#I would have stopped posting a long while ago if I didn’t have my anons and those people who go through my page liking everything
zappedbyzabka · 1 year
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viennakarma · 9 months
Drunk calls
Fernando Alonso x Reader
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Summary: You're drunk on your night out and accidentally call your boss, Fernando.
Word count: 1.5k
Tags: Female reader, drunk reader, fluff, Nando comforting reader, boss x employee relationship, not beta read
Relationships: Fernando Alonso x Reader
Notes: Anon requested drunk reader and sober nano, so i just ran with it and wrote a little something while on hangover from the new year party. (Also that ONE pic George Russell posted of him and Nando!!!!)
Hope you enjoy it, Anon!
Find me on Twitter!
As you left the toilet, you felt your legs wobbly as you supported yourself on the wall. You had been clubbing with your friends for a couple of hours now, but a few minutes ago you couldn’t find them, and you looked all around.
Pulling your phone from your purse, you called your bestie to try and find out where she was. As soon as she picked up, you started talking.
“Hi, Hanna! Where are-” You hiccuped, “where are you? I think I’m too drunk now, I can’t find you or the girls, and my head is pounding already, and I can’t walk straight.”
“Y/N?” A male voice asked.
“Who the fuck are you?” You frowned.
“It’s Fernando, you just called me,” he said and you turned your phone seeing that you had actually called him instead of your friend.
“Oh, shit! I’m so sorry, boss!” You said and immediately hung up.
Fuck, you drunk called your boss on your day off. That was most certainly grounds for a reprimand. You had been working as his assistant for almost a year now, and had only been super professional and dedicated to doing your work. You and Fernando had been friendly and settled into a great work dynamic. So accidentally calling him like this would probably cause problems for you.
You didn’t even have time or energy to blame yourself too long as your phone buzzed with an incoming call from Fernando. You immediately hit decline. But barely a second later he called you again. Shit, he probably would tear you a new one. You hit decline again. You started sweating, god, you needed to go home, you needed to eat and you needed to plan a big apology for the next time you see your boss again.
Then two texts appeared coming from Fernando.
“Where are you?” “Pick up the call”
And then he called you again, and you picked it up this time preparing for him to go off on you.
“Where are you?” He breathed loudly.
“I’m at a club with my friends,” you stuttered a little bit, both because of the alcohol and because you were worried he might fire you on the spot.
“You said you lost them. Have you found your friends?”
“No, not really. But it’s okay, I’m gonna go home already!” You hoped you were sounding a little bit more confident.
“How are you going to go home?” He asked, voice serious.
“I’m gonna call a cab or something. Don’t worry!” Please, sound sober, please sound sober.
“Send me the address, I’m gonna pick you up.”
“No, no! It’s your day off too, you don’t have to worry I’ll be fine! Really, I promise I’m going straight home right-”
“I wasn’t asking. Send the address.” He cut you off and hung up.
Cursing and sweating, you sent him your location, walking slowly to the exit, still trying to locate your friends. As you made it outside, you leaned against the wall, feeling a little better with the fresh gust of wind outside the packed club. You flexed your knees because your heels were feeling like a fucking thousand needles punching the sole of your feet. You should listen to your younger sister and start wearing sneakers to the club.
After a few minutes, you saw a scandalous rich man’s car pulling up and you knew it’s Fernando. He stopped by the sidewalk and came walking to you. He was wearing slacks and a white button up, simple but classy. You had seen in his schedule before that he was going to go out with friends for dinner. So that’s probably where he came from.
He didn’t look too pissed at you but he didn’t look happy either, his face was rather neutral.
“How are you feeling?” He asked as he stopped in front of you. He was holding a water bottle, which he promptly opened and gave to you.
“I have been better, not gonna lie,” you said, and proceeded to drink almost the whole bottle of water.
“Why are you flexing your knees?” He asked.
“Because the heels are killing me.”
Silently, Fernando knelt in front of you and unbuckled the straps of your heels around your ankles.
“Off, now” he said, patting your calves, then offering you a hand so you could step out of the shoes.
“Jesus, thank you,” you mumbled, relieved to be barefoot finally, “I’m sorry, you didn’t have to pick me up.”
“I’m here already, quit whining,” he dismissed you, holding your forearm, “can you walk to the car?”
“Just give me a hand,” you asked, still a little unbalanced. You jolted a little when you felt Fernando’s hands on your thighs but he didn't touch you, he just pulled the hem of your dress down, since it was dangerously close to showing too much and maybe accidentally flashing everyone.
Fernando circled an arm around your waist, pulling you flush to his side, keeping you standing all the way to his car, holding your heels with the other hand. You looked to the side of his face, and you were suddenly hit with the realization that Fernando is really, really attractive. 
“Damn, you’re handsome!”
It honestly slipped past your lips and you felt your cheeks warm up, embarrassed for saying that out loud, but Fernando only laughed a little, and kept walking you to his car, only stopping to open the door and put you in the passenger seat.
As you took the seat, he stared at your face, trying to catch any signs of something in your face. You blinked, staring into his beautiful greeny brown eyes, and he just huffed, pulling the seat belt and locking it around you.
When he finally started driving, the silence deafening, you looked at his side profile.
“Are you upset? I’m sorry! I promise I’ll behave.”
“I’m not upset. Though I will be a little annoyed if you throw up in my Aston Martin,” he said with a small smile.
“No throwing up happening anytime soon!” You raised your hand, held it in a cross and kissed it, “I’m actually really hungry”
Fernando clicked his tongue and reached for the backseat with one hand, pulling a Burger King brown bag. You smelled the food and you smiled.
“Oh my god! You’re a savior!” You opened the bag, which had your favorite burger and big sized fries, “this is my favorite!”
You ate quietly for a couple of minutes then a thought hit you.
“How do you know I like eating Burger King after getting drunk?” You said, and Fernando looked at you, opened the glove box and handed you a tissue.
“I know you well,” was all he said. He ended up driving you to his place, and you decided to question it.
“Why did you drive me here?” You walked in, sitting on the couch.
“What do you mean?” He looked confused.
“Ugh, never mind!” You stood up but the quick movement made you stumble and Fernando quickly held you in place.
“Careful!” He put both hands on your waist, in a way that felt very intimate.
You turned to face him, and he smiled softly, his hand now on your lower back. Then, you touched his eyebrow with the tip of your finger.
“I like your eyebrows.”
“And your beard too,” you cupped his face, feeling the roughness of his beard against your palm.
“Vamos, you need a shower,” he carefully walked you up the stairs and then inside the bedroom, straight to the bathroom.
Fernando turned you around and pulled down the zipper on your back. You gasped, holding the dress in place and turning to face him.
“You can’t undress me!”
He turned around, laughing.
“Ok, get in the shower and I’ll get you some clothes, eh?”
You showered, and when you left, a towel around your body, Fernando had left a small pile of clothes inside. There was a big t-shirt and sports shorts that you dressed. He also left you a toothbrush, which seemed very thoughtful of him.
When you walked back to the room, Fernando had changed into comfy clothes, and he was waiting for you sitting on the bed.
“Are you sobering up?” He asked.
And you just nodded, sleepy, crawling into his lap and snuggling into his chest, pressing your nose to his neck.
“Then you remember who I am?” 
“You’re Fernando!” He laughed a little, kissing the top of your head.
“No, amor,” he leaned back, cradling your face with one hand, and pulling your right hand with the other, “I’m your fiancé.”
Wide eyed, you stared at the big diamond ring in your finger. Then, you finally remembered, your fiancé, your beloved Nano. Who had been your boss sometime two years ago, and you resigned when you realized you had feelings for him. In the end, he had gone after you because he harbored the same feelings for you.
You ended up laughing out loud, so hard that there were tears in your eyes.
“God, I’m never drinking again!”
“It’s cute that you forgot like this,” he laughed too.
You held his face, kissing him softly. His hand ran up your back, under your shirt. You wanted more, trying to deepen the kiss, but he just held you back.
“Sleep now, eh? Tomorrow I will wake you up with besos.”
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nerdy-novelist017 · 3 months
Omg yay!! Ok obviously feel free to decline this since the subject matter could be rough for some people but, canon Benny’s reaction to what happened to Kathy was definitely my least fav part of the film and I need it to be rectified through fic🙏🏽. So could you write something about the aftermath of something like that happening to reader when her and Benny have been dating for a while? Im starved for caring and protective Benny unfortunately
Starve no more, anon ;) I have more protective Benny fics in the works! I made this one as a one shot to my Benny x Bunny series, hope that's okay! (This ISN'T the next part to Little Bunny! It's just a little one shot for after they're together ;) I'm working on getting the next part posted tonight!)
Word Count- 1.1k
Summary- Benny couldn't possibly want you after what almost happened, right?
TW- SA, 18+
*Please don't read if you are uncomfortable with the content!
Life Raft (Benny Cross x Shy!Reader)
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Benny was going to be so upset with you.
Your hands shook from the adrenaline still coursing through your veins. You blinked and the tears burning your eyes threatened to spill over. Kathy’s hand rubbed the spot between your shoulder blades soothingly as she sat on the edge of the bed with you. Downstairs, you could hear the party wrapping up, Johnny and Funny Sonny trying to get everybody to leave. The party was over, too many bad things had happened for everyone to just pretend they didn’t see it, pretend they didn’t hear it.
You swallowed roughly, the events of the last hour still looping in your mind. The way his cold eyes raked over your body, the way he smiled sinisterly as you backed away. The course palm of his hand that wrapped around your throat, pinning you against the wall. His hot breath fanning across your mouth as his tongue invaded. His other hand going up your skirt, grazing the line of your panties. 
You squeezed your eyes shut at that part. You had screamed, but Benny wasn’t there. Kathy wasn’t there. Zipco wasn’t there. Brucie wasn’t there. You were alone with this man, prey to this predator. And who even was this man? You hadn’t seen him before, even though he wore the colors you had been so used to seeing almost every day. More chapters were popping up everywhere and with it, came new faces to the parties, meetings and picnics. Strangers, dangerously prowling through the club now, waiting for opportunities of solitude to attack.
You had only left the bonfire for a moment, telling Benny that you were going inside to grab a soda from the fridge. They only ever had beer coolers outside by the fire. You would only be gone for a moment. But a moment was all this animal needed as he stalked into the kitchen after you.
You were alone and that realization sent ice through your veins. This animal could do whatever he wanted, and you were powerless to stop it.
And then suddenly Johnny was there, grabbing this man and throwing him away from you. You were stuck against the wall, frozen in fear as you watched Wahoo and Corky jump into the fight as well. The two dragged the man out of the room, heading for the back door.
“Hey, kid, you okay?” Johnny asked, trying to make eye contact with your frantic gaze. He reached out slowly and pulled the hem of your dress back down to cover your trembling legs. “C’mon, let Kathy get you upstairs.”
You hadn’t even realized Kathy was there too now. She wrapped her arms around you, guiding you to the stairs. 
“B—Benny?” You tried to ask and Johnny nodded. 
“I’ll get him for ya,” he said, eyes empathetic.
That seemed to be hours ago. Or maybe it was only a few minutes. You weren’t sure; everything felt a little hazy. However long it was, Kathy never left your side, having planted herself next to you. You tried to say something to her, to thank her, but your throat was too dry and your mind too incoherent. You felt dirty and scared and you just wanted to go home. 
Benny was going to be so upset with you. 
Footsteps climbed the stairs and you stiffened at the sound. Benny appeared in the doorway and you wanted to sob. The man you wanted to run to, the man you wanted to hold you tight and carry you back to safety stood there, a dark expression on his face. With one look at Kathy, he dismissed her. She squeezed your arm gently. 
“I’ll be right downstairs if ya need me,” she promised softly and then she was gone. Benny closed the door behind her and a heavy silence filled the bedroom.
Your heart raced as he moved to stand at the dresser across from you. You could see the tension radiating from him and you swallowed back any kind of hope for him to love you still. 
“What happened?” he asked finally, his voice wavering with barely-controlled anger.
“I-I just wanted a pop. I just came in-inside and he—he . . . I couldn’t—couldn’t get away—” The words tumbled out of your mouth incoherently. 
“Which one?” 
You looked up at him through your tear-soaked lashes. “I—I don’t . . . Did Johnny not—”
“Johnny didn’t tell me who. Just told me . . .” His words died as he looked at the purple marks forming on your neck. His jaw clenched hard and he looked away from you. Your heart sunk at the action. He couldn’t even look at you anymore. He was so disgusted that he couldn’t even look at you. You could feel him slipping through your fingers and total desperation hit you like a wave. The ocean, you thought, that's what it felt like. You were lost in the middle of the ocean and a storm broke a nasty hole in your tiny ship. You were sinking, drowning in that vast, dark water.
The tears broke free from their dam and rolled down your cheeks as a sob caught in your throat. “I’m—I’m so sorry, B—Benny. Please forgive me.”
“Forgive you?” He looked back at you but you couldn’t face his hard gaze. 
Looking down at your lap, you cried. “Please don’t be upset with m—me. I’m sorry.”
He crossed the distance between you, lowering himself to his knees before you. You squeezed your eyes shut to avoid his gaze, heart shattering in your chest.
His warm hands enveloped yours tightly. “Bunny.”
Please don’t leave me here to pick myself up, you wanted to say. Please don’t abandon me to this darkness, I'm already drowning. I'm still me. I'm still your girl.
“Bunny, look at me.” His voice was so soft, just barely above a whisper. 
You obeyed his gentle command. His face was inches below yours, eyes examining. Slowly, he lifted his hand and his fingertips ghosted over the bruises forming on your throat. His brows pinched together but his eyes were soft as they returned to yours. His fingers traveled over the curve of your jaw and up to swipe the heavy flow of tears from beneath your eyes.
“I could never be upset with you, Bunny," he whispered. “I could never.” 
Your hands came up to grip his wrists as if he were a life raft holding you afloat. His hands, you realized, were shaking slightly and you held even tighter, anchoring him to you. 
“I’m not angry with you. I’m angry with myself. Angry that I wasn’t there to protect you.” His voice wavered, tears rimming his beautiful blue eyes. “I promised to always protect you and I wasn’t there. I’m so sorry, Bunny. I’m so, so sorry.”
Words failed you, but you never needed them for Benny. You threw your arms around his neck, burying yourself into his chest. He reacted immediately, pulling you impossibly close as he moved to sit on the bed beside you. You cried, and he let you.
And when Johnny came to check on you, that’s how he found you: curled into your Benny's chest, his arms a protective shield from the rest of the world as he whispered into your ear, hands running gently through your hair. And Johnny knew that you’d be okay, because you had Benny. And Benny would be okay because Johnny and his boys had already taken care of the ex-Vandal who dared to lay a hand on their little bunny.
*Tag List *
@Imusicaddict @elizabeth916 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @dudii4love @ironmooncat @beebeechaos @astrogrande @pearlparty @themorriganisamonster @sillylittlethrowaway @ughdontbeboring @penwieldingdreamer
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babygorewhore · 4 months
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Frat!Rafe Cameron x sporty! fem reader!
As Kiara’s older sister, gifted athlete and now college student, you never had time for dating. Or time to acknowledge your secret crush on Rafe Cameron. But when your eighteen year old little sister visits, she pushes you to attend one of his parties.
W.C. 2.4k. I was requested by anon for inexperienced!reader! And size kink! I hope you enjoy!! I lowkey wanna burn this lol
Warnings! I am NOT an athlete by any means so this is very vague lol. Size kink! Inexperienced reader! Manhandling, slapping kink! (Rafe likes to be slapped) degrading, praise, oral! Fem receiving! Unprotected sex! Reader is sporty and frequently works out. Kiara is also OOC but it’s my fic lol. Dividers by @xxbimbobunnyxx
Getting a visit from your parents and little sister motivated you for the performance as you accepted flowers and praise after the competition. Your mother and father finally allowed Kiara to stay the weekend with you on campus, you managed to convince them that your eighteen year old baby sister would be completely safe with you.
You knew they were mostly attempting to keep her away from Pogues back home but with your down to earth nature she felt comfortable to get along with you.
“I don’t know why you’re wasting your time studying something else. Why don’t you go to a fancy art school or some shit? Follow your dreams!” Kiara flopped on your bed in your dorm and you sighed.
“Because. Sports aren’t a long lasting career choice for me. Besides, if you want to live with me, I need to have a good paying job, right?” You countered as you sipped a protein shake.
“You need to stop thinking about everyone else. Think of yourself. You don’t have a life. All you do is study, work and compete. You’ve got to be so bored.” She argues, folding her arms.
“I’m not bored, Kiara. I stay busy and I’m fine with that. And I do have a life! I have a few friends and I have you.” You mumble and she lifts herself up, walking over to you and lightly elbows you.
“You know how much I hate them, they’re a waste of money that could be used for donations but what about parties? Have you gone to any?” Rolling your eyes, you groan at her lecture.
You knew she was jealous of your freedom, considering her relationship with your parents and her full time job. But she also didn’t understand you. The pressure you’d always been under. At a young age, you were in gymnastics. Building your body like a machine while you spent everyday challenging yourself to meet your next goal. And you were good at it.
Your wall was covered in medals, your shelf had a few trophies and photographs of your proud moments.
Dancing was a natural evolution for you. Something you’d discovered when one of your gymnast friends opened their own studio after graduating high school a few years ago. The fluidity of movement, the tempo of the beat and music brought you to life. You were strong, frequently at the gym to keep up with having to flip yourself around in the air with your part time job that was physically demanding.
Your life was fast paced, a competitive streak in your blood motivated you to remain disciplined and focused. Your guilt for being so busy was one of the reasons you wanted Kiara to stay with you this weekend. But she did have a point.
You didn’t have time for dating. You’d never had a boyfriend, guys in the past weren’t exactly pleased that you could fairly put up a physical fight given your athletic lifestyle and razor sharp drive. Men found you…boring. You had an obsession with Halloween and darker things too. It was a nice change from the neon uniforms you were forced to wear.
Her question about parties reminded you of a instagram post you were tagged in yesterday and Kiara must have sensed your train of thought. “Don’t tell me you were invited to one and you’re not gonna go?”
“I’ve been too busy! Plus I wanted to hang out with you-“
“It’s tonight?” She shrieked and started shoving you to your bedroom. “What the hell are we doing? You need to get ready.”
“Kiara, I’m not going to some stupid party. I’m tired from dancing earlier and besides Rafe Cameron isn’t going to notice one person who doesn’t show up.”
“I fucking knew it. You’ve been crushing on that asshole for years. That’s why you were so happy you got into this school.” She accused and you defensively shook your head.
“No I haven’t-“
“Me and Sarah knew you liked him when you shoved him in the pool years ago when he was messing with us when you were life guarding. And that’s why you always offered to babysit during high school. You just wanted to be near him.” Kiara made your jaw drop and you turned away.
“That’s not true! He’s a dick! Why would I like someone like Rafe? That’s why I’m ignoring his invitation.” She extended her hand.
“Let me see the post.” You grumbled something about how your little sister was the one bossing you around and you slapped your phone in her palm.
She read the invite with her mouth parted. “It’s a fucking Halloween themed party? You can dress up and you’re not going? He’s obviously obsessed with you.” You yank your phone back.
“What are you talking about? He’s not!”
“He was there tonight. I saw him watching you dance in the crowd.” You gasped and you felt your cheeks burn. “And now, he’s doing something knowing you like it. Get out of those damn sweatpants and put on something cute. You’re going to that party.”
“No I’m not! I don’t like Rafe Cameron and listen here you little goblin,” Kiara ignored you as she dug through your drawers for another set of clothes.
She tossed you an oversized shirt with skulls on it, knee socks and your converse. “Here. This is good.”
“Why do you want me to go so badly? You hate Rafe!” You complained and she waved her hands.
“Yeah I do. But I want you to have fun. Let loose for one night. Show off what you worked for and finally put yourself first.” You raised an eyebrow.
“You really wanna talk to someone don’t you and you don’t want me hovering?” She was finally silent for a few seconds and you smirked triumphantly. “Fine. I’ll go to this damn party.” You walked away, preparing to change clothes but you gave her a light smack upside the head.
“Ow! The hell was that for?” She whined.
“For telling me what to do.”
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You felt your heart in your throat as you knocked on the door of the house where the party was held. You could hear the sound of music and chatter from behind the door as you shifted your weight from leg to leg.
Your face was covered in makeup and your jewelry dangled from your neck as you waited. The entrance opened and Topper ushered you in. “Hey! Look who it is! The girl of the hour!” His arm slung around your shoulders and the bustling crowd cheered. You awkwardly smiled and waved. Girl of the hour?
“Cmon. Rafe is upstairs.” Just the mention of the males name made you swallow thickly and you followed him. A lot of people were wearing costumes, fake blood and merchandise from scary movies.
You recognized Rafe because of his clothing and body but his face was covered. He was wearing a Ghostface mask. Plain black shirt and jeans. Your eyes widened briefly when he turned, noticing you before you smoothed back your nerves and approached him. He met you half way and looked down at you, mask tilted.
“You did show up after all, princess.”
You give him a smile. “Yeah I did. I heard you were at the dance. Did you like what you saw?” You didn’t know where this confidence was coming from but he seemed to be enjoying it. Rafe stepped a little closer, “Oh I loved it, baby. That’s why I told everyone to dress up. Gotta celebrate my little champion, huh?”
“Champion?” You parrot and he chuckles.
“Of course, Angel. You think I’m stupid or something? I’ve been a big fan of yours for a while. I couldn’t wait to get you here so I could have you all to myself.” He trails off quietly and you feel his big hands settle on your hips, squeezing lightly.
“Well, we’re not alone,” You respond and he tugs you against him, as much as you love the mask, you wanna rip it off.
“Easy fix, baby girl. C‘mon.” Instead of walking, Rafe lifted you off the ground and you squeaked. Throwing you over his shoulder, he walked through a hallway before opening a door.
Rafe easily tossed you onto the bed, the plush covers and pillows bounced. You shakily sat up as he tore off the mask and looked down at you with a dark smolder.
“Oh, princess. You have no fuckin idea how long I’ve wanted you in my bed.” He leaned down and put both hands on either side of you as you looked up at him, doe eyes staring into his.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything? Why would you like me? I’ve never told you-“
“Like you? Baby, I don’t just like you. I think about you all the time. No one else has made me feel like this. You’ve always stood up to me and didn’t put up with my shit. You think it’s a coincidence that I liked to push your buttons when we were kids?”
You’re breathless as he tugs on the end of your shirt with a smirk.
“I like a girl who pushes back. You’re my strong girl, hmm? But not tonight. You’re not in control for once. I am.” He grips your waist, your bare skin from your top pulled up and your core pulses.
You reach up, lightly smacking him in the face. “You think you can earn my submission?” Rafe gives you a chuckle and flash of excitement crosses his eyes.
“Princess, by the time I’m done with you, you’re gonna be my little fuck toy. You just wanna push my buttons so I throw you around.” His words turned you on more and you shudder as goosebumps rise on your skin. “Slap me again. Get a good one in too.”
“You serious?” You whisper and he nods.
“What? You too scared?”
You slap him. Hard. Hard enough that his face turns but Rafe doesn’t look angry. “That was a good one, baby. But I’m gonna make you forget any other fucker. I’m sure all those other dudes are all over you at the studio or some shit.” He grunts and tugs off your shirt. Exposing your torso and bra.
You have the urge to cover yourself but you resist. “I don’t have time for dating.”
Rafe pauses and raises an eyebrow. “You’re telling me you haven’t dated? You a virgin?”
You bristle. “No but…it’s only happened once.”
Rafe cups underneath your arms and manhandles you higher on the bed. You don’t have time to breathe before you find yourself pinned with your arms above your head, his face inches above yours. “Bet you’re soaked right now. Underneath those panties you wear.”
He reaches in between your legs and cups your cunt. “God damn, princess. This what you needed? Me to take care of you? Shut off that overthinking head of yours?” He muses and you cup his face bringing him down to fuse your lips together in a messy kiss.
He moans against your mouth and shoves his tongue inside, you separate your legs and tug him closer.
“Gonna taste more than your mouth, baby girl.” He promises and kisses down your body, peeling off your underwear.
“I’m gonna worship this perfect pussy. I’m gonna take such good care of my girl,” He mutters against your pelvis. Rafe shoves your thighs apart and buried his head in, making you groan and dig your fingers onto the sheets.
His tongue laps hungrily at your clit, sucking in all your wetness as he moans and grinds on the bed. You whimper as he fucks you with his mouth.
“You like that, babydoll?”
“Mhm! I’m gonna cum,” You stammer and he lifts up, his massive body flexing as he rips off his shirt. Exposing his fit body.
“You’re gonna cream on my dick, then you’re gonna clean it up. Are you going to be a good little whore?” He breathes and you whine.
“Mhm, yes. Please, fuck me. I need it so badly. I want you to fill me up,” You beg and he shoves off his pants. His big, thick dick slapping against his thigh.
“How can I say no to such a pretty girl?” He gives your bare ass a slap before he pumps himself a couple of times, his cock in his fist before he presses into you.
You mewl and bury your head in his neck. He growls and thrusts, hard enough that you almost feel like you’re gonna burst from how big he is. But he quickly adds his fingers to rub your clit.
“This fuckin pussy is mine. It’s so tight, splitting you in two, baby girl. Gonna breed this perfect cunt.” He huffs and your eyes squeeze shut as your peak rises.
“That’s it, princess. Cream on my dick.” He praises and your climax overwhelms you.
You cry out and sink your teeth into his naked shoulder and he moans. He moves harder, bringing slight pain but it only adds to your pleasure. He spills in you, “Gonna stuff you so full of cum you’re gonna be a brainless little doll.”
Rafe pulls out, pumping himself again as cum drips onto the bed. “Give me that pretty mouth, princess. I wanna see your eyes roll back. You can fuckin take it. Like a little champion.”
Tagging @marchsfreakshow @xxbimbobunnyxx @drewstarkeyslut @redhead1180 @oceandriveab @starkeysprincess @rafescurtainbangz @rafeinterlude @gri959 @rafesthroatbaby @slvt4jamesmarch
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demonpiratehuntress · 7 months
hiii! it’s the autistic anon,, i hope it’s okay if i try requesting smth a little easier to write? i was thinking maybe smth like Law and reader aren’t dating yet, maybe reader joined the crew not too long ago and so is still quiet and shy around everyone. but one day Law notices her reading a comic book he likes and strikes up a conversation about it and maybe that leads to him finding out they’re really similar in some ways? like both have a coin and comic book collection, both love tattoos, and reader even wanted to be a nurse but just didn’t have the resources for it. Law kind of develops a crush from there and u can decide how he handles it and whether or not he even realizes he has a crush at first. and i don’t mind what format either, it can be headcanons or a fic or anything! and i just want to say thank u for taking time out of your busy schedule to write for us, i love your writing and look forward to your posts everyday! i hope your day is great!! <3
hello again! of course, i'm open to a lot of other ideas :) this sounds so cute and sweet, i can definitely write this! thank you for requesting again :D i chose headcanons because they're more fun to write lol. I hope you like it!
taglist - @kabloswrld
two peas in a pod
Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
summary - the cute scenario described in the ask :)))
warnings - none
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You'd always wanted to become a pirate, ever since you were little
So when Law and his crew showed up at your little island and stopped at your village to replenish their supplies - and apparently take down bandits that were terrorising you - you took the opportunity
At first Law was sceptical, wondering what you brought to his crew, but after your first venture with them he realised you could be useful, not only as a fighter but also another medic, one with more nurturing qualities and a softer touch
He would never admit it, but he was jealous of how the crew immediately went to you for help now
But after a while Law himself warmed up to you as well, and found himself seeking your company more and more often
He knew very well he could fix himself up, but chose to come to you instead just to have an excuse to talk to you and maybe learn more about you
Despite interacting with the crew for medicinal purposes, you were still shy and reserved, only speaking when you needed to
You were surprised when Law walked into your room one day, claiming that he needed your help determining what kind of sickness he was developing (he was not sick)
He caught you in your free time, so you were reading a favourite comic of yours, a secret you had managed to keep from everyone for so long - until now
"What's that?"
"Hmm? Oh, this? Nothing.."
You hid the comic behind your back, hoping Law would drop it and just focus on his non-existent sickness, but luck was not on your side today
His brows furrowed in concentration, before his eyes lit up in a way you'd never seen before
"I know that comic!"
"Wh-what? No you don't..."
"Surely you're not telling me I wouldn't recognise the cover of my favourite comic book, (Name)-ya..."
"O-of course not! I just didn't think..."
You trailed off as Law took a seat directly next to you, plucking the comic from your hands
He begins to flick through the pages with you sitting so stiff and awkwardly beside him
Eventually you relax and attempt to initiate a discussion about it with him
Which turns into a full debate over your favourite characters
You've never had this much fun talking about something before
And your captain seems so much more relaxed and at ease, and he's even SMILING as he talks
The conversation slowly goes from the comic to other shared interests between the two of you, such as his coin collection - he was visibly stunned to find out you had one too - and your desire to become a nurse, something medical-related
Law was surprised to hear that you wanted to be a nurse
Not because you didn't have the skills for it, you definitely did, but because you had chosen to become a pirate instead
When he asked what changed your mind, something weird happened in his chest when your answer was "i didn't have the opportunity or the resources in my small village...but also...you"
He didn't know what that feeling was, but he kind of liked it?
From then on, Law took every opportunity he could to talk to you about both your coin collections, your medical knowledge and your shared interest in that comic
He wanted to know why he was feeling this way, and hoped talking to you more would help him understand
But now he was just craving your presence, craving your voice and the way you passionately spoke about your interests
It wouldn't be a good day if Law hadn't gotten the chance to see or speak to you
And it was frustrating him that he couldn't figure out why he felt this way about you, and why he treated you differently to his other crewmates
Then Shachi and Penguin teased him about being in love with you
And suddenly it made sense
But for the first time ever, Law was terrified, because he didn't know what to do, this was not his forte
So obviously, he needed help, and since Shachi and Penguin were doing nothing but teasing him, he went to Bepo
You were completely oblivious to what he and Bepo were planning, thinking they were just planning the crew's next island stop
You were also oblivious to Law's feelings - mostly because he hid it well - but were completely aware of your own feelings for him
And you tried to hide it, you really did, but everyone could see the way your eyes softened when he walked into the room or spoke to you directly, the way your cheeks reddened when he complimented you or said something nice, the way you always seemed even more shy and flustered around him
Even Law noticed
But for a long time he debated whether or not to actually go through with his Bepo's plan to ask you out
He took so long that you almost gave up on him entirely
But when he did finally approach you, it was so worth it
He had planned a very romantic dinner in his room - candlelit and everything
He was so nervous the entire time, only slightly comforted by the fact that you looked nervous as well
"You look nice"
"Oh, um, thanks. So do you"
It is SO awkward for a few minutes, as you both just look at each other or the food
You decide to break the silence since it seems like Law never will
"If this is too uncomfortable, I can-"
"No!" He jumps to say, then clears his throat. "I mean, I'd like you to stay. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this."
So you stay, and you're patient with him as he works up the nerve to tell you how he feels
In the end, you tell him you feel the same way, and like a movie, you close the date with a sweet, slow kiss - both yours and Law's pace
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jeonscatalyst · 17 days
Hey May do you think Jk acts different around Jimin when Tae is around? I've seen taekookers saying that you can always tell who the real couple is whenever Vminkook are together because Jk is always glued to Tae instead of Jimin and I also saw them talk about the fact that taekook mostly sat side by side on AYS.
Hey anon,
Yes I think Jk is different around Jimin when Tae is around. Jk and Jimin would obviously be different around each other when there is another person around. It could be Jin or Yoongi around them and they would still be different, them being different around each other has nothing to do with tae being there or not but just the fact that a third person will always change the dynamic of two. If we ever got a show with just tae and Jk their dynamic would be very different compared to when Jimin is around, that is completely normal.
The thing with taekookers is that they seem to have this belief that someone automatically becomes a jerk to their friends or is less nice to their friends when their lover is around and that is the narrative they have been trying to push. I saw this ridiculous thread on twitter a few days ago from a taekooker trying to show the difference in dynamics between taekook and Jikook when they are together and that post had over 4k likes even though it was filled with the most ridiculous things ever. Taekookers in my opinion are some of the most shallow, childish and inexperienced people ever because they lack the ability to look beyond the surface. As long as Jk or tae stare at each other, they see romance even if the next second they see Tae going away on his honeymoon, that wouldn’t matter because the honeymoon was set up by the company to cover up taekook’s real relationship. As long as Jk and Tae hold unto each other singing and dancing to a song at a concert they see romance even if moments later Jk is seen tongue kissing someone else, that person is a beard to cover taekook’s real and forbidden love. Taekookers would rather accuse every living thing on earth of trying to hide taekook than stopping to think that maybe they read things wrong.
I’ve seen them talk about seeing a difference between taekook and Jikook when vminkook are together, as a matter of fact that is something almost all the taekook blogs on tumblr believe in and talk about. They give examples like the HS concert in 2021, they talk about the Vminkook Vlive from 2021 and they have added AYS to the mix. Everytime I read the things they say and how they justify these points I am shocked at how shortsighted some people can be. I honestly don’t know if they really cannot see beyond the surface or if they just don’t want to look because they are afraid of what they might find or if they see but don’t want to accept it.
Let’s start with the HS concert. To them that was proof that taekook is real and Jikook isn’t because of the moment we saw of tae and Jk singing, holding hands and dancing to “falling”. There was that moment and another moment of taekook sharing drink or something and according to taekookers that was Jk and tae being glued the entire night nevermind the fact that we have footage of Jimin and Jungkook whispering to each other, sharing drinks, dancing together with Jimin’s hand over Jungkook, plus the fact that those two actually disappeared together for a while at the concert. Now, these examples of Jikook aren’t meant to prove that jikook is real either but just to show that Taekook weren’t glued all night as taekookers would like to believe but just because of those few moments they had of taekook’s interactions, they swore that the two were glued together all night and Jk didn’t even spare Jimin a glance. Now why do I say they are shortsighted? The Harry Styles concert happened on the 19th of November 2021 and then a little over a week later, we got the Vminkook Vlive (march 28th) and from this Vlive, we found out from Jimin that since they got to LA, he had been working out with Jungkook every single day, we also found out from Jimin that Jungkook was basically in his room almost all the time. Jimin said Jk visited his room about 3 times a day and that he saw Jungkook in his room way more than he saw the managers. Tae confirmed this story by telling us that he went to Jimin’s room one day and thought it was Jungkook’s because Jk was the one who answered Jimin’s door and greeted him. Mind you Jimin said Jungkook was in his room everyday and even came at night too when he was about to go to sleep, stayed there for 2-4 hours at a time and left. We also know that Jungkook was probably there every night because on the one night he didn’t go, Jimin asked why he didn’t come and he wouldn’t be asking this if Jk wasn’t a regular visitor to his room. Also, Tae thinking that Jimin’s room was Jk’s means that he didn’t even know Jk’s room. So which normal person thinks that taekook dancing together at a concert and you know, being friends proves they are dating when we know for a fact that at the same period, Tae didn’t know Jungkook’s hotel room, Jungkook was spending almost all his time in Jimin’s room and choosing to go to him repeatedly when he was lonely or bored? You see why I say taekookers are incredibly shortsighted? You don’t even have to think Jikooo are a couple but Jk clearly liked spending more private time with him that he did with Tae judging from the things they said. So how exactly could taekook be dating yet Jungkook prioritized being with Jimin over Tae? They focus on physical affection which in this case isn’t a sign of romance but of friendship, love and care and the they ignore facts because they facts shatter their fantasies. They watched the Vminkook Live and focused on 5 seconds of awkward eye contact and that to them was proof of the greatest romance but ignored everything that was said in that Live that completely debunked Taekook. Nevermind the fact that a few days after that Live, Tae attended Hobi’s live and mentioned that he had a meal with Jungkook and they had an adult conversation and Jk said he was happy. Anybody with a brain would understand that this is two people clearly catching up because it doesn’t seem like that is something they did often so after the concert Jk and Tae ate together, did some catching up and we saw Jk after he left Tae’s room still fully dressed with his combat boots on which means that he was just in tae’s room temporarily but when we saw tae a few moments later, he was already out of his concert clothes and had on more comfortable clothes you know, like he had already changed and settled in his bedroom unlike Jk who was clearly just passing by.
So let’s be serious anon, how exactly did the HS concert or the Vminkook Live show that taekook are the real couple when we know for a fact that Jk and Jimin were basically spending almost all of their time together while Tae didn’t know Jk’s hotel room? Before Tae started his Live wasn’t Jk busy eating chicken with Jimin while tae was eating alone? Tae had already showered by himself too while Jk and Jimin were talking about “we haven’t showered yet” lol. Taekookers never look beyond the surface and they don’t even realize that what they think is romance is just two people being friends and basically just dynamic.
They also think that AYS showed how real taekook is and when you ask them why, they tell you how Jk and Tae sat side by side or how Jk wanted Tae to get into the pool too or some other rubbish which proves that these people don’t have friends in real life. After watching Vminkook in AYS, I felt so validated about a post I made months ago describing Vminkook’s dynamic. Typical of taekookers to fail to look beyond the surface. Jk was seated next to Tae most of the time yet he spent the entire time interacting and talking with Jimin. How many times did taekook actually really talk to each other while seated side by side? Didn’t we all watch Jk and Jimin constantly interacting and talking while Tae’s head was buried in his phone the entire time? Let’s also talk about how taekookers claimed that “when Tae leaves the pool Jk leaves” forgetting that Jk chose to stay back with Jimin after they left the pool while Tae showered and went to bed. Jk did this on BOTH nights they were in Jeju btw. If he wanted to be stuck to Tae’s side like tkkrs claim, he would have gotten out of the pool, showered when tae was showering and gone to bed or atleast gone upstairs to be next to him while he was sleeping but that isn’t what he did. He got out of the pool, teased Jimin by locking the doors, knowing that he would have to stay back to open it for him while Tae went ahead to shower and go bed, he stayed back, played a little with Jimin, showered and they went to bed together on both nights so what exactly are taekookers talking about?
Anon, most taekookers, especially the ones here on tumblr swear they are body language experts and they can tell taekook is real because of how taekook’s bodies react to each other (lol) but ask them why Jk doesn’t seek tae out in moments of high emotions or why Jk didn’t immediately go to Tae’s room instead of Jimin’s and they pull out all the conspiracy theories under the sun. They say Jk always wanted to be by Tae’s side in AYS but ask them why Jk wasn’t rushing to his side at nights but choose to stay up playing with Jimin, showering at the same time as him and only going to bed together with him and see how fast they start contradicting themselves.
Anon, any unbiased person who watches AYS with Vminkook can very easily tell the difference between those three and no one would ever think there is anything going on between taekook. Taekookers harrassed and bullied so many unbiased reactors on youtube for seeing and mentioning how close they think Jikook are. You don’t need to be a shipper to see how clearly Jikook are different and how deeply they connect but I guess if you are someone who believes in how close people walk, or people’s sitting positions or people dancing together at concerts, then you might probably see what taekookers see. And this isn’t me saying that these things aren’t important, they are but the issue is you cannot depend only on your reading of people’s body language to prove a ship because first, body language cues could be subjective and could depend on so many things plus you cannot focus on your perception of things while ignoring all the hard facts. Jk and Tae stared at each other for 5 seconds, they are a couple/ there is attraction =Perception. Jk spends alot of time in Jimin’s room, so much that Tae once thought Jimin’s room was Jk’s, according to Jimin, Tae and Jungkook = Fact. While your perception could be wrong, facts can’t and if the fact isn’t wrong then your perception is wrong so that 5 second eye contact which you read as romance/ attraction, isn’t. If you thought taekook were a thing because you noticed that they look at each other in a certain way or they sit in a certain way, then you get to find out that in Jungkook’s free time, he mostly goes to spend time in another person’s room and also likes spending nights with this other person and basically spends almost all day with this person while Tae doesn’t even know his hotel room then doesn’t it make sense to just conclude that you must have read things wrong? But our neighbours would rather call Jimin and Tae liars before they sit to think that maybe, just maybe they read the cues all wrongs.
So anon, I do agree that when we see Vminkook together it is easy to see the difference between them and you can see it by watching them aswell as listening to the things they say. No reasonable person watches them, listens to the thing they say and comes out thinking “yea, taekook is the one” lol. That’s just ridiculous. When you actually watch them and listen to them, you actually get to understand just how complex human feelings and relationships are because so many people spend time arguing about who Jk is closer to when the truth is, he is close to Tae and Jimin in very different ways so you cannot even really compare but one thing that is clear and has always been clear is that of the two, his emotional bond with Jimin is deeper…unless someone wants to explain to me why in his moments of loneliness the one he thought of going to was Jimin even though he didnt do anything particularly interesting while he was in there with him… i’ll wait.
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miel-ji · 1 year
Skz Taking Care of Drunk!You
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Genre: fluff, established relationships 
Pairing: Ot8 x Fem!reader 
Word Count: 7k
Warning: reader is drunk, lots of pet names, a couple swear words, Lee Know’s is unhinged again idk, Seungmin’s is very suggestive 
Summary: He wasn’t able to go out with you that night, but good thing because when you get home, it’s up to him to take care of you. 
A/N: Based on this request by anon! Honestly blown away from all the love I received on my first ot8 post like I love and appreciate you all so muchhh 🤍🤍
Bang Chan: {word count: 0.8k}
Chan was stuck in the studio with 3racha, and he couldn’t come out with you tonight. He felt disappointed and slightly guilty that he couldn’t be there to have fun with you, but he knew you understood how important his work was to him. He was so close, mere hours of work away from finally completing and perfecting the songs that would go on the next Stray Kids album, so he promised that he would take you out as soon as he got the chance. He was relieved when you accepted the offer and continued working hard to get the songs arranged, trying not to think too much about the photos you had sent him of your outfit for the club with your friends. 
Chan hadn’t been home for very long when you finally came home, in fact, he only had time to wash up and settle on the couch. The second his ears perked up from the sounds coming from the door, he was lifting himself from the space he just became comfortable with to come and greet you. He felt like an excited puppy waiting at the door for his favorite human to finally come home, and he wore the widest grin as you stepped into the apartment. Your hair was sticking up in places, your makeup smudged, and your appearance disheveled from your night at the club, but he still believed you looked as beautiful as you did when you sent him those pictures at the beginning of the night. 
“Channie, I had so much fun tonight!” Even after hours of dancing at the club, you were still so energized, and he couldn’t find it anything but adorable. 
“Oh yeah? Tell me all about it.” He said while planting a kiss on your cheek as you launched into a recounting of your night. The smile that grew on your face once his lips pressed against his skin caused his heart to swell. You stumbled taking your shoes off at the entrance and even almost fell over, but Chan was quick to wrap an arm around your waist to steady you. 
Through all of this, you never slowed down in filling in Chan on all the details of your night. He never removed his arm that seemed to just fit perfectly around your waist, and instead he gently guided you into the kitchen. He tried not to giggle from how you slightly slurred some of your words or swayed in his hold a little, but he couldn’t stop the grin that made his eyes crinkle at the edges. You didn’t question why he had led you into the kitchen, nor did you question him handing you a cup of water because you were getting to one of the most exciting parts of the night. 
Chan leaned his elbow on the counter and admired the way that you over-explained everything animatedly with your eyes sparkling, your smile that his kiss caused never leaving, and your energetic hand gestures to emphasize all of your points. He knew he was lovesick as he couldn’t take his eyes off of you, and he was drinking in the sound of your voice. He was so wrapped up in your presence and immersed in your story that he almost didn't notice that you had yet to actually drink the cup of water he gave you minutes ago. He suppressed a giggle again when he realized that you didn’t even notice the cup still in your hand either. 
“Breath, baby.” He had to interrupt your train of thought for a moment to bring your attention to the water, and he felt laughter bubbling up in his chest from your sudden halt in speech and wide blinking eyes. 
He watched as a blush bloomed across your cheeks, “oh, I’m sorry… Am I talking too much?” Chan was quick to pick up on your change in demeanor, and he could see you shrink into yourself. 
“No no no, it’s so adorable,” he spluttered as he rushed to reassure you that he didn’t mean it in that way, and he was mentally kicking himself for touching on an insecurity. “I love when you get excited to tell me stuff like this. I want you too, but I also want you to drink some water.”  He believed he could listen to you talk all day even if what you said was nothing of real importance because your voice alone lifted the weight of the world off his shoulders. 
He instantly relaxed once he saw a small smile return to your face, and you happily nodded before drinking your water. Once you finished the glass and set it back into the sink, you were ready to launch back into your story, and Chan was ready to listen to it all. He continued getting you ready for bed, helping you into your pajamas to which you mindlessly let him while talking, and every time you laughed at your own words, Chan’s heart melted. When you were wrapped up in bed together, Chan buried his face in your neck and soothingly rubbed your back as you finished everything you had to tell him. 
Lee Know: {word count: 0.9k}
Minho had really wanted to go out dancing with you tonight, but unfortunately, he was stuck dancing at his job. He had to stay late with the rest of danceracha to finalize the choreography for the upcoming title track of their comeback, and he channeled his frustration into powerful moves. Even though he was stuck at work, he wanted you to still enjoy your night, so he suggested you go out with your close friends. Thinking about how your body moved around the dance floor, you allowing him to move your body around the dance floor, assisted in the creation and arrangement of his routine. 
When he made it back to the apartment that night, his body was still revved up and tingling from the adrenaline coursing through him from finally completing the choreography, and he wanted to show you what he had come up with. He could barely sit still as he waited for you to come home, his feet seeming to move on their own as they continued to run through the steps as he showered and even as he was just lounging on the couch. He was mentally still in the practice room with danceracha, but he was anchored back to reality when you entered the apartment. 
“Hi, kitten.” He sat up from the couch to make room for you and watched as you strode across the room and plopped yourself on the space next to him. You let out a huff and were slightly scowling, “did you have fun tonight?” He asked, trying to get a measure of your mood. 
“I had a great time,” you replied sternly, crossing your arms over your chest. Minho furrowed his brows confused and took a deep breath about to respond when it clicked into place. 
He shook his head to himself, his bangs falling over his eyes as he dropped his head, and the corner of his mouth twisted into a smirk when he looked back up at you. Minho knew that you get fired up when you drank, and he was always intrigued to see his level-headed girlfriend challenging everything. “Did you now?” Minho loved taking every opportunity to tease you, seeing it as a love language. 
“Mhm, didn’t miss you at all,” your voice dripped with sarcasm, and Minho accepted your aggressive affection. 
“Missed you too,” Minho stood up and stretched out his aching muscles before holding out a hand to you. You just stared up at him, blinking slowly, showing no interest in taking his hand. Minho shrugged and walked into the kitchen knowing that you were right on his heels anyways. Minho didn’t mind how much you tried to test his patience right now since he had an abundance of it for you. 
Minho had a small victory in his battle of trying to take care of you by getting you to drink water, but the war wasn’t over. You were back to your stubborn ways as he tried to help you into your pajamas, but you were failing miserably, struggling to unzip your dress and having put your shirt on backwards twice. Minho couldn’t stop himself from cooing at you, “aww, is my kitten struggling? Are you finally going to let me help you?” 
You hung your head in defeat and limply lifted your arms to indicate that he could help you, and Minho smiled gently while readjusting your shirt. You wordlessly pulled Minho into bed with you and put his arm across you. He pulled you back against him and lifted himself up on his elbow to gently stroke your arm and kiss your shoulder. When you closed your eyes and let yourself fully relax, Minho was wondering if you were really going to fall asleep without saying anything to him. 
“Are you ignoring me now?” 
“No…” you mumbled, voice dulled due to the pillow. 
“What was that kitten?” 
You frustratedly huffed, “I said nooo.” Your voice was laced with mock irritation, but it cracked at the end coming off more as whiny. 
“You’re cute when you’re pouty,” he punctuated his statement with another kiss to your shoulder. 
“I’m not pouty.” 
“Your bottom lip poking out says otherwise,” he reached over to trace his thumb across it. 
You rolled your eyes and playfully tried to bite his finger, “I hate you.” 
“Oh yeah?” His voice challenged you, and he was slowly inching himself up. 
“Mhm,” you tried to remain firm, but he was creeping up on you like a cat sneaking up on a ball of yarn, preparing to pounce, and he saw the start of a smile crack across your face, spurring him on. 
“You hate me?” 
“I hate you,” despite the harsh phrase, he could hear the affection in your voice, knowing what you really meant. He took his chance, and then he was on top of you, tickling your sides with his knees locked around your hips. You laughed uncontrollably, and his laughter mixed with yours as you tried to push his firm chest away. 
“Okay, okay!” Minho stopped tickling you so you could catch your breath, little giggles still tumbling past his lips as he stared down at you expectantly. “Okay… I don’t hate you.” Those weren’t the words he wanted to hear, so Minho leaned back in as if he was going to attack you with tickles again when you held out your hands in surrender, “I love you! I love you!” 
“I love you too, kitten.” Finally pleased, he returned  to his original position behind you and kissed your shoulder again. 
Changbin: {word count: 0.9k}
Changbin was just as excited for you as you were when you had told him that your old roommate from university had reached out to you wanting to catch up soon. He knew how important this friend had been to you throughout the years in university, but the natural progression of life caused the distance between you two to grow until you were just strangers. He was completely supportive of the idea of your reunion, and he loved seeing how happy you were to potentially rekindle that friendship. That night, he even helped you pick out an outfit that you felt confident in, and he gave you many reassurances that it would go well. 
You had planned to meet her at the bar over some drinks in order to ease the tension, and Changbin decided to wait up for you in case you needed anything. After going to the gym to get a good workout in and coming home to take a shower, you were walking into the apartment at the same time he was walking out of the bedroom. He wore nothing but sweat pants with a towel slung across his shoulder that he used to dry his dark curls still dripping with water. He approached you by the door, and he took your bag for you and helped you out of your coat. 
Once your arms were free, you immediately wrapped them around his neck in a hug, and your cool cheek pressed against his exposed skin caused goosebumps to arise. But your figure was warm against him, and his own arms wrapped themselves securely around you, “Hey, doll.” He craned his neck and kissed the top of your head. 
“Hi bun,” he could tell from your voice alone that you were tired, and he leaned down to see that your eyes were closed as you relaxed in his hold. You were always the type to want to turn in for the night once the alcohol settled in you.
“How was it?” 
“It was good,” your answer was vague and left him wanting more details, but all he needed to see was the soft smile on your face. He decided that he would ask you more about it tomorrow, but for now, he would just help you get into bed. 
“Bun?” you hummed in response, seeming to slip further into sleep with each moment spent in his arms. He didn’t mind, in fact, he preferred to hold you while you slept, just maybe not in the entrance way of your apartment. “Are you tired?” He asked you softly. 
“Nuh uh,” you denied with just sounds again. 
Changbin quietly laughed at your answer, clearly not matching your actions, “are you sure?” 
“Yes, I don’t want to sleep. I want to spend time with my bun.”
Changbin felt a different type of warmth apart from your body heat spilling from his heart and spreading across his chest. “But doll, you’re practically drooling on my shoulder,” he lightly teased. 
Your eyes shot open, and you hesitantly lifted your head from where it was nestled against him. You lowered your eyes from him and wiped at your mouth with the back of your hand even if you knew he was joking. “Sorry…” you mumbled shyly. 
Changbin giggled at your flusteredness and called you cute before gently tilting your chin up to meet his eyes while still having his other arm hooked around you. “We can still spend time together cuddling in bed, and then tomorrow I’ll take you out to breakfast where we can spend even more time together.” 
You slowly nodded your head in agreement, and Changbin leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. When he pulled away, you had a lazy smile, and you sleepily blinked up at him, “can we get pancakes?” Your last word was spoken through a yawn which you stifled with your hand. “And iced coffee?” You didn’t even bother to open your eyes again after your yawn, and Changbin wished he could wrap you in a blanket and carry you to bed right then. 
“Anything you want my love.” He answered before guiding you further into the apartment to get you ready for bed. He took a pit stop in the kitchen to get you to drink some water, wanting to make sure that you were hydrated after your night of drinking, and then continued on to the bedroom. He worked as quickly as possible maneuvering your clothing off to replace with cozy pajamas, but he still made sure to be gentle while handling you. 
You weren’t much help, only assisting by raising limp limbs when asked, and Changbin noticed you growing more tired with each moment that passed. He pulled the covers back and helped you climb into bed before happily slipping in behind you and pulling you close. He felt completely at peace as you turned to face him and snuggled up to him, and he felt his own eyes grow heavy with sleep. A comforting silence filled the room, and Changbin was sure you had finally fallen asleep until your slurred speech broke it. 
“Bun, I think I forgot my phone at the bar…” 
“Don’t worry, I put it on charge on your bedside table.” 
“Oh, thank goodness,” you relaxed back against him before another thought hit you. “I can’t remember if I locked the door…” 
“I locked it behind you when you came in.” 
You sighed in relief, “okay good.” Changbin thought everything was settled, but you spoke up softer this time, “Binnie?” 
“Yes, baby?” 
“I think I forgot something else…” 
“And what’s that?” 
“I love you.” 
Changbin felt the corners of his mouth curl up in a warm smile, “I love you too. Now please get some sleep, bun.” 
Hyunjin: {word count: 0.8k}
Hyunjin wasn’t fond of crowds, he got anxious at loud noises, and he was uncomfortable around strangers. However, he still made an effort for you because he knew how much you craved going out to new places and trying new things, and with you, everything was less overwhelming. Tonight was one of those nights where Hyunjin needed to stay home in the comfort of your apartment surrounded by the familiarity of your shared space, but he encouraged you to still go to the opening of the new brewery downtown with your friends. After a burdening day of filmings, dance practices, and nonstop meetings in between, Hyunjin needed to destress by losing himself in his artwork. 
After spending some time catching up about your days and helping you get ready, you left him with a kiss on his lips, and Hyunjin sat himself down in front of the blank watercolor paper. He had decided on an oil painting, and as soon as he picked up his pencil to sketch, he was struck with inspiration. He was able to forget about his taxing day, and he let his mind be filled with the smooth strokes of the oil pastels and his emotions being spread on the paper. When the afternoon sun stopped offering light through the window, Hyunjin lit a candle and turned on a lamp, continuing with his work. 
Hyunjin was unaware of what time it was or how much of it had passed, but that didn’t matter when he was this close to finishing his painting. He only had a few more touches left when a pair of arms wrapping around him caused him to jump in his seat. He yelped in surprise and whipped around to see you giggling at him, “Y/n, you scared the shit out of me.” He had one hand covering his mouth with an oil pastel between his fingers and the other was dramatically clutching his chest. 
You walked over and perched in his lap still trying to stop from giggling, “scaredy cat.” You gently pulled his hand away from his mouth, “love, there’s oil pastel on your cheek.” You cupped his cheek and tried to wipe it away with your thumb but only smeared the lavender color across his cheek more. 
He sighed and reached for a wipe to clean his face, “well, some maniac decided to sneak up on me and tried to give me a heart attack. “ 
You just giggled again, and Hyunjin felt the corners of his mouth turn up at the sound, “It’s me, I’m the maniac.” You said proudly before adding, “It’s called a hug not a heart attack.” 
He just shook his head trying to contain his smile while lightly squeezing your hips, “how was your night, love?”
“Oh, it was so nice. That brewery is so nice. It just had a nice vibe. The drinks were nice too. I had a few of those and then some nice conversation with my friends.” 
“Glad to hear it was so nice,” Hyunjin teased, now knowing the answer to your bubbly mood. 
“Mhm, how was your night?”
“I guess you could say it was nice too. I’ve just been working on my oil painting.” 
You perked up in your spot in his lap and were wearing an eager expression, “can I see, please Jinnie?” 
“It’s right here,” Hyunjin gestured to the desk right in front of you where the paper was laid. 
“Oh my god, these flowers are beautiful.” 
Hyunjin sat back with a thoughtful expression and watched as you admired his work, scrutinizing it himself, “they reminded me of you.” 
Your already flushed cheeks turned a shade pink brighter, “oh they’re absolutely magnificent. This is a complete masterpiece, Hyunjin. You’re talent personified.” 
“Thank you, love…” Now Hyunjin’s cheeks matched yours with his own blush, and he cleared his throat, hoping you didn’t notice the way he was shyly avoiding your gaze. “How about we get ready for bed?” 
“Of course, I’m so ready for bed.” You hopped out of his lap and tried to help him up too, but almost lost both of your balances in the process. With some breathy laughter after your near clumsy accident, Hyunjin guided you over to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“Here, I’ll help you get into some pajamas.” Hyunjin said while pulling out a pair that you often wore from your dresser. 
“Yes, please.” You beamed up at him, and Hyunjin could feel his heart picking up in pace. He tried to ignore the effect you had on him as he helped you get ready for bed. 
Hyunjin made sure to get you to drink some water before you snuggled up in bed and pulled him in with you. He happily rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around your waist while you played with his hair. “This bed is so warm and perfect. I’m so happy right now that I’m here with you. Did you know that you’re the love of my life? Like I want to spend forever with you?” 
Hyunjin knew that your overly affectionate ramblings were just the effect that alcohol had on you, but he also knew that didn’t make it any less true for you. And he had to agree with every statement you made, “did you know I feel the same way?” 
Han: {word count: 0.8k}
Han’s lyric writing process, or lack of lyric writing process, had come back to bite him in the ass tonight since he had a deadline due at midnight with nothing to turn in. He claimed that pressure was what helped draw out his most poetic side, but everyone knew he was just a little forgetful. He was unapologetic about his work habit until Chan had to remind him that he needed his verses completed in order to stay on schedule on the night that he had already made plans with you and your shared friend group. Han was flooded with guilt, and he immediately started to think of ideas to make it up to you. 
You reassured him that you weren’t upset, but you still flaunted the fact that you were going to have so much fun with your friends, effectively teasing Han who was getting ready for a long night at the studio. He could only wish that he had remembered to write his lyrics early and pout to himself. You weren’t cruel though, so you kissed Han’s pout away which made him feel slightly better. But sure enough, when Han got to the studio, the pressure of the deadline caused everything he wanted to convey in his music pour into his lyrics. 
When he finally made it home that night, it was well past midnight, and he was expecting you home at any moment. He was in the kitchen digging for a late night snack when you came through the door. He stopped and stared at you like a deer caught in headlights, having startled him. You didn’t say anything as you gave him a sad look, and made your way towards him with slow heavy steps. 
You wrapped your arms around him and buried yourself in his hoodie. “Y/n? Babe? Are you okay?” Jisung held you with care while stroking the top of your head. You looked up at him with wide eyes and an exaggerated pout. 
“I missed you, Ji.” He gave you a sympathetic look. You must’ve been drinking tonight because you always turned into his sentimental baby after. 
“I missed you too,” he kissed the top of your head and temporarily cured you of your pout. You were in need of some coddling and reassurance, and Jisung was happy to provide you with that. “I hope you still had some fun tonight.” 
“Oh, it was fun. We have such great friends.” You said, and Han couldn’t stop from thinking how cute you looked with your cheek squished against him. “Did you get your lyrics done?” 
“You know it, babe.” He winked and earned a rewarding giggle from you which caused his own wide smile to form. “Do you want some water?” 
You nodded your head but still clung to him as he grabbed a cup from the drying rack and filled it for you. You finally let him go when he offered you the cup, and you took it from him, spilling a little on your top. You looked down at the wet stop before looking back up at him with wide eyes and another pout. 
“It’s okay, baby. Just a little water.” He found a clean dish towel and dabbed at the spot just to make you happy before you drank your glass of water. “Want to get ready for bed?” You nodded again, Han pulled you into his side as you made your way to the bedroom together. 
He helped you change into your pajamas, and you were about to climb into bed together when Han noticed your drooping shoulders as you hung your head, staring down at your feet from where you sat on your side of the bed. He frowned and kneeled down in front of you, “what’s wrong, baby?” 
“My socks don’t match…” your voice slightly cracked, and Han could see your lip quiver as you spoke. He took your hands in his and softly rubbed the backs of them with his thumbs. 
“But baby, now you get to wear your two favorite pairs at the same time,” Han said while giving you an encouraging smile. He would just change your socks to make you happy, but most of your pairs were mismatched due to them being eaten by the laundry. He watched as your expression changed from sad to calm once again, and he pulled the covers over you as you climbed into bed. He slipped into bed beside you, and you immediately cuddled up next to him. 
He leaned in to kiss your forehead, relishing in the feeling of you in his arms and him in yours when you started sniffling. He looked down to see you quickly wiping away a few tears, “baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He caressed the side of your face that wasn’t resting on his chest and wiped your tears away as they fell. 
“I just love you so much…” you sniffed, trying to stop from crying. 
Han couldn’t help softly giggling that your love for him was what finally caused you to shed tears, but he continued to wipe them away for you. “I love you too. So much.” He gently pulled you up closer to him and tucked your hair behind your ears before leaving kisses on your tear-stained cheeks until you were warmly smiling again. 
Felix: {word count: 0.8k}
Felix had really wanted to go out with you tonight, but all the members agreed to stay late tonight at dance practice to make sure everyone was on the same page with learning the choreography of the new title track. He was more disappointed than you were, sending you loads of I’m sorry’s followed by crying emojis, and he was only slightly consoled by your promise of going out together again as soon as possible. Felix still wanted you to have some fun, saying that you deserved this night out, so you went through with your plans with some friends. He asked that you would let him know if you needed anything and told you to have fun before getting in a headspace for the long night ahead. 
Luckily, the members were able to learn the steps together quickly through danceracha’s teaching, and everyone was able to be dismissed around midnight. Felix was looking forward to at least being able to see you tonight, and he carried this thought with him as he washed up and completed his skin care routine. He was just about to check up on you when he heard the door open and close, and when he left the bedroom to find you, you were at the sink, slowly drinking a glass of water. Peace washed over him now that you were home, and he made his way over to wrap his arms around you. 
“Hi, angel,” he greeted you, hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“Hi, Lix,” you reached up and mused his blonde hair a little, and he closed his eyes happily at the feeling, his cheeks squishing up as he smiled. 
“How was your night?” Felix could tell that you’d been drinking from your breath smelling faintly fruity with hints of liquor. No one would even be able to tell the effects that alcohol had on you, but Felix could pick up on your slightest changes from your regular behavior. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m all good, Lix.” You said with your fingers still tangled in his hair. 
Felix finally lifted himself from his comfortable spot on your shoulder and spun you around to be able to look into your eyes that he adored so much. “Did you eat something? Want me to make you anything?” 
His hands were placed on your hips as you leaned back against the sink, “yes, I did. I don’t need anything, Lixie. Just you.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he felt a bright smile light up his face. 
“Well then, why don’t we just get ready for bed and cuddle?” 
“Cuddle? Mmm, sounds perfect.” You answered, and Felix took your hand in his to lead you into the bedroom. You insisted that you didn’t need any help getting into your pajamas, but Felix couldn’t help it when he saw you struggling out of your clothes. Once he saw you looking so cute and cozy in your pajamas, he engulfed you in another hug. 
“Are you comfortable?” He asked, still holding you close. 
“Yes, Lix. Thank you,” you said softly before planting a kiss on his cheek which caused him to squeeze you a little tighter. He let you go only for a moment to go into the bathroom in search of your makeup remover, knowing you would hate falling asleep without a clean face. He came back to find you already laying back against the pillows and when he sat beside you, you moved to lay your head in his lap. He smiled down gently at you while stroking your hair. 
“How are you feeling, angel?” He asked you, keeping his voice low and soothing. 
“I’m good. Just a little tired.” You said with your eyes closed and yawned softly. He tucked your hair behind your ear and debated if he should just let you sleep in his lap since you looked so comfy. He couldn’t help his constant checking up on you, even if you reassured him that everything was fine. He just needed to make sure that you were taken care of, especially on nights like these. 
“Can you sit up for me? I’m going to take your makeup off for you.” You breathed deeply before sitting up like he asked, and you started to reach for the cotton pad in his hand. 
“It’s okay. I can do it, Lixie.” 
“No, I got it. Just relax, angel.” He kissed your cheek, and your hand fell back to your side. He took his time in wiping away your makeup, making sure to be extra gentle as he worked. When he was done and you finally were in bed together, you were laying on your stomach as Felix soothingly massaged your shoulders. He worked his way down your arms, and he left kisses over every inch of skin he could, feeling you relax further with each touch. 
He worked away at all your tension, and he showered you with as much love as he could. He figured his work was done when you started to softly snore, and he laughed softly, admiring your peaceful features before laying down beside you. He pulled you close to him, always wanting to feel you in his hold, and he slipped to sleep beside you. 
Seungmin: {word count: 0.8k}
You had been invited to hang out with your friends tonight at one of their places. You had asked Seungmin if he wanted to come along, but he didn’t mind giving you time to hang out with just your friends. You promised that you wouldn’t be gone long, but he once again told you not to worry about that. You deserved this time with your friends that was so hard to come by these days, and he would be waiting for you when you got back. 
Seungmin decided to use this time to order in his favorite food and catch up on that show he’d been meaning to watch for the longest time. He indulged himself in some popcorn that he wasn’t able to eat while he had his braces, and he allowed himself to get invested in the characters and plot lines of the show. He hadn’t even realized how late it had gotten when he kept playing episode after episode getting more and more absorbed with each cliffhanger. The main couple had finally shared their first kiss, and Seungmin was celebrating to himself on the couch when you came home. 
He immediately settled back down and cleared his throat, hoping you hadn’t seen his giddiness at the kiss scene as you joined him on the couch, “you’re home already?” 
“Bubs, it’s past midnight. When did you think I’d be getting home?” 
“It’s not midnight. It’s only…” he paused to pull his phone out of his back pocket to check, “…oh. Well, how was it?” 
“Oh, it was good. We had fun…” you trailed off, not looking at him but focused on tracing shapes on his arm while leaning in closer to him. When your eyes finally flickered back up to him, he noticed the way your cheeks were flushed and your eyes were slightly glassy, telling him you had done a little drinking. You slowly blinked up at him with round eyes with a slight pout, and Seungmin knew what that look meant, the drunk rendition of it at least. 
“What are you doing?” He asked you anyway with a teasing smirk. 
You slowly blinked a few more times, posing innocence, “nothing.” 
“Well, I can’t help you tonight, bubs.” His smirk continued to grow into a full smile at how your eyebrows upturned pleadingly. 
If it wasn’t obvious from the look on your face, then your voice gave away your desperation. “B-but I need you, Seungmin.” You fingers stopped tracing his arm to clutch a little at the sleeve of his white t-shirt with both hands. Seungmin gently removed them and slid his into yours to lace your fingers together before kissing your nose. 
“I’m right here, bubs.” He was enjoying how much you wanted him just a bit, and he wasn’t himself if he didn’t use this opportunity to poke a little fun at you. 
“You know what I mean.” You huffed frustrated, and your lip poked out a bit further. 
“Maybe, but it’s not happening. Sorry, I prefer my bubs sober.” 
“What if I don’t want you after tonight?” Seungmin could feel you trying to pull your hands free, but he held on to them, not wanting to let go just yet. 
You gave up and just let him continue holding your hands, “as if you can resist my charms bubs.” He said, slightly laughing with an open mouth as you sulked further. 
He finally released you in order to go to the kitchen to fix you a cup of water. He seemed focused on his task, but he didn’t miss the way your eyes were trained on him and you kept shifting your weight from side to side. “Are you really getting hot over me fixing you water?” He tilted his head to the side as he handed you the cup, bangs shifting to the side. 
“Yes,” you muttered shamelessly while drinking the water, and he could see the blush creeping up on your cheeks, the smirk returning to his face. 
When he helped you change into your pajamas later, you were trying your best to keep your hands to yourself. You resorted back to giving him the look which caused him to laugh and shake his head as he continued to help you. You squirmed at every brush of his skin against yours even though they were the most innocent touches to replace your clothes with pajamas. 
When you climbed into bed together, Seungmin pulled you close to him like always, and you hooked a leg over him, pulling your bodies flush against each other. “Bubs?” He questioned you, but his tone was amused. 
“I already told you what I want,” you sighed melodramatically. 
“I guess I’m going to have to teach my bubs how to be patient later,” your faces were now inches apart as he said this lowly just to get under your skin, succeeding when you bit your lip. 
He grinned wickedly, “would it help if I slept on the couch?” He asked, starting to slip out of your hold. 
“No, no! I’ll be good, I promise,” you said, tugging him back to you. “Just want you close, okay?” Seungmin broke out in a genuine smile at your request and kissed your cheek, both of you falling asleep in each other’s arms. 
I.N: {word count: 0.8k}
Jeongin wasn’t a very social person, so your dates often occurred at home which was more than fine with you considering it gave you both the chance to relax and enjoy each other’s company. If you did go out, Jeongin preferred a more peaceful environment like the park or going hiking, but sometimes you did have the urge to join the nightlife. You always appreciated when he made the effort for you to put himself out there, but you also understood when he just wasn’t in that mentality. Tonight just happened to be one of those nights some of your friends had invited you two out, but Jeongin couldn’t bring himself to do it. 
He was tired and worn out from filming the dance practice all day, and what he really needed was a good gaming session to let off some steam. He spent the little time with you he got before you left to hang out with your friends, and he hopped on a game on his computer. When he got online, he saw that Felix had the same idea, so he joined a game with him and invited Seungmin too. He played game after game with the boys, and with his headset on, he didn’t even realize you had come home. 
That was until you appeared at his side, “y/n?” Jeongin called out to you, lowering his headset. You didn’t say anything to him as you climbed into his lap and clung to him like a koala with your head resting over his shoulder. “Hey guys, y/n just got home, so I got to go.” 
He ignored Seungmin’s protest that they were in the middle of the game and told them bye before turning everything off. His arms wrapped around you and soothingly stroked your back as he talked to you, “hey, honey,” he spoke softly in your ear. “How was your night?” 
“It was good- wait, did you just turn off your game?” You leaned back to look at him, confused. He looked back at you confused, and his hands dropped to hold on to your hips. 
“Yeah, you’re here now. I wanted to give you attention.” He resumed stroking soothing circles where his thumbs slipped under your shirt. 
“But I wanna play.” 
“I want to game with you.” It wasn’t unusual that you would ask to play with him, but he knew that on the occasions you did get to go out, you liked to have a few drinks. Once he took in your appearance, he could tell this time was no different. 
“Mm, but I think it’s bedtime.”  
“Just one round.” 
“What? Are you scared that I’d beat you?” 
He smiled at your eagerness, revealing both his dimples while scoffing, “I’m sorry, but you can’t beat me sober. It wouldn’t even be fair to go against me right now.” He wasn’t even sure what game you were talking about, but he thought it was cute how you were challenging him. 
“Not true! How about we make a bet?” 
Jeongin knew that he wasn’t going to take the bet, but his curiosity was piqued to hear what the stakes were. So he tipped his head to the side and quirked a questioning eyebrow. “If I win, you have to sing trot for me.” A few laughs tumbled past his lips as he tried to hold them back. 
“And if I win?” 
“Um…” you looked panicked for a second as if you hadn’t even thought about what you’d have to put on the line, and Jeongin laughed a little more, “…I’ll wear coordinating couple outfits with you…” Jeongin’s eyes sparkled at the thought, and he was already planning out what you could wear in his head. You thought the couples outfits were cheesy, so Jeongin didn’t get to do it with you as much as he’d like. He loved it, seeing it as another way to show you off to everyone that you were his. He’d deny it, but he also loved taking cute couple ootds with you too. 
“Oh, you better remember this conversation tomorrow because you’re so on then.” 
“I’ll raise the stakes even more if we game tonight.” Just as before, he was tempted to what you had in mind, but instead of playing into it anymore, he just hooked his hands under your thighs and stood up from his chair, wrapping your legs around him. He wordlessly carried you into the kitchen and sat you down on the counter before making you a cup of water and giving it to you. You sadly stared into your cup before asking, “do you not like to game with me or something?” 
Jeongin reassuringly smiled at you and tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, “are you kidding me? My two favorite things at once? That’s literally my ideal situation.” 
He watched as your sad expression transformed at his words and put a small pretty smile on your face. “Okay, then let’s game tomorrow.” Jeongin leaned in to give you a kiss on your cheek. You yawned softly before giving in and agreeing to let Jeongin help you get ready for bed. 
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subhumanselflover · 4 months
hello mar I would like to request a Testament x reader oneshot where the two cuddle on the couch please.
note: hello, coming right up anon! i can very much channel testament into my writing today bc i had a tea party today (well. yesterday as i prepare to actually post this), ehehe :3 also i'm throwing references to testament having a job in this one bc i think it's so funny that they're canonly a construction worker. okay anyway please enjoy!
Testament x Reader, Cuddle-bug.
If there was anything on Testament's mind throughout their day today, it was you. All through their work day, they found themself humming a song that you had showed them a while ago. When you told them that the song had reminded you of them, they fell in love with the rhythm almost as fast as they had fallen in love with you. All they wanted to do was curl up with you in their arms.
So, when the time came that they were able to leave work and come home to you, they quickly made their way to your residence. You had the day off, so you spent a good bit of the day cleaning your space, which left you a tad tired. Keys jingled outside the door, and the sound of the door opening alerted you to Testament's arrival.
As they came to find you, you were swiftly greeted with a gentle embrace and a quick peck on the lips. "Darling of mine, I missed you so." The greeting was so dramatic that it would have sounded insincere from anyone else, but in that loving tone, they truly meant it. You couldn't help but giggle, nonetheless. They had already placed their bags down and slipped their shoes off, and in one of the bags, they had brought home takeout for you both. With knowing that you planned on busying yourself today, they knew that you wouldn't quite feel like cooking tonight, and frankly, neither did they.
"I shall be right back, my dear. Oh, dinner's on the kitchen counter, feel free to eat without me if I take too long," They stated before shuffling off to the bathroom to go take a post-work shower and change into comfortable clothes. You kept yourself occupied as you awaited their return, listening to the flow of water, and the muffled music that they listened to while they showered.
Coming back to the living room in a much more comfortable, yet still elegant-looking outfit, they were surprised to see you hadn't eaten yet. "Dearest, you didn't have to wait for me," They almost seemed to pout as they said this, and it was a little cute to you. A piece of evidence that someone who was once so cold had become so warm. You shrugged, and supposed aloud that you were fine to wait, as long as it was for them.
You ate at the kitchen table, chatting, sharing a meal, taking pieces of each other's meals of choice, talking about each other's days. It was domestic, comfortable..
And now that you both found yourselves comfortably full, you were curled up on the couch together. It had been their turn to pick a movie to watch, so here you were, criticizing a B-movie together. But as the movie's mediocrity proved itself, they wanted to pay more attention to you. The two of you had already been curled up together, with you sitting on Testament's lap, held gently in their arms, their nails tapping against your skin every so often.
Shifting themselves carefully, they pulled you closer, their carefully toned arms wrapped around your waist. Warmth radiated between the two of you, as the movie you were watching slowly turned into a droning sort of background noise. Their was an undeniable calm in this moment, a comfortable silence taking over between you two. There were no words, but there didn’t need to be.
Holding you close to them, Testament moved a hand to run their fingers through your hair, lightly scratching over your scalp. Stopping for a moment, they cupped your face and held it. With not much of a choice, you looked at them, making a curious noise, wondering what this was for.
“You are so, so very precious to me. I love you,” Their tone was laced with genuine affection as they held your face. Leaning in, they gave you a loving little kiss, then patted the side of your face, before pulling you to their chest. You couldn’t help but feel lucky as you shared their warmth, and shared this space with them.
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1d1195 · 1 year
This is an extra for Tuesday
It is all fluff (and maybe like some 18+ topics mentioned but not really described all that much) This anon was just asking about them as I was writing so I feel like it was fate that I posted about them next :) @fairytale07 sent me a beautiful long message about how much they'd like to see what happens next after their little front yard confession. @pumpkinspiceswift also inquired about an update at one point as well. So I hope all of you enjoy!
This is one of my favorites I’ve written, honestly. It's also one of my most popular works. I wanted to add more but I figured I could do another extra later on <3 It's a quick little check in that immediately follows the end of the original part. Just over 1.8K words.
(There's a flashback in the middle in italics.)
He loved her immediately. He loved her wholly. Completely. Harry was entranced. Simply put.
Because it really was love. She loved him. Actively. Maybe she never even stopped loving him. But she loved him with everything in her.
Harry wrapped his arms around her tightly. He couldn’t stop the chuckle that vibrated through him as he gently swayed the sweet girl as she clung to him. “Y’okay, love?” He asked.
She nodded against him silently. Gently, he kissed the side of her head, happy to have her in his arms. “D’you want to go inside?” He started to pull away, but her arms squeezed around him tighter.
“I don’t want to let go,” she admitted.
Harry felt a tug in his heart. God, she was lovely. Even after all this time. He chuckled. “I’ll grab y’right back once we’re inside,” he promised.
“Embarrassed for your neighbors to see me?” She asked.
He rolled his eyes, pinching her sides lightly to tickle her. “No, y’goose,” he muttered. “Jus’ don’t want t’subject them to the hot make out session m’about t’throw myself into,” he brushed his lips against her temple.
She released a nervous giggle. “Oh?”
“Only if y’want of course,” he said rubbing one of his hands up and down her spine while the other cupped the back of her head. As much as he loved holding her like this, he wanted to see her beautiful face and kiss her until his lips went numb. Her whole body had a reaction to his statement. His kind request, his promise of nothing more if she didn’t want it. It made her legs feel like jelly. Her heart reduced to a puddle.
“Oh, I very much want,” she nodded assuredly against him.
Harry propped his head up with one hand while the other slowly brushed her hair behind her ear. “Y’okay?” He asked as she sighed while running her index finger outlining the butterfly on his abdomen.
“I haven’t had good sex in a really long time it seems,” she murmured.
He snorted. As he chuckled, he could feel the blood rush to his cheeks at her assessment. He felt shy even after all this time. “Y’always know jus’ how to improve m’self-esteem, kitten.”
“You deserve it after that,” she sighed, smiling at his ribs. She placed a kiss on his chest, and he thought that maybe he would never leave this bed if she was going to be in it. It was as if the time apart didn’t mean anything. He loved her immediately—the second he set eyes on her in the dark coffee shop prepared to protect her with his body as a shield, if necessary, just under a week ago. He loved her wholly. Completely. Harry was entranced. Simply put. Nothing but love for the sweet girl kissing the butterfly on his stomach.
They were quiet for a few moments, just touching one another in post-love bliss. Because it really was love. She loved him. Actively. Maybe she never even stopped loving him. But she loved him with everything in her.
“Angel?” He asked quietly.
“What s’all this mean t’you?”
She paused briefly. “Can we just...wait a few more minutes?” She asked. “I’m nervous to have this conversation and I don’t think I’ve had an orgasm that good since before we broke up and I don’t want to lose that feeling just yet.”
He chuckled again shaking his head at her and leaned forward to kiss the spot of her hair where he was just brushing his fingers against. “I can give y’another one of those in a few minutes, love,” he sounded very seductive. It made her heart flutter, and she felt her cheeks warm at his voice.
“Think our little talk might ruin it,” she muttered.
He frowned. Did that mean this wasn’t...we’re they not...getting back together? The idea saddened him. But Harry had an arrangement with another woman for nearly the last six months. He wouldn’t love it, but he could have an arrangement with her. He would...well it seemed a bit crazy, but Harry would do anything to have her back. Just seeing her at the coffee shop over the last six days had been enough to refire the passion he felt for her. Sharing a bed with her the other night gave him a sense of calm and he didn’t even know upset. Even just being near her right now was a heaven he didn’t know still existed. “Why’s that?” He had to ask.
She sighed—they were doing this now. It made sense; you didn’t have a hot make out session that turned into leg-numbing sex with your ex of two years after not seeing him for another two years only for him to make sure you were okay while you worked for almost a week without having a serious talk.  Rolling onto her back, Harry scooted closer to her. “Did anything change?” She wondered.
Harry kept his hand on her face. “Like what?”
“Well...we broke up because we were at two different places in our lives.”
Harry shrugged. “Our two separate lives also brought us back together anyway.”
She smiled and Harry couldn’t believe she was real. “Didn’t think of it like that,” she mumbled and kissed his chest. As worried as Harry felt, it was hard to not appease her. He wanted to have this talk as much as she did.
“I would love t’get back together,” he whispered.
She looked up at him from the butterfly that she had been giving so much attention to. It wasn’t that she felt awkward around Harry. Actually, she felt far from it. But his gentle whisper made her swoon and she felt utterly shy. “Yeah?”
He nodded and gazed at her with the kindest smile she had ever had the pleasure of looking at. “Would y’want t’start over?”
She bit her lip and thought for a moment. Harry didn’t feel this nervous the first time he asked her out. Certainly, didn’t feel nervous while he was producing near pornographic moans just fifteen minutes ago. But the pause she gave right now; well, it made him terrified of her response. Maybe this was just sex. Maybe it was just a really wonderful thank you for his protection over the last week.
“Where were you this morning?” She asked instead.
Still nervous he blinked and tilted his head at her curiously at her question. “Mum’s,” he said. “Gemma and I have brunch with her every Sunday.”
Relief sighed through her, and she nodded. “I want nothing more than to be a couple again,” she promised and wiggled closer to his face and pressed her lips over his. Harry chuckled against her mouth causing tingles to flutter through her mouth and brain. “But,” she mumbled. “Could we pick up where we left off in a few spots?”
“Like what? Or where?” He kissed her again.
“Like,” she blushed, her lips attached to his between words and phrases. “Uh...” she said feeling a bit dizzy by his sweet breath and warm mouth.
She was transported to the fifth month of when they originally dated. Her mouth had been itching to say three words to Harry. Back when they were making cookies from scratch for Niall’s mom’s birthday the middle of university break between semesters. She had knelt to get the measuring spoon she dropped on the floor and bumped into Harry’s hand as she returned from the floor, his hand pressing firmly against the corner of the counter.
He didn’t seem to pay any attention to the motion, his eyes scanning the recipe on the back of the chocolate chip bag. “Y’okay?” He had asked turning toward her as she stood straight again, looking at Harry and wondering how this wasn’t an earth-shattering moment for him.
“Hmm?” She asked nervously.
“Bumped your head?” He said kissing her forehead as he paused his reading and then rubbed the back of her head. As if she didn’t injure his hand herself from hitting it against the counter. Or from the fact that he didn’t seem to pay any attention to protecting her.
She nodded mutely.
He smiled sweetly, kissing her gently and then cupping her face. She dropped the spoon again because she could see it on his face—he was going to say it. The chocolate chips spilling onto the counter, a few stray ones falling on the floor as well. Her heart nearly stopped. “I love you,” he said simply.
She felt like she might explode in the middle of the kitchen he shared with Niall. “God, I love you too,” she answered, and Harry laughed this gorgeous, perfect laugh that made all her organs mushy. It wasn’t that she wanted to say it before him, it was just that he deserved so much love because he was Harry.
“Like what, kitten?” He asked, his voice getting muffled by her lips. This was her chance. She could say it first for the second time and give Harry all the love he rightfully deserved. However, he was making it difficult by kissing her so much the air was thinning and making her brain foggy.
There was so much to figure out. How did it change their old relationship? How would it change this new one? She was starting a real job soon. Niall still lived with Harry. They've known each other for so long now. How did it change all of it?
But despite all the questions floating in her mind it really didn't matter to her. None of it. All that mattered was Harry and his beautiful dimples and his kind green eyes.
And the kisses he was distracting her with.
“Like...” she sighed and pressed her hands to his face to stop the kisses that were interrupting the neurons in her brain from behaving properly. He smirked at her as if he knew what he was doing to her—he probably did. She gazed at those perfect green eyes. “Like, I still love you, so much and I don’t want to pretend that I don’t, so we have to go through the whole first I love you again...because I love you. So much,” she told him her cheeks warming with blood in nervousness that maybe he didn’t feel the same way yet. She wouldn’t mind or blame him. It was early obviously. But he was there, and he deserved to know this was her and him and she loved him regardless of if he loved her back. "I don't even care if you say it back, I just need you to know...I love you so much." It had been four years since they first said it and it didn’t seem like she ever truly felt anything but love for him since she first said it. “I don’t know if I ever stopped.”
There wasn’t a second of hesitation from him. As if he had also been transported back to the very same moment she had been thinking about. “God, I love you too.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz
If you like this story, you can find the rest of my writing here: Masterlist
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koishiro · 1 year
Hi, I came across your Megumi x deaf reader a bit ago and I was wondering if you could possibly write a mute!reader ? ^^ like he kinda speaks for the reader sometimes, trying to be helpful and such
=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋 : this is such a cute idea!! Of course i can ♡
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masterlist | jjk masterlist | anon masterlist
You’d catch his eye straight off the bat
He’d see you across the room talking with Nobara and Maki and just stare at you
He wouldn’t exactly try and start up a conversation with you since he’s usually one to brood in the corner of a room but his heart would definitely pick up when you’re near with the slight hope that you’d say something, anything to him
He’d notice how quiet you are, always answering with a simple nod or shake of your head but you always kept a smile on your face nonetheless
He’d eventually realise that he’s never actually heard you before considering he’s surrounded by Nobara and Yuji 25/8 he expected you to match their energy
But then he’d come to the thought that you just might be like him; quiet and kept to yourself which was a plus to him - needing a break from the constant noise and fast pasted life
It would take him so long to realise you were mute TT
He’d actually gravitate towards you because you were so quiet so he was often found stood close to you whether that be directly behind you or practically shoulder-to-shoulder
After a while (and I mean a while) he’d start greeting you in the mornings but he was only ever given a nod in response
This would start to frustrate poor megs, unknowingly turning it into a game of sorts, trying to get just one response from you
This would lead to weeks upon weeks of unrequited conversation
“That was painful”
That is until Maki appears from the shadows after watching this sad and painful scene unfold taking it upon herself to break the news to megs
Of course he’s surprised at first but then it grows into embarrassment,
He must’ve looked like an idiot to you - always trying to make conversation only to be met by silence or a tight smile
This would actually lead to long-term embarrassment, shifting in his seat next to you, rubbing his sweaty palms on his pants when he’s been around for too long, rubbing his face when he doesn’t know what to do around you
He’d be so cute around you though TT as soon as you enter a room he automatically sits up and straightens in his seat
He’d even stop mid-scolding yuji so he doesn’t give off the wrong impression
You’d actually start to become close after he saved you from an embarrassing encounter - one where you tried your best to explain your situation to the other increasingly frustrated person by using hand gestures - this didn’t end well for you
Megs stepped in and spoke for you, explaining your situation before whisking you away to a nearby coffee shop, allowing you time to calm down
Since then he’s always expected to be seen by your side - never one without the other
Like my previous post on him, he’d still have trouble understanding you at times but then you’d show up outside his dorm with a notebook of hand gestures and sign language which brought you both closer after spending so much time with each other
Megs would know you so well that it would start to be creepy to the others;
Everyone could be sat in living room when Nobara asks “hey should we go shopping tomorrow? I heard they have 50% off!” And you’d just tap megumi’s thigh and he’d instantly know what you’re thinking - “Y/n wouldn’t mind, they’ve been needing a new pair of shoes”
Everyone would just stare at him like how’d you know that?
Iy would get to the point that if you were asked to read or explain a certain subject in front of the class, megumi would automatically speak for you without thinking
And you best know he won’t push you to tell him why you’re mute, he knows you’ll tell him when you’re ready
Oh and you better know he’s your assigned partner when you go shopping since he’s the only one you feel comfortable enough with
If you’re at a cafe you’ll point to things you want to order on the menu and he’d order it for you
And megumi would no doubt notice the little things about you -
You’d both be sat next to each other and if you want megs to answer for you, you’d just tap his thigh once signalling a “no” and double tap his thigh to signal “yes”
And now that he knows sign language (or at least the basics) he’d sign at you from across a loud room to check in and make sure you’re okay
He’d actually (and surprisingly) act stupid at times or take insults from the others if it means he gets to hear your laugh :’)
You spend a lot of time listening, paying attention to your surroundings using your hearing more often than not so you’d usually find yourself someplace quiet with megumi
Fun fact: you’d both often be found in various places (i.e, whether that be in class, living room or outside near a pond) leaning on each other with megumi’s arm around you while you’re both either reading separately or reading the same book in content silence
As soon as he realises he’s caught feelings he’d try and act natural which of course was not natural
He’d be so stiff around you, always fidgeting in his spot, or playing with his ear,
You would actually find it quite endearing seeing this usually big grumpy guy shrink in on himself
And we all know megs has trouble with words and even though he knows you can hear, if he has something meaningful to say he’ll say it in sign language 🥹
I feel like he’d do some sneaky shit tho -
Megumi would overthink big time, so I think he’d confess on a whim;
It would be one of those times where you’d be sat across from each other staring at the other in a crowded room with the other student’s energy taking up space and he just randomly points to himself, makes a heart sign with his hand, before pointing at you
‘I like you’
=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋 (2) : I got a little carried away with this one… :)
— 𝘒𝘰𝘪 𝘹𝘰
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rayassecretlife · 2 years
REQUEST: Could we get a sub Lo’ak? The context could be that the reader saw him talking to another girl and got jealous. So you decide to punish him with overstimulation etc.
Guys i literally made a whole thing for this request and it posted on accident…so anon, I hope you see this because it won’t let me reuse the same request💔
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I love you times infinity
Pairing: Aged up!19 year old Lo’ak Sully x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
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Warning(s): Smutttt (MINORS DNI), male receiving, unprotected p in v, begging, praise kink, overstimulation, mature language, Lo’ak and reader are 19!!
Not proof read!!! Sorry for mistakes
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As you sat slack jawed against the large tree, you couldn’t help but watch your mate from afar, watching him and his father practice riding with Tonowari to prepare him for his soon to be rite of passage. You were beyond excited for him, but lately it felt like he didn’t care for your efforts in congratulating him.
You had barely spoken to your mate in days, only seeing him when he comes into your pod to grab something and then when he comes back at night, but he only ever went straight to sleep. Was he getting tired of you? No. Mate’s don’t get tired of each other, right? Your thoughts only ran wilder as you heard a voice peek next to you, calling your name with a whistle.
“Y/N?” You look over at Kiri walking towards you, eyes tracing yours to see what you had been staring at but it only confused her more. “What’s wrong?” You shake it off as she sinks down to sit next to you, hand grasping your wrist in her palm.
“It’s nothing, I promise” she rolls her eyes and let’s go, turning to watch the boy with you. “He’s so happy like that—feeling like a leader” Your toes dig into the sand, head laying back against the tree as she looks back to you. “Can mates leave each other? Like unbond…?” The girl looks at you with a laugh and shakes her head, rubbing her face as it all started to make sense to her.
“That’s what your worried about? Y/N, Lo’ak is in love with you. You are to be Tsahìk not too long from now” She informs but you already know, nodding your head at her words. You still felt your stomach turn, looking over at her.
“He hasn’t been talking to me the past few days, but he’s been with Tsireya every time I see him. He barely gives me a hug when he sees me in public, Kiri. We were great a week ago but now it’s so weird” she frowned at your words but quickly shook her head, debunking your suspicions.
“Have you told him you felt this way?” You shook your head and she stared at you, eyebrows raised at you. “Maybe he’s just busy training. You know how much this means to him-“
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” Kiri’s eyebrows furrowed at your words as she turned her head, tracking down the area you had been looking in. Her eyes widened at the sight but before she could speak you were already a cursing mess. “Is he serious? He doesn’t have time for me but he does for her?”
“Fucking Skxawng” You scoffed before getting up, his eyes catching onto you as you left the beach. Kiri sat there dumbfounded, trying her best to call you back over but you wouldn’t listen—blinded by your jealousy and rage.
That had only been hours ago, spending your time crying and breaking random things in your pod while you waited for him to come home—somewhat hoping he didn’t. You were so beyond angry, trying to fall asleep so you would stop crying. Did he even love you? How could he do this to you? The thoughts swarmed your mind as you lay in your hammock, eyes closed and the sound of the waves under you filling the air. You wondered what the excuse would be this time—but your questions were quickly answered with the familiar voice coming to see you.
“Y/N, Y/N! Tonowari said I’m ready to take my rite of passage!” You heard your mates voice call from the other side of the room, his happy and energetic voice soon declining at the sight of you laying in your shared hammock, pretending you had been sleeping so he wouldn’t speak to you. “Y/N?”
You were still so angry with him. You hated your jealousy problem with a passion but you couldn’t help it, he was your mate. You felt the hammock dip and soon felt his warm body against yours, his hand laying over you to pull your back against his stomach.
“Y/N, wake up, baby—we’ve got to celebrate” he whispers in your ear and in that moment you wanted to scream at him, just push him off the hammock with the anger you had pent up inside you. It wasn’t until you felt the small kisses plant against your shoulder that you spoke up.
“Leave me alone, Lo’ak” you move away from him without explaining, his eyebrows creasing at your words. You sounded mad, so fucking mad. The hammock felt so empty without you against him. He hated it.
“What’s wrong? I’ve missed you” you scoff, shrugging his hand off your shoulder making him frown. He didn’t understand, what could he have done to make you so upset? “Y/N, talk to me” He practically begged as you got up from the hammock, making your way out of your shared pod before he could say anything else.
You didn’t know whether to yell or cry. On one hand you were jealous, but on the other you felt like maybe he didn’t want you as bad as you thought he did, and maybe you weren’t enough. You didn’t want to cry, so you did the next best thing.
You turned around to find the boy standing so tirelessly, his eyes low with plead as he stared at you. You hated when you were mad at him—he needed you happy. Before he could say anything, you pushed him inside your pod once again, leading him all the way to sit on the big loom made chair that sat in the corner of your home.
He looked at you with pure confusion, still waiting to talk to you about what had just happened but you were quick to shut him up, placing your hand over his loincloth to feel what had been under it. “Y/N, tell me what’s wrong-“
“You think she’s prettier then me, don’t you?” his eyebrows furrow even more in confusion then before, eyes almost instantly shutting when he felt your hand close around his cloth covered cock. “Think she’s so fucking beautiful you’d rather speak with her then your own mate”
“Baby—just wait, I—what are you talking about?” He grabs your hand, his free hand cupping your cheek. “Have you been crying?” You scoff, pulling his hand from your face.
“Tell me, what does Tsireya have that I don’t? Is it because she is older? That’s it, isn’t it? She’s older and prettier?” He stared at you like you had a million heads, trying his hardest to find the reason you thought this way. It was hard for him to believe you actually thought someone was prettier then you, because he’d remind you every single day that you were the most beautiful girl on pandora.
Then it clicked, all the events from the past week come clashing down and he feels nothing but guilt. He left you most nights, staying out to train and do whatever he had to do—but he didn’t think you’d be waiting since you knew he was training. He saw the anger in your eyes but his softened, head shaking at your words.
“Y/N, you don’t actually think I like Tsireya, do you?” You shrug your shoulder, index finger dragging across his body; from one shoulder to another. You were angry, you wanted him to feel how you did when he was gone—ignoring your every move. “We need to talk first-“
“Shhh” You shush the boy, placing your hands on his shoulders and squeezing gently. “Calm down, your tense, Lo” you feel his body relax and you gently lean over him, face yearning to his but as soon as your lips brushed, you moved down to his ear. “Move your hand” He hesitantly removes it, watching you with patience as you move to stand up in front of him, pulling your hair down from the tie it had been in before.
You knew what your hair down did to him, you could feel his eyes scanning your body. “You know, last night I had to please myself because you weren’t here” You hum, fingers working to untie his loincloth. “Because you were with her”
“Maybe I need to remind you of your place” you didn’t look at him, only pulling his loincloth from his waist to throw somewhere random across the room. “You wanna make it up to me?” He nods his head almost desperately, watching as you took his length in your small hands. “Then be a good boy and spread your legs” This surprised him, you’d never been the type to act the way you were now, But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it.
He watched as you sunk to your knees in front of him, hand stroking his length against your palm. He was becoming so hard just looking at you, watching how your long hair flowed around everytime you moved your head. Lo’ak was known to cum quickly with you, or at least get very, very close. You knew this would be easy, and that’s why you needed to work extra slow.
“Can she get you like this? This fucking hard? This vulnerable…” You trail off, looking up at your mate’s twisting face. His nails dug into the chairs fabric, head tilting back the slightest. “This is mine. You, are mine, Lo’ak” He lets out a deep sigh and nods his head, eyes shutting with ease as his ears fell back against his head. “Say it”
“It’s yours…” You roll your eyes and sit up, hand wrapping around his neck to bring his face close to your own. He gasped at the sudden action, opening his eyes to look at yours.
“You can do better then that” Shit, you looked so good like this; all angry and jealous under him. He could moan just looking at you. “Do it or I’ll stop”
“I’m yours, Y/N. God, you know I’m yours—only yours” you raise an eyebrow and his ears fall again, “I only want you. I don’t want Tsireya or anyone else” you let go of his neck, sinking back down to your knees with one glance at his cock. You smirked at the sight, the small amounts of pre already seeping through his tip.
“Dripping already? And you talk about me” You laugh, thumb wiping across his light blue tip. “Look at me, Lo’ak” He sighs, finally opening his eyes to you and you smiled, head leaning down toward his length.
“Fuck” He mumbles as you guide your tongue to draw a line up his cock, watching your every move like his life depended on it. His hands moved to your hair but you quickly push them, giving him a scolded face.
“Hands to yourself, this isn’t a reward” really? Cause it sure as hell felt like one. He nods his head and places his hands onto his thighs, your head lowering back down to swirl your tongue around his tip. You felt his legs twitch as a small breath escaped his lips, eyes threatening to shut.
“What the fuck are you doing to me, Y/N” You smirk at his words, your other hand reaching down to take his balls into your palm, his eyes almost instantly rolling back. “Fuck, fuck” Yup. That was his weak spot. He lost it when your tongue swirled a bigger circle against him, fingers digging into his skin trying his hardest not to grab onto you.
“Come on, Sweet boy. Don’t hold those sounds from me” He may have been enjoying himself now, but he wouldn’t be soon. He’d be begging for you in just a few minutes.
“Feels so good, baby. S’good” Your hand starts to stroke his length at a pace, other hand still working at the lower half. He was a moaning mess above you, practically losing himself in your touch. Your tongue was doing it usual motions but you soon retracted it, realizing how close he had been.
“Don’t do it, I didn’t tell you to come” He whimpers and your ears peek at the sweet sound, hand edging him further as you stared up into his vibrant amber eyes. You wanted to teach him a lesson and you were going to—but the sight of him like this made you so wet, yearning for the friction between you two.
You stood to your feet only for a second before straddling his lap on the chair, tugging his hair back so his head would face directly to you. “Put it in” He doesn’t waste a second before he’s lining himself up to your wet cunt, hands going to push you down but you wouldn’t let him. “Hands to yourself now”
“Y/N… I can’t” He whispers as you sink down onto him, both of you letting out a shaky breath. He was barely holding on, waiting for your word to let go. It was pure torture to say the least, he couldn’t even touch you. “S’tight… so fucking tight” your head falls back as you grind against him, hand resting against his chest for support. You were mad at him, but man did you miss this the past few nights.
“That’s it, hold it for me” You praise your desperate mate, a moan slipping from your own throat before you could catch it. You felt his cock nudge your cervix easily, legs trembling against his own at the deep feeling. “She can’t do this to you, can she? Nobody can. Nobody but me”
“I can’t hold it anymore—please… please, Y/N” He opens his eyes to peek at you, gaze falling between the two of you where your hips met his. He truly couldn’t hold it much longer, his cock painfully hard inside of you.
“Louder” He whines at your words and throws his head back as your hips move faster, now chasing your own release. “Good boy, Such a good boy” you praise, feeling the knot in your stomach become terribly noticeable.
“Please, please let me come” He whimpers once again, now begging you over and over with his small grunts and curses. He needs to come, he needs to feel you come. “You know I don’t want her, I only want you—only want to please you”
He mewls as you clench around him, feeling your release just seconds away from bursting. You couldn’t help but moan, nails digging into his chest. “Don’t you dare” You warn him, feeling his cock start to twitch harder then before, your hips continuously rolling against his and he lets out a loud moan soon enough, your cunt squeezing him tight as you let your highs fall.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He cries, hands gripping your thighs out of reflex. You were too caught in your own release to realize, his thick seed painting your gummy walls white like always but once you realized, you pulled his hands from you, continuing to roll your hips against his own in anger. “Y/N—I can’t… fuck, too much!”
You sit up above him, feeling his length fall from your core. He was still hard, only making it easier for you when your hand wrapped around it once again. “I thought I told you no? That was bad, Lo. Coming without permission” You murmur softly, still sitting on his thighs as your free hand pulled his braids.
“I couldn’t hold it! I-“
“I don’t fucking care” You look directly into his eyes, hand stroking his hardening cock faster as you felt his thighs shake. “Your gonna forget her fucking name when I’m done with you—gonna know where home is” He whimpers loudly, ears flickering up and down at the feeling. He was so sensitive, cock coated in his recent release along with the new beads of pre that escaped his tip.
“Please—mmph! Baby, please it’s too much! Too sensitive!” He tries to pry you off but you only push him away, tugging on his braids tighter so he’d release you. It hurt so good, pushing him way past his limits. You couldn’t get enough of it—seeing him like this under you, fully under your control. “Touch me… please just touch somewhere—anywhere!”
“You can take it, Baby. Don’t you wanna be a good boy for me? So sensitive…your gonna come again, aren’t you?” He’s a whimpering mess at your dirty talk, nodding his head desperately. You lean down to him, trailing kisses against his jawline as he continued to beg you, hips bucking at your every stroke. He couldn’t keep still, not when you were this close to him. “Sweet boy, this is what happens when you make me jealous”
“I’m sorry, My love. Shit… I’m so sorry” He manages to choke out from his moans, a smirk appearing across your lips as you watch him in awe. “Please let me come. Please, please…!” You hum, taking his ear lobe between your teeth, gently pulling on it with a chuckle. As fun as it was to watch him suffer, he always got his way with you—even when you were mad.
“Come for me, Pretty boy. Make sure you say my name real loud so she can hear” He lets out a loud moan as your lips attach to the sweet spot under his ear, practically crying out as he felt his release approach fast.
“Need to hold onto you… please” You nod your head as almost as soon as you do, his fingers are digging into your hips, his legs shaking with post release as his next one teased his tip. He was struggling so hard, yearning his body against your own. “Y/N…!”
“Mhm, just like that” With one last stroke, his second release is painting your hand and his chest, spurting out onto the two of you with no certain direction. He was breathless, whimpering against your ear as you released his sensitive cock, letting it fall against his abdomen. “Poor baby, did so good for me” You hold his heavy head in your hands, stroking his cheek with your thumb as his heavy breath started to calm down.
You sat there for about ten minutes in silence, your soft voice in his ear putting him at ease with every word. You couldn’t do anything but comfort the shaking boy, his body completely giving itself to you. He was tired, trying his hardest to stay awake just to listen to your sweet sound. “You ready to lay down?”
You remove yourself from his grasp slowly, going over to the water to wet one of the clean cloth’s that sat in your pod. He watched you tiredly, your eyes soft as you walked back to him.
He jolted up once you touched his abdomen, about to push you away but quickly realizing what you had been doing. “Gotta clean this up. We don’t want anyone knowing what we did here” You smirk to yourself as he sighs and lays back against the chair, letting you wipe his still semi-warm release off his body.
“You are insane” He says breathlessly and you laugh, throwing the cloth away before coming back to take his hand, helping him stand to his feet. “That was fucking insane” You hum, tying his loincloth back around his waist. He took it soon himself to lay down against your hammock before you, holding his arms out to you with a tired smile. “I don’t even know who you are anymore” You giggle at his words, falling onto the hammock to lay down next to him. His body was still radiating with heat, legs also somewhat remaining at their shaky state.
“Should’ve never made me jealous, Skxawng” you cuddle into his arms, head laying in the crook of his neck. He let out a soft chuckle and rubbed the small of your back, placing a kiss atop of your head.
“I don’t know, I kind of like it” You roll your eyes and dismiss him, sighing as you felt him relax into you. “I love you times infinity, Y/N” He intertwined your fingers, kissing your knuckles. His words made your ears perk, a smile spreading across your lips against his neck.
“I love you too, Lo’ak. More then you’ll ever know” With that, you fell asleep in each others arms—not a care in the world about what was to come tomorrow or who he had talked to before. You knew he was yours—and you were his, until the end of time.
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If you enjoyed this, make sure to check out my MASTERLIST 💙
I feel like this sucks but ummmm…. If you want to be added to the tag list for every writing let me know!! The only reason I’m not tagging anyone in this is bc I didn’t know if they just wanted to read the neteyam fics or not. This was a little out of my comfort zone and not proof read so it might be a little out of order 💀.
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targaryen-dynasty · 5 months
Fandom can be overwhelming. And a ton of writers surely can agree that it puts an immense pressure on your shoulders you sometimes struggle to take care of.
And it was like that for me quite some time ago. Back when I started writing, I was a half-baked writer and even less experienced with fandom etiquette in general. I just stumbled into fandoms, not really knowing what it all was about. After posting my first fanfic that was based on a role play storyline a former friend and I had, and seeing how well it did, I got lost in the rush of attention and interaction as well in the people asking for a part two and what not. I am wiser now, and things like that don‘t affect me anymore (honestly), but back then, it led me to resort to shitty things to be able to post stuff as quickly as possible.
And that‘s plagiarism.
Many, many (traumatic) things have happened to me in the years before that, and while that‘s no excuse, knowing it might give an insight of what‘s been going on with me.
Just so you understand, it all has happened more than a year ago, I got called out by the original author and very quickly deleted the few things related to it. I have also not done it again since then, but it has still happened. I have lifted a good bit of that writer’s things of a series I truly enjoyed, yet it didn’t help with my anxiety. But I still received recognition for it and should feel good, right? It felt nice, right? No, no it didn’t.
I refused to say it out loud, because I was ashamed and afraid, and should have known better back then (although there was no way for me to know. I was inexperienced in writing, fandom, and some life things in general). But with all the fandom bullshit going on now, and these informations in the hands of the wrong people, I deem it most fitting to admit it now to free myself of that burden and take back my power. There are screenshots where these people admitted they wanted to call me out based on the apology doc I made to inform them, but couldn’t simply because they didn’t have any access to it anymore, and how they made fun of me for it — while they also called me nasty things. And on top of that, these people went around and told my secret to several people. While I trusted them to keep quiet, they always claimed there would be other people I told that would definitely spill the secret, but these people didn’t. It were them.
I am by now way justifying what I did, I don’t want to do that. But it‘s meant to finally show my responsibility for that mistake. I‘m an adult, yes, but that doesn’t mean I am immune to making them. I am still learning, and with this, I‘ll take a step back from writing for I don’t know how long. Could be a few days, weeks, months or until season two airs.
Thank you for reading, I’m sorry, and lots of love,
Unfollow me, unlike my stuff, stop supporting me: do whatever feels right for you. I don’t blame you. But it‘s been done, and I’m sorry for it. There‘s nothing more I can do to make it better.
I won‘t shut down my anons. So, if you have something to say to me now — feel free to do it.
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Prompt 2 with Cissy please! And girl not boy if possible!
Heyyyy there anon!! Of course, thank you for the request! Hope you Enjoy ♥️
Goddess’s Good Girl ~Daddy!Narcissa Malfoy xFem Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#2. “Be a good girl and tie yourself to the bed posts”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, eating out, Daddy kink, restraints, praise kink, body adoration, Master kink, teasing, bondage kink, etc.
Enjoy (;
You were kneeling on the edge of her bed. Completely nude. Awaiting her command. Your thighs clenched together in anticipation. Your breath had fled you long ago. Your face was flushed with red. You bit your lips anxiously, as you awaited the poised woman’s word.
“Be a good girl and tie yourself to the bed posts” she husked.
Your breath hitched and you nodded vigorously in recognition.
“Yes Master…” you breathed out, scurrying to do the woman’s bidding.
The first tie, you got with ease, but you were struggling with the second one… You huffed in frustration and finally just uttered a spell under you breath, that then bonded your other hand to the other bedpost with ease. You then looked to the end of the bed at Narcissa with anticipation.
The witch began to strip, slowly and tantalizingly. Her dress slipped off and fell to the floor, revealing more of her creamy skin. Next, she unhooked her bra, letting that fall to the ground as well, revealing her perky and swell breasts to your needy, tied up frame. Her pins from her hair were next to go. Pin by pin fell to the ground, letting her hair cascade down to her shoulders. Lastly, she teasingly shimmied her knickers down her long, luscious legs, and proceeded to step out of them.
You squirmed against your restraints, your core super slick and ready for the woman. Narcissa tilted her head to the side and smirked at your powerless figure. She slowly crawled up the bed to meet you, like a predator stalking her prey. Her delicate yet direct fingers spread your legs open wide. Her eyes sparkled wickedly as they met your dripping sex.
“Have you followed Daddy’s instructions…?” She purred inquisitively.
You nodded.
“Yes Daddy. I haven’t touched myself while you were away…” you whimpered.
“You're such a good girl for Daddy.” Narcissa hummed in delight.
Those words alone sent sparks of pleasure to your core. You whimpered desperately at the woman’s praise alone. You desperately tried to stop yourself from bucking your hips up in need. Especially when the witch lowered her head down to your needy cunt. And when her tongue licked a stripe down your pussy…
You fucking lost it…
Your hips jerked up to meet the woman’s tonguing. But her hands were quick to firmly plant themselves on your thighs, her nails digging into your skin while she firmly held your hips down to bed. Her tongue then explored your folds slowly and with much delight. She drew whimpers, and mewls, and moans from your desperate lips. Each sinful sound louder and more leud than the last.
“Your mouth was made to moan underneath my touch…” Narcissa purred wickedly into your fluttering pussy.
And when her tongue entered your aching cunt… Her moves were made slowly and with intent, her tongue sliding into your throbbing pussy and back out again tantalizingly, only for her to repeat the same movement again and again. You were squirming against your restraints so much, you knew they would leave marks. But you didn’t care. No, your mind was only on one thing. Her. Narcissa and her skilled tongue, as it fucked your desperate pussy…
“Your whole body was made to be taken by me…” the woman lustfully husked.
Her words sent shivers up your entire body. From your toes to the points of your ears. Shivers going straight to your core. You were too far gone to actually respond to the woman. And Narcissa knew that. Her chest swelled with pride when she managed to fuck all the coherence out of you. Her tongue unraveling you, leaving you a whimpering, blubbering mess. Each touch of the woman’s sending you closer and closer to the edge.
“You love when Daddy touches you...” Narcissa hummed into your cunt.
All you could do was nod desperately, as her tongue sped up its administrations. You were close. So close. And Cissy knew it. She could feel your clingy walls fluttering pathetically around her tongue more and more. So she brought her thumb up to your clit, beginning to circle your sensitive bundle of nerves teasingly. But this action was enough to send you over the edge… You came, squirting your juices all over the woman’s tongue and screaming her name like a broken record.
“You're a slutty little girl for your Master, aren't you?” Narcissa wickedly cooed, lapping up all your juices, meeting your hooded gaze, and crawling up to connect her cum splattered lips with yours.
Narcissa Malfoy Masterlist
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swanimagines · 8 days
MCU: Imagine getting kidnapped by Thanos, and your boyfriend Peter Parker rescuing you.
requested by anon
Note: nowadays all requests are done straight to asks, this is my old template of posting and I no longer have their asks!
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You had been kept in that little glass box for maybe a week now. You weren’t sure, days had blurred together by now. The first two days, you were screaming for them to let you out, threatening them with Tony, Stephen, Steve and Carol, foolishly hoping their names would scare Thanos into letting you go.
You knew Avengers probably didn't know you had been kidnapped though — you had left for a vacation just before Thanos's henchmen hunted you down, drugged you and next you found yourself in that glass cage. You had quit struggling, trying to escape long ago, you learned the hard way how it was foolish. You should’ve saved your strength, but instead you decided to wrestle against the impossible force. Your fists were bruised, your voice almost gone from screaming for help. The walls were indestructible, and you were no superhero like your boyfriend was. You were just an ordinary student who Peter Parker happened to date.
Thanos never visited you. Why would he? You were a bait, you weren’t worth visiting, or taunting. He knew you wouldn’t be able to tell him anything valuable, so instead his henchmen dropped by once in a while to drop you food and water. They never stayed for any longer than that, never even shot you a smirk. Not that you wanted them to, but it really did emphasise how little they thought of you. You weren’t a person, you were an object of convenience.
You knew that once Peter found out you’re missing, he would stop at nothing to rescue you. And other Avengers would join him in searching you out, of course they would. But you weren’t sure if they’d succeed, or if you even wanted to be found. It was a trap, you knew they knew, but… you couldn’t help but be afraid of them underestimating the trap. What if one of them died rescuing you?
The world needed them. But the world didn’t need you, not in that scale or that way. You’d never be out there stopping the apocalypse. You’d never save even one civilian. Compared to them, you were nothing, even when Peter would argue back. You knew your life was precious and you deserved to live and be saved, it wasn’t that you thought little of yourself like that. But you weren’t a superhero and the world was more unstable than ever. Saving you, knowingly taking the bait, would be a huge risk. Thanos surely knew they’d know, and would attempt to gather everything he could for a battle to overtake them, as they’d basically be served to him.
So, you were conflicted about anyone saving you. You didn’t want to die there, and would do anything to see Peter again, but you knew that saving you would potentially kill him. And that would be something you’d never forgive yourself.
You dreamed of it often. The door of your cell busting open, Peter wrapping his arms around you and telling you everything would be all right. And then waking up, half-expecting to wake up in his arms. Hear him say how worried he was about you, how glad he is to have gotten you back.
You looked at the bruises scattered around your knuckles, gently running your fingers across them. Peter had always told you to trust him and the Avengers, that they’d set the world right and stop Thanos. And you wanted to believe him, still did. But you still felt like you were slowing them down by getting yourself kidnapped. You knew it wasn’t your fault, but you still kind of blamed yourself for it.
Then, a flicker of light made you jolt. Or rather a spark, combined with a crackling noise. You stood up, pressing your hands against the glass. 
More sparks.
And you recognised them, they were coming from that ring Dr. Strange owned, you had briefly seen it get used.
You held your breath without even really noticing it, looking at the sparks as they grew more and more frequent, and suddenly a portal appeared.
You could see Ned on the other side, and once your eyes met, he turned to the side and said something — and then Peter appeared, quickly stepping through the portal.
His mouth moved as he looked at you, but you couldn’t hear him and pointed to your ear while shaking your head. Peter looked back at Ned, who reluctantly stepped into the room as well, and you glanced at the door nervously. Thanos could step in at any minute, or one of his henchmen, and then both of them would be dead.
Ned put his arms up and started circling his hand, Peter impatiently watching at him and you. Then, a portal started forming, somehow making a pitch black hole into the glass. Peter gestured you to hurry through, and you jumped before second-guessing it.
Stone floor, someone pulling you up. 
“Oh my god,” a voice said, making your ears ring after so long of not hearing anything aside from your own voice. But you recognised it — MJ. You let her help you up, stared at her for a moment before lunging for a hug, and she hugged you right back.
Crackling again, and you turned your head to see Peter and Ned standing there, and you couldn’t help but burst into tears as you lunged for Peter, almost toppling him over.
“How did you find me?” you muttered against his shirt, but the next moment you pulled back and shook your head. “Or doesn’t matter, I just… I was sure Thanos would… I mean, I didn’t know if you could save me.”
Peter chuckled. “I promised you, didn’t I? I promised to make the world right, and it wouldn’t be right without you.”
You looked at him, cupping his face into your hands. You brushed your thumbs against his cheeks and took in a shaky breath. “I was sure I would die there. I thought that saving me would put you all in danger, that the risk would–”
Peter shook his head, interrupting you. “No way, everyone knew you needed to be saved, you’re one of us, even if you’re not a superhero. We don’t leave anyone behind, especially not you.”
Ned and MJ had quietly left the room, giving you and Peter some space to talk. You swallowed. “I should have been smarter when… I should have known–”
“Don’t,” Peter interrupted you again. “You wouldn’t have been able to prevent it, Thanos had a plan and he knew exactly how to get you without anyone noticing a thing.”
You nodded, knowing he was right. Even if you had stayed at home all day, you would have likely woken up in that cell. You closed your eyes for a moment, and Peter sighed, tugging at your hand. “C’mon. You should get some sleep, let’s go to my place..”
You nodded, letting him lead you out. And when you exited that warehouse and you saw the sun, you finally realised you were going home again.
Requests are open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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ohbo-ohno · 3 months
this is probably such a strange ask to receive and for that i’m sorry but bo, i really just want to say thank you. i have had a cnc/noncon/dubcon kink for a very long time, but for so long it was a massive festering source of shame and guilt for me. i felt like there was something wrong with me, especially because even though i felt that way i didn’t want to stop reading or fantasizing about it. i followed your blog probably around a year to a year and a half ago, and since then you’ve played a huge part in helping me reconstruct the way i think about it. in your casual posting and your writing and the things about it that you’ve reblogged i’ve come to realize there isn’t anything wrong with me and that not only is this kink common, it’s not shameful and it’s not wrong to have it— fantasy is just that. fantasy. and it’s okay.
this probably doesn’t mean much coming from an anon from tumblr dot com but in a way, your writing and the way you approach cnc outside of writing has truly healed a part of me that i thought would continue to fester for my entire life. it’s not a horrible, shameful thing for me anymore, and i don’t feel like i’m secretly and evil or terrible person. like honestly, your help in un-learning to feel that way about myself in just one area of my life has helped me improve my feelings about myself overall, and maybe this is a bit parasocial but in part i feel like i owe that to you. learning to accept myself wholly is a process that is going to take my whole life, i’m sure, but thanks to you i’m just that little bit closer. thank you.
a study in 2009 found that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, a 2018 study found that two-thirds of women in the study had rape fantasies and half the men surveyed reported having rape fantasies. while twitter and tumblr might try to convince you otherwise, rape fantasies/noncon is nooooot abnormal lmao. it might be uncomfortable to realize you like fantasies like that at first, but you are farrrr from the only person to feel these things and get off on certain scenarios
i actually felt crazy guilty when i first started engaging with noncon erotica or dark romance too. i'd read something and really enjoy it but force myself to give it a negative review because it felt wrong to give a positive review of a book that depicted smth so terrible. i think i changed when i read clown in a cornfield and gave it a high rating lmao - i don't feel guilty giving a good review to a book about highschoolers getting murdered by clowns, why should i feel guilty about giving a good review to a book about a woman getting kidnapped and stockholm syndrome-d? that's silly.
anyways, im so so glad my blog helped you get more comfortable!!!!!! not a single person i know irl knows about this blog (i hope) so for me there's no point in not reblogging the stuff i want to. i like to think the audience i've cultivated here isn't gonna stone me for the exact posts/kinks they followed me for in the first place lmao
anyways, im so glad my blog has helped you out!!! that's actually really really nice to hear, and makes me feel better about the kind of stuff i reblog/post sometimes haha. wishing you all the best babe!!!!
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anony-man · 1 month
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You’re in for a treat, anon! My good friend @siberat and I collaborated on this request, and they’ve produced gorgeous art to go with the story! Their art is at the bottom, and will be updated with a link once the post is up here on tumblr!
Chubformers drabble #86!
Character: Swoop (TFA)
Word count: 950
The comically large egg he now held while huddled in a nest of blankets and twigs felt impossible. It was impossible that after weeks of eating and brooding and sleeping that this was to be the result. And yet…
Primus help him. He was reverting back to his natural roots now, and there seemed to be nothing that could be done about it. Swoop reclined against the sharp barrier of sticks and sat the egg in his lap, his beak curled in a frown.
As he absentmindedly stroked the top of the egg—his egg, Swoop thought, the egg that he had produced—he found his servo drifting towards the soft flab of his belly.
It’d been quite a sight, getting fatter and fatter as the days went by with no real reason why. Swoop didn’t mind the egg so much now, especially not when it meant the massive dome of a belly he’d been stuck carrying had disappeared (or at least reduced some—he still had plenty of pudge to his frame that would be a killer to burn off).
It almost felt unreal, like he’d fallen into a deep recharge and woken with an egg in his lap and a nest for his bed. Swoop could still recall every waking moment that lead up to this though, if only in hazy detail. It was a new experience, having his processor become so easily overridden by natural instincts and a prehistoric drive.
There was nothing that could be done about it, he supposed. It happened, and it was over, and now he was left to deal with the aftermath.
Swoop shuddered at the memories clouding his processor. It’d felt so right in the moment, yet so wrong, but there was nothing that could be done to change it.
The egg was held close against his side, its shell kept warm by the pillows and blankets hoarded in the nest. Swoop held it closer still, a small smile twitching at the corners of his beak as he watched the curved surface melt into the pudge of his belly.
That egg had been inside him not long ago. It was his accomplishment, his egg, his offspring. The signs of his carrying remained, worn on Swoop’s frame in the form of fat thighs, jiggly hips, and a roomy belly. He was the perfect vessel for an egg, really, and he’d done something impressive.
It was just…
The Dinobot clicked his beak and hissed, a lingering feeling of guilt and dissatisfaction poking at the back of his small processor. It was infuriating, this back and forth between worry and pride. He’d done something amazing, after all. What was there to be ashamed of?
The nesting period itself, perhaps. Swoop was sure he must’ve looked rather ridiculous gathering up as much supplies as he could to build the perfect home for himself and his infertile offspring. He could still remember the shame of sneaking up on hoards of sleeping Dinobots, a cool and aloof bot such as him bloated with a belly a staggering on his pedes as he snatched up the nearest unoccupied blankets.
It wasn’t like him. None of this was like him. But he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop it, either.
They wouldn’t miss those, he reasoned with himself. He needed them more, especially now that he had company. If they could see him now, fat and glowing in the aftermath of producing something so perfect… they would understand. They wouldn’t miss the extra blankets and pillows.
Still, he thought nervously, drawing the egg closer to him. Blankets were one thing, but food was another.
It was hard to justify stealing scraps of another bot’s food when he looked like he’d already eaten ten times as much as he could normally stomach. In his defense, he was feeling peckish, and constantly so.
No matter how much he ate, it never seemed to be enough. Before long, Swoop had amassed a frame far too big for flight, and he was forced to sit in his nest and wait until the next bout of hunger pains came along. It was either that or doze off for a few hours, which… well, he did that a lot, too.
Nesting really was a mess when he wasn’t prepared for it, that much he was certain of. Swoop shuddered at the thought, giving his helm a firm shake when the memory of his attempt at a mating dance for some confused bystanders started to creep up.
Even so, it was his first nesting experience. There was bound to have been some unfortunate happenings, especially when he’d been thrown in unprepared.
For not knowing a thing of what was going on inside his own frame, Swoop was sure he’d done a pretty good job at preparing for the worst. The egg had been quite the surprise when it finally came out, but seeing that shiny pink shell had immediately put all thoughts and fears to rest inside his helm.
With a sigh, Swoop nuzzled the egg close and settled down against the pillows. He still had plenty to process, but for right now, the only thing he wanted to do was snuggle with his egg and sleep.
The pillows were perfect against his frame, a soft cushion for aching parts that soothed his processor and relieved him of his worries. Infertile or no, he’d done something incredible. The egg was held close in his arms, warmed by the cozy nest and the heat from Swoop’s fat frame.
He was long overdue for a bit of a rest, the Dinobot decided. Everything else could be figured out when he awoke. For now, it was time to sleep.
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(Art by @siberat! Link to their post: https://www.tumblr.com/siberat/759087338956767232/illustration-for-mr-miss-anonymous-story-my-fav)
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