#I've learnt to grow on it and accept it
brokoala-soup · 9 months
my healing arc will be the story of me mending my relationship with the colour pink
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ellecdc · 7 months
A Man With a Plan (prologue)
prologue // p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7 // p8
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader - Hogwarts Era (no Voldemort) - Soulmate AU
A/N: Hello! I've been stuck in my head about the idea of a whimsical reader (think Luna Lovegood) after reading the many sweet writings of other writers on Tumblr (specifically @ moonstruckme)! I totally ship a character like this with Remus because I feel like Remus has a tendency to overthink and get stuck in his own head and a character like this would be a breath of fresh air for him and balance him really well. Please note: whimsical does not = stupid! Rather, quite smart but people find her odd and reduce this to lack of intelligence. This is my little prologue, a sort of soulmate-esque AU - what do we think? Do we like this idea? Would we read it???
CW: swearing (cuz it's Remus 'Werewolf McSwearWolf' Lupin's POV, duh)
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If there was one thing people ought to know about Remus John Lupin, it was that Remus was a planner. At any given point, it would be safe to assume that Remus had a plan.
As would be typical of Remus Lupin’s luck, however, most of his plans got fucked to shit.
Example A:
As a child, Remus planned to grow up to be a wizard like his da, or a nurse like his mum. That plan was fucked to bits just before his 5th birthday when Fenrir Greyback damned him to a life of lycanthropy and a side serving of prejudice. 
Example B:
Remus Lupin planned to never be accepted to Hogwarts on account of his previously stated damnation. That plan also went sideways when an owl dropped a letter into his porridge on the morning of his 11th birthday, containing an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Remus’ da told Remus it was likely a mistake and they would rescind the offer once they learnt of his lycanthropy. Once again, plans were nullified when headmaster Dumbledore himself showed up on the doorstep of the Lupin Cottage after not receiving a response from them.
Example C:
Once he confirmed his acceptance to Hogwarts, Remus Lupin planned to be completely invisible throughout his time at school. This meant: no embarrassing himself, no bringing attention to himself, and absolutely, under no circumstances, would he make friends.
Of course, as should have been expected, this plan was fucked upside down and backwards seven ways to Sunday when the likes of James Fleamont Potter and Sirius Orion Black set their sights upon him.
Though Remus Lupin did have a plan, he was still just a boy. He’d been homeschooled his entire life due to being unable to explain his absences to muggle teachers as well as his scars/injuries from every full moon, and the village kids were quite fearful of the scarred boy. All this to say; he’d never had friends before.
So, sue him for relishing in the interest these boys seemed to have in him.
No matter: Remus could handle this. “How?” You may be wondering. By a plan, of course! 
Remus Lupin would allow these two (and Peter who went about befriending the boy in a much gentler way, so let’s make it three) friends, and planned to ensure that they never learned of his lycanthropy. He’d only just made friends; he wasn’t about to lose them. 
Of course, Sirius being the nosey fucker he is, James being the doting mother hen he is, and Peter being far too perceptive for anyone’s good – that plan was fucked to shit as well.
Remus, then, planned then to never let anyone else ever learn his secret again.
That plan was once again fucked by none other than Sirius Black and his unfortunate ‘prank’ on Severus Snape that could have cost Remus and Severus both of their lives, or at the very least, their lives as they knew it.
Remus Lupin then planned to never forgive Sirius Black for that horrible, thoughtless prank. 
Remus was admittedly not all that sad to say that this particular plan was shot too, though he ensured Sirius suffered at least a little during the process of his forgiveness. 
So, as he sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall in September of his 7th year listening to his friend’s wax poetic about their different love interests or conquests that they had made over the summer (i.e., James’ love for Lily, Sirius’ many hook-ups, and Peter’s enthusiastic support of them both), Remus made yet another plan.
Remus John Lupin planned to never, ever, fall in love. 
Moony, it would seem, had other plans. 
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Continue to the first chapter here.
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
okay, love I've got something in my mind for a fic.
reader is mate to ao'nung, but they're in love with each other and reader is the future tsahik for metkayina clan (ronal choose her because she's really adore her) and she's learning to became a tsahik but also travel to another clan to learning from their tsahik. when she came back from her trip, she didn't know there's jake sully fams live in her clan. then she's getting close to the sully's and tell them about the trip. then little suprise is one of sully's boys have feeling for her and confess to her but they don't know that she's already mate with ao'nung.
i leave the rest to you, ma'dear. i hope it's not make you confused 😭😭
thank you, love your works🤍🤍🤍
Are You Jealous
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summary: neteyam takes notice of the metkayina’s future tsa’hik who also happens to be ao’nung’s future mate. jealously seeps through ao’nung and y/n is there to clean it off him.
1.1k words
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You and Ao’nung promised yourself to each other years ago. It had always just been you and him, never leaving each other’s side. Growing so close to Ao’nung and his family you became close with Ronal to learn the ways of a future Tsa’hik. She adored you. She thought you were perfect for Ao’nung and knowing that you were one of the best healers this clan had ever seen it was out of the question for anyone but you to be future Tsa’hik.
It had become tradition between the Metkayina and the neighbouring clans to teach their future Tsa’hiks. To expand their knowledge outside of what just the clan knew to perfectly interpret Eywa’s will. You had been at a neighbouring clan for around seven eclipses and were set to head home the next morning. You missed your bed, your family but most of all you missed Ao’nung, you wanted to recount every experience you’ve had with him while you laid in his embrace.
Arriving back on the shoreline of your island you didn’t expect such a fuss to be made when you arrived.
“Y/N is back everyone!” Tsireya shouted to the large group she was with and ran up to where you were getting off your ilu to get back to your home.  
Tsireya, Ao’nung and Roxto all came to greet you. Tsireya knocked you into a hug almost toppling you over. “Be careful!” Ao’nung sneered at his sister as he snaked a hand behind your back to give you a tight embrace. You could feel just how much he missed you by how his fingers dug into the flesh of your back.
Turning to the side you spotted four people standing behind Tsireya all waiting for her to explain who you were and why everyone was excited to see you.
But you were confused, they weren’t from any sea clans, they’re bodies were smaller, and their skin was a darker blue than the rest of yours. Tsireya noticed both groups confusion and chuckled slightly.
“Y/N these are the Sullys, they came from the forest for refuge and they’re adjusting amazingly well.” Ao’nung scoffed at this crossing his arms.
“Sullys this is Y/N, she just came back from our sister clan to learn more about being a Tsa’hik.” You waved to them as they all waved back to you. This was an odd addition you were not expecting to be there when you came back but you were not opposed.
You soon learnt all the names of the Sully kids. Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk. They were all unique in different ways, but you seemed to spend more time with Neteyam and Kiri. Kiri was always with you as you developed a close bond with her but Neteyam? He followed you around like a lost child. He was just always there, and you accepted the fact.
“It wasn’t too different to the way we did things.” You were explaining your experience with your sister clan to Kiri and Neteyam. “I did learn quite a few more medicines and stuff of that sort. Better ways to heal the sick and keep my people healthy.”
“It must’ve been fascinating!” Kiri exclaimed, you noticed her enthusiasm for everything about nature, you could see her being so connected to Eywa it brough you both together.
It was hard to converse with such a piercing gaze dig into your side. You could feel Neteyam’s eyes burn into you. Still, you didn’t want to acknowledge the fact.
He was sure to understand that you were promised to someone else. Or maybe he didn’t care, either way you were sure to not feed into his infatuation of you.
“I could definitely teach you guys more about it!” Neteyams eyes widened in joy. The suggestion of spending time with you sparked his interest.
“Please do Y/N, it would be good to…learn…” Neteyam said brushing your shoulder with the tips of his fingers lightly. His skin against yours made you shudder, it wasn’t the same as when Ao’nung touched you.
 You looked at him seeing an odd spark in his eyes, deciding against the better odds you decided it was just your fatigue and you were making things up.
But no, it wasn’t the fatigue that was making you see Neteyam’s action and from a far Ao’nung watched as his chest rose in jealously. He swore if that freak was to put another finger on you he’d cut each of his fingers off.
“Well meet me here tomorrow, I’ll teach you more about the plants and what they do.” You smiled at them both before heading back to your pod. Neteyam’s touch and Neteyam’s eyes lingered in your mind, something about them made your stomach turn, in the worse way possible.
 Walking towards Ao’nung who resided in his family’s marui you saw his angry nature. The way his lips pursed, and his eyes furrowed. The way his breathing was fast and the way that as soon as you stood in front of him he ingulfed you into a desperate kiss.
His mouth was moving desperately, his hands roaming across your body. His eyes shut tight focusing on the sensation of his lips on yours. You weren’t against it, but you knew something was wrong.
Breaking from a kiss you caressed his cheek watching his angry stature dissipate. “What is wrong my love?”
“That forest boy.” He scowled getting angrier even thinking about the way his fingers glossed over your skin.
“Be calm and tell me what the problem is.”
Ao’nung groaned as he looked away from your gaze. He was so jealous, and he was embarrassed to say it. “He likes you. That freak is all up on you!”
Realization hitting you with Neteyam’s odd behaviour towards you. The lingering, the following, the touches. It was so obvious. Yet, you wanted to ignore it, so it didn’t end up with Neteyam being hurt and Ao’nung beating the ever-loving shit out of him.
“Oh is my Ao’nung jealous-”
“Shut up”
You pushed him lightly as you travelled your hand down his arms to grab his hands that were balled into fists. His grip released with you touch. He was totally undone by you, you were his biggest strength and weakness.
Sighing he sat down still holding onto your hand looking up to you. He was perfect, the way the setting sun reflected through his eyes made him look ethereal. How could he ever be jealous? You wanted nothing but him since you were born.
“Y/N can you please tell that stupid forest boy to leave you alone, go swim away and never return.” He was joking but the way he said it was so desperate it made you let out a giggle.
“How about you join me tomorrow when I teach them about some stuff I learnt, you can show him that we’re promised and promise me not to get jealous again. How about that?”
“I’d rather punch him.”
“Sorry….yes I’ll come.” Giggling at his manner you sat beside him resting a head on his shoulder.
He smiled at the way you found comfort on him. He was yours and you were his. No silly forest freak would get in the way of that.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too.”
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
authors note: thankyou so much for requesting! i hope you enjoyed. please request some other characters guys! i have many ao'nung fics in line!
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colebabey888 · 3 months
Stop Giving A F@¢% | The IT GIRL DIARIES 🎀✨
🩷loving myself unconditionally
i learnt to love myself unconditionally, i did this by first accepting my flaws. there was a time that i was someone i didn't like, did things that present me, would be disgusted by, but nonetheless I had to accept that girl that I was before, because it sounds cliché, but without her, I wouldn't be who I am today. So, accept the parts of yourself that you don't/didn't like and then you won't find the need for anyone else to.
🩷comfort in solitary
most people have a hard time being alone and this can actually be a very negative thing, when it comes to growing within and gaining independence. i used to be one of those people. being alone scared the sh!t out of me and this caused me to often mold myself into others perspective of who they wished me to be, just so I could be accepted and not be left alone. because of this, if i lost someone, a friend or a lover, i would break down and become so lost. eventually i grew out of this habit and it changed me entirely. being alone is not a bad thing, in fact, it's a pretty positive attribute to mental growth and stability. learn to be comfortable with yourself, in your own presence. a cliché saying "life is like a book, each chapter comes with different characters, some old and some new". when i began to find comfort in my own solitary, this phrase helped me a lot. everyone in your life is just side characters, no one is permanent. some people might stay and some might leave but the one who always remains, is yourself. be happy with just you. find peace within your own presence. this way, you will accept those who arrive, openly and walk away from those who leave, graciously.
🩷nothing is personal
it's human nature to project. whatever it may be, negativity or positivity, we as humans always project and the amazing about that is, we can choose whether to accept the projection or not. ( nothing other people do or say, is because of you. it's because of themselves - Don Miguel Ruiz ). i often used to take a lot of things personally, from people who didn't even know me personally. which is straight up stupid, because in reality, if someone doesn't know you, it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to judge or have an opinion of you or your character. if someone's insults you, it's not because what they're saying is true, it's because they're projecting their own negative mind. your mind is made up of thoughts you create regarding yourself, the way you see yourself, speak to yourself, is the way you see and speak to others, so in this case, if someone insults you, it's because they hate themselves, not you. you're just a vessel they're trying to pour into because they're too full of hate against themselves already, that they have to begin using others as their negative thoughts keeper. if they don't know you personally, don't take it personally. ( this paragraph is especially important to me and i learned a lot from reading THE FOUR AGREEMENTS By Don Miguel Ruiz and i urge you to do the same if you're struggling with taking things easily to heart )
🩷mistakes are just lessons
i often tend to hold myself accountable for a lot of mistakes I've made in the past. I live with a lot of regret, but as cliché as it may sound, the mistakes you've made in the past are what made you who you are today. In order to grow for the future, you have to accept all the mistakes you've made in the past, this can often be hard at times depending on what mistake it was that you made, but the way to make this easier, is to take your mistakes as lessons. If you do not agree with an action made by yourself from the past, do not repeat it for the future, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation as to when you made that mistake, go about a different route and the outcome will be different. you cannot change the past, all you can do is accept it, for the future.
This is your daily talk with @colebabey888 ✨
The Digital Dollar
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teabutmakeitazure · 6 months
Zuri's Declassified University Survival Guide
This is a post about survival tips in university (undergraduate), especially if you're an international student living alone in a different country in this circumstance. I will be adding onto this later on if there's something I want to add, so keep an eye out for update reblogs of this I guess.
General Tips:
it's okay to make mistakes. you are here to learn and grow. no one is perfect, especially in the first and second year of their studies. those are mandatory experimental years. you're not expected to get magically mature and perfect when you get to university (or college for you americans). be kind to yourself and analyse your mistakes instead of beating yourself over them.
don't bother too much about your wardrobe. just wear whatever's comfortable. you might think people care but no one does. more than half of the people at campus will be in sweats or pyjamas and if someone IS dressed up, they're probably arts kids or business majors and they're the ones with the least workload (yes i am dissing you guys I've seen your workloads stop lying).
put yourself in uncomfortable social situations. yes i said that. the only reason i somewhat learnt to make small talk and learnt to talk to strangers is because I go to every single social event that I can. it's not necessary to make friends in all of them. just talk to people, exchange contacts, laugh while the event lasts even if you never see them again. this is how you survive in the lonely dorm life. and if you make an actual good friend? amazing! it paid off. even if it didn't you'll probably network and build rapport and have acquaintances from different majors.
if you're an ethnic minority, don't be afraid. I cannot stress this enough. don't be afraid to be there and take up space. you are there because you deserve to be and qualified. sure, it sucks at times because a good amount of people won't interact with you because you're 'different' but the international students will and trust me they're the coolest bunch to be friends with (I have 0 such friends so far). most times you will have to take the initiative to talk and sometimes they won't respond or worse flat out ignore you but don't let that get you down. just don't interact with them again. the world is big. not everyone will like you and accept you. find the ones that will.
eggs and milk are your best friend. a glass of milk everyday and 2 eggs. make that a staple. eggs are also very versatile for recipes. more on that in the recipes section. also yoghurt. a smol cup of yoghurt everyday too and nuts whenever you can buy them.
always have a few pack of instant noodles at home. sometimes you have deadlines or you forgot to cook or need a quick dinner because there's so much to do and you didn't get groceries. always keep them in stock. they're a quick fix for food. I'm not promoting them for frequent dinner but it's better than starving. just eat the noodles man. there's already so much shit to keep track of just eat the damn noodles.
incorporate veggies into everything food. they're good for you. if you're like me and don't like veggies, experiment with different recipes and find the one you like best. one good way is fried rice or rice with mushrooms, veggies, and meat in the rice cooker (I don't own a rice cooker when I'm writing this). just eat your veggies and thank me later. if you don't wanna cut them up, get a pack of frozen veggies. it's better than nothing. baby steps.
meal plan. if I don't plan my entire week's food on sunday night, I do it the night before for the next day. eat out as less as you can. homemade is better even if you're a horrible cook. practice makes perfect and you'll be grateful for learning a few basic cooking skills along with your degree later on. cooking your own food also gives you the liberty to add more veggies or save money.
treat yourself to stuff sometimes. yes you deserve it even if you don't meet your goals. you're trying. be kind to yourself. get that boba.
study everything done the week by that week's weekend. do the day's content that same day and don't lag behind. utilise reading week and read. don't slack off please I'm begging you. I'll even get on my knees if I have to.
you're gonna miss home and it sucks. yes you will be having your fourth mental breakdown of the week on a wednesday night and you will be alone or hiding under the blanket as your roommate is asleep. you're gonna have to tough it out soldier. I see you and I feel you. it gets easier with time and when you're doing better, you'll feel relieved for toughing through. it's so lonely sometimes and it sucks but it's worth the pain. don't lose hope.
seniors are your friends. they will give you forbidden knowledge for free. from hidden places with good food or convenience things or just life advice exclusive to your institute, they have it all. they're also generally very friendly so don't be afraid to interact with them.
annoy the living hell out of your professor during office hours if need be and utilise the student help room for help. your tutors will be happy to help you so don't be shy to ask for help. they will appreciate you coming to them, trust me. as for your professor, they're lonely people. go to office hours if you need to, chat, ask them what you need. they'll appreciate your presence and happily help you.
the security guards and cleaning staff will be witnesses to your worst states (freshly out of bed or haven't showered in 2 days) but they don't care. they're just happy to be of service and have you around. be kind to them. greet them whenever you pass by.
sometimes coffee is bad.
if your classes start at noon or later, get an hour of exercise in the morning at around 8 or 9 am. the serotonin that will hit you will be unreal. trust me.
make local friends. they're cool people and friendly and very helpful and accommodating. I may be biased but it's true.
being a student helper, student tutor, or a research assistant looks good on your resume and helps you win more scholarships.
put headphones on when in public if you don't want to end up talking to someone you might bump into. it works.
your body also has rights. treat it with care. don't abuse it. nourish it. you should take care of your body like you would a loved one. feed it good things, clean it everyday, and so on. when you feel good by taking care of yourself, you still do better and feel more confident. wash your hair with a set schedule and use good products.
make your wardrobe easier. hang your usual shirts and maybe wear the one in front each day, the previous day's being hung in the back or in the laundry basket. it saves time.
there's no shame in not having stuff. I still don't own a proper laundry basket it all goes into an IKEA bag. you live in a dorm, not a house. sometimes not having every single kind of furniture or accessory isn't bad. don't compare your setup to others. if it's convenient, clean, and homey, it's good. you don't need those expensive lights or those expensive posters to make it seem cool. what you have and what you may collect among the way is enough.
notes on paper are better than laptop or ipad
take breaks. be kind to yourself. it is you for yourself. treat yourself with love.
manage your time by designating time blocks to a certain task. it might not always work but it will help create some discipline in the routine.
having a set everyday routine helps. you don't have to think what to do, thus saving you brain power.
use a semester planner for deadlines and important information. it's useful. I highly recommend. I also have a template if anyone wants.
write down your thoughts, what's bothering you, your feelings, everything on a piece of paper or journal at the end of the day. it'll help process your emotions and you won't have to let the thoughts and emotions fester inside you, slowly simmering and coming to a boil. remember, you are your best friend.
Recipes to help you stay afloat (they're all quick and easy dw):
right off the bat I want to say boiled jasmine rice with sunny side up eggs. you drizzle a pinch of salt onto the yolk, break it over the rice, mix it with the rice and eat it and it's just *chef's kiss*. definitely a comfort food and a very easy quick dinner.
a lot of these I found while scrolling through instagram and some are from when I was trying to lose weight. hope they're helpful!
one pot rice cooker rice with veggies
veggie and meat single serve in one pot
chicken wrap (primarily for weight loss I think)
chicken gyros (this guy makes amazing food)
minced meat weight loss meal prep
chickpeas (chana masala. this shit is bussin i swear)
something tomato + onion + egg
one pot veggie rice (recommended)
chicken shawarma (not dorm friendly cooking but looks delicious)
egg sandwich in one pan
potato marraka (THIS IS SO GOOD)
one pot rice cooker with meat and veggies
chicken and rice
pizza style chicken wrap
five different chicken marinades for meal prep
one pot biryani
takeout style egg fried rice
rice cooker carbonara
one pot yoghurt curry chicken rice
weight loss chicken shawarma
healthier mac and cheese
chicken fajita
chicken tikka masala crunch tacos
one pan braised eggs
air fryer garlic bread pizza
another veggie and rice in rice cooker
fried rice recipe
hainanese inspired chicken rice in rice cooker
tomato orzo(?)
creamy tomato pasta
tomato and egg rice
mushroom sauce (can be eaten with rice)
creamy tomato tortellini
grilled cheese sandwich
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honeygrahambitch · 5 months
One for sorrow, two for joy
Plot: Will and Hannibal are having a difficult but very needed conversation the day before the birth of their surrogate child.
"Hello." Will said as he sat next to Hannibal on the porch of their house. The sun was casting its final rays before completely hiding before the mountains. "Just so you know, we are not the worst parents on earth because we don't have a name for our kid. I've read many stories where parents just knew exactly when they saw their baby for the first time. And that will be our case as well."
Hannibal had been out there sitting on his own for most of the day, which was exactly why Will had decided to join him with two glasses of white wine. Hannibal accepted his in silence. He didn't say anything to Will's encouraging words.
Will looked properly at his face only when he heard a sniff followed by a deep sigh, filled with sorrow.
He freaked out for a split second, seeing the tears run down his cheeks, knowing it was a rare sight.
"Do you know when we will be the worst parents?" Will asked, guiding Hannibal's head to rest on his shoulder. "When we won't like her first boyfriend. Or her second. Or third. Fuck it, none of them will be good enough. Or when we will say "no" when she will want to go to a promiscuous party. But I promise that when we meet her tomorrow, we will just know exactly what to call her."
Hannibal let out another sniff and Will could actually feel his tears on his shirt. "I thought I knew what name would be perfect for her." He said eventually.
"And I told you I'm down with calling her Mischa if that's what you feel." He replied softly as he let his own head rest on Hannibal's.
"After doing some self-reflection, I realized I don't want that for her. She shouldn't carry my regrets." He said, his gaze following a magpie trying to build a nest in the pine tree which was shading their house. "Every time I would look at her, I would think of my sister." Hannibal said as he let out a soft sob. "I want her to be her own person, not to grow up in the shade of someone else who already carries so much weight."
"What else is on your mind?" Will asked empathetically after a few seconds.
"During the last years I knew that if we had a daughter I would definitely name her Mischa. I figured I would do that only to give myself the delusion of having her next to me again." Hannibal said. "Or maybe I need some sort of closure that I won't get. Truth is, I need to let her go. It's been too long."
"You know, you don't have to let her go. She is not here but she is still your sister. And she will always be. You don't need a physical reminder to get your closure. And we will make sure our daughter knows about her."
Hannibal let out another sob as he buried his face in Will's shoulder.
"There are days when I feel haunted by my own regrets." Hannibal whispered. Will knew. He had learnt to read his every expression and gesture in time.
"I also feel haunted oftentimes. But then you say something stupid like "Will, have you missplaced the corkskrew again?" And all my ghosts are gone."
Hannibal laughed bitterly for the first time that evening.
"I'm sorry, your own nerves must be wrecked as well because of tomorrow." Hannibal said as he lifted his head off Will's shoulder and wiped his tears.
"Pretty wrecked. But seeing my husband weeping tears on the porch is a rare sight. Poetic in fact."
"I'm envious of you." Hannibal said, finally taking a sip from his glass. "You're managing your emotions better than I do."
"Am I? I woke up at 5 and took apart the washing machine piece by piece because yesterday it made a subtle but weird sound. By noon it was in one piece again. Then I reorganized my lures. Then I reorganized all your spices."
"Pardon?" Hannibal asked as he suddenly turned his head towards Will.
"I was surprised you haven't noticed me spending an unusual amount of time in the kitchen, sitting on the counter and labeling spices. Some of them I had no idea what they were so I drew a question mark instead."
"I..." Hannibal started but didn't know what to say, amused by Will's coping methods. "You didn't touch my suits, did you?"
"No, I am not a psychopath. I did want to organize your ties based on warm and color tones. But I decided I wanted to be alive by tomorrow."
Will clinked his glass against Hannibal's and this time, he was the one to rest his head on his shoulder.
"And we are supposed to raise a child." Hannibal said as a conclusion. "Sorry I avoided you the whole day. I was completely unaware you took the whole house apart. You must have had a lot on your mind."
"It's not like you were doing better. But this" Will said gesturing to where they were sitting"-is a lot better than labeling your spices."
"I agree."
The sun was completely gone, a purple shade coloring the horizon. The lonely magpie was soon joined by a second one, who was carrying some straws as well, probably helping with the nest.
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Hello, how are you? I think I've already asked for more than 3 imagines haha one of them was of a dancer, I had that idea but I love seeing your writing ;) Could you do a reaction where how Nozel would face the nobility, because he is madly in love with a commoner dancer? 💓
Yeah; funnily enough I think someone just last week commented in the dancer one that they need part 2 XD Anywho... I hope you like this~
Pairing: Nozel x f!reader (commoner, dancer) Genre: general, romance Fanfic type: Oneshot Length: ~0.6k Contains: Nobles being mean, Nozel putting them in his place, Nozel repenting maybe? He adores his spouse, imply of engagement?
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“So… commonly.”
“Unbecoming for royalty.”
He had heard all the comments before, even if spoken only in whispers. Hushed tones that were never meant for him to hear.
Or perhaps they were.
One could never really tell with nobility. Even when they were gossiping about royals, such as himself. Because while, usually, they cared too much of their social standing to speak against those higher up, some were cheeky enough to try and steer the actions of others with sharp tongues and ill wishes.
Or then it was perhaps jealousy.
Jealousy over him choosing someone else to stand by him; someone other than them. And a commoner at that.
Not that he really cared.
Because he had made up his mind already years before. That anyone who would be worthy of standing by him, with him; link their arm with his, would be calm and gentle. Someone who could carry the title of a Lady Silva with the dignity and grace that was required.
And such qualities, he had learnt, didn’t rely in birth origin.
For none of these vermin with venomous tongues could ever hold a fraction of your grace to their name.
He stopped. And glared across the hall towards the person who had let it slip.
The one who had dared speak out what they were all thinking.
“Keep your mouth shut,” he spoke with a tone that held coldness of winter’s frost. “Should you wish to keep your tongue,” he continued with the same glare. “And perhaps one ought to ask what that makes of you? As I’ve chosen a commoner to carry the title of Lady Silva. And she was gracious enough to accept. But you deem her unworthy. What does it make of one who is less than unworthy?”
Silence settled into the room.
Jaws were clenched. Tongues were bitten.
He would take it. For now.
But the faces he wouldn’t forget. Though their names had slipped his mind long ago.
Unimportant. He thought to himself.
Because… he too had been, and was, blind to a lot of things in the world. He knew as much. And there was a time when he had overlooked your beauty too, based on only status.
But now… how could he? How could he grow blind to the way you flowed, seemed to dance through life itself. Because while you were a dancer by profession; someone with full of life, it seemed as if it wasn’t only a job. It was also a very essence of your soul. Something that could never be taken from you.
And it was a part of your beauty.
A fraction of your grace.
A part of the entirety that he couldn’t describe if given an eternity and a day. And even then, he felt, the words would fail to do you justice.
Your gentle, kind, loving heart that had granted solace to a sinner such as himself.
Yes… you were someone who he’d shield for as long as he lived. From every threat and sharp tongue. Because … it was all he found to be reasonable.
After all, he was a man with sharp corners and a rigid being. But you were someone soft and kind. Someone who didn’t deserve the cold treatment. So. He would be there, in your corner. Speaking against all those who were blind to your beauty, whenever he wasn’t dancing with you across the dance floor; feeling lighter than air itself.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 1 month
Chapters 372 & 373 opinions and analysis
Hello everyone! I'm late to the party, but I promised and simply had to give my opinion on these Silvas chapters in addition to live comments which you can find here.
I'm blaming these on my coloring and an art related to this chapter.
Let me start with saying that these chapters were all I ever wanted and more from Black Clover.
If you follow me you realise that I focus on the Silva family a lot. I actually got into this fandom, because I started writing my fic Paper Hearts, which besides being a steamy and dramatic romance is a story of the Silvas redemption and focuses on Nozel, Nebra and Solid.
I wanted to dive deeper into their characters and show them as more than just assholes, give them some depth and this is exactly what Tabata did in these two chapters.
I'm proudly admitting that my headcanons for Nebra and Solid's reasons for hating Noelle were correct 😁
And on to specific opinions 😉 I'll go per character and at the end summarise them as a four
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Simply seeing Noelle put up an amazing fight against Acier made me so happy.
"I'm not weak anymore."
Noelle had said long ago and she is correct. Our girl grew, literally spread her wings, broken her cage, threw out the keys I'm citing Song Queen of Kings by Alessandra which I associate with Noelle a lot.
She had shown us her growth and here a bit of inspiration from Asta with the not giving up trope.
Later we can see Noelle continue to care for her siblings during the fight.
The apology scene and Noelle's reaction I will go over below Nebra and Solid's.
Solid and Nebra
We see their povs which I love, finally getting to know what's going on in their heads.
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Here we see fear
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A painful realisation
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The truth
Finally giving them the courage to join in, to help Noelle.
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I'm proud of them. I'm so proud of them.
I knew they had it in them and I'm so happy I was right. Just seeing these panels made me want to cry happy tears.
More then that they want a FRESH START. To rebuild their family. Took you guys long enough (in PH this happens faster 😂) but you're finally here.
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Solid and Nebra support Noelle with her powerful magic which is hard to control, something they would make bully her for earlier.
I think Tabata is showing us an amazing contrast, as a show of growth.
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These two panels finally give us her motivation for mistreating Noelle. Jealousy.
Once again I'm patting myself on the shoulder for having this headcanon.
I'm proud of her to finally admitting that, not only to Noelle but to herself.
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Solid once again jealousy, low confidence.
But he admitted it, admitted his weakness.
Nebra and Solid
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They apologised, finally.
Beautiful panel, of which I've seen many beautiful colorings and I might make my own version.
We're not in the Noelle tab, but I wanted to speak about her answer here.
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She's not saying "oh it's nothing," neither "yes I forgive you for everything," or "I hate you!"
Noelle simply accepts the fact. They apologised.
This shows so much of her maturity, the peace she made with her situation, life and growth. Noelle is somebody to look up to.
Once Nozel was healed by our lovely Pablo and the best girl Kahono he managed to get back and join his siblings. One stubborn bird he is.
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This panel I want to focus on, because Nozel is finally GUIDING NOELLE. I wondered many times what would have happened if instead of pushing her away, guided by his guilt and emotional shackles he had guided her. During the fight with Megicula Nozel realised that they needed to grow stronger together. Now he is finally showing it.
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Nozel learnt trust.
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but also so much more by changing from his sophisticated ever changing style to pure defence, fighting hand in hand, which we had never seen him do before.
Also this quote right here is a perfect reference to when Acier asked Nozel to protect his siblings with her magic. Nozel remembers and uses his mother's words against her.
That's why later we're getting that epic panel with him saying "Isn't it right mother?"
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I decided to speak a bit about his armor design and the spell itself.
We're keeping in the Silver spells trope that Nozel has, which I love. We also already saw Nozel "strengthen" his body with mercury during the fight with Kivin, so there were some hints and excited people about Nozel possibly getting an armor as well. This is certainly a hot version, even though he looks a bit like the Silver Surfer (check out this amazing and slightly hilarious art).
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Nozel's armor hurts him.
I always head canoned that even though he had some immunity to his magic and with his amazing control he would protect himself, it still very much affected him, brought him pain.
I can talk a bit more about Mercury magic and it's symbolism but this might be for another post if you'd be interested. A short version I'd like to say how it's POISON, symbolising the mental poisoning of Nozel which has been happening since Acier's death.
Here it hurts him, but in a way as he says it will allow him to atone, which will help him rebuild. Clearing mental poison with physical poison.
Nozel had amazing character development and I can proudly say that he is my favorite Black Clover character, with his depth, complexity, resting bird face 😂 and all of the quirks which make him great.
Acier was strong and I'm glad they showed her this way. We got to see her amazing spells and how if she was to be fought one by one they would probably loose. Acier was one of the strongest and now amped with her paladin powers she needed to be great.
The fact that she got the water attribute didn't impress me, maybe it was to show how she's now like all of her children. At least to me it did not hit hard.
I loved how despite being changed, she continued to talk to her children, point things out. Remember this is not real Acier, more like a shadow of her but I'm glad she was still showing these sides, because Solid and Nebra could say their goodbyes as well.
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This panel was everything.
Acier should be satisfied, hey that part of her which is still their loving mother is probably very happy that she used the "common enemy" trope to get them together. Jokes aside she is a great mother, who could see her children surpass her and be proud of them.
Her last words were EVERYTHING.
The siblings know they made their mother proud. They can put behind them the insecurities, everything which has been weighing the family down.
Acier's first death destroyed the family as she left the great legacy, to which none of them felt good enough to live up to.
Acier's second "death" brought her children together.
The Silva siblings
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I brought these ending panels together to show you how similar they are. Notice how the siblings are standing at specific spots.
They were finally brought together.
"But you've finally become a family, haven't you?"
Yes and this is the takeaway from these chapters.
Each one of them grew, showed what they were made off and made a step to rebuild, to be a family. I'm proud of them.
Tabata-sensei I'm extremely grateful that you gave my most precious characters the ending they deserved, that you came up with their story and their development. It took time, but it was so worth the wait and I'm glad it was not rushed.
To sum up, these two were my favorite Black Clover chapters and I will reread them many times.
And my coloring at the end I hope you enjoy 💕 The new Dawn for the Silva family.
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princeloww · 1 year
Stuff We Know About Campbell Bain (From Both the Show and the Play)
Since the play has some things that clash/contradict with the show, things I've taken from the SHOW will be marked (S) and the PLAY (P).
- (P) Campbell comes from a small place (Hector calls it "dead wee") called Invergellen, which is in the middle of nowhere. There are not a lot of job options, but there does seem to be some kind of tourism industry - the only job options Campbell can list are "sheep", "fish" and "tourists".
- (P) Campbell's dad lies about where Campbell is, telling people that he's off doing a youth volunteer placement in Africa. He even makes Campbell lie to his friends about it, too. Campbell says it's because he doesn't want anybody in Invergellen finding out. He also says his dad is reluctant to visit too often, out of fear that people will grow suspicious of his trips to Glasgow.
- (P) Campbell has siblings: an older brother and an older sister. His brother owns his own building company, and his sister works in Forestry - possibly for the government? Regardless, Campbell views his siblings as very successful and compares himself to them. He also believes that his dad compares him to them, and calls himself a "loser" who's "never gonnae amount to anything".
- (S) Despite having many past jobs and dreams he was seemingly dead set on achieving, Campbell states that he's never been good at anything other than the radio. He includes flirting with/getting girls in the things he's bad at. He also only learnt guitar to impress said girls, but must have failed pretty miserably based on his comment.
- (S) Before Campbell came to St. Judes, things must have been hard at home/school. Campbell's dad says that his mother is so worked up about the whole thing that she's had to take medicine, and (P) Campbell says that his dad says he "doesn't want to put (Campbell's aunt) through what (Campbell) put (Campbell's dad) through".
- (P) Campbell is excited when his dad is coming, and he is disappointed with him constantly letting him down/not showing up. I believe that Campbell's parents do love him and do TRY to understand him, but simply don't, and end up thinking/acting selfishly instead. They want to help but do not understand their son, and therefore do not give him the support he needs. Whatever Campbell "put them through" was likely due to them not understanding him or knowing how to react to his condition, or the education system and teachers also struggling to understand and accommodate for his needs.
I assume worry was also a big part of what he "put them through", but the line about Campbell's auntie still rubs me the wrong way.
- (S/P) Campbell's dad believes the radio is just another one of Campbell's "loony ideas" and thinks he is manic. Campbell (P) seems disappointed by this, and says he thought he'd be proud of him. Which is just kind of heartbreaking.
- (P) Campbell has to be wrestled by Stuart as he screams at his dad, the doctor and then eventually Stuart, too, to "fuck off". Which is very sad but also kind of funny because Stuart deserves that. This is after he finds out he has to go back to Invergellen (before he then fakes the manic episode).
- (P) Campbell believed he was the greatest comedian in Britain at one point and even went to the BBC in Glasgow to tell them. They were less eager to give him a chance and ended up calling the police on him. He says it's "kind of how" he "ended up" in St. Judes, which adds a bit of an extra layer onto (S) the police being called on him, Fergus and Rosalie when they snuck out.
There's probably, definitely more that I've forgotten to mention, but there's what I've got. There's obviously also the big difference between the show and the play with Perth/Invergellen, which makes some things canon only in the play and others only canon in the show. I'm totally choosing to take Campbell's siblings from the play and accept them as canon all around though,,, and the extra family details we get too.
OK thats all, stay proud loonies
(Sources - Takin' Over the Asylum (TV), Takin' Over the Asylum (official stage play script book))
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elliotgraysstuff · 9 months
Memories flying in the air
Whirring around my hair
Getting stuck in my finger tips
Clinging onto hope and peaceful times
I'm running through the years
With Memories close by my side
Whispering all the wisdom and lessons I've learnt through the years of being sixteen and twenty six.
Forgiving the parts of me I have since buried. Grasping onto the hope of new beginnings.
Memories fade but this smile doesn't.
I'm learning to grow and accept parts of me that I once dispised.
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r0guedr0id · 10 months
The Unknown Regions IV
A Din Djarin x Fem Plus Size Reader Fic
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Summary: You, a soft astrophysicist, meet the hardened Mandalorian in less-than-ideal circumstances. Your abilities will lead to you crossing the galaxy together in search of his green son.
Read Chapter 1 | Read Chapter 2 | Read Chapter 3
This chapter is rated +18! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: Expect conversations about weight, body dysmorphia and internalised fatphobia that may be triggering, so read at your own discretion; reader is AFAB and user she/her pronouns; no use of y/n; smut; the bucket stays on; naked female clothed male; hurt and comfort; Sad Din :(
Word count: 3,745
A/N: Din and you have a misunderstanding and actually talk openly about it like ADULTS! I love fiction!!! Finally, smut is here dear readers, I hope you enjoy it. I've struggled like crazy to write this chapter bc smut felt forced and I wanted a smoooth transition. I am not super happy with the result, but hey, I need to know when to let go. I've been thinking this would be interesting from Din's pov too, lemme know what you think. And yes, I know I don't respond to any comments I love reading them but anxiety kills me when I hit reply! I'm so sorry!!!
You were so focused on your calculations that you didn't notice Din observing you. Leaning against the doorframe casually, the bounty hunter had his gaze fixated on you. He was stealthy for such a big man, so when his gloved hand gently touched your shoulder your heart skipped a beat.
“¡Mando!” You jumped from your seat. He immediately retrieved his touch as if he had been burnt.
“Sorry I…I didn't want to startle you.”
He looked so uncomfortable right now you felt bad for him. Well, had seemed uncomfortable around you for the two weeks you had been travelling together, so that wasn’t new. You were sure your presence around the ship had prevented him from relaxing at all. It was normal, its size had you clashing with each other all the time and it didn’t provide any privacy. And the Razor Crest, you have learnt, was also his home. Well, his and Grogu's.
He told you about the little one a night he was being especially silent. The moon you had stopped at looked inhabited and arid. He commented it was similar to Arvala-7, the planet where he found the child. After that, you listened while he spoke about how he met his son. His beautiful voice was full of pain and you ended up offering your hand for relief and support. He was hesitant but ended up accepting your warm touch.
Since then, casual physical contact had been a constant between you. With the days passing, you grew bolder with it, no longer squishing yourself to prevent your bodies from touching in the tight space of the Crest, and more like rubbing your plush body against his armour. A friendly hand on his shoulder, his on the small of your back. Therere were brief moments that made your heart flutter at the contact.
The truth was that living together had only made your initial attraction to him grow: observing such a mighty warrior performing the little tasks of day-to-day life was somewhat endearing. The things you could learn about someone just by looking at them at their little routines were incredible. You realized he was a methodical, goal-oriented man, and although he looked serious he did things like speaking with his ship when you wouldn't notice. He was also very caring, not only about Grogu but also his covert, the name he used to refer to the other Mandalorians he lived among. And he had the highest respect for his culture and his creed, something you really admired about him. Every day, you hoped he admired you back, too.
“Don’t worry about it, I tend to become so self-absorbed when I work I forget my surroundings.” You fidgeted nervously with your hair, feeling the burn of his gaze, until his visor shifted to the nav system. “Oh, I calculated the coordinates for the final jump and double-checked them. It’ll take around 30 standard hours to arrive there.” 
Since you were travelling towards uncharted space, you couldn’t just jump to the planet, even though you knew the coordinates it was reckless without knowing the obstacles you could possibly meet, so it was more sensible to do it on shorter jumps.
“Let me check.” Mando leaned towards the console, supporting himself in his strong arms. You hoped your gasp at his sudden closeness wasn’t too audible.
“Are you doubting my calculations?” You meant to sound sassy but your voice came shaky. He was too close, hovering over you while checking the route. If your body wasn’t covered due to the cold of outer space, he could have noticed the goosebumps his proximity provoked.
“You can't drive a ship.” He deadpanned. You didn't feel bad about his affirmation, it was a fact. You had never had the opportunity to learn.
“I know my numbers, Mando.” You retorted, confident in your ability. He stared at you while you tried to remain unbothered. The truth was that the banter and his physical closeness had you a little flushed.  His gaze finally left you to resume checking the panel and you rolled your eyes, although you understood his doubts. After all, his child and his ship were at stake 
“This is flawless.” He admitted after a while, turning his helmet to you again.”Good job.” You opened your eyes widely at the praise and observed his muscular frame towering over you. His beskar looked beautiful, reflecting the starry space. He looked beautiful.
“I’m happy to help in any way I can.” You responded in a small voice, swallowing hard. 
Neither of you moved for a while and you sighed involuntarily.  With how close you were, you could just lean on him as you had been longing to do. To be embraced by his big arms. He sighed, his visor not leaving your frame. You wondered if he felt the pull too. He had to. The magnetic field was just too strong.
“Mando…” He shifted his position, coming even closer to you. You could observe your doe-eyed reflection in his Beskar helmet. He raised his gloved hand and reached for your round shoulder again. This time his touch was gentler than ever and his orange thumb caressed your clothed skin. Mouth dry, you wondered what would his next step be.
“I need…my seat to make the jump.” 
The spell broke. Your brain was not computing. You swore you could die right there from the embarrassment. Of course, you were sitting on the pilot's chair. He only wanted your fat ass to move. And you thought you were having a moment. What an idiot, fantasizing about embracing him or whatever, when he only wanted to resume the trip to get to his son as soon as possible.
Clumsily, you stood up, your face hot with embarrassment. Inevitably, your bodies rubbed in the tiny space. You were a big woman, he was practically on you and the cockpit wasn’t precisely ample.
“Of course.” 
The feeling was all-consuming and you rushed towards the sliding door, abandoning the cockpit in a heartbeat. You couldn’t see how a very confused Mando observed you leaving, asking himself how he had offended you.
Tears of embarrassment stained your cheeks when you managed to curl inside the bunk. Mando had been so kind to let you sleep there, and you had been loving it. The first night you couldn't help yourself and used your fingers to make you cum three times. His masculine fragrance was everywhere. It was like being embraced by him and your imagination was an overactive one. 
But now, having his scent kriffing everywhere wasn’t helping to deflect the feeling of rejection that had taken you. Why were you being like this? Of course, it wasn’t the first time you were turned down. Or the tenth. By now, you should be used to it. But nevertheless, it hurt a lot. 
All your life, you were always the clever, bright friend. The daughter who didn’t cause trouble. The gentle and caring one. But you were never called beautiful. Even by your romantic partners. They may say things about how they loved your “fat ass” or “big tits” but this didn’t make you feel pretty but just objectified, and especially, not truly seen as a sentient being. The worst of your male companions even complained about your size and how they weren’t able to manhandle you as they would have done with a smaller woman. You knew this was rooted in their deepest insecurities and how being perceived as smaller than their partner affected their self-esteem... But what about yours?
The truth was that Mando’s gesture (or lack of it) hadn’t been so hurtful, but the stream of memories it triggered, and now you found yourself sobbing under his sheets. When you felt the familiar blow of entering hyperspace, you only hoped that he remained in the cockpit and let you hide for the rest of the trip. But he didn’t.
First, you heard the familiar footsteps coming down from the ladder. He cleared his throat and then knocked softly at the bunk's door. Your blood froze.
“Hey I'm…I'm sorry.” You could clearly hear these weren't words he said often or lightly. A knot formed in your stomach but the tears stopped.
“It 's okay.” You responded with a raspy voice from the crying.
“No, I shouldn't have doubted your route. You're the professional.”
You couldn't decide between bursting into laughter or crying again. He was clueless, wasn't he? Maybe you could just roll with that and hide your true feelings. It was a good opportunity and it’ll save you from an uncomfortable moment. But you weren't the kind of person to do that.
“Mando, do you really think I'm mad because of that?” A pensive hum was his only response.
The bunk's door opened and a very confused warrior appeared right in front of you. Your eyes were red but your smile was bright. You felt your heart hammering inside your chest. He looked so helpless, all his self-assurance gone because of your tears. You sighed, gathering the courage to speak.
“In the cockpit, there was a moment when you were very close to me...” Mando immediately stiffened.
“I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable because of that. I thought…” His voice was strained through the modulator. You shook your head.
“I'm the one who misunderstood the situation, Mando.” You stared at him but it was clear his metal head wasn't computing. “ You were almost all over me. I thought something was going to happen. Between us.” You had to clarify.
The gears inside the helmet started turning and finally, you could see those broad shoulders relax a bit.
“You expected…you wanted something to happen between us?” He asked using your own words. You bit your lip unsure, but you were already too far gone to stop this.
“Yes Mando, I really like you and what happened in the cockpit made me feel rejected. That's why I was mad.” This time you tried to explain yourself clearly as you didn't want more misunderstandings, even though your skin felt like molten lava. Mando remained silent for a while, shifting his weight and finally took a step towards the bunk, putting a hand against the frame of the door.
“Why would I reject you?” 
“What?” It wasn't possible you had heard that right.
“You've understood me perfectly.” His voice turned darker and commanding. You swallowed at the sudden change of demeanour. 
“I don't know. Many have rejected me before. It made sense.” You felt vulnerable and hugged your knees trying to appear smaller unconsciously. Opening up about your fear of rejection wasn't in your plans today. “Where I come from, being overweight is frowned upon.” You added in a small voice, ashamed of your feelings.
“Di’kute!” He grunted the foreign word, audibly angry. To your surprise, he sat next to you inside the cot and grabbed your hand. “You're a gorgeous woman, mesh’la. They were bantha fodder if they couldn't appreciate you.”
It may have been your already sensitive state, but tears came again to you. His faceless stare burnt you, as well as his body heat inside the tiny space. But he continued with the praise without letting go of your hand.
“Where I come from fat is a good signal. It means health, and strength. Extra padding in battle.” You giggled but he was serious. “It's synonymous with peace and not living off ration bars. It means giving birth to healthy younglings.” He added the last point in a raspier voice and you stopped breathing thinking about the meaning behind those words. 
“Come here mesh’la.” You didn't recognise the last word but obeyed and the next moment you were in his lap. “Can I touch you?” His voice sounded kinder this time, less commanding. Your heart was going to explode.
And then his hands were all over you. Tracing the outline of your curves, grabbing the supple flesh of your tights, grazing over your generous bust. The touch was so intoxicating, passionate but slow, as if he wanted desperately to memorize your shape.
“Your body is precious, I'll put a hole between the eyes of whoever made you feel the opposite.” You had never felt aroused by violence, but Mando's voice whispering that in your ear made things to you. It felt so hot inside the bunk by then you felt the necessity to get rid of your clothing. Nevertheless, in spite of Mando's praise, you doubted when you grabbed the hem of your tunic. He sensed your hesitancy. “Are you gonna show me that beautiful armour padding?”
You giggled, amused by how playful he became in bed, and finally removed the piece of clothing. His sharp breath was everything you needed to hear.
“Like what you see Mando?” You teased, discarding the tunic and feeling a bit more confident because of his reaction. While he was a victim of a momentary paralysis, you took your chance to caress his biceps where any armour protected his skin. He was as hard as Beskar there and you thought this warrior could be the first to actually manhandle you. That thought only contributed to the heat growing in your centre dangerously.
“Dank Farrik I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off you after this.” His voice sounded pained behind the vocoder while he appreciated your soft body.
“Then don’t.” You coed, and then guided his hands to your breasts that were spilling from your bra dangerously. Mando exhaled loudly as if all the tension he had been holding the last weeks was released. His gloved thumbs found your nipples fast, the stiff material feeling so good against your sensitive peaks. “Don’t be afraid, you can be rougher with them.”
Mando actually moaned at your honeyed words and you couldn’t name a more heavenly sound. He explored your tits with devotion, giving them all the attention in the world until your nipples couldn’t be harder and your breathing more agitated. But then, after some time hovering over his legs, yours started to feel numb from sustaining the position so you had to move a bit to feel your muscles again.
“Sorry, my legs went numb.” You excused yourself, but in a heartbeat, his hands shifted to your plush hips and you got the hint. 
“I’ll crush you.” Looking away, your previous self-confidence cracked a bit after his petition. You were too heavy, he will be uncomfortable and then…
“I carry bounties three times my weight for a living.” With the cocky affirmation, he interrupted your racing thoughts before spiralling. “I’ll be okay.”
You haven’t seen him in action yet, but the image of the Mandalorian manoeuvring a bounty out of pure strength made you shiver, yielding to his command. But you wouldn’t drown without dragging him with you.
“Stars woman!” He grunted when your clothed cunt made contact with his bulge. Not satisfied enough with that, you rolled your hips a couple of times to torture him further. Your plan backfired, as it provoked both of you to moan in unison.
“You wanted me…to sit.” You sassed between laboured breaths. Mando growled in response, but his hands travelled to your behind until they were grabbing a handful of your round ass.
“Do you know where else I’d want you to sit?” His voice was raspier than ever, the desire on it crystal clear to you. He really wanted you.
“Mando!” This playful side of him was unexpected but you were loving every moment of it. He took advantage of his leverage to move you impossibly closer to him, making you squirm when your sensitive nipples touched the colder beskar of his cuirass. Your hands snaked around his thick neck and you found yourself completely squished against your huge warrior. His erection felt so hot and hard between your legs that your cunt only grew wetter and wetter, making you wonder if he could notice. Then he started to move and soon you were moaning in the crook of his neck, grinding like a loth-cat in heat.
“Please mesh’la, let me make you feel as good as you deserve.” All the cockiness of his tone was done when he asked you with the most laboured breathing. His hands started caressing your spine and back rolls and you were a puddle in his strong arms. 
“Let me…let me get up to remove my pants.” He indeed let you, but his hands didn´t, and while you stood to remove the last of your clothes, he continued exploring your body completely mesmerized. “Mando, I can’t undress if you don’t put your hands away!” You giggled standing on the threshold of the bunk waiting for him to realize. His helmet turned up to look at you then as if he was weighing his possibilities.
“Allow me to undress you, please.” The tone of his plead made you shiver and your cunt walls spasm. Your noded suddenly shy and the next moment he was on his knees unfastening your boots. Maker, what a sight.
When he finished with your footwear, he removed your shocks and started caressing your ankles, going up your calves painfully slowly until he finally reached the waistband of your pants. By then, you were shivering out of pure anticipation. But he still took the time to discard first your pants leaving you in your soaked underwear. He stopped and removed his hands for you to your surprise. Maybe he was having second thoughts? Maybe he didn’t like what he saw?
Your thoughts didn’t spiral for long, as Mando started removing his gloves still kneeling at your feet. Your eyes went wide: it was the first time you saw any of his skin. Gloves finally apart, you could appreciate it was a beautiful hue of gold before his thumbs were hooked in your panties. Without seeing his expression, you could feel the reverence in every touch Of his. It was like you were something holy and he was praying at your shrine. Then it hit you: this wasn’t just a fuck for both of you. This will change things.
“You’re drenched mesh’la.” The last piece of clothing was finally removed and his curious hands didn’t take long to open the folds of your glistening cunt. You looked away a bit embarrassed but he assured you. “You’re so beautiful and soft I can't help myself but...”
Then he did the most surprising thing. With his fingers covered with your slick, he went to the inferior part of his helmet and made disappear. He yas kriffing tasting you.
“Dank Farrik and you taste heavenly too.” Things became fast in a moment. He suddenly stood up in all his imposing height, totally covered in contrast with your nakedness, grabbed your but and in a heartbeat was lifting you from the floor. You squirmed in surprise, your legs rapidly snaking around his tapered waist, feeling all the whole glory of his erection against your pussy. He then turned in his heels and laid you in his bed delicately. But you weren’t playing tame anymore.
“Mando, I need you please.” Your plea was accompanied by a roll of your hips against the bulge on his pants, and you moaned at the sensation of the harsh fabric against the sensitive skin there. Mando grunted at the contact and obeyed you, removing his crossbody ammo belt. You continued the grinding while he battled with the straps of his hip belt, pleasuring yourself against his hard cock, until the leather piece full of pouches hit the ground with a loud thud. 
Finally, his hot hands were all over you again and he leaned over your body. But then, he froze in place. You looked at him quizzically when you heard something metallic rolling on the floor. Maybe something important? Maker, you knew he kept bombs on the belt…
“Wait,” he said, leaving you naked in the bunk where you experienced the worst ten seconds of your life thinking you were going to be blown away before having sex with the Mandalorian. But his absence was brief, and he returned with a spherical object between his golden fingers. Something you didn’t recognize at all.
“Is it a bomb?” You asked clueless. He chucked but there was something off about it. 
“It’s from a lever in the cockpit.” You sighed in relief knowing your life or his weren’t in danger. Noticing how he wouldn’t stop looking at the metal ball, you knew he wasn’t okay. Finding your tuning between the mess of sheets and blankets, you put it on and sat on the edge of the cot. You didn’t feel annoyed because the intimate moment was interrupted: it was clear something was disturbing him.
“Hey, Mando, look at me.” You asked, holding his bare wrists most delicately. He flinched at the contact and you noticed his pulse was derailed. Then he looked at you like he had just noticed you were there and started apologising.
“I’m so sorry I…” It looked like he didn’t even know how to start explaining himself. You’ll say he sounded even embarrassed.
“It’s okay, I’m not upset. We don’t have to continue if you don’t feel like it.” His shoulders slumped and his gaze fixated again on the ball. And then you noticed, by the light shivering of his torso. He was crying. Your heart broke in a thousand pieces. “Come here, baby.”  You cooed, opening your arms to the Mandalorian, hoping you could offer some relief to whatever he was experiencing. 
To your surprise, he fell to his knees again and then sank his helmet into your lap. His shoulders were convulsing more visibly now and your chest hurt for him. You started caressing the back of his neck, hoping it felt soothing for him, and remained like that for a while.
“I’ve got you baby.”
You didn’t know how much time it passed with Mando sobbing against your tunic and you doing your best to make him feel better, but after a while, it looked like he was calmer.
“I already lost him once.” His voice was coarse from crying, and even though the lack of context you knew immediately he was referring to Grogu.
“We’ll find him and take him home, Mando.” You responded softly, feeling something warm spread inside you and not stopping for a second your caresses.
“Din.” He finally unburied his head from your lap and looked at you. “My name is Din Djarin.”
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seriousbrat · 8 months
imo it's not so hard to accept that SWM takes place after the prank. I mean it is canon so too bad but it makes complete sense to me. there's no evidence the prank was some big life-altering character development moment for any of the characters involved and that they all learnt their various lessons. in fact we see that they don't. in SWM the marauders are clearly still tormenting Sev. In Sev's conversation with Lily post-prank he's still just as obsessed with the marauders and exposing their secrets as ever, if not more. he doesn't consider what lily's saying at all because he's too focused on his hatred towards them.
my hc is that sirius (rather masterfully) used reverse psychology on sev to get him to go down the willow. Sev isn't stupid, he wouldn't have let himself willingly be led into a trap by his worst enemies. I think Sirius probably "let it slip" and then "backtracked" and acted like Snape wouldn't be brave enough to go down there anyway and that he should just forget it. I doubt Sirius directly told him to go down the willow, I think cleverly he told him not to, knowing that Sev would do so anyway (not that this makes a difference ethically bc his intent is still clear, but anyway. this isn't about who is morally better because idgaf honestly lol, I'm just trying to work through their mindsets)
the marauders received no real consequences for the prank, so why would they learn their lesson? Objectively you can't really punish someone for telling someone not to do something if they do it anyway. Not particularly fair, but still. Which brings me to Sev's responsibility in the matter (which yes, does exist imo) we're shown that he was obsessed with finding out what the marauders were up to and particularly obsessed with Remus's secret. Yes, this is understandable given how they treated him, but absolutely not healthy and he still chose to go down there, whether out of pride, greed, curiousity, vindictiveness. He obv was manipulated but there's a reason he was so easily manipulated. As I said previously, his obsession with revenge is what causes him to be blind to lily's feelings.
James rescuing him wasn't some moment of epiphany about how bullying is bad actually. It was just a fundamental part of James's character already. He would never have let him die regardless of how he felt about him.
All of this makes SWM the PEAK moment of hatred between Sev and the Marauders, which explains a lot of their responses. Sirius and James hate Sev more than ever for trying to expose Remus. Sev, justifiably, hates them more than ever for trying to kill him (and he ropes James into this, which is incorrect but understandable in his position)
James "deflating his head" probably wasn't just based on one event in particular. He just grew up and learned what was more important- being a good person, fighting against voldemort. But Sev also had growing up to do of his own during this time. As I talked about in in this post yesterday I think post-swm Sev was beginning to realise that his lack of control over his emotional responses (calling lily a mudblood out of humiliation, for example) was dangerous both to lily and to himself.
Yeah they still hated each other and attacked each other in seventh year. There's too much bad blood there to do anything else. I've talked about the dynamic between Sev and James here and how that might have developed as they grew older. I honestly find it extremely interesting, I could go on about these two for hours rip. My point is that the development of these characters into adults wasn't instant or linear, it was messy and rough. people don't usually change overnight, it happens slowly over time because they have to.
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silveredsound · 6 months
How you go from harry styles to hockey I will never understand.
I was going to make a little joke, as I do, (would have been v hilarious, best joke ever pls know this) and leave it at that. But like, it's been raining for over 24 hours, it's 2am and it might be good for me to reflect a little.. So sorry anon I am going emote all over your ask (which (the ask) sounds a bit judgey tbh but the written word is NOT a great conveyor of tone so that might be on me.)
On one hand it's just fandom. And, I think it's been pretty clear that as much as I love Henry Stars, I'm not like, a 'Harry is the be all and end all of all music creation and creativity and actions.' I like him for the good and the bad, and I don't leave critical thinking at the door. (Not saying I'm the only person to do this, just that it's hard sometimes in fan spaces and Stans definitely do..)
Which, can make it hard to participate in fandom as a lot of people are not great at irony, or accepting that someone else can say, god damn that is a terrible song - and that it's okay for that to happen. It doesn't mean that the person who expressed the neg opinion is not still a fan of the artist they were speaking about. Same with if the artist you are a fan of does something that gives you the ick.
I def learnt this when Harry went to Google Camp the first time. Like obviously I've been around 1d fandom in some way since 2012 ish I think it was - and it was my own reaction to Harry going to Camp Douchebags the first time that made me go, oh jeez Silv, you are a bit too involved in the parasocial relationship here. Like I was genuinely upset that he'd done something I thought was so dumb and wanky.
Anyway, clearly I still loved - love - him and I celebrated him and spent a fuckload of money on him and engaged in fandom and etc etc. But I just did at that point I think turn a little from heading in a very blinkers on version of fandom to one that's def more me - where you just get to have fun, make fun be creative, make friends! and have a bit of a perv depending on the silk cream vanilla ice cream outfit Harry might be wearing in Nashville.
I like RPF. I mean I like all transformative works and fandom extending and enhancing source material via creation, but I don't have an issue with RPF. I believe in 4th wall. And I clearly have written 1d fic. A lot of my good fandom mates, and real life best friend(s) are people I have met through sharing a love of writing in fandom spaces. Obviously all the best writers in 1d went to Hockey. And I stayed here. And I tried. I wanted to be where my friends where. I had fomo and I was lonely! My fandom had changed in a few ways all around the same time.
But Hockey is very confusing, (for starters as I often say to Angela or Joanna, snow is fake) and nothing clicked for me - it seemed large and I had no idea where to even start and I didn't really try.
But I think the change in some fandom fellow participants, and also anons being mean when they would get even a glimpse in their peripheral that I might have vaguely indicated that Henry did something that I thought was dumb or embarrassing, or just not that good, (it's no fun sharing a thought and feeling chatty about it, and wanting to engage with other people's thoughts if some random is going to anonymously tell you that you are a dumb c*nt and should delete etc etc so I stopped sharing any thoughts at all.) Of course Nick leaving breakfast and then R1 altogether - as well as obviously my whole life narrowing to a point that was just tend Mama- work - tend mama - work - tend mama - sleep - grow a tumour - tend mama left me not so much time for proper joyful engagement.
And then, in Jan/Feb this year, I think as I'd been looking at book reviews and as soon as you search for a book on tik tok they push book tok romance reviews into your feed and I think then that pushed an actual hockey clip (which is a really shite 4th wall issue as is the whole Kraken thing etc) and I can't even remember what it was but I know I then swiped through and watched other videos on the account and like 1d being adorable shites repeating stock answers and sitting on top of each other I was intrigued by what seemed to be very dumb and very entertaining.
But Silv, you cry, what about the emotions! You need emotions! Ah, yes, see, because I am nothing but devoted I had followed Angela and La's hockey blogs, and something La posted grabbed my attention and I followed a link and read an article and I was like. Oh, I want to read more about these kids. So I did. And after a little while I reached out to La and was like, um, I think I get it. And I posted something about the Fantilli Bros and then Max reached out and tbh I don't think anything says it better than my wide eyed enthusiasm reply. (You are probably by now thinking, Silv why is your answer to Max so short, why didn't I just get a paragraph? This is an endless essay with no conclusion or indeed a thesis statement, (that is if you have even made it down to here) & anon I can only apologise.)
I am really enjoying learning so many new things, being welcomed into a new space of connection and joy and silliness and emotional breakdowns. It's been so lovely to meet new people who are so excited to share their niche interest with you and no one minds how many questions I have and everyone searches out Primera and Important Past Instagram Posts from the archives - and of course reconnecting with people who I have always been friends with, fandom changes didn't change that, but it's delightful chatting much more often. The other day Angela and I watched an Avs game together via Tumblr chats, which was delightful, to learn about the team and to talk about random other things, and I've spent my last month of Saturdays watching umich with lovely people who La introduced me to, and having MANY EMOTIONS. (It's like hanging out all posting about a show's fits and one liners and if he's going to sing medicine but it's many pantomime gooseberrys. The performative homoeroticisim, wild hair, jokes, punching (only now during not pre show work outs ) and very goddamn impressive skill and physicality is actually pretty similar). Meghan and I have been able to chat through our very similar horrible experiences with cancer and mums with cancer and it's been so lovely and strengthening to be able to share that experience with a person who beyond gets it, and then also I've been able to announce to her that I want to write a fic about 5 ways Nolan saw god with the UMich Bible Study Group but didn't find faith. which is obviously a completely ridiculous concept but equally worthy of discussion. It's this that I love so much about fandom friendship - you share SO much because you are sharing something that gives you intimate joy, so the relationship always starts from a place of an automatic mutual understanding and empathy - and from there we make it our own.
But also, I really like the game. Like I love watching them play, all of them! It's fast (obviously - and oblig have to say - ice is slippery) and it's hard - and they make it look easy. When one of the special players (they are all special, but one of the ones who play almost with innate ability) makes a pass or a turn sometimes it's almost almost magic, like how the fuck did they see that gap between four players, and did you see how they kept the puck a moment longer so they could release it perfectly into the lane !! Hot.
The game can be all encompassing and it's SO SO SO silly. Like it's the dumbest sport. It's The Show. I'll put on ESPN and stream a match while I'm working during the day (the time difference is perfect for once) and I'm spending time cos I want to, learning the rules and the logistics and business side of it all. And of course, the differences between college hockey and the show. Idk. It just clicked on so many levels for me.
And so, I have no idea why it took me so long to transition from Henry to Hockey, but I am not surprised I did now that I have - it def wasn't something that I was bloody expecting. And Anon I will say this, the last few years of my life have been sad, hard, and tbh shitty. Now, I know what it's like to have fucked years, so I am not saying this to try to be and show off but 2024 feels a bit better. I feel clearer, I have started to lose some weight (15ish kg so far depending on the time of the month) and now I have a meeting w a PT on Tuesday as I actually don't care what I weigh but I want to get stronger and reduce my visceral fat as it will be better for hormones which is better for lessening my cancer reoccurrence %.
God knows it's (2024) not all roses, I literally had surgery again a fortnight ago and the cost of living in Sydney is giving me so much anxiety. I am still a terribly disorganised mess, my work is undergoing a complete restructure (thanks NSW gmnt) and my clean washing is NEVER folded and put away, it's always in the basket - but I feel so happy and entertained and creative - I am writing again! like it's joy. It's ye olde you are who you are at this moment but you are also the 4 year old you and the 15, 27, 34 year old you - girlhood (non gendered concept of not literal interpretation) and I love it. 💛🩵🌱
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Flying Magazine Spring/Summer 2014 Issue ft. Gaku Sano, Masato Yano, Yu Inaba & Taiko Katono Fashion Shoot + Short Interviews (translations below)
Gaku Sano
Sano: I love clothes, so I was excited that I got to wear three different outfits this time (laughs). Rather than having a preference for a particular brand, I tend to focus more on the shape and overall image of clothing, so when I have the opportunity, I often go to stores by myself to look for these things. Among the ones I wore for this shoot, I like the dark gray setup the best. Short pants or sarouels with boots are my favorite style!
"Excited to pass the role of a Kamen Rider, which he longed to play! He heads towards Gaim, evolving everyday with passion burning in his heart."
Sano: I truly never thought that I would be able to become the Kamen Rider that I had been so fascinated with as a child, so I was really happy when I was chosen for the role. I have no experience in action, but I'm confident in my physical strength, so I felt like, "Come on, I accept!" and I'd even act out the toughest scenes without doing voice over. I still have a lot to learn, but I want to improve myself and grow little by little, so that when I look back in six months to a year, I'll be able to confidently say that I've grown!
Masato Yano
Yano: Basically, I like simple styles, but I try to bring out their points of interest, whether it be with the pattern or color in one specific place or another. I also like parkas, especially this leaf patterned one I'm wearing, which definitely has a spring like seasonal feel to it! Parkas are not only easy and comfortable to wear, but you can buy them almost anywhere. I once went on set wearing a different parka for an entire week (laughs).
"A young talented actor discovered by Ninagawa Yukio. He continues to be active with appearances in numerous stage plays, dramas, and movies."
Yano: I'll be appearing in three separate films that will release throughout the course of this year, and in the Summer, I'll perform for the third time in a stage play directed by Ninagawa-san. It's been a while since I've worked in a production by Ninagawa-san, so I'm really looking forward to it! Recently, I've started to receive alittle more praise than usual (laugh), so I'll do my best to show you that I've atleast grown alittle.
Yu Inaba
Inaba: I want to wear as little clothing as possible during the course my life (laughs). My favorite style is wearing a single t-shirt! This sukajan is abit unusual for me, but, it's comfortable to wear and fits my look well. It's surprisingly refreshing. I tend to wear mostly black, so I like the monotone look of these items.
"Aiming to become a "highly sought after actor" while growing from his many experiences on doing stage plays."
Inaba: When I entered the Junon Super Boy Contest, I had a very casual mindset, but soon after my debut, I performed in a series of stage performances, where I became more fascinated with the joys of "performing." Recently, I've been cast in many dramas and movies, as well as more stage plays, so I feel as though I'm living a very exciting and fulfilling life. Right now, I cherish these works and encounters with people, but someday, I want to be an actor where people will say, "I want to go just to see him!"
Taiko Katono
Katono: Usually I wear leather jackets and slim pants, so today I went for a fresh, cute, spring like look with a white cardigan. I like cardigans because they're so comfortable to wear. The one I'm wearing isn't too light and is more firm than I expected, so it feels very nice to wear! The color tone is also gentle, it's very "springtime coordinated."
"Aspirations hidden under a cute face. Looking forwars to facing future challenges with a positive outlook!"
Katono: Recently, I was cast in the drama "Team Batista 4: Raden Meikyu", which was a pretty big deal for me. I thought, "I'm going to be apart of that popular series?!" I was so shocked. In this field, I've learnt alot and am reflecting. I think I've grown alittle thanks to it. I hope to gain experience in this way one at a time, and in 10 years, I hope to be an actor with roles that only I am able to play. For this reason, I'll do my best to do these things one by one!
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alienssstufff · 1 year
thoughts on q!dapduo ? (i’ve been thinking about their interactions during the wedding but it can be from any time period on the qsmp)
bro i fucking love dapduo. EVERY universe.
I've already spoken about them before and most definitely after the QSMPdinner event today my dapduo brainrot grows evermore >< You can probs dig for them through either the #dapduo or #stufff rambles tags yourself but here some of the links I'll be looking back on for this: >q!dapduo grieving > the guapoduo wedding arc >q!Slime's identity with Slime and Gegg >q!Quackity's identity and values
Summary of the 28/07/2023 QSMP Election Dinner: Gegg shows up to the venue (removes his armour AND his totems like a fucking idiot sorry im still heartbroken over this) and the remaining candidate members are ambushed by codes pretending to be eggs and Gegg loses his last presidential life. Slime returns as Slime and comes clean to everyone that he was Gegg all along but ElQuackity isn't so sure about this. ElQuackity and Slime have a conversation and (in chat) Slime secretly agrees to help ElQ win the election.
Out of pure impulse, I went and transcribed their whole interaction you can read it HERE
[ ramblings undercut ]
ANYWAY SO very important to know that roles and how they are perceived by others is an integral value to both Quackities' motivations whilst Slime's values are introspective, focusing more on his own identity (Slime/Gegg) rather than the outside. Throughout the entirety of the qsmp timeline, the both of them suffer near the same struggles yet respond to them differently because of their motivations which is why they compliment each other so well.
Q!Dapduo are able to sympathise and find comfort in eachother's pain simply because no one else on the island could ever experience what they're going through... Even if their way of comfort is not healthy.
Even if ElQuackity was m.i.a for a bit, before then he still considers himself close with Slime. ElQuackity learnt the assignment that Quackity was Gegg's father and went with it and most definetly caught feelings (platonic) that resonated when caring for Tilin and the other eggs. They were suffering together.
Cut to the QSMP Dinner where Gegg dies. The sadness ElQuackity felt was genuine yet bittersweet. His best friend, is finally learning to accept all parts of himself - but this is also a big turning point that the relationship dapduo have will never be the same. ElQuackity can no longer use Slime as a support structure (IN the manner that he used to at least) because he's broken free from the role that he's been given while ElQuackity has yet to do the same.
Q: No nononono you're viewing it the wrong way I think there's more to Gegg.
THIS LINE HAS SO MANY FUCKING LAYERS LIKE on one hand ElQuackity obviously is doing copium rn, but in retrospect he does have a point that Slime hasn't fully come to terms that Gegg and Slime are one in the same. They are parts of him and both sides are starting to mesh together and it's Slime's mission to better understand himself.
AND THEN ON A DIFFERENT LAYER, IF WE PIT THIS WITH THE CONVERSATION ELQUACKITY WHISPERS TO SLIME it's also really scary. Yeah he's going to use Slime to win the election, but it's also unconsciously ElQuackity's way in keeping Slime as this emotional support, and whatever this deal insinuates I am SO scared. This idea is also reinforced visually by Slime's body language as he physically backs himself into a corner by ElQuackity as he accepts the deal -- Which makes me think Slime is definitely aware of ElQuackity is trying to do and makes me wonder the reasoning as to why Slime accepts this deal.
One wants to leave but the other doesn't even know they're trapped in this together.
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positivelyadhd · 2 months
hello!! I have returned with another random thought about ADHD/neurodiversity that I feel like I've known for ages but never really had the words for it so! this is partially an infodump because I can't shut up but also if you don't mind reading my long ramble on the relationship between ND people and online spaces I would love to know your opinion because I haven't seen many people talking this?
I have written a long rambly thought dump that I'll put under the cut if you want to know the details but the TLDR is: I think something about the internet is just a lot more suited to ND people and gives us more of a place to unmask than the real world does? in my experience, the more online I was the more unmasked and happy in myself I was but when I started masking to fit in in the real world I kind of,, lost that?
I've always felt there's a very strong link between neurodivergent people and social media and well tend to gravitate towards each other (which I adore and would love to write an essay about one day when I can function better! I wanted to study it for my dissertation at uni but there wasn't really enough to go on sadly </3)
but I've also been thinking about masking and I just realised,,, in my own life at least, I feel like online I naturally unmask? and I don't know if that's because I'm around neurodivergent people online more often and them unmasking makes me feel safe to unmask or if it has more to do with the way social interactions are inherently different online (I always feel there's less room to overthink/it's less draining. I only have to think about my words rather than body language/expression/volume/how the other person is responding ect ect)?
I have been chronically online since I was about 12 and that has shaped me as a person very much (and saved me too <33) but I always felt more able to unmask online and was also more likely to actually be rewarded for it? by meeting other neurodivergent people that would talk about The Thing We Love!!
I met my best friends online and they all happen to be neurodivergent (although we didn't know at the time!) and I know this is a very common experience for neurodivergent people! and it's partly why I think the internet is so wonderful!
when I was younger I had a fanpage on Instagram that got more followers than it should've given how young I was and I'd become a part of a community I was so happy and safe in which kind of,, made up for the fact I didn't have that at all in school?
I have been having the usual quarter life crisis recently and a lot of that is because in those few years I had no friends but an online space I loved I was so sure of myself and my identity I think because I had a space I could unmask freely? I also wasn't very good at masking at school so I struggled to fit in but I was happier knowing I could be myself then trying to force myself to be something I wasn't?
eventually I did make friends irl who I adore but around that time is when I started to lose who I was, I hadn't realised until just now that the time I started fitting in with other people was the same time I stopped doing the things I loved and ended up so burned out most everyday tasks are overwhelming?
also like I see a lot of people say, getting my diagnosis taught me to start understanding how to accept myself and it changed my life for the better! my school didn't do anything to support me but I learnt a lot about myself and started to understand that I am,, different to neurotypical people and that's okay!! however,, back then the neurodoversity movement was nowhere near as great and listened to as it is now so I feel like I almost,, gave up? felt like I'd been told by the external world so many times that I had to mask that I learnt how to?
i think unconsciously I started masking instead of trying to grow towards self acceptance like I was before. but with the way the wider world is talking about neurodiversity now I feel like the whole concept of unmasking is more acceptable now? also I am an adult that can make my own decisions not a 13 year old that has teachers and other 13 year olds so I don't have to deal with people not accepting me the way I did when I was younger?
idk if that makes any sense but I have many thoughts about masking ! thank you for reading <3
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