#I'mma shut up in the tags now.
devildom-moss · 7 months
I really love your series on Mc giving everyone a kiss on the cheek. Can I ask for the reverse? Where they give a kiss on the cheek or something similar (a gift, perhaps?) for their Mc?
Okay, so this ask is going to take me a while, so I'm going to split it up. I hope you don't mind. I didn't quite go with the same PDA premise for this one - hope that's okay. So, what I did was I thought about who would be more likely to give a kiss on the cheek, a gift, or both. So part 1 of this request will be both. I hope you like it if you see this (sorry it took me so long to get to this, by the way).
Signs of Affection (kiss + gift)
(Lucifer x gn!MC) (Leviathan x gn!MC) (Diavolo x gn!MC) (Barbatos x gn!MC) (Simeon x gn!MC)
Word Count: +4,500
It was starting to get late when your D.D.D. buzzed. Lucifer was on an extended business trip with Diavolo and had taken to sending you secret good-night texts before he went to bed. Apparently, he didn’t think he could go five days without contacting you. He had even called on the third day just to hear your voice. With an affectionate smile, you checked your D.D.D. However, this message wasn’t what you were expecting.
Lucifer: Please go to my office.
You were confused – solely because you expected his office to be empty. Lucifer would be gone until tomorrow morning. Perhaps he had something valuable teleported there?  Whatever it was, if Lucifer was willing to say “please,” you figured it was important. Your heart jumped from your chest when you walked into the room and saw Lucifer sitting back in a chair with one leg crossed over the other.
“There you are.” He looked at you seductively, waiting for you to get closer so he could pounce. “Come in.”
“I thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow.” You made no attempt to hide your smile. It was nice to see him earlier than expected, but it made you wonder. “So, did things go really well or was it a disaster – for you to be back early, that is?”
“Let’s say it went well.” Lucifer smirked, unwilling to admit that he had all but begged Diavolo to allow him to return home early. If Diavolo hadn’t felt bad for Lucifer being ogled at throughout the trip – not to mention being hit on during three separate occasions by different nobles and a rather forward marriage proposal, he might have insisted that Lucifer stayed the extra half a day. Diavolo had noticed that Lucifer was uncomfortable the second he was away from polite company, and he had only seen Lucifer genuinely smile when he was on his phone and on the first morning when they were out window shopping before their meeting. So, Lucifer took an earlier train back, leaving Barbatos and Diavolo alone for one more night of mingling. By the time he got back, Lucifer was exhausted – although not so exhausted that he couldn’t carve out some time for his beloved human. “Sit, have a drink with me.”
You took the seat next to him and he handed you a chilled glass of Demonus he had already poured in anticipation of your arrival. “Did you have a good trip?”
“Not in the slightest – although it might have gone better if you were with me.”
“Oh no. What happened?”
“Nothing important. Now,” Lucifer started, uncrossing his legs and leaning closer to you, “did you miss me?”
“It wasn’t even five days, Lucifer.” You rolled your eyes. “I won’t die of loneliness.”
“Oh? I thought I was supposed to be the cruel one.” Lucifer leaned down and grabbed the leg of your chair, pulling you closer – and, quite ungracefully, causing a bump in the rug. You were left between his legs, and Lucifer used his newly obtained proximity to run his hand up your thigh. “I missed you terribly. I was dying of loneliness.”
“How many drinks did you have before I arrived?” you sighed.
“This is the first one, I’m afraid.” Lucifer swirled the Demonus in his glass before setting it down. Only then did you notice the small box sitting behind the bottle on the table. His eyes followed yours, and he let out a soft chuckle. “Curious?”
“Souvenir from your trip?”
“Almost.” Lucifer scooped up the box before returning his gaze to you. He stared, expectant and almost sad. “Just tell me you missed me – even if you’re lying.”
“I waited up for your texts every night. Of course I missed you.” You caressed his cheek, and teased, “you soft, baby boy.”
“Confession accepted. Close your eyes,” Lucifer instructed. You agreed, but not without rolling them once more. You heard him open the box and felt him take your hand before slipping something onto your wrist. Still, you kept your eyes shut – even as he turned your hand over and kissed your wrist – until he gave you the signal. He turned your hand back around, continuing to hold it, and said, “okay. You can open them.”
It was a bracelet with round, black crystal beads. When the light hit them at the right angle, you could see flashes of red. It kind of reminded you of “. . . your eyes.”
“What?” Lucifer asked.
“It reminds me of your eyes,” you admitted, looking between the stones and his eyes. “They’re both beautiful.”
Lucifer’s cheeks grew pink, and he cleared his throat before mentioning, “it’s made of Hell-Sheen Obsidian. It’s a rare stone that can only be harvested from the lava that forms within a volcano near the location of our business trip. The volcano has been dormant for centuries, and genuine pieces are hard to come by. They offer the wearer strong protection. I want you to wear it when I’m not around to watch over you.”
It hadn’t escaped you that Lucifer had yet to release your hand, so you brought his knuckles to your lips. The soft kiss only made Lucifer’s blush deepen. “Thank you, Lucifer.”
“Thank you, my love.” Lucifer leaned in and kissed your cheek affectionately. When he pulled back, his eyes were dark, the reds of his irises glimmering in the dim light. “What do you say we take advantage of my early return, and you spend the rest of the night with me?”
There was an off-beat knock at your door – like someone had hesitated to commit to the knock. The awkward noise was followed by an equally uncomfortable, “Uhm, MC? Are you there?”
“Levi?” you asked, sitting up in your bed. It was already well past dinner, and you had laid down with your D.D.D., so you weren’t expecting someone to interrupt your mindless, pre-sleep scrolling. “Gimme a sec.”
You got out of bed to unlock the door and found Levi standing anxiously in the hallway, clutching something close to his chest. Hoping to ease some of his tension, you invited him into your room. He followed with the nervous energy of someone who was doing something he probably shouldn’t.
With the door shut, you questioned him, “Are you okay?”
“I – yeah. Here.” Levi thrust the item he was holding in your direction. It was a box, wrapped in Azuki-tan paper – no doubt something that Levi had wrapped himself.
“What’s this for?” You took the package from his hands, politely ignoring the small yelp he made when your fingers grazed his.
“For, um – to thank you, you know, for helping me cram before the exam the other day.” Levi’s cheeks began to flush, but he continued, rushing his words as he tried to explain. “You didn’t have to do that, but because of you, I passed, and I don’t have to take extra classes over the weekend, which means I can watch Chocolate Heartbreak stream their mini concert live tomorrow. And I know I thanked you at the time, but I wanted to thank you again because I’m really happy that you decided to help a gross otaku like me – even though you probably didn’t have any fun because who has fun studying with a shut in? But anyway, thank you.”
“Oh, Levi, baby, breathe.” He hadn’t taken a single breath during that last part. You put your hand on his head and rubbed him gently, hoping to calm him down. While he did take a few slow, steady breaths, his heart only raced, and his cheeks turned a brighter shade of pink. “Thank you for the present, really, but I had a good time studying with you. I was happy to help. And you aren’t gross, either.”
Levi covered his face with his hands and murmured, “thank you.”
You chuckled at his cuteness. “Can I open it now?”
Instead of words, Levi simply nodded. You carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a charm with chibi drawings of the members of Chocolate Heartbreak, a matching sticker, and a brown tin with a red broken heart and each of the members in cute poses around the sides of the tin. Inside was an assortment of themed candies and cookies. Levi peeked through his fingers to watch your reaction. When you smiled, he found the courage to speak again.
“Chocolate Heartbreak did a collab with Madam Devian’s and a local artist to put out a themed snack tin to promote their mini concert. I ordered a few, but I made sure to buy one specifically for you.” Levi stared at your hands, holding the tin. “Well, uhm, I was thinking maybe we could eat them together while we watch the concert live tomorrow – if you want to!”
“Of course! I’d love to.” You smiled at him.
Levi looked up, his mouth agape as if he wasn’t expecting you to accept so enthusiastically. His mouth opened and closed, as if to speak, before he managed to mumble something out. “. . . you.”
“Sorry, what was that?” You asked, getting slightly closer. Levi rubbed his arm nervously.
“I love you!” he blurted out. Levi quickly leaned in to kiss your cheek before attempting to flee. However, you caught his arm before he could make his escape, and pulled him in, kissing his lips sweetly – and, for the sake of his heart, briefly.
“I love you, too. Now, I’ll see you tomorrow to watch the concert. Goodnight, Levi.” You grinned and let him go, but not without teasingly adding, “unless you want to spend the night, that is.”
“N-not at this time! Thank you. Good night!” Levi was a ball of giddiness and nerves as he slithered out of your grasp and ran away down the hall. How in the Devildom was he going to get to sleep now?
It was hard to know exactly what to expect when Diavolo called you to the castle – with instructions to head directly to his room once you arrived. Usually, he would joke around or send some kind of flirty sticker to indicate that this was a purely social call. He had just returned from a business trip, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he had heard something troubling on his trip – or maybe someone had spread some unsavory rumors that reached him upon his return. Everyone had been well behaved enough, though. Still, if Diavolo was in a bad mood, you weren’t particularly thrilled to have to deal with it, but you had already agreed to meet with him. Besides, Diavolo wasn’t usually scary, and no matter how bad his mood was, he had never been mean to you before – indifferent, perhaps, but not actively cruel.
Either way, you readied yourself for needing to verbally defend the brothers or yourself as you tapped at his door. To your relief, the “enter” from the other side of the door didn’t sound too upset.
Diavolo had been sitting on his sofa, staring at a black box on his coffee table. He immediately perked up, standing to his feet, when he realized the knock had come from you. A smile grew on his face as he exclaimed, “You’re early.”
“I was in town – not too far from the castle. Sorry, did I interrupt something?”
“Not at all,” Diavolo laughed. “I’d much prefer to see you than anyone else – just don’t tell Barbatos.”
Diavolo brought his finger to his lips. You laughed, letting the tension in your body go. Based on his reception of you, it was clear that you hadn’t been called for something too grave. “So, I take it I’m not in trouble today?”
Once again, Diavolo laughed. He looked down, and when his eyes returned to you, they had a mischievous glint – something more boyishly charming than befitting royalty. In a smooth, tempting tone, he teased, “Why, did you do something bad, MC? Should I punish you?
“Only if I get to punish you the next time that you’re bad,” you teased back with a smirk. Diavolo’s eyes widened, and he felt his cheeks burn. Pleased that you had successfully flustered the prince, you answered him honestly, “I’m kidding. I didn’t do anything bad, but your message seemed so serious. I was racking my brain trying to figure out if I had done something wrong while you were away.”
“Oh, no. I’m sorry, I was exhausted when I sent that message,” Diavolo admitted, ashamed that he had made you worry. “The only reason I have any energy at all is because I was eager to see you. I’ll be sure to add more hearts to my messages the next time I want to see you.”
“Please don’t. I might mistake your texts for Asmo’s,” you joked. “I’ll just try not to assume your mood based on one text next time. Anyway, why did you call me over if you’re so exhausted?”
Diavolo motioned towards the box on the table, “For this.”
“Hm?” You looked between him and the box. “The box you were trying to burn holes into with your eyes when I walked in? What? Is someone trying to court you again?”
“Goodness no. I’ve been pleasantly lacking in suitors recently. There is this one suitor, though – nearly as powerful as they are cute.”
“Solomon’s trying to seduce you now? I know he wants a pact with you but to resort to going about it by getting you in bed – how devious.” You couldn’t hide your smile as you feigned disappointment.
“Not the teacher,” Diavolo chuckled. He grabbed the box and presented it to you. “I’m talking about his favorite ‘adorable apprentice.’ I’ve gotten a present for them.”
You wanted to continue your game, feigning surprise, but your heart had melted far too much for you to keep up the act. With heart-wrenching sincerity, you responded, “thank you. Can I?”
“Of course. Please, go ahead.” Diavolo watched on as you lifted the box lid to reveal a lovely silk tie with one of your favorite flowers printed on it. Even the tie color and the print color were ones you preferred. Mephisto would have nothing on your tie game now – not that he ever did. “I missed you while I was away. I couldn’t stop thinking about you the entire time. When we had the opportunity to tour the city, I took that time searching for a token of my affection.”
“It’s beautiful. Thank you, Diavolo. I feel like you’re going to spoil me.”
“Nonsense! A treasure like you cannot be spoiled.” Diavolo pulled you in close, leaned in until his breath was tickling your ear, and whispered, “You know, you don’t simply have to wear this tie. Perhaps we can come up with a more creative use for it?”
Diavolo kissed your cheek, lingering just long enough to savor the warmth of your skin.
You had been so exhausted as of late, and the combination of late nights and the day-to-day stress that the brothers et al. caused you had taken its toll. All you wanted was a few moments of peace and quiet for yourself. So, you snuck off to school early and hid out in the RAD council room. It was far too early for anyone to be in there. In fact, the only people you saw on campus were Serun, and a few studious demons on their way to the library – one of which was definitely from one of your classes – perhaps Seductive Speechcraft – because they offered you a familiar wave as you passed in the hall. In the comfortable silence, you picked a seat and tucked yourself into a dim-lit corner.
With one of your textbooks laid out in front of you, you had fully intended to spend the next hour or so reading and studying without any interruption. However, your sleep deprivation and the heaviness of your eyelids had their own demands.
By the time Barbatos wandered into the student council, you had been asleep for well over a half an hour. He was pleased that you weren’t awake to see him jump slightly at the discovery of your body, slumped over the table. No one was supposed to be in there – and certainly not that early. All the lights weren’t even on yet.
Barbatos quickly recognized that you had fallen asleep – in Belphegor’s chair, no less. Although it was a suitable place for you to nap, Barbatos felt a tinge of jealousy, almost wishing he spent less time standing at Diavolo’s side and had his own designated seat that you could have fallen asleep in. He approached you cautiously, hoping to delay waking you up. No one – save for Barbatos himself and your unreliable narrator – would know whether he was able to snap a picture of your sleeping face before the affection swelling in his chest overcame him. Barbatos leaned down to kiss your cheek: the one that wasn’t adorably squished against your arm.
Your brows furrowed as the sensation pulled you out of sleep’s grasp. You groaned before opening your eyes. Barbatos had placed a homemade pastry in a bag, tied up with some spare mint-colored ribbon, in front of you before kissing you. So, as your eyes adjusted, the pastry was the first thing you saw, but a soft chuckle was the first thing you heard.
“Good morning, MC.”
“Barbatos? Did you just kiss me or was that a dream?” Your words were breathy as you tried to wake yourself up from an accidental nap. You straightened your spine and rolled your shoulders back.
“Shall I kiss you now, and you can judge for yourself?”
You scoffed. “You definitely kissed me, and now you’re trying to get a second one, aren’t you?”
“Perceptive as ever,” Barbatos mused. However, your tired face was harder to read than usual, and Barbatos became cautiously somber. “My apologies. In truth, you looked so cute that I found myself unable to resist, so I kissed your cheek to wake you up. Was I too presumptuous?”
If it had been some random demon you didn’t adore, perhaps it would have been an issue, but you figured this didn’t particularly bother you. You had done far worse – or, in this case, better – with Barbatos. Still, you didn’t get the opportunity to catch Barbatos in the wrong, and you wanted to mess with him. With feigned hurt, you replied, “You really are a demon – kissing someone in their sleep like that.”
“I’m terribly sorry.” The words fell out of his mouth quickly, and he searched for an appropriate response to remedy his offense. “I truly believed it would be okay, but I was mistaken. Please, pardon me for taking advantage. It won’t happen again.”
“Hm, well, it was a bit creepy,” you smirked, “but I suppose I could forgive you if you’ll let me have this pastry.”
Barbatos slapped his hand to his face and let out an exasperated sigh. “Were you teasing me just now?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you managed between a stifled laugh; the sleep had been completely shaken from you as you smiled and added, “You just seemed so flustered. I like that side of you.”
“I have half a mind to lock you up where those brothers can no longer be a negative influence on you,” he mumbled.
“Unfortunately, I arrived in the Devildom like this,” you corrected him.
“Then perhaps I should lock you up simply because I want to keep you for myself,” Barbatos admitted, absentmindedly – still recovering from your antics. He sighed and quickly redirected the conversation. “Anyway, the pastry is yours.”
“Oh, I was joking. You don’t really have to give me your food.”
“I brought it for you.” Barbatos pet your head before slipping his cool, gloved hand down your cheek and under your chin. “I intended to make you smile by bringing you a treat. I didn’t realize it would be as easy as allowing you to tease me.”
“Aww,” your grin widened. “That’s actually really sweet. Thank you!”
“As long as you’re happy.” Barbatos smiled and slowly pulled his hand away. “Now, I have some paperwork to attend to on behalf of the Young Master. You’re welcome to stick around until your first class begins. You can even go back to sleep, and I’ll wake you up if you’d like.”
“I’m alert now, thanks to you. But could you do something else for me?”
“Name it.”
“Could you kiss me again?”
Barbatos chuckled and bent down until he was close enough for his breath to graze your lips. He held your gaze seductively, but instead of kissing your lips as you had hoped, he moved to the side and kissed the cheek that he had been unable to kiss before. His lips lingered.
“Better?” he whispered in your ear. “You really should ensure that you’re sleeping properly. How else can I keep you up all night without worrying about you?”
If it had been anyone other than an angel (or, former angel) – well, maybe not even Raphael and Michael – that had asked you to meet them at the edge of a forest, you would – and should – have assumed that you were going to be murdered and promptly disposed of. However, since it was Simeon who asked, you trusted him to not kill you. (Besides, Simeon could certainly think of somewhere more creative and romantic than a forest, right?)
Still, you might as well check. When you arrived and saw Simeon waiting for you, carrying a crossbody bag, you asked, “You’re not going to kill me, are you?”
“Heavens no,” Simeon laughed, offering you his arm. “Have you started watching those true crime shows like Solomon and Raphael?”
You took Simeon’s arm and followed him into the forest. “Those two started watching true crime? Together?”
“Yes. I can’t say I don’t understand the grisly appeal, and I’m happy that they’re able to bond over something that doesn’t involve food, but it’s a bit much sometimes.”
“To be fair, Solomon’s cooking and true crime are equally gruesome. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s committed accidental murders with his food.”
“I would laugh if I didn’t agree with you,” Simeon admitted.
“Oh, geez, I’m so sorry.” You brought your free hand up to your forehead with a thunk. “This was supposed to be a date, and we started it by talking about the potential of Solomon committing manslaughter. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Simeon chuckled and put his hand over your arm. He squeezed you gently, reassuringly. “We are on a date in the Devildom. It’s almost suitable, don’t you think?”
“I guess so, but you never told me why you wanted to meet out here. Did you just want a change of scenery?”
“Sort of. There’s a field of flowers nearby. According to a book I borrowed from Barbatos, these particular flowers are at their peak around this time of year, but most people don’t attempt to find the field because the path is apparently cursed.” You looked at Simeon, incredulous and uncertain about whether you wanted an explanation or not. Simeon laughed sweetly in the face of your concern, which eased some of that worry. “A legend claims that the field of flowers was planted by a demon as an act of love for someone they held very dear. Unfortunately, their loved one brought a lover there – only for that lover to dump them the following day. The former lover returned to the field with a new partner soon after.”
“That’s cruel,” you interjected.
“I know. To make it worse, the loved one who had been dumped was so heartbroken that they fell ill and died. The demon who planted the field was enraged by the betrayal of their loved one and burned the field down. However, upon seeing the destroyed field, the demon regretted their actions. It was as if they had burned down the memory of their deceased loved one. They had destroyed something beautiful. The deceased one was buried in the field. For years, the demon tended to the scorched earth until it was healthy enough to replant. They returned to care for the plants daily until they sprouted. To commemorate their loved one and honor the beauty of the field, the demon put a curse on the land so that only those with true love in their hearts could find it. If your love is true, the path will trace the same steps that the demon took each day to tend to the field. If not, the path will bend and twist, and you may never find your way out of the forest.”
“That’s kind of scary,” you admitted. You weren’t particularly worried, but the legend – if true – put you on edge.
“Precisely. After a few people went missing, many demons stopped coming altogether. The rumors changed over time until they overwrote the narrative of the original story. Most demons believe that the forest itself is haunted. They doubted their love.” Simeon looked at you with a soft smile. “I have no such doubts. See?”
Simeon pointed ahead on the path, and you turned to see patches of a flower field begin to sprout up through gaps between the trees. It wasn’t long before a clearing came into view. The moonlight made the blossoms appear to glow. Small white flowers shimmered like stars while blue and purple ones reflected the night sky’s subtle light. It was beautiful.
Just off the path, there was a blanket and a picnic basket set up. You glanced back at Simeon. “Did you –?”
“I had no doubts that I loved you, so I came here and set this up ahead of time.” His arm slipped from yours so he could caress your face. “I just wanted to see you smile.”
“Thank you so, so much. I’m happy you wanted me to see this. I won’t come here with anyone but you.” You gave Simeon the soft smile he had been craving.
Knowing you were all alone, Simeon took the chance to kiss your cheek. Then, he kissed the other side, lingering longer than the first time. Then, he brought his lips to your forehead, keeping them pressed there as if he was afraid to let you go.
“Uhm, Simeon?” you interrupted his kiss.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I got carried away! And I forgot –” Simeon pulled away, flustered, and rummaged through his bag. He pulled out a box containing a pair of ceramic teacups with the same flowers in the field painted around the edges of the cup and saucer. “I got you a present too! I got them custom made for us. I thought it would be nice that even when the field goes dormant, you’ll still have a reminder.”
Your heart melted and all you could do was carefully wrap your arms around Simeon and bury your smile against his skin. If the legend was indeed true, Simeon understood what it felt like to create something so beautiful and lovely that only a select few deserved to see it.
(kiss version - Mammon, Satan, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Solomon)
(gift version - Beelzebub, Thirteen, Raphael, Mephistopheles)
A/N: I cannot explain what happened for these to turn out like this, but yeah. I hope you enjoy. Also, I still have so many requests from Halloween left and I feel like I should stop apologizing for taking months to get to them at this point. Dear lord. So sorry I forgot to add a read more tag the first time I posted this. I am out of it.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Eek~ I just found your blog and it's absolutely stupendous, so I'mma send my first request~ Dorm leaders (plus Ruggie, Lilia, and Rook)'s reactions to waking up to a random cat (not Grim, a real cat) on their chest. Upon closer inspection, the collar lists MC (they're romantic partner) as the owner. Thank you!! Sorry if that's too many people you can drop a few!
Summary: Ruggie/Leona/Riddle/Idia/Lilia x reader
A/N- didn't do all the boys, just the ones I thought would have the most variety of reactions. But if the people asked I'd be willing to do more
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"Um, meow?"
His first instinct is to meow in confusion. What the fuck is this cat doing here? He came home for the night, clocked out on the couch, and now he's so dazed. He's not sure if this is even happening.
His next question is, does he have to feed it? He's already working hard to help you both in life. He's not sure he can afford another mouth to feed. Even if you are working, and assure him you'll pay for the cat, he's gonna whine on and on about it. It's going to become clear that he's secretly jealous about the thought of someone else taking his place in your heart.
Wanna get him to shut up? Tell him it's good practice for when you two decide to raise a family together. He won't have a good response to that aside from a very red face.
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"Well, hello, little one."
He's going to carry it around like it's nothing. He might not even check the tag and see it's yours. He's fae. He sees something child shaped that he likes, he takes it. 
He's not sure if he'll give you the cat back. What do you have to offer him in exchange?
Don't worry, he won't really steal your cat, he's just being a delightful scamp. Now come here and give him a kiss.
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"What are you doing here?"
First thing he does is check the collar. Because if he doesn't, he's going to get attached, then be sad when he has to give it back.
When he sees it's yours he gets more excited. He loves small squishy creatures, touch starved baby and now he gets to play with another one whenever he wants!
He'll get it a red collar, with a jewel pendant. He'll get it lots of cute outfits, he'll hold it up in the air, and regardless of gender, say things like, "behold! The true queen of hearts! Bow before their majesty!"
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"Fuck off."
He can't help it. His instincts see a rival cat. And it has your smell on it. You're his territory. This home is his territory. Fuck off.
He hasn't moved, or stopped making eye contact with the "thing" since he woke up, and you're going to walk in on him having a staring contest with a house cat. He'll snap past his instincts only once you come into the room.
He wasn't jealous of a cat. Shut your fucking mouth before he shuts it for you!
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"Omg! This is one of the best cutscenes I could have possibly woken up to!!!!!!"
The most excited out of anybody. He might even squeal, he's so excited. Might shout, might squeak, might excitedly scream as he spins around with the kitty in his arms. Gives it a nickname like Mr. Fluffers.
He'll be doubly excited when he sees your name on the tag. Now he doesn't have to have Ortho scan for a chip, and return it to some noob who doesn't deserve it! 
Anytime you talk about your cat, he pulls up a version of the communism meme that he edited to read, "Our Cat."
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the-possum-writes · 1 year
Fiona and Cake: FaC!Fern X Fem!Reader
I don't have much other than that I just wanna see that tbh. No smut is the only rule. That's a lie- the other rule is to have fun writing this. No smut and have fun.
❥Character: Flora Mertens (Fem!Fern)
❥Tags: SFW, established relationship, snowy cottagecore
❥Synopsis: It's winter season and you're left helping Flora by chopping wood and keeping her company.
❥A/N: I'mma be real and admit I didn't know what to write for this request and kept postponing it, sorry if it's on the short side. But hey, I still wanted to do some fanart for her.
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"That'll do," you say as you let go of the ax after chopping the last log in half, removing your gloves to rub your calloused hands together. Since the majority of forest animals hibernate once the snow falls, it is silent outside.
The snow-covered dirt crunches under your shoes as you pick up the extra logs surrounding the chopping block and stack them in your arms before bringing them inside your tiny hut. You piled your wooden stack next to a coat rack when the door banged shut. Upon hearing two pots shuffle in the kitchen, a female voice says "How's the weather?" from inside your isolated home.
"It stopped snowing, and it's not as cold so maybe we can head out for a walk later." you suggest mainly because cabin fever has been eating you from the inside out these past few weeks but Flora doesn't share your sentiments.
"I'll pass, even if the weather is fine i hate feeling the cold snow biting at my feet." she expresses with a complain.
"Come on Flo, the clouds look really pretty and soft during the sunset. Besides, I bet it gets pretty lonely and quiet here when i run errands at the village." you insist while removing your excessive coat and scarfs.
"You're just jealous my heaters keep me company at night." she taunts.
"Jealous? Hah! It's like a tropical forest in there, I'd evaporate the moment I take a step inside!" you cross your arms. "I'll keep staying in the guest room thank you very much."
Flora walks in the living room with two mugs in hand but all you can do is stare in bewilderment at your roommate's choice in clothing. "Pfft, what are you wearing?" you suppress a chuckle but failed to hide your smile.
Homegirl looks like she's prepared for the next ice age, she's wearing at least 6 layers of sweaters and two blankets thrown over his shoulders for good measure, the shuffling you heard from the kitchen comes from her bunny slippers that barely contained her pointy feet wrapped in socks and legs warmers.
"What do you mean? It's my winter clothes." Flora responds with annoyance, more than aware that her choice of clothing looks like a bundle of laundry.
"You look like the pile of clothes on the side of my bed." you laugh, standing up to retrieve your own scarf from the coat hanger on the door entry.
"Yeah, yeah I know I look ridiculous but if you were in my place you'd know how bad plants have it during winter." Flora defends, almost regretting to bring you hot chocolate.
"I didn't say it looks ridiculous, rather I'd say you look comfy, like when we get together to watch home movies," you place your scarf around her neck and tie it properly, the final cherry on top to complete her cozy outfit. "There, you left a part of your neck exposed." you complement her, placing a kiss on you forehead as you take the mug from her hand.
The gesture and compliment has Flora's mood change, softening her expression as she takes a seat on the living room couch. "Now that the wood is chopped up and the fire is burning, how about we finish watching that TV series we left behind yesterday?" she pats the empty spot next to her, an offer you can't deny.
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omaskit · 4 months
Challenge log Session 3
Hello! This is should cover Ophilia's Chap 1 and maybe Cyrus's if I have time. We'll see. Rules for the challenge are here. I'm worried about spamming the octopath traveler tag so if you don't wanna see these I'm marking all of them with 'octo traveler 1 quest log' Feel free to block that tag.
Side quest time
Ha, now you're blind
Now we're both blind
Oh I beat that guy up for nothing
Travel time
No one is weak to sword or knife and that makes me sad
Ophilia time. Fun Fact! Ophilia was my main on my first ever playthrough.
I can't get over Ophilia taking Lianna's job like I get it's so she can be by father's side but her entire life has been leading up to this and Ophilia just swoops in and takes it WITHOUT ASKING HER! That's insane
"I'll do your entire job so you don't have to worry about it"
"Your Excellency" JUST CALL HIM DAD! Literally no one else cares that you're adopted! Call him Father! H'aanit has a better time calling her dad 'dad' then you AND SHE'S HIS APRENTICE
She acts like they hang 'Adopted' over her head everyday BUT SHE THE ONLY ONE WHO CARES
Watching Ophilia interact with 'His Excellency' just makes me remember H'aanit and Z'aanta's relationship
#Z'aanta's best dad 2020
Dang she's laying in on him!
Bro got posioned
Maybe if you saw a doctor earlier you wouldn't have died
I'm calling it. Josef's a bad dad
Why the fuck you lying
bro dying. bro dying fr
I feel like this cleric's in on it
Why you always lying
All these clerics are sus as fuck. I don't trust any of them.
Jails are only in select few towns and the cozy church is one of them
Poor Lianna. I get why Ophilia didn't ask now
Also the explanation on why is "There are centeries of tradition we must obey" and not "Galdera will be freed and the whole world will end. One of those things is slightly more important
"We are together in this" Leaves her behind
Little Lianna's like "I gave you flower why are you still depressed?"
Dungeon time.
Pretty! But there's nothing up here and every step leads to death
The dungeon is level 7 that's not a good sign
NEW RULE: if the game throws 4 enemies at you you can use your second character
Ophila has 80sp at level 5?!?! Alfyn has 67 at level 13!!
Girl's leveling up fast
I'mma edit my rules to say that your main can join the cleric and dancer boss fights since octo 2 had extra characters.
Honestly not sure if she'll need it though.
Phili's got this
I'm feeling cocky let's try the boss fight!
IT'S WEAK TO ICE?!?!?! WHY????
What does "three more turns" mean?!
Take 2: let's not explode
Bitch get back here
Shhhhiiitt Alfyn died
Take 3: I'm so close
Take 4: Does reflective veil affect explosion?
Take 5: No, no it doesn't
Take 6: The wiki states the shadow things are based on how many party members you bring in but it's actually how many you've collected. Big difference.
Take 7: Last attempt before I'm bringing out the boys
THEY'RE WEAK TO ARROWSS!!!! Life is good life is great life is spectacular. Ophilia's no longer alone
"Egades"? Alfyn everyone is almost dead!
It Dieeeedd oh my gooooosh finally!
Aww, dad woke up
Oh I'm in trouble
Prophethetic dreaams!
Game? Saved. Session? Over. Hotel? Trivago.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
10 3 Comfort Shows
Was tagged by the amazingly supportive @thetarttfuldickhead, who's so cool I'mma do the same thing and only do 3
Rules: list 10 comfort shows then tag 10 people
Jeeves and Wooster - a goddamn silly delight. Hugh Laurie as a cheerful, kind, but not-very-bright socialite who is constantly trying to slither out from having to get married. Stephen Fry as the wry, dry, and sly valet who always has ten plans up his sleeves. Dialogue that does justice to PG Wodehouse. Love it.
Succession - an odd one to have on the list because this time last year it was definitely one of those 'no I cannot do anything else while this is on now shut up' shows. I think the cellos have lulled me into a false sense of security.
Buzzfeed Unsolved / Ghost Files - the standby for 'I need something to keep me company'
Tagging @antitheticallyargumentative @kvetchinglyneurotic @altschmerzes and whoever else
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alucior · 1 year
people i want to get to know better
@aether-biome probably but who doesn't like more breadcrubs of small things to know about eachother :p
1. three ships:
atm its probably like Wenclair from wednesday cause they are a vibe and I'm having fun writing for them. I'm having some fun with it.
Then we also have like Smugbug but that's less of a ship more two charaters I'm lowkey obsessed with and while Lisa wouldn't be caught death in any kinda relationship they work well together. it also helps that my fave fic of this ship she spends most of the time inside of taylors head and dreams. it's kidna odd but you know, I'm obsessed so we have it at that.
and last maybe like Bellice, cause bella definantly could do better than the discoball of sadness she ended up with. and honestly Alice got two hands for her and Jasper. it be fun if bella's power also made her kinda invisible to her future vision and it can just be highjinks
2. first ever ship:
I can't really remember back to like the late 00's but I think that I started out with Fleurmione all they way back then. Even now like who doesn't like two smart as fuck witches compete and then work together later on. like also while the french on most works is just accented english but it's kinda funny so I'm also taking that.
fanfic definantly made most of that ship work as the cannon even then was rather lacking and upon reflection fucked up.
3. last song:
on my phone it would have been "Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire" from the bat out of hell musical. I watched it live a couple years ago live and got nostaligc about it earlier today.
4. last movie:
I think it was like the seventh fast & furious movie, maybe the sixth. it's pretty fun if you turn off any critical thinking and just take it as they serve it.
5. currently reading:
For book it would be Gideon the 9th but I've been on that for a while and my focus doesn't seem to be allowing me to finish it but I'm trying! for fanfic it's something from ted lasso between him and Trent cause I binged that show in a week and they also live in my head now.
6. currently watching:
C3E53 of critical role, aka post-applebee solstice day two. chetney getting reaquaninted with his ex and shits still fucked on exandria.
7. currently consuming:
that, and also like hermitcraft content from a couple of the folk there, including cleo's feverdream of a limited life episode which was quite fun. and like a couple podcasts cause they release on monday instead of wednesday like all the other ones for some reason.
8. currently craving:
pizza, like on a deep level I want to put a billion slices in my mouth. or like any bread in a warm form with some cheese like give it to me I'mma eat it all.
tagging @wolf-thecontradictorysentence (cause to be honest your pfp made me aware of gideon in the first place and opend up the internet to some wild shit that is entertaining as fuck) @always-undermining (dog! they seem nice) and @shut-up-cupcake (still reminds me of carmilla and that was a good time)
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black-salt-cage · 3 years
Omg also I finally got diona last night and I am thriving so much
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janiedean · 5 years
anyway you know what I’m truly grateful to sex ed for when it comes to the eric/adam S2 storyline
is that finally they broke the chain of bullshit that flourished these last months/years in which if there’s enemies to lovers or people on opposite sides liking each other the one on the *bad* side has to either prove themselves to be the most amazing person ever or can’t ever be good enough for the purest baby cinnamon roll who deserves the world 
because like like the thing is that on one side they gave eric a bf who is everything one could hope for - he’s hot, he’s kind, he’s genuinely nice, he’s not the person who wants to change their partner bc they’re uncomfortable with their beliefs or opinions, he flirts handing out neruda poems and he actually pursues eric in a very lovely romantic way and you’d think he’d be an idiot to dump him right, who’d give up on such perfect meeting the parents material
and on the other side there’s poor adam who is absolutely trying to be a better person and is obviously fucked up by bad parenting and by his father been an asshole and from having been closeted until now/not having ever had friends before but also has hurt eric in the past and is not what you’d think as perfect meeting the parents material whatsoever and is working on his issues and doesn’t quite know how to be nice nor how to be out
so in theory according to this late drivel/social justice calvinism kool aid obviously eric should pick rahim because are we even serious why would you want a dude who thinks frozen is peak cinema and used to bully you bc he didn’t know how to tell you that he liked you in any other way over one who openly pursues you, doesn’t gaf about what others think and gives you the neruda love poems right
and instead they had the metaphorical narrative guts to say that hey, if eric actually feels that connection more with adam and if regardless of everything it’s adam he wants with all his issues, his frozen stanning and the fact that he’s not perfect but he’s trying and he worked on himself enough that eric thinks he wants to be with him.... then he should be with him because sometimes the person you want and that makes you sparkle isn’t the perfect partner ™️ but someone else who might not be Perfect ™️ but that doesn’t fucking matter because if to you they’re what you want then you’re the one in charge of it
and tbh it was made overtly clear because guess what eric’s mom was like mEEEH WON’T WORK when introduced to the perfect boyfriend ™️ but was like oH SO LOVELY TOO MET YOU when introduced to the human disaster ™️ who had just vomited his feelings for eric in public in front of his ass of a father not giving a single fuck about it and like sorry but I physically needed to see one goddamned narrative where they trashed this whole ‘oh X isn’t worthy of the perfect amazing flawless cupcake who only deserves another perfect amazing flawless cupcake and nothing less’ because guess fucking what being worthy of someone is a shitty concept bc you don’t buy worthiness at the supermarket and sometimes the first perfect amazing flawless cupcake doesn’t want another amazing flawless cupcake but is perfectly fine with the half-burned one that maybe came out of the oven not looking fit for the recipe textbook but that still tastes good when you take out the burned surface and I was despairing someone would go there in this economy
(why the hell am I recycling the cupcake metaphor again it’s been years)
anyway even people who aren’t immediately perfect meet the parents material can be people that someone wants and sometimes they get picked over perfect partner ™️ material and I’d like to thank sex ed for having stopped with the chain of ‘they didn’t deserve to be with the perfect cupcake because they weren’t worthy of them’ bullshit narratives I’ve had to stomach lately please and thank you
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delaber · 4 years
Can’t Have Your Cake and Another Cake Too
Rafael Casal x Reader
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Note: Okay, I’ll stop breaking Rafa’s heart now... Last time, I swear! Thanks for the prompts to these lovely anons. Alhough this is not a prequel to Poetic Justice (Rafa x ER Nurse), poor Rafa’s facing some of the same issues. I very loosely based this story on J. Cole’s Kevin’s Heart (don’t know why I’m always incorporating J. Cole into my fics, but apparently he’s always lurking in the back of my mind) and Phlake’s So Faded. Let me know what you think!
Words: 4.7K
Warnings: Cocaine addiction! Does not have a happy ending (nobody ODs and nobody’s dying ...Only on the inside lol)
Tagging: No one! This might not be for everybody and I don’t want anybody to feel forced to read it 😌
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It was supposed to be a great night out. The entire gang was there, and at the instigation of Diggs, Rafa was supposed to be on the prowl to get laid so he could take his mind off of his broken heart.
From his seat in the booth, Rafa had a fairly good view of the dance floor and he had already spotted a few honeys who likewise had acknowledged him by smiling and sending him a couple of long looks. One of them had even twirled her hair between her fingers while blowing him a kiss. He had the green light, all systems were go!
However, of all the things that could've thrown him off his game, Rafa would not have placed a single bet on a phone call. But the minute he pulled out his vibrating phone and checked the caller ID, both the group of honeys on the dance floor and his friends occupying the seats all around him were completely forgotten. Nothing else mattered anymore.
He stared at the screen for a while, reading the name over and over again. What the fuck was Morris calling him for? Rafa had told him to stop. Morris knew he was too weak to say no even though he had promised his girl that he'd stop for good.
...Or, you weren't his girl. Not anymore.
But Rafa was still determined to win you back no matter if you had stopped answering his phone calls or not, so he took a tough decision and pressed the decline button beneath Morris' name. He even contemplated putting his phone on flight-mode to remove all unwelcome temptations - he knew you'd never take him back if he fell back in - yet, for some reason taking himself off the grid was easier said than done, and before he had pulled himself together to actually press the little airplane button, a text from Morris had ticked in. It only consisted of two words but Rafa understood perfectly.
'New candy.'
Fuck... Rafa considered the pros and cons of accepting for a few milliseconds before he came to his senses. No, no, no. The only way he'd ever win you back would be by showing you that he could stay sober even after your break-up. Morris could fuck off! As if awaking from a trance, Rafa hurriedly put his phone back in his pocket and desperately tried to forget about Morris' enticing offer by telling himself that he was strong enough to shake it.
...although deep down, he was aware that it was already too late. That no matter what, he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it now. And no matter how hard he tried to re-focus on the honeys on the dance floor and tell himself how stupid it was to hit Morris up, it was no use, the damage was done; he was desperate to get high!
Deeply, horribly ashamed of himself, Rafa texted Morris the address of the club and impatiently waited a couple of minutes before he walked outside with heavy footsteps. It felt as if he was walking to the gallows, the shame eating him up from the inside. You'd be so disappointed in him!
However, in order to make himself accept what he was about to do, he reminded himself that apparently, you didn't care if he was high or not. If you did, you would've returned his phone calls, and you would've reacted to the fact that he had been sober for three weeks now - but you hadn't. And with that in mind, Rafa managed to push away most of the shame as he laid eyes on Morris' sketchy Subaru parked by the curb on the other side of the road. He walked across the street with determined footsteps, carefully looking over his shoulder to check if anybody he knew were watching him approach what was clearly a dealer's car.
"What's up, bruh!" Morris called as he rolled down his window. He was wearing sunglasses, looking like an absolute turd in the dark night.
Rafa put his arms on the car's beltline and shot Morris a bro handshake through the open window, "what the fuck are you wearing sunglasses at night for? You look like a dick."
"Nah, man, it looks cool," Morris laughed, "do you like them? Hell, you should like them - you paid for them."
"What do you mean I paid for them?"
"With the amount of money you spend in my shop, I think it's safe to assume that you paid for these sunglasses and the rims on the ride too," Morris snorted.
"Yeah, about that," Rafa looked away, the embarrassment slowly creeping up his spine again, "you gotta stop calling me."
"You said that last time as well but look at you now," Morris laughed.
"Come on man, it's important that I stop."
"You don't wanna stop though."
Rafa let out a sigh, "look, I'm trying to prove something to my girlf- ...ex-girlfriend."
"A'ight, I respect that," Morris nodded slowly but then he quickly continued, "so did you just call me here to pin your lady troubles on me? Cause I have a customer waiting up on Seventh Ave."
Rafa blew out some air, embarrassed by the decision he was about to make.
"...Or do you wanna buy?" Morris continued as he read Rafa's body language.
"...you're not gonna tell Diggs are you?"
"Do I look like a fucking snitch?" Morris looked offended, "and you know me and Diggs don't talk no more."
"Yeah, alright. This stays between us, okay? If word gets out, I'm fucked."
"A'ight bruh," Morris laughed, "Now, how much do you need?"
"Just... just give me an eightball," Rafa mumbled.
Morris let out a small laugh, "an eightball? Man, you're not about to quit," he chuckled and handed Rafa a zip-lock bag with white powder in it.
"Shut up," Rafa mumbled and pocketed the baggie, "how much?"
"Rafa, you're my man, so I'mma give you a discount because I feel bad for you and your girl. Three hundo."
"Three hundred?! Last time it was two-eighty without the discount."
"Times are changing. I haven't seen you in three weeks, man. Plus, this is a good batch," Morris poked Rafa in the chest, "my contact got it shipped in directly from Medellín. Look, it got fish scale and everything!"
"You better not fuck me over," Rafa muttered and threw Morris three hundred-dollar bills before he turned away from him with an annoyed huff.
"Pleasure doing business as always, Casal! See you next weekend!" Morris yelled after Rafa with a small laugh, apparently not a care in the world for who knew about their illegal transaction.
"Fucking idiot," Rafa muttered to himself without turning around. He had more important things to do than to scold Morris about his indiscretion.
Rafa hurried to the restroom and carefully locked the door behind him before he frantically pulled out the zip-lock bag. He examined its contents and saw the pearl-like surface that Morris had talked about - Fuck it looked good! He opened the bag carefully but froze when he caught his own reflection in the bathroom mirror; the loving look he was sending the bag of coke was sickening. It made his stomach plummet. Had he really been reduced to snorting coke alone in a dirty bathroom of a sketchy club? He remembered when it had been a group activity. Before he couldn't control it.
Shake it off! He told himself. He had every intention of stopping after tonight. This would be the last time.
You said that last time as well, a small voice rang in the back of his head, but he ignored his guilty conscience and instead poured out a small pile of the pearl-like coke on top of the hand dryer. Quickly, he pulled out a random card from his wallet and used it to form two heavy lines. Before his guilty conscience could interfere again, he also grabbed a one-dollar bill that he neatly rolled into a small tube and put between his right nostril and one of the white lines, ready for the rush. His gaze, however, lingered on the random card he had used to break the coke into lines; it was his fucking rewards card for the small organic, artisan shit coffee house that you liked. What wouldn't you say if you knew what he was doing? In his mind's eye, he could see the disappointed look you always sent him whenever he'd come home all hyped up, rambling his mouth off. You never got angry with him and his love of coke, but somehow your disappointed demeanour was way worse. He would've taken screaming and yelling over the disappointed stare and the slow shake of your head any day.
Slowly, he removed the dollar-bill from his nostril, stood up straight and met his own eyes in the mirror again - and for a moment, he could truly see how pathetic he was. What the hell was he doing? He was throwing away his last shot at getting you back - and for what? A few hours of euphoria and confidence?
But she doesn't want you back, a small voice rang inside his head, you called, and you called, and you called. You declared yourself clean to her voicemail and she still didn't reach out. Fuck her!
"Yeah, fuck her," Rafa mumbled before he put the dollar-bill back to his nostril. Quickly, he snorted both lines of coke, shooting his head back afterwards, sniffling a bit as he cleaned his nose with the back of his hand. He knew he only had a couple of minutes before the euphoria kicked in, so he quickly brushed off the dollar-bill and the rewards card and tugged them both back in his wallet. The remainder of the coke was stowed away in his shirt's breast pocket for safe keeping.
Ready for the rush, Rafa was impatiently staring at himself in the mirror. He was thinking about how to avoid Diggs and his condescending looks for the duration of his high, when he was finally overwhelmed by the familiar fuzzy feeling. It came out of nowhere and started behind his eyeballs and continued all the way down to his toenails. It felt as if someone had pulled a large, fluffy blanket down over him, and it was slowly heating up his body, making him feel safe and secure. His pulse quickened in time with his breathing, and he had to close his eyes to get himself under control. He felt fucking powerful! Morris had not lied about this coming from a good batch. "Shit, Morris," he laughed.
There was a knock on the door, and Rafa remembered that he had occupied the men's room for a good five minutes now. He took a last look at his suddenly hazed eyes, aware that no matter how hard he tried to hide it, anyone could see that he was high as a kite. He contemplated riding out his high alone in the bathroom but also knew that with the amount of energy present in his body, he couldn't stay in the small restroom all night. He had to dance! To fuck! To fight!
With a suddenly confident bounce in his step, he opened the door, and sent the guy in line what he hoped was an apologetic nod before he confidently strode towards the honeys on the dance floor.
"Hey Rafa!" he heard someone yell behind him.
Hoping it was someone who wanted to fight, Rafa quickly turned around but was slightly disappointed to see Diggs coming towards him with a huge grin on his face. Shit! Rafa realised that he had to act nonchalant around his best friend. Diggs absolutely couldn't know about the coke in his breast pocket, or he'd be all up in Rafa's face about it.
"Diiiiiggs! My man!" Rafa yelled overly excited, clearly very, very high.
Diggs shot him a look at his weird behaviour before he continued, "where've you been, man? I've been looking for you everywhere."
"R-r-r-r-r-r-r-rrrrrrrestroom," Rafa laughed, he was too happy to pretend otherwise.
"Why are you saying it like th-" the huge grin was slowly slipping from Diggs' face, "...hey, Rafa - look at me," Diggs suddenly sounded all serious as he took Rafa's face in his hands, carefully examining his features, "Rafa, look at me."
Rafa let out a low chuckle, "Diggs, you know I think you're handsome and all that, but I don't like you that way," he joked.
"You're being weird," Diggs furrowed his eyebrows, "- and your pupils are huge. Have you been doing lines in the bathroom?"
"Maybe," Rafa laughed, unable to stop himself from revealing his dirty little secret, "why? You want some? I still have a few hits left," he padded his breast pocket.
"You know I don't do that shit anymore..." Diggs let go of Rafa with a sigh and looked away from him.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you're a fucking saint now," Rafa said a bit more harshly than he had intended to. Ever since Diggs had met Emmy, he had been boring as hell.
Diggs chose not to comment on Rafa's low blow, and managed to keep his calm, "I thought you'd stopped, bruh."
"Morris made me an offer I couldn't refuse," Rafa laughed in an accent halfway between Tony Montana and Vito Corleone.
"Yeah well, I'm not the only one who thought you were done fucking around," Diggs said seriously. He was having none of Rafa's jokes, "I just saw your girl downstairs. She wants to talk to you."
It took a few seconds before Rafa understood, but when he finally grasped Diggs' words, he felt the blood drain from his face and his mouth run dry, "what? No, you're kidding me..."
"Nope," Diggs sighed, "I've been running around trying to find you for fifteen minutes..."
"Shit! What the fuck do I do?" Rafa said in a panicked voice, licking his lips frantically, "I told her I was sober! If she sees me like this, she'll never take me back."
"Yeah, well you better pray that you don't run into her."
Rafa ran his hand through his hair, "fuck I'm screwed. She's downstairs?"
"Was fifteen minutes ago."
"Alright, I'm jumping out this window. You stall her, tell her that I got sick or something."
"You can't jump out this window?" Diggs said incredulously, "we're 50 feet up, if you do that, you die! Just walk out the doo- ...oh shit, dude, we're blown. She's here. She's coming over."
"Fuck! Can I still bolt?"
"Of course not!"
"Well how do I look? Alright?"
"You look-" Diggs cut himself off, "...maybe just try and avoid her looking into your eyes, okay?"
"How the fuck am I supposed to do that?"
"The light in here's paying you a favour but apart from that you're gonna have to pull yourself together. You brought this upon yourself," Diggs said harshly before his demeanour changed completely as his eyes interlocked with yours over Rafa's shoulder, "heeeeey," he smiled broadly, "look who I found."
Rafa slowly turned around and met you. Your stunning beauty - as always - immediately knocking him to the ground. He couldn't believe that it had been four weeks since the last time he'd seen you. He'd do anything to get you back!
"Rafa," you nodded formally with a stiff face. Rafa couldn't help but make a mental note on how weird it was to see you without a smile on your lips. You were normally always so happy. He had done this, he reminded himself.
"Hey baby," he whispered, the words weirdly familiar in his throat.
You briefly raised your eyebrows while looking away from him, clearly uncomfortable by the sound of your old pet name.
"Sorry," he continued, "force of habit. ...I'm just happy to see you."
Your gaze slowly found his face, and Rafa prayed that you couldn't see his coke-eyes from where you were standing.
"Well..." you said and clicked your tongue, "I'd like to talk to you."
"I'd like to talk to you too," Rafa said quietly.
"And you're sober? Like you said on my voicemail?"
"Yes," Rafa breathed, "completely sober," he lied thickly, hyper-aware of how awkward it was with Diggs shuffling nervously beside him. He was uncomfortably rolling back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"Good," you finally let out a small smile, "do you want to sit down?"
"Yeah," Rafa nodded.
"Yeah, I'll - uh - I'll leave you to it," Diggs cleared his throat and padded Rafa between the shoulder blades as a way of wishing him good luck.
"Thanks man," Rafa muttered before he followed you down to a vacant booth in the corner of the room. Instead of sitting down opposite you, he made sure to occupy the seat next to you, hoping that it would minimise the risk of you looking into his eyes. He just had to pretend that he was sober until the high quieted down. Fourty-five more minutes - Less if he was lucky.
"So, how've you been?" You said quietly as you were both overlooking the dance floor, avoiding looking directly at each other.
"Not good," Rafa said quietly, "like shit, actually... how about you?"
"Yeah, well I guess 'shit' sums it up neatly... How's sober life?"
"Oh, it's - yeah - it's - it's great!" He said, the lie thick in his throat, "I feel so much better now." He knew how much he had hurt you, and he knew how difficult it must be for you to face him after you'd said that you never wanted to see him again - which just really only made his lying so much worse. Fuck, how he hated himself for what he had done. What he was still doing.
Your eyes darted across his face before your gaze settled on a spot just below his chin. He was relieved that you weren't staring him square in the eyes. "I was so happy to hear your voicemail," you whispered, "you really flushed your stash?"
"Yes," he croaked.
"I'm glad that you're finally taking care of yourself," he couldn't make out your face in the dark but he could hear a hint of happiness to your voice that you were clearly trying to suppress. It made him feel horrible.
"Yeah, I want to stay sober for you," he said slowly. At least that wasn't a lie.
"You have no idea how happy that makes me," you said quietly, the happiness definitely shining through now.
Rafa's heart was fluttering in his chest, and he felt the coke-induced euphoria run amok in his brain, "...does that mean you'll forgive me?" All his senses were heightened.
"It's a step in the right direction" you said quietly, still not looking directly at him, "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too baby," Rafa said quietly and boldly took your hand in his.
Finally, you looked up at him, and to avoid you noticing his bloodshot eyes with the dilated pupils, he took a quick decision, leaned in and crashed his lips against yours.
Luckily, you mistook his desperation for passion and fiercely kissed him back, your hand releasing itself from his, and instead caressing his neck. In-between kisses you managed to mumble, "I'm still... mad... at you."
"I know," Rafa mumbled, enjoying the familiar feeling of your lips against his. Your hands switched to caressing his torso, and your small fingers travelled over his stomach and up his chest, coming to a halt over his heart. It was racing against his ribcage and he had no idea whether it was due to the coke or due to the heap of emotions he felt in his chest. He couldn't believe he was kissing you again. He had completely written it off no more than half an hour ago.
Your right hand moved away from his heart but came to a sudden halt when you felt a small bump in Rafa's breast pocket. Still kissing him, you ran your fingers over the bump a few times before you remembered that it was where he always kept his coke. Quickly, you pulled your lips away from his.
"Wait, no, don't take kissing away from me," he hummed, completely unaware of the discovery you'd just done.
You were looking at his euphoric face with the closed eyes and the swollen lips as you moved your hand over his breast pocket once more.
When Rafa realised what was going on his eyes flew open and he spluttered, "it isn't what you think!"
But he was too slow to react, and before he had had the chance to move away, your fingers went inside his breast pocket and grabbed the small bag from there. "You've got to be kidding me!" You said angrily as you held his coke between your fingertips.
"Baby, I can explain," Rafa said quickly while desperately grabbing your wrist.
"Rafa, you fucking idiot! Don't touch me!" You wrestled yourself out of his grip, got up from your seat, and fast-paced towards the door.
"Baby! Baby!" Rafa yelled out as he ran after you.
"Don't touch me!" You cried, attracting the attention of everyone in your path.
You stormed out the door, Rafa at your heel desperately clinging to every inch of you that he could reach. When you reached the curb outside, he finally managed to run up in front of you, stopping you in your tracks, "baby, I can explain!" He said desperately.
"You said you'd flushed it all!" You were screaming at him now, the tears running down your face.
"It was a mistake, baby, I swear I didn't mean to. I flushed it all, I promise. It's just a setback."
"When did you buy this, Rafa?" You said through gritted teeth, "how long did you manage to stay sober before you decided you wanted to throw it all away?"
Rafa looked away from you, he was so embarrassed by himself, "Morris called and I tried to say no, I really did! Baby, I tried so hard to resist it. But he was persistent."
"Well, did he force you to buy?" You hissed. You were having none of his excuses.
"...No." Rafa admitted.
"When did you buy it?" You emphasised every word, "before or after you called me last weekend?"
"When? How long after? When did you have your setback?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes! I need to know if you did it because you were physically craving it, because you just felt like getting high, or if you did it because you’d thrown the thought of us away when I didn’t answer you.”
"I tried to fight it, I swear I tried to fight it," he was getting choked up.
"Rafa, tell me when you bought it."
He considered shooting you a lie but he didn't want to fuck up any more. "I bought it tonight..." he finally muttered under his breath, avoiding your gaze.
"You're not serious!! You bought it tonight?" You bellowed, "are you trying to tell me that you planned on throwing away your soberness tonight? That if I hadn't shown up, you'd be high as balls right now?"
Rafa didn't say anything, he just looked at you with huge eyes, the embarrassment evident on his face - and first then did you notice his blood-shot eyeballs with the abnormally large pupils that had taken over most of the green that was normally present.
"No..." you whispered when you realised, "no, no, no..." you groaned quietly, clutching your chest, "you're high right now?" The heartbreak was evident in your voice.
Rafa sent you a pained look. He fucking hated himself.
"You're high..." You stated in a whisper, the tears were streaming down your face, "you lied."
He had broken your heart. Again.
"I - I didn't mean to," he croaked, "I was just so happy to see you. I knew you wouldn't want to talk to me if I told you the truth."
"So you planned on telling me when?"
"I don't know," he croaked, "I didn't think it through. I've been sober for three weeks. Tonight's just a small setback. Baby, I swear, I'll block Morris and I'll flush this baggie right now if I can just get you back," Rafa was begging, “I’ll stop if you tell me to!”
"Rafa, how many times do I have to tell you," you cried, "You have to stop because you want to. Not because I tell you to stop! I don't care about the snorting! I don't care that you party and get high! You've done lines of my tits several times for God's sake! But I can't live with the constant lying that has become part of it!"
Fuck, Rafa knew what you were building to. His life's biggest mistake. He had it coming, he knew it. He deserved it. He was a fucking cheating coke-head and he hated it. "Please don't bring it up," he sobbed.
You didn't listen to him. You had to confront him with it because he clearly hadn't understood. "Rafa, you fucked another girl! And you were so high that you didn't even realise it! And when you woke up the next day and saw what you'd done, you lied about your whereabouts and the fact that you'd been high as fuck! I had to learn about it through her!" You were sobbing, "...and instead of staying home and comforting me, you lied about having to go to the studio, and you met up with Morris and you got high! Again! If knowing that you're breaking my heart with your constant lies doesn't make you want to quit, I'm not sure what will."
"I want to stop!" he sobbed. He had never felt so horrible before, "I love you, I want to be with you," he sniffled and took your hand, "please give me another chance! I'll stop snorting. I'll stop lying. I'll do anything for you."
It looked as if you were contemplating his words but the look in your eyes darkened suddenly and you let out a whisper, "no Rafa!" as you pulled your hand away from his.
"Baby, please!" He pleaded desperately, "I love you."
"You love coke more," you whispered.
"I have a problem," Rafa tried desperately, "I know. I can't stop. But I'll get help. I'll do whatever you want me to do!"
"Rafa, if you stop snorting because I tell you to stop, it will never last! You love getting high!"
"That's not true... it's pathetic," he cried.
"Rafa, honey,” you said quietly, “- ask yourself this; would you be throwing away this baggie and deleting Morris' number if I wasn't leaving you because of it?"
"Yes," he croaked immediately.
You took a deep breath of air, hurt written all over your face, "Love," you sighed desperately as a fresh wave of tears started streaming down your face, "you're lying again..." you sobbed, and put the baggie in the palm of his hand and folded his fingers around it.
"I'm flushing it," he croaked.
"Do whatever you want," you whispered and looked him in the eye, "We're not together anymore. I'm done - it's over,” you said as you slowly turned around and started walking away from him.
“No, no, no! Please come back!”
“No Rafa… This time I'm serious,” you said before you started walking again.
This time, Rafa didn't run after you. He just watched you walk further and further away from him as your hands dried the tears off of your face every two seconds. He imagined you stopping, imagined the hurt look you'd send him. How he'd run over to you and take you in his arms. Imagined how he'd apologise and you'd both hug and cry and kiss it out. But you didn't stop. You didn't send him any look at all. And he didn’t run to you, he was glued to the pavement.
He stood as if frozen in time and looked after you even long after you'd disappeared around the corner. Suddenly, however, he noticed that he was still clutching the baggie in his closed fist. Slowly, he opened the palm to reveal the beautiful mother-of-pearl-coloured powder. He contemplated dropping it down the gutter next to him. It would all be so easy.
But instead, he closed his fingers around it and pocketed it right above his broken heart. It would help relieve the terrible thunder that he felt rolling over him. It brought along a storm of emotions. A hurricane of regrets. And he was desperate to get high.
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nibeul · 3 years
Okay nibs I'mma tell u my secret on how I knew u hated Mando Obi; I didn't. I was just scrolling that day and didn't really read the post but I saw the "shut up about Obi-Wan" picture and thought "ah yes, nibs will like this" so I tagged u 😂 (the things I now forever associate u with are disregarding canon and disliking Obi lol)
also that’s so true, i embody both of those things. bullying Obi wan and disregarding canon are two of my favorite hobbies <3
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sukunas-play-thing · 4 years
Aaaa idk if it’s ok to send in like..AoD stuff but like I keep thinking about Zack and Ray talking? (Platonic...I don’t ship them romantically bc it’s super gross,,,
Like them sitting down and kinda just talking about their trauma?
Just imagine Zack finding out how shit Ray’s parents were and being angry bc the orphanage runners treated him like shut too,,,and his mom as well-
And imagine Ray finding out about the old man and about how Zack actually got burned.
Imagine Zack lowkey being a dad towards Ray and making sure that she has a decent life now that they’re together. Nothings gonna bring them apart.
They have so much potential to bond and grow together as a found family like. Nonniebean this is amazing right here. I agree on the whole. Errr. Ship *visibly cringes* of zack and ray it is truly gross. And not just Zack and Ray shipping either. Like any I mean ANY adult x minor crap is disgusting and low and I do not follow that. Just cuz it's fiction don't mean it's okay y'all.
My brain is a pile of mesh shit tonight and I can't write add ons zo yalls galaxy brain talks. So I'mma be truly happy to just share these thoughts to my page
Let's blow up Zack and Rays tag with platonic shiz. Let's BURY that in the dirt. I gotta 6 ft grave. Let's fill it up!
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bronskiibeat · 4 years
OK BUT DAMN the first one of the Angst sentences really did fucking punch me in the guts??? Oh man they're all absolutely splendid, but I'd LOVE the first one! I'mma fucken weep babe
“It always comes back to this with you, doesn’t it?” 
 It was gone midnight, Steve was sure he could feel the day tick over somewhere inside himself, or maybe the rustle of the grass around him felt more Saturday than Friday. Billy was beside him, he could feel that too, their arms pressed together as their gazes explored the city down below them, their feet kicking together gently as the warm summer air from the plains below rose to meet the cold mountain air dropping from above.
Steve sighed happily, grabbing Billy’s elbow gently to lay himself down on the damp grass to direct his focus to the stars, the great unknown. Hawkins felt so small but coming to the hills and looking out towards everywhere made Steve feel like he maybe had a chance at escaping their small country jail, like they had the chance of getting out.
“I love you.” He murmured thoughtlessly, dropping his eyes to see the side of Billy’s head.
“No you don’t.” Billy replied tightly, pulling his knees towards his chest and defiantly looking out towards the lights below, making no effort to even humour Steve with a glance back.
Steve reached a hand up to Billy’s taking it in his own and squeezing, hoping to force some common sense into the boy. “Yeah I do.” He said back.
Billy looked round then, a dark look crossing his features, taking his hand back from Steve pointedly.
“We aren’t anything Steve, we hang out sometimes, you know about the same monsters I do, but you don’t love me. I don’t love you.” Billy pushed himself to his feet, stepping deeper into the forest, one arm reached to grab the material of his opposite shoulder. He couldn’t do this, not with Steve, but he had to. He could not get attached any more than he was, he was already too deep, holding hands, hot make out sessions, staying the night, he was in way too deep already. And it was too dangerous to go throwing the L-word around. His dad would kill him, then he would be dead, and Max would be forced to move again, because of him.
“Billy?” Steve’s voice called, from further away than Billy remembers walking, a hint of worry tinging his voice. Billy walked back towards Steve, stopping a foot or so away, taking in the pain on his face but scrubbing over it.
“We’re going, get in the car.” Billy snapped, forcing himself to be hard.
Steve held his ground, shoulders creeping towards his ears, making himself as big as he could, he was taller than Billy. “I’m not going anywhere until you say it.” He replied, eyes gleaming with the dangerous absence of fear that worried Billy when they were good but scared him when they weren’t. He might be a sweet teen babysitter when he wanted to be, but when this dangerous Steve came out, nothing would stop him.
Billy rolled his eyes and smirked, as if laughing at Steve, putting his own attitude on. “You can’t make me say shit. I don’t love you.” He snapped nastily, alarmed by the vitriol flying out of his own mouth.
Steve flinched as if it had actually hit him before stepping right up into Billy’s space, “You’re just scared.” He accused.
Billy’s fists were ready at his sides, he’d gone through pretending not to care now and was straight to seething hot anger. “Of you?” He laughed in Steve’s face.
Steve watched Billy’s face, searching for anything that betrayed he felt something good about them, showing Steve that this wasn’t just a one way thing, that Billy could admit they were good together, but he found only disgust and anger.
“You’re scared of us. How good we are. You’re scared of committing to trying to make this work.” He grabbed the front of his hair in frustration before pushing it back. He stepped back to put an arm’s length between them, taking his gaze away from Billy in his frustration. “Jesus.” He exclaimed, ““It always comes back to this with you, doesn’t it? Just you being a little pussy. I’m sick of it!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Billy shouted, watching as Steve was caught of guard by one of his fists meeting his jaw roughly, he was caught so by surprise that it sent him flying, landing with a tree root poking roughly into his side. He pulled himself to his feet and grabbed Billy by the lapels and pushed him up against a tree, bracing an arm across Hargrove’s neck.
“What is wrong with you?” Steve whispered.
Billy scrambled to find his footing, having to lift himself onto his toes before Steve to stand up so he wasn’t strangled, oh but when Steve snapped it lit something in him. He loved to see Steve with some fight in him, it was better than the Steve who jumped at a pin drop or cried in the night. No, the angry Steve, fighting for a cause was a much better alternative to Billy, it showed him Steve cared. But that’s not the point, he didn’t want Steve to care. And that’s why he kept poking the beast.
It was the increased pressure on his neck that snapped Billy back to the reality of the situation, Steve was actually hurting him. And he knew he meant it. A fire lit in his eyes, he collected some saliva in his mouth and spat it into Steve’s face.
“Get off.” He growled. When Steve only pushed Billy harder into the tree, Billy reached his limit. With a swift unexpected motion, Billy hooked a leg behind Steve’s and pushed his body against Steve’s own weight and they both tumbled to the floor. After a few jabs and kicks to his stomach by a flailing Steve, and a harder one of his own to Steve’s face, Billy was up and free. And he was sprinting for his car. That would teach the little bitch.
“Billy!” Steve shouted through the woods as he realised what Billy was doing, picking himself up and ignoring the spinning of the trees to sprint after him.
When Steve finally got anywhere near to catching up, tears were running freely down his face, Billy was in the driver’s seat and the engine already growling to life. Billy wound down his window and flicked a finger at Steve.
“Billy please.” Steve sobbed, reaching out to grab the window, but not making it before Billy was speeding off into the night, leaving Steve in the middle of the road heaving heavy sobs from somewhere so deep he didn’t know he had it in him.
Billy was 10 minutes down the road before his own tears blurred his vision so much he couldn’t see, he was angry. So angry. Mostly that Steve had seen right through him to know he was scared of committing to actually getting together, calling a spade a spade and dating. But he was scared, so scared. He was more scared of the damage that could do him than he was of the mind flayer, and that was saying something. To hurt now seemed so much easier than to hurt later.
He let out a scream of frustration as he headbutted the steering wheel, pulling it recklessly to turn in the road and drive back the way he had come. As he drove he slipped back on a mask of indifference, wiping his tears from his eyes to try and make sure he looked like he didn’t care.
His heart screamed ‘you do care’, as he drove back to where he’d left Steve to see the boy sitting curled in on himself shaking. Fuck. He’d properly fucked this one up. He’d let fear get the best of him and ruined the only good thing he had in his sad excuse of a life. He pulled up beside Harrington and leaned over to roll the window down.
“Get in Steve.” He said sharply, but Harrington didn’t move from the side of the road.
Billy raised his voice this time, “Get in!” He ground, but it worked. Steve got himself up off the floor, shaking hands trying for the door handle twice before he made it, pulling it open and dropping into the passenger seat.
As they set off he didn’t even look at Billy, he did his seatbelt but turned his body towards the window, his arms drawn close to his chest as he looked out to the night, a pitiful image of heartbreak. Sobs were still the only things pulling air into his lungs and the tears in his nose had him sniffing like a 3rd grader who’d shit his pants. Billy rolled his eyes at the state, but forced himself to be bold, be brave, he didn’t have to be scared about this if he didn’t want to be. He could try to make it work.
He thought about the s-word, but Billy couldn’t remember the last time he’d said that, so instead he said “Please stop crying Steve”, hoping the boy would hear the unsaid ‘I’m sorry’ tagged on the end.
Steve wiped at his face, unknowingly smearing some blood from his brow over his nose, he took a moment to calm down before he spoke,
“You’re a fucking psychopath.”
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 5
Part 1     Part 2    Part 3    Part 4   Part 6
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Words: 3505
The train cart was filled with silence. Remy looked at the dog tag, the dog tag which had belonged to Roman. They looked up at their husband. He was staring right through them.
"I- I'll call Q. He'll get us home" Remy hastily let out.
They didn't get a reply. Remus sat perfectly still as they talked to Q. He seemed to be looking at a ghost. Maybe he was dissociating, maybe he was reliving the death. His hands wouldn't stop shaking.
Eventually Remy got up and took his hand. They held onto him until the train got to it's next stop. Held onto him the long car ride to an airport. Held onto him the entire flight back to England. Held onto him until they back to their apartement at MI6. They knew he would break apart if they let go right now.
Remy was sure M would give them a break from missions. Remus was barely eating, much less sleeping. No one could except him to work.
And yet here they were, 2 days later in M's office. Remus actually sat in a normal position in one of the chairs which was so unusual it even made M uncomfortable. Remy sat in his lap with their arms around his shoulders to comfort him.
"-I assure you 009 that I would let you two have a break if this mission wasn't urgent. Trust me I would be very happy if you two disappeared from my sight for a while" M aka Deceit said. One of his pet snakes had made itself comfortable around his neck.
"Sure girl. What's so fucking important then?"
Deceit pushed a paper over the desk towards them "This. Your luck was in your favor 009. You brought back a document from Ron Stewart's, the man you killed, room on the train correct?"
"Girl I dunno. 75% of the time I'm just like running on instinct and iced coffee but yeah sure"
"Yes well this document talks about Stewart's company partially being bought by this company by the name of Vigur. I didn't recognize it so I asked Q to do some research and-"
"It's a vampire sex ring!" Remy guessed.
Deceit blinked at them "Close. No it's a new company, actually it hasn't even started yet. It will have an opening this week in Manchester. It's an energy company and apparently it's lead by a young new business entrepreneur. It's strange.....When Q looked him up there was nothing. No history, no photos, no educational records. Only a few articles about him and his dad and that he was the leader of Vigur"
"I didn't catch the name"
"Virgil. Virgil Viverno"
Remus suddenly moved his arms around Remy's waist so tightly their ribs hurt. He buried his head against their shoulder. His spouse' placed their hands on top of his.
Deceit looked at him varily. He really did want to let the agents go on a break, he wasn't heartless, but, well, they had a mission to finish, even if it had become an intricate one.
"I suggest you two infiltrate the opening of the company. Find any information you can because somehow this has to be connected to the killings of agents caused by....Jaws...To aid I asked Moneypenny to follow Virgil around a bit and take a few pictures so you two know who to interrogate"
Deceit called for Moneypenny aka Patton. He entered the office with a stack of photos in his hands before sitting down on the edge of the table and laying out the photos. It was all of the so called Virgil. He was sitting in a car far away in all of them so it was a bit hard to see but they got the basic gists of him having short unkept black hair and sickly pale skin.
"Aww Patty I didn't know you got to work out in the field" Remy commented.
Deceit arched his brow "Don't underestimate him"
"I might not be as good in combat as y'all are but I can be sneaky and take a few photos every now and then"
Deceit sent him an unusually warm smile "You did a good job"
Moneypenny blushed slightly "Oh shush you snakecharmer. I'm married"
Remy grabbed one of the photos and looked closer "Betting on him being gay so time for some guy drag. Just 'cause I'm like tots too lazy to get into womany attire. We'll infiltrate the party, I'll take him to his hotel room and look for anything about why this new stupid company exists"
They were quiet for a few seconds before adding with venom in their tone "Or why they murdered Picani"
Patton leaned over and patted them on their shoulder to comfort them. "Yeah it's a bit weird. I followed him around for quite a few days but he rarely ever left the house he was staying at. He never even walked around. Either he was at that house or he was driven directly to the company building. He never stayed there for long so he couldn't have been working"
"Mhm" Deceit began "It could mea-"
Remus slammed his hand down into the table.
"You're all ignoring Roman"
Patton paled a little. Deceit leaned back in his seat. They were all silent.
"I- I mean the dog tag it- it has to mean this- the company- Picani it must have something to do with Roman doesn't it- I mean- I mean- Maybe- Roman could be alive"
Remus looked around at them while holding the tag close to his chest. He didn't look mad. He just looked like a cornered animal, a hurt prey.
"Kiddo" Patton held out his hand, unsure if to comfort or reason with him.
"Killing a 00 agent is quite a big thing. I can imagine that someone would gladly take the dog tag and keep it with them as a souvenir if they'd been in the same building as where it happened. From your reports of what happened there is no chance your brother is alive" Deceit stated bluntly "It is of far greater importance to try and find this 'Jaws' guy before he kills any more 00 agents"
All of the air seemed to go out of Remus. His arms loosened around Remy. They tried to comfort him and whisper sweet nothings to him.
"M don't be so cold about it!" Patton exclaimed. "It's okay kiddo. I'm sure- Maybe- We-" He pressed his lips into a tight line and tried to think about anything positive to say. He gave up and moved to try and hug Remus at least.
Remus stood up from the chair so quickly Remy nearly fell down on the floor. He banged his hands down into the table and leaned close to Deceit. His furious brown, nearly red, eyes stared into Deceit's cold black ones.
"I'll capture Jaws and I'll drag him back here. I'll drop him right here on your bloody desk if that's what it takes to make you take me seriously. And then I Will find my brother! Even if it's just his rotten corpse!"
He stormed out of the room without another word and slammed the doors shut behind him.
Remus was driving a black ashton martin towards the company's building where the opening party was being held. He had on a black suit. Remy sat in the passenger seat. They had on a looser fitting black blazer with a white button up under and pants. They'd styled it with a necklace and a few rings on their fingers.
"Babe you don't have to like do this you know that right?" Remy asked while looking over to their husband "Like it's really understandable if you want a break from work or something right now with the whole Roman thing. I can handle it on my own"
"I have to.........If there's a small chance Roman is...is.....out there I have to follow up on.....And even if he's....even if he's...gone....I want to at least stop the people who...killed....him" He held onto the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white "I want to tear them apart for hours upon hours until they're begging me to kill them"
Remy took his hand and intertwined their fingers "I'll be right here beside you" They pressed a kiss to his knuckles "I'mma be cutting people apart as well!"
Remus sent them a tired smile "Mhm. Love you my rotten lil sunflower"
They scrunched their nose "Gross"
"Nu-hu! You're my dear maggot infested heart"
"And you're the human equivalent of a mad scientist's experiment going wrong"
Remus pretended to blush "Awww you're always at your A game with compliments"
"Somebody has to be"
They leaned in for a kiss before getting out of the car. The tall building had an elegant opening door made out of glass.
Remy held onto their husband's upper arm and leaned on his shoulder as they walked in. The entrance was a grand room looking outmost modern. The reception had been turned into a bar and there were cocktail tables here and there.
The opening party was mostly to establish connectioncs between CEOs and such. It was all fake smiles and empty talking between glasses of champange.
"Let's say we're here for my mom's company" Remus whispered.
"Oh yeah the super legal one with a brilliant name" Remy chuckled back.
"Don't you dishonor the name of Octopussy!" He did a dramatic pout "But we'll say we're from the hotel business side of the company and not the y'know jewel smuggling-"
"Or circus business"
"Or circus business yes"
They mingled among the crowd while looking for Virgil. It was ironic how Remy was better at talking about the Octopussy company than Remus was. He'd always been better at the smuggling part than the business part while it was the reverse for his twin. Roman had been chosen to become the full time leader of the company once their mom retired...well that had changed obviously.
Remy was in the middle of making up an elaobarate lie about Octopussy totally being besties with the owner of this company to some business men when Remus pulled them aside. He pointed over to a dark corner of the room.
"Holy shit!" Remy gasped while their eyes widened "That's a total heart-throb!"
"What- No-" Remus looked at them with a confused look before looking back at the corner.
Remy was looking at a tall, broad shouldered, muscular guy in a slick black suit. He stood near the corner with his arms crossed. They were practically looking at him with heart eyes.
"Awww babe are you trying to find me a date? He's just my type!" They said while holding onto their tall, broad shouldered, muscular husband wearing a slick black suit.
"Sorry darling dearest but I was pointing at Virgil"
Next to the muscular guy a skinny man was sitting by a lone table. He had on a black button up shirt with a purple hoodie over. There was a glass of soda in front of him.
Remy pouted "That's not as fun"
"You can try to flirt with him while you get info from Virgil" Remus moved his hand to their jaw and leaned their head up "You horndog"
"Shut up your bundle of bacteria" They teased back before leaning in to kiss him.
"A demon would be jealous of your horniness......because....y'know....demon horns"
"Girl I could walk into a public toilet and press my finger against the wall and I would get the same amount of filth on my finger from that wall as I would get from your skin"
Remus kissed them again "Love you"
"Love you too" They smiled into the kiss.
"Be careful. If I see you leave with Virgil I'll follow you and cut in if I hear anything fucked aight?"
"Got it gal!"
Their hands lingered together for an extra moment before they both willed themself to let go. Remy walked towards Virgil. They unbuttoned the top 2 buttons on their shirt, dragged up their shirt sleeves slightly and fixed their hair.
They didn't get to Virgil. The tall muscular man stopped them beforehand by grabbing onto their shoulder. They couldn't honestly say that they were complaining.
"Mr. Viverno doesn't wish to talk to any more strangers for the rest of the night. He's already had enough people try to manipulate him with sweet talking and business deals" The man, who Remy assumed was a bodyguard, said in a stern tone.
Remy sent him a cheeky smile "Aww girl I'm not here for some money talk or whateva. I just hate parties. I was forced here just as much as the next boytoy"
The bodyguard sneered at them but from over his shoulder they could see Virgil glancing at them. In the low light it was hard to see the details of his face.
"Theo it's okay. You can let him in"
Remy had a shit eating grin on their face as they gracefully sauntered past the bodyguard apparently named Theo. They slumped down on the seat on the opposite side of the table to Virgil. He seemed okay with just sitting in silence, Remy wasn't.
"I'm Diamandis. Remington Diamandis" They reached out their hand after saying the totally real and not at all made up name.
Virgil just stared at their hand "You already know my name. You wouldn't be at the opening if you didn't"
They leaned their elbows on the table "Yeah well introductions are always nice either way. Know whats not like nice? Parties. Fucking hate them" They lied.
He quickly nodded along "Everything is so....loud....there's so many peoples. I've never been to any sort of party or anything before but I already hate them"
"Impressive. If I could choose I would have tots been...." Remy tried to figure out what Virgil would react to best "Been staying in my room all alone like just calm no sounds. Sadly my daddy is like involved with this like octopussy company so I gotta be here" They saw how Virgil immediately tried to hold back a smile at the mention of the name "It's okay, you can laugh"
He covered his mouth with his hand while giggling "Sorry- Sorry it's just- that's a bad word"
"I'm aware. I've been looking to get a new daddy anyhow. Someone less boring who doesn't drag me to all these stuck up parties"
Remy realized they were talking to an innocent lamb and quickly changed the subject "So you wanna buy us drinks? A fancy cocktail would sound nice right about now" They leaned their chin on their hands and moved closer.
"I uh I can't. Maybe some soda I dunno"
"What? You're waiting 'till marriage to drink or something"
Virgil glanced up at him "No I- I'm not allowed. I'm 15. Theo said-"
Remy reared back into their seat. The smug look on their face was instantly gone as they buttoned up their shirt all the way up. Now when they knew he was a teenager it was blatantly obvious. Suddenly they noticed the subtle acne on his face, how his arms clearly had had a growth spurt before the rest of his body, how he still kind of had baby cheeks.
"I'm sorry. You should have said- I didn't think- I'm sorry that's like tots gross of me- The lightning is really bad I couldn't see- Sorry girl" They babbled out.
"What are you apologizing for?" Virgil asked while tilting his head.
"I the adult here flirted with you- which is so disgusting and girl I'm like-"
Virgil looked like he was one step away from slamming his hands into the table and standing up "Flirting??" His eyes widened "That was flirting??"
"Indeed it was. I was close to punching you the entire time" Theo muttered while eyeing Remy.
"This is almost as cool and as when I got to try out a phone for the first time a few days ago" Virgil pointed over to Theo "He has a bunch of games on his phone. They're really fun"
Theo let out a ridiculously tired sigh "The games are just there for my kids I swear"
Remy zoned out of the conversation. The sheer weirdness of someone who apparently is a CEO 1. being a teenager and 2. not owning a phone had taken them right out. Every step of this mission seemed to make it weirder and weirder. It made their head hurt with unanswered questions.
"-my room?" Remy got forced out of their thoughts as Virgil asked them something.
"Do you want to go to my room? I have a room on the second floor in case I ever need to stay over for the night. The place I actually live is quite far away from here" He fiddled with his sleeves "You said you would rather be in your room like ehhh being calm so I thought we could go away from all the loud people at least"
"Sure kid" Remy almost felt bad for how easily Virgil had done exactly what they wanted him to.
He got up and mumbled something to Theo before setting off towards the elevator. Remy blew Theo a kiss before waving goodbye as they walked past him. In response he gave them the middle finger, clearly showing of the wedding ring on his finger.
One short elevator ride later they were following Virgil through a long hallway. It was all cold grey walls and light that gave them a headache. It was quiet apart from the muffled sounds from the people on the first floor.
Virgil suddenly reached out and held onto the sleeve of their blazer. He looked up at them with big eyes "Have you ever touched snow?"
He held onto them harder and a smile played at the edge of his lips "Can you describe it?"
Remy was a bit taken aback by the weird question but shrugged and began to describe it. Nothing had been worse than the freezing winters with nothing but their mothers and a cheap sleeping bag to keep them warm. From the corner of their eye they caught a glimpse of Remus following them.
Virgil's smile grew wider the more they described it. His blue eyes looked at them as if they were the most knowledgable person ever. Before they knew they'd reached his room. It was mostly bare. Just a bed, a nightstand and a few boxes. The bed wasn't even comfortable as they sat down alongside the teenager.
They glanced around for anything important. Drugging a teenager so he fell asleep so they could search through his room made them feel really disgusting but at least it was better than knocking him out. Hopefully it would just feel like a quick nap. Hopefully they could hide the sleeping pill in some soda.
"Are you looking for something?" Virgil asked.
"Nah girl. Nothing. I was just-"
Remy turned back to look at him. His smile was gone and his blue eyes suddenly seemed cold. It felt like his gaze was piercing through them.
"Oh 009. You should have paid more attention" Virgil murmured.
Their blood ran cold at the mention of their 00 title. They tried to speak but realized their mouth felt numb. Their whole body felt numb and as heavy as lead.
"Do you seriously think Theo would have let you be alone with me unless he knew you were so stupid you wouldn't even care to look at the most important part of this room" He scoffed at them.
Remy fell back on the bed. Their eyelids could barely stay open as they looked up. Their eyes widened as they saw dozens upon dozens of spiders sitting on the roof.
"Ruthie is such a good girl" Virgil picked up a big black spider that had been crawling around on the covers. He patted her while talking "All it takes is a small bite from her and a human can be passed out for up to 6 hours"
Remy wanted to muster up the strenght to snarl an insult at least. Instead all they could do was fall asleep as their eyes rolled to the back of their skull.
Virgil's smile widened "Goodnight"
He let out a few more of his dear spiders crawl up on his arms. He threw the bed lamp down on the ground and let out a few fake muffled cries. It was too trick 009's equally as stupid partner to rush in.
And he did. Of course he did.
Remus stumbled into the room with a neutral expression plastered on his face. His eyes darted around the room but quickly landed on his sleeping spouse.
"Sorry! I was uh looking for the bathroom!" He threw out "Oh wow one of you is unconcious that's not good especially not while in bedrooms! Maybe I should stay"
Virgil looked at him as he was the biggest idiot on earth. A few spiders started to crawl up Remus' legs. He looked down at them and quickly shook them off before stomping on them.
"YOU FUCKER!" Virgil yelled. He shot up from the bed and closed his hands into fists. He nearly teared up at the sight of the dead spiders.
Remus took a step back and raised his hands "Hey kid I'm sorry but-"
He didn't say anything more. A harsh hit landed on the back of his neck. He immediately fell down on the ground.
The whole room was spinning. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Virgil moving to hug a person. He seemed to be lifted from the ground and spun around in the hug.
The last thing Remus heard before he passed out was Virgil happily letting out a "Jawsie!!"
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starship-squidlet · 4 years
As You Like It: Chapter One
Story Summary: Modern/Theatre!AU. Jack Kelly and Crutchie Morris finally make it to Santa Fe, where they find employment at the World Theatre. There they meet a diverse cast of characters who rapidly become friends and family, making Santa Fe into the home they've always longed for.
Chapter Summary: Jack and Crutchie arrive at the World, where they meet the rest of the crew.
Word count: 4,058
Warnings: none (a few swear words I guess tho?)
A/N: Hey, y'all! So, I'mma say it now: 75% of the reason I wrote this story was for catharsis. It's absolutely based off of my current job in a theatre, as well as past jobs in other theatres, and I miss my job SO MUCH as we've been laid off for 6 months now thanks to COVID, and won't be back before January at the earliest. I miss my job and all the people I work with, so I decided to write a story about it, and projected it onto my current obsession: Newsies. Is Elaine a self-insert? Pretty much. Are the characters of most of the boys more based on the guys I work with than their actual depictions in media? Generally. But this was a lot of fun to write, and made me feel better about life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Newsies or any of the characters you may recognize from it, but I do own this story, Elaine, Alden, Alan, etc. Cross-posting to ChocolatteKitty-Kat on AO3 and FFnet.
Tags: @the-cowbi
Next chapter: Chapter Two
“The World Theatre,” Jack murmured, squinting up at the metal sign shaped into the words, mounted over the door of the auspicious building. The World looked significantly newer than many of the other buildings they had passed on the drive in, but had also clearly been built in some kind of older or more traditional style than most of the other new buildings they had seen in the city.
“We finally made it.”
Jack glanced over at his passenger. His best friend and honorary little brother, Crutchie, was leaning forward as far as he could, straining against his seatbelt to take in as much of the huge building as possible. He didn’t spare a glance to Jack, focused entirely on the view in front of them. Jack smiled to himself and turned off the engine. “We sure did.”
“Come on, Jack,” Crutchie laughed. He leaned back far enough to unfasten his seatbelt and reached for his crutch and the door at the same time. “How long have you been wanting to move to Santa Fe for? And now that we’re here, I’d swear you want to go back to New York already.”
“Yeah, well, maybe I miss the pollution. Don’t go anywhere.” Jack grumbled as he undid his own seatbelt and clambered out of the van. The old-as-heck fifteen passenger had only cost him a few hundred dollars—to purchase. Repairs since then had totaled in the thousands, and Jack truly regretted not just spending more up front for a vehicle in better shape. Despite all odds, however, the piece of garbage had carried them both all the way across the country, and even loaned her converted back section—the first thing Jack had done was rip out all but one row of seats—as a temporary living space for the journey. The outside of the van had at some point somewhat recently been white, probably, but was now mottled with so many colors, between coats of paint, scrapes and scratches, and even a few rust patches and strips of duct tape—not to mention dried mud and more—, that Crutchie jokingly called its color “abstract art”. Somehow, this all seemed appropriate, though. Jack made his way around the van to open Crutchie’s door, and offered his arm up to his friend.
“Jack, I don’t need help,” Crutchie rolled his eyes. He slipped his right arm into his crutch and braced the other on the door before sliding off the seat to land on his left foot on the asphalt.
“Yeah, tell that to your arm and knees,” Jack eyed a nasty scrape along Crutchie’s forearm. “I don’t want you falling again. I don’t need that kind of stress in my life.”
Crutchie laughed and gave him a playful shove. “I fell one time. How many dozens of times have I gotten in and out of this car? And I fell once. It happens. It would probably happen even without this thing.” He waved his crutch to illustrate his point. “Anyways, the only reason I fell was because it was raining. The door was wet and my hand slipped. But, right now, it’s completely dry, so I’m perfectly safe.”
Jack rolled his eyes and shut the van door. “Sure. I get that. But I still worry.”
“Since when are you my mother?” Crutchie laughed, poking Jack lightly in the side, his eyes crinkling up as he beamed up at his friend. “Come on. We’ll be late.”
Jack rolled his eyes, locked the van door, and followed Crutchie up the low stairs to the door of the World. Inside, the air was cool, a blissful respite from the aggressive heat outside, and Jack paused a moment to take in the theatre lobby. To either side, wide staircases with more low-rise stairs wound up a full flight to small side balconies, then continued up another whole flight to a wide balcony that spanned almost the width of the room. In front of them was a long counter with a handful of people behind it, all in smart uniforms of white button-down shirts, blue ties that matched the theatre’s logo perfectly, and black vests.
“Good morning!” one of the uniformed clerks called. “Can I help you?”
“Hi,” Jack jogged up to the counter. “I’m Jack Kelly. That’s Charlie Morris. We’re supposed to start work here today. Uh, we’re supposed to see Hannah Martin?”
“You can have a seat over there, and I’ll call Hannah and let her know you’re here,” the clerk smiled cheerfully, pointing at an uncomfortable-looking couch by a wall to the left, underneath a sign with an arrow indicating the direction of a women’s restroom.
As Jack and Crutchie took their seats on the couch—which proved to be even more uncomfortable than it looked—the clerk picked up a phone and spoke quietly into the receiver. The lobby was quiet overall; the only sounds were the soft voices of the three clerks speaking into their headsets, clacking of keyboards as they typed, and the almost imperceptible whir of the air conditioning system far overhead, ever present behind the sounds of the clerks.
After a few moments of awkward silence on Jack and Crutchie’s part, a woman appeared at the top of the stairwell across the lobby from them. She made it halfway down before spotting them, then waved and smiled. “Jack and Charles? You can come on up.”
They stood up and headed for the base of the stairs, but a psst from one of the clerks caught their attention. “There’s an elevator under those stairs, if that’s easier.” He pointed to a small sign under the stairs the woman—presumably Hannah—was standing on.
“Nah, we’re fine,” Jack smiled.
“But thanks!” Crutchie called over his shoulder, already well on his way to the stairs, which he navigated easily, hopping up on his good foot, while Jack trailed along behind, constantly worried that Crutchie would land wrong and fall back down the stairs. Not that that had ever happened, of course, but Jack still worried. Hannah led them up the second flight, and through an unassuming door—labeled ‘offices’— off to the right, next to a small set of elevator doors. Inside, they smiled politely as they passed a middle-aged woman seated behind an impressive, L-shaped wooden desk. Hannah led them around a few small cubicles, constructed by low temporary walls, to a pair of folding tables surrounded by folding chairs.
“Sorry, the conference room is in use today, so we’ll have to use these,” Hannah chuckled a little too loud as she took a seat, gesturing for the boys to do the same. “Alright. I just have some final paperwork for you to sign, mostly about benefits and such.”
For the next few hours, Hannah walked them through quite a few different documents, mostly, as she had said, about insurance and benefits. She explained each document thoroughly before handing it to them, and answered any questions that they had before moving on to the next item. She split the completed papers into two stacks, which grew steadily as they went through each item. “Okay, I think that’s it!” she said finally, offering a bright smile. “These are for you”—she handed them each a blue-green folder—“Inside I have copies of our employee handbook and all of the documents you’ve just signed, for your records. Do you have any more questions?”
Both Jack and Crutchie shook their heads.
“Excellent!” Hannah smiled. “I’ll call backstage and have someone come up to walk you back. Or, actually…” She trailed off as a door, somewhere on the other side of the cubicles and unseen from where they were sitting, opened and a pair of loudly-chattering voices burst into the still quiet of the room. “Elaine?”
The voices quieted for a moment.
“Yeah?” a voice responded hesitantly.
“Can you come over here for a moment, please? We’re at the break tables.”
There were a few murmurs, one sounding suspiciously like good luck, before another door opened and closed, right around the same time a face popped around the cubicle corner that blocked the break tables off from the rest of the room. “Hi, Hannah,” the young woman to whom the face belonged chirped brightly, stepping fully out from behind the wall. She was small, with long, dark hair, and oversized green glasses.
“Hi, Elaine,” Hannah smiled warmly. “These are our two new hires for the crew. Would you mind taking them backstage with you?”
“Sure,” Elaine smiled. She waited as the boys stood up and headed towards her, then led them out of the offices. “Hi, I’m Elaine,” she turned to offer them a bright smile over her shoulder.
“I’m Jack Kelly, and this is Charlie Morris,” Jack replied, leaning around Crutchie to shake Elaine’s hand when she offered it.
“Wow, New York,” Elaine laughed. “Sorry, that probably came out wrong. I grew up in Boston and PA. It’s been a while since I heard a full-bodied New York accent on anyone around here. Well, besides Spot.”
“Spot?” Jack arched an eyebrow.
“Our house manager,” Elaine explained. “You’ll meet him sooner or later. Oh, do you want to take the elevator?”
“Stairs are fine,” Crutchie shook his head, already starting to hop down them. Jack hurried after him, even though he knew that his friend had an even easier time going down stairs than up them. Elaine bounced along behind them, her curly hair bobbing with each little hop down the steps.
“So, if you’re from the east coast, how did you get all the way out here to New Mexico?” Jack asked as they made their way down the double flights of stairs.
“I could ask you the same question,” Elaine teased. “My brothers are performers, and I used to be too. We moved around a lot for a few years, but decided to stick around Santa Fe, at least for a little while. We like it here.” She shrugged. “Your turn.”
“Jack’s always wanted to come to Santa Fe,” Crutchie said over his shoulder, hopping off the last step. “Never said why, though.”
“Yeah, well, I just kind of picked the furthest place I could think of at one point when I was a kid and promised myself that someday I’d get there,” Jack squirmed uncomfortably at the attention, and Elaine’s piercing gaze.
“Fair enough,” she shrugged. “Hey, Tommy, hey, Dutch!” she waved and grinned at two of the clerks behind the front desk. They waved back, and the one who had greeted Jack and Crutchie earlier offered them a second wave. Elaine led them through the spacious lobby, past a gift shop, located behind the front desk, and a concession stand, tucked into the wall by the theatre doors. She threw the double doors open dramatically, and the boys followed her into a small, unlit anteroom. The doors were about halfway closed when she flung open a second set of doors.
These doors opened into a wide room, full of arched rows of padded seats, with gently-sloped aisles leading down to a four-foot-high stage. “Welcome to the World Theatre of Santa Fe,” Elaine grinned, stretching out her arms and spinning as if to show off the huge room. “Seats about sixteen hundred; the booth for the sound and light ops is back there”—she pointed—“and, if you follow me, I’ll show you backstage.”
They trailed along behind Elaine as she made for the stage, then went up five steps built into the side of the stage, next to the wall. They walked through the side stage area, past a rail with several pegs with ropes tied to them. After that, they passed through a door, where they saw a small alcove with several washer and dryers set up in it—along with:
“What is that smell?” Jack nearly gagged.
“Oh, sorry, I forgot to warn you,” Elaine said breathlessly, already on the other side of the machines. “Something in the system backs up and, uh… yeah. That. Trust me, it’s worse when you’re the one standing there for the whole show.”
She led them up another long stairwell—Jack would have guessed it was a triple flight, if he wasn’t so winded by the top—and into a long hallway. “It’s technically lunchtime for crew, but I think I should take you to see Weisel first. I’m sure he’ll have something to say to you…” she trailed off, glancing down the hallway, then grabbed Crutchie by the arm and pulled him into a small, dark room off to the right, beckoning Jack to follow. “Just as a… heads up: Weisel’s a jerk. Like, obviously there’s at least one of those everywhere you go, but Weisel is his own special breed. He sucks, but he’s good at faking nice, so people tend not to notice, at least not straight off. Just don’t let him see if he gets to you. And he’ll probably be nice to start off with, anyways.”
She led them back into the hallway. “Okay. So that’s dressing room five. This is Spice’s office—don’t ever go in there unless you’re invited—and that’s the sewing room… men’s bathroom… cutting and receiving rooms for costumes, and Weisel and Medda’s offices.” She pointed out each room as they passed, stopping in front of the one she had named as Weisel’s office. “All that’s down that way is the rest of the dressing rooms. And that hallway leads to the green room and elevator.” She knocked on the door to Weisel’s office, opening it far enough to poke her head in when a response came. “I’ve got two new hires from Hannah, Mr. Weisel,” she said cheerfully. “And I need to clock out for lunch.”
“Oh, come in.”
“Cool. Mr. Weisel, this is Jack and Charlie.”
Elaine opened the door and slipped into an oversized computer chair, her fingers flying across the keys of the computer at the desk as she logged into it. The boys squeezed in behind her: the office was narrow, barely six or seven feet wide. The two “desks” were actually a wide counter built into the wall, two workspaces divided by a fancy copier, each with a desktop tower and monitor. At the back desk sat an older man, with salt-and-pepper hair—more salt than pepper—and a thoroughly displeased, unshaven face. He looked the two boys up and down, his face darkening further as he took in Crutchie; Jack instinctively wanted to step protectively in front of his friend, but couldn’t fit between Elaine’s chair and Crutchie to do so.
“Hannah said she hired two new crew boys for me,” Weisel turned back to his desk and took a bite of a sandwich, chewing slowly as he swiveled back to face the boys. “So, do either of you have any theatre experience?”
“No, not so much,” Jack said. “We just needed jobs because we were moving out here, and this is what was available. But I’ve done plenty of physical labor, and that’s what she said to expect, so I’m sure I’ll be able to sort it out quick enough. And she said something about… a spotlight operator or something for Charlie?”
“Yeah, yeah, the spot op position,” Weisel nodded, turning back to his sandwich. “Not sure what I’m going to do with him for builds.”
“Charlie, have you ever done any sewing?” Elaine piped up from the computer, where she was effectively trapped by Jack and Crutchie squashed behind her. “Wardrobe always needs help, and even if you haven’t, I don’t mind teaching. We never have enough hands to do all the little things, like buttons and hooks and name tags.”
“Alright, you can have him,” Weisel shrugged. “Next cue-to-cue they run, you can take him up to spot and teach him the follow spot.”
“Okay,” Elaine chirped. “Since it’s lunch now, do you want me to take Jack and Charlie downstairs and introduce them to everyone?”
“Sure, whatever,” Weisel waved his hand dismissively. “Jack, you come find me after lunch, and I’ll get you started. Elaine, you can take Charlie.”
The boys squeezed out of the little office and Elaine followed them. “I’ll show you downstairs, but I have to grab my lunch first. Do y’all have food?”
“Ah, no, we were gonna run out and grab something,” Jack said.
“Well, you don’t have much time for that right now,” Elaine said. “There may be a lot of places to eat around here, but it can easily take well over half an hour to get through them, plus driving back and forth, and we have less than forty-five minutes till we have to be back. But don’t worry, there’s some leftovers from the last concert in the fridge in the green room. Just follow me.”
Jack and Crutchie followed Elaine first to the sewing room, then to a large room, painted sage green, which she called the green room. “When we have concert tours in, we set up their catering in here. The upstairs staff usually eats in here on non-concert days, but Sarah—the other dresser—and I prefer to go downstairs and eat with the crew. Better company.” She opened the door to a tall, industrial-looking stainless steel refrigerator. “Here, there’s a bunch of stuff leftover from the concert the other day.” She produced a half-empty deli tray, along with some other food, and set it on one of the two long tables running through the center of the room, and grabbed some bread from a windowsill next to the fridge. “I know sandwiches aren’t much, but, hey, it’s free food. And way easier and faster than going out for lunch.”
The boys made their sandwiches in silence while Elaine microwaved her own lunch—“Quinoa with black beans, Ragu, and a little bit of cheese. It’s like spaghetti, but better!”
“It doesn’t smell better,” Crutchie wrinkled his nose.
“Yeah…” Elaine sighed, looking sadly into the container. “But I guess that’s the trade-off.”
Once they were done with the food, Elaine helped them load it back into the fridge and took them back out into the hallway. “Elevator,” she said as she punched a button on the wall. “It’s four flights to the basement, and I have bad knees. I try and take the stairs at least a few times a day, but my legs won’t let me all the time. Lunch is when I give myself a break.”
The elevator was painfully slow, and creaked alarmingly as they rode it down. “I don’t trust that,” Jack arched an eyebrow and stared up at the roof.
“Well, I’ve only heard of it getting stuck once, if that helps,” Elaine laughed.
When they reached the basement, the doors slid open—groaning as they did—and a wave of stale but cool air that smelled like beef hit them. The basement walls were made of white-painted cinderblocks, while the floor was the same painted grey concrete that the cavernous upstairs room behind the stage—where the washers and dryers were housed—had, although less stained and cracked. Elaine led them around a corner, past chain-link-fenced cubicles stuffed with fake Christmas greenery, and up to a small room created by two half walls, and an L-shaped row of old lockers, many of which were covered back and front with stickers advertising tours that had (presumably) come through the theatre in the past. There were three tables packed with folding chairs, on top of a filthy, old rug. In the back of the “room” were a small, free-standing sink with just enough counter space for a dish-drying rack, an ancient refrigerator with a freezer on top, and a rickety table with a microwave, old drip coffeemaker, and boxes of plastic cutlery and paper plates. On the back wall was a wide half-white, half-cork board; on the whiteboard side was scrawled, in faded green and red dry-erase marker, 
Tangled The Lion King
Great Mouse Detective
Sword in the Stone
Black Cauldron
Robin Hood (should be #2 but whatever)
Cinderella II
Lion King 1 ½
There were also several notes and arrows drawn on the board, seemingly trying to correct whoever had initially written it, but Jack and Crutchie didn’t have time to take those in—in fact, they barely had time to take in anything else, because as soon as they rounded the corner created by the lockers, they were met by a deafening cheer of “ELAINE!”
Elaine jumped, nearly dropping her container of quinoa-spaghetti, and yelped. “Dear lord, boys, don’t scare me like that!”
“Look, we fixed your list!” a voice laughed.
“You didn’t fix it, you made it wrong!” Elaine cried. “The Lion King SUCKS, and is definitely not the best animated Disney movie ever!”
The room immediately dissolved into chaos, each of the dozen occupants yelling over one another, mostly about the movies they felt should be on the list. Elaine set her food down on the nearest table and waved her arms. “Everyone, SHUT UP!”
The room slowly quieted, the shouting replaced largely by laughter.
“Come on, boys, we have to make a good impression on the new guys!” Elaine yelled over the continuing noise. That shut the boys up, and they turned their attention to Elaine. “Thank you!” She grabbed Jack’s arm and pulled him forward. “Everyone, meet Jack Kelly, and that’s Charlie…”
“Morris,” Crutchie stepped forward and waved his crutch, his other hand full with his sandwich plate. “But you can call me Crutchie.”
“Sure,” one of the boys laughed.
“Weasel has officially given Charlie to Buttons and Snipe as their new follow spot op”—
“You mean you’re bailing on us, Elaine!?” One of the boys in the back cried.
“Not by choice, Snipe,” Elaine retorted. “By decree of Weasel. Anyways, we always knew this day would come, especially after Barb and Carla quit. But don’t worry, I promise that I will miss you terribly.”
“Yeah, right,” the boy rolled his eyes. “You’ll forget about us in a week.”
“Five days, max,” Elaine said. “Anyways, Jack is on run crew with the rest of y’all, so be nice to him.”
“We’re always nice,” the boy in front of Elaine leaned his head back and batted his eyelashes.
“Sure you are,” Elaine laughed, rolling her eyes and giving him a playful shove on the shoulder. “Jack, Charlie, meet the crew boys.” She pointed to each person in turn as she introduced them. “Race is our deck chief—which basically means he’s in charge backstage, second only to Weasel—and he runs the fly rail. Albert is regular run crew, like you, Jack. Buttons is our L1, which means that he runs the light board and supervises the spotlight operators, namely you, Charlie, and Snipe over there. Elmer here is our A1, which means that he runs the sound board and heads up audio. Finch is the A2–a.k.a. Elmer’s backup and runs the backstage board—, and Henry is the A3–Finch’s backup. Mike and Ike over there are the twins; they’re run crew, and don’t worry about trying to tell them apart, because they’re always switching places anyways and still answer to the wrong name if you use it. The last two over there are Jo-Jo and Romeo, also run crew. And that’s Sarah! For concerts, she’s the hospitality coordinator, and she works wardrobe and dresses for our original shows.”
“And what do you do?” Crutchie asked as they squeezed into the last open seats at the same table as Elmer, Finch, and Sarah.
“Elaine does everything,” Elmer laughed.
“My title is production assistant,” Elaine said. “That just means that, yes, I do everything. I’m mostly a stitcher and dresser, at least for original shows. For concerts, I run for the tours and back Sarah up on hospitality. I also swing in for spotlight, and I’ve even done run crew a few times, and I’m the only person with experience with wigs so I do that, and I help Weasel out with props. But mostly I swing dressing tracks and spot op.”
“Swingers have the most fun,” Elmer teased.
“Gross,” Elaine rolled her eyes, but smiled despite herself. “Speaking of bad jokes, Finch, you wanna hear one?”
“No,” Finch groaned.
“What does a boat do when it doesn’t feel good?”
Finch glared at her.
“It goes to the dock!”
Sarah covered her mouth to hide a smile, and Elmer snorted into his water bottle.
“Thank you,” Elaine beamed.
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quackle · 4 years
got tagged by @chuuyus who did not pressure me and @pinksrs who did pressure me but with aggressive love ajavaja. also hi i adore you both very much 🥺💖
Name: i go by scin! (but i'm starting to like the name mars too???)
Gender: i'm currently questioning this (when don't i have questions???) but i go by she/her and they/them if that helps!
Height: 5'2 to most, 5'4 in my head. i just wanna be tall
Sexuality: lesbian af (i do be glowing pink in the night in my room)
Favorite Animals: ducks are the number one fav, i never shut up about them truly. but i also really love foxes, cats, and turtles a whole bunch! (i just got a fox tattoo recently and it makes me so happy)
Average Hours of Sleep: y'all sleep??? jk- around 4-6 hrs on a good day.
Cats or Dogs: cats by default, but i also love doggos a ton
Current Time: 8:19 am. yuck.
Dream Job: i simply do not dream to work... but also i think being a successful author would be, like, a cool way to show off the degree i'mma get in seven-ish months
When I Made This Blog: on january 9th, 2015 (gah lee i'm still here-)
Why I Made This Blog: 15 year old scin started off doing art, and they wanted to show it off on a platform other than deviantart. they also wanted gain a ton of friends because they were never good at talking aloud. then it kind of shifted into a steven universe blog??? there was, like, a boobs arc somewhere in this timeline. and now i just kinda do whatever 🕴
Reason for URL: ducks + the snap, crackle, pop phrase = quackle (my mind is innovative, i know)
i never tag for these things ahsvsjgw but if you want to be tagged, consider yourself tagged 😌✌🏾💖
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skin--slave · 5 years
Got tagged by the wonderful @strangememegoth , so we're gonna make a movie!! 😁
The last song you listened to is the title of the movie: Slutgarden (oh hell yeah now we have to do this)
Last celebrity pic you saved is your love interest: (collective gasps of shock)
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The last meme you saved is how the relationship will turn out: (uhhhh...)
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The 2nd last celebrity picture is your best friend: (ok, assuming this isn't a twin movie, that would be Johnny. Nice way to meet.)
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The 3rd last celebrity picture is also your friend: (Am I connected to Hollywood Vampires?)
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The 4th last celebrity picture is the antagonist: (Deleted this on accident and had to get it back. Also... Trent? How is he the bad guy? Maybe he's in love with one of us and doesn't want us to be together?)
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Soundtrack: put your playlist on shuffle three times and list the songs in this order. If the song which is the title of the movie appears, highlight it.
Opening title: Sober by Tool (It must open on one of us burning an ex's belongings but also still wanting them back, prob me bc I'm a moody bitch, and it sets the stage for a "fuck no I'm not catching feelings" thing. Bonus if Mar is going through something similar.)
Romantic scene: Where is my Mind by The Pixies (Yeah, ok, I buy that.)
Badass walk scene: Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World by Marilyn Manson (Don't you want some of this? Don't you need some of this?)
Sad/ emotional scene: The World That I Know by Collective Soul (Trent sitting on the rooftop, big boots hanging over the edge, digging his fingernails into his palms, and just as a single tear rolls down his cheek, it starts raining, and he just sits there with his bottom lip shaking, I'm not crying, you're crying)
Montage scene: Fine Again by Seether (montage of me, Mar, Alice, Johnny and Trent working on the big project. Mar and I are business-like and angry, trying not to get soft, but we start to and Trent is just dying inside.)
Action sequence: Hey Man Nice Shot by Filter (Wait, wtf is happening? Is someone shooting? Are we robbing someone? Breaking into a government installation? Is that the project? We're criminals!! Woohoo!!!)
Falling in love scene: Come as You Are by Nirvana (ok I can't actually visualize this. Thoughts?)
Protagonist Theme: Duality by Slipknot (hmmmm I guess I'm a wounded badass who seeks out self-destruction as a way to cope and protect myself? Aight. Just act natural.)
Romantic lead theme: Happiness in Slavery by NIN (Not even one of his own songs? Really? Wait, is he disgraced military or something? Hates authority while craving order? Can field strip his pistol and reassemble with his eyes closed? That's kinda hot.)
Antagonist theme: Bring Me to Life by Evanescence (Why not a NIN song? Idk, but it does have that lovesick vibe, so I guess I can't fault it. Makes me wonder if he's surrounded by death too. Like everyone he's ever loved is dead. Heavy.)
Best friend theme: Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie (Ok, so Johnny has a thing for old horror movies and women. Should we intro him in a strip club getting a lap dance from a goth babe? Also, he feels like a melee combat type. Knives.)
Best friend 2 theme: Pink Cadillac by Natalie Cole (Ok I really did not expect that. Likes nice things, maybe the one who hotwires everything? Pickpocket? Locksmith? Good fingers. I'mma stop now.)
Party scene: The Bright Young Things by Marilyn Manson (Booze and bullets, just in case the suicide mission really is suicide, Mar double-checking his weapons while Alice cuts lines of coke and Johnny makes out with some contact of his, just trying to live a little before we die.)
Death scene: Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls (😩😩😩 Trent coming clean while bleeding out. "It's not that bad. You're gonna be ok." "Shut up. You need to know... It was me. I just... wanted to be with you." "We're gonna get you to a doctor." *shakes head and smiles, bloody teeth* "I'm right where I wanna be.")
Big Kiss scene: Tattooed in Reverse by Marilyn Manson (Hard and passionate. Nuff said.)
Big action sequence: Possum Kingdom by Toadies (That could be fun contrast. Elevator opens on "I'll not be a gentleman," Mar steps out and the bloodshed starts. Facility staff cowering behind a terminal on "Do you wanna die?" 😂)
Group scene: Loser by Beck (What even is a "group scene," like what are we doing? Being losers, apparently. I can live with that.)
credits: Slo-Mo-Tion by Marilyn Manson (Incredibly charming!!)
What I can make of this?
Ok, so apparently me, Marilyn, Johnny, Trent and Alice are a crew of mercenaries planning to get someone or something out of a well-fortified facility. Mar and I are hardened leader-types and butt heads but have to learn to make it work. Doesn't help that Trent (who's in love with one or both of us and is a tortured soul who just wants out) sabotages something to turn us against one another. Meanwhile, Johnny and Alice are in it for the women and money, respectively, and are probably hilarious. Phase one goes terribly wrong and we lose Trent. Phase two lets us work off our grief and rage and by the end we're ready to try. If he can keep his mouth shut, that is. You know what...
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This was super fun and if you wanna try, I hereby tag you. 😁
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