#I'm thinking also like someone who thinks they're being pranked or filmed
hedge-rambles · 4 months
Terrible isekai guides you might meet
Ok I keep thinking about that post about someone not believing the stupid rules of the fantasy land they're in I reblogged the other day and I'm now trying to think of just terrible options for meeting your guide to this new world when you get isekai'd.
The conspiracy theorist: You've got no background here, so sadly it's not your fault you don't clock that the faun you met after walking through that magic wardrobe is actually a nutjob.
You're quite a way into your quest to defeat the dark lord before you find out he's really a duly elected politician and probably does not, in fact, keep a dungeon full of tortured gnomes beneath his castle.
"Yeah, if you believe the establishment" says the faun, rolling his eyes. With hindsight, you recall the fact he lived alone in a shack in the woods and how perhaps you should have thought more about that.
The helpful AI: You awaken in a futuristic looking facility, your last memory is of sticking a fork in the toaster like your mother always told you not to. There's a console to your right, and the text is in your own language! "Hello, how may I help you today?" the speaker announces in a friendly tone. You tentatively say "where am I?", but are still surprised when the voice answers.
They've clearly improved things a lot since your day, but it's still embarrassing how long, and how many failed solutions to problems it presented, before you finally twig that it's still just an LLM. They've got the voice tone right, and the speech is far more natural, but it's still basically a hallucinating predictive text machine. You begin to doubt everything it's told you.
The confident idiot: Look, it's not their fault they never got a decent education. Just like it's not your fault you don't know enough about this place to know how wrong they are. Maybe the moon here really is a projection on the sky? It's not, and they've clearly misunderstood something they once heard about how the light of the moon is actually reflecting off it, but you weren't to know that. I mean, you just saw a fucking unicorn, all bets were off.
Sadly for you, the helpful young man who found you lying in the middle of the road and nursed you back to health, is kind of an idiot. Helpful, has the best of intentions at heart, but still an idiot. And worse yet, he's just intelligent enough to make logical leaps from all the information he's misunderstood over the years. Everything he taught you is like 40-70% right, or close to right, and you realise it's probably going to take twice as long to unpick which of the things you learnt were true and which bits weren't.
It's five years later, and you're still stuck in that strange world, you're used to it now, this is your home. In the tavern one evening you take a moment to lean over to a trusted companion and utter the stupidest sentence you've ever said: "So, uh, weird question but...do unicorns actually have venomous horns?"
The cultist: Yeah so uh, listen they seemed so nice when they met you! The friendly woman in the shining white armour, who couldn't do enough to help this lost stranger in her land.
Later you learn the visual shorthand here is a bit different to the one you grew up with and you've joined the great war between Good and Evil on the side of Evil. Whoops.
The skull-helmeted warrior-priests of the squid god are the good guys. Actually, it makes a sort of sense when you think about it, that the guys with the lion motif on their breastplates are the bad guys. Lions will eat humans; squid are mostly just delicious. And of course a cultist is friendly to a lost person seemingly with no connections, that's how cults work back in your world too, dummy. Shame they want to "end the world in blood" and all that.
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byfulcrums · 2 years
Things that have definitely been said in YJ (the Cartoon)
M'gann: WAIT WALLY DON'T EAT- that....
Kaldur: Wally, that was a highly dangerous and toxic object. You should go immediately to the hospital
Wally, with his mouth full of one of M'gann's failed attempts at mixing martian and human cuisine: Mmmhph????
The team: *Arguing*
Tim, whispering to himself: We don't kill we don't kill we don't kill we don't kill we don't kill-
Kaldur: Your opinion is valid, yes, but given it is a stupid ass opinion, I have elected to ignore it
Wally, following Artemis around the place, gesturing wildly: Yeah but if you add water to water it grows, right? It makes sense, Artemis, it makes sense–
Artemis, covering her ears and groaning: *Whispers* I hate every single one of you
Dick, filming the whole thing: *Snorts and accidentally chokes on his saliva, causing him to fall on the floor coughing like crazy*
Conner, having just walked into the room: ...Nope. Bye. I'm leaving this team
Artemis: Honestly I think Dick Grayson is way better than Bruce Wayne
M'gann: He's also more handsome, not gonna lie...
Wally: *Laughing his ass off on the floor*
Dick, curled up inside the vents, holding his head with his hands: Worthless... you are all worthless...
Conner, unaware of heterosexuality because CADMUS didn't teach him all that stuff: Wait, girl's aren't supposed to like girls? And boys aren't supposed to love boys? But I thought humans were called ‘homosapiens’
Zatanna: Oh my god-
Wally: I'm so smart. The smartest person here, if you will
Artemis: ...“sHoULdN't wE cAll sTrAiGht pEoPlE hEtERoSaPiEnS?”
Wally: Shut up shut up shutupshutup SHUT UP-
Kaldur, sighing: I just- I just want to know why you threw Wally off the mountain
Conner: Wally dared me to. It was consensual
Kaldur: Conner that doesn't make it any better.
Zatanna: I have decided to blame every kind of emotional instability I've having on my period. I don't have it yet, but I'm about to, so it counts
Kaldur: *Sigh* What did you do
Kaldur: Wally GET OFF THE CEILING honestly I should not have to say that...
Jaime: Fuck.
Bart: Double fuck.
Both of them at the same time: Triple fucking fuck
Wally: Hey, who's the stupidest one here?
Everyone else: You
Wally: Oh
Wally: And that's how you finish this equation!
Artemis: Wait you know science?
Wally: ...yes? Did you think I didn't go to school?
Artemis: No, no, it's just that if I had to think of someone who is an expert in science I wouldn't think of you
Wally: Well that's just rude. Hey M'gann, do I look like I didn't go to school?
Artemis: I didn't say you didn't go to-
Conner, immediately appearing: Yes
Zatanna: Oh yeah! I remember when a branch on fire almost fell on me. We were camping. It was a big branch.
Zatanna: I almost died.
Dick, didn't get any sleep in two days: Milk is... bone juice. Calcium...
Wally, also didn't get any sleep in two days: I feel like I should be concerned about that statement but honestly I'm interested
M'gann, who cannot stand being around them while they're sleep deprived: Both of you. Sleep. Now. Please
Dick: Baby
Tim: What
Dick: Baby... baby brother. Baby
Tim: No
Jason, has been Robin for almost three months now, training with the team and having to pretend to be a ‘villain’: I will hold your decapitated head in front of your weeping mother and hang it on her ceiling so that you will never get any rest even after death! :D
The team:
Wally: Dick, what are you feeding this child?
Kaldur after Wally and Dick pranked the team: Violence is not the question nor the answer, but sometimes we must take drastic measures
Kaldur, handing Jason a sword: This is war.
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
Care to share some stuff about Howls Moving Castle? I haven’t been able to fully comprehend Howls dynamic/style/personality yet.
FINALLY I CAN ANSWER THIS ASK (midterm season is awful)
While book and movie Howl are very different I do think they share a lot of core traits that define both as Howl instead of it being two different characters.
Both Howls have a level of mischievousness to them and like to have fun at times when everyone else is distressed. We don't get to see it as much in the movie but the two most prominent moments are when they escaped Suliman and when Howl takes down the ship in the flower garden. You can see him making fun out of the situation and causing trouble in a way that feels akin to someone who would pull pranks or tease. This is inline with his book counterpart who we see get to be a menace and constantly pester and annoy Sophie, doing various antics both plot relevant and "I just want to be a menace today."
Both Howl's also have a lot of heart and care for others, although book Howl does not show it as much like his movie counterpart. The whole reason the pact is made between Calcifer and Howl was because Howl pitied the shooting stars because they died upon impact with the ground, and we see him take in people from the street like Sophie and Markl (or Michael in the book). The movie though has Howl's affection being more open and clear to the audience because we don't get to spend time just with the characters like we do in the book, book Howl puts on the "I don't care I'm gonna go be a womanizer now" front but by the end of the book when it's revealed he is in love with Sophie and has been his actions become much more obvious.
In terms of vanity, Howl is a vain person when it comes to his own appearance. We only get to see it through his hair freak out and his fashion in the movie, but in the book we get a lot more of it especially when he's trying to be a womanizer. Book Sophie in the second book Castle in the Sky states "And he's sly and selfish and vain as a peacock and cowardly, and you can't pin him down to anything" (which she doesn't say out of malice for him in the moment, they're literally looking for Howl in this scene and her and Howl already have a kid) so in the book it's undeniable. However, in the movie, the Howl we see is much more noble (something the author even stated) and we only get that one moment when it came to Suliman that shows any level of cowardice from Howl.
Overall, the major difference between the movie and book Howl is that book Howl is very clearly a bad boy womanizer with a heart of gold while movie Howl is more of a mysterious guy who's a little bad but still has that heart of gold. I do think that we could've seen more of the Howl from the book if the movie was longer and we got those months Sophie was just living with them, but that probably would've killed the animators and Miyazaki movies don't tend to have moments like that in the film.
Both Howls are down bad for Sophie from the very early on though and I think it's safe to say he knew Sophie was the old woman in the movie from the start like he does in the book. In the movie, he's been looking for Sophie because of what she tells him when she goes back in time and I believe that not long after he starts to get to know her as old lady Sophie he falls for her (the scene where he watches her sleep literally has a track called "Unspoken Love" so he had to be falling by then). In the book, he sees her and thinks she's pretty when they first meet but it takes a bit for him to fall for her once she's old Sophie and then he falls hard and going back through the book it becomes very clear that he did when you look at his actions instead of his behavior with Sophie. Him and Sophie in the book have the "arguing is their love language" dynamic.
I hope this was sufficient, feel free to ask more, this was what I could pull from the top of my very exhausted brain but I know I could delve a little bit more into Howl himself, I just need some leading questions to get the gears going :]
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera! I'm losing track of the days lol, but so long as i send an ask a week, i think i should be okay 😂
Also feel free to post your hsr hair thoughts bc i love to read your rambles as much as your fics! I'm looking forward to the jade one and him imitating floyd is really amusing. I like to think jade has a sort of pride about him where he loathes being compared to floyd but also jokes it off when someone does or when someone mistakes them, so i can imagine his pride and ego taking a hit but he endures it for sake of reader. Almost like he gets addicted to acting like floyd bc everyone likes floyd better anyways, right? So why not give the people what they want! He receives such a positive response when he acts like floyd that it rewires the hurt in his brain and suddenly the thing he hates is now cathartic for him but theres still that underlying hurt underneath >.<
BUT thats not why im here hehehe, for this weeks questionnnnn......
Who do you think would be the 'final girl' in a slasher film from each dorm? And then if u can, who do you think would be the ultimate survivor? You can optionally bestow the other titles; the virgin who lives but is hurt, the killer in hiding and the idiots who are the first to go, etc :D i read a yandere slasher fic here on tumblr where reader goes into a cabin with her friends and they get killed off one by one until the yandere presumably fucks reader and it has me back in my horror phase 😅 just pretend its Halloween in june, like xmas in july hahaha
-🐔 anon!!!!
:D hi hi 🐔!!!! Thank you for enjoying my writings and ramblings and for your interest in the upcoming Jade fic!! He'd do anything for you, even if it means he has to endure bittersweet pain just to see you smile. >_< all he wants is a chance with you and he gets that when he acts as Floyd. It may be uncomfortable and it may chip away pieces of his pride as an individual, but you laugh at his jokes and look at him like he's the only one in your world. He'll do whatever he can just to receive a crumb of your affection, even if it's all meant to be reserved for Floyd. Aaaa I love writing this version of Jade!!!! He's just so interesting and obsessed!! orz
Ooooo final girls from each dorm!!! That's such a fun question. Here are my thoughts!!! ^w^
Heartslabyul's final girl would be Cater. He's so perfect for the final girl trope! You think he might die first because he's pretty and can't let go of his phone for the life of him, but when he gets serious he can be very cutthroat. <3 the idiotic duo would have to be Ace and Deuce. Deuce hears a strange noise and wants to check it out because he's definitely not scared of demons or killers and he'll beat up anything that tries to hurt him and his friends. Ace thinks he's trying to prank him, but he begrudgingly follows him, thinking it's either nothing and Deuce is trying to scare him or it'll just turn out to be something with a completely natural explanation. It's neither, and while they're both bickering the killer looms from behind. Riddle is the logical one who tries to put everything into perspective and figure out a logical reason behind everything. Trey is, unsurprisingly, the mom friend who just wants everyone to stay in one place because hopefully the authorities will show up soon (they never will).
Savanaclaw's final girl is Ruggie. He's resourceful and cunning; you think he may die first, but he's actually very good at survival. He'll live, but he comes out of the horrific night covered in blood after he's just fought the killer to the death. Jack is your typical jock, kind-hearted and caring, who doesn't believe in any of that ghost stuff or horror movie trope stuff, but when it becomes too real he gets even more serious than before, determined to survive and protect those close to him. Leona strikes me as the type who, upon the first sign of something suspicious or dangerous, promptly leaves. He will not be swept up in any murder plots, no thank you. <3 either that or he sleeps through it all and the killer thinks he's dead at first glance LOL.
Octavinelle's final girl would be Floyd. As goofy as he is, he's also another cutthroat guy who can and will survive. He may throw himself directly at danger, but somehow he always comes out of it alive. Jade is your typical killer-in-hiding. You won't suspect him until it's too late, and by then nearly half the cast is dead. Azul is the type who acts like an ally to everyone, but he's secretly either plotting with the killer or planning to sacrifice everyone in order to save himself.
Scarabia's final girl is Jamil. Most of his decisions are made solely to protect Kalim (who naturally is the comedic relief/carefree friend who is just too sweet for this world), but there's a build-up in this movie where the plot twist is that Jamil ultimately ends up tricking Kalim. Is it possible for both him and Jamil to survive? Perhaps, but this isn't that kind of movie. :) and from the bloodshed, Jamil emerges, alive, exhausted, and traumatized. (Or I could also see Jamil as a killer-in-hiding and Kalim as the final girl; it fits either way in my mind hehe!! :D)
Pomefiore's final girl is either Epel or Vil. It's hard to choose just one of them for the trope because I feel like it can fit them both in different ways. Rook is obviously the killer-in-hiding or he's just that really unnerving character who happens to know too much about how a killer thinks. >_< Vil as a final girl would be so cool because I think he can also be quite cutthroat. He's the character type who spends most of his focus on himself throughout the movie, yet he still manages to survive. How, you may ask? He weaponized various beauty products or, my most favorite idea, he fought the killer in heels and won, by which the heels absolutely became his weapon. >:) Epel as a final girl would be somewhat surprising because he's the character who no one really expects to live because he's "so petite and cute and omg how will he ever survive the big, scary killer!!!!" D: but then Epel shocks everyone when he ends up arming himself with brass knuckles or a baseball bat to go hunt down the killer himself.
Ignihyde's final girl is Idia, but then he also fits into the loser nerd category. Idia as a final girl is a little frustrating because he spends the entire movie being prideful and rude to the other characters, so everyone sort of wants him to be killed off first because he's so unlikable. But because Idia's seen all of these tropes before and knows his way around a horror movie, he ends up surviving. Ortho survives as well, but then I can also picture him being something of a sci-fi horror villain (i.e. technology becomes bad and targets humans). It's something like in book six where he was giving the students little tests in order to advance to the next level. Just a little villainous and devious!
Diasomnia's final girl is Silver. The stress of the situation manages to keep him awake, and so he's mainly in survival mode for the entirety of the film. Silver does his best to protect everyone, even putting himself at risk if it means he can save his friends. Sebek likely puts up a good fight, but he's far too stubborn and can't be quiet to save his life, so he ends up getting killed. I feel like Lilia could be a killer-in-hiding, or he's just the mischievous trickster type. Malleus could also be a killer-in-hiding, or he's the trope of "misunderstood character with a reputation that is solely rumors who turns out to be quite sweet and helpful to the main character."
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Watching a Ballistik Boyz BALLI7 episode. The premise is that the staff asked all 7 boyz top 3 things they wanted to do and 5/7 answered that they want to do a prank. Staff went to the remaining two boyz and asked "Will you help us prank the other five?" to, basically, a resounding "Yes!" It's four parts, all of which are subtitled in English. Here are the four parts: One Two Three Four
(I think if you click on part one, it should automatically play 2-4 afterwards, but better safe than sorry)
If anyone wants to go in spoiler free, I'm gonna stick my ramblings below the cut.
The two boyz not getting pranked are Masahiro and Ryusei. Well. Masa didn't get pranked, but, uh, Ryusei showed up to that very first meeting 20 minutes late, so they pranked him in revenge. That was hilarious, especially when Masa asked him "How was it?" and Ryusei echoed back "How was it?"
Ryusei: -looks to Masa for an explanation of why he got pranked- Masa: You were late [that first meeting] Ryusei: I should've been late today, too
But the first one of the other boyz getting pranked is Ryuta, to which both Masa and Ryusei went "Oh, we're starting with the oldest, then?"
Ryuta gets pranked and what I love is that Ryusei calls him 'aniki' multiple times in the post-prank moments. Also, Ryuta cheers up about the prank real fast when he finds out the other four are going to be pranked as well 😂
I think the prank they land on is much better than the two ideas posed of 'Ryusei wants to quit' or 'Ryusei needs to go back to Brazil', both of which Masa suggested. I do love that Ryusei explicitly said those won't actually happen.
Ryuta gets to enjoy the next pranking with Masa and Ryusei, much to his absolute enjoyment. He is really adorable. Up next is Miku! It seems like the boyz don't know who's getting pranked in what order, so bonus fun.
I'm laughing so hard, I feel light headed. When they do the super slow version of the fall, with fucking Strangers playing over top, I just die so hard. It kiiiiills me.
Also, when Miku falls, they take their time leaving the tent to go clue him in so he just sits there looking so sadly confused. I wanna hug him.
Aww, poor Miku thought the staff were mad at him due to the prank set up. I love that the other three immediately go "Oh, you were great". 10/10, beautiful friendship.
Ryusei being the one to be like "Someone please help him out" at the end. I love Ryusei, I feel like he's quietly incredibly caring. I love him so much.
I love Rikiya, poor thing's gonna try so hard and fall so far, but it'll be fucking funny. Aaaand he did. He went in backwards and twisting, so he was well and truly buried. They very kindly got him out of the pit before they continued on with the explanation, which was very nice of them.
But they're telling him to go to the bus and get changed, so he's paranoid about there being a second pitfall, so instead of going straight, he goes diagonal.
Right into the pit again.
Of all of the ones being pranked, I feel the worst for Riki. He's just - so cute - and typically well put together. I'm just like "don't be mean to him" 😂 He's trying so hard
Ah, Riki. You're a darling. He's so upset that all of his filming was for naught 😂
I love Yoshi. I just adore him. He's trying so hard not to smile when they tell him to stop smiling.
And they bullied Masahiro into falling as well 😂 Brilliant. 10/10, would happily watch again.
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myoddessy · 2 years
recruitment !
let's say you're about 24 when the main part of jackass forever filming takes to place, meaning you're about 6 years younger than the youngest person before you ( zach, i'm pretty sure because he's 30 )
maybe i'm just blinded by my love for him, but i feel like spike would be the one to recruit you
i'm thinking that you're a stunt double that worked a lot on action movies / projects that required someone willing to do a lot of hardcore stuff
and maybe spike just so happens to be friends with the director of the project you're working on and sees you at work and before he even realises what's happening, his phone is out and he's texting tremaine
you were probably one of the last to be recruited out of the new cast tbh
but you fit right in as soon as you met everyone, and they probably forget that you're younger than them the second they talk to you
filming !
i feel like johnny would be one of the only ones to mention your age, and even then it's just to volunteer you for harsh stunts
"you've got youthful bones, kiddo." "johnny, you just got ragdolled by a bull."
oh and he also uses your age to blame you for petty pranks he pulls because "you're young and that means it's easier for you to run away from the victim."
you and rachel are best friends, not just because the only women cast members have to stick together, but i feel like you'd just sync well
a lot of duo stunts with you and rachel because you're trained to not give a shit and she just generally doesn't give a shit
skits with you and poopies are always great too, because of the same logic of neither of you really caring about what you're doing
ngl you were probably nervous as shit meeting the og cast and definitely let it slip that they were your inspirations to go into stunt work
and lance got it on camera so whenever you make fun of them, they can throw it back in your face
very much brother / sister dynamics, but not in an overprotective and doting way, in an "i want to fucking murder you and hide the body where nobody will find it, but with love" kind of way
i feel like you and ehren would vibe, idk why because i don't think you'd do many stunts together but i just feel like you'd vibe
spike would probably be the most concerned for you because he would have met you when you were like 20/21 so he's still processing the fact that you're not a barely legal adult anymore
they're my fav dysfunctional family and you're the edgy "don't touch my hair, mom" (directed at chris who keeps trying to braid your hair but always yanks on it way too hard) daughter that completes them
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J2 Gold Panel DCCon 2022
They are both looking so handsome! And Jensen is wearing a leather jacket 🤤🔥
First question up is: what is their theme song?
The fan mentions that their theme song is Don't Stop Believin' by Journey, and Jared says that Separate Ways, which is also by Journey, is pretty badass then says he's gonna go with Faithfully also by that band because while he's not a musician he’s on the road a lot.
Jensen also goes with a road-themed song: On the Road Again by Willie Nelson. He says he’s been driving a lot the past couple weeks (not to nitpick but he was in Canada filming recently so timelines not a 100% accurate on his part) to see family because they're close enough it’s only like 4hrs from where he works and while driving back and forth he’s been playing a lot of Willie Nelson and that song has come up a couple times. He also mentions that he and Jared travel quite a bit and with the pandemic that wasn’t possible so it's made him realize that he truly enjoys being out on the road. 
Now for absolutely no reason whatsoever I'm gonna go ahead and point out that Jared has been in Santa Fe the past couple of days just a small drive away (around an 1hr) from Jensen. Jensen who has conveniently provided the information that he's been driving a lot. Y'all do with that info what you want 😇
Continuing on a fan who owns a bakery wants to know what is their favorite type of pie? Jared says pecan pie a la mode to which Jensen in total husband fashion says that what Jared actually likes is a little pecan pie with his ice cream 😆
Jensen answer is either banana or coconut cream pie...so of course Jared makes a joke about bananas and coconuts. x
The third question is not a question it’s a very stupid joke but the boys banter with the person is funny so I’ll include a timestamp. x
Jensen was still thinking about the previous fans question about pie so he asked them what the best pie they make is, the answer is pumpkin. Jared makes an inappropriate joke, I had to pause 🥧
*sigh* Y'all we’re never gonna be free from prank questions. The next question is what's the best prank they've pulled on set together. Y’all know the drill they never planned pranks they just saw the opportunity to mess with someone and would take it. They say the only pranks they had planned were some they wanted to pull on MC but didn't get a chance to. x
Can they tell the story of how they met? 🥰
I know y'all probably already know the story, and I have written about it before, so this will be the quick version. Long story short they meet during auditions on the network test. By that point, Jensen had read originally for Sam but he told tptb that he wanted to read for Dean, and Jared had read for Sam but they didn't think he was a good fit at first because they wanted someone smart so his manager had to call and let them know that he is smart so they gave him a second chance so anyways they both arrive to the chemistry match network test and they were the only ones there and they start talking and the rest is history.
While telling the story they also talk a bit about how the audition process has changed, and Jensen mentions how he would try to throw the competition off their game in the audition rooms which makes Jared go into a quick non sequitur about how when G was auditioning for Wildfire there was this girl, who he and Jensen worked with, who kept trying to make it seem like she already had the role in order to mess with the heads of the others. This story had no point and no end because Jared doesn't reveal who the actress was he just tells Jensen he'll tell him later. The one time the man says something mildly interesting about that woman and he leaves out the most important detail of the story. x
What was their funniest moment or longest outtake? Jared says he has a few regrets about his time on SPN 👀
But that his number one regret is that while they did a lot of things producers do they never got that official producer label. (baby, I regret y'all never got that label too but also spill the tea) If they had they would have kept all the gag reels and outtakes. Examples that come to his mind to answer the question are JDM getting hit in the balls when they filmed the 300th ep also Eye of the Tiger.
Jensen says he's been listening to some of the podcast thing that Benedict and Speight are doing and Taylor Cole, who played Sarah Blake, was in one of the eps and she mention how when they were filming Provenance something happened in one of the scenes and she couldn't stop giggling and Jared also couldn't stop laughing so they had to take a break because they couldn't reel it in. x
I don't know if this was the moment he was referring to but the way Jensen describes it reminds me of this moment from the s1 gag reel where Jared and Taylor are laughing and then there's jealous!Jensen in the background.
We have another non-question, a fan complimented Jensen’s cover of Simple Man that he did on Jason Mann’s cover album. Jensen tells the story of how his singing that song came about; so Jensen had agreed to be on the album but they hadn't chosen a song for him to sing so one day when Jason was in Van for something they were in Jensen's apartment and he asked him what he wanted to sing. Jensen was lightly strumming the guitar trying to come up with something and the song he was mindlessly strumming was Simple Man. Jason asked what he was playing and made Jensen sing the song and Jason liked it and said that's the song we're going with. x
On the off chance that some of you have not heard the acoustic cover, which is what's being mentioned here, that Jensen did of this song I'm gonna leave y'all a link because it's beautiful 🎸
Final question, is there a method to their acting that they’ve kept throughout the years? And a part that they’ve drastically changed?
Jared says his method has been the same since Gilmore Girls, he doesn't really memorize lines he just goes through the script over and over again until it's like a song that he can sing along with even if he doesn't know the name of it or the artist. He'll read it front to back at different times of the day whenever he gets the chance so when he gets to set it's so in his head that instinct takes over.
For Jensen, it's the opposite. He reads the script once very, very slowly. Some scenes he'll re-read a couple times till he has a good grasp of it and has a really good idea of how the scene should be played and then he'll move on and keep reading the script, once he gets through it he won't look at the whole thing again; he will look at the material for the next day the night before, read through it and remember how it impacted him the first time he read it, instinctually know the idea he thinks he wants to do for that scene but still not memorizing anything. Then the day off when they block it out and figure out when they wanna be that's when the words lock in because he is marrying them to his physical space. So when they go to shoot he knows the words.
He says the biggest advice he gives to young actors and actresses is that you always want to be emotionally available in a scene so if somebody's bringing something you hadn't thought of you want to be able to react to it properly.
Jared says he wouldn't recommend Jensen's method to young actors or actresses because it's very difficult to do but Jensen's a black belt in acting which is why he can do that- he admires Jensen so much 🥰
He also says that his pet peeve with scripts is when there's stage direction like 'sam cries' or 'dean breaks down' because there are times when they get there and in the moment it doesn't feel right. Says there are several scenes in SPN where the script doesn't mention them getting teared up but they would get teared up when filming, so he hates when emotions are written.
Jensen adds that that's the good stuff when there were things that would surprise them within the scene; the nuance of the scene and nuance of the relationship or the dialogue they would find it and that's something that he can't tell us how much he loves being a part of that with Jared. Because they would find it so quickly and so much that it would surprise them. 💕
J2 Gold Panel DCCon
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sneakydraws · 2 years
I think it's very good and important to hype yourself up so here's some thoughts behind the goldfinch lyricstuck I did! I promise it's not all as long as the first section lol I just had a lot of thoughts about that part
First panel - this one I have a lot to say about. The (opening) lyric is this:
lord fate, give me someone who will not muddy the waters in my pond
In polish, the word zamącić (to muddy) can refer metaphorically to messing with one's head or confusing them, sometimes in a romantic context. Leaving for las Vegas and meeting Boris kick-started a huge identity shift for Theo - most prominently, he notes with shock his change from straight a student to drugged up slacker, but also an undeniable sexuality crisis, and he even slowly loosens his ties with new York. In this way, Boris 'muddies' the waters in Theo's pond by upending his life.
The pool imagery is sort of a mish-mash of film and book scenes. In the film, the dramatic jump dive represented an emotional catharsis for Theo after externalising his guilt over his mother's death to Boris ('coming clean' so to speak), and he only jumped in because Boris told him to, positioning Boris as kind of ritually absolving theo of his sins. In the book however, the scene is more unwholesome, with Boris holding Theo's head underwater and triggering a flashback and general violence ensuing. Next morning, there's vomit floating in the pool - I replaced it with blood, both because I didn't want to draw vomit and because it's more clearly recognisable. In my version of the scene, the blood is there in the pool when Theo decides to jump, representing how he plunges headfirst into the kind of violent, fucked up life Boris leads. Od course, this descriptor - someone who muddies the waters in my (Theo's) pond - is exactly what Boris is, as will be the case with all the following boys the singer doesn't want in her life.
someone who will not disappear like a bad dream when the fish in my pond run out
This refers to someone who isn't only with the singer for his own gain, but also a general idea of dependability, which Boris lacks in Theo's eyes - first because he, in Theo's view, chooses kotku over him, and then because he fails to follow him to New York and doesn't keep in touch. As codependent and desperate as their friendship is, it's marked by an undercurrent of anxiety and uncertainty, probably because neither is willing to be vulnerable with the other and admit they want to be together. In the lyricstuck, Theo looks over his shoulder - to make sure Boris is still there, or to see if Boris is blocking his escape route?
Where shall I find one so beautifully good? Where shall I find one so beautifully good?
Theo jumps, and Boris - inconsiderate and risky as always - follows right after, crashing into Theo and knocking the wind out of him in what he probably thinks a hilarious prank. Once again, the descriptor "beautifully good" seems to be as far from Boris as possible - but then here he is, comforting Theo after a nightmare (film homage)...
Then follows a list of qualities which the singer doesn't want in a boy (the word 'boy' in polish is used to mean 'boyfriend', which I think gives the song a curiously childish tone) - Boris, of course, possesses each and every one of them.
Lunatic - first meeting - Boris being fucking weird. I went with the film setting for this conversation (in the book, the "Harry potter!" Happens when they're in line for the bus) because I wanted a visual reference haha
Smoker, poor - Boris stealing xandras cigarettes! I'm endlessly charmed and a little heartbroken at the passage about Boris always taking what he wanted, but also sharing what he had like it's the most obvious thing in the world that what's his is Theo's and that he'll always give Theo anything...
Drunkard, Pole - I settled on vodka and gherkins as the quintessentially polish meal. Featuring popchyk
Ugly - of course, this is only half literal. Boris looks horrible in this scene because his father just beat him half to death, which is just another example of the 'ugliness' inherent in his life and his world that Theo has willingly wandered into.
Lunatic - Thanksgiving, featuring Boris-typical, casual, jokey violence. And yet, this is what has come to feel like home to Theo, and they are depicted through the window in a brightly lit kitchen, safe from the outside world.
Shifty, clowns around - honestly, the word 'cwaniak' fits Boris, especially adult Boris, to a t... Here they're sneaking around shoplifting, but of course Boris can't take anything seriously and gives Theo anxiety attacks 24/7
Drunkard, Pole, poor - there is a camaraderie I chose to depict that goes a bit outside if book canon, but it's because I wanted to shift the point of view to Boris at the end. I go back and forth on how in love exactly he was at what point in time and how much of it he admitted to himself, but here I chose to show him longing for something he can't have. This is what the final 'poor' refers to - not Boris's literal poverty, but his lacking of what he desires, and also 'poor' as in 'look at this poor child' - pitiful, miserable and deprived. As a side note, in all the previous panels Boris was wearing a shirt similar in hue to the overall palette of the scene (I refuse to dress him in black only because I wholeheartedly condone the choice of the filmmakers to dress him in the most random, thrift shop reject bin looking shit) but here he's the sole spot of red in an otherwise cool palette, firstly to bring attention to himself and secondly to suggest romantic longing in a sterile, cold environment.
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So, I live for your shipping posts, Sirius Black and Patrick Bateman? Best buds? One ends up dead?
Now I know you guys are just throwing names together and seeing what nonsense I say.
For those who don't know, Patrick Bateman is a character from the film/book American Psycho. For some reason, people like to ask about him on this blog.
Sirius Black and Patrick Bateman
I've talked about Patrick in Hogwarts before. We have to do a bit of head tilting to make it work. For Patrick to fulfil the same role in society that he does in American Psycho, and thus have a similar characterization if with a Harry Potter flair, then he's not a Muggle on Wall Street in the 80's getting high on cocaine.
He's going to be in Slytherin, going to be the son of a very wealthy pureblood family, who's getting high on wizarding cocaine in the Slytherin common room with the Malfoys, Blacks, LeStranges, etc.
Because of this, he and Sirius aren't going to be friends.
Sirius pointedly rejects his entire family and all their values. Patrick Bateman is the very core symbol of these values as much as Lucius Malfoy is.
Sirius will hate him on principle, never mind how they might have gotten along in different circumstances.
I imagine Patrick isn't harassed too much by the Marauders, in the sense that Lucius didn't seem to be nor any of Sirius' siblings or cousins. I imagine their primary victim is still Severus Snape for a variety of reasons. But Sirius makes a point of badmouthing Bateman at every opportunity and noting how much he hates their ilk.
Obviously, this means they're not getting together in the shipping sense either.
But What About Different Circumstances?
I'd still say no.
Bateman isn't really the mischievous/prankster sort. He views what he does as a very serious endeavor and one absolutely vital to his existence. He takes his murdering of random female Hufflepuffs very seriously.
He's not going to make Severus' life miserable just to make it miserable (especially as Severus Snape has nothing he wants/isn't someone who has anything he covets).
Now, he might murder Severus in a dark alley to get his kicks and giggles, but the violence would very much be for the violence's sake with no pretense otherwise. Where Sirius in canon tends to stand by his explanation of being young, stupid, and looking for a good time.
Sirius isn't always out to kill Snape...
Bateman would be.
Bateman I think would find Sirius to be very dumb and generally not worth his time. He's throwing everything away so he can pretend to be one of the common folk and wastes his time on juvenile pranks to make nothing Severus Snape feel miserable.
Bateman's busy raping and murdering Hufflepuffs in closets because he knows he can get away with it. He may also kill Lucius Malfoy and steal his manor in a fit of jealousy, only to then realize no one can tell the difference between him, Lucius, the LeStranges, or anyone else so he gets away with it completely (bonus points if Sirius is somehow implicated for it, as he's mistaken for Patrick Bateman) but it's not the same thing.
I imagine both Bateman and Sirius would view each other with contempt. And that Sirius would have generally very little idea of what Patrick Bateman is up to (especially as Bateman does not become a Death Eater, meaning his pillage, rape, and murder seems almost out of character for a man who does not become Death Eater scum).
Does One End Up Dead?
I'm going to say no. I think they'd keep out of each other's way as neither has anything the other really wants or is in a position to be declared a direct enemy.
When Hogwarts ends, they go their separate ways, and all of Bateman's many crimes are blamed on Bellatrix.
It's a great time to be Patrick Bateman.
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sneales · 3 years
Hi there!
I'm a big fan of your writing! I love how you characterize characters. They're all very different from each other and they seem very in character! If you don't mind, may I request Gojo, Nanami, Yuji and Megumi and how they'd be on the day of their first date with their s/o who they've been Pining after for so long? Or maybe how they'd be like the day of their wedding?
Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Itadori, Megumi, gender neutral reader Genre: romance Warnings: grammar mistakes Notes: Aww anon, thank you so much! I pay attention to make them seem different so I’m really glad you noticed T.T (well, Gege-sensei makes everything easier since his characters are so well written ♥). I did both the date and the wedding, I hope it's ok!
→Requests are open!
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He has never felt so nervous for a date before.
He doesn’t really organise anything in particular, he simply dresses up and tells you to meet in town.
You walk around the streets full of people, stop at shop windows, take photos, buy something... just normal things.
He holds your hand most of the time, nobody will stop him from being affectionate now.
Whenever he finds a food shop or a stall, he stops and buys some food, like seriously he makes you eat a lot lol
He’ll joke a lot about how hard you made him work before you fell in love with him, how could you resist such a hot man for so long?
Everything feels a bit random, but it’s not bad not having anything organised.
By the end of the date, he tries to get at least a make-out session.
If someone had told him “you’ll get married one day”, he would’ve called that person crazy.
The only thing he really likes about weddings is the after party and he basically asks you to get married only because he wanted a big party.
He invites a lot of people, he calls a dj for the music and definitely tries to do stupid games and pranks.
He’ll definitely dirty your face with the cake when you two cut it and pray he didn’t rent a place with a pool otherwise he’ll throw you and your expensive dress into it lmao
When the wedding day arrives, he’s probably super nervous right before the ceremony. He wore his shirt inside out and he tried to tie his bow tie four times, but luckily Shoko was there and fixed everything.
After the formalities are sorted, he gets much more relaxed and ready to party lol
He wants everything to be perfect, he doesn’t want to disappoint you in any way.
Buys new clothes, go to the hairdresser, he’s basically as shiny as a diamond.
He booked a restaurant and right on time he’s at your house, ready to drive you to your date.
He likes the quiet and intimate atmosphere, interrupted only by the waiter and the good food.
You talk about many things and get to know each other better.
You weren’t really expecting it, but he flatters you often.
It’s almost funny because he comes out of nowhere saying saying things like “your eyes are really pretty” with his stern face.
If you didn’t know he always means what he says, you would think he was lying lol
When he drives you back home, he greets you with a small kiss on the lips.
He has always dreamed of being married.
He’s not a fan of huge parties, he prefers traditional and classic ceremonies.
He takes care of the organisation, chooses the place, the colors of the decorations, the flowers etc. etc.
Of course, he pays a lot of attention to his own wedding dress too.
Everything in his plans is perfect, there is only a variable that will definitely try to mess up something, but unfortunately he still cares about the variable enough to want him at his wedding so he hoped for the best.
When the day arrives he won’t show it, but he’s very nervous, very happy, very in love.
So nervous lol
He wanted to bring you to a fancy place, but he’s broke so you end up watching a movie.
He absolutely wants to watch a film you’d like.
You chose a romantic comedy and he gets a bit flustered because the movie is so cheesy and argh was he supposed to do something? Like accidentally brushing your hand while you take popcorn or grab your hand while you have it on your arm chair??? eventually he doesn’t do anything.
He ends up not remembering anything of the movie afterwards.
You eat a cheeseburger in a fast food nearby and now he feels definitely more relaxed and comfortable.
Like Nanami, he likes to compliment you, but in a warmer way.
He is impressed by anything you say. You study? He’s so impressed. You work? He’s so impressed. You like knitting sockets? Wow, he’s even more impressed.
Your confidence skyrockets.
When it's time to say goodbye, he gives you a big hug.
He doesn’t think marriage would add anything to your relationship, but he would really like to spend a day where you two are the protagonists and where you could have fun together with all your friends.
It’s an easy-going party, good food, nice music, a lot of laughs and fun.
He’s probably the most relaxed out of the four on his wedding day, he feels the most comfortable with you and his friends so he’s super happy to spend a special day together.
He isn’t really sure about what to do, so it will probably take him a lot of time before asking you on a date.
One day he noticed there was an art exhibition and he asked if you wanted to go together.
He’s not a super expert of art, but he thought looking at paintings could give him many conversation topics.
He’s awfully afraid you’ll think he is boring or uninteresting, so he really tries hard to talk a lot.
That’s kinda weird for you because you know him well, but you still think it’s very cute he’s putting so much effort.
He pays a lot of attention to how he’s dressed, like Nanami. He was probably stressing over it so hard.
He chooses something a bit plain eventually, because he doesn’t want to look too desperate to get your attention.
You still think he looks very good, he’s a natural beauty.
At the end of your date, he feels very unsure about what to do, he thinks you shouldn't kiss on a first date and any other form of contact would be too awkward so he gives you a little and safe kiss on the cheek and runs away.
Not a great fan of weddings and parties, too many people, too much noise, but he loves the engagement and stability a marriage gives to a couple.
You invite only few people, the ceremony is not too formal, it’s intimate but still fun also because those few people are actually chaotic af (you think Gojo and Nobara would just sit quietly? Nah).
He feels very emotional when the day comes, his hands tremble a little and his voice shakes from time to time, he smiles much more.
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (Training Camp Backstage)
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Revenge Boys' Night!
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
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Tenma: Come to think of it, how'd the training camp go?
Juza: At that Indian film theme park you guys supervised the stage performance for.
Tsuzuru: Director and Ikaruga-san said it felt like stepping into a movie once they saw the park's cityscape.
Taichi: Yeah, totally! There was lots of different food stalls and attractions, so it was all super exciting!
Taichi: There's so many things I wanna tell you guys about, the stage rehearsals, the discussions, the performance....
Taichi: Oh, right! That reminds me, I got revenge for that thing we tried, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tenma: Huh....?
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Taichi: Good... Now that we're all here...
Misumi: ....Tactical meeting, commence~!
Omi: Is that really why you called us here...?
Taichi: Of course! That's why I've arranged it in secret.
Taichi: I told you guys that I made the room assignments using a lottery app....
Taichi: But the truth is I actually thought about them long and hard!
Taichi: As revenge for the werewolf training camp, we're gonna do~.... a surprise wake-up call!*
Misumi: Operation: Surprise Prank~.
Taichi: I've thought about last attempt, and our greatest opponent will be.... how to catch Chikage-san asleep in order to wake him up.
Omi: So, do you have any ideas?
Taichi: Last time, Tsuzuru-kun helped out with the prank.
Taichi: I think the sound of Tsuzuru-kun getting up and leaving the room is what woke Chikage-san.
Taichi: In other words, we just needed to room him with someone who doesn't drag their feet when getting up!
Omi: Ah, so that's why Tasuku-san and Chikage-san are in the same room...
Taichi: It's not just them, don't you wanna see Azuma-san get pranked too?
Misumi: Azuma's being pranked~?
Omi: Come to think of it, our attempt to do a surprise wake-up call at the Autumn/Winter training camp also failed...*
Taichi: Right. That's why we're getting revenge for then, too!
Omi: Umm, is this going to work....?
Taichi: It's trial and error. So first, let's go to Hisoka-san and Azuma-san's room!
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Taichi: Sorry for the intrusion...
Hisoka: Snz... zz...
Taichi: Yes, Hisoka-san's fast asleep!
Misumi: Huh~? But Azuma's not here~?
Taichi: Wha-, I'm sensing a pattern...!
Azuma: Fufu, good morning. You're up early, Puppy-kun.
Misumi: Wah! Azuma~!
Taichi: Gh... You're awake...!
Omi: Good morning. You're up pretty early, Azuma-san.
Azuma: Fufu, I wonder why. Something must have happened, I normally sleep well.
Taichi: Uguu, our revenge failed...!
Azuma: Now now, I can practically see your ears and tail sagging. It's okay, Puppy-kun.
Misumi: Taichi, pet pet~.
Omi: Alright, then I'll make you your favorite dish again, Taichi.
Taichi: I'm so comforted, everyone....
Hisoka: Zzz....
Taichi: All this fuss, and yet Hisoka-san's still asleep.
Omi: He won't be up until the sun rises.
Misumi: Hisoka, good night~. See you later, Azuma.
Azuma: Yeah. I hope you succeed.
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Misumi: We failed~.
Taichi: Urgh, this sucks!
Omi: Doesn't seem like we're off to a very good start...
Taichi: We haven't lost yet! I'm sure we'll get it right next time! Off to Tasuku-san and Chikage-san's room!
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Omi: Well?
Tasuku: Zz... zz....
Chikage: .......
Taichi: Oh, they're asleep. This is our chance...!
Misumi: They're sleeping~.
Taichi: I'm sure Tasuku-san won't wake up, Let's start with Chikage-san.
Taichi: Ahem....
Chikage: Gh!?
Taichi: Yay! Operation: Surprise--.
Chikage: ...Just kidding.
Taichi: Huh!?
Chikage: Earlier, when you went to Azuma-san and Hisoka's room, the noise from that woke me up.
Taichi: Grrrrr.......
Omi: Haha, is that so.
Misumi: Disappointing~.
Taichi: Uu, we failed...
Tasuku: .....Oi.
Misumi: Oh, Tasuku~, good morning~.
Taichi: Huh!? T-Tasuku-san, you woke up!?
Tasuku: Nanao... Ikaruga... You two are so noisy...
Omi: Sorry to disturb you.
Tasuku: Even Fushimi... jeez. Whatever, it's fine. I was planning on waking up around this time anyway.
Tasuku: But still, keep your pranks in moderation.
Taichi: Uwaa, I'm sorry~.
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Tsuzuru: Uh, how exactly was that getting revenge against Chikage-san.
Tenma: That wasn't what you said at all...
Taichi: 'Cause~, I was kinda frustrated, so I wanted to spill...
Juza: Azuma-san and Chikage-san are amazing...
Taichi: Yeah, but! I'm still gonna get my revenge someday!
Tenma: What the, why are you so mysteriously motivated.
Tsuzuru: He never learns. Good grief...
*don't have the backstage and not translated afaaik, but assuming it's a reference to the "Infiltration Boys' Night" training camp backstage (liar night event)
*reference to the "Enjoy! Adult School Trip" epilogue
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eatsbop · 3 years
I watched this film called Sad Movie, and there's this one character who was unemployed so he just started a business. Separation Agency. So basically he gets paid to deliver breakup messages. And.. I wanted to write a Taeyeon fic for it but I
Bomi and Yeonwoo are like in an arranged marriage of sorts and they do get along but like Bomi just thinks of Yeonwoo as her cutest BBBFFFRFR (best boy best friend forever fr fr) but Yeonwoo actually likes her? They're still in high school so like marriage is a far off thing but like Bomi knows Yeonwoo's a-okay with it and she's like nooooo? No, thank you. Why is this poor sweet guy in love with me. He so deserves to have someone who would love him sincerely fr fr. Also she's sorta kinda seeing some other guy. The magnificent sexy alluring (seriously Bomi what happened here anyway) cool guy, Yoo Hobin.
*cricket noises*
It was fine when they were younger. Playing childhood sweethearts with Yeonyeon but bruh, we're getting older and it's getting weirder SO them couple (Bomi and Hobin) employed the help of Hobin's big strong second wingman, Seong Taehoon. Because bae, how could anyone so callously hurt the feelings of Ji Yeonwoo. Soft, gentle, kind Ji Yeonwoo who always have his fiancee's best interests at heart. Who is crazy enough to make himself the bad guy? Who else but Seong Taehoon who don't give a fuck, flying or otherwise.
Taehoon thought it would be easy enough.
From what he's heard from Bomi, Yeonwoo is this strait-laced perfect guy. Just about the kind of person that annoys him most. Cause bruh, let's be real. Handsome, smart, perfect reputation, liked by everyone, popular, respected, rich, max in every imaginable stat bar. Give me a break. You be lying if they don't even slightly tick you off. Like how is this fair.
Anyway. Taehoon thought it would be easy. That was money easily earned. BUT it turns out it ain't. Sure telling him was easy.
"Hey, four eyes. You're Ji Yeonwoo, right? You know Choi Bomi? She sent me. No, actually. She and her boyfriend sent me." Easy right?
And you know.. Taehoon's got a twisted sense of responsibility. Sure that punch hurt but maybe he deserved it for treating this matter so lightly and being so careless and insensitive with his words but come on. This is seriously the problem with sheltered, perfect kids.. they can't deal with failure and heartbreak well. And maybe he's got enough sense and goodness in his heart not to leave a passed out person on the sidewalk.. especially because his kick is reason why said person passed out in the first place.
Telling Yeonwoo of the breakup was his job. Babysitting him through his heartbreak wasn't. He did not think this through, eh? Why did he accept this job what the fuck. This guy sure cry ugly. Should he buy him ice cream? Hey, you ever had beer before? You want one? The fuck, man. Wipe your snot.
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twh-news · 3 years
[For you who decide to start ranting in the notes without reading: it's officially canon.]
Even more so than Loki just realizing he is capable of loving someone other than himself, Loki is finally willing to accept himself and all his flaws. “I don't think Loki's relationship with himself has been very healthy,” Tom Hiddleston explains. “Trying to accept those aspects of himself, which he's been on the run from, was a way of thinking about that in a really interesting way. Also, Sylvie's not Loki. Sylvie is Sylvie. That's interesting, too. I'm really excited to see what people make of it.”
“Two variants of the same being, especially you, forming this kind of sick twisted romantic relationship? That’s pure chaos! That could break reality. It’s breaking my reality right now! What an incredible seismic narcissist! You fell for yourself!”
That’s what Mobius practically yells at Loki in the latest episode of Marvel Studios’ Loki. In trying to get to the bottom of what caused the Nexus Event on Lamentis-1, Mobius starts asking questions and prodding the God of Mischief in just the right way to get a confession out of him, without Loki actually confessing to anything. After putting the pieces together from Loki’s context cues, Mobius arrives at the only logical conclusion: Loki’s fallen for the other Variant, aka Sylvie. “You like her! Does she like you?” teases Mobius.“
That was one of the cruxes of my pitch [for the series], that there was going to be a love story,” head writer Michael Waldron explains to Marvel.com. “We went back and forth for a little bit about, like do we really want to have this guy fall in love with another version of himself? Is that too crazy? But in a series that, to me, is ultimately about self-love, self-reflection, and forgiving yourself, it just felt right that that would be Loki's first real love story.”
Loki and Sylvie’s love story has an apocalyptic beginning since that’s where the two first begin to bond. Trapped on a moon on the verge of total destruction, the two are forced to work together to find a way out of this situation, only to have it completely fail before their eyes. Feeling defeated, Sylvie wonders if Lokis are always destined to lose?
Loki reassures her that while they might lose, they don’t die — they survive. He goes on to call Sylvie “amazing” for how she almost took down the TVA on her own, and it’s clear from the look on his face that even though they’ve only been together a short while, Loki’s already come to admire and respect her. As the moon literally crumbles around them, Sylvie places a hand on Loki’s arm, and that’s when it happens: A branch on the Sacred Timeline. These two Lokis are having a moment they were never supposed to have, which as Mobius puts it, is “pure chaos.”
“The look that they share, that moment, [it started as] a blossoming friendship,” continues Waldron. “Then for the first time, they both feel that twinge of, ‘Oh, could this be something more? What is this I'm feeling?’ These are two beings of pure chaos that are the same person falling in love with one another. That's a straight-up and down branch, and exactly the sort of thing that would terrify the TVA.”
Thankfully this branch also leads to the two variants being located on Lamentis-1; unfortunately, their rescue leads to them immediately thrown into captivity at the TVA.
But what happened on Lamentis-1 clearly affects both of them in different ways, with Loki slowly coming to grips with the fact that he does have feelings for Sylvie — even though she’s “difficult, irritating, and tries to hit [him] all the time.”
This is only made more pronounced after Loki finds himself trapped in a time loop with Lady Sif back on Asgard shortly following his past-self committing a cruel prank and cutting off her hair. Sif not only beats him up (and rightfully so), but tells him many times, “You deserve to be alone and you always will be.” For the first time, Loki realizes he doesn’t want to be alone, and that there might be someone out there for him, who he can connect with on another level.
Even more so than Loki just realizing he is capable of loving someone other than himself, Loki is finally willing to accept himself and all his flaws. “I don't think Loki's relationship with himself has been very healthy,” Tom Hiddleston explains. “Trying to accept those aspects of himself, which he's been on the run from, was a way of thinking about that in a really interesting way. Also, Sylvie's not Loki. Sylvie is Sylvie. That's interesting, too. I'm really excited to see what people make of it.”
As Mobius notes, it might just be a case of extreme narcissism, but it also makes complete sense for the character.
“Who’s a better match for Loki than himself?” director Kate Herron chimes in. “The whole show is about identity. It's about him, and he is on a very different path, and he is on a different journey. He sees things in Sylvie that he is like, ‘Oh, I've been there. I know what you feel.’ But she's like, ‘Well, I don't feel that way.’ And I think that was the kind of fun thing about it. She is him, but she's not him. They've had such different life experiences. So just from an identity perspective, it was interesting to dig into that.”
“When Loki meets Sylvie, he's inspired solely by curiosity,” reveals Hiddleston. “He wants to talk to her and understand her and try to discern what was similar about their experiences, and what was different. He keeps asking her questions because he wants to see if his experience was also her experience. I think he realizes, and she realizes, that while they're the same, they're not the same.”
Herron was careful setting up this relationship. “It was just about giving it the space to breathe and digging into it in a way that felt earned,” she explains.
Considering partnerships are 50/50, credit has to be paid to Sophia Di Martino, taking on the role of Sylvie and becoming someone who can match Loki’s own energy and chaos.
"I think something that Sophia captured really beautifully is that she’s in a different space,” continues Herron. “She's almost where Loki was in Thor in some ways where she's dealing with a lot of pain. For different reasons, obviously. It was really interesting having her in a different headspace of a different Loki.”
When production was shut down at the start of the pandemic, Herron kept working, putting together what had already been filmed. She realized that “there were tonally some things that were coming to the surface” between Loki and Sylvie that she could explore deeper.
“As we were cutting it together in the studio, everyone was, ‘Oh, this [relationship] is really cool. Let's dig into that more,’" shares Herron. “When we went back to filming, we added or tweaked scripts basically to [emphasize it].”
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serodev · 3 years
Hello! Hello! May I request a SFW matchup for your 500 followers event, please? Thank you so much in advance and congratulations reaching that many followers! 🎉🎉
Both humans & demons. I'm fine with either.
I hope this wasn't too long HAHAHA!
I go by the name Prince or Jun, and my pronouns are : He/They and I'm proudly 4'11" HAHAHA! I'm 18 years old.
I'm a total introvert who would not leave the house unless necessary, and I tend to avoid large crowds and people since I have social anxiety. I'm quite distant, cold and awkward when I first meet people but I get really weird ( ahem, shameless. ) and outgoing once I warm up to someone. I'm a worrywart and prone to have pessimistic/intrusive thoughts. My humor is dark and inappropriate and very sexual. Although, I'm panromantic asexual ( poly, as well ). My love language are physical affection ( back hugs, cuddles, face peppering, playing with your hands, hand holding, & arm over the shoulder. ), and cheesy/corny flirts. I enjoy horror films and historical novels. I like playing pranks on others, listening to all kinds of music, and dancing. I like to travel the world as well as take photos! I like hanging out in a dimly lit bedroom, watching movies, or at an abandoned area ( parking lot, building, etc. ) I enjoy solitude and the dark. Oh! I'm scared of butterflies and allergic to dust.
I tend to be impulsive at times ( mainly concerning money ), and I exhibit extreme mood swings. I'm very affectionate though, and always willing to lend a shoulder or an ear. I also care too much. Apart from that, I'm very sarcastic and a swearing sailor ( I cuss a lot with people I'm comfortable with. ) Playful, bad memory ( sometimes ), bad at picking up jokes most of the times, and has a tendency to suddenly disappear for a few weeks before returning like nothing happened. I need to recharge to be able to socialize again.
I'm a total sap and an affectionate person to the person I love. I'm the type to wake up every morning and message them, "Good morning, hun!" and I also check up on them if they're feeling well.
I have two ideal dates.
One : Just casually lounging at either one's bedroom. The lights are dim, the windows are closed along with the curtains while we cuddle on the bed, binge watching movie series or an animated series. We'd have snacks and drinks as we stay up late till 3 AM. Maybe we'd take short, funny videos and post them on our stories. Turn up the music and have small dance party. Do each other's hair and makeup. Have a small fashion show. A sleepover date, to be precise.
Two : Going on an exploring date to an abandoned building or a forest. Just the two of us. No other people around. Taking photos or videos, or just hanging out as we have small talk. It'll be even better if it's a haunted area and we do it at night, scaring each other just for shits and giggles.
Apart from that, I like someone who can be submissive towards me. I find them to be cute and it makes me wanna playfully bully them more for being so adorable :") ( Will spoil them to bits after ). I may be short but I don't enjoy being the little spoon/submissive partner. I hate being forced into that position too, just because I'm short and that I look "cute".
I also hate people who are ignorant, neglectful, and quick to jump into conclusions about another person. I don't like someone who isn't willing to understand me and communicate with me either. Other than that, I don't like bright lights, fish, open areas ( no walls, no closed windows, no doors, etc. ), And loud noises.
Note(s): Let's get these match-ups started! I have to say that you sent a lot of text to me, but I don't mind it at all! I actually have to say that I know this one guy who's around the same height as you, and he's really cute. I hope you enjoy your match~
I match you up with…
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Rengoku Kyojuro!
» I think this matchup was going to be pretty reasonable due to your personality and your love language! As we all know, Kyojuro's a big sap as well when it comes to showing off his love, so he loves (no pun intended) to cuddle with you, kiss you, wash you, etc.
» As long as he gets to touch you and you touch him in return, he's happy to be with you. I'd say the only negative part about your relationship with Kyojuro is the fact that you tend to be impulsive with your money from time to time. The reason why I say this is because I think that Kyojuro happens to be like that as well.
» However, you two can definitely work around that problem and find ways to keep your impulses low! Kyojuro also loves to play pretend with you, so you can surely get a boyfriend who acts submissively towards you. Of course, that's only going to be a facade of his, and he's going to pin you down for cuddles later on.
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celestialevie · 4 years
Weddings and what could’ve been’s // F.W. x F! Reader
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Hi! This is my first ever posted fic, I hope you’ll like it!
PAIRING: Fred Weasley x F! Reader
Genre: Angst 
Summary: You’ve been friends with Fred since forever. But what happens when the one you love is not feeling the same and now he’s getting married to the girl he loves. Based off of this song :))
Word count: 2.5k
It was supposed to be a good day. Waking up, getting ready for another day of writing her novel about picturing a certain red head as love interest of her novel. But it all flushed down when she saw a small envelope just sitting there on the table, almost as if it was mocking her. It's been sitting there ever since it arrived yesterday afternoon, not expecting to receive an invitation to the wedding of one person she didn't want to participate in. Fredrick Gideon Weasley. Her best friend since their second year of Hogwarts. It was almost ironic how a simple wedding invitation can break a heart that's already been on the verge of breaking, tears were rolling down her face, not a single sound could've been heard besides her sobs. Her best friend/roommate ran out of her room as soon as she heard her. Not expecting to see her best friend on the floor crying over a single paper, she realises what happened, the one thing she dreaded even though it was only a matter of time before it happened. The way Fred was talking about that girl, she knew that her best friend was in a wait of a permanent broken heart. But now a day later, she decided to throw the invitation in the rubbish, deciding no matter how much she cared about her best friend she knew she wouldn't be able to handle watching him promising himself to someone else for forever. Taking out a bottle of her favourite rose, she pours some of it in a glass and heads back to her room, deciding to forget about her heartbreak by throwing herself into her fictional world where she was the one Fred loved. 
 Soon, she'll realise that not even wine and her own fictional world would help cure her broken heart. Not when the one she's so in love with decided so pay her a visit, not hearing anything from her in over a week. He wondered if she got the invitation to the wedding, the day he couldn't wait for it to finally happen. The thing is, he's not going to be able to do it, if his soulmate in a form of his best friend isn't there by his side, making sure he doesn't panic like he often happens to do in stressful situations. 
Upon hearing knocking on her door, she slowly gets up from her desk, heading to open the door, not expecting to see the person she wanted to see the least, standing in front of her. 
Every day they were closer to the day that changes everything for forever. One of them was dreading that day, while the other one couldn't want for it to come any sooner. Soon it was the day of rehearsal dinner or also known as the day before it all goes shit show for her. Everything was ready, her outfit ready for tomorrow. Deciding she wasn't strong enough to make it through the wedding alone, she begged her best friend to go with her, helping her survive with alcohol. The wedding was in the backyard of The Burrow, but it wasn't anything special or near as big as it was Bill's, both Fred and Lillian agreeing it was best to have a smaller intimate wedding with their closest ones there. Apparating a minute away from The Burrow, she walks towards the door, knocking softly before entering the house. Everyone was on their feet, final preparations for tomorrow are being made. Ginny was the first one to notice her, running towards the girl. Brining her in the hug, she laughs. '' Hi Ginny '' they pull away from the hug, Ginny looking at the girl. '' You look gorgeous y/n. I'm still angry at my brother for not marrying you. '' y/n rolls her eyes playfully. '' Stop it, you know we would never work as a couple, plus Lillian is a lovely girl, I'm sure she'll be a good sister-in-law. '' they talked as they walked upstairs heading towards Ginny's room.  What no one knew is that the night of the Yule ball, Fred was ready to confess his dying crush on his best friend, that's why he brought her to the astronomy tower. He had it all planned out  until they were interrupted, and it was all ruined. Fred often wondered if they hadn't been interrupted would've it been her who he was marrying. Would it work out or would it fail and therefore ruin their friendship. George was the only one along with Lee who knew about it. That's why the night before the wedding he found himself sitting in front of the small lake they had behind their house, wondering if Lillian is truly the one he wants to marry. Y/n found him after a few minutes, joining him. '' I knew I'd find you here. '' he said nothing, just kept looking in front of him. '' What's bothering you, Freddie? '' she gently took his hand into hers, brushing her thumb gently across his hand. '' I'm just worried if I'm making a mistake or rushing this. Before tonight, I couldn't been happier waiting for this day to finally come, but now that it's here all my mind seems to do is make me wonder if I'm marrying the wrong girl. Maybe I should just marry you, we've been friends for forever, it wouldn't change much. '' he lets out a small laugh. Letting go off his hand, I grab his face with my hands on both sides of his face. '' Fred I need you to look at me. Do you love Lillian? '' he nods his head. '' I don't think I've ever loved anyone the way I love her. '' a small smile appears in the corner of his mouth. '' Do you see yourself being with her for the rest of your life? Is she the one you want to see growing old with you? '' y/n questions him. Fred waits for a few seconds before answering, with a big smile on his face. '' Yeah, I do. God, why was I even doubting this. This is why I need you by my side, you always know how to get me out of my head. Thank you, love. '' he pulls her into a strong hug. '' Hey, if you need a getaway car tomorrow, me and George will have one prepared and then we can get married. '' she joked, even though there was some half truth in it. '' it's late, I have to go get that beauty sleep for tomorrow so do you. Goodnight Freddie. '' she plants a small kiss on his cheek before apparating herself back to her flat, before crashing down in the middle of living room, bursting into tears of heartbreak. The pieces that weren't shatter from before, had shattered now. There were no pieces left of her heart. The rest of the night she spent in the arms of her best friend, crying herself to sleep. 
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 It was funny really. The story of how they met, how they became inseparable and how she eventually fell in love with him. The latter didn't come to much of a surprise. How could someone not fall in love with him, when he's the most amazing person she's ever come across. It was their second year in Hogwarts, and she was heading towards the library, deciding to prepare herself for the upcoming Potions exam. Merlin knows how much she dreaded those. It wasn't her fault, most people on her mom's side of family never really knew how to do potions. As she was walking there, someone grabbed her by her arm and started dragging her away with them in a direction of the nearest broom closet. In a second she realised it was one of the Weasley twins. Not even needing to ask why he was in such a hurry, already knowing they caused another trouble. Quickly running inside the broom closet, one of the twins put a hand on her mouth, signalling for her to be quiet. Rolling her eyes, she did as told until we heard Filch and Mrs. Norris passing by. Another minute passed on until he removed his hand from her mouth. '' I'm Fred. '' he introduced himself. '' Y/n '' she shook his hand. '' Care to explain why you dragged me into this dusty broom closet with yourself? '' Fred laughed. '' Had to move you out of the way from Filch or else you'd be in the trouble along with me. '' nodding her head, she left the closet. And that was the beginning of their weird friendship. From participating in the pranks, to making excuses why they're not in the certain classes you shared with them to Fred asking her to go to the Yule Ball with him, leading us to the night they had almost kissed. Somewhere in between she slowly fell for her best friend without intending to. It all felt like a dream. Dancing with her best friend so closely, to sneaking off to the astronomy tower because that night, the stars were shining so bright. Slow dancing in the moonlight, it all felt almost to perfect. Both of them slowly leaning towards each other until they heard a crashing noise, interrupting their intimate moment. It made her realise that it was for the best for them to be just friends, their friendship being worth more than a relationship not knowing how it'll end. Almost as if it was a silent agreement between them, neither of the two brought it up ever again. She would never want to ruin his day, so yes she had agreed to be his second best man, no matter how much it'll hurt to be there so up close seeing it all unfold almost like in a film scene. 
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Next morning when she woke up, she felt so exhausted while getting ready. She barely had any energy in her body and she was pretty sure she also had no tears left. Putting on her beautiful dress, she did her makeup and hair. She was ready to stand there next to her best friend, and watch him marry the love of his life, no matter how much the fact that it's not her hurted. It was a beautiful ceremony, he looked so beautiful in his dark blue suit, it really made his hair and eyes stand out a bit more, and don't her started on how beautiful the bride was. Her gown looked straight out of a fairytale. A few tears espaced during the ceremony but when George asked her why is she crying, she brushed it off as happy tears, even though she knew she didn't fool George with that lie. During the reception she mostly stayed at her table, trying to drown her sorrow in the wine and other alcoholic drinks. She watched as her roommate/best friend danced with George along with watching Fred and Lillian dance together like it was only two of them. Molly and Ginny often came and talked to me, but it wasn't long until I couldn't handle it anymore and just drowned the rest of my drink before saying goodbye to everyone, making an excuse saying she unfortunately had to go home and finish her book, her publisher gave her a deadline until tomorrow. The last person left to say goodbye to was Fred. Tapping him on the shoulder, she gives him a smile as he turns around. '' Congratulations Freddie boy once again. But I have to leave now unfortunately, I have a book to finish. '' Before she could even say anything he took her hands and put them around his neck, pulling her closer to him. '' Just this one dance and then I'm setting you free, okay? '' He begged her. Nodding her head, they start slow dancing. '' I'm really proud of you Freddie, you finally found the one you always talked about. Hopefully one day I'm gonna find my prince charming one day. '' she rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. '' I'm sorry I wasn't the one for you. '' he said, making the tears slowly start pooling in my eyes. '' That's not for you to apologise, we're too good friends for us to work in a relationship. Us not kissing that night of the yule ball was for the best. If we kissed who knows if you'd meet Lillian, your true love. Don''t you worry about me. '' and with that she pulled away from him, placing a small kiss on his cheek before apparating home. Letting him stand there alone, her words sinking in, making him wonder again if he had made a mistake by not letting her know of his feeling that night. But soon his thoughts were brushed away as he felt the lips of his wife on his.
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'' Hello love '' he greets her after she moved aside, letting him in. Pulling her into a hug, he goes into the living room, while she still stands there shocked at her door. Quickly getting rid of her thoughts, she heads over to where he was. '' Hi Freddie, what are you doing here? I didn't expect you to visit. '' she sits down next to him. '' Well it's been over a week since I've last heard from you, so I decided to pay you a visit. She nods her head. '' Yeah, sorry about that. I started working on my novel again and that's all I've focusing on recently. Didn't mean to neglect your need for constant attention. '' she jokes, even though she knew he had his fiancée know to give him attention. Fred rolls his eyes. '' Yeah yeah whatever. Listen I have a question/favour to ask you. '' she furrows her eyebrows. '' Okay, I'm listening. '' taking a deep breath, he begins. '' So as you probably know I proposed to Liliana. Speaking of that, have you received my invitation to the wedding? '' it's been over a month since they got engaged, and yet she still couldn't bare the thought of losing Fred forever. '' Yes I have, it's very beautiful Freddie, I am very happy for the two of you. '' she gives him her best fake smile, not wanting to upset her best friend. '' Thank you, love. My question is, would you like to be my second best man? Along with George of course. I don't think that I would be able to do it without you by my side. Please say yes or at least think about it. It would really mean everything to me. '' This was definitely something she hadn't expect. There goes your plan on not going to the wedding, making an excuse of why she can't make it and get drunk in her room while watching her favourite romcoms. '' Of course Freddie, anything for you. '' those words came out before you even had a chance to think about them. 
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
she/her/hers, straight, 5'6", red/brown hair that is sort of wavy and it falls to my shoulders. I have very dark brown eyes - like almost black. I have very pale skin. I am an excellent gardener and I like having a huge garden at home. I also like to watch Bollywood films. I have 3 sisters and they're all crazy. I like to prank them. I have a very loud laugh and I absolutely love to laugh! I like to hang out with my family and I am very close to them. My love language is act of service. I am very close to my dad and he is my role model because he has a lot of integrity. My pet peeves include people who have no common sense and are unrealistic. I would say that I am a very quiet person, funny, lots of common sense. I'm insecure about everything really. My body image, people not being truthful with me, having to communicate with large groups of people. My goal is to own a farm one day with lots of animals and kids. My mbti is ISTP.
From Band Of Brothers I Ship You With:
Alex Penkala Jr.
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Ship dynamic:
*Calls You 'Dude' Romantically*™
«‌You're the only friend I need; sharing beds like little kids and laughing 'til our ribs get tough.»
I'd have paired you with Luz but... Your pet peeves are literally him so how about lovely Penkala? ;)
Penkala seems to me much more realistic than George, and he definitely doesn't lack common sense, even if it's just because someone in the mortar squad has to have it.
He's hilarious but in a quieter way than Skip or Luz, not very much into large groups, so that won't be a problem.
This boy is very truthful. You'd get to see that pretty early on, and you'd come to trust his word.
By the way, Alex has twelve siblings. TWELVE. I bet he understands the pain and fun of having a large family.
He definitely watches Bollywood movies with you, he genuinely likes them and sharing that extra time with you is super fun.
Everything you two do while you're alone is super fun. You make each other crack up like crazy, and try your best to make each other laugh in public just because.
It's not difficult, you match each other's humor, so he only has to lean closer and whisper a dumb comment in your ear and there you go laughing.
He mainly does that because he adores your laugh, almost as much as he adores how dark your eyes are.
But let's not go off topic, the laughing thing goes both ways.
He finds you really funny, like, bet he laughs his ass off with you to the point where Muck and Malarkey get jealous.
And then while he wipes the tears off his face from all the laughter, or while he tries in vain to dry off whatever drink you made him spill, he thinks "I love her so much".
There's one problem, though; you two vibed since minute one as friends, and now you're in this 'bro' kind of relationship that neither of you know how to shape into something romantic.
So it's always "dude" and never "love of my life".
But then one day you're having a late night talk about random things and gardening comes up; how much you love it and how good you're at it, and Penkala goes "our house has to have a backyard".
He doesn't think much about it until he sees your jaw dropped because 'our house'? He probably stutters, struggling to find words of explanation different to "I've been thinking about building a life together".
But you go "dudeeee" but, you know, romantically, because that's so adorable.
And he somehow gets that "dudeeee" is actually a romantic one and he blushes and responds with the exact same word.
It probably takes your friends A LOT to find out you're dating because you're act the same around each other, and no one really notices that now it's *romantically* and not *platonically*.
Random but Penkala is the king of boosting your self esteem and confidence with the right amount of care and humor both through words and actions.
Though he's secretly mad whenever you get insecure, either aloud or quietly, because who taught you to doubt yourself?
I mean, in his eyes you're not perfect because Alex has the firm belief that there's no such thing as perfection, but you're so well-rounded, it's difficult for him to understand how can you not see yourself like he sees you.
Back to the platonic to romantic transition.
Penkala is on the easy-going side, but when the time comes to meet your family —specially your dad—, well... He's a bundle of nerves.
He's so anxious that he's not himself, but that's only because he knows how high are the stakes; he knows how close you are to them, and how much you look up to your dad, and he really doesn't want to fuck up.
You're gonna have to calm him down for that one, but it'll be a piece of cake, all his worries never fail to leave his mind when you two talk.
Again, this would probably go both ways. His family is just as important to him as yours to you, so meeting them is surely going to put you under some pressure.
You two will be fine though, no need to stress about it.
Oh, also, he really likes the idea of getting a farm with lots of animals and kids— specially the kids part, take it as you may.
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