#I would have made it bigger but for some reason it always looked weird :(
Ghosty boy Jay hanging out with his kinda living body (I still know basically nothing about Skully) but it's actually finished this time!!! It took so long but finally it's done :D
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Cropped versions and a silly bonus under the read more thingy bob
Cropped/close up versions :]
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And a silly bonus because my friend suggested it and it was too cute not to make, and Jay Merrick is incredibly kissable
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 months
The Slam
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Summary: Ari has had a enough of your TikTok foolishness...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Bickering, Brat!Reader, Prank Foolishness, References to P in V sex, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Sweet Renegade Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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Now that you’ve gotten your first TikTok prank under your belt, you found you needed more. It was as if a beast – for lack of better phrasing – had been awoken inside of you. And it demanded that you served the world chaos.
At your man’s expense.
While you’d gone a little bigger the first time around, today you’d decided to dial it back just a touch. Lately you’d been watching videos of women slamming their boyfriend’s and husband’s car door after what seemed to be the most innocent of conversations. 
In retaliation, some of them yelled confused obscenities, or honked horns, others simply appeared content to stew in whatever resentment had already been brewing beneath the surface. 
Regardless, almost all of them were funny. And not only that, but you got the distinct feeling that Ari wouldn’t appreciate it. His truck was precious to him. 
Almost as precious as you. 
This morning you choose to test your luck when Ari is kind enough to drop you by your place so that you can switch out purses and grab your makeup bag before heading out for lunch. You can tell that he doesn’t fully understand the reason you need either of those things. 
In fact, when you told him what you needed, he’d been swift to grunt something to the effect of how you already looked “perfectly good to him as it was”. And although it had made the butterflies in your belly do their special little flutter that was reserved for when you received compliments just from him, you pushed him to make the stop anyway.
In part because you needed those things, but also because you wanted to fuck with him a bit.
“I promise I’ll be super quick.” You tell him, hastily undoing your seatbelt as he pulls up in your driveway. 
“Still don’t get why you needed to come here.” Your bounty hunter was hungry, and therefore also a little grumpy. “You’re already the prettiest little thing I’ve ever set my eyes on without all the extra froufrou shit.”
“You would really have me walk into a restaurant with you with a bare face?”
“Baby, real talk, I’d be proud to have you on my arm if you were wearing nothing but a paper bag.” Comes his quiet, but sincere rebuttal. 
It’s enough to make you melt.
 “You’re sweet.” 
“Uh huh.” He huffs, throwing his truck in park. “And women are weird. Besides, all that makeup looks better on my pillow anyway.”
“Pretty sure you’re not supposed to call us weird. Could’ve sworn you were supposed to be intrigued by the feminine mystique.” You tell him, poking him in the ribs for good measure.
“Weird.” Ari huffs again, clearly not moved by your response.  
“Mystique – you jerk.” Feeling slightly miffed, you decide to steal a sip of his water. 
“Can you please just go get the bag and war paint before I waste away from hunger?” You bat his hand away when he leans forward to open your door and usher you out his vehicle. “My stomach is literally trying to eat itself and you wanna fuckin’ argue.” 
“I am capable of opening it myself, thank you very much.” You hiss without any real heat before grabbing the handle.   
“Then I would very much appreciate it if you did that so we can get this show on the road.”
“Okay, okay.” You finally relent. “I’m sorry. Gimme a kiss and I’ll go–”
Ari’s mouth is on yours so fast it’s almost comical. He cups your face with calloused hands, stroking his thumbs across your temples as he does. But unfortunately, just as you’re about to sink into the kiss, he pulls away.
“Now get.” He growls, before opening the door and effectively shooing you out. 
“Fine.” Climbing out of his truck, you decide that this is your moment. “Be right back.” Closing your eyes, you give it up to the Lord before slamming Ari’s door hard. 
Actually a little harder than you intended. Ah, well. 
Grimacing, you begin to half walk, half run for your front door. After all, there was such a thing as being too brave for this world. And you’d actually felt his vehicle rattle with the force with which you’d put behind it. There was no way this man would not respond. There was no way–
“Aye!” Your shoulders automatically hunch of their own volition when you hear him throw open his own door in protest. You haven’t even made it to the front porch. ”The hell was that about?”
“What?” You try to play dumb.
“Bird. Stop.” 
It’s the calm authority in his voice that has you freezing in your tracks. It’s the same reason your panties are soaked too. Teeth sinking into your bottom lip, you turn around and face Ari.
“I’m gonna need you to walk your pretty little ass back over here, baby.” He quirks a tawny brow when your legs don’t immediately start moving. “Now.”    
“Beast, I need to go inside and–”
“Ass. Here. Now. Please.” Ari tacks on the last word when he sees you frown. However, the frown stays in place as you march back over to where he’s standing, or now leaning, against the side of his truck.
“Thank you.” He grunts before cupping your cheek, drawing you forward. “Now, is there a reason you’re out here slammin’ my shit and spikin’ my blood pressure? Does this have somethin’ to do with that whole feminine mystique business again?”
As he talks, you find it hard to resist the urge to run your fingers through his newly shorn beard. You’d hung out in the bathroom with him this morning while he trimmed it, wearing nothing but a pair of panties and one of his shirts. 
“No.” You breathe, your nostrils flaring when that same hand moves, gently lacing itself around your throat.
“You pissed at me for somethin’?” His electric blue eyes search yours for answers.
“You tryin’ to pick a fight?”
“Also no.” You tell him as your hand comes up to wrap around his thick wrist. “It was a joke I saw on TikTok and–.”
“Christ, I’m gonna stop you.” Ari blinks twice before forcing himself to take a deep breath. “Since you and I don’t have a problem, I’m gonna let you go inside and fetch your things. You have five minutes, or I’m comin’ in after you.”
“To do what?” You can’t help the pout that forms on your lips. Sometimes this man really had no sense of humor. “Because I‘m gonna need more time than that to put on my face.”
The look this man gives you lets you know that you are absolutely trying his patience – every last piece of it. 
“You got five minutes.” Ari repeats, his thumb stroking over your pulse point. “Or I’m gonna come in there and personally take my time making sure all that makeup ends up in its proper place where it belongs.” 
“But that’s not fair!”
“Neither is subjecting me to shit you see on that damned hickory dickory dock crap you watch all the time, and yet here we are.” He leans down to brush his lips against your forehead. “Now go.”
Ari finally releases you before pulling out his phone, and it takes him only a second for him to show it to you, letting you see that he’s started a timer. And it is quickly counting down. 
“You got five minutes, sweetheart.” He winks at you then, before breaking into full blown laughter when you turn to make a break for your front door. “Otherwise I’m comin’ in after you, and it’s gonna be what it’s gonna be.” 
Forget the purse. You decide you’re better off snagging the makeup and beating it back to the truck before the timer strikes zero.   
“Bastard.” You grumble under your breath – which only makes him laugh harder.
“You just lost yourself thirty seconds for that one. Better run, Bird.” 
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@katymae12344 @identity2212 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @blackhawkfanatic @jamneuromain @queerqueenlynn @pono-pura-vida @daykrisr999 @jamneuromain @ninacutebee16 @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @emerald-writes @gh0stgurl @blogbog710 @sincerelytlh
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kjupchurch-xx · 1 month
You're Mine (request on Tumblr for a jealousy filled fic featuring Tom Hiddleston)
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WARNING: For those that do not like SMUT, I'm sorry, you can skip this one. This is a request I got on Tumblr and I do honor all requests... within reason, LOL. 
Today was Hugh and I's third anniversary. The last three years have been amazing to say the least. We met five years ago when I'd stumbled into his coffee shop, Laughing Man Cafe, a coffee and tea shop he owned, located in New York. Hugh had stopped in to sign autographs and meet a few fans, I'd stopped in for a coffee, not realizing Hugh Jackman owned it. 
We began dating shortly after, getting married two years later. I'd always been extras in films, but he'd help me kick start my career as being a lead in some smaller films. I was always apprehensive about doing bigger films, so I strayed away from them. Hugh would spend hours going over lines with me to prepare me for various roles over the last few years. I checked my email noticing a script my manager sent over to me. It was a bigger film, of course and I had managed to get the part after a stressful audition. I didn't bother reading the script before auditioning, but I knew it was a rom-com with Tom Hiddleston, who was well known for playing Loki. 
"Holy shit." I mumbled, reading over the script. Hugh looked over at me from the opposite end of the couch, wearing his glasses, "What? Did you get dropped?" He asked concerned. 
I rolled my eyes, "Why do you automatically assume I was dropped from a film?" 
He chuckled, "What's with the 'holy shit' reaction?" He sat his laptop down, scooting beside me to see my phone. 
I took a deep breath, "Uh, well... There's a sex scene with Tom and I." 
He shrugged, "It's just acting, babe. You'll do fine. Sex scenes are fun to film."
I cocked my brow looking at him, "Really?" I asked sarcastically. 
He laughed, shaking his head, "I don't mean it like that. They're awkward. You're wearing these little bags and cover-ups, stimulating sex for hours. It's weird, but the key is to make each other laugh." 
He would know. He's the man that's always down for a good sex scene. 
I continued skimming the email, "Holy fuck! We're filming it at 5." I said mentally face palming as I jumped up to grab normal clothes, rather than the sweats and over sized t-shirt I was wearing. 
Hugh looked at his watch, "Oh fuck, it's 3:45 now. Let's get ready and I'll take you. Tom's a nice dude, you'll be fine, baby." He said as he jumped up to change out of his comfy clothes. 
As we got ready and jetted out of the door of our home in NYC, we flew through traffic and made it to the set with 10 minutes to spare. When we arrived on set, I was greeted by my manager, Tom's manager, Tom and a few of the film crew. 
"Ooooh, she brought Wolverine with her, Tom. You better be careful." one of the cameramen teased. 
Tom chuckled, "I'm always careful." as he made his way to Hugh smiling, "Nice to see you again, Hugh." 
Hugh smiled, "Hey Mate, nice to see you."
The director walked over to us, "Okay Jackman, as much as I love your beautiful ass, you're not in my movie. Get off the set." She teased. 
Hugh laughed, throwing his hands up, walking towards the side of the set, "You knew it would cost too much to book me." he said jokingly. 
Tom and I sat in the middle of the set with the director as she explained the script and how she wanted the intimate scene to take place. "So, we're going to get you two ready for the shot, you'll both be wearing cover-ups, so you won't actually be naked, but you'll appear naked to the audience and to the cameras." We nodded in agreement. "Whenever she comes in, I want you to pin her to the door in a full on make out with second base type thing, but you'll both still be clothed for that scene." 
We nodded, "Alright." we said in unison while going our separate ways to get into our character outfits. After about 30 minutes of changing and fixing our hair, we met back on set. A door separating us. This was my first time doing an intimate scene in a movie. I'd had brief kissing scenes over the years, but nothing to this level. I could feel my anxiety building as I took a deep breath, staring towards the door. 
"And, action!" The director yelled, slamming a marker. 
I grabbed the door, pushing it open to be met with Tom, grabbing me and intensely shoving me against it, pushing his lips onto mine. The kiss was deep, it was messy, there were shots where you see his tongue forcing its way into my mouth. Tom wasn't a bad kisser by any means, I will say that. The director decided the scene wasn't her favorite and wanted to re-do it two more times afterwards, wanting Tom to be more aggressive each time we'd kissed. 
I glanced over to Hugh, who was on the sidelines, playing on his phone. I could tell he was getting annoyed, but being the professional he is, not wanting to show it. Tom shook me from my thoughts, "You know, kissing you is pretty fun." He said, winking at me. I chuckled, not wanting to cause issues, but also shaking off the uncomfortable feeling his flirting was giving me. Hugh is typically not a jealous man, but I knew if he overheard the flirting, he'd knock this dude's teeth out and make sure he never did another Marvel movie again. 
On the third shot of the kissing scene, I felt Tom's hand brush slightly across my breast. Not enough for me to really react, but enough for me to know he did it. Not knowing if this was truly a coincidence, I shrugged it off as we went to get ready for the sex scene. I was completely naked, besides a small skin colored cover-up that literally only covered my vagina. Tom was wearing a skin colored bag that hid his dick. 
We wrapped ourselves in robes while we weren't filming to meet the director as she explained how she wanted the sex scene to go and what her expectations were. This was my first big film, and I knew if I wanted to score a good career, I had to sell it regardless of how I was feeling. As we made our way to the bed and stripped our robes, we both laid on the bed, under the comforter. The director wanted Tom on top of me, so he climbed on top of me and looked me dead in the eyes. I couldn't force myself to look over at Hugh, so I blocked him completely out of my brain and continued looking at the guy that was on top of me. 
"And, action!" The director yells, slamming her marker. 
Tom looked down at me, "Is this what you want?" He asks seductively, moving his hips in a motion as if he were positioning himself to enter me, throwing the comforter off of us, revealing our naked bodies. 
I moaned, biting my lip, "I want you." 
Tom stimulated his hips as if he'd slammed into me while I stimulated the scene to make it look as if I were matching his thrusts as both of us moaned. He took one of my nipples in his mouth and began sucking on it while still pretending to thrust into me while I drug my fingernails down his back and cried out his character's name. 
The scene in the movie only showed the sex for about two minutes, before cutting to a scene of both of us cuddled in bed talking about how we couldn't let our spouses find out about what we'd done. 
Tom giggled, "We can't let them know. This needs to be our dirty little secret." 
I smirked, "I know, I know... But you fuck so much better than anyone I've ever been with. He'll be out of town working all week anyways." 
Tom leaned down, kissing my head, holding me, "Do you know how long I've waited to do that? How hard it is being around you two and having to hide how hard my dick gets when you're around me... We're horrible people." He chuckled. 
I rolled my eyes, "What they don't know won't hurt them." I said as I playfully trailed my fingers down his stomach, "I want more..." I said seductively. 
"Cut! That was perfect, guys!" The director exclaimed, running towards us with our robes. 
Filming for the day had ended and I hadn't looked at Hugh in hours. I was too afraid to. I know this is what actors do and he knows good and well how acting in films can be, but something in me felt like this was going to be a disaster. As I put my normal clothes back on and told everyone bye, I noticed Hugh was outside on his phone. He looked pissed.
I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him, "I'm finished, baby. Do you want to get dinner?" I asked sweetly. 
He glanced at me, ending the phone and walking to get in the car, "Not hungry." He grunted. 
I opened the door of the car, awkwardly getting in, "We're going home." He said coldly. 
"Are you okay?" I asked, reaching for his arm, only to have him pull away. 
He kept his eyes focused on the road, "What's wrong, love? You won't even look at me." I said, starting to tear up. 
He scoffed, "What's wrong? You enjoyed that! You were really getting into that wannabe Wolverine motherfucker all over you!" He spat. 
My jaw dropped, "Excuse me? What are you talking about? I was doing my job, Hugh!" 
He laughed annoyingly, "Really? Your job wasn't to look like you were shooting a motherfucking pornography movie. It was to do a two minute sex scene and you took it too fucking far with him. Do you want to fuck him that bad?" 
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he really that jealous by me doing a sex scene in a movie he told me to audition for? 
I shook my head, "What are you talking about right now? I did exactly what the director asked me to do." I said in defense. 
He looked at me, "Really? Do you realize how fucking heartbreaking it is to watch a younger man, closer to your age all over you, sucking on your tits? Then you're both talking about good thing our spouses don't know. You know you were turned on by it. I know you."
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, Hugh. Just get me home before I start walking. I'm seriously about to get out of this car." 
He scoffed again, "Yeah? Go ring Tom, I'm sure he'll pick you up." 
As we got home, he hopped out of the car, making sure he slammed the door and every door inside the house. He was being dramatic. Does seeing me stimulating a fake sex scene with an attractive actor that's younger than him bother him that badly? I'm literally doing what he does with other women, well maybe not that extreme, but does he forget that I have to see him kissing or flirting with other women onscreen in almost every movie or interview he does? I mean shit...Excuse me for just furthering my career. 
As the night went on, he seemed to calm down. I found him playing his piano, looking lost in his own thoughts. I walked towards him, "Are you finally calm?" I asked bluntly, bracing myself for the reaction. 
He shook his head cheekily, "I'm fine. Do you want to have a cuddle in bed?" He asked, smiling at me.  
I nodded, "Of course, love." I said, while grabbing his hand, leading him to our bedroom. 
As we approached the bed, he pushed me down, kissing me aggressively, biting and sucking on my bottom lip as if he were going to literally gnaw it off. "You really think he's better than me, huh?" He mumbled against my lips, causing me to roll my eyes. 
I brushed the comment off and continued the kiss, "Answer me." He growled while pushing his boner into my hips. "No..." I said lowly. "No, what?" He spat back, pushing himself further into my hips. "No baby, I don't." I said, looking up at him. 
"I sat on the side and watched him practically fuck you and touch you for hours. Do you know how fucking bad I wanted to rip his face off for touching my wife?" He asked as yanked my shirt off. "Watching him suck on your perfect tits... You're mine, do you understand that?" He said while pulling my pants off, leaving me in my bra and underwear. 
I nodded, "Yours..." He sat back up pulling his own clothes off as he climbed back on top of me, pulling my panties to the side, shoving his fingers inside me, while sucking on my neck. "This is my pussy." He whispered into my ear as his fingers danced inside me. 
I couldn't help the moan that escaped from my lips, "Oh fuck... Baby, don't stop." I moaned, while reaching for his boxers. "I want you." 
He pulled them down, revealing his hard cock, "You want me? Are you sure you don't want Tom?" He asked, cocking his brow at me as he rubbed my clit. 
I nodded, biting my lip so hard I could taste blood, "You're the only one I want..." I said as I reached for his cock, wrapping my hand around the length. 
"Show me." He said, pulling me on top of him. I slid down his frame, kissing every inch of his torso as I made my way down to his manhood. I felt him place his hand on the back of my head as I took him into my mouth. I sucked hard on the tip while letting my hand work the base as I felt him start roughly thrusting into my mouth as he threw his head back, his moans filling the air. 
"That's a good girl. Show me how much you want my dick." He moaned, as I began bobbing my head quicker taking his rough thrusts deep into the back of my throat. 
This was not like Hugh, but I was loving every minute of it. It almost makes me wish I'd taken more opportunities to push his buttons. I could feel him throbbing in my mouth as he pulled out not wanting to cum just yet. He glanced down at me, motioning for me to get on my knees. 
I did as I was told as I felt him push my panties to the side, entering me. His thrusts were fast and rough, not the sweet, romantic I was used to getting. He slapped my ass hard, "Is this what you wanted?" He grunted, "You wanted this cock, you don't want anyone else's cock, do you?" He gave a deeper thrust, "Answer me or I'll stop and you can go ring Tom instead." He yelled. 
I threw my head back, trying to form words as the feeling of euphoria overtook my body. "Fuck! Don't stop!" I managed to scream between moans, "I only want you." I said, trying to not let myself go this soon. 
He grabbed a handful of my hair, turning my face to look at him, "This is mine. All mine." He moaned. I could tell he was getting close, I could feel him throbbing inside me. "Cum for me, baby. Let me see how good I make you feel." He said while tugging on my hair. 
I let go and exploded on him, literally falling down to the bed as I felt him cum deep inside me. He collapsed beside me, breathless. "Do you feel better now?" I asked him chuckling, sounding a bit amused while trying to catch my breath. 
He chuckled, "I do. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked sweetly. 
There he was... There was my sweet baby. I smiled, "You didn't hurt me in a bad way, if that's what you're asking. Maybe I should make you jealous more often." I joked.
He laughed, pulling me closer to him, "Maybe so, love."  
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sexydoffyman · 1 month
Can you write a size kink scenario where Konig has anal sex with a much larger m!reader, and m!reader's cock is too big for him? M!reader is 8ft tall and built like a shot putter, for reference.
genre: smut
characters: König
A/N: I researched the size of a male 6’10 human rectum just for this post I hope you appreciate it!🐞
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He was panting uncontrollably. He wasn’t used to stuff like this. His hands were shaking and he was barely able to hold himself up. Usually, it was he who was the bigger one, he never understood why his partners always asked him to be more gentle. He felt as if He couldn’t get more gentle. He always felt like they were overreacting. That was until he met you.
You had him pressed into the mattress. This time he wasn’t the one in charge. He felt humiliated that a man as huge and masculine as him was in this position. His mates dared him to go on a one-night stand with you. For some reason he accepted. He told us straight away. “I got dared to sleep with ya.” Was what came out of his mouth.
You understood right away why they dared him to do it. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t, but he was about to find out. He felt strange and embarrassed that he had to ask you to slow down. This was the first time someone had him pinned down. He couldn’t move at all.
“Common, get up sweets.” You laughed at him, teasing him. He was a dick, and you were there to put him in his place. When he eventually tried to get up, you pressed deeper into him. He made an unholy sound and completely stopped trying. Frustrated, he yelped out “How big even are ya, you monster?!”
You found this as an opportunity to tease him even more. “Desperate to find out?” “Agh! No, fuck off!” He was so pissed. So pissed that he wasn’t able to take you. “Too much for ya sweets?” He hated it when you called him that. He was always calling people degrading nicknames. Now he was the target.
He kept grunting. He knew he would win that damned dare no matter what. “Common sweets try harder.” You chuckled as you thrusted with what you felt was a normal amount of force. He didn’t feel that way. You were basically rearranging his insides.
“God damnit!” He grunted. He was close, and you could feel it. “Let it all out darlin.” “FUCK OFF!” He yelled as he came into your sheets. “You are so cute when you struggle.” Now, he had to face another problem. He was done, but you weren’t.
He felt so pathetic that you made him cum. You went a bit rougher, not caring about his well-being. Your moans filled the room as he just let you use his body to get off. He felt relieved when you finally came. You filled him up. Sperm leaking out of his asshole. You pulled out only to see his stretched anus. You had to laugh to yourself.
You got up and started putting on clothes. He felt weird that you didn’t want to stay. And that’s when he realised. That this was all fucking planned. All the things he did to people smaller than him you did to him. You were probably paid to do this.
As you were leaving the room, you looked at him. “You look like you enjoyed that way too much, so stop lying to yourself. Whenever you want to be dicked down, you know where to find me sweets.” You smirked at him. “No way that he actually enjoyed that. You had to be faking it.”
He couldn’t finish thinking when you turned to him one last time. “You asked how big I am.” He waited for a follow-up. “Looking like a puppy at me. You really have to want it inside you again.” He sighed you tricked him again. You opened the door and started to leave. You spoke one last thing before you closed the door.
“Eight inches”
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puck-luck · 3 months
play house with me | alex lyon
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warnings: breeding kink HEAVYYYYY, use of mommy/mama/daddy but it’s very brief and not always related to the sex, obvious creampie???, childhood best friends to lovers &&& co-parents LOVE, mentions of breastmilk during the fucking (alex will totally want to try said breastmilk when it comes in), dirty talk pairing: alex lyon x fem!reader request: yes (alex lyon gets reader pregnant woohoooooo) wc: 2940
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Everyone has made a deal like this before– especially those with guy best friends, like you. It didn’t help that you had had an on-again, off-again crush on Alex since you both were teenagers and he had grown into his looks. You had known him for practically your whole life and Alex was the picture-perfect boy next door with his dark curls and goofy personality, so it was a no-brainer when Alex proposed a pact. 
You were both eighteen at the time, ready to go your separate ways for college. It was late, a warm and humid summer night, and you and Alex has just gone for ice cream. You were picking at your cup of ice cream with your spoon, watching it melt in the rapid summer heat. It was then that Alex said, “You know, if we’re thirty and neither of us are with someone else, we should have a kid.”
It was no secret that you wanted to have kids, nor a secret that Alex wanted to have kids, so the deal was a no-brainer. You said yes, not thinking much of it because… why wouldn’t you be with someone by age thirty?
Well, it’s funny. Yesterday was your thirtieth birthday, and here you are: single. Frustrated and annoyed can also describe your current state. 
Alex had texted you the day before to wish you a happy birthday, promising to see you when he came back into town today. He should be on the way to your apartment right now and all you can think about is the deal you made twelve years prior. 
You had no doubt about it– you wanted to have a baby and you wanted to do it with Alex. You just had to broach the subject, but you were torn about how to bring up the deal without sounding desperate or weird. There was a chance Alex wouldn’t even remember your deal, even though he was the one who thought of it in the first place. 
When he arrives and knocks on your front door, you let him in with an awkward hug hello. It’s only awkward because you know that you’re about to ask him something that will change your friendship and relationship forever. Alex, always able to read you like an open book, notices that you’re acting weird immediately and calls you out on it.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Alex asks, quirking an eyebrow at you with a bemused smile. “Are you alright?”
You groan, rolling your head back. “How do you always know?”
Alex’s smile turns into a proud smirk. “Because I know you. What are you thinking about?”
“Just some stuff about you and turning thirty,” you reply, ready to explain yourself further.
Alex interrupts. “Thinking about our baby pact?”
You balk at him, shocked. “How did you know?”
“Again– because I know you.” Alex repeats. His gaze takes in your features, admiring you. He brushes a piece of hair behind your ear. “Plus, it’s part of the reason why I wanted to see you today.”
“Oh, yeah?” You ask, a little laugh tinging your words. “You wanted to come over so we could discuss babies?”
“Isn’t that why you agreed to have me over?” Alex answers with his own question, smug because he knows he’s right. “So that we could even go a little further, since you’re thirty now, and our pact has to come to fruition?”
You blush, biting your lower lip and rolling your eyes. You’re pretending to be annoyed, but you’re really just fond. Alex does know you best, can practically read your mind and provide you with anything you want before you realize you want it. Before now, that mostly related to when you could go and get food together– he always knew exactly what you were craving, always taking you to the right restaurant that would hit the spot and satisfy you indefinitely. 
Now, it’s a much bigger decision, one that will change your lives forever, but Alex is completely on board. So are you.
Once again, it’s a no-brainer.
“I wouldn’t complain,” you tease, purposefully coy. 
“Good.” Alex sweeps you off your feet, carrying you over one shoulder. “We can talk about everything later. I’ve been dying to get my hands on you for years.”
He says it casually, like that’s not the most Earth-shattering revelation you’ve ever heard. You and Alex had always toed the line of flirtation and all of your friends swore that you were meant to be, but things had never gone this far. You and Alex had never kissed, save for one accidental peck when you turned your cheek in surprise and caught his lips, the ones intending to meet your skin in a sweet greeting. It had caused a laugh, but it was the closest to romance that you and Alex had ever physically experienced. 
Now, he’s tossing you on your bed and climbing above you like this is an everyday occurrence. 
“Alex,” you say, putting a hand on his chest to stop his movements. “Are you really, really sure about this? It’s a big decision.”
“I’ve wanted to have a baby with you since I was five years old and you made me be the daddy when we played house,” Alex replies, leaning down to capture your earlobe between his teeth. “You were the mommy to our little baby doll and the idea never left my mind. Now we’re thirty, single, and I think we should make my dream a reality. I’m all in, Y/N.”
A breath of relief leaves your lungs at his reassurance. He mouths along your jaw, coming to hover with his lips just out of reach of your own. You look up at him, waiting for him to make a move. 
Alex looks up from your lips, finding your eyes. “Are you really, really sure about this?” He parrots back, lips twisting up at the edges. “You’re the one who’s going to be tasked with carrying our baby.”
You make a soft noise of assent, the breathy moan pulled from your stomach like a gut-punch. 
Alex chuckles. “You like that, huh?” He brushes a kiss against the left corner of your mouth, then the right. “You’re going to look so pretty all swollen and full of me. I want it so bad, Y/N. I’ll give you as many babies as you want. I might have to keep you pregnant all the time– you’re going to glow, darling.”
Moaning again, you bring your hands up to his face and pull him into you, crashing your lips against his. Eager and desperate, you kiss him until you’re breathless and your cheeks have gone hot. As far as first kisses go, this is your favorite one you’ve ever had. Alex is confident and just as eager as you are, his tongue filling your mouth and tasting you like he could devour you. Inadvertently, you find yourself wondering how his tongue would feel against your clit and your entrance, but that can wait for another time.
Another time, because this will certainly be happening again. It’s the easiest decision you could ever make, seeking out Alex again. You’re comfortable with him, you’re happy when he’s around, and you love him deeply. You know him and he knows you. Your friends were right all along– you two are meant to be.
“Do you want it? I need you to tell me,” Alex implores between kisses, allowing his hands to roam over your body. 
It’s distracting and it takes a moment for his words to click, especially when his hands find their way under your shirt and start to pet over the skin under which your ribs reside. 
“I want it,” you cry when Alex’s fingertips graze your underboob. You whine when his fingers withdraw from your middle, but Alex soothes you with a whispered coo and a soft kiss to your lips.
He lifts your shirt over your head, leaving you in your bra underneath him. He grabs his own shirt by the back collar, pulling it over his head and revealing his bare chest to your wandering eyes. You drink him in, running your hands all over his warm body and feeling the ridges of the muscles he’s worked so hard to build and maintain over the years. 
He brings a hand to your chest, cupping the swell of your breast and fishing your boob out of the article of clothing, pinching your nipple. After one final kiss, Alex brings his lips down and replaces his fingers with his teeth, nibbling at the peak of your breast before sucking. 
You arch your back, your hand fisting his curls again. You moan out a wanton sound and you can feel Alex’s lips curve into a smile against your skin. He releases your nipple with a wet pop, kissing over your sternum and up your neck. 
“So pretty, mama,” Alex mumbles against your skin, lips warm and scarring. You wish you could tattoo the path he takes along your chest, physically marking your body permanently so you never forget this. “Let’s make a baby, hm? Give me a real reason to use that name?”
“Give me a baby,” you agree, tousling his curls. “I wanna make you a daddy, Alex.”
Alex groans against your skin, popping the button on your jeans and drawing the zipper down. His mouth doesn’t leave your body, not even for a second as he struggles to work the tight denim down your body. 
You adjust yourself on the bed, helping him push the fabric down. You take to his own bottoms, tugging eagerly at his waistband until he gets the hint and removes his shorts. You push him down, making him sit back against the headboard. You swing a leg over his lap, straddling him. Still separated by the barrier of both of your underwears between you, you sink down on his bulge in a satisfying grind. 
Alex’s hands find your hips, pulling you flush against him and rolling his own hips. He reconnects your lips, swallowing every sound you make and vice versa. He’s straining against his boxers, pulsing against you with each grind.
“I want to ride you,” you tell Alex. “Just like this.”
Alex moans, closing his eyes and throwing his head back, knocking it against the headboard in the process. “Fuck,” he breathes out. “Want me to prep you?”
“No, I want to feel everything,” you say. “I want to feel your big cock stretch me all on its own before it fucks a baby into me.”
Your words only spur him on and he jostles you on his lap as he tries to remove his underwear without feeling your absence. You take matters into your own hands and remove yourself from his lap to take off your own underwear, tossing it onto the floor without another thought, the thin scrap of fabric joining the rest of your scattered clothes. 
Both bare and dripping, you climb back on top of Alex, fitting his cock between your folds to grind against him before allowing him to breach your entrance. You spread your slick all over his member, using his precum and your wetness as lube. 
Alex whines at the contact, clutching at your skin desperately after he removes your bra with both hands. Your boobs sit prettily on your chest, drawing Alex’s eyes and causing his pupils to swell. He cups one and licks over the nipple he hadn’t previously sucked, needing something to occupy his mouth and muffle his sounds. He’s far gone– the idea of filling you up has him channeling something primal, overtaken by his instinct to stuff you with his cock and thoroughly breed you.
He wasn’t lying when he said he’d been thinking about it for years– one of the images that caused him to spill over his fist countless of times in his twenties was just this: fucking you bare and starting a family with you, forever entertwining your souls and destinies in an irreversible way. You would be his, in this way, forever. He could shoot off now thinking about it, but the promise of the real thing stops him.
And the real thing comes sooner than he thinks, with you rising up onto your knees and lining him up with your entrance. You lower yourself down slowly, achingly slow. It takes everything out of Alex to not buck up into your heat as the head of his cock enters you with a jolt.
The sigh that leaves your mouth and the roll of your eyes chips away his restraint even more than your heat. All of your pretty noises are like a watering hole in the middle of the desert to Alex– and he’s lapping them up. 
“Y/N,” Alex moans as you work your way down his shaft. Your walls hug him tightly, squeezing him as you take his cock. “Fuck, you feel so good. You’re made for me.”
“Alex,” you sigh, pressing his forehead against yours. You’re unable to form many words other than that– melting into a puddle of moans and whines as you find yourself sinking fully onto his length, enveloping him entirely. He reaches the deepest part of you, his tip nudging your back wall. 
“Can’t wait to see these tits all full of milk,” Alex tells you, filling in the gaps of silence. He reaches up, cupping the weight in his palms and kissing over the smooth skin in his hands. “You’re going to be so great to our baby.”
You start to bounce on his cock, tossing your head back as the ecstasy of fulfillment washes over you. His words just spur you on.
“You’ll take care of them so well, won’t you?” Alex asks, his question rhetorical.
Your response is a moan and a stutter in your rhythm, which causes Alex to take over. He flips you over without pulling out, your back hitting the mattress and knocking the breath out of you.
Alex practically breathes life back into you when he kisses you, insistent but charged with the sweet love that you share for each other. It’s the love that you’ve shared since you were kids– and now, it’s the love that you’ll pass along to your child. 
“Fuck, Alex,” you whine at the thought, unable to keep it to yourself. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Alex says, kissing you again. His thrusts are harder in this position, hitting you deeper. 
It feels impossible, being in this position with Alex. Yes, your friends had always said that you and Alex were meant to be, but there was a line you’d never crossed. You never expected to cross it. Now, with Alex inside of you and filling you so well, ready to start the next chapter of your lives with each other, you can’t imagine it any other way. 
Alex continues, pushing you further towards your peak. “This pussy was made to take my babies, huh? Made just for me?”
“Yeah,” you agree, breathless, pulling Alex down to connect your lips. You can barely handle the words, much less the little noises and grunts that fill your mouth during the kiss. 
It’s like you’re becoming one being. Everything is perfect, and you’re feeling so good that your orgasm approaches quicker than expected. 
“Alex, ‘m gonna come,” you let out, holding him tight.
“Let it go, lovebug,” Alex coos, tracing the line of your cheek with a light touch. “I’m right there with you.”
Your eyes roll back and your mouth opens in a silent scream. Alex continues to fuck into you, prolonging the waves of pleasure that overtake you with each bump of his cockhead against your g-spot. You’re moaning unintelligibly, jumbled words falling from your mouth and barely reaching Alex’s ears. 
He shoots off when you keen into his mouth, teeth clashing in a messy union that has you on the verge of laughter. You’ve never laughed during sex before, but it just seems right. Everything with Alex seems right.
His seed fills you and warms you from the inside out, settling deep in your core and coating your walls in the weirdest, most unique feeling you’ve ever experienced. You can feel the come dripping down from your ridges, letting gravity take control as it starts to leak out of you when Alex pulls out. 
You pout, closing your legs as much as you can with Alex still between them in order to keep his release from leaving you, desperate for it to take. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Alex soothes, brushing your hair away from your face and thumbing over the sweat on your brow. 
You don’t reply, enamored by the way his own curls have gone sweaty and his cheeks and dusted with a blush from the exertion of your union. You bite your lip as Alex opens his mouth to speak again, admiring his straight white teeth in a moment that should be weird, but isn’t. You hope your baby has his teeth– no need to pay for braces, not that that’s something you’d have to worry about with Alex’s salary.
“We’re going to go again in a bit, I think,” Alex muses, his words a proposition rather than a command, despite his definitive tone. He kisses over your face, little pecks that make you giggle again. His lips find yours, sweet and chaste. When he pulls away, he whispers conspiratorially in your ear. “Gonna fuck you all night to make sure this takes.” He winks, a smile crossing his face. “Join me in the shower, mama? I want to wash your hair for you.”
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note: this is for my lyon girlie who was all up in my asks, ily <3 i hope i captured your man well and you enjoyed this <3
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boiohboii · 10 months
The people's sweethearts
Chapter 1
(Verstappen!reader x tom holland x zendaya)
Soulmate au
YN Verstappen had been through hell, by her own father, for something she didn't even ask for. She grew up learning that she should hate what was given to her, after all it was the reason her father was always angry with her. So what should she do when the one thing she learned to hate is the one thing that brings her love, safe and comfort that not even her older brother can compare.
WARNING: not proof read, Jos Verstappen (worsned like 10 times for this fic) poly relationship, derogatory terms by father, abusive father. If I missed anything else please let me know
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Max and Yn Verstappen are close, really close, some would even say they are too close for being siblings, after all it's not usual for an 18 year old to go live with her older brother in a country 2 hours away (by plane) from her university rather than just to rent something close by.
Everyone had very harsh words to say about the pair of siblings, some still do but these are just people who hate max verstappen and they know nothing angers him more than someone insulting his baby sister, everyone was very vocal about how strange, weird and abnormal it is for 2 grown siblings to live together.
Everyone thought that the Verstappen siblings would change their living arrangements after Max and Kelly found each other, only to be surprised by Max buying a bigger penthouse that'd be enough for all 4 of them.
Everyone was negative about the prospect of the redbull formula one driver being followed around by his little sister until the release of The Anatomy of A Champion came out.
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When the producers of the show pitched in the idea of talking to yn, max had refused, he wanted his sister nowhere near any of these vultures knowing how bad it can, and most probably will, get. Max was aware from a very young age that what his dad was constantly saying and doing to him and his sister wasn't normal, whenever he was at a race he would see the other boys' dad's hugging them and telling them they did a good job even if they didn't get first place, he would see how other's would have their father waiting for them with water and towels, and most importantly he would see how other dad's had their daughter on their shoulder making the other little girls laugh; Why does dad only make yn cry?
He remembers it so clearly, the way his father hit his sister because of something out of her control, something that she didn't even ask for, something that was thrown at her, it was the day his sister got her soulmark.
Everyone had a soulmark that appeared on their 5th birthday and today was yn's which made jos take her to the soul doctor. Soulmarks were complicated, which is why soul doctors were important, they let you know more about your mark and the bond that's to form between you and your other half.
"Wow young lady, you'll have twice the amount of love it seems."
Max knew his father's tone, he know that he's angry and he unconsciously held onto yn's hand, hoping that his father wouldn't take his anger out on her.
"Well Mr Verstappen you see these lines," the doctor gently held up yn's wrist, turning it over to show off her newly given mark "that's an indicator of one soulmate, I'd say he is 3 or 4 years older than her given the shade of the mark, while this other lines that are in a circular shape indicate the other soulmate, he seems to also be around 3 or 4 years older as well. It looks like the mark that indicates young miss yn here is the moon, with how the moon is in the center I would say that yn would be the last in the group meaning that her two other soulmates will meet each other before they meet her."
Jos was angry throughout their drive home, he had already smacked yn into the car while rushing her to get in and as soon as they were in the car he hit her across the head, his arms tall enough to reach the young girl in the backseat. That was the first time max heard these words that would be so easy to recite within a few weeks.
"Two soulmates? Why couldn't you just be normal, why do you have to be such a slut?"
The ride back home was one of the worst max and yn had ever expirenced.
"Two soulmates, ridiculous.They're not even going to want you! They'd meet each other before they even know you!! At least if you turn out to be good for nothing I can just pimp you out on the street, maybe then you'd be useful, and it's not like your soulmates will even like you or want you. Unlovable whore."
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"So," the interviewer started as Sophie Kumpen sat on a white sofa in Max's home in Monaco "how is your relationship with your youngest?"
"It's not as close as I'd want it to be," the mother of three confessed as she looked into the camera "yn is a very sweet girl, she had been through a lot. When Jos and I divorced she wasn't really aware of what was going on, she was too young to understand, and as she grew older all she could see was Max. He had been the one to take care of her: i remember once when Max was around ten years old he called me up, asking me how to make a soup because yn was sick and jos was out god knows where.
Max and YN were and are always there for each other, and I don't think that will ever change. I'm sure everyone thought their relationship will sort of tweak a bit when Max and Kelly met each other, but I don't think Max will ever allow that and it's not like Kelly even tried to change their relationship, she was the one who was apartment hunting for all of them while Max was racing and Yn was back in England for her university." 
"Do you think yn is putting in the effort to be there for Max?"
"Oh definitely, I mean studying mechanical engineering along with aerospace engineering at one of the top universities in the world is enough proof. Her whole life revolves around Max and I don't think it's a bad thing. Max had been her everything, he's the one she always goes to cause he is all she knows. When she was deciding what to do right after high-school all she said was that she will choose the majors that'll help her get an internship at formula one so that she'd be there with Max for the rest of his races, however long he wants to be there."
"Do you know what happened between Jos, Max and Yn? Don't you think it's weird that once Max turned 18 he asked Christian Horner to ban his father from the paddock? And to help him have yn with him as much as possible?"
"I'm not really going to go into the details of it, but Jos has done a lot of damage, especially to yn. It's not something I can talk about, not that I even want to, but Jos was a terrible husband and a wose father, I'm insanely glad that yn and max turned out as good and well as they are. Seeing them so close is not something that's surprising me given what Jos did to them, to yn" Sophie's voice broke as a few tears escaped her eyes "sorry, it's just, what she had to go through, it's traumatic and I'm happy that she had Max with her through it all. It fills my heart with joy seeing the little family Max and Yn formed with Kelly and Penelope"
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ch. II
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daydreamerwoah · 16 days
Welcome to the World, Little One
Summary: Your labor and delivery experience with Simon by your side.
If this type of thing weirds you out, please don't read. I know every labor and delivery experience is not like this (I don't have kids yet myself so I have not gone through this yet) so just know this was just a thought that popped in my head.
Around 4am you woke up to a dull pressure in your tummy. It felt more like a bad period cramp, but you knew it was more than that. You had been getting small contractions for the past week. At your last appointment, your OB had let you know it was getting closer and closer to the time to have your baby boy.
You glanced at the sleeping form next to you; Simon's soft snores lightly echoed in the room. He looked so peaceful, and you smiled at your husband. Trying your best, you slowly pulled the covers off of you and sat up in bed, careful to not wake him. After sliding your feet into your slippers, you grabbed your robe and crept your way out of the bedroom to the kitchen.
Filling up a glass of water, you slowly sipped on it while another small contraction coursed through your lower abdomen. While it wasn't too painful, it caused you to let out a low hum, your hand rubbing over your swollen belly. "Someone's getting ready huh?" you softly said to no one, but you knew your son heard you when the contraction finally subsided.
Soft thuds were heard in the hallway as Simon walked into the kitchen, eyes heavy with sleep as he rubbed them. "What're y'doing up?" he asked, voice deeper than usual since he just woke up.
A small pout formed on your lips; a little bummed you might have been the reason he was now up, "Did I wake you?"
He shook his head as he walked up and gave you a hug while placing a soft kiss on the top of your head, "Everything alright?" He asked, his hand immediately going to your belly. Ever since he found out you were pregnant, his hand always found its way to your stomach any chance he got.
You were about to respond when another small contraction came, causing you to hiss. Simon's eyebrows furrowed but you smiled at him, "Yeah. Just Braxton Hicks I think."
You thought telling him that would ease his mind, but it only made him look over you in concern. You often found yourself playfully rolling your eyes ever since your belly started getting bigger, even though you loved how he acted. Simon was like an overprotective parent during your pregnancy. He wanted you to stop working as soon as you got pregnant, but you both agreed (well... it was more of him reluctantly agreeing) when you reached your second trimester. Each day he gave you all kinds of excuses as to why you shouldn't work until you quit your job. If you needed to go to the store and buy groceries, Simon was right there with you, making sure you never had to carry any bags. He tried to be at every appointment you had with your doctor, and if he couldn't be, he'd try and FaceTime you while you were there so he could listen to the doctor.
"C'mere," he said as he guided you to the couch to sit. When you did, he pulled a blanket that was draped over the back of the couch and placed it over your legs, kissing your forehead before walking back to the kitchen.
He made himself a cup of tea and a cup of warm milk for you. That seemed to always relax you during your pregnancy. He walked back to you, holding both mugs in his hand as you smiled at him. God, you loved that man to death. He handed you the mug while he sat down next to you, raising his arm for you to curl next to his side. You two sat in the dimly lit room, sipping your drinks; every now and again you let out a stiff moan as a small contraction came. Simon's hand would softly rub your side and he'd kiss your forehead to comfort you as much as he could.
Some hours passed by, and your contractions started to be a little bit stronger, but not as often. You tried not to focus too much on them because you knew it was early labor. An excited nervousness wriggled in your chest; you'd probably be heading to the delivery center if not in the afternoon, then definitely that night.
Poor Simon followed you all throughout the house; you tried prepping the delivery bag, but he made you sit in the rocking chair in the nursery while he made sure everything was packed. And forget about cooking; Simon had ushered you out of the kitchen before you could even pick up a pan. You laughed at how he was more nervous than you, only for him to grumble about how he wasn't nervous; just preparing.
When he helped you get dressed into one of his t-shirts after taking a bath with you, both of you couldn't have prepared for the look on your faces when a gush of water flowed between your legs onto the hardwood floor.
It was time.
The next contraction that came was stronger than the other ones had been, causing you to take in a sharp breath. "G-grab the bag Si." you panted, but he was already doing so and putting on his shoes. If it were anyone else, they'd think he was calm; collected; the usual Ghost persona. But you saw those eyes briefly; the concerned look in them as he walked up to you with your shoes in his hand.
He quickly made sure you were dressed before helping you ease your way to the car; often pausing as another contraction made you tense your muscles. "S'alright sweetheart. Right here wit'cha." he cooed, rubbing your back.
The ride to the delivery center was agonizing. Another contraction came and due to the nature of not being able to move much in the car, you had no choice but to sit there and wiggle around to find comfort. Simon cursed at the traffic, sometimes honking his horn when a car wouldn't move out of the way fast enough. A gruff laugh bubbled up in your chest at the way he drove.
When you finally arrived at the place, Simon pulled up to the front entrance and quickly got out the car to find a wheelchair. You had opened the door right when he stalked up to the car wheeling one for you to slide into it while he grabbed the delivery bag from the backseat of the car; he'd move it to a parking spot after you were checked in.
After many agonizing minutes of filling out paperwork - which Simon thought was ridiculous - getting your vitals taken, and answering the nurse's questions, you were finally placed in the room where you'd be delivering your baby. Simon had moved the car and was back by your side in no time. Your doctor had come and checked on you a couple of times, seeing how far along in your labor you were. A sweep of your cervix revealed you were getting very close, but not quite ready to push, so you and Simon waited in the room. It was uncomfortable. Contractions were very strong, and sometimes you'd yell out in pain at the feeling of it.
You did everything to ease the pain - walked around the room, took a bath in the huge delivery tub in the room; bounced on the pregnancy ball they had given you - but you knew it was only a matter of time until you had to start pushing. Simon, being the loving husband that he was, wouldn't let you go through it alone. He was holding your hands when you walked and bounced on the ball. He had stripped down to his shorts and sat in the tub with you as you leaned back on his chest while he poured water over your belly. You felt bad... you knew he needed to be resting, but he was having none of your comments.
"I'm here love," he'd often say, kissing you either on the forehead, temple, lips, neck, hands, anywhere so you'd feel him right there.
And then, it was time to push.
You had tried a couple of positions, but they hadn't worked. You had been pushing for 20 minutes, and you almost wanted to cry - thinking you were doing something wrong.
"Let's try this-" the doctor said "-Simon, get behind Y/n. We'll raise the bed up to the sitting position. Y/n let's scoot you to the edge here," you both did as she instructed, "Good. Now we can have you sitting up... let's see if this works. On the next contraction, push."
You took a few deep breaths, gearing up to start the process again. Simon's strong arms held yours as you squeezed his hands and started to push again. Praises from your doctor about how you were pushing well, and that your baby's head was coming out only made you push harder - but not too hard.
"That's it sweetheart," Simon voice cooed in your ear.
It felt like you were transported into another world for a moment. One minute the doctor, nurses, and Simon telling you to push again, and then the next a small bundle was being placed in your arms as his whiney cries echoed throughout the room. A sound of relief came from your mouth before you immediately started crying tears of joy. He was finally here. You and your husband's son was finally here.
"You did it love," Simon said as he kissed your temple. You glanced at him, seeing his own eyes glossy as he looked at his son in your arms.
Your eyes shifted back to your son in your arms, the tears steadily flowing down your cheeks, "Welcome to the world, little one."
@whataneed @romanceloverrrr
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aris-ink · 1 year
more ddlg jk please im so obsessed
ily <3
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: romance
warnings: manipulation, big corruption kink, dd/lg, hints of size and spit kink, lots of kissing, slight dub con, allusions to con noncon, intoxication, drugs (marijuanna), dirty talk, groping, bondage (ropes), praise, free use kink, loving humiliation (verbal), possessiveness, creampie, aftercare
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Coming back from work, Jungkook found your sleepy form curled up on the bed, the nightlight setting a faint glow over the room. He crouched down on the floor and leaned in to kiss you, the affectionate greeting making your eyes flutter open. You tried to blink the drowsiness in them away, but it didn't seem to be quite working, and Jungkook felt his heart melt in his chest.
"Are you okay, princess?"
You breathed out slowly, your answer coming out mellow.
"I feel so weird, daddy."
He examined you with concern, the dull glaze of your eyes the first thing to catch his attention. Whatever he was about to say died in his throat, and he found himself stroking your cheek with his thumb. You looked so small like this; barely holding on to consciousness, gazing into his eyes with all the love and trust your precious heart had to offer. It stirred something in his soul, something primal and sinister, instantly triggering its protective instincts.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He coaxed gently, brushing a few strands of hair away from your face. "Did you eat properly?"
"Dinner," you nodded, sighing, "and some snacks."
Your answer was just as expected, but the innocence of it further provoked that thing in the shadows of his mind, and a pierced eyebrow raised at you cluelessly.
"What snacks? We ran out last night, baby. I got you some on the way home today."
You frowned at that, confusion seeping into your expression.
"No, we... still had some left... they- they were in the shelf... in the kitchen."
"Oh baby..." Jungkook sighed then, and lowered his lips to your forehead. "There's a reason daddy keeps those hidden. You probably shouldn't have touched that."
For a split second, when your eyes raised to meet his, he thought you had realized what happened, what he did, and his heart reacted in tandem with his cock, jumping. But then your small hand moved to reach for him. You couldn't have been cuter if you tried. Even now, seeking his protection, whether it was the drugs muddling your brain; or just love.
Because hidden wasn't exactly the most accurate word here... not since a while, at least, but there was a sadistic need rising up in Jungkook to slip further into his role, murmur reassurances that would have made angels weep for you, had they ever existed and mourned for lost souls.
"It's okay. Just rest, baby... The feeling will pass soon. Just..." he brushed his nose against yours, "close your eyes and let go. Daddy will take care of you. Yeah?"
You followed his instructions flawlessly, letting your eyes fall shut, your body relaxing as he spoke. But your hand still squeezed at his bigger one, like you were nervous that he'd disappear. There didn't really seem to be many coherent thoughts left in that pretty, little head of yours. No wonder the weed hit you hard; it wasn't something you've tried before. You've always rejected any blunts Jungkook offered, trembling and stilling his hands when he whispered all the depraved things he knew would make your cunt leak as he touched you. Now, after the drug has entered your system - and in large amounts, too - you were left so... vulnerable, in every way. Helpless against the warmth flooding your senses, making your nerves tingle as Jungkook climbed on top of you. Helpless against him; his wicked hands soothing you, exploring your waist, their touch your only connection to your earthly existence in the warm, fuzzy haze pulling you under; stripping you off your inhibitions.
"Relax, sweetheart. Just like that."
There was a repressed desire lurking in the softness of his palms sneaking under your shirt. When his lips inched towards yours, something almost innocent laced the action; a soft peck, testing the waters. Too lightheaded to think straight, you let Jungkook do the thinking for you, because that was what daddy was there for, wasn't it? To catch you when you fall. To look after his little girl, kiss her and hold her. And he did just that, throbbing at the whine that slipped past your lips as soon as his touched your neck.
"Sensitive, angel?"
His hands explored your tummy, butterflies erupting while the rough pads of his fingers inched upwards. His voice was as soft as any devil's leading their prey astray, a seduction too great to resist with your guard lowered and brain muddled. Sweet, little thing, so putty in his hands; an adoring kiss warmed your cheek, followed by a sigh, a sound of feigned sympathy. Poor, little baby, so dazed under him; back arching softly when he began to rub your nipple, eliciting a gasp. Good thing daddy knew exactly what you needed. He was going to make it all better, he whispered. Daddy would never hurt you, he promised. And then he slid down your underwear.
He was sure that even with how high you were, his brain was running on the same kind of adrenaline, releasing endorphins, heart beating fast and blood rushing, his kisses sloppy and slow. Like he wanted to taste every inch of you, or rather, like he wanted to pour himself and his love into every nook and crevice of you, body and soul; a suspicion he made far too easy to confirm when he pulled away, dark gaze immediately drawn to the string of saliva connecting you for a second too long. It was enough for his thumb to reach upwards and rub the remains of the wetness into your bottom lip, hypnotized by how swollen and shiny it looked.
There was no other sound in the room besides the mingling of your labored breathing and the soft moans his touches encouraged, igniting a kind of fire within you that, had your mind and heart been sober, would have been considered humiliating. The willingness to be defiled, the trust that this was your caretaker just doing his job. And in a twisted way, he was. Fueling all the forbidden desires and needs you kept locked up, deemed too dark to ever leave the twilight zone of your soul. And once again, whose job was it if not Jungkook's to show his little one that not all dark things were frightful?
Floating, you briefly felt your arms being raised, cool air hitting your skin as he slipped your shirt off. The bed dipped then, and more kisses were lovingly left on your shoulders, the silky heat of his lips lazily trailing up to your neck. Time seemed to be passing by in a blur; you could feel Jungkook trapping your wrists above your head, slight shuffling coming from somewhere beside you.
Another kiss. More shuffling. You were disoriented up to the very moment you registered the fact that the noise stopped, and something was being wrapped around your hands.
No, not wrapped; tied. You whimpered, akin to a little fawn that realized it was ensnared.
Jungkook cooed at you, his lips brushing your collarbone, leaving your skin on fire.
"Such a good girl..."
He made his way down your stomach, presumably to continue to comfort you. Yet his deft fingers landed on your foot, the caress sending your heart jumping to your throat. Because even though it lasted only for a moment, you could hear more rustling, the final kiss landing on your ankle; right before the loving gesture was replaced with the lewd intentions he has had all along. His hands were gentle as they secured the knots, tying both of your ankles to the bed posts; leaving you spread open and defenseless, just the way he wanted.
Even without the restraints, even if your pussy wasn't dripping for him, it wasn't like you would have been able to fight back. Not after the edibles. And in the moment, not many things made sense besides the ache that built up inside you, the smell of Jungkook's skin, invading all your senses and making your thighs start to tremble. But one fact was pretty clear; you were nothing but a toy for him. He wasn't even bothered holding your legs open.
"All good?" He asked sweetly, his arms on either side of your head as he hovered above you again.
Your breath came out uneven, head spinning, but you nodded, lost in the darkness of his eyes staring into yours, giving into its entrancing depths, a bottomless pit that seemed to be asking: There, isn't this so much better? Doesn't it feel good to let daddy make the decisions for you? And he didn't need you to say a word, because your body provided all the answers, keening as you heard him undo his zipper. There was another layer of vulnerability attached to the fact that he was still fully dressed while your skin burned bare underneath him. Another layer of power Jungkook clearly relished in, if the way he twitched against you was anything to go by.
"You're so wet," it was a breathless statement, his eyes threatening to close when his heavy cock finally pressed in between your thighs. "So fucking wet."
Perhaps it was twisted, how lovingly he took advantage of you, degraded you, like you didn't quite belong to yourself; only to him. But your hole was clenching around nothing, trying to suck his cock right in any time he nudged the tip against it. And just like that, all the self control he had exercised so far was beginning to crumble. He could feel himself slipping, the words weighing on his tongue getting harder to hold back.
"So good for me... Just stay like this. Let daddy take care of you."
You moaned weakly, hips trying to seek more friction. Jungkook's cock twitched at that, spurting more precum in between the soft folds of your cunt. You were so divine. His little girl, his property, waiting to be used, craving it. And Jungkook could never deny you. This was all you've ever needed; to be stripped of your identity, no daunting responsibilities, no thoughts. All you had to do was lie there and take his cock like a good girl, your head fuzzy and cunt well fucked.
He rocked into you slowly, pushing an inch forward only to slide out again, the stretch combined with the pressure quickly making your stomach knot up. You didn't realize you were begging until you felt Jungkook's tongue over yours, his lips cutting off your soft whines.
"Fuck," he breathed out weakly, his hips arching into you off their own accord. "Doing so good for daddy." A kiss. "Gonna take care of you." A whisper. "Gonna give you all you need." A dip of his head, soft lips brushing against the shell of your ear. "Little miss free use slut."
His tummy clenched at how sharply you inhaled, at the warm pulse beating around his cock as he sank deeper inside you. You were so tight, moaning into his ear, but too out of it to move, too out of it to do anything but feel the thrill of the pleasure he forced into your body. It was intoxicating, how perfect you were, all his to taint and love, his marks so deep no holy water could scrub them off your soul. He groaned, at this point running on pure instinct, fucking you harder as your cunt clenched around him, struggling to accommodate all of his girth and yet aching to be filled up with more. It was too much to handle; the combination of you, the rush of power, and the heavenly heat he was rutting into tipping him dangerously close to the edge.
"Yeah..." His voice came out as a needy, shaky whisper, an inked hand tightening around your breast. "Fuck." His forehead rested against yours, eyes hooded. "Feel good?"
A hiss escaped him when you clenched in response.
"Oh yeah? Little, slutty hole feels good?"
Jungkook's lips were on yours again before you could process it, muffling the loud moan you let out. You were already falling apart, and there were so many ways he wanted to ruin you and leave you shaking for more. All he could focus now on, though, was the vice grip of your wet, abused cunt, and the obscene sounds it made.
"Oh baby, you gonna come? Look what a pretty, little fucktoy I have here. Only good for one thing, hm?"
His hips stuttered at the shiver that ran through you. He gripped your jaw, the mattress protesting under the force of his thrusts. But the noise was nothing compared to the way you cried out for him, your walls spasming around his cock and drawing a loud, desperate moan out of his pretty mouth. Just like that, he followed you right over the edge, spilling his cum deep inside you, and shamelessly fucking it in even deeper. Eyes scrunched, he let his head rest in the crook of your neck, his breath hot on your skin.
"Ohh fuck-" His groan broke into a drawn out, raspy whimper. "Yeees."
He came so hard, white spots dancing behind his eyelids, unwilling to stop grinding until his knees felt weak. He tried to catch his breath, his head swimming. You were limp beneath him, your heart still pounding hard against his. Despite the dreamy exhaustion weighing down his bones, he lifted himself up to check up on you, press tender kisses into your lips.
"Are you okay, baby?"
A nod was all you could manage.
"Such a good girl. You did so well."
His fingers reached to work on untying the knots binding your wrists, his dick twitching at the sight of you before him. The spit still shining on your lips, the glow of your flushed skin, the cum dripping out of your sensitive hole. So blissed out, ruined and pretty. All his. But rather than acting on the shivers of arousal that still haven't died down, flowing through his body, Jungkook focused on sitting you up and getting you to the bathroom.
He sat you in a tub filled with warm water, then discarded his own clothes to join you. The snacks he bought you earlier were placed on a tray, within arm's reach. He held you against his chest, fed you a little. He knew you were tired; you needed rest, you needed time to sober up, because you couldn't keep your eyes opened nor move as he washed you.
He rested his wet cheek on the crown of your head, taking a moment to just feel you close, immerse himself in the warmth.
"Baby," he whispered, his arms tightening around your waist, though he wasn't sure if you were still conscious enough to hear or understand him. "What have you done to me? I love you so much all of my soul is gone."
Gone where? Lost in yours, perhaps, the only heaven that actually mattered.
A moment passed in silence, your breathing soft, until an almost incoherent whisper broke him out of his stupor.
"Love you too, daddy."
Jungkook glanced down at you, a fond smile lighting up his face. It was time to go to bed. Tomorrow, he was off work, and he couldn't wait to spend the day with you. Cooking, kissing, watching movies, then rolling a joint. He had a feeling you wouldn't resist this time; you tended to like the games Jungkook chose. He was good at it. He had to be; that was also a part of his job, wasn't it? Making sure playtime with daddy was fun.
And how could he ever do anything but his best for his little girl?
💌 taglist: @baalsgurl1913 @kooktrash @glowunderthemoon @era-genius @sweetempathprunetree @bucketofhiros @iceprincessviviane @imnotlauriane @silv3rswirls @httpsbts @osakis-gf
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moonstruckme · 11 months
hi lovely! can u write a one shot of poly!marauders with a tall fem reader? reader is the same height as rem but taller than James and sirius? thank you, it mean a lot bc there’s never really any tall readers!! <33
Thanks for requesting my love!
poly!marauders x tall!reader ♡ 840 words
“You look great,” James insists, sitting on the bed to pull his shoes on. 
Remus huffs, fiddling with his tie. “I look like a prick. I’m not made for posh clothes.” 
“Yes, you are,” you say, walking over and moving his hands aside to straighten his tie yourself. “James is right, you look handsome. Just because you’re not used to wearing a suit doesn’t mean it doesn’t look good on you.” You straighten his lapels, pressing a kiss to his frowny lips. 
“Yeah, it actually really suits you,” James says, laughing at his own joke. 
Remus scoffs, but his lips twitch. 
“Anyway, you can’t wear one of your sweaters to a formal event.” Sirius rolls his eyes, tying his own tie with practiced ease. “Then you’d really look like a prick, and horrifically out of place.” He looks at you, giving your dress an appreciative up-down. “Looking good, gorgeous…are those the shoes you’re wearing?” 
You glance down at your simple black ballet flats. “I was planning on it, why?” 
Sirius frowns, striding over to your side of the closet. “They’re not bad, but I thought you had some that would go better…here.” He squats, digging out a pair of heels. “Why don’t you wear these?” 
You feel your lips purse in distaste. You’d bought those shoes while riding the rush of a spontaneous and fleeting boldness. You haven’t worn them other than to try them on after you’d left the store. You’re taller than James and Sirius barefooted, but heels have you looking down upon all three of your boyfriends. You already feel too tall sometimes, and those shoes only make it worse, more noticeable; it feels like you’re taking up more than your fair share of space. 
“You want me towering over you all night?” you ask Sirius teasingly. “Jamie, why is this dinner so formal anyway?”
“Beats me.” He shrugs. “Guess they want to make it seem like a bigger deal. Or more official, or whatever.” 
“It is a big deal,” Remus says, sitting down next to James and toying with his curls. “You nearly won the world cup, love, that deserves a big event.” He looks at you. “And nobody minds you towering over us, darling. Wear the shoes if you like them.” 
You though you’d left that topic behind. “I don’t know,” you say, eyeing them in Sirius’ hand. “I don’t know if I feel like it.” 
Sirius holds them out to you. “Just try them on and see, yeah? I think they’ll really complement the dress.” 
You try not to sulk as you take them, sitting down on the bed to put them on. When you stand, you feel immediately awkward. It’s like you’re a lamppost rather than a girl. 
Sirius doesn’t seem to notice, whistling appreciatively. “Fuck, babe. Your legs look great in those.” 
You look down as though to fact-check him. Your dress doesn’t show much, but the heels do make the muscles in your calves more pronounced. Still, that’s hardly your priority. “I don’t know,” you say again. “I feel weird.” 
Remus tilts his head at you. “Why’s that?” 
You shrug, crossing your arms in front of you. “I just don’t know if I like being this tall,” you say. “People always stare at me when I wear heels.” 
“I’ll bet they do.” James raises his eyebrows at you. “You look killer, angel.” 
Your shoulders gravitate towards your ears, and you flush. 
“You do,” Remus affirms. “You should wear whatever makes you feel best, but if you’re not wearing heels because you get some extra attention…well, so what?” You blink, unused to such bluntness from him. “You’re lovely, and people are going to stare at you regardless. It’s up to you, of course, but I think you should lean into it.” 
Your heart constricts dramatically at the thought, but you force yourself to consider it, because honestly, Remus does sound sort of reasonable. It wouldn’t hurt you to begin working towards feeling more confident in heels, and a sit-down dinner seems like a decent place to start. 
Sirius offers you a hand, helping you up from the bed and guiding you over to the mirror. 
“You’re a fucking knockout, babe,” he says, and while his voice is light, there’s no hint of his usual teasing. “Wear what you want, but know that you look just as hot in heels as you always do.” 
You hesitate. “You don't mind that I’m so much taller than all of you in them?”
James makes a dismissive noise. “No complaints here,” he says. 
You look at Sirius, the shortest of the boys, but he only cocks an eyebrow at you. “I’m just getting closer and closer to tit level, sweetness.” You let out a shocked laugh, and he grins wolfishly. “Wear heels as tall as you like.” 
You roll your eyes. Lean into it, Remus had said. Okay. You can do that. 
“Alright, let’s go,” you say, heels clicking as you head for the door. “Move those little legs of yours, we’re going to be late.” 
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denofbloodandlove · 2 years
First Timer
Mandi looked at the store like some giant looming beast that she had to battle, never had she been to a sex shop and for good reason. The moment she even thought about sex her face flamed with heat, she was technically embarrassed.  Not because of the act of sex, but because of what she enjoyed watching.  Being only 21 and still a stupid virgin she had, one night, fell down a rabbit hole of aliens, tentacles, and ovipositors.  They only person in the whole world that knew was her best friend JJ, who was as gay and happy as a bag of sunshine and rainbows but also the biggest slut that Mandi knew.   He was the reason they were here at a place called OtherWorlds, a boutique for the weird and unusual.  But according to the website that JJ found, totally normal for people like her.  People who enjoyed the idea of monsters, suckers and knots filling up their bodies. JJ had wanted Mandi to be herself so, like a great best friend searched the world wide web and found this little nugget.  Forced her in the car and drove the three hours it took to show up.   “For fucks sake Mandi, walk in, it’s a sex shop not a fucking scorpion.  Which, by the by, I think they have dildos that resemble the tail.  Lets go!” JJ pushed Mandi over the curb and straight at the door.  The tiny bell jingled as the door opened and Mandi stood frozen at the sight.  JJ however ran right in and began looking. “Come on Mandi! It’s time you experiment!” He giggled as he held up a huge wiggly horse cock.  Covering her face with her hands, Mandi shuffled her way towards JJ.  “Would you stop that!” She whispered as JJ started to flick his wrist, making the soft cock go round in circles.  “I think I need one of these for me girlie!  Man this would feel great shoved in my ass!.” JJ exclaimed as a worker made their over with a grin on her face.   “First time huh?  We can always tell, either too shy or too excited. How can I help you guys? Looking for anything in particular?”   Mandi began to shake her head, but JJ being who he was cut her off.  “Yes, she needs tentacles.  Ovipositors with the eggs that come with.  A medium to large probably since she is……unused shall I say.”  “Oh gods above JJ, really?! Tell everyone that I’ve never had sex why don’t you, jeez.” Mandi buried her face in her hands as JJ laughed, but the woman just smiled and took hold of Mandi.  “I have the perfect stuff, come on.  Most people come in here like this, first timers, shy because of what they like but its no biggie.”  As Mandi followed the lady she looked on the walls.  Dildos of massive sizes were displayed, some had giant heads with long thin bodies while some were reversed, had a slender head but a massive shaft. Some were so large it looked like it would split her in half.  Gulping down what she knew was excitement she kept walking.  How could she be excited about her feeling like she would be getting cut in two?  Another section housed more horse cocks, small ones, medium, massive ones that looked like when fully inserted it could reach her throat.  Near the horse cocks, were wolves.  These too were in various sizes but they had knots as the bases.  Some had multiple knots throughout the shaft, going from regular at the head, knot, shaft, bigger knot, shaft, and even bigger knot.  Wouldn’t a person get stuck on that?   How would her cunt feel so stretched out that she would literally be stuck on a cock. Mandi felt sweat trickle down her back at the thought.   “You know I can tell what you’re thinking buy the looks on your face, you don’t hide your facial expressions well.  My name is Nimmie, and yes the wolf cocks do feel amazing stuck inside of you.  Too big to slide out but to big to push further in.  Your pussy trapped on an immovable object, trust me, its worth it. Worth the pain. The dragon cocks are much the same without the knots.”  Nimmie pointed towards a display case that housed a pleothra of muticolored dildos.  Some were short and fat while others had what looked like scales in different layers to add a whole new feeling as it pushed against the walls of a pussy or ass. “But these are what you’re after. Yes?” Mandi looked over her shoulder as Nimmie pointed to a blue/black wall.  Her mouth popped open as she saw so many different kinds of tentacle dildos. S-curved that ended in a point, short stubby ones that had a bulbous head, each one had different sized suckers on it, mimicking a real octopus.   “But, I think your friend mentioned ovis, you’re more interested in the eggs and the feeling of them inside you, right?  I’ve used one, fuck it was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.  But that was our old stock we got some brand new ones no one has ever tried.  They look amazing.  Here.” Nimmie reached down and under a self, pulling out what looked like long slender tube with a short flat head on top.  It was a dark mossy green that faded into yellow at the tip.  Reading the package her eyes widened at the size.  Nearly nine inches in length  and at the widest nearly two inches at the base.  But what intrigued her more was the carton that was attached to the underside of the plastic container that held the cock.  “Its eggs! Look! Turn in over, each one is in their own cum, to give you that real effect.  So what you do, theres twelve by the way.  So what you do is you have to place the cock on the floor and through the opening at the tip of the cock, you just insert the eggs, push them all down and have your fun. As you fuck it, see the little button, you push that and the didlo will start to undulate and push the eggs into you, all that cum and eggs filling your cunt up.  When you’re done, pop off and push the eggs out, and repeat as many times as you want.  The cum, its some kind of new material that doesn’t wash away, like an egg sack thing. I dunno, but I can’t wait to try it myself..” Mandi turned the package over looking it over and listening to Nimmie talk about it.  Fuck, but she was wet just imagining it.  She had watched a porn with this woman who had something similar. The eggs had fallen out of her swollen cunt, falling to the ground in pleasurable ‘plops’.  She wondered if they would sound the same falling out of her.  And could she take all twelve at once? Mandi ran her hands over the eggs, thinking about where she could place it and fuck it. That was the moment JJ ran up to her, his arms filled with lube and cocks.  “Get me outta here girlie before I go broke.  You found something?” Nodding her head, she hid the ovi behind her and together they walked to the register.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “I know you got that egg thing girlie, call me after and tell me ALL about it! I for one am going shove these beautiful things up my ass.”  JJ kissed Mandi on each cheek and left her standing at her door with the black bag in her hand.  Excitement rode her.  Mandi could feel her slick cunt, needy and ready to take in her first dildo.  The apex of her thighs felt heavy with need yet hollow.  It was like a low ache, one that was almost painful right behind her entrance.  She could almost feel her own heartbeat in her pussy, each thump of her heart knocking at her tight entrance.  Placing her phone down, she hit record and then began to undress.  Throwing off her clothes, she knelt on the floor and positioned herself so she could watch her body take in the cock.  Once everything was lined up correctly, she opened the plastic package with trembling fingers.  The cock itself was soft and malleable, but at the thick base she could feel beads that would rotate upwards, she figured those were how the eggs would get pushed up and into her pussy.  Next she opened the eggs.  Sighing, Mandi reverently grabbed the first one.  Nimmie was right, it felt as if the egg was encased in the same slime like substance a chicken egg was surrounded by.  The clear like slime wiggled between her fingers as it slipped from her grip into palm after palm, her hands rotating to constantly catch it.  Biting her bottom lip, Mandi held it to her face and it roll against her cheek.  It felt so warm, almost as if the crate it was in kept them a certain temperature. Before she could think better of it, Mandi popped it into her mouth.  The gel like casing rolled on her tongue and nearly down her throat.  But the taste.  It was like an aphrodisiac straight to her pussy.  Juices flowed and coated her thighs as she leaned her head back and moaned, rolling the egg on her tongue and nearly down her throat. Gagging she coughed the egg up and into her hand.  She’d definitely  have to practice more on how to hold that in her mouth, maybe with the cock fucking her throat too.  Mandi fingered the cocks opening and watched as the egg slide down and into the tube where the other 11 quickly followed.   Taking a deep breath, Mandi ran her fingers through her swollen pussy, her clit was so enlarged it hurt, her fingers rubbed hard on her clit, eliciting a long low moan from her throat, then she squatted over the cock.  Her back was against a wall and with wide eyes she watched herself slowly get impaled on the camera of her phone.   Her tight pussy pushed against the head of the cock, opening her pushing against her maiden head.  She watched in fascination as her cunt spread, allowing a foreign object to be inserted, thankfully the cock wasn’t giant at the tip, but she could feel the resistance of her flesh, pushing back, not wanting anything to push past her barrier.  Her thighs burned as she lifted herself up slightly then fell back down a second time. This round pushed hard the cock breaking though and she let out a painful moan as the cock stretched her new flesh, up and down she moves, deeper and deeper her squats came as she fucked herself down nearly to the two inch base. Her pussy ached, burned as it stretched and tears welled in her eyes. It was too big!   But she thought about those wolf cocks and getting stuck, widening her stance Mandi leaned back and placed her hands on the floor and moved her hips.  Her pussy made sucking sounds as the cock moved in and out, deeper until she screamed in pain, fuck she wanted to get stuck, wanted this foreign cock with its eggs to seal her pussy as the eggs pumped into her.     Tears gathered in her eyes as she moved her legs farther out, her knees hit the floor with a sharp thud and she sat, forcing her pussy to sit down all the way on the cock.  Looking into her phone, she could see the skin stretched, her cunt swollen and red, her clit hard and ready for the slightest of touches to send her over the edge.  Taking a deep breath, Mandi lifted one leg and felt her way around the base, finding that button Nimmie talked about.  Pushing it down, the beads that sat at the base of the cock began to vibrate, rotate around and up.  Her cunt tightened its grip and her body jerked as she rotated her hips.  Fuck she could feel the eggs rising with the undulations of the beads.
“Fuck. Fuck, Fuck!” Mandi panted as her hand left the floor and slapped at her swollen clit in tandem.  She felt the first egg explode from the cock and straight into her, she could feel it right against her cervix, followed by another, then another.  Her hand slapped harder at her clit and as she moved she looked down at her flat belly, she watched as her skin moved, pushed out by the eggs filling her.
Her orgasm took root and she flung her head back and screamed.  Pressure like never before built low in her belly as she came.  Her hand never stopped slapping and rubbing her clit until it was too much and she lifted off the cock, her pussy releasing all her cum and juices in one great spasm.  She watched in awe as she squirted, the eggs falling out of her one by one with a wet slimy pop. One after another she watched as she forced her pussy to push the remaining eggs out, each one slowly falling to the floor.  Her pussy pulsed and her body trembled with aftershocks of the best fucking orgasm ever!
“I’m telling you JJ I think I lost one! I have eleven eggs nit twelve! What happens if one is still inside me? What am I going to do? Go to the doctor and say hey doc by the way I fucked an alien dong, had its fake eggs shoved inside of me and now I lost one.  Can you look in my cunt and tell me what you see?”
JJ just laughed, “It probably rolled under something so stop freaking out! But look we need to go back to that store, cause girl I done used all that lube and those dildos! I’m so gaped I could fit my fist in there!” Shaking her head, she finished her conversation with JJ, thinking that he was probably right.  The eggs had come out at first so fast that she lost one.  Had to be.
That night Mandi lay curled on her side, her thoughts on sleep, her mind drifting off into nothingness, she felt a soft, wet squelch come from between her thighs.  Moaning in her sleep, her body thrashed about, wetness soaked her pussy and sheets as her legs spread by some unseen force.  Through her sleep, pain had her eyes flip open and she screamed as e cunt stretched.  Her knees bent and she rose on her elbows as she looked down her body.  One long thick tentacle slide from her cunt.  It was the same hues as the dildo, it slid from her pussy and onto her thigh, the rings of the suction cups molding to her flesh. Scrambling away, her body spasmed as the tentacle stayed stuck inside of her womb, the one long tentacle slithered off her thigh and moved up, the tip pushing through the slit of her wet core. The pointed tip flicked her clit hard enough to shock Mandi into pure pleasure.
“Ohmagod its real.  Oh fuuuck its real.” Her voice went from a high-pitched scared cadence to a low, pleasurable moan.  This is what she had fantasized about the first time she watched that damn porn.  Her fantasy becoming a reality.  The alien inside of her wiggled growing thicker, spreading her sunt much like the dildo did, stretching her to the point of pain, sealing tight.  The tip of the tentacle slide back and forth on her clit, the suction cups moving languidly over her clit, sucking and releasing each time with each suction cup.  The thick base shoved deep in her began to slither in and out, fucking her until she could no longer stand it, her orgasm tore through her body.  Her body bowed off the bed, every muscle seized in pleasure and her cum flowed from her pussy in great rushes around the tentacle. Her breathing labored she lifted her head to watch the tentacle move and slither back into her cunt, her lower belly becoming slightly pooched out where it rested in her womb.  
Would the other eleven eggs be the same? If they stayed in her would they hatch too?  How many could she keep inside of her at once?  She wanted to fond out.  Would it be like that porn?  A tentacle for every hole? Her mouth, ass and pussy all having one at the same time? Her pussy pulsed as her cum leaked from her open slit.  There was only one way to find out.  Jumping out of bed, she found the ovipositor, and began to pop the remaining eggs into the cock.  Her belly wiggled in anticipation as she positioned her phone once more, then sank low on the cock, hoping that the other eleven eggs would too take root inside of her womb.  
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 1 year
pairings: Natasha X fem!reader. Established relationship.
Summary: y/n always feeds the ravens. People bully her for it. But what happens when her kindness pays off.
Warnings: swearing (minor).
y/n always fed the ravens outside the compound. None of the other Avengers knew why and some made fun if her for it. Specifically Tony. This was one such day.
Y/n was on the rooftop feeding the ravens again. It was a habit. Y/n had always been a bit if an outcast to the Avengers. But she never minded. And then she had gotten close with one. Natasha Romanoff. And one thing led to another and now she had an amazing girlfriend. Y/n smiled as the raven closest to her grabbed sed from her open palm. Out of all of the birds this one was bravest. And y/n could always tell which it was due to the fact this particular raven had a white beak. Y/n had even taken the liberty to name the raven. The name in question was nyx. She had chosen it because of the fact nyx was the same name as the goddess and personification of night.
"feeding the crows again y/n? Really?"
Tony stark said coming up behind her scaring the ravens away.
"not crows, ravens tony."
Y/n corrected.
"like there's a difference."
Tony snarked. Y/n sighed before responding.
"ravens are bigger than a crow is. They have a larger bill and tail shape and flight pattern."
Tony scoffed.
"I should nickname you bird nerd. Who cares about the difference between them."
"you asked."
Tony once again scoffed. Tony loved to scoff.
"it was hypothetical y/n"
Y/n turned around and glared at Tony while he just grinned at her.
"leave her alone stark"
A commanding voice rang out as Natasha came to view. Tony sighed.
"aww c'mon rushman you've got to admit your girlfriend's habit is weird."
He said. Tony had never stopped calling Natasha her Alias name as he knew she hated it.
"it's Romanoff stark. And her habit is fine. There's nothing wrong with it."
Natasha defended. Y/n shot her a grateful look. Tony scoffed again before leaving. Natasha walked over to y/n and gave her a hug.
"just so you know I love the fact you feed the ravens. I think it's sweet of you."
Y/n was quick to reciprocate the hug and she smiled at her girlfriends words.
"thanks nat. I'm also proud of you for remembering their ravens and not crows."
Y/n said smiling.
"well I would be a pretty shit girlfriend if I can't even remember the type of bird my girlfriend feeds."
Natasha joked. Y/n smiled again.
"let's head inside and grab some snacks and we can watch some movies."
Natasha suggested taking y/ns hand in hers. Y/n smiled and nodded before tossing the remaining seed for the ravens to eat. Unsurprisingly the first of the black birds to approach was nyx. The two women disappeared into the compound but y/n saw nyx just before they vanished into the building.
Y/n still fed the ravens. Despite Tony's constant teasing she still fed the ravens. "I feed them and they keep me company" y/n always reasoned. Nyx had gotten to the point of eating out if y/ns palm and was even starting to sit in her hand to eat. Something y/n was really proud of. And despite everything Natasha still supported her girlfriends hobby no matter how curious.
The day had started normal for y/n and Natasha. Natasha woke up first had coffee, dragged y/n out of bed and then they had breakfast together before Natasha went to train and y/n went to feed the ravens. But today the ravens weren't there. Y/n spread the seed but no bird came. Disappointed y/n went back into the compound. The next day was the same. As was the next. It would be a week before y/n saw any raven near the compound.
Natasha and y/n stood on the rooftop. Natasha had noticed how y/n was a little down after the ravens stopped appearing. It didn't help that Tony kept making jokes about how they abandoned her. Y/n was sitting cross legged in the roof throwing the seed around the roof hoping that maybe, just maybe, the ravens would return. Her hopes were low but still. Natasha was just about to call her girlfriend back into the compound when suddenly a familiar raven swooped down and landed Infront of y/n.
Y/n held out her hand with seed and smiled. Nyx was back. And that meant alot. The black bird however had other plans then eating. Nyx hopped onto y/ns hand but completely ignored the seed.
"someone plots against you my lady."
Nyx said almost excitedly. Y/n stares at nyx in shock.
"I have the other ravens watching them as we speak but from what we've gathered over the past week they plan to attack you and your roomates."
Nyx spoke again.
"you... you can talk?"
Y/n asked shocked.
"to you. You are kind and feed us. You aren't cruel to us."
Nyx answered. Y/n took a deep breath.
"do you know who is planning to attack?"
She asked the bird.
"a place called HYDRA"
Nyx responded. Y/n nodded but concern crosses her features.
"do you.. do you have a name or can I keep calling you nyx?"
Y/n asked.
"nyx. My name is nyx. It is what my lady deemed me so it is my name. You feed us even during tough times. Us ravens owe you."
Nyx stayed confidently.
"I owe you nothing. But... thank you for the warning."
Y/n looked down at nyx as she spoke. The raven nodded.
"then let us aid you as a thanks for your aid."
Nyx seemed as though she wouldn't take no for an answer. Y/n nodded and nyx hopped onto her shoulder.
"I will be your main advisor of ravens and will monitor and translate the others for you as I am the only raven to have picked up on human language."
Nyx stated. Y/n nodded taking in this information surprisingly calmly.
"I'll keep my window open for you."
Y/n said. Nyx bobbed her head before y/n turned to a shocked Natasha.
"you heard nyx we need to prepare for an attack. Let's go warn the others."
She said shaking Natasha out of her shell shocked state. Natasha nodded eyeing the raven but she went into the compound to warn the avengers.
"can I please rub this in Tony's face."
Y/n whispered to nyx.
"god yes. He is a nuisance and to annoy him would be a great relief to me."
Nyx replied. Y/n smiled and waltzed into the compound with nyx on her shoulder after Natasha.
A/n: no idea what I think if it. Lmk if it's shit or not.
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cerise-on-top · 1 month
Hii and could you do könig and nikto with a plus sized reader ? :)
Hey there! Sorry, but I don't write for Nikto! However, I made König's extra long to make up for it :>
König with a Plus Sized!Reader
I feel as though König would actually prefer someone on the bigger side. Not even in a weird fetishy way, he just likes tummies a lot. You could probably easily get him to lie on top of your tummy, holding onto you as though his life depended on it all the while nuzzling into it. You could beg him to let go of you, he likely won’t unless it’s an emergency. If you ever feel down about yourself then you can count on him to try and cheer you up. Not that he’s that good with people, always scared of saying something that could make the matter even worse, but by the Gods, if he won’t treat you like the deity you are. He doesn’t mean to be rude, but sometimes he can be caught staring at your tummy because he’s just that entranced by it. Yes, he’ll look away if you catch him staring, but can you blame him? With a tummy as cute as yours?
If anyone ever makes a mean comment about you being fat or ugly or anything, then König will actually just kill that person. He’s in the military, he knows all about being aggressive and relentless at the right time. You being harassed? That’s about the best time to intimidate, maim and kill someone. Yes, he doesn’t like confrontation outside of his job all that much, but what kind of partner would he be if he didn’t defend your honor? Come on now, have some faith in him, will you? He’s not afraid to get physical either. König probably knows more languages than English and German too since he’s rather high ranking, and he will most definitely cuss that asshole out in any one he knows. And if that doesn’t make the fucker feel bad? Yeah, he can talk with his fists as well. He makes it up to you by making you some delicious food. You want some Schweinsbratn? Some Käsespätzle? Just some good old Palatschinken mit Marillenmarmelade?? Yeah, he’s got you covered. Food always cheers him up, he hopes it does the same for you. He reveres you and will tell you that everything that clown said was absolute nonsense and they should by no means be listened to. If he has to, he will kiss your tummy all night just to make you feel better. Not that he wouldn’t do it anyway, but he has a reason to now.
You can say whatever you want about König, mans loves to eat himself, which means he probably has some chub too. I don’t think he’d be self conscious about it per se, but if you ever feel down about your size then he’ll remind you that he’s not super thin either. Sure, he’s muscular, but he’s got some tummy too. Besides, I also think that he would actively work out to be able to pick you up whenever he can. Yes, you might be a little heavy, but he’s a military man, he can handle that. Will pick you up and spin you around since there’s probably no way anyone will ever do that for him again. He’ll also kiss your face as he picks you up. Depending on how he’s able to hold you, he might also rock you back and forth a little bit, just to tease you. Yes, he’s the big and scary colonel, but that doesn’t mean he’s not completely and absolutely enamored by you.
I think when you’re doing something mundane, such as cooking or washing the dishes, he’d love to come up from behind you and wrap his arms around you, resting his hands on your tummy. Yes, he will grope and squeeze it as well. Unless you absolutely hate him doing that, in which case he’ll stop. But you could never have him not have his hands on your tummy. It’s just so soft, you know? You’re so soft and he loves you so much, it’s unreal. The first thing he always does after coming home from deployment is wrapping his arms around your body, pulling you close, and feeling how soft and warm you are. Another big plus about you being rather big is the fact that you have soft thighs. You will catch him asking you if he can put his head in your lap fairly often. Yes, he has shame and doesn’t want to bother you, but how could he not?
So, overall, König is a very supportive man. He will smother you in love and make sure you know your worth. Will kill for you, but that’s beside the point. Loves you being big and will probably be touching you and your plush body more often than he won’t. And if you tell him that you like his tummy too? He’s a goner. He might as well just marry you this instant, propose immediately and make you the happiest person alive. He loves you and it shows in everything he does.
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cafecourage · 7 months
Little Red Riding Hood where Reader is Little Red but also a werewolf
Love Interest and rest of chain can be assigned however
(Cause I'm always down for a fairytale au)
I did a little twist on this. Idk if this was what you wanted. I had to ask doggo experts for how doggos act around each other. I am leaving this off on a small cliff hanger because I do want to write more of this.
Twilight didn’t trust the new person in the group. Well. It’s more like he didn’t know what to think of her. She came in like a hurricane running after the Shadow like it was her prey. Then when the dust settled and she calmed down the group quickly learned of why. The short of it being that for some reason the Shadow attacked her brother and she took chase. Which then led to her to finally agree to join the chain. Much to the Ranchers chagrin. However, he knows better than to start an unnecessary fight. Twilight could be civil.
Civility could only go so far.
Little Red, as Warrior’s likes to call her, noticed Twilight’s presence and slight unease of her and ran with it. Twilight couldn’t understand just why she was always running circles around him talking about this and that. It confused him to no end when she instantly would stick to him even when he was wolfie. He had to on more then one occasion threaten to bite Little Red’s hands. She never cared or backed away from Wolfie when he showed a bit of aggression. “He is going to bite you.” Wild warned her as he watched Little Red try to play with Wolfie.
She looked up at Wild while holding Wolfie’s face, “what? No the baby is just playing.” That comment only made Twilight growl more.
“Baby? Wolfie isn’t a baby.” Wild was torn between being completely amuse and helping Twilight out as he did know about his slight distrust of Little Red.
“No no no, Champion. This is a wolf pup. He has to be like…” Her attention draws to the wolf as she observes the good boy. “Man… I have to say maybe 10? He is very small even for that age. Wolfie is like an adult dog size but he is definitely a wolf.” She boops the snoot and quickly pulled back as Twilight tries to bite her hand again. This only makes her giggle more.
“I think your wolves might be just bigger than my Hyrules.” Honestly to Wild, Wolfie was the same size as most wolves, but he just shrugs and not questions that further. Twilight couldn’t understand why you were like this, he wonders if it was just an eccentric thing. He has met a lot of weird people in his life and Little Red might be one of them. After being free from your grasp he takes it upon himself to run away for now. Only because you don’t tend to grab his face while being Twilight and thats the most annoying part of being wolfie around you.
It wasn’t until they finally came to her era that he finally understood.
The village Little Red lived in was small, but cozy. It reminded Twilight of his own home. People tended to light up when seeing Little Red. But given the size of the group following them most villagers tended to just say hi and remarks that they needed to talk to her later. “My house is a bit further.” Little red said pointing to a path that ran into the woods. “It’s just me, my brother and Grandma oh and our cat. I’ll make sure to keep her out of your stuff. But we should have room to fit everyone.” She explains as the path slowly clears up to a cottage in the wood with a small garden. There was a small pup running around in the yard playing with said cat. Who was purely annoyed at ready to pap the puppy in the head.
Little Red’s eyes brightened “Link!” She calls out gaining the Pups reaction.
She dashes towards the house as the puppy starts running towards her. They meet halfway and the puppy shifts into a young boy. “You’re back! You’re back!” This Link giggles as he gets lifted in the air by his sister and spun around.
“I am! For now.” Little red nuzzles her brother’s face as she shifts her grips on her brother to put his weight on her hip. “Boy’s this is my brother. Link these are the adventurers I’ve been traveling with.”
She turns to the group with a smile. The chain was utterly confused and silent before Wind speaks up “Did he transform into a wolf?”
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kaivenom · 6 months
Not you again
Summary: you are a hunter and went to solve a case on your own. Everything points that a shapeshifter it's in town, but after earing a familiar and obnoxious voice behind you, it's obvious that you aren't the only hunter on the case.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: kissing, sexual tension, not admiting feelings, enemies to lovers, bad language.
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You were talking with some witnesses when you ear a voice behind you, a voice you know very well because how much it annoys you. Slowly, you turn around to greet them.
"Hi, boys." you try to sound as calm and nice as you can be.
"Son of a bitch, not you again." that's the kind of answer you expected to hear from him.
"Dean Winchester, i suppose that now i am a man then... well, then i have a bigger dick than you."
"You don't know how big my dick is." his condescending look made you even more furious with that marked jaw and deep eyes.
"I don't plan to figure it out."
"You wished you could do that."
"Hi guys, i don't know much more are you planning to do this but we have something in mind." Sam is always the voice of reason.
"Ok, thanks Sam, i am going to finish the interview with my witnesses."
"Oh no, you're not going to do that alone."
"Excuse me?"
"Maybe it's better to do this together now that we are here." Sam proposed.
"NO!!" Dean and you answered.
At the end, you three were obligated to work together because to open cases of presumed FBI agents in one town would be strange and very difficult to explain. Everything pointed to a shapeshifter but with this type of creatures it's very hard to keep track on their forms. While investigating you try to keep yourself away from Dean and his stupid perfect face.
You have no issue on accepting that you had an attraction on Dean but it's overshadowed by the fact that he has a horrible personality that makes you crazy and he always interferes with your cases.
He passed the next couples of days annoying you, following you everywhere he can and was the most insufferable person in all the world.
Finally you tracked the shapeshifter and went to the hideout with Sam while Dean waited outside. When you entered, you two saw a lot of teeth, blood and skin, that it's too much.
"There are two." said Sam and he was right, you needed to get out fast and warn Dean.
That night the three of you ended up sleeping with a silver knife. At some point of the night, you hear a knock on you door, you were prepared to kill but it was only Dean. You let the door open so he can enter, he was shirtless with a towel around his waist. He was incredibly sexy like that but you couldn't let your guard down, not tonight not with him.
"I see you didn't expected my visit."
"Of course not, and not like that, you killed the shapeshifter?"
"Then why are you here with just a towel?" this situation started to get you arroused and weirded out.
"Because i like it, because i can, because i know you would like it." he started to get close to you.
"Oh, i will never want that."
"Oh, you will... just like i want it too." your faces are now really close.
"I don't..." and his lips touched yours, at this time you couldn't hide your reaction anymore.
The thing was that all that situation didn't fit, something it's strange about it so you obliged yourself to distance from Dean. He looked at you seductively and let the towel get down. Definetly something isn't right, you took your phone and when you put the camera the eyes of Dean glowed, it was a shapeshifter.
He runned to trap you but you got to catch the sliver knife before and killed him, her, whatever she was. You went really fast to Dean's door, the closest to yours and knocked frenetically.
"Sam, please, finally i am having a good time with..." when he saw your face, the colour on his went away.
You where bathed in blood, that must scare someone but not Dean. That's when you looked inside the room and saw someone who looked exactly like you but was on black lingerie, your eyes go back to Dean again and realize that he was just on his underwear with a growing erection.
"That's not me."
"i..,you... me." for the first time ever, you saw Dean without a word to say.
The other shapeshifter noticed what was happening and was starting an attack, just like the other one did with you. In just a couple of minutes you killed it, Dean was not a big help on this, he was to stunned to talk.
"I...I can explain," he started to say but you interrupted him.
"i want a shower, i am covered in blood, i cant until i am clean."
That it's true, in part, you need to get out and think about what you saw. Dean Winchester, the one who always keeps bothering everytime he can, that doesn't seem to even tolerate your pressence was almost having sex with you...
The next morning you ignored him, Sam was weirded out about everything because he went for a snack in the middle of the night, you didn't say nothing except that you killed the shapeshifters. After leaving the motel, when you were about to leave, Dean set you aside.
"I want to explain."
"Ok." you almost felt your heart on your throat.
"She was very persuasive."
"She was me, and you hate me so i don't know how can she be persuasive."
"Are you stupid?"
"That it's a really weird way to explain things"
"Son of a bitch, i like you, damm it."
"What, How?"
"You are so smart and all day in your books, you are a little like Sam. Did you see how i treat Sam?" suddently memories of Dean trying to get Sam's attention passed thru your brain.
"Oh, don't say it like that, i didn't know how else i could get the attention of someone so intelligent."
"Well, i've been thinking for years that you hated me when i find you incredible atracttive, your personality crashed all posibility of thinking about us getting together and now..." at this point you were almost yelling at him, "when last night that shapeshifter entered my room with your aspect i couldn't resist...
You couldn't finish the question because he was already merging your lips together in a heated kiss. His hands carresing your cheeks and then slowly going down to your waist. His strenght made you start to walk back and end up pressed against a wall. The passion it's clearly visible and probably the frustation from last night, you could't control yourself and let out some moans which only made him groan and pressed your bodies together even more, searching for some kind of friction. His hands started go down to your ass, the situation it's getting too hot, you two were too horny and frustated but you need him to take a little revenge.
"Stop there, tiger." you searched for his hands and remove it from your ass.
"But... i thought we were solving things and maybe..." he looked like a lost puppy.
"Yes, and we will have that moment but you need to pay for all the annoying stuff you did."
"Then maybe you can come to the bunker and i can start to apologize."
"I take your word." you kiss his cheek and walk to the Impala.
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koostarcandy · 2 years
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pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
summary: jungkook comes in and out of your life like a recurring side character in a 90s show. you wish that he would stay, just like the main character that he is.
genre: fluff, angst, slight smut, this is the "she fell but he fell harder" trope ;)
wc: around 2k
a/n: loosely inspired by the visitor by iu and cornelia street by ts. also, a scene from nevertheless made its way in here. thanks for helping me out, art (@onlyswan)! ♡♡
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you know he's near when the ruckus and gushing of compliments from blushy 1st years becomes louder.
boisterous laughter and sounds of creaking shoes against the floor comes nearer, you go closer to the wall like its instinct. you will yourself to not look at him, knowing you'll lose the battle either way. his tattooed hand effortlessly holds his thick psychology text, stacked with a big book of cell and molecular biology.
that's weird, you think. what business would he have with a reference book like that when he's a psychology major?
he's coming closer, bunny smile growing bigger at the sight of you. "i found this in the library," he says. you're surprised, this isn't in your head, he's actually talking to you for once.
so nonchalant, the way he says he knows you were looking all over for this particular book.
so straightforward, the way he puts the book in your hands, his warm and large hand brushing with your cold and clammy one.
so coquettish, his wink and slight smirk, quietly telling you to look at the sticky note he pasted in the index of the book.
and he's gone. without a trace, without even a hint of a shadow. just like those nights.
you open your eyes, feeling slightly elated. you feel sore but unusually happy. your hand goes out to your side instinctively, for some unknown reason. you turn to half of a perfectly made bed, pillow and covers seemingly untouched. not like a certain someone practically fucked you into the bed, his hands all over you. your hands had to grab onto something, his words making you feel like you were in another dimension.
"what's the hurry, hmm?" he responds to your pleas to go faster already, kisses trailing from your chest to your neck, "we've got all the time in the world, sweetheart."
he seems to be enjoying this, you note. he holds you and handles you in ways which are beyond your imagination. his fast paced thrusts and smoldering gazes make your eyes roll to the back of your head, his wandering hands going down again. he touches you like you're the most precious and fragile gem he's ever seen, occasionally tucking your hair behind your ear, paired with kisses all over your face.
you shake your head, miffed that you're still thinking about last friday night. and the nights before. its tuesday now and today was the first time he had ever talked to you in a while, putting aside the fact he had whisked you away from the library, saying he had enough of studying and planned a night of netflixing and chilling, willingly providing all the snacks you needed. he had pinned you in classic style against your front door, hands against your head and needy lips on yours.
you walk to the library, the place where you can trust to find solace. you can vividly recall the time jungkook had randomly proposed a study date in the library after finding out you were in the same mandatory class for communicative english, practically revolving around you until you had accepted it and told him you'll help him. that was the first time you had seen a peek of the real jungkook, always munching on a snack or sipping on a sweet drink. he was remarkably clever, wondering why he had even asked you for help.
settling down in a corner where you're sure no one will bother and you're sure you can get some work, you finally open the big book of cell and molecular biology, fingers mindlessly flipping quickly until you reach the index. there lies a light green sticky note, with the words, "let's study again, fr. no netflix and chill this time ;)" neatly scrawled.
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jungkook knows he's left you feeling utterly clueless, glancing at your lone figure at a corner in the library. the soft sunlight streaming from behind you make your whole existence seem unreal. you're bopping your head to the music blasting in your ears, taylor swift maybe? he thinks, recalling the vinyls you had propped up on your desk.
he knows he's not supposed to do this to you, he was specifically warned not to. his friends had said you were a sensitive being, never really interacting with anyone unless you were approached by someone. your silent hard work was never left unnoticed, becoming prey for people who have no intentions of passing their degree with effort. maybe that's what they suspect, jungkook muses, guessing his hyungs think he's approaching you for that sole reason.
but why did it have to be you?
you, with your quiet nature and alluring aura. you're always seen on campus, the library, cafeteria and classes your usual haunts. whenever your eyes meet his, it curves into polite half-moons, pretty lips turning into a graceful smile. you're almost like an angel, flitting in and out of his vision. he can't help but admire you, eyes trailing over your attractive stature.
maybe you felt his gaze or you just happened to look his way. whatever it is, he can't bear to look away from you, your eyes bearing an unreadable emotion. he reluctantly breaks away when a book is shoved in his hands, "developing emotional competence. is this the book you wanted, dear?" the old librarian asks jungkook kindly. he nods, following her to finish the process of borrowing it.
he can't leave without looking at you again, even it's the back of your head, hair tied into a pretty knot, a few strands falling out. your shirt falls off the shoulder, his plaid shirt, jungkook realizes. he leaves the library, feeling oddly exhilarated, feeling even more excited to see you in the evening.
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"you can touch darling, you know that."
"jungkook stop it, that sounds wrong!"
he chuckles at your cheeks coloring, tattooed hand slowly caressing your bare calf. your eyebrows are furrowed in concentration, frown lines creasing your forehead and he smooths out your lines, eliciting a small smile from you. you're quickly sketching his muscles on paper, the sound of pencil gliding over paper a lilting lullaby for jungkook's ears.
jungkook's currently shirtless, tattooed arm around you for support. your soft request of, "can i draw you for my anatomy class?" and your pretty eyes had him melting, not really expecting himself to strip himself for study purposes. he had settled on your cloud of a couch, spreading his legs immediately. he patted the space he left in between, silently asking you to sit with him. you could never say no to him.
he peeks into the drawing pad, impressed at your skills. you're erasing and defining his left arm muscles, small arrows and handwriting indicating the parts. you drop the pencil and pad on your lap, breaking your knuckles and stretching your arms. "aigoo, my model student," jungkook praises, linking his fingers with yours, kissing your knuckles, "you've worked hard today as well," he says to your hands, massaging them. you wonder if he does this to every other person he hooks up with. does he hold their hands with his supple ones, kissing each of their knuckles? does he keep as their drawing materials aside, pulling them impossibly closer? does he effortlessly carry them to their bed, laying them oh-so-gently on their pillow?
you're on your bed now, you realize. jungkook's kissing you like you're the answer to all his questions, fingers gently gripping your neck. he kisses you like he wants to commit you to his memory, pulling you up so you're sitting on his strong thighs. your eyes almost roll back when you recall the last time you were in this position.
"eyes on me, pretty girl," he murmurs into this kiss, pulling apart to gaze at your siren eyes, always luring him in. "we don't have to do anything," he says firmly, "you could talk about cupcakes and sprinkles and rainbows, i swear i'll listen to you." you chuckle, tucking his hair and fixing it up, not a least bit sorry in making it messy.
"what brought that on?" you ask him, trying to figure out at what point of your impromptu make out session did he read your mind. he gently puts you on your bed and your heart almost drops, if it weren't for his hands still on you.
"i feel like we haven't talked about what this whole...thing is," jungkook admits, surprised at his hands fidgeting nervously on your lap.
you think you can hear your own heart break when you say, "it can be anything you want," knowing his anything could mean hooking up for atleast a week and then ghosting you, never to be seen again.
"but that's the thing, i don't want it to be just anything," he says earnestly, "i hate that this sounds cliché but i want this to be something nice," he grips your hands, inching closer to you.
a loud clap of thunder startles you, flinching and glancing at the rapidly intensifying rain. you look back at jungkook, whose doe eyes still bore into yours. "you should go now, you know before the rain becomes worser." you turn away from him, hands feeling peculiarly empty.
you don't hear shuffling behind you. you don't see him walking past you to pick up his shirt and wear it, taking his bag and leaving like he wants. "don't make me do things i don't want to do," a strong arm curls around you, head leaning on your shoulder. you look down at his hand fidgeting with the hem of your oversized t-shirt. he isn't making any moves to get you back to bed, slow breathing tickling the back of your neck.
you reluctantly push yourself back to bed, leaning against the headrest. jungkook doesn't make any advances to touch you, despite being so close to you. "i like what we're doing now," you say truthfully, "the study dates, long nights and your random cups of coffee while i'm in the library," he smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"there isn't one. i'm just scared."
his wandering and awkward gaze is on you immediately, eyebrows scrunched in question. "i've heard what you do and i'm terrified of that happening to me," you say frankly.
"i like you too much to do that," jungkook says sincerely. you look up from your twiddling thumbs, wide eyes on his honest ones.
"you've been so nice to me and i've done horrible things and yet you're still not pushing me out the door," he says, lips turning downwards.
"i want to stay in your life," he continues, "if you'd let me, of course."
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"am i dreaming or are you actually making me breakfast?"
you smile, flipping the pancake and look at jungkook waddling sleepily, arms immediately around you. "come back to bed, we have so much to catch up on," he mumbles into your shoulder.
you put the last pancake on the stack, wiping your hands, "what do we have to catch up on?"
"we stopped anatomy halfway through last night," he reminds you, turning you around and lifting you up so you're on the counter.
you roll your eyes at his cheekiness, looking down at his crinkled eyes and bunny smile. he nuzzles into your neck, hands wrapped around you tightly. you never thought you'd see him like this, beyond the wildest of your midnight dreams. he's real and you hope he never disappears, always wrapped around you like how he is right now.
coaxing you to come back to bed, sweet kisses from your shoulder to your neck and finally onto your lips. he holds you like you'll vanish from his sight, large hand splayed on the small of your back, tattooed hand cupping your face tenderly.
he kisses you like its the last time he'll see you, warm hands slipping under your t-shirt and staying there, nothing more and nothing less. you wrap your legs around his lithe waist and he whisks you away to your bedroom, your happy giggles filling your tiny abode.
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @highly-functioning-mitochondria ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference
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anarchy-and-piglins · 3 months
Would you like an AU in this trying time?
Honestly, I can't remember if I sent you this one before because it is an older one from my brain, but I woke up with it on the mind. Rotating in my brain.
Anyway, another Dark Vampire AU for you.
Humans are, in a word, extinct. Not that they aren't around, but they don't exist outside captivity anymore.
When technology advanced and cloning became easy and cheap, Vampires no longer saw any reason to hunt and capture their food. Instead, they captured and controlled the whole world, putting humans in their rightful place as domestic food or tamed pets.
Cloning added in a new fun activity for vampires: Design Lines. Human beings genetically designed to taste delicious and to have easy to manage temperaments. A cross between Designer Dogs and GMO foods. Genetic control for the benefit of Vampire Kind.
There is a whole industry for design lines. The high end lines are seen as a way to flaunt one's wealth. Covens brag over what kind of humans they have in their possession like a rich person would talk about rare vintages of wine. Design Lines are ABSOLUTELY a status symbol.
Not all lines are Design Lines. Not all Vampires are rich or powerful, but they still need to eat. There are fodder lines that just get sold for cheap, just so Vampires can eat. Usually, these fodder lines are just Design Lines that were considered failures. Something went wrong in the genetics that made them imperfect. Imperfections are noticed when the human is pretty young, so they immediately go on discount and are bought by less affluent vamps.
However, it's a pretty big rule that Vampires don't bite human kids. It's not a law, but it's considered pretty taboo and Vamps would look down their nose at that. Kids don't have much blood. A vampire could ruin them before they grow. It would be a WASTE.
So, nobody realized how DELICIOUS the Blade line was until they grew much older.
The Blade line was a “failed” designer line. They came out with Pink hair, which was strange but could be waved off. The bigger issue was the temperament.
The Blade line was downright aggressive!
Why were the human kids so angry at being contained? Why didn't they act all docile and sweet? It's soooo weird. No one would want to purchase such an unruly human. So, the Blade line was sold off for pennies while they were still kids, the research for the line was scrapped, and the company responsible for creating them moved on to different projects.
Only for years later to find out that the Blade line had THE MOST DELICIOUS blood.
It becomes a collectors nightmare as suddenly all of these big name covens want to get their hands on one of the Blade line. It was a test line of only about 100 humans. Quite a few are already dead, drained by stupid or starving vampires. Some were killed just because they really are stubborn as hell and Vampires don't always have patience for that in their food. Many covens don't want to part with their sudden status symbols. Others are more than happy to win favor and trade one of the kids to a more powerful coven. It becomes a bit of a craze to try and get a Blade line. The company that created them tries to recreate them, but it never seems to work well.
It's a bit of a mess. A new item went viral and now no one can purchase it sort of mess.
Technoblade was purchased by a mid-grade Vampire coven when he was a kid. The Vampires in the coven aren't starving but they certainly aren't anyone powerful. They tended to buy fodder lines for food, but that was out of practicality and frugality, not desperation. They didn't needlessly throw away food, either. Only when it got too old to be of use anymore.
Technoblade had never been bitten. He was approaching the age that it would be acceptable and he saw the looks that the Vampires gave him, but he was also given a wary look. He HAD broken one of the Coven's nose when he swung a iron pipe at its face during an escape attempt.
He had been punished for that.
Anyways, the coven's wariness means that he is never bitten before the coven finds out what a TREASURE he is. How much he is worth. The coven argues on what to do with him. Keep him for themselves? Sell him for more wealth? It's debated hotly with the coven.
In the end, the decision is made for them when one of them accidentally offends the Antarctic Coven.
The Antarctic Coven demands recompense and the coven that owns Techno is frantic. So they do the only thing they can think of.
They offer their Blade Line human to repay.
That MIGHT have been completely planned by the Antarctic, but who could say?
So, this coven drags Technoblade along with his AKC paperwork to the Antarctic Coven, who act so very surprised to get a Blade Line human. Such a shock. But of COURSE they could forgive random coven, they have given them such a great gift.
Technoblade is less than enthused. Sure, the rooms are nicer and the clothes are fancier, but Techno is still not happy to be stuck in the home of leeches.
Anytime they try to so much as touch him, he tenses and tries to punch (or bite) them. Very feral kitten coded. Technoblade reacts with anger whenever Phil or Wilbur or Tommy coo over him. Over his hair. Over his eyes. It pisses him off even more when they seem to enjoy his scathing insults or glares.
Those ARE all trademarks of what he is, after all.
They DO have to confirm if he is ACTUALLY a Blade. Papers can be falsified, after all. And he COULD be from one of the failed recreations.
Of course, the easiest test for that is blood. To compare his blood to the records or the Blade line. Technoblade is VIOLENTLY opposed to getting blood drawn, even if it isn't through a bite. He's held down by Tommy and Phil while an expert carefully draws blood to be tested. Not only tested for legitimacy, but also for health, individual genetic anomalies, but they also rank it's flavor against the others in the Blade line. Just because you might as well be competitive about that.
Techno ranks in the top five on that. Wilbur laughs that his temper must be why.
Technoblade throws a vase at his face.
But he…doesn't get punished for that.
Some Vampire covens break the spirit out of their food/pets/humans. The Antarctic Coven doesn't care for that mindset. It's boring. It's weak to have to beat a human into submission.
They prefer a softer route.
It's so easy to make a human feel safe. It's so easy to give them softness and be rewarded with gratitude. They are well practiced in gently guiding a human to accept the collar they weld around their throats. The Antarctic Coven has done it time and time again.
They don’t bite a human until they are allowed. Until the human agrees. And, usually, that's pretty easy to do.
Except Technoblade is SO. Fucking. Stubborn.
He WON'T agree!
So they keep trying, using the ante. Upping the gifts and the seeming kindness. Giving him a soft room(only one door to leave), a beautiful window view (iron bars to prevent him leaving) and anything he could ask for(within reason). So why isn't he baring his neck for them????
And in that confusion, they have to ACTUALLY see Technoblade as a person. It's been CENTURIES since they have seen humans as people. Like, sure, they were human once, but they don't remember it. But they start treating Techno as a person and not a pet and things…shift.
They bond. They genuinely see Techno and they love what they've found.
Technoblade starts to enjoy them, as well. Their requests to drink become an inside joke between them, Techno giving colorful refusals.
Of course, eventually there would be a moment where Techno feels like they were just manipulating his emotions. Maybe he overhears another Vampire complimenting them on their methods, throwing them all back to square one.
Technoblade is angry and hurt and glares at them with hatred. He wants nothing from them. They can just take his blood and leave him alone. Stop with the games. Just bite him and take away the illusion that they actually care.
The Antarctic Coven looks between each other and agrees. They decide to bite Techno. Technoblade is in emotional agony and doesn't really notice how much the initial bites hurt. Especially with how euphoric it becomes as the venom numbs. Technoblade's head swims. And swims. Until he falls unconscious.
The Antarctic Coven decided that Technoblade wouldn't be food. He would become one of them. Changed. The only time they bit him as a human was to make him into one of them.
Technoblade sleeps for a decade, the change very very slow. And there are quite a few people who think that the Antarctic Coven have lost their minds. They gave up a priceless treasure. But The Antarctic Coven sees that Vampirekind lost something when they ruined Humanity. Like, they had truly destroyed Humanity. The concept of Humanity. And the vain and bored Vampires couldn't even see it.
Technoblade is going to be angry when he wakes, but that value that about him, not as a pet but as himself.
Lenn, words can't express how obsessed I've been with this one lately, I've been on a vampire AUs and bloodbag AUs kick lately the concept is so good and can be done in so many ways ranging from hurt/comfort to dark to fluffy and this one is just -ferally tears up the couch cushions-
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