#I want to be chill but I’m not and never will be
sweet1delusi0ns · 3 days
Haikyuu boys n cuddles ──☆*:・゚
Team ! karasuno
Characters: Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Daichi, Sugawara, Tanaka
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He will do anything to spend all day with you cuddling but bro has places to be yk
But he still tries to cuddle as much as possible even in public. If he’s on break and your there he will cuddle up to you in front of everyone, he don’t care! Unless your the one cuddling up to him then he will start blushinggg
But mostly y’all cuddle at one of your houses. He’s so awake and hyper that he can’t stay still but two minutes into the cuddle sesh he’s gone. He drools all over you but you don’t care, and you’ll gladly kiss him awake when it’s time to go
He mainly clings onto your side, like he just clamps himself onto your waist or arm and will just stay there! He also likes being held by you but that’s only for special occasions
He doesn’t beg and whine for cuddles but he will be pissed if he doesn’t get cuddles when he wants. He expects you to read his mind; “how was I supposed to know you wanted to cuddle you didn’t say anything?” “I DONT KNOW!”
But once he does get them he is very pleased with himself, he feel like he wins since he didn’t have to ask even though he was pouting the whole day which is basically the same-
He normally big spoons you while his face is like (¬◡¬). If you catch a glimpse of his dumb smirk you tease him which makes him hide in your hair instead~
He’s scared of cuddling anywhere public in any way- he wants cuddles to be private and special! He like just being with you and no one else ok!
He thinks he’s so smart trying to make cuddling ‘your idea’ even though you didn’t even say anything at all. Like random he just walks up to you; “fineee since you wanna whine so much I guess we could cuddle.” You didn’t even say anything before he spoke up he was just to shy to admit he wanted to cuddle
He big spoons you but what he really loves is resting his head on your chest and wrapping his arms around you, You play with his hair and call him ‘your baby’ and at that point he doesn’t even try to stop it. He will deny it later tho👍
The only cuddling he really does PDA wise is letting you rest on him. He doesn’t care abt all the teasing his gunna get if your tired he doesn’t care he will be a pillow. Again he will deny it later even though there were witnesses
Never will he ever ask to cuddle, it’s way too embarrassing to ask you he’d rather just curl into a ball on top of you and wait for you to acknowledge him, he always lays on top of you even if he’s bigger or smaller than you he doesn’t care. He draws shapes on your arms while he waits for attention, he also likes when you pat his head-
Once you finally engage with him he was just start TALKINGG, about anything! When he’s comfortable he talks! About his day n such and sometimes he goes “oh do you wanna say something? No? Ok…blah blah blahhh” you don’t mind his yapping at all though
If you try hugging him in public or pulling him in he will just look away timidly and softly push off, hopeing no one sees his red face~
He tries cuddling you literally everywhere. He can’t go one second without a cuddle- he could be in the middle of shopping or something and he will just stop, turn around and cling onto you, then after a minute he will get off and act like nothing happened
If you guys r just hanging out at your house and y’all decide to cuddle uhm, your going to have to pick the position cuz he can not make up his mind- honestly he just sprawls out and let’s you do whatever, normally you just hold him which he’s chill with
Also if you don’t give him nose kisses or play with his hair while cuddling he’s gunna be madddd!
He gives you hugs n love but cuddling is rare but when it does happen it lasts HOURS. Like 4 full hours I’m being Fr. He holds you close to his chest and just stays there, he doesn’t even fall asleep he’s fully awake and he remembers every moment!
He waits all day for you both to have free time so you could just talk and cuddle and he will get impatient in you take too long, he’s been waiting all day ofc he’s gunna get impatient; “y/n hurry up!!!” “Be PATIENT!” “UGHHH”
When y’all cuddle he always hides his face in your hair or neck and he gets cold like really easily so when he starts getting a little cold he tightens his arms around you hoping for you to bring warmth to him
He is obsessed with cuddles but if he asked for them all the time he would feel like he’s bothering you, WHICH HES NOT!
He tries to figure out if your busy in any way ; “sooo y/n, you doing anything?” “Uhm no?” “Cool…cool…” “…do you wanna cuddle~!” “Yeah” you can tell what he wants without him having to ask which he loves
He cuddles by tucking under your chin and basically hiding in the neck, when you cuddle it’s nap time for him so you have a sleeping boy hiding in your neck while softly snoring, you comment about his snoring later and he got embarrassed 😔
He normally only cuddles late at night when he’s still hype asf and needs to calm down, so he just throws himself onto you-
He obviously uses your chest as a pillow so he wraps his hands round your waist as well, you could feel him nuzzling into your chest while he whispers something about you being so hot (as usual)
On a serious note he finds is so cute when you drag your thumb over his cheeks in an attempt to calm him down, he always grabs your hand and kisses it before actually calming down.
This should NOT have taken this long but I had shit to do forgive me😋
Btw: not proof read cuz I’m lazy🤞
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 2 days
Oi oi can’t get kaji being in a fight and absolutely loosing it and he can‘t let go of his rage so hiragi has to go get reader so she can calm hin and snap him out of it out of my head
welcome back. [kaji]
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you were scared of a lot of things — the dark, bugs, long alleyways, sudden loud noises, violence; kaji, on the other hand, wasn’t scared of anything. he had no issues walking through the dark, didn’t mind when bugs flew by him, braved alleyways as if it was no different than taking a stroll through the park, never winced at a loud noise, and didn’t shirk away from violence like you did. how ironic (yet on par with the pattern) it was that the one thing you didn’t fear happened to be the only thing kaji did.
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a/n: okay so this is also sorta combining two similar requests (one was more angsty so I added some angst in here) but like… I just love this idea??? like oml I’m falling hard for kaji like head over heels and back again.
wc: 1.3k
c/w: fem!reader, established relationships, angst, hurt/comfort w generously sprinkled fluff, fairly graphic depictions of violence/blood, kaji 🫠, language, I think I tagged everything but if you notice something pls lmk
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you were scared of a lot of things — the dark, bugs, long alleyways, sudden loud noises, violence; kaji, on the other hand, wasn’t scared of anything. he had no issues walking through the dark, didn’t mind when bugs flew by him, braved alleyways as if it was no different than taking a stroll through the park, never winced at a loud noise, and didn’t shirk away from violence like you did. how ironic (yet on par with the pattern) it was that the one thing you didn’t fear happened to be the only thing kaji did.
kaji had briefly expressed this fear to you; but when he did so, it never seemed to feel very deep to you — like it was only something that affected him on a surface level, not something that had burrowed deep into his bones and constricted his very being on a day to day basis.
it wasn’t until a battered-looking hiragi had dragged you nearly half-way across town and straight to a scene that would have been more appropriate within a horror movie than in the middle of a sunset-drenched town that you realized just how cavernous this fear of kaji’s was — and why.
“what is—?” you could barely even produce words — your eyes were wide as you took in the sight before you; battered bodies lay scattered across the street, and if it weren’t for the multiple groans rising from them you would have assumed them cadavers, what with the amount of blood that covered them — and in the center of the carnage was none other than kaji. your muscles felt as though they were gripped by large, icy claws, chilled and immovable.
his headphones had been discarded from his head, laying feet away from him, the plastic cracked and scuffed from an obvious rough impact. thwacks and cracks split through the air as kaji rained a fist down on the face of the man he was currently straddling; the man was clearly unconscious, body limp and lips producing no audible sounds. even from the distance, you could see the sheer damage inflicted to the man’s face, and it was mortifying.
if kaji didn’t stop, he was going to kill him.
“I haven’t been able to snap him out of it,” hiragi panted beside you. “when I tried he just — turned on me. I was thinking if you called out to him, it might work.”
“what?” you croaked — you couldn’t understand why, but your throat felt thick, and your eyes burned with heat. you felt like you couldn’t breathe — was this fear? it felt similar, but…
“there’s no time, okay?! just call his name, quick!” hiragi barked, and you shook yourself harshly. you could do this — you just had to call out to him. kaji would listen to you. he would.
“kaji,” you tried, but your voice came out weak — small, as if your body didn’t want it to be heard. damn it, if you didn’t do something… why were you even scared? this was kaji!
“kaji!” you screamed, and the fist that was poised in the air stilled — kaji didn’t look in your direction, but the fact that he hadn’t yet thrown the punch meant something, didn’t it?
that weight atop your chest lightened and you swallowed past the lump in your throat. your lip quivered slightly when you gently ventured, “it’s over now, kaji. just come back, okay?”
kaji didn’t move. his entire body was frozen. that feeling that had frozen your feet to the cement seemed to disappear entirely, and you took a few steps towards kaji —
hiragi’s hand flashed out as quick as lightning and his fingers wrapped around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea just ye—”
hiragi wasn’t able to finish his sentence; in what seemed like less than a second kaji had abandoned the man he was straddling and was now right in front of hiragi, his hand crushing his wrist in a brutal grip.
“don’t you fucking touch her,” kaji snarled, lips drawn back — from this proximity, you could see liquid saccharine of blood smeared across his lips; but he had no visible cuts, so where had that blood come from?
you didn’t have any time to worry about that — kaji’s eyes were narrowed, nothing but sharp steel daggers as they locked onto hiragi; with the intent to kill. kaji’s grip had caused hiragi’s fingers to release your wrist, and in a move that you were sure could have been stupid you wrenched yourself between hiragi and kaji.
you wrapped your arms around his ribs and buried your face into his chest — the strong, pungent scent of copper had you wrinkling your nose and your stomach twisting; part of you wanted to wrench away from it, but beneath that overwhelming scent was kaji — sweet powdered sugar and fresh-linen detergent, a combination that had soaked into your pillow from the various nights he’d stayed over. the very scent that cradled you sleep when he wasn’t there. the very scent that, no matter how often it wafted into your nose, you craved to smell in your every waking moment.
this was still kaji.
it was kaji’s heartbeat thundering in your ear, it was kaji’s breath tickling the top of your head, it was kaji’s warmth soaking into your body from beneath kaji’s sweatshirt.
your kaji was still there — you just had to bring him back.
“kaji, it’s okay,” you murmured into his chest. “I’m okay. it’s just hiragi. I’m safe, kaji.”
you weren’t sure why you had worded it that way; it was simply what your rapid heart had told you to do. but it worked — kaji dropped hiragi’s wrist you heard the older boy stumble back with a grunt.
kaji’s arms fell limp to his sides and his breath shuddered his ribcage. you kept your face pressed against his chest and your arms tightly wound around him. something wet plopped onto the fabric of your shirt, soaking into it and wetting your skin.
it took you a moment to realize that that wet warmth was coming from kaji — and that his ribs were shuddering from the force of barely-contained sobs, not heavy breathing.
“kaji?” you whispered, pulling back to look up at him. fat tears rolled down his cheeks and his brows were pinched tightly together — his teeth dug into the plump flesh of his bottom lip; it was an expression of pure agony — but not agony felt on a physical level.
your heart constricted in your chest and your very soul shook, the need to wipe that look away and smother all the pain within overwhelming your entire body. before you could think about it you unwound your arms from his ribs and brought your hands up to cradle his face.
you surged upwards and slotted your lips against his; you may have been squeezing his cheeks a little too hard within your palms, and you knew that the salt you were tasting on your tongue wasn’t from kaji’s tears alone — but you had to tell him. you didn’t know what you had to tell him; but you prayed with every fiber of your being that he’d hear it, that he would understand and believe it.
kaji seemed to, at least on some level, because his shoulders slanted and his hands met the curve of your hips. his fingertips dug into the meat there as if it were a lifeline — and with the way he pressed his lips back against yours, you knew it was.
only when you felt your message had been received loud and clear did you pull your lips from his, but you kept your hands firmly in place on his cheeks. you pulled his face down slightly so that you could press your forehead against his and feel his breath fan over your lips.
“welcome back.” you whispered, a sentiment meant to be shared only between the two of you, one to be understood and deciphered only by kaji— and it was, evident in the way his voice was thick with emotion when he murmured,
“thank you.”
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I hope I conveyed what the sentiment is~ I’m not too good at really emotional things like this but it was very very fun to give it a try! I kinda teared up a bit ngl
also, there’s a lot more kaji content to come! I’m so excited for it!
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lustlovehart · 1 day
Hi there, i saw ur blade fics & omg 😳 So i came here to send a req for another blade content with gn reader. No yandere blade, but kinda dark (related to ur latest fic of him & i hope u r ok with my req, feel free to decline it).
So, ur latest fic said the reader leaves all of the 'sinning' to him. What if the reader wants to kill someone cz that person is somehow related to their past (in terrible terms with them & it haunts the reader like how it haunts blade). But the reader remembers to leave the 'sinning' to him, so they ask blade to do it (even though they apologize afterwards cz they feel like burdening him).
I hope my req is all safe, im sry if it's complicated 😭 But thx a lot!
Hell Is A Place Without You
A/n: Ahhh!!! I’m so happy you enjoy my Blade writings ^^, I actually already was planning on making a part 2 for it so this req was perfect | pt.2 of I’ll Suffer Your Sin
Summary: Your mind is dirtied with unwanted memories, who knew that nightmare would come back to haunt you? Only you decide who ends your dream. [Date with Blade goes horribly wrong]
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Being watched while you sleep, Awkward Bladie trying to court you, Minor Character Death, horrifically written fight scene
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It’s impossible to truly escape your past, the traces and scars it left behind on you will always remain on your body, no matter how hard you scrub it off. Even in your own dreams, you aren’t free of such a hell. The way that they had betrayed you is etched so deep into your skin tearing your flesh to reach its core will never be enough to absolve you from the memory. The past you remember is buried in blood, their laughter ringing in your ears as you watched them destroy everything you had, yourself as well.
You dream of being free, alas, you'll be chained by it as long as they have you.
“Is something wrong?” The way your heart pumps as gasps of air rush in and out of your lungs doesn’t fail to go unnoticed by the man next to you. He’s bare, the only thing covering his torso being the bandages wrapped around his waist. The way the light from the moon gazing through the window highlights his prettiest features, his muscular stature, his face, and even the scars that adorn his skin are beautiful.
You're sure you would've liked the sight more had you been in a regular state of mind. The events from yesterday still continue to stir you up, and the nightmare only made it worse.
"I-It's nothing just a… Wait, have you slept at all Blade…?"
"No, I haven't"
"Why? I know you have sleeping problems but you should try."
" I was making sure you're okay." For a moment his eyes lock onto your wrapped hand, a cruel reminder of what he had done yesterday, 
"Were you… Watching me sleep…?" he blinks a few times at you before turning back towards the window. Maybe that cold chill up your spine was caused by him instead of your nightmare.
“If I said no you wouldn’t be convinced.” He’s right, even if he did you would most definitely tell he was lying. Well to be fair, he never lies to you, so it wouldn’t be hard to tell in the first place. Now that you think about it, there are some moments in which you wish he would’ve created a fake truth, alas, him and his “that will change nothing” mindset won’t fulfill that wish.
“You’re right, I probably wouldn’t.” You lift yourself from the bed, the sun still hasn’t risen, in fact, it’s still evening, but knowing you have a serial sleepwatcher in the room with you, it might just be better to stay up.
His eyes follow your groggy form slowly putting your work outfit on, his gaze not at all straying. It’s only when you look straight at him that he finally decides to not stare.
He breaks the silence while you’re trying to put on your shoes, his words making you pause and look back up at him for a moment, a null feeling hidden in your chest makes you consider telling him, but in the end, you choke it down and pay no mind to his words, going back to putting your footwear on.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I said it was nothing—“ You don’t feel like announcing your personal problems as of the moment. When you finish, your body stands back up to its regular height, a small scream escaping your lungs when you turn around and find your coworker standing too close for comfort behind you. His stone-cold face is only inches apart from your own, each breath that escapes him being felt on your skin.
Despite how intimidating the situation is from an outsider's perspective, this proximity of closeness is usual between the two of you, so it doesn’t bother you as much as it should, but that doesn’t stop the chill in your body from happening.
“I don’t lie to you, I never would. Why don’t you hold the same sentiment?” His voice is soft, it’s a dead giveaway of his feelings for you, at least, you think it is, he’s not exactly the type to directly say “I love you”, so you have to gauge his current emotions through his body language and actions. It’s not a problem for you, that doesn’t mean it’s easy though.
“But I’m… I’m not lying.”
“Yes. You are. You’re not very good at it.” Sometimes you wish the two of you didn’t work as well as you do, if that was the case, maybe he wouldn’t be able to see through you so easily.
“You’re right I’m lying. But… I don’t know why you care so much… It has nothing to do with you.” Your sentence starts soft before branching out into a firmer tone. This change in attitude made his breath, though barely audibly, hitch in his throat. You don’t speak any more words, only letting his sight linger on you a little longer. His eyes close when he finally retracts himself from your body.
The breath you had held in your esophagus was finally sighed out from the sudden free space. When you look up again, you see the man walk towards the door, the handle clicking as he unlocks and turns it open.
Is he gonna leave…? No is he… Brooding…? The door swings open quickly, his body maneuvering so he’s on the side. He doesn’t look at you, but with the way he’s holding the door, you assume he’s holding it open for you.
“Let’s go.”
“Wha? It’s practically midnight… Where would we go? Nothing's open, and the script is meant to start in a couple of hours—“
“Do we need to have something to do?”
“Well, usually, yeah.”
“Then we’ll walk.” His eyes still don’t make contact with yours, but you can feel the very feint feeling of him wanting you to agree. As you walk forward your body can’t help but hesitate for a moment. The Stellaron hunter is quickly taken by surprise when he feels your previously injured hand grab onto his wrist and drag him along behind you.
The planet you both are currently residing within is a metropolis filled with millions of stores. Maybe if you hadn’t dreamed in your sleep you could’ve gone shopping, too bad they’re all closed.
“You could always go when we’re done with the script.” His deep voice breaks your train of thought as you look down at the tiny lights. You don’t look at him but a quiet “mm” is all he needs to hear to know you heard him.
“By the time we’re done, the city will be in shambles, I don’t think that’ll work.” It’s sad really, looking down at the little glowing wisps reminds you that there are people who live here, not just people, animals, and robots, all with their own lives.
“I didn’t say you had to buy anything.” Sometimes though, not all those lives are worthy of happiness.
“Are you implying we should steal during the aftermath?” You don’t hear the silent steps walking towards the two of you, too absorbed in your conversation with the one your coworkers describe as your “bodyguard”.
“I could do it for you.” They’re close, close enough to hear the words you speak to the man.
“Would you really? I thought you were the type to not stray from the script.” You finally turn around to face him, despite the solemn mood, a slight smile can be seen from your lips a teasing demeanor exuding from your mask. Your body leans on the railing, Blade's eyes occasionally shifting to where you stand, you take it he’s worried you’ll fall.
“I am. I’m following it. Elio says I’m to “make [Name] enjoy the planet”.”
“Oh? So you’re only doing it cause you have to?” Your body lifts from where you once leaned, his own staying unmoved as you advance toward him.
“No, I would’ve done it either way.” Your smile widens a little more, his words are simple but it’s nice to know he’d do something like that for you unprompted. 
The way your face exudes such a warm expression doesn’t go unnoticed, going from a formerly teasing to a more heartfelt look, making his mouth almost quirk up. Almost. As he stares, his mind is taking at least 5 mental pictures to not forget the look on your face.
Perhaps he’ll use it in the future whenever his mara needs quenching. Who’s he kidding, it’s not perhaps, it’s for certain that he’ll use it.
“Would you buy-- or rather, steal me a drink 'cause you want to?“ your finger lifts causing the man's attention to shift, looking at the vending machine in the far distance filled with different juices and beverages. He can feel you gently open his palm, placing credits in his hand. He doesn’t say words but nods his head, turning to walk towards the machine. 
A machine that was quite the stretch away from you.  
Your head turns to look at the pretty lights at the city below, unsuspecting of the person hidden behind you. 
A crunch sounds out through the air, your body immediately spinning to see the figure hurling towards you, the glint of steel highlighting the weapon in their hand. 
Clash of Blades continue to spiral out in the space until you’ve successfully pinned them to the railing, their body leaned over the fence, a small edge laid on their throat. Right there, in your hands, is the chance to leave your history behind in the dust. But, your hand can’t help but tremble. Your knees are weak too, despite it, your hand continues to press deeper, blood drawing from the wound. 
“Take me, as much as you need. All of it if you have to.“
“is that it?“ a sadistic laugh escaped from the depths of their throat. The cold feeling of a sharp point is directed in your stomach. “I’m fine with you coming back if that’s what you want-“ 
“... I don’t need it. So have it.“
The figure is shoved to the side, their head making contact with the floor, the weapon in your hand unmoving from its place as you look down to where their body lies. They’re still alive, the harsh breathing of their crumpled form on the floor is enough to tell you. A hand intertwines with your own, the familiar touch reminding you of the events from yesterday. 
Blade's hand is warm as he holds your fingers in his, the reds in his eyes looking down at you. 
For a moment, your eyes make contact, keeping a steady connection. The light from the city accentuates his looks, the expression on his face pensive, yet still pretty at the same time. 
“I’ll leave the… ‘sinning’, to you then.“
Slowly, your grip on the handle loosens, the only thing keeping your hold on the weapon being Blade's hands clinging to yours. 
“Blade… Please–“ Your head is turned down, the gentle tilt of his hand making you look at the floor. The knife is finally released from your possession, your eyes not looking up to meet him at the trade. From the edge of your vision, you can see Blade shrug off his outerwear, hanging the piece of clothing on your head, further sheltering you from the gruesome sight soon to come. 
The smell of Citrus and Herbal tea invades your nostrils, both comforting and horrifying. But, the scent is enough to distract you from the harsh sound of a knife swinging and the wheezing that accompanies it. A few quick jabs and the sound of breathing slowly dissipates. 
Even then, Blade's attack on the body does not stop, he keeps going until he can discern the sound of heavy breathing being yours and not his own, finally breaking him out of his trance and allowing him to turn back to you. 
Your hands slowly begin to lift the jacket from your person before swift footsteps halt your actions, quickly tugging the fabric back down. 
“Not yet.” 
He’s quick to take you by the waist, the pungency of iron breaching the protective layer of cloth between you and him. It isn’t until minutes pass does he delicately lifts the jacket off your head and rests it on your shoulders. 
The sight, it’s one you’ve seen dozens of times on him, deep scarlet liquid splattered and smeared on his body, hollow eyes, sullied clothes with fresh blood on his soft hair. 
You continue clinging onto his jacket. Looking at him, but not at him. The barrier serving as a blockade for the beast in front of you. 
Neither of you speak, only listening to the sounds of the sleeping city as you indulge in one another. His mouth leans towards his bloodied glove, the teeth behind his lips revealing themself and serving as a removal for the piece of fabric. 
He reaches for your hand, the scars on his skin evident as you allow him to place your palm on your chest. 
“You’re alive [Name].” He’s right, the beating in your chest is proof of that fact. But so what? “You’re alive in the same way that I’m dead.” What? The look he holds in his eyes is empty, not giving you any telltale sign of what he means. 
“But even then, what would the living know about the words of the dead.” A quote from Kafka that she had restated is all you can remember in your mind. His grip on your hand doesn’t relent for a moment, only pointing his head in the direction of the city, signaling you to turn around and see. 
The once-slumbering city has now awoken. A beautiful sight that will eventually fall despite the morning's hope. 
A ding sounds from Blade's phone. 
Kafka 🕸️: Are you ready dears? 
This took way longer to finish than I wanted it to
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onlygarden · 19 hours
[too much, baby?] - yang jungwon
genre: smut
description: dom jungwon, unprotected sex, rough sex, jungwon just can't stop himself, a bit of size kink, jungwon likes when you cry, multiple orgasms, overstimulation
a/n: to the anon who requested this, i hope it meets your expectations and i do apologize if you were expecting it to be shorter but i unfortunately cannot stop rambling when it comes to jungwon.
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the tranquility of the afternoon floats throughout your home as jungwon enters the bedroom with the sole purpose of admiring you, his lovely girlfriend. he was always captivated by an overwhelming sensation of surreality whenever he took in everything that comprised you. the beauty that forcefully beamed out of you was so mesmerizing he couldn’t look away from you even if he wanted to. why would he ever want to to do that, though? your existence itself far surpassed the confines of realism. to jungwon, you just couldn’t be real.
astonishment shook him as he took notice of the clothing that relaxed around your body. the large white shirt that belonged to him (needless to say) complemented your body without even hugging any part of it. your tiny body always made his clothes look so big, and he was enraptured by that alluring contradiction. he notices your lack of clothing too; beneath his large shirt, you shamelessly donned no bra, and he only assumes you’re wearing panties since your legs stand completely bare. 
if he pounced on your unsuspecting figure right now, you would willingly oblige to any manner he decided to mistreat your body in. he knew just how far to go with you, and you would always let him ring you out completely dry, anyway. 
“what are you doing, noona?” jungwon suddenly questions you, his slim figure approaching you, shoulders broad as ever. your throat grows tight as you watch the way jungwon places his hand upon the dresser you’re currently folding clothes in. he was so close to you, and he loomed over you like he was trying to hold you captive. 
“just folding clothes,” you answer simply, finally carrying your eyes to meet his. your hands freeze their actions as jungwon’s expression flings you into a state bordering on fright. 
he stood above you, gazing down onto you with an unsettling gloom in his eyes. though dull, his eyes pierced into you like he was trying to tame an inner unwavering desire. what got him like this?
his finger casually lands upon your thigh, directly below the hem of your shirt. he drags it upwards with deliberate pacing, his eyes patiently attached to the skin his finger carefully reveals. he stops once he sees a trace of your lacy thong; his eyes fall shut as he exhales, and he opens them to return his sinister gaze to you. 
“are you doing this on purpose y/n? do you want me to make you cry?” 
your breath hitches, and you’re not sure if your body was surging with heat or chills. the words that tumbled from his lips hurled your mind into a complete frenzy. god he was so blatant, and he was always violently throwing you off track with his sudden tenacity. 
“jungwon,” you start, only to be interrupted by his entire hand now moving underneath your shirt, gliding along the course of your waist as his relentless gaze returns to your body.
you remove your hands from the drawer, steadily inching it closed before jungwon slams it shut with impatience. your body flinches vaguely.
he glides his other hand underneath your shirt, both hands grabbing your waist as he forces you to face him completely.
“i’m gonna make sure you don’t ever think about teasing me like this again,” jungwon says, his low voice almost distracting you from his outlandish words. you weren’t getting him riled up on purpose, you would’ve never even guessed he’d make such a sudden switch when he joined you in the room. 
his body presses directly against you as he guides you towards the bed, lifting you up to toss you onto it before you can even feel it behind you. 
climbing on top of you, jungwon immediately moves to pull his shirt off of your body. he hurriedly tugs your panties down your legs, and you feel the lace scrape against your legs before they’re completely removed. 
his hands return to your body with greed, pushing your thighs apart and shoving a finger inside of you. he sighs as his finger becomes drenched in your slippery essence, the intensity of your wetness leaving him astonished since he had only touched you a few times. he doesn’t flash a trace of pity as he shoves another finger inside of you, starting at a brutal pace. 
“i barely touched you, aren’t you ashamed?” he asks, ridiculing you. you just couldn’t control the way your body reacted to him, your insides always melting just for him, all your sensible judgment readily surrendering to the mere idea of him touching you. 
the feeling of jungwon’s long, slender fingers punishing your insides began to bury your senses in devastating pleasure. he’s sure to watch you intently, catching every twitch, moan, and sigh his fingers force out of you. he pushes the palm of his hand against you clit, enjoying the way you clamp onto his fingers, making it more difficult for him to pump them in and out of you. 
your orgasm approaches quickly, demolishing your senses and overriding them with pleasure that truly seemed to be too much, but jungwon can’t bring himself to stop. 
“jungwon, stop! please!” you beg pathetically, moaning through your words to the point of them almost becoming indecipherable. 
“i don’t want to,” he says simply, his low voice still making your mouth water. jungwon admired your body underneath him, his expression somewhat brooding. the sight of you writhing beneath him further aggravated his urge to push your body into the mattress and fuck you to tears. 
“give me another one, i know you can,” he says, wanting your mind to be nothing more than a cloud that swirled with thoughts of him. 
after much denial and idle refusal, you came around his fingers one more time, your proper thinking drifting away from you as jungwon pulled his fingers out of your leaking pussy. 
you looked absolutely delirious, just how jungwon wanted you to be. the only thing your mind could prompt you to do now was beg and plead for jungwon. 
properly satisfied with your pitiful condition, jungwon strips himself of his clothes, beyond eager to plunge himself deep into your wetness. his hardened cock twitched in anticipation.  
you spilled so generously that it flowed out of you, creating a puddle beneath you. jungwon adored the sight before him, loving the way you bloomed just for him.
“you made a huge mess, baby,” jungwon says softly. “aren’t you sorry?” 
you whine as he pushes your thighs towards your chest, moving to line himself up with your entrance.  
he sinks into you hastily, pounding you with ferocity and speed from the start. a low, breathy moan escapes him as he relishes the feeling and the sounds of your slick pussy latching onto him. 
“i asked you a question,” jungwon reminds you, looking down at you with a stony expression decorating his face. 
how were you ever supposed to even begin to formulate an answer to his question when jungwon’s long cock was stretching you open, plowing further inside of you than you could ever dream about, and absolutely abusing the most delicate part of your body with hunger.
“sorry! i’m sorry!” you manage to blurt out, moans entwined with your words and you can only hope he accepts it as an answer. 
“i know you are,” jungwon says as he slips his length out of you. he flips your body over, negligent to any discomfort he might cause you; all he’s concerned with is forcing you open. 
you’re laid on your stomach, and jungwon pushes one of your legs upwards, giving himself a clear entrance to the warmth that he can’t wait to bury himself in. 
he rams back into you, his pace just as brutal as before, and the weight of his body against you pins you to the bed. 
“did you think i’d let you walk around here in my shirt and not do anything about it?” jungwon asks with no real expectation of an answer this time. one of his hands grabs onto your hip, mercilessly squeezing as he thrusts into with increased severity. 
he bites onto your shoulder from behind you, furrowing his brows and groaning near your ear so delightfully as he savors every bit of your divine pussy. 
“you’re so tiny baby, all you can do is lay here and take what i give you,” jungwon says, unable to contain himself at the way your body is trapped underneath his larger frame.
tears begin to pour out of your eyes as you become submerged by jungwon’s relentless pummeling, your clit grazing against the mattress below you. your orgasm was reaching you fast. 
“jungwon, stop!” you suddenly cry, not actually wanting him to stop, your words purely emerging from your internal feud to wrangle (or simply process) the pleasure coursing through your body. 
he would never move on from how breathtaking you looked in this moment. 
“i told you i’d make you cry, baby. even if you think it’s too much, you deserve it,” his words are propelling you further into hysteria than you were ever prepared to reach. 
he grabs one of your wrists, squeezing it and pinning it beside you, as his breath traces your ear in a deep moan. you breathing grows rapid, your legs beginning to quiver beneath him as you cum onto his length, moaning for him beyond your control. jungwon continues to forcefully grace you with his thrusts, unsparing in the way he pounded you through your orgasm. 
“your little pussy can barely take it, baby,” jungwon grabs onto your thigh, letting out low, breathy moans as he floats closer to his high.
you feel overwhelmed as he continues his inhumane treatment of your body, barely recovering from your own orgasm. 
as he reaches his high, he stammers out a groan, gripping your thigh to a painful degree, earning blaring moans from you. 
jungwon collapses onto you, his full weight pressing you further into the mattress, his heavy breath stroking your face. he takes a few moments to caress the side of your body before lifting himself up, and sliding his length out of your exhausted figure. 
“i’ll clean you up, noona,” jungwon gently mutters, leaving the bed to prepare a washcloth. 
when jungwon returns, he carefully turns your body over, noticing just how drained he left you.
“i’m sorry for wearing you out, baby,” he laughs a bit, running the warm, wet towel along your body, massaging the parts of you he punished with his grip. 
“no you’re not,” you jest tiredly, smiling up at your tender boyfriend.
jungwon chuckles. “you’re right, i’m not,” he pokes back, a wide smile stretching out his face when you reach out to slap his chest. 
jungwon lifts your upper body to a sitting position in order to drape his shirt over your frame, gently laying you back onto the bed after you’re dressed. he chuckled at the way your tired muscles nearly gave out from simply sitting up, the blame lying in the rough way he preyed on your body. 
jungwon dresses himself in lounge clothes before joining you on the bed, pulling your body directly against his until your back touched his chest. “you did well for me, baby,” jungwon says, running his hand across the dip of your waist in appreciation. “i’ll try to contain myself while you’re wearing my shirt this time,” jungwon laughs when you contribute to his teasing (much to his enjoyment), and gently elbow him where he lay behind you.
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leveloneandup · 2 days
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(Photo: Katelyn Mulcahy/Getty Images for Angel City FC)
Christen Press set to return to Angel City training
Christen Press is returning to Angel City FC training this week, the team announced on Monday. Press, who tore her ACL in June 2022, has had a lengthy rehabilitation process that included four surgeries. While she has been training individually for the past few months, her full return to the team’s training environment is set for Tuesday.
“My first day, I’ll do the warm up and the passing pattern with the team, but it will still be the first time I’ve done a legitimate passing pattern with a bunch of bodies on the field and checking angles, because it’s just been one-on-one training for two years,” Press told The Athletic on Monday. “We really are looking at — I got my first ACL surgery June 22 (2022), a week before that I tore my ACL — so really coming up on a two-year mark since the last time I played soccer, the last time I’ve been in team training. When I first told Angel City (about my return), I was thinking, let’s just keep it closed, let me come in on a day when no one’s going to be there and let’s just see how it is. Then I reversed, I changed my mind, because I was like, ‘Shoot, who knows how many milestones I have left to celebrate? Who knows what’s going to happen after this first team training?’ So if this is something we can all celebrate, let’s just go for it, because this journey has been really, really long.”
In January, Press spoke to The Athletic while still officially designated as having a season-ending injury. At that point, she did not have a firm timeline for her return, though she expected it to be at some point during the 2024 season.
“The first thing I need to do is get into training, but then I can get into games, then I can score goals, then I can have an outstanding season, then I can play on the national team again,” Press said. “I don’t have anything ruled out. But the most important thing for me right now is just the first step: getting back into training.”
With that first step now imminent, Angel City has not yet given an estimated return for Press in a NWSL match. The team is currently in 12th place in the standings through 11 matches played.
The timing also should prove a tough turn for Press to get herself into Olympics contention with the USWNT. New USWNT head coach Emma Hayes is expected to name the 18-player roster by the end of the month ahead of the final two send-off matches in July, but considering the depth of the forward pool and Press’ absence for two years, a return to the USWNT is far more likely to be a long-term goal.
“If you’re looking from a nine month perspective, I’m already past that right,” Press added on Monday. “A 9-12 month ACL perspective is not too far off, if we just look at my last surgery. But for whatever reason, I never really looked at the Olympics. With all the trauma of missing the World Cup, then watching the World Cup, then doing the show for the World Cup, I was like, I can’t do this again with the Olympics, because no matter how chill or zen I seem when I talk about it, there’s no way your mind can’t start doing the math, right? There’s no way. I’m like, ‘Oh, I’m not like every other athlete, I can handle this.’ Then I’ll catch myself in the middle of the night counting how many weeks I have left. You can’t stop that. You can’t stop the dreaming, and you want that. That’s part of it, but it’s also the torturous part of it, and the balance of trying to believe you can do something incredible hard and the balance of not getting too excited.”
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pepperpixel · 3 days
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The adventures of goofball mcchucklefuck part 2!!!! Aka more art of myself / evil me!!! This time featuring! More art of me going to bars! Me singing karaoke for the first time! A sketch page from when I started dating somebody off of hinge! (That didn’t end up actually going anywhere… but the arts still cute lol) and at the end me!!! Realizing my ass kicking boots were not made for walking!
Also featuring a spidersona version of myself I designed right after across the spiderverse came out… cuz I was obsessed. W that movie. And also specifically w the spot. And needed to make a version of me to shower him in love n affection lol
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nu-suave · 18 hours
WILL YOU LOOK FOR ME? feat. ryoumen sukuna
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The thought comes to you late one afternoon; the sun is brushing the horizon, sending streaks of honey against the sky. You rest in the arms of one Ryoumen Sukuna, a plate of fruit before you as you offer him freshly peeled slices. It’s picture-esque, idyllic, everything you could have ever hoped for. At the whims of Sukuna, no less - the very man you’d been warned away from for most of your life.
All he knows is to eat, kill, and hunt, your foot. If that was truly all he was capable of, he wouldn’t sit behind you in the manner he does now; you would not raise your hand to his open mouth, pressing fruit to his lips. There would not be four arms bracketing you from the soft chill of the afternoon, or a plate of fruit reserved wholly for yourself. There would not be this, the tenderness that he seems to be capable of only in regards to you.
It’s no wonder the words escape your lips, as soft as the whimsical nature of your question. “Do you think we’ll meet again, after this lifetime?”
Sukuna doesn’t say anything for a moment, chewing idly on the sliced apple you’d just fed him. “What’s gotten into your mind for you to be asking these questions?”
“I don’t know.” You sigh heavily, leaning back against his chest. “It’s been on my mind. You’re going to live for centuries past me… I guess I’m just wondering if you’d want to look for me after I die.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” He says, like there’s no other possible answer; you’ve always appreciated that about him, his blunt honesty and impatience for empty promises. There’s never room for doubt with him. As a reward, you grab another slice of apple, turning slightly so you can face him as you tap the edge against his bottom lip.
“You’re a curse,” you say plainly, “what is it you said – when you eat, you eat, and when you play, you play? You enjoy our time together now, but is it enough to seek me out again, if I reincarnate?”
“Stop asking stupid questions.” He parts his lips, delicate as a seasonal flower. Such an expression shouldn’t be at home on such an imposing individual, but you suppose that’s what makes Sukuna so endearing. He’s paradoxal by nature. There’s a barely audible crunch as he bites down on the apple.  “If you can’t stay by my side, I’ll seek you out. There will be no other by my side.”
You offer him a grape this time. It never hurts to reward good behaviour, after all. He swallows it easily, moving one of his arms to offer you one in turn. You let him feed you the small fruit, and the flavour bursts on your tongue. He always finds the sweetest fruits. “You’re too sweet to me.”
“Am I? I don’t think anyone else has ever dared to utter such a sentiment.”
“Aren’t I lucky?” Your hand moves to smooth over the line of his jaw, sweeping your thumb beneath his ear, sliding down his neck until it rests at his nape. He lets you, both sets of eyes blinking patiently as your other hand cups his cheek. “It’s almost too cruel of me, keeping you all to myself.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
You hum, lips curving into a too-pleased smile as you pull him into a soft kiss.
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hannahssimblr · 1 day
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We collect her on Saturday morning. Evie, in a vest and a denim skirt, seems cold as she clambers into the back seat of my car, rubbing her arms and bringing some of that early morning chill inside with her. Dew is still clinging to the patches of well trodden grass in the caravan park at this hour, before most souls have woken up baking in their tin can dwellings. A groundskeeper is soaking the flower beds with a rubber hose by the entrance as birds chirp.
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“Looking very chipper for half seven in the morning.” Jen says to her accusingly.
“I don’t know, I’m just excited!”
“You morning people are all the same.” Jen has done nothing but complain about how early it is since I shook her out of bed fifteen minutes ago. She hasn’t eaten yet, and just pulled on whatever clothes she could find off the floor. She claims I’m a grumpy person, but there’s no human alive who is as cranky as Jen is if you catch her before nine in the morning. 
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“I’m a morning person and it pisses her off,” I explain to our passenger, then to Jen, “Sorry that I want to get up to Dublin early so that you can have a nice day.”
Jen scowls, “Okay. Yeah. You said that already.”
“Just focus on the pancake breakfast we’ll have.”
“Yes, it will be delicious. Now shut your stupid smirky little mouth and drive us, taxi man.” She curls her legs up underneath her and shuts her eyes while I pull away from the curb. 
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“Your car is very clean,” Evie says. She sits up very straight in the rear view, ankles together and hands folded neatly in her lap like she’s at a catholic mass. I’m amused by the juxtaposition of her perfect politeness while Jen is twisted up in the passenger seat snoring, scarlett hair sticking up like she’s been dragged sideways through a hedge. 
“It’s only clean because I barely use it. Trust me, if I did I’d be using it as a bin. There’d be no room for you back there with all of the KFC wrappers.”
She laughs, but I can’t tell if she’s just being gracious, “Well it’s a really nice car in my opinion. It’s so new!”
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“I assume you don’t drive yet.”
“No, but I will the minute I’m eighteen. It’s hard to get anywhere at home without having a car, like. I won’t be driving around in anything like this though, that’s for certain.”
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“Tullamore, huh?” I swish around a roundabout and onto the open road. Jen lightly bumps her head on the window and she grumbles but doesn’t wake. “What’s it like there?”
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“Aw, are you serious? You’ve never been?”
“I, uh… no? Should I have?”
“I was joking. Nobody should ever set foot. It’s a total shithole,” she appears to get flustered by her own comment, “or, like, not really. Maybe that was harsh on Tullamore. I know that Shane likes it there, I don’t mean to talk it down, I just-”
“It’s fine, lots of people love Dublin, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t a shithole.”
“I like Dublin.”
“That’s because you don’t live there.”
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“Well I’d much rather I did,” she presses her finger into the window, at the green pastures that whizz by, fields, cows, fences, the knotted briars of the country ditches. “That’s what it looks like at home. It’s the exact same as everywhere else, whereas a city is, like, you know. Different.”
“Some people might say the country is idyllic.”
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I reach over Jen to the glove compartment where I’ve stowed a packet of jellies. Peach rings. I offer them to Evie and when she politely picks one out of the packet I tell her: “You can have more than one.”
She takes one other, and I stuff at least four into my mouth, “So you don’t like being a culchie, huh?”
“I’m not a real culchie.”
“Really? You live in a culchie town and you sound like a culchie, so, I mean… just calling a spade a spade here.”
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“You think I sound like one?” Surprised, she leans forward into the space between the seats so she can study the side of my face. 
I shrug, “well, it’s just your accent is very strong.”
“Nobody has ever said that to me before.”
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“That’s probably because you all sound the same as each other out there. In the wilds of the country,” I smirk, adding, “the bog.”
“You consider me a bog dweller now.”
“No, I think you’re a culchie who happens to live on the bog.”
“God, the idea of you thinking that makes me anxious.”
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Jen stirs in her seat when the packet crinkles, “are you eating something?” she croaks, “gimme some,” she reaches for the jellies in my lap before I knock her hand away. 
“No sorry, these are for Evie.”
“No, c’mon, just one.”
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“Okay, wait, stop grabbing,” I bat her off me and pick one out, “Let me check. Evie, can Jen have this?”
“What? Yes of course.”
“Hm, I don’t agree,” I pop it in my mouth and produce another, “what about this one?”
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“Let me have it,” Jen growls. 
“Nah,” I say and press it into Evie’s palm, then block her with my arm when she tries to give it to Jen, “No, that one’s yours!”
“I want her to have it.”
“Nope, my car, my rules. You have to eat it.”
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“God, Jude,” Jen says, “You’re really going to put me through it today, aren’t you?” She lunges for the sweets and I elbow her off me, citing reasons of obstructing visibility and causing hazardous driving conditions. She asks me if I ever fucked the driver’s theory manual. 
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Evie giggles in the backseat so I whirl on her, “What are you cackling at, bog dweller?” 
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“Nothing!” she insists as we zoom past the first blue motorway sign for Dublin city. “You two are just funny. Why? Is laughing banned in your car?” 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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hunterofartemis7 · 2 days
Pt. 12
Raven: *curled up on the couch taking a nap*
Damian: *outside on a work call*
Jason: *making food*
Steph: *runs into the kitchen* have you seen the news!?!?
Jason: uh no? And Rae’s asleep so can you lower your voice; I don’t need Damian killing us
Steph: sorry, but you need to see the news!
Jason: why?
Steph: apparently some reporter or someone was at the jail last week and heard about Ravens pregnancy and announced it!!
Jason: WHAT!?
Steph: I KNOW!
Raven: *stirring in her sleep*😣
J & S: *covers their mouths and goes to another room*
Jason: do Rae and Damian know?
Steph: no, the reporter just announced it today
Jason: fuck. What the hell do we do?
Steph: I have no idea!!
Dick: why are you two freaking out?
Steph: someone heard about ravens baby and announced it to everyone on the news and social media today!
Jason: what do we do!?
Dick: do Dami and Rae know?
Jason: no!
Dick: than we got to tell them!
Steph: Rae’s gonna be devastated and Damian will be pissed
Dick: true but they gotta know
Jason: I’m not telling them!
Steph: why not?!
Jason: cause I’m not about to make Rae cry…or wake her up, and I’m not pissing off the demon spawn
Steph: I’m not either
Dick: well I already made her upset once, I won’t again
Steph: i say we tell Bruce and he tells th—
Damian: *from outside* WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Dick:……… I have a feeling we won’t need to
Damian: *storms back inside* TODD GIVE ME YOUR GUN! IM GOING TO COMMIT A MURDER!!!
Raven: *gets startled away* what’s going on?
Damian: Gotham is about to have one less reporter that’s what!!
Bruce: *comes into the living room* Damian stop yelling and calm down. What’s going on?
Damian: some fucking reporter just announced that me and raven are expecting a baby on every form of media out there!!
Raven: what!? How!?
Damian: he fucking overheard us at the police station! He made a whole thing about the baby being a bastard and I’m not even going to say what he said about you!
Jason: if you won’t than I will. *pulls up the article*…okay I’m gonna kill him
Dick: what did he say?
Jason: he called raven a “gold seeking whore, who only got pregnant to trap Damian and get his money.”
Raven: *in tears* that’s not true! I’d never do such a thing especially to the man I love!!😭
Jason: oh we know that, and we’re gonna make sure this bastard knows that as well!
Selina: *heard the conversation* okay anyone else who wants to break the no killing rule meet me in the car in 5 minute!
Damian: gladly!
Bruce: okay everyone chill! We aren’t killing anyone!
Damian: give me one good reason why!?
Bruce: you really think you won’t be immediately arrested for murder!?
Damian: I don’t care!
Bruce: you will when you can’t raise your baby from prison!
Damian: I’ll make sure they don’t find the body!
Jason: same!!
Bruce: okay no!! Here’s what we’re going to do! Damian, you are going to chill and comfort your fiancé now!
Damian: *sees how upset Rae is and immediately drops everything and pulls her into his arms, rubbing her back and trying to calm her down*
Raven: *crying into his chest*
Jason: and the rest of us?
Bruce: we are going to get some ibuprofen and vodka cause it won’t be long till the press is banging on the door, and all our phones are blowing up from social media asking about the baby
Jason: that’s your plan?
Bruce: it is till raven and Damian have calmed down enough to talk about what they want to do next with the information
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skzdust · 2 days
Room 514
Part 2
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Summary: You’re moving into a new suite halfway through your sophomore year at Stay University, populated by three guys: Jisung, Changbin, and Bang Chan. You meet their friends and quickly become a part of their group, but you find yourself wanting more with Jisung…
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Includes: watching a show, a snowstorm, Romantic poetry, gummy candy
Word count: 1.9k
Taglist: @weirdowithaphone
Author’s note: In most of my writing, I use italics to denote character's thoughts, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that in part 1 of this fic, but I did it in this part! I hope you guys like it! Also, poem referenced is "She Walks In Beauty" by Lord Byron. I changed around some of the pronouns for a gender neutral reader.
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
Part 1
You ran your fingers through your hair, leaning back in your desk chair. Your room was usually not where you’d studied when you’d lived with Catherine, but having your own room made you want to try it.
It was not going well, but you weren’t sure if that was the fact that you were working on calculus or the fact that you were used to studying in the library.
You got up and opened your door, hoping that if Jisung got home, he’d come to ask what you were up to.
You were studying for about twenty more minutes before that wish came true.
“Knock knock.” Jisung’s head poked around your doorframe, grinning.
“Hey, Jisung.”
“Oh, that’s not a good tone.” He stepped into the doorway with his whole body. His body… his waist is so small, it’s ridiculously hot.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “This calculus is kicking my ass.”
“Do you want me to help? Or would a drama show be more helpful?”
You closed your textbook, which was not helping at all. “Drama for sure.”
“Perfect. Want to go get snacks?”
You stood up. “Absolutely.”
Jisung grabbed a second, thicker jacket from his room, layering it over the one he already had on, and you went to leave. He paused with his hand on the door. “Don’t you want a coat or something?”
You shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m wearing a jacket already.”
A few minutes into the walk to the on-campus convenience store, you regretted your decision. There wasn’t snow in the air or on the ground, but the forecast said a snowstorm was on the way, and clouds were beginning to gather. The wind was cutting, blowing through your jacket with ease, and you shivered.
“You cold?” Jisung noticed your struggle.
“No.” You lied, hugging yourself.
“Lies.” He began to take off his heavier jacket.
“No, don’t do that.” You elbowed him. “I’m not stealing your jacket. You’re gonna get cold.”
“No, I’m not. Han Jisung never gets cold.” He glanced at you with a smile that practically made you weak in the knees.
You mentally shook yourself. I need to chill. He was just a guy. So what if his smile was gorgeous… and he was giving you his jacket because you were shivering, even in this weather… and he stopped in your room to see what you were up to…
Chill! Out!
Jisung held out his jacket to you, and you took it with a sigh. “Han Jisung never gets cold, huh?”
“Never.” He breathed out through his mouth, watching it fog in the air. “Even in a snowstorm.”
“We better try to be inside before that hits.”
He nodded. “Don’t want you getting chilly.”
“I don’t want either of us to get frostbite.” You put the jacket—his jacket—on, taking a deep breath. It smelled like his cologne.
He shook his head. “No one’s getting frostbite.”
When you got to the store, you immediately gravitated towards the candy aisle. Jisung followed you, picking up a chocolate bar. “Ooh, it’s got caramel.”
“You like caramel?”
“Who doesn’t?”
You nodded. “Good question.”
You looked around for a little bit before finding your favorite gummy candy, and you and Jisung walked to the front of the store to check out. Jisung got his caramel chocolate bar and a bag of pretzels, and you got your candy and a bag of microwave popcorn.
You looked at Jisung with a serious look on your face as the cashier scanned your items. “You have to have popcorn if you’re watching something.”
He nodded with an equally serious expression. “Of course, of course.”
Jisung paid, and you walked out of the store. A few snowflakes were beginning to stir in the air.
“We’d better hurry.” You looked at him. “I really don’t want to get caught in this storm.”
He looked up. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
It was about a ten minute walk back to your hall, and you were praying the storm would hold off for that time, but you weren’t that lucky.
“Shit.” Jisung whispered as the wind and snow began to pick up. “We need to get inside. No frostbite today.”
You changed course for the nearest building, which happened to be Hill Hall, one of the English buildings. You recognized it from a creative writing class you’d taken. You scanned into the building and pushed the door shut against the wind.
“So what’s the plan while we wait for the storm to blow over?” Jisung tilted his head at you, looking a bit like a confused squirrel.
“I guess we can sit in one of the classrooms.” You shrugged, leading the way into the building.
It was a Saturday, and you didn’t see a single other person, even as you ventured further. Jisung suddenly turned into a random room. “Look at this one!”
The room was slightly bigger than a standard classroom, but it didn’t look like one. The walls were lined with books, and a few shelves stood in the middle. A couple of desks were pushed against the wall.
It was familiar. “Oh, I’ve been in here. It’s the little poetry library.”
“Poetry library? I didn’t know we had a library aside from the big one.” Jisung looked around. “And I’m an English major!”
“You’re an English major?” You echoed.
“Yeah.” He grinned. “With a comms double major, for something actually practical.”
“Wow, double major.” You were impressed. “So, you’re smart.” As well as cute. That’s just not fair.
He laughed. “I don’t know if I would say smart. I’ve been known to make some pretty bad decisions.”
“Well, y’know. No one’s perfect.”
“That’s true.” He turned to the shelves. “Do you know anything in here?”
“Yeah, I had a 101 that focused on Romantic poetry. Wordsworth, Byron, Keats… all those guys.” You waved a hand. “I liked the class, but I don’t remember a lot of it.”
He looked at the ceiling for a moment, thinking, and then looked back at you. “They walk in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that’s best of dark and bright meet in their aspect and their eyes.” There was something in his eyes, something you couldn’t quite place.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, and you did your best to suppress your feelings. “We learned that one! Lord Byron, right?”
“Yep.” Jisung smiled. “It’s one of my favorites.”
“And you have the beginning memorized? That’s cool, I’m good at songs, but I can’t remember just words.”
He shrugged. “I really like poetry. I have the whole thing memorized.”
“The whole thing? I could never.” You waved a hand. “I really liked that class, but I’m not that good.”
“I’m sure you could, if you wanted to.” There was a twinkle in his eye. “I could help. I’ll quiz you. Next line, ready? ‘Thus mellowed to that tender…’” He made a rolling motion with his hands. “Fill in the blank.”
“Uhhh….” You racked your brain. “What’s the rhyme scheme?”
“I think ‘bright’ is the rhyme.”
“Well, it’s gotta be ‘light’ then.”
Jisung smiled. “See, you’ve got it! I’m sure you could do the whole poem if you wanted.”
“I don’t know that I want.” You pointed at him. “Why would I when I could just ask you any time I need a Romantic poem?”
“Romantic in the nineteenth century genre sense, or in the love sense?”
“Either. That poem is both.”
“I know a few love poems.” He shrugged. “Not all of them in the Romantic genre. Important clarification.”
A horrible idea occurred to you. “Do you use them a lot? Got a partner you quote them at?”
Jisung laughed. “Nope, no partner. I keep them in my back pocket just in case I need to flirt.”
Your heart jumped. “So… were you just flirting with me?”
Jisung practically jumped towards the room’s one window, pushing back the shade and hiding his face. “Just… ah… exemplifying my knowledge of the Romantic genre.”
“Mhm.” You nodded, eyebrows raised. He’d been very noncommittal. I’m gonna let him be noncommittal.
“Looks like there’s a break in the snow, if you want to go back to our room. I have an idea for a drama we can start!”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Jisung led the way out of Hill Hall, and you made a face as you stepped into the snow. “My socks are gonna get all wet.”
“Do you want me to carry you back?” Jisung said, a teasing smile spreading across his face.
“You’re making fun of me.” You said, smiling back. “You hate me!”
“I do not!” He protested. “Why would I offer to carry you if I hate you?”
“Oh, I’m chivalrous?”
“Chivalrous Jisung, that’s what they call you.”
He laughed. “That is not what they call me.”
You made it back to the dorm just in time. The snow was starting to blow around in heavy gales as you approached the door.
You made it back up to room 514 and set out your haul of snacks on the coffee table.
“Let me get a blanket.” Jisung walked into his room, and you reluctantly slipped off his jacket. You’d considered “forgetting” to give it back, but it was covered in snow.
He returned with a fluffy throw, and you held out the jacket. “Sorry, it’s all snowy.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” He took it and shook it out by the door as you sat down on the couch. “No harm done!”
He walked back over. Please sit next to me…
He sat next to you, throwing the blanket half over himself and extending the other half to you. You scooted a little closer on the couch to curl up under the blanket, swallowing hard.
Jisung reached over you for the remote, his arm brushing your leg. You swallowed again.
Jisung seemed oblivious. “Okay, it’s this show called The Immortal and the Restless. It’s got a vampire, it’s super funny.”
You smiled. “Sounds good, I love a vampire story.”
Jisung bared his teeth and made claws with his hands. “I want to suck your blood!”
“Terrifying.” You were unable to stop the giggle bubbling up in your chest.
“That’s what I was going for.” Jisung sat back down, a self-satisfied smile on his face as he queued up the first episode of the show. “Ready?”
“One sec.” You grabbed your candy. “Okay, ready.”
He pressed play, and you opened the bag. “Want some?”
“Sure.” Jisung took one of the candies. “Ooh, I love these.”
“Me too.” You smiled. “We should do this regularly. Looks like a long show.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Jisung nodded. “If you don’t like it, though, we can find another one.”
“I think I’ll like it, I like vampires.”
He did the teeth and claws again.
“Thank you.”
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dizzyduck44 · 2 days
Red Bull’s True Colours?
I’m not sure how I feel about this. To read Red Bull’s defence of why Checo was made to drive back to the pits, it seems that a race win can be bought for 25,000 euros and a three place grid penalty.
Red Bull do everything in their power to give people a stick to hit Max with don’t they? Do they just not care about Checo’s career or safety? Or the safety of anyone one else on track?
With a fan base that wants to reduce Lando’s first win down to a lucky safety car. And yes every team does it to some extent. McLaren telling Oscar to behave in Miami as not to cause a safety car. Ferrari’s controlling of McLaren in Monaco. Aston and Haas specialising in having one car be a road block at the front so your team mate can catch up and pass people. Red Bull are not alone here but to be so blatantly chill about it when their actions could have ended another driver’s race. I think it’s time Red Bull fans avoid the topic of safety cars period!!!! (Yes I know Team LH44, it had to be said).
I know Will Buxton has not minced his words about this and honestly it hard to miss the point he was making. Breaking the rules to secure a win is cheating. But what is the other side of this? Take the win from Max when he (and maybe only him at Red Bull) did nothing wrong?
Should both McLaren and Mercedes drivers feel cheated out a potential win? Hell yes.
But as we saw yesterday with the Max fans coming for Lando, it won’t be the people who made this dangerous decision who will get slaughtered. Fans will go for Max and Checo!
I agree the penalty is too lenient. What stops another team thinking well if that all the punishment is . . . . .
So make the team suffer. Lose constructors points for that race. Exclusion from the next sprint race. A 150,000 Euro fine to come out of their cost cap. Make it so a team would have to be desperate to do something so stupid again. Red Bull are many things, I’ve never thought they were desperate.
At this point I feel for their drivers. Checo had a decent reputation before going to Red Bull. They are trying everything to screw that over. And poor Max, still gets labelled a “dirty driver”. No Max was an immature driver who become an over ambitious driver who settled into the World Champion we all knew he would become (whether you liked him or not). Sadly he drives for a team with the morals and ethics of pond weed who even when he drives brilliantly (as he did yesterday) the world and its dog can turn round and question did he deserve it.
Normally I’m the one promoting calm and don’t go after people, but maybe this time people do need to let Red Bull and the FiA and F1 know how they feel about this. Because how do we stop it happening again.
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laughroditee · 2 days
Your Ghost | Part 2 - XIII Death
Part 1 is here
CW: this story takes place after Soap's death and contains supernatural elements, tarot, mentions of death and blood
Summary: Evangeline reluctantly goes to talk to Simon about Johnny at Johnny's urging.
The ghost of John MacTavish looked down at me with a serious expression.  “I did.  I need yer help, Evangeline.  Yer the only one who can do it.”
“No,” I said.
He blinked. “‘No?’”
“No,” I repeated, my eyes a little too wide. 
“Ye haven’t even heard what I want from ye.”  John looked annoyed, his brows drawing down in a frown that lined his face. It made him look maybe just a little bit intimidating.  Having issues with displeasing someone, who me?
“Don’t want to.  Can’t.”  I shook my head for extra emphasis as if I needed it.  “Mm-mm.”
“Are ye always so childish?” 
Oof, right in the feelings.  “You want me to talk to someone, don’t you?” I accused, my finger jabbing the air at him.  
“Knight of Swords.  Air.  Communication,” I explained as if this were common knowledge and a perfectly logical conclusion to reach.  “You just have that very chatty air about you, and I dunno, man, I’m not about that life.  I have social anxiety.  I don’t play well with strangers because I’m too busy having a heart attack around them.  It’s just not a strength that I have.”
John looked momentarily apologetic before despair swallowed the expression.  This gave me pause.  Fuck me and my Catholic guilt.  “Fine!  Okay, alright, I’ll hear you out, but I can’t promise you anything.”  I sat down on the edge of the bed, just trying to quell the anxious jitters making my fingers shake, The Knight of Swords card dancing slightly in my grasp.  I placed it back with the other two in the reading and looked up at my ghostly kinsman.
John’s examining gaze was concerned as he stood across from me.  “Ye alright, lass?”
Reminding myself to take a deep breath, I simply nodded.
A single confirmation nod from John was all he gave before launching into his story.  “I was a soldier in life.  SAS.  British special forces.  We were on a mission a few months ago, chasin’ a Russian terrorist in the London tunnels.  Makarov.”  His eyes blazed as the memories washed through him, spitting his enemy’s name as if it were poison.  “We had ‘im too.  But the fucker was slippery.  My captain and I got shot while we were diffusin’ a bomb.”  John’s hand went to his shoulder as if to soothe the phantom wound.  “Makarov was about to finish ‘im off – my captain, I mean – but I managed to get up and clap the bastard, only… I ended up gettin’ shot in the head.  Killed instantly.  Then Makarov buggered off.”
I listened intently to John’s story, my heart squeezing in my chest for him.  “I’m so sorry, John.  I… don’t know what else to say.  You were really brave.”
He smirked.  “A lot of good it did me.  Still, Captain Price is alive, and I dunnae regret that.”  His eyes seemed focused on something far away, and I waited for him to continue.
When he didn’t, I had to prompt him.  “John?  What is it that you want from me?”
His eyes refocused on me, his mouth set in a grim line.  “I need yer help, Evangeline….  My boyfriend was there that day.  One of my teammates.  He’s not doin’ well.”
Shit.  I blew out a long breath as if I was trying to exorcise my demons.  “I’m so sorry,” I repeated uselessly.  “John, I’m… probably the last person you want to go and talk to your boyfriend about your death or literally anything else.  I suck at this kind of thing.  I never know what to say to grieving people, even if I’ve known them forever.  Words just aren’t enough.”
“Please,” he said, kneeling by the bed, his ghostly hand passing through mine as it lay on my lap, chilling me.  “You’re all I have, lass.”
Despite the urgency in his voice, I was hesitant for reasons that should have been obvious.  I stared down at the three cards on the bed once again, reinterpreting the reading as The Knight of Swords representing John, the Death card — for the first time in one of my readings — representing his literal death, and the Three of Swords representing his boyfriend’s subsequent heartbreak.  There are always multiple ways to interpret the cards in every situation; you just have to move through it and see what fits—a little like grief.
I looked back at him with an expression of resignation on my face.  “You’re lucky I like you.”
His face lit up.  “So you’ll do it?”
I sighed, coming to terms with the decision I was about to make.  “Yeah.  I’ll do it.”
“Sorry I called ye childish,” he said apologetically.
“Yer beau’iful,” he tried again.
I gave him a grin.  “Aww, how kind of you to say.”
“Yes, I am kind. Now you compliment me.”
“Why should I when you just did it yourself?”
He chuckled before his expression sobered.  “Thank you, Evangeline. I cannae repay the favor you’re doin’ me.”
I looked back at him, noting how similar our eyes were.  “You can owe me in the next life, how’s that?”
“Sounds like a fair deal.  So, are ye gonna clean up this mess?”
“Sorry, you’ll have to clean yourself up.”
I leaned down and started to gather my fallen tarot cards, picking out carpet lint and hairs occasionally as I stacked the deck.
”Y’know…,” he began, “ye make me wish I could’ve met you while I was livin’.  Think we coulda been friends?”
Deck neatly in hand, I looked up at him, a warm, bittersweet feeling blossoming inside my chest.  “Yeah, I think we could’ve been.  Could still be.”
He laughed.  “Well, bein’ friends with me is a blessing in itself.”
“I’m sure it is.”
We headed out by taxi to John’s old flat to see his boyfriend, Simon.  Simon Riley.  I turned the name over in my mind as we drove, wondering what kind of man he was.  It was odd traveling in a car with a complete stranger, knowing that you have a ghost with you.  I kept looking at the driver in the rearview mirror, paranoid that he’d be able to see John, but aside from my own awkwardness, the trip concluded uneventfully.
I stared at the door that I was supposed to be knocking on and felt immediately threatened, that familiar fight-or-flight feeling making my extremities tingle.  “Shit.  John, I can’t…”
“Easy.  I’ll be right here; I won’t leave ye.  But we have to get in and get to Simon, alright?  The eejit’s blootered.”
I stared at him in confusion.  “He’s what?”
John rolled his eyes, exasperated.  “Drinkin’, hen.  He’s right sloshed.  Now get knockin’.”
Stepping toward the door, I looked at John and said, “I feel like your Scottish level just increased.”  I wrapped my knuckles on the door before I lost my nerve and stepped back.
He smirked, though it didn’t reach his eyes.  “I think yer just too American to understand—“
The door flew open, revealing the personification of my Death card: an enormous man wearing a skull balaclava, no shirt, about one billion muscles, and an appropriately sized scowl.  His displeasure was evident despite the mask covering his features.  It radiated off of him in waves like heat, like the smell of alcohol that invaded my nostrils as it drifted out from him.  Piercing dark eyes stared down at me briefly before squinting, and then he slammed the door in my face.  I could hear his heavy footfalls retreating further into the flat.  I looked at John, at a complete loss, and maybe with a bit of anxiety.  Just a wee bit.
He sighed.  “Knock again, Evangeline.  He’ll answer.”  
“Why do you not look convinced?”
“Because I’m not.”
“I appreciate your honesty.  Is he gonna kill me?” I asked, somehow finding the nerve to knock again through my blooming dissociation.  It was a genuine fear.  What do I actually know about these guys?  Not much.  John hadn’t told me anything about Simon besides that they were both in the military.  He most certainly didn’t tell me about how absofuckinglutely intimidating his man was; he looked like he could just break me in half with those dark brooding eyeballs of his, no hands necessary.  My heart lurched, palpitating in my chest wildly like a canary in a proverbial coal mine.
“He won’t kill ye,” John assured me and my anxiety.
Ten beats passed. Nothing.
“Steamin’ bloody Jesus,” John said in frustration and then disappeared through the wall of the flat.  I could hear him swearing and yelling, all in vain.  He emerged, raking a hand through his mohawk in irritation.  When his eyes finally locked with mine, a silent plea filled them.
I didn’t like that look on John’s face; the pain and concern etched there was almost a tangible thing, and it hurt.  It made me feel edgy and a bit unstable, as if the ground beneath me wasn’t as sturdy as I believed before coming out here.  I stepped up and knocked again, louder, more insistent.  For him.
This time, I could hear the lumbering stomps of Simon’s gait as he approached the door to the flat, and I braced myself for whatever might come.  My hair sucked forward from the sudden vacuum the door caused, and I nearly expected the door to be ripped from its hinges, such was the velocity at which the door opened.  I hadn’t stepped back, but Jesus, I wished that I had.
“The fuck do you want?”  Simon’s voice was a low growl, his thick British accent raking across me like a physical attack.
There was that small animal voice in the back of my head as I looked up at the angry behemoth at the door, which said, with zero doubt, “You are going to die.”  He braced a forearm on the doorframe, leaning in closer.  My eyes widened fractionally with every millimeter that decreased between us.  Shit.
“Um… A-are you Simon?  Simon Riley?”
He blinked at me with unfocused eyes.  He’d been drinking heavily as he reeked of alcohol, which was wonderful for me because we all know that drunk people are totally predictable.  “Who’s askin’?”
My eyes flicked to John, who stood beside the door, nodding encouragingly.  “M-my name is Evangeline.  I’m here about John—"
“Johnny,” John — or Johnny — corrected me.
“Johnny?”  I glanced at my ghostly companion, who nodded.
Simon narrowed his eyes.  “The fuck you on about?”
“Look, I know this will sound crazy, but he sent me here with a message.”  This was a bit of a stretch since, now that I thought about it, Johnny didn’t actually give me a message for Simon.
“So, what, you’re a bloody fortune teller?” Simon asked, his gravelly voice seething with bitter outrage.
Shit shit shit shit shit.  “No, that’s not—“ I started, taking a defensive step backward, but he barreled on.
“What the fuck do you want here?”
“Johnny wanted me to—“ 
I had little time to react before he picked me up by my jacket lapels and slammed me against his door, the air quickly evicted from my lungs.  The back of my head stung as I looked in horror at him.
“Johnny doesn’t want anything.  He’s fucking dead.”
I froze under his gaze, which was both hateful and wounded, the cold rush of adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream.
Johnny interjected in a panic, “The first thing I ever said to him was, ‘I’ll save you a seat, sir.’  Tell him!”
I could feel my throat starting to close up.  I couldn’t move, couldn’t talk, couldn’t breathe.
“Shit.”  Johnny rushed forward, moving through Simon, trying to get him to loosen his grip, but it was useless.  Next, he passed through me, my body feeling the chill of his presence, a strange, otherworldly shiver as suddenly, my mouth moved.
“LT, let ‘er go.”  The voice was mine, but the inflection and the speaker was Johnny.
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lavenderfluorite14 · 2 days
A Taste of Plums | Astarion x Female!Tav
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Chapter 11: Fun
Summary: Astarion is surprised, in more ways than one, by the morning after. Rating/Warnings: PG, casual murder, poisoning, degradation/humiliation. Full tag list on AO3. Read on AO3. Chapter 10❤️‍🔥
Astarion wakes from his trance surprisingly refreshed. He stretches his nude body languidly, enjoying the brief flash of soreness in his muscles. Beside him, Tav still rests peacefully. He openly admires her, his eyes lingering on the bite marks he gave her last night. The mottled petals of the bruises lay so beautifully against her skin. 
The morning sunlight streams through the canopy in golden ribbons as Astarion quietly rises, moving to bask in a nearby sunbeam. His mind goes blank as he lets the pleasure of it all wash over him. He hasn’t felt this good in a long time.
His plan is working. He’s safe and full. The morning sun feels so warm on his skin.
“Good morning,” Tav interrupts his musings, her voice gravelly with sleep.
“Good morning,” he replies. He’s loath to turn around, wanting to keep sunning himself, so he shifts slightly so he can watch her out of the corner of his eye. “You’re up early! I thought you’d be exhausted after last night.”
“Oh, I am,” Tav yawns. She arches her back in a deep stretch, her nipples pebbling in the morning chill. Light purple hickeys dot her breasts, each one a small reminder of their night together. They will take days to fade. “I quite enjoyed myself,” she admits, smiling at him. Astarion preens. Of course she did. All according to plan. Behind him, he can hear Tav get to her feet. “Did you have fun?” she asks, suddenly tentative. 
“Of course, my darling,” Astarion answers, surprised by the question. “You’re a veritable feast.” “Good, I’m glad,” Tav says, relieved. “Towards the end, I was worried that something may have been wrong?” Astarion stiffens imperceptibly. “But I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to ruin the moment.” Astarion isn’t quite sure how to explain this. 
“I was holding back a little, it’s true,” he reveals. “I didn’t want to lose control. Delicious as you were, I didn’t want to go too far.”
It’s the truth, it’s just not the whole truth. For the sake of the plan it was imperative that he perform correctly, and that meant remaining in control. But even though their tryst may have been tailored to Tav’s pleasure and tastes, he still enjoyed himself. Even holding back, he experienced more pleasure last night than he has in decades. But there is no need to talk about all that.
“Oh,” Tav says, obviously chewing on his words. It occurs to Astarion that he has never had to navigate a “morning after” before. Not like this. Is it always so awkward? So vulnerable?
“Now let’s go, we have a long day ahead of us,” he prompts. He turns towards the oak tree, where he had left his clothes, but stops when he sees the pensive expression on Tav’s face.    “May I ask about your back first?” Tav asks. 
Of course she had noticed it. Most of the time Astarion tries to forget it is even there. He considers brushing her off, burying his shame even deeper down. But a bigger, louder part inside of him howls for comfort.
“It’s a poem,” he explains, crossing over to the oak tree to gather up his shirt. He had left it carefully folded at the base of the trunk. “A gift from Cazador.” He pulls his shirt over his body, fussing with its fit. “He considered himself quite the artist and used his slaves as a canvas. He composed that one over the course of a night.” Tav just listens, letting him speak. “He made a lot of revisions as he went,” Astarion finishes, his voice soft and deep. He can’t quite keep the pain from those last few words.
“That’s awful,” Tav says quietly.
“Yes, well. ‘Awful’ does aptly describe Cazador,” he replies.
“Are you sure it’s a poem?” Tav asks.
“Of course I’m sure,” Astarion insists, not sure at all now. “That’s what Cazador said, as he was carving it into my back with his knife.” Cazador, who of course was a completely trustworthy source of information. 
“It just doesn’t look like any poem I’ve ever seen before,” Tav presses. “Well, I didn’t say he was a good poet!” Astarion cries. “What do you mean, ‘it doesn’t look like any poem you’ve ever seen before?’”
“Well for starters, why did he write it in Infernal?” Tav asks. 
“Infernal?“ Surprise jolts through him, settling in the pit of his stomach where it quickly curdles into fear. He has no idea what this means, but it can’t be anything good. Nothing with Cazador is. 
But it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change what happened. 
“I-Who knows. The bastard was insane,” he says dismissively. “Now let’s go, before I regret my restraint last night,” he purrs, trying to pivot this conversation back into comfortable territory. 
Tav looks at him thoughtfully before silently dressing and gathering up her things. His flirtation falls flat, ringing falsely even to his own ears. Its hollow echo follows them all the way back to camp, where they both quietly slip into their separate tents.
They smell the goblin camp before they see it. A miasma of filth blankets the base of the western mountains in a bouquet of smoke, sweat, death, and dung. And, of course, that one singular, arresting note: blood. Old and new, stale and fresh, rotten and delicious. It stinks to high heaven. 
There’s a group of goblin warriors guarding a narrow entrance that passes for a gate. Tav pulls them all aside before they engage.
“Listen, you three,” she levels a serious glare at Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae’Zel. “I know the past few days have been….” She pauses, trying to choose her words carefully.
“Thoroughly frustrating?” Shadowheart remarks. 
“The time of your life?,” Astarion offers, suggestively.
“Bad,” Lae’Zel declares. 
“Bad,” Tav agrees. “And I know this group has had its challenges. But I don’t know what we’re going to find in there, and I don’t know what we are going have to do to make it out alive. Hopefully with Halsin, but we need to anticipate the worst. We can only make it through this together.  I need the most vicious and ruthless fighters of our group to have each other’s backs today. So, can you put aside your differences to make this work?” 
“Of course, darling. I’m a consummate professional,” Astarion vows. 
“Affirmative,” Lae’Zel confirms.
“So long as nothing is said to me, I’ll be fine,” Shadowheart says, turning up her nose. Tav sighs. 
“I’ll take it. Let’s go.”Tav is all business now, already forging ahead with the business of the day. Which is perfect, because Astarion has absolutely no desire to address the morning’s awkwardness. He’s trying to enjoy his victory, but something still feels off to him. Last night was a success, but there’s a nagging voice inside of him that says it was not enough. That he will need to do more to truly secure his place.
Lae’Zel, Shadowheart, and Astarion all watch as Tav bluffs her way past the goblin guard at the entrance. Just as they are about to pass, the guard stops her and points to a gelatinous turd at his feet. He gestures to it with his hand and pantomimes applying it to his face. Tav takes his suggestion, bending down to scoop up the excrement. 
“Oh no,” Astarion whispers to their cohort.
“She wouldn’t,” Shadowheart whispers back, incredulous.
“She had better not,” Lae’Zel growls. Tav looks back at them over her shoulder. Their disgust for this is palpable, magnified in triplicate. Her eyes find Astarion’s.
And she winks. 
Tav flings the poop directly in the goblin’s face, immediately souring any hope of peaceful entry. Astarion laughs a high, whooping laugh as he rushes to high ground. He easily snipes the goblins who try to call for help while Lae’Zel, Shadowheart, and Tav clear the remaining guard with relish and ease. So much for goblin security.
“Did you really think that I would do that?” Tav asks them as she leads the way inside. “Did you really think I would smear shit on my face?”
“I’m never quite sure what you are going to do next,” Astarion teases. Tav glares at him, playing at being insulted. Well, maybe she is a little insulted. “I just meant that you are full of surprises, darling.” 
Tav hums a low, sarcastic note. “Good surprises, I hope?” she replies. There’s a hopeful glimmer in her eye that makes his stomach flutter.
“Naturally. Only the very best,” he promises, his tone low and provocative. Tav disguises her smile with a playful eye roll.
“If you debase yourself like that for a puny goblin I truly will leave,” Lae’Zel warns. Astarion and Shadowheart hesitate at her words, but Tav giggles as if it is a joke and not a serious threat.
“Noted, Lae’Zel. I will not smear poop on my face.”
Once through the gate, no one questions their presence. The goblin camp is utter chaos, and probably more surprisingly, filled with more than goblins. As they cross a crumbling bridge, they spot a familiar face on a makeshift dias across the way. 
“Is that? Volo!?” Tav gasps. Volothamp Geddarm, noted writer, adventurer, and overall smarmy fuck, fumbles his way through a monologue of nonsense as a crowd of goblins jeers and pelts him with trash.
“With fragulous crown and sceptre abrade, Dror Ragzlin short work of the innkeeper made!”
“Bravo!!!” Tav cries, clapping loudly to drown out any booing. The goblins scowl, side-eyeing Tav with annoyance. 
“Come on darling, that’s not the kind of show they want,” Astarion whispers. “They want to mock him.”
“Z’ose friends o’ yours?” A female goblin asks, her voice laden with suspicion.
“Of course not! No funny business here!” A flustered Volo laughs nervously. He shoots a quick glare at Tav.
“What are you doing? I’m busy here!” He says, shooing them away. He begins his screed again.
“Dror Ragzlin….Dror Ragzlin….” Volo tries his best, but he eventually trails off pathetically. A goblin chucks a cup at him, splashing Volo with the dregs of stale ale. 
“If you aren’t gonna perform, you’re goin’ back in tha cage!” The goblin yells. Volo withers before her.
“Of course, ma’am,” he grovels. She shoves him harshly off the stage, much to the delight of the crowd.
“We have to help him!” Tav whispers to their group. Astarion, Shadowheart, and Lae’Zel all share a look.
“We are not here for the annoying wizard. We are here for the druid, as you said,” Lae’Zel reminds her firmly.
“It’s true, I did say that. But, we will almost certainly have to fight to free him! Won’t that be fun?” Tav says. Lae’Zel considers this.
“I do not fight for ‘fun.’ I fight to win. I fight for the honor and glory of Vlaakith,” she announces.
“Tav, this is Volo you are talking about,” Shadowheart complains.
“The Volo. Maybe if we save him he will put us in his next book!”
“That’s precisely what I am afraid of,” Astarion says. 
“But then we’ll be famous!” Tav smiles sweetly up at him.
“Make us rich and famous and then you have a deal,” Astarion counters.
“Lady of Sorrows, will you two stop flirting with each other? I don’t know if any of you have noticed, but this hellhole is a temple to Selûne,” Shadowheart spits out the name with vitriol. “Even if it’s appropriately defiled, l don’t want to be in a temple of the Moon Witch for longer than I have to be,” Shadowheart whines. Tav looks away shyly, chastened. But when the cleric turns away, Tav looks at him and pulls a face behind Shadowheart’s back. Astarion stifles a smirk.  
Something between them is changing, which is perhaps why it feels off to him. They have always shared banter, but it seems as though she’s actively trying to make him laugh now. And if he makes a joke, he can depend on Tav to laugh, even in a wry sort of way. It’s flirtatious, but it’s fun.
Fun. Perhaps he should chase that feeling. After the revelation that there may be more to his scars than he knows, a little fun with his lover at the expense of some goblins sounds like just what he needs. Lover. The word sounds so serious. And yet it isn’t. Not really. It could mean a lot of things. 
As they walk, Astarion takes in more of their surroundings. They seem to be in a courtyard, which has been hastily transformed into a feast hall. Meat of some kind roasts on an open spit while goblins fill their tankards from a nearby cauldron of liquor. Merchants haggle with customers while other goblins eat, sing, fight, and make merry in a haze of hedonism.
One voice emerges above the din of the camp, bragging about recent conquests. “Weaker than pixies, humans!” A goblin squawks. A gaggle of his comrades laugh at his harsh words. Even surrounded by admirers, the squat, scarred goblin still catches their group staring. “Wot are you lot doin’ ‘ere? ‘More pests?” he eyes them up and down. “You prolly think you rule the world,” he sneers.
“That’s not true. We don’t think we’re better than anyone,” Tav pipes up. Astarion catches Shadowheart’s eye, then Lae’Zel’s. He doesn’t need the tadpole to know they all firmly disagree with Tav’s assessment.
“Everyone says that, then they spit in our faces,” the goblin snarls. “But no more. Things’re changin’. We got the Absolute on our side.” He gives them an evil look, sizing Tav up. “Ya better learn yer place.” The hairs on the back of Astarion’s neck stand on end as the goblin advances towards them, a look of pure hatred and disdain on his face.
Cazador has given him that look many times, right before he made Astarion do something particularly ghastly.
“Go on. Kiss my foot,” He points to the ground, wiggling his toes. “Or I’ll wipe that nasty look right off yer pretty face.” 
“End him or leave him. But do not grovel to this slug,” Lae’Zel says firmly. 
“Just kiss the damn foot. Worse things have been shoved in your face lately.” Shadowheart is speaking to Tav, but she is looking pointedly at Astarion. Predictably, it seems the others noticed their rendezvous. He gives Shadowheart a quick, saucy wink. She scoffs but fails to completely conceal her smirk of amusement. 
Astarion can see that the goblin is growing impatient. “Well, go on. Give him a nibble,” Astarion urges. It’s horrid work, but it’s one kiss and then she’ll be done. It will be easy and then they can be on their way. Tav looks at him with surprise. He raises an eyebrow.
“I’m waiting, princess” the goblin jeers. Tav rounds on him with a withering glare.“How about you kiss my foot, before I knock that smug look off your face,” Tav says. At the first hint of pushback, the goblin quickly changes his tune. “Look mate, piss off! Yer not welcome ‘ere,” the cretin says, puffing up his chest.” Tav plants her foot in front of him. “Kiss my foot. Now,” she orders, in a tone that demands obedience. Fear flickers across the goblin’s face as the crowd falls completely silent. Tav points down to her foot and a little thrill passes through Astarion as he watches the goblin sink to his knees. He places a surprisingly delicate kiss across the worn leather of Tav’s boot. “There, I done it,” he says, rising back to his feet. 
Tav gives him a final once over as she turns away. 
“Good,” Lae’Zel says approvingly. The crowd parts for them as they leave.
“Arrogant swine,” the goblin mutters after her, but Tav pays him no mind.
“Aren’t you the domineering tyrant,” Shadowheart teases. 
“Only when I’m pushed,” Tav laughs. “I’m not wearing poop and I’m not kissing goblin feet,” she promises. 
Astarion will do what he has to do to survive and he doesn’t begrudge others who do the same, but there’s just something about a person who refuses to be pushed around. Who wields power unapologetically. Astarion snakes his hand around her waist, pulling her close. “You continue to delight and surprise me, darling,” he whispers in her ear. Tav shudders against him and he gives her hip a quick squeeze, releasing her as he playfully retreats out of reach. Shadowheart coughs loudly. 
“Lady of Sorrow guide us,” she prays pointedly. Her prayer is interrupted by a hoot of terror as a small, bedraggled clump of feathers darts past them and into a crowd of goblins, which parts for it as it scampers away. “What are they doing to that poor creature?” Shadowheart cries.
Astarion leans against a stone wall as Tav barges over, inserting herself into whatever that business is. He watches as she crouches down to speak softly to the frightened owlbear cub. Something has definitely shifted between them. 
Funny. Clever. Cunning. Ambitious. Fierce. “It’s no use,” Tav says, returning. “I gave the cub my scent, but it can’t escape so long as the goblins have it trapped.” 
“Well, then it sounds like we have some killing to do,” Astarion says. Lae’Zel grunts approvingly.
“I certainly wouldn’t mind killing some goblins to help that sweet cub,” Shadowheart agrees.
“Same here. But let’s try to find Halsin first. Once we’ve freed him, we can grab the owlbear on the way out.”
“We can still have some fun in the meantime though,” Astartion suggests. “What did you have in mind?” Tav asks. He opens his pack and flashes a bottle of Wyvern toxin at them. “We can cull some of the horde as we go. Watch this,” he grins toothily before swaggering away towards the vat of suspicious booze he had noticed earlier. He thumbs the cap of poison, concealing the flask in his sleeve. He loiters for a bit, watching as goblins meander past. He grabs a nearby discarded cup off of a table, covertly pouring the poison inside. He walks over to the punch bowl, pantomiming filling his cup as he slips the poison into the dubious punch. He takes a few fake sips from his glass as he walks back to the group. 
“Battle is more honorable. But I suppose this is efficient,” Lae’Zel remarks. “That’s absolutely terrible” Tav admonishes. Astarion frowns in surprise, but Tav quickly drops the act. “I love it,” she says, smiling. “Now, let’s go, before they catch wise,” Astarion snickers, smiling back. The group beelines for the heavy doors to the temple, putting as much space between themselves and their crime as possible. “What will your evil little mind think of next?” Shadowheart says as they disappear deeper into danger.
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satorusugurugurl · 4 hours
Perfect prey was just *chef's kiss*
Was thinking... what if the plan backfired? Like maybe Suguru's curses attracted another curse they weren't expecting and now their darling is in serious danger! Maybe a little bit injured
They feel awful of course, because they put their darling in harm's way! So they manipulate her again, but with a more gentle approach. "Oh sweetheart this was so dangerous... we were So worried... we can't let you do this alone again, our heart wouldn't be able to take it" and then they make it up to her by fucking her until she passes out
Perfect Prey (Part Two)
Characters: Yadere!Geto Suguru, Yadere!Gojo Satoru,AFAB!Reader
Warnings: yandere!Geto/Gojo, manipulation, dub! con read is unaware that the boys are manipulating her! (consent is vital for me!!) double penetration, smut, mentions of wounds, cursing, baby trapping, pregnancy talk, breeding
Word Count: 3,464
A/N: Ah! thank you Nonnie! This was different. I felt really dirty writing them so conniving wanting to baby trap the reader. Well I hope you enjoy!!
Part One
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Anxiety and dread sat in the pit of your stomach like a metal ball as the phone rang. Satoru and Suguru were going to be pissed that you took on this mission, but they would have to get over it. You tried to decline when Yaga told you you were being sent to Sendai to deal with a grade-two curse. After your first and last solo mission went haywire, you never took missions without a partner, whether it was Satoru or Suguru.
But you couldn't just stand by the second he told you a child was missing the same area. You had to go on this mission alone while your boyfriends were in Kyoto for a meeting. The child was at risk, so you idly couldn’t stand by and do nothing. They could be upset if they wanted, but this was the right thing to do.
“Hey sweetheart, everything okay?” Satoru asked as you treaded over a bridge leading to an abandoned school in Sendai.
“Promise you won’t be mad.”
Pure and absolute silence rings out, making you swallow hard. “What do you mean? Don’t get mad?” You heard Geto ask what happened in the background. “Sugurh is here too. Tell us what happened,” you grumble, stepping over a fallen log, not looking forward to this conversation.
“Yaga sent me on a mission.”
“Princess, do you remember what happened last time?” Suguru made a tsking sound, speaking down to you as if you were a child who had done something wrong.
“I know, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that. But everyone else was on their own mission or out of town.”
“You still could’ve declined.” The cold chill in Gojo’s voice makes you shiver.
“I couldn't.”
“Yes, you could have.”
“No, Toru, I couldn't!” you snapped, stopping your pace to glare at the ground. “There’s a missing child in the area. It might be at the school building, or the curse could have them.” Both of your partners stay silent, and neither say a word. “I can’t sit back when a child is in danger.” Since they voiced no other sounds of protest, you side and relief. “I’ll be home as soon as I can. I’ll be taking the bullet train home since I’m in Sendai. I love you both.”
The line disconnected, causing Satoru to groan as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. “I swear I’m going to off the higher-ups one of these days.” Subaru, who was glaring out the window of the train back to Tokyo. “You're not opposed to the idea.” The dark-haired man glanced back at his blindfolded best friend.
“Sorry, Satoru, I was just thinking about how much our princess cares about children.”
“Yeah? She loves her students—and cares about the well-being of them.”
“I believe that is something we can use to our advantage.”
Satoru’s curiosity was peaked, and it caused the mischievous grin to deepen his dimple. “Oh, please do elaborate, Suguru.” With his friend's approval, Suguru shut his eyes and smiled.
“What if we gave her a child of her own to take care of? Money is not a problem with your wealth, and neither is mine. If we had a child with her, she could stay home, caring for them while we take on all the missions.”
“Are you suggesting that we baby-trap our perfect girl?”
“Precisely.” Geto shrugged the shoulder, dark strands of hair moving as he shifted in his seat. “If that’s something she wants, we will not force her to do anything she does not want.”
“But with a little persuasion and many videos, she’ll beg for one.”
The strongest sorcerer of the modern age grins before Suguru glances down at his watch. “But before everything is all sunshine and rainbows, our princess must learn another lesson.”
The two of them found themselves in Sendai ten minutes later, thanks to Gojo's teleportation. They stood in the woods as Suguru’s curses searched the area for the missing child you had been so concerned about finding. After combing through every inch and making a quick call to the police station, they confirmed that the boy had been seen earlier that day and was safe and sound at home with his family. Meaning they could use full force like they had done with you before.
Using Suguru's curses at full force to remind you of how much you needed them. As you ran through the second story of the abandoned school building, Geto’s curses swarmed in search of you, and they found you fast. You had to run up the stairs to the third floor when a swarm of fly-like curses slammed into you. Falling onto your back, you shielded your face with your hands, blocking their attacks.
Rage bloomed in the pit of your stomach as you snarled. Flipping over, you flung two talisman papers at the buzzing curses. Upon impact, the paper burned with your cursed energy before the creatures exploded into blue flames. There was a fire raging deep inside of you, one that was going to help you in finding the missing child, and you would be damned if you let a shitty curse your way. Pushing yourself up and off the ground, you bolted up the stairs to continue your frantic search.
Every one of the curses you came across, you exorcised with your papers. Each time that happened, Suguru stiffened, his eyes widening as Satoru dropped his arm over his best friend's shoulder. You had stopped to call either of them because you were handling this perfectly alone. That was both troubling and satisfying.
They knew you were strong. There was no doubt in their minds about that, but now, months after the initial incident they caused, you were even stronger. If you succeeded in dealing with these curses, you might begin to rebel against them, insisting that you could handle yourself, which left both men at a crossroads. They could keep throwing weak grade three and four curses in your way or step it up with a grade two or one.
Amid their conundrum, you kept moving, taking out every curse. Your thoughts revolved around finding the missing child and saving them. You didn't know the child was already at home safe and sound, meaning you were running through a building for nothing.
“Our darling girl is handling herself quite well.”
“She is one of the strongest,” Gojo added head, focused on the school.
Suguru was a second away from agreeing with him when he went silent; seven of his curses were exorcised once—none by you or a different sorcerer. No, the presence that took out those curses was dark and malicious. Suguru knew that Satoru sensed it, too, from the way his body straightened before he yanked his blindfold down, pooling it around his neck.
“I know I felt it.”
“A special grade curse.” You grit it out from the third-floor hallway, standing before the curse devouring one of the lower-grade ones chasing you. The six-legged creature towered over you, standing around 7 feet tall. Eight eyes darted with every move you made, following as you reached into your jacket pocket, pulling out a talisman paper as you prepared for the fight of your life.
Geto and Gojo were running through the woods, watching as flashes of blue cursed energy glowed from the broken windows on the third floor. As they approached the building, the north wall crumbled as you battled with the special grade curse. The bastard was throwing you against walls, knocking the wind out of your chest before crawling up onto the ceiling like some humanoid spider.
You shake, pushing yourself up as the curse skittered towards you; just below, Gojo teleported with Geto bolted up the stairs. The special grade curse was just about to bite your head off, but before it had a chance to chomp down, a blue ball of cursed energy slammed through the wall, knocking both you and the curse over the ledge of the north side of the building
“Fuck!” Gojo yelled as you and the curse fell into an abandoned school pool's dirty, mucky water. The water's foul smell soured your stomach as you tried to wiggle yourself from the curse of grasp, only to have it pull you under the black water. Its legs into your sides, pulling you further under the water, dragging you to the bottom of the bottomless pool.
Your paper was useless in a situation like this, but you didn’t need your paper. Not when you had been training so hard, focusing all your energy on your combat skills. Pulling your fist back, you focus hard, concentrating your cursed energy into your fist before slamming it down on the curse's head. Flashes of red and black cursed energy split the water around you, and the curse released you. The black flash hit it head-on. You would need to thank Nanami later for teaching you how to do it.
That was if you made it out of the slimy pool alive.
You couldn’t see everything; it was a blurry black mass until a hand breached under the water, grabbing your jacket and pulling you to the surface. The instant head breached the water, Suguru pulled out, helping you towards the edge. The instant you were on dry land, you sat on your hands and knees as you coughed up the foul-smelling water that had invaded your mouth and nose while Geto rubbed your back soothingly, gently patting it until you were sure your lungs were clear.
“S-Suguru—” you gasp, resting your head on his lap, “W-What are you doing here?” His hand gently stroked your wet hair back
“Yaga called us and told us the child was found. We decided to assist you and let you know the good news. Thank god we got here when we did.”
Another body crutches down next to you; a soft hand gently caresses your cheek. “Yeah, no kidding. Are you okay? You aren’t too injured, are you?”
Shifting slightly, you winced at the scratches and sore spots that would soon become bruises. Despite the minor sting, nothing seemed to be broken. That meant your partners wouldn’t have much to complain about. Pushing yourself up and off of Suguru, you gave your boyfriends a gentle smile and a thumbs up.
“I’ll live.”
Of course, you’d live; you were strong, and the injured were mediocre. Even though you were okay, Satoru and Suguru felt some guilt when you
All got he as they watched you walk into the bathroom for a long shower when you got home. The scratches on your side were bleeding, and the gash on your forehead was starting to swell into a scar with bruises as you shut the door behind you.
Both men exchanged glances with each other the second you came back into the bedroom, carefully crawling into bed between them. They were so lucky that you were strong enough to handle yourself. If it were anyone else, they might not have been as fortunate as you were. Even if they hadn’t interfered with your mission, you could’ve easily faced that special grade and wouldn’t have been off as well as you were. They needed to tell you how much you meant to them and how they were.
That way, you never tried to do a stunt like this again.
Suguru was the first to shift his arm, wrapping around you and holding you gently against him as Satoru leaned into your neck, gently peppering it with kisses. You melted into their gentle caresses, listening to their beating hearts. This was precisely what you needed after a long mission.
“Princess, this was a close call.” Suguru began gently squeezing you. “That was such a dangerous mission you were sent on.”
“Mhm, we were so worried about you, so scared that you would get hurt.” Satoru trailed his lips along your exposed collarbone. “And look,” emotion, his head towards the scratches on your side and the bruise forming on your head. “You did end up getting hurt. That’s something neither of us ever wants to happen.”
Concern was thick in their voices, and you couldn’t help but fill your stomach with guilt. They had warned you that something like this might eventually happen, and they were right. It did happen. You had gotten hurt despite handling yourself as long as you did. You had been training hard to keep up with your partners, and tonight, you thought you could handle this alone. Maybe you could save that child's life without the assistance of your boyfriends. But that special grade made you realize how weaker you were compared to Satoru and Suguru.
“I know.” You whispered, voice breaking as Satoru continued his exploration of your body with his lips. His hands gently grabbed your hips as Suguru slowly lifted your shirt for his best friend. “I-I know if—ah—if it wasn’t for—nngh.” Your mind went blank as Satoru trailed his tongue over your skin. Planting open-mouthed kisses and little nips over your stomach. “I—fuck I don’t know what would have happened.”
Satoru hummed, pulling down the sweats you had on. “We can’t let you do that again; it was too dangerous.” Suguru hummed, planting a kiss on the top of your head.
“Satoru is right; you got hurt. We hate seeing you hurt.”
“But you did so good, doing your absolute best to save a child in need.” Satoru moaned out in between kisses against your skin. “You’d be such a good mommy. You take such good care of our children.”
“You would be.” Warm hands up to your breast, squeezing them softly. “I think that’s what you were meant to do in this world: be the most amazing mother.” You moan, arching your back as Satoru laps at your cunt, his tongue swirling around clit, causing you to jolt back. “Isn’t that something you’ve always wanted since we got together? To have our children and be a stay-at-home mother?”
“I-I—haaaah—yes, I want that.”
Bingo, both men smirk as you shut your eyes tight, losing yourself in the pleasure. This was perfect. If they knocked you up, you’d have no choice but to decline missions. They wouldn’t have to worry about you being in danger. It was a win-win scenario for all of you. You won’t be in danger and have something you always wanted.
“Then let us breed you.” Satoru breathed out against your cunt. “Let us knock you up.”
Suguru’s fingers pinched and pulled at your nipples, tugging them before releasing them. “Please, princess, please, you know we’ll take good care of you. We always do.” There was something utterly manipulative and demented with the way they begged you to be the mother of their children; however, you were blind to the malicious intent behind their words. You knew your partners just wanted to take it to the next level.
That nativity was the sole reason you answered the way you did.
“Okay.” If you had known the truth that they were trying to baby-trap you, things wouldn’t have been so simple.
With your consent, both men were removed, and cock were pulled out. Both heads of their dicks at your entrance at the same time, itching to get inside of you. Shafts rub against each other as they begin pushing inside of you thick; their cock stretches you like you had never been stretched before. You gripped onto Satoru’s shoulders, wincing as both men pushed past your tight ring of muscles, sinking into your wet walls.
Your boyfriends grunted and groaned, forcing themselves deeper inside you until they were buried balls deep. You shivered and shook, crying at how full you were, stuffed with both men’s cocks. Seeing your tears and hearing your soft cries had Suguru pressing kisses down the nape of your neck while Satoru began thrusting in and out of you at a gentle pace.
“Look at you, taking both cocks so well.”
“Yeah, such a good girl for us~ going to be. Much a good mommy,”
“Yes, you will be.” Suguru moaned in agreement as he began bucking up into you in time with Satoru’s thrusts. “The perfect mommy~”
Satoru groaned, slamming his lips against yours, kissing you eagerly as you relaxed around them, making it easier for him to fuck into you. “God, I can’t wait to fill you up with my cum~ to watch your stomach swell with one of our kids.” Suguru’s hands squeezed your breasts as he slid his tongue up your neck.
“Yes, you’re beautiful, but I can only imagine how much you will glow when carrying our child. How your breasts will swell.”
“O-Oooh fuck~”
“Nngh fuck, that sweet cunt just twitched; you love this, don’t you~? Being bred by both of us. Imagining being so full of our cum that you’ll be pregnant by the end of the night?”
“Yes! Yes, I want that so bad!”
“Then be a good girl and take all we have to offer,” Satoru growled in your ear, slamming his hips into you, causing both you and Suguru to gasp. The dark-haired man was quick to recover, his hips meeting Satoru’s pace, bucking madly up into you with moans against your shoulder as Satoru grabbed the headboard. “That's right~ our perfect fucking girl is going to take all our cum. We're going to fill you up so good~ so fuckin’ good.”
“Nnngh~ yes,” Suguru whispered into your ear. “I want you to be ours in every way a person can be, Princess.”
Both their cocks inside of you felt so good; you were drooling over the way they slammed into you in sync, how they told you such dirty things. They desperately wanted to breed you, to make you the mother of their children. God, they made you so wet and horny; you tried to do that for them, wanted to take their cum, to be their partner, to be re e their children.
“Oooh fuck me~!” you begged, causing both men to grunt and groan as they slammed into you harder, trying to get deeper inside of you, to fill you full of their cum. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Faster! Faster fuck!”
“Nngh fuck~ fuck yes baby I'm going to cum~ take all of it~ yeah~ take every last fucking drop of our cum!” Satoru growled against your lips, your short breaths mingling with each other as the bed creaked and groaned under both means of frantic thrusts.
“Yea~ I want to be sure you're so full~ I have no intention of leaving this bed until you're bred properly.” a rough growl heated your skin as Suguru reached around, rubbing at your clit. “Now be a good girl and milk our cocks~ allow us to fill you~.”
You came squirming and shaking against Suguru, screaming against Satoru’s lips as he continued fucking into you, as chaste kisses were pressed into your mouth. Your tightening walls, the feeling of each other's cocks throbbing was enough to have your boyfriends stiffening before slamming deep inside the heads of their cocks, twitching as cum filled your womb, which left you gasping, nails digging into Satoru’s shoulder, leaving red crescent moon shapes in your wake as you shivered.
Both men were panting heavily, kissing you gently as they continued rocking into you. Filling you with more of their cum, only stopping when you made the slight sound of discomfort. “Y-You got me.” You whispered as Satoru pulled out first.
“Huh?” a white brow twitched up as Suguru gently helped lay you onto your side as he slowly fucked into you pushing their cum deeper inside.
“What do you mean, Princess?”
“Y-You haaah nnngh~!” you gripped the sheets as Sugurh grabbed your hips fucking you tenderly. “I-I know you got me p-pregnant.”
Satoru grinned, kissing you softly as Sugurh continued thrusting into you from behind. “Oh, sweetheart~ even if we didn't do that first round, you will be by the night's end.”
Each took two more turns making sweet, tender love to you. Filling you with their cum. You were so happy, drooling as they fucked you stupidly, until your eyes rolled back, and you passed out from the exhaustion and pleasure. The night had started sour but turned into something so romantic and loving. While you were blissful, your partners smirked, watching their cum leaking out of your cunt. Sure, they were excited to start a family with you. But they were more excited that now, you would be theirs and theirs alone.
No matter who the father was of the first child, the other wouldn't stop until you were full of the second. They fully intended to make sure you'd never leave their sight. For you belonged to them and then alone.
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thegoober010 · 1 day
Hello! Could I request Trey, Cater, Kalim, and Lilia with a reader who played twst (the game) and shows them fanart? Headcannons please!
gender neutral reader as always !
Tws/Cws : none !
Also idk how this would work but I'm guessing like it's an au sorta thing where the twst characters end up irl somehow or somehow the reader who plays twst ends up in the twst world ?
Ima go with the second option though !
Hopefully I'm right idk ?!
oh also I didn’t know which type of fanarts you meant so I did like tame ones/wholesome ones, ship ones, and like weird ones sooo yeah
sorry if this isn’t what you wanted ! I tried my best ig!?
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♤ Trey Clover ♤
Trey was literally just staring with a concerned expression at you
He was obviously in a bit of shock after you explained your whole situation meanwhile you were just happy he listened to you
And now here you are showing him all the fanarts of him
You started off tame just showing him all the cute and nice fanarts of him chilling or just being with his friends or being put into different outfits/meeting other characters
He didn't have much of an opinion on them he was just happy people liked him enough to draw him as well as his friends !
After a bit of showing him the more tame art of him it quickly went downhill after you showed him the ship art. In all honesty he thought some of them were cute even if he didn’t think some of the ships could be possible due to the other persons opinion on him or his on theirs but some of the ships made him a bit uncomfortable
You obviously just showed him the cute ship art first all of that and then immediately after he went “eh that’s sweet I guess….” After that you immediately showed him the more… concerning fanart/shipart
“…. Oh great sevens…” is all he mutters out before staring at you with the most concerned and uncomfortable expression ever while you laugh mischievously
He doesn’t say much after that and he gently grabs your hand and puts your phone down to your pocket before shaking his head.
there’s a good awkward silence between you two for a good 30 minutes before Riddle and Cater come into the room and the topic immediately changes with all of you now just playing a card game.
Trey does make you promise to never show him those weird fanarts ever again though ^_^”!
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Cater Diamond
He listens very intently to you while you explain everything and he gets a little freaked out but…. You’re his friend so… he listens I guess, but it’s obvious with his face he’s a little freaked
After that you two are a little awkward but you changed the subject quickly with.. “Do you wanna see the fanarts people make of you and everyone else…?”
“Hell yeah 😍”
You start off tame as well showing him the cute fanarts of him and his friends but mainly of him and he lets out a few laughs at how accurate they are
Is honestly super happy he has fans in your world too “Well I’m like super popular here so I’m like not surprised I’m popular in your world!” He jokes
He immediately takes out his phone and asks you to send them to him like ASAP
You do, after all if you don’t he won’t stop bothering you about it and basically begs for the art, plus he kinda wants to show it off and if anyone asks he’ll just say some of his fans/follwers drew him !
After that you start showing him the ship art and to be honest he doesn’t mind them much but he does ask often why people decide to ship him and people he doesn’t see himself liking romantically
He doesn’t ask you to send any of the ship art which was a bit of a surprise but understandable
Once you finished showing him the ship art you gained quite the mischievous thought. Why not show him the more hmmm deranged ones ?
Let’s just say he was jaw dropped at some of the art. He was obviously uncomfortable with some of it too… He laughed nervously before patting your shoulder “Lol I think that’s all you should show me .” And that’s where it ends, you two went out for some ice cream after that and posted pictures of what yall got !
he never mentioned the fanart again besides asking to send just one more wholesome one to post on his story or something !
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is low key surprised but very understanding about your situation ! You two were hanging out in his room when you had explained everything and eating food as well as a few crackers when you randomly decided to spill that little fun fact of yourself to him !
He was very quick to make the topic less awkward by joking about your situation trying to make you feel better
After that you asked him if he wanted to see his fanarts and he had the biggest smile ever at the thought that people draw HIM LIKE when I tell you he could not stop nodding
You happily obliged and showed him all the tame fanarts of him where he was hanging out with the others or where it was just him and such and he LOVED them. He looked like he was about to cry out of joy
He was so happy and he asked you if you could print out the drawings so he can put them in a notebook or something (you said yes)
After that you showed him the ship arts and he didn’t really mind them, he thought it was a little funny how people liked shipping him with his friends and such but he didn’t really get some of the ships lol
He would ask sometimes why he’s shipped with these people but that he doesn’t really mind he just thinks it’s interesting pairings and so on
You explained a bit the dynamics blah blah blah but after that you showed him the more… strange art. Safe to say he had that shocked look on him. He didn’t get why people drew such things….
He joked about them a bit trying his best not to seem concerned but after that you felt bad so you showed him more wholesome ones again and safe to say he got wayyy happier and less concerned !
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Lilia Vanrouge
He listens very intently to your yappin and explanation, he’s not very shocked that happened or concerned, when you reach his age (not like we can tho…) not many things surprise you anymore, even things like this…
He just chuckled before patting your shoulder and giving advice on the situation and promises to help you out
After a bit of silence you ask him if he wants to see fanarts and he seems a little surprised, well that did surprise him a bit huh… well why not? What’s the harm in it.
You grinned at his response and just show him so many wholesome fanarts of him taking care of malleus and silver or just him or him when he was a general and so on and he was quite impressed. He did give a few critiques to some art but he would also compliment all the art a lot as if he were an art nerd reviewing 18th century art or sumn
He took your phone sometimes to look closer (you know that grandpa pose where the grab the phone take off their glasses and move their head to see something better, yeah, that pose basically) and he was so chatty about each fanart
You send him like one or two art pieces and hes smiling really wide, it was a nice sight like he literally can’t stop smiling for a good while when you show him and send the sweet fanarts !
You then show him ship arts and he just giggles at some of them (like the ones with malleus’ mom) and says “I wish hehe” and things of that nature
He seems really chill about certain ship arts (after all it’s with malleus’ mom most of them so ofc he likes them or thinks they’re silly) and even compliments the drawings at times :)!
Once you show him the weirder fanarts he just laughs uncomfortably before only letting out a few giggles. He’s not surprised he got these types of fanarts, after all if there were tame and wholesome ones of course there’d also be these types. So he doesn’t really care he just shrugs them off
tbh you thought he’d have a different reaction but oh well!
He also asks you if there’s any fanarts of baby malleus or silver so that he could show them to them !
you happily send him a few 😊
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artsyannierose · 2 days
Angel and Husk’s love language?
What would they describe as their perfect date?
Who made the first move?
Who is more sentimental?
Who falls asleep first?
Who is more more relaxed/carefree?
Who is always cold?
Who worries more?
What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
What are some things they don’t agree on?
What’s their individual flirting style?
Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Who is the cuddle initiator?
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Who gives piggy back rides to the other?
Who fell in love first?
1) Love Language - Words of Affection
Honestly Physical Touch was running my mind at first but like that’s just so casual for them. That’s like their thing you know, coming home and just flopping down on the bed together.
sleepy snuggles <333
So then if they wanna actually get through to each other im sure they won’t skimp out words of affection and affirmation, plus im an absolute sucker for them speaking in Italian to each other I NEEEEEDDD THAT IN CANON
That remind of this one post like “Husk and Angel call each other ‘baby’ and no one knows whether its romantic or platonic (they don’t know either)” cuz thats so them
2) Perfect Date - Alone Time
Call me basic but I promise you neither of them want a grand extravagant fancy date at a restaurant or something (not that they wouldn’t i can totally see them dressing up for each other and going out) but i feel like their ideal date is just. Each other.
Also i am a SLUT for a date where Husk carries Angel around and the fly over the ring while probably singing some cheesy romantic song like I See the Light i want that. Pls. (Obviously I’m a huge Tangled fan)
3) First Move - Husk
This isn’t anything new but like it’s just in character for Angel to worry about messing something up somehow and would probably flirt with Husk but freak out once it got serious. He probably doesn’t wanna replay that night in Episode 4 where he overstepped Husk’s boundaries so like I’ll bet Husk asks to kiss him first. That’s not to say that both of them are not awkward asf around each other
4) Sentimental - Angel
Mostly cause he hasn’t had any sort of proper relationship and the one that had any sort of promising future quickly turned into a living hell (f u Valentino). Bro doesn’t know what a healthy relationship is supposed to even look like
So whenever Husk does little, pretty normal things, like wipe his tears or get him some cheap makeup that reminded him of Angel, Angel would turn into jelly, like a water balloon ready to burst honestly.
5) Falling Asleep - UMMM I WANNA SAY HUSK
I feel like it REALLY depends on the day’s events
But i headcanon that Angel has insomnia (perhaps im self-projecting idk shhhh) so only Husk’s purring can help him sleep well. So I think Husk is just the type to like, crash after he flops in bed cuddled up with Angel
6) Relaxed - Angel
Idk this is just in character, Angel’s a party boy for one. Husk would rather chill at the hotel
7) Cold - Angel
Hmmm this just feels right to me. That he wants to cuddle up in Husk’s warm embrace
Besides bro’s literally built like a stick. And wears slutty clothes why wouldn’t he be cold
8) Worries More - Husk
They both worry about each other okay they’re both in dangerous and very unfortunate situations but like Angel gets stuck at work hours upon hours straight yk
Husk never knows when he’ll be home so he gets worried when Angel’s been gone without at least texting him something cause we know the kind of crap Valentino pulls
9) Non-sexual Activities
Cuddling. Self Explanatory.
Angel grooming Husk’s wings anyone?? I want. Pls.
10) Disagreements
Never really thought of that
I feel like Husk doesn’t believe he can get redeemed while Angel is slowly believing that redemption is possible. Both eventually believe Angel can get redeemed but Angel is convinced that if he can get redeemed so can Husk. Husk though, he's full of self loathing and no faith sooooooo yeah
11) Flirting Style
Angel - Words. For sure. He’ll never skimp out on reminding Husk just how sexy that kitty is
12) Clothing - Angel
considering husk doesn’t wear anything but pants….and angels clothes would NOT fit him I promise
(They def had a night where Angel shoved husk into all his outfits)
Angel would buy matching tshirts I promise you that
anyway I feel like he’d steal clothes more yuh but tbh I don’t think he’d fit into it💀💀
13) Cuddle Initiator - HUSKKK
Husk loves the way Angel is at complete peace and relaxation once he falls into Husk’s arms, like a limp noodle istg
of course Angel feels like it’s heaven and prolly passes out pretty quickly
besides ain’t it canon that husk likes cuddling
14) Staying up Late
Tbh this could go either way bc Angel comes home late from work anyway
and I’m sure there are days Husk comes late from errands from Alastor
if we’re talking pure personalities tho Husk would be up doing smth while Angel being the drama queen he is would be moaning and whining in bed like “cOooME hErE iMM sOoOOo LoNELy aNd inComPLeTe WiTHouT yOuuUUuU”
15) Piggy Back Rides - Husk
Nobody argue with me Angel just bounces onto Husk at random times and demands he carry him around
16) Who fell in Love?
Ill try to shorten it but BASICALLY Angel definitely was lusting after Husk (and i am convinced that Angel has a thing for men with deep sexy voices and Husk has the deepest and sexiest voice hes ever heard so he was smitten) from the moment Alastor teleported him into the hotel, and kept trying to hit on him. However after episode 4, Angel began to see Husk as a person rather than someone he needed to win over or someone who was just playing hard to get.
Husk on the other hand was first disgusted and annoyed by Angel’s tendencies, and he even thought he understood him without Angel ever opening up to him. After ep 4 however he also starting wanting to actually get to know Angel as a person. I wanna say cheesy stuff like Angel fell first but Husk fell harder…but I don’t believe that the case
They both fell for each other equally hard and both are absolutely smitten with the other bro…it took them a sec to get to know each other but they are in it deep now. Angel is absolutely in love with Husk and desperately wants to remind him that he doesn’t have to go through his trauma with Alastor alone, and he wants Husk to learn his self-worth and he won’t shut up about it. Husk loves Anthony through and through, and that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Angel Dust. It’s just certain aspects of Angel are horrendously fake that Husk cannot stand, but he still loves all parts of Angel Dust. Angel has a little easier time opening up to Husk than vice versa but that doesn’t mean it comes easy. So Husk also wants to make sure that Angel feels loved and he feels like he's worth more than everything Valentino tells him. And he wants Angel to feel like he has control over his life, not that hes only good for being used up (gosh im thinking about Paranoid DJ’s Use Me Up i LOVEEE THAT SONG)
And we all agree angel has self-worth issues right
Anyways its been like a week since i got this ask so ill shut up now
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