#I'm overwhelmed... overjoyed...
astro-inthestars · 6 months
Started watching Gem's new video and genuinely started tearing up from the sheer joy of hearing her voice???? Hello??????
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um, sorry abt the psychic damage, it will happen again
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gaypiratebrainrot · 2 years
i’m glad for my own sake i decided the touch-starved stede fic would only be five chapters instead of the originally planned seven but i’m also glad for the sake of my readers bc i think if it took seven chapters for them to kiss i might have accidentally killed some of y’all
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strangefable · 2 years
i’m in my feelings tonight, there’s so many amazingly talented people on my dash and tagging me and sharing their work and i’m just...
i love y’all. thank you so much <3 <3 <3
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fstbmp-a · 2 years
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hough this was so much thank y’all i needed that after this rocky day.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
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Hey everyone! As MANY of you know following last night...
I am a transgender woman!
Big moment for me! I have been for many years actually, I've been out in my public life offline for quite a while now! But I was always nervous about coming out online, for a myriad of reasons I don't really think I need to get into. But! I'm so glad I could come out in the silliest way possible. I'm super honored by all the sweet messages I've been getting, and it has me incredibly overjoyed that everyone has been so supportive of me. Thank you to everyone who supported me on this silly saga, and I hope it's been worth the wait! It feels REALLY nice to finally be out online, as this was really the last space I wasn't "upfront" about it. As much fun as being a mystery was, I much prefer being explicitly a girl online much like I am in real life.
A couple things!!! I don't want this to be everything about me; it's partially why I didn't come out earlier! I've seen how some audiences make the transness of creators their WHOLE thing, and I'd prefer it not be the thing that defines me. I LOVE being trans, and it's a big part of me, but I'd rather be known as someone who makes really cool art and not "that funny trans woman" (even though I am, hehe). I'm super cool with people talking about my transness, just don't make it the only thing about me!
Two, as fun as the pronoun mystery was, it's officially over! Sorry to the any/all-he/him-they/them punkitt truthers out there, btw. (Excited that my energy really isn't genderable at all, though!) So, even if it was fun that I was a gender mystery, I'd prefer everyone refer to me as she/her exclusively! No he/him, and I'd prefer not to be they/them'd consistently (although I know for some people it's the default and it's fine if it slips, and if someone just doesn't know that's not an issue in the slightest). Even if me being a funny gender wizard is entertaining (and it WAS, lemme tell ya) I want to have my identity respected!
ANYWAY that's all that LAME STUFF out of the way; I want to say thank you to everyone who's helped me along the way and the overwhelming support I've had in the time of me coming out to now. I'm incredibly happy I have an audience of such sweet, caring folks, and I can't wait to make more silly, fun stuff for everyone now that I'm truly allowed to be my silly, fun self online. Have a great one, folks! ❤️
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pakunod-a · 2 months
Malleus Draconia, who...
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...is fascinated by you. How do you manage to survive in a school of mages, considering your lack of magical power? You're a human, you say? Fascinating indeed. ...becomes your friend. Very close, practically inseparable. You, a lost, magic-less human in a world of mages, and him, a powerful mage hidden behind an air of elegance and intimidation. He understands you very well, what it's like to be different, an outcast. In turn, you surely understand his pains too, yes? ...feels overjoyed when you express that you too, understand what he goes through. Malleus Draconia, one of the five most powerful mages in this world, feels his heart leap when you tell him you understand him and how he feels. ...slowly confuses himself with your stories of your homeland. The nostalgia in your tales are overwhelming, the way you talk about your childhood home, your friends, your previous life before Twisted Wonderland's intervention.. it wasn't something he could empathize with. ...can't wrap his head around the fact you want to go home. Does he not provide you affection? The comfort of a home? Warmth? Are your primary needs not met? He has trouble understanding the need to find a way back home to your family; you have him, Lilia, Silver, and Sebek! Aren't they enough? ...gives in to the voice in his head urging him to protect you, to care for you like his own. His draconic instincts telling him to hoard what he holds dear to his heart, to guard what little he has to cherish. ...straight up kidnaps you. He takes you for himself, locking you up in a tower, vowing to guard it forever; just like a fairytale. ...won't let you go. There is no way home for you now. Please understand, he's found his soulmate—platonic or romantic—who he needs to stay by his side, forever. Malleus Draconia, who loves you. You love him too, don't you? A/N: disappeared for too long,,, must upload content,,, exams stressful,,, need outlet to spend sad energy on,,, almost out of high school,, must hang onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,,, if written grammatically incorrectly, i'm sorry. i'm not good in english :( i haven't written anything in a while, just went off of brain waves always, take care of yourself, keep yourself hydrated, and love yourself. take care >.< - 1, Yuan
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starry-nights-garden · 6 months
Ateez Reaction ✧ When their s/o struggles with physical affection
✧ Ateez all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: fluff, reaction, a bit of comfort? (reader doesn't dislike physical affection but feels awkward about it/isn't used to it) ✧ warnings: none
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will share touches with his partner naturally once you start dating, and he'll also be very quick to realize something's off about the way you receive them
doesn't think much of it when you don't really initiate any physical affection at first, after all you might just be shy or prefer your partner to make the first step and he's fine with that
but when you hesitate to hug him back or you let your hand slip out of his hold the first chance you get, he starts becoming suspicious
"Is something up?" he'll simply question you when you avoid his touch again, not liking the current potential for conflict at all
so in case you try to brush it off at first, he'll make sure to ask again, because communicating things like this openly is very important to him
when you do end up telling him that physical affection makes you feel uncomfortable because you're not used to it, he understands and immediately apologizes
will ask what you need of him for a chance to get used to it so you can enjoy it when you share touches, and he'll do exactly what you tell him to
if you need him to go slow, he will, if you need him to warn you in advance, he'll do that, if you tell him he should keep things as they are and you'll get used to it eventually, he will wait patiently for that moment
the most important thing for him is that you're comfortable, so whatever he can do to ensure that, he will!
he's definitely not one to overwhelm his partner with physical affection and tends to be careful with initiating it, especially if you haven't been dating for long
however, when even that seems like it's too much for you, he starts feeling a bit lost
becomes awkward around you, and when you notice the way he always holds himself back last moment whenever he mindlessly goes in to take your hand or to put his arm around you, you begin feeling bad for him
so eventually you just tell him that it's not like you hate being touched, you just don't know how to react and aren't used to it
there's both surprise and relief in his expression after hearing your explanation
"Then should I ask before trying to touch you?" - he wonders out loud and so that's what you agree on
and sure enough, him being careful makes you feel at ease, and you slowly get used to what it's like to hug him, to hold his hand, etc...
until you too start initiating physical touches, and this guy finds himself overjoyed whenever you approach him even just for a simple hug
he's only shy about touching you at the beginning of the relationship, and seeing you being even more shy about it gives him a lot of confidence actually
that's until the first time you instinctively duck away when he's showering you in just a bit too much physical affection
he questions it immediately and asks if he did something wrong, and when you're not sure how to reply he becomes very serious
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." 
makes you sit down with him because this is very important to him, and he doesn't ever want to hurt you
when you tell him that physical affection can feel overwhelming to you, he tries his best to understand and asks you some more questions to try to figure out where exactly your limits are
will be careful about how and where he touches you from now on, but at the same time he'll do it in a way that still feels natural, and not like he's forcing himself to act differently
once he notices you becoming more comfortable with his touches, he'll initiate them more often, and when you're the one to approach him for a hug or a kiss, he'll be both happy and flustered about it
sure enough you're soon more than okay with sharing touches with him, and even if at some point things get too much for you again, you simply have to tell him no and he'll give you space right away
he's awkward about physical affection as well, so he actually understands you quite well
to be honest he's thankful that you're not immediately all over him, because he needs a lot of time to adjust to people and to become comfortable enough to share loving touches
so while it might feel a little awkward, getting closer physically in tiny steps feels just right to the both of you
and because you're both taking your time with it, holding hands, brushing a strand of hair out of the other's face, or one leaning their head onto the other's shoulder will soon feel just natural to you
you do tell him at some point that you're usually not big on physical affection, but somehow with him everything feels right, and that's one of the moments he realizes just how much he loves and trusts you
this will end up in a kiss, maybe even your first, and even in the way he kisses you you can feel a slight hesitation quickly turning into him comfortably conveying his feelings to you
it's not that he can't understand how you feel, but he'll also inevitably sulk at least a little bit about it
he'll quickly pick up on your discomfort whenever he tries to hug you with a bit too much excitement or when you get overwhelmed by the passion he pours into his kisses
and he just can't but think that it's personal, and you act like that because you're not as in love with him as he is with you
but he's also San, meaning he really can't hide his feelings for shit, so he'll end up blurting out how he feels only the next day or so
he needs you to honestly tell him that you're simply a bit uncomfortable with and not used to physical affection, and then his mood will immediately change
apologizes about a hundred times for unknowingly making you uncomfortable, and will be very careful from now on
makes it a habit to ask every single time before he touches you, even when he can barely contain his own feelings for you he'll calm down as much as he can first and ask if it's okay to touch you
and soon you feel that him giving you the space to say yes or no and the time to prepare yourself for a hug or a kiss or whatever, actually helps you gradually come to enjoy sharing touches with him
very unsure what to do with this situation
he thinks you don't like physical affection since you never initiate it and when he does, you always seem uncomfortable
eventually starts wondering if maybe your feelings for him aren't that strong after all and that's why you don't want him to touch you?
but then again you always return his kisses, and when you're spending time together he undeniably feels loved
he figures that maybe there's a different reason to it, and he'll simply ask you about it
feeling embarrassed and somewhat guilty, you tell him that you're simply not used to physical affection and so it feels weird to you, but it's not that you don't want to share touches with him
so what he does is offer you a hug, spreading his arms apart and giving you an encouraging smile, waiting patiently for you to accept his offer
gives you time to relax in a gentle embrace, and helps you get used to the feeling by carefully offering you more hugs or his hand to hold from time to time from now on
he's not one to hesitate when it comes to physical affection and he actually thinks it's cute how flustered you get everytime he traps you in a bear hug, pulls you close, kisses you out of nowhere, etc...
however, it won't take long for him to realize that you're not just flustered, you're actually also uncomfortable, and that's when he very quickly tones it down a few notches
will confront you about it and tell you that you should've told him to stop whenever he did something you didn't like (he might actually sound angry in the moment, but that's only because he's so worried he might've actually hurt you)
when you eventually explain to him that you're just very awkward about physical affection and he was going a bit too fast for you, he'll be relieved for the most part
can't resist teasing you about it in the future and pushing your limits just a bit, but overall he'll be careful and he'll do exactly what you tell him you need in order to become more comfortable
soon, you'll find yourself being more than okay with being touched by him and even initiating a hug yourself, and as soon as he senses you're okay with it, he's going to be all over you
another one who's quick to catch onto what's going on when you avoid his touches or you don't return them
he's not the biggest fan of physical affection either so he gets you, and he can mostly do without it if you really hate it that much, though there are moments where he'd really want to hold your hand or put his arm around you but he doesn't, so as not to make you even more uncomfortable
he will eventually bring it up to you if you don't speak up about it first, because he wants to understand exactly why you feel uncomfortable with him touching you
so when you tell him that you're simply awkward about it and don't know how to go about physical affection, he's pleasantly surprised
"So... you don't hate it?" 
and so he'll start trying out all kinds of small touches (after giving you subtle warnings so you can prepare yourself) in order to figure out what's okay with you and what isn't, and also to show you you don't have to feel awkward about it at all
and sure enough over time that'll help you get used to it, until touches shared between you two simply come natural and don't feel weird anymore
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planetsandthefates · 7 months
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"I am overjoyed, overwhelmed, and overly excited to say to you, 'Welcome to the Eras Tour!' (...) Tonight we're going to be going on a journey together, one era at a time. We're going to be traveling back in time through 17 years of music that I feel so incredibly lucky to be able to make, and you have been so kind to care for. We got songs about all kinds of things coming your way. We've got songs about like, style and we've got songs about heiresses, cardigans, and stuff. But this song that we're about to play for you now, that I'd love for you to sing along with us on, is just an old-fashioned love song, isn't it? I'll be your host this evening. I'm Taylor!"
— Taylor Swift, The Eras Tour (2023-)
(speech credit: @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes) (xx)
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 3 months
Brain went brrr on Frienships headcanon and reminded me that packs are a Thing™ in A/B/O so now my brain is brainrotting about how our boys' Friendo (when they're close enough as friends, gender dynamics don't mean squat) decided to declare to their bestie that they're a pack mate/family now.
I'm all about wholesome A/B/O tbh, nothing screams fluff than just platonic friends looking out for each other having all the cuddles in the world in cozy nests and then Friendo being hit with a sudden thought before declaring thou shall be my pack mate to the boys—
I went crazy and added basically everyone I've written for which means March gets to be part of the boys :P
I love wholesome :3
cw: omegaverse
Lying there in the comfort of their shared nest everything is calm and content. There's no where they'd rather be and if anything came up it better be important because there is no way they're leaving this comfort surrounded by warmth, their mixed scent, and their dear friend. Just as their eyes begin to droop they're startled awake by a sudden declaration: "Thou shall be my pack mate."
Is silent at first before he melts further into the nest. He's a little unsure how to feel but he doesn't feel bad about the situation and grunts in response when they ask him if he heard them. He does worry about the future and their reaction to his inevitable death but they reassure him they'll stick with him till the end as pack mates do.
He's a bit quieter with his declaration but he's just as happy to become pack mates with them. He actually starts purring though it's just as quiet as his declaration. The mara doesn't bother him for quite sometime after becoming pack mates with them and their presence only seems to ease his pain even more.
Jing Yuan
Pretends to be asleep after their declaration but is truly freaking out. Pack mates are serious business so he's honored to be considered as someone to be their pack mate. Once he's done teasing them or rather calmed down enough he responds to their declaration in equal measure including the odd way they said it.
Eventually does go to sleep because of how exciting and comfortable everything is. He pulls them into his chest and curls around them purring in contentment.
Snaps out of his sleepy daze so fast it's like he took an espresso shot. He looks at them in shock and amazement before he asks them if they're sure they want to become pack mates with him. Gives them the cutest smile once they reassure him that they want to become pack mates with him and he agrees to become their pack mate.
He watches over them like he used to but everyone can see he's glowing with pride and happiness after becoming their pack mate.
Teases them for their odd phrasing but he's happy of course, who wouldn't be happy to become someones pack mate after all? He agrees to be their pack mate without fuss and considers taking them on a trip to celebrate if they're not busy. It's a little hard for him to fall to sleep after they've made their declarations because he feels energized from the news.
His expression doesn't show much but he seems even more delightful to be around after this like a flower that's been freshly watered.
Dr. Ratio
Tells them that they're already pack mates considering their shared nest and all the other stuff they've done together. He does agree to become pack mates with them though he's a bit moody about it considering he had to make it verbally known to them. Now that he's more awake he grabs his knitting materials and begins to knit with shaking hands. He's got to get his overwhelming positive feelings out somehow.
He doesn't change too much after this but he does give them more handmade gifts and goes a bit easier on them when they've got some difficulties they have trouble solving.
He...never expected this that's for sure. He's overjoyed honestly but he's taken aback considering his whole "shady" lifestyle. He does agree to be their pack mate though with some flare of his own.
After this he's a little more open about himself though it doesn't seem like much to others it's quite a bit for him. Definitely looks out for them should they ever get themselves into trouble, even if it's trouble he'd normally avoid.
Dan Heng
Confused by their wording but he's happy he really is he's just still tense from his past where he knew he had a pack but things didn't end so well for them. A little reassurance goes a long way in easing his worries and he agrees to be their pack mate though he's still anxious.
Looks out for them much more diligently than before but he does ease up if they ask, he's just worried is all. Has a noticeable kick in his step from the joy he feels knowing he's got a pack.
Has the biggest dumbest grin you could imagine when the words register in his brain. He's so glad that they've chosen him to be his pack mate and agrees without hesitation. It's hard for him to fall asleep and might want to burn off some energy because he's overwhelmed with joy.
Looks after his new pack mate with pride and a little hop in his step. Everyone can tell he's they're pack mate and how much it means to him.
March 7th
At first she questions them about their oddly archaic language before what they said kicks in. Practically screams from how excited and happy she is. Tackles her new pack mate and hugs them as tightly as she can without hurting them.
She's never had a pack mate before- at least as far as she can remember- so she's pretty excited and touched to be chosen as her best friends pack mate. After that she'll take a celebratory photo of them in their shared nest and declare right back that they're her pack mate as well.
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shall-we-die · 10 months
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{A sudden sweetness}
#Part 1 📍 || #Part 2 || #Part 3
What will be their reaction when you suddenly pat them on the head after a hard day and tell them "Good job, darling."?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Obey me!}࿐
↬[Characters]•⊰ {Diavolo || Lucifer || Barbatos}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0009}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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• Diavolo would be taken aback by MC's actions and would be overwhelmed with happiness and affection.
• He may blush and be speechless for a few moments, before thanking them for their praise and affection.
• Diavolo would be moved by MC's tenderness and would feel like the luckiest demon in the Devildom.
• Diavolo's feelings for MC would be intensified and he would be motivated to be the best demon prince he could be in order to make them proud.
"Thank you."
• After being praised and affectionately treated by MC, Diavolo would be overjoyed and feel incredibly grateful.
• Diavolo would want to reciprocate MC's love and affection, so he might ask to spend some quality time with them or offer to show MC around the Devildom.
• Diavolo would be happy and content to be by MC's side, and he would be motivated to keep up his good work as the future demon king.
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• Lucifer was surprised, he’s never been talked to like that before. His face was a bright crimson red as he couldn’t help but blush. So, he glares at MC, as usual.
"I'm doing my duty as an Avatar. You do not need to praise me for such a trivial matter."
• And after he sees you're still smiling at him,
"Wh-what kind of demon do you take me for, MC!? I am one of the powerful lords in Devildom, not a house cat! Do not pat me on the head!"
• Lucifer may be surprised and embarrassed at first, but he will likely be pleased to receive the affection and praise from MC (He won't show it, no no no.)
• He might even be a little amused by the gesture but will appreciate it nonetheless. He is proud and stoic, but underneath all that, he too wants to be appreciated, loved, and comforted from time to time.
• Lucifer would react to MC's headpats with a surprised look, initially feeling slightly awkward at the show of affection (if it happens again). However, he would quickly come to appreciate the gesture and enjoy the feeling of affection.
• After a particularly busy day, Lucifer's appreciation for the comforting touch would be even greater.
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• Barbatos' cheeks would flush a warm shade of red as his heart flutters from joy. He'd find the touch so soft, soothing, and endearing, only wishing to stay in it a bit longer.
• He would be too much of a fool to even consider moving away from the comfortable embrace of MC's hand. The smile on his face would be more noticeable.
• His eyes shifted back down to you, smiling widely,
"MC, may I remind you, that I am just a butler, not your pet? Though the head pats and verbal appreciation is appreciated, this does not mean you own me."
• He pauses, looking at you with a teasing smile on his lips,
"Not that I don't enjoy the attention I am getting from you, MC."
• Barbatos would be left in blissful silence just experiencing the sensation as MC patting his head. He wouldn't move, unless prompted to do so. He would simply appreciate each soft touch and soothing words uttered. Even if he was just asked to pass a napkin or a cup of tea, he is not ready to let go of the intimacy.
• There are times he would close his eyes, feeling the comfort and tenderness in MC's touch. Even if he was called, he couldn't hear anything due to how loud his heart was beating and the butterflies in his stomach.
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I know it's all jokes and I'm taking this too seriously, but all those A.B.A. cheating/Paracelsus cuck memes going around on Guilty Gear twitter piss me off a little. Not because they're getting in the way of my ship or anything like that, but because they fundamentally misunderstand A.B.A. and Paracelsus' dynamic to a ridiculous degree
A.B.A.'s unstoppably obsessed with Paracelsus, her soul's consumed by almost nothing but the overwhelming desire to be connected with him at every single waking moment. She'd never even consider "cheating" on him for a second, and even if she did she wouldn't take it even the slightest bit lightly. If she were to ever feel even a hint of attraction to anyone besides Paracelsus, she'd immediately undergo spine-tearing amounts of remorse, inner conflict, rage, doubt, and a thousand other negative emotions towards herself for even thinking about "cheating" on her beloved "husband" for a millisecond. I'm not gonna yell at you for making lighthearted ship art between her and another character or anything, but to me it'd be pretty out of character for her to just casually love someone else without massive inner torment before, during, and after the fact.
All the Paracelsus cuck jokes don't work at all because Paracelsus would be nothing but overjoyed if A.B.A. were to move on from him and find someone who actually loves her back. To be a cuck you gotta be feel a) distraught that your significant other's cheating on you, and b) turned on by it despite the circumstances, and Paracelsus fits neither of those by a long shot. Though he respects and cares for A.B.A. as a friend, he feels absolutely no romantic or sexual attraction towards her, and wants more than anything for her to not be in love with him. 100% of the "marriage" stuff between him and A.B.A. was done entirely without his consent, he takes every opportunity to remind people that he's not actually A.B.A.'s husband and doesn't love her the way she does, and the only reason he sticks with A.B.A. at all is because he's literally incapable of moving on his own to get away (and also because she'd be devastated were he to leave and he's too nice to put her through that).
In conclusion, Paracelsus would be extremely happy if A.B.A. were to ever "cheat" on him, not because he has any cuckholdish or voyeuristic tendencies, but because the two of them aren't actually in any kind of romantic or sexual relationship at all in the first place (no matter how much A.B.A. believes they are) and he'd love for her to move on from him to someone who actually loves her back (both for her sake and his own)
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pow-pow1111 · 3 months
Lol I don't know how to write fanfiction but I hope you enjoy this! :)
Pairing: Sevika x fem reader
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♥ Sevika had a soft spot for you. She couldn't quite place it, what exactly it was about you that she was so fond of, but she cared for you immensely and would go to great lengths to protect you. You were special to her. You meant a lot.
♥ "Come back to mine, there's something I want to show you."
♥ You of course did not hesitate to agree. You nodded your head eagerly, a joyful smile playing at your lips as you entertained the thought of seeing Sevika's place. It was so exciting! She was such a reserved and private person, you couldn't help but feel curious to learn more about her.
♥ "I think you'll really like it..." She says with a subtle smile, her harsh face softened by your company. You felt so special when you were with her. She treated you so well, and the idea of her trusting you, willing to be vulnerable, was beyond touching.
♥ She wasn't like this with anybody else. Nobody had ever made her feel this way. Only you.
♥ Her home was cozy and secluded. The Lanes certainly were not a place of comfort, but Sevika's place was inviting and warm. She needed somewhere to unwind and relax what with the overwhelming stresses of her life.
♥ She held the door for you, a small nod of her head to invite you in. Your eyes sparkled. Quick, furtive peeks all around her home made you grin. "It's wonderful, Sev!!" You exclaimed gleefully.
♥ Your head perked up as you realized she had already disappeared into a further room. "Sevika?"
♥ Her large, muscular form emerged from the dark, something cradled in her arms. Your eyes lit up as you saw what she was holding. It was a small black kitten, fluffy and sleepy. The feline's tail swayed down from Sevika's gentle hold. It made content mews as it nuzzled into the woman's chest.
"This is Nori. Heard her mewing at night so I took her in." She glanced down at her cat and then back up at you with the same fondness. Her expression was bright, her smile warm. It was adorably uncharacteristic of her. "Thought you'd like her. You're nice and soft like she is."
♥ You couldn't control the surge of warmth you felt inside. Your heart fluttered. She thinks you're nice? Nice and soft? And oh my gosh, Sevika looked so adorable holding that cat so delicately. You knew she had a huge heart, but she didn't make it known to people. Seeing her like this was so attractive. Your attempts to hide your blush were futile, and you giggled to play it off.
♥ "Aww she is precious!" you beamed, overjoyed at such an endearing sight. Sevika carefully placed the cat in your lap. She smirked with a sense of pride as she admired you.
♥ "She's a pretty little thing, isn't she?"
♥ "Absolutely, what a sweet little baby-" you cooed, cuddling the small creature. "Thank you so much for letting me meet her!!"
♥ As you snuggled and played with the kitten, Sevika drifted into another room. All the while she marveled at your caring nature.
♥ "You want something to eat?" She asked, a thoughtful and gentle look on her face as she peered around the corner.
♥ "You cook??"
♥ "What, you surprised? I'm offended," Sevika bantered, a low chuckle following. "...Not well, but it's to my liking."
♥ "It's really nice..."
♥ "Hm? What's nice?"
♥ "There's so much I don't know about you, Sevika."
♥ Her breath caught in her throat. She evaded your eyes. "I'd like for that to change..."
♥ Those words were purely sincere. She moved towards you and sat by your side. Her fingers caressed the small kitten's dark fur, her arm grazing your body as she pulled back. She looked down at you with a certain intensity.
♥ "Look- I'm not willing to let people think I've gone soft, got it? You better not run your mouth." Sevika's voice was husky and harsh. You could not very well sense if she was being serious or not.
♥ "I'll keep your secret for a price," you teased playfully. You gave her a pretty, flirtatious smile.
♥ This seemingly caught her by surprise. "Oh is that so? Do tell," she jested, voice dripping with amusement. Her eyebrow raised, a smug look on her face as she eyed you with curiosity.
♥ You met her gaze with a soft, coltish expression. "If I keep your secret... May I give you a kiss?"
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🔞 Creación de una familia 🔞
Colonel Alejandro Vargas x afab!reader
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MDNI 🔞, smut, description of sex, missionary, p in v sex, breeding, overstimulation, getting pregnant, some fluff, bad Spanish, no description from the reader, not proofread;
Tell me if I missed any.
Hot, steamy sex with Alejandro to get you pregnant.
Words: 648
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Alejandro finds your moans to be like a beautiful melody, filling every inch of your bedroom as the sound of the bed creaking in rhythm adds to the intimate atmosphere. While thrusting slowly and deeply into your moist depths, he gazes down at you with glazed eyes and tiny droplets of sweat on his forehead.
His typically calloused hands glide effortlessly over your hips, sending shivers down your spine. Your legs are wrapped around his waist, trapping him. A small cry escapes your lips, and your body instinctively arches as his fingers teasingly graze your nipples. In response, his member twitches inside of you, signalling his heightened arousal. The pressure building in your core intensifies with each deep thrust, but Alejandro maintains a steady pace rather than increasing speed or intensity. Your eyes flutter open, and you gaze at him with desperation, yearning to reach climax.
The only word you can utter is "Alejandro..." His gaze pierces you. He knows your desires and needs. Your Colonel leans closer until his face is just a few millimetres from yours. His hands are on each side of your head, enveloping you in your world. Your noses lightly touch, and tears well up in your eyes as you desperately grasp his upper arms.
"Shh... mi amor," Alejandro whispers, gently wiping a tear away with his thumb. "Ten paciencia. Quiero disfrutar esto contigo." He continues, causing your head to fall back and your body to tighten around his member. His pace remains steady, and you are amazed by his patience. Usually, he would be pushing you into the mattress and thrusting vigorously by now.
“Look at me…“ His whispers tickle your ear, so look at him again. “We want to conceive a baby here and I don't want it to be like one of our rough sessions. I want to bundle the love between us for our future child. Do you find yourself, too?“ His words reach you, but you can't answer. You can only nod.
"Good." Alejandro gently places his soft lips on yours, igniting a fervent yet gentle kiss. Your tongues delicately intertwine, moving in a sensual dance. You embrace him, drawing him nearer as your arms encircle his neck.
For several minutes, the two of you remain in this position. However, when he suddenly breaks the kiss, it's clear that his patience has run out and his movements have become faster. “Mi amada… I'm getting close," Alejandro whispers. His penis thrusts in and out, and your tight pussy clenches around him, ready to milk him dry. You let out a whimper as you hear the wet sounds coming from your dripping cunt. 
Your legs begin to tremble, overwhelmed by the intense pressure building inside of you. You cry out his name, urging him to ravage your innermost being. His grunts fade into gentle whimpers and heavy breaths. The two of you are thoroughly aroused from your passionate foreplay.
Your cheeks are wet with tears, overwhelmed by the intensity. Yet, you maintain intense eye contact. The Colonel whispers sweet words as his pace becomes frenzied. His erection spasms, begging for release. Finally, your climax bursts like a balloon, a tidal wave of bliss overtaking you. You scream his name and quiver in his hold, but he doesn't care.
He persists in his haphazard thrusting, his face flushing and his voice calling out your name as he releases his seed into your waiting womb, covering it with his white liquid. Both of you remain silent, with heavy breaths replacing the earlier moans. Alejandro's head falls back, his eyes shut, his excitement slowly subsiding while your hands tightly grip his muscular thighs.
 You are overjoyed as your dream of creating a family draws nearer. Your heart is ready to overflow with love. As you glimpse him, tears of genuine joy stream down his face.
"I am ecstatic for our little one to arrive."
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thatfrailsoul · 1 month
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I'm completely new to this beautiful platform, but in just a few days we became so many that I'm simply overjoyed!♡ I want, with every post and reading, to become better and better with this platform and make it as comfortable as possible to interact with my pick a pile readings. And for this reason I have a little question for you:
Thank you for helping me out!♡ Now let's return to our reading...
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and in which pile it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that whenever you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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Deep down you already know and feel it, what they see when they look at you, what they feel when they stand so close to you, when you are in the same room... You feel and know it because the reason you really saw them was the incredible intention, gentleness, interest in their every word and gesture towards you.
You saw them because of the different rhythm in their steps, a different tone hidden in their voice as they talked and smiled at you. And while you now feel so unsure, while you are so afraid of projecting only your desire and seeing in them much more that there really is...
They can't stay still, looking for the right way to come forward, being still so unsure that you might accept them and allow them to come closer, allow them to see and feel more of you and of your world.
Because even if you know so little for now about each other, the desire to understand more pulls you both in and closer. Creating an exciting possibility for more.
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Although it's not by mistake that you feel something subtly moving and shifting between you as you continue to spend time together and learn about each other more... It's not the right moment to allow your heart and mind to be overwhelmed by this idea, by this chance for something more.
You are much more similar than you can imagine now, you are both so familiar with the pain of a betrayed heart. And while you are trying to overcome it thanks to the hope that someone new might be completely different from others... They are trying to heal themselves by protecting and hiding this part of their soul.
They are not ready. Not only for you or for this possible connection, but in general to love and be loved again. Simply because it still deeply hurts.
And being so soon, something more is really uncertain in this future that still needs to be written. And that depends on how much and when their heart will be ready to overcome.
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a-random-weeb · 7 months
Can I request ADA Yandere Dazai with a ADA fem reader?
imagine Yandere!Dazai kidnaps fem!reader cause he had enough of stalking. Acting all friendly in the ADA with her, only for reader to act oblivious to his advanced to court her. Fem!reader waking up after being drug by the Dazai, laying on an unfamiliar bed, being chain. Dazai walks in explaining all his love for her. Suprise suprise, fem reader explain he doesn't have to kidnap her and she was willing on staying for Dazai and proving her love for him
you basically just wrote the whole thing for me LMAO
But heres your summery but ✨longer✨ (Just like my di-)
Warnings: stalking, kidnapping, Yandere themes, a littllllee NSFW mentions and I think that's it
Disclaimer: this is not romanticizing Yandere stuff, this is fanfiction and is never ok in real life
It wasn't enough anymore. No, he needed more. Sure, he loved stalking you, watching you eat, sleep, game, whatever. He needed you to notice him, his affections, his love. Every day he watches you smiling and laughing with Kyouka, playing with Nanami, and having fun with people who aren't him. Every day he desperately tries to impress you, to make a move, but you always squirm around, looking away and leaving. He wish he knew why. He couldn't take it anymore, so he did what he had to do... He had to make sure he was the center of your attention.
Your eyes slowly flutter open, glancing around the monotonous room. Sun beams pour through the window, reflecting off the plain, white walls aswell as the hardwood floor. The flickering ceiling light and the soft, blue bed you lay on seem to be the only decor in the room. You try to sit up only to realize your wrists and ankles are restrained by chains. You try to stay silent as you attempt removing the chains from your limbs, hoping to not alert any unwanted attention to whoever brought you to this place. You find your efforts to be in vain, both removing the chains and being quiet, because you here footsteps approach the room.
"Hey Belladonna~" You watch as a hooded man enters the room. You can't hold your tears in as you violently thrust against the chains, attempting to break free.
"What the hell do you want?!" You scream, your eyebrows furrowing as big, salty tears stream down your face. The panic and fear overwhelm you as the anonymous man chuckles. He removes his black hoodie, revealing his true face.
"Dazai...?" Your eyes widden. Your emotions were all over the place now, anger, betrayal, confusion, anxiety, fear, panic... Too many emotions at once... He smirks at your squirming, "Why the long face dear?" You flinch as he approaches you, kissing your tears away, "I'm not gonna hurt you!"
"Get away from me-" he quickly covers your mouth with his palm.
"Shhhh, I'll explain everything." He smirks, but his face is tinted pink. "you see, I've liked you for quite some time. Everytime I went to flirt or make a move, you would avoid eye contact and leave. I've been stalking you, so I know you haven't noticed me... It's so cute when you touch yourself, or read smutty fanfiction at 3 AM, or laugh at a cat video. I can't get enough of you, so I had to take matters into my own hands... So I drugged you and kidnapped you, it was the only logical thing to do!" You think his actions were the opposite of logical.
"Dazai... do you know why I avoid eye contact and squirm?" He raises an eyebrow, shaking his head. You sigh, "It's because I love you idiot!" Dazai's whole face turns red, "Y-you what?"
"I love you!" And like that, your both blushing messes. Dazai would've never suspected that the reason for your avoidance of him was because you liked him! He looks overjoyed as he pecks your lips.
"So if I untie you, you won't try to run?" You shake your head, "You didn't have to kidnap me or tie me up! All you had to do was confess!" Dazai eagerly unties you, pulling you to his chest.
"I love you..." he whispers.
"I love you too..." You smash your lips against his, excited to live your new life with him.
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