#I'm not gonna budge tho
sea-of-dust · 3 months
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Summary: Dating headcannons
N: I had this just rotting bro posting this with the event. Ik u don't read these angst jumpscare. Also DO NOT listen to Malice Mizer OR SWEET (p5) while reading fanfic or headcannons for this guy you'll cry 7 times
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Hm? Is something your gonna hear alot. He notices everything. Sometimes he purposely doesn't push you to tell him, other times he's told by Yukari.
He knows when your troubled, you can tell when he knows what's going on as he tends to get a bit closer before going "hm?" You notice when he's trying to comfort you. Trying to be sneaky just makes it more obvious, it's even more odvious when he sneaks snacks to you near your door, like he isn't the first suspect.
"?" He lays his head on your shoulder slowly inching closer. "You look like you're fuming. Did something happen?" "Nothing much just a headache" "I see" you never feel his arms wrapped around while you as you stood next to him, soft hums comming from him.
Makoto tries to hide his affections in public. Limiting it to hand holding or subtle matching things you both had on your person. The fewer people the higher the chance of him taking a small snooze on your shoulder, you end up giving him piggybacks when he does this.
He let's you listen to music with him. At the cost of a small tease. "I wanna listen aswell..." You look away clearly flustered to ask this "and why would my dove want that?" "HUH" you look at him wide eyed seeing him smirk "BRO" "? I thought I was your boyfriend" and back to the straight faced s.e.e.s boy. This was his way of flustering you, calling you a random nickname and then acting like nothing happened, you always reset back to bro when he does this making it even better for him.
He wanders...alot. This guy would get lost in a supermarket and be like "oh I lost them..." and then find you calmly while you'd just panic about where he was. He always appears from nowhere when this happens. "I've looked everywhere jimpei I'm considering going into the fountain..." "you walk so fast" he burries himself into the nape of your neck, "I almost lost you again" you were so lucky jimpei was on the phone and not in person or you two would have never stopped getting teased when you got to school
If you ever wondered about s.e.e.s or ever wondered why he was always so tired, he'd act like he didn't hear you. "So what's s.e.e.s, heard it had something to do with some sorta time thing?" He'd be right next to you. You saw him peak up and just go back to staring into the void seconds later. "I know you heard me" you furrow your brows slightly but he just lays there for a bit moves his hair and then goes "huh?" "UGHHH" you're not getting him to budge
That would be the case if you didn't have a persona he'd still try to pretend he didn't know until you saved him from a few shadows. "How did you get knocked down by wind of all things imagine I blow and you and you get stunned" your persona deals with them easily while you help him up. "So what is this place my princess, my shawty bae, my-" "please...shut up" "nah baby girl you brought this on yourself" he sighs but he did enjoy the free piggy back ride so he pretended the wind hit him THAT hard.
"You're still carrying him around" Yukari cringes "he can barely keep his eyes open tho" "oh he'll live watch this" Yukari turns around "we're gonna go get a sna-" "don't say it infront of jimpei unspelled" he groans nuzzling back into your neck "told ya, get him off your back" easier said than done the guys like those theme park bracelets you'll never get him off. "Yukari let go of me" his voice a bit annoyed "no chance! Come on you gotta walk like the rest of us think of y/ns back!" You got him to walk...but he had to hold your hand and would almost drift off again if you haven't move away everytime you noticed. "Please try to stay awake were almost done" "...." You catch his head "don't lean on me, how about this you can rest once we get back to my room" he suddenly has enough energy to walk without leaning on you.
He loves whenever he goes to your dorm. It always feels so calm in there like some sorta checkpoint. Sometimes he gets there before you already laying there like it was his own room. "Welcome home" "oh minato- wait...howed you get in" "you left the door unlocked" "oh" he tries to use the 'just wanted to study with you excuse' nah the dudes there for every kind of sfw romantic thing you can think of. He's there to be called lover boy unironcally! "Funny how you aren't as sleepy during the night" you move closer to him "you're nocturnal" you joke playfully giving him a small kiss on the cheek. In actuality he had eaten a bunch of candy so he could stay awake with you.
Take him with you everywhere!! If you'd e-mail him about anything related to heading out you don't even have to invite him he'd just magically appear. You don't even have to say WHERE you're going. "How do you always know where I am?" "This place is small"
He'd know what your into without you telling him almost sniffing it out. "I thought you'd like this" he hands you a small gift watching you blush immensely. "Howed you know I liked this kinda stuff" "I figure stuff out quickly" he did have hints though. The way you acted the way you looked at things simular to it. it made it odvious you'd like one of those.
He hides when he's sick always trying to hold back coughs or sneezes he suffers in silence and would prefer it that way. Why? Because the first time he was sick infront of you or anyone else no one wanted to be around him incase it spread. You were willing to of course until Mitsuru put a ban on seeing him for the sake of everyone's health, you still got tests to deal with ya know! So now he just hides it trying to recover quickly. Can't say the same for you though "cough cough! Ah sorry I've had a really bad cold lately" all he needed to hear to have you carried back to your dorm after school. "When we're you able to manhandle me" "please take this" he hands you a small medicine cap expecting you to drink it from there. "It's just a cold" "colds don't have you coughing yourself into orbit for it to just be a casual one" sighing you gulp it down
He'll pretend to not know how to put on his ribbon and ask if you're able to help him. Then turn around pull it off and look at you with a "can you do it again" face. He just likes the way you tie it while you're on the train with him.
Fastest Emailer EVER. You'd think it would take him litteral years since he sometimes leaves people out to dry, according to jinpei, and then he'd respond at the speed of sound to you nearly as fast as the email sends.
You try to pitch his cheeks only to get him to revert to an angry cat. So you've resorted to softer smaller pinches, he dosent mind as much now just don't too it too often or he'll start pinching you too
He may like using yarn with you. Depends on how easy it is though. "What are you making?" "A heart bracelet a girl asked me to make for her and her boyfriend" he reaches for your hand "do you mind if I try this?" "Sure it's in the left drawer" he could barely make the heart at first but as soon as you got a clipboard involved it was a whole diffent story, he was a machine, you didn't know this at the time but you definitely accidently made a yarn bracelet monster. Must have found out they can be made into sp items. That's why there's a lock on the left drawer now, he never opened it without asking its just to keep him from getting ideas, it does the opposite
He has his flirtatious momments, mostly just because he wants to tease you. It starts with a perfectly silent momment, in the classroom when they finally let you sit with him, nearly asleep in a library, on very rare occasions tartarus, he'd smirk and then lock in for the absolute chaos he's about to cause. A simple lean into your ear whispering softly yet clearly "I want a kiss" your eyes would always widen but you'd also respond with a whisper back "now?" Clearly slightly baffled you kiss him on the cheek quickly. Oh but sometimes that isn't enough, sometimes he just wants to see you melt, rubbing his hand on your already flushed cheek he leans in drowsy eyes meeting yours "I want a bit more please" he does enjoy you cupping his face and kissing him. When he does stuff like that you thank the lord the sees memmbers split up or you two are pretty much alone together.
There are times he's tempted to kiss you and then act like he didn't do anything. Cheeks are his favorite you can barely see him comming,*chu*, and now he gets to tease you make you think he never did such a thing "stop kissing me while i study" "wadya mean" "you gotta study focus on that" "i wanna focus on you more" "huh?" Another quick kiss "you did it again" "i dunno what youre talking about" exhaling you kiss him under the eye "lets get back to studying before it gets too late" and then hed lean onto your shoulder. He wants you to catch him more often
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"I bought a camera! Let's take a few snaps, just the two of us!, "I don't see why not" holding the camrea steady, you take a picture of the shell he found. *SNAP* a picture of him looking out on the beach. *SNAP* "Why are you taking so many of me?" "I want you to last forever" putting the camrea down and walking toward him, he reaches his hand out. "Oh sure" you give it to him and he holds it up, making sure you're both in frame. *SNAP* a picture with both of you smiling as the sun sets on the beach. Softly looking at your features, his eyes land on ur lips, then cheek, eyes, then back to your cheek again. Smiling to himself, he holds it up again "you mind if we take another?" "Alright" *SNAP* soft lips press your cheek the momment the camera flashes. "You mind if I get another, the picture might be a bit blurry" with a rare smile on his face he pockets the picture. You covering the cheek he had just kissed. "Sure..." still surprised you lean into him smiling as the shyness gets to you. *SNAP* another kiss, happy with the photo he turns to you. "Do you have any plans after this?" "No it's straight to the dorm for me" "perfect" "?"
As you two walk home after changing clothes, he seemed to be more bright than usual as you wondered why, you were happy you got to see him smile like that. "I have something for you" "really? Me too!" "I'll meet you in your room then" hugging you before he leaves to his room to pick up your gift you collect what you had gotten for him, a DVD, a small bag with candies, and a rare jack frost you had won that you've customized to look like him. As soon as he opens the door you try to hide your gifts behind your back. "I can see them" "No you cant" softly giggling to himself he closed the door and gave you a case with a small bag with it. "Well since you've already seen then" you slide over the minato frost with the other things on its lap. "I saw someone do it on the internet and wanted to make one of you..." averting his eyes afraid he may not like it. He grabs its hands, then it's crocheted hair "it looks just like me" he pulls its cheeks. "And this is what I got for you" giving you the case and small bag. You decide to open the case first. Inside was a pair of headphones and a music player the same model as his. "How'd you know I wanted one?" "You eye mine alot, so I just figured" without much thought, you kissed his cheek "I don't know if I could put into words how thankful I am" You kiss him again. Excitedly, you open the small bag, revealing a bunch of stickers. "I wanted to decorate this with you if you don't mind" "I don't see why not" you excitedly put the sticker on his face then the case almost 5 stickers later his face again. "You look so cute with them all over you" "right back at you" giggling at his joke, you cover the player carefully in stickers with him. He even showed you how he put his music onto them.
Eventually what nearly always happens when he's in your room happens, his soft eyes flutter shut while laying on your bed the frost that looks just like him in hand. *SNAP* *SNAP* the opportunity was just too good to pass up, one for you and one for him to wake up to. You lay next to him moving his hair as to see both eyes. "Sweet dreams" your eyes grow heavy as they close. Days were sweet after that though you did notice him being a bit more busy, you didn't even notice when January ended, and he was nowhere to be seen. You asked most of the people you knew that spoke to him but they just ended up near teary eyed or near unable to say a word about it. "He's in a coma" Jinpei finally is able to croak out, "we don't know what happened to him" you feel your heart drop at his words, near running to the hospital after school and laying by his side. He looked so peaceful, you'd wonder what he was experiencing. Holding his hand for what seemed like it could be the final time you left, it felt a bit scary walking home without him with you.
You put on the music player he gave you, all covered in stickers he helped you put on. "Burn my dread...full moon full life...memmories of-" you hault finding yourself at the dorm, you go in, putting your hands in your pocket, reminding you of him, accidently touching his spare key he gave you, your mind suddenly asked you to go into his room. It felt like snooping, but the thought just wouldn't let you go. Opening the door, you find something on his desk, a letter along with a few pictures. "I may have forgotten to ask someone to give this to you, but I hope it someday reaches you, I'm writing this just in case something bad happens to me, I'm gonna miss seeing you when I wake up and waking up before you. All those candies I ate from you because I wanted to stay up late, all the times I've gotten free piggyback rides around town. I'm gonna miss you above all. I'm sorry I took your camera" getting to that part you look at the pictures on the desk one of him sleeping with the frost you made him, one of you trying on his sees uniform. "To be fair you already seen most of them, I just thought that if anything happened you'd want some of me" scattering them multiple pictures of him trying on your accessories, pictures of him smiling widely at your favorite places, pictures of him trying diffrent hairstyles. "I've bought a replacement film in advance, if you need to you can take my jacket and the mako-frost. They'll keep you warm" You look at more pictures, pictures of you and him, the kiss at the beach, you napping on him, a picture of you crocheting. "If push comes to shove, don't forget about me, keep living on, Makoto ps: thanks for letting me get this close to you"
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Been thinking about the turtles' sleeping habits and such for a fic. This was meant to be a short one but I ended up having too many ideas so enjoy.
Likes to sleep with his door open to be able to hear everything around the lair.
Somehow both a light and a heavy sleeper at the same time. Will wake up from the quietest suspicious sound, will be up on his legs in a second when his brothers come to him at 3AM because of a nightmare, but also won't budge when they literally jump on him to try to wake him up for breakfast.
Sleeps with a single quilt he and Mikey made together, with no pillow and with a LOT of teddy bears.
Belly sleeper.
Will use his teddy bears as a pillow when needed.
Will use his brothers as pillows during turtle piles as well.
Used to sleepwalk a lot as a kid, happens way less often as a teen but could still happen once in a while.
And he has a sleepwalking stink of course.
Sometimes talks in his sleep too.
Has a very consistent sleeping schedule and wakes up pretty early without an alarm clock, but only on weekdays.
On weekends it's almost impossible to wake him up before 11 and definitely not before 9.
Takes him a while to get out of bed after he wakes up, and he's pretty slow during the morning, only really waking up after breakfast.
He also likes reading comics or play some idle game on his phone before going to sleep.
Sleeps with his door closed and locked.
Prefers to have white noise on.
Prefers sleeping with a weighted blanket.
Uses a either a gel pillow or a memory foam pillow. (Those ones that hold their shape that are good for back sleepers) - I actually went back to "The Purple Jackets" episode and it does look like he's using a gel/memory foam pillow.
I was gonna say he's a back sleeper and then I saw the scene in "The Purple Jackets" again and he changed his sleeping position like three times there, so I'm gonna say he falls asleep on his back and rolls around a lot during sleep.
While he likes the white noise and weighted blanket he doesn't actually need them to sleep. If he closes his eyes while sitting/lying down he's gonna fall asleep after 5 minutes max.
He also falls asleep if he just touches a bed for long enough.
And it also takes him exactly 5 minutes to get ready for bed. So 10 minutes from when he walks into his room until he's completely asleep.
Likes sleeping in small confined spaces. (Wrapping him in a blanket like a baby counts as a small space. The space under his desk is also a small space. The space under the sofa is too. And space between his brothers during a turtle pile.)
He has strict rules about his sleeping schedule. He wakes up at either 7:40 or 9:10 every day. He will stop working and go to sleep at either 1:30am or 3:00am. If he misses both he'll just work through the night and go to sleep the night after that.
He misses both marks quite often.
The only way to make him break those rules is with a turtle pile.
One thing he cannot tolerate though is scratchy beddings. He will not fall asleep if something scratchy is touching him.
I feel like he doesn't like ignoring his notifications so he always makes sure he didn't left anything unread before going to bed, and he makes sure to do that during the 5 minutes it takes for him to get ready. But sometimes someone sends him something dumb that makes him angry enough to drop everything and start a stupid online argument that lasts all night. So sometimes he just stays standing in the middle of his room without moving for hours instead of going to sleep, or he'll end up sitting in his chair with his phone. If he chooses to sit on his bed tho he ends up falling asleep almost immediately.
Sleeps with his door open a crack, enough for light and some sounds to get in but not enough to make him feel vulnerable.
But he also gets sleep paralysis once in a while and having your door be open just a crack is like perfect nightmare fuel so when that happens and his sleep paralysis demon peeps in he probably goes to sleep in Mikey's room for like a week.
Also definitely just have nightmares in general almost every night. He's used to it by this point. He does wake up from them like three times a night tho.
^ Definitely not projecting.
Has a nightlight. Cannot sleep without it.
And a digital alarm clock with glowing numbers that's always facing the bed so he'll know how long he slept for.
It takes him like half an hour to fall asleep on a good day and three hours on a bad day. Usually spends that time scrolling his phone until he can't possibly keep his eyes open for a second longer.
Uses like 5 blankets - a quilt over his legs, a fuzzy throw blanket around his shoulder, two more summer blankets and finally a comforter over everything. Or maybe swap one of the summer blankets for a weighted blanket, I haven't decided yet.
If he does use a weighted blanket though then he can't sleep without it.
He likes sleeping completely covered up from head to toe. Uses one of the summer blankets to cover his head to not get completely overheated, and to be able to see his nightlight and hear the noises from outside his room.
Uses three pillows - gel/memory foam pillow, understuffed normal pillow and an overstaffed normal pillow. The overstuffed one is to lean on when he's sitting scrolling on his phone, the other two are for sleeping on.
Has a small decorative pillow he got from April that he hugs to sleep every night.
Other than scrolling on his phone for the few hours before he falls asleep he actually makes an effort to only sit on his bed when it's nighttime.
He also always has a fan on for the noise and the airflow, but it's never directly facing him or it'll wake him up.
On really bad nights he can't fall asleep he gets up and makes himself something hot to drink (yes this is also inspired by "The Purple Jackets" episode how did you know?)
And then he'll go bother Donnie.
He loves sitting in Donnie's lab while Donnie is working. He either watches him working quietly, or he whines like a little bitch until Donnie gives up and talks to him, and then they spend all night talking about the most random stuff.
He likes reading comics before bed too, or fanfiction/fancomics on his phone. He'll read the most garbage incomplete fic that was witten in half an hour at 3am and posted 5 years ago, unironically enjoy it, and screenshot his favourite lines and send to Donnie.
I also think he sleeps in fetal position, but wakes up in the most absurd positions.
Prefers sleeping with his door closed, but doesn't actually mind if it's open.
Can sleep anywhere, anytime. Will fall asleep in the most awkward positions and awkward places.
Sometimes sleeps inside his shell, especially if it's somewhere with too much light.
Can lucid dream. Might be something he can do by mixing his lucid dreams with his mystic powers? Didn't think this through yet.
Sleeps with a huge thick comforter during winter and a super thin throw blanket during summer, just switches between them one day during fall/spring.
And he also has a blanket Raph knitted him that he always sleeps with. Like they all have blankets Raph knitted them but he's the only one who consistently sleeps with his every night. Hugs it more than covers himself with it.
Has a million different pillows and always burrows himself between them when he sleeps, in a different position every time of course.
Has a pretty healthy sleeping schedule, he gets tired at a reasonable hour and goes to sleep, sleeps for 5-6 sleeping cycles per night.
Goes to sleep early and wakes up early. He and Raph are the first to wake up, but he's the first to get up and get ready usually.
Really energetic during the morning. He's the only one of them who's like this, and Leo is the only one who can really keep up with him before breakfast.
He also has a lot of plushies on his bed but he sleeps with them less.
Will always sleep hugging one of Raph's arms during turtle piles.
I went a bit overboard with the headcanons whoops. This was supposed to be like 3-4 ideas for each one of the guys and mainly focus on like, the door and the blankets, and I ended up adding way too many things~
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illustrious-ia · 7 months
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[ 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ]
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⌈ @viinlz sends a file request ! ⌋
-> “Can you write a fluff content with bsd Characters?”
—Their Grace responded with:
Ehm. Anyway, I'm still gonna write ye a Ranpo scenario soon. I'm just running out of ideas rn so I hope this hcs will suffice for the time being. ^^
Cw/Tw: None
— Hmmm, where shall we start? So this fucker of a detective will definitely be a very clingy and affectionate person.
— Wanna get some work done when he is in the presence? Nuh-uh! Cuddle with him first! Zero work was done that day and congratulations you got a pissed Kunikida. Yay!
— He's the type to sit on your lap and eat some sweets while you're working on your computer. Oh, and of course he will share his sweets with you! Look at how generous he is!!
— Oh? Why are you taking his snack and putting it in your mouth yourself... No! You go focus on that work and he will feed you himself! If you still won't budge he will pout and w h i n e
— Sometimes, he surprises you with the fanciest snacks that perfectly match your preferences! And if you happen to mention a certain food or snack in passing, it magically appears in your hands a few days later! Take a look at how generous he is!
— He's been working extra hard to earn the money to buy you both those fancy snacks so please praise him! Even though he's only gonna boast about how nice and considerate he is, on the inside he is truly the happiest when you appreciate things he has done for you.
— When there's only him and Kunikida in the room, he will talk to him about going easier on you. Why? Well because he said so! Kunikida is so done with both of you at this point
— He may take you along with him to investigate some cases. Well, let him do the work while you're admiring how hard-working he is in the background. He will still ask you for your opinion tho. If your opinion lines up with his deduction he will kudos you for that and maybe ask what food would you like to have after solving the case. If your opinion doesn't match, then he will flick your forehead a bit and “stooopid” ing you once then he'll explain what his deductions are in the simplest manner so you'll understand it easily<33
— Oh, he will definitely use his ability to figure out what mood you're currently in. Feeling a bit sad? He will come over to you and give you your favorite candy while trying to cheer you up a lil bit. Someone pisses you off? You can talk shit about that person with him! And maybe if Ranpo is feeling it he will find information about that said person and talk them so they won't bother you any longer<3333
— You want some alone time? No problem! However, I must say that you're his biggest inspiration to get work done. Once you're feeling better, he'll even offer you a cuddle session. How wonderful is that?
— If it is possible, he'll offer you the world and everything nice inside it. He just loves you to that extent ♡
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©All work belongs to Illustrious-ia. Do not translate, steal, or repost it outside of Tumblr.
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graxsonswhxore · 3 months
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★ Daughter of dionysus ★
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐮𝐬 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
"𝓘'𝓶 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓭𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼"
"𝒴𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑔𝓁𝒶𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓈 "
└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘
Tw: crazy with a mix of mania, heated make out, and slight sexual themes not the whole Shabang tho. 🦭🍇
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You know as the daughter of Dionysus, I wasn't expected to be sane.
"Yo D whaddup!" I lazily smirk down at my dad while dapping him up.
"How's it going favorite." He returns dapping me up with a crisp smack.
Me and him don't have the most normal relationship, but  i'm okay with that, At least it's not like daddy issues over here.
I look over to some curly blonde haired kid with blue eyes, he goes on about wanting to see his father and if Dionysus could help him.
I turn on my heels immediately uninterested, actually i was thinking bout the time i drew a dick on clarisse's forehead with a black paint marker, now that was legendary. Imagine trying to scrub a giant penis off your forehead realizing that it wont budge a inch, dessert privileges were lost, but seeing clarisse with her usual smug smile wiped off and beautiful art work plastered on her forehead, was like a full course dessert table served in front of me on a golden platter.
I walk over to the black smiths to see my friends Jake and Amy, we were known to be the outcasts, we aren't children feining over glory or some bullshit praise from the gods, we were looking for trouble instead.
"Yo Jake" I slide onto the desk he sketches his new weapons project for Amy, the daughter of Hephaestus, Jake hisself was a Hermes boy, not my proudest moment befriending one of them, but he's cool in my book.
You see we're the trouble trio, my charm mixed with Jake's amazing ability to steal and Amy's ability to craft anything we needed for our stupid ideas, we were practically unstoppable.
"Whatcha drawing?" I quirk my head to the side as he quickly scrambles his notebook closed.
"Birthday surprise, don't push it anymore, Mr. D threatened to chop off my toes and feed them to tartarus if i snitched this time." Jake shuddered at the thought of my dad threatening his life. 
"Pshh light work, i would've unleashed tartarus in your room instead" I smirk at his mouth dropping wide open.
"And there goes Astrope, always one upping Mr.D's unstable craziness, somehow" Amy rolls her eyes at our bickering.
I push my wine colored hair out of my face and into a pony tail. My sea green eyes with specks of violet in the iris trails back to Luke Castellan the camps golden boy, He defines the word glory, always trying to prove something to someone, if you asked me, i think he's a garde A loser.
"Who else is gonna carry on the legacy" I say booping Jake on the nose.
"Wow very mature of you princess" Luke rolls his eyes.
"Why thank you, I think I'm rather mature myself pretty boy."
I look over to see him slightly blush and look down.
"Anywayyys, I'm throwing a party later, thanks giving and all, who's joining." Amy takes a seat next to Jake leaning her elbows on the table.
"Why thank you for the personal invitation, but you're only throwing this party so you can scout out the new ares boy this year." I roll my eyes at her.
"And so what, the new curly brunette is fine." She says with dreamy eyes.
"Your type is brunette curly hair daddy issues and anger management." I say taking the apple Jake was eating, he prostest me with a small 'hey', but that doesn't stop me as I chomp a fat bite in the middle of said apple.
"Hands off, troglodyte. Getcha own apple" Jake huffs while snatching his apple back.
"Booo tomato tomato tomatooooo" I blow a raspberry at him as we get up to head to dinner.
Luke follows Amy on her trail like a lost puppy, everyone suspected he was whipped for her,what they didn't know was my deep crush for the boy ever since I met him, it's a horrible love triangle.
"Well if you want me to get the goods you're gonna have to distract the camps janitor." I say sitting down at the Hermes table with the three for dinner.
"Huh why?" Luke questions.
"Well Luke, Chiron find alcohol In my cabin, bad." I say slowly shaking my head.
"But if Chiron finds alcohol in the janitors cabin, he'll just think he hates his job or something." I shrug.
"So basically you're saying you hid alcohol in dito's cabin." Jake grinned at the challenge.
"That's his name?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Yeah.. what have you been calling him the whole time.." Luke looks at me crazy.
"Irrelevant.." I roll my eyes.
"So we need a plan we can't just walk into the janitors cabin and grab wine out a hiding place" Amy says munching on her celery sticks.
"Righttttt about that. I hid the alcohol there two summers ago and forgot the hiding place so we're gonna need two on watch out and two on rummage duty" I cringe.
"Astrope I should slap the living shit out of you right now. But in the fear of Tartarus and what Mr D would do to me, you are off the hook." Jake says straight faced with a finger pointed at me.
"Look here goes dito right now." Amy whispers.
"We could distract him now, then three of you can head to his cabin?" Jake said shrugging.
"How are we going to distract him." Luke says with an eyebrow raised.
I chuckle sarcastically then go straight faced looking into his eyes.
"Watch the master do her job." I say getting up from the table and turning around hitting dito on the shoulder on accident.
I cut him off pulling a spoon out of my pocket, gripping the back of his head and pushing it to his jugular.
This takes everyone's attention allowing the three to sneak away.
"MY NAMES NOT CHUCK.." his voice wavers.
I pull the spoon back pointing it in this face while walking backwards.
"AND DONT FORGET IT." I yell turning around so I could sprint to dittos cabins.
I slide the window to dito's cabin open abruptly falling face first onto the floor scaring the three to death.
"Uhhh warning?" I shrug laying on my stomach kicking my feet back and fourth.
"How bout you get up and help look, you lost it princess." Luke says rummaging through cabinets.
"Right, check the floor I remember putting it in a secret wooden floor board that slides open." I sigh getting up looking under the bed for it.
Instead I find skimpy lace panties and diamond earrings.
"OUU EARINGS." I say dangling them by my head.
Out of no where the lunch lady walks into dittos cabin wearing a skimpy silk robe and.. I don't want to know what's under.
She clutches her heart and gasps.
"DITO GET IN HERE!!" She yells.
"FOUND IT!" Amy screams throwing the box out into the long cushioned grass.
Quick I need a distraction.
I take out my blow torch lighter and fire it over by the sheer curtains hanging by dittos bed.
I look around to see Luke scramble out the window so I jump out with him and close it behind me.
Amy takes the box and run with all of us behind her we make our grand escape behind Zeus's cabin deep into the woods where a bunch of the people in on the party we're helping us by decorating.
"REALLY? LIGHT YOUR HOUSE ON FIRE ASTRO?" Jake yells at me waving his hands around.
"Well it worked I didn't see you making a distraction?" I roll my eyes.
Everyone just looks at me stupidly shaking their heads. Jake even started to boo me, followed with a train of boos.
I hop on a log pointing at them all.
Luke pov
To say Astrope was crazy is an understatement. To be honest I don't know how I even developed a crush on her.
It just happened, her crazy and flirty attitude just draws me in somehow. It's like a drug, you taste some and it's never ending.
To say she was the daughter of the god of ecstasy was an understatement.
She just seems so carefree and untouchable. It's hard to make a move on someone who never takes anything seriously.
Astrope pov
Surprisingly the party so far was a success.
even after our scandalous breaking and entering fiasco.
Many people were having fun, except for Amy. The ares boy she had her eye on, and even asked out, had ditched her to talk to a pretty Aphrodite kid.
I see her and Luke talking, him resting a hand on her shoulder for comfort. It kind of ticked me off, but bros before hoes yall.
I sigh grabbing my dagger out of my holster sitting down next to Luke and her by the lake in the sand.
a couple of feet away from the party in the woods. Nobody could really see us, but I noticed her running off and Luke trailing behind her, so I followed.
"Who are we killing. I won't do kids that's a rule. BUT the rule is negotiable if the kids a dick." I say wiggling my eyebrows.
And to my success it makes her laugh, I smile putting my dagger back into my thigh holster.
"How do you do it astrope" Amy sighs looking down.
"If you mean being absolutely funny and the hottest one in the room, don't stress it comes natural babe. Ya either got it or ya don't" I smirk flexing whiling grunting.
"You see that, you seem so care free all the time, I don't know how you do it."
"I don't." I shrug
"What does that mean." Luke questions.
"I just don't, I don't care nor have I ever, I just do me"
"If it was up to me, I'd push the girl aside tell him that I like him and that he can either take all this or shove it." I say with a trashy Jersey accent.
Amy lunges over luke to hug me tightly.
"I don't know what I'd do without you girl." She whispers in my ear. Then hopping on her feat she takes a deep breath and starts walking in her crushes direction.
I chuckle laying down in the sand, a small tide washes over my bare feet as the full moon pushes the river.
"You know you're right princess" Luke says.
I turn my head to see him already looking at me.
"Yeah and what about pretty boy." I whisper sitting up leaning closer to him.
"About caring too much." He sighs looking down.
I frown scooting over to push some of his hair back, he leans his face into my touch. I blush deeply, luckily the moons shine wasn't too bright.
"Princess, I like you." Luke whispers to me, his hot breath dusting my cheeks.
"I like you more pretty boy." I smile.
He leans in closing in the space between us kissing me deeply with need.
The kiss was sloppy and fast. It was heavy with need, not really caring who took control, just needing an outlet for these suppressed feelings.
Laying down as he crawls on top of me. His fingers slip around my throat grabbing hold of my jaw with his finger tips, his other hand sliding up the side of my thigh griping it with such strength I knew bruising would definitely show up int he morning.
I slide one of my hands under his shirt feeling his defined stomach, the other hand snaking around the back of his head to grip onto the back of his curls slightly tugging on them.
He groans into my mouth as I push my hips up into his allowing me to release some built up tension while he marks my neck up and down with sloppy kisses and bites.
"Fuck, princess I need you." He groans panting and sweaty.
I sit up immediately taking his hand leading him to my cabin.
As soon as we get in he grabs me by the back of my thighs. I wrap my legs around his waist slamming the door closed behind us he lays me down on the bed taking no time with slipping our close off discarding them around the room.
"Are you sure about this princess" he says just when he lines up collecting slick from how wet I am.
"Yes Luke jus need you." I whine arching my back when he finally pushes in.
Our groans almost pornographic as I could only see straight stars. I wrap my arms around his back scratching down.
He groans snapping his hips harder with more force.
I'm definitely gonna be sore in the morning.
I wake in the morning with Luke laid on his stomach arm wrapped around my waist as I lay on my back.
I get up leaning on my elbows looking at all the scratches left on his back from the previous night. As well as the hickies running up from his jugular down to his stomach.
I smile tracing all of the cute little reminders to all the girls that might think that have a chance, that they don't.
"Morning princess" his deep morning voice grumbles out.
"Morning pretty boy, how'd u sleep?"
"Good" he gets up kissing me on my temple.
"You know sooner or later you have to get up and sneak back to ur cabin before my dad throws a fit." I say tolling my eyes.
"Yeah I know" he sighs getting up slinging on his shirt and pants sitting back down on the bad to give you a kiss.
"See you later princess" He says opening my window and escaping into the back of the cabins.
I sigh not really believing yesterday happened. All of a sudden I hear an obnoxious banging on my cabin.
I get dressed with Luke's hoodie and my shorts underneath. Only to open the door face to face with my father.
"Burn your house down.. really?" He scoffs.
"So you're angry?" I squint, just happy the topics not about a cute tall muscular brunette who just hopped out my window moments ago.
"Where is it." He whispers looking around frantically like someone would hear him.
"The alcohol I know you have it."
I shake my head smiling.
"Well halfway into the party Chiron busted us and took it, sorryyyyy" I say slamming the door in his face laying back down to sleep.
It's six in the morning and too early for this, I'll deal with the mess I made later...or never.
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Sooo ts is long and messy I'll fix it later.
Words: 2,545
Can you tell who inspired this whole chapter 🤗🤗 guess in the comments lmao.
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yeonjun4beagles · 1 year
drunk(in love)
a/n: hi hi ^^ this is actually based on that little snippet of drunk yeonjun from suchwita hahahahah i cant resist writing cuz really, he is so cute >< so enjoy reading~ reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated! also this is my first attempt on crack (?) so i don't really think it turns out well but wtv ( ;´・ω・`)
you've been friends with txt for quite some time now and really, you've had your fair share of drunken experiences with all of them. well, except for yeonjun. you really wonder why he's never really get drunk in front of you? does he feels uncomfortable? does he not trust you? or is he scary when he's drunk? sad? clingy? you can never guess.
and today you'll get the answer.
you're going over to their dorm tonight for games night and you've asked for soobin's help (well, not really help, soobin just have to make sure yeonjun drinks a lot today and that's not really hard for him) for your agenda.
"y/n noona!!", hueningkai squealed, getting up from his spot and throwing himself over you, almost making you both fall down. "you big puppy, missed me much?", you said as you ruffled his hair, the younger boy just grinning from ear to ear.
"oooof looks like you guys started early without me, huh?", you asked, sitting down across from soobin and yeonjun, the former giving you a knowing nod. the latter however kept quiet, his cheeks rosy from the alcohol. "now now guys, what about we play truth or dare?", beomgyu suggested, grabbing an empty bottle and putting it in the middle of the circle. oh, don't you love it when everything is going your way.
after a few rounds, you grew frustrated, the bottle never landing on that one particular person you're hoping for. at this point, you already has to drink beomgyu's 'concoction of love' as what he likes to call it, taehyun has already somersaulted from the table, beomgyu having to post video wearing ugly wigs, soobin and hueningkai choosing the safe choice of truth which leaves only yeonjun having not done anything.
"okay hyung, i am just gonna give you two choices, truth or dare", soobin said, holding the bottle and pointing it straight at yeonjun's face. the older boy whined, definitely not liking that he has to choose. "truth" "okay, confess your undying love for y/n".
soobin's requests surely had yeonjun suprised, his droopy eyes almost budging out, "that's not fairrrrr", yeonjun turned to soobin, shaking his shoulders and kicking his feet like a child.
oh wow this is certainly not like what you imagine drunk yeonjun would be, all his coolness flew out the window, leaving this cute child in front of you. you're certainly not complaining tho, reaching into your pocket and getting your phone, recording this precious gem.
"what's not fair? you did choose truth so don't be pussy now, hyung", soobin laughed, passing the bottle to yeonjun. he then grabbed the bottle, tapping it as if it's his mic, ready to speak. "ahem, mic check, okay", yeonjun straighten his back, adjusting his imaginary tie before he speaks. "tooooo my beloved y/n, my sparkling blue spring, i am soooo soooo grateful to have you, my goddess in my life", he slurs, his hand making theatric gestures. "youuuuu really make me feel like i'm human, not just an idol people look up to.... how do you do that? making my heart all flowery when you talk to me? ahhhh you really are amazing~ you should open a flower shop, y/n", yeonjun grinned, making the whole room laugh at him. oh he's so gonna regret this when he sobers up.
"let me show you how much i appreciate you with this dance i make for you", yeonjun suddenly stands up, almost stumbling into the table before soobin manage to catch him. "okay now that's enough, hyung. let's go sleep", soobin sighed, practically having to drag yeonjun's ass to his room.
"Y/N DONT LEAVE YETTT COME TO MEEE", you can basically hear yeonjun's whining from his room. now, you really know why he never gets drunk in front of you. such a cutie.
before leaving, you quickly sent the video you recorded to your group chat, knowing how embarrassed yeonjun would be when he woke up.
and as expected, the next morning the house is filled with roars from yeonjun and soobin, the older one chasing the other around the house for a beating. "COME HERE, CHOI SOOBIN, YOU UNGRATEFUL KID HOW DARE YOU!"
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Ooh, omegaverse gender assignment and pheromone hcs??
Okay, so fair warning, I haven't written for this in a while and I operate just a little differently, so it's probs not gonna be like everyone else's. I use truemates as well. I'm open to talking about how I usually write it, if anyone is curious. Also, I'm using scents that I think smell good, if you have different ideas, let me know, you may change my mind. (Not budging on the assignments tho)
Soap: Omega but uses very heavy scent blockers and heat blockers. Says he's a beta when asked. Usually can pass well. Smells like smokey vanilla
Ghost: Alpha, but also uses heavy blockers. Just straight doesn't answer when asked. Smells like books and bourbon
Rodolfo: Omega, sometimes uses scent blockers but he trusts the Vaqueros enough to not really bother. Was on heavy blockers the entire game though because of their guests. Smells like sweet wildflowers in the rain
Alejandro: Alpha, doesn't hide it. No need to. Smells like cinnamon and fresh cotton.
Price: Alpha, doesn't hide it, but uses blockers on missions for stealth. Smells like cigar smoke and whiskey.
Gaz: Depends on the story/ship, but I swing between Beta and Omega. Wears blockers if he's an omega, smells like a thunderstorm.
Graves: Alpha, reluctantly. Doesn't wear blockers unless stealth is needed. I dunno why but I think he smells like a sunflower field
Laswell: Alpha, wears heavy blockers, but is honest if asked. This woman smells like lavender and vanilla
Farah: Again, depends, but I lean towards Omega but doesn't hide it. Smells like brown sugar and fresh bread
Alex: Alpha, hides it. Smells like sweet bread dough.
Roach, just as a bonus: Beta, doesn't need to hide it. Old books and smoke. (Heh, sorry.)
I dunno if I’d ever do a full fleshed AU for omegaverse, but I may be persuaded to rewrite a few missions here and there from an ABO perspective.
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asterrrific · 1 year
How I think SKZ would react if they see you sleeping on their side of the bed🌱
Scenario: SKZ comes home late. You told yourself that you'd stay up and wait for them but it's already waaay past midnight and you were already waaaaay too sleepy.
Genre: fluff fluff
Warnings: none
OT8 x reader
"Y/N???" over and over and when no one answers, he concludes you're already asleep.
Would literally tiptoe all the way to your room up till he lays in bed with you.
"Wait, y/n's sleeping on my side of the bed tho-"
Will try to carry you back to your side but you stirred so he draws back and sits for a bit to think of something else.
"Oh, whatever." and proceeds to sleep as he lays on your side of the bed instead and cuddles you to him.
Realizes you're already asleep when he notices you already tucked in so he shuts his mouth immediately.
"Wait, that's my side y/n's sleeping on! Y/N! (lightly taps your leg) HEY Y/N!!! (REALLY taps your leg) THAT'S MY SIDE, GO BACK TO YOURS."
You follow and go back to your side ✨grumpily✨ but he follows right after you. He grabs you by the shoulder and turns you so you're facing him.
"I'm kidding. I missed you." starts to pepper you with butterfly kisses and you smile in your sleep.
Knows that you'll be asleep by the time he comes home.
Does his business quietly as you sleep on to dreamland.
Was about to go to bed and cuddle you when he realizes you're in his spot and hugging HIS pillows.
"Aww, fine. You can have my pillows. You're better to hug than those."
Slips in carefully so as not to disturb you but you still feel him as he pulls you closer to his chest so you mumble his name.
"Shh, go back to sleep. I love you." as he drops a kiss on the top of your head.
Mans would 🤨 when he sees you sleeping in his spot.
Would rant to the air about why you should sleep in your own spot instead as he prepares himself for sleep.
"What am I gonna do with you?" he wonders out loud as he tries different ways on how to move you back to your side.
Stops in his tracks when he sees you smiling in your sleep.
"Okay, just this once. Only coz you must be having sweet sweet dreams rn and i dont wanna ruin it for you." then he slips in behind you, bidding you good night as he leaves a soft kiss on your neck.
Rants to you on why he looks like a sleeping chipmunk when he's asleep while you look like a sleeping princess (as if you could hear him.)
"Cute, y/n's snuggling with my pillows🥺 aww."
Tucks both of you in, then wraps his arms around your waist as he burries his face on the crook of your neck.
He feels you stir a bit in your sleep so he feels for your hand, squeezes it, then holds it in his as he rubs lazy circles on the back of it using his thumb.
"Baby, hi, I'm home."
Wakes you up gently but he doesn't realize you fell asleep in his spot yet until you apologized about it.
"It's okay, baby. You can have my spot anytime. I'm sorry I came home late."
Kisses your forehead and tells you to go back to sleep and that he'll join you later, he just gotta take a shower first.
Carefully slips in behind you but you still feel him so you turn and face him, your eyes still sleepy but you watch him get settled.
"Missed me that much? C'mere, you can lay on my chest, I'll snuggle you back to sleep."
Gives you lots of forehead kisses until you both fall asleep.
Goes about his bedtime routine silently while throwing glances at your sleeping form.
"Y/N fell asleep on my spot again."
Tries to roll you back to your spot but you won't budge.
"Y/N... Y/N wake up, go back to your side of the bed."
Gives up when you don't follow suit.
"Fine, but just this once." he smiles as he goes around the other side of the bed so he can finally settle in with you.
Looms over you to watch you sleeping soundly then swoops in to give you a lingering kiss on the cheek before going back down beside you, arms around your waist.
Immediately tries to carry you back to your spot.
SUCCESSFULLY carries you back to your spot.
"Y/N always sleeps on my spot when I'm not around."
Your eyes flutter open as soon as you feel him get in bed after taking a shower.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you? I had to carry you awb because you were sleeping in my spot."
Tells you not to worry about it and that you can sleep on his side of the bed anytime but tonight he invites you to to cuddle with him.
Asks you to be the big spoon because he missed you too much today and that he needs your hugs to recharge.
Time check: 1:16am🥹 I had to write this down jajfsoxhaha I was about to go asleep when I wodered what it would be like to have skz come home late to you 🥺
As always, thank you for showing my other works some love! (I had it pinned now) if you have any requests, I'll try my best to make it for you!
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Hello! I'm not sure if you take requests or anything like that but I was wondering if you could plz write Kanto! Mikey x Reader where a gang has a knife to their neck and Mikey saves them (the reader doesn't get hurt). I love Kanto! Mikey and I wish I saw more writing for Kanto! Mikey. I also love protective Mikey lol.
It's ok if no tho! :)
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 "𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲" 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝚂𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚊𝚗𝚐
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: 𝚃𝚘𝚔𝚢𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 "𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢" 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 , 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚜 𝚞𝚜𝚞𝚊𝚕, 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚁𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Kanto Mikey my beloved 💀 my twisted beloved who gave me a heart attack on those chapters. Also good for you that I love protective Kanto Mikey, no matter how much of an asshole he can be.
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Mikey's first concern is how the fuck did those guys get you?
Seems like he needs to up security and make sure to lock you up better when he leaves home.
Shock then turned to anger. Seeing you so scared really made Mikey furious... Like Dark Impulses™ immediately come out after processing you were the one who had a knife to their neck.
He managed to save you from there in mere seconds, before the knife even touched your precious skin.
Unfortunately you'd have to witness your -captor- boyfriend beat the living shit out of the person.
Literally, everyone is kinda circling and observing how Mikey kills someone by punching the guy. Even after the leader of the gang hastly said they give up Mikey didn't budge -Watch Sanzu cheer-
He kept the members of the enemy gang there and didn't let them leave. What they did was unforgivable after all.
You're rightfully scared so Kakucho did the responsible thing to pull you away quickly so you wouldn't see what was happening. Knowing you were in a traumatic situation then this happening didn't make things better.
"Just who the fuck do you think you are, huh? Not only did you touch my angel but you tried to harm them too? I'll kill you- I'll fucking kill you."
The message was pretty clear. People shouldn't touch you let alone try and hurt you like that. Nothing can stop Mikey, nothing. Not even you.
Mikey probably felt so angry but also so scared, scared of the possibility of you getting hurt and losing you.
Mikey then quickly turned to check up on you, good thing he found you trying to calm down by Kakucho.
Gonna grab you with his bloody hands, expression still stiff and fixed into a glare while kissing your forehead.
But the he sees how you're still trembling in his arms despite him being there, noticing fear in your eyes when you looked at him.
Suddenly Mikey felt bitter.
Now his glare turns into slight annoyance, giving *you* a cold look.
"You... Aren't scared of me... Are you angel? I was just protecting you... Don't be scared of me."
You wanted to scream and say yes but you knew you'd be getting yourself in even more trouble.
It was so hard to pretend you loved Mikey unconditionally and seeing him kill someone with his bare hands again scared you even more.
But you pulled yourself together, letting tears fall as you held his bloody hands. You still loved him. You had to.
"I-I'm still scared... Mikey what if they... What if they killed me... T-Then hurt you?"
Whether Mikey knew you were acting or not wasn't clear. But he knew you did feel like that because he made you love him.
Mikey's expression would soften once hearing your words before he picked you up.
You calmed down after that, leaning onto Mikey- as you should always do.
He gave a few orders to his men before leaving with you.
The ride home was silent, even as he washed all the blood off you and himself while gaving you a bath. Deciding to speak only after taking you to bed.
"You weren't hurt were you?"
"No... Thank you for saving me."
"You don't need to thank me for that, I love you angel, I can't live without you."
Whenever you were alone in your bedroom, Mikey would hold you so gently, cuddling you and kissing at your forehead.
Mumbling how he wanted you to love him forever. Even more so tonight because of what happened. Promising of how much he loved you, probably falling asleep because of your presence.
He wanted your undivided love, attention and affection, only on him and no one else. It was the only thing that can possibly keep Mikey there and not give into everything, he could try and keep everyone safe by being away from them but not you, just not you.
You will stay by his side. He can't give you up. Otherwise he really might go crazy.
This time he also promised he'll never let something like that happen again while hugging you tightly.
Maybe it was moments like this that made you fall for him but you never glanced over to see Mikey's expression when he made that promise.
Knowing the blond would look as uncaring and cold as his voice was when he made another promise.
"I should lock you away... It's easier, you won't get hurt, I'll know where you are... I can do that right? It's for your own good."
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can i get some headcanons for jacket , hoxton , sokol , and bain with an s/o who is an over-achiever ? for example , s/o would secure as much loot as possible , regardless of how long it takes or the risk of injury being higher the longer they stay . i might just request some more later , but i'll do my best not to bombard you with a bunch . thank you !
Hi! Hopefully the wait was worth 😭
Jacket, Hoxton, Sokol + Bain with s/o who's an overachiever
- I'm sure he definitely admires your determination fr
- I mean ambition is kind of required in a job like this so he gets it too ofc
- But even he knows you go a little too far
- 'Vamos!' is what he would spam as he saw you staying behind
- No but fr he is stern when you take it too far
- Like he gets ambitious too ofc
- He does kind of match you too
- I feel like you guys both match each other and also balance/keep each other in check
- Like when he pushes it too far you're there for him
- 'Okay, that's enough bags... about 8. Let's go Jacket!'
- '10.'
- 'No-'
- (As he's being shot) 'Diez.'
- '....JACKET....!!'
- You literally have to drag him by the ear
- Eventually you just hold his hand and move so he doesn't suddenly leave again
- (He may or may not stay behind on purpose so you'll hold his hand)
- Okay but anyway if YOU'RE the one who stays behind my guy will waste NO time getting you back fr
- 'Just let me get just one more-'
- 'NO.'
- Yes, he will hold your hand and drag you
- 'Just 5 more min-WOAH WAIT-'
- The last thing the cops see is Jacket just carrying you while you flail about 💀
- (Dw cops idk what's happening either)
- I'm ngl he kind of likes doing this anyway bc yay holding hands and holding each other
- The others do tease/make comments
- If you're already together he doesn't mind
- If you aren't they get death glares (don't out the man of his crush oml)
- OH also y'all be the kinda cuties to like... heal each others wounds after oml
- Like Jacket he also matches this energy
- But better bc you both get hyped at the same time
- If you're rlly ambitious, he's not far from it too
- 'We can get more guys, come on!'
- 'You heard them lads, move it!'
- Dallas/Bain likes to bring you two together especially on loud heist's bc uhm
- But the only difference between you two is that he knows when it's time to go and you don't
- But this is sort of good bc at least he knows when it's too much
- 'Alright (Y/n), you'll be full of lead if you don't leave this time. Come on.'
- That's his calmer request if you usually follow him
- If you're stubborn tho?
- He probably would grab your arm or drag you fr
- It's rare for him to actually pick you up bc idk I guess he isn't that kinda guy???
- Unless you're injured ofc
- 'What'd I tell you? I swear to god you're such a dumbass.'
- 'Yeah, but I'm your dumbass.'
- You're right
- Y'all are each others dumbies
- You always stick by each other tho so it's ok :)
- You guys are like the power couple that argues (in a lighthearted way usually)
- A couple that fights together stays together ig
- OH also if it ends up he's the one that gets hurt bc of his arrogance?
- 'What'd I tell you Hox? One day you're gonna have to listen to me!'
- You'd tell him while patching up
- 'Shut up.' (/lh)
- He'd let out a dry chuckle as you'd mock him more
- Y'all are so cute oml
- Y'all are like the frickin chaotic combat gremlins
- Bc y'all actually both go too far oml
- See, you and Hox match each other in energy
- 'Come on, Sokol! We can get one more!!'
- 'One more? I THINK WE COULD GET 5!'
- Y'all be running into straight death bc you missed a deposit box oml
- Calm down omd
- If Dallas or one of the older heisters are with you two I stg they just turn into tired parents LMAO
- I may have exaggerated a little
- Bc while Sokol is overambitious, he is also quite mature and aware so he does know when to stop (sometimes)
- Though sometimes it does become a little difficult in the heat of the moment
- Especially when you're there to encourage him
- But if one of you gets hurt bc of it? The fun stops
- 'Блять, (Y/n), you- Don't worry, I'm coming!'
- It's like a wake up call when one of you gets hurt or something else really bad happens
- He always feels a little guilty when you get hurt
- He feels like he's sort of the undeclared third in command (Bain at first and Dallas at second) so he feels like he caused this
- Even if you coerced him into doing it, he still feels a little bad
- 'Next time, stay closer to me..!'
- Ofc he likes your ambition, it's kind of what made him like you fr
- But he can tell when it's too much, since he has an overview of the mission overall
- 'Alright gang, let's get going. You too (Y/n), get to the van!'
- 'Hold on, just one more-'
- 'No! Get in the van now, (Y/n)!' (bro you got candy in there or something)
- He's definitely stern about you going too far, but it's bc he worries ok
- He literally does get grey hairs when you go out like that
- OH and if you do get hurt? AAAAAA-
- 'Shit, (Y/n), get out of there!!'
- Obviously he can't get you himself, but he can help you with directions, whether if it's to the escape, or just to somewhere to hide
- 'What'd I say, (Y/n)? You're being too reckless again. The loot isn't worth more than your life.'
- He's like a worried/stern parent fr
- (bro unrelated but I just got reminded of that voiceline where Bain calls himself 'daddy' and I'm going to cry)
- Anyways, he really does get worried for you, because he knows that if you get injured he can't even go get you himself :(
- 'Please, (Y/n), try to have sense of mind this time, or I'll pull you out of the fight.'
- He does make sure that if you are always gonna be stubborn about it, Dallas or someone from the og gang is working with you so they can keep an eye on you or pull you out
- He does love you he just acts a little strict sometimes <33
- He doesn't like to be too public though so that's why he sort of doesn't treat you as different???
- Though everyone can usually tell with the tone in his voice
- If you're on a solo mission (more specifically stealth) he's more affectionate though !!
- Calls you love and is more... tired sounding??
- It's just that when he's with you he feels more comfortable to let go a little and hide his emotions less
- He trusts the others ofc, but when it's a team he feels like he needs to pump them up
- (I headcanon he's like this with the ogs as well)
- He's more affectionate when you try be stubborn and stuff
- 'Love, you're going to get caught if you go back. Please get back in the van.'
- This is as affectionate as he rlly gets tbh
- OH also please thank him for his concerns, if you do it correctly he might be a little flustered >:D
- 'Thanks Bain. I know you're just worried. You know I love you.'
- He'll probably turn off his mic for a second to just process what you said (got the whole °/-/°)
- It only lasts for a second but its worth
- 'I.... love you too. Now come on, let's get back to the safehouse.'
- Y'all are cute oml I love y'all :)
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lundenloves · 8 months
I think it's more to do with the fact that you act like your writing of Ghost is the only correct way while you're consecutively diminishing others and how they write him. Don't get me wrong I'm not condoning that "racist"(?) anon but it's a bit rude? Like, none of us know whether Ghost would be into the whole hypothetical size kink it's just a fandom fantasy, he's close to a blank slate of a character so he's a free real estate to build on interpretations bestie😭
Anyhow, slayyy on that bench, i wanna join you.
nah nah fr man, i’m not taking away from this.
GOD ok listen, i’m here for the blank slate. that is just a given. but bro, you’re proper sniping me 💀 consecutively diminishing is a mad two words and i’ll be first to raise a hand and say i have a wild tone over text but hello.
i’m gonna yap regardless yk i just base it on the shit that happened to him in comics and that’s the way i personally prefer it.
i’ll budge up on the bench tho
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i even drew you
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a-library-of-old · 1 year
Heeyy #1 non anon again! Do you have any headcannons on baker reader coming out to Jack Horner as nonbinary?
Your writing is awesome as always! ^_^ ❤️❤️❤️
Ayye welcome back! As a nonbinary I am obsessing over this ask but also thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing^^
I'm gonna break this into two because I feel like his reactions gonna depend on if your just a worker or you guys have some romance goin on
So as a worker he's honestly not gonna care man
Like look at his bakers dozen alone? None those bitches straight man hell he ain't even straight. His hair alone is so gay smh
I will say, though, he'll remember your pronouns for when he needs to yell at you but not your name
An asshole with class if you will
He does cover medical transitions and such for his employees tho so if your nonbinary and wanna be more masc or fem looking he's gotcha
Now as a partner!? He still doesn't care that much
Will kill someone for knowingly getting your pronouns wrong
He himself immediately switches to your preferred pronouns and if you say you where nervous or scared about telling him he'll comfort you about it and how he still loves you and doesn't care
Will come to the surgerys and such if you want them as well plus make sure you get the best care possible while recovering
This is more about you being a baker but he'll hold you to a higher standered of production just cause to him if your dating him? Can match his standards? Let's just say he's impressed and isn't budging on those standards either
Oh and his pet names for you where already gender neutral so they just stay that way
Adding this now cause I thought about it, he'll buy you a whole new closet of clothes if you were dressing overly fem or masc because of still being in the metaphorical closet
Jack will host a pride parade but doesn't like going to them because of all the people acting in ways beneath him and such (please try to drag him to one it be so funny)
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pastery1 · 2 years
Enstars Tickle Hcs (Part 12)
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MaM/Double Face:
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A/N: I decided to skip a few and do this one bc he's the only one in the team, plus he's in two teams according to safari (since I haven't watched it up to this guy yet.) And the second team had him and someone else in it, but I alr did him, so I'm only gonna be doing him.
Madara Mikejima:
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He's not ticklish at all. He loves tickling Kohaku tho, js bc he loves the way he squirms and begs. He rather tickle ppl who hates it more so ppl who likes it. Not that he hates those ppl who likes tickling, he js loves hearing the lee beg and plead. He would pin Kohaku down and tickle his worst spot first, then his least spot. He once went to his house and got his two sisters in on it, helping the older one tickle the younger one. Thanks to the advice Rinne gave to everyone abt Kohaku being rlly fucking ticklish, it's been his mission to tickle him everywhere and everytime. Not a lot abt him being a massive ler.
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A/N: Decided to make this a little longer.
Sora Harukawa:
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Cutest fucking Switch member!!! He thinks anything tickling wise is so FUCKING cute~. He has a younger sister who he loves to tickle though he gets more tickles than her on the daily!!!!
Natsume and Tsumugi came over to Sora's place for a dinner night expecting it to be boring, but what they didn't realize is Sora had a little cute secrete he's been harboring.
"Come on Sora, ur dad said it's time to eat." Natsume whined.
"Climb down from the tree." Tsumugi.
"I'm not budging." Sora had his arms wrapped around the branch of the tree, w/the rest of his torso and lower body hovering inches above the ground.
"Is there anyway we can get him down?" Natsume whispered to Tsumugi.
"I mean we can try the thing he always does to us?"
"Ur brilliant, Tsumugi!"
Tsumugi and Natsume walked teasingly over to the youngest one, and squeezed both of his sides, making him collapse on the ground, doubling over.
U'd think they quit tickling him AFTER he let go of the branch, but they loved how cute his giggling was, they didn't wanna stop here j yet.
"Sora~ We didn't realize how cutley sensitive u are!" Natsume was tickling his side, making sure to tease him in the process.
Sora was laying on his opposite side in a fetal position, "Nahahahahahah, guhuhuhuhuys!"
Tsumugi started to lightly skitter the back of his scrunched up neck. "EEK!"
"Thanks to the help of ur sister, we know u like this, so we weren't planning on stopping anytime soon." Natsume.
"We still dk the spot that'll make him melt."
Right after Tsumugi had said that, Sora's little sister stood in the door way and decided to help them a little bit, "Get his knees, that's his sweet spot."
Both boys looked up then back at Sora w/ the most teasiest, menacingly, evil face, he has ever witnessed.
Yh, Sora was pronounced dead that day. He does in fact really like being tickled, and it's been his mission to tickle both of his teamates in hopes they'll tickle him back. Ofc, it's been a few pokes here and there, Natsume or Tsumugi tickling him to knock him down a pair, but the first time he actually got tickle ganged was that night when he invited them over for dinner. He was thanking his mom for the suggestion after they left. His family knows he likes being tickled and likes tickling ppl bc he felt safe and comforted to open up to them abt this. (To anyone who likes tickling, it's pretty hard to tell ppl). They took it the good way, and surprise Sora every day w/ tickles, especially his birthday. He will tickle u until u beg him to stop, which he tickles Natsume and Tsumugi until he wants to stop, not them. His death spot is his knees, obviously. And his laugh is very cute and bubbly.
Natsume Sakasaki:
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Is he ticklish? Yes. Does he hate it? Yes. He got tickle ganged up on by Sora and Tsumugi, ofc.
"NAHAHAHHA SORA!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! STAHAHAHAP!" Natsume was running around the dorm room, being chased by an evil ler behind him.
"What did u do now, Natsume," Tsumugi asked, like this happened more than once.
"He locked me in the closet! U know how much I hate dark places! Now accept ur punishment. A... TICKLE ATTACK!" Sora pounced on Natsume, wresting him to the ground.
"TSUMUGI, DON'T JS STAND THERE!! HELP ME!" Natsume yelled across the room, in hopes Tsumugi would be on his side.
Though, his hopes and dreams would soon be flushed down the toilet.
"He's the shortest one here, just push him off of u, it's really not that hard."
"He's strong when he's determined to get what he wants- AHAHAHAH NO!! PLEASE STAHAHHAP!! I BEHEHEHEHG U!!" Natsume was interupted by Sora manging to pin him down, and tickling his armpits, but it still felt like he was wrestling a bull by how much he was struggling to get away.
"I- could use some- h-help here, Tsumugi." Sora stuttered, trying to get Tsumugi's help to pin him down fully, while still focusing on tickling the latter.
"Huh, I don't see y I shouldn't help u. Alr! I'm bored anyways." Tsumugi rushed over, pinning the red head's arms stretched out above his head, underneath the glasses man's knees.
Sora took this opportunity to dig into the hollows of the lee's armpits. Thank the tickle gods he wasn't wearing a shirt. This gave easy access to the sensitive skin.
"Ur armpits are so sensitive, and smooth. Do u shave them? Or do u never grow hair here?" Sora teased and cooed, scraping the sharp nail of his index finger up and down the vulnerable area.
"Kr- S-Stahp! S-Stop!" Natsume clenched his teeth, trying not to give the younger the satisfaction he wanted.
"Awww, that's not what we want to hear~ I want to hear u scream~" Sora said very quietly into his ear, making the red head screech and scrunch up his neck.
The youngest one began to lick the older's bare under arms.
"That's not a nice thing to say. And I was just abt to let u go, darn. Guess ur in need of another hour of a tickle torture. Tsumugi?"
"Hold him tight"
"On it."
He hates being tickled bc he gets tickled so often he became rlly sensitive to it where he hates it now. Sora thinks he likes it bc of how many times the red head ticks him off ending up in a whole tickle mess, but he's just naturally a prick, and loves to mess w/ ppl. He does tickle Tsumugi all the time too, wnding up in a tickle fight and him always winning. He'll tickle other guys that he's close to, js to hear them laugh. Once he was younger, like 4, he loved being tickled, until he got to an older age like 9 and his parents realized they should tickle him senseless, bc he's not a baby anymore. So they would pin him down and tickle his worst spot till he pissed himself, that's where him hating being tickled began. Yh he hates it, but he'll murder u if u tie him down and tickle him, bc he hates being tied down (canon). His worst spot is his armpits, and his laugh is very loud and boisterous.
Tsumugi Aoba:
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He's canonly ticklish, and he hates it (canon or not). He grew up w/ an older brother so he's always subdue to a tickling mess. Natusme and Sora wanted him to go outside and play in the snow, but since he hates the cold he declined, until he was persuaded by the youngest member's actions.
"Come on, Tsumugi~. Come play w/ me and Natsume."
"Please~ we can build snowmans, make snow angles, have snow ball fights, maybe we can even make an igloo!"
"An igloo?" both of the only logical ppl in the group asked very confused at that too.
"I'm just putting down ideas." Sora shrugged.
"Well, anything u say or do, won't get me off this comftorable couch, infront of this hot fireplace, drinking my hot cocoa." Tsumugi took another sip of his hot chocolate, propping his feet up on the coffee table.
Sora shared the same look as Natsume, "Is that so?~"
They both walked over to the comftorable man.
"Uh, what do u guys think ur doing?!" He exclaimed as Sora took the hot cocoa away from him so he would't spill it.
"We're gonna tickle u out of ur seat." Sora beamed, crawling on the couch towards him, as Natsume innerlocked both of their arms so he couldn't go anywhere.
"No... NO! Please! Anything but that!! I'll go outside!! We can even build that igloo u wanted to build so much."
"No, now I wanna hear u laugh." Sora said, scribbling his fingers on the oldest's sides. "Ur sides r so hard, do u work out?"
"That's not the answer I was looking for, gigglee."
As stated, he hates being tickled. He would always be tickled by his older brother, which in return, he will alwys get him back. He's the most ticklish on his team, and he is always his teams tickle targets, wether it be him being ganged up on or by one at a time. Even if he is the tallest and oldest of his team, he can't defend himself worth of shit. It's platonically true that smaller ppl r stronger when they're trying to accomplish something. He didn't know he was ticklish till he was 6 and his older brother wanted to tickle him. He hated how his brother would always tickle him, and it feels more of an uncomfortable situation for him. One of the reasons y he hates it is bc he doesn't know how his tickle face looks like so he didn't wanna look ugly to the ppl who tickles him(?) insecurity. And the other reason is bc he just hates the feeling of it. He especially hates being tag teamed and pinned down bc he knows for a fact there's no getting out of it. That's when he discovered his most ticklish spot, his sides, and his laugh is v cute and bubbly, and kinda sounds like the video below.
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It's been a long ass week and I've been studying a bunch so I'm gucking exhausted, and I have to do a little spot studying still, but otherwise I'm feeling as ready as I'll ever be for my exam next week. I only have 3 days of work next week in order to take two days for travel and testing, and I'm seeing most of my clients so I'll only take a bit of a paycut and will be plenty busy next week.
I'm looking forward to having a little study party over our old favorite Korean food one last time Wednesday night. I'll have to decide what I want as my last flavors from there. Definitely some extra radish tho. I love their pickled daikon.
I'm gonna spot check my developmental stages, DSM5TR updates, medication classifications, and modality contexts over dinner and music. I'm gonna ask wifey to help me chat it through, contextualize it all, and make it fun so I can keep my brain on it, and then I'm gonna take my meds and get some sleep. First thing in the morning, I'll have a couple white gummy bear Reigns, walk over to the testing center, and ace the bitch.
By the time I'm done, Wifey should be checking out with the dogs, so I figure we'll plan a meetup spot where we can all sit and maybe have some coffee or some breakfast before we head back home. I should know as soon as I'm done with my exam whether we're comforting me or celebrating my success, cuz they usually give you a lil pass/fail notice on screen before you leave. We'll be exhausted by the time we get home, so I figure just some sandwiches and cuddle up with a movie until we crash for the night. Then back up for work in the morning for both of us lol. I'll get to tell my boss the very next day whether it's victory or a retake so that'll be good, we can start planning my caseload and career trajectory accordingly.
I just can't wait for this to bot be the most pressing thing that's on my mind because I have other things I *really* want to turn my attention to, but because of how soon this exam is I can't really multi-task rn.
Like I really want to be able to start working on prepping us to move at the end of the year, for my medical appts next month, for some fun solarpunk house designing, some knitted quilting squares, and an embroidery project. But my brain is definitely not willing to budge until after the exam. I might be able to make room in my mind for the quilt squares this weekend if I can make the mental and emotional energy to go to a thrift store and a place for yarn. I really want to, so I think I will. I wonder who has lightly handled alpaca wool around here.....
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No pressure on ryan coogler but he actually knows what hes doing tho. But again marvel is marvel
Yeah but like I'm pretty sure these directors don't control the budget or the hiring. Like I'm pretty sure Taika can't say "actually I want the time constraints loosened and the cg animators to be paid more" he's just got to figure out how to make a Thor movie in the wearhouse green screen rooms they give him to work with and Black Panther's not gonna be any different. Marvel has a blueprint for how to make a movie with the maximum amount of human misery they can squeeze out and they're not gonna budge for some upstart who wants to make a real movie. Practical effects are dead and costuming is endangered in the MCU and it's not because all of these directors decided that they hate film and want to crush it it's because Disney is an assembly line the machinery of capital will keep grinding whether artists are there or not.
In addition to that, it doesn't matter how good of a movie Ryan Coogler makes. Even if he some how manages to turn out an objectively perfect Black Panther movie it's still going to be received poorly because Chadwick Boseman is dead and he's not recasting T'challa. That means the characters he has to work with are Shuri, Nakia, Okoye, M'baku, and Ramonda and then whoever else he decides to introduce or minor characters he chooses to expand upon. T'challa is dead, Kill monger is dead, winter soldier moved his white ass back to America and the future of Wakanda is female. Black Panther is about to become a female super hero. It's not coincidental that the movie that made Valkyrie lesbian and Korg gay was the movie that got heat despite being better than 90% of the mcu. This movie is going to get heat because of the misogynists. They don't want to see a woman on the throne, they don't want to see Shuri or Nakia take over the mantle of the Black Panther. People like you and I are not going to watch it because, despite how cool it would be to see the girls killing it, we're sick of the MCU and the fan boys aren't gonna watch it because they hate women. And there's gonna be a million hot takes about how this is actually the movie that's killing the marvel cinematic universe, when really the decline is because the audience can feel how robotic these movies are and this movie maybe did a little worse because the fan base of Tony stans that can usually be relied upon to turn out for every MCU movie are gonna skip this one because it's about black women. They're gonna call for Ryan to be fired just like they did with Taika and it's not gonna have anything to do with the quality of the movie.
I'm gonna go to this movie, I'm gonna be disappointed through no fault of the director or the cast, because nobody can spin straw into gold, and I'm gonna watch the marvel sycophants pretend that they don't like this movie for regular reasons when both me and the marvel sycophants know it's because they hate women.
If this post breaches containment the reason I'm talking about Taika Waititi and Thor is because this ask was in response to a previous post.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Darcy would always be the first to redeem herself. She's smart enough to know half the plans don't work out. It's good AU of her staying and not following her sisters. But I think if they were real biological sisters, Darcy would always be with them. I love the idea of Riven visiting her, this made my mind fly and I ship. I imagine Riven defending her from everyone because he knows she has changed.
It's a shame Rainbow didn't build a redemption arc for the Trix when they helped out in Season 2. It is true, they did not do it to help Winx and Specialists, but for them, but they acted. Something could have been built from that.
I am going to start this response off by restating that I am not a villain liker, I do not mesh well with villains sadly 😔😔
Also I'm really happy you like my little au!!! I've been obessed with Darcy's negative reaction to Darkar for a while now, and making it into a full au was really fun!!!
It's half Darcy being paying enough attention to see the plans won't work (unlike Icy who is blinded by hubris, and Stormy who doesn't pay attention) and half that Icy would never abandon her ambitions and Stormy is incredibly loyal. So Darcy would be the first to think about leaving and these two would refuse to budge
I don't think Darcy would ever leave both her sisters in canon. This is just for the Au. She cares more, so the remorse is powerful enough to quit
Looking back, if you choose to redeem Darcy in this Au it's perfect for Driven because she refused to go on with her sisters because she felt so bad about what happened to him. Did not notice that while writing fnsjksksm. I'm so glad your having fun with that!!
I don't know how you'd make a redemption arc out of the Mega Trix moment. As you said, they didn't act out of a redeeming quality, they were doing the same exact thing they always did but pointed at a new person. Tho, in your defense, I don't think the canon Trix are redeemable? So I'm just not gonna see it lol.
They're only redeemable in this au because they're constantly being influenced by the ancestral witches and choose to fight against them, while I've always seen the Trix as completely in control of their actions. That's probably just a difference in perspective.
I really like charismatic villains who know what their doing is wrong and keep doing it anyways, especially when the third act break down comes and they just completely crumble. So I find irredeemable Trix more personally compelling so I interpret the Trix to fit that skdjsjsjw
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10moonymhrivertam · 3 months
*pushes my Hazbin doc titles at y'all*
Adding Words to these is escaping me but maybe talking about them would help? Anybody wanna ask me about them?
Alastor Discovers WTNV
Stalled out for logistics reasons (either I couldn't decide how they were getting Earth media or felt I was underestimating how much Alastor has picked up about modern tech against his will)
Alastor Forced to Wrangle Tweens
I got hyper-aware that three of our main cast lived through the 20s and I like time travel, lol I think I just ran out of dopamine to chase here, but there was gonna be a thing where Angel and Husk attempt to summon Lucifer partly to see if he can put them back where they're supposed to be, partly to piss Alastor off.
Charlie v the 20s
Really similar to the above, but starts differently and has more than just the main cast remembering. Specifically, I had a bit of dialogue between Angel and Alstor's Mom occur while I was driving and wrote around it when I got home.
I just wanna mash them all together like action figures but writing the introduction has eluded me. Probably I just need to skip forward but I haven't tried yet. Main vehicle for the smashing together is: Blitz and Stolas are invited to the Grand Reopening separately (by Fizz and Charlie). Vague intention to set it after Stolas has given Blitz the crystal, so there are two angles I could write it from - so far I've only tried it on the 'they pulled their heads out of their asses' angle.
Molly Charlie ep 6 Meeting
This predated the Pentious fic, so they share some vibes, but I could see them being different if I expanded this one properly.
Pentious-Molly thing
The Pentious fic! I've made four drafts for the third installment but it isn't budging. I probably just need a new angle but I desperately wanna bring Alastor's Mom into the fic. Then again, I did imply in the first installment that his parents were in Heaven and then didn't touch that again, so maybe I aim for that instead. Or address how self-conscious I'm becoming of the fact that Heaven has the ability to contact Hell. I kinda wanted Hell to be oblivious to redemption but that's not super in-character for Emily. I guess Sera could block her... (can you tell I've worked on this one the most, lol? This post itself may be acting as a Coding Duck to help me start working on stuff again, we'll see. I'll still take questions if you've got some tho ❤️️ I'd love especially if there's anything you'd like to know about the drafts that may be DOA)
Why Am I So Bad at GC Fics
I dunno if it's the dialogue-only, the screen-names, the jokey atmosphere, or what, but I am in fact bad at group chat fics so this one may never happen even if I have really good ideas. ANYWAY! I wanted to do something with Vox being more powerful than anyone (even he) knew, and Hell's cell signals reach all the way to Heaven and they find out Pentious is redeemed when he responds to the group chat. I also love me some Alastor but would be forced to exclude him for OOC reasons. Maybe I could have him reading over Niffty's shoulder or something...
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