#I want to glomp hug this ask and never let it out of my sight
Part three of Lilia having Crewel daughter as she learning about her face heritage
Liked he did try keeping her longer till one day she asked to be returned home so she can get ready for school, even to the point that her school Messenger bird that she bonded came with a letter of reminder of her to get ready for school coming soon
Bonus that Silver and Sebek over hear their conversation
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Coming home | Yandere Crewel's Daughter Reader
By the terms of Lilia and Crewel’s previous wager
you remember home and begin packing to return when you find that the time hadn’t passed as slow as you thought
You don’t get an owl Harry Potter
But you do get a worried message from your fairy godmother who is having a hard time teleporting to you 
For some strange reason Lilia
Silver watches with an unreadable face as you rush across the room you were given
“Sevens! Sevens! I can’t believe I let it get this bad…I-i thought I had more time. Oooh! Whatever! When I get back I’ll have to apologize, then I have to plant the well, and–ugh! There’s so much I have to do!”
“...Do you have to leave?”
“Well yeah Silvy! My dad is probably sick with worry and both our schools will be starting again soon.”
He sulks begrudgingly helping you continue to pack
Sebek gave his two cents standing in your door way
You roll your eyes as you explain the holes in that statement
Bringing up how you haven’t been getting service or receiving letters like you want to
He continues to whine? shout about how dumb he thinks it is that you want to leave
Malleus will hum as he realizes you don’t realize this is subsequently through Lilia’s doing
“She really is completely unaware…”
“As I told you she’d stay! But unfortunately I did bate Crewel about her coming back. It would be cruel to stop her now besides this will be far from the last time we do this. I will guarantee that”
Malleus attempts to calm himself but the rumbling thunder says that was failing
And Silver who went to speak with his father has heard it all
When the time comes Silver volunteers to return you 
Sebek greatly implies he’d like to as well but since his prince isn’t going he cannot even if he really really wants to+ 
Malleus is too busy pouting ruminating about how to keep you with them longer
Lilia apologizes if you discover sending you back with a hug and gift of your own
“Here! It is a gift from your fae family so even as we grow apart in distance we are but a single call a way!”
“Awww thank you Lilia! I’m never taking it off.”
When you finally come out of the Draconia carriage 
You are glomped by your father who let’s his makeup run…only a little
You also hug him back as you missed him just as much
Pulling away he smiles at the sight of the pendant but that turns into disgust as he spots the green and magenta pendant that hangs on its chain
“Evening Professor, I’ve come to apologize on behalf of my master. For keeping your daughter for so long.”
“As you should! If we were in school I wouldn’t even accept any work for a penalty…but as long as my pup is safe thats all I can ask for.”
You smile as you watch two sides of your new family seem to get along
Giving you a ray of hope for the future 
Unbeknownst to you a storm was brewing and the fae behind it isn’t happy
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jessysapphireblue · 9 months
Home with you Luffy x Oc (Modern)
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Nicknames included are Lu and Je, which you can always relace with your own name, since nothing else is mentioned. This is a modern AU so no Devil Fruits or Magician.
The sun shined through the window, avoiding the silky curtains that hung before them, flawless, and directly meeting with your face. You groaned a little, snuggling more into your boyfriend of a couple months. He snored into your hair, still deeply asleep, while hugging you like a coala.
The sun didn´t vanished, instead, it only seemed to annoy you more but not your boyfriend. At one point, you couldn´t take it anymore and unwrapped your arms from him, wiggleing out of his grasp to stand up and covered the sun from your view, just enough that it won´t shine in your faces. Turning to your bed, you saw that Luffy was now hugging your pillow close, sleeping further. A tiny chuckle escaped your lips, at the sight of him before you tapped barefoot downstairs to your kitchen to make some pancakes and bacon.
Humming a song while you cooked, you jumped out of your skin as you felt arms wrapping around you before hearing a familiar chuckle, that made you relax. "Luffy! Ah, my heart" "Shishishi! Sorry Je! The scent of food woke me up", he admitted while nuzzling your neck. "Yeah? Good to know", with one hand you flipped the pancake, while the other went to his hair, messing it up, as he hummed. "Slept good?", you asked him.
He nodded eagerly, arms tightening around your waist. It was the first night you spend as a couple, more spontanous than anything
You typed away on your laptop, listening to music to get some ideas, as the bell rang. Stopping your writing, you stood up and walked to your front door, checking the camera to see your boyfriend standing there, swaying back and forth on his heels. Unlocking the door, he beamed and nearly glomped you with happiness. "JE!", he cheered and hugged you super close. "Lu! what are you doing here? It´s 11 p.m already...11?!", you were shocked when you saw the time. By all your writing you forgot the time. "I wanted to see you. You said I can always come!", he beamed and released you, hanging his jacket up and went inside.
"Of course, bub. Would you like something to drink?" "Lemonade", he let himself fall on your big couch, almost sinking inside as he relaxed, which made you chuckle as you went to your fridge to get him his soda and some leftovers from your dinner. "Here, Soda and food" "You have food for me?", he gave you puppy eyes as you stood the food on the table in front of him, nodding. "I have always leftovers because I always make too much for one person", sitting down next to him, you were directly pulled into a deep sloppy kiss. "I LOVE YOU!", he shouted with happiness, as he fell over the food, groaning in happiness with every bite.
Time passed quickly with watching TV and talking, mostly laughing until it was 2 and you began to yawn. "Tierd?" "Yeah. Sorry, my love" "No worries!...hey, can I sleep here today?" "Eh? Sure but I don´t have any clothes for you" "Ah, just sleep in boxers!...Wait...I CAN SLEEP HERE?!" "Why, yes. You´re my boyfriend. And I love and trust you so-" You swore you never saw Luffy so touched before, as he leaned in, peppering your lips over and over with tiny kisses. "Je, I love you!" "I love you, too. So much Lu" "SLEEPOVER! I sleep by you, right?" "Beware, I cuddle in my sleep", you admitted at he shined. "YES! CUDDLY GIRLFRIEND!", throwing his arms up, he beamed.
"So, I guess I wasn´t clingy?" "Nah! You were cuddlier than a pillow, and much much cuter! So So cute!", he peppered your cheek with kisses, making you laugh. "Ok ok! Following. Could you set the table?" "mmh, payment", he turned your head to him and kissed you sensual. It shocked you for a sec before you melted into it, and despite your both morning breaths, you both enjoyed it. Pulling away, he beamed and went away.
"I hope you like the pancake", you said as he froze, making you laugh. "I know you, you foodie. You just want to sneak food" "Buf thair goof" he whined with a full mouth. "Swallow, Lu. Don´t want you to chocke on pancakes"
Presenting breakfast to your hungry boyfriend, he began to drool and nearly inhaled your food, tears of happiness brimming in his eyes, as if he never ate before. "Good?" Giving you his thumbs up, you smiled and the world was well
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k-a-cook · 5 years
I've already sent a similar ask so feel free not to respond again, but I've finally gotten around to reading more of your writing with the help of the yearly summary post, and again I want to show my appreciation and I don't really know How, but please know that your work is wonderful and valuable and I'm very glad it's out there,, all of your characters are important in their own right and I am just highlighting the ones I love the most, but I especially am grateful for Kit and Esher and Ein,,
Oh, I’d definitely reply to this! I’m struggling right now with Lyrica added to my three other sedation-causing medications, so I’m slow in doing so (it’s taken me two days to write this, I think) but there’s no way I’d leave this. Mostly because then it’s there on my blog as evidence that oh my god someone likes my characters and no creator extant will never not need that!
I’m very talented at staying awake, which is why I was on three sedation-causing medications plus melatonin to get my sleep sorted again before the Lyrica addition, but it’s now taking me about ten hours to not be the human equivalent of overcooked noodles via microwave after waking up. And it turns out that stopping the melatonin didn’t make me any less tired the next day while actually stopping me from falling asleep last night. So now I’m zonked from the Lyrica and actually tired from lack of sleep. On the positive side … oh, Ein, once you finally have a much-needed conversation with Amelia about your chronic pain, you’re going to be subjected to a new direction of Personal Authorial Experience. What’s the point of suffering if you can’t bequeath it to your characters, right?
(I have to say that, deep down, I’m not really writing characters for grand ideas of Representation of their particular identities; I’m writing them so I get to depict the odd, strange, conflicting and bewildering experiences of a life that doesn’t much fit the Western social assumption of “normality”, experiences I don’t see–or see well-handled–in fiction. Medication side-effects. A brain that tells you on a daily basis that you shouldn’t be alive. Stimming. Autistic observations. No/low/limited feelings of romantic attraction. Assorted shades of queerness.)
It’s funny that you mention those three characters: Kit is in part how I want to be, Esher is how I am when I’m keeping it together (which says something about said ability to do so) and Ein is how I’m desperately trying not to be. (Internalised ableism, how you doing?) So I’m glad that they speak to others, given how much of me is tied up in them! That said, I generally find more enjoyment in writing characters least like me. Ein is hardest to write because there’s so many unrealised emotions about my own experiences that flare up in the process. It’s good, in the sense that I’ve repressed so many feelings for so long it’s past time that I got to know a few of them, but so often it’s like being hit upside the head, and it’s not something that I can ever anticipate enough to not be overwhelmed by it. I don’t think I’ve ever written any early (around Their Courts of Crows) piece about him that hasn’t left me sobbing at the keyboard before flailing around for the tissue box.
Anyway, thank you. Thank you so very much! And truly, this is perfect–please, please don’t feel like you have to find some magical, non-existent phrasing. Not ever. I’ll speak on behalf of all writers everywhere to say that any positive response is gorgeous and wondrous and dizzying, and I have in fact gotten excited over someone making a tag using three exclamation marks. So if I get excited over that, a comment like this is just mindbogglingly wonderful!
(If I just said !!! in a tag, would you all understand that means me wandering around in sheer, unadulterated glee?)
I have a feeling this reply sounds a bit weird, tonally, for which I’m blaming the Lyrica; I’ve been prescribed it now in part because it makes me kind-of stoned. I just have to see if the sedation side ever lessens up enough that I can function more than two hours a day. I’m definitely into “writing things nobody ever asked about and not feeling anxious enough to delete it” territory, and since I’m prone to that anyway, well.
So I’ll just finish, before this gets any weirder, by saying thank you, again, because it is so incredibly kind and amazing that you took the time to write this, and I am overwhelmed and grateful and some amount incoherent … but I don’t want to leave it any longer to tell you that I am grateful and amazed, either. Because this has made my week and the end of the year and, truly, thank you.
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
hiii! can I get a similar scenario like this but with vice dorm leaders and floyd? I love your works!!! I hope you have a nice week <3
Vice Dorm Leaders + Floyd + Valentine's Jealousy
Thank you for this request! It was a while to post this because I kinda forgot the prompt for the previous one, but I hope you enjoy some equally jealous Vice Dorm Leaders and Floyd!
Lilia Vanrouge
Many knew that you were quite famous, and he was well aware of how others saw you too. You weren't one to accept the presents because you had Lilia, but it was hard to reject them most of the time when they'd all gang up on you.
From the day started, you planned out the day. You planned to take an alternate route back to the dorms, but through every step, some student would stop you with a present. With so many eyes on you, it was overwhelming.
A couple of Savanaclaw boys stopped you in your tracks, with the supposed leader of the pack holding a box of chocolates towards you.
"YN! Please accept my gift!"
The sudden approach made you trip and fall on your butt, but before a hand could reach out to help you, the wall of students collapsed. You smelled smoke, supposedly from something burning, but as you looked over it more, it was the students that were burning…
Lilia stood over them, sneering at the other students that looked on. He gave a deep bow, and you noticed that one of his heels dug into the side of the one who wanted to give you a gift.
"Ara ara... as Vice Dorm Leader, there shouldn't be any fleas disturbing the peace."
The bodies of those students were well stepped and pranced over as Lilia prattled on about 'appropriate' rules for a NRC student. His lecture was done, but you found it odd that Lilia cared about the rules at all...
"Now that you get my point, leave."
All students, burnt and normal, scattered when Lilia said that. You were the only one left, and you began to get anxious once more. Surely... Surely your lover wouldn’t punish you too?
As your boyfriend stepped closer, he got on one knee, somehow conjuring a bouquet of flowers? On further inspection, the flower buds appeared to be your favourite snacks on sticks in... a bouquet. Lilia had his mysterious ways, but the silly bouquet got a giggle out of you.
He got up, pulling you by the waist. "I take it as you love your snack bouquet~" He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "Happy Valentine's Day YN."
Trey Clover
Trey didn't want you to know that you were well-known so instead of doing anything to the other students, he tells you to stay in your room instead as you wait for him to pick you up for a romantic Valentine's date.
As the morning of Valentine started, he could watch in envy at the other students with present clearly meant for you. He did ask Vil for a favour to doll you up for the date, but he wasn't sure if you were going to stay put with Grim around...
He had to curse himself for getting caught up in one of Professor Crewel's ramblings, but he wouldn't be so rude to get up and leave. If he had to be honest, it was very tempting to do so.
It was finally over, and he tried not to let out a sigh of relief. The moment he walked out of the classroom, he was already frowning at the sight that he saw.
Many surrounded you, but particularly those with sweet treats caught your attention the most. They begged you to try their treats, but you never thought it as anything romantic. As someone who was fond of making sweet treats like Trey, you thought that they were asking for your input instead.
One of the students dared to hand-feed you a piece of the sweet he made. Trey being pissed off was an understatement. Cater, who was busy filming the decorations and vlogging, paused when his camera neared Trey's line of view.
Trey knew he wasn't going to get to you in time, so as he saw the treat inch closer to your mouth, he used his magic to alter the flavour of it. You winced at the bitter flavour unlike the sweet flavour before you expected.
You coughed out the piece you had in your mouth, dropping the food. Your head bumped against someone, and an arm wrapped around you. You relaxed once you felt Trey's familiar scent, but with your ear pressed against his chest, the sound of his thumping heart rang through your ears.
"You really dared to poison YN..."
The students backed away, but with a teacher nearby, they were quickly taken away. Trey didn't mind his little lie, after all, you were adorably blushing in his arms.
"Are you okay my love?" He patted your head, checking you for any injuries. It was only then he realised that you were dolled up, and your cheeks were flushed whenever hi fingers touched your skin.
Trey wasn't usually tongue-tied, but the way you just looked made him speechless.
"H-Happy Valentine's... my gorgeous YN."
Jamil Viper
He was an observant man, so the day before Valentine's he knew who was targeting to give you gifts, even if they hadn't made their intentions public. He never made your relationship public, but he targeted those who thought they were the 'perfect' candidate for your love.
It all began with spreading rumours, particularly about how someone was going to be your fiancé. He only had to wait for the rumours to settle in, and then the chaos would commence...
By the morning of Valentine's, many had gathered at your doorstep leaving gifts but some insisted on waiting for you... like a stalker... Oh well, Jamil could remedy that easily.
He couldn't hypnotise to most due to the limitations of his magic, but he was still good at manipulating those around him. He couldn't help but feel such jealousy towards the other students for getting you such expensive gifts, especially when he could never get those gifts for you himself.
He was so distracted with his jealous thoughts that he missed the moment that you walked out of your room. You were hopeful that your boyfriend Jamil was waiting, but you couldn't hide your disappointment when it wasn't.
The more aggressive 'suitors' caught on to your disappointment, and you shrunk in fear as they approached you.
"Hoi, why are you making that fa-"
Before any insulting things were said, a basketball went flying and hit the student in the head, knocking him flat.
"Get away from her."
Jamil's piercing gaze sent a shiver down everyone's spine, causing them to scram. Even those who had the strength to beat Jamil were outmatched by the sheer bloodlust and the objective authority he had, which was better not to mess with if they valued their school life.
It wasn't long before you jumped into Jamil's arms, which caused both of you to topple over. Your large grin was fitting for Jamil's flustered state, as you bestowed your hero a loving kiss.
Jade Leech
If any student in NRC were to say to their fellow friends that they wanted to confess to YN on Valentine's Day, their friends would ask them if they wanted a death wish. This was because it was a well-known fact that you were dating Jade Leech.
And in NRC, you'd never want to mess with the Leech brothers.
Jade wouldn't want to scare you, but he may have overheard some other people talking about giving you a Valentine's gift. Even if it was out of obligation, he wouldn't allow that.
He could personally alter the ingredients of their drinks so that they'd... fall asleep before any present giving...
You always hung around the Lounge but this time around, Jade didn't allow you to walk out onto the floor, so you accompanied Azul with helping him with his papers. He waited for the serum to kick in, and when they were asleep he informed Azul of some loiterers in the Lounge.
Before they fell asleep, Jade couldn't help himself from revealing his tiny plan to the victims.
"Don't try your chances."
They were quickly disposed of, thanks to Floyd. It'd be better not to mention specifics.
Jade did promise you a romantic date, so you were surprised how much the Lounge changed after hours. The simple candlelight shone on the extravagant meal with Jade's specially brewed tea.
You felt the merman's arms wrap around you, as he leaned down, whispering in your ear. "YN, thank you for being my Valentine."
Floyd Leech
Whoever had the idea to confess to you besides Floyd Leech was asking to die by getting squeezed by a merman.
He wasn't sure how did you gain so much attention, but then he remembered that he'd always glomp you whenever he saw you... and then he remembered that Valentine's was today. Oh well, he'll figure something out.
The person Floyd had his eyes on though, was a student who was part of a band that Azul drove into debt. The entire band then on went to work for the Lounge as entertainters, but how could Floyd trust such a scheming bass player?
He heard from Jade that they were going to practice, but he had an inkling that it would be a confession to you. Only when it comes to you, he's observant.
"Hey YN! I just wanna show you-"
You shrugged off the bassist's enthusiasm. "Sorry... I'm a bit worn out. A lot of people have been giving me presents today."
He still took your hand. "Well... um if it helps you relax, I wrote a song for you!"
"A song?" You inched away since he was too close for comfort, but you'd doubt he'd listen to you since those other students didn't listen to you anyway...
"Hands off my Shrimpy."
Floyd couldn't hold it, watching from the sidelines. Jade told him to stay put, but it was impossible. He grabbed the student by the shoulders, squeezing him until he screamed. Once Floyd saw your worried face, he abandoned every thought of 'torturing' the boy and flung him across the room instead.
It was just his luck that the boy landed in your pile of presents, destroying about half of them. That was the presents dealt with...
You eagerly hugged Floyd, finally seeing him after a long day. Floyd couldn't help but twirl his Shrimpy around, joy filling him from your giggles. Oh well, Valentine's was too materialistic anyway. If he could get a laugh out of you just like this, that was all that mattered to him.
"Love ya Shrimpy~"
Ruggie Bucchi
Having so much responsibility in Savanaclaw meant that he had the slimmest of chances to be with you during Valentine's. Sure, most knew that you were his but there would be those idiots that would approach you regardless of your relationship status.
He gritted his teeth as he thought of all the possible presents he couldn't give you, and others could. The moment he stepped out his body simply shook with envy at how lucky those students were to have the spare money to get you something nice.
It honestly made him feel terrible that he couldn't provide those for you. It really did.
He wasn't one to lash out, but he was a hyena beastman after all. He had his limits. The moment he spotted you, he couldn't stop his tail from wagging. What pissed him off though was the idiocity of the students who can't comprehend that you didn't want to deal with them.
A Scarabia student had been following you around, and it was getting on your nerves. He showed off his 'assets' in front of you, which was embarrassing enough but it really struck a chord when the said student disregarded your beloved Ruggie.
"Surely you have better chances with me than some filthy beastman like him..."
You huffed, your fists shaking. "That's my boyfriend you're talking about!"
The student, of course disregarded you entirely. He grabbed you by the wrist, but in the blink of an eye, his palm was bleeding. There Ruggie was, claws out and holding you in one arm.
"She said she has a boyfriend, scum."
He didn't care how much he'd get punished. Knowing how much the teachers favoured you, they might let it pass... He didn't want to deal with the aftermath, so he lifted you up bridal style and ran with you to the Savanaclaw dorm.
"W-Wait Ruggie! I might be heavy..."
"You're not," He bluntly said, angling his face so he could check you for any injuries. His chest swelled up with pride with how much you defended him. "YN, it's okay though. You didn't have to defend me that much..."
You were not one to stand for your boyfriend to insult himself. You kissed him, surprising him to the point he almost dropped you. As you stared at your confused Ruggie, you comforted him with words he needed to hear the most.
"Ruggie, you're my one and only love."
Rook Hunt
This man had a plan. He had a plan and he planned it the moment he realised Valentine's Day was coming which was roughly after the first few months of dating. He never realised that it would be such a meticulous operation.
He runs the grapevine of gossip, so he knows exactly who to target. Sure... some methods were not as graceful as the Pomefiore standard but he had to do what he had to do.
Valentine's rolled around. D-Day. The D stood for Date... as he highlighted in notes. He'd leave you be, because you were the main star of his plan. His star, his moon, his every- Oh and he caught himself before getting sidetracked...
The first mistake was leaving their presents unattended. The second mistake was going to talk to you.
In a sudden moment, many shrieked at their presents getting vandalised by someone's arrow. It wasn't a humble mistake. Someone was doing this on purpose.
While other students panicked, you had stooped to your knees, observing the words on the shaft of the arrow...
'From YN's boyfriend~'
Oh... Oh Rook... How adorable of you... You thought to yourself. You were surprised that none had caught on so far, but you were sorely mistaken as the person who was about to gift you a bouquet of flowers grabbed you in fear.
"Y-Your boyfriend?! Who is he-" The student shrieked and fell to the ground as an arrow flew past his head, cutting off some of his locks. Then and there, Rook stepped out, bow in hand, bowing to his lady.
"My apologies. I was aiming for your head."
Rook was quick to take you in his arms, but that was not before he oh so graciously stepped on the student's hand. You didn't expect him to-
"You didn't think I would get jealous, Mademoiselle," He laughed, getting on one knee with a rose in hand that you were sure was from another student's bouquet. "Ah, I take it you enjoyed my gift!~"
Unfortunately, it wasn't long before Rook was scolded by some teachers and Vil himself. As much as you thought he would put up with the punishment, that didn't stop the hunter from bringing you to the final date spot, a quiet, peaceful forest date with your favourite hunter.
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
valentine’s day + stray kids ✧
the enablers: @wingkkun​​ by virtue of their existence and @thepixelelf​​ bc of her @newskynet​​ valentine’s day prompt list (which can be found here! check it out :D) anyway you can blame them for my word vomits tonight tomorrow <3 happy early valentine’s day and I hope you enjoy these blurbs!
pairing: stray kids x gender neutral!reader (one blurb for each member!)
wc: 3.5k (total)
genre: fluff, lots of fluff, university!au
triggers: cursing
golcha version | the boyz version
SKZ Scenarios Masterlist | SKZ Drabbles Masterlist
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1. “shit, what day is it again?”
when chan opens the door to a beaming you, he has no idea what’s going on. he still has headphones around his neck, there are definitely bags under his eyes, he hasn’t slept in maybe close to twenty hours, and there is definitely something important that he’s forgetting, judging by the nonplussed expression that has now slid over your face. 
“chan, when did you sleep last night?” you ask, stepping into his dorm. you’re holding something behind your back that chan’s craning his neck to see, but you catch sight and twist away. “hey, no looking.”
the knowledge that you have something is more than enough, though, to get his overly tired brain actually thinking. his eyes narrow. what the heck is he forgetting - 
oh no. 
chan scrambles around for his phone as you look over, eyebrows rising as he pats his pockets. “shit, what day is it again?” 
you hold up your own phone, giving him an eyeful of your lock screen set to a picture of himself laughing into the camera. he isn’t focused on that, though - he’s focused on the words underneath the time that say “february 14, 2021.”
“oh my god, it’s valentine’s day.”
“no shit, sherlock.” you put a finger to his forehead and press hard. “i made reservations.”
“what? okay, no, i swear you didn’t tell me about this -”
“i didn’t, chan.” you smile, shaking your head. “it was supposed to be a surprise. and i knew you’d forget the day or something because you always do lose track of time - hey, don’t look at me that way, i even made a bet with minho on the way and i’m right - so i came early to force you to sleep for several hours before we go out.”
okay, that’s fair, but chan’s lips curve downward into a pout anyway. “i didn’t forget,” he protests. “well, i forgot today, but i still have something for you! i got it last week.” he looks around frantically, then drags a box out from underneath his bed. “here!”
a wide smile splits your face and you pull your own present from behind your back, a red-wrapped box that chan begins to open as you cuddle the teddy bear he’s handed over to you. “chan, you sap,” you say, words muffled in the bear’s fur. “god i love you.”
“and i love you too,” he replies, pulling out a box of his favorite candy. “kiss?”
laughing, you press your lips together once, twice before pulling away. “sleep time,” you announce. “no kisses until you’ve gotten at least three hours.”
chan all but lunges into bed, trapping you with him between his arms. “sleeping now,” he says, voice muffled into your shirt. “goodnight.”
“good afternoon, more like.” you smile anyway, stroking his hair. “but good night.”
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18. “oh my god, this chocolate tastes like chalk.”
minho is about to lose his shit in this tiny hospital bed with the sterile white sheets and curtains barring sunlight from streaming on his body. back when his ankle wasn’t broken to high hell, he really hadn’t given the sun enough appreciation. after three days of almost zero movement, though, he swears he’ll actually go outside voluntarily once he gets out of here. 
the door opens. a head peeks in. 
ah. there’s his daily dose of human sunshine. 
a smile slides onto minho’s face as you come in, arms full of snacks and flowers. you place a bouquet of red roses on the little table beside his bed and dump the snacks onto his sheets. “happy valentine’s day, idiot boyfriend who broke his ankle just three days before today.”
minho scowls. “it’s not like i tried to.”
“i know. even you’re not that dumb.” you pat his head mockingly, laughing as minho’s scowl deepens. “sit up, idiot. here, i’ll help.”
he allows his frown to turn into a grudging smile as you help him sit properly in bed, careful not to jar his ankle before passing him one of the bags of chocolates in his lap. “jisung gave this to me for you and asked me to ask you if you would be his valentine.”
minho pauses in opening the bag. “what.”
“jisung for you.” you laugh. “his partner was right next to him laughing their ass off. try the chocolates.”
he picks one out. puts it in his mouth. chews. “oh my god, this chocolate tastes like chalk.”
“what - how the fuck do you know what chalk tastes like?”
“i don’t, what the fuck? i just imagine it would taste like this.”
you snort. “so my boyfriend first breaks his ankle dancing three days before we valentine’s, and on this romantic day i learn he’s definitely eaten chalk.” you sigh, snatching a bag of gummies from the sheets. “what a day.”
“i don’t eat chalk!”
he opens his mouth to reply, but you cut him off with a kiss. “eat your chalk chocolate,” you direct when you pull away. “or jisung will get upset.”
“ugh fine.” he rolls his eyes. “but i’m only listening to you because i love you.”
“cheeseball.” you smile. “i love you too.”
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20. “babe.” / “since when do you call me babe?”
grinning, jisung picks up the bouquet of roses you were about to hand him before falling to the ground in laughter. “these for me?”
“no, they’re for my valentine.” you snatch them back, still wheezing. “which was going to be you, but you ditched me for minho, so now i need to find someone else.”
“aw, come on.” jisung pouts, pursing his lips actively even as you try to hide the smile on your face by turning away. “y/n! y/n. y/nnnnnnnnn. y/n, look at me. please? y/n. babe.”
“what the - jisung - since when do you call me babe?” your half disgusted, half amused face sends him into hysterics as he glomps you in a hug, laughing into your shoulder. “hey, sung! get away! you’re drooling on my clothes!”
“am not!” jisung pulls away, trying to pout but laughing too hard to do so. you just looked so fucking funny. “and what’s wrong with me calling you babe?”
“don’t do it again.” you push his shoulder. “do not. you won’t like the consequences.”
“one, you don’t get these flowers. i’ll put them in my own room.” you wave the bouquet in front of him. “two, i give chan the all clear to play ‘wow’ on his campus radio station.”
“you wouldn’t dare -”
“three, no kisses for a week.”
jisung falls to his knees. “no, no, y/n, my beautiful and wonderful significant partner, i will never call you babe again, please don’t sentence me the barren world of no kisses for a week just because of my idiot mouth -”
“jesus christ, jisung, get up. you’re making a scene.” you laugh anyway, pulling him up before placing a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips. “i was just joking. but please don’t call me babe if you don’t want me to cringe to the next dimension.”
“done deal.” jisung holds his out his hands. “flowers?”
you roll your eyes, handing them over. he breathes in their scent, smiling widely. “they’re so pretty!” then he looks up and winks. “but not as pretty as you.”
at that, you laugh again, crushing the bouquet as you wrap him in a hug. “i love you so much, jisung,” you murmur into his ear.
his arms reach out to loop around your waist as he pulls you closer. “i love you too,” he replies, smiling.
for a moment, you two only stand, finding peace in each other’s warmth. then jisung’s mouth runs once more.
“you know, i wrote my lyrics for ‘wow’ thinking of you.”
“do you have to ruin every moment?”
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14. “you’re seriously asking me out on valentine’s day?”
changbin doesn’t even bother to reply to the picture jisung’s just sent of the flowers his partner gave him. he’s too nervous, his stomach literally fluttering as he stops his motorcycle by the curb and wheels it into the shop.
“hi, welcome, what can i - changbin?” you raise an eyebrow. “did you seriously bang up your motorcycle on valentine’s day?”
changbin’s ears turn bright red. he knows it even if he can’t see them. you think he always comes here because something else has magically gone wrong with his motorcycle, but what you don’t know is that he’s been pretending things are wrong with the vehicle for months at this point just so he has an excuse to see you. 
and now it’s valentine’s day. the day he chose to fess up and admit how he feels and ask you on a date. 
“nothing’s... broken.” changbin scratches his neck. “uh...”
both of your eyebrows are now high up on your forehead. “so why are you here?”
“i...” he coughs, feeling his ears flare even hotter. “i wanted - i wanted to ask if you -” he looks down, unable to look at you. “i wanted to ask if you would go out with me today. like. on a date.”
silence. he doesn’t have the courage to look up. 
“you’re seriously asking me out on valentine’s day?”
changbin shrinks behind his motorcycle. holy fuck, this was the worst idea, you’re about to reject him and his heart is going to shatter -
then you step forward, place a hand on the vehicle. “okay, that came out wrong.” you tip his chin up gently so he’s forced to look into your soft, teasing eyes. “what i meant is that i’d love to go on a date with you today. i just didn’t expect you to ask me out on valentine’s day. didn’t seem like a very you thing to do.” you pause. “though i guess considering that song you played for me last time, it isn’t that surprising.”
oh, god. on track. changbin wrote that thinking of you. 
“wait, seriously?”
he really just said that out loud. changbin groans, slapping his forehead. “why am i dumb,” he mumbles into his hand. 
you laugh, peeling his hand away with grease-covered fingers. “you’re not dumb, bin. just sweet.” as he melts from the use of your nickname, you wave your greasy palm in front of his face. “let me go wash and tell seungmin to close up early. i’ll be out in a second.” you grin. “looking forward to whatever you have planned.”
(later, when you wrap your now clean arms around changbin’s waist on his motorcycle, he smiles so wide it feels like his face is going to split.)
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25. “i love you.”
with a relieved sigh, seungmin locks up the shop, wiping grease-stained fingers on a towel. despite the fact that he mostly only handles the register, dirt still manages to get everywhere, even when he tries to be careful. 
doesn’t matter. seungmin likes his job, likes it even though it’s a little hard to be independent from his parents after so many years of living off their credit card. the freedom is sweet, though - now he can learn what he wants, do what he wants, and best of all...
now he can date whom he wants.
seungmin smiles, running up to his dorm so he has just enough time to change and shower before meeting you. he cleans up quickly before grabbing the singular rose in a glass on his desk and racing downstairs once more, hair still slightly damp, to meet you in front of the building. 
god, you’re beautiful, standing against the backdrop of the afternoon sun. in the moment that you don’t notice him walking out the door, he runs forward, smiling, before engulfing you in a back hug. 
“hey - oh, seungmin.” he can hear the smile in your voice as you clutch his hands hanging around your shoulders. “you scared me!”
“sorry,” he says, pulling away to spin you around. god, looking into your laughing face, seungmin knows everything was worth it. he may have lived in the lap of luxury before, attending parties every other weekend and drinking the finest champagne while dressed in the most resplendent clothing (courtesy of the kim family empire), but luxury doesn’t mean much when he was missing real, true love, right? you were one of the first, other than hyunjin, to see through his cold facade and break into the warm heart underneath. 
as he hands you the rose, he’s glad, so glad that you gave him the courage to go head to head with his parents for the first time, to finally break away from their strangling control over every bit of his life. what did he need parties and designer clothing and jewels for, anyway? he’s still living, still able to support himself even if it means a little more work. and even if he’s tired, he has your lips to come back to, every day. 
“i love you,” he murmurs, kissing you softly, sweetly. “i really do, y/n.”
“so do i,” you breathe, smiling against his lips in reply.
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12. “valentine’s day... that’s the one with the bunny, right?”
hyunjin kind of wants to hit you, significant other or not. judging by your shit-eating grin, you probably know exactly how he feels, but you keep your eyes as soft and innocent as possible. “no, i don’t know what day it is, hyunjin. isn’t it just february 14?”
he groans, sinking dramatically to the ground. “it’s valentine’s day.”
“oh. right.” you adopt a thinking expression, raising your eyes to the sky. “valentine’s day... that’s the one with the bunny, right?”
“i’m kidding, i’m kidding!” you finally laugh, reaching out a hand to pull him up from the university quad. “hey, get up, hyunjin. you’re going to get your designer clothes dirty.”
shit, he is. hyunjin accepts your hand, dusting grass bits off of his shirt. “you’re so mean,” he whines. “to think i had a whole evening planned and all, just for you to pretend to forget the entire day.”
“ah, but i didn’t forget. i only pretended to.” you grin, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “and to prove it, i have something for you! close your eyes.”
eagerness and apprehension flooding his veins, hyunjin shuts his eyes. for a moment, he hears you digging around in your bag, and then you put something in his hand. “here!”
opening his eyes, hyunjin looks down to see a pair of elegant earrings in his palm. you made them, definitely - he can see the tiny mark of your initials etched in the metal of one earring, his initials on the other - and he smiles wide, so wide, all of your previous transgressions forgotten in this moment. “i love them,” he says, already unfastening the hoops currently in his ears to put the new ones in. 
“i thought you would. hey, let me help.” your fingers take the earrings, deftly inserting one into each ear. “perfect.”
“i have something for you two, but you’ll get it later.” hyunjin pockets his old earrings before taking your hand. “right now, i’m taking you on a date.”
“what, i have no say in this?” your eyes sparkle. 
“nope!” hyunjin laughs, swinging your arms in the air. “come on, i swear the evening’s going to be a lot of fun.”
“i believe you.” you stop him to kiss him once, softly. “everything’s fun with you, hyunjin.”
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15. “shut up and kiss me.”
with the brownie box in his hands almost empty, felix makes every effort to dodge anyone who knows for fear that they’ll ask for one of the last few treats left inside. hyunjin took like five earlier, jesus christ, even when felix warned him he was saving some for you. ungrateful brat. 
thankfully, no one accosts him, and he makes it to your meeting place without interruption. there you already are, mindlessly twirling a bouquet of roses around in your fingers. as he approaches, you look up, and felix is (once again) blown away by the intensity of your smile. 
some people liken him to the sun. others, with his freckles, compare him to the stars. both, though, felix thinks are more proper descriptors for you and your lovely grin that’s as bright as the sun and the stars combined. 
“felix!” you stand as he comes closer, handing him the roses. he passes over the box of brownies and you screech in delight, taking off the lid and popping one of them into your mouth. “oh my god, it’s so good.”
“don’t talk with your mouth full,” felix scolds, smiling anyway. “do you only love me for my brownies?”
“maybe” is the cheeky reply. you laugh as felix reels in mock astonishment, placing a dramatic hand to his chest. “i’ve been betrayed,” he wheezes. “stabbed in the back by my one true love who turned traitor to our romance, how will i live -”
“hey, felix?”
he looks up. “hm?”
your eyes sparkle. “shut up and kiss me.”
your lips taste like chocolate, sweeter even than the brownie you just finished. felix puts his arms around you, rose petals brushing against your back as he holds you close, close, closer - 
“oh my god.”
a familiar voice makes felix pull away from your lips as he turns around. “jeongin?”
“nope, nope, nope,” the younger boy chants, eyes fully closed. “i saw none of that, jesus christ, come on, let’s go -”
too late, felix notices the person standing next to his friend, eyes also screwed shut. a smirk rises on his face. that must be jeongin’s crush, he thinks as they race away, the crush he’s been sweating over asking out for the last few weeks. 
“aw, man.” felix frowns, suddenly coming to a realization. “jeongin probably wanted to confess here.”
“he’ll do fine,” you laugh, tugging at his arm. “now get back here. we’re not finished.”
felix smiles, pulling you close once more. “no, we aren’t.”
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6. “no one’s ever given me something like this before.”
listen. jeongin did not need to see felix making out with his partner right before he was about to confess. not only did it completely ruin his plans to talk to you in the prettiest part of campus, but he also has an image seared into his mind that he really does not need. 
“sorry,” he mutters, still unable to look at you. 
“it’s fine.” jeongin can hear the second hand embarrassment in your voice. “it wasn’t your fault. uh.” you pause. “you said... you wanted to tell me something?”
right. jeongin squeezes his eyes shut, desperately trying to erase the previous images from his brain. “yeah. i did. um.” he swallows, then forces himself to look into eyes that sparkle in the fading sunlight, eyes that he fell in love with so many months ago when you two first worked on that project together. 
thankfully, his words don’t fail him. “i just wanted to say i like you a lot, y/n.” jeongin keeps looking at you, even though all he wants to do is run away screaming. “as in... i want to ask you out. if that’s okay with you.”
then you start giggling. 
jeongin frowns. why - 
“oh my god, jeongin.” you double over on the bench, laughing even harder. “i’m so sorry.”
his heart sinks as embarrassment begins to burn his ears. “if you don’t like me -”
“no, no!” you straighten, wiping your eyes. “no, it’s not about that. it’s just -” you snort - “oh my god, you wanted to ask me out in the garden, right? but felix was there, and... jesus christ. jeongin, i’m so sorry.”
his cheeks flare red, but he also lets out a major sigh of relief that your laughter wasn’t a rejection. “yeah,” he says, a grudging smile climbing onto his face. “yeah, that’s pretty much what happened.”
you wipe your eyes again. “sorry for laughing. i didn’t mean to make fun of you or anything. i’d actually love to go out with you.” you smile. “really.”
“well, thank god for that.” jeongin huffs, cheeks still hot. “or i would’ve gotten this for nothing.” he holds out a small teddy bear. “this is for you.”
“oh.” you take it, eyes turning soft. “oh. no one...” you swallow. “no one’s ever given me something like this before.”
jeongin’s heart melts, it really does, seeing the slow, shy smile spread across your face as you hold the bear close. “thank you, jeongin.”
“you’re welcome,” he breathes, hardly able to find his words as the sun creates a stunning backdrop behind you as it begins to set. “happy valentine’s day, y/n.”
you smile wide, so wide. “happy valentine’s day, jeongin.”
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
A Bet can be costly (Percy Jackson)
A bet can be costly
It was only half past nine in the morning and already Percy and Jason were bored while hanging out in the latter's cabin. True it somewhat helped that Jason had somehow swung getting a TV and cable while even Percy despite being the son of one of the big three didn't but still there was just nothing on that held either boys attention for long.
Of course Percy despite his claims of being strait and sighting the fact he was dating Annabeth as proof of said straightness he found himself looking over at Jason who was in just his black shorts and nothing else as he relaxed on the cream colored sofa that the two boys where sharing.
Jason might of been younger but he was well more build compared to Percy who while wasn't fat or even chunky, was as ripped as the demi god next to him.
"Ughhhh, there is NOTHING to do.." Jason groaned and shut the tv off, leaning back and closing his eyes, then smirking and turning to look at Percy as he opened them. "Well almost nothing, but I don't think you're man enough for a little bet I have in mind."
Percy huffed a little at that, ever since he'd been caught with wet pants during a party, everyone had started to treat him like a little guy, even though he had to be one of the most hung guys there!
(Well at least he thought so, it wasn't exactly like he went around and measured everyone else's ding dongs.)
"I can take on any bet you have in mind!" he said and crossed his arms.
'heh, gotcha~' Jason thought and then flashed his pearly whites at Percy.
"Alright, but if you don't wanna take the bet even after I say it, don't feel bad alright?" Jason said, and waited for Percy, who was getting somewhat fussy to nod in agreement.
"Ok buddy, The bet is simple enough.. we're gonna drop our pants and compare cock sizes. Whoever is bigger wins, and the loser has to be the winner little boy for the summer, and do whatever he's told."
"..Where you dropped on your head as a child?" Percy asked, raising a eyebrow but then smirking. "But Fine, you're gonna look sooo cute as my little boy Jason. It's you who might wanna back down, I'm packing some major heat here." Percy said and patted his crotch.
'..Ok he's just asking for a cuddle now. just too cute.' Jason thought then out loud went "Well Mr.Jackson, if you're so sure of yourself go right ahead."
"heh, Wanna spare yourself the humiliation huh? I'll let you keep your modesty." Percy said, really full of himself now as he stood up and started to tug down his black jogging pants. "Your about to see why Annabeth walks funny every time she comes over to my cabin~"
with his pants around his ankles and his plaid boxer's on display, Percy hooked his thumbs in the waistband and shot Jason a shit eating grin.
"Last chance to back out, though I hope you don't. you're gonna look fucking adorable in a sailor suit on the beach making me sand castles."
"Sheesh you trying to be a Pro wrestler with all that trash talking, shut up and show me what you got." Jason laughed, the sheer attuide coming from Percy was just too cute, double so when he knew a few things about Annabeth that Percy didn't.
Smirking Percy dropped his shorts and showed off all 7 inches of his fuck meat, not as thick as he would of liked but it got the job done and his pubes were neatly trimmed , almost a buzz cut.
"Face it Jason, your F'ed in the A." Percy said, reaching down and stroking his semi soft cock and gaining a half inch as it went to full on stiff mode.
"Oh my~ That IS quite impressive Percy, way more then I thought a pants pisser would of had." Jason said and stood up, hooking his thumbs in his shorts. it was well known he went commando so there would be no build up here. "Too bad it's still not enough."
"What?" Percy asked, looking confused and then Jason's shorts hit the floor and a soft 8 inch cock was looking back at Percy, at least TWICE the thickness of Percy's proud fuck meat!
"But, wait, there's more!" Jason said in his best TV infomercial voice, and with a couple of pumps his cock jumped up to 10 inches and was leaking a little cock drool.
"H-Holy fuck!" Percy squeaked.
"So do we need the measuring tape? or compare them side by side or do you wanna be a good boy and take your shirt off so big brother can get you dressed little man?" Jason asked.
"ah..ah..about that..see..I uh..I was totally kidding about making you do anything.." Percy was saying, trying to back away from Jason now with his pants and undies around his ankles. "T-this was all just a silly joke so I don't think we reall-"
"Percy, I'm going to ask one more time, for you to finish striping, or you'll be going over my lap little man." Jason said, bending down and tugging his shorts back up.
"Well ok, when you put it that way that soun- LOOK A DISTRACTION!" Percy yelled and pointed behind Jason and then went to run, instantly tripping and boinking his face off the floor since he hadn't kicked the clothes off.
"heh..I can see you're going to be a handful." Jason said and walked over and picked the dazed Percy up.
"I can taste purple!" Percy coo'ed.
"-snek-, I bet you can."
After making sure that Percy wasn't concussed, Jason waited for a few for the poor soon to be little guy to get his marbles back, and when Percy did he'd find himself over Jason's lap, a firm hand on his lower back to keep Percy from taking off.
The boy had been stripped naked by this point and Jason had made sure his cabin was far enough away from the water to keep Percy from using any of his powers, plus his own taps and water tank were enchanted to 'help keep Percy honest'.
"i.. what... Ah!" Percy yelped as he came to his sense and realized the situation he was in.
"welcome back buddy." Jason said, rubbing his free hand on Percy's bubble butt, almost kneeing the semi fatty flesh of the older boys butt. "Never knew you had so much junk in your trunk!"
"S-Shut up!" Huffed Percy even as he fought to get free, but it was clear who of the two was the stronger and a sudden SWAT to his ample back side (when made a ripple to Jason's delight) stopped him.
"J-J-Jason...Big Brother..I-if I promise to be good, can we skip th-" Percy started.
"Sorry buddy, I don't wanna do this anymore then you wanna be spanked." Jason started, a bold face lie but still. "But you need to learn if your not a good boy there is a fallout. I'll only go with 10 swats THIS time and hopefully you won't make me punish you more."
Percy whimpered, giving a weak token effort to get free but Jason could tell he had more or less accepted his fate and in a small way made Jason hate he STILL had to follow though.
Figuring it was better to get this over with Jason brought his hand down hard on Percy's cheeks, making the demi god guy out and kick his legs.
before Percy could even fully process that swat the second was already happened, Jason wanted this to be fast and hard.
He was all of five swats in, and Percy was blubbering like a baby, his hot tears flowing freely when he felt Percy stiffen on his lap.
"JASON STAP I HAF-" Percy started to warn and then..
well Jason was glad he'd pick a bar stool he had for the spanking as his lap and legs were drenched and a smelly puddle was made as Percy's bladder unloaded itself.
"I-I'm sorry please don't spank me morrrrre!" Percy sobbed.
Jason, despite being soaked in his little guys wee wee, just tugged Percy up and hugged him, wincing slightly as the bawling Percy got snot all over his shoulder while glomping him.
'Yeah..we're gonna share a shower.' he thought.
One wash up later and Jason and Percy were cleaned and dried off, with Jason in a fresh pair of shorts and a t-shirt while Percy was just wrapped up in a big fluffy towel whining softly still.
As it had turned out Percy was NOT a fan of showers, and had wanted to go for a bath despite Jason pointing out how bad of a idea that would of been. Having to put his foot down Jason had been forced to threaten anther trip over his knee to get Percy into said shower.
Now with Jason dressed it was Percy's turn and Jason rummaged though a dresser drawer and came out with a perfect little guy outfit made to Percy's size, clearly he had been planning this for awhile.
Said outfit was a pair of white socks with little anchor designs in dark silver all over them, a pair of briefs likewise with the anchors on them and then following up from that, a pair of cream white shorts and a sailor top.
"..How long have you been-" Percy started to ask.
"long enough, now lay back and let big bro get you dressed. and try not to have anymore accidents little man." Jason chuckled, and smirked as Percy huffed and stuck his tongue out at him.
"You shouldn't stick out your tongue, only snakes and fools do that and snakes don't have arms and legs so you must be a fool~" Jason teased.
"Oh WHATEVER!" Percy fumed and went to stick his tongue out again, but seemed to think better of it.
Once the little guy was all dressed, Jason helped him stand up and kissed his forehead, Making Percy whine and squirm and lead him over to a mirror so he could look at himself, adding a little sailor cap to his head and smirking.
"...I look like a oversized 5 year old!" Percy whined, cheeks going bright red and huffing and squirming.
"That WAS what I was aiming for." Jason chuckled and smooched Percy's cheek, getting even more fussy whines from the newly turned little. "Your gonna look SO cute on the bench making me sand castles and I have a cute little swim suit for you and everything!"
"..why do i get the feeling even if I had won, you would of just found a way to little me anyways?" Percy whined.
"Heh, that kinda foresight would of served you well about half a hour ago little bro."
Leading the huffing Percy back out to the living room, Jason set out a blanket on the floor for the little guy and then as Percy sat there silent fuming, he brought over a cardboard box and set it down.
Percy peeked into the box and it was half filled with toy's that he was sure would of delighted any 4-7 year old but only made him roll his eyes and look up at Jason.
"Really?" he asked Jason."Even if I hadn't of stopped playing with toys years ago, i was more into action figures then stuffies and toy cars and boats."
"Well since video games are a no no for little guys like you and ditto for action figures, you better learn to like these." Jason chuckled.
"What? why can't I have action figures?!" Percy demanded, never mind he had JUST said he wasn't into them anymore.
"Too many little pieces that could come off when you chew on them." Jason chuckled and patted the top of Percy's hat covered head.
"I DON'T CHEW ON TOYS!" Percy semi shouted and huffed.
"That's nottttt what your mom said when I was getting her help with this." Jason said in a sing song voice. "she told me you had teeth marks all over your old power rangers toys.
"Slander and lies! ..WAIT MY MOM WAS IN ON THIS?!?" Percy shrieked.
"Heh, oh yeah. wants pictures and warned me if I make you feel too little to be ready to diaper you at night."
Percy's right eye twitched and then he went on a incoherent screaming and shouting fit that Jason let go on, just to get it out of Percy's system and was amazed it took about 10 minutes before Percy stopped, panting and huffing, spittle running down his chin.
"You wanna try that again, this time in English so I can actually understand what you say?" Jason asked, grinning ear to ear.
by the time Percy was done, Jason had tallied that normally he would of earned about four mouth washings and at least one trip over his lap, but again, was letting the little guy get one punishment free vent in.
"Free better?" Jason asked as Percy huffed and pouted.
"Good, that's the last time I'm putting up with a fit like that Percy, so I hope you got it all out of your system. next time you'll be treated like any other five year old who has a tantrum." Jason said.
"..what does that mean?" Percy asked, gulping. "A time out in the corner?"
"well a time out is part of it, but you'll find this isn't some new age parenting place. Here at camp half blood, we believe in spanking naughty little boys and girls." Jason said and the look on his face left no doubt he meant it.
"..Oh poopie." Percy whimpered.
"Really Percy? stand up and let me check. I don't smell anything." Jason said with a chuckle.
"T-That's not what I meannnnnt!"
after his twin rants and everything else, it was just about lunch time so after getting Percy to start playing with his toy cars, even though Percy looked bored out of his mind, Jason started to cook up some lunch for the boys.
"Percy, I don't hear you playing..you being good over there?" Jason called over his shoulder, cutting up some potato's to make them fries to go with the grilled cheese he was gonna make.
Percy almost snarled out a reply but the threat of a spanking was in the back of his mind and instead..
"Yeah I'm being good, I don't know how to make the cars make enough noise to convince you though." Percy said.
"oh well thats simple. Make the engine noises. go vrhoom vrhoom." Jason chuckled.
"...you are a sick sick man, you know that?" Percy asked, but knowing when he was licked, started to do the noises just like 'big brother' wanted.
blushing the whole time and feeling foolish.
'I suppose it could be worse, no one else is here. and he'll have to get tired of this before long.' Percy thought.
Of course with the way Percy's luck was going he wasn't exactly surprised when right as he thought that, the doorbell rang.
"Percy buddy, can you be a good boy and go answer the door? big bro has his hands full." Jason called.
Huffing and getting up, Percy semi stomped his way over to the door to Jason's cabin, never once realizing with his bratty attuide he seemed less like someone who didn't wanna show off his outfit and more like a huffy little guy who didn't wanna stop playing.
Opening the door without checking to see who was there, Percy entered a full body blush as his girlfriend was standing there, looking amused.
"A-Annabeth!! W-what are you doing over here?" He squeaked.
"Pfffttt, Oh my god, Jason actually got you to do it! this is too good!" She giggled. "I've known he wanted to dress you up for awhile but never in a million years would I of thought you'd -actually- do it!"
the clear amusement in her voice and the big grin on her face had Percy feeling like the little boy he was dressed up as and he squirmed and whined loudly.
"Percy! Who's at the door?" Jason called.
"I..I..It's.." Percy stammered.
"It's Annabeth!" Annabeth called over Percy's shoulder.
"Percy, don't be rude, Invite her in." Jason called.
the last thing that Percy wanted was for his girlfriend to come in but clearly it was out of his hands, so instead he looked down at the floor and then stood to the side, gesturing for her to come in.
'Dad, if your listening..I could really use a tidal wave right about now.' Percy thought.
Sadly, Either seaweed daddy wasn't listening or found this whole thing to be funny as Annabeth walked in and spotted Percy's play area, squealing with delight and laughing.
the next 20 or so minutes was spent with Annabeth 'looking after little Percy' and keeping him out of trouble while Jason made them all lunch.
As bad as playing cars and having to make the noises had been before when it was just for Jason, it was so very much worst doing it for the amusement of his girlfriend who kept asking humiliating questions, and 'Big brother' insisted that he answer them all.
"Awww are you having fun?" She coo'ed as she sat back on the couch.
"..Oh yes, Loads." Percy huffed sarcastically though to his dismay she took it as a honest answer.
"Well that's good! So which car is your favorite?" and she leaned forward now, studying the different types of toy cars.
"...I dunno, I guess the police car?" Percy said and semi shrugged his shoulders, and squirming from all of the embarrassment he was receiving.
"Heh, lots of little guys like cop cars, that makes since. Hmm..Your squirming a lot, do you need to use the potty? we don't want you to have a accident!" Annabeth said, looking mildly concerned though still grinning.
"I-I don't need help telling when I hafa potty!" Percy almost shrieked.
"Heh, tell that to the damp spot on the floor from your accident eariler." Jason called.
"Ohhh, did somebody wet his pants?" Annabeth giggled, looking totally delighted.
"I-It wasn't my fault! Jason was spanking me a-and I ju-" Percy tried to argue but got cut off.
"Oh, why did he have to spank you? were you being a bad boy?" She asked, leaning in close, eyes filled with excitement as she brushed her hair behind a ear. "Did you cry lots and lots and beg big brother to stop?"
Percy was having all sorts of warning bells going off in his head at how excited she seemed by this and just shut his mouth and crossed his arms turning away from him.
"Oh you did! Ahahahaha! Wow, spanked into submission by someone younger then you~" She teased, then got up. "Well all that aside, I don't believe you Mr.fussy pants, so come on, let's take you to the potty."
"NO! I don't have to!" Percy huffed, and winced, he HEARD how little he sounded.
"Percy, you come with me to the potty and try little man or I'll get Jason to do it. who do you think is gonna be nicer about it?" Annabeth asked.
"She's got a point buddy." Jason called over, he was almost done with the fries and grilled cheese that was gonna be supper. "Also you've had your mulligan, any more accidents and you'll be losing big boy underwear privileges."
"..You mean it gets worse then these baby briefs?!" Percy yelped out.
"Yup~ Normally next step down would be pull-ups but I couldn't find any in your size so right back to diapers." Jason called and turned and smirked. "So.. still think your good or wanna hedge your bets and go sit on the potty?"
"...I'm going to the potty because -I- choose to!" Percy huffed and scrambled to his feet.
"Mmmhmmm, whatever you have to tell yourself little man." Jason said and turned back to the cooking.
Annabeth had stood up as well and offered Percy a hand, and while he wanted to slap it away, somehow he just knew how that would end and accepted it.
"..Your waiting outside the door while I go." was the only thing Percy could think to say.
It never dawned on him that despite never being to Jason's cabin before, she seemed to know exactly where the bathroom was, though in his defense she was keeping him off guard.
"Oh my, such a big boy, going all by yourself.. Deal but remember to wipe and wash your hands."
'fuck my life..'
sitting on the potty Percy was mentally counting down how long he should play along with the potty game when he was shocked that a stream did escape him, followed by a couple of wet farts.
As such after the boy had wiped and flushed and washed his hands, his face was somehow even more crimson then before.
Not helping matters was Annabeth praising him for being a good boy and holding up a hand for a high five which Percy weakly returned.
Getting back out to the main room the table had been set and while Annabeth's and Jason's plate sat on the white table cloth, Percy's on was on top of a plastic mat shaped like a teddy bear.
when Percy whined and pointed Jason just gave a big toothy grin.
"Sorry buddy, but I've seen you eat, you're a messy eater and it's easier to wipe the plastic mat clean then to wash the table cloth. Oh! that reminds me.." Jason said as Percy fumed and took his seat.
His grilled cheese had been cut into four parts for him and his ketchup for his fries were in a little plastic bowl to the side. He was about to comment he wasn't that bad when Jason produced a teen sized bib,white in color with navy blue text on it reading 'I love my big brother!'
"..Your joking right?" Percy asked, narrowing his eyes and glaring at Jason while Annabeth covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.
"What, you don't like it?" Jason asked, pretending to sound hurt while smirking.
"What do you think?" Percy asked.
"well ok, you don't HAVE to wear the bib if you don't want to, but if your not wearing it, i want you to strip down to your undies so you don't get your new outfit all dirty buddy." Jason chuckled.
"...Give me the effing bib." Percy growled though clenched teeth.
"Ah ah ah, none of that, that was too close to a swear word for my liking. try that again and your be a little bubble breath. also, as your loving big brother." and Annabeth couldn't hold it in and laughed out loud. "..It's my job to get this on you."
"..Of course it is."
Percy's one mulligan as the bib was put on him was that his drink was at least in a cup, though Jason noticed him looking at it as he finished.
"Ok buddy, I'm taking a chance and trusting you with a big kid cup. but if you spill it, it's back to sippy cups. Or if you wanna just use one now that's ok too. you don't have to put on a show for our guest." Jason said.
A swear was almost out of his mouth when Percy caught himself, and biting down on his tongue, he just ignored Jason and started to chow down on his fries, planing to eat in silence.
However much like most of his other plans for the day, this one fell to the wayside as while Jason and Annabeth started to chow, Jason asked Percy what he'd been pretending was happening while he played with his cars.
The tone in Jason's voice made it clear Percy better come up with something quick, and so the newly turned little boy spun a tale about some cops trying to bust a smuggling ring of counterfeit toys.Percy was getting annoyed though that despite how much of a excellent bullshit story he was weaving on the spot, Jason and Annabeth were apparently distracted and ignoring him.
the only time they seemed to chime in or respond to what he was saying was when he went quiet for too long.
what the Demi god turned little guy couldn't of known though since he lacked X-ray vision was that there was a good reason the two of them were semi ignoring Percy, except to encourage him to go on between his bites of food.
Jason and Annabeth were playing footsie under the table and sending each other signals of shared attraction.
What little Percy didn't know yet, but would find out all too soon was that Annabeth had been over to this cabin more then a few times, having hooked up with Jason while Percy was off being a good boy for his mom.
The idea of cucking the son of one of the big three had just been too much of a temptation to pass up, and it had been going on far longer then Percy himself would of guessed.
She had even faked being too sick to go out with him on his birthday, just to come over and get fucked by Jason, who had truthfully ruined sex with Percy for her but she still put on a show.
The moment that let her always squirt the hardest when neither boy was available though was how she had tricked Percy into eating her out, while blindfolded after Jason had cream pied her. she claimed the funny taste was a sugar cream she had picked up from a sex shop and Jason had been there, watching from the closet as Percy licked and slurped her clean, making her moan even as the poor boys face had been screwed up.
Clearly he hadn't cared for the taste but whenever Annabeth moaned and asked how he liked it, he would reply with a choked
"I-It tastes awesome..y-you should get more."
That had made her squirt right then and there and breathlessly after, she promised Percy she would.
She hadn't even returned the favor, just had Percy climb into bed with her and removed the blind fold once Jason was out the door, cuddling him and stroking him off and on so that in the middle of the night Percy had been forced to sneak off to the bathroom and jerk off, not knowing Annabeth was awake and could hear everything from her bed.
Percy finished his food and his drink, and let out a loud Belch as he finished his story, Annabeth and Jason had finished before him but stayed seated to 'listen' to his 'amazing' story.
"Wow buddy, you have a activate imagination!" Jason coo'ed, pulling his feet away from Annabeth and giving Percy his full attention and smirking.
Of course the sea brat had gotten ketchup on his face and fingers, and on his bib. add into it that while Jason and Annabeth had been drinking root beer Percy was sporting a purple kool-aid mustache and Jupiter, he just looked so cute!
"Heh, hold still buddy, I think somebody needs a quick clean up." Jason laughed, getting up and getting a damp wash cloth and rubbing over Percy's face as the little guy squirmed.
"Stopppp! I can do it my selfff!" He whined, making Annabeth snort.
Did Percy really not hear just how much of a little guy he sound like right now?!
Either way, over his own protests he was cleaned up and given anther drink of grape juice, though this time it was in a light blue sippy cup.
And boy, if looks could kill Jason would of hit the floor stone cold dead.
"I THOUGHT you said I could use big kid cups!" Percy huffed, furrowing his brow and once again looking like the little guy he was dressed up as.
"well your gonna go back to playing while me and Annabeth watch some TV and I don't want you getting too excited playing cops that you knock over your drink without realizing it." Jason said reasonably.
"I wouldn't!" Percy whined.
"well maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't, It's my floor so I get to make the call. when we're over at YOUR place you can knock all the cups over you want." Jason said and smirked, then tapped a finger on Percy's nose.
Leading Percy over to his blanket, Jason got him sat down and noticed Annabeth tapping her chin as she looked down.
"Penny for you thoughts." He said.
"I was thinking, you know that old play mat, where it's a toy and it's toy car sized? we should get one of those for Percy!" She said grinning ear to ear.
"I think-" Percy started to say, not looking happy but he was of course cut off by Jason.
"That's a awesome idea! In fact I think Nico has one still, I'll go see if we can borrow it later!" Jason said smiling and turning to Percy. "Doesn't Annabeth have the BEST ideas little guy?"
"I can barely contain my joy." Percy muttered, huff and holding his sippy cup up and taking a drink before he said more and got his mouth washed out.
with the TV turned on Percy tried to get into the movie that Jason had popped in, but it was some sort of a romantic comedy and he hated those and found himself legit getting into playing with the cars, talking softly to himself and not realizing he was talking out loud as he did a few more police chases, then had a whole story going on about a big race going on.
He found himself drinking lots of the kool-aid, it was really sweet but seemed to dry him out and more then once he had to go and excuse himself to go pee (though Jason or Annabeth insisted on walking down with him to the bathroom, just in case he needed help)
he also found himself getting super tired despite having a good nights sleep, though he chalked it up to everything he had been though so far and laid on his tummy and put himself on eye level with the car's as he ran them back and forth, watching the shiny metal of the the hub caps move and feeling his eyelids drooping.
"Percy buddy, you wanna go for a nap?" Jason called over, pausing the movie, making Percy sit up. he'd shut his eyes for a few seconds.
"Nooo I don't need a nap." Percy huffed and whined.rubbing a fist under one eye.
"Well you were laying there with your eyes closed for about a minute." Annabeth pointed out.
"wasn't sleeping..I was..checking my eyelids for cracks!" Percy huffed, pouting, and taking anther gulp of his juice.
"well ok, if you say so. if you wanna go for a nap it's ok though." Jason said, smirking.
"What EVER." Percy huffed and laid back down switching to one of the toy boat's and laying on his back, moving it in the air now.
he played with the boat for all of 30 seconds before his eyes closed again and soon the 18 year old going on 4 at best was snoring softly on the floor.
"Sheesh, I thought you said you were only gonna give him a light dose of sleeping pills." Annabeth said softly, leaning in and kissing Jason's cheek.
"I didn't. Sea brat is just a lightweight. still, we better move to the other room if he snores as bad as you say." Jason said.
as some deep snores started to come out, the cuck'ed demi god was left on the floor to sleep it off, though before Annabeth and Jason went to go and play 'hide the pickle' they were nice enough to drape a blanket over Percy and get a pillow under his head, setting his hat on the coffee table.
Kissing and mashing lips, Jason and Annabeth almost didn't make it to his bedroom before they were all over each other, she was trying to pull off his shirt as she pressed him against the wall.
"Some one's needy." Jason teased, though he only had slightly more restraint then her.
"I haven't had a real orgasm in 2 days..you turned me into a nympho, take responsibility for it!" Annabeth moaned and begged.
A slap on the ass brought he back in line and she manged to keep her clothes on till they were in Jason's room, with her going and kicking the door shut, or trying to as it only closer 3/4's of the way.
"Jesus, look how wet you are, I'm shocked you didn't leave a puddle." Jason teased, getting her on his bed and sliding two fingers into her dripping sex and hitting all the right spots to drive her wild.
"Stop teasing and fuck me already! I need a MAN, not a BOY!" She moaned.
"Far be it from me to argue." Jason chuckled and pinning her on her back, he entered her hard and fast, just the way she liked it.
Or so he assumed from the cries of pleasure that rang out and the way her arms and legs wrapped around him, trying to pull him in deeper.
her cries were muffled by Jason's lips on hers, his tongue entering her willing mouth and making her hers and when he pulled back, she was semi drooling.
even as he rocked his hips in and out of her, he held up a finger to his lips.
"Shhh, don't wake the baby."
Percy groaned and whimpered in his sleep, having weird dreams where he only came up to Annabeth's and Jason's knee caps and they were teasing him lots and treating him even younger then they already were, when a sharp cramp in his tummy woke him up and he sat up on the floor, rubbing a eye.
"Gotta poop.." Percy mumbled, half asleep and slowly making his way up to his feet, swaying a little bit and letting out a massive fart as he did so.
the poot drew a whine and a whimper from the sleepy demi god, who held his nose as the smell reached him and toddled away as fast as he could, a little cry of 'stinky' coming out of his mouth.
heading down the hall to the bathroom, which was across from Jason's room Percy mostly didn't pay it any mind, the absence of Jason and Annabeth hadn't really clicked in his mind yet.
He likely would of ignored the room all together if he hadn't of heard a cry of pleasure coming from it, and it wasn't Jason's voice.
Toddling over Percy took a peek and his eyes went wide and his sense got a rude wake up call, there was his girlfriend naked and bouncing up and down on top of Jason who was fondling her tits as he cried out and and had her hands on his wrists, encouraging it.
even as he took in the site and felt a rage boiling over, Percy's little sailor shorts painfully tented out and a cramp hit, making him go to his knees and keep watching.
"Fuck fuck fuck, you're so much better then Percy~" Annabeth was moaning and mewing, trying to lean down for a kiss. Jason instead rolled and now was on top of her, fucking her like the whore she was and looking over in Percy's direction, smirking.
"Of course I am. He's just a little cuck boi. I bet if he knew what was happening he'd just suck his thumb and jerk off." Jason said, and winked at Percy.
Percy wanted to get up and storm in there, to pound on Jason and put him in his place.
Instead he found himself reaching into his shorts and jerking his painfully hard cock, which had already leaked pre though the briefs and the shorts and his thumb found it's way into his mouth, sucking on it.
"Hell I bet once we get his stupid ass back in diapers, he'll be more then willing to prep daddy for mommy. can you picture him bobbing up and down on my cock, thickly diapers and whimpering but rubbing the front of his huggies?" Jason added.
Percy missed Annabeth's reply, mostly because as Jason said it Percy was picturing himself doing it, and accordingly the thumb started to move in his mouth, as if he was practicing for daddy.
"Might even let him have a load or two..I know you're gonna breast feed him but I wanna give him some daddy milk too." Jason chuckled, fucking Annabeth in ways Percy knew he never could and he whimpered around his thumb.
Normally Percy's stamina was as such he could fuck for at least half a hour without blowing his load but whether it was the scene in front of him, the scene in his head, the bowel movement pressing on his prostate as he was fighting to keep it in now or all three, his peak was coming fast.
Drool trailing sown his chin and shutting his eyes, he let the mental image of Jason face fucking him while he pooped himself fill his mind and had the biggest most intense orgasm of his life, shooting though the undies and shorts like they weren't even there and spraying his load on the wall, before slumping over, panting and eyes glazed over.
the last thing he recalled before conking back out was a loss of control, and a warm muddy feeling starting to spread on his butt.
Jason finished up with Annabeth and they cuddled, the smell reaching them both but oddly not bothering them as much as it should.
She had picked up Percy was watching from the looks Jason kept giving the door and then his dirty talk and smirked and she traced a finger on his pecs.
"You really are evil you know that~" She giggled.
"Oh please, if anything I just saved us about 2-3 days worth of effort in making him a diaper wearing cuck. trust me, he's never gonna be able to replace that feeling with anything less then watching mommy and daddy fuck." Jason said.
"heh, so you don't think he'll at least be able to hump his stuffies?" Annabeth asked.
"Oh, he'll hump them alright, but all he's gonna do is basically goon himself stupid. Add in maybe some hand jobs from you while your breast feeding him and that's what sex with you will become. him sucking on your titties and humping your hand." Jason laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. "Unless of course you don't even wanna grant him that?" Jason asked and smirked.
"Heh, Nah, I'm not heartless. what we had was fun and the least I can do is let him suck on my titties. though maybe I'll dump a condom full of 'daddy milk' over them first." She teased and they both laughed.
"Well, I suppose ONE of us should go and get him cleaned up and diapered." Jason said and gave Annabeth a hopeful look.
"Heh, nice try, diapers were YOUR idea, so enjoy wiping his poopie butt Mr.daddy dom." Annabeth said and rolled over, covering herself with a sheet and drifting off into a light nap.
"..Maybe it won't be so bad." Jason said softly and slid out of bed.
getting a pair of shorts on he moved out into the hall way and leaned in to check on Percy.
"Oh Jupiter! it's worse then I thought!" came his cry as Annabeth opened one eye and chuckled.
15 minutes later (though it felt like hours to poor Jason) and Percy had been cleaned up of all of his mess and taped up in a nice snug diaper.
the sea brat had woken up halfway though the clean up but hadn't offered one bit of resistance as Jason cleaned him, unless you counted him covering his face in shame when he got a stiffie as Jason wiped his winky.
Still he had been a good boy and lifted his hips when told to for Jason to slid the thick diaper under his butt and sucked on his thumb big time as Jason helped him to his feet.
"well, I guess it's save to say your not big enough for big boy undies huh buddy?" Jason asked and kissed Percy's hot cheek. "Wave bye bye to your undies." Jason added, tossing them in a waste basket and almost melting as after a second, Percy actually waved bye.
a pat on his padded rump and a point towards the living room had Percy toddling unsteadily on his feet, getting used to the bulk between his legs while Jason took the bag out of the trash can and tied it shut, unwilling to let the treasure so to speak linger.
As he came out of the bathroom he saw one of two adorable sights. the first was that Percy had plopped onto his butt and was trying to get back up. the second was that Annabeth was at the end of the hall, leaning down slightly and lightly slapping her thighs and coo'ing to Percy.
"Come on little guy, you can do it! walk for mommy!" She coo'ed."Stop sucking on your thumb and use both hands to get up and for balance~ that's it!"
Percy was clearly mortified, but had a silly grin on his face and pulled his drool soaked thumb out of his mouth and managed to get up on his feet and step by step made his way to her, arms held out like a baby learning to walk.
'Awww, babies first steps and we didn't record it.' Jason mused.
Percy huggled and nuzzled Annabeth who showed off her shocking power as he lifted him up and set him on her hip, taking over over to the couch and sitting down with him as Jason ran the bag with the smelly undies and shorts out to the trash.
Joining the other two on the couch, Jason and Annabeth were on either side of Percy and giving him lots of cuddles.
"So..I suppose you have a few questions for us." Jason started.
"MORE then a few.." Percy agreed.
Half a hour later and Percy was all caught up with what was going on, how this had been the end game from the start and how long he'd been cucked.
It hurt in a way but in the long run he could tell that despite him not being considered a man or even a big boy anymore, Annabeth still cared for him and well, he kinda liked the attention from Jason as well.
"Will I still get to have sex?" Percy asked as his last question.
"well, depends on what you count as sex. You'll get diaper rubs when being breast fed." Annabeth said.
"and your free to hump your stuffies, just not too much, I don't wanna have to replace the stuffing in them every day." Jason said then looked a little sheepish. "Thoughh uhhh..If you wanted to make daddy super duper happy and get a bunch of toys as a reward..I kinda like the idea of long term cock locks on little boys like you."
Percy whined at that and squirmed.
"H-How long?" he asked.
"ehehe well uh..at least a year at a time." Jason started and Percy's jaw dropped.
"Are you nuts?! I'd go crazy!! There's n-" Percy started to whine and have a fit, but was tugged suddenly by Annabeth.
while his attention had been on Jason she'd slipped off her top and now had Percy in her lap and one of her tits resting against his face, the hand on the back on his head and the other hand on his crotch.
"Shhh don't be so fussy and drink up and think about it." she coo'ed.
He tried to fight free for a few seconds but then while trying to yell actually tasted some milk coming out of Annabeth's perfect tits and calmed down, suckling away almost greedily now and thrusting his crotch into her hand over and over again as he drank up.
"if you end up creaming yourself while drinking titty milk I'm going to have to take it as a sign you wanna be locked up for a year buddy." Jason coo'ed, moving around behind Annabeth now and kissing the back of her neck. "Doesn't that sound fair 'mommy'?"
"Mmmhhhm~ totally 'daddy'."Annabeth moaned then turned her attention to Percy. "What do you think baby Percy? Does that sound fair and you want mommy to stop feeding you her boobies or do you wanna keep drinking. hold up one finger for stop, two for keep going."
To the surprise of no one two fingers were held up and she let Percy keep nursing, though she felt a need to toss out a warning.
"Percy sweetie, you might wanna slow down, titty milk is mean for real babies, not big ones and can react funny with your system." she warned.
"Like what?" Jason asked, looking a little concerned now.
"Oh, he'll have this go right though him and then you'll have your first stinky diaper to change." Annabeth said with a evil grin.
"..Uh Percy buddy maybe slow down." Jason said, sweat dropping a little.
It wasn't that he didn't wanna change a smelly diaper, more just he thought there would be more of a break in between said smelly diapers.
In any case Percy either didn't seem to hear mommy and daddy because he was lost in his own little world of diapie rubs and titty milk or he just didn't care, a ominous gurgling coming from his tummy.
"better get ready for anther present from your favorite little gift maker." Annabeth teased Jason as she increased the diaper rubbing which made Percy only drink harder.
Jason resigned himself to his fate and decided to help things along, reaching around Annabeth's arm and rubbing and pushing on Percy's tum tum.
the effect was almost instant and Annabeth pulled her hand away just as Percy started to spurt, the back of his diaper ballooning out with hot mush and hiting his happy spot on the way out and Percy was derpy faced and hand titty milk running down his chin as he diaper humped the air.
"Cumming! Baby Percy ish cumming while going POOPIE in his diapies!" he babbled out.
"heh, you sure are~"
-3 and half months later-
Adjusting to life as a family and living at the camp year round wasn't always easy for everyone, for one there had been a tricky business with calming down Percy's real dad when he found out what Percy had been turned into.
Thankfully Zeus and Hades had manged to calm him down and make him see how much happier their nephew was like this and sea daddy had let it go, though warned Jason and Annabeth that if they ever broke Percy's heart not even his brothers would be able to stop his rage before leaving.
(ironically this threat had made Annabeth have a slight accident and Percy had giggled for almost a hour about how mommy needed diapers too)
Switching all of his clothes into little style ones was anther challenge and then there was the fun of trying to figure out what he could keep from his old life and what he had to give away, though the little yard sale they had for his big boy stuff was helped with Percy in just his diapers and a pair of sandal's running around and gushing over different things and hyping up how kewl they were.
Today however Fall was well underway and Jason was sitting on the front porch with Annabeth sipping on some hot cider while Percy played in the yard.
He was dressed in light black sweat pants and white socks and a pair of light up heel velco strap sneaker, and wearing a light jacket colored blue to help with the chill in the air.
his thick diaper showed under the sweats but after so long in the diapers he only had trouble walking or running when they went up to three diapers just before bed.
Jason had just finished raking up all the leafs into piles before taking a seat on the porch and sighed a little as Percy apparently made it his mission to take out the 'evil leaf aliens from planet FART' via jumping into the piles.
"Remind me why I bothered to rake these when i knew he was coming out to play?" Jason asked, smirking slightly.
"heh,well if I had to take a guess I would suggest that your a glutton for punishment.. or you just wanted to watch him be a cute little dork." Annabeth said and took a sip, then placed a hand on her tummy. "So, I have a question for you."
"Oh?"Jason asked, his hand joining hers on her belly and feeling a little kick.
"How long do we wait to tell him he's gonna be a big brother?"
The end
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[Flower .3]
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"Let's see... These should do nicely!" A young woman with red headed hair claps joyfully. The woman had dark red locks that curled at the tips of her hair. Her blue eyes showing excitement.
The female next to her nodded along with her friends antics. "You always have a knack for picking pretty flowers, Ms. Addington." "(Y/N)! I may about to be a married woman but I'm still your friend."
(Y/N) chuckles at the pouting girl. "I know, I know. But I still can't believe your getting married already. It seems like only yesterday you were a single woman with no thoughts on being hitched. Now look at yourself Rosette, your about to be wed and ready for a new life ahead."
The red headed woman could feel big fat tears falling down her cheeks. "(Y/N)!!!" Rosette wails loudly like a toddler. Running over and glomping the flower shop owner in a hug. With her tears staining her friends shirt in the process.
(Y/N)'s taken aback by the ssudden contact, regaining her composure she heaves out a sigh and pats the woman's back in comfort. "There, there. Dry your tears, it's alright." "No it's not. I used to be a simple middle class woman, now I'm going to marry a noble?! It's all so sudden, what if-"
(Y/N) pulls the woman away from the hug and holds her up right. "Now see here Rosette, don't second guess yourself. You met the man your betrothed too before. You keep chatting on and on about how lovely and kind he is. Have faith in yourself, hun."
"I do, but what if he never intended to marry me? My father only owns a few shops, my family has nothing to our names." (Y/N)'s eyes lower a bit, true her friend didn't have riches or power. But she didn't want her dear friend to despair, so the only thing she could was to feed her friend false hope that everything will be okay.
"Well-" "*ding!*" Once the chime of the bell was heard. Rosette quickly straightnes herself up and makes herself presentable. The shop door closes and a man steps in.
His green eyes immediately flicker to the pair of (e/c) orbs he wanted to see. "Ms. (Y/N), Madame." Albert James Moriarty tips his hat at the females then taking it off completely. "Hello Lord Moriarty." (Y/N) crusties in a polite greeting. Rosette follows her friends lead, stuttering a small hello.
"Anything I can help you with?" "Not at this particular moment, I'm just here to look around if that's alright." "It's not a problem, please go ahead." The noble nods, strolling around her little shop. (Y/N) continues her discussion with Rosette.
"Back to what I was saying, all I can do is give you this. You care for him, correct?" Rosette nods her head hurriedly, her curls bouncing up and down as her face turns warm. "Then, that's a start." Rosette stares at (Y/N) with uneasiness.
"But-" "You don't have to believe my words." The (h/c) haired female stated simply. "Yet you should at least try and let yourself decide on how you feel." (Y/N) said with evident wisdom to her words.
"I-I see.."
Rosette gratefully hugs (Y/N) once more. "Oh how I wish you would come to my wedding, truly I do!" Rosette mood seems to damper as she goes on. "But I don't think Earl Addington or my father would ever agree to my request.." (Y/N) could only give her a friend a sad smile.
"Don't worry about it, just visit my house after your honeymoon is over. We can talk over tea on how your wedding and honeymoon night went." The female responded with a rather teasing grin. Rosette turns flustered and her arms started to fly about like a bird. Chirping out barely eligible words.
(Y/N) happily laughs at Rosette's current state. Her loud melodious giggles bringing a smile to Albert's face. Rosette finally controlled herself and bids (Y/N) farewell. The (h/l) haired female almost had forgotten Lord Moriarty was in her shop if it weren't for the feeling of his eyes gaze at her back. 'How strange...'
"Is everything alright, Lord Moriarty?"
(Y/N) called out to him. Albert's eyes leave the sight of her and towards a pot of daisies. Turning to face the shop keeper with a confused smile. "Yes?" "Just checking in, you were as quiet as a mouse. I almost thought you left, but I guess I was mistaken."
(Y/N) said awkwardly, decideding to leave the conversation at that. But it seems Lord Moriarty didn't want it to end there. "It's quite alright, if I may say. I overheard you and the woman you were with talking about Earl Addington. Do you know of him?"
"I do not, personally. Rather, my friend Rosette does I believe." (Y/N) gave him a short answer, not wanting to talk about her friends personal affairs to Mr. Moriarty. Even if he was good natured fellow for a noble. Much better than the ones she's met before.
Albert drops the subject without any words needed to be spoken after. But he still wanted to converse with young woman. His ruby eyes catch sight of a humble little flower pot on her counter. Albert walks forward to get a closer look at it. "It's empty?"
(Y/N) throws a pitting glance at the pot. "I haven't found the right flowers to plant into it." Lord Moriarty gaze didn't waver as he studied it. Two small letters were carved into it, "R. A?"  (Y/N) could feel a cold needle strike her heart.
Gulping a bit of saliva down her dry throat. (Y/N) gives a small explanation. "Robin Anisley, he was the man that gifted it to me." "The two of you must of been close then." The once cheerful gleam Albert had known her for, was gone in a matter of seconds. Almost like he blew out a candlelight.
"We were, he was quite a entertaining fellow to be around. But we aren't close no longer." (Y/N) pauses as her (s/c) fingers trace the top of the flower pot. "He's dead." She responded bluntly. Before Albert could apologize for his unchecked words. (Y/N) placed a smilling mask on her lips.
(Y/N) turns her attention to the clock on the wall. "It's lunch time already!? I've completely forgotten!" She yelled with surprise, quickly turning to Albert she asks him if he would like to accompany her to lunch.
"There's a small restaurant near here, they have the best bread for sandwiches and soup. Would you like to join me?" If Albert James Moriarty was like any old stuck up noble, he would of declined her offer with a disgusted glare.
Instead, he gave her a closed eye smile and a small nod. "That would be lovely." The spark in (Y/N)'s eyes ingintes as she pulls off her apron and gloves. Patting her skirt down for any crumples, she moves away from the counter and walks ahead of Albert to the door.
The brunette didn't even notice how she was already at the door. Holding it open for him with a mock bow. Albert stared at her with uneasy eyes as he steps out of her shop. (Y/N) closed the door and takes out a key and locks the door. Putting her keys in her skirt pocket.
The two head off to the little restaurant that (Y/N) had recommended. They walk inside and the customers pay no mind to then at all. Clearly focused on their lunch or colleague they came with. (Y/N) and Albert choose a both and sit down. A younger woman with dark as night hair goes to their both to ask for their order.
"I'll have a (sandwich of choice) and a glass of water." The waitress nods and asks Albert for his orders. "I'll have what she's having." "Okay then, your order will be out in a few minutes." The waitress leaves seconds after.
(Y/N) smiles at Albert, who's back straightened up once she did. Lord Moriarty starts to converse with the flower shop owner. Asking her questions about her likes and interest. The female asked him some of her own, though he only answered a few. But the two did enjoy talking with one another.
When their food arrived they ate in silence. Listening to the loud chatter of the other patrons. "Can you believe this, just imagine being that crazy to steal from a noble. And in public no less?!"
"Your right, you must have guts if you did something like that!" "Whoever did this is either stupid or asking for a death wish!" Albert stares at the men with confusion before looking back to his food. A satisfied smile was on (Y/N)'s face as she chugged down her glass of water. Already finished with her meal.
The waitress comes over and asks if they're are ready to pay. Albert was about to say yes and pull out his wallet. But (Y/N) pulls out some money and pays for the food before he could. "Ms. (Y/N), you didn't have to pay for me. I could of paid for myself-!"
"It's quite alright."
"What? At least let me pay you back."
"It's alright, my lunch break is almost over." "Then at least let me escort you back to your shop." Albert starts to get out of his seat, but a lending hand was in front of his face. He looks up to see (Y/N) stretching a hand out towards him to take. He wanted to take her hand, honest to god did he want to.
But he could feel eyes burn the back of his skull. Judging him, staring at him with curiousity, waiting for his move. Lord Moriarty clenched his fists tightly, he gets up without her help. (Y/N) pays no mind to it, she pulls her hand back. 
The flower shop owner leads the way back as Albert slowly trailed after her. (Y/N) closes her eyes and hums a little tune. A nostalgic smile crossed her lips, with a day dreaming look on her face. Albert just watches her like a love stricken fool. "That's a very lovely song Ms. (Y/N)."
(Y/N) stops singing, "really? Why thank you, it's a song I remember way back when. Can't remember who sung it though." "I see. What a pity.." "Not really," (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders as she stops walking.
Lord Moriarty stood in place, confusion on his face. Turning herself around (Y/N) stares at Albert with a calm gaze. "It's merely a melody that will never will be known and will stay with me until the end of my days."
Lord Moriarty opens his house door and takes off his coat and hat. His younger brother Louis greets him once he enters. "Brother Albert, welcome back." Albert placed his hat the rack by there doorway. His eyes were clouded while his thoughts run ramped. Remembering his brothers greeting, he replies back.
"Ah, Hello Louis. Is William back yet from the college?"
Louis noticed right off the bat that his older brothers mind was elsewhere. "Is something wrong?" Louis questioned Albert, stopping his task of watering the plants immediately.
"No, I'm alright Louis. Just a little side tracked from today's earlier events." "Did something happen?" "Yes, I had a pleasant lunch with the woman who runs the flower shop down the way."
"Ms. (Y/N)?"
"Yes, she's doing quite well. She told me to say to hello to you and William. I can see why you and William are fond of her so. No wonder you visit her often when you go out for groceries." Albert chuckles lightly as Louis almost lost his footing at the mention of her name.
(Oof, I think the last installment will be part four. It will be a master piece of this so called series I hope. Thank you for reading!)
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ta0ken · 3 years
attachment — interlude x (5/???)
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YOU AWKWARDLY STARED, sweat-dropping as you sat down beside the servants, stiffly sitting with your back straight. You weren't used to conversing with them, nor were they as they haven't moved or done anything to make talk. And since you were tired of the awkward glances and staring, you stand up, about to walk outside, only to bump into Finnian, the gardener.
"Ah—" you blink, bowing slightly, muttering, "...Sorry." It appears that Finny—Finnian found something to do with the other servants... you hum, glancing back at the three servants. After that, you finally walked away, running into Sebastian and Ciel. I'm running into a lot of people... you sweat-drop.
"Ah, [Name]," the demon notes, looking at you, "impeccable timing—do you mind accompanying us?"
You furrow your brows, shrugging your shoulders, "Sure, I don't have anything to...do." You notice that the Earl seemed a 'bit' messy compared to his usual appearance. "What's happening?" you inquire, walking beside the black-haired man, adjusting your gloves, "Today seems to be an important day."
He leaned down, his lips barely grazing your ear and he notices you jerking away slightly. "Today's the Young Master's birthday," he whispers, amused.
Shivers went down your spine, heat rushing up to your face—or was it your ears? All you know is that you felt hot and that it was uncomfortable, so you fiddled with your gloves, trying to find something to divert your attention to. "That's...nice, are you doing something to celebrate it...?" you murmur quietly, a crease in your brows forming due to nervousness.
"Perhaps," he chuckles and saunters away with an entertained smile. The butler opens the front door for you and Ciel, trailing after you two exited the manor.
When you walk outside, you see a woman and Lady Elizabeth outside, in front of a carriage. You sweat-drop at the intense look on her face as she looks at you while Elizabeth and Ciel greet each other, approaching you at a steady pace.
"Do you usually look like this?" she harshly asks, narrowing her eyes at your figure, "How do you manage to walk around with your hair all over the place!?" She even grabs your hair tight, but not to the point that it hurt.
"I-I was born this way, ma'am..." you mutter, sending a look at Ciel, who was currently snickering at your situation, clearly amused by your predicament.
"Are you a new butler?"
"Speak with more confidence!"
Sebastian clears his throat, deciding that your torture was more than enough entertainment for him and the Earl, and catches the blonde woman's attention. "It has been quite a while!" he smiles, putting his hand to his chest. "Welcome, Marchioness and Lady Elizabeth. Thank you for taking the trouble to travel all the way here...?" he trails off, sweat-dropping at the look on the...Marchioness (?), you weren't sure who she was; you've never met her.
"May I ask...if there is something on my face...?" he asks, looking at the lady who loomed over him menacingly, brows furrowed, making an even more intense expression.
Finally, she says, "That face of yours! What indecent looks you possess..." It seems like she chose to bully the other butler this time, releasing you from her grip. Instead, she grabs his fringe, exclaiming, "AND ALSO! Both the Master and his butler are alike. The two of you are obviously men, yet you both keep your fringe long. Seeing it irks me! Kindly learn from Tanaka!"
"Aunt..." Ciel tries to get her attention, only to flinch, "Aunt? Please, wait... WAIT A MINUTE—"
You, Sebastian, and Ciel stood there stiffly, the three of you sporting a new hairstyle. Sebastian had his hair slicked back whilst Ciel's were slicked to the side, and your hair was combed, so now it was no longer unkempt—it was rather clean for a change. You nervously sweat, fighting the urge to mess up your hair.
"I am really sorry that I have to trouble you for this..." Ciel says, slightly trembling with fake apologeticness, "Aunt Frances..."
You bow your head, sweat-dropping at the fact that this had to happen to you. I should've stayed inside and not accept the offer of accompanying them, but here I am... you sigh, averting your gaze.
"Really now!" the Marchioness scowls, holding up the very comb that gave you three a new hairstyle. "I just came to conduct a surprise spot-check, and you are still lazing around like usual. Also, your butler is still indecent as ever and your new butler," she sends you a pointed look, "needs work on his appearance, otherwise, he'll be seen as a lazy bum." She goes back to talking to Ciel, "Bear in mind that you are going to be the man whom my daughter is marrying to in the future."
A lazy bum... you scratch your cheek, wondering what in the world gave you the appearance that you were lazy (to which you were).
"I am going to retrain you today!" she exclaims, holding out a finger to the Earl, "I am going to do an extensive check. Firstly, I am going to check the inside of your house! Unruliness in the living environment is the thing that leads to the heart being unruly!"
For a moment, you were at ease considering that you knew that everything would be in place (you saw the demon running around like a mad man), only to crack. Ah—
Speaking of the demon, he smiles at the Marchioness and bows, "In that case, allow me to lead the way."
Ciel pales, and tugs on the other's arm, whispering, "Hey... Hey..."
He was shushed and told: "Please be at ease, I have already ensured that everything is in place yesterday."
Well, they both were sure that everything would be fine until you came in. You frown, poking the backside of Sebastian, waiting for him to look at you. When he does, you lean to his ear, cupping your hands as you tell him quietly, "I...think the others are planning something for Ciel because Finnian came in the place, looking like he...had something up his sleeve..."
"Then, I have something else in mind," he responds almost immediately. Clearing his throat, he speaks in a regular tone, "While I had intended to show you the garden," he sends you a look, "there has been a change of plans—there is a place that I have been intending on letting the Marchioness explore. Even though it might not be really suitable for ladies to explore... Anyway, let us all head to the stables."
On the walk towards the stables, you swore you were going to die of the amount of pressure that was being put on you. The Marchioness would not stop glaring at you and you didn't know why, so you just walked as stiffly as you could, not wanting to be intensely yelled at by the woman.
"[Name], come here for a second," Sebastian requests, looking at you over his shoulder. Once you arrive, he tells you in a hushed tone, "I have something to request of you."
"That is...?" you inquire, raising a brow.
"Go help the others before they make an even bigger mess."
You sweat-drop and nod your head, "Yeah, okay... I'll go when we're at the stables, I guess..."
And so, when you arrived at the stables, you bow your head to the others. "My apologies, but it appears that something has come up," you state, looking at the others, "I will take my leave to deal with the problem; perhaps we'll see each other again when you come to check the mansion."
You hastily make your leave, no longer having to deal with that intense stare of the Marchioness.
The first place you checked out was the garden, considering it was the first place Sebastian wanted the Marchioness to see. Approaching the door, you exhale through your nose and shake your head, and finally, you open the door. Sebastian ordered...winter roses from, uh, Germany, right? Ooh, there's a German Division, but I barely interact with them unless it's needed...but we're also short-handed on Reapers in the British Division—What is this.
You were met with the sight of the winter roses being cut by Finnian, but he cut...the whole...garden. You hold the bridge of your nose in exasperation, heaving out a sigh and caught the gardener's attention.
"Oh! Hello, [Name]!" he beams, holding up the clippers in his hand as he turns to face you. "Huh?" tilting his head, he realizes something odd about your appearance, "Your hair... Did something happen to it? It's really, er, combed!"
"...Thanks," you dryly respond, glancing at his hands. This guy... You point at his hands, asking, "Why aren't you wearing any gloves whilst you're cutting the roses—they have thorns, don't they?"
"Oh, well..." Finnian laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, "It's for the Young Master! Today's his—"
"—his birthday, right?"
He lights up, prominently blinding you in the process (well, you felt like you were getting blinded by his brightness) and he nods his head vehemently, pumping his fists, "Yes! It's the Young Master's birthday, so I wanted to celebrate it!"
"Is that so..." you sweat-drop, glancing at the roses on the floor, "...Are those for...decorations?"
"Yes, they are!"
A bead of sweat dripped down the side of your face as you contemplate on what you should do. Narrowing your eyes, you decided (because you know how bad they were at doing their damn job) to help them out of pity. "...Here," you took off your gloves, tossing it to Finnian and crouched down beside him.
He stares at you in confusion, seeing you clip a flower and proceeding to do the same to the other flowers. "What are you doing?" he asks, scrunching his brows together, lips in a slight frown as he tries to think on what you were doing.
"...Put on the gloves," you order, clipping another rose and tossing it behind you, "We're going to...pluck some roses for decoration." You elicited a gasp from him at your words, and you turn your head to him, furrowing your brows. "...What?"
"Thank you, thank you!" he exclaims, cheering as he glomps you, pulling you into a hug. You...weren't sure if your back cracked or not, but you did hear something.
A wheeze leaves your lips, so you push him away from you. "Okay, okay... Get off, you're dirtying...my clothes," you sigh, looking off to the side with a frown. "The...Young Master should be coming back in a few hours, so, if you don't hurry...the surprise will be ruined."
"You're right!" the gardener gasps and begins to hastily cut the roses. You noticed that he put on the gloves you gave him, and you felt somewhat relieved.
With a heavy sigh, you begin to clip the winter roses that Sebastian ordered from Germany, slightly apologizing to him in your mind. You weren't sure if he would appreciate the ridiculously bare garden. You glance over at the boy, seeing him clipping the flowers, but horribly. Seriously...
"Finnian," you call out, "that's not how you clip the roses." You walk over to him, hovering over him as you watch how he clips the roses. Crouching down beside him, you tell him how to do it and what he was doing wrong, ignoring whatever look he was giving you. Considering it's for decoration, you'd want it to be short because long roses can get entangled with other things, depending on the decoration—
Finally, he decides to speak. "You know, [Name], you're kinda like Sebastian," he states, nodding his head as he continues watching you, "But you're more kind! Like, you don't really do things that Sebastian do, but you're good at doing what you're supposed to do!"
"...Sure," you mutter, averting your gaze.
Suddenly, he perks up, startling you in the process. "AH!" he exclaims, turning to you, "Do you think that you can help the others, too? They might need help!"
You squint. Wasn't that the point I came here...? Shaking your head, you simply nod, "Yeah, sure... Whatever." You push yourself up, turning away, brushing off any dirt that was on you. "By the way..." craning your head, you tell Finnian, "if you get in trouble by Sebastian, don't say my name, alright?"
You left in an instant.
When you found where Mey-rin was, the first thing you saw were broken shards all over the place (and Mey-rin panicking over them, but that's a daily basis—). You continue watching her panic over the first tea set she broke and proceed to get a new one, only to trip over thin air. Rolling your eyes, you caught the tea set with ease, balancing it on the one foot you had to stick out in order to catch a teacup.
"Mey-rin..." you sigh, kicking the foot up and catching it with the tray, "what on earth are you doing?" You turn your head to the girl with a questioning gaze, quirking a brow, "You literally...hurt yourself trying to clean the shards." You put the tea set down, looking at her hands. Honestly, since when do these people actually not get hurt doing their job...? Pointing at them, you inform her, "You, er... You hurt yourself."
"Eh!?" she looks down at her hands in shock, flexing them, "I-I haven't realized!" She bows repeatedly, exclaiming, "Forgive me! Forgive me!"
I don't think... I'm the one you should be asking forgiveness from... you sweat-drop, brow twitching. "Ah, well... I guess I can...forgive you," you mutter, averting your gaze. "Anywho," pulling out bandages from your pocket, you hand them to her, "bandage up, or else they'll sting."
"O-Oh! Thank you very m-much!" grabbing the bandages from you, she stammers out, "W-What are you doing here, an-anyway, [Name]?" She adjusts her glasses.
"Ah, just looking around... So, why'd...you grab a bunch of..." you look at the table, "table...cloth...?"
"I-It's the Young Master's birthday, s-so, we decided to throw a surprise party!"
You hum, resting your hands in your pockets. Huh, so they're dedicated to him, is what I'm hearing... you shrug your shoulders, turning around. "Well, I guess I'll...see you later then..." you begin to walk away, "Just, uh, be careful, I guess. Bye."
The next place you reached was the kitchen, and knowing Bard... He'd mess up cooking something, but he isn't that bad of a cook—you hope. Before you could do anything, a large explosion blasted in front of your face. You cover your mouth, face scrunched as you peek into the kitchen with a frown. A basket of some sort almost hits you in the face, but you caught it with your other hand.
It was on fire.
"...What are you doing?" you ask, scaring the chef in the process, "You blew up the kitchen."
"I wasn't doin' anythin'!" he exclaims, trying to hide a flame thrower of all things. "Seriously, I was just tryin' to cook!" He even holds up the foods that you knew were favourited by the Young Master.
"..." you give him an odd look, brows scrunched into a disbelieving expression, "...Are you sure."
A sigh leaves you while you pinch the bridge of your nose, adjusting your glasses in the process. Your hand drops from your face and you turn to look at the blond American, "Then, you what were you trying to cook?"
"Uhh..." he scratches the back of a neck, sheepishly grinning, "A donburi for the Young Master...?"
A donburi...? You furrow your brows, and you shake your head. "I'm...not going to question...it," you mutter, walking past him and pull out flour, eggs, sugar, things like that. "Well, I need to do something, so, if you don't mind me using the kitchen..." you trail off, grabbing a bowl and a whisk, "I'll leave you to your donburi, and I'll do whatever I'm doing."
Bard blinks, his cigarette almost falling from his lips. He didn't expect to hear you talk without pauses or anything, you always seemed to be talking slow—this was a first.
"What're ya doin'?" he inquires, deciding to start anew (totally not because he messed up on the donburi).
"...Making a cake."
"A cake? For what?"
You turn your head to him, questioningly gazing at him. "What?" inclining your head slightly towards the bowl in your hand, whisk in the other, you continue to talk, "...It's just a cake." Whisking the batter together, you ignore whatever looks Bard was giving you and continued to do your task.
Scratching the back of his neck, the American man mutters something under his breath and continues to cook the donburi. Occasionally, you would glance over at him, checking to see if he was cooking it correctly or not (thank god he was).
"Hey, do ya mind tellin' me something?" Bard asks, glancing over at you.
"What is it?" you reply, not sparing him a glance. You pour the cake batter into the two pans, lightly patting them to make them even. Continuing on what you were doing, you wait for him to ask whatever.
There's an awkward silence in the air as he asks, "Don't you, er...feel kinda, I dunno, sad?"
"...About?" you glance over to him with a neutral expression.
"...The Madam."
You look up with a thoughtful gaze, your actions slowly coming to a halt. "Hmm... Well," you turn to him with a shrug, "I don't really have any more... Ah, you know what?" shaking your head, you turn away, "I don't really want to talk about it."
"Anyway," you sigh, glancing at the time, “if you don’t hurry, you’ll end up wasting time on the Young Master’s suprise~!”
”Aw, cra—!”
You look at the others inquisitively, watching them run around the place to decorate the whole place. The flowers weren't really neatly arranged, the table cloth seemed to be messily put on, and the plating was just horrid. The others seemed to notice as well, beginning to panic about what to do.
Glancing at the time, you hum. They should be coming back in at least a few minutes... crossing your arms, you tilt your head at the others who continued to panic.
"...If you guys keep panicking," you spoke up, "then you'll get nothing done. Stop panicking and do something."
"He's right," Bard sighs, shifting his bandaged arm (he somehow managed to blow up the kitchen, but you saved the cake). "We need to do somethin', or else the Young Master's gonna come and see this mess."
Well, I hardly think that they can...fix this, you sigh. "I have a favour to ask of you all," you state. "If the Earl comes, do you mind distracting him or at least informing me when he's here? I can fix everything up as long as you can do that."
"Yes, sir!" the three salutes and runs off to God knows where.
You sweat-drop, turning your head. Well... you hum to yourself, glancing around at the mess, I might get pricked by thorns. And as you thought that, you started to get to work, starting with the decoration. First, you started to hang the banners (because they were hastily put on; they were rushing), then the roses, and then you started to work on the setting.
"...!" you hiss, holding your hand. Ah—I wasn't wearing gloves... you sigh as you rub your hand in pain, muttering curses under your breath. Shaking your head, you continued to set the table with a frown.
The door clicks open and it reveals the three servants.
"He's here! The Young Master's here!" Finnian exclaims, holding the ca—what kind of cake is that? you sweat-drop, looking at the thing in the gardener's hands.
"Then get into position," you stress, looking at them with an incredulous expression.
Suddenly, you hear a faint voice from the door and a familiar scent. Uh-oh, you sigh inwardly, glancing at the door, Sebastian's here and he doesn't know what happened.
"Since we have obtained so many wonderful catches from today's hunting session, I shall show all of you what I am capable of doing with all these..." he trails off at the sight of the decoration and everything.
"Welcome back!" the three chorused, with you hiding in the background.
"Why does everyone look like this? What happened?" Ciel questions, sweat-dropping. You notice that his combed hair was back to its regular state, which was surprising. Sebastian's and yours weren't different at all, it was still in the combed-hair that the Marchioness gave you both. No, it wasn't pleasing.
Finnian holds up the cake that he and the other two made with a giggle, "Please take a look! This was made by all of us!"
As they continued to spout things on how they decorated the place and all that, they turn to find you only to see no one. Confused, they look around, but still continue, proudly grinning (with a little confusion) at the Earl with triumph. You were actually just hiding somewhere else, ignoring whatever was going on. You were the first to leave, so you couldn't see the heartfelt moment.
You still thought that humans were weird.
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only-here-for-jatp · 4 years
Build-a-Band pt 7 The End
Just me tying up loose ends
Featuring: WILLEX <3, the boys playing with their bears like they’re seven, Juke, hotdogs
As always you can read on Ao3 here
But also below! ~2300 words
The boys poofed back to the studio hearts as full as their arms full of stuffed bears.
Luke and Alex were both jittery with anxiety. Luke hadn’t seen Julie hug her bear, but he also hadn’t seen her not hug her bear and he was growing very concerned at the prospect of when or if she’d hear the lyrics he’d poured into the heart. He hadn’t meant to offer a confession, hadn’t meant to reveal his feelings so blatantly.
What if she didn’t like the song? What if she didn’t like him? What if she didn’t get it and he was stuck in this nightmare limbo waiting for her to realize as she kept hugging and hugging the bear that they lyrics were about her???
Yup he was a ball of anxiety, but at least he wasn’t alone.
Every now and again Alex would shift onto the balls of his feet and then back down. His mind zipping down very similar avenues to Luke. He’d impulsively made a bear for Willie but what if Willie thought it was dorky and lame? Was it weird for a not-dating person to give another a teddy bear? What if he heard the message and didn’t feel the same way?
I mean. Alex was pretty sure Willie liked him? But the more and more it went around in his head the less sure he was that he was interpreting Willie’s actions correctly. I mean they could just be friends?
Reggie quietly noted his friends’ anxiety and while he had no idea why it was happening; he knew a surefire way to cheer them up. Luckily, it was also one of the things he was best at, distraction.
He held up Sir Reginald II, a name he loved and adored since it meant Julie remembered his story about Sir Reginald I, and in his best teddy bear voice ( which mostly turned out to be a weird falsetto) said “Hello there!”
Both anxiety ridden boys eyed him warily and Reggie took this as permission to move Sir Reginald II verrrryyy close to Luke’s face. “Have you seen my friend Lukas? He’s late for band practice.” Luke’s eyes widened and glanced between Reggie and Sir Reginald II as Alex let out a snicker. “Wellllll? Have you seen him?”
Luke let out a sigh, knowing Reggie wasn’t going to let him out of this. He pulled Lukas up in front of his face and mimicking Reggie’s voice as best he could responded. “Sorry Reginald. I didn’t mean to run late.” At this point Alex was nearly doubled over with silent laughter. The sight of Reggie’s face all lit up though made Luke warm inside and suddenly he knew their next move. He raised an eyebrow at Alex who discovered too late what Luke was planning.
Luke bounded over, put Lukas right into Alex’s face and asked “Have you seen my friend Alexander? I’ve been looking all over for him.”
Alex slowly backed away “I’m not doing this.”
A quick exchange of glances brought Reggie on board with Luke’s plan and soon Reginald and Lukas were chasing Alex around the study asking and asking about Alexander their best friend. It wasn’t until Alex tripped, falling onto the bed where Alexander lay (tucked in no less) that he gave in. He pulled Alexander out and in the same falsetto his bandmates used called “Who disturbed my nap!”
The three boys grinned and thus they were off.  They spent the rest of the day pretending with their new stuffies, reliving favorite moments of their life or pretending to play major stages around the world. They even took turns pretending to be Julie and reenacting some of their favorite moments with her.
In fact, the trio was having so much fun that Alex had forgotten about promising to meet Willie, who after waiting and growing concerned came looking for him. Willie stayed out of sight for as long as he could, watching the blonde-haired boy who he wanted to be around every second of every day laughed and joked with his brothers. Willie could feel the smile growing on his face at the sight of these three rock band boys kneeling on the ground miming arms and leg movements of stuffed bears while playing out scenes in funny voices.
However, his spying was up after Reginald and Lukas ganged up on Alexander (he’d long since figured out the names) in a hug pile and he burst into laughter.
All three boys heads whipped around suddenly very shy and sheepish at the thought that someone had been watching their antics over the last couple of hours. Alex turned nearly bright red, stammering out excuse after excuse for missing their plans and finding Willie here.
Willie turned to Alex with a soft smile. “Oh hotdog. You missed our plans AND y’all made bears for everyone except me and are having all this fun? My feelings are hurt.” He couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease Alex just a little. After all, he was incredibly adorable when flustered.
Luke and Reggie glanced at each other smiles growing wide as Alex grew even redder and began mumbling under his breath. In a move to both help and tease him, Luke and Reggie called out “Hey Alex, what is that you’re mumbling? Maybe you should say it louder.”
Willie tilted his head to the side in confusion as Alex took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to speak just a little louder. It was still barely audible, but Willie still caught it.
“I made you a bear”
Willie thought his heart was going to burst. He’d seen the bear-ified version of the band but as he glanced around the room he noticed a bear in a skater outfit off to the side. “You made me a bear?” Willie knew his voice was soft and he knew Alex liked him, but to include him in this little family of bears meant so much. He slowly moved toward the stuffie which had his signature tie dye and skateboard.
Alex began to ramble as Willie began a dedicated perusal of the bear. “I know it’s kind of lame, but I kept walking past it and it has two hearts sewn onto his chest and I don’t know something about its face reminded me of you and yeah it’s lame, you don’t have to keep it….”
Willie burst in. “No. I- I love it. Is it alright if he lives here though? I don’t want…”
“No, no, yeah totally.”
Willie’s head sprang up to look at Alex all of a sudden and a signature mischievous smirk filled his face. “Wait a second. You said there were two hearts sewn into the chest. Why would that remind you of me?”
Alex’s eyes widened as he shot looks to Reggie and Luke who had settled quite comfortably on the couch, bears in their laps to enjoy the show. They offered him an encouraging smile and a couple of nods. Alex gulped, took a deep breath and said as confidently as he could “It seemed kind of poetic. Since you.. uh… kind of… hold mine?” He hadn’t really managed for it to come out as a question, but he’d started to wince as if preparing for a negative reaction from Willie.
Instead, Willie wrapped himself around Alex in a fierce hug, never letting go of William. “You hold mine too Alex.”
Alex being too surprised, didn’t hug back right away, but with a squeaky “wait really??” he hugged on so tight that if either of them needed to breathe, they would probably be worrying about it. The two had started to jump around a little making happy noises while Reggie and Luke beamed.
The hug had barely broken apart when Julie joined them in the studio with a questioning look, but before anyone could say anything Alex burst out “I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!” before shooting nervous glances at Willie “I mean, if you want.”
Willie chuckled, “Definitely”
Alex couldn’t stop smiling, but of course now was when he remembered “You should hug William. When I hugged Alexander I could hear the wish Reggie made for me and I uh, may have left you one too.”
Willie looked slightly confused, but sure enough when he squeezed William the Sk8 Bear tightly Alex’s voice whispered in his mind.
I wish for an eternity to hold your hand.
Willie seemed to melt a little, before he entwined his hands with Alex’s. “For eternity” he whispered just loud enough for Alex to hear. They both blushed, but everyone else mostly looked confused.
Luke was the first to speak up. “I also heard Reggie’s wish when I squeezed Lukas.”
Reggie looked entirely confused. “You could hear… my wishes? That’s awesome!!! But also, you couldn’t hear Julie’s?” Alex and Luke both shot a look at Reggie. “She made wishes on both your hearts also, but you didn’t hear hers?”
Julie’s face was growing slightly pale. She hadn’t realized they could hear those wishes. The thought of Luke hearing those lyrics was maybe making her panic a little, but maybe since he hadn’t heard them yet he wouldn’t. It helped her fear a little that there was some overwhelming curiosity about the wish Luke left for her.
Alex’s voice cut through her questioning. “You know, I only tried the one time.” Luke sounded an agreement before Reggie cut in.
“You know it’s kind of cool if you think about it, she ended up leaving a wish on all our bears. Maybe we should try together to hear it?” The boys nodded as Julie watched with concern.
Alex’s face changed first. A small gasp echoing out of him and his eyes pooling with tears as he rushed towards Julie to envelop her in a hug. She’d made him feel seen and valued and the reassurance that he had a special and unique existence to her was a security he hadn’t realized he needed.
Reggie hugged his bear two or three times just listening to the message she’d left him over and over again.
Sir Reginald II please take care of Reggie. Sometimes he doesn’t realize how important he is. He’s the glue that holds us all together and keeps us going when everything seems bleak. He is so loved and so valuable. Please remind him of that when everything seems hard.
Reggie glomped her next. Crying just a little at the words she left him which touched on his biggest and darkest insecurity. He could help but whisper his thanks and she pulled him tighter telling him that he was basically her brother. Reggie could no longer tell if he was laughing or sobbing everything was perfect.
Julie was having difficulty holding up the two emotional boys and she was filled with warmth at their love almost as much as she was filled with tension. She could barely see Luke which meant she couldn’t see his reaction.
Luke was having difficulty breathing and functioning. He didn’t need to breathe but now he couldn’t do it and he really felt like he needed to do it. He couldn’t-
He couldn’t believe it.
We say we're friends, we play pretend. You're more to me, we're everything Our voices rise and soar so high. We come to life when we're, In perfect harmony
She’d poured the same song, the same words, the same wish into his bear as he had into hers. Julie Molina loved him. He had absolute verifiable proof and he didn’t want to waste another second without her. Without her knowing that she was the most precious, wonderful, thing about his life. So he did the only reasonable thing he could.
He yanked his crying brothers off of the girl they also loved more than anything, but not as much as him and worked on gaining her attention. He smiled. She looked slightly terrified, but she didn’t have to be. She just need to hug Jules.
“Julie. Julie. Julie. Julie! You need to hug Jules. Right now. You need to hug her right now. RIGHT NOW.”
His boys looked pissed, but slowly they could tell by the rush and joyous mania radiating from their friend that this was Important and begrudgingly stood out of the way.
Julie looked at Luke with big eyes as he insistently shoved Jules at her. He seemed excited and thrilled and flushed and by god if he didn’t stop rushing her she was going to-
We say we're friends, we play pretend. You're more to me, we're everything Our voices rise and soar so high. We come to life when we're, In perfect harmony
The song filtered through her head as she hugged Jules and she felt her mouth drop as her eyes snapped to his. She watched his grin widen as he saw her figured it out. Her eyes met his and she was drowning. He was too far away and they both rushed into each other. They took another second to stare before wrapping each other in a tight hug.
Alex groaned a little, in a good-natured way, his hand once more linked with Willie’s. “Not that we’re not glad that you both finally got your lives together, but do either of you care to explain what exactly just happened?”
Slowly Luke and Julie moved out of hugging, but they still hovered around each other with their hands intertwined as they explained. They took turns explaining that somehow, someway, they’d left the same wish in each other’s bear. More than that, they were the same lyrics from the same love song they’d written without telling the other.
The shocked faces on all cause Luke and Julie to burst into laughter and soon all five of them were falling together into a hug. Julie carried one more surprise though in her back pocket. Slowly she pulled out three hotdog accessories for their new Build a Bears.
The boys looked at her with shock and horror as she grinned sheepishly at them.
“I couldn’t resist!”
They spent the afternoon playing with Jules, Lukas, Reginald, Alex and William. Then, when the time came for sleep, they couldn’t bear to leave each other so four ghosts, one human, and 5 teddy bear fell asleep in a pile of warmth and love.
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frauleinjustice · 4 years
Saiouma Week Day 1: Morning
Hello everyone!! I wanted to write for Day 1 of saioumaweek ( @saiouma-events ): morning/night, specifically for morning! 
Summary: Shuichi normally isn’t awake so early at 6am, but had went to sleep very early last night. Deciding it’d make for a peaceful morning to read outside on a bench, he would also come across Kokichi who spots him. Kokichi himself is awake due to having difficulty sleeping... so Shuichi will help him try to get some sleep. 
Heheh as always, smth short and cute I wanted to do~! And if you give it a read, thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy! ღ
6am... normally, the detective was still asleep at this time. Though: he had fallen asleep much earlier than his usual bedtime, so he woke up very early. He didn't mind it, though: in fact, he even got dressed so he could go outside and take a stroll through campus, eventually stopping at a bench so he could sit down and read. The sky slowly brightens as the sun continues to rise. It made for a very pretty sight, paired with the sound of the birds tweeting in the background and a cool morning breeze sweeping past him. 
As expected, there wasn't really anyone else outside... save for the peculiar sight of Kokichi, who was also up and about this morning. His reason for being awake, though, was because he hadn't slept, barely getting two hours in. His sleeping schedule was never consistent, anyway: sometimes he got a decent amount of rest, and other times, he barely got in a nap's worth of sleep. He was incredibly exhausted and his eyes were baggy, but he gave up trying to go back to sleep after failing to do so multiple times. When he enters the part of campus Shuichi is in, and spots him-"!" He looks surprised, not expecting to see the detective of all people out so early. "Saihara-chan...?" But it was a nice surprise: he always got excited when he spotted Shuichi. He quickly and quietly moves around to behind the bench. Then slowly, he sneaks closer from behind, and... places his hands over Shuichi's eyes. 
"Oh-!" Not having spotted or heard him, Shuichi lets out a surprised gasp when his vision is suddenly blocked. 
"Guess whooo~?"
"!" He was about to ask who it was, but once Kokichi spoke and he recognized his voice, a smile now appeared on his face. Giggling, he answers: "If I had to guess... Ouma-kun?"
"Ding ding ding!" He snickers, moving his hands away before he wraps his arms around Shuichi's neck, nuzzling their cheeks together. "Saihara-chan!!"
"Ouma-kun!" He smiles brightly, nuzzling their cheeks together as well before he looks towards him. "Good morning! I didn't expect to see you out here: enjoying a morning stroll, too?"
"I could say the same thing for you! And in actuality, I was contemplating which facility I should take over and make my secret base, next. Perhaps if Saihara-chan joins my organization, I'll take over his favorite library so he can have allll the books he wants..."
"Aww, Ouma-kun... how sweet of you." Then an amused smile creeps onto his face. "But no."
"Ah! Rude!!" He playfully pouts, jabbing his finger into the laughing Shuichi's cheek before he starts laughing with him. Whenever Shuichi was playful with him like this and laughed as if he was having fun: Kokichi adored it. He adored many things about his beloved detective. "Anywaaay.. why are you up so early, Saihara-chan? Were you up all night reading again?"
"N-No! It's just... I fell asleep way earlier than my bedtime, so I ended up waking up at like 5:30am, a-ahaha... and since I didn't feel tired enough to head back to sleep, I thought it'd be nice to come out here. The sky looks so pretty at this hour..."
"I see, I see... cause if Shumai pulled another all night, I'd have to roast his books over a fire!"
"I-It's always an accident when it happens, I swear!" He whines, before a worried expression appears on his face.. "A-Anyway… did you not get any sleep last night, Ouma-kun? Your eyes have bags under them... is everything alright? Did you have a nightmare?"
"Jeeez... Saihara-chan worries too much. I'm just way too busy for sleep, is all!" He didn't want to tell Shuichi that it was simply trouble sleeping, as he didn't want to worry him even more than he already was. 
"B-But..." Shuichi knows it has to be more than that, which only makes him worry worse. "Still! You should get some sleep... hmm..." He thinks for a moment... before he pats his lap. "H...Here. You can lay your head on my nap and rest."
"I told youuu, I’m...huh?" Just as he was about to insist once more he doesn't need to keep worrying, the sudden offer catches him off guard. "Saihara-chan wants me to... lay my head on his lap?"
"Y-Yeah, well: if you want, that is. Even if it's only 30 minutes of sleep.. something is better than nothing. And... I wouldn't mind it..." 
".................." He doesn't respond right away. Not that he's deciding if he wants to or not: he very much would love to. But the thought of laying on Shuichi's lap... he hopes the blush that slowly creeps onto his face won't be too notable. "F...Fine. Only so I won't hear you keep nagging at me." Is the convenient excuse he gives, before laying his body onto the bench and lays his head on Shuichi’s lap.
Shuichi feels his heart thump in his chest once Kokichi's laying on his lap, still surprised he was even bold enough to suggest that. He knows he could've suggested he should just go back to his own bed to sleep, but he... wanted to take that risk and ask of this: he's glad he did. Having the person he's secretly in love with, resting on his lap... it's something he'd love to experience. "A...Are you comfy?"
"Hmm...nope! This is the worst pillow ever!" But then a big, bright smile appears on his face. "But that's a lie! Saihara-chan's lap is... passable enough."
"G-Geez... never a straight answer with you, huh?" He chuckles, smiling down at him so warmly. 
"Nishishi...." Shuichi looking down at him with such a smile, highlighted by the bright sunlight... it made the blush on his cheeks darken, and his smile shift into a more natural, genuine one. He always found the detective so pretty; but especially right now. "Shumai’s got such a pretty smile..." He mumbles quietly, nuzzling part of his face in Shuichi’s stomach with a giggle. "And if I'm napping on my beloved detective's nap... then maybe I'll look forward to sleeping."
“A...Ah… e-ehehe…” His own cheeks turn a darker shade of red as well, the look in his eyes looking warmer and more loving.” Th...Thank you…. And I’m happy to hear that, Ouma-kun. You deserve a good rest.” His hand hesitates for a moment… but then he slowly brings it up towards Kokichi’s head, so he can start gently combing it through his hair. If Kokichi didn’t like the gesture, he’d stop: but hearing a content sigh leave him instead, and even nuzzling his head more against Shuichi’s hand… makes him softly  giggle as he continues the gesture.  “Have a nice nap now, okay…?”
“Aye!” Once he’s extra comfy on his lap, he nuzzles his face against his stomach some more before slowly drifting off to sleep. Shuichi continues stroking his hair while reading with his other hand, occasionally glancing down at him. He looked so peaceful and content as he slept… the first time in a long while sleep felt this nice. 
“...Never thought someone as normally eccentric and boisterous as him, could have such an adorable sleeping face…” He whispers to himself, giggling. He was happy he could help Kokichi finally get some sleep.
It’s around two hours later when Kokichi wakes up. “Mmnngh…” He wipes the small drool lazily with his sleeve, eyes squinting when the sunlight hits them… and instead of rising back up: he wraps  his arms around Shuichi’s face, burying his face in his stomach once more while sleepily mumbling incoherent babbles. He doesn’t want to get up yet.
“Oh…!” That whole while, Shuichi had still been reading. His legs did become a bit numb overtime, but he didn’t mind it: he wouldn’t move until Kokichi was awake. He looks down at him when he feels him move around, chuckling as he gives his cheek a small poke. “Hellooo, Ouma-kuuun… did you have a nice sleep?”
“Mraaah…” He snickers at the cheek poke, eventually raising his head back up and slowly rises, yawning with a nod. “Yeah… I did. I didn’t wanna wake up yet, though: Shumai’s so comfyyy…” Once he’s sitting next to him again, he leans his head against his shoulder. “Zzz…nishishi...” 
“You’re so silly…” He giggles, giving his hair a soft ruffle. “But I’m glad. Still take it  easy for today, though, okay?”
“Hmm….” He looks up at him with a mischievous smile. “Only if I can have Saihara-chan to myself for the rest of the day! He’s gonna make us breakfast while I invade his dorm room!”
“S-So it’s already been determined, huh… well, not that I mind: sure. Let’s hang out in my room today!” Classes weren’t mandatory, anyway: he figures it wouldn’t hurt to miss a day, spending it with Kokichi.
“Yaaaay~!” Kokichi glomps him down in a big hug. “Saihara-chan’s the best!” He wraps his arms around him and starts cuddling him, giggling happily… before he leans in to plant a soft kiss to his cheek. “Because my beloved made me have such a great sleep on his lap…”
“W-Woah-!” His book flew out of his hand from the impact of being glomped down, laughing happily. “A-Ahaha! Yes, yes, we’ll have fun today!” The kiss to his cheek, though, makes a surprised gasp leave him. “!” His cheeks turn a light pink and his heart flutters happily… before he gives a fluffy smile and nods. “N… No problem…” Shuichi slowly wraps his arms around him in turn to cuddle him back. “I’ll happily let you sleep on my lap, anytime…” And shyly leans in to give his forehead a soft peck.
“N...Nishishi….” He buries his face in Shuichi’s chest for a moment, feeling his heart bouncing around from the peck to his forehead, and being cuddled up in his arms like this. He’s so happy, it’s nearly overwhelming. “...Thank you, Saihara-chan. I’d love that.. Now-!” His cheeks still a burning red, Kokichi lets go of him and hops off, holding his hands out with the brightest, beaming smile. “Let’s eat, let’s eaaat! And then have lotsa fun!”
“H-Hehe, yes!” Shuichi grabs both of Kokichi’s hands once he sits back up, so that he can yank the detective up to his feet. “I’ll make us something nice… and then we’ll have a lazy day together…” Grabbing his book, Shuichi begins walking alongside Kokichi as they talk about whatever. To think this all happened, because Shuichi just happened to be out here this early like Kokichi… now, he determines having accidentally slept in so early last night was a very happy accident: one he would not mind at all happening, again.
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Can i ask for Tsukasa x former student Reader please? Reader is a alumni coming back as a teacher
Ahhhhh! I just couldn’t for the life of me get the effect I wanted from this! I was literally tearing my hair out because I couldn’t do it :( I think this is the best it’s gonna get for now, so. Here you go 人(_ _*)
I might rewrite this later just to make up for it ;-;
You stopped in front of Kamome Gakuen, pausing to take in the sight you thought you'd never see again. Your initial career plan had nothing to do with becoming a teacher. Heck, you used to scoff at your teachers, thinking how stupid they must to willingly deal with a bunch of squabbling, squealing toddlers-like teenagers.
But somewhere along the lines, you understood. You understood the love teachers have for their students, no matter how annoying they are. That’s what drove you to become a teacher, after all.
Kamome Gakuen looks familiar, but different. Over the years, the school board had decided to keep up with the times and construct a new school building. However, they made the decision not to demolish the old school. It was still there, on display for anyone who wanted to reminisce about their time spent there. You had arrived rather early with the intent to do just that.
The familiar building looked old fashioned compared to the newer one, which had adapted to the current style of schools, complete with modern styled swinging doors opposed to the old, sliding kind, and fancy, tiled floors that is a complete waste of money, in your humble opinion.
Cursing under your breath as you tripped over absolutely nothing, you pushed the sliding door open. It was unlocked, much to your surprise. The inside isn’t as decrepit as you thought it would be, the floors are covered with a thin layer of dust but everything is still intact.
Memories of your years here appeared in front of your eyes as if by magic. Your younger self running through the halls, chased by a figure of a boy with black hair…
No, no. Don’t think about him. It’s better for everyone if he just remains forgotten.
Walking along the halls of your school gave life to a flurry of emotions, all fluttering like butterflies inside your chest.
You stopped in front of a certain classroom. 2-2.
Middle school, year two, classroom two. It was not a particularly good year, nor a bad year for you. Until the end, at least. But the point is, it was like any other year.
So what made it so memorable?
It’s all because of them. No, because of him. His presence in your life changed everything.
“Ne, ne, (Name)-chan! Come look at this!” He called out to you, waving around the bloody scalpel, ignoring the teacher’s scolding.
You stared at the golden-eyed boy, eyeing the scalpel in his hand, making your way over to his station. His twin brother gave you an apologetic look.
“Tsukasa-kun, what is it?” Gently grasping his wrist, you pushed it back to the table before taking the scalpel and setting it on the desk. “It’s dangerous to wave around sharp objects.”
Tsukasa pouted, before pointing to the disemboweled frog on the table, “I wanted to show you my art.”
“That’s fine, just remember not to do that again, okay?” He nodded happily, reaching out to glomp you, only to be stopped by Amane clutching on to the collar of his shirt.
“Tsukasa, you still have blood all over your hands,” he sighed, marching his brother to the sink. You giggled at their antics, avoiding the splatters of blood on the floor in the surrounding area.
Your steps echoed as you stepped into the small classroom once filled with students and vibrant with life, now empty and abandoned. Maybe if I had noticed more, cared more about his behaviors.
“Too late to regret now,” you murmured, tracing your fingers on the dusty corkboard where the news of his death reached you. And so soon after, the news of his brother’s death. Your two best friends, the two people you could not save. You had seen the darkness, the crazed look in Tsukasa’s eyes. The fear, the sadness, and desperation in Amane’s. My fault, all my fault.
“I love you, (Name)-chan. Don’t you love me?” You gave the golden-eyed boy a sideways glance, laughing. “What are you talking about?”
Your gaze flitted away from the corkboard as if that alone would forever erase the memory.
The classroom itself is just as dusty, if not more than the hallways outside. You walked over to the seat next to the window, a small smile gracing your features. So many memories, good and bad, were made here, in this tiny classroom. Classroom 2-2.
The brief moments of vibrant emotions, the possibility of something more. “I guess it’s my punishment, isn’t it,” you murmured, tears pricking at your eyes. To this day, you had not been in one relationship. It’s a curse, the price you had to pay for the Yugi twins’ death.
For years, you had let their deaths drag you down. Blaming yourself for Amane’s breakdown that resulted in Tsukasa’s death. Your inadequate condolence did nothing to help Amane’s mental health. But now, after years of struggling, you finally get it. You’re finally ready to let go of that bloody memory, of all the blame. Ready to let go of Tsukasa.
Sure, you’ll hold onto the precious memories forever, but the guilt, the longing, the love. It all had to go. That’s what you hoped your time at Kamome Gakuen could achieve.
Letting your body settle into your old desk, you glance out the window where the sun shined and the sky glowed a brilliant blue. But no light entered the classroom, as if all light had been sucked out by something ominous.
You could almost hear Tsukasa’s giggles again, feel his touch on your cheeks.
“Ne, ne, (Name)-chan. Did you miss me?”
A chill passed through you. You whipped around, looking for the source of the whisper. Nothing.
Was it your imagination?
Hands settled on your shoulders, and you found yourself staring into the golden eyes of your dead childhood friend.
So you did what any sensible adult would do in a situation like this. You screamed bloody murder. His hand covered your mouth and the same familiar voice murmured in your ear, “Are you not happy to see me, (Name)-chan?”
Your thoughts raced, instantly gravitating towards the impossible. Tsukasa turned into a ghost after getting murdered by Amane and now he’s back to haunt me forever because I was a horrible friend (you had always had a wild imagination).
“T-Tsu-kun?” You removed his hand from your mouth, gripping on to it tightly, frowning when it didn’t slip through. That’s not how ghosts work.
“Yep! It’s me alright, (Name)-chan,” Tsukasa proclaimed cheerfully, wrapping his arms around your form. Your widened eyes stared at nothing as you tried to process this information. He’s back. Tsukasa’s back after all the years I tried to forget him, forget all the memories I had with him.
Fingers pulled at your cheeks, forcing you out of your dazed state. Tsukasa took your face into his hands, peering at your face curiously. Your face bloomed into the shade a shade of crimson, abruptly standing up, pushing him away.
“But you’re dead,” your voice is surprisingly steady as you clutched his hand tighter. Different emotions rose and fell inside, tears pricked at your eyes while irritation gnawed at you.
This little… I try so hard to forget him and he just comes back like nothing happened?
A part of your brain reasoned you could be in shock. That’s where all these conflicting feelings are coming from.
Shoving all of it away, you focused on one. Irritation.
“Yugi Tsukasa,” you began, taking a deep breath. The familiar way Tsukasa tilted his head to the side made you inside twist and turn.
“How could you just die all these years ago, leave me with mental baggage to deal with years after the ordeal, and then strut back into my life like no time passed?!” The dam for your tears broke in the middle of your proclamation, leaving you heaving for breaths by the end of it.
He didn’t seem taken aback or angry, maybe relieved, if you could even call it that. “So you did miss me.”
Tsukasa’s quiet words stole away the last of your anger. You gaped at him for a second, taking in his small grin and expression of genuine happiness.
“I was kinda afraid you would forget about me,” he continued when you remained silent. “I really missed you, ya know.”
“Tsukasa-kun…” Guilt weighed heavily on your shoulders now that he went beyond your expectations by reacting so… calmly. You had expected every emotion but this.
“You’re right. I did miss you.” Your voice dropped to a whisper.
Tsukasa slipped a finger underneath your chin, pulling your face up so he could examine your features, instantly dispersing the tense atmosphere. You let him do so, despite the heat creeping up to your face. “You look different, (Name)-chan!” Tsukasa exclaimed suddenly, snapping back into his cheerful, eccentric self once again.
It was almost as if that vulnerability never appeared. You let it pass, giving a small smile, “Do I now?” He nodded vigorously, squishing your cheeks, “You look prettier!”
You blushed, looking away for a moment to regain your composure, “R-Really?”
He gave you another hug, whispering into your ear, “Do I ever lie, (Name)-chan?”
By the time the school bell rang, you'd come to accept the fact that your childhood friend (and maybe crush?) is now a ghost haunting the school he died at. How so? Well, you’ve always been told you are an open-minded person. This is nothing more than accepting Tsukasa for who he is, right?
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
Further reactions to "The book of lost tales":
I appreciate that Idril canonically wears armor and does swordfighting.
I feel like I can actually imagine adult!Idril much better now like in armor and with open hair, distraught but ready to fight while babby Earendil does not yet realize the danger...
My first thought is that Earendil was probably cute in that baby chainmail. My second thought is OUCH, Idril and Tuor always made sure their growing baby had fitting chainmail cause they felt the apocalypse might get them at any moment. Imagine that, imagine them having the baby armor fitted every year or so :(
Its fun how much of the basic structure already exists but most of what you'd consider the main characters doesn't exist or is scattered across various minor roles The only Prince anywhere in sight is Turgon - Except for Team Doriath, theyre all accounted for. I suppose Maeglin is kinda there in name only with vaguely the same role & motivation, but looks personality and background all did a 180 since. Luthien is still pretty much "princesd classic" at this point, not quite the fearless go-getter from the final version - markedly this version tells Beren that she doesnt want to wander in the wilderness with him whereas the final one says she doesnt care and its Beren still wants to get the shiny so as not to ask this of her and also for his honor.
I mean in the finished version Id consider the 3rd and 4th gen royals to be the main characters (well, alobgside Team Doriath and the varioud human heroes) and theyre hardly here. Imagine the silm with no Finrod!
Feanor had no affiliation with the royal family whatsoever, and is also generally less super. He's just the guy who won the jewelsmithing competition, not the inventor of the whole discipline. Still seems to have been envisionad as a respected member of the community who gets called to the palace for crisis meetings and is listened to when he stsrts giving speeches. From the first he already has the backstory of going off the deep end (or at least growing disillusioned with Valinor) after a family member is killed by Melkor and theyre still the first to die, but its just some other rando unrelated to the royals
The situation regarding the humans is different - instead of Melkor leaking their existence, its Manwe who explains that the other continents were supposed to be for them eventually. So Feanor goes off on a tirade about weak puny mortals comes off as a more of a jerk unlike in the final version where Melkor barely knew about the humans and described them to the Noldor as a threat. On the other hand in this one, also very much unlike in the finished product, Melkor dupes even Manwe into being unfair to the elves as a whole. In this the final version is a definite improvement, both Feanor and the Valar come off as a lot more sympathetic and though still deceived he's partially right in some things at least, so you have more of a genuine tragedy rather than a simple feud
There is something to the idea of Commoner!Feanor tho. I guess some of this survived in his nomadic explorer lifestyle and how both his wife and mother (who arent mentioned here) eventually were the ones to get that background of being not especially pretty ladies who are not from the nobility but got renown, respect and acclaim for their unique talent and contribution to society, with each having invented things and Nerdanel also being renowed for her wisdom. Hes sort of an odysseus-like Figure in that sense. I suppose later developements necesitated that Maedhros & co. have an army not just a band of thieves, which means they needed to be nobles/lords. That said this being a society where artisans are very respected and half the lords have scholarly/artistic pursuits going, the gap was probably not as big to begin with as it might have been in say, medieval England. Esoecially since Nerdanel's father had been given special honor by one of the local deities and that the social order might have been a very recent thing in Miriel's time. One might speculate that the first generation of Lords started out as warriors during the great journey, or perhaps just Finwe's friend group.
Also found that bit intetesting where the Valar have to deal with the remaining political tensions and effects of Melkor's lies on the remaining population in Valinor... - i guess with the change of framing device it was less likely for news of something like this to reach Beleriand. That, or the existence of Finarfin and his repentance made this go smoother this over in later cannon
Turgon's go-down-with-the-ship moment reaaly got to me. Im half tempted to write a fic where his wife, siblings and dad glomp him on arrival in Mandos. I dont care that none of them exists yet in this continuity i want Turgon to get hugs
I love all the additional Detail that got compressed out in the shift from fairytale-ish to pseudohistoric style especially all the various Valinor magic insofofar as it is compatible with the final version - particularly love the idea of the connection between the lamps and the trees that is now integrated into my headcanon forever
Its actually explained what the doors of night are
If I had not already read unfinished tales or volumes X to XII where this is also apparent, this is where I would say: Ah so the Valar were supposed to be flawed characters. Manwe has an actual arc; by the time he sends Gandalf he finally "got" it. I think in the published silm the little arcs of Ulmo and Manwe are mostly just lost in compression/ less apparent when only some of the relevant scenes got in but not all
It occurred to me way too late that the "BG" chars are the most consistent because theyre at the start and most stories are written from beginning to end. Finwe doesnt get a dedicated paragraph of explicit description until HoME X but my takeaway was that he's described pretty much like I always imagined him anyways/ same vibe I always got from him... charismatic, thoughtful, enthusiastic, sanguine temperament, brave in a pinch but at times lets his judgement be clouded by personal sentiment (though that last bit is more apparent/salient as a character flaw once he became the father of a certain Problem Child) ...i guess this would be a result of jrrt having had a consistent idea of him in his head for a long time.
This means Finwe's still alive at the time of the exodus which is just fun to see/interesting to know... Interestingly he sort of gets what later would be Finarfin's part of ineffectually telling everxone to please chill and think it over first while Feanor simply shouts louder (which is consistent with his actions before the sword incident in later canon where he initially spoke out against the suspiciozs regarding the Valar) - but its not exactly the same, he's more active than Finarfin later in that when "chillax" availed nothing he said that then at least they should talk with the other Kings and Manwe to leave with their blessing and get help leaving (This seems like it would have been the clusterfuck preventing million dollar suggestion in the universe where Feanor is related to him and values him) but when even that falls on death ears he decides that he "would not be parted from his people" and went to run the preparations. I find it interesting that the motivation is sentiment/attachment (even phrased as "he would not be parted from [his people]" same words/ expression as is later used for the formenos situation), not explicitly obligation as it later is for Fingolfin (who had promised to follow Feanor and didnt want to leave his subjects at the mercy of Feanor's recklessness )
Speaking of problem children. It seems the sons of Feanor were the Kaworu Nagisa of the Silmarillion in that originally all they do is show up at some point and kill Dior as an episodic villain-of-the-week. And then, it seems their role got bigger in each continuity/rewrite... probably has something to do with the Silmarils ending up in the title later making it in the sense their story that ends and begins with them. They have zero characterization beyond "fierce and wild" at this point, though in what teetsy bits there is we already have the idea that Maedhros is the leader and Curufin is the smart one/shemer/sweet-talker, though not the bit where Maedhros (or Maglor, or anyone really) is "the nice one". Which I guess explains why "Maglor" sounds like such a stereotypical villain name.
"The Ruin of Doriath" was purportedly the patchworkiest bit of the finished product, but I never noticed and it actually left quite an impression of me upon first reading, the visual of Melian sitting there with Thingol's corpse in her arms contemplating everything thinking back to how they met... she had the knowledge to warn him not to doom himself but couldnt get him to understand it because he doesnt see the world as she does.... After reading this though I wish there was a 'dynamic' rendition that combined all the best bits like, youd have to adapt it to the later canon's rendition of the dwarves, have Nargothrond exist etc. But i mean that just makes Finrod another dead/doomed relative of Thingol's whom bling cannot truly replace, like Luthien and Turin. In the Silmarillion you could easily read it as just an "honoured guest treatment" but here and in unfinished tales I get the impression that Thingol actually did see Turin as a son.
Already you see the idea of trying to make the stories all interconnected but there is less than there will be (the human heroes aren't related yet and there is basically no Nargothrond, which is later a common thread for many of the stories - a prototype shows up in the 'Tale of Turambar' tho complete with half baked prototypes of Orodreth and Finduillas
O boi im not even through yet
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moeruhoshi · 5 years
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed
I wrote this for @petri808 for the NaLu fanfiction gift exchange! @hazel-got-fanfiction
Sorry this took me so long! I kept falling asleep while I was writing it lmao
Natsu smacked his lips and stretched his arms over his head, a low growl in his throat as he did so. His jaw lowered itself as he let out a loud yawn, his small body lifting as he sat up. Igneel stood at the edge of his son’s bed as he watched the fledgling roll out of bed, raising a brow as he walked right past him.
“Natsu? No good morning hug?” The Dragneel father was surprised that the pink-haired boy didn’t immediately rocket himself from his sheets to glomp him with an insanely tight hug; which is why Grandine refused to wake him up.
The young dragon didn’t bother answering his father as he waddled himself over to the bathroom to do his morning routine. 
“Need any help with that?” He stifled a snicker as Natsu frustratedly pulled a t-shirt over his head and rolled around to tug on his pants. 
Igneel watched as Natsu struggled to haul himself from stepstool to stepstool, almost missing the bowl as he fell half-asleep in front of the toilet and haphazardly brushing his teeth with toothpaste foam dripping from his bottom lip. From there, he pushed past his father again and grumpily threw off his pajamas and began rifling through his dresser for an outfit.
“Leave me alone,” Natsu glared at his dad while he pulled on his socks on. “Igneel.”
The older dragon was stunned, though not very surprised. The six-year-old only called his father by his first name whenever he was upset...but was there anything for him to be upset about?
He followed the small stomps Natsu produced as he went down the stairs, Gradine sliding Wendy into her high chair as they approached the dining room table.
“Good...morning, Natsu,” The sky dragon frowned as Natsu pushed her face aside as she bent down to give him a kiss, and continued forward until he was seated for breakfast.
“I think someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Igneel shrugged to his confused wife.
“I see,” She hummed before walking into the kitchen and returning with two plates. “I at least hope you have an appetite, little boy. I made waffles and I know how much you like them with chili mangos,”
They sighed as the young dragon at least began eating, but the crease between his brows failed to unfold. Not even the sight of Wendy awkwardly shoving spoonfuls of mashed blueberries in her mouth seemed to be able to put him in a better mood.
“Is there something wrong, Natsu? Did you have a bad dream last night?” Grandine asked as she watched him angrily chew on a mango chunk.
“You leave me alone too, Grandine. I’m not a baby,” Natsu spat, his mother taken aback by his harsh tone of voice.
“That’s no way to talk to your mother, Natsu. Either you use your words or I’ll have to send you to your room,” Igneel sighed as the fledgling glared endlessly at him. He grumbled as he stabbed his fisted fork into a slice of his waffle, mildly nibbling at it before he sighed and stood up on his chair.
“I’m upset today,” He said a matter of factly with his hands planted on his hips.
“We can see that, Natsu.” The red-haired man rolled his eyes. “But we don’t understand why, so you have to tell us more if you want us to help you,”
The little dragon huffed and sat down again, taking a quick swig from the sippy cup of chocolate milk that sat beside his plate.
“I want to see Lucy,” He said as he crossed his arms, a large heft of the weight on his shoulders seeming to disappear.
“...who’s Lucy?” Igneel shook his head at Grandine’s question; he really had absolutely no idea who this supposed Lucy was.
“She’s Lucy,” Was all that Natsu responded with as he continued to eat, unbothered by the confused and exasperated looks his parents threw at him.
“Is she imaginary? Is that why you can’t see her?” Igneel asked and Natsu shook his head.
“I played at the park with her all day yesterday and I want to see her again,”
“Oh! Well then, I suppose we can go to the park again today if you want to see her that badly,” Grandine smiled knowingly as Natsu instantly perked up and continued to finish his breakfast quickly.
“Oh...oh goodness, we look away from you for two minutes and you make such a mess,” Igneel groaned as he looked upon his daughter, her blueberry mix spilled all over her tray, the fruit on her hands and cheeks as well, her burbled laughter producing as she continued to slap the purée.
It wasn’t long before the Dragneel family had packed a lunch and made their way to the park. Grandine giggled as Natsu immediately took off for the playground a short distance away from them, planting himself on a swing as he waited and turned his head and looked around for the mystery girl.
“You know, she might not come to the park today,” Igneel said as he unfurled a blanket and laid it down on the grass. 
“Oh, crap,” Grandine clicked her tongue as she pulled Wendy out of her stroller seat. “Well...it’s just puppy love, right? I think he’ll feel better tomorrow even if he doesn’t see her today,”
And she didn’t show up, unfortunately. Natsu would have stayed glued to the seat of the swingset until midnight if Igneel hadn’t pulled his fire-spewing ass off of it. 
The next morning wasn’t better, strangely enough. If not for the fireproofing Grandine’s mother cast on their house and belongings, Natsu would have surely burned everything to ash. He was unbelievably restless and refused to stay in the house, Igneel having to take him to the park to wait every afternoon for the girl he apparently had made friends with.
“You’re the fire dragon, he’s your problem,” Grandine said as she glared and shook her head, holding Wendy close to her chest as she looked upon the burning boy who sat in front of the T.V.
“B-But...” Igneel’s bottom lip quivered as he looked into Wendy’s innocent eyes retreat up the stairs, her little pudgy hand waving her dad goodbye while looking over her mother’s shoulder. 
The two Dragneel parents were truly worried that their son wasn’t somewhat in the right in the head when Igneel went to wake him up on the fifth day Natsu had gone without seeing Lucy.
“Scales? Igneel, Natsu isn’t supposed to grow his scales until he hits puberty, what the hell is going on?!” Grandine’s narrowed eyes and creased brows mirrored Igneel’s own displeasure, the fire dragon holding his head tiredly in his hands as he sat at the table later that night.
“I know that...and all because he can’t see this Lucy girl? I don’t...get...it...”
“Oh hell no,”
As Grandine and Igneel ran up to their son’s bedroom, the obvious stench of his early marking emitted from his flaming form.
“I blame you for this, you were at the park with him that day, why weren’t you watching him?!” Grandine hissed as she smacked her husband’s arm with one of Natsu’s plushies. “And you call yourself a dragon, hmph.”
“Don’t get mad at me, you didn’t notice it either!” He whisper-shouted back. “And...I was reading that day! I had my nose on him, so I didn’t think to worry about it!”
As the sixth day rolled around, Igneel followed slowly behind the child he might have been terrified of as they made their way to the park again.
Natsu went to sit on his usual swing set, with his flames thankfully subdued. The Dragneel father sat under a nearby tree as he sighed and waited again for a girl he was beginning to believe never existed.
As the sun began to set and the moon lit up in the sky and he began to rightfully drift off, a sudden sparkle was caught in the corner of his eye. 
Igneel blinked blearily as he watched the glitter that fell from the sky and began to form the outline of...a person? No, two people...Or was that a lion?
“Lucy! Lucy! It’s really you!” It was the first time in almost week that Natsu had spread a grin, the fledgling rocketing off the swing to gather the girl in a monstrous grip.
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flightfoot · 4 years
We’re the Same Ch. 6
The Hawkmoth confrontation at last!
Disclaimer:  This is a Lovesquare fic, with Identity Reveal, Hawkmoth Reveal, and Hawkmoth Defeat. It is NOT a salt fic.
“You remember the plan?” Damian asked.
Adrien, Marinette, and Ducard nodded. 
About an hour after he’d left Ducard, he’d seen reports that Ladybug and Chat Noir were running around Paris. Deciding that this probably meant they were done talking for now, he’d met up with them again. 
Ladybug had yelled at him about kidnapping them and stealing their Miraculous. He’d just stood there, bored. He’d had worse.
His mouth twitched as he suppressed a smile, thinking of when she asked about the position she and Adrien had found themselves in.
“And another thing!” she yelled, clearly trying to get out all her pent-up frustration and anger before they faced Hawkmoth, “you had no right putting us on top of each other like that!”
Chat looked hurt, eyes dropping to the ground, tail drooping.
Ladybug noticed immediately. Her voice softened. “I’m not complaining about the result, just that he put us in a somewhat intimate position like that without even knowing us, much less with consent.”
Chat perked up again, his tail doing a happy little twitch, and he nodded, agreeing with her.
Damian sniggered.
Ladybug scowled at him. “And what’s so funny?!”
“Ducard and I DIDN’T position you two on top of each other,” he said. “Both of you were a few feet away from each other, backs against the wall.”
Ladybug’s eyes furrowed. “Then how-”
She stopped.
And groaned.
“I crawled into his lap I’m guessing?” Ladybug said, resigned.
Damian nodded, still smirking.
She sighed. “I really shouldn’t be surprised. When I was little and stayed in Maman and Papa’s bed, I’d apparently end up sandwiched between them regardless of where I started out. Papa used to call me a heat-seeking missile.”
She glared at Damian again. “You’re still on the hook for everything else though.”
Damian leaned back, waiting for her to finish berating him. He’d survived Pennyworth’s lectures. This? This was nothing.
“What’re you smiling about?” Marinette asked him suspiciously.
Damian ignored her, checking the cameras instead. “Gabriel’s in the dining hall, so we should have a good window right now. I just started looping the cameras. We’re invisible starting… now!”
The four of them quietly snuck from Adrien’s room to Gabriel’s atelier, Damian quickly picking the lock. Child’s play for a former member of the League of Assassins, or a Robin for that matter.
Damian made his way over to the portrait of Emilie, pressing the sequence of buttons he’d captured Gabriel using to access the massive underground chamber.
He wanted to know where the second sequence he’d seen Gabriel enter on the cameras would lead, but now wasn’t the time. While he suspected that it had something to do with the other secret room, the one he’d been unable to gain access to, he couldn’t be sure. Even if it was, he didn’t know what to expect to find. He could handle anything Hawkmoth threw at him, he was sure. But his companions? Maybe not.
He looked over at Adrien.
Truthfully, Damian didn’t need to visit that underground chamber again. He’d seen most of what he needed to for now.
But Adrien DID. 
He hadn’t asked, but… he needed to see his mother.
If Damian had a beloved family member he thought was dead, but turned out to be merely asleep, no force on heaven or earth would have been able to stop him from seeing them. Hell, when he’d discovered that Grayson had faked his death, had reunited with him - well, Damian didn’t initiate hugs often. 
But that day? He’d taken a page out of Grayson’s book and glomped him.
(Not that he’d tell anyone ELSE that, and if Grayson ever brought it up he’d just claim he must have memory loss in his old age)
When proposing entering the chamber, he’d justified it as having the kwamis take a closer look at Emilie, see whether they could glean more than he could. Which wasn’t a lie - they may be able to figure out what was going on with her even when he couldn’t - but it wasn’t the main reason. They could go back and examine Emilie after defeating Hawkmoth. 
He wasn’t going to make Adrien wait that long.
No one had questioned his proposal. Probably because everyone agreed - even if no one stated the true reason out loud.
The elevator activated. 
The four of them looked at the small hole in the floor that had opened up, then disappeared.
“...I thought maybe there was some sort of visual distortion with how small that hole looked,” Ducard said.
Damian grimaced. “Nope.”
“...This is gonna be cramped, won’t it?”
And that’s how the four of them ended up crammed together within a circle maybe two feet in diameter, heading downwards.
While he had a feeling that Marinette and Adrien were enjoying being so close, he’d really rather not be shoved up against them.
Luckily, the elevator expanded slightly as they moved downwards. It was still cramped and small, but more “sardines in a can” and less “Grayson playing Twister”.
As they descended, the cavern opened up around them, the lights coming on.
A sharp intake of breath came from beside him.
Damian looked in the direction of the noise.
Adrien stared forwards, eyes fixed on the distant capsule.
When the doors opened he stumbled out, quickly regaining his balance, and dashed towards the pod where his mother lay.
Marinette ran after him, seeming to not want to let more than a few feet separate her from her partner.
He and Ducard hung back, as Adrien reached his mother.
He ran his finger over the pod, fighting back tears. Just a few feet away, his mother lay, ALIVE.
Frantically he glanced around, searching for a button or switch or something to open it.
“I’ve got this, kid.”
He glanced up.
Plagg flew out, entering the pod’s control system. A few seconds later, it opened.
There she was.
Trembling, he stretched out a hand, fearful that she would dissolve into mist.
What if she was an illusion?
But - no.
He touched soft skin.
She was cool, but- she didn’t feel dead.
His head snapped up, and he opened his mouth to ask-
There was no need. 
Plagg flew around Emilie, Tikki joining him as Marinette caught up.
“She’s definitely in a magical coma,” Tikki announced after a few tense seconds. “Caused by using a broken Miraculous I’m guessing.”
“Can… can you wake her up?” Adrien asked hopefully.
Tikki shook her head. “If it was that simple, Nooroo could’ve done it.”
“Then… how can we heal her?” he asked.
He desperately wanted her to be okay. To have her RIGHT HERE and still lose her…
He bit back a sob. 
“I’m not sure yet,” Tikki replied. “The last time this happened, I wasn’t privy to the details on how the victim was woken up.”
“But they DID wake up?” Adrien asked.
She nodded. “Unfortunately, the people who held that knowledge aren’t around anymore.”
She shook her head, cutting him off. “ALL the people.”
“So it’s hopeless after all?” Adrien asked, heart falling.
He KNEW it was too good to be true.
“No. It’s not.”
Adrien turned around.
Robin looked at him, eyes weirdly gentle. “I know some people, many of whom are skilled in magic. Maybe none of them know the method that was used to wake up the other victim, but I bet at least one of them can come up with a way to bring her back.”
“You sure?”
He knew he sounded plaintive, like a small child asking whether the family dog would be okay after being taken to the vet for a severe injury, but at that moment, he felt like a small child.
He just… he just wanted his mom back.
Robin shook his head. “Nothing’s for sure. But I can give it my best shot. She WILL be taken care of, whatever happens; THAT, I can promise you. And this time, she won’t be hidden away. You’ll be able to visit her while I try to find a cure.”
Adrien bit his lip, tears filling his eyes.
There was hope.
Not much, but more than he’d ever had before.
Marinette placed a hand on his back, giving him a soft, sad smile.
He leaned against her, melting into her touch.
Most of his world may have been upended. But his partner was still here. 
An alert sounded from a device Robin was holding, the same one that had displayed the feeds from the cameras Robin had installed. He checked it, eyes widening.
“Down below, NOW!” 
Wait, what?
He didn’t get a chance to ponder it further. 
“Tikki, Spots On!”
Ladybug grabbed him and jumped off the edge of the railing, hooking her yo-yo on one of the supports. Before they descended out of sight, he saw Robin hit a button on the capsule, sealing it once more.
Adrien blushed. They did this kind of thing all the time as Ladybug and Chat Noir, but up close like this untransformed? He felt vulnerable, but… kinda in a good way? He knew that she was more powerful - WAY more powerful than him like this, but also that she would never hurt him. That she’d care about any discomfort he showed. That she’d never take advantage of him, or try to get him to do something he didn’t want to do. That she’d protect him.
He didn’t need to put up barriers with her to protect himself, didn’t need to pretend to be okay when he wasn’t. Not now.
He buried his head against her shoulder. Ladybug adjusted her grip, pulling him closer so she could stroke his hair comfortingly.
He fought back a purr. They needed to be stealthy now, and a purr might be a giveaway.
But damn was it tempting.
He felt a soft tap on his shoulder.
He lifted his head reluctantly.
Robin had apparently had the same idea Ladybug did, having fired a grappling gun at one of the supports. His friend had done the same thing, though she’d actually managed to find a small ledge to stand on.
Robin activated the display on his device, zooming in on one particular screen - the one pointed at the elevator shaft.
Someone was descending.
Adrien’s stomach twisted.
Gabriel Agreste, fashion mogul, magical terrorist, and his FATHER, stepped out.
Adrien stopped breathing.
Eyes locked onto the display, he stared as his father strode to the pod.
To his mother.
Footsteps sounded overhead.
Adrien flinched, convinced that somehow his father would hear them. Would charge down and-
And do what?
He shuddered. Before this, he thought the worst he could do was yell at his friends and bar him from seeing them.
Now? Now he was worried his father would flat-out MURDER them if he thought it might help with his goals. He’d never seemed overly concerned with how dangerous his akumas were before after all, and didn’t give a crap that they were kids.
Oh no, wait. He DID care, but only because it made it easier to sneer at them about how weak they are. 
He really didn’t give a damn about anything or anyone outside of his goals, did he?
Adrien shuddered as he heard the pod’s door open. Right now, his father was looking at his mother. His mother, who he’d been able to see and visit all along. Could have taken HIM to see her.
But he hadn’t.
“There were some new superheroes today.”
Adrien gasped slightly, restarting his breathing. Hearing his father’s voice - hearing HAWKMOTH’S voice - down here? Made it seem more real to him.
“Robin, from Gotham City, and some new girl, both riding atop a massive beast. Any one of them would make good prey for my akumas, though one seemed more susceptible than the others. There was much turmoil in young Robin, a deep undercurrent of guilt. I just need to figure out how to bring it to the surface, and I’ll have my most powerful akuma yet.”
A deep undercurrent of guilt? Robin was just a kid - he wasn’t even certain he was old enough to be in collège, he was so small. Heck, he still had baby teeth! What could’ve happened to him that made him feel so guilty?
He looked over at Robin, gauging his reaction. Robin had gone stony-faced, holding himself rigidly.
Adrien had a sudden urge to give him a hug. He may not have been too happy about being kidnapped - though he’d never regret the sleepy cuddles that’d resulted from it - but right now, he just wanted to tell Robin that whatever he was feeling so guilty about, it was okay. 
“Oh, Emilie… I miss you so much. My last plan may have failed, but soon, soon I will succeed and bring you back to us. I will destroy Ladybug and Chat Noir and take their Miraculous!”
That sounded an awful lot like ‘kill’.
“Until then, I’ll look after our son. He’ll never truly be happy until you come back. Everything I do, I do so we can be a family again.”
He- he thought- and for that he threatened MURDER- for HIS SAKE?!
“Plagg, Claws out!”
“No!” he heard Robin hiss.
He knew he shouldn’t do this.
That he should just sit still and quiet.
But hearing him talk about destroying - about KILLING - him and Marinette?
And that it was all for his and his mother’s sake? As if they wanted this - As if it EXCUSED this?
He’d sat quietly and done what he was told his whole life.
Now that he could fight back? When his father was THREATENING the people he cared about, and claiming it was for his sake?
He couldn’t hide any longer.
“Wha-? Nooroo, Dark Wings Rise!”
As Chat propelled himself onto the walkway, a light flashed over his father.
Leaving Chat facing Hawkmoth.
“How did you find this place?!” Hawkmoth spat at him, tapping on Emilie’s pod, sealing it shut.
“Because you’re an idiot.”
Chat glanced back, seeing Ladybug and Robin swinging over the railing. Briefly he wondered where Ducard was, then dismissed the thought. She was Robin’s friend, anyone who could keep up with him could probably take care of themselves.
 Robin continued, “Honestly, did you really think NO ONE would notice that the floor plans didn’t match the actual Manor? You wouldn’t have lasted a week in Gotham.”
His father scoffed. “This will be your undoing. You think that mere CHILDREN can defeat me? Or did you return for another beating?”
“How. Dare. You.” Ladybug hissed, looking like she dearly wished she was Kryptonian so she could murder his father with eye lasers.
His father frowned. “Excuse me?”
“WHY?!” Chat yelled, clenching his fist. “Why would you DO this?! HOW could you do this?!”
“To bring her back to me,” His father gestured at the pod behind him, “I would do ANYTHING.”
Chat gritted his teeth. “She would HATE what you’ve done. Hate YOU. Mom wouldn’t want this!”
He froze.
He didn’t answer, just intensifying his glare in response.
“You would let your mother stay like this? How ashamed would she be of you, of her SON, who should love her above all else?”
She wouldn’t be… Mom wouldn’t be… she cared. She was a GOOD PERSON. There’s no way she’d go along with father’s plans! 
She- she wouldn’t be ashamed of him… right?
Guilt gnawed at his stomach. 
He glanced over at Ladybug, still glaring daggers at Hawkmoth.
Even if she was… he couldn’t betray his friends. Couldn’t endanger people.
He may be a bad son. 
But he just… couldn’t do that.
His father rushed forwards suddenly, driving his cane into Chat’s stomach.
All air left his lungs as he was flattened on the floor. 
Leaving him motionless, unable to scrape together the energy to do more than twitch.
His father loomed over him, glaring down, angry and disappointed.
Ladybug barreled into his father, sending him flying. 
Leaning down, she took Chat’s hand. “Don’t listen to a word he says. Don’t let him reverse the roles. HE’S the bad guy, NOT YOU. You hear me, Chat? NOT. YOU.”
He teared up, giving her a quick hug.
Why wasn’t his father attacking?
*sning* *sning*
Chat watched as Robin swiped at Hawkmoth with the long metal claws he’d just extended from his gloves.
Ok, how did ROBIN have retractable claws while he didn’t?!
Hawkmoth dodged most of the blows, though a few connected.
Mere metal couldn’t pierce a Miraculous-made suit.
But it didn’t need to.
Chat narrowed his eyes.
At first glance, it looked like Robin was simply swinging wildly in a rage, attempting to hurt Hawkmoth as much as possible. But looking closer, most of the blows were just below the neck area.
Right where the Butterfly Miraculous rested.
Unfortunately, his father realized it too.
He jumped back thirty feet, far out of range.
Cursing profusely, Robin attempted to follow him, firing off a zipline, swinging himself closer to Hawkmoth.
But to no avail. His father simply jumped out of range again.
Chat staggered to his feet, Ladybug slinging her arm around his shoulders, propping him up. “I’m- I’m okay. We have to-” he sputtered out. 
He glanced behind Ladybug.
He threw himself and Ladybug to the side, rolling them out of the way of Hawkmoth’s attack.
But that didn’t save him from the follow-up hit.
His father slammed his cane into Chat’s back. “You’d go this far for HER, for some girl, but not for your own mother?!” he sneered. “These friends of yours… they only want to drag you down, use you.”
Ladybug extracted herself from Chat’s embrace and threw her yo-yo, attempting to lasso his father. He knocked the yo-yo aside. “If Ladybug cared for you, she’d use her Miraculous and yours to revive your mother!”
He kicked Ladybug to the floor, leaving both her and Chat groaning. Slowly he walked towards Chat, seeming to savor the moment. “Oh Adrien… I gave you everything you could need. I raised you to be perfect. I gave you tutors, let you build your brand and influence by allowing you to model for me, even allowed you to hang out with your so-called friends, so long as they weren’t proving harmful to your education or reputation. I see now that was a mistake. They’ve poisoned you. The son I knew would never have done anything to endanger his mother. Would have obeyed his father.”
Chat turned over, attempting to crawl away - both from his father, and from Ladybug. 
His father was targeting him. If he could lead him away, then maybe His Lady could flee, get away long enough to come up with some sort of plan. 
Besides his… his father couldn’t really- he knew he was awful, but he’s his own son! He’d- he’d-
“Stop,” he forced out, attempting to put as much distance as he could between him and his father. His father stared down at him with cold, hard eyes. Same as he always did.
He reached for Chat’s hand.
The black, destructive energy surrounded his hand. His father cursed, grabbing Chat’s wrist tightly enough that it felt like it was leaving bruises, lifting him off the ground.
A light dawned in his father’s eyes. He grinned.
“You want to keep the ring? So be it.”
He pressed a button on his cane, opening the top.
Chat watched, horrified, as an akuma fluttered out.
He looked to the side. Ladybug ran toward him, a polka-dotted bag in her hand.
She was too far away. She wouldn’t be able to get to him in time.
She didn’t have to.
A figure dropped from above.
The butterfly entered Robin’s left glove.
“Well, this is unexpected,” his father mused. 
Robin clutched his head. “GET. OUT.”
“You believe that no one will forgive you for your past actions, that you’re irrevocably tainted, incapable of washing the blood off of your hands.” his father crooned. 
“Shut up…” Robin gritted out.
Blood on his hands? The kid hadn’t even hit puberty yet. 
What the heck was Robin’s past like?
“Your mother had you killed, your father and brothers only tolerate you because they don’t know the true depths of your evil.”
“YOU. DON’T. KNOW. ME.” Robin screamed.
“But I understand. I can help you. With my help, you can erase everything wrong you did, undo all harm. You won’t have to worry about the rest of your family abandoning you anymore, and finally you can be free of the guilt.”
“I… I don’t…”
Robin sounded… lost. Confused. Like a small child, wandering around looking for something, anything familiar to cling to.
From what his father was describing, it was no wonder. Seriously, what the HELL had this kid been through?
“Just bring me Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s Miraculous, and I can help you fix EVERYTHING.”
A red-and-black spotted bag rammed down on Hawkmoth’s head, using Chat’s staff as a handle. 
Which normally would probably be as effective as using a plastic bag on Robin had been earlier.
...Except that Ladybug had apparently learned from that and decided to do more than just temporarily blind Hawkmoth for two seconds. 
Namely, by using the make-shift butterfly net to scoop up several of the soon-to-be-akumas in it first.
And with his father already having his mouth open to continue monologuing…
He coughed and sputtered as several butterflies invaded his mouth.
Taking advantage of his father’s distraction, Chat quickly rolled to his feet, reaching out and touching Robin’s glove with his still-active cataclysm.
The glove disintegrated, freeing the akuma.
Ladybug quickly caught it in her yo-yo, before attempting to wrap it around his father again.
He stumbled back, spitting out butterfly wings - but still managed to just avoid the string.
The butterfly brooch pulled away, seemingly on its own.
His father froze, as Hawkmoth was replaced by Gabriel Agreste.
He tried to snatch the brooch out of midair where it floated, but it darted away.
The brooch zoomed off. His father tried to run after it, but Ladybug was having none of it. For the third time, she tried to lasso him.
This time, she succeeded.
He crashed to the floor, cursing.
The brooch floated towards Robin.
Ducard flickered into view, holding the Miraculous.
So his memories of her appearing out of thin air weren’t delusions; she could turn invisible.
She must’ve been sneaking around the entire battle, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Shakily he walked over to his father.
He glared up at him, sneering - but with a hint of fear in his eyes.
Only a couple minutes ago his father had loomed over him.
Now their situations were reversed.
Looking down at him like this, he didn’t seem like the powerful, terrifying figure he’d been moments before - had been for most of Adrien’s life if he was being honest with himself.
But now? He was just a guy.
He wasn’t some overwhelming force, overshadowing everything Adrien thought or did. 
Nor a looming threat over all of Paris, waiting to prey on any negative emotion, any moment of sadness, anger, or fear.
He was just a man.
He always had been.
“Well?” his father spat. “Are you really going to do this, my son? Leave your mother in a coma? Strike back against me?”
“Stop calling me that,” he hissed. “DON’T call me your son - not after this. You never cared about me as a person, as your son - just as your property. You didn’t ‘allow’ me to model for you - you mandated it. I didn’t want to ‘build my brand’ - just have friends, go outside - be a regular kid! But that wasn’t something you cared about so it didn’t matter to you. 
And you’ve been doing the same thing as Hawkmoth! I love Mom, I want her back - but the price would be to submit someone else to her fate. I can’t do that. Even if I didn’t know them, someone else would still pay the price. Whether they were close to me personally, they still matter.
But not to you. You only place value on those you consider to belong to you. And even then only when they do what you consider ‘acceptable’. Everyone else is just… just tools for you to get what you want, or obstacles to get in your way!”
He turned away. “I won’t be your tool. Not anymore. I’m not yours.” 
“How COULD you! I gave you everythi-”
Chat whipped around.
Gabriel lay on the ground, unconscious. Robin standing beside him, fist still extended. 
“What? Did you really need to listen to him rant on anymore?” Robin asked.
Chat shook his head. “No, I- thank you.”
 His Miraculous beeped twice.
Three paw pads left.
“Claws in.”
Light flashed over him, Plagg leaving the ring.
Adrien pulled out some cheese for him from his inside jacket pocket. 
Watching Plagg devour the cheese wedge, his stomach seized as he thought of something. 
“I’m- I’m going to have to give you back,” he stammered, his face green.
Plagg paused his eating. “What nonsense are you talking about? I thought we settled this before. I’m not leaving. You’re stuck with me, kid.”
“But - I don’t have a choice now,” his eyes watered. He fought to keep them down. He had a feeling that if he started crying right now, he wouldn’t be able to stop. “He knows I’m Chat Noir. He might not be able to do anything himself, but what’s going to stop him from just telling everyone? Even if the media refused to air it, he’s bound to run into people in prison he can tell.”
“He won’t tell anyone, because he won’t remember.”
Adrien turned towards Robin, worried. “You knocked him out so hard you gave him amnesia?”
Robin scoffed. “No. If I tried, he’d probably end up in the hospital for brain damage. I know of an organization with a special tool that can erase memories like that.”
“...Should I ask whether this is legal?”
“Is it safe at least?”
“For this? It shouldn’t cause him any harm. There’s not much to make him forget.”
He breathed out. He was still trepidatious, but… well, some part of him wanted to trust Robin. And if it came between Gabriel’s safety and Plagg’s safety? (And he wasn’t going to kid himself, Plagg would try to follow him even if he gave the Black Cat Miraculous back to Fu.) He would choose Plagg.
Ladybug put a hand on his shoulder. “Adrien? Are you- of course you’re not okay, who would be? But…”
He shot her a small smile. It felt false. “I’ll be fine.”
Her eyebrows creased. She looked even more worried, but didn’t press the subject.
Ducard walked over to Ladybug, handing over the brooch. “I’m guessing you know what to do with this?”
She nodded. “We’ll make sure the Miraculous goes where it belongs,” she said, taking the piece of jewelry and stowing it in her yo-yo.
Adrien wasn’t sure how he felt about that. It was so… final. He kept on believing that in a minute he might blink and be back where he was, with Hawkmoth leering over him, winding up to hit him.
But… the brooch was gone now. He couldn’t just… wake up and grab it. It was out of his reach, even if he did wake up unexpectedly.
It just seemed unreal.
Ladybug retrieved her Lucky Charm, throwing it into the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!”
The ladybugs swirled around them, repairing what little damage had been done.
The raw ache in Adrien’s body disappeared. He hadn’t even realized how much he was still feeling his father’s beating until it was gone.
A ringtone sounded from his father’s unconscious body. Adrien blinked.
Mechanically he walked over, looking at the caller ID.
Nathalie’s face greeted him.
He stared numbly. In the excitement, he’d forgotten about her.
Robin checked his monitoring device. “She’s in Gabriel’s office, heading over to the painting.”
Heading over to-
His stomach seized.
She definitely knew.
He’d assumed she did, but-
“Everyone, HIDE!” Robin hissed.
Ladybug’s earrings beeped. He glanced at them. Only one dot left now.
She cursed, dragging his father into the foliage before crouching down herself.
Adrien followed her lead, crouching down beneath a bush.
“Spots off,” she muttered, detransforming.
The yo-yo string that had been wrapped around his father disappeared, leaving him limp on the ground.
Adrien froze, staring at him.
Marinette was right there, within easy reach if he woke up. 
He wasn’t moving beyond the slow, soft rising and falling of his chest.
But- what if he was faking?
He shook his head. No, no. Robin had knocked him out himself. And while his way of making friends was… questionable, his skill was not.
So why couldn’t he stop seeing images of him waking up? Of him grabbing her by the neck while she was looking away? Ripping her earrings out, and-  
His train of thought ground to a halt, refusing to contemplate what his father might do if Marinette resisted.
“Breathe, kid, breathe,” Plagg’s voice whispered. 
He took a breath, letting it out slowly.
Still, he couldn’t help staring, looking for the slightest twitch of movement.
Until the noise started up, that is. 
He looked over to the elevator, tensing. He wanted to keep watching his father, but with danger on two fronts…
The elevator landed, its doors opening.
Nathalie - his father’s assistant, the woman who’d been mostly parenting him since his mother... disappeared, who he thought might even become his stepmother - stepped out.
Hawkmoth’s accomplice.
She looked around. “Sir? You didn’t answer your phone, are you- AAAH!”
Tripping seemingly on thin air (though Adrien suspected it was rather more solid than that), she faceplanted onto the floor.
As she struggled to get back up, something seemed to be pinning her in place. 
“Wha- who-?”
Robin jumped down from where he’d been hanging, retracting his grappling gun’s line.
“This is assault!” Nathalie spat. “I don’t know how they do things in Gotham, but-”
“I don’t think anyone’s going to protest taking down Hawkmoth’s accomplice,” Robin sneered. 
Fear flashed across her face. Still, she did her best to maintain her composure. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Robin rolled his eyes. “Right. You just HAPPENED to wander down to Hawkmoth’s lair, filled with the butterflies he uses, Gabriel’s comatose supposedly-dead wife, while calling for Gabriel.”
She glared at him as best she could while face-down, pinned to the ground. “Our lawyers will hear about this.”
“You do that.” Robin put one of his gloved hands over her face. Within seconds she stopped struggling, going limp.
“You can come out now,” he called out.
Adrien emerged from the bush. He looked over at Marinette, making sure she was well out of Gabriel’s (potential) reach, before walking over to Nathalie’s prone form.
“What did you do to her?” he asked slowly. Intellectually he knew that Nathalie had helped his father, had helped Hawkmoth, but… right now, it was hard to see anything but the woman who’d taken care of him for the past several months. Even knowing what she’d done, he didn’t want to see her hurt.
“Same thing I did to you and Marinette. She’ll wake up in a few hours.”
“Wait, you had that stuff still on hand?”
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Then why didn’t you use that to knock my father out?”
“I wanted to punch him,” Robin said simply.
Adrien opened his mouth… and then closed it. He couldn't really deny that sentiment.
“What now?” he asked instead.
Robin looked at him. “You two can head home. I can take it from here.”
Marinette stalked up, seeming like she was about to protest… and then glanced over at Adrien. Her face softened. She looked back over at Robin. “DON’T hurt Nathalie, and make sure to give Gabriel back after wiping his memory. They’ll need to stand trial. And if you find the Peacock Miraculous, give it STRAIGHT over. No tests, no funny business. Got that?”
He glared at her a moment, but nodded. Ducard cut in, “I’ll make sure you get the Peacock back, don’t worry.”
She stared at them both, as if searching for their intentions, then nodded. 
Turning towards Adrien, she gave him a small smile, putting her arm around his shoulders. “Come on kitty, let’s go home.”
Home…? Where…?
With her.
She meant going home WITH HER.
Shakily he drew in breath. “Yeah. Let’s go home.”
His father might be a monster.
His caretaker might be an accomplice.
His mother might be unconscious. 
But he still had people who loved him.
He still had places to call home.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 232: Giant Bitchslap Arm
Previously on BnHA: Gigantomachia woke up and started ninja-running toward Aichi prefecture. Then all of a sudden we cut to Hawks just chilling on an Osaka rooftop with a bag. Everyone was like, “whoa, Hawks, what are you doing in this arc?” Hawks was all “well I’ll show you” and then he had a flashback where he fucking murdered Best Jeanist, probably, and everyone was like “um, hey, what the actual fuck” and Hawks was like “well you asked” and we were all filled with regret for having done so. Back in the Ol’ Villain City, Twice caught up with Tomura and Spinner and they were very happy to see him, and Tomura was like “so anyway we’re almost at Re-Destro’s tower and I can’t wait to fucking kill that guy” and the others agreed but they also worried that Tomura was too exhausted to keep this up much longer, and so Twice went on ahead to try and finish off RD on his own. The chapter ended up with Twice #241762-D arriving at the top of the tower to confront RD and rescue my boyfriend Giran.
Today on BnHA: Twice creates some clones of Tomura and the gang to help him out. Re-Destro then insta-kills one of the clones and tells Twice that he’ll kill Giran if Twice uses his quirk any more. He then makes his arm go all big and he just fuckin’... [gestures wildly] WHIPASH!! and just smacks them all to death, and then he goes over to where Giran is and gets ready to kill him while he and Twice are having a moment. Thankfully the not-quite-dead-yet Tomura clone intervenes, and as he fights him, Re-Destro launches into a big villain monologue about the Mother of Quirks, a.k.a. the mother of the first superpowered child to ever be born. Long story short, that baby grew up to be Destro, and his mom was all “please be kind to him and let him live in peace!” and so they fucking killed her because people are terrible. As RD is wrapping up his story and about to kill the clone Tomura, the real one reaches the tower and is all, “TOUCH!!!” This is the single most badass thing anyone has ever done, and the chapter ends with a wobbly Tomura confusedly interrogating an enraged Re-Destro while “We Will Rock You” by Queen plays in the background omfg.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added one or two ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
so this happened again
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listen here my anonymous friend, thank you for not spoiling me, but I do have to say that if your goal was to have me once again approach this chapter in stark terror, mission accomplished lol
here’s how it’s gonna go. I’ve got a mirror, and we’re gonna use it to cautiously peek around corners before clicking to the next page, and from what I understand that should protect us from being instantly killed by Horikoshi’s murderous basilisk glare. the characters, on the other hand, well...
what kind of sound effect is this
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glomp glomp? are these Horikoshi sound effects? does he know his little Twice clones are making enthusiastic hugging sounds?? and yet this is oddly in character though
also it looks like he’s cloning at least one Tomura and Dabi! so that should be fun. we get to see RD presumably murder them all on this little test run, and then they’ll hopefully have a better idea of how to approach this on their second go-around
RD says he had a lot of guards down below, and he’s praising Twice’s quirk. well, his “superpower”, anyway
that was the title of this chapter, incidentally; “quirks and superpowers.” I do vaguely wonder why they’re so insistent on using different terminology for it, and I wonder if there’s an actual reason for that
anyway so now Jin is yelling at the clones that they’re clones. so it’s okay if they die and stuff. lol. I’m sure that makes them feel a whole lot better
you guys this is fucking amazing though
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I wonder if this Tomura is less sleep-deprived? also, Twice duplicated the hands as well! that’s something that was pointed out to me a little while ago, back when they were fighting Gigantomachia. this actually seems a bit iffy to me now that we’ve been reminded that he needs to understand the details of something in and out before he can copy it. like, he couldn’t copy the quirk-be-gone bullets because he didn’t know how they worked. but somehow he knows how these hands work though??
or maybe he doesn’t, and these hands don’t actually work like the Real Deal hands. that’s probably the case actually. so anyways I wonder if this Tomura will act a little different. I’m probably overthinking this to the extreme lol
and Twice and Dabi are making the exact same joke I made three paragraphs earlier about “that should make them feel a whole lot better.” get your own material you assclowns
last but not least, lol at him having to reiterate his tale of bravely overcoming past trauma yet again to Compress because he missed the whole story. poor Compress, all confused and out of the loop. I wonder if Twice duplicated his robot arm. it’s hard to tell in the picture whether it’s missing or he’s still just in the process of creating it
oh shit
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heh. it’s possible Jin has not thought through the potential long-term consequences of this little undertaking at all sob. but that’s a problem for future Twice! right now current Twice has more important things to deal with, like kicking Re-Destro’s ass
yeah, you see, he’s all “don’t worry about that right now” and presumably tucking that whole notion away someplace in the back of his mind to be properly fucked up by later on. as anyone with ADHD can tell you that’s clearly the best way to deal with all of your problems
-- oh shit and it looks like this particular Twice doesn’t really need to worry about that anymore in any case
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what is it with people in this manga being decapitated lately. who hurt you Horikoshi
uh, so. hey
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are they?? they fucking outnumber you by a ton. though as you’ve just ably demonstrated, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything
fuck. okay let’s pause this for a sec to get our bearings here. so a bunch of clone Twices have RD cornered with a clone Dabi, Tomura, and Compress, all of whom have their own quirks, but presumably weaker versions of them. they’re also each basically one hit point away from a swift death, which is definitely something to consider
meanwhile RD has just the one of him, but possesses an unknown quirk, and does not seem to be at all fazed by the current situation which is a bit unnerving. oh yeah, and he does still have a hostage, though, if the others insist on taking their sweet time to go and untie my boy Giran. yeah. so that part’s also not good. dammit Twice untie him already
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sob. where’s that mirror omg
okay... and we’re cautiously clicking forward... and good, Jin looks appropriately shook
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maybe a little too shook. look I didn’t mean for you to just immediately freeze and surrender though, guy
aww but Tomura’s reassuring him
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yes but as I already explained, you’re all technically one love tap away from the sweet embrace of death here while he’s at full power. it’s iffy dude. idk. I really like that you immediately spoke up to comfort your bro though! the League of Gentle Hearts continues to warm my soul
oh my god but seriously look at them
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even Dabi is getting in on the friendship action. even if I’m not quite sure how he intends to not burn Giran to death along with RD lol. but at least his heart’s in the right place
-- oh shit
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holy -- fucking -- I don’t even
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well that all went down fucking spectacularly
looooool. okay, time to move on to plan B guys. bring on the indestructible mountain man. let Tomura have his “I have an army!” / “we have a Hulk” moment
so is Giran even still alive, or did he get caught up in all of that. lol I’m just fooling. of course he’s still alive, Horikoshi is going to drag out my torture for this entire arc and make it really slow and excruciating
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yeah whatever. they have a hulk. just you wait
and some of the dying Twices are glomping over to Giran to make sure he’s okay, naturally. because my feels were briefly spared for a single fucking panel and we can’t have that, no ma’am!
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and Twice makes sure Giran’s not alone at the end though. god I’m about to lose it for real though, shit
-- !!!!!!!!!!
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(ETA: lmao I love that it’s making a “TCH” sound. like that hand is so done with his bullshit.)
but wow, so yeah. feels postponed. fucking deferred, motherfucker. FIRST WE GET OUR FIGHT ON
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oh hey! funny you should mention! cuz it’s just that he’s been trying to prove said worth for the last six weeks! so if you could provide some convenient way for him to actually do that, that would actually be great. Machia is a harder sell than Simon fucking Cowell, so
oh, he’s still talking
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actually this is super interesting to me omg. also that’s really fucked up. poor Damien! he didn’t do anything! all he did was glow a bit, what is wrong with people
(ETA: I have been informed by many kind people that Destro is not in fact the glowy baby Damien from China lol. I got kinda mixed up there lol.)
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probably cuz they killed her
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yeah that seemed to be where that was leading. society is predictably fucked up, etc. that poor lady
this has nothing to do with anything, but I just want to throw it out there that I would kill to read an AU with the 1-A kids set in this time period roughly 200 years earlier where they have to hide their quirks for fear of being killed over them, and they’re all just doing their best and growing up scared and traumatized and some of them are bitter at the world and others are hopeful of one day making it a better place. oh my god. “makeste, that’s just an X-Men AU” you point out and oh my god you’re right. that means it probably already exists oh shit. I need to go on another fic binge
Tomura is all “yeah I know history too” and making me feel bad. some of us didn’t grow up in this universe, Tomura
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Tomura just let the man talk, I need more worldbuilding stuff for my AU headcanons
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you’d think that the Army would be embracing the word “quirks”, then? this woman seems like the type of martyr figure they ought to be all over. I guess there’s more to the story and I should take my own advice and shut up and let him finish
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I see, so they associate the government’s use of the word “quirk” with their oppression. idk, I feel like they ought to be trying to reclaim it then. but whatever
so he’s wrapping up now
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his mother?!
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so that means RD is descended from the original quirk bloodline! yooooo I did not see that coming at all. no wonder the rest of the Army reveres him
anyway but now the interesting part is over and he’s moving on to crazed ranting
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whatever you say buddy. how did you wind up with Giant Bitchslap Arm powers if your great-great-granddad was just some dumb glowing kid though
oh now he’s getting all pompous
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I’m sorry I didn’t realize having a long and tragic family history was a prerequisite for kicking ass. though if it is. may I interest you in the horrific saga of the Shimura family, though. this so-called street punk has quite his own tale of woe actually
oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
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(⚆_⚆) [sits up straighter]
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oh shit wait I think he might be talking about Actual Tomura and not Gigantomachia! even better!!
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ohhhhh man. well, time to place your bets then people. who would win:
one megalomaniacal balding CEO with a giant arm who talks too much but has like an army and shit
One Sleepy Boi
hahaha. well, Tomura? time to get that worth fucking measured, then, kid
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Hi :) I loved your gladnis x reader fic... Was wondering if you could do a fic with all four of the Chocobros x reader? Like an OT4+1? Like the boys were already discreetly in a relationship and s/o was their best friend who felt like she was imposing. The boys all loved s/o so they decided to slowly show their love and affection (taking her on little dates, hanging out, and spending time together) before asking for her love in return? I think it would be adorable (^^)
This one was really hard to start, but once I got going it flowed pretty easily. Sorry, btw, I’m back on my dreams of owning a motorcycle, again.
Taglist: @idiotflowerex
Five of Hearts
You were good friends with the Bros, “your boys”, as you called them. You’d known Noctis the longest, having met when your family began serving King Regis. The two of you became fast friends. From there you got to become friends with Ignis, Gladio, and finally Prompto. You enjoyed each friendship individually, but together the five of you were a whole new level of wonderful.
You helped the men get ready and leave Insomnia for Noct’s trip. There had been an offer to bring you along, but you joked that the car was too crowded. You got a hug from each of them as they got ready to leave, before Prompto jumped on your back and yelled, “GROUP HUG!” Everyone laughed as you were embraced by four of the greatest people in your life.
It was that memory that got you through the next few weeks. Pain from missing your best friends was only outdone by the pain of losing your entire city in one night. Everything was gone. Your King was murdered, your home razed. Daemons wandered the streets you grew up on. You weren’t even sure if anyone you loved had escaped.
You almost didn’t make it out of the city. You were one of the last ones to leave because you were trying to save everyone you could. The refugee district didn’t have any other heros, you were their only hope for protection as they fled. You were still in the middle of the city with no options to get past the daemons on each corner, when all six gods must have smiled upon you: you discovered a motorcycle with the keys still in it! It even started for you! You sent up a prayer as the nimble vehicle was able to get you past daemons and wreckage as you left the gates of Insomnia.
You rode as far as the bike would take you. Somehow, that was all the way to Hammerhead. You handed it off to Cindy, hoping she could help you fix it. You were sort of attached to the impractical thing as it had gotten you out of Insomnia. Now, it was all you had left of your home. Cindy saw the exhaustion apparent on your face and sent you off to the diner for some food.
Inside, you were met with a full house of refugees. One group recognized you and made room at their table. You were thankful for somewhere to simply sit.
The radio was broadcasting news about the event, but the service kept breaking up. “Prince…is thought…” was all you heard. Noct and the boys! You thought, grabbing at your pocket for your phone. Your fingers touched broken glass. What you pulled out was a phone with a shattered screen that was falling off. Falling to the ground was your only hope at hearing from the guys. You couldn’t take much more of this, so you stormed from the diner to get some air and cry alone.
Rain started to fall with your tears. You looked off in the distance to see smoke still rising from the ruins of Insomnia. All you wanted was to shout, to throw things, to cry, to collapse all at the same time. The cold rain soaked you, making you shiver. Your mind wandered back to that amazing group hug.
Where were the guys? Where they ok? Had they made it to Altissa?
All you wanted was to hear their voices.
A kind old woman came out of the caravan and offered you a place in the warmth. You allowed her to take you inside, falling asleep when you sat down.
The next day you woke early and slowly rose, primarily because your back hurt from sleeping so oddly. Outside, you stood out in the cold desert morning, a light fog clinging to the ground from the rain. Cindy saw you and called you over, showing you the now operational motorcycle.
As you learned all about motorbikes form Cindy, you heard footsteps approached from behind the shop. Who could be approaching from back there, you wondered. You readied yourself, expecting the worst.
“…[Y/N]?” The great man almost whispered as he saw you. Gladio had rounded the corner of the shop. He was shirtless, dirty, and battered, but he was there.
“GLADIO!” You screamed, your heart racing you into his arms. You collided with him, barely even moving him. He wrapped his strong arms around you tightly.
More footsteps. You looked up to see the rest of your boys running towards you. They were all battered and dirty, but you had never seen a more beautiful sight.
“[Y/N]!!” Prompto cried, eyes watering, as he latched onto your body, not caring that Gladio still held you.
Noctis was next, he latched onto you, burying his face into the hug. “It’s so good to see you…”
Ignis was beaming at you as he embraced your little glomping, his long arms wrapping up everything like a bow.
The five of you stayed like that for as long as you could. You loved every moment of it, as you were safe, warm, and ever so loved in the arms of all you had ever wanted.
Eventually, you did break apart, but none of them ever stood far from you.
“What happened? We’ve been trying to call you?” Ignis began, the first to need answers.
You simply pulled what remained of your phone from your pocket. Gladio hummed in acknowledgement.
Prompto flinched at the sight of the device. “How’d that happen?!”
“Daemons, MTs, motorcycle ride…who knows?” You answered.
“At the same time?!” Prompto looked at you like he was meeting a childhood hero. You could simply laugh, but he wasn’t far from the truth.
“I’m just glad you’re safe,” Noctis added, coming up beside you.
You smiled, looking around at them.
You all ate at the diner, talking about what had occurred. Ignis was most impressed by your motorcycle idea for getting out of the city.
“Now what’re you gonna do?” Prompto asked between mouthfuls.
The idea hadn’t occurred to you.
The men looked at each other before sharing a smile. “Well, then. It sounds like you’re coming with us!” Noctis said definitively.
You set out for the guys’ campsite soon after breakfast. They had set up just behind Hammerhead, having arrived late in the night.
You bought your own camping supplies, primarily a small tent and a sleeping bag, so that you wouldn’t intrude on the guys. Gladio joked how it would be warmer if you slept with them, making you blush.
In the mornings, you finally had a reason to get out of bed, again. You loved to help Ignis with breakfast and train with Gladio.
Having slept in one morning, you emerged to see Gladio and Ignis kissing. Blushing furiously, you ducked back into your little tent. It wasn’t that you didn’t approve, you thought the guys would be fantastic together! But you felt like you had just seen a very intimate moment that you shouldn’t have.
“You’re up late.” Gladio said, as you still sat blushing. Oh gods, he saw me, you thought. You emerged, still blushing, to see Gladio laughing and Ignis blushing, as well.
A similar situation happened in Lestallum. You were flipping through Prompto’s pictures when you found one of him and Noctis kissing. You turned fiery red. Prompto saw the photo over your shoulder, as you stared at it, and snatched the camera away. He whistled as he walked away with it.
You were happy that the guys were all happy. They were great together! But it was extremely hard to handle being the only single person around a bunch of guys who were dating each other…
Time went on, the five of you camping around Eos together. But the boys were concocting a plan for you.
You were maintaining your bike at the campsite, having settled early in the day so that Noctis could go fishing, when Ignis approached you.
“I’ve been wondering…isn’t it rather hard to enjoy the view when you’re always riding?” He asked, pointing at your bike.
“Sure…but you get a different type of view.”
“And your hair never gets to experience the sensation of the wind under that helmet!” He added.
You raised an eyebrow at your friend. “Do you want to ride the bike, Iggy?” You teased.
“No, rather I want you come on a drive with me.” He promptly replied. He had such determination in his voice, he must have been preparing this.
You were taken aback, not knowing the guys to ever keep plans from you.
“Besides, we need groceries.” Ignis winked, already getting into the driver’s seat of the Regalia. You hopped into the passenger seat beside him.
The drive was more exhilarating than you expected. Ignis made a path along the coast with the top of the car down, pop music playing on the radio. For you, he pushed the Regalia, going well above his normal speed. You stretched your arms over your head and let your hair flow in the wind. A cry of joy escaped your lips into the salty air.
You covered your mouth, embarrassed, but Ignis just looked over at you laughing. His smile was brighter than even the sun.
You kept your little escapade to yourselves, not wanting to upset Gladio.
Soon after, you moved camp inland to the Chocobo Farm. Prompto was over the moon and his joy was infectious.
Ignis was starting dinner for the night, when Prom approached you. “Psst, hey!” He came up beside you like the two of you weren’t talking. “Wanna embark on a secret mission with me?” His eyebrows danced on his forehead. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sure, Prom, what’s up?”
“Let’s go see the baby chocobos!! They’re only like, a week old!” He was bouncing and pumping his arms he was so excited.
Wanting to catch a glimpse of the babies, too, you agreed. They were going to be so cute!
The two of you snuck into a barn on the farm. It was filled with fully grown mama chocobos and their new chicks.
Prompto was a red mess sputtering gibberish at the sight. You weren’t much better.
Quietly, you approached one adult. “Hey, mama, mind if we we see your baby?” You asked, as you were far more coherent than Prompto. She seemed to understand you as she raised a wing to reveal four yellow puffballs under her.
Prompto crept closer. He looked the adult in the eyes, gulping. “May I…May I touch one?” The bird bowed her head and didn’t move as Prompto picked up a small chick. You followed suit, the yellow puff being the softest thing your hands had ever felt.
You had to feel the soft tuft on your face. You held it up to your cheek and the chick sneezed and shook. You and Prompto were so taken by the cuteness of the moment that only sounds could be made.
The two of you sat there, cooing and petting the small birds. Soon, their siblings awoke. Missing out on the attention, they chirped and bounced over to your laps. You looked up to each other to see the utter joy and excitement painted on the other’s face.
But your evening was truly made when, while you were cuddling her chicks, mama chocobo got up, waddled over, and laid down to cuddle at your backs. Snuggled in your own fluffy nest, you and Prompto giggled as you cuddled the adorable family.
A few days later, you were back on the coast. You had set up camp along the rocks at the bottom of a steep cliff, making sleeping difficult.
Walking out of your tent late at night, you found you were not the only one up. Noctis sat on a small dock by himself, wrapped in a blanket.
“Can’t sleep?” you asked, coming up next to him.
“Naw, you too?” He replied.
You nodded, staring in the same direction as him. The two of you stood there, admiring the ocean for awhile.
“Wanna fish?” He whispered to you. You burst out laughing, leave it to Noct to think about fishing in a quiet moment. He was smiling at you, knowing how ridiculous he sounded.
“C’mon! I’ve never gotten you to fish before!” He added, fake indigency tinged his voice.
“No, because fish freak me out!” You retorted.
“Just try it! I’ll handle the fish for you! You handle the line!” He had already summoned his fishing pole.
Having nothing better to do, you agreed.
He stood behind you, teaching you how to cast, and pulled with you when a fish bit and you had to reel it in. His body was warm and his teaching was soothing. He was patient with you and gentle. The experience made you blush.
A cold wind blew off the ocean to remedy the heat in your cheeks, though. You shivered, the fishing pole still in your hands. Suddenly, you felt Noctis over your back. “Wha?!”
“You’re cold, but I’m cold, too. This way, the blanket keeps me warm and I keep you warm.” His logic was…present. You laughed as the two of you cuddled on the dock that night.
Days past. Your spirits took a dive as you started the search for lost hunters. Ever dog tag you found hit close to home. It was someone who wouldn’t get to see their family again, someone who wouldn’t see the future.
The guys took notice of how much it hit you, but Gladio decided to do something about it.
You were back at your campsite outside Hammerhead. The Regalia had taken some hits from daemons and needed repairs.
You were up late, just chatting and telling jokes with Gladio as the other men had gone to sleep.
“Hey, wanna get some food?” He asked suddenly. You expected him to pull out some cup noodles, but instead he got up.
“Where are you going?” You asked, confused.
“Taka’s. He’s still up.” You looked where Gladio was pointing, seeing Hammerhead still lit up.
The two of you made your way to the outpost, fighting few daemons along the way. Music and laughter met you upon your journey.
You entered the barriers and heard people celebrating inside Cindy’s shop.
“What’s going on?” You asked, hoping Gladio knew.
“I dunno. Let’s see.” He replied walking around to the front.
The garage door was open. String lights covered the tall ceiling of the shop. Refugees and Hammerhead citizens were dancing to music, eating, and singing inside. It was a full celebration.
Many cheered when they saw you, pulling you into the party. It turned out it was a child’s birthday, today. The refugees decided to have a full celebration to bring joy back into everyone’s lives.
You escaped some of the partying to breathe outside. Gladio met you. “Having fun?” He asked, smiling at you.
“You knew about this, didn’t you?” You smiled at the sly man. He just smiled back.
Gladio turned to look at all of the people in the garage. “This is because of you, you know.”
“You helped to save every one of these people. What you did in the city wasn’t for nothing.” You turned to share his gaze. “Sure, sometimes we lose people, but sometimes… we don’t.” His kind smile warmed every part of your soul.
“Thank you…” you said to him. He just pushed you back into the party.
You truly loved your men, every one of them. You were so happy that they were happy, but part of you wished for more time with each one.
You were all eating dinner one night, Ignis was trying to get Noctis to eat his vegetables, again. It was a great game, but Ignis was determined to win this match.
You watched as the tactician flew over the table towards Noctis. Before Noctis could react, Ignis took hold of his shirt, his other hand holding a fork full of veggies. Iggy’s face moved closer to Noct’s until they were practically touching.
“Vegetables or nothing,” he growled to Noctis.
“Fine.” Noctis’s lips parted and the fork slid in.
You were furiously blushing at the whole experience. Blinking, you realized the others were seeing this same scene. They had to be reacting!
Looking around, you saw that they…were laughing. You felt planted in your seat, blushing.
The guys continued their dinner like nothing happened. “Er…guys?” You asked. You were so confused.
“What’s up?” Prompto asked.
“Not to be nosey…but…I’m confused…who’s dating who?” You stammered.
All of them looked at you, stunned. “Oh, we all are.” Ignis answered.
Wait…what? How? That’s a thing? You supposed that would be a thing. It made sense, but you hadn’t known!
“Ohhh…” is all you could say. A thought left your mouth as it formed: “Am I…interfering?”
“NO!” They all said at once!
You felt your body involuntarily push backwards.
Noctis started softly laughing. “You know, we were actually wondering what you think about it.”
“What I think about it?” You asked, not knowing why that mattered.
“Yeah! You’re so great!” Prompto added. You sat there, still trying to comprehend what was being said.
“Do you really think we didn’t know about all of those dates?” Ignis asked with a sly smile.
“So, what do ya say?” Gladio added, raising an eyebrow.
“Me?” Is all you could think to say.
“Yes, you. We all love you, [Y/N].” Noctis moved beside you, taking your hands in his.
“All of you…” Sure, you loved all of them, but it seemed way more logical for one to love four rather than four to love one.
“All of us.” Ignis added, coming around the table to you.
“Wanna be our girlfriend?” Prompto added.
Your mind had to wrap around this idea. You felt so right with each of them, and together you felt like the world was right. Everything worked so well between all of you.
If it works, who am I to argue? You thought.
“I’d love to.” You concluded, smiling.
Gladio wrapped his arms around you from behind, Prompto kissed your cheek, Noctis hugged you, and Ignis kissed your hand all at the same time.
It wasn’t four for one. This was five people deeply loving five people.
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