#I’m sorry for the all the different hp tags but I need to even it out a little
awkward-potato-504 · 9 months
I’m in an argument with a couple people. Help me settle it.
Take into account personality, powers, willingness to use said powers. Circumstances are the same. In this case the winner is not dependent on the other party dying.
This is to give Harry Potter a fair chance in my opinion.
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hyukalyptus · 4 months
body worship. my favourite. im writing a fic with it so I didn't start with directly "Can I worship your body". I paced it slowly (2000+ words and they aren't even making out). the guy is dom, the reader is sub according to the dynamic but I made it unclear with reader topping him. but there is no sub-dom dynamics in mine. I went with feelings, and made it really unusual for the couple who are wild. the guy is patient, is examining every move reader makes on him. they aren't drunk (because of the slow pace I just added like wdym 2000 words and not yet MAKING OUT?). so feelings and then observing what the one who worships is the thing I'm going on at. kissing ever part of body, eventually praising can give it away they are worshipping for me. and my initial plan is, to give the guy a bj, top him while riding him and then keep on complimenting him. and at last, when he asks "what with you being so touchy and lovey," evading the question, again caressing hair or lips, I want the reader to say, "I wanna worship you, lay down." that all of the worship she has done until is NOT WORSHIP. but giving guy a boost of confidence after this and blah blah and can make it body worship.
honestly, I have no idea how sex feels, let alone body worship when I'm really insecure with body stuff. and this is just what I think hp. yours cab be different and so can mine. so I thought to tell all my feelings about it. sorry if I seem rude.
okay yessss literally 2000 words and they’re not even making out yet?? EEEEEE that’s what i need. pls tag me when/if you post it <3 id love to check it out.
also not rude at all! i love it when my readers send me stuff like this. makes me so happy :,)
BUT ANON YHE “WHATS WITH YKU BEING SO TOUCHY” OMFGGGG that would so be perfect for what im writing. fits their dynamic 1000% but i don’t wanna just blatantly copy u.
i do think i’ll probably do more inner monologue vibes, him thinking about and observing every little detail about her body. i think it’ll also be good bc you KNOW im writing chubby!oc so that’ll be a nice place to talk about her chubby body ehehehe.
and i’m sorry you’re insecure with body stuff. i used to be (and still am a little bit) super insecure about sex, but it’s gotten soooo much better. lmk if you ever wanna talk about it <3
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spectral-kitkat · 1 year
I've seen your post in #anti atyd and I wanted to share something.
First and foremost, I am a Remus Lupin die hard fan. I recently got back on tumblr to feed my obsession with this character. I was not previously aware of the "marauders era" or aware that atyd even existed. I honestly hate it. What I hate the most is when I am trying to look for Remus content and I'm hit with freaking Andrew Garfield propaganda. Are you kidding me?
I love Lupin because he is a grown man with experience, strength, maturity, and wise knowledge. I'm not interested in some edgy teenagers you know? I also believe the way he is portrayed in atyd is so out of character...
Don't get me wrong. It is entirely OK that atyd exists and that the author wrote it and had fun and that people are enjoying it...but so much of it is pushed as "canon" and it just pollutes my feed and I guess I'm just tired of seeing Andrew Garfield. I also feel like the atyd side of the marauders' fandom tend to romanticize things that should not be romanticized and it's uncomfy. Like they can't accept that canon marauders were not nice and perfect popular boys. They were bullies and did bad things.
Anyways sorry for the rant but I feel like there is no safe space for me to express those thoughts without getting jumped by angry people.
Thank you :)
I can see where you’re coming from. Remus Lupin is my favourite character in the whole of HP and I love all the intricacies of his character. He is not just the soft, uncle type character he is incredibly flawed and it adds so much to him so some of the depictions of him in fanon are kinda annoying.
I won’t lie and say I don’t see Andrew Garfield as young Remus as I personally love it but I can see where the repetition and constant in your face fancast can annoy you as that’s me with George MacKay (fancast for Grant Chapman) who is a phenomenal actor but the constant pushing of him does make you slightly annoyed every time you see his face.
I’m looking at the next bit without any bias based on my favourite characters and personal preferences:
I also kinda hate when people act like the Marauders do no wrong and were the saints of Hogwarts (even though the marauders are some of my favourite characters) they did bully other students but I think people also take Snape’s memories as fact and don’t remember that Snape fired back just as much. They think that it was all the marauders but it was equal footing between them. This however doesn’t mean that one side needs to be idolised and the other demonised, they were all teenagers who should’ve known better but they also grew up in different environments and during a war so I suppose that might’ve influenced them as well.
But yeah feel free to rant! It sucks that there aren’t really like separate tags for the canon versions and the fanon versions of characters but I guess since it’s the same character it makes sense for them to have just 1 umbrella tag for them. Unfortunately people are always gonna be dicks about opinions they don’t agree with, some people just don’t realise people can have different thoughts about things.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it’s always interesting to see what other people think and feel about things :)✌🏻
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Hey there, it's your HBO War Secret Santa! Super excited to create something for you, and I hope you're well! Quick question if it's not too much trouble - do you have a list of your favorite fics for each pairing? Have a good one :)
Anon Santaaaaa I am SO incredibly sorry for how late this reply is!!! I was launched into a new rotation at the hospital that had me drowning and sent my last 2 brain cells into chaos for the past 2 weeks, but that’s really no excuse and I’m sorry for the inconvenience!! Totally understandable if you’d rather not take these answers into consideration given how long they took to get here, and please rest assured that I’m always happy with anything and everything when it comes to hbowar <3 also additional apologies if I missed some of the pairings I listed when I answered the form, I answered it in the middle of a 24-hour duty day so I really only had 1 brain cell in attendance at the time hahaahjksfakdsf but here goes! (you didn’t need reasons for why I liked the fics but I ended up putting them anyway woops HAHAHA)
- Not Yet Wise by streetsuss_serenade >>> one of the first GK fics I latched onto, and I think it will stick with me for the rest of my life akjdfafsdjkd  the way it captures Nate’s internal struggles!!!!! ARGH!!
- Leading the Way by nogoaway >>> I loved the lives the author built for both Brad and Nate outside of what we know and see in GK, how they gave cues on the passing of time with the cultural references they chose to include, and how so much of the emotional beats were shown rather than explicitly spelled out by the characters :(((((
- Aftermath, USA by traveller >>> for the angst!!!! I am an absolute sucker for this brand of angst!!! - Do No Harm by NoMomImTotallyNotReadingPorn >>> a lovely hospital AU with hospital shenanigans!!!
- left in the hands of the living by dykealore >>> where would I be without recommending my most beloved author!! the EMOTIONS and heart-wrenching flashbacks while also Making Marvel Better is everything ;_;  
Andy/Eddie (these were the fics that came to mind but I would absolutely die for anything andy/eddie related at all hahaha)
- The Holy Vow of a Teenage Kiss by rivlee >>> the best romcom vibes with this one!!
- straight on til morning by seabright >>> I didn’t even think I was looking for crossover fics when it came to the pacific but I took a chance on this one and it WRECKED me—the slow build up of their friendship and love with the constant threat of war in the background aaaargh !! not rly relevant but this fic single-handedly got me back into HP after what must be 10 years of not engaging in the fandom waaah
- The Church of Saint Andrew by hillbilled >>> still ongoing and still continuously hurting me aksjdfhkjadhsfadsf  the reincarnations of andy over time and how he comes together with eddie in different ways is so riveting and painful and I don’t want it to end
(sorry I don’t have more for BoB at this moment, not for lack of fic out there, but more that I haven’t visited the tag to look for new ones in a while huhu)
- By Small and Small by luxover >>> once again I am a sucker for hospital AUs and big happy bar scenes what can I sayyyyyy
- A Softer War by twelve_pastels >>> take me to the bayouuuu this fic is so soft and lovely &lt;3
- Till the Day is Born by rum4life >>> not Babe/Roe-centric since it’s a trilogy crossover, and hot daaamn the complexity of the Babe/Roe/Doc Bryan triangle alone is enough for me to rec this, but everything else about it was such a wild and gripping read as well!!
- It Happened One Night by raquelpillo >>> hngh! no ! words !
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Chapter 11- Part 1
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So, this is where we left off- everything looks perfectly normal right now, yeah? Well, random little tangent here, let’s just take a look at the Trainer card, for no particular reason-
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Oh? What is that I see? A different name for the player avatar? No longer my name, but the name I gave to the character?
Yeah, so- as alluded to in the last chapter, I was really itching to change the in-game name to…well, Xera’s name. And with some information given to me by a reader (information that I was able to confirm for myself with a quick Google search), I was able to figure out a way to do exactly that! Xera’s name is now real, and will remain that way for the rest of the game! How did I do this?
…I don’t think I’m legally allowed to say, just look it up for yourselves.
There is one caveat to this, though. Apparently, changing the name in this way doesn’t change the OT tags on the Pokémon that were caught beforehand. For example, Riptide:
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But I think the name change will apply to all Pokémon caught after the change? Not that it matters much to me either way- I don’t typically pay attention to the OT tags unless they’re specifically something different in an interesting way (like whatever Bloom’s deal with Sweet Co. is).
Anyways, now let’s get into my plan for this session. This part is going to be mostly housekeeping things- wrapping up some sidequests and events in Obsidia and Coral Wards before we head into Onyx Ward. You know all that stuff I did in Peridot Ward before challenging Julia? Same situation here- and just like last time, I did some looking-into with the events and such, but once again, only enough to have a basic understanding of what to do. Besides, some of them I was already well aware of- for example, the Egg!
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As you can see, I’ve put Prong in the Box for the time being to have the Egg in the party. Without a Pokémon with Flame Body (or other such Abilities that can speed up the hatching process), we’ll be going the full Egg cycle for this- and since I don’t know what Pokémon this will be, I don’t know how many steps this will take, so it’s better to be safe than sorry and have it in the party while we walk around.
So now, the most obvious quests to take care of are the two trades- the Nosepass and the “tablecloth.” And that means we need Sentret/Furret and Patrat/Watchog!
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Hello again, Obsidia Park. A newly-opened area with some newly-available Pokémon- including one we need right now!
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Boom, Sentret! This’ll be easy enough with Whiskers- Disarming Voice to lower its health, put to sleep, then profit.
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“Scout” seemed too obvious, so “Watcher” felt like a fitting alternative.
Next up, Patrat, and like I said in the past, I already know where to find one.
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Welcome back to Opal Ward! C’MERE-
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It’s an early-game rodent Pokémon, only Lv. 4, and with Sleep- I don’t even think we need to lower its HP for this to work.
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Huh- I never noticed that Sentret and Patrat have the same category. Well, now I definitely can’t name this guy “Scout” either.
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There we go, “Vigil” works just as nicely!
So now, the party looks like this:
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And now, since we still have a surplus of Exp. Candies, we can speedrun leveling these two up to evolution!
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Long girl!!
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And tall bo- actually, I thought Watchog was taller than that, hm.
Well, regardless, let’s get to trading! First, let’s go back to the one house to trade Watcher-
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Oh, it was a Castform! I knew it! …Wait, Castform still doesn’t look like a tablecloth in any of its form, it always has like a…cloud-like appearance to it.
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No worries, Xera will appreciate it more than you ever did- but at least she and her dad gave it a good name, “Meteo.”
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And of course, PokéDex entry, for the fun of it-
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fbfh · 2 years
jonathan byers x bookworm!reader hcs
pairing: jonathan byers x gn reader
wc: 860
warnings: brief mentions of demogorgons, the mind flayer, and cthulhu/hp lovecraft, you're both painfully shy, will playing match maker aww, jonathan is the best man
a/n: I demand more stranger things asks I have brain rot and I don't WANT to wait until fucking july to finish the season I'm trying to cope through fanfiction bc what else do I do
tags: @yesv01 @hopefullhearts @littlewinter1917 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl  @Sad-brunnettee
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This is so fucking cute holy shit
Okay you probably met at the library
He was either getting some books for an assignment or picking something up for Will
Or dragging Dustin back to return the books he yoinked when the librarian wasn’t looking
And yeah it was extenuating circumstances 
He may or may have not have needed them to solve a huge part of whatever problem they’ve been dealing with most recently
When he saw you there
Sitting at a table, hair glowing in the late afternoon sunlight streaming in through the windows, fully engrossed in the book you’re already more than half way through
Dear god he was hit hard with a big fat crush
Unfortunately he’s also pretty introverted
So it took you a while to get together
Like a very long time
It would have been longer, but one day four awkward middle school boys approached the table you were reading at and pointed back to Jonathan, who was signaling for them not to do anything
“Hi, I’m Will that’s my brother Jonathan and he thinks you’re really cute”
You were both so flustered
And Will is like what do you mean you talk about them all the time
God it’s so awkward and cute 
Dustin is like hey we’re going to go look for a book, we’ll meet you back right here at this table in a little while
They all run off, watching you behind nearby bookshelves in a way that’s so totally not obvious /s
It’s so fucking cute and awkward
You’re both just sort of sitting there hoping the other one will make the first move
Until he asks you what book your reading
And your face lights up
You ramble to him about your book, plus the other two you recently finished, and he hangs on your every word
You’re inseparable from then on
Your favorite thing in the entire world about dating Jonathan
Aside from how wonderful he is
Is that he can take one look at whatever book you’re reading, and maybe skim the summary
And boom
He has the perfect music recs
You start exchanging book and music recommendations with each other 
And he fucking loves every minute of it
He loves reading a book that you’ve enthusiastically recommended to him
Because your taste in books slaps
But also because he loves when he’s reading through them and has that this is why you love it moment
Especially as he gets to know your tastes and world views and favorite tropes even more 
He can spot the exact parts that make you do heart eyes and it’s the cutest shit ever
So many of your dates are just holing up in one of your rooms listening to amazing music together and reading amazing books together
Sometimes you’ll read separate books, sometimes you’ll read to each other
Your favorite is when you read the same turn together, and take turns doing different voices for the characters
It’s just so fucking cute and cozy and intimate
A lot of times you’ll just end up giggling over your attempts to do accents and different voices
He does a surprisingly good british accent
You’re a little shocked
Not my mom going NO WAY when she heard charlie heaton’s accent in an interview for the first time
And god he loves you so much
He loves you so fucking much
You have the sweet peaceful energy of a capybara basking in the sun
You are his warm solace in the torrent of despair wreaking havoc on hawkins 
And when you inevitably get sucked into all the monsters and conspiracies and craziness 
He’s genuinely shocked at how much easier everything is with you
The other teens honestly didn’t think you’d be a great fighter
You’re so quiet and you’re always reading
But holy shit you know how to kick some demogorgon ass
And you’re always dropping perfectly fitting literary references
You have a literary reference or book quote for every situation you find yourselves in, no matter how bizarre
At one point when they’re trying to tell you about the mind flayer, they get half way through describing him when you’re like ooooh I understand
They’re like you do??????
You’re like yeah like Cthulhu
But in the upside down
They jus ???????
After filling them in on one or two lovecraftian horrors you’re like yeah so he’s like that
They’re like yeah,,,, that’s actually a really accurate comparison
Jonathan is just blushing with this fond look on his face
Bonus points if you help Mike plan campaigns bc you have such an overdeveloped instinct for storytelling and narrative sense
And El absolutely loves you
She loves hearing about all the books you read
The way you describe it makes her feel like she’s lived through it
Which is super fun for her
God everyone loves you
How could they not
But especially Jonathan 
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
Katara x Aang :3c
are you trying to get me in trouble
no but in all honesty, my genuine feelings about kataang boil down to three major points: 1. it's boring, and does not jive thematically with either of their character arcs, to the point of, 2. actively hampering character development on both sides, and 3. katara deserved better.
points expanded under the cut. (please, if you're a kataang shipper and you see this, just keep scrolling. i've tagged it appropriately and put the bulk under a cut and at this point that's literally all i can do lmfao.)
send me a ship and get my (brutally) honest opinion!
1. It's Boring: This is the most subjective point on the list (I mean, in fairness, it's all subjective, but I have evidence from the show and post-canonical materials to support my other points; this one is just preference), but there's just... nothing to kataang. It's cute (when it's not actively aggravating), and... that's about it. It's not even that I dislike friends-to-lovers as a shipping trope (though it's not my overall preference), because there are a lot of friends-to-lovers couples that I do ship (kanej comes to mind, also will/elizabeth from potc, karolsen from supergirl, romione and hinny from hp, among others), but one thing that I think all of those couples have that kataang doesn't is that both sides of the pairing are teens or adults when they get together, with teen/adult dynamics and issues and stories to deal with, rather than one half being a teenager and the other being literally prepubescent.
And don't get me wrong, I have no problem with age gap ships in general. And as far as atla goes, Katara, at 14, has the same age difference from Zuko (16) as Aang has from her, and it's never stopped me--because both Katara and Zuko are well into puberty when they meet and I have no problem picturing them being into one another and growing together as they enter adulthood. Aang, on the other hand, is a child. And he acts like it. Which wouldn't be a problem, if the show weren't expecting me to believe he is a) ready for a romantic relationship, and b) ready for one specifically with Katara, who is not only older and far more mature but is specifically cast as his caretaker in a very maternal role for the entire show's run.
This show asks me to believe that a teenage girl well into adolescence is going to be attracted to and develop romantic feelings for a pre-adolescent child--and it asks me to believe this while showing us otherwise that Katara's type is actually older boys with fabulous hair and angsty pasts in all of her other potential romantic dalliances--and then enter into a relationship with him, all while ignoring the elephant in the room that is the fact that she was basically acting like his mother for the entire series to that point. (Something that is heavily lampshaded earlier in the very same season.) That just stretches the bounds of credulity way too far for me, especially when there's no evidence that Katara herself would get anything out of their romantic relationship.
There's nothing there for me to sink my teeth into. No delicious development, no parallels where they help each other grow, no internal conflicts that they have to work through together, nothing. Certainly no reason for me to actually believe Katara feels (or would grow to feel) anything for him other than the platonic affection of a caretaker. I can easily believe she loves him dearly, as a friend and quasi-little-brother, but I just can't see that developing naturally into romantic love--not the way it's presented in the show.
And even if they did manage to at least make the development of Katara's feelings believable, unless they changed something fundamental about the nature of their relationship, it'd still be boring, so.
2. It Actively Hampers Their Character Development--On Both Sides: I've written before (extensively lol im so sorry) about how kataang is actively detrimental to Katara and to Aang. In short (because ye gods this post is already getting long enough), Katara is narratively harmed by being shoved into a relationship that completely ignores her stated feelings--a relationship that had been presented as a one-sided puppylove crush for the vast majority of the series--and it inhibits her growth as a character in ways that become far more obvious in the comics and lok, where the very same creative forces that lead to her beginning a relationship with Aang in the first place reduce her to 'the Avatar's girl' and very little else, all the way through to the end of LoK (where she is a Healer and the Avatar's wife and, again, very little else).
As for Aang:
As to how this relationship is detrimental to Aang (other than the comics and LoK nonsense)? Just take a look at book 2, when he’s trying to learn Earthbending from Toph. Katara constantly coddles him. Much of the time, she’s afraid to be anything other than gentle and understanding with Aang--partly because of her fear that if she pushes him too far, he’ll run away. (Which he does, several times.) But sometimes, what Aang needs to grow is a sharp kick in the slats, which Toph was more than willing to provide--and which worked. Katara was great for teaching Aang to waterbend, but he needed more than that to grow as a person. And he can’t get that while he’s in a relationship with someone who will apologize for getting upset when he was very explicitly neglecting her.
In addition, it is pointed out by Guru Pathik at the end of Book 2 that one of Aang's chakras is blocked by his attachment to Katara. Aang takes this to mean (incorrectly) that he has to stop loving her in order to become fully realized as an Avatar, but this is actually part of the problem--because the issue isn't that he is in love with Katara, it's that he's possessively attached to her. He believes himself entitled to her love in return, rather than selflessly loving someone regardless of whether or not they return that affection. (This is obvious come the EIP episode, where Aang demands to know why he and Katara aren't in a relationship already--because he kissed her without asking [or even checking to see if she'd be ok with kissing him], which he phrases as mutual even though it very much was not, and he gets angry and violates her boundaries when she says that she is confused and doesn't want to think about it right then.)
It is his attachment to Katara--the need for her to return his love, the belief that she will and it is only a matter of time before he gets what he wants--that he was supposed to let go of, not his feelings for her in general. Unfortunately, while he pays lipservice to doing this (far too late for it to be useful--if he'd stayed with the Guru for five more minutes and unlocked his chakra there, that battle would've gone very differently), he almost immediately backtracks on that development come book 3, and there isn't another single whisper of Aang maybe growing up and moving past his one-sided and possessive crush and realizing that even if Katara doesn't feel the same way, it doesn't mean she loves him less or that their friendship is less important.
What really needed to happen, for Aang to grow as a person and become fully realized as an Avatar, was for him to grow up. To realize that his feelings were not of paramount importance, and that even if he was in love with Katara, he was not entitled to her love in return. He should have been able to move past his need for her to love him back, in order to get past that stumbling block, unlock his chakras, and regain the Avatar State in time to face the Firelord. But he didn't. As a result, they had to find some other way to just give him the Avatar State (a well-placed rock) and the means to defeat Ozai without killing him (the deus ex lionturtle) and his entire character arc just fell apart in the third act rather than reaching a satisfying conclusion.
3. Katara Deserved Better: This really ties into how her romantic relationship with Aang hampered her own development, but I'm still bitter enough about it that it gets its own bullet-point. And the biggest single reason I could never ship kataang--the thing that would've turned me off even if there were substance and a halfway decent storyline for them--is the fact that Aang kisses her without her consent (for the second time) in Ember Island Players, Katara gets angry at him and storms off, and then..... she walks out onto the balcony to make out with him.
With nothing to bridge that gap.
It's bad enough that a show aimed at children had a scene where the child protagonist kissed the object of his affections without her consent when she didn't want him to (made explicit by her angry reaction)--and this is absolutely an issue when the show is aimed at children and it may well be the first experience they've had with consent issues portrayed in media--but this moment is never addressed again. Katara just decides--completely off-screen--that she does love him Really and walks out to make out with him in the epilogue. There's no conversation, no apology for violating her boundaries, no discussion of why that was wrong or any indication that Aang understands what he did and why it upset her. They don't have a single one-on-one interaction between that kiss and the epilogue, and the only other time they are on screen together, Aang yells at her and storms off.
So, even leaving the comics and lok aside, Katara deserved much better from her own romantic plotline. In fact, she deserved to have one, rather than simply being the oblivious object of Aang's affections, given a couple moments where she blushes but otherwise remains completely ignorant of his feelings (she looks shocked and upset when he kisses her prior to the invasion, and then she completely forgets that even happened because she's confused as to what Aang is even talking about during EIP until he brings it up; that's not the behavior of a fourteen-year-old girl who was kissed by someone she was developing romantic feelings for), before the epilogue where it becomes clear that she figured all of that out off-screen and had feelings for him after all.
She's a main character, not a side-character written in solely to give one of the mains a love interest. She deserved a romantic plotline of her own. (She could have had one with someone else, with very few changes made to what was actually on-screen prior to the epilogue, but that's another conversation entirely.) She deserved to have her feelings considered at all important by the person she was going to be paired with in the end, rather than having him just assume she felt the same way and then get mad at her for never giving any indication of it when he'd never asked about her feelings to begin with. She deseserved agency in her own romantic narrative, and she just didn't get that with Aang.
So yeah, at the end of the day, my biggest issue with kataang is that it involved doing Katara dirty, and she's my favorite character and she deserved so much better damnit.
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teacup-tai · 3 years
Tai recs: a *HP rare pair* list
So, I decided to do a Rarepairs rec list with some of my favourite miscelaneous pairings. I hope you enjoy it and discover new horizons. lol Be responsible and mind the tags. There's no order in the list, sorry.
Your Left Life - orphan - 28k, E - Seamus/Dean
Dean can see himself doing it, pushing the duvet to the bottom of the bed and rolling over, feeling the warm line of Seamus’ body beside him, kissing him. He knows he’s going to eventually, he can hear the start of it in his head. You fought in a war, this should be nothing.
Electric Light - orphan - 18k, E - Neville/Draco, Neville/Draco/Harry
His gloves are from last year and the left one has a small tear in the charmed leather that he has to keep out of sight of Professor Sprout, who would go into a whole lecture on health and safety if she saw it, and then insist he wore a pair from the lost and found bucket in the corner of her mouldy old office.
Burned Silk, Buckled Leather - @ruinsplume - 12k, E - Sirius/Draco
When Sirius discovers a down-and-out Draco Malfoy lurking around the edges of a Muggle kink club, he thinks he knows just what Draco needs. He isn't expecting to run into some long-buried needs of his own.
The Meaning of Mistletoe - @llendrinall - 30k, M - Severus/Remus
“Just… tell me. Tell me what is going on, Snape.” What was going on was that Severus Snape had no trouble tracking down one Petunia Evans, now Dursley, to a little town in Surrey where he saw how exactly she was treating her nephew. Which somehow led to last night and Severus knocking on Lupin’s door with a toddler half-asleep in his arms.
Make Me Smile (come up and see me) - by busaikko -26k, E - Severus/Remus/Sirius
AU. In the aftermath of October 31st, 1981, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black try to set their differences aside to keep Harry safe.
Modern Romance - @olivieblake - 280k, E - multiship brilliance
Witch Weekly's 'Modern Romance' series asks anonymous witches and wizards to record a week in their sex lives—with comic, tragic, provocative, and patently revealing results. Each week, a new episode unfolds in the lives of the Wizarding World's elite.
Don't Stop Me Now (A Tragedy in Three Acts) - @writcraft - 6k, E - Sirius/James
Being gay in the seventies isn't easy, coming out is hard to do and love is complicated, messy and unexpected. When Sirius Black comes out to James Potter it serves to fuel the embers of a fire that's been burning between them for years.
How We Were Warriors - @writcraft - 51k, E - Severus/Harry
A homophobic attack in London’s Soho brings Harry to New York City to discover more about the past. Still haunted by love and loss in the eighties, Severus just wants to forget. In Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, past and present collide, and in one another Severus and Harry find hope for the future.
Aim for My Heart - @tackytigerfic - 3k, M - Ron/Harry/Draco
Harry's in love, Ron's in control, and Draco just wants a nice lunch. They say three's a crowd, but Harry doesn't always agree. Not when he gets to be in the middle, anyway. - In which Harry's in love with Ron, and Harry's in love with Draco, but they're not in love with each other. Not yet, anyway.
The Taste of Țuică - @fluxweeed - 14k, E - Ron/Harry/Draco
It’s quite one thing for your best mate to casually tell you about all the sex his boyfriend wants to have. It’s altogether another to have him bring up the time you snogged him in a shitty Central London park.
Misfortune's Bitter Storms - @onbeinganangel - 5k, E - Bill/Fleur/Tonks
A ginger, a Metamorphmagus and a Veela walk into a room... (they fuck, that’s the punchline)
Petrichor, Pineapple and Pomegranate - @onbeinganangel - 6k, E - Sirius/Remus/James
If you’re not using your enhanced werewolf sense of smell to find out that your friends have got the hots for you, what are you even doing?
Talk To Me - by amaliaIR - 21k, E - Sirius/Remus/James
James' love life hasn't been going well lately, so he turns to his best friends for advice and receives so much more.
The Secretary - @pacific-rimbaud - 45k, E - Percy/Pansy
Threatened with the loss of her trust fund allowance, wild child Pansy Parkinson takes her mother up on an offer she can't refuse: a job at the Ministry of Magic as personal secretary to tightly wound bureaucrat Percy Weasley. The job is demanding, and so is her boss, in ways that Pansy never could have imagined. When their mutual desires begin to spin out of control, how will Pansy convince her boss that sometimes, the only rules you need to follow are your own?
A Dress With Pockets - @pacific-rimbaud - 24k, E - Neville/Pansy
Pansy Parkinson needed a drink. And a shag. She didn't care in which order. Enter: Neville fucking Longbottom and his rolled up sleeves.
---you may realise E is my thing, so again: mind the tags!---
And that's a wrap! I'm saving the femslash ones for another day ^^ Hope you enjoy the readings, darlings! Love, Tai <3
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measurelessdreamer · 3 years
Please help one of my best friends so she doesn’t lose her home...
Hello, everyone. I know I don’t post much here, mostly just reblog random stuff, but I really hope this post will reach someone that will be able to help. I have a friend who is very dear to me and she’s been struggling so much regarding her physical and mental health and her finances. I’ll be copy-pasting one of her messages on her KoFi page (with her permission of course) down below so you may know more about her story and why she is in such a dire need of help.
I promise that if you decide to help out and donate, all the money will go directly to her and I’m sure will mean a lot to her. Even if you can’t spare much because I understand that times are hard and many people are most likely struggling too and I’m truly sorry about it, but if you can help this one person, I’ll be very grateful. Share, reblog, and most importantly be kind always. 
Her message (read the whole thing here):
My HP is depleting day by day....
I know I am not really important, not a famous streamer, celebrity and such. I am just a normal human being.
I humbly ask for Potion, for Healing.
Hello fellow Warrior's of light, friends and family(FC)...
I do not know how long this post will be. I hope you are all doing great, healthy & happy.
I just feel so tired, burnt out, I lost my motivation in everything. Like I am just stuck in the middle of nowhere. Being devoured by a quicksand.
I've been battling with my major depression for so long now. And it is very hard battling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for so long too(being emotionally abused, being called with many names), it is like I will wake up in the middle of the day or in the night and thinking I am in a different place, or someone yelling at me with the same words over and over again, but then I realize I was just alone. I find that hurting myself gives me satisfaction at times because I feel that everything is my fault. And I feel like I deserve it.
Self-destructive.....it is....that I became again...I just can't stop...
I want to go back to therapy, I have to stop abruptly last year because of the Pandemic, and my family is against it cause they only find it a waste of time. Whilst, I just go alone to my therapist. And because of that so is my medication which caused me a strong backlash. I feel like having a withdrawal syndrome from drug addiction. And my sleepless nights have returned at full blast. Mental illness where I live is like a taboo.
Sadly, more than 2 weeks ago I lost my other job, and a few days ago I decided to quit my second job which I really love but I have to, because my Manager is too much for me. He just mocks me, taking credit from my efforts, bullied me, saying bad things about how I look. It is not healthy for my Mental Health anymore. I just have my third job at the moment, but it is not enough to sustain everything. I am taking care of so many cats and a dog. Living with my Aunt-Mom who has hypertension. I live in the city, in an apartment, and at the same time paying a monthly for my childhood home in the countryside. Everything is long overdue and I have to pay them as soon as possible. I can't afford to lose them both. As much as I want to transfer to a cheaper apartment, and for my safety. The majority of them do not allow pets. I needed also to install CCTV for additional security.
I just needed a break......I am just tired from everything.....
I know I have told some of you that I will be gone for 2 weeks. Because of therapy, and retreat. But because of extended lockdown, it might be impossible for me now. And I am not yet vaccinated, it will just be a weekly doctor's 2-3 hours appointment. They will be visiting me at home instead. And also for my safety.
I ask for your help to please replenish my HP. Thank you so much.
(Me again) If you made it this far, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Please help if you can and donate through the links in the post or here. It will mean immensely much.
Tagging my followers... Please don’t be mad at me. We’re just getting desperate. @nivenor-krosis @thecrimsonmonarch @playboybrucewayyne @lorestar @221birl1823 @tempy-the-tempest @lightning-struck-thrice @just-add-butter @lesbianchrispine @clarkspulitzer @henriethsmile @susiecarter @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth @seralyra @starrymushroom @crystalmanner @ceteiq @turkish276 @disasterboysandtheirgruffloves @lovelyrita1967 @oxbridge-quality-fanfiction-co @riddloki @shippingdragons @papergray @plumsandpeaches @virgin-i-a @magicaltrashtriumph @bkwilli45 @fraisersworld @parrishthieves @starkinglouis @lgcgjd @bebop1971 @virgils-posts @pinkdahlia8 @margotmarquez01 @lunaticonthegrassblr @maria-cecilia0-49-blog @oridwalin @fullcelebritiesmusiciansllama @shadowywinnergalaxy @freshwoods @soft-spaceboi @fabulus-gayness @fangirl1511 @skyrimmaster4 @devils-girl-98 @ciscosgurl20 @noblelilium @nalgwing @shadow-fandom @sunsetknowsaboutyou @dreamilyuniqueangel @barryallen-edits-blog @lemonadeswift @elegantpeachbearlawyer-blog @alexaokami @ben-barnes-simp @overegos @rougeyellow @skydether-ironfist @dauntlessmiraculer-blog @butterwithpancakesandsyrup-blog @mattbch @verdantojqueen @aquasworldismusicsworld @jessiedoll99 @we-anastasiaearlysun @littlechicken0202 @immafourcoursemeal @psycosterek @lulunimzetpo @cirrrca @jarleene @be-happy-every-day-please @shrew1989 @strangerhann-blog @tasteslikestrawbebbies @madelyn8rose @askcarlyle @the-julienne-ihnat @teenagecupcakeperfection @elijahmikaelsonthough @emperor-king-jess @pure-ghost @stark-morgan @livybirduk @bloodrednight25 @esira16 @blackeyespanther-blog @best-sarcastic-friend-mj @valeriawitch @mynameislu @wendynerdy98-blog @leonorkirk @broadwaymaddie @docd666 @ajensen1946 @friendlyneighborhoodgryffindor @dewitty1 @asunamisa @tattersoc @yelenaabellova @bashfulstrawbrry @magita25 @dragonr1u @tiredofexisting123 @claris44 @am-i-lazy-or-just-stupid @iamnotthrowingawaymyship @kazutosora @pumpkin-chic98 @hellojohnmikaelson6 @thecsientist @comingbackfrompurgatory @mateodnoriega @mrscrackhead @haddietheartist @arrowversefandom-blog @st3lth34xr3vozx @soft-boy-stefan @clarkswayne @hauntedcomputerphilosopher @nerds-geeks-fangirls @millicentcordelia @danhowellsass0611-blog @somesortofbitch @likeaspeedingarrow @thunder-olivarry @fml-its-ashley @suck-too-hard-on-your-jaskier @alwaysmusiclover2462-blog @gothicxrayne @handsome-goddamn-jack @just-an-unsolved-mystery @elementofcreation @mistycrystals @shewolf93posts-blog @kingdom4eartsgirl23 @artemis-the-sinister @fiorisuilampioni @hyperion-baby @zlodiy-chasu @thescarletspeedsterx @the100bellarke @huellas-imborrables
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thedaughterofkings · 2 years
saw your tags on the ao3 experience post, what pairing was the harry potter fic for and what do you remember about it?
Okay, so the first fic I ever read was mainly gen, for like 100k and then Draco came out of the Forbidden Forest and kissed Harry and I was like “Huh? I guess that works? Let’s go out and find a million more fics like that!”
I think I came across it in ... approximately 2005? Definitely before 2007, by that time I was writing my own fic (never published, no need to go looking for it^^°). I think I was trying to find some theories or something for the next book and clicked on something that sounded interesting and that turned out to be a fic!
I’m pretty sure it was posted on fanfiction.net and for some reason I believe the author was male, or at least the pen name made me think of a male author? But that might be completely wrong^^° The title was either Latin, or something that sounded like it should have been Latin - something like House of the Badger or something like that? Definitely something like “Something of something” (and that’s a lot of somethings, sorry^^°) It was definitely an epic, possibly a continuation post Order of the Phoenix, though I’m not entirely sure about that? I don’t remember any details unfortunately but for that scene of Draco coming out of the Forbidden Forest and him and Harry embracing and I think kissing, and that that happened near the end of the fic as it existed? The Drarry part of it all didn’t get much more than that I think, even though I was so intrigued!!
It was a longer fic I believe, at least in memory I want to say it was in the 100k range, though I can’t say for sure any more! It was either already a series or otherwise definitely planned as a series, I think there were four books planned? They definitely didn’t get finished while I still had a functioning link, I think they might have even been abandoned before I started reading (guess why I stick to completed fics 99,9% of the time now?^^° Burnt by my very first fic!)
I think that’s all I remember for that fic! If it rings any bells, please let me know!!!
If I’m already talking about old Harry Potter fic(s), I’ve also been looking for some fics that I think were all by the same author - all Harry/various male characters fics. I think they were almost single handedly responsible for me having read a fic for Harry/just about every single named male character of the series^^° I definitely remember a Harry/Cormac McLaggen fic and a Harry/Marcus Flint fic. I think the author might have been doing some sort of challenge to write many ships? I thought it might have been shocolate (the spelling doesn’t seem quite right) at some point but I think I didn’t find them amongst their fics when I looked.
And finally, there was a Harry/Romilda Vane fic that was really different from what I usually read, but really fun!
If any of that rings any bells for anyone, I’d love to know but really, give me any of your fic recs; I’ve not read HP fic in too long!
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hela-avenger · 4 years
it’s not you, it’s me- part 2
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1041
Summary: Natasha won’t quit trying to set you up so you decide to play fire with fire. Hence making a deal with an insufferable prince who interestingly enough is willing to fake being in love with you for the rest of the night. Of course when dealing with the God of Lies things are never as they seem. Fake-Dating AU. p&w AU.
A/N: If you haven’t read poison & wine it is ok to read this but there will be some references to it and p&w is completed. As for my p&w loyal readers, ENJOY!
P.S. I’m tagging the p&w people so if you’ll like to be taken off pls do let me know!
Tags are open!
poison & wine masterlist & it’s not you, it’s me masterlist
You tear yourself away from his hold causing Loki to chuckle at your immediate retreat. You stumble as you try to put some space between you two. It didn’t make sense how Loki came to find that truth when many others, others who have known you longer, have yet to figure it out. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Oh, a good liar buys time,” Loki responds. “A great liar would have already been ready with a response.” 
Loki leans his back against the balcony with a smirk. 
“So?” he asks. “Will you answer my question or do you need more time to come up with a lie?” 
“You’re an ass,” you mutter under your breath. 
“Now that’s not a nice thing to say to your date,” Loki mockingly reprimands. “What would Natasha say about that foul mouth of yours?” 
“You know what?” you stammer out in annoyance. “I’ve changed my mind. I’ll rather go through mindless conversations with Natasha’s bachelors than to spend another second here with you.” 
You don’t make it too far as Loki grabs a hold of your arm. 
“Retreating so easily?” Loki asks. “Now I didn’t peg you as a quitter.” 
“We’ve just met,” you snap at him. “Stop presuming so much about me.” 
“Then I must ask you to do the same with me.” 
Your anger disappears when you hear this from him. You should know better than to judge a book by its cover and yet you had. 
You blatantly used his status without thinking of the connotation it held. 
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable before,” you whisper as you turn around to face him. “It wasn’t my intention and I presumed you would be game to help me.” 
“Oh, believe me, I am,” Loki chuckles. “But I detest my tormentous past being brought up so casually.” 
“I was being honest when I said that I wasn’t using you to scare potential suitors away and I had no intention for Jeff to bring up your past,” you confess to him. “Thor told me you have a way with words and well… he called you Silvertongue so it just further proved you would be the best person I could ask to help me right now.”
Loki continues to stare and you can’t help but compare his mannerisms to a curious raven.
“You’re not lying,” Loki states. “You haven’t since we met but that doesn’t mean I trust you.” 
“I mean, you shouldn’t,” you shrug. “I’m a complete stranger to you.” 
“As I am to you,” Loki remarks with a small tilt on his lips. “Are you saying you don’t trust me?” 
“I mean,” you answer with a laugh. “Who in their sane mind would agree to fake dating a stranger for the rest of the night?”   
Loki chuckles and shakes his head. 
“If this is to work, I need you to be completely honest with me,” Loki states. “I may be the God of Lies but I detest being lied to.” 
“So, going back to my previous question,” Loki trails off. “How long have you been lying to your friends about your true lineage?” 
You take a deep breath trying to ease yourself from the alarm running through your whole body. 
You still didn’t know how he came to find this out about you, but it didn’t matter at the moment. Loki had asked you a question and you had to offer a response. 
An honest response. 
“Apart from two, since I’ve first made their acquaintance,” you answer. “And technically I’m half-lying to them seeing as I’m half-human.” 
“What are you?” 
“A demigod. Half-human, half-God.” 
“Of Asgardian descent I presume?” 
“Yes,” you nod. “Found that out about a couple of years ago when your brother first came to Earth.”
“How old are you?” 
Foregoing making a joke about how rude it is to ask for a woman’s age, you answer his question.
“By Earth physical standards 24, but 198 in reality.” 
“Your parents?” 
“My mother died when I was 19, while my father is unknown,” you sigh feeling your chest tightening. “Are we done with this interrogation?”
Loki remains silent as he contemplates your question. He doesn’t stare at you this time which is a welcome reprieve, but it sealed him away from you. You didn’t know what he could be thinking or what mood he may have shifted to. 
“That will do for now,” Loki mutters. “We should head inside soon…” 
“Wait,” you interrupt him before he can even take a step towards the doors. “I just have one question for you.” 
“Which is?” he asks impatiently. 
“How did you know?” you ask. “How did you know I wasn’t human?” 
Loki responds by offering his hand for you to take. You look at it hesitantly forcing Loki to explain his intentions.
“I can show you.” 
With that being said, you take his hand. 
It surprisingly feels soft and warm and soon you realize why. There was some kind of energy running through him that seemed to reach for yours. 
“That,” Loki states. “That is how I knew.” 
“What is that?” you ask him as you pull your hand away. The connection is cut, but you can still feel the warmth tingling in your hand. “What did you do?” 
“It’s called seidr,” Loki answers. “Some Asgardians are blessed with the gift of magic so when we first touched, I felt that connection. That is how I knew that you weren’t completely human.” 
“But your brother…” 
“Thor can barely tell the difference between his precious Mjolnir and an actual hammer,” Loki snorts. “Besides, he’s not acutely aware of his surroundings like I am.” 
“Sounds like you’re paranoid.” 
“It’s because I am,” Loki states. “Villain, remember? I have many enemies who wish to see me fail. Many of them are at this party.”
You roll your eyes knowing he was referring to your friends. 
“Am I one of them?” you can’t help but ask. “An enemy?” 
Loki takes his time to respond. 
“Yet to be determined,” he answers before offering his arm for you to take. “Shall we begin our night now?”
Having been outside long enough, you take a deep breath and loop your arm around his allowing Loki to escort you back inside.
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it’s not you, it’s me: @mywellspingoflife @toe-wind-ek-jou @mejusttryintogetby @marvelgirlonamarvelworld​ @nickkie1129​ @theinfinitenerd​
poison & wine: @damalseer @just-the-hiddles @jessiejunebug @nonsensicalobsessions @smollest-soybean @assassinoftheworld @readerbandit @doyoufeelikeayounggod @strangemcuvlogs @ha-tep @i-dont-know-eiither @gene-king @day-dreaming-fox @bn-studies @devilbat @victor-criss-bish @skinny-macncheese @musicconversedance @baby-bunnyxn @marvelloonie @sulbaeksul @queenmuahaha @accio-boys @eternalqueensworld @umlvk @roger-the-reindeer @punkrockhufflefluff​ @your-local-abyss @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rogerrhqpsody @imsad420 @pandacookieowo @justnerdystuffs @hanoi15 @oneprolificqueen @nikki-who-likes-coffee @fandomrelative @nikki419ninja @onedollarduck @help-i-need-a-social-life @ephemeraljade @catsladen @amwolowicz @captainmarvelnerd @thegirlbeyondtheuniverse @ddaeing @leftperfectionmoon
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow-blog @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox @heykathchuu @is-it-madness
All Works: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​ @hellocookiecutter​ @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak​ @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie​ @moonlightprime @badhollandfluff @what-a-flammable-heart @fandoms-allovertheplace @polireader​ @hufflautia​
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sweeethinny · 4 years
 First of all, I'd like to say that here are all my fics - at least the ones that I tagged correctly and managed to find - and since there are many, I had to put them all bellow the cut, I hope it gets better this way :) 
The fanfics with ** in front, are fanfics that I wrote recently
HAPPY HOUR - HBP MISSING MOMENTS: One of Hinny's happy hours during HBP (T)
THE LAST MOMENT: What happened the day before Harry left - for the last time - with Dumbledore (M)
CHRISTMAS MAGIC: It's Hinny's first Christmas after the Battle, and they find a different way to celebrate (M) AO3
WHERE’S HARRY AND GINNY? :  Harry and Ginny have spent some time away, so when they finally have time alone, they enjoy it until the last moment. (M) AO3
**LAST NAME:  ‘I will be Mrs. Potter finally. You will no longer be the only Potter in the world. How do you feel about that? Ready to share your last name?’ (T) AO3
LAZY DAY: It's just a lazy day at the Potter house (G) 
**PETITE:  'I read in a gossip newspaper that said that you are too big for me.’ (G)
THROUGH OTHER EYES: We see them... but through other eye (T)
COMFORT: Harry was never hugged or comforted after a nightmare, so when one of the children asks for it, he doesn't quite know what to do. (G)
GREEN EYES: Ginny always wondered what was behind those green eyes. (G)
SUCCUMBING: Harry can't get his beautiful and creative wife out of his mind. (M)
THE FIRST TIME OF THREE: How Harry found out he was going to be a dad. for the first time (G) THE SECOND TIME OF THREE: How Harry found out he would be a father a second time (G) THE THIRD TIME OF THREE:  How Harry found out he would be a father a third time (G) AO3
TELLING THE NEWS: Harry knows that now more than anything, he cannot die, not when he will become a father, and for that, he needs to tell Ron the news (G)
GIN-GIN IS THE BEST: Gin-Gin is the best godmother Teddy could have (T)
THE FIRST POTTER:  The first - of three - Potter babies to be born! (T)
**SKIN: Harry wanted to be able to show Ginny, through his eyes, how beautiful she is, and how all this insecurity with her body after giving birth to James is not necessary. Since he cannot do this, he tries in other ways. (T) AO3
**FEAR: 'Doesn’t it bother you?’ Ginny looked at him. 'Doesn’t it bother you to think that… that the world is so big and everything is so much bigger than James? That we are like two giants to him? Our garden must seem infinite through his eyes.’ (G)
JAMES AND HIS 15TH MONTH BIRTHDAY: Ginny is distraught when she realizes that her son will be 15 months old. The same age when Harry became an orphan (T)
THERE’S STILL A LOT OF SPACE: James Sirius is growing up, and Ginny wonders if there is still room for her, in his heart (G) (FLUFFFFF)
JAMES’S SICK: James is sick, and this is disturbing Harry's peace (G)
**GOLDEN DRESS:  'I feel like today is going to be different,’ Ginny promised, holding Harry’s hand and making him look at her. ‘And maybe we can do everything you wanted to do when you saw me in the gold dress for the first time?’ (T)
DEVIL IN DISGUISE: Ginny talks like an angel, walks like an angel, and acts like an angel. But Harry knows that she is the Devil in Disguise (T)
HARRY'S PROMOTION: “You know that if I’m getting this promotion, it’s thanks to you, don’t you?” (T)
**DISNEY: Draco and Astoria go to Disneyland, and Draco proves to be a man who doesn't like roller coasters (G) AO3
**THE COUPLE OF THE YEAR:  The two were arm in arm, walking in silence like two kings, without even seeming to notice that everyone stopped to watch them pass (G)
HAPPY B-DAY GINNY POTTER:  On Ginny's 39th birthday, she couldn't be happier to be alive. (G)
HARRY’S PENSIEVE: James S. travels through his father's saddest memories (T) (TRIGGERS FOR: DEPRESSION, DEATH, BLOOD, SELF-MUTILATION)
HARRY IT’S SUCH A GOOD FATHER: Harry can’t say no to his children, especially when they are bored (G)
MOM’S ADVICE: James has questions to ask, and who better than his mother to help him? (G) (cofcof my favorite by far cofcof)
BECAUSE IT’S THE GODFATHER’S JOB: Ron has a mission as a godfather, and he couldn't leave his godson helpless (T) PART II
I MUST NOT TELL LIES: Just a normal Potter day, when Lily Luna asked about Harry’s scar (G)
THE WORST / BEST BIRTHDAY: Some things have changed since he was 12 and lived with the Dursleys. Harry now has a family, and birthdays are not so lonely anymore (G) AO3
**INTIMATE PROBLEMS:  ‘Harry.’ Teddy cried when Harry opened the door to their room, still wearing his pajamas and looking sleepy. If it weren’t for the look of panic, he would have thought the boy was sleeping on his feet. ‘My balls hurt.’ (T)
TEDDY IS DISCOVERED: Bill can be an understanding and calm guy ... but that doesn’t include when his daughter is with someone hiding in the room (ted x victorie) (T)
HARRY IS THE BEST FATHER: Moments in the life of James and Harry, where Harry proved to be the best father (T)
STILL INTO YOU:  Some things just  make sense, and even after all this time I'm into you... Baby not a day goes by that I'm not into you (M)
ADVICES: James Sirius makes an urgent call with his father; he needs loving advice. (G) AO3
**MISTLETOE: How could he find his best friend beautiful? How was he capable of that? (G) (James Sirius x OC)
**I’M SORRY:  Mira was one of those fall that was worth it. (G) (James Sirius x OC)
**NO, I DON'T WANNA FALL IN LOVE: James Sirius faces his first broken heart (T) (James Sirius x OC)
**BAD NEWS: 'What happened?’ James asked.'The worst.’ Teddy said. ‘Vic is pregnant’ (T)
**KISSES: It felt so good to kiss him. Mira had already kissed other boys, and girls, but there was something about James that made him much better than everyone else (T) (James Sirius x OC)
JAMES IS DATING part 1 | 2:  “James is dating.” Harry said, no longer holding on to the secret, remembering non-stop the scene of his son kissing the blonde warmly, in the back of their house. (T) AO3
I’M SORRY  (Drastoria with a bit of Potters): Draco would do anything to see his son happy, even to apologize to ... someone. (G) (PART II)
GRADES: They are not at home when the bird arrives with James’ OWL grades.orJames Sirius is concerned about his future and the parents’ reaction to his idea (G) AO3
A PROTECTIVE FATHER: Harry is a concerned father, and when James decides to go to a party, he begins to doubt that that is the best option. (T)
ALBUS CAME OUT - PART I:  Albus has something to say to James. Or, the one where Albus comes out gay to his brother and they have a conversation about it (T)
**BROTHERS: Albus and James' relationship over the years (T)
PLEEEASE?: Lily Luna just wants to be with his older brother and his 'cool' friends. Who could judge her? (G)
**INSECURITIES AND LONELINESS:  Lily faces problems on her first year, problems that Ginny knows very well and knows that she will need to talk about - almost - everything about her own first year. Things are almost never easy in the beginning.(T) AO3
**JUST FRIENDS:  'Have you never been curious to know if you kiss well? Or if kissing a boy is different from kissing a girl?’  (T) (James x Sirius) AO3
EVEN AFTER THE END: They were alive. Right here, with Harry. Even after the end. (T)
IT’S CHRISTMAS!: It's Christmas and Harry can finally win the special gift that James kept so dearly (G)
**MUM: ‘Place your hand in mine,’ Lily said softly, ‘please hold my hand.’ (T) AO3
SIRIUS IS IN LOVE: "Do you always look at others like that?" (G)
NOBODY BUT YOU: For Sirius, at that moment, nothing the world exists but Hestia (M) 
ALL ABOUT LOVE (SIRIUS X HESTIA): Sirius is this guy that everyone thinks kisses everyone, when in fact he is much more reserved and is afraid to connect with people. But then, when he starts going out with Hestia, he feels the happiest guy for the first time in ages (T)
DRUNK IN LOVE: ‘’I’m going to declare myself to her!’’ “You are drunk!”  “Is there a better time than now?’’ (Jily + Sirius x Hestia) (T)
**ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS:  'I was the one who told him to be the secret keeper.’ Sirius sighed, his eyes watering, hugging her back and this time he hid his face in her chest. 'If they had died… Because of me.’ (Hestia x Sirius) (M)
BETTER THAN FIREWHISKY: What if Harry had realized that he loved Ginny in book five? (T)
FINALLY ALONE:  ’You’re a big mama’s boy, aren’t you?“ She laughed. ‘’Lily taught you the rules well, thankfully you have me and I’m more than willing to distort you.’ (T)
TRICK OR TREAT, SWEETIE? : Halloween Special - Hinny faces a very unusual - and scary - situation on the night of the 31st (T)
WE WERE LISTENING TO THE WEEKND AND I HAD TO ASK YOU TO MARRY ME: There are things that need to be said at that moment (T)
**THE NUTCRACKER: All Harry wanted to do was take his daughter to watch The Nutcracker, but he didn't expect one of the dancers to mess with him so much. (T) AO3 
**BOSS’S SON: Ginny is an auror in training, with few hours of fun in her schedule, but when one night she decides to go to a guy’s house and enjoy her youth, she is surprised by the discovery that she had sex with her boss’s son (T) AO3
**HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LILY!:  Happy birthday to the woman who deserves all the happiness in the world. And for that, here’s an au where Jily lives, and Lily can celebrate her 61st birthday with her grandchildren and the whole family (G) (FLUUUUUF)
** HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PRONGS!: ‘Now who’s the old here?’ ‘It’s still you, Lils, you’re older than me… I’m like wine, every year better.’ Happy birthday my boy! (G) 
REPUTATION:  Harry and Ginny don't have the best reputations, which is exactly why the two get along so well. (M)
AO3 | 1 |  2 |  3 |  4 | 5 | 6 | 7
YOU’RE THE RIGHT ONE:  James discovers that some friendships can be something more. He just doesn't know how to handle it all.  (next gen hp) (M) AO3 | 1 | 2 |
A LITTLE PARTY NEVER KILLED NOBODY:  Harry would let her end her life without even complaining (T)
EASY:  “Easy” by Camilla Cabelo (T) PART II (T)
THE ONE:  Because when Harry realizes that Ginny is The One, he needs to do something about it. Even if it is risky, because his godfather always alerts him; “What is a life without a little risk?” (T) 1 | 2
THE DUKE:  Some time ago a prophecy was made, one that said about two powerful and strong souls who would be able to defeat even the strongest of wizards, bringing peace that the Wizarding World has not seen for centuries. But for that to happen, they would have to be entwined through marriage. Everything was going well, the children were born healthy and were promised to each other, until one of them was kidnapped. (M) AO3 | FF.NET. | SIYE | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | **8
JILYTOBER: Trapped in a broom closet (T)
JILYTOBER: Lily denying she fancies James (T)
JILYTOBER: Jily first kiss (T) (part two of the prompt where Lily denying she likes James)
JILYTOBER: At a Quidditch Match (G)
JILYTOBER: [text] [2AM] “I’m here. Come outside” (M for just a small detail that no longer has T)
PROMPT JILY:  With your fantastic ability to get into trouble, it doesn’t shock me to find you here (T)
PROMPT JILY:  This is a shitty idea, do you want my help? (G)
PROMPT JILY: I want more than all of this, I want longer than forever with you. I just wanna love you. And take you on dates. And fuck you. And hug you (T)
PROMPT JILY: Simply Jily Muggle, and big declarations of love - and a runaway bride (G)
PROMPT JILY:  Banana pancakes by jack johnson (G)
PROMPT JILY:  Just… just talk to me. Please (T)
PROMPT ROMIONE: Sleep, I promise tomorrow will be better (G)
PROMPT SIRIUS x HESTIA:  Hestia realizes there’s more to Sirius than just a bad boy image (T)
PROMPT SIRIUS X HESTIA: Sirius/ Hestia as a couple in hogwarts (T)
PROMPT SIRIUS x HESTIA: Sirius and Hestia during the years at Hogwarts (T)
**PROMPT SIRIUS X HESTA: Closing his eyes and hiding under the cover like a child, Sirius allowed himself to be miserable. It was horrible to like someone, he thought, he would rather die than have to feel it again. (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  I actually wanted to get your number…(G)
PROMPT HINNY: Do you always stare at others like that? (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  A new caffe has been opened near his house and Harry is besotted with the red headed barista (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  Ginny thinks they’re doing a great job keeping their house plants alive but actually, Harry has secretly replaced them with identical-looking fake plants so Ginny can’t kill them (G)
PROMPT HINNY: Kissing in a vehicle for lust (T) (with mild mentions of sex)
PROMPT HINNY:  This is definitely not my most attractive moment, but I promise I really am fit (M)
PROMPT HINNY:  (plus Romione) Let me explain. I was bored and you left me alone. (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  What Ginny would smell in her Amortentia. (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  Ootp Sirius accidentally stumbles upon Harry and Ginny talking and accidentally thinking that it’s Lily and James (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  Harry and Ginny come into the common room after quidditch practice and Ginny’s trying to make a bet with Harry that she can do a certain trick/trickshot in their next quidditch match (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  Lily, James and Sirius react to hinny first kiss in the after life (G) 
PROMPT HINNY/JILY:  Hinny in an au where Jily and Sirius are alive (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  Cho being jealous of Hinny in 6th year (G)
PROMPT HINNY: Ginny being jealous of Cho in 6th year (G)
PROMPT HINNY: How far did Harry and Ginny go in Half Blood prince? (M)
PROMPT HINNY: Harry and Ginny talk about their relationship after the Battle of Hogwarts (M)
PROMPT HINNY: Harry watching Ginny’s first league match (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  Kissing in the rain after a declaration of love (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  Jily were alive and James finding out that his daughter in law got a contract to be a professional quidditch player (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  Please don’t die … If you die, I swear I will hunt you down in hell and bring you back (M) (For reasons of having description of blood and injuries)
PROMPT HINNY:  Ginny was a woman who kept her cool, at least most of the time, but sometimes her Weasley blood boiled like a bubbling cauldron, and when that happened, she felt out of control and took the least rational attitude of all time. And that was how Petunia was attacked by a Bat-Bogey Hex as soon as she opened the door to the house. (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  If you’ll excuse me, I’ll get my drink and leave you alone in your bad mood. I’m sure you’ll find someone better than me /  you have 5 seconds to get off me (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  Hinny kissing in a bar because they missing each other (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  Harry winning Witch Weekly’s sexiest wizard alive (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  The first time Harry is called dad (G) (fluffffffff)
PROMPT HINNY:  Hinny taking 6 years old teddy to a Disneyland (G) (highly fluff)
PROMPT HINNY: Hinny and Teddy wearing matching costumes on Halloween (G)
PROMPT HINNY: Ginny's last days pregnant (G)
**PROMPT HINNY: Ron watches Harry and Ginny being new parents (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  Harry and Ginny enroll their kids into a muggle Primary school the kids have a science fair, Harry helps them with it, Ginny and Arthur just being embarrassing muggle fanatics (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  Have you ever died? I did a few times, it was actually quiet painful but you know what they say, no pain, no gain. (G)
**PROMPT HINNY:  He and Harry had a fight last week... James said he didn’t like him anymore.’’ Ginny looked at her mother, looking a little sadder now. ‘’Harry cried.’ (G)
PROMPT HINNY: You’re safe now. I’m with you (T)
PROMPT HINNY:  Hinny dropping off James Sirius for his first year at Hogwarts (G)
PROMPT HINNY:  The boys and their dad vs Ginny and little Luna over having a sleepover with her guy friends (G) 
PROMPT HINNY: Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are? (T)
PROMPT HINNY: Dudley reviewing Harry - now, with his own family - for the first time in a few years (G) PART II 
PROMPT HINNY: Blaise's son and Lily Luna start to date, and the Potter family doesn't handle the news very well (G)
PROMPT DRASTORIA:  Death bed (coffee for your head) by Powfu for Drastoria (T)
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mirrorthoughts · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
Second try after Tumblr decided to give me a blank page in the middle of doing this post again <.<…
Thanks for tagging me @asher-writes 💕💕
My words were: odd, new, guess/ed, tired, rub, sigh
odd: (P&S, P.I., Case 2 (Case 1 being “Come Back with me” on AO3), HP-TW-Crossover, Steter, Snarry, 1st draft) - this is actually the only instance of “odd” I could find in my WIPs! I guess I’m more used to using ‘weird’ instead <.<…
Netflix and food. He snorted slightly at the intonation of ‘Netflix and chill’ in his evening plans especially since the thought about Peter wanting to Netflix and chill with him still was not only odd but highly unlikely - not to mention his own preferences being as they were. But he would see, what the night would bring. A few minutes later they brought the ringing doorbell and Peter standing outside, paper bag that smelled heavenly like food in hand. Stiles had opened the door for him but couldn’t help eying the man slightly irritated. “…I still don’t know why you’re here and what you did with the real Peter Hale, but do come in. Curly fries are almost as good as a key to this house,” he said slightly sarcastically, stepping aside to let Peter in, waving him in the direction of the TV.
new: (Sorry, not Sorry, TW, Steter, 1st draft)
“So your whole family are werewolves?” Stiles of course had more questions and Talia started to answer some of them while Peter let his teeth and claws vanish and stepped back behind Talia. It was interesting to see how Stiles reacted to the new informations. He certainly didn’t react the way Talia and he had thought. He was more earnest, more curious but still serious. He absorbed the knowledge like a sponge and promised not to tell anyone. Not that they could really keep him from telling anyone. They would have needed an emissary for that and since Deaton’s failure to keep their wards stable and their house safe Talia hadn’t trusted other emissaries anymore. Not that he could blame her. So by now they contracted different magic users to do work for them until Talia one day would find an emissary she trusted. Not exactly the choice Peter would have made but Talia was the alpha and he had voiced his concerns. If she decided to ignore them, the only thing he could do was prepare for an eventual emergency.
guess/ed: (Blue Moon, TW, Steter, 1st draft)
But instead of the accusing or provoking words he anticipated, or even a biting answer to his neutral tone, Peter lifted the flower bouquet up and held it towards him. “I’m sorry.” Stiles stared at him, completely baffled. “You… what?” “I said I’m sorry, Stiles,” Peter repeated quietly, his face neutral, unreadable mask. Stiles still didn’t understand. Not after how the day before had ended. He shook his head lightly and looked back to Peter. “…that’s… nice to hear, I guess, but you can’t just- you know, no. You can’t just appear here after making me feel like a complete idiot and just tell me you’re sorry and expect everything to be alright again. I’m no puppet that you can just take out if you want to play with it, Peter!” Stiles shook his head again, crossing his arms in front of his chest, not only to show Peter the cold shoulder but also to keep himself from reaching for the beautiful flowers. “I want an explanation. And then you can tell me what exactly you are sorry for. And if I believe your apology this time then, maybe, we can be friends. But anything else is off the table for the foreseeable future, do you understand?” “Alright.”
tired: (Blue Moon, TW, Steter, 1st draft)
When he opened the café in the evening, he didn’t really feel awake at all. That was one of the reasons he hated his sleeping droughts. He needed way longer to feel awake after waking from a drought-induced sleep. But at least he’d gotten around seven hours of sleep even though that meant he was only awake for about two hours by now. He just was glad that he hadn’t gotten one of his grocery deliveries for the shop today. Being tired didn’t help with inspecting the ingredients for their freshness and quality.
rub(bed): (Living, Learning, Loving, Shadowhunters, Malec, 1st draft)
“I can hear that. You’re completely gone, aren’t you, Meg?” Her voice had gotten softer, warmer and Magnus had to smile. He knew his friends had endured a lot for him and his crushes, but with Alexander it felt different. It felt like more. “A bit maybe… strike that, I’m head over heels,” he admitted with a slightly breathless laugh as he rubbed his hand over his face. “And he’s completely human, Cat. He’s the most precious man I’ve ever met and he is a damn human. You know that I don’t care for race or anything, but-“ “But he will be gone someday?” “Yes…” There was silence on the other end of the line and this time it was Magnus who sighed.
sigh(ing): (Sorry, not Sorry, TW, Steter, 1st draft)
“Well that might not be far from it,” Professor Hale finally said, sighing and folding her hands on the desk before her. “Mr. Stilinski… Stiles” Stiles swallowed as she changed to his first name. “Please, tell me what you have told Peter about the night of the fire. I want the whole story. Even the bits you left out with him.” Stiles couldn’t help the slight flinch at her words though he already shook his head. “I didn’t leave out anything. At least I don’t think I did. I ran away from home and into the woods. Suddenly there was a light, a glow in the distance and I walked towards it because I’m a curious busybody. I saw the fire through the trees and heard screaming. And I saw someone trying to get out of the open door, but they… couldn’t. I wanted to help and heard someone shouting something about a line of ash. I could see the line, so I got closer, scattered part of the line and when people started coming out of the house I ran home because I wanted to get my father to help.” He shrugged and waved his hand vaguely in one direction. “That’s all. Nothing else. I just wanted to help and If you say I did by kicking some ash - however that worked - I’m glad.”
Conclusion of the day: My characters definitely nod too often 😂😂😂 I at least found a lot of "nodded" instead of "odd"...
Soo, new words for everyone! New words are: careful, intense, low, before, caress
And I'm gonna low pressure tag anyone who wants to and
@midmorning-bomb @aurevell @perkynurples @penny-anna @bunnywest @rebakitt3n
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princesssarcastia · 3 years
first hp and now MCU *sigh*
sighs. anyway the reason the jane foster au thing is taking literally seven years is that I’m physically incapable of writing for the MCU without fixing everything I thought was dumb about it.  can’t just do a canon re-write because I Refuse To Condone XYZ.  The things I thought were dumb are many and myriad, but here’s one of them:
In Infinity War, they won’t destroy the mind stone while it’s still attached to Vision because they “don’t trade lives,” even though Steve made the same damn sacrifice, whatever.  But the thing is the avengers then immediately travel to Wakanda and start trading Wakandan lives for Vision’s.  They trade so many lives for Vision’s, and in the end it doesn’t even matter because they have to kill him themselves anyway.  SO all those Wakandans died for nothing.  They died for the aesthetic of the avengers having an army.  They died because no one thought through “yeah, T’Challa is totally down to sacrifice his people’s lives for one android he isn’t close with.”  They died because, let’s be honest, the lives of those random Wakandan soldiers meant less to not only the white main characters, but also the white movie creators. hmm. what could possibly be the impetus there.  mostly stupidity, but probably also some racism, lbr.
anyway.  all this to say what follows is a snippet where a) the battle to save vision isn’t taking place in Wakanda proper because the avengers don’t trade lives...other than their own.  In fact, it’s taking place in the arctic circle, where Wakanda has a shielded research station with no civilians that Shuri can appropriate to fix Vision without having her citizens die needlessly.  b) it’s just the avengers there, because they’re willing to put their own lives on the line for their friend and their principles. c) they’re using the mind stone as a lure to keep Thanos’ giant monster army focused on them, in this unpopulated place, rather than a city or a country.
you didn’t really need to know that, actually, because this fic snippet is about bruce banner.  explicit tw in the tags you may want to check for if you don’t mind a spoiler.  anyway, oh well, long walk for a short drink of water:
The walls shake with something other than the wind, and Bruce grits his teeth against whatever extrasensory response the other guy is having.  If he doesn’t want to come out to play, then he doesn’t get to raise the hairs on the back of Bruce’s neck.
The other guy.   After two years being trapped while he gets to play, maybe Bruce is the other guy now.  Maybe the Hulk—
“Doctor Banner,” Shuri says without looking away from her interface.  “If you’re going to help, then help.  Otherwise stop distracting me and get out.”
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four...”You’re right.  Sorry.”  He turns back to his equations and keeps calculating what kind of energy source they can create here to replace the mind stone.  Vision may be able to survive without it, but it’s ridiculous to ignore that it serves a purpose in keeping him not just alive, but functional.  There’s a difference between surviving and living and the Avengers aren’t risking their lives just so he can—
Shuri’s guard, the one T’Challa left with them—Ayo? Was that her name?—steps further away from them and speaks into her bracelet—kimoyo beads.  Bruce strains to ignore it because he doesn’t need to know what he’s missing outside, doesn’t need to know how poorly the battle is going for his friends, his—his shield brothers, Brun would call it, without him.  There’s no doubt in his mind Shuri could save Vision without him and there’s no doubt in her mind, either; he’s here as a courtesy and because it’ll go faster, at least.  Because he’d be useless otherwise, sitting there with his thumb up his ass while his friends fight and die without him, without them, dammit Hulk—
“Princess,” Ayo calls. 
“Not yet.”
“How long?”
“I don’t know how long, I’ve never done a neural reprogramming for an android before.”  Shuri purses her lips.  “Longer than this, certainly, to revolutionize a field that doesn’t even exist yet.”  She reprograms another synapse.  It looks like maybe thirty percent of them are done.  Thirty percent, after four hours.
Bruce glances at Ayo from the corner of his eye because he’s a masochist and he can’t help himself.  Her face is troubled, and so is Okoye’s on the projection hovering over her wrist.
“Ayo, tell her she needs to hurry up!”  The projection twists like the general has taken her hand from her face.  There’s a flash of silver, a war cry, and a brief, incomprehensible glimpse of something black and twisted and horrible.  It cuts out in the middle of the creature’s answers screech.
Ayo slowly lowers her hand back to her side, and Bruce tries to focus back in on his work.  Tries to focus on the math, on the energy readings, on Vision’s life in here instead of all the death out there, because if he doesn’t—
“I really am going as fast as I can,” Shuri says in a small voice.  Twenty.  She’s just twenty years old, what was Bruce doing at twenty?
Don’t go there.  Don’t go there, Bruce.  Shouldn’t have come back to the Arctic, that was just asking for trouble.
What would happen if he lost it, and the Hulk refused to come out?
Focus.  Focus on Vision, on saving his life.  Save lives.  Save his life.
“So you're saying that the Hulk... the other guy... saved my life?”
Another explosion rocks the room, rocks the station, rocks the damn arctic ice pack they’re standing on.  It’s the biggest one yet.    “Evacuate the southeast quadrant.  All personnel in the southeast quadrant, evacuate to the next defense point.”  The intercom doesn’t even crackle as it activates over their heads and Bruce is struck by how odd that is; it’s almost more unnerving that the idea of the situation escalating to the point of evacuation.  Ayo pulls up a map of the station on her kimoyo beads and manipulates it, pulling up what he assumes is the southeast quadrant.
“That's nice. It's a nice sentiment. Saved it for what?”  
“How bad is it?” Bruce asks.
Ayo’s eyes dart to Shuri, who is nothing but relentless; he hasn’t seen her stop once this whole time.  “Bad.  They have breached the facility’s outer defenses.  Princess, perhaps we should—”
“No!”  Shuri all but shouts.  “I will not evacuate, I will not abandon this mission, we’re not finished yet.  Tell someone to come fill the gap.”
“Princess, if they have not already done so, then they may not have the manpower to do it.”
“Then call reinforcements!”
There are no reinforcements because this is a hail-Mary, vigilante mission and all the Avengers on-world are already here.  T’Challa isn’t bringing any more of his people into this, and Steve and Natasha and Tony would never ask him to.   When they fail, that’s it, it’s done.  And so is Vision, and this will all have been for nothing. 
“I guess we'll find out.”
Bruce pushes his glasses off his nose and pinches his brow.  He can’t even think about this; he’s thinking about it without thinking it, a glaring absence that lets you see the shape of it regardless.
“This wasn’t just a Wakandan station, right?  I mean, you guys opened it up to other countries for the science and information exchange?”
A pause.  “Yes.”
“Any military?”
A longer pause.  “...Yes.  Dr. Banner, what are you...”
She trails off as Bruce looks up.  There must be something in his face.
“Did they leave anything behind when they airlifted out earlier?  Weapons?” He adds, because there’s no use beating around the bush.  No time. 
“Probably, but you will find nothing there of any use.  Wakandan technology—”
“Is much more advanced, I know.  But you don’t really have any projectile weapons.
Ayo’s nose crinkles up in disgust, but is already turning back to her charge.  “Of course not.  So primitive.  Princess, we will need time to evacuate to the ship, please.”
Shuri cuts a glance at him, seemingly ignoring Ayo.  “What do you need a projectile weapon for, Dr. Banner?”
“Something desperate.”  He pulls his glasses off and sets them on the table.  “Stay here, Shuri, finish your work.  Save him.”
Bruce has never asked anyone else to risk their life when his own would do. He’s not fucking starting now, when the whole universe is at stake. 
Between him and Shuri, Ayo reluctantly lets the issue go, but he can tell if Thanos’ army gets a single step closer to her Princess, Ayo will throw her over her shoulder and sprint for the quinjet, mission be damned.  He marches out of the room and follows Ayo’s directions to the nearest storage area; the American one, as luck would have it.  Because of course the American team brought guns to the Arctic Circle on a science and information exchange program.  Of course.  A few M11s just lying around, lost in the hasty shuffle to abandon this place.  Bruce picks it up and just holds it.  Feels the weight in his hand.  Ayo was right, they are primitive; primitive and ugly and violent and only good for one thing. Another impact.  The station shakes again, and the lights flicker above his head. Now.  It has to be now. He doesn’t have a radio, but he knows where the southeast corner of the building is, so he keeps the gun in a tight grip and heads that way. Three corridors away and he starts to hear noises.  Yelling.  Screaming.  Gunfire.  Energy bursts.  The ring of Steve’s shield, the whine of Tony’s repulsors.  And above it all that same horrible screeching noise from those creatures invading their planet at the behest of a genocidal maniac trying to kill Bruce’s friends. Kill the Hulk’s friends. Louder, and louder, and louder, until he can’t even hear himself think which is good because he doesn’t want to think about this he never wanted to think about this again even though he did, a lot, like after Lagos and Sokovia and Sakaar. The team has driven them back from the breach in the facility, that’s good.  Wind and snow come howling in through the massive hole and Bruce shivers and tells himself its from the cold. Outside is...pandemonium.  His friends are like brief sparks of light in a sea of writhing, angry, violent darkness trying to tear them apart.  There are so many of them he can barely see the horizon and they show no sign of stopping. In the distance, he makes out Steve, locked in fierce battle with something that looks less like a bargain bin eldritch horror and more like one of those Black Order people. He’s losing.  Even Bruce can tell that. “Now would be a really good time for you to get angry” He’s always angry.  But the anger isn’t enough anymore. “Bruce, what are you doing out here?”  Tony screams at him, flying towards him with his hands still targeting energy blasts at the enemy.  “I thought you said the Hulk can’t come out, you can’t be here!  Go help Shuri!” Ten, nine, eight, seven—oh, fuck it. “Won’t, not can’t, Tony.” One breath.  Two breaths.  He squeezes the grip so hard it starts denting his palm. “Those are functionally the same, big guy, so get the hell out of here.  We got this!” “No you don’t, we’re losing!”  Bruce takes a short inhale through his nose.  “They’re not functionally the same when I can force his—our hand.” That finally makes Tony look at him, and Bruce doesn’t know if he catches it on his own or FRIDAY points it out to him, but he finally sees the gun.  He dissolves his faceplate and looks at Bruce with wide, exhausted eyes.  “No, no, Bruce, don’t you dare, Bruce!” He lunges, but he doesn’t make it before the gun goes off, the bullet tears through Bruce’s mouth and then—and then nothing. The Hulk roars.   Anger isn’t enough anymore.  Self-preservation will have to do.
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freezing82 · 2 years
I STILL ship Harry and Hermione, and though I've given up hope that Riverdale will end with Jughead and Betty, I STILL ship them and I check the tag every week to see fan art and gifs. It's not delusional. The B*rchie fans are just salty.
Hi! Thanks for reaching out. I’m not a Harry/Hermione shipper, I do not hold any kind of grudge against the shippers. I wanna say that the HP fandom has always been a nice place to hang around. Although H/R shippers are probably the vast majority, I’ve never felt like there was the need for them to go and harass people who didn’t like the same ship, you know? I, for one, ship the “canon” pairings, but I also have a soft spot for Dramione. I never, ever felt discriminated or attacked for that. Not once. Unfortunately, in the Riverdale fandom, peace doesn’t seem possible, like at all. B*rchie stans - well, the majorty of BA stans who are on this platfortm and on Twitter, at least - will always find a way to slip through BH blogs or asks and push their agenda on us. Aggressively. I do believe there are also BH stans who can be extreme and do the same towards BAs, but the proportion is 10 to 1, honestly. The need to validate their ship existence by bashing out on others is annoying and to me they are beyond salty. They are, for all intents and purposes, cyber bullies. Btw, I’m sorry to hear you’ve given up hope. Script-wise and canon-wise we haven’t been given much to believe in a happy ending for BH, I understand. I still think there’s hope and while I wait for a reunion, I’m gonna keep enjoying fanarts, edits, fanfics and everything our wonderful creators come up with. See? This is another BIG difference between the BA and the BH shippers. BH have a solid and still growing fanfiction and fanart archive. Fandom has been productive even in times when Jug and Betts were broken up on the show. And even now, over a year after 5x03, there′s still content coming out. This only proves how loved the pairing was and still is! BAs have a very poor fanfic/edits count, to this day. And I know they justify themselves saying “we have canon now, you fools!”, but it still doesn’t prove anything. BH had 4 seasons of canon romance and the amount of fanfiction/fanart being produced during that time is astounding! We had canon and yet, we loved (and love!) to create more content!
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scvrllet · 4 years
Spirits / H.P
Pairing: Harry Potter x Twin!Reader
Summary: After losing his twin, Harry has nothing else to lose
Warning(s): character death
Word count: 718
A/N: am i still on semi hiatus? yes, but i got a random wave of motivation that pulled me out of my writers block so i could finish this blurb. i lowkey hate this 
Harry Potter Tags: @stressedraco @cleopatera @mikariell95 @jellybeanduck99 @jjklefttoe @kamilantya @release-the-cathyrchkn @abelbai000 @niniabc @captainshazamerica
General HP Tags: @birdie-writes @lunaralpha270 @tinylumpiaa @slytherin-chaser @bloodblossom73 @pcseidcnsvoid @mischiefsemimanaged @accio-rogers @iamak20 @klaus-m-trash @obsessedwithrandomthings @susceptible-but-siriusexual @masterofthedarkness @lupins-sweater @hariosborn @vernon-dursley @slytherinwriter618 @missmulti @sambucky8 @a-c-lee @criesinlies @sokkasdarling
Permanent Tags: @sleep-i-ness @emmaloo21 @62442-am @flowersgrewbackasth0rns @un-limit-edd @angelicbabybutterfly @a-golden-sunflower-vol-6 @aliyahcat111 @hogswartshoe22  @aquariuslavenderhoney @isntmadrid @shayxdior 
Despite it being early May in England, the forest was cold as Harry walked through the forest. Dried tear stained his cheeks as he tried his best to not think of you; his sister who he had just lost a few minutes prior. 
You were the only piece of family he had and now, you were gone. Ever since he could remember you were always by his side. Whether it be the Dursley’s or Malfoy or the Death Eaters, you were always by his side but now, you were gone. A part of him blamed himself for it, had he not become the Chosen One than you wouldn’t have had to die. Neither of you would have to die. 
When he reached a clearing in the middle of the forest, he pulled out the Golden Snitch from his pocket. I open at the close the inscription read. When the snitch opened, a stone to fell into his palm. It was a small black stone cut into the shape of a diamond. Holding it in his palm, he closed his eyes and as he held it tightly in his palm. 
“Deep breaths Harry.” He could hear you telling him only, it seemed real. Too real. 
He opened his eyes and saw five people who were previously not there, now standing in-front of him. You were standing beside him, the two of you facing your mother who had her hand extended for him. Your father, godfather and Remus stood on either side of her. 
“She’s really nice.” You whispered in his ear, referring to your mother. Harry smiled at your attempt of lightning the mood before heading towards your mother only to be disappointed when he couldn’t grab her hand. 
“You’ve both been so brave.” She said and Harry looked back to his side to see you still standing beside him. 
“Why are you here? All of you.” Harry asked. 
“We never left.” Was her reply. 
Having so many questions, Harry went around asking Remus and Sirius different questions. Questions about dying, about Teddy’s future, who was still a  child yet lost both parents and was now about to lose his godfather. When he was done asking the adults, he turned back to you. 
You looked just the same as when you had died, minus the blood and all of course. He almost forgot that you weren’t physically there with him until he tried to pull you into a hug only for his hand to go through you as if you were made of air. 
“I’m sorry.” He told you. 
The memory was still fresh in his mind. You were trying to guide a group of second years down to the Dungeons where the older Slytherins were protecting them. Just as you neared the staircase, a green light found its way towards you. Harry had watched from afar as your body fell to the ground and two older students had to drag the kids towards the Dungeons. 
“I’m so sorry.” He repeated. Tears brimming his eyes as he tried his best not to cry. 
“Did they make it?” You asked and Harry nodded. You gave him a sad smile and tried to place a hand on his shoulder.
That was all you needed to know to be at ease. They were far too young to have been going through such a horrible fight. You wondered how they even managed to stay behind after McGonagall had rounded them all up to Hogsmeade with Madame Pomfrey. Apparently she missed a few.
“We’ll be with you.” You told him.
“All of you?” Harry asked.
“Until the very end.” Your father replied and with the best of abilities, Harry smiled.
Walking to the place he knew he would be killed at, he felt some comfort knowing that he wasn’t alone. His parents were in front of him with his godfather and Remus behind him, keeping the dementors at bay. Beside him was you, the only piece of family he’s had known growing up. 
When the Dark Lord started entering his range of view he let go of the stone. He’d be reunited with his family soon anyways and it’d be better if the resurrection stone wasn’t in anyone’s possession after this was over.
“The boy who lived, come to die?”
Harry felt a shiver run down his spine. He swallowed the lump in his throat and closed his eyes as he imagined your touch on his shoulder. He wished he hadn’t let go of the stone so he could’ve felt it again.  
Deep breaths Harry. He heard your voice in his head remind him. He didn’t know if it was actually you or if he was just imagining it but he listened. Deep breaths.
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