exoscreamsoda · 1 year
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sturniolos-blog · 5 months
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Adopted - Sturniolo little sister fic
so i am not taking credit for this whatsoever, @sturniololoco is to take credit for this and i love her work so i hope this is okay. (lmk if it’s not) But i thought of this request and wanted to act on it myself, i don’t believe this is already a fic.
this fic is for anyone who is not white or is of a different race, for example i am hispanic and mixed but deal with lots a racism and get called the n word, so this is a fic about being the sturniolos little sister but dealing with racism.
warning: swearing, complete racism, use of the n word but censored out, mentions of fighting and blood
im only writing this to give examples of real life, no harm is meant to be done ‼️
the reader will take place as a teenager, younger mostly maybe early teens.
enjoy !
Being mixed was hard, especially going to a practically all white school with maybe a few kids of a different race there.
I knew i would eventually have to feel with racism, especially since my older brothers are white and im adopted, but i didn’t know it would be this bad.
I snapped out of my thoughts as i was going to walk towards my group of friends but some girl stops me, monica, no one likes her, she’s literally the talk of the school, we used to be best friends but she was really fake, and she talks to me sometimes, we aren’t tight but we definitely don’t hate each other,
“Hey, it’s your month.” She smirked at me.
I scoffed, “What?” My face turning to a confused one as i looked at her, people walking through the hallways trying to get to their next class.
“Black history month,” She laughed.
“The fuck did you just say to me?” I got in her face as the hallways were clearing.
“Get to class guys!” A teacher yelled before walking in her class room.
Monica began to walk away, i grabbed her arm though, “Finish what you were saying, say it again and see what happens.”
“It’s your month, you fucking weirdo, you’re family is not even your color you’re not even supposed to be with them, no wonder they don’t show you in videos they’re probably too embarrassed to have someone who is dark as fu-”
I cut her off with a shove, her back that had her backpack on it was slammed into the locker.
“Say it again!” I dared her, dropping my bag on the ground.
“You’re a fucking n***** and a sp*c.” She said in my face, i lost it.
I punched her in the face and shoved her again, she went to grab my hair but i grabbed her hand and pushed it back against the locker, kicking her knee before punching her in the face, her nose starting to bleed, she smacked me in the head but literally did nothing.
I grabbed her by her nasty old sweatshirt and swung her to hit the other set of lockers on the opposite wall, she let out a grunt,
“Ow!” She yelled loudly. She was on the ground with tears, not that she was crying but probably involuntary tears from the pain.
“Don’t try me.” I scoffed, grabbing my bag and starting to walk to my class, making it in to spanish.
“Why are you late?” My spanish teacher, Ms.Gonzalez asked.
“I got the schedules mixed up, sorry, it won’t happen again.” I apologized.
“That’s fine.” She said, Ms. Gonzalez was a nice teacher, let everything slide, sort of dumb too but that’s okay.
I went and sat at my desk, shit.
I totally forgot Monica is in this class.
Where is she?
I thought to myself before pulling out my spanish stuff.
“Hey, you okay?” My friend Aliyah leaned over and asked me,
“Yep.” I smiled.
About 15 minutes go by and the phone rings, Ms.Gonzalez answers, picking up the phone,
“Hello?” She asks, getting some sort of answer before she looked around the room, her eyes stopped on me, “Yep, i have her.” She smiled.
I tried to focus on my spanish work, but-
“Y/n? they need you down in the office, bring your stuff.” She said.
I sighed and nodded, packing my stuff up, Aliyah looks at me confused,
“Don’t worry about it.” I whispered before leaving the classroom.
I got down to the office and i saw Matt, Chris, and Nick all sitting there. God, that’s embarrassing.
I opened the office doors and smiled at them, but soon dropped my smile as they all gave me death glares, even Matt, which was crazy because he was supposed to be the nice chill brother.
Matt’s knee was bouncing up and down and he was biting his nails, slouched slightly. Nick was on his phone, biting his lip and Chris was sat with his head back, up at the ceiling.
I see my principle walk out from his office, chris sitting up, nick putting his phone down and matt not slouching anymore.
“May i speak with one of you?” He points at my brothers, mom and dad must be at work.
Matt sits up, “You can talk to me.” He smiles, standing up.
My principle nods, “Great, right this way.”
My principle turns to me first, “Go see Ms.Lee, she wants to talk to you.” He says, talking about the vice principle. My principle was a very nice guy, but i wasn’t the best student ever so you’d find me in the office sometimes, but i usually talked to Ms.Lee, she was a nice lady, i usually filled her in on drama.
Matt and My principle walk into my principles office and he shuts the door.
I see Ms.Lee come out of her office and point at me, a disappointed look on her face, she makes the ‘come here’ motion with her finger.
I give one last glance to chris and nick before walking to her office and sitting down, she shuts the door and walks back behind her desk, sitting down and sighing.
“Whats up, Ms.L?” I laugh.
She gives me that look and i immediately stopped.
“Sorry,” I coughed.
“What were you thinking? Monica already told me the whole story so don’t even think about lying, i mean come on you argue with everyone i get that but hands on fighting? That’s absolutely crazy coming from you, y/n” She said, shaking her head.
“She called me the N word, called me a spic, told me it was my month, said i don’t even belong in my family!” I defended myself.
My vice principle went to talk but i cut her off, “I obviously know fighting is bad and i would usually never hit first.” I clarified, Ms.Lee rolled her eyes.
“-But that really hurt, bad. Plus, actions speak louder than words so,” I shrugged, leaning back in my seat.
“She told us you went crazy on her for nothing.” Ms.Lee said quietly.
“On my life, what i told you is what happened. She was being mad racist towards me.” I said.
Ms.Lee nodded, “You’re suspended for a week, i’m sorry but you drew blood.” Ms.Lee shook her head.
“Okay, does she get anything?” I asked, my knee bouncing up and down.
Ms.Lee hesitated, “We-” she sighed and looked down, “The most we can give her is an in school suspension, maybe two days.”
My mouth dropped, “Ms.L, you’re kidding.” I scoffed. “You understand how unfair this is, right?”
“Yes, but we can’t do much, we don’t have audio from the camera, all we see is you talking and then you shoving her and punching her in the face,” Ms.Lee said softly.
“But- i- i only-” I teared up and shook my head, “This is bullshit.” I whispered.
Ms.L nodded, “I know, honey. I’m sorry.” She said, a knock then came on her door, it opened and it was my principle,
“Y/n, it’s time to go home now. We will see you next week.” He said.
I nodded, “Thanks.” I whispered, walking out.
Matt was standing up, his hands in his pockets, Nick and chris got up when they saw me,
“Ready, kid?” Chris put his hand on my back.
“Chris.” Matt scolded him as we walked out of the office.
We made it to the car and got in.
“On a scale of 1-10, how mad are you guys right now?” I cautiously asked.
Matt scoffed, Nick gave me a sad smile before looking out the window, and chris started to speak.
“Well, i’m actually not that- ow!” He got cut off by Matt hitting him in the arm as we pulled out of the schools parking lot.
I sighed and looked out the window, my fingers tapping on it slightly,
“Where’s mom and dad?” I asked.
“At work.” Matt said. His monotone voice giving me the chills.
“Okay, but do you even know what really happened because-”
“Y/n, shut up! You beat up a girl who just asked you for the homework answers, the fuck is wrong with you?!” Matt yelled harshly, he never yelled at me. Ever.
Tears welled up in my eyes, “Matt!” Nick yelled at him. “Don’t talk to her like that!”
“Calm down bro.” Chris patted Matt’s shoulder.
“That’s not what happened.” I said, my voice cracking.
“Then what happened, huh? Tell us, because your principle gave a very good explanation to us.” Matt said, making a right turn onto our street.
“She-” i took in a breath, i looked at the rearview mirror and see matt with his jaw clenched.
“She called me the n word, a spic, told me it was my month, and that i don’t belong in our family because im dark. She also said thats why you don’t show me in videos.” I said, playing with my hands.
Matt stopped the car as we pulled into our driveway.
“She what?” He turned around after turning the car off.
We got inside and i dropped my bag on the floor.
“Y/n, i’m sorry i had no idea-” Matt started.
“It’s okay,” I said as i took a seat at our island.
“Mom and dad are gonna be so mad.” I whimpered.
Nick put his hand on my shoulder, “We will talk to them. Promise.” He held out his pinky and i interlocked it, smiling at him.
“Great job defending yourself, y/n, not the best way you coulda gone but we are proud.” Chris said, Matt then gave nick and chris a look to give us a moment, so chris nodded kissing my forehead before him and nick walked to their rooms.
Matt sat next to me, “I’m sorry i freaked out. I love you, you know that right?” I nodded at his words.
“I’m sorry i disappointed you guys, it was so bad, matt, it hurt so much-” I let out a sob before he pulled me in for a hug, kissing my cheek and letting me cry in his chest, i heard him sniffle in my ear.
“You didn’t disappoint us, okay? We love you, so so much, nothing will change that. We don’t put you in our videos because you were to young, but your older now so you can be in as many as you want,” Matt pulled away from the hug and took my face in his hands.
“Okay? we love you, i love you. I’m so sorry, you don’t deserve any of that, you are a beautiful young girl, okay?” Matt whispered, i nodded and he kissed my head. Hugging me again.
Maybe it was okay to be adopted.
I wrote this in like an hour, i hope this was okay. And i hope you guys like it, love you!
Also, should i start a tag list?
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g3z0 · 3 months
Ice cold secret P13
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12
Summary: Sturniolo. Your rival once you take a step on the ice ring. You and Chris are both very good players of opposite teams and schools. But the college, you both look forward on getting a sport scholarship, only takes 1 person pro year. The only thing you want to focus on is hockey. But that isn’t as easy as it first seemed when you met Nick - the triplet brother of your rival
Warnings: cursing, homophobia, fighting
I think I’m gonna have a heart attack.
My heart pounds fast against my chest.
Three pair’s of intimidating eyes looking at me.
I think I almost chugged down my whole anxiety pill bottle before the game.
Chris stands In front of me. Staring.
I swear, if looks could kill I would drop dead right here on the spot.
Matt, on Chris’s left, who’s looking at me more with an apologetic look and Nick who’s sitting on the bleachers.
My stomach turns at the thought of Nick watching me.
I look towards him, our gazes meeting. He presses his lips together before he looks away from me.
I let out a breathe as I compose myself.
The referee blows the whistle and me and Chris instantly fight over the puck.
The game starts.
The biggest game of my life.
A few minutes into the game, I shoot the puck towards Ethan, who scores a goal as soon as he has it in his grasp.
I let out a relieved breathe and skate past Ethan, patting his shoulder as I do so.
We get back to our original positions and I glare at Chris, who seems to get more pissed off.
Concentrate, y/n.
The game continues and it’s an eye to eye match.
After 45 minutes in, the score is 5 to 5.
The referee blows the whistle for our break and me and my team skate towards our coach.
„Great, Just Great, Boys!“ Coach grins from ear to ear as we approach him. „Wolfie and Ethan, very good communication between the two of you.“
I smile a little to myself as I look back towards the bleachers.
Nick is talking to some guy I don’t know.
I clench my jaw as jealousy spreads through my whole body, the voice of coach is now muffled.
Maybe he’s just a friend. It doesn’t mean anything. He couldn’t move on that fast. Could he?
Who even is this guy? I never saw him before. He looks like a cheap wallmart version of me.
„Wolfie?“ Jacob’s voice pulls me back into reality. I look at him and he frowns at me.
„Come on.“ he says, grabbing the back of my neck before he pulls me close.
He lays his forehead against mine and stares into my eyes. „let that anger out in the game.“ he whispers to me before he lets go and slaps my cheek lightly.
„im Fine.“ I breathe, skating back to my position.
I would lie if I said that the guy next to Nick didn‘t catch me off guard.
I take a deep breath as I try to compose myself again. Concentrate. Concentrate y/n.
Chris runs through his hair and lets out a frustrated sigh before he puts his helmet back on.
He skates into his position and glares at me. Hard.
I swallow and look down, avoiding his gaze.
Dylan, Chris’s left defense starts to laugh, making Chris and me look at him.
He flicks with his tounge and nods towards the bleachers. „Seems like your boyfriend moved on, Woolfaar?“ he snickers, looking at me.
I clench my jaw and my grip on the stick I’m holding thightens.
„Shut the fuck up, Dylan.“ Matt says through gritted teeth.
Dylan rolls his eyes in response and shrugs „what? It’s true. Is lil Wolfie bad in bed? Didn’t seem like it in that video.“ he scoffs.
My blood runs cold and Chris stiffens in front of me.
„Fucking fag.“ Dylan mumbles as he looks the side.
Before I even can say another word, Dylan is on the ground.
Chris on top of him.
„Chris!“ Matt yells as he skates towards them.
I do the same. Matt and me both grab Chris’s shoulders and pull him back.
„Leave it.“ Matt states as he lays a hand on Chris’s chest, pulling him back.
Chris pulls himself away from us. „don’t fucking Touch me!“ he yells before he kicks with his skate that’s attached to his feet, on the helmet off Dylan.
„Fuck, Chris!“ I yell, pulling him back. He pushes me away, causing me to fall back on the ice.
The referee blows the whistle, making the game stop.
„STURNIOLO!“ Chris‘s coach yells at him, banging against the plastic glass.
„Fuck!“ Chris yells, throwing his stick on the ice before he gets off it. He takes his helmet off and throws it to the side before he disappears in the locker rooms.
„Stay with him.“ Matt says to me before he skates after his brother.
I look at Nick who’s staring at me with wide eyes before he looks towards his brother.
I knee down next to Dylan and take his helmet carefully off.
„Fuck, you good?“ I breathe. He lets out a groan and holds his hand on his forehead „this bastard.“ he says through gritted teeth.
I look at his helmet, which plexi glass is broken because of Chris’s blade.
„He could‘ve killed me.“ Dylan groans, sitting back up.
I let out a sigh and look back to Dylan. „Slow down, bud.“ I say, laying my hand on his shoulder.
He looks at me with a disgusted face as he slaps my hand away „fuck off.“ he snaps.
I get my hands off him and stand back up „alright.“
„Boys, get here!“ coach yells at his team, making all of us skate to him.
He licks his lips and looks at me. „The referee and the coach of Boston university are talking right now.“
He lets out a breathe „the game stops till they made a decision.“
Noah frowns and tilts his head „decision about what?“ he questions.
Coach shakes his head a little „wait.“ he states before he walks back to the referee and the coach of Boston university.
„What the fuck was that?“ Aiden asks, nodding towards Dylan.
„Sturniolo was fucking manic.“ will adds.
They got us waiting 25 minutes now. Me and my team sit on the bench. I bounce my knee up and down as I pick on the skin of my fingers.
I clench my jaw as I stare forward, at Nick and the guy.
I feel Ethan’s hand comping up to my thigh, stopping my bouncing. „Shit, Wolfie. You‘re making me nervous with that.“ he breathes.
„Sorry.“ I mumble under my breathe. He pulls his hand away from me and raises his eyebrows at me before he follows my gaze.
He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh.
„Don’t say a word.“ I breathe, looking over to him. He shrugs and shakes his head „im not saying anything.“
He grabs his bag and pulls out my anxiety pills, handing me them.
„Thanks.“ I sigh before I take 3 of them into my mouth, swallowing them with the water bottle that’s next to me.
„okay.“ Coach sighs as he walks up to us. Me and the boys instantly sit up straight.
„Y’all won.“ he states.
My eyes widen „what?“
Coach shakes his head a little „the referee won’t let Sturniolo on the ice again. So y’all won.“ he repeats.
The boys next to me starts to cheer. I blink at coach, same expression on my face.
„We had a tie, coach, that’s not fai-" „he could’ve killed him, y/n.“ he says, staring down at me.
I clench my jaw and look down.
This is my fault.
It isn’t fair. It’s not a fair game. We had a fucking draw.
„What did the coach of Boston say about the scholarship?“ Ethan asks, looking up at coach.
I look up, coach eyes meet mine. He runs his tounge over his teeth before a smile creeps up on his face. „Wolfie got it.“
I let out a breathe and Ethan grabs onto my shoulder, shaking me. „You bastard!“ he laughs.
The other boys come around me and pat me on my back or ruffle through my hair while they congratulate me.
This is surreal.
„He wants to talk to you.“ coach says, nodding towards where the coach of Boston is standing.
I stand up and walk with coach towards him.
The whole scene is like I’m watching myself from a third POV.
It doesn’t feel real.
That’s the moment I’ve been working years on.
Why does it feel so weird? Maybe it’s just the nervousness. Did I even do it for me?
Did I do it for my dad? For this bastard of a cheater? For this fucking asshole of a dad?
Did I even do it for myself? Everything I‘ve been working on, just to end up right here.
It doesn’t feel right.
„I can’t.“ I breathe as I stop walking. Coach turns around to face me and also stops in his movements.
„What do you mean?“ he asks, frowning at me.
I look into his eyes and shake my head „I can’t.“ I repeat, this time more clearly.
He licks his lips and steps closer to me, laying his hand on my shoulder. „Y/n. I know you‘re nervous. But this is your chance.“
I shake my head and take a step back. „No.“ I lick my lips and let out a breathe „coach, I don’t want this.“
„Wolfie, you‘ve been training for this since you‘re Ten. This was your dream.“ he states.
„It wasn’t my dream.“ I sigh, pacing back and forth. „It was the dream of my dad. It never was mine.“
Coach sighs and glares at me, shaking his head „y/n, don’t do this.“ he breathes.
I take a few steps back „tell the coach that the scholarship is Chris’s.“ I say before I turn around and walk towards the exit of the ice rink.
„Woolfaar!“ coach yells after me.
„What the fuck are you doing?“ the boys asks as I walk past them.
I ignore them and walk through the exit.
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slayter-kinney · 4 months
i've been trying to formulate how i feel about wad and this era of phandom since i finally got the chance to watch wad all the way through with my girlfriend last night and after sobbing violently following the smash mouth credits i think i have some semblance of a train of thought. long ramble incoming after the read more hehe
for context, i've been watching dnp for about 10 years, which for some of you is an extremely long time and for others is piddly. regardless, a decade of my life has been spent in varying amounts watching dan and phil and interacting with the phandom. and part of what i was trying to express to my gf after watching the show was that it really is a sense of pride to see the sad clown poster child for being, well, sad, to open up about his mental health struggles, to coming out, to making we're all doomed. i think this is a very similar reaction to the pride a lot of us feel for dan.
for me too, though, it's been the phandom (hi guys lol). I was really active in the phandom from like 2014ish-2017 (at which point i still watched videos as they were posted but i also just wasn't on tumblr as much and i had ~college~ to focus on), but that time was very formative teenage years for me during which i was going through similar mental health struggles, struggling with sexuality, regular ol' teenage demons, etc. and this sort of phandom revival has been making me feel this ridiculous nostalgia for those teenage years (even tho i was fighting for my life the whole time lol). i can sooo distinctly remember where i was when certain videos were uploaded, the feeling of being curled up in my bed at midnight in the summer with my iphone 5c catching up on the previous years' videos, making subpar edits on my phannie instagram while i was on a plane for my family's summer vacation.
having both the boys and the phandom (more) active again gives me that nostalgic feeling but with the feeling that everything feels So Much Better Now. i get the same excitement and rush watching new videos, sharing around edits and gifs, being insane with you all, but with the knowledge that i am older and i am better now. in a lot of personal ways i'm literally living the life i so desperately wanted when i was a teen and now i get to live it but with the same things that brought me joy when i was a sad 15 year old. despite the nostalgia, i dont think i would choose to go back to that time, but getting to look back on it now, and watch videos where dan and phil are unapologetically gay and happy and soulmate-y, see dan living his theatre kid dreams and is so so proud of his work, and to have this community of you all where we're all old(er) and queer and so proud of our dads (sorry). it's indescribable despite my best efforts to describe it. and yes i know i don't actually talk to a lot of you that's cause im awkward and bad at replying but if you've made it this far this is your open invite to start a convo with me in dms/ask box. anyways. i love you all. i love our boys. im grateful to be here with all of you.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
I’m kinda feeling goofy rn💀
Asa emory billy and stu Michael Myers the reader has headphones and playing a video game and the slasher this it’s funny to mess with them yo only get hit with a keyboard.
(She / her ) pronounce
Pronouns*😒🤨 fake English!?!?!!?!? IM SO SORRY FOR LIKE 2MONTH WAIT I- MY PHONE BROKE AND I- i forgor uhh
She/her pronounce! Request open!
Gamer s/o attacks slasher with keyboard
Asa Emory(im so happy finally somones Requests Asa i love bug man)
He went to check up on her, cuz He heard some swear words and yelling
"Turn that garbage down, thes new show on BBC about bug life" "Not now Asa I need to focus-GODDAMIT i lost >:(" "Bug life-" "nO"
He will let her be for now, hes patient guy BUT I can imagine him gettin angy at some point and just turning wifi off
"Now can we talk like normal humans" *s/o slowly turns around* "I- why you look like that" "AAAAA" *s/o throws mouse at him and proceeds to whoop him with keyboard*
I mean he won the fight (obviously) and now not only s/o is forced to watch bug life with him but also she also broke her keyboard so no more playing :3
Billy Lenz :3
He is silly (very silly)
He will probably go and watch her play game, he will comment but mostly shit talk her enemies or just ask questions
But after a while he need attention!!! aaa gib attention!
"s/o whennnn you end i wanna I - Billy wants cuddles!" "uh not not billy"
After a while men gets angy and probably just bites s/o and she just whoops him in self defence (bonus points if she plays on controler so she can whoop him without worring about cables)
I think Billy needs attention guys. Also he will probably bark at her too
Micheal Myers :O
I can imagine him just realising that shes been playing on her pc for last 6hours, he usually doenst care but like??? its 4am please he cannot rest with all this clicking and swearing (woogieboobie man needs rest too)
He will just go behind her and just pick her up "wha-JNONOO MICHEAL PUT ME DOWN IM- AMOST DONE NO" he doesnt care at all :)
She probably didnt mean to hit him but she just accindently bonked him in head :0
He probably freezes in shook!! SHE whooped him :(
Now hes offended >:[ fine no cuddles before sleep! i mean he still will pick her up and yeet her on beb (she needs sleeep) but no cuddles :(
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hezuart · 11 months
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So I'm still planning Helluva Boss video reviews, but I'm gonna take a break from it for a while, might wait until season 2 ends to do an overall of the final half of the season. But yeah after season 2 I'm planning on abandoning videos for that series since I don't see it going anywhere. As for Season 2 Episode 5: ~~
WHOAH the pacing is fixed!!!!! Adam fixed his pacing issues! This episode was really well paced??? I could follow it so nicely, I was so surprised... like I know the bar is low but man it was so nice to watch a well-paced episode for once, it was pleasant.
As for the rest of the episode, ironically sexist writing, I don't even think they realized it. I don't know the proper term for this, but this has happened before in other media. They dumb down the male character so the female character doesn't even have to try or put in any effort to look better than him. Ergo, Moxxie writing off his wife for finding their first suspect. Moxie is right, they shouldn't assume the first person they see had truly done it, but he completely ignores this person the entire week. That should have been the first person they should have investigated. Moxie is typically the logical one of the group. He's smart and logistical. But he completely blows off his wife's input. He ignores their first lead and decides to waste time with popular teenagers. He's like... so insecure this episode its uncomfortable and doesn't make sense. He's literally like "ME MEMEME ME IM SO GOOD IM SO MUCH BETTER THAN ALL YOU" and im like ... these are human children Moxie ,,, what are you trying to prove,,,, what is happening right now,,,, he even gets jealous that everyone likes his wife more than him
excuse me? you guys are on an assassination mission right now. What are you doing.
I'm happy to see them fight, since I'm so tired of their "perfect" flat relationship, but they're fighting over something really weird. Moxie is SO out of line. Its weird to see Millie insecure. "I finally get to be somebody!" "Its nice no one is screaming at me to not kill them this time!" I laughed at the lyrics to her song. "I'm so boring and plain, why do these girls keep screaming my name?" im like YEAH MILLIE FANS.... TELL US, MILLIE FANS even when Millie got her "episode" she's not the focus. It's all about Moxie feeling inadequate and wasting time on his first mission lead, meanwhile Millie is just screwing around in the background
and in the end, Blitz calls Moxie stupid because Moxie got caught up and wasted time on their mission, basically justifying Blitz's distrust in Moxie and also wrecking any character development of Moxie's? He's always called weak and incapable, and this episode just solidifies it Who is he without Millie tbh Like if anyone should be insecure about their marriage it should be Moxie because Millie is the only ace around here anymore and Blitz manipulatively and creepily stalking his sister Barbie was uncomfortable Barbie is also a bitch, basically Blitz but female. I was expecting her to be something more than that, but nah, she's pretty unlikable
and she makes it clear she wants nothing to do with Blitz. I find it ironic that Blitz tries to break into the hospital to go visit her and doesn't give a fuck about Stolas, not visiting him at all. Watch Stolas x Blitz fans try to be like "OH STOLAS JUST HAS MORE GUARDS SO BLITZ CANT FEASIBLY BREAK INTO THE HOSPITAL TO SEE HIM....PROBABLY" nah, Blitz just doesn't care man... Blitz x Stolas is so badly written now and it makes me sad but like... are we supposed to feel bad for Blitz? He's just an asshole who stalks his sister. He ruined her life somehow in the past, and then he wrecked her new job as soon as she's out of the hospital. Like he's awful? She is too, but? I don't get the point of having them here.
Anyway this episode got a chuckle out of me once or twice. Pacing again, really nice. Millie and Moxie's personalities were out of wack. Millie even suddenly knows how to play a dozen musical instruments and suddenly has this insecurity about "being somebody" which I can't connect anything in her past to. She was well loved by her family and she scored a sweet husband and she's also Blitz's best assassin like... I WANT her to have more depth, this insecurity would be interesting, but there's nothing to support why it exists for her.
So yeah honestly, an alright episode. Hasn't bothered me as much as the others, but yeah Millie and Moxie's writing just gets more and more confused as the episodes go on. im just tired
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Its currently 5:30 am as im writing this cuz I just woke up from a dream that actually made me mad
Im sitting on the steps in my house scrolling through youtube when I see a spiderverse shortfilm that was "an early script rendition that was scrapped" that they decided to animate for some reason. I Iater find that theres also one released to netflix that had an alternative beginning. I'll talk about the bits that I remember. We start with an interview with a news reporter who is interviewing miles as spiderman where after the interview it reveals that she knows miles personally and knows his secret. He then rides a motorcycle home? (Don't ask cuz I dont have an answer) He goes to the roof to find his dad gardening. (cuz why not) they talk for a bit and it seems like he want to tell him that he's spiderman, but before he can, the spot shows up and is angry at miles, as per usual, and starts tryna pick a fight with him when Miguel appears out of nowhere and decides that he wants to kill all 3 of them and he'll do it in anyway possible. He start by webbing jeff and the spot and throwing them in the air so he can focus on destroying miles. (or something) The spot, who could easily catch himself and land safely, decides that he can't do it, so Jeff has to. How could he do this, you may be asking yourself? Well, the spot, now free from the webs starts to TAKE HIS SUIT OFF REVEALING THAT HE WAS HUMAN UNDERNEATH THE WHOLE TIME. It was at this point that my dream self paused it and tossed the phone across the room, which is what I do when I'm mad at something I see on it. My sister then looks over at me and asks why I did it and I just look at her and go "I CAN'T TELL YOU >:(" there was a good ten minutes left in the video that I didn't watch so I don't know what happened after that
So lets talk about the fact that the spot wearing a SUIT COMPLETELY DISREGARDS HIS WHOLE STRUGGLE IN THE ACTUAL MOVIE. His struggle was that his whole life was destroyed because his face was gone and there was no way to get it back, and he resented spiderman for it. I know that in the comics, he had a suit and that he can make himself look normal when need be, (which is probably where my dream got the idea from) but the same does not go for the movie. His whole identity as the spot revolves around how everyone and everything he had was taken from him because of him no longer being human, so to make him human again makes it all pointless. So needless to say I was pissed off and dream me was glad that it was a scrapped version of the script.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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crossfalconx5 · 4 months
Heyy, Im here from you FefTav post!
Would love to hear what called you to them, the dynamic, parallels and anything else you feel like talking about, just had never considered it before!
okay welcome to my video essay called feftav mean everything to me and here’s why
On a meta level: Feferi and Tavros are two characters that are both very likable and sympathetic but don’t get as much attention from the narrative or fandom as much as they should. Feferi is hardly fleshed out despite the interesting angle her character comes from, and tavros is mainly a punching bag for the narrative that gets beaten down by hussies iron boot whenever he tries to stand up (metaphorically) They both have a lot of room for exploration that I’m very disappointed didn’t get filled out, and I think these gap in their characters can be filled out with eachother.
Feferi is a good person, raised into a high position, in a bad society. One of feferis main goals in her life was to become empress and make things better for a people that have been subjugated to cruel punishment for ages and to fix a system that has been broken for a LONG time. Feferi is a kindhearted person that isn’t naive, but hopeful to an extent that she’s blind to the fact some problems can’t be fixed with a simple change in the definition of culling. She’s also a person that both narratively and functionally get sidelined by the men in her life. She’s a kickass Princess that’s going to rule alternia someday, but is instead of that focus she’s reduced to being the damsel in distress to be fought over by both eridan and sollux. A conflict in which she’s supposed to mediate even though she never wanted it in the first place. Her time to shine is taken up by boys fighting over a girl crush which is just a SHAME to see, even dying for a conflict she had no agency in. An empathetic and capable person with one of the most optimistic outlooks in homestuck unable to reach her full potential because of the “more important” men in her life. From a toxic friendship to becoming the damsel in distress with no agency, her capability as a character is erased in the face of loss of potential.
Tavros is a person that is naive but not of his own fault. he’s a teen that likes interests that are more stereotypically childlike and gets picked on for it, he’s disabled and lower class which means his life is worth less in the eyes of the society that rules over the lives of the trolls on alternia, he’s also someone that’s been abused and manipulated by a person in his life he was close to, who installed unhealthy views of himself and his purpose into tavros. He’s a person that’s been told his whole life that he was unimportant, worthless, and weak; wether that be by society or his peers. He’s also a character that does not get to be happy, most of the relationships he has are either unhealthy, tragically undeveloped, or one’s he’s slightly forced into due to circumstances he has no control of. He goes through loads of physical and mental trauma and is never allowed a break to heal or process. He’s has never gotten a chance to truly been valued by someone because his life is like a nonstop dhar man video where the kid gets picked on for unfair reasons except the bullies never get any sort of satisfying comeuppance.
He’s also optimistic but in a far different way than Feferi. She’s optimistic because she has the ability to make a change and knows it, she’s been raised semi-comfortably and, though definitely has responsibilities, has hope for a brighter future because she has to power to make that better future. Feferi is optimistic because she has the ability to chance the circumstances. Tavros is optimistic DESPITE the circumstances, he’s had it rough his whole life, but stays positive and trusting and kind regardless, still trying his best even though things NEVER end well for them. Feferi wants to change life for low bloods but Tavros has LIVED it, which is why… (finally getting to the point)
they compliment eachother perfectly, giving eachother the thing they didn’t have in their lives. Tavros grounds feferi, he has personal experience and can speak for the people she’s trying to protect, giving her a look into the lives of those she wants to help and letting her see them on a personal level; while Feferi shows tavros that he has value and can be loved the way he is. Her endless kindness and patience for the people in her life giving a him a chance to be cared for, plus proving that he has worth. I mean, if this badass high blood Princess cares about him and have faith in him, he must mean something! Tavros is also not demanding or controlling, he doesn’t feel entitled to feferi. he doesn’t see her as a damsel; he sees her as a capable, kind, and flawed person that is more like him than he could ever have imagined. For once feferi is the one kicking ass and tavros is the one to support and ground her. feferi recognize and helps tavros heal from the unhealthy relationships he’s been in because of her experience with eridan, and tavros humanizes (trollinizes?) lowerbloods and grounds her in reality to make sure her hopeful ideals for the future are still realistic and helpful for EVERYONE. I imagine Feferi felt immense guilt after tavros died, wondering if she could’ve saved him somehow, while tavros felt like he didn’t deserve being saved.
They’re also incredibly similar, animal lovers who see the best in everyone around them, people who would enthuse about eachothers intrests and wonder at the different worlds the other brought them into. They’d be super sweet and fluffy, wear matching outfits, giggle about animals and marvel at the others talents no matter if it was slaying monsters or being good at a niche card game. They would make eachother the best versions of themselves. They could make eachother happy in a world that has made it INCREDIBLY hard for that to happen. I also feel if this had happened in canon, we’d be able to see sides of these two we weren’t able to before (Aka feferi importance and tavros joy)
So yeah, I’m normal about these guys
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seasideoranges · 26 days
Your honest thoughts on Zutara for the ship asks?
well before I begin here's a really cool relaxing video I very much enjoy
i apologize in advance if my thoughts on the ship seem very much all over the place lol.
on one hand, i understand the appeal! i have some friends/moots that share beautiful zutara fanart/fics that i very much enjoy! it's a ship that i very much understand it's significance and impact it's had on not just this fandom, but throughout other online spaces and just shipping as a whole.
on the other hand, while i understand the appeal, it kind of shocks me how ride and die people are with the ship, specifically with how massive the ship war is, and the nasty behavior that comes with it.
it's important to note that when the show first began airing, i was only 3, and i was around 7 or 8 when the show ended. i didnt really get into it because of how young i was, besides watching snippets of s2 and 3 on nick and random amvs i stumbled upon as a kid haha.
i had my first real watch of the show about 2 years ago, and while i wasn't extremely knowledgeable on the fandom, i did hear about the infamous shipping wars in the fandom, like whispers in the wind, and how zutara should've been endgame. going in with this knowledge, let me tell you how shocked i was with the lack of canon material in the show regarding zutara. like, i had people tell me there was a legitimate love triangle happening! people still believe that!
dont take this the wrong way! im not saying you have to have a ship be canon, or for it to have a ton of canon material in order to ship it, i love rarepairs and crackships, shipping is suppose to be fun! i know zk gets hate because it isnt a canon ship and i think that's very, very silly. this is more so a response to the "zk shouldve been end game it was robbed from us etc etc", because i'm sorry, but i didn't see this at all while watching the show. it was very clear to me what was suppose to be endgame.
i do understand that it was a different culture back when the show was airing, in the sense that there was tons of marketing material teasing zutara, thus people were upset with the writers when it didn't happen, but it makes me wonder if this is truly the fault of the atla crew, or the fault of the marketing department, and nickelodeon seeing how popular shipping was and asking it's marketing department to hone in on this to draw in numbers. most of the time the people behind a show don't get a say in how the marketing works y'know? ANYWAYS! Back to the actual ship! I don't like when people water down katara and zukos characters for the ship. I don't like the treatment aang receives from more hardcore fans, painting him to be some awful, no good, horrible partner of katara and friend of zuko. zuko and katara are ride and die for aang, if there was an aang fanclub, they're the ones who started it and they're fighting every week over who gets to be president lmao. i really dont like when this treatment gets extended to sokka and toph, treating them like bumbling idiots that katara is stuck with until zuko comes in to save the day because he's 'oh so mature, much more mature then those other 3 fools, and the only one who gets katara' which just. isn't true.
I like when people don't water their characters down and really focus on how chaotic they'd be, or the fact that they're still just teenagers! I like when people don't throw away Aang, and even in a zk universe aang is still close friends with them and their number one supporter. i like when they don't throw away kataras relationship with sokka or toph, and they're still just as important in her life.
final thoughts
it's fine! im not crazy over it but i understand the appeal. shoutout to my zutara moots, love the stuff you create, don't ever stop! besides sharing some zk art, you probably wont see zutara art coming from me, im much more focused on pushing my 'platonic shit talking wine drinking zuko and katara besties' agenda bahaha.
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
no, thank YOUUUU <3333 and it's okay HEHE remember to take it easy!!! 🫶 i can tell u for sure i will be here ready to absorb and consume n love anything that u create <3333 ive already read ur new fic Too Many Times . it struck sooo many chords like . I WOULD REALLY DO ALL THAT 😭😭 n ya fr there's too many good ideas out there to explore n there's only so much you can do at One moment. i personally have this long standing problem of starting sooo many things that i cannot finish bc i'm a master procastinator... so the only way i function is with looming deadlines ☠️ wish i was getting paid to just sit down n think about aaron bc man... i'd be a millionaire by now 🗿
TEHEEHHEE OMGGG PLEASEEE PHONE SEX . another big weakness of mine . idk how many times ive said smth is my weakness BUT like there's just some tropes that NEVER GETS OLD ... also sometimes i focus so much on aaron n how he makes you feel that i don't think about how HE would be so affected by everything about you GOSSHHHHHH please . like you're captivated by him but he's literally also soooo smitten and down bad for you to that he has to fight his urges to just give into anything that u want 😭😭 but unfortunately he can't always magically teleport to wherever you are so he just talks you through it and gives you such clear instructions BRRRR IMAGINE IF HE USES HIS WORK VOICE BC HE WANTS YOU TO LISTEN TO HIM EXACTLY STEP BY STEP . like my god i can't believe how i can giggle n kick my feet whenever cm has a scene of aaron giving instructions n delegating work to the team... like it's just so hot . n when he shows off his intelligence WOWOWWEEWW major turn on . n wooooof.
AND??!?$$;&; him sending pictures of himself 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️ also i love the idea of aaron being away from u but being soo pent up that he takes the initiative to surprise you with a special video of him jerking off or using a toy <333 and u BET he knows to send it with sound so you can hear all the sounds he's making <333 bc what is nut videos without SOUND 😤😤😤
omg.. i luv daddy kinks BRRRR n sometimes it just especially HITS SO HARD . like omfg got me actively looking for those daddy asmr porn audios 😭😭😭😵‍💫😵‍💫 sometimes it takes awhile to find a good one but when i strike gold... Wow . GODDD i know aaron would say such filthy things that are downright insulting n degrading... BUT HE DOES IT IN THE SOFT AFFECTIONATE VOICE sparkled with some praises... AGRGRHRHHH .
omg REALLLL he's SOOO the type to make you say what you want directly in words. he isn't going to budge if you're just whining n hoping he'd take the hint bc he himself also loves to hear such filthy things come out of your mouth <3333 "you know daddy really loves to give you whatever you want... but not if you don't use your words. come on, does your pretty little mouth only function as daddy's cocksleeve?" HARGRHRHEHEJE i am Dead . n STOPPPP ENCOURAGING MEEEE ure gna make the can of worms EXPLODE ABOUT ALL THE FILTHY THOUGHTS ABT AARON'S CUM PLSSSS (not actually complaining ! i am Egged)
also omg... TEEHEE... i will tell u more abt my lovely male oc soon!!!! omfg im SO EXCITED . bc i literally have never talked about it to anyone even though i've thought abt it in such detail LMFAOOOO its just hard out there to find someone who shares the same brain ... damn 😭 i'm really glad i happened to stumble across ur page n decided to send an ask <333 bc i rly enjoy talking to u too!!!!! <3
you're so sweet bless <3 hehe i'm glad you liked my new fic!! and YEAH I GETCHA omg that used to be me, like i couldn't do stuff without deadlines, AND NOW I CAN'T EVEN DO THINGS WITH DEADLINES LMAO. sometimes i can, but if i set it myself then you best believe it ain't getting done. i procrastinate sooooo much it's painful. like i could sit here and write for most of the day because rn i currently do NOTHING ELSE in my life (rip, i'm working on it lol) but do i??? no!! i mean that's just a lot of effort innit lol, writing constantly sounds exhausting even tho it's all i wanna do
phone sex my beloved <3 and awwww yeahhh he'd be sooo so so in love with you and he'd wanna do anything and everything you ask :') but GOD YEAH him using his work voice?? all stern and professional and demanding?? goddd i need that so bad. and YESSS when he shows of his intelligence it's soooo hot, like that one scene where he does the maths and penelope goes "is this reid?" and he goes "what, you impressed?" YES I AM BABE I LOVE YOU SM
i loooooove the idea of his sending pics <333 that's why i love looking at nsfw stuff sm bc sometimes i strike GOLDDDDD and its like the most aaron pic ever and it makes me lose my mind. once i found one that was so him i fully forgot to breathe and was blushing like mad (this one i think!). it was... a lot LMFAO. but god god GOD him sending a video of him jerking off when on a case??? i need that soooo so so much. and yes FR there needs to be sound in nut videos. once was sent one from a guy WITHOUT SOUND like babe? dude? what are you doing? where's the fun in that? i mean it was hot don't get me wrong but i was like "buddy wheres the sound at 🤨" LMAOOO
YESS I KNEW YOU WOULD BE INTO DADDY KINKS LMFAOOOO. and omg real, they're sometimes so good and for what. or any video of someone with daddy vibes,, godddddd sometimes it just HITS FR. YESS HIS VOICE WOULD BE SO SWEET AND GENLTE AND LOVING BUT ALSO DOMINATING AND THE STUFF THAT COMES OUT OF HIS MOUTH IS SOOOO FILTHY N HOT
yessssssss he'd looove to hear you say what you need. "come on, little one, let daddy know what you want, hm? i need to hear you say how much you want my cock" and "you want me to ride you, sweetheart? want daddy to ride you until you can't cum anymore? hm? let me hear you say those words, baby, i need to hear you say it."
and yayyy i'm so excited to hear about your oc!! i can't WAIT it's gonna be soooo good i just kNOW IT. i'm also really glad you stumbled across my page too <33 thanks for sending me all these asks!!!!
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direwombat · 7 months
a possessive kiss that is meant to stake a claim . + Sybille and Jacob?
another installment of me chipping my way through the prompts in my askbox. have a late-game katc moment where the gang (guns for hire) find out that syb's a peggie now :)
It isn’t uncommon for Sybille to disappear for days on end. 
She’s a private person who values her alone time, and considering how much she’s done for the county since Joseph declared the Reaping, Grace is willing to grant her privacy. Without her, John would still be terrorizing the Holland Valley, and Faith — or, Rachel, as she’s going by nowadays — would still be infecting everyone’s minds with Bliss. Without Sybille, the Resistance wouldn’t have been able to organize in the way that they have. 
Without her, they’d still be fighting for survival, rather than making the organized efforts in dethroning Joseph Seed from his reign of terror. She stepped up when no one else would and became the leader the county needed. 
The poor woman has been to Hell and back more times than Grace cares to count. The woman works herself to the bone and barely sleeps. If she decides she needs some time to disconnect and get some rest, Grace isn’t going to stop her. 
Even machines break down if they’re not taken care of properly. 
But, after going a week without hearing from her, Grace starts getting antsy, and after another few days of radio silence, she decides to take matters into her own hands. 
She has a map of the Whitetails spread out over the table of one of the booths at the 8-Bit, desperately trying to get Nick, Hurk and Sharky to fucking pay attention. Last she heard, Sybille was in the Whitetails, which means that odds are she’s being held prisoner at the Veterans Center. And that means doing recon is essential. 
Jacob Seed is fucking smart. They can’t just go in guns blazing if they want to rescue her. 
“You know who’d be real good help here is Boomer,” Sharky says. “That guy could sniff out every Peggie in a ten mile radius! Locks onto Peggie B-O like a fuckin’ missile.” His grin falters and his heavy brow furrows as he frowns. “Where is he, anyways? I ain’t seen him around in a while.” 
“Might’ve gotten captured along with Syb,” Hurk says thoughtfully. “She said that John was gonna send ‘im up north before she freed ‘im, right?”
Nick groans in dismay. “Shit, Jacob better not be turnin’ him into one of the Judges. I don’t think I got the heart to kill old Boomie if he attacked me, y’know?”
“All the more reason for you all to focus,” Grace grits through her teeth. “Now, can we please —”
“Hey, y’all?” Adelaide calls from where she stands behind the bar, fixing herself her third cocktail of the hour. “I ain’t gonna say you’ll all want to see this, but, uh… I think y’all should.” 
“What is it, Mama?” Hurk asks. 
“I don’t — I can’t…” It’s the first time Grace has ever heard the woman at a loss for words. She’s usually so easy to joke -- the more serious the situation the more inappropriate the comment -- but when Grace locks eyes with her, all she sees is fear. “Just come look at the TV.” 
Grace’s stomach drops. 
Ever since the Cult took over, nothing good has been playing on TV anywhere in the county. Most days it's just broadcasts of Joseph’s sermons interspersed with other programs that are blatant Cult propaganda — cult song sing-alongs and storytimes led by the former-Faith, John’s alleged “self-help” programs, and, perhaps the only useful things that play between segments: Jacob’s five-minute survivalist tips. But every now and then, the Cult puts out something new. Something that looks more at home in a horror film than it does on public television. 
The broadcast of Deputy Pratt, ankle deep in water, tied to a chair, sobbing and pleading for his life will forever be burned into Grace’s memory. 
She and the boys slip out of the booth and all cautiously approach the television resting on the bartop. The video quality is poor — dark and fuzzy — but when she makes out the figure on the screen, she claps a hand over her mouth. 
“Shit,” she breathes. 
At the same time Nick cries out, “Jesus Christ!”
Standing, at attention, before the red-and-black version of the Peggie flag and dressed in the garb of the Chosen is the Deputy. She stares into the camera, her face calm and expressionless. No fear or anger; she remains stoic as the soldier she is. 
The camera zooms in for a moment and then back out, focusing on her face before the voice of Jacob Seed sounds from offscreen. “State your name for the record.”
“Sybille Marie La Roux,” she answers. 
Jacob steps forward, just enough so that only one of his broad shoulders is in frame. “Do you, Sybille Marie La Roux, solemnly swear to support and defend the Project at Eden’s Gate against all enemies, both foreign and domestic?”
The words ring bizarrely familiar in Grace’s mind, and it takes her a moment to recognize them as a bastardized version of the Army’s Oath of Commissioned Officers. Her breath hitches and dread roils in her gut. It twinges painfully when Sybille answers with a firm, “Yes, sir.” 
“Do you swear to bear true Faith and Allegiance in the Father and the Project?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Do you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Bullshit,” Nick hisses under his breath. Bullshit, she’s swearing this oath of her own free will. Surely, Jacob did something to coerce her into this. 
But what if he didn’t? What if she is joining the Cult of her own volition?
Grace’s jaw clenches so tight that her ears ache. 
“And do you swear to well and faithfully discharge the duties asked of you by the Father and your Commander?”
“Yes, sir.” 
Jacob steps further into frame, completely obscuring Sybille from view. There’s the distinctive sound of a knife being unsheathed and Grace catches the red flash of its handle as he appears to lift one of Sybille’s hands and presses the blade against the soft flesh of her forearm. “Then in the name of the Father, I appoint you Judge, Jury, and Executioner of Eden’s Gate.” He wipes the knife against his jeans and slips it back into its sheath, and lifts his hand to draw something on the woman’s forehead. “May you act as God’s Divine Wrath and enact His judgment against our adversaries.” 
“Yes, sir.”
He leans down to pick something up and then moves to circle behind her, revealing the red cross he drew on her forehead. It matches the blood that stains the faces of the wolves he’s tortured into submission. Leaning down, his lips brush the shell of her ear and he eyes the camera with a sadistic smirk. 
Even where she stands, miles away from the Whitetails, Grace barely suppresses a shudder. It may be a video recording, yet she still feels like he can see them through the screen. 
“Praise be to the Father,” he says, low and breathy, with the intimacy of a lover.
Sybille lifts her hand to her forehead in salute. “Praise be to the Father,” she repeats. 
What happens next stuns everyone into utter silence. 
As Sybille’s hand falls back down to rest by her side, Jacob is wrapping a hand around to cradle her jaw and tilt her head up and towards him. It’s so quiet that Grace nearly misses it, but he mutters a quiet, “Good girl,” before leaning down to capture Sybille’s lips in a devouring, open-mouthed kiss. Her eyes flutter shut and she leans back against him, allowing his tongue to plunge hungrily into her mouth. Small, whimpering moans are pulled from her every time their lips move. As she tilts her head back to give Jacob easier access, the red scarf wrapped around her neck slips, revealing a band of leather wrapped around her throat. 
A sharp gasp flies from Adelaide’s lips and she covers her mouth and nose with both hands, muffling the quiet “Oh no…” as her eyes go wide. Nick’s face goes red. Whether it’s in anger or second-hand embarrassment, Grace isn’t sure, and both Hurk and Sharky’s mouths hang agape, absolutely dumbfounded. 
The Chosen uniform, the collar, the kiss — Jacob might as well be fucking her on camera. Not only has Sybille pledged her allegiance to the Cult, but she’s allowed herself to be claimed by one of the most ruthless men Grace has had the displeasure of meeting. 
When they part, Sybille’s lips are swollen and her eyes are glassy. Jacob’s arm wraps around her waist, pulling her back and holding her against him. Her head leans back and she melts into him,, seeming to forget that the camera is still there. 
But Jacob doesn’t. Piercing blue eyes focus back on the lens to address those watching. “Let it be known to all who stand in opposition to the Project: the Sword of Justice will be swift and merciless.” Everyone lets out a horrified gasp when he lifts Eli’s head — severed from his body — into frame by the hair. “Your sins will be weighed and judged. Those deemed worthy, those deemed willing to repent, will be spared. Those who aren’t…” he trails off, lips quirking smugly upwards as he glances at the decapitated head in his hand, “...will be set free.” His gaze snaps back to the camera. “This is the will of the Father.”
The video cuts out, replaced by static before it begins to loop. 
Adelaide turns the TV off, and all those gathered stare at the blank screen in horrified silence. 
Sharky is the one brave enough  to shatter it. “W…we’re gonna help her, right?” he asks, looking to the rest of the group with round, pleading eyes. 
“She’s gotta be brainwashed,” Nick says shakily. The flush of his face has given way to a sickly green. “The conditioning…there’s gotta be a way to deprogram her,” he says before tacking on an uncertain, “Isn’t there?” 
Adelaide’s brows knit together, and she looks to the boys apologetically. “Sugar, I ain’t so sure there’s anythin’ we can do.” 
“Why not?” Sharky asks. His voice is small, almost childlike. 
Grace’s stomach churns. “Because she’s exactly where she wants to be,” she says grimly. 
“What — how…?” Nick stammers. 
Adelaide taps at her throat. “The collar, honey,” she explains. “Y’all’ve met her. You think she’d be wearin’ that if she didn’t want to? You think she’d let him do that to her on camera if she weren’t at least a little into it?”
A wave of disgust washes through Grace. To think that the woman who helped her defend her Pops’ grave and saved Falls End — the woman she looked up to as a leader and commander — is now Jacob Seed’s pet. 
“I’ll be damned,” Adelaide sighs. “The military kink I kinda expected, but I ain’t ever woulda pegged her as a sub.” She knocks back the martini she’d been holding in her hand and grimaces again. “Guess we know why we ain’t heard from her or Eli in a while.” 
“Fuck,” Nick hisses. “Shit.” He drags his hand over his face and rubs at his beard. “How — how the hell did we miss this?” 
Grace sighs wearily and leans over the bar, pulling up the first drink her hand touches. Unscrewing the cap, she doesn’t bother with a glass and drinks whiskey straight from the bottle. 
At first she thought the delegation of missions was just Sybille being a good leader. It’s impossible for her to do everything, and, at the time, it made sense to have teams attacking outposts and doing what they could while Sybille was elsewhere in the county. But then she thinks about how much time Sybille had spent in the Whitetails — how whenever she disappeared for days at a time, it was always when she was up north. How she was always so irritable, almost volatile, whenever Grace had asked about how her “solo-missions” went whenever she returned. 
It’s easier to spot the red flags in retrospect. Hindsight is a bitch like that.
Sybille always played things close to her chest, hiding problems until they couldn’t be hidden anymore. Ever since the night she dug herself out of her own grave and struck Joey during Burke and Virgil’s funeral, Grace has known that something was wrong with Sybille. But she always assumed that they were close enough — that she was trusted enough — that she would confide in her if something was weighing on her shoulders. 
And maybe that’s Grace’s fault. Maybe she should have pressed harder or checked in more often. 
Not that it matters anymore. They all missed the writing on the wall, and while Eli was the first to bear the consequences, he certainly won’t be the last. 
The county’s greatest hope has turned into its biggest nightmare, and now they need to figure out how to fight it. 
Abruptly, the door to the 8-Bit swings open with enough force that it bashes against the wall. They all whip around, pulling their sidearms from their holsters.
Stumbling through the door is a man dressed in Peggie garb. His hair and beard blend into one dark, tangled mass around his face, and his bright green eyes are bloodshot and wild. Wheaty leans against him, his arm wrapped around the Peggie’s shoulders, while his other hand is pressed against his abdomen. Blood oozes between his fingers and he’s barely clinging to consciousness. 
“My name is Augustine La Roux,” the Peggie says, looking to all of them with fearful desperation. “I need your help.”
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helll there! im new to your blog so I don't really know if you take self aware rqs, but can I rq a mc who likes to skips the story line? w/ malleus, vil & idia? I don't really care much abt the lore and only care abt completing the chapters. if you don't do self aware feel free to delete this!
Edit: Heyyyyy and Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy being here. Have seat and made yourself comfortable.
Idia Shroud
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Idia would understand really well.
He does the same himself in between.
But still it hurts him a little.
Don't you like his character?
Or why would you like his character?
This is not good for self-esteem.
He really would like to talk to you really.
Now he can just look at your face.
However, this helps him focus on the right things.
There is no point in putting clues in texts when you are not reading them.
Instead, he tries to improve the chances that you will get his card.
If you used him in a fight Idia would be happy.
And if you put him on the home screen, Idia could die of happiness.
There are also good points here.
Because you don’t follow the story you don’t know about his “questionable” experiments
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus would have been really hurt at first.
You are his friend.
Friends listen to what the other has to say and not just skip the story.
No he’s not upset because he’s a video game character.
He’s shocked at how “indifferent” a friend you are.
Malleus will definitely talk about this with you.
But it’s one-sided because you don’t read his text.
It kind of becomes a game for him.
Malleus changes his text to say random things and wants to see if you react.
And once he succeeded.
He loved to see your look.
You wanted to rest your fingers and you noticed that the text says Malleus is talking about the mating methods of dragons in a VCD event.
The biggest wtf moment of your life.
You did not have time to take a screenshot.
However, you have time to read it.
and you will never forget it.
Secretly Malleus is happy.
Because of this, you also don’t pay attention to other characters.
At least you don't read what they have to say.
Btw if you ever put Malleus on your home screen he will stay there until his death.
No force in the world will cause Malleus to give up his place.
Vil Schoenheit
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Vil is going lose his mind.
He just found out he was a video game character.
And it’s not even a game where he could be romantic towards you.
Vil believed you would start dating if he did enough work.
And now you don't even bother to give him attention!
A losing mind is not a nice thing.
Vil tries to impress in other ways.
I hope you enjoy his experiments.
He’s mostly just wondering why play the game if you don’t focus on the story.
Usually watching you through the glass.
Vil would like to meet you and talk to you properly.
He would also like to hat your hoes.
He is disturbed by how messy they usually are.
Often = once a week
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thekingofwinterblog · 6 months
Thoughts on those "the downfall of One Piece" videos by that Drizzt guy? He seems to really like Brandon Sanderson, and with you quiting the same author, I thought it may be interesting to contrast views that seem to be so different in regards to the quality of post time skip One Piece
I watched drizzt's take once yeah... Im not doing it again, so i'll try to give my thoughts on his from parts i distinctly remember.
Well to start off with, my opinion on One Piece isn't entierly positive. I too regard it as a series well past it's prime and highpoint... I just dont regard what came after that highpoint as bad(with exception of one arc). It's a series that is good, but is dragged down by the fact that no matter hoe much it tries, it can never recapture the glorious highpoint that was water 7/enies lobby.
By contrast Drizzt regards One Piece post timeskip more in the vein of Naruto. A series with a very clear, and obvious point where it fell off a cliff, broke it's back, and had to crawl across rocky, muddy, marshy terrain towards the finishline.
So lets start with the shit i kinda agree with him. The Strawhat's dreams are for the most part the most underutilized part of one piece by a wide margin.
Ironicqlly, the two dreams i completely disagree woth being used badly are the ones he bitched the most about, namely Luffy and Zoro. Luffy and Zoro's dreams are different than the rest, in that they don't actually have to achieve anything in between. Beat mihawk, and find One Piece. That's it.
The fact that they just travel on their journey, getting stronger along the way is not really a problem.
He compares luffy negatively to luffy, but the reality is that both of them came into the political climate under very different circumstances.
Roger had to actually do it, he was the trailblazer, the one who proved that it could be done... Evsryone else that followed him, luffy included, all had to repeat his feats to reacht he top. It was from the scramble for that goal that the Yonko system came to be, with 4 pirate superpowers who simply did it better than all the rest... but none of them had the power to sweep the rest away.
And its into this system that luffy came in, and in the end toppled, setting the stage for the endgame.
Otger than luffy and zoro though, none of the crews dreams are used in a particularily good way.
Nami wants to map all the world... We never really see any focus on her map making, and later learn there are over 10 million islands on this planet... Good luck with that.
Sanji wants to find the All Blue... I genuinely dont think it's even been mentioned in any real capacity since all blue.
Usopp wants to be a brave warrior of the sea and meet his dad again... Wrll while the latter seems likely to happen very soon, if usopp hasnt done it by now, he will probably remain a man ruled by fear for the rest of his life.
Chopper wants to create cures to any disease in the world... Sorta used in an interesting way by contrasting him with caesar and Queen... But notice he didnt actually go on to fight and defeat either of them.
Robins dream is at least in the same way as Luffy's and zoro's in that there is a logical endpoint, but unlike theirs we really could have gotten way more insights into the past before through poneglyphs discovered in the story, rather than all the lore being dropped all at once. Oda really was way too focused on the ancienct weapons to realise that the poneglyphs could have been used to give us haunting snippets of character momenys, and pictures of lore from a dying age, that brought about the world government, that would all have fit together at the end.
To illustrate this point, we dont actually know the tone or the content of Joy's apology to the Mermaid princess.
Was it a harrowing apology for his own weakness? A nochelant eh, sorry things didnt work out? A We sure gave it our all huh... And yet it didnt change anything.
The fact is, we dont know. And that illustrates what a missed opportunity the poneglyphs actually were. There was so much room to use them beyond info on the ancienct weapons.
Franky's dream is also a missed opportunity, because we are never really given focus or attention on him fixing the ship or upgrading it.
Brooks is bizarre, because he could have achieved his dream at any point during the timeskip, and just... didnt.
And finally i dont remember what Jinbe's dream actually is... Which is a bad sign in its own way.
As for his other conplaints... I don't actually recall them much. It's been a while.
My own thoughts on one Piece post timeskip is that the problems boil down to a number of key issues.
1. Way too many new characters in each arc.
2. The age old One piece problem of Oda almost never killing characters no matter what means almost nobody gets to exit this story on a highnote, and when Characters do die, it usually feels more like an afterthought, rather than a defining moment(Pretty much everyone of luffy's allies who died in wano feels like this). Combine with point 1, and you get stupidly large casts that almost never get trimmed down, meaning every single arc is full of characters who almost always devolve into greek choruses in some form by the end.
3. One piece has completely changed it's fight structures, so fights where we get to see the action from beginning to end are much rarer, rather than the norm. There is a reason most of the strawhats post timeskip only has 1 or 2 good fights each under their belt(if that), when before every single one of them(except brook) had plenty of vool fights and moments. The new structure where we usually only get to see snippets of fights rather than the entire thing mrans oda can put in way more stuff alongside them, but it also means the fights themselves are usually lackluster.
4. several characters have become worse in one or several ways, and the narrative doesnt really avknowledge this. The biggest, by far, is Sanji, who not only is a worse character in every regard, but every single genuine development he got is undermined and undone. He gets a girl who genuinely loves him in the form of pudding. He hits a woman because of the german upgrqdes and decides to abandon them completely, only for his powers to sorta still be there maybe, but in the end he didnt actually hit the girl, it was an invisible queen. I cpuld go on, but oda had some many chances to shake up Sanji's character after the timeakip, and he backtracked on all of them.
5. Haki got fucking insane in wano. Oda made a gigantic mistake early in wano's arc, where Kaido took out Luffy in one blow. It was a cool moment, but it also meant that haki's ability to let fighters stay on their feet and recover from total beatdowns in record time had to baloon to insane degrees. And lo and behold, that is exactly what happened. Which sucks even more, because the qctual explanation about how luffy had to improve to reqch thw kind of offensive that roger, whitebeard, big mom kaido and shanks have and had was actually pretty cool and set up way before this. But unfortunately that's also introduced in the arc where luffy gets up again and again after kaido beat him unconcious, with no other explanation than Haki baby! It sucks any tension out of any fight when you know haki can allow people to just get back on their feet no matter how gravely theyre wounded.
6. Gear five having no actual foreshadowing/being a zoan.
Oda wrote himself into a corner with the biggest reveal one piece ever had... And there was only 2 ways to handle it to make it truly work.
Either go all in on foreshadowing this shit, and have characters point out that luffy losing his rubber body against sea stone when he doesnt when underwater is kinda wierd(which makes sense for a zoan, but not a always transformed parmecia), and judt highlight that there is a mystery here... So that when the reveal comes it all falls into place.
Or, and this is the solution i would have gone with, have luffy awaken and have all the powers of Nika luffy, just withouth a transformation. Id have accepted the cartoon logic becoming part of the world around him as the awakened powers of a rubber devil fruit no problem... It was adding in, oh he's actually a myyhical zoan devil fruit intrical to the world's history where oda lost me.
There are other flaws too, but these are the main repeating ones, you'll find all over the story after impel down.
Overall though, O would say One piece is a good story that suceeds in spite of its flaws... But those flaws very much means that it isnt a perfect story, and after the timeskip, it has never come close to reaching the high watermark again, and thats very the big problem. When you have reached the top, there is nowhere to go but down.
Arguably one piece biggest achievement post timeskip is arguably the fact that in spite of this, it has only had one bad arc, with the rest being good, to great if never outstanding.
The only bad arc of course being dressrosa. I could make an entire retrospective about all the ways that one dropped the ball.
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nietr · 1 month
so i started the deus ex franchise and started with the very first deus ex game as i've heard so much about the lore and gameplay in general
some say its the absolute best pc game of all time, rivalling even FNV despite its many flaws. What it aims for it absolutley nails, its just the game engine choice for such intensely simulation focused gameplay but at the same time its what keeps the game fresh 24 years later....
and i mean, sure the game takes place 2050 something, cant remember the exact date, and the UN has nowhere near the power it does in the Deus Ex universe but I could see how it COULD get together to drive some kind of global coup...
anyway what im getting at, long story short is that the game gets the beggining of the half century right, its just the figures are different groups then say, the UN. It's interesting seeing a game from 25 years ago focus so strongly on globalization, the driving forces and the outcome of a bunch of different groups with different ideas of utopian civs fighting, with in-group fighting on top of the fighting and just everything is pretty remarkably on point. its like those videos on how metal gear solid predicted the future in general, just a little better.
but anyway, the game is so good... im absolutely gripped and fully immersed in this world and this is a game from 25 fucking years ago.
rn im playing the revision mod tho, i just randomly chose one that looked good and didnt realize some of the problems with revision until it was too late but since this is my first exposure i have a different perspective and i think its an absolutely amazing reimaging.
its ironic, the first game i ever played on my first gaming PC that i had never played before when i built my first 1000+$ gaming PC around 2010 was fucking Black Mesa of all games cause i had never played Half Life and all i kept hearing was how it was the best game ever
now here i am, I done sold every part of my gaming PC for things i needed because im poor af now but i was gifted this barebones AIO desktop that can run games that arent too demanding on its onboard intel processor doing the same thing with Deus Ex since it seems in the PC Gaming community the absolute best PC games of all time go Half Life, FNV, Deus Ex and they're all contenders for no 1. all games i fucking love so much...
anyway im having such a hard time not spoiling the game on myself and its so hard because im becoming so immersed and want to know more and more and its like this time capsule of early 2000s conspiracy theory culture like things about the NSA people would say but sound crazy, ENDED UP BECOMING TRUE.
i mean, they fucking drop intel about the damn PRISM program, which im sure is defunct and re-bolstered under a different OP name.
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benevolentbox · 1 month
cw: depressing rambling stuffs !!
aarrghh insecurities are so annoying and such a waste of youth im watching a video back that a friend recorded of me and another friend fake fighting in the park as he tries to put me in a bin lmao and ALL my brain can think of is how ugly i look and how embarassing it is and like yeah even if i AM ugly and it WAS embarassing why cant i move past it and focus on the good parts like even when trying so hard to focus on the good parts theres that twinge of negativity like UGHH FRICK OFF can a girl do anyrhing without the looming sense of self dislike !! anyways get me that "venn diagram" of everything in life thats embarassing and everything in life that makes life worth living (its a circle) i need to exercise self love STAT ‼ tho tbh i think that one post thats like unlearning habits and biases and prejudices is simply just a daily ever consistent effort you have to put in and years later you realise youre just not That Way anymore and i think its true with all my heart. Loving myself and loving others just keeps getting easier the more i do it i just keep finding so much to love.
i think to conclude im not afraid of tainting memories because i know that the fun and the love was there in the moment - where it matters and belongs most. we can scratch and fight and beg but we can never go back, i fear.
anyways !! benevolent box OUT ‼ o7
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detectivenyx · 1 year
2022 kind of mostly felt like an extension of 2021, which felt like an extension of 2020. y’know, conga line of This Pandemic Fucking Sucks, fighting against our mental health for our fucking life, feeling like the system is stringing us along for all we’re worth.
with that said? 2022 did not feel as bad as 2021.
for one, rather than multiple people stabbing me in the back, only one did this year! improvement! (somehow, nyx’s tone indicates both sarcasm and genuine belief). additionally, he stabbed us in the back so hard that literally nobody decent wants anything to do with him, and even some people that are absolutely terrible thought he was terrible. (granted, a couple of those people were hypocrites, but that’s neither here nor there, and since i know you’re still stalking me after an entire year because you lack any real hobbies, you’re both rape apologists and i hope you get smallpox).
for two, it was the year of me finally putting my foot down and deciding youtube would get the videos i wanted to produce when i wanted to produce them, instead of a long line of half-assed small meme videos. i still make the small meme videos, but when i want to make them, not when the One Week Since An Upload Deadline is looming over my head. i think im still in recovery mode, but given i have multiple larger scripts and The Hunted on the horizon - and making progress! - i think im on my way to being recovered and able to kind of return in a sense. when i do return, i’d like to do a bit of an overhaul to my channel - new avatar, new logo, new avatar, and possibly a new name? name changes are always going to be the hardest to push, since your name is your most recognizable branding. although, i have the feeling that the absolute ridiculousity we produce will be able to tip people off to it.
and for three, there’s the absolute conga line of conservative, right-wing assholes finally being told ‘no’ and facing some actual consequences - some dying, some being told to pay out millions in fines and debt. さようなら or whatever to shinzo ‘NO WAGE! ONLY BREED!’ abe, pip-pip cheerio to Her Grotesquecy elizabeth alexandria mary, and praying upon apollo to bestow me with the gifturse of prophecy for the other rich english bitch and may she get crushed by a bookcase to start 2023 or end 2022. may betty white’s passing to break our curse be a tale of incredible sacrifice and may she rest in peace.
there’s a long way to go and there’s a lot to do, but this year has been downright hopeful.
last year’s ‘year in review’ mentioned i would be no longer setting explicit resolutions for the new year for myself, and instead trying to ‘theme’ my years. This year was the Year of Creativity - and uh, i don’t know how much I succeeded in that regard. i certainly did some creative things, but because i spent a lot of the year in recovery mode and going through mental health assessment appointments, i couldn’t achieve the goal as much as i wanted to. but i did create some things, and so long as i did that, the year wasn’t a bust, despite removing a creative outlet (but it was tiktok, which was 1% creative to 99% timesink).
i did make a few things - a long-ish running au with a friend, that i may wind up making a (hidden) blog for in 2023 to kind of Goncharov it with, pretend it’s a long-running TV series with all my unhinged rambly thoughts on it. i also managed to finish some work on The Hunted, and it’s the year i decided to take up a pledge in regards to clothing (towards the end, but still): i would make my clothes. if i cannot make it, and i cannot afford to buy it from an independent seller or small business, i will not have it. i would rather focus on cultivating my own style than focusing on what is currently ‘trending’. currently, though, my style does seem to be aimed squarely 70-80 years in the past, towards the post-war 40s and 50s. and at edwardian and EGL fashion. just something that looks clean and crisp and well-made and flattering, rather than something trendy off shein that will fall apart in a few wears and may or may not have actual lead dyes in it.
that all constitutes making things - i think i only really considered the theme of the year towards the end of it, however. i said i’d try to get the prologue for The Hunted out by 2022, but that was before executive dysfunction, an entire hairdressing course, and several months of my dad getting even more bold with his abuse of me driving me into further dysfunction, kicking my ass - regardless, i’m still very sorry i didn’t hold true to that. i might be able to get it done by the end of 2023, but that’s still a massive Might.
additionally, towards the end of 2022, i began re-examining my place in the world - towards a community i’d tried time and time again to call home in the past two years, but couldn’t and constantly felt like an outsider. i made far too many concessions in what i should’ve let slide, just because i wanted to belong somewhere that wasn’t my computer desk. it was the kind of community that had been built up over years of gossip and backstabbing and kept alive via activism that was completely and utterly performative. in the end, i felt more isolated and outsider than ever. i often got referred to as my best friend’s “+1″ in the community and what was once a funny joke felt just. harrowing and unshakeable. and yet despite me being able to lay it out pretty easily now, i couldn’t figure out what the problem was for the longest time.
then i played monster prom 3 with a. an old uni friend, and b. my friends i’ve known for 8 years now. that blew the suitcase wide open.
when playing with them, i felt like i was actually included - part of a group. i felt listened to. i felt human again - a feeling that, since the pandemic began, between the parental abuse, the abuse by youtube, and now the exclusion of a community, had been so fleeting that i’d almost forgotten how it felt. and that, alongside a new social worker into gaming, actually helped me look back on the past and identify that i seem to thrive way more in gaming communities. the cosplay community in my local area is almost entirely anime-centric, which i have 0 interest in, and any attempt i’ve made to introduce my interests kind of just got ignored. i’m looking to, in 2023, join up with some local tabletop gaming communities, and just get more immersed into gaming - hoping to make more friends in that area. it’ll likely wind up being cheaper too, so i can focus on sewing as well - i still love cosplay, but i think it’s time to retire as a public cosplayer who posts about it and return to the roots of ‘i just like dressing up :D’.
i think that clears up 2022 in review, so the next post is 2023′s yearly theme.
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