#I’m just saying lean into RAS
woodland-gremlin · 6 months
“We’re home!” Conner bellows, posing like he just won the Super Bowl, with Tim behind him looking exasperated.
“Welcome home,” Danny says from the kitchen. “I’m just finishing up the Fudge.”
Hearing the word Fudge Conner cheers before running to the kitchen door. “I call licking the spoon!”
Tim freezes before rushing to catch up with Conner. Danny’s Phantom Fudge was legendary and there was no way he was going to give up the right to lick the spoon without a fight. Conner may have super powers and a head start but he didn’t free Bruce from being stuck in the time stream with his boyfriends by just his good looks, though they certainly helped.
He looks around to see what can give him an advantage in his quest for legendary Fudge when he sees something that causes his heart to drop. League of Assassins garb peeking out through the hallways closet.
His mind began to work in overtime trying to figure out what this could mean. While it seems like one of the League’s assassins is for some reason hiding in his closet, that also makes very little sense. If one were here they would never make such a mistake. It could be one of Danny or Conner’s souvenirs that they liberated from the League when the three of them blew up a bunch of their bases. But that doesn’t explain why they would be in one of their apartment closets, they keep that stuff in the Nest with the rest of the stuff connected to their alter-egos. Though Danny does like to bring some of his inventions here to fiddle with sometimes, he usually phases them into things to hide them when he isn’t working on them.
As Tim prepares for a fight while trying to figure out the assassin grab Danny phases his head through the kitchen wall. “Tim want some Fudge?” he asks before looking at what caught Tim’s interest. “Why are you looking at where I tied up the Cultist Fruitloop?”
Tim’s eyes widen before turning to where Danny’s head was poking through the wall. “Ras?!” Tim squeaks. This catches attention from where he was gorging himself with Fudge. “Ra’s here?!” he asks while rushing towards them, getting ready to fight.
Danny phases through the rest of the wall before shrugging like he didn’t just say there was an immortal leader of a cult of assassins tied up in their closet.
“Well, he kind of just showed up and started ranting about how he would make you,” Danny says while gesturing towards Tim, “his, so I knocked him out with the anti-creep stick and tied him up before shoving him in the closet.”
Tim wanted to bang his head against the wall and from the look of it Conner wasn’t that far behind him in that thought. This was Ras for Ancients sake and here Danny was acting like he was some common thug.
“You don’t seem very concerned,” Conner said, stating the obvious.
Danny shrugs again, “Well yeah, I phased his weapons into me and tied him up. Plus the Original Fruitloop does stuff like this all the time. Doesn’t yours do it too?”
And that, that made sense. It wasn’t that Danny wasn’t taking it seriously, it was that he was used to it. They all were. Each of them had some older Creep that was obsessed with them. He had Ras to deal with, Conner had Luthor, and Danny had been dealing with Masters for years. Honestly, if Masters or Luthor showed up and acted like Ras did he would have tied them up and stuffed them in the closet too.
“Just tell us sooner next time,” Tim sighs.
Danny chuckles nervously while rubbing the back of his head., “Yeah, will do. I just kind of forgot since he showed up in the middle of me making the Fudge.”
Conner gasps, leaning against the wall like he had just heard the most sacrilegious of news. “He interrupted the sacred ritual that is the making of Fudge?!?!” Conner then continues with his hand on his heart, “The audacity.”
Danny snorts while Tim facepalms. It’s moments like this that made him wonder why he loves these two idiots.
“Why is he tied up like a pig?” Conner asks after opening the closet, looking at Ras.
“Because he is one,” Danny absentmindedly replied.
And then it was moments like this that he remembers why.
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erwinsvow · 5 months
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really, rafe hadn’t even realized he’d done anything special. 
he was used to having sarah’s litter of friends over at tannyhill, as annoying as it was. after one of them had needed an ambulance and a stomach pumping after too many shots snuck in upstairs in his sister’s room, he was trying to keep a handle on things, keep an eye on the situation. be proactive, be the man of the house, which he was when ward wasn’t there.
he thought he’d heard a bunch of girls scurry out in the morning, but he must have been wrong, because when he’s walking to his truck, he finds you, sitting on the ground next to your bike, blocking his exit.
you look angry, mumbling curses under your breath while you fiddle with something he can’t see—though your bike is tipped over and the wheel looks slightly deflated. 
the first thought in his head is to tell you to move with your bike or he’ll run you both over. but that’s not what the man of the house would say, so instead he gets closer, crouching next to you.
“what’s goin’ on?”
you look up, startled. you were so focused on your broken bike that you hadn’t heard the footsteps of sarah’s older brother, the one she always complains about.
“everyone left for the beach already, i was gonna bike there. i got on and the wheel just gave out and i fell off. i don’t know what’s wrong with the stupid thing.” you’re facing your bike now, looking at the various gears and chains trying to make sense of it. you don’t look back at him but he’s still staring.
rafe doesn’t think he’s met you before, thinks he would have remembered—you were too pretty for him to forget.
he hoists the bike upright, spinning the tire until a gleam of silver comes around.
“nail in the driveway. your, uh, little bike didn’t have a chance.”
“crap. i don’t have the thing with me.”
“the thing?”
“the air pumpy thing. you know, the thing?” you look up at rafe to see his furrowed eyebrows.
“yeah, kid. sure.” he takes a step back, leaning the bike against his truck. “lemme go see what i can find.” you’re still perched on the ground, but pressing your palms flat on the pavement to get yourself up. “here-” he offers you his hand, helping you up.
even standing, you still have to look up at rafe to see his face. 
“you don’t have to do that. i’m sure you’re busy. i can always walk-”
“nah, it’s fine. you saved my tire from getting that nail. stay here, i’ll be back.” 
and you listen, twiddling your thumbs waiting for rafe. he comes back with a tire pump and other things that you don’t recognize, but you watch intently. when he pulls out the nail, he offers it to you, and you offer him your cupped palms to drop it into. 
finally, rafe stands and moves the bike slowly, testing it out.
“here, kid. good as new.”
“wow. thanks rafe!” you beam, smiling brightly. “that was so nice of you. you’re so nice.” you think you sound a little dazed—but you are. rafe is so nice to you, nothing like what sarah had told you about him.
at first rafe can’t tell if you’re just joking or not, but he decides not when you don’t immediately get on your bike and ride to where your friends are.
“uh, thanks. it’s nothin’. m’not just gonna leave you here like your shitty friends did.” you laugh, still smiling at him. “well, uh, i’ll see you around, kid.” for once, he actually hopes he does.
after the beach that day, you swing back home, making sure to ask sarah what her brother’s favorite dessert is. you pack a big batch of oatmeal raisin cookies in a pretty pink tin and put them in the wicker basket attached to your bicycle, riding over to sarah’s place. 
instead of going upstairs like you normally do, you wander into the kitchen, where rafe is standing, looking at some papers spread out on the island.
“hi, rafe,” you say, and when he turns to look at you, you smile big. 
“hey, kid. uh, i don’t think sarah’s home yet-”
“oh, i didn’t come for her.” you open the tin, placing it on the counter infront of him. “i just wanted to say thanks for this morning. sarah said you like oatmeal raisin.”
he looks up down at the cookies, then at you. 
“thanks. y’know, you didn’t have to do that.”
“maybe. you were just so nice this morning, i felt like i should do something.” you’re looking up at him with big, fluttery eyes and a thudding heart. “is there anything else i can do? that you want? to say thank you?”
he cocks an eyebrow, tilting his head, hoping he’s understanding you correctly while knowing that he is.
“yeah-yeah? anything else?”
“i just want to thank you properly,” you sigh, getting closer. being bold’s not new to you, but this is only the second time you’re talking to him. you’re sure he understands, with the tiny dress you wore here, the one with the low neck and thin straps.
“yeah. alright, kid. c’mon, upstairs.” you beam, darting up the stairs and giving him a show in the process. he stares from the foot of the stairs for a second before joining you.
you’re so glad you stuck that nail in your tire.
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jinjeriffic · 8 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 3
Part 2
Tim reached up to rub at his temples and groaned. This was getting him nowhere. Normally he enjoyed going down the research rabbit-hole but this was ridiculous! Paranormal sciences were a bad joke. Most of it was conjecture, hearsay and unprovable theories with just enough scientific sounding jargon peppered in to confuse a layperson. Peer-review was practically non-existent, not to mention a proper scientific method. Francis Bacon would be rolling in his grave!
The slight hiss of the elevator doors opening interrupted his thoughts.
“Hey Replacement, you missed dinner!” Jason called, sauntering over with a loaded plate in hand. He set down a sandwich next to Tim’s elbow. “Alfie says he’s cutting off your coffee supply until you get some damn sleep. I’m pretty sure he’s gonna start prepping the knock-out gas soon!” he quipped, leaning his hip against the Batcomputer’s console. “Research on the League giving you trouble?”
“I wish.” Tim sighed, reaching for the sandwich, “The Assassins have actually been pretty quiet recently. I found some leads on suspicious political donations in Italy, but nothing I can tie to them directly. Talia’s in Paris as far as I can tell, working at an investment firm for God knows what reason. Probably money laundering related. And the ones holed up in Nanda Parbat have been quiet as murderous little church mice.”
“Ra’s isn’t up to anything? Colour me shocked.” Jason drawled sardonically, “You sure he’s not cooking up a new batch of demon spawn in that mountain of his?”
Tim shook his head. “You know Bruce destroyed his cloning labs after the last… incident. And I’ve found no records of the League procuring the necessary materials or equipment to restart production.” he wrinkled his nose, “Of course it’s possible that they used a shell company we haven’t come across yet, but I believe the odds are pretty low.”
“So what’s got your panties in a bunch then?”
Tim’s mouth twisted in a frown. “Ghosts.”
Jason stared off into space and Tim took a bite of his sandwich. Egg-salad, score! The Cave was silent for a while, only disturbed by the noise of the actual bats heading out for their nightly hunt.
“I can’t tell you for sure if ghosts are real or not. I don’t remember anything from when I was… dead.” Jason said haltingly, and Tim stilled. “But we’ve seen people come back under pretty weird circumstances. So why not ghosts?” Jason shrugged.
Tim chewed and swallowed before replying. “Because it’s one thing for the physical body to be restored, but some kind of nebulous ‘spirit’ lingering? Why don’t we see ghosts all the time then? Why don’t people come back? Why not…” Tim broke off.
“Your Dad?”
Tim nodded and dropped the remains of the sandwich back on the plate. It suddenly looked as appetising as cardboard.
“I don’t know, birdie. We still don’t know why I came back.” Jason snorted “Maybe the universe just has a sick sense of humour.”
Tim’s lips curled up in a mirthless smile. “Maybe the universe missed your terrible puns. Some of those still haunt me.”
Jason barked out a surprised laugh. “That was terrible!”
“The universe clearly made a grave mistake.”
“Stop it, I can feel my brain cells dying!” Jason groaned and gave Tim a light punch to the shoulder.
“Well we can’t have that, you have so few already!” Tim snarked, then quickly leaned to the side to evade Jason’s attempted noogie. Jason huffed and stepped back, crossing his arms.
“All right mister teenage genius. What have you dug up about ghosts then?”
Tim rolled his eyes. “There’s obviously tons of folklore from all over the world. Pretty much every mythology has stories about the spirits or souls of the dead returning to haunt the living. But if there’s a scientific basis to all this then it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Even the supposed leaders in the field are hopelessly biased.” He pulled up some documents on the screen. “Take these for example. The Doctors Fenton are supposed experts in the field of ‘Ecto-Biology’ as they call it, but their research papers would never fly with a proper scientific journal. A lot of it comes across as blatantly xenophobic towards the entities they are supposedly studying and their research methods seem geared towards confirming what they view as foregone conclusions. And most of their peers operate on the same track.”
Jason hummed thoughtfully as he skimmed one of the articles in question. “Do you think there’s anything to this, or is it all just a hoax?”
Tim snorted. “If there is, they haven’t offered any conclusive proof. Though they certainly seem to have made it work for them. The Fentons have a series of patents for weapons and defenses against these supposed ‘ecto-entities’ and it looks like there’s plenty of people gullible enough to buy them. I haven’t taken a closer look at their products yet, but a lot of it looks like something out of a pulp sci-fi movie.” He pulled up the image of what looked like a bazooka with green glowing parts. Jason whistled.
“So, con artists or mad scientists?”
“Could be both. Their financial records are all over the place and they’ve had some large transactions with what I’m pretty sure are shell companies in recent years. They live and operate out of a small city in Illinois.” Tim said, pulling up the relevant documents on screen.
“Amity Park?” Jason read aloud.
“Supposedly it’s ‘The Most Haunted City in America’. Seems on brand, doesn’t it?”
“It probably helps them stay in business. It looks like they have kids?” Jason pointed at the tax returns. Tim typed some search queries into the system.
“Two. One in high school, one just started her first semester at Metropolis University. With a full scholarship to boot.” He spent a few more minutes hacking into the university’s systems. “Here we go, Jasmine Fenton. Looks like she’s going for a psychology degree. And… hm…” Tim trailed off. Jason quickly realised what had caught his attention.
“‘The Damaging Effects of Envy Towards Metahumans? That’s a hell of a topic for a freshman-year essay.” Jason remarked.
“Yes. I wonder…” Tim drummed his fingers on the keyboard. “She might have some insight into her parents’ research.”
“And at a cursory glance, she didn’t drink whatever Kool-Aid her parents were serving.” Jason finished for him. “You wanna go pump her for information?”
“I might as well. If nothing else, maybe we can shut down a couple of mad scientists before they become a problem.” Tim stood up and stretched. “Time for a field trip!”
Part 4
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rafedaddy01 · 11 months
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Summary: reader and Rafe are enemies, but their families are super close so they are forced to go on a trip together where they end up sharing a room. One thing leads to another and they end up sharing more than just a room together.
Warnings: smut
Notes: this was a request. It was anonymous so I’m not sure who sent it in but thank you! Btw, I got ALL of your guys’s requests, thank you so much!!! I asked and you guys really delivered. I will get all of them just be patient with me 🧡🥹
You and Rafe NEVER got along. It was a mutual thing.
Anytime your family would gather the two of you would just spend the entire time arguing, about little things.
For example, one time your family was at Rafes house and the way he chewed with his mouth opened bothered you. You kindly asked him to stop and he went off on you. He is such a drama queen.
So when you got the news that your two families would be going camping together… boy oh boy. It would definitely be an eventful weekend.
“Great” you curse under your breath as you try to set up your tent but struggle. You hear snickering behind you and turn to see the eldest Cameron.
You roll your eyes and turn back around.
“Y/n. You’ll be sharing a tent with Rafe”
“What!” You exclaim back to your mother who rolls her eyes at your annoyance.
“Don’t make a scene! Be a reasonable person. You know Sarah has issues with you” you mother explains.
You roll your eyes.
She hated you and for no reason at that.
She could sometimes be worse than her older brother, sometimes.
“Fine” you grumble as you unzip your tent and carry your bag inside.
“Hi roomie”
You roll your eyes as the vein in your forehead try’s to burst free.
“Careful, one day they’ll get stuck like that”
“Good. Then I won’t have to look at you anymore”
Rafe steps back and places a hand over his heart, almost like you had hurt him. “Ouch” he says sarcastically. “And I thought you were starting to like me”
“In your dreams Cameron. There isn’t a bone in my body that could ever like you” your up in his face at this point.
He looks down at you with a smirk.
“Not one?” He asks smugly.
You cock an eyebrow at him
“Not even.. if I do this?”
His fingertips smoothly trail up your waist and arms, coming up to push the hair off your neck and he gives you a genuine smile before locking eyes with you. “Or this..?”
He leans down and places a soft kiss to your neck.
“Y/n! Rafe! Come out here, we’re getting ready for dinner”
Your moan gets cut off my your fathers voice. You push Rafe off and glare at him as he looks you up and down before turning away and laughing.
“I hate you”
You walk out of the tent and go help prepare dinner.
The rest of the night goes as usual. You and Rafe have your bickering and the rest of the family gets a migraine from it. But something about this bickering is different, it’s almost like… flirting?
At the end of the night your too exhausted to stay up and listen to the adults blab on about business so you tell everyone good night and trail off to your tent.
Rafe was already there and you quietly unzip the tent but stop when you heart soft moans.
“Oh fuck” his voice is quiet but it’s audible for how close you are to the tent.
A smirk forms on your face as you decide to mess with Rafe yourself.
You sit there and listen to him touching himself when he says something that catches you off guard “oh y/n, shit right there”
Your eyes widen as you register what you just heard.
You unzip the tent and push inside, quickly closing it behind you and rushing to rafe.
“What the fuck Cameron!” You punch his arm as he scrambles to get dressed.
“Your disgusting” you go to turn around but are tugged back
“Come on. Don’t say you haven’t thought about it. All this love-hate game we got going is pretty fun, but let me have my own kinda fun now” he leans in to kiss you and for whatever reason you don’t move.
Rafes lips capture yours and it’s.. nice?
He softly groans against your mouth as you open wider and he sucks on your tongue.
“Fuck..” he breaths out as he pulls away.
“This doesn’t mean I don’t hate you”
You quickly tear off your cloths and watch Rafe do the same as you push him down and start straddling him.
“We have to be quiet”
You grasp his hard dick and stroke it a few times as he hisses at you. “Shit”
You smirk as you align it to your entrance and sink down “fuck, rafe”
You stay still for a moment as you try to adjust, but Rafe is impatient.
He sits up and grabs your ass before roughly slamming up into you.
You bite down on his shoulder as you try to keep quiet.
“Rafe” you whisper against his neck as he gets more viscous with his thrusts.
“Shit y/n, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to fuck the best out of you”
You clench around his length as his confession
“Fuck! You like that don’t you. You little slut, like the idea of me disciplining you?” He gives your ass a little swat as you start rocking your hips.
“Shit, rafe” you grab your tits as you toy with the nipples and Rafe watches you with lustful eyes.
“I’m c-close!” You quietly moan as Rafe flips you over and slams into you repeatedly.
You clamp down onto his cock as he swells inside you.
“Fuck rafe, pull out!” You arch your back as your release nears.
“Shit shit shit” Rafe curses as he thrusts once, twice, and on the third time cums deep inside you.
He catches his breath before pulling out and his cum seeps out of you.
“What the fuck Cameron! I told you to pull out!” You whisper-yell as you push him off you and cover yourself with the blanket.
He runs his fingers through his hair and laughs as he lays down on the makeshift bed.
“You better get on birth control because I plan on doing that again”
@f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @eventualoptimism @drewstarkeysbae @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx
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disillusioneddanny · 9 months
Tim watched with an amused smile as Danny stomped around their apartment, his bottom lip pushed out in a pout. He had made an agreement with Bruce and was now spending a week going on patrol with the Bats of Gotham and the halfa was not happy about it. In Tim’s opinion, though, Danny should have known better than to make an agreement with the Batman of all people.
It didn’t make it any less funny watching his boyfriend pout and mope about the fact that he was going to be coming out of retirement for a week.
“Do I absolutely have to do this?” Danny asked with a sigh as he flopped onto the couch that Tim was currently lying on, his head now pillowed in the vigilante’s lap as he stared up at him with the most adorable pout on his lips. It was taking everything in Tim’s power to not kiss those beautiful pink lips. How the hell did he get so lucky to have such a beautiful boyfriend?
“Yes,” Tim murmured, brushing his fingers through Danny’s hair. “You made an agreement and if you don’t, Bruce isn’t going to give you his blessing to marry me and you know, I kinda want that.”
Danny let out a loud groan, rubbing his hands against his face. “Why does his opinion have to matter so much?” he bemoaned, rubbing at his eyes.
Tim let out a hum. “I mean if we really want to get into it, it’s probably because I spent most of my adolescence trying to get the approval of Jack and Janet and then Batman and while I never got it with my biological parents, I eventually got it with my adoptive father. And now I just have an unhealthy desire to constantly have his approval,” he said with a cheeky smile.
Danny let out a huff. “I hate you,” he said. Tim smiled, leaned down and gave him a soft kiss
“You love me and you want to marry me,” Tim sang, combing his fingers through Danny’s hair lightly. “Now, are you going to go out as Phantom or do you want to go out as something else?”
Danny let out a huff of a sigh. “Phantom, I’m not subjecting myself to being a fucking bat or a bird,” he said with a grumble.
Tim just gave him a small grin. “If you say so, Boo,” he said before kissing Danny once more. “Have I mentioned how much I love you and how excited I am to go on patrols with you for a week?”
Danny let out a grunt and buried his face in Tim’s stomach as he continued to comb through the halfa’s hair. Danny had gone to Bruce to ask for his blessing in marrying Tim and Bruce had said he would only agree on the contingent that Danny had to prove that he could handle the life of being married to a vigilante. And not only that but Tim could rely on him if he was ever in trouble. Tim was pretty sure there was a comment or two about the vigilante being a trouble magnet and needing to be bailed out of situations. Tim was also pretty certain that Bruce was worried that Ra’s would find out about Tim getting married and get extremely pissed off. Which was… fair.
Danny would probably have to fight off the Demon’s head for Tim’s hand in marriage and if he spent a week on patrols in Gotham it would likely make Bruce feel a little better about siccing Danny to the wolves.
So far, Ra’s hadn’t done anything about the fact that Tim was in a relationship but he had a feeling that would change as soon as he learned about the marriage.
Eventually, the sun set, and the couple made their way down to the basement of the building where Tim shoved his boyfriend into the Nest.
“Alright, I’m almost ready so you know, change forms whenever,” Tim said as he pulled on one of his boots. Danny let out a huff and a bright ring of light wrapped around the halfa. Once Tim blinked the spots out of his vision, he smiled at the man in front of him.
Danny was beautiful when he was in his Phantom form. His white hair floated around his head in a beautiful halo, and his green eyes seemed to shine like the brightest of stars. He was magnificent and he was all Tim’s.
“I’m so excited,” Tim said, pulling his bot all the way on and tying the laces. Danny just gave him a less-than-impressed look as he crossed his arms. He watched Tim as the vigilante made his way towards his bike before he clicked his tongue.
“Nope, not using that tonight, Timmers,” he said with a small smile. Tim scowled and turned to face the man.
“One, don’t call me that. Two, what do you mean not tonight? I always use my bike on patrols,” Tim said with a sigh, he rested one hand on his hip as he looked over his boyfriend. “You’re not trying to get out of this, are you?”
Danny just gave him a shit-eating grin. “Because we’re not going to drive or grapple to do your patrols, Birdie. We’re going to fly,” he said before waving his hand. Tim felt himself get shoved into Danny’s arms before the halfa turned them both intangible and flew straight out of the nest and building.
“Phantom!” He screeched, holding onto Danny’s middle for dear life as Danny soared through the skies. “You have to at least warn me before you do this! I keep telling you that, you asshole!”
Phantom just let out a soft chuckle and spun them around in the air, his arm wrapped solidly around Tim’s waist. “Sorry, sorry,” he said before he pressed a kiss to Tim’s cheek. “Now, where does your patrol route start?” he asked.
Tim just heaved out a sigh before he pointed Danny in the right direction before he patched into the comms.
“Finally! We’ve got the wonder duo with us!” Nightwing cheered. “How’s the night looking for you two?”
“We literally just started,” Red Robin said with a laugh. “Phantom, what do you hear?”
Danny let out a hum. “Mugging three streets away,” he said before he started flying in that direction.
“This is amazing,” Tim swooned as Danny landed in front of the mugger and immediately hopped into action, leaving Tim to simply watch his boyfriend take the guy down with relative ease. “He’s so hot like this, B, I think I owe you one. I mean getting to see Phantom in action? Amazing. He just took down a guy three times his size with his fists. I mean he’s not even using his powers. Oh my Ancients, now he’s comforting the victim. How is he so perfect? I might have to force him out of retirement permanently.”
“What have you done?” Red Hood hissed through the comms. “We’re going to be stuck listening to the Replacement simp over Phantom for the rest of the night and it’s your fault B.”
“I am starting to realize that now,” Batman said with a forlorn sigh. “I highly doubt that they will do this all night.”
Tim just let out a happy sigh as Phantom came over and took his hand before they started to fly together once more. This was actually heaven on earth if Tim was going to be completely honest. He smiled over at his boyfriend and future husband as they soared through the skies, Danny using his powers to keep an ear out for any possible crimes or issues on their patrol route.
“You know, this is so much different from when I was a vigilante in Amity Park,” Danny said as they landed on the top of Wayne Enterprises and looked out over the city that Tim loved so dearly. “In Amity, I was scared constantly, I had ghosts that I thought were trying to destroy me, parents who were trying to catch me and experiment on me, and the people in the town pretty much hated me. Hell, there was a whole ass hero who was dedicated to hunting me down. I felt like a villain more often than a hero,” he said with a soft sigh as he looked out over the city. Tim squeezed his hand lightly as Danny gave him a small, haunted smile.
“It’s different here,” Tim said softly, asking a question but also stating a fact.
The halfa hummed in agreement. “It is,” he said, the green in his eyes shimmered and glistened, glowing in a way that eyes didn’t naturally do. “People have been thanking me when I save them. They aren’t scared of me, they don’t run away. It’s so different.”
“I can’t even imagine how hard that must have been for you, Phantom,” Tim said softly. “I’m sorry it was such a bad experience. I don’t fully understand but I do get it in a sense. There’s been times where it just feels like the most thankless job in the world.”
Danny nodded. “It does,” he murmured. “I don’t think I want to patrol every single night like you do. But I don’t think I’d mind helping out if things get bad. Like an Arkham breakout or if there’s a big mission that you all need my expertise,” he said, giving Tim a wry grin. “Maybe we can get an Arkham breakout during my week on patrols and I can really prove to Batman that I can handle myself. Or, maybe Ra’s can come and attack me or something and I can prove to him that way.”
Tim let out a laugh and wrapped his arm around Danny’s waist. “Please don’t jinx us,” he said, pressing a kiss to Danny’s cheek.
“I’ll try my best,” Danny said with a chuckle.
“Red Robin, Phantom, there’s some movement around one of the Joker’s old bases, I need you two to check it out for me. I don’t know if we’re gearing up towards another breakout and they’re preparing for their boss or what. But I’d like to be as ahead of it as possible.”
“On it Oracle!” Phantom said before he gave Tim one more deep, loving kiss before the two took off in the sky to go see what was going on.
Bruce Wayne stared down the man that his son, his baby boy had been dating for the last handful of years, his arms crossed tight over his chest.
“I did what you asked, Bruce!” Danny said petulantly as he stood across from him, his arms crossed over his chest in a mirror to Bruce’s. “I fought the Joker and I didn’t even kill him like Jason asked me to. I think I proved that I can hold my own against Tim’s enemies and I’ve been proving the last few years that I can take care of him. So, can I please marry your son?”
The World’s Greatest Detective gave him a steely look. To his right, Dick let out a soft chuckle.
“You do realize that Tim’s his favorite right?” Dick asked, shaking his head. “He’s not going to just let anyone marry his sweet little Timmy.”
“Hn,” Bruce said in response. He was not going to confirm or deny that Tim was in fact his favorite child. It would only start arguments between the rest of his children. Besides, Dick was correct in his assumptions. Tim was, indeed, Bruce’s favorite child. And he needed to be absolutely sure that Danny truly was worthy of his son’s hand in marriage.
Danny simply let out a groan. “What else do I have to do to prove myself!” He whined, stomping his foot in frustration. “Because I’ll fight Batman himself if it means I get to marry Tim.”
“I think that can be arranged,” Bruce said with a smug smirk.
“Bruce!” Tim exclaimed. “Will you please quit being mean to my boyfriend and just give him your blessing?”
Bruce made a face and looked between the two men before he let out a sigh. “I suppose. Danny, I give you my blessing, you can marry Tim.”
Danny’s shoulders drooped in relief. “Thank the ancients, I didn’t think Tim would appreciate me beating up his dad,” he said before he wrapped his arm around Tim’s shoulders and kissed the top of Tim’s head softly.
Tim just let out a soft laugh. “He’s right, B, he would eviscerate you,” he said with a snort.
Bruce simply scowled at the couple. “I’m going to the cave,” he grumbled before stomping away. He couldn’t believe this, his precious little boy was getting married. To a boy who could fly.
Because it was always the metas, every damn time.
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princessbrunette · 10 months
rafe with crybaby reader cause my heart 😍 shes real nervous to leave his room when she’s over even tho they’ve been together for ages but he’s tapping her butt and telling her to be a big girl and to do what she wants. so she goes to get water and little miss clumsy drops something and it breaks. maybe wards been having a bad week or smth so he comes out of his study and yells a little and she just cries her eyes out. rafe would loose his shit I know it ‼️
goddddd this !!!! i relate to this so hard bc i am a huge cry baby :( i don’t think ward would yell but i think he’d be an asshole in his own intimidating, highkey terrifying way.
you cringe as the glass shatters, eyes instantly welling up as you gasp — wanting to slap yourself. you’re a guest in the cameron’s home and you’re already messing things up and breaking things, how ungrateful could you be? almost instantly you hear quick and heavy footsteps, not rafes— no, he didn’t walk like that, you knew what his footsteps sounded like. this was ward.
he stands in the doorway, mouth agape a little, just staring at you like ‘seriously?’ and you wanna sink into the ground.
“i’m so sorry, mr cameron it was totally an accident. i’ll— i’ll buy a new—” you start, jumping into action by squatting and carefully trying to pick up the shards with your fingers. you knew it was dumb, but you panicked and wanted to make things right as quickly as possible.
“just— out of the way please. don’t touch it.” he holds up his hand, cutting you off making your mouth shut quickly. he used a very clipped tone with you, different from the usual welcoming and kind voice he spoke to you in. you stay quiet, stepping aside as you anxiously bite at your finger nail, watching him open a closet and pull out a broom.
you don’t know why, but even though you felt totally guilty you expected him to sweep it up— however he pins you with a stern gaze and holds the broom out. “c’mon, you’re gonna clean it up. okay?” his tone isn’t gentle, leaving no room for suggestion, more threatening if anything. you swallow, nodding frantically and take it from him, sweeping up.
he leans on the counter with his arms crossed watching you as you gather the shards. “you know, i welcomed you into my home sweetheart and this is just… you see how it might irritate me right? i’m not being unfair?” he tilts his head, gesturing that he wants you to look at him.
“no sir, i really really am sorry, i would never disrespec—” you will the tears to stay inside.
“its just… i’m having a rough day, i come home, i gotta listen to my son fucking you for what, an hour straight, with no regard for who might hear, and now i just wanna relax, and you’re smashing my good glasses in the kitchen. i don’t even really know why you were reaching for these glasses, honey, the regular glasses are right there like it’s common sense...” his voice doesn’t raise once, but your lip is wobbling, avoiding his eyes due to how stern and intimidating he was. you had no idea ward could be like this, he seemed so kind at first.
“respect is important, yeah? just try and remember.” he finishes up, running his hands under the tap before sparing you one last disapproving glance and walking to the kitchens exit. at once, rafe appears in the doorway in his sweatpants, coming to see what was taking so long. he glances at you with the broom, and then his dad, brows furrowing in confusion.
“whats going on?”
“just maybe teach your girlfriend some basic house training or respect rafe, i don’t know i’m tired…” he trails off, walking past his son back into the hallway. rafe is quick to react as usual, face screwing up in disgust and swivelling his whole body to follow his dad.
“excuse me? no, the fuck did you just say?” he asks, voice a little raised. you sigh, swiping your tears on the back of your wrists and pouring the shards into the bin before following.
“don’t make this a thing son, she broke my good glass so she’s cleaning it up, go to bed.” he waves him off but rafe storms infront of him.
“are you serious? she’s a guest in our home, what you — you’re always fuckin’ telling me to treat the guests with respect so what— the same doesn’t apply to my girl? fucking… apologise, now.” he demands, making his dad simply scoff. rafe didn’t didn’t like that. he stares him down, pushing his tongue into his cheek before flickering his eyes up at you. “go back to my room, baby i’ll be up soon. clearly i gotta have a conversation with my old man.” he drawls, eyes fixated back on his dads face, beaming with anger.
you do as he says, as always. the tears fall freely once you’re back in his room, sat on his bed, face in your hands sobbing and mewling. all you could do was curse yourself out internally. logically, you knew it was just a glass but it felt like a huge deal to you, never wanting to disrespect anyone let alone your boyfriends father. you hear the familiar footsteps of your boyfriend eventually, and you don’t even try to compose yourself— continuing to cry even when he opened the door and re entered.
he sighs, anger and sadness flooding him at the fact that his father had made his baby cry like this, so soon into knowing eachother. he watches you for a moment, trying to let the anger subside, itching his head before slowly coming to sit beside you on the edge of the bed.
“i’m really, really sorry about that baby.” his voice is a warm comfort, slightly soothing your hurt.
“how have i already messed up so bad? he hates me now.” you whine and he shushes you with a frown, wrapping a strong arm around you to tuck your head beneath his chin, cheek to his chest.
“hey, hey, shh. my dads just an asshole… but he doesn’t hate you. he’s just having a bad day and decided to take it out on you for whatever fuckin’ reason. you’re all good. it’s just a glass, right? means nothin’.”
“it didn’t seem like it meant nothing to him.” you pull away to look at him, eyes watery and puffy bottom lip pouted. he sighs once more, both hands rising to wipe his thumbs beneath your eyes, caressing your cheeks.
“and like i said, he’s just an asshole. don’t let him get to you baby. yeah?”
you sniffle. “yeah.”
“good, show me that smile, c’mon.” a hand drops down to your waist, digging his fingers in a little, threatening to tickle. you can’t help it, even just a threat of a smile on rafes lips makes you grin, which only mirrors in his expression. “there y’go. that’s my big girl.”
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grandisknight · 1 month
rafayel: an artist's nails
Tumblr media
summary: It’s been a while since your last nail endeavor, and you seek out your creative lover to fill in the missing details once again.
tags: established relationship, fluff, silly rafayel, gender neutral!reader, kisses, light banter, nail polish
wc: 1.0k | (ao3)
a/n: hi hi! eek this is my first time posting like this to tumblr, i'm not too familiar with it so please forgive me for any mistakes (⸝⸝⸝- ᴗ -⸝⸝⸝ ;) i hope my short but sweet little headcanon does rafmc some justice! the idea came to me randomly while angst writing (hhhh) so here we are c:
“Again?” He looks down at you from the impressive height of his ladder, palette and brush paused in mid motion. The canvas stretching his wall had streaks of pale blue, contrasting the rich sapphire that lay underneath them. Another masterpiece in the making, and you’ve caught him at a somewhat opportune time to air out your proposal.
“Please? I promise it’ll be the last time!” You gave him your best pout, hands clasped together in a pseudo prayer.
“That’s what you said two weeks ago, my love.” Rafayel shakes his head.
“Ra—fa—yel!” You called out, purposefully stringing his vowels in a way that he had a hard time saying ‘no’ to.
“Okay, okay. Give me a moment, yeah?”
Leaving his instruments behind, he descends from the perch of his ladder. Dusting off his hands on the edge of his slacks, he straightens his posture towards you with a few strides. Arms crossed over his chest, the warmth of coral and cooled blue examined your presence up close. “You don’t seem injured. Mission went well?”
“It did! But that’s not what I’m here for.” You flash your hands towards him, wiggling the tips of your fingers for dramatic effect. “Look at how much they’ve grown! They’re begging for a new design, and only one curated by Linkon City’s best painter could do the job.”
The bed of coral acrylic was slowly pushing past your natural nail, unflattering to the eye and no longer holding the fresh sheen it once had. It was long overdue for a retouch, and you trusted your boyfriend’s talented eye to decorate your fingers once more.
“Flattery will get you nowhere,” he half-heartedly remarks, but takes your hands into his own regardless. His fine fingers delicately trace over the rounded edges of your acrylics, tilting them alongside his head to capture their finish in the warm lighting of his art studio. “Hm… They are longer than before, I’ll give you that.”
An internal score in your mind was being kept, and you just landed your first point. “Exactly. So, I was thinking for the next design—“
“Woah, excuse you.” His fingers intertwined with yours, passing his warmth into your palms. He tugs you closer, hands closed like the prayer you presented just moments ago. Rafayel quirks a brow as he continues.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
You paused, a blink of confusion crossing your face. “…Am I?”
The plush of his lips puff out like a fish, awaiting your realization. Ah. You had to pay the kiss toll first—how could you forget?
You met his pout halfway, lightly pressing a kiss to pay your dues forward. Rafayel quickly chases your leaning figure, peppering a second, and then a third, to the lips curling into a faint smile at his antics and he mirrored yours all the same.
He swallowed your interruptions with ones of his own, a barrage of straight smooches fluttering over your mouth. Only after the nth kiss did he finally part, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles with a hum in satisfaction.
“Payment accepted.” Rafayel lowered your hands, only to gently tug them in the direction of his desk.
Pieces of sketch paper and paints, pencils and more laid across the surface as you approached. He lets go momentarily, pulling out a chair and swiping away some tabletop space, before patting on the cushion in invitation.
“Alright, why don’t we start sketching out your ideas, yeah? Let’s see if we can make this new set better than the last.”
No sooner than a week later did you return to Mo Art Studio, feeling particularly energized as you practically skipped into his living space.
“Ah, you’re back.”
Rafayel called out to you before you had the chance to speak, swiping another shade of cerulean over the canvas. He looks over his shoulder, eyes twinkling at your appearance and brow upturned in curiosity. “You seem like you’re in a good mood. Did you get them done today?”
You nodded, waving him down with an equally bright expression. “Take a break! I want you to admire your masterpiece.” With an outstretched hand, you await his descending figure in a similar sense of deja vu.
“Yeah? You’re already here though,” Rafayel teases, taking hold of your invitation in turn. “But alrighty. Let’s go.”
Natural habits led your bodies to walk past the floor to ceiling entrance and into the sands hugging his estate. Seagulls chirp overhead as the fragrance of salty seas sting your nose, welcoming in the warmth of sunshine and ocean views all around.
“Maybe the crab from last week is still around,” you mention. “I think it was this way—Ah!”
Rafayel snickers at your enthusiasm, but paused you short of your wandering in an effort to pull you closer to him. He raises your combined hands outwards, turning them in every direction as he observes the new design.
Speckles of pale white and faint pink hugged the tip of your nail, pearly effects blending into the azure gradient that filled the rest of the space. Light traces of a circle or two resemble bubbles, a key seashell charm on your pinky finger and an exclusive Lemurian insignia resembling the bond over his heart were all littered across the set.
He nods in approval, and you could practically see the sharp rise of his shoulders in pride as he spoke. “Ah, they turned out really good this time. I wonder whooo designed them.”
You lean into his playful stance, pressing a kiss to his cheek and watching as his skin flushes in an adoring rouge. “Thank you, my love. Next time, we should do your nails too!”
“Yeah? I don’t know if I want to have another pot with steam drawn by you again,” he retorts, laughing as you lightly pushed his shoulder.
You raised your voice in self-defense, offering him a scolding glare. “Hey! I told you it was a steamed fish. Steamed fish! You of all people should know that well!”
Your voices faded away as you left your footsteps in the sand, the low tides pushing to support the harmony of your banter as the sun slowly settled. Safe to say, you wouldn’t be letting go of these nails blessed by the ocean anytime soon.
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mezzy-1 · 3 months
Learning Their Language (Valorant X Reader)
The protocol is about as international as it gets, and although most of them are bilingual there can be a bit of a language barrier.  You and your S/O decided to practice a bit of their native language so you could.  (I’m bilingual in Spanish so everything else me actually learning words, so it may not sound like a native speaker).  Like, reblog, and comment pls :) Special thank you to @darthladyofillusions for help translating the Turkish and Japanese!
Gekko - Spanish 
“Oye Y/N, que onda?” Gekko asked as he entered the lounge and sat next to you on the sofa
“Nada, estoy ehh… I’m just sitting here. I don't really know how to say that yet…” you trailed off with a bit of a weak laugh 
“Y/N, don’t worry about it.  It’s good that you can understand when I’m saying hi.”
“But I want to know more…”  you paused and looked at him, then an idea struck
“You could teach me, you and I spend so much time together and it isn’t like it would be studying in school.”
Gekko stared back at you for a couple of seconds and then sat up quickly
“I’d totally teach you Spanish Y/N!”  His excitement matched yours, and a wide grin spread across his face
A few weeks went by between you and him doing the basics of Spanish.  Practicing phrases for callouts helped a lot for the field, but even simple responses like ‘de acuerdo’ or ‘un poquito’ became more common for you
During a particularly slow day, Brimstone called a meeting.  Gekko and you sat together as usual
Part way through the meeting, Gekko whispered ‘Creo que vamos a morir en esas sillas.  Seremos esqueletos secos cuando Brim esta terminado.’
You understood his joke clearly and stifled your laughter the best you could.  Gekko had made a habit of telling jokes in Spanish for only you and him
Unless of course Reyna was in the room, at which point she’d join in.  Reyna’s Spanish was quicker than when Gekko spoke to you, but you had learned to pick out a few words
“Dime Gekko, ¿qué quieres comer anoche?  We got some skirt steaks in so we can make some ar-achera.” you looked over at Gekko, a puzzled expression on his face
“Como?  Que dijiste Y/N”
“You aren’t rolling the R in ‘arrachera’ right.  Say it like this: Arrr-A-che-Ra.”
“Ar. A! Ara!”  You tried to pronounce it the same way he did but just weren’t used to making that sound
“Well do you have any advice on how to roll an R?”
“Just put your tongue on the roof of your mouth.” he replied, taking a step closer to you while you tried to pronounce it correctly
“Como eso amor.” he leaned in and kissed you softly 
“On the top of the mouth, Y/N.  If you can kiss, you should have no problems with saying it right.”
“Fue incredible…” you whispered as he pulled back.  Gekko was blushing as much as you were and giggled quietly
The rest of the evening was spent grilling, cutting vegetables, and making crude jokes in Spanish
Wingman nearly ran away with some of the plated arepas you and him had made.  After rescuing them, you had your dinner together
“Oye Mateo,” 
He looked up mid bite 
“I never got to thank you for how much you’ve done for me.  Muchísimas gracias a todos.  Y tu sabes eso, pero te amo.  Eres mi querido.” you worried you sounded too much like a telenovela but caught Gekko smiling
“De nada Y/N.  Eres el amor de mi vida  también.”
Chamber - French 
“Bonsoir Y/N, ça va?”  Chamber called to you from behind right as you entered the workshop 
“I don’t know what you just said Vincent.  I can only understand when you speak English.”
“But Y/N, you could learn.  After all, you’d have the finest tutor in all of France to teach you.”  Chamber moved closer and looked over your shoulder as you began to disassemble a pistol
“You’d actually teach me?” you asked, trying to fight the urge to turn around and meet him face to face
“Certainly Y/N.  For two people to share a language is a wonderful thing.  They work better together and they become so much closer”
His offer got the better of you, and you relented.  You turned to face him as he stood up and met your stare
“I’ll do it then.  Especially if it means we can spend a little more time together.”
Chamber adjusted his glasses and smiled.  “Magnifique Y/N.”
For the next couple of weeks you met with Chamber whenever you could.  Lessons tended to be something you looked forward to
“Non, non, Y/N.  It would be a travesty for you not to assist on le mission.  Je m’ennuie à mourir sans toi.  Tu es beaucoup trop amusant pour partir.”  
“Je le pense aussi, but do you think I’d just get in the way?  I thought you’d be solo on this one.”
“Y/N,” Chamber affixed his glasses and studied your hesitancy, “J'adorerais ta compagnie Y/N.”
The mission was a strike on some Omega agents in the Pyrenees range.  After some light exercise and carefully placed shots, you and him retired to safehouse in the mountains
“Ah Y/N, puis-je vous offrir quelque chose à boire?  Txakoli ou Sauvignon Blanc?” Chamber lifted two bottles for you to decide on
“Je voudrais le blanc, s’il vous plait.” you added on extra politeness knowing it would impress Chamber.  Plus going with a French wine would make him proud
“A good choice,” he replied while pouring your glasses.  “Es-tu installé confortablement?”
“Oui, but I have to wonder why we have a wine selection at a safehouse.” you slyly asked.  Chamber gave you knowing glance
“Unless, someone went to great lengths for some time together.  Avez-vous prévu cela?”
“Peut-etre.” Chamber answered, feigning ignorance and peering at his wine glass.  His eyes mischievously darted to you
“You know…while I’ve been learning French, I never did learn how to say something I always wanted to learn.”
“Quoi?  And that would be?”  Chamber inched closer to you set his glass down
“Kiss me.” you answered, leaning towards him and gazing into his enthralling eyes
“Embrasse-moi.” Vincent whispered before taking his opportunity.  He held your head and kissed you gently
After a while, you found yourself resting across Chamber’s chest.  You looked up at the agent and caught him smiling down at you
“Je t’aime.” you quietly spoke
“Je t’aime aussi, Y/N.”
Fade - Turkish
It was getting late in the night and you were headed towards your room
“Hey, Y/N.”  Fade’s voice made you jump and you turned to see her leaning against the wall just out of sight
“Merhaba…” you groaned absent-mindedly.  The lack of sleep was finally catching up to you 
“What was that? Y/N Türkçe mi öğreniyorsun?” her typical scowl replaced with deep interest
“I mean, only a little.  I don’t know if I’ll keep doing it though.”
“...Well I could offer a few minutes every so often.  İlgini çeker mi?
“E-Evet.  Tesekkurler Fade!” despite your exhaustion, you still had trouble sleeping that night
The following couple of nights you spent in Fade’s room with a cup of tea and a few notes you scribbled down
Most of the practice was just chatting together about life at the protocol and the day to day
“… Üç saatlik sorguyu izlemem gerekti. Üç saat.”  Fade too a long sip of çay and laid back on a pillow
“Really, 3 hours and nothing?  That must have been boring.”
“Türkçe Y/N.” She chided
“Uzgunum!  Ne kadar sıkıcı!”  You quickly corrected yourself and adjusted your seat
“Anyways Y/N, Günün nasıldı?” Fade reclined back and trained her gaze on you
“Ughh, tipik.  Keşke yapacak daha çok şeyim olsaydı.” you lamented.  
“I can lend you a few books. İster misin?”  Fade picked a few hard cover books from her nightstand and offered them to you
Almost half asleep, you took one and looked it over the summary.  Despite the 
“Uykum geldi Hazal, I’m gonna head over to my…room.”  You yawned and drowsily made your way towards the door but fell asleep where you were. 
Fade moved over to you and placed on of her blankets over you.  She stood, captivated by how peacefully you slept
The following morning you woke up in her room and began to make your way to your own
“Günaydın.” Fade had caught you once more while you tried to quietly exit.  In her hands was the book she gave you last night
“Unuttum! Thank you for reminding me.” you took the book back and set it your room
You met Fade outside your room after your morning routine.  Both of you had the day off, so spent it together
You’d chat in Turkish about plans and privately made arrangements to meet together outside for çay after most of the protocol went to sleep
 Most of the day was gossipping in Turkish and sharing stories from before the protocol.  Fade’s were usually dramatic considering her history, yours were a little more uplifting
Once the moon was hanging over the headquarters, you crept quietly to the spot with freshly made çay 
“İyi akşamlar Y/N.” Hazal greeted you with a slight smile.  “Otur Y/N.”
Taking a seat next to her, you began to sip your tea and chat with Hazal about how much things had changed for the both of you since joining Valorant
By the time the tea was finished, you had your head rested on Hazal’s shoulder while she held your hand
A thought crossed your mind
“Hey Hazal, Türkçe’de…I love you, nasıl denir?” you grinned as the words left your mouth 
Her eyes drifted towards you and she raised an eyebrow.  Her green and blue eyes studied your growing apprehension
Without warning, she took hold of the back of your head and pulled you in close
Her kiss was impulsive and quick, and she held you gently as if trying to shield you from the surrounding darkness
When you broke the kiss, your face was flushed with surprise.  The night air felt twice as cool against the warmth in your cheeks
“Seni seviyorum, Y/N.” 
Yoru - Japanese
“Oi, Y/N, pass me the wrench.”  Yoru had his face buried in his bike as usual, and you were helping out and catching up
“Hai douzo…” you muttered.  Yoru grabbed a hold of it and began fastening something, then stopped
“Did you just speak fucking Japanese?” He sat up, almost hitting his head on the exhaust pipe and looked at you with suspicion
“I did, so what?” you replied.  Yoru was always saying something in Japanese, so you decided to learn what you could 
“And why did you decide to learn Japanese, out of all of the languages to learn?”  Yoru leaned on the bike
“ Betsu ni.” you shot back nonchalantly before folding your arms and smugly grinning at Yoru
“Well you’re sort of shit at it.”  Yoru enjoyed the sudden embarrassment and doubt you felt before making his final move
“Komatta koto ga attara kike ne.  Just make sure your questions aren’t annoying.  Wakatta?”  His attempt to seem uncaring was outweighed by his offer
A few weeks went by of you and Yoru throwing barbs at each other in Japanese or just exchanging short phrases
“Yoru-kunnn…” you purred.  It was just you and him in the locker rooms and you were being a little adventurous with new honorifics
“Y/N.  Ima nan to itta?”  Yoru twisted around with a scowl forming while one eyebrow lifted
“Oh, nothing.  Trying out some more words, Yoru-kun!” 
Yoru took a deep breath and sighed.  
“It’s dumb as hell to use that outside of Japan.  Nobody uses it outside of businessmen trying to kiss someone’s ass and people who don’t know better.”
“Ja dou yobou ka?”  If he wasn’t gonna use it, you’d go with something else to call him.
“Ore no namae de kimatteru da.  Same as you Y/N.” Yoru began combing his hair and dressing into some casual clothing
“Fine then, I’ll use something else.  Yatsu work for you?”
Yoru was almost proud of you for that
“Anata wada warugaki.”
More weeks passed by with you learning some more obscenities from Yoru.  His days of crime taught him an assortment of terms you eagerly applied to your own learning
Soon, you and him were assigned to break into a building and sabotage some equipment
Once you were done, you and Yoru were free to enjoy yourselves 
“Got any plans for us Y/N?”
“Tokunai nai.”
“Good.  Come with me then.”  He pushed past you and grabbed your hand.  Before you knew it you were traveling through his rift
Suddenly, you found yourself on a rooftop overlooking the city.  Yoru teleported behind you holding some bags and taking a seat on the ledge
“Come on Y/N, food’s gonna get cold.”
“Arigatuo Ryo.” 
Steam drifted from the udon as you held it for warmth against the cold night.  Yoru took notice and moved closer without a word
“Hey Yoru, Kisusuru no mi wa nandesu?” you asked while resting your head on his shoulder
Yoru froze for a second, you felt him tense his arm ever so slightly.  His eyes moved over to you and a small smirk began to form on his face
“Mou ikkai ie, Y/N.”
Beginning to answer, “Kisusuru no-” 
Yoru pressed his lips to yours and passionately kissed you.  It was as if he had been waiting an eternity to do it 
Your arm snaked around his waist and he did the same to you.  Warmth from him eased your shivering against the wind
He broke off the kiss and gazed into your eyes.  You couldn’t tell if the blushing was coming from excitement or the cold
“Imi wa kore da yo.  But do you know the meaning of aishiteru, Y/N?”
“Anata no koto daisuki.” left your mouth instinctively
Yoru and you watched the lights of the city together for the rest of the night
Sova - Russian 
“Horosho Y/N, excellent marksmanship!” Sova’s applause was worth every extra hour  of practice at the range
“It was your advice that helped the most.  Thank you again for the lessons!” Sova took your rifle as you thanked him 
“Sova, I have a bit more to ask.  Just a little favor, but only if you feel like it!” you instantly realized how much you were over clarifying
“You always have my help, Y/N.  What is it you would like?”
“Can you teach me some Russian?  I always hear you speaking it and I thought it would be fun to learn it.” 
“That would be wonderful!” Sova’s eyes lit up in excitement.  Later he brought you a small book, a Russian language manual
“I had a few books delivered here from the mainland.  Vam eto nravitsya?”
“Konechno, spasibo!” you quickly thanked him with the Russian you had practiced
You and Sova took turns trying out words in conversation.  It was a little intimidating, but his encouragement got you through the embarrassment
“Kharoshaya rabota!” “Vpechatlyayushchaya!” “Chudesnyy!” 
You and him started to meet for occasional chats in Russian, usually starting with a compliment on something 
This eventually continued over into missions, where you and him would use Russian because it was quicker
“Y/N!  Zaryadite seychas!” Sova yelled while aiming a recon arrow.  You stampeded in and dispatched the hostile agents with his help
After recovering from the fight, you and him were together in the lounge and chatting in a mixture of Russian and English
“Oh, I almost forgot!  Imeyte eto!” Sova passed you another book, a copy of your favorite book but in Russian print
“My mozhem prochitat' eto vmeste.”  Sova was softly smiling and seemed lost in how happy he had made you
You practically crushed him with a hug.  You buried your face into his sweater before pulling him onto the couch
Opening the book, you flipped through the pages to the front and found the start of the first chapter.  Noticing the cover was loose, you adjusted it and your eye caught something
In elegant cursive was written: ‘ya lyublyu tebya, Y/N’ hidden away under the cover.  Curious as to what it was, you asked Sova
“Ah, я ne dumal, chto ty skoro eto zametish'!” he was blushing and nervously twisted a strand of blonde hair
“Sova, chto eto znachit?” you asked, puzzled
“It means, I love you.  Ty dlya menya vse Y/N.” 
You decided to try some Russian you had learned for a moment just like this
“Potseluy menya.” you leaned in and Sova did as well
You placed the book down and embraced Sova.  He was warm, and the comfort you felt in his arms was akin to sitting near a fireplace
Sova’s kiss was strong, but gentle.  His calm demeanor and tendency to take his time made the moment seem to last forever
“Я tozhe tebya lyublyu.” you whispered into his ear
Neon - Tagolog
“Kamusta ka Y/N!” Neon’s infectious energy broke through the boredom of filing a battle report
“I’m alright,” you put the report down and figured it was complete enough, “what about you?”
“Just trying to kill time.  You still have the copy of that comic I lent you?  Phoenix wanted a copy so…”
Rummaging through the books on your shelf, you pulled a volume from the collection.  A few books fell as you did so
Neon immediately went to help you place them on her shelf started replacing them.  She suddenly paused
“Y/N, is this a Tagalog learning manual?” she turned over to you and held the book up 
“-uh, yeah it is.  I may have picked it up after we started spending more time together.”  A sheepish look was your only defense
“You could’ve just asked me to teach you.  I mean I could totally do that if you’re interested…” Neon’s hair was beginning to stand on end as she waited for a response
“O pakiusap.” 
For a few days, you and Neon met together for lessons.  Of course it was mainly her correcting a few phrases while the two of you went for a run or chatted
She’d also drop a few new words in every time, mostly whenever you couldn’t remember one 
On a late morning jog, you and her took a rest on some of the benches inside the gym and caught up
“Pagod ka na ba?” Neon was already stretching her legs and retying her shoes
“Ilang lap pa?” you sputtered out, still catching your breath.  You loved running with her, but she never got tired 
“Eh, who cares anyway.  Anong gagawin mo ngayong gabi?”  Neon asked, taking a moment to crack her shoulders and neck
“Bukas na ang gabi ko.” Normally you had a few plans with other agent, but tonight you were all hers
“Agh!” Neon winced.  “Y/N, you mind getting this one spot on my shoulder?  Sobrang sakit.”
“O Tala,” you took a seat behind her and felt around her back until you touched the knot.  You took your elbow and pressed into it 
A shock shot through your body and sent you tumbling backwards.  As you regained your composure, Neon’s panicked eyes caught yours
“Patawad Y/N!” Neon cried.  She carefully helped you to your feet and offered her water bottle 
“Huwag mag-alala, it happens.” you had been shocked a few times before and Neon was always worried about you
“I- patawarin mo ako.  I shouldn’t be around you Y/N.” she apologized profusely and sprinted away to her room
Hours passed and Neon hadn’t left her room.  By mid-evening, you decided that she had spent enough time alone and knocked on her door
“TALA!!  Buksan mo ang pinto!” 
The metal panels slide apart and you entered.  Huddled in on her bed was Tala, hiding under her hoodie
“You shouldn’t feel bad Tala, ayos lang ako?” you gestured to yourself to emphasize 
“Hindi ko mapigilang gawin ito.”  Neon’s regret clung to each word, as she dug herself deeper into her clothes
You decided to use a trick you had absolute faith in to get her out of the pit she found herself stuck in
Neon reacted with surprise as you suddenly held her and kissed her.  She froze, arms raising to keep you away
Wrapping your arms around her, you ran your hands over her back gently.  Neon melted into you, but broke the kiss 
“Y/N, I-.”
“Huwag kang mag-alala,” you interjected, “tumutok sa kung ano ang maaari nating kontrolin.”
Neon’s teary eyes were filled with a mix of hope and relief
“Salamat Y/N.  Paano ako makakabawi sayo?  Please, I can’t thank you enough!”
“Well, anong plano mo ngayong gabi?” you were going to make sure the night she planned didn’t go to waste
“I rented some movies, well Cypher pirated them for me.  Gusto mo silang panoorin magkasama?” she tapped finger nervously on her bed
“Of course!  Magugustuhan ko iyan!”  
With that, you and Neon spent most of the evening cuddled together in her room.  About half way through the second film, she leaned over to you and whispered
“Mahal kita Y/N.”
266 notes · View notes
supernovafics · 3 months
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series masterlist | last part — next part
pairing: modern!college!steve harrington x fem!reader, bestfriend!eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 4.2k words
warnings: : explicit language, mentions of weed/being high, nothing else really?
summary: you haven’t even known steve for twenty-four hours, but sure, why not pretend to date for a month?
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CHAPTER TWO | ❝𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆❞
Fall Semester 2015
Later, you would wonder what to attribute it to. 
Was it because of the way he smiled at you? Because of the way his knee lightly brushed against yours? Or was it the weed that made your mind hazy and made you realize things that you probably wouldn’t have recognized if you were sober? 
You weren’t sure, but you knew that things were changing for you, shifting into something deeper.
You’d only been friends with Eddie for a month, but it felt like so much longer. He was quickly and easily becoming your closest friend; best friend, even. You thought back to the late-night conversations you’d have in his roommate-free dorm room where you both told each other things that no one else knew— fears that felt stupid and completely irrational, and embarrassing stories from childhood that were previously meant to be taken to your respective graves. Somehow, almost immediately after the moment in the elevator, nothing ever felt awkward between you two again. Everything just felt right. 
“This one’s probably my favorite,” Eddie said as a new song started playing, which pulled you out of your thoughts. He reached out to grab his phone and turned the volume up as high as it could go. He had already gotten a noise complaint from the RA about playing his speakers too loud so he opted for using his phone instead to show you some of his favorite songs from a band he really liked but you hadn’t heard of.
You nodded at his words, focusing on them rather than the feel of his knee still brushing yours. The two of you were sitting across from each other on his bed and his phone sat in the middle, playing the unfamiliar song that you actually found yourself liking a lot. You hadn’t been sitting this close to one another at first, and you couldn’t recall who had made the first move forward to close some of the distance.
“I like this one,” You said, recrossing your legs so that you were no longer touching him. The subtle touch was starting to make your mind shortcircuit a bit and you felt way too close to saying something that you probably shouldn’t have. 
He gave you an amused smile. “Does that mean you didn’t like the others?”
You looked away from him then and leaned back, head easily finding one of his pillows. “No comment.”
You heard his laugh in response, which made you smile and you shut your eyes for a second, reveling in the sweet sound. 
It was everything, You’d finally decide later when you were a lot less high and much more in control of your thoughts. Every little thing that he’d do that you were on the receiving end of. That certain kind of smile that felt as if it was reserved only for you coupled with the neverending niceness that showed how much he cared about you— he’d let you take his bed whenever you had to spend the night in his room because your roommate was being the worst, and he’d always offer to walk with you to whatever building your first class was in the mornings, even though it was in the opposite direction of where he needed to be. 
You liked him. A lot. Maybe too much. And you had no idea what you would do about that. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Spring Semester 2018
You: Is the offer still on the table?
You: Oh and I’m talking about the fake dating thing (if you somehow forgot) 
Anything that resembled regret had yet to settle in, and at this point, you wondered if it ever would. 
Yes, you felt a little embarrassed about backtracking and suddenly wanting to go along with Steve’s idea that you had initially been so adamant about not doing— and you had a feeling that he’d say something equivalent to an “I told you so” because of that. But still, you didn’t regret bringing it up again and asking him. Your mind was still telling you that doing this was worth a shot and maybe just maybe it would actually end up being a good thing. 
You knew that doing this could potentially ruin everything— just like you thought that everything would be ruined if you outwardly admitted your feelings for Eddie and they weren’t reciprocated— but this fake dating thing felt like the best way to finally do something about your crush without directly “professing your love” and possibly fucking up the friendship in the process. 
You had waited until you were back in your apartment before you texted Steve. And now you stared at your phone for a second longer, looking at those two new messages sit in the very small text chain you two already had, which consisted of short and formal messages that were very evident of two people who did not know each other at all. In a way, it was a bit comical because you still barely knew this guy, yet somehow you were willing to pretend to date him. 
As you were about to set your phone down next to you on your desk and attempt to focus on an assignment that you needed to finish sooner rather than later, your phone was ringing in your hand and Steve’s name was taking over your screen. 
After the briefest moments of hesitation, you swiped to answer the call and placed your phone at your ear. “Hello?” 
“Hey,” Steve said. “So, what changed?” 
You didn’t expect him to get straight to the point— you also didn’t really expect him to immediately call you— but you had to admit it made sense; this would probably be easier to talk about out loud rather than through texts. 
“A lot’s changed, actually… I think you’re right, this fake dating thing could work, and it also might actually be the best thing to do.” You took a breath and shut your eyes before blurting out your next words. “Also, I may or may not have already told Eddie that we really hit it off last night and we’re planning to go on another date. And I’ll admit, if I hadn’t been high, I probably wouldn’t have said that to him, but I honestly still don’t think this is a bad idea. But, if you really don’t wanna do it anymore, I completely understand. Because it’s definitely an insane thing to do and probably a little weird too, maybe, and yeah… Sorry, I’m just rambling now.” 
You forced yourself to stop talking and waited for Steve to say something. At first, he was quiet, probably processing everything that you had just said. And what prevailed for the next few moments was the kind of silence that felt as if it lasted forever— when, in reality, it was probably only a second or two. 
“I still wanna do it.”
You were inwardly sighing in relief at his words and you actually smiled a little.  
“Okay,” You felt yourself nodding even though he couldn’t see you.
“Okay, so we should probably talk about it more to figure it all out, right? Are you free later?” 
“Yeah, I’ll text you my address.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
You and Steve agreed to meet at seven; it was your suggestion because that would give you some time to actually focus on the school stuff you needed to do. However, that was much easier said than done because after you hung up with him, all you were able to think about was him and the fake dating plan and every little thing about it. How easily and quickly it consumed your mind almost felt concerning, but you’d never done anything like this before so you couldn’t help but think about even the smallest of details for it. 
A series of knocks rapping against your bedroom door pulled you out of your thoughts. You let out a loud enough “Yeah” and then you saw Robin entering your room seconds later.
“Hey, me and Vickie have to go see this play for one of our classes. It’s some free thing that the drama students are putting on, and apparently, it’s actually supposed to be pretty good.” She shrugged. “Anyway, it starts at eight. You wanna come too?” 
You almost said yes because that was exactly the kind of thing you wouldn’t have minded spending a Saturday night doing, you would’ve also texted Eddie to see if he wanted to come too. But then you remembered where you needed to be in half an hour, and you didn’t fully understand how it easily just slipped from your mind when it had been the only thing you could think about for the past few hours. 
“I can’t tonight. I’m actually, um, seeing Steve again.” 
“Ooh, really?” Robin stepped all of the way into your room then, shutting the door behind her and sitting at the foot of your bed. “So last night was good? You barely wanted to talk about it when you came home. I was pretty sure that it went shitty, but I didn’t wanna press you on it.” 
“No, yeah, it was good, actually. I was just way too tired to talk a lot about it last night,” You said with a quick shrug and then attempted to shift the conversation away from Steve. “Also, I was so invested in hearing you guys ramble about the reality show you watched.”
“Wait, seeing someone two days in a row is kind of a huge deal,” She said; your attempt at changing the subject failing. “If things start getting too serious between you guys, I’m gonna have to give him the parental third degree. I don’t care that Talia is older. I really wanna do it.”
You laughed a bit at her seriousness. “Okay, fine, yes, you can do it if it comes to that.” 
“Thank you, that’s all I ask for,” She smiled at you, and then things were quiet for a few moments before she asked, “So, you really like him?” 
You felt the sudden urge to tell her everything— how you’ve felt about Eddie for the past few years, how she had been the only person that you’d ever gotten close to telling that to, and how you were about to start this fake dating thing with Steve— but you couldn’t do it. You knew that it would just open up a huge can of worms and make everything even more complicated than it already felt. 
“Yeah, I think I do,” You said instead of the truth. 
“That’s great,” She said, smiling wider. “You’re breaking the single curse that has plagued us for the past, what is it, year at this point?” 
“What ever happened to that girl you were into last semester?” 
Robin shrugged. “We hung out a few times, but I don’t know, something just didn’t feel right.” 
The sound of the squeaky front door of the apartment opening and subsequently closing and then multiple voices entering the apartment halted your conversation for a moment. 
“I think that’s probably Talia’s study group.” 
You let out a laugh. “I feel like saying study group is a stretch.” 
The said “study group” consisted of a handful of Talia’s Psych major friends. They met up most Saturdays and would only “study” for an hour, and then the rest of the night was spent watching true crime documentaries in the living room. 
“So, what are you and Steve doing tonight? Do you want some outfit support? I can grab Vickie to help real quick too.”
You glanced down at the plain jeans and black V-neck sweater you were wearing that was a bit cropped; it was the same thing that you’d worn to Eddie’s earlier. “I think I’m just gonna wear this. We’re just hanging out at his place.”
“Oh,” Robin said, nodding. “Okay, everything I said last night about making sure to use protection still very much stands.” 
“Ew, Robs, stop,” You shook your head. “I’m feeling very tempted to get Vickie right now and have her hit you on the arm again.” 
She laughed as she stood up from your bed and headed toward your shut door. “I’ll take that as my cue to leave then. Have fun tonight!”
“Thanks,” You said, breaking your eyes from hers and turning back to look at the textbook you had opened on your desk that hadn’t been touched in hours. 
She closed the door behind her and you let out a soft breath. It didn’t really occur to you that lying to pretty much everyone in your life would be the hardest part of all of this. 
You grabbed your phone to find the last text Steve sent you, which was just his address. You figured that wherever he lived couldn’t be too far away and it wouldn’t be that much of a walk to get to him; the walk to and from Eddie’s place never took more than ten minutes. The most popular off-campus apartments, one of which you lived at, were spread out across a few streets close to the main part of campus and were all basically right next to each other; you assumed that Steve lived at one of them. 
Finally looking at his address, though, let you know how wrong you were. He lived close to thirty minutes away from you— and that was just by car, you didn’t even bother looking at what the walk would’ve been like. He also lived in an apartment building that you had never been to— you were rarely over by that side of town at all— but you knew that it was a small but insanely expensive building that only rich kids lived in. You remembered briefly looking up the place during your apartment hunt with Robin and Vickie and seeing the outrageous prices for three and four-bedroom apartments that only had one bathroom. You could rent two of the apartments you currently had at those prices, and you at least had your own bathroom here. 
Somehow, you actually weren’t that surprised to see that Steve lived there. You thought back to last night and his car, a vintage dark red BMW that looked perfect and probably cost a fortune to keep that way. 
You were calling him immediately and he answered after the second ring, speaking before you got the chance to. “You’re backing out of this, aren’t you?”
He sounded so certain that it honestly managed to annoy you a bit. “No, I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot so far, like the logistics and stuff and whatever. I’m calling because I didn’t realize how far you live from me and I need you to pick me up.” 
“Oh, okay,” He paused for a second. “Should we just do this at your place?” 
For a moment, you considered his words, but then, as if on cue, you heard the loud sounds of Talia’s friends laughing in the living room. And then you thought about how Robin and Vickie wouldn’t be leaving for the play for at least another hour and you really weren’t ready for Steve to get any sort of an introduction to everyone just yet. “No way, it’s kind of a madhouse right now.” 
“Ah, yes, I forgot that you have six thousand roommates,” He joked, and you actually cracked a small smile at that. “I’ll be there in thirty.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Somehow, Steve was at your place in twenty minutes and you were in the middle of finally getting somewhere for your assignment when you got his “I’m here” text. 
“So, you’ve been thinking about this a lot?” He asked as he turned the radio down a bit; you two had only been driving for a minute or so. When you nodded and said a simple “Yeah” in response, he continued. “Can I hear your thoughts?” 
For a second, you thought about where you should start, but your thoughts felt a little too messy to put into a super succinct order, so you just started talking. 
“Okay, so we need to decide how long we’re gonna do this. I don’t think we should drag it out too much, y’know? Maybe just like a month or so? And we obviously need to talk about how affectionate we’re gonna be with each other around other people, specifically Eddie. Also, do you think that all of this will seem really weird and fake because of how rushed everything’s gonna be between us? Oh, and what’s your parent situation about? I’m gonna have to meet them, right? So that you can prove to them that your “girlfriend” exists,” You went on and on, listing everything on your fingers until you two were stopped at a red light and you noticed the amused look on Steve’s face, which made you stop mid-ramble. “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
He shook his head and shrugged. “I just think it’s a little funny how you were so against this whole thing last night, but you’re really into it now.”
You rolled your eyes at that. “I’ve never done something like this before, and aside from the occasional assignment, I hate half-assing shit, so of course, I’m gonna think about every little thing.” 
He held up his hands in mock surrender, still smiling at you. “Okay, got it.” 
The light turned green and his focus went back on driving. Things became quiet just for a second before he started talking again. 
“I think you’re right, a month should be enough time. If he’s gonna get jealous about us “being together” it’ll definitely happen sooner rather than later, so it would be dumb of us to do this for really long,” He explained and you were nodding along to his words. “And the PDA stuff around him doesn’t need to be excessive or anything; probably just hand-holding and simple stuff like that will be good. Also, I’m pretty sure every college relationship seems rushed, so this won’t feel any different from that.”
Maybe Steve had been thinking a lot about this too, or maybe he’d done something like this before. You weren’t sure which option would’ve been more surprising to you, but either way, you were realizing how right he was about everything he had just said; especially the last thing, which was what you'd been the most worried about. Your mind traveled back to the earliest stages of Eddie’s relationship with Chrissy, which you had pretty much a front-row seat to. How attached they became to each other after only their first few dates definitely felt abrupt and surprising to you, but it never felt rushed or fake. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” You said to Steve as you nodded again.
You two were in his apartment sitting in his living room when he finally decided to mention his parents. Steve was on the couch and you were on the floor because you were leaning over his coffee table with a notebook opened in front of you. It had been a mutual decision to write down all of the rules and stuff that you both came up with for the “fake dating plan” after you realized that there was a lot of thought going into this thing and you didn’t want anything that either of you said to be forgotten in a day or two. Steve pulled out an old notebook for you to write in; it was mostly full of past Economics notes, but it had a handful of empty pages toward the end. 
Everything he told you about his parents sounded like the plot of a movie or a book, and it was both surprising and fascinating to hear that shit like that actually happened in real life. Apparently, they were super intense about him settling down and getting into a serious relationship, so they were constantly trying to set him up with someone. They wanted him to be in a relationship that would lead to marriage by the time he graduates, and then married by twenty-four or twenty-five.
You truly couldn’t imagine your own parents caring that much about your love life, but apparently, rich people liked to do things differently. Steve hadn’t blatantly told you that he was rich, but he didn’t need to outwardly say it for you to know just how true that was. Case in point, his apartment was huge and really nice and you had tried your hardest not to look entirely awestruck by it when you first walked in, and he casually mentioned having to eventually take over “the family company;” which was also another reason why his parents were so intense about the whole marriage thing. Apparently, family businesses couldn’t be considered as such if the boss was single and a player. 
“I like being single and not getting involved in anything serious at all, but they really want me to settle down right now,” Steve finished his explanation. “So if they think that I finally have a girlfriend, they’ll get off my back for a while.”
You let out a small laugh. “I knew it.” 
“Knew what?”
“That you do that kind of thing all of the time. Going on dates and stuff,” You said, placing the pen you had in hand down on the notebook. You leaned back against the couch and looked up at him. “And it honestly makes sense. Pretty face, good at flirting, and big charmer. Girls probably love that shit.”
“Did you?” He asked, smiling at you. You almost rolled your eyes at how he almost too easily went back to flirting with you; now you realized it was probably just second nature for him. 
“If I wasn’t pining for someone else, I might’ve fallen for it.”
“Good to know that my charms still somewhat work then.”
You were suddenly thinking about an alternate universe where you had no feelings for Eddie and you really did end up liking Steve after the date last night. Would you have felt heartbroken that he never called you again or that he didn’t want something serious or long-term? You immediately pushed those thoughts away because the hypothetical answer really didn’t matter. You focused your mind on something else. 
“I’m only gonna be your “girlfriend” for a month, though, so how’s that gonna keep your parents from pestering you for longer than that?”
“I was thinking that I’d tell them that we’ve been together for three or four months, but that I didn’t want to mention you to them until things felt “serious.” They probably will want to meet you,” Steve said, and you nodded because you figured as such. “And then when I tell them that we’re over, I’ll say that it ended in some sort of fucked up way, and that will maybe get them to stop trying to set me up with their friends’ daughters for a while. Hopefully, at least, until the end of the summer.”
“You’re gonna make me a cheater, aren’t you?”
“Probably, yeah,” He responded with a quick shrug. “It’s either do that or be forced to go to the Hamptons for the whole summer and get set up with my future wife because they think I broke up with you or we ended things mutually but I’m still ready to be in a committed and long-term relationship.”
“They need to think you’re heartbroken,” You concluded for him.
“Exactly,” Steve nodded. “My dad probably won’t give a shit about the cheating, but my mom will and she’s the one that’s been the most adamant about the Hamptons thing.”
“Okay, in that case, I’m okay with you making me a cheater,” You said and then looked away from him, focusing back on the notebook. “This whole cheating talk has made me think of another rule to add that should probably be really obvious, but I think I need to put it anyway.” You picked up the pen again and wrote down, No dating other people while we do this. “I’m sorry, I know this will probably be really hard for you.” 
Steve rolled his eyes at your mostly joking words. “I wasn’t planning on doing anything. I know that if Eddie or one of your roommates saw me with someone else it would mess everything up.” 
“Yeah, exactly,” You said, glad that you two were on the same page about that. And you were now realizing that you two had actually been on the same page about pretty much everything you’d been talking about for the last hour. “Okay, and final thing— no matter what happens, we’re gonna go our separate ways once the month is up. Even if the plan doesn’t work or whatever else, we have to end it after a month.” 
Steve nodded. “Yeah, agreed.”
You wrote that last thing down and then closed the notebook.
“Okay, that’s it. We’re officially fake dating now, I guess,” You looked up at Steve again and held out your hand toward him. He laughed for a second before grabbing your outstretched hand and you two shook for a second to “seal the deal.”
Once again, you waited. Waited for regret or something equivalent to start swirling deep down inside of you. But still, it wasn’t there. Maybe this actually was a good idea. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
“Eddie’s band has a gig tomorrow night,” You said when Steve was parked outside of your apartment building, dropping you off at home. “Do you wanna come?” 
“Yeah, sounds good,” Steve answered with a quick nod. “It’ll be the first time he sees us “together.”” 
“Yeah, let’s hope this somehow works.”
“It will.” 
You really had no logical reason to trust how certain Steve sounded about everything right then, but you did anyway.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
next part!
taglist (lmk if you want to be added or taken off<333); @eddiernunson , @loulouloueh , @the-aster , @blckburd , @totally-bogus-timelady , @yujyujj , @irhdifartzamfyaa , @mochminnie , @munsonssweets , @blckbrrybasket
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shaunamilfman · 4 months
it's just indifference
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pairing: shauna shipman x reader summary: You couldn't bite back your bitchy comment as Shauna walked in twenty minutes later than you agreed upon to work on your project, but you soon found that you couldn't regret it at all as you realized how hot she was when she was mad. Especially when it makes her stare you down as she climbs into your lap. note: smut if it isn't obvious.
Had Shauna shown up on time, this never would have happened. But she was, in fact, twenty minutes late, and you couldn’t resist the urge to let out an irritated sigh as she walked into your room. She stops in the doorway, her hand clenched tightly around your door knob before she lets out a deep breath and closes it behind her. The door clicks shut gentler than you thought her capable of as she starts rifling through her bag for her notebooks.
“Practice ran late,” she says stiffly, a noticeable lack of apology as she collapses into your desk chair. 
You weren’t planning on purposely pissing her off, but you quickly realized how hot she was as silently raged in the corner of your room. You were almost amazed at how quickly it happened, how quick she was to anger. It must’ve been something at practice, or on the drive to whatever friend she had to drop off. 
It’s why the two of you ended up at your house instead of the library, as you only lived a few streets down. You certainly weren’t complaining. It saved you the hours you would’ve spent fucking around in the library till she got out of practice.
“Yeah, I guess when that’s all you have going for you, it must take priority.”
Her hand slams down on the desk with enough force that it shakes against the wall. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You shrug leisurely, sitting up on your bed to get a better look at her. “Nothing.”
“No, obviously, you have something you want to say. Go ahead,” she says, leaning towards you, not the slightest bit self-conscious of the way it gives you a clear view down her shirt. Her eyes widen with realization as she catches your eyes flicking downward, her expression turning smug at the sign of interest.
“I guess I’m just tired of having to do all the work because some idiot jock wants to chase a ball around a field all day.”
“I’m not stupid.” She crosses her arms over her chest, her foot tapping impatiently against the ground.
Thinking Shauna was stupid was far from the truth– you were actually quite relieved when you realized you’d been paired together, knowing from personal experience just how smart she was. You’d caught sight of her last English test grade, after all. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen her get her test handed back face down, so you figured she had to be pretty intelligent. Still, it seemed like a quick way to piss her off.
“Is that right?” You ask, feigning disinterest. “Guess I’m just not a fan of your type, then.”
“Not a fan of me, you mean. Whatever. You’re not the first person to assume that all I can do is look pretty and kick a ball.” She scowls.
You laugh, laying back against the bed. “I never said you were pretty.”
“Oh? So you’ve got jokes now, huh?”
“Why? You too sensitive for them?”
She stiffens at that, her brown eyes flashing with annoyance as she stares down at her notes like her life depended on it. 
“Is that what you think?” She asks, her body tensing as she tries to bite back a harsh retort. Instead, she sighs out slowly, silently trying to get a handle on her rage as she clenches her pencil tight enough that her hand shakes with the effort. You watch as her knuckles whiten, a harsh set of her jaw that makes you want to push against that fragile sense of control until she snaps.
“Yeah,” you say slowly. “Do you need me to use smaller words?”
That’s it. Her pencil snaps, her notes scattering to the floor as she stands up. She marches toward you, each step heavy and filled with intent. You prop yourself lazily on your elbows as she approaches, standing at the foot of the bed as she shakes beneath the weight of her rage.
“Mm. You don’t like me,” she starts, the bed sinking beneath her as she crawls toward you. You gasp sharply as one of her knees comes to rest against your hip, and then soon the other, straddling you on her knees. 
“But you want me.” 
Your hands come up to rest on her hips, a movement so unconscious that you don’t even realize till you feel the warmth of her against your palms even through her shorts. She smirks down at you, her gaze almost predatory as she takes in the sight of you.
“You think pretty highly of yourself, don’t you?” You ask, lamely. It’s not your best response by miles, but you’re far too focused on not embarrassing yourself further as she sinks down in your lap. 
You inhale sharply at the sudden weight resting against you, a reaction that clearly delights Shauna as she grips a fist full of your shirt between her fingers. 
She laughs, quiet and far too knowing as she slowly rocks her hips forward. The bed creaks with each powerful roll of her hips, the muscles in her thighs flexing distractingly all the while. You’re so distracted, in fact, that you don’t realize her hand has moved until it’s gripping your chin. Her thumb digs painfully into your jaw as she forces you to look at her. 
“Just highly enough, I think.” Shauna’s voice lowers into a whisper as she leans closer, turning your head to mouth at your neck. “Don’t act like you don’t like it. I’m pretty perceptive, you know.”
She pulls back, leaving you to chase after her lips before you get ahold of yourself.
“Perceptive, huh?” you ask, running your hands up her sides as you lift her shirt up. Your fingers rest just under her bra, your thumbs just grazing her chest as you watch the intoxicating way she moves. You can’t tear your eyes away from the way her muscles tense, following her as she moves. She hums, leaning forward to show off as she enjoys how blatantly you were staring at her.
“What am I thinking right now?”
“If I answer that, you’ll just deny it.” She moans as she hits just the right angle, her hips stuttering for a moment before she recovers.
“Try it?”
“You’re thinking about how good I feel on your lap,” she tries, keeping a steady rhythm as she lets you pull her shirt off and over her head. You go straight for her arms, squeezing her biceps happily as you test their firmness. You can’t help but grin: she’s just as strong as you imagined she was. 
Her breath hitches as your fingers graze her stomach, blushing prettily as she catches you staring at her chest. “And,” she continues, grabbing at your wrists as she pins them down. “You’re thinking you’d like to know how strong I am.”
“Wrong,” you murmur. 
She laughs, a dry mocking sound that sends shivers down your spine. Her hands move from your wrists to rest on your stomach as she rests her weight on you, a grounding pressure that keeps all your attention on her as she pushes you down into the bed.
“Yeah?” she asks breathily, clenching the fabric of your shirt between her fingers and watching as it exposes the skin of your stomach.
“Thinking about how much I'd rather be doing our English project.”
She snorts, a dorky laugh escaping that clearly embarrasses her as her hips still. She looks away, hiding the flush of her face as she stares daggers at the sheets. 
“No,” you say, amused. “Keep going. I like the whole thing you have going on.” 
“That right?”
“Yeah, it's working for you. You look hot.”
“Hotter than Jackie?” She asks. 
Her expression is unreadable, a dozen different emotions crossing her face before she finally settles on one you've never seen from her: hunger. She surges forward, capturing your lips in a messy kiss as she roughly grinds down against your lap. 
You gasp, digging your fingers into her hips as you pull her harder against you. She moans against your skin, sucking a mark into the line of your jaw as her nails drag across your stomach. Her body’s warm where it's pressed against you, nearly chest-to-chest as she takes what she needs from you.
Her back arches as you blindly reach between your bodies, fingers teasing at the waistband of her shorts as your fingertips just barely slip beneath them. “You’re so annoying,” she murmurs, her breath hot against your skin as her teeth graze delicately along the skin beneath your jaw.
“God…” she pants, her face buried into your neck as she lets out a whine. Her jaws a little slack, lips parted as quiet sounds are forced out of her.
“You’re so pretty,” you murmur idly, your thumb rubbing across the button of her pants.
“Shut up.” She huffs. “You're so stupid.”
You nod, stupidly, eager to please as your fingers make light work of opening up her shorts. She sighs as the button comes undone, the cool air rushing against her warm skin. She only gets more eager as your fingers slowly pull down the zipper, letting out a breathless laugh against your skin.
She shudders against you as the palm of your hand presses against her stomach, your fingers nearly dipping into her underwear, but not quite.
“Stupid,” she mumbles against your skin. Shauna’s trying to come off as annoyed, but her voice is too breathy and shaky to be effective. “Stupid and dumb and…” She trails off, her body jolting as your hand sneaks beneath the denim.
“And?” You prompt, palming her warm skin through the fabric of her panties.
“Don’t–” Her words cut off with a sharp gasp, her teeth sinking into your skin as she struggles between pushing up against your hand or pressing down against your lap, lost in her need for some kind of friction.
“I hate you,” she says, fingers clutching at your shirt as if to pull you closer. Despite her complaints, she makes no effort to remove your hand from her shorts, shifting on top of you to spread her knees wider. Her voice is strangled as she pants against your throat, shuddering against a particularly clever brush of your fingers—she's so wound up and it's making her desperate.
“You’re kind of mean,” you comment, pressing your palm against her clit as you slip a finger inside her. Her thighs squeeze tightly around your hips, her knees digging into your sides as she stares down at you. Her eyes are slightly unfocused, her teeth digging into her lip to keep herself quiet.
She props herself up on her arms, hands resting on either side of your head as her hair brushes against your face. Shauna uses the position to her advantage, rolling her hips into your hand as she uses her leverage.
“You deserve it,” she huffs, trying to glare at you but ending up moaning as your fingers keep their pace. Her thighs jerk, hips rolling in desperate circles as you coax the pleasure out of her with each torturously slow thrust. She’s wound up so tight she can barely stand it.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up–” Shauna breaks off into a moan, her fingers digging painfully into your shoulder in retaliation.
She’s arching into your hand, her body trembling with each gasp that escapes her. Shauna’s pissed, and more than a little humiliated to find herself so quickly at your mercy. It’s clear that this wasn’t how she saw this whole night going. She can’t help the roll of her hips against your hand, forcing you deeper as she practically rides your finger. “Give me another one,” she demands.
“Would it kill you to be nicer?” You mutter, slipping another finger inside of her with little complaint. She cries out, a flash of embarrassment crossing her face at how sensitive she is.
“Would it kill you to stop– to stop talking?” 
You groan, one hand fisting in her hair as you pull her neck close enough to reach with your mouth. Shauna moans at the flash of pain, and whether it was the hand pulling her hair or the feeling of your teeth sinking into her neck that made her eyes slam shut as she cries out and buries her face into your shoulder, you’ll never know.
“Did you just–” 
She slaps a hand over your mouth, embarrassed and shy all of the sudden as she lazily rocks into your hand. 
“No,” she hisses, shaking her head even her face flushes a deep red. Her chest heaves as she tries to catch her breath, a distracting motion that makes your view down her bra all that more enticing. Her thighs tremble around you, telling enough that even she starts to realize how stupid she looks denying it. 
She nearly whimpers as you give her hair a little tug, her hips twitching as she bites her lip to stifle the noise. Shauna’s so sensitive in the aftermath, but she can’t seem to fully pull herself away from you.
“Don’t. Don’t you dare say anything,” she warns.
She pulls her hand away with a gasp as you bite at her fingers, examining them closely as she sits up on your hips. Shauna still can't meet your eye, steadfastly refusing to acknowledge the hand you still have shoved in her pants as she pretends to look at literally anything else in your room. 
“It's okay,” you start, a mocking press of your palm against her that has her grinding on your hand again. “I heard finishing too soon–”
“You're the worst,” she manages through gritted teeth, her jaw clenched as she finally manages to look you in the eye. Despite her complaints she's still moving steadily against your hand, the rock of her hips putting your wrist in an uncomfortable position now that she's sitting up. 
She opens her mouth, presumably to complain as you pull your hand away, but she shuts up just as quickly as your fingers curl around her chin. Her eyes flick down at your hand, your wet fingers leaving streaks against her face where you hold her. 
You watch as her mouth parts, licking her lips before reaching for your hand. She watches you closely as she slowly takes your fingertip into her mouth, her tongue darting out to lap at the web of your fingers before she moves onto the next. She’s almost methodical in her movements, actions perfectly designed to drive you crazy. 
God, she was just something else.
“You know what I’m thinking about now?” You ask, unable to take your eyes off of her for even a second.
She hums around your fingers in lieu of an answer, the vibrations making your breath hitch as you stutter over a reply. “Thinking about how good you’d look underneath me.”
Shauna can't speak with your fingers in her mouth and instead lets out a low whine as she sucks on them, tongue swirling around them as she turns her attention to your last finger. 
Shauna pulls your fingers out with a wet pop, holding on to your wrist as she drags your spit soaked fingers across your face. You wrinkle your nose as you squirm away from it, but she only delights in your reaction. “That’s for pissing me off,” she mutters, just low enough that you weren’t sure whether it was meant for you or not.
“You don’t think I look good on top of you?” she continues, leaning back on her knees as her fingers play with the waistband of her panties. You watch as her fingertips just barely slides beneath, ensuring she has your attention before the rest of her hand disappears into her panties.
It's too much for her, you can tell. She's so sensitive that she can barely take it, but she stubbornly refuses to stop. The expression on her face verges on pained, a choked noise leaving her lips as her hips jerk clumsily against her hand. 
She's battling the urge to keep her eyes focused on you, just barely starting to slip shut before she catches herself. “Fucker,” she grumbles, enjoying your attention despite herself. You run your hands up her thighs, scratching your nails down the length of them as Shauna squirms on top of you. 
The muscles in her thighs tremble from the effort after spending so long riding you, on top of the time she's spent practicing. You're impressed she's managed it this long. You can't even imagine how sore she must be. It makes you wonder how long she could go at the top of her game, how long she could–
“Hey,” she whines. “Pay attention. Do you have something better to do?” Shauna can barely find the strength to ride her hand anymore, settling for a slow grind as the sweat drips down her face. Her head is thrown back as she finally lets her eyes closed, exposing the delicate arch of her neck and the beginnings of a dark bruise you'd sucked into her neck. 
You can't take it anymore, reaching up and pulling her down to meet your lips before flipping her on her back. Shauna grunts in surprise, squirming beneath you as she pulls her hand out of her shorts. She tugs at the back of your shirt, pulling it over your head and making you flail around like an idiot as she gets it stuck on your arms. 
You throw it to the floor with a huff as you finally manage to untangle yourself from it, glaring down at her as she grins from ear-to-ear. 
With her back pressed up against the bed, she looks a little more disheveled than before: her hair messy as it spreads around her head, her face flushed with heat as she gives you a familiar smirk. 
Shauna laughs, wrapping her legs around your waist and pulling you closer, forcing you down on top of her. She looks so smug, so pleased with herself that all you want to do is wipe that cocky look from her face. You push up on your knees, ignoring her complaint as you trail kisses down her neck. 
You can't resist mouthing at her chest through her bra, pulling away with a teasing nip that has her pulling at your hair as you move to kiss your way down her stomach. You sit back on your knees as you get to her shorts, fingers curling around the waist as you start to work them down her legs. 
Shauna's all too eager to assist, planting her feet and arching her hips off the bed as you pull her shorts down her legs. She makes a pleased noise as you press a kiss against her knee, hooking her other leg over your shoulder and she spreads her knees wider. 
The sound she makes as your lips graze her inner thigh is nothing short of obscene, her hand grabbing at head on nothing but pure reflex. 
Her eyes slam shut in embarrassment as she realizes just how needy she sounds. “You–You're so– God. Just eat me.” She pulls painfully against your hair, clearly trying to save face, but no one has to tell you twice. 
You're eager to finally get a taste, having wanted nothing more than to bury your face in her pussy for most of the night. She cries out at the first touch of your tongue, so sensitive and so worked up that it's clearly all she can do not to come right then. 
Shauna huffs out a laugh as you squeeze her thigh, lazily moving into your mouth in a sign of encouragement. Reassured, you turn your attention back to her clit, giving it as much attention as she can bear. 
She swats your hand away as you tentatively trail it up her thigh, keeping your head in place as she pulls you just where she wants you. Shauna gets so eager that you have to pin her hips down, bucking into your mouth as you start to suck and then–
“Fuck,” she calls out, a high and needy cry that you know she'll deny making when she has the ability to. Her thighs shake uncontrollably on your shoulders, breathing heavily as she comes down. 
“I'm tired,” she whines, trying to arch away into the bed. You rub the outside of her thigh comfortingly, tentatively licking into her as she relaxes. 
“Stop. Stop,” she pants, her foot pressing into your side. “I can barely think.” 
“What's a jock need to think for, huh?” You ask, pulling your mouth away from her as you stare up at her from between her thighs. You glance down meaningfully before meeting Shauna's eyes again in a silent question. She seems to honestly consider it for a second before shaking her head, pushing weakly at your face as she lets her legs fall open. 
“You're such a distraction,” she complains, her eyes narrowing on the way your face glistens before forcing herself to look away. “We were supposed to be working on the project, idiot.”
“Finished it before you got here,” you say, flopping down next to her as you stretch out. She turns on her side to face you, her eyes narrowed as she tries to find something else to complain about. 
Finally, after a long minute of contemplation. “You seriously took all my clothes off but my bra?”
You snicker, one arm resting across your eyes as you block out the light. Shauna huffs, hesitantly scooting closer to rest her head on your chest. 
She trails her hand down your stomach, scratching lightly at the skin. “When I can think again,” Shauna warns playfully, lazily snapping the waistband of your underwear against your skin. 
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hell-drabbles · 20 days
Lucifer 3
Summary: You’re curious about Lucifer’s mouth. So, you ask him to open up. Eventually, you two cuddle.
(More Embittered Companion and Lucifer because he has not exited my mind. Casual intimacy is something I really like.)
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Lucifer comes and goes as he pleases, but he always makes sure to knock before coming into your room. It’s become a routine by this point, for Lucifer to come by in the middle of the night, crawl into your bed, and sleep until the morning comes.
It’s pretty much become a thing that brings you comfort. There’s something nice about having someone you actually trust dreaming in the same bed as you. Reminded you of all the times you, Minhyeok and Ra-on would share the same tent back when all of you used to camp every other month or so.
But, that was another routine lost, and one you’re rather sure that you’re not going to get that back.
And here you both are, you sitting up against the bed frame as Lucifer lazily lifted himself up on his elbows. He yawned, jaws wide and tongue flicking over the points of his teeth.
“Can you open your mouth for me?”
You’ve seen his teeth poking past his lips many a time, but you’ve been meaning to take a look at them up close.
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, and you expected him to ask why, but instead he rose, leaned his head forward, and let his jaw go slack. He’s more agreeable in the morning, huh?
“Thanks,” you said, tilting his head back with a finger under his chin.
Sharp thing, all of them. Looking ready to sink into delicate flesh all for the purpose of ripping and tearing. His fangs looked eternally dyed in that red color, as though he spent the night feasting on something bloody. But no, he was here with you the entire time.
You tucked strands of his hair behind his ear, and Lucifer lolled his tongue out.
“Put your tongue back in,” you laughed out, lightly flicking the muscle. “I just want to look at your teeth.”
Lucifer blinked at you, almost lovingly as he swirled his tongue once over your nail, then pulled it back in. You think you’re putting him in a mood. His breathing is starting to lean more into panting.
You tilted his chin down, coaxing him to lower his jaw to get a better view of his bottom teeth. You tapped a nail against the front most tooth. The sharp point of it accidentally slipped under, and you flinched when it almost went too far in.
“Ow.” It didn’t hurt, but you couldn’t help the instinct.
Lucifer’s eyes widened and his hands immediately cradle your wrist. He didn’t say anything as he closely examined each of your finger for even a single hint of a cut. He furrowed his brow as his mouth clicked closed.
“I’m not hurt, I just poked your tooth weirdly. Slipped under the nail for a second.” You didn’t stop him from smoothing his palm against your own, as though committing the feeling of your skin to memory. You slipped your fingers between his own, pulled back, and pushed in again. A small habit. It always brings a softer light in Lucifer’s eyes. Something about your hands always gets to him. “Mind if I look again?”
You haven’t even gotten to the red-tipped fangs.
Lucifer had an almost drunk air around him, heavily leaning against his other arm, thoughts probably slow to connect to one another as he focused entirely on you. He crawled forward and pressed a gentle kiss on your inner wrist. His half-lidded eyes practically glowed.
“Well?” You asked with a half-smile. Lucifer lips nipped at your forearm, aiming higher and higher until his face was fully in your shoulder. His body pressed against yours. “I guess that answers that, huh?”
“Mm-hmm.” Lucifer was slowly laying his weight upon you, his legs parting to fully seat himself on your lap.
You snapped the band of his underwear and laughed when he jumped.
“Alright, alright,” you said, brushing away the curling strands of his hair just to get a better look at the flush on his cheeks. He fully buried himself in your neck, arms loosely wrapping around you. “Guess we’re cuddling.”
Shame. You were hoping to have a walk in the early morning, when there wasn’t a crowd of devils gathering in the park you found.
“Want to use my leg to take care of that morning wood of yours?”
He snuggled deeper into your body. “Mm-hmm. In a bit.”
He really doesn’t understand how cute he is.
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skzdust · 4 months
Room 514
Part 1
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This fic is the result of 1. Me going on a road trip and 2. A poll I did on here! I have the trip back coming up in a few days so I might do another poll to decide what I write on the way back lol!
Summary: You’re moving into a new suite halfway through your sophomore year at Stay University, populated by three guys: Jisung, Changbin, and Bang Chan. You meet their friends and quickly become a part of their group, but you find yourself wanting more with Jisung…
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Includes: slow burn (if I have the patience to write it slow lol), college au, roommates, besties with skz, gender neutral reader (if smut happens reader will be afab)
Word count: 1.3k
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
The lock to room 514 beeped, its LED turning green, and you moved your phone away. You took a breath and turned the handle.
You didn’t need to worry. The suite’s living room was empty. The decoration gave you hope, though; it was neat and decorated mostly in shades of blue, with a sunny yellow cover on the couch. You hoped it was like this all the time and not just because you were moving in today.
The suite had four single bedrooms, two half bathrooms, one shower, and a living room with a mini-fridge and microwave. You’d been living in a different hall just a few days ago, sharing a room with another girl, Catherine. She’d been awful ever since you’d walked in on her cheating on her boyfriend with another guy, spreading rumors and turning all your friends against you. You’d pleaded with your RA for a single room, and she’d helped you find a suite in another hall. It was a room with three guys, which made you a little anxious, but you’d jumped at the chance nonetheless.
“Hello?” You said, a little louder than you usually would speak.
You found room D, your room, in the hallway to the left. Room C, next door, had a handwritten sign beside the “C”: “Han Jisung.”
One of your roommates. You knew the others were named Changbin and Bang Chan, but you hadn’t met any of the three.
You pressed your phone to the lock on room D and walked in.
The room was small and bare, but you smiled at the fact that you’d have your own space at all. A lofted bed with plenty of storage space underneath was against the back wall, next to a desk and chair, and a tall chest of drawers was beside the closet.
You climbed up on the bed to look out the window. You had a rather ugly view of the parking lot, but the window faced South, so at least you’d get plenty of light.
There was a loud knock behind you.
You whirled around, almost falling off the bed. Potentially the most attractive man you’d ever seen in real life was leaning in your doorway, a grin on his face. “You must be y/n!”
“Yeah, that’s… me.” You said with a little laugh. “And you’re…?”
“Jisung.” His smile grew. “Han Jisung.”
You hopped off the bed. “Jisung. You’re next door!”
“Yeah! Me and Changbin and Bang Chan are excited to have another roommate, it’s been just the three of us for a while.”
“Well, I’m kind of escaping a situation at the moment, so I’m looking forward to a fresh start, too.” You tried not to let your thoughts of Catherine make you angry.
“Well, you’re always welcome to hang out with us.”
“Thanks, that’s nice of you.”
“Actually, we’re having some people over tonight.” He raised his eyebrows. “Chill with us, if you don’t have to study or anything. We’re gonna watch Love Island.”
You grinned. “Love Island? Seriously?”
“How can you not love stupid reality TV with a bunch of hot people?” Jisung held his hands up. “Just saying, just saying. We’re probably gonna order pizza, too, if that helps convince you.”
“Not judging, just wasn’t expecting it.” You shrugged. “But yeah, I don’t have anything going on tonight, that sounds fun!”
“Sounds good. Do you need any help moving stuff in?”
“I think I’ve got it.” You waved your hand. “Just some stuff in the hallway.”
He nodded. “Let me know if you want help.”
“I will.”
He gave a lazy salute. “See you tonight!” He pushed off the doorway and twirled into the hall, and you heard his door click shut.
You squeezed your eyes shut, sending up a silent prayer. Please, please, please let him be single.
You stood in the center of the room, doing a little circle and judging it cute enough to be finished.
You’d been unpacking and decorating for a few hours, but the sounds of people in the living room had started about an hour ago, so you’d slowed down. You wanted to see Jisung again, but you were a bit anxious to meet his friends, as well as your other two roommates.
But there were only so many times you could rearrange your books or organize your clothes, and you knew it was a good idea to go out and join the party.
You checked your reflection in the mirror on the inside of the closet door, smoothing your hair, and left your room.
There were eight people in the living room of the suite, the only one you recognized being Jisung. And… wait, was that the guy you’d been on a project with in music technology last year? Hwang Hyunjin?
“Y/n!” Jisung jumped up from the couch when he saw you, beaming. “Guys, this is our new roommate!”
“Y/n?” The guy you were 99% sure was Hyunjin said, tilting his head. “I know you! We did a project together.”
“Yeah! I remember that! It’s Hyunjin, right?”
He smiled softly. “Yeah, Hyunjin. Nice to meet you again!”
You tried to remember back to the project. You’d loved the class, and you remembered the project going well. Hyunjin had been great to work with, doing his share of the planning and the legwork. You’d found him cute then, too, but freshman year you’d been even more timid, and you hadn’t made a move. You were kind of glad for that now, though.
Because Jisung was walking across the room to you, and standing right next to you, and you almost missed what he started to say because you could smell whatever cologne he used, and it smelled good.
“Okay, around the room we have...” He pointed at each of the guys. “Seungmin, Minho, Jeongin, you know Hyunjin, Felix, Bang Chan, he’s one of our roommates, and Changbin, he’s our other roommate.” He pointed to himself. “And you know me. Jisung.”
You nodded at each name, doing your best to match them to faces. “Got it. I’m decent with names, so I’ll do my best.”
Jisung bumped your shoulder, and you giggled. “I’m sure you’ve got it.” He made a shooing motion at Seungmin, who was sitting on the floor. “Pizza’s behind Seungmin.”
“What kind?”
“There’s pepperoni and there’s cheese.” Seungmin picked up a plate. “Here, I can grab you a slice, what do you want?”
“Just a slice of cheese, thanks.”
Seungmin handed Jisung the plate, and he made a little mock bow before holding it out to you. You smiled, taking it. “Thank you, butler.”
“Of course, my liege.” He winked, and a cloud of butterflies took flight in your chest.
“Nice to meet you, y/n!” Changbin leaned over the back of his chair and extended his hand. You shook it.
“Changbin, right?”
“Mhm. Roommates!”
“Yeah, that’s right.” You nodded.
“He sings a lot. You can tell him to shut up if you need to.” Bang Chan grinned. “I’m Bang Chan, I’m your other roommate.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. I don’t mind singing.”
“I mean, he has a decent enough voice, but it’s… frequent.” Jisung widened his eyes as he nodded. “Quite frequent.”
“Oh, come on.” Changbin rolled his eyes. “You all should be honored that you get to hear my singing. I’m gonna be recognized for my talent someday!”
“He also raps.” Jeongin added. “I’m sure you’ll hear that, too.”
“I’m an even better of a rapper than I am a singer!” He pointed around the room. “Feel honored!”
Felix held a hand to his chest. “We all feel so honored. All hail the most beautiful voice, Changbin!”
“That’s more like it!”
You laughed with the rest of them. This group felt more comfortable than you’d ever felt with your old friends, and you couldn’t help thinking that maybe moving in with Changbin, Bang Chan, and Jisung was meant to be.
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kiddiesmores · 20 hours
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐝𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞: 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞: bello! this is the prequel to the college ted smut fic LOLL, this is gonna be a cute little series. more headaconish if anything, everyone say thank you @michibap !! this series is less edited, and i’ll talk abt them as i please, but if you ask for more i’ll probably tell u more abt them so, you never know. ok enjoy!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smutty towards the end.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
and as always!! dividers by @cafekitsune
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Ted was the RA of your hallway yalls freshman year
At your first meeting you kinda sat in the chair with your roommate next to you a little geeked out
Those stupid glasses and collared shirt had a grip on you it really did
But outside of the occasional room check (which he literally does nothing but stand and look side to side before leaving) you don’t see him much
However on your walk home from your friend's dorm across campus, your roommate gave you a heads up that she’s having a person over, and if you could stall an extra 30 minutes or so that would be great.
Whatever, you’ll hang out in the common area
That was at 9pm. It’s 11.
And you’ve blown this girls phone up and fucking nothing, and it’s not like you’re not LITERALLY RIGHT OUTSIDE THE ROOM so you know whoever it is hasn’t left yet.
And you’ll be damned if you sleep in room with your roommate and her victim of the week.
So you decide to suck it up and text your friends who’s dorm you were just at and asking if you could sleep on the floor tonight and just bitch at her tomorrow
“You locked out?”
Your angel, saving grace, Ted Nivison
“Nah just um, trying to be a good roommate.” you joke, pointing at the pink scrunchy on the doorknob that your roommate used to signal she has someone of “importance” over
He laughs a bit to himself, “Well, I can keep you company, or better yet kick whoever it is out, yk, can’t have opposite sex over past 10pm and all”
You sigh, “I don’t even know if it’s a man in there or not so, we can hold off on that one”
He sets up next to you on the common area couch, “Then I guess I'm keeping you company.”
Your brow raises, “Don’t you have any RA duties to finish, like i dunno, loud sex complaints or people smoking out their shoe box?”
And he laughs again, you got this man giggling, you’re so in
“I’m off duty now, finished my last walk around so, you want me here or not?”
You pretend to think for a moment, “Yeah, you wanna see pics from my cadaver internship?”
“Forgot I'm on the floor with the freaks.”
From that point on you two were in contact with each other
Walking back from class and checking his door to see if the wheel on his door said he was inside or not before knocking
Always thinking it’s another resident but it’s just you with a bag of chick fil a from the student center and a stupid smile while sweat drips from your forehead
The two of you sitting in his floor sharing fries and discussing class and the drama from your opposing friend groups
Finding out he’s a theater and film kid from all the playbills and movie posters scattered across his single bedroom
Complaining about how it’s been months and you get no play and have to just suffer and live through your roommate
And he’s just eyeing you like 🌝
So yall start hooking up! for the plot
He was kinda waiting for you to just lean over and just start kissing him but a win is a win
Eventually you’d be sleeping over all the time and one night yall are watching a movie on his laptop
And he has an arm around you and just looks down at you like “Are we like?? Dating??” Cause atp it’s been going on for months
And you shrug and you’re like “We can be”
And he’s giddy but tries to stay cool about it
But the cuteness aggression gets to him and he just starts hugging you tight as fuck and rolling around violently and you’re like “bro chill” but you like it so it’s whatever
Fast forward to sophomore year and yall are out of the dorms thank fucking god
Yall end up living in the apartments close to campus where all of your older friends used to stay
But the real issue is debating if you’d wanna live TOGETHER or not
You decided against it because the thought of living with a man is driving you crazy, you get enough testosterone when you see him and schlatt together you don’t need that evil energy near you at all times
Speaking of Schlatt, that dumb ass sigma chi president
When you first met it was when Ted drug you to one of the parties they threw, something about getting the “full college experience” or something who knows
Schlatt approaches you both and he kinda looks at you funny?? So you look at him funny?? But you know that look, you’ve seen it from the girls and twinks in the Fine Arts building whenever you go in and sit with Ted before class starts
He wants your guy and now you’re on guard
You end up going shot for shot with him at the next party to assert your dominance over him but you both just end up drunk and shoeless down the road eating half frozen burritos he took from the house fridge
Ted notices you both are missing and tracks your location and drives to find you both sitting on a curb leaned against eachother
“How the fuck did you guys get here?? And what the fuck are you eating??”
“Rito..” you mumble, mouth full of tortilla and you even hand it to him as a peace offering
He sighs and takes a bite before lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder with a “hff” from you, and looking down to see Schlatt falling over since you were his ledge
“Get up man, you’re embarrassing the hoes” and Schlatts at full attention and stumbling to the car
So yall fucked with eachother after that, hangover the next morning went CRAAZY and yall sent each other snaps back and forth showing how fucked you both looked
When yall decided to get the apartments, schlatt was there, in Ted’s ear about how Tucker and Charlie would be happy to live with them if you didn’t want to
And you look at him like ???? cause since when was he moving into the apartments
“If I stay another year in that house and see those pledges everyday and hear them try to butter me up, I might burn the house down.”
“Type shit”
Even at separate houses Ted still loves to be in yours.
Sleepover? Yeah if it’s in your bed. Wanna fuck? Yeah but only in your bed.
Girl house energy is so much better than chuckle house.
You’ll wake up to him tucked into your side or laid on top of you, face in your neck and snoring softly.
No shirt on, hands on your hips and sleepy mumbling in your ear, you don’t even mind how hot his body temp is because he looks so precious on top of you.
Loves when you rub on his back and whisper his name to wake him up, slowly waking up and squinting at his lack of vision and because of how tired he is before smiling softly when he sees you.
Yall are so codependent it’s sickening.
Loves touching you, like LOVES IT. CRAVES IT.
When you’re out together he will have his hand on yours or hand on your waist or hip.
Hanging out with friends? He needs to be sitting next to you, thighs touching or head resting on top of yours, hands interlocked and kissing your fingers while staring at you softly while you speak.
Mornings after sleepovers he’s stood behind you while you cook or move about in the kitchen, hands around your waist and leaning against you while trying to force himself awake.
“You’re gonna make me trip if you don’t move Ted.” “Buh.”
Off chance you’re at his place, it’s never just you and him time. It’s you, Ted and Schlatt time.
You’re cuddling? Schlatt is sitting at the bottom of the bed or in the office chair at the desk on his phone. You wanna smoke? Schlatt is sat between you both as a footrest for you and someone to lean on for Ted.
Yall have a group chat called “Bottoms n Schlatt”
He always oddly fits in with you two.
You learn that he and Ted had a weird aura when they first met. Not knowing if they were just close friends or wanted each other but inevitably never doing anything about it.
And you only found out when one drunken night at a party you found your boyfriend and schlatt talking oddly close to each other in a corner, giggling and poking at each other while Schlatts hand tightly gripped your boyfriends hip to stop him from running from his playful gnawing.
But you weren’t upset at all! In all honesty it was hot! And it’s not like you and schlatt haven’t fooled around before.
That drunken night as yall sat on the curb was only the beginning.
It’s where he admitted his distaste for you because he thought you were stealing his bestfriend. And how he found you both so attractive it made him mad.
To which you replied, “Type shit” and let him kiss you, only stopping when he pulled back and grumbled about having to throw up, making you go “eugh” and rub his back as he did so.
You told Ted the next morning, a bit guilty as you guys had JUST started dating but he wasn’t phased at all.
“Did you like it?”
“Huh?” you mutter, still twiddling with your fingers anxiously. He smiled sweetly, slowly sliding his hand over to yours to interlock them, leaning in closer. “Did you like kissing him?”
You think for a second, dumbly blinking with slightly widened eyes. “I mean, for the 10 seconds before he had to hunch over I did..” “Eugh..” “I had the same reaction.”
He laughs and kisses your cheek, squeezing your hand before murmuring a low, “M’not mad, I think this is definitely a conversation for all three of us to have though.” To which you nod and softly kiss his lips.
To this day that conversation never happened. You all kinda just hit on each other whenever you were all together.
At a party and talking to Ted while stood next to Schlatt but Schlatt’s hand is on your hip as he sips his drink, and both their eyes are locked on you.
How you and Ted cuddled in an empty room while everyone else went crazy down stairs suddenly shifted to Schlatt sitting in the room with you guys quietly but then turned into all three of you sandwiched together, drunkingly giggling and whispering to eachother.
How you caught them making out in a dark corner and only whined because you wanted to be included.
To which they took turns kissing you while being passed around in their arms.
Multiple pictures in the digicam of you three, the taller two holding you up while you pout or the three of you teasingly sticking your tongues out at each other while the tips touch.
But your personal favorite, was the one of them both between your legs, smiling goofily with glistening lips and dazed eyes, Ted's glasses crooked.
It started off playful, you laid back in Schlatt’s arms and play fighting with ted, small kicks and giggly grunts as you tried to keep him away from you, only for Schlatt to end up holding you down while Ted tickles you.
Once the tickling stopped he’d lean up to kiss you, still between Schlatts legs as you kiss him back, letting his tongue slip into your mouth. You let out soft moans, starting to forget that you’re both quite literally between schlatts legs until he lets out a low huff, making you pull back with a trail of spit between your lips to look up at him.
“Well don’t let me stop you.”
Ted’s face ends up buried between your legs with Schlatt’s hands under your sweatshirt toying with your tits and locking you in a hot sloppy kiss, grunting into your mouth when you moan out for Ted.
Pinches your nipples and it makes your back arch, causing Ted to groan and rub his nose against your clit as he eats you out.
Schlatt marks up your neck, huffing in frustration because he needs MORE
Does a weird shuffle to move from under you, confusing you a bit because where are you going??
Regardless he manages to get from under you and lays you against the headboard, walking around to the end of the bed to join Ted between your legs.
Pushes his face over with his hand like “Move over.” “Guh”
Your eyes kinda widen because what are they gonna-oh wow.
This is a planned attack, has to be.
Regardless you enjoy it, two mouths lapping at your cunt, two mouths to clean up the mess. Efficient!
In your haze you notice the digicam on the bed stand, shakily reaching over to grab it with a wicked smile.
The two of them are rutting against the bed and cleaning you up, Ted whimpering and Schlatts low groaning giving you a good contrast of the two.
“Say cheese boys!” you tease with a playful cunning smile, causing them both to look up and press a cheek to either of your thighs.
Both looking just as pitiful as the other, only difference is Ted’s glasses are all fucked up and he’s way redder than Schlatt is. But they enjoyed it an equal amount!
So yeah y'all are all kinda locked in after that.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 11 months
safe word
words: 500
warnings: 18+ only, use of safe word (duh), p in v sex
“missed you so much.” rafe kisses all over your face, thankful he’s back with you after you went on a family vacation that he wasn’t able to attend. it was only four days, but it felt like you were apart for years for him. he called you every single day, making sure you were having fun even though you were apart.
“missed you too.” you gasp as rafes hip press into yours, the usual familiar thrusts feeling brand new, even just after your few days apart.
you feel dizzy, head spinning as rafes hand drops from your hip to rub his thumb over your clit. you want to cry or scream out, but you can’t get anything out.
“ra-” you begin to say his name as stars clouding your vision. you feel his cock swelling inside of you but your heart is beating too fast, so you muster up all of your energy, “strawberry!”
the second you shout out the word, rafe is off of you. you close your eyes and curl up on the bed, trying to get your breathing back to normal.
“i’m sorry.” rafe says, but you just shake your head and whimper. it’s not his fault. “what can i do?” rafe asks. “do you want water?”
“cuddles.” you say, and rafe is finally touching you again, afraid to do so before he knew what you wanted. 
“i’ve got you, princess.” rafe spoons you from behind, letting you snuggle back into him, feeling like his body is shielding you, keeping you safe. “i’ve got you.”
“‘m sorry, rafey.” you say, shivering. his hands rub over your hips, shushing you. you stay like that for a few minutes before you feel alright enough to turn around. you face rafe, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“i just got overwhelmed, i’m sorry.” you say, sniffling as you see the look on rafes face, hoping he’s not upset with you. “no, no baby. it’s okay.” he brushes some of your hair out of your face, “that’s why we have a safe word, yeah?”
you nod and lean forward to give him a kiss, but rafe sees your pout and knows you still feel bad about it. “why don’t i draw us a bath? hmm? does that sound good, a nice warm bath?”
“yeah.” you nod, letting rafe get up and instantly missing his warmth, but hes back quickly, picking you up to carry you into the bathroom. he helps you step into the warm tub before getting behind you so you can lean against his chest.
you take rafes hand into your own, playing with his fingers as you close your eyes, letting all your worries out into the water. “can we try again later?” you ask.
“only if you want to, baby. don’t think we need to.” rafe says, kissing the side of your head. 
“i love you.” you tell rafe, squeezing his hand, wanting him to know how much you mean it.
“love you too.”
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Stans: Spop says Buff Women Rights!!!
Spop: The buff women in question.
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Not buff. Not even athletic in any way. NO MUSCLE DEFINITION WHATSOEVER.
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Very buff, but they’re built exactly the same. Also, there’s only two of them. I’m not counting the moth lady or the bar tender.
Not all buff women are built the same. (Yes, I know not all the girls pictured are buff, but they are all athletes and have noticeable muscles or are toned in one way or another. You get the idea)
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all of this! adora at least has muscles SOMETIMES in her she-ra form, they’re just very inconsistent. but catra??? fans really saw that one frame where her arms were drawn a bit thicker and immediately decided that she had biceps. even though she was stick thin for the ENTIRETY of the series. pros at cherrypicking really.
and yeah, while i do appreciate that spop gave us SOME buff women, i do wish there was more variety, instead of giving them the exact same body type. scorpia and huntara even look like they’re around the same height. (also we don’t really see much of scorpia’s muscles because most of it is covered by her exoskeleton. we know she’s buff but we rarely get shots of her muscles.)
arcane, for example, does muscular bodies really well and gives us a variety of muscular women who all look different from one another.
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same goes for tlok.
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you can see how korra’s body is stockier and wider while lin is a bit skinnier with lean and athletic biceps. this makes sense considering their powersets and their jobs too since lin was a cop who often used metalbending to restrain people, whereas korra used brute force to fight people head-on. i also appreciate that they made korra a decently big-chested woman who is still masculine and muscular.
at the end of the day, progress is progress and i will praise spop for playing a role in that progress (even if it was very backwards in many areas). but there’s always room for criticism and it’s especially frustrating when fans act like spop is the most diverse show in existence when it doesn’t even come close.
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jungshookz · 8 months
teeny tidbits: namjoon wants a raise & y/n is kind of scary
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i watched the proposal again recently + i’ve been on depop trying not to spend a million dollars on all the y2k corporate-core clothes = inspired me to write this snippet of ceo!y/n (you all know i have a soft spot for anything ceo i’m sorry) 
“ever since you hired me, i’ve managed to boost sales up by approximately 28%-“ namjoon clears his throat, trying his best to continue standing tall as he points to the screen with his little laser pen, “i’ve been working here for nearly a year and a half which you can argue hasn’t been very long, but at the same time i feel as though my efforts and the results that i’ve produced is well deserving of a raise, miss y/l/n. i wasn’t going to say anything but i’ve actually been offered a position elsewhere with a higher salary, and, well- i do enjoy working here, and i would like to stay here, but-“ 
you lean back against your office chair, propping both elbows up on the arm chairs before pressing your fingertips together, staring intently at the presentation in front of you 
your eyes follow the little red dot darting across the screen and you lick over your teeth as your head tilts to the side slightly 
“-so, what do you think?” namjoon reaches the end of his presentation and tucks his pen into his shirt pocket, very much aware of how much heat is radiating off his body from the nerves 
he’s heard some things about people who’ve tried to ask for raises, and making the bold move of coming directly to you has historically never ended very well for those guys 
jungkook presses the button for the lights to turn on and the blinds to roll back up from where he’s standing by the front door, offering namjoon a smile and a supportive nod 
at least five seconds of silence linger in the air and namjoon wonders if you’re able to hear his heart practically beating out of his chest 
you’ve also been maintaining eye contact with him the entire time he’s presented which makes him ten times as nervous because he’ll be the first to admit you have very nice eyes 
“…i think all of this could’ve been an email, kim.” you lean forward, office chair squeaking slightly as you swipe your phone off the table and unlock it, “the next time you want something, i don’t need a thirty-eight minute presentation on why you think you deserve it.” 
“ma’am?” namjoon’s face reddens and suddenly it feels like the collar of his button-up is suffocating him 
“who’s trying to poach you from me?” 
“i-if you don’t mind, i’d like to keep that detail priv-“ namjoon immediately stops talking when your eyes flicker up from your phone to look at him through your eyebrows, “ah- min corporations, miss y/l/n. i was contacted by their secretary last week.” 
“mm, i’ve spoken to that secretary. preppy little thing.” you snort, eyebrow raising slightly at the memory of the one time you got a call on your personal cell phone from min corporations (you’re not even sure how that secretary got your damn number in the first place) inviting you to a lunch with mr. min yoongi himself 
you went, of course, more than surprised to discover that the secretary wasn’t just his secretary but also his wife and the mother of his (adorable) daughter 
you don’t know how she managed to go from secretary all the way to wife/mother but hat’s off to her for pulling that off
with that being said you’re sure that if she spoke three decibels higher all the dogs in the city would start barking and all the windows in your office would’ve cracked 
“you’re a hard worker. i like having you on my team.” you set your phone face down on your desk, “get back to work. we can discuss numbers another day because if you make me look at another excel spreadsheet i might change my mind.” 
“oh, i- thank you so much, miss y/l/n, i really appreciate it! thank you so much-“ namjoon fumbles with the projector and switches it off, a weight instantly lifted off his shoulders at the implication that he will, in fact, be getting a raise 
“mm.” you gesture with a flick of your wrist for him to leave your office as you raise your phone to your ear, “min yoongi! trying to steal my star salesman, are you?” 
jungkook opens the door for namjoon, stepping aside to let him out before shutting the door behind him quietly 
“see, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” jungkook beams, giving namjoon a hearty pat on the arm, “congratulations on the raise!” 
“i think i need to take a shot or something, that was- so stressful.” namjoon lets out a breath, reaching up to loosen his tie slightly, “god, she really- her eye contact is crazy intense sometimes-“ 
“it’s probably the eyeliner in her waterline making her look ten times scarier, you’ll survive-“ 
🎙️ ask y/n for eyeliner recommendations (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (go say hi to your other faves!)
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits like this!) 
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