#I'm not a writer by a long shot but the WAY these TV SHOWS of all thing make me furiously type on my phone
x-hotoke · 3 months
hey sweetie!! I saw request open and..
Megumi streamer x reader
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STREAMER megumi x male reader
writer's note: I'm unsure whether this was platonic or not so I assumed this was platonic and my blog is all about writing male readers, if it's not then you can check my pinned post for more details on what I write :D either way thank you for this wonderful request anon<3
synopsis : after a long day of streaming, megumi spends the entire night watching movies with you.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. a short one shot
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“Yuji — I swear to-” Megumi takes his eyes off the monitor, glancing at his phone on his desk. It has been buzzing for quite some time now. “Megumi?” A voice rang from his headphones.
“Wait a second.” Megumi muttered, muting his microphone off in the stream. He picked up the phone, seeing messages from y/n — loads of them.
'are you donw streaming?'
'come over, i made some fpod'
'do u srsly not hear the notifications'
He chuckled at the last message, quickly responding to all of them before setting his phone down. “What are you laughing at, megumi?” Yuji's voice spoke up, making the black headed male freeze. He forgot to mute himself on discord.
“It's nothing, let's finish this round and call it a day aight?” Megumi said, speaking to his viewers also. He was one of the streamers who rose up to popularity quickly and it's all thanks to his friends — Yuji, nobara and satoru — he can't believe that old white haired dude who adopted him was in his late 25's considering he has white hair. He was the one who got him into streaming.
After finishing up, he quickly did his outro — thanking his viewers for watching him before ending the livestream. It wasn't a full time job he committed himself to, he had other businesses after getting endorsed by popular brands, and let's not forget about Satoru who showers him with all the money he can offer to his adopted son. But he does make a sum of money from doing gaming livestreams with his friends.
Megumi took off his headphones, standing up to stretch. He took his phone off his desk, checking if there were any new messages from y/n.
'gosh when are u gonna finish'
It was sent an hour and a half, making megumi sweatdropped. He hoped he wasn't angry at him.
'omw dummy'
'geez took u ling enough to reply'
Megumi grins at the typos his friend made, chuckling to himself before going to his closet and taking out a pair of hoodie and a baggy black sweatpant.
A few minutes later, y/n hears a knock on the door to which he peeked out of the hole on door to see who it was. He perked up, opening the door. “Megumi!” He greeted the male with a hug before ushering him in.
“Took ya' long enough.” Y/n said, rolling his eyes as he grabbed a bowl of popcorn and some coke. “What can I say? I'm a busy man.” Megumi replied, shrugging as he sat down.
“It's movie night, right?” He tilted his head, asking the h/c headed male who responded; yes in return. Y/n placed the bowls on the coffee table before pulling out his remote controller. He threw it on megumi's lap who picked it up.
“You choose.” Y/n said, grabbing his bowl and began eating. Watching as the tv showed different kinds of movies to which megumi chose a kid's show; peppa pig.
Y/n deadpanned at him. “Seriously?”
“You said I get to choose.” Megumi grinned at him, slumping on the couch as they watched the opening of the show. He glances at him hesitantly before sighing. “Hey- I know I don't say this much but-” The words he was trying to find were caught in his throat.
“I- thanks for being my friend.” He mumbles, not daring to look at the other male's face as his face flushed with red from embarrassment. “t'is the only time I get to relax- when I'm with you, really. I appreciate you a lot.” His tense shoulders relaxed. “I mean it — thanks for supporting me throughout my journey.” He whispered, a soft smile creeping onto his face.
Y/n laughs lightly. “It's nothing, megumi. You're always welcome here kay?” He smiled at him, turning his attention back on the tv. Knowing it took a lot of courage for megumi to say that, he appreciated it — It's hard to find people who thank him for something he does for them and he was lucky enough to find a friend like him. It made him smile knowing someone appreciates him.
“If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here aight?” Y/n added, his tone softening into a whisper — enough for megumi to hear. “Yeah-.. yeah. Thanks y/n.”
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absolutebl · 4 months
Industry question for you, please: Why is it that it seems that Thai BL in particular has some really systemic issues with writing endings? Screwed-up pacing/editing, out-of-character/illogical actions, not being very satisfying... it seems like a show avoiding that fate is more of an exception than the rule, unfortunately. Do a lot of them just... not write the ending ahead of time? 😅 That would make having these sort of wacked-up endings at least make some sense, but... really, it makes *no* sense to me that that would be the actual standard writing strategy-- I mean, for example, one of the best living novel authors I know of *always* has very satisfying endings, literally without fail (I have read everything he's written and been perfectly content with the ending of every one), and the reason for that is he purposefully always writes the endings of his books *first*, then works everything back up to that point. Similarly, some of the best TV shows I've seen (from any country-- and this does actually include some Thai ones, to be fair) were written either all in one go or at the *very* least with their endings obviously already very firmly in mind, regardless of if they were completely original or were adaptations of some other source material. So... why does this often seem to be such a difficulty for the writers of Thai BL? 😅 (Sorry if I sound a little salty here, but endings either make or break all fiction for me {novels, manga/manhwa, TV, movies, games, whatever}, and I've been getting burned what seems to be more and more often lately with shows being great for the vast majority of their runtime but then inexplicably totally botching the landing, seemingly out of nowhere-- so I'm a bit frustrated with that when it seems to be a really simply-solved problem {that, indeed, has already been solved by many others before}: JUST WRITE THE DAMN ENDING *FIRST* and then work up to it? 🙃😅)
Endings huh? You a romance reader by nature? (Wait, no, you said... HE. So... Sparks? Green?) Anygay, where was I?
But yeah, I get it. I've always fancied the dessert course the most, myself.
To answer your question, not sure. I'm assuming its a narrative expectation based in culture. Like Japan and their lanes, China and 6 act structure, or Korea's adoration of love triangles. And producing culture comes to film and storytelling with its own set narrative conceits, archetypes, and tropes and aren't proscriptive but are leaned on a lot. Much as they come to film with a certain style as well.
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Think about the "look" of Korean BL compared to the "look" of Taiwanese BL, for example. They have an entirely different flavor to them. Korean stuff is usually all bright and airy, lots of distance shots, super clean and uncluttered, filtered and filmy and atmospheric. Taiwanese stuff is much closer, more grainy, more bold with it's color choices and contrasts, kind-up n your face and gritty, a bit messy sometimes.
It's jarring to go from one to the other.
After watching nothing but Asian dramas for so long, I always find it jarring to go back to American shit. It feels over-acted and unsubtle and kind of brash. Over all "loud" and in my face. Jarring.
So when first encountering 4 or 6 act structure most westerners feel a little unmoored, it doesn't feel comfortable until you sink into it and leave 3 & 5 behind.
I'm mean I'm so used to K-dramas with that arbitrary year or more separation in the final episode I;m now shocked when it's not there.
I guess what I'm saying is maybe it's just a thing with Thailand, not to put that much truck in endings. The way (especially) romances do in the western world. There's a very fixed idea of what an HEA should look like in the west. Thailand may not share that idea.
I've not read the source books of any of these BLs, so I don't know if this is just their narrative style or not.
I mean there are some Thai BLs with good (if not great) endings, and plenty of Korean BLs with terrible middles, and far too many Taiwanese BLs with bad beginnings.
Ya just kinda get used to it, I guess.
15 Thai BLs with Good Endings
A Tale of Thousand Stars
Bad Buddy
Lovely Writer
Be My Favorite
Dark Blue Kiss (possibly my favorite on this list)
Destiny Seeker
Make a Wish
Naughty Babe
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vergeltvng · 2 months
SPOILERS for The Boys Season 4
I'm still processing the final episode but here are some of my random thoughts, in no particular order. It was a wild ride and I enjoyed it for the most part. The season had its lows for sure and I'll never forgive the writers for how they treated Hughie. I'm still fucking mad about everything they did to him after episode 5. I also felt like they wasted a lot of potential with Annie's arc. She's been through a lot after season 3 and I loved the idea of her having an identity crisis but it was just so poorly executed. It all felt messy and as if the writers had no conclusion in mind for both her and Hughie's plotlines. Unfortunately I couldn't find myself caring a lot about Frenchie's and Kimiko's subplots which is sad because I love these two. I was hoping they get to kill that bitch Little Nina and Kimiko getting her revenge on the SLLA. Both could have happened this season before they got separated in the end. Instead we've been put on hold to wait if these plots get resolved at all. Firecracker and Sage were great additions, I loved to hate Firecracker and Sage gives off endboss vibes for me. I still feel like she's gonna betray Homelander in the end. Can't wait for "phase two". A-Train's arc was great, he truly redeemed himself and him showing up at the flat iron to save the others was proof enough for me how serious he was about doing the right thing. I liked all of his scenes with MM, too. I loved Ashley this season, I hope she gains some badass powers and kicks everyone's ass. I've seen some complaints about Homelander being nerfed - are we watching the same show? He is fucking unhinged and more terrifying than ever. He is basically god by the end of the season and can (and will) do whatever the fuck he wants with no one in his way. Someone telling me that's not scary?! He is and always will be one of the best villains in tv history. Poor kid Ryan, he deserved better. How is he ever supposed to feel safe around Homelander and Butcher phrasing it that way was downright evil and manipulative towards the boy because he knew it would make Ryan feel insecure and cornered. Him pushing and killing Grace was in self-defense. His reaction afterwards however is concerning and I guess ambiguous for interpretation on purpose. I still don't get how some people in the fandom could hate on a 12 year old child so much, leave the kid alone.
Where do I start when it comes to Butcher? I have many thoughts and this text is already long but I'll give it a shot anyway. Obviously I'm biased because I love this man and will defend him to the very end. I think his arc was one of the better aspects, he is still one of the best written characters on the show. What I always loved about him was him being truly morally grey and the ambiguity in his words and actions. He cannot be trusted. I don't know if it's me but Karl's performance makes him actually a lot more likeable than he deserves. He is a bad person and I don't think this is negotiable. I have thought about this so many times in made-up scenarios and I stick with my opinion that there's no fixing him and there never was. I have tried to stay away from fandom discourse as much as I could for my own well-being but I don't get how people act surprised and as a result hate over his behavior and decisions. I think most were true to his character and also him killing Neuman made perfect sense and was a well-deserved payoff narratively. Not that I'm not mad at him for doing so! I loved Vicky and she was such an interesting character. But his final words in season 3 were "that bitch has to go" and one of his main goals across the whole season was to get that virus to kill her. He was absolutely clear about it and worked towards this goal on his own terms, not even under the influence of Kessler. Certainly Kessler pushed him to commit some of his atrocities but it matched with what he wanted himself. He drew the line when it came to supe genocide and was conflicted about it initially but one of his core themes is doing whatever it takes and losing his humanity on his chosen path. Since he is highly intelligent he knows very well what's wrong with him what emphasises even more that he actively chooses to do bad things rather than being impulsive and regretful afterwards. I personally loved his turn at the end and I am eager to see his villain arc. What's not to love about evil daddy?! I could go on about some of the dynamics between him and Kessler but I'll do that in another post maybe.
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botmilf · 2 months
so I finally started watching the Halo tv series and I have some thoughts
Not Transformers related, but FUCKIN HELL I need to vent this SOMEWHERE because none of my friends have watched it. Ok.
The acting is ok, but no one's winning any awards, that's for sure lol.
The world building does *not* feel grounded in the Halo universe tbh. It feels more like a Star Wars setting, what with all the whacky haircuts and outfits, which I found pretty jarring because part of what grounded the Halo games was that the humans--even the ones that lived on planets other than Earth--were more utilitarian-centered in terms of fashion.
They want me to root for Kwan so badly, but they've given me no solid reason to so far, and I'm halfway through Season 1. I get that the writers are trying to make her seem like an edgy teenager, but tbh she just comes across as shitty, rude, and entitled most of the time? Which is, of course, no fault of the actress's whatsoever. This is purely the fault of the writers--Kwan's actress is just doing her best with the lackluster material she's been given, and our girl deserves nothing short of admiration for that lol.
Another thing about Kwan's story: it feels mind-numbingly boring and predictable when it's placed beside the Master Chief's arc--which is the one we're all HERE FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE. We're not here to watch an edgy teenage girl with a bad haircut (as a former professional hairstylist I see what they were going for, but man, did they NOT hit it lol) have her coming of age Katness Everdeen moment, and yeah I kinda feel like one of those sweaty asshole film critics just saying that...ugh...but it's the hard truth I guess.
One last thing concerning Kwan: I feel like a core issue that is also at play here is the fact that the writers--who are both men--clearly do not know how to write women outside the perimeters of "edgelord bitchy" "soulless bitchy" and "nerdy bitchy." Makee is the only character showing some potential for depth beyond that, but I'm not ready to give 'em that yet. It's unfortunately a prevalent thing in film/games when it comes to male writers writing women.
The FINAL thing that I want to say is that the camera work for this show is BORING as FUCK. The Sangheili fights fell short, not because of the CGI, or the writing or the acting, but purely because of the stiff camera work. A good camera shake when a Sangheili hits something and some motion-tracking during the battles would've gone a long way here because it helps you feel like you're right in it. Most of the shots stay zoomed out and still, which also ends up making the CG of the Spartans/Sangheili look worse.
Idk..that's my thoughts on the Halo show lol
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diazfox · 5 months
(A tentative guess about your BuckTommy vs Buddie post)
I guess a big part of it is because it's canon ? It's canon and it seems to work, and it seems to be make Buck calm and fluffy and happy in a healthy way, which is what a lot (all ?) of us want. So we can get behind that, for now.
Your "why not a similar support behind his exes / fetishizing MM relationship" question is valid and i think the difference is because it's the first time someone Buck dates seems to really fit with him without having something that we can pre-shot is going to be a problem, and the first time he goes into a relationship (getting myself ahead of things there) without it being to heal something in him ? And as I've read other people point out, Tommy's not silo-ed out, he has a backstory with the Begins episodes, he is friends with some of the 118, so it makes him less of a plot device than Buck's female exes.
And about the second part, the fetishizing part, i think sadly it's just a real thing that happens here, on tumblr and in fandom spaces : men are seen enjoying being together and fandom smooches them together together. One could even argue that it's the same for Buddie, wanting them to be together together when canon just factually says they are BFFs. I don't think anyone is erasing anything, but all that is canon about Buddie is that they are BFFs (a lot can be read as more that friends but ultimately it's with shipping goggles on, only - i'm not a very optimistic person, though).
I guess some of us think that if they didn't make Buddie happen for this long, then it may be because it is meant to stay on the fandom shipping side ? And we're given this incredible chance to have a canon lgbt character with an unusual story of self-discovery that doesn't happen a lot in tv shows so we're just enthusiastic to go with the flow ?
And if it turns out that the writers have the guts to get Eddie his own self-discovery journey, and if that later leads to Buddie happening somehow, then I think all BuckTommy shippers will be glad that it finally happened, and that it is canon, and is finally the Truth.
damn, thanks for your insight! i do see how things being canon and properly canon (like Tommy having a "backstory") can cause shifts in perspectives looking into the future.
i 100% understand why some might think buddie is a form of fetishization too. ngl i've seen strong arguments like "why can't 2 male characters share a strong emotional bond platonically? why does it have to lead to romance?" i guess my main reason for bringing up fetishization with respect to bucktommy is the fact that they are quite lacking in the "strong emotional bond" department. so it feels pretty much like "2 hot guys kissing and touching each other hell yeah" to me.
but i realise i'm overlooking the fact that this is bi buck's first relationship, though. i forgot to consider the fact that majority of this support for tommy comes from the fact that this is the first love interest of buck's to whom he can give all of himself and get twice as much with all the freedom in the world AS A BI MAN. thank u for putting me on to the fact that i've been misinterpreting this enthusiasm to some degree.
thats not to say that just bc something is canon or just a headcanon everything is set in stone. writers and actors themselves have made it very clear time and time again that audience reactions and engagement matters when it comes to plot development. in your own line of thought, right until 7x 03 they didn't make bi Buck happen for so long. so would u say it was meant to stay merely on the fandom shipping side? i just think the possibilities are endless, and maybe we as a fandom can try to have a bit more resilience to see through fan-originated storylines instead of a "i'll just go with whatever is canon bc it's easier" ethic.
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ladysomething · 3 months
Hello there lovely human 💛
I’m kind of going around my favorite writers and ask them for advice and insights about their process (so I can collect it all like a hoarder). I hope you mind sharing some wisdom with us 🥺
So what I just don't understand is how you can post as you write while maintaining this level of awesomeness in your writing. Without writing yourself into a corner and keeping consistency. And it is awesome, the first time I read "You and me, we got a big reputation" I stayed up till 4 in the morning to finish it and it left me full of emotion and hollow at the same time (the same way as when you finish a great TV show or a good book or an awesome video game leaves you feeling, like something beautiful just ended and you can never experience it again. The kind of hollow that leaves you wondering what to do with your life now, that your world has changed, where your chest is empty and full at same time).
Anyway, how do you approach your ideas? Do you have the whole fic plotted out before sitting down for the first chapter? Do you write in order? Does it always go the way you plotted it in the beginning? How long did it take you to plot out "Where you go I go"? Or "You and me, we got a big reputation"?
Anything you want to share about your process would be appreciated 💛
I'm trying to put into words my first actually long fic ever and I know it will be better if I post it after it is all finished, but it is also easier to keep up the momentum if you have readers on your side.
firstly, thank you for the love on big reputations. I'm coming up on a year since I posted the first one shot in the don't blame me series, and I'm feeling some type of way about that.
secondly ... man oh man. I'm gonna go question by question here, but I'm gonna put it below the cut because I know I'm gonna ramble.
well the first thing is that I'm not posting as a write, not really. I'm three chapters ahead, which for me is what I need to make sure I don't write myself into a corner. I'm far enough ahead that I can keep control of the narrative. some people like be further ahead, others don't need to be ahead at all, but that's about the appropriate distance for me, I've found.
it depends on the fic! wygig is pretty much entirely plotted out, yeah. big reputations was not. I had a general idea about where it started, how it was ending, and what I wanted to happen in the middle, but specific scenes weren't planned - not like wygig. GMTF I had specific scenes in my head that I wanted to write, but more I had specific emotions I was trying to capture, and I built the plot around that. in my original manuscript, I had the three acts planned out, the main plot points per act, and then felt it out as I went (which ended up meaning I had a serious pacing problem that is still unresolved, hence why it's still sitting in my drafts lmao). so yeah, it depends on the story.
I write in order these days, but I didn't used to. I've just found that, for me, writing in order means that it forces me to keep writing, because I HAVE to go through all the boring scenes to get to the fun scenes. I use it as motivation, but that doesn't work for everyone! it certainly means that sometimes, by the time I get to the fun scene, I've forgotten what I had planned for it, so I have to build it all up again lmao.
no it doesn't always go the way I plotted! characters often do things I hadn't planned for them to do - sometimes good, sometimes bad. I've been going very rogue recently with wygig, as @saiyanwitcher can attest to. she's had to reel me back in quite a lot recently haha.
oh god, it took @saiyanwitcher and I probably .. I'd say we worked on plotting wygig for a solid month before I started writing - BUT the major caveat here is that I was writing the brocedes fic while we were plotting it out. so I refused to start writing wygig until I finished that, which meant we spent more time on plotting than I usually would. and then we revisit plot points as I get closer to writing them - see what can be kept, what needs to be deleted, what needs to be changed to fit the rogue elements I've inevitably introduced lmao
as I said, I didn't really plot big reputations out like I did with wygig, so that didn't really take any time at all! haha
as advice for putting together your first long fic ... what I'll say is this. I've been writing for almost 15 years at this point. I didn't even realise that I was coming up with a way to write that works best for me until I'd already done it.
I realised I needed people to give feedback as I go. I need to have written a lot in advance, before I start posting anything, so that I know I can finish it under my own steam and that my interest will continue. I need to listen to my mind when I get bored, and take a few days break from writing - but I can't go more than a week without touching a fic, otherwise I won't go back.
they're all things you'll learn along the way!
I also think you should try not to compare yourself to others. if you try to match what other people are doing, you'll never finish, because you'll end up disappointed in one way or another. it's easier said than done, for sure, but if it's your first, give yourself some slack and take everything as a learning experience!
and remember, above all else, to write for yourself. if your always writing for yourself, writing what YOU want to see, the motivation is easier to find.
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that-left-turn · 2 months
Caryl fans on twitter being racist against Danai and as usual the TWD fandom is silent. We have to clean up our house. We cannot have people like thebookofsilvershana and queenoftwd representing those of us who are not like this. When we allow it and we are silent we are basically saying we agree. I’m ashamed of our shipmates not doing better.
As I've said before, I'm not on twitter and I also have no idea who these people are. I have several long posts addressing racism but whenever I write anything on the topic, there's an avalanche of asks from Richonne fans telling me to shut up. (I can't speak up against something and be quiet about it at the same time.) If you're on twitter, why don't you lead the way? Start a Caryl discussion on racism over there, like I've tried to do over here.
For the record, I don't support:
racism, against Danai or anyone else.
ageism, against Melissa or anyone else.
misogyny or sexism, whether it's a real person like Angela Kang (who gets regularly tarred and feathered by fans who've misunderstood how-it-works in TV production) or a fictional character like Lori.
There's a lot of that in the fandom, women hating on other women, or not understanding that their eagerness to win an imaginary "ship war" enables TPTB to disregard the female audience's concerns and wants for the show and the ship. To them, those fans are 'rabid hysterics' who only think with their 'soft moist parts' 🙄 I know some people want to believe that TWDU is a kind place where everybody gets treated like cherished family, but the reality of it is that it's a business with a marketing ploy based on the show's concept of 'found family.'
The horror space is controlled by white men. It's hard to break into as a female writer because your love and knowledge of its tropes get constantly questioned. You're supposed to stick to 'woman centered' shows and not ruin the genre with "wokeness" and your "feminist agenda." Men need to have a safe space where they can be manly men and nobody calls their brand of masculinity 'toxic.'
TWDU fans trying to one-up each other in ship wars by praising men who write their female characters as shallow and manipulative won't turn the show into must-see TV. Pretending that billing and title don't matter, or that positioning the male character and actor as the focal point of the show doesn't cast the female lead as the sidekick won't make the show any better or give fans Caryl canon. Flattering mediocre men won't encourage them to give fans what they want. It only validates these men's POV that their take on the characters and the story is 'rich and rewarding.'
Zabel, Nicotero and Gimple are responsible for whether or not Caryl are friends, whether there's shipbait, or if viewers have to hunt for subtextual clues regarding the characters' emotional state. That's where everybody's attention should be focused, on the show itself and the people men who call the shots.
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okay, so, spoiler alert: I actually haven't seen the season final bc I'm canadian. in canada we get rez dogs from disney +, and for some reason, s3 came out weeks later then it did in the states. so I'm only on the episode with cheese camping with the uncles (which was a sweet episode!), but, because I can't help myself, I've been snooping in the tags anyway for ppl's reactions. and, unfortunately, I found out about jackie/bear.
honestly, I'm usually not surprised by forced m/f romances when it comes to tv/movies just bc of how often they happen. but, this to me is more crushing - because unlike all the other times, I was given a bit of hope. that's what makes this so frustrating. one, because of the dynamics with jackie/bear vs jackie/elora which I'll get into in a second, but namely - because these are good writers. that's what makes this show so special; all the relationships are well built and organic (or organtic, as big would say) and are properly developed along with the show. you can really see how the characters care and fit in with each other, bc the writers have cared about them and the dynamics. which is why jackie/bear makes no sense, as does the complete drop-off of elora and jackie's dynamic.
while I'm gaming for more queer relationships, I'm actually not against a m/f couple if they're developed well (take 'the good place', for example) and the characters genuinely care for each other. so, my question is, given all this and how well the writers have done with all the other relationships -
if jackie was inevitably going to end up with bear, why does her story start with elora?
granted, it starts with the whole rez dogs gang and bear getting beat-up, but we don't actually start to see jackie as a character until she starts interacting with elora. we have so many moments, where you can see, how jackie pays specific attention to elora. from the very moment jackie approaches her, saying she 'knows' that her friends aren't seeking escape as badly as she is and, quite literally, shoots her shot by saying that if elora changes her mind, she knows where to find her. giving elora her knife, asking about daniel, confirming with elora after getting home that they were going to try again for california together, texting her after the incident at the youth program with willie-jack to say sorry and ask 'what are you up to?', and especially that moment when she steps aside to tell elora to be safe going to cali with the rez dogs and elora assuring her they'd be back, these extra two seconds where you see a longing look.. there was such specific tiny details that would give off how much, maybe, jackie really cared about elora. perhaps now, we could just say this was all a showing of jackie being lonely and wanting friends, but if that's the case, then why not do this with bear???
that's my problem with the bear thing - there was no build up. sure, they had their moments, like the potato dance and falling asleep on each other and whatnot, but, maybe this was just me, it didn't feel especially significant? starting with the potato dance, I thought they were just building the pathway for jackie to be enveloped into the group and that this was the way to make up for jackie and those other kids hurting bear; it honestly wasn't giving me anything else. and even bear wasn't reacting any which way to jackie in the beginning, besides with animosity and maybe some nervousness. they really just didn't like each other. and even as the show went on, that didn't change much; they clearly became friendlier (ie jackie texting bear about his mom), but going into s3, we didn't get those special moments between like we did with elora.
straight up, jackie didn't pay half the attention to bear as she did elora, (besides maybe singling him out to beat him up but even that was with others). jackie singles out elora specifically, and even when they return home, continues to stay by elora and be invested in her and a possible friendship/relationship, showing it was never really about her needing elora's as a get-away ride. jackie is open and almost soft with elora; with bear she's resistant and gruff, and even when the two groups are cool with each other, they seem to just get on each other's nerves, ie the scene in 'friday.' yeah sure 'opposites attract' or whatever, but if that's what you're going to do, then there has to be some merit to it when it comes to writing a story (also, I am so sick of the 'boy and girl are constantly arguing and seem to hate each other hahaha bet they're gunna be married in ten years' trope). whichever one you ship, the big thing is that if it was going to end in romance, why was it written this way? elora/jack seemed so intentional that even I fell for it, and bear/jackie seemed hastily chopped together without any emotional weight or appeal to it - and yet it played out in the exact opposite on screen.
there's no point to this post. I'm just confused. I feel a lot of disappointment bc it's almost like these writers know better, know how to write organic relationships, and then while they appeared to be building one, suddenly threw it away for another without much structure behind it.
someone make it make sense.
edit: ppl in the notes saying there was no confirmation of jackie/bear, so just to clear this up, I'm, again, going on what I've HEARD. and what I heard, was that there's a scene where the rez dogs + jackie are saying goodbyes to the adults - at some point, bear lifts up his hair, exposing two hickies on his neck, and then - either before or after, it was unclear - when jackie is hugging rita goodbye, rita playfully whispers to her to 'go easy on his [bear's] neck' while jackie looks a bit embarrassed. once more, this is just what I've heard has happened, from multiple different posts, and frankly even if they don't announce the relationship by having them kiss or something, it's clear enough as the audience what we're suppose to pick up on.
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simplepotatofarmer · 4 months
Okay, so, gushing about Psych: there’s all the obvious stuff, of course, like the comedy, the characters, the focus on Shawn and Gus as the central relationship (a friendship!), their commitment to camp, the themed and genre-specific episodes, THE MUSICAL, etc. But what really, really endears me to Psych, and has ensured its spot as a mainstay in my heart forever and ever, is the way the writers’ room was run.
Steve Franks, the show runner, is an incredible role model for a type of leadership that is painfully rare in TV, but clearly brilliantly effective: trust, creative freedom, and encouraging individuality in the writers. The actors who played Juliet and Lassie, Maggie Lawson and Timothy Omundson, have a rewatch podcast called The Psychologists Are In, and almost every episode they bring in a guest to talk about the behind the scenes process and stuff. The stories from all the staff writers, and even Steve Franks himself, are so heartwarming to hear. The way he was so supportive of them and gave them so much freedom to be creative and unique in their comedy. The way he paid attention to people and gave them opportunities, such as noticing early on that James Roday Rodriguez, who played Shawn, was also a screenwriter and getting him to write episodes as early as season 1!
And the whole cast and crew sound like they were genuinely bonded and passionate about the show from start to finish as well. The story of how the musical was made is incredible (I don’t think it’s too much of a spoiler to say there is a musical?). The cast is super musically-inclined, had been singing plenty since the very beginning, and since Steve Franks shared this inclination, they all wanted to do a musical episode. But they still had to shoot it on a regular episode schedule (which, they shot on a shorter days-per-episode ratio to begin with, btw), despite having huge musical numbers and stuff. The way it’s so very much a labour of love between everyone involved makes an already brilliant show that much more wonderful. It’s no wonder the fan response and continued love allowed them to make three (3!!) follow-up films in the years since the show ended. Everyone just loves these characters and this world so much!
(On the topic of wonderful showrunners, shout-out to Mike Schur as well, for The Good Place - he’s another great role model. They also have a behind the scenes podcast, hosted by Mark Evan Jackson, and the stories from their writers’ room are really inspiring. His clarity of vision and clear love of philosophy was a huge driving force behind why that show is the masterpiece it is, in addition to having a huge amount of skill and experience in just making good TV.)
oh that's so cool!
i didn't know anything about the behind the scenes but it was really obvious the show had a lot of love and passion put into it! there's certain pieces of art/media that you can really tell are genuine and i love that so much.
i'm really enjoying the rewatch because it's been so long since i've seen the show.
to anyone who is interested, it's actually on netflix right now and it's really good fun! i definitely recommend it if you're looking for a show to watch that's like, old school with long seasons!
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ladyvaderpixetc · 8 months
your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality
Tagged by the epically fab @lolahardy
this genuinely kept me awake a bit last night until I realised what was happening and stopped trying to recall every show that ever struck me right in the feels or shaped me lol and yes, I know no one asked for any reasoning behind it but when you've mulled it over all bloody day long, you feel like sharing :P
M*A*S*H - used to be on everyday at 7 and my mum had adored it when she was younger so brought me and my sister up on it, still makes me laugh and cry to this day.
Star Trek TNG (& Picard which might be cheating but really is just an extension all told) - loved all the Trek's, Honourable Mention goes to ToS because kid!me loved it so much, only to have TNG blow the roof off my head. Lt Cmdr Data was my first love and I am unashamed ;)
Red Dwarf - for many reasons but mainly Arnold Rimmer (more reliable than a garden Strimmer, he's never been mistaken for Yul Brynner - he's not bald and his head doesn't glimmer...) who my teenage self was certain could be redeemed with the power of love, or a very determined snogging if nowt else.
The Good Place - because I (and many of us) needed it as a concept, whether for personal growth, coping with grief or just cos 'forking shirtballs' never gets any less funnier for me.
Firefly - the best show to ever be cancelled before it's writer could ruin it. I adored the show and the ensuing film, mourned its early cancellation for YEARS until I heard about Whedon's general twattishness and what had been his intentions for the series and characters, now am happy it exists as it is, still problematic but so worthy in so many ways, and on that awkward note...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - problematic on 800 gazillion levels in this day and age but still a forerunner of many awesome things to follow and I'd be lying if I said I hadnt been glued to it, obsessed with it, shipping folks, dling the soundtrack, buying the jewelry etc and even now if I see a reaction vid on YT for S5 I can't help myself but watch and weep along with them.
Merlin (BBC) - Umm'd and Ahh'd over this for bloody ages lol but it was my happy place (literally, had a run of bad years as have we all, so I'd watch an ep before bed every night to make me smile) and it got me through the difficulties I had right up to the finale where they took me and my happy place out back and shot it in the face in front of me lol. Despite my escapism route being put down in those heinous raw weeks immediately following a parents funeral, I'm still listing it here for being wonderful, silly, heartening and heartbreaking, whilst giving every last Fuck You to the writers for their surprise, abruptly canon-compliant ending.
Stargate SG1 - daft sci fi with it's heart trying hard to be in the right place plus eminently shippable characters in almost every combo going? Yes, please.
Heroes - because I was OBSESSED. It picked me up out of my OTP in a diff fandom (sorry drarry, I still love you honest) drained me of any and all urge to write for anything but them ever again until it got shat on by its own writers, breaking the spell.
Brooklyn 99 - NINE-NINE. *sadly doffs cap to Captain Holt*
King of the Hill - from a show I used to avoid when I was younger to one I ration myself viewswise so it won't lose it's impact. Superb.
Schitts Creek - only watched due to encountering a clip on tumblr of Moira's stonefaced manaical laughter and ended up crying with happiness over the finale, am an easy crier sure, but not normally because something is just so lovely.
Cheers - was only a kid when it finished but I bawled my face off when Sam said 'sorry, we're closed' (was too young to know it'd be repeated ad infinitum lol) and the opening theme still feels like coming home.
Golden Girls - sole reason D+ gets any money from me, the bastards, it was my only access for a bit there but it was worth it, lightyears ahead of it's time and just wonderful to boot.
Parks & Rec - somewhere my sister is elated with no clue why. Took her years to talk me into it, but having watched it on repeat a few times, I now can't live without Leslie, Ben & Ron.
Other honourable mentions (sorry I know, longpost, my bad) go to Quantum Leap for being a daily delight growing up, What We Do in the Shadows which would have made the list but I've only just got around to watching it and am only on S3 so have yet to find out if it's going to rip my heart out, Eerie Indiana for getting me started hyperfixationwise, Caroline in the City (S1-S3... S4? I don't know her - no seriously, I didnt realise for YEARS it didnt end at S3 and as this purported S4 fucked that up [supposedly] yeah I don't know her), The XFiles for my first actual foray into fandom & fanfic, and I know am missing another gazillion shows I'll remember later that seem much more worldshaping than these and I'll gnash my teeth lol so yeah *waves hand vaguely towards future me's frustrated rememberings* them too ;)
Tagging a) anyone who fancies a go should they feel like it, and b) [no pressure natch] @theangrykimchi @amazinmango @thesaltofcarthage @buckydunpun @kalika999 @gracerene @helaheim @dls-ao3 @emorgan5061 @bananaempanada
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kramerblogrealgood · 7 months
Comic books that you should read!!! Yes you!!! Right now!!!
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These are comics I really enjoy! I'm trying to stick to slightly more obscure comics, preferably stuff that's a little newer, but that's by no means a rule! This is my list baby, I make the rules!
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#1: Local Man (Image Comics, 2023)
Local Man follows Jack Xaver, who was once the superhero Crossjack before being unceremoniously kicked out of his team and legally barred from any vigilante activity. Moving back in with his parents in his destitute former hometown, Jack starts to unravel a conspiracy that has ties to both his old team and his old town.
It rules! It's funny and heartfelt and thrilling and if it were a TV show you'd never stop hearing about it. It's also one of the few modern original Image series that actually takes place in the "Image Universe", so it's packed with references to characters like Shadowhawk. You don't need to know all these guys to enjoy the comic by any means, but it's fun for long-time fans.
Most of all, I'm a fan of the basic conceit of this comic: it looks at The Dark Age of Comic Books with the same reverent-yet-critical eye that so many other comics used on the golden and silver ages. I think that rules! A lot of this stuff deserves reappraisal!
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#2: The Wrong Earth (Ahoy Comics, 2018)
The concept for this is pretty simple: what if Adam West's Batman got sent to the world of the Nolan trilogy, and Christian Bale's Batman got sent to the world of the 1966 TV show?
They hit all the dramatic and comedic beats you could imagine coming from this premise, and a few you probably couldn't think of. It's not just a one-dimensional parody, though: really sharp writing and an engaging mystery elevate what could easily be, like, a Dorkly video into something special. Which is to say: if you think this premise sounds good you'll love this comic, and if you think it sounds stupid you'll probably still like this comic.
There are some cool character designs here, but my favorite is the villain in both universes:
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His name is Number One, and he's a crime boss with an egomania/numbers gimmick. (Sorry for the compressed jpegs)
I imagine "design an original 1960s villain, and then design his edgy 2000s reboot version" would be a difficult prompt for an artist, but Jamal Igle knocks that shit outta the park. Number One really feels like he could fit into Batman's rogues gallery, but he's not a riff on anyone in particular- he's kind of like all of them. The "1"-shaped scar is an especially great touch.
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#3: Ice Cream Man (Image Comics, 2018)
(This image isn't from any cover as far as I can tell, it was posted on instagram by writer W. Maxwell Prince.)
Hey, another from Image Comics! And it's my favorite genre, too: horror anthology. If the pic I chose didn't tip you off, this one gets SPOOKAY! The basic premise is that every issue is a one-shot that features a character going through some kind of horrible misfortune. Tying all these tales of woe together is the enigmatic Ice Cream Man, who seems to be somehow torturing all these humans for his own amusement. We eventually learn that he's an evil god-type thing named Riccardus, and he has a good counterpart who's trying to stop him- all the lore stuff is a little vague, but that doesn't mean it's not interesting! The art style used by artist Martin Morazzo is almost uncanny-valley, it reminds me of The Shivering Truth.
Some of the "horror" in this comic is really personal and upsetting, by the way- the one about dementia made me cry. Actually, a lot of these made me cry. Full on snotty gasp-sobbing. 10/10. Riccardus has real sexyman potential if the freaks on this site would ever read something besides fuckin Wayne Family Adventures.
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#4: Wayne Family Adventures (DC/Webtoon, 2021)
What? It's cute, fuck you. "eeuuuhhh it's out of character" you sound like a dweeb man
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#5: Eight Billion Genies (Image Comics, 2021)
Just like The Wrong Earth, this has a killer elevator pitch: what if every single person on Earth got exactly one wish, all at the same time? Also like The Wrong Earth, it takes it's premise in every angle you can think of- there's wish trading, wish stealing, cities that are kept safe from the chaos of the outside world but you have to give the city government your wish to get in, you name it. No wonder Amazon bought the rights. Keep an eye out for that movie/series, I guess.
Ok, I need some non-image comics.
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#6: Giant Days (Boom! Studios, 2015)
Anime fans, this one's for you: you know all those series you love about groups of cute girls just going through their daily lives? Well imagine if those cute girls were over eightee- hey wait where are you going come back
Giant Days is a slice-of-life story about three young women facing the challenges of college life. Apparently it's a spin-off of a webcomic with like 15 years of strips, but I don't care about all that and neither should you! It's a little like gilmore girls in terms of tone. The dialogue is snappy, all the characters play off each other in ways that's fun to see, and there's this 7 foot tall Australian rower chick who's completely obsessed with her reedy loser boyfriend. It's just comforting. It's like a big plate of mashed potatoes, this comic.
Hey, speaking of slice-of-life:
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#7: Megg, Mogg and Owl (Indie/Fantagraphics, 2013ish)
This has the honor of being the only comic on this list that's been adapted to another type of media, in the form of a segment on Justin Roiland's weird kinda-shitty Hulu halloween special. Not much of an honor, I guess.
Anyways! MM&O is about a group of "friends" who live together in drug-addled squalor. Megg is a chronically depressed witch just waiting to die. Mogg, Megg's boyfriend, is a talking cat who just wants to keep the degenerate lifestyle they've built for themselves stable, and Owl is a neurotic sex addict who wants to make something of himself but doesn't want to lose his only companions, and Werewolf Jones is a drug-dealing sociopath. It's like Peep Show! I absolutely love this comic, I reread it constantly, but I'm having a hard time pitching it.
If Giant Days is a plate of mashed potatoes this is like... a gas station hot dog eaten over a storm drain or something. Still kind of comforting, just in a different way. Let's cleanse our palette with some capeshit.
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#8: Planetary (Wildstorm/DC, 1998)
Planetary rocks. We follow an amnesiac immortal named Elias Snow as he travels the globe with his top-secret Planetary Investigations team to uncover the secrets of the Wildstorm universe. Think of it like... The X-Files crossed with The Venture Brothers. X-Files in that they investigate weirdo mysteries, Venture Brothers in that every genre of speculative fiction- from Doc Savage-style pulp heroes to Kaiju to James Bond superspies- all exist, or existed, in some form.
Also on the team besides Snow are The Drummer (who has some kind of information-based power I never really understood) and Jakita Wagner, the super-strong ADHD daughter of a Tarzan expy. It's hard to do it justice in a post like this, buy a copy! Or pirate it, if you don't want to give Warren Ellis any money!
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#9: Bad Enders (Indie, 2020)
Hey, this one is free! Check it out here: https://beany-tuesday.itch.io/bad-enders-pilot-issue
Bad Enders is a shonen pastiche with all the humor and charm you could expect from a @beanytuesday joint. It's great! It follows a burnt-out twentysomething who once had ambitions of becoming a demon hunter, but has since resigned himself to a life of filling out excel spreadsheets. Beanytuesday has stated there probably won't be any more Bad Enders content, but he has another comic called GUE (https://beanytuesday.tumblr.com/tagged/gue/chrono) that takes place in the same universe.
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#10: G-Man (Image Comics, 2009)
i bet you thought i was done with image huh
Anyways, this was my jam back in like 3rd grade and you know what? It holds up. When they say "all-ages" they fuckin mean all ages, I'm a grown man and I can enjoy this.
The story of this entry is that I wanted to end on 10 instead of 9.
The story of this comic is that a kid named Mikey G gets his hands on a magic blanket that allows him to fly, but his brother ALSO uses the magic blanket to fly with and they become, like, rivals, but this other kid can also fly and he starts fucking with them... better than it sounds. There's also this crazy arc later in the series where they have a baby brother but- hold on, I'll show you
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See? Nuts.
Ok, that was all of them bye
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echobx · 2 months
saw this ask game and decided to answer all so you guys can get to know me better
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
it depends. I usually have my multi-chapterdd fics already done before posting them, so in my head they are stored as one shots. I know, weird. anyway...
I think oneshots are easier for me bc it's all fix and I don't get the urge to want to go back and change things. but I'm trying out the chaptered way with Timeloop and I can fix him (no really I can) and we'll see how I like it... but I'm only doing it like that bc idk how long they'll be and I wanted to post something and not wait months for them to be done before I post it all.
so maybe one-shots when it comes to [tumblr]
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
I usually write as I go. I have a few points that I have to get to but I let it flow, let the characters choose their path to make it feel more natural when things go down.
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
I usually have something in my head that needs to happen and then I sit down when I feel like I'll be able to write it and just try.
I don't always look for playlists but sometimes it helps to listen to my sex playlist for smut or my falling in love playlist for slowburns or something.
I mostly just let inspiration hit me ig, idk how to explain it 😭
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
songs, tv shows, movies, other written work (books or stuff I read on here) my dreams... anything really. a lot of times it's just daydreaming.
5. Do you like constructive criticism?
yes, I love it, I get way too little of it.
as long as you are being respectful please tell me off lol, especially when it comes to grammar and sentence structures bc I'm not native in English and I'll be happy to learn and change things when you tell ne that something is wrong.
6. Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
I tried beta-ing one of my fics with my friends, but life gets in the way and they didn't have much time to read and give me feedback, so I decided to not do it for whole fics anymore and just sporadically
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
ig that fully depends on how the scene feels to me. I once got halfway in a chapter and had to rewrite the whole thing bc I realized it didn't make much sense to tell it from that pov and not the other. and now it feels so much more natural than before. but that is just as much trial and error at times as everything else.
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
i don't really have a preference there. for some fics I can very clearly see the middle, but not the end or beginning, for others I see the start and end but not the in between and it gets a bit messy on the way. but all in all I'd say I'm just happy to be allowed to be there as these stories play in my head and that I get to write them down is even better.
9. Do you comment on stories you read?
yes, usually on ao3 on tumblr if I like it enough I'll reblog it, if I love it I reblog with comments or tags, that depends on my daily mood tho.
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
“What?” I cleared my throat and blinked a few times to get my mind cleared up.
aaaaah I love the scene this is from, also had to used blinked cause I usually write in past tense unless it's tumblr...
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
Safety Net by @mvybanks
The Blue by @quin-ns
Watch and Learn by @nadvs
12. how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
a good feedback makes my day, literally
not getting any or getting barely any likes and no reblogs on my work, especially when it's something I've worked hard on, it's devastating really. I wish there was more appreciation for it, but I can't do much about it either.
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
writer's block isn't really an issue to me anymore. when I have time to write but my mind blocks I'll just start writing anything and when it's shit I put it to the side and write something else or if I'm working on a chapter and it won't flow I go into a new document and try and write the chapter again from scratch and see how it goes. always in a new doc tho when I do that so I don't use anything I've written.
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
okay, I write them, especially sad ones, when I myself am already sad af so I can exactly describe the bodily bs that happens to me when I'm sad
I do feel how they feel, especially when I later go to edit it, and then I have to take a break bc I'll start crying again lol
I mostly draw from personal experience when it gets to emotions, especially sad ones, bc it's just easier ig. it's waaay easier for me to write angst and hurt/comfort than anything else bc most of my life has been filled with those rather than fluff or even smut (idk how I write that, bc there's no experience there...)
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
I try my best to keep it visually accurate, like, so you can try and imagine it bc I hate when I read something and go "wait, how did they end up here?" yk? and I think it should have some sort of realism to it. but I can't really be 100% accurate bc I only know my own body and whatever I've seen online. I don't trust porn obvs bc it's not really reliable when it comes to normal sizes and shit (iykwim) but it does help with figuring out some of the positions. that's literally the only reason I look at it too, for research purposes 💀
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
2 that are being posted (timeloop and icfhnric)
15 that are just ideas (listen, my head never stands still)
1 that is like my heart child, and I'm scared to let it go but I will eventually
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
a complete lack of inspiration hasn't really happened to me yet, and I'm scared of the day it will. what I do have issues with is the type of writers block where I wanna write but my head feels too overwhelmed or too tired to process any thoughts so I'll see the fic in my head but my brain won't let me form sentences to put it on the screen. I've yet to figure out how to deal with that.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
song inspired ones are always named after the song, so that's easy
anything else is either a good line that I discovered while writing or a quick quip that I came up with, most times during the end of it.
I still don't have proper titles for my Lovebirds fic, I have one for the second installment of it, but the other three are still only under their working title and I don't know if I'll even give the first one a title or if it'll just be "Before Lovebirds" which is bs and I hate it but idk what else to name it... (although that part has been done for months now)
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
smut... lol I haven't used any funny tags yet
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I use "just" way too much. and I keep starting sentences with And a lot. and I feel like once I find a bew word I'll keep using it until my brain grows bored of it.
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
definitely, if they wanted to.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
I don't think I'm a dark romance girlie. I'm never gonna write mlm smut, because I just don't think it's my place to do that.
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
use placeholders for words you can't pinpoint, I usually go like this [walking slowly, dragging feet] and then I look up a synonym
when you get an idea, put it down, you'll think you're gonna remember later but you won't
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
to put chapter contents down in a pointed list instead of writing it out immediately
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
the It's... complicated one bc I worked hard on it and it's probably my best work yet imo
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
my three part series the one with the abortion, notes and letter
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
most favorite: describing angsty feelings
least: chit-chat bc I'm bad at it irl and idk how to write it to seem natural 😭
28. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
idk, some days I write so much and others I don't at all, so maybe 500-800 days on average daily
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
first I do grammar checks, then I reread and see if the words are correct. most times I do the big parts of editing while writing bc I noticed that that's easier for me
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
I usually wait until it's polished, unless it's something I would have deleted from a bigger fic and don't want it to go to waste.
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
plot, always.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
from the top of my head: @princessmaybank @redhead1180 @mvybanks
33. Do you want to be published some day?
yes. but not my fanfic. I'd rather write something by myself and then get it published than go and write fanfic and change it later on to be able to publish it.
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
finishing my first novel and maybe finding a publisher for it
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
that they don't need to be redeemable, I'd much rather keep some villains for true evil and not because they had a bad childhood or whatever
36. How do you write kissing scenes?
I try to write about how it affects the person who's pov it is, their emotions and physical sensations. I don't like dragging it out too much tho unless it's a big moment, like a first kiss.
37. How do you choose where to end a chapter?
I tend to do cliffhangers quite a lot bc I'm just prone to that bc of my love of television. but usually I end on a moment that feels like a natural stop while writing or sometimes I write without chapters in mind and when I add them later I make stops in between where it feels like the reading flow could stop and be picked up, but then I make sure that the chapters aren't too short or too long still
38. Would you ever write commissions?
oh definitely, I already take prompts and idk if it counts but I did write two private commissions for a friend in return for some art of my favorite character a scribble of my oc
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
“I don't want you to feel any pressure to do anything,” he brushed a few hair from my face and I nodded. “You're my dream girl, [redacted].” He pulled me closer into him, nuzzling his head into my neck and breathing lower. “My pretty girl.” I placed a kiss on his head and listened to his shallow breaths as I fell asleep. “Love you too,” I whispered while drifting off and hoping that he hadn't actually heard me.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I have a very specific scene in my head, but it not in the fic, it's only mentioned as a picture that they took and have set as their background picture. so to see that come to life would be incredible.
but I don't really have a preference other than that, when I write I see it all play out in my head like a movie scene so literally any moment can work as long as I described it well enough. and if needed I would go and give a lengthy description of every single detail if someone wabted me to
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I reread a lot! it's part of how I try and get better at my work (apart from reading published books)
I especially reread a lot of my lovebirds fic so I can get back into writing when I haven't had worked on it in a while
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
The Charter by @blueicequeen19 and I'd tell the whole world to read it because it's just that good
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
I whump too much tbh. like, especially my OC has had so much pain already in her life, but I feel like a few set backs are normal and it wouldn't feel natural to me if everything was just happy and perfect akl the time. to me these characters are people and people are messy by default.
I'm still very protective of them tho, and I wouldn't let any body go and fuck them other unless it has a purpose of some kind, either for the bad guy or them.
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
I keep writing my when I mean me and vice versa, that's just a typing issue tho. I forgot prepositions and "the"s a lot. idk how to do comma shit. and I keep catching myself writing bearly instead of barely. bc they sound the same and I'm also dyslexic 😔
45. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
both if I can. but a part of me wants to know that I'm capable of making someone cry their eyes out. that feels pretty powerful to me bc I don't really cry too much when I read or watch something myself.
46. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
emotions primarily ig, then characters. ig those two are very neatly intertwined bc most of the decisions they make are based on emotions or on the fact that they try to not let their emotions control them.
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
at least two times. even when I say it's not edited, I at least read it twice to get most mistakes out.
48. What do you look for in a beta?
that they are native English speaker probably, but I don't really do betas at the moment
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I've never gotten one and if I would I'd probably just block the person and try to forget about it.
50. How long is your longest fic?
not posted and still working on it: around 500k
posted one shot: 19k
posted series: 16k
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
38.4k on ao3 / 100k+ on tumblr
52. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I respond to most comments but I always feel a bit awkward bc I never know what to say
53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
primarily I write, I'd say 65/35 writing to reading ratio of the time I use on fanfic
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
being able to put the vision that I have in my head on screen, being allowed to use as much or as little details as I wish to. but most of all the fact that I know more about the whole narrative than the characters in it, the fact that I know when they are being unreliable or are lying to themselves or just don't know better.
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
I'm definitely a JJ girlie, I'll always be even tho I noticed that people are more into Rafe...
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
a friend of mine keeps asking how the fuck I write so much and I honestly don't know. I just do. and I personally always feel like anything below 2k is not enough but I don't try to drag things out too much just to get more words in. so maybe that's it.
57. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished?
while writing for sure because it just makes the whole process faster than if I did it the other way round. but it took some time for me to get to the point where my in-writing editing makes the post-writing editing almost obsolete
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
writing for the most part. but I also love researching stuff.
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
only my friends. I wouldn't tell my parents and I'm glad they don't understand English bc if they did and found this blog I wouldn't be allowed to leave the house forever or they'd kick me out. which is ridiculous bc I'm an adult :'(
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
yeah and it was the best feeling ever. makes me happy just thinking about it.
61. Why do you continue writing fics?
simply because I love writing and I choose to write for myself, not for anyone else. that's also why some prompts stay in my inbox for longer, because I need to find the right moment where I am content with writing it in a way that makes me feel happy about what I created.
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
love love love. can't get enough of them. use them all the time.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
personally, I have mommy and daddy issues, so seeing it being sexualized is always weird to me. but I try to look past it and even when I write it bc it fits the character, it's still weird to me. but I would never tell anyone to not write it. I know a lot of ppl enjoy it a lot. it's just not my personal piece of cake.
another thing, which is just formatting ig, is when there's no warnings list. I think it's important to put at least a warnings list, especially for smut.
64. Something you love to see in smut.
aftercare. always. Even if it's just a quick scene of them lying in bed or something and just being soft with each other or talking about random things to cool down. I think it's really important.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
right now I'm looking extremely heavily towards kinktober and starting on those projects and then seeing people read them in October.
I'm also super hyped over my oc lore bc I recently had a big breakthrough with the help of a friend, and now everything I had before makes so much more sense. it feels like I had always had known but the information was hidden and now I have it and I can see a crystal clear picture of her life and the life of her parents and grandparents and basically the whole family past and possible future.
66. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
I hate it. I'm trying to not let it get to me, I can only write when my brain let's me. But I do know that no matter how long it takes I will finish started projects.
67. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
I don't mind either. I love when it's a prompt or challenge that gives me creative freedom. like just a sentence or a single word prompt with a character is top notch bc I can go crazy on it all I want.
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
I listen to music mostly, sometimes tiktoks inspire me too. It's really anything that can give me inspiration.
69. What work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
the ghostface one. I don't even know why I posted it, but I'm not gonna delete it bc I think it's important for ppl to see the progress you made over time.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
depends on the person. if it's my friends who I hold near and dear I'm not really embarrassed at all. I sometimes talk too much about writing and think I annoy them with it, but they always say it's okay so I guess I should believe them.
I think it's needs some type of connection and mutual respect for me to even be able to talk about it, so I wouldn't really talk to someone who I think would nake me feel embarrassed.
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
I only put down dates, the rest is more or less stored in my brain. unless I write lore down somewhere for someone to read and give me feedback. then I take that and put it in a separate lore doc but I wouldn't really need to bc, like I said, mostly my brain will remember lore
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
when I started writing I did chronological, then I started to jump in between but that caused a lot of fuck ups and I couldn't remember what happened where, so I decided to rewrite my whole fic chronologically before posting it.
for prompts or just stuff that I post on here I always do linear/chronological if the narrative let's me
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I don't really know. I guess I use a few phrases and words more than others would, and sometimes my sentences sound very german bc that's my native tongue. but those don't show up to me as mistakes when editing bc to my brain the sentences structure makes sense. that's probably all, but I don't really know.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
maybe if they are familiar with my writing style, with the way I use certain words only in certain situations. or how I nickname some of the characters.
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beingfacetious · 1 year
please give us the correct negative Ted lasso review
Oh my God. This feels like a trap but I can't help it
update from the other side, this is no joke 2k words long and it's not uh happy lmao so dead dove do not eat
Bill Lawrence's involvement lessened every season and it fuckin' shows
There were arcs and plot points established over the first two seasons that the writers very obviously just changed their minds about for this season
Takes about this season being dark/ending sad on purpose are MUCH too generous. like giving WAY too much credit.
It turns out most of my feelings boil down to "it's not aggressively bad it's just nonsensical"
How tf was every episode twice as long as in previous seasons but everything important happened offscreen
FIRST OF ALL, since MONTHS before the season started airing, I've nursed a conspiracy theory that Bill Lawrence left the show because of creative differences with Jason Sudeikis and that therefore this season would be significantly less good than previous seasons. This started when I saw Bill tweet that he was going home, basically, and I figured we'd get "season 3 is in post" news shortly thereafter but instead there was that weird stuff about things being delayed because of rewrites...? Anyway, that is mostly to say that I was ready to think this season was worse because I love Bill Lawrence's storytelling and have forever and you should give Cougar Town a shot if you haven't yet it's no Scrubs but it's sweet
There were interviews early in the show in which I swear Jason/Brendan/whoever said they pitched the show to Bill because he's fuckin' good at TV and he basically said "this is a great idea but you're writing to the wrong ending, it should be this," and they were like "wow you're right that is a better ending." I can't find that now but I did find this from a more recent Bill interview:
I ran that show the first year because Jason was still shooting movies while we were doing the writers room. Then, at the end of that year, much like Gary with me, I was like, “Ah, I’ll spend a couple of months teaching him how to edit.” But after like a day or two, he’s like, “Yeah, I got it.” (Laughs.) So, the second year, we ran it together, and I’m only able to do other things now because that guy ran the show himself the third year, as it should be. It’s his voice and his world this season.
Now look, Bill Lawrence is obviously not trying to throw shade here because he's lovely and also this is a Hollywood Reporter article and how immature would that be, but I can throw shade for him and I will: Jason Sudeikis is a talented comedic actor and seems like a very nice man and he had a good idea for a show, and his instincts to involve an extremely experienced showrunner with an insane talent for feelsy found family sitcoms were good and he should have stuck to them!! Telling Bill Lawrence you're good after two days of editing instruction or whatever is stupid!! Insisting on your voice and your world when BILL LAWRENCE'S VOICE IS AVAILABLE TO YOU and also you CO-CREATED THE WORLD whatever gdi
OK fine I'll do Ted/Rebecca next. Obviously I was in for Ted/Rebecca. I wanted them to put their faces together. But look, I'm not a shipper over all else; over all else I want a good storyteller to tell me the story they want to tell. If I expect things or see them coming, that's not bad! That's good! If I'm surprised by things, that's good too as long as it holds together! "Subverting expectations" shouldn't look like spiting the audience, a lie is not a twist, etc. SO. If Ted and Rebecca were meant to be platonic soulmates, that's fine!!! I don't NEED them to kiss!!! But I do not believe these people are even friends in season 3, after season 1 and tbh most of my favorite parts of season 2 were about how much they impact each other's lives. That's a dropped ball and there's NO REASON to have not made time for them to interact meaningfully because every episode was so fucking long. Instead I guess we had to know how super sad Rebecca was about not being able to have children but not need to talk to anyone about it and immediately be fully over it. Also see a lot of lingering shots of Rebecca...looking at a matchbook...
sfjbkfgs early in the season they very obviously established that Rebecca's arc was going to be realizing she actually loves the team and wants to support them and see them succeed because of her own heart and not to spite Rupert, and I guess that happened but why didn't it happen gradually in ways I could see, why did it happen in an episode in which I'm supposed to have known all along that this has to do with her childhood self ?? and in which Rupert has a FULL personality change to facilitate her sudden realization. In what fucking world would he invite her to that meeting, because she's smart or because she brings ~diversity or because maybe he wants to sleep with her again? None of it tracks at all lmao but it was also the episode in which I really enjoyed Tony Head so whatever
speaking of not tracking, Nate.........I've never been invested in Nate especially but he was SO cartoonishly evil at the start and then kind of never again. I was braced for a redemption arc I wouldn't care about but that didn't even really happen?? he got a girlfriend and realized Rupert was a bad role model? it turns out his dad thinks he was a prodigy and always just wanted him to be happy, which, lmao WHAT where????? and what am I supposed to believe about Jade changing her mind about him btw because she's seen people be terrible to him at that very table before AND she has to know he loves the place and the food because he's there all the time, so what was the revelation that turned her from relatable-via-Nate-ambivalence to suddenly heart-eyes just fdslelugatw so much of my feeling about this season isn't even like it's bad it's just it's nonsense
One of my big complaints about the season is just Keeley's whole deal. Separating her from the team/rest of the cast was a wild choice. Barbara is fine but I also would have been perfectly fine without her and none of the other new characters for the PR side story added anything to the show. Especially if at the end Rebecca is just going to write Keeley a check for the chump change she needs to run the agency. Why didn't we just do that to begin with??? I guess this season I'm supposed to think Keeley ~learned to be independent in various ways but, again, I don't ?? And her needing to not be with Roy I guess as part of that and then get back together offscreen but then not really be together maybe but then also possibly having throuple vibes later that never get acknowledged feels, whatever, like something Bill Lawrence didn't write sdfjlsefaj,lwte I know this is my unsupportable argument that post I RBed was making fun of but idc
also Jamie wanting to be with Keeley at the end of the show feels extremely Harry Potter epilogue to me lmao Jamie you don't have to marry someone you went to high school with there are so many people
Roy was fine this season. He didn't have much to do but that's probably for the best lol. Him taking Ted's job is probably the only main character ending I feel like makes sense for this season and the overall show. Him training and begrudgingly becoming friends with Jamie was always funny.
OK one of the wrong reviews was basically like if you don't appreciate this season you don't appreciate classic tragic structure. Fuck off with that. First of all this was a sitcom about soccer so even if they were going for a classic tragedy in season 3 that's stupid and they shouldn't have been. But I also just don't think that's what was happening ??? I think I'm supposed to believe everyone gets a happy ending and I just don't. Like the whole oh it's sad that Ted ends up where he started and it's about how persistent optimism and kindness can burn you out or whatever, that's...if that's what they were going for, again, why tf, and also could we have seen that like. at all. Ted barely Teds for anyone this season (frex the previously mentioned never talking to Rebecca). ROY Teds more than Ted in season 3. If we got to see Ted trying to Ted even, like, twice, and either not being able to dig down and find the positivity or I guess noticing that he needs someone to be that for him, OK, fine. A Ted/Keeley scene would have been a PERFECT vehicle for this. Didn't happen. idk if we're supposed to think he's getting back together with Michelle but that would be so...so bad ??? like what about Tan Lines??? why even have Tan Lines??? even if not, we just left completely unaddressed her starting a relationship with their marriage counselor, which is also BAD lmao. God why did I have to see so much of Michelle this season. Michelle video calls every other episode and two lines for Dr. Sharon. Nonsense. lol one of my friends summarized Ted's ending as "yeah going back to the unfulfilling life that didn't work before the show started is a victory for our protagonist"
Even the soccer of it all re that whole thing was silly. Oh marriage counselor boyfriend is a bad guy because he doesn't care about the soccer game. Oh Ted is happy now because he's coaching Henry's rec league soccer team. like it's fine that EVERYONE is still together in Richmond but he's "home" now and still around soccer which is good because we definitely saw him learn to love soccer during the course of the show. sure Jan
(to be fair I am not the audience for "it's about the kid" plots so even if I felt like it worked from the start of the show for Ted to choose moving back to where Henry is, which I don't, I wouldn't care for it, so maybe those criticisms aren't especially valid) (I didn't care about JD's kid either)
speaking of the soccer though every single scene that revolved around the actual soccer team was essentially perfect. Great use of so many of those boys. Very few notes. Sam in particular had a few nice things this season and of course Colin. Another incorrect review by a critic I actually like very much was complaining about Colin's story this season and it being tired and overdone and not caring about Trent's or Isaac's parts of it, but I actually really disagree! It was well done and it was nice to see in the context of professional sports where, sorry, coming out and being received well is not a cliche thing that happens a lot! Also, hot take! Zava was a good part of this season! Nice contained little story that impacted some characters I actually care about plus he was legit funny! Sometimes things in a comedy should be funny! I'd honestly watch three more seasons of Richmond-focused half-hour episodes with idk probably Brett Goldstein in charge
I haven't mentioned Beard because I just never understood what I was supposed to think about him lmao. By far the funniest character overall but I never felt settled on whether he was meant to be a manic pixie comic relief BFF or if he was like...a real person?? It strikes me as potentially bad that he was so worried about Ted's mental state all the time and never really mentioned his own and that was sort of a thing in the weird s2 episode but then not again? I felt so much ire about so much else I didn't have any for him marrying Jane lmao but I do understand the people who are upset about that because that sure seemed pretty toxic, but wasn't it supposed to be played for laughs? Does that fit in a show that's supposed to mainly be about people treating each other well because we're all we've got? idk, RIP Beard, sorry your best friend in the world wasn't at your wedding because it would have been narratively underwhelming to see him leave and then see him back at a future major event or whatever
idk idk, season 1 Rebecca was one of my favorite characters ever and I was so angry in the middleish of the season about how much I felt like she was being wasted, but by the end I was just like...I mean, what's to be mad at. She's not even her anymore. Ted wasn't Ted anymore. Nate I guess literally reverted back to season 1 Nate which also is that...okay...him ending up lower than he started out feels not great
Good for Mae and the bar boys though, used just the right amount this and every season and always a damn delight
OK this is ridiculous I'm going to be done now. I do want to say I enjoyed several episodes this season a lot! A couple top 10 potentials! I really enjoyed the Amsterdam one actually because it reminded me of like a Nancy Meyers movie, very nice and warm, but it feels worth noting that that is not a feeling I would describe as being struck by fucking lightning :))))))
in conclusion maybe we as a nation can move on now from giving SNL alumni we find charming huge budgets and ethereally talented casts and collaborators and letting them get us emotionally invested in their midlife crises sandbox playing
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hammieslice · 10 months
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
I got tagged in this by the lovely @onewhoturns, and I'll tag some others at the end!
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
I only have 8 actually published there, but for reference, I went into my WIP folder and found over 100 more... So I do write things! I'm just really really bad at actually publishing them.
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
Assuming I've done my math right, my current total word count sits at 262,909. Most of that is probably the longfics I've done with Turner, but there are almost certainly some hidden gems in there as well.
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Well, I haven't actually written and published something for a specific fandom for a while now, but my more common interests these days are Genshin Impact, Fire Emblem, Metal Gear Solid, Ace Attorney, Shadow & Bone (Netflix TV show specifically) and a few sporadic others! But my past works were for Oxenfree, Destiny, Ava's Demon, Homestuck, Overwatch, Critical Role, The Magnus Archives and Half Life.
4: Top five fics by kudos?
That would beeee So It Goes, Blue Hair, Red Jacket, A Different Angle, One Foot, and finally Holy Spirits!
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
As much as I love getting comments on fics, I don't often respond to them. I don't really have enough published to get engagement super often, and even then, I'm just not the kind of person to reach out at random simply because I've heard too many Internet Horror Stories(tm). But, maybe if I do publish more in the future, I'll make a habit of answering then!
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I... Don't really know? Most of my fics are either one-shots or unfinished multi-chapter works. There's probably something really angsty in my WIPs, but since it's never seen the light of day, we'll never really knows.
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Hmm. Hm hm hm. That would probably be a toss up between A Different Angle, which is just meant to be a nice, feel-good oneshot, or Pyrite-50: Quiet Moments, which is a kind of character study of one of my Destiny PC's.
8: Do you get hate on fics?
Since I only have 8 published, and I'm not like a super-duper popular author, I don't really think I get hate. All of the comments I've seen have been really sweet and lovely, which I'm thankful for.
9: Do you write smut?
I've been known to partake... On occasion....... <- Currently hiding most of it away in that damned WIP folder
10: Do you write crossovers?
Aside from the every-so-often "AU fic inspired by another piece of media", no, not really. But maybe that will change sometime! I wouldn't be truly opposed.
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware!
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. My reach, like I said, is pretty minimal. But if anybody were to ask, I'd say go for it, as long as I got credit as the author.
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Most of my published fics are co-written! My co-author was actually the one who tagged me in this, Turner. You can go check out all our Oxenfree stuff on Ao3 right now.
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oooooh, this one is hard. The one I've undoubtedly written the most for is jonalex, but I'm a huge multishipper, so I've never really preferred one pairing over another before. It's always so dependent on my mood! Can I just say all of them?
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
The forgotten Kaz Brekker/Darkling smut. It sits in its little google document, taunting me. I know that you're there. I KNOW.
16: What are your writing strengths?
I'd like to think I'm good at metaphors? Generally, getting into a character's psyche is what I strive for, and when I get it right it feels like a real achievement. I've also been told that I'm very good at making dialogue that feels real, or that flows in a way that makes sense, which is something else I'm really proud of.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things. Fight scenes (of the physical variety). The two big F's.
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Seeing as I am a person who only knows one language (and guess which one that is), I don't often write in other languages for my fics, because I'm a liiiiittle too scared of fucking up. On the rare chances I have, I usually use someone I know as a translator, but that limits me on how many languages I can conceivably use. As far as foreign languages in other fics go, I'm all for it!
19: First fandom you wrote for?
It's either Harry Potter, and that fic has now been orphaned to the wind, or maybe Homestuck?
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
Of my published fics, it has to be So It Goes. That one has a special place in my heart for a multitude of reasons, and not just because Turner and I got to write it together. Of my WIPs, there's an unnamed freemance fic that I've been dying to finish that I just recently found again, and it made me fall in love with my writing for a second time; in a strange way.
@artemis-crimson @reddgiant @starchemist @starlit-bawka @cranehusbands @duvirii and basically whoever else wants to do it.
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lunar-years · 1 year
I don't necessarily want to be too hard on Sudeikis because like, I've never written a tv show, but at the same time I will be because I don't think he had the skill level to lead the 3rd season on his own the way he did, and it shows. I Know the show is called Ted Lasso but it honestly felt like he was too wrapped up in providing himself with moments to shine that he forgot about wrapping up huge plot points for other characters and for some reason decided their time was better spent wasted on weird side plots. If I was a suspicious person, I'd honestly say that it felt like he was sabotaging other actors by either turning them into one dimensional cut outs of themselves with no depth (Roy), dropping huge issues for the character and then completely washing over them, and also forcing a highly emotional moment by a great actor to be a farce (Jamie), or neglecting any actual potential character development and sacrificing a well developed character for a cheap shot at "yas girl boss" (Keeley)
hmm i know a lot of people blame the bad pacing and super long episodes on Bill Lawrence's departure and Jason's lack of show-running knowledge. I'm not saying he didn't make the problem worse in s3, but to be fair I think that was already well underway as a problem in s2 (when i think Lawrence was still involved?), so I don't really blame him alone. The pacing was only tight and great in the first season and then it went downhill from there.
As for the character stuff...I disagree that Sudeikis was only concerned with writing himself moments to shine (and if it’s true he did a terrible job of it lmao), because imo Ted's character is just as much of a sloppily-written mess in s3 as the rest of them (and also I think Ted's plot was less central in s3 than it was in s2 especially). Apart from the scene with Ted and his mom at the end of Mom City and maybe his season finale locker room speech, I can't really think of any scenes that are standout in terms of really emphasizing Jason's acting range/serving as award-fodder.
I also strongly disagree that he was intentionally sabotaging his fellow actors by giving them bad plots LOL. Actually I think it was quite the opposite, in that he was extremely focused on giving each of the others a “highlight reel" episode to present to the Emmys committee. Like, you can look at the season and immediately pick out which episode was written for each emmy submission (Paris is Juno's episode, Chelsea is Brett's episode [still shocked he didn't submit it tbh], International Break is Hannah's episode, etc.) Like, Mom City was clearly written with Phil winning his emmy at the forefront of the writer's room minds, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. heck, that's my favorite episode of the season! (side note that I agree with you that Jason is to blame for THAT jamie boot room scene though because like wow was that bad directing, and the bts video shows he was the one telling Phil to play it like that lmao). But i do think the segmented structure of the episodes probably did contribute to the pacing problems and the lack of cohesiveness in the season as a whole.
(I also don’t think Roy was one-dimensional in s3 🫢. Apart from a few things that didn't quite land for me, I really liked where they took Roy's arc this season on the whole. IMO they gave him more depth by really diving into his insecurities, showing him as a leader with Isaac, learning to be a friend to Jamie, coming into his own as a coach and a person, going to therapy and becoming manager. And his ending was ultimately satisfying for me).
ANYWAY, in my opinion Jason's biggest crime was being so rigidly committed to the three season vision of the show he dreamt up in the beginning, even when the show and plots had gotten too big for that original vision to contain. Season 3 could have been separated into two seasons easily and it would have given them the time they desperately needed to address many of the characters and relationships in a much better and holistic way, as well as dedicate more time to thoughtful endings for all of the main plots. Instead they tried to do way too much with way too little space. And also gave a weird amount of screen time to pointless characters (cough Zava cough Shandy...)
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greenerteacups · 13 days
Hello! I noticed you included TWD in a recent ask reply, would you mind sharing thoughts? Grievances? Character opinions? Anything you’d like, really. :)
Context: I’m watching it or the very first time this year, currently at the beginning of the final season, and it’s been a very volatile, up-and-down show to binge watch to say the least, especially compared to the other shows that ran during the time (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, GOT, etc).
I love reading your takes on television and film, but I don’t want to create more labor for you lol. Be as thorough or not as you desire!
My grievances are so milquetoast, I'm not even sure it's worth rehashing, but it's the same basic gripe: the show goes on too long, it bastardizes everyone and especially Rick, the storylines get prolix and ridiculous and the writing goes downhill. The one interesting thing is that it declines in a different way, where the first season is actually high-quality excellent TV, like the best of genre fiction on-air at the time, revitalized my interest in zombie fiction. And then the rest of it is... diminishing returns, put politely. A bit of good stuff, here and there, but it's kind of like zombie Gossip Girl: you're watching the writers shuffle things around for the sake of drama, lacking any gesture at an overriding story that could act as structural support for the characters' arcs. It gets to that stage pretty quickly, and it scrapes by for a while being just good enough for fans to hope that the next season will be better (which, in hindsight, it isn't).
Also, the first season feels wide-open and dangerous in a way that subsequent seasons never do. That's partially due to budget cuts and rising actor salaries, but you have these shots of Rick riding his horse down an abandoned highway in Atlanta, and then in subsequent seasons it's the same combination of random fields, suburbs, or small urban compounds, contained sets that you could honestly do on a sound stage if you needed to. There's not that sense of the world being empty that you get in the first season, and that's what always drew me to zombie and plague fiction in general — the last battle of the apocalypse being one with loneliness.
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