#I was mainly thinking about conversation topics when I ask this but anything is interesting
I have a kind of vague idea about making a mod for outer wilds that just adds more dialogue options
I'm just in the brainstorming part, but I wanted to know if anyone has any specific ideas/requests before I write anything
(Including stuff like headcanons, as long as they're not, like, clashing with canon things)
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Astrology Observations: Part 3🎀🩷
Mars aspecting the ASC can give the individual a dominating demeanor, but also mainly depends on which aspect. Ex: Harmonius Aspects (trine/sextile)=Straightforward, honest, stand their ground, strong boundaries, not one to be pushed around. Harsh Aspects (square/opp)= Aggressive, domineering, rude, blunt, obnoxious.
(TW: Death) Your 8H sign and planet may tell you how you pass away. Ex: Gemini moon in the 8H= Lungs, breathing problems, asthma. Moon= emotional turmoil, stress, heart break etc
Asteroids like Medusa (149) or Aphrodite (1388) can show you what people envy about you, what they admire, where they may attempt to bring you shame etc. Ex: Medusa in the 1H can attract envy over their appearance, their aura and demeanor. People could attempt to “humble” these individuals often. Aphrodite in the 2H can make others admire your money, your possessions, may wanna know how you have what you have so they can have it too.
Aphrodite (1388) can result in people not just admiring wherever the house it’s in, but also being malicious and petty over it since they feel they deserve it more.
Lilith in the houses is similar to this, and can result in those around you being annoyed when you do things in regards to the house and sign it is in. Ex: Sagittarius Lilith in the 2H= people could be upset when you relax, when you have fun, when you don’t play by made up rules and standards, when you’re genuinely happy, when you have nice things, when you take a break, when you indulge etc, because they have this mindset of “I never got to do that/have that, why should you”. Lilith in the 1H= people getting annoyed that you may be beautiful and they’re not, painting you as a villain because you’re pretty.
Cancer moons are surprisingly really good with holding boundaries with people in their lives. These people can be lover girls/boys, for sure; but they refuse to let people take advantage of them. Their love, effort and care is reserved for those who will appreciate them in return.
(TW: Mental Health) Take this with a grain of salt since it’s just an observation and not a fact, but those I’ve met with a combo of Scorpio/Gemini in personal planets in a chart are usually diagnosed with BPD, while those I’ve met with either Virgo/Aries/Gemini in a chart combined have usually been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder/OCD. 12H and 8H stelliums I’ve also met have had some sort of mental illness such as BPD or Schizophrenia.
Jupiter in the 1H, Sag/Pisces risings and/or Jupiter aspecting ASC/personal planets usually manage to get out of difficult situations easily. These people easily attract the help they need, the resources to do what they need, the money to get them where they want to be; very easily. Even when people with these placements/aspects get in trouble they usually manage to make it out very easily as well. Jupiter blesses and makes lucky anything it touches.
People think that Mercury in the 1H might usually talk alot about themselves, and while that may be true; it’s also true that they simply attract people who love to know about them and ask questions in regards to them. Mercury 1H individuals seem to be interesting to others and peak others curiosity about them. Others find them fascinating, thus constantly asking questions about them.
On the other hand, Mercury 3H individuals may be very close with their siblings, or their siblings can be popular/known/famous which could make the 3H person known for their siblings. This results in the 3H person consistently hearing about their siblings, getting asked questions or discussing topics in regards to their siblings. Same thing with school, this person may have either really good or really bad grades in regards to school so their main conversations with others could be in regards to school topics.
A Virgo rising individual at their worst can be obsessed with popularity/attention/validation (Leo 12H) amongst their peers. They may not come off that way, and they themselves may not even know that they secretly love being in the center. Without realizing, they subconsciously try their hardest to be the best at everything, the smartest, the prettiest/handsomest, and when at their lowest they have no issue with taking down others who they deem threatening to their spotlight. They can also be secretly judgmental of those who they deem to be lesser, or not as attractive than they are.
Similarly, I’ve noticed Scorpio Risings at their worse can be very jealous and insecure individuals as well when it comes to appearances/validation. I’ve noticed this in women with this placement mostly, but when they’re at their lowest/undeveloped, they’re the type to only be friends with or surround themselves around people they think are worse than they are whether appearance, status, popularity wise etc. Undeveloped Scorpio rising females can be very competitive and refuse to have someone who’s possibly better than they are around them, since they don’t want to be compared to the other person or not chosen/not the favorite.
Libra moon’s are the people that start the drama and then say “I don’t like drama” lol. What they really mean is they love it, as long as they’re not involved
If you find that you always have bad experiences with those whose signs fall in your 11H, check your sidereal chart. Odds are your 11H sign in your western chart is the 12H sign in your sidereal, which would explain the bad experiences.
Aquarius women are always so successful in everything they do, I’ve rarely met an Aquarius woman that doesn’t have their shit together in every category. They’re giving face, body, money, career, healthy love life and social life etc. The men on the other hand…
Yes, those with Saturn in the 7H have a hard time finding the one. They go through years of cycles and repetitive situations in love but those who find their person find their FOREVER person. People with this placement may be the last to be in a relationship/get married amongst their peers, however they’re usually the happiest and most successful once they do compared to friends or family who just hurried up and settled and usually separate/divorce. Saturn 7H’s standards and boundaries may also seem to high or unrealistic to those around them, but they’re just asking for bare minimum. It only seems that way to others around them because they were raised in a group or environment that had no standards low key.
The good thing about 2H stelliums is that you attract money, possessions and success super easily. The bad thing is that those around you could ONLY see you as your success/money, and may try to bleed you dry of what you have and take advantage. Strong boundaries and not being overly giving is recommended with these placements.
Mars in the 12H can attract people who are secretly aggressive or hostile towards them. They may never know someone is holding a grudge on them and they may attract secret animosity or competition as a result. May have issues with male figures in their life and won’t even know it.
Jupiter in the 6H, especially with Cancer or Libra there; get along with animals sooo well. These are literal pet whisperers and it’s rare for them to not have at least 3 cats/dogs. They love animals more than people sometimes.
Part 4 will be out soon. 👏🏻
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miumura · 2 months
━━━ NERD JAKE . . .
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| nerd!jake headcanons >< |
pairing nerd!jake x gn!reader genre fluff
warnings none? word count 0.8k+ ( 844 words )
💬 — NERD JAKE BRAINROT the voices have spoken to me and told me to write this. guys you don’t understand how much i live for nerd!jake works … like i don’t know but they are just probably a guilty pleasure of mines 🤓 so you knowww i also had to do something about it !! enjoy <3
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NERD JAKE who apologized a million times after bumping into you in the hallway, hurried to pick up your books instead of his scattered papers.
NERD JAKE who became rather flustered when you crouched down to help him, picking up his papers with an apology and a small "thank you” when he gave back the textbooks you dropped.
NERD JAKE who often takes a few glances at your work, purposefully lets you see his so you can correct your answers or ask him for help with anything specific.
NERD JAKE who easily tenses up when your arms touch, breathing sharply as you peek over his shoulder to compare his work with yours, his face turning a shade of pink as he tries to maintain his focus.
NERD JAKE who wears the biggest grin on his face while talking about topics he finds interesting, often uses hand movements to emphasize his words.
NERD JAKE who immediately turns off his phone after sending you a text message, gets overwhelmed with thoughts of whether he came off weirdly or said the wrong things, already considering unsending it.
NERD JAKE who always answers your text messages within the same minute, smiles to himself as you both talk about random things, often leading to late-night conversations.
NERD JAKE who offers to tutor you in the classes you're struggling with, is motivated mainly by the chance to spend more time with you — but also being able to help you too, of course.
NERD JAKE who loves your compliments and praises, is motivated to work even harder to impress you with his knowledge.
NERD JAKE who talks about how smart you are whenever he sees you frustrated with a problem, but often ends up rambling about how great he thinks you are, sometimes leading to his own embarrassment.
NERD JAKE who lets you sleep on his shoulder while he finishes the rest of your assignments.
NERD JAKE who always looks at you when the teacher explains there’s pair work, hoping you’d want to be his partner too.
NERD JAKE who listens to you attentively, making sure to remember to jot down your likes and dislikes later.
NERD JAKE who has a soft spot for you, unable to refuse anything you ask of him, even if it might get him into trouble.
NERD JAKE who keeps all the little notes you two passed around in class in a special box, often revisiting and rereading them whenever he misses you.
NERD JAKE who tries to focus on his studies, but his mind keeps drifting back to you, causing him to eventually plant his head on his desk, scattered with papers.
NERD JAKE who masks the things he does for you as friendly gestures to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the thought of potentially liking you, convincing himself it’s just being a good friend while his heart says otherwise.
NERD JAKE who can’t help but feel slightly jealous when you hang out with someone else, knows he can’t do anything about it and is left pouting.
NERD JAKE who comes up with random excuses whenever you ask to meet up, knows how much he wants to but can't let his feelings grow, especially after seeing you with another guy.
NERD JAKE who focuses on just admiring you from afar, doesn't want to take up too much of your time from your friends at school.
NERD JAKE who leaves an empty classroom with his face a red mess after you confront him about being distant and confess your feelings for him, his heart racing as he tries to process everything.
NERD JAKE who goes home and lies in bed thinking about the incident, replays the moment over and over in his mind before covering his head with his pillow and screaming into it in frustration and embarrassment.
NERD JAKE who stutters while trying to ask you out on a date, nervously fiddling his fingers as he waits for your answer.
NERD JAKE who spends so much time going through his closet trying to find the perfect outfit for the date, heavily debates whether he should wear one of his flannels.
NERD JAKE who gives himself pep talks, practicing to avoid fumbling his words and preparing enough conversation topics to ensure the date won't be awkward.
NERD JAKE who arrives at your house with a bouquet of flowers, complimenting your appearance with a gaze filled with admiration and nervous excitement.
NERD JAKE who spontaneously makes up jokes just to hear your laughter, cherishing the moments when he can bring a smile to your face.
NERD JAKE who completely loses his composure after you kiss him on the cheek, visibly flustered as he touches his face, wondering if he's actually dreaming.
NERD JAKE who walks you home, staying until he sees you safely enter your house before he heads off, a smile lingering on his face.
NERD JAKE who gathers all his courage to ask if he could be your boyfriend, his heart pounding with anticipation as he waits for your response, having poured his feelings into a website created just for this moment.
NERD JAKE who has been captivated by you since the moment you bumped into him, his thoughts fixated on you from the start.
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💭 — should i make more works like these because these are lowkey fun to write 👀
enhypen perm taglist is open ; comment or send an ask !
ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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I humbly request a Tighnari NSFW alphabet please whenever you're free and if you're willing to dear author!
Tighnari, Tighnari, Tighnari, Ti-
For him, I'm always willing <3 (being free and having motivation was a different story though lol)
CW: gn!reader (no pronouns/genitalia mentioned), reader can be either sub/dom and top/bottom depending on the letter, creampie (C)
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— Tighnari: Full Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He's deliciously buzzed, so high on cloud nine that he doesn't want to come down. His head will drop to rest on your shoulder or in the crook of your neck, trying desperately to inhale as much of your scent as possible. You’ll even catch his tail flicking gently like a happy puppy’s would, something you can't ever bring up outside of the moment or else he'll never recover (not to mention the teasing Cyno would bring if he ever somehow heard of this habit lmao). Once he's collected himself though he grows insanely soft, ears relaxing as he places a kiss on your forehead, asking if anything hurts or if you want anything. Food, some water, medicine or a warm/cool cloth, he had it all set up on the nightstand before you started and reaches for what he needs before curling up beside you, tail wrapping around you in some way.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of their partners)
Your shoulders and arms! Adores when you wrap your arms around him both in and out of the bedroom, their presence something he simply really enjoys. Loves when he can bury his nose in your shoulders too, careful though, he's a biter ;)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Addicted to cumming inside or on your stomach. The way his seed dribbles and dots your skin makes his head swirl - as for inside? He could pass out from how good it feels to stuff you full <3
D = Dirty Secret
Has very big thoughts and feelings about teasing you all day with a toy. Wants you to roam the forest or into the city as he stays and does some paperwork in his home, the knowledge that you're no doubt struggling to keep it together until you get back at the forefront of his mind. By the time you get home he can smell the arousal dripping from you as he turns and smirks. Don't worry, he rewards generously to well behaved individuals :)
E = Experience (How experienced are they?) 
Honestly could see him as both a virgin and not. Like, there's the idea that he's not interested in sex at all during his studies and then when he became a Forest Watcher there was both no time and no one that piqued his interest. But then I think he could also be the kind to have a one-night type thing once or twice while he was in school. He’s an I do want when I want kinda guy in some ways after all.
THEN AGAIN!! Fennec foxes mate for life sooooo, there’s that… but other than that he’s had plenty of moments when the topic came up in his research or conversations he’s overheard (both willing and unwillingly), therefore he’s really only lacking in the practice aspect.
F = Favourite Position
Lotus!! This is mainly because of how close the position makes you both, chests pressed up against one another, every breathe felt and every noise of pleasure heard. Plus, like mentioned before, it lets Tighnari rest his head on the crook of your neck, drowning him in everything that is you.
A close second is doggy style.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
He’s sassy no matter where he is (man has no fear honestly) so I’m damn certain he’ll unintentionally (or even intentionally) be funny during the moment. For the most part though he’s pretty serious.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) 
*chef's kiss* he is very well-groomed. Tighnari takes extremely good care of both his ears and fluffy tail, so it’s only right he takes equal care down below. Firm believer that his pubes are the same shade as his tail and not a mix like his hair or solid black. Pretty clean shaven, the thinnest of bushes present.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic when he wants to be!! Holds your hand, kisses you all across the face, down your neck, across your chest, he’ll whisper praise and compliments in your ear, all the things like that!
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t jerk off much simply because he doesn’t feel the need to. The only times he would are if you’re not available (like out of town unavailable) or if he’s in a rut and you’re just taking too long to come home :((
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Marking: He's a bitter like I said but Tighnari also likes to admire the scratches left on both of you after an intense round. Really likes to trace them with his eyes as you both cuddle or as he takes care of them.
Breeding: I’m totally not adding this because of his fennec fix urges lmao (I am a little), but it doesn’t matter what you got downstairs, your hole will be stuffed with his cum to the point of overflowing.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Tighnari isn't picky about where you do it but he favors the bedroom slightly above the rest. It's just far more comfortable and there's less of a chance of being interrupted by a patrolling Forest Ranger or some random hiker
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Let him drown in your scent and he's yours. Also, he’s really sensitive when you kiss or drag your tongue over his Adam’s Apple ;)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He likes the risk but he's not stupid enough to risk your safety. He likes to play around with strange mushrooms and flowers but if he doesn't know everything about them - effects, antidotes, the like - then he's not bringing it around you. (But that’s honestly what any good lover would do).
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Honestly??? He’s got no preference. However, there is one pro when it comes to sucking him off: you get to see his ears cutely twitch.
A natural when he goes down on you. It’s partially due to his boldness and lack of hesitation. With minimal kitten licks, he dives right in like he might die if he doesn’t get a taste of you right that second. Bonus points when he looks up at you through his lashes too - it's really a sight to behold.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He's honestly a mixed bag, he can go either way most days. It also depends on the circumstances: did you tease him? How much time do you both have on your hands? What are your preferences in the moment? As a default though he leans slightly more on the fast side.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
"Really? Now? Right before I'm suppose to leave for patrol?" He'll act like it's an inconvenience but really he doesn't mind. If either you or he are feeling needy before one of you have to leave or are expecting company he's not opposed to busting out a quick round. Just to satisfy you both until later where you have all night to play.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Again, dude's got no fear. Can and will fuck anywhere he wants (with your consent of course). Forest? Hell yeah. In the Akademiya? Oh how it’d piss the higher-ups off! Tighnari also doesn’t mind introducing new things he thinks you might like or something he wants to try, always opening up with “there’s something I’d like to try, if you’d let me?”.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
Tighnari in heat can go for what feels like forever even though it’s really only a mighty 7 or 8 rounds. When he’s not in heat however, the Forest Watcher averages about three. He’s always able to take some time before orgasming.
T=Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
KINKY TIGHNARI 🥵😫 (I thought it once and I’m never going to let it go, it’s permanently stuck in my head)
Owns every fucking toy under the sun (exaggeration but damn close to the truth). Loves using them and doesn’t mind bringing them into the bedroom with you either. For himself, has a favourite combo between a dildo and a cock ring (vibrating or not doesn’t matter to him). He just fucking loves bouncing on it, hitting that one sweet spot with the added stimulation from the ring.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Nodding my head vigorously. He so loves to tease you. “What? Did you really think I was going to touch you? Just like that? You’ve got me all wrong.”
Fucking loves teasing your nipples too. No explanation, it is what it is.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
If you manage to catch him off guard he’ll moan really loudly and slutty before growing red at the lewd sound ;) Tighnari whines and whimpers more than he does moan. He’s usually not too load but when he gets lost in pleasure, drunk on you, he can get pretty loud that people passing by will hear it
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Enjoys seeing you in lingerie and would die a happy fox if you surprised him in a black set, body draped along his bed as you await for him to unwrap his unexpected gift.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Average length, ‘bout 5 to 5 and a half inches. Definitely has a little more girth to it though. Has a prominent vein that travels along the side of his dick. Is a grower.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not overly high, like it’s there but its also not. Before meeting you and before things in Sumeru calmed down there was just so much to do. Withering Zones, Elezar, the Akademiya constantly bothering him, the list goes on. The only time it's high is during the season *wink wink*
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
After catching his breath, going through the motions of caring for you both and finally laying down, Tighnari is asleep after 10 to 20 minutes, provided there’s minimal post-sex talk. He doesn’t mind chatting so if you do then he’s out after about 45 minutes.
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Tag list: Not a Soul
If you'd liked to be tagged in any future works lmk via comment, DM or my askbox!
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AITA for converting to another religion?
Also just so i can find this im gonna type a word.
Names are fake
I (FTM, minor but not really but yeah, i'll be a legal adult in no time so will by boyfriend, also I'm closeted to everyone except my boyfriend so assume any treatment i get will be with me as a woman) am agnostic. I don't hate religion at all, i respect and understand believers and when invited i participate in religious activities mainly doing it out of love for the person or because they seem genuinely fun.
Anyway, i have this boyfriend, Kenny, who i love very very much. I wouldn't say our relationship is 'perfect' because that is impossible, but we are close, happy, communication is good, i wouldn't ask for more. He makes me happy, he's the best thing that ever happened to me.
Kenny is jewish, he let me know few days after we started dating because he wanted to be open about it in a serious relationship. I 100% respected that and we had a warm lighthearted chat about it, he knows i'm agnostic, he respects that.
It's been a few years, and Kenny's family grew to love me.
With his family's consent, Kenny invited me to a few religious activities with them which i enjoyed doing because we were all in a happy mood. Over time I became comfortable around the family, we're friends now.
Let's skip forward, Kenny and I were having a conversation late at night cuddling in bed, and he brought up religion. We kept chatting, until he asked me if i would be interested in converting to Judaism.
I was kinda shocked when he asked that, one of the few moments he genuinely did something i didn't expect. I stay quiet, before answering with a low "I don't know, maybe?"
We leave the topic there, he wasn't mad or anything, instead he nodded and we just kept chatting about other stuff still cuddling.
It's been a few weeks after that, and the question is still there in my little brain. I've been doing research on Kenny's religion to have a better understanding of the question he gave me, and honestly? Doesn't sound like a bad idea, i'm up for it.
I brought it up to Kenny and he seemed glad that I actually remembered the question. It's nice to see everything is taken calmly.
However, part of the hesitation came from my doubts about changing 'religions'. I don't think agnosticism is like a proper religion, i mean it's not even Atheism level. But i have an understanding of how religions work from my Catholic childhood, i was raised Catholic. So if i'm correct most religions are given by birth, I feel like it would be an AH move to break the rule over an idea my boyfriend brought up.
His family seems okay with the whole thing though, so i have mixed feelings.
Is there actually an AH part of the decision, or am i overthinking it?
(sorry for bad English)
What are these acronyms?
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bamboozledcorvid · 7 days
Head Canons for my favourite Neurodivergent X-men characters (I don’t think any of them are confirmed neurodivergent)
Scott Summers: (ASD)
- NEEDS schedules for daily life, he can be thrown into battle and adapt his plans to save everyone but if u ask him to go to the shop he needs a list; which shop, when it’s open, what is he buying, how he’s getting there and back.
- very particular about his things, no one can touch his things without setting him into a frenzy. He tries to remain calm and avoid having a meltdown but will be in an awful mood and semi verbal until the issue is resolved.
- Textures are bad. He hates anything that feels wet, sticky or slimy. He can’t handle it at all and he’s hopes none of his enemies ever find out because it’s the worst physical torture he can think of.
- If he’s focused or obsessed on something it becomes the only thing that matters to him. He won’t eat, he won’t sleep, he won’t talk to anyone until he’s completed what he has to do.
- special interests are war, heroes and his wife. It’s all he talks about, he is only interested in talking to you if it’s about battle strategies, fighting techniques, or Jean Grey.
- info dumps about unpleasant or inappropriate topics and can’t understand why people don’t want to talk about it or will tell him to shut up. He’s also seen as ‘blunt’ and ‘rude’ because he’s overly honest.
Pietro/Peter Maximoff: (ASD/ADHD/DYSLEXIA)
- Physically vibrates when he stims, he’s a leg bouncer and an arm flapper but at an insane speed, he’s burnt holes in carpets with his leg bouncing.
- despite how fast his hands move his mind still moves faster so his writing and spelling are all over the place because even he can’t keep track of his thoughts. Will often miss letters or completely skip a few words. (This also applies to his reading skills).
- safe foods consist mainly of sugary snacks and sweets. If he’s overstimulated (which he usually is) or if he’s had a stressful had he can only eat safe foods, any attempt to get real food into him only makes his mood worse and snacks are better than nothing.
- very particular about his clothes, he can’t have tags or itchy hems and he definitely can’t have anything that sits wrong when he’s running. Has been the victim of extreme carpet burn due to trying to run in unsuitable clothes just because they had a nice texture.
- either talks to fast and no one can understand him or simply doesn’t talk at all. Despite how loud and talkative he seems he’s used to the silence because no one can keep up with him (physically or mentally) because he moves to fast. So if a conversation is particularly slow and boring he’ll just leave. He’d rather be in silence than be bored.
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writtenbyjeanofarc · 1 year
— Johan Liebert - NSFW Alphabet —
Alright, so I finally made the decision to take on this challenge and put my creativity into work while making this.
Note that I am not very good with headcanons since I suck at character analysis myself (I lack basic comprehension skills).
I’m just relying on my luck hoping there’ll be people who can relate to these headcanons of mine.
Though I don’t consider Johan to be big or standing out on the topic of romance and sex, it wouldn’t hurt to explore how he’d be like if he ever succumbed to these feelings.
I headcanon Johan as aro-ace, but since sex or having sexual thoughts/fantasies are a part of human nature, I wanted to write this in the RARE scenario where he succumbs to these feelings.
Perhaps someone strikes his fancy in order for him to give two fucks about them—to a point where it starts to affect him physically, emotionally, and mentally.
The possibilities are endless.
So without further ado, here’s the NSFW alphabet indeed, and if Johan is quite OOC here, don’t mind it. I forgot most of the things that happened in the show anyway.
NSFW under the cut!
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NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I personally have this headcanon that after sex, Johan is a pillowtalker at heart. By definition, pillowtalking is an act of exchanging private conversations, intimate and deep ones. Especially in bed.
When he’s not manipulating someone to committing suicide using guilt, he spends his time communicating with his partner about what he likes (and dislikes) about them, or what he feels about the world. He’s being fairly honest with how he feels, though he masks it as something humorous and lighthearted, but still frightening to his partner.
No, he doesn’t have dark humor, but he’d be the type to talk to you about something controversial and ask your opinion of it. Scenarios like that.
If his partner fell asleep afterwards, he would leave a short letter indicating that he catered to what they needed before leaving, and for some reason, write light possessive content that have this “I’d kill for you” type of vibe.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His and their eyes. The eyes are basically a window to one’s emotions. Johan has high emotional intelligence, and can see through how people feel. Granted, he usually doesn’t feel guilt or remorse for manipulating orphans, so he’d probably use your eyes as an advantage to target you.
Also, this may be OOC, but hands. He doesn’t connect with many people besides his sister and Dr. Tenma, so being able to “connect” his body to yours mainly has to do with hands. He’s not big on physical touch, but at the rare moment, he probably is touch starved like any other human being would be, and will usually be the one initiating it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum is pretty thin compared to other thick liquids that come from other men.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He collects a stash of mementos (that remind him of his person of interest) to jerk off to. He’s personally fond of keeping memories and storing them in a secret drawer with a lock so people won’t be able to access them. He’s quite possessive in a rather soft way.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I personally think he has little experience with sex. He doesn’t yearn for someone physically that easily, considering he isn’t easily swayed by external advances like seduction and flirting. Instead, he’d manipulate them back.
That being said, he might be a virgin.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I’m sure whatever his partner wants goes. But if there was something he’d normally go for, it would be missionary. (I know, it sounds vanilla as fuck)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He keeps it balanced. He can be humorous when they’re trying things out, experimenting.
But when he’s close, I’m sure he gets serious in a rather calm way, murmuring sweet nothings on his partner’s ear as he’s about to bust a load of nut from deep within.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He isn’t one to be conscious about body hair, but imo he does shave in case something between him and the person of interest happens. He doesn’t keep a purely shaved cock, however, perhaps just a quick trim.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s not very romantic in a sense, but he occasionally dabs in with emotional support once in a while.
I personally thought of the “I was born to smother you with flowers” line and thought….maybe he could actually have a knack for sweet nothings and charming little messages, verbal and written.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He starts jacking off slow and gently, but it soon evolves into something slightly rough in rare cases. Though he isn’t a rough, brute man with no manners, his patience can get tested if he doesn’t come faster.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I don’t know if stalking is considered a kink but if it is then he has it, with his role being the stalker in this case.
Other than that, he doesn’t have much interest in unusual sexual situations making him quite vanilla.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In his house, or his partner’s house. If he’s feeling lucky, then the library.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
People’s psyche.
Analyzing his person of interest is what turns him on, what makes him feral and craving for more.
The urge to manipulate and guilt trip drives him crazy to the point of wanting to ruin them, emotionally and sexually.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Being touched, kissed, or held without consent.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He mainly prefers giving, even though he doesn’t have much experience and skill. Just like how he initiates conversation smoothly, he’d be able to carefully analyze what you want, and give it to you based on your body language (he is very good at analyzing people’s thought and emotional patterns).
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual. Anything fast, stiff, or aggressive turns him off.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Johan doesn’t like them. He likes to take his time dissecting an individual if he ever plans on sleeping with them.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is game to experiment and take risks, but does it with precise control over his emotions. He doesn’t raise his voice and lash out if something goes wrong, but will do everything in his will to fix things.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He personally goes for one to two rounds. Not because he lacks the stamina, but because he grows bored and doesn’t feel the need to pursue or fulfill his sexual needs. His sexual needs don’t last, and are very fickle. He can be subject to not continuing if he gets tired.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Personally, I don’t think he has the interest to pursue buying a toy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Expect him to tease you in every way possible. He’ll edge you completely without regret, testing how much you can take before you can just give in and cum at his will.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He moans softly like a young man would, since his voice is pretty high-pitched. He gasps on the occasional note, even going as far as to scream like that scene where he fainted in the library.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He enjoys whispering filthy things to his partner’s ear, mostly backhanded compliments and talking about threatening them playfully. He enjoys adding fuel to the fire even when it’s highly unnecessary given the situation.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Basically nothing much, except for a boner that arises when aroused at a mentally stimulating situation.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Usually low. He doesn’t yearn or crave for sex like how I stated in the beginning, mostly refusing advances out of the many people who fancy him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Barely. He would rather continue doing other things like reading a book, sending an e-mail, but he isn’t the type to sleep right after as he prefers to keep an open eye on his person of interest.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello! Thank you so much for you doing my request but can I ask again? If i can , can you do honkai star rail x reader and reader is from genshin impact and a vision holder ( cyro, hydro or geo ) and they are from sumeru and there are part of the academy and part of Vahumana and vahumana Its specialty is Aetiology, or the study of cause and reason for something, and encompasses history and social sciences. And the character's are Dan heng, blade, welt, gepard and sampo is it ok? And take a break, eat well and drink lots of water before starting other stuff because your health is more important ok? And thank you again!!!
A/N: Hello! Thank you for the request and kind words! I neglect myself often for others on accident, so hearing kind reminders is very helpful! I hope, I can do your idea justice!<33
Content: Fluff, established relationship, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
》Dan Heng
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Is quite confused sometimes by your studies, yet asks as many questions as he can. Mainly so he can understand what you love so much about the topic and why you're passionate to study that of all things.
Definitely has many talks about you regarding any theories or studies you make, always open to learn something new along the way. He finds your opinions and ideas very intriguing and wants to hear everything you have to say.
Will also add any new information to the Data bank with you, just so he can revisit them later and study them too for you.
Your Geo vision impresses him greatly, always watching in silent awe as you move and control the earth and rocks at your will. It also puts him at ease to know that you can defend yourself and therefore won't get hurt, if he isn't with you.
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Absolutely doesn't understand the point to your studies, mainly since his view of the world is quite simple. The world is just evil and dark, there is not much more to it in his eyes. And finding a reason for all of that just seems like a hassle and waste of time. So it's hard to get him off of that mind-set at first.
But you try to anyways, having long talks about your theories and thoughts, until he finally begins to try and understand your views. He's s little grumpy and reluctant about it, but still does his best for you. As long as your happy, he'll try his best to get it.
Your cryo vision is something that immideatly catches his attention though, especially during battle. He likes how strong it is and how you're able to just freeze your enemies and defeat them easily with no effort. He's definitely very proud of you for that... though he'd still want to protect you himself.
》Welt Yang
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The most interested person in your studies for sure. Wants to know all about it and perhaps even cares for the subject himself. He likes helping you out with his own knowledge and notes down anything new you tell him.
He'd definitely have very long conversations with you about all your study topics and likes to add his own opinions on the subjects. He could listen to you speak for hours on end too, finding the way you look so excited and passionate about your theories super cute.
He'd our hydro vision fascinating and nearly calming in a way. Especially when you move so elegantly and smoothly during battle. He likes to stand back and watch you do your thing often, stepping in only when needed. But he's proud, when you can protect yourself just fine too.
》Gepard Landau
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Is definitely intrigued by everything about your studies and wants to know more about it. He would also get you all the research that you need, just so that he can help you get further with your theories.
He will try using the knowledge he's gained from you in his work as a Captain too. He thinks it may help him think of his next moves easier, if he tries assessing past mistakes first.
Gepard would also be willing to have long conversations about various topics in your field too, just so he can watch how passionate you get. He likes to learn about new view points and opinions through your talks as well.
He is very interested in your hydro vision, as it compliments his ice abilities very well. You two would be an unbeatable duo on the battlefield, even if he'd never put you in a position, where you'd ever need to fight.
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Doesn't really ask much about the topics of your studies, unless it benefits him in his little endeavours or in his, well, "work". He also wouldn't have much to say on the topic, as he never thought about it much before.
With that said, he'd still be willing to listen to you talk about it all day, mainly just to spend time with you. If the topic is interesting enough, he might be willing to learn some things here and there. You never know, where it might come in handy after all.
He tries to form an opinion on some topics for you, but they won't be very elaborate or deep. But it's the thought that counts!
Your Geo vision on the other hand is very interesting to him. You'll have to stop him from using your abilities for anything not so legal though.
A/N: Thank you again for the request!<33
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l3viat8an · 10 months
I dunno if Tumblr auto-closes anons after a limit or something, or if you do, since yesterday I'd tried to send a second thing soon after the first but it flatout refused to send for some reason? & When I reloaded your asks were closed even tho I thought you were offline- ANYWAY I'm still newish to Tumblr / not on that often so I have no clue 😓
Anyways to the ask thing 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
So imagine if MC reads manga a lot, but like. Digitally. So when they find silly frames they'll sometimes just randomly send one to one of the brothers with no explanation (Levi gets ALL the silly / low quality / "wtf is that expression lmaooo" panels/snippets bc ✨manga frennnnsss✨ & the other brothers would mainly get frames that remind MC of them)
(to mammon)
"us fr
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(affectionately, we are both silly little fools and we amplify our foolery by existing)
Imagine MC rambling to Levi about the mangas they're reading & like. If they're talking in person then Levi & MC just keep cutting eachother off/interrupting bc ":0 that reminds me of (other manga)" & we're just buzzing w/ energy bc WOOO shared interests & only we can actually understand eachother /hj
If they're talking over text then MC & Lev just have like 4 different conversations at once bc of the similarities/mental brain connections lead to more mental brain connections and
You CANNOT tell me that if MC mentioned the manga(s) they're reading to Levi, Levi would not ask or be curious or start rambling about his own mangas
So anyway Levi would probably also send MC silly manga panels & they just end up w/ multiple conversations happening at once bc of it (I have legitimately held 3 different conversations with one person at the same time over text bc of mental connections to other things)
I think Levi has like. Actual paper mangas tho so he'd probably find the manga he's reading online to take a screenshot of the silly panel, OR would just take a picture of the manga itself lol
It’s more like my ask box hates me 💀 apparently it just isn’t there sometimes- there isn’t a limit or anything I know of.
I collect manga and read online a LOT so I have sooo many low quality / silly panels it’s ridiculous helsphsks sending Levi any goofy/silly panels and he just sends you back one he found earlier and was waiting to share lolol
Jsjsjsj that is absolutely MC and Mammon tho- two total fools!!!-
Any manga / ‘this is us’ stuff you send to Lucifer and he just replies with ‘If you say so.’ even tho he’s smiling like a fool all alone in his office-
lil off topic but Satan would send back ‘this is us’ and cuddling / sweet / goofy cat pics!!!
Levi and MC matching energy and having five different conversations in one anytime they talk about their special interests because it’s just so exciting, because someone finally gets it!!! Going back and forth about 8 different manga / animes at once because of the ‘oh! I just remembered (related thing)!!!’
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Fic idea: How might the Sides help with writer's block?
Authors note: I wrote Janus and Remus for this one!! Which is why this took a tad longer than usual lol
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Remus making dirty comments
👑 Roman 👑
-Oooh writers block with Roman is ALMOST non existent
-He’s creativity after all so he would come up with the most extravagant things
-Would definitely use this as an opportunity to spend time alone with you in the Mindscape place and create whatever came to mind to help inspire you
-He’ll do EVERYTHING to help you beat writers block, which also gives him an excuse to be as dramatic as possible
-Aww I also feel like the moment he has an idea he doesn’t even say anything he just rushes to the nearest writing utensil and writes it down before he forgets
-Just know asking for Romans help with writers block will have you both exhausted but happy
-exhausted mainly because of all the running around and happy that you both got to do all that together
-You definitely got an idea about what to write
💙 Logan 💙
-Obviously calm and collected on the outside but on the inside he is so darn happy
-It just makes him feel very important and will take it very seriously
-He’ll research various topics with you, look at art/pictures, take notes of things, etc.
-Expect so. much. info dumping.
-But hey it really does help with drumming up some good ideas
-By the end of it, you’ll have like more than 5 pages worth of notes to help you with your writers block
-He��ll somehow even throw out MORE ideas as he helps you write whatever it is that you’re writing
-Literally a human grammarly so he’s always pointing out where you can improve your grammar
-Likes to compliment certain parts of your work in order to keep you motivated tho
-If you drink coffee, your both probably buzzing off of the amount of caffeine you guys drank during the reasearch
🍪 Patton 🍪
-At first he’ll ask, “what’s writers block?”
-Once you explain it tho, he’ll try drumming up any ideas on how to help
-I feel like his idea of getting you inspired will be stuff like, talking a walk to maybe help clear your head or baking/ cooking something for you
-Probably takes you to his room hoping that all the nostalgic stuff he has in it will help
-He’s trying his best lol
-He’ll probably get distracted with the things in his room and has to be constantly reminded of the task at hand
-Somehow that helps?? Like seeing him organically do stuff and not trying to help you get inspired, helps with the writers block
-With Patton it just really depends if he does or says something that somehow triggers inspiration
-Gives you cookies and milk as you work once you get past writers block
💜 Virgil 💜
-Once you ask him, you both probably sit on his bed trying to think of something
-Till Virgil suggests you listen to some music that will help you
-He puts on ALL his favorite albums
-Puts on Paramore, MCR, Evanescence, and probably the soundtrack of his favorite musicals/movies
-Probably suggests watching some movies to hopefully get inspired
-Tries not to panic when it doesn’t seem to work
-But it does work since you both end up talking in depth about the movies and songs
-It ends up being a veryyyyy long conversation since he’s very passionate about his interests
-And you love listening to him
-Once you sit down and get to work on the thing you wanna write, he’s there sitting with you to help bounce ideas off one another
-Kinda like Logan, will be vibrating from the amount of coffee he’s drank
-Once you asked him to help with writers block, he helped you through the whole day
-And I mean, the whole day
-You’re just both very relieved you finally got through writers block
🐍 Janus 🐍
-“You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.”
-Ok Loki nobody asked for ur opinion
-Will reluctantly help (he would love to help he’s just being janus. he’s actually jumping with joy on the inside that you asked him for help)
-He’ll probably try telling you stories that are completely made up to hopefully get ur creative juices flowing
-Yes he goes through the effort to make up stories to tell you
-Probably will take you to the library to help research various topics
-Why not just look it up? Bc he likes the quiet atmosphere
-Not at all bc he wants to put actual effort into helping you
-He’s gonna be a diva about it tho
-Surprisingly is very keen on helping you get motivated and when you think about giving up, he simply won’t allow it
-He gets you up and running
-Probably promises to get you something as a reward for getting through writers block
-One of the few times he’s not actually lying
-Once you do come up with an idea, he’ll probably make little sassy remarks about your work
-Know he doesn’t actually mean it, he just says it on instinct
-Oh and your reward? He can’t bring himself to give it to you in person so he just leaves it somewhere he knows you’ll find it
💚 Remus 💚
-Oh gosh, you almost regret asking him for help with writers block
-Bc he will go into gremlin mode and just do the most out of pocket things ever
-“To help your creative - and other- juices flow!!” he says
-Immediately gets hit upside the head for that little comment
-But, anyways, if you need help writing some messed up stuff or something; he’s the best guy for the job
-Just imagine him being as extra as Roman but much more…disturbing
-He won’t stop making dirty jokes/comments through the whole thing
-But he surprisingly does a good job at helping you out with writers block
-Of course you both will most likely get sidetracked bc Remus is being Remus
-Just know you you’ll be both disturbed but entertained when it comes to asking Remus for help
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 8 months
If possible mlm 😸
the attack on titan boys and how they'd react to you coming out (male reader)
a/n: anon, i hope this finds you. i'm going to answer this like how the characters in my AU would.
eren jaeger couldn't really care less. he asks "is that all? it's 2024, dude. everybody's a little gay." eren's confused on why you decided to come out, not feeling like it was something you had to announce.
armin arlert and the sweet man that he is, nods his head and listens to you. he makes sure his body language says that he's hearing you. he appreciates the fact that you feel you can confide in him. he has a very gentle smile on his face the whole time you're telling him.
jean kirstein would probably just say "that's whats up." the conversation would end there but not because he's weirded out or anything, just because he doesn't like to get too personal with people. he'd definitely punch a motherfucker for you though if somebody tried to start shit with you.
connie springer mutters a little quiet "oh" and then dives into a world of questions. he's mainly interested in what types of guys you like because he's scheming a way to play the world's best gay cupid.
reiner braun gets... a little awkward. the conversation ends abruptly but the next day he's tweeting stuff with '#ally.' he googles how to support you and sometimes he's a little overbearing when he's trying to relate to you but he means well.
bertholdt hoover just nods and puts a hand on your shoulder. he doesn't say much but decides to ask the reasoning behind your sudden coming out to him.
zeke jaeger is so the type of guy to be like "i know a gay guy, do you want me to introduce you to him?" he does it anyway and is confused on why the two of you don't immediately hit it off. also would totally ask if you were attracted to him.
levi ackerman just chuckles when you tell him. he's got the best gaydar so it was silly of you to assume that he didn't know. he thinks that you're brave though for telling him out of all people because he knows he can be hard to read about that type of stuff.
erwin smith just raises a blonde eyebrow. the conversation isn't interesting, in fact it's quite boring. he just didn't want to pry too much and honestly, he didn't need to know anything else.
porco galliard insists that he won't treat you any differently but he suddenly doesn't talk as much. you're not sure if he's homophobic or if he's repressing something. you don't bring the topic up again unless he does first.
my ko-fi
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unpopularwriter25 · 4 months
I saw you had demon Slayer ship requests open and thought I'd ask for one. I hope it's not to much information and don't feel to rushed about finishing it.
Pronouns: They/Them or He/him
Sexuality: Demisexual/ Demiromantic (I need there to be a  deep connection before things like attraction can happen, think slow burn friends to lovers. I do have a preference of masculine people but it’s not exclusive. There are some feminine people I have been attracted to.)
Age:  22
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius/Pisces (I was born during the changing of signs and have traits of both)
MBTI: Infp
Personality: I’m a bit socially awkward at first mainly because I need to feel out how people respond to me as a Trans person. After I get to know people I’m very talkative, I will go on and on about things I have an interest in and it’s amplified if the people I’m talking to also like the topic. I do have ADHD so my interests change a lot, and very quickly. It’s honestly difficult for people to shut me up sometimes. That being said, I do have times when I feel like I'm being too much and will shut down. I go through periods of time where I stop talking as much and don’t really do anything because I think I’m being annoying and it’s difficult to get out of those slumps.
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Watching anime, Playing video games, Drawing, listening to music. Specifics would be Reading: Fanfiction and the Maze Runner Series, Animes: JJK, MHA, Haikyuu, Blue Exorcist, and Tokyo Revengers, Video Games: World of Warcraft and The Legend of Zelda franchise, Music: classic country, early 2000’s emo, early 2000’s disney, classic rock
Dislikes: bugs, anything sticky, I'm not a fan of outdoor activities like hiking or sports, people who tell me how to do something that is supposed to be fun
Appearance: I’m 5’11, and I’d say most people would say I’m curvy. I’m trans masculine and try to dress as much like a guy as possible, this means jeans and button ups, basketball shorts and hoodies. Basically if I can wear my binder I’m dressed very professionally and if I can’t I’m dressed like a teenage boy who doesn't care what he looks like. I also have super short dyed hair, think 2010’s gaming youtuber, right now it's a faded bluish green with some purple but it’s normally blue or gray.
Thank you for the request!! I hope you enjoy!!
I ship you with Tanjiro Kamado!!
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Tanjiro is known for his deep empathy and ability to understand and connect with others on an emotional level. His caring nature and desire to understand those around him align well with your need for a deep connection before attraction can develop.
Tanjiro is incredibly patient and understanding, which is essential for someone who is demisexual/demiromantic. He would respect your need for a slow-burn relationship and be supportive as you build a deep, meaningful bond.
As someone who is socially awkward at first and needs to gauge people’s responses, Tanjiro’s non-judgmental and accepting personality would make you feel comfortable and safe. He would never pressure you and would always be there to support you during your slumps.
Tanjiro’s resilience and positive attitude could help lift you up during times when you feel like you’re being too much or are in a slump. His unwavering support and encouragement would help you navigate through those periods.
Your relationship with Tanjiro would likely start as a friendship. You’d bond over shared experiences and interests, with Tanjiro being genuinely interested in your passions and hobbies. His curiosity and willingness to listen would make you feel valued and heard.
Given your INFP personality and Tanjiro’s empathetic nature, you would have deep, meaningful conversations. These discussions would help build a strong emotional foundation, crucial for a demiromantic connection.
Tanjiro would always respect your gender identity and presentation. Whether you’re dressed professionally or in a more casual, relaxed manner, he would see and appreciate you for who you are. His unwavering acceptance would provide a comforting presence in your life.
While you may not be a fan of outdoor activities like hiking, Tanjiro would respect your boundaries and find ways to be adventurous in environments where you feel comfortable. Whether it’s exploring a new book series, discovering new interests together, or finding cozy indoor activities, he’d ensure that you both have fun in ways that make you feel at ease.
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worriedvision · 2 years
Maybe the "When was I supposed to find out? When it was too late?!" Prompt with Albedo. Like reader says that to him after a misunderstanding with Mona or maybe even Sucrose since the windblume event is going on
Gender neutral reader angst, Sucrose is basically the supportive friend of readers and it's Mona where the misunderstanding comes in.
You were hanging out with Sucrose, enjoying lunch together when the topic of Albedo came up.
"I haven't been able to find my boyfriend...Do you know where he is?" You ask, Sucrose letting out a thoughtful noise. "Usually we spend more time with each other, but I've not seen him in the last week..."
"Well, I think he's working on a commission. If you want, I can show you where I last saw him." Sucrose suggests, you nodding. "L-lets finish this first though." She states, looking down at her plate.
You hear Albedo talking to Mona, someone you didn't know especially well. You did, however, know that she was a very attractive woman, and the fact Albedo could have been spending time with her gave you a bad feeling. They were talking to each other, clearly sorting out some sort of arrangement, and you were hoping to wait until their conversation was complete to see him again.
But then you heard Mona say something that concerned you.
"It's a date, then." She states, nodding before walking back to her home. You look at Sucrose, hoping for some sort of reassurance that this wasn't actually what it sounds like. Unfortunately, the look you received was one of pity.
Albedo was finishing up his packing, his plans for illustrating Mona's readings in place and ready to be discussed further.
"When was I supposed to find out?" You ask, storming up to Albedo. "When it was too late?"
"I'm afraid I don't know what-"
"You and Mona! Mona said you two had a date, I heard it!" You exclaim, Albedo still processing what exactly this meant for them. He understood that with Mona, she sometimes said a meetup was a date, even if it was purely friendly and nothing romantic ever occurred on these meetups.
"It all makes sense now. I feel so silly, all of this festival, I was trying to distract myself because I knew you kept your work to yourself." You shake your head, clenching your hands. "I should have connected the dots sooner."
"I can explain." Albedo starts, Sucrose not entirely sure which friend she was to support in this case given the lack of context. "Please, take a seat."
"And listen to you elaborate on you realising you could do better than me? No thank you." You huff, walking back to the city gates as Sucrose, looks between you both before sitting with Albedo.
"The Great Astrologist, Mona Megistus, requested that I illustrate some of her works." Albedo starts, Sucrose looking at the papers he was pulling out. "We decided on what pieces to do. The 'date' was purely business."
"Oh..." Sucrose lets out, unsure what she should do in this case. "If you don't mind me asking...Why has this taken over a week?"
"It didn't." Albedo simply states. "The week was mainly spent on looking after Klee, and entertaining the guests from Sumeru. You were there yourself, you know I wouldn't dare cheat."
"In hindsight, I should have told them about the week..." Sucrose trails off. "Maybe I should have dragged you along to some of our chats."
"No, that was entirely my fault. I ought to schedule these dates. Admittedly, I have a habit of getting caught up in a research topic that takes my interest." Albedo tuts.
"Do you want me to say anything to them?" Sucrose asks. Albedo shakes his head no, causing her confusion to come back.
"I need to be the one to explain this. If you would be alright with being there as well, I would appreciate that."
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ca-suffit · 5 months
I don't get why some people refuse to accept that Louis was abused. Him having been a victim to Lestat doesn't negate his grief. He's clearly still grieving Claudia, and from what we can tell of S2, we WILL see that too. No one is saying he's a saint either - he did fail Claudia. Him being a victim doesn't overshadow his grief or make him a saint.
And as you said, this isn't just some cheap story of abuse for shock value either. I wrote a whole wall of text about the complexities and layers of the abuse here but that would have been too long of an ask ajdhwj. Basically, there's the race aspect (which converses with the other aspects), there's that Louis couldn't leave him for many, many reasons, there's the emotional aspect, there's the power aspect (in more than one way)... I'm probably missing something, but this is very good portrayal of abuse and also something that happens irl.
This is also something that loustat will have to touch on in the future and will make for a very interesting story (again, as you said).
His arc is different in the book because the show has a different version of Louis with added struggles that book Louis didn't have (mostly due to his race and era, but also the dynamic that is shown with him and Lestat, if I remember the book correctly - partly also due to the former). Grief is still a part of his story, though.
Sorry for the long ask, it's just that reading that really made me go "??"
thank u for all of this!! I am not ignoring all u wrote but I wanted to elaborate on one point specifically tho and it's gonna be long. thank u for everything u wrote in full tho, I appreciate it. "I don't get why some people refuse to accept that Louis was abused."
they did it when he was white. it's because he's black now and lestat remains white. the vampires mention shit like slavery outright to each other when it's all white ppl, but it suddenly holds a LOT more weight once u make the "fledgling" a black person. AMC has done nothing but enhance what was already there, ppl just don't want to empathize with a black man.
anne rice fans are not critical thinkers but they like to think they are because they're proud they read a lot of books at prbly young ages. books they felt were rly "adult" and "mature." they've never grown up and taken a second look. anne rice's encouragement of parasocial relationships made that worse too. most of these ppl can't separate themselves from these characters and now feel bad seeing themes brought more to the surface about these relationships. they have to blame the writers and keep looking stupid instead of getting some self-awareness.
I know the fight does not happen in the books but I've seen enough passages from book IWTV to know physical and emotional violence between louis and lestat is v common. I've seen parts of lestat's books too where he's also violent to other partners. it's in the character, they've just been too busy wanting to fuck him the whole time to notice ig. that's what it is too. lots of this before the show was a sexy game to ppl and now they're mad u have to think about the story and consequences for things so much, mainly in ways that interfere with lighthearted shipping stuff. anne rice didn't ever talk about anything in depth so they're used to having awareness of topics but never exploring them. they feel stupid in many, many ways now and somehow that's everyone's fault but their own. it's practically *two years in* and they're still doing all this instead of doing some self-reflection. they keep reapplying the clown paint and then want to say it's ppl like me "ruining" it for others here like that's even remotely true lol.
anyways, u are welcome to visit my inbox any time and write whatever u want on this btw! I'd luv to hear it all.
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kywaslost · 2 years
aaaa omg hello i hope you’re doing fantastic. Omg so headcannons for character of your choice with a reader who has like a special interest and can ramble for a really long time. Im talking like 30 mins to like 2 hours about their interest. Which character do you think can like sit through all of it? I sometimes find myself talking for a long time about my interests and it’s like OMG SO EMBARRASSING. I hope ur doing well btw and I hope your brothers surgery goes successfully. Make sure to stay hydrated xoxo
Characters I Think Can Listen To You Ramble For Hours - Izuku, Bakugou, Levi, Newt
A/N: Omg hi!! I’m doing alright, how are you? I love this idea because I tend to talk a lot about what I like and sometimes I feel like people aren’t listening, so I really do love this request! And my brother’s surgery went so much better than expected and he’s been doing really well. Thank you so much for caring about him!
Izuku Midoriya
It’s an unspoken rule that if you can sit and listen to Izuku ramble, he can listen to you ramble too
Sometimes writes down what you’re saying in his notebook as a way to keep track of what you like and dislike
His favorite thing to listen to you go on about are rants from throughout your day
Your teammates don’t ever know when practices are and you’re the captain? He’ll listen to you go on and on
Your ex-best friend tried to act like nothing happened between you two? Izuku’s offering ways to ignore them or to forget about them for a while
Loves listening to you ramble just as much as you love listening to him
Bakugou Katsuki
This boy grew up with Izuku, how could he not be bothered by your constant rambling
Doesn’t phase him one bit when you come storming into his bedroom claiming you had the rant of a lifetime for him
Sometimes tunes you out but listens for the most part
Joins in when you’re going off about someone you don’t like
Can sit through the two hour ramble over your favorite tv show and know has memorized the main characters, the release date of the next season, most of the plot, and how attractive you think your favorite character is
Levi Ackerman
He’s friends with Hange, so he’s used to listening to long rambles or rants
Calmly sits in his office chair and does paperwork as you talk
He doesn’t mean to be rude, but the sound of your voice is the one thing that can get him to fall asleep so he sometimes dozes off while you’re talking
After an hour long rant about your new favorite book that you borrowed from the library, he buys you a copy to keep in his office
Can sit through anything you talk about, no matter how strange he thinks the topic of conversation is
Newt Scamander
100% of his attention is on you
Doesn’t miss a single word you say, and if he does he kindly asks you to repeat yourself
Lets you follow him around and ramble as he feeds his creatures
And if your special interests are his creatures? Newt will write down every fact you spit out just in case he doesn’t know as much as you do
Occasionally chimes into the conversation, but mainly leaves all of the talking to you
Newt doesn’t care how long you talk for
He’s just happy to sit and listen knowing that you’re comfortable enough around him to talk about your favorite subjects for hours on end
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kaycode1999 · 1 month
Hey! I wanted to ask for a match up if it was alright? If it's not, I'm sorry and I won't bother again. If it is, here's my info (also if you could do LMK I would be happy):
I am around 5'5 feet, have brown/blackish hair and brown eyes. I'm chubby, and I would like for my partner to be able to pick me up (mainly bc I am VERY clingy, and tend to jump onto people I love, also side note I ask the person if they are okay with this)
My general aesthetic depends on how much energy I have that day, but it consists of light academia or just casual outfits. My main colors are Pink, Purple and orange.
My pronouns are She/They, demigirl, Panromantic, pansexual, demiromantic and demisexual. Generally okay with any type of relationship as long as we have met for longer than two years, since it takes me time to open up about my traumas and all (even if I'm very happy and an extrovert).
People say I'm helpful, lazy, too creative, get everywhere late, I'm an aquarius and can pick up on peoples intentions from the get-go. My main hobbies are astrology, any random fandom I get into and video games (Roblox and the sims 4, also minecraft when I get the 2 week phase). I enjoy being in the presence of everyone, but if I'm one-in-one I would like for them to know how to understand comfortable silence and be able to have weirdly deep conversations. I am shit at small talk, so if they could do that for me I would be thankful. I would like for this person to be playful, maybe have a cute smile and overall just be very knowledgeable about topics.
I am also deep in love with alturistic people, and can't be around people who are selfish or only work for their own benefit, mainly bc WHYYYY??? (I am a firm believer that if you have the means to help you should).
Last but not least: Whenever I have a distance relationship, be it friendship, romantic partners or Qpr, I tend to have the tendency of dissapearing for a week or two bc I don't know that to say, or I have run out od words.
Don't pair me up with Peng, LBD or The Mayor, they are just... not my thing when it comes to morals and personality.
I think that's all? Sorry if I missed anything, and thank you so much for reading (sorry for the bibble of info :( )
No problem at all my friend😘
I match you with
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our favorite Newdle-boy
Now you two are 2 peas in a pod -like almost soulmate level close
You're perfect together because you both understand the things the other has been through and both need to take the time to get to know someone and be comfortable with them before the romantic relationship can develop
He loves-loves-LOVES your eyes. Did I mention he loves your eyes? Because he will constantly be telling you how much he loves your eyes
I don't think he's that much taller than you but it's enough that he likes to ruffle your hair to mess with you or just use you as an armrest
P.S. He has the powers of the Monkey King, he’s most definitely going to be strong enough to pick you up and spin you around- and he does ALL.THE.TIME
He's used to Mei, so he won't mind you jumping onto him
You two have gaming marathon dates and a lot of the time he will try to get into new fandoms with you
This precious boy is very traumatized so he will also take a little while before he (reluctantly) opens up to you in return to you opening up to him
He trusts your intuition implicitly because his past trauma means he doesn't trust his own
He loves hearing about astrology. He may not be super super into it but he definitely finds it interesting and will listen to you talk about it forever.
After everything he's been through he's become more comfortable with comfortable silence instead of constant chatter, but he also enjoys making small talk too.
Once he gets comfortable with you he will have deep conversations. ( More likely about theoretical stuff or really anything that doesn't pertain to him or the things he's been through although he's willing to share about that eventually)
He's so altruistic to the point of being self-sacrificing (*cough* latest season *cough*) so he's definitely not in any way selfish.
He's busy working and training with the Monkey King a lot of the time, so honestly if you take a few days he doesn't really mind although that doesn't mean he won't miss you at the same time
I also feel the need to say you would be besties with Mei too. You three together are unstoppable and inseparable
Pigsy would also adore you and treat you like his own child because he sees how good you are with MK and how much you mean to his son ( you always get free food much to Tang’s confusion and frustration)
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