#I'm getting theater child vibes
prompt-of-the-day · 10 months
Dialogue: #046
"Do you know where's mom?"
"Who knows? Maybe Paris or London, Hawaii or New York. You'll have better luck stalking her socials. I'm sure her followers know all about her whereabouts and her latest boytoy."
"You shouldn't talk like that."
"Like what? Like I am aware of reality? Oh, you sweet summer child who has never known winter, blind yourself and cover your ears, it doesn't change what's truly, deeply, clear."
"I don't even know why I bother."
"At long last! Something reasonable. I don't know why you bother either. In fact, please stop. It'll be better for everyone."
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Do you have a headcanon that you like so much that you practically automatically include it when you think of the character the headcanon is about?
i will try to list a few, as i remember best when i trigger an associated memory (i think-- i'd like to think my memory still works 🤣).
tbh i held off on answering this since i can't think of a good hc from the top of my head hahaha
it's not going to be substantiated by historical texts or information since i have very limited knowledge in those areas. these are silly little hcs i inferenced from the most random places.
- he has very nice names for his dogs. he thinks of each one very well as he walks back to camp after rescuing the animal from destruction. he constantly thinks about it, and of course they have meanings, but i'm unfortunately not greek so i can't dive deeper into that :') something like "child of vast plains" (one word) as in free. like his wishes for each dog. "never suffering a lack of", such and such. depending on his observations of each dog's personality.
- tired dad but also playful piece of shit uncle vibes.
- i like to think he genuinely enjoys the adrenaline of high stakes (gambling- which totally started as a joke because i saw a post saying he 'killed a boy over dice #gamblingaddiction') but doesn't participate much when the soldiers play because he has his dutiful side lol. when he decides to come out and participate, he keeps winning.
- voice smooth as honey and chocolate but he's a little tone deaf.
※ also, grey eyes patroclus truther over here. and that he probably got his medical talents from his mother, whoever it was.
- stays in his tent most of the time. the longer the war went on, the more he closed himself off, save for a few of his own men and his close friends (patroclus, antilochus, automedon, ajax, teucer...) he does get out for celebrations but he tends to get sick of merrymaking easier than others so he retires early. would complain to patroclus about several things in his day as they tend to their body pains and weapons/armor maintenance. this says a lot about my general impression of his personality. i don't need to spell out that i think he's dramatic lol
- has a green right eye and a deep black left iris (from thetis). i made this on accident with a sketch but i really like the idea of him being *slightly* unsettling when they see him the first time instead of a flawless blonde child. sure he still is, but i'd like in-universe characters to have more of a reason to not approach him. and well... pay thetis a little bit of tribute hahaha. i deleted other appearance hcs for him and patroclus, realizing i can just add those when i post my wip character design sheets. but here's a zoomed shot of his face as a 12 year old:
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- likes theater. would have tried for it himself if he didn't have to be a warrior. has made several songs throughout his life especially in childhood but has never documented them. forgets them in the morning.
- nearsighted. idk if there's anything to prove this otherwise, but i just slapped it on him. he doesn't recognize people super easily by their faces, but he goes by other things instead like height or voice, or their most prominent features. that's also how he hunts or kills. he doesn't really know this ofc, and has just been doing it his whole life. now he doesn't know his son's face very well, so i'd like to add this to the moral dilemma of throwing astyanax off the wall more than it already is.
- short king idk 5'1". 5'2" if he's wearing shoes hehe. has the same height with penelope. telemachus is 5'3" (without shoes). the genes are improving!
- diomedes and odysseus second father figure. this probably has a lot of contradicting evidence, but let me sit with the funny image that it started as a joke at first then they found menelaus just has very basic dad instincts. has, on many nights, gotten drunk and cried about helen leaving him.
- has to watch his blood pressure (sorry).
- values the concept of family higher than most. he doesn't spell it out in the open of course, but it's one of the things that sets him apart as well.
※ so i took a break, got curious about diomedes and looked up his future after troy. that hc does not bode well with his wife's status after his return 💀
- has red hair (sometimes a "duh" moment for me considering his name is literally fire-haired/red-haired; I've seen blonde depictions of him).
- 5'6". slightly taller than average, but shorter than his father because his god blood is more diluted than.
- very cold and steadfast when he first showed up. i want to believe that he was not that all throughout. he learned to commune with other soldiers, although awkward and unsure. somehow, he became like another achilles; the youngest of the soldiers, the man who would spearhead the attack by proposing the idea of the trojan horse (i read somewhere it was him, and then some say odysseus, some say both). he would look quizzically at handshakes but would accept. he'd be so confused by whooping and hugging and cheering after battle, but didn't resist the warmth of it. he unfortunately didn't have time to explore that side of life before he died.
i think i'll end it there 🤣 i'm not that well-acquainted with other characters, but you yourself wrote about automedon and balius and xanthus being tamed by patroclus, so i also believe that now actually.
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tfdtreasurer · 3 months
sorry for not asking about eridan but, why the feferi hate?
Don't worry anon I fully expected this question to be one of the first. Besides, Eridan and Feferi are foils to each other and thus any look at one is being done in the context of the other. Narratively, they're inseparable. My actual nuanced opinion on Feferi is that she's a bad person, a fascinating character, and yet one that I feel is so tragically misunderstood by everybody that it leads me to not liking how she's liked. If that makes any sense.
The short answer is she's one of the most casteist trolls out there. And not in the way Equius is, or Gamzee becomes, or Eridan claims to be. Her's is just a little too real and it kinda gives me icky vibes.
The long answer is... Well there's a reason a whole essay was in the works. If Eridan alludes to Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick of 1851, Feferi alludes to Rudyard Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden" of 1899 (which in a semi timely way, was published to the context of the Philippine–American War). In her first pesterlog with Kanaya, "burdens" is the word used to refer to her responsibilities. Not really enough on it's own, but then you keep reading Feferi pages. Eridan being the best that alternia breeds, seemingly exiled from living in the sea to serve her captives' needs. The captivity of animals that she's associated with bolstering that. How she espouses a desire to unite the races, but mentions having plans for the throne, implicitly retaining imperial power. Her weapon being named after the triple entente, an alliance of colonialist powers. How she remarks royalty is so civilized, alluding to the colonialist projects of that era being referred to the West's civilizing mission. The way she talks to Jade and is quick to use the r-word, like she'd have to make her speech a hundred times plain. Just the way that she often has other people doing things for her that seems to emulate the delegatory voice of the poem. Eridan being the orphaner for her. In the Make her Pay flash (which is the best flash don't @ me), she has Sollux fight for her as she seems to sit back. Even her creation of the dream bubbles is something she asks of the gods to do for her. And if you think I'm searching for patterns in the clouds here with my ancient-ass 1800s literature: just take a look at the regime of Beforus Feferi. How casteism wasn't abolished, it just became patronizing the lesser and pretending that considering them lesser but in need wasn't the inequality is was.
Eridan is interesting in combination with her because they're designed to contrast each other. Eridan is so deeply associated with hipster inauthenticity, pretention, over exaggerated theater, and explicitly mentions that villainy is practically a performance for her. She calls comin off as a diabolical sort "showwmanship." But pay attention to the way that each frame dropping their quirk. Eridan drops her to become more genuine for a moment. Feferi has to be asked to drop hers and gets mad that she's had to peasantify herself. And the tragic part is that although Eridan is in the position of the audience in that poem, in essence the soldier sent to brutally occupy the Philippines, Feferi also sees her as one of the ones needing to be civilized. Eridan is to her half devil and half child, fluttering and wild, needing to be restrained by a moirallegience she seems to have never wanted from her.
I don't mean to let Eridan totally off the hook. I see her character as being under a dramatic form of siege mentality, perceiving herself to be the target of everyone's hostility. As she's the orphaner, I feel vaguely inclined to give it to her a bit. Like yeah, I can't imagine that job title comes with the perk of making friends. But her siege mentality xenophobia primarily makes her think that everybody that isn't Feferi must hate her, to the point where she only trusts people when her relationship with them is adversarial. The subversion central to Eridan's character is that while she may be genuinely xenophobic, she isn't a supremacist, nor genocidal in intent. The weapons she claims to be amassing to conquer the surface aren't military, it's just whaling equipment she uses to prevent everyone dying. The Brand Whaling Gun and Bomb Lance. Some derivative of the Greener swivel harpoon gun (that I have yet to 100% identify but I do have the original picture used for the Photoshop). Broken killing lance heads (as can be seen in my pfp being held by captain Ahab).
So why do I hate Feferi? Because she does think herself superior to others, in a way that is supremacist. She's a paternalistic casteist of the highest order and it is gross.
But here's the twist: if people believed in the Feferi I just outlined, I'd love the character. Because I still do fundamentally believe in redemption and rehabilitation of people with really shitty beliefs. Feferi could've been a character who narratively served to demonstrate how her beliefs may appear good intentioned, but actually warns the audience of the trap of real life paternalistic racism that justifies colonialism with a friendly face. A narrative where she had character development and evolved alongside Eridan. Symbolically, the orphaner killing the idea of paternalism would've been goddamned beautiful. But instead, what I got, what we got, was the fandom never picking up on the nuances, the comic itself electing to skirt around the problematic elements, all leading up to this strange quirk of Homestuck where once you're aware of all this, you really can't look at cutesy Feferi fanart the same way ever again because it never gets addressed. And I think that's sad. But, until the people that like Feferi are in the same boat as me in wanting a redemption arc for her, I'm gonna stay her #1 hater.
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twstfanblog · 14 days
This is more of a worldbuidling question but what do the commoners live like in each district??? I'd there more of an emphasis on art in the west and everyone has like. Crazily painted houses or elaborate gardens, and do southern commoners have a higher cost of living because it's so expensive to shop there? In southern schools, is there a surplus of those kids that bring snacks to school and sell them because if how ingrained business practices are? Or is it just normal? I want to know more about the more middle class characters like Jack and Trey T_T. Speaking of which how did Ace and Deuce become Riddles servants 🤔?
Also what about the slums and Ruggie? Are there more slums in a certain district, I'd assume he'd be placed in the east... maybe the kingscholars like to cut costs and corners to make more profits, even though it leaves the general population poorer? Also do leona and ruggie ever meet in this au???
That's all my questions for now! I'm probably gonna have more but if you don't want to answer them that's totally fine! Hope you have a good day ^^!
*Cracks knuckles*
Ok, here we go. Long Answer coming!
The price of living increases the closer you get to the capital. So the slums of each area are around the edges of the district on the opposite side of where the palace sits.
Class-wise, the southern district is mostly populated by nobles since no matter where you go, it's considered prime real estate. So the South doesn't really have a slums, since its main population are rich commoners and business-owning nobles.
Oh the kids try...but the schools are already running school stores where you can purchase lunches, snacks, school supplies, small plots of land. You gotta be a very crafty school child to get your foot in the door starting a business while still in school.
Schooling is pretty standard across the empire, the southern district puts a heavier focus on math and reading though, just because most of the kids who do attend school normally end up working for their family business. East has a number of culture studies, the west has so many electives to pick from it's almost scary. Northern children basically get funneled into the military (The fuck are you feeding these kids? Why do they all grow up to be TANKS????)
Lord the West district is a nightmare to HOAs. So many houses all with different vibes and color palettes. The scholars who picked the middle ground and became architects building the most insane 'shouldn't be standing against a strong wind' kind of houses. The theming gets more uniform the closer to the capital, but that's just because that's the more tourist area, where all the big theaters and conference halls are.
Speaking in terms of just size, the East has the biggest slums of the empire. Since they are the main resting point for visiting diplomats, it became a culture hub and most of the immigrants moved their because it was more familiar to their homelands. in turn there's just A LOT of people there and sadly not enough work for everyone. at this point it's just cheaper to live on the edge of the empire than moving to the second cheapest housing; the West slums. The Northern slums are basically just living on a mountain and surviving off the land.
Ruggie and Leona do meet! As he gets older, Leona's fights with his dad get worse. One night it was bad enough that Leona just ran away and was missing for nearly a week. Ruggie finds who he assumed was a homeless man and helped him out a bit 'We've all been there man'. In his time in the slums, Leona finds a bit of purpose and wants to help the people he technically rules over.
Leona is found and leaves without saying goodbye to Ruggie. YEARS LATER, a servant of the Duke Kingscholar comes to the slums asking for Ruggie to come with him. Farena is slowly taking over the Duchy from their aging father and Leona listed Ruggie as a good choice for a consultant. Ruggie actually does pretty well in the role, just gotta give him a crash course in etiquette before every formal dinner he has to attend now.
Let me list where everyone is!
Jack lives with his family after his mother secured a tutor job for a noble child when they first came to the empire. Once in the north, his family of wolf beastmen flourished and lowkey are treated as untitled nobles.
Sebek's family has strong ties to the royal army since his grandfather served and is friends with THE LILIA VANROUGE. Sebek's dream is to join the army to continue his family's legacy (And maybe see the prince. HE RESPECTS HIM OKAY!? DON'T TEASE HIM ABOUT THE POEMS HE WRITES!)
Epel lives with his family on one of the many farms contracted to supply produce to the palace. As such they have very high standards of their produce and won't let you talk down to them even if they aren't nobles.
Ruggie moved to the empire with his 'grandma' in a big group of refugees when he was very young. He does odd jobs around the district to help support his community.
Rook was born and raised in the upper-middle-class East District. He only moves to the West District to further his art career once he comes of age. From there he meets Vil and they fall in artist love.
Azul's mother owns a very popular seafood restaurant. It's half in the water and displays the first shell coin her great-great-great grandmother made in the sea (For luck!). She married into nobility with Azul's stepfather who accepted Azul as his own.
The Tweels family aren't titled but with how many dirty dealings they've done with the various shady business owners, they might as well just buy a title. A very wealthy and dangerous commoner family
Trey's family owns a very nice bakery! With the high-quality baked goods and fair pricing, they're normally packed by commoners and noblemen alike.
Vil and his father live and breathe the theater. They've been living in the West since Vil's dad moved from the capital to help an old friend establish his theater.
Riddle lives with his mother and live-in attendants and is lowkey miserable but working hard to achieve in his studies. They use to live in the South, but his mother said he was distracted too easily there.
Deuce lives in fairly cheap housing with his mom and grandma. Deuce's mom travels from the West to the capital to work for a week then to come back for a week off.
Ace has a similar situation to Deuce with his mom AND older brother going off for work. It's why they take the jobs to be aids for Riddle. Also known as 'Riddle's mom had to buy him friends'.
The Capital
Cater's dad is a senior member of the imperial bank! He and his family live pretty cushy lives even though they don't have a title. Cater's looking to change that and has been studying how to bag a noble beau every social season since he was seven.
Silver lives in the palace with his father and Malleus since Lilia brought him home. His curse is slowly getting worse with age but he's still working hard so that he can try to pass the army entry exams.
I hope this answers everything! Let me tell you guys, world-building is much FUN!!!!
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stitchpunk1 · 8 months
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Yeah Ive been wanting to do this for a bit but been super fucking lazy. Got some other fandom ones too I wanna talk about but what with Hazbins first season ending wanna talk about mine with a few tweaks I've done plus one I forgot to add in the last one. I will put this one under spoilers sense the eps just came out and now I have to change shit around till season two for a few of them.
First I have Lucy(used to be Mara and cliche name I know but i like it). She is Charlie and Vaggies kid and named after her grandpa(who spoilers her fucking ROTTEN). Kinda got a design in my head for her that goes with a lamb/goat theme because she is half demon and half angel. Shes got charlies blond hair but more in Vaggies short style and its slightly curly. Shes also got the little hooves, sheep ears and eyes are that horizontal goat type. Like before she is still an absolute artist and loves doing bigger art installations around hell. She ends up dating Husks daughter Heather when they get older.
Second we have Isabella who is by blood Angel and Alastors daughter but her other dad is Husk and sister is Heather. Still got the same design for her that shes a bit more centaur deer like. Shes got the ears(and tail because I'm not giving that headcanon up) of Alastor but with Angels color scheme and fur and kinda a mix of spider claws/hooves(trying to picture her like head/hair in my mind has been a BITCH trying to not just think of it as a carbon copy of Angel). Recently she has become absolutely fucking unhinged as a child in discussions with Musekicker. She is 100% a cannibal and loves to take bites out of people out of pure curiosity of how they taste(leading to many many child leashes that she usually manages to chew her way out of). I like to think that she becomes popular on the hell version of tiktok with cottagecore vibes with a mix of her cannibalism. Dunno why but I like to think that if Alastor sheds his antlers she collects them and makes them into headbands she wears(also uses them to stab people).When older she ends up dating Moxxie and Millies daughter Mable.
Heather is just Huskys by blood and a one night stand but after becoming a couple with Angle and Alastor they become her parents too and Isabella her sister. Every time I think of her design all I can picture is something like Sawyer from Cats Dont Dance. Shes mostly white with a bit of her dads dark grey. Her face all around is just a pure resting bitch face even if she isnt mad or in a bad mood("its literally just my face" is something she has to say a lot). Her biggest secret is how much she LOVES to sing especially musicals and wants to be a stage performer but she thinks she could never make it. She does start to try out in school or any local theater productions thanks to Lucys encouragement. I like to think that after quitting Mammon that even Fizz sometimes does shows for fun and he kinda mentors her after seeing her talent.
Two more to go! Vea is Val and Voxs little accident that they just decide to keep around. She looks mostly like a moth demon but more bluish and sometimes has a little bit of electricity that goes between her antenna. Shes pretty powerful as she can sometimes match Voxs powers if he say fucks around and locks electronics or tv channels. She ends up not exactly running away from home but just kind of wandering away as her parents pay her little to no mind. She ends up at the hotel and kinda taken in by everyone after they learn her story. She ends up becoming the hotels electrician and is fucking terrified of Niffty.
Lastly is one I forgot on my last post who I am not sure what to do with her after the last episode. Her name is Pia and she is Pen and Arackniss kid. Body type she looks mostly like Niss with a little snake tail but she can go full naga like with extra arms/legs when she wants. She has a hood/hair like Pen and is insanely venomous(took me like ten tries to fucking spell that right) do to being half snake/spider. If Pen is in heaven whenever these kids are around she is raised by Niss who stays around the hotel more to take care of her/keep her from his father(who you know is a fucking prick). When he isnt around Angel takes care of his niece. Shes mostly quiet and keeps to herself but she loves weapons of all kinds, being an absolutely crack shot with most firearms.
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wrongcaitlyn · 22 days
i wanted to know if you have any plans for the og campers???? like luke, clarisse, silena, beckendorf, etc etc
this is SO funny bc i was literally JUST talking to @wronghuntress about them like a few hours ago😭😭 BUT to answer your question,,, it's sort of complicated. bc i didn't realize that i was doing it until like a good way into the series, but i've been unintentionally picturing pretty much all of the og campers/people from the main pjo series as part of the acting side of hollywood, whereas i've been leaning more toward, like, toa/side/minor characters for the rest of the main cast! this makes sense to me because like, nico and will get their big moment in toa, and apollo's a huge character too. percy and annabeth are actors obviously, but i did give them some connections to nico - but either way, i guess i just saw all of those characters as not really having any sort of connection to nico & will (even though i'm the hugest fan of will being close with clarisse and silena and beckendorf- he was totally will's bi awakening it's canon u heard it from me)
but anyway im getting off track, i've sort of had like a completely separate plotline for them going on in my head (not really detailed at all, i'd have to think about it more), dealing with more of those og characters, including percy annabeth and grover! i'm not entirely sure if that'll ever be included in the main fic seeing as they don't have much connection to nico's storyline specifically, but who knows... maybe a spinoff fic one day? i definitely won't be able to write some long 100k fic for them but i'd love to dive into that!
the only thing that i DO see happening is - if you remember this, a while ago, i mentioned the possibility of a third fic or some future plans for nico to write a musical to get that egot, namely hadestown. while the idea was being organized in my head, i've been thinking of silena as helping nico write the musical and playing eurydice, and then ofc i'd love having beckendorf play orpheus - i think he gives the vibes?? or is that just me???
and then jenna (wronghuntress) gave me the BEAUTIFUL idea earlier today of this... silena and charlie as actors, specifically broadway/musical theater actors (though im sure they have also been in some other projects), clarisse as silena's bodyguard,,, and im usually so against love triangles but like. there's so much potential there - again, nothing's finalized, i dont even know if i'm gonna write it, i don't really have ANY plans other than potentially making nico contact silena when he wants to work on his musical and having them + beckendorf work together for the demo recording - it's all VERY vague and blurry so we'll see if i come up with anything more to fall down that rabbit hole!
and as for luke, i pretty much have this: he's an actor, at some point he was prob friends with annabeth after working on a show together or smth, and ends up getting cancelled. for what? i'm not entirely sure yet, but it's probably very shitty for the internet to turn against a hot white guy. actually that fact might make him getting cancelled very unrealistic. but like it's my fic so that's what i'm saying happens! unfortunately he prob still gets roles and he's prob still like a millionaire and stuff but in general: bad person. though he probably (and thalia, because she used to be an actress too before running away) were in a movie/show/something with annabeth when she was young and they kinda mentored her/helped her learn the ropes before her big break. they started a club of neglected child actors which eventually turned into just annabeth, but at least she has percy and reyna and jason and piper and magnus on her side now :)
so long story short: i don't have specific plans, but they're all actors and definitely have a lot of lore that one day i would like to try to figure out!! for now i'm still very focused on tgol/the side stories that take place in THAT main timeline (so right now it'd be 2020-2024), whereas all of the main drama/plot in the actors' timeline would be happening BEFORE talk your talk (percy + annabeth + thalia + luke + silena) (around 2008-2015) or AFTER the greatest of luxuries (silena + clarisse + beckendorf + chris(??? i have no idea what's going on with him?? he's prob famous somehow but idk??? or maybe like childhood friend tis the damn season vibe. god there are so many fame tropes i have yet to unlock and so many characters i have yet to mess with) (around 2024-2026)
thank you for the ask!! i hope that one day when i have some more time to make some playlists, properly listen to hadestown, and learn more about musical theater/broadway/acting in general, i'll be able to answer the question more thoroughly!!
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godlytemperance · 11 months
npmd headcanons because my brain is rotted <3 <3
heehee hoohoo i am rotating the entirety of hatchetfield in my brain
im updating this as i think of more stuff so bear with me if this gets stupidly long
richie has audhd. i know this because he is me i am him we are EACH OTHER /j
ruth and richie met in the anime section of barnes and noble in middle school and nearly screamed when they realized they were going to the same high school later on
steph is lactose intolerant and is not brave about it ever. tries to share a hot chocolate with pete and spends the next three hours miserable
grace is doomed to kill in every timeline but it can be prevented by her best friends keeping her too occupied with mundane nonsense for her to find a gun
richie has so much tboy cringe energy. that man kins sasuke you cannot tell me i'm wrong
i have hit them all with my transgender and gay beam >:3c they're the friend group that hit their gender and sexuality realizations in waves. someone's egg cracked first (richie) and it set off a chain reaction
pete is genderfluid and usually presents masc (he/they)
bi with no strong preference either way
only recently began to dabble with femininity in his gender presentation
steph is gnc transmasc (he/she, used interchangeably)
bi with a masc preference
no matter who you are, if you have a crush on steph, you're gay. them's the rules pal
richie is transmasc (he/it)
aroace spectrum! he's demi on both ends, fluctuates pretty often.
somehow incredibly perceptive to romance unless it directly involves him, then he's as dense as a brick
ruth is a girlthing because she's swag like that (she/it/they)
pan with a fem preference
her preferred type is pathetic mascs and intimidating fems
grace is fem-presenting nonbinary (she/they)
formerly closeted lesbian
had the WORST case of comphet until she realized she didn't necessarily have to be attracted to MEN to be attracted to masculinity :3
max is transfem (she/he)
she's a butch lesbian!!! she doesn't feel pressured to be hyper-feminine after realizing she's trans, because she's already pretty happy with her outward presentation
saw all her new friends going through their various gender and sexuality realizations and is just "i hope this doesn't awaken anything in me :)" (it did)
OH also paul is richie's uncle! richie's dad is paul's older brother. they don't interact much but it is literally Autism to Autism
if the group were to fall victim to any of the Lords in Black, it'd probably be as follows:
max - wiggly. rage hatred biting nightmare nightmare >:3
steph - nibbly. he's got the closest ties to the CotSC and also we need more nibbly rep
pete - tinky. duh. probs gets trapped in the box in timelines where steph dies before him and he desperately wants to bring her back
richie - blinky. idk it's just vibes to me. he seems like the kind of guy to go nuts for eye symbolism
ruth - pokey. she's a theater kid and i think that pokey would have a field day shoving her into the fucked up and evil spotlight
grace - all of them. they take turns babysitting her in various timelines. she is their favorite child
richie 100% uses anime terminology to describe normal ass situations. he calls steph a tsundere once and steph has to act like her world wasn't just shifted two inches to the left for the rest of the day
oh also in redemption timelines they have movie / bingewatch nights!! they cycle between everyone's favorite shows or films. it's the best part of their week every single time
max was cast as a leading role the one and only time she ever auditioned for theater and it freaked her out so much that she declined the role
richie's hair is Like That because he tried to get the cool anime spiky hairstyle to work for him (it didn't) (he doesn't realize this until college)
pete was a greek mythology girlie i just know this. something about him screams "i read percy jackson way too much as a kid"
after grace realizes she doesn't have to be a "perfect" christian, she swears like a sailor
also grace hand embroiders all her clothes as a hobby! (this is semi-canon, since she has embroidered strawberries on the cuffs of her jeans in the show)
the first time steph smoked ouid, he made the mistake of using cbd oil and a pipe at the same time. man was in SPACE
all of them are poly with each other but at different levels:
steph and pete are Dating dating. so are max and grace. wholesome yaoi VS toxic yuri
ruth and steph are almost definitely "best friends" in the historical sense
richie and ruth are qpp. if they were both 100% straight they'd probably be the most annoying couple in the world
pete and richie kiss sometimes but its genuinely platonic for them. just bros being bros (they are so deeply in love and neither of them realize it until years later)
ruth and pete are friends to ??? to lovers to friends who cuddle sometimes
richie and steph are polar opposites but they love each other to death. black cat and orange cat kind of relationship
max and grace barely intersect with the nerds but they still consider all four of them to be part of their weird situationship
(grace definitely experimented with all four of them, with max's permission. just to be Sure. y'know.)
max is doing her best to make amends with the nerds but it is very slow going. she has gotten to casual fistbump level with them though!
the nerds usually just look at max and grace from the sidelines like they're watching two wild beasts circling each other in their enclosure. their flirting is NOT rated pg and it still baffles them how the local prude and the highschool football star managed to get together
richie unintentionally dropped the fact that he has a fursuit - a timberwolf, because i'm projecting - and ended up helping everyone design their fursonas. pete is a traditional chimera (goat, snake, and lion), steph is a plain black cat, ruth is a flemish giant rabbit (she did research), grace is a sheep, and max is a checkered-tail nighthawk.
any time that the group gets spam calls, all they have to do is hand the phone to ruth and they get taken off the lists the moment she speaks. ruth was frustrated by it at first but it became a game of "how many companies can i inconvenience before they stop calling hatchetfield numbers entirely"
steph braided pete's hair once and he damn near proposed on the spot
ruth knows how to sew (from doing tech) and helps teach max how to mend her clothes! max ends up being really good at it! she goes on to teach the entire football team how to fix their uniforms and ruth ends up being the honorary team favorite for at least a year
im taking jon matteson's "richie should have blue hair in a movie version of NPMD" and fucking sprinting with it. he dyes his hair at least once a year and it's a wildly different color every time
ruth is the kind of gal to love games with lots of violence because it makes her feel like a badass vigilante (she can barely do a push-up in real life) (just like me)
steph is deeply afraid of large bodies of water. major L on his part seeing as he lives on a fucking island
bouncing off of the above hc, pete's afraid of planes. these two can't travel out of hatchetfield without one of them nearly shaking out of their own skin
max doesn't actually like football that much. she's REALLY good at it, yeah, but she'd prefer to play most other sports even if she isn't good at them! she likes the challenge of doing something she won't automatically win!
grace probably writes lists of things to keep everything in order. she's got lists of all her favorite foods, a checklist of daily chores, etc etc (it's also because she's got undiagnosed autism and she functions better when she has a Routine)
no matter what, pete will always stop and talk to the homeless man downtown. he doesn't really know why, though. (ted wishes he could say something to pete, but he never does. best to keep him at arms length.)
ruth really really really reeaaaally wants to cosplay but she's nervous that she'll be deemed as the "cringy weirdo" by other con-goers. she eventually admits this to richie, who rallies the group into a group cosplay for moral support
it takes a lot of convincing for them to find a fandom they all want to cosplay from. they settled on FNAF, specifically security breach bc it's Timely (they go to the con in 2022)
pete is glamrock freddy, steph is monty, ruth is glamrock chica, and max is roxy!
richie was glamrock bonnie and he gets so mad when the official design comes out a year later bc it was completely different than what he imagined
grace eventually agrees to dress up as vanessa (she never played the games) (she thinks FNAF is a real animatronic restaurant) (everyone they meet thinks she's method acting)
they end up crashing at ruth's place absolutely DRAINED. they all have imprints on their arms from carrying around an absurd amount of merch. pete nearly started a fistfight in the parking lot with a bakugo cosplayer. max nearly finished it.
they all agreed that it was one of the best things they've ever done and also to Never Do It Again
richie had a brief phase where he was obsessed with black butler and he regrets it to this day
grace and max both have scary dog energy but in different directions. max (post-transition) looks really intimidating at first glance but she's got golden retriever energy. grace will stare at you with the scariest fucking eyes if you're mean to retail employees
steph has always wanted a pet, but her dad never allowed it. when he moves out and gets an apartment with the nerds, they all agree to rescue a pair of bonded cats for his birthday. steph doesn't stop crying for at least an hour
steph and pete named one of the cats, while ruth and richie picked the other one's name.
Mittens is the Lautski baby, a black and white girlie who is incapable of mischief. she's like the disney ideal of a cat. she's a cuddle monster and will be so sad if you have to get up and do things without her
ruth and richie are the proud coparents of Sir Jotaro Gooberton (the Third). he is the most stupid tabby you will ever meet in your life and he has made the crime rate in the household go up tenfold.
a very common Lautski date night is going to the candle section of walmart and just sniffing every single one of those bad boys until they get a headache
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depresseddepot · 1 month
watched alien: romulus. so many fucking good cinematic moments. actual "review" (NOT spoiler free) under the read more
Firstly the good: I think they accomplished their supposed goal of matching the vibes of the first movie. I think the callbacks/references/quotes were a LITTLE on the nose, but each of them made me kick my feet in the theater, so they still got me lmao. The soundtrack gave me chills. The fucking part where the oxygen is sucked out and she's dangling being COMPLETE SILENCE was soo cool. The part when Andy realizes he needs to kill one of the crew members (whose name I don't know, which I'll get to later) and he says his "you finally won't think of me as a child anymore" line and then sprints to hunt one of them down was so up my alley i had to physically restrain myself from laughing and clapping during the movie.
Next, the bad, or more the not so good: it was so fucking dark. The darkness in the beginning on the colony was cool because it felt appropriate, but the darkness later was REALLY frustrating. I was watching it in a local theater with not so great image and light quality, so maybe the darkness was actually an issue with the theater, but I can't know for sure until I rewatch it on DVD. Which I will almost certainly be doing, because I COULDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY WERE SAYING HALF OF THE TIME. This is probably a me thing, but I feel as if so many of the characters slurred or murmured their words, and without subtitles that is just impossible for me to understand. The only characters names that I know is Andy and Rain and that is ONLY because I read them in an article before. I think one was named Kyle? The CGI was actually frighteningly good in every aspect EXCEPT the android on the station (which....that was SUPPOSED to be ash, right?) I had misunderstood that article I read, because I thought Andy and Rain were BOTH androids, but it turns out my assumption of two androids was accidentally correct.
I could nitpick for hours, but god I love these fucking movies. I was so so SO worried they would take it away from the androids, but they didn't. The part with Andy restarting in the red water room was so fucked up and so so so cool. I LOVE the way they were riding the line between androids being evil/fucked up/uncanny valley while also being good and, most importantly, worth going back for. It displays the situation of androids just as complex as it is. It makes me hopeful for future alien movies to see how they'll tackle those issues, because I was a little worried they would fall back into the "androids evil humans good" thing. My pipe dream is an official alien franchise live action movie with an android/human relationship, so that maybe it will kick the scene into high gear a bit and we'll get all sorts of new media with those themes.
Andy has joined the ranks with some of the best fictional androids I've ever read/watched/seen. That scene of him running and then standing motionless in the airlock made me feel like I was fucking ascending, like I was forgetting to breathe and getting lightheaded because I was so excited. The movie delivered both HAL and Bishop (for lack of a better comparison) in one person and fucking christ the actor did just a good job. The twitching while he restarted. Christ.
I won't sleep very well tonight but not because I'm scared who said that
I also really enjoyed the lore about the world these movies are set in. The mining colony was cool as fuck to see and I LOOVVVEEEE janky ass homemade spaceships that run like a square bicycle wheel. I did feel as if Rain didn't have enough information to be making the calls that she did (ie, not trusting the serum? Why not? Obv WE know not to, but how did she? If she been in a scene where she had CLEARLY seen the cage with the rat, this example would've been fine, but there were other little things like that that felt off. This was her first time in space, first time (presumably) in anti-grav situations, and she somehow managed extremely well, as if she was trained for it)
Anyway. Thats all ive got. I am emotionally spent and I cannot wait to get my grubby hands on a DVD. I heard rumors of another movie (Alien: Earth?) but that was on twitter which I quickly bailed on to avoid spoilers.
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sleepy-sirin · 1 year
Incarnation (Honkai Star Rail x Child! Herrscher! Reader)
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Summary: In which Y/n, the creation of Will of Honkai, successfully defeated her own creator with the help of her friends. After defeating the Will of Honkai, for using too much of her power she goes into a deep sleep.
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Chapter 4
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Second POV:
"You're right. Our reason for coming here is not purely selfless. If we don't seal the Stellaron, we cannot leave this planet." Dan Heng said.
"Please let us help you." Stelle said.
"Yeah! FYI, we're pretty awesome." March said.
"You... know how to seal the Stellaron?" Cocolia asked.
"We have the relevant means." Dan Heng replied.
"Very well, I believe you. If our present situation is truly the result of this so called Stellaron, then your arrival is the hope that Belobog has waited seven hundred years for. I am willing to assist you in any way possible to help you locate the Stellaron." Cocolia said.
"It's getting late, and you must be tired. I will arrange for you to stay in our most comfortable hotel. Rest there, and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, at noon, I will dispatch someone to escort you here, and we can discuss this urgent matter in greater detail." Cocolia said.
"Thank you, Supreme Guardian." Stelle said.
"It should be me thanking you, visitors from beyond the sky. I too need some time. I will go over our records for anything that may be connected to Stellarons... Please excuse me for not escorting you further." Cocolia said.
You, and the trio left the headquarters, but you look back at Cocolia. You didn't trust that woman's words, you know how humans lie no matter how they put a good act to others. You notice that Stelle did the same as you did.
'So she noticed that woman is being suspicious.' You thought.
You all went outside the headquarters and saw Gepard waiting for the four of you.
"It seems that the supreme guardian hols you in high regard. I have received orders that your movements are no longer to be restricted." Gepard said.
"She's an impressive figure." Stelle said.
"She's the big shot! Definitely got the "queen of the castle" vibe going on. Aww, so cool." March added.
"Haha. I'm afraid I still have duties to attend to. I must return to my post. I hope you enjoy your stay in Belobog." Gepard said.
"Wait! Can you recommend some sights? It's not that late, we wanna take a look around." March said.
Gepard recommended them as a place to look around at, Golden Theater, History Museum, Everwinter Monument, and Neverwinter Workshop. If they're staying at Goethe Hotel he told them to avoid the ally because of corrosion.
"So the corrosion is inside the city... that's a grave situation." Dan Heng said.
"Yes, we're mounting a resistance as we speak. I must leave now. I hope all goes well for you." Gepard bid his farewell to them.
You didn't want to look around the place since you're sleepy and didn't want someone to ruin her sleep. You're three companions saw you walking away from them.
"Y/n! Where are you going? Don't you want to explore the place?" March asked.
"No thank you, I rather go to sleep than explore." You replied.
"By the way, you should keep your guard on. That Cocolia is up to something and I don't trust her." You said.
"She was kinda harsh at first, but she turned out to be a nice, reasons lady." March said.
"You shouldn't believe her lies. Who knows something might happened tomorrow morning and I know one of you three notice about Cocolia." You gaze at Stelle.
Stelle flinch a little when she saw you gazing at her.
'So she knows...' Stelle thought.
You left the three of them and went inside at Goethe Hotel. You went to the hotel manager and asked where your room is.
"You must be Supreme Guardian's guest, little lady. Your room number is 275 and here's your key." The hotel manager said and handed you the key to the room.
You thanked the hotel manager and search where your room is. A minute later, you found your room and went straight to bed as you lie down. You closed your eyes and started drifting to sleep.
Your dream:
You were born in a distant planet of the Centaur galaxy, a world built by the Great Old Ones. As one of the youngest deities of your homeworld, you were a genderless, weak, and fragile deity and felt miserable among the kind that looked down on you for being one of the most useless and less powerful deities of their kind. The humiliation you had to endure for thousand years caused you to feel hatred for your kind and eventually became a Herrscher when you merged yourself with the Honkai energy, the same living disaster that exists on Earth.
Now as a deity Herrscher, you went on a rampage and destroyed multiple planets with life after exposing all living beings to insanity so you sadistically watches all life forms of the said worlds destroy themselves and then kill the last life forms by making them kill themselves in the most brutal ways. After a thousand years, you became tired due to overusing your power and fell asleep in space. While you were asleep, at some point you landed on the bottom of the ocean where you slept for centuries.
When humankind was in its primordial stages, you woke up and considered the planet to be a fit world for you to rule, especially the vast blue ocean of the world. Overseeing humans, you concluded they are not worthy of being your slaves and used your Honkai energy to destroy the sanity of all humans alive at the time and especially whole empires (including making pregnant women stab themselves to kill the fetus) to destroy themselves, ending the culture of mankind and destroying every creation made by man. After 5,000 years making the world in your image, you fell asleep in the pacific ocean (while in your true form), creating the Jianuo island.
Thousand years later, you woke up and tried to destroy mankind once again when you discovered your world (the Old World) was "infected" by humans again. But now, humans had technologies and weapons powerful enough to face the Herrscher, one of them being the God of War built by Dr. Mei. During the process of genocide, you fell asleep once again and woke up only 40,000 years later when the world was already reset by God Kiana.
"Hello... Can you here me?" You were woken up by someone.
A young Valkyrie from Shicksal named Kiana Kaslana, who was investigating the island. She saw you sleeping and decided to wake you up.
"Can you tell me who you are?" Kiana asked.
"I am The Great One who destroyed mankind once."
Kiana laughed, remembering the works of H.P. Lovecraft. She thought you lost your memories and decided to give you a name.
"Your name is gonna be Y/n. I'm going to help you regain your memories!" Kiana declares.
'Y/n... Is that my new name?' You thought.
"Come with me! We'll be going to my ship and take you to my auntie Theresa to help you." Kiana said, as she took your hands.
You felt warm when you hold Kiana's hand. You now know how humans feel. Then you remember the Will of Honkai told you that it is to come to this planet to find the trace of Kiana and to destroy humanity together with Kiana as the Messenger of the Honkai and Kiana's lover.
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Fact: Y/n is actually a Cthulhu and she shapeshift herself to become a human (young adult) to blend in. The reason why she turned into a child was because she used too much of her powers when she defeated the Will of Honkai.
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
🦋 oc most likely tag 🦋
Thanks for the tag @willtheweaver @the-golden-comet and @the-letterbox-archives's open tag
There were a lot of questions, oopsies, so this will be long.
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Statement Set #1: most likely to sneak food into a movie theatre, to try bungee jumping, to miss a fight
Statement Set #2: most likely to bare-knuckle brawl a jaguar, to try to rob a bank but can't find the location, to be an experimental eater
Statement Set #2: most likely to faint, to enjoy art, to hate sports, to freeze if faced with something scary, to eat the last bite of something, to start an argument, to own a cat, to swim across a large river/channel without getting fatigued, to not be a morning person and hates getting woken up to early, to learn a subject a day before exams (and still nailing it), to pick up a stray animal, to fall for a prank, to pull an accidental all-nighter, to get stranded on an island and thrive, to be bullied by a random child, to win an athletic event, to become a con artist, to get lost in their own home, to burn something while cooking, to stop a robbery if they see it taking place
Statement 3 will be under the read more button, dw
Without further ado, let's get into it. :)
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Statement Set #1:
1. Most likely to sneak food into a movie theater
caramel from ToV. she loves food + eating.
2. Most likely to try bungee jumping
evan from LotF. he loves heights (and jumping off them 💀)
3. Most likely to miss a flight
neha from AoNaS. she's so bad with being on time (she works on desi time)
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Statement Set #2:
1. Most likely to bare-knuckle brawl a jaguar
hilbert. canonically, this man bare-knuckle brawled three mutant dragons, and won. maybe even morreial. in draft 3 of ToV, he did accidentally sucker punch a shark to death OR OR OR, my favourite character from TIS, blaire FUCKING wynnen (it was too iconic of a quote to not add i'm sorry) yeah. her.
2. Most likely to try to rob a bank but can’t find the location
noctem. i don't know why. it just has noctem vibes. maybe even fawn. both of them are from LotF.
3. Most likely to be an experimental eater
fawn from LotF or selven from TIS. he does love food tours.
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Statement Set #3:
1) most likely to faint
alan from ToV because he pushes himself past his limits way too often. evan in LotF because he quite literally refuses to eat or drink anything. amaka because of her health condition in TIS.
2) most likely to enjoy art
morreial from ToV, because he's an Artist. evan from LotF because he has Artist Eyes + colourblindness (imagine being colour blind while also having your specialty magic being detecting colours. he sees the world very unique). chloe and blaire from TIS; chloe because she's a tattoo artist, and blaire because she's a fashion designer (turned assassin lmao)
3) most likely to hate sports
amaka from TIS. canonically hated working out so bad, she broke her arms because she had terrible form. also, probably fawn from LotF because she doesn't enjoy rules.
4) most likely to freeze if faced with something scary
serina from AoNaS. she 100% is freeze response. from TIS, alex for E1 through E3. E4, she goes from freeze to slash slash! or stab with her ring (that turns into a dagger)
5) most likely to eat the last bite of something
caramel from ToV because she's constantly hungry and will finesse her way into convincing everyone the last bite deserves to be hers.
6) most likely to start an argument
caramel. she's an instigator OOPS
7) most likely to own a cat
evan. a cat, a horse, and a falcon. without a doubt. qatya too.
also, alex? she feels like a cat person, idk.
8) most likely to swim across a large river/channel without getting fatigued
evan and cara. evan, because man's is just built different. cara, because she lived underwater for the first 3 years of her life.
also maybe f'dryx, considering this man survived being stranded in the middle of the ocean, escaping an island filled with cannibalistic women, and ravaged his way out of a whale. him too.
9) most likely to not be a morning person and hates getting woken up too early
caramel from ToV. fawn from LotF. amaka and blaire from TIS. the last two though, i'd say they end up being forced to be early birds, especially blaire once she becomes a mercenary
10) most likely to learn a subject a day before exams (and still nailing it)
evan (he does this canonically and graduates school early) from LotF, and ashley from TIS (she is quite cunning, and i really did like her before her E3 arc 😔)
11) most likely to pick up a stray animal
selven from TIS. fawn from LotF. Cara or Alan from ToV. every single one of these people would immediately start melting at the sight of the animal and decide they were family now
12) most likely to fall for a prank
alan from ToV because he's gullible and trusts people far too easily
13) most likely to pull an accidental all-nighter
evan because he refuses to sleep, so i guess not accidental. amaka because she'd become so focused on her task, she'd lose track of time. vranks from TIS for the same reason.
14) most likely to get stranded on an island and thrive
f'dryx because canonically, he does (before they try to eat him)
15) most likely to get bullied by a random child
alan LMAO because he FULLY DOES (shoutout to amara for constantly humbling alan)
16) most likely to win an athletic event
alan, evan, caramel, and blaire. all of them. oh, and naliya from TIS. neha from AoNaS as well, actually
17) most likely to become a con artist
caramel. i don't even need to explain why.
18) most likely to get lost in their own home
raheer lowkey... i mean, he's intelligent, but he needs fawn at all times to learn how to navigate the maze of the Singer Palace
19) most likely to burn something while cooking
caramel. accidentally commits arson, is a fire-dancer, and doesn't know how to cook
20) most likely to stop a robbery if they see it taking place
alan (would try). evan (would succeed). donovan from LotF too, since he's a guard in Soilaila
21) most likely to not tell people they’re sick until they really need the help
evan LMAOOO (i laugh because its painful)
22) most likely to crush on their villain/enemy
amaka. CANONICALLY. bestie got ENGAGED TO HIM.
also selven, since he does that canonically too. tries to explain off her red flags, and she quite literally has to sit him down and perform an intervention being like, "bro, are you good? why are you falling for me of all people?"
23) most likely to skip breakfast
evan from LotF. hates food. other than him, cara from ToV because she forgets to eat constantly unless morreial cook for her
24) most likely to have a niche obsession
evan with his mining and gemstone collection. oh, and trying to biohack photosynthesis so he never has to eat again
25) most likely to steal what they need on moment
caramel because she's a thief, and blaire because she doesn't give a flippity flap about the law
26) most likely to start a fight
caramel because, once again-- instigator. blaire from TIS because she thrives off brawling
27) most likely to do something that they’re gonna regret later
evan. he's the king of poor decisions. also, selven, because he likes to ignore red flags (he's attracted to toxicity, someone pls help this man)
28) most likely to arrive ridiculously early
alan from ToV, because he values punctuality and being late makes him anxious. also, it's canon. man showed up 12 hours early to his first magic lesson. it was ridiculous and caramel 100% clowned him for it
also naliya from TIS, because she's paranoid and needs to scout the scene before she officially arrrives.
serina from AoNaS as well. she operates on reverse-desi time, unlike her twin sister
29) most likely to be in a relationship for less than a week
elenfa and riyzela from LotF. elenfa, because she doesn't know how to be vulnerable and is constantly worried of people only wanting her for her beauty or her crown. riyzela, because she's a player who doesn't like to get attached 💀
30) most likely to secretly be really good at music, but just not tell anyone
evan and morreial (its canon that both of them are a phenomenal singers, but keep that shit to themselves)
also, i'd say ashley or alex from TIS, because they feel like they'd hum under their breaths and everyone would be like ?????
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Alright folks! This was long. If you stuck around, thank you 🥹 i really do appreciate it
I'll tag the TCW crew and that's it for today. I feel like i've been spamming today, so sorry about that. No pressure to respond obviously.
@lunaeuphternal @the-golden-comet @renasdoodles
@drchenquill @zackprincebooks @wyked-ao3 @satohqbanana
@toragay-writing @the-letterbox-archives @kind-lion
@mysticstarlightduck @agirlandherquill @storyteller-kara
@dahliaontherun @writingismydrugs
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lumosatnight · 1 year
Untagged Fest 2023 favs!
Untagged Fest 2023 just ended, run by the HPFC Discord server! This was my second time participating and I had just as much fun as I did last year. It's always a new experience reading a fic when it's first published with absolutely zero tags. Here are a 10 of my favorites (listed by title)!
💜 hollow hearts by @girl-with-goats [Teddy/Victoire, T, 7.0k] — Fabulous world-building, wonderful imagery, packed full of colorful metaphors and heartfelt emotions.
Surviving in the post-apocalyptic, totalitarian world where emotions are banned from adults is not an easy feat. Victoire Weasley tries to navigate it and not lose herself in the process, all while falling in love with her best friend, Teddy Lupin.
💜 Just a Minerva in Time by @bluestringpudding [Hermione/Minerva, G, 6.4k] — Time travel, BAMF young Minerva, intrigue, romance! This fic has everything!
Hermione is going to need to remember how she got there, if she wants to go back.
💜 Master of None by @nanneramma [Cormac/Severus, G, 5.5k] — Hilarious and made me cry tears of joy. A masterpiece in comedy. Severus has finally met his match in himbo (and buff!) Cormac.
Severus tries new things, and meets someone unexpected.
💜 mephistopheles by @hang-the-deejay [Hermione/Harry, E, 6.4k] — Mind the tags!! Includes rape/non-con!! This is dirty, dark, and CRAZY GOOD. A dead dove fic that had me at the edge of my seat and yelling into the abyss (or in the Discord server).
when i'm at the pearly gates, this'll be on my videotape
💜 of all the gin joints by @northernroyal [Hermione/Dean, E, 2.2k] — HOT SMUT IN YOUR AREA!!! I am in love with this Dean. He is the new loml.
in all the towns in all the world, she walks into his.
💜 Oh, to be alone with you by @min1nova [Bellatrix/Luna, M, 3.3k] — The prose is stunning. Bellaluna is such an underrated ship and the author made me fall in love with them. Such a fantastical fairy tale AU.
Her grey-scale painted lips, darker than the billowing curls and sharper than her teeth, never turn down. They are lighter than the oily drip down her temples, glittering in her hair. She is always smiling. It surely is a marvel, to behold the presence of the Mad Queen. 
💜 Through the Middlegame by @sandervansunshine [Astoria & Peter, T, 6.6k] — One of my absolute favorite portrayals of Peter I have ever read. The dialogue, the characters, the angst. I want to tattoo this fic directly onto my brain. Perhaps my new fav fic of the year!
Two prisoners, both a little broken, set out in pursuit of their survival.
💜 Unspeakable Acts by @ladyvoldywrites [Rufus/Dolores, M, 4.8k]— A wild pairing with a wild premise! The banter is perfect. This fic converted me to a Dolores lover and I didn't think that was possible.
The death of a child. A stolen Time-Turner. In an effort to solve this heinous act, an unlikely duo falsify a betrothal to gain entry into an underground crime ring.
💜 who lives in the castle? by @luxuriousmalfoy [Cho & Harry, M, 2.5k] — The ambience, the vibes!! I loved the mystery and the world-building. And of course, I love my girl Cho.
A century after the abrupt disappearance of magic, they seek out the place they hope to find it again—only to find themselves wondering if it was worth the cost. Cho and Harry have one question. Who lives in the castle?
💜 You're So Vane by @patriceavril [Angelina/Romilda, T, 6.8k] — The perfect romcom fic. Romilda is such a hoot, and her antics are so on brand. If this was turned into a movie, I'd be the first one at the theater.
Romilda is determined to seduce her nephew’s Quidditch instructor, even if she has to get a bit creative.
And my submission for the fest!
💜 Such a Sweetheart by @lumosatnight [Fleur/Bellatrix, T, 2.4k] — a horror coffeshop AU!
Her shift starts like any other.
Read more in the collection on AO3!!
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me-uglypretty · 11 months
spoilers for the marvels x
carol keeping a newspaper cutout of monica then going "your mom said you like space :)" as if she didn't follow her life and her not coming back because she didn't herself as the hero her family expected of her, when they just needed her with them like its giving me a lot of natasha not finding yelena after she thought she ended the red room. monica saying she doesn't wanna talk to her aunt carol and carol's face after made me wanna scream and cry cause WHY IS LIFE HARD. why is this giving so much black widow vibes bro like leave me alone fuck
kamala is everything, she's asunshine, she's my child, i am protecting her with all my powers, HER LITTLE FACE WHEN SHE'S SCARED OR SAD??? I WILL FIGHT EVERYONE CAUSE HOW DARE YOU HURT HER, and her family is the best, absolutely am living for every hindi dialogues cause my language spoken in my favourite movie is everything. also, kamala thinking she's getting tested for the avengers then going nah bro i will make my own! YEAH YOU DO IT I TRUST YOU.
monica touching thing she shouldn't is giving OH SHINY I WANNA TOUCH like she is a CHILD alright, did you see the way her eyes light up like ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS ISNT A SINGLE MOTHER ADVENTURE WITH HER TWO KIDS???
goose's having a whole country worth of kittens wasn't expected, but that scene? CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE. the editing is so beautiful, vfx is good, music hits right, THE MARVELS IS EVERYTHING.
honorable mention, carol and valkyrie fucked.
and kate bishop special appearance? she looks older??? AND STILL GIVING LUCKY PIZZA. but i was giggling smiling like i love her alright. is2g i want to be apart of the young avengers LIKE SIR GIVE ME THE CHANCE FUCK. I WANT TO ACT WITH THESE PEOPLE PLAYING THESE CHARACTERS AND PRETENDING LIKE I'M ACTUALLY A SUPER HERO PLEASE.
i'm done. here's the poster i got from the theater:
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note: how does one find the correct frame for framing posters cause i've never framed my poster but kept it aside and i really wanna frame it x
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
Me again (❤️ anon) and I just read your dream post (funny that after you wish me good dreams about the platonic yanderes that you end up having one 😊) and I was just wondering a few things:
Is the reader part of this story as well? If yes, what “group” are they in? Are they part of the younger kids?
If so, is there anything like inter-personal (not talking about romance more so like, who’s best friends with who? Who knows who since childhood? Just stuff like that)
And lastly, I really like the idea of like the different cliques of people, like the jocks (Scott vibes), theater kids (I kind of get Kurt from that), the "delinquents with a heart of gold” (obviously Logan). Also, I have this scene of reader maybe being a new student at the school and maybe getting picked on/bullied by someone - probably the humans or something if this is also a mutant!au - and Logan or one of the others just being like: “that’s a pup right there, not letting someone walk all over them” and basically taking them under their wing
Feel free to answer or ignore or whatever. I love the idea ❤️ (Also, I’ve started writing the little 🖤 dark au scene)
-❤️ Anon
Yep is rather funny, isn't it, ❤ Anon?😂😅 To answer your questions:
• Yes, Reader is definitely a part of the story as well! And yes, they are part of the younger kids! I'm going to say they are the youngest, actually, and are part of the school due to having higher grades or more potential? compared to most of their old schoolmates/classmates...
• Some of them have known each other since childhood! Victor and Logan are brothers (Logan did get amnesia or his memories blurred, though; Victor is his protective and obsessed older sibling/friend), Kurt and Rogue are adopted/step siblings (it happened a few years ago), Wanda and Pietro are Erik's kids, but are kinda... adopted or were government experiments, they're friends with Lance and Todd and Fred, as well as Evan... Scott and Jean were best friends, and still are, just getting romantic with each other, Kitty, Kurt, and Evan are a friend trio, a qunituplet if you add Pietro and Todd/Toad, the Brotherhood form a small group at times, so do the X-Kids and older X-Teens, Warren and Hank and Bobby are buddies and lab partners, etc. ... So, a lot of them do get along and have little groups and dynamics, it just can get a bit confusing who knows who, and how they know each other😅😊
• And yeah, there are some cliques, they aren't as pronounced, but they are there. It IS a mutant au, good eye! There are a few human students, too, and they can be a bit of a pain... And... there is a dark side to the campus, lurking beneath the calmer school exterior. Look too deep, and you can't go back to how things were... And yep! Reader ends up as a target, being younger (like, fourteen years old or the youngest fifteen year old there) and having a mutation, possibly an odd one or one that isn't really seen or known, paints a target on them... Then they're such a kind and empathetic person to the teens such as Logan or Scott or Storm, and suddenly they're all protective over Reader. That is THEIR emotional support child/pup/gremlin, pick on someone else, or better yet, face THEM-
(If you have any more questions, or if anyone else has questions, please, again, feel free to ask! I am not doing requests right now, but I can do short things like explanations, world-building, character discussions and backstories, as well as backstory and hints as to what is going with the school/campus...😊💛💕)
Thank you for asking, ❤ Anon! (Would you like a nickname?) (We have Bee or 🐝, Honeybee or 🍯🐝, or Hiveling or 🧪🐝)
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I decided to draw a highschool au for these bois, gov is a tired teacher and Delaware is a super senior (hasn't graduated, I've heard two meanings, he isn't dating a child he just hasn't graduated)
Also i haven't really made a timeline of the events and most of the ages are not based on real life but on vibes alone except Delaware of course, no the 88 doesn't have to be his birth year they could be going in the 1500s if you're mad enough
Honestly i do imagine that california and texas would chill before they really got to know each other and i imagine them doing something rebellious and they'd just be like
"I'm dead :)" Texas
Edit omg i forgot stuff
Texas was homeschooled before highschool
Florida New York and Louisiana definitely would summon demons at sleepovers
The States probably aren't the only kids at the school, no humans but definitely not only states
New york imo looks ugly
Californias parents probably just don't give enough shits so that's how he gets away with what he does
Florida is tiny but will grow to be taller then NY
I like the idea of Hawaii being a pseudo bully
New York is probably the actual one
Alaska is just asleep in most classes, and he'd still somehow pass
They probably get in a food fight at least once a day sometimes even in the lunchroom:)
Alaska does just appear by others, you just have to wait if you need him
New York probably has to drink coffee to survive, he doesn't even do anything at night but he won't sleep
Florida is probably trying to fail at least three classes and he's succeeded it :) that's how he got the scar :)
Texas can drive, legally not without an adult but that wouldn't stop it
I feel at least half of them are in theater
On that loui Florida and NY have definitely pulled some weird theater stunt in the lunchroom, or in class, actually why not both, multiple times with varying results from others they've probably been beaten up for bursting into a musical number in ther first period
They're the main characters ya hear me
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imagitory · 1 year
Just for the record, guys? I've seen the new Haunted Mansion movie multiple times now, and it's really good. Like -- really good. It's like the filmmakers took into account all of the problems I had with the Eddie Murphy film after my mum and I first saw it in theaters back in 2003 while working on their project.
In the Eddie Murphy film, I felt like just about everyone -- excluding the actors playing Edward Gracey and the butler -- were miscast. The child actors weren't that great, the two servant ghosts weren't that memorable (aside from Wallace Shawn reminding me of Vizzini the entire time), Jennifer Tilly as Madame Leota was as terrible of a casting choice as Kristen Chenowith playing Maleficent (sorry, Descendants fans, but -- what??), and Eddie Murphy himself...yeesh. Worst of all though, the woman playing Eddie Murphy's wife was a wooden plank of an actor, which made it so hard to engage with her when she's arguably one of the most important characters in the narrative.
In this film, just about every single person is perfectly cast. Every last one. Danny DeVito, Rosario Dawson...even Owen Wilson surprised me! Chase Dillon as Travis...that kid is going places, I'm saying it now! LaKeith Stanfield in particular was absolutely stellar: I even cried at one point, watching his performance, when I almost never cry at movies. Even Jared Leto -- who I admittedly don't know if I would've hired, given his history -- wasn't a bad choice, just as an actor. He certainly gave off "unlikable creep" vibes as the Hatbox Ghost -- so hey, I guess we have type casting, at least! I admittedly wouldn't have picked Jamie Lee Curtis to play Madame Leota, but she was still an infinitely better choice than Jennifer Tilly.
In the Eddie Murphy film, it leaned a lot on slapstick and pop culture humor, as opposed to any of the macabre dark comedy that the Haunted Mansion ride is known for. Eddie Murphy's style of humor really just didn't fit in with the tone of the original ride and the objectively beautiful Gothic sets the filmmakers had designed.
Yes, admittedly, the new Haunted Mansion movie uses pop culture references too (often in the form of rather forced product placements), but I won't lie, they still got a chuckle out of me, particularly since they weren't the only source of humor in the film. There were snappy retorts, cynical asides, subverted expectations, and -- of course -- dark humor, on tone with the ride. One rather funny bit ends up involving Ben and Father Kent trying and failing to convince elderly Bruce not to come to the Mansion after the old man says he's having heart surgery the following week, and later on, Bruce gets the particularly macabre one-liner "I'm too old to die!" right as he's being thrown in front of a speeding truck. We have Bruce cracking a joke to offer comfort during a really heartbreaking scene, rather than just to divert attention away from Ben's grief. We even have the rhyming headstones at one point!
The Eddie Murphy film focused way too much on Eddie Murphy's character being a "bad" father for working so much, rather than the way more interesting ghost story about Master Gracey and Elizabeth. We also get almost no references to the Haunted Mansion-canon characters aside from "Master Gracey" and Madame Leota.
In this new film, the backstories and personalities of the human characters tie INTO the story line with the ghosts, rather than distracting from it. Ben's dealing (very badly) with the grief of losing his wife Alyssa, which makes him particularly vulnerable to the Hatbox Ghost's machinations. Gabbie and Travis are similarly coming to grips with the loss of their husband/father. Travis is also having to contend with being the new kid in town and not having any friends while living in this haunted house that makes both things even harder. "Father Kent" gets hired to do an exorcism for Gabbie and Travis, only to get trapped by the ghosts himself, when he's not even a real priest, but he ends up using his own skill for persuasion and his strong emotional intelligence to bring in the other people they need to stop the Hatbox Ghost. Bruce has been obsessed with the lore surrounding the Mansion and similarly haunted houses for years, which makes him a valuable resource for exposition about the Mansion and later about the Hatbox Ghost's backstory. Harriet, as the resident medium, not only serves as the main combatant force against the Hatbox Ghost at the end since she has the power to banish him, but she gives great exposition about how our world fits in with the spirit world and this universe's "rules" about how they relate to each other. I kind of miss any real use of the Ghost Host, and I admittedly don't love this film's interpretation of Constance Hatchaway, since in the ride she's much more greedy and conniving, rather than just a flat-out maniac (plus, I'm sorry, but the story has both a ghost who chops people's heads off and another ghost who lost their head via decapitation and didn't connect their backstories together??) -- but we still have WAY more love for both the Disneyland and Walt Disney World's incarnations of the ride in this film than in its predecessor. There are even references to the creepy wallpaper and the bat-gargoyle stanchions in the queues!
And then there was my biggest gripe with the Eddie Murphy film -- that at the end, the curse is broken and all the little ghosts are "set free," leaving the "Haunted Mansion" largely abandoned. You know -- when the whole POINT of the Haunted Mansion is that it's filled with 999 happy haunts who want to be there? It'd be like ending a Pirates of the Caribbean film with Captain Jack Sparrow joining the Navy! Yeah, screw that -- this new film has their ghosts stay and make themselves comfy alongside their new living residents. Talk about an awesome fantasy for kids -- I would've loved living in a house like this Mansion, full of fun happy haunts who host rocking parties every Halloween!
But yeah -- I wouldn't say this film is perfect, of course...but if you're a fan of the Haunted Mansion ride, and want a film that captures its sense of creepy, Gothic beauty and dark humor without being needlessly gory or graphic, there's a damn good chance you'll love this. I know this movie should've been released in October and it's not really the "spooky time of year" right now, but please consider giving it some support in theaters, where the actors and writers who deserve your love will get a larger piece of the profit pie for their hard work than when films go to streaming.
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the-sage-libriomancer · 9 months
Random media i love and want to recommend:
Saving Me (animated tv show) - A Canadian show about a brilliant 61 y/o inventor who, upon realizing that he's driven away everyone he ever loved, projects himself into the mind of his 12 y/o self to help save his (their?) relationships before they crash and burn. This show gives me super intense Gravity Falls vibes, in the sense that it's basically just what would happen if Ford Pines went back in time to help his child self. It also has a lot of interesting plot pieces that slowly connect over the course of the series. Currently has two seasons.
Daybreaking Romance (manhwa) - A Korean manhwa following three different college couples and their romantic escapades. This is very slice of life but also features comedic misunderstandings of epic proportions and grounded examinations of people, not to mention plenty of nice lighthearted emotional turmoil. Also two of the main characters (Saebyeok and Yeomyoung) are the most autistic twins you'll ever meet. Check it out if you like simping boyfriends, aesthetically pleasing artwork, and misunderstandings that drive you up the wall in a good way (if you're a Miraculous Ladybug fan you'll probably like this one lol). Unfortunately there's no official English translation so you'll have to read it online.
Mision: Yozakura Family (manga) - a recent(ish) Japanese manga about a high schooler who accidentally gets married to the head of a family of spies and is adopted into the family business. Now I've complained about this series in the past, but I'm still recommending it because it's funny and sweet, all of the characters are easy to love, and the main couple are incredibly shippable. Plus its myth arc is shaping up to be incredibly interesting!
The Goes Wrong Show (tv series) - a British comedy series with the premise "what if an amateur theater group tried to put on shows and they went disastrously wrong?" It's the most hysterical, side-splitting show I've ever seen - I'm not kidding when I say every episode makes me choke with laughter. The craftsmanship is also top notch. You will not BELIEVE what sort of things these actors will go through for the sake of the bit. There are two series (seasons) plus a handful of holiday specials and a wholeass movie. Also, the entire series is free on YouTube!
Small Kingdoms (book by Charlaine Harris) - a short story collection, all featuring the same character: Anne DeWhitt, an assassin trainer turned high school principal. The writing is clean and concise, in a way that grips you right from the first sentence and doesn't let go; I also really love the characters, who are delightfully practical and also super endearing. Definitely recommended if you like thrillers, good writing, and short reads.
Eerie Tales From The School of Screams (graphic novel) - a recent horror anthology comic. It's middle grade fiction, but hoooo boy it's the sort of book kids will come back to as adults and be like "holy shit, this was for kids???" You might recognize the author and artist (Graham Annable) because he's done a bunch of comics/comic strips and also worked on movies like Boxtrolls and Coraline. This one has a bunch of body horror and creepy art so genuinely don't read it if you're not interested in horror horror ^^'
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