calam4r1 · 4 months
t4t radiostatic. No one is safe from my projections.
(CW: gender dysphoria, internalised transphobia)
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rnmidnm · 2 months
I really enjoy the concept of soft merthur.
After another really exhausting day and constant disapproving glances from his father Arthur is just so tired physically and emotionally. So he walks down the halls and everyone on his way is bowing to him and just generally treating him like royalty (as they should) and Arthur knows it's how it should be, but he's just so sick of it. And then he walks into his chambers and there is this idiot of a manservant who has never once cared for his rank. Maybe Merlin turns to him and jokes, trying to make Arthur smile. And Arthur's just breaks. He says 'Merlin' softly, maybe walks to him. So Merlin immediately senses that something is wrong, but he just hugs him. Cradles his head, rocks him gently, says 'shhh, its okay Arthus'.
And Arthur feels so much better.
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lucidpillows · 2 months
firstprince au prompt
Alex Claremont-Diaz is the Olympic champion for beach volleyball and Prince Henry has been asked to present the medals for this year's ceremony.
As he goes to place the medal over Alex's head, Henry snags his watch on Alex's curls—he immediately gets flustered and stutters out an apology.
Alex, on the other hand, lets out a slow grin and hits Henry with a, "you can tug harder, sweetheart, I can take it."
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dystopia-incognito · 7 months
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Forgive me Tumblr, for I have sinned.
And oh, btw, I might've written a fanfic as well. 👉👈
(please, for the love of everything, let the tags be a warning, okay?)
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tazma-art · 10 months
Bat blob inspired au
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More info under the cut
So, I remembered a post I saw a long time ago, I think it was from @broosepayne but I'm not sure, it was about Bruce being more of an Eldritch spirit of vengeance of Gotham(or something), instead of a guy in a suit, and he adopts a newly orphaned Dick by looking at the child and going "mine"
So, this AU was inspired by that.
Bruce is still kinda a human but switches between shadow horror and traumatized man. It's sorta something he developed through the years that he used to be a vigilante.
AND his condition can get passed down ( because Gotham loves making the Bat's children into its too ) So when he takes little Dick under his wings the kid starts growing red, green and yellow "feathers" with black around his eyes, and a beak later! ( Little Robin looks like an Indian robin a lil bit )
Robin is born! :D
The colorful "feathers" get replaced by black and blue overtime and dick develops into his own shadow creature. All be it smaller, less menacing, and much more bird like than Batman.
Jason's Eldritch form looks more like a puppy, but because Jason associated being robin with red yellow and green his "fur" grows with the same colors.
I won't go into too much detail rn, cuz I want that to be another post, (and I'm not completely convinced on Jason's design) but I will say that putting a resuscitated, young, and traumatized spirit of Gotham in the Lazarus Pit makes for a horrible situation for everyone involved.
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carrionforthecrows · 1 year
You didn't know? Part 2
Soulmate AU | at age 18 you stop aging until you find your soulmate {with some twists}
Part 1 | Next Part
He was 15 when his soulmate died.
It wasn't for that long the only reason he noticed is because of who he is. He's been obsessed with soulmates for quite awhile, a lot of his books did cover the magic of soulmates. Besides he is The Boy Wonder, the one who believes Robin is magic.
Of course he'd pay attention to the importance of a soulmate. To every little possible thing about the bond between two souls. Because having a soulmate is the only thing that he had when he was just Jason Todd the kid from Crime Alley.
Jason wanted to protect his soulmate, being Robin helps him towards his goal. But right now that goal is on hold...
Right now he wanted his dad.
Where is his dad? Where is B?
Jason was hurting, he was injured very bad.
Jason died at 15 with a cry for his dad and a apology to his soulmate on his lips.
Authors Note: I am doing more parts, I am trying to reclaim/relearn writing after the American Education System ruined it for me. Is it perfect no, but also once I am done I will read any peoples additions to this. But until then I cannot or I will not be able to finish this.
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sleepy-hyperfixations · 10 months
“That’s my boy,” Tom murmurs softly, gently running his fingers through Pete’s hair while Pete gasps for a full breath from where his cheek is pressed against Tom's chest.
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Sad wet cat
In which Soap takes care of his bf
Ghost hasn't slept in days. They're stuck on base, waiting for the signal to just go on a fucking important mission. They have at least one more week of waiting, and Ghost is actually going feral. He can't sleep, lest he thinks about the ongoing mission and everything that can go wrong, or worst, past missions gone wrong.
And everyone knows it, because he can't stand still. He barely eats his food, yells at anyone dumb enough to talk to him, and he keeps training. Exhausting himself on the bench, then on the treadmill, and when his muscles are trembling he goes to the shooting range and shoots until it's nighttime.
Obviously, Soap is one of the people that first noticed. He tries to spend time with Ghost, ease his mind, but nothing works. Alcohol just makes it worst. He's too worked up to get a boner to have sex. Sleeping is out of the question. He can't focus on a movie. So he just goes about his day and checks up on him once in a while, making sure he eats every day.
One day Soap doesn't see him for breakfast, not unusual, but still concerning. Maybe he finally went to sleep and just didn't wake up? But his room is empty. His office too, and Soap can actually see how much of a mess it is.
So he goes to the gym and sees him running. He decides to let him be. Except he doesn't see him at lunch either, and when he goes to the gym, he sees him on the same machine running like his life depends on it. That can't be good, but maybe he took a break while Johnny was out?
It's only when he comes back in the evening and Ghost is still there, running, that Soap decide enough is enough.
''Ghost'' Soap walks up to him, no answer. Ghost barely acknowledge his presence.
''Ghost!'' Once again, he's ignored.
''Simon!'' the man finally flinches and when he sees Johnny finally stops the machine.
''Don't call me that.'' his voice his rough, out of breathe. But he's still breathing quietly, which is eerie.
''It's your name.'' at that, Ghost shakes his head.
''Simon has been dead for years.'' Johnny can't help but roll his eyes. That bit again... He understands that Ghost is disassociating, but he sounds straight out of a movie.
''You look quite alive to me.'' he says, deadpan and folding his arms. Unsurprisingly, Ghost snaps at him.
''Don't play dumb with me!'' he steps off the machine and Soap steps back, ready for a tackle. But Ghost's legs tremble under his weight. He seems genuinely surprised by that.
''Oh, you're a little weak in the knees? '' Johnny says with a fake baby voice. This only flames Ghost's anger. He tries to grab Soap but he steps out of his range easily.
''You're a bit sloppy too. '' It's almost pitiful to see Ghost, usually so feared, try to attack Soap while he's just standing there. Good thing it's late enough that no one is here. It goes on for a bit until Ghost is angered enough to actually attack him.
''There it is! Time for me to act like I'm actually scared!'' it earns him a disgruntled yell as he starts running, more like jogging to the exit.
They run through the base in a simili game of tag. In which Ghost is out to kill and Johnny is leading him to his own room, where he has the privilege of a personal shower.
''I know what you're doing Johnny and it's not gonna work'' Soap is opening the door to the small bathroom and while he's smiling, he's actually starting to get scared. They're in a small space and he can't really escape anymore.
Out of breathe, but still angry, Ghost corners him on the counter. He grabs his jaw without any kindness and lifts him up, or rather tries to. His arms a weak.
''You are out of line. I could get you discharged for this.'' Johnny is grabbing his arms and feels just how drenched they are from sweating so much.
''You love me too much for this'' he says, cheekily, then pushes Ghost into the shower. It was surprisingly easy. Before Ghost can get up he grabs the shower head and quickly sprays ice cold water on his lieutenant.
It earns him a scream, Ghost putting his arms up to try and shield himself. But Johnny easily shoves them out of the way and spays his head.
Finally, he hears a loud gasp.
''That's it, breathe through it.'' he says gently, still getting his CO nicely covered in cold water. He can finally hear his breathe, taking in all the oxygen he's been depriving himself of. Johnny turns off the shower and for a minute they sit in silence. Ghost doesn't seem to be calming down.
Soap decides then to take off Ghost's shirt, who weakly tries to fight it off. He's trying to tell him something between gasped breathes, but Johnny can't figure it out. When he's in his underwears, mask off, Johnny sprays him in water again. He could feel how hot his skin still was. So he makes sure to spray water in every crease, and pays special attention to his head. He himself is all wet, but he doesn't care.
After a minute he turns it off again, and Simon is finally back to reality. His breathing is back to normal and he seems to finally register his exhaustion.
''I'm sorry...'' Johnny feels a bit guilty when Simon apologizes to him, sitting on the floor of his miniscule shower, drenched to the bone.
''It's okay, you're here now. Let's get you dry. '' he helps him up and dries him with an old towel. He has to help him walk to his bed. He took off his clothes to sleep with him, but Simon stopped him.
''What is it, m'eudail?'' he holds his cheek and Simon leans against it.
''I don't want skin... Please... I don't want to feel my body. '' Oh poor kitten. Or that's what he would've said if he didn't have a death wish. Instead he just agreed and took out clothes for Simon and himself. He got into bed and only once they were all settled Simon tried to fight it.
''I don't want to sleep'' he said weakly, but Johnny held him firmly in his arms. He talks to him in a low voice, a hand in his hair, and against his wishes Simon fell asleep in a matter of seconds.
When he woke up, Johnny was still with him and he felt like absolute shit. His whole body hurt and he was pretty sure he couldn't move. But his mind was calmer than before, and for this day he let his Johnny pamper him. They went walking, watched a movie and spent time with their team.
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double--hh · 2 months
I Think it's Gonna Rain When I Die
An unofficial addition to the Serial Killer! Francis AU!!
AU belongs to our beloved SK Francis Anon 🔪
TW: Referenced/Implied PTSD attacks, implied/referenced abuse, SK! Francis is an entire tw on his own, possessive behavior, execution via electrocution, Francis loves Nacha and tolerates Ana 👍
The police officer escorted her to the stand alone table, there sat her father… no, he lost the right to that title.
There sat Francis.
Clean shaven, sullen eyes, and ruffled and slightly matted hair. There were two guards against the back wall waiting for anything to happen. Anastacha bit the sides of her tongue as she made eye-contact with him, her expression unchanging as Francis recognized her.
He laughed a breath out and took a pained one back in, “Anastacha! My baby girl, oh look at you! You have your mother’s nose, her hair too, even-”
“Hello Francis.”
Francis pouts and cocks his head, “Mmm, that's no way to greet your father, young lady.”
She held back a snide remark and she sat down, placing her hands on the table folded, she felt her eyes twitch, “How's prison treating you? You look like shit.”
Francis threw an exaggerated hand to his chest, “Oh how hurtful, Annie-” He gets really close to the window separating them, “It's been… stifling, sweetie… 15 fucking years without my wife and child…” His eyes drone around behind her, “Where is Nacha, sweetie? Unless if you two are doin’ a one on o-”
“She didn't come. Nobody came. It's just me.”
She blinked slowly, no signs of emotion from her.
Francis furrowed his eyebrows, humming, “Hmm, surely she’s just sleeping out in the car, Annie, oh I just know your mother misses me like I miss her!” He giggles, tapping his fingers on the table, the chains making a scraping noise on the wood.
Anastacha snorts and cracks a smile, she pulls a box of cigarettes out and lights one up, “What’s so funny sweetie- ugh, y’know how bad those things are for a little girl like you, Anastacha.”
She takes a drag from it, “Y’think mom misses you, Francis? Yeah, whatever, buddy… I do understand where you're comin’ from, feeling like you're the only one who can protect your mother from your own father.”
She bites the end of her cigarette, feeling her heart strain, “You know how many sleepless nights I've gotten after you got arrested? Having to hear mom cry herself to sleep and have mental breakdowns all because of you, Francis, huh? Do you know how many times I've had to convince my own mother that it’s safe to be alone in a room with another man, hell, another person that isn't me?! Oh my god.”
She buries her face in her hands, scrunching her bangs, rubbing her eyes with her palms and mutters out, “You fucking ruined our lives.” Slamming her hands down on the table, Anastacha looks at him dead in the eyes, not a single glint of light sparkled in her eyes anymore, they’re bloodshot, her eyebags even more noticeable.
Francis frowns, crossing his arms, “Sweetie, you know damn well what kinda people are out there, I was tryna protect you and your mother from the scum of the Earth and those fucking man made pests. And what did youse do? Get me arrested after all I've done for your ungrateful ass and your darling, sweet mother.”
Anastacha rolls her eyes, “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Francis let an annoyed breath out, but collected himself, “So… tell me what you’ve been up to, sweetie.” He flashes her a phony smile.
“I’m a Victim’s Advocate. I'm running my own organization, helping get folks out of domestic situations.” She tugs on her purple bow around her collar, “It's… very rewarding. Mom and dad are real proud of me.”
Francis’ eyebrows raised and his eyes widened, “G-good for you, sweetie, but- I-I’m right here and this is my first time hearing about this! Why'd you say-”
“Oh, yeah, mom’s seein’ someone.”
She watched as Francis slammed his hands on the table and stood up, the chair falling back, “WHO IS HE?! TELL ME. SHE KNOWS GODDAMN WELL THAT SHE BELONGS TO ME AND ME ONLY.” The two guards approached him and pulled him back, Anastacha leans back into her chair, taking a drag, blowing smoke from her nose.
Francis magages to calm down just enough so his vision isn't red anymore, but still feeling his blood boil and his mind race.
“Anastacha Lynn Mosses. You better fucking tell me who this bastard is.”
The guards were about to take him away till Anastacha spoke up and yelled, “Jeez Louise! Boys, calm down! Francis, pay attention.” She snaps her fingers to get his attention.
She reaches into her pocket for her wallet and opens it up, she smiles as she takes her driver's license and a polaroid out. She placed both items flush against the window, “Here 'go, Franny boy.”
Francis broke out of the guard's grasp and got his face close to the window.
He wished what he was looking at was a sick prank his little girl was pulling on her.
On the left was the polaroid, it was his Nacha in the foreground dressed in a long sleeved and puffy wedding gown. Behind her was Angus, in a dark purple tuxedo, holding her waist with one hand and his cane with the other. His vision focused in and out when he slowly rolled his eyes to Anastacha’s license and he felt his heart sink deeper than his first night alone without his family when he read her name.
Anastacha Lynn Mikaelys-Ciprianni.
His eyes pinholed as he looked dead at Anastacha, who was smiling as sweetly as ever.
That motherfucker stole his family from him.
Anastacha softly sighs as she puts her items away back into her wallet.
You could hear a pin drop how quiet it was… till Francis hit the plexiglass window, with his fists, cracking with all of his might. Anastacha jumped putting her hands up, watching the guards pull him back to his room while he was screaming obscenities to her, her mother, and especially her father. She cupped a hand next to her mouth and yelled, “So long, and thanks for all of the fish!”
She chuckles as the door slams shut, she can still hear the dead-beat yell, she turns to the officer that escorted her in, “I'm so sorry you folks had to deal with him for so long.” She reached into her pocket and gives him a stack of her business cards, “Leave ‘em by the sign in desk, y’never know what's going on with a person just by looking at ‘em.” He nodded and escorted her to the next room to watch Francis’ execution…
…It went as grizzly as one could go, Anastacha and her police escort were the only ones in the theater when it happened. He looked away while she watched it all go down, never faltering. Even when the vertigo of the electricity flashed her eyes never moved from Francis as she watched the remainder of life leave his body...
Afterwards, she left the prison, it was late at night, night life was just getting started, but she was not interested in the slightest. As she lit up another cigarette, she felt a drop of rain hit her nose.
She looked up and saw rain clouds moving in, “Mmm… peculiar… didn't know he had a soul…”
She continued walking until she found a vacant and illuminated phone booth. She entered before the rain started pouring down, the droplets making music on the glass walls. After putting 15 cents in, she slumped against the cooling wall, smoking, looking at people scuttling for cover, waiting for the caller to pick up.
“Ugh, hello? Ciprianni residents, Nacha speaking…”
“Hey mom, it's Anastacha.”
She heard her mother move excitedly on the other end, shaking Angus awake.
“Ana! Hija! How are you?! Are you okay? Did anything happen?! Do you need us to drive over?!”
Anastacha laughed, “No, mom! I'm good, I'm fine, it was very…” She looked for the words as she heard her father speak faint but very tired Italian in the background, “I feel like I closed a large chapter in my life and I’m… glad I went.”
She clears her throat as she hears Angus take the phone, “Ciao, sweetheart, I heard what you said, ‘m happy you decided to go, I’m so proud of you Anne… shit, Nacha, cara mia, what time is it?”
Anastacha huffs, checking her watch, “It's only midnight-thirty, dad!”
Angus groans as both Nacha and Anastacha giggles, “Alright, alright, I’ll let the oldies sleep, I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm outta there and I'm doing good.”
“That's great, hija, you go out and enjoy the night! Don't drink too much!”
“Yes, and remember to aim for the throat and ears if you can! And if you brought your pistol or brass knuckles even better!”
Anastacha heard her mom smack him on the shoulder and he laughed, “Ciao, Anna, you be safe and take care of yourself, mom and I love you-”
Nacha yoinked the phone, “Love you hija! Please come and visit us soon! We always have the guest room open for you!”
Anastacha puts her cigarette out with her dress shoes and smiles, “I love you guys too, when this next case is cleared up I’ll drive over to see y'all before you guys move again, good night!”
They both wish her goodnight and she hangs up. She unlatches the phone booth and exits, the rain is now a drizzle.
Sighing, she decided to take her folks advice and enjoys the evening to the fullest, starting her a new chapter in her life.
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turretistrying · 2 years
The Caged Bird and the Chased Mouse
Chapter 1: The Bird Gains Company
What happens to a poor isekai’d player when they forgot to play the Sumeru Main Quests before being transported into the wonderful world of Tevyat, only to be chased down for being a supposed ‘Imposter’? Well they end up in Sumeru with next to no idea of what’s to come next or what to expect and ends up with youngest of the Archons.
A/N: woah you guys seemed to like the,,, lets call it the prologue,, despite me not being a huge writer ehe! That prologue got more than most of my art (which you should check out heheh self-promotion) BTW: Nahida isnt a yandere, it might come off as so, its not supposed to. No matter how old she may be in canon she looks like a baby and is my baby that I will protect.
No warnings this part!
Nahida was surprised when she saw someone who wasn’t a Sage or related coming into the sanctuary.
Before the mysterious person came in she was simply taking a nap to escape her true reality of being contained in her prison, not expecting anyone to come through that day as the sages were needed elsewhere for what they seemed to be planning. The creak of the door woke her from her soft slumber to look at the commotion, it was a figure dressed in a dark cloak that covered almost everything but their footwear. It looked like they were in a rush and exhausted, gasping for air as they pushed their whole body against the door to close it as soon as possible. Then came what Nahida assumed was the guards trying to get in but didn’t seem to be able to get through.
The person turned around and looked up, locking eyes with Nahida. She was taken aback with how… Familiar, the person was, as if she knew them already, similar to have she felt when thinking of Rukkadevata. Nahida was unwilling to break eye contact, as if she broke it they would disappear.
They slowly made their way to the middle, apprehensive but concerned. When they got to the middle they climbed over the flower structure and stood up, reaching their hand up to Nahida. She took a second to understand but eventually pressed her own small hand to the floor of the cage, even thought they couldn’t touch each other because of the height and the prison, they both felt comforted by the gesture.
They lowered their arm and started to lower their whole body to sit down. Once sat down they stretched and laid down despite the odd shape of the flower. Nahida kept her hand on the floor, and watched them.
She knew whatever was keeping the door closed wasn’t going to last, and she didn’t want you to be taken away and likely imprisoned, like her…
Nahida whispered to your exhausted body “Everything will be okay, I’ll make sure of it.”
Your eyes closed.
As you fell asleep Nahida reached out, with her minuscule amount of power she had, to your unconscious body. The green chains slowly and gently wrapped around your body, with it flickering in and out of existence as each moment passed. She was exerting herself to bring you into her prison, at least she’d be able to protect you and make sure the sages don’t do anything to you while you were in it. You were getting closer and closer to the walls, and eventually, started to phase into it, with the chains dissipating into green pixels when their job was done. Nahida pulled you the rest of the way in, and collapsed on your body, her head lying on your chest.
She was so incredibly tired from that feat, and wanted to truly sleep and not just nap. She wrapped her arms around you and dozed off.
Your arms wrapped around her in your sleep.
Two lonely beings, comforted by each other.
The Archon of Wisdom and The Creator.
The caged bird and the poor poor chased mouse.
Out side the door, dozen of guards stand confused. Vines and flowers have twisted and twined together, blocking the door entirely making it next to impossible to get in without use of an axe. Seeming growing out of nowhere with no time at all.
Hey! How’d you like this technically first chapter? I know it’s shorter than the first I did, but I wanted it entirely in 3rd person and not have to swap and disrupt the flow of things ya’know?
As I said at the top, this is a platonic thing, please please PLEASE for the love of god don’t interpret this as romantic. I will disclose if something is ‘romantic’ (but like the SAGAU au is infamous for it’s yanderes so take that with a grain of salt) and this isnt it, the children are pure because they are my babies. ESPECIALLY Nahida.
If your name is crossed out then it means I couldn’t tag you im sorry :(
Taglist: @no-name-omo @moosieman123456
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libraryoffangirl · 9 months
Season 3 “to the world” turning into “to my world” from aziraphale and crowley just MELTS
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pepsicandle · 1 year
I am kinda a prompt machine rn I sent something similar in as an anon ask but might as well post ..
hobie really wanting to marry miles and being very embarrassed about it .. because it like , doesnt suit his entire persona but he literally can hear the wedding bells
imagine like an established relationship 5 + 1 times type of fic like 5 times he admitted to it and 1 time he did something about it . and the 5 times is him admitting it to various people in miles' life last one being his parents and they tell him he has their blessing and the 1 time is him proposing 😭
(let's pretend marriage between people in different dimensions is totally possible)
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lucidpillows · 5 months
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F1 driver Henry x Team Principal Alex — forbidden love trope
Henry is son of Arthur Fox, the most decorated F1 driver in England racing history. He wants to live up to his father's legacy and prove he's earned his spot on the team; he can't afford any distractions, not even delicious as sin, newly appointed team principal, Alex Claremont-Diaz.
Alex finds himself thrust into the role of team principal after the previous one found himself in hot water (some sort of scandal). He's heavily scrutinized, having only been part of the circuit for a handful of years. Like Henry, he's determined to prove himself and right the ship. He can't afford to make mistakes or bring another scandal to the team... which having a steamy underground relationship with their lead driver certainly will do.
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asherashedwings · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Montgomery Gator/Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's), Montgomery Gator/Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's), Daycare Attendant/Montgomery Gator (Five Nights at Freddy's), Montgomery Gator & Glamrock Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Montgomery Gator & Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's), Montgomery Gator & Sun (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Bonnie & Moon (Five Nights at Freddy's)
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aparasims · 4 months
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Part 1
The day after the funeral of the man who raised him, Eli found himself standing alone on the farm he had inherited. The weight of responsibility pressed down on him. The costs of the funeral had been steep, forcing him to sell all but one of the horses. He felt a sting of guilt every time he saw the remaining mare, Wrangler. She was the first horse he ever broke himself, and knowing she shouldn't be kept alone made it even harder.
Despite his grief, he had to continue tending to the crops and the few animals left on the farm. The routine work provided some distraction, but he felt lost and empty inside. Everything was a struggle.
As he went about his chores, Eli's thoughts drifted to the future. He contemplated selling the farm and moving somewhere new, like Strangerville. However, he worried that selling the farm wouldn't cover the costs of relocating. Moreover, the sense of community in Chestnut Ridge was strong, and he didn't want to leave it behind.
With the sun setting over the fields, Eli stood by the fence, watching the lone horse graze. He felt torn between staying and leaving, unsure of what the future held. But for now, he would take it one day at a time, finding solace in the familiar rhythms of farm life.
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carrionforthecrows · 1 year
You didn't know?
Soulmate AU | at age 18 you stop aging until you find your soulmate {with some twists}
Part 2
He stopped aging at 14. Then again he did die at 14. Danny was to busy to notice he wasn't getting older. World ending threats happen a lot in Amity. Besides defeating Pariah, being named Heir to the Throne would really be much more stressful don't you think?
It was just another day in Amity. Secretly learning what he needed to be Ghost King and being a Sophomore was keeping Danny busy. He only paused when he heard Jazz call for him.
"Hey Danny can you come down to the kitchen for a moment?"
Huffing Danny put his Ghost King homework away where his parents wouldn't see it before descending down the stairs.
"What do you need Jazz-" his sentence falling off as he noticed Jazz and his parents all at the table looking both concerned and serious.
"Have a seat Dann-o", Danny slowly sat at his seat at the table.
"What's going on?"
"Well sweetie, Jasmine brought to our attention something we should really talk about..." Maddie started, before he even could panic thinking Jazz ratted him out as Phantom, Jazz blurted.
"Danny you've stopped aging"
Danny was nearly 15 when he learned his soulmate was dead.
Edit: Authors Note: As per my first authors note on Part 2, I am trying to relearn my writing and people calling my works prompts just because they are short, and writing out how they want my art to go upsets me greatly. Please for future reference do not tag reblogs calling these prompts. There will be more parts but they will be slow and short until I feel better about writing.
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