore eyes.
Your thighs instinctively squeezed together and you tucked your lower lip in your teeth in an attempt to compose yourself, but to no avail. Fili was naked and practically parading around your chambers, searching for items of clothing to don for the evening's festivities.
Focus, Y/N.
You looked back at your reflection as you continued to weave intricate braids throughout your hair, knowing your attendance was mandatory tonight so you needed to continue making yourself look presentable. There would be no getting out of this without repercussions, that much you were certain of.
Reaching for another bead to clasp around the section you had just finished intertwining, you smiled when you noticed it was your courting bead; the one-of-a-kind piece that Fili had engraved himself with his signet for you. But even thinking of the wonderful night Fili had presented it to you and commenced your courtship wasn’t enough to hold your concentration.
You couldn’t help but allow your eyes to drift over to where he stood beside the bed, hands on his hips, making a decision between two formal robes.
His gleaming eyes met yours in the mirror and you flushed all over at acquiring the attention of your half-naked husband.
He smirked at you and made his way over to where you sat, trousers now covering his legs but unlaced, revealing coarse, dark blond hair and barely containing his large member.
Oh. This was not helping your case.
Drops of water remained on his skin, not having dried yet, highlighting the hair on his chest and adding to his overall appeal.
“Do you think the blue or green one would go best with your gown, Amrâlimê?” Fili asked, now standing behind you.
He rested his hands on your shoulders, firm but gentle, and you closed your eyes as the contact instantly increased the tension growing in you.
“Y/N?” he prompted, and you opened your eyes to see him smiling at you in the mirror.
“The green one,” you finally answered in a low tone.
His dimples deepened as his smile widened, which didn’t help with your not wanting to go to the party.
You tried to convince yourself that it would turn into one of those situations where as much as you didn’t want to attend, you would end up having the best time. With Fili by your side, you were guaranteed to be happy regardless, but all you wanted was for him to tear this fussy dress off of you and become tangled up together in your bed.
“You seem distracted, my love,” he cooed beside your ear, causing your breath to hitch and you cursed him. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“You’re distracting me from getting ready, Fili,” you chided, needing him to create some space between you or you would never be able to finish getting ready in time.
He planted a whisper-soft kiss on the space between your neck and shoulder, looking at you in the mirror through hooded lids as he did.
You could not be held responsible for what happened next if he continued on like this.
But, as he usually did, Fili proceeded to place his lips on you, covering every available spot of your skin that was exposed to him. It seemed he could never get his fill of you, not that you minded.
“Fili, we’ll be late,” you pleaded, although a bit unconvincingly.
“Then we’ll be late,” he pressed his hot lips against the spot just behind your ear and you were done for.
Now his arms were around your waist, his hands trailing across the detailed embroidery stitched on the material and you longed for there to be nothing between your skin and his anymore. Again, your eyes closed and you allowed your head to fall back against his thick torso, getting lost in the sensation of his hands dancing over you. One moved up to palm over your breast, brushing your nipple through the fabric and extracting a breathy moan from you.
Fili needed to either stop what he was doing immediately, or call the night off altogether because there was no way you would be able to sit politely through dinner being as worked up as you were now.
Tempting as it was to blurt out your wishes of abandoning your plans, you would let him decide, allowing him to be the one responsible for causing any drama that would ensue from you and Fili missing the event. You knew Thorin would be livid and Fili would have to spend the next couple of days trying to make it up to his uncle, but you could sense it would all be worth it. The tension that hung in the air between you and Fili was so charged, hinting at what could be, and you couldn’t deny yourselves the right to find out all that was possible.
As anxious as you were for a verdict, you weren’t about to interrupt your husband who was planting kisses across your upper back where you hadn’t yet fastened the buttons of your gown.
“Are you going to do those up for me?” you asked, your voice heavy with lust.
Fili looked at you in the mirror with his lips still lingering on your skin and ever so slightly shook his head ‘no’.
A shiver coursed through your entire body and more desire flourished in your stomach.
Mahal, you were putty in his hands and so easy to submit to his touch.
You felt his absence immediately when he stepped away from you, straightening himself and rubbing his hand over his face, trying to make up his mind whether he was going to force you both to finish getting ready or abandon the idea of leaving your chambers completely.
Remaining seated, you proceeded to work at your hair, trying your best not to let your mind wander to the salacious thoughts that kept persisting for your attention.
But that was easier said than done.
Fili’s strong torso was perfectly in your eyesight and you couldn’t help but stare, taking in the creases on his stomach and especially the growing bulge in his trousers. You knew he wanted to give in to this temptation as much as you did and you couldn’t help but slightly influence his choice by draping your hair to one side and slowly trail your hand down your neck and chest.
Catching Fili looking, you stood from the bench and leaned forward, reaching for nothing in particular, giving him a view of your breasts down the top of your dress through the mirror.
Fili all but hissed, making you turn around to look at him, his chest heaving and expression hungry.
“What’s the matter, Fili?” you asked as innocently as possible.
He took a hold of your waist and moved you against the wall, your back colliding with the cold stone that caused your breath to leave you and a mischievous smile to cross your lips.
His lips crashed into yours, rough and demanding, the urgency matching that of his hands. They groped at your body, tugging and pulling at the dress that kept you hidden from him. The gown was new, but at this point you didn’t care if he ripped it to shreds.
Fili pulled your bottom lip in his teeth and stepped away from you again, only this time with a growl, still having an internal battle with himself of whether to stay in or not.
“We need to go to this dinner,” he said out loud, but more to himself.
You were left yearning against the wall as you watched him pace in front of you for a few steps, still weighing his options.
He had been dreading the evening as well, admitting to you earlier that he didn’t even like the couple who was to be married. It wasn’t as though you were shrugging off the actual wedding ceremony, this was simply an engagement party and there would be more important functions to attend in the future, so what was the harm in missing this one?
“Yes, we need to go or Thorin will have my head,” he continued, but still not entirely convinced. You remained quiet, thinking how you weren’t going to be the one to talk him out of it despite how much you wanted to.
It was almost as though the threat of aggravating Thorin humoured him and he looked at you with a naughty smirk, taking in your disheveled state. The neckline of your dress had fallen to rest just above your breasts and you stood there ready and waiting at your husband’s mercy.
Fili couldn’t resist you any longer. The sight of you like that alone was enough to sway his decision and he lunged at you, taking your mouth in his with a bruising kiss and grinding himself up against you.
“We’re not going,” he declared between kisses, making you smile against his lips.
Guilt filled you for a brief moment at breaking your commitments, but it was fleeting, the sensation of Fili’s teeth pulling at your earlobe replacing that remorse with wanton need.
In no time your dress was left discarded on the floor, nothing standing between you and Fili aside from his trousers that were only being held up by his erection.
One of your legs rested in the crook of his arm as you proceeded fondling each other, Fili grinding hard against your mound and your hands tangled in his unbraided hair.
His mouth traveled down your neck at a delightfully slow pace, savouring every bit of you until he landed on your breasts. His tongue flicked against your nipples, sucking and pulling them taut in his mouth as he alternated his attention between the two.
Fili was determined to provide you with every intense form of pleasure he was capable of, that much was clear already.
He continued to rub against you in a slow rhythm, his cock still straining painfully against his pants in an attempt to break through, while his hand trailed up your body and rested on your neck. Fili gave gentle squeezes to the sides of your throat with his thick fingers as his mouth returned to yours, swallowing your moans.
Within moments you felt consumed by ecstasy and knew you were about to give each other unbounded pleasure for the rest of the night.
You moved your hands from his wild hair down to his chest, carding your fingers through the abundance of curls that decorated him and it made you even happier that his body wasn’t currently being covered by stifling robes. Just as you began to venture lower, Fili took hold of your wrists and pinned them over your head, holding them firmly against the wall.
“Fili, I want to touch you,” you growled out of frustration.
“Patience, Amrâlimê, we have all night,” he told you in an unwavering tone.
A fresh wave of wetness pooled between your legs at his words and your body relaxed into the restraint he still had on your wrists. You supposed you could wait for a little while.
Fili’s exploration of your body continued, enjoying the taste of your skin with his tongue and feasting on you with gentle nips from his teeth.
Then he finally rewarded your patience by reaching between your legs, sliding his fingers against your slick folds. The contact made you shudder, and you knew Fili was appreciative of your desire for him by the way he huffed a grunting breath and dragged his teeth across your collarbone.
Two fingers slipped into your heat, pumping in and out of you at a careful pace before pressing onto your clit with his thumb.
You wrapped your leg tighter around his waist, pulling him closer to you as he continued to work you with his fingers, the angle allowing you to match his thrusts with your hips and ride against his hand. His other hand released the hold on your wrists to allow your arms to fall onto his shoulders, and you gripped them for support.
Though as good as this felt, you were eager for more. You desperately wanted to touch Fili, to put your hands and mouth on every inch of his body and make him feel as incredible as he was making you feel right now. Unwrapping your trembling leg from his body and standing on your own, you hooked your thumbs in the waist of his trousers and began to tug at them, anxious to gain access to what they were concealing.
Fili reluctantly removed his fingers from inside you, stopping only to assist you in freeing him from the binding laces that were failing at keeping his manhood contained. He impatiently yanked them down, his cock springing out and slapping his lower abdomen, bouncing up and down from the momentum of his hurried actions.
The sight made your mouth water and caused that familiar weighted ache to pull deep in your center.
You dropped to your knees and splayed your hands across his wide thighs, allowing your fingers to admire the defined muscles chiseled into his flesh. Your lips followed the path of your hands, landing in every notch and indentation that were formed from years of bravery on the battlefield and brute labour in the forges. Roaming your hands over to his backside, you squeezed his ample, yet firm cheeks while your lips remained on the sharply cut line that separated his leg from his groin. Each time your mouth threatened to make contact near his throbbing shaft it twitched in anticipation, causing the corners of your mouth to turn upwards in amusement.
Mahal certainly broke the mold when creating this dwarf and you couldn’t help but take your time in worshiping his body. You were going to go as slow as Fili would allow, but judging by his ragged breaths and grunts each time you made contact with his skin, it wouldn’t be for very long.
You grazed your lips along his length, the heat from his swollen flesh radiating onto them and making you eager to swallow him, but you proceeded to tease him, having your mouth land on him with peppering kisses but never taking him in.
Once you decided it was enough torment, you placed your lips on his smooth crown and flicked your tongue over the leaking hole, enjoying the saltiness of his precum.
Fili bucked into you harshly when you finally allowed him access to more of your mouth and you gladly took the full size of him, the tip of your nose now buried in the dense patch of coarse hair on his lower belly.
When you weren’t able to handle having him consistently press against the back of your throat, you recruited your hand to fist around his girthy base, pumping in time with your sucking. The combination had Fili moaning above you and his hands weakly combing through your hair, his hips slowly rolling with your movements and completely lost in a daze.
You could have done this all day, tasting him and inhaling his musky scent, but Fili soon interrupted you.
He tipped your chin up with his finger for you to look at him, watching your innocent eyes stare at him while your mouth hid and revealed his member as you bobbed back and forth, the sight quickly turning his relaxed manner into frantic lust. A look flashed in his eyes that you couldn’t quite place, something along the lines of playfulness and intrigue, and it made your stomach tighten in anticipation.
A strand of silk ribbon remained in your hair, having placed it there earlier to help hold the sections you hadn’t been braiding out of the way, and that was what Fili was regarding curiously. He took hold of the fabric and pulled, untying it with a wicked grin on his face. He ran the silky material through his fingers, and a darkness replaced the spirited look in his eyes that had been there moments before, causing you to falter slightly with your lips still wrapped around him.
Then everything was dark.
Fili tied the sash around your eyes, robbing you of sight temporarily.
More excitement flowed through you and you felt your abundant arousal drip down your leg as you remained kneeling on the floor, your tongue continuing to roll over his swollen tip.
A chuckle rumbled through Fili, having taken notice of your readied state, the sound even more clear to you than usual with one of your senses taken from you.
“Stand up, Amrâlimê,” he requested, helping guide you to your feet. Your legs felt shaky from how stimulated you were and you gripped his arms tightly, appreciating the strength in them and feeling the veins that weaved under the skin on his forearms.
You could still sense his presence near you, but it was difficult to tell exactly where he stood, having removed your hands from him and leaving you standing on your own. A shuddered breath left you when you suddenly felt his hand trace across your hip, slowly sliding up your waist.
“Shh, it’s okay Y/N, I’m right here,” he said against your ear, making goosebumps erupt across your skin.
Now his lips were on you, kissing over your shoulder, and even though they had been there earlier the addition of the blindfold made every touch from them feel all the more intense. The hair on his chest tickled your back and his cock brushed against your bum, feeling achingly hard from your previous attention.
“Fili…” you breathed out, appreciating every moment of heightened touch from your One. You felt his hands move lower, clutching both sides of your upper thighs as he knelt down to you, ready to give his own worship.
The sound of his breath seemed louder to you, coming in ragged pants, an indication at how excited he was to reciprocate the pleasure you had given him.
It was difficult to know what to do with yourself, standing slightly awkwardly and unable to reach any part of Fili with him on his knees behind you. But after a moment he gave you guidance, instructing you to bend forward slightly and press your hands against the wall in front of you.
His tone was rough when he gave his direction, and you shivered again, your body even more responsive to his voice with the absence of sight.
“I think you’re enjoying being blindfolded, Y/N,” he pointed out, and you could tell he was smiling.
You attempted a response but it came out as a cry when you felt Fili’s face meet with your core, his nose spreading your cheeks open to access your heat. His tongue slid between your folds and licked at you hungrily while he brought a hand around to your front to toy with your pulsing bud.
The uneven stone on the wall bit back at your fingertips as you clawed down it’s surface, desperate for something to ground you.
Agonizing pleasure ran through you as Fili probed his warm tongue into you, every pass of it feeling harsh but exquisite, and you no longer had control over the sounds spilling from your mouth or the convulsions of your body.
“Is this w-what you’re going to say we were doing when you explain to your uncle why we weren’t there tonight?” you panted out as Fili’s tongue drilled deeper into your heat.
He gave a muffled laugh that vibrated through you in response, but never paused in his mission. He dug his fingers into your flesh, giving a tight squeeze to your bum with the hand that wasn’t pressing circles on your clit, seeming to grow more ravenous the longer he dined on you.
Fili increased his pace knowing you were close to the edge, determined to make you come apart around his mouth. The sensation of his beard scratching over your most sensitive area combined with the smooth lapping of his tongue and the pressure of his nose on the taught area between your two holes had you shattering within seconds. Tremors vibrated through you and you pushed back harder into his face, riding out your accelerated high. Fili drank at your essence as it flowed from you, his moans of satisfaction drowned out by your unrestrained cries.
You opened your eyes when you landed from your peak, only to have your vision still compromised by the sash you had forgotten about in those moments of intensity. A dizzying sensation washed over you, feeling unable to get your bearings, but Fili was there to support you, standing and gripping your body in a reassuring way.
“Are you well, Y/N?” he asked huskily. You followed the sound of his voice as he moved to stand in front of you, it being the only thing to steady you, your body feeling weak and dazed from your orgasm and lack of sight.
You nodded as a reply, still working on catching your breath, knowing Fili would be watching for a response.
“Good,” he stated, attaching his lips to yours quickly and forcefully, catching you by surprise. “Because I’m not done with you yet,” he added when he parted from you momentarily.
Teeth and lips crashed together as your tongues sought to taste each other, your desperation building rapidly. You moaned into Fili’s mouth, relishing in the feel of his rigid shaft pressing against your tingling bud.
Fili growled, the sudden noise startling you slightly, but adding to your amusement. It was an act to restrain himself and you knew he couldn’t hold back anymore. You could feel his excitement radiating off of him, his skin almost vibrating as your hand grazed over his belly.
With a strength that would always amaze you, Fili lifted you and tossed your body onto the bed, the act making you laugh as you settled into the plush furs. Tucking your lip in your teeth and feeling your husband crawl over top of you, you imagined the level of ferocity that was about to be unleashed.
He settled himself between your spread legs, taking in the sight of you before him. The silk still covering your eyes, a bold smile breaking across your face, your chest rising and falling heavily with anticipation, and your wet core, primed and ready for him to plunge into.
No warning was given before he impaled you in one swift motion, his size filling and stretching you completely, your cries echoing through your chambers once more.
His need emanated through to you and your hips met his with hard thrusts, the sound of your bodies slapping against each other loud in your ears. Your hands clawed at his shoulders and back as you brought yourself closer to his body, not needing to see to know exactly where he was on you with his form engraved in your memory.
Desperate to taste him again, you found his lips with yours and he stole the breath straight from your lungs with every press to your mouth.
Fili had you so close to the edge again, your walls squeezing him tight with every push, a signal of your imminent release.
Fili gripped onto your hips and pulled out of you almost completely, looking down to see his member disappear again as he slammed back into you.
“Mahal, you should see how good you look taking me like this,” he grunted out, sounding feral.
He repeated the process multiple times, enjoying watching your folds slide over him, revealing and then encasing him again as he pumped in and out of you, fuelling your lust and a bit of frustration that you also weren’t able to enjoy the view.
Although your body was being jostled against the bed, the covering over your eyes remained securely in place, the elimination of sight allowing you to still feel every contact even more than usual.
A gasp left you as Fili pulled your hips up off the bed and further onto his lap, spreading you wider and reaching even further inside so his tip was now bombarding your deepest spot with every blow. Your fingers tore into his thighs that were supporting beneath your own, craving your next release. His mouth covered yours, wet and rough, the beads in his moustache tapping against your chin with his movements.
You could imagine what he looked like now, his face dripping with sweat, his brows furrowed and the most intense gaze from his blue eyes burning into you with his efforts. As much as you were enjoying the benefits of the blindfold, you couldn’t help but feel robbed of seeing your husband in all his glory of providing you flawless ecstasy.
Fili was ready to take his fall with you, the evidence clear in the loose moans coming from him and the sloppy kisses that landed across your chest. The sounds he made pushed you to your second climax, knowing he was fully indulging in everything you offered him and completely intoxicated by you. He drove into you with one last hard push, twitching against your walls as he filled you with his thick seed, the feeling of his hot spend and friction on your clit igniting another orgasm more intense than the first.
Fili collapsed over your torso, his skin sweaty against yours and body exhausted, trying to catch his breath as you both recovered from your peaks. Still remaining inside you, he carefully pulled the silk ribbon away from your eyes, revealing the soft illumination of your room to you again.
You blinked slowly as you adjusted to the glowing light, smiling as Fili came into focus above you, his blue eyes shining and dimples set deep in his cheeks. You reached your hands up to cup his face and kissed him lovingly, lost in the after-effects of your passionate endeavour.
Although you could never forget his face, you missed being able to see it even for that brief amount of time.
You continued to take him in, running the tips of your fingers over the lines on his face, stopping to press into the crease on his left cheek. It made him smile bigger at you and you automatically matched his grin.
“What are you thinking, Y/N?” he asked inquisitively.
“How this was far better than going to the feast,” you giggled.
Fili hummed in response as he rested his head on your chest and you wrapped your arms around him, stroking his hair and back languidly.
“Aren’t you glad I talked us out of going?” Fili asked, teasingly.
“I don’t think neither of us needed much convincing, my love,” you cooed to him, feeling his laugh rumble through you.
“Now to deal with the wrath of Thorin,” you added.
He sighed loudly against your chest, “Don’t remind me, Y/N.”
“I promise to make it all worth it.”
Fili turned his head to look at you and you flashed him a smile and a wink, letting him know you wouldn’t be having an early night despite staying home from the festivities.
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elfwoodfae · 3 years
Writing’s On The Wall
Skyfall Chapter 5
Author’s note: I hope you enjoy this chapter, you know the drill, let me know what you think, I enjoyed writing so much I actually like how it turned out.
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The soft notes of a piano resonates through the house, filling his ears, the high keys of the melody making his skin tingle. Finally some peace finds him after the torment this day has been. He strolls further into the house, taking his time to appreciate the quietness that surrounds him. The door to your room slams open, angry footsteps coming his way, your fast approaching presence souring him inside.
“Did you kill her?” Your accusation finds his ears, he turns around, taking his time to observe the details on your face, his eyes trail down your form, taking in the way your arms fold over your chest.
“No.” He replies, moving his eyes back up your form until they land on yours. His ice cold irises burning into yours, igniting the need to look away, a need you refuse to act on.
“Did you pretend to love her?” Your voice breaks as it gets higher, rising with the anger inside of you. “Was it all a lie from the beginning?!” He can see the way your eyes try to hold back the tears, he sees the way your hands fist.
“I never met your sister, or whatever she was to you, I never loved her.” He says, looking away from you, silence consuming the both of you, only interrupted by piano notes surging through the air.
“Then how can you look like him? How can you be Harrison and not be Harrison at the same time! I demand to know!” Your patience is long gone, nothing makes sense anymore.
“First of all, you are in no position to make demands.” He says, snapping his head in your direction.
“I didn’t kill Tess Morgan. Or Harrison Wells. They were already dead when I got there.” He stops, looking like he is thinking something over.
“If it’s of any consolation, I tried to save her, but it was too late.” Lie after lie falls from his lips straight to your ears. He will tell you whatever he has to in order to ensure your behavior and cooperation, he doesn’t need to add more reasons to the list of things to murder him in his sleep for.
To his own surprise he is remaining calm through this whole interaction.
“If those are all of your concerns, I would appreciate if you could disappear from my line of sight, unless you feel the need to insult me or mock me.” He says, dismissingly jabbing at you for mocking his name the previous night.
He watches as you turn around and walk away, stomping your feet harder than necessary. Your sudden anger opens door to his curiosity as to why did you suddenly decided to question him, after all this days where he has barely see you, perhaps the shock of the moment has finally wore off.
He waits, his eyes fixated in your retreating form, watching you walk inside and the door closing behind you, only then he allows a breath to escape him and his eyes to look forward again. You are an insufferable woman he wishes he could despise more, but his body doesn’t cooperate with his mind. For a moment the thought of going after you crosses his mind, but it is so unlike him, he discards it immediately, he has no business being up your ass, no matter how much he wishes he was. He retreats to his office, there is some things he needs to over see, to work on.
Time passes in a flash, in between papers and notes, upgrades to his suit, his brain working on ways to help him hold onto his speed for longer, making sure his timetable remains intact, that your presence won’t affect anything in his plan. Lifting his head off the note he is looking over his eyes move over to the clock, it reads sometime after 10:30 pm, he can see the lights are mostly off from the crack under the door. His neck feels stiff as he gets up, stretching his back after hours of sitting down. With long strides his legs carry him to the door, silently making his way to the kitchen for a drink; he is quieter than death, almost floating through the air as he approaches the counter, stopping when he sees you, stretching up, kneeling in the counter trying to reach a glass sitting on the top shelf. He watches you, the smooth texture of your thigh, the white shirt you are wearing riding up, your hair messy, it reminds him of the first day you stayed here. Your delay in managing your objective is aggravating him; opting to help you sees like the fastest way he will get his own drink without much interaction. He doesn’t think too clearly what his action means when he silently moves behind you, his chest barely grazing your back, making your hand suddenly stop mid air, freezing in motion, his much bigger hand reaches the glass, your eyes following long fingers as they wrap themselves around the neck of the glass. He brings it down, his chest moving against your back at the action, his breath momentarily catching on your neck, his nose close to your skin, and time seems to stop passing him as he gets a whiff of your scent.
His eyes close, in that moment he decides that you smell like the sun, he is so sure of it as he is sure his name is Eobard. You smell like the sun, a sun that could burn him the moment he gets too close, the sun that burns the ocean into submission. It’s the only way he could describe it, the sun, the ocean, of life and wilderness. The wings of an angel, pure and sacred, gracious and divine, things he will never be. He feels the soft touch of feathers enveloping him, the same way your smell does, he feels the waves of an ocean crashing upon him, the warmth of the sun, his hands shake, his hair stands on end and his breathing quickens, he feels at home.
Time resumes its course, his hand connects with yours as he offers you the glass. Your fingers holding onto the glass as if your life depends on it, the reaction to a simple touch shouldn’t feel this exciting, his fingers brushing against yours shouldn’t feel this forbidden. Your breathing quickens, the warmth of his breath touching the curve of your neck warming up the skin, sending waves of excitement through your torso, down your stomach. The moment seems to be enchanted, Cupid seems to have shot a misguided arrow your way, as if by its own accord, your face turns, his lips inches away from yours, his eyes, bright and devious looking at you, engraving your expression, the pull of fate forcing the air to dissipate, the space to close and destiny to unite. But time isn’t kind to those who mess with it, and as fast as the spell felt upon you both, it dissipates, the hardness of reality falling at his feet.
Suddenly he steps away, leaving a breath stuck in your lungs. He clears his throat, his eyes averting yours as a quick “thank you” leaves your mouth, naked feet scrambling to the floor, glass in hand and with the other you grab the forgotten bottle you had previously found. The air is tense around you both; your eyes follow his arm as he grabs a drink for himself, the way his bicep flexes as he opens the top of the decanter, and momentarily his hand stops moving, your eyes move back to his face, he is looking straight at you.
Warmth attacks your cheeks at being caught looking, you look away, and he only raises an eyebrow your way, silently studying you, the feeling of the almost kiss still lingering in the air.
“I… I will go now, thank you for the glass Eobard.” He isn’t quite sure if his name falling off your lips was kindness or cruelty, and he only nods, following your movements. But in reality what he wants to do is to go after you, turn you around, push your body against the wall with his chest, he wants to bury your form in his, deposit butterfly kisses along your jaw, run his nose up your neck, his lips following close behind and his hand burying in your hair, pulling taunt, holding you to him, while he moves down, his nose grazing yours and his lips brushing your own before they connect, consuming him.
He is thankful for the counter he is standing behind, shielding what you do to him, shielding the desire he feels. The torturous pain of what he will never have makes his hand run to the back of his neck, gripping at his own hair before running his hand over the front of it, sighting and closing his eyes. Moments like this remind him that he is still a man, a man who has been alone for longer that he cares to admit; he knows he has had chances, but he had never cared, he is always busy, always running against time, or rather making sure time stays in track.
Eobard tries to stay out of the house for as long as he can, his patience is not the best today, he is in a bad mood. Walking through the door his eyes land on you, once again you seem to be the first thing he sees upon entering the only place that brings him some resemblance of peace. The tip of his tongue wets his lips, holding back the scoff he wants to release. Your back is facing him, forcing him to clear his throat to grab your attention.
“What are you doing?” His voice is rougher than what he had intended, the words sharp in his mouth. He observes you, your body turning around to face him, he curses any gods out there who decided to bring you to him, they are only flaunting the perfection of their creation to simple mortals.
“I…thought” you begin, the words trembling in your lips, dancing a firestorm neither of you are prepare to face, clearing your throat you try again.
“I thought … I thought maybe you would like to eat dinner with me.” You begin, noticing the way his eyes train on your form, making you feel as if you have irritated him, the feeling of daunting on dangerous territory becoming apparent. He rubs his fingers over his mouth, his eye brows raising in disbelief.
“No thank you.” His mouth sharply snaps at you.
His eyes lock on yours, the room feels colder, is growing darker. Suddenly it feels as if you are walking on the edge of a knife, ready to fall in the middle or fall off the edge.
“I just thought maybe we could talk, and you could tell me something about yourself.” You tell him, sweat accumulating in the palms of your hands.
“I don’t want to eat with you, and I don’t want you to know me.” He tries to leave, maybe ignoring you will get him the job done.
“Please, I just want to understand you.” Your tone borderlines on pleading, making him turn around.
“I don’t want your understanding y/n” he takes a step towards you, his body moving closer to yours.
“I don’t want your kindness, I don’t want your presence in my life and I for sure as hell don’t want you. If there has been a punishment in my life as greater as being stuck in this insufferable time it had to have been meeting you.” The words curse through his mouth, cutting sharper than a knife, anger boiling inside of him.
“Why do you hate me so much?” Your voice is soft, small, the way your eyes look at him are tearing him apart on the inside. He hasn’t meant that, but it was the first thing his mind had thought of.
Just as he is about to reply he feels the vibrations of his phone in his back pocket, the caller is a number he doesn’t recognize. He moves away from you, his eyes watching you intently, silently daring you to move. He answers the call, his telltale greeting being reciprocated by silence.
“We both know what you did.” The known voice behind the speaker replies, his eyebrows furrow, his mind connecting the dots just in time to look into the skylight, the skylight that is right above you. He sees the glass shattering, your unmoving form looking up as the pieces begin to decent upon you, and before he can think he is speeding in your direction, the words he had said before long forgotten at the threat of danger falling upon you.
His arms wrap around you, one of his hands tangling in the back of your head, near the base of your skull as the other wraps around your leg, feeling the soft skin give in under his touch. He pulls you to him, burying you in him; once he stops he can hear the gasp escaping your mouth, your hands moving to his chest trying to push him enough to allow you to see further away than his shoulder, but he refuses to move, to loosen his grip. The second wave hits, the glass behind you both shattering, and as much as he wishes he could just speed away, the first reaction he manages is throwing himself to the floor, holding you to him, shielding your fall with his arms and shielding your body with his own, his arms cradling your head, pushing your face to the crook of his neck, one of his hands sliding past your shoulders to the middle of your back.
Once he feels the danger has passed he gets up, long arms pulling you up with him, his hands moving to your arms, pushing you back and making you look at him.
“Are you hurt?” The concern behind his eyes seems so real, so genuine it takes you by surprise, only managing a nod in his direction you move your hands to rest on top of the ones he has on your arms.
Relief fills him, sighing he moves his arms, wrapping them over your shoulders, pulling you to him, your face on his chest and his chin on your hair. He doesn’t care if his actions don’t make sense, or if he can’t understand them, the only thing he cares right now is that even if he wants to keep telling himself he hates you, he knows the truth. He knows he is scared, he knows this is the first time his heart has speeded up when someone else has been in danger, he knows he won’t recover, he knows is okay, even if he is holding onto something that won’t last, holding onto you, holding the last piece of something that feels real, even if he knows he is bound to lose it.
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sukiglycerin · 4 years
birds (not) of a feather || keigo takami.
* pairing: hawks x fem pro-hero!reader
* genre: canonverse(???), terribly indulgent smut, pwp, enemies w benefits
* words: 3,111
* warnings: i just packed a shitload of kinks into this, dom!hawks, sub!reader, daddy kink, dirty talk, semi-public sex (a bathroom), quirk play aka feather play (not tickling), reader is kiNda a brat, fingering, orgasm denial, cum eating, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (pls.,., wrap it before you tap it irl), degradation, breeding kink, humiliation, dumbification, creampie, aftercare (duh), i’m so sorry for this i’ll finish my sfw angst thing now
* a/n: inspired by this text post... oh god, this is filthy. apologies for the slightly late update, but here it finally is!! @toishi is an absolute angel for proofreading this at like 1 in the morning. i hope you enjoy this! if you liked this, feel free to request anything you’d like to see from me <3
there was something about hawks that was infuriating. you couldn't tell exactly what was the breaking point; his messy hair, his plush smirk, or his eyes. his eyes, typically glazed over with a mixture of cockiness and devil-may-care hawtiness, were perhaps the most charming part to him, if you asked any fangirl. the markings around them only made him prettier, but infuriatingly so; and when you put together the entire package of 'hawks,' you got an extremely punchable person. 
yet sometimes, during extremely rare instances - perhaps when the light hits him just right or when one of his feathers is placed just perfectly - the word 'punchable' is replaced with 'fuckable.' and when you say fuckable, you mean him fucking you. it only aggravates you more.
you can't recall exactly when you started hating him or exactly when you became fuckbuddies (well, more like fuckenemies), but what you can recall is that the closets at hawks' agency are unreasonably large. not that they can't be used to your advantage, on multiple occasions (especially when hawks ruts). you're sitting next to hawks as some entrepreneur attempts to sell his ideas to market heroes and gain more profit. none of the pro-heroes sitting in the room seem particularly engaged. you're practically falling asleep; hawks' doodles on your notepad keeping you awake. you can't exactly complain, though the doodles take up space on an otherwise blank page, it's entertaining. you're far past gone being alert, however; your eyelids droop one last time before you see an oddly phallic shaped doodle behind your eyelashes. goddamn hawks.
"really?" you hiss at him, pushing his hand away.
he shrugged, lazily smiling. "you like it."
"like what? lewd imagery in my work notepad?"
"no." his voice drops an octave, fatally gravelly, "my cock."
you flush at his obscene language. "don't-" you whisper, but you're cut off by hawks' muffled giggles as he points to another one of his doodles. a rooster. you purse your lips. ever-so immature, hawks.
"yeah, but i bet you like the first one a lot more, don'tcha, chickadee?" his pet name has your brain stuttering. "you like my cock so much, hm?"
"fuck you, hawks," you breathe.
"you can try, feather." his voice is dripping with cockiness. "i bet, even in professional times like these, you think about my cock. in business meetings, you look so professional, so serious, but little does everyone know - you're dreaming about my cock stretching your tight little cunt out, making you scream my goddamn name. i bet you salivate just thinking about my cock fucking you good, hm? isn't that right, chickadee?"
you huff, not meeting his eyes as you search for a witty comeback. your silence gives hawks' ego a boost; he smirks wider.
"you know it's true, huh?" he purrs. "you think of me wherever you go. in public, filing paperwork, when you touch yourself in bed... you just like it so much, you're my slut. who knew the nation's favorite pro-hero would drop to her knees to the sight of anyone's cock?"
"yeah, i touch myself whenever i think of you," you mutter saltily under your breath. you ignore the growing arousal in your panties at his provocative words. hawks goes quiet, eyes wide.
"more specifically, i rub my temples because i get a headache because you're so damn awful."
"well fuck, dove," he chuckles. he leans in close to your ear. "maybe i'll give you something to think about."
a shiver curls itself down your spine. "hawks-"
he hushes you, jotting something in your notepad. he excuses himself from the room, leaving a feather laying on his seat in place of him. you read the note. "women's bathroom, down the hall to the left. no one uses it."
a pump of adrenaline fills you; your heart skips a beat.
once you slip out, your heart plays a game of jump rope, the rhythm filling your ears. down the hall, to the left... you wonder what hawks has in store for you. your brain recreates images of past escapades you engaged in with the man; a quickie in his office, another in an alley, and once, him fucking you just before a meeting. your panties grow damper, unable to mask the anticipation you feel within yourself.
"hi, sweetpea," hawks cooes as soon as you enter the restroom. "fancy seeing you here."
"you invited-"
"hush, i didn't give you permission to speak, did i?" he snaps. "good girls who behave are rewarded."
a whimper slips out of you, and you nod.
"safeword, birdie?"
"good girl." he hums. "so obedient, once disciplined... maybe i should do this more. i bet you'd like that... being such a slut when anyone could walk in." "hawks..." you start, but he doesn't have it.
the hero stalks toward you. if eyes could kill, you'd be murdered within seconds; his irises are dark, pupils blown, and a shadow has fallen over his face. he looks predatory like this - truly living up to his name. it's graceful, the self-control he assumes whence walking toward you. 
said self-control is completely abandoned as soon as your bodies meet. you're completely enraptured in his shadow as the man loomed over you, his wings contributing greatly to the effect. he's the predator, and you're the prey. 
his arm separates your neck from the wall, his hand clutching the back of your head. the free hand moves itself to caress your jaw in a strangely gentle manner, while his knee pushes its way in between your legs, making your upper thighs into a home. his hand nudges your head forward towards his, and then you're kissing him with such ferocity it's animalistic. tongues clash and you're no longer sure whose spit is whose; it dribbles down your chin the way blood drips from the thirsty lips of a vampire.
hawks growls - he actually growls - while he hastily unbuttons your top and slips his tongue into your mouth. you shamelessly grind down against his clothed pant leg, careless that your wetness will leave a stain. 
he pulls away, a string of saliva snapping between you and leaving you two gasping for breath. 
"fuck, fuck, baby bird," hawks wipes his mouth with his sleeve. his lips are swollen, their colour resembling a cherry lollipop with a sheen of gloss. damn, he's pretty. you never realized how good-looking a guy in a suit could be. his eyes are darker than a raven's, and it looks as though he'll devour you whole. 
"come." hawks gestures for you, walking towards the sinks and large mirror above them. as soon as you near a foot from hawks, he grabs you, one hand on your waist and the other on your throat. 
"look at you..." he tsks, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror. you're completely disheveled, hair a mess and eyes blown dark. your top is wrinkled slightly, your breasts peaking out through the unbuttoned gap and your skirt pushed up.
"so messy already..." the hand on your waist moves up and squeezes your breast, tweaking a nipple through your bra.
"you just fucking melt for me, like a good whore," he says.
oh, how you hate how easily hawks can win you over.
"fuck you," you scoff half-heartedly. "are you gonna fuck me, or not? we don't have all day."
"won't be a problem, lovebird," he says breezily. "judging by how much you fucking soaked my pant leg, i could have you coming undone without my cock even touching your dirty cunt.
you glance at his thigh, which has a blatant dark spot on it, and feel your heart race in humiliation. you can only stay silent, knowing he's right. the sensation in your core is painfully obvious to you, as if taunting you more.
"obeying now?" he teases, a wicked smile gracing his face. "bend over the counter, sweetpea."
you huff, obliging. hawks deftly moves his fingers, unbuttoning your shirt. you shiver, your hot skin colliding with the cold, unforgiving marble. 
"spread your legs - good, good, like that..." his breath tickles your ear, "you like how the air touches your sopping pussy? how exposed you fucking feel, all spread out for me when anyone could walk in? me, the number 2 pro-hero..." god, he was so cocky it was infuriating.
"shut up," you grumble.
"what?" his voice is sharp, cutting clean through the air. "is that anyway to treat your daddy?"
you fucking hate the title. you hate how hawks harnesses it as his own, how he so personifies the word - how good it fits him, sounding like sugar off his lips.
two of his fingers meet your clothed folds. "answer me, birdie."
"n-no," you squeak out. 
"no, who?" he spits.
"no, daddy." 
you inch your head up to look in the mirror, and hawks is smiling. 
"what to do with you, what to do with you..." he sounds gleeful, sadistic undertones tinting his words with a faded rose red. so pretty, yet so painful. your head goes back down onto the counter, your cheek pressed against it.
"naughty birds deserve punishment, don'tcha think?" 
you can't find it in yourself to form a coherent word; instead, a clumsy moan falls from your lips. hawks' fingers press harder against your cunt; you're sure they've gotten at least a little damp.
compromised in such a position, your senses make you suddenly aware of your surroundings; the way the counter digs into your hips, how the coolness is starting to fade under your body. you're aware of your every breath, the fluttering in your stomach every time hawks presses your clit. you're aware of the inherent eroticism of your acts, and how you don't really hate hawks; no, no, no - how he just infuriates you.
he's the ideal hero, in your eyes - laidback, charming, and yet so skilled at his work. it amazes you. one can only strive to be so multifaceted, and it explains his status as number 2 hero. you work so hard, yet he can achieve all the things you dream in half a heartbeat.
"let's get these out of the way." hawks, hooking a digit into the band of your panties, forces them down in an instant. you instinctively clench at the air which meets your nether lips, your juices leaking out of them like a honeyed nectar.
"so messy," hawks comments. "can't even control yourself without your panties. you like being such a slut for daddy, huh?"
you grumble in protest.
"huh?" his index and ring finger plunge into your pussy, making a loud squelching sound.
"d-daddy," you blurt a moan out, falling apart on his fingers.
"that's more like it, feather." hawks sets a moderate pace on your pussy, curling to hit your sweet spot. the noises from your cunt and mouth fail to cease, and you throw a hand over the latter to muffle your whimpers.
you start to feel a burning sensation rise in your stomach; a toe-curling, warm feeling like sunlight shining in the morning.
"daddy, daddy, hngg- i'm so close."
you're so close to the sunlight, to being showered in the blissful heat. just one more stroke and-
you're suddenly empty, and the light starts to slowly recede.
"daddy!" you complain, shifting your legs and rubbing your thighs together. "bad birds get punishment," he shrugs. "though i must say... you like it when i bend you over the counter, huh? your little pussy is dripping all over it for me, and i've barely touched you... i bet you're getting off to this right now; when anyone could walk in, huh? filthy slut. you're already begging for more... hm, maybe i should make you lick up the mess you've made..."
"d-addy, no, i've taken my punishment, please let me cum..."
hawks sounded indifferent, as if he were merely studying his nails. "beg for it."
"wh-" you clench your hands in your skirt. you do not particularly enjoy begging - for anything or anyone. despite the pulsing in your cunt, and how hard it is not to give in, you don't want to give hawks the satisfaction of winning. "p-psh, didn't really need your cock anyway..." you grumble. you exhale quietly, calming the adrenaline pumping in your blood from the loss of your orgasm.
something in him changes, and a scarlet feather tickles your lips. you're confused; what does hawks want you to do?
you exhale in confusion, blowing the feather away. "suck?"
you crane your neck up at the mirror to catch a glimpse of hawks. he looks deadly - there's no other way to put it. his eyes are sharply trained on you, his wings buff and towering over him. you think you see a bulge in his pants, straining for freedom.
"well?" the feather dusts your lips once again, teasing you to trap it in between your lips. your head drops, falling against the counter. you open your mouth, and the tip of the feather rests on your tongue. your lips close around it, and you hesitantly suck. you're not sure what you were expecting; it's a feather, soft and flimsy in your mouth.
you jolt at an indistinct tickling feeling against your clit. you look back, feather hanging out of your mouth, to see hawks leaning back on a stall. he's not within reach to touch you, so...
"hng!" the foreign object presses your clit. the pressure strengthens against your tight bundle of nerves, and you can feel your slick drip out of you even more. a feather; though hawks made the consistency a bit more solid. the feather pushes against your pussy like a seesaw, making you reach for your high. you shut your eyes tight, lost in the feeling and desperate for release. the feather drags up and down your cunt, eliciting lewd noises, while your lips are clamped shut around the feather in your mouth. saliva pools in your mouth the more the feather teases your wet sex, and the familiar build of tension starts in your stomach. you yearn for the heat returned in full, to be so fulfilled in pleasure, and you rut against the feather in an attempt to reach your climax faster. the stimulation is suddenly gone, leaving you crying out.
"look at this," hawks sneers. a single, wet feather, dripping in a substance far thicker than water hovers in front of you. "open your mouth."
the feather slips out, and is replaced with a salty tasting one.
the taste of your arousal fills your tongue, and before you're given time to dwell on it, you feel warmth pressing against the back of your thighs. there's a clanking of metal, a shuffle of fabric, and you feel the tip of hawks' cock pressing against you.
"look at you, baby, so desperate for a fuckin' feather," he rasps in your ear. "should i show you how much better my cock is? hmm?"
you nod dumbly, the feather bobbing with you. 
"fuck," he groans, pushing himself into your depths. "so wet, so- slick- goddamn baby bird, you like it when i stuff you full of this cock?"
you hum a noise against the feather in your mouth, agreeing. he slipped into your pussy smoothly, lubricated by the abundance of your slick. once in, snuggled in deep, something in the man's composure snaps; he thrusts mercilessly, pounding deep in you. his fingers hold your hips, bruising them, you're sure - and the pain is sweet, a sick lolly against your tongue. 
"fuck, fuck, daddy's gonna fuck his babies into you, betcha'd like that, huh?"  you can't articulate your words properly with the feather in your mouth, but you attempt to agree. he doesn't care, continuing with his degradation.
"you're gonna give me my chicks, huh? be my bitch," he pants heavily. god, you can just imagine how he looks; hair falling onto his sweat-matted forehead, his eyes completely lascivious. a wanton moan spills from your mouth, and the feather falls, but hawks doesn't make notice of this. he continues to slam into you, pace unforgiving, burying himself to the hilt inside of you. squelching noises fill the bathroom, echoing off the walls.
you can only moan and clench around him unintelligently. 
"look at you... all fuckin' stupid and obedient, all for daddy, hm? so willing to let daddy use you as a cumdump, daddy's personal- fucking- cumslut- but you like that, huh? your pretty pussy's clenching around me. you like being talked down to, don'tcha? such a dirty slut. look at that, you're drooling."
two of hawks' fingers shove themselves into your mouth, and you salivate around them. it's messy, you know, and spit trails down your chin.
"look at me, chickadee," he commands. you crane your neck to look at him, eyes wide. "fuck, so slutty," he grunts. "you really like this, don't you? fuck- exposing your fucking cunt to every guy, huh? being used as nothing but a filthy fucktoy?"
you shake your head rapidly in disagreement, cheeks heating up. 
"no?" he chuckles darkly. "just my fucktoy, then?"
you reluctantly nod. 
"my stupid lil baby... so pretty with daddy's fingers shoved in her mouth..." he coos, and a surprising, fuzzy feeling emerges from the praise.
his unoccupied hand reaches down in between your thighs to stimulate your clit, rubbing fast circles against the bud. warmth pools and ties a knot in your stomach. the sugared indulgence of release that you'd so craved comes into view; the knot tightening and tightening and you feel fit to burst.
"c-cum for me, baby bird, cum for me, y/n," he stutters, making a guttural sound in the back of his throat. the fingers in your mouth pull out, falling onto your hips. the tight knot bursts into violent fireworks of ecstasy; your cunt gushes around hawks' cock, convulsing madly. the pleasure shatters you, and everything becomes a haze. you go limp against the counter, thighs shaking. you're not sure how much time has passed - hawks had been fucking you through orgasm, and, at one point, came as well.
"hey, feather," he whispers gently to you. "you did so well for me..." he strokes your back, making a plethora of calming coos and humming sounds
"did so well," you mumble. 
"don't worry about anything, dove, i've got it all handled."
your thoughts are all fog, and you allow yourself to lean into hawks. this is one of the rare times you're vulnerable completely to him; at his mercy, after a particularly hard session. rather, it's one of the rare moments that your true feelings are revealed; how your hatred is baseless, built on jealousy and attraction you deny.
not that you'll admit it.
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