#I'm proud of the pics tho
chevvy-yates · 2 years
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⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Vijay through the years – Part 2 of 4
|—2064: Sweet Sixteen. |
|—2068: Rebel Yell.
SHORT VERSION: (for the long version klick the Keep Reading under the time line and skip the short version) What has happened to the cute cinnamon boy from next door? The answer is simple: bad influence — through a girl named Reva, he met around 2065 and fell in love with. Vijay saw no sense in staying with his parents who didn't care about him anyway, so he went off to live with Reva and the gang she was in instead. The result? — three years of thievery, harassment, vandalism, violence and even murdering. He also started smoking, drinking and taking drugs. Reva was addicted to add cyberware to her body and in three years only she replaced more and more of it with chrome. That combined with hard drugs she was taking all Vijay was able to do was to watch her disintegration. It went so far, that she wanted him to modify his body as well, trying to force him, but he didn’t want to replace any of his limbs. Though he loved her, at some point he knew if he didn't break up and cut ties completely to everyone from that group it wouldn't have ended well for him. Well, it almost cost him his life because Reva turned Cyberpsycho one day, attacking him with her mantis blades that cut his throat, luckily leaving him alive but damaging his thyroid so, it had to be replaced with a synth one, visibly seen on his throat. After rehabilitation and finishing school, he set for a new start in a city far away from Portland: Night City. Vijay does not talk about this span of his life. He buried it deep down in his memories and would love to entirely forget about it, but the memories keep coming back in form of nightmares. And mantis blades can be a huge trigger for him.
| |—2073: Shock to the System. | |—2077: Neuromancer.
At some point of his life in 2065 Vijay met a girl named Reva. Well, you could already say she was a young woman, because she was about three years older than him. V was fascinated by her appearance because she didn’t look like any other girl he knew from school. She looked rebellious — dressed all in black, had a side cut and if he had to describe it in a style, he’d say she looked like a goth-punk-rock girl. He took a liking of her immediately. She was doing things he’d never dared to do, she smoked, she was fearless, she loved to prank and every story she told of herself sounded exciting to him. Vijay didn’t see it as bad influence on him back then but it definitely turned out to be exactly that. He was a naïve young guy who happened to be totally over the moon for her. She would spoil him almost completely.
One day, Reva offered him that she could get him a cyberdeck. Vijay was really into hacking and read a lot about cyberdecks and quick hacks. He had found himself a liking to hack into computers, servers and practically anything that is connected to the net by using his own devices just for reading about information while staying invisible. He took the offer and Reva took him to the place where she lived. A friend of her started to make himself a living by becoming a ripper doc and through him V got his very first cyberdeck. Of course, he had to do something in return for that because he couldn’t pay for it. The favor he had to do was hacking into Portland’s police data base system to delete a few files that gave any info on Reva’s gang. Easy task for him. Thrilled from that new triumph he licked blood and the gang saw potential in him as well.
Reva showed him the entire place and he met all the people she lived with — you could call them some kind of a nameless outlaw gang where everyone really seemed to live either some punk-rock or vampire-goth style (the last one is to take seriously as well, because at some point in those three years a few of the gang really started believing they were vampires, getting themselves vampire fangs, drinking blood and only be active at night). Vijay got excited — it was the entire opposite of what he’d known so far. Out of nowhere, he was thrilled to become a part of it. To break this cycle of his boring and often lonely life of the teenager he was. Following rules, taking orders, always be polite, learn all day so you get good grades — for what? He didn’t know what to do with his life anyway. So, he decided to join these people — not caring about school. Not caring about the future. Not even caring about his parents. They didn’t care about him anyway in the past 17 years. So, what?
That’s when he started being a different Vijay. He dyed his naturally ginger hair black, shaved his sides and added piercings over the following three years to his body. His wardrobe changed into one of a rocker-like style, so he’d fit the overall gang look and started living a life as a true Portland rebel outlaw. That of course included him starting to be involved into thievery, robbing, vandalism, harassments, using violence and also sometimes murder in self-defense. He taught himself to shoot a gun at a self-constructed shooting range and he developed his skills in quick hacking where he definitely found a liking in using mostly non-lethal or useful hacks at first such as Overheat, Short Circuit or Breach Protocol and Cyberware Malfunction. Once he experienced that he was also able to kill someone by also using quick hacks only such as Suicide or Synapse Burnout he kind of felt inviolable. But he was also scared after using it the first time. The sheer power it gave him to decide about life and death was something very dangerous he could play with. He had to keep himself under control not to use it too often because it awakened a rush deep inside him, a superior feeling of being untouchable, that he could be the one deciding whose life was to hang by a thread. He agreed with himself he would only make use of it in desperate situations.
Of course, he also started to smoke, drink and — yes, he also took drugs. Why? — Because everyone did and they all said it was a great feeling it gave you, so Vijay didn’t hesitate any moment. He had no fear of taking some but consumed mostly Blue Glass or Stim drugs, though. The hallucinogenic Blue Glass had this amazing flashing out effect on him, where he often stared blankly at pretty neon colors in his mind that began to form the craziest 80s style vaporwave worlds he could have ever imagined — and he already had a very bright imagination without the use of any drug when he was daydreaming escaping into his fantasy worlds back when he was still a kid. Somehow, he had been rational enough not to take the real hard stuff — either it was because he was completely fine with being on Blue Glass only or because of the stories he had heard and even witnessed what some drugs were able to do to a human.
The first year and a half were times full of fun, excitement, thrill and new experiences for Vijay. He felt completely wrapped up in his new self. After having his first time with Reva and losing his virginity as well he was able to live out the sex life he was having the wildest fantasies about for so long (everything in the city is sexualized so teenagers get early into contact with that sadly). She was fun and loved to experiment. This was also the time Vijay eventually found the explanation why he liked men and women the same way — he discovered he is bisexual. By reaching teenage age he slowly noticed that he didn't want to kiss only girls but also boys but thought it was wrong at first since all his male school friends had been with girls. So, he did the same, until someday, when a young man joined the gang a year after him, who Vijay found quite attractive. That young man made a move and kissed him while the gang was having fun at a lake going skinny dipping. Reva was the one to encourage the two to try out some more. She was completely fine with it. Maybe it was just because everybody has been permanently high from the consume of drugs — however, Vijay was still in a happy relationship with Reva which soon was doomed to turn into a nightmare.
The last year and a half, Vijay slowly began to notice that the life he lived for now was not making him really happy anymore. He was far away from being content. The use of drugs and alcohol made him look like a mess and he often felt a big emptiness inside him. He was living through the day without any reason until the gang decided they would need to rob someone because they ran out of money. He began to ask himself what was the purpose of all this? This couldn’t be it. He witnessed the ruin Portland got into because he was part of it: underclass slowly decaying in the back alleys being pumped up with drugs and robbed of the few eddies they got while the rich and filthy upper class bathed themselves in real champagne and shiny gold at luxurious parties. He wanted to do something against that but the rest of the gang didn’t. They found it too risky to get involved with the high society so they continued focusing on easier targets — and Vijay didn’t like that because it was wrong. After all, these people where in the same need of money and fighting to survive every day as them.
And to cap it all: Reva had begun to add more and more cyberware to her body. She already had lots of fashionable chrome on her face but found a liking to replace her limbs with entire cyberware such a thermal mantis blades. She simply got obsessed with it — any part that made her human needed to be replaced bit by bit. Once she got the eddies together she was always at the ripper doc getting new chrome. V began to worry about her — not only did it change her outer looks, no — her soul seemed to change as well. He tried to appeal to her conscience but it was no use getting through even not a breach protocol helped because he wasn’t advanced enough to get through. She was addicted to replace everything. She even went so far trying to get him into it as well as soon as she seemed to run out of what she could replace on herself.
But Vijay didn’t intend to replace any of his limps neither to add some cosmetic cyberware. The cyberdeck and his Kiroshi optics he got were already enough for him. He saw no sense at all in replacing any well-functioning part of his body with some partly cheap chrome. The love Reva once had for V slowly vanished and brought up only anger, disappointment and indifference. She developed violent tendencies — first only verbally but soon to be physically as well — her character completely changed with being almost fully chromed and high on drugs. All Vijay was able to do was that he could watch Reva’s disintegration. It hurt him to see her like this, to live through it each day. Some days she felt a little better but most times it was only torture for both of them.
Once he found out she was taking Black Lace, Vijay got to a point where he realized, that this couldn’t go on like this. Either she stopped taking this very dangerous shit and got help or he had to leave for his own good. He didn’t want to see her fall apart while his hands were tied, yet he couldn’t leave her because he loved her. He tried everything he could but she didn’t seem to want any help. She needed that stuff so badly, she failed to resist the addiction, so that it ate away her last bit of humanity throwing her into cyberpsychosis. That was when the worst case eventually happened: Reva attacked V with her thermal blades. She wasn’t able to divide between friend or foe — anything was a thread to her. Vijay almost lost his life that day because one blade pierced his throat just so, that his entire thyroid took damage, thankfully not hitting any important arteries. He was only able to prevent getting his head chopped off by rapidly using the Synapse Burnout quick hack on her that stopped her from ending him — but in a lethal way for her.
He didn’t know how he managed to get out of this entire situation. All he knew was that he dragged himself away from her lifeless body having a blurry vision, pressing one hand onto his throat until he fainted with everything turning black. The next he remembered was waking up in some kind of shady hospital. Someone had brought him there and left him at the doorstep was all the doc would tell. The thermal blades thankfully almost burned the open wound so there wasn’t much of blood loss. His thyroid was completely damaged and had to be replaced with a synthetic one alongside with a few vocal chords that took damage as well. From now on Vijay had to live with a visible scar in form of cyberware on his throat (there is no visible scar left because the skin there is synthetic as well). While everyone just saw some fashionable chrome on him, he would always be reminded of his past and the horrible denouement the first love in his life came to an end. He killed Reva. He had to do it. She would have killed him. One quick hack and she got chipped out of the system. He’ll never forgive himself even though she was lost already. That he couldn’t breach through the wall. That the cybernetics consumed her identity. That he wasn’t able to stop her from becoming cyberpsycho. The only exit was to hit delete.
It took him four months of rehabilitation before he was able to pick up where he left: finishing school and getting his life back together somehow. Once he passed his exams he decided to leave Portland behind and set for a new start in a city far away from the past: Night City. He brought back the happy cute guy he was from before, just in a grown-up version — completely burying the past three years somewhere deep in his mind not telling anyone about it. Nobody would believe him anyway. There are days where he almost entirely forgets about it because life keeps him busy — he started studying marine biology — and he’s thankful for the second chance. He doesn’t try to cling on the past, because he lived right here and now. Yet the memories will haunt him for the rest of his life in form of nightmares — and mantis blades ready for action will continue to remind him and be a huge trigger, when they cross his personal space.
I wish I could have written in a different view. not only the view of a story teller but also in Vijays view, so it would have maybe more emotions and all. But if I did that I'd spend like half a year on this to get it to a point where I like what I've written and this ist not going to happen.
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anniilaugh · 1 month
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My OPLA Sanji experiments continue, he’s still tough to suit to my style but I’ll figure him out 🔍👀✨
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loverdude · 2 months
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My most self indulgent AU ever
Don't repost/use 4 anything 🔥 COMMISSION INFO
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satans-knitwear · 8 months
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Guess who survived their first exercise class (ever... )
It was me. I did it. I didn't chicken out or run away or cry (much) or throw up (during, at least)
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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sillyabtmusic · 5 months
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The KingDom 'Realize' Concept photos - Rebellion version
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critter-of-habit · 1 year
how are you doing these days? have been a little worried about ya admittedly <3 a fan on the intranet who notices things
Aww anon this is sweet. I'm doing a lot better! Last year and early this year were really rough for various reasons but I got through it and things have been looking up - I recently bought my own little unit and its just, such a weight off knowing I don't have to deal with the rental crisis happening here anymore and I think 15 years of renting and housemates is quite enough. And it's just been nice having my own space and filling it with plants and my nerd stuff :3
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neriyon · 7 months
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Today I offer you: cat with horns. Tomorrow? Who knows.
Alternatively: "N'jinh needed new dnc glam and I wanted to use the ultima horns he just got"
Secret bonus pic - showing off his pretty legs ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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eiseryn · 9 months
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POV (or it might be Vail's POV): You are on a Winter Date with Lei and she's asking to hold hands with you 😳😳😳 How scandolous.
LEI: The lights are beautiful! But what makes them truly beautiful is because you're by my side~ Let's come again next year, alright?
I think she looks so cute here and I'm really proud of how this turned out 🥺🥺🥺 I really wanted to make one more Lei piece of the year to show my art improvement through the year (and the xmas art I drew isn't very reflective/consistent with my usual style) so I squeezed this out! I even designed a whole new winter outfit for her XD It's based off the previous outfit I already designed but just with some improvements... I'll fully draw it out later if I have time but I sketched it on pencil :3
I think I've really improved over the year ;w; it's true if you draw lots you're always improving but there's some things I've worked on this year including: Using references, flipping the canvas, drawing backgrounds (sometimes). The main new thing I'm proud to have learned is using colour filters so that characters look like they're in the background/ lighting! (Although I'll be honest, this piece is a picture from my friend I blurred LOL I did not draw this one. Work smart not hard -- that's something I want to try doing more next year XD)
2023 really was the year of Lei and I suspect 2024 will also be the year of Lei because I'll be doing vis novel development XD But I have lots of other OCs that I hope I'll be able to give some love when I'm not dying... cri.
To more years of drawing Lei!!! I have lots of WIPs that is her and her friends so hopefully I can get through some next year ;p I also plan to post my 2023 Art Review soon! :3 And Jan 1st is a special someone's Bday so lots of art to look forward to -- if I can draw them all 🤡💀🤡💀 Well I am going to try 💪💪💪
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thebuttsmcgee · 1 year
It kinda feels like when the Owl Crew were all saying their goodbyes to working on the show again.
Nearly everyone in the tags is getting ready for The End.
Like. Damn. It really is the end as far as we know for the entire franchise of The Owl House.
#its also giving SPoP and SU flashbacks#except its happening in the evening and not during the afternoon like SU or at an all-at-once-release deal like SPoP#getting p emotional#I do remember early in the days. like when Ms Dana Terrace was still in the dt team and doodled Luz#alongside Rebecca Sugar Ian JQ and I think alex hirsch#and ofc the first real poster#and watching it on youtube when it first aired. and even watching it on TV.#I remember a lot of it with twitter too. that viney cult thing. the hype for Understanding Willow. the pic of lil Luz smiling going around.#I remember tons of fics. The Lumity azura actor au thats been LOONG abandoned lmao. the one where Luz was the author of tgwa. tons more.#Of course the excessive hype for Grom.#The hype for the S1B trailer was huge too but Grom. You cannot replicate that. And yknow what? Id go as far to say#not even Hollow Mind had that much hype behind it.#Plus the huge amounts of news coverage and hype after Grom aired.#Like the show was fairly popularish. Nothing too big and was about even with amphibby. But after Grom. BOOM. Huge amounts.#I could really go on. I just cant really believe that its kinda unfairly going away. Possibly never to return. One of The most talked about#animated shows in the past couple years (similar to the likes of Steven Universe! Which was HUGE.) even worldwide.#Nothing lasts forever. It just is unfair the time spent was taken away tho. Happened to others too. Happens so much to animation#and we just Have to accept it because higher-ups are either to proud to their stupid ideals or simply for no real good reason.#This show has had a good impact on animation. I'm always gunna be glad for that. And I'm glad that so many have been touched and loved.#Here's hoping to the future. Maybe more Owl House. Maybe more creativity by the crew. Maybe for better. To The Owl House!#The Owl House#TOH#Owl House
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noxtivagus · 2 years
went out for a walk w my mom earlier n the moon was so pretty 🫶🏼
#🌙.rambles#i love taking pictures of the moon. even if the pics don't really capture its whole beauty#n pics of ppl i love c:#the moon was so clear tho!!!!#i love going out for walks when it's already rather dark outside#it's so calming and peaceful#oh & my mom bought us a new bracelet ><#mine's moonstone#bruh idk what tf i'm doing rn#looking at my pfps n social media i rmb#there was a time where i used to really be#all black. literally just yeah#black's still my fave color but#yeah definitely this year i think my identity n likes#have become even more defined#i'm less than a month away from being another year older n#hmmm though i have regrets i can say that i am ultimately proud of all i've done. and so much more i'd do#in my own time i'll forge success/improvement/development that i can continue to be proud of because it is mine#that said however there are things that are weighing in my head n placing a burden on me#in particular with words and voice and productivity. both in my studies and my own life#but i'm capable. i know i'm capable. i just need to make sure i don't break myself by isolating from others#destroy myself by denying the more intricate and fragile aspects of my humanity#as long as i stay true to myself then it'll all be alright. i shouldn't worry so much about the rest of the world#not in a selfish way though. rather i#actually wait i need to get rid of my shyness n anxiety basically ;;;;#one at a time! i need to be patient with myself. always keep kindness hope and love for life in my heart and mind#i'm rambling again uwahh >.> BUT IT'S OK. I CAN DO THIS. EVERYTHING. YEAHHH#the moon was so pretty tho 🥺 i'm really such a writer romantic n dreamer at heart hehe#i've been feeling rather lost these days so quiet moments like these mean so much to me when time goes by so fast.#hmm so much thoughts n emotions n to do but it's ok!!!! kindness n patience is the best thing i can give myself rn
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unholyeverything · 6 months
I just realised tomorrow marks the 7ths week of me being sick and feeling like garbage lol It's some ups and downs but generally it's been a while since I've been healthy and none knows whats up which is nice.
#been to the doctor so many times#and at least my general doc is trying but she cant figure out what's wrong#and the throat specialist I've been to twice in one month got a very helpful “sounds like stress and you imagine all” for me#like thanks i keep having my ear throat and nose inflamed constantly and nothing i tried so far helped but surely its stress#my doc suspected a virus but we also didnt find any active anti bodies#so i was just told to rest and was off work for two weeks that also did nothing#so i worked again even tho my doc was like maybe not but i got psychological issues being home with nothing to do#gotta go to my dentist tomorrow to see if the source is there#but im sure its my ears but I'll never go back to that doc#i was there twice a month cuz it kept getting worse and got a stress stamp#stress i didnt even have lately cuz i got a healthy fuck you all work motivation now#and now I'll lose all chance for promotion cuz i cant do my usual 200% and my bosses translate that with: she broken now bye#going great#also don't really have motivation to draw anymore#I started to build model sets but idk if anyone would wanna see those#I also got a cyst on my ovaries and got an appointment in july#that gives me serious pms like i never had it before but ok#someone knows a doc that'll remove the whole uterus i don't need that shit anymore#anyways in case anyone's been wondering where i am lately or if anyone even read this my asks are open if anyone wants to ask smth#or ask my OCs they live rent free in my head and are very precious to me#even my new car is named Michael#he's cute and my record so far been 190km/h#one day I'll do the 225 he can do#just get off the road that day pls#that car was the onyl thing i worked for so idk what to do with my life now#save for car repairs maybe#anyone wants a pic of my child#he's orange#I'm very proud of myself i managed to save up for him quiet fast#these tags are wild but I'm feeling a bit more energetic thanks to some plant supplements my uncle gave me
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astrxealis · 1 year
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she says gn she is dozing off and i too will head to sleep uh ... soon <3
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buntanteen · 2 months
bestie fwb!mingyu headcanons (nsfw)
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summary: kim mingyu and reader's bestie fwb dynamic headcanons :3
contains: 18+ nsfw writing so mdni!! implications that reader is smaller than gyu
✩ svt writing & fic rec masterlist ✩
bestie!minyu who is just a poor puppy not catching a break from anyone 😔 especially from you lmao. you're one of his biggest supporters but also biggest teasers. post-concert, you'll be imitating how he's trying to make carats swoon with his charms (the both of you know how proud you are of him <3 you just love seeing him pouty) 
bestie!mingyu who lets you use his chest as a stress balls. you once said "honk honk" while squeezing them and got your mingyu tiddies card revoked for a week😢
during bestie!mingyu’s night dance practices to finish, he'll come whine to you that "jeonghan hyung is being mean🥺" or complain about whichever member is pulling jokes on him. he should've known better that you’d be riling him right with them 🥰
fwb!mingyu who comes home to bury his face in your chest after a long day. you think he's knocked out...only for him to start licking, nipping and sucking marks onto your skin :3
bestie!mingyu who will always provide you delicious meals😌😌 is constantly cooking you a something when you come over and has deemed you his official taste tester! if you insist to cook alongside him, he'll refuse. he might let you peel the veggies tho <3
when you go out to eat, bestie!mingyu will always insists on picking up the cheque. since you get pouty about him not letting you pay, he lets u buy the dessert at the convenience stores or cute lil cafes as a compromise
bestie!mingyu who always asks you to take pretty boyfriend pics of him for his carats🥹 ofc you oblige, loving to see his fans fawn over new pictures that you so carefully asking him to pose for  
fwb!mingyu who begs to eat you out and hits you his 🥺 puppy eyes so you to let him (you were going to anyways)
bestie!mingyu who comes to you for relaxation or advice when he's stressed out of his mind. he lets you pamper him with gentle touches and soothe away his worries with sweet words. you tuck him into your bed so he rests well to tackle the next day😊
feeling safe enough to initiate touch with bestie!mingyu :) he gives as many piggy backs as you desire as long as you let him bite his fangs into your arm when he's bored 🥰 sits you in his lap in crowded group hangouts. you've insisted that he sit in yours too, but your legs became numb after 5 minutes😭😭
good puppy fwb!mingyu whimpering pleads against your neck or between your legs for you give him permission to cum while he ruts against the bed sheets 🥺
always having sleepovers with bestie!mingyu. atp you could be another roommate to the minwon household for how often you're just vibing at their place when they arrive home
fwb!mingyu who got caught sniffing your underwear post sex when you went to get him water. you end up stroking his hair with his head in your lap, jerking him off with your underwear around his cock...but you leave him blue balled as a punishment <3 "oh! i'm late to work, see you later after your tour?😘”
while he's on tour, fwb!mingyu won't have phone sex with you, but leaves you voice notes of the pretty noises he makes jerking off as payback <3
ames note: hi hi! this is my first time writing wooooo~ this was definitely self indulgent😅 i just wanna be friends with mingyu! he seems like the most fun guy to hang out with...and to get dicked down by lmao. i hope y'all enjoyed it and are doing well!! i tried for something gender neutral but i'm not sure if i achieved it? feel free to kindly give feedback <3 ς(.-‿-)
author note: do not distribute my work on other platforms without my consent. if you see my writing in places other than this tumblr account, please let me know. my writings are purely fictional fantasises for fun. the people i write about are real human beings and should still be treated as such. please do not take my writings seriously or as truth.
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rosyblooom · 5 months
levi's jeans | ln4 smau
PAIRING: lando norris x fem quadrant!reader SUMMARY: y/n loves levi's jeans—it's all she wears, ever. so when lando has to draw her in a quadrant video, that's what he draws: levi's jeans. a bad attempt at flirting? maybe, but it gets the ball rolling. A/N: been listening to 'levii's jeans' 24/7 since the album dropped omg
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Youtube - Quadrant
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liked by riabish, landonorris, yourbestfriend and 101,467 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername happy now??? i don't only wear levi's jeans see😌
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username the lando tag??? lmao his drawing is still on her mind💀
username no but the way I didn't even question it when he drew jeans for y/n lool username @/levis I found yall's next collab partner
landonorris Why'd you tag me in this 🤣
yourusername u drew the jeans🙄 username ...how about u guys kiss and makeup hmm?😏
username oop get u a girl that can do both iktr!!
username why do i kinda want them to date tho🧍‍♀️
username babe me too username me three 🙋‍♂️ username i've been thinking little lando has a crush👀 it was soo obvious in the yt vid
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landonorris posted to his story!
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[ caption: New Quadrant video out now!! Swipe up to watch ]
Youtube - Quadrant
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landonorris posted to his story!
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[ caption: 👖 ]
[ tagged: yourusername ]
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yourusername posted to her story!
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[ caption: let's ride 🏍️ ]
[ tagged: landonorris ]
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liked by username, username, username and 12,400 others
f1gossipofficial After two months of being spotted together numerous times in London and Monaco, and stirring up dating rumours, Lando Norris and fellow Quadrant member Y/N L/N were recently seen off the coast of Spain, soaking up the sun and looking pretty cosy.
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username it's already been 2 months??? omg can they just say yes or no i'm tired😩
username can yall not read the room? look at the pics and ask yourself if that's how friend act pls username they've been friends for ages before that, it makes sense not to rush into anything tbh
username cause they're in the ocean??🤣 username a win is a win idc !!
username noo i hope they're just friends😭💔
username they're both so hot omfg
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liked by _aarava, landonorris, maxfewtrell and 389,576 others
tagged: levis
yourusername so happy to announce my levi's x y/n collab that's coming out next week friday!!😭 as everyone probably knows (and is sick of lol) i love me some levi's, so this collection has been soo much fun to work on and i'm very excited for you guys to see it!!🤍❤️💙
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riabish soo proud of you 🩷
yourusername ily🥹❤️
username nobody deserved this more than you y/n!! we will be buying !!
_aarava now you have an actual reason to be wearing them as much as you do🤣
yourusername never wearing anything else ever idc !! username hold on now y/n... let's not be rash😀
levis the countdown starts now👀❤️
yourusername 🫶 username i've been wearing y'all since forever where's my collab??
username love you sm y/n!!! <333
username @/yourusername quickly what's ur fav song on cowboy carter??
yourusername levii's jeans ofc😌 username love that for you girl!
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, maxfewtrell and 774,890 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris Never getting sick of your levi's jeans obsession🤣 So proud of you baby ❤️👖
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username took yall long enough🤧
yourusername 🩷🩷
(liked by author)
username i love you y/n🥰
yourusername u guys better not make that stupid emoji trend again istg😐
username hey girl💞 you might wanna stay off twitter for the rest of the day ! username 👖👖👖(🤭)
username fml
username con😭gra😭tu😭la😭tions😭
3:35 ─────────ㅇ─── 4:17
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iamred-iamyellow · 10 days
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Game Set Match
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♥ masterlist | request rules
♥ pairing: oscar piastri x olympic!tennisplayer!reader
♥ synopsis: with the help of carlos sainz and your brother carlos alcaraz, you were able to score a date with your favorite f1 driver
♥ smau - fc: women on pinterest - as always none of the pictures are mine <3
♥ warnings: swearing !!!
♥ a/n: here's some super late olympic fics
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-July 28 2024-
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liked by carlossainz55, carlitosalcarazz, arynasabalenka, and 406,271 more
ynalcaraz photo dump
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user7 the f1 in the second pic is so real
carlitosalcarazz she’s obsessed with that one mclaren driver
carlossainz55 @/carlitosalcarazz LANDO?!
carlitosalcarazz no the other one
carlossainz55 oh oscar
user1 PLS 😭
user4 new carcar lore
user10 y/n is just like me fr fr
user3 carlos sainz and the alcaraz siblings being friends was not on my 2024 bingo card
user8 I <3 them
user11 the collab we in fact knew we needed
user12 not carlos casually telling the whole world that y/n has a crush on oscar
user6 the fact that we got an oscar p2 today too
user5 SO hyped to see the both of them at the olympics
uer13 same !!!
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-left: your phone- -right: carlos a's phone-
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liked by carlitosalcarazz, landonorris, ynalcaraz and 294,923 more
f1gossip Oscar Piastri taking promotional pictures in Paris in time for the 2024 Olympics
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user1 y/n is shaking in her boots rn
user2 miss rabbit has fainted
user6 was he invited by a certain someone
ynalcaraz @/carlitosalcarazz YOU DIDN'T.
carlitosalcarazz I did
ynalcaraz blocked.
carlossainz55 I was expecting a thank you
ynalcaraz stop roping other carlos into this 😩
carlossainz55 you call me other carlos?
landonorris 🤣🫵
user3 ynoscar crumbs
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, lewishamilton, and 593,502 more
oscarpiastri thanks for inviting me @/carlitosalcarazz and congrats on yours and @/ynalcaraz’s gold 🥇
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ynalcaraz @/carlitosalcarazz i fucking knew it
ynalcaraz anyway thanks tho osc 🥰
user1 the nickname.
carlitosalcarazz great to see you again
landonorris me wondering where my invite was
oscarpiastri me wondering where I asked
user12 PLSS
user14 the girls are fighting
landonorris its all good fun
user7 my pookies met
user3 the second picture is going down in sports history tbh
user5 congrats to them !!!
user6 am I fucking crazy or did he get those roses for y/n
user11 you're crazy
user8 @/user11 NAH NAH let them cook
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, lilymhe, and 1,492,753 more
oscarpiastri de nada
user6 I HATE ❌ TO SAY 🗣️ I TOLD YOU 🫵 SO
user2 AHHH
user4 the fact he got her flowers...
user3 just get married already
user10 I love them
user7 I'm so proud of her for winning gold today !!!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, alex_albon, and 1,489,475 more
mclaren life rn
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ynalcaraz why that picture of me 😕
mclaren sorry yn!!
ynalcaraz you’re forgiven admin 😚🫶
user2 it's mr steal your girl
user9 why was oscar actually so good tho
ynalcaraz he should sign up for aussie's team
user10 @/ynalcaraz I think he was trying to impress you
lilymhe golf next
ynalcaraz i second that
user8 @/mclaren admin were you the ballboy? 😭
mclaren I was and I'm proud
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liked by charles_leclerc, user7, user1, and 394,473 more
ynalcaraz can someone tell @/carlossainz55 to stay out of my love life
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carlossainz55 I'm the one who got you the date ???
carlitosalcarazz I did all the heavy lifting
user1 c2 but not in the way you think
user7 @/user1 carlos got y/n in the charlos divorce
user3 I'd recognize those shorts anywhere lol
user4 bro made it SOOO obvious that it was him
user8 oscar we know its you open up
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liked by oscarpiastri, carlossainz55, carlitosalcarazz, and 1,147,329
ynalcaraz "thank you carlos" we all say in unison
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carlossainz55 you're welcome.
carlitosalcaraz it was about time
oscarpiastri I love you carino
ynalcaraz I love you too <3
lilymhe you and oscar too cute
ynalcaraz 🥹🫶
user3 thank you carlos
user1 thank you carlos
oscarpiastri thank you carlos 🫡
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end notes: hi loves <3 I know this was a short fic but I hope you still enjoyed it! I'll hopefully be releasing some longer ones soon but I've been pretty busy recently.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
On the subject of Damian and the axolotl, I feel like people do send him pictures of animals and stuff and he gives a rating, idk tho
Stranger: I thought you'd like to know that Lacey had her puppies. *sends a pic*
Damian: For once, a mother who should be proud. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a derpy cat pic* This is my cat Momo, short for Movie-Theater Mozzarella-Sticks. He just turned 3 and likes to eat pillow feathers.
Damian: Truly the cat of all time. 10/10.
Stranger: I think I saw Krypto the Superdog on my way to work. *sends blurry video of Krypto flying*
Damian: There goes Metropolis's hero. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a pic of a lizard in a pointy hat* This is King Gizzard, my lizard, as a wizard for Halloween.
Damian: I would give him all my candy. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a video of their parrot*
The parrot: Polly loves crackers and Damian.
Damian: Tell Polly I love her too. 10/10.
Stranger: Bruh there are so many gophers at Gotham U. *sends pic of gophers chilling in the quad*
Damian: 10/10. Good for them, living their best life.
Stranger: Do fish count? If so here's Bubbles. *sends video of a goldfish*
Damian: They absolutely do. 10/10.
Stranger: I went to my aunt's farm and got to ride the horses. Meet Dash. *sends Instagram story with a horse*
Damian: A fine specimen. 10/10.
Stranger: Opinions on this stingray? *sends scuba diving footage*
Damian: Superb. 10/10.
Stranger: I found a worm. What should I name him? *sends pic*
Damian: He looks like a Kevin. 10/10.
Stranger: This is me and my stepdad with the hens we've been raising. *sends pic*
Damian: What lovely ladies. 10/10.
Stranger: I went to a butterfly garden today. *sends video of a butterfly landing on their hand*
Damian: Stunning. 10/10.
Stranger: I just got back from a safari. *sends album of savannah herds*
Damian: Next time take me with you. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a Ratatouille GIF*
Damian: Don't tell my family but I'm training my rats to do the same. 10/10 by the way.
Stranger: This is Herbie, our class bunny. *sends a pic with the teacher fumbling in the background*
Damian: He looks more intelligent than your teacher. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends pic* Got bored and bought a frog. I'm naming him Toad.
Damian: I hope your life is as dull as ever. 10/10.
Stranger: Tzu Tzu keeps leaving her laundry everywhere. *sends video of a snake shedding its skin*
Damian: You're her assistant. Do your job. 10/10.
Stranger: I finally got a hamster!! *sends video*
Damian: Now treat them like royalty and get yourself some tubing. 10/10.
Stranger: Ideas for decorating my hermit crab's shell? For context his name is Juan and he likes the color yellow. *sends pic*
Damian: I suggest black and gold. 10/10.
Stranger: I saw a turtle on my morning walk. *sends a pic*
Damian: Ethereal. 10/10.
Bruce: *sends a family photo*
Damian: *blocks and reports*
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