#I wish they had kept the confession for later but it's okay
gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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"please make it clear."
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serpentandlily · 9 months
Last Solstice - Azriel x Reader, Eris x Reader
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Last Solstice - Azriel x Reader, Eris x Reader
Summary: Last Solstice you had been ready to give Azriel your heart, only to stumble upon him and Elain in a near kiss. This Solstice, you’re ready to give your heart to someone else, someone special—your mate, Eris Vanserra. 
Warnings: some angst, happy ending
A/n: Based on THIS request !! This was so fun to write !! Hope you guys enjoy this Christmas present 🎄☃️
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
You had first met Feyre at her art studio, after attending a few lessons. The two of you had been quick friends and it wasn’t long before she started inviting you to her family get togethers. 
Which is where you met Azriel, the Shadowsinger. One drunken night at Rita’s had ended with the two of you tumbling into bed together. What started as a one time drunken decision soon led to another night in the shadowsinger’s bed, sober this time. 
When you and Azriel had started sleeping together, he had made you promise him to keep it between the two of you. You didn’t question it at first. Azriel was a private person; he’d never been forthcoming about his lovers in the past, according to Feyre. You figured eventually, if things lasted, he would want to tell his family, your now friends. You’d want to tell them too.  
But then a few months went by.
A year.
As more time passed, you began to feel deeply for Azriel and wanted to take your relationship to the next step. To be able to loudly proclaim your love to him. To go on dates in public. To finally tell your family. But every time you asked him about it, he always said the same thing. He wasn’t ready, didn’t want the attention that would come with it. So you pushed your own feelings down and tried to pretend you were still okay with the arrangement you two had. 
A secret love, only ever together once night fell. 
It didn’t help that Elain Archeron seemed to be smitten with him, seemed to follow him around like a little puppy. You didn’t miss the looks she sent his way, didn’t miss the way she’d brush up against him at every chance she got. But you couldn’t say anything, not when Azriel wanted to keep things so private. So you sucked it all up for him, no matter how much it bothered you. 
But when Solstice came around, you decided you’d finally confess your feelings for Azriel, would tell him that you loved him and wanted to be with him in all the ways that mattered. You were tired of watching Elain lust after him, tired of not being able to tell your family what was going on. 
The entire night, you were buzzing with nerves. 
You downed one too many glasses of wine, trying to relax. A part of you was worried about what Azriel would say. Did he love you too? Did he also want to take the next step? Was he finally ready? 
You wished you could answer those questions with certainty but there was an ache in your stomach that kept screaming that something was…wrong. 
You tried to convince yourself that you were just being paranoid when you noticed Azriel staring at Elain with longing and desire. Tried to convince yourself that he stayed isolated by the doorway because he hated Lucien and not because he couldn’t stand to be in a room with Elain while Lucien was here.
After all, he was in your bed most nights. Surely if he wanted Elain, he wouldn’t be stringing you along. Azriel wasn’t like that. He was a good male, a respectable male…right?
Later that night, you paced in the guest room you were staying in as you waited for Azriel. He was taking longer than normal and that had you even more on edge. You bit your lip, running a hand through your hair. Everyone else had retired for the night already and usually he would’ve snuck into your room by now. 
You couldn’t sit still, couldn’t take the anticipation so you left the room, heading towards the kitchen for a glass of water to try and deal with your nerves and the alcohol still swirling in your system. You froze at the top of the stairs, blood draining from your face. 
There was Azriel.
And Elain.
Inches from each other as Azriel draped a necklace around her neck. 
She pivoted in his grip, twisting to face him. You saw it then. The look of affection and longing clear as day on Azriel’s face as he gazed down at her. A look he had never given you. Your heart snapped into pieces in your chest, nausea rising in your stomach. A hand flew to your mouth to quiet any noise you might make.
You took a step back.
And collided with a hard chest. You whirled around, trying to blink away the tears still forming in your eyes, to see Rhys standing there. He stared down at you, his expression melting into one of concern as he noticed your upset face.
“Y/n?” he murmured. “Are you okay?”
“F-fine,” you choked out. “I’m fine.”
And then you brushed past him and nearly ran to your room, quietly shutting the door behind you before taking in quick breaths. Elain and Azriel were just friends, you tried to convince yourself even though your heart and mind were screaming otherwise.
You heard Rhys stop on the landing on the stairs just as you had. A second went by and you heard his retreating footsteps to his office. 
You cracked open your door a bit, against your better judgment, only to see Elain rush by, distraught. Your eyes widened and you waited a breath to see if Azriel was following after her, but no one else came by. 
You wiped the tears on your cheeks and quietly stepped in the hallway.
Every instinct was screaming at you to go to Rhys’s office, as if something inside of you knew what you’d find. The pressure in your head was so strong, your stomach turning over itself again and again, and you knew you couldn’t ignore the gut feeling.
You crept along the wall, silently, just as Azriel had taught you, until you heard voices. You paused in your tracks, listening in. 
“...about to kiss Elain, in the middle of a hall where anyone could see you,” Rhys snarled. “Including her mate.” 
“What if the Cauldron was wrong?”
That was Azriel’s voice. You covered your mouth with a hand, every nerve in your body lit up. You felt stuck in a nightmare, a terrible dream. 
“What of Y/n, Az?”
Your heart froze at the mention of you. 
“What about her?”
The nonchalance in Azriel’s voice caused a new wave of nausea. 
“Don’t play stupid,” Rhys snapped. “I’ve seen the two of you sneaking off together.” 
Silence for a moment. “It’s just sex.”
You weren’t sure your heart could break more, but it had and it did. Ripped and smashed and crumbled into dust. Just sex? Just sex? It had never been just sex to you! It certainly never seemed that way. 
“Does Y/n know that?”
“What are you trying to say?” Azriel growled. “We’re just friends. I don’t care about Y/n…not like that. Not the way I care about Elain.”
You backed away, unable to listen to anymore of it. You felt drunk as you stumbled back to your room, your vision blurry with the tears in your eyes. It felt like the whole world was collapsing, like you had just found out everything in your life had been a lie. In a way, you had. 
Azriel had never once made it seem like this was some friends with benefits situation. Not once had he ever told you he only saw you as a body to use for pleasure and nothing more, nothing deeper. 
You had fallen for him. You thought he had fallen for you.
Gods, you were so stupid. Of course, he wanted Elain. Soft, sweet Elain. His opposite, a proper lady in waiting. You had let yourself be blinded by your feelings for him and now you were paying the price. You stumbled into your room and fell on your bed, erupting into quiet sobs.
Everything made sense now. Keeping it a secret so Elain would never know, so you wouldn’t ruin his chance with her. But why had he pretended to like you? Why would he do that to you? 
He made you feel special but now you realized you had just been a shoulder to cry on and a distraction for what his heart really wanted. 
You had been so ready to give Azriel your heart…you already had. But he didn’t want it. He didn’t want you. 
Azriel never came that night.
Happy Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "I love you", I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again
You wished you could say that is where the story ended. But evidently, you were a fool. Because you let him back into your bed a few days later—didn’t speak a word of your feelings for him or what you had heard. 
You wished you had more dignity, wished you could tell him to get lost. But you loved him. 
Two more months went by before you finally pulled yourself together, tried to muster up the will to leave. You deserved better. You deserved someone who loved you and wanted you. You were tired of being second place to some other girl, tired of being a consolation prize. 
You were worth more than that. 
You reached out to a childhood friend who had moved back to Autumn, asking to move in with her for some time as you got your life together. The next day, your apartment was emptied and you were gone.
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
“Which ones would you say are your favorite?”
You jumped slightly, clutching a hand to your chest. You looked towards where the deep voice had come from and nearly stumbled back. Eris Vanserra was standing beside you, hands clasped behind his back, a half smirk on his handsome face. 
He was dressed in a fine deep green coat and a white tunic, the top buttons undone to showcase the gold jewelry dangling from his neck. His red hair was tousled, likely from a recent horseback ride and his amber eyes were gleaming with a small flame.
“H-high Lord,” you gasped, starting to courtesy but he shook his head before nodding towards the flower cart you were working at. 
“Which flowers are your favorite?” He asked again, a hint of amusement in his voice at how flustered he had made you. 
You blushed a light pink, turning your gaze back to the many bouquets you had for sale. You figured he was buying some flowers for a lady in his life.
“Well, um, what’s the occasion?” You asked, fiddling nervously in his presence. He smelt like wildfire and cinnamon—it was intoxicating. 
“I am taking a girl out on a first date tonight,” he said, his voice smooth like whiskey. He gave you a charming, fox-like smile. “I wanted to bring her flowers. I figured no one would have better taste than the flower cart girl herself. So which do you recommend?”
You bit your lip, looking at the many flowers. “Well, I’d say roses but that’s a bit cliche. Our orange and red carnations are usually favored by the ladies of this court. Perhaps a bouquet of those?”
“Are those your favorite? The carnations?”
You peered at him. He was focused on the flowers, rubbing a thumb against his bottom lips. You had seen Eris Vanserra at his coronation, but only from afar. He had been striking then. But this close, well, he was stunning, beautiful. 
He glanced down at you, raising an eyebrow and you remembered he had asked you a question. You cleared your throat.
“No,” you answered. “My favorite are the fire lilies but they are not as popular.”
“I’ll take a bouquet of those,” he said with certainty, pulling a pouch of coin from his pocket.
“Are…are you sure?” You stuttered. “Are you certain she will like them?”
“Quite certain, yes,” he answered with another fox-like grin. He set down money on the cart, far more than what they were priced at.
You were quick to bundle up some of the fire lilies, adding a few complimentary flowers to fill in the empty spaces. You rolled them into some brown butcher paper and handed it over to him. “Here you are.”
“So, when and where can I find you tonight?”
“S-sorry, what?”
You looked up at him, eyebrows raised. 
“When and where can I find you tonight,” Eris purred, “for our date.” 
“Are you…being serious?” You asked, incredulously, because this had to be some sort of joke. The High Lord couldn’t possibly be asking you out on a date. 
Eris reached forward with his free hand, grabbing yours and bringing it up to his lips. He pressed a soft kiss on your knuckles. “Indeed, I am.”
Your heart skipped a beat, butterflies swarming your stomach. You hadn’t had such a reaction to a male like this since Azriel. But looking at Eris, you wondered what you ever saw in the dark haired shadowsinger. Perhaps you had never needed shadow. Maybe you had needed…flame.
The next few months were a whirlwind of romance. Despite the reputation Eris had before he had been made High Lord, he had proved himself to be much more soft hearted then his cruel father. You were surprised by his kindness, his devotion and the heart he showed you. 
It had been easy to fall in love with him. 
So when the mating bond between the two of you snapped into place, it was only the cherry on top. 
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover, but you tore me apart
Oh, oh now I've found a real love
You'll never fool me again
You were standing on the doorstep of the River House, a place you hadn’t been since that fateful night. You could hear the laughter from the Inner Circle inside. After you had left the Night Court, you had stayed in touch with almost everyone except Azriel. So when Feyre invited you over for Winter Solstice, you couldn’t say no—especially considering it was her birthday.
But you told yourself you wouldn’t stay long. Not when you had a fiance waiting for you back home. You were very eager to get back.
You knocked on the door, listening as the voices quieted down and footsteps approached. The door was pulled open and there was Feyre, dressed in a cozy get-up with a small babe perched on her hip.  
“Y/n!” Feyre lurched forward to give you a side hug. You hugged her back, pressing a small kiss to the top of Nyx’s head before handing over a wrapped present. She took it with a smile.
“Happy Birthday,” you sang. “And Happy Solstice.”
“Thank you! I’m so glad you decided to come,” she stepped back, letting you cross into the house. 
You hung up your coat and followed her towards the sitting room. You paused for a second, noting Azriel who was lingering in the doorway. You waited for the hurt to wash through you but none came. You felt…nothing. No, gone was the heartache and pain. Where an emptiness had lingered before, a new love filled it. A love so bright and fiery, it burned through everything else.
Your shoulders dropped and you breezed past him with a polite greeting. 
You were actually here to make an announcement, before you and Eris were to go public with your engagement to the other courts. You wanted to tell Feyre and Rhys personally before they heard about it from someone else. 
You were given a warm welcome and you ignored the feeling of Azriel’s eyes lingering on you throughout the night. Instead, you were content with sitting with Lucien—the only person in this room who knew about your engagement to his brother. 
You were surprised to see Elain sat next to him, their hands entwined. You peered at Azriel, making eye contact, but his face was completely unreadable.
A wine glass was shoved into your hands and the night went on. It wasn’t until you made your way to the bathroom that you actually spoke to Azriel.
“Y/n,” he called out from behind you. You turned, watching him approach with his hands held behind his back, shadows swirling.
“Azriel,” you greeted, smiling blandly. 
“Feyre told me you moved back to Autumn.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Why did you never say anything before you left? I thought…well—”
He trailed off and you raised an eyebrow at him. “Thought what?”
“Well I thought, maybe, there had been something going on between the two of us,” Azriel said. “But you left so suddenly and without word.”
Why did he care now? Because Elain was with her mate and no longer an option? Regardless, you didn’t care for the reason. You had found a love that transcended the stars and universe. Though you had no ill will towards Azriel, you obviously weren’t going to entertain this conversation.
“Something going on between us?” You questioned. “Az…you know it was only ever just sex, right? I thought…I thought that had been obvious.”
Alright, so maybe you were a bit petty. 
“No, you’re right,” he said, awkwardly. “I just thought… well, nevermind.”
You smiled, playing dumb. “Happy Solstice, Azriel.”
He gave you a dip of the head. “Happy Solstice, Y/n.”
With that, you turned on your heel and continued down the corridor. When you got back from the bathroom, you knew it was time to make the announcement and head back home so you could celebrate Solstice with your new family.
You clanged against your wine glass to get everyone’s attention, standing up from your seat. Lucien gave you an encouraging nod that helped settle your nerves. 
“I have an announcement to make,” you said before taking the glamour off your hand and revealing the large engagement ring on your finger. You heard several happy gasps of air. “I’m engaged! I wanted to tell you all before you heard through court gossip. You’re looking at the soon-to-be High Lady of Autumn.”
Cheers erupted in the room as most of them had already known about your relationship with Eris. You had told Feyre about it in one of your letters. Luckily, Mor and Eris had settled their differences once he became High Lord and there was now peace between the two courts. 
“Oh my Gods! This is so exciting!”
Feyre jumped up and embraced you. You let out a small breath of relief and hugged her back. Once she let you go, some of the others also jumped up to congratulate you. 
“When did he propose?” Mor asked.
“Two weeks ago,” you smiled before dropping another bomb. “Right after the mating bond snapped into place.”
“Mates and he’s going to make you High Lady?! Y/n, this is great news!” 
It took another ten minutes before everyone settled down after congratulating you and pressing you for more details. You kept your lips sealed though, wanting to keep a few things just between you and Eris. 
It was only then you noticed Azriel had disappeared from the room.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special, special
You let out a content sigh as you entered the High Lord and Ladys’ chamber, happy to be home. Eris was there, waiting for you with a smile on his face.
You rushed forward and he caught you in his arms, swinging you around. He held you tight against him.
“Don’t ever leave me again,” he whispered into your ear. “Please.”
You giggled, pulling back to look up at him. “I was only gone for two hours!”
He pressed a kiss to your lips. “Two hours too long.”
You shook your head at him, feeling the love and admiration he was sending down the bond. The joy of having you back in his arms. “Don’t worry, I have no plans on leaving now that I’m home.”
His smile took your breath away. 
“Good,” he said before lifting you into his arms and carrying you to the bed. You laughed as he tossed you onto the fluffy pillows with a wolfish grin. “Because I have to make up for lost time now.”
“You’re insatiable,” you teased as he crawled over you, kissing your neck and jaw. 
“You love it,” he purred, his red hair falling forward to tickle your forehead. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him.
“I love you,” you mumbled against his lips. 
“And I love you,” Eris said with such honesty, you felt yourself soften underneath him. 
You spent the rest of Winter Solstice wrapped up in his arms, the only place you truly felt at home. 
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atinyfeels · 5 months
ateez: he compares you to his ex [2]
『 pairing: bf!ateez x fem reader ╺ requested? yes ╺ genre: mostly angst, slight fluff 』
warnings: slight cursing, depression
word cout: 6.1k
notes: I ended up writing this while at work and I got carried away -C ╺ May 3rd: Yeosang’s has been completely rewritten - C
masterlist | part one
"y/n!" you heard someone call from behind you.
You didn't have to guess who it was, his voice was engraved in your mind. But that didn't mean you were planning on stopping for him. Pushing the door opened, you made your way outside and headed towards the parking lot. You were barely half way to your car when you felt someone grab your arm and turn you around.
Seonghwa stared at you, his face showing concern when he noticed your red puffy eyes. "I am so, so sorry."
You scoff and look away from him, "It's not exactly your fault. I pushed you to go out with me. I pressured you when you were vulnerable. I thought that I could be better for you, that you would be able to move on with me. But I guess I was just getting my hopes up."
Seonghwa was shaking his head at every word you said. He cupped your face with his hands and gently made you look up at him. "I have no excuse for what I said to you. But don't put yourself down for what I said to you. It was not okay for me to say those things to you, it was rude and obnoxious." You swallowed hard, and blinked away the tears that kept building up. "I have no more feelings for h/e/n, I promise you. The two of us are just friends. But you and I, we are much more than anything my ex and I had. Accepting your confession was the best thing that ever happened to me. I will do anything to make it up to you, I promise you."
You licked your lips and stayed silent for a moment, processing his words. "I just...I just need some time, Hwa. There are some things I need to think about. Is that okay?"
He nods quickly, "whatever you wish, take as much time as you need. I'll be right here whenever you're ready."
You leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Once you pulled away, you gave him a small smile before turning around and leaving him in the parking lot.
It had been one week since you last spoke to Seonghwa. He kept his promise and gave you as much space as you needed. His missing presence made your home feel so lonely. The thoughts of endless movie nights on the couch and staying in bed together with your bodies entwined. The first night you stayed on the loveseat, not wanting to be in the large empty bed.
You spent most of your time by the window, either watching the spring rain fall or reading a book. It didn't matter what you did, Seonghwa was the only thing filling your mind. You weren't okay with what he had said to you. Nobody should be. You knew the pair was still friends, but they weren't close anymore. Once they broke up and agreed to be friends, there wasn't much contact between the two. But what Seonghwa said still hurt, for the first two months, he was had started drinking more and went partying most nights. Hongjoong felt like he had no control over him.
The rain was hitting against your window, the dark clouds made it seem like it was much later than 5 in the afternoon. You had just poured yourself a new glass of wine, ready to continue your book when your phone began to ring. Setting the glass down, you walked over the kitchen and picked the device up off the counter. Hongjoong was the only thing it said on the screen. This couldn't be good.
"y/n!" Seonghwa slurred into the phone. there was a commotion on the other side of the phone as he heard Hongjoong yell his members name. "hi honey." his voice sounded so sweet, which made you even more confused. "I've missed you. Joong told me not to call you, so he took my phone away, but I got his instead."
"Seonghwa, have you been drinking?"
He hiccupped into the phone, " a little? I didn't go to a club or anything, I promise. I was feeling mopey, because I missed you and Yunho suggested that we should drink something. I'm at the dorm, I promise." Hongjoong had given up on trying to get the phone from him. That or Seonghwa had went into a different room. It was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "I fucked up, didn't I? I hurt you and now I've lost you."
You sighed, "Seonghwa."
"I tried so hard not trying to ruin this relationship. I wanted to make sure everything was perfect you. I didn't want you to realize that you deserved better than me. And in the end I hurt you." He choked out a sob, making your heartache.
You weren't mad at him anymore, you just wanted some space. You wanted to clear your thoughts of everything before talking with him again. "Seonghwa, is Hongjoong there?"
There was a sound a shuffling before Hongjoong spoke. "Hello?"
"So, I'm going to come pick him up, can you take care of him for me until then?" you ask in a sympathetic tone. "I'm really sorry for this."
"Don't worry about it, I've got him."
You thanked him before you hung up the phone. As you grabbed your bag and jacket, your shoved your feet through your shoes and rushed out the door. It was only a ten minute walk to the dorms from your apartment. Yunho opened the door for you and stepped aside as you made your way to your boyfriends bedroom. He was sat against the wall and his knees brought to his chest.
"Seonghwa." His head lifted up quickly, staring directly into your eyes.
"y/n." He stands up and makes his way over to you, "what are you doing here?" His eyes moved over to Hongjoong who was attempting to sneak out without being seen. "I'm sorry for calling you so abruptly, I've been chugging a lot of water and I'm starting to sober up."
"Seonghwa," you say again, making the man stop talking. You sighed and looked at his puffy eyes. This wasn't what you wanted. You didn't want to hurt him like this, you didn't want to hurt him at all. You just wanted all of this to be over with. "Let's go home, yeah?"
Seonghwa stared at you, processing what you said to him before nodding. "please."
Seonghwa stayed quiet as he listened to you explain to him what had happened with Hongjoong. The words were choppy as you were crying, your voice shaky. You hadn't realized how much of a burden you being towards Hongjoong. He had never snapped at you before, it was all a new feeling for you.
Seonghwa reached over and rubbed your back softly, "I'm sure he didn't mean to. He's been really stressed out lately. Coachella, the comeback, the upcoming tour and his ex leaving him is just icing on the cake. I'm not making excuses for him, how he reacted and what he said was completely unacceptable. But I know what he's like when he's stressed. He says things he doesn't mean."
You swallowed hard and nodded, "I should probably get going. Work isn't going to finish by itself." You wiped your tears and stood up, giving Hwa a small smile. "Thank you."
"Uhm," he started before you could walk off, "maybe tonight, we can meet up and get something to eat? We can invite the others too if that would make you feel more comfortable."
"That'd be nice, would probably make me feel a lot better," You agreed.
He nodded. "Great, I'll message you the details later."
After you clocked out of work, Seonghwa sent you a message to meet at a local restaurant that you usually go to as a group. You didn't bother to go home and change your outfit to something more casual, you just wanted some alcohol. The restaurant was only a short walk from your office, so it didn't take you long to arrive.
"Back again I see!" The owner beamed with excitement when she saw you.
You smiled and politely greeted her, "this is the best restaurant on the street."
She laughed at your comment. "Don't you know how to make an old woman smile. Are you meeting with your friends? If you are, they haven't arrived yet but your back corner table to open if you'd like."
You smiled and thanked her before heading to the back of the restaurant. Given the weekday, the restaurant wasn't busy as it usually was. Only a younger couple and a table of three men dressed in suits. You placed your jacket behind your chair and sit down, your back to the door. It wasn't long before the chair beside you skid against the floor, causing you to look up. To your surprise Hongjoong was standing beside you, nobody else in sight.
"Joong," you whispered as he sat beside you. You turned around to see if the boys were with him but they weren't.
"It's only me," Hongjoong told you, making you turn back to him. "Is that okay? I was hoping we could talk."
You nodded as the owner came by and placed a couple of waters in front of you. "I'm sorry," you said once she was out of earshot.
Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows, looking at you confused. "You shouldn't be the one apologizing. I took my anger out on you for no reason and said hurtful things."
"I know, but I knew you were stressed and I still pushed your buttons. I knew that you felt I was pestering you and I ignored all the signs. I'm really sorry for bothering you so much," you say looking up at him.
He shook his head. "I had no right to take my anger out on you. What I said to you was mean, and it never should've been said. This break up has been really hard on me and it's starting to cloud my judgement. I don't mind if you try to comfort me, you're much better at it than most of the members. I will do better with how I control my words and actions towards you.
"I will do better at trying to read the signs, and I apologize if my feelings for you were overbearing."
Hongjoong paused and looked at you confused. "Feelings for me? You have feelings for me?"
You mentally slapped yourself, guess your crush wasn't as obvious as you thought it was. "S-So are the other members planning on coming? I don't want to order without them."
"Wait, backtrack. You have feelings for me?"
You opened your mouth to say something when you heard a collection of voices come through the door. The remaining 7 members all went to the back to the room and joined you and Hongjoong at the table.
Seonghwa sat across from you and gave you a cheerful smile. "Did we miss anything."
You quickly shook your head, ignoring Hongjoong's shocked expression. "Nothing at all!"
You began picking at your fingers, looking around your apartment. You had been sitting her for well over 30 minutes, trying to find the strength to begin cleaning. Yunho's words echoing in your mind. You hated how he was right. Your depression was becoming an excuse for everything at this point. You didn't clean your apartment, you hadn't been eating properly, making excuses not to meet with friends and spending all your free time locked in your room.
Yunho walked out of your bedroom, rubbing his eyes as he yawned. "y/n?" He flicked on the ceiling light and looked over at you. "it's 7 in the morning, what are you doing up so early on your day off?"
You couldn't find the words, your mind was racing. You didn't want to explain to him that you spent all night watching motivational videos on YouTube. You opened your mouth to say something but instead you choked out a sob and broke down. Yunho quickly rushed over to you and put his hands around you. He held onto you as you both moved to the ground and cried. You felt like your were shrinking, like you were a small child who wanted to run away from the scary things.
"Shh," he cooed softly in your ear as he ran his fingers through your hands. "It's okay. You're okay, I'm here." He patiently waited for you to calm down, constantly repeating over and over again that you were going to be okay and he wasn't going anywhere.
Once you had finally calmed down, you laid your head against his chest and sniffled. "I have depression," you confessed. Yunho didn't say anything, allowing you to continue. "I went to the doctor about it about a month ago, she referred me to a therapist. Everything seemed fine at first but then the more I worked and came home on repeat." You stopped and took a deep breath. "It started to get worse. Everyone's been so busy and I didn't want to burden anyone. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to worry you. I thought that I could handle this on my own."
Yunho pressed a soft, long kiss at the top of your head. "I'm such an asshole. I'm so sorry I called you lazy, honey. I didn't even think to ask if everything was okay, I just automatically assumed things without talking to you about it first."
You turned and looked up at him. "You're not the only one in the wrong here. My therapist has been pushing me to tell a person. I should've spoken to you instead of trying to do this on my own." You swallowed hard, "I've been watching motivational videos all morning to try to help get me started. But the second I stepped out here, I couldn't do anything."
"Well, there's two of us and one apartment. I will help you do the laundry, clean the dishes and take the trash out," he offered, looking around the room before he looked back down at you. "Would that be okay or is that too much in one day?"
You shake your head and give him a small smile. "I think that'd be great."
"I'm going to start coming home more often, even if it's really late," he tells you, making your eyes go wide. "I don't mind the distance and we're just finishing up promotions. I've been missing you like crazy, the space between us is too large." You smiled and leaned up, giving him a long kiss on his lips. When you parted, he smiled and stood up with his hands on his hips. "Now, where should we start?"
“Come on! You’re going to love it!!” Yeji shouts as she drags you into the house party.
“I’m really not in the mood for this, Yeji!” You tell her.
The house was flooded with people dancing to the loud music and drinking. You didn’t know half the people that were here, hell you weren’t sure if you knew anyone. Yeji was invited by someone from her workplace and insisted that you came with her. Someone bumped into you, making you huff and move closer to her. You kept walking until Yeji found a guy who was waving her over.
“Minho!” Yeji says, embracing the taller man into a hug.
“Hey, gorgeous,” Minho says before letting her go and looking over at you. “Who’s your friend?”
“This is y/n! It’s her first party!” Yeji tells him. You send him a polite smile and wave.
He nods, smiling at you. “I can tell.”
You zoned out the couple and looked around the room. There weren’t many people in this room, mostly people talking or lounging on the couch. You hated being here, you just wanted to pull Yeji out of here and go home.
“You must be a homebody,” someone says, making you look up to find one of Minho’s friends now standing beside you.
You nodded, “yeah. Parties aren’t really my thing.”
“I’m Chan,” he tells you, reaching out his hand for you to shake. He noticed your hesitation and chuckled. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.”
This made you smile a little before you took his hand in yours. “I’m y/n.”
“Here take this!” Yeji appeared handing you an unopened hard seltzer. “It’s new out of the box and it’ll help with your nerves.”
You watched as she disappeared back to Minho before you opened the can and took a drink. She wasn’t joking when she said it helped with your nerves. You weren’t a lightweight so you weren’t going to get drunk or tipsy off it but it definitely calmed you down. For a while you found yourself chatting with Chan, it wasn’t anything flirtatious but he made you feel more comfortable.
The current song changed to Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter and you let out an excited hum. “I love this song!”
Chan laughed at your excitement, “Well would you like to dance?”
“She’s fine,” a voice says behind, making you look over to find Yeosang staring at Chan.
You furrowed your eyebrows and cross your arms over your chest. “What if i want to dance with him?” This caused Yeosang to snap his head towards you. “Who are you to say what I can and cannot do?”
Chan cleared his throat awkwardly, “I’m gonna go get another drink.”
Neither you nor Yeosang looked up from each other as Chan left the two of you alone. This was your first time seeing Yeosang since you stormed out of the studio a week ago. You hated how he still looked gorgeous as ever.
“What are you doing here?”
Yeosang crossed his arms over his chest, “I should be asking you that. Since when do you come to party like these? Yeji called me and said you needed to be taken home because she left Minho.”
“Yeji called you?” You asked confused, turning around to find Minho & Yeji gone. You groaned, the least she could’ve done was at least given you a heads up. Unless, this was her plan all along. You mentally face palmed your self and groaned. “Damn you, Yeji.”
“I’m not going to force you to leave,” Yeosang assures you. Of course you knew that, you knew better than anyone that he wouldn’t do that to you. “But I will be the one you’re leaving with tonight. You don’t know these people.”
You swallowed hard at his last sentence. “I thought I knew you.” You didn’t think he heard you, but the look on his face made it obvious he heard.
“Come on,” he says, grabbing your hand. You allowed him to lead you out of the party and towards the main road. He helped you into the passenger side of his car before getting in the driver side and pulling off. “You haven’t spoken to me since the day at the studio. I tried calling you the other day but it went straight to voicemail.”
“I’ve been busy, that’s all,” you tell him trying to brush off the conversation.
“It’s because of what I said the other day isn’t it?” he asked, making you look over at him. “About h/e/n?” Your silence was enough confirmation for him. “y/n, i promise you i don’t think that about you.”
“Then why did you say it?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. “Do you not know how much it hurts to hear someone compare you to another person and say you would never compare?”
Yeosang chewed on his bottom lip unsure of what to say. “I don’t know. I guess I was trying to be funny but I wasn’t even thinking about your own feelings.”
You felt the tears build up, “It hurt so much. To hear being compared to someone who is considered perfect to people. Someone who’s considered perfect to you.”
“She’s not!” Yeosang immediately says, reaching over and grabbing your hand in his. The action made your heart skip a beat. “She’s far from perfect, I promise you. y/n, you are the most stunning person I have ever met. you light up the room when you come in. when I saw you talking to Chan, almost dancing with him I felt jealous. Maybe even a little possessive. I never felt that way with h/e/n.”
“What are you trying to say?”
Yeosang pulled into the parking garage of your apartment building and parked the car. Once the car was shut off he turned and looked you in the eyes. “I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you. Even when i was with h/e/n, I knew that it wasn’t her I was having those feelings for. It was you.”
You swallowed hard and placed a hand on his cheek, “don’t hurt me again.”
“I won’t, I promise,” he tells you before leaning over bringing his lips to yours.
When the group arrived to the amusement park, you stayed glued to Hongjoong's side. Every ride you rode on, you sat between him and Seonghwa. During lunch time you sat them and kept most of your conversations with the two of them. Near the end of the night Hongjoong and Seonghwa began to realize what was actually going on.
San wasn't bothering to talk to you. Instead he was hanging around Yeosang & Wooyoung the whole day. Neither of you spoke to each other or even looked at each other. Hongjoong looked over at Seonghwa, who nodded his head towards a ride that he knew would get the two of you to talk.
Hongjoong picked up on the idea and spoke loud enough for the whole group to hear, "You know, it's almost the end of the night. Why don't San and y/n go on Ferris wheel together?"
Your head shot up towards Hongjoong, who was smiling towards you. San pressed his lips together as the other members started to chime in, agreeing with the idea.
"That's okay," you tell them, holding your hands up in defense. "The line looks pretty long and we don't have that much time left. Maybe we could find a ride that has shorter lines?"
Seonghwa shook his head and put your hand on your lower back, pushing you towards your boyfriend. "That's why we bought the fast passes, the 7 of us are going to go ride another ride while you two ride this one. We will meet back at the entrance once we're all done. Sound good?"
Before you could protest, the 7 boys rushed away from you leaving the two of you alone. Your eyes flicked up at San, who was peering down at you. You did not want to be alone with him right now. San sighed and started making his way towards the Ferris Wheel, you following close behind. The line wasn't nearly as long as you made it out to be, only a couple of people were ahead of you.
"You think she's cute?" you heard someone say behind you.
You looked up to see who the person was talking about, to find two boys from the other lane staring directly at you. Quickly, you turned around and kept your eyes forward.
"Gorgeous, isn't she?" you hear San say, making you look up as he stands behind you, blocking their view. San huffed and leaned down, pressing a kiss at the top of your head. "As if they'd have a chance to take you from me."
His words made you blush but you stayed quiet, still unsure of where to two of you stood. The line took under 10 minutes before the two of you were in a cart together. Instead of sitting beside him like you'd normally would, you sat on the opposite side of him.
San stared at you, as if he was trying to read your mind. "What's going on, y/n?"
You looked away from the sunset and up at your boyfriend. The shine of the golden sun on his skin making him look even more gorgeous. "I didn't want to upset you with being to clingy, so I've been doing my best not to disturb you. You seemed to be fine spending your day with the boys. I'm sorry for inviting myself on your day off."
The cart came to stop at the top of the ride, giving San an opportunity to move beside you. He took your hand in his and gave the top of it a kiss. "I'm sorry, for being so harsh. I could've said it nicer than as harsh as I did. I guess I just felt embarrassed. Wooyoung had been teasing me about you, saying that you get my full attention and you're glued to my side whenever we're together."
You frown and placed a hand on his cheek, "San if I'm doing too much or making you feel uncomfortable in anyway, I'd prefer if you come to me instead of saying hurtful things."
"But you don't!" San quickly said. "I'm not uncomfortable and you're definitely not doing to much. I love how clingy you are. I love how you constantly hold onto me whether it be my hand or just the sleeve of my shirt. I don't want you change that, in fact do more." You gave out a soft chuckle. "I'm really sorry I let Wooyoung's jokes get to me. I don't even know where that comment about h/e/n came from. I promise you, I was just being an insensitive jerk."
You give him a small smile and pat the top of his head, "well I'm glad you were able to admit your mistake and be honest with me. However, Wooyoung & I are going to need to have a serious talk."
San smiled at you and leaned over, giving you a kiss on the lips. The ride went another time around before two of you got off. Holding hands, the two of you made your way towards the entrance of park. The group of boys were huddled around a bench, waiting for you.
Seonghwa was the first person to notice the two of you. "Looks like everything is back to normal."
Once you two reach the group, Wooyoung gave you both a confused look. "When were you two ever not okay?"
You squinted your eyes at him and let go of San's hand. "Oh, you'd like to know all about that wouldn't you?"
Wooyoung's eyes widen as he turned and started to dash out of the park, you following closely behind. The rest of the group laughed as they started to walk out, watching as you chased Wooyoung' to the car. Wooyoung's shouting echoing from afar.
It had been a week since you last went to take Mingi any food. Hongjoong has been reassuring you that the younger member was eating properly, but he hasn't mentioned you since. You had occasional small talk with your boyfriend, but it wasn't like it was before. There was a tension in the air and it wasn't that hard to figure out why.
It had been a week since you last went to take Mingi any food. Hongjoong has been reassuring you that the younger member was eating properly, but he hasn't mentioned you since. You had occasional small talk with your boyfriend, but it wasn't like it was before. There was a tension in the air and it wasn't that hard to figure out why.
Tonight you were preparing yourself to go to meet the boys at dinner for Seonghwa's birthday. Mingi was the one who brought it up but Seonghwa was the one who invited you. You stared at yourself repeatedly in the mirror, debating whether or not going was the best idea. The sound of your phone vibrating on your desk made you tear your eyes away and look over at the screen. Mingi’s name appeared on the screen with hearts next to his name.
“Hello?” you ask after hitting accepting the call and bringing the phone up to your ear.
There was a silence on the other end making you think he called by accident. “Hey.”
“Hi,” you say softly, unsure of what else to say.
Mingi stayed silent before clearing his throat, “uhm, so would you want to ride together to the party?”
Your heart skipped a beat. Although still hurt after everything, you weren’t going to deny that you missed your boyfriend. “Okay, what time?”
“I’m actually at your door right now.”
You blinked and walked out of your bedroom, heading towards your front door. When you opened the door you came face to face with a rather nervous Mingi. You brought the phone down and ended the call, staring at him with a surprised look.
Mingi put his phone in his pocket before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. “I’ve missed you so much.”
Your eyes widened, Mingi was never the type to initiate contact like this. You were always the one to hold his hand, hug him and, for the most part, even kiss him first. Your arms wrapped around his waist, accepting his warm embrace.
“I’m so sorry for how I treated you,” he says, pulling away slightly and setting his forehead onto yours. “You were just checking up on me and taking care of me. I’ve been so stressed with the comeback, the tour and traveling that I took it out on you. It’s not excuse but I really am sorry. This week has been torture, it’s not like when I'm away for concerts. I don’t want to be apart from you, I don’t want space. I want you, y/n. I want your clinginess. I want your daily texts asking me how I'm doing. I want the lunchboxes you bring me everyday knowing well I forget to eat. I want you, y/n.”
“Shh, I really don’t want to talk about this anymore,” you tell him. You reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, gently rubbing your finger against his skin. “Can we just move on from this and go to the party?”
Mingi moved his head to the crook of your neck. “Screw the party, I can think of other things we can do.”
The feeling of his lips leaving kisses on your neck gave you goosebumps. You let out a soft sigh, “Seonghwa is your member and he wants you there. Plus, who are you to turn away a good party.”
Mingi hummed against your skin and whispered in your ear, “we can be late. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
Before you were able to respond Mingi lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He started walking into the apartment, your lips pressed against his as he closed the door behind him with his foot.
You stared at the blank canvas that was begging for you to paint on it. You hadn’t even prepared the paint yet because you knew you weren’t going to get anywhere. Your mind was flooded with grey thoughts, none of them giving you inspiration for a new piece. Sighing, you stood up from your stool and walked out of your office.
Ever since your argument with Wooyoung, you had lost all motivation paint. Painting was your way of escaping reality and right now it felt like reality wouldn’t leave you alone. You walked into your living room, heading towards the couch when your front door opened. Startled, you picked up the closest object to you (which so happened to be the remote control) and turned around to fine Wooyoung standing by the door.
Wooyoung looked at you with a raised eyebrow, “do you really think you can fight off a person with the remote?”
You glared at him and crossed your arms over your chest. “What are you doing here?”
Wooyoung slipped off his shoes and stood in front of you. “We need to talk.”
“You couldn’t have called me? Or at least given me a heads up that you were on your way over? Scaring the crap out of me could have been completely avoided,” you told him, expecting him to crack a joke but all he did was stare at you with a blank stare. You stared at him and felt your heart drop for a moment. “You’re breaking up with me.”
Wooyoung swallowed hard and opened his mouth to say something but he stopped himself. You knew that the fight you had was a bad one, especially with how it ended, but you never knew your relationship would end like this.
“I said a lot of things that hurt you the other day and it wasn’t right,” he started, running his fingers through his hair. “I compared you to someone who broke me in so many ways that I didn’t even know were possible. Someone who took every insecurity I had and held it against me. And you…you are nothing like her. You treat me with respect and I feel like a goddamn prince when I'm with you. You’ve made me the happiest person I have ever been.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, confused by where he was going with this. “So why? Why do we have to end it all? You said it yourself, I make you feel like the happiest person.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he says. You watched him as he sighed and took a seat in your couch. “You deserve a person who will treat you just as great as you treat them. A person who won’t accuse you doing things with other people. A person who could trust without holding anything back. You deserve so much better than me, y/n.”
You could feel the tears build up as you stare down at him. “What if I say no?”
“y/n—“ you cut him off, “I don’t want to be in some perfect relationship. I don’t want some perfect guy who sweeps me off his feet and makes no mistakes. I want to be with you, Wooyoung. I’m in love with you.”
Wooyoung was crying now, tears on his cheeks as he looks at you. “I do nothing but hurt you, y/n. You deserve so much better than me.”
You cupped his face into your hands and brought your lips to his. The kiss was soft and only lasted a minute before you pulled away. “I told you from the beginning that I knew you were going to have a hard time trusting me. But I need you to believe me when I say, there will never be anybody else. Unless you absolutely want me to, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I don’t want you to go anywhere,” he says before you pull him into a hug. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I shouldn’t have said those words to you. I got scared and insecure, and I acted without thinking it through.”
You didn’t respond, you just ran your fingers through his hair as he hugged you tightly. Of course this wasn’t going to be your final fight but it was the one that changed a lot in your relationship.
“Ugh, I'm starving!” Yeji groans as your friends make your way into the restaurant.
The place was packed with young college students celebrating the end of the semester. The four of you found a spot in between two couples who both seemed to be unfazed with the capacity. A young waitress comes over and takes your order before she disappears to the back of the restaurant.
“I need a drink,” Sumin says, not wasting any time cracking open a bottle and pouring herself a shot.
“At least we should take one together!” Chaeyoung says, watching as Sumin tosses her back as she downs the shot.
Sumin slams the glass on the table with a satisfied ‘Ah’. She picks up the glass again and starts to fill everyone else’s glasses with the alcohol. “Cheers!”
“To what exactly?” Yeji asks.
“To finally getting y/n to come out with us!” Sumin says.
You roll your eyes playfully and take the shot as the same time as the girls. The alcohol felt bitter against your throat as you swallowed it and set the glass on the table. “Please, you know I’ve been busy with work.”
“Hey, is that Jongho?” Chaeyoung asks, causing the group to turn toward the television.
You followed their heads and saw a picture of Jongho & his ex being photographed together at a restaurant. The gossip reporter was talking about the rumor of the two of them getting back together and being spotted over the past weekend. You swallowed hard and looked away from the TV.
Sumin looked over at you with a concerned look. Out of all your friends, Sumin was the only one who knew about your relationship with Jongho. She knew about the break up too, she insisted on you telling your other friends but you were too embarrassed by falling so hard so fast.
“I heard she’s blackmailing him,” Yeji speaks up, gaining everyone’s attention. “Apparently she found out a he was seeing a girl and she took photos of them. She told him that if he doesn’t get back with her that she’s going to release the photos.”
Chaeyoung nodded, “I heard that too! He ended up breaking up with the girl because he wanted to protect her from the public.”
“The ex sounds insane,” Sumin chimes in dramatically, giving you a look, “I don’t know why anyone would choose her.”
“I-uh…I’ll be right back, and if I'm not. I’ll call you,” you say, quickly getting up and heading out of the restaurant.
“Where are you going?” Chaeyoung called after you.
“She’s going to get her man,” Sumin says loud enough for you to hear.
Once you got outside, you got into a taxi that just dropped a group of girls off and gave them the address to Jongho’s apartment. You quickly paid the fare and rushed inside the building. Instead of taking the elevator, you took the stairs to the third floor and walked up to Jongho’s door. Standing up straight, you caught your breath and knocked on the door.
It didn’t take long before Jongho opened the door, confusion on his face when he spotted you. “y/n? what are you doing here?”
“Is it true?” You asked, not giving him much information. “Did she blackmail you into breaking up with me.”
“H-How did you know about that?”
“People in the industry are talking about it. If it’s true, they know that she’s blackmailing you. They are saying you broke up with me because she was threatening to expose us,” You say quickly, “so is it true? You didn’t actually want to be with her? You don’t still love her?”
Jongho stayed quiet, unsure on if he should confirm or not. But what was the point of denying it if you already knew pretty much everything? “Yes, she’s blackmailing me.”
“Jongho, I don’t care if she releases anything that has to do with us,” you tell him, taking his hands in yours. “And even if she does have anything on us, it’s most likely not much considering we don’t go out much to begin with. Your true fans will support you if you’re dating a person or not. I don’t want us to end what we had because she thinks she can hold something against us. That is…if you want to be with me.”
“Of course i want to be with you, y/n,” he confesses, pulling you into a hug. “I didn’t confess to you on a whim. I confessed to you because I have feelings for you. I should’ve stood up for myself, for us and told her to screw off.”
You pull away and look up at him, “You did what you thought was going to protect me. I’m not going to be upset with you for that. But no matter what she tries to do, I’m not going anywhere.”
Jongho smiled and leaned his forehead against you, “I’ve missed you so much.” You smiled back at him and brought your lips against his.
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minus-plus-zer0 · 18 days
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Almost Too Late
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♡ Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ending ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
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You only fell for him when it was almost too late.
You laid there, bleeding on the streets. Bakugou sprinted to your side, skidding to a halt to kneel down and hold your body in his arms.
The sight of your broken body stole his breath away. His eyes lingered on your wound. He screamed for people to come help you, even though he never screamed for help before. You couldn’t make out all the words, your vision fading, but you wanted to hear everything he said because he was saying it for the first time in his life.
“You can’t die… don’t die…”
Those words almost didn’t reach you. Your heart broke for the poor boy before you. But you no longer controlled your own fate.
Bakugou rested his head on your shoulder, sobbing and keeping you as close as possible. Your hand reached up to his face, stroking his cheek. He met your eyes, looking more vulnerable than you could’ve ever imagined him.
His hand found yours, mixing your shaky fingers together.
“I love you…” he said, voice sounding rough like it was dragged against rocks. “Don’t die… I don’t wanna do this without you.”
You never realized he loved you until now. You wished you had known.
“Katsuki… I…”
You were fading fast. The paramedics arrived and took your body somewhere. You heard Bakugou shouting and fighting them off before he realized who they were.
You never gave him an answer, until you awoke some time later.
You opened your eyes, head groggy like it weighed a couple extra pounds. The first thing you saw in your hospital room was Bakugou Katsuki, sitting by your bed, sleeping in a chair waiting for you to wake up.
You barely remembered what happened when you almost died, but you remembered his love confession. The entire ordeal would’ve been awkward with anybody else, but after seeing him here, you never felt so at home.
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently, repeatedly, until he awoke. You could barely move but you squeaked out a “Hey bestie” just for him.
His face lit up a thousand watts, he never looked so happy to see you.
“Can I fucking hug you?”
He hugged you tight, soft enough to avoid crushing you under the weight of his desperation. His barely audible sniffles brushed against your neck while his strong arms trembled. Eventually, he pulled away and let you breathe. He smiled at you like you were a sight for sore eyes.
“I’m so, so glad you’re alive,” he said, his voice breaking at the last word. “Never thought I’d get to talk to my best fucking friend again. They basically resurrected you, you should’ve told me you were part-zombie.”
“I’ll bite you and then we’ll be zombies together. Then we’ll never be apart, not even in death.”
“Dummy,” he said that so softly. “I’ll never leave you. Not willingly. Don’t ever die on me. You scared the ever loving shit out of me, you know that?”
“Yeah… I’m sorry…” your smile was marred with new oncoming tears.
“Don’t apologize. It’s not your damn fault.” His voice wavered. “I need you here by my side. You can’t go without me. Don’t go, okay? I really wanna see us grow up together.”
You held both of his hands in yours, you still kept crying a little and he tried his damndest not to cry (again).
You recalled his confession on your deathbed earlier. It was now so obvious how he felt towards you. He promised his life to you here, you felt like you should’ve known he was in love with you all along.
“Katsuki,” you said, “I… when I almost—you know, died… I heard you say something…”
His face blanched, like you had a gun to his head, ready to pull the trigger and end him for good.
Was he afraid you’d reject him?
“I heard what you said,” you finished.
“…Y-you did?” He trembled, terrified of your response.
“You said you loved me?”
He shook hard, not even trying to hide it. He nodded the tiniest quickest bit. “I love you. Do you—”
“I love you too, dummy.”
Bakugou kissed you deeply. God knows how your appearance must’ve looked, but he kissed you all the same. He pushed deeper into the kiss like he needed to taste everything he could. You could see your heartbeat spike up on the monitor nearby.
How awful it would've been to die without ever kissing him. You would've regretted it beyond the afterlife, rolling in your grave.
Bakugou pulled back, his face still close to yours as you breathed each other in.
"There's still so much I wanna do with you," he said. "So much shit happened when we all thought you were gonna die. I'm gonna make sure not to waste our time together since I finally got you back." He kissed you on the nose and you shyly smiled up at him. "Once you're healed up, you're not leaving my side. I won't make the same mistake twice."
"I won't either."
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(I will be posting a fulfilled request later today if I can! Either that or a regular fic)
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 month
Alot of my high school experience was ruined because my life was rough, i have a request that maybe eddie knows reader didnt get to experience things she wanted to, sneaking around at school to make out, hiding hickeys, a guy sneaking through her window to take her on an adventure, being told in the middle of the night to meet them in the woods so they could fuck, was crying instead of getting fingered on prom night ect so he wants to make the reader feel special and plans all these exciting things for her and does it in a way that feels natural? (Lets be honest eddie doesnt have to be a teenager anymore, he'll crawl through your window regardless)
Request by anon
18+, mdni. Fluff.
Eddie had a plan. It involved you- his princess.
There was a list that he had made of all of the things you didn't experience in high school that he was determined for you to experience now.
You had confessed all of the things to him a few nights ago and he couldn't stop thinking about it. It kept niggling in his brain until he couldn't take it. He had to do something for you.
Most of your high school life was spent fighting interdimensional monsters with Steve and the rest of Hawkins heroes. No wonder you weren't able to have a normal high school experience.
There were also a few family troubles that caused you to be stressed throughout high school as well.
And so the list was born. Some things were easy, like sneaking around and making out. Granted it wasn't sneaking around and making out all over school like you wished to experience but it was something.
None of your friends knew that the two of you were together, the relationship had only come about after the upside down was finally destroyed and you and everyone else in Hawkins could have peace from all the spooky shit that had been happening the last few years.
The first experience on the list was just about to begin, Surprise you by climbing through your window and Take you on an adventure.
He was currently trying not to fall off your roof as he made his way to your window.
He smiles when he sees you reading on your bed and gently taps your window. You peer up and a smile caresses your face. "Eddie!" you rush over to open the window and he clambers inside.
"Sweet princess, will you join Eddie the brave on a new quest... a quest for adventure?" you giggle and nod looking delighted.
"Of course my knight" you take his hand and he gestures to the window. He was hinting for the two of you to make your exit out of the window. "Eddie, we can't. What if we fall?" he grins and kisses you.
"Come on sweetheart. This is an adventure after all" he's practically bouncing on the balls of his feet to get started and you couldn't help but feel endeared by his excitement.
"Okay, let's go" he grins and bows to you, then helps you climb out of the window and climb off the roof.
"Where are we going to go Ed's?" you're curious about where exactly the two of you could have an adventure when it was almost midnight.
"That's the point of an adventure sweetheart, we just see where the night takes us, now onwards" he holds your hand all the way as the two of you walk into the night.
It's maybe a few hours later when you sneak back into your room feeling flushed and giddy, you collapse on the bed and giggle at how amazing the night was.
You're so exhausted that you fall asleep instantly but not without one final thought that tonight was one of your wishes to experience. If you weren't so tired you would think your boyfriend was up to something using what you told him.
You dismiss the thought and succumb to sleep.
For the next few days Eddie ticked off a few more things on the list but tries to make it look like they are occurring in a natural way.
Giving you the best prom night- of course there wasn't another prom that you and him could go to but Eddie had talked Steve into throwing an impromptu prom themed party and everyone had to dress in formal wear, drink punch and dance to cheesy as fuck songs; that Eddie would only listen to for you.
To sober up he took you outside where the two of you danced under the stars and the glow of the moonlight.
"I love this. This is amazing Eddie" you murmur as you rest your head on his chest and sway to the music. He kisses your forehead and a Cheshire cat grin forms on his face.
"What do you say that I give you the proper prom experience sweetheart?" He waggles his eyebrows, you giggle and swat him playfully.
"Let's try and sneak past Steve" you whisper and he gapes, clutching his heart in mock horror.
"I feel like I'm a bad influence on you princess" he winks and then the two of you snuck upstairs to one of Steve's guest bedrooms and Eddie drove you wild with his fingers, you clenching so tightly around him that Eddie almost came himself. (The two of you didn't leave the bedroom that night)
Of course if he ended up crossing off another item on the list which was to have a little fun in the woods near Steve's house then that was no one's business but you and Eddie.
"What's that on your neck?" Steve asks as you and Eddie join the others for breakfast, pretending that you've both been fast asleep. Nancy and Robin exchanged knowing looks, Robin shaking her head in amusement as you try to unsuccessfully cover your hickey.
"What does it look like dingus, I know it's been a while since Brenda but you remember a hickey right?" she teases him and he rolls his eyes at her.
"Of course I do, I just didn't realise that her and Eddie were uh...together" he shrugs and Robin snorts.
"Steve, they've been together for three months" at learning this Steve makes a little oh face then goes back to making pancakes.
Nancy delicately pulls something out of your hair and holds out a bright orange leaf. "Busy this morning huh?" you exchange looks with Eddie and both of you erupt with laughter.
Eddie meanwhile is pleased as punch that he's managed to tick all of the things off the list. Maybe he should write a new one?
After all he's never had sex in a pool before and Harrington's one is just right outside...
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lives-in-midgard · 2 months
Say Don't Go
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: When Steve has to bring back the infinity stones he isn't sure if he can come back to you because he might still have feelings for Peggy.
Word Count: 1005
A/N: Hey guys! I got inspired for this while listening to "say don't go" by Taylor Swift. I'm sorry that this is a sad story, I hope you still like it.
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
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When Steve and the other Avengers were on the run, you and Steve went together. You didn’t stay at one place for long and were going to different countries. Sometimes you were hiding in cabins in the woods or somewhere in a small town. After a while you were very close to each other. Steve told you stories about the 40s, about his friendship with Bucky and you told him more about your life before you were an Avenger. One night as you were sitting outside, watching the stars Steve confessed his feelings for you and you told him you felt the same way.
You were happy together until Thanos came to New York and you had to fight alongside the Avengers a horde of aliens. Suddenly a lot of Avengers turned into dust, and you were one of them. It was the worst for Steve. First, he had to watch his best friend disappear, and then he had to watch his love disappear. Steve loved you, he really did. He wanted to get you, Bucky and everyone else back. He missed you so much, but after five years he thought there was no way he would get you back. Until suddenly there was hope again.
When you returned five years later, you were confused until Wong told you and the others what happened, and that Thanos was back. During the fight you looked out for Steve and saw him far away from you, but you were glad he was okay. You began to smile as you saw that he lifted Thors hammer. And when you finally won against Thanos, you ran to Steve and jumped into his arms.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” You said and Steve rubbed your back.
“Me too, it’s so good to see you again.” Steve said.
“I love you.” You confessed but Steve didn’t say anything back and just kept rubbing your back. That’s when you noticed for the first time that something was different.
Steve showed you his apartment and told you that you could stay there. The next day, you and Steve were sitting outside and looking at the stars. He had his arm around your back and told you everything that happened.
“I saw Peggy.” Steve said suddenly.
“When we went back in time to get the Infinity Stones I saw her. I wish I could talk to her just one more time again.” Steve confessed and you looked at the ground for a second, thinking about what to say.
“I understand that she was and still is very important to you Steve.” You said and Steve nodded.
“When I bring back the stones tomorrow I might see her again but if I see her again I’m…I’m not sure if I can come back.“ Steve stuttered in a sad tone and you looked away. You knew he wasn’t just saying this because it was dangerous, but also because of Peggy. You thought that he would still think about her but hearing him say that made you so sad. You love him so much and thought he did too, but it looks like he doesn’t or maybe he wasn’t sure.
“Sweetheart, please look at me.” Steve mumbled and reached for your hand. When you looked at him you saw a sad expression in his eyes.
“I would stay forever…if you say don’t go.” Steve confessed, but you knew it wouldn’t be right for him to stay if he still had feelings for Peggy. You had to let him go and if he really loved you, he would come back to you.
“It’s okay Steve, you have to go.” You said, fighting back a few tears, but one tear rolled down your cheek. Steve moved closer to you and wiped it away with his thumb.
“How about one last hug?” Steve asked and you nodded. You both stood up and Steve wrapped his arms around you. You stayed like that for a few minutes until you broke the hug and kissed Steve one more time.
Later when you cuddled in bed with Steve maybe for the last time, he held you and rubbed your back.
“You know where to find me.” You said while looking up at him. Steve smiled softly and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
When you woke up the next morning, Steve wasn’t next to you anymore. When you looked at the clock and saw what time it was, a tear rolled down your cheek. Steve is gone, he really was. You just came back and now you’ve lost him. You started to cry but tried to remind yourself that it was for the best, but you were already starting to miss him. After staying in bed for an hour, you suddenly heard a knock on the door. You quickly wiped the tears away and walked to the door.
When you opened the door you couldn’t believe what you saw.
“I’m so sorry that I thought I still love her. As soon as I left the apartment this morning, I knew that it was wrong. I love you and when I saw her again, I knew she isn’t the one for me but you are. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Steve, I love you too. I can forgive you but I’m not sure if I can forget about this…knowing that you might choose her over me hurt me.”
“I know and I’m so sorry for being such an idiot.” Steve said, making you smile a little.
“You really were an idiot.”
“But I’m your idiot, right?” Steve asked and you had to giggle.
“Yeah.” Steve started to smile and walked closer to you. Then he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
Steve knew that what he did was wrong and that it won’t be so easy for you to forget what he did. But he will try to make it up to you and hopes that you can be happy together again.
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@marvelogic | @rogersbarber | @eviebuggg | @nicoline1998enilocin | @nekoannie-chan | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @sgtgarricks | @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 | @cutedisneygirl @mrsbuckybarnes1917 | @buckys-wintersoldier
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froggibus · 2 years
The Mark of Greed - Mammon
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Pairing: Mammon x reader
Genre: angst -> fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: mammon can’t help but notice that you refuse to talk about his pact mark, and he’s determined to find out why
CW: hurt/comfort, angst, violence (reader gets attacked by demons), mutual pining, self deprecating thoughts, arguing/yelling, angsty! Mammon, love confessions, misunderstandings
i definitely did not write all of this at 3am. nope. idk i had this image in my head of soft! Mammon tracing your pact mark and telling you he loves you so here it is lol. i got super carried away and ended up making this super long too oops
The best kept secret in the Devildom, aside from Satan’s pet cat, was your pact mark. Not just any pact mark—no, it was the shimmering gold one that marked Greed. Right from the day you got it, you knew you should keep it hidden. 
Always wearing clothes to strategically cover it, lying, deflecting and giving different answers every time someone would ask. Mammon watched all this, and said nothing. Sure, it was a little funny, but it also made him wonder. 
Did you hate him? Was the mark of greed as awful as he always thought it was? Was his touch so ugly and toxic that you didn’t want anyone to know about it? 
Maybe his brothers were right. Maybe there was something wrong with him. You were so open about your pacts with his brothers, gladly showing them the swirling coloured patterns that marked your body. You showed them off unashamedly, proudly displaying the marks as part of yourself. 
It made him jealous, really. You were his human. You were his first. His pact was your first—so why did you hate it so much? He always pegged envy as Leviathan’s emotion, but the more he watched, the more he realized his turmoil was enough to rival the otaku himself. 
You first notice Mammon withdrawing after you show a demon in class your pact mark with Beel. An orange sigil just above your belly button that you displayed proudly with crop tops and bathing suits. You could feel Mammon’s eyes on you the whole time, watching you as you explained the beauty behind the mark. 
“It’s not just cause he’s the Avatar of Gluttony,” you explain, fingers tracing the orange outline. “But it also relies on emotions. In this case, the comfort he brings me is like having a full stomach. It sits right at my core because he’s my support.”
You swear you see blue eyes roll to your left, but you shrug it off. He’s probably just upset because Lucifer confiscated Goldie again. Still, you can’t help but think he’s jealous of the way you’re talking about Beel. 
When you walk home later that day, Mammon is short with you. He barely acknowledges you or responds to anything you say, instead he slumps his shoulders and shrugs you off. 
“Mammon, is everything okay? You seem…upset,” you note. 
“The Great Mammon? Upset?” He tsks, “maybe your time in the Devildom has made you dumber, y/n.” 
“I was just checking on you…”
You don’t wait for him to say anything else and instead throw open the front door and stomp to your room in silence. If he wants to be a jerk, you’ll let him be a jerk. 
You practically throw your backpack across the room and slump on your bed. One of your pact marks aches and the thought makes you cringe. Of course it’s that one. 
Ever since you got it, you’ve tried so hard to keep it hidden. Not even telling Mammon himself where it is. I mean, if he knew, what would he even say? You could almost hear his voice in your head telling you that you’re delusional to think you could ever be with him, dismissing your feelings and breaking your heart. 
You get up and sit in front of the mirror, pulling off your shirt so that you can examine your skin. There, sitting above your heart, is the golden mark of Greed. You trace it lightly. It’s always been your favorite, the colour and the design by far the prettiest. You just wish it wasn’t where it was. 
When you first got the mark, when you felt it sear itself into your skin, you knew what it meant. It was a visual representation of the butterflies in your stomach and the clenching in your heart every time you saw the Avatar of Greed. 
Still, you found yourself flipping through the pages of Satan’s personal collection. You honestly hoped it was just random, a weird coincidence or a mistake—but the books said otherwise. They confirmed your fear. 
When the others started to make pacts with you, you worried the same thing would happen. That they would show up in the same place or worse. You can still remember the immense relief you felt when you made your pact with Levi and have the mark show up on your thigh. 
Levi was so excited to ask about his mark and when you let him touch it? He almost exploded. That was the first time Mammon asked you about his mark, and it was the first time you lied to him. 
You groan in frustration and pull your shirt back on, trying to blink away the image of his branding. A part of you always wanted to tell him, to show him and have him touch it. But the other part couldn’t get it out of your head that you’re just a burden to him. You’re his responsibility and that’s the only reason he hangs around you. 
You only wish things could be simpler. 
Mammon slams the door to his room and sinks down against it. He tugs on his white hair so hard it hurts, but the pain isn’t enough to wash away the frustration bubbling in his chest. 
Why did he have to be so mean to you?
Maybe if he was nicer you wouldn’t hate him or his pact mark. Maybe if he was nicer to you he might actually have a chance of being with you. 
The sound of his voice rings in his ears, echoing off his skull. He hates it. He hates how mean he was to you, and the guilt eats him up. 
Finally, it becomes too much and he forces himself to his feet. He should apologize to you. Because Lucifer would kill him if he knew how mean he was being…not for any other reason. 
You open the door to see him standing in front of you, fidgeting with his hands. “What’s up?” 
“I—Lucifer would be mad at me if I didn’t apologize to you,” he says, eyes focused on his shoes. “‘N I don’t wanna be strung up tonight so I’m sorry human.”
“It’s fine. Just—why were you so upset earlier, anyways?”
He shrugs his shoulders, still avoiding eye contact with you. How can he tell you that he’s jealous and angry that you don’t want to show off your pact mark? It’ll make him sound like a little kid. 
“Mammon, come on. It’s just me.”
He sighs, “not that I care but I don’t get why you hate my pact so much.”
You freeze, your blood like ice in your veins. All this time you’d been withdrawing from him, you knew he noticed but because he never said anything, it was easy to ignore. Not anymore. 
“I-I don’t hate it.”
“Then why do you never show anyone?”
“It’s just,” you shrug, “in a weird spot. I don’t know—I don’t hate it. I just don’t want to show it off.”
“Because it’s ugly, right?”
“Why would anyone want to be marked by Greed?”
“Imma dirty scumbag anyway. Making a pact with you was the most selfish thing I ever did. Tying you to me for life, why would you ever want that?”
“Mammon, Jesus. Just listen to me!”
The demon stops his self deprecating rant, staring at you expectantly. He doesn’t know what you’re about to say, but all he can hope is for you to tell him that’s it’s not true. That it’s not ugly, that you want to be tied to him. 
Your words fail you. You interrupt his rant and suddenly your mouth goes dry under the gaze of his blue eyes and your words all fall away. Your heart beats a mile a minute, drawing more of your focus to the pact mark that connects the two of you.
You stare at each other for a minute, and then Mammon turns on his heel and storms out of the room.
It takes you a minute to process what just happened, and another minute for you to follow him. By the time you make it to the staircase, he’s already slamming the front door shut behind him. 
Everything is moving so fast. The illusion that you were protecting yourself from Mammon hating you has shattered—replaced by the realization that you’ve been hurting him this whole time. You can’t think of anything except for how to make this right. 
Without thinking about it, you follow him out of the door and into the streets of the Devildom. It’s dark out and you have to squint to see the familiar white hair receding into the distance. You pick up the pace, wanting to catch him before he disappears. 
You’ve never been outside alone before. It’s too dangerous, they always said. But that’s the furthest thing from your mind right now. All you want is to make things with him better. 
“Mammon!” You call, heading up the hill behind him. 
When you get to the top, the demon is no longer in sight. You spin around to see if he doubled back to the house, only to realize it’s no longer in sight either. The horrible realization that you’re lost starts to set in and you find yourself reaching into your pocket for your DDD—only to remember you left it in your backpack. 
There’s a hissing noise nearby and you’re suddenly acutely aware of how vulnerable you are here. Without thinking, you start to run back the way you think you came. You hear two pairs of footsteps behind you, they’re gaining on you. Whatever is chasing you, it’s going to catch you. 
A clawed hand takes your back and hot pain erupts within you. You fall to your knees and scream, warm blood trickling down your back. 
You try to get back up but you’re shaking so badly that your knees refuse to cooperate. There’s two demons behind you, only vaguely humanoid with glowing eyes and flickering tongues. They’re speaking, but not in any language you understand. 
They circle around you, taking some sort of sick amusement in watching their prey cower. One of them lashes out at your chest, three claws slicing the front of your shirt and causing blood to pool down your chest and stomach. 
You reach up to clutch the wounds, your fingertips brushing against the golden pact mark. I’ll never get to tell him how I feel, you realize. 
“I’m sorry, Mammon,” you murmur, tracing your pact mark one last time. 
A jolt of energy rushes through you followed by intense golden light in front of you. You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting until it dims to open them again. When they’re open, you see Mammon in demon form, standing between you and your attackers. 
All it takes is a flick of his hand before they erupt into dust. You knew he was powerful, but seeing him in action only confirmed the fact. 
He drops to his knees in front of you, his hands frantic as they search you for injury. His fingertips fall on your open shirt and clawed chest. “You’re hurt…”
“I’m sorry, Mammon,” you mumble. 
“I know.” He says, “let’s just get you home, okay?”
He scoops you up in his arms effortlessly, holding you close to him. You’re sure your blood is dripping all over him and wrecking his new shoes, but you’re too disoriented to care. 
Mammon sets you down on the counter in the bathroom, “move your hand, alright? I gotta make sure you’re not gonna die.” 
Without thinking about it, you move your blood coated hand off of the pact mark. Mammon slowly peels off your shredded shirt, his eyes going wide when he sees what your hand was covering. 
Somewhat hidden by the blood and fabric yet unmistakable, is a golden mark. Not just any golden mark—his golden mark. His pact mark and its above your heart? 
His hands shake as they brush the outline of it. “My—my pact mark is on your heart?”
You bite your lip and nod slowly, looking anywhere but at him. 
Mammon is in complete disbelief. This whole time he thought his feelings were one sided, that you hated him and hated his pact even more. But to find out that it’s on your heart of all places—right as he almost lost you? He’s almost entirely overwhelmed by his feelings. 
His hands shake the whole time he bandages and disinfects you, his mind only set on the branding above your chest. When he’s done fixing you up, he can’t stop staring at it. 
“You got lucky that the Great Mammon was here to protect you today,” he tries to play it off. 
“I-it was only cause I summoned you with the pact.”
The mention of the pact makes his head spin again. His mouth is suddenly dry and his hands sweaty. 
“Mammon,” you mumble, still unable to look at him, “please say something.”
His voice is low. “Do you know what it means when a pact mark forms over your heart?”
You shake your head, butterflies erupting in your stomach. 
He reaches out to trace the swirling lines of the mark, his touch featherlight. “It means I’ll always be there for you, y/n.”
His tone is serious, unlike anything you’ve heard from him before. You don’t dare move or interrupt him, wanting to hear what the demon has to say. 
“It means that I’ll never let anyone hurt you,” he mumbles. “That I’ll take care of you no matter what. It means that you own me. It means that I—“ he swallows hard, looking at the floor. “I love you, y/n. Now and forever.”
You flinch at his words. They’re all you wanted to hear and yet hearing them has awakened something inside of you. 
Your eyes finally meet his. “You—you really mean it?”
“I love you,” he gently kisses the centre of his mark on your body. “I love you.”
“Mammon,” you say, “I love you.”
Mammon might burst at your words. He reaches up to cup your face, planting a needy kiss on your lips. His touch is desperate, needy, way overdue. You melt into him, his taste so familiar and comforting that you don’t need to think twice about it. 
Mammon smiles against you. If you had asked him a week ago, he would say that his pact with you was the most selfish thing he’s ever done. Looking at you now, though, he sees it as a sigil of his love for you, and what could be more selfless than that?
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
Chocolate-Coated Confessions
Pairing: Kakashi x f!Reader
Summary: Kakashi's been jealously hating on Valentine's Day for a very long while, but he's pushed over the edge when you suggest you might be spending the night with someone else.
W/c: 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff, just jealousy really
Notes: he's down bad, lmk if this sucks <3
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Valentine's day had never been Kakashi's favourite holiday. To him, it was a day filled with superficial displays of affection, a spectacle for those who mistook infatuation for love. Nobody in love would ever put on such a show, Kakashi reckoned as he strolled down the street to the market. As he walked, he let his eyes drift past the loving couples, holding flower bouquets and boxes of chocolates, alight with temporary delight. He couldn't help but wonder if anyone ever truly felt the emotions they so desperately attempted to display.
In his time at the Academy, a plethora of cards would be found on Kakashi's desk at the start of the day. He would always look through them casually, hoping to see your gorgeous scrawl on one of them. But he never did. As a Genin, and into his Chunin years, the girls moved from handmade cards to tiny candies and strange tokens. He'd accept the things, but usually just throw it all out by the night - he'd keep a few chocolates, just to comfort him. Kakashi didn't want their gifts, he wanted just a sliver of your attention. But he never got it, with you only holding conversation with him when he would instigate it.
You never made him a card, you never gave him a sweet - but you were the first to wish him a happy birthday since his fifth. Surely, that had to be some kind of love, right?
Kakashi trudged on, down the street, and into the fruit market. Once he stepped through the doors, Kakashi's eyes clapped onto you. Your back was turned, but he could recognize you anywhere. A picture of casual elegance, the sight of you made Kakashi's heart ache with a mixture of longing and resignation. You were so beautiful, and just destined to be his - but you didn't want him, not as anything more than a friend.
"Oh," you said, turning around to see Kakashi a few meters from you. Your smile was like a ray of sunshine, and as you approached, the subtle fragrance of your perfume enveloped him. "Hi, Kakashi. Lovely day, isn't it?"
"Isn't it just," Kakashi murmured shortly, though his thoughts were racing. "I thought you did your shopping on Thursdays."
"Just like you." The gentle laugh in your tone sent a vibration through Kakashi's body, electrifying him.
In defense, he replied, "I felt like cutting up a pineapple today, but I have no pineapple to cut."
"Don't do it," you said a little too quickly. Kakashi's eyebrows furrows as he chuckled, amused at the slightly panicked expression that flitted across your face.
"Why not?"
"Er...because...well, just don't, okay? Trust me."
"Okay," he hummed, looking at the top of a pineapple sticking out of the bag in your arm. Curiousity piqued, he asked, "What's in the bag?"
"Not yet, Nosey Rosey," you quipped, skirting past Kakashi with a brush of your hip against his. Despite the confusion, Kakashi found himself smiling down at you as the sun caught your hair so beautifully.
Yet. He would get to find out eventually, to some capacity. It was a small win, but a win for Kakashi, none-the-less.
"I've got to go, there's a lot of work I still have to for today." Like always, you shied away from Kakashi just when you seemed to be opening up. "I'll see you later, Hatake."
Before he could respond, you turned and left the fruit market, going in the direction of your apartment complex. His words died on his lips as he watched you leave him, to go do work for today. Today. Valentine's Day.
What did you mean? Did you have a valentine? Were were making something for them? Who? Who deserved your love and how could Kakashi prove to you that he was more deserving?
Getting a couple of mangos instead, still craving pineapple, Kakashi kept your command in mind. He left the fruit market and had the mangos back in his apartment, where he read for a long few hours.
The day seemed to melt away, only eating away at Kakashi's beating heart - he didn't want to spend Valentine's Day alone anymore, and he certainly didn't want you spending it with anyone else.
It was time for action. Kakashi didn't care if he would be interrupting your hot date - in fact, he hoped he would be.
Springing from his bed around the stroke of five, Kakashi left his apartment for the confectionary a couple blocks away, getting a kilo of chocolate almonds, before heading to Yamanka Flowers. There, Kakashi bought the most expensive bouquet in the store, ignoring Ino when the little girl inquired about Kakashi's big date. He didn't want to get his hopes up, but he certainly wasn't going to dash the idea.
As he dashed around the Hidden Leaf, Kakashi thought about what to say to you. It was all situation dependant, he came to realize - and, eventually, Kakashi figured he would have to let his heart speak for him, for once.
After dragging his feet, still deeply in thought, closer to the hour of six, Kakashi slowly made his way to your apartment complex. Battling with his internal monologue, he ascended the stairs, and went straight to Unit 36. He had walked you to your door a few times, but you had never invited him in.
His breath was shaking, and the items felt heavier than bricks in his arms, but Kakashi was determined. He wanted you so badly, and he needed you even worse.
Smelling a dark but sweet scent coming from under your door, he rapped upon the wood three times. Kakashi could hear a bang, then a small shout, before the lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing you, as gorgeous as Kakashi had ever seen you.
Your hair was tied up messily, in disarray from the obvious culinary tasks you had taken on. A pastel pink apron hung from your neck, synching your waist, with white frills bordering the fabric. Chocolate was smeared on the front, in thin, abstract lines. The same chocolate was on your arms and hands, even a smudge having made it onto your cheek.
Kakashi took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on," he began, voice trembling slightly. Your smile widened as you leaned on the door, opening it wider for him. Gathering every shred of courage he had, Kakashi continued, "For years... all I have been able to think about is you, morning, noon, and night. Your face, your voice... they bring me comfort like nothing else."
He paused, collecting his breath and searching for any sign of what you were feeling, but something compelled him to go on before you could reject him.
"I've tried to ignore it, tried to move on, but I can't. You have a hold on my heart that I can't break. I...I need you to know...I love you." With a sharpness, you inhaled, and Kakashi sighed, "I love you more than words can describe... and it hurts to not know how you feel about me."
Breathing deeply from his monologue, Kakashi felt as though a weight was lifted from his shoulders. Even if you denied him, even if you told him your heart was for another, Kakashi would be okay, because, at least, now, you knew.
A beat of quiet passed through your apartment corridor as your eyes sparkled in the luminescent lighting. Then you simply giggled, "Do you still fancy a pineapple?"
Blinking rapidly, Kakashi asked, "What-?"
"C'mon, Lover Boy," you teased, motioning into your apartment with a smile that seemed to light up the room. "You don't know how much easier you've made things."
Still in a state of confusion, Kakashi wasn't going to turn down the invitation. He stepped into your apartment, taking in the large window and your twenty-some paintings that lined the walls. Snapping his attention back to you, Kakashi presented the bouquet and you took it up, holding the flowers close to your nose as you inhaled.
"I hope you don't think my thing is lame," you sighed, looking between the flowers and the bag of chocolate covered almonds that still resided in Kakashi's hand. "I didn't spend half as much money as you did."
"You...got me something?"
Brightly, you nodded with a deepened smile. "Yeah- well, no...kinda." You started walking toward the other room in the small apartment. "Come to the kitchen, I'll show you."
As he walked through your apartment, he took in all your little knick-knacks and chachkies. Everything in the room screamed about various corners of your personality, corners that Kakashi hoped to one day know like the back of his hand.
The kitchen was very white - white cabinets, white counters, white cupboards, white fridge, white backsplash, white oven. All white, except for a smattering of brown mess, all over two pots and the stove and the baking sheets that sat beside. You walked over nervously and motioned for Kakashi to do the same. As he got closer, he could decern chunks of various fruits and strawberries sat on the baking sheets, covered in chocolate.
"You...did this?" Kakashi asked, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and disbelief as he took in the array of chocolate-covered fruits. You nodded, eyes shining with anticipation. "For me?"
"All for you, Kakashi. Only for you."
You didn't know just how much Kakashi had prayed to hear those words come from your mouth. It was like he was dreaming, being given everything he ever wanted, and he grew anxious that it was.
Driven by a sudden surge of courage, Kakashi stepped forward and gently pressed his lips to yours. An electric jolt coursed through him as your hands instinctively cradled his cheek and the back of his neck. You melted into his embrace as he brought you close, fitting perfectly against him. Kakashi knew then that this was no dream; he was wide awake and finally living the reality he had longed for.
He also knew that he had to reevaluate Valentine's Day.
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billwidoll · 4 months
The connection between us
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Rafe Cameron has never been a fan of love. He always thought it was all a joke, he always kept his heart cold and his body active. He had relationships with girls, but it was only physical And Rafe didn't know why he was like this, maybe because he was never loved by any woman and he felt this way.
Most women were in relationships with Rafe for his money and Rafe was no fool and knew it or maybe it was because he was just good looking. But anyway, Rafe hated this marriage thing, Of couples and of love. He wanted it far away from him. Until one day...
Whezzie, Rafe's younger sister, asked her brother to take her to the cinema to watch the new Barbie movie. Rafe hated it, but his sister was the only thing he tolerated.
"let's watch the movie and then go home, you understand" Rafe speaks authoritatively, holding whezzie's hand, in the queue for movie tickets.
"it's cool Rafe!" Whezzie says, rolling his eyes at his brother.
Approaching the ticket box, Rafe saw the employee who was at the counter selling tickets. And it made Rafe see true female beauty. He noticed the way you smiled, the color tone of your hair, your bright and penetrating eyes, your sweet and soft voice, your angelic skin. He simply saw the goddess next to him.
"I'm sorry, but can you hear me?" He hears your velvety voice, directed at him.
He was so mesmerized, he didn't even notice you were talking to him.
"ah...and...my bad, I got lost in your eyes.." Rafe speaks without realizing what he had said and you give him a confused face
"no, no, no, that's not what I meant, what I meant and what I lost in my thoughts"
Rafe speaks finally justifying himself and you give a smile
"no, It's okay, this happens to me sometimes"
You speak, trying to soften this strange situation between you and this man you've never seen in your life.
"let's go Rafe! Buy the damn tickets" Whezzie says, clearly irritated by the whole situation, and Rafe takes a deep breath to keep from yelling at her.
"I want two tickets to the Barbie movie"
Rafe says, lowering his head so he doesn't meet your eyes again and be mesmerized. Rafe takes out his wallet and gives you the money for the tickets.
"his daughter?" You ask smiling at whezzie, you were already preparing the tickets .
Rafe didn't know why he loved hearing your voice again and directed at him..
"no, not her, just my younger sister" Rafe says, smiling at you and playing with whezzie's hair
"well...she's beautiful! Here are your tickets" you say, giving them both a huge smile, and Rafe's wish at that moment was to stick that smile to his forehead
"Thank you... Y/N" Rafe says seeing the name on a badge that was glued to his work uniform.
When you give Rafe the tickets, he and whezzie continue on their way to the cinema
"what was this?!" Whezzie asks, surprised by all the dialogue Rafe had with that strange girl
"shut up" Rafe speaks harshly to the girl and she rolls her eyes
Two weeks later
"You have to get married, Rafe! You're already a 24-year-old man, you need to start your family!"
Ward speaks angrily and authoritatively to Rafe
"and dad, I know, and yes, I'm 24 years old and I decide whether I'm going to get married or not!"
Rafe speaks in the same tone as Ward, and Ward is angry at Rafe's reactivation.
"and the name of the family that I created, in your hands! You will inherit the company, meaning you will own this family! And you need to at least have a girlfriend!!"
Ward says pointing his finger at Rafe
"they....they are difficult dad....they just care about my money" Rafe speaks, speaking more quietly and Ward simply laughs at his son's confession
"so what? Your mother married me, it wasn't because of any love but for my money"
Ward speaks, making Rafe more angry and frustrated. Rafe needed to find a girlfriend quickly, and he would go after Y/N, the one and only, to make him feel strong admiration.
And so Rafe did. He waited for you at night, behind the cinema area, to just try to have a conversation with you. And as incredible as it seemed to him, he was nervous, his hands weren't They stopped sweating, And he was biting his nails because of the anxiety. But anyway, Rafe saw you leaving through the back doors of the cinema. And he approaches you
"oh hi! Remember me?" Rafe speaks with a friendly smile so you don't have to be afraid of that strange situation
"Ah, yes. You are that beautiful little girl's older brother, am I right?"
You speak a little spitefully because it was just the two of you in that place, and it was also night and it would probably rain in less than an hour
"yes! Yes, despite that, I'm Rafe" Rafe says, raising his hand to shake and you accept
Rafe didn't say his last name, because he was afraid that if you heard the word "Cameron" you would probably stay with him because of the money, so he decided to test
"well... Rafe... I'm still trying to understand, what do you want from me?" You say crossing your arms and looking deeply at Rafe
"Would you mind going out with me? I... just admired you at that counter"
Rafe speaks with a bit of a stutter, so you decide to let your guard down and try to sympathize with him.
"well...I accept, I just don't expect you to be some kind of psychopath" you say making this joke and you both end up laughing
"good... so can you give me your number, so we can arrange a meeting?" Rafe says, approaching you and smelling that sweet perfume
"okay" you say, taking a pen from your bag and pulling Rafe's palm, that's where you would sign the number
Rafe liked that, he liked your attitude, as a woman.
To be continued?
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Day 1: first kiss
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
You were walking along the inside of the sidewalk, enjoying the story that your friend was telling you animatedly, while both of you headed to your apartment.
You had been dating a few weeks with Dr. Spencer Reid, whom you had met at your book club. He was the only man attending and although the old women were completely sweet with him, they were no competition for you, who had liked you from the first glance. He had invited you on a date with the excuse of talking a little more about the last book you had read and when you were alone with him you ended up seeing how charming he was. That allowed you to ask for a new date and so you continued to see each other frequently, when Spencer's work allowed it.
He was a gentleman with you and although it was obvious that you liked each other, he had been too cautious to make any move beyond taking you to nice places and buying you flowers.
“If I'm overwhelming you, you can tell me,” he laughed, a little embarrassed that he had been talking for most of the way.
“I really like hearing you talk. You always have something good to say.”
You were very close to your apartment and both of you slowed down considerably, as if you weren't ready to separate yet. You had been walking with your hands in the pockets of your coat to keep yourself protected from the autumn cold that was already beginning to set in, wishing that it was his hands that kept yours warm.
“Sometimes I feel like I'm still not used to it”
"To what?"
“To be with someone as kind as you,” he confessed to you, smiling slightly “You are literally the nicest person I know.”
“That's not true, I have a lot of bad things,” you tried to excuse yourself, even though it was totally true, hoping that he wouldn't start idealizing you as something you weren't.
“We all have them, that's true. But it is also true that you are gentle and good” he added. Spencer was so mature and so gorgeous that you doubted there was a man like him on earth and even with the short time you had been dating you believed he was good boyfriend material. Excellent boyfriend material, to tell the truth.
“You're going to the club this month, right?”
“I'll try,” he replied, when both of you were in front of your building. “You know, work…”
“This month I have to bring the snacks. And I was thinking about preparing something you like, if you want” you murmured shyly.
Your cooking skills were something you prided yourself on and you wanted to show him that you too were talented, just like he was with almost everything. Spencer smiled at the idea and gave you a list of suggestions, which you excitedly wrote down in your mind.
You didn't want to enter your house, but your excuses to keep him longer had run out and you even felt a little selfish for wanting even more from him after spending almost the entire afternoon together. But it was inevitable to want his company.
“We'll see you soon, okay?” he promised you, bending down a little to wrap you in a goodbye hug “I will try my best to be free on the day of the meeting.”
“No pressure, I'll save you some snacks and we can eat them at my apartment later,” you suggested, venturing to plan a date at a more intimate place that you two hadn't climbed to yet.
Spencer smiled from her spot and you knew that this was the final goodbye, although neither of you were very happy.
“Good night, Y/N.”
You responded in the same way and then you saw him start walking down the sidewalk, but this time you didn't go straight in like you did before. You weren't going to waste your chance, nor the pang of bravery that seemed to have hit you.
“Spencer! I think you're forgetting something," you exclaimed, loud enough to stop him and make him retrace his steps to look at you with a confused expression.
"What is it?"
“This” quickly and without leaving room for complaints, you pulled him by his tie until he was close to you and planted a chaste kiss on his lips, which were slightly stained with lipstick that matched the man's cheeks “You can go, rest”
“Huh… you too”
It was obvious that you had taken him by surprise, but it had been worth it just to see him in that state, trying to hide the emotion that the caress had given him and keeping his gaze on your mouth probably debating whether he should kiss you again or not.
This time you did walk in the direction of the entrance, but he was the one who didn't move, still processing what had just happened. You waved your hand from the door to say goodbye and he waved back, smiling tenderly at you. You'd like to say you didn't spy on him as you walked up the stairs, but that would be a lie, and so would saying you didn't see his excited little dance when he thought he was out of sight.
Although very brief, it was the best first kiss you had ever had in your life.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove
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acotarxreader · 5 months
Moonlight Swim
Cassian x Reader
Synopsis: Cassian has his heartbroken at the end of Illyrian training party he attended. Lovelorn and in need of a miracle, you cross his path to set his night on a course of centuries-long pining.
Warnings: Fluff, near drowningish?
A/N: This is very sweet I think, hehe. I know I just posted a fic yesterday but I say fuck it, here you go ✨ Let me know what you think friends!
Cassian sat on the damp decaying porch of a manor house he didn’t know who belonged to, an enormous party spewing across the Illyrian property. The Illyrian warriors had earned their party, coming to the end of decades of rigorous training and sacrifice. Cassian took a deep drink from his tumbler of whiskey, more than a little on his way to drunk, more than a little heart broken, bleeding and wishing for a miracle to happen. Cassian's eyes fell on the splintered wood of the porch supports and then onto the split skin of his knuckles as they stitched together. He thought of the female who had just stormed away leaving him on the disintegrating deck, how she promised him the world for the past few months and then ripped it away. The thought had his fist flying into another spandrel on the porch and he fought the urge to scream until his lungs went dry into the Summer night. Cassian necked the remainder of the liquor before firing it into a nearby bush. 
“Not one for glassware huh?” The sweet playful voice fell like music on Cassian's ears and yet he kept his gaze forward on the woods below the house on the hill. Cassian tucked his wings tighter into his back, wishing to disappear into the night’s shadows. 
“Are you okay?” he only returned a half grunt to you, hoping to get you to leave and failing. Cassian felt your warm energy replace the cold next to him on the step. A conflict of wanting you to leave and wanting to never be alone again raged in Cassian's mind.
“Are you from Windhaven?” he nodded in confirmation, still forcing his eyes forward.
“Well I’m not so-”
“Is that supposed to fucking mean something to me?” he didn’t mean to direct the anger from the fallout towards you, feeling instantly guilty, only to have you softly laugh him off. 
“It means I guess that I don’t know you and you don’t know me and we may never know each other beyond this night so you can tell me what’s wrong and I won’t pop up later in life to use it against you which you seem like the type to greatly fear that”
“I don’t need to vent, I need to be left alone” he lied but you rose from the deck and left for a moment, Cassian regretting his words. You arrived back to your space on the rotting deck, gently prying Cassian split hand from and rubbing in a lavender-scented salve. You ran a thumb over the syphon decorating his hand, his eyes landing on the movement.
“Now Grumpy Bat, at least you won’t end up with a hook for a hand because of infection” You twisted the lid back on the jar of the homemade salve before standing. 
“Why are you at this party with salve?” he said so quietly he thought you wouldn’t hear.
“I’m just passing through with a product delivery” you offered moving to leave the decking and the Illyrian.
“I broke up with my partner tonight” Cassian wasn’t sure why he felt the need to confess, internally blaming it on the alcohol and blood loss.
“Why is she more of an emerald fan than a ruby fan?” you laughed gesturing towards the syphon, Cassain realised you really weren’t from around here. You rejoined his side and he found himself laughing for the first time in a long time, his eyes finally landing on your face. Cassian felt lightness course through him in the light of your genuine smile to him, the swirling heartbreak headache easing to a stop.
“No, more like she’s a fan of other Faes mouths” You sucked air through your teeth before attempting to smile again, Cassian feeling the pity leak from you and he hated it.
“Did you hit him?”
“Not yet” he gave a grin before pointing to the splintering post you were leaning on, gaining an equal grin from you.
“I’m sorry your ex was a jerk”
“I could think of stronger words for her” he scoffed, forcing down the growing tears in his eyes, his best party trick. 
“I can go call her those words if you want, I have nothing to lose” Cassian exhaled a small laugh before speaking again.
“Thanks for the salve, you can go back to the party if you want” 
“Nah, not really my scene” you offered.
“Then what is your scene?” he raised an eyebrow to your words, your grin growing wider. 
You held his hand as you pulled him down the hill in the shadow of the house and through the forested area. Cassian wasn’t normally the type to follow a stranger so blindly into the woods and yet he couldn’t do anything but be pulled by your magnetic force.
“Are you going to murder me?” Cassian laughed, leaping over tree roots behind you.
“I haven’t decided yet Grumpy Bat” you toyed back before coming out the other side of the woods, a large deep lake stretching across the flooded mountain valley.
“Yup you’re going to murder me” You released his hand and playfully hit him into his chest as he beamed at you. He watched you wander down the slope to a disused dock before he followed you, unable to keep from your orbit. 
“Woah you work fast” Cassian laughed as you began to strip down until you were left in your underwear and vest, rolling your eyes at the Illyrian who couldn't quite believe how his night was going.
“Wait really? You want to go swimming?”
“Yeah let's go Grumpy Bat” Cassian wasn’t this kind of character, training had made him rigid and rule bound and yet he couldn’t fight against the need to be everything you wanted and so happily he wanted to be. Cassian pulled his shirt from over his head, stripping down to his underwear as he felt your eyes cling to him, tracing every muscle
“My eyes are up here” he teased, causing you to pull your eyes from his bare chest and shove him back before catching his wrist and pulling him forward again. 
“Ready?” Cassian nodded slowly before you flew off the dock, plunging into the crystal-like water lit by the Summer’s moon. You both bobbed to the top quickly, laughing loudly echoing through the woods, not releasing one another's hand. Panic began to run through Cassian, he hated swimming, was never particularly strong at it and found it increasingly hard to focus on staying afloat while looking at your glow in the water. 
“Are you okay?” your laugh was like music in his ears as he fought the rising panic.
“Yeah its just- its just-”
“Not a strong swimmer?” Cassian saw you try not to laugh, unsure if he’d ever been so embarrassed in his life. His toes stretched to just about touch the silty bottom of the lake, still too deep for comfort for him. You carefully guided him back towards the dock, climbed out and helped to pull him back to the dry ground. 
“Why did you jump in if you're not a strong swimmer, you could have been hurt!” you chuckled at him as he shook the water from his hair.
“You said to”
“If I told you to jump off a cliff would you do that too?”
“Depends, is there water at the bottom of it?” you pushed me back laughing loudly, Cassian then suddenly very aware that you were half naked in front of him, your vest soaked through to your skin. He watched you saunter towards your clothes, his eyes tracing over your curves with new desire. 
“Here” you tossed him his clothes, slipping your arms through the sleeves of your jumper, Cassian trying to hide his sadness at the sight of you redressing. 
“You’re crazy”
“I’m crazy? I didn’t just jump into the water knowing I couldn’t swim because some stranger told me to”
“Yeah you are crazy, you strip off in front of a stranger and then just go for a swim with them like it’s no big deal” he laughed, pulling his trousers up to his waist
“You make it sound like I was naked” you laughed, sliding back on your skirt.
“I wish you were” Cassain wasn’t even a little mad that he let that comment slip out, your smile turning to a smirk. Your skirt fell back to the wooden dock floor, stepping closer towards Cassian. He stopped buttoning the buttons at the feeling of your hand catch the waistband and pull him in closer to you
“You wish I was?” you almost batted your eyelashes at him.
“You bet” his eyes were all over you and as you bit your lip his hands found their way to your waist. This is crazy, this is lunacy Cassian thought but then you kissed and it was like this was always always meant to be, that this was always going to happen, it made sense. You pulled back from him a little breathlessly and then ran your hands across his abdomen so teasingly, letting your fingers trace every groove. Cassian felt stone-cold sober but yet so utterly intoxicated by you at the same time, he took your chin in his hands and kissed you so purely again. 
“HEY!” you both separated to find a drunk Rhysand waving from the top of the woods.
“Shit, that’s one of my friends, soon to be deceased might I add”
“Cassandra wants to talk to you!” Rhysand called again from the edge of the forest. You pulled back fully from Cassian then, remembering what sent you both on this adventure, you pulled your skirt back to your hips and awkwardly ran a hand through your hair.
“Sorry, I-I don’t know what she wants” Cassian looked between his waiting friend and you.
“You should probably go find out”
“Do you-do you think I should get back with her?” Cassian felt so utterly comfortable with you that he didn’t feel the strength of the absurdity of the question. 
“Hey, I’m just a stranger you kissed after nearly drowning, it doesn’t really matter what I think” You covered the sadness in your voice with a fake smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. 
“It does matter” 
“I think fans of rubies shouldn’t settle for fans of emeralds” you offered, Rhysand reaching our side after jogging down somewhat wobbly. 
“Hey, didn’t you hear me-”
“-I did” he cut across his brother, eyes still fixed on you, silence filling the valley as Rhysand looked between you both. 
“Did I interrupt someth-”
“-I had a lot of fun tonight, see you around maybe” you interrupted Rhysand before smiling gently and heading away from the Illyrians, out of their sightline quickly. 
“Cass, who was that?”
“I have no idea but I fucking wish I found out” 
It had been decades and decades since that encounter, it never really leaving Cassian. He took it through every life experience he had, giving him comfort on his darkest nights and adding to the joy of his happiest days. He spent the time since that night trying to recreate the feelings he felt with numerous conquests and the remaining time looking for you, his job as General frequently getting in the way. 
Cassian sat on the steps of Ritas one chilly Summer night, watching his friends drunkenly dance in the street, his family giving him such comfort. Cassian felt a pang of jealousy course through him as he watched Feyre and Rhysand sway in the light of the moon.
“Do you do anything besides mope and drink on porch steps?” Cassian spun so quickly that he nearly fell to the ground at the sound of music he hadn’t heard in a lifetime. 
“I-I-I” words had fully left the Illyrian as he drank your beauty in once again, he found himself pinching his arm to ensure he was awake and this wasn’t a cruel trick from the Mother, gaining a laugh from you. 
“You sure like the long game don’t you Grumpy Bat? Gotta say, hiding for centuries in a previously unknown city sent me some serious leave me alone vibes” you beamed at him as Cassian returned the sentiment, the sound of a nickname he longed for such a time to be called again. Cassian felt himself bolt towards you, practically sweeping you off your feet in the gigantic hug he enveloped you in.
“How goes the love life?”
“It hasn’t gone much of anywhere” he grinned down towards your glowing face, never so happy that his lovelife was in cinders. 
“Well that's great”
“Why so?” he laughed to you.
“Because otherwise, I’d be in a lot of trouble” You reached up towards him and met his lips with centuries of passion, Cassian meeting you in equal intensity. Cassian walked you back until your back met the brick corner of Ritas, the glow of the sign lighting the path.
“I’m YN by the way”
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mochinek0 · 9 months
Daminette December 2023: 27-Be Positive
"Are you sure it's okay to have a watch party here at your place, Alya?" Lila questioned.
"Are you kidding me?" Alya cried out, "It's not every day we get to see your boyfriend, Damian Wayne, on TV!"
"Did you really invite the old class?" Lila asked.
"It's like a mini reunion!" Alya giggled, "We still don't know where Marinette is, so she won't be here, if that's what you are worried about."
Lila remained silent. Marinette hadn't gone to high school with the rest of them. The class had asked her parents, but they just said she transferred elsewhere. There wasn't any reason to bring the baker's daughter into the mix that day. No one had seen her in years and as far as they knew, she never went home.
"I'm so glad we can watch it togther." Lila smiled, "I would have been there, but I have to fly with my mother to Italy tomorrow so I couldn't go."
Soon, everyone arrived. They got snacks and drinks, ready to watch the Wayne Christmas Gala on the TV.
"The Wayne family is finally here!" the announcer declared, "It seems we have the whole family in attendance! Bruce Wayne and his fiancée, Selina Kyle. We have Dick Grayson and it seems his wife and daughter aren't here this time. It seems a miracle is upon us; Jason Todd is in attendance. We also have the Co-CEO of Wayne Enterprise tonight, Tim Drake."
"It seems Damian Wayne decided to join us tonight." the announcer continued.
"I can't wait for you to see him!" Lila cooed, "I wish he had more free time so he could come to Paris and meet you all! He's so handsome!"
Damian appeared on the screen.
"Oh, he is cute."
"Not really my type, but okay."
"He looks like this dad."
"Is it me or does he look pissed off?"
"Oh, it seems he brought his newly announced fiancée, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" the announcer declared.
Lila's jaw dropped.
"Woah! She looks completely different."
"She grew her hair out! It's so long!"
"Remember whn she wore pigtails?"
Both Damian and Marinette stopped in front of the cameras for pictures.
"For those of you who don't kno the story behind Gotham's couple, it all started when Marinette Dupain-Cheng joined Wayne Enterprises at the age of eighteen." the announcer spoke, "At the age of twenty, she was running their fashion department and that is when Damian met her. Damian Wayne has stated in several interviews how he was , at first, determined to close down the department. That desire is wheat led him to meet her. We have learned that she did not cater to the Wayne ego and told him to leave her alone. Over time, Damian kept a watchful eye on her and even went as far as accusing her of seducing him. When he confronted her, months later, she punched him and quit. Bruce and Timothy Drake-Wayne begged her to stay, even attempting to raise her commission price to $200,000 for every design her completed."
The room was silent as they listened to the couple's tale.
"In the end, Marinette only desired Damian to apologize." the announcer laughed, "Our local Ice Prince then confessed he had found her attractive and distracting. It has been five years since that fated day when they started going out."
Across the screen showed pictures of the out on dates, walking in the park, eating at resturants; both cute and fancy.
"Just last month, Damian Wayne proposed." the announcer spoke, "Let's see if we can get a word in. Mr. Wayne, Miss Dupain-Cheng, there's a question viewers are dying to know."
"Maybe, we can answer." Marinette replied.
"Aside from her beauty, what drew you to dating Miss Dupain-Cheng?" they questioned.
Marinette covered her mouth, but the audio picked up a slight snort.
Damian blushed, "I was raised by my mother who taught me women were meant to be valued by thir strength, not their appearance. Marinette showed me how strong she was; that day I asked her out after she punched me in the face. Marinette is kind, smart, strong, a leader, and confident. I couldn't imagine anyone else by my side."
"Thank you for you answer, Mr. Wayne." the announced replied, shcoked, letting them walk off, "Well, there you have it folks. Out Ice Prince was dethawed by some heated words and a heated punch by Gotham's very own Sunshine!"
The TV cut to commercial and all hell broke loose.
"Lila, what the hell was that?"
"Didn't you say you were dating Damian Wayne?"
"Why is he with Marinette?"
"Why is he engaged to Marinette?"
"Are you 100% positive that you're dating Damian Wayne?"
"You think she's lying?"
"I just want to make sure before we blast Damian Wayne online as a cheater!"
"He cheated on Lila and deceived Marinette! The media is saying he's been with Mari for five years! Lila said they've been together for two years!"
"Do you have any pictures? We can use that as proof!"
"Knowing Marinette, she may just say that you're 'lying again'. She wouldn't believe you!"
Lila gulped, "I-I was lied to."
"Huh?" questioned Nino.
"The person I was dating said he was Damian Wayne, but he doesn't look like the guy on TV. I was too speechless when he came out on the screen to say anything. I'm sorry for the confusion." Lila admitted.
"Well, you better call him and tell him you just saw the Wayne Gala and know he isn't the real Damian Wayne!" shouted Alix.
"Wow! I can't believe that Marinette has been in Gotham!" spoke Nathaniel.
"Are your kidding? She's engaged to one of the world's billionares and is and is a fashion director for their company!" Kim exclaimed, "I wonder when she is coming back."
"Why would she come back here?" Adrien questioned, "Paris may be the fashion capital, but why would you lose a really good job like that?"
"Marinette's about to become Mrs. Wayne!" Rose cried out, excited.
Lila stood up, suddenly.
"Hey, are you okay?" Alya asked.
Lila had tears in her eyes, "I-I need to make a call."
"Do you need one of us to go with you?" Mylene asked out of concern.
Lila just shook her head.
Lila left the room, sobbing. After all she had done, Marinette had still won. Marinette had moved on. The baker's daughter had left the losers behind and rose the ranks to glory. She was on the verge of being fired from Gabriel. Adrien wasn't dating her, still, and was dating some other model from Shanghai. She was positive that Marinette hadn't thought of her in years. She had ruined her own life by turning Marinette against her. She had turned the person who would be the richest into her enemy and she knew she would never get a chance to have the life she desired.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
Omg hello fellow lumine main!
I don't know if you watched the recent Xiao teaser but i got inspired by it so if it's okay with you can you write an angsty scenario about this:
After fighting with the "evil" Xiao, Xiao feels extremely tired and after walking for a while he bumps into you in a deserted field he then confuses/ hallucinates as if you are his evil self so he starts choking you(?) tries to attack you(?) And no matter what you say your words doesn't reach his ears and he snaps out of it only when Zhongli calls his name when he happened to be passing by
Hope this is not too specific! Feel free to change any part that you don't like and it could end with whatever genre you want whether it's angst or angst with fluff!! Thank you and please ignore this if you don't feel like writing it<33
✿ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙖 ✿
characters: xiao x nb!reader
warnings: angst, slight spoilers to xiao’s backstory, hurt/no comfort, fighting, descriptions of blood and canon violence, confession, big ouchies, major character death
notes: just wanna add that the reader doesn’t have a vision! since you didn’t specify the reader’s gender, i went with the “you” pronouns thing. also hiii❗️fellow lumine main❗️(ps: i wanted it to be different but my mitski’s playlist hurt me)
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karmic debt is something that all yakshas bear in their lifetime until their timely demise. it is a collection of their evil deeds, of slaying demons, of taking the life of a corrupted being. of tainting one’s hand with blood whether that blood was already tainted or not.
out of five yakshas that guarded liyue and kept the land of any evil, three had died. minds corrupted by their own karmic debts, hearts shattered by the ones they once used to call a family, bodies torn apart, leaving behind only ashes with nothing to bury and reminisce about in the future. while one had disappeared without a trace.
out of five, only one remains.
and that one would sooner or later fall into his own karmic debt as well. it was only a matter of time. however, there was a small glimmer of hope in the yaksha’s tainted heart. a small glimmer in the shape of you.
sweet, loving you in all your glory who first met the legend of a being when he protected you from a mitachurl. kind, gentle you who thanked him later at the wangshu inn with a plate of hand-made almond tofu with a small offering at the side. thoughtful you who kept appearing every once in a while at the balcony, talking out loud to him about your day, your latest travels and business trades, knowing full well he was listening.
passionate you who gleefully accepted him with open arms when he first decided to sit beside you to hear about your day. understanding you who kept your distance when he warned you of his karmic debt, respectful of his wishes.
and the idiotic clumsy you who would sometimes trip over on the way up the stairs. who would smile at him with the same smile, calling out his name with a scratched hand or forehead. who would brush it off as something small and mediocre.
but the yaksha hated that you would always say your injuries are mediocre and “nothing to worry about”.
of course he would worry. you were one of the few people in his life that he held dear in his heart. one of the few who accepted him, karmic debt, dirty hands, tainted heart and all. the only one… he ended up falling in love with.
“if one day, this karmic debt that binds my soul becomes too much and i no longer can tell the difference between friend or a foe, call upon mister zhongli or the traveler. they’ll get rid of me before i can harm anyone” was something that the lonely yaksha would remind you often.
“it’s fine. that won’t ever happen” you would console him, hands weaving a flower crown together from the qingxin flowers he picked up for you.
“because i’ll be there to knock some sense into you” was your sweet promise as you would place the flower crown atop his head with a smile.
he always found it meaningless that you would weave the flowers into something as useless as a flower crown. but he couldn’t bring himself to ever take it off or throw it away, even after the flowers have dried up and he would pick up the fallen petals, storing them in a glass. he loved how even in death, without nourishments, the petals would continue to keep their beauty.
perhaps that’s why he always brought you flower bouquets back. ones made from random flowers. sweet flowers, glaze lilies, qingxin, silk flowers — he always brings back a flower for you whenever you visit. and on certain days when he feels an odd emotion gripping his heart, unable to tear his gaze away from you as you look at the setting sun, his gloved hand would slowly reach out, tucking one of the flowers behind your ear.
“pretty…” the lonely immortal would whisper without notice. only when you glance at him with a smile, would the yaksha realize what he had done, turn beet red and teleport away. too shy to confront his feelings, too conflicted to stay beside you, too afraid of your mortality.
there are so many times when xiao fears for your mortality.
the times when he feels his karma gripping his heart. hand clutching his jade spear tight to the point he fears he would break the weapon. blurry figures in his sight, muffled voices in his ears, an annoying high pitched ringing in his head.
it was just supposed to be another night. another night of keeping liyue safe. another night of banishing demons and abyss mages, mitachurls, what nots.
and yet it drained him so greatly. when was the last time he had ever felt this exhausted? down right almost collapsing right then and there in the fields of liyue? muscles straining, dragging his feet, vision blurry — the yaksha was exhausted.
amidst the chaos of the voices screeching in his head, demanding more blood, more death and sacrifices, xiao finds himself staring back at a familiar mask. his own mask. himself. or what kind of a twisted joke of himself it was.
their speed was evenly matched. spear swings and thrusts sharp, aimed at his weakest parts, the same feeling of adrenaline pumping as he fights against his own self. with some sort of blind luck or fate, the yaksha manages to make his other self kneel. a single plummet of his jade spear to the heart was all it took for the illusion to disappear.
this was a tiring night. xiao just wanted to go back to wangshu inn and collapse in your arms. you always had a soothing presence that quelled the karma in him.
“xiao?” a voice sounds from behind him. turning back to look at the person who spoke the immortal’s name, he finds himself growing enraged. another look alike of himself.
this was getting tiring.
and yet when the yaksha slipped on his mask and attacked, something was weird. this illusion was slower, weaker, never attacking back and he would almost daresay, felt wrong to fight against.
it didn’t took long for the seasoned fighter to leave a nasty cut on the illusion’s side, almost plunging his spear through their ribcage. he’d just have to try a bit harder then.
xiao wanted nothing more than to go back to you. to feel your arms around him. to feel your hands run through his hair, rambling on about your day or just simply choosing to stay quiet. either way, the lonely immortal loved it. he wanted to go back to you. to your loving embrace. sweet smiles. little nods when he whispered about somethings he wanted.
xiao just wanted to be with you.
just your presence alone was enough for him. he would savor the warmth your skin excludes as he sits beside you on the balcony. cherish every little moment you would spend with him. treasure the small gifts and the almond tofu you would make for him.
and yet why was it that such a familiar hand was touching his own gloved one when he finally drove his jade spear through the illusion’s chest.
it was only then the illuminated bird noticed.
there was no second ‘illusion’. there was no need to fight against the voice that called out to him. for it was you. for it was the one person he cherished the most. for it was his beloved that was now bleeding out, blood tainting the tips of his spear, warm hand covering his own gloved one. warmth that was so quickly fading away.
his beloved… that he killed.
taking his spear out, xiao moved quickly to catch your falling body. the warmth that your hug gives him, the comfort he feels now being replaced by the warmth of your blood.
“no. no no no no, h-hang on. i’ll get you to liyue harbor” what was he saying? it was no use. he had already pierced your heart straight through, there was no hope for you. but xiao wanted there to be one. xiao wanted you to stay alive so he can confess to you. xiao wanted you to live, wanted to taste your hand made almond tofu again, wanted to put flowers in your hair.
xiao wanted to spend his tomorrows with you.
“don’t. we both know i won’t make it” your voice calls out. weak, hoarse, tired. you were bleeding. eyes dull, losing life, losing it’s shine. you were dying and it was all his fault.
“please… please don’t go” the yaksha didn’t knew he was crying until his tears landed on your face. even when bleeding out, even when dying, you still smiled. and by the archons, you were still beautiful even as you lay dying in his arms.
“please don’t go. i love you too much to let you go…” the yaksha sniffled, sobs coming out as he holds you in his arms.
it was just like how you two would lay on the rooftops of wangshu inn. watching the stars, the cloud move by, pointing out the shapes as you two enjoy each other’s presence.
except the warmth that came from your body was now the warmth of your blood gushing out, staining his clothes. the smile you used to give him now dead, stoic, almost like a puppet’s forced smile. the bright shine of life that was once in your perfect [color], dull like a matted blood.
“i wanted to spend my tomorrows with you…”
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rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐭. 𝟐
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Bucky had begun to spread your wings, one act after the other — the cage of your innocence now far too small for such beauty to soar. There were still some steps to take for those feathers to feel the wind beneath them, but patience was a virtue Bucky excelled at.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ♆ Pornstar!Bucky Barnes x Innocent!F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ♆ 3.9k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ♆ Fluff, puns and humour ჻჻჻ SMUT: Oral (F receiving), fingering (F receiving), multiple orgasms, Dom/Sub, Soft Dom!Bucky, light subspace ჻჻჻ KINKS: Light degradation, praise, daddy
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ♆ Who knew the first part would become one of my biggest fics, and who knew that Pornstar!Bucky would also become one of the most popular Bucky AUs I have? I hope y'all enjoy this one, because hot damn...
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ♆ Like U by Rosenfeld ♆ I Want To by Rosenfeld
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂 ♆ @smutconnoisseur (which, thankfully, this fic didn't kill her completely off)
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ♆ @pupandkisasaesthetics Aesthetic Challenge — Masterlist
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𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Bucky had stayed all night and into the next day, at least, until he had to leave for work. He parted with a tight, all encompassing hug and a deep kiss, one of which you wished never ended. 
“I’ll be back later tonight, don’t get into any trouble,” were his parting words, and just like that, he promised to be back after his shoots to spend the night at your apartment again. 
For the whole of the day, you spent it in a stupor – not so much in the clouds, per se, but the feeling of floating on cloud nine had never dissipated. Rather, it grew. Bucky’s confession the previous night still rang around your head like the clashing of symbols, and it was hard to comprehend that it was real. 
Nevertheless, Bucky had confessed, and so had you. The weight off of your shoulders alone after the admittance was immeasurable. With that comforting assurance, you powered on through the day and puttered around your apartment, cleaning and maintaining the space.
The hours passed swiftly. Nightfall had arrived in what seemed like only moments when there were a couple of knocks on the wooden front door. You grinned ear to ear and skipped to the door, unlocking the deadbolt and opening it with that same smile that froze on your face at the sight that greeted you. 
It was Bucky… with flowers. A bright bouquet of them, a manner of reds and purples, all flourishing in beauty and tied with a velvet black ribbon. He himself was dressed in a black Henley and dark sweats. “Hi, baby.”
“Bucky…” You stood stock still, frozen in shock at such an old fashioned notion – it felt like you were living a moment brought to life. One straight from your romance books. “Hi.”
He grinned and offered the flowers. “Just thought my pretty girl deserved some flowers–call me old fashioned.” 
A laugh bubbled up from your chest. “Yeah–yeah, y’are, Buck. Come in.” The door opened fully with a quiet creak, and Bucky stepped inside, his cologne filling your senses as he strode past. “How were the shoots?”
Bucky shrugged, then grinned at you over his shoulder. “Same as always, baby.” His boots were loud over the floor as he walked into your kitchen in search of a vase. “Nat kept us entertained as always, and then Steve–fuckin’ punk, he pulled a prank on her, and we never heard the end of it. Remind me to never get on Nat’s bad side.”
“He never learns,” you commented, and Bucky snorted a derisive laugh. “I’m glad they went okay. Are you tired?”
There was a huff of a laugh, “Could never tire of you, kitten.” You spluttered at his words, and he chuckled, then the solid thump of glass on your kitchen counter sounded before he turned around to face you. “Nope. I thought we could jus’ chill tonight, sweetheart.”
You blinked – hadn’t he wanted to do something with you? “But-”
“If–and this is a big if,” Bucky cut in, his eyes sharp as he stared at you. The hesitation must have shown in your expression. Damn him for being able to read you so easily, you inwardly cursed. “The moment and want arises, yes,” Bucky continued, brow raised. “We can do more. But I am not gonna push you, and you shouldn’t push yourself, either.”
Bucky waited a beat, then he tilted his head down, expecting an answer. “Okay,” you agreed. “See how we go.” He winked and pushed off the counter.
“How was your day, kitten?” he hummed, pulling you into his embrace. “What did you get up to?” A kiss on the crown of your head made you smile. 
“It was alright. Nothing much, just cleaned up and, well, nothing.” You swayed in Bucky’s arms and looped yours around his broad, muscled back, squeezing tight until he grunted. “You’re cuddly.”
“Am I? Wouldn’t have known,” Bucky teased. He pulled away and kissed you on the lips, the chaste kiss bringing everything below to life – no way would you let him just sit there unsullied, you thought wickedly. “Why don’t you get set up? We can watch it in bed. Cuddle up and do what they call Netflix and Chill.”
“Oh, fucking hell,” you laughed, punching him on the shoulder. “No. Just… No. Stop that.”
Bucky grinned and turned back to the kitchen – the view of his ass one that you couldn’t turn away from. “You keep staring, and my ass will catch on fire. I need my best asset.”
“Why are you like this?” you deadpanned, and Bucky howled with a loud laugh. “Seriously, why? Why do you torment me so?”
“I’ll torment you in another way if you don’t move that cute butt a’yours,” Bucky retorted, staring at you from over his shoulder. “Go on, get goin’. That bed ain’t gonna warm itself.”
You rolled your eyes and padded off towards your bedroom – the bedspread made and neat, the curtains drawn. Warm light filled the room when you flicked the bedside lamp on and cast the TV on the opposite wall into view. 
“Babe! Where did you put the damn popcorn?” Bucky yelled from down the hallway. The sound of cupboards opening and closing followed his plea for help. 
“In the pantry,” you replied back, pillows in hand. “The snack drawer, you idiot.” The pillows fell into a pile with a quiet thump when you heard Bucky’s now bare feet come down the hallway, where he suddenly appeared in the hallway. “What?”
“That’s not where your popcorn goes.” The crinkle of plastic drew your attention from his pout, and you grinned. You had stocked up on his favourite, but pulled a trick by hiding it behind his most hated flavour. “What are you doin’?”
You chuckled and shook your head. “Move the packets, you dumbass. They’re behind them.”
“You’ll pay for that,” Bucky warned, pointing at you. “You’ll regret this.”
“Bite me,” you sassed to his retreating footsteps.
“Don’t tempt me!”
A few moments later, you were settled in bed next to Bucky, your backs against the headboard and the snacks spread out over your laps. He had encouraged you to lay your head on his shoulder, and that was how your relaxing movie night had begun. 
The TV played in the background, but your mind was elsewhere – a viscous curiosity having gripped you in an iron vice. Last night, Bucky had taken you apart with his fingers – just his fingers – and promised more. You were no fool, you knew he was waiting for you to be ready, and you felt as much, if only a little nervous. 
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty head, baby?” Bucky asked suddenly, his voice quiet as his breath fanned over your head. It was then you looked up at him to parse his expression. It was soft, curious, and genuine in nature. “Your breathin’ changed, kitten–what’re you up to?”
Oh, no.
“Um… Nothing,” you rushed, putting your head back on his shoulder and praying for and willing your body to calm down and stop betraying your thoughts. 
“Alright,” Bucky replied simply, and you let loose a breath you hadn’t realised you had held. 
Only, Bucky wasn’t done with you. 
Suddenly, his hand was on your thigh, and he shifted impossibly closer. Once settled, he kissed you on the head and made a show of flexing his hand to grab some candy. You watched with rapt attention while Bucky stared at the screen and put the candy on his lips. That damned tongue darted out to take the sugary sweet before he pulled it into his mouth.
Arousal pooled and swirled in your gut, and your cunt throbbed – just from the simple visual of his tongue. Fuck, you cursed.
“You alright there, baby?” Bucky asked again, and you realised he was staring at you, face curiously blank aside from his raised brow. “You’re squirmin’. What’s goin’ on?”
“Nothing,” you squeaked, and you stared into his face and, to your horror, watched his expression shift from blank to smug. 
“I don’t think it is, honey,” Bucky murmured, and his hand moved higher up your thigh. “I think my innocent little kitten is gettin’ herself worked up for daddy, isn’t she?”
“Oh, fuck.”
Bucky grinned – predatory and dark. “I take that as a yes, baby.” He licked his lips, and you watched, transfixed at the movement, and Bucky chuckled. “Lemme guess; somethin’s runnin’ through that pretty head about last night, and you want more.”
“That is not the answer to my question,” Bucky said easily, his tone laced with such casual dominance it made you blink and stutter. “Answer me, sweetheart.”
You gulped audibly and started to sweat – your palms clammy, and unbidden, your thighs clenched as you stared at his lips. “Uh- I, yeah. Yeah, it- That’s it.” The words fumbled on your tongue and came out in such a rush that Bucky’s grin only widened. 
“Good girl.” Bucky shifted and turned his body to face you. The darkening of his eyes made you breathe heavily, an automatic response you had no control over. His hands, soft and warm, cupped your face and pulled you into his space, his lips so close to yours you could just inch forward and take them. Instead, like Bucky was holding onto his own control by a thread, he hoarsely whispered, “Daddy’s proud of you for answerin’ with the truth.”
An unintelligible moan fell from your lips, and Bucky surged forward, claiming your lips with his in a searing kiss that stole your breath. His hands wandered from your jaw to your shoulders, down your arms, until they rested on your waist – his thumbs rubbed up and down your side, bunching the fabric of your shirt. 
“Fuck,” Bucky breathed against your lips, his forehead resting against yours. “Never get tired of kissin’ you, baby girl.” He pecked you on the lips once more and pulled back. “Seems like my little Vixen is lookin’ to play. And, you know, daddy can’t say no.”
“Daddy,” you breathed, and you blinked slowly as he smirked and shuffled back on the bed. “Please–I want you.”
“I know, kitten,” Bucky purred. “Move the food–put it on there,” he pointed at your bedside drawers. “Then lay back for me, thighs spread.”
With haste, you gathered the snacks in a haphazard pile and moved them onto the top of your bedside drawers. It was a precarious pile, but you didn’t care at that moment – not when Bucky was staring at you with such fierceness and hunger in his eyes. 
After placing the snacks out of the way, you let out a shaky breath – you didn’t remember what he’d asked in your rush and nerves. “How-” You stammered, wringing your hands. “Um, how do I–?”
Bucky smiled softly and grabbed your hands to stop your fidgeting, the soothing warmth and pressure grounding you. “Lay down on your back for me, baby. I’ll take those cute panties off, and then you’ll spread your thighs for me. Can you do that, sweetheart? Can you do that for daddy?”
The assurance and instruction from Bucky calmed the storm of nerves in your mind, and you did as he instructed. His hands rubbed up and down the outsides of your thighs, until you settled, head and shoulders propped up on pillows. 
“Atta girl,” he praised happily. You watched his hands grip the sides of your panties, and then you felt the fabric drag down your thighs and calves, and then he tossed them away to the corner of your room. “You know what to do now honey–c’mon.”
“Okay,” you murmured, and you slowly, shyly, opened your thighs. 
Bucky moved to kneel between your now spread thighs, and he whistled lowly. “Prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen–and it’s mine. All fuckin’ mine.”
“Daddy…” Bucky looked up at you from your cunt, and the hunger in his eyes had grown in intensity – eclipsing what little was left of the cerulean blue into inky black. “Please, please, it- It aches.”
A wicked grin twisted his expression, and you whimpered in shock – he’d never looked like that before. “It aches, baby girl?” His hand moved to cup your sex, and his thumb brushed over your clit. “Here? It aches here?”
“Yes!” you yelped as he increased the pressure of his touch. “Please!”
“You poor thing,” he drawled, his gaze locked on your cunt. “I know.” Slowly, Bucky pulled his hand away from your sex and moved back on the bed. You watched him lay flat on his stomach, and he propped his upper half up on his elbows when he pulled the elastic that held his hair up and out of his face, off – brown locks now framing his face and devilish smirk. “So you have somethin’ to hold onto, baby.”
“What do you mean–?” you whispered, confused. 
“It means, kitten,” Bucky began as he moved closer so his breath fanned over your inner thighs. “That daddy is gonna eat this pretty pussy, and you’re gonna cum for him–and he’s not gonna stop until you do.”
“Oh, wait- Wait, please,” you pleaded as anxiety flooded you. “But I… I’ve never had- This, never had this.”
“And that’s a damn fuckin’ shame, sweetheart,” Bucky replied darkly. “So, what you’re gonna feel is intense–remember the colours?” You nodded. “Good girl. We’re gonna use them, and you will shout out if you feel anything that makes you feel yellow, or red. Do you understand me, baby?”
Bucky kissed your thigh in response. “You let your body do what it wants. I’m not goin’ nowhere, and you’re safe. You can let go whenever you feel it–I will not hold back, honey.”
A whimper escaped before you clamped your mouth shut with a loud click. 
“Now, daddy’s gonna take charge,” Bucky pushed on, his hands squeezing your thighs. “And your job, kitten, is to relax and let yourself feel–jus’ like last night, okay?”
“Okay,” you replied quietly, and Bucky grinned; this time, it was a fond action. “Thank you.”
The sensation of Bucky’s breath over your cunt made you twitch, and your hands fisted the sheets of the comforter, the anticipation building to be overwhelming. “Easy, sweetheart,” Bucky cooed, and you realised he was staring up at you, his head raised up and away from your twitching entrance. “You’re okay, and you’re safe.”
In your fugue state, no words came to mind on how to reply, so you just nodded. 
“Here we go, babydoll,” he warned, and you braced. Only, the sensation ghosted over your clit, a barely there brush of his lips, when he groaned. “Fuck, you’re perfect–I’m never leavin’ your cunt. Never.”
Lips turned into tongue, and you keened at the wet, hard sensation of the muscle over your clit. It was otherworldly. Once resting beside your thigh, Bucky’s arm came up and over your hip to pin you in place. You looked down at the tattooed limb and then at his face, dazed and confused, only to find a mischievous glint in his hooded eyes. 
“Wha- Fuck!” Bucky sucked gently, the hollows of his cheeks pulling in against his teeth as he kept up a steady stream of patterns with his tongue. “Daddy! Oh, daddy–please, feels so good,” you moaned, and you tried to writhe, to buck your hips up and closer to his mouth, but his arm had you pinned in place. “Hnng, pleaseplease!”
The vibration of his hum wrapped up and around your spine, the sensation finally settling in your heat with a sharp throb. 
Bucky pulled back from your clit with a wet pop, and he groaned again. “So fuckin’ sweet too. I can’t wait to fuck your pretty hole with my tongue, kitten–get you really mewlin’ for me.”
“Jesus,” you gasped, and Bucky laughed. “You- You’re tongue–”
“Yeah.” Bucky grinned, his chin shining with slick. “And now it’s all yours. Now excuse me, this pretty pussy is achin’ for some attention.”
Bucky surged forward again, this time with such vigour your clit was pulled between his lips. You screamed to the ceiling and bowed your back, your thighs already trembling from the new sensations that pulled you under. “God! Please don’t stop- I- I think!”
The sensations ceased for just a second, and you felt Bucky speak more than you heard, “And I said not to think, honey–let go, give it to daddy. Cum for me.”
You groaned and panted his name when you finally fisted his hair in both hands – both pulling closer and pushing him away. There was a low moan in his throat, and he sucked harder, the patterns from his tongue faster, when something cascaded down your spine. It started slowly, building and building until you tingled all over; every limb was affected by the new sensation. “Bucky! Daddy–I, please, oh my god.”
He moaned loudly, the vibration so intense that your vision blurred and whited out. “Yes! Keep-” You hiccuped and pulled at his hair. “Fuck, don’t stop!”
You stared down at the top of his head when he tilted it up, his eyes meeting yours. “Daddy,” you moaned, and you could have sworn he grinned wickedly again. There was a slight raise to his brow, the intent unknown, and when you parted your lips to speak, a sob tore from your throat. 
In the second it took for you to open your mouth, Bucky’s head shook side to side, the movements fast and purposeful as he alternated sucking on your clit and licking broadly over your lips and entrance. 
The sensation that had built so slowly through your body imploded at once. A high, thin wail consisting of his name and curses tumbled from your mouth as your back bowed. “‘M cumming, daddy! Please!”
Your climax felt like a wildfire through every nerve, every muscle, and every bone – an all encompassing rush of ecstasy that left you boneless and quivering through the aftershocks. Bucky kept nursing softly on your clit; the delicate swipes from the tip of his tongue to the broad strokes with the pad of it made you twitch and jerk under his arm. 
“Fuck,” you croaked as he pulled off of your cunt with a sinful, wet pop. A far more obscene sound that made the fire spark again. 
Bucky rested his head on your thigh and blinked, smiling with a lust-drunk haze. “You alright, sweetheart? What’s your colour?”
“Green,” you rasped, “I’m fucking fantastic.” There was a light laugh in your tone, and your head fell back against the pillow. Feeling and strength returned slowly to every limb, each awakening at an agonisingly slow pace. “Fucking hell, daddy.”
“You keep saying my name, kitten, and I won’t be able to control myself.” Your head snapped up to stare at him, though he was too occupied staring at your cunt – that same hungry glint in his eyes. “Jus’ such a perfect fuckin’ pussy, baby. S’good, and I don’t wanna stop. Think you can cum again for me?”
“Again?” you squeaked.
Bucky looked up at you. “Yeah–fuck it, you’re gonna cum again for daddy. Can’t get enough.”
Your mouth fell open in surprise, but Bucky pushed forward. This time, his mouth hovered lower, and the arm pinning your hips down shifted and angled down so his fingers brushed over your sensitive clit. “Daddy’s gonna work fast, and he’s gonna fuck your tight hole with his tongue, alright, kitten?”
“Hnng- Yeah, daddy,” you moaned, just as the tip of Bucky’s tongue danced over your clit. “Please, please–I wan’ it.”
“You can have it, babydoll,” he whispered against your cunt, and it clenched around nothing. “Poor girl is weepin’ for me, isn’t she? Let’s fix that.”
The sensation of Bicky’s tongue forcing its way in your cunt shocked you, and you yelled a loud “Oh!” in response. His fingers thrummed over your clit, ignorant of the way your thighs and stomach tensed and jerked, all while his tongue moved in such a way it made your brain crash and burn. “Daddy–s’good, I fucking love your mouth, ah!”
Bucky moaned in response and kicked up the intensity – his fingers blurred over your clit, and he lapped at your walls, broad strokes that made you quiver in pleasure or oversensitivity; the line long since blurred. 
The very same feeling you had from your first climax began low in your hips, ricocheting up your spine and spreading outwards at such a rate you only had a second’s notice before it consumed you. Each pass of his fingers forced your upper body off the pillows and your thighs to tighten around Bucky’s shoulders. “Daddy!”
“Yeah? What is it, baby?” Bucky asked, pulling away from your cunt, but his fingers kept up their fast pace. “What’s wrong–use your words.”
“Feels s’good, so fucking good, daddy, please,” you begged and babbled, voice strained. There were tears building along your waterline. “Please–wanna cum for daddy.”
The grin Bucky flashed was the most menacing one yet. “Such a good fuckin’ girl using your manners. You can cum–soak daddy’s face like the slut you are.” He dove right back between your thighs, forcing his tongue deep in your heat and his fingers to move faster over your clit. 
You keened high in your throat as the wildfire blinded you, the pleasure overwhelming in its currents. “Gonna cum! Please!”
To your utter surprise, you felt the breach and pressure of three fingers, the insistent brush and curl of them making you cry out blindly with pleasure. “Shit! Oh, daddy!” 
Bucky hummed, his face soaked in your slick. “Give it to me, baby,” he encouraged, his fingers moving desperately over your walls until they struck gold. “Give it to daddy, c’mon.” 
Lips covered your clit, and you whimpered, high in pitch, as Bucky sucked – pressure steadily increasing until it became too much to bear. “Daddy! ‘M cumming again! Oh my god, fuckfuckfuck,” you chanted, and you twisted in his grip, your hips miraculously lifting off the bed as you sobbed and moaned through a violent climax.
“Tha’s it, sweetheart!” Bucky called suddenly, his voice muffled over the roar of blood in your ears. “Good girl–good girl, good kitten. Fuck, you’re so beautiful like this.”
Moments, hours, days passed – you couldn’t tell as you lay there, panting for air around the throes of aftershocks. Bucky spoke continuously, a steady stream of praise and reassurance that you welcomed in your haze: “Did so good for me, honey–so good for daddy,” and, “Fuckin’ beautiful, baby girl, you have no idea how pretty you are right now.”
“Daddy,” you murmured, and Bucky was suddenly all you could see – his hair knotted and bunched at his scalp, chin, and cheeks wet with slick, and a priceless, prideful smile on his lips. “Daddy–please,” you tried, and he tucked an errant strand of hair behind your ear. 
“‘M here, baby girl, ‘m here.” There was a shift in the air, and then you were suddenly on your side, Bucky still close. “You alright? You still with me, honey?”
You nodded once, blinked, and sidled closer to rest your forehead in the juncture of his neck. “Mhm.”
“Thank you, honey,” Bucky murmured, and his voice rumbled through his chest. “You did so fuckin’ good for me–fuck, you were so pretty. Prettier than those roses.” There was a pause, then, “Couldn’t be prouder of you, baby. You took charge and didn’t let your shyness or nerves stop you. Fuckin’ bloomin’ like those roses too–jus’ so fuckin’ beautiful.”
Your heart, much like the roses he had given you, grew and bloomed in your chest – flourishing under the praise and genuine awe. And you couldn’t help but smile softly. 
You were his rose – blooming and beautiful as you grew. 
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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mypearlsareclutched · 28 days
If This Is All That's Real
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High By The Beach | Chapter Seven
Modern!Aegon II x Original Female Character, Modern!Aemond x Original Female Character
Life is now getting better, slowly but surely, for both Mila Stark and Aegon Targaryen. Perhaps there is hope for the future, if they can continue to keep things uncomplicated. But how long can things be uncomplicated when you're fucking your ex-boyfriends older brother in their family beach house?
This feels the tiniest little bit fillery, but it's got some very steamy smut, romance and some good angsty feels. Next chapter is written and will be posted later today so you guys don't have to suffer for long <3 Enjoy!!! x
Song inspiration | High By The Beach, Lana Del Rey
CW//TW: Sexual Content (MDNI, 18+), PIV sex, catching feelings, mentions of toxic families, romantic smut, love confessions during the deed, ye olde climax, discussions of the future, Aegon is so OOC because he's just a lil sweetie pie in this, not lore accurate.
Word count | 3.5k
previous chapter // next chapter
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And so they began their... relationship? Friends with benefits situationship, that sounds better.
Over the next week, life became simple. For the first time since her parents died, Mila Stark knew what it was like to feel normal. Like her life wasn't some social experiment created by the gods to see how much one girl can take.
And it seemed like Aegon felt the same.
They slept early and woke up late, wrapped up in soft sheets that cover their bare bodies. They cooked together, and ate breakfast on the beach. They spent their days occupying their time with . Aegon would draw, Mila would read, sat together on the dusty living room sofa with her legs over his. As the sun set, they wrapped themselves up in each other, basking in mind-numbing, no strings attached sex.
They were best friends who fucked like lovers. There's nothing wrong with that, right?
But when he held her gently in the mornings, pressing her back to his chest as he snored gently, his hands wrapped around her protectively, Mila wondered if there was more to their relationship.
Aemond never cuddled. The most Mila could get was an arm wrapped around her after they made love. Sometimes he would wake up holding her, but she could never bask in that. When he woke, he would rush off immediately. Like holding her would ruin the peace that they had.
'Afraid to get too close,' is what Halaena had said to her once. Aemond had her, yet he kept her at arm's length. It seemed like Aegon had the opposite problem. He knew she wasn't his, so he cherished the moments he had her in his space. Arms wrapped around her like she was his.
And as she watched his peaceful, sleeping face in the mornings, Mila truly wished she was.
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Mila stands at the window, looking out at the ocean beyond. She held the pay-as-you-go phone in her hand, flipping it around as she watched the waves crash against the rocks.
She needed to talk to her brother. After Aegon's insistence the morning after their first night together, Mila sent Cregan a text message. Aegon had rolled his eyes, stating she needed to grow a pair and talk to him face to face. Cregan had yet to respond, so Mila knew she needed to actually call him.
Sighing, she switched on the phone, listening to the twinkling beeping sound as she nervously bit her thumb nail. Once the phone was on, she put in the sim card. Typing in Cregan's number, she held it to her ear listening to it ring.
"Please don't pick up, please don't pick up, please don't pick up."
"Hey, you've reached Cregan Stark. Sorry I missed your call, leave a message at the beep."
The phone beeps, and Mila takes a sharp breath, "Hey, Creg. It's, uh, it's Mila. I'm okay, I'm safe. I left Weirwood with Aegon... you know, Aemond's brother? I was having a tough time. I needed to get away. But I'm somewhere safe, please don't worry about me. I'll see you soon. I love you."
Ending the call, she takes another deep breath, exhaling sharply she presses the screen of the phone to her forehead, swallowing her nerves and guilt like a bitter pill.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Aegon's soft voice asks.
Mila turns around and sees him standing in the doorway, leaning against it casually.
"My thoughts cost more than a penny." She jokes, putting the phone down on the chest of drawers.
"I'll take out a loan." He states as he walks further into the room.
"Or you could use your dad's totally not stolen credit card." Mila chuckles, meeting him halfway.
"You called your brother?" Asks Aegon as he takes Mila's hand in his own, smoothing his thumb over her knuckles.
"I tried. Went to voicemail."
"He's a busy guy. You know, being a famous footballer and all. He's probably got a big game, or something. You know, with like... kicking and... goals? Never really liked sports, me." Aegon laughs as he pulls Mila over to the bed, sitting down as she stands in between his legs. He runs his hands over her arms, waiting for her to speak.
"Yeah..." Mila sighs, "He's probably really busy. Wish we had access to the internet in this literal abyss."
"Gwayne was a dude of the eighties he never cared for Wi-Fi. I think that's why Daeron decided to return to the modern age the second he was old enough to go to uni."
"I feel very amish."
"Hey, look on the brightside." Aegon states as he takes her hands in his, "We're completely disconnected from the modern world. No crazy articles about our every move. We're not seeing anything about..." He stops himself, his voice fading as he inadvertently reminds Mila about the reason why she's here.
Aemond was never too far from her thoughts, always lingering in the back of her mind like some kind of phantom. She can see her eyes when she wakes from a nightmare, feel his fingers on her when the autumn breeze sends a chill through her. Her love, which once felt sweet like , had now turned bitter and cold.
Mila shakes her head, as if she could rid herself of her memories and lingering feelings if she tossed her head around a little bit harder. Like bashing the bottom of a jar to loosen a stuck coin or something. Yet, Aemond remains inside her thoughts.
"It's okay, Aeg." Mila sighs, shrugging, "You're right. It's good to not hear anything about him."
Aegon stares at her, big blue eyes sad as he watches her face. His fingers play with hers, a nervous tick of his she had gotten used to. More than gotten used to, she found herself adoring it. She looks down at their hands, smiling softly to herself.
Loosening their hands, Aegon leans back on the bed. Mila furrows her eyebrows, concern evident on her features. But a cheeky grin appears on the Targaryen's full lips, as spreads his legs slightly.
"Come here and let me fuck the sad out of you." Aegon murmurs, beckoning her closer. She chuckles despite herself, following him over.
"I think you overestimate your abilities, Aegon Targaryen." Mila chuckles as she climbs on top of him, straddling his waist.
"Oh, it's gonna be like that is it?" He laughs, burying his face into her neck. Mila presses her lips to his temple, running her hands over his messy hair.
Their clothes are discarded quickly, leaving Aegon bare beneath Mila as she straddles him. As her lips descend upon his shoulders, she doesn't notice the soft, conflicted look in the Targaryen's eyes.
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"Hey! Gettup, now, I found something!"
Mila groans as she is pulled out of her sleep, unceremoniously. Blinking, she sees the sun has barely risen, golden rays poking through the thin curtains. Loud footsteps surround her, a sigh coming from someone across the room.. A pillow hits her face, and she squeals, tossing the pillow away as she runs a hand over her face.
"What, Aegon? You fucking child..." She groans.
"I said, I found something!" He laughs as he rushes back out the room.
"What, a body?" Mila groans as she stands up, grabbing her discarded shirt and throwing it on. Her bare feet pad across the bedroom, heading out to the open plan of the rest of the house.
Aegon sits cross legged in the living room, searching through a water stained cardboard box.
"Whatcha got there?" Mila asks, raising her eyebrow. Aegon smiles as he looks up at her, grabbing a mug from the coffee table to offer it to her.
"Sorry I woke you up so aggressively, I got excited. Peace offering?"
"You made me coffee?" Mila took the mug, looking down at the caramel coloured liquid. A few days ago, Mila convinced him to get a coffee machine from the holy land (big Tesco). She then had the joyous experience of watching him try and fail to figure the machine out.
"I finally read the manual." Aegon says proudly, "You do take it with milk, and two and a half sugars, right? I'm gonna be so pissed at myself if I got that wrong."
"That's right." Mila chuckles, eyebrows raised, "How did you know that?"
"You told me."
"You listened?"
"You seem shocked." Aegon chuckled, shaking his head as he refocused on rifling through the box. Mila tries to bite back the wide smile at the sweet gesture, choosing to instead take a seat next to Aegon.
"What is this?" She asks as she peers into the large, withered box. It's full of old books, covered in a layer of dust. From her position, she can read a few of the titles, 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Alice in Wonderland', 'Twelfth Night', 'The Secret Garden'...
"They belonged to my grandmother." Aegon explains, "Gwayne kept them when she passed. She loved old books."
"They're lovely." Mila says wistfully as Aegon hands her an ancient copy of Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'. Her fingers glide across the leather cover, the bumps of the words catching against her callouses. She cradles it in her hands, smiling giddily.
"Gwayne gave them to Daeron when he came to live with him, but like the sixteen year old boy he was, he preferred comics and playboy mags."
"Classy." She chuckles, accepting more books he handed to her.
"I thought you could have them."
Mila looks at him, mouth agape, "What?"
"You can have them." Aegon smiles, piling more of the classic books into piles, "You know, because of the book shop you want to own? I know there aren't tons, but you've got to start somewhere, right?"
She stares at him, taken back. It's an unbelievably sweet gesture, and one she never expected. Her dream of a book shop seemed too distant, too unreachable in her chaotic life in the spotlight. But it was like Aegon was handing her not a bunch of old books, but hope. Hope for her dream of a simple, happy life.
As Aegon sits beside her, rambling and piling books into her arms, Mila watches his profile, feeling herself blush.
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The afternoon sun beats down on the two of them as they sit on the beach, side by side like they come as a pair.
Aegon lies spread out like a starfish, alien sunglasses on. His button up floral shirt is open, revealing his pale, freckled skin to the afternoon sun. Mila sits next to him, her dark curls whipping in her face as she
A whirring, distant noise catches Mila's attention. It sounds like a bee, and she flicks her hair around trying to find the bug in question. But as she looks around, she sees the source of the disturbance is not an insect.
A speedboat floats distantly, so far that the Stark has to squint to really see it. It was not unusal for other people to walk the hidden cove beyond the Hightower summer home, but boats were a rare occurance. People usually kept to the vibrant beaches near the city, the smaller beach they were on was too far from the rest of civilisation for folks to make the
Mila watches the speedboat, a prickling sense of dread creeping up her spine when it drifts closer. It carries a singular man, tall and lithe, bald and wearing a pair of thin sunglasses. His appearence does not irk her.
It's the fact he's staring right at her and Aegon.
Said Targaryen twitches next to her, before letting out a yelp and jumpinh up. Mila's attention is diverted to him, eyebrows furrowed as he shakes his head like a dog, whipping his sunglasses off.
"What?" Mila asks, concerned.
"Crab." He shudders, pointing at the offending, orange creature who clicks its pincers and trudges along the sand.
"Jeez, Aeg, it's teeny. It's more afraid of you than you are of it."
"I guarantee you it is not."
Mila rolls her eyes, watching the crab scuttle away back to the shores. Her eyes look back at the rest of the sea.
The speedboat is gone.
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As night settles over Old Town, Mila giggles as she finishes washing the dishes. Aegon presses incessant kisses to her neck from behind.
"Jeez, Aegon, give me a second." She laughs, feeling his hands wander over her hips and waist.
"Mm, no, horny." Aegon groans against her neck, biting the nape as she squirms and elbows him.
"You're insatiable." Mila rolls her eyes playfully, grabbing a rag and drying her hands as Aegon returns to running his hands over her hips. She smiles as she kisses him, melting against Aegon as he kisses her just how she likes.
Just like that, they find themselves entwined on the bed. Naked, flushed bodies moving together rhythmically. Mila moans beneath Aegon, wrapping her legs further around his torso as she takes him deeper and deeper, feeling the tip of him kissing her sweet spot.
"Right there, right there." She pleads, throwing her head back. Aegon whines, pounding into her harder just how she likes. His head hangs down, eyebrows furrowed with the effort.
Her hands grasp onto his waist, aiding his movements, her fingernails digging into his plush skin. It spurs him on, making his noises louder and breathier as they both get closer to their climaxs.
A well angled thrust makes Mila keen and gasp out Aegon's name like a prayer, sending the blonde man reeling as he presses his face into her neck.
"Fuck, I love you, I love you." Aegon murmurs breathily.
Mila's gasp gets stuck in her throat, her eyes opening as she looks up at the dark ceiling. His words shock her, startling her to her core. His face remains in her neck, his hot breath against her skin. He kisses along the place that connects her neck and her shoulder, whispering words of praise and love against her, lost in his own world.
Pleasure courses through her veins, overtaking her shock at his sudden admission. She moans low in her throat, clenching her eyes closed as she tries to push back rational thought.
He ravages her body, bringing her to the precipice of euphoria, begging her to give it to him. As she finishes, he praises her, lips ghosting the shell of her ear as her body shudders, sending him to his own end.
"I love you..." Aegon groans out as he finishes, snapping his hips repeatedly as he fucks his spend inside of her.
Mila focuses on recatching her breath, eyes fluttered closed. She can feel Aegon collapse beside her, his arms wrapping around her and his sweaty forehead pressing against her shoulder.
She runs her hands over his arms, letting sleep take her over and wash away her sudden whirlwind of emotions...
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...But those emotions were waiting for her when she awoke.
Mila sits on a loveseat outside the house, biting her lip nervously as she stares out at the gentle ebbing and flowing of the ocean waves.
"Fuck, I love you, I love you..."
His words echo around her head. The feeling of his hands on her, his lips pressing to her skin, his hips pounding against hers as he fucks her relentlessly, it is all fresh on her mind. It sends shivers through her, pleasent feelings of euporia like her body had ingrained Aegon's fucking into her mind so well it could repeat it when he wasn't around.
But his admission frightened her.
Why? Because it made everything complicated.
When they met at Weirwood, she managed to seperate him from her life outside of the clinic. Aegon was just another recovering addict who helped her through her detox, sitting by her bedside and holding her hair back when she threw up into her bin.
But her trecherous body found itself drawn to him, and feelinsg she was all too familiar with appeared out of the blue. And all of sudden he was no longer just another recovering addict, but her ex-boyfriends recovering addict brother who she was attracted to.
Mila tried to run from it, tried to go back to her old life and let her harmful coping mechanisms destroy the seed of affection growing inside of her. But Aegon found her. He saved her, he helped her. She was drowning and he was offering a hand back to the surface.
When he devoured her on the beach, she let the drugs push away any lingering affections. And when she couldn't push them away any longer, she convinced herself he was only her friend. When he was deep inside her, not only her body but her soul, she told herself he was only her friend. He only saw her as a friend. All of this means nothing...
But it means something. It always did. From the very beginning, it meant something.
The way he made her head spin and her heart ache and her body blush and her smile reappaer from nowhere... that meant something. It meant everything.
But he was her ex's brother. Aemond Targaryen's brother. How could she let the
Why is everything so fucking complicated.
Footsteps interrupt her internal ramble, her head snapping to the side to see Aegon walking towards her. He's shirtless, grey joggers hanging low on his hips. She can see marks left from her fingernails left on his waist, and she looks away with a sharp intake of breath.
Aegon says nothing as he takes a seat next to her on the love seat. He runs a hand through his hair, sleepily looking out at the beach. The silence is not awkward, but it is tense as both of them are left unsure of what to say.
With a sigh, Mila decides to start.
“Did you mean it?” She asks, not turning her head to look at him.
“Yes.” Aegon says without hesitation. Mila closes her eyes, taking a deep breath as she lets his words sink in again, "I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" She asks him, giving him an incredulous look.
"Because this was supposed to be simple." Aegon sighs, running his hands over his face, "You left Weirwood to escape how complicated things became. I brought you here so you could heal, but instead we shagged and I fell in love with you."
"That's not your fault."
"Maybe it is..." Aegon turns to her and reaches over to take her hand in his, "I should have been more careful. I knew... I knew from the beginning that you were special. Different, good. Better than I deserve. Every moment I spent at your side, I found myself needing to be near you. You make me feel alive, you make me feel normal. I should have been more careful when I let myself touch you on the beach, because I knew that it be so easy to fall for you."
"Aegon, stop..." Mila stands, taking a few steps away, holding her hand to her mouth.
"Em." He says softly, and she turns to him. Aegon gives her a sad smile, choosing his words carefully.
"I said it before and I'll say it again; You're the best thing that's happened to me in a while, maybe even ever." Aegon takes her hand in his own, pressing it to his chest, “I love you.”
Mila takes a shuddering breath, covering his hand with her own. He presses his forehead to hers, closing his eyes as he basks in her closeness.
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They sit on the loveseat, Aegon's head resting on Mila's chest. Their fingers are intertwined, and Mila watches them with half closed eyes.
Aegon has a small tattoo on the back of his hand, of a tiny green bird in a little golden cage. Mila smoothes her thumb over it, tracing the jagged lines with a featherlight touch.
A distant noise startles her out of her daze, and she looks around for the source. Aegon lifts his head, eyebrows furrowed as he looks towards the front door.
The sound of a car can be heard driving closer, and the two share a confused look as they go back inside the house. Aegon leaves first, and Mila follows him to stand in the doorway.
A black SUV parks next to Aegon's battered ford fiesta, and Aegon freezes on the porch, his hands clenching into fists beside him.
Mila's bros furrow, wondering who on earth could be here. As the person steps out of the car, she gasps, taking a step back from the door. His pale, lone eye moves from Aegon to Mila, his blonde hair swaying in the beach breeze. No fucking way...
Aemond fucking Targaryen.
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AN// Yuh! He's back! Aemond 'surprise bitch I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me' Targaryen. This is definitely only going to bring good things for Mila and Aegon, Emiliaegon if you will (please don't, that's actually awful). See y'all soon, sending love <3
Lula x
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tkaulitzlvr · 1 year
I request more Tom angst (sorry if your getting tired of them ^^) Tom finds out that the girl he really likes has a crush on Bill. Maybe no happy ending?
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synopsis: tom finally builds up the courage to tell you how he feels after years of being silently in love with you, only to find out your heart is waiting for somebody else.
content: angst
a/n: i will neverrrr get tired of angst omg, i never normally write bad endings they make me too sad, and i never write from tom’s point of view so i hope this is okay since it’s like my first time doing it, hope you enjoy!!
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she was perfect. every single thing about her, from her deep blue eyes, big and inviting, to her long brunette hair, sweeping downwards to her lower back, somehow always managing to make it look flawless. her lips, plump and pink, always coated with the same lipgloss, my mind wanting to do nothing more than kiss them, feel them against mine. her body, crafted by god himself, complimenting her with the most perfect curves, every single part of her almost too faultless to be real. her beauty was mesmerising, literally leaving me breathless, ever since i first saw her. even when she swore she looked a mess - to me, she was the most beautiful girl i had ever laid eyes on.
it wasn’t just her physical appearance that i had fallen in love with. her personality enticed me more and more each day. she was kind, with one of the best sense of humours that i had ever witnessed, the two of us often sitting for hours together, laughing at things that other people might find dumb, but any words that left her mouth were like music to me, the most carefully crafted melody to ever grace my ears. her smile, able to make me feel completely content, no matter how shitty i had felt before, because she could make me forget it all, making it something of the past, like my sadness was never there in the first place. she was selfless, willing to do whatever it took for the people she loved. and she did love me, just not in the same way that i loved her.
at first, i tried to get over her, not even daring to confess the way i felt, completely afraid of ruining what we already had, because being friends with her, even if it meant that i tortured myself doing so, was a million times better than throwing away what we had for the sake of my own feelings, which i knew could never be reciprocated, not even wasting my breath by asking her. she was out of my league, deserving of somebody way better than me, someone who could give her the attention she was worthy of.
it was different before i became famous. i could spend as much time with her as i wanted. but now, i was constantly touring, and i would go weeks without seeing her, understanding that a relationship just wouldn’t be right. so i kept my feelings to myself, hoping that they would fade if i slept with other girls, taking my mind off of her. but they didn’t. they only worsened my feelings as i would close my eyes, imagining that the girl i was with was her, knowing that it would be the closest i could ever get to being her’s. and it killed me, knowing that i loved her, and i could never bring her to love me back. so many girls fell at my feet, unbeknownst to the fact that i had my heart in somebody else’s hands - they were just too oblivious to realise it. i was convinced that i would feel this way forever, despite me being only thirteen when we first met, i knew that i wouldn’t be able to love somebody the way that i loved her.
and i was right. now, six years later, my heart still throbs at the sight of her, wishing that i could call her mine. though our friendship is stronger than ever, it isn’t enough for me anymore. we have grown up, young adults now. i have grown much taller, losing my light brown dreadlocks, replacing them with jet black braids. and she has grown, but in different ways. she has matured, turning into a smart and beautiful woman. yet the way i felt towards her hasn’t changed - not in the slightest. for the first time ever, confessing my feelings is crossing my mind, my heart running ahead of my conscience and telling me that i should.
“i think she likes you.” bill shrugs, his body spread across the couch in the living room of our hotel room. we were on tour, having one more show to perform the next day in italy before we would return back home - this being the first time i would see her in over a month.
“really?” i ask, shocked at his answer and how casually he says it, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
“mhm.” he begins, shoving another candy in his mouth, chewing and swallowing it before continuing. “i mean, she’s the closest with you out of the four of us. you guys are inseparable, you have been since we were what, fourteen?”
“yeah but, she’s never given me a reason to believe she likes me more than a friend. after all these years, absolutely nothing. it’s driving me insane!” i sigh, grabbing the pillow next to me and digging my face into it, annoyed at how calmly bill is speaking about the whole thing.
“then tell her! you can’t expect her to be psychic, i didn’t even know you had liked her for this long until you told me. you don’t really make it obvious.” he laughs, shaking his head as i blush slightly. “i can’t believe my brother is in love!”
“fuck off, this is serious!” i groan, throwing the pillow at him as he laughs even harder. “what if she doesn’t like me back, and i ruin our friendship? i’ll never be able to forgive myself.”
“tom literally every girl on the planet likes you. i don’t think she’s any different, especially ‘cause she actually knows you, the real you, not just the version the tabloids see.” he says, becoming a little more serious now. “you need to stop being such a pussy and tell her, before it’s too late.”
“you’re right.” i nod, the decision finally being made, my mind willing to risk what we already have, unable to hide it anymore.
“i always am.” bill shrugs, smirking when i roll my eyes at him.
“so then loverboy, how was your tour? how many girls did you fuck this time, hm? can i count it on both hands or does that not even cover like, half of it?” she laughs, her body sprawled out on her bed as i sit in her desk chair, spinning around on it slowly, a cheesy grin appearing on my face.
“i’m not that bad!” i defend, shaking my head. “i do other things beside hook up with girls you know.”
“mhm, sure you do, i’m sure hot famous rockstars have way more hobbies.” she smiles, another laugh erupting from her mouth.
my eyes study her features, getting lost in them immediately. her hair is sprawled around her on the bed, still soft and perfectly styled, the ends curled slightly. her skin is smooth, a single mole on her upper cheek, another small one above her lip. her eyes are half open, showing a part of the beautiful ocean blue within them that i had fallen in love with. her lips are curved upwards into a smile, two dimples forming on her cheeks, this one of the first things i ever noticed about her.
“tom? tommm?”
i am snapped from my trance as she waves her hand in my face, laughing at the way i blink rapidly, my cheeks flushing red as i realise that she has caught me staring at her.
“you good? i thought i’d lost you there for a second.” she jokes, now laid on her front, her legs bent upwards as her thighs are in the air, head resting in her hands which are now propped up on the bed.
she awaits my response and, my heart moving ahead of my mind, i blurt something out before i can take it back. “can i talk to you?”
my question comes out more uncertain than i had anticipated, the room falling silent as her eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“why did you get so serious all of a sudden? did someone die or something? did you get some girl pregnant? i told you to use protection.” she laughs, her smile slowly fading as she sees that i am not laughing with her. “tom, what’s up, you’re scaring me.”
she sits up on the edge of her bed, crossing her legs and scanning my expression.
“no! no nothing like that.” i force a smile, easing her nerves. yet i am unable to make eye contact with her, looking towards the ground as i fiddle with the material of my t-shirt.
“then what’s up with you?” she asks, becoming increasingly concerned.
the words are stuck in my throat, holding me back as my mouth becomes dry, unable to spit out the three simple words. my mouth hangs open, no noise escaping from it. she stands up, walking closer to me and putting a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me, but it only worsens my nerves.
“seriously, is everything okay? i don’t wanna go all soppy on you, you know i hate that shit, but you can talk to me, you know that.” she says, stepping backwards a little and folding her arms.
“i like you.” i finally blurt out, looking upwards as her eyes widen, shock taking over her entire expression.
“what?” is all that she can muster, her eyes frantically scanning mine for any hint that this is another prank of mine.
“i’m in love with you. i have been since we were thirteen.” i confess, mumbling the last part and looking back downwards, unable to look at her face any longer, my stomach sinking as she stays silent.
the silence is louder than ever, tension so thick that it is almost visible, none of us daring to say anything as my mind is working overtime, wondering what the fuck i was thinking, my gut always telling me that she had never felt the same way. part of me wants to blame bill for convincing me to tell her, but the other part, the more irrational side, tells me that that would be stupid, none of this bill’s fault no matter how hard i search for someone else to blame.
“tom i-” she begins as i look upwards, her eyes glossy with tears, a couple beginning to roll down her cheeks. “fuck, i didn’t want to tell you like this.”
“tell me what?” i ask, panicking even more than i had been before, somehow fearing that her rejecting me isn’t even going to be the worst part.
“before i say this, i just- shit. i just wanna say that im so sorry, and i never ever wanted to hurt you. you’re my best friend and i-”
“what are you talking about?” i mutter, my own eyes welling up slowly.
“i like somebody else.”
those four words crash down on me, hitting me with more force than a bus would, the pain far worse, impact far heavier as my breath gets stuck in my throat, feeling as if my heart has been ripped out of my chest. i can no longer stop the tears as they cascade down my face, with her now sobbing as she realises how much she has hurt me, wether she meant to or not.
“who?” i manage to say, looking into her eyes. the answer would only hurt me more, but i wanted to know the truth, maybe it would help me get over her, or maybe that was the denial within me talking.
i wish i had never asked.
“tom you don’t need to know that, i’ve caused you enough upset-”
“just tell me.” i interrupt, feeling numb to the pain suddenly, wanting to get the answer out of the way. my face is emotionless, the only giveaway of my heartache being the tears which silently fall from my bloodshot eyes.
she pauses, pursing her lips together as the tears continue to fall, breaking eye contact for the first time, looking downwards, a look of guilt washing over her face, not even needing to look into her eyes to see it. the way she refuses to look at me gives me the silent giveaway that i should have just stayed curious.
my lips part, mouth dropping open as i pray that i had misheard her, that my ears had deceived me, and that i didn’t just hear her confess that she likes my brother, not me.
“tom please i’m so so sorry. i don’t wanna lose what we already have-” she begins, but i shake my head, staying silent and quickly exiting the room, running down the stairs as she calls after me. i ignore her pleas, opening her front door and slamming it shut, rushing to my car and hitting the wheel harshly, resting my head against it and beginning to sob, feeling like a complete idiot for confessing, knowing that i was way too delusional to ever think i had a chance.
now, i can take my anger out on bill, feeling such an inexplicable rage towards him, blaming him for this entire thing, the way he humiliated me, made me think i have a chance. in that moment, it wouldn’t have surprised me if he already knew she wanted him, not me, using it as a way to spite me even more. my eyes are blurry, tears blocking part of my vision as i turn my keys into the ignition, taking one last look at her house and driving away.
“how did it go? did she feel the same way?” bill says once i enter our house, quickly rushing over to me, stopping in his tracks once he sees my face, red and filled with rage, my eyes bloodshot, hands balled into fists.
“fuck off. you knew that she liked you, didn’t you, hm? you wanted to see me get fucking humiliated, you selfish piece of shit!” i shout, repeatedly pushing him, using more strength each time my hands collide with his chest, his back hitting the wall with a thud.
“can you calm down! what are you even saying?” bill shouts over me, grabbing both of my arms and holding me back as i desperately scramble to hit him harder, wanting to show him the pain he has caused me, knowing that no matter how violent i get, his wounds won’t even scratch the surface of my broken heart.
“she fucking likes you, now just fuck off and leave me alone.” i mutter, my chest heaving up and down as i back away, storming towards my bedroom and ignoring his confused shouts behind me, slamming the door with a thud. i collapse onto my bed, unable to hold back the sobs as i realise that i have lost her, no one left to blame as i have taken all my frustration out on bill, completely despising him, knowing that i will envy him for the rest of my life, willing to give anything to be in his position. he could live a million lifetimes and still never be deserving of someone like her.
she loves me, but she will always love him more.
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