#I’m so glad I finished the series when I did because life is so h e c t i c right now
dude1818 · 2 years
Revue Starlight: The Movie
Just finished Revue Starlight: The Movie. Possibly the most gorgeous anime I’ve seen, the soundtrack was even better than the show, and there was absolutely zero narrative cohesion
I didn’t know if the movie was going to be a remake of the show or a sequel, and apparently it didn’t either. It nominally takes place in their third year of school, except nearly every fight is a redux from the show. They’re all incredible and should be inserted into the show at the appropriate time, but they don’t make sense to happen in the third year
The movie had a lot more of baby Karen and Hikari, and I loved it. They were so cute, and it really fleshed out the backstory. The cost of this is that there was absolutely zero characterization of the other seven girls. What made the show so good was how each episode fleshed out the relationship between two or more of the girls, culminating in a conflict that was settled via the revue. In the movie, each scene starts in media res at the start of a fight, with no explanation of who the girls are or what they’re fighting about. If you already know the story from the anime and can remember the several missing scenes that led up to the fight, that’s fine, but it doesn’t work at all for a movie
The biggest offenders are the two new fights: Mahiru vs Hikari and Nana vs everyone. M vs H would’ve been wonderful to include in the anime, so I’m glad it gets to be shown here. Except, in the narrative established by the movie, the two characters have never interacted before! Hikari is brought in straight from England to find Karen and Mahiru intercepts her, but there’s no way they would know who the other is yet
Even worse is the Nana vs everyone fight. They did Nana so dirty in the movie. So the movie has established that the girls are about to graduate, and now Nana initiates her time loop plan. (Not that it’s mentioned a single time that her killing all of them is because she’s going to reset the timeline. At one point much later she mentions her “repeat performance” with zero context, and that’s it.) Obviously this contradicts the anime, which shows she never wants to give up her first year of school, and merely by making to graduation she’s lost her ability to force a time loop. What makes even less sense is that even though she defeats the rest of them, it has no effect on the narrative. No one ever brings up that Nana killed all of them on the train, even though the timeline should’ve reset there and didn’t. Nana wasn’t even a villain the anime, so this feels like they took the fandom interpretation of her character :/
There were some things that were done really well. While the fights were good in the anime, I love how they included a lot more transformations between cuts this time. Besides being stunning to watch, bringing the stage to life like that really built up the fact that the swordfights are a metaphor for their acting competition (or vice versa). I particularly enjoyed that Claudine got little fangs for the first part of her fight with Maya, although I’m disappointed they cut the reveal that Maya secretly learned French just in case she had the chance to reveal that Claudine’s “private” praise of her wasn’t so private
I also realized about halfway through that we hadn’t seen Karen’s transformation sequence yet. It did get a gasp out of me when I saw the opening for “I Am Reborn” during the Karen vs Hikari fight at the end, even if it didn’t play out the whole thing
Overall, as cool and gorgeous as the movie was, it was a big letdown. It only makes sense as a series of set pieces remastering scenes from the anime, and the narrative glue was either lacking or straight up nonsense. While Revue Starlight the show was a solid 9/10, Revue Starlight: The Movie was a 6/10 at best. It didn’t even have Starlight in it
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
goodbye 2022– a love letter
okay, so i am not one for long, sappy posts. in fact i think i can count on one hand the amount of times i’ve written about personal stuff on this blog, because i wanted it to be a space for me to just escape life and write for the first time.
i just wanted to make this post to say thank-you. i think i have written that word out about 1,000 times since making this account, but it will truely never be enough to express how greatful i am to have this space, and that all of you have been so fucking welcoming and kind to me.
when i started this account nine months ago, i genuinely had no idea what it would turn into. i’d been reading fanfic for most of my life, and the last few years i’ve been obsessed with the punisher and the mandalorian (not much has changed). i’ve always been the type of person to make stories in my head, especially with how much i read, it’s almost like i can’t help it. i also have taken a very big interest in writing recently, so i thought why not have a bit of fun with it and write a few chapters of a story and see where it goes.
my first official post on this account was the first chapter of the element of surprise series, and i remember getting my first few notes, and even a comment, and i nearly jumped out of my skin. every single one since then has been so special, and i still get all giddy and excited when i see someone interacting with my stories. after that i posted my first frank castle story, looking to tomorrow. i was so insecure about it, but at that point i think i had literally 0 followers, so i had NOTHING to lose.
after a few more chapters and frank one shots i started to get a little more inspired, and that is all thanks to the lovely people who cared enough to encourage me. i would have 100% stopped writing if you all hadn’t been so welcoming and amazing, and my life trajectory has seriously changed for the better. not even exaggerating.
now i’m here nine months later. i’ve finished my first series and nearly completed my second, both of which are over 85,000 words in length, which is fucking WILD. i have also written 30ish (im counting my drafts in this lmao) stand alone fics, and did my first ever celebration, writing out a bunch of requests (which i still actually have three or four in my drafts. trust me they are coming i’m just slow pls).
i am just so so greatful to have this space where i have so many encouraging, kind people that share the same interests, and find genuine enjoyment in the shit that i write. i’ll never be able to type out in words how much it means. every time someone reads my fics, i just want them to know how much it means to me. even if you don’t interact (i’d love to reply personally if you do!) i just love that people are reading my writing. so thank you. THANK YOU.
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now. i have a few ppl i wanna mention who have made this experience all the more incredible.
@everybirdfellsilent for being my first tumblr friend and my longest. you are so, so incredible, and i genuinely don’t know where i would be if i hadn’t found you on here. thank you for your constant support, editing help, beta reading, screaming about sexy fan art, obi-wan thirsting and everything in between. i appreciate you more than you know and i love u for it.
@buckymcbuckbarnes BITCH you know i love you. do i even have to SAY!!!! thank you for everything— you are such a special person to me, and i literally can’t tell u how glad i am to have found you. watch out 2023 bc we have big things COMING. and they will be cumming if you know what i mean. thank you for your incredible playlists and every single fic and tik tok you send me. i love every single one. i love you. we say it all the time and i mean it.
@tea-and-wine for all our chats, even though sometimes they are few and far between, i always appreciate your messages and kind words. i hope you make 2023 your bitch!!
@marvelswh0re for your thirsty frank and matt thoughts and all your kind words. i still think about that convo we had about how frank is receiving a bj. it’s just always in my mind. i need him to **** ** ***. sorry got off track. THANKYOU!!!
@lemon-world1 for being SO lovely, and for all the amazing words you’ve left on my frank series and everything in between. it means so so much to me. i can’t explain it. also congrats for sharing your frank fic, it was incredible and i can’t wait to see what else you have in store!
@castlesnchurches i will never be able to express how much i love reading your comments on my fics. probably one of my fave things ever. you motivate me so much just by being so lovely. thank you thank you. xx
@dinahmadanimybeloved for your amazing messages and supportive words, i hope 2023 is a good one for you xx
@hellskitchenswhore FOR GENERAL KINDNESS!!! thankyou so so much. it means the world ❤️
and to every single person who has interacted, liked or read a fic of mine/ followed along for the journey— and reading this right now!!! i’ll never be able to tell you how happy you have made me. thank you for making a pretty shitty year that much better ❤️
get ready for more fics, more series, and more SEX in 2023. YEHAW.
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Today I bring you: an alternate Super Sons meeting! (This is a scrapped scene from my Code Bat series on ao3, but I think this is still enjoyable without context!)
The rewrite of this is here!
“I told you, coming with me would be boring.”
“Tt. Whatever, Drake.”
The nickname had long lost its malicious tinge. Tim rolled his eyes, trying to quell the fond smile that was twitching at his lips by ducking his face back down towards the paperwork on his table.
He was in a usually vacant office, at the Wayne Enterprises building of New York. Damian was playing a video game of some sort on his phone. Tim leaned over to peer at the boy’s screen. Damian tried to jerk away from his view, but Tim had already caught sight of the display.
Tim snorted, “Is that Dragonvale?”
“Shut up,” Damian snapped, his emotions betrayed by the reddening of his cheeks. Tim laughed lightly before returning to his work, the office descending into companionable silence, the only sounds coming from Tim shifting around the papers and clicking and unclicking his pen.
Damian had insisted on coming along for Tim’s business trip to New York. Not because he wanted to have a hand at the business, no, but because the young artist was interested in sketching the streets of the city - especially from the more illegal perches they could find on the tall buildings.
A ping from Tim’s phone caught his attention. He frowned minutely, enough of a change for Damian to raise an eyebrow from where he had positioned himself in the corner of the office, right next to the window overlooking the street below. Damian had already grown bored of the same view, having sketched the same perpsective for three days straight.
“So much for a peaceful business trip,” Tim murmured, signing quickly to Damian from behind his desk, where the camera in the room was unable to see, “K-O-N is in town. Pursuing T-O-Y-M-A-N.”
Damian tilted his head to the side, a silent question of “How?”, because New York was not exactly a neighbour to Metropolis. Tim shrugged with a disgruntled look, “Let’s go. I’m pretty much done with what I have to do right now. The rest can wait until later.”
Damian kept pace with Tim as he made a quick detour to access his spare costume before exiting the building. They were becoming more and more like real brothers each day - just the fact that Damian was here with Tim, without any of their other family members, already spoke volumes on their improving relationship. “What do I do?” Damian wondered curiously, “I know you’re intending on meeting up with him. Would my presence be distracting?”
Tim pursed his lips in thought. He had to admit, Damian’s new costume - the robe dyed with faint colourings - was pretty neat, but also very easily located. Damian would definitely stand out, if he did suit up. Not to mention that Damian had little to no exposure to any metas besides Duke, and would struggle to hide from Kon’s super senses.
“If you’re ready to make your debut, then I’ll see you at the destruction zone,” Tim clasped his hand briefly on Damian’s shoulder before ducking into the nearest alleyway. Damian would take more time to make it to where Toyman was currently wreaking havoc, since he had left his robe in their hotel room.
Sure enough, when Red Robin swooped down from the nearest rooftop to land a direct hit on Toyman’s newest creation, the flash of Damian’s white costume was still nowhere to be seen.
There was, however, another tween present. It did not take a genius to realise from the boy’s red cape and blue Superman tunic that this was Kon’s younger brother, Jon.
“How did Toyman get all the way to New York?” Red Robin aimed the question at his teammate, electing to ignore the presence of the younger boy for the time being.
Superboy huffed, visibly annoyed. “He let loose a ton of smaller toy robots, miniatures of the one he’s currently on,” Kon pointed to the UFO-like contraption that was zipping about the skies. He then directed a glare at his younger brother, “And somebody decided to ditch homeland, so that their Pa has to do all the work taking the robots down himself.”
“Pa can take care of the robots just fine!” Jon yelled, angry tone still dangerously close to a whine, “And I can help you! It all works out!”
Kon looked ready to argue back, so Tim cut in with a quick, “Less talk, more work. We can deal with family squabbles later.” Both Superboys instantly fell silent.
Toyman was rather irritable, Tim realised. Particularly so for him, since he was unable to fly and was restricted to the rooftops or fire escapes along the sides of the buildings. It was one of the few times that he wished he had incorporated his gliding wings into his Red Robin suit instead of his Gotham suit.
The villain also seemed to have a shield around his robot, preventing them from inflicting much damage on the UFO he was in. Tim was also constantly weary of the civilians - they were unable to properly clear out of the way, since Toyman kept switching streets and running off in different directions.
Jon tried to punch straight through the shield, but the shield deflected the force of his blow right back at him with a displacing wave of energy, sending the boy hurtling into a nearby building. The boy growled and got back to his feet, aiming to punch the shield a second time. The buildings around them were already unstable from the force of the first blast.
“Kid, don’t!” Red Robin called, but Jon had already flown straight into the shield, forcefully flinging his fist into the barrier.
Damian arrived on scene just as the buildings began to crumble. He stayed crouched a distance away, just shy of the main impact zone of the concussive wave.
Damian first noted the failing infrastructures of the buildings nearest to the blast. He was moving before his thoughts had fully formed, diving quickly through the sizable hole in the building and sprinting towards the unlucky civilians that were caught up in the chaos. He had to clear the building fast, before they were crushed under it.
He lowered the last person to the ground with his grappling hook, only to look up and note the presence of not one, but two Superboys. The smaller one looked to be around his own age, which was both intriguing and concerning.
The second Superboy now looked down at him from where he was holding up the upper half of the building he had just exited. “Who are you?” the boy asked in bewilderment. Damian backed away before ducking into the alley beside him, making his way onto the rooftop of a stable building.
“I could use some help!” Red Robin yelled from one street over, where Toyman had retreated to. Red Robin was using what looked to be electrified bird-a-rangs, which were just barely able to get through the shield, but were not doing much in terms of damage.
Damian slipped a small throwing knife into his hand, aiming his shot carefully. Toyman was facing away from him, and his control panel was on full display from where Damian was crouched. He waited until Red Robin readied another bird-a-rang, before throwing his knife in sync with him.
The shield malfunctioned for a split second once more, and it was all that was needed for the knife to slip through at the same time as the bird-a-rang, planting itself neatly into the controls. The wiring fizzled for a brief moment as Toyman cried out, whipping his head back to meet Damian’s blank mask.
The shield disappeared, and then Superboy - Kon-El - was delivering a sharp punch that crunched through the robot’s metallic body easily. The younger Superboy came soon after, hanging back as Red Robin and his older brother subdued Toyman properly.
The boy wrinkled his nose briefly, before looking directly at Damian, his expression brightening. Damian took a cautious step away from the edge of his rooftop even as Superboy flew up to him, landing heavily enough to crack the concrete slightly.
“You’re the guy from earlier!” Superboy enthused, and extended a hand, “Hi! I’m Superboy!”
Damian gazed warily at the boy’s hand. “Will you crush my hand if I shake yours?” Damian blurted out. This was his first time holding a conversation with one of the Kryptonians, he realised.
Superboy froze, and his face fell as he retracted his hand, “Ah, maybe. Sorry, I- I’m new to the hero gig,” he smiled hesitantly, glancing around him, “This is the first time I’ve been Superboy in any city other than Metropolis, actually. It’s… different.”
���I can imagine,” Damian commented, shifting tensely on his feet. Superboy frowned at him, “Your heartbeat’s going kinda fast. You know you don’t need to be afraid of me, right?”
Damian huffed, wondering belatedly how his brothers dealt with their own teammates. “I’m not afraid,” he clarified, “But it isn’t every day you meet an alien.”
“I’m not- okay, fair,” Superboy paused abruptly to glance down at the street. Kon-El and Red Robin appeared over the rooftop’s edge.
“Who are you?” Kon-El questioned, more forcefully than his younger brother’s harmless query. Damian shrugged. “Canvas,” he offered, “That’s what I would prefer to be called.”
The older Kent’s eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t exactly explain who you are very well,” he stated slowly, “What were you doing in the area?”
“Passing through,” Damian quipped easily. Kon-El’s frown deepened, but lifted as Red Robin pulled up several news articles on his holo-glove.
“His appearance matches reports of a white-robed traveller in numerous countries,” Red Robin summarised, and Damian knew immediately that the older boy had planned this statement, “Reports say that he was always found returning something, like an artefact or valued possession, to the communities he visited. He was also reported fighting off supernatural beings and protecting civilians from them.”
When the two Superboys looked back at Damian again, their expressions were contemplative. “So you’re a solo vigilante who’s even more nomadic than Red Robin,” Kon-El concluded, earning a disgruntled noise from the aforementioned person.
The younger Superboy suddenly lit up in an excited grin.
“Bro!” the punch that he gave his older brother made Damian wince slightly, “Teen Titans! Let me join!”
“I’ve already said no, countless times,” Kon-El stated in exasperation, “I’ll only let you on if-”
“If I’m ready, I know, but what if I go through like, a trial period, you know? Just in case I really am ready,” Superboy pointed towards Damian, “And Canva can accompany me, because he’s experienced already, then he’ll be able to tell if I am ready!”
“It’s Canvas,” Damian snapped, before the boy’s words sunk in. Teen Titans?
“You need to ask him for permission,” Kon-El scolded, before turning towards him, “Well? Are you interested in joining a team?”
“I…” Damian was at a loss as to how to respond. This was not what he was expecting.
“How about this,” Red Robin suggested, pulling a communicator from one of his pouches and tossing it over. Damian caught it on instinct.
“Contact us if you’re interested. The offer is open.”
Damian pursed his lips under his mask and nodded mutely, pocketing the device before taking off.
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Hii I was lowkey wondering if you would do something maybe like a one shot of neglected where reader is older (18-20) and dipped out of the house and became a singer and one of her songs basically exposed them for how they treated reader and in like an interview she full on tells them how she doesn’t even talk to them and like only Jason
This is literally perfect. I love this idea! I was planning on making a singer batsis reader anyway so here you go! I'll be making this part 4 of the series instead of a one shot. There’s a bit of angst. Btw, thanks so much for your support everyone! I'm glad you enjoy this series! Feel free to request anything you'd like besides smut as well!
This is the longest thing I have ever written so there will be a part 5. I planned on this being the last part but it's just so much. It’s not proofread and neither are all of the other parts because I post at 1 am most of the time lol. Hope you like it!
f/n = friend name
Y/G/N = your group name
N/S = news station
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (Current) Part 5
You were sick of it. Sick of how even after confronting them about how you felt and almost dying because of it, they still neglected you. You couldn't wait to move out at the age of 18, even if it proved to be a struggle. You had taken mini jobs since you turned 15 and saved up since then. You just couldn't see them anymore as it would remind you of how they treated you that day at that hospital. None of them apologized either. They just pretended it never happened and continued to ignore you. The media had a field day with speculation of what had happened but eventually stopped because Bruce had claimed it was “just a bad case of the flu” which they believed.
Jason was always the only one that would talk to you. He was the only one that actually cared enough to make sure you were taking proper care of yourself and that you wouldn't have a repeat of what happened. He took you places, spent time with you and gave you advice. You even had a tradition where you'd always meet up at the manor's library every week at the same time that same day every week and just have a mini book club together. He always made time for you and never bailed on you.
So on your 18th birthday, he helped you move out. You managed to rent a small apartment in Star City with the money you had saved up. It wasn’t that close to the manor which was a good thing. The neighborhood wasn’t good but it wasn’t as bad as Gotham’s neighborhoods so you would be fine. You could handle yourself with your assassin training if needed. You also managed to get hired at a cafe which was about a five minutes walking distance from your apartment.
It had taken a while but eventually, you had packed all of your belongings into color coded containers and moved them into Jason’s car with his help. You didn’t say goodbye to anyone as you had no friends to say bye to and you knew that your so called “family” couldn’t care less about what you did with your life. ‘This is it, hopefully the last time I’ll ever be near this place.’ You thought. You didn’t plan on stepping foot in Gotham ever again after you left. It would bring back too many memories you prefer to keep buried away deep inside your mind.
The car ride to Star City was entertaining. You and Jason conversed the whole time, telling jokes and listening to his funny tales with the radio playing softly in the background. Eventually, a song you both loved came on and you both started yell-singing along to the lyrics. You wished those moments could be permanent. You were both so carefree and nothing else mattered besides having fun and enjoying yourselves.
You now stood in the doorway of your new apartment, admiring your new home. Jason and yourself had just finished unpacking all of your belongings. You really liked how it looked and thought you both did an amazing job at designing the place perfectly according to your style. Jason, unfortunately, had to leave in order to avoid raising suspicions. Once you both said your byes, he left you to your apartment.
Jason drove back home in silence. He hated to admit it but he would miss you dearly. You were always there for him and helped him with anything. You tried your best to always comfort him and make him feel better on his darkest days and it would always work. Somehow you seemed to always have the right words to say or knew exactly what to do to help him. Out of everyone he was closest to you. He assumed it was because he could relate to you the most. More so how you felt. He’d felt like the black sheep of the family before you came, and he was. When you came, you took that role from him. It pained him to see how much their insults would affect you, even if you were good at hiding it. He could just tell.
Jason made it back to the manor after a while and went straight to the library. He didn't want to deal with the others. After the whole hospital situation, he'd never really bother interacting with them. He hated how they treated you as if you didn’t exist and hated how much pain they had caused you and that they didn’t even care. He guessed that they'd probably be doing something for Damian's birthday and forgot that you were his twin. They probably couldn’t even remember that Damian had a twin.
He made it to the library and pulled out one of his favorite books. He’d read it so many times you’d often joke that he could probably recite the whole book by heart at this point. Sitting down in a chair, he started to read. However, he couldn’t bring himself to stop thinking about what it would’ve been like if they treated you how they did Damian. The both of you were Bruce’s real children. You both even looked like clones of him! At first, Jason thought you would’ve been the favorite twin due to your personality. Even though you were twins, your personalities were polar opposites. You even refused to kill! You were trained by the League so why didn’t you kill as Damian did?
Jason knew you would benefit them greatly if you joined. You had self control, didn’t kill, could act perfectly, lie perfectly, do well under pressure, and not to mention your skills. Being raised by the League may have been torture, but you managed to gain incredible skills out of it. You could take on at least ten guys who doubled you in size and beat them within five minutes. You even bested Damian in spars and he was supposedly dubbed the “better twin” by Talia, so why hadn’t they let you join their nightly crusades like they had let Damian when the both of you first arrived?
Damian passed by your room but noticed something was off. He decided to take a look. He twisted the doorknob and pushed. The room which was once occupied by you now looked extremely plain and bare, stripped of all of its accessories. The only things left were the bed itself, multiple dressers, and a vanity. It looked as if it had been vacant the whole time. It might as well have been. Damian couldn’t really remember what it had looked like since he’s never paid much mind to it but he could tell there was a drastic difference. He knew that you disliked just leaving your room plain unlike himself and wanted at least something to make it look less boring.
He couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. Had you finally been kicked out by Bruce? Did you get shipped off to a boarding school like he had been suggesting to your father for years? He decided to go ask. He exited the room and closed the door behind him, taking off for Bruce’s office. Walking down the hall, he suddenly remembered that he had seen you leave with Jason. This meant that you were not at a boarding school like he had originally thought. But then why was your room vacant?
Instead of going to see Bruce, he decided to go see Jason and bring up the matter with him instead. He changed directions and headed to the library where he knew he’d find Jason. It was no secret that Jason was a book worm so Damian had a fifty percent chance of finding him there.
He entered the library and was immediately greeted with the sight of Jason sitting comfortably on a chair, legs crossed with a book opened in his hands. Jason didn’t bother to look up from his book as he spoke.
“What do you want Demon Spawn?”
“I’ve come to obtain the whereabouts of my sister.”
“You mean my sister?”
“She’s not your sister!” Damian exclaimed.
“Well I act more like a brother than you do.”
“Where is Y/N? Her whole room is bare.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
“Just tell me, you imbecile!” Damian said, growing increasingly frustrated by Jason’s blunt answers.
“She’s not here.”
“Then where is she?”
“Not here.”
“Just tell me already Todd, I have no time for your foolish games!”
“She moved out.” Jason said, giving in.
“What?! Where.” Damian demanded.
“Why would I tell you?”
“Because I demand to know!”
“Okay and?”
“Tell me!”
“Why not!”
“Because you don’t even care.”
“And you do?”
“Yes, I actually do Damian! I’m there for her when she needs me the most. I’m there for her while she’s watching you live the perfect life that she’s just a background character in! While you and the others ignore that she even exists! I’m there for her when she breaks down and has panic attacks! And what were you all doing to try and help her? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jason snapped.
“Y/N’s fine, I know my twin!” Damian screamed.
“Do you even know what her favorite color is?” Jason questioned in a harsh tone.
“...” Was Damian’s reply.
“Exactly! You don’t! You and the others have never cared about her, so why all of a sudden do you care now? You don’t know anything about her so don’t act like you do!” Jason then stood up and walked out of the room in a fit of rage.
Damian stood there, shocked. Had Jason just refused to answer his question? He was about to follow him but decided against it. Why was Damian going to chase Jason down just for her? She was just an annoyance, a mistake, imperfect. He had been wanting to get rid of her for so long, so why doesn’t he feel relieved? Why does he feel guilty? He decided to stop dwelling on it and get on with life. He figured it would happen eventually if it hadn’t happened then.
It had been a year since that day. The day you left your old life behind and started a new life, a better one. One where you weren’t constantly ignored. One where you actually had more than one person care about you. Instead of seeing yourself as a failure and disappointment, you now saw yourself as an amazing person (which you always were). You had been going to a community college in Star City. You made many friends there and started up a music career with three of them.
Their names were f/n, f/n and f/n. You all started off by taking random gigs anywhere you could. You performed covers of songs and would receive standing ovations all the time. Seeing as your group was well liked, you decided to write and produce your own songs. At the age of 19, Y/G/N released their first album. It went viral within a day and everyone was talking about it. After a week, several articles were posted, praising your work. News Stations talked about all the records Y/G/N managed to break. People started to stream it like crazy, and you couldn’t be happier with all the positive feedback you were receiving.
You had been a Wayne once, meaning you had experience in dealing with the media. Since you had already been used to it, you knew you’d all eventually be invited to interviews. So, when you had received an email stating how N/S wanted a one on one interview with you, you weren’t sure how to feel. You weren’t looking forward to interviews with your whole group, let alone one where you would be alone. You knew how unfiltered interviewers could be and didn’t feel comfortable with it.
However, you decided it would be best to go. So here you were, sitting in front of the interviewer in an uncomfortable chair preparing for the interview to start. You had somehow managed to keep a smile plastered on your face the entire time while you were a nervous wreck on the inside. You hoped none of the questions would be sexist as they usually were towards women. However, you had no more time to think about that. You heard clicking, signaling that you were about to go live. Once you heard the last click, you knew you were live and the interview had begun.
“Hello everyone, welcome back to N/S. My name is Jerald Tangleberry and I’m here today with songwriter, singer, and celebrity, Y/N Wayne! How are you?”
You waved to the camera and then answered, “Hello everyone! I’m doing good, how about you?”
“I’m doing great, thanks for asking! So by now I’d assume everyone knows that you’ve released an album with your group. How does it feel to gain more fame?”
“It doesn’t feel any different. Fame wasn’t our goal when we released the album. It was to express ourselves.”
“Mhm, well Ms. Wayne, what inspired you to write songs?”
“Well we know people may be in a tough spot in their life right now and want them to know they aren’t alone.”
“That’s so true. Some fans have been speculating that every member has three songs that specifically relate to them since there are twelve songs in total and three of the songs have the same group member as the introduction part of the song. Is this true?”
“Yes, it is true.”
“So all three of your songs relate to family issues of some sort. Is that hinting that you have family issues?”
“Yes, actually. My family isn’t the best. They ignored me all the time, even when they weren't busy. The only person who didn’t was Jason.”
“You’re saying it in the past tense.”
“I moved out about a year ago. When I was around 14, I suffered from anorexia. My family would always ignore me since they were either busy doing work or hanging out with each other. The only family member that acknowledged me was Jason. I assumed it was because there was something wrong with me. I started to hate myself so much to the point of starvation. One day, I passed out right before a gala and my oldest brother Dick found me passed out on the floor. They took me to the hospital and when I woke up, Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian started fussing about how I’d ruin their image if the media knew what actually happened. They started to yell at me and told me how I was a useless burden. I started to have a panic attack so I kicked them out. Jason stayed behind with me and comforted me. Ever since then I made a planed to save enough money so I could move out when I turned 18, which I did.”
“Oh, wow. So Jason was the only one who interacted with you?”
“Looks like the Wayne family isn’t as perfect as they seem.”
“No family is actually perfect.”
“Did your family try contacting you at all after they found out about Y/G/N?”
“Not yet. They’re probably too busy or don’t care.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright, I got over it. What’s the next question.”
“Oh-” He cleared his throat and continued the interview. (So basically I don’t wanna bore you all lol)
Jason had woken up late into the afternoon that day. Patrol that morning had exhausted him. There was a huge breakout at Arkham they had assisted with. They successfully locked up every escapee, so today, Jason just wanted to relax until it would be time for patrol again. Even though he was exhausted, he knew he couldn’t take a break. The others wouldn’t and it would be unfair to them if he did.
He headed over to his couch with his phone and a bowl of popcorn in hand, ready to watch random movies the entirety of the day. He set down his phone on the coffee tables and grabbed the TV remote. When he turned on the TV, he almost dropped the popcorn and remote. You were sitting on a chair, giving an award winning smile while you politely answered the man’s questions. He was baffled. He didn’t know why you were being interviewed, let alone on TV at all! You made it clear you didn’t want to have any relations with your family any longer and you couldn’t stand publicity, so what were you doing?
He placed the bowl down and snatched his phone off the table. Unlocking his phone, he quickly dialed your phone number. However, he realized that the interview was live and that he would be interrupting it if he called you then. Deciding to wait, he placed his phone back down, picked up the bowl, and then got comfortable.
Tag list: @fake-id-69 @pepelachanel @loxbbg @what-0-life @yoongi-holland @omnivorousfangirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @sexysamsungl @iceddonuts @buginetye @portrait-ninja @azazel-nyx @alculai
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doublel27 · 2 years
let our hearts beat here - E - 4.6k
In the face of time off, Carlos decides to take TK up to Hill Country because they deserve that. (part of the More Cow-Eyes series)
TK/Carlos - episode coda 3.10 parental guidance, fluff with light angst, feels, blow job, sweet/spicy/soft vibes, impulsive vacation, these boys need a vacation.
Happy Birthday @missgeevious
Read on AO3
TK: were all at pauls if you want to come by after shift
Carlos smiles at TK’s text. He’s got an hour left on this shift and he would like nothing more than to show up for Paul. Carlos hasn’t seen him since he was in the hospital due to the way his schedule has been the past few days. Normally, Carlos wouldn’t have kept his phone on him during a shift, but ever since the ice storm, Carlos hasn’t been able to leave it in his locker. 
Before Carlos can respond, the radio crackles to life as the dispatcher asks for units to report to a multi-car pileup on 35 Southbound. He’s only five minutes out. Carlos sighs before clicking the switch on his radio. “363-H-20 responding.”
“Copy 363-H-20,” dispatch responds.
Carlos taps out a quick message. 
Carlos: Just got a call. Probably be late tonight. See you at home?
TK:  👍🏻💖
TK: stay safe
Carlos: Always
Carlos turns the engine over and puts on the siren and lights. When he does finally let himself into the loft, it’s past three in the morning. The house is dark and still, the sound of the refrigerator and the air conditioning the only real noise. Carlos puts his things carefully up and away before heading toward the bedroom.
TK is curled up in the bed. He’s yanked Carlos’s pillow over halfway onto his side, under his head and has burritoed himself in blankets. Carlos leans against the wall and watches carefully. TK looks peaceful and Carlos hasn’t seen him asleep like this, where TK sleeps like the dead and only wakes for the particular sound of alarms and bells, since the awful phone call that tilted their world on its axis. Carlos rubs at the ache underneath his sternum. The last year hasn’t been easy—hell the last two—but Carlos doesn’t regret any of it. Having TK makes up for all of the chaos that blew into Carlos’s life with his advent. As much as he would prefer to keep TK from harm, Carlos knows that’s not how the world works. He’s really glad to be a partner, though, to help shoulder the burden. 
Pushing off the wall, Carlos crosses the room and presses a kiss to TK’s temple, earning himself a soft groan and TK burying himself even further down into the bed. Carlos straightens and begins his nightly routine. He’s halfway through brushing his teeth when the idea hits him. Carlos finishes up, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing his mouth out quickly. If he moves quickly, he can be ready before TK wakes up and maybe surprise him. By the time the sun is peeking into the loft, Carlos has closed up the cooler as the sound of rustling sheets hits his ears. He moves the cooler to the door where the other bags he’s packed sit. When TK’s feet start padding out of the bedroom Carlos is heading to intercept him. 
“Hey baby,” TK says, his eyes still mostly closed and crinkled at the corners. He rubs at his forehead, his sweatshirt sleeve over his hand. “The bed was cold. Did you sleep at all?”
Carlos closes the distance, taking TK’s hips in his hands. He dips his head a little to catch TK’s eyes. “So, I had an idea, and if you think it’s crazy—”
“I’m gonna take that as a no,” TK says, offering Carlos the lopsided grin he’s missed.
“What if we went on a trip?” Carlos asks, more convinced by the moment he’s made the right call.
TK’s expression shifts from amused to confused. His hands land on Carlos’s shoulders as he tilts his head. “Where?”
“We, inexplicably, have the next sixty hours off, together. I don’t know what miracle of scheduling managed that, but what if we got out of town? No planes, just a drive up into Hill Country.”
Continue on AO3
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frostbittenbucky · 3 years
Bruce Wayne
The Batman
The Dark Knight
Worlds Greatest Detective
Had fucked up
Bruce Wayne isn’t a slob, he’s not lazy- he is the complete opposite of his persona “Brucie Wayne”, who is a lazy pampered prince. But Bruce Wayne? Never.
So after Bruce finishes a snack he washes his dishes like any civilized human would do- or else Alfred would have some very choice words and some very petty actions towards him. It’s a simple task, take off his rings, run the water, apply the soap, scrub then rinse.
But someone tell Bruce how the hell he managed to drop his ring down the drain? And someone tell Bruce why the didn’t stop for a moment and think before shoving his hand down the drain?
He fucked up. Now he’s stuck. But Bruce Wayne is a genius, he can get himself out of this silly situation. So he tries pulling... and pulling... and pulling. Ok, next option, lubricant. Soap will do. So Bruce proceeds to pour a generous amount of soap around his hand, he moves it around to make sure it’s coated, then he pulls. And pulls. Ok so next move.
What’s the next move?
He groaned loudly, thinking how utterly ridiculous and stupid this situation is. “Ok... dammit,” he muttered to himself. He decided to reach for his phone and-
Shit. It’s on the kitchen island directly behind him, where it’s just out of his reach. Why did he do that? Oh right, because he got water in his speaker last time. Right. Perfect. Wonderful.
“Alfred?” He called out, “Alfred, Damian are you still here?” No response. Shitshitshitshitshitgodammitshitshit.
Maybe he can reach his phone? He thought. So with all his grace he leaned towards to island, swishing at the air in hopes his phone would magically come into his hand. Nah.
Leg, his leg might reach. It’s longer than his arm, and his can get some torso length in there. Lifting his leg and leaning his body out he kicks at the counter, his brows furrowed. Fuck. Bruce is very flexible, but his leg and torso are extended to the fullest human capacity, and fuck why are these countered so spaced out?!
Bruce pulls his body back and lays his forehead on the cold countertop, trying to push down the rage that’s building up in his chest. This is stupid. This is so fucking stupid. “Is anybody home? Stephanie? Jason? Ca- not you, Titus,” He lifted his head from the counter and looked to his right, and there Titus stood in front of Bruce, wanting to investigate the noise. Seeing nothing interesting Titus tilted his head and gave a “boof” before turning out and leaving him to his own demise, “no wait,” Bruce reached out for the dog who already made up his mind.
So there he stood.
Bruce Wayne
The Batman
The Dark Knight
The Worlds Greatest Detective
Knowing he now has to swallow his pride and go into his next move, he groans loudly. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s called when it wasn’t anything life threatening. Sure, it’s rare, but it does happen. Plus, he always understands, and by now he knows the differences between help and help. But Bruce knew there would be consequences... because he isn’t scared of Bruce, all his intimidation tactics fall short, completely on deaf ears around him.
“Clark,” his voice sounded almost like a whine, his voice was a little hoarse from literally forcing the words past his lips, “if you’re not busy I need a hand.”
Just as soon as his finished his sentence Clark was stood in front of him, flannel, glasses, and cowboy boots, “howdy.” Bruce closed his eyes at Clark’s greeting, then opened them to send him a hard glare, “what’s seems to be the problem, Bruce?” A wide and knowing grin spread across Clark’s face. X-ray vision. No explanation needed. Sure friends help friends in their times of need. But best friends? Oh yea, Bruce had to earn his help by paying the high price of humiliation.
“Just hand me my phone, Clark,” pointing at the device just out of reach.
A shocked and confused looked replaced Clark’s smile, “oh, this? This phone right here?” He also pointed, walking to grab the device, “you don’t happen to have Face ID do you?”
“No, I w-“ It was a lie. Clark know had opened his phone just by turning it to Bruce’s face. A sigh left his body, was this price worth his freedom? Probably not.
“Hold on, B, I’m not dressed properly. This is a rescue after all,” and just in a blink of an eye Superman now stood in front of a tired looking Bruce, having no choice of his front vow seat the shit show that was about to unfold. Clark lifted the phone and snapped a couple selfies with Bruce, grinning his charming smile that the world adored him for. Bruce looked like a hungover raccoon, putting it kindly.
“Are your done? Just get me out and I’ll buy you a horse or something.”
“Aw, you do care. I knew you were listening when I told you about that pony farm,” Clark didn’t bother to look up from the phone, tapping away at the screen, “oh Bruce, your groupchat is named ‘family’?”
His eyes widen, “don’t you da-“
“-Isn’t Dick a firefighter? I think that he’s better for this job,” Clark announced, taking a seat on the island that just out of reach, “I hope you understand Mr. Wayne, I’m glad to offer help but them seems like a job for our local emergency service.”
“If you call 911,” Bruce growled, gritting his teeth together, leaning towards the other man and close as possible, “I swear.”
Scoffing, Clark waves him off, “of course not, why would I waste a 911 operators time? There’s people who need real help out there. I’m calling Dick directly.” Once again, is the price of freedom worth it?
“Fireman Dick Grayson reporting for duty!” Cried his oldest child with two other firman following close behind, “hey pops I h- is that Superman?” He faked a gasped, clutching his chest.
The group chat had blown up by now. A series of text and FaceTime calls followed shortly after.
Damian: “Tt. Father this is utterly disappointing”
Bruce: “Sorry to be disappointing, kiddo”
Stephanie: “lmfaoooo I’m coming over. Be there in 10 don’t escape until I get there”
Jason: *screenshot of the photo of Superman and Bruce posted on Twitter with the caption: “when your dad panics and calls Superman”
Jason: *another screenshot of a multitude of replies along the lines, “what are you doing step bro?” “What are your doing Superman?”*
Duke: “the mighty Batman has finally met his match. A kitchen sink”
Cassandra: “😆😆😂🤣😬🤔🧠🤷🏻‍♀️💕💕💗💓💖”
Bruce: “thank you, Cassandra. I think.”
Stephanie: “imma do a live when I get there 🤣”
Tim: “you know we’re not going to let you live this down right b?”
Dick: “dumbasssssss”
Dick: “don’t worry B I’ll be there to rescue you shortly”
Bruce: “I can unadopt all of you.”
Alfred: “master Bruce, please word yourself properly. “Unadopt” isn’t a real word.”
Bruce: “Sorry, Alfred.”
So now that official rescue crew has arrived he expected this to be a quick and professional release. Nah. Dick, his oldest, his light in the dark, his son, his baby boy, is an asshole.
Dick started taking his own selfies with Bruce and Superman. Dick and Clark wore bright smiles, full of perfect teeth and glimmering eyes. Bruce, again, looked like a mess. He was wearing an old shirt, old sweatpants, no makeup on, his hair an untamed, scattered, frizzy mess. He should’ve conditioned, but he wasn’t expecting to go out today or have any photos done today.
The price of freedom is high, but not worth it.
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kurosukii · 2 years
LIFE UPDATE that really isn’t necessary but because i am an attention seeker, i have to inform everyone and also, i love oversharing !
hellaur everyone. so i disappeared for like three months because i honestly wasn’t feeling it anymore (a longer way of saying i got burnt out and didn’t want to admit it) and really, ghosting is in my blood LOL anyway so yeah that’s really why i disappeared, nothing major happened in my life, just my country 😵‍💫 ………… anyway done with the boring stuff !
i am unfortunately still a virgin 🫠
however i did get to have my first kiss at a club last june 🫣 i was kinda drunk and it was with a girl. to be honest, it did nothing for me. i really am only a wh*re for c*ck. what i did notice was that lips are really soft and kissing is kinda slimey (well we were both under the influence so it wasn’t properly executed 😵‍💫) and i almost kissed a 3/10 guy so i’m glad i was able to pull myself out of that one 🥴
right after this girl’s night out, i got sick for like a week (it wasn’t covid, i think it was laryngitis) you know why i got sick? because while i was Drunk Drunk, my stupid horny dumbass was trying to deepthroat the water bottles 💀 + i was screaming my ass out in the club so that really did a number on my throat 💀
aaaaand i also got a tattoo and my parents have no idea about it LOL (it’s a small red tattoo under my left boobie) and sometimes i forget that i have it so when i raise my shirt and my mom is within the area, i get 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 so yeah i feel 10x hotter with it 🥵
and yeaaaa that’s about it with my sad uneventful life🫣
now i’ll be addressing the future of this blog .
will you still be putting out content?
yerrrrrr i really wanna finish all my ideas but i’m not sure when maybe when i’m like 25 LOL anyway W H E N (claiming it) i do get back to writing, i’ll be doing that long overdue dilf bokuto and mafia suna 🥹
speaking of haikyuu, will you still write for them even when the series ends? (when you get out of your burn out)
don’t talk to me about haikyuu ending.
tbh…………yeah. duh. i am haikyuu’s bitch. but seriously speaking i don’t think i’ll ever stop loving haikyuu 🥺 they’re so special to me that i can’t really explain it in words (the pixel dick has a noose around my neck i think) 🥺 but yeah even when i haven’t been on here interacting, i’ve been lurking and consuming content LMAO AKKSNCKDM but mostly on ao3 but y’all know what’s currently going on with ao3 right 💀
will you write for other series?
i consume so much jjk content but tbh i’m scared that i might not put justice to it HHHH tho the scenarios in my head are juicy 🥵 however i think the third bullet on the writing agenda after dilf bokuto and mafia suna is giving gojo satoru the best head of his life that when you’re done sucking the limitless out of his pretty cock and swollen balls, his lanky ass will be shaking and panting like a little bitch 😌 (i’m not in it for bnha and kny but i do consume content 🫣)
honestly that’s all i can think of rn JDKCNDKD if u wanna ask more shit i’ll finally be turning my asks on (tbh turning them off is the best decision ever because i’ll feel even worse deleting asks that have been there for so long)
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demigodreading · 3 years
Saving Mini Benson Pt:1
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Request: From @youngjusticeimaginesus​:  Hi, I was wondering If maybe you'd be willing to do a oneshot where Olivia's daughter gets kidnapped by Lewis instead of Olivia?
Summary: That’s right my favorite peoples... This is going to be a two part mini series because there was no way everything that I needed to say could be done in a one-shot! I won’t go into much because I don’t want to give it away but please note THIS PART IS A DOOZY! The next one may be worse but still this arc made me cry in the show and I cried writing this
Characters: Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuola, Amanda Rollins, Nick Amaro, William Lewis, Donald Cragen, Reader
Relationships: Olivia Benson x Daughter! Reader
Warnings: MAJOR Violence, Guns, Cigarette Burns, Episode Spoilers, Alcohol, Smoking Weed, Mentions of Shootings, Death, William Lewis, Mentions of torture... (I Think that covers it but if it doesn’t please let me know)
Word Count: 2320 (Like I said.. there was no way this was gonna be just a oneshot.)
And with that all being said: Let’s jump into it.
Olivia and her daughter rarely fought but when they did neither one wanted to admit the other one was right. Olivia loved and hated her daughter for being so similar to her. Even now as she watched the miniature version of herself stalk the interview room the exact same way she would send her heart racing. Usually the similarities would result in a smile but not today. Today Olivia’s vision was a deep red as she confronted her daughter.
“Y/N you were caught smoking weed underneath the bleachers during class! So not only did you break one rule you broke two!” Olivia shouted, folding her arms.
“Wow glad that you know how to count,” Y/N mumbled looking out the window.
“What did you just say to me?”
“Look mom I just don’t get what the big deal is? It was one joint. One class!” Y/N retorted, throwing her hands up, “I am a straight A student who has a full ride scholarship to Harvard.”
“Yes, because Barba stuck his neck out on the line for you and put in a glowing recommendation,” Olivia spat, “What you did was careless. You could have ruined everything that was given to you.”
“You know for once in your life could you ever be fucking proud of me! I do everything that I can do to make you proud and yet at the end of the day I am never fucking good enough for you.”
“That’s not…” Olivia went to argue but was interrupted by Cragen opening the door.
“Olivia we got a problem. I need you right now,” He said, then shut the door without waiting for an answer.
“Just go save another poor unfortunate soul mom. Don’t worry about your daughter.  I’ll pick up my own pieces like I always do,” Y/N said, wiping tears from her face as she grabbed her coat.
Y/N stormed from the room before Olivia could stop her. She made her way through the precinct eyes trained to the floor as her mother’s voice rang out, “You better head straight home Y/N!  We are not done having this conversation and you are grounded!”
Choosing not to say anything, Y/N merely raised her hand in the air flipping her mother off before the doors shut with a loud slam behind her. Tears made dark spots on the concrete as Y/N made her way back to their apartment. Even the noises of the constant car honks and people screaming couldn’t drown out the voices in her head today. Failure. Waste of space. Stupid. No one. Unwanted. Unloved. 
It was the repeated song that kept her feet moving forward until she finally placed her key in the lock. She threw her bag by the kitchen island and threw her keys on the counter. She was about to turn on the living room light when a noise caught her attention. 
“Hello? Hello?”
As she turned the corner her vision was filled with the sight of a gun pointed right at her temple. A smirk crossed William Lewis’ face as he looked at Y/N, “Ah welcome home Little Benson. I was hoping that it would be your mother who was walking through the door but I guess you will have to do.”
Y/N went to scream but instead Lewis jammed the gun against her throat, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. One small slip of my finger and your mom will be left with a new kind of art all over her walls.”
Y/N let a single tear roll down her face before Lewis’ gun made contact with her skull and the whole world went black.
Olivia had already tried to call Y/N twice but it kept going straight to voicemail. The last known location had been their apartment so at least she had the sense to head straight home. The guilt in Olivia’s stomach was insurmountable. Watching her daughter explain that she never felt like she lived up to her standards. Olivia had promised herself when she had Y/N she would never end up like her mother. Yet there she was shaming her child for one mistake. Y/N was more than just a good kid, she was excellent. She was smart, beautiful, humorous, kind, and so much more. She was everything Olivia could have ever hoped for. Knowing that her daughter thought she wasn’t proud was the worst pain she could have.
After the third call Olivia finally decided to leave a voicemail, “Y/N I know you are mad but I need you to know something. I am proud of you and will always be proud of you. You are the best daughter and the most amazing human. I was rough on you early. Please let’s talk through this. I’ll be home soon with your favorite Chinese. Just don’t do anything stupid? I love you.”
When she hung up the phone she placed her head in her hands and let out a large sigh. Fin placed a reassuring hand on her back, “Liv, it is going to be okay. She is just being a teenager.”
“No Fin, you should have seen her. It was like I was physically taking her heart out and ripping it in front of her. I should have never said those things. I didn’t mean any of them… I was just upset.”
“She knows, they always know.”
Olivia merely shook her head and began to gather her things to head home. She walked out of the precinct without a goodbye and headed down the street to Y/N’s favorite Chinese place. They knew what she was going to order as soon as she walked in the door asking where Y/N was. Liv pushed off their question and scrolled through her phone as she waited for the food. Y/N’s phone was still off giving Olivia an eerie feeling as she finished the walk to the apartment. 
Once inside she noticed Y/N’s bag on the floor and her keys on the counter. There was a sudden rush of cold air that made her notice the window that was open to the fire escape. She shut it quickly and then moved to Y/N’s room. The door was still open with everything the way she had left it that morning. Once her calls were unanswered Olivia opened the window again crawling onto the fire escape. Sometimes Y/N would go to the roof to watch the sun slowly crawl behind the buildings.When she reached the top however she was met with an unsettling emptiness. 
Olivia reached for her phone to call the only person who was able to calm her anxiety lately, “Amaro, Y/N isn’t here. I can’t find her. What if something happened to her?”
“She probably just went to a friend’s house to get away,” Amaro replied stirring the contents of his drink, “She will be back in the morning just to relax. Sleep off the anger and come back with a clear head tomorrow.”
Liv pondered this suggestion over and over deciding what she should do. When the silence became too long Amaro interjected again, “Liv, I’m serious. You two had the biggest blow out that I have seen in awhile. Give her time to be mad at you and think. If you smother her she might only push further away from you.” She thanked her partner for the advice and then shoved her phone back in her pocket taking a sweep of the roof once again. Finally she slowly made her way back to the apartment shutting the window with a slam before locking it. Olivia wandered over to the kitchen moving the cereal that covered the top of the fridge to get to her secret cupboard. From the opening she pulled a large bottle of her favorite red wine. She popped the cork and decided to forgo a cup taking a long swig directly from the green glass. A large sigh escaped her lips as she plopped down on the couch going over the events of the day in her head.
As the contents of the bottle slowly drained till there was nothing else Olivia realized her fears were all coming true. She was becoming her mother. A woman she never once wanted to be. Three empty bottles later she finally curled under Y/N’s sheets crying into her pillow until she finally was able to fall asleep.
The next morning when Y/N did not return and her phone was still shut down all bets were off. Olivia was furious but more importantly she was terrified. Something was horribly wrong. Her morning was spent talking to Y/N’s two best friends and searching their houses for her. When that search was unsuccessful Olivia went to the school hoping Y/N had gone there. However, she had been absent all day and there hadn’t even been a call to excuse her from the day. 
When the morning bled into the afternoon Olivia was running around the city to all of Y/N’s usual hangout spots. The search of the library told her that Y/N hadn’t been there in over a week. The local bakery hadn’t seen her in three days. The coffee shop where Y/N always bought Olivia’s coffee when she came to see her at work had seen her two mornings ago but nothing since then. Even the old lady that had Y/N over twice a week to help her with errands and chores around the house hadn’t seen her. 
It was dark by the time that Olivia fell into her desk chair at the precinct. With her head in her hands she let the tears fall. A whole day was gone and there was still no sign of her daughter. If she had been kidnapped they were running out of time and losing it quickly. The longer she was out there the longer the person had to get away with whatever they wanted.
The squad huddled around in Cragen’s office looking at Olivia curled over her desk. Rollins was the first one to speak, “I bet you Lewis has something to do with this.”
“And what makes you think that?” Amaro asked, “There are plenty of people who could have a vendetta against Liv.”
“It’s just a feeling.”
“Yeah well have you ever considered the idea that maybe Y/N just ran away,” Amaro retorted.
Fin, Cragen, and Amanda all turned towards Amaro, shocked. Cragen was the first one to speak, “I know you haven’t been here long Amaro but this isn’t Y/N. Something is horribly wrong and we are going to figure out what is going on. Fin and Amanda go check out Lewis’ usual hiding spots. I’ll take Liv through her apartment once again to see if we missed anything.”
“And me cap?”
“Amaro… you stay here and set up a tip line,” Cragen responded curtly and then they all disappeared to find where Y/N had disappeared to.
Y/N woke with a jolt as she felt cold water splash her face. She was met with Lewis staring only a couple inches away from her face. He grinned and grabbed Y/N’s chin as she tried to look away, “Well well there. Looks like someone is finally awake. Feeling thirsty?”
Y/N nodded her head yes waiting to scream as he curled his fingers around the edge of the duct tape. As he was about to pull it away he jammed a gun against Y/N’s throat, “Make any noise and I will shove this gun straight down your throat.”
Finally when he pulled the tape away Y/N spit right in his face, “Just shoot me already if you are going to threaten me with it.”
“And miss out on all of our fun Mini Benson. I think not. There is plenty that I want to do to you before then.”
Y/N began to panic as Lewis lit another cigarette. She remembered the way the others had burned against her chest and sides. She had lost count after twenty perfect circle burns and after the second pistol whip to the face she had passed out a second time, She couldn’t go through all of that again.
“My mom knows I am missing and she will be out looking for me. Just let me go and she will never have to know that you did it. Please,” YN begged.
“What is she going to think about that bruise on your face? Or the marks on your skin? I can’t let you go… plus I know that you both fought before you came home. I bet you that she thinks you just ran away and are leaving her,” Lewis chuckled.
“How.. how did you know that we fought?
“This lovely voicemail your mother left you,” Lewis said, placing your phone against your ear.
Tears began to run down Y/N’s face as she heard the apology her mother had sent her. Damnit! Why did I have to fight with her? We could have avoided all of this. Is the mantra that ran through her head as Lewis slammed the phone against her head and threw it at the wall.
“She isn’t coming for you,” Lewis snickered.
“Please… just let me go. I will do anything.”
Lewis pulled his gun and placed it against Y/N’s scalp, “You are still bargaining with me? Really. We are way past that baby.”
“I am the daughter of an NYPD detective. A decorated well known detective. My mother, her partner, her squad, the entire department will hunt you down. You think that you’ve put people through hell. It will rain back down on you.”
“You know what… let it rain,” Lewis said and then hit Y/N once again making her world go black for a third time. 
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adezahnae · 4 years
While Mommy’s on a Little Trip (Part 4)
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A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER TODAY but this is the final part of “While Mommy’s on a Trip” 🥺thank to all who enjoyed this series💚
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 | Part 4
Warnings: Drinking, oral (male receiving), dirty talk, riding, unprotected sex (fem on birth control) cheating, secrets, angst?, arguments, divorcing, dilf!stepdad!mathteacher!jaehyun x stepdaughter!student!reader
Tagged Ppl: @softieekayy @keeach @seungmoomin @seoyutayong @whoreforshuaaa @mrg-jjh
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Your POV
It was now Sunday and today was a chill day. Mr. Jung and I made breakfast together, watched Disney Princesses movies together, we just had actual Daddy-Daughter time, without the kissing a touching, until now. Me and Mr. Jung laughed while we were drinking wine. I was in his hoodie and underwear while he was in sweatpants and a T-Shirt. I leaned closer to him and kissed him on the lips.
“I love you..” I said. “I love you too, Princess.” He replied back with another kiss. He deepened our kiss and pulled each other closer. He took my empty wine glass and threw it on the floor by his bed. He pushed me back onto the sheets and pillows and reached his hands underneath the hoodie, gripping my breasts.
“I want more..” I said. “More of what?” He asked against my neck while kissing it. “Tell Daddy what you want.” He said. “You, I want more of you..I can’t get over yesterday of what happened in the dressing room..” I admit. “Me neither Princess..” He replied. He was about to pull up my hoodie but I stopped him. “I want to please you, Daddy...” I whispered.
I turned him around and made my way down his neck and chest, feeling all over his upper body. I reached to the hem of his sweatpants and pulled them down, making him sprung free. I widened my eyes. It’s been a bit since I gave him a blowjob. He looks so much bigger than what I feel. He ran his fingers through my hair and smirked.
“It’s okay, Princess. If you can take it in your sweet little pussy, you can take all in your mouth.” He said rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. I stroked him in my hand and licked the tip of his member. He grunted and leaned his head back. I then finally took him in my mouth and stroked the rest of what I couldn’t fit. He pulled my hand away.
“No no, baby. Take it all in your mouth. You can do it..” He mumbled caressing my cheek. I stuck him deeper in my mouth inch by inch. He sighed of pleasure and pushed my head all the way down. I gagged, creating tears in my eyes. “Good girl...good good girl..” he mumbled. He pulled my hair in a ponytail with his fist and thrusted his hips into my mouth. I moaned and moved my hand down to my panties, feeling my wet, dripping heat. Right then, we heard the door slam open...
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I opened the car door and got out of it. I breathed out and walked to the house. “I’ll be back Doyoung.” I said. He nodded and stopped the car. I unlocked the door, expecting my daughter to come up and hug me and my husband to kiss me on the forehead, like he always does. I heard nothing from the both of them. I looked around the house and saw nothing. I voices from upstairs and walked towards them. I heard them coming from me and Jaehyun’s room.
“Good girl...good good girl..” I heard Jaehyun mumble. I then hear gagging sounds and moaning. I opened the door to see..my daughter giving Jaehyun a blowjob while touching herself...my daughter stopped her movements and gasped. “Mommy!” She screamed. She was about to run off until Jaehyun took her by her hand and pulled her back.
“Shh..It’s okay Princess, stay right here beside Daddy.” He said wiping her tears and kissing her forehead. I was at lost for words. My husband is sleeping with my daughter?! “Jaehyun..what the hell..WHAT IS THIS?!” I yelled. He sighed and pulled his pants up. “What does it look like Mia?” He asked me. “That my slut of a daughter is blowing my husband!!” I yelled.
I heard her whimper behind him. “Watch your damn mouth, that’s still your daughter.” He said. “Really? Because this is downright terrible, Jae! HORRIBLE AT THAT! SHE’S ONLY A TEEN!” I yelled. “She’s 19 close to 20, a young adult.” He said. “That doesn’t give you a RIGHT TO HAVE SEX WITH MY DAUGHTER!” I yelled broken. “H-How long have this been going on? Are you even listening to me?!” I yelled as I watched Jae arrange things in the room.
“For about 1 year, going on 2” He bluntly said. My heart broke. “Ever since our engagement, hm?” I asked holding back tears. “Don’t act so damn sad and heartbroken, playing the victim. You had shit going on BEFORE we even got engaged.” He said. I gasped and looked away. Does he know about me and Doyoung? “Stop lying!” I said. He scoffed and turned away from me.
He went over to Y/n and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Are you okay?” He asked her. She nod her head. I looked at her. “You get out of here! Now!” I yelled at her. Jaehyun stopped her, making me look at him with disbelief.
“No, you stay right here.” He said. She looked over at me and back at him. “But mom said-“ “Princess. Listen to Daddy.” He said. She nodded her head and sat down. “You evil little bitch..” I said in disbelief. “Mia. I said, Watch. Your damn. Mouth.” He sternly. “You don’t tell me what to do!” I yelled. He laughed.
“This is my house, you have no choice but to listen to me.” He said. I closed my mouth and scowled at him. He pulled out a folder and placed it on the bed. “We’re you really on a business trip, Mia?” He asked me. “Yes!” I lied. “Hm.” He said. He threw the folder at the front my feet and I picked it up. I opened up the folder and seen that it was me and Doyoung. I widened my eyes and looked at him.
“On a business trip, huh?” He asked. I sighed. “Jaehyun.” “So you lie to me and your daughter to just go and fuck your boss, right?” He asked crossing his arms. “What?” My daughter asked. “Yes. Mommy has been sleeping around behind my back.” He said. He went to the closet and pulled out my bags. They were already packed. “Jae.” I said walking up to him.
“I need you to sign these.” He said. He gave me paperwork and I took them. Divorce papers. I shook my head. “No, Jaehyun no! You can’t do this, please!!” I exclaimed hugging at his body. “Mia get off of me.” He said. I kissed him on his face, crying. “Please Jaehyun! I’ll never mess with him again I promise! Please!” I begged. I kissed him on his lips, putting his hands on my body. “Mia. Y/n is here.” He said. “I don’t care.” I said. “Get the hell off of me. Y/n doesn’t like this and neither do I.” He said pushing me off. I looked at Y/n and back at him.
“You’re really choosing her over me?!” I exclaimed. “You chose my best friend over me.” He said back. I sighed and signed the papers. I handed them to him. He took the papers and put them up. “Leave my house, Mia.” Jaehyun said. “I don’t want to.” I said. He picked up my bags and gave them to me. “Why are you doing this to me?!” I cried. He sighed.
“Because...When I fell in love with you, you met Doyoung as well. I told you I loved you and you lied to me telling me you loved me KNOWING you had your eyes on Doyoung. I saw the messages between you two one night. You broke my heart Mia. And then I seen Y/n, the more pure and sweet version of you. I fell in love with her. I am in love with her. Apart from the sex, she was just like you before you messed with Doyoung.” He explained. Y/n shed tears, shaking her head.
“Why did you marry me huh? Why then?!” I asked. “To be closer the girl I truly love.” He said looking at Y/n. I shedded tears. “Fine...then she can have you...goodbye to the both of you.” I said walking out of the door and downstairs. I heard him comfort her, making my heart ache in pain. I walked down to the car and put my bags in the backseat.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Doyoung asked me. “Jaehyun...is cheating on me..” I said. Doyoung sighed. “Baby, you didn’t need-“ “With my daughter..” I finished, crying. “Oh baby..come here..” Doyoung mumbled and pulled me into a hug. “He then divorced me...” I cried. Doyoung sighed. “I’m glad he did. You’re all mine now. But don’t worry, we’re gonna take everything he’s got.” He said kissing my forehead. I sarcastically chuckled.
“Take what?! Everything is in his name! He owns everything! He paid for the house in full cash, he owns 6-7 companies around this city! 19-20 companies in the entire state! He even owns my daughter’s school. He made every building, untouchable. No one can take it, Doyoung.” I vented. “He is a smart man... but who cares? We’re building our life now. Not in secret. I got you, okay?” Doyoung told me. I nodded and kissed him.
He put his hand on my stomach. “Does he know about the baby?” Doyoung asked me. I shook my head. “No, just us.” I said. He smiled and pulled away from me. “Let’s go home baby..” He said starting the car. I took one last look at the house and never looked back....
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Your POV
Mr Jung came and gave me hug. “Shh..it’s okay.” He mumbled. “Why? She called me a bitch and sl-“ “Shh. Don’t worry about that..you’re all mine now. No more secrets..” He said. “No more?” I asked. “No more..” He replied smiling and kissing me on the lips. “Why would she cheat on you?” I asked.
“Because your mom didn’t know what she wanted.” He said. “But won’t she take the house? The cars?! Where will we stay?!” I panicked. He laughed and got up from the bed. He went to his drawer and pulled out another file. “Read this.” He said giving it to me. I took it and opened the folder, looking at all the papers. I seen too many things that confused me.
“What is this?” I asked. “Everything I own.” He smiled. I then seen my school. I gasped. “You own our school?!” I asked. He nod. “Then....why are you a teacher? You should be in a office!” I exclaimed. He chuckled. “I have to stay undercover so no one really knows me.” He said. I looked at the papers again. “How...so mom can’t touch none of these?!” I asked. “Nothing. Everything belongs to me. No one can touch it but me and you.” He said.
“Me?” I asked. I looked at the papers to see my name on each thing he owned as: Co-owner. I gasped. “Daddy-“ “Jaehyun.” He interrupted. “What?” I asked. “You can call me Jaehyun now. You can still call me Daddy if you’d like to but I won’t mind if you use my actual name.” He said. “Jaehyun...” I whispered. “There’s more. Come with me.” He took me by my hand and led me to the garage.
He opened it and it was a brand new car with a pink bow on top of it. “OH MY GOD!” I gasped running towards it. I smiled at him. “Thank you so much!” He smiled and walked over to me, kissing my lips. He gave me the car keys. “Wait. There’s more than that.” He said. He took me upstairs to my room and I seen everything gone. “What happened to my stuff?!” I asked. He took me back to his closet in his room and I seen my clothes on my side of the closet. “This is our room now..” He mumbled kissing my temple.
“You weren’t kidding, we’re you?” I asked. He shook his head. “You’re mom is gone. We have nothing to hide.” He said. “What about guests and all?” I asked. He sighed. “We’re turning your room into a guest room, you’ll have guests in there.” He said. I nodded my head. I smiled and jumped up on him.
“I thank you so much for this! I really love you...” I said. “Me too, Princess.” He said. I pushed him towards the bed and got on top of him. “I want to thank you..” I said grabbing at his shirt. He smirked and turned me over. “Really?” He asked me, cocking an eyebrow.
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“JAEHYUN! YESSS!” I screamed scratching his back. He hissed and lifted my leg up in the air. He then hit that one spot. “D-Daddy...” I whined. He bit his lip and watched my facial expressions. “You’re close?” He asked me. I nodded vigorously. “Then do it..all you want and let it out.” He whispered.
This wasn’t Daddy, well actually yes, but this is Jaehyun..he was making love to me..The way he locked eyes with me and kissed me. His hips moved so fluently and sharp. His hair pushed back and his chain dangling from his neck. I screamed his name and arched my back off the bed going through my high.
After I came down, I pushed him off of me. “I want to finish what I started earlier..” I pouted. He leaned up against the headboard and smirked. “Come and finish Daddy off then.” He said as he motioned me with his finger. I put him in my mouth, groaning at the feeling. He pushed my head down and whispered out praises. His movements got harsher, then finally finishing when he finished.
He pulled me up and wiped my mouth. He kissed my forehead and put me on his lap. I laid against his chest calming my breathing. He slipped himself back in slowly. I gasped. “J-Jaehyun I can’t take no more..” I mumbled. “Shh. I just put myself in to feel closer to you..” he whispered. I laid my head down on his shoulder as he watched TV and stroked my hair.
I felt my life completed...he was what I wanted and I finally got him..I’m gonna miss my mom and I’ll feel bad for taking her place but he was with me...that’s all that matters. I played with his chain and suddenly felt horny again. I grind my hips against him making him grunt. I move slowly and groaned. He smirked. “You wanna continue in the bathtub?” He asked I nodded, still moving up and down. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I love him so much....
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Afterglow - Part 8
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A/N: Is it time for some much need talking? Hmm....perhaps. As always, feedback and comments are welcome, and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know. xx 💕
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 6.2k
Warnings: drug and alcohol mentions; slight language 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You drifted in and out of sleep that night, waiting up several times due to the jolt of a startling nightmare. At first you almost forgot where you were or what was going on - why were you asleep on the couch? But it hit you like a ton of bricks; Frankie Morales was currently asleep in your bed. 
A few times throughout the night you’d gotten up and stretched your stiff bones and wandered to the bedroom door, opening it just a crack to peek inside. Each time, Frankie was fast asleep with Daisy next to him. It caused you to relax a little, knowing that he was okay, and you needn’t worry about an overdose or anything like that. But it didn’t ease the pain of seeing him again or knowing that he was struggling with an addiction...or something.
The universe had put an odd situation on your plate. 
Once you couldn’t sleep any longer, and had gotten tired of lying on the couch, which it had turned out was not an ideal sleeping situation, you made your way into the kitchen to start breakfast. You weren’t even sure what to do really, but it was a bit of normalcy to offset your otherwise shaken up routine. 
As soon as you started the coffee, something that was an absolute necessity, you’d left messages for your clients apologizing for the early call and canceling their appointments due to a last minute emergency. Hopefully they wouldn’t mind. As the coffee percolated filling the kitchen with warmth and the delicious smell, you reached into the fridge and started pulling eggs, bacon, and other items to make breakfast with. Grabbing a bowl and a pan, you quickly settled on pancakes, wondering if they were still his favorite. He’d always loved them when you were younger and on more than one occasion had your little date nights ended in a small 24-hour diner, where’d he chow down on them. 
The memory made you smile,  as you recalled one particular time when he eagerly topped off his pancakes with fresh fruit and whipped cream, which had gotten on the corners of his mouth. You’d reached over and wiped the whipped cream away, licking it clean from your own finger. It seemed like yesterday, even though it was so long ago. 
Sighing, you pushed the memory away and carried on preparing the batter and throwing some bacon into the oven. As soon as your coffee pot signaled that it was done, you grabbed your favorite mug, followed by another and poured the black coffee in. You finished yours off as you liked, topping the other off with a sprinkle of cinnamon. It amazed for a mere fraction of a second just how well you still remembered the things he liked. But your amazement was quickly cut short when you heard a quiet throat clear from the opposite side of the counter. 
“H-hi,” he said quietly, almost tentatively as he seemed to look anywhere but your eyes. You took the cup you had prepared for him and set it down in front of him, motioned for him to take a seat at the bar. 
“You look like hell,” you commented as he sat and clutched the steaming cup between his hands. He made a small sound of agreement as you turned back to your pan and poured some batter in, “I made it how you used to like it....I presume it’s still the same?”
“Yeah,” he said as he put the mug to his mouth and took a long sip, “thank you.”
“Mhmm,” it was a small, noncommittal sound as you focused your attention on the pancakes and eggs. Daisy came over and you offered her a treat before getting her into the backyard and preparing her breakfast. The tension in the air was palpable and you could see that Frankie was eager to say something. But he didn’t dare to be the one that broke the silence. Gods knew you were just as eager to say something, a lot of things honestly, but all of that could wait for now.
Once everything was finished, you grabbed two plates and piled them high with a spread of items, topping them off with some fresh berries on the side. Daisy had been a good girl, clambering between the two of you, so you offered her a piece of bacon and a few berries, which she eagerly took and ran off with and  into her bed to eat. 
Handing a plate to Frankie, you set down your own, as far away from him as possible at the small bar. It didn't create a huge divide between you, but the point came across loud and clear.
The two of you ate in silence for some time, the only sound in the kitchen was the scraping of utensils and a few small huffs from Daisy. She gave you an almost pathetic look a few times, and you just rolled your eyes at her. You knew she wanted to be out and in the company of others; once she'd overcome her initial fear of people, she thrived in attention.
"Oh hush," you told her before passing her another strip of bacon, "we'll go for a walk later, good girl. Or maybe you can go play  with Eddie."
Frankie remained silent as he watched you, doing his best to keep a smile from stretching across his features. But you were too quick and caught him staring.
"I've been bringing her into the office with me every day," you explained, "she likes being around the people and they often find just as much comfort in her. It's a win-win really."
"Hmm," he commented as he shoved another bite in his mouth, "office? W-what kind of office?”
"Yeah," you said softly, "I, ugh...I'm a therapist.” 
He caught your eye and offered you a slightly confused look. Never once had you ever mentioned wanting to be a therapist. In fact, you had wanted to avoid anything you had once deemed similar to your parents as a big no. Coming from a surgeon and a doctor wasn’t a far stretch from a therapist. When the barista at the coffee shop had referred to you as ‘doctor’, he had envisioned...many other things. This was very similar to things you had proclaimed you'd never wanted to be, "oh. I thought you wanted to be a zoologist. That’s what you always wanted to...study animals. UCLA-"
"Yeah," you cut him off sharply, "I did once. In another lifetime. I had to make decisions back then.. Ones I didn't think I'd make or have to make. I thought things were going to play out in a very different way but the joke was on me, right? So, here we are. I'm good at my job and it just...worked out."
"But do you like it?" he asked tentatively as you narrowed your eyes at him. No one ever really asked you that...it was just sort of assumed that you did, or if you didn't, that didn't matter one way or another..
"What does it matter, Francisco? A job is a job," you almost snapped at him, "but yes. For the most part I enjoy my job. I'm glad to be helping people that need it.”
"It just didn't seem like something you wanted to do..." he trailed off softly.
"Well, I also didn't think I'd go to college alone and have to make an entirely different series of choices. I didn’t think you’d just leave me and go into the military - and you were going to leave me in the dark about as long as you could. Remember that?" you knew it was a dig, the lowest of blows, but in that moment you didn't care. Things had ended a long time ago and at the end of the day, it didn't matter anymore, "because I do. So yeah, my life plans changed. But you know about that just as well. How did that work out for you?!"
You hated yourself in that moment, and as soon as the words left your mouth you wished you could take them back. You hated how much venom was lacing your words, how angry you still were with him. It was twenty years worth of pain and hurt bubbling to the surface all at once. And yet - the look on Frankie’s face was enough to make your heart break. Sighing lightly, you tossed the fork onto your plate and slid out of the bar stool. Tears were prickling at the back of your eyes as you held up your hands in surrender, lips trembling slightly. You tried to slick past him, but he reached for your arm to try and hold you back, "honey-"
"I gotta go," you said, pulling out of his grasp as motioned for Daisy to follow you. Nervously looking between the two of you, she trotted over and perked up slightly when you grabbed her leash, "I-I'll be back. I’m sorry.”
You dashed out the door as swiftly as possible, letting it shut softly behind you as Frankie stared at it, a heavily, weary sigh escaped his own lips. Setting down his own fork, he pushed his plate away, no longer feeling hungry. He wasn’t mad at your words, or the spite you still held for him. If anything it made him hurt just as much. He’d always been confused on why and when you finally decided to cut your ties with him, but he never blamed you. If the roles were reversed he might have done the same. But he’d never hated you for it. He could understand why you did what you did. He was just Frankie after all, he wasn’t worth waiting around for you. Just because he’d never let you go, didn’t mean he expected the same of you.
Standing up, he picked up his own plate, followed by yours and brought them to the sink. Turning on the tap, he set everything under the warm water to soak before quickly deciding to just clean up the kitchen then and there. It was the least he could do. Frankie carefully put everything away, making sure everything was going into what he was sure were the proper spots before loading the dishes into the empty dishwasher. He stopped himself when he reached for your empty coffee mug, holding it delicately in his large hands as he examined. It was a soft yellow, covered in little flowers and beehives and bees. A forlorn little smile crossed his features as he decided to hand wash the mug, drying it with the utmost care before putting it away in the cabinet.
The whole process to getting everything clean again took him some time, but by the time he was satisfied with his handiwork you still weren’t back from your walk with Daisy. It gave him pause to wonder if he should just head home or if he should wait for your return. Eventually he decided to opt for the latter, figuring it would be rude to just run out on you. If nothing else, he’d thank you for the help from the previous evening and then leave, but a smaller part of him hoped that you’d ask him to stay. To talk. There was a lot to talk about after so many years. 
And yet - there was nothing. The relationship was done. Ended. Nothing. 
He went back down the hall to straighten your bedroom up and gather his shoes, but he trekked slowly, taking a moment to study all the pictures on your walls. Some of it was more or less generic artwork, some were photos of you with friends and family over the years. He had admired each of them, how you had changed from the beautiful girl he had fallen in love with to the still beautiful woman he was infatuated with. It was amazing to him that you still looked the same after all this time - the same soft eyes, the same sweet smile, the aura of kindness that seemed to follow you everywhere. He was nothing like he once was, not in his mind anyway, instead of ragged and worn out. A sight for sore eyes.
Shaking his head to himself, he finished the walk back to your room and began to tidy up, making it a point to keep away from anything that looked personal. But in his keen attempt to make your bed, he accidentally knocked over what liked a journal from your nightstand. Groaning at his carelessness, he picked it up and attempted to set it back, but instead,  a couple of photographs fell out of it. He swooped them up and curiosity got the better of him as he studied the pictures intently.
They were of you - you and him. 
One of them was from one of the winters you shared together, the two of you were bundled up in thick jackets and scarves, Frankie’s old beanie on your head, with the skating rink visible in the background. You both looked so young, so carefree, so happy. You were smiling for the camera but his eyes were slowly focused on you, the grin on his face speaking volumes. 
The other one was from Halloween, and the two of you were dressed up as Morticia and Gomez from the Adams Family. Your feeble attempts at costumes had been laughable, but the joy in your faces was undeniable. This time he was smiling for the camera, an arm wrapped tightly around, but you were looking at him as though he was your whole world. 
You had kept the photos after all these years. He let out a long breath before tucking them back into the journal and setting it back on your nightstand. As he finished making up the bed and slipping his shoes back on, he heard the front door open, followed by the sound of Daisy’s footsteps. She eagerly nudged open the door and wagged her tail at him, trying to get his attention for pets. 
"Frankie?" your soft voice reached his ears as he gave Daisy a nervous look before slipping out of your bedroom. He stood in the hallway, nervously twist his hat in his hands as you stood at the other, an unreadable expression on your face.
"Hey," he softly as you just nodded. The two of you stood there for a moment, silently staring at each other. When you didn't say anything he started walking down the small way, "I should go..."
But before he could slip past you, you reached out and grabbed his wrist in a surprisingly firm, but gentle, manner. He turned and gave you a confused expression, "stay. W-w should talk...instead of just running every time we see each other."
"Okay," he agreed as you gave him a momentary smile before leading him outside, to the small little backyard sanctuary you had created. It was crisp and cool, the promise of fall and new hope with the changing season lingering in the air. Daisy was close at hand, bringing out a toy to play with as sat down at the patio table, Frankie taking a seat at the other end of the table. It was silent for some time before you finally mustered up the courage to talk to say anything.
"I'm sorry for earlier," your voice was quiet but Frankie heard you loud and clear, "I shouldn't have exploded like that at you. It wasn't fair."
"'S okay," he insisted. In his mind he deserved a lot more than just a few angry words. A new silence loomed over you as you watched your dog run around play, easily keeping herself amused.
"I was supposed to get married," you blurted out suddenly and Frankie's attention was hyperfocused on you, his deep brown eyes trying to decipher every expression, "in a few weeks actually."
"Oh," he said casually as he if hadn't noticed that you weren't sporting the huge engagement ring you had been wearing when he first ran into you again, "I-I figured...the ring and all."
"Yeah," you said with a scoff, looking over at him and rolling your eyes dramatically, "was going to. Completely dodged a bullet with that one."
"W-what happened?" he wouldn't deny that the fact that your engagement ended instilled a small sense of hope in him, "if you don't mind me asking..."
"A lot of things, honestly,” you shrugged lightly. It wasn’t a complete lie...there were a lot of factors that ultimately led to your decision. The fact that Frankie had appeared out of the blue, out of nowhere, was just another incidental happenstance that seemed to jog you into making the decision. But you weren’t about to admit that to him...not yet anyway, “I basically realized I was unhappy...that he was everything I never wanted and the life I was leading was the one I had wanted to avoid for so long.”
“Oh,” he completed quietly as you threw up your hands in exasperation, more at yourself than anything else. It was just…a hard situation. It wasn’t easy for anyone and with Frankie right there next to you it was hard not to picture a life with him. What would it all have been like if he had been the one?
“I was becoming...became everything I hated,” you laughed dryly at yourself, casting a quick glance over at him as he was watching you intently, “all those things I said I never would be. I ended up being them. I ended up as this quiet, pathetic excuse of a woman that just did what everyone told her to do, what everyone expected of her. I became the model daughter my parents always wanted - working in what they deemed a proper job, never speaking out of turn, marrying the successful lawyer, never straying from the line. And then...I just realized...this isn’t me. This was never me. It’s not who I’m meant to be. I knew that if I went through with that wedding and everything that came afterwards I would never be happy again. Despite the years of self loathing, I couldn’t do that to myself.”
Frankie was listening intently as you seemed to work this out within yourself as the words poured out of your mouth. He knew exactly what you meant, and at the end of the day, he was proud of you for being able to make the decisions you needed to for yourself, “so you just called it all off?”
“Yeah,” you dabbed at the tears that pearled up and slipped down your cheeks, before laughing lightly. In the moment, it had been a bold, dramatic move, one that you considered almost worthy of a cinematic masterpiece, but looking back on it, you had probably seemed like a mad woman, “basically. It was the day of my last dress fitting and it just...hit me. I was with the dress maker and her niece and they were asking me all about my fiance and asking me if I was excited and how in love we were and everything. And it hit me then and there - I couldn’t do this. So...I bailed and left. Called it off an hour later. You should have seen the poor things! Oh Frankie, they looked so surprised, but they understood. I paid for the dress and I told them to donate it to someone that deserved it.”
“Holy shit,” he breathed out as he pictured the scene. You caught his eye and the two of you started laughing together. Gods, in that moment, it was easy, so easy to just laugh and not think about anything else. It still felt so effortless with him, even despite everything that happened between the two of you, “you just did that!”
“You know what they say about mad women, Frankie,” you teased, taking a moment to collect yourself. Looking back on it now it was funny, but in reality...it had been a harsh end to your previous life and a bumpy start to your new one, “but...at the end of the day it was the right thing to do. I couldn’t marry Chad and just be Mrs. Wadsworth forever.”
“Chad? Wadsworth?” Frankie couldn’t help but snicker at the names as you nodded before hanging your head, giving him just a glimpse of that smile that always made him weak in the knees, “oh honey, you should have known from the name alone.”
“I was a fool,” you admitted with a dramatic sigh, “a self righteous fool. At the time it had seemed...right.”
“Did you love him?”
“I-I suppose I did,” you said softly, “at one point or another. I don’t know where along the line it just ended up as routine and just me going through the motions but obviously it did…”
“I’m sorry you had to do through all of that,” he said quietly as you shrugged. It wasn’t his fault...that was all of your own doing, “how did your family take it?”
“About as well as you'd think,” you bit the inside of your cheek to keep more tears from flowing worth, “you know them, Frankie, they’re the same as they’ve always been. At first it seemed like my mom understood, and she seemed to care, but by the next day it was like a flip had been switched. They had seemed to side with Chad and somehow none of feelings were relevant. And all of the friends we’d had basically decided that I was the bad guy. So it kind of...left me to figure things out on my own. Luckily, I do have a few really good friends left. They helped me out a lot...even to find this house actually. Things could have been a lot worse...they were rough but they’re getting better.”
“Still,” he almost whispered at you, “I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. You don’t deserve it.”
“Such is life,” you looked at him and offered an almost teary smile, “but about you? Did you ever get married or anything?”
“No,” he answered quickly as you tried to ignore the small skip of your heart. He tapped his fingers against the glass top of the table for a few moments, “there was never really...anyone else.”
“Nope,” he was almost nervous as he swallowed the lump in his throat, “I was in the military for a long while...overseas, special ops...never really had much chance to worry about that kind of stuff back then.”
“What about when you got out?”
“There were a few here and there,” he admitted quietly, “nothing serious, nothing that lasted more than a few months.”
“Oh,” it was your turn to be surprised. For some reason he had struck you as the type that would have settled down...the type of man that would almost yearn for domestic bliss. Little did you know he did exactly that, just not with anyone that he encountered so far. 
“Yeah,” he exhaled sharply through his nose, “it hasn’t been much of an exciting life.”
“Surely it must have been,” you insisted, “special ops? That sounds like it be one adventure after another...but it was the military…”
“I was glad to get out when I got out,” he insisted and you could tell there was a lot more he wanted to say. But he tensed up lightly and you weren’t going to push him to tell you anything. If he wanted to, he would, but as far as you were concerned he owed you nothing. And yet...a small part of you hoped he did still want to open up and confide in you.
“What...what do you do now?”
“I’m a mechanic,” he stated simply and pointedly looked away from your eyes. He didn’t know if he wanted to see the expression in them, to know if you suddenly thought him to be much lower, “it’s nothing much but I-”
“It’s brilliant, Frankie,” you insisted, quickly cutting him off and causing his head to whip in your direction, a small smile tugging on the corners of his mouth, “you had always had a knack for stuff like that - it never made any sense to me, but you? You always had a sharp mind.”
“I was a pilot too!” he eagerly told you, and you could have died at the excited expression on his face, “in the military and…”
“And what, Frankie?” you asked, noticing the rapid change in his mood, almost as if he hadn’t meant to tell you quite that much. He stilled for a moment before looking away, “Frankie?”
“And for a while after that for private individuals,” he almost murmured, “but umm...n-not at the moment.”
“Okay,” you replied, telling him in that one word that he never needed to go past what was comfortable for him, “Frankie, I’m glad that things worked out for you...really.”
He just nodded, and gave you a weary look before silence fell over the two of you again. You pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them, watching as Daisy sniffed everything before bringing her ball over to Frankie. He gently took it from her and tossed it across the yard, repeating the action several times over before she grew bored of it and went to follow around a squirrel. 
After some time, you cleared your throat, deciding that now was as good of a time as any to lay everything out on table. What was the worst that just happen? He would get mad, you would get mad and then he left? It wouldn't put you in a worse position than before. There was literally nothing left to loose, and you'd hate yourself if you didn't at least tell him. If nothing else, you would get it all off of your chest.
"T-there was another reason I called off my wedding..." you admitted and slowly shifted his gaze back to you, "umm, everything kind of...I realized how unhappy I was and that things weren't right after...after running into you. That day at the coffee shop when I spilled coffee all over myself."
Frankie tried his best to keep his expression neutral but it felt like a swarm of butterflies had just been released into his stomach. He was trying not to read too much into your words but he was loathe to deny his excitement. That meant you had felt it too; he wasn't wrong in thinking it was just him. He looked at you to go on, making a small sound in his throat, "I-I remember..."
"It set off...something," you said softly, "and that's what caused me to realize everything else."
"If nothing else, I'm glad the spilled coffee led you to realizing that you deserve better...that you deserve the world..."
"I...I never stopped loving you," the words shot out of your mouth before you could do anything to stop them and Frankie's jaw dropped and practically hit the floor, "seeing you made me realize that...there was never anyone else that I could ever love because they weren't you. Even after everything that happened, all this time, it always came back to you."
"Honey bee," the nickname flowed easily and you didn’t bother to correct him. You liked the way it sounded, you had missed it even. It was so much better than sugar plum, which still made you cringe to even think about, “you…”
“I know,” you said quietly, bringing your hands up to your face as you tried to hide and  make yourself feel smaller. You hadn’t, not in a million years thought you would see him again, let alone admit this to him or yourself, “I just...the more I thought about it, especially with Chad, I kept comparing everything to you. Even if I didn’t admit it out loud to myself, that’s one of the main things that it was. It was always you.”
“I-I don’t understand…” he said quietly, “you never...I called you and you never called me back. I thought...I thought...why?”
“I know,” you admitted, “I just...I couldn’t, Frankie. You left me and I hung around waiting for you all the time. My life revolved around waiting for to call, or email, any little hint from you. It wasn’t healthy - I was missing out on so much, because I was always waiting around for you. I couldn’t do that anymore, to wait to hear from you from an hour once every two months whenever you got the chance? It wasn’t fair to me or you. So I just...decided not to anymore.”
“But I-I came back,” he said meekly as you shrugged lightly.
“When? How many hours was your life devoted to the military? How many years were you gone for the majority of the year? It wouldn’t have been fair to me to have to wait for you, and it wouldn’t have been fair to you either, to only get to see me once in a while. Wasn't it easier to just not have to worry about it?” you tried to rationalize it to yourself and him at the same time. But as the words left your mouth you wondered if it had been easier that way. Maybe it would have been easier, maybe you would have been happier if you’d tried to make it work...but now you would never know. 
“I don’t know,” he sighed heavily as he leaned his elbows on the table and rubbed his tired eyes, “I don’t know...but I do know it was hard for you.”
“You left me Frankie,” you said softly, trying not to cry again as you thought back to the day you had discovered that he was leaving for the military. It had been the worst day of your life back then. It still was to this day, “we made all these plans, our future, and you left me.”
“I did what I had to do back then,” he said softly, and while you never believed, even back then, you knew he had his reasons. You knew that the choices he made for all calculated and thought out - he was never one for rash decisions, “the choices I made helped become the man I am now. And look where you needed up - a therapist. A successful therapist. That counts for something, right?”
“I know....I know you did. I understand that now. A small part of me still thinks I would have rather have been with you, Frankie,” you said softly, turning to face him and resting your head on your knees, “even looking back on everything now. I wish you would have let me come with you -”
“So what?” he almost snapped and you jumped slightly at the sudden change in his voice, “you could have been some military wife that’s never happy?”
“I would have been happy with you!” you retorted with just as much edge as he had given you, “I would have been happy if I got to be anywhere with you. You were my everything, Frankie, and that never changed.”
“You would have been alone half the time,” he sighed heavily, “and I never...I never wanted you to have to worry if I was dead or alive or if I was coming back at all.”
You remained silent as you mused over his words. He had a point...if you had been with him, when he was overseas, you would have been wondering every minute of every hour if he was alright or not. That was a fate almost as cruel if not more so than what you were put through. 
“I wanted you to have a chance at happiness,” his tone softened as he looked at you with big brown eyes. They were full of emotion, holding so many things inside of them, “without me you had a shot.”
“I thought I did too,” you agreed, your lips trembling effort to keep from crying. Gods, you felt like you had been crying more recently than you had in many years, “turns out we were both wrong.”
“In some ways I wished I’d just gone with you anyway,” you shrugged and he made a small sound. You were both stubborn fools in your own ways, “in some other ways I wish I never met you.”
It felt like his whole world stood still as he cautiously met your eyes. Now those were words he never thought he’d hear you saying. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before stumbling over his words, “w-what? I thought…”
“If I had never met you, I never would have missed you,” you explained, “I never would have gone through the heartbreak of you leaving, of loving you and looking for you in everything and everyone else, never finding you. I would have been…”
“Maybe you’re right…”
“Yeah...but I’m not,” you concluded, “because if I had never met you, I would have never been loved by you, or gotten to love you. I never would have...discovered how to be myself. You showed me that it was okay to be different from my family, to be my own person. It worked...even if I got lost along the way and things changed. At the end of the day, it was you. And just when I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life, you came back. Out of all the times. That-that has to mean something right?”
Just like that every piece of his heart that had felt like it had hardened and decayed over the years seemed to come back to life. His heart started racing in his chest as he stared at you, long and hard, and you stared back with just as much ferocity and intensity. You were thinking the same thing he was - the timing, you both coming back together, it couldn’t be for naught. It just couldn’t. The universe was a strange and wondrous thing, but maybe...maybe this time it was getting it right…
“M..maybe…” Frankie stood up as you tried to collect your thoughts and slowly strode over to you. Extending his hand slowly, he held it out to you and you stared at it for just a moment, contemplating taking it. Taking his hand was a lot more than just the simple action of taking his hand, you were both well aware of that fact. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you let him help you to your feet, and you stood directly in front of him, “Francisco.”
His large hands found your face, his touch gentle and saccharine as you relished in the feel of his soft, yet calloused skin on yours. Your lips parted slightly as he traced over the highs and lows of your features, making it a point to commit this version of you deep into his mind, just like he had twenty years ago when you were younger. His thumb swiped along your lower lip and your body was practicing screaming for him to touch you, to kiss you, anything.
“You are still as beautiful as the day I first laid eyes on you,” he whispered, inching incrementally closer and yet not close enough, “honey bee, I loved you then and I never stopped. I will never stop.”
“Francisco,” it was a soft plea as your hands found his wrists, gripping onto them tightly and vowing to never let go, “please.”
Please kiss me. Please don’t ever leave me again. Please just love me. 
It was so many things all in one simple word.
“May I kiss you?” he leaned in and his lips were practically ghosting over yours, his breath warm and sweet. You nodded quietly before closing the almost nonexistent gap between your bodies, weaving your arms around his neck as his hands found purchase on your hips.
It was slow, sweeter almost than honey as he kissed you, and you allowed yourself to get lost in him. If you thought kissing him back then had been amazing, this was that and then some. Every part of him melded perfectly against you, an ease to your movement like neither of you had to think or even try. It was like it had always been meant to be. In some ways, you supposed it was. It was always supposed to be you and your Frankie. 
“I love you, Frankie,” you murmured against his lips when you parted for a breath of air, “it was always you.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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393 notes · View notes
ssoojinism · 3 years
love lies || one - kth
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pairing ; married! taehyung x reader
genre : angst, mature (16+), infidelity
warning : cheating (do not read if youre not comfortable with this kind of trope), alcohol consumption, nsfw (16+)
plot summary : just when you’re about to experience the sweetest moment of your life, you learned that the man you fell head over heels is actually a married man to a one year marriage.
[series masterlist]
You saw him at the corner of your eyes, from across the room when he sent you a smirk that is enough to make your heart leaped out from your chest.
The colorful lights blinding your eyes and the loud stereos almost cause you to go deaf but it doesn’t matter when you couldn’t see anything else but him.
You felt a bit giddy as you tucked your hair to the back of your ears while listening to your friends chit chatting on some random topic while they have no idea that you are currently eyeing the said male who also keeping his eyes on you while sipping his alcohol.
“Y/N!” You jumped when Seulgi tapped your arms. You sent her a confuse look while your friend had frown on her face.
“Can’t you hear me? I’m going to the ladies with Chaein! Are you okay if I left you here?” she repeated, half yelling as the sound of the music in that party overpowering her voices. You nodded.
“Yeah, go ahead. I’m fine. Don’t mind me!”
Seulgi dragged Chaein along with her to the bathroom as they finally leaving you. Nervous, you spare last stares at the previous guy but it seems like he was busy talking and laughing in his own circle so you stepped back to take a seat at the bar.
The amount of people around you quite overwhelming, you couldn’t stop tucking or fixing your hair or sometimes you would chug on your drinks to loosen your nervousness.
You flinched when a deep voice greeting you from your sides. When you looked up, you were strike by a stunning face standing next to you as he also about to take a seat.
It was the guy you were looking at before.
“H-Hi,” You stammered. The man suddenly reached out his hand towards you. “I’m Taehyung,”
You glance at his hand and his face before your lips curled into a tiny smile and took the hand for a small handshake. “Y/n,”
“I see your friends leaving,” He said. You let out a tiny chuckle — not sure which part of his statement sounds funny to you but you just did.
“Yeah. They went to bathroom. They probably coming back soon,” You wished they don’t. You are more than happy to spend your entire night with this gorgeous man right here.
Soon enough, both of you began to open up with each other, exchanging stories and experiences, sometimes giggling and laughing at either you or his funny stories or something.
Your phone suddenly let out a sound that you instantly went to check them up.
“I see you got a friend. GOOD LUCK SIS”
Seulgi and Chaein even sent a shaky selfie of them showing thumbs up that you are pretty sure they are giggling while making fun of you behind your back. You chuckled, not because it’s funny, instead you are planning how you going to get them next time you see them.
“Your friends?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah. They left already,” You sighed, dropping your phone to the side. Taehyung rubbed the bottom of his lips before they kicked up into a tiny smirk.
“That’s bad but…” He slurred his words before he then added. “I don’t mind driving you home tonight,”
You pressed your lips into a thin line with slight tint of pink colored your cheeks. “Sure,” You replied.
The sunlight that sneaking into your room through the blinds landed on your face, causing you to stirred from your deep slumber. You ran your hand to the side, right on the spot where Taehyung used to sleep last night only for you to met with a cold, empty space.
You shot your eyes open.
Sitting up, your fingers brushing your hair to the back before you turned at the open blinds next to you, probably it was Taehyung’s doing.
Is he leaving already?
You let out a disappointed huffs as you slowly get off the bed to get your towels. You also didn’t forget to grabbed the dress and your undergarments Taehyung has thrown to the floor from last night. You couldn’t help but giggled shyly when the steamy scene replaying in your head.
His touch, his kiss, his moves. Everything was perfect. You don’t remember having a good time during sex but last night with Taehyung, it was probably one of the best nights you’ve ever experienced that you wish you could have it again.
Sadly, that’ probably the last time you ever see him.
…or maybe not.
You peeled the magnet off before lifting the piece of paper sticking at the wall of your fridge. Someone left a note on it and of course, it’s none other than him…
 Last night was great. We should see each other again ;) – Taehyung, 010xxxxxxx
 Your heart bloomed in happiness. You are going to see him again. What a wonderful news to start your day today that you began to spin around like a woman who were madly in love — which you probably are.
“Hello, hello! I’m coming in!” You shrieked when somebody suddenly invading your living room that made you to twist your ankle that you fortunately fell on the couch there.
“Woah, woman. Why are you dancing around like that? Are you going insane?” Yoongi joked. You shot him a glare as he once again observing you from the bottom to the top.
“Why are you not wearing pants? Ah, let me guess! You’re getting laid, isn’t it?”
“Shut up!” you grimaced as you stood yourself up meanwhile your bestfriend just chuckled.
Yes. This dumbass is your bestfriend. You’re not even sure how and why you calling him that to be honest. Perhaps because he is living next to you back then when you still live with your parents or perhaps because he gave you great advice, like an older brother? Is he?
But all you know that Yoongi is your closest friends and that he is the only human being that understand whatever the hell you are doing with your life. Although most of the time he just goes like “I don’t care whatever the fuck you are doing, I’ll just sitting here and support you,”
“What are you doing here?” You asked as you watched him rounding your kitchen counters. It seems like he brought a few groceries bag with him.
“Is the dick that good that you forgot you literally invited me to come and cook your breakfast this morning?” You finally remember. You did ask for him to come and make you breakfast because first, you thought it would be too lonely to eat alone and secondly, you’re just too lazy to make your own breakfast, even if it’s just cereal and milk.
“Ah, yes, sorry. I did forgot about it and yeah, his dick are amazing thanks for asking!” Yoongi snorted in disgust as reply only for you to curled your lips into a smile.
“If you are not helping, go and take a shower, you stink!” He continued with his nag. You responded with a long “okayy” before you got up and head your way to your bedroom to wash up.
“He was unbelievably beautiful, Yoongi! He’s like a walking Greek God, you know? He’s literally perfect in everything! Good looking, have a career, great in bed, gosh! He’s definitely not real!” You blabbered with your mouth full of food meanwhile Yoongi munching on his breakfast without words.
“Min Yoongi!” you whined. “You are not listening,” You sulked, jutting your lips out. Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“I am. I just don’t like talking when I was eating,” He said. “We’ve known each other since forever and you still didn’t know that?”
“I’m kidding, geez!” You tsked. Yoongi just know how to talk back to you and you always end up losing. You just couldn’t keep up with his roasting since he always choose to be straightforward when he’s communicating.
“What else do you know about him?” You slowed down your munching to look at him. “Is he single?” Yoongi added.
Hearing his question made you chuckle. “Of course he is,”
“Are you sure?”
You went silence. “I mean, he’s successful, good looking and more. Simply put, he’s perfect in everything. How can that kind of man going around without anyone by his side? It’s nearly impossible,”
Yoongi was right. You are pretty sure that there is a lot other women that had been lining up to be with Taehyung before you. There also some probability that someone had seized him up before you too.
“Better be disappointed now before too late, y/n..” Yoongi remarked at the same time finishing his meal.
You shook your head, your lips kicking up into a tiny, unsure smile. “I can trust him,”
“Sure. Whatever makes you happy, y/n..” Yoongi responds sounds like a sarcasm to your ears and you don’t like it. You are scared. You’re scared that everything Yoongi told you turned out to be true.
So you fished out your phone and dialed Taehyung’s phone number to send him a message.
From : you
Hey, it’s y/n! Just to tell you that I had your number saved.
It was less than five minutes when you received a reply from him. That was quick!
From : Kim Taehyung 🖤
Im glad. I keep waiting for your message or calls so I can do the same.
You drew a wide grin before sending a glance towards Yoongi who had his back facing you while he’s busy washing the dishes.
From : you
I wonder if we can see each other again anytime soon
From : Kim Taehyung 🖤
Ofc. When and where we should meet?
You keep checking on yourself through the small mirror of your compact powder before nervously waiting for Taehyung to show up. Sometimes you would anxiously pulling out your cherry chapstick and apply it on your lips, afraid they came out dry when he arrived or there is also times that you would sip on your coffee that it already reached half of the cup you were drinking.
While fidgeting with your fingers, you were greeted by a familiar deep voice from above, calling your names making you to whipped your head upwards.
The face you are waiting for is finally here. You smiled.
Your chest began to pound again as you watched Taehyung taking a seat in front of you. He looks so fine in his two-piece grey suits. He then asked you what you’re drinking which bringing you back to the current situation.
“It’s nothing. Just coffee,” you said.
“Ah, unfortunately, I don’t drink coffee,” He pouted. You gasped. You silly! You shouldn’t pick a coffee shop at the first place then! Since he is the one that ask you to pick a place, you couldn’t think of any place other than this coffee house that has been your favorite spots long time ago. You had no idea that he didn’t drink coffee.
As if he could read your face, he quickly tells you to calm down. “It’s okay. I can drink anything cold,” He lifted his hand up to called for a waiter. You pursed your lips as you observing him making his order.
“Do you want waffles?” He suddenly asked again. You nodded. “Yes please. With chocolate syrup,”
“Yes, that one. Thank you,” The waiter then backed away with the orders. Taehyung turned back at you and flashed his warm smile.
“You just got back from your works?” You opened the conversation first. He nodded. “Yeah. It’s pretty hectic today. But I’m glad that we decided to meet today. I feel like the burden got temporarily lifted off my shoulders as soon as I saw you,” You shyly giggled.
Both of you then proceed to ask about each other days and more where you learn that Taehyung currently working as the one of the executives in a construction company named Youngsoo E&C. To be honest, you have no idea what he was talking about but seeing how he literally enjoying telling you his story made you listen to it with a stupid smile on your face.
“What did you do by the way?” He returned the question.
“I do illustration for children’s books,” You answers earn you a wide eye from Taehyung. “Really!? Wow, that was amazing!” You laughed as you can’t help but find his reaction as adorable. Then he added, “I enjoy drawing too,”
“Yeah. But it’s just a hobby and I think you draw better than me,” He humbly said that make you shook your head. “No way. Everyone has their own style. I’d love to see it one day,” Taehyung excitedly nodded.
“I will. One day,”
You smiled before something suddenly popped up in your head. Your previous conversation with Yoongi suddenly came into your mind.
“I mean, he’s successful, good looking and more. Simply put, he’s perfect in everything. How can that kind of man going around without anyone by his side? It’s nearly impossible,” Yoongi’s statement keep playing like it was a broken tape in your head. You shook it off before nervously looking up at him.
“Taehyung-ah,” He raised his brows as you chewed your bottom lips, your hands gripping the fabric of your dress nervously. “I was wondering if… if…”
“Your food is here,” Your words got cut by a waiter who suddenly appeared along with the food Taehyung has ordered before. Fuck. Not now!
It took her a few minutes to dropped the order before she begin to walk away and leave you and him alone once again. Taehyung on the other hand seems like he forgot about you which you also chose to drop the question altogether, pretending like it also never happened.
“So, did you get the answer?”
You dropped your exhausted self on the couch while Yoongi still perching at the counter, waiting for your answer. “Y/N! I’m talking with you,” You grunted.
“No, I don’t because I didn’t ask! Now, will you leave me alone?” You grabbed a pillow next to your head to buried your face into it. Yoongi let out a loud sigh.
“You fool. What if-“
“What if he has a girlfriend… blah, blah. Look, Yoongi. If he had one, he will act like he had one but he never did! I can count how many times he tried to flirt with me today!” You argued. “He’s definitely into me,” Your lips twisted into a grin but Yoongi doesn’t enjoy seeing you literally fooling around as if those are not a serious matter.
“That’s not how it work, woman!” He want to scold you but you had both your palm covering your ears and making a noise, mimicking that you refused to listen to his nag. It’s pissed him off that he jumped off the counter with a groan of annoyance.
“Whatever! By the way, Yuna is inviting us to her birthday party,”
You get up from the couch to looked at him. “Yuna? Cho Yuna?” Yoongi hummed. “Yeah,” Your brows knitted together in confusion.
“Out of nowhere? I mean, we don’t even talk to her back then,”
“Apparently, it’s also to celebrate her wedding anniversary too, so she’s feeling extra generous by inviting everyone from the alumni to her birthday party next week. Do you want a ride?” Yoongi offers. You nodded your head almost immediately.
“Of course. Thank you,”
Cho Yuna. You remember her. Yuna is that one famous, rich kid that literally had every boy in your college drooling over her. But, it’s understandable. She’s a complete package. She’s pretty, smart, not to mention, she’s the first ever girl that managed to seized the president position for the student council that traditionally would take boys as the leaders. You had to say, you have massive respects towards her. Who wouldn’t? It would be a lie if there’s anybody who’d say they never envy her. Even now, she’s happily married to the man of her choice too.
“Damn, I seriously wish I could have what she had,”
A week later
You rushed out from your apartment barefooted with pair of heels in your hand. Meanwhile Yoongi in his car keep on pressing the honk, not because to warn you for being late, he just did it to annoy the shit out of you which resulting you to get into the car with a groan.
“Can you shut up!? You’re so annoying!” Yoongi laughed as response to you as he starts to drive away from the parking lot of your apartment. You put on your black stilettos before you pulled down the sun visor to check yourself into the vanity mirror behind it. You fixed your hair by brushing it lightly, also tapping your lips to make sure the lip tint you’re wearing are applied nicely.
Yoongi who saw you enthusiastically fixing yourself giggled quietly that made you to look at him with frown. “What are you laughing at, dumbass?”
“Why are you fixing yourself as if you’re going for a date? It’s just a birthday party for God’s sake!” He snorted which had you to scrunched your nose.
“Mind your own business! I’m just trying to look good. For myself!” You grunted before turning your attention back at the mirror. Later on, you pushed the visor back to its place and leaned back after you are sure that you’re satisfied with your looks.
“Hey,” You suddenly spoke. “Remember when you had a big fat crush on Yuna?”
“Oh my God, shut the fuck up!” You laughed out loud, like really loud especially when you saw blushes appearing on his cheeks. “You are so fucking lame, Yoongi! I expected you to be ‘different’ but hah! You’re just like those boys that lining up to propose Yuna to be their wife,”
“Mind you! I’m not,”
“Hell yeah, you do,” You leaned your head on the headrest while releasing a deep huff of breath. “I remember you wrote a song using her as your muse. I had to say that it’s pretty adorable,” You teased and once again, you start to make another random throwback about his past that had Yoongi wishing he could kick you out from his car right now.
“Unfortunately, she’s married with someone that’s not you,” You patted his shoulders. “It’s okay, Yoongi. There’s someone better for you,”
Yoongi snickered. “You’re a bitch,”
About twenty minutes after that, both you and Yoongi finally arrived the hotel that held the party. Yoongi – to your surprise – was kind enough to help you getting out from the car, even helping you fixing the dress you wore.
“I know you’re going to whine like a baby if I left you helpless behind so,” He’s such an asshole…
When you arrived at the events where it takes places, your jaws dropped in awe. “Wow, for a birthday party, they invited quite a lot of guests,” You commented. Yoongi nodded in agreement.
“Not surprise. That’s what rich people do,”
Both you and Yoongi entered the hall and met with another load of guest filling up the room. “Now, what we’re going to do?” You whispered. Yoongi shrugged. “I don’t know. Eat? They prepared the buffets. Should we get them?”
“You go first. I feel thirsty so I’m going to look for their drinking booth,” He nodded. Yoongi then left you there to head to the buffet. You pursed your lips, trying to look around the crowd if you could see any waiter that carrying tray of drinks or something but you couldn’t seem to find one.
You are left with no choice but to lift your dress up to your ankles and splitting your way in between the crowds of people to look for them. Why the hell did she invites these people for a birthday party, like it’s a royal dancing party? Can’t she just have a normal birthday party like everyone else?
While you are trying your best to slipped in between those figures, you accidentally tripped on your heels that you lose your balance and almost fell forward but thankfully, someone in front of you are quick to catch you from falling.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” You apologized, looking up at that person, only for you to gasped in surprise.
Taehyung looks confused as well. “Uh, y/n. Hello. I didn’t expect you…to be here,” He said. You grinned. “Oh yeah. The one that held the party graduated in the same college as mine so we pretty known to each other, I guess?” You explained.
You nodded. “Yup! Oh, hey. How did you know her? You’re her acquaintance too?”
Before Taehyung could answer to your question, someone had called his name out of nowhere. “Babe, who is that you’re talking to?”
Your face turned pale at the endearments terms you heard just now. And also the familiar voice too.
Not long after that, you saw Yuna appearing in a dark blue dress, matched with Taehyung’s blue black’s suits. You couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw the way she linked her arms, showing the rings fitting perfectly on her ring fingers. Your eyes then moved to Taehyung’s hand and he also had a similar ring on his fingers too.
How the hell can you not notice that before?
“y/n! Hi! It’s been a while,” She exclaimed excitedly. You turned at her with an unbelievable look but you tried not to make it obvious by forcing a smile, although you swear you can feel your face twitching as you felt your eyes also began to get watery.
“R-Right! I haven’t see you for a long time too,” You tried your best not to stuttered but you know you failed miserably. Yuna nodded.
“Yoongi came with you?” She asked.
“Yeah. Yeah, he’s with me but he went to look at the food.” You took a deep breathe before pointing at Taehyung who was standing silently next to Yuna. “This is your husband?”
Yuna chuckled. “Yup! Ah, hold on. It’s seems like you both know each other already. You know her too, babe?” She glanced at her husband, seeking for an answer. Taehyung who look like he didn’t expected to get thrown by the question seems like trying to find a words that make you to answer on his behalf.
“We do. We met just recently over some projects,” You lied. Obviously, it wouldn’t make sense. Taehyung is an engineer while you’re a children book’s illustrator. What kind of project involving an engineer and an illustrator!? But you don’t care if she caught you lying. At this point, the situation is too painful for you to keep up that you wish you could just run out from the hall and weep your heart out.
“Wonderful! Guess I don’t have to introduce you then!” She smiled. “Anyway, thanks for coming, y/n! Have fun while you’re here. The opening ceremony will start very soon,” You nodded while faking another smile.
“Happy birthday! And happy anniversary too!” Fuck, fuck. This is so hurt, you rather stab yourself to death than doing this.
“Thank you! We’ll get going then,” Yuna then brought Taehyung along with her. As they leaving, Taehyung spare a glance at you who standing there freezing with a tears rolling down your cheeks. You can see guilt painting his face but he obviously couldn’t do anything so he just going along with his wife to greet the other guest.
“Thank you so much to everyone who came to join us celebrating such a meaningful day for both me and my husband,” Yoongi turned his head to check on you who were awfully quiet throughout the night. He even noticed your red eyes so he decided to asked about it.
“What’s wrong with your eyes? Are you okay?” He questioned. You sniffed, shaking your head. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Keep listening. Don’t mind me,”
“Listen to what? It’s just welcoming speech. Come on. Tell me,” You couldn’t contain yourself from sobbing especially when Yoongi keep pushing you to tell him everything. You lowered your head, muttering something to him.
“That man next to Yuna…”
Yoongi looked up to the said person and saw Taehyung standing next to Yuna, flashing a tiny smile towards the audience. “Him? What’s wrong with him? He hurt you?”
You shook your head. “No,”
“That’s Taehyung,”
Yoongi trying to connect the dots. It took him a minute before he finally realized. “What the fuck?”
You cried into your palm. Yoongi sighed loudly. ‘I told you…’ The male then pressed his back against the chair as he continues to watch the couple smiling as Yuna keep delivering her speech.
“Today also marking our first anniversary of our wedding so I am happy to share this feeling with everyone in this room,” Yuna spun herself to face her husband with the biggest grin on her face. “I love you,” She confessed. Taehyung’s lips formed a smile.
“I love you too,”
You swear you could hear your heart shattering like a piece of glasses. You then forced yourself to watch him kissing his wife in front of the crowd that of course would cheer on that couple meanwhile you sitting here, writhing in agony.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
A heavenly reunion pt. 2; Queen x reader
*Author's note*
And here's the last part of our last chapter of the Rock Angel series.
First of all I just wanna thank ALL OF YOU for your support. This was the FIRST fic I wrote that got me into the Queen/BoRhap fandom and (much like my Bad Wolf series) "Set it all free" was just gonna be a one-time oneshot. But YOU, the people on tumblr inspired me to make this into a series, so thanks to you guys for your lovely support of this series, cause without you, I don't know if I would've continued on after a few chapters till it might've caught up with "Set it all free". But thank you all, you guys are BEYOND AWESOME and I love each and every one of you.
Until the next update :)
*Final ROCK ANGEL taglist (sniffles sadly)*
"(Y/n), (y/n)." I felt someone shake my arm gently trying to wake me up. I looked up and I turned to see Brian sitting by my bedside.
"What Bri?" I tiredly groaned.
"Come downstairs with me, there's someone else the guys and I want you to meet."
"Do I have to get dressed?"
"I think you'll be just fine love. C'mon." He helped me get up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders guiding me down the stairs since I was still bloody tired.
We soon arrived in the piano room right where I had first met David and Elton. The first thing I notice was the other three queens all grinning at me, like they were keeping something from me but wanted to tell me.
"What's going on here?" I asked wearily.
"Darling, as I'm sure Brian told you, we have some people we'd like you to meet." Freddie spoke up.
"Guys if it's any of the singers that have long passed before my time, I think I met them all last night at the concert."
"Well these two are artists you haven't met." He finished for me. At this point I was confused. It was then Roger spoke up.
"It took us several meetings with the 'Big man' himself, to allow you to meet these two who have been waiting an eternity to see you again."
"Again?" I asked. They all smiled widely at each other and that's when Deacy opened up the slide in door and two figures came walking in.
Two figures I had not seen, in a very, very, very long time. The man looked to be in his mid-30's with shoulder length (h/c) and (e/c) eyes, he was semi built not overly muscular but not quite twig-like thin. The woman was around her early 30's if not late 20's the youngest being 28 with midback (h/c) and bright (e/c).
"Again." The man said. I was gaping, my body froze and I felt like collapsing there crying hysterically.
For standing there before me were none other than my parents.
"We've been waiting a long time for you (Y/n)," my mum started off.
"It's been far too long but now you're finally here." I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes began to fill with tears as I choked out.
"After all this time you two were both here just waiting for me to finally arrive just so that I can fall to the ground and cry hysterically. Dreaming of the day when I—I would try to figure out what to say to you both when I would see you if I ever saw you. And now it—it's finally happening. You two standing before me....." as I spoke, both my parents slowly walked toward me with soft eyes. "And I can't even......I just can't believe it. You two are actually here?"
"Yes my darling little cub, every day for your whole life." My mum said as she cupped my face in her hands. Tears of happiness glistened in her eyes as she praised me through a lump in her throat, "And we are so, so proud of you." I looked down but she still kept hold of my face.
"Oh mummy, daddy!" My mum immediately hugged me as tight as she could as we both wept. I nuzzled my face into her chest as she held onto me so tightly while stroking through my hair.
*3rd Person POV*
As they watched the two women hug each other, Freddie and Deacy who stood side by side each other couldn't help but have their hands over their hearts at such a moment. They all have heard the stories of her parents and whatever photos she had saved back home, so they knew what her parents looked like.
But now finally seeing (Y/n) reunite with the parents she had lost at such a young age, forced to being verbally abused by her aunt and uncle it was just heartwarming yet heartbreaking to see this touching and well-earned reunion.
After being tightly embraced and kissed beyond oblivion by her mum, (Y/n) felt a hand at her shoulder and saw it was her dad. He smiled and allowed his tears to fall as he embraced his daughter.
Roger and Brian, being the father figures for her down on earth were all smiles and teary eyed at seeing their surrogate daughter finally reunited with her real father once more. They had the privilege to help protect her in her young adult life, but they knew they'd never compare to the actual love this man had for his little girl.
(F/n) cupped his daughter's face gently in his strong, calloused hands and wiped away his daughter's tears before giving her a kiss on the nose, like he's done in the past. A move that Brian never knew her own father did, but was honored to have given (Y/n) a piece of affection that her real father had done.
By the end of it all, (Y/n) ended up sandwiches between her parents by the end as they were now on their knees. Her head buried into her father's chest as his arms were wrapped around her back while her mum rested her head against her daughter's and had her arms wrapped around her daughter's waist. (F/n) looked up at the four band members and said gratefully.
"Thank you." The four queens nodded and Deacy said.
"We'll give you three some privacy."
"No, please stay!" (Y/n) whimpered out. "I want my whole family here right now." At hearing that statement, who were the boys to deny their Rock Angel. With acceptance from the parents, the four men all got in on the group hug.
(Y/n) once more surrounded by the people that had loved her the most.
With some major convincing as well to bring her parents here to the 'Rock heaven' Queen and the Rock Angel had here, they also managed to move a quiet little cottage just up the road for (f/n) and (m/n) to live in.
When (y/n) and the boys went to visit the house, (y/n) was amazed to see that it looked exactly like her childhood home before she was forced into the hell house of her aunt and uncle. It was all the same, the tan wallpaper, the curtains, the bookshelves, the little TV, everything.
*My POV*
Wow, my parents and my boys together. I can't believe how lucky I am. Now my heaven really is the best of both worlds. And I never want to be away from it again.
We were all gathered around the dinner table for some well deserved breakfast. My mum was cooking in the kitchen with Deacy helping her out while me, my dad and Brian were setting up the table and as for Fred, Roger and my dad were out talking in the backyard.
"Breakfast is ready!" my mum called out from the window. Her and Deacy began bringing in the dishes and even Brian helped out with some of the biscuits.
"Mhm, mum this is so good. Just as I remembered breakfast being." As I took a bite of my pancakes.
"I'm glad you still love it dear. I was worried I had prepared it wrong."
"Nonsense, your cooking is superb (m/n) darling!" Freddie proclaimed.
"That's what I've always told you love." My dad said.
"You're just saying that because I was the cook of the family. Poor man can't even boil an egg without setting it on fire."
"Well that's one thing you and Rog have in common." Deacy teased.
"I got better didn't I?"
"Ten years later, the guy tried to poison us one time during our Japan tour." Brian spoke up.
"You know what Brian?" Roger started as Brian gave him a mocking look.
"Alright boys enough. No fighting at the table!" My mum scolded.
"Sorry Mrs. (l/n)." they both said. Even though they were technically older than my mum, she still had them on their toes. My mum maybe a sweetheart but I guess I inherited my fierceness from her. Screw with her and she blows up and attacks like a lioness.
"Anyways I can't tell you how proud we were of your performance last night (y/n)."
"You both saw the concert?"
"Of course. The Heaven rock and roll concert is open to everyone in heaven that has passed on. So long as you have a love for music and respect the artists that go up there, anyone is welcome to watch. And you were amazing up there love." My dad said.
"Taught her everything she knows, poor dear completely changed after I helped her gain some confidence to own the stage." Freddie said as he playfully ruffled my hair.
"Oh don't we know it, she was always such a shy girl." Mum said.
"Mum." I groaned out.
"In fact, wait right here." She stood up and went over to the bookshelf and pulled out a familiar red album book.
"Oh my god." I muttered.
"Now I have seen that you boys have been neglected in seeing your beloved Rock Angel in her childhood years."
"Mum, mum no!" I begged her. She then turned to Roger and said his name with a wide smile. "Mum, mum please don't!" It soon turned into an all breakout of me trying to take the album away before anyone could reach it, while my mum and the guys were all saying yes.
My mum and I were having a bit of tussle with her trying to give the album to Roger and me trying to stop it. But Roger soon intervened and grabbed the book and it was then I was screwed. I let out a groan and tapped out.
"Okay that's it, goodbye. I'm outta here."
"Oh no you don't, come back here dear." I was pulled back by Fred who kept me in his lap as the album was opened and the guys all either pulled pictures out from the album or passed the book along. My parents each explaining what either photo meant or how old I was in the picture.
Freddie had the picture of me petting a goat and riding a pony. He fawned over the pictures and flipped it over to see that those pictures were from my 5th birthday at petting zoo that was located on a farm about 20 miles away from our house.
"She always wanted to be a ballerina when she was 3 years old." My mum explained as Deacy soon turned a picture over to show me a picture of 3 year old me in a princess tiara and ballerina outfit and tutu. Giving me that pouty face of his almost as if saying 'look at you baby sister.'
"That girl never took that leotard and tutu off for a straight week. Even slept in it every night." I buried my face into my hands as I heard the boys laugh.
Oh god this was embarrassing!
This is why I never wanted the boys to see this album but I should've known that if my parents were in heaven, they'd have this album with them.
I don't know how long the torture was but I was relieved when it finally ended. Of course the boys kept fawning of just how adorable I was and why I kept the fact that I was such a cute child from them this long.
"Alright you all done now?" I asked impatiently as I finally stood up from Fred's lap.
"Oh come off it love, do you have any idea how long we have waited to see these pictures?" Brian stated.
"Too damn long. Now I've got eternal blackmailing against you sister dear." Deacy tormented as he came over to me and got me in a headlock and gave me a noogie.
"Mum! Deacy's trying to blackmail me!" I whined out.
"Tattletale." He grumbled.
"Now, now Deacy don't go blackmailing my daughter." My mum stated firmly as she and Brian began cleaning up the now finished breakfast plates and pans.
"Sorry Mrs. (L/n)." Deacy said. But Roger stood up and whispered something in Deacy's ear and I could see the mischief in both their eyes as they shook hands with each other.
God I only knew trouble was going to come from this, whatever it was that they had planned.
As the day went on, we were back at Garden Lodge studios merely relaxing under the warm sun out in the gardens. I was sitting with Brian and Freddie going over our next concert game plan for tonight's show.
Occasionally I was petting either Bucky or Freddie's two cats Oscar and Romeo who were lying right side by side with Bucky. While Roger and Deacy were playing frisbee with Sammy.
"Something troubling you darling?" asked Freddie. I turned toward him and Brian who were both looking at me concerned.
"I guess."
"You guess?" questioned Brian.
"This may sound silly but....how do you check in on the family and friends you've left behind?"
"You miss Jack and the kids, don't you?" Freddie said. I looked down solemnly.
"It was just so painful for them to see me as I was in my final years. I—just want to make sure they're all okay, especially Jack." They nodded and that's when Freddie said.
"There is a way. Come with me darling." He stood up and helped me onto my feet and we walked back to the house.
We were up in the basement studio and said as he stood in front of the window separating the booth and the lounge area with the controls.
"If at any time we need to see the ones we love, the way to them is through the thing we love. Touch the glass and it'll show your heart's desire." I looked at him like he was crazy but he just nodded telling me to do it. I placed my hand on the glass and said.
"I'd like to see my husband and children, please." Soon the glass shined a light and soon an image of Jack came up.
He was lying in what looked like a hospital bed and I saw our four kids surrounding him, looking like they were about to break down crying.
"Jack." I muttered sadly. "Is he....."
"I don't know darling. He may or he may not. We cannot determine that. All we can do is watch. It pains me because I had to live it so many times seeing you, the lads, David, Elton and my family pass on."
"But he promised me he'd watch out for them after I was gone."
"Guess he couldn't live without the love of his life." The image then disappeared leaving me feel empty and heartbroken. "Oh (y/n)." he softly cooed before I felt his arms wrap around me and I buried my face into his chest as I softly wept.
By around supper time we were back at my parent's place all getting ready to sit down and eat. I was sitting between my dad and Roger while in front of me was Deacy.
I was currently piddling around with my mashed potatoes suddenly not having an appetite after what I had just witnessed.
"Everything okay love?" I heard Roger say.
"Hmm." I hummed.
"Use your words baby girl, now c'mon what's going on?" asked my dad.
"I—I guess I'm not in the mood for potatoes."
"I've got a nice apple pie cooling in the kitchen." Suggested my mum.
"No thanks mum." I set my fork down and sighed solemnly as I leaned against my chair. Before any other questions could be asked we heard the doorbell ring. I felt Rog gently tuck a strand of hair behind my ear before standing up giving me a gentle peck on the top of my head and heading towards the door.
I felt my dad wrap his arm around me allowing me to lean against him.
"Hey (y/n)." I heard Roger say. I looked up at my dad and he told me to go on before kissing the top of my head just like Rog did and I walked from the kitchen over to the front hallway. "Someone's here to see you." He stepped aside and standing there was Jack.
He looked about the exact age when I first met him. The short sandy blonde hair, same outfit, and those same gentle greenish-blue eyes that made my knees grow week.
"Hey (y/n)." I walked right up to him and didn't say a word. "I—god I didn't expect to be here like this but.....look at you. It's like you hadn't aged a day. I—" I gave him a firm slap across the face. He looked at me in shock and I snapped.
"I thought you promised to take care of our kids! The grandkids!"
"I'm sorry but I....when I told you on the day we sailed to Capri for our honeymoon that I would die rather than live a lifetime without you, I literally meant it. I did try to be strong but the stress of the press of them bringing you up. Hounding our children and grandchildren just....." I cut him off by cupping his face and kissing him.
He was stunned for a moment but he relaxed as I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he deepened the kiss. I felt him pick me up and spin me around along the front porch before finally setting me down.
"I've missed you." I whispered.
"I've missed you. I've missed you soo much." I could just see the pain in his eyes. He wasn't just meaning after my death. Since he's had to suffer for 3 years due to my dementia making my mind deteriorate, making me forget him most days or who our kids were. He cupped the side of my face and captured my lips once more.
"So this is the young boy who stole my little girl's heart in the end?" we were forced to separate as not only my parents but the rest of Queen now stood by the front door entrance. Jack looked at my mum and dad wide eyed and said.
"Are—are those two....."
"Jack darling, there are two very special people you haven't met yet. I'd like you to meet my mother (m/n) and father (f/n). Mum, dad this is Jack." Mum was the first one to walk up to Jack with a warm smile.
"So this is the famous Jack Kline. Let me get a good look at you," she placed her hands on his shoulders forcing him to separate from me just a bit as she observed him. She nodded and said with a warm smile, "I'm glad I can finally say this to you in person (Y/n), you definitely picked yourself a handsome young man."
"Thanks mum."
"Thank you Mrs.—"
"Please Jack we're family. Call me mum." She said as she gently cupped the side of his face. He smiled and said.
"Okay.....mom." She hugged him and even though he was at first shocked, he gladly embraced my mum back.
After their embrace he came back towards me and he whispered in my ear, "You look so much like her."
"That's what the guys have been saying all day." I whispered back.
"So glad to see you here with us Jack darling." Freddie said.
"Freddie!" Jack said happily as the two of them hugged each other. Freddie kissed both of my husband's cheeks and said.
"You've done good Jack dear. I've been watching you along with that beautiful wife of yours. And thank you for naming your last baby after me."
"It was really (y/n)'s idea. I just agreed to it. It—felt right at the time."
"Well I appreciate it nonetheless." Jack then turned to Brian who smiled at my husband and the two of them embraced each other as Brian also ruffled my husband's hair.
"Good to see you again Jack."
"And you too Brian. It wasn't the same without you. I still never got the chance to beat you at Scrabble."
"And you never will." Brian bragged.
"It's true my dear, even I have yet to beat him once again, you bastard!" Freddie pipped in. When Jack finally turned towards Deacy, I thought he was going to just breakdown.
"Deacy, I—is it......"
"Who else did you expect, John Lennon?" Jack softly choked out a laugh before Deacy brought him into a hug. I couldn't help but awe at the sweet reunion.
I knew Jack had waited so long to be reunited with his brother, his mentor and dearest friend.
He blamed himself after Deacy's death thinking had he been there for him more, he could've somehow prevented him from dying, even when I assured him that there wasn't anything he nor I could do.
So this was his closure, and I was happy to see that he got it.
After they separated from each other, Deacy playfully ruffed Jack's hair much like Brian did in that typical 'big brother' kind of way.
"I'm sorry. If I—had I know I could've....."
"Hey, it wasn't your fault okay Jack. Listen to me, okay? None of it was your doing. You understand that?" he nodded and embraced Deacy once more.
"I missed you Deacy."
"And I missed you too, my little protegee." It was then the only person he had yet to meet face to face was my dad.
My dad approached him and eyed him up and down as well as circled around him a few times like a lion circling its prey before going for the kill.
"I have seen everything that's happened with my little girl." He told him straight forward.
"E-everything?" Jack choked out nervously.
"Oh yes, everything. But if I had to say out of any guy that tried to win my baby girl's hand. I'm glad it was you son." It seemed to ease Jack's nervousness that was until, "and I was thankful to have another set of eyes looking after my little girl the way I would see fit of the situation, don't you agree Roger?"
"Indeed (f/n)." Roger stated smugly as the two of them clasped hands with each other.
"Dad!" I whined out which made both my real and surrogate fathers chuckle. "But we don't need to worry about this one. He's a good chap."
"Alright enough with the interrogation. Now that we have an extra guest, let's adjust the table and get him some good quality food." I smiled and we all returned back inside for a good meal and some long catching up and family bonding.
Now I won't deny it but I refuse to state that Jack finally got his wish of seeing all of my baby pictures and of course the guys wanted another look at them along with Jack as both my parents told every embarrassing story they could remember from when I was 2 till before the crash.
About a month later the theme for this coming concert was a 'cover performance'. Each artist got the chance to do an entire set based off of their own cover versions of different artists songs. The boys and I got to do songs from Bowie, Elvis, and the Beatles and right now we were gonna take things down a notch.
Brian and I stood by the piano, me sitting on top of it and he sitting at the benches.
"Right first of all we'd like to thank you all once again for coming to see us, it's really been a blast. This next song was written by the wonderful, talented and legend Diana Ross. This song was written for an animated film that hit number 1 in Japan. This is 'If we hold on together'." Brian then began playing the piano and he looked right up at me as he began the song first.
I joined in on the second bridge staring right back at him before the two of us joined in together in a beautiful duet. His high range angelic voice and my mellow but soft alto voice blended like a beautiful concoction.
Don't lose your way With each passing day You've come so far Don't throw it away
Live believing Dreams are for weaving Wonders are waiting to start *Me*
Live your story Faith, hope and glory Hold to the truth in your heart
If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever The clouds roll by For you and I
Bri and I touched forehead with each other smiling lovingly at each other. The spotlight shined once again but this time on Roger as he lead the next verse gently beating on the drums before being accompanied by Freddie's voice.
Souls in the wind Must learn how to bend Seek out a star Hold on to the end Valley, mountain There is a fountain Washes our tears all away Waves are swaying Somebody is praying Please let us come home to stay
*Roger and Freddie*
If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever As clouds roll by For you and I
Freddie soon took over for a brief solo, his powerful voice moving the crowd before Rog and Bri joined in. Showing off the three voices that helped make most of the Queen songs as powerful as they were.
When we are out there in the dark We'll dream about the sun *Freddie, Brian and Roger*
In the dark we'll feel the light Warm our hearts, everyone
Much like Deacy always did whenever they performed Liar, he came right up beside me up close to my mic and the two of us sung together the brief duet before the other three members joined in. And I couldn't help but wrap my arm around my big brother as the two of us sang, and I even felt his arm go around my waist as out heads touched each other's lovingly.
But as we reached the final part of the song, Freddie and Roger joined Brian, Deacy and I at the piano. The five of us coming back together as a family as our voices sung in perfect harmony.
*Me and Deacy*
If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die *All*
Dreams see us through to forever As high as souls can fly The clouds roll by For you and I
We all looked at each other before finally embracing each other in a loving group hug. I patted Roger and Deacy's backs rubbing them as the crowd roared with applause and if anyone had no heart, I'm betting everyone was probably crying, just like we all were at this very moment.
"I love you guys." I said to them into my microphone.
(A/N GO TO 1:37)
The five of us were gathered at the top of a cliffside hill right by the old oak tree with a swing set that once was near my childhood home back on Earth. We all were sat along the edge of small cliff just looking out toward the sky, speaking not a word just enjoying the company of just being together.
As the sun began to rise, the guys all looked down at me and I looked up at them. All four of them just smiling lovingly down at me. Brian pulled me up onto his lap resting his chin on my head, giving it a kiss, Roger rested his head against my left shoulder wrapped his arm around me as he nuzzled against my head kissing my cheek or temple every now and then, I soon felt two different pressures on my lap.
I looked down to see Freddie and Deacy laying head to head of each other on my lap. I stroked through their hairs and down their faces and I felt each of them kiss either my palm or the back of my hand. While they each lifted up a hand to caress my face or wipe away a hidden happy tear that wanted to escape.
This is how I wanted every post-concert performance, every day, every eternity to be like. Here with the four boys that weren't just rockstars to me, but family.
If there was anything I had to say about all of this; if you had told me to describe my life in three simple words, I would always tell you this.
Best. Internship. Ever.
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simpsiren · 4 years
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mark lee x reader
description. Over the years of being a close friend of Mark Lee, I realised that my platonic love for him slowly began to develop into a feeling far beyond the love of a friend; it’s just simply what happens when you love someone.
genre. FLUFF! JUST FLUFFY FLUFF! your classic best friends to lovers!au
word count. 2.8k~
warnings. nonee
a/n. hellooo! adding onto this series, i really wanted to do this song by day6 because its just so sweet and romantic cjdndndn
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“It was a hard day wasn’t it?
It hurts my heart just looking at you
There’s not much I can do for you except being next to you, I’m sorry.”
I laid down on the couch in pure silence, the noise coming from the clock above me ticked ever so softly as the seconds passed that turned to minutes, that turned to hours as I waited for Mark to come home.
He offered me to stay at his place for the weekend. Well actually I invited myself over since I have always done that and he doesn’t mind. He’d always welcome me. I came here in the afternoon, his keys hidden under the welcome rug outside his apartment. I didn’t go out. I knew he was about to come home from work, but I got worried when I looked at the time on my lockscreen. “One in the morning? Where are you markie...” I couldn’t help but mumble under my breath.
Mark wasn’t one to get home late. Except for when he’s drunk. But he wouldn’t be out drinking if he wasn’t with me or his other friends. He would’ve texted me before he drank as well. it was out of the ordinary for him to not be home yet, which was why I stood up from the couch and frantically started pacing back and forth from one end of the living room to the other, thinking if I should go out and search for him.
“Fucking hell.” I gave up, refusing to stay put. I grabbed whatever belongings I could, which was only my wallet and shoved it into my sweatpants. Before I could reach my hand out for the doorknob, the door swung open, revealing Mark.
I looked at his figure. He’s extremely tired. His posture was terrible with his slouched body, his eyes looked like they were about to close at any second, his face was droopy and it felt like he could collapse if he doesn’t make a run for the bed.
“Mark! Where were you?!” I half-shouted, moving myself to the side to make way for Mark to come in. He dragged himself, feet sliding against the floor with each step. I closed the door for him. I watched as he made his way to the closest most comfortable spot, which was the couch.
He dropped himself onto it, his face planted against the pillow. He didn’t even bother moving his body to get comfortable. He just laid there. Sighing, I walked up to him, bending down on my knees and tapping his shoulder lightly. “Mark... Are you drunk?” I whispered, seeing his body moving up and down as he breathed.
Mark groaned, turning his body so that his back was against the couch. He grabbed a random pillow and hugged it tightly, his face digging into it. My heart softened at the act, but it also made it ache as I noticed just how tired he looked. I began to wonder what happened at work, or anything that happened for him to end up like this. He’s so worn out physically that it just somehow pained me to look at him.
I didn’t want to ask. I didn’t want to bother him for an explanation. Instead, I brought my hand up warily to his hair, threading my fingers through his black locks and patting his head as he slowly fell asleep. His eyes were closed, but I couldn’t tell if he was just closing his eyes or was he actually asleep. I assumed the latter.
I stared at him, when I hoped that he finally slept so that he wouldn’t think that I’m weird for watching him sleep. His figure made him look small and fragile, innocent and sweet, which he was. He was everything that’s bright and soft and loving. And that’s what I liked about him.
I decided to sleep next to him on the floor, my head resting on his arm. I felt bad. I didn’t know what to do. How to be there for him, how to help lift off some burden or the things that’s made him end up in such a state. I’d do anything to make his life lighter. Isn’t that what a best friend should do? Sadly, I could only be here for him. Just like this, next to him. Despite thinking that it wouldn’t even help, I’d still do it, since I just liked having his presence next to me.
“You’re so beautiful when you smile
So whenever I see you’ve lost your smile
I want to give it back to you
Whatever it takes.”
The next morning, I was the first to wake up. Just like last night, I stared at his sleeping figure. It calmed my heart seeing out peacefully at sleep he was. I smiled softly. Slowly but surely, I lifted a finger up, tracing his features in the air, the urge of wanting to touch his face was there, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to wake him.
I stood up and went to make a simple breakfast. Toasted bread with butter. I made two in case Mark wakes up so I wouldn’t have to make him wait while I make another. I went back to the living room, sitting down on the floor again and turning on the tv to watch Netflix. I lowered the volume, considerate of the sleeping Mark behind me.
As I munched on the toast and watched the show will full concentration, I was immediately alerted when I felt something weighted on my left shoulder. I turned lightly, seeing Mark’s head resting. His eyes were still closed. Shocked, I couldn’t help but flinched, which sent Mark’s eyes flying open and making contact with mine. “What?” He whispered.
“Good morning to you.” I breathed out, trying not to freak out at the fact that Mark’s face was so close to him as I faced forward instantly to continue watching the show. “Sorry about last night. Coming home late I mean.” Mark said, his morning voice tone shining through. Another thing I liked about Mark. He used to call me first thing in the morning sometimes, I liked hearing his voice. But to have it this close to my ear, I really had to stop my urge of screaming and jumping out of my skin.
“You had me worried sick.” I said, my words muffled as I chewed on my food. Mark exhaled, his breathe warming up a part of my skin that sent a shock all over my body. “Last night was rough, physically and mentally.”
“Work?” I felt his head lifting off my shoulder as I heard him moving his body so that he’s sitting normally. I turned around, waiting for his answer. I noticed how his eyes got gloomy, a looked I didn’t see on him for a long time. It was only for a split second. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared. “That. And other things you don’t have to worry about.” Mark smiled softly, reaching forward to grab the other toast and taking a bite.
I finished mine, I rested my head on the palm of my hand as I leaned against the table. “Don’t lie.” I simply stated. I knew that he knew that I knew him well. I knew when he’s feeling down, when something’s out of place. He could never lie to me. He’s terrible at it. With a defeated sigh, he brought his hand with the toast down to his thigh.
“It’s just... Rose. I saw her cheating on me.” Mark muttered, looking down and fiddling with the hem on his white shirt. Now this, this thing, Mark in front of me, I felt a piece of my heart falling off. It broke me, seeing Mark without his smile, not hearing his laughter. It’s like the happy switch on him turned off and now he’s under the weather. I know he’d probably be standing in the rain pathetically if he could.
“I told you she wasn’t trustable.” I replied, not wanting to have that i-told-you-so tone to it. I didn’t like Rose. She’s always bossing Mark around, she’d force him to agree with her though I knew very well that Mark was uncomfortable. I didn’t like how Mark simply followed her, thinking it was love when really, it was abuse and manipulation.
“Thanks. I got your advice stabbed in my back now.” Mark ran a hand through his messy hair, strands falling back down to his face, some covering his eyes.
On instinct, I brought a hand up to sweep away the strands off his eyes, making him look up at him. I held his face in my hand, feeling his cold skin against my warmth. “Let’s go out. We can forget about her. We can go wherever you want. How’s that sound?” I put on a smile, one that I hope will cheer him up somehow. He responded, a light chuckle escaping his lips.
“You’re seriously the only one that can make my day.”
Thank you, but why wouldn’t you consider me any more than a friend? Is what I would reply, but I kept silent. Like I said and promised, I’d so anything for Mark Lee, whether he sees it as a gesture of a friend, or perhaps a potential lover. I don’t care what he thinks of me. I just want him to be happy, even if it meant sacrificing my unsaid feelings for him.
“I want to be hurt rather than letting you be hurt
I don’t want you to get hurt ever again.”
We came back home from running around the whole city. Going to parks, shopping malls for window shopping, did a photoshoot, and ended the way on the beach, walking at the shoreline as the sun sets. We got home at night, Mark stretched his arm over his head. “Today was so fun!” He shouted as he placed the take out that we got from the beach onto the kitchen counter. His giggles echoed as he made his way to the living room, which of course made me smile to myself like a dummy.
I chuckled, the day being recalled in my mind like scenes from a movie tape. It felt like any other day to be honest. But I guess it felt more special and serene since we didn’t experience such a day in a long time due to our separate lives interfering with our time together.
“I’m glad that you’re back to normal.” I said, unpacking the take out and throwing the plastic bags. I brought it to the living room where Mark sat down. I took the space next to him, not bothering to leave a gap between us.
Mark leaned forward to grab the coke can, opening it to take a sip and exhaling after. “I wouldn’t say she’s completely off my mind. But your plan definitely made me feel a whole lot better.” Mark suddenly laid his head on my shoulder, his soft hair brushing my skin. I shivered at the touch.
“All I can say is don’t let yourself fall in love with someone like her again. I don’t want you to end up like last night. I would take your spot if I could, so you wouldn’t suffer. But don’t be stupid.” I gave a firm advice. Like a child heeding his mother’s words, he nodded agreeably. “Got it, maam.”
“But who will ever treat me like you?”
“What do you mean?”
“They say I should find someone like my best friend. But no one does it like you do.”
I didn’t give a reply. His sentence resonated in my head. No one does it like me, Mark claimed. So why wouldn’t he even look at me as a woman?
“Loving someone
More than I can take
It’s so strange
When you love someone.”
Mark and I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I jolted awake suddenly. I searched for my phone which was hidden under a pillow, looking at the time and realising it was two in the morning. I looked over to Mark, who again was peacefully sleeping on my shoulder. All I could see was his fluffy hair. I sighed quietly as I examined him.
The more I look at him, the more I fell in love. I didn’t even have to see his face for the memories of us to come crashing at me like big waves against my heart. Though I never want to admit, and though I never thought that I even could feel this way, I whispered softly. “I think I’m in love with you, Mark Lee.”
“I want to be helpful even just a little bit
I want to be your resting place
If you think of me on a busy day
I’ll do my best to comfort you.”
The next morning, I woke up. Mark was gone. And I knew he went for work since I don’t work of Mondays like he does. I went along with my day, Mark’s laptop on my lap as I looked through my work emails and got some work done for the day.
Late afternoon, I got bored. Absentmindedly, my feet took me to Mark’s room. The first thing that caught my eye was his guitar. It leaned against the bed. I didn’t know why, but I had the sudden urge to take it to the living room. I walked up and grabbed it, forgetting the weight of it from not holding it for a long time now (though it wasn’t even that heavy).
I sat back down on the living room couch. I propped the guitar on my lap, one hand placed on the top part of the guitar while my other hovered over the strings. I forgot how to play to the guitar. Mark used to teach me. It was one of the few ways I got Mark to sit so close to me and to just have that bit his touch that I absolutely adored.
I pulled on one string, the sound ringing through my ears. I strummed on the guitar, not exactly caring about playing an actual song. My mind took me back to when Mark taught me how to play. It’s like I could feel his fingers on mine as he would scold, laugh and giggle with everything I do to the guitar. He would play me songs, he even sang. I could fall asleep every time I heard him play. His grey hoodie, thin glasses, messy black hair. The transparency of him; a feature I’ll always indulge myself with.
It was now seven. And at around seven thirty, the door opened. Mark walked in with his black suit and tie, his hair pushed back with hair gel though now it looked slightly messy. “How was work?” I asked, adverting my focus from the guitar and to him.
Mark plopped onto the couch next to me. “Brain deteriorating. Mentally and physically draining. Why did I even get this job?” Mark groaned and complained, running a hand down his face. I chuckled and punched his arm lightly. “You told me it’s because of the money.”
“Yeah well I’m starting to regret that I used to think money is everything.”
Mark snaked his around me, pulling me into his embrace. I was completely shocked and confused as to why he’s suddenly being so clingy. I liked it yes, but I never thought he’d grow attached to me in this manner. It made my heart race and my face heating up.
“Why are you-”
“Just... Let me hug you for awhile, please. You just make me feel at peace that’s all.” Mark whispered, digging his head into the crook of my neck as the two of us just sat there in silence, admiring each other’s presence.
“Mind playing something?” Mark asked. I chuckled lightly, giving a gentle smile. “I play like shit.”
“It’s fine.”
Comfortable silence filled the room for a moment. I wasn’t sure how to feel. I could already feel my cheeks burning and probably blushing a light pink. I gulped.
“Since when were you like this?” I questioned curiously. Mark looked up at me, his face looking as cute and indulging as ever. “Since I liked you?” He replied in a cheeky manner. My eyes widened. “Wait what-”
“Shush. I wanna sleep.” Mark pulled me closer to him. I looked down and saw that he’s closing his eyes with a light smile on his face. I couldn’t believe it. Mark likes me after all this time...? “Play me something to sleep.”
“I like you, _____.”
I didn’t reply, wanting that to be the last thing I heard from Mark before he changed his mind. Slowly, I strummed on the guitar, trying my hardest to make it sound decent. Mark giggled softly and gave up, his hands traced from my arms and to my hands, his head still on my shoulder with his eyes closed. He guided my fingers with each strum ever so carefully.
“I like you.”
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Can you do one where it turns out greyback injuring Remus way back years ago was actually caught on camera and that video of young remus getting his shoulder ripped is like released at a hockey game on the screen or maybe just put online and everyone sees what happens Omg please I'm begging you to do this!!! ILYYY
Hello anon! This is a really interesting idea and I’ve been thinking about it for a while--the NHL doesn’t allow security cameras in locker rooms, but I assumed there would be audio somewhere from one nearby. People who leak ~scandalous information~ on the internet are literally the worst.
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for graphic descriptions of injury (mostly the sounds)
“How did this happen?” Remus asked, wincing internally at the tremor in his voice. He was shaking from head to toe; it was a miracle he hadn’t started screaming yet. Then again, he wasn’t sure that he would be able to stop. “How the hell did this happen?”
“We don’t know,” Alice said quietly in the chair across from him. “This information was confidential and we haven’t even presented it to the NHL board for review. Someone must have leaked it to the press.”
“Why does this keep happening to me? First Sirius, and now—” He pressed his lips together as his voice cracked. There were a few beats of silence. “Why did you call me in here? I already saw it on the internet.”
“We need you to confirm it was you and Fenrir.” Alice looked him in the eyes. “If you don’t think you can listen to this, Remus, that’s okay, but it will help us build a stronger case to get him punished.”
He took a deep breath. “Can—can Sirius come and sit with me for it?”
“Of course.” She stood and left the room, leaving him alone with the coach.
“You’ve listened to it, haven’t you.”
Arthur nodded. “I’m so sorry, Remus.”
“I don’t need you to be sorry, I need people to not look at me like some sob story.” Bitter fury rose in his throat, though he wasn’t angry with Arthur. “I worked hard to get there and even harder to come back. I’m done dwelling on the past. This is going to undo everything and I’m sick of it.”
“Did the team know?”
“I told some of them when Sirius was at All-Stars.” Remus knew Arthur remembered the fight; he had chewed Sirius out for it as soon as practices resumed. “Didn’t tell my parents, though.”
Arthur closed his eyes and let out a long breath. The door clicked open behind him. “Re?”
“Hey, baby.” Instant relief washed over Remus, though he still felt like he would lose it at any moment.
Sirius settled into the chair next to him and held out his hand—Remus took it immediately, scooting their chairs closer together so their shoulders touched. “Are you ready?” Alice asked, picking up a remote. Remus nodded.
The video was grainy, but the audio was pristine. A few voices—familiar voices, I remember them clear as day—jumbled together as the last members of the team filtered out of the locker room. “See you tomorrow, Moony!” one called over his shoulder. “Great game!”
“Bye, Tags!” Remus said from inside. Did I really sound that young?
The hallway outside the locker room was empty; he heard himself shifting around inside as he stretched out. Left thigh, right thigh, left calf, right calf, reach and roll. “Hey, Lupin.” Fenrir’s gravelly voice made him freeze and Sirius rested his other hand on top of theirs.
“Sup, Backer.” A light smack signaled their fistbump. “That was a beautiful goal you had at the end of the third, by the way. The scouts definitely saw.”
“They certainly did. Are your folks here tonight?”
“Yeah, Jules was so excited. He’s been bouncing off the walls for the past couple days.” The unbridled fondness in his younger voice was a balm. Jules had been convinced that he would be drafted to the NHL right after that game.
“They’re saying you’ll be number one.”
“Really?” Young Remus laughed. “I dunno, man, there are a lot of players this year. You and me are neck and neck, right?”
Dumbass! he wanted to shout. Just shut up for once! “Neck and neck,” Fenrir muttered, barely loud enough for the camera to pick up. “Hey, do you need a hand with your stretches?”
“Sure, thanks. Might have a bruise from your pads tomorrow, eh?” The friendly joke made him wince. More shuffling noises followed. The hall stayed empty.
“Here?” Fenrir asked. There was a dangerous edge to his voice and Remus swallowed around the sudden dryness of his mouth.
“Yeah, that’s—okay, that’s actually a bit too far, can you let up a bit? Fenrir, you’re pulling too hard.” Panic seeped in. “Fenrir, stop, you’re hurting me—”
There was a horrible cracking noise and younger Remus’ strangled shout cut off abruptly as his shoulder came out of the socket. He squeezed his eyes shut and gripped Sirius’ hand. If he focused, he could still feel Fenrir’s fingers pressing his face into the mats.
“‘Look at me, I’m Remus Lupin, I’m the fastest player on the ice and I’ll be number one’,” Fenrir mimicked as Remus’ agonized whines continued. “You think you’re so clever. So perfect. You’ve never had to work a day in your life. I’m the best player out there and the scouts are fucking idiots if they think you’re better.”
A muffled wail ended with a gasp and a series of pops. “Please—”
“Shut the fuck up,” Fenrir growled. “Look at you now, crying like a girl. You’re never going to tell anybody about this, because I know your secret.” Remus’ breath shuddered. “Oh, yeah, I know all about you. If you even think about tattling, everyone is going to know.”
“Ple—ah.” Sirius’ grip tightened around his fingers as Remus’ sharp cry caught in his chest. The green-tinted video fuzzed out for a moment, but still nobody walked past. Fenrir had planned this well.
“You’re nothing now, Lupin. You are damaged goods and you’ll never set foot on the ice again.” His voice lowered. “If you do, I’ll find you.”
There was a thud as he finally released Remus’ arm and quiet, wheezing sobs filled the silence. “What did you do to me? Oh my god, oh my god, it hurts so much, what the hell did you do?”
Remus tasted something salty on the edge of his lips and pressed his thumb against Sirius’ ring. This was real. This was his. Sirius loved him. The team loved him.
“I did what I had to do. Say hi to Jules for me.”
The locker room door opened a few seconds later and Fenrir walked out, flexing his hand. With the open door, Remus’ hoarse weeping was clearer as he was left alone on the floor. The video ended.
“Remus.” Alice held out a box of tissues, her voice gentle as the screen went dark. He reached out for one, but his hand was shaking too bad to grab it; Sirius took one and carefully wiped his cheeks dry with feather-light touches.
“That was him,” Remus managed around the boulder in his throat. “That was Fenrir Greyback, and that was me.”
“Would you be able to swear it in court?”
“What the fuck do you think?” Remus snarled. Sirius ran his thumb over his knuckles. “Do you want to see the scars on my shoulder, too? What reason do I have to lie?”
“I meant are you prepared to talk about this in front of people?” Alice rephrased, calm and collected as ever. “This is a traumatic event and I don’t want to force you into anything.”
“Remus, you’re a valued player on the team,” Arthur said. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re safe in this league.”
“Don’t look at me differently. Now that you know this, now that everyone knows, people will treat me like I’m fragile. I’m the same person I was two days ago and this will not change how I play.”
“I know.” Arthur folded his hands on the desk. “You’re a fighter, Loops. That’s one of the reasons I wanted you on my team.”
“Do you two need a moment before you head back out?” Alice asked, glancing between him and Sirius. “We’re going to kick the reporters out and then everyone’s going to go home for the day while we talk to the board.”
“We do, yeah.” Remus’ voice wavered and coach stood, following Alice into the hall.
“Oh, mon loup,” Sirius murmured, standing and pulling him into a hug. A kiss pressed against the top of his head and Remus grabbed the back of his soft shirt like it was the only thing holding him steady. “I am so sorry.”
“You already knew.”
“No, I didn’t. You told me, but—” Sirius faltered. “I had no idea how bad it was. The things he said to you…”
“Were wrong.” Remus finished. He had spent so many long nights and dark days convincing himself of that.
“They were wrong. You are not damaged goods,” Sirius said fiercely, pulling back to hold his face in his hands. His eyes were fiery. “Listen to me, Remus. You are not damaged. You are everything to me and I love you for exactly who you are.”
“I love you, too.” Remus’ lower lip wobbled and he rested his forehead on Sirius’ chest again. “Hearing it—I already knew what happened, but hearing it was horrible.”
“It was.”
“I’m sorry I made you listen with me.”
“Don’t be sorry, mon amour. I’m with you through the good, the bad, and everything else. I’m glad I was with you for this.”
“The team…” He trailed off and sighed. “I don’t want them to see that. My folks, too.”
“I think they already have,” Sirius admitted. “But they love you so much and they’ll be here for whatever you need.”
“We have to go sometime.” He took a deep breath and stepped back, rubbing his eyes and kissing Sirius quickly. “Alright, let’s go.”
They made it four steps down the hall before James appeared and engulfed Remus in a hug. “Holy shit, I’m so angry,” he choked out on a harsh breath. “I love you, man.”
“Love you too, J. Where’s everyone else?”
“Inside. I called dibs on first hug.”
“Have they all seen it?”
“Some of it. I don’t know if anyone watched it all the way through.” He sniffled and squeezed Remus tighter. “I don’t know how you came back from that.”
“PT helped.” He closed his eyes and leaned into James. “So did you guys. I couldn’t have made it this far without you.”
“Neither could we.” James pulled back. “Do you want to see them or are you heading out?”
“Heading h—”
“I want to see them,” Remus interrupted quietly. Sirius raised his eyebrows. “It’s going to happen sometime. Might as well be now.”
James nodded and walked over to the locker room door. “Ready?”
Remus laced his fingers with Sirius’. “Let’s do it.”
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wayward-dreamer · 4 years
Life’s Lessons - Part 12
Title: Life’s Lessons - A Lesson in Doing Things Right
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Word Count: 7,392 (texts, thoughts and song lyrics in italics)
Part Summary: Dean and Y/N go on their first official date. The night has to come to a close early, but not before Y/N gives Dean something to hold him over until they can be together again. A busy week keeps them separated, but a little rendezvous at the school between breaks in parent/teacher conference helps deal with not being able to see each other.
Warnings: Brief mentions of insecurities. Other than that, Fluff... like so much fluff. Dean being sweet AF (yes, that’s a warning). And SO MUCH SMUT. Dry humping, Semi-public, Oral Sex (Male Receiving), Vaginal Fingering, Unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it, people), Biting, Dirty talk, Swearing. 
Music: Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin (not featured within the chapter, but listen to it during the Dean and Y/N school scene).
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has been reading and loving this series! It honestly means so much to me to see how much you guys have been enjoying it! Seriously, thank you so much! Only 3 chapters and an epilogue after this. I can't believe how time has suddenly flown by and we’re nearly there! I can’t wait for you guys to see what else is going to happen as we come closer to the end. Happy reading and enjoy! :)
Life’s Lessons Masterlist
Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics! Check her out for all your AU needs!!!
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Before Y/N knew it, it was the next day and the day of her first date with Dean that night. Being the gentleman that he was, he left after they watched TV for a while the night before, to go sleep in his own bed. He had left regretfully, leaving her with a kiss she could still feel even as she went to bed. The sexual chemistry between them was tangible, and she wanted to almost skip the date and pull him into her bed to see what that chemistry could do. However, Dean seemed to really want to take her out and she would never refuse him.
Though it did beg the question… did they need to be going out on dates? In her heart she already knew how she felt for him. This wasn’t dating for her; this was much more. She had an inkling that he may have felt the same, considering he told her that she was it for him. Maybe some would say it was too soon to be feeling that this was what she wanted and nothing else, but she couldn’t help it. That’s how she felt. She knew he was the one since the moment they met, even if he was with someone else at the time. Everything had worked out the way it had for a reason. She was never one to believe in soulmates and people that were destined to be together, but she knew she was meant to be with Dean.
She was really looking forward to that night, but she was going to wait to bring these things up with Dean. She didn’t want to spoil his efforts to make this a special night for them. It was pretty simple, just dinner and a movie, and that’s all she needed.
Y/N was glad she had that Friday off before she went back to school on Monday and took it as an opportunity to see the girls. It was a rare occasion that Meg didn’t have a shift on a Friday, and so they took the opportunity to see each other and catch up.
They had come over and had sandwiches and soup for lunch, and they all caught up about everything they had missed in each other’s lives over the holidays. She told them about her family and how she had so much fun seeing them again, and about the present Dean had gotten her, showing them. Charlie had already seen it, obviously, but she was still happy for her friend, nonetheless.
“Please thank Dorothy as well, I know she must’ve had to pull a few strings for Dean” Y/N said, looking over at Charlie.
“It was no hassle, really. She just called in some favors that she was owed” Charlie shrugged.
There was a short pause in the conversation before Meg spoke up.
“So, Dean looked pretty happy by the time midnight rolled around for us” she started, putting her spoon down as she finished eating. “Did you have something to do with that?”
Y/N bit her lip, trying to keep the smile off her face, but failing. “Maybe.”
“I knew it. He looked way too happy when he came out of the room after talking to you” Meg grinned. “So… did you do something dirty?”
“Meg” Y/N laughed, slightly embarrassed. Charlie chuckled but made no move to stop Meg.
“Well?” Meg wondered, raising an eyebrow.
“We… may have” Y/N said, shrugging. Meg looked at her, knowingly. She knew she couldn’t keep a secret very well and they would get it out of her eventually. “Okay, fine. We had phone sex.”
Meg suddenly cheered as Charlie groaned, taking out a couple of bills from her pocket and handing them over.
“You guys bet on this?” Y/N asked, shocked.
“Meg made a bet that you and Dean had phone sex” Charlie frowned, as she watched Meg pocket the money.
“Wow” Y/N said, shaking her head. Though she wasn’t surprised by her friend doing that.
“So… how was it?” Meg asked, grinning.
“It was… intense. I’ve never done that with a guy before… but it was really hot” Y/N laughed, slightly as she described that night to her friends. “Now, I just want to be with him properly.”
“It’ll happen” Charlie said, smiling reassuringly.
“He asked me out” Y/N said, smiling. “He’s taking me to dinner and a movie tonight.”
Both Charlie and Meg looked at her, wide eyed. “Uh, excuse me… why didn’t you open with that?!” Meg asked, shaking her head.
“I meant to, sorry” Y/N chuckled softly.
“Oh my god, you’re going on your first date with Dean!” Charlie clapped her hands, giddily.
Y/N laughed at her, shaking her head. She sobered as she thought about what her friend just said. “It doesn’t feel like a first date though. I mean, we spend so much time together, we’ve been having dinner together almost every night since I ended things with Mark. It’s all felt like we’re dating… so is this really the first date?”
Charlie nodded, understanding what she meant. “Well, it’s more of an official date. You and Dean are pretty much together anyway, he clearly just wants to do it the right way.”
“I guess you’re right” Y/N nodded. “Doesn’t mean I don’t want to jump his bones.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll make you look so irresistible tonight, he can’t possibly think of anything else” Meg smiled, wagging her eyebrows.
“You don’t think it’s too soon?” Y/N asked.
“Hey, Charlie said it, you guys are pretty much a couple anyway. It’s gonna happen sooner or later” Meg shrugged, as she got up and carried her plate over to the sink.
The girls helped Y/N pick out what to wear for her date with Dean. Something that was appropriate for the type of date it was and sexy at the same time. She settled on a black dress and her black over-knee heeled boots, and her long fawn coat. As it got closer to the time for their date, Y/N got ready. She did her make-up and hair, putting a slight wave through it and settling it over one shoulder. The girls left once they gave her a look of approval and wished her luck. Y/N promised to call them and tell them how it went.
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“1… 2… 3”
Dean counted down as he lifted the frame from one side, Benny on the other. They slotted the hooks on the wall into the grooves on the frame. Dean stepped down from the ladder to see if it was properly aligned and even, smirking when it looked perfect. Benny stepped down from his ladder, standing next to Dean and admiring the framed black and white photo of the Impala, that Y/N had given him for Christmas.
They had been at the new building all day along with Ellen, all three of them fixing the place up before all the new equipment and machinery came in the following week. Ellen had fixed up the reception area and some parts of the garage with Benny, while Dean fixed up the office and some of the workstations. Some of the other workers would be in over the weekend to take care of other duties as well. It had been a tiring day, but he wasn’t about to let that stop him from thinking about Y/N and their date that night.
To others, it might’ve seemed a little redundant to take her out on a date when they were practically a couple already, but it wasn’t to him. He wanted to show her what she meant to him and treat her special. He wanted to do things right this time. He had taken Lisa out on dates but there wasn’t all that much effort put into them, most of the time ending up at the diner or the bar. Things were different with Y/N. She wasn’t just any girl, she was… well, he was in love with her. He needed her to know that, even if he couldn’t say it just yet.
A bump on his shoulder alerted him that Benny was still there, a slightly amused expression on his face to see his friend spaced out for whatever reason.
“You okay there, brother?” he asked.
“Yeah” Dean nodded, picking up the ladder and walking out of the office to put it back in the corner of the garage. Benny followed behind him, doing the same.
“You spacing out wouldn’t have something to do with a little lady by the name of Y/N, would it?” Benny grinned.
Dean rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “It’s none of your damn business, Lafitte.”
Benny chuckled to himself as he followed behind Dean, back into the office. “Things getting anywhere with you two, yet?”
“Yeah” Dean said, not wanting to say too much just yet.
“You gotta give me a little more than that, chief” Benny shrugged, not budging on the topic.
“Well, considering you won’t drop it… yes. I’m taking her out tonight” Dean told him as he looked down at some papers on his desk, sorting through them.
“Nice” Benny said, clapping him on the back. “Now, why ain’t ya shouting that from the rooftops, man?” the Southerner asked, confused that Dean was being so secretive.
“Because…” Dean trailed off, as he looked at his Southern friend, dropping the papers on the desk. “I just wanna be cautious. That’s all.”
Dean didn’t want to jinx anything by making too much of it. He had gained a whole lot of luck by her coming into his life. He didn’t want to start losing it.
Benny nodded, understanding. “I get it, brother. I do.” Benny tapped him gently on the back again, a soft smile on his face. “I’m happy for ya, Dean. ‘Bout time you got a good woman.”
Dean smiled, his mind instantly on Y/N as he nodded. “Thanks, Benny.”
Dean fixed up his desk a little before he glanced up at the clock, seeing that it was time for him to leave, go home and get ready for his date with Y/N. He said a quick bye to Ellen and Benny, who were just fixing up a few things before they were due to leave as well. Dean pulled out of the parking lot to the new building, flooring his beloved Baby as he headed home.
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When Y/N heard the doorbell ring a few times, she smiled as she walked out of her room and down the hallway. She opened the door and smiled even wider as she saw Dean, looking incredible in his black jacket and dark blue jeans, a black sweater underneath and a black scarf around his neck. He hadn’t shaved and she was glad for it, loving a little scruff on him. Dean looked her up and down, smirking. She looked so good as she leaned against the door, her dress and boots making her look irresistible.
“You look… you look amazing” he told her, still smirking.
“You look pretty amazing yourself, handsome” she said, leaning into him as she kissed him.
“Ready to go?” he asked before kissing her again.
She moved back and picked up her bag, smiling at him. “Ready.”
She locked up her house and followed him over to the Impala, smiling as he turned on his music and drove them into the main town square.
They got to the restaurant in time, Dean giving them his name and being led to the back where it was slightly quieter, to a table for two. They sat down across from each other and Y/N smiled as she looked around the room. It was a quaint place, exposed brick walls with black and white photos of Lawrence and of Kansas City landmarks. Each table had a candle in a glass holder, bathing the room in a warm glow. As they had walked through, they had passed the kitchen, and her mouth had watered at the aromas wafting through.
“I love this place” she said, smiling at him as they settled in.
“Yeah, it’s pretty awesome” Dean smiled, looking around. “Food’s insane, too.”
They gave the waiter their drink orders, telling him they’d need a few more minutes to decide what to eat. When he came back with their drinks, a whiskey for Dean and a glass of white wine for Y/N, they decided on what they were getting. The waiter took their orders and then they were finally alone.
“So…” she said, trailing off as she flashed him a smile.
He smirked, leaning forward and folding his arms on the table. “So…”
She couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “I’m so happy we’re doing this.”
“Me too” he nodded, as he continued to look at her. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re wondering why, though.”
“I kind of was.” Y/N pursed her lips, nodding. “Can I say something, and you promise not to overthink it?” she asked, hoping he’d be fine with the question she wanted to ask.
“Sure” he shrugged, not seeing a problem just yet.
“I’m so happy you asked me out on a date” she started, reaching over the table and holding his wrist. “I just think… maybe we don’t need to? I mean, I know how I feel about you. It’s way past the dating stage and it’s scary to think of that way, but it’s true-” she rambled, and Dean cut her off with a small chuckle, as he took her hand off his wrist and clasped his with hers.
“I know we don’t need to, because I… I know I feel about you, too” he said, as his thumb ran over her knuckles. “I just wanna do the right thing here, Y/N. I have to do things right this time. I took Lisa out on dates, yeah, but they weren’t much to write home about, you know? I want things to be different with you.”
She smiled, genuinely touched by what he said. “That’s very sweet.”
“Well, I’m a sweet guy, what can I say?” he grinned, his cocky attitude on full display.
She rolled her eyes as she laughed. “How humble of you.”
“And hey, what kind of a boyfriend doesn’t take his drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend out on a date? Come on” he said, feigning anger but a smile came through as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.
“That’s true” she said, giddy from the sweet gesture.
“And we gotta have some stories to tell our kids someday” he said, as he picked up his drink and took a sip.
She stared at him, wide-eyed. He clearly hadn’t realized what he just let slip.
“Kids, huh?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. She bit back a laugh as she saw his eyes bulge out of his sockets.
“I-I um…” he stuttered a little, as he tried to find the words to erase what he just said. When he looked at her and saw her smiling at him, with some new look in her eyes that he couldn’t quite place, he knew he didn’t need to hide away what he just said. “Yeah. Kids.”
She picked up her glass and took a sip of her wine, smiling around the edge of it. When she put it down and looked at him, she took his hand again. “Just know that I don’t need more than just you to know how you feel, but I’m glad for this date and any others all the same. And I can’t wait to tell our kids about them someday.”
If his friends could see him now, they’d rip him a new one for the full-blown chick-flick moment he was having. He didn’t care, though. He had the most amazing woman, and he was lucky to have her in his life.
He would never stop thanking whatever higher power existed for her coming here to Lawrence.
After dinner, they walked over to the cinema complex and bought tickets to an action movie. Y/N adored him for trying to say that they should go see a rom-com for her, but she told him that just because she was a girl, it didn’t mean that she liked all of the rom-coms out there. She had a feeling he was very relieved that she had insisted on the action movie. Dean bought them a large popcorn and drink combo to share, and they sat in the back row.
They munched on the popcorn as the movie played out as every other action film did. However, during one particularly steamy scene between the male and female protagonists, Y/N felt her body heating up. She crossed her legs uncomfortably, feeling hot as she sat next to Dean while the actors on screen were all over each other. She glanced over at Dean, seeing him shift slightly in his seat. Flashes of the night in her hotel room on New Year’s entered her mind, remembering how Dean had brought her so much pleasure just from his words.
At the same time, Dean was thinking about the same night, too. About how hot she sounded, about how he wanted to hear her say his name like she had that night, over and over again. You couldn’t cut the sexual tension in that cinema with a knife, as the rest of the movie carried out. They had both never been so relieved when it was finally over.
The drive back home had been silent, except for the music softly playing from the car’s radio. However, Y/N smiled to herself as she felt Dean’s hand slip into hers on the seat, in between them. He held it tightly and squeezed, lifting it as he turned his head and planted a kiss on her knuckles. When they arrived home, Dean parked the car and got out, taking her hand in his again when she got out as well. They walked across the street to her house, hand-in-hand, content to just be together. Finally.
Y/N walked up the porch stairs and to her front door, turning around and smiling up at him. She leaned up, her heeled boots giving a little more advantage to reach him better, planting a searing kiss on his perfect lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in deeper as his wrapped around her waist, inside her coat. She pressed back against the door as they continued their kiss, neither of them making a move to stop. Y/N pulled away and nipped along Dean’s stubbled jaw, loving the slight sting of his stubble across her lips.
“Y/N, uh, we should stop” he chuckled slightly, pulling an inch away from her to look her in the eyes.
She hummed as she combed her fingers through his hair, causing him to groan at the feel of it. “I think we should move this inside, don’t you?”
“I’d love to, sweetheart and believe me I really want to, but I gotta be up super early to uh… do something” he tried to explain as best as he could, without sounding suspicious. Which he hadn’t succeeded at because she frowned at him.
“Do something?” she asked, confused. “What?”
Dean blinked a few times, trying to think of something. He didn’t want to tell her that he had to go work on the new house, considering he completely envisioned her in that place. He wanted it to be a surprise for their future together.
“I can’t say, not yet at least” he replied, looking sheepish.
She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him but decided not to push any further. She trusted him and she knew that he’d tell her when he was ready.
“Okay” she nodded, slightly disappointed.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart” he whispered as he leaned in and kissed her nose.
“It’s fine” she shrugged, trying not to let it get to her. She turned around and faced the door and was about to put the key in the lock when Dean wrapped his arms around her waist, locking her in his embrace. He nuzzled his nose along her jaw, and kissed her cheek, softly.
“I’ll make it up to you, soon. I promise” he smirked, tilting his head to look at her.
Feeling him extremely close to her, his front to her back, gave her a naughty idea which she couldn’t get out of her head now that it was in there.
“I know” she said, turning her head to look at him. “But in the meantime, maybe I can leave you with a little something…”
She emphasized her words with a small tilt of her hips, pushing them back into his. He hummed as he felt her ass against the crotch of his jeans, his cock twitching slightly in his pants.
“Don’t play dirty with me, sweetheart” he growled in her ear. A shiver ran down her as she bit her lip, rubbing into him again. She could feel herself getting wet between her legs.
“Somehow I think you like that” she sighed, as she leaned back and pecked his lips. She took his hands in hers, moving them to hold onto her hips. She slowly began rutting back against him, his groans alerting her to his arousal. She moaned as she felt his cock becoming hard, straining against his jeans.
“Shit, Y/N” he hissed, feeling the pressure in his pants and not being able to do anything about it. He glanced around, hoping that no one would come out of their houses and see them. “Someone could see us.”
She shook her head, not letting him move away. “It’s okay, baby. It’s a quiet street, no one’s going to know.”
Dean thrust his hips forward against hers, growling as he felt his cock press against her ass every time he moved forward. She took his hands and moved them up her body, moving her coat back as she planted them on her breasts. He grunted as she pushed into him a little harder as their hips continued to meet, his covered hard on rubbing against the fabric of her dress over her behind. He could feel that he was about to lose it, as they continued to grind against each other.
“Fuck” he bit out through clenched teeth. He palmed her covered breasts, leaning in to kiss her neck. “Shit, sweetheart, fuck” he huffed as he groaned.
“Dean” she moaned, as she glanced back at him. Seeing her hooded eyes as her perfect mouth hung open from the pleasure that coursed through her, pushed him over the edge.
“Fuck, Y/N” he grunted as he leaned his forehead on her shoulder, shaking as his seed released inside his jeans.
Y/N smiled as she felt him breathing heavily, his chest against her back. She didn’t cum, but that didn’t bother her when it came to Dean. This was about him and just giving him another little preview of things to come for them.
“I feel like a teenage boy.” He shifted uncomfortably, his jeans no doubt stained now.
“You’re fucking full of surprises, sweetheart” he chuckled, as he nuzzled into her neck.
She laughed a little as she turned around, cupping his face in her hands. “You have no idea.”
She leaned in and kissed his lips, smiling into the kiss. He pulled away and looked at her, lifting a hand to stroke her Y/H/C hair back as he cupped her face.
“I better go” he whispered as he looked into her Y/E/C eyes. He leaned in, softly kissing her lips. “I’ll call you tomorrow after I’m done.”
“Okay” she said, smiling at him.
Dean stepped back from Y/N, winking at her before he turned around and walked down the porch stairs. Y/N went into her house, locked the door and practically screamed as she thought about everything that had just happened outside, a few minutes ago. She couldn’t believe she did something like that but as she had already realized, when it came to Dean, she lost all her inhibitions.
As she got ready for bed, she couldn’t stop thinking about how things were already so amazing between the two of them, and they were only going to get better.
Dean cleaned himself up and got dressed into a black shirt and sweats. When he climbed into bed and stared up at the ceiling, he smirked as he thought about Y/N. She kept surprising him, and he loved that. Given their age difference he had to keep up with her a little, but she was incredible in every way.
She was going to be the death of him, he was sure of it, but damn it if she wasn’t the most amazing woman he had ever been with.
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The next few days were incredibly busy for both Y/N and Dean. He was busy with everything at the new garage, and she was busy with getting back to school and the start of the next semester. They had parent/teacher conference as well, so that added another layer of stress to that week.
The day of the parent/teacher conference was a long day. A day of classes first, and then once the kids left, the teachers set up their classrooms and made them look fancy with all the projects. Y/N had set up the room with different quotes from books and photos of literary figures, some that they had already studied and some that they would in the future. Parents of every form were there; couples still together, couples divorced and co-parenting, single moms, single dads and foster parents.
She was happy that she had this opportunity to meet them, and she was glad that things had become better, with almost all of the kids doing well. Some were at higher levels than others, but everyone was doing as well as they could in terms of their aptitude, and Y/N felt good about that. There were a couple, however, that she knew were going to have trouble in high school if they didn’t turn it around, quickly.
In between sessions, Y/N scrolled through her phone’s social media apps, texted Charlie and Cas down the hallway if they could take a break at the same time as her. After about only 15 minutes of catching up, however, they all had to go back to their next meetings. The hours were ticking by slowly, as she kept herself entertained with a book in between meetings. At another break, she was trying to read but she just couldn’t concentrate. Looking at the time, she realized that it was 6.30pm. Dean would’ve finished work half an hour ago, so she decided to text him.
Y/N: Currently waiting on my next meeting, but I’m so bored. I keep trying to read but I think I’ve read the same line 500 times in the last few minutes.
Dean: Well, I literally just finished work and on my way home!
Y/N: Oh no! What happened?
Dean: Eh, late deliveries that I had to wait around for. Dinner might be late, unless… pizza tonight?
Y/N bit her lip as an idea came to her. Now that he wasn’t making dinner and they could always order pizza a little later, she wanted to see what he thought about her idea.
Y/N: Sounds good, but maybe we can hold off on it for a bit?
Dean: Uh… I guess. Why?
Y/N: Do you think you can come to the school?
Dean: What are you up to, sweetheart?
Y/N: Why don’t you come here and find out? ;)
Dean stared down at his phone, every possibility of what she wanted going through his head. He shook his head. It couldn’t be what he was thinking.
Dean: Do I want to?
Y/N smiled as she shook her head. He clearly didn’t realize she was being serious about him coming to the school.
Y/N: Yes ;)
Dean choked at that message. Was his teacher fantasy about to play out? He almost couldn’t believe it.
Dean: On my way!
Y/N laughed at the gif of a car speeding that he had added.
Y/N: Give me 15 minutes with the next parents, and then I’m all yours, handsome. She added a heart emoji.
Dean couldn’t help but let out a groan when he read that.
Dean: Damn right you are ;)
Y/N felt a shiver run down her body as she bit her lip, reading his message. She had no idea what was going to happen once he got to the school, but damn she was excited to find out. The haze of arousal was broken however, when the next parents came in. They were talkers and the meeting went a little over time, but eventually they were both satisfied with everything Y/N told them. They thanked her and left, leaving her to wonder when Dean was going to get there. She stood up, took off her glasses and shut the lid of her laptop and was just about to message Dean and see where he was, when a light knock on the door interrupted her.
She smiled when she looked up and saw Dean leaning against the doorframe, smirking at her. He walked in and closed the door behind him, locking it, and pulling the blind down over the window in the door.
“I came in when the parents were leaving” he said, as he walked over to her. He gently pulled her towards him by her hand, her body close to his as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled up at him, her arms automatically wrapping around his neck.
“I’m glad you did, but there’s still some people here so we have to be quiet” she told him. Even with her heeled knee-high boots on, she still had to push herself up slightly on the toes, to press her lips to Dean’s. “And… we have to be quick before the next meeting in 20 minutes.”
“Oh really?” he grinned. “What’re you planning on doing to me in 20 minutes?”
She hummed against his lips, her fingers combing through the short hair at the back of his head. “So many things. I’ve barely seen you; you’ve been so busy with the new site and I’ve been busy with everything leading up to tonight.”
He groaned, as one of his hands slipped down slightly, laying over one side of her behind, covered by her grey A-line skirt. “Fuck. I know. I swear, when things calm down slightly and it’s just up to the contractors to get all the heavy machinery into the site in the next few days, I’m taking you out.”
“I look forward to that, but I hope that doesn’t mean we can’t do a few things right now” she whispered against his lips.
“Definitely not” he whispered back, finally claiming her lips in a searing kiss.
If it were even possible, they pulled each other in even tighter, their bodies moulded together as they continued to kiss, passionately. Y/N softly bit Dean’s bottom lip, causing him to open his mouth and deepen the kiss. She moaned into the kiss, feeling his hand press a little harder into her ass. She pushed into his body, causing him to take a few steps back until his back was pressed against the wall. Her arms came away from his neck, her hands roaming over his muscles through his jacket and moving down his chest.
Her hands moved under his maroon button-up and pushed it off along with his jacket, Dean taking over in removing them completely and tossing them on the floor. Her lips moved away from his, kissing and nipping along his jaw, moving down to his neck. He groaned as she nipped at his neck, his hands groping her ass. Her hands moved over the black t-shirt covering his chest, and down to the outside of his jeans, feeling that he was getting hard already. She rubbed her hand along the seam of his jeans, feeling him grow harder. Dean hissed, feeling the pressure of his cock against the fabric of jeans. Suddenly, Dean stopped for a second, looking around. “Are you sure about this?”
“Of course,” she said, as she cupped his face. “Dean, what’s wrong?”
He smiled at her, a little sadly. “Should our first time really be like this?”
She smiled at him, her heart bursting with love at his concern. “Dean… I want you. I know you want me, too. I know you keep saying that we should do things right, but what’s right is you and me. Does this feel wrong to you?”
“No” he said, shaking his head, his response quick and firm.
“Then… there’s no problem, right?” she asked, biting her lip.
He groaned as he looked at her doing that. That always made him weak. “Right.”
Y/N smiled at him and went back to what she was doing. She unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the loops, tossing it behind her. She unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pushing them down slightly. She pulled down his boxers and gasped as his cock was on full display, hard, as his length and girth made her mouth begin to water. He was bigger than any of the other men she had been with, and she felt her heart begin to beat faster. She lightly grasped it, her hand moving slowly along the shaft. She stared into Dean’s eyes and smiled, biting her lip. He let out a shaky breath as he looked at her, his eyes clouded with arousal. Her fingers moved over the tip, feeling pre-cum drip out onto her fingers. She took his cock in both of her hands, pumping them up and down as she moved down to her knees.
Dean groaned as he watched Y/N get on her knees, his cock in her hands. She leaned forward and kissed the tip, her tongue circling the head. She sucked at the head, slowly taking in more of him, inch by inch. Her hand grasped the base of his cock, pumping up and down as she bobbed her head, wetting the shaft with her saliva. She looked up at him as her other hand cupped his balls, massaging them in her hand.
Dean grunted, throwing his head back against the wall, his mouth hanging open. “Fuck, sweetheart. You’re so fucking good at that.” He looked down at her, his thumb stroking her jaw, as her cheeks hollowed while she continued to take him into her mouth. “Love seeing your mouth on my cock.”
She moaned loudly as she drew back and pulled her mouth off him, her hand continuing to move along his dick. “Your cock feels so good in my mouth, Dean. I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”
Dean couldn’t wait for that either. He took her hand off him and tugged, making her stand up. Her mouth felt incredible, but he definitely didn’t want to cum yet.
Y/N let go of Dean’s hand and moved hers under the waistband of her skirt, pulling out the end of her black, full sleeve top. Dean moved her hands away, taking over as he pulled the end of her shirt over her breasts, revealing her dark red bra. He reached up and pulled the cups down, her nipples pebbled and aching against the slight chill in the room. He leaned into her right breast, kissing her flesh, his tongue circling the nub. She grasped his hair in her hands, bringing him in closer.
“Dean” she gasped, as he sucked and nipped at her, moving to her left and doing the same.
Dean bent his knees, grasping the bottom of her skirt and bunching it, revealing her matching panties. His hand moved in, his fingers rubbing along the outside of the fabric, feeling how wet she already was.
“Shit, you’re so wet sweetheart. Did sucking my cock turn you on that much?” he asked, his voice husky as his fingers moved faster along the fabric.
She let out a shaky breath, as she nodded. “Yeah.”
“Yeah?” he chuckled, slightly.
She nodded, frantically as his hand continued to move. “Dean…”
“What, sweetheart?” he asked, kissing her nipple.
He hooked a finger in her panties and moved them to the side, groaning as he felt her wetness against his fingers. He ran them along her folds, his thumb flicking lightly over her clit.
She moaned, her chest heaving as she breathed deeply. “F-fuck me. Please. Please fuck me.”
Dean moved them backwards, until her ass rested against the edge of her desk. He grasped her thighs and lifted her up, sitting her on top of it.
Dean’s hands moved down along her thigh-high stockings, biting his lip as he felt her soft flesh against his fingers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him for a heated kiss. Her hand cupped his jaw, bringing his mouth tight against hers. They parted when they needed to breath, as she wrapped her boot-covered legs around his hips. Dean lifted his black shirt up and took it off, her hands immediately roaming over his muscular arms and shoulders, his hard but soft torso. She bit her lip, keeping herself from moaning too loudly at the sight of him. He was truly the most gorgeous man she had ever been with. Dean moved closer, as he took hold of his cock, pumping his hand along the shaft a few times.
He stopped, however, when he realized something. “Shit, I don’t have any-” he started but she cut him off with a quick kiss to his lips.
“I’m on the pill” she nodded as she looked into his eyes. “We’re good.”
He smirked slightly, as he looked at her. “Okay.”
He took hold of cock and guided it to her entrance, pressing the tip in. He moved forward, slowly sinking into her warm cavern. She hummed at the feel of him, her walls stretching to accommodate his size. He gave her a second to adjust, before he slowly started to pull out. He pushed back in, setting a slow rhythm.
“Y/N” he moaned, softly. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight. So fucking perfect.”
His hips met hers, as he gradually picked up the pace. He thrusted into her at a moderate pace, causing her to moan loudly, forgetting where they were.
He laughed as he pressed his lips to hers. “Shh, sweetheart. Can’t let anyone hear us.”
She whimpered, as she moved her hips against his. “Fuck, Dean.”
Dean growled low, feeling it rumble in his chest. “Shit, sweetheart. You feel fucking amazing wrapped around my cock.”
“Dean” she moaned quietly. “Fuck me harder.”
“Harder, huh?” he grinned, pressing his forehead against hers. “Like this?”
He drove his hips in, the drag of his hips longer as he continued at the pace he had set, but his cock moving in harder and deeper within her.
“Yes” she gasped. “Just like that. Oh god, Dean.”
“You like that?” he asked, as he looked down at his cock driving into her.
“Yes” she moaned, her voice choked as she tried to stop herself from raising her voice.
She threw her head back, exposing her neck, her chest pushing out. Dean leaned in, kissing her neck, along her collarbone and down the valley of her breasts, feverishly. She moved in, wrapping her arms around him, tightly. Their faces were close to each other, their hot breath mingling as they let out small moans, gasps and groans. Y/N leaned down, sinking her teeth into Dean’s shoulder as she tried to stop herself from moaning loudly. Dean hissed at the sting of her teeth on his flesh but moaned softly as it added another layer of pleasure to what he was already feeling.
Dean’s hips picked up pace, the desk underneath them beginning to rock back and forth from the force of his thrusts. Y/N pressed her lips together, trying to keep quiet, as her hips met his, matching his pace. They were both close.
“Fuck, Y/N” he grunted, pressing his forehead against hers.
“Dean” she moaned, opening her eyes and staring at him. “I’m so close.”
The coil began to wind up tight in her core, ready to break at any moment. She whimpered as he grabbed her hips and drew her in closer, his cock hitting her g-spot with every thrust.
“Cum for me, Y/N. Cum on my cock” he groaned, his hips unrelenting.
Items on the desk began to shake, and Y/N knew she had to get to her release before something fell and alerted someone to what was happening. Somehow Dean understood when she looked down at the lamp shaking; he quickly licked his fingers and brought them to her clit, circling the little bundle of nerves in tight, fast circles.
She let out a harsh gasp, her mouth hanging open as the coil snapped, panting quick, shallow breaths as she came. Her release slicked his cock, warm and wet against him. Dean’s thrusts became erratic, stuttering as he approached the edge.
“Dean” she moaned as she cupped his face, looking into his eyes. “Cum inside me.”
He panted, his breath hot against her lips, letting out a choked grunt as he thrust into her few more times, falling over the edge as he came inside her. He leaned his head on her shoulder, his hips slowing into shallow thrusts. He slowly pulled out of her, as she felt his seed drip out of her.
Y/N leaned her cheek against his head, combing her hand through his sweat soaked hair as they both came down from their high, breathing deeply. After a few moments, he slowly lifted his head, looking into her eyes. She smiled at him as he smirked, both of them laughing quietly. He leaned in, kissing her softly, a change of pace to how he had just fucked her, showing that he was as sweet as he was incredibly sexy. He kissed her lips, once, twice, three times before slowly moving away from her.
Y/N reached over and took out some tissues, cleaning herself as she passed Dean a few as well. He cleaned up and then pulled up his boxers and jeans, buttoning them up and pulling up the zip. He picked up his belt from the floor and put it through the loops, buckling it. She fixed her panties and pulled her skirt down, fixing the cups of her bra and pulling her top down, tucking it back in. Once they had redressed, Dean walked over to her as he shrugged on his jacket. He held her hips as he leaned in, kissing her again.
“You should head home” she told him, smiling. “I’ll be there in another hour.”
“Okay, I’ll order the pizza” he said, cupping her cheeks in his hands. “Should be there by the time you get home.”
“Sounds good” she said, still smiling.
There was a moment of silence between them as they looked at each other.
“That was amazing” she said, feeling her cheeks heat up.
“Fuck yeah, it was” he grinned, his eyes lighting up.
She laughed at him as she lightly smacked his chest.
“I’ll see ya in a bit” he whispered against her lips, kissing her softly.
“Yeah” she whispered as he pulled away.
Dean walked over to the door and unlocked it. He opened it and turned back to her, seeing her watching him. She looked even more beautiful with her lips slightly swollen from kissing, and the knowledge that he had just ravaged her almost got him hard all over again. With one last look and a wink at her that caused the most beautiful smile to grace her face, he left and walked down the hall, ready to head home and wait for her.
Y/N fixed everything on the desk which had moved during their rendezvous. After the last few couples came in for their meetings, she packed up her things, put on her coat and scarf and shut off the light in the room. She walked down the hallway, the heels of her boots echoing off the floors.
As she drove home, the smile just wouldn’t leave her face. What they did back there, had been everything she could possibly want. It had been everything that they both needed. It solidified everything they both wanted from each other and for their future.
They were each other’s future.
And that was the biggest reason to smile.
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Tags: @flamencodiva @deanwanddamons @winchest09 @katehuntington @akshi8278 @hobby27 @michellethetvaddict @spngirl05 @kyjey @halesandy @440mxs-wife @stoneyggirl @deanswaywardgirl @wonder-cole @that-one-gay-girl @redbarn1995 @marianita195 @babypink224221 @deans-baby-momma @parinarain @thoughts-and-funnies @mandalou29 @castiels-a-winchester @ellewritesfix05 @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @supraveng @roonyxx @supernatural-love14 @vicmc624 @prettyboyswow​ @lunarmoon8​ @supernatural-bellawinchester​
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timmytimwriter · 4 years
Once Upon A Time...
A/N: Hi! I know I haven’t uploaded anything in a long while, BUT I’ve kept myself busy with writing. I know I had requests I haven’t uploaded yet, and that’s because I’m working on it. Recently, I started watching the Fantastic Beast film series and fell head over heels in love with Theseus Scamander. So, here’s a little mini-series.
As usual, all my Y/N’s are black. Period. If you want a white Y/N, refer to the other gazillion fanfics that fail to be inclusive to black women :) with that out the way, enjoy!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None, just heartbreak :(
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Once upon a time, it was Y/N Y/L/N and Theseus Scamander against the world. Having spent nearly their entire life together, nearly everyone expected them to end up together. Hell, even they expected to end up together. And, they almost did. Y/N loved him more than she loved life itself. Theseus did not.
Once upon a time, Y/N was prepared to spend the rest of her life with Theseus. But their fairytale romance didn’t end in a happily ever after.
The small gang had run out of places to hide. Wherever they want, Grindelwald’s supporters seemed to find – and try to kill – them. They had exhausted every hiding spot in the entire continent of Europe, it seemed.
“We can’t just keep running.” Tina fumed after nearly escaping yet another attack. They trudged through the alleys of London. Try as they might, it was hard to stay inconspicuous with such a large group. If it were just Newt, Tina, and Jacob running it’d be easier – but, their ranks had been joined by Yusuf Kama, Nagini, and Theseus Scamander.
“We have to leave Europe. We can’t keep hiding out like animals.” Yusuf said.
“We could always go back to New York?” Jacob halfheartedly suggested. After losing Queenie, everything Jacob did was halfhearted. It was as if Queenie took his very essence with her when she left.
“No, New York would be too obvious. They know who we are, so they must know where we live.” Tina interjected, just as halfheartedly. She had lost her sister to an evil she couldn’t find. All she could do was run; run away from her sister.
Newt noticed her sadness and took her hand in his, offering her a small smile. Theseus watched his little brother and Tina hold hands, which only reminded him of what he had lost: Leta Lestrange.
Theseus’ bitter thoughts were interrupted by his brother. “New York may be too obvious but going to America isn’t such a bad idea…” Newt’s voice trailed off and he tentatively glanced at his older brother, who was lost in his own world.
“Theseus…” Newt softly said. He let go of Tina’s petite hand and walked over to his brother, putting a soft hand on his broad shoulders.
“What?” Theseus saw everyone now looking at him, and he wondered if he missed something important when he was lost in his own head. “Did I miss something?”
Newt took a deep breath. He knew this wasn’t going to end well. “I know a place we can hideout. In America. But you’re not going to like it…”
The day was September 18th, 1927.
The crisp autumn brisk bristled past Y/N as she swiftly walked through a nearly empty park. It was nearly 8AM and, though nearly everyone else in Washington DC was asleep, Y/N Y/L/N had made a point of waking up at 5 in the morning for the sole purpose of getting fresh baked goods from Maryland.
See, her favorite bakery was nearly an hour-long drive from her home and the goods always ran out fast. It had taken her weeks to devise a working and precise plan, but she had finally done it. Now, it was just this eerie park that separated where she parked her car and her apartment that delayed her breakfast.
“If the bread gets cold… after all my hard work… so help me Merlin…” she huffed, hastening her paste. Finally, she found herself in front of her apartment – a stout yet charming brown shoe-box shaped building that was snuggled between what seemed like a billion other buildings that fit the same description. Lucky for her, Y/N lived on the ground floor and only had to climb the front steps and insert her key.
“Home sweet home.” She thought to herself, setting the bag of baked goods on a nearby table. She shrugged off her light coat, lamenting if the food was worth not sleeping in. Lord knows when she may get another opportunity; with the rise of Grindelwald, her work at the ministry had nearly quadrupled.
But it kept her busy. It distracted her from everything ailing her life; how war was imminent, worrying for her family’s safety, worrying for her own safety, worrying for…him.
As much as it pained her, she kept close tabs on him. Whenever a European Auror turned up dead because of Grindelwald or one of his followers, she prayed it wasn’t him. Y/N had never been a religious person; she believed in magic, but that was it. To this day, it still puzzled her how the man who had completely crushed her heart made her believe in the unbelievable.
She shook her head. “Stop thinking about him.” She muttered to herself, taking a deep breath. “Lord knows he’s not thinking about you. Lord knows he was never thinking about you…” She tossed her coat onto the couch, making a mental note to put it away later.
For now, she needed the only thing that would drive him out of her mind: food. Through her heartbreak and depression, there was only one constant in her mind. The one thing that drove her out of bed nearly every day. The one thing that didn’t attempt to get her to “talk about it” or “put herself out there.” The one thing that she loved more than…
Lo and behold, standing right there in her petite kitchen was Theseus Scamander. The man who had obliviated her heart.
She nearly fell back in shock, never expecting to see his face again. After all these years… he still looked the same. His eyes were still dark with slight speckles on gold. His auburn hair still had those unruly curls that he hated and often unsuccessfully tried to gel back, but Y/N always loved. Most of her favorite memories with him included him cuddling up to her while she played with his hair.
She narrowed her eyes and peered closer at him, taking in everything that had changed. Yes, he had certainly aged, but he looked thoroughly exhausted. He had bags under his eyes, and small vanishing wounds riddled his body. He looked tired. Defeated. She had never seen that look in him.
He looked like she did when he left her. Heartbroken.
“So sorry to intrude like this, Y/N” his brother, Newt, interjected. Y/N only then realized that there were other people present.
“What the hell is going on?”
Newt provided a quick summarization of what the group had gone through the past couple of days: the fight during Grindelwald’s assembly, Queenie’s betrayal, Credence switching sides, and Leta’s death. At that last comment, Y/N’s eyes instinctively darted to Theseus, who kept his trained on the ground. As a matter of what, he was trying desperately hard to avoid eye contact.
“We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t desperate, Y/N.” Newt said. The Scamander’s and Y/N had a long and complicated history, and Newt hated having to impose this on his old friend. He didn’t like the idea of involving her in an already volatile situation.
Y/N, on the other hand, wouldn’t hear a word otherwise. “Of course, you’re all welcome to stay. I wish you’d come earlier and save yourselves the trouble of running around London seeking refuge.”
Newt gratefully nodded, taking Tina’s hand in his. “Don’t worry, I still remember my way around your flat.” At that, he and his... girlfriend(?) apparated away – probably to another room to get some privacy.
Now Y/N was left alone with a group of people she didn’t know. Well, she knew Theseus – once upon a time – but not as well as she thought she did, obviously.
“Alright, then. Are any of you hurt? Hungry? I’ve got baked goods from the best place in the country.” Y/N pushed further into the kitchen, clutching her bag of baked goods with her. Brushing past Theseus, she caught a sniff of the most comforting and familiar smell she knew. In fact, it was the exact same smell of her Amortentia potion. “I’ve got about a dozen bagels and some doughnuts. Oh, and cookies too. You might be wondering why I have so much food, after all, I’m just one person. And that’s a very funny question…” Y/N blabbered away. As if talking would fill the awkward space.
Because if she fell silent, she’d have to become more aware of her surroundings. That would mean looking at Theseus. Maybe even talking to him. And it would, ultimately, lead to her reliving every wonderfully painful memory she ever shared with him.
“Y/N…? Now, where have I heard that name before?” Jacob asked.
“Maybe from Newt? We went to Hogwarts together for about three years, after all.”
“Only three? Isn’t wizarding school for seven years, or something like that?”
“Yes, but I started school at Uagadou. It’s the wizarding school in Africa – I’m from Senegal, by the way, don’t let the English accent fool you- but then I transferred to Hogwarts in my fourth year…” Y/N trailed off, not fully wanting to finish the story as it didn’t paint her in the best light.
“…After she transfigured into a panther and attacked a kid for teasing her brothers.” Theseus finished. Y/N’s head snapped up, sending her Y/H/C locks flying in disarray, and stared at him. He was still tentatively looking at the ground, but his face held a knowing smile. “And then just a year after starting at Hogwarts, she did the exact same thing to another student.” He slowly raised his head. With his eyes partially hidden behind his disheveled auburn curls, it seemed as if he was staring into her naked soul.
“Magnolia Harper,” Y/N recalled, “She bloody deserved it too.”
“And what exactly did the poor girl do to warrant an animal attack?” Nagini whispered, her head cocked to the side in curiosity.
Y/N could feel the temperature in her cheeks rising by the second. At that times like this, she was glad her melanin complexion made it difficult for anyone tell she was blushing. The entire story was bloody embarrassing, especially given the situation everything was in right now. She chewed on the bottom of her lip, trying to piece together exactly how to phrase her answer.
Luckily, Theseus came to the rescue. “There was a rumor that she was planning on asking me to the Yule Ball and Y/N got insanely jealous. Pounced on her during Dumbledore’s practice dueling sessions and nearly clawed her entire face off.”
“Oh, so you two were an item. How sweet, young love.” Nagini mulled, smiling at the two. Yusuf stood beside her, solemnly nodding his head.
The pair looked down, the nostalgic smiles slipping from their faces. All the dissipating anger Y/N harbored suddenly came bubbling to the surface, remembering Theseus’ betrayal like a fresh wound. Theseus, on the other hand, felt the guilt and grief wash over him like a Tsunami.
“Not exactly. It turns out I was worried about the wrong girl…”
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