#I want more Danny's coronation stories
bluerosefox · 4 months
Always Favors You
Another Sibling Danny and Jason idea!!
"Are you Jason Peter Todd?!" demanded a deep and commanding tone from the strange glowing being in front of them.
All the Bats stiffened and tensed, no doubt gearing up for a fight against the being that somehow knew Red Hood's full name.
Jason, Red Hood, decided to put on a brave front despite no doubt cursing in his head and wondering how the heck did this thing know his full freaking name.
"Whose asking." he snarled out, his hands twitching for his gun when the huge glowing knight with purple flames coming out of his helmet and cape, who was riding on a nightmare looking horse while they all had been in the cave going over tonight's patrol.
The Knight didn't seemed bothered by his response nor did he even seem to care or flinch when Batman made his own demand on 'Why was he there and who was he' or when Damian unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards him. Instead the strange glowing Knight reached to it side and pulled out... A glowing scroll? Huh. (Also he completely unnerved everyone in the room when the Knight didn't even react when Batman had tossed a Baterang when he reached for his side)
The Knight opened the scroll and spoke clearly with purpose.
"Jason Peter Todd,
You are hereby invited as a special guest of honor to the crowning of our future King of the Infinite Realms.
Daniel Phantom, once Daniel Jackson Fenton, and once Daniel Austen Todd.
Prince of the Infinite Realms, the Keeper of Balance, The Peacekeeping Halfa, the Defeater of the Tyrant King Pariah Dark, The Great One, Youngest of the Ancients, Ancient of Space, The Bridge between Life and Death.
You, the half-brother of our King, have been given the highest of honors for your past actions and will be given housing and food in the Realms and Phantom's Keep, for the week long event. Personal servants and attendants will be at your disposable and a seamstress will be on hand to tailor make your attire for the Coronation.
Signed: Clockwork. Ancient of Time. Watcher of the Infinite Timeline. Kronos. Mentor and Adviser.
PS: I shall have Fright Knight ("Me" the Knight bluntly said for a second) leave this scroll along with a personal one for you from Daniel to read over and once you make up your mind sign the bottom of the scroll.
I do hope in time you will pick the right choice Jason Todd, we of the Infinite Realms would like to reward you for your actions. After all, if you hadn't gotten young Daniel away from your father that night all those years ago, we would never had gained our Prince nor be free from our once Tyrant King.
Ah, one more thing.
The Infinite Realms will always favor you Jason."
Jason felt like he couldn't breath as Fright Knight? Rolled up the scroll, pulled a letter from his side, and held out the two items for him to take.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Danny phantom Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Ecto Upgrade Start by GothMoth - Rated G
Danny’s growing up and his bodies doing the typical adultifying things, but also doing some… not so typical adutlifying things.
Deep Sea Diver by Marsalias - Rated G
Tumblr prompt by dannyphantom-rework: Ghost zone is like the ocean, in the sense that the deeper you go into it, the scarier and darker it becomes.
Electricity by DarkNymfa - Rated G
Tucker huffed, disgruntled. “Yeah, uh huh. I’ll believe that when you stop having live electricity running down your arms.” “Technically,” Danny said, lips twitching into a smirk, “it’s dead electricity.”
when the kingdom comes calling by blueh - Rated T
The Observant hardly looks rattled at the threat. If anything, the thing seems even more determined to get Danny to go through with this absolute bullshit plan to make him, someone who is half human, king of the ghosts. “Follow me to the Infinite Realms for your coronation. You are under obligation to meet the council at Pariah’s Keep where you shall receive the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage. It is what the council wishes.” “No,” Danny snaps. “I have an English test next period with Mr. Lancer.” “This is no time for your silly human games—" Danny slams the locker in its eye. also known as: the Ghost Zone population assumes that Phantom took the crown with dignity. What they don’t know is fifteen year old Danny Fenton just wants to graduate high school, is constantly ready to throw hands with an army of eyeballs, and absolutely will not be crowned the Ghost King without a fight.
Drizzling by TakingOverMidnight3482 - Rated G
There was a peace to the rain, Danny had found. A sense of quiet, where no one attacked. No one ventured out to cause trouble. Where the Earth, for one second, was being healed and healing those around it.
Shift by Alexa_Piper - Rated T
It turns out that the views of Agents O and K are not held by the rest of the Guys in White… which they discover when they bring in a fourteen-year-old half-ghost kid for "painful experiments".
Smells Like Team Spirit by UnluckyAlis - Rated G
Some mascots are great at pumping up a crowd. As Casper High's mascot, Danny has only one job: strike fear into the hearts of their opponents. This is the story of how Danny becomes the famed Mascot of Fear.
Of Tweets and Twats by DarkNymfa - Rated T
Too Fine @BurgersKing @nasafan your parents don’t have a website for Fentonworks? | 🌟✨⭐ @nasafan have you met my parents? | Too Fine @BurgersKing fair point I will cease speaking
Stargazer by Mysterious_Prophetess - Rated G
Inspired by this tumblr post by floralflowerpower where Danny is a NASA astronaut, and famous too, but in order to join NASA he had to change his name to distance himself from his....less well regarded Parents and Sister. Years later, when his real name Fenton is pulled from its grave, Danny refuses to disavow his parents' line of work.
Ancient Alexandria: Not-So-Ancient Apparently by piece_of_pierce - Rated T
Danny has a new homework assignment. Specifically, he's supposed to theorize about the ectobiology of ghosts then make a presentation about it. Who needs to theorize, though? He has access to all the research in the Zone! Now, where can he actually access that research?
Bet on it by thatgirl_youknowtheone - Rated T
Danny's parents find out about Wes' theories, as Maddie and Walter talk it out in the principal's office, Danny and Wes are stuck in the hallway listening. "Your son might think it's just some funny joke, but I will not have anyone accusing my son of being that lying, manipulative, piece of ectoplasmic scum!" Danny sank lower in his chair, face tightening with every word. "You know they wouldn't say that stuff if they knew the truth." said Wes.
Make the Call by Library_of_Cronos - Rated T
The five times CPS was almost called on the Fentons and the one time Jazz called them herself.
Poor Life Choice by princessFanona - Rated G
A situation where Danny dies (not the portal accident) in a public setting and everyone freaks the heck out, but then he gets up as if nothing happened. (PR339) Danny happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...or maybe not. Depends on how you look at it.
Ringback by kelpeigh (chitaqua) - Not Rated
“I think we’re on hold.” a soft voice hedges. Four hoods twist as the group looks to their youngest member. She continues, “This is just a ringback tone. Don’t you have one, Steph— uh, Shadowlux?” “You’re right.” The cloaked man next to her answers. “We’re totally on hold.” - A summoning au where Danny can only be summoned as Phantom, and anyone who tries when he's human has to wait until he happens to go ghost again.
Is This Just A Thing that Girls Do? by newdog14 - Rated T
“Yeah, and about that,” The Ghost King said, pinching the bridge of nose in frustration. “You found an archaic book of magic with a summoning spell for the Ghost King, who you believed to be evil, and then you used said spell to bring me here and bind me to answer questions, and you did this so you could ask me about a middle schooler’s crush?” “We also want to know what the secret of life is,” Cori said, crossing her arms defensively. “42,” he answered without hesitation.
Growing Pains by ayjayar - Rated G
Jazz has had the world's nastiest case of pink eye. The doctor is starting to suspect it's not actually pink eye. When Danny notices her eyes glowing, the Fentons seek second opinions from unlikely sources.
after school summons by blueh - Rated T
"So this is the fabled Ghost King," the man says like he expected better. Danny feels he should almost be offended if it isn't for the tiny detail that these cultists—who summoned him by using salt and goat bones—assume he is the ghost king. "…Did you seriously confuse me with Pariah Dark?" The man pauses. "Pariah Dark?" "Yes! He's like fifteen feet tall, has a huge sword, is a pain in the ass, and has, like, an entire ghost army. I have, I dunno, pre-calc homework in my bag. We are not the same." Or: Danny accidentally gets summoned. He’s not happy about it.
The Tattooed Defeat by Sergeant_Tears - Rated T
Ghosts get tattoos whenever they defeat a new enemy. Danny surprisingly never got these. Until he did... but not as Phantom.
inviso-doodles by attu - Rated T
What are friends for if not making you internet famous?
Animals by Marsalias - Rated T
Most humans of Amity Park did not appreciate what Danny did for them. (The animals were another story.)
Side Effects by redrobin1989 - Rated T
Side effects of activating a ghost portal to another dimension while inside include: fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headache, tremors, hypothermia, loss of visibility and tangibility and ectoplasmic glowing. If left untreated, these symptoms may lead to death or permanent physiologic changes.
Proof of Identity by Clari_net23 - Rated G
Detective Harris just wants to find out who the ghost boy is.
"'Doctor, I'm a ghost. There's a reason I'm doing this in a morgue and not a regular clinic.'"
Detective Harris felt the beginnings of a headache in her temple. All she wanted from this was his identity. She didn’t think it would be this much of a challenge when the chief brought up this assignment. "
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astatia-ghast · 8 months
Hey, folks! I have a couple things I want to talk about today.
The King's Quest Continues
First, I want to offer a huge thank-you for the response "The King's Quest" has gotten. When I wrote this story, I didn't have the broader audience in mind; my only goal was to write something @hailsatanacab would enjoy. So when I woke up to a flood of kudos and comments the next day, I was truly taken by surprise.
And then they just kept coming. "The King's Quest" still gets a couple kudos every day, and some of the comments I've received have been just... beyond flattering. They all mean so much to me and fuel my drive to write. So really, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
As a token of my appreciation, I wanted to give you all, and particularly hailsatanacab, a little somethin'-somethin'.
I have a sequel in the works. It'll be about triple the length of "The King's Quest," and it's primary purpose will be to explore why Clockwork made the decisions he did. And I want to share the first scene with you today!
For full disclosure, I'm not 100% sure this sequel will be finished or how quickly it will be written, because I'm drawing a blank on some sections, and I have other fics I want to work on, too. But I would really like to see it finished this year. I think it would be a fun companion piece, especially since Clockwork's behavior raises so many unanswered questions in "The King's Quest."
So here's the first scene! Fair warning: this is in very early draft stage, so it won't have the polish my published fics do. But I hope you still enjoy. :)
Clockwork drapes a cape over Danny's shoulders. It is thick and soft and heavy, made by the yetis of the Far Frozen as a coronation gift. The outside is a sleek black fabric, and the inside is fluffy white fur.
Clockwork smooths out the wrinkles on Danny's shoulders, and then his hands just stay there. It reminds Danny of when he did the exact same thing all that time ago. The weight around his soul grows heavier.
"What do you think?"
Tears well in Danny's eyes. They are plastered to his reflection in the mirror, which is slowly being adorned with all the regal clothing and treasures that will mark him as King. His coronation is around the corner, and the whole of Clockwork's tower, usually so silent, is now bustling with ghostly allies working to prepare. They sing and laugh, but Danny shares none of their mirth.
Gently, Clockwork turns Danny around and sinks to eye level. He is handsome today; his hair, white like Danny's, has been pulled back into an elaborate array of braids. He gently brushes a strand of hair out of Danny's face.
"Remember: you just need to get through today." Clockwork's voice is low and soft, meant for Danny's ears only. "Get through today, and the Council of Ancients will take things from there. And then you can focus on your mortal life until you are ready."
Danny feels like he should say something, but he can't; he knows that the moment he speaks, those tears are going to fall. Except then, in a cruel rebellion, one tear falls anyway. Clockwork procures an embroidered handkerchief, and with remarkable softness, he wipes the tear away. Danny puts up with the first dab, but when the second one comes, he pushes Clockwork away.
Clockwork doesn't fight him; he stows the handkerchief away. He seems to be teetering on the verge of action, but he stays still, keeping his hands in his lap. Danny turns away, trying to wipe his eyes as casually as possible, even as he knows there is literally no point in pretending. Frustration grows inside him as he wills himself to stop crying, but the tears only fall more steadily.
Fuck the mirror. Fuck the cape. Fuck this coronation.
A yeti peeks his head inside the room and asks Clockwork a question about something or other. He answers his question and follows up with, "We'll be just a minute." The yeti nods, peering at Danny curiously, as Clockwork closes the door. At once, the tower is quiet again; Danny is thankful for the privacy.
A necklace settles around Danny's neck. He jumps, thinking Clockwork has soldiered on with his preparations and dropped his own coronation gift around Danny's neck, but then he notices that it's just a normal time medallion. He looks up at Clockwork in askance.
"Take all the time you need," he says. "I will be waiting right outside when you are ready."
Clockwork opens the door, revealing yetis frozen in the midst of carrying streamers and delivering food, and closes it behind him.
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
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Making Ocean’s Twelve must’ve been a blast. You can tell the actors were certainly having a good time. Too bad the fun can't extend to the audience as well. This film thinks it’s so clever, so funny. All I want to do is punch it in its smart little face.
Set three years after Ocean’s Eleven, Terry Benedict (Andy García) has located the Ocean's crew and demands they return his money - with interest. Fearful for their lives, the group schemes to pull a few quick jobs to pay him back but their efforts are hindered by the master thief “The Night Fox”. He agrees to help Danny Ocean (George Clooney) and his friends out of their jam if they can best his legendary skills.
Immediately, the film is in trouble. Either Danny and his friends will succeed in their mission and pay back Benedict - which will make us unhappy because we don't like him - or they will fail and the villain will have them all killed - which will make us unhappy because we like them. The only possible way to avoid audience disappointment would be for the scoundrels to somehow steal from the man - again - and beat him so decisively that he gives up trying to get his revenge. Unfortunately, that’s what the first movie was about so you know it’s not going to happen.
Ocean's Twelve can’t even figure out what to do with its characters. The problem is that although we sort of got a vibe that they got along, we never really believed the people rounded up by Danny were friends. It was pretty clear that at the end of the first movie, they were going their separate ways. Maybe some of them would keep in contact but no one was ringing up “The Amazing” Yen (Shaobo Qin) to see how he was doing. Like many others, he was hired to fulfill a role in a con and nothing more… but he was in the first movie so he has to come back again. How does the screenplay by George Nolfi use him? It shoves Yen into a bag and then accidentally ships him off to the wrong country so he can be “in the movie” but off-screen as much as possible.
Forget Twelve. This movie only has a few important characters. There’s Danny and Rusty (Brad Pitt), Danny’s wife Tess (Julia Roberts) and Rusty’s old flame, Isabel Lahiri (Catherine Zeta-Jones). Then, you have the villains with Vincent Cassel as The Night Fox and Andy García. Everyone else could’ve been condensed into one or two people. Similarly, the plot could’ve been thinned a lot. As is, there are so many twists and turns it’ll make your head spin. In another heist film, that would've been good but so many revelations are then revealed to be completely useless by the final scene it makes you feel like you wasted your time. In this instance, the main plan is so dumb you know director Steven Soderbergh is trying to pull a fast one on you and you don’t buy it for a second.
The most infuriating scene is also the unfunniest. The crew's target is the Fabergé Imperial Coronation Egg (quite the step down from a vault full of money if you ask me) so they recruit Tess (who is the twelfth member of the team) to help. Their plan? Capitalize on the running joke that she “sorta” looks like Julia Roberts by distracting the people in the museum while the others steal the egg. Not terribly clever, this gag also breaks one of the unspoken rules of filmmaking. The audience promises to ignore the fact that we know these are actors on-stage as long as the movie doesn’t draw attention to it and pretends the story is set in a world other than ours, “Last Action Hero”-style. As Oceans Twelve does this whole “I don’t look that much like her”, “Oh no! There’s Bruce Willis! Now I have to pretend like I know what he’s talking about” thing, you make a mental promise to hate the film no matter what it does later.
The worst part of Ocean’s Eleven” was the hint at a sequel right at the very end because deep down, you knew the magic couldn’t be replicated, that only the most convoluted of scenarios could bring these people together again. Ocean’s Twelve proves that so thoroughly it’ll make you wish the actors would all retire. (April 28, 2022)
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goodfish-bowl · 2 years
EctoberHaunt and Ectober Week 2022 Master Post
Happy Halloween! Here’s my complete collections of prompts for this month. Big thanks to those over at @ectoberhaunt and @ectoberweekofficial for the prompts! All fills should be correctly tagged, fics contain summaries and AO3 links, and please do mind the warnings if they’re there.
All my Ectoberhaunt22 fics can also be found here on AO3
Day 3 - Order: Order to Entropy (poem)
Day 3 - Chaos: Refraction Chapter 3: Break to Build (fic)
Day 4 - Box: All Boxed Up (art)
Day 4 - Staff: Spirit of Rock (art)
Day 5 - Wraith: Paved with Good Intentions (fic)
Day 5 - Banshee: The Last One (art)
Day 6 - Burn: Fevour (fic)
Day 6 - Freeze: A Mercy (fic)
Day 7 - Purify & Infect: Detox(ic) (art)
Day 10 - Hunger: Taste Test (fic)
Day 10 - Harvest: Harvest Moon (art)
Day 11 - Drown: A Nap with the Fishes (fic)
Day 11 - Thirst: A Craving to be Sated (fic)
Day 12 - A Way of Life & Cause of Death: A Way of Death (fic)
Day 13 - Restored: Humanity Restored (comic)
Day 13 - Abandoned: The Haunting of Amity Park: Part 1: The Neon District (fic)
Day 14 - Haunted House: The Haunting of Amity Park:Part 2:  FentonWorks (fic)
Day 14 - Costume Party: Double Trouble (art)
Day 18 - Eyes: A Trick of the Light (animation)
Day 18 - Teeth: Teeth Bared (art)
Day 19 - One & One Hundred: Hall of a Hundred Eyes (art)
Day 21 - Coronation: The Dragon Queen (art)
Day 24 - Future: The Price of Knowing (art)
Day 24 - Past: Too Dead for This: Chapter 1: Seven Years is a Long Time (fic)
Ectober Week 2022
Day 26 - Six Feet: I’ll Come Home if You Call (poem and art)
Day 28 - “Psst, you’re dead. Pass it on.“: Two Paths (animation)
Cosmic Perspective (art)
Dead and Gone (transparent art)
Squeaky Toy (animation)
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Ectoberhaunt21 Master Post
Commentary Under the Cut
It has been supremely challenging and fun to do all of these prompts! I know I’m not a super prolific author and artist, but I really enjoy events like this. While it’s been hard on me to produce this sheer amount of content, it was engaging and active, giving me something to do and has motivated me to put out more content in a month than I would normally do in a year on my own. I also love seeing the improvement in my content from this year to last year, when I first took part in this event, along as throughout the event itself, I noticed improvement. While I might not have been able to fill all of the prompts I had planned to do, I also did much more than I originally planned as well, shooting to fill all of the prompts, both for each day. But with 29 fills, 3 of which have no prompt at all, instead inspired by other things throughout the event, I’m satisfied.
I’ve had so much fun throughout this entire event, from planning my fills, to the story line made up by the Ectoberhaunt crew, to drawing and writing my fills themselves. But of all of them, I do have some favorites.
I found my trend of horrible angst holds true, with some of my most severe fill, at least in my opinion, being Paved with Good Intentions. Vlad’s perspective of Danny’s grief was definitely something I found fun to write.
I noticed I used a lot of Outside, or limited perspective, especially with The Haunting of Amity Park, where you only get the perspective from the camera, so it ended up being mostly descriptions and dialog. The morticians perspective in A Way of Death was also amusing to write.
I tried out a lot of different art techniques this year as well. I messed with my style, bouncing back and forth between a more semi-realistic style and then a more cartoon-esque style for the more humorous fills, and then the simplistic style for a few other ones. I definitely think I’ve improved over the past month, just due to the sheer amount of art alone. The animations were fun themselves.
My ask box is always open if you want to talk to me about a particular piece.
See ya around!
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
How Can You Resist?
To say the library was extensive would be a severe understatement. The whole room seemed to expand as Kaldur wandered throughout the stacks. There was only one other visitor to the library who sat at one of the tables perusing a rather large tome. He was a rather large ghost who appeared to be male and wore a long purple cloak. Eventually Kaldur came across a section of Atlantean text, much to his surprise, many of which appeared to be romantic poetry and love stories. Kaldur came across one of his favorite novels and sat down to read, not noticing when the only other occupant stopped paying attention to his book and began watching him instead.
But then again can people so rarely tell when he’s watching.
Three hours, Danny had been stuck in this meeting for three hours. Why the Second Brother felt the need to go on a tangent of proper wing care, Danny’s not sure, but it had been going on long enough. Once the Second Brother paused Danny jumped in before he could continue.
“I am incredibly grateful that you took the time to inform me of such important traditions, however it seems we have run over our allotted meeting time and I must attend to some urgent duties.” Both Spirits rose from their seats and grasped arms. “It was an honor to meet such an accomplished warrior Lord Second, may your wings never falter”
The large winged man replied “And may the wind carry you far. Thank you for this opportunity, it was a pleasure speaking with you.” He hesitated for a moment before letting go of Danny’s hand. With those parting words Danny exited the room and is greeted by the Fright Knight.
“My liege” he greeted with a slight bow “how did it go?” He asked eagerly.
Danny gave a short chuckle “It went well, he seemed to be preening throughout the meeting with how much he boasted about his realm. That’s 2 out of the Twelve done. I need to see if there’s anything I can to speed these along, I made a promise to Kaldur and I intend to keep it.” He grinned at Fright Knight “Speaking of meetings, how did your meeting with the Knights of Mattingly, any suitable knights? How IS Dora doing? Did you ask her?” Danny raised his eyebrow.
Fright Knight gave a slight echoing cough “There are a few promising candidates that stood out, though none who stood a chance against my prized pupil. Truly your daughter takes after you, my King, as she quickly sent them running for their shields.” Danny sent a proud smile toward Fright Knight.
“Well she’s had a great teacher, we’ll have to set up a date for a proper sparring session. We haven’t really been able to spar together since the coronation.” Danny smirked “Now stop using Elle to dodge the question, how did it go?”
If it was possible for the knight to blush he would make a tomato jealous, instead his flames flared up as he responded “Queen Dorthea has granted me the honor of being her escort to the treaty celebration.”
“Congratulations Fright! Now that you have a date to the ball I gotta ask when was the last time you went to a ball to actually dance?” Danny asked as he walked only to stop as he realized he lost his companion. He looked at Fright Knight and carefully asked “You do know she’s gonna want to dance with her right?” Never before had Danny seen the grand knight look so nervous. “Don’t worry big guy there are still 10 more meetings to go before the Ball, you’ll have time to practice.” He said with a laugh. The two ghosts continued down the hall, seemingly unaware of the shadows that stalked them, waiting to strike.
Kaldur was just finishing his book when the other occupant of the library approached him.
“A lovely story, if a bit tragic” Kaldur looked up in surprise as he did not notice the stranger approach.
With a cautious smile Kaldur responded “Perhaps, but it is one of my favorites.” The other man stands there for a moment staring at Kaldur as if trying to figure out a particularly interesting puzzle.
“How are you finding Phantom’s Keep? I trust you are making a speedy recovery.”
“Between Frostbite and Danny, I should be fully recovered before I return to my team. It’s interesting so far, I have not been able to explore much yet but it’s been interesting so far.” Kaldur sighs “In truth I find it difficult to relax, not knowing when I will be returning and being in an unfamiliar environment.”
The stranger nods “Completely understandable, I believe Danny sometime forget how the zone affects others. After all, the Infinite Realms were not meant for the living, though none shall be turned away.” He pauses “What do you intend to do with your newfound knowledge of the Realms Kaldur’ahm?” Kaldur looks at the stranger confused and suspicious, he grins in response. “The Realms are an extremely difficult place to reach… while alive, and many people would positively kill for the chance to learn even a fraction of what you have seen. In fact a few have killed for that knowledge, not that it helped them any.”
Kaldur is getting ready to answer when the stranger interrupt him. “No need to answer now. When the time comes you’ll know your answer, besides I think your time would much be better spent rushing to the aid of our dear King.”
“What do you mean?!” Kaldur demands
“We’ll you see, at this very moment Danny is being viciously attacked by a group of assassins. If you hurry you should be able to assist him.” The stranger says with a smirk.
“Where is he?!” The smiling stranger just floats away and Kaldur immediately gives chase until he comes across an empty courtyard, the stranger gone. He doesn’t have to wait long before a massive form comes barreling through the the castle doors before falling to the ground.
“Oh woe is me! I have been beset upon by assassins! Thieves in the night!” He bellowed he turned very dramatically throwing an arm over his eyes falling to his knees. A group of flying children surround him
“Avast ye matey! Surrender the princess and we shall spare your life!” Cried the child dressed as a pirate
The giant paused in his dramatics uncovering his face to reveal Danny himself as he replied “Sorry Youngblood, Elle’s not here today.” He then struck a dramatic pose pointing at the pirate “You shall never take the princess from these lands! I will forfeit my life before I forfeit my daughter!”
The pirate seemed to pause for a moment. “Your life shall be spared this day, but in exchange you must surrender to us your cookies instead!”
Danny nodded and then called out “Very well Captain Youngblood. Garçon bring me the finest cookies in all the land!” Kaldur couldn’t take it any longer as he let out a laugh. The pirate vanished from his sight and the rest of the children fled to hide behind Danny. Danny looked sharply until he saw Kaldur, then he turned towards the children. “Hey, hey calm down, it’s okay. This is just my friend Kaldur he’s not gonna hurt you I promise. Would you like to meet him?” He asked softly.
Danny turned around and slowly made his way toward Kaldur, shrinking to normal size as he walks towards him. A little ghost girl peaking out from behind his cape. Kaldur crouched down to greet her. “Hello, my name is Kaldur, what’s your name?”
“Mama says I’m not supposed to tell my name to strangers…” Danny then turns to the girl
“That is exactly correct! So what do we say when people ask for your name?” He asked with a wide grin. The little girl jumped into the air causing Kaldur to look up.
“I am the mighty Box Lunch fear me and meet your boxed lunch doom!!!” Kaldur looks surprised while Danny fell to the ground laughing. When he finally got a hold himself he turned to Kaldur
“Would you like to join us we were about to go raid the kitchens for cookies? I have a little time before the next meeting.” Kaldur stood and looked at Danny with a raised brow.
“Don’t you think it’s a little early for dessert?” He teased
Danny then picked up one of the children and held him in front of Kaldur “Look at him! He’s practically skin and bones we need to fatten them up and if I have to eat cookies before dinner, well that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” He said solemnly. Danny grinned and whispered something into the child’s ear. The young ghost then looked at Kaldur with what had to be the biggest pair off puppy dog eyes he had ever seen. “C‘Mon how could you resist these eyes?” Kaldur looked Danny right in the eyes for a moment. Danny gave a slight gulp.
“I don’t think I can.” He held out his hands for Danny to pass him the child. “Shall we go get some cookies before you all wither away?” The children cheered and jumped on Kaldur clinging to his arms. “Lead the way your majesty.” Danny’s face was ablaze as he turned around sharply and coughed.
“Alright everyone, FORWARD MARCH!! To the kitchens!” They all disappeared into the castle laughing.
From the roof of the castle Clockwork watches the interaction.
“Every moment he is here, a new branch is formed in the timeline. I can’t wait to see what happens next” he stated before taking a bite of a rather chewy glowing cookie.
In the distance the sound of drums is heard.
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verythewriter · 3 years
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I’m pissed beyond belief, and Detective Johnson knows it.
“Wow,” I say, feeling my nails dig crescent-shaped divots into the flesh of my palms. “Wow. Let me get this straight. It wasn’t a ‘good enough story’ for you while I was on trial, but now you believe me? Now you want my help?”
He’s sweating slightly, but his face remains cool and impassive as he nods.
“We’re close,” he says. “We know we are. We’re just missing a crucial piece of information, and if your...skillset...is truly as accurate as you claim, we might be able to stop this monster from—”
I cut him off with a bitter laugh. “Funny. Isn’t that what you called me?”
He stares blankly. “What do you mean?”
“‘Monster.’ That’s what you called me, up on the stand. You called me a deranged monster, you said I was a cold-blooded killer that deserved the death penalty.” I glare at him harder. “Did you honestly think I’d forget?”
Johnson sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
“He’s killing kids,” he says quietly. “Kids. Just put aside our history for one second, and—”
I slam my handcuffed fists on the table, and he flinches. “Our history, Detective? You mean, locking me up while my son’s killer is still out there? That history?” My voice has raised to a shout, and I know that behind the one-way mirror, officers are getting antsy. “If I’m the murderer you think I am, why should I give a damn about saving some kids?”
He’s silent for a moment.
“We’re willing to reduce your sentence,” he finally says.
“Go to hell.”
“And we’ll consider reopening your case.”
That gives me pause.
I don’t want to help them. God knows I don’t want to help them. Not after what they did to me. I still can’t believe Johnson has the balls to come begging me for help when he testified so adamantly against me.
But deep down, I think some part of me knows that it’s not his fault. Not his fault my son was killed, not his fault for walking in on something he couldn’t possibly understand.
And Danny’s never going to get the justice he deserves, not as long as that case is closed.
So, with a long-suffering sigh, I nod.
“Fine. When do I start?”
The answer is, apparently, right away.
I’m escorted from the prison immediately, the jeers and shouts from my fellow inmates following me all the way out the doors.
They never liked me much. I suppose I wouldn’t either, if I’d heard the same things they had.
The drive to the morgue is uneventful. I make no attempts at conversation, and neither does Detective Johnson or the officer in the driver’s seat. I get the feeling that, despite the amount of officers coming to witness the “investigation,” none of them—besides Johnson—really want me there.
I don’t want me there.
“Do we need to have some sort of contract in writing before I do this?” I ask as I’m led down a cold, sterile-smelling corridor. The Police Chief snorts.
“If your intel is good...and that’s a bigass if...we’ll figure out an agreement.”
His tone makes it sound less like a promise and more like a threat. I figure it’s the best I’m going to get, at this point. Johnson pushes open the doors.
A body lays on a slab, covered by a sheet. My pulse quickens, and I try my best to steady my breathing.
Come on. You can do this. Do it for Danny.
The sheet is pulled back to reveal a young child’s face...or, what’s left of it, at least. Broken and bloody, resembling a jack o’ lantern that’s been left on the porch too long more than anything else. The arms and torso are covered in deliberate-looking lacerations, and though the worst of them have already been cleaned and stitched up by the coroner, it hardly makes the sight any easier to look at. I turn away, eyes squeezed shut.
“Well?” the Chief asks. I open my eyes to see him gesturing to the body impatiently. Half a dozen officers crowd in the doorway, unwilling to enter the room but horrifyingly fascinated enough to watch. Johnson has his arms folded and is studying me with an indiscernible expression.
“Just a minute,” I say quietly. “Just—just give me a minute.”
“Do you...need anything?” Johnson asks after a brief silence. I shake my head, even though my brain is screaming that, yes, I do need something, I need to leave, I need to get as far away from here as possible, away from the prying eyes and the smell of blood and the too-small body on the table—
I lean down and sink my teeth into the child’s shoulder.
Distantly, I hear gasps and retching behind me as I chew. Tears spring to my eyes at the horrible coppery taste in my mouth, bile rising to the back of my throat as raw flesh squelches between my teeth...but I swallow, hoping that the single bite was enough and that I won’t have to take another.
And then the vision comes.
A wave of disorienting, foreign senses, bits of sight and sound and smell that aren’t my own and nearly send me to my knees. I grip the edge of the steel table for support and gasp. And then I know. I can’t explain how, only that it must be similar to the way dogs can tell a million things with their noses alone. I just know.
“Caucasian male,” I say, blood dripping from my lips and landing in fat droplets on the floor. I stare at them, head swimming. “Mid-thirties. Dark hair, 5’9’’, drives a Ford Explorer. Works in...I don’t know. Some fast food joint. It was around eight o’ clock when he killed him, and they were in a forested area. That’s—that’s all I got.”
I glance up to see Johnson scribbling the information down in a small notepad. Beside him, the Chief watches me, expression a mixture of astonishment and disgust. I hold his gaze for a moment.
Then, I bend over and puke.
“We got him,” Johnson says, case file in hand, closing the door of the interrogation room behind him. I breathe an involuntary sigh of relief and slump in my chair. I’d been worried that they would make me try again, if they didn’t catch the killer fast enough.
Johnson sits down across from me, steepling his fingers. All of the fire that’d been coursing through my veins during our first visit is gone, replaced with a bone-deep guilt that I haven’t felt since...well, that I haven’t felt in a while.
“This lends credence to your testimony,” he says. “It should be enough for us to reopen your case.”
I start to nod, then stop, furrowing my brow. “...Should be?”
Johnson sighs. “Chief wants to hold off on any investigations just yet. Says there’s no conclusive proof that this wasn’t just a lucky coincidence.”
I groan and put my head in my hands. Figures.
“But,” Johnson continues, “he says that if you lend us your assistance on some cold cases, he might be able to...speed things up.” He slides the case file across the table.
I stare down at it. A sinking feeling weighs in my gut. Despair. Guilt. Exhaustion. Grief. It’s a hundred things all rolled into one, and it’s nothing new.
But now, it’s accompanied by something else. Something that feels a little like hope.
I look up, meeting Johnson’s eyes. I think of the trial, of cuffed wrists, of justice. I think of red droplets on a white floor, and bodies too small for an autopsy table. I think of my son.
I lick my lips.
“When do I start?”
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ayamari-no-goshi · 4 years
Verboten 3 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary:   AU. When Danny was five years old, he went missing for 2 weeks. In the years that follow, his family tried to make sense of what happened, only for the truth to be discovered years later.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, language. Be prepared for some very weird things
Parings: Danny/Sam
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr. This fic is very heavily inspired by folklore surrounding mysterious wilderness disappearances
Chapter 3
“You heard me. They’re saying he’s dead,” Dash clarified as he watched Danny for his reaction. “And from what Kwan said, his body was really messed up.”
Danny rolled his eyes as Tucker stuttered in fear. Dash was known for trying to scare his ‘victims,’ so most likely he was just trying to get a rise out of them. “Yeah, yeah, and what’s your proof?” he asked as he sat down on his bed.
That caused the jock to back track. “Well… Kwan said…”
“Dash, I get we’re in the middle of the woods, and you’re in a prime position to tell ghost stories, but unless you have proof, this is not something you should joke about,” Danny scolded which drew a few surprised looks.
“What? It goes against your morals?”
The teen’s sneer was enough to cause uncharacteristic anger to flood through him. After taking a deep breath to calm himself, Danny glowered at him. “I’m only going to explain this once,” he warned as he tried to sound deadly serious, “I’ve seen the aftermath of what happens in a family who has someone go missing, especially when there’s no explanation as to what happened. It’s not pretty, and when it comes to people who get out here all sorts of terrible things can happen, so you shouldn’t be spreading rumors that could reach the family.”
“Wait, hold on. Fenton, you had someone in your family go missing?” one of the other jocks, Zach, asked. Danny was actually surprised he caught on to that. “Did they at least find them?”
“Luckily, they did, but that’s the reason my parents were so vocal against me going, and while I think they’re way too extreme about it, I, at least, understand their concerns.”
“But, no offense, your parents go on and on about weird creatures, ghosts, and other weird crap.”
“Well, yeah, that’s what happens when you try to rationalize what happened when nothing else makes sense. They were already involved in fringe metaphysics and stuff before that happened, so it was a logical jump for them to consider time slips and other dimensions with how bizarre everything was.”
A silence fell between them as they let Danny’s words sink in. It seemed that Zach wanted to say something else, but decided against it. Dash did eventually mumble something about how he’d drop it for now. That by itself was enough validation for Danny.
“Hey,” Tucker hesitantly spoke up after several minutes as all of them began to lay down, “do you think that kind of thing is real? I mean like falling into other dimensions and stuff.”
Danny didn’t answer him immediately. “To be honest with you, I really don’t know. I know there are a lot of legends regarding things like this, and my parents’ research at least suggests the concept of other dimensions is possible. I know the concept of wormholes are mathematically supported, and that some astronomers think wormholes could possibly bridge dimensions, but we don’t have the technology to get close to one or survive it. But random rips appearing in the woods? It sounds more like sci-fi horror movie stuff, but sometimes, as stupid as it sounds, that’s the only thing that makes sense.”
“Maybe Kwan was right,” Tucker mused when he and Danny exited their cabin the next morning.
There were police officers present, and an ambulance with closed doors was on the far side of the camp. Danny briefly caught sight of an officer speaking to the driver of the ambulance until he noticed the markings on the ambulance were off. After a moment, he realized it belonged to the local Coroner. If that was the case, then there was a body retrieved.
“Well, I don’t know if it was that missing camper, but something definitely happened to someone,” Danny agreed as they made their way to the mess hall for breakfast.
The worst was confirmed as breakfast was finished. Rusty once again stood in front of them. His face was somehow bleaker than the previous day as he confirmed that the missing camper had been found deceased. After the murmurs of the teenagers quieted, he continued, “I know you’re supposed to be out here for fun, but unfortunately, this circumstance happened. We are going to do our best, after the police finish their investigation, to make sure you enjoy yourself here. However, the police have requested to interview each of you to see if anyone you may have seen or heard anything while you were out yesterday. They have also requested that no one go off by themselves while they were under investigation. Please go in groups of at least two. We rangers will also try to be with you when you’re outside of camp, but we may be stretched a little thin during the investigation.”
“I’m surprised they aren’t sending us home,” Tucker mentioned once Rusty was finished speaking and the roar of the students overtook the mess hall.
“I don’t think they can. I mean, the police need to talk to us, and since it’s an open investigation, they won’t want anyone to leave the area until they’ve determined there’s nothing else they can do here,” Sam pointed out as she checked her phone.
“Hey, are you able to get any service?” Danny asked her. “I couldn’t reach my parents yesterday.”
“It’s weird. Yesterday, I could, but I’m having trouble getting service this morning.”
“Now that you mention it, I noticed that too,” Tucker added as he brought out his PDA. “And that’s the thing, with how I modified this, that shouldn’t be the case. I wonder if there’s a disrupter somewhere nearby.”
“You mean a cell phone disrupter?”
He nodded as he leaned towards them. His voice lowered as he glanced around the room. “I’m not sure if anyone else noticed it. I think most of our classmates think it’s just because we’re in the woods, but that’s not really how it works anymore. This is something that should be brought up to the police.”
“I think you’re right,” Danny agreed as he checked his phone again. “And with everything happening, I think I won’t be able to use the ranger’s phone today either.”
About an hour after breakfast finished, the police began their interviews of the students. While Danny and his friends waited for their turn, they hung out near the front of the mess hall. They didn’t say much, but instead, they decided to watch the area.
A while later, a long black limousine approached from the only road fit for normal vehicles and came into the camp. A few minutes after it parked, a well-dressed man with silver hair exited. As one of the officers approached the man, Danny finally realized why he recognized him.
“Oh, that’s Vlad. I wonder why he’s here,” he mused as he watched. After a moment, he noticed his friends were gaping at him. “What’s wrong?”
“You know the Vladimir Masters?” Tucker nearly choked. “He’s one of the most influential billionaires in the world!”
“He is? I knew he had money, since he helps fund some of my parents’ experiments, but I didn’t realize it was that much. Anyways, apparently he and my parents went to college together. With how often he visited when we were younger, Jazz and I kind of view him as an uncle.”
“That’s actually pretty impressive. My parents know him due to some of the business galas they’ve attended,” Sam mentioned as a devious smirk crossed her face. “Oh, I can’t wait to tell them that Vlad is your parents’ benefactor. Mother dearest will have a conniption.”
Their conversation turned to what Danny knew of the man, and he answered the best he could. As he thought about it, he realized he didn’t know a lot of personal details about the man. Vlad tended to focus on the people around him and avoid talking about himself. He just figured Vlad was a very private person.
When Vlad finished speaking with the officer, he approached the trio. “Oh, Daniel! What a surprise! I never expected to run into you in a place like this with how protective Maddie is.” His tone was pleasant, but his exaggerated gestures almost made it seem like he was acting.
“We’re here on a school trip. I guess the PTA and teachers managed to convince her and Dad we’d be protected. But why are you here? No offense, but seeing you in the middle of the woods in a suit is weird,” Danny replied nonchalantly. He was used to Vlad’s over the top behavior.
“It’s unfortunate, really,” he explained as he glanced over his shoulder towards the officers. “The gentleman who they found dead works for one of my companies. I came out to see if the police officers required any assistance with resources, funds or otherwise, and offer my services.” As he turned back to face Danny, his eyes widened as he seemingly noticed Sam and Tucker for the first time. “Ah, you must be Daniel’s friends. Where are my manners? I’m Vladimir Masters, but you may call me Vlad.” He extended his hand towards them.
Tucker eagerly took his hand, but Sam was a little more hesitant. “I’m surprised that a big name like yourself personally looks in on their workers,” she told him.
A pleasant hum escaped the man. “I do try to keep tabs on those I employ. This particular incident, however, is extremely tragic and unusual, so I felt it was prudent to personally show my support for those investigating.”
“Yeah? I’ve also heard that killers like to inject themselves into investigations.”
“It’s quite alright, Daniel,” Vlad told him as he flashed a pleasant smile. “She does bring up a valid point, and it’s likely I will be asked a few more questions at a later time as a result. However, I can assure you that I was in my office a few states away when Mr. Aiden Jones was reported missing. Hmm, I also think I may have a word with your teacher. With a tragic event like this, it’s unwise to have you remain here when it is unclear if it is safe or not. Now, if you excuse me.”
As Vlad began to turn, Danny took a step closer as a thought crossed his mind. “Oh, Vlad, I hate to ask, but would you happen to have a phone I can use to call my parents? Mom left me a frantic message, but my phone’s not working, and I can’t use the Rangers’ phone right now…”
The man appraised him for a moment. “I don’t have a phone on me right now, but I do have one in my car. While I don’t think your teacher or the police would find it appropriate to let you in my car at the moment, I can at least give them a call for you.”
“Thank you!”
Vlad flashed him a large grin. “Anything for you, dear boy. But, I really must be off. Ta!” With that, he walked away, approached one of the nearby rangers, and struck up a conversation.
“So that’s Vlad Masters,” Tucker mentioned once he was certain the man was out of earshot. “I can’t figure out if I like him or not.”
“I don’t. It felt like everything he said and did was an act,” Sam told them as she crossed her arms. Her eyes never left the billionaire.
Danny just shrugged as he put his hands in his pockets. “He’s always been like that. I don’t really know if it’s because being involved in business, or because he lives alone.”
“He lives alone? No family or anything?”
“Nope,” he replied as he popped the ‘p’. “He’s never had anyone as long as I’ve known him. Both Dad and Mom like to ask him about whether or not he’s dating anyone whenever he’s stopped by, but he’s always answered that he’s too busy. I think Mom’s tried to hook him up with a few dates, but it never panned out.”
A frown crossed Tucker’s features as he glanced at the man. “You’d think he’d have people throwing themselves at him because of his wealth.”
“That might be why he isn’t seeing anyone. Anyways, any thoughts on what happened?”
“Not really,” Sam replied as she glanced towards some of the rangers and police. “If they thought it was just an accident, you’d think they’d come right out and tell us. I’m going to assume they aren’t sure, so they need to try to rule out a few things before they tell us anything.”
“Looks like we’ll have a chance to ask one of the officers. I guess it’s our turn to be interviewed,” Danny mentioned as one of the officers caught their attention and beckoned them.
A few minutes later, the officer took them into the mess hall. It was fairly routine. The officer, Malik, assured them they weren’t in any trouble or suspects. He just wanted to know if they had seen or heard anything while they were out on the trails the previous day. They explained that everything seemed normal, and they couldn’t recall seeing anything out of the norm. Tucker did mention that the three of them were having trouble with their cell phones.
Officer Malik made a strange expression at the new information, but did say anything regarding it. He just thanked them for their time, and sent them on their way.
Before he left the room, Danny spoke up, “Sir, do you know what happened? Should we be worried?”
He was silent for a few moments before replying. “We’re pretty sure he just had a bad accident, but, since we don’t have an official answer yet, we do have to investigate and take statements. Sorry this had to happen while you kids are on a trip.”
Danny thanked him and hurried out the door with his friends. “So, what do you think?” he asked as he checked behind him to make sure no one was paying attention to them as they walked behind one of the cabins.
“That’s pretty cut and dry, isn’t it?” Tucker asked as he scratched his head. “Accidents do happen.”
“Yeah, but the officer didn’t reassure us it was safe. Danny, you noticed it too?” When he nodded, Sam continued, “I think they’re trying to downplay what might have happened which worries me. And since our cell phones still aren’t working properly, it makes me more anxious. I guess Vlad was right. We shouldn’t be here right now.”
“Sam! Don’t say things like that!” The scared whine in Tucker’s voice almost made Danny laugh. “You’ll see, Dash and his jerk friends will use it to tell ghost stories tonight. I not going to be happy if I lose sleep.”
“And here I thought you liked scary stories.”
“Not when we’re smack dab in the middle of the beginning of a real life horror movie!”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Parent Trap, Chapter 8 (Biadore) - Henny
WELL WELL WELL I hope you bitches are ready!
Hello, my loves!
Did you miss me? That was a loOOooooOoNg hiatus, almost *holds up three fingers* this many,I think. I have no excuses, I really just lacked the passion to continue this one. But, I’ve been lurking on Tumblr too long and I’m just so ready to get back into this. I have most of it plotted out already. I won’t promise a regular update, but I’m sure I’d get to finish this one way or another.
ALSO, I don’t want to get clocked or whatever, but I know when it comes to IVF and basic biology (I guess) The twins aren’t going to be identical since they’re from two separate sperm cells?? BUT, LIKE ALSO, I DON’T CARE?? It’s fanfiction, not fact. SO LET’S JUST SAY THESE GIRLS ARE IDENTICAL, BUT ONE OF EM IS DANNY’S AND ONE OF EM ROY’S (BUT YOU WON’T REALLY FIND OUT). Just please don’t make me think about science-y stuff. Sorry, STEM Majors!
Another thing, assume AS2 didn’t happen, okey?
All the love, Hennies!
xx Henny
“Well… well… well… I hope you bitches are ready… “ Nerissa smiles, excited to meet Portia’s favorite. And when the screen shows her a face that is all too familiar and a voice that hits a little too close to home,
“I’m Bianca Del Rio, I’m thirty-seven years old…”
She pales.
Portia notices the quick change of mood. She reaches out to press the spacebar to pause the video, a little upset with the fact that they won’t get to finish the episode. The other girl is silent as she moves from Portia’s bed to her own, and something within Portia knew that Nerissa was in her head, deeply in her head. Not wanting to force the girl into anything she wasn’t comfortable with, Portia fiddles with the edge of her laptop with her head down.
Nerissa can feel the blood draining from her face. Some things were clicking into place. Her dad was a drag queen. Was Riz surprised? Not really. She has seen her dad put makeup on some models, not full-drag, but glam nonetheless. The dresses? Obviously. But, why didn’t HE tell HER? Anger rises in her system, she wanted to scream but something was holding her back. Her and her dad were always so close, and she’d like to believe that he didn’t have any secrets from her. Except that one room in their home. HMMM.  
A memory unlocks in her head. Age 7, finally mustering up the courage to rebel against her dad’s instructions,specifically about the one room in their apartment her dad said to never go in. It was always kept locked, except Uncle Shane accidentally left it unlocked that fruitful day. Nerissa remembers sneaking in, both adults thinking she was taking a nap. When she turned the lights on, her eyes were met with different colors. Sparkly, colorful, sequined dresses; Tall boots and heels; wigs of blacks, browns, and reds neatly perched on mannequin heads. It was beautiful and excitement bubbled up in her tummy. She walked over to a wall that was filled with picture frames; some people in them she knew, the others she didn’t.
One thing that struck her the most was a portrait that was nearly as big as her then-7-year-old body in the middle of the wall, the chandelier breaking the light in a myriad of colors on the photograph. The picture was of two beautiful queens, a little heavy handed on the makeup, now that she thinks about it. The two ladies wore beautiful black gowns, she would even assume that it was cut from the same fabric. The one with black hair wore a giant crown on her head, smiling a dimpled smile with her face to the spotlight. The other had fire red hair; she looked like she was screaming with joy as she lifted a sparkly scepter up in the air. They had one arm around the other’s waist and they looked very happy. She didn’t think much about it then, but…
“That was Bianca… and oh my god– that was Adore.” Nerissa says out of the blue, catching Portia’s attention from the other side of the room.
“I’m sorry what?” Portia asks, leaning closer to indicate that she was listening carefully now and that Riz had her full attention.
“Back in New York, my dad… he always kept this room locked. I only went there once, but he got really mad when he caught me.”
Portia moves to sit on Nerissa’s bed. “Yeah, okay… but you said something about my dad. What about Adore?”
“In that room,” Nerissa licks her lips, speaking slowly to help her rationalize her story in her head better. “… and I’m not sure if it’s still there. There was a picture of my dad as Bianca, and I think Adore. My dad wore a crown and Adore was holding the scepter.” She says thoughtfully. “Wow, spoiler alert. Ha!” She tries to joke, but now Portia looks at her with a shocked face.
Nerissa blinks. “I thought you knew – how many Haylocks do you know?”
Portia blanches. “I DIDN’T WANT TO ASSUME! Roy Haylock has always been very hush-hush about you. You don’t even appear on social media, so you can’t really blame me. And my hatred for you, then, really blinded me. Sorry again, by the way. WAIT, LET ME JUST FANGIRL FOR A MINUTE.” Portia grabs a pillow and lets out a giddy scream.  
Nerissa lets out a soft laugh before rolling her eyes playfully. “ANYWAY! FOCUS!! So, as I was saying, my dad has a picture of Bianca and Adore during, what I assume was, the coronation in his super secret closet.”
“Wait… but– No… no… that can’t be.” Portia says once she gets to calm her erratic heartbeat. “Bianca won season 6, I don’t think a photo like that photo exists– unless–” She stops talking abruptly and runs to her laptop. Nerissa watches her type furiously, obviously looking for something. When Portia finds it, she makes her way back to her position earlier.
“Look, see” Portia redirects Nerissa’s attention to the laptop’s screen. It was under a folder called “conspiracy theories” and from Riz’s point-of-view it was nothing but screenshots from Tumblr or twitter. “Back then, during their time, it was rumored that Bianca and Adore had filmed an ending where they both won–like they shared it. “
“Did you really search this about your dad?”
“YES! Now, pay attention” Portia huffs, brushing her hair back. “I don’t have more proof though because apparently the receipts back then were trashed when people started losing interest in Season 6 because we’re like in its, I don’t know like, 1000th season now. Then suddenly, when Bianca said she was quitting drag for good, more people deleted stuff about Bianca to respect her wishes then full-blast supported Roy in his fashion career.”
“Wait– wait, Bianca quit drag? Why?”
“Well, people started speculating that it was probably for his daugh–” Portia stops mid sentence, looking at Nerissa’s sudden sad face sheepishly. “Hey, don’t feel bad!”
“He was so happy, Porsche! I may not remember the picture’s every detail, but he was so happy being Bianca. Did you see the way she smiled the minute she walked in the werkroom? You mean to tell me I did that??”
“No, that’s just one of the speculations, really.”
“What were the others?”
“Retirement, boredom… to name a few. One thing I found interesting, but I highly doubt is that people said it was because of Adore.” Portia snorts as she mindlessly scrolls to her photos on her laptop. Nerissa observes her for a bit, before asking;
“How come?”
“If you’re talking about why people thought Adore was involved; that’s because before Bianca quit drag, her and Adore were really close. As in, super close, they were always seen or spotted together. When Bianca did quit, there was complete radio silence from Adore. They cut all communications on social media. Then people saw that they unfollowed each other and whatnot, PLUS they also found it odd that Roy was still talking to Courtney and would go to support local drag scenes, but would completely cop out if Adore was in any shape/form involved.” Portia explains, and Nerissa notes the hints of sadness in her voice.
“Makes sense to me, so then why do you doubt it?” Nerissa’s head tilts slightly as she watches Portia put her laptop on the bed. Her eyes then drift to the mirror that’s adjacent to the side of her bed and stares intently at their reflection.
“Well, for starters, if it ever happened, my dad would tell me. He knows that I absolutely adore Bianca, so I think if they ever had a relationship; he would let me know. It is weird though how he doesn’t really like talking about her. He’d just smile and shrug, so maybe there was a falling out or a fight.” Portia narrates, her sadness becoming a little more apparent.
Nerissa hums, in deep thought. A pregnant pause lingers in the air. With her curiosity getting the best of her, Nerissa asks out of the blue;
“Hey, Portia?”
"Did your dad adopt you?"
Portia looks at Nerissa as if she’s grown another head, which coming from her is ironic in itself.
"Well, no, but it’s kind of complicated. My dad was actually married in the past. He would tell me that they tried both fertilized eggs and hoped for the best. Nine months later, I was born and up until today, he doesn’t know if I was his or his ex’s biological baby, but he loves me nonetheless.”
“But won’t you look predominantly like one though?”
“Yeah, I look like my egg donor who looks eerily like my dad.” Portia pauses, head tilted.
“Aren’t you a little curious which one’s your biological dad?” Nerissa continues to probe. If things lined up correctly, Nerissa knew the both of them were going to be thrown into a loop. Portia thinks for a while, considering the idea, before her face contorts with distaste.
“Nah, he never really cared for me in the beginning, so why should I bother now? Even if I was his biologically, he didn’t raise me. He’s just a sperm donor to me, if ever. Why’d you ask anyway?“
"Because I refuse to play stupid when it’s so obvious that we’re twins.” Nerissa exclaims with such vigor, Portia nearly fell over the bed in surprise. ”Can’t you see how identical we look?"
“No, no! Don’t try to deny it. I know there’s this whole theory about at least 5 people in the world looking like you–but not like this! Especially not when we basically have the same story growing up!” Nerissa is shaking as she stands to retrieve a picture in her bag; the very same frame she showed her friends her first day in the camp. She traced the edges of the frame before following the lines of her sleeping dad’s face. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?'  She thinks inwardly, willing the man in the photo for an answer.
“Riz, I think this is too much of a stretch. Our dads would’ve told us if it was something this serious. And our childhood couldn’t be that similar! And, even if–IF we were siblings; I wasn’t born a twin.”
“Oh yeah? When’s your birthday?”
“January 12.”
“Same here. I’m turning 11, you’re turning 11, too, right?. I’m telling you…  It makes sense! My dad ALSO said he had a partner a long time ago and like you; I don’t know who my biological father is because I could be my dad’s or his ex! And, to be honest, I really don’t care to know at this point, but it all lines up!” Riz gets flustered now, there’s a funny feeling in her tummy as Portia still looks at her with an unreadable expression on her face.
“And my dad said I looked mostly egg donor too, but he always says that he can see the things that remind him that I’m his or his partner’s– ex partner .” Nerissa finishes, plopping down to sit beside Portia who was still silent. “Well… what do you think? Say something!” She urges, almost pleadingly.
“So… you mean to tell me…”
“Yeah?” Nerissa prompts, watching the girl add things up in her head and the growing realization dawn on her face.
“BIADORE WAS REAL?!?!” Portia screeches with excitement before Nerissa hits her with a pillow.
“UGhhhhhhH!” Nerissa groans, “Can you stop thinking about drag race? This is bigger than us now. BUT, IN HINDSIGHT, YES! I genuinely believe that my dad and your dad used to be together, and they were probably the “ex” in our birth stories.”
“How are we twins with different dads though?” Portia asks once she calms down again.
“It’s possible. I read about it once, it’s like what happened with Neil Patrick Harris and his partner. They had a surrogate accept both eggs, so they had twins. Theirs was fraternal though, and seeing how identical we are– I’m guessing we’re a pretty special case of science and sheer luck.” Nerissa sighs, then sadly adds “It’s kinda annoying how they didn’t tell us. It’s one thing to divorce each other, but to raise kids and hiding a part of their truth? I think it’s cruel.”
“No… It kinda makes sense to me.” Portia says after a few minutes of silence and letting the question linger in the air. “My dad didn’t tell me about you… about how I was a twin because he knew…” she continues to say,  breath slow and soft, almost wavering. Tears slowly fill her eyes as she looks at her twin in front of her, “He knew if he told me about you, I would go looking for you. I- I would’ve done everything to meet my sister because I’ve always wanted a sister.” She sniffles, her hand reaching out to grasp the other girl’s hand. “And now I have one” Portia pulls Nerissa in for a hug.
They let the tears flow; tears of confusion, anger, frustration, joy, and love. They murmured their “sorry”; “it’s okay”; “I’ll still fight you when it comes to boys though”; and “Nah, don’t worry, I don’t even like boys…”
When sobs turned to sniffles and feelings were pacified by food and other words of affirmation, they found themselves nestled on the ground between their bed frames with their mattress and heaps of pillows and blankets surrounding them.
“We still have a few weeks in here, what do you want to do till then?” Portia asks as she stuffs another cookie down her throat. Nerissa lifts a leg up nonchalantly in the air before dramatically dropping it to Portia’s side of the bed.
“Well, I still have more episodes of season 6 to go, right?” She proposes, making Portia smile with excitement. Portia, then, scrambles to get her laptop and plop back down to their little nest.
“Ready to see my dad kick your dad’s ass?” Portia taunts as she hovers to play Episode 2 from where the left off.
“Yeah, as if…”
Los Angeles, California.  9PM.
Adore sat in front of the mirror, already cinched and dressed, 30 minutes before she was supposed to go on. She had arrived at least an hour before call time, something she had picked up when her and Bianca used to go to gigs together. She rolls her eyes at the memory, mostly due to her annoyance with herself. She knew deep down that she should’ve moved on; it’s been years. But, can you really blame her? You never forget your greatest love and your most painful heartbreak; it was rare for both storylines to be the same person. Because, who in their right mind let’s their greatest love go? Adore did; Danny did. She lets out a few lip thrills to recompose herself and blinks away at the tears threatening to ruin her makeup.
Her phone rings; without looking at the contact, she answers it with a few sniffles.
“Hello?” Adore drawls while grabbing a tissue across the table and dab it slowly under her eyes and her nose.
“Adore, darling!” Ru’s voice rings loudly across the speakers. Adore can hear him talk to someone in the background, but their conversation couldn’t be heard from her end.
“Hi, Ru…” She tries to mask the surprise in her voice. She knew the RuPaul didn’t make social calls UNLESS it was a big social event. If there’s one reason, one reason at all, Ru could be calling it’s…
“Hey, baby, I just wanted to call you myself since this might be a big favor to ask you…”
“Of course, Mama, what is it?” Adore was barely listening at this point, trying to come up with excuses already.
“Well, would you be interested in joining the first all-stars: battle of the winners in place of Bianca?”
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven |
TAGS Biadore, Bianca Del Rio, Adore Delano, Courtney Act, Parent Trap AU, Henny, Family, Slowburn
WELL WELL WELL I hope you bitches are ready!
Hello, my loves!
Did you miss me? That was a loOOooooOoNg hiatus, almost *holds up three fingers* this many,I think. I have no excuses, I really just lacked the passion to continue this one. But, I’ve been lurking on Tumblr too long and I’m just so ready to get back into this. I have most of it plotted out already. I won’t promise a regular update, but I’m sure I’d get to finish this one way or another.
ALSO, I don’t want to get clocked or whatever, but I know when it comes to IVF and basic biology (Iguess) The twins aren’t going to be identical since they’re from two separate sperm cells?? BUT, LIKE ALSO, I DON’T CARE?? It’s fanfiction, not fact. SO LET’S JUST SAY THESE GIRLS ARE IDENTICAL, BUT ONE OF EM IS DANNY’S AND ONE OF EM ROY’S (BUT YOU WON’T REALLY FIND OUT). Just please don’t make me think about science-y stuff. Sorry, STEM Majors!
Another thing, assume AS2 didn’t happen, okey?
All the love, Hennies!
Xxx Henny
“Well… well… well… I hope you bitches are ready… “ Nerissa smiles, excited to meet Portia’s favorite. And when the screen shows her a face that is all too familiar and a voice that hits a little too close to home,
“I’m Bianca Del Rio, I’m thirty-seven years old…”
She pales.
Portia notices the quick change of mood. She reaches out to press the spacebar to pause the video, a little upset with the fact that they won’t get to finish the episode. The other girl is silent as she moves from Portia’s bed to her own, and something within Portia knew that Nerissa was in her head, deeply in her head. Not wanting to force the girl into anything she wasn’t comfortable with, Portia fiddles with the edge of her laptop with her head down.
Nerissa can feel the blood draining from her face. Some things were clicking into place. Her dad was a drag queen. Was Riz surprised? Not really. She has seen her dad put makeup on some models, not full-drag, but glam nonetheless. The dresses? Obviously. But, why didn’t HE tell HER?  Anger rises in her system, she wanted to scream but something was holding her back. Her and her dad were always so close, and she’d like to believe that he didn’t have any secrets from her. Except that one room in their home. HMMM.  
A memory unlocks in her head. Age 7, finally mustering up the courage to rebel against her dad’s instructions,specifically about the one room in their apartment her dad said to never go in. It was always kept locked, except Uncle Shane accidentally left it unlocked that fruitful day. Nerissa remembers sneaking in, both adults thinking she was taking a nap. When she turned the lights on, her eyes were met with different colors. Sparkly, colorful, sequined dresses; Tall boots and heels; wigs of blacks, browns, and reds neatly perched on mannequin heads. It was beautiful and excitement bubbled up in her tummy. She walked over to a wall that was filled with picture frames; some people in them she knew, the others she didn’t.
One thing that struck her the most was a portrait that was nearly as big as her then-7-year-old body in the middle of the wall, the chandelier breaking the light in a myriad of colors on the photograph. The picture was of two beautiful queens, a little heavy handed on the makeup, now that she thinks about it. The two ladies wore beautiful black gowns, she would even assume that it was cut from the same fabric. The one with black hair wore a giant crown on her head, smiling a dimpled smile with her face to the spotlight. The other had fire red hair; she looked like she was screaming with joy as she lifted a sparkly scepter up in the air. They had one arm around the other’s waist and they looked very happy. She didn’t think much about it then, but…
“That was Bianca… and oh my god– that was Adore.” Nerissa says out of the blue, catching Portia’s attention from the other side of the room.
“I’m sorry what?” Portia asks, leaning closer to indicate that she was listening carefully now and that Riz had her full attention.
“Back in New York, my dad… he always kept this room locked. I only went there once, but he got really mad when he caught me.”
Portia moves to sit on Nerissa’s bed. “Yeah, okay… but you said something about my dad. What about Adore?”
“In that room,” Nerissa licks her lips, speaking slowly to help her rationalize her story in her head better. “… and I’m not sure if it’s still there. There was a picture of my dad as Bianca, and I think Adore. My dad wore a crown and Adore was holding the scepter.” She says thoughtfully. “Wow, spoiler alert. Ha!” She tries to joke, but now Portia looks at her with a shocked face.
Nerissa blinks. “I thought you knew – how many Haylocks do you know?”
Portia blanches. “I DIDN’T WANT TO ASSUME! Roy Haylock has always been very hush-hush about you. You don’t even appear on social media, so you can’t really blame me. And my hatred for you, then, really blinded me. Sorry again, by the way. WAIT, LET ME JUST FANGIRL FOR A MINUTE.” Portia grabs a pillow and lets out a giddy scream.  
Nerissa lets out a soft laugh before rolling her eyes playfully. “ANYWAY! FOCUS!! So, as I was saying, my dad has a picture of Bianca and Adore during, what I assume was, the coronation in his super secret closet.”
“Wait… but– No… no… that can’t be.” Portia says once she gets to calm her erratic heartbeat. “Bianca won season 6, I don’t think a photo like that photo exists– unless–” She stops talking abruptly and runs to her laptop. Nerissa watches her type furiously, obviously looking for something. When Portia finds it, she makes her way back to her position earlier.
“Look, see” Portia redirects Nerissa’s attention to the laptop’s screen. It was under a folder called “conspiracy theories” and from Riz’s point-of-view it was nothing but screenshots from Tumblr or twitter. “Back then, during their time, it was rumored that Bianca and Adore had filmed an ending where they both won–like they shared it. “
“Did you really search this about your dad?”
“YES! Now, pay attention” Portia huffs, brushing her hair back. “I don’t have more proof though because apparently the receipts back then were trashed when people started losing interest in Season 6 because we’re like in its, I don’t know like, 1000th season now. Then suddenly, when Bianca said she was quitting drag for good, more people deleted stuff about Bianca to respect her wishes then full-blast supported Roy in his fashion career.”
“Wait– wait, Bianca quit drag? Why?”
“Well, people started speculating that it was probably for his daugh–” Portia stops mid sentence, looking at Nerissa’s sudden sad face sheepishly. “Hey, don’t feel bad!”
“He was so happy, Porsche! I may not remember the picture’s every detail, but he was so happy being Bianca. Did you see the way she smiled the minute she walked in the werkroom? You mean to tell me I did that??”
“No, that’s just one of the speculations, really.”
“What were the others?”
“Retirement, boredom… to name a few. One thing I found interesting, but I highly doubt is that people said it was because of Adore.” Portia snorts as she mindlessly scrolls to her photos on her laptop. Nerissa observes her for a bit, before asking;
“How come?”
“If you’re talking about why people thought Adore was involved; that’s because before Bianca quit drag, her and Adore were really close. As in, super close, they were always seen or spotted together. When Bianca did quit, there was complete radio silence from Adore. They cut all communications on social media. Then people saw that they unfollowed each other and whatnot, PLUS they also found it odd that Roy was still talking to Courtney and would go to support local drag scenes, but would completely cop out if Adore was in any shape/form involved.” Portia explains, and Nerissa notes the hints of sadness in her voice.
“Makes sense to me, so then why do you doubt it?” Nerissa’s head tilts slightly as she watches Portia put her laptop on the bed. Her eyes then drift to the mirror that’s adjacent to the side of her bed and stares intently at their reflection.
“Well, for starters, if it ever happened, my dad would tell me. He knows that I absolutely adore Bianca, so I think if they ever had a relationship; he would let me know. It is weird though how he doesn’t really like talking about her. He’d just smile and shrug, so maybe there was a falling out or a fight.” Portia narrates, her sadness becoming a little more apparent.
Nerissa hums, in deep thought. A pregnant pause lingers in the air. With her curiosity getting the best of her, Nerissa asks out of the blue;
"Hey, Portia?”
"Did your dad adopt you?"
Portia looks at Nerissa as if she’s grown another head, which coming from her is ironic in itself.
"Well, no, but it’s kind of complicated. My dad was actually married in the past. He would tell me that they tried both fertilized eggs and hoped for the best. Nine months later, I was born and up until today he doesn’t know if I was his or his ex’s biological baby, but he loves me nonetheless.”
“But won’t you look predominantly like one though?”
“Yeah, I look like my egg donor who looks eerily like my dad.” Portia pauses, head tilted.
“Aren’t you a little curious which one’s your biological dad?” Nerissa continues to probe. If things lined up correctly, Nerissa knew the both of them were going to be thrown into a loop. Portia thinks for a while, considering the idea, before her face contorts with distaste.
“Nah, he never really cared for me in the beginning, so why should I bother now? Even if I was his, biologically, he didn’t raise me. He’s just a sperm donor to me, if ever. Why’d you ask anyway?“
"Because I refuse to play stupid when it’s so obvious that we’re twins.” Nerissa exclaims with such vigor, Portia nearly fell over the bed in surprise. ”Can’t you see how identical we look?"
“No, no! Don’t try to deny it. I know there’s this whole theory about at least 5 people in the world looking like you–but not like this! Especially not when we basically have the same story growing up!” Nerissa is shaking as she stands to retrieve a picture in her bag;the very same frame she showed her friends her first day in the camp. She traced the edges of the frame before following the lines of her sleeping dad’s face. 'Why didn’t you tell me?'  She thinks inwardly, willing the man in the photo for an answer.
“Riz, I think this is too much of a stretch. Our dads would’ve told us if it was something this serious. And our childhood couldn’t be that similar! And, even if–IF we were siblings; I wasn’t born a twin.”
“Oh yeah? When’s your birthday?”
“January 12.”
“Same here. I’m turning 11, you’re turning 11. I’m telling you…  It makes sense! My dad ALSO said he had a partner a long time ago and like you; I don’t know who my biological father is because I could be my dad’s or his ex! And, to be honest, I really don’t care to know at this point, but it all lines up!” Riz gets flustered now, there’s a funny feeling in her tummy as Portia still looks at her with an unreadable expression on her face.
“And my dad said I looked mostly egg donor too, but he always says that he can see the things that remind him that I’m his or his partner’s– ex partner .” Nerissa finishes, plopping down to sit beside Portia who was still silent. “Well… what do you think? Say something!” She urges, almost pleadingly.
“So… you mean to tell me…”
“Yeah?” Nerissa prompts, watching the girl add things up in her head and the growing realization dawn on her face.
“BIADORE WAS REAL?!?!” Portia screeches with excitement before Nerissa hits her with a pillow.
“UGhhhhhhH!” Nerissa groans, “Can you stop thinking about drag race? This is bigger than us now. BUT, IN HINDSIGHT, YES! I genuinely believe that my dad and your dad used to be together, and they were probably the “ex” in our birth stories.”
“How are we twins with different dads though?” Portia asks once she calms down again.
“It’s possible. I read about it once, it’s like what happened with Neil Patrick Harris and his partner. They had a surrogate accept both eggs, so they had twins. Theirs was fraternal though, and seeing how identical we are– I’m guessing we’re a pretty special case of science and sheer luck.” Nerissa sighs, “It’s kinda annoying how they didn’t tell us though. It’s one thing to divorce each other, but to raise kids and hiding a part of their truth? I think it’s cruel.”
“No… It kinda makes sense to me.” Portia says after a few minutes of silence and letting the question linger in the air. “My dad didn’t tell me about you… about how I was a twin because he knew…” she continues to say,  breath slow and soft, almost wavering. Tears slowly fill her eyes as she looks at her twin in front of her, “He knew if he told me about you, I would go looking for you. I- I would’ve done everything to meet my sister because I’ve always wanted a sister.” She sniffles, her hand reaching out to grasp the other girl’s hand. “And now I have one” Portia pulls Nerissa in for a hug.
They let the tears flow; tears of confusion, anger, frustration, joy, and love. They murmured their “sorry”; “it’s okay”; “I’ll still fight you when it comes to boys though”; and “Nah, don’t worry, I don’t even like boys…”
When sobs turned to sniffles and feelings were pacified by food and other words of affirmation, they found themselves nestled on the ground between their bed frames with their mattress and heaps of pillows and blankets surrounding them.
“We still have a few weeks in here, what do you want to do till then?” Portia asks as she stuffs another cookie down her throat. Nerissa lifts a leg up nonchalantly in the air before dramatically dropping it to Portia’s side of the bed.
“Well, I still have more episodes of season 6 to go, right?” She proposes, making Portia smile with excitement. Portia, then, scrambles to get her laptop and plop back down to their little nest.
“Ready to see my dad kick your dad’s ass?” Portia taunts as she hovers to play Episode 2 from where the left off.
“Yeah, as if…”
Los Angeles, California.  9PM.
Adore sat in front of the mirror, already cinched and dressed, 30 minutes before she was supposed to go on. She had arrived at least an hour before call time, something she had picked up when her and Bianca used to go to gigs together. She rolls her eyes at the memory, mostly due to her annoyance with herself. She knew deep down that she should’ve moved on; it’s been years. But, can you really blame her? You never forget your greatest love and your most painful heartbreak; it was rare for both storylines to be the same person. Because, who in their right mind let’s their greatest love go? Adore did; Danny did. She lets out a few lip thrills to recompose herself and blinks away at the tears threatening to ruin her makeup.
Her phone rings; without looking at the contact, she answers it with a few sniffles.
“Hello?” Adore drawls while grabbing a tissue across the table and dab it slowly under her eyes and her nose.
“Adore, darling!” Ru’s voice rings loudly across the speakers. Adore can hear him talk to someone in the background, but their conversation couldn’t be heard from her end.
“Hi, Ru…” She tries to mask the surprise in her voice. She knew the RuPaul didn’t make social calls UNLESS it was a big social event. If there’s one reason, one reason at all, Ru could be calling it’s…
“Hey, baby, I just wanted to call you myself since this might be a big favor to ask you…”
“Of course, Mama, what is it?” Adore was barely listening at this point, trying to come up with excuses already.
“Well, would you be interested in joining the first all-stars: battle of the winners in place of Bianca?”
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jessicajonesrp · 4 years
Trish suspicions
"You’re telling me that a woman literally just….blew up in front of you?”
Jessica huffed, eyes rolling upward, even as she visibly tensed at Trish’s incredulous words. Shoulders slumped, hood pulled up over her head in a fashion that rather resembled Luke’s usual manner of dress, she took a long swallow of the whiskey she had ordered at the bar. It was the third she had ordered in the amount of time it had taken to tell Trish her story of drama from the day before. She had managed to keep her voice low, flat, and calm, so no one would pay attention to the binge drinking woman talking about people mysteriously bursting into flames or supernatural powers. Trish, however, didn’t seem to understand the concept of an inside voice, even if they were in a bar.
“Not blew up, burst into flames. She didn’t have a bomb in her stomach. That I know of. Who knows, I’m no coroner. And keep your voice down, you trying to get a crowd bigger than Oprah’s audience?”
“Sorry,” Trish adjusted her voice to a near whisper, glancing around guiltily. She, like Jessica, was dressed casually to blend into the bar atmosphere, although Jessica was positive that her idea of “casual” attire still cost a few hundred dollars per clothing article, whereas Jessica’s jeans had been washed and worn so often that the blue had faded nearly into white. “She burst into flames? For no reason? With no identifiable accelerant around her?”
At Jessica’s raised eyebrow, she raised one back, slightly defensive. “Hey, I know PI stuff. Some of it has to rub off on me eventually.”
“I mean, Luke had to go play the big knight in shining armor and hustle me out of there before I could find any evidence that might have been there, and by the time the cops tracked me down and wasted my time asking shit I couldn’t answer, any of the shit I would have needed, they’d already screwed up. You know how they are around here, decent cops are few and far in between,” Jessica muttered, throwing back the rest of her drink and signaling for another. “Do you know how long it took for them to let me go? It took fucking Matthew Murdock threatening them to get them off my back.”
“Wow,” Trish said, shaking her head. “I know you mentioned the crazy doctor case, but this woman, and right in front of you? Are you all right? Really all right?”
She looked at Jessica closely, reaching out to touch her arm. “That had to be awful, seeing that. Not being able to do anything for her.”
Jessica shifted, uncomfortable both remembering this and acknowledging Trish’s attention and empathy. She didn’t meet her gaze, wrapping her hand around the new whiskey presented to her and soaking in its cold exterior.
“I did pull the security camera, though. No one else was there but us.”
“And you didn’t see anything weird, before it happened? Nothing?” Trish pressed.
Jessica hesitated, and Trish didn’t fail to catch this. She also didn’t fail to catch her use of pronoun.
“Wait a minute, us? You and the woman? Or was Luke there too? You didn’t mention Luke was there.”
“He wasn’t,” Jessica sighed, reluctant and somewhat resentful. She hadn’t planned to mention Phillip’s presence, let alone his absconding, to Trish. Her sister had yet to even meet her brother. “Phillip was.”
“Phillip was there?” Trish echoed, surprised. “Oh. Wow, that must have really been a shock for him. He’s not used to the crazy kind of things we are, is he? He didn’t grow up with all of this? Is he okay?”
“Yeah, uh, it scared him, but he’s fine,” Jessica muttered, even more obviously uncomfortable, even to someone who knew her far less well than Trish did. “So, uh, heard from Danny?”
“You know I would have already told you if I had, Jessica, so don’t deflect. Why didn’t you tell me Phillip was with you?” Trish asked curiously. “You haven’t been talking about him much lately. Aren’t you guys getting along?”
Jessica busied herself drinking and finished half her bottle before wiping her mouth, muttering her answer.
“No, Trish, we’re fine. Phillip’s fine, what’s with the inquisition?”
“Nothing,” Trish said slowly, her blue eyes registering some hurt. “It’s just…you don’t talk about him, and I haven’t even met him yet. I’m just interested. He’s someone important to you, so he’s important to me.”
Jessica’s chest tightens in guilt at her words, and she can’t think of what to say. She mumbles something under her breath about it not being Trish, but Trish doesn’t seem to hear, taking a breath and forging forward.
“So you didn’t find anything weird on the security footage?”
Jessica delayed in answering again. Enough that Trish waved a hand in front of her face. “Hello? Jess? You’re even less wordy than usual today. What’s going on? Are you sure you’re okay, or up to being out right now?”
“He’s fine!” Jessica snapped, not having really listened, and when Trish blinks, she catches herself, rephrasing. “I mean, I’m fine. I’m just…I don’t know, maybe you’re right, maybe I should be working.”
“Jess, no, you shouldn’t, not if you’re feeling off,” Trish said, concerned. “It’s perfectly okay and normal if you’re upset about what happened. It was an awful thing to see.”
“I mean, yeah, but it’s not that, it’s just the stupid cam-“ Jessica started, then cut herself off, not wanting to go there. But Trish had heard, and the word wasn’t hard to work out.
“The camera? You’re bothered by what you saw on the camera? But you said no one was there but you and your brother. What did you see?”
Jessica didn’t want to say it. She didn’t even want to think it to herself, let alone consider that it may hold weight. But Trish’s intense blue eyes are focused on her, and she’s never been able to lie to her. Not about things that matter.
“It’s nothing,” she said finally, reluctant. “Just…Phillip. He looked at her, the woman. Heather. Right before she caught fire.”
As Trish’s eyes opened wide, Jessica slammed her bottle down on the counter, her eyes flashing defensively. “That’s it, just a look, okay? I told you, it was nothing. He didn’t throw a grenade or douse her with a torch. He didn’t do anything. It’s stupid to even say anything about it.”
“But Jessica, it’s not,” Trish said softly. “I don’t want….I hate to even say this, but look at this like you would anyone else. Like you would just another client, or person of interest. Three people, burned to death without a known cause. Sounds supernatural to me, so it must to you. Then, right in front of you, a woman burns to death, with no known cause, just when you happen to be investigating those cases. And all this happens right when your brother just happens to come into town and seek you out for the first time, even though he’s known where you were for longer? And he just happens to be there, and looking, when this woman dies?”
“Stop talking,” Jessica warned, holding up both hands. “I don’t want to hear anything else, I don’t-“
“But Jessica,” Trish burst out with, grabbing both of her hands in hers and hanging on as Jessica tried without much force to shake them away. “What if? What if Phillip has abilities too? What if he did this?”
“Shut up!” Jessica growled, roughly yanking her hands away from her and sliding off the bar stool so suddenly she almost fell. When Trish reached to steady her, she jerked away. “Don’t say that. You don’t even know him. He would never do that. He-“
“Maybe it’s not on purpose,” Trish tried to smooth over, “Jess, I’m not accusing him, you’re right, I don’t know him. Maybe he doesn’t have good control, and it comes out with emotion, or…I don’t know, but I know you, and you’re not looking at this clearly. You’re not treating this like you would if it were anyone else.”
“But it’s not anyone else,” Jessica said harshly. “It’s my brother. So don’t say anything else about it.”
She started to head for the bar exit, leaving Trish with her tab, even as Trish called after her, throwing down some bills and running after her. She ignored her, taking advantage of her ability to leap up atop the closest building as she shakily dialed the number that Phillip had given her. When he answered, she ordered more than said, already somewhat drunk and very much adrenalized with feeling, “Hey, you’re coming out drinking and you’re meeting Patricia Walker. We’ll show her. I’ll text you the address.”
She hung up the phone before he could protest, only slightly misspelling her text to him, and mistakenly sent it out to Luke as well. Jumping back down, she walked back towards the bar entrance, where Trish stood, looking worried and confused, and announced, “You’re meeting him. Then you’ll stop talking about shit you don’t know about.”
“What? Of course I want to meet him, I’ve always wanted to meet him. But we should talk about this, Jess. We-“
“No, we shouldn’t,” Jessica declared. “He’ll be here soon.” Grabbing Trish by the arm, she propelled her back inside, eyes fixed ahead on the bar. As she reclaims her spot, Trish discreetly gets out her phone and texts Luke.
Trish: Hi, Luke. Jess is kinda pissed at me. She’s already taken off and did some roof leaping, now apparently her brother is meeting us at the bar. She’s pretty worked up, I kind of said things I maybe shouldn’t have?
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dreamingofscully · 4 years
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5x06 “Christmas Carol” (part 1 of 2) - X-Files Rewatch
"I mean, to be honest, I've started to question my priorities since I was first diagnosed with cancer. I feel like I was given a second chance. Ever since I was a child, I've never allowed to let myself get too close to people. I've avoided emotional attachment. Perhaps I've been so afraid of death and dying that any connection just seemed like a bad thing... something that wouldn't last. But I don't feel that anymore." - Scully, to the social worker, when trying to adopt Emily
This two-parter is just... absolutely one of my favourites. Scully's memories with her sister, with her other family members. We get SUCH an insight into her here. Wish we got more for Mulder! Also, how the hell am I supposed to pick only 10 screenshots.
Super long analysis/ramblings ahead...
Scully's bothered by the case - something telling her to look into it.
calls Mulder but can't follow through
doesn't want to believe she's having some sort of supernatural experience (hearing her sister). I can see her telling herself that she's just missing Melissa, being in such a familiar place, but she has that niggling voice in the back of her head telling her that its NOT just that.
Scully's reaction to Tara gushing about kids.
she's sad, knowing/thinking she'll never have that experience
Maggie calling out Scully, knowing somethings wrong; I love that her mom can sense when something's bothering her, that she can see through her
Scully opening up with her mom just stands there, waiting for an explanation
since Memento Mori, when Maggie told her she wanted to be kept in the loop, you can imagine that their relationship grew closer/stronger
Scully was always 'daddy's girl', and had a wonderful relationship with Missy, so it's nice that she can still has someone to be close to, who knows who she's been her whole life
Before, Maggie might have let Scully get away with not saying anything but with Missy gone and having dealt with her illness, she is more insistent on getting Scully to open up to her ("You've always been the strong one, but you are my only daughter now" from Memento Mori)
"I just never realized how much I wanted it until I couldn't have it." 😭
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Bill is such a dick, even as a child. Scully as a baby omg. So goddamn cute.
Scully has a hard time accepting the unbelievable, despite her instincts that there's something strange going on. Especially when everyone around her is skeptical. It's easier for her to fall into her usual role than be more Mulder-y.
Love Scully's casual outfits this episode. Brown suede coat with the black shirt and flowy green pants. The burgundy coat/sweater thing. And OF COURSE the outfit at the Christmas Eve party 😍
Scully's confidence in her findings - pushing the coroner on his assumptions. She's so badass.
Maggie talking to Scully about grieving, not being able to let go of her sister.  😭
I love the shots below:
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Giving Emily her necklace, wanting her to have something of herself, to make that connection and comfort her with something so small yet meaningful. ❤️😭 Scully's always been so tender and amazing with children.
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It’s worth repeating, Scully looks so good at the party 😍
Bill can't say Mulder's name. He says the worst thing here about a void, an emptiness she's trying to fill. Does he know she can't have children? I'd imagine it's not something Maggie would share with Bill. I hope not, because then at least it's just generally insensitive instead of incredibly heartless. Love the look that Maggie gives her son, knowing that he said something to upset Scully, knowing the full story about what she's going through.
Scully QUESTIONING HER PRIORITIES since her cancer. She loves her work, but it makes it almost impossible to have other things that she wants.
Her fear of loss prevents her from making close connections.
Her decision to pursue pathology: almost seems like a contradiction if she's afraid of death to study it but it's like she's trying to take control of her fears by gaining knowledge over it. Fear and fascination together.
Feels like she was given a second chance when she went into remission. Her attempt to connect with Mulder in "Detour" rebuffed.
She feels like she can only have a relationship with him if it involves their work - she'd be afraid of losing that because perhaps there wouldn't be a reason to be connected to one another any more.
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Melissa - what's important is the people you meet along the way, not necessarily the journey itself.
How Scully's life will be changed and how she will affect the lives of others ❤️😭
This episode is about Scully, but her impact on Mulder's life has been just as immense, if not more so. He's never had anyone in his life who cared and respected him as much as Scully, with as much integrity as her, and who just LIKED being with him. His terrible childhood, terrible relationships, all of his history makes him who he is but Scully loves him regardless, and his life will never be the same.
Scully leaning on her mom after waking up is just... 😭
After the revelation that she is actually Emily's biological mother, her life is forever changed once again.  😭
Bonus pictures of the first time Scully sees Emily:
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"This Is What Happened That Night! The Truth!"
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Evening folks! As promised, I am back with a second blog of the day, following tonight's episode. Can someone clarify for me, I'm hearing lots of different bits of news right now ... If someone can let me know for sure i'd deeply appreciate it! So, over the weekend the news was announced that EastEnders would have to be taken off air due to the cast and crew unable to get back to filming, so in time ... the soap will be off our screens for a while. However, i'm sure I saw something mentioned today that apparently the soaps Coronation Street, Emmerdale and now EastEnders have all been given the go ahead to resume filming. Either way, I'm hoping they will be back to the Square soon and they can get back to the story-lines we're all loving right now!
Anyway, let's focus on tonight's episode ... Can anyone tell me what's going on with Isaac right now?! I get he's still reeling from the information his Mother told him about Patrick being his biological father. But I think he's acting completely childish and as soon as he gets caught doing something he shouldn't, he sulks like a kid! First, he decides to call in sink and avoids going to work and looking after a group of school children. It's clear he's drinking his sorrow's away, but seriously, that's not going to help is it? He sneaks into Denise's hair salon and swipes a bottle from the cupboard, and even then when Denise caught him, she knew he was up to something! THEN he goes to pee in the middle of Square, almost being caught by children ... it was lucky Denise caught him before they did! But bloody hell! What is going through his mind? I get it's probably a lot to take in, and the fact that Sheree and Patrick are away at the minute to give him a bit of space, with Denise only looking out for him at the moment, I feel like he's just going to go completely off the scale. Is he going to lose his job because of skiving so much? I mean, I don't think he's been to work once since finding out the truth about his Dad. He offered to tutor Tommy for a few free sessions, but other than that, he's not done much else. I don't really know what's happening with Isaac and i'm unsure what's going to happen when Patrick and Sheree return. Hopefully Denise can keep him in line and look out for him while they're away, even though he is not her responsibility.
Okay, so Rainie targeted Habiba in getting her to fish for information about Max and how much he owns of the restaurant. Maybe they'll come up with a plan? Will Habiba be able to get the information that Rainie needs? I'm intrigued to see how this one will go down! Will Max eventually click, or will he be oblivious to Habiba's sneakiness and Rainie's plan?!
Uh-oh! Turns out that Phil knows the exact plan that's going to happen with this dodgy deal with Danny. Money is going to be hidden somewhere in a building that the police are going to raid once they know the money is going to be nicked. I got a bit concerned for Ben when Phil mentioned that the building will be dark inside, so that means even more cause for concern for Ben ... if he's involved and he goes with Phil to the site, there's a chance he may not be able to see and hear what's going on around him. I hope Ben realises that he can't do it, he'll be getting himself in more danger if anything goes wrong and he wont be able to find his way out! I'm trying to think ahead as to what we might see, that is, if we get to see, this event happen. Will Phil be okay? Could he be caught in the crossfire because he brought Ben along? There's so many things that could go wrong, is it bad to say that i'm kinda scared for both Ben and Phil?! Even Callum?! What if he does know what's happening and he finds out Ben is involved, could he get himself caught up in it, trying to either help his boyfriend or try and do his job! It's an interesting situation! Tonight, Ben was in this hospital waiting for his operation to take place, Callum said to him that he'd be there every step of the way. It was only when Ben started pushing his partner for information that Callum eventually realised what his boyfriend was really up to! It's sad that Callum is feeling used. I do believe that Ben wants the best for Callum, but the fact that he's doing a dodgy bit of business, which Callum may know about, and realising that he could be putting his job on the line if he were to tell him certain information, it's the worst thing he could've asked him to do. Do you think Ben even wanted to do it? Was he just trying to impress his Dad to prove he could get information from Callum? There are many ways in which you could look at it, I think it's just a shame that Callum felt used and decided to leave Ben there to have the operation on his own! Will his op be a success and will Ben and Callum be able to get past this? But most importantly, will everything go to plan and will they both be okay?
Oh Jean!! Does anyone else have a feeling that Kush and Shirley might have accidentally given Jean an overdose of her medication?! They might be unsure as to how much she's supposed to take, plus the fact she's not been taking any for weeks, to then be given some at such a rapid amount, it'll be a big shock to the system, surely?! She was struggling for breath and she was losing her balance and feeling dizzy! Could it maybe be the lack of medication she's taking (or not) and her body is desperate for more? I'm unsure about bipolar medication, but i'm just assuming what could happen next. One thing for sure is that Shirley and Kush are going to be feeling guilty, perhaps, in upcoming episodes? Guilty and more worried for poor Jean? Will she be okay? Will we find out what caused her to have a seizure?!
Oh no! Keegan! What are you doing?! After Jack tried to help up and off his own back, risking his job, managed to get a video from a witness of the night in question regarding Keegan. Keegan has been sulking for what feels like weeks now after being arrested by the police, after being accused of throwing a brick and restricting arrest. Everyone around him is trying to keep him upbeat and remain positive for him and he's just refusing to let anyone help him. Tiffany is seeing to his business for him, putting together and selling sandwiches, because he's started to give up. Jack has taken them both in after they found out they've been kicked out of their apartment, and yet Keegan is still remaining miserable. Denise seems to understand the young lad, mainly that she's also experienced the same thing in her life, which she mentioned to Jack. She made it clear to Jack that Keegan, Mitch and herself have all been treated differently, just because of the colour of their skin. It was then that Jack realised and he did something, he really shouldn't have done! Fair enough, show them the footage, but giving them to the USB stick was definitely a bad idea! It's fair to say that Keegan wants to clear his name, but the way he's done it, by sharing it on social media, is certainly the wrong way! He's literally just jeopardised Jack's career! Once Tiffany and Jack find out, they are going to be livid with him! What's going to happen to Jack now? Could he get suspended, or even fired? Will Keegan still get the justice he's so longing for? I feel sorry for Keegan, but I think he's gone about it completely the wrong way, only time will tell now what'll happen!
I know it's a little shorter this post tonight guys, I hope I've managed to cover everything that's currently going on. Thank you for being incredibly patient with me. Another long week to wait now until we see what happens next. Keep yourself safe! Look after yourself and we'll get through this tough time together! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, this will not last forever and we will see each other again! Enjoy the rest of your week guys! xXx
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Full Watch!!! DuckTales Season 3 Episode 8 Full Episode Free Online
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[Full~Episode]>> DuckTales Season 3 Episode 8
DuckTales — Season 3 Episode 8  : Teller Talks!!! Magicians Miranda Allen, Iñaki Zabaletta, Keith Kong, and Guilherme Silveira try to fool the veteran duo with their illusions. Watch DuckTales (2020) Season 3 Episode 8 Watch sub Eng StreamiNG & Online
WATCH HERE]➤https://bit.ly/32Nx5qo WATCH TV Series]➤https://bit.ly/32Nx5qo
Title: DuckTales Genre: Family, Comedy, Animation Air Date: 2020-09-21 Season Number: 3 Episodes Number : 8 Overview: The adventures of billionaire Scrooge McDuck and his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, their famous uncle Donald Duck, pilot extraordinaire Launchpad, Mrs. Beakly, Webby and Roboduck. Adventures and hidden treasures are everywhere, in their hometown Duckburg and all around the world. Stars: David Tennant (Scrooge McDuck (voice)), , Danny Pudi (Huey (voice)), , Ben Schwartz (Dewey (voice)), , Bobby Moynihan (Louie (voice)), , Kate Micucci (Webby Vanderquack (voice)), , Beck Bennett (Launchpad McQuack (voice)), , Toks Olagundoye (Mrs. Beakley (voice)),
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🎥 Watch DuckTales (2020) Season 3 Episode 8 TV-Full-HD| Full Series Online || Mnet ● DuckTales (2020) Season 3 Episode 8 |Watch HD ● DuckTales (2020) Season 3 Episode 8 |Release Date ● DuckTales (2020) Season 3 Episode 8 |Full Episode Online ● DuckTales (2020) Season 3 Episode 8 |Watch Full Series ● DuckTales (2020) Season 3 Episode 8 |Watch Free ● DuckTales (2020) Season 3 Episode 8 |Watch Streaming & OnlineSocials Media
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TELEVISION SHOW AND HISTORY A television show (often simply TV show) is any content produced for broadcast via over-the-air, satellite, cable, or internet and typically viewed on a television set, excluding breaking news, advertisements, or trailers that are typically placed between shows. Television shows are most often scheduled well ahead of time and appear on electronic guides or other TV listings. A television show might also be called a television program (British English: programme), especially if it lacks a narrative structure. A television series is usually released in episodes that follow a narrative, and are usually divided into seasons (US and Canada) or series (UK) — yearly or semiannual sets of new episodes. A show with a limited number of episodes may be called a miniseries, serial, or limited series. A one-time show may be called a “special”. A television film (“made-for-TV movie” or “television movie”) is a film that is initially broadcast on television rather than released in theaters or direct-to-video. Watch DuckTales — 1 Episode 12  : Teller Talks!!! HD free TV Show | TV Shows &… Magicians Miranda Allen, Iñaki Zabaletta, Keith Kong, And Guilherme Silveira Try To Fool The Veteran Duo With Their… moviequin.tvmoviefullstreame.com Television shows can be viewed as they are broadcast in real time (live), be recorded on home video or a digital video recorder for later viewing, or be viewed on demand via a set-top box or streamed over the internet. The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 9930s. Televised events such as the 9936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 9932 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 9939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 9982 World Series inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 99836, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 8, 9959 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 9958 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 8, 9958. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 9965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 9929, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season. FORMATS AND GENRES Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional series). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows. A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 93690s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little. If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order. Since the 93690s, many series feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television series to have this kind of dramatic structure,while the later series DuckTaleslon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intended five-season run. In 9362, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film. Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 3699, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television. CREDITS Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama, Anime Movie, etc. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings! Thanks for watching Videos Today.
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Blood, tears and sea breeze.
Warnings: ANGST, mental health issues, graphic depictions of violence, blood, cursing, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of sex, substance abuse.
Summary: The not so peaceful town of Broadchurch face dead again, while Alec Hardy continues his journey to redemption will this school teacher be the key to solve the mystery or just another victim of the ever watching evilness that seems to reside in the town.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 5: Walls made of love
The diaries started as a joke, and Alec Could see Y/N was not taking her assignment seriously, he could even imagine Dr. Florence exasperated expression reading them, as much as he remembered the way she looked at him when talked about his own dreams. But every now and then there was some real opinion about her life.
Monday, April 8, 2019
08:00 am. I get to school and I didn't take breakfast, I had a boring morning, as boring as this bloody activity. Sorry doc, but you clearly fail on this one.
10:00 am That was rude I know, but what else you want me to tell, I had a boring lunch and I have a call from Jonathan's mother, I get it the ring was important and I know how much she doesn't me to take away her son, she doesn't have to be that bitchy about it.
By the time he reach the last five days he listened to the tape as he was reading, there were just little more details about what she ate, barely anything, and the people she talk around the day. One detail call his attention, apparently Paul was indulgent enough to let her drive for brief moments in straight lines, and Hardy was not sure if it was relevant for the case or not.
Then he finally found the recollection of the night she went out drinking with Ashley, she usually put on hours before writing so the doctor would follow better her descriptions.
2:30 - I just came home and took a shower, I'm sorry Doc, you will be receiving this one way late than usual, and please don't worry, I went for drinks with Ash as I told you yesterday I would, do you actually read this? I would hate to imagine a woman like you sitting at home alone waiting for my poor written crap. Anyway, I'll tell you a secret I didn't drink today, we were at the club at 10 but stupid Jonathan called me to tell me that I shouldn't be going out with, I told him where he could put his opinion, but I listen and took only mocktails, Ash didn't notice I think, she was so funk I even drove back, thankfully the streets were empty, I hope she didn't eat me out with Jonathan, and I will apologize to him lateer in the morning, I will tell him: I can't wait to be doing this for the rest of our lives.
I haven't told hin about your plann of putting me on medication, I will surprise him with it when he gets back, that would definitely make him happy.
"Hardy, Paul Coates is here, he wants to talk to you" One of the agents said and he immediately pull the papers behind some other files, they felt like something private not sure why.
"Sure, tell him I'll be out in a minute" He said and once he was away he move to close the blinds and the door of his office.
But if I'm completely honest I'm not sure if he actually wants me to get bettr or just wants me to be what he wants, as you said we all put on walls, and as I tried to move on from mine and from the memory of parents stopping me from getting out of Broadchurch I let Jonathan trapped me in litral walls in our huse, and the walls made of love that I built to keep me from telling him that I want to drive, that I need to work, that I'm capable, anyway have a nice night or morning or whatever time is you are reading this, I'll send you the next entry tomorrow.
Alec checked the time when Dr Florence received the document 2:53 am, so a few minutes after she wrote it, wich was obvious since it had several misspellings and missing letters.
He had already checked the traffic cameras around her home and all her movements checked out, there at 1:52 am just a few miles before the dirty road to her cottage he identified the car that should belong to Langford, and then the same car leaving at 2:05 however the first time he didn't notice that she was the one driving, and then Ashley driving back, apart from that her story checked out.
He stood up and walk to a waiting room where Paul was sitted , he respected the reverend but sometimes his good intentions could be too much.
"DI Hardy" He said always polite standing up to shake his hand "I'm sorry to bother you but is about Y/N"
"Do you have new information about the case?" Hardy said dryly, and sitedin front of him "I believe Miller already talked to you this morning, and I don't have more to say apart from that"
"No, I already say everything I know, is just I figured since Y/N is not going to be able to go back to his place because of ... the investigation and that" he frowned thinking about Jonathan's body "I thought maybe she could stay at the church, we always have a spare room and well since her family is not around I figured ..."
"How did you know she is getting free?" Alec interrupted him.
"Well I don't think she is responsible for anything" He started clearly surprised that he questioned that.
"Ah, you think you can do my job better than me?" Hardy said, clearly about to loose his temper.
"I just think, or at least I like to think I'm better at knowing people" Paul was more serious, and Hardy was shock by that, maybe it was the years of tragedy he had face with the town, or maybe it was something more personal.
"Oddly how things turn out isn't it? The fiance is gone, and now she goes back to you, and you even want her to live with you. And you are no longer with Becca do you? All seems way too convenient don't you think?" He said looking for something in the priest face, but there was only indignation.
"What are you suggesting? Really? You are going to questioning me?" He said and Hardy just remained silent with her arms crossed "Fine if I you need to know, and I'm surprised Ellie hasn't told you yet, I know her ages ago, her, Ashley we went to school together, and we were together for about one year, I don't know she was 26 at the time. And we broke up because I was busy with the church and we have been friends since then." He said quickly and Alec nodded.
"And you were friends with Norbury?" Alec asked not sure on why he wanted to know.
"I introduced them, a few weeks after he move here he began helping me at the church, and she often volunteers to watch the trouble makers, she must have watch Tom and Danny a couple times back in those days" a shadow of sorrow crossed his face remembering the young kid, something that happened often in broadchurch "I actually forgot to tell something to Ellie" He said remembering suddenly "I don't think is relevant but anyway, I am I meet Jonathan at a AA meeting, and that's why he started helping at the church. He had troubles with drinking at London that's why he came here."
"Did he ever relapse?" Alec ask suddenly with all his alarms on "Like recently?"
"Not that I know, he didn't want Y/N to know about it, and I ask him to talk to her before the wedding, I'm not sure if he did" The sad look was back now for his lost friend.
"She'll be out in fifty" Alec said standing up, and walking towards the door "You can wait for her here"
"What? Oh thanks, she has been trough a lot already, I hope I can help her out on this at least."
"You said her family is not around, what ever happened to them?" He said suddenly stopping at the door.
"They died, in a car accident ten years ago, she was about to leave town, she was not living with them anymore, she was the youngest and they care for her a lot, but after that she felt guilty I guess, she started coming more to church and her problem got worse for a few weeks, I hope that doesn't happen again".
"Sure" Hardy said and walked fast to the interrogation room where Y/N have spent the night. He found her sitted in the same place, and she had clearly been crying, he felt sorry for her, but he had to get things clear first.
"You lied to us" He started siting in front of her. "You drove home on Friday morning out of the bar" She only nodded and took a sip of the water bottle she hasn't touched yet.
"I'm sorry" Y/N said with a throaty voice "I did, I know I'm not supposed to but I actually can drive very well, and I haven't drink that night it, I thought it was safer if I take the wheel than Ash, but she was stubborn enough to drive back herself"
"Any particular reason on why you don't drink?" He asked not giving it much importance.
"I really don't like it that much, and it worsens my anxiety, so I may take a glass of wine here and there, I think that's why I blacked out so long two weeks ago I did drink a few more shots than my usual three" she said putting her hair behind her ear "He was in AA" She said biting her nails "Or at least I think he was, someone left a voice message about changing the hour for the meeting" She face Hardy with red eyes but she didn't cried, not anymore.
"Do you ever saw him drinking?" He asked and his mind was still in the coroner report trying to remember what he said about the content of the stomach.
"No, also he always had "Boy's night" with Paul on the day I knew he had his AA meetings, is weird how any of them thought I will figure it out" She had a sad smile on her face "I always thought he was a terrible liar because of it"
"You can leave, reverend Coats, amm Paul is waiting for you" She gave him a surprise look.
"Why is Paul here?" She asked then putting up her hands so he could uncuffed her.
"You can't go to your own place, we are still looking for evidence there" Alec said avoiding her gaze.
"Detective Hardy, do you believe me?" She asked caressing her wrist, they felt numb after all that time.
"Is there a reason I shouldn't?" He asked looking at her straight in the eyes.
"No, but earlier it felt like you thought it was me" She said.
"I don't have to believe you or not, I make questions and I follow evidence, and evidence doesn't suggest you did it" He avoided answer her directly.
"Then can I ask you a favor?" She said standing up. "When you find who did this to us, and I have faith in you to do it, if is someone I know, please don't tell me" Her voice was low and almost imperceptible and he had to bend over the table to listen better.
"Why?" He asked in a whisper almost as quiet as hers.
"Because I would hate them, and I would want to kill them, and I don't want to be that kind of person" She said and he could see the fear and sorrow in her eyes, and felt grateful that another officer entered to take her way from him. He went back to his office trying to forget that look when Miller walked in.
"Did you let her go? Paul told me on the way out she would stay at the church, that seems fine for now" She said looking at him but he was apparently not listening. "Ready to go see his apartment?"
"What does the coroner said about his stomach?" He asked suddenly leaning back on his chair.
"Vodka? Whiskey? Some sort of alcohol, why?" She asked curious.
"Yeah, something like that, come on Miller we can't lost more time" There he is, Miller smile when he put on his coat again and start walking outside. "By the way, I haven't told you this" He turned at her with a odd expression in his face "I am in therapy with Dr. Florence, I have been there for a few months now, is not important, I just thought you should know" He nodded and kept walking.
"Ok, sure, fine. That's great" Miller said against her impulse of asking more, she was glad he shared that of course, but she knew how hard must have been for him to admit it. "Anyway Becca Fisher owns the apartment where Norbury lived, she gave me the key"
They walked out and Alec started telling her about Jonathan's problem with alcohol, and a few other details he learned that morning but leaving out all about the diaries. He was sure as much as Ellie that Y/N was innocent but that only made things more complicated and he was hoping for a new lead to appear at the apartment, Please don't tell me her voice resonated in his mind and when he closed his eyes he could see her face. This was getting more and more difficult every minute.
I wasn't sure if people was actually reading this, but I'm glad they are, so if you want to be in the tag list just say so and I would gladly add you.
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 21
Chapter Summary -  Six weeks have passed without contact and Tom hears the song Ain't No Sunshine, and only one person comes to mind, he looks at Danielle's Facebook page and comes to a small discovery, but he only knows half the story. When Benedict rings him up to vent his frustration, he finds out even more about Danielle and her recent work; but Benedict is not as negative about his feelings for her as Luke was.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
So apparently Irlam is the stunt co-ordinator for Game of Throne at present but was not for War Horse or The Hollow Crown, but hey, this is fiction, so we can bend the rules a little.
Also, I read before Benedict was having issues with his home and a boiler that was causing an issue with the neighbours, I am not so weird as to Google if that has been sorted.
So we'll just suspend belief a little, okay?
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
Ain’t no Sunshine when she’s gone
Tom found himself humming along to the song that was currently playing on his radio as he finished rinsing the protein shaker under the tap, cursing that he had to bulk up for another role, hating the long, strenuous process. As he began to sing the lyrics, a face came to his mind and he stopped singing; Danielle. He had not heard from her since he had left his mother’s six weeks before, he had not had the courage to ask her what happened with Paul, nor had he the restraint to hold back when she would inevitably tell him that she had forgiven him and taken him back. His curiosity getting the better of him, he went onto her Facebook page, hoping to see something there. Danielle was not the sort of woman to put up a hundred photos of her life or to put posts that cryptically made reference to her relationships, so he knew whatever it was he would find would be accurate. What he saw made him swallow hard.
There were several photos of her in a city, it wasn’t London, but familiar enough for him to recognise places, then one photo really caught his attention, a picture of her outside a football stadium and the caption ‘The place responsible for Wayne Rooney, level it’ and he recognised it immediately as Manchester. She was smiling happily and laughing in the photos, but all that went through his mind was the fact that someone had to be holding the camera, and only one person came to mind for that.
He was about to click off and throw his phone onto the sofa when a notification came up that she had changed her profile picture. As though wanting to have his heart torn from his chest, he clicked on it, wincing as he looked. It was her, sitting on what appeared to be the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones. Her caption was simply ‘Bow down, Bitches’ and in it, he realised there was a few people tagged in the photo, all of whom he had never heard her mention before, but one name, he recognised. He clicked on it and realised he knew the man from his time on The Hollow Crown and War Horse, he was the stunt coordinator, Rowley Irlam, frowning, he wondered how Danielle had come to befriend him. A post on Rowley’s page caught his eye and he stared at the photo of Danielle, who had her arm around Rowley and another woman, all three smiling into the camera, the drinks on the table in front of them telling him it was some form of party; the caption caught his attention somewhat, ‘The newest member of the Behind The Scene geniuses that makes this great production possible, our new Safety Officer, Danielle Hughes, Keep us safe Danni.’ Tom stared at the words in front of him, ‘Safety Officer’ when had this happened, why did he not know about it? His mother and sister never mentioned anything, and usually, they were the first to discuss anything interesting in Danielle’s life.
He was about to ring his mum when his phone lit up in his hand, Benedict’s name greeting him. Sliding it to answer, he put it up to his ear. “Please tell me you’re in London.” Ben’s voice came over the line.
Tom chuckled slightly, “I am; you sound stressed.”
“I am selling this blasted house and moving to a remote mountain, where I have no neighbours, no moaning and no blasted complaining.” The older actor ranted.
“Still having issues with the boiler I take it?”
“I am going to pull the bloody thing off the wall. I am fit to strangle something.”
“Want to meet for lunch?” Tom offered, wanting to get out of his own head.
“I can’t, I have to wait for an engineer to come out, you’d think that in 2016 all you would have to do is just pull it out, get a proper one put in and not have anyone complain, but no, apparently getting a house done up in North London is nigh on an infringement on Human Rights on your neighbours.”
“You seem stressed.”
“No, really? Thank you for that Tom, I would never have gathered I was stressed.”
“Are Sophie and Christopher around or have they fled to somewhere less stressful, like Syria?”
“You are hilarious, no they are…I think she said Somerset or something, I was so stressed with this, I wasn’t paying full attention, don’t tell her that.”
“I am totally telling her that.”
“Asshole.” Ben retorted deadpan. “She is with her brother for the weekend, and thankfully so, they don’t need to be around this.” He sighed deeply before continuing. “Please keep me company.”
“Fine, I’ll have to see if Elle knows anyone who has riot gear, then I’ll be over.”
“I rather if she knew someone with Valium at this point.”
“I am sure she knows some.” Tom groused.
“What’s that about?”
“Your attitude, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I will be there soon, don’t tear up the boiler or kill a neighbour.”
“I’ll try, but I make no promises.” Ben hung up and Tom grabbed his jacket, not caring about changing his slightly messy clothes, considering he was going to Benedict’s semi-construction site of a home.
“It’s not too bad.” Tom looked around.
“It still looks like a shithole,” Benedict argued.
“You only have the boiler to deal with, really.”  Tom pointed out.
“I can’t put in the new central heating until I do that, and that means pulling up floorboards.”
“And this is why I would never buy a house not already to my specification,” Tom commented. “It’ll get done.”
“Not if next door has anything to do with it, they are complaining mad, going on to the newspapers about it and everything. If they just gave me a month of work, I would have it sorted and there would be nothing more on it.” Benedict put on the kettle, “as it stands, I can’t get anywhere near sorted.”
“What do they have as their complaint?”
“It is disrupting the peace and tranquillity of the neighbourhood. If the daft cow did anything other than sitting on her arse all day, it wouldn’t even bother her.”
“What? It’s true.” Ben argued, putting the hot water into the mugs. “I know I am being an ass, but I am just so pissed about it, I just want it done, I mean, I bought this when Sophie was pregnant, we thought it would be done before the wedding, much less when Christopher was born.”
“How is he?”
“Growing like a weed, seriously, do children ever stop?”
“I can only say from the point of view of an uncle, but from my experience, no, it appears not.” He gave a small smile.
Benedict gave him an analytical look. “What’s going on?”
“Something is eating you, what is it?”
“Liar.” Benedict eyed him carefully, “Whatever it is, you are better off saying it now, here in my house where you have some privacy, not explode it out in public later where you will be heard by everyone.”
“What are you on about?”
“You hold stuff in and ruminate on it until finally, it becomes too much for you and you effectively eject out whatever it is that is bothering you on the nearest person, so spill, what is it?”
“And what about her?”
“She is in Ireland.”
“Well, I may be grasping at straws here, but it may have something to do with the fact that Danielle is Irish, and since it is only about a couple hundred kilometres to out left, it would not be too extreme an idea for her to go there from time to time.”
“Do you remember Rowley Irlam?”
“The name rings a bell.” Ben thought hard of the name.
“He was the stunt coordinator on War Horse.”
“Ah yes, and Hollow Crown too.”
“That guy, he has a post on Facebook.”
“People tend to do that on Facebook,” Benedict was unsure what that had to do anything.
“With Danielle.”
“Saying she is a new member of a team.”
“Well, that makes perfect sense considering…Wait, you don’t know, do you?”
“Know what?”
“That is why she was on set on Sherlock.”
“Danielle was working on the set of Sherlock as part of an interview for a job as a Safety Officer, apparently she has been studying for it since she came here.”
“What, she never said anything like that to me.” Tom became indignant.
“She was only really able to apply for things in the past few months apparently. It was sort of hard for her to tell you when you were not talking to her.”
“She never mentioned it before, when she was studying, I could have helped her.”
“Exactly.” Ben pointed out. “She didn’t want your help, she wanted to get there by herself, and not name drop. Besides, dropping your name and mine doesn’t help in production, we come with a nice big fat ‘P’ stamped on us, remember?”
Tom gave a grunt in response. “How do you know all this?”
“I asked her that time on set, I asked her why she was there, she explained everything to me, and when the stunt coordinator was talking to her, he said he had a friend that would be interested in her help for something in Coronation Street, I told her to tell me how she got on, apparently she did well, and said about heading home for a few weeks.
“She was on the set of Game of Thrones.”
Benedict took out his phone and typed for a moment. “Irlam is the stunt co-ordinator for it.”
“So she is on the set there?”
“Atta girl Danielle.” Benedict commended.
“She is doing well.”
“Are you surprised?”
“She never mentioned anything to me.”
“When were you last talking to her?”
“The last time I was home, about six weeks ago.”
Ben groaned. “What did you argue about this time?”
“Nothing, we didn’t argue.”
“Then why weren’t you talking?”
“Because I…it doesn’t matter.” Benedict gave Tom a sceptical look. “What?”
“Nothing.” He stated shaking his head.
“You sound like Luke.”
“Do I want to ask?”
“Luke is implying I am in lust with her and need to get over myself, that it will never work, she’s too normal and that’s why I want her.”
“I think it is a bit more than lust if I’m honest,” Benedict commented. “What do you think?”
“I think I…I have no idea,” Tom admitted.
“I think you need to get yourself sorted.”
“She has a boyfriend.”
“And? No offence to the guy, but he’s not Tom Hiddleston.” Benedict grinned.
“You are not helping me through this at all,” Tom growled.
“I want my friend to be happy, remember, I have said that to you before.”
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whoreofabaddon · 5 years
OK SO you've been against Danny since the very beginning- and very Pro Sansa the whole time. PLEASE I AM DESPERATELY DYING FOR YOUR "OFFICIAL END OF SHOW" HOT TAKES
I feel so incredibly validated that I cannot begin to tell you. I’ve been saying that Dany was just like her father since the damned start, and now I feel like everyone is complaining that she would ‘never do this’ because they didn’t consider the foreign people she’s done this exact thing to in a similar light as they do the Westerosi people. Remember that all she’s really done is conquered lands and then abandoned them to collapse or rebuild without her presence. She finds ruling boring. She only cares about conquering.
The way that people are going on about her ‘mischaracterization’ is funny to me. I’ll agree there was some bad writing at play in this season, but it was more in delivery methods than the plot points themselves. Dany was always going to be a cruel and merciless ruler. She literally said she intended to do this from the beginning, but no one took what she was saying seriously because she’s so pretty and dragons are cool!!! She’s not a tyrant!!!
When I watched Sansa’s coronation, I can’t even describe how I felt. It was so amazing to see her become the Queen that she wanted to be since the very first season. I could go on for ages about how misogynistic people have always been towards her character; people go out of their way to be nasty about her doing the very things they applaud in other female characters because she’s too traditionally feminine to them. So, to me, it really felt like an impossible win to see her become Queen in the North when she’s been through so many terrible things.
People don’t really appreciate Sansa’s inner strength and grace, or notice how well she’s always played the game because they fall into the same trap as a lot of men. They ignore her because she’s a woman or dismiss her as silly and stupid. In my opinion, they didn’t want to assign value to her because they were eager to equate her more traditional femininity with weakness. Jon echoed those sentiments with his incredibly condescending “Sansa thinks she’s smarter than everyone else.” After he gave away her birth right!
There isn’t a singular right way to be a strong woman, but if you read some of these fan’s opinions, you’ll see they certainly think there is.
And Sansa doesn’t fit that image to them.
So I’m pretty happy with the end plots for all of my favorite characters, Greyjoys notwithstanding. But my feelings about what happened to all of the Greyjoys and their stories are for another day.
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