#I'm just awkward tho rip
multishipper-baby · 4 months
Random Onnie gender thoughts because they came to mind.
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arctic-hands · 1 year
The subject came up today and I can't decide so I'm throwing it out there because I don't give a fuck and also having survived all of this kinda makes me sound like a badass
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applepie-enthusiast · 1 month
but I'm a little conflicted
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changguscomet · 1 year
yikes mcbikes, I need to ask my supervisors at both jobs to be references for my grad school application and I've been putting it off cause I feel weird telling them I'm trying to leave in september but today I emailed one of them and I rarely see her in person anymore so I was like "will you be around this week or next week? I have a favour I need to ask you but I'd rather do it in person" and she responded and was like "lucky you! I'll be there today" 🤡🤡🤡 now I gotta figure out wtf to say to this woman
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penkura · 4 months
hey! how are you?
hope you're doing well :)
I wanted to ask, If you could pretty please write a one shot about Sanji and reader, I'm watching the Zou arc now, and I really want to know how it would be If reader was with him in the moment he finds out about the marriage and leaves the note, she would cry and beg him to stay or something, you can decide If they were already in a relantionship or not.
Anyway feel free to ignore it if you don't want, and take care of yourself <3
PS: sorry If something got wrong, english it's not my first language.
Omg the Zou arc, pain with Sanji geez. I'm so happy for this request tho, I've not written this scenario before! I had an idea for their relationship as soon as I read your message too, so I hope this is what you were looking for! I kept it open for a part two if you'd like later on as well! I hope you enjoy it!
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You and Sanji had been close ever since Luffy recruited you shortly after him. Something about the blond had just drawn you in and he was glad to entertain you and spend his free time with you. Even when you’d sit and watch him cook in total silence, Sanji welcomed it, he was happy to have company and someone to listen when he started talking out loud about what steps were next. You learned his most common dishes so well that you were able to rattle off the directions yourself, causing Sanji to become smitten with you quickly.
You’d fallen in the same way, after spending time with and getting to know Sanji. Despite his perverted tendencies at times, you found yourself drawn to and falling completely head over heels for your crew’s chef. He kept somethings about his life before meeting Zeff from you, the most you knew was that he was one of five children and from the North Blue, you didn’t dare pry too much farther. You didn’t want to push him away and ruin the friendship you’d built with him, especially once you realized your feeling for Sanji were more than just friendly.
Not like you’ll ever tell him, if you have it your way. You weren’t going to make things difficult for not only you and Sanji but your whole crew too. You’ve become content to just admire and pine after him, no matter how many times Nami tells you to just say something to him about your feelings, you refuse to do so. You won’t make things awkward, not when everyone is focused on their goals and now looking towards taking down an Emperor of the Sea in Kaido.
“The main event is a wedding,” Bege takes out an invitation and opens it for Sanji to see, “Between the third son of the Vinsmoke family and the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family, Pudding.”
You were content until this new development. A tea party invitation and requirement from Big Mom, a wedding to a girl he’s never met, the last name he’s never once told you about. You just believed he didn’t have one, like Nami or Usopp, it didn’t matter to you if he did or didn’t. He’s Sanji, he’s not this Vinsmoke Sanji. Your mind is reeling as he flat out refuses the invitation, while your crewmates shout their disbelief at this situation, you can’t even seem to join them. Everything moves so fast, the next thing you know, one of Bege’s crew members has whispered something to Sanji that’s got him going rigid, being getting a pen and piece of paper to write something down. You don’t even notice fully that he’s taken and ripped a piece off it, ignoring the looks he gets from the others around, wondering what he’s doing.
While Sanji slips the note he’s written to Nami, you try so hard to finally speak but the words won’t come out. He can’t leave, he just can’t! He’s so important to your crew, to Luffy, to you, Sanji can’t just go off and marry some random girl he’s never met! It’s not fair, even though you’ve never made your feelings known to him, you have no claim on Sanji. You’re able to get back into focus as he speaks to you all again when he hugs you.
“Please know, I never meant to keep anything from any of you.” He grips your shoulder just a bit tighter than he has before, and that’s what finally gets you to speak.
“Sanji, wait! You…you can’t go! I…I lo—”
He stops you with a smile and placing his hand on your head, nodding just a bit. “I know…but don’t worry, I’ll come back…and then we can talk, okay?”
You don’t believe him, even as he forces the four of you out of Bege’s castle, giving everyone a smile and promising to be back later. He’s never lied to you before, why shouldn’t you believe him? You have every intention of running after Bege as he goes to escape, but Nami reminds you that it’ll be pretty hard to do anything when you’re still chained up like the rest of them. Even after the Minks free you, you want to go after them, but she stops you again, with a hug that finally makes you start to cry over not being able to stop him.
At least, until you feel the scratch of paper on your shoulder and realize that’s what he was doing, when Sanji gripped your shoulder tighter. He was slipping you a note separate from everyone, now you can take it and see what he was telling you that he kept from everyone else. You don’t read it until you’re back to the room you and Nami are sharing thanks to the Minks, and all it does is make your heart ache and feel like you should’ve done more, because now you truly don’t believe he’s coming back.
No matter what happens next, I love you. I’ll tell you in person when I come back.
You’re going to help Luffy get him back, your mind and heart are decided.
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koifly · 5 months
Toby headcanons
These are just some quick notes from my AU so I'm not going into too much detail with each headcanon!
-German, no not just German roots but he actually lives in Germany
-complex relationship with physical contact/affection
-talks a lot, but not very often. Either he's talking with no red string or is as silent as an owl's flight
-can't stand having a beard/stubble, HAS to shave or else he'll remind himself a bit too much of his dad
-fucked up hands through biting, picking and scratching
-freckles and moles everywhere, pale skin, eyebags
-dark brown hair+eyes, thick eyebrows, slightly hooked nose
-either dresses midwestern emo or how the marauders fandom portrays Remus Lupin since he thrifts his clothes because of the lack of money
-does the hand-flapping thing when he excitedly talks about something/someone that interests him
-DESPISES raw tomatoes
-pretty distant towards most of the creeps, only exceptions are Natalie, EJ, Kate and James (in that order btw, first is the person he's the closest to, last is the one he is, compared to the other three, most 'distant' to)
-prefers sweet snacks over salty snacks
-does the thumbs up+awkward smile thing whenever he didn't listen to what another person was saying to pretend that he did. Or when he's slightly weirded out by someone
-comparable to dogs, racoons and deers in a way
-prefers dogs over cats
-when stressed in the woods he usually sits down near flowers and rips them out before tearing them into smaller pieces
-that guy does NOT know how to properly take care of himself (forgets to eat, doesn't know how to cook etc...)
-unlabelled sexuality, if he likes someone he likes someone and doesn't really care about gender nor appearance
-still sometimes chews on his cheek which leads to his gash not properly healing
-secretly tries to befriend every damn animal he encounters but quickly gets frustrated and gives up when it ignores him/walks away from him
-gets forced to be Nina's makeup/fashion model sometimes (usually James is Nina's first victim but not always)
-Kate and him have a sibling relationship
-admires EJ in a lot of ways but has too much of a thick skull to actually admit that out loud
-sometimes leaves small handmade gifts and/or things he found in the woods in front of Nat's cabin such as bracelets, necklaces, knifes and all kinds of trinkets
-will instantly accuse others of taking his stuff when he doesn't find it just to find it 2 minutes later
-struggles to comfort others when they are crying/ having a breakdown/ etc......So he usually just awkwardly pats their back or sit beside them in silence
-huge Spiderman fanboy, has a lego Spiderman keychain on him at all times
-5'8 or 5'9 idk tho
-will try to get on peoples nerves just to see how they'll react
-hates authorities and people who act like their the boss/better than him
-will bark and bite (not literally, metaphorically)
-will see a rock and instantly compares it to someone's eyecolor/ haircolor (cough cough Nat cough cough...)
uhhhh yeah, that's some of them I guess
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kyutpudding · 4 months
TigerHybrid!Sukuna who will always suffocate u in his embrace whenever owner-san invites people to their house. He can't help it , he's just a kitty who feels insecure that other hoomans will try and take his kitty wife away from him just because he's a little (alot) bigger than other housecats🥺 (sukuna ooc delulu arc?) SIKE Nah honestly bro probably don't give a fudge about the peasants who enters his not so humble abode, just know if they just as much as simply look at his wife(not official yet but your're technically mates who have indeed mated so...)
Owner-san would probably be searchin up ways to despose a body. Well it's lucky that sukuna tolerates them, if they would've taken you in first instead of him, bro would prolly tryna kidnap you back to who knows where LMAO.
"The hell u lookin at? Her ass or my dick? You finna get this fist instead-"
I'm simply just writing random thoughts, me and reality don't mix well :/ . Kinda awkward writing your own imaginations in social media but gotta let it somehow yk. Kinda cringe tho but my whole life has been cringe🗣
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azol-otl · 27 days
just a silly little jaytim snippet I did on the fly, featuring hairy Tim Drake and Jason "Competence" Todd inspired by @ressaart's pic
"Have I ever told you how much I love this new direction you're going," Jason rumbles groggily. He must have woken up when Tim got out of bed again. "Only a million times," Tim says, laughter in his voice. Jason scoots over towards Tim, still laying on his stomach hickies covering his broad shoulder. Mocking Tim who has to go into the office today. "Well I'll say it a million more. I love this direction you're going with Tim Drake's looks," Jason says more clearly, the sleep in his voice crackling away. "You mean unshaven hobo?" Tim teases. He won't lie, he loves the amount of free time he has now that he isn't shaving every day for Robin duties. After all Robin can't look like he's a man in his 20s, even Dick didn't stay Robin as long as Tim did and he was the one who showed Tim the place he gets waxed. But now that he doesn't have to keep a close eye on his stubble, or worry about chest or shoulder hair peeking out of his tunic or god forbid accidentally ripping hair off with his suit like Dick risks, he can do other things. Like sleep. Or have sex with his boyfriend. "Only the sexiest unshaven hobo Timbo," Jason says with a wry grin and a leer. Honestly it's just some body hair, they all have it, but Jason's been insatiable since Tim stopped waxing. Tim has the bite marks on him to prove it. He leans down onto the dresser, work shirt still unbuttoned and leaving his entire torso bared, if he has to suffer than so does Jason. "Why don't you stay in bed? You can't tell me you'd rather go to a meeting full of rich fucks instead of fucking all day here." "But then how would we afford this nice loft?" Tim asks innocently. "We both know we could live off my income for the rest of our lives Tim," Jason says matter of factly. "How about it? Make Bruce actually do his job and quit, be every 20 something year old's dream and be a trophy husband." "I'm not living off your gang money Jason," Tim sighs
Jason gives Tim an incredulous look. "What? No. That money goes straight back into Crime Alley, you know that." No he doesn't. "Wait, then how do you afford all that gear?" Tim accuses. "With my job." What fucking job. "What fucking job Jason?" Oh shit that was supposed to be an inside thought. "Wayne tech? R&D? Ring a bell?" "You bought out r&d years ago! We got your identity and froze it and everything, it's under a group of shareholders now," Tim said confused before his voice started getting slightly hysterical, like it knew that something was about to come up. Jason gives an awkward look, grimacing before beginning to speak. "Yeah, Tim, those guys are all still me." What. "Yeah, they're all aliases, like really obvious ones too. I just thought you guys knew?" Jason trailed off awkwardly. Tim can't fucking believe this. "Jacobo Caballero?" "Yeah that's me." "Sanjay Raktah?" "Jay is right in the name there Tim," Jason explains. "Jane Tho—" Tim doesn't even finish that one, it's obvious in hindsight. "Yeah, and Will Beauregard, Corrin Brandt, Kathleen Coppola and Simon de la Cruz," Jason admitted with a wince. All of them. All seven members of the board…are Jason. "What the fuck Jason."
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Biting Into my fist so fucking hard rn, but I'm DEEP into bruharvey so sit down and listen.
It is absolutely fucking absurd Oscar Isaac and Robert Pattinson haven't done a movie together yet, so I'll be using Oscar for my Harvey fc.
absolutely feral for awkward, shy cat Battinson fighting the board of directors threatening bankruptcy to the BONE, when all he wants to do is be a pediatrician
OBVIOUSLY, he's in love with Harvey, the hot-headed, passionate, justice hungry, newly appointed DA who's looking to whip Gotham's justice system in shape.
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Those are boring details tho. Obviously these two have big Feelings for eachother. Bruce cannot converse with Harvey for more than 10 minutes or he'll faint (he'll want to suck cock-)
Harvey for real beats off to:
•domestic fantasies about Bruce being his husband and moving to a quiet, ethereal village where they have no name and no obligations,
•fucking him in front of everyone he perceives as a rival,
•Bruce riding him while saying he was wrong and running with Harvey's campaign bc Harvey's THAT upset they're disagreeing,
▪︎ Adopting kids together,
and thinks " this is completely platonic and also very normal and not at all insane"
"Harvey, please, I know Bruce is your best friend but--"
" ...Call him my friend again and I'll rip your pretty lips off :)"
Never underestimate a man's ability to be the dumbest person in the room, because Bruce, certified genius, does not know his best friend has DID.
So you can imagine his confusion when Harvey goes from, this to THAT
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Is this just an elaborate way to show off pretty pictures? Maybe.
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ilovebuckers5 · 7 months
dating nika muhl hcs
(warning this is mainly Nika x Fem reader so I apologize)
talking stage-
enemies to lovers no doubt. everyone would talk about Nika around you and all the girls on Nika's team would point you out once Nika came clean about liking you.
"look its lover girl" was mainly said by KK as she points in your direction tapping on Nika's shoulder. Nika's usual reaction is to just smack her shoulder.
once she actually got the guts to talk to you, you were so terrified when she came up to you. all of your friends said she was a more aggressive basketball player (true.) but they were wrong when they said that Nika's personality is the same as when shes on court.
the more Nika approached you each day, you fell in love more. finally you guys got each other's numbers and socials. a text was thrown around every couple days until you guys actually started to text everyday and called each other nicknames here and there.
both of your guys' friends couldn't get off your dicks about it. nudging your shoulders when the smallest smile shows up on one or the others face. they treated your talking stage like a highschool crush.
beginning of the relationship -
nika seemed tough on the outside around you but alone or with her friends she was a hot mess. everyday it would be something like "I swear to God if there's another girl-"
dont ask me why but you initiated the relationship. I just feel it in my balls.
the second you guys started dating she ripped out her phone and texted the team groupchat. the rest of that week all she could do was rant about you even though she tried her hardest not to.
it was very awkward in the beginning... a lot of like awkward kisses on the cheeks and weirdly long hugs. it took a while to get used to but once you did it was perfect.
this is obviously a forever thing but she has the most protective personality to ever exist. I mean when someone even says your name and any negative word she blows up inside. if someone gives you a dirty look she gives a FILTHY STARE back. she doesn't play when it comes to her girl
getting comfy -
once the moment came, she would spend almost every night sleeping in your dorm/apartment.
started to get more soft around you instead of tough guy.
holds onto your waist all the time like there is not a moment where her fingers aren't curled around your hips.
calls you all sorts of nicknames in English and croatian (only when you guys are alone though)
she does her own skincare routine and makeup and stuff but will ALWAYS let you do your routine on her.
makeovers are a must.
she can never pick between big spoon or little spoon so you guys just go with whatever that night brings.
loves to play with your hair when you are doing homework.
even though she is completely capable of distracting you while you do work or homework or anything serious, she loves helping you out.
arguments (sadly)
ok I'm dreading this part.
you guys only argue over like actual serious things.
tries to not accuse you of anything but fails most of the time
attempts to hide the fact that arguments are her literal worst fear.
after any argument she goes to the bathroom and kind of slams the door not too much tho.
has her hands on her face and is pacing around the room
the reason she leaves is so that you don't see any emotions she picked up from the argument.
most of the time she leaves to go cry and then tries to ignore you for the night.
the moment you go up to her door she cant even look you in the eyes.
you both just stand there for a second before she pulls you into a hug and keeps you there for a while
(angry sex after)
ok guys that's it for now... maybe I'll write more later if I'm feeling up to it.
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d0g0r0t · 11 months
Bc Toby is literally my bbg you should totally write him with an s/o who takes care of him and is just super nice to him and, it can be sfw or nsfw I don't really mind either
(I'll give you a cookie pls I'm not normal abt him༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)
Toby x caring reader
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He wasn't really sure how to process your kindness at first. He couldn't tell if you were faking it or not
But over time when he realized you were true his heart melt
He would be supper shy and awkward around you cause you were so sweet and kind
You would do the littlest things for him and he would look at you like an angle while your doing it
Asking you for things was so easy yet so hard. He knew he could ask you for anything but he was so nervous around you.
You were just so... nice..
He didn't deserve you.. all the things he's done and he gets you? You were to good for him
He's never experienced someone like you. You reminded him of his sister and your kind nature. It made him dizzy with emotions
Even your name sounded so sweet
He would try his best to keep his tics under control PRAYING he doesn't hurt you and bruise your beautiful skin
Sometimes when you two are alone he gets really sappy. Leaning into you, digging his face in your chest, wrapping himself completely around you as your fingers run threw his thick curls
He feels bad when you do simple things for him that any human should do. Brush his hair, help him remember to take a shower or brush his teeth, cook for him
He feels like he's almost using you and he just sinks into himself but after you told him you want to he felt a little better
The moment he sees anyone get even a little rude with you he's on them like a dog, screaming and barking at them. Stepping in between you guys and growling like a protective hound.
The moment their delt with he's getting on your level and using the softest tone asking if your ok and if you need anything
He pushes his emotions back alot until he blows up. But he never snaps at you, he just can't. He'll get really needy if he does show you a bit of aggression. He's at your knees and whimpering how sorry he is for just feeling the wrong thing even tho you have no idea what he's on about
He gets really jealous when he sees you being nice to other people but doesn't step in knowing your nature and your need to care for others
The first time you two got intimate he was literally TREMBLING.
He was scared he might get to rough and accidentally go to far
When you guys were in bed he just stared at you for a few moments trying to process a girl like you under him like this
When he started up he was already whining and whimpering. He was shaking trying not to grip at you to harshly
But over time he has himself wrapped around you moaning in your ear as he pounds himself into you
He's fucks you at a steady pace not going to fast or to slow unless you tell him to
His hips would buck every now and again as he feels your heat squeeze his member letting out desperate whimpers
He rips the sheets from how hard his gripping them as he watches you ride him because he would rather tare the sheets then your skin
Watching you do such acts on him makes him completely red in the face and his body flush and heat up like crazy.
After he finishes he let's out a little gasped and apologizes for cumming so soon and not letting you finish
He will DESTROY his body until you cum to
He's not letting you go unsatisfied after what you've done for him
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clubdionysus · 5 months
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warnings: fluff!! supermarkets!! to the mins for dinner!! very cute <3 oh also cw: jiyeong lol
a/n: yay for a non-lost header! the next couple are lost tho lol rip
soundtrack: juice - brb
wc: 6.8k
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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When you wake the following morning, bright and early thanks to the cramping in your lower abdomen (of which you're pretending Jeongguk isn't to blame for), you know it would be unwise to entertain the idea of not doing his birds.
Things are too comfortable. Too easy.
Selfishly, you sort of think that maybe it would be nice to just wait a little bit longer - but Jeongguk has always been so good with your birds. Not once has he ever tried to avoid them. If anything, he always wants to do them.
He's been a good friend to you. It's time for you to reciprocate that.
Coffee in hand (iced, because who cares about the fact it's freezing outside?), you push open the door of a venue you hadn't expected to revisit so soon. A warm blast of air from the aircon unit greets you. It's harsh and abrupt.
Kind of like the way you and Jeongguk had agreed to not do any more of your birds. Not while he's dating, at least. He did make sure to let you know he'd be up for it again if the date didn't go well.
The great unknown. Your choices could make or break the future of the birds. Splitting custody of them should be easy. The actual separation? Less so.
You push these thoughts to the back of your mind, and head towards the front desk. It's sterile, and perfectly clean. Lifeless.
And there she is.
Kim Jiyeong.
Her long dark hair is up in a neat ponytail, and the way it shines makes you wish you'd never taken a box of bleach to yours. Your roots are growing through, but you're trying to lean into the whole 'hot mess' thing. You know that Seokjin wouldn't be a fan, which is what keeps you from even considering going to a proper salon.
"Oh," she says as she turns to face you, having not expected to see you back at the gym so soon after cancelling your membership. "Looking to sign back up?"
"No," you say with an awkward laugh, a little embarrassed. You think the fact you quit makes it look like you're a failure of sorts, but your mum had always told you sometimes the bravest thing a person can do is quit. You don't think this is one of those moments, but it's what you'd told Jeongguk when he'd been teasing you about it a few days ago. "I'm actually here to ask you a favour."
Now this does intrigue her. She barely knows you. Doesn't remember speaking to you in the bar toilets, warning you off Jeongguk - but you do. You know he's an absolute angel, now, so know her assertation of him being a fuck boy was baseless.
You're no psychologist, but you are a girl. You know exactly why she'd done it. Immature? Maybe - but hey, Jeongguk needs someone who can keep up with how childish he can be at times.
Jiyeong wouldn't be your personal choice of date, but she's well suited to Jeongguk, you think. Could be the grumpy to his sunshine.
You tell yourself off for thinking such things about someone you barely know - she just rubs you up the wrong way. 
Thing is, you know she'd quite like to rub Jeongguk up the right way.
His fear of rejection? Yeah, you don't think he'd ever need to worry about that with her. You've seen the way she looks at him. Heard how she laughs just a little bit harder when he's within earshot. You've met him at the bottom of the stairs before and seen how he demeanour changes.
"A favour?" She asks, not wanting to shut you down before she's heard you out. She can be irrational, sure, but she's not unreasonable.
"So obviously you know Jeongguk," you say, and she nods. Is quiet as she waits for you to continue. You can't believe you're actually doing this. You take a second before you start talking again. "Well-" you cut yourself off again. Laugh. She raises a brow and shakes her head, as if to say, 'what?'. "-Well, it's actually a funny story."
This was much easier when you practised in front of your bathroom mirror that morning.
And it's also not a funny story at all. Very tragic, actually.
"Okay?" She laughs now, awkwardly. It's uncomfortable for everyone - but it's probably better this way. You think it's better if you aren't friends with whoever you set Jeongguk up with.
"Okay, so, I'll cut to the chase," you say, regaining your confidence, remembering that this isn't about you. This is for him. "I made a bet with Jeongguk -" a lie, but we move. It's far easier to explain than the birds. "- and I basically have to find a girl to go on a blind date with him. I was wondering if maybe you'd be interested?"
She furrows her brows. Looks at you as if you're mad. "Are you not..."
"Not?" you question, and then you realise exactly what she means. "Oh! Oh. No, not at all," you laugh as if it's the funniest thing in the world. "No, we're just friends."
"But you-"
"We're close," you say before she can point out the fact that the pair of you have more chemistry than a research lab. You feel the need to reassure her. If she thinks you're involved with Jeongguk, then she'll be less likely to agree to the date - so you overcompensate. "But just friends. I actually have this whole thing going on with my ex. It's a mess. Gguk's been really good with it." And with his fingers. "So that's probably why you've seen us hanging out so much. But no, just friends. I mean- hello? I'm finding him a date."
You end the needlessly protracted rebuttal of your friendship with yet another awkward smile - but thankfully, Jiyeong's shoulders relax a little bit. And she smiles.
"Why me?"
You shrug. "I figure you have similar interests. He's always here."
And that's exactly what makes Jiyeong hesitant. "But if he wanted to ask me out, then surely he would have done? I appreciate the offer, but I've too much pride to date someone who isn't interested in me."
"Gguk... he's not great with the whole... picking up on signals thing," you say - which is true. You think he's none the wiser to Jiyeong's crush on him. "And he's also just a bit shy."
There's a slight glow about her when you say this - as if she's thinking over their small interactions, and how she could have misread some of them.
"He's a really good guy, and I want what's best for him," you say. You also want a safe bet, and Jiyeong seems like that. "I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't think you guys could be good together - and hey. You'll be way more fun to work out with than I ever was."
She smiles now, properly. "I did always wonder why you spent so much time doing...well..."
She doesn't want to be rude, but you know exactly what she means.
"Nothing?" You smile back. "I'm not made for the gym - but Gguk is."
"You can stop with the hard sell," she says. "I'll go on the date - but! If this ends badly, you're banned from the gym for life."
She's got no authority to do that - but she's teasing you. Being nice. Rome wasn't built in a day, no, but it feels like you're at least making groundwork.
Truth be told, you wouldn't mind a lifelong ban. 
"Perfect! You have Gguk on insta, right? I'll find you on there," you tell her, because you don't really mind her knowing how much of a sleuth you are. You figure she's just the same. In all honestly, she'll have to very quickly unblock you after you leave. "Don't mention this to him, though. I want it to be like a proper blind date."
She nods. "Sure. When are you thinking?"
"Can you do Sunday afternoon?"
Again, she nods. It's the day you usually hang out together, so you'll just replace the time you know Jeongguk has reserved in his schedule for you, and put Jiyeong in there instead.
"Okay perfect," you beam. "Leave everything to me! I'll send you the plans and a dress code - unless you have any date ideas?"
"Seems like you have it sorted," she smiles. Easygoing, you think. She really could be a great match for him. You don't know why Jeongguk's never considered it before. "Just give me a time and a place."
"Thank you, Jiyeong!" You grin as you gather yourself together. "You won't regret it!"
That's the saddest part - she really won't. Jiyeong has been daydreaming about Jeongguk since he first started using the gym a few years back. Only ever silly things. Little scenarios. Never put much weight behind them, 'cause he didn't seem too interested - but she did always compare guys she dated to him.
When her ex had forgotten their anniversary last year, she'd thought to herself, 'I bet Jeongguk wouldn't forget.' She'd be right. He wouldn't.
In fact, on the day Jeongguk's membership had been renewed, he came into the gym with a box of doughnuts from the bakery cafe he loves so much - the one he recently showed you. Had left a note for the team - 'treat yourself. thanks for keeping me in check for the last two years. here's to the next!' - and, in turn, had left all of the female trainers swooning. Some of the guys, too.
In Jiyeong's eyes, Jeongguk could be the perfect guy.
If you were to give it any serious thought, maybe you'd realise that, too.
Life is too busy to get bogged down with such trivial ponderings, mind you. Tae's art show is all you can focus on, and Jeongguk's so busy with school these days that you barely get a chance to actually chat. Quality time between the pair of you dwindles.
Quality time is spent together separately, in the form of endless thoughts of one another. He often sits in his lectures and wonders what you'd think of his lecturer's novelty ties. Thinks you'd probably quite like them. Would start buying him them, 'cause you'd find it funny.
There's a girl who sits a few rows away from Jeongguk who wears glitter a bit like you do. Your styles are different, and he finds it annoys him. He's never been one to have opinions on women's fashion and would never try to dictate anyone's personal style - but he likes how you wear your glitter, and think she'd look better if she did it more like yours. Almost suggested your favourite brand to her - then realise his unsolicited opinion would not be cared for. 
So he sits, and he stews, and he simmers. Thinks of you, but doesn't text. Too caught up in his work. Heads straight from the library to Dionysus. Wore the same shirt three days in a row until he realised how long it had been and could feel his skin crawl from the idea of it being unclean.
Funny. Hasn't washed his sheets yet. Doesn't seem to mind them being unclean. 
Not when your perfume is caught on the delicate cotton threads that give him comfort as he sleeps. Not when his nose nestles into the scent of your shampoo on his pillows. Not when he hugs them in the night and accidentally dreams about you. Not when he wakes up with a hard cock, and not when he wanks himself off thinking about the way it feels to bury himself inside you, suffocated by your hair, his arms wrapped around your back. 
Sometimes, when he lets his fantasies get the better of him, he pretends he knows what it feels like to kiss you. Kind of embarrassing whenever he cums and realises he's kissing the fucking air. Really lame, actually. 
And so he doesn't tell you not to arrange the blind date.
He thinks he's just kiss-deprived. Get kissed, stop thinking about you. Foolproof.
Funny. When Jeongguk picks you up to head to the Min's for dinner, you wonder if it's too late to cancel. Not on Mins. On the date.
The thought is brief, but you shake it away regardless. You want Jeongguk to be happy. It's worth more to you than the release of an orgasm. It's a worthy sacrifice.
He's dressed down - a pair of jeans and a white shirt, boots laced up on his feet, tattoos out. A dark denim jacket is on the passenger seat, so you just tuck it on your lap and make no complaint when he asks to stop by the store en route. Had forgotten he said he'd bring dessert. Was only reminded when he saw you clutching two bottles of wine as your offering to the hosts.
Chewing down on his bottom lip as he tries to decide between cheesecake and some kind of tart, his lip ring catches under the store lights. Gets you glancing over at him from across the aisle. He's leant over slightly reading the labels, hands in his pockets. Feels your gaze on him. Turns his head, and smiles, dark doe eyes warm even in the pits of winter. 
"Should I just get both?" He calls over.
You don't answer immediately, instead walking over to look at them, too. He stands straighter, and draws you closer, a hand on your waist to dictate your movements. Hums as he moves you to stand in front of him, and rests his elbows on your shoulders, clasping his hands together beneath your chin. 
"Part of me thinks cheesecake will be enough," he considers out loud, sharing his thought with you. Hair up in a messy ponytail, loose hairs framing your face, Jeongguk lets his nose nestle against it. Just likes the way your shampoo smells.
"How many people are gonna be there?" You ask.
"Me, you," he begins to list. "Seoyeon, Yoongi. Tae, Jimin, Joon, usual suspects. I'm not sure if they've invited anyone else. Maybe Nabi."
"Nabi?" You question, unfamiliar with the inherently feminine name.
"Tae's friend," he clarifies. "She went to uni with him."
"I've never met her," you say, not really for any purpose other than to share your train of thought.
"You haven't?" He asks, almost certain you must have bumped into her at Dionysus before. She's there pretty often. Less so now that Hayun isn't there. Jeongguk avoids mentioning the part where they're best friends. "She's cool. A bit loud for my taste, but good fun. Great at beer pong. You'll like her."
"I'm good at beer pong," you say, almost as an automatic reflex. You shouldn't feel the need to compete and yet you are. Your nose scrunches, face cringing when you realise how pathetic it sounds. Jeongguk laughs. 
"You can 1v1 tonight."
"Or," you hum, trying to go back on your sudden declaration. You've already made a mental enemy of Hayun. You cannot do it again. "Me and Nabi can team up. Go against you and Joon."
"Oh, you're on," he grins. Doesn't realise it, but he shuffles a little closer. "Hope you're ready to lose."
"I never lose," you tease, turning your head slightly. The proximity of his face to yours is a little too close. Makes it hard to choose where to look. You aim for his eyes, but are distracted by the way he toys with his lip ring. 
"No?" he asks quietly. There's no need for volume. His lips are so close you can practically feel them on your skin. "There's a first time for everything."
Your heart is practically in your throat. You're scared to talk. Don't think you can. Think the only thing your lips can do is close - but you're scared they'll betray you. Stray from your rules.
Sure, maybe you shouldn't fuck your friends - but fucking is just fucking. Kissing is weighted. It's heavy. And in the bakery aisle of a supermarket? It's domestic. Romantic . 
He nudges his nose against yours like he so often does, and simply says, "the cheesecake is enough, right?"
He pulls away, and leans across to grab it from the shelf. It's so often you cutting those moments short. It should have been you. And yet you're a little transfixed as Jeongguk ruffles your ponytail and heads in the opposite direction. 
"C'mon, B. We're running late."
When he asks you about the date in the car on the way to Yoongi's, you know you're doing the right thing. 
He seems excited. Hopeful. You'd be a terrible friend if you took that away from him all because you like fucking him. You've fucked him once (on a technicality). It's not enough to justify it.
And so you don't. Instead, you enthuse with him. Give him advice on what to wear. Practise dumb topics of conversation, just so that he won't run out of any. Promise him a way out if he needs one, but assure him that he won't.
"Just drop me a text and change my name in your phone to 'mother' or something. I'll call and you can use it as a get-out-of-jail-free card. You won't need it, though," you repeat. "You're gonna do great. I promise."
The drive to the Min's takes the best part of an hour from Jeongguk's.
Yoongi lives towards the top of the city, in a slightly more rural area than the rest of the boys. It's so he can grow his own wood, but the saplings are still in their first few years. He'll be waiting a fair while until he can actually make his vision come to life, but he's patient. Understands that good things come to those who wait - after all, he'd had a crush on Seoyeon for years before he ever made a move.
Neighbours as kids, they'd moved away for university and somehow always found their way back together. Winter vacation was spent going to the pub, just so that they had an excuse to walk home together and tiptoe around awkward goodbyes. Summers, too.
Until, one winter, Yoongi didn't come home. He stayed at university to finish a project, and Seoyeon ended up at his door with two beers in one hand and her heart in the other.
Jeongguk looks up to Yoongi for many reasons, and is part of the reason he thinks he romanticised the idea of Hayun so much. He'd seen how good it could be to fall in love with your best friend. Never realised it could fuck him up so badly, too.
Yoongi wears a tiny little plait in his hair, hidden deep in his layers, but ever-present. It's there as he opens the door, and greets you both.
You've noticed it a few times. Always thought it was a little quirk of his - but as Seoyeon rushes to greet with you a smile that could warm even the coldest hearts, you notice the neat little plaits tying back the hairs that frame her face.
They're secured with the same teeny tiny baby pink bands that Yoongi's plait is fastened with. 
They're her plaits. Even the one in his hair.
She gives him one every evening after his shower when they're getting ready for bed - and he keeps it in because he adores the reminder of the woman he loves.
She calls your name, and instantly opens her arms to embrace you in a tight hug. 
"I've heard so much about you!" She squeezes. "Welcome, welcome. How was the journey? You make it all okay?"
"Yeah, all good," you smile. "Jeongguk drove, so it was no bother. Thank you for having me!"
"Oh, of course, of course," she beams, ushering you inside. Yoongi heads into the kitchen to check on the food that's been left on the hob. The rest of the boys and Nabi are already out the back, sipping on beers, talking nonsense.
The midnight black cat curled up on their couch stirs, and stares you out for a moment, before deciding he doesn't want to waste his energy on another human. Has already had to deal with Tae's cooing. Shuts his eyes again, and settles himself back to sleep. Seoyeon catches your line of vision and smiles at the kitty.
"Don't mind Oduun. He's not much of a people person - you don't mind cats, do you?"
"Not at all," you shake your head. Behind you, Jeongguk smiles as he hooks your coat up. "I love them."
"Good! Cat person or dog person?" she asks with a smile so soft it's impossible to imagine how Yoongi could ever frown. In her presence, he doesn't, really.
It's a surface-level question, one that really doesn't mean that much, but when Jeongguk grips your shoulders and speaks for you - "Dogs. She loves dogs." - you can't help but feel bizarrely pleased by the fact he remembers.
He squeezes his palms gently, the pressure on your shoulders a faint reminder of the way he'd stood with you in the supermarket. As you turn your head to catch his gaze over your shoulder, he smiles. Close-lipped, pushed deep into his cheeks, dimples prevailing. His lip ring does the thing.
You ignore the way your stomach does it, too.
From the kitchen, Yoongi watches with a bemused smile. Wonders how long it will take the both of you to realise. Says nothing - but secretly, Seoyeon's wondering the exact same thing. Questions why Yoongi never mentioned the fact you're dating.
"Yeah," you confirm, unaware of the conclusions being drawn. "Love both, but grew up with dogs."
"Me too," Yoongi joins the conversation. He casually strolls towards the sofa and leans over to scratch behind Oduun's ear. The cat knows instantly who it is, and tips his head into Yoongi's touch. "Always thought I'd be a dog person, but these little fuckers get ya. One minute you'll 'never get a cat', the next you're stuck in the same spot for hours on end because apparently your stomach is the perfect place for a nap."
He glances over to Seoyeon, who's already looking at Yoongi as if he's just personally announced he's found the solution for world peace - although, within their household, Sunday nights curled up with a glass of red, Oduun on Yoongi's lap with Seoyeon resting on his chest is world peace. Or at least, it's as close as Yoongi thinks he'll ever get. Cherishes the life he lives; and those he lives it with.
A look is exchanged between the pair of them, fast and fleeting so as to not get too wrapped up in one another; an acknowledgement that they've got it good. Got what people dream about. What people spend lifetimes wishing for. What Jeongguk once thought he had - and you, too, with Jin.
You don't think Seokjin ever looked at you like that. Not really.
Seoyeon takes the bottles of wine you're carrying from you, and offers you a glass. You gladly accept. Realistically, you're surrounded by friends, but feel a little nervous. Nothing a little liquid courage can't fix.
The Moscato is still cold despite the fact it was in your lap for the entire drive, crisp and sweet all at the same time. Your favourite wine, it's easy to drink. Goes down like grape juice. Has Seoyeon offering you a second glass not even twenty minutes later, but she's matching you.
It puts you at ease. Makes it easier for you both to open up - not that she was ever closed off. She really is the sunlight to Yoongi's gloom. The perfect couple, you think candidly. Eventually, you tell her so - which has her gushing over stories from their youth. You listen with keen ears.
"Not coming to say hello?" Tae grins at you when he enters the kitchen a little while later. You haven't been outside yet, too busy chatting with Seoyeon by the stove. 
"You've got a pair of legs, don't you?" You tease, which earns a small laugh from them both. 
"And here I am, using them to come and say hello," he says merrily. Truthfully, he came in to grab another beer. "You should come join."
Everyone else is outside by the small firepit. It's rare to have garden space in the city, even in the outskirts. Yoongi and Seoyeon are lucky. You know you shouldn't waste the opportunity. 
You glance over to Seoyeon who ushers you out. 
"Go, go! Nabi will keep you safe," she assures you.
Nabi. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Legs for days, dark hair that frames her sharp face and a laugh that could lure sailors to their deaths, she's devastating. Gorgeous. And as she cracks a joke that gets even Yoongi smirking, you know she's got a personality to match. 
When she sees you emerge with Tae she smiles. You don't know her to be able to tell if it's sincere, but you hope it is. Jeongguk pretends like he's not watching the interaction. He knows he should really be the one to introduce you, but Tae's right there with you. 
Truthfully, Jeongguk's been avoiding Nabi's messages lately. When she asks what he's been up to, he never mentions you. 
It's stupid because you're just friends, and he's allowed them, but he hates the idea of Hayun hearing about you. Hates how devasted he was when he heard she was dating someone new. Somehow thinks maybe it will hurt her too, when she comes to learn that there's someone else who gets to see the dumb memes he finds funny first. 
The loss of a lover is hard, but the loss of a best friend? Incomparable. When they're one and the same? Indescribable. 
Tae holds your shoulders. It doesn't feel the same as it does when Jeongguk grips them. He introduces you. Describes you as 'the person responsible for making his dreams come true', which earns a laugh from Jeongguk.
"S'what happens when you make a wish on a shooting star," he mumbles, taking a swig on his drink. No one else hears. 
"Nabi," she introduces herself. "How'd you know the boys? I'm surprised I've not seen you around before."
None of the boys realise the slight judgement in her tone. You pretend you don't. Smile. Sit across from her between Jimin and Yoongi. 
Jeongguk is next to Yoongi. He's pretending now that he's involved in Tae and Joon's conversation. He's not. He's eavesdropping. 
"Went to the same gym as Jeongguk," you say because it isn't a total lie. It's how the boys think you all met. You're putting on your best smile, and hope that Nabi warms up to you. "He sort of introduced me to the rest of them. I can't believe we haven't had the chance to meet before! I've heard so much about you."
Another lie. Jeongguk hides the awkward face he wants to pull. Knows Nabi was unknown to you. Appreciates you trying to make it seem like you weren't blindsided. 
"You must be pretty close then?" she smiles, ignoring the way you're buttering her up. "If he introduced you to everyone else?"
"Our paths crossed a lot," you reply, a little drier than before. God, you need another drink - so you crack a joke about it. "And hey - being friends with a bartender has perks, doesn't it?"
"Must have done," she simply nods, not acknowledging your joke, and then turns her attention to Taehyung. Is done with the conversation. It leaves you feeling awkward. Out of place. 
You chalk it up to her being territorial. It's always weird when someone new joins a preexisting group. It could alter the dynamic. Personally, you don't think it has. Nor does anyone else. 
All you know for sure is that beer pong is off the cards.
Jimin quickly distracts you with trivial questions about Tae's upcoming show. You're thankful for it. Regardless of whatever happened between the pair of you, he's a good guy. Could be a great one.
Drinks flow, and the evening eases into itself. Jeongguk does his best to not swamp you. Wants you interacting with everyone as much as possible. He gets you to himself often, so wants to give you the chance to branch out. Wants you integrated into his life as much as possible, 'cause he doesn't want to lose you when the time comes for the deal to be done. 
He watches on with casual curiosity after dinner as you natter with Seoyeon.
He doesn't actually know what the topic of conversation is - but he knows you. Knows Seoyeon, too. Knows that you'll be talking about things that will go straight over his head. Silly, inconsequential things - like star signs, or obscure actors from the early noughties - that mean nothing, but in the early development of friendships mean everything. Common ground. Bonds.
"Get along, don't they?" Jeongguk muses when Yoongi comes to stand beside him with a fresh beer. Jeongguk doesn't change his line of vision, even as he accepts the cold bottle, nor when he takes a swig back.
"Course they do," Yoongi says. Seoyeon gets along with everyone. He never doubted the pair of you would be fast friends. Isn't sure why Jeongguk seems too concerned over it. He isn't naive though. Is aware of Nabi's frosty introduction. Is glad Seoyeon would never be like that to a person she barely knows. "Relax, Gguk. Everything's fine."
And that's exactly the problem. Everything is fine.
What's to say that him dating won't change that?
But neither of you are willing, nor able, to fulfil the other's needs. Not really. He needs to learn how to date again, and you need to learn how to be okay alone.
"I've a date," Jeongguk eventually says after a moment of stewing, chewing on his cheek. "Tomorrow, actually."
Yoongi smiles. About bloody time.
"Where are you taking her?"
"Not sure," Jeongguk admits. "Byeol's sort of arranged it all."
"Proactive," Yoongi grins, sipping down on his beer. Thinks Jeongguk needs a girl who can take the driver's seat from time to time. "Who asked who?"
"Hmm?" Jeongguk hums. "I guess B. Neither of us really did the asking."
"So it just kind of, came about?" Yoongi clarifies. "Sometimes that's better. Things falling into place naturally... yeah. That's good."
Jeongguk hides a short laugh. Things certainly fell - just, unfortunately, it was a bird that he's not sure he's ready for.
"I'm nervous," he admits quietly. Crosses his arms, still holding his beer. His free hand rubs up his tattooed bicep. It's comforting. Soothing. Eases his woes.
"You've nothing to be nervous about," Yoongi encourages. "The pair of you are good together. It'll be no different to normal. Think about me and Seo-"
"Good together?" Jeongguk interrupts, confusion etched into the lines of his face. He didn't think you'd told anyone. If Yoongi knows who the date is with, then that must mean - "You know who it is? I know them?"
"What?" Yoongi pauses. Is just as confused as Jeongguk is. "...You... Byeol?"
"What?! Oh, God. No. No." Jeongguk shuts Yoongi down immediately, almost as if he's just suggested Jeongguk do a striptease for everyone at the dinner table. "God. Yoongi, no. No. It's a blind date. Byeol's setting it up-"
"Why the fuck would she do that?"
It's sort of funny how affronted they both seem. Jeongguk finds Yoongi's suggestion of him dating you unfathomable. Yoongi finds the idea of Jeongguk dating anyone but you unfathomable.
"Maybe because she doesn't want me to be single and alone forever?"
"No but..." Yoongi pauses. Losing battle, he decides. "Y'know what, nevermind. A blind date. That could be good."
Yoongi absolutely does not think that could be good. Not in the slightest.
Jeongguk nods. "Yeah. I think so. Plus, like, I trust her judgements. I don't think she's gonna set me up with anyone awful."
"What's your criteria?" Yoongi asks. "Take looks and attraction out of the running. What's important to you?"
Jeongguk considers this for a moment. He's not actually given it much thought at all. "Someone a bit low-key, I think."
"Mhm. I don't want it, like, all over instagram."
"You mean you just don't want Hayun to see," Yoongi suggests. He's correct, but Jeongguk's never gonna admit to that. "What else?"
"I don't know. Good sense of humour? Kind? The generic shit. It's hard to say. I don't wanna make a defined list and spend the entire date holding them to impossible standards. If they're good enough for Byeol, they're good enough for me."
Yoongi thinks it's funny how he's asking Jeongguk about an imaginary girl, and yet his mind leaps to you, in a roundabout way.
"What am I missing?" You ask when they both look at you a little strangely as walk into the kitchen. 
"Jeongguk's just been telling me Disco Ball is the wrong nickname?" Yoongi teases. He doesn't trust either of your judgements, but he's not gonna berate you for it. You're both old enough to make your own mistakes. Your own bad decisions. "Should be Cupid instead?"
You smile. "Not just yet. We'll have to see if I'm any good at matchmaking."
Yoongi already knows you'll have done a horrible job. Anyone that isn't you is wrong for Jeongguk. He's certain of it.
"We'll see," Yoongi nods. "Now on the subject of Cupid, let me go find my fiance."
You wait until it's just you and Jeongguk left in earshot to throw him a cautious smile. He thinks you look proud. It makes him happy.
"Didn't think you'd tell anyone," you say quietly, toying with a beer cap that's been left on the side, pleased with the progress Jeongguk is making.
"I'm too many beers deep," he tells you as you toss the cap to him. He catches it with ease. "Don't be too proud. I'm just a little loose-lipped."
"Gonna be revealing all your secrets?" You grin, as if you'll use it to your advantage.
He rolls his eyes. Doesn't move when you walk to stand infront of him and prize the cap from his hand. You're nosey. He knows this. "Depends what you wanna know."
You're sort of leaning on him. Toying with the bottle cap against his chest. His hand strokes your back. 
In a friendly way.
"What's on the other paper planes?" You ask without even needing a second to think.
"Oh, and would you look at that? My lips are sealed once more."
"Gguk," you pout, stealing his beer from him to take a sip. He just lets you. Would let you do anything you wanted. 
"You're so annoying," you tell him, but pay it no mind.
Your hair is still tied up, little wispy strands curling around your neck. It's sweet. 
"You want another drink?"
"Please," you nod.
"Watcha want?" He asks as he turns to look at the bottles lined up on the counter. It's a free for all, drink-what-you-like, kind of situation - again, a testament to their friendship. No worries about keeping tabs on who owes who what. Everything pays itself off in natural cycles.
"Surprise me, Mr Bartender man," you flirt, and so he gets to work on making something out of nothing.
"Are you having fun?" He asks casually, checking a few bottle labels before adding them to the glass. He's free-pouring, and regretfully, you find it really hot.
You nod. "Seoyeon's lovely. Can see why Yoongi is smitten."
Jeongguk smiles. Ignores the fact you don't mention Nabi. "Oh, to have what they have."
"You will," you assure him. "One day, someone's gonna be obsessed with you in the loveliest of ways."
"Obsession isn't good, B."
"Maybe not," you agree. "But if you're not a little bit obsessed, are you really in love?"
It's a flawed argument. Love is many things. Obsession falls into the realm of infatuation.
Jeongguk just grins. Is reminded of the weekend before.
" God, Jeongguk," he begins to imitate you. You already know where this is going. Have expected it since you first said the 'o' word a moment ago. "I'm obsessed with the way you-"
"Oh my fucking Christ, be quiet," you shush him with a giggle, covering his mouth with your hand.
There's a symbiotic nature to the way his body moves with yours. One of his hands is on your hip, the other on the side of your neck, the pair of you swaying ever so gently, like stars dancing through the night sky. 
It's just the alcohol. That's all.
The way you're looking at him? Eyes all wide? Sultry when his grip tightens?
Oh, it's just the alcohol.
Might have happened without the alcohol, but you'll never know for sure, so you'll blame it on that.
"Don't give me those eyes," he whispers, his thumb stroking up from your throat, over your jaw, eventually finding its home on your posy pink cheek. You've a thin sheen of glitter in place of highlight. Jeongguk's careful not to rub it off.
"What eyes?"
"Those ones," he smirks, voice still quiet. "Your bedroom disco ball ones."
"You mean... my normal ones?" You tease, adamant that you're looking at him normally. You just don't realise you've never looked at him normally.
"No..." he mumbles, before loosening his grip and turning his attention back to the drink he's making.
"What?" you giggle, not really thinking as you let your hair down. You'd put it up terribly when you were getting ready. Was all wispy and shit. Needs sorting out.
"Stop," he whines. The smell of your shampoo? Yeah. He's got a semi. You don't notice, though, 'cause he's still diligently trying to make your drink. "I'm trying to focus."
"On?" You ask, a little confused. Again, he seems perfectly focused from where you're standing.
He shakes his head. Can't fight his smile.
"Anything but you."
"And you teased me for being obsessed?" You banter.
"This conversation never happened," Jeongguk insists as he turns to face you with a purple drink in hand. "Less of a starfucker, more of a... starlover? I tried making it into a long drink. Try it. Let me know if it's alright."
You narrow your eyes. The boy is good at distraction techniques.
Taking a sip, you decide you're never having a purple starfucker again. Not if these exist, at least. "Holy shit."
You nod enthusiastically. "So good. Try. You'll have to remember the recipe for your samgyeopsal place."
The way you talk about his dream with such certainty makes Jeongguk feel all kinds of fucked up. Your blind belief in him means more than he could ever articulate - so instead, he just ushers you back to the garden, where everyone else is still nattering away.
"Our friends will probably be wondering where we are," he says.
Him saying that gets you all kinds of fucked up, too, and he doesn't even realise it. That's probably why it gets to you so much. You feel accepted. A part of his life. The seal of approval from everyone important to him.
Well, nearly everyone.
You don't care for Nabi's approval. Hayun's, either.
Naively, you don't imagine you'll ever be in a situation where you need it.
Seoyeon is quiet as she comes to stand by Yoongi the next morning.
Her arms hooks around his waist, a cup of warm tea in her other hand, while Yoongi washes crumbs off the dinner plates from the night before. She sighs. Pouts.
"He's not been like that in a while, has he?" she asks.
A name isn't needed, for Yoongi understands exactly who she means.
"No. He hasn't."
The tone of Yoongi's voice is sombre. Heavy. A little cautious in speaking Jeongguk's current state of being into existence.
"Should we be worried?"
"Not sure," Yoongi says. "Looked happy, didn't he?"
Seoyeon nods against the side of Yoongi's chest, the early morning sun casting light where darkness once was. "Really happy. Haven't seen him smile like that since... well, since before Hayun left."
Secretly, Yoongi is pleased Seoyeon isn't calling her 'Yunnie' like she used to do. It's been a recent change; the distance between the girls who were once thick as thieves proving too much for the closeness of their friendship to endure. That, and Seoyeon's also noticed the slight frown on Yoongi's face whenever she refers to Hayun with affection.
Jimin might be the only one of the boys who knows for a fact how much the situation with Hayun had obliterated Jeongguk, but Yoongi was no stranger to his friend's emotions. Knows what Jeongguk looks like after a morning spent crying. Knows that there was a solid month where his gym membership just wasn't used.
It's the reason Yoongi worries. He doesn't want Jeongguk to make the same mistakes again.
Doesn't wanna have to watch the impact his bad decisions have on him.
As you text Jeongguk the location for his date, it seems like you're the one making the bad decisions this time.
Jeongguk:Sure I have to do this?
You:A bird's a bird.
And a bad decision is a bad decision.
You just don't realise it yet.
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73 notes · View notes
bonzos-number-1-fan · 1 month
TMAGP 26 Thoughts: Sam is awkward. Celia is hot.
Yet another guest writer episodes and this time it's Muna Hussen. She' co-creator and producer on The Silt Verses, and produced and acted in I Am In Eskew. The Silt Verses is a show I can wholeheartedly suggest giving a listen. It's great in just about every way a thing can be. I might leave a pitch for it as an addendum. I Am In Eskew is in the forever pile of things I may one day get to. It's a really well written episode too, I liked this one a lot. It is, unfortunately, another pretty explicit one so I don't expect to have a load to say, but that's not the same as it being bad.
Spoilers for episode 26 below the cut.
Celia and Sam's conversation doesn't have a load of note in it. Yes, they're going to meet Helen but that's for later. The important detail here is how Celia categorises her incidents. Which she does with the least effort imaginable. She's not had any misfiles yet which tells me that either those no longer happen or you just need to get it in the right Section. But more importantly than that it's also a good look at just how little she cares about the job. We've all known she's had ulterior motives from her introduction but it's nice to see ways that is reflected.
Much like the last incident there isn't too too much to rip into for what I talk about. I'm not sure the themes of this one speak to any greater connection and the characters are all new as far as I know. Which only really leaves one detail to talk about. The Archivist or, rather, *an *Archivist as that's the more interesting detail. The Archivist here didn't really do much we've not seen before. The forced running isn't to dissimilar to the forced drowning and Jarrod did seem to be mumbling in classic fashion. No statement to be heard as such but that might just be because of the framing. However, unlike previous run ins with an Archivist they're very much aware that they're not the only one. Whether this leads to something more grand or not is hard to say but it's an interesting detail.
Alice is finally up to episode 11 with the plot. More seriously it's nice to see her piecing things together now. I do wonder if that was Chester's point or not. Gwen was a little weird in this interaction IMO. Alice and Gwen shared a fairly major revelation together, that this ties into, but she seems to have distanced herself a lot from that emotionally already. Which isn't out of character but does come a little fast.
Helen is *very *Helen here. I think of all the returning characters she might have changed the least. At least from where she started. It's lovely to see her back, although I do wonder if maybe they're leaning on these characters a little too much at this stage. It's hard to know if this is one-off fanservice or the way of things going forward. I hope it's the latter because the less of the old cast we get the more of the new cast we'll see. There isn't a huge amount to say here but its good to see them getting more information about the Institute. Also, unfortunately Helen is still a tory. Categorically disproving the "these characters are now living their best life" theory. It's all still hell. I'd also include the transcripts note for the laugh but that's a TMA spoiler and probably one person hasn't seen that show. Besides if you know, you know.
Sam and Celia finally fucked. Good for them. Well, bad for them if TMA is anything to go off for couples in this setting. But, y'know.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 4463 is pretty normal for this, I think. No major surprises.
CAT# Theory: 1 is a 1. I'll maybe try to write an essay on this before the season ends. No prommies tho.
R# Theory: BC seems about right.
Header talk: Exhaustion (Athletic) -/- Compulsion (Tape). Also very very normal.
I guess I will write that addendum then.
Addendum: Go listen to The Silt Verses.
It's a horror audio drama that's more or less a world where the modern religious landscape is a polytheistic one, with fabricated corporate gods putting pressure on local ones, outlawed religions, and all sorts of fun stuff. But it's a world where religions, fabricated or otherwise, are also powerful and gods do exist and perform miracles. It follows two worshippers of the Trawler Man, and outlawed god, on their pilgrimage up its great black river. As you might expect things don't go smoothly and soon enough there's a man hunt, run ins with cults stranger than theirs, and all sorts of revelations.
The world building is a real high light too. It's just the right level of "this world is horrific yet treated as mundane". It's worth listening just to see how that's all built on.
I rate it a strong prisoners-buried-alive-in-the-foundations-of-new-construction-projects-to-bless-them/10.
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mncxbe · 1 year
Something similar to the post where Chuuya dragged Akutagawa out to a night club/bar, however Reader insists they go with them (keep an eye on Chuuyas drunk ass) and basically Chuuya walks off, leaving reader alone with Akutagawa and Chuuya ends up talking a lot with a girl that by pure coincidence looks almost exactly like reader. So she's just sat there jealous, like even the bartender starts being like "uh.. You okay, this is the 15th shot of vodka in the row—" or she just completely ignored the guy behind that just tried to grab her wirst (she ends up riding Chuuya for hours on end back at home overstimming both of them—) (maybe that reader and Akutagawa have a sibling like relationship)
Omg yes I absolutely love this idea anon and I had so much fun writing this. I also got a bit silly with it hehe. Hope you enjoy♡
𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡
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"What ya doing darling? Really think I'm gonna let you cum this easily after what you did tonight?" you slurred your words as you bounced up and down your boyfriend's cock, manicured nails digging deep into his shoulders.
Beneath you, Chuya let out a low groan. "Please baby just need to cum I'm sorry I'm sorry"
Your slender fingers travelled to the nape of his neck, entangling in his scarlet locks. "Well too fucking bad" you said as you swiftly tugged at his hair, ripping a moan from his parted lips.
What was supposed to be a fun night at the club with your boyfriend and best friend ended up being a complete shitshow. Within half an hour from entering the club Chuya got drunk and vanished in the crowd. A few minutes later you spotted him lounging on one of the red velvet round sofas, chatting with a woman.
"Do you fucking see that?" you asked Akutagawa, who was mindlessly gazing around the room. He's always hated clubs; with their roaring music that blasted through the speakers, sending vibrations through his entire body and the sweaty swarm of people that never ceased dancing.
"Huh, see what?"
You pointed in Chuya's direction and he followed your finger, his silvery eyes landing on your boyfriend.
"Oh damn. That's awkward" he said, squinting his eyes. "She kinda looks like you tho."
You took a moment to examine the woman; indeed, she had fairly the same built as you and the shade of her silky hair was alike yours.
"I can't believe this" you huff as you grabbed Akutagawa's arm and dragged him towards the bar. "Come on drink with me"
"Aren't you gonna talk to him about..?"
"Fuck no. If he wants to cheat I won't bother to stop him" you chimed in.
Taking a seat on one of the high chairs at the glowing bar, you ordered ten shots of tequila. The bartender raised a brow in surprise upon hearing your order but hurriedly poured the light-gold liquor in small glasses, topping them with a perfectly cut slice of lime.
He placed the ten shots between you and Akutagawa with a little smile.
"Oh thank you sir. Put them on Chuya Nakahara's tab, will you?" you cooed, flashing him a sweet smile before dividing the drinks between you and Akutagawa. "Here you go. Five and five. Cheers!"
With a grace that only comes from practice you downed the first shot, taking a bite of lemon right after. Your body shook a little.
"Wow that was strong" you laughed, urging Akutagawa to drink his shot too.
Three minutes after all the glasses were empty; your glassy gaze slid to the place where your boyfriend was, still talking to that woman. His brows were slighly furrowed, eyes half-lidded as he leaned in to whisper something to his companion. The girl chuckled lightly and pat his shoulder with an exaggerated saccharine gesture.
"Tch... Bartender! Another round please and a negroni."
Akutagawa's eyes narrowed in your direction.
"Hey I think that's enough for tonight"
"Nonsense. Just five more each and then we can stop. We're having fun!"
Ten tequila shots and a cocktail later your head started spinning. The flashing lights that danced around the room only made your headache worse, a feeling of nausea taking over you. Akutagawa left a few minutes ago so you were all by yourself.
Chuya was still talking to the woman and they were closer now, his hand loosely sliding up and down her tight. A wave of jealousy washed over you when the woman leaned in, placing a kiss at the corner of Chuya's mouth.
"Oh fuck this. This is enough"
You got off the chair and marched through the crowd, shoving away a man who attempted to take you to dance.
"What the hell are you doing, Chuya?" you asked in a low voice, arms crossed over your chest.
The man shook upon hearing your voice. "Huh? What?" he slurred as his gaze moved from you to the other woman.
"Wait... you're not my girlfriend" he eventually concluded, pointing at the girl next to him. A loud slap landed across his face.
"You didn't tell me you had someone asshole" she screamed in a high pitched tone before getting off the sofa and disappearing in the crowd.
Chuya held a hand to his reddened cheek, his skin hot under his touch. "Sorry baby I'm really drunk right now." he said as he got off the couch, struggling to stand straight.
"Nah you don't say" you spat, gripping his wrist as you pulled him towards the exit.
Half an hour later you were back home, hips grinding against his as you pushed your boyfriend closer to his high. His head was thrown back, lips slightly parted as little whimpers and lewd sounds fell off them; tufts of his red hair clinged to his damp forehead.
"Please baby I'm sorry" he moaned lowly, eyes shut tight.
"You don't fucking say." you utter between ragged breaths, riding him at a relentless pace; You felt his dick pulsate again and suddenly ceased your motion, hovering your hips just above his length. Your boyfriend let out a huff at the loss of touch; his hands gripped your hips in attempt to pull you onto him again.
"I'm so close love it's been too long. I can't anymore."
"I also waited while you talked with that woman tonight so stop bitching around."
His deep blue eyes met yours again. They were glossy and blurry, tears threatening to spill at any moment.
"I'm so sorry my love. You know I'd never cheat on you. You're my one and only and I'm so so sorry I was so drunk I didn't realize..."
You instantly lowered your hips onto his, causing him to groan.
"Please angel please." he moaned, his desperate sounds causing a knot to form inside you.
"Promise me you'll never do this again" you said between sobs of pleasure.
His expression suddenly softened and he cupped your face with his calloused hands, gently brushing his thumb over your lower lip.
"My love I'll never do this again. Never gonna make you feel like this. Please forgive me and let me make it up to you." His words were so sweet they caused you to squeeze tightly around his length.
"Mm come on baby just cum on me. Make yourself feel good." he stuttered, gripping your hips as his nimble lips trailed feathery kisses along your neck.
Slowly but surely the two of you reached your high, panting. Your head came to rest on his heaving chest; his arms snaking around your body.
"I love you Y/N. Please forgive me." he whispered softly, your name falling off his lips like a prayer.
"Of course I forgive you Chu. I love you too much to stay mad at you."
He chuckled lightly, the tips of his digits gently tracing loose cricles along the expanse of your back; goosebumps rising on your wet skin. The alcohol lulled the two of you in a deep slumber and you fell asleep entangled with one another, your heartbeats syncing as you breathed in the same slow rhythm.
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almightygremlinblob · 9 months
Promise Me This (Kaorijaku x Jin Itadori)
Writing this was…honestly a fever dream. I did NOT mean for Jin to be this unhinged, JESUS CHRIST. Kenjaku is reffered to with he/him pronouns (except for wife) but has fem!body parts cuz…well, Kaori. This is also under the HC that the Itadori family, while not exactly sorcerers, weren't completely oblivious to the world of curses. Anyways, no beta'd smexy-times under the cut, so minors or anybody not comfortable with that DNI pls.
Word Count: 2730-ish words of Kenjaku having the time of his life and Jin being a maniac
Soft Dom!Jin Itadori. Jin being just…absolutely UNG-FUCKING-HINGED in this, like, he dives face first off the deep end. Kenjaku being a complete slut and bottom for Jin (like, srsly, he is down HORRENDOUSLY BAD for his man), ft. his breeding kink and a little OOC. Multiple orgasms. Monsterfucking. Body horror cuz Kaorijaku. Squirting. Jin makes out with Kenjaku's brain mouth. Everything's consensual, tho and ends in kinda fluff? Would you consider that fluff? Does that make it worse? I don't know.
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It was amusing the first few weeks, but Kenjaku's had enough of it; deciding he might as well rip the bandaid off.
"Why do you pretend, Jin?"
"Pretend what?"
Kenjaku huffed, humans could be so interesting (and infuriating), sometimes. Jin may have been grieving, but he wasn't an idiot, and Kenjaku knew this. Sensed it in how cautious he'd been when they first met, though…that didn't stop him from playing around with what he could get away with. Yet, still, ever since 'Kaori' came back, the both of them had settled into an awkward domestic bliss which was…quite intriguing. Actually, that was a lie. Kenjaku very much enjoyed it. Jin was fun to prod and play around with; watching the mix of confusion, horror and sometimes arousal from the other was just…
It was so much fun.
Though, during the time they were together, nothing too intimate ever happened. They'd cuddle, hug, sleep in the same bed together, take baths together, and he'd never miss how tenderly the other would touch his scars when he thought he was asleep - a strange development in the past month - but nothing more than that. Hell, Jin never once even kissed him all this time, despite the curse's relentless flirting - which was NOT something Kenjaku enjoyed.
Clearly he knew something was off, and yet…
"Kaori?" The water stopped running, and Jin put the last of the dishes onto the drying rack, before going over to his late wife and wrapping his arms around him. "I'm not pretending anything, silly."
"You know something's wrong with me."
"And yet you still play make believe with me?"
"I do."
"…" Kenjaku sighed. "Care to tell me why?"
"I told you…" Jin's lips trail over Kenjaku's neck, not kissing but…definitely teasing.
Oh, this was new!
The curse couldn't help but the smile that formed on his lips. Jin's touch was sending delightful shivers throughout his body, and it made Kenjaku almost ecstatic that he was finally initiating something. His next words though, practically had a growing heat start to pool in between his legs.
"I'm not pretending."
"I don't know what you are…" Jin sighs, and Kenjaku doesn't realize how he chases the touch of the other's lips on his neck; too drunk on the way his body was feeling. "And I've decided I don't care. You brought Kaori back to me…even if she's not…you're not…"
"You still brought her back, in some way." Kenjaku feels Jin's grip on him tighten, most probably out of frustration, but he enjoys it regardless. "And if you want to play good little housewife, I can give you that."
"You're an interesting one, Jin." Kenjaku laughs. "I think…think I'll keep you."
"Say, your name…your real name…what is it?"
"Ken…K-Kenjaku. I've-I-I've heard, ah…" Shit, he was stuttering. Kenjaku smirks, feeling a pleasant dizziness but takes a deep and shaky breath to recompose himself. "H-heard you arguing with your old man, you know…a-about a child. Did you want one?"
Jin's breath hitches. "Yes…with her. It was a shared dream of ours…"
"I-I can still do that for you."
Jin is silent for a while, thinking. He could still have a child with her…oh, but who was he kidding? No, no. This woman in front of him wasn't just her, was it? Jin's grip on Kenjaku loosens just a little. Just so he can look at the other - this…this thing wearing the corpse of his wife - properly. Jin smiles softly at the realization that…perhaps, he really was going insane.
Because it wasn't just about Kaori, anymore.
"Do you want one? Hm?" Jin's eyes pierce through Kenjaku, even though his smile is kind. The curse is caught completely off-guard by the intensity of his gaze, and it makes the heat pooling in between his legs only grow more. The pink haired man tilts his head, finding his lips and Kenjaku swears he stopped breathing for a good minute as Jin continued to gently kiss him. A strangled noise escapes Kenjaku's throat when he feels Jin's tongue slowly lap at his bottom lip. "With me?"
"I-I…" For the first time in a while, Kenjaku is speechless. He simply laughs, before kissing the other back. Shit, he didn't realize how ecstatic he'd been until he was feverishly exploring Jin's mouth with his tongue.
Before the both of them know it, they're naked in their shared bed, Jin passionately lapping at his wife's dripping folds. Kenjaku can't help the noises that come out of his mouth. "Y-yes! God, ye-"
A hand harshly grabs at his throat and squeezes hard. The curse sees Jin glare at him from between his legs, and it makes his cunt throb even more. "Be quiet. You'll get your turn."
Kenjaku can only whimper and whine when Jin continues to feverishly lick and taste him, dragging his tongue up from his folds up to his clit and occasionally sucking on the sensitive nub eagerly. The curse gasps for air when Jin releases his grip, dizzy and ecstatic, before whining when Jin inserts a finger. Another easily slips in, shortly after.
"I'm so happy…your body still remembers me, Kaori." Jin laughs quietly, and Kenjaku is chokes on a sob when Jin curls his fingers - fucking that wonderful spot inside him while scissoring him open. The pink haired man smiles softly as he glances at the curse above him, the look going completely unnoticed by said curse who was lost to the pleasure. Jin closes his eyes and begins to suck on his clit, fucking the curse with his mouth and fingers.
"A-aah, fuck-Jin!" Kenjaku practically mewls as he bucks his hips, gripping onto Jin's hair and grinding himself on his tongue and fingers. It only takes a few more moments until Kenjaku finds himself coming undone, entire body shaking as Jin rides him through his orgasm.
Kenjaku feels strangely empty, though not unsatisfied, when Jin pulls his fingers out, giving his clit one last tender kiss before getting up. It takes several breaths before the curse can speak again. "I-I…what abo-"
His words die in his throat when Jin hooks the other's legs around his hips, caging Kenjaku underneath him. The curse can feel Jin's cock, deliciously hard and leaking against his cunt, and what the other says next has Kenjaku's legs go weak.
"Your turn now, Kenjaku."
Jin says into his ear, low and hungry, but then stays silent and still for a while. The curse can tell he's thinking of something, and he can't help but feel intrigued. His arms find their way around his shoulders, not realizing how tenderly he strokes the others back.
"Tell me what's on your mind, Ji-…n…" Kenjaku's words die in his throat when he meets Jin's eyes. They're hungry, and it makes his cunt ache again. Only...he wasn't looking at his wife's eyes, he was looking somewhere a little higher.
"Stitches. Off."
His eyes go wide. "What?"
"It's where you are, isn't it? And I told you, it's your turn." Kenjaku goes still for a while, shocked, but then just starts giggling; giddy and elated. "You know…normal people can't see my kind. U-us curses, we're-"
"Take them off, Kenjaku."
Kenjaku smiles, and wordlessly does as he's told. Fluids leak from his head as he parts the cut to reveal the light pink flesh underneath. Jin finally sees the curse for the first time in months. The curse doesn't miss how soft his eyes become, and watches as he carefully traces his thumb over the curse's mouth. "There you are…"
"Ah, my bad. So I correct about you lot…"
Jin sinks himself into the other's cunt, hissing at how hard Kenjaku's walls suck him in - though with how wet the other was it was easier than expected to slip inside. The curse nearly comes undone again, then and there. He's never felt this full, before and it felt incredible. Jin's lips meet the curse's actual mouth and has Kenjaku drooling and whimpering underneath the pink haired man, overwhelmed as Jin's tongue explores him completely. When he pulls away from the kiss, Kenjaku starts laughing, and Jin gives him a worried look. "Are you…are you alright?"
"G-god, you're insane, Jin Itadori…"
Jin huffs, smiling softly but not denying it. "I'm gonna move now, okay?"
Jin starts slow, but his cock deliciously drags against every part of the curse's cunt. The pink haired man smirks, feeling Kenjaku's nails leaving dents on his back as he holds onto him. "A-aah…f-fuck, I…"
Jin laughs softly. "Is this your first time?"
"A-as a woman, yes…" Kenjaku can't stop his legs from trembling as they wrap tightly around Jin. "I've…c-courted many in all my bodies as a man, but this is…I-I've never…"
"I'll take that as a compliment, then, but…let me make it better for you." Jin huffs. He didn't miss the implications of…of body hopping that this monster was capable of, but…well, he didn't particularly care at this point. He puts two of his fingers in his wife's mouth. "Be good and suck on this for me, yeah?"
The mischievous look in his eye doesn't go unnoticed by the curse, but Kenjaku simply does as he's told. Jin rewards him with a kiss on his real mouth and adjusts him a little, before thrusting with a steady and brutal pace and making the curse see stars. Despite his whining, Kenjaku's cunt sucks his cock in hungrily as he's brutally fucked by the other.
The nails that rake against Jin's back and arms break the skin and only serve to spur him on. Kenjaku sobs when Jin pulls away from the kiss and removes his fingers from his mouth. The curse greedily sucks and marks the other's neck using his wife's mouth, all while begging him with his actual one. "Ngh! God, d-don't stop! Fuck, p-please, Jin-!!"
"C'mon, louder. Let me hear you."
"Y-yes, oh god, Jin-!!!"
Jin's hips still and he groans as he fills Kenjaku. He takes a few breaths before slowly starting to move again; fucking his cum deeper into the curse. The feeling of so much of it inside him has Kenjaku seeing stars, but what sends him into another orgasm was the realization that Jin was going to get him pregnant at this rate.
He was actually going to carry this man's child.
"O-ooh, fuuuck…" Kenjaku's body tenses, cunt squeezing him deliciously hard that it has Jin hissing again. He notices Kenjaku breathing deeply, his body twitching and limp, and gives him an apologetic smile. His hand gently strokes the pink flesh of the curse.
"You okay?"
"D-don't. Stop." Kenjaku manages to say in between breaths. Jin laughs softly, kissing him tenderly on his mouth and making the curse dizzy with delight.
"If you say so." Jin smirks, before hooking Kenjaku's legs over his shoulders. The curse screams something in a dialect Jin can't understand, but was clearly some kind of Japanese, when the human somehow reaches even deeper into him; tip kissing the entrance to his womb with every thrust and shaft deliciously rubbing against a spot inside him that has Kenjaku nearly blacking out. Jin was reaching every part of him, the deepest parts of him, and it was incredible. The human forces his tongue inside Kenjaku's mouth, and the curse's eyes roll back - body completely tense and overwhelmed - when Jin begins rubbing on his sensitive clit. This was all so much.
Kenjaku was going to lose his mind at this rate…
Not that he was complaining, though.
Jin's pace picks up, and Kenjaku feels him twitching inside. It doesn't take long until Jin spills inside him with a few messy thrusts, the curse mewling when he feels him spill right on his cervix. Though Jin doesn't stop rubbing on his clit, and this has the curse squirting his own fluids and making a mess of both their legs shortly after. Kenjaku whimpers when Jin flips him on his stomach, though doesn't make a move to stop him at all, Jin's hand finding its way around his neck once more. Bringing him close to his face, the curse's back arching beautifully underneath the human.
"A-ah, Jin…please, I want-" Kenjaku is cut off by Jin's lips on his mouth, sucking and kissing him tenderly.
"Shhh, shhh…I know, baby." Jin pulls out nice and slow, leaving just the tip before harshly thrusting it back in. "You like that, yeah?"
"Ngh…n-need...p-please!" Kenjaku's cunt is practically leaking with how wet he was. Jin fucks him slow and brutal, cock dragging along every part of his insides before being slammed back in.
"Thaat's it…good." Jin huffs into his ear, licking and biting his neck before pulling away. Kenjaku feels his heat leave his back as Jin repositions himself, placing his hands on Kenjaku's hips as the curse's head rests on the bed. "M'gonna move a bit faster now, yeah?"
Kenjaku just nods frantically and his moans turn into screams when Jin ruts into him like an animal in heat. The curse screaming in that dialect that Jin can't understand. Kenjaku's eyes roll back, mind going blank as his cunt greedily sucks and squeezes Jin's cock with every thrust. They both lose count of how many orgasms and hours go by, as Jin ruthlessly makes love to Kenjaku and his wife, with all the pent up feelings he has for them both.
All Kenjaku knew was that his mind was going blank. His legs felt like literal jelly and it's as if his body was being torn apart. He's never felt this close to breaking without actually dying before.
It was incredible.
"A-aaah, you're doing so fucking good, Kenjaku. Cum for me one more time, yeah?" Jin bites his lip, Kenjaku can feel him twitching and throbbing inside him again. "Almost there, baby. I'm so close…"
Kenjaku smiles, nearly delirious with pleasure, as the thought of carrying this man's children sends him over the edge, again. His legs trembling as he spills even more of his fluids onto the bed. "J-Jin, o-oh fuuck-!"
With one last, hard thrust, Jin stills inside him again - cock fully sheathed and throbbing as he gives Kenjaku another thick load. His cunt milks him deliciously, but he feels Jin filling him beyond what he can take - hot streams of cum dripping down his thighs. Kenjaku's almost sad that so much is going to waste.
Jin groans and nearly pulls out but Kenjaku quickly grabs his wrist.
"S-stay. Stay inside me…" Kenjaku barely manages to say, completely fucked out of his mind. Jin looks at him softly, carefully moving him without pulling out, so the both of them can lie down in a more comfortable position.
For a long while, their breathing was the only sound there was.
"Th-that was…" Kenjaku finally breaks the silence, but is unable to continue his sentence.
"Good?" Jin gently kisses the curse on the mouth, again.
"Nearly the best I've had in a while…" Kenjaku gulps, and looks at Jin cautiously - dare Jin say he almost looked nervous. "Th-the world I'm in…it isn't known for being the nicest, you know. You should leave me, while you can. It's safer for you. Curses, we aren-"
"No." Jin huffs. "I am not. Leaving you."
Kenjaku is silent for a while. "Why?"
"You brought Kaori back to me, in some way, even if she isn't…I mean, you aren't…" He gently strokes the curse and sighs. "But I'm not staying for just Kaori…you understand that, right?"
"I…I see." Kenjaku can't help the way his stomach flutters, or the warmth that blooms in his chest upon hearing that. It was irrational, and yet...
Jin takes a deep breath. He knew staying with the other was practically a death sentence for him. However, if he was to be honest with himself...he didn't really care anymore. Only...he worried for his child. "Just…look, I know I won't last long with you. So please promise me something. Promise me you'll continue to watch over my child even if I'm gone."
"And if I don't?"
Jin rolls his eyes, knowing the other was just messing with him. "Then I'll haunt you for the rest of your life."
"All the better to break it, then." Kenjaku laughs softly, and decides - for once in his life - to do something stupid for reasons outside his plan. Jin makes a confused look as he feels something almost constricting him, but then Kenjaku plants his mouth on Jin's and seals that silent vow with a kiss. The feeling is gone as soon as it came. "But…you have my word, Itadori Jin."
WRITING THIS WAS WOWZERS MAN. 😬Also, "watching over" isn't necessarily the same as "taking care of". But, anyways, if you like my work, consider donating! Edit: WTF WHY DOES THIS HAVE 75 NOTES??? NOBODY LOOK AT THIS WHAT
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och405o · 1 year
Hey lol, can i request an &team reaction to their sunbae idol s/o (who's the leader dancer and rapper and is also from hybe) mentioning them on a show or in a live and saying that they love their content/music and that their rlly handsome(like cmon their gorgeous) and they like find out from fans and fanboy over them and they didn't know that they were watching the live...and ima stop there cuz it's so long srry (i'm the same anon who asked u just now btw even tho it's lowkey obvious)
Anyway hope ur doing great and hope this helped ur writing block. Luv uuu<33
&Team reaction to idol s/o mentioning them on live
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Andy’s notes: Hi anon!! Thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoy this 🫶🫶
Summary: While live a fan asked your opinion on the group &team, giving you the opportunity to talk about your perfect boyfriend
K had opened Twitter to be met with hundreds of tweets from Lune and your fandom. Obviously the first emotion he felt was confusion and a little panic. He scrolled through the thread and saw the clip from your groups live.
“Oh someone asked if I like &Team. Of course I do! I think my bias is definitely K. He is so handsome and talented, how can someone not like him”
K smiled at the clips, watching it over and over again. I think K would tease you a little about it but would be really happy that you love him so much.
He would be doing a birthday live (Happy belated Fuma day) when people started commenting about your live. He would be confused but as people began to explain it he would understand. He would worry a little about rumors but I think he would be one to reveal it himself with the help of the company before any scandals or rumors started to spread
(This little shit) He would definitely tease you when he saw all the ships and fan edits of the two of you.
“Awe daring look at this clip you are practically drooling over me.” He would say while siting with you in a practice room. He would absolutely love seeing you talk about him with so much love.
I think his first reaction would be to panic. He knows it’s not always a good think when you are trending on Twitter. He would be worried about scandals and rumors, knowing that could affect your careers. I think he try to distance himself from you in front of camera to avoid them. But don’t worry he definitely shows his live when you guys are alone.
He would be watching your live with some of the other guys when your fans started asking for your opinion on their new comeback. Obviously you were excited to talk about it and your amazing boyfriend.
“Oh it was so good they all looked great especially Yuma. He definitely shined in this comeback. I was thinking about learning the choreography for it, what do you guys think?”
Yuma would love it. I think he would get a little shy but overall he would think it was really sweet and definitely would be a little more clingy with you to show his appreciation.
Jo was a hard one for me. He would be awkward (plz save him he doesn’t know what to do) people had already started to ship the two of you and Jo was a little worried. He was conflicted. Like obviously he loves you but he doesn’t want to affect your career. He wouldn’t worry as much as Ej but would definitely want to be careful from now on.
He would think you are the cutest person to every walk the Earth. He absolutely loved the way your eyes lit up as you gushed about him and the way your cheeks turn a soft shade of red when you realized you talked too long. He would save the video in his phone and watch it at least 5 times a day.
Taki would talk about you a lot especially with Niki (Rip Niki) when this happened. Oh boy Niki was ready to rip his own ears off. Taki would not stop bragging about you. He loved that you were so proud of him and that you loved him so much.
Maki would feel a huge confidence boost. He wants you to be proud of him and wants to impress you. He is still super young so I think he would be a little awkward about and might even tease you or pretend like it doesn’t affect him when deep down he is so so in love with you
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