#I'm like. already hungry with no food in the house so L for me! I'll eat walnuts before I go
cilantrospirit · 11 months
fuck it meal plan for the week:
lunch for today:
something made by notme (I am not saving $100 this month y'all but that is the least of my worries)
harvest grains w/ red curry to use the leftover onion
other veg: carrots, bok choy, half a pepper, some cauliflower
protein: tofu
side of cucumber spears and soy sauce
bfast friday:
boiled egg with black sesame seeds
potatoes again
lunch friday:
hummus wrap
veg: cauliflower (cooked), lettuce, pickled cucumber or cabbage
dinner friday:
lasagner (inc. carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, & half a pepper)
salad 👍
bfast saturday (before Big Sleep):
toast with jam & peanut butter
dinner saturday (before/during ofmd?):
big harvest grains salad w/tofu and lettuce, lemon juice as dressing
hmm lasaga
"lunch" "saturday":
microwave quesadilla hours
orange or other fruit (hi jeanette winterson)
breakfast before the sleeptimes:
egg! wahoo!
evening meal sunday:
baked potato w/ any leftover veg that is lingering
work meal "sunday":
wouldn't you know it's lasagna time
and salad yahoo
monday breakfast:
man idk follow your bliss
m(onda)y dinnar 🔥:
mayhaps pizza bagels
with salad ofc
work meal "monday":
fresh rolls! with soy sauce and hummus
veg: cucumber, mint/basil, carrot, lettuce
breakfast tuesday:
egg :]
dinner tuesday:
also pizza bagels
last work meal of the week yahoo! woo!
egg salad sandwich (I have to finish this celery and the mayo fr)
wednesday breakfast:
whatever you want babygirl (lie: options are limited)
wednesday lunch:
gotta keep eating that egg salad!
wednesday dinner
leftovers night if applicable, quesadilla or omelette if not
next thursday breakfast:
salad (rolls) yay :-)
after this go shopping again but egg salad for lunch probably
snack foods to get:
whatever the discounted fruit is ofc
oatmilk for the rest of the cocoa
preserved stuffed eggplants in tomato juice or dolmas
literal candy for morale
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pacifymebby · 8 months
t r o u b l e / chapter thirty two
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"What do you wanna see Michael for?" Asked Isaiah later that evening as we sat together in Alfie's kitchen. We'd been served dinner and though I was hungry I'd already decided I couldn't eat the food which had been placed in front of me.
He was giving me such a cynical look, face screwed up, disbelief worn shamelessly on his smirking lips.
"He's family." I shrugged but he just chuckled and shook his head. "What?" I asked when he didn't reply, when he simply kept up that smirking raised brow stare.
"Feelin home sick all of a sudden love?" He was laughing at me, I could see the amusement dancing in his eyes. I rolled mine.
"Michaels the only one who came to our recital when we finished left lower school and moved to 16+" I said cutting up my food carefully, studying it as I did. "It'll be the same this year no doubt... If we even manage to graduate after Tommy's little shit show..."
"You're so fuckin dramatic..." He said with a smirk, "obviously you're gonna graduate," he said shoving another meatball into his mouth, pausing only to chew and swallow, cutting me off just as I opened my mouth to argue. "And, when you do... I'll come."
"When you graduate," he said mopping up the last of his stew with a slice of bread, "I'll come to your recital or your ceremony or whatever..."
And when he closed his mouth and held my gaze I realised I couldn't bide myself anymore time by asking "what?" One more time. Realised that if I didn't have anything to say in that moment then all I could do was remain quiet or shrug him off. And I couldn't think of anything to say because I wasn't sure what to make of his statement. Wasn't sure whether I should be pleased or touched or suspicious.
So I didn't say a word about it and instead turned my attention back to the plate.
"You want this? I'm full." I said standing up before he could answer, my chair scraping across the floor as my feet hit the stone and I pushed away from the counter we'd been eating at.
"Aye go on then.." he sighed reaching for my plate, taking another piece of bread and tearing it.
I couldn't watch him eat and so instead I turned away, arms folded across my chest as I gazed out of the kitchen window.
The view wasn't particularly impressive, it was simply a stretch of roof, clean slope of grey slate cutting down from one wall to meet another clean slope of grey slate which climbed to meet another. There was a kind of hollow in the middle where the house gave way to a walled garden in the middle of the structure, a tree confined along with a goldfish pond and a bench, a bowl of water left for Cyril.
The sunset broke behind the rooftops and gold light leaked between the cracks and the nooks. Spilled over the moss which grew on the slate slopes and painted them amber shades of soft green.
Outside the evening was still and peaceful and soon to be swallowed once again by London's muted grey night.
"You don't wanna see Michael Sylvie..." said Isaiah from where he sat perched by the counter.
"I do Isaiah."
"They fucked him up pretty badly..."
"I know, that's why I want to see him..."
"What do you wanna upset yourself for girl, what's the point in that?"
"Who says it'll upset me..."
"I do alright, I say it'll fuckin upset you because it will fuckin upset you alright?" He snapped, his cutlery clattering against the table when he smacked his hand down. The sound was shrill and sharp but I didn't flinch. Just remained still, watching two magpies on the roof.
"Oh well if it's your expert opinion..." I smirked aware that I was pushing his buttons again, aware that I was about to drive him to despair once more. But I couldn't help myself, couldn't help the urge to push him until he snapped, just to prove that I could. I told myself it was to remind him that I wasn't just some girl, that I wasn't fragile, that I was just as dangerous as him. But I wonder now if it was perhaps just that I liked the tension in his jaw when he was gripped by the frustration I caused him.
"Why do you really want to see him?" He asked after another moments quiet. A moment in which I'd been able to hear him deliberately draw a slower breath, trying to calm himself down.
"I told you, he's family... And I know it's worse than John told us so I want to see him for myself."
"You want to risk your life just to prove your brothers lie to you?"
"You make it sound unreasonable but it's not."
I heard his chair scrape against the floor then too. Heard him get up. His cutlery scraping on his plate as he stacked it atop mine. I felt the shift in the atmosphere as he crossed the kitchen floor and stopped just beside me. His elbow knocked mine as he placed our dirty dishes down in the deep basin and reached for the tap.
"It won't upset me," I said again, "and I want to know who hit him... I've visited my brothers in hospital before Saiah..."
"This is worse," he said quietly, "Michael should be dead love, he ain't in any state to tell you anything..."
"I still want to see him..." I said stubbornly plunging my hands into the hot water until I found a plate I could concentrate on washing instead of concentrating too much on Isaiah, how close he was standing to me, how quietly he was talking to me.
"I'm not gonna take you Sylvie," he said with a small smirk, "y'can phone him if you're worried..."
"You said he isn't in any state to talk..." I said, eyes focussed with a dead glow on the plate I'd long since scrubbed clean. "It won't upset me." I said again knowing the words were falling on deaf ears, not expecting him to reach out to me the way he did when I said it again.
He took my chin in his hand and turned my gaze away from the plate, forced me to look at him.
Scrutinised my dead dark eyes for a moment. And though I held his gaze with a stubborn determination he saw something there I hadn't been able to hide.
"You already are." He said letting me go, taking the plate from my wet hands and resting it carefully on the dish rack.
"Fine." I said quietly, my voice so certain, so unwavering, all the sharp smoothed carefully down by my tongue, that the word fell light but lay heavy in the silence between us which followed.
He didn't say anything, just took the sponge from my hands and nodded for me to leave him to it. But I didn't want to because doing the dishes had felt like biding my time. Had given me something to think about whilst I was busy thinking about other things. It had been something for my hands to busy themselves with whilst my mind raced through calculations and weighed up suspicions.
So I remained by his side feeling blindly in the soapy water for something else I could pick up and wash. A ghost of an apology skimming both our lips when my fingers brushed over the back of Isaiah's hand beneath the water. The relief moments later when I found a knife, felt the blade dig a warning into my palm as I closed my fingers around the wrong end.
And as we stood together washing the dishes in silence I tried to think through too many things at the same time.
First their was the trouble with Sunny.
Something about Freddie Sabini's note had been troubling me since I'd held it pinched between my hands. The risk he'd taken to deliver it to our door.
Because if he'd known he'd been found out, if he'd known there was a chance he was being followed, then why had he crossed the city to our front door and left a sign.
Second there was the trouble with Michael.
I hadn't been lying to Isaiah when I'd given him those reasons for wanting to see my cousin. Michael had been the only member of our family to attend that recital. One which had felt pivotal at the time when we were only 16 and didn't realise yet that every recital, every show we danced in was going to feel pivotal. Was going to feel make or break.
At the time the flowers he'd left us had been the only good luck and the only congratulations, I'm proud of you, that we'd had. He was the last member of the family to show up to any of our performances and the week Sunny had been announced as Odette he had sent her flowers to the flat.
Perhaps his reputation with the outside world was one of a sleazy playboy always getting arrested for petty possession charges, kicked out of clubs with bulging pupils and red eyes, but he'd always found time amid his careless antics for me and Sonya.
And I hadn't forgotten that. If not especially because of the reputation he had. The bad seed. There wouldn't be a single member of the public not secretly thinking he'd deserve it if he died. And if he deserved it then so would my brother's, so would my Aunt Pol, so would Uncle Charlie, so would Ada and Esme... So would Isaiah. So would Sunny and I.
I couldn't leave him on his own in that private ward. Couldn't leave him to the company of the armed police who would be being paid to guard him but who could probably be swayed with a little nudge from a Changretta or Sabini.
Not when I knew the devastation that Polly would be gripped with having been forced by Tommy to keep her distance. He was holding her hostage in that big house too and I knew she would be desperate to know her boy wasn't alone. Knowing Polly she'd probably be able to sense the second I stepped inside his hospital room. And I hoped she would know it was me, that he was in tender company.
"Whatve you got to do before bed?" Asked Isaiah, his voice a little lower, heavier than it had been before. The warm water lapping at our wrists had clearly subdued him, lulled him and left him suddenly aware of his own exhaustion.
For that I was grateful. It was going to make my evening much easier.
"I haven't practiced today so..." I shrugged knowing he would force himself to stay up with me, knowing he would sit there in a chair in the corner of the room, watching me, longing for me to give in for the night so that he could get some rest.
And if I could wear him out just enough then perhaps he wouldn't wake when I left in the middle of the night.
"Don't you reckon you should just try an get a decent night's sleep in you?" He asked but I could tell from the way he looked at me that he new it was a futile question.
"I napped."
"Mmm sure that half an hour's done you the world of bloody good..." he said only really grumbling to himself as he pulled the plug in the sink and reached behind me for the tea towel.
I ignored his comment and took up the other half of the towel scrunching it in my own hands to dry myself off.
He kept holding it even after he'd finished, waiting patiently for me to be done.
"Well I'll wait up with you," he said letting me get away with ignoring him again as I dropped the towel and turned away. Listening carefully to his footsteps as he followed me. He flicked the kitchen light off behind him and followed me to the gym Alfie had shown me earlier that afternoon on the "guided tour." The guided tour which had been his way of showing us all the rooms we could use and all the rooms which were barred to us upon "pain of death."
He'd been fairly generous with his permissions and really his little tour had felt like simply another method of talking too much to teach us who was in charge. To have us walking on eggshells aware that every second spent in his home was thanks to his generosity. Something he'd reminded me more than once, wasn't a trait he was famed for. Impatience, contrarianism, a short fuse... Those were the traits he was remembered for and wouldn't we do well to remember that.
Among the rooms he'd barred us from were his office, his bedroom, two doors which stood beside one another at the top of the stairs on the third floor, and a bathroom. He was very particular apparently about his bathroom. I'd struggled not to smirk when he'd frowned and shaken his head. Struggled not to laugh because an infamous gangster was apparently a nitpicking germaphobe...
Among the rooms he'd been so gracious as to let us use however was a gym. It wouldn't be perfect for training because it had been designed as a boxing gym with the usual soft mat floors, punch bags and lifting equipment taking up the space I would need. But it was better than nothing and, as I was beginning to realise, more than generous coming from a man who valued his privacy and personal space more than anyone else I'd ever met.
I was expecting Isaiah to shake his head at me when I placed myself down in the center of the room and began stretching, I was expecting to be chastised, told off for trying too hard, for wearing myself out. But once we were in the room Isaiah didn't say another word to me. Instead he watched me as I crossed the room, watched me drop to the floor and begin pointing my toes, going through my gentle stretches to ease myself up. He watched me with a growing intensity, with shadowy eyes and a glowering kind of pout.
And then he stopped.
He crossed the floor, brushing past me without a second glance, left me watching him as he stopped in front of the equipment wall and began examining the sets of gloves and guards hanging from the wall.
I watched as he took a pair down, slipped them over his hands and flexed his fingers. Watched as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and left it abandoned on the floor. Tried not to watch when he moved silently and took up a fighters stance before a punching bag, his eyes steely and glazed as he flared the inanimate object down.
Forced myself to watch as he channelled his anger into every rapid punch, the bag taking it all, muting every hit. He growled, the muscles in his stomach tightening as he threw another burst of short sharp stabbing punches that left a little lump in my throat. Left a tight kind of knot in my own stomach as I swallowed down and tore my gaze away from him. Tried to focus on my stretches and then, later on my steps.
I'd thought he might tire quickly with all the sleep he hadn't had. Instead he remained determined, stubborn and cut off from the rest of the world. The sound of his rhythmic jabs punctuating my delicate turns and steps. Every teetering pirouette I managed accompanied by the consistency of his anguish landed into that punching bag.
The sound left a strange sensation settled over me. As if I was being haunted by him. Every time I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on my steps, every time I tried to slip into my sister's shoes Isaiah would grunt or growl with the effort of his exertion, and the image of his shirtless torso rippling with tension would come back to bite me.
It was knowing I was at the heart of that tension which left the lump in my throat. The knot in my stomach. And though I told myself that that really was all it was, guilt, I knew it wasn't.
And every time I opened my eyes or stole a glance back at him I found myself hoping he'd snap out of his apparent trance and cut a glance at me. Hold my gaze as he landed one of those cutting jabs into the punch bag. Perhaps he'd feel better if he was looking at me when he landed the punch.
But Isaiah's temper didn't fade until much later, when I was at the trembling crescendo of my routine. When I was en pointe and shivering, pushing myself that one step beyond my limit. Dangerously teetering, the burn in my thigh, in my calf and in my hip, everything pulled taut and trembling. Knee brushing my ear as I held the position my sister had perfected a long time ago.
With my eyes closed I couldn't see him staring, couldn't see the way his eyes drifted over my silhouette, the way his brooding expression seemed to shadow a little more, some kind of sad awe overcoming him. With my eyes closed I didn't see anything of him at all. But I heard it.
The silence. The gentle creek of the punch bag swinging to a halt, a stillness capturing the room. A silence I had complete power over.
For a moment the realisation threatened to dizzy me, I felt the tingling rush of selfawareness in my fingertips and cheeks. I drew a breath and forced it down. Shut it off. Remained perfectly balanced, exhaled slowly, in complete control as I began to spin slowly like a china figure in a music box. Delicate. Pristine.
And still the silence remained. Isaiah stood watching me as if he didn't recognise the girl in front of him at all. And perhaps he didn't. I must have seemed a far cry from the girl who'd put a gun to her own head and threatened to throw herself out of the window only the day before.
Perhaps now, in a state of hypnotic concentration, caught in the wrap of my celestial revolve, I appeared from certain angles, to be Sonya.
And it was that thought which choked me. That thought which seized my body so that I knew I was going to fall even before the door burst open and Alfie's voice startled both me and Isaiah.
It was the thought of Sonya which sent me toppling. It just so happened that Alfie's poorly timed entrance appeared to be the cause. The disturbance which left the fragility of my balance all too obvious when I wavered and fell from my position to the floor.
Except I didn't hit the floor. Didn't feel the unforgiving thud or the burn of friction when my thigh came down against the vinyl.
Instead I felt the thud of a chest beneath my shoulder, two arms closed carefully around me as Isaiah stumbled to break my fall and hold me secure.
Instead I felt myself overwhelmed by the warmth of being caught, the snug of someone else's embrace as he scooped me up with ease.
"Fuckin hell Solomon's you never heard of knockin?" Snapped Isaiah, his frustration vibrating through his chest and mine as he spoke, still holding me. His grip was tense but not too tight and I could tell he wasn't about to let me go any time soon. I should have minded that but in the moment I didn't. In the moment I was grateful for his arms around my waist, one hand holding my shoulder, his body shielding mine so that Alfie couldn't see the way I was left trembling like a little bird. I was breathless. Not because of the shock but because the perilous move had torn through the last of my energy reserves and now that I was being held up by someone else I was realising just how exhausted I really was.
"Ever heard of knockin? Sunshine this is my fuckin house ain't it... Oh I'm sorry do excuse me little Shelby..." he said with a faux gracious gesture, "ain't used to minding me language and your little lap dog really does have a way of tempting my worse side..." he said sneering at Isaiah.
"Don't give a fuck who's house it is mate, she coulda been hurt... Fuckin fell because of you!"
I could feel the muscles in Isaiah's arms tense as he spoke and his temper flared and when I leant back against his chest, tilted my head back to look up at him I could see his glare burning, nostrils flared as he snarled at Alfie. But Alfie hardly seemed to notice Isaiahs temper, didn't seem phased by the threat in his eyes as he chuckled and shook his head.
"You care about the little gypsys health so much Lapdog, then perhaps you might like to think about letting her stay up so late eh?" He said, his eyes softening but not soft. "What do you think little Shelby? I reckon it's past your bedtime ain't it..."
And though his condescending tone left my cheeks burning with a furious blush, my eyes shadowy with a stubborn sulk, I could feel my own frailty in every shaking breath I took. So when Isaiah spoke up again in my defense I just shook my head.
"He's right Siah, I'm fuckin tired anyway." I said trying to shrug my way out of his hold on me, but in the moment I tugged away he held me a little more firm. His hands moving down to my waist to steady me before he let me go.
And even when he let me walk free he followed so close behind that I was sure I could feel his steps overlapping mine. His chest shadowing my shoulder blades.
I stopped in the doorway, inches from Alfie. Looked up at him with wide and blinking innocent eyes.
"Goodnight Mr Solomon's" I said as sweetly as I could, my smirk tugging at my lips when I curtseyed, held his gaze with a simmering glare to let him know I was laughing at him still.
"Call her Gypsy one more time..." growled Isaiah, his eyes full of disgust when he snarled at the older man. The two of them starring eachother down in the doorway, neither one willing to back down.
Alfie let out a low whistle, his eyes twinkling with unforgiving amusement.
"Get a muzzle for your pet little Shelby..." he chuckled as he stepped inside the gym and watched us walk back down the hall together.
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obeythebutler · 3 years
I have this idea in my mind and I'm scared to lose it so imma do it now (´ . .̫ . `)
Can I request an MC who found a stray kitten on the street and they don't have any other choice but to bring it to the HoL cause it's dangerous outside and the Brother's found out about it
The thoughts of them (and a certain cat lover) taking care of the kitten like it's their child is so cute (*´ω`*)
MC Finds A Stray Kitten!
You've found another reason to live.
Another ball of happiness in the chaos of a home that is the Devildom—a little furball—a kitten in a bush, calling for its mother.
But there's no mom to be found, and you can't leave the baby alone. After a few alarmed mrrps, the kitten is in your palm, happily reveling in the warmth of your skin. It was cold, and hungry, but you've thankfully found some wet kitten food in a store, and to speed up things—you've brought it in the house.
But there's also the question of whether or not the brothers will be on board with co-parenting, but there's at least one demon brother on your side.
You hold the kitten in your palms, right in Lucifer's face, and crimson eyes squint as they stare at your baby, who sneezes.
A kitten sneeze, but now Lulu needs a handkerchief. Not a very good first impression, but hey, you've challenged his authority ever since you came here, and now the demon comes to demand attention from you. Maybe running headfirst into danger isn't a good idea at first, but things have worked out.
"It's a kitten—"
"At least hear me out!" You pout, cradling your baby in your arms, a thumb rubbing circles on its back. "You don't have to do anything, I'll take care of it!"
Lucifer raises an eyebrow at you, and your shoulders shrug. "Okay, maybe a few belly rubs and pets, but that's not different from Cerebrus," At that, the demon growls, but the blush on his cheeks says otherwise.
With much more convincing, and offers of favours and that no, Satan will not come after his ass to let him bring cats when you've got one, because the blonde demon is going to care for the little furball.
In just a week, you wake up to Lucifer setting up a bed for the kitten, together with lots of toys and food enough to last a whole year.
"Luci," You mutter, eyes still heavy with sleep. "Why did you call me so early in the morning?"
"Pass me the coffee, please."
You raise an eyebrow. The cup is right in front of him, and all he needs to do is bend forwards to grab it, so why did he wake you up?
"Get it yourself," You seethe, turning around to get back into your bed, warm and inviting and messy. The demon lets out a noise—a protest, maybe, but it gets silenced as soon as it comes, and now Lucifer is deathly silent.
"Huh?" You furrow your eyebrows, wondering why in hell is the demon looking with a desperate expression at this lap.
You go to check, and an ungraceful sound escapes you.
Right there, is your baby, your kitten, sleeping soundly in Lucifer's lap. Purring like a motor, finding solace and warmth in the demon.
You suppose you can do something to help, and so Lucifer gets his coffee cup, and a happy kitten.
And your kiss to his cheek.
Placing the feline on your bed, you turn around to look for more supplies—something warm, something comfy, and that something is in Satan's room. Cat supplies, all right, and you need to leave your baby for a moment.
You come back to an enthusiastic demon and a grumpy kitten.
"Meow? Meow meow meow!"
Mammon gets a grumpy meow in return, and the kitten wrings itself out of his hands and jumps towards you, right between your legs.
The look on Mammon's face is of utter betrayal.
"Y-You...H-Hey! The kitten was here already, I didn't bring it in! I swear—"
"I know," You say, picking up the feline before placing a kiss on its head. "It was me who brought it in."
Mammon opens his mouth, eyes wide in disbelief. "Lucifer's going to be on your head for that! He's going to make you—"
"Could you shout any louder?" You slap a hand over his mouth, furrowed eyebrows glaring into blue ones, and the demon blushes.
He's your moron.
The plan to take care of kitty goes well, at first. Mammon distracts Luci while you arrange for supplies, and then your child has to go and climb right onto Lucifer's leg, its tiny claws gripping on his trousers.
Lucifer's not very pleased with you bringing animals in the house, but it's hard to be scared when a kitten nuzzles into his neck.
But after a small punishment (according to Lucifer, at least) the kitten is allowed to stay, with the condition that it won't create a ruckus.
There are many advantages to being a cat enthusiast.
Within an incredibly short amount of time, the kitten has captured everyone's heart and attention, and you're glad at how things worked out.
"What is behind your back?" He asks, eyebrow raised as you shush at him to be quiet. Levi tries to get a look behind your back, but you don't let him.
"Wait!" You hiss, marching towards the demon with an alarming look. "Sit down and I'll explain—"
Just then, a meow is heard.
"So you brought a cat in?"
It's cute, he concludes after watching it snuggle itself in your palm. Small, fierce and very adorable.
But then, what if his cords get chewed on? Kitty bites figurines? What about Henry? Cats like fish, as far as he's heard! Oh no—
Levi's very hesitant to let the kitten in his room. But you came to his room and chose him as your first option, and if you went to any of his brothers he's going to be jealous and ugh no he can't!
Man allows you to keep the feline, on the assurance that it won't chew up the cords and stay away from his pillows.
And guess what the kitten does?
Look Levi straight in the eye and sits on Azuki-tan, and kneads the pillow with those tiny paws.
There's no going back.
And from then on, a steady relationship is cultivated. Your kitten is Levi's companion, who rants about his interests and the feline listens.
That day when the kitty had placed itself on Levi's lap and kneads his stomach, that was the day when the demon died of happiness.
You gaze at Satan with hopeful eyes, the kitten right in front of your face. The demon stares, eyes fixated on the feline, and then gets his nose booped.
Squishy paws on Satan's nose.
"You just can't take the kitten out of my hands like that!" You frown, watching as Satan fusses over your baby, pressing kisses to its small head.
"Where did you find this kitten?" He asks, emerald eyes gazing at you in curiousity. You tell him about your plan, for the resident pet-hater will surely make you leave the kitten.
And to think Lucifer gives belly rubs on the regular. The double-standards!
"I'll help you in taking care of the kitty," Satan smiles, and you know you've got an ally.
His room is always stocked with cat food on the regular, with toys in a corner! Books and a willing blonde servant, what else could a cat need?
Satan is over the moon as he eagerly arranges for the new inhabitant, but it's not without a ruckus. One wrong move and the tower of books topples over.
And it shakes the whole house.
But eh, all the members came to visit the kitten, and if the feline decides it's going to pee on Lucifer's documents, whose Satan to intervene?
Lucifer can't say no to your puppy eyes, and because he's soft for you (all the brothers are) you get to keep the kitten.
And now evenings are spent chilling with your kitty and your demons.
"Such an adorable kitty you are!" Asmo coos, stroking a thumb on the feline's head, the demon's natural charm making it even easier to win your baby's heart.
He laughs at your pout, placing a kiss on your inflated cheek. "That was my kitten!" You whine, taking the feline into your arms. The kitten doesn't protest, just allows itself to lie in your hands, like a sack of flour.
Asmo's charm just makes it harder, but it doesn't effect you. But puppy eyes definitely do.
And that's how the brothers find you, happily asleep with Asmodeus and the kitten between you. Lucifer can wake you both up, but this is an adorable sight, and Satan would murder him in cold blood if he ever attempted to.
Over a span of time, the kitten gains a steady Devilgram following, thanks to the cuteness and the photos that Asmodeus knows how to take. Hell, your account steadily grows close to thousands, thanks to being the human exchange student that wiped the floor with the Avatars and all that jazz.
Satan's been smiling ever since Lucifer allowed you both to keep the kitten, and who knew a feline could have such an effect on the family?
Asmodeus smiles, watching the kitty smoosh its face into your stomach. You hun, eyes still heavy with sleep before stroking the feline's forehead.
"Morning," You crane your neck towards the demon, and he boops your nose. Below you, the kitten purrs on your stomach.
"Lucifer is not going to be very happy."
The demon states, giving the kitten in your hands a curious glance. It fits in the palm of your hand, and Beel remembers how your hand dwarfs when compared to his.
"But we can't leave it alone!" You murmur, cradling the kitty close to your body for some much needed warmth.
Satan once told you that kittens under four weeks need to stay warm, and the feline in your hand looks to be very young.
And the kitten needs formula too, which will require a store trip.
So you leave for the store with Satan, having left the kitty with Beelzebub, who now holds the feline in a single hand, nervously cradling the tiny feline.
The kitten is so small and delicate. Beel knows of his strength, and he uses it to protect his loved ones. The demon doesn't want to hurt others, and right now, he doesn't know whether or not he should hold the feline.
But when the kitty relishes into the warmth his palm has to offer, and meows, the ginger-haired demon holds the kitten closer to his body, unsure.
And when you come back, armed with formula and heating blankets, you find Beel sitting on the floor with the kitten, merrily asleep on his neck.
"What type of foods do kittens eat?"
He cracks one eye open, and stares at you, then the feline in your arms. The demon yawns, and stretches his limbs.
"Where did you find it?" He mumbles, leaning up to get a better look. The kitten shuffles closer to his body, and now the kitten is by his side. And Belpheghor leans back down.
Damn Belpheghor and his cat magnet.
"You asshole," You clench your teeth, poking a finger at the demon's cheek, and he laughs. "You can't just go back to sleep, help me!"
Kitten formula was arranged with the aid of a certain cat enthusiast, and you can never forget the moment when Belpheghor had looked Lucifer straight in the eyes and called him a 'pathetic little meow-meow."
He's been on a particular site lately.
You've seen the demon wake up during odd hours to feed the kitten, and Belpheghor doesn't even use an alarm to wake up.
The House of Lamentation has many hidden nooks and corners, and the kitten and Belpheghor can be found napping together.
On top of the cupboards, under the table, hell, even in the bathtub! And that's Levi's thing!
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sohcah-toa · 3 years
Can I request Vampire Diluc with fem reader that reader is close friend with Diluc. One day she found he is hungry so much. So she tell him that she will give her blood to him. You can add NSFW part if you want.🙏🙏💦💦
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For a friend | toa
cw: NSFW | vampire diluc x fem reader | mentions of blood
n - sorry it took me a while to post, im vv busy at the moment (college stuff)
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— #
You've been Diluc's friend and also his head maid for years. He's a nice guy, he never treats you as a maid, as for others, well, it's a different story.
There are three levels when being a maid:
Level 1: Taking care of the house (cleaning, fixing things, etc.)
Level 2: Diluc's main maids, bringing him food, fixing his closet, anything related to him.
Level 3: Head maid; You're with Diluc at ALL times.
You're at Level 3, you're actually the only one at that level. Diluc has been your friend before his father even died, or before he was a knight and then quit. You've been there for him ever since. Now, he stays inside at all times because of a Fatui's curse on him. It's not exactly a curse, an ability by one of them bastards.
"Master Diluc" you bowed a little "We have a bit of a problem" you were calm on the outside but nervous on the inside.
Diluc looked at you "I told you to just call me Diluc" he pouted a little with a slight sigh "What's the matter? Are you alright?"
"I'm alright. Just — the animals" You hesitated a bit but continued "The secret animal stock, they're all gone"
Diluc's eyes widen. The secret animal stock below his manor was the only source of food he has. Diluc doesn't want to hurt other animals and people for that matter. One Fatui used their ability to cast a spell on Diluc, making him a vampire. Nobody knows except for you, the level 2 maids, Sucrose and Albedo. They're been trying to find and make a cure but nothing works so far.
Diluc always try to endure his hunger just to stop eating animals but he can't help it or else he'll die. The way he drinks the animal's blood makes him want to vomit. The secret animal stock were breeded by level 2 maids.
He frowned and then sighed "I-I can eat real food"
You became even more worried "You can't, you told me it tastes inedible" he just looked at you with a sad face. You felt so bad for him. He's just a really really nice guy who wants to protect everyone. Why must he suffer like this?
Hours passed, you're still with Diluc, he's becoming feral but he keeps insisting that he can do it.
"Diluc" You try to call out to him, "I'm going to hunt for animals"
"D-Don't!!" He exclaimed, pulling your wrist "If you do that I'll get angry" he kept on wincing and whimpering. He screams from time to time.
You looked at him with pity in your eyes. You try to think of a solution and fortunately, you did think of one.
"D-Diluc" you called but he ignored you "Diluc! Just — drink my blood!"
He looked at you, surprised "Are you out of your mind?" he asked with wide eyes "No" he winced again.
It's been a day without food or anything to drink.
"L-Leave" Diluc said, burying himself in the sheets "Please leave"
You just can't leave him there so you just refused to answer. He was breathing heavily already.
"Leave" he said, you see him squirming under the sheets. You sighed but still refused to answer. He stood up and walked near you. He was salivating as he stared at your neck "Please" the look on his eyes were still soft as ever even though his mouth says otherwise.
You wrap your hands around him for a hug "I'll never leave you. I'm prepared to give my all to you"
He twitched as he hugged you back. Diluc wasn't sure about what he was going to do, he couldn't control himself anymore. He leaned in and pierced his teeth into your neck. Slightly sipping your blood.
It hurts but you endure it. Diluc's been enduring all this time, this little thing is nothing compared to what he's been through. Diluc's embrace grew tighter.
You grunted a little "D-Diluc", it was no lie that you felt a little terrified not knowing what Diluc might do to you
He leaned back as gentle as he can, drops of blood can be seen on his mouth "I-I'm sorry"
"It's okay" you forced a gentle smile, in reality it hurt a lot. You felt weak on your knees, after all these years, this is the first time Diluc and you were that close. You tried not to let yourself fall.
Diluc averted his gaze, embarrassed because of what he did. His ears and cheeks were red "I-I told you to leave already"
You shook your head no "I'll be here if you need me"
Diluc kept staring at you from a distance. You were sitting beside the door and he was laying down on his bed, resting. He was also feeling hungry again.
Another day has passed. Diluc was sleeping on his bed and you were sitting on the ground, looking at him.
You sighed, you stroked his red locks "Poor Diluc" you examined his face, how handsome it is. You like him but there's no way he feels the same.
You hear him mutter words "D-Don't leave"
You smile to yourself "What are you dreaming about?"
"Don't leave me y/n" He muttered again in his sleep, your eyes widen but also you felt giddy that he called your name in his sleep.
"Shh, I won't leave you" You whisper and then you backed away immediately. He opened his eyes only to see you close to his face.
His whole face immediately became red and he stood right up "What are you doing?"
You felt embarrassed too "T-T-There was something on your face okay?!" you stood up and was about to sit beside the door again but he held your wrists. He pulled you, making you sit on his lap.
"Don't leave" he whispered, hugging you from behind. You feel his breath on your neck as he lays his head on top of your shoulder "Stay with me"
"I told you already, I won't leave" you muttered, scared that he might hear your loud heartbeat. You try not to move much because you were sitting on top of him.
He had a confused look on his face "Already?" he was asleep that time, there was no way he could have heard you.
Diluc started to kiss your neck, losing himself once again "I — want you" and again he nipped your neck, slowly drinking the blood.
You winced a little and held his face. You can tell it was getting harder for him to contain his hunger because he didn't even hesitate today.
You moaned a little, you were surprised that a moan came out instead of a grunt so you gasped a little. Diluc stopped what he was doing "I-It was nothing! Please continue" you do feel his breath again on your neck but there wasn't any pain at all. Instead you felt pleasure, he started kissing your neck from behind "Diluc, w-what are you doing?" you moaned slightly again.
His hands started to roam all over your chest, he was playing with your breasts causing you to moan loudly this time, he grunted "Y-you're sitting— on—"
You felt something poking your leg. His cock was now erect. You don't know why but the way it grinded on your leg slightly turned you on. You start to squirm just a little bit, earning a moan from him.
The blood from your neck started to flow down to your shoulders. Diluc licked it as he slowly takes your clothes off. He carried you and gently tossed you on the bed, pinning you down "I can't take it — anymore" he kissed you roughly, letting his tongue explore your mouth. Saliva spreading on your face.
He leaned back a little and stared at your body then smiled. He took his clothes off, all of it in just a second. The lust on his eyes was obvious, he wanted and needed you.
He grinded his dick on your bare vagina, your slick enveloping his thick long cock. Both of you moaned and grunted each other's names.
You grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closer to your chest so your nipples could rub on him "Diluc.. put it in"
"Fuck" he muttered, he leaned in to your breasts and started licking it, the sound of him sucking your nipples was heard along with his dick rubbing on your wet pussy "You feel so good"
"P-please" you moaned, begging him to put it in already "Diluc please"
He stroked your hair that covered your face "Alright my princess" he smiled as he slowly enter his tip on your entrance "Does it hurt?"
You nodded a little, gripping on his shoulders "A-a bit"
"Tell me if it's alright to move" Just his tip was in but it already hurt so much. Diluc on the other hand felt immense pleasure, he wanted to move but was scared.
He kissed you and played with your breasts as he slowly put his whole length in you. You screamed "D-Don't move!!" you feel his dick throbbing. You were both breathing heavily but for different reasons. A moment later it started to feel good. You moved your hips all by yourself. Diluc grunted a little.
"Y-you—" he muttered and tarted moving at a fast pace, he's been holding himself back this whole time. Your breasts bounced as he pounded on you. You let out little screams every time he thrusts himself in you.
He lifted your other leg up and placed it on his shoulder. His hands gripped your waist so he could go even deeper in you.
You moaned loudly, he was rough but it still felt good and you still feel his gentleness "A— Diluc!" you were sure the other maids are hearing the both of you moan each other's names.
"You're so beau—tiful you know" He grunted, leaning in for a kiss. He gripped your thighs and then slapped it "Shit"
He was feeling his high already. It was both your first time and he went fast from the start.
"I-I'm—" you moaned "cumming"
He tried to go balls deep inside you, his balls slapping on your skin. "Cum" he said, leaning back so he could rub your clit.
"Not there!" You screamed and squirmed all around but his other hand held you in place "D-Diluc!" you screamed as you let yourself cum while he's still inside you. You trembled and breathed heavily but he wasn't done yet.
You slick flowed down on the sheets and on his dick as he continued thrusting in and out "M-my— turn" he grunted, breathing heavily. He went evenfaster than before making you moan. With one final thrust, he came inside of you and then laid down on top of you. He was kind of heavy but you didn't mind. You just hugged him while he catches his breath.
"I love you" he whispered. Your face immediately felt warm, you were kind of speechless, your heart was beating loudly, you were sure he could feel it because you feel his.
You can't help but smile to yourself "I-I love you, I always have"
You slowly open your eyes "Oh my gosh" you look beside you and see Diluc sleeping peacefully. You were still both naked "I thought it was a dream"
Diluc's eyes opened "Hm? Hey"
"I love you" You whispered, he smiled with a little chuckle.
"I love you more"
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vdlest · 3 years
Each Other's Home
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Husband!Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
You just got home from your shopping and spa day with Wanda and Nat, and you found your loving husband cooking dinner for both of you. Just a normal sweet night with the love of your life.
After a long day of nonstop shopping and bonding with your friends, Natasha and Wanda, you finally got home.
You, Wanda, and Natasha agreed to reserved this day just for the three of you, especially now that Natasha's getting busier in planning her upcoming wedding with Bruce. She's the last single among the three of you since Wanda was the first one to tie the knot with Vis a year before you and Bucky got married. The three of you have been friends ever since you joined the Avengers, they were your sisters from another mother and it may cliche as it sounds, it is real. They're your number one defenders.
As soon as you finished parking your car inside the garage, you went inside your two-storey modern house and you noticed that the lights are dimmed. There are also candles lighted around the living room. You and Bucky have been living in this modern house for a year now, right after you two got married. You both agreed that you won't hire any maid so that the solemnity of your house will remain no matter what. After all, the two of you worked hard to be able to achieve this dream house of yours.
You heard noises coming from the kitchen, so you left your bag and the things you bought from today's shopping in the living room and walked up to the kitchen.
Upon walking inside the kitchen, you smelled something delicious from that, you heard someone singing and after hearing what song was playing, you knew instantly that it was your dear husband, Bucky.
When you finally entered the kitchen, you saw your husband placing the foods he cooked on a plate. You also noticed the set-up he made for both of you, there are rose petals scattered all over the kitchen, you saw an expensive bottle of wine placed on top of the table where he was setting everything up.
"I'm home," you said to let your husband know that you're already behind him, admiring his sweet surprise.
Bucky turned as soon as he heard your voice. He is topless and there's a towel hovering around his neck. He's wearing his favorite pair of pants that matches his vibranium arm. You don't mind seeing him like this, you admire him more whenever you'll see him this confident and relax.
He walked up to you, smiling, "Finally," he wrapped his arms around you as soon as he reached you, leaning closer to you to give your lips a quick kiss, "My wife is just in time for dinner," he said.
His wife — it still feels too good to be true. But you got to believe it one way or another. You are Mrs. Barnes and he's your husband for the rest of your life and that's the best thing about your life.
"I hope you're hungry," he said, his arms are still wrapped around you.
You chuckled, "I am and even if I'm not, I'll still gonna eat whatever you prepared and cooked for me, for us," you said. "What's the occasion anyway?" you asked him, forming a small frown on your face.
"Nothing. Come on," he grabbed your hand and the two of you walked up to where he set up your dinner. He pulled the chair for you and once you sat down on it, he handed you a glass of wine and a red rose, "I just want to make my wife feel extra special tonight."
Bucky kissed your forehead before he grabbed his own glass of wine and toast with you.
It is not unusual to come home to Bucky's surprises, and surprises have been part of your lives ever since you two got together. Sometimes he would surprise you with quick out-of-town or getaways just the two of you. The two of you are still enjoying the time that there's just only the two of you because once you and Bucky finally agreed that you're both ready to have a baby, everything will change.
"How's your day with the girls?" Bucky asked as he made his way to get your plate with food, "Did you guys had fun?" he added.
"Oh, yeah," you took a sip from your wine before telling Bucky how your day went, "Wanda and I are so excited for Nat and Bruce's big day. I can't believe it's only a matter of weeks before they are finally Mr. & Mrs. Banner," you excitedly shared.
Bucky smiles and nodded, "It's about damn time," he commented. He placed the food he cooked for you in front of you, "For my lady," he smiles at you.
You're still amazed by the fact that your husband is not just an Avenger, he is a damn good cook, as good as how good kisser he is.
"Thank you," you grabbed his left cheek to give him a quick kiss on his lips, "Love you, baby."
"Oh, I love you more," he said, giving you another kiss before he went to his chair to finally start your dinner.
The both of you start eating the dinner that Bucky made for the two of you, and the two of you can't stop talking about how your day went.
The whole time you were with Wanda and Nat, Bucky was in the compound with Steve, Sam, Tony, and Rhodes. The five of them are working on a mission in Florida, but they all agreed that they'll go to Florida only after Bruce and Nat's wedding. Bucky also told you about Steve and Sam's question about your future kids.
And that's something you and Bucky haven't talked about again. But the both of you already have an understandingabout it.
"What?" you asked Bucky when you noticed the way he looks at you, "Why are you looking at me like that, Mr. Barnes?"
He chuckled then shook his head, "l just can't believe that you are my wife and our friends are already asking us about having kids," he reached for your hand and felt the warmth of his touch, "I didn't know what I did to deserve this good and beautiful life I have with you."
If you will be asked about what you love the most about your husband that is he is the most understanding person you have ever met in your entire life. He never questioned your love for him. He never asked anything in return. He will always choose to understand you. And these are only the few reasons why you believe and why you will always believe that he deserves everything he have right now.
You stood up from where you were sitting and you went on his lap and sat down on it, "Love, you know how much I love you. I mean, the fact that we have come a long way already, we should know by now that we are meant for each other and that there's no other man in this world who deserves but you alone, my Bucky," you put your hands on his cheeks, cupping his ever charming face, "I love you more than life itself."
Before he replies to your sweet words, he planted a quick kiss on your lips, tasting the sweet wine from it.
"l can't believe that I get to spend the rest of my life with you," he began, "I don't think forever is enough for me to show how much I love you."
You think of it either. You think that you and Bucky could live forever just to show each other how much you love one another.
"I love you, my wife," he kissed your forehead afterward.
You pressed your forehead against his, "I love you too, my husband."
And just like that, you found a home in each other. That's how you both knew that you'll forever have a home with each other.
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kim-poce · 3 years
Mathia 2
So, this wasn't meant to be a series, and still isn't but I'll write Mathia at least once more (again), also I tried to write comfort it didn't work
Previous | Next
CW: trauma, belting mention.
"Hospital?", Mathia asked, he had his head down, ashamed for crying, but Pam was patient, she had a small reassuring smile on her face, "But I-I'm fine, Ma'am."
"It'll be okay", Pam said, making sure not to stare at the several scars on Mathia's hands and arms, "they’ll just make sure everything is okay."
Mathia didn't think he needed a hospital but the more he thought about it there he realized he didn’t have a choice, he doesn't have anywhere else to go, and hospitals give food, he is still so hungry.
Pam was with him when they left the house, he hugged her arm, trying to hide as the officers looked at him all the way to the ambulance. Pam held his hand until they arrived at the hospital, he felt ashamed and so small with everyone looking at him, it was too much.
Only Joana looked at him for the last 8 years, and not even that much, only quick glances that he never saw, his eyes were always glued on the floor, but the new glances were heavy and hot, burning holes on his skin, so Mathia buried his head on Pam's shoulder, pretending that if he doesn't look at them they won't be able to see him too.
"P-please", Mathia begged with his cracked voice when Pam's partner called her, she needed to work, he knew, but he begged anyway, "Please I'll be quiet", he was holding Pam's wrist, tears leaving his eyes again, "P-please-"
It worked, begging had never worked before, but Pam calmly said she would stay, Mathia was being a bother, he knew, but he still hold her hands as firmly as his weak hands managed, and Pam still smiled warmly at him.
Everything was new, the doctors, the touches, the noises, the way he was being treated, being allowed to choices, "A sample of blood, if you allow", the nurse said, and Mathia let her, hiding how relived the pain made him feel, how relived something familiar made him feel.
Pam was there all the time, holding his hands and talking in her warm voice. When the doctors made questions that he answered in a too-small voice Pam would repeat his answer to the doctor to hear.
The doctor asked for the exams but she didn't need to wait for the results to know he was severely malnourished, "Can you tell me when you last ate?", She asked, not letting her pity show.
"T-there days ago", Mathia said, hiding his face on Pam's shoulder, "Actually, I I ate an apple, yesterday", he corrected, "S-she f-forgets... she forgets to feed me…”, his hands gripping Pam’s uniform, “B-but she re-remember some sometimes, l-like y-yesterday, so so she gave me the apple, l-last night", his voice was audible, and Pam was relieved she would not have to repeat that.
The doctor made some notes, and continued, "Are you hurt anywhere?", he had already said he didn't need a doctor, but he never said he wasn't hurt all at.
"...M-my back", Mathia said, voice even smaller than before, it was hurt due to punishment, he was ashamed of being punished, ashamed to let them see that even after so long he was still making mistakes, "B-but it's s-small", he tried, "t-there is no need to to a doctor, Ma'am."
Pam put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, easing the tension in his body, "Can the doctor see anyway? Just to be sure?"
My body is not my own, Mathia thought before allowing, it was now, but it didn’t feel his, it still felt Joana’s.
Mathia let go of Pam, hesitantly taking his worn-out shirt off, instead of turning away, he bowed, exposing his scarred back.
Neither the doctor nor Pam let their emotions show as they looked at the half-healed wounds, Mathia's back was swollen and had several cut-like injuries, it was anything but small, there were parts without any skin to cover his raw flesh.
"I-it was t-the belt", Mathia felt the need to say, closing his eyes in shame, trying to blink the tears away.
Pam held his hand again, she knew that for a belt to cause that much harm it was not a couple of minutes of belting, it was days, and still he called that small, how much would be large?
Mathia felt their eyes on him, looking at the proof he failed, he disobeyed, "I I looked at her", he said weakly, but loud enough to the doctor to hear, "I I looked at her f-face, I'm sorry", his voice was almost a whimper, almost pleading, but he wanted them to know that he wasn't that bad, that it was a small mistake, for some reason he wanted them to know that he can behave.
Pam just caressed his hands, recalling that she touched his back in the house, realizing she hurt him back then and his reaction was to act as if she was the best person in the world, she would apologize properly later, she knew he wouldn't understand if she did it now.
The doctor bandaged him after all, she said he had to be careful, that the wound could be dangerous, Mathia used to think people were fragile, that anything could kill a person, but it was 8 years ago, it was before Joana proved he wrong, before going through more than he thought someone would be able to survive.
After the bandages Mathia ate something, it had barely any taste but it was the best thing he had in… a long time, maybe ever, after eating he was tired, exhausted, Pam was at his side when he fell asleep, but when he opened his eyes again she was not there anymore.
A nurse came to change his saline solution, 'dehydration' the doctor said, Mathia held his head down and kept still, trying to shut the voice on the back of his head saying that if someone would only look at him for punishment.
"Good morning", the nurse said with a smile while replacing the bag, Mathia just nodded in response, years without having a conversation made him not even realize he was supposed to say ‘good morning’ too.
It was too new, too sudden, but even so, Mathia thought he could take it, the people, the noises, the eyes on him, but when the food came he lost it, the hunger was the only thing that didn’t change suddenly. Mathia got out of the bed and crawled to the corner, keeping his head down, forehead touching the floor as if he was expecting a punishment, he need something familiar.
People aren't familiar, not the water or the food, the voices, the eyes were the worse, looking at him with pity, as if he would a stray dog everything feels sorry for but no one picks up.
The doctor tried to talk to him, and so did the nurses and a gentle lady he never saw, "M-Ma'am P-Pam", Mathia managed to say, voice almost muffled by his sobs. They didn't call her at first, and part of him felt relieved for that, Pam will hate him if he keeps bothering her, but he was even more relieved when she finally walked into the room.
She didn't try to make him go back to the bed right away, she just sat by his side, gently caressing his hair as a worried mother would do to her children.
Pam silently put the tray of food in front of him, she was about to feed him when Mathia raised his head, he can't allow himself to bother her even more, he can't just stay still while Pam feeds him.
Pam smiled proudly when he picked up the spoon and put some soup on his mouth, she praised him as he ate, and even held him close when he broke down crying at her voice again.
“S-sorry”, He said, face buried on her shoulder.
“It’s okay, It’s okay”, Pam said, holding him carefully, avoiding his back the most she could, “Want to go back to bed now?”, she asked warmly, “Since you ate already?”
Mathia shook his head, “I-if I go”, he started weakly, guilty, “y-you will g-go away again, I’m I’m sorry”, he lowered his head again, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m s-selfish, I’m s-sorry”, he waited for to say that stay with him it’s not her job, that she has more important things to do, that he shouldn’t be acting this way now that he isn’t a captive anymore.
But she didn’t, “I like to read”, she said and Mathia halted for a second, “I brought this book another day, and I have yet to read it”, her voice was as warm as ever, “What about we read together? I love when I have someone to talk with.”
Mathia’s eyes widened and he nodded desperately, clinging onto Pam as she lead him to the bed, feeling useless, but at least he had her, at least she was nice and so patient, she even asked for someone to take the book to her because he didn’t want her to go.
The book was nice, but Mathia was looking at her more than he was listening to the story, Mathia didn’t sleep, he learned to stay awake for days at a time, so he kept awake, afraid that Pam would vanish as soon as he closed his eyes.
@wolfeyedwitch Not the comfort I promised buuuut getting there...
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Strawberry blonde
Chapter one: "pull me away at our doorstep"
Warning ⚠️ ahs 10 spoiler
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⚠️ ahs 10 spoiler
Karen had backed away as much as she had been able to into the door, pill in her hand she was acting on pure instinct, the desision was meer seconds to be made when she felt something pull her backwards and a loud slam, in panic she didn't even know if she was already dead. "WHAT TH- ?!"  "Shh" she was met by a hand on her mouth but somehow something in her told her that it was not a threat, she took some time to examine it, the hand was soft yet strong, masculine but in a woman's way.
"If you're quiet these dumbasses will forget you're there." She said as you let her face go.
A while passed before the woman made sure they were no longer on wondering around at your porch.
"Come on, let's get you up" Karen was pulled up to her feet by the strangers arm. "What were you doing out there I'm sure you know it's dangerous to be out with these creatures."
"Who...who are you ??"
"Oh right ! I'm y/n, y/l/n. What about you ?"
"Y..you want to know ?"
"Well sure ! I had you pined against my door usually I know the girl's name before I do that."
Karen was absolutely speechless, and even started blushing at your words.
"Relax that was a joke, you look like you just had the worst night of your life I thought it might cheer you up"
"Why would you want that ?"
"Why wouldn't I ?"
"Well look at me do you know how many people care about a homeless junky ? That's right zero"
"Well you can count one now"
"Oh please like that's true"
"Believe me or don't then but I'd still like to know who I'm talking to"
"I'm Karen, but everyone calls me TB karen"
You said as you went further in your kitchen.
"Would you like some tea ? Or coffee ?"
"No please don't waist your drinks on me"
"Water ? Juice ? I think I might even have a beer"
"But it's very late, I should just go find mickey"
"You mean the guy who left you to die on the porch ?"
"..H..he didn't...he gave...gave me this"
Karen showed you the little brown crumpled up in her hand. Suddenly you backed away and took the pill before throwing it in your fireplace.
"Have you ever taken one of these ??"
"No..I always refused who do you think I am ?!"
"Well I just know there are tones of people who get started with it now"
"I'm not like them, I don't wanna be like them"
"I should really get going then"
"...oh absolutely not, you'll sleep here for the night don't worry"
".. I really shouldn't"
"Don't be silly I'm not going to send you outside with these monsters"
You walked in your house and opened a door before turning the lights on
"Here, you can set your things and take a shower. You're probably hungry I'll make you something real quick anything you'd like ?"
"I don't know when's the last time I had a shower honestly, I don't want to stain you're furniture."
"Come on it's a shower the whole point is to get in dirty and end up clean. Stay here I'll hand you a towel real quick"
"..well...thank you"
"No problem sweetie"
You came back with a few things, fresh underwear, a set of pijamas, a brush and toothbrush.
"Here, I'll get started on the food you must be starving"
"You didn't have to give me nightwear, I'm used to sleeping in this, it's good for the cold"
"Don't worry you won't need that here we have covers, and I'll wash your clothes too"
"You don't need to do that"
"I know but it's counterproductive to wear dirty clothes if you just took a shower don't you agree ?"
Karen nodded and slightly blushed.
"Come on, hop in the shower, oh also to get warmer water turn left, and colder one the other side."
She did what you suggested, taken the items from you hands, while you went back and started cooking, about half and hour later you heard Karen push the door to the kitchen, in the nightgown and pants you'd gave her, her hair was brushed, her face looked less pale than when she arrived, her red marks had faded a little, and only then did you notice how beautiful she was.
"Hey there, you can sit at the table I'll bring you your plate in a minute.
"Thanks again Ms y/l/n"
"Oh no honey call me y/n"
You come back with her meal, getting her a glass of water.
Immediately after Karen started eating, "oh...y/n you're a wonderful cook this is so good.."
"It's not much Karen but I'm glad you're enjoying it"
After ten minutes she was done eating, and offered to wash the dishes in return for your kindness, you said there she didn't own you anything and hospitality and care s was important to you. She nodded acknowledging your words.
When it was finally time to go to sleep you told her you were in your room if she needed anything and tl have a good night.
You laid in bed and couldn't stop thinking about the strawberry blonde head.
God what was happening to you ?
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efyra · 4 years
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pairing: remus lupin x reader
summary: the first time that remus almost lost his control
author’s note: i swear that i didn’t pretend to make two parts for this story but it just happened; i couldn’t help myself. i’m sorry 🥺 and I also am sorry for any grammar mistakes - like i said before, english is not my native language
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1994, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Honestly, you never thought that would be so sensitive about your last year at Hogwarts. You didn't think you would miss walking those halls, dining under the starry sky of the Great Hall, the Quidditch games that cheered up the students of all Houses, resting on that tree next to the Black Lake or the magnificent view from the Astronomy Tower. All these little things that never meant much to you before, made your seventh year more melancholic than you imagined it would be - you couldn’t even think about no longer seeing your friends every day without starting to cry.
In a few months, you would be a graduated girl; an adult woman who would be entirely responsible for your own future. Technically, you would be free. Free to pursue any career you want; you could become a healer, a teacher, a magizoologist, or even an auror, and you would have a happy and prosperous life. Or you could just screw yourself up.
The uncertainty made you apprehensive.
Ever since you were born, everyone told you what to do, be it your parents or your teachers; how did they expect you to make a decision as big as "the future of your life" being so young? You were only 18, for Merlin's sake!
Why did you stay only seven years at Hogwarts? If you could, you would continue studying there until you were 25 years-old.
But, unfortunately, that was not possible.
What made you feel a little better was to think that your colleagues were as apprehensive as you were about venturing into the adult world.
Since the school year has began, seventh graders threw a "farewell party" every month and overdosed on firewhisky. You have witnessed a diversity of drunken behavior during these parties; there would always be someone crying because they would miss Hogwarts, others despairing because they didn't know what the fuck they were going to do with their lives, some pompously saying that they already knew exactly where they would work after graduation, there would also be those who would make brave confessions, act recklessly or end up sleeping on a couch.
You weren't a very party person; not that you were those people who didn't even attend the party, but you never crossed your limit, let alone did something to embarrass yourself. Of course, you've taken doses of firewhisky before, but you never got drunk.
Until that night.
Earlier that day, you got a letter from your parents telling that they expected you to become an auror just like them; that gave you stomach pain all day long. You had already thought about following the same career as your parents - who were phenomenal in their job - but you weren't sure if that was what you want for your future.
You were a simple girl. You were never very extroverted, but you made good friends during your years at Hogwarts. You were a great student, not extraordinary nor mediocre. You never drew much attention, and frankly, you never wanted that - in fact, you hated being in the spotlight. For some weird reason, you become very clumsy at those times.
So you never really considered becoming an auror. And because of that letter from your parents, you forgot to control how much firewhisky you were consuming.
And, for the first time in your life, you were officially drunk.
"Ok, I'm hungry" you declared to your friend; your voice tone was louder than usual and your words came out a little shuffled.
Y/F/N faced you with some fun in her eyes; it was unusual to see you like that.
"Right. Let's go to the kitchens, then"
You frowned in confusion.
"How do we get in there?"
"Just tickle the pear" she shrugged "easy peasy". A giggle came out of her lips. "What?" Y/F/N raised an eyebrow.
"You said pee-asy" you answered, giggling one more time.
Your friend shook her head.
"You're very drunk," she said with fun. "Let's give you some food and water and put you on bed.
"Oh, but I don't want to go to bed" you made a pout.
"Well, we're going anyway," Y/F/N said firmly; she knew you wouldn't want to wake up on some random couch. "I'll tell Riley we're going and be right back. Don't go anywhere.”
If you were sober, you would never consider invading Hogwarts' kitchens in the middle of the night, and you wouldn't have escaped from your friend after she told you to wait for her, but, obviously, you weren't even a little sober.
Walking through the dark and empty corridors was already an unknown experience for you, but walking through them being so drunk seemed like an adventure. You had no idea where you were going - even though you knew you wanted to get to the kitchens.
Then an intense light blinded you for a second.
"Miss Y/L/N?" the familiar voice of your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher took you by surprise.
Your eyes widened and you stumbled in your footsteps.
"Professor Hottie!" exclaimed automatically as soon as Remus fucking Lupin appeared in your front, seeming very intrigued to find you in the middle of the hall. "I mean... Professor Hottie!" you paused for a short second; looking sideways and not noticing the amused little smile that appeared on the older man's face. "Wait I said it again... Professor Lupin! Now I did it" you smiled and turned your head to face your teacher.
Then you saw.
That damn look. The look full of savagery that made your knees weak and the air escape from your lungs.
Your teacher slowly approached you; he calculated his steps so he won’t scare you - and honestly, he needed to control himself to not kiss you right there.
Remus Lupin looked like a wolf hunting his prey - and you looked delicious in his eyes.
"Miss Y/L/N..." he kept walking towards you, causing you to automatically take a few steps back, getting close to the wall. "What a little girl like you is doing in the hallway off hours?"
The words got stuck in your throat.
"I-I-I... Ah... I..."
Then he smelled it. He smelled the firewhisky on your breath.
A surprised moan came out of your lips when Professor Lupin pushed you against the wall, pressing his body on yours; his 6'2" height rising dangerously over yours much shorter.
"Were you drinking?" his tone was not as gentle as usual; it was rough and demanding. His question came out almost like a growl.
You gulped.
Your heart beat wildly and you never felt so hot like that before; you wondered if you could burst into flames just with that interaction.
"No!" you lied.
"Y/N..." was the first time Remus said your name; you loved how your name sounded in his voice. "I think you're lying to me," he whispered close to your ear.
You felt shiver over your spine.
"Professor, I-I... I don't..."
"I, I" he repeated in a mocking tone, appreciating how nervous you looked before facing you intensely again. "Don't lie to me again. You won't like what I'm going to do to you if you lie to me again.”
You gasp with your words, and to your embarrassment, a pathetic moan came out of your throat.
Remus growled; he clenched his hands firmly, trying to control himself to not fuck you right there in the hallway - his cock already hard inside his pants.
"Or maybe you would like it" he thought to himself.
But at the same time your groaning excited him, it also awakened him from his trance. Remus remembered who he was; he was your professor and you were his student. He couldn't do anything with you.
He took a step away from you, reluctantly; taking the time to admire how delicious you looked with your breath intertwined, your cheeks blushed and so submissive.
You were disappointed when you could no longer feel his warm body against yours, but you stopped yourself from saying anything. Honestly, you had no idea what had just happened between you and your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher; it seemed wrong and it certainly was forbidden, but you couldn't help but want more.
"You will go back to your dorm. No more firewhisky for you, do you understand, Miss Y/L/N?" he asked, looking at her intensely.
"Y-Yes" you stuttered nervously.
"Yes, what?" he growled.
"Yes, Professor Lupin" you corrected yourself quickly.
A smile appeared on the man's face full of scars.
"Good girl" he couldn't prevent those words from coming out of his mouth. "Now, go" he said authoritarian.
You nodded before heading back to the party; the drunkenness seemed to have left your body completely and you almost felt sober.
Your little interaction with Remus fucking Lupin still made you feel a little dizzy.
Y/F/N found you halfway through, she guided you to your common room and brought you to your dorm.
That night, you slept quickly because even though Professor Lupin had taken you out of your drunk state, you still had a good dose of firewhisky.
Unlike you, Remus Lupin could not get a good night of sleep.
He thought about you all night long; the way you seemed to submit yourself completely to him without any hesitation, how small and fragile you seemed and how easy it would be for him to throw you on bed or any other surface he could fuck you into oblivion, the way you pressed your thighs together when he approached you - you didn't notice it, but he did.
Remus thought that, maybe, having you wasn't something so surreal; that, maybe, you wanted it too. But he remembered the firewhisky smell on your breath.
He knew he should never have done what he did.
He should have controlled himself.
The next day, he waited for Dumbledore to tell him that he was fired, but that never happened. He waited a week, two weeks, three weeks, more than a month passed and absolutely nothing happened.
Remus didn't know if he should be relieved or if he should feel like the worst man in the world; you had completely forgotten what had happened that night.
Or that's what he thought.
In fact, you remembered every minute of yours little interaction in the hall.
You remembered the way he looked at you ferociously, his predatory walk, you remembered perfectly the growl that came out of his throat, his body against yours, his chocolate and parchment paper perfume, and you, definitely, could never forget how dominant and controlling he acted - and how your body surrender to that behavior; how you liked it.
"You won't like what will happen to you if you lie to me again", it was his words, and Merlin, you had the most absolute certainty that you would love anything he did to you. And you would still beg for more.
You waited for Professor Lupin to come to you, but he never did. You waited more than a month and nothing happened.
It was as if that night had never happened.
Of course, you felt disappointed - very disappointed - but it was your last year at Hogwarts. Your last year walking through those halls, having dinner under the starry sky of the Great Hall, cheering for your house team at Quidditch, resting on that tree next to the Black Lake and enjoying the view from the Astronomy Tower, and you wouldn't waste it lamenting for your Dark Arts Defense teacher.
You graduated. And you thought you would never see him again.
But fate had other plans for you two because in that summer of 1995, you met at Grimmauld Place, number 12.
It didn't seem wrong anymore and it wasn't forbidden, so you promised yourself:
You were going to find out what Remus Lupin was hiding.
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sckyie · 4 years
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word count: 1.1k 
genre + warning: fluff; comforting when sick
pronouns used: they/them
a/n: i rewrote an old fic i have on my wattpad
mr. dino man: hey kageyama said you looked sad when you passed him in the hall, you okay?
you: not really, i'm not having a good day and i didn't pass my exam
mr. dino man: well if you'd study like i said you should've, you're would've passed
you: whatever
mr. dino man: awww little baby upset i told them the truth?
you: i'm going home alone
you: i'm not particularly fond of your bullying as of rn
you: i have a migraine and everything is bugging me. ill text you tmr
mr. dino man: wait, baby i was joking
mr. dino man: don't leave me on read
Tsukishima stares at his phone just as the final bell began. His teacher dismisses class and he goes to look for you where you'd wait for him. You weren't there like you usually were. In actuality, you had gone home early. He sighed, checking your location to see that you were already at home.
He took a deep breath before walking towards Coach Ukai's store. Tsukki enters the shop, greeting his coach once he enters. "Tsukishima? Aren't you supposed to be back at the school?" He asks.
"Is it okay if I miss today? Y/n isn't feeling well and I made it worse when I talked to them. I can make it up tomorrow?" He asks.
"You're lucky today is just conditioning," Ukai scolds. "You owe me extra tomorrow."
"Yes sir," He bowed. Tsukishima walks down the aisles with a basket. He places onigiri, instant ramen, and some tea in before walking towards the medicine aisle. "Do you know what treats migraines?" Tsukki asks aloud as he looks at the different boxes.
"A nicer boyfriend," Ukai laughs. "The orange box." He makes his way to the cash register to have his items scanned.
"Thanks Coach," He says as the items are getting bagged. The two say their goodbyes before Tsukishima makes his way to your house. As he approaches your doorstep, he notices your parents about to leave. "Oh, hi Mr. and Mrs. L/n."
"Oh Tsukki! You're here early, Y/n isn't feeling well. They're locked up in their room," Your mom explain.
"I know, is it alright to come in and cook for them?" Tsukishima asks. Your parents agree, telling him where things are in the kitchen. He enters and place everything on the counter. He takes out what is necessary in making instant ramen. He decided to add some vegetables and ginger to make you feel a bit better.
You never took Tsukishima as the cooking type. It took you by surprise the first time he cooked for you. It had always been buying take out and eating at restaurants or in some cases you'd cook for him.
As he was chopping up green onions, you could smell the aroma of the soup from your room. You lugged yourself to the living room, expecting to see one of your parents. You furrowed your brows once you spot your boyfriend cooking. "Kei? What are you doing here?" You ask.
"I came over because you said you weren't feeling well. And because I know you, you weren't going to take you medicine and just sleep," Tsukishima says. "I'm making tofu ramen with vegetables."
"But I'm not-" You started, his eyes met with yours sending a chill down your spine.
"You are hungry because Yachi said you didn't eat at lunch," He scolds. "Here, eat one of these and take the medicine I bought you." He held out an onigiri and the bottled tea.
"Thank you Kei," You say softly, walking to sit at the dinner table. You unwrap the little triangle and munch on it while Tsukki continues to make your guys' food. He watches you take the medicine to make sure that you don't just say you took it.
"Do you need help?" You ask.
"Yeah," Tsukishima says. "Go set up your bed for us to cuddle later after we eat. Also pick out a movie."
"Wait what about cooking?" You tilt your head.
"Go, just let me take care of you, no questions," He says. You nod, walking over to give him a kiss before you went to the bedroom. He leans down and pecks your lips before letting you go.
You clean off your bed where your uniform was laid and your stuffed animals scattered. You pulled out an extra blanket from the closet, placing it on the bed. You turn on your laptop and look for a movie to watch.
"Food's done!" Tsukki called out. You walked over to see him place two bowls on the table for the both of you. You seat yourself across him and you looked down at the noodles.
"Thank you bubba," You say.
"No problem," He says.
"Aw, there's ginger in it," You whine.
"Eat it, you'll feel better," He says. You pout at his words, dreading to eat the musty root. You slurped up the noodles, the flavor of the ginger hit your throat making you shut your eyes. "You're so cute." He laughs at your scrunched face.
"Shut up," You say after chewing your noodles.
After the two of you finished eating, you attempt to wash the dishes but he shoves you away from the sink. "Warm up the bed, I'll bring you ice cream," He says, cleaning up the bowls. You sighed, kissing his cheek and walking towards your bedroom.
Snuggling into the sheets, you waited for your boyfriend to join you. After few minutes, he walked in with a bowl of your favorite ice cream and two spoons. He hands you the dessert before laying himself beside you. His arms drape around you, pulling the laptop on his lap with his free hand.
"When Marnie was There? What movie is this?" He asks, looking at the title.
"Oh, my friend recommended it," You say scooping some ice cream to feed Tsukki. "Thank you by the way...I'm grateful for you..."
"You're welcome," He says. "Sorry for being mean to you babe."
"It's okay," You say looking up at him. "I love you."
"I love you too," He places his lips on yours. "You taste like ginger."
"Oh hush," You laughed. The two of you finished up eating the ice cream together as you watched the movie. You snuggled into your boyfriend's chest as you watched. Shortly after settling into his body, you began to slowly close your eyes.
"Woah, that's trippy," Tsukki says, looking at you. "Oh, you're sleeping."
"No, I'm-" You get interrupted by a yawn. "Okay maybe I am sleepy."
"It's fine if you sleep Y/n," He says. "We can finish this movie later."
"Mhm," You hummed. You listened to his heartbeat as you were slowly falling asleep. You had that fuzzy feeling in your stomach as Tsukishima held you. It was the first time in a while where he spoiled you. You were more than thankful to have him with you. "I love you."
"I love you more idiot," He says, kissing the top of your head. He reaches over to turn off the lamp and put your laptop on the desk. He shifts his body to hold you easier before slowly falling asleep with you.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @just-a-siiimp @d0llpie @elianetsantana
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barjogaron · 3 years
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This is the continuation for my Elite AU Love & Deceit! The fanfiction can be read on ao3 here:
And on Wattpad here:
Chapter Three:
Waiters and waitresses all dressed in white stand on every corner of the table. There are young men who play violins in the corners of the room, and women who tug on the strings of harps. I see my suite mates are already seated and I grab a random seat to sit in. From across from me I see Polo looking at me with hungry eyes, teasing me with a smirk. I ignore him and observe the rest of the dining hall.
Traditional European foods of all kind are already set up neatly on the white blanketed table on silver plates that are partnered with a drinking glasses and silverware. A heavenly chandelier hangs from above everything and Crisanto sits at the head of the long table. He is accompanied by other people dressed just as fancy as him. A young man with rosy cheeks and a friendly smirk, sitting next to another guy with beautiful caramel-colored skin and dark eyes. There is also a girl who sits beside them and they all bicker in a soft chatter, laughing and giggling in unison. There are a few other important looking people as well. I assume they are all Cristano's very opulent friends.
"Welcome, everyone. This meal is not only for my departure, but also in dedication to you, the new addition to the White Mansion." Crisanto smiles. Even though I shouldn't take it in other way, "new addition to the White Mansion" sounded pretty odd to say, but I shouldn't think too hard about it.
"Ah, right on time as always." Crisanto turns his heads to his sons that enter the room. Leading his brothers, dressed handsomely, is no other than the bruiting, Guzmán.
He is dressed in a black velvet suit, a suit that darkens his eyes in a strange deep incandescent green filled with obscured devilry. His hands are in his pocket, and he looks at just about everything in the room, except for in my direction. For a split second our eyes lock, and he quickly turns away clenching his jaw. I can tell he is forcing himself to avoid me. But why? I wonder what his problem is.
His brothers are dressed in a more casual formal  attire. They all sit in seats near the girls I'm living with, and some next to each other and other guests who I am not yet familiar with. By the time all the boys sat down, the only spot left for Guzmán to sit is next to me...
His powerful scent infiltrates my nostrils and I can't help but to think how good he smells. I try my best to ignore him, tapping my fingers on my thighs. I can feel him eyes looking over me, and from the corner of my eye I see his jaw do his signature clenching thing again, and he quickly turns his head away from me, taking a sudden interest in the silverware in front of him.
"Now, shall we say grace before we begin?" Crisanto smiles but it quickly fades when he looks at me, giving me an apologetic look.
"I'm sorry Nadia, forgive me. Would it be alright to say prayer? I don't want to oppress any different religious beliefs." he asks me and I shrug in my seat, trying to avoid all the eyes of the room staring at me.
"I really don't mind it." I smile nervously.
"Splendid. Come now, let us all hold hands." he tells us. I'm not so keen to the idea of holding hands with Guzmán, but I must do so. This day just keeps getting better and better...
We all stand from our seats, grabbing onto one another's hands. I am hesitant to hold Guzmán's hand, inching my hand closer to his.
"I don't bite," whispers Guzmán. "Hard." He surprises me by practically snatching my hand into his. His hands are bigger than mind, fingers slender and ringed with silver, and easily wraps around my cold hands. Unlike his, which are somewhat soft and very warm. For some odd and stupid reason, I can feel my face heating up and I literally shake my head to fight against the sensation. I hate this.
"Our gracious Heavenly Father," Crisanto begins the prayer and we all close our eyes as he continues. For some odd reason I am tempted to open my eyes, and stupidly, I do, only to see Guzmán staring at me. I close my eyes quickly and I hear a soft chuckle escape from his mouth. I didn't think he was even capable of even chuckling, let alone laughing. I can feel the heat rising, my palms getting hotter and hotter.
Please end this prayer already! Please! I mentally scream. I repeat it over and over in my head, just so I can escape Guzmán's grip. Within moments, Crisanto ends the prayer with an amen, and we all sit back down in our seats. Thank goodness.
I snatch my hand back as quick as I could, looking away and pretending Guzmán doesn't exist. Yet, this cunning young man has the audacity to lean closer and whisper into my ear.
"Don't worry, I enjoyed holding your hand too." he grins against my ear. I can feel him smiling at me. I know for sure it's with all the wrong intentions.
"Don't flatter yourself." I whisper back to him and his eyes simmer cold, but his perky lips still hold that smirk. Guzmán smirks and focuses his attention to his plate.
"I can tell you're not going to be an easy catch." he says and my mouth hangs open. I know he's trying to get under my skin. I can tell by his cheeky smile.
I scoff.
"You have another thing coming if you're thinking I'm a catch." I tell him and focus on my plate, waiting for the waiter to reveal our meals. Everyone else is socializing with one another like normal people, and here I am with the dreamy yet diabolical, Guzmán, who I barley even know—is finding it in his twisted pleasure to annoy me.
"Don't worry, little rabbit, I enjoy a good game." I look at him and I lose it.
"Game?!" I shout and everyone goes quiet. I clear my throat thinking of something of a way to quickly dig myself out of this awkwardness.
"I didn't know you fancied sports so personally, Guzmán." I shoot Guzmán a wicked look, hoping he catches on. He simply grins. Damn his smile is gorgeous, but already I despise him.
"Oh yes, basketball is a sport I love. As well as rugby, and such and such." Guzmán replies and everyone continues to their casual banter. I notice his brothers whispering to one another, chuckling.
"Nadia, I'd like you to meet my young friends who are successful in the fashion industry," Crisanto smiles at me, pointing to the gentleman with the dark blue suit and wavy brown hair. I can tell he is a model because how charming he is.
"This is Nathaniel Gray, he models for Calvin Klein. The fellow next to him is his friend, Austin, accompanied by their companion, Eleanor Steel, who is a photographer.
I wave to them and they give me friendly smiles, but I can tell they weren't really interested in the acquainting business. The waiters reveal our meals which consist of steak, lobster, salads, vegetables, fruits, and my personal favorite beverage besides lemon water and wine.
The night had went on and on about business talk and getting familiar with one another. The boys kept cackling to jokes most of the time, and I would occasionally talk to my suite mates. Carla was busy flirting with a guy named, Joseph, who was more than alluring on his part
Throughout dinner, Guzmán stayed quiet and kept to himself. He didn't make any snarky comments, or made an attempt to bother me. Every time I talked, he just...watched me. Maybe he didn't think I noticed him, or felt him looking at me. Or maybe, he didn't care if I did...
"So, Nadia, please do tell us a little bit more about yourself." Nathaniel asks, taking a sip of wine from his glass.
"There's not really much to know about me." I nervously reply. Being the center of attention was never my favorite thing to be.
"Please, enlighten us." Nathaniel insists and I sigh to myself. Guzmán is fully focused on me and I can feel the anxiety brewing within me.
"Well, I'm from Madrid, Spain, born and raised. I love singing and photography, as well as writing. Um, I'm in my last year of college at NYU, majoring in English and hope to one day publish a story of my own. I'm Twenty-one years old, and I have a loving family who I am thankful everyday for." I tell everyone and notice Guzmán has turned his attention somewhere else, burying a smile under his hand pressed against his lips.
"Well that was a perfect little bio if I ever heard one. Nice to meet you, Nadia." Nathaniel says and I smile and mentally pat myself on the back. I take a quick glance at Guzmán who drinks his wine. As soon as I look away to down the rest of my glass of wine, I think I hear him say, "This should be fun."
"What did you say?" I look at him. I meant for it to come out more with authority but I sounded like a timid school girl.
"Nothing, Princess," Guzmán grins while standing. "Enjoy your meal." he winks and walks away from the table, leaving the dining hall. Crisanto watches him leave and I pour me more wine and continue eating.
I really wonder what goes on in Guzmán's head. I sigh. So far I have survived the ongoing night. Let's see how it ends.
AFTER DINNER ENDED everyone said their fair-wells and goodbyes to one another. Carla kept flirting with Joseph, and the other girls were a trying to keep their drunken behavior managed until they got back to the suite. Crisanto had got into his white limousine hosted by William, and had left for the airport. The house is now officially in the supervision to me and his sons. Honestly, I don't know which terrifies me the most.
I stroll around outside on the balcony after getting changed into more comfortable clothes to sleep in, which is just a typical silky white gown. My hair in a messy bun and I am so glad to have all that make-up off my face. I put on my reading glasses and make me some tea to soothe me. I figure I'll take this peaceful moment to enjoy the night air. I tip toe outside onto the balcony while the the girls are asleep l in their rooms.
I take in the fresh late spring air. The breeze cool, just right, soothing and running across me. The balcony is big and acts as a perfect view for most of the enormous backyard of the white mansion. I see the tennis court, the basketball court, the swimming pool, the green house, and the walking trail that stretches into a land of tall trees amongst the meadow between the mansion and the woods.
I lean on the ledge of the stone balcony guarded by more white lions. Below, I notice someone standing near the swimming pool. He just stands there, looking at the large pool illuminated with the lights beneath it. I set my cup on the ledge and watch him. It's of course, Guzmán, to no surprise. I just watch him. What is he doing? Why do I care?
I continue to watch as he mindlessly watches the pool with his hands in his pocket. Then, to my surprise, Guzmán begins to slowly undress, taking off his clothes peace by peace. His skin is open to the night air. He pulls down his pants, kicking of his shoes and sliding off his socks. Finally, the biggest shock, is that he slides off his black name brand boxers and tosses them to the side. Oh my god, he's naked! Skinny dipping at that!
I can't help but to notice how his physique is literally godly, Greek defined for sure. The shape of his rear even, it's unearthly. I blush at the sight and I want to look away. In fact, I even turn my head...but instinctively, I find myself looking back.
He rakes his fingers through his hair and I am mesmerized by the intensity of his back muscles. He must work out. A lot. Catching me off guard, Guzmán turns his head back towards where I stand and I quickly duck to the floor of the balcony. I peak at him, seeing him turn back around and I cautiously stand back up. I watch as he dives into the now disturbed water, swimming naked and proud without a care in the world.
taglist: @inmyarmsyoufell @elitestan @glamorizing @jasminejc4525
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Love In Sin
Chapter 9
Summary - Special Agent Winchester is forced to go undercover with his frenemy Special Agent L/N when they try to track down a notorious drug dealer. How will Y/N and Dean complete their task? Will their relationship worsen or will new feelings emerge between them?
Pairing - AU!Detective Dean Winchester x Reader
Warning - None, Fluff-ish
Word Count - 1.5k
Square Filled - Clothes Sharing ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N 1 - Surprise, this series lives! So, it has been a loooong time. I wasn't originally planning to post this part today but my college is killing me and I am hardly getting any writing (and reading) done. This was already done and edited so I finally decided to post this today.
A/N 2 - This may seem like a filler chapter but it's not, trust me. It's a very important chapter which plays a crucial part in the next chapters. ENJOY!
Beta'd by the absolute sweetheart @deanwanddamons <3<3
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist
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Groaning loudly, Dean dropped his head as you paced around the room, complaining for the hundredth time that night.
“Will you stop?” He grumbled. You came to a halt when you heard his words and turned to look towards him. Throwing a glare his way you continued your pacing .
“Y/N/N, stop it. This isn't going to solve our problem - it'll only annoy the tenants downstairs,” he said and got up from his chair.
“What are we supposed to do? My pacing around is definitely not helping neither is your what, fourth glass of whiskey,” you retorted.
“Third,” Dean said, “this is my third glass and I'm tryin’ to get drunk.”
“We ended up in this situation because we were slacking and this is exactly what we are doing again,” you raised your voice, regretting your decision to stay at Dean’s house with him, “if you won't even try to get out of this situation, I'll be going back to my house tomorrow.”
“You won't stay alone in that house until we catch that son of a bitch,” he said, setting his glass and walking over to you, “it's dangerous.”
You knew it was dangerous considering how the house you had rented in Kansas was destroyed when you had gone back to get your belongings - furniture was thrashed, utensils were broken and clothes were torn, but nothing was stolen. It was clear that Crowley's men were trying to send you a sign to leave their boss alone.
It was Bobby who suggested that staying alone and travelling a few kilometres everyday to discuss the proceedings of the case would be a bad idea since Crowley and Co. were waiting for the perfect opportunity to cause disruption in the case. And knowing how ruthless Crowley could be, murder and kidnapping didn't seem like a far-fetched option for him.
Dean had piped up saying it would be better to stay at his house since he had noticed your house had a weak security system. His other reason was that he had a car, unlike you.
Needless to say, you had reluctantly agreed to stay with the green eyed detective, but deep down inside, you knew that staying with Dean gave you a sense of security and you didn't want to let that go.
“We will figure a way out,” he said, standing a little too close to you.
“How?” You asked the obvious question.
“I have contacted my brother. He will be working as our lawyer to get them to drop the charges. Sammy will be here early morning tomorrow,” he said, removing a stray piece of hair from your face, “but you gotta cool down, sweetheart. Give that pretty little head of yours a little rest.”
“I-I can't. I am freaking out Dean,” you said.
“I know. You have almost bore a hole in the ground by your pacing,” you hit his arm lightly, making him chuckle, “I'm thinkin’ about the case too.”
“Is Sam-will he be able to….this is a critical one,” you mumbled, looking down at the floor.
“I have faith in my brother and he can go to hell and back to save me just like I can. Sammy will do anything to help us. Trust me,” he said, putting a finger under your chin, prompting you to look up at him. He leaned in and placed a kiss on your forehead. This simple act worked like a sedative and you calmed down a bit.
“Join me for a drink,” Dean said and strolled his way back to the couch. You followed him and took a seat beside him. Pouring a drink, he handed you the glass.
“One drink. Only.” You said.
“Who do you think might be the mole?” you asked, taking a sip of your drink
“It can be anyone. Charlie, Kevin, Bobby, Rufus-”
“Ruby, you,” he nodded, “me.”
“Like I said, it could be anyone,” Dean said.
“Do you think we can prove our innocence?” You asked, “the cops kinda caught us red handed and-”
“It's….tough.” Dean said and jumped out of his seat, knocking over the tumbler of ice.
You tilted your head in confusion, furrowing your eyebrows.
“What?” You insisted.
“A few years back, when we were only fledglings in the bureau, Rufus Turner was working Crowley’s case. This information was in the case file that Bobby gave to us. He had arrested two men in his gang but by the time they had got to know about that dick, they had already lost him. He had escaped the feds again,” he explained, flailing his arms all around in excitement.
“Maybe we can find out who those two men were and interrogate them about Crowley,” you said, smiling a little for the first time that night, knowing you had a lead.
“Now all we need is access to those two men's files. FBI is not gonna help us so we have to take matters in our own hands. I’ll call Ash and ask him to find those,” Dean said and ran back to his room to get his phone.
“Ash? What about Charlie?” You asked, when he came back to the room, “And shouldn't you tell Sam first? He is our lawyer and he should be informed about this.”
“It's not like we are gonna interrogate a witness and Ash is a good friend of mine. He is not a fed whereas Charlie works at the bureau and right now we can't trust anyone who works there because we don't know who might be working as a two-faced devil and ratting us out to the God of the Underworld,” Dean said, dialing Ash’s number.
“Ash,” he said when the said man picked up the phone after a few rings.
“Listen, we are kind of in a tricky situation here-oh you heard….not really, we got one week….no it won't….I know you're a busy man, Ash,” Dean said, rolling his eyes, “but we need your help….yeah….the thing is we need access to the old case files related to the drug mafia Crowley….yeah I know that genius….can't you-fine….I owe you one.”
“So?” You asked, hoping for good news.
“Ash will let us know by morning,” he said.
“Can we trust him?”
“Okay,” you reached for the bottle of whiskey.
“What do you think you're doing?” Dean asked, raising his brow.
“Relaxin’,” you shrugged, “you should try to relax sometimes.”
“You think you're such a smartass, huh?” He said and plopped down on the couch beside you, making you giggle.
“Thanks for tonight, Winchester,” you turned towards your friend.
“For what? For helping you calm down when you were running around like a headless chicken?” He smirked.
“Shut up,” you grumbled, “you know what I mean.”
“I'm here for you. We're in this shit together and I promise to get us out of this mess,” he said as you moved closer to him.
“And I have faith in you.” He pulled you closer and kept your head on his shoulder. He hummed in response. You closed your eyes, sighing loudly, but the sweet moment of coziness was interrupted quickly.
Your eyes flew open, “You son of a bitch, Winchester! Way to ruin a moment! How dare you put ice in my sweatshirt?” Dean laughed out loud.
“First of all, that's my sweatshirt you are wearing and you were looking too peaceful with your head on my shoulder,” he laughed.
“Fuck you!” You growled, and hit his arm hard.
“Ow!” He rubbed his arms. Dean effectively dodged your second attack, “woah, easy there tiger.” By now you were laughing too. As your laughter died down, you looked at Dean and saw him smiling softly at you. You blushed furiously under his strong gaze.
“You hungry?” Dean asked, clearing his throat.
“Uh-huh. Kinda forgot about food today until now.” You said, diverting your eyes.
“I'm thinking about ordering pizza. You okay with that?” He asked.
“Sure.” You said.
Half an hour later, as you were enjoying the delicious pizza and watching some crappy tv trying to put a break on the racing thoughts, you heard Dean speak.
“About earlier,” he sighed.
“Oh yeah. You better be sorry Winchester,” you gave him an annoyed look.
“No, I'm not sorry for that. It was fun,” he laughed.
“No it wasn't,” you said, but failed to hide the smile threatening to take over your face.
“It made you smile,” he pointed out.
“Fine, you're forgiven,” you said as Dean gave you a cheeky grin.
“In all seriousness, what I said earlier, I meant it. I promise to get us out of this mess,” he said, leaning down to give you a chaste kiss on your cheek, your skin tingling with an unknown sensation.
“I know,” you said, “I think I should go to bed now. We have a long day ahead of us.” Dean nodded as you got up and made your way over to his guest room.
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in the series!
Feedback is highly appreciated!
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: Thorin x fem human! reader please where they meet in Ered Luin during Thorin’s blacksmith days, she bonded with the rest of the Durins too especially Dis, so just cute & stuff until finally Thorin has to leave to reclaim Erebor, maybe a bit of an angsty bittersweet ending because the reader is not interested in being a queen
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x human!Reader
Genre: mostly fluff
Requested by: @queenofmankind
Permanent taglist: @queenofmankind @randomparanoid
Warnings: none really
A/N: this is my first fanfic of the Hobbit so it might be a bit meh but I need practice so forgive me plz. Also for those who don't know, English is not my mother tongue so I have to get used to this. Now enjoy <3
Part II
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Selling flowers in the town's market might not have been the most profitable business, but it was a beautiful one.
Each morning, I would leave my lowly home and walk all the way through the town square to the stall where colorful bouquets and delicate flower crowns were already waiting for me.
Though one day, as I made my way to my working place as always, I heard unusual metallic bang. Then another, and another, and another, it was almost rhythmic.
Out of curiosity I strayed from my path in order to discover what that sound was. It was early in the morning, not many places were open.
I gradually slowed down when I saw a raven-haired dwarf forging a sword at the end of the street, in what I thought was an abandoned blacksmith's shop.
I guessed it was no longer abandoned.
The dwarf looked up and his icy eyes fixed on mines with such an intensity that made me look away, almost ashamed of having stared at him for too long.
Just as I was about to make my way up the street again and retake my usual path, a deep, loud voice spoke. "Good morning."
I turned to meet his eyes once more. This time somehow they looked less intimidating than a couple of seconds before. "Good morning to you." I replied with a timid smile. "I apologize, I did not mean to stare."
"Do not apologize, m'lady." He responded leaving his hammer resting on the wooden table. "I understand it may be rare to see... Well, a-"
"Blacksmith in town." I finished his sentence with my words before he could finish with his. "We lacked from one for so long, I doubt I have ever listened to the hammering of the forge before." we stayed in silence for an instant before I spoke again. "May I know your name?"
"Only if I know yours."
"Y/n Y/l/n." I replied with a smile.
"Thorin Oakenshield." he presented himself, with a subtle bow of his head. "At your service."
"I will leave you now to your task, Thorin. I too have a job I must attend." I turned around once more while I waved goodbye at the handsome dwarf.
"Farewell, Y/n." as I got farther from him, I started hearing the hits of the hammer against the metal sword once more.
What am I doing, I asked myself as I made my way to the blacksmith's with a portion of food I had bought in the market.
"Hey." Thorin looked up at me and almost instantly a half smile appeared on his lips. "happy to see me again?"
"Very." he replied, stopping his work. "I thought I might have scared you yesterday."
"Oh, you did." I spoke the truth, sitting on a free bench besides him. "But you have a pretty smile." he seemed shocked at my words, almost confused. "I brought you some food." I handed him the portion and he left the table he was working over to stand in front of me. "it occurred to me that you may be hungry."
"That's very thoughtful of you." Thorin sat besides and started eating. "but you don't have to look for excuses to come and see me." I widened my eyes and he let out a chuckle. "I was joking."
"I'm not paying you to court a human, dwarf! Work!" I burrowed my brows at the poor treatment, and, even though I could feel Thorin’s anger, he obliged and, after getting up, he gripped the hammer and the sword with such strength that his knuckles went white.
"I did not mean to distract you." He simply shook his head, dismissing me without any kind of eye contact. I could tell he was angry. "I'll leave you to it now." I smiled at him, though he wasn't looking, and I stood up and walked out.
Since he was now behind me, I couldn't acknowledge the way his eyes lingered on me; the longing they held.
"Y/n! Long time no see, kid." the bartender who worked in the same street as Thorin called my name. "What are you doing down here?"
"I came to see Thorin."
"The blacksmith." I detailed.
His face fell and a frown installed in his face. "That dwarf? What are your business with him?" before I could give a confused question for an answer, he spoke again. "Be careful, lass. Dwarves are not ones to trust."
"Uh... Sure."
The day was close to the end when a pair of young dwarves appeared in my street, seemingly confused. "Excuse me, lady- Oh those are pretty." the dark-haired one spoke, visibly losing his trail of thoughts when his eyes got caught in the flower crowns.
"Kíli, focus." the blond one urged the other, nudging him. "Lady may I ask which way must we go in order to reach the blacksmith's shop?"
"You should walk to the end of this street, then take a left turn and go up, when you reach the square-"
"Could you guide us there?" The blond dwarf begged. "We have been lost for a couple of hours now."
"If you give me a moment, I will." I responded. I was going to leave soon anyway.
"Fíli, we should buy one of this crowns for mom." the brunet suggested, completely ignoring his brother distress. "She will love it."
With a sigh, Fíli took a look at the crown his brother was pointing at. "How much for this one, lady?"
Once they paid, I handed the crown to the brunet and closed the stall. "Alright lads, follow me." I guided them both all the way to the blacksmith's. I didn't need to ask if they knew Thorin, that was an obvious answer, though it was confirmed when, after hearing the noise both dwarves were causing behind me, he looked up with what I could tell was a scolding glare.
It softened considerably when his gaze was met with mine instead of with either of theirs.
"Y/n." A smile made its way to my face at the way my name rolled out of his tongue, which triggered a confident smirk on his. "I see you found my troublesome nephews." I let out a laugh, turning to meet two pair of curious eyes already staring at me. "Did they cause you any problems?"
"Not at all," I assured, taking a few steps more to reach the place where he was working. "they just could not find their way to here and requested my services as a guide."
"That was very kind of you," Thorin pointed out, his eyes fixed on mines with some kind of warmth "though I am not sure if I should thank you for bringing them to me." he then turned to both dwarves. "You should be at home."
"We came to keep your company." The blond one assured to his uncle.
"I do not need company." he sternly replied, to which the dark-haired one responded with a quiet murmur, causing his brother to nudge him scoldingly.
"What was it?" I questioned, curious, as I took a seat on a wooden stool near the forge.
"Nothing m'lady." the blond lied with an apologetic look.
"Kíli." Thorin called with tremendous authority in his voice. "What was it."
Kíli's lips formed a knowing, mischievous smile before any word left his mouth. "I said that we sure are poor company compared to the beautiful lady besides you, uncle." his brother pinched the bridge of his nose and I felt my cheeks burning.
"You are not wrong," Thorin replied with calmness and confidence in his voice. "Y/n is much better company than a couple of problematic dwarves." my cheeks only got redder, and though he was not looking at me, by the ghost of a smile in his gaze I could tell he somehow had noticed. "Now go home, it's late."
"Aren't you coming with us?" Fíli asked.
"I have too much work left to do." I was in that moment going to leave the blacksmith's to go home, but then I heard his words. "I'll spend the night here. Tell my sister not to worry." his nephews nodded and left us alone. "You should go home too." he commented, undoing the laces of his shirt after rekindling the fire.
"What did you mean with spending the night here?" I inquired, loosening my own laces.
It was way too hot in there.
"By the time I finish, it will be too late to go all the way back." he explained already back to the making of another sword.
"You can stay in my house." I suggested without giving a second thought to my words. "It's... Not much but there's enough room."
"You are too kind." he whispered, submerging the sword into water to cool it down. "It is alright, won't be the first time I do not have a bed to rest," he left the sword aside and proceeded to take off his shirt. "and it should won't be the last."
I didn't quite process the fact that he was shirtless until he started edging the sword, which made his muscles tense. His skin glistened with the sweat that the blacksmith's caused; his long raven hair fell in cascade partially covering his shoulders—
"Seems to me you like what you see." I was staring. Again. "It's alright." he assured with that that smug grin in his face. "You really should go home."
"I'll help you." I stated, using a lace on my wrist to tie up my hair. Once again I missed the way Thorin’s eyes fixed on my while I secured the hair; the way his jaw slightly dropped when, with my hair up, he was able to see my back. "That way you will finish earlier and we will go home together."
It was late night when I finally closed the blacksmith's shop and we went to Y/n's home.
We walked in silence —a comfortable one.
"Do you need a change of clothes?" she questioned, making her way to what I supposed was her bedchamber. "There's probably something in the chest."
"It won't be necessary." I spoke, sitting down to take off my boots. I looked up for an instant, and found Y/n's door not closed enough to shield her half naked body from me. I rapidly averted my eyes and turned around.
"If you change... your mind..." I could feel her gaze on my back as I took off both my shirts, so I looked over my shoulder to meet her eyes. "You can grab one." with a smile, she opened her bedchamber's door and motioned me to pass. "The bed is big enough so don't you dare to argue." she warned me, lying down under the blankets. "I'm tired."
"No wonder why," I listened to her, lying besides her over the bedding. "It was a long day." she hummed in response and, when I turned to her, she had her eyes closed already.
Ethereal was the only valid word to describe her. Damn my height, damn my race, damn my—
"like what you see?" she teased with a grin, her eyes still closed.
"I do." was I too forward? I had met her barely a week ago. Maybe her words and actions where misleading me, she was one of kind nature.
Her eyes opened and she stared into mines. "Do you?" I rolled to my side and gave her a discreet nod.
Before I could move towards her in order to test the waters, her lips where on mines, though as fast as they came, they left to be hidden behind the blankets.
"I apologize." she mumbled.
To which I replied, "Do not." I moved my hand to move the blanket away from her face so I could return the kiss to her.
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cupboardzllo · 4 years
being a babie with mazzello | hc
a/n : HIIII welcome back to my writing! I miss all of ya so much :-] the other day i was hit with this thought of just being ababie arpund joe so here's a hc about that. Also, i wanna thank y'all for sticking with me when i was unactive several days ago...it means a lot to me!
also, i'm Chloe! Figured i will reveal my name after a while. People call me coco or cookie sometimes, so...let's be friend, i guess?
anyway, enjoy this hc!! ♡
so we all know about the virus, honestly i think i'm the latest person to write about this
but joe freaking mazzello 'course cannot stay sane that long without you, his 24/7 childhood best friend
so he asked you to move in with him when the whole quarantine thingy started
"Come on!!! You will have the world-famous, fanfastic dino-shaped pancakes by Chef La Mazzello every morning, (Y/N)."
that was his effort to persuade you
of course you said yes
"Fine, but it's only because of the pancakes."
no (Y/N) we ALL know it's because you're head over heels for him!!!
moving-in day
it's not the first time you've stayed at his house
but you were pretty nervous with the idea of living with him, everyday, him seeing you without any makeup, or anything
ESPECIALLY your habits of cleaning products...you tend to use baby shampoo and soaps
when you put your johnson baby wash in his bathroom, Joe frowned
"Whose baby is staying here?."
you stuttered, "uhh...it's weird, but, it's mine...dONT LAUGH OKAY JOE-"
too late
joe's dying on the floor
(((((bathroom floor))))
you tickled him as an escape of your embarassment, feeling shy
"OKAY STOP STOP I'M SORRY!," he laughed
then ruffled your hair
"Even if you use dog shampoo, i'd still.."
you freezed
what's he going to say?!
joe took a moment before finishing his sentence
"....m-make yOU DINO-SHAPED PANCAKES! come on, (Y/L/N)! let's unpack your clothes after this."
then he went out of the bathroom
leaving you
and possibly close to having a sheer heart attack
grocery shopping with joe
on some days, joe (and you) is waAY to lazy to make efforts to eat
but at the same time you guys are hella hungry
so you guys order the classic chinese take-outs, or pizza maybe
but also in some days, you will go out grocery shopping with him and buy ingredients for dinner (with masks of course, wear your masks everyone!!!)
joe will grab cooking ingredients and other products
like milk
dairy-free milk because we all don't want joe screaming
Joe also grabs some chips
and snacks
then there's you grabbing baby snacks
happy baby
teethers cookies
all the good stuff
"Why..are you???????"
"Stop shaming my snacking behaviour!!! It's good okay,,," you said then running into another aisle
leaving mazzello
like that joe smile we all love
"Gosh, such a cutie..." he mumbled, then pushing the cart, following you
also he paid for the groceries even though you insisted to pay
ugh i love him
dinner time with joe
joe's not actually the worst italian chef
but he does need constant guiding and sometimes can be sloppy
you guys were cooking baked spaghetti that night, and thankfully it went okay
joe almost spilled the whole sauce from the pan but luckily you were there to stop him
so while waiting for the food to cook
joe decided to play some music off of his phone
and guess what he played
not queen songs
the first verse came and you were laughing out loud
"Joe what the fuck???? What is thiiiis?."
joe is already bopping his head and throwing some dance moves
drop it like it's hoooooot-
"Aw come on baby (Y/L/N), bABY SHARK DOO DOO DO DO-"
so you joined him
yeah the clapping hands thingy
you guys were dancing so hard you both were sweating
Joe picked you up with his arms
you were a laughing mess and tried to get out of his grip when you both fell into his couch
you on top of him
and him under you
for a moment you thought joe is going to kiss you
and he reached you cheek
the oven dings
joe shuffled and you quickly stood up
"I'll check it!," you said while running to the kitchen
SIS your heart was POUNDING because was he going to kiss you????
joe was also a blushing mess
"mazzello you dumb...," he whispered while rubbing his face
then chased you into the kitchen
dinner went a bit awkward
because you both are dumb dorks
but it went over and you guys washes dishes together then got ready for bed
Joe does have a guest room in his house
but he said that the room is currently unavailable
under the following reasons of
"it's messy," and "it has a lot of stuff in it!." "my room's more spacious."
he really just want to have you with him in his bed (Y/N) come on!!!!
so you agreed to sleep with him
because of course you also can't wait to cuddle with him
ehm okay moving on so
you changed into your pajama
and it has gudetama patterns
joe chuckled when he saw you after changing your clothes
"I swear (Y/N), you're a baby trapped in an adult's body."
you pull out your tongue playfully then joined him
joe was scrolling his instagram, and you were checking out your emails
joe then pulled you closer to him
"You're cold, you need more warmth from me," he said, as an excuse
you smiled and rested your head on his shoulder
you did not realize it, but you were feeling sleepy and slowly you lulled off on his chest
because this is exactly the thing he loved the most about you
the domestic side of you, your bare face and your sleepy figure
he turned off the lights as careful as possible
he don't want his baby to wake up
he cuddled you closer and realized
this is what he wanted to see before he's off to the clouds
so let's all hope the man will gain the courage to ask you out
because he can't wait to give you
his baby
more warmth every night :-)
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cncoaddicted · 5 years
you'll be better without me || Z.D.J.
sorry for the mistake but english isn’t my first language [and it’s also late so again sorry]
hope you enjoy
i don’t really like it but let me know what do you think
masterlist | requests are open
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sorry, the photo has nothing to do with the imagine but I needed the baby brown
warning: drugs, prison, our baby zabdiel sad
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you had just arrived home when you felt the smell of your favorite food
"amor, how was work?" your boyfriend zabdiel asked you welcoming you at the door
"good thank you and sorry for the delay"
you smiled as a reflection of his happiness but inside you felt empty
you were lying to the only person who ever worried about you
you were lying to the love of your life
but you couldn't stop
"I cooked your favorite food, are you hungry?"
"I'm not particularly, sorry. I think I'll go to sleep. Why don't you invite the boys to eat here? I think they will appreciate” you answered putting a hand behind his neck and leaving a kiss on his cheek before climbing the stairs and entering your room.
the boys arrived a short time later and in the silence you were in you could hear their words
"how are you going with y/n?" christopher asked
"in this last period she is a bit strange but everything is going well and every day I am more convinced that she is the woman of my life" zabdiel replied
those words hurt you
you knew how much he loved you and you knew how much you loved him
because at that moment he was more important than you and you knew that without you he would have been better
no longer able to resist, you took the bottle from the bag and swallowed two tablets at once
you stayed all night hanging on the door to better listen to the boys' speeches
the suitcases were already ready on the bed, you were just waiting for the moment when the boys would leave the house
hours after you heard the greetings and the door closing, zabdiel was already climbing the stairs when you preceded him opening the door of your room and finding him in front of you
"y/n, what are you doing?" he asked confused looking at the bags in your hands
your eyes were red and your throat burned, perhaps zabdiel had mistaken these signs as symptoms of crying but they were only the consequences of smoking and pills
"I'm leaving"
you started go down the stairs but he was right behind you
"what happened? did I do something wrong?” he asked worriedly
you turned to him feeling already the tears come down, you swallowed ready to say what would have hurt him the most
"I cheated on you" you said, you saw his eyes completely empty and you decided it was time to increase the load
"I wasn't drunk and I don't regret what I did" you answered the questions he was already holding in his head
"I'm just sorry you believed so much in something that had to end just when it started" you continued
zabdiel's eyes were filled with tears, he had never been able to hold back his emotions and certainly not with you
"I can't believe you did it" he almost whispered
"zabdiel I'm sorry" you said with a broken voice, approaching you one step
his head suddenly rose pointing his eyes into yours, both full of tears and he did not hide them, he let them fall from his eyes, descend on his perfect cheekbones until he reached those lips that you would have kissed for whole days and finally fall to the floor
the coldness of his gaze in contrast with the tears, that killed you
you felt so bad that for a moment you thought of going back, of kissing him, of making love with him and of making things come back as before
but things were no longer the same as before
and he would have been better without you
neither of them moved, you're just waiting for his move to leave that house forever
but nothing came, zabdiel was there in mobile so you took the suitcases and walked to the door, closing it behind you once outside.
some days after
"zabdiel" richard called him back watching the television news
"mh" zabdiel replied
he hadn't slept for days, he could only think that the girl he was giving everything to had cheated on him
"y/n y/l/n, this is the name of the young girl arrested for illegal use and sale of drugs. the punishment goes from two to ten years for the girl but it seems that, having been established and her dependence on drugs has been demonstrated, the penalty is reduced and she is allowed to participate in detoxification meetings "
zabdiel did not understand what he felt at that moment, he was confused, disappointed, angry with you for not having told him and with himself for not having noticed it
"zabdiel" christopher started but had no time to say anything else because the boy had already disappeared directly to the prison where the girl was
"excuse me, it's quite urgent" zabdiel said to the old lady behind the glass of the prison, the woman looked up at the boy who must have looked really desperate
"tell me" the woman replied gently, which was strange for a prison
"I should see a person who is here"
"name of the prisoner and his please" she replied
"Y/n y/l/n and zabdiel de jesus"
"I'm sorry boy, miss y/n was very clear when she came here, she didn't want to receive visits from you but she left you this" the woman announced, handing a sheet of zabdiel from the crack of the glass, he took it and thanked the woman
he looked around before opening the yellowed sheet, the people in there seem accustomed, as if it were normal for them to be in a prison, he shook his head as he left the building
in front of it he found his four best friends, he smiled at them before approaching and opening the letter
"zabdiel, forgive me if this sheet is not one of the best but it's all they had here at the police station.
I'm sorry, maybe I should have told you, maybe we would have arranged things together, but I couldn't risk it
you would have been better without me, you'll be better without me
I would like you to know that I have never betrayed you, I would never have done it, I love you too much to do it
but I want you to go on with your life
live zabdiel, because you deserve a better life than I could ever have given you
you have your family and four other brothers ready to help you get up when and if you fall
te amo zabdiel de jesus
like I've never loved anyone in my life
I love you more than I ever loved myself and that's why I'm here now, with the handcuffs on my wrists and the tears that wet this sheet
if ever in a future we would have to meet again I will be happy to relive with you the best moments of our life together but for the moment live, live like you've never done until now
you are free
use your freedom the right way
te amo
yours forever, y/n"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
second part?
let me know
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our-chaoticwhispers · 7 years
What Are The Chances (Pt 4)
Pairing:  Chris Pine x Reader
Warning: Fluffy, maybe a touch of angst
Summary: After dating for over a year, you and Chris run into a road block of sorts. Will you be able to come back from it?
A/N: Sorry this took so long to write this. Life decided to kick me while I was already down. But, here it is, and I hope you like it!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Word Count: 2,236 (Oops..)
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The months flew by, and before you knew it, it was your one year anniversary. You can Chris had never been happier. Both of your careers were blooming, and you love life was nothing short of perfect.
Well, almost perfect. Though the two of you had never gotten into a full blown argument, there were a couple bumps here and there. The biggest one being Chris's sex appeal. It seemed like every girl wanted to throw themselves at him. You never thought that you were the jealous type, and to an extent, you weren't. But, there was always that voice inside that questions if you are good enough for him.
Over the last year, you had been doing a damn fine job of ignoring that voice, with the help of Chris, of course. Whenever you were together, he would make sure that you knew he loved you. He'd tell you all the time, he never seemed to stop touching you, and he'd constantly surprise you with new and innovative ways to show that he loved you. Even if it was something small, like playing your favorite music in the car instead of his.
Tonight was no exception. It was your one year anniversary, and he knew exactly how the night would play out. He had the day planned to a T! When you woke up and walked down stairs he was in your kitchen, making your favorite breakfast while listening to the playlist you made of all your favorite songs.
"Good morning, gorgeous." He said when he heard you walk in. He was wearing your favorite outfit, tight khaki jeans, an even tighter white shirt and the cardigan you bought him for his birthday.
"Good morning, baby." You laughed and wipe some flour off his forehead before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Smells amazing." You commented before turning to set the table.
You sat down to eat, talking about your day yesterday, the interviews the two of you had done, and the movies you had coming up. You both were happy to have some time off to spend with each other. Chris seemed anxious, and you could tell why. But, it unnerved you that he kept checking his phone.
"Something wrong?" You asked around a bite of food.
"Hmm?" He seemed caught off guard, and nervous. "No, everything is fine. I gotta run though, babe." He stood, put his dish in the washer, pecked you on the head and left.
Well, that was odd. He didn't even say I love you, Chris always says I love you. You tried not to dwell on it and went about cleaning up the mess he left behind. God love, but the man uses every dish in the house when he cooks. You were just about to put the last dish away when your phone rang. The screen lit up, informing you that Zoe was calling. The two of you had become best friends while filming Star Trek.
"Hey, girl!" You answered brightly!
"Hey, Zach and I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today. I'm thinking mani/pedi spa day!"
"Oh, my god that sounds amazing. When are you going?"
"About an hour or so. I'll text you the address."
"Perfect, I'll see you then." You hung up and went to get ready.
After a gloriously long, hot shower, you set about to get ready. You walked into the office to get a book to read while you were out and about when you saw Chris's laptop open on his emails. You weren't one to snoop, but the subject line caught your attention.
Can't wait to see you.
Your heart dropped, and you couldn't help but read the email.
Hey Chris,
I would love to talk to you more. Meet me for lunch at Perch on Hill Street at about 12:45. My treat :)
Perch? That was your favorite restaurant. Why was he meeting some girl there for lunch? Maybe it's about a new role or something, you tried to rationalize away. But, your heart sank. Was that why he was acting so weird?
You tried to push the thought from your mind, tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Chris would never cheat on you. You know he loves you. But still...
You arrived at the spa and met up with Zoe and Zach, hugs and kisses on the cheek were exchanged, but Zach noticed you weren't your normal chipper self.
"You okay?" He asked, concern etched in his features.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. It's just been a weird day." You looked at your sandals.
"Well, let's get this party started!" Zoe said, trying to brighten your mood and handing you a flute of champagne.
"Thanks!" You said with a smile, accepting the drink and raising a toast to your friends.
The spa day was amazing, and you did feel better. A fresh set of acrylic nails and a pedicure could do that for a girl like you. You looked over at Zoe who held her rumbling stomach.
"What? It's almost one and I'm hungry. You two want to grab a bite?"
"Yeah! Perch is near by and I know you love that place!" Zach said.
"I'll get an Uber," Zoe said, already calling one up before you could say anything.
The drive to Perch didn't take very long, and you were seated outside almost immediately. You were trying to casually look around for Chris, who should be here by now. When you finally spotted him, your heart sank, he was sitting with a rather attractive woman who was in her mid-thirties and they were laughing and she grabbed his hand.
"I know that look, what's wrong?" Zoe asked.
"Nothing." You said and placed your order.
She let the topic drop, knowing you well enough to let it go. The three of you ate and talked, caught up with each other and were laughing at a story Zach was telling you when Zoe noticed Chris getting up to leave.
"Chris! What are you doing here?"
"Hey, guys. Hey, sweetie." He kissed you on the cheek. "I was just having lunch with a friend. What are you three trouble makers up to?"
You wanted to kick him. Did he have no remorse? You just caught him eating with another woman. Zoe, Zach, and Chris chatted for a bit before Chris checked his watch and said he had to run. Kissing the top of your head as he left. The three of you hung around a little while longer before Zach checked his phone and told you that he and Zoe had to head out, saying they were due at the studio for some pre-production work on the new Star Trek.
"That's weird," Zach said, paying the bill and handing you a piece of paper that had your name on it. "We gotta run. See you later!"
You said your goodbyes and read the piece of paper. You noticed it was in Chris's hand writing.
Aw, so you got my note! My plan is working perfectly. For our one year anniversary, I wanted to do something extra special. I know you love scavenger hunts, so prepare yourself for the best one ever!
Your task, should you choose to accept it is to go home, and find your favorite book. Your next clue is in there.
Love you,
As luck would have it, you had that book with you. You opened the cover to find another note and read it while climbing into your Uber.
Congratulations! You found the next note! Your next clue is to find something blue where I hide my dirty clothes. The clue is attached to it.
You drove home, still trying not to jump conclusions about the date you caught Chris on. But, it was still playing on your mind. 'something blue where I hide my dirty clothes.'  Under the bed?  You walked into to the bed and look under it. Sure enough, there is a bright blue suit case under there. You pull it out and grab the attached.
There will be a car coming to get you at 3. Be ready.
What the fuck is this man up to?! You tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. You tried to call Zoe and Zach, but no one answered. You finally broke down and called his dad, Robert, but he said he hasn't heard from Chris today, but whatever he was doing sounded like one hell of a surprise.
You waited around for the car to show up and went outside to meet the driver. He handed you an envelope and said that he was told to tell you not to open it until you got to the airport.
When you arrived, your assistant Elaina was there waiting for you. She smiled and walked up to you with a neck pillow and blanket in tow.
"El, what the hell is going on? Where am I going?"
"I promised Chris I wouldn't tell you. So, I'm not saying anything. But, you are all checked in, I'll take your bag. Your flight leaves in thirty minutes." She grabbed your bag and walked to the desk to have it checked in.
You waved your goodbye and walked to the TSA queue. Fifteen minutes later, you were on a jet to who knows where. The stewardess handed you a tablet with a video queued up.
Hey, baby. By now you are probably wondering what the hell is going on, and who could blame you. But don't worry, it'll all make sense soon, I promise. The plane is stocked with all your favorites, so enjoy the flight. I love you so much and I'll see you when you land.
You don't know how long you had been asleep for when the pilot announced that you were landing. It was too dark to make out where in the world you were currently. Once you got off the plane, you found out that you were in Dublin, Ireland. You had always dreamed of going to Ireland but hadn't got yet, because you wanted it to be special. As you walked to the baggage claim you saw a man holding a sign with your name on it, with your blue suitcase next to him.
"Miss (Y/L/N)?" He said in a wonderfully lilting accent.
"Yep, that's me." You said with a smile. He handed you another note and a garment bag and directed you to his limo.
SURPRISE! You made it to Ireland, finally. Now, the drive should have handed you a bag. Get changed and I'll see you soon.
Changing in the back of a limo was a piece of cake for you now, the dress Chris had for you was amazing. It was a green, A-line cocktail dress that had a white to green ombre lace top, matching shoes and the cardigan he was wearing this morning. The drive took about 30 minutes before the driver knocked on the door to make sure you were dressed. When you opened and stepped out and saw Chris standing on the shore with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, and that million dollar smile.
You were hesitant, but walked over to him and hugged him. He sensed the uneasiness in your hug and pulled back to look at you.
"What's wrong? Aren't you excited to be here? I planned this for months." He said smiling down at you.
"Who was that women you were with? At Perch?" You couldn't stop yourself from asking. "Why was she emailing you?"
Chris looked at you, confusion etched into his stupid, perfect face. "That was Linda, she's an event planner. We were going over everything to make sure this went off without a hitch."
Suddenly you felt so stupid. Of course! Chris couldn't plan something this big all on his own, and not have you notice.
"Were you jealous?" He teased you. But then, his face suddenly turned serious. "(Y/N), I love you. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, and I would never think about another woman when I have you waiting for me."
"I know, I just.. I saw the email, and then you two were on a date. Well, I thought it was a date. I'm sorry, I love you, too. This is the best anniversary gift ever."
"This isn't the gift." He said looking suddenly nervous. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, and your heart stopped. "The gift i-is me. Forever." You could see the tears welling in his eyes as he looked at you before getting down on one knee.
"(Y/F/M), I love you more than I ever believed I could love another person. I wake up every day with a smile on my face from knowing that you love me, too. You make me a better man, and I can't imagine not having you by my side. You are my best friend and the love of my life. Will you make my life complete by agreeing to mar-"
You cut him off by throwing yourself on him and kissing him with all the love you could muster.
"YES! Oh my god! Yes!!" You couldn't contain the tears that freely flowed down your face. "I love you, too!"
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