beameized · 2 years
If I had a nickel for everytime I may have offended the child of a powerful family and could've died but didn't, I'd have three.
#mei rambles#story time in the tags#when I was in HS my mom moved me into an all girls school now I sat next to this girl who was the friend of my best friend#so I was like yeah let me help you with math and all other subjects I was a smart nerd THEN#and somehow we became the class mandated otp like short fluffy nerd girl tall lanky sports girl ship and she asked me out#but me being 14 years old in my gay catholic repression era told her no she shouldn't do this just cause we are the class mandated otp#so now fast forward like maybe 7 years later I tell my friend about the confession I got and she was like GIRL OMG HOW COULD YOU THAT GIRL#IS THE DAUGHTER OF THE RICH FAMILY IN OUR CITY WHAT THE HELL GIRL#and I'm like huh WDYM she's whooo?????#and then I was so glad I didn't die or anything from that#second one was in college we had this groupwork video presentation now I was doing the editing and asked them to dub the video#but one of the main cast didn't dub properly and there's so much background noises I was so mad I made her re-do it again in the girls#comfort room in our uni AND THEN like maybe 5 years later my friend is like hey remember our classmate she just got married to a soldier#and then she drops the bomb that this girl is a general's daughter#and last was just recently so our uni org holds debate auditions in a applicant vs. all panelists scenario. now this one applicant was#trying to use accounting technicalities to try and argue his way through even though his argument sucks#my non-accounting org mates in lawschool couldn't really argue on that so I had to step in and point out the flaw in his approach#and now I learn dude is the son of a mayor and is rich af#idk how I'm alive
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Can you do yandere bully damian wayne with fem reader how is a 🐺🔥🥋 🛡 🏹 🏠 she is like demon Hunter in Gotham and sometimes batman call for her help with joker/villains and goes to Gotham academy
They Heated each other guts and she tolerated him for her best friend Jonathan Kent
Damian was dating raven how was using him as cashcow
one day in park damian get drugged and kidnapped and reader saw all the and follow there car to save him after killing his kidnappers and heal him she comfront him and tell him everything is going to be alright and give him her jacket (which he will keep it for eternity) she dropped him to his house after buying him something to eat when damian get to his father house he sees the no-one care of what happened to him they saw the he got kidnapped and they didn't care at all but reader did and the how the obsession began
*STATIC*: An Obsessive Love Born From Loathing Hate? A Golddigger, as well? Quite an interesting request we have here, Broken.
Broken Truth: That we do, so let's see what words weave together from this.
Quick Note: The name of the reader shall be Kacela - The name means 'Huntress' and is of African Origin. Just like Damien, she is a rich kid but not because her parents are rich - her human parents abandoned her and she started her own business; it's well-known but not on the same level as Wayne Enterprises.
[On Top Of Gotham's Rooftops - Across from a besieged Research Facility]
[The Joker was at it again but this time he wasn't working alone - he enlisted the aid of Clayface, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Riddler, and Penguin to take hold of a Research Lab that contained something each member of the crime group wanted; how Joker knew this and managed to use to persuade the villains into working with him is something The Dark Knight couldn't quite figure out. What he did know was that he was going to need some help.]
[At the moment, Damien (Robin)., Dick (Nightwing), and Barbara (Batgirl) were the ones of the Bat-Family that were with him at the moment but the 4 of them weren't going to be enough and - as much as he hated it - he needed aid from a power beyond what his gadgets and training could do.]
Damien (Walks over to Batman, who is standing on the edge looking at the facility): Father, why are we still waiting while those criminals are making a mess of the place?
Bruce: Because we're waiting for someone.
Damien: Who? We have enough people, we can take them.
Bruce: Don't be foolish, Damien. It's the four of us up against seven of Gotham's Worst, plus they have hostages and have access to unknown tech or substances that could put us at a disadvantage. The person I called has abilities unlike our own and can help us a great deal.
[Damien opened his mouth to protest when a smell hit his nose - it smelled like something was burning.]
Dick (Sniff-Sniff): Does anyone else smell something burning.
Barbara: It smells like brimstone.
Bruce: She's here.
[Nightwing opened his mouth to question who 'she' was when a burst of red light from a ball of fire came shooting upward from the edge of the building before falling and landing in the clear space. The ground was scorched from the fire impact and cinders flowed around the air and lined along with the black marks up everyone looked at the person - or creature - that caused it.]
[The creature was large and muscular the body of a wild canine - a wolf - but it stood on 2 legs; except, wolves didn't have 2 horns on their foreheads. The forearms of the beast were scarred with runes that were glowing red against the black fur. The creature began to stand on 2 legs - its height towered over Bruce - and opened its eyes to reveal eyes made from hellfire. The humanoid wolf opened its jaws - letting the hot smoke out - as it began to speak to the Head of the Bat-Family.]
Wolf Creature: Dark One (What she calls Bruce), I'm answering your persistent summons. Why have you decided to bother me this time?
Barbara: Summons? (Looks at Bruce) Bruce, what is that thing?
Wolf Creature (Glares at Barbara): I am not a 'Thing', I am a Wolf Demon while you are the daughter of a cop - playing dress up just to spite him and stick your pointed head where it doesn't belong.
Barbara (Points at the Wolf Creature): Hey, don't call me a...
Bruce (Raises his hand): That's enough. (Looks at the Wolf Creature) Runed Huntress, I know you told me that you're not interested in helping me but this is important. Those criminals have many innocent people captured and are trying to access some very dangerous information and products. Our gadgets can only get us so far but your power is limitless. We need your help.
Runed Huntress (Snorts - making smoke shoot out her nose and blow in Bruce's face): Very well, I shall aid you once again but - as I said before - do not make a habit out of this; you are this city's protector, not me.
Bruce (Nods): Noted. (Turns back to the building) Now, let's get a move on.
[The Bat-Family & The Runed Huntress leaped across the building rooftops until they reached the last roof that sat at the edge of the street that separated the distance of the buildings and the facility. The Bat-Family watches as the large humanoid wolf clapped her hands together and slowly brought them apart - bring a bow that looked as if it was forged from hellfire itself. The Runed Huntress took the bow in hand and did the motion of drawing back an arrow - Damian's eyes widen as an arrow materialized in her clawed hand before she releases it. It goes soar across the street and crashes into the glass dome but doesn't shatter it - it melts it away and forms a large hole, big enough for the rescue party to get inside.]
[The villains looked upon the hole of melted glass as the Bat-Family glided in and stood before the corrupted 7. The Ringleader - The Madman known as Joker - began to chuckle and clap his hands.]
Joker (Clapping): Bats! I knew you would be here! A little late to the party, don't you think?!
Bruce (Glares at Joker): I don't have time to deal with your demented mind, Joker. Release the hostages and turns yourselves in or we can do this the hard way.
Joker (Pouts and shakes his head): Oh, Batsy... Always the party pooper; no cake for you. But in case you have noticed, I outnumber you so...I don't think you can win.
[Just then - the monstrous roaring howl of the Runed Huntress echoed in the hall as she leaped through the giant hole and landed on all fours between Joker and Bruce. She glared at the villains as her jaws opened as lava leaked from the cracks of her fangs, making 2 pools on the tile floor that began to rise and form into 2 clones of herself.]
Runed Huntress (Rising to her feet as the lava clones did the same): Now...it's an even playing field.
[When Killer Croc let loose a hiss, Runed Huntress barked back at him and the two of them charged at each other - fighting as beasts knew how to. Bruce dealt with Joker, Barbara took on Harley Quinn, Dick took care of Riddler, Damian attacked Penguin, while the other two clones took on Clayface and Poison Ivy.]
[The fight ended with the villains in cuffs and loaded into Transportation Trucks, Barbara found the scientists locked in the safe - all accounted for and unharmed, but mentally scarred - Bruce was talking to Gordon while his family looked on. Damian looked off to the side and watched the large wolf walking away and ran after her as she turned into an alleyway.]
Damian: Hey, where are you going?
Runed Huntress (Looks over her large shoulder at the Wayne Family Heir): What do you want, boy? I have aided your leader, that doesn't mean I need to stay around for his talks with the Commissioner.
Damian: Just what the hell is your problem?
Runed Huntress: My 'problems' are none of your concern, Rich Boy.
[Damian opened his mouth to speak but the large beast was engulfed by a flammed vortex that erupted from the ground around her feet and covered her until it exploded into cinders - leaving Damian alone in the alley, looking at the charred circle in the ground.]
[The Next Day: Gotham High School - Courtyard]
"I gotta go to the library to do some last-minute reading before class starts but before I forget, can I get some cash, Bae?" The Indigo-Eyed Girl asked as she looked upon the Wayne Heir.
"More? I gave you $700 just last week." Damien said as she looked at his girlfriend.
"I know but there's a sell on some rare spell tomes and I didn't want to risk someone else getting their hands on them. o, can you give me some cash?" Raven asked with a tilt of her head like a cat; making the heir exhale.
"Okay, I send another $800." Damien exhaled, earning a kiss on his cheek from the girl how had his heart before she turned and began to walk away.
"Hey, Damien!" Damien turned to see his friend Jonathan Kent walking up to him, but he wasn't alone.
Beside Jonathan was a dark-skinned female around the same height as him with golden eyes in a constant glare, She had short black hair in an undercut - only on her right side. She was wearing the Gotham High School uniform but the man one - she wasn't in comfortable skirts and she had the money to allow this. On her wrists there 2 golden bracelets - long ones that start at her wrists and end further up her forearms - that had some kind of writing on them that Damien didn't care to translate. Why didn't he care? Because he didn't like her.
"Hey." Damien said as he looked in the direction of his friend and...tolerant.
"You good, Bro? You seemed stressed out." Jonathan said with concern in his blue eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine - Father was telling us that there is some large event tonight and he wants all of us there; no questions asked." Damien said.
"Large event? What's that?" Jonathan asked.
"He talking about Gotham's Angel Award - it's when all of Gotham's CEOs and Walking Wallets gather in one room to see who's been recognized as the most giving and kind." Kacela said as she looked at Jonathan with her arms folded.
"Funny the stray (That's what Damien calls her began she doesn't have parents, relatives, or even a surname.) knows what it is, even though you would never step foot in that place, much less get to hold an invitation." Damien said with a smirk on his face. Imagine his shock as Kacela pulls an invitation to that event from her pocket.
"You were saying, Bird Brain?" Kacela asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Damien began to get mad and Kacela glared at him when Jonathan stepped between them.
"Whoa. Whoa. No need to fight! Just relax, guys." Jonathan said as he looked between her friends. Kacela exhaled and stepped back.
"Fine. I won't fight because Jonathan asked me to." Kacela said as she glared at Damien.
"Same here, Stray." Damien glared at her too before turning back to his phone.
"Whatcha doing, Damian?" Jonathan asked.
"Sending some cash to Raven's card." He said.
"More? Didn't you send her a lot just a few days ago?" Jonathan asked.
"Yes, but there was a book sale and she didn't want to miss out on the rare tomes that were for auction." Damian explained.
"Is that the song she sang to you? For someone so brilliant...you can't even see when you are being played." Kacela said as she placed her hands in her pockets and began to walk away.
"What's that supposed to mean, Stray?"Damian glared at her.
"Just remember - Ravens are fond of things that gleam and shine but they are also creatures that sing songs of deception." Kacela said before she entered the building, leaving Damian and Jonathan standing there.
[After Highschool]
Damian wished his friend a good evening before getting on his motorcycle and driving out of the school's parking lot. He knew that the normal route he would take was going to be caked in traffic for the event tonight and decided to head the long way. He was coming up on the red light at the intersection of 4 famous restaurants/cafes sat at the 4 Corners. He was the first vehicle in line when a familiar voice was heard from the right - he looked and the eyes under his helmet widened when they landed on his girlfriend sitting at an outdoor table with shapeshifter of the Titans - Beast Boy a.k.a Garfield. They were sitting at the table, holding hands and smiling at each other - as if they were in love.
"So, what do you want to do this weekend?" Raven asked.
"I wanna go to the new exotic animal show but tickets to that places are stupidly expensive." Garfield said.
"Don't worry, babe; I got the money from that walking piggy bank, Damian." Raven said.
"You got more? I thought he gave you some a few days ago." He said.
"Yeah, I just told him I spent the money on tomes and he gave me $700 more. All I have to do is pout and he'll give me whatever I want." Raven smirked at the notion and Garfield laughed.
Damian felt so bad about what he just heard - when the car behind him hooked their horn to let him know the light was green, he floored it and began driving down the main streets before the tears in his eyes began to blind him and he stopped on the edge of the park, took his helmet off and hid his face in hands - sobbing; showing the weakness of the Al Ghul.
His heart was broken - the one he loved was using him for a wallet for the shapeshifter and he was too blind to see it. The words Kacela said before she left that day - she was warning him that Raven was disloyal to him. The one he hated was the one who warned him.
He was so caught up in his crying that he didn't see the hooded figure sneaking up behind him and smacking him off the bike with a metal pipe in the back of his head. His world got dark when he heard the words.
"We got Wayne's Brat - we're in for a huge payday, boys." the fading voice chuckled until Damian faded into nothingness of mind.
[Around 2 Hours Later]
"Wake up, pretty boy!" someone commanded as he slapped the Wayne Heir wake - he was tied to a chair in the center of an unknown warehouse with 6 Thugs surrounding him - all of them with weapons in their hands.
"What? What the hell do you want from me?" Damian demanded as he glared at the man who slapped him - only for the same man to punch him in the face; Damian could taste the blood on his tongue before he felt it flowing out of his mouth as he tried to shake the daze from his head.
"We don't want shit from you, brat; we want a payday from Wayne and I know he'll pay huge racks to get his little boy back." The leader said.
"Boss, we've been calling Wayne but he ain't answering." A good said.
"Then keep calling! The sooner we finish this, the better." The boss order. Damian hung his head down - he was done for: his father wasn't answering the phone, his love breaks his heart...just what was he to do
The answer came as the window of the warehouse came crashing inward and a familiar Lycan-Shaped Figure came crashing into the room and landed on the ground on all fours before rising to its hind legs with a very pissed off glare in its eyes - the runes on its body shining in the light.
"What the hell is that?!" One of the Goons said as he tried to get his gun - only to have his head bitten off by the creature's jaws, letting his body hit the floor.
"Kill that thing! Fucking kill it!" The Boss said as he made Damian get to his feet and used his as a human by holding his arm around his neck and hold his gun at the creature that jumped around, slaughtering his men before turning to face him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll blow his brains out!" The boss said as he held the gun against Damian's head.
The Runed Huntress looked at a long metal nail that was sitting between her feet and reached down to gather it in her large clawed hand. Damian and the boss watched as the large wolfish creature twirled the nail between her fingers before flicking it on its head and sent it flying like a bullet - hitting the boss in the center of his head, making them lose his grip on Damian and slump to the ground. The Huntress ran over to Damian before he could fall and gathered him tenderly in her large arm before using the other one to cut his ropes - even free, the boy didn't move, he was too...cold.
"Damian, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" The Runed Huntress asked him as she looked at him with concerned eyes. Damian opened his mouth to speak but he noticed the bracelets on the creature's wrists - he saw them before, he saw them every day during school.
"K...Kacela?" Damian questioned as he looked into the creature's eyes again - there was a sparkle, a smile, then a small vortex of fire that revealed the human face of the one he hated at school.
"I always told you that you were brilliant, just weren't wary of the right people."Kacela said as she took off her jacket from her shoulders and placed it over Damian's, "Wear this, you're freezing." She said.
"You... You saved me? I thought you hated me - after everything I said and did to you." Damian said as he looked into her eyes.
"I never said I hated you, Damian; I said I hated the way you acted. As for saving you, I may have a beast's soul and form but I'm not a heartless monster to just let someone get hurt; not even someone who tries to me." Kacela explained before she turned back into the Runed Huntress, gathered Damian in her arms, and rose to her feet, "Now, let's get you home; you are too cold, you might be sick." she said as she turned on her heel and leaped back through the window she came through with the Wayne Family Heir in her arms.
[Wayne Manor]
The Runed Huntress landed in front of the door to Wayne Manor, using one of her hands to knock heavily on the door - it was soon opened by the Wayne Family Butler - Alfred Pennyworth.
"Hello, Madam Huntress, is there something I can help you with?" He then noticed Damian in her arms, "Is that Master Damian? Did something happen?" He asked.
"He was attacked and held for ransom but Bruce never answered the phone and he was harmed." Runed Huntress said.
"That's understandable - Master Bruce and the others are currently getting ready for the event and have asked not to be disturbed." Alfred said, making Kacela's eyes widen in anger.
"What?" She growled out. She pushed past the butler and followed Bruce's scent up the stairs to a meeting room - she barged in and - sure enough to what Alfred said - Bruce, Dick, and Barbara were all there, dressed in elegant attire; they all looked at the large wolf who barged into the room.
"Huntress? Is there something you need?" Bruce said.
"Are you serious, Bruce? Your son is in my arms, beaten & possibly sick, are you're asking me if I need something? Why didn't you answer the calls from Damian's phone?" Kacela asked.
"As Alfred told you, we're busy getting ready for the event." Bruce said.
"He's your son, Bruce Wanye - he was attacked, held for ransom, and beaten up and all you care about is this event? He could be sick, he's as cold as a block of ice." Huntress growled.
"Well, you got to him and saved him before he was hurt too bad, but since he can't come to the event, take him to bed and we will deal with him in the morning." Bruce said as he began walking do the door, past the wolf and his sick son, with his other 2. Kacela growled at him before looking at Damian.
"Where's your room?" She asked, her eyes widened when his hand grabbed her fur and held her close.
"Please... Please, don't leave me here." Damian pleaded - begged - as he tried to hold more tears while shivering.
"There's no way in hell I'm leaving you here. I need to get you some warm clothes." She explained.
Damian told her where his room was and she when there - placing him on the bed for a moment as she gathered pajamas and a new school uniform into the bag before closing it, picking Damian back up, opened the window, and the two of them disappeared into the night.
[Kacela's Loft]
"Yeah, just as I thought - you're sick." Kacela said as she pulled the thermometer from the boy's lips and looked at the numbers. Kacela placed it on a napkin on the nightstand that was beside the bed Damian was laying in and the chair she was sitting in. "It seems to be a simple head cold - some medicine and rest should get you and running again, not to mention a good night's rest." Kacela explained.
"How come...you didn't go to the Gotham's Angels Award?" Damian asked as he looked at her with a warm feeling on his face - it must have been the cold.
"That place is full of people who just wanna get seen, not for doing right." Kacela explained before she reached on the nightstand to her phone, "You have to eat something before taking your meds and I don't feel like cooking tonight, so I'll order something. What are you in the mood for - Pizza or Burgers?" Kacela asked.
"What? You're letting me choose?" Damian asked.
"Sure, I don't usually have guests, so why the hell not?" Kacela gave a smile...and the warm feeling returned but it was stronger this time.
When the pizza arrived, Kacela helped Damian sit up, and the two of them ate while having conversations - turned out they had a lot of things in common, from their love of books to their outside activities. Damian asked Kacela a few questions about her knowing Raven was cheating on him and why she didn't tell him directly - she explained that it wasn't her place to speak on another person's relationship, plus he made it very clear that he had a dislike for her so what reason would he have to believe her? Damian apologized for his words but Kacela said she heard worse and wasn't bothered. Just before bedtime, Kacela gave him cold and sleeping medicine so he would be alright in the morning; she stayed with him until he fell into slumber before she went to sleep herself.
When the morning sun rose - Damian woke to the smell of pancakes. Kacela made them breakfast and even made sure Damian's phone was placed on the changer. Damian got dressed in a fresh outfit and went to eat with Kacela; who informed him that she got his bike and helmet from the park after he went to sleep; he thanked her, finished his breakfast, and left out the door...with her jacket.
"What do you mean we're over?!" Raven yelled as she stood before Damian.
"Just as I said - I'm done with you, Raven. You're nothing but a gold-digger and a liar, and you only see me as a mess to keep that green boyfriend of yours happy. I'm not giving you anything else but a hard time if you ever show your face again." Damian glared at her, causing her to huff and march away to the school building.
"Whoa, Damian." Jonathan said as he walked over, "You really broke up with her?" He asked.
"I don't have time for gold-diggers and liars." He looked around, "Where's Kacela?" he asked.
"She called and said... Wait, did you just call her by her name? I thought she was a stray?" He said but swallowed when Damian glared at her.
"Never. Call. Her. That." Damian growled.
"Okay. Okay, man - sorry." He said.
"Now, what did she tell you?" Damian asked.
"She said she couldn't come today - there are some major investors that are interested in her company and want to make a partnership, so she won't be in today." Jonathan said.
"Really? Then, I'll speak to her later." Damian said.
"Talk about what? Wait, isn't that her jacket?" He asked.
"Yes." He said, 'But it's more than just that. It's the start of what Kacela and I shall be...together.'
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ohhey1293 · 3 years
Fire and Brimstone (1)
If you would like to be tagged, please let me know! 
This story is a non-cannon Willard Russell story. You may notice a hint of the Notebook and the Devil All the Time mentioned here and there but this is an original story and I will not be using the movie or book to drive this story. I feel like there should be more Willard Russell stories on here and I hope you enjoy this one :) 
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“You be safe now, miss.”
I watched as the cab driver began to pull off the gravel road, soon disappearing into the mess of trees that lined the county road. I took a breath, turning back towards the dirt road ahead of me, knowing what I would possibly find at the end. I had gotten the call a couple days ago that he had lost it. His wife had died from the cancer and he was losing his own battle to be without her. Everyone in town were already wary of the man. He was a 6’4 ball of fury and pain. The last time I saw him, his eyes were as bright as Christmas lights. Even though he was placed in the situation he was, he didn’t let the world bring him down. Even though we came two different lives, it was as if we only had each other. He had me and I had him. It was us against the world. Unfortunately, the world is a cruel and evil place at times.
The dirt crunched under the heel of my shoe, the sounds of nature buzzing all around. I hadn’t walked this path in years, each step bringing back good and bad memories. The last time I had been here was almost 10 years ago, the two of us young, dumb, and madly in love. It was the summer of 41, the hottest summer to reach these parts. I remember I had just moved here from Jacksonville, my parents wanting to relocate to a smaller town. Growing up in such a big city, being in a small town was a drag. I had no friends, nothing interested me, and the people kept to themselves, sensing that I was a stranger. My parents of course had their group of rich friends, my father making friends with the mayor, the wealthy businessmen, and the sheriff in town. My mother had to be a part of the social scene that seemed to flourish the next town over, inviting all her new-found friends over for afternoon tea and the occasional dinner. Hell, she just wanted to show off what a nice house she had and that she didn’t need to lift a finger seeing as her maid done everything for her.  That was the life she wanted for me. I was brought up in an upper-class where the women stayed home and gossiped, while the men went out and worked their lives away to fraternize with the wealthy.
I guess you could say everything came together and eventually fell apart at the townhall dance. My mother had forced me to go with a couple of the local girls. I’m sure she asked their mothers if I could tagalong with their daughters, hoping that I would make new friends. Once I arrived, the girls and I found our dancing partners for the night. I of course had to pick the one that talked too much about himself. He was dressed in a tailored suit, his white dress shirt pressed for the occasion. He spoke of his dreams to work on Wall Street, wanting to be richer than Vanderbilt himself. This would have been the type of man my mother would have loved to see coming through her door. A clean, driven young man who appeared to have a good head on his shoulders. Come to find out years later, said man would end up abusing his wife and almost sending her to an early grave.
The dance had been going on for about an hour when he walked through the door. His tall, lean frame standing apart from those around him. I could see my partner’s eyes drift over to where he was standing, a smug look coming over his face.  “Fucking Russell.” I remember him muttering. I couldn’t help but stare at the man. You could tell he felt out of place and uncomfortable. I learned that night that he was one not to be messed with.  From the whispers of the others, he was poorer than dirt and his family were the outcast in the town. The clothes he was wearing wore clean in comparison to his friends next to him. Dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of brown slacks completed his look. His hair was slicked back, a piece falling every now and then onto his forehead. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, quite the opposite really.
The first time I spoke to him was a moment I would never forget. I think I fell into him at one point, tripping on my high heeled shoes. He immediately caught me, his heavy hands taking hold of my body. I don’t know what intrigued me more, the softness of his eyes or the heaviness of his touch. His facial features were worthy of a magazine cover and that voice was deeper than the holler he lived in. It didn’t take much for me to fall in love with him. After our initial encounter, I made it a point to see him every day. I would ride my bike to his house every day during those summer months, sometimes even in the pouring rain. We did anything and everything during that time. During the start of our relationship, we stayed away from town and any wandering eyes that would see us. He would take me to his favorite swimming hole, spending the whole day in the water, hugging and fawning over one another. Once we started taking out relationship into town was when the shit started to hit the fan. I learned at that point that he had a temper worse than the devil himself. Seeing a man with blood splattered on his face and the man’s blood on your boyfriend’s hands was enough to show me that he was a fire burning wild. My mild temper and his began to clash as our love affair progressed. It would start off innocent but soon the screaming, pushing, and shoving started. I was always the one that pushed and shoved but the lowness of his growl and eventual bite scared me at times. There were times when we would have to stay away from one another so he could calm down.
I guess you could say that our relationship took a turn for the ditch when my parents, especially my mother found out. He and I had been out all day and eventually into the night. It was past my time to be home, but I didn’t care. When his truck pulled into my driveway, my mother and father were waiting outside, a look of disappointment covered my mother’s face. My parents knew all about the rumors that circulated around him. They didn’t want their only child to be associated with the town’s riffraff. That night, they told me to never see him or else. My mother threatened to ship me back to Jacksonville for the rest of the summer if I laid one eye on that boy. My father, who did whatever my mother said, stayed silent behind her as she barked out the punishment. She would repeat that girls like me don’t need to hang around boys like him. She called him every name under the sun, never once saying a single word to him. Her biggest fear was that I would end up pregnant and living in poverty. I could see where she was coming from, but she didn’t need to treat him the way she did.
I obeyed the rules for a day or two before sneaking off in the middle of the night and riding my bike to his house. It was just him and his grandfather in a two-bedroom house lent to them by the coal company. The house was covered with yellow stained news clippings and smelled of cigarette smoke. It was a stark comparison to the home that my parents were renting for the summer. We drove off into the dark, coming to a rundown house surrounded by a shimmering, moonlit lake. The door of the home was off the hinges, window broken out and glass covering the deck area. I followed as he told, taking a hold of his hand, unsure as to what we were doing. He spoke of coming to this house as a young boy, dreaming of what he could turn it into. His eyes lit up like Christmas lights as he explained his dream. Deep down, he knew that it would never turn into anything. It would stay the way it is until the earth brought it down. It was during that night that I gave myself to him. He had told me his dream, and this was my dream. I had heard from women older than me that once you find the one you love, it’s the right time to give yourself to them. I loved that boy. He was the love of my life and the only one I wanted to share that moment with. The whole evening seemed like heaven until he dropped me back home. The lights from the police car casted a shadow on the white house, my father standing outside with the officer as we pulled up.
My mother stood by the door, her eyes burning fire into his body as he walked behind me. Her eyes soon landed on me; a look of utter horror etched on her face. As I redressed after our moment together, I had forgotten to button my dress fully and the purple marks on my neck didn’t help either. She yelled loud enough for him to hear, calling him names and saying what a bad person he was. She repeated the rumors that spread over town about him, calling him trash and a worthless human being. I knew that he was listening and when I came out of my father’s office, he was nowhere to be found. His truck was gone from the spot it was minutes ago, my bike now leaning on the side of the porch. I tried for days after that to apologize to him and tell him not to listen to what she had said. I begged and pleaded for him to speak to me, only for him to get angry and push me out of his life. He yelled that the rumors in town were true and that I didn’t need to be with someone like him. I had no place in his life and what we had was just a summer fling. I knew that every word he said was a lie but the more he kept pushing, the more I thought my mother was right. He was showing his true colors and I had no right being with a man like him.
I moved back to Jacksonville a couple weeks later. My mother told me it was the right thing to do and to focus on my schooling that was coming up. She had gotten her way and I was still a pawn in her pocket. I had left him a letter before I left, telling him the address of my family’s home and apologizing for what had happened. A part of me wanted to wake up one morning and see him standing on the lawn. Weeks and months passed by and there was no sight or sound of him. I of course moved on and started living again. The war soon broke out, leaving everyone in a panicked state. The men were shipped out to foreign lands, leaving us ladies on the Homefront to make ends meet. I had graduated college with a nursing degree, volunteering my time to help those that had come back wounded. These men were from all over and a part of me was hoping that he would end up in the hospital just so I could see him again.
My thoughts of him faded away when I met Kirk Benton. Kirk had fought in the war and was now a successful contractor in Atlanta, Georgia. He would tell me of his time on the battlefield, telling me of the men that surrounded him. I would listen intently to hear the characteristics of the boy I used to know. I wanted to ask him if he knew him by name but never gained the courage to do so. When he proposed in front of everyone at the club we attended, I instantly said yes and jumped into his arms. My parents were ecstatic as was I, but there was a part of my brain screaming no. My mother was head over heels for Kirk. She and my father loved everything about him. He was successful. He helped fight in the war efforts, and he was rich. Everything about Kirk was perfect.
The abuse started a couple months into our relationship. It started out with small pushes and a few harsh words but soon escalated into black eyes, bruised skin, and busted lips. I had learned to cover up the marks with foundation and clothing, keeping a smile on my face when we were together. His grip would dig into my arms or legs, warning me of the punishment to come. Once we were home, he would unleash his fury. At one point, the staircase became his new weapon, pushing my body down the wooden structure. A broken arm and a few bruised ribs later, he came home with a bouquet of roses and an apology. His apology lasted about as long as the roses did. The last straw was when he busted my face, blackening my eye so bad that the blood vessels had busted, and my vision was blurred.
I equated getting the call about him as a blessing.
This was God’s way of getting me away from Kirk and also helping out an old friend. The caller didn’t state their name, just stating that he was in need of someone’s help. How they got my phone number was still a mystery. I had been staying with my parents’ house during my separation from Kirk and explained to them that I just wanted to get away for a couple days. It was unknown for a girl my age to go out on her own for a couple days without either her husband or parents present. At first, they forbid me to go, saying that I had no right and that I just needed to stay put. I gave them the ultimatum that either they let me go or I’ll just go on my own. I was 24 years old for goodness sake! Final last, my father talked my mother into letting me go and promising that Kirk would not find out.
As I neared closer to the rundown house, the sounds of nature grew more quiet, almost distant. It was as if they wanted the owner of the home to hear my approach. The house was in worse shape than I remembered. By the looks of it, there was no way that someone lived in that home. When Willard and I were together, his grandfather was an elderly man. I wouldn’t be surprised if he passed on within a year of me leaving. Earl Russell was all he had. As I made my way around the fragile home, the joy and happiness that I once knew flashed through my mind like a nickelodeon. I can’t tell you how many times I would ride my bike to this house, only just to sit on the porch swing with him and listen to the katydids sing. He didn’t need to wine and dine me like Kirk had done. I was content with just him sitting next to me.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone, miss.”
I jumped in surprise, my hand clutching my chest as I turned to face the older gentleman before me. “Sorry?”
I watched as he limped his way closer, his wrinkled face becoming clearer. “I said you shouldn’t be out here alone. These parts aren’t too kind once the sun goes beyond the clouds.” His clothes were old, dirt embedded into the denim fabric. “No one lives out in here in these parts, you lost of something?”
I stayed silent for a moment, “I’m looking for Willard Russell.”
His face fell, “What business you got with him?”
I shifted from one leg onto the other, my heels starting to hurt my feet. “Well-“ I started. “I’m an old friend of his. Heard that his wife had passed away and I just wanted to pay my respects.” I watched as the old man looked me over, his face turning confused.
“Willard Russell don’t got no friends. Hell, everyone is this damn town is scared to death of that boy. It’s not natural to have that much strength and looks that could kill.”
“Excuse me?” I asked.
He let out a sigh, “Little girl, if I were you- “He paused. “I would get back on whatever bus you got on and get the hell of out this town and away from the thought of Willard Russell.”
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Connections 5
Chapter 5
this is based on @thepeacetea daminette soulmate au
Masterlist *** First *** Previous *** Next
Marinette is now 7 and this is Mari’s first time back to Paris since the fair.
Summer break was always a pain and that was because she spent it with only Jean-Pierre and in her suite in the hotel. Chloe wouldn’t ever leave the hotel because she was the daughter of Style Queen and that meant she had a reputation to maintain. Except that all changes when Marinette comes to Paris.
That girl is the person who knows Chloe, other than a rich stuck-up brat, but that doesn’t mean other kids know that.
“Clo are you in” the little noirette called as she walked in, but she was different the bottom half of her midnight hair was bright purple just like her dad’s and it suited her.
“Mari-bug!” the blonde ran into her friend and hugged her. “That’s new” she said as she flicked her best friend’s hair.
The girl giggled, “yeah dad and Penny let me do it when we started the tour, I like it” the noirette laughed and Chloe smiled.
“it looks good” Chloe smiled; I can’t do that mom would freak. “So, any plans on how to sneak out this time?”
Mari smirked and shoved a backpack at her friend “Of course!”
“You are ridiculous…”
“Utterly ridiculous. I know” she was then pushed into another part of her room by the girl. “Now get dressed”
Chloe walked out in a pair of yellow gold leggings, under a dress that fell to her knees it faded from the bottom a silver to white at the top and was splattered with gold. She wore black flats and her hair was in her signature ponytail.
“This isn’t much of a disguise Mari” the blonde stated.
“Well not yet it isn’t” Mari pulled out a silver can with a black cap. “Now hold still” Mari was tugging the blonde’s hair and spraying it and when she finished most of her friend’s hair was black save for a few streaks of her golden hair. “How does it look now” the bluenette smirked, as she watched her friend’s reaction.
“If I add some glasses no one will know!” The blonde was jumping with joy as Mari reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of black glasses with bees along the legs and two golden bees in the corners.
“Like the Queen Bee you are” Mari stated as she looked at her friend. No one will be able to tell this is Style Queen’s daughter. Chloe is now just another regular Parisian kid and Paris is not going to know what hit them.
“What about you Mari” as soon as her friend said that she smiled and walked into the other room. When she walked out Mari was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a red shirt covered in black spots. On top of it she wore a dark grey cardigan that fell to her knees, and a pair of black and red high tops. She finished by putting her hair in two space buns tucking the purple away and rearranging her bangs to fall from a center part. “Wow, a bee and ladybug are amount to storm Paris” Chole remarked. Oh, how right she was although she didn’t know it.
“Then let’s go Bee”
“Alright Bug” the two girls ran out of the hotel and made their way to the park. For the three days Mari spent in Paris everyone was talking about the chaos that was brought by the ‘Ladybug’ and the ‘Bee’ as they seemed to draw everyone’s attention. In the span of three days the two planted orange tiger lilies that covered every school potted trees, they snuck into an made a cameo in her dad’s interview with Nadia Chamock, and they somehow managed to make every bird in Paris land on the Eiffel Tower. They didn’t even try to do it, they just wanted to feed the pigeons but soon every bird in the city was there. By the end of the week the ladybug and bee were nicknamed the Lilies of Paris.
Summer was too quick to end but Mari didn’t seem to mind. That just meant that she would be returning to Gotham and would be with her brothers. Not to mention that they were in essence training her when she was with them.
Most of her time with the boys was mainly spent with Dick. She and Dick would parkour all around the cave and she was a natural at gymnastics. She got the hang of her yo-yo when transformed and that was when they noticed that her strength and stamina was off the charts compared to other children.
She and Tim would mostly work on hand to hand combat but that mostly resulted in Tim on the floor, while Mari stood triumphant.
Bruce specifically tried to keep Mari from Jason, in fear that he would teach Little Mari how to shoot. But his attempts were in vain, to his credit Jason didn’t show her how to shoot a gun but how to disarm and disassemble different gums in a safe way. That was actually pretty good thinking and he should have thought of that.
To Bruce’s astonishment, or he should really say utter horror, little Mari loved Jason’s motorcycle. It got to the point that not even Jagged could argue whenever Jason picked up Mari from school on his bike. Both he and Jagged swear that Jason is going to end up teaching her to ride before either of them teach her to drive. Jason just loves the fact that Mari loves to ride with him, and Bruce doesn’t oppose this as Jason is always more careful whenever she is with him, or around them in general.
Bruce could tell that this little pixie, yes even he admits that he calls her pixie, has changed the entire family. He would however not let her out as the Ladybug holder in Gotham, but she was adamant on changing their suits and crafted them. Hell, he knew she was a wizard with design but even he was shocked at what she could do. What that girl could do with a needle, thread, and Kevlar reinforced fabric and armor plating was amazing.
He would force her to even make some for their daily lives. Dick, Tim, Alfred, and Himself had gotten several suits that were damn impossible to tell what they were made of. Jason got several more casual outfits and many leather jackets. Mari even made herself several outfits, particularly her favorites were legging that she wore with her uniform and when she rode with Jason. It came to the point that Bruce practically forced Mari to only wear reinforced clothes for her protection, thankfully Tikki was on his side and she did, the only exception was her uniform.
Mari was never a normal kid and that much was evident, it wasn’t until she and Tikki were talking during a stay at Wane manor when she was 9 that everything came to light. Alfred walked into the room and that was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was Tikki that changed his perception.
Tikki was floating in front of Miss Marinette, looking sad and trying to comfort the child. Alfred immediately went to the girl and noticed what was happening.
“Miss Mari” he tried to get her attention, but she simply stared straight forwards. The family began to come into the room and silence permeated the manor.
That was when she stared at Jason with tears running down her face, “J… Jay… Jay-Jay why are… why are you covered in chaos magic” everyone was staring at the girl quiet as they realized what she was saying. “Why are you covered in magic from the Lazarus Pit?” the collective in the room were shocked no one made a sound. As Alfred looked around, he even saw Tikki shake in what appeared to be a mix of sadness and fright.
“How do you know that name, Mari?” the little god spoke finally breaking the silence.
“I” she looked around seemingly unsure if she should continue “I just heard it, I saw it, it was it was like a ritual”
“Tikki is this normal for a miraculous holder” Bruce asked attempting to take the attention from little Mari.
Tikki simply shook her head “No it isn’t. seeing the Lazarus arura is for a Ladybug, but this knowledge is not normal…” then she simply stared at the girl. “Mari do you think?” the question was left unfinished, but the meaning was not lost on Mari.
Miss Marinette looked shocked and seemed close to tears. Resigned she finally spoke “it might be, it’s the most logical” after this the child went silent.
“What does this incur exactly?” Alfred spoke from kneeling beside Marinette.
The little god seemed to think before finally stating “Her soulmate” that left everyone quiet once again. “Mari knows how to fight, that much you know but what you don’t is that she has never had any type of training. The same goes for several languages she has never studied, she can read a person’s body language without any difficulty, and now this.” the little goddess states. The boys simply stare at her.
Bruce kneeled down and pulled Mari into a hug. And seemed to whisper something into her ear. Her eyes widened in surprise before she began to cry, and she was taken into Bruce’s arms and they walked out. The next thing Alfred knew was that it was loud, and the boys began to rush after Bruce. They finally found him in Mari’s room speaking softly, to softly to overhear, that they had to open the door but were met with an icy glare and left.
@thanks-captain-obvious @mandy989  @our-preciousss @readingismyoxygen @birdy912 @shifty-lesbian-retro-goblin @todaylillypads @laurcad123 @deamonangel27 @be-happy-every-day-please @fandom-trapped-03 @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @t1dwarrior-of-earth @saays-bitch @kawaiigiantjudgefish @k-poplunardreams @animegirlweeb @animezodiac707 @weird-pale-blonde-person @myazael @toodaloo-kangaroo @moonlightstar64 @miraculous-simmer7 @wannajointhecrabcult @blackmagicforever @iamabrownfox @inkattbi @i-wanna-be-a-ninja @justcourttee @consumeconstantly @abrx2002 @livelifeauthorstyle @certifiedbidisaster @dreamykitty25 @ironspiderstark @fantasyislive @ertyzeta @dast218 @susiej1118 @sassakitty @lilyreadbooks12 @dawnwave16
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The Idiot ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky
In which the reader is the last Russian princess from our contemporary times and Fyodor is there to watch, observe, analyse and write a novel while being the reader’s sort of guardian/mentor, all while reader finds herself in an impossible, almost-Anna Karenina-like situation that drives her to desperate decisions.
And yes, I’m very much basing this story Dostoevsky’s “The Idiot” novel, Tolstyi’s “Anna Karenina” and Katyusha, both the Russian song, and the “Resurrection” novel from Tolstoy that has Katyusha as an unfortunate, yet important character.
Also, a little nod to our dear Ana Lesko for her song “Anicyka Maya”, which will serve as a cute little nickname for our dear reader, although the song is Romanian, and it’s about a seductive woman. 
Other nicknames will include: Kiska ( kitten ), Zaika ( bunny ), Kroshka ( little one ), Krasotka ( gorgeous ).
I’m not Russian, I don’t know about Russia’s culture, history and language as much as I know about my own, obviously, but as ex-commie & ex-USSR, we still have a shit ton of similarities. Nevertheless, I will try not to get into too many details that will compromise authenticity.
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Luxury, glamour, wealth, gold, jewellery, diamonds, class, facades, masks, masquerades, social gatherings, lies, marriages, politics, horses, deals, gambling... These represent some of the few words people from everywhere around would describe the royal family.
Why do some still exist, anyway? Shouldn’t they have just completely disappeared at the same time with the Romanov family? ...Stupid cartoon movies and their resurrection of Anastasia...
Nobody truly cares about these rich rats who worked naught for their wealth, and would never understand the struggle and poverty of the normal citizens of Russia...They just live in their abnormally huge palace, having more servants than the population of Moscow and eat at one meal more than normal people do in one week altogether.
How utterly ridiculous.
Their lives are all perfect, they marry themselves to keep that ridiculous purity and their infinite wealth in the family...How atrocious!  What about charity? Kindness? Altruism? Helping out the common folk?
All these thoughts, and you’d think a very bitter and vindictive, very poor and malicious person came up with, and yet, the reality was rather distorted. 
From the top stair of the palace, in a dark room, sitting on the windowpane, a gorgeous young woman cast her dull eyes over the snowy city and the people hurrying down the roads, hoping to go home before it got too late and cold.
Maybe they were poor and hateful, and rightfully so, she’d say, but perhaps they can also be deemed happier, if they can take into account their freedom...As much as the government provides them, at least - Yet even so, even the poorest person held more freedom than this caged bird, forever trapped and shackled by fate from the second she was born...As if she had any choice, that is.
Perhaps she deserves this treatment, this hatred, this...Manipulation from her own family, who only see her as a political and financial pawn, planning her marriage from the second she first cried into this world... Like a martyr, she will accept all torture and live on, never knowing what ‘living’ truly means, only imagining it by reading all day and all night long, or when she plays the piano one of the many songs she learnt.
As the grandfather clock rang to 7 times to announce dinner time, Y/N dressed in a simple, yet elegant dress, put on a pair of classy black stiletto shoes, and went down to the luxurious dining room, sitting in her usual seat, only for a brunet stranger dressed in white to grace the sight with his unexpected presence.
She didn’t dare speak to him, yet her eyes couldn’t leave his form, no matter how her meek demeanour made her hung her head to avoid showing anything other than her demure expression.
Thankfully, her parents arrived, along with the waiters that served the food, so it saved some of the awkwardness of the unknown.
“Y/N, darling, this man here is Fyodor Dostoevsky. He is here as a writer, wanting to learn more about us and about people in general. As a compromise, he agreed to be your personal guard...Considering the other one was a sacrilege to our dear daughter...What a lecherous man, making advances on you...But, anyway, let us toast to the success of this young man’s writing career!” the mother raised her champagne, and the four of them clinked glasses. “I thank you for the unique opportunity to learn and understand society and people better. May you live a long and prosperous life.” this new stranger held a charming smile on his face, trying to impress and buy everyone’s trust. “Do you have yet any idea about the theme of your novel? Or, perhaps an idea for a title?” the father asked, making the brunet shake his head softly. “No, not yet, unfortunately. I prefer to study hard, and only then, when I am educated enough, to allow the flow of creation to take over me.” this Fyodor nodded in acknowledgement, while the girl kept completely silent for the duration of the dinner, waiting for everything to be over so she could escape back to the little faux haven she created and called ‘safe’. “Y/N, show Mr. Fyodor to your room, he will be sleeping there for now on. The butlers already brought a spare bed there, so it’s alright.” the mother waved her hand dismissively, and the girl could only bow quickly and go back to her room, making sure to point out what each of the rooms represent, before reluctantly inviting him to her bedroom. “Please, make yourself at home, Mr. Dostoevsky. I hope it will be comfortable and to your liking. Should you need anything, please do not hesitate to tell me so we can make your stay as great as possible.” she spoke to him in a soft, meek voice, not daring to make eye contact in any way. “Call me Fyodor, no need for formalities. We are going to room together, might as well become friendly. What don’t you tell me about yourself? Your hobbies, your interests, your dreams, your aspirations.” the brunet paced around the room, observing all of her personal objects, which, turned out, except for jewellery, books, a small, pink Gloxinia, and a pickup with 1920s British vinyls, there was nothing to represent her...Which was, in its own way, an intriguing peculiarity. “I...Like reading, flowers, music...And I wish I could get a dog and learn how to play the violin too. There aren’t many interesting things about me...I’m not special or anything out of the ordinary. I am not allowed to put myself out there in any way, so this is the little I could do to express who I am.” so tried to be as vague as possible, fidgeting on her feet uncomfortably, knowing that the punishment for embarrassing the family would be grave, should it be known. “Hmmm...I see, I see...Ah, you’re a Tolstoy reader, I see. Anna Karenina...Very interesting, yet tragic, wouldn’t you say?” he asked, picking up a book that was supposed to be hidden. “N-No! Don’t take that out of there...Nobody can know I have it. I was strictly forbidden from reading it...Please don’t tell anyone I have this book.” the princess snatched the book from his hands, hiding it further back in the bookshelf. “Ohh~? Why would you not be allowed to read a Russian book? You’d think the Russian princess would be urged to read Russian literature.” he stepped in front of her, picking her chin and raising her head slightly to allow him to look deep into her fawn-like eyes. “Because of the ending...And the controversial decisions Anna made, some of them even contradictory to her own beliefs, and yet, she made her own decisions, at some point in her life. When your fate is decided from before you are born, having opinions is the worst enemy of a puppeteer...Wouldn’t you agree?” she muttered, walking away from him, taking her nightgown and walking towards her bathroom.
This made the man think more about how dysfunctional this supposed perfect royal family actually was. The illusion of a flawless individual, living together, forming a flawless family, a flawless life, in a flawless palace. 
Perhaps facades aren’t as obvious to see through, or understand, for while the parents are completely bland...This girl...So much potential locked away in a timid chest of massive oak wood, embellished with overly expensive jewellery, clearly unwanted. She could be a genius, shining in her happiness, glowing like her dazzling smile, and yet, there she is, eclipsed by chaff, when she could be burning brighter than the morning Sun.
Those parents of hers think he wants to be here and get dazzled by the infinite stream of diamonds that keep flowing around the whole place - And yet, perhaps they are the ones living in mental poverty, considering they believe financial wealth and fame is the sole reason for being alive - To uphold a certain kind of status that they worked naught for, but received hereditary, from one lazy deadbeat to yet another generation of useless people for this society.
They truly are like the plague, incredibly rare nowadays, but completely fatal once you fall grasp to their dark claws that drag you to hell to succumb to their completely fictional utopian world that they create only amongst themselves, as if whatever lives beyond these golden walls is putrid and deserves to rot to pieces.
As his mind wandered farther and farther away down the country, snowy roads he created with his own imagination of thoughts, he heard the bathroom door softly open, and the angelic creature garbed in a thin - Possibly silk, snow white nightgown - Stepped back into their now shared room, and just as before, her demeanour resembled that of a small, frightened fawn, or a bunny.
When you have to deal with such a pure being that could completely shatter, it’s difficult not to impulsively break down all walls around and snatch her away - It’s close to impossible not to attempt to test all existing boundaries and see the limits where she would break...Or, almost, at least. 
However, abstinence makes for a great suspense and greed...You want more...And more...And the more you wait, the harder it is to resist, but the satisfaction you get when the frail creature trusts you enough to eat from your own palm, and you finally claim it as yours...
It’s Heavenly.
“Sweet Dreams, Fyodor.” she spoke softly, putting on a Tchaikovsky vinyl and picking up a book, getting in bed and reading it, the only light still open being a dim lantern on her nightstand. “How would you like to show me around the city tomorrow?” the brunet asked so casually that it shocked the girl enough to drop her book on her lap. “O-Oh...U-Uhmm...I’m not exactly to go out of this place unless it’s for Christmas shopping...I’m sorry I can’t properly do as you wish...” she quickly took her book back, hiding her face to hide her embarrassment and disappointment. “Well, then, what a gorgeous coincidence, isn’t it? In barely two months, Christmas shall come, and then, you can properly show me around, correct?” the man mused, the ghost of a smirk playing on his face. “..You’re right! My, you’ll get to see the beautiful fairy light and Christmas decorations all around the city! I can’t believe it, you truly chose the perfect time to come here. Oh, and, the ballet, the opera and the national orchestra are going to perform...I believe The Nutcracker is going to play this year...And Traviata. It should be beautiful, don’t you agree?” Y/N asked with a soft smile on her face, sparks gleaming in her eyes, and for the first time since he’s met her, it felt like she was finally alive. “Yes, yes, I would have to agree. And if you are there with me, the experience will be even better.” he hummed, teasing the poor girl who had no idea what else to say to such bold affirmations. “O-Oh...W-Well...Th-Thank you...I-I think...Your presence there will also make the going out more interesting...And nice.” she offered a comeback that pleased the man well enough. “Good night to you as well, Printsessa.”
What a lovely young woman, he thought, as he closed his eyes and let his mind fly at different aspects of life and of humanity, trying to decipher each and every person he met that day and wondering if his assumptions were correct, as they always are.
Morning came by faster than expected as a shy ray of of Sun creeped inside the room through the window, but Fyodor was already awake, writing at the desk rather rapidly - Most likely, he had some inspiration hitting him, so he proceeded to pour out his conflicting thoughts on the paper, all while stealing a peek from time to time at the girl sleeping peacefully, almost as if she was a Disney Princess.
The way the soft light caressed her face had him take the stray streak of h/c hair and pull it back so it won’t tickle her awake, while also being allowed to watch her peacefully inhale and exhale, a small smile on her face...Perhaps she was having a beautiful dream? Was that why she told him to have sweet dreams? Were her dreams her only lovely escape from this horrible reality she was forced to live in?
There were so many mysteries yet to be unveiled, but all in due time, as Fyodor noticed the gentle flutter of her lashes, and with a grace only reserved to a Swan Princess, she raised and stretched with a sweet hum, and the brunet man watched as his eyes felt absolutely blessed seeing such a beauty...
If people complained that Disney Princesses weren’t relatable, since they have messy hair when they wake up, just like Anna, they clearly haven’t seen how perfect Y/N looks, even as she blinks her sleepiness away.
“I see you slept well, Printsessa. Good morning.” she heard him speak, and she noticed it wasn’t as en garde and...It almost seemed...Pleased to see her. “Fyodor...You woke up before me. You should have woke me up. Please wake me up next time, I wouldn’t want you to feel lonely or upset. This place is like a piranha tank...Thread carefully, otherwise, you’re like a little animal who fell in.” she quickly got up, rushing through her daily routine so she could be by his side, not only because her parents assigned her to that, but also because this Dostoevsky man is the only little thing that could rip her out of her completely dull routine and show her a little bit of insight into what could be something out of her imagination entirely. “Aww, the little songbird wishes to spend time with me, how adorable. Very well, Printsessa, what is it that you want to do today? My job here is to observe and write, after all.” he asked, crossing one leg over the other, resting his chin on his fist, watching her with intense interest. “Oh, well, I have to practice the piano today, but other than that, I have nothing in my schedule.” she explained, guiding him to the music room that very much resembled a whole orchestra surrounding a place - Not too small, yet not too big either - Meant for ballroom dancing. “I bet the national orchestra isn’t as fancy as this place is.” he mused, walking up to the cello and tracing his fingertips across the chords. “...Do you know how to play it?” she asked, walking up to him, having the curiosity of a baby fawn exploring the world. “Would you like to hear?” he asked, sitting on the chair and expertly hugging the cello, he grabbed the bow and teased the girl with a mischievous look in his gleaming purple eyes. “Oh, yes, please, if it’s not too much to ask! It would be absolutely splendid.” Y/N clasped her hands together, grinning widely as she stepped a few feet away to give him enough space so he could start playing. “It would be my pleasure, Printsessa.” and with the nod of his head, he started playing the famous Sugar plum fairy song, making the girl gasp in surprise at how gorgeous it sounded.
She crouched to reach the perfect eye view of the bow gliding along the chords, her mouth slightly agape and she gazed with absolute wonder, not even realising when the song was over, for she was much too mesmerised.
“Well, Printsessa, how did you like it?” he rested his arms on the curves of the cello, leaning forwards for a better look at her. “That was better than even our national cello player! It was absolutely stunning, woaw...Just...You left me speechless! You’re...You’re...You are...Perfectly splendid!” she clapped for him rapidly and incredibly enthusiastic, making him chuckle in amusement at her cuteness. “Why, thank you, Printsessa. How about you entertain me now, little Anicyka Maya?” he carefully put the Cello in its place, stepping in front of her and caressing her porcelain skin, quenching his thirst for discovery by seeing her rosy cheeks. “Well...I can’t say I’m anywhere as great as you are...But, sure. I hope you will like it.” she looked down, fidgeting with her fingers as she hurried timidly to the piano, and taking a deep breath, cracking her fingers, she liter her fingers skillfully dance over the keys, as her voice followed every word of the song called “Katyusha”. However, she wasn’t expecting him to applaud and whistle to her, congratulating her for being such a beautiful nightingale. “You clearly underestimate your hard work and talent. Perhaps we should play together one day. I’m sure it would put a smile on your parents’ faces.” Fyodor bowed to kiss Y/N’s hand, only to hear the door opening. “Yes, Mr. Fyodor, we would quite like to hear the two of you dueting together. Since Y/N will have to perform both dance and a song at the piano, as a Christmas tradition, it will show how much she’s improved...If at all. I have to tell you the truth, Mr. Fyodor, over the past few years, she has been exceptionally disappointing...Well, perhaps you coming here will prove to give her a jolt in the right direction.” Y/N’s mother came out of nowhere in the music room, almost as if she was stalking the pair, and Fyodor could see how the Princess’ behaviour changed 180 degrees, and from the excitable and lively young girl, she went back to hide in her guarded shell, trying to protect herself from the numerous blows everyone throws her way.
And just as he expected, once they started playing, despite throwing in one or two intentional mistakes, while she had none of her own, the mother reprimanded her daughter, while praising him. He thought, at first, this was going to be some kind of tough love encouragement and determination she was trying to give the girl, but truly, it was nothing more than unrealistic dreams of an already flawless performance.
This family was nowhere close to being the perfect, or the most loving one, that was without a doubt. But being so horrible to your own daughter, humiliating her in front of a complete stranger, making her tremble softly while trying her best to keep herself from bursting into sobbing fits, was a whole different kind of cruel and unnecessary malice.
For some reason, Fyodor felt a certain kind of warmth in his chest...But not the same kind of warmth he feels when he is around Y/N, but something...Similar to fury. To rage. He was sure he never felt such a personal sort of offense, despite not being him that was belittled.
A terrifying sort of justice bubbled inside him, and he smirked, thinking about just one sole thing.
Crime and Punishment.
Fyodor hoped dearly that it would be only the maternal figure that was the problem, yet it seemed to be much worse, and the toxicity levels that kept vibing all over the place seemed to be equivalent to that of Chernobyl at the time of the explosion.
All throughout the week, he noticed the dirty looks all the staff was giving the Princess, possibly because she was being a shy and quiet pushover...But it went completely beyond his understanding how these servants would even dare be so rude to her, considering she is always so sweet to them, always forgives their mistakes and shares her whole allowance with them in equal parts...
But they complain it’s not enough. They complain others get more, or less, but clearly, they don’t care about that, they just want more and more money...They are greedy jackals who don’t care about the life or soul of a poor little lady who just wants to be happy...
But perhaps happiness isn’t meant for royalty.
A week until Christmas, and Fyodor was ready with the quick draft, and he left it on the desk for Y/N to read, and he couldn’t help but admire and drink in each and every emotion she would express on her lovely face with every word she read, every action, every chapter that stirred more and more conflicting feelings and thoughts battling together - Conflicts that she was trying so hard to hide, no doubt feeling his burning, hawk-like stare on her, analysing her as if she was a new specimen under a microscope.
She was great at hiding what she truly felt, yet her eyes betrayed her inner self, the sparkling of nostalgia and sadness crawling out, shrieking at the top of her lungs to be discovered and taken out of this well of darkness she was drowning in - She wanted to be saved, she was at her breaking point, and clearly, she was afraid. 
Afraid of life. Afraid of people. Afraid of her family. Afraid of this society. Afraid her own self. Afraid of her actions.
And most of all.
She was afraid of spiritual, mental and emotional imprisonment.
As Christmas approached with rapid footsteps, Fyodor could notice how Y/N stiffer, more silent, flinching more, keeping herself in check, alone, barely speaking to anyone...Clearly, she was being stressed out and afraid of the consequences of screwing up anything.
Perhaps, the problem here was the fatalist and completely out of her control destiny she was thrown in, and she knew from the very beginning that, no matter how flawless her performance was, she would still be reprimanded and punished, so she resigned herself to this kind of treatment...The same as every year.
“It’s so beautiful outside...And it’s snowing...! So soft and cold...It’s almost numbing you entirely, but the beauty of Christmas still melts down even the most frozen of hearts.” she spoke with such sadness dripping from her tongue, that Fyodor felt the need to take his fur hat and put it on her head before taking a hold of both of her hands, rubbing them together and kissing her knuckles. “It’s not the day or the decorations that are supposed to move a person, but the kindness and altruism of people. From what I’ve seen in the past weeks, the only consistency in this place is the beauty of your heart and the cruelty of everyone else that keep eclipsing you. You deserve better than this, kroshka.” the man spoke simply, waiting to see the way she’d react. “...I didn’t choose this life, nor did it choose me, yet here I am, trying to keep my head above the water in a whirlpool. I have all my life planned and written ahead of me, and there’s nothing I can do about it. From the very beginning, since before I was even born, they knew they will sell me out to some old, rich man, just so they could benefit, but they cared naught about my well-being, as long as I could keep him entertained in any way possible. The least I can do is try to enjoy the little things...Even if they are nothing more than just that...Little things.” she admits to him, taking away her hands and holding them to her chest, too afraid to trust her own heart. “You let the servants make a mockery out of your kindness. You let your family humiliate you in front of everyone. You let common folk bash you, even if you tip them greatly...Tell me, krasotka, have you read the draft to my book yet?” they continued to stroll down the cobbled streets, looking up at the snowflakes gently dancing in the light of the lamposts, as Fyodor carried most of her shopping bags that held Christmas gifts for everyone but herself. “Yes...I did...But I did not finish it. I was much too afraid to read the ending of it.” she nodded to him, biting her lip nervously. “Afraid? Why ever would you be afraid of reading some words made of ink on a piece of paper?” the man frowned in confusion and interest, hearing such a peculiarity of an answer. “Because...Because I know that Prince Myshkin actually represents me...And how life treats me...So I’m afraid the ending will hint to Anna Karenina’s ending...And I don’t want that. I don’t...That’s why I’m afraid...I’m scared that...I’m scared that I won’t be able to endure this madness anymore, and sooner, rather than later, I will shatter into an unrecognisable version of myself that not even I will decipher...And I will do scary things that I would otherwise be afraid of even thinking about. You know I read the book, I wouldn’t put it past you to tease me like that.” she smiled ironically, shaking her head to stop herself from shuddering at such a dreadful thought. “Congratulations, Printsessa, you are surely insightful. However, I must advise you to read it, and keep in mind that you are not entirely wrong in your thinking. While the ending isn’t identical to Tolstoy’s novel, it isn’t on the complete opposite spectrum either. What you read is one of the possible outcomes of your life, should you choose to remain a passive onlooker and let everyone control you, like a little, pretty doll. Should you, however, choose to take fate into your own hands and finally make your first choice of your life...I can promise you, you are going to be much happier.” Fyodor kissed her forehead before leading her back to the palace so she could take the day off...For tomorrow, she must perform.
But the author wasn’t lying, Y/N realised as she spent the last hours past curfew to finish the book, and she realised that while Myshkin didn’t kill himself, he was still dead inside, and just like the catatonic state he was stuck into, she has been living a life of complete comatose herself.  Fyodor was right all along - A life without choices is not a life, nor is it one without freedom and happiness - And maybe, for the first time in her life, she would make the most difficult decision the universe threw at her, and that was to choose between Duty and Happiness, something every royal member, especially women all over the world, who were seen as nothing more than political and decorative objects meant to create heirs and nothing more, had to pick, and dutifully chose to sacrifice themselves to keep the family and the nobility going.
But not anymore....
“You look beautiful today, my little zaika. This velvet colour of your dress, the way it highlights you stunning silhouette...And this jewellery...And your hair and make up...You are above and beyond the most beautiful person to ever grace this life. How are you going to enchant us today?” Fyodor pat down his white suit so he would look completely impeccable...Or, perfectly splendid, as Y/N would say. “Does it truly matter, in the end? Nobody but you will pay attention, and at the end of the day, I will only hear critiques. It’s the same every year, so there is no point in bothering to stand out, have any particularity or give a name. It just...Is. So...Let me get this over with so I can go to my room and pretend this day never happened...Again.” she muttered, hooking her arm to his, entering the big ballroom together.
A ton of people were there, not only family, but enough family ‘friends’, all of them incredibly rich, with a combined fortune great enough to buy the whole Russia somehow...And all eyes were on her. She didn’t mind. She was used to the nervousness and the either critical or lustful stares she received - But only during these kinds of events, and because she was a Princess, otherwise nobody would have cared about her existence or her feelings...
Nobody...Except for Fyodor.
Until the time of his arrival, nobody cared about her, nor did they bother trying to understand or talk to her, and yet, here he was, always by her side, and frankly, she fell in love with him. She, for the first time in her life, cared naught about everything surrounding her, and she thought solely about him and their time spent together. That is all that mattered to her.
So, with that in mind, and a warm heart, she performed the Waltz of Flowers flawlessly at the piano, along with a few other songs, adding some festive ones. Fyodor was absolutely captivated by the spells she put on people whenever she radiated with such pure gentleness, just like Christmas’ true angel.
Her fingers glided so gracefully over the keys, as she hummed along the music, not even bothering to look at the sheet, for she new everything by heart - But somehow, it all sounded even more magical than before, and nobody could tell why.
But Fyodor knew, and he smiled, figuring out her trick. And he was going to call her out for that when this whole charade was over.  But for now, he allowed himself to enjoy bathing in her radiating warmth, for she was shining brighter than the Sun itself.
By the time she finished her little repertoire, she did a pretty courtesy and walked to the man in the white suit, taking a glass of red wine and sipping from it, that gentle smile never leaving her face.
They exchanged no words, but there was no need for that, as the look in their eyes spoke more than anything else, and they danced the night away, together, in graceful and intimate waltzes, or swaying together, keeping their hearts glued together, beating in sync and feeling each other’s heat.
She might not have wanted to end up like Karenina, but she wasn’t too far away from her situation, and she knew very well, should she leave with this man, she was going to break down every rule, and find an identity for herself, after all these years.
But happiness is emphemeral in the life of a Princess, and just before the Christmas Ball ended, her parents dragged her to the table of this old man, so they would share gifts. This old man, who so happened to be the man chosen to be her future husband, and had fewer hairs on his head and teeth in his mouth than her age.
Most of the gifts were pretty basic - Jewellery for women, cigars, fedoras, watches for men...But for her...She received some of he oddest gifts so far - And yet, she thought life couldn’t surprise her anymore.
Several little outfits, fit for babies, were neatly folded in all boxes, sans one - The sole box being a small, velvet box, which revealed a sapphire ring that expressed the definite bond of marriage that must be officiated very soon, through papers and a church ceremony.
Frozen was the clock, frozen was the time, and frozen was life itself, for the shock was great - Being put on the spot is scarier than the anticipation and fear of venturing into the unknown - Yet here she was, with her supposed fossil of a husband, with several babies promised to be born, and a very angry author, watching the disgusting exchange of pleasantries between the elder people.
He noticed Y/N doing a little courtesy, excusing herself with a nervous smile, and rushing out of the ballroom, the clicks of her elegant heels giving away her location at all time. Following her, he saw her on the edge of the rood, barefoot, her back to the empty space, as she hummed, looking up at the clouds pouring snow, and swaying to her tippy toes occasionally.
“You sure like the feeling of being alive, don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t be staying there after being faced with such a disgusting situation.” he pointed out, clasping his hands behind his back and carefully stepped towards her. “Life is full of surprises. But it is not called life, unless you have a say in the paths that you go down by. Today, I realised what I have to do in order to achieve true bliss and happiness...Something ethereal, although utopian in its quintessence. I have to make a choice. And right now, I’m making it.” she smiled, extending her arms to the side, resembling a Goddess, as a few stray tears streamed down her face - But they were tears of relief, not of fear, anxiety of depression. She was happy. “You said you didn’t want to choose the path of Karenina, nor of Myshkin, and yet, there you are, on the brink of death, as the way to show that you are no longer a caged bird. Is it truly worth it, in the end?” Fyodor asked, frowning at the delusional words she was spewing. “Death is but the beginning of a new adventure, and with me falling, I will find out what freedom is, unlike all the other Princesses before me. It is not death I’m choosing, nor will I regret it as soon as I step into this free fall hazard, like Karenina, and, as you can see, I chose to wake up from my catatonic state, unlike Myshkin. I know what awaits me as soon as I reach the ground...But do you?” Y/N hummed in amusement, watching the conflict painted all over his face - And it was for the first time that Fyodor showed such confusion and inner turmoil, that much was obvious to her. “Stop this, Y/N, I don’t understand your reasoning, but don’t kill yourse- “ but he couldn’t finish his sentence, for the girl uttered just a few words - Words that changed even the rotation of the Earth around the Sun - And as she pushed herself on the tips of her toes, she embraced the cold wind of Winter being her guide down to the ground, as she watched the snowflakes following her down.
And she smiled.
Because love won, and life won, and she knew she chose correct - These weren’t the times to choose everyone else over herself anymore, and nor is she a saint, a martyr, an angel, or some perfect Christian role model.  She was just a woman thirsting for happiness and for the tangible sensation of life and of flying, and with this jump, she got completely wasted.
The secure embrace of a white angel made sure she lived for another day, but not quite, for her guardian angel jumped to save her, yet had no idea himself that he wasn’t the only special one, after all, and just as they were going to reach the ground, time seemed to stop, and they reached the ground gracefully and softly, like two linked feathers.
She lay down on the crystal blanket of snow, laughing mirthfully, almost with a childlike charm, as her long hair was sprawled all over her, and Fyodor’s arms were fiercely holding her, and he looked down at her, his eyes wide in understanding.
“I didn’t choose death. I chose life. I chose love...I chose you, and I chose me. I knew you had an ability too, and that you were confident in it, so I was sure that, should you choose to, you could jump from the roof of the palace to save me - Which you did. I never really have the opportunity to use my ability, but it’s rather useful in some situations, if I can say so myself. So, by the way you’d respond to my feelings and actions, I’d know whether I chose right or not...I think we both know the answer now, don’t we?” she grinned mischievously, extending a hand to his face to caress it gently. “That’s the most idiotic, most reckless thing anyone has ever one...And yet, you strategised everything, as if we were pieces in a game of chess. How did you get the courage to reach such a conclusion?” his voice was low, like a murmur, trying to understand her impossible, labyrinthine mind. “Life offered me a Christmas gift today, and that was serendipity, so, I used it. Everything else was a perfect strategy of a game of chess I played myself - The White King versus the Black King - And, was far as my luck and the universe brought about, I believe I won. But you must still answer back, otherwise, the magic will vanish.” Fyodor noticed a smirk growing on her face - One that somehow resembled his, and he almost felt conflicted seeing her mimicking him in his demeanour, in a way...But he also felt incredibly proud. “I cannot take you with me, Y/N. The part I walk is dangerous, it could even be fatal, and I would rather you not walk down a boulevard of broken dreams. You just now achieved happiness, don’t throw it out of the window. It a world full of crimes, I choose to be both the justiciar and the executioner of the unworthy. In a world of crime, I shall inflict punishment upon the evil-doers and paint this world red with the blood of the guilty.” he wanted her, he truly didn’t want to leave without her, nor did he want to leave her alone, here, with these hyenas, but could he really have it in his heart to endanger her so? “Fyodor, my darling, it matters naught for me whether I live or die, as long as the journey is by your side, and I’m not shackled anymore. I want to see, I want to hear, I want to touch, I want to taste, I want to smell, I want to learn. Everything. Without exception. There is a whole world out there, open, waiting to be explored and unveiled, and I shall be its explorer. As long as I have you by my side, I will surely be fearless. Being a hero, being a villain, or anything in between is of no concern for me...However, I cannot deny that I would be rather...Interested in seeing you deliver the sentence down to...Some specific people.” she giggled, winking at him, as she obviously hinted towards her kin and the unlimited amount of gossips she has heard about so many people, over the years.
With a wide smirk on his face, Fyodor Dostoevsky helped Princess Y/N on her feet and gave her a passionate, fire-like kiss, before picking her up bridal style and making their way to her room, so she would start packing and leave at the earliest convenience.
There may still be a bit of official work to do at the palace, and as his ability is called, there is no crime without punishment, he was going to make sure of that. Until then, there was one thing certain, and one alone, that was going to guide the both of them to a path of exciting uncertainty and thrill.
“I love you, my dear Y/N.”
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Whumptober 19: Survivor’s Guilt
TIMELINE: Takes place in the Iris Michaelson, Teen Badass AU of the Fillis Angst Parade AU - look, @whump-tr0pes and I make our own fun, and by “fun”, I mean we make “Isaac and Finn suffer”.
Basic Plot: Fourteen years ago, Finn Dunham and Ellis Price were taken captive. The team has never been able to rescue them, and knows only that Finn lives life as Patrick Michaelson’s plaything and Ellis teaches at a Syndicate dayschool and tutors the Michaelson’s adopted teenage daughter. When Iris Michaelson sends a message to the famous rebel Isaac Moore, he can’t help but answer it.
CW: Referenced noncon/dubcon, referenced torture
“If this is a trap, I’m going to owe Gavin fifty bucks.” Vera checked and rechecked her handgun, as though it would suddenly be less loaded than it was just a few minutes before. Her jaw was set in a grim line, eyes flashing a kind of damped-down fire, embers ready to spark. Her thick black hair, showing growing hints of gray, was pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck, and she wore a pair of black pants and a tucked-in t-shirt, ready for the fight she was definitely expecting. “I don’t want to owe Gavin money, Isaac.”
“It’s not a trap,” Isaac replied, making his own nervous check and recheck of the table and chairs. “I don’t think it is, anyway. My instincts are saying it isn’t.”
“Your instincts-”
“My instincts have been spot-on for a decade, Vera. Just trust me on this. She let us pick the day, the time, the location… she let us give her the location with less than four hours’ notice, even. If this is a trap, she’s piss-poor at setting it.”
“Hm.” Vera snorted, and checked the second gun, the rifle they had leaning up, hidden on the other side of a doorframe, where Vera could pick it up and keep shooting if she had to.
If they needed the second gun, it would be because she was buying time for an exit, not because they had a shot in hell of getting a win.
“She wouldn’t have let me pick the spot with such short notice if she was planning on killing us,” Isaac said, but he felt less certain than his voice sounded.
“She’s a teenager, isn’t she? Who the fuck knows why teenagers do anything?”
It was Isaac’s turn to snort, then.
Their scheduled meeting space was a busted-out house an hour outside of the Michaelson Syndicate's largest stronghold city, a hidden place they had used, in the past, to run dissidents out of the city north, always north. A few years ago it’d been compromised, the house was half-burned down in the attack, but there was a room at the back that was still standing… more or less.
The girl had agreed readily to meet here - which Vera didn’t like, such a quick agreement made her think the youngest Michaelson child had some kind of plan, but it was a cleared space and Isaac had put his people all around. If the girl was bringing weapons, well, so were they. 
Isaac had sentries watching for miles around, covering every road. It paid to have his reputation, and have so many people willing to sign on to help him out with this. It didn’t hurt that his reputation meant he’d managed to scrape together enough money to pay them.
Not in money, no - Isaac had traded pallets of flour with boxes' worth of packets of yeast, a couple of beat-up cars that could at least be broken down for scrap, and cough syrup from their carefully hoarded medical supplies. But it had been enough to draw in some people willing to take the risk.
Sentries had reported by radio - one car, following the directions Isaac had given it. No escort cars, no one caught sneaking through the scrubby woods around the house. Just one, single, shining black Michaelson Syndicate vehicle, clearly marked, making no effort to hide.
She was following every rule she’d been given, right down to the tiniest detail.
Still, his nerves were on edge. What the youngest Michaelson child could possibly want with them - what had made her reach out to schedule a face-to-face - had had him up at night ever since the first message had come in, sent via dissidents who didn’t even understand what they were carrying in the envelope that no one dared open until it got to him.
My name is Iris Michaelson and I need your help. I know Finn Dunham and Ellis Price. Please call me. Then a number, everything written in a childish looping cursive, and the sight of Finn and Ellis’s names had meant Isaac could never have stopped himself from calling.
“I wonder-”
“If she wants a way out, I’m not doing it,” Vera snapped, interrupting Isaac’s thoughts, her fraying nerves given away by the edge in her voice. “We can’t handle that kind of heat, Isaac.”
“I can find her someone to go to for that,” Isaac said, not quite in agreement. “We’re not in the business of hiding Syndicate kids.”
“Oh, are we not?” Vera’s dry humor edged on sarcasm. “Because I’m wondering what exactly you think we did with Gavin, then-”
“Anymore. We’re not in the business of hiding Syndicate kids anymore. That was fifteen years ago, are you-”
“Ever going to let it go? Nope. I’m too old to escort a spoiled rotten rich kid into the real world again, and you’re sure as fuck too old to fall in love with another one.”
Isaac felt a smile pull at the corners of his mouth, and shook his head. “Calm, Vera.”
“Isaac, so far you’ve turned Gavin into your goddamn life partner and tried to give Danny fucking Michaelson a place-”
“All I did was give him my name to help him get as far as he and Nate could get, when he was ready.” Isaac ignored the twist of bitterness inside him. “And he never was, was he? He’s still there.”
Some part of Isaac would always wonder why - when given the chance to get out - Danny had chosen to stay.
He sighed, and kept talking. “In any case, that’s not going to happen here. I’m not going to give her safe harbor with us. I’ve already spoken to some other communities, just laying groundwork. If she needs a place to run, she can have it - but she’ll have to give up a tremendous amount of intel to earn her sanctuary.”
“What kind of intel does a fucking fourteen-year-old girl have?”
“Don’t know, but she might have enough. She didn’t drop Danny’s name to meet with me, did you notice? She dropped Finn’s and Ellis’s names instead.” He shifted the chair on the other side, the one she’d sit in, this way and that until he had it just right. His own weapons - he carried two, one under his left arm and one on his right hip, plus another hidden taped under the table on his side - were fully loaded, too. All this to take on a single teenage girl.
Granted, it wasn’t just a teenage girl. Iris Michaelson happened to be the daughter of Patrick and Corrine Michaelson. Danny’s parents, and she was the beloved youngest child of the fucking assholes that had stolen his family, and kept them. The last Isaac had directly seen of Finn and Ellis was them being surrounded by Patrick’s men fourteen years ago as the car with him inside spit gravel and sped away.
Isaac swallowed, tightly, wondering if it was a good sign or a bad one that he rarely teared up when he remembered the moment, now. He’d cried too much for them already, and Iris Michaelson would be here soon.
“Would you have met her if she’d namechecked Danny?”
Isaac shook his head, jaw set firmly. “No.”
“But you will if-”
“Listen, maybe it’s about Finn, or Ellis,” Isaac said, softly. He barely dared hope. “Maybe she’s willing to trade intel on them. We know they’re still alive. We know Finn is-... that Finn has-”
“Yeah,” Vera said heavily. “Maybe. Hell, maybe the daughter has a heart. Anything’s fuckin’ possible, right?”
“Right.” Isaac took a deep breath. He heard the sound of car tires on gravel and raised his head, jaw setting into a determined line. “Here they are.”
“Showtime,” Vera said, voice low. She shifted back until she was mostly hidden in a doorway, covered enough in shadow that she wouldn’t be immediately visible unless she wanted to be. “I’ve got you covered, Isaac, but if it looks like it’s going south-”
“I’ll drop so you can start shooting and cover me until I can fire, too.” 
“Right. Again, just for the record-”
“You won’t owe Gavin money. I promise.” Isaac took a seat on his side of the table. He knew his own people littered the woods around the clearing, weapons at the ready. He’d brought a full fucking team to meet with a teenage girl. But as far as Isaac was concerned, Iris Michaelson might as well be more dangerous than just about anyone else he might meet with.
Isaac knew enough, from his short time with the Michaelson family going on fifteen years ago, to know that their Syndicate wasn’t entirely human.
Crunch of footsteps - Isaac counted. The girl’s steps - lighter, but firm. Projecting a false confidence, Isaac thought. She was trying to sound stronger than she felt. He knew the feeling. A large… man, he guessed, from the time between heavy footsteps. Bodyguard, probably as armed to the teeth as Vera was. He waited to count more but… heard no one. 
Isaac’s eyebrows furrowed, frowning. “Vera-” He turned to look back over his shoulder.
“I heard,” Vera whispered. “Eyes straight ahead, Isaac. I heard it. She’s only bringing one inside with her. Gavin might just owe me money.” Vera’s smile flashed white in the darkness. “Now that idea I like.”
She melted back into the shadows, and when Iris Michaelson entered the room, Isaac would seem entirely alone. 
Iris moved into the room with the unconscious certainty of power that every Syndicate son or daughter carried, although her steps were a little hesitant and her breathing tightly nervous, but that wasn’t what caught Isaac’s eyes. Her head was slightly down, auburn hair catching the dim light, a thick braid down her back with two smaller braids that ran on either side along her head to join the larger on. She also had a small, almost delicate-looking handgun on a small holster on her hip. 
He froze watching the lanky, gawky, all-elbows-and-knees girl in her soft black off-the-shoulder sweater, jeans, and combat boots that cost more than the gun on Isaac’s hip enter the room. He hadn’t seen hair quite that color since…
“Iris Michaelson.” His voice somehow came out even, but he heard himself speak as if from some far away place. His heart had started to race. “You requested a meeting with me?”
She raised her head to meet his eyes, and Isaac’s world broke apart. 
The shape of her face was unmistakable, as was the color of her hair. Her eyes were wide and a strangely startlingly clear hazel leaning towards brown, but…
Isaac heard Vera’s soft gasp behind him and knew she saw it, too.
Iris Michaelson was the perfect spitting image of Ellis Price - except for the fact that she had Finn Dunham’s hair and eyes. 
Iris came to a stop, warily, the hulking bodyguard - a brute of a man who seemed to carry himself with an absurd gentleness, with cropped dark hair and dark eyes in a pale face - that followed close on her heels putting his hand to his gun. Isaac automatically raised both his hands, empty and open-palmed, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. 
My God, I know who you fucking are, now.
Finn and Ellis had been captured during their flight from the Michaelson stronghold nearly fifteen years ago. They had disappeared into the depths of the Michaelson’s mansion, and every attempt the team made to understand what might have happened had dead-ended into the common knowledge that anyone who went into the Michaelson mansion never came back out of it alive. Isaac had refused to believe they were dead at first, and when no one hunted them down - no one found the safehouses Ellis and Finn knew about, no attacks were made on places the two of them might have given up under torture… he had refused to believe they were broken, either. 
The team had never been able to go back for them, it had been too dangerous a risk even though Isaac had tried and failed and tried and failed again. They’d been… gone. 
Not dead - there’d have been some closure then.
Just… disappeared.
The Michaelsons had adopted a baby girl - philanthropic move, adopting the orphaned child of their employees, a couple killed in an attack by rebels. They'd named her Iris, and she'd been raised as just as much a part of the family as Ryan or Danny. 
Then, shortly after the public announcement of Iris joining the Michaelson family, Finn popped back up. They were kept at Patrick Michaelson’s side, his willing, branded plaything, photographed sitting in his lap at parties, glass of champagne tipped to their lips, eyes dead and empty above a gorgeous smile, head tilted to the side as Patrick's lips pressed into the brand on the left side of their neck. 
Isaac had been shown photos of Finn - with Patrick’s mouth on theirs or their neck or his hand between their legs, Finn with their back pressed up against Patrick’s car like Finn was just an object, even right out in public, even in plain sight. Finn wearing perfectly tailored suits, Finn half-wearing those suits, Finn wearing nothing but a harness of knotted navy blue rope with their legs wrapped around Patrick Michaelson’s waist, smiling and begging for more, harder, deeper… 
Broken and leaning into Patrick’s touch, over and over with that same dead-eyed smile. Standing with Patrick’s arm around their waist, leaning into him, a carefully crafted expression of adoration there. Isaac had shed bitter tears over being too late to save them. Whatever had broken Finn was something Isaac could never have brought them back from.
Ellis… Ellis had been gone for more than four years. The team had eventually assumed Ellis was dead - Isaac had grieved their fucking death. He’d thought losing them must have been what broke Finn, made them give up and resign themself to life in Patrick Michaelson’s bed.
Then… an envelope, and a set of photos Isaac had never expected to see. Ellis, nearly five years after Isaac had last seen them, teaching children at a Syndicate school, heavily guarded but still clearly themself. Smiling for children but expression set in a furious grim line the second no one was looking. Photos snuck out of the city by secret dissidents, Isaac had spent so much of what little money he had on every bit of information he could get about the two of them.
They were miserable, captives held behind enemy lines for more than a decade. But they never tried to run, never tried to contact anyone. Never took the chance. Isaac had managed to leverage people who owed him favors, new and old contacts, but every attempt to get Finn alone at a party had ended in their soft refusal - an insistence that I'm happy living this way, thank you or I love Patrick Michaelson, who could want to escape from living like this? or please, I can’t talk about it, I have to love him - and they’d move back to Patrick’s side - and Ellis was never fucking alone at all.
They weren’t trying to be alone, though, and Isaac just didn’t understand it.
Isaac hadn’t been able to grasp why Ellis could look so unbowed and so… utterly Ellis, and still be there. Still go day by day to the school, teaching children their ABCs, spending their nights and weekends tutoring the Michaelsons’ youngest child like it was nothing. Like it was a life they wanted, evenings and weekends helping raise a fucking Syndicate daughter, a pampered little princess.
It should have been something Ellis would rather die than do.
Isaac had wondered, again and again, what could possibly keep Ellis from trying to escape. Now, staring as Iris Michaelson crossed the room and settled herself in a chair across from him, Isaac understood. 
He understood, and he would have made exactly the same choices they had made, for this.
Ellis had been tutoring their own daughter, grasping for time with her. Doing anything it took not to lose her. And so, in their own way, had Finn. Ellis wouldn’t try to escape because they wouldn’t leave their daughter - Finn was at Patrick’s side to stay as close to Iris as they could get. The two of them had spent fourteen years like this. 
Corrine Michaelson hadn’t taken Iris from a dead employee to raise as her own. 
She’d taken Iris from Ellis. 
The two of them had managed to leverage their captivity to stay close to her, no matter what they had to give up, no matter how much of themselves they had had to give away. Isaac had to blink away tears that blurred his vision, wanting to stare at Iris for as long as he could.
Was this why Danny had stopped contacting Isaac about possibly leaving himself? Had he gone radio silent and stayed here because he didn’t want to leave Iris, either?
She looked up at him uncomfortably, rubbing at one arm with her other hand. It was… strange, to see the child’s roundness in Ellis’s face with Finn’s brown eyes, the hint of nervous shyness that he’d never seen in his friend, his family. But… he couldn’t look away. “What? What are you staring at? I’m adopted.” 
Isaac just blinked, until Vera cleared her throat behind him and Isaac jumped a little, startled out of his thoughts. The world felt like it had just tipped sideways, all of it made sense now, all at once. Puzzle pieces falling to the floor and magically into place. “I-I’m sorry, I just-... I know. I’ve met your brothers-”
“I know.” Iris’s voice was low, but held a sharp edge. “They told me.”
“They did?” Isaac almost asked her what exactly Danny and Ryan had had to say about him, but he could feel Vera’s eyes on his back, and he cleared his throat again. “My apologies. You wanted to meet with m-me?”
His voice was trembling. If he wasn’t careful, he’d cry right here in front of her. How are they? How broken? Is anything left? How much did they lose just to keep you?
“Yes. I, um. I thank you for-... meeting with me today. For agreeing to meet.” Iris’s voice was carefully even, but it shook, too, giving away that Syndicate daughter or not, she was nervous. Probably scared - she didn’t have any good reason to believe Isaac wouldn't just kill her or take her hostage. She’d shown a lot of trust, having just the one bodyguard and probably a driver come with her. She’d shown a lot of courage.
That’s Finn and Ellis for you, Isaac thought, and his throat nearly closed again.
“I-I’m not here for my own sake,” Iris said, quietly, looking slightly down, as if reciting something from memory. Her face was red, and Isaac decided this might be as close to seeing Ellis blush as he was ever going to get. “I don’t-... I don’t. Um. I’m sorry, this is just. Wait, I was supposed to start with-... shit.”
Isaac’s lips quirked in the slightest smile - he heard Vera huff a laugh from her hiding spot. There’s Ellis’s daughter, through and through.
Iris’s bodyguard leaned over, putting a hand on her shoulder, whispering in her ear. He looked up at Isaac, then, without the instinctive loathing or derision that Isaac usually expected from the Syndicate guards he’d gotten into fights with in the past. 
“Right. Right, thanks, David.” Iris put a hand up over the bodyguard’s, looking back at Isaac, sitting up straight again. Her black sweater fell just lightly off one bony shoulder. Loyal to her, Isaac thought, watching the bodyguard. Not Patrick and Corrine. We can use that. He’s not a Syndicate bodyguard - he’s Iris Michaelson’s bodyguard. There’s something there, if I can just figure it out.
Jesus, what had Ryan and Danny said years ago? Not everyone in the Syndicate was human. Was this David human? Or something else?
His heart was pounding. He had to make it through this meeting and then he was going to let himself be crushed under the weight of what he could see only in hindsight, only with Iris sitting here in front of him. Now that he understood that his attempts to save them had been fruitless because they didn’t want to be saved - not if… not if it would take them from their daughter.
He understood, now. He got it, all at once. Finn wouldn’t leave Ellis. Ellis wouldn’t leave Finn. And they wouldn’t leave Iris. 
God, he could feel fourteen years crushing him, all at once. Freedom he’d had and they hadn’t, could never get back. And they’d only been caught because Isaac had been running from being turned into Danny’s unwilling plaything, against both his and Danny’s will.
If he hadn’t let himself be rescued, he could have stayed with Danny and Nate. Danny would have… would have tried to make it feel as close to normal as he could. 
Stop it. You couldn’t have known. You could never have known. This isn’t your fault. This isn’t-... this isn’t your fault.
Felt like it, though. If he’d just… belonged to the Michaelsons - spent his days with Danny - then Finn never would have, would they? They’d be a rebel medic still, probably, not a plaything who spent their time being felt up or worse by the Michaelson patriarch-
Stop it. She’s fucking talking, listen to her, Isaac.
“Ellis,” Iris was saying softly, “is my real mother. And they told me to tell you, um, something that proves-... that proves that I’m here for them. They said… it’s been a while, motherfucker. Is-.. is bitchboy behaving?” 
Isaac closed his eyes, briefly, wanting to laugh and cry and do both at once. Vera huffed a laugh from her position behind him and Iris jumped, glancing back at David, who had a gun up, out, and pointed right at Isaac in less time than it took for Iris to flinch back when she realized Vera was there.
“Hands where I can see them,” David said, voice deep, low, and flat.
Vera stepped out into plain view, holding her gun pointed upwards with the safety on and her finger off the trigger. “Here I am,” She said, carefully. “I’m going to lay this down on that side table. No shooting. Yeah?”
David held steady. “No shooting. I don’t put this down until yours is down.”
Isaac’s hands slipped down, as if lying in his lap, the get a grip on the gun under the table, ready to pull it free and aim. “She’s with me. I promise we’re not planning on hurting anyone today, if you’re not.”
“So have her put her gun down,” Iris said, lifting her chin.
Isaac felt a stab of surreal pride that this near-stranger made her voice so strong, that she seemed so brave. It fit, that Ellis’s daughter would be good at hiding her fears.
“Vera,” Isaac said softly. 
“I’m doing it.” Vera laid her handgun down on the side table and then backed slowly away, hands still up, until she was leaning against the wall. When David’s gun lowered, so did her hands. He reholstered his weapon and everyone let out a breath they hadn’t realized they were holding simultaneously. There was a round of nervous laughter from them all.
Isaac tried to remind himself to just keep breathing. "So... they're still Ellis, definitely. Angry?”
Iris smiled, and you couldn’t mistake that smile for anything but someone who was talking about her mother. “Angry all the time. They’re good with the dayschool, though. I go see them every day, mostly.”
“And… and Finn?"
There was a pause, and Iris’s eyes dropped. She picked at a loose thread on her sweater. "They're, um." Iris paused, and Isaac heard her shift in her chair. "They're… very sad. All the time. With my father-”
Isaac winced. “He’s not your-”
“I know. But he is my father, too. Please don’t-... please let me talk.” Her voice did tremble, then, and Isaac went quiet. “With my father, and around everyone who works with us, they seem mostly happy, I guess. I know my fathers love each other-”
“Bullshit,” Vera said, her voice flat. “They don’t love him.”
Iris didn’t look up. “They do,” She insisted. “They do love each other, but… but when I’m alone with Finn, they’re… they’re very sad. And they don’t love him any longer. Did you… do you know them? They told me stories, but they didn't-... there were always other people around, so-"
"So they didn't tell you everything."
"No. But… but I-... I want to get them - Ellis and Finn - away from my, um. My family."
Isaac wasn't thinking about self-protection. If Iris had wanted to, she could have had her bodyguard kill him, in that moment, his eyes closed and his guard down. He leaned slowly forward and put his head in his hands, the silence drawing out. No one drew a weapon. No one fired.
Isaac felt the punch of pain, anyway, the tears running down his face. 
That's not your family, Iris. We are. Or we were supposed to be. 
“Do they know-”
“Ellis knows. I mean, my mother knows.” Iris laughed, airily, and Isaac looked up through his hands to see the piercing sadness in her features, the blend of her mother and father so deeply written in every single gesture, each expressed emotions. “I’m not allowed to call them that, so, so I hope you don’t mind if I just do it all the time, for right now? My mother knows. But-”
“Finn doesn’t know?”
Iris swallowed, and glanced back at David, who looked impassively down at her, but he kept his hand on her shoulder. “No, Daddy doesn’t know.”
Isaac’s breath hitched. Daddy-
“I can-... I’m sometimes allowed to call them that. I call, um, my father is just… Father. Or Da, sometimes, he likes Da. But Finn isn’t-... Finn doesn’t know that we’re meeting today. They know I want to, and they know I’m doing something, but we can’t tell them what or when or any details.”
“Why not?” That was Vera - but there was a set to her jaw, and a tension to her words, that suggested she knew the answer before Iris ever spoke it out loud.
“Because… if Father asks them, they’ll tell him anything. Everything. Anything they know.”
Isaac breathed out. Slowly, slowly, trying to control the despair threatening to well up inside of him. “They’re tortured?”
“Um. Not… not exactly. They just… will. Father will ask, and he’ll… kiss them, or something-” Iris’s nose wrinkled in something like disgust. “Which, watching your fathers kiss is pretty weird, for the record-”
“No doubt,” Vera murmured, “When one of them doesn’t want to.”
“Um. Sort of.” Iris’s expression shifted - something Isaac couldn’t read there - and she shrugged. “In any case. He’ll ask, and they’ll tell, sooner or later. So Ellis - my mother, God, it’s so nice to say that out loud just like that - says they can’t know, it has to be a surprise for them. So we, um, we kind of have to abduct Finn, but-... but they’ll go, we just-... have to make it a surprise abduction.”
“As opposed to the usual kind, where you send a note they can RSVP to,” David rumbled behind Iris, and she shot him a brilliant smile over one shoulder, bumping her shoulder into his side.
“Anyway… my uncles Nate and Danny know. Nate and Ellis trade books a lot, they’ve been hiding messages in them.”
“Nate Vandrum,” Vera said. “Loyal to Danny Michaelson, not his last name. Which means…”
“Which means Danny wants in on this, wants to get them out.” Isaac ignored the odd little thrill of nostalgia. One week, fourteen years ago, and it had ended in disaster. And still part of him leapt at the idea of seeing Daniel Michaelson again. “Why now?”
“Because…” Iris took a breath, closed her eyes. Opened them again, and Isaac was caught all over again by how thoroughly Finn those eyes were, but full of all the sparkling life and light that was missing from Finn’s in every photograph taken since their disappearance, since they’d been turned into a plaything, but something worse and more than that.
Playthings are discarded. They die or get paid off to disappear. 
But Finn… Finn had been at Patrick Michaelson’s side for fourteen years. They were far more than a plaything. Patrick introduced them, Isaac had been told, as his consort. Like a fucking monarchy. 
What were Syndicates, really, but petty fucking kings and queens with little kingdoms where their word was law? Why wouldn’t Patrick style himself king, and style Finn something like consort, or concubine, or-
Or royal fucking whore-
His hands had closed into fists, palms aching where his nails were digging in. Isaac forced himself to slowly, carefully relax them. 
“Because what, Iris?” Vera had moved closer up behind Isaac, and he felt her hand settle warmly onto his right shoulder. A comfort - and Vera could reach down and take a gun from Isaac’s underarm holster in less time than it took to catch a breath. 
“Because, um.” Iris picked at her manicured fingernails, then looked up from under her lashes at them both. “Because I want to go with them, with you. I want-...” She swallowed, again and again. “Because I don’t want them to hurt anymore. Because Daddy’s so fucking sad, for me, and-”
“It’s not your fault,” Isaac said, his voice strangled, caught in his throat.
It’s mine, for taking the opportunity to run and never seeing that my freedom would be paid for with theirs.
“They’re ready because I’m ready. I want to be with my family, just the three of us. I want-... I want them to be my family. And Ellis said Isaac Moore was the only person they could think of who could ever get all three of us out alive.”
“No pressure, though,” Vera said softly.
“None at all,” Isaac said. He was floating. He was a thousand miles away. He was barely tethered to earth. “Well… fuck.”
“Fuck indeed.” Vera’s hand tightened on his shoulder. “We’re doing this, right?”
“Of course we are.” Isaac watched Iris from across the table, and then did his best to smile for her. “Okay, Iris Michaelson-”
“Iris Dunham-Price,” She countered, and Isaac nearly choked on a mix of pride and grief. “I mean. I hope to be. Once we’re out.”
“Iris Dunham-Price, then. You have yourself a deal. You want to help your family escape, and escape with them. I’ve-... I’ve been waiting to bring my family home for fourteen fucking years. So let’s both get what we want, okay?”
Isaac held out his hand, and Iris held out hers. Her fingers were thin, but she shook his hand with a firm grip. 
“Deal,” Iris said, nodding once.
“Ellis teach you to shake hands that way? Thought you’d crush all my bones for a second.”
Iris laughed, really laughed, for the first time she’d entered. 
Her laughter sounded exactly like Finn’s.
@astrobly @slaintetowhump @finder-of-rings @orchidscript @burtlederp @whumpiary @sableflynn @moose-teeth
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reddrobins · 4 years
galas gone right [t.drake]
SUMMARY: Here you were once again, alone at Bruce Wayne's gala, which your parents had dragged you to. Luckily, this time it seems like you aren't the only one.
It always played out like this.
Bruce Wayne would be hosting a large benefit, your parents would be invited, then you have to come and to top it off, they leave you alone.
Surrounded by socialites was not how you wanted to spend your Friday evening.
You sat at the bar, aimlessly stirring your drink with your finger. Your heels lay long-forgotten back in the limo, as you always carry a pair of flats in situations like so.
"Not a fan of this either?" Someone asked from behind you.
You jumped at the voice, not expecting any attention on the misfit daughter of the (L/N) family.
Spinning your chair around, you face the person, almost falling off the stool when you realised who the voice belonged to.
There, stood Timothy Drake, the upcoming CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Your eyes widened at the sight of him.
Clearing your throat, you nodded, "Yeah, my parents usually just drag me along. Trying to keep up the appearance, you know?"
Tim chuckled, running a hand through his perfect raven hair, "Yeah. I totally understand. If it wasn't for Bruce, I'd probably be at home watching a movie or something."
Though you were still in awe that the Timothy Drake was in front of you, you carried on the conversation.
"Tell me about it." Then, curiosity now peaked, you said, "I can't lie, I'm honestly surprised that you aren't enjoying the spotlight."
Tim scoffed, waving his hand in dismissal. "Not my thing at all. Just have to keep me in check for Bruce. No one wants to see the new CEO goofing off, you know?"
You smirked, enjoying the conversation, "I wouldn't, Daddy didn't hand me over the company."
The teens face blushed a deep red colour, clearly embarrassed, "Uh," He sputtered, "I'll have you know.." He looked at you, awaiting your name.
"(Y/N)" You gave.
"I'll have you know, (Y/N), Bruce doesn't just hand over things."
It was your turn to laugh, "I was joking, of course, Mr Drake. I know you're brainy enough to lead it."
Tim cringed at the formality of 'Mr. Drake', "Oh nuh-uh, no misters around here, just call me Tim. I really can't stand when people call me mister Drake. Makes me sound like millions of years old."
"Alright, Tim," He smiled at that, "Since we both don't want to be here, let's say we leave?"
The young CEO's eyes went wide, you were suggesting them to ditch? He pondered for a second, thinking what his brothers would say if they found out. Or even what would Bruce say?
Shrugging, Tim spoke, "I dunno, (Y/N), I could get into trouble..."
You sighed, teasingly of course, then spun your chair back around, "Darn, I understand Timmy. Guess I'll just stay at the bar, all by my lonesome."
Hearing a groan behind you, you smiled, knowing that you were getting to him.
He tapped your shoulder and you turned back around. Tim stood there, a hand offered out to you, "Take my hand."
Reluctant and confused, you placed your palm in his, only to be ripped up from your seat. "Tim? What are we doing?"
Tim grinned down at you, "We're getting out of here, follow me."
So there you were, the two of you weaving through the rich civilians of Gotham and towards the back entrance of the dance hall.
"Where are you thinking we should ditch to?" You yell over the chatter of people on the dance floor.
"You'll find out soon." He replied
He took you to Bat-Burger.
"You're telling me that we ditched your father's fancy Gala for mediocre burgers and half-assed staff?"
Tim looked at you from across the booth, "There a problem? I mean we could always go back..." He trailed off, amusement in his eyes.
It was a nice look on Tim, not one that many got to see often, especially not the press.
He faked getting out of his seat, only for you to pull him back down, "No, I am not going back there." You cried in distress.
Tim laughed at your over dramatic attitude, but obliged and sat back down, this time looking at the menu. You followed suit.
"Bat-b-que burger?" Scrunching your nose, you catch Tims eyes, "Who came up with these names?"
The boy shrugged in return, "I mean seriously," He spoke, "Red-Hot-Robin Wings? They've gotta be kidding me."
The next few minutes continued this pattern, you and Tim both making fun of the idiocy of the menu, that was until the waitress turned up.
"What can I get you... two?" Her speech slowed as she looked at the get-up you both were in. Tim in a two-piece maroon suit and you in a gorgeous navy gown, probably not what normal patrons wore to a burger joint. Though who's to say that either you or Tim classified as normal.
Tim spoke first, "Um, can I have the boneless bat nuggets? Oh and two coffees," He looked to you, "Or, three if you'd like one as well..."
You placed your head on your palm, resting against the table, "Sure, why not?" Then, "And could I have the Night-wings?"
Taking your orders, she nodded then went back to the kitchen.
"Two coffees?" You smirked at Tim, who gingerly shrugged.
"What can I say," He pouted, "It's been a long night."
While the two of you waited for your meals, soft chatter was made. Tim talking about his duties at WE and you discussing your latest thesis paper on whether or not Vigilantes were wanted in Gotham.
"Fascinating," Tim said, awe laced in his eyes. "What side are you writing for, if you don't mind me asking."
Waving your hand dismissing his insecurity, you spoke, "Not at all, Tim, I'm on the pro-vigilante side. I think the Bats are doing exactly what needs to be done in Gotham, plus..."
You trailed off and Tim raised a brow, egging you on.
"Plus," you continued, rolling your eyes, "I heard one of the Robins was my age and it piqued my curiosity. I wish I had that much courage to protect our city every night."
Tim laughed harshly, "I don't think you do. Believe me, it's not that much fun."
This time it was you to raise a brow, "And how would you know, Mr Drake? CEO connections of sorts?"
"Of sorts" Was all he responded with.
To his relief, the waitress came back over with your food and luckily the conversation was dropped.
"That was great Tim, really." You said sincerely as he opened the door to the restaurant, the two of you ready to go.
He smiled down at you, "Of course, it's the least I could do for hosting an awful gala."
You sensed a hint of self-loathing in his statement and you stopped him in his tracks, "No, don't do that to yourself. It wasn't awful, I'm just not a party girl... and it seems as though you're not a party boy." You gently gripped his hand, "I'd say the gala was more than a success... after all, I got to meet you."
Tim's cheeks blushed a rosy pink and he smiled, "Thank you, (Y/N). That means a lot."
As the two of you made your way back to the Gala, Tims com went off.
"Red Robin, come in Red Robin." Dick's voice rang throughout his ears. Tim froze, c'mon guys, he thought, not in the middle of my... date?
"Tim?" You questioned, realising he's several paces behind you.
Tim shook his thoughts away and smiled at you, "Yeah, all good. Thought I heard something."
Meanwhile, through his comlink, Dicks voice still kept going, "Red Robin, come in, Red Robin."
The young vigilante bit his lip conflicted on what to do. He was the best detective yet - even Ras thought so - so then why couldn't he figure this puzzle out.
"Should we call a taxi or something? I don't want your last words to be 'I thought I heard something,' You know how Gotham is and all." You suggested.
Tim gave a chuckle, believe him, he knew exactly how Gotham is. "We'll be fine, I promise."
You looked at him skeptically, what is he going to do - breakout the stocks clipboard?
Tim gripped your hand harder, "I-," He contemplated how to put this, "I know what to do in times of crisis." He said cryptically.
Comfortable silence took over the two of you once more and you continued your path back.
"Red- ugh, Tim! We need you." Dick said, this time louder and more distressed.
Breaking comlink rules, Tim thought, This must be serious.
Tim stopped walking once more, pulling you to a stop as well. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry, but a family emergency just came up and I have to leave, like, immediately. Would you be comfortable walking back alone?" He hated the idea of leaving you to fend for Gotham yourself, but what other option was there?
Gently squeezing his hand, you nodded, "Of course Tim. I was born and raised here, I know Gotham like the back of my hand."
He still seemed on edge with the idea of you alone, so you did the once thing that was guaranteed to clear the teen's mind.
You kissed him.
Reluctantly, you pulled away, then, making sure that he couldn't get another word in, you sped off into the night, hurriedly making your way to the Wayne estate.
Tim stood there, like a lovestruck idiot, but was soon interrupted when Damian sounded in his ears.
"Drake, where the hell are you?"
Right. I have a job to do.
Pressing his earpiece, he spoke, "Red Robin to Nightwing, What's up?"
"Thank god," Dick said in relief, "The Penguin got into the Gala and now is holding the patrons' hostage. The big man is still in there and can't escape to change. We need you to try and get as many hostages as you can out."
Tim's eyes widened, The Gala, He just sent you back there. Oh no.
Now panicked, Tim summoned one of the batcycles, making quick work to get you to safety.
Lazily, you made your way back to the large ballroom. Your legs were killing you from the long walk, hoping the whole time that Tim would somehow come back to keep you company.
"Why the hell did they build this place so far away from town?" You muttered to yourself as you dragged your way in.
Pulling one of the doors open, you gasped at the sight.
There stood Penguin, the stocky man armed with a gun, surrounded by goons with matching rifles. Along the back sat numerous patrons, all quivering in fear at the trigger happy rogue.
Your hearts ached when you caught sight of your parents. Your father had blood running down his face and your mother, Oh god. Your mother was unresponsive, laying on the floor,
That made you snap, any shred of common sense fled your body as you raced into the hall making a beeline for your mom.
"Mother!" You called out, voice strained and shaky from fear.
You sprinted towards your parents but was soon stopped when gunshots went off.
"Get back!" seethed the Penguin. "Get back or I'll shoot."
Freezing, you put your hands up, shielding your head.
"Good." You sensed the short man strolling closer and your breath stilled. "Now," He addressed the crowd, "Since a few of you socialites think I'm playing - I'll use little rich girl here to prove I mean business."
"No!" your father yelled, "Please don't! Mr Cobbelpot, I'll give you all of my fortunes, just please don't shoot."
Oswald laughed at your father's pleas, then before you could even react, turned the gun at him and pulled the trigger.
You screamed, but you seemed to be the only one troubled. Peaking through your covered eyes, you saw that your father was, in fact, fine. The bullet never hit.
In its place stood Red Robin, arm up in a defensive position blocking the shot.
Penguin groaned in annoyance, "Will you bat-brats ever let me have my fun?"
Tim lunged at the Penguin, fighting the man for the gun. Meanwhile, Nightwing snuck in from the side entrance, helping assist all of the members to safety. "This way. Stay calm and follow me." He whispered, not trying to draw attention to the scared patrons.
Amidst the chaos, your father yelled out to you, signalling for you to run over to his side.
You pounced at the opportunity, getting up from your kneeling state only to be jerked back into someone's chunky arms. Penguin.
"Where do you think you're going missy?" He hissed, "Looks like this little bird isn't a listener."
You struggled against the man's grip, thrashing about in any attempt at freedom.
"Let her go." Red Robin stared down Penguin, bo-staff at the ready.
"Awe. Does one wittle bwirdie have a crush on another?" The rogue teased.
"Let her go." He said once more, this time venom lacing his tone.
Something cold pressed against your cheek and you came to realize it was the barrel of Penguins gun. In fright, you trashed more, only for Penguin to tighten his grip. "Make me, bird boy."
The action happened so fast, your brain couldn't even recognize who was hitting who. What you did know was that you were finally free of Penguins meaty hands and now we're amongst the hostages.
You watched in amazement as Red Robin hit, punched, kicked and wailed at Penguin, every mark hitting successfully. In a matter of no time, Penguin and his two goons were on the floor, Red Robin standing triumphantly above him.
Without even thinking twice, you ran over to the hero and embraced him. He backed away a bit, cheeks turning pink. He was not expecting that.
"Thank you." You whispered into his chest.
Still a bit shocked, he gave a small nod, "Um, yeah. Of course"
The embrace didn't last too long as you pulled away quickly, a thought rushing to your head. Is Tim okay?
"Oh my gosh. Mr Red Robin sir, my friend was coming back here and I don't know if he's okay or not. I didn't see him among the others and I just need to be sure he's okay. His name is Tim Drake." You rambled on.
Red Robin nodded, "He's safe. Don't worry." Though cryptic, you trusted the vigilantes words and gave him one final embrace. 
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captainscanadian · 4 years
Exception | Carter Baizen x Reader (Part 9) - FINALE
 My Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Summary: What goes around comes around. 
Word Count: 3700+
Pairing: CEO!Carter Baizen x Lawyer!Reader, Carter Eleanor Lydia Baizen x OMC Christian Shepherd
Warnings: Pregnancy, Morning Sickness, Mentions of alcohol and prostitutes
A/N: This is my entry for @baezen‘s writing challenge. Shout out to @franksufferbuddy @propertyofpoeandbucky and @tinymalscoffee​ for being the reason why I even finished this fic. They were all so motivating! <3 But this is it, folks! It’s over! I finished another fic. 
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To say that the summer of 2020 had been a whirlwind would be an understatement. From your father’s sudden hospitalization that prompted your return to the Upper East Side, to your reunion with Carter Baizen and his unfortunate accident that led to your daughter’s arrival in New York City, to your rushed wedding… things had happened so fast that they seemed too good to be true. 
A perfectly happy ending that you did not think you deserved until you were reminded that not everyone was perfect. Your parents weren’t perfect in the way they had raised you, Gregory and Lydia weren’t perfect in the way that they had raised Carter, and you and Carter weren’t any different. The two of you had never been perfect. But you had made your worst mistakes, learned your hardest lessons and now you would move forward with your lives and try to be the best parents you could possibly be to your daughter. 
“Alright, she said she needs a few more minutes to get ready.” Annalise announced as she exited your daughter’s bedroom and jogged down the stairs. “How are you two feeling?”
As you stood at the bottom of the stairs with your arms crossed against your chest, you shook your head. “Annalise, I’m fine… I’ve seen her in school uniform before.” You reminded her with a sigh, turning over to look at your husband who looked as though he was holding back his tears even before your daughter had even walked out wearing her new uniform. 
“But you haven’t seen her in Constance uniform.” 
“I’m starting to think that the three of you are making way too big a deal about this.” You shook your head. “Constance is not a big deal, you know? She got in because she had good grades, there was no surprise there. She’s going there because she earned her place there and we’re not treating her any differently because she got in.” After all, humility was the one thing you wanted to teach your daughter even before she had arrived in the Upper East Side. “It’s just a plaid skirt and a white button-up blouse, for crying out loud.” 
“Our daughter going off to Constance is a big deal, Y/N.” Carter pointed out as he rested his head against your shoulder. “It’s not about the uniform. It’s about the legacy. You went to Constance, my sister went to Constance, our parents and grandparents went to Constance. It’s about the legacy that Carter’s about to uphold. You know how this works. Going to Constance means that she’s now officially a part of the Upper East Side and… she’s inevitably a part of our legacy here.”  
You nudged him away before rolling your eyes. “Come on, Carter. We’ve been saying that all summer. Yes, she is our legacy but… she doesn’t have to feel the pressures of it. That kind of pressure at that age doesn’t do anyone any good and you and I know better than anyone else… what the kind of pressure does to you when you’re young..” 
“Are you saying that you don’t want her going to Constance then?” He asked as he looked over at you, biting down on his bottom lip as he realized that you must have had your own anxieties when it came to letting your daughter run loose in the Upper East Side. As any mother should, especially when you had been through what you had been through when you had been a teenager yourself. Raising a teenage daughter in this hell hole was not going to be a walk in the park. “Y/N, talk to me…” 
“Carter, you know that’s not what I mean…” You shook your head before wrapping your arms around him. “I have no problem with her going to Constance. It’s just that… her world is about to change so drastically once she starts school here. The rich kids in London are not the same as the rich kids in New York, you know? I don’t want her to go into a culture shock when she realizes how wild the kids at Constance and St. Jude’s really are. I know how she is and I trust her. But I can’t say the same about the kids who… weren’t raised the same way I raised her. You know, I’ve done a lot of stupid shit because of peer pressure and I don’t want that for her.” 
Pulling you into a tight hug, he nodded understandingly. “Hey… I know what you mean. You worry about her because you’re a good mother. But she’s just a kid, Y/N. She is going to be exposed to the things that we were exposed to when we were kids. She’s going to make mistakes and we’re going to let her figure out the kind of person she wants to be. But you need to understand that she’s not going to make the same mistakes we made, because we’re here for her. We’re going to be here for her for as long as she needs us to. You raised her well, Y/N. Perhaps you should trust your good parenting like I do.” 
You chuckled softly at his last words before you pulled back from his embrace. “I never would have thought that Carter Baizen would be such a good father. But you seem to be doing much better at this parenting game than I am…” You admitted, leaning over to peck his lips. “I’m glad you’re a part of her life, Carter. She needed her father.” 
“Getting to be a dad was the best thing that happened to me, Y/N.” He admitted. “Us being a family, living right here in the Upper East Side of Manhattan where we grew up, our daughter going off to Constance… all of this feels right, like this is where we’ve always belonged, no matter how far we run away. This is home, this is us… and this was always how it was supposed to be.” 
You could not help but agree with that. This was always how things were supposed to be. You and Carter are married, your family businesses merged and your children attending Constance and St. Jude’s. “Think you can give her a ride to school on your way to the office?” You asked your husband, smiling in contentment. 
Carter nodded. “I can do that.” He replied, raising his eyebrow at you. “Why, babe? Are you not coming into the office today?” 
You shook your head. “I have to tie up some loose ends with the firm back in London.” You replied, shrugging. “I’ve still got a bit of lawyering to do for the day.” 
“Lawyering… right.” He rolled his eyes. “Oh and before I forget, you still owe me a date, remember?” 
You raised your eyebrow at his words. “Do I? I mean, forgive me for going against our deal, Mr. Baizen. But if I remember correctly, you clearly said to me that me going on a date with you would mean that you would back out from the offer to merge our companies. Now that the merger’s well under way, I guess that pretty much means that I no longer owe you a date, right?”
He shook his head at your words before laughing softly. “You really are a good lawyer, aren’t you?”
“I can’t believe it took you this long to realize that.” 
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As Carter Eleanor Lydia Baizen stood in front of the floor length mirror in her walk-in closet, she could not help but admire how she looked exactly like the younger version of her mother - just as everybody had been telling her ever since she arrived in New York. She had heard from her grandparents and Annalise that she was Y/N with Carter’s eyes, and as she looked at her reflection now, she started to see it too. She really was the best of her parents. 
Growing up without a father was not an easy thing for any young child. But knowing who her father was and still not being able to see him had been the hardest. When she had first asked you about her father, she had only been taken over by her own curiosity. She simply just wanted some answers to the unanswered questions about her life. But she had felt comfortable enough to ask you about him because you had raised her to be open and trusting with you. She had seen you as her closest friend rather than a mother, thanks to you being a young mother. 
You did not feel the need to hide the truth about Carter because you knew she needed to know at some point. Telling her that her father’s name was Carter Baizen and that he had been her best friend in the Upper East Side of New York City seemed to be more than enough. You hadn’t told her of the past that you had shared with him. You hadn’t told her about the mistakes you had made. The partying, the underage drinking, the drugs and the truly opulent wealth… you had kept it from her for the sake of protecting from the harsh reality of the Upper East Side. 
Perhaps that was why she was extremely nervous about starting at a new school in a new city. Having attended boarding school back in London, Carter Eleanor never had a problem making new friends. As no one really knew who she was, she had found it much easier to get along with people. But in a world where everyone knew her parents, she felt that she had quite the reputation to live up to. Boy, if she only knew… 
As she made her way down to see you and Carter standing at the bottom of the stairs, she could not help but smile nervously. “How do I look?” She asked, fixing the collar of her shirt as she swung her Birkin bag over her shoulder - a back to school present from her doting aunt. 
“Like a true Upper East Side ‘It Girl’.” You replied with a grin, making your husband look over at you in disbelief. “What? It’s true.” 
“You look like a princess, baby girl.” He agreed, his eyes glazing over at the sight of her in her uniform. He had hoped to keep his tears to himself, but failed miserably at the sight of how much she resembled your younger self. “Like my princess.”
“Thanks, dad.” She smiled, pulling him into a tight hug. 
You watched in awe as the two of them hugged, a part of you regretting having kept your daughter away from her father for as long as you had. But you knew that bringing her back to Manhattan had been the right thing to do. She seemed a lot happier here than she was back in London, making the most out of being in her father’s presence, having weekly shopping trips to Fifth Avenue with her Aunt Caroline and taking up an internship at the New York Spectator for the next summer at her Uncle Nate’s insistence. She really did belong in New York. 
With your Carters leaving for the house for the day, you found yourself crouching down to the tiled floor of your bathroom and emptying the contents of your breakfast into the toilet. At first you had assumed that it must have been indigestion. But you weren’t a complete idiot. You had been tracking your cycle ever since you had gotten rid of your IUD and you hadn’t missed your period once… not until now. 
Annalise Rosetti was a very observant and well-prepared woman, so she had bought you a handful of pregnancy tests the moment she learned that you had gotten your IUD removed. The thought that you were considered having more children, that too with Carter of all people, had been delightful to the woman who had been there during every step of your relationship with him. 
When she heard you gagging in your bathroom, she had rushed to your aide. “Miss. Y/N?” 
“Call Carter.” You told her as you flushed the toilet and gargled your mouth, splashing some cold water on your face as your eyes glazed over. “Tell him to cancel his meetings and come home right now. I need him here.” 
As you looked up at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you could not help but feel the sense of deja vu that was lingering around your bathroom. In this same bathroom fifteen years ago, you had taken a pregnancy test that had come out positive. Feeling lost and confused at the age of seventeen, fearing that Carter might end your relationship if he ever found out, you had discarded the test and boarded your family’s private jet to Santorini. 
Had you told Carter the truth that night, your life would have turned out to be so different now. Perhaps this time around, you could do things right. Have Carter be a part of this pregnancy every step of the way. If you were going to take the test now, then you knew that you needed your husband right there with you. Keeping your pregnancy from him once had cost you fifteen years, and you were not going to make that mistake once again. 
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When Carter Baizen had gotten that panic-stricken phone call from Annalise that morning, he had certainly gotten worried - his first thought had been that he had seen you that morning and you seemed fine when you sent him off to work. The woman hadn’t disclosed the reason why you needed him home so soon, but he wasn’t going to question it either. If you needed him home, then he would just drop everything he was doing at the office and drive back home. 
Worried as he arrived at the penthouse, he had rushed over to your bedroom the moment he stepped out of the elevator. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, he had found you crouched down by the toilet. “Y/N?” He called out to you, the concern clearly evident in his voice. “Babe, are you okay?”
You looked up at him, the tears streaming down your face as you tried to fight the nausea. “Carter… I-I don’t feel too good.” You told him, holding your hand out. 
Carter was quick to crouch down beside you, pulling your hair out of your face and rubbing your back. “Are you alright? Do you want me to call for the doctor?” 
You shook your head as you grabbed onto his arm, finally getting off of the floor and walking towards the sink. “Carter…” You wiped away your tears and turned on the water, gargling your mouth. “I’ll be fine…” 
“Y/N? What’s going on?” He frowned at the sight of you, but hugged you from behind as he worried. “Babe, talk to me.” 
“I think I’m pregnant.” You replied, looking up at him. “I’ve been tracking my cycle since I got my IUD removed and… I haven’t had my period. Annalise thought that I should take a test, but I just… I wanted you here.” Turning around to face him, you sniffled. “I wanted you to be a part of this pregnancy, every step of the way.” 
A smile crept upon his lips as he heard your words, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as he tightened his grip around you and rested his chin against your shoulder. “Oh darling…” His hands gently caressed your belly as he looked over at your reflection in the mirror. 
The mere thought that you wanted him to be a part of every single step in this pregnancy made Carter realize that he had finally redeemed himself in front of your eyes. From being the man whom you had loathed the most in this world to being the love of your life as he was always meant to be, he knew that you had always been the one who would get him out of his guilt. He was not proud of who he used to be back then, and he had always believed that being stripped of knowing his firstborn had been the price he had to pay for being so awful. But now, knowing that he would get to spend the rest of his life as your husband and the father of your children, knowing that it was what you wanted, none of the riches of the Upper East Side could ever hold up to that. 
“I couldn't do it without you.” 
He knew exactly what you meant by that, which was probably why he found himself tearing up. His own mistakes had been the reason why you had walked away from him, and the pain you must have felt when you had to do everything on your own, he could never imagine how you could have done it. He may not have had the privilege to be there back then, but he knew that he had to be here now. 
“You don’t have to.” Carter had assured you. “I’m not going anywhere and I’m not letting you do anything stupid, you hear me? We’re doing this and we’re doing it together, just like we always used to do things since we were kids.” 
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“Carter Baizen?! You're named after a legend!” 
“Carter Baizen and Y/N Y/L/N set the standards for being the ‘it couple’ around here!”
“None of us could ever live up to Y/N Y/L/N!” 
“You’re the secret love child of Y/N and Carter Baizen?” 
Not that Carter Eleanor had ever expected to find out about her parents’ udying reputation during her first day at Constance Billard School for Girls or anything. Her existence in itself was a reminder that her parents had been quite wild during their teenage years. But the extent of their influence in that school that seemed to have lasted more than fifteen years seemed just as commendable as it was a concern to that poor unexpecting child. 
Before she even set foot into her homeroom class, Headmistress Queller had made it known that her parents had been some of the worst behaved pupils she’d had during her career - here’s to hoping that she won’t live up to that legacy. Not the best start to the next four years, your daughter had thought, at least until she arrived at homeroom. 
Hearing her name being called during the attendance call had only sparked the interest of her classmates. Carter had never been ashamed to be named after her father. After all, it made her feel as though the man had always been a part of her life despite not actually being there until very recently. God, she wished someone would have told her that Carter Baizen was a legend - she’d had no clue until it was lunchtime, and she’d had a mob of upper year students from both Constance and St. Jude’s crowding around her table saying things about the so-called legend that she was apparently named after. 
“Uh… not really a secret since I’m here right now and not really a love child anymore now that they’re married?” She pointed out with a shrug of her shoulders, making a mental note to sit her parents down for a good scolding when she got home that night. “I’m kind of… very legitimate here, folks.” 
“You know, your dad invented the Lost Weekend, right?” One of the St. Jude’s boys who had introduced himself as Christian Shepherd mused. “He’s like a total legend around here.” 
Not that she had been paying attention to anyone else’s names, but she thought that one was cute. “The Lost Weekend?” She raised her eyebrow slightly, curious about her father’s reputation at his high school. 
“It’s kind of like a tradition around St. Jude’s. The juniors get together for a weekend and we stay away from the outside world. We drink, we party, we have fun.” He explained, his lips curling into a smirk. “No girls allowed though.”
“Not that I’d ever want to be a part of something like that…” She shook her head. “No offense to those of you who want to be going to that party. But fifteen years from now, it’ll all seem pointless. Believe me, I would know.” 
“I’ll be hosting this year’s Lost Weekend at my place. I’ll be providing the food, the drinks, the girls… and everyone practices what I preach during those forty eight hours.” He pointed out once again. “I’d hate to say it the way it is, beautiful. But your father would be so disappointed to know that you’re not keen on having his legacy live on.” 
“Hm…” Perhaps it was the fact that she was Carter Baizen’s daughter, but she knew a wannabe bad boy when she saw one. “So, you think that throwing some stupid party and bribing your classmates with alcohol and hookers would be enough to make everyone practice what you preach?” 
“What more could they ask for?” The boy asked, the smirk on his lips not even fading as he was being challenged by a freshman. He was only letting her speak because she was Carter Baizen’s daughter. “I do appreciate some suggestions for improvement though, if you had any. Surely, being the daughter of Carter Baizen means that you could enlighten me on what makes a good Lost Weekend.” 
“Oh no, I want no part in that party of yours or what it means to the boys of St. Jude’s. But if you’re really naive enough to think that hosting this party is a rite of passage… then suit yourself. I’m not going to stop you.” She wanted to laugh at how stupid this all seemed. But she was a fourteen year old girl who could not stand to see some pointless party be her parents’ legacy - to her, they were more than two self-obsessed teenagers who constantly made mistakes. “I’d hate to say it the way it is, Shepherd, but you can’t really be talking out of your ass about keeping up with Carter Baizen’s legacy when you’re looking right at her.” 
The air was so thick that one could cut it with a knife. But as the current bad boy of the Upper East Side stood there defeated by the new girl in town, one would not have been able to tell that this was just another saga in the making. 
They always started with the good girl hating the bad boy. 
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aoyama-division · 3 years
SUMMIT OF DIVISIONS (Sakurai Clan & Jet Set Trio Ver.)
Bring the Beat!
Here we go (here we go), east and west Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus The battle is locals vs. Chuohku Here we go (here we go), you and me Right and left, me and you Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections Anyway, this party, let's get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around The no.1 mic that aims at our days Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like A party night limited to only one stage, make love Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap Let's get started Reverberating sound and hearts If we don't have fun, there's no point
Let's go!
Who could it be that there disturbs me? Is that a whiny-ass bitch from Chuohku I see? That's what I figured, who else could it be That tries to take away my Ueno City? But that shit won't work, and do you know why? Cause the HBIC is here, Ride or Die! And right beside me is the 'mother' and 'aunt' Not a damn thing on Earth gonna tear us apart!
Blessed and highly favored everyday of my life Every time I wake up, I always look to the sky And as I feel the sun's rays just kiss my skin I feel empowered and ready to wage war against sin!
Standing on top, and I'm looking down below At the slightest sign of trouble, I am ready to go A pen and a signature is all I need To put you away, and I will succeed!
A night where shocking oaths crowd around The no.1 mic that aims at our days Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like A party night limited to only one stage, make love Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap Let's get started Reverberating sound and hearts If we don't have fun, there's no point
Let’s go!
Money can't buy happiness? Says who?! I'm rich and satisfied. What more can you ask for? I don't have the time to sit around and feel blue There's bills to be counted. Man, what a chore! But I have no regrets. This is what I do! Everyday of my life, I'm better than you! Is perfection a curse? Some might think so But what can you expect when you're High Class, yo?
Strength and power, that's all I need Even Hercules will bend his knee at me Strong as a Titan, smart as Athena Be warned: this area you're in is my arena!
Hotter! Brighter! Burns like hell! This fire I carry can't be dispelled! My flame can be seen all the way to Hokkaido A crazy arsonist; Japan's 'Pillow Pyro'
Here we go (here we go), east and west Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus The battle is locals vs. Chuohku Here we go (here we go), you and me Right and left, me and you Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections Anyway, this party, let's get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around The no.1 mic that aims at our days Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like A party night limited to only one stage, make love Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap Let's get started Reverberating sound and hearts If we don't have fun, there's no point
Let's go!
Ueno City! (Hey!) Aoyama! (Ho!) Saitama! (Hey!) Shinagawa! (Ho!) Kyoto! (Hey!) Harajuku! (Ho!)
If you stan them, put your hands up! (Ho!) Boys! (Hey!) Girls! (Ho!) Gentlemen! (Hey!) Ladies! (Ho!) Middle aged men! (Hey!) Mature women! (Ho!) If you're there, raise your voice! (Ho!)
All my friends are heathens, you'd better take it slow There's no telling what might happen once you walk in the room, yo So take my advice: just keep your head down If you don't, your whole family will have a reason to frown!
Step up to the rich, if you got a death wish Aoyama will send you to sleep with the fish Not a threat or a promise, just a natural fact One word to describe you is this: inapt!
Another night on my knees, a new name to my prayers Another day in sorrow, filled with one's tears My hope is that you won’t end up in abyss So stay away before you receive Death's cold kiss
You takin' Atlas' spot? Ha! Good luck, bro I give you about five seconds before you finally collapse, yo Someone as weak as you doesn't stand a chance You say that I'm wrong? Well, come on, let's dance!
I challenge all who would perpetuate strife! All you thugs, criminals, freaks and lowlifes! For my daughter's safety, I'd do anything! Be warned: a mother's wrath is a dangerous thing!
I don't know where it came from or how it began But this rage that I feel, it makes me who I am! Call me insane if you want, or even a madman It's just a matter of time until you're burnt alive!
Here we go (here we go), east and west Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus The battle is locals vs. Chuohku Here we go (here we go), you and me Right and left, me and you Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections Anyway, this party, let's get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around The no.1 mic that aims at our days Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like A party night limited to only one stage, make love Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap Let's get started Reverberating sound and hearts If we don't have fun, there's no point
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dancerlittle006 · 3 years
The Wedding of Samantha Anne Kelly & John Emerson Wright - The Many Adventures of Sammi and Race
First things first, I don’t own anything related to Disney or Newsies. Second, this is a continuation of my “The Many Adventures of Sammi & Race” series. You may want to read the others in the series but it’s not necessary!  
May 3, 1922
The wedding was a week and a half away. She had been asked a million and one questions and had to make just as many decisions for the wedding. She had escaped to one of her favorite places within the city, just to take a breather. Between her mom and John’s mom, she had both of them breathing down her back wanting to know every little detail and asking many questions, many she didn’t know the answer to. 
The door cracked open as she whirled around, eyes wide. Relaxing a little, she smiled seeing her dad push open the door, smiling brightly seeing her standing there. “Well your mother owes me money.” 
“How did you find me?” Sammi asked, leaning against the wall giving her dad a look. 
Jack scoffed, walking over to where she was leaning. “You’re my daughter, Sammi. Yous don’t think I don’t know where your or your siblings hidin’ places are. Yous always loved when I would bring you here to visit.” 
“It was all a little overwhelmin’ dad.” Sammi looked over at him. “Things just got too much.” 
Jack laughed, nodding his head. “Is remembered when I married your mom. I was thrown into a room at your grandparents and asked a thousand and one questions. Is didn’t know the answer to half of the questions her parents were askin’.  Is was so overwhelmed but I looked at your mom and remembered why I was stuck in that room. This overwhelmed feeling will go away soon and you’ll be left to marry John. Just keep the endgame in mind and everything will fall into place.” 
“But dad, why does it matter what color the napkins are or tablecloths or even the damn flowers are.” Sammi ran a hand through her hair, pleading with her dad. “I just wanted to marry John without all the craziness.”
“Oh Is remember that.” Jack pulled her into his side, side hugging her tightly. “Your mother is a Pulitizer and she comes from this high class family. Though wes don’t see it often, this is going to be the wedding of the year and she just wants it to be perfect for you.” 
“Will you talk with her?” Sammi pulled out the puppy dog eyes that she didn’t have to use very often but kept them for desperate times. Jack Kelly could resist a lot, but his daughters’ puppy dog eyes were one thing he couldn’t. 
Cursing under his breath, Jack shook his head. “Samantha Kelly . . . it’s already killing me that Is have to walk you down an aisle in ten days; and yet you want me to talk your mother down off a ledge?” 
“Please daddy?” Sammi batted her eyes, giving him a look as he sighed. 
“Fine, I will talk to your mother.” Jack shook his head. “Yous are absolutely awful, Samantha.” 
Leaning over, she pressed her lips to his slightly stubbled cheek. “Thank you and I love you for everything you’ve done for me and John.” 
“Is love you too baby girl.” Jack said, giving her a full hug. “Though Is can’t really call you baby girl anymore, can I?” 
Sammi smiled. “I guess not but I’ll always be your little girl dad. Wanna know a secret?” 
“What’s that?” Jack asked, mimicking her position, leaning against the wall, looking down at the street where all the Newsies were hanging out. 
Running a hand through her hair, she sighed. “I always loved when you would take me to the office. People often think I’m studying journalism because of mom but it’s actually because of you. I used to watch how your drawings would accompany a story and make it pop.” 
Pulling her close to him, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Love you Samantha.” 
“Love you too daddy.” She let a staggered breath out. “Are you sure you’re okay with everything? I mean . . . mom mentioned something about your parents. ” 
Jack knew his daughter was worried about his emotions. The kids had learned about Jack’s upbringing when they were teenagers and had loved how their parents had met and fell in love. “Is been thinking about them, especially these last couple of weeks. Is lost them when I was ten and I didn’t know how to raise you and your siblings - your mom helped me a lot along the way. My ma would’ve been a fantastic grandma and would’ve spoiled you and your siblings rotten. Da would’ve been a bit subdued but still would’ve loved being a grandpa.”
“They’re still with you dad.” Sammi said with a grin. “I don’t have to know them to know that they raised you pretty amazingly. And you’ve passed a lot of what they taught you to us. You were the perfect dad and more than I could’ve asked for. They’ll be with us as you walk me down the aisle and for the rest of your life.” 
Jack sniffled a bit, rubbing his finger across his right eye. “When did yous become so smart?” 
“Around second grade, I think.” She chuckled, shaking her head at her dad. “You alright?” 
He nodded, pulling her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Don’t worry about me, kid. You focus on the wedding and promise me you’ll save me a dance.”
“Always, dad. Always.” She squeezed his hand. “Want to head home?” 
He patted his hand on the wall and looked around the penthouse where he spent so many of his days before nodding at Sammi. He led her down the stairs and out onto the street, heading home. 
Later that Night
Opening the door to his own roof, Jack peaked out, smiling when he saw Kat sitting in a carrigan and a glass of wine in her chair. Letting the door slam behind him, he quickly joined her, grinning at the open bottle sitting beside his chair. “You found me.” 
“I did. It was too quiet in the house with all the kids in their rooms.” Jack smiled, pressing a kiss to Kat’s head before sitting in his chair, holding out his hand for her to lace her fingers with his. “So Is had an interesting conversation with your daughter today.”
Kat shifted in her chair, raising an eyebrow at him. “Since when is she my daughter?” 
“Since yous the one stressing her out.” Jack started, biting his lip as he looked at Kat, gauging her reaction to his statement.
She took a sip of her wine. “I’m not sure what to say. How?”
“Sammi has never seen yous as a Pulitizer. She doesn’t care what color the napkins or flowers are.” Jack said. “Is found her in the Penthouse this afternoon. She said she just needed a breather.” 
Kat big her lip, looking at her husband. “I just want her wedding to be beautiful. I didn’t mean to overstep.” 
“Is reassured her of that.” Jack promised. “Just maybe try stepping back a bit. Of all of ours children, Samantha has never been one for girliness. She just wants to marry John.” 
She laughed, nodding her head. “I will. I’m sure you told her that you’d talk with me.”
“I did. She also asked me about my parents.” Jack said, taking a slow sip of his beer. “She reassured me that they’d be with us as Is walked her down the aisle.” 
Kat squeezed his hand. “I know you’ve been missing them, even more now than usual.”
“Can Is confess somethin’ to you?” Jack asked, looking over at her. 
Squeezing his hand, she nodded. “Absolutely and that’s never stopped you before.”
“Yous funny.” Jack smiled, sadly. “They passed when Is was 10 so for most of my life, Is been fumbling through. Is didn’t know how to be a dad and in ten days wes passing through another milestone that I don’t know how to deal with.”
Kat bit her lips, looking at her husband. “You’ve been through so much, Jack.”
“You and the kids have made it so much better and worth all the hell I’ve been through.” Jack smiled, giving her a look. “Is don’t know if you have noticed it for the last 20ish years, I’ve been leaning on you pretty heavily.  You’ve taught me how to raise our kids.” 
Kat smiled. “You’ve been doing that all on your own, Jack. I’ve just been by your side every step of the way . . . just like I promised 22 years ago.” 
Squeezing her hand, Jack smiled. “But you’ve shown me how to be a parent.”
“I’m not going to argue with you but you’ve been a parent figure since the moment I met you back in 1899. You were taking care of those kids at the lodging house when I met you.”  Kat gave him a knowing look. 
Jack grimaced at that. “Yea but that wasn’t . . . .” 
The word died on his lips as Kat sat down on his lap and curled up against his chest. “You wouldn’t be half the man I love if you wouldn’t argue with me so much. You're a good man, Jack and I’m so happy I fell in love with you, despite all the odds against us. I love you, Jack Kelly.” 
“Funny . . . I love you too Katherine Kelly.” He said wrapping his arms around her waist, before leaning up to kiss her. 
May 8, 1922
She sat in the lobby of the Algonquin Hotel taking in the rich ambiance. She smiled seeing two children, a boy and girl, skipping alongside a woman, she assumed to be their mother. Another older couple sat off to the side of her with cups of coffee reading the morning edition of the paper. If she looked closely, she would’ve seen her mother’s byline on the front page. She was so lost in her thoughts that she failed to notice her uncle take a seat beside her. “Hello Sammi. This is a surprise.” 
Hearing his voice, knocked her out of her mind, before a smile crossed her face at the sight of one of her favorite people. “Uncle Race. How long have you been sitting there?” 
“Long enough to know that yous have your head in the clouds.” Race gave her a knowing look. “Something on your mind?” 
Sighing, she relaxed in the comfortable chair, giving him a look. “With everything going on, when isn’t there something on my mind?” 
“Is off now . . . shall we go somewhere and talk?” Race suggested, pushing himself to his feet, offering her his elbow. She stood, accepting his elbow as he led her out of the hotel. 
She smiled listening to her uncle talk to her about her cousins and what her Uncle Spot was up to these days. He prattled along, letting her mind drift to the event happening in five days. Both the Sun and the World had articles written about her upcoming nuptials. She had heard rumors that there would be people lined up along the route leading her from her parents’ house to the church. 
Stopping at a cafe, Race opened the door, allowing her to enter before he joined her. The hostess led them both to a table at the back, with no one around them, before leaving them be. Race quickly pulled out her chair for her before taking his own. “So yous wanna spill what’s going on in that mind of yours?” 
“Where do I even begin?” She started, giving him a look, running a hand through her messy curls, wincing when her finger was tangled in a knot. 
Race leaned back in the chair as a waiter came up and took their order. They both ordered a simple coffee along with a pastry to share. “The beginning is always a good place to start, so Is been told. But I had a talk with your dad the other day when he and I had lunch.” 
“Didn’t know you two were still doing that.” She murmured, raising an eyebrow. “And what did my dear old dad have to say?” 
Race chuckled. “He said that he found you on the roof of the lodgin’ house the other day. Hes concerned about ya.” 
“He doesn’t have to be concerned.” Sammi sighed. “It’s just there’s so much preparation with this wedding that it’s a little overwhelming.”
He looked at this niece, the one he knew so well. “Uh huh . . . Is sure that’s some of it. But what else?” 
The waiter stopped by with their coffees and pastry before leaving the two alone. Sammi watched him leave, weaving her hands around the warm mug, sighing at Race. “What if I’m not a good wife?” 
“And there it is.” Race grinned, reaching over to grab one of Sammi’s hands, giving it a squeeze before wrapping it around his mug. “Is knew something was buggin’ you.”
Raising an eyebrow at him, Race couldn’t help but think of how much she looked like her mother in that moment. “Congratulations Uncle Race. But what if . . .”
“Lucky for you, John’s never been married before so he probably doesn’t know how to be a husband either.” Race shrugged. “Yous learn together and figure it out.” 
She took a sip of her coffee, nose scrunching up at the bitter taste before reaching over to grab the sugar and dumping some in. “So this is normal?” 
“Yes, Sammi, it’s perfectly normal.” Race nodded. “Is had a similar conversation with your dad before he married your mom and he had the same conversation with me before I married Spot.” 
He saw her shoulders relax slightly but there was something still bugging her. He raised an eyebrow in her direction. “What else is on your mind, Samantha?” 
“You haven’t full named me in a while.” She said, a smile stretching across her mouth.  “I don’t want things to change.” He frowned at her statement, taking a sip of his coffee as his mind tumbled over the words. “What do yous mean?” 
“Sunday, we’re moving into our house. I won’t be around anymore.” She sighed, biting her lip. “I’m going to miss out on everything.” 
Race had to bite back a laugh that threatened to be released. “Samantha Anne, you’re getting married, not going to prison. Yes, you won’t be at your parents house day to day but yous still be there for the big stuff - birthdays, anniversaries, family dinners. Just because you’re getting married doesn’t mean that you are leaving behind your family. You’re getting a new address and new last name . . , not a death sentence. Besides, do yous really think you’ll go a week without Ellie, Maisie, or Lizzie dropping by to see you?”
“Well . . . no.” She looked up from her intense stare at the coffee cup before meeting his eyes. “But everything is changing.” 
Race chuckled at that. “That’s life, Sammi. Wes all have to adjust to the ever changing motions of life. Give yourself and John some time to get into the rhythm of things. It won’t be an overnight thing but eventually you’ll figure it out, just like your mom and dad and Is and Spot did.” 
“Thank you Uncle Race.” She said, 
He smiled. “Your welcome, Sammi. Yous gonna be a beautiful bride and an even better wife. Don’t be so hard on yourself and give yourself some grace.”
“When did you become so smart?” She sussed him, raising an eyebrow as he chuckled. 
“When I married Uncle Spot.” Race threw his head back and laughed loudly, causing a few patrons to look over at them. “Are you feeling better?” 
She nodded. “Yes, thank you. But I do have one more question.” 
“Only one?” 
She chuckled, shaking her head. “You’re funny. But for now, yes only one. Any advice?”
“About what?” He said, taking a sip of his coffee, before breaking off a piece of the pastry. 
Shrugging, she tapped her painted nails against the mug. “Marriage and wedding, take your pick.” 
“I’ve got two pieces of advice for you.” Race grinned, leaning closer to her. “First, take twenty minutes before the ceremony and meet John outside. Spot and Is did that as a first look type deal and it was perfect. It was good to see Spot before the craziness of the wedding and it was a time for us to just see each other and talk.”
“Is that the sketch that’s above your couch?” Sammi asked, thinking back to the painting. 
Race nodded. “That was one of the wedding presents your dad gave to Spot and me. We stood outside the Pier House, looking out into the river and your dad sketched that and gave it to us later that night as a present.”
“What’s the other piece of advice?” She asked. 
“Talk to each other, really talk to each other. If something is buggin’ you, tell John. Open communication is essential.” Race gave her a look. “It’s saved mine and Spot’s marriage more times than I can count.” 
She bit her lip, tilting her head, giving him a look. “But your marriage is so solid.”
“That’s for appearances. We fight just like any other couple, but wes never go to bed angry. Wes make up and talk.” Race smiled. “No marriage is perfect, Sammi. Better to learn that now than later. Marriage is a lot of work and there will be good times and bad but making sure yous two are on the same page is the important thing.” 
She let the words tumble through her mind as she nodded. “That makes sense.” 
“Also, make sure yous take every moment in during your wedding. It goes by so quickly and it’ll be over before you know it.” Race grinned, reflecting on his own wedding 17 years ago. 
“Thank you, Uncle Race.” She grinned. 
Motioning for the check, Race grinned back at her. “You ready to get married?” 
“I think so. Just have to get through the next five days. You’ll be at the rehearsal dinner, right?” 
Race nodded, dropping a few bills and coins in the bill tray before standing and offering her his arm. “I think I may dust off my old top hat and wear it.” 
“Save it for the wedding, Uncle Race.” She laughed, letting him lead her out of the cafe. “Ellie is already dreading what you and Uncle Spot will be wearing.” 
Race pushed opened the door, stepping onto the sidewalk. “Traditional suits, Is promise. Your mother already had a strongly worded discussion with Spot and myself. Ellie is excited to be your bridesmaid along with Lizzie.”
“It wasn’t even a question of who would be standing up with me.” Sammi grinned. “Save me a dance at the wedding?” 
Race laughed. “Is should be asking you that but of course I will.” 
She smiled hearing his laughter boom against the buildings as they walked towards the Kelly Residence. More relaxed, she nudged her uncle’s hip with a grin as he looked over at her with his own grin. 
May 13, 1922 8:00am
It was the morning of her wedding. It was hard to believe it was there but at the same time, thank goodness it was there. Her wedding rehearsal and dinner went off without a hitch the night before. With one final kiss goodbye, she was swept to her parents’ house while John went to their newly purchased home, where he would get ready before meeting her at the church. 
Her bedroom door cracked open as she looked over at the sound. Her mother stood there with two mugs of coffee and a bright smile on her face. “Morning Sammi.”
“Morning mom.” She pushed herself into a seated position, accepting the mug of coffee from her mom as she took a seat on her bed. “Do I need to get up?” 
Katherine smiled, shaking her head. “No, it’s still early. You have time. How are you feeling?” 
“Excited, nervous, happy.” Sammi rattled off, taking a sip of her coffee before grinning at her mom. “I can’t believe it’s here. Seems like I’ve been waiting for this day and now it’s here.” 
Kat grinned. “I remember that oh too well from my own wedding day. Take in every moment; it goes by too quickly.”
“That’s what Uncle Race said.” Sammi tapped her newly painted fingernails against the mug. “Honestly, I can’t wait to see John at the end of the aisle.” 
Nodding, Kat smiled. “I’m sure he’s anxious to see you too. Now is there anything you want to do today?” 
“Besides get married?” Sammi raised an eyebrow as her mother laughed. “I don’t think so. How’s dad?” 
It was no secret that Jack Kelly lamented about his oldest baby girl getting married. Sammi was worried about how her dad would handle the day ahead. Katherine smiled at her daughter. “He’ll be fine. He’s already out running errands - he took Tommy and Lucas with him. Lizzie is getting a shower and I’m sure Ellie will be here soon.” 
“You doing alright, mom?” Sammi asked, putting her mug on the side table before scooting over to where Katherine sat. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me and John, even though you got a little zealous there.” 
Kat laughed, wrapping her arm around Sammi. “Not my finest moment, I suppose but I’m doing alright. Excited to see you marry your sweetheart but sad at the same time - you’ve grown up to a fine woman and I’m sad to see you leave the nest, but know you’ll be around. You’re not really leaving.” 
“I love you mom and I’m still your baby girl . . . just at a new address and will have a new last name.” Sammi grinned. “Besides, you’ll still see me, I’m just a floor below you at The Sun.” 
Kat nodded, biting her lip. “That’s true. And you’ll still be around for family dinner and birthdays.” 
“I wouldn’t miss it, mom.” Sammi smiled. “And before you say anything, I won’t make you a grandma for a bit of time.” 
Kat laughed, leaning over and kissing her daughter’s head. “Thank you for that. I’m much too young to tack grandma to my name.” 
“But you’ll be a gorgeous grandma, momma.” A new voice called from the door as they looked up and grinned at Lizzie standing there. “Besides, I want to be an aunt sooner rather than later.” 
Sammi laughed, opening her arm for Lizzie to join them on the bed. “I promise you both, you’ll be a grandma and an aunt soon enough . . . but there’s plenty of time.” 
Lizzie cuddled into her big sister’s arms with a sigh. “Why do you have to marry John? Can’t you just live here forever.”
“You love John, Lizzie.” Sammi looked at her younger sister with a grin. “Besides, if you want to be an aunt soon, I’m going to need to get married and not live at mom and dad’s forever.” 
Kat smiled at her daughters. “Before you know it, Lizzie, you’ll fall in love and get married just like your sister.” 
Scoffing, Lizzie shook her head. “Boys are stupid and I’m never getting married.”
“Well that’ll be music to your father’s ears.” Kat grinned, looking at Sammi. “Didn’t you say the same thing when you were her age?”
Sammi threw her head back and laughed. “I did indeed but I was 15 and hadn’t met John yet.” 
“So you’re telling me that some guy is going to stop by and sweep me off my feet?” Lizzie raised an eyebrow, looking between her mom and sister. 
Kat and Sammi looked at each other grinning, before chuckling. “That’s about right. It happened with your father. I didn’t anticipate meeting him, yet alone falling in love with him and marrying him. But once he weaseled his way into my life, I couldn’t really let him go.”
“Same with John and me. It was pretty instantaneous that I was going to let him out of my life. It wasn’t before long that I knew I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.” Sammi confessed with a smile. 
Kat smiled at her two daughters. “Lizzie, you will eventually get married, settle down and have a family. There’s no rush, of course, but your attitude will change, despite your father’s best intentions.” 
“And if I don’t?” Lizzie challenged, raising an eyebrow in her mother and sister’s direction. 
“Then you don’t and you become a spinster for the rest of your life.” Kat teased. “But you’ll have to live with me and your father for the rest of our days.” 
Sammi giggled. “Better you, Lizzie than me.”
“I’m sure, with time, I’ll find a suitable suitor.” Lizzie mumbled, much to Sammi and Kat’s amusement. 
Shaking her head at her daughters, Kat clapped her hands together. “Shall we start getting you ready? How about you take a bath and wash your hair before Ellie gets here?” 
Sammi took a deep breath, nodding at her mom before setting off to the bathroom to take a relaxing bath. Meanwhile, Kat grinned at Lizzie. “And you miss, do you want to help me with a surprise for her?”
Lizzie’s eyes lit up and she quickly nodded her head. “Yes. What are you doing?” 
Kat led her from the room, leading her into hers and Jack’s bedroom, quickly closing the door behind her. Grabbing a box from the dresser, she handed it over to Lizzie. “This was a gift from your dad on our wedding day and now I’m passing it along to Sammi.”
Cracking open the box, a gasp escaped Lizzie’s mouth. “It’s stunning momma.”
Nestled in the velvet was a necklace. It was an intricate design with flowers and vines. “It had green stones in it but I had them replaced with rubies for John’s birthstone.” 
“You know this is the necklace she’d always want to try on when we’d play in your closet.” Lizzie gave her mom a look with a grin. 
Kat nodded, taking the necklace from her hands and putting it back in the box. “Which is why your dad and I are giving it to her as a present.” 
“It’s perfect, momma.” Lizzie smiled. “She’s going to love it.” 
“She’s going to love what?” A voice called from the bedroom door as both women spun around, wide-eyes. 
Jack stood in the doorway grinning at his youngest daughter and wife, both of whom looked like they just swallowed the canary. “Are either of you going to answer my question?” 
“It’s a surprise for Sammi.” Kat grinned at Jack. 
Jack bit his lip. “Surprise for what?” 
Kat hit his shoulder with a grin, gently rolling her eyes. “Her wedding, Jack. You know the ceremony that is going to be occurring in seven hours. The one you’ve been in denial since John proposed to her.”
“The event is that Is have to dress up like a penguin.” Jack grinned, pulling Katherine closer to his chest, leaning down and capturing her lips with his. 
Lizzie cleared her throat. “I’m just going to go to my room now. Leave you two alone.” 
She shut the door behind her as they both dissolved into laughter. Jack pressed a kiss to Katherine’s head. “I’d say it’s impressive that after almost 22 years of marriage, we still manage to make our daughter grossed out.” 
The ringing of the bell caught their attention as Kat let her head fall to Jack’s chest with a sigh. “I think that may be Ellie. I probably should let her in.” 
Jack sighed, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Is love you and we’ve got this today. Everything will be good today.”
“Ok, Romeo.” Kat grinned, pushing herself on her toes, to place a kiss on his lips. “I love you but I have to go get the door. Raincheck, stud?” 
“For sure.” He chuckled, watching her walk out of the room with a grin. 
Reaching the front door, she took a moment to catch her racing heart rate before pulling open the door with a bright smile. “Ellie, Maisie, Benny, Race, and Spot, come on in.” 
“Sorry for just dropping in, Kat. Wes wanted to make sure Ellie got here alright.” Spot gave Kat a look before looking at his daughter. 
Ellie rolled her eyes, scoffing at her father. “And I told yous I’ve been coming to this house since I was little. I think I know my way by now.”
“Not when a certain curly haired young man lives a few doors down from here.” Race said, leaning over, pressing a kiss to Kat’s cheek before walking into the house. 
Ellie’s eyes went wide, giving her dad a look. “And how do you know about that?” 
“Once a newsboy, always a newsboy, sweetheart.” Race chuckled, grinning as he saw Jack come into the room. “Besides, your sister may have said something.” 
Ellie’s eyes went wide, spinning around to let her gaze fall on her sister. “Whatever happened to the sister’s code?” 
“You try to survive under both of their gazes, Eleanor.” Maisie bit back, pointing to Spot and Race, who didn’t try very hard to keep the smirks off their faces. 
“Is that you Ellie?” Sammi called from her room as Kat smirked. 
Ellie walked towards Sammi’s room, leaving the four adults, Maisie, and Benny standing there. Kat cleared her throat, looking at the two teenagers. “Maisie, Benny - Lizzie and Tommy are in their rooms if you would like to see them.” 
The two took off down the hallway, as Jack looked at the two. “What brings you two by? And since when did Ellie get a new beau?” 
“Don’t ask. Hopin’ wes could see the bride before she starts getting ready.” Race said, grinning. “How are you feeling, old man?” 
Jack shook his head at Race. “Is sure Sammi would love a visit from her favorite uncles. And Is feeling just fine. It’s hard to believe, she’s getting married. Seems like yesterday, wes just brought her home from the hospital.” 
“Speak for yourself, Jack Kelly.” Kat scoffed. “She is every one of those twenty years and has grown into a gorgeous young lady. She will always be your baby, no matter what happens in life.” 
Walking out of her room, Sammi grinned seeing her two uncles standing in the room. “Well look what the cat drug in.” 
“Samantha, yous look gorgeous.” Spot turned, grinning at his oldest niece as Race chuckled, shaking his head. 
She grinned, stepping forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek before pressing one to Race’s cheek. “Thank you Uncle Spot. Though, I’d be worried what I’ll look like when I’m all gussied up in a few hours.” 
“You’re going to look a 1000 times more gorgeous.” Race swept in, a grin on his face. 
Rolling her eyes, she gave the three men in the room a look before shaking her head. “You’re family, you’re supposed to tell me that. But I wasn’t expecting to see you prior to the wedding. Is something wrong?” 
“No there’s nothing wrong.” Race said, reaching into his back pocket, holding it out to Sammi. “Wes wanted to give you this.” 
She took the box from his hand before popping it open. A gasp escaped her mouth as she looked at the bracelet nestled in a box. It was a clear crystal marquise cut wedding bracelet, the stones fitted to look like leaves of a fern. “It’s gorgeous, thank you, Uncle Spot and Uncle Race.” 
“You’re welcome. You're our niece and wes wanted to get you something pretty to wear on your wedding day.” Spot shrugged, a smile on his face. “We love you, Sammi.” 
“I love you too.” She gave them both a hug before giving the bracelet to Race to put it on her wrist. “It’s perfect for my journey down the aisle.” 
A knock on the door drew her attention from a story Ellie was telling her and Lizzie. Standing in the doorways was Lydia, the wedding planner that was hired for the wedding. “Sammi, it’s time.” 
Standing from her chair, she quickly smoothed out her dress before grinning at Ellie and Lizzie. “How do I look?” 
“Gorgeous, girl.” Ellie chuckled. “You look smokin’ hot.” 
Sammi threw her head back and laughed before raising an eyebrow at Lizzie. “You look great, sis. Go get him.” 
Slipping on her kitten heels, Sammi quickly made her way out of the room and out to the Pier Harbor House, heading to the barrier looking at the harbor. She leaned against the barrier, listening to the waves crash and the seagulls call as they lazily flew around the harbor. A light breeze tussled her hair as she heard the door click open behind her. 
“Are you waiting for someone? Because if not, that’s a damn shame.” A familiar voice said from behind her as she turned slowly from her view. A grin slid across her face as she took in John. He was dressed in a black tux with tails and a top hat. His tie matched the grey of Ellie and Lizzie’s dresses. A white carnation boutineer was pinned to his jacket. 
“Hi handsome. You dress up nicely.” She took his outstretched hand, allowing him to pull her closer to him. He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. 
“You look amazing, Sammi.” John whispered. “I love you.” 
She pushed herself up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. “I love you too, John. And in a little under an hour, my husband.” 
“Ahhh that’ll take some time to get used to.” John chuckled. “As I’m sure wife will take you some time to get used to as well.” 
She nodded, lacing her hand with his, giving it a squeeze. “How’s your day been?” 
“Went to breakfast with my family before spending the mid-day with my friends in the park.” John grinned, squeezing her hand. 
“Pick up football game?” She asked, her eye catching a seagull as it dipped with the gentle breeze. 
He nodded. “Yes, your future husband’s team lost miserably.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Sammi chuckled, with a grin. “Anything I can do to ease that bruise ego you’re currently sporting?” 
Leaning against the barrier, John looked out into the harbor. “I think you’re going to remedy it in the next hour or so. So how did you spend your day?” 
“Holed up in my parents house. Uncle Spot and Race stopped by. It was a very low key, relaxing day.” She smiled. 
A throat cleared behind them as Lydia stood at the venue doors giving them both a look. “You two have two minutes.” 
John looked over to Sammi, pulling her back to his chest, dipping her before laying a kiss on her lips. “If I haven’t said it lately, I’m heads over heels in love with you, Samantha Anne Kelly. I’m so proud to be marrying you and being your husband.” 
“I love you too John Emerson Wright. And I’m the luckiest girl in the world for calling you my husband.” Sammi leaned up and kissed him. “And you're the most handsome man in the world.” 
Standing in the Willow room, Jack stood in the back, watching his wife, youngest daughter, and niece stand around Sammi as they helped put her veil in place. He would never admit it, especially on Sammi’s big day, but he felt awkward there. He was nervous, though he wasn’t quite sure why. 
“What do you think dad?” Sammi’s voice asked, as he was knocked out of his thoughts. 
Looking up from the ground, he swallowed thickly, as a sudden rush of tears flooded his eyes. “Samantha . . .”
She took a few steps towards him, reaching up and wiping away the tears. “Daddy. Don’t cry.”
“Yous look gorgeous, Sammi.  When did you grow up?” Jack asked, placing a kiss on her cheek. 
She gave him a look, one her mother gave him often enough. “Dad, I’ve been growing up. I’m sorry you just realized it.” 
Jack chuckled at Sammi’s reassurance. “Yous always my little girl. And they always say that you blink and miss it. And it’s true. Yous grew up to be a gorgeous young lady and John is a lucky man.” 
“Thanks daddy.” She smoothed down her dress, a light blush on her cheeks. “I love you.”
“Love yous too, Sammi.” He grinned. “Shall we go get you married?” 
Nodding, she turned to Kat, Ellie, and Lizzie with a grin on her face. “If I haven’t said it yet, thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and John and this wedding. I’m a lucky girl to have you all standing next to me as I walk into my next role.” 
Kat came over to Jack's side, slipping her hand into his as they watched Sammi exchange a few words with both Lizzie and Ellie. 
A soft knock at the door caught their attention as Lydia slowly pushed open the door. “Samantha, it’s time.” 
Gathering their bouquets, Ellie and Lizzie both grinned at Sammi before slipping out of the room, leaving Sammi with her parents. Picking up her bouquet, she walked over to her parents, grabbing her mom’s hand while looking at the two of them. “Thank you will never, ever be enough but I’m hoping it’s a start. I love you both and you’ve been amazing parents to me for the last 20 years. I’ll always be your little girl, that will never change, no matter where I’m living or my last name.” 
“Geez and Is was doin’ pretty good up to that point.” Jack sniffled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Sammi’s cheek. “Wes love you too, Samantha.”
Kat smiled, watching her oldest and husband. “You’re beautiful Sammi and John’s a very lucky man.”
Nodding, she squeezed Kat’s hand before releasing it to loop it through Jack’s crooked elbow. “Don’t let me trip, daddy?” 
“Never, Sammi. Never.” He promised as they walked out of the room to see Lizzie, Ellie, and Race standing there quietly talking. 
Sammi’s eyes furrowed, not expecting to see her uncle standing there. “Somethin’ wrong, Uncle Race?” 
“Besides you makin’ my daughter look much older than she is, nothing.” Race grinned. “Besides, Is here to walk your momma down the aisle.” 
Kat chuckled. “Just like old times, huh?” 
“Somethin’ like that.” Race shrugged, offering her his elbow as the doors opened and the music changed. 
Sammi smiled watching her mom and uncle walk down the aisle, a laugh on her mom’s lips. “You doin’ alright?” 
Looking up at her dad, she smiled before nodding. “Just watching Uncle Race and mom.”
“Your mom walked Race down the aisle at his wedding, do you remember that?” Jack asked, with a grin. 
Sammi laughed. “It’s a little foggy but I remember being so excited to wear a twirly dress.”
“Oh how excited you were.” Jack chuckled. “And now look, we’re at your own wedding.” 
Sammi bit her lip, watching Lizzie walk down the aisle, a grin sliding across her face as Ellie turned around and stuck her tongue out at her cousin and uncle. “Don’t let me fall, daddy.”
“We’ll go nice and easy.” Jack promised, watching Ellie begin her walk. “Now before the doors open again, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Remember to take it all in . . . today is going to go by fast but enjoy every single moment and remember how much you love John. I couldn’t pick a better man for yous to marry, Sammi.” 
She heard the change in music, Pachelbel’s Canon, before the doors were thrown open and everyone stood. “Ready?”
With a gentle shake of her head, her and Jack stepped forward as they walked down the aisle. Part of her thought the walk was so slow but before she knew it, she was standing in front of John with an awed look and a grin on her face. 
“Dearly beloved, we gather here to witness the union between Samantha Anne Kelly and John Emerson Wright. Before we begin, does anyone object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace.” 
Sammi and John glared around the chapel, daring anyone to speak up. After a few uncomfortable moments, Buttons grinned and continued on with the ceremony. 
“Marriage is a sacred act, between two people in the presence of God, their family and friends. Maisie will be reading a poem for Samantha and John. Maisie?” Buttons looked between the two of them. 
Dressed in a sage green dress, Maisie made her way up the aisle, standing to the side of Sammi and John. Grinning at the couple, she began to speak. 
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death
“Samantha and John have decided to write their own vows.” Buttons continued. “Please face each other, and join hands. Samantha, would you like to begin?” He looked at his longtime friend’s daughter with a bright smile. 
“Someone once said, "You are the love that came without warning; you had my heart before I could say no,” and that’s exactly what happened when you walked into my world, John Emerson. I love you dearly for all that you are. I am amazed by your inquisitive mind and your wicked sense of humor. I pledge to commit myself to our family and the good I know will grow from it. I promise this all to you until I am no more. I love you more today, than I did yesterday and even more tomorrow and the days to come. This I promise you today.” Sammi said squeezing his hand. 
John smiled, squeezing their joined hands. “Charlotte Bronte famously said "I have for the first time found what I can truly love. I have found you.” And the words fit perfectly for you, Samantha Anne.  I wasn’t anticipating love when we first met but like everything about you, you swept me off my feet and haven’t let go since. I am constantly surprised by your ability to keep me on my toes and you make me a full person. Committing the rest of my life to you is actually pretty easy because without you I am nothing. I vow to be the man that you inspire me to be and the man that you deserve. I love you more today, than I did yesterday and even more tomorrow and the days to come. This I promise you today.” 
“You have chosen to seal your vows by the giving and receiving of rings. The ring forms a perfect circle, without a beginning or an end, and is thereby a symbol of eternity and signifies the duration of the commitment you are making. Let us now exchange these rings.”
Handing a beat up silver ring to Sammi, Buttons looked at her. “Samantha, repeat after me: I give you this ring, as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and with all that I have, I will honor you.”
“I give you this ring, as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and with all that I have, I will honor you.” Sammi smiled, sliding the ring onto John’s ring finger. John squeezed her hand with a smile before Buttons continued. 
Handing a ring to John, Buttons looked at him. “John, repeat after me: I give you this ring, as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and with all that I have, I will honor you.”
“I give you this ring, as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and with all that I have, I will honor you.” John grinned, sliding Sammi’s wedding band onto her ring finger. 
“And now, by the authority invested in me as a preacher, and in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. John, you may kiss your bride.” Catcalls and excited cheers rang out from both sides of the aisles as John gently pulled Sammi into his arms and dramatically dipped her before kissing her not so chastely. Settling Sammi back on her feet, Sammi pulled him close and dropped a chaste kiss on his lips before linking their hands together. 
“John, Samantha, please face the congregation.” Buttons grinned at the couple before clearing his throat. “It is my pleasure to introduce to you, for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright.”
The noise level in the chapel escalated as the two raised their hands in celebration before walking down the aisle to the catcalls of their friends and family.  
Food had been served and speeches were given. She had her first dance with her husband, a blush on her face as she had all eyes on her as they expertly spun around the dance floor. Now, as she stood off to the side, she grinned watching her husband dance with his younger sister. Her eyes left them as she looked for someone in the room, chuckling when she saw them. 
Making her way across the dance floor, she was stopped once by friends of John’s, who commented how beautiful the ceremony was before letting her reach her destination. “May I have this dance?” 
“Isn’t that what Is supposed to say to you?” Jack raised an eyebrow, pausing his conversation with Race and Spot. 
Sammi shrugged, holding out her hand. “Come on dad. Just one dance.” 
Sighing, he pushed himself to his feet before placing his hand in hers, leading her out onto the floor. “How are you feeling?” 
Placing a hand around his shoulders, while he held the other one, she grinned at her dad. “Excited, happy, exhausted . . . everything in between. I did see you and mom cry earlier.” 
“It's not everyday yous see your oldest get married.” Jack claimed as she laughed, shaking her head. 
“It’s not but it’s still sweet to see.” Sammi grinned. “I had an idea . . . and you don’t have to go along with it unless you want to.” 
Jack raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his daughter’s idea. “What’s that?” 
“It’s going to take all of us some time to get used to me not being home, everyday. So I was thinking that you, mom, and me could start meeting for lunch once a week, along with family dinners and other celebrations.” Sammi shrugged. 
A smile made its way across Jack’s face. “I think wes both would enjoy that. Have you told your mom?” 
“Nah, not yet. Figured I’d run it by you first and if you didn’t think it’s a good idea, then no good getting her upset.” Sammi shrugged. 
Jack leaned forward, placing a kiss on her cheek. “As if I’d ever pass up the opportunity to have lunch with my daughter and wife. Is think it’s a fine idea.”
“Great.” Sammi grinned. “We’ll start it once John and I get back from Cold Springs.” 
Jack knew the honeymoon was planned in Cold Springs. “Just remember, I’m too young to be a grandpa.” 
Her laughter rang out across the banquet hall as she shook her head. “Both you and mom have made that abundantly clear over these last few weeks. You won’t be a grandpa for a long while, dad.” 
“Good.” Jack nodded as the song came to an end. “Love you, Sammi.” 
“Love you too daddy.” 
With a kiss, he left her, heading back to the table to join Kat, who waved in her daughter’s direction. Before she could make her way back to her own table, she was pulled into someone’s arms with an oomph. “May I have this dance?” 
Looking up, her mouth curled upward at the person. “I was going to grab a drink and come find you, Uncle Race. But yes, you may have this dance.” 
“Yous wedding was absolutely beautiful.” Race commented, pulling her into his arms. “Spot and Is both got teary eyed at yous vows to John.” 
She looked up at him, weaving her arm around his shoulder. “I spoke from the heart. I’m surprised I didn’t start crying during them - it was close.” 
“You were beautiful up there and I’ve never been more proud of the woman yous grown up to be.” Race grinned. “Yous a very special young woman, Sammi. Don’t ever forget that.” 
Her eyebrows rose. “Are you trying to get me to cry right now? Because you’re dangerously close to doing so.” 
“Nah . . . just thought it might be a good time to tell you that.” Race sighed. “I’m going to miss our niece/uncle dates.” 
Sammi shook her head. “Nah, I’m thinking those can still continue. I do work down the street from the hotel . . . never know when I’ll have a craving for hot chocolate and those pastries.” 
Race chuckled. “Yous on Samantha. What are your plans now, since yous married and all?” 
“Spending a few days up in Cold Springs then going back to work in a week.” She grinned. “Yous know the news doesn’t stop.” 
Race nodded. “Any big stories happening?” 
“A new vaudeville show is opening that my boss wants me to go visit.” She merely rolled her eyes at that one. “But he promised me if I did this show that he might have something bigger for me.” 
Race grinned. “Just like your mother.” 
“Always.” She said as the song changed, and Race led her off the dance floor, with a kiss on her cheek. 
“I’ll look forward to our hot chocolate and pastry date after you get back from Cold Springs.” Race gave her a grin as John came up to her side. 
She nodded, as John’s arm encircled her waist, before he pulled her into a kiss. “I’ve missed you.” 
“Uh huh . . . as you’ve been dancing with your younger sisters and mother.” Sammi gave him a look as she threw her arms around his shoulders. “But for the record, I’ve missed you too.” 
“I love you Mrs Wright.” He whispered, leaning in to place another kiss on her lips. 
“And I love you too, Mr. Wright.” She grinned, as he pulled away from her. 
She laughed, watching her parents, uncles, and friends dance on the dance floor with her husband by her side. She took everything in as it happened, including John smashing cake in her face, to which she retaliated by doing the same.  She was the happiest she had been in a long time, with her friends, family, and now husband by her side, celebrating and dancing the night away. 
Notes: If you want to see the bracelet Race and Spot gave Sammi, you can click here. The poem that Maisie read in the wedding is Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 8500 words and Samantha is married. What did you think? Feedback would be wonderful! 
11 notes · View notes
novannna · 3 years
Same Sea, Same Soul, Same Heart
Danna is the daughter of a noble in Gatlon city.  Gatlon is ruled by King Hugh and King Simon, members of the Renegades, the gruop that saved it from the anarchists and Ace Anarchy.  Nova is the niece of Ace Anarchy and is the worlds most feared and dangerous pirate.  She kidnaps Danna as ransom, and while they travel back to Danna’s father the two girls begin to realize they weren’t so different after all…
Nova must finally exchange danna for her ransom, and both girls struggle to leave eachother forever
link to masterlist
link to chapter 5
Moxie clambered aboard, breathless from rowing across the choppy sea.  
“Well?”  Nova demanded.  “Any word?”  they had been waiting right out of view of a coastal town for almost a week now, waiting for Danna’s father to write back.  
“Yes!”  Moxie handed Nova a letter.  “And even better, I heard the servants talking in the manor.  Apparently his Grace is here already.”
Nova grinned.  “Excellent.”  Slipping a dagger out of her pocket, she slit the envelope open.  
The letter had been written in a hurry, several ink blots, and smudged words on the parchment.  
“What’s it say?”  Genevieve asked, joining them on the deck.  
Nova smiled grimly.  “He agreed.  He’ll meet us on the dock, alone, tomorrow with 10,000 gold pieces.”
“You really think he’s going to obey those instructions Nova?”  Viv asked nervously.  
Nova scoffed.  “Of course not.  The entire fucking army is going to be there.”
“So… what’s the plan?”  Moxie glanced at Nova nervously.  
“Stays the same.  We go in with Danna, we leave with the gold.”
“Nova, once they have Danna, they are going to kill us.”
“I’m well aware of that Moxie,” Nova said.  She slipped her dagger back into its sheath and slipped the letter into her waistband.  
“Then how are we going to get away?”  
“They won’t catch us.”
“Umm, Nova?  We can’t stand up to them, and expect to survive,” Viv said nervously.  “How are we going to survive then?”  
“Simple.”  Nova grinned.  “We change the meeting time.”  
Realization dawned on their faces.  “We don’t let him come to us…” Moxie breathed.
“We’re going to him,” Viv finished.  
“Exactly.”  Nova tilted her head back and smiled in the sun's light.  
“So… when are we leaving?”
“An hour.  Wake up Miss Bell.  She has an important meeting I would hate for her to miss.”
Viv nodded, and hurried off.  
“Hey Nova?”  Moxie asked cautiously.  
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
Nova looked at Moxie, surprised.  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Well… it’s just that you and Danna seem close.  Connected almost.”  
Nova burst into laughter.  “That’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever said to me,” she snorted.  “Me… and Danna?”  Nova gasped for breath, tears in her eyes.  “That’s actually hysterical.”
“Nova, I’m serious.”  Moxie actually looked concerned.  
Nova straightened.  “Look, you don’t need to worry about me and Danna.  She’s the epitome of everything I hate.  A rich noble.  A Renegade.  She could be dead, and I wouldn’t care.  Understand?”  Nova stared at Moxie, her eyes burning holes into the other woman.  
“Yes captain,” Moxie sighed.  “I understand.”
“Good.  Viv’s are coming with me, you stay and watch over the ship.”
“You're only bringing two people?  Is that smart?”
Nova raised an eyebrow.  “You forget who you're talking to.  We’ll be fine.”
Moxie nodded, then pulled Nova into a tight, bone crushing hug.  “Please keep my wife safe,” she whispered.  
Nova nodded.  “I will.  I won’t let anything happen to her.”
“I know you won't.  But Nova, take care of yourself too.  I know you want us to believe you're invincible.  But you're human too.  You have your limits.  Don’t push them too far.  We need you back.  We need our captain.”
“I’m Nightmare,” Nova said.  “My limits won’t be a problem.  I built myself up from nothing.  If anyone is unstoppable, it would be me.”  Nova bit her lip, and looked at the endless sea.  “I need to get ready.  I want Miss Bells wrists secured, and a bag over her head.  She’s a risk I don’t want.  Clear?”
Moxie sighed heavily.  “Crystal, Captain.”
Danna sat in the swaying boat.  She tried not to panic, but it was hard when all she could see was darkness, and her wrists were bound against each other, a hard rope chafing her raw skin.  
“Comfortable, Miss Bell?”  Nova’s clear voice asked.  
Danna tried to control her breathing.  “Perfectly, thank you.”  She had no idea where they were going, only that Danna wasn’t able to see anything.  
“Good.”  Danna could almost see Nova’s lips curling up into a smirk.  Her blue eyes twinkling, like the sun on the sea.  Danna could see Nova in front of her, clear as day.  It hurt when Danna opened her eyes, and the dark greeted her instead. 
“Where are we going?”  She had asked at last.  Danna didn’t expect an answer, but it didn’t hurt to ask. 
“Unfortunately, your time on the Nightmare has come to an end,” Nova responded.  “You’re on your way to be reunited with your father, and we’re on our way to get a lot richer.”  
No…. Danna was going home.  She was going back, away from the pirates. Back to normal life.  So why did she want to stay?  A part of her yearned to stay on the sea.  In the few weeks she had stayed on the ship as a prisoner, Danna had experienced more freedom than she had ever known.  She didn’t want to go home.   But that wasn’t all.  Part of her wanted to stay with Nova.  A foolish, idiotic, stupid part of her body wanted to stay with Nova, and be free. Her heart wanted Nova. 
But Danna refused to acknowledge it. She hadn’t fallen for the notorious pirate captain, the king of the seas.  Had she?  In her mind, they seemed like two separate people.  They were two separate people.  
Noah Artino, the dreaded Nightmare, terror of the seas was not the same person as Nova Artino.  They couldn’t be.  But as Danna felt the rough rope chafing her hands, she knew that she had overlooked all of Nova’s faults.  She had forgotten why the stories about Nightmare had scared her when she was younger.  She had seen the real person, and forgot the legend. Forgot that Nova had two sides.  Forgot that Nova and Nightmare were the same person.
“Finally,” Danna said lightly.  This was good.  She was getting home, safe and out of danger.  “It’s about time.”  
She could see Nova’s smirk in her head.  
“You’ll miss us, won’t you my lady,” the captain sneered.  
“Of course not.  I’m happy to finally be leaving your clutches,” Danna replied, trying to keep the tears from spilling out of her eyes.  She was glad they couldn’t see her face.  Her eyes were screwed shut tight, and her mouth was curled into a grimace.  She was in pain.  
Nova was completely right.  Of course she was.  Danna was going to miss it all.  She would miss the sun on her face, and the wind in her hair.  She was going to miss the smiling faces who genuinely wanted to be with her.  They didn't care for power.  She was going to miss the feeling of genuine friendship.  But… most of all she was going to miss Nova.  The dry humor, and witty comments.  The grace the captain moved with, and her lethal skill.  SHe was going to miss the captain’s dark hair, and sparkling sea eyes.  She was going to miss her warm hands, roughened from years of hardship.  She was going to miss the girl who hated her more than anything else.  It was ironic really.  The same person who hated everything that Danna stood for, was the same girl Danna loved with her entire heart.  Danna realized with a start that she really did love her.  She had known for some time, but she realized it now.  
She loved Nova.  Danna Bell was in love with this pirate.  And Nova didn’t love her back.  She never would.  That was just the way life would work.  
They were about to part, never to see each other again.   Shouldn’t Danna be grateful?  She was never going to be in danger again.  She was going home.  Back to the life she knew.
But she didn’t want to.  She wanted to stay on the sea with Viv and Moxie and the rest of the crew.  Danna wanted to stay with Nova.  She never wanted to see her family or the court again.  She wanted the one thing she could never have.  She wanted Nova Artino.  
And Nova Artino didn’t want her.  
The boat bumped against something and Danna jolted backwards.  
“We’re here.”  
Danna felt Nova’s arms snake under her, and yank her up.  
“I can walk on my own,” Danna said frostily, trying to ignore Nova’s warm skin on her body.  
“Can you?  Then, by all means, walk.”  Nova laughed softly.  
Danna didn’t move.  She couldn’t see anything.  
“That's what I thought.”  Nova yanked her forwards, settling her onto a soft surface.  Sand trickled between her toes.  “Lets go,” Nova growled, and pulled Danna forwards by the hands. 
The sand quickly changed to a hard packed dirt road.  Danna hissed as her toe kicked a rock.  
“Careful My Lady,” Nova said dryly.  “Don’t want you to get hurt, now do we?”
“What do you care?”  Danna asked.  “I know you don’t give a shit about me.”
Nova inhaled sharply.  “I don’t want to have your value decrease,” was all she said.  
Danna bit back a sigh.  Why did she keep hoping Nova was going to change her mind?  
All Danna was to her was a pile of gold.  Nova only saw her as a source of profit.  Nothing more.  Why did Danna keep hoping Nova would not give her away?  She was only hiring herself more.  
“Where are we?”  Danna asked.  
“Quiet,” Nova hissed.  “We’re at the edges of Gatlon.”
“But my father doesn’t live anywhere near here!”
“He’s staying in your vacation home.”  Danna could hear the scorn in Nova’s voice.  “That's where we’re going.”
They halted.  
“Viv, go ahead and take out as many guards as you can.  Then stay as watch.  You know the signal if something goes wrong?”
“Yeah,” Genevieve responded.  “I’ll meet you back here then?”
“Yes.  Good luck,” Nova said curtly.  
“You too.  It was a pleasure, Miss Bell,” Viv said.  Danna pictured her sinking into a small bow, a playful smile on her face.  
“Likewise,” Danna responded, a smile on her own lips.  
Nova ripped the bag off her head, and Danna blinked in surprise.  Nova wore an outfit almost identical to the one she had been wearing when they first met.  A long black coat with shiny gold buttons.  A black hat that covered her face and hair.  Her waist was lined with swords, guns and knives.  She looked like Noah Artino, dreaded pirate lord.  She looked anything but Nova Artino, the girl of Danna’s dreams. But still Danna ached to be close to the girl.  
“I’m going to need you to behave,” Nova instructed.  “I can’t lead you.  So follow me, and we all get home safe and sound.  Got it?”
Danna nodded.  “Got it.” 
“Great.  Follow me.”  Nova hurried off through the shadows.  They were a block away from her house.  She recognized the houses, decked in gold and mosaics.  The beauty that once awed her now disgusted her.  How many lives could that have saved if the money had gone to people who had actually needed it?  How many people would have never starved or been killed?  Danna’s lip curled.  
“Hurry up!” Nova hissed.  
Danna jogged to catch up.  Her long legs carried her over to Nova.  
She couldn’t help but gasp when she saw the gleaming manor.  
It was so familiar.  How many times had she stood in this very spot?  
“Ready to go home?”  Nova asked, smirking.  
Danna breathed in, and out.  “Yes.  I can’t wait to get back to civilization,” she said haughtily.  
“Of course you do.”  Nova shoved her forwards.  
“What are you doing?”  Danna asked.  “Are you just walking in?”  
Nova scoffed.  “Of course not.  That would be rude.  We’re knocking first.”
Danna couldn’t help but laugh.  “You kidnapped me.  You broke into my house in the middle of the night.  You can’t possibly be worried about manners.”
Nova smiled slightly.  “Ah ah.  That wasn’t me, that was my crew.  I would never be that callous.”  
“Nova?”  Danna said gently.  
Nova’s grip tightened on her, but she didn’t say anything.  
Danna breathed in deeply.  Chances were she would never see Nova again.  Better to say it, wasn’t it?”  
“Look, Nova, I know you hate everything I represent.  And I understand, I really do.  I hate me too.  I just… I want you to know that I don’t hate you.  I could never hate you.”  Danna bit her lip and looked down.  
“I could never hate you either,” Nova said tightly.  
“Then don’t make me go back!”  Danna said quickly.  “I can’t stand my life.  The time I’ve spent with you was better than anything I had ever known.  I can’t go back!  It will kill me.”
“I have a job to do.  I’m sorry, Danna.  But this is goodbye.”  
Danna nodded.  “I understand.  I just wanted you to know, Captain.”
“You can call me Nova,” she whispered.  “It’s nice to know that someone outside my crew and my family remember me.”  
“I could never forget you… Nova Artino.”  Danna attempted a smile.  “Let's just get this over with, yeah?”
Nova nodded, and breathed in shakily.  “It was nice knowing the real Danna Bell.”  She stepped forwards, and knocked twice on the door.  
“I’m sorry,” Nova whispered to Danna, and jabbed a needle into her arm.  “This is the only way.”
Danna collapsed, her head lolling backwards.  The last thing she saw was Nova’s sea blue eyes full with tears.  
Nova held a knife to Danna’s throat.  The girl lay collapsed against her.  
Nova felt terrible.  She was a terrible person.  How could she be doing this?  Danna didn’t deserve this.  She was forcing her to go back to a life she didn’t want when it was so easy for them to run away together.  But she was too scared to disobey Ace.  She couldn’t bear to see his disappointment when he saw that his niece was in love with a noble.  
The door opened, and Danna’s father stood in the doorway, fear on his face.  
Nova pasted a smirk on her face.  This was her way of life.  She could do this.  
“Hello, Mr Bell,” Nova said.  
“Danna!”  He said.  “Oh thank god, you're alright.”
“Not quite.”  Nova tilted the blade up.  “Where is my money?”
“What did you do to her? Our agreement was that you would meet me at the dock, tomorrow.  And she would be safe and unharmed.”
Nova grinned despite the tears threatening to spill over her eyes.  “Never trust a pirate to keep his word.  Especially me.”
“What do you mean?”  The duke trailed off.  “You’re Nightmare.”
Nova winked.  “I am.  And your daughter is fine.  She’s just drugged.  In a few hours, she’ll be fine.  Ish.”
“Nightmare doesn’t take prisoners…”
Nova groaned.  “I don’t have time for this!  Give me the money.  Or else I kill your daughter here and now.”  She pressed the knife against Danna’s throat, cutting a small line of red.  Nova tried not to wince.  
Danna’s father nodded shakily, and whistled.  A servant appeared, and the man whispered something into their ear.  
“You’ll get your money, Noah Artino,” he hissed.  
“I’m counting it,” Nova replied coldly.  “It’s not like you need it, anyways.”  
They stood there, glaring daggers into each other. 
The subtle rise and fall of Danna’s chest comforted Nova, and she fought the urge to brush a strand of hair out of her face.  
Finally, the servant reappeared, carrying a huge chest.  Their face was bright red from the effort, but Danna’s dad didn’t care.  
“Trade me Danna, and you get your treasure,” he said.  
“How do I know you won't attack me from behind while I’m busy carrying the chest.”
“You have my word.  And unlike you, I actually mean it.”
Nova shrugged.  “Fine.  If you attack me, you will regret it.”  She laid Danna down on the ground.  Her hair spread out, a halo around her face.  
“Set the chest down, and back away.”
Nova pulled out her gun, and placed a finger on the trigger.  “Would you like to rethink that?”
The man shakily backed away.
Nova whistled sharply, and Viv melted out of the shadows behind her.  
Danna’s father gasped.  
“Carry the chest,” Nova hissed under her breath.  “I’ll cover.”
Viv nodded, and hefted the chest up as if it was nothing.  
“Nice meeting you!”  Nova called out as they hurried away.  She kept her gun trained on the man.  
“It went alright?”  Viv asked.  
Nova nodded.  “Yeah.  it was fine.”  The look of pure betrayal was still fresh in Nova’s mind though.  The way Danna had looked at her while her body fell onto Nova.  
Nova never should’ve let herself get so attached to Danna.  It had come back to bite her in the ass, and Nova’s chest felt like there was a gaping whole in it.  
“Yes, fine.  Hurry up, it won’t be long before the Renegades come after us.”  Nova looked back over her shoulder anxiously.  “We have what we came for.”  
“Do we?”   Viv looked at her, concerned.  “You seem…”
“I am fine!”  Nova screamed.  “Hurry up, or I’m leaving you behind.  We did what we needed to do.”
“Yes, Captain,” Genevieve said heavily, and hurried after Nova.  “You know best.”
Tag list: @novissa @thepurpledragon4444  @phobidawg @janisarkisian  @rvbell @redassassin @styeenza @ifyouhadntbutyoudid (let me know if you want to be added/taken off!!!)  
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wordofrecall · 4 years
character playlists: ori
so. let’s do this. my playlists are long and scattered, but they make me happy, so i might as well share them and the thoughts behind song choices. so. here’s some songs for runaway knights & wannabe witches, and what have you.
something holy - childhood & riches & wonders
pearl diver - mitski - oh hunter, if you didn’t want the beautiful so badly, perhaps you would’ve found it in your spirit singing softly - look. it's on the nose, considering that her title is "the pearl hunter," but also, like, that rules. this is a song for wren, i think; ori in the present reflecting on her mother and the similarities between them.
icicles - the scary jokes - i can only be forgiven if i’m giving myself up to you on a silver serving tray / must i bare myself to the stabbing of your knife & gnashing teeth while our lovely company appears so entertained? - aaand a song for childhood. 99% of ori's socialization came from her parents having important guests over, so. uh. yeah. show off your reclusive child prodigy like a pageant whenever you have the opportunity. she probably won't grow to loathe you.
life: the cruel interlude (on god) - kilo kish - why do i dare believe in me when i bleed? - questioning was. always a big thing for ori. i don't think she ever believed that the mirzha was god, and i known that she never truster her father's patron, but. in her studies, in her passions, there's always this tiny sense of desperation for something to have faith in something. not herself.
bluejays & cardinals - the mountain goats - the stars come out of hiding for you, & i would too - there is. a lot, in ori's relationship with her brother. she was the favorite child, yeah, the one destined for great things in spite of her... troubles. but he never had those troubles! she didn't, doesn't understand how he went through life so unafraid. there's envy there. i also think that the line i quoted is terribly true, like, canonically. because. she sure did do that stupid shit.
be calm - fun. - take it from me, i’ve been there a thousand times--you hate your pulse because it thinks you’re still alive! - sometimes you have intense social phobia. and that's okay!
country death song - violent femmes - kiss your mother goodnight & remember that God saves, kiss your mother goodnight & remember that God saves - i think andrei is a much less pitiable or even sympathetic man than the narrator of this song, but. like. it's a country song about a father killing his daughter while preaching godliness. i had to.
i’m all bloody inside - liam lynch - inside me, well, it’s dark & gross as hell, i’m not a pretty sight - the family business!
the hazards of love 3 (revenge!) - the decemberists - but father, don’t you fear, your children are all here - fantasies. part of the fantasy is imagining a world where she doesn't feel terrible about the thought.
shankill butchers - sarah jarosz - they used to be just like me & you, they used to be sweet little boys - "blood hunters are ghost stories." "and also, they're fucking terrible. violent, cruel, zealous. the worst."
sparrow - st. vincent - & no eyes are on the sparrow, eyes are on the sparrow, how could that be the case? the lark keeps whistling his number, silly little number, as if he isn't prey - pity for the boy. sort of retrospective, but it's a thought that's been there since she was a child.
something burning - rituals & fire & running
starchild - ghost quartet - but i will transcend & vomit this loser out of me; i will become the next big thing, i will light myself on fire - maybe she is some kind of angel? bursting with radiance and terrifying to look upon.
arsonist’s lullabye - hozier - don’t you ever tame your demons, always keep them on a leash / when i was sixteen, my senses fooled me - oooor maybe she is a sixteen year-old who is having a panic attack and setting everything in sight on fire by accident.
blood - my chemical romance - i’m the kind of human wreckage that you love! - so she's broken.
girl anachronism - the dresden dolls - it’s not the way i’m meant to be, it’s just the way the operation made me - so she's failed and she's broken and she's sick, and there's no time to fucking think.
when the chips are down - anais mitchell - cast your eyes to heaven, you’ll get a knife in the back. - so she does what her mother did before her, and she runs from that which she has always known.
body terror song - ajj - i’m so sorry that you have to have a body / one that will hurt you, & be the subject of so much of your fear - feelings on being built Wrong; feelings on your mind's undue control upon your body.
in corolla - the mountain goats - & no one was gonna come & get me, there wasn't anybody gonna know, even though i leave a trail of burnt things in my wake every single place i go - very good as an ori song in general but this is her justification to herself in the water. under the docks, she says this to herself.
the harrowed & the haunted - the decemberists - will i be so brave? - just to get that oceanic vibe up.
luna - the mountain goats - rise through the flames & end again in flames at last - an inexplicable feeling.
unwhere - reeder - a song for leaving what you've always known.
something lonely - years & woods & dreaming
runs in the family - amanda palmer - run from their pity, from responsibility, run from the country & run from the city, i can run from the law, i can run from myself, i can run for my life, i can run into debt, i can run from it all, i can run 'till I'm gone - she is broken and all she can think to do is get as far away as possible
panic attack - liza anne - i hate that i can be seen like this
black eyes - david wirsig - my hammering heart hears the voices of spirits that tempt us, the scorn that they’ve spoken
for the departed - shayfer james - they will bury me alive, but i’m not inclined to care; i am too far gone now
hurt - johnny cash - everyone i know goes away in the end; you can have it all, my empire of dirt
my body’s made of crushed little stars - mitski - i work better under a deadline! i work better under a deadline!
blood in the cut - k. flay - guess i’m contagious; it’d be safest if you ran--fuck, that’s what they all just end up doing in the end
little pistol - mother mother - i think i might be scared of the world & the way it makes you feel afraid & how it gets in the way
villains pt. 1 - emma blackery - built to create, designed to destroy
the beer - kimya dawson - & the christians gave me comic books as if i would be scared of burning in hell while i was already there [...] i tried to scream fuck you but blood was pouring out my mouth
something safe - family & finding it & fighting together
haunted house - sir babygirl - i’m running just to hide & i’m hiding just to breathe & around every corner is the same night on repeat
your heart is a muscle the size of your fist - ramshackle glory - i love you & you make me glad to be alive; i promise that i’m gonna pay you back / you always know how funny everything is, even when i’m so serious that it’s gonna be the death of me
medicines - the taxpayers - o, but our rotting corpses lying there soon began to leak & grow these lesions that all smelled just like a rose / & all the blood & guts inside us germinated into timeless pages stained with lines of lovely prose
autoclave - the mountain goats - i am this great unstable mass of blood & foam
alligator skin boots - mccafferty - i’m cool to the touch, leap to my death, i’ll die for you all, i’ll die for my friends, it goes like this
100 years - florence + the machine - lord, don’t let me break this, let me hold it lightly, give me arms to pray with instead of ones that hold too tightly
tomorrow will be kinder - the secret sisters - but i feel warmth on my skin, the stars have all aligned
armour - rae spoon - you know i placed was to build a life for you
amy aka spent gladiator 1 - the mountain goats - play with matches if you think you need to play with matches; seek out the hidden places where the fire burns hot & bright / find where the heat’s unbearable & stay there if you have to--don’t hurt anybody on your way up to the light, and stay alive
curses - the crane wives - won’t you stay with me, my darling, when my walls start burning down?
something daring - islands & visions & loss
jane’s dream - janelle monáe
beekeeper - keaton henson - hear me, o woman that has gone astray, gone astray
fire - kimya dawson - i’m reading books about how they’re corrupt [...] as long as i’m burning, i’ll keep on yearning to save the world, not sure how, but i’m learning
cosmic hero - car seat headrest - i love you, but i can’t stand the touch, & of course i’m alright with death
turn the lights off - tally hall - everbody likes to get taken for turns to see how bright the fire inside of us burns [...] should be stronger, books abandoned
eat you alive - the oh hellos - child, i’m afraid for your soul; these things that you’re after, they can’t be controlled
cry for judas - the mountain goats - hallucinate a shady grove where judas went to die
o death - monica martin - no wealth, no land, no silver, no gold, nothing satisfies me but your soul
blood of angels - brown bird - and i would wage my soul to bet that there ain’t no one throwing lightning anyhow
the universe is going to catch you - the antlers - the arms of the universe kept you from falling [...] those arms did not come back
a burning hill - mitski - i am the fire & i am the forest & i am the witness watching it / i stand in the valley watching it
something terrifying - conversations & selfhood & divination
the lamb - dessa - but blood is blood, & what’s done is done; blood is blood, & its burden is a beast
going invisible 2 - the mountain goats - i’m gonna burn it all down today & sweep all the ashes away
the lion’s roar - first aid kit - she plays a tune for those who wish to overlook the fact that they’ve been blindly deceived by those who preach & pray & teach, but she falls short & the night explodes in laughter
the villain i appear to be - connor spiotto - even if you can’t see the good inside me, i don’t have the time to tell you why i do the things that i do, just please hold on & soon you’ll seem
up the wolves - the mountain goats - there’s bound to be a ghost at the back of closet, no matter where you live; there’ll be a few things, maybe several things that you’re gonna find really difficult to forgive
thursday girl - mitski - glory, glory, glory to the night that shows me what i am
at the bottom of everything - bright eyes - we must take all of the medicines to expensive now to sel; set fire to the preacher who is promising us hell
everybody does - julien baker - i know i’m a pile of filthy wreckage you will wish you’d never touched, but you’re gonna run when you find out who i am
tongues & teeth - the crane wives - i know that you mean so well, but i am not a vessel for your good intent 
a pearl - mitski - you’re growing tired of me and all the things i don’t talk about / sorry, i don’t want your touch--it’s not that i don’t want you
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newtsies · 3 years
Great Outdoors || Ch. 1 {{ Kid Blink x Mayors Daughter OC}}
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A/N: hiya! so here's somethings you might wanna know about the story!
1. it's a kid blink x oc story, the oc is the mayors daughter. based off of his line in King Of New York (92sies version) where he says 'a saturday night with the mayors daughter'
2. i included their accents, but not like too much? let me know if you think i should write it with less of an accent or more of an accent.
3. this is based off of the 1992 version but includes some characters from the Broadway version. any character in both versions are based off the 1992 version. for example: racetrack, david, jack, les, mush, ect. are all based off of the 1992 version
4. i won't be writing any of the songs, because it's harder to do that. if you think i should include songs, let me know!
5. i swear the other a/n after this will be way shorter-
word count: 4375
read on wattpad
Heat stuck to her skin as she slipped out the window of her room. In New York, the middle of summer scorched everyone who dare leave their fanned homes. It also scorched those who worked outdoors, or burned those who didn't have homes. But Juliet was willing to take the chances of getting sun burned, she needed to get out of her room.
She had been reading for hours, there was really nothing else to do. Reading for 6 hours tends to get boring, especially when all the books you can read are about wars. Most of the war books were historically incorrect anyways. She swore to one day rewrite every historical book she read, but make it accurate.
She ran down the fire escape and took in the scene of the hot Manhattan streets. She had no idea what to do, Juliet rarely left her house and when she did, it was with her father in a carriage. Without a map or guide to help her, she let her feet lead her through the streets.
"Hiya, ma'am," A boy said exhaustedly, tipping his cap at her, "Care ta hear todays news? The World seems ta want everyone ta know there was a baby born with two heads!"
"Hiya, ma'am," A boy said exhaustedly, tipping his cap at her, "Care ta hear todays news? The World seems ta want everyone ta know there was a baby born with two heads!"
"Oh, well, sure! Is a quarter alright?" Juliet asks, pulling out a quarter from her pocket.
"Ma'am, a pape is only 1 penny!" He smiled at her as he took his cap off and wiped his forehead, "Please, I really couldn't take any more than a penny from a sweet girl like you."
She flushed with embarrassment, "I'm so sorry, I've never been out in the city on my own before. I promise you, loosing a quarter sure doesn't affect me much."
"Thank ya, ma'am," The boy grinned, trading the paper for her coin, "Ya said ya'd neva been on da streets?" Juliet nodded, scratching her arm as the feeling of embarrassment bubbled inside her. "Care ta wander with me?"
"Well- I'm sure you're busy, right? I'd hate to intrude," She rambled.
"Ma'am! I'm free all day, honestly. I'd love ta show ya around, if you're up for it o' course!" He admitted with an honest smile, "Come carry da banner with me for a few more minutes and I'll show you good 'ol Manhattan!"
"Thank you-" She started, pausing to silently ask him for his name.
"Kid Blink," He smiled, "Wanna try sellin' a pape, ma'am?" He offered a newspaper to her, which she hesitantly took and turned to look at people walking by.
Juliet raised the paper and called out, "Daily news!"
A chuckle came from behind her, "All due respect, ma'am. You gotta yell out a headline or a story!" Her cheeks went red with embarrassment but she nodded, flipping through the paper quickly.
"Baby born with 2 heads! ... Medical anomaly!" She added, someone rushed towards her and handed her a penny for the paper. "I did it!"
"Great job, miss! Oh, keep the penny, ma'am!" Kid Blink stated sincerely as Juliet attempted to give him the penny, "Da quarter ya gave me has got me set for longer den a week!"
Juliet admired the boy, for he had great talent when it came to selling newspapers. When she had bumped into him, he had been carrying a whole stack of papers. A stack that looked plenty heavy. However, not once did he complain nor even look for a second as if he might drop them. He just kept carrying them and calling out headlines. Within 10 minutes of meeting him, his stack of papers were all sold.
"Honestly, ma'am, the streets of Manhattan ain't got much to see," Kid Blink explained earnestly, "Oh! I gotta place that's got some good wadda, want to go there?"
She grinned, "I'll admit, I'm a little hungry. I don't know any other restaurants, so if you say the place is good, all I can do is believe you! Lead the way, Kid Blink."
"Please, ma'am, call me Blink!" He stated, starting to walk away. She walked close behind him, nervous from stories her father had told her about the streets, "You alright, miss?"
"Peachy," She lied, "So, you, uh, do this everyday?"
Blink nodded, "Everyday! Carry the banner, eat if I'se got the money, sleep, den do it all again!"
"That's gotta be rough, how old are you?" Juliet asked.
"14, ma'am," Kid Blink replied before turning to her, "How old are you?"
"14," Juliet answered, "It's insane you're doing this everyday, living like this."
He smiled at her and tipped his cap, "Jus' life, ma'am!"
They stood together in front of a restaurant, the sign above it read Tibby's. Kid Blink turned to Juliet with a grin then moved to hold open the door for her. She nodded at him before cautiously stepping in, feeling the boy press against her as he closed the door behind him.
"Blink!" A boy called from a table, waving him over. Kid Blink looked at Juliet and nodded at the table full of boys then started walking over to them. She let her head fall down as she walked close behind him.
"Hiya, boys!" Blink grinned, sliding into the seats and shoving another boy into the wall so Juliet could sit down too, "This is, uh-"
"Juliet," she stated nervously, "Juliet Adams."
One boy joked, "Say, Adams is da mayors last name. You his daughter?"
"Yeah," She laughed, obviously very scared.
They all gaped at her. Kid Blink laughed and wiped the sweat off his forehead, "I woulda neva guessed. Anyways, Ms. Adams, this here is Racetrack, Elmer, Mush, and Skittery." The named boys grinned and waved at her as their names were called.
"Nice to meet you all," Juliet said, "Do you all work as newsies?"
Racetrack nodded, "Yes, ma'am. Now, I've gotta ask. What did 'ol Blink here say ta get ya ta come all da way over here wit 'im?" Blink rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair before placing his cap on his head again.
"Well, you see, I've never really left my house, not on my own at least. Kid Blink offered to show me around the city!" Juliet explained before looking at a menu above the register, "What do you boys usually get?"
"Wadda," Elmer states, then adds with a shrug, " 'Ts free."
She glanced around the table, assuming it was a joke, but was met with honest faces. She shook her head, "Why don't you all get some food. I'll pay, don't worry."
Kid Blink interfered, "Ms. Adams, we couldn't possibly let you pay for us-"
"Call me, Juliet, or Julie, all of you. Honestly, you've helped me a lot today, Kid Blink. It's the least I can do to make sure you all have full stomachs for at least a day. Let me pay, please," She pleaded. He looked at her and sighed and nodded before looking over the menu.
"She's a gift from the gods!" Elmer exclaimed, leaning over the table excitedly and giving her a hug. She laughed and pat the golden-retriever-like boy on the cheek.
Skittery nodded in agreement and Albert joked, "An angel me thinks. Think Big Man'll miss her if we keep her?"
"The mayor or God?" Racetrack asked before drinking his water.
Elmer looked at her with a look of fear, "Think he'll try to chop off our heads?" She laughed and shook her head.
"If anything, I'll be the headless one. He'll kill me once I get home. It's already getting dark," Juliet stressed, "I should be heading back after you all eat."
And so the boys and the girl, who had been isolated her whole life, joked and laughed together over plates of food. They begged and begged to help her and chip in for the bill, but she stubbornly refused. Eventually they were forced out of the building due to the 'dinner rush.'
Racetrack had joked, "By dinner rush, he means 5 customers who actually buy da food instead of drink all his wadda!'
They talked for a while longer before reaching the lodging house where 4 out of the 5 boys retreated into the building after waving goodbye to Juliet. Kid Blink lingered behind, hesitant to let her go alone through Manhattan at night. She insisted she would be fine, but Blink knew better than to not trust his gut instinct.
"I'm walking ya home, I cant let you walk alone during da night. 'Specially cuz ya don't know da streets all too well," He explained earnestly.
"I'm sure I'll be fine! Honestly, how dangerous can it be? Besides, won't it be dangerous for you to walk back alone?" She asked.
"Nah! I know dese streets like da back of my hand!" Blink reassured her as he lead her through the streets, "What's it like being da mayors daughter?"
Juliet sighed, "It's not horrible, but he never lets me leave the house. The only time I get to leave is to go with him in a car to some meeting he has. All I do is study. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm lucky. I have a consistent roof over my head, a consistent food source, and I'll never run out of money or new clothes. But what's the point if I don't ever get to talk to anyone?"
"I see," He nodded, "Hey, me an' da boys may not be rich or have any of dat food stuff often, but we sure as hell is a family! Life is worth the living as long as you got good friends to live it with. You ain't neva had no friends ever?"
She chuckled a little and shook her head, "Sure, I've had friends. They were all quite rude and stuck up, though. I sure hope I don't come off that way to you-"
"No, ma'am. You ain't stuck up, don't worry 'bout it!" Kid Blink told her, stopping at the house that towered over them. "Nice place ya got here."
"Thank you," She grinned, "Oh, and thanks for showing me around, Kid Blink."
He tipped his hat and nodded, "My pleasure, Ms. Adams."
"Juliet," She corrected.
"How 'bout Jules?"
"That works too, Blink."
She ran up the fire escape and waved at him from the top. He gave a short wave before turning back around to head back to the lodging house. Juliet tapped on the railing, deciding on what to say to the boy. She groaned and cupped her hands around her mouth.
"Kid Blink!" She shouted, "Think I could help you sell some more papers tomorrow?"
"It would be an honor to spend another day with you! I'll be here tomorrow with some papes, all right?" Blink yelled back, a grin playing on his lips.
"All right! Thank you, Blink!" She waved again before smiling widely and running back into her room.
"Julie?" A voice boomed from downstairs, Juliet cringed.
"Coming Father!" She called, going through her door and down to his office.
He continued to work on the papers laid out in front of him as he talked to her, "I'm sorry about our argument today. Thank you for keeping quiet. I've decided that you can go outside tomorrow, on your own. I trust you, for the most part. Just stay away from those newsboys, got it?"
Her eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head at him, "What's wrong with the newsboys?"
"Flirts! All of them," He explained angrily, "Dirty and aggressive too!"
"All right, Father. I'll steer clear of the newsboys," She sighed. As she walked back to her room, she laughed to herself. Of course she wouldn't stay away from the newsboys, not like she listened today, right? Kept quiet, She thought, more like wasn't here to make noise.
Juliet woke up the next morning, already feeling the heat from outside, and rushed to her window in hopes to see the newsboy from the day before. Much to her dismay, he was not there. She decided not to stress, maybe he slept in or sold all of his papers already.
"Morning, Father!" She called as she walked into the kitchen, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I'm heading out now!"
"Stay safe, Juliet! And remember," He stated firmly, "Stay away from the newsboys!"
She rolled her eyes, "Yes, Father!" Then she was out the door, a wave of heat pushing against her. Juliet smiled before running off towards The World building.
Boys crowded around the town square, shouting and pushing into each other. She looked around and tried to push through the crowd, the kids all backing away from where she was. Juliet looked for familiar faces but couldn't see anyone.
"Ma'am! Ms. Adams! Juliet!" Elmer called out happily, pushing past everyone and bouncing over to her, "Watcha doing in these parts?"
She had to shout over the chaos to be heard, "Kid Blink said he would meet me at my house with papers, but he didn't! Did something happen? Do you know where he is?"
He grinned goofily at her, "Oh, boy, are you in fah a treat! We'se newsboys is on strike! Pulitzah raised the pape prices, so we'se don't sell till he puts it back! C'mon, Blink is over here!" Elmer grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd to the very front.
"- Gotta be ambastards and go tell the others that we're on strike!" A boy who stood in front the building shouted. Juliet was dragged by Elmer to stand next to Kid Blink, who turned to her and smiled.
"Say, Jack, we'll take Harlem!" Blink called out to the boy, Jack, and grabbed Juliet's arm.
"Good- Who's dat?" Jack asked the other newsies, Blink and Juliet were already gone.
"Da mayors daughter! Anyways, I got Midtown!" Race shouted before running off.
"Mayors daughter?" He shouted in confusion, but they ignored him and people continued to call out turfs they would go to.
"Sorry, Jules. Honest ta God, I'se was gonna go get ya! But, the price raise was ridiculous! Anyways, we'se goin' ta Harlem, tell dem about da strike! Dat alright with you?" Kid Blink asked after rambling.
She grinned, "Sure! Oh, guess what? My Father finally decided to let me go out freely, so I don't have to sneak away anymore."
"Nice! How'd ya manage ta convince 'im?" He questioned. They walked together through the streets, Kid Blink pulling his shirt to try and give himself some cool air.
"I don't know! Said he was happy that I didn't make any noise after the conversation yesterday! So, he's letting me out freely and he said..." She paused hesitantly.
Blink looked at her and tilted his head curiously, "What? What did he say?"
Juliet groaned and looked at him, "He told me to stay away from the newsboys. I won't, of course! But it's just- I don't get him. It's hard work, isn't it? I think you should all be admired, working this hard at such a young age with no one treating you fairly."
He laughed, "Thanks, miss! Sure is hard work, but we'se don't complain! Now, when we get ta Harlem, just ignore everything dey say. If dey make you uncomfortable, let me know, alright? I'll soak 'em! Or we can just leave. Whatever's easiest!"
"Thanks, Blink. Let's go," She said hesitantly, walking with him into the new borough.
A young boy ran towards them, "Hiya, Kid! And- pretty goil! Hi! Watcha here for?"
"Gotta talk ta Stitch," He explained, "He here, Scram?"
"Well, I reckon he's out by our circulation building! Trying ta calm down all da boys n' stuff! Hear bout the prices?" The boy, Scram, asked them.
" 'Course we did, Scram. That's what we're here to talk 'bout, 'Hattan newsies is on strike," He explained.
"Strike? Ya crazy! Ya know dat means makin' no money, right?" Scram questioned them, absolutely baffled by the idea of loosing a days pay.
"We know, Scram," Blink sighed, "But listen, if we don't work, they'se don't make money either. They need us! They gotta put the price back up soona o' later!"
Scram gave them a look, "I dunno, Blink! Think da World, Journal, and da Sun, and all of dem can go longer then we can without making money!"
"If we get all of da newsies togedda, they can't ignore us!" He explained, hoping to get through to Scram.
"Whateva ya say, Blink! C'mon, I'll take ya two ta Stitch. See what he gotta say 'bout it!" Scram nodded to the side before walking off. Juliet shrugged at Blink and they both started following him. There was havoc everywhere around the circulation building. People were shouting at each other and pushing each other into the floor. She walked close to Blink and Scram, trying to stay away from the fists people were throwing.
"Stitch!" Scram called out, tugging on the shirt of a boy about a foot taller than him. The boys shirt was tight on his arms and completely unbuttoned. His brown suspenders tugged at his shoulder, probably chaffing him. He had multiple scars all over his chest.
"What Scram? What?" Stitch groaned, shaking the boy off his arm.
"Kid Blink and a goil is here to talk to you about somethin'!" Scram explained.
The boy tipped his hat at Juliet, "Ma'am," Then spit in his hand and shook hands with Blink, "Kid Blink. What's up?"
"Well- We- 'Hattan-" Blink attempted to speak but couldn't talk over the yelling. Stitch looked to Scram and nodded at him.
Scram grinned widely and screeched, "Scram! Da bulls!" Everyone froze, stopped yelling and fighting, and bolted away. Scram waved to them, tipped his hat at Juliet, and ran off with everyone else.
"We'se on strike over in 'Hattan. We want you to join too!" Kid Blink explained.
Stitch hesitated, "Oh, I dunno, Blink! We won't make any money at all! We don't like da price either, but it's hard ta make no money at all. All dem newspaper big shots could go months without making money!"
"Yeah, but they can't ignore us if we get all da newsies in New York!" Blink tried to convince him.
"What's Brooklyn doin'? What'd they say?" Stitch asked.
Blink sighed, "I dunno yet."
"Look, when ya get the nod from Brooklyn, come back. Alright? Get the nod from Brooklyn and you can count on Harlem," Stitch promised. Kid Blink sighed again but nodded.
Juliet tilted her head, "So, Harlem is just a bunch of followers? Can't make your own decisions? Seems like Brooklyn is more the leader of Harlem than you are, Stitch." Both boys looked taken aback by her statement.
"No way, ma'am! It's just- We ain't gonna win dis thing if we ain't got Brooklyn!" Stitch explained.
"Oh! You guys aren't strong enough to help us, right?" She instigated.
"Yeah we are!" Stitch groaned, "Fine. Count us in, alright? The second you guys give up, or show any sign of giving up, Harlem is out. Got it?"
"Got it! Thanks, Stitch," Blink smiled, spitting in his hand and sticking it out for Stitch. He spit in his own hand and shook hands with Kid Blink.
"No problem, Blink. Now, as Scram would say, scram! I got to prepare me boys for a strike," He chuckled. Juliet started off, but Stitch grabbed Blinks arm and whispered to him, "Great gal, pretty too. If we get all da newsboys in one place with her, she's gonna be snatched up quick. Beat 'em to it, Blink. Or someone else will." Kid Blink rolled his eyes at Stitch and tugged his arm away, running to catch up with Juliet.
"Jack! What did Spot say?" Race asked as soon as he saw the leader.
"He was concerned 'bout us being serious, you believe that?" Jack scoffed.
The boys looked amongst themselves before Race spoke up, "I dunno Jack. None of da burrows will join us without the O.K. from Brooklyn."
"Wrong! None of da burrows except for Harlem. Harlem'll be here," Blink shouted as he ran over to them with Juliet.
"Awesome! Nice job, Blink," Jack praised.
He shook his head, "Not me. All thanks ta Juliet!"
"I knew she was an angel!" Elmer gushed, grabbing the girls hands and grinning at her.
One newsboy nudged another, "Looks like one too!" Blink shoved the boy who made the comment with his elbow.
"Shut up, Romeo."
The boy who had been nudged the first time laughed, "He told you!"
Said boy, Romeo, rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Henry."
"So what? We got Harlem, how does that help us? Gives us maybe 50 more kids? We should call it off, Jack. We need Brooklyn," A boy stated glumly. Jack looked at Davey, who Juliet had learned was the co-leader of the strike, with desperation evident in his eyes. David nodded and started to sing.
Juliet honestly didn't know how she ended up on the floor. Before, she was listening to the boys singing and watching them dance. At one point, Kid Blink pulled her up to dance with him and the others. She danced with them, but not for long due to the circulation bell ringing. The newsies charged and shouted at what they called 'scabs.'
Then, she was getting shoved all around. She was on the floor and looking to get out. Harlem came running in to help Manhattan, fighting scabs right along with them. Stitch noticed Juliet's struggles and grabbed her arm, yanking her to her feet. He shoved her to Scram, who took her and lead her out of the crowd.
"Hey, Scram!" Julie said breathlessly, smiling down at the young boy as she caught her breath.
"Hiya, ma'am. Ya alright?" Scram asked her.
She nodded, "No need for the formality, Scram. Call me Juliet, or Ms. Adams if you really insist to be formal."
"Okay, Ms. Adams! We gotta run, da bulls is comin'!" He shouted at her, noticing the police running into the circulation building. Scram grabbed her arm and dragged her away.
"Ms. Adams, please take some wadda," Scram begged her, but she refused. She didn't want them to waste any water on her.
"I'm all right, Scram. I promise. Do you think Kid Blink and all the others are all right?" She asked him. He shrugged.
"I dunno, Ms. Adams, but I can check fa ya!" He grinned and bounced excitedly.
"No! It's fine! Relax, Scram, take a running break. I'll check in with them tomorrow," Juliet assured. Stitch walked up to them and sat down behind her on a crate.
"You alright.. Uh.. Wat's ya name?" He asked.
"Juliet Adams," She replied.
Stitch nodded, "Ya alright, Ms. Adams?"
"Yeah," She reassured, "What happened after the police came?"
"Dey only got one guy, 'Hattan guy. The gimp," Stitch reported, "Dey didn't back down though. Still won't quit. We'll be there 'gain tomorrow." Juliet nodded. "Stitch, introduce her to the boys. Have Charles walk her home, got it?"
"Yessir!" Scram called and walked over to a group of boys. "Hiya, guys! This here is Juliet Adams! Ms. Adams, this is Charles, John, Skippy-"  Juliet swore he kept talking for a hour. There was about 25 boys she was being introduced to, maybe one day she'd actually keep track of them all. She just nodded as he kept listing off names and pointing at boys.
Juliet just kept nodding, "It's very nice to meet you all. I really must be heading home now, though. Thank you for everything, Scram. Tell Stitch I said thanks too, okay?" Scram nodded excitedly and waved at her as she walked off.
"Wait up!" A boy called, running up next to her, "C'mon, I'll walk ya home. I'm Charles."
"Thanks, Charles. Hey, were you at the circulation building in Manhattan, today?" She asked him.
"Yes, ma'am," He nodded, "Wherever Stitch is, I'm there too."
"I see. Gotta follow the leader, right?" Juliet joked.
Charles blushed and adjusted his cap, "Something like dat. Think we can win?"
"The strike? From what I know, Brooklyn basically leads most of the burrows, right? After today, Spot Conlon, whoever that is, will know we won't back down," She started, "Hopefully, he'll join us after seeing what happened today. Then we'll have all the other turfs. We'll be unstoppable with all of them. We're bound to win."
"Well, I guess you're right. Unstoppable, huh? I like the sound a' dat," He grinned.
"Me too," She smiled, "This is my house. Thank you for walking me here, Charles. I really appreciate it. I'll see you at the circulation building tomorrow."
He tipped his hat at her before walking away, "Bye, miss!"
Juliet walked through the doors of her home, "I'm back, Father."
"Dear! How was your day?" He called back to her.
"Good. I really just walked around, I sat by the Brooklyn bridge and just looked over the scenery," She lied.
He huffed in acknowledgement, "Hear about the newsie strike? I think the streets are gonna be too dangerous. I want you to stay inside again-"
"Father!" Juliet sighed, "You can't do that! I've finally had a taste of freedom. Let me stay out, please? I promise you, I'll be extremely careful."
"Fine. Just," He paused, "Stay away from them, okay? They're already getting violent. Don't get hurt, if you do, you'll be stuck inside until you're an adult, got it?"
She rolled her eyes but nodded, "Yes, Father. I'm going to sleep now." She ran up the stairs to her room and groaned as she sat on her bed. She wouldn't stay away from the newsboys. Maybe she wanted to rebel, maybe she like their company. Her Father was right about one thing, they were already getting violent. And although she couldn't pull herself away, she was scared of getting sucked into the angry force of the newsboys union.
a/n: uhhh sorry if this sucked i havent written in a while but i hope you enjoyed!!
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Buffy versus The Originals
Warnings: I do not own nor claim to own the copyrights to the following tv shows; “Buffy the vampire slayer”, “Angel”, “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries”. Nor do I claim to own any canonical continuation via comics, spin-off televisions and such. I do not claim to own any of the characters within either the Buffyverse or the TVDverse, I am purely doing this for non-profit as a fan of both worlds and fanfiction itself.
15 Plus: May contain medium to graphic displays of violence and torture, displays of witchcraft practice, horror elements, supernatural elements, sexual innuendos, and scenes of a sexual nature.
Preliminary Round: Part One
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Buffy Summers managed to stop yet another apocalypse not that there was ever any doubt that she would win, she always wins. Although, to be fair this time around her hometown of Sunnydale was destroyed during the big battle and what once was a beautiful Californian town looked like nothing more than a tribute to the Grand Canyon leaving Buffy and her friends homeless.
Luckily, the blonde-haired vampire slayer knew of a certain vampire with a soul called Angel who happened to live in a semi-decaying hotel located in Los Angeles, and after a quick and awkward phone call with the vampire she once loved Buffy, her friends, her loved ones, and her fellow slayers made their way to L.A. to seek refuge with Angel and his team at the Hyperion Hotel.
Angel well and truly had his hands full at the Hyperion Hotel after rejecting Wolfram and Hart’s offer, his city always kept him busy with its many supernatural creatures, but he also had the complicated mission of trying to wake the woman he loved from her supernaturally influenced coma.
So, when Buffy, his former love, called him up looking for a place to stay briefly he was more than willing to oblige, hoping Buffy and her team could help in waking Cordy up.
Cordelia Chase had gone from being a spoiled rich girl at Sunnydale High School, to the vision’s girl at Angel Investigations to a half human, half demon, hybrid that found herself getting possessed by a rogue member of the powers that be called Jasmine, the latter using a magical pregnancy to give birth to herself, sending Cordy into a coma shortly after giving birth. 
Cordelia was the heart of Angel Investigations and it was struggling to operate without her, her friends and loved ones, were struggling to cope without her and so, Angel, Wesley, Fred, and Gunn were more than thrilled to have guests at the hotel who could lend a helping hand.
Faith Lehane had also gone through many changes herself, going from being a rogue slayer pitting herself up against Buffy, to finding redemption with the help and patience of Angel. So, after becoming Buffy’s ally once again, and helping her defeat the first in Sunnydale, the brunette Boston born slayer was more than happy to check into the Hyperion Hotel and catch up with her old friend Angel, especially after hearing the tall, dark, and handsome, vampire with a soul, needed help in waking Cordelia from a coma.
Buffy, Angel, and both their teams, sure proved to be the big help that Angel Investigations needed with the night-to-night hunting, and patrolling, however, the mission to awake Cordelia Chase struggled to pick up momentum which Cordelia herself began to grow impatient about as her fragmented spirit began appearing to them all frequently, complaining, and eager to get back into her comatose body.
Willow Rosenberg searched every grimoire, book, and magic shop to find a magical solution to Cordelia’s coma until eventually she came up with the idea to cast a spell which would not only summon Cordelia’s spirit but would force said spirit to return to her body. The spell in question required a non-beating heart, horns from a near extinct demonic species, and the translation of a long-forgotten language.
Willow waited for a reasonably quiet night to perform the spells she believed would bring Cordelia back to her body, waiting until it was just her, Buffy, Angel, and Faith in the hotel and gathered them all within the grand foyer of the hotel, as they each sat down on the floor in a circle, while Willow held a book in her hands, ready to cast her magic, ready to bring Cordelia Chase back.
The first spell to summon Cordelia’s spirit was performed, cast, and executed to perfection by the brilliant red headed wonder witch, however, the second spell to return Cordelia to her comatose body went a little awry as Willow accidentally opened a portal to a whole other dimension, a portal which wound up pulling Cordelia’s spirit into, as well as Buffy, Angel, and Faith before closing itself and leaving Willow completely alone, and without any idea of where they went, or how to get her friends back.
“Way to go Wills, now where the hell did, she send us this time?” Faith wondered as she, Buffy, Angel, and Cordelia found themselves, picking themselves up off the ground within the bayou in New Orleans late at night, each of them completely confused as to where Willow’s spell had sent them to. “I think it is safe to say we’re definitely not at the Hyperion Hotel, and knowing our luck we’re probably not even in Los Angeles.” Buffy replied to her, as she looked around the bayou, attempting to piece together where they were. “Hey! I’m back to being solid again!” Cordelia screeched with excitement as she threw her arms around Angel and pulled him in for a hug, the two of them equally as excited to see and feel each other once again. “Enough of the sickeningly sweet reunion time, we all know what happens when you get happy Angel.” Faith warned Angel, as she pulled him out of Cordelia’s arms, eagerly breaking off their hug. “You’ll lose your soul, then Cordy becomes food to soulless you, and me and B wind up tossing a coin to see which slayer takes you down this time around. “Well at least Willow’s spell to put you back in your body clearly worked.” Buffy stated to Cordelia, before the questioning slayer turned her attention to Angel. “You did not store her body in the woods, did you?” “No, I never!” Angel denied nervously, as he noticed a disapproving glare from Cordelia. “Not like you can blame him if he did, I mean maybe the big man’s still a little pissed about you bumping uglies with his son, I mean did you not used to change his diapers?” Faith teased Cordelia, more than happy to stir the pot between Cordelia and Angel. “Firstly, that was some wacky super powered bitch called Jasmine who not only hijacked my body but got me pregnant just to give birth to herself. Secondly, I would never sleep with his son when not possessed…stupid rogue powers that be hussy!” Cordelia snapped back at Faith, clearly disgusted. “I swear those powers that be can go straight to hell!” “As fun as this is, how about we change the topic and find a way back to the hotel?” Angel suggested to the women, more than eager to change the conversation about his son Connor’s past with the woman he loved. “Yeah, I don’t really want to hear about my ex’s love triangle with my high school classmate and his adult son.” Buffy agreed with the brooding vampire. “Straight to hell, you hear me?” Cordelia screamed upwards towards the clouds, hoping the powers that be were listening and heard her fury. As the foursome decided to explore their whereabouts it did not take them very long to find their way out of the bayou and learn that they were in the city of New Orleans, the only thing they did not know was the fact that they were no longer in their world, they were now in the Mikaelsons’ world…
Preliminary Round: Part Two
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Josh Rosza had been through a lot since turning into a vampire, going from being a club kid turned vampire to best friend to the young harvest witch Davina Claire to the boyfriend of werewolf Aiden, but the hardest change in his life that he had to adjust to was losing his first love at the hands of a wicked witch called Dahlia, a loss that at first he blamed Klaus Mikaelson for.
Josh was never particularly popular with any of the original family of vampires and neither did he want to be, knowing all too well that friends of the Mikaelson siblings tended to quickly turn into foes before winding up permanently dead at their hands but all that had changed over the last few months following the notorious family defeating Dahlia.
Following Camille O Connell’s unexpected departure from New Orleans, Josh had managed to take over her job bartending at Rousseau’s which meant dealing with all kinds of clientele including none other than the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson himself, who had become a regular while drowning his sorrows every night since Cami had left.
Fear was quickly taken over by fascination as Josh’s reluctance to grow close to any original began to dwindle as friendship quickly grew between Josh and Klaus, a friendship which had started out with two lonely hearts before developing into something much deeper, a bond truly cherished by them both.
Klaus Mikaelson tended not to make friends easily mostly due to the fact he did not want to and even when the original hybrid did make the occasional friend it was never too long before he either watched them be murdered or they displeased him in some kind of way leading to him killing them.
However, following Cami’s decision to leave New Orleans behind for good, the fact Hayley Marshall had moved away with his daughter Hope and his brother Elijah was not currently talking to him, Klaus was in need of some kind of company and he found that and more with newbie vamp turned bartender Joshua Rosza.
Klaus found himself spending more and more time with Josh as a regular at Rosseau’s until the two unlikely companions quickly found themselves developing a friendship made from two lonely hearts graduating into something deeper and before long the original hybrid would come to think of the vampire bartender as his best friend, a friendship which Klaus valued greatly and would protect at any cost.
Rebekah Mikaelson had been granted her freedom from always having to be by her brother’s side, forced to endure heartbreak after heartbreak as Klaus put his needs and wants before her own time and time again, but now she was free and yet it did not feel like it to the original female vampire.
Rebekah had been travelling the world in search of a way to bring her brother Kol back, chasing leads from her older sister Freya, hoping to find some magical remedy to restore her family, but as the months went by and the leads grew thinner the original was starting to run out of steam and her warring brothers Klaus and Elijah was doing anything but making her feel free from her family entanglements.
So, Rebekah decided it was time to pay her family a little visit to reconcile Elijah and Klaus’ brotherhood having had to step in many times before, like when they thought over Tatia then squabbled over Katherine Pierce, as the blonde haired immortal beauty just found herself being thankful that this time her brothers weren’t fighting over another bloody doppelgänger.
Elijah Mikaelson had spent a thousand years sticking by his brother Klaus’ side, cleaning up his messes, and attempting to keep the rest of his family in line but after Klaus used their aunt Dahlia to cast a werewolf curse on Hayley, the woman he loved, he was done fighting by his brother’s side and although Hayley forgave Klaus after New Orleans’ regent witch Davina Claire broke the curse, Hayley decided to move away with Hope.
Hayley Marshall still popped into New Orleans as her and Klaus shared custody over their daughter Hope but she lived there no longer and although she did not live far from the city she lived far enough away to start a new life, a life that Elijah Mikaelson was no longer a part of much to his own heartbreak.
Elijah knew he could not blame Klaus entirely for Hayley’s decision to move but he also knew the curse sure did not help things, in fact if anything he believed it determined her decision and with her now gone and Rebekah too, Elijah was running out of reasons to remain forever by Klaus’ side.
Freya Mikaelson had taken to the oldest sibling role a little far too well and she had started to feel the weight that came keeping a family like hers from killing each other. Not only did the Mikaelson witch have to play mediator between a warring Elijah and Klaus but she was also using her expertise to try and help her youngest sibling Rebekah to find a way to resurrect Kol.
Family was not Freya’s only struggle however as she tried to stop Davina Claire and her vampire father figure Marcel Gerard from declaring war on her siblings every other day, while finding unlikely common ground with Vincent Griffiths in restoring their city for the better as well as keeping her promise to her brother Finn, one that meant finding him a suitable body that would require minimal violence if possible.
Freya literally had everything on her shoulders and was trying her hardest to wear it well, so the last thing that she wanted, needed, or even expected, was the arrival of two so-called vampire slayers, a demon, and a vampire with a so-called soul.
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axwalker · 4 years
The trade 13
Synopsis:  Liam is running for Cordonia’s presidency. To assure his victory, Constantine makes an arraignment behind his back for him to marry the rich ambassador’s daughter: Alexis O’Brien. Due to her father’s threats, she has no other option than to seduce Liam Rhys. But what happens when she falls in love with his best friend? (AU)
Pairings: DrakexMC
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A/N: I took some liberties with Leo’s and Liam’s characters. In this AU their age difference is two years instead of six, and I made up their middle names.
I’m using Grey’s Anatomy prompt asked by @mskaneko​  : If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there. (In bold) 
I love to picture FC when I read fanfic so I added a mood board with mine at the beginning. 
Warnings: I love drama and chaos so this will probably get a bit dark. In this chapter there is mention of rape, if you get triggered by this issue, don’t hesitate to send me a message and I’ll be glad to explain what happens without reading it. A lot of angst and heartbreak
NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Please note that this is my first series and English is not my first language. I really love ALL kinds of feedback.  Don’t hesitate to comment!
Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues and settings as well as most of the characters belong to Pixelberry (except for Alexis O’Brien and her evil father George O’Brien JR).
To catch up: Masterlist
Thanks to @pedudley​  my awesome beta reader, your comments and encouragement mean so much.  And of course, to @mskaneko​ for this beautiful mood board, and all the other great edits and mood boards 💕💕  Love you girls!!
Tags: @burnsoslow  @mskaneko​ @drxkewalker @pedudley @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @pug-bitch @lauzales @desireepow-1986 @yukinagato2012 @kingliam2019 @i-bloody-love-drake-walker  @speedyoperarascalparty @drakewalker04 @ac27dj @ravenpuff02@msjr0119 @texaskitten30​ @loveellamae​ @texaskitten30​
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March 2003
Constantine had been preparing for this day since the revolution had stolen him the throne that was his by birthright. After the monarchy had been overthrown, he had sworn to himself that he would be back to rule his people one day, so he had spent the last nineteen years of his life building a strong political career. And, there he was, about to become Cordonia’s third democratic president. He smiled at the irony, all that blood spilled by the revolutionaries had been for nothing. One way or another, he had been born to lead his country.
His eyes drifted to his two sons. Leo and Liam, so similar in appearance but with such contrasting personalities. 
Liam was sitting calmly next to his stepmother, not a hair out of place, his suit perfectly ironed. Leo was the opposite. Despite Regina’s efforts, Leo’s hair was all over the place and he wasn’t wearing a tie anymore. Constantine scoffed; they were going to appear in live television in a question of minutes.
“Leonard Alistair Rhys, could you care to tell me where your tie is?”
Leo jumped at the mention of his middle name. He knew it meant trouble. Plus, he hated it, he had been given the dreadful name of an old, forgotten ancestor, while Liam shared his middle name, Fabian, with one of Cordonia’s greatest kings.
He answered smugly despite the fear his father inspired in him. “I left it in my room, it didn’t suit my wild personality.”
Liam laughed quietly to his brother’s answer.
Constantine snapped his fingers at Jackson, his personal bodyguard. “I need a tie for him, now”
Then he turned to his oldest son. “You may think that this is simply about the tie, but it is not. It’s what the tie represents.” He arched one brow scornfully “You will never achieve anything important, Leo.  You have no discipline, no self-control, no respect. The monarchy was abolished because of nobles like you. I couldn’t see it back then, but they had a point. If the revolutionaries had lost, you would be an heir right now. The next Cordonia’s king. A terrible thing for our country. But thanks to the new democracy your brother who is far more capable and responsible than you can lead this country one day if he applies himself and works for it, as I did. I was against the revolution, but thanks to you I realize now, that they were right”.
Leo’s fists clenched; he was trembling with rage but didn’t reply anything. He was used to his father’s contempt and sourly remarks. He had been his favorite target since he was a little boy and his mother had left, something his father blamed him for. Leo didn’t cry, he had never given him the pleasure of his tears before, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to start now.  
Jackson came back minutes later with the tie.
“Put this on, now, Leonard. We will talk about your punishment later.” Constantine barely looked at his oldest son for the rest of the ceremony.
After the scandal exploded, Leo Rhys left the ballroom discretely through a backdoor. As he loosened his bowtie, he smiled to himself, the look in his father’s eyes had been priceless. He couldn’t help but feel slight remorse thinking about Liam. Frankly, he would’ve liked to avoid hurting his younger brother, but Liam had interfered with his destiny to be the next Cordonia’s king, so he had become collateral damage. It was too late for regrets anyway, it was done, the wheels were in motion.  
Franz and Mara took Alexis and the Rhys outside the ballroom, followed by Rashad, Maxwell, and Drake.
When they reached a private room far away from the public’s curiosity, Constantine turned to the three friends.
“This is a family matter, leave us alone. I’ll call you if I need you, Drake.”
Drake’s eyes drifted to Alexis’s face. His heart tugged seeing how hard she was working to keep a strong facade, he needed to be there for her.
“I need to be here, Constantine. I’m the Chief of Staff of Liam’s campaign, this concerns me too.”
Liam stared at Drake, fully aware of the real reason behind his concern. “You heard my father, Drake. This is a family matter.” He entered the room and closed the door behind him.
“Fuck this!” Drake was about to barge into the room, but Maxwell stopped him on time.
“Do you think she needs the two of you fighting right now?”
“You know Constantine as well as I do, Maxwell. He’s going to blame her for everything. She has been through enough!”
Maxwell placed his hand in Drake’s shoulder. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but Liam is there. He won’t let Constantine hurt her. You’re just going to make everything worst Drake. Please, wait here with us.”
Drake sighed and leaned against the wall.
Constantine was so furious that he needed a minute to gather himself. Alexis had become a huge liability for his son’s campaign. In spite of her father’s money, Liam had to get rid of her. Regina served him a scotch that he gulped down.
“Could you care to tell us what you were doing in your underwear with Tariq, Alexis?”
She took a deep breath and answered in a calm, poised voice, “I was about to take a shower when Tariq barged into my room and tried to attack me. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Liam took a step towards Alexis placing his arm around her waist. “I was there that night, father. Alexis is telling the truth.”
Constantine scoffed looking around the room. “Where the hell is your father?”
Alexis chose to tell him a version of the truth. “He wasn’t feeling right, he had to go back to Cordonia City.”
Constantine answered angrily “He’s like the rats and the cockroaches that leave the sinking boat before anyone else, isn’t he?”
“There’s no need for insults, father.” Liam raised his hands. “We will deal with this ourselves.”
“Don’t you understand, Liam? Your chances to get elected just got cut in half. And all thanks to this … this whore.”
Liam was a man that rarely lost his nerves, but at soon as he heard his father’s words, he cut the distance between them in one step and took him by the lapels of his tuxedo’s jacket. “You say another word against my fiancé, and I swear to God, I’ll forget you’re my father. Do you understand?”
Regina squeaked. “Liam! Stop, please!”
Both men stared at each other until finally, Liam let Constantine go.
The older man went to the bar and poured himself another scotch. Then he turned around with a mocking smile in his face. “I would love to see if you defend her so ardently after I tell you why she has agreed to marry you.”
Liam looked at Alexis and saw how pale she had turned. “Alexis? What does he mean?”
“I’m sorry, Liam I…” Alexis couldn’t find the words to explain to Liam what was happening. 
Constantine was faster than her.  “George confessed a few days ago that he was pressuring his daughter to marry you for political reasons. Alexis accepted because, apparently, she needs money.”
Alexis couldn't believe her ears. “What? That’s not true! You and my father were both pressuring me, and it wasn’t for money.”
“But they were pressuring you”. Liam’s voice was cold and steady.
“Liam, please I-“
“Do not believe a word that comes out of her mouth, Liam. You need to break up the engagement now. This little whore has done enough damage as it is.”
Liam didn’t even think about it. He raised his fist and punched his father in the jaw.
Regina gasped in shock. “God, Liam! What are you doing?”
“Liam is confused, Regina.” He turned to his son rubbing his jaw. “If you want to believe her, it’s your problem, but she lied. She doesn’t want you, the only thing she cares about is being First Lady.”
Liam turned to Alexis. “I just want to know if you only agreed to marry me because your father asked you to.” Before she could answer, he raised his right hand. “Just say yes or no, Alexis.”
She looked at him directly into his eyes, unable to lie to him any longer. “Yes.”
Liam felt something breaking inside of him. “I see. I knew you were not in love with me yet, Alexis. But I thought you felt… something. I didn’t know you were doing this only to help your father’s political ambitions.” He looked at her with utmost contempt “Please, leave”
“Liam, let me explain.”
“Didn’t you hear me? Leave. Now.” He turned his back to her, refusing to break in front of her.
She tried to approach him, but Regina got in the middle.
“It’s better if you leave, darling. Don’t make things harder than they already are.”
Alexis turned around, feeling angry and defeated. She left the room furiously slamming the door on her way out.
Drake and Maxwell looked at each other and followed her.
“Blossom! I’ll go look for the car with Rash and meet you here. If you go through the front door, those so-called journalists won’t let you leave.”
She stopped walking and nodded. Drake went next to her, he needed to hold her and make her understand that she wasn’t alone, but he would have to wait until they were alone, another scandal would destroy her.
“Lexie, are you okay?” He brushed her hand with his fingers.
She hugged herself “No, I’m not. Liam knows everything.” Her eyes watered, Abigail was the only thing in her mind. “I can’t talk right now.”
“Go with them to Ramsford. I’ll drive there in my jeep. It’s better if we don’t leave together.”
“No, Drake. Don’t worry about me. They have a crisis inside, and Liam is going to need you.” She knew that if she threw one look at him, she wouldn’t be able to hold her tears any longer, so she jumped into Maxwell’s car without turning around.
Rashad, Maxwell, and Alexis arrived at Ramsford after a long, silent ride. She got out of the car and after thanking the couple, went to her room.
Abigail. She didn’t even know how to contact her, how to warn her parents. Her daughter needed her and, once again, she had failed her as she had done when she had been born. Alexis paced around the room, incapable of staying put. Her eyes were puffy and swollen after all the tears she had spilled on her way back from the engagement party.  She couldn’t believe that everything was over, but Liam was too sad, too disappointed and he wasn’t going to forgive her. Maybe if she offered something else to her father, he wouldn’t harm Abigail. She was willing to do anything he asked of her if that meant to keep her daughter safe.
“O’Brien let me in.” Drake knocked at her door. 
“Don’t worry about me, Drake. I’m fine.” Alexis was terrified about what could happen to him. She could only imagine her father’s revenge after Drake had beat him up.
“I’m sorry, but I won’t leave you alone. I will sleep outside your door all night if I have to.”
She debated with herself a little longer, torn between the urge to see him and the need to protect him.
When she finally opened the door, he approached her and cupped her face to wipe her tears away. Then, he pulled her to him enveloping her with his strong arms, making her feel instantly safe. Despite that, or maybe because of it, she began to cry again. Drake's heart broke at the sound of her small sobs. He rubbed her back as he talked to her.
“Shhh, everything will be fine, baby. I promise. Cry all you need to cry but know that I will do whatever I have to do to fix this.” He placed small kisses on the top of her head. “I promise.”
“How?” She spread her arms wide. “There’s nothing we can do. Liam hates me now, so it’s over. Over. My only solution is to beg my father for forgiveness and comply with whatever he asks now.”
Drake shook his head furiously “No! There’s no fucking way that’s going to happen, O’Brien. That man is seriously deranged! Only god knows what he’s going to ask from you now! Forget it, I won’t allow it!”
She glared at him “I’m sorry but you don’t have a say on the matter. You have to understand that Abigail is my priority and I will do everything it takes to keep her safe. I don’t even know where she is Drake, I can’t even warn her...her mother.”
He cut the distance between them taking her in his arms again. “Well, you have to understand that you’re my priority and I will do everything it takes to keep you safe. I’m serious, Alexis, anything it takes.” He cupped her face with both hands and looked at her. “I love you. We’ll find a solution together, but now you need to eat something and rest, you seem exhausted.”
“I love you too, Drake” She said as he wiped another tear off her cheek.
“Would you let me stay here with you, Lexie?”
“Yes, I’d like that” She gave him a small smile.
God, he loved her so much. “Perfect, why you don’t go get ready for bed. I’ll go to Beaumont’s kitchen to get us something to eat.” He took off his jacket and his bowtie before leaving the room.
She took a long shower. When she came back to the room, Drake had lighted the bedroom’s electric fireplace and had put some sandwiches and a bottle of whiskey on the small coffee table. Alexis had changed into a huge t-shirt with the inscription “Everything I need to know I learned by watching 80’s movies” printed on it and a pair of mini shorts. He blushed, remembering how soft her long, tanned legs felt around him.
He cleared his throat before speaking. “What’s your favorite?” He pointed at the t-shirt, grinning.
She looked at him. “I know what you’re trying to do, Drake. I really appreciate it, but nothing is going to take my mind off of Abigail”
He got close to her “I know how worried you are. I do. And I promise you that tomorrow we will spend the day trying to figure this out together.” He rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “But you won’t solve anything tonight, O’Brien. Please eat something and try to rest.”
They sat on some cushions in front of the table and started eating the grilled cheese sandwiches he had made, in comfortable silence.
“Back to the Future,” Alexis said. 
He looked at her “What?”
“My favorite 80’s movie, Back to the Future.”
He grinned. “Chicken, Mc Fly”
She squinted at him. “Nobody.Calls.Me.Chicken”
They both laughed locking eyes for a few seconds. He placed a strand of hair behind her ear before speaking again.
“Mine is Indiana Jones.”
She giggled. “Figures, Walker”
“Why?” He asked, puzzled.
“Why? Seriously?” She smirked “A movie about a lonely, hot-headed hero that protects everyone around him?”
He chuckled.“I don’t need to protect everyone around me, O’Brien. Just you.”
She sat in his lap and gave him a soft kiss. “Thank you for everything, Drake. I don’t even know how I would’ve dealt with all of this without you.”
Drake smiled at her. “There’s nothing to thank me for, Lexie. I love you.” He gently rubbed her back. “Now, let’s go to bed, you need a good night of sleep.”
She rubbed her eyes. “I don’t think I can sleep now, I’m too anxious.”
He kissed the top of her head, before speaking. “What if I look for a movie on Netflix? You might fall asleep watching it, baby.”
Alexis shrugged. “It can’t hurt.” 
Drake grinned at her, placing a small kiss on her nose. “Perfect, Lexie.”
She began to undo the covers when she saw him taking off his clothes. 
“Are you giving me a strip show, Walker? Because I don’t have any dollar bills.” She smiled.
He chuckled. “Get your head out of the gutter, O’Brien. I’m not going to sleep all night in a fucking tuxedo.”
“Hey, I’m not complaining,” Alexis teased. 
They went to bed together. Alexis snuggled against Drake and he held her while they watched “Back to the future 2”. Both of them enjoyed the intimacy, the proximity to the other. Drake revealed in the sensation of having her in his arms. He swore to himself that he would never let her go again. An hour later, he smiled content, Alexis had fallen asleep. He watched her for a few seconds, admiring how serene, and peaceful she looked. After placing a loving kiss on her forehead, Drake turned off the computer and put it on the bedside table. Then he went back to bed and carefully pulled Alexis against his chest, he needed to feel her close to him, safe and sound in his arms.
Hakim knew that restoring the monarchy was the right measure for his country. Thirty-five years ago, when he was young and idealistic, he had been one of the few nobles involved with the revolution but now he saw the errors of his ways. Democracy hadn’t solved the numerous problems Cordonia had, worse than that, it had added several more. Corruption was a sickness at every level of the state and liberal ideas like gay marriage or abortion rights were threatening the conservative values he cherished so deeply. The old noble houses like his continued to rule in more ways than one but they were losing more and more power every day and depended on the elections. Of course, he had considered forming an alliance with Godfrey Amaranth but that would only have fixed the problem momentarily, and he needed something permanent. Something that would bring the monarchy back, along with all the old titles. He sighed thinking about his father the old Duke of Castelraillan and how that title would be inherited by Ezequiel one day.  
Hakim remembered the day he had approached Leo Rhys to help with his plans. The idea was actually quite simple, he would help Leo claim his right as an heir to the old Monarchy and in exchange, Leo would have him as his closest advisor. Hakim wasn’t worried, he knew Leo since he was a small boy, as long as he had enough women and scotch, he would be easy to manipulate. The first step was to ruin the reputation of the candidate highest in the polls, Liam Rhys. It was a pity, Liam would have made an extraordinary king in other circumstances. The second was to create a scandal big enough that it would make everyone question their democratic leaders and the third, well it was the most extreme but undoubtedly the most effective of the three.
Alexis laid down restless with her eyes open, she had slept exactly three hours before a nightmare had woken her up. Fortunately, Drake was still asleep, he was exhausted and worried about her, he definitely needed the rest. Drake’s concern for her filled her heart, no one had ever cared so deeply about her before. Liam might’ve thought he loved her, but the truth was that he didn’t even really know her. Of course, that didn’t help diminish her guilt. Alexis knew that she had deeply hurt him, and she wasn’t going to forgive herself. She rolled over to look at Drake, and couldn’t help the smile forming in her lips, she had never imagined she could love someone with such intensity before meeting him. She stroked his face with her hand, and he opened his eyes.
“Hi,” he looked at his phone. “It’s only 4 o’clock, Lexie. You can’t sleep?”
She ran her hand through her hair “There are too many things on my mind. I’m sorry that I woke you up though. Go back to sleep, Drake.”
He lifted his upper body with an elbow and leaned down to kiss her. She tugged his hair and soon the soft kiss became hungry, passionate.
“I need to feel you, Drake.”
He slid his hand under her shirt, her naked skin underneath was unbelievably soft. “I need to feel you too baby.” He pulled her shirt over her head, the smell of cherries washing over him.
“Fuck, Lexie you’re gorgeous.” He ran his hands all over her body, almost desperately. When he finally found the hem of her short, he softly stroked the skin under it, locking eyes with her, enjoying how her breath hitched with the mere touch of his fingers. He lowered himself, covering her stomach with soft kisses, savoring her soft gasps, until he reached her lower belly. He carefully undid the knot of her shorts and pulled them down with her underwear, as he kissed the inside of her thighs, her knees, her calves. She was lost in his touch, barely able to moan. Then he made his way up kissing the length of her legs all over again until he reached her core.  
She wasn’t able to think anymore. “Oh god!” Her voice sounded raspy, foreign.
“You make me insane, Lexie” He took his time kissing the hot skin around her core, taking pleasure on how wet she already was. He sank his head on her until his tongue found the little nub inside of her making her moan harder. Drake thrust two fingers inside of her curling them as his tongue continued to pleasure her and she came hard, losing all control of herself.
When he felt her become undone under his tongue, he couldn’t take it any longer. He placed himself over her, as desperate as he was to enter her, he took a second to watch her. She looked like a goddess with her messy hair framing her beautiful face and her eyes closed as she tried to stabilize her breath again.
“Open your eyes baby” He whispered, and she complied, her already brown eyes, darkened with lust.  
-For me. That look is only for me- he thought, feeling himself grow harder.
Drake didn’t stop looking at her for a second as he positioned himself over her entrance, teasing her with the tip of his cock before slowly sinking into her.
“God, Drake! I need you!”
He growled at the sound of his name falling from her lips. He thrust into her as she moaned his name over and over again.
“Come for me, Lexie,” he whispered, and she moaned again. Sliding his arm under her back, Drake pulled her closed to him and pounded mercilessly into her, capturing her lips until her walls clenched on him. Soon, Alexis was too far gone to care about her screams.
“That’s my girl.” He growled coming right after her.
He held her close to his chest, their bodies covered in sweat as they tried to even out their breath, and he noticed her eyes fighting to stay open.
“You need to sleep, baby” He laid down wrapping her body with his arms and kissing her nape.
She felt her eyes closing. “I love you, Drake”
“I love you, Lexie.” He whispered before falling asleep next to the love of his life.
Regina Rhys wasn’t used to making important decisions on her own, she had always let others, especially her husband to make them for her. That was the reason why she had kept quiet when she had found out that Constantine was trying to buy a wife for Liam. A few days later, she had heard a conversation between George and her husband and had discovered that they were blackmailing Alexis into accepting their deal. Regina ignored the secret they had over the poor girl, but it had to be dark because she had barely protested. For all those reasons, she had been tempted to defend Alexis the night before, but she knew her husband would never forgive her and she definitely didn’t know how to confront him, so Regina had decided to wait until the morning to speak alone with the man she considered her son.
Liam hadn’t slept all night, his mind was consumed by her and all the moments they had spent together. If he was true to himself, he had to admit that she had never really told him that she loved him. She had been kind and gentle, but a wall had always been there between the two of them. He couldn’t understand why he felt such a powerful need for her, for someone that was so clearly not interested in him and so obviously…infatuated with someone else. He threw his glass furiously against the door. It was his fault. Everything had been perfect until he had decided he liked her too. Liam knew Drake was a womanizer, just like his brother. And even if he thought he was in love with her, eventually he was going to get tired of her as he always did, and she would end up sad and alone. Not that her fate mattered to him anymore. Liam took another tumbler from the cabinet and poured himself a glass of scotch.
Regina found him in his office, nursing the glass. “Good morning, Liam. I brought you a cup of fresh coffee.”
She removed the scotch from his hand and gave him the mug, squeezing his shoulder.
She cleared her throat trying to summon her courage. “I want to tell you something about Alexis.”
He looked at her expectantly.
“Your father and George were blackmailing her. I know it isn’t money, Liam. They mentioned an old secret. Your father told George that she had asked him to stop the engagement because she didn’t want to hurt you. I think you should go and talk to her. I’ve known the ambassador for a long time now, and there is nothing he wouldn’t do for money or power, including hurting his own daughter.”
“I don’t think I should talk to her, Regina. She doesn’t care if I love her or not” His voice sounded hollow, hopeless.
She approached him, placing her hand in his shoulder “Liam, If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there.”
“I already did, and it didn’t change anything.”
“I’m only telling you all of this because I think you deserve to have all the information, what you do with it, only concerns you, Li.” She rubbed his shoulder and let him alone so he could think.
Drake felt her absence as soon as he opened his eyes. He sat on the bed and found her wrapped on a blanket watching absentmindedly through the window.
“Hey, Lexie.”
She turned her head towards him. “Hi, Drake”
“Come to bed, baby”
Alexis went to him and sat on his lap looping her arms around his neck. She rubbed his stubble with her nose. “You’re so handsome in the morning”
He teased her. “But only in the morning.”
“Yes, you lose all your charm at noon, like a reversed Cinderella.”
They grinned at each other, but he noticed that her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “What were you thinking over there?”
“Abbie … and Liam”
He furrowed “Liam?”
“Yes, how sad he seemed last night, all because of me”
“Because of both your fathers, O’Brien.”
“I accepted the offer and no matter the reason, I hurt him.” She sighed “And Abbie, she will be eleven years old soon, what if she never gets to ...”
Drake lifted her face up to him and locked eyes with her. “Hey! Look at me, Lexie. I swear, I would keep you two safe.” She tried to shake her head but he cupped her face. “I swear it on my life, okay?” He kissed her softly “This morning I thought about contacting Damien, he’s a friend of mine in New York and he’s a PI. He’s the best there is, and I’m sure he will help us find her. I promise I’ll help you fix this.”
“And my father?”
“I will deal with him.”
Alexis was about to respond when her phone rang. She saw the name and the screen and answered immediately
“Hi, Liam.”
Drake stood up from the bed and angrily started to dress. He didn’t want to hear their conversation; he knew how it would end. If Liam was as in love with Alexis, his Lexie, as much as he was, he wasn’t going to go without a fight.
She finished her call and sat next to him on the couch. “He wants to talk to me in person. He asked me if I could meet with him today at noon at his office”
Drake cocked his brows as he asked the question he already knew the answer to. “And you accepted?”
Alexis hugged herself. “You know I did, Drake.”
He answered bitterly. “Yes, I forgot that we were just friends, O’Brien”
Her heart sank at his words. “Drake, please. Don’t do this now”
He shook his head. “I know it’s difficult for you, Alexis, but it’s damn hard for me too. Can’t you see that I die every time that I have to see you two together?” He raised his voice “Every time he touches you, I want to fucking kill him. He was my best friend, and now I want to end him every single time he dares to look at you.”
She approached him and rubbed his face with her small hand. “You know, I love you, Drake.”
He took her hand between his closing his eyes. “Yes, I know you do now.” He muttered.
“What does that mean?” Alexis asked, glaring at him.
He took a sharp breath. “It doesn’t matter, Lexie”
She took his head between her hands. “I love you, Drake, you have no idea how much.” She stood on her toes and kissed him tenderly. “I will never, never, stop loving you. Please, never forget that”
“I know, baby, I know” He kissed her forehead “I’m sorry. Let’s focus on Abbie right now”
She smiled at him.
“What, O’Brien?”
“I like it when you call her Abbie”
He smiled back at her “We’ll find her, Lexie. I promise”
They decided that she was going to ask Maxwell to lend her a car so she could go to Cordonia city by herself. He would go later, so no one could see them arrive together.
Alexis steadied her breath to calm herself before entering Liam’s office.
“Hi, Liam” His heart skipped a beat just hearing her voice.  
“Alexis, sit please”
She sat on the couch he was pointing at.
“Something to drink?”
“Do you have whiskey?”
He scoffed “Yes, I do”
He poured a whiskey for her and a scotch for him before sitting next to her on the couch.
“I talked to Regina, she seems to think that my father and yours are blackmailing you”
She gulped her whiskey before speaking. “Yes, they were, they are. I don’t know how much Constantine actually knows, but he’s definitely aware that my father was forcing me.”
He spoke with an icy tone. “With what exactly? What was so important that it was worth your happiness and mine?”
“Almost eleven years ago, I was … attacked and I got pregnant. Obviously, I wasn’t married, so my father wanted to avoid a scandal. He was ashamed of me.” She took a deep breath refusing to cry in front of Liam. “When my daughter was born, I had to give her up. My father knows where she is, and if I don’t do what he says, he … well my daughter won’t be safe anymore”
Liam couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he settled his glass on the table and took Alexis’s hands, squeezing them softly.
“I’m so sorry, my love. I can’t even begin to imagine what you have been through” He wanted to hold her but he wasn’t sure that she would accept it. “Can I hold you?”
Touched by his concern, she nodded. “Yes.”
Liam took her in his arms trying to erase the past, trying to make her understand how much he loved her. It was comforting and kind, but she couldn’t feel the same sense of security she did when she was held by Drake.
Liam broke the embrace and looked at her. “I’m here for you Alexis. I told you I loved you, and I wasn’t lying. If you want to, we can still get married.”
“Even knowing that I … that I’m not in love with you?”
He took her chin between his fingers. “Yes, I want to help you, and I will. I imagine that your father wants to control the commerce we have with America.”
She nodded
“And he wants us married as some sort of guarantee for him”
“Yes, your father told him he would convince you to give him all the access he needs”
Liam stood up, his hands tightened into fists.
“I want to marry you, Alexis, more than anything, but we can’t let our fathers control our lives.”
“I know, Li, but I have no option, if we go against him, he will harm Abigail. That’s her name.”
“I’ve known George my whole life. I know he would.” Liam took her hands again and kissed them softly. “Marry me, Alexis. Marry me and I swear, I won’t let him harm you or your daughter. We will make them think that I will go along with their plans, but we will be looking for her and gathering evidence against them. I’m sure we will defeat them at the end. Together.”
Alexis didn’t have another option. As much as she loved Drake, she had to accept. “I can’t even begin to thank you, Liam.”
“I’m only going to ask you one thing, Alexis.”
She looked at him expectantly.
“That you try. That you really try to fall in love with me. I promise I won’t pressure you. I won’t be expecting anything from you on our wedding night, or any other night for that matter. Not until you’re ready. But, other than that, I want us to be a real couple, I want you to be honest with me.” He rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “I want us to go in dates, and get to know each other better.” He lifted her chin to him “And for that to happen, I need you to stop seeing him, for good. Can you do that, Alexis?”
Her heart tugged, learn to live without Drake would be the hardest thing that she’d ever have to do, after giving Abigail up. But Alexis will do it for her.  
“Yes, I can. I just need to talk to him one last time.”
Liam shook his head “I don’t think it’s a good idea”
“I’m only telling you because you want me to be honest, but I will talk to him one last time, whether you like it or not Liam. He deserves to hear it from me”
“I’ll go to his office now.”
He poured himself another scotch. “I’ll be waiting here.”
Drake was unable to work or focus on anything related to the campaign. All he could think about was Alexis, and her discussion with Liam.
Suddenly, he saw her standing at his door.
He stood up to join her.
“Come in, O’Brien” He was about to ask what had happened with Liam, but he saw it in her eyes.
“He wants to marry you.”
She nodded. “He wants to help me, but he wants us to try to have a real marriage.”
Drake scoffed. “Of course, he does.” He pulled her close to him and kissed her, only her lips at first, but after a few sweet seconds, he let his tongue rub hers, at first softly, almost delicately but fast the kiss became hungry and burning. She parted from him, panting.
“He asked me to stop this, us. He’s going to help me, but in exchange he wants me to stop seeing you.” Alexis took a deep breath. She was going to need all the courage, she could muster. “Drake, listen to me. I need you to quit this job that you hate so much, and finish your veterinarian degree.” She rubbed his cheek. “I need you to live your life and forget about this horrible world.” Her eyes were filled with tears but she forced herself to keep talking. “If you love me, if you really love me, please just leave me here and try to be happy with …with  someone else, anywhere else.”
He shook his head. He wasn’t going to lose her. “I told you before that that’s not happening Alexis. Forget it.”
“Drake, we can’t be together. We just can’t.” She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “It kills me too but If I have to live my life seeing you being miserable here, I won’t be able to do it, and if I leave with you and something happens to her, I’ll die.” She was openly crying now. “Can’t you see that no matter what I choose I lose something?”
His chest tightened “I know, baby.” He kissed her front.
Liam hadn’t been able to wait in his office for more than a few minutes. The jealousy was killing him. He decided to go to Drake’s office when he got to the threshold and saw him holding her, he approached them almost shaking with rage.
“Do not touch her!”
Alexis gasped “Liam, it’s fine. We’re just talking”
“She doesn’t belong to you, Liam” Drake balled his fists
He tapped a finger into Drake’s chest. “She sure doesn’t belong to you either”
“Get your fucking hands off of me, asshole!”
Liam took Drake by the lapels of his jacket “Or what, Drake. What are you going to do?”
Drake took a swing at Liam connecting his fist with Liam’s jaw, so the blond man hit him back “I’m going to kill you”
Drake grappled him and they fell together to the floor.
Alexis yelled. “Fuck! I can’t take this anymore. Stop or I swear I’ll fucking kill you both myself!”
Both men stopped, panting. Liam threw her an apologetic look.
“Alexis is right, we can’t keep going like this” He turned to her. “We need to talk, darling. Please leave us alone.”
She nodded “I will, just please don’t kill each other”
Drake looked at her cleaning a drop of blood from his swollen lip “Don’t worry, Lexie. We won’t”
Drake stood up from the floor and extended his hand to Liam.
Liam took it .“You still punch hard.” he rubbed his chin.
“You haven’t lost your magic touch either”
Liam sighed “I guess you know everything about Alexis’s story”
“I do,” Drake replied simply.
“I can help her, Drake. I have the resources to do it, and if we marry her father will back off.”
Drake scoffed. “He’s a fucking monster, he won’t just back off. He will keep on asking things because he knows she will do anything for her kid.” He smiled “When she loves someone, she’ll do anything for them”
Liam poured himself and Drake a whiskey. “I love her, Drake.”
Drake gulped his glass. “I know, Liam. I love her too”
“I will help and marry her, but we need to try to be happy, and that won’t happen if you stay here. We were friends, almost brothers, for a long time. I’m asking you for that friendship and for the love you have for her, to leave.”
Drake didn’t want to renounce to her, she had become everything to him, but he wondered if that gave him the right to be an obstacle to her happiness. Right now, she loved him but if he left now, maybe one day she would be able to be happy with Liam. The thought of them together was almost unbearable, but he didn’t have a real choice. He reminded himself that her happiness and safety were the only things that really mattered to him if that meant that he would have to look out for her from afar … he would do it.
“And the scandal?” Drake asked.
“I’ll ask Alexis to give a statement to the press of what happened that day with Tariq. I’ll be there for her. I’m sure they’ll believe her. In any case, Franz and Mara have investigated and they found other women that he has attacked and that are willing to come forward.”
Thinking about Tariq made Drake’s blood boil. “And that asshole? Have you found him?”
“Franz has some leads, apparently he’s in America. In Los Angeles. I swear to you I’ll find him, and he’ll pay for what he almost did that day.”
Drake nodded. “I’ll work in your campaign until you find a replacement for me. After that, I’ll leave.” He took a sharp, painful breath. “If she has to marry you, she deserves at least the opportunity to try and be happy.
Liam placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “I appreciate it, Drake-“
Drake raised his hand interrupting him “I mean it, Liam. Make her happy, she deserves…” He stopped himself “She deserves everything, give her everything.”
Liam stared at Drake stupefied “I didn’t know how much you actually cared for her, Drake. I promise I’ll do anything in my power to make her happy”
Drake stared at his former best friend “I don’t care for her, Liam. I love her. I’m crazy about her. She’s the only reason I’m leaving. Her”
Drake stood up and left the office, Alexis was waiting outside. He looked at her one last time, trying to take her all in, trying to print her image in his brain so he would never forget one single part of her. He had never felt anything so painful before. 
They locked eyes for a few seconds, both understanding that it would be for the last time. Both trying painfully not to take the other in their arms. Alexis felt like something inside of her was dying at that moment. 
Finally, Drake shook his head and left her there, broken.
George entered the rich mansion limping, he also had a swollen eye and a fat lip, all of it, courtesy of Drake Walker. The butler took his coat and walked him to the room where the meeting was being held.
Hakim cocked his brows when he saw the injured ambassador enter the room.
“Is everything alright, George?”
“Perfect. Let’s go straight to the point.”
Hakim nodded. “As my daughter told you, I and some other important people have formed an alliance that will overthrow the democracy. Our plan is to restore the monarchy and give the throne to his rightful heir, Leo.”
George looked at Hakim with obvious contempt. “Leo Rhys? Please, Hakim. Even his father thinks he’s a useless drunk.”
“He is going to give this revolution what it needs, a real cause. There are a lot of royalists in the streets, and they will follow the real heir blindly. Plus, Leo is very easy to manipulate, we will marry him with someone adept to the cause”
“Like your daughter?” George smiled thinking about all the nights he had shared with the beautiful brunette.
“My daughter just ended her engagement, she’s not ready for another one. But we’ll find someone else, someone from an old noble house.”
The American ambassador raised his hands smiling. “It was just an idea”
“The real question is why do you want to join us. Your daughter is about to marry, Liam Rhys”
“After what she did with that Tariq his chances to be president are almost zero, and I need to be in the winning team. I would contribute with money to fund your little movement and you already know what I want in exchange of my…help” He sneered. “And don’t worry about my daughter, we can still use her as an advantage, I‘m sure that I can convince her to help us betray Liam Rhys, she will give us anything we ask.”
Hakim furrowed. “How can you be so sure?”
He gave him an arrogant smile. “Believe me, Hakim, I know. There’s just one more thing I need.”
“You’re already asking us to control all our commercial deals with America. What else could you possibly want, George?”
“Kiara told me the last stage of your plan. I know you are planning to attack Liam Rhys’ headquarters the day of the election.”
Hakim looked at him, thinking that George was going to ask for protection for his daughter, but the rich ambassador had someone else in his mind.
“Well, that day no matter what happens, I need you to kill Drake fucking Walker first”
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redjaybathood · 4 years
Everyone (well not everyone, someone was like: you ship batcest, delete my post you reblogged!) liked 50 Shades of Gray Brutaljay AU but I am unlikely to ever write that because my favorite dynamic to write with Jason and Bruce is antagonistic, and this story really has to be a cliche romance. So, here's a snippet of the fic I am not going to write (and I was not kidding in the tags, if you guys like the idea, you're welcome to it)
Being a reported for Gotham U student paper allowed Jason to meet a lot of people. Some of them, like Film major Eddie Bloomberg, he became fast friends with. Others, like high school dropout and self-proclaimed ethical hacker Tim Drake, were more like his nemesis. But even they had more soul and personality in them than Bruce Wayne.
But it’s not like he could pick his own assignments. Though, to be fair, his editor didn’t want him on Wayne either.
“Your vendetta against rich people is ridiculous,” Barbara said, blowing her nose on the phone.
“I don’t have a vendetta, what the fuck? I’m friends with Roy Harper, did you forget?”
“Oh come on, his father is rich, but Roy? Anyway. If there was anyone else I could have sent instead of you - we don’t need you blowing up on him, you have no idea what circles of hell I endured to get this interview.”
“When I ever blew up at the subject?”
“Punch. Line.”
Oh, yeah, one of the girls who stanned Joker. Jason still couldn’t get over a fact that his campus had two separate people who wore Joker’s image on them proudly. At least, Duela Dent really was Joker’s daughter, just not this world’s one. Kaye, though, was a bidding serial killer, and he wanted her gone.
“I thought you of all people...” Jason murmured into the phone, and Barbara’s reaction was sharp.
“Oh, yes, me, of all people. Because I do so love to be defined by what happened to me. But if you choose to conflate my entire existence to that single point? Keep in mind that I somehow manage to ignore her.”
Jason had his opinions about that, but he wasn’t entirely sure if it was a good idea to express them, so he changed tracks.
“Can I have at least my own list of questions?”
“Then have his PR agent just email you the answers, Jesus. I really don’t see the point of me going all the way across the city to ask him some soft-balls he has a speech written in response to.”
“I need the footage for our website and social media, is the point.”
So that was that. And that’s how Jason found himself borrowing a tie from his new roommate slash nemesis, and listening to very unflattering comments from his other roommates about his choice of a shirt. They were assholes. Except for Duke. Duke was cool, but maybe it’s because he was a baby of their family. First year, no major declared yet. He could become anyone. Jason could only hope he doesn’t end up like Tim, or Dick, or Stephanie, or hell, even him.
"Don’t stress it,” Duke advised. “Look, I know what you’re thinking. Like if you look poor enough, they won’t even allow you into the Tower, much more to interview their boss. But you have an appointment, and it’s a regular office, not Iceberg Lounge. You look professional enough, no bouncer at the door is going to turn you away.”
It was easy for Duke to say, it was harder for Jason to internalise.
"Besides, it's not like you have money to spare to buy a new shirt."
"Can I borrow yours?" Jason asked hopefully.
"Nope," Duke replied, and clapped him on the back.
Maybe it was too late for him, and Duke already became an asshole.
But in a way, it made Jason feel better. There was nothing else he could have done, and if his irrational fear of being turned away at the door came true, at least Barbara couldn't fault him for that, right? Well, that wasn't strictly true, she tended to fault him for everything. But it wouldn't be fair.
Yeah, when Bruce Wayne gave him once-over and commented dryly: "I do so admire men with bold taste in clothes.” - Jason regretted everything in his life that led to this point. He ran a hand to smooth other his red shirt - it wasn’t even that “bold”, what the fuck, it’s not like he had a floral print on it or something - and smiled.
“Thanks. I do so love to receive unwarranted comments on my appearance.”
And that’s how it went downhill from there.
Jason set up the camera, got the printed sheet of questions out along with his notebook and a pen. Wayne commented on him being “analogue”, how refreshing a change that was after seeing so often young people glued to their screens. Jason used it as an opportunity to ask how many young people he actually knew, in lieu of explaining that his piece of shit phone, if you tried to use the keyboard for longer than 30 seconds, overheated pretty much instantly.
“Barbara Gordon, for example,” Wayne said.
If she was the only one he knew under thirty, then it wasn’t surprising he had this stereotype about young people being online constantly.
“She’s the daughter of my dear friend at GCPD, Jim Gordon. He does an admirable work with cleaning Gotham streets, and I expect as much from his daughter. Where is she, by the way?”
Yeah, Babs, real circles of hell, asking your dad to set up a meeting with his bridge buddy, Jason thought bitterly.
“Cold,” Jason tried for apologetic smile but it turned out more like fake-enthusiastic one. “Hope you don’t mind the last-minute switch.”
“Oh, I don’t mind at all.”
Wayne gave him another once-over, and a smile of his own. It was, objectively, a very charming smile, but in context it was pretty yikes.
“Okay! Let’s start! You're financing a new domestic abuse awareness campaign. Of all the charities, why did you feel it was the most important cause to focus on?"
Not like you have ever experienced it, Jason didn't add, because a) he didn't want to antafonise Wayne right off the bat, b) it would be an asshole move reminding Wayne about his parents' death and besides, who knew that they were like before they died? And that buttler of his, while it seems unlikely he would have been still employed if anything was going on when Wayne was a kid, you couldn't underestimate the pull shitty parental figutes could have on your life. He still considers Ma Gunn his family, even if he was the one who ratted her out to cops.
If not the thing with Sionis, he probably wouldn't have done it either.
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