#In which Harry Potter gets adopted into the Adams family
hpdabbles · 4 years
The first day of term is always a hectic one. Just getting the children onto the train could be a headache and a half, especially when herding muggle-born and their families who stop to stare at anything randomly. 
The conductor has been working this job for over thirty years, had seen lots of young faces come and go, strange, different, and magical. He experienced a lot through the years, have lived with the war was at it’s peak, and counted the children who disappeared never to be seen again on the along the tracks. 
He has watch children , laugh, cry, scream, and run about as the train loaded for the trip. He’s good at his job, can get the trip done on time every time and had most of the work down to a art form. There has been trails and tribulations but he’s survived them all. 
 But nothing could prepare him for the day the Addams crossed the barrier.
At first he thought them a average magical family, the mother in a fabulous tight black dress, that played homage to robes at the edges and while the father looked more muggle he had a eye catching grin, that almost made up for it. The three children with them were all dress in black of different shades, the little girl in a black dress with her hair down in interesting loop braids. The youngest seems to be the boy in a white stripped shirt the only other color on him and the oldest- who most likely was the first year- wore a long trench coat with a fedora.
The family of five moved with a grace that screamed aristocrats, charm in each of their steps, but the conductor could not pin point the family line they came from. He watched as the children eyed everyone there, the eldest with a smile that held his father’s charm and cutting edge while the young girl seemed unimpressed with everyone around her.
The eldest pulled out the informative parchment Hogwarts gives muggle-borns families every year- explaining how to write letters, where to do, what the train entitles the likes- for his parents. The three bend over the parchment talking among themselves as the young girl  walked around looking at the train with a almost detached interest. 
The conductor couldn’t take his eyes off them, because while they seemed magical they also didn’t seem like they were around wizards or witches often. 
As he was watching them he took notice that the youngest boy was playing with something and it came to a great alarm that thing, turn out to be a dagger that he passed between his hands. His parents didn’t notice as the young male turn around, thus keeping it out of their sight, twirling it back and forth while watching bystanders as if though he was picking a victim from the crowd to sink the blade into. 
The conductor couldn’t allow that to happen. He was walking in their direction before he realized it.  “Excuse me sir! Your boy is playing with a knife! He could cut his finger off!”
The man looked up form the parchment but instead of scolding the boy he smiled fondly. It had a hint of madness that had the worker feel slightly off-footed.  “Yes. My Pugsley is quite good with the blade, he can cut a finger nail clean off. He wanted to bring his machete, but I had to talk him down and remind him this is Harry’s big day. Gomez Addams, a pleasure to meet you, good sir.”
He held out his hand and the conductor had no choice but to take it. The strange man shook it with a firm grasp. He gestured to the woman who offered her own smile, and the red of her lips stood out on her deathly pale skin.  “My wife, light of my bleak empty life, Morticia.”
“Oh Gomez” The woman sighs in a lovely accent  that he can’t identify,placing her hand on his shoulder in a act of utter devotion. It made the conductor feel slightly envious. A perfect marriage is something that has escape him through the years.  
“And this here, is Harry, my eldest and soon to be student of Hogwarts.” He pats the shoulder of the boy with the fedora, his Spanish accent making the words honey.  One green eye peaks up at him from around the brim and the boy offers him a wink and a smirk. “ My daughter Wednesday and Pugsley is the lad with the knife. They are terrible vile monsters who I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy.”
The conductor wasn’t sure what to make of a man who spoke in such loving tones but used such hateful words. “It’s...a pleasure? My name is John.”
“I once knew a man named John. He died screaming.” Gomez says with a eager smile and John finds himself taking a step back. He been a conductor for years, with some parents screaming in his face, demanding special treatment for the children who would be Heirs to noble and ancient house and never had he ever felt more terrified for his life then at that moment. 
Suddenly Harry stepped forward, taking the burned of having to say anything back to the obvious mad man.  “Dad, I have to get onboard, the train leaves in three minutes and I haven’t even found a seat.”
Morticia let out a sigh, reaching down to bring the child into a hug. The black of their clothing matching as she brushed his hair under his hat. “You will write to us won’t you? Keep us updated on everything. Try your best in class?”
“Yes, Mom” Harry said in a strange accent. Unlike his parents he sounded less like he grew up in a foreign language  and land but there is still hint of it in the way he says Mum. “I want to make lots of friends too.”
Morticia smile turns slightly strain but then it evens out and she hugs him tight her arms wrapping him all around his back.  “Of course you will. Get going now.”
“Have a lovely time Harry.” Gomez says stepping forward to hug the boy as well, with the same amount of arms as his wife, which surprises John. Most fathers only do side hugs and they are fleeting, but the way Harry leans into the touch with a smile has something in John warming.
Not many children get to experience such loving parents.  
“Try not to let them make you too....normal while your there, Harry” Wednesday comments stepping up to her brother who laughs after letting go of his father and pulls her in a hug of her own. She makes a face but she returns it either way, and despite the lack of emotion in her expression John gets the sense she is relishing in her brother’s embrace.  
“I’m already normal. Will you love me even though I am?” Harry asks and Wednesday is quick to agree, claiming he is her brother and it matters little anything else besides that. John thinks it adorable though he can’t help but wonder what do they mean with normal?
“Bye Harry! Blow something up and send me the scabs!” Pugsley chirps, going for his own hug which Harry easily accepts. The two brothers lean from side to side during their hug in a strange but excited hug and the fedora wearing one laughs loudly. 
“I don’t like scabs, you know that. Would a toilet seat be alright? I promise to drop one of your bombs in it and send you the pieces left over.”
Pugsley beams like a star in the darkest of nights, jumping around in a circle and cheering. He’s acting like Harry offered his old racing broom. 
John slowly backs away from the odd family, Gomez sees the actions calling out. “Have horrible day John!” as he makes a run back to the front and get the train going.
It’s much later, that he finds out Harry in the black fedora is Harry Potter  and the most famous boy in the magic world has been adopted by the Addams Family, who have been known to mingle with some of the darkest of people. Rumors where one of them used to sleep with one of the Slytherin heir, learning Parseltongue and had been killed by a group of muggles who beheaded him for it.
The family is known in MCUSA for always tip toeing their laws, close to breaking them but never being caught and could be considered the American version of the Ancient and Noble House of Black, madness and all. 
Harry Potter also prefers to go by Harry Addams Potter and bad things tend to happen to any of his classmates who don’t seem to understand that. If a boy who was able to kill a Dark Lord at the age of one is powerful, John shudders to think what Harry raised by blood thirsty evil Addams will accomplish.
He hears from one of his nieces that one of accomplishment is actually Harry overflooding all the female bathrooms until every female who ever participated in throwing books at Moaning Myrtle apologizes to the ghost. The boy somehow makes a point of letting them know he did it without a any proof to get him expelled. 
His niece then proceeds to gush about Harry Addams Potter scaring some of his Slytherin housemates into leaving the Hufflepuffs alone, and that his “Dreamy in a scary way” which John doesn’t know what that even means.
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Mr. Mouse | Wolfstar Bingo
Title: Mr. Mouse
Creator: TracingPatterns
Link: Read on AO3
Square filled: Death
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: There’s talk about death, and grief, and mourning. But it’s not graphic and really not as bad as the prompt makes it sound, but do mind the tags.
Summary: James and Lily Potter are killed by Voldemort, but when the spell backfires off of baby Harry, Voldemort actually dies and the war ends. Instead of being shipped off to the Dursley's, Harry goes to stay with Sirius and Remus, which had always been according to his parents' wishes. This is a little snippet of their life together. A little bit of wolfstar raising Harry, basically.
Word count: 2940
Written for @wolfstarbingo2022
Teaser under the cut:
Sirius leans back in his chair with a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. He’s starting to feel a headache prodding somewhere behind his eyes, a sure sign he’d been at this for too long. He stands, stretching slowly, twisting his shoulders slightly before shaking them out. He had shut himself in the office for some peace and quiet, unable to put off the work he needed to get done, leaving Remus to look after Harry.
He hated it though, always felt like he was missing out whenever he wasn’t with Harry. Especially since he didn’t have to work, he had enough money for the three of them to live more than comfortably anyway, but both he and Remus had agreed that they needed something to focus on outside of their home. So that was why they had started their practice in the first place, helping wixens and other magical folks, or creatures, in need of legal support, but unable to pay for it. They hardly ever charged anyone for their work, they didn’t do it for the money. Moony did the research, and Sirius took pleasure in parading through the halls of the Ministry or the courtrooms and beating pompous Ministry representatives at their own game.
This time it was a Muggleborn witch with a young child who was in trouble. She had been in an abusive relationship, her good-for-nothing husband threatening to hurt both her and the child, and she had used magic to defend herself. Her Muggle husband had been quite severely injured, and the Ministry claimed it was a breach of the Statute of Wizarding Secrecy and tried to prosecute her for it. It was, quite frankly, bullshit, Sirius thought, and he was adamant on proving that in court.
His gaze snags on something out the window and he leans forward slightly, seeing Harry crouched down and half-way hidden underneath one of the blackcurrant bushes at the end of their garden. He smiles a little at the sight of his godson, no, he checks himself quickly, his son, now, since the process had finally been approved and finalised by the Ministry.
He and Remus hadn’t considered adoption at first, it didn’t feel necessary, they were both Harry’s godfathers and they had absolutely no desire to replace James or Lily, but as Harry grew older it soon became clear that adoption did have its advantages. He was turning five, soon, and Sirius still couldn’t quite believe he’d already been with them for almost four years. Four years since James and Lily had died, and whenever he thought about it, it still felt as if it was only yesterday.
Being thrust into parenthood hadn’t been easy. Neither he nor Remus had hesitated even for a second about taking Harry in but going straight into full-time parenting while they were still reeling from the loss of their friends hadn’t been easy. Harry had helped though, with a one-year-old to care for they had been forced to carry on. And every day that Harry grew a little bit older, Sirius felt as if they were on the right track. By now they had built their own little family, found a cottage on the outskirts of Newhaven, between Brighton and Eastbourne, where they were able to keep Harry out of the public eye. They were both very aware that it would change when Harry got older, he would attend Hogwarts eventually, but for now, it was only the three of them and Sirius liked it that way.
Continue on AO3.
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raith-way · 2 years
can you talk more about your supernatural oc?
i absolutely can!! thank you for the ask because i’ve been working on her rewrite, and i am all for rambling about my badass hunter girl.
at the start of the fic, emma motley has been a hunter for over ten years. she knows bobby but has never met the winchesters, which is mostly due to emma being a workaholic and her having a fallout with bobby before sam starts hunting with dean again. i’m not saying that bobby wanted to keep emma from meeting the winchesters, but i’m also not not saying that.
a lot of her past is revealed in the first chapter so i don’t feel like these will be huge spoilers.
emma became a hunter at eighteen, after her mother and stepfather were killed by a witch. bobby was the hunter on the case, and emma left with him after the hunt so he could teach her. even though they have their falling out later on, emma really does respect and love him. she jokingly calls him uncle.
emma has a much younger sister. when their mother was killed, her little sister was only two. her sister was adopted, and emma decided to stay out of her sister’s life since she knew that she wanted to be a hunter and didn’t want to expose her baby sister to that life.
similar to another character, emma makes a demon deal to save her sister’s life. in the first chapter, it’s revealed that her deal is coming due. she’s hellbound and has been for ten years, and that has affected her take on relationships. meaning, she’s avoided them her entire life. why fall in love when she’s doomed? so she’s spent her entire adult life mostly on her own.
canon goes off the rails in the last episode of season five, which emma has nothing to do with. her story doesn’t really pick up until later.
her fic is really about family, blood and chosen, while dealing with apocalyptic events. there are times when her fic gets really dark, but there’s always some kind of fluff to lighten the mood. she does go to hell and then gets to come back, the reason why is a secret for now, but she hangs out with the winchesters once she’s topside again. along with the winchesters is adam (because he deserved better), castiel, michael, and some surprise others.
weaved into the “saving people and hunting things” part of the fic, there’s a slow redemption of michael that’s aided by emma. it’s not love at first sight. it’s a definite slow burn, and the two become friends long before they become anything else. there are other ships as well, but those can be a surprise.
random trivia. her anti-possession tattoo is on her ankle, as part of a tattooed charm bracelet with other protection symbols. she sleeps with a knife in a thigh holster. she loves chocolate and sweets, but she drinks her coffee black or with a splash of whiskey. her favorite book is the harry potter series. on hunts, she usually poses as a journalist to get information. before becoming a hunter, she debated between becoming a landscaper or one day owning a flower shop.
so, that’s emma motley. thanks again for the ask!!
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theladyfae · 3 years
world book day in britverse
(brought about cause I've only just realised I've been spamming the gc with my headcanons on what the brit jatp characters have gone as on world book day for the past half hour — 00:58)
edit: this has been in my drafts for almost 4 months now and, well, in honour of clowngate...
goes in as alice in wonderland in year 5 and 8 cause she really liked the dress and it’s specific shade of blue
has also gone as: 
tracy beaker
 a generic pirate (with flynn as her captain) in year 4
planned to be wendy with luke as peter pan but never got to follow through
rue from the hunger games in year 6 
dr facilier. in year 11. and she pulls the look off so fucking well i feel so very gay just thinking about it, imagine carries reaction—
she’s also co ordinated a pirate outfit with julie as her first mate in year 4
came as a pilot in year 10, and that was when she learned that wearing outfits like that can fluster so many people (which means yes, she chose that dr facilier look the next year with carries desired reaction specifically in mind)
dresses as willy wonka in year 11, velvet coat and top hat and loose ruffled shirt, and it looks unfairly good on her – she took particular glee in watching flynn’s jaw practically drop before she took stock of what flynn was wearing and then it was flynn’s turn to cackle – 
wanted to be the sugar plum fairy in year 4 and got trevor to get her a really frilly dress with lots of layers
goes as veruca salt in year 8
tries to go all out every year but fails to prepare like he says he will so he always ends up with something thrown together last minute, except for a few rare occasions where he:
was a pretty good captain hook in year 10
went as one of the beatles in year 7
stuart little in year 5. no i’m not sure why
wears his normal (roadman) clothes to school in year 9 and when asked says he’s a gangster rat side character from like flushed away
year 2 reggie wanted to be nemo from finding nemo so badly but his parents couldn’t figure out how to make that work, so they ended up painting a small clownfish on his face and putting him in simple clothes and letting him go off like that
year 2 nick wanted to be prince ali specifically, but his parents were like “sweetheart it’s an all white suit, are you sure you want to wear it to school?” and he second guessed himself and put it away, opting to go as a generic bank robber instead
went as rude ralph in year 6 but only cause he had a red hoodie on hand and didn’t want to be in uniform and was low on ideas
went as a forest fairy in year 1 but the wings shed bought were lopsided so she ended up switching it up at lunch and proclaiming herself a forest maiden
was adamant about going as a cupcake in year 2
is insanely good at costume design as of year 10 and has since been a glittering siren and an angel
bonus: family costumes
the molinas go for a wizard of oz theme with julie as the lion, carlos as the tinman, ray as the scarecrow, rose as glenda the good witch, and tia victoria as a flying monkey (because ray wants to torture his sister a little and it also makes the kids laugh)
the wilsons go for alice in wonderland, with carrie as the white rabbit, bobby as the mad hatter, and trevor as the queen of hearts. reggie is also included as the cheshire cat because dammit these rich semi-neglected kids adopted a roadman and trevors too scared to be ignored by them again by telling them they can't.
the pattersons have a really badly organised harry potter theme, with emily as dumbledore, mitch as mr weasley, and luke forced to be neville.
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retvenkos · 4 years
“this world isn’t ready for us”
James Potter
hogwarts years 1971-1978
james potter is indian, you cannot convince me otherwise
he has the greatest hair ever - it’s black and fluffy, and even though his father literally invented hair products, he doesn’t style it
it just naturally falls in a really beautiful way and sirius hates it
james potter is left handed, you cannot convince me otherwise
he always has smudges all over his hand and he’ll wipe the ink on remus’ face when he wants to be annoying
he’s 5′11″ (180 cm) and he had the majority of his growth spurt in his third year
he was awkward and gangly all year, and that mixed with his new crush on lily was hell in a handbasket
he eventually filled out, though, and by 5th year he wore it well
he had big round glasses because without them he’s blinder than a bat
he also  n e v e r  wore his tie - mcgonagall hated it more than anything and she would always fix his tie (with magic!) in class
she would also lecture him in that mom™ way
lily laughed at him one time because the end of the tie hit him in the face and that’s when james realized he loved the sound
also, most people have this idea that james was suave and flirted with lily all the time, but i disagree
he was an awkward mess when talking to girls and would make the most corny jokes, hoping lily would laugh
he only got good at flirting in his seventh year, after a summer of sirius teaching him how to be cool
but talking with his mates, james was an arrogant idiot.
but always respectful.
he was really good at transfiguration but absolutely terrible when it came to potions
also, i know he’s canonically an only child, but i think he has a younger sibling - probably a sister. he just has the older brother vibes. adopting his friends the way he did? only an older sibling, mom friend would ever.
Remus Lupin
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so i’ve already covered a lot about remus here but i’ll go off again
so i like to think that remus is secretly really good at drawing
we all took him for a writer but i am adamant in the idea that sirius is the poet, not him.
he can also do calligraphy - the writing on the marauders map was all him, fam
he’s also ambidextrous or at the very least able to use both hands pretty well
he’s definitely the tallest of all the marauders, coming in at a whopping 6′3″ (190.5 cm)
he was always lanky, too. james swore that one day he would be taller than remus, but it never happened
and i know we all like to think of remus as being the most studious child there ever was, but honestly,,, he was struggling every day and the reason he was constantly doing homework was because he was chronically behind in school work
i’m talking like at least a week out at all times
of course, the teachers knew why, and so they allowed him some slack, but still, he had the same expectations
but he was interested in most of his classes, and he worked on all of them equally
i think how he and lily met was that he needed a tutor because he was behind and she offered to help him
he just generally has this sad air around him, too
it was kind of a thing that he and snape shared for a while - two sad boys who were desperate to prove they belonged
and then, in their later years, they both take very different routes
oh, and because i haven’t said it enough, i love the idea of latino!remus lupin
and he could be bilingual!!!!
Sirius Black
hogwarts years 1971-1978
okay, here. is. the. thing. sirius is average height. i cannot emphasize this enough. i always see things about him being tall, but you are incorrect. he’s not super short, but he’s  a v e r a g e .
5′8″ (173 cm)
that’s still pretty good.
and while he can whine about how short he is, he is the most handsome out of all of the marauders
he has that regal look that makes his so attractive.
if he had an awkward phase, hogwarts never saw it. sirius just always looked really good.
and he did everything else to make himself look as chaotic as he could
he never once wore his school uniform correctly.
there were always buttons undone, ties pulled loose, shoe laces untied
and he acted chaotic, too
laughing overly loud
making unnecessary comments
every day he tried his hardest to be everything that his mother never let him be
as for classes, he’s one of those kids who is naturally gifted in everything (you can thank his mother for drilling him in the years prior to hogwarts) and just really doesn’t care that he has a natural aptitude
the only class he got really excited about was dada
also, i’ve seen the idea that he’s a womanizer be a thing, but,,, no?
i mean, he definitely flirts (most of the time jokingly) because it’s just another thing that can make his family upset and separate him from that image, but i don’t think he’s especially promiscuous
he’s literally a kid, guys
oh, and with every passing day, the lily and sirius friendship goes glaringly underdeveloped and it pains me - they could have been so close to each other but we just sleep on that, i guess
Peter Pettigrew
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so i get why fanon leaves peter underdeveloped, but he was important
first of all, peter is the same height as sirius 5′8″ (173 cm) and the two of them constantly argue over who is taller
they are also constantly aiming short jokes at the other, even though they are the same height??? they’re just insulting themselves.
at the very least, peter is a half-blood (i think he might have been muggleborn but then why would voldemort tolerate him, y’know?)
i like to think that he is really in touch with his muggle side - he and remus talk about muggle stuff all the time and play jokes on sirius and james who are oblivious but want to learn
peter was also really good at finding secret passages
he found the better part of the ones on the map, and maybe he knows about a few others, too
he was definitely the cartographer of the marauders map. who else would have had the skill?
he was definitely more awkward like james, and he never quite grew out of it like the rest of them
but it was okay, because his friends were fiercely loyal to him
even if it screwed them over in the end...
i also have this idea that peter was really good at games? like, gobstones and chess were his area of expertise
it’s definitely something that he would do with the other marauders when they were stressed out or sad
and he would sneak them food from the kitchens and they would just sit up and play games for a while
i think that peter was also that marauder that would check their schedules, seeing what classes they had together, and which ones they could all bail on to hang out in the forbidden forest
i also think that peter was a huge music enthusiast
he and james definitely talked about music a lot - he took james to his first concert and it was really precious
james would sing at any an all times, and peter would know all of the lyrics, singing more quietly but supplying all the words.
Lily Evans
hogwarts years 1971-1978
lily was a nervous wreck in her first year of hogwarts
but also vvv excited - she wanted to learn everything
she had a natural talent for dada and was also pretty good at potions, thanks to snape being her bff
she struggled when it came to history of magic because, y’know, she’s brand new to all of it
lily had really long, beautiful red hair ever since her first year
and, of course, those eyes
she was always very pretty, but she also got a lot of hatred because she was a muggleborn, so she struggled with herself - especially in the later years
i imagine she’s average height or maybe a little tall, definitely not short, since harry was his dad’s height
probably 5′5″ (165 cm)
also, lily was the one who gave harry all of his sass
she definitely was the one to sass james (who loved it, despite being taken aback the first few times) and she was very adamant in her beliefs
she loved her friends more than anything, of course, but she would put her foot down when she had to
i also feel like lily was a thrill seeker
it’s why she and james got along in their seventh year when they were head boy and head girl together
he probably showed her secret passages or shortcuts to places and she couldn’t bring herself to reprimand him
she’s also a little impatient
she always sips at her tea too soon, burning her tongue
or she’s tapping her foot five minutes before class ends because she’s raring to go
she also walks fast
Severus Snape
hogwarts years 1971-1978
so snape’s biggest thing is that he will not be the small fish in the big pond - he will not be picked on
and so that has screwed up some of his relationships because he will do anything to not be the last kid picked
this also means that his loyalty is only with himself (and lily, previously, but when it was him or her that had to take the fall, it was her) so he’s definitely a lone wolf
i think his slow way of talking didn’t manifest until he was in his sixth year
it was a way to be calculating - see how people react to what he’s going to say before he says it
he was definitely a wide-eyed kid
really big, sad eyes that would have made anyone feel bad for him
they went away during the end of his third year and beginning of his fourth
he traded it for pushing his head down, not allowing anyone to look him in the eye
snape was definitely a book nerd, and he used to spend all of his time in the library with lily
but after the marauders started hanging out in there (thanks, remus and lily), he had to find a new place
he wore his robes properly, and with a lot of care since he was pretty poor growing up and he was determined to wear them as long as he could
that’s where a lot of his formal aesthetic came from
also, it was a stark contrast to the marauders - where they were carefree he was uptight, where they were informal he was not. the recipe for disaster.
also, he was pretty short up until his fifth year, where he grew like a weed
at full height, he was 6′1″ (185 cm) - just tall enough to look down at james
Dorcas Meadowes
hogwarts years 1971-1978
i’m pretty sure canon agrees with me when i say that dorcas was black, and a pureblood.
her family weren’t blood supremacists, tho, they were vehemently against voldemort and she grew up with those ideals
she was sorted into ravenclaw but quickly became a friend of lily’s because they both had so much interest in school
dorcas would help her study for history of magic, and in return lily would talk to her about the muggle world
and when i say dorcas was talented, she was talented
i mean, it’s literally canon that voldemort killed dorcas personally, so she had to be a particularly skilled witch
i like to think that in her spare time, dorcas would even make her own spells - similar to snape, they were both inventors
she was very studious - studying long into the night and always reading a book or doing homework during lunch
she was definitely taking many n.e.w.t. level classes when she had the chance
she was probably the model student that the teachers were all very impressed by - she was going places
she was head girl and a prefect, sometimes working alongside remus lupin
i also think that she had a crush on marlene mckinnon
and she thought she was being obvious about it, too - going to quidditch matches? since when had she ever done anything remotely social?
she was planning on being an auror, and she was made one almost immediately after leaving school
james would always ask her for notes, and if he said they were for remus she would always give them to him because remus was a sweet kid and he wouldn’t ruin them
5′4″ (163 cm) but she packed a punch
also, she had great cheekbones. you can’t convince me otherwise.
Regulus Black
hogwarts years 1972-1979
if you were wondering where all of the tall genes went in the family, then look no further
he’s still not super tall, but he surpasses his brother, coming in at 5′11″ (180 cm), the same height as james
he also hit his growth spurt sooner, in his second year, when sirius was still short
and where sirius is overly handsome, regulus is a little less so
he’s still handsome (don’t get me wrong), just in a more... quiet way.
he’s always been a more sombre boy, with sadder eyes and lips less inclined to smile
i think he was always the more plain boy, the more overlooked boy, and that really got into his psyche at a young age
he’s also bookish - this, again, stemming back to his childhood
he was always looking for a way to top sirius, be better than him
if you wanted a boy to speak french in the hp universe, this is him
i feel like regulus would have just been really gifted with languages? he probably knows multiple and reads a lot of literature (including muggle literature - sirius got him a book once, please don’t tell his mother)
he excels in school - went all the way with potions and fell in love with alchemy in his sixth year
but while he’s intelligent, there’s a lot on his mind so he’s never super present in lectures and he doesn’t over participate
he cuts his hair short, always clean and the perfect image that his family wants
in his first two years, he tried to talk to sirius a lot and keep their relationship at something like brothers, but sirius could never understand him and regulus could never understand sirius so they drift apart by his third year
he still feels guilty about that, after all this time
oh! also! regulus is seeker for the slytherin quidditch team. it’s just a thing he does, he doesn’t super love it or anything.
Mary MacDonald
hogwarts years 1972-1979
so mary is a gryffindor a year below lily and the rest of the gang, friends with lily because she, too, was a muggleborn and lily stood up for her against some mean older boys
i headcanon mary as being latina, or maybe just from spain
either way, she comes from a big family and is a middle child
and she speaks spanish.
she’s 5′1″ (155 cm) and you know her friends use it against her all the time, short jokes galore
and she’s very outspoken amongst her friends, making giraffe jokes in retaliation, but it just never really stuck the way short jokes did
she excelled in healing magic and was definitely an ace at potions
she also really loved divination, mostly because it worked in ways that were very different than other magic
she was always braiding hair and definitely taught lily how to braid that long hair of hers
her favorite place was the gryffindor common room because it was always so alive? it reminded her of her big family, that’s for sure
oh, and if james does have a younger sister, when he meets mary macdonald, she immediately reminds him of his sister
and so the two of them quickly become a chaotic duo, singing muggle songs together but also getting on each other’s nerves just for the fun of it
Marlene McKinnon
hogwarts years 1970-1977
she’s one year older than lily but immediately sees this cute first year, lost on the stairs and adopts her
marlene is definitely the reason that lily can be so sassy, too. she’s a terrible influence, really, especially with that mouth
marlene is a gryffindor, too, and she’s definitely on the quidditch team
a chaser, probably - she most likely helped train james when he joined the team and that’s how she knows all about his crush on lily and teases them both
and she 100% gives james tips on how to talk to lily, shhh, no one tell
she has masses of curly, blonde hair and it’s constantly being pulled into a messy top knot or ponytail
she did a dare in fifth year that involved shaving her head and she did it, but immediately freaked out afterward. lily had to find her a hair growing potion, but for a week she had a shaved head that sirius teased her about mercilessly
in her defense, she thought it would be fine at the time.
she was a talented witch, but she struggled in care of magical creatures
she just wasn’t an animal person, okay?
she swears that unicorn was going to gore her.
her favorite class was astronomy - she liked to be outside, and being in the astronomy tower was pretty close to flying.
oh, and she was tall for a girl - 5′9″ (175 cm) and taller than sirius. it was a thing
she was fiercely loyal of her friends and would have been down to duel with anyone if they said anything about lily
she had a lot of siblings and she was the oldest, so it was kind of a given
marlene would have punched death eaters if given the chance
she wanted to punch snape a solid three (3) times during her school years but lily always held her back
Frank Longbottom
hogwarts years 1969-1976
frank was a gryffindor, and a rather sweet one at that
he was a pretty social guy - he had lots of friends, despite being pretty shy. he was just a generally great person to be around and he cared about people a lot. it got him places.
he was pretty tall - 6′0″ (183 cm) - and he had a kind of dorky look to him
but he cleaned up nicely, and every year he got a little better looking
neville got his awkward phase from his dad, and when alice was pregnant, frank said he would have to apologize to his boy for inheriting those longbottom genes, one day.
he really loved movies - he and alice were kind of pop culture nerds
he was a little before remus lupin’s time at hogwarts, but they would have gotten along famously, had they been closer in age
but he definitely had a soft spot for the marauders - those younger gryffindors who were funny and bright and made living in these dark times a little easier
his best class was definitely charms
he loved that class and hoped to one day teach it.
going back to hogwarts one day was always a dream of his
he was terrible at divination, though. something about looking into the future just never felt right.
Alice Longbottom
hogwarts years 1969-1976
so we never get confirmation on what alice’s maiden name was, but i’ve seen in the fandom that it’s widely regarded that it could have been alice fortescue, and i thought that was sweet and kind of just absorbed the idea
alice was a hufflepuff, and a pretty social one at that
she was constantly chewing bubble gum and talking with her large group of friends
i like to think that she always had short hair in school - a dark brown bob that kind of bounced whenever she walked
she was short - 5′2″ (157 cm) - and when she and frank got together in their sixth year, he would always hold her hand and guide her through the crowded halls
she got where she was going so much faster that way
i like to think she’s east asian, or maybe half, on her mother’s side
she was best at herbology, and it surprised everyone when she turned out to be really good at combat magic?
turns out she was great at non-verbal magic and doing magic without her wand
she had lots of practice when helping the plants thrive in herbology - she unwittingly used magic a lot to help them grow
she had so much magical potential, neville definitely inherited that
i also think that she was the more forgetful one out of her and frank, and that’s why neville’s also kind of forgetful, himself.
Narcissa Malfoy
hogwarts years 1966-1973
so let’s get one thing straight - draco gets his incredible bone structure from his mother
this girl had the greatest cheekbones this world has ever seen
and it gave her a very regal look that would have appeared cold on anyone else
but narcissa was kind, okay? she was soft.
also narcissa is queen at wizards chess and strategy - she beat amos diggory’s winning streak in her third year - but she’s also really great at history
and it interests her!
even though lucius was a year ahead of her, he’d always ask her if he didn’t want to do his homework, offering her anything in return
most of the time it was white chocolate or some kind of cream filled pastry - she always had a bit of a sweet tooth, and lucius is her greatest enabler
her worst class was probably herbology or care of magical creatures
she didn’t like working with her hands. she said it wasn’t very “becoming”
andromeda taught narcissa how to do her makeup in her third year, and she picked it up fairly quick, very partial to a dark lip
andromeda also taught her how to do hair, but narcissa preferred to wear it down when she was younger
she’s said to be tall, so i imagine she clocks in at about 5′8″ (173 cm), taller with her usual heels
Lucius Malfoy
hogwarts years 1965-1972
lucius malfoy... where to begin
lucius was really good at reading people. it was one of his strongest talents, and it, interestingly enough, made him really good at divination and other intuitive magics like charms
and even those classes he didn’t like, he did his best to excel in because 1) expectations, and 2) lucius knew there was power in knowledge. and he wanted all of the power he could get.
but he was also great at charming people so when he didn’t want to do his homework, he was all over everyone else, not so much asking for help as just getting it after a word or two.
yes, he always had that long hair
narcissa would sometimes give him little braids when they were in the slytherin common room, but if you were present to witness it, you didn’t ever mention it
he would know and your life would be over. it’s just the facts
and did he always have impeccable style? mostly, yes.
he was always very neat with his clothes - things were always in their rightful place, no matter what
he didn’t get the pimp cane until later, though. it was a graduation gift.
and lucius isn’t actually super tall? i mean, he’s tall, but not super tall
he’s 5′10″ (178 cm)
and he never hated how narcissa and him where basically the same height? (she liked to wear heels) supportive husband, i guess.
and i guess i should tell you - they got together in their 6th year
Amos Diggory
hogwarts years 1963-1970
amos diggory was a hufflepuff, and honestly, he was really cool in his day
he’s the oldest out of everyone on this list, but he went to school with lucius malfoy and xenophilius, leaving before the marauders ever came to school
he was head boy in his 7th year and a prefect prior to
he was kind and worked hard, so the teachers thought he was a good fit
he was particularly gifted in care of magical creatures and transfiguration
he was also really good at wizards chess - he was unbeatable for a while - even against lucius
narcissa beat him in his sixth year, though, and she became the new student to beat
he had a lot of freckles - especially on his arms. they faded a bit with age but he still has quite a few
and he was really good looking?
plenty of people had crushes on him and it may have went to his head just a bit
but he was still very kind and humbled because he wasn’t the most talented or bright, but dedicated to what he loved
whoever he gets with definitely brings out more of his humility and it’s a good match for him
he’s so whipped.
he’s 5′9″ (175 cm)
Other Characters:
Mafalda Hopkirk
hogwarts years 1963-1970
mafalda is portuguese and spoke the language in her home. she mostly learned english for the first time at hogwarts. she had a few exposures before that, but hogwarts was really her first place to learn it.
she was a hufflepuff and honestly exemplified the “hard working” and “kind” traits. truly a friend to all.
she was great at flying and became a chaser for the hufflepuff team almost right away
she also really loved divination - she got into xylomancy early on and was super skilled
she loved making up omens too just to scare her friends
she teased her friends a lot tbh
she’s 5′0″ (152 cm)
oh! and in the hufflepuff common room she basically claimed one of the couches for herself - she’s a bit of a night owl so she perpetually claims the same chair and ends up falls asleep in it.
and since she went to hogwarts during amos diggory’s time, i kind of think the two probably dated at one point. it didn’t last, but maybe in their sixth year the two went on a couple of dates
Xenophilius Lovegood
hogwarts years 1965-1972
xenophilius was a ravenclaw who honestly had a handful of friends and managed to get one in every house  - including slytherin
yes, he could be weird, but he was honestly fun to talk to and gave a lot of interesting insights that weren’t technically wrong, but kind of sounded like it
he was made fun of for it, don’t get me wrong, but his oddities gave him a couple of friends that would let him just ramble
he mostly stuck to himself and his small group of friends, so nothing big ever came of his teasing
plus, when he was younger he wasn’t nearly as out there. that came with age and isolation.
he was actually really intelligent and, like narcissa, had a knack for history
he was also really good at charms - he could do non-verbal spells sooner than most
i imagine he started to grow his hair out in his fourth year, but before then it was short.
all fourth year it was at this really awkward length, but by fifth year it was longer and more natural looking
he only gained his odd fashion taste in his seventh year onward.
Edgar Bones
hogwarts years 1965-1972
edgar bones is a ravenclaw with the biggest fascination with space - more than anyone else you’ll ever know
he was really interested in it when he was younger, and when he went to hogwarts for the first time, his love for astronomy just skyrocketed
good luck getting him down from his tower, because it’s a near impossible feat
he has freckles all over his face (his mom used to tell them they were constellations) and brown eyes hidden behind a pair of square glasses
he actually wears them really well, he’s pretty good looking not going to lie
and for height, he’s pretty average at 5′7″ (170 cm)
he’s italian. idk why, but i just really think he’s italian.
sports aren’t really his thing, but he grew up in a family that lives for quidditch, so he’s a pretty decent chaser if you ever put him up to it.
he’s also really good at potions, although he doesn’t really have a love for it.
if you partner up with him, it’s great because you’ll get your work done fast, but you will end up talking with him about astronomy and divination for the rest of the class.
Bathsheda Babbling
hogwarts years 1966-1973
bathsheda was average height - 5′5″ (165 cm) - with wide, peach color glasses that sort of made her look perpetually surprised
she was black with dark, coily hair that was usually kept short.
she was incredibly gifted in arithmancy and study of ancient runes - the latter which she would one day teach
she was a hufflepuff who set the standard for kindness, always helping the younger students
which made her realize she would love to be a teacher
i don’t think that she was ever given a blood status in canon, but i’ve always thought her to be a halfblood who’s pretty in touch with both the muggle and magical world
i also imagined her to have a younger siblings in ravenclaw, so she could be seen cheering for them at quidditch matches
Fabian Prewett
hogwarts years 1968-1975
fabian and his brother are more well known, so i’ll just hit the basics
so fabian and gideon are clearly twins (don’t @ me with canon, it’s not valid, here), but i also think they were in different houses
fabian was in hufflepuff, and if he ever wore his tie (he was perpetually without it) you would have been able to use it to distinguish the two of them
he was on the quidditch team - a keeper - and was actually really good despite being kind of clumsy on the ground
he was really good at charms and dada but he sucked at transfiguration
gideon was great at transfiguration, though, so it was a constant argument as to who was smarter
fabian definitely gave off younger sibling vibes - he was always joking around and teasing, but he was also very soft hearted when he wanted to be.
he gave terrible life advice, though, go see gideon for that.
i feel like he and gideon had really great hair, although idk why. i just really want them to have nice, curly red hair.
they both kept it short, though. they hated when the curls would get into their eyes.
Gideon Prewett
hogwarts years 1968-1975
now gideon was the brother who was sorted into gryffindor, and you could tell why once you noticed his reckless behavior
if there was anyone the marauders looked up to, it was probably gideon prewett
he definitely helped them set up their first prank and he created such a beautiful legacy, tbh
he was on the gryffindor quidditch team, but he was a beater
the sibling rivalry was really palpable but it made the game so much more fun
like i mentioned, he was great at transfiguration but also had a knack for potions
he was terrible at herbology, though. a plastic plant could die in his care.
gideon is the older twin, but he honestly feels like the younger one sometimes just because he’s so impulsive
but he’s fiercely loyal of his family - don’t even look in their direction or so help him...
also, i forgot to mention that they’re identical twins (because that runs in families and fred and george had to get it from somewhere, right?) and they are both 5′9″ (175 cm)
the tall™ genes came from arthurs side of the family
Bertha Jorkins
hogwarts years 1968-1975
so i know that canon says bertha jorkins isn’t very bright, but i think she was in ravenclaw
i don’t have much on bertha other than she was really curious and loved to listen to gossip
if you ever wanted the good kind of gossip, you went to her because she knew it all
she had connections, y’know?
and i like to think she was creative - probably a writer of some sort, something that would make her want to be a reporter when she left hogwarts
i also think she was a pretty girl. not super gorgeous, but pretty in a more natural, soft way.
Amelia Bones
hogwarts years 1968-1975
amelia bones is the younger sister of edgar bones, and she was a hufflepuff
an athletic girl, she was the seeker for the hufflepuff quidditch team and wanted to be a professional quidditch player for a while, although she eventually turned her gaze to becoming an auror
she was a sweet girl and had a great relationship with her brother - she could sometimes be found in the ravenclaw common room rather than her own, studying with her brother because if he didn’t keep an eye on her, she wouldn’t do her transfiguration homework
she was really good at astronomy, since her brother had been teaching her about the stars since she was little, but her real interest lay in the more tangible magics
again, i like to think that her family is from italy, so she has a really big family and she’s the youngest, which makes her a little pampered, but it’s not too bad.
Sturgis Podmore
hogwarts years 1968-1975
sturgis podmore was a slytherin in hogwarts who mostly kept his head down through his hogwarts years, never really bothering anyone
he had this habit of being able to just slip into the background, no one really noticing him or anything
he was pretty good looking at 5′8″ (173 cm) with a square jaw and a soft demeanor
but again, he had the sneaky ability to just not be seen, so he wasn’t a heartthrob or anything
he was a halfblood and sympathetic to muggleborn students, often helping them in quiet ways so that he wouldn’t get singled out by certain members in his house
he joined the order of the phoenix because he hated feeling like he couldn’t help anyone or do anything that made a difference
he was a really agreeable sort of guy - kind, intelligent, talented.
he should have been the model slytherin, but he was mostly overlooked.
sturgis podmore deserved better, smh
hogwarts years 1968-1975
florence taylor was a slytherin halfblood who mostly kept to herself
she was friends with sturgis podmore and had a couple of other friends.
she was perfectly kind to others, but she could be a bit curt with acquaintances.
but with her friends, she is the most loyal and would kill for them.
she was made head girl in her seventh year due to her high intellect and generally kind demeanor
she had a secret artsy side - she loved photography and painting, and she had that kind of dark academia aesthetic in all of her work
she liked history of magic and care of magical creatures
she loves animals and is actually really sweet with them?
sturgis may have a bit of a crush on her and there might be a bit of a friends-to-lovers storyline involving the two of them
they are honestly very sweet together - he gives her his sweaters and everything.
and she kind of sucked at potions, but it’s okay because she partnered with sturgis and he absolutely kills it in that class.
they could often be found studying together in the common room, books spread out between them as they worked on the floor
she was 5′4″ ( 163 cm) and had beautiful, brown skin
oh, and she had dimples. that’s important.
Mulciber II
hogwarts years 1970-1977
this sadistic little punk.
his full name is xavier mulciber and he’s in slytherin (obviously)
the leader of his pack (w/ avery and rosier), he’s the most well spoken out of the three of them, and was the one to scout out snape and get him to join them
he was an only child and knew how to work people from a young age
he’s 6′2″ (188 cm) and it helps with his intimidation, even though he’d much rather just talk things out
he was also pretty smart, too, and knew a lot of hexes and jinxes
when he’s cornered someone, he’ll talk to them while walking in a circle, never quite making eye contact because he thinks you’re less than.
he had black hair that he slicked back and sharp, green eyes
Avery II
hogwarts years 1970-1977
punk #2, douglass avery was another slytherin crony of mulciber
now, avery is a bit more complicated
he came from one of those pureblooded slytherin homes, but he himself wasn’t super prejudiced or terrible. he was actually kind of sweet in his first five years at hogwarts.
BUT, his family found out about his muggleborn sympathies and weren’t having it. terrible stuff went down at his house, and when he came to school for his sixth year, he was just as terrible as his summer
in his fifth year he was made prefect, but it was revoked half way through his sixth year when he started becoming nasty to students
he’s 5′10″ (178 cm)
he had brown hair and sort of big, brown eyes
Evan Rosier
hogwarts years 1970-1977
and now we have punk #3, our third sadistic slytherin
now evan rosier was the traditional broad chested, strong bully who looked like he could snap you in half without breaking a sweat
standing at 5′11″ (180 cm), he was a beater on the slytherin quidditch team, and was extremely loyal to voldemort’s cause, even then
he was more aggressive than his friends when it came to negotiations, but he still deferred to Mulciber, knowing his place.
he always had his reservations about avery, and he’d pick on him since avery was objectively lower on the pecking order, but he was also aware that everyone served a purpose
not the dumb jock archetype because while he was always ready for a fight, he knew when he had to wait things out
he was blonde with blue eyes
Dirk Cresswell
hogwarts years 1971-1978
dirk cresswell was a muggleborn hufflepuff who embodied the idea of hard working
he was really talented at everything, and it honestly can be attributed to his work ethic
he was really good at potions and was frequently the partner of dorcas meadowes
they both worked really well together, and dorcas said that she wouldn’t have any other partner because no one else was half as smart and kind as dirk
he was a commentator for quidditch in his fifth year of hogwarts but said he didn’t love it too much - the sport is much funner when you can just watch
he was 5′5″ (165 cm) and was teased for being short (and a muggleborn, but that’s not the point)
he had sandy brown hair and freckles
Greta Catchlove
hogwarts years 1971-1978
greta catchlove was a ravenclaw who mostly kept a low profile during her school years
if you did see her, she was most likely sneaking into the hogwarts kitchens where she learned how to cook from the house elves
a lot of their secrets would be told when she wrote her book “charm your own cheese”
i also feel like she probably had an entire cookbook lineup - not just one about how to make cheese
anyway there’s not much to say about greta
she’s blonde and kind of short at 5′3″ (160 cm)
she was perfectly kind
hogwarts years 1971-1979
theodore farley was a half-blood slytherin who had to work rather hard to get where he was
he was quidditch captain for his last 2 years of hogwarts, and he was a beater - and a pretty good one, too
he nearly took out james a few times, but it was all in good fun 
because what is key to theodore farley is that he’s noble.
ambitious, sure, but not underhanded or sneaky. he’s the youngest out of a fairly big family, so he’s determined to prove himself, but not at the expense of what he believes
he has honor and dignity
theo was pretty strong, seeing as he’s a beater, and he stands at 5′7″ (170 cm)
he’s half brazilian and had really nice hair - you would not believe
he was very into slicking it back
he was absolutely amazing at charms and actually really enjoyed arithmancy
he struggled in potions, though, and was one time partnered with severus snape
it was horrible. he’ll never do that again.
Emmeline Vance
hogwarts years 1971-1978
emmeline vance was a ravenclaw, and a talented one at that
she was top of the class at charms and she was really good at dada, too. she was a really great spell caster and was good at dueling, too.
she’s half-veela, making her very gorgeous, but she wanted to make a name for herself outside of that beauty, y’know?
she was extremely competitive when it came to school, and she would do anything to get there
but she had a soft spot for her younger brother and would honestly do anything for him.
she was 5′9″ (175 cm) with long, blonde hair that was even more hair goals than sirius black, which is saying something.
hogwarts years 1973-1980
apolline corner was the younger sister of a few older brothers, sorted into ravenclaw
she was more of an artsy ravenclaw - she played the cello in the music class they had at hogwarts and did the art class, too, although she mostly doodled
she started doing calligraphy and she got okay at it. it didn’t last.
being a half blood, she took muggle studies as an easy class, but she ended up really liking it because it talked about some things she didn’t know or it deepened her understanding of what she already knew
plus, y’know, it helps that it was easy
she was really good in potions, too, something that her whole family was good at because her mom was a potions master and taught them all at a young age
she was absolutely terrible at astronomy for some reason, always messing up the skies by a long shot
she was 5′6″ (168 cm) and had long, black hair and brown eyes
-- taglist: @musicallisto, @babyplutoszx2, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars CXXVI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Super busy week we having but I hope you’re having fun -Danny
Words: 2,969
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Test of Patience.
"These are old, but we can fix them," Sirius handed a pair of Regulus' old robes to Erick. "Try them on, see if they fit you..."
Mel had mentioned during breakfast that Erick had decided to go back to Hogwarts, which pleased Emily a great deal. Sirius tried to hide his disappointment, yet another friend he couldn't keep around the house, but as soon as he heard Erick quietly mention he still needed to get robes since he couldn't borrow one from a bunch of Gryffindors, Sirius' spirits lifted, he dragged Erick out of the room and into his brother's.
The robes were a bit musty but they would do for a week at least, the twins joked about stealing a few from the school's laundry, but Erick blatantly refused to accept stolen items. Mrs Weasley promised she would send him the books as soon as she were at the burrow and Hermione had a few extra supplies for him to take back to school. 
It was clear that everyone in the house had adopted Erick and even though he wasn't entirely happy about it (He was having a hard time accepting that he needed their help) he did show lots of gratitude towards everyone.
As they were saying their goodbyes before leaving (they were going to take the Knightbus), she found a moment to talk to Sirius, but he was adamant to let her speak, knowing beforehand what she wanted to say.
"You go and have fun, alright?" Sirius told her. "Don't worry about us, I promise I'll take care of your mother–"
"Will you take care of yourself too?"
"Don't look at me like that, little Em," He said grimly. "Don't give me those eyes, you know I wouldn't put the Order's plans at risk..."
"You're building a family, you're doing something important," Mel held his arm tightly. "I'll never get tired of thanking you for giving my mum a second chance. Don't forget that."
"It was Mily who gave me a chance that I definitely didn't deserve," Sirius tried to joke, but his eyes were lacking their usual playfulness.
"Are you ready to leave?" Lupin patted her shoulder. 
"Please take care," Mel insisted, this time looking at both men, "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You make it sound like we're the children here," Lupin laughed. "We know what we're doing."
"I'm just making sure!"
"Alright, time to cut the nonsense," Sirius shook his head. "If I hear you're wasting your time at school worrying about us I'll send you a howler— and look after Erick... he's good."
"I know," Her eyes wandered to the boy currently smothered with attention by Emily. "I won't let him do anything stupid."
Mel hopped on the bus with the rest of her friends after receiving her own hurried kisses and hugs, she felt slightly anxious about leaving them behind. Sirius was an adult, but it didn't mean he was wise, and her mother was unable to leave the house completely.
Being excited about a baby now felt ridiculous, in the middle of everything that was happening? Sirius Black's kid? How was her mother going to explain this to the world, if she wasn't supposed to have any kind of contact with a criminal? Mel had to trust they would find a way to make it work.
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Erick's books arrived the morning after they got to the castle. Some people commented on the way his robes were old-looking, but Erick wore them with his head held high and no one dared to confront him about it.
On Monday people kept asking about the D.A. meetings, but Mel and Harry brushed them off saying they would use the galleons once the time came. Smith made a pretty nasty comment when he found out Harry was going to 'Remedial Potions', which was the way he had to refer to his Occlumency lessons.
Seconds after Smith had left, Cho Chang approached, it was the first time seeing each other ever since their kiss, and judging by Harry's attitude, he was fully aware of that.
"Oh. Hi."
"We'll be in the library, Harry," Hermione grabbed Ron by the arm and took him away.
"I, er... Fred, " Mel rushed back to the stairs. "See you!"
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"So," Fred told her one night during dinner. "Next Hogsmeade visit... I just want to know what's the plan, are we going out or..?"
The girl shrugged. "I don't see the point, we're not a real couple..."
"I guess not," He replied. "We should still go, otherwise boys will assume we're no longer together—"
"I don't really care," Mel yawned. "They can ask, but I'm not obliged to explain myself."
"Would you go if I asked you though?"
Mel snorted. "Are you going to?"
"Don't laugh, you heartless witch!" Fred threw a bean at her, but he was laughing too. "I heard Chang and Harry are going together."
"Are they?" Mel looked over to the Ravenclaw table. "That's why she cornered the idiot... wait, how do you know that?"
"News travel fast," Fred winked at her. "Are we going, then? Are we making a scene?"
"Not the one you want for sure," She raised a brow. "But it could be enjoyable... never had a real date before..."
"This is not a real date—"
"I know that, but at least others think it is," Mel paused. "Wow, that sounded really sad. I don't know... I don't need to prove a point anymore..."
"Well, that's even better! The real fun can begin!" Fred finished his dinner and stood up.
"What's that— Wait! Where are you going?" Mel stood up. "What's that supposed to mean?!"
Some students gave her a few curious looks, Angelina walked up to her.
"Practice tomorrow at seven. Don't be late."
"Practice..? Oh!" She'd forgotten all about Quidditch. "Sure. Hey, guess which broom I got—"
"A firebolt," Angelina smirked. "George told me yesterday. That's great, it means we still have a chance."
"News do travel fast around here," Mel pouted. "Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow."
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The girl hissed in pain, dropping her quill over her finished essay. 
"What's wrong?" Ron frowned. 
She closed her eyes for a moment and saw a flash of something, Harry's voice came from the back of her mind.
"What's in the Department of Mysteries?" 
Hermione and Ron stared at her. 
"It's Harry, isn't it?" Ron whispered. "That's so strange!"
Mel blinked, rubbing her forehead. 
"He's having a hard time with the lessons... maybe I should help..."
"Yeah, you should," Ron agreed. "Snape's an awful teacher— Why is he teaching Harry when Dumbledore's teaching you?"
"Maybe he doesn't want to catch Umbridge's attention," Mel shrugged, "I mean, students are used to see me in and out of the Headmaster's office, but if Harry starts to go as well Umbridge will try to see what's going on— And he's busy either way, he barely has time to teach me..."
"Are you in pain?" Hermione asked. "Maybe we should leave the library... if you start to scream—"
"No one's going to scream," Mel said defensively. "It caught me off guard! I can do this..."
She closed her eyes again, but this time she didn't try to see Harry, the girl held onto the edge of the table, breathing in and out the smell of old books and parchment, when she opened her eyes the pain was gone.
"It's over?"
"Yep," Mel smiled, continuing with her homework. 
Maybe it was that she'd talked things out with Harry and she could fully focus on the present, but she didn't have such a hard time trying to tune him out now.
"So rare..." Ron muttered in awe.
"What did you say before?" Hermione tilted her head. "About a department of mysteries?"
"Oh, did I say that out loud?" Mel frowned. "It wasn't me, Harry was talking about it with Snape, but I have no idea what that—"
"That's in the Ministry!" said Ron. "Maybe they're talking about his dreams!"
"Hmm..." Hermione said, lowering her gaze to the parchment. "It does sound like it has to do with his dreams... we'll ask him later."
When Harry found them, he was looking slightly pale.
"Are you all right, Harry?"
"Yeah... fine... I dunno— Listen... I've just realized something..."
He explained further what Mel had seen, it was part of the nightmares he'd been having for months now, and he finally knew where that place was.
"So... so, are you saying... that the weapon — the thing You-Know-Who's after — is in the Ministry of Magic?"
"In the Department of Mysteries, it's got to be. I saw that door when your dad took me down to the courtrooms for my hearing and it's definitely the same one he was guarding when the snake bit him."
"Of course," Hermione said.
"Of course what?" Ron frowned.
"Ron, think about it... Sturgis Podmore was trying to get through a door at the Ministry of Magic... It must have been that one, it's too much of a coincidence!"
"How come Sturgis was trying to break in when he's on our side?" said Ron.
"Well, I don't know," Hermione admitted. "That is a bit odd..."
"He could've been framed," Mel offered. "Maybe someone tricked him."
"So what's in the Department of Mysteries?" Harry asked. "Has your dad ever mentioned anything about it?"
"Well, that's where the Unspeakables work, you know, Mel's dream job," said Ron deep in thought. "No one really seems to know what they do in there... Weird place to have a weapon..."
"Oh, right!" Mel hit her forehead softly. "I think Mr Weasley told me about it last year!"
"It makes perfect sense," said Hermione. "It will be something top secret that the Ministry has been developing, I expect... Harry, are you sure you're all right?"
"Yeah... fine..." He was rubbing his forehead roughly. "I just feel a bit... I don't like Occlumency much..."
"I expect anyone would feel shaky if they'd had their mind attacked over and over again," said Hermione. 
"How come you're not exhausted when you practice with Dumbledore?" Harry asked her.
"We don't spend the whole hour attacking each others' minds, sometimes I just meditate, I shut down my emotions so he can't see through me, and then I try to see through him... it's not so bad, perhaps because he's patient with me. Snape's probably not doing that..."
"And how come you're not feeling my headache?"
"Oh, she felt it!" Ron said excitedly. "But she... uh— grounded?"
"That's right," Mel said proudly. "Told you I could control it, I just had to find my way around it!"
Harry nodded, looking slightly perplexed. 
"Let's get back to the common room, we'll be a bit more comfortable there..." Hermione insisted.
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"Headless Hats!" shouted George, as Fred waved a pointed hat decorated with a fluffy pink feather at the watching students. "Two Galleons each — watch Fred, now!"
Fred swept the hat onto his head, beaming. For a second he merely looked rather stupid, then both hat and head vanished.
Mel was laughing along with the rest of her housemates, she was giving out hats while Lee Jordan was receiving the money. She watched Harry walked away from the fuss in annoyed silence and Fred nudged her arm.
"What's wrong with him?"
"He had his first lesson with Snape," Mel explained. "Poor bloke, he's having the worst—"
Mel inhaled sharply and dropped the hat she was holding, she felt as if something had hit the top of her head.
"What is it?" Fred eyed her up anxiously, quickly holding her in place. 
"Call Ron," She closed her eyes tightly and tried to ground herself for the second time that day.
Ron had gone upstairs right after Harry, and once her vision cleared, she pushed Fred aside.
"I have to go..."
When she got to the door, she heard Ron desperately calling for their friend.
"Harry! HARRY!"
Harry was maniacally laughing on the floor. Ron was staring at him with wide eyes.
"Harry!" Mel called, but he didn't listen. In a desperate attempt to bring him back, she slapped him, the burning sensation on her own cheek quickly faded. Harry's voice died instantly.
"What happened?" Ron asked hoarsely.
"I... dunno..." Harry blinked, he sat up with difficulty, panting. "He's really happy... really happy..."
"You-Know-Who is?" 
"Something good's happened... Something he's been hoping for."
"Hermione told me to come and check on you," said Ron as he helped him to his feet. "Mel walked in right after me, 'Mione says your defenses will be low at the moment, after Snape's been fiddling around with your mind... Still, I suppose it'll help in the long run, won't it?"
Mel and Harry shared a look.
"Listen, I know I said I would mind my own business, but—"
"I could use some help," He admitted, his eyes never leaving hers. "I'd appreciate it if you could..."
"I can," She replied. 
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The Ministry of Magic announced late last night that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban.’
"There you are, Harry. That's why he was happy last night..." Ron muttered.
"I don't believe this... Fudge is blaming the breakout on Sirius?"
"What other options does he have? He can hardly say, 'Sorry everyone, Dumbledore warned me this might happen, the Azkaban guards have joined Lord Voldemort' — stop whimpering, Ron — 'and now Voldemort's worst supporters have broken out too.' I mean, he's spent a good six months telling everyone you and the Dumbledores are liars, hasn't he?" 
"What an idiot," Mel sighed. "This is bad. This is worse than bad... Poor Neville..."
She looked around the table, the boy didn't look sad that morning, and it occurred to her that maybe not all the students read the newspaper every morning, but some definitely did, she confirmed as much when the watch in her pocket warmed up, letting her know Erick had arranged a meeting.
"Oh my —" Hermione gasped.
"What now?" Harry groaned.
"It's... horrible," said Hermione.
Mel took the newspaper and the boys leaned closer to read along.
St. Mungo's Hospital promised a full inquiry last night after Ministry of Magic worker Broderick Bode, 49, was discovered dead in his bed, strangled by a potted-plant...’
"Bode..." said Ron. "Bode. It rings a bell..."
"We saw him. In St. Mungo's, remember? He was in the bed opposite Lockhart's, just lying there, staring at the ceiling. And we saw the Devil's Snare arrive. She — the Healer — said it was a Christmas present..."
"How come we didn't recognize Devil's Snare..? We've seen it before... we could've stopped this from happening..."
"Who expects Devil's Snare to turn up in a hospital disguised as a potted plant?" said Ron defensively. "It's not our fault, whoever sent it to the bloke is to blame! They must be a real prat, why didn't they check what they were buying?" 
"Besides we were focused on Neville's parents," Mel lamented. "We didn't notice anything else... But I doubt that was an accident."
"I don't think anyone could put Devil's Snare in a pot and not realize it tries to kill whoever touches it?" Hermione agreed. "This — this was murder... A clever murder, as well... If the plant was sent anonymously, how's anyone ever going to find out who did it?" 
"I met Bode!" Harry said after a moment. "I saw him at the Ministry with your dad..."
"I've heard Dad talk about him at home!" Ron gaped. "He was an Unspeakable — he worked in the Department of Mysteries!"
"Holy fuck," Mel breathed, leaning back on her seat and pushing the hair out of her face. "This is terrible."
"Where are you going?" Ron inquired as Hermione leapt to her feet.
"To send a letter— It... well, I don't know whether... but it's worth trying... and I'm the only one who can..." She left without ending her sentence.
"I hate it when she does that," Ron rolled his eyes. 
"Yeah, it's a bit exasperating, but we'll find out eventually," Mel said gloomily as they got up and made their way out of the Great Hall.
"Would it kill her to tell us what she's up to for once? It'd take her about ten more seconds — hey, Hagrid!" 
"All righ', you three?" 
"Blimey, Hagrid, have you been fighting with Dragons?" Ron elbowed her ribs harshly to shut her up.
"Are you okay, Hagrid?" asked Harry.
"Fine, fine," said Hagrid nervously. "Jus' busy, yeh know, usual stuff— lessons ter prepare — couple o' salamanders got scale rot — an' I'm on probation..." 
"You're on probation?" Ron yelled in outrage, it was Mel's turn to nudge his ribs. "Oof! Sorry — I mean — you're on probation?" He asked again, lower this time.
"Yeah. 'S'no more'n I expected, ter tell yeh the truth. Yeh migh' not've picked up on it, bu' that inspection didn' go too well, yeh know... anyway... Bes' go an rub a bit more chili powder on them salamanders or their tails'll be hangin' off 'em next. See yeh..."
"Probation," Mel said through gritted teeth. "I'll give her probation..."
When she arrived at the library (alone, because Hermione was busy with homework as well as Ron and Harry) she noticed Erick standing next to their usual table.
"You read the Prophet?" Mel asked him. "I can't believe it! And Hagrid's on probation now, I swear things can't get any messier..."
"They can," Erick grimaced. 
Mel noticed someone was sitting behind him. Her eyes widened at the sight and she stumbled back, stopping when her back hit a chair. Daphne Greengrass stood up giving her a very grave look.
"Evening, Miss Dumbledore."
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Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight @omiwashere @t-rexs-world​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​ @21bruhs @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @dielgonacoffee​
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accio-kitty-malfoy · 4 years
New Fic
So, I got inspiration and started writing. It doesn’t have a title yet and the first chapter is relatively short, but I think I like the direction it’s taking itself in.
Please give me honest feedback. If I have written anything that you deem problematic please let me know and give me ways I can change it to improve it.
Rain pattered against the window. The sun had been blazing for two weeks without reprieve and everyone and The Burrow had been begging for even a small amount of rain or cool air. Mr Weasley was worried that his carrots, potatoes and rhubarb were going to shrivel up and his crop would be ruined, despite the watering charms he had put on them (he insisted that natural water was always better). Mrs Weasley was fretting about the heat ruining the cake she’d been painstakingly making for Ron and Hermione’s wedding and she swore that she was certain she’d seen one of the chickens faint. Hermione’s lists were practically disintegrating when touched and Ron had managed to get the worst sunburn Harry had ever seen. Ginny had been trying to practice for the Holyhead Harpies try-outs, but the ground had become hard and uncooperative and her hand were covered in blisters. Explosions and swearing could be heard frequently from the shed that George had built to start re-working on the Wheezes’ products, but he was adamant that the heat was making the magic temperamental. Harry helped everyone where he could, and it kept him busy.
 He was helping Ginny train when the rain came. He felt one drop at first, then another, and another. Then there was a torrential downpour and both him and Ginny stood where them were, shocked. The ground soon turned slippery with sludge and they both took the rare opportunity to let their inner child take over and they began pushing each other into the mud. When their sides ached from laughing and Ginny’s hair was brown from the mud, they went back inside. Harry had gratefully accepted a cup of tea and small plate of biscuits off Molly after a quick shower and Ginny had gone for a long soak in the bath that Harry had put on to run.
 The last few years had been hard. The war had ended, and they’d all grieved in their own ways. Molly had tried to keep everyone as close to her as possible. She had cried for days when Fleur and Bill had moved back to the cottage; believing that they were abandoning her. After a while she began to understand that they needed their space to heal and to try and be a married couple again. Ron and Hermione decided to stay at the Burrow under the condition that when they were married, they would move out. They’d been planning and building a small bungalow not far from The Burrow. Hermione and Ron had done the planning (Ron had drawn it all out) and they’d had help with the building from Dean and Seamus who had formed a construction business, gotten married to one another and adopted an ex racing Greyhound called Noodle. Neville had designed and planted a garden and small orchard.
 Charlie had stayed at The Burrow for the first year, then he’d gone back to Romania to begin rebuilding the Dragon Sanctuary. It had taken George the previous three years to heal enough to begin working on the Wheezes’ products again. He’d been dating Angelina for a year and he split his time between The Burrow and her flat in London. Harry had graciously accepted Molly’s offer to live with them at The Burrow. Technically he was the owner of both Grimmauld place and Godric’s Hollow, but he just didn’t have the drive to fix either of them up or face the memories that they held. Ginny and Harry had tried being a couple again for a while after the war, but they came to the realisation that they just weren’t right for one another. They loved each other, but they were not in love. Ginny devoted her time and passion to Quidditch, and she was better than Harry could ever have hoped to have been.
 The rain slowed steadily as Harry finished his cup of tea, nestled in the reading nook by the bay windows in the front room. He flicked his eyes to the door as Hermione walked into the room. She let him know that Molly was putting the food out on the table for dinner, then went to find everyone else. Ron was already in the kitchen, helping Molly set the table. He’d grown very fond of cooking after leaving Hogwarts and it was something that he loved doing alongside his mother. They’d made a pea and mint soup with fresh bread and pavlova with home grown berries for after. The family emerged from where they’d been working and relaxing and filed into the kitchen. They’d finally extended it using plans that Ron had drawn up the summer before. It made it much easier to fit everyone in and gave Molly more space to cook. It also had a magically enhanced pantry that kept each item of food in the specific conditions it needed to be in. The table and benches extended or shrunk depending on how many people needed to sit on it and spills magically disappeared. It was also fire resistant, which came in handy when Dean and Seamus stayed with them for a couple of months while their house was being finished.
 Ginny was the last person to enter the kitchen. She was wearing A tank top and shorts; her muscles twisting and tensing as she moved. Her waist length red hair was scraped back into a messy bun that flopped as she plopped herself down onto the bench next to Harry.
“Thanks for the muscle potion in the bath, my shoulders were killing me” She smiled at him before hungrily tearing off a chunk of bread and dunking it into the bright green soup. Harry smiled back and followed suit. The conversation flowed easily between the family. Ron and Hermione updated Molly about the finalisations of the wedding that was going to be held in three days’ time. Fleur and Bill were expected the next day and other guests would be arriving in the days after. Charlie was arriving late that evening due to an appointment he had that day. Arthur was thrilled that his garden had had a good watering and George was telling him about the breakthrough he’d had with a few of his products that day.
 After dinner Harry made himself another tea and went and sat outside. He was happy. He was at peace. But he knew that he would have to do something soon. He was growing bored of his nice existence. He knew he would have to get a job at some point and decide where he wanted to live. He had the choice of two inherited houses, or he could easily afford a flat, or even get Ron to draw up some plans for Dean and Seamus to build him a house. It was something to consider in the future. He knew that he couldn’t live off his inheritance and Molly’s kindness his whole life. He sighed and leaned back, cradling his tea between his hands. Ginny’s voice came from behind a nearby tree.
“You going to drink that, Potter, or just cradle it until it goes cold like you usually do?” She smirked and sat next to him. “Harry?” He looked up into her face. She looked apprehensive and took a deep breath. “I need you to do me a favour.”
“Sure, Gin, what is it?” His brow furrowed slightly, concern edging in.
“First I need to tell you something.” She sucked in another breath as if to steady the words that she was just about to say. “I’m not a girl. Harry, I think I’m non-binary. Or gender fluid. I haven’t quite figured it out yet.” Ginny dropped their eyes downwards and swallowed.
“Okay Gin,” Harry replied, “So what’s the favour?”
“I want you to cut my hair short. You’ve cut everyone’s hair in this house and it always looks awesome. Even Hermione’s, and you know she’s very particular about her hair, especially after the hairdresser that ‘specialised in black people’s hair’ messed it up so bad. I never thought she’d let anyone touch it ever again.”
“’Course I will Gin. How do you want it? We can have so much fun with it!” Harry could feel the excitement tingling at him.
“I’ll sleep on it. I want something edgy and awesome. Maybe some kind of quiff.” And they said that, they laid their head on Harry’s shoulder, contemplating different hair styles. He wrapped his arm around their waist and sipped at his tea. It was cold.
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nicnacsnonsense · 5 years
2019 Fanfiction Round-Up
I compiled a list of every piece of fanfiction I posted this year (and we are doing this semiannual or quarterly going forward because this took a long time to put together). I wrote and posted a grand total of 139k this year, which isn’t my best, but not bad, Below is the list, I’ve grouped it by fandom and sent WIPs to the bottom of their group, but it’s otherwise listed in order of most recently updated.
Good Omens
Anathema Enchanted (G, 1503 words) – Ella Enchanted AU prologue, with Crowley as Mandy, Aziraphale as Lucinda and baby Anathema as Ella
How Crowley Failed to Steal Christmas (G, 6521) & How Max Saved Christmas (G, 2572) – Grinch AU based on the TV special with Crowley as the Grinch and Aziraphale as an adult Cindy Lou Who. The first fic is Aziraphale POV and the second is a companion piece from the POV of Crowley’s cat Max
Ever Ever After (G, 912) – Enchanted AU Aziraphale as Prince Edward and Crowley as Nancy (the disposable fiancée), depicts that scene at the end when Edward slips the shoe on Nancy’s foot and they run away together
As I Have Cherished You (G, 2178) – Postcanon, God visits Crowley and Aziraphale in South Downs, mostly to be loving and validating.
Questions of Faith (G, 804) – Reverse Omens Crowley character study
Ain’t Going to Face No Defeat (G, 20k) – Canon Divergence, Warlock gets a kitten then goes on an adventure to find Nanny and Brother Francis and probably help avert the Apocalypse while he’s at it. Sometimes a family is an angel, a demon, a fake antichrist and a Sister Cat
Dumbasaur, More Like (G, 792) – Drunk, college-age Warlock calls Crowley to ask him a question about dinosaurs
I Remember (G, 6378) – The exact Crowley and Aziraphale knew each other in Heaven fic I wanted, so I had to write it myself. They were in love in Heaven, Aziraphale remembers but doesn’t recognize Crowley, Crowley remembers and recognizes Aziraphale, but doesn’t know how to tell him. Spans from pre-Fall to post-canon. Much angst, happy ending.
Falling/Flying (G, 1136) – The moments when Crowley and Aziraphale each fell/realized they were in love
For the First Time in Forever (WIP, T, currently 9k) – Frozen AU, Aziraphale(Elsa) and Crowley(Anna) are princes of Arendelle and the Southern Isles respectively. They were engaged to be married and spent a lot of time together as kids, but after the accident with Aziraphale’s ice powers the engagement is called off and they don’t see each other again until Aziraphale’s coronation. Also features Beelzebub as Hans and Anathema and Newt together as Kristoff
Something’s Starting Right Now (WIP, T, currently 21k) – The Little Mermaid AU Crowley as the prince and Aziraphale as the merman. While this story pulls from a lot of versions of The Little Mermaid, it is definitely my own take on the story
Why Don’t You and I Combine? (WIP, T, currently 7.7k) – Parent Trap AU with Aziraphale as the dad, genderqueer Crowley as mom and Adam and Warlock as the twins. No, they are not identical twin. Yes, I do have a plan for that
 Princess Tutu
An Ineffable Pas de Deux (G, 2348) – Good Omens AU “You can stay at my place” with Fakir as Crowley and Duck as Aziraphale
 My Hero Academia
The Best Day (G, 6744) – AU where Izuku is only four when All Might saves him from the slime villain. Chock full of wholesome Dad Might fluff
What You Make of It (G, 3313) – Preinjury All Might gives a statement that he approves of the idea of quirkless people being allowed into the Hero course at UA. This gives Izuku the confidence to take the entrance exam quirkless.  Also some bonus Class 1-A shenanigans
 Gravity Falls
Any Family You Choose (WIP, T, currently 15k) – Portal Relativity Falls Grunkle Dipper runs into homeless teen Stan and basically adopts the kid
 Harry Potter
they’ll turn out to be heroes (G, 5829) – vignette series where instead of Mrs. Figg, Remus Lupin is the one to move into the house on Wisteria Walk to keep an eye on Harry
The Stinging Habits of the Western Honey Bee (g, 26k), A Year in the Office of Albus Dumbledore (G, 32k), & The Very Belated Trial of Sirius Black (G, 22k) – (Okay I’m cheating a little, since Stinging Habits was actually completed long before this year, but it’s the first in this series) Canon divergent AU where Snape delivers Harry’s Hogwarts letter. Generally speaking the series contains adults being responsible adults allowing the children to be children.  It also involves a lot of me trying to make sense out of things that don’t really but you never noticed because Harry doesn’t think about things too hard mostly. The first fic is alternating Harry and Snape POV and covers from July 30th to Sorting. Explores how a different first impression leads Harry and Snape to developing a mentor/mentee relationship. The second is from the POV of flawed but good person Dumbledore, covering the events of PS and the efforts to rectify Harry’s home situation. The third is Lupin POV and covers COS and, as the title suggests, Sirius Black getting an actual trial for the crimes he’s accused of. By the end of the series Harry is a happy person with a wealth of paternal figures, none of whom are dead (unless you count James).
Sunlight (In the Empty Corners of My Mind) (G, 7891) – Angstshipping, post-canon Bakura goes to visit Marik in Egypt and my boys talk through their trauma and work on healing
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Challenge for you: Dark wizard Harry Potter that is good.
“Go to the park” is the first thing out of Uncle Vernon’s mouth when Harry is dragged from his cupboard by the arm. The grip is painful as he is hurled up like a rag doll.  He was being punished after accidentally burning the bacon today, left for almost a full day in the small space.
Disorientated he doesn’t get the reason why he’s being sent out other than, Aunt Petunia fretting about some rich family coming over for dinner. The man who bought it had that just bought the company Uncle Vernon works for and who had personally taken a liking to his uncle during his tour of the workplace.
Harry stumbles out of the house, into the bright light, walking towards the park blinking his eyes. He hates how his stomach growls in agony, he hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning. The sun says it’s late afternoon, soon the sun would be setting and his hunger leaves him in a murderous mood. 
He tries not to grab anyone’s attention as he scurries to the park but he can’t help the curl of his lip as one of the neighbors looks at him and locks her car doors stopping to stare at him from within her auto with a look of disdain.
As if Harry couldn’t see her through her windows. 
He ignores her, running all the way to the park. It seems no one is there, as everyone had gone home to a safe warm place which means he can relax for a little while. 
There he finds a nice place to sit, right under the slide, and plops down. He wasn’t told what time to come back but he knows they will only care if someone saw him out and about- least they think the Dursleys be anything but perfect guardians-  so late at night and he is going to attempt to return around twelve am or one am. 
Hopefully, by then the rich family will be long gone. 
Harry has a few hours to kill, so he settles for playing the sand. He first gathers it up in his hands trying his best to ignore the ache in his stomach as he creates mountains out of them. Eventually, when he has a nice pile he gets bored of just throwing sand on top of the sand and started to gather little stones to use as makeshift dolls of people.
Maybe it was the mood he was in or maybe Harry just wanted someone many to feel the slight pain he was in because his mind took a twisted turn, as he created an island where the stones killed one of the other stones in cruel ways.
“For being too Fat you small elephant” Harry hisses to the roundest one imagining Dudley as he presses it into the tip of his sand mount watching the way it sinks with bright eyes  “Burn in the volcano and let them hear your screams for all eternity! You will have the mercy of dying quickly. Your father will starved and stuff into a small box until he rots!”
“My what devilish imagination you have. ” Someone says causing Harry to jump in fright. Standing next to the slide is a man in a tux, smoking a cigar and while smiling in an oddly friendly way.  “I do love the hissing. Is that Parseltongue or just angry noises?��
 Harry blinks at him “What?”
The man’s smile grows  “Parseltongue my dear boy! I haven’t heard it in years, not since they dragged off great-great-great-uncle Cobra. That man didn’t stop hissing till his beheading. An honorable man who truly follow our ”
“I’m sorry sir, I don’t know what Parseltongue is.” Harry says wondering if this was one of those strange men that kidnapped children from parks like he’s heard other mothers warn their kids about. He does ‘t have any proper weapons on him to defend himself but Harry still reaches for the broke plastic knife he found and had been using as a mayor for his murder island.  
The man’s eyebrows raise drawing away from his cigar from his mouth with bewilderment. “Why the language of snakes dear boy. Only a few could speak it, that of the Slytherin house but they were dear friends of our family, and Uncle Cobra was a very close friend with one of their heirs who taught him a few phrases. Surely your parents told you?”
“I...” Harry swallows a new ache springing to life in him  “I never met my parents. They died when I was young in a car accident.”
“Ah.” The man nods his head sadly  “My parents died as well. A terrible accident.”
“Did they die in an auto car too?”
“No, a angry mob did them in. I miss them dearly” 
Harry doesn’t know what to say to that. “I’m sorry you lost them.”
The man smiles  “Thank you, young man. But family is never lost even when they are no longer living. Their ghosts haunt my nightmares every night.”
The way he said that was warm and wishful as if the idea of his parents haunting his nightmares was a comfort. Harry felt his skin crawl. “I should be going-”
His stomach chooses then to make itself known but growling loudly. The dark hair child blushes deeply, pressing his hands over it and looking down in shame. 
“A ghastly beast you have in there. Have you feed the demon in you today?” The man asks stocking his mustache with...a knife? Yes, that was a knife. 
“um...no sir.” 
“Well, then we can’t have that. How are you to grow into a proper killer if you do not eat regularly? Come my boy, we shall find some decent food for you.” The man nods his head to the street that has a fast-food restaurant still open. Harry’s mouth waters.
“I can’t... I shouldn’t talk to strangers.” He says trying to stay strong and remember he should go with strangers. This could be a killer! But he is so hungry...
“You are absolutely right. Forgive this old man for forgetting his manners. I haven’t even asked for your name.”  The stranger says with great shame looking genuinely troubled by his mannerism. His smile has fallen from his face and he looks like a kicked puppy.
Green eyes swing up to lock with dark ones, hunching his shoulders a bit but not wanting him to feel bad Harry hurries to assure him. “That’s alright. I’m Harry Potter.”
“Oh? You are the nephew! Why I just had dinner with your Uncle Vernon. Mr. Potter, they said you are deranged.” The man says derange the same way one would say utterly brilliant and Harry isn’t sure if he should be insulted or warm at the tone of voice.  “I do believe you would get on quite well with my children. They are demons worst than your wildest nightmares. I’m quite proud.”
The man holds out a hand.  “I am Gomez Adams. It’s a pleasure, Mr. Potter.”
Harry was right, he never went back to the Durselys after following Mr. Adams. It was the best thing that ever happened to him. 
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leah-halliwell92 · 5 years
Of Hedgehogs and Spiders
Summary: Your brother, Sam, means well but can be an idiot. He works along side Jim ‘Miami’ Beach. When he over does when it comes to planning, you found yourself housing Adam Lambert and Queen for more than “a day at most sis”.  All would have been fine, and you prepared, if Sam had told you to expect people over. Now how on Earth are you supposed to explain away having a ferret, hedgehog, Burmese python and a dog to three strangers?
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You were opening the door to your house near London surprised to find that not only was the door unlocked but people talking in the kitchen.
“Seriously Bri,” one voice said annoyedly, “You see one hedgehog and you go nuts.”
“And the ferret, and the dog and the snake,” another voice said as if listing thing off.
You make your way into your home and gasp at the sight of Queen and Adam Lambert in your kitchen.
“I know that look,” Adam said, “Sam didn’t tell you anything did he?”
“Tell me what?” You say confused.
“That bookings are shit,” Adam said.
“No…” you say before giving them an unladylike snort and say, “More like, Sam over did it with the scheduling. For God’s sake Sam you know not to do anything this stupid.”
“By the sounds of your earlier you seem to have lost one,” You say and put your bag down.
“What do you mean by ‘over schedule’?” Roger asked.
“These next two to three months are a mix of work and family,” you explained as you put a large griddle on the stovetop, “He probably thought it was a good idea to mix his work planner and family planner together…”
“And he’s not lost…just in a bit of a tight situation,” Adam laughed.
You turn around and find a familiar head of curls carrying your hedgehog, Watson and Freddie the ferret each in one hand while your Burmese python, Sev hung on around his neck.
You thought the guitarist looked more than a little adorable and at home with your critters on him.
“He hasn’t met Aragog yet,” you say holding back a laugh as Severus made himself at home as he put his head on Brian’s shoulder, adjusting your grip on the covered small terrarium.
“Aragog?” Adam asked curiously.
Roger looked on in curious interest as you put said terrarium on the kitchen island to reveal a Brazilian black tarantula.
It was then that all hell broke loose.
Roger looked like if he climb atop your back counter he would have at the sight of Aragog while Adam’s eyes lit up at the sight of the pitch black arachnid.
Adam went around the island to stand next to you and take a closer look at Aragog.
“Don’t go near it!” Roger said as he pressed his back onto the back counter.
“I’ve heard of certain spiders being good pets,” Adam said conversationally emphasizing the word pets before continuing on, “Plus it has to be true by the nature of Aragog on her hand. What’s it’s scientific name if I may ask?”
“Her scientific name is Grammostola pulchra,” you say taking Aragog out of the small terrarium.
“Don’t take her out!” Roger said before taking a deep breath to at least try to calm down.
You turned to see Brian looking intently at you as you handled the tarantula.
“Harry Potter fan?” Brian asked letting Watson and Freddie onto the kitchen island.
You nod with a smile as Aragog curled up on your hand.
“Vet day so she’s tired,” you say putting her back in the terrarium, “She’ll say hello after a rest.”
“No she bloody well won’t,” Roger grumbled as he cautiously approached you.
Brian nodded still starring at you as you took care with Aragog. He looked up to see Roger looking as if he would jump on the ceiling like a cat if he could and Adam laughing as Roger tried to look tough, and failing miserably.
You chuckled along as you took the terrarium to put Aragog back in her enclosure.
“Watson needs a bath,” you say nodding to the hedgehog.
Brian’s eyes brightened at that and went to pick him up.
“But,” you interrupted with a laugh, “Sev and Fred are nosy buggers and will try to share the bath with their hedgehog bother so Sev will need to go into his enclosure. He is also is due for his meal.”
Adam and Roger swallowed thickly at that but looked curious at the prospect of seeing a snake eat anything.
Brian’s eyes widened at that and nodded picking Watson and Freddie up to put them back in their respective enclosures.
“You lot can follow me if you want,” you say as you start making your way to your studio/animal room.
You stopped to make sure the lid on Aragog’s to-go enclosure was secured.
“Out of curiosity, what are you going to feed him?” Adam asked curiously as he ran a finger down Sev’s back where he hung on Brian’s shoulder.
“There’s a farmer not far from here that freezes the rabbits that die of natural causes and sends them over,” you explain walking into what is your studio/animal room, “I feed him once every two weeks, this is good for his growth rate because its just where it needs to be along with his actual body weight, because believe it or not there is such a thing as an over weight snake. Well there's that and then there’s owners that power feed their snakes to get them big in half the time. But the thing with power feeding, the snake grows faster but cuts its life dramatically short.”
Brian nodded at this and followed you into the room nearly gasping at the sight that greeted him.
Drawings and paintings alike littered the walls bar the desk which had three empty mason jars, two for water and the last one holds a variety of brushes.
“Sorry for the mess,” you say as you put Aragog back in her enclosure.
Brian walked to you and helped you put Watson and Freddie in their respective homes before reaching for Sev.
“Thanks,” you say with a gentle smile as you put Sev back in his own home, “Now I need to feed Murdoc.”
“Is he another spider?” Adam asked excitedly.
You laughed and shook your head before going to a sectioned off corner of your studio by your drawing desk to pick up a black puppy.
“This is Murdoc,” you say introducing the yawing pup to the three new people in the room, “He was given to me to adopt by a friend who just closed what he calls an elite puppy mill.”
“What was so serious about this one versus a ‘normal one’?” Brian asked showing the pup his hand to sniff before petting him.
“This one bred huskies mixed with pure wolf,” you say before giving a paw a kiss, “Murdoc is a black wolf/husky and the runt of a litter of three that were already sold off. So I’ve been told momma had to be put down just because she was so out of it when my friend found the mill.”
They gents nodded in understanding and gave the pup a pat.
“He’s going to be a big boy isn’t he,” Roger said with a laugh.
You smile and nod.
“The mess is also because there’s a spare room that's for them so I can have this space for myself,” you say with a laugh.
Brian nodded in understanding and said, “If you need help with anything while bathing Watson, is it?” 
You nod.
“We can help if and when you need,” Roger filled in with a nodding Adam next to him. 
You nod and thank them and get to work mentally thanking Sam for jumping the gun this time because you knew you’d found friends in these men.
Don’t forget to like, reblog and leave feedback!!! All are appreciated. ❤️ 
Tag List: @pansexualqueendarling, @queenattheopera, @brianandthemays, @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever, @ramibaby, @captain--americanna, @awkwardangelshezza, @avengerraven1023, @danamaleksworld, @pastywhiteperson, @readinghorn, @i-was-born-like-this, @redspecialstardust, @reedusteinrambles, @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives, @readinghorn, @subbysharkbabe, @capan-devereaux, @bowieandqueen11, @bellamy1998, @reedusteinrambles, @simply-sams-things, @sincereleygmg, @bleu-jean-baby, @brian-mayonnaise, @0hour9am, @toomuchtellyneck, @kimanne723, @sincereleygmg, @kyleetheeditor, @glamrockmonarch, @rawyld, @queensdivas, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
that Slytherin au
So remember that post a while back where I had a harry potter au for one piece where all the Strawhats were in slytherin due to their strong ambition present at an early age to achieve their dreams? No? well here it is anyway lol
Check out this post for some more reasoning behind the idea – note that I do headcanon some characters to not be slytherin, but for the sake of this au and the actual technicalities of the Sorting Hat theyre in Slytherin.
Here we go!
AU will start off with Luffy as a first year, and all canon age differences, meaning Usopp is in his grade, Nami’s one year older than them, Sanji and Zoro above her, and the rest Adults!
Save for Chopper – a special case, a mythical creature raised as human by Hiruluk in the northern mountain range. He looks somewhat more human than canon but is definitely a reindeer. When Hiruluk died and he was given to the care of Kureha, she sent him to Hogwarts (after a few years of learning from her) due to his wish to know more. He was accepted as a political ploy as an olive branch to other magical creatures – ‘ we accept you!’. He doesn’t care. He might be furry but he’s here to learn and be the best healer ever!!! Hence, Slytherin, the boys got ambition and needs some powerful families to back him up! He is in Luffy’s grade, even though he’s younger (technically)
The biggest reason for the Strawhats to be in this House is because of their ambition - but there are other reasons too!
Sanji is from a family of Gryffindors – heroes who are anything but. He wants to be the exact opposite of them in any way he can. When Zeff adopts him, he unlearns his family taught prejudices against Slytherins and when he goes to Hogwarts, tells the sorting hat in no uncertain terms that he wants to be in Slytherin.
Nami herself is cunning, and I would place her in Slytherin even if this wasn’t a Slytherin Au. She’s the perfect slytherin down to the T except for one thing – she doesn’t know her magical origin, as she was adopted at a young age. She gets a lot of shit for that, which she gives right back, as well as taking some money along the way! She also doesn’t fall in with the Magic is Superior ideology that many of her peers have – magic didn’t save her town, or Bell-mere, or her orange trees, magic isn’t superior. Magic is a tool to her, not a way of life, and science can help a lot! For instance, she made the Climatact Spell Set, with help from Usopp, which combines her knowledge of weather patterns, the environment, brief weather spells, and heat and cool manipulation spells, to create weather based attacks. For instance – it takes a lot of energy to summon and sustain/direct a storm… but if Nami can create one with use of low power cooling/heating spells and the environment – she can do a lot.
-      More Below!
A zoro that is Cursed to always be lost is something that I’ve seen often and Im HERE FOR IT! If someone could direct me to the original creator of that headcanon I would love to credit them for it! To Be Clear AGAIN this idea is not mine, but I want to credit whoever’s it is because I love it. 
 That aside, Zoro is like Nami in that he doesn’t know his magical heritage. However, as a child he got the misguided idea that more wand equals more power, which he somehow manages to make actually work. Thus, Zoro has three wands, each with powerful beginnings. Im thinking powerful dragon heartstrings core for one wand, Thestral for Kitetsu, and  Rougarou hair for the last sword – Zoro’s a bloodthirsty kid and he needs some bloodthirsty wands :/
 Usopp’s a halfblood! He’s kinda scared of Hogwarts as his magical parent (Yasopp) has kinda been outta the picture for the most part, but he’s ready for this!! As soon as the kid practically vibrating with excitement to his left doesn’t explode. Usopp originally desired to be part of Gryffindor – house of the Brave, right? But after talking to Luffy, he’s not so sure.  He wants to be his own hero – all on his own, not because he part of the hero, brave house. When Luffy is sorted before him into Slytherin, Usopp makes the descsion to follow him, and follow his goal. He’ll show the world he can be the best!!
He grows to be really good at herbology and potions – an odd mix, but you know whats odder? Mixing the two to chuck at people for pranks then turning it into your fighting style. Go Usopp!
Brook’s a cursed ghost – he’s bound to his living body, but the body’s just bones and bones lol. He makes it work – people know him first as the Soul King after all! He can barely remember his school days, but hes vaguely sure he was in slytherin – he remembers many parties held in dungeons, looking out to the lake for sightings of a curious aquatic beast (Laboon!)
Franky’s still a shipwright, but of ~magic~ ships. His brother’s ships are better known, but his are more sought after by… certain people (more on that later.) When he was a kid, he walked straight into Hogwarts, looked for the table that had the people who would buy his stuff, and told the sorting hat he wanted to go there. Later, he runs more with the Gryffindor crowd, regretting his choice, but when he makes friends with a first Year who tells him where to find some Adam Wood in the Forbidden Forest, he stops regretting it so much.
Robin has a very shady past, and she’s only at Hogwarts for a year before disappearing into the world. She has an odd type of magic, somewhat like pareseltoungue, that allows her to read coded and ancient languages with some studying (our girl still puts in a lot of effort though!) She reappears many years later during Luffy’s first (possibly second) year, and becomes the new history teacher (sorry professor Binns!) People find her scary and suspicious, but Luffy likes to talk to her after class, when she tells him history more like a story than a lesson! She’s very good at duplication magic.
 LUFFY. This boy. Where to start – he’s from a pureblood family, not that he cares, and has some serious magic talent – which he plans on using to travel the world and find the mysterious One Piece – a fabled artifact said to have one’s wishes granted. Luffy wants it to be free (his home life with Garp isn’t very good.) He has a couple famous brothers who have been through Hogwarts – Ace and Sabo, both Gryffindors and pretty big shots around Campus. No one knew they were brothers til Luffy busted into Gryfindor Dorms one night and looked for them. Luffy is exetremly good with nonverbal magic (something in this universe that will be elaborated on, as it features into Nami’s magic as well), not so much with verbal as the pronunciation trips him up. Potions is also hard and if it were not a required class he’d have been kicked out.
Will touch on Jimbe later once I figure him out
Now. Perhaps you are wondering – why do a bunch of kids have developed fighting abilities? Well – take a look at the plot.
This takes place not only in a Harry Potter setting, but in Harry’s own world as well. Meaning – Voldemort is rising, Harry’s still the chosen one, yadda yadda yadda. But do you honestly think that Voldemort is the only magical evil? That there isn’t a magical underworld not involved with his horrible schemes?
Cause there is one – and Luffy and crew are neck deep in it. While Harry and co. are off fighting Voldemort, Luffy is ‘sneaking’ around fighting big time criminals.
Imagine – this eleven year old child comes up to you, a big mob boss, and absolutely destroys you. That’s Luffy.
Underage Magic? You think Garp, head of something or other in the Ministry of Magic, is going to stop that from training his criminal grandsons to be the best Aurors they can be? He knows how to undo the spell (there must be something at Hogwarts that blocks the ministry from being informed of spell use during the school year!) and Luffy has been casting magic like it was second nature since he was real young. He’s taught it to his friends too!
 So plotwise, its basically the school reacting to the Straw Hats, who don’t seem to be friends but are, the odd noticings of what their doing while Canon plot goes on, and the inevitable suspicion from Harry.
But oh? What about the ship thing? What’s Franky Doing with that?
 Luffy is forever a pirate – and the sea is one magical thing I have yet to be seen explored in the Harry Potter Universe. Therefore – free realestate!!! Luffy’s going to be a magic pirate when he grows up, he’s been telling everyone this since he first met Shanks,  and maybe no one believes him now but it’ll happen! Magic Pirates!! Yay!!!
That’s all I have for now, so send me questions if you have any! I might make this into (another) drabble series, or maybe just one big one shot. We’ll see!!!
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durzarya · 5 years
HP x Good Omens crossover part 1
So I've been talking with one of my friends and somehow this came up. And yes I needed to split this up, because it's way too long already
So the demons bring up the Antichrist, and it's the early hours of 1st of August, and every witch and wizard can feel his power
Voldemort was planning to attack the Potters on Halloween, because it's an important day full with dark magic, but then there is this power and the Potter kid just turned a year and one day old, and that's an important milestone too
So he attacks, and everything is the same just a few months early, the Potters die, and Harry lives because of his mother's sacrifice and he is taken to live with his aunt
And Crowley? He is late. He is late, stuck between two traffic jams so he only arrives to the cemetery an hour later
He takes the Antichrist, receives his instructions, and decides he needs a little time to calm down, so he steers the car towards Surrey, it's okay, because both Harriet and Dierdre are having a hard time, so everything is in order, he knows he has time
He arrives to the privet drive just as the wizards apparete away, and he is driving so slow, because there is the most important baby in the universe on his backseat, he can't have an accident now!
That's why he sees the baby sleeping front of the door, and he is a demon and he can't imagine how cruel you can be to leave a kid out for the night
So before he has time to think he is out of the car and grabbing the kid, and knocking on the door
The people living there are cruel and soon enough he miracles them only knowing that Crowley took the kid, they will say this with such stubbornness that no one will ask questions about it
He knows this, a little one isn't the first baby he ever took, he have been stealing them from heaven since Noah, this is so much easier
He takes Harry, and now he has to hurry because the Antichrist is a ticking time bomb and it needs to be delivered
He hands it over to the delighted nun and oh, she is right, it's cute, he is cute, and suddenly he is stuck with the overwhelming desire to stop all this, the world ending, the baby swapping, he just wants to live his live on earth like he always did
And... He has been stealing children from heaven for thousands of years now, he just took one from humans, so maybe it's time to take one of hell's too
When he decided it's so easy, few possession and memory alterations and now everyone thinks it's done, but actually all the kids are with their birth parents
He takes the Antichrist, telling the nuns he is the third baby, and that he will take care of him
When Aziraphale opens his door and finds Crowley there he can't find his voice at first, at least until Crowley starts to ramble
"Angel, I took the Antichrist! What do I do?" " I can see that dear, but where did the other child come from?"  
They read Dumbledore's letter, and they decide, that London is far too chaotic and dangerous to raise both the Antichrist (who after some consideration is named Adam), and some kind of wizarding saviour (they didn't know there was an entire community, but they both decide it's the best not to get involved)
They go to live in Taddfield
There is an elaborate story, how Harry is Crowley's sisters child, but his parents died in an unfortunate accident, and he gets to live with them, and how they just adopted a baby themselves, so they need a calm place
Everyone believes them
And here is the thing, it's hard, raising two kids, but at least magic involved, they don't need to hide themselves with the boys
Harry and Adam are aware who the two of them are, they know who they supposed to be, but it's stressed both by Crowley and Aziraphale that they can choose something else. They are human after all
So they grow, they learn, they make friends (the Them are aware the two boys are magic, they don't really care), and they love each other and this tiny little village, where Aziraphale works in the local library, and Crowley opens a flower shop of all things
Everyone in the family speaks parseltongue
Crowley is a snake, so really it's his first language, Aziraphale can talk to every animal, Harry's dad's ancestors came from India, and Adam can do whatever he wants, reality is his playground after all
Years pass, and suddenly it's Harry's eleventh birthday and with it comes a letter and a long breaded wizard with the ugliest robe ever (Aziraphale loves it of course)
Dumbledore never gives out acceptance letters personally, at least not anymore, but Harry Potter have been missing for a decade now, and all they could figure out some guy Crowley took him (Petunia doesn't tell him anything more, but her voice implied familiarity)
At least the house is warded, and he thinks it's a blood ward, like around the Dursley's house or something similar, it's based on love and family at least, so his very first thought he has when a red head opens the door is 'I thought Lily had only one sibling'
He doesn't ask, but resolves to talk to Severus later, the man must know something
He gives the boy the letter, and there is a cluster of children surrounding him (the Them know everything of course), while he explains what needs to be done, he goes back to Hogwarts slightly dazed and completely confused
They go to the Diagon Alley, and they end up buying a snake and an owl, Crowley doesn't like it that he is no longer the kids' favorite snake
They meet Draco Malfoy too, and it's similar, but not the same because now Harry has parents and a brother and friends, and he is loved so much it hurts sometimes
And Draco is flabbergasted, because there is this boy who says everyone in his family is magical, but had zero idea how things actually work, they leave before he can find out anything else
Harry gets his wand, and Olivander is weirded out which is an entirely new feeling for him, he is used to be at the other end of this
Slowly September the 1st comes and the family leaves for the King Cross
They don't meet with the kind redhead family, but Ron finds a way into Harry's compartment anyway
They become friends, but this time Harry read about Slytherin, and he tells his new friend, that he doesn't think it matters how different they are as long as they love each other (and that's a lesson both Crowley and Aziraphale learned the hard way, they won't let their kids suffer through it)
Malfoy and Hermione both come at one point, and the four of them start to argue about different kinds of magic, and apparently Hermione heard about Agnes Nutter
Time flies and the train ride is over much sooner than they thought it would be
Harry goes to Slytherin with Draco, Ron and Hermione goes to the lion's den, both Dumbledore and Snape are dumbstruck
The first thing the gang does is asking after Agnes's book, Madam Pince almost faints when two 11 year old ask about the rarest and most wanted book, also she doesn't have it
Between shocking teachers, befriending three head dogs (they say a Cerberus stands front of the gates of hell, his brother is the Antichrist, he is sure it won't harm him) and solving mysteries the year passes
Harry and his friends still end up going after the stone, and Harry still faces Quirellmort alone, but his first reaction this time isn't fear but "Wow you are really bad at possession aren't you?"
Voldemort was expecting many things, that wasn't one of them
Harry still kills his professor, only this time one touch is enough for them to turn to dust. Blood magic fused with mother's love is powerful, but Harry is loved by an angel and a demon and the Antichrist, heaven, hell and humanity
When he wakes up it's to the news that the Flamel are going to die, Harry's magic fused with love destroyed everything in the room but him, it would take a miracle to make another stone before their end. Harry is sure he can arrange that
Slytherin wins the house cup, and Dumbledore still gives the lions a shit ton of points, they end up second
Harry goes home with promises that they write each other and the apocalypse just around the corner, he is sure it will be resolved just in time
And I'm stopping now because holy shit this is long so as I said I will add a second part. That will be about the Armageddon't and Flamels and the second year at Hogwarts with the Them
(also Voldemort ends up with the Crowley-Fell family, but again that's the second part)
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amortm · 5 years
      *  𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒  𝐔𝐏  ,  pretty  kitties  !   i'm  terribly  sorry  abt  my  absence  on  the  dash  alongside  you  angels  ,  &  trust  that  i’m  fully  embarrassed  of  my  slow  ass  ,  but  i  finally  typed  this  baby  out  ,  &  i  can’t  wait  for  y’all  to  meet  my  love  ,  𝒋𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔  !
*  ╰   it’s  an  absolute  dishonour  to  meet  you ,   julianna  /  jules  .  at   twenty - one  ,  you’ve  disgraced  the   peralta   family  name  &  failed  to  carry  on  their  legacy  as  an  elite  .  as  a  result  ,  they’ve  requested  that  we  at  the  academy  do  our  best  to  rid  you  of  your  venality  ,  & seeing  as  though  they’re  worth  86m  ,  we  dutifully  obliged  .  while  your   pleonastic  &  inexorable  attributes  have  always  promised  failure  ,  it’s  your  spar  with   pride  &  ghosting  your  breakout  acting  role  after  you  found  out  your  daddy  secured  it  for  you   that  got  you  committed  .  before  we  take  possession  of  you  ,  it’s  imperative  that  we  know  that  you  are  a   cisfem  who  prefers   she  &  her  pronouns  ,  &  you  resemble   diana  silvers  .  your  birthday  is  on   april  26th  ,  making  you  a  recalcitrant  taurus  ,  &  you  were  transported  to  us  all  the  way  from   vail  ,  co  .  at  the  present  time  ,  you  work  off  campus  at   seaside  florist  .  go  ahead  &  purchase  that  extra  large  suitcase  ,  disgrace  .  you’re  going  to  need  it . 
your  name  /  age  /  pronouns  /  timezone  /  etc  .
hiya  loves  !   i  go  by  blue  &  she  /  her  pronouns  ,   i’m  9teen  ,   &  i’m  a  pst  baby  !   i’m  one  of  the  six  lovely  admins  @  #unholy  ,   &  they’re  all  superstars  ,   so  imagine  my  daily  awe  !   anyway  ,   i’m  beyond  excited  to  finally  get  the  ball  rolling  ,   &  share  the  dash  with  you  babes  !
 muse  inspo  .
noora  sætre  ,   the  goldfinch  ,   ella  of  frell  ,   neil  perry  ,   charlie  dalton  ,   claire  saffitz  ,   monica  geller  ,   carla  lalli  music  ,   mia  thermopolis  ,   adam  parrish  ,   blue  sargent  ,   anna  ou  !
 character  details  :
    💐 :   sweetly  judgmental  ,  adoringly  vindictive   /   vindictively  adoring  ,   witty  ‘n  gritty  ,   bitingly  tender  ,   expressively  stubborn  ,   softly  feral  !
    😈 :   hershey’s  chocolate  ,   brooklyn  pizza  ,   baguettes  ,   collector  edition  copies  of  wuthering  heights  ,   selfies  ,   her  mom  ,   richard  siken  anthologies  ,   twilight  (  #teamedward  )  ,   crowded  movie  theaters  ,   english  gardens  ,   the  air  in  new  york  ,   the  air  in  vail  ,   snowboarding  ,   her  hair  ,   hot  chocolate  (  no  whipped  cream  ,   half  a  bag  of  mini  marshmallows  dumped  atop  )  ,   andrew  garfield  ,   her  discover  weekly  playlist  ,   german  shepherds  ,   harry  potter  ,   lord  of  the  rings  ,   comedies  ,   horror  movies ,   nude  lipstick  ,   chocolate  chip  toffee  cookies  with  sea  salt  drizzled  on  top  ,   mamma  mia  franchise  ,   dissertations  ,   driving  ,   any  typa  jacket  /  coat  ,   being  the  big  spoon  ,   her  father  ,   coca  cola  ,   lilies  ,   disney  t - shirts  ,   her  father’s  films  ,   take  out  ,   farms  ,   italy  (  every  single  crevice  of  it  )  ,   the  plaza  hotel  ,   mint  chip  ice  cream  ,   hats  ,   trains ,   monthly  horoscopes  ,  ancient  history  ,   greenwich  village  ,   maggie  rogers  ,   mating  ritual  ,   vampire  weekend  ,   mitski  ,   the  wombats  ,   magic  bronson  ,   jade  bird  ,   hockey  ,   pretending  to  be  a  fairy / witch  /  mermaid  as  a  child  ,   naruto  ,   avatar  the  last  airbender  ,   stepping  over  state  /  country  lines  ,   hot  water  with  honey  ,   amazon  prime  !
    👿 :   the  marvel  franchise  except  for  the  captain  america  &  thor  trilogies  ,   coffee  &  tea  ,   shorts  ,   sweet  potatoes  ,   layovers  of  any  length  ,   socks  ,   soy  milk  ,   her  arms  ,   chihuahuas  ,   a  song  of  fire  &  ice  novels  ,   super  fudgy  /  rich  cake  &  brownies  ,   cooking  for  herself  ,   being  told  what  to  do  ,   being  wrong  &  having  everyone  know  it  ,   people  who  are  rude  to  employees  ,   bad  tipping  ,   margaret  atwood  ,   her  first  grade  teacher  ,   plastic  coke  bottles  ,   too  much  pepper  in  a  dish  !
 upbringing  &  family  life  ,  life  before  the  academy  ,  etc  .
     julianna  rachel  peralta  was  born  to  a  beauty  -  charmed  family  of  three  ,   with  a  new  yorker  mother  &  italian  father  birthing  the  healthiest  &  happiest  girl  parents  can  dream  for  .    her  mother  ,  susanna  ‘ susie ’  peters  ,   was  coined  the  model  that  pioneered  90′s  fashion  ,  a  la  kate  moss  ,   &  met  julianna’s  father  ,   elio  peralta   (  think  the  francis  ford  coppola  of  this  verse  )  ,   whilst  she  was  briefly  on  set  for  jack  to  see  friend  fran  drescher  .    their  love  stemmed  from  there  ,   after  she  made  a  mocking  comment  &  he  overhead  &  mocked  her  in  return  for  it  ,   &  the  whirlwind  romance  that  captivated  their  world  for  the  next  few  years  led  to  miss  jules  being  born  .    neither  of  her  parents  desired  marriage  from  each  other  ,   rather  believing  that  their  love  knew  no  bounds  ,   even  those  of  matrimony  ,   but  never  did  it  dim  the  bond  held  between  the  small  family  of  three  .    once  jules  was  in  their  arms  ,   they  relocated  from  new  york  to  colorado  ,   into  the  quaint  town  of  vail  ,   surrounded  by  pristine  mountains  &  crystalline  air  ,   where  susie  &  elio  found  a  pocket  of  indisputable  peace  after  a  small  winter  trip  in  their  first  year  of  romance  .
        it  was  there  that  jules  grew  up  ,   &  there  that  the  love  of  her  parents  faltered  .    her  mother  missed  the  world  of  fashion  ,   the  rhythms  &  rhymes  of  the  space  she  knew  as  well  as  in  maintaining  the  fame  that  spotlighted  her  so  ,   while  elio’s  passions  for  turning  out  film  after  film  dwindled  .    &  when  the  offer  from  vogue  came  in  ,   waxing  poetic  about  a  fresh  position  as  a  fashion  editor  ,   both  she  &  elio  knew  that  their  paths  would  veer  .    their  love  was  no  less  ,   but  integral  factors  of  their  relationship  were  now  fractured  ,   &  they  each  desired  after  different  things  .    this  was  all  said  to  julianna  ,   in  soft  tones  &  with  assuring  words  .    yet  ,   never  was  it  promised  that  everything  would  be  the  same  as  it  was  ,   for  the  truth  was  in  something  unsaid  .    susie  moved  to  new  york  ,   while  elio  &  jules  stayed  in  that  mansion  in  the  mountains  ,   &  all  was  as  fair  &  well  as  it  could  be  ,   with  julianna  staying  with  her  mom  during  the  fall  season  &  discovering  every  little  piece  of  italy  in  the  summers  .    christmases  &  hanukkahs  were  always  shared  in  vail  ,   &  susie  tagged  along  european  dives  when  her  schedule  allowed  for  it  .    it  was  as  if  their  relationship  &  subsequent  uncoupling  were  trivial  details  no  one  could  bother  to  account  for  ,  until  ,   in  the  worst  spot  she’s  ever  seen  her  mother  ,   it  came  out  that  elio  peralta  found  a  new  woman  to  share  a  life  with  ,   &  that  their  new  life  together  would  be  housed  in  the  same  home  that  susie  &  elio  specially  chose  &  ,   in  emotional  terms  ,  truly  built  themselves  &  carved  their  family  in  its  foundations  .    it  was  a  betrayal  of  the  deepest  caliber  ,   &  from  there  the  small  peace  that  still  was  at  the  core  of  their  little  family  was  forever  severed  ,   &  it  became  obvious  to  jules  that  those  few  years  were  lucky  .
     she  was  thirteen  when  famed  actress  lily  taylor  (  aka  jennifer  connely  lmao  )  moved  into  her  family  home  ,   bringing  her  adopted  eleven - year - old  twins  with  her  .    in  a  sense  of  loyalty  to  her  mother  &  her  own  hurt  over  the  despair  that  her  father  caused  their  original  trio  ,   jules  was  heartily  &  positively  prepared  to  hate  the  new  additions  to  her  family  with  a  vindictive  fidelity  .    her  plan  was  promptly  overturned  ,   however  ,   when  she  spent  day  upon  day  with  her  new  fam  &  steadily  allowed  them  into  her  heart  .    this  ,   of  course  ,   was  paired  with  doubtless  guilt  ,   spurred  on  by  her  own  mind  whenever  she  flew  to  nyc  to  see  her  mother  ,   but  soon  enough  this  was  caught  by  each  of  her  parents  ,   &  susie  was  insistent  in  her  assurance  that  whatever  frigidness  she  still  held  for  elio  &  his  new  beau   (  which  julianna  didn’t  bother  to  correct  with  wife  )   ,   it  in  no  way  extends  nor  should  be  mimicked  by  her  .    elio  ,   in  turn  ,   was  quick  to  promise  to  jules  that  his  love  for  her  mother  flamed  in  his  heart  to  this  day  ,   but  each  of  them  are  happier  living  their  lives  in  the  lifestyles  they’ve  chosen  ,   with  the  people  they’ve  chosen  .    
      there  really  wasn’t  anything  to  do  but  swallow  their  words  ,   &  live  by  the  sentiments  they  expressed  .   jules  was  both  a  mama’s  &  daddy’s  girl  in  one  ,   so  to  take  their  words  as  fact  was  an  ignorance  she  allowed  herself  ,   even  when  the  hurt  look  on  her  mother’s  faced  inevitably  shone  through  in  hidden  moments  .
     but  when  jules  turned  seventeen  ,   susie  fell  in  love  with  a  musician  /  designer  named  tommy  lever  she  met  while  interviewing  his  collection  for  vogue  ,  &  the  two  fell  deep  ,  far  enough  to  sway  susie  into  moving  to  brazil  during  the  spring  season  ,  away  from  her  beloved  manhattan  loft  ,  to  be  with  him  in  his  home  (  the  link  is  crucial  to  his  characterization  lmao  ,  as  lenny  kravitz  is  essentially  tommy  lever  )  .   when  she  can  ,  jules  visits  as  often  as  she’s  allowed  (  always  )  &  has  gained  a  room  herself  .
      after  that  ,   however  ,   the  cycle  between  her  various  homes  continued  ,   well  into  her  slipping  teendom  ,   &  when  the  prospect  of  college  crunched  down  on  her  ,   the choice  seemed  inevitable  .   nyu  gained  a  classics  &  theater  major  for  its  class  of  2019  (  she  skipped  the  third  grade  ,  a  fact  she  didn’t  stop  bragging  about  at  that  age  )  ,   but  in  her  senior  year  of  university  ,   the  walls  came  crashing  down  .
 what  sin  are  they  categorized  under  ?  why ?
jules  belongs  to  the  sin  of  #pride  through  &  through  .   after  all  ,   if  there  was  one  damning  trait  to  send  her  straight  into  the  pits  of  burning  infernos  ,  her  prideful  sense  of  self  would  be  it  .   that’s  not  to  say  she’s  arrogant  (  nor  am  i  saying  she  isn’t  )  ,  but  it’s  more  that  she  can’t  take  being  undermined  or  allow  the  supposed  undermining  to  go  unpunished  .   she  has  a  great  deal  of  #pride  in  her  own  self  worth  &  capabilities  ,  though  she’s  usually  loathe  to  make  it  known  in  plain  terms  ,  &  if  she  feels  attacked  in  that  manner  ,  she’ll  completely  close  up  .   this  often  ,  as  you’ll  surely  be  able  to  tell  ,   beckons  problematic  shit  .
 what  got  them  sent  to  the  academy  ?
      during  jules’  senior  year  at  nyu  ,  she  was  contacted  by  her  agent  (  shared  with  her  father  )  &  offered  an  audition  for  a  leading  role  in  a  major  hollywood  studio  film  .   throughout  the  years  ,  she  dabbled  in  theater  &  attracted  a  starring  role  or  two  along  the  way  ,  especially  in  school  productions  ,   but  the  plan  for  success  was  always  envisioned  after  college  .   when  she  got  the  call  ,  however  ,  she  handled  it  with  a  happy - go - lucky  fuck  it  sort  of  approach  ,  &  a  week  later  ,  when  she  received  the  good - bearing  call  ,  there  was  no  backing  out  ,  or  so  she  thought  .   tentatively  dropping  out  of  the  semester  in  which  she  would  graduate  ,  jules  modeled  the  next  few  months  of  her  life  around  the  film  ,  happily  doing  so  .   
      yet  ,  the  first  week  into  rehearsals  brought  down  a  cloud  so  dark  she  thought  she’d  choke  under  it  .   she  overheard  a  few  producers  on  their  lunch  break  ,  talking  about  this - & - that - esque  bullshit  ,  but  just  as  she  was  passing  ,  one  of  them  made  a  comment  about  the  peralta  girl  ,  &  how  hollywood  legacies  are  the  roaches  of  the  industry  .   how  directors  from  the  middle  ages  should  just  stick  to  ruining  things  behind  the  camera  ,  not  forcing  a  disaster  in  front  of  it  .   
      that  day  ,  jules  walked  out  of  set  &  never  took  a  step  back  in  .   effectively  ruining  her  future  career  in  the  process  ,  she  ghosted  all  contact  from  the  production  &  even  went  as  far  to  jet  off  to  brazil  to  regenerate  with  her  mom  as  an  escape  .   she  couldn’t  even  pick  up  where  she  left  off  during  the  semester  ,  &  simply  had  to  sit  back  &  witness  her  classmates  of  four  years  graduate  without  her  .   her  parents  were  furious  ,  but  the  only  thing  she  gave  in  return  was  a  steely  silence  ,  refusing  even  turn  a  glare  to  her  father  .   now  ,  she’s  been  shoved  into  the  hands  of  the  academy  ,  biding  the  days  until  she  could  return  to  nyu  in  the  fall  .  
what  do  you  think  they’ll  struggle  with  the  most  at  the  academy ?
tbh  ,  the  biggest  issue  for  jules  is  the  resentment  curling  at  her  core  .   at  her  father  ,  the  film  ,  the  academy  ,  herself  .   right  now  she’s  just  in  a  foul  mood  &  sick  at  being  forced  into  glitterati  rehab  ,  but  her  #pride  won’t  allow  her  to  fail  ,  even  if  she  wishes  to  do  it  just  to  spite  everyone  .   she  is  a  people  person  ,  however  ,  &  will almost  definitely  warm  up  ,  even  if  it’s  just  for  appearances  sake  .
extra  details  :  links  you’d  like  to  incorporate  ,  wanted  connections  ,  literally anything  else  you  want  to  include  ,  etc  .
wanted  connections  will  be  coming  soon  !   for  now  ,  please  enjoy  this  authentic  video  of  jules  chillin  in  her  fav  corner  of  the  world  ,  aka  italia  ,  taken  by  her  bff  eli  😔✌️
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toast-the-unknowing · 6 years
hi,losing my mind over you knowing the northern lights. Trc daemon AU! who has what kind of daemon and why? personally i'd give ronan a wolf bc wolfs are group(family)oriented and work together with ravens. Gansey a lion bc he passes as functioning uptownboy and independently goes spelunking since early puberty. also bc the name richard has lion-association. what's your take on it??
Man, I was reading His Dark Materials before I was old enough to understand 85% of what was going on. And then for a while as an adult I thought this was weird, and then I worked in an elementary school and saw that nine-year-olds read this one dude’s anti-religious-establishment rant all the time. And why not? THERE’S TALKING POLAR BEARS. This book expanded my vocabulary by approximately 5%. It’s AWESOME.
So this is something that I have thought about before, and some of my thoughts are more concrete than others, but here you go:
Adam’s daemon is a coyote. It is a creature that is associate with SURVIVAL above all other things – coyote are incredibly good at adapting to human developments. I got really interested in the existence of coywolves for a while, as an example of this adaptability, and I almost went with a coywolf for Adam’s daemon, but coywolves don’t have the same name recognition or provoke the same instinctive emotional reaction that coyotes do, which is important to me because: I want Adam’s daemon to be something that he is deeply ashamed of. He does not want people to look at this visible incarnation of his soul and associate it with the thing that eats their pet cats and hides out in canyons and lives in garbage. He thinks people look at him and see him like that, as this garbage pet-eating creature that they’d really like to exterminate. And he has to learn to understand what the coyote says about him, that he is a survivor, that he is going to come out on top, and to love that strength in himself.
I really really really want Blue’s daemon to be a giant fucking brown bear. I wish I could have a lot of deep thoughts about this. But if I’m honest, about 90% of this pick is just that I think it would be funny if Blue’s daemon was huge. There’s a lot to be said about bears in particular, as omnivores, as being creatures who will mind their own business until you FUCK with them and then they will DESTROY you, that relates to Blue, but I would be lying if I said that my primary motivation for this was anything other than the size difference – for the sake of humor, but also because Blue is SO BIG in spirit. There’s a reason I made her a Machamp & Onix trainer in my Pokemon AU. Things that represent her heart and soul should be ENORMOUS and TOUGH and more than a little terrifying.
At some point I locked into the idea of Gansey’s daemon being a stag, and I have never really been able to look at any other animal without going “yeah, but stags though.” There’s the stags in BLLB, of course, but I don’t actually want to tie myself into something in an AU just because it appears in canon. But there’s a very traditional connection between stags and royalty (I always think of the end of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), and they have a certain balance between elegance and power that intrigues me – you don’t really think of a stag as an animal that could fuck you up, but oh, it could, but it looks like it’s just there to look majestic.
I feel like Harry Potter kind of ruined anyone else getting to use stags as their daemons/Patronuses/heartsong animals, but – if it’s stupid to do something just because someone else did it, I think it’s gotta also be stupid to NOT do something you want just because someone ELSE ALSO did it.
The lazy daemon for Ronan is a raven, or a snake. These are fine! Kind of a gimme, but hey, who doesn’t like being given things? Personally, I am willing to entertain a wide variety of possible Ronan daemons, as long as two things are true:
they are fucking adorable
they will absolutely run full tilt at your ankle in an inherently fruitless attempt to murder you.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Do I expect this choice to be a popular opinion?
Am I going to change it?
Also no
I know at some point I formulated opinions about Henry’s daemon but I can’t remember them and in the moment the thing that comes to mind is a peacock. I feel like that might be kind of reductive of his character, but that’s what I’ve got.
Ultimately, like with all good head canons, you should read other people’s if it makes you happy to, entertain or adopt other people’s if it makes you happy to, or cling to the one you came up with, if that makes you happy.
…..Okay I just reread the original question to make sure I’d done my part in answering it (debatable) and the first time around I skipped this absolutely bonkers sentence: “[wolves]…work together with ravens.” WHAT. YOU CAN’T JUST DROP INTO MY INBOX AND SAY SHIT LIKE THAT WITHOUT SHOWING YOUR WORK. WHAT ZANY SCHEMES ARE WOLVES AND RAVENS FORMULATING TOGETHER. WHAT.
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seductresses-temple · 6 years
Figuring Things Out
So, most people that follow me wouldn’t know this unless they’ve been following my main blog ( @glo-up-goddess) for an absurd amount of time but I actually created my main page when I was in a really dark place. I was spiraling and struggling with depression as I fell deeper and deeper into an abusive relationship. The night I made my main page I was actually at my abuser’s bedside while they were in the hospital for a week and the moment I left just to run home and shower, grab a change of clothes, they had “the other woman” swing by and out the door in the forty minutes I was gone. I turned to Tumblr out of a mixture of insomnia, helplessness, and desperation. Never in my life would I have imagined starting a second blog, a Drarry blog for all my writing, and never would I have suspected that I would grow to meet such lovely people and make such wonderful friends. But I did! As I watch my following continue to grow and far surpass my wildest dreams, I’m filled with so much renewed love for the beautiful, tremendous souls I have encountered within the fandom over the years. So many of you have touched my life both knowingly and unknowingly and I am forever grateful for you all. This story is dedicated to @xx-thedarklord-xx someone whos work has been a great source of joy for me in some incredibly dark times. So, since I know you like Blairon? Raise? Bon? I have no idea what the hell their ship name would be, but I wrote you some Blaise/Ron, Sam, because your work has been really important to me, specifically this past year as I’ve been figuring some things out for myself. So, without further ado:
Figuring Things Out
Pairing: Blaise Zabini/ Ron Weasley, background Drarry, Pansmione, and Linny
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mildly dubious consent (Ron was drunk when something happened but he did know what he was doing even if he was totally embarrassed by it after the fact because of all the confusing implications. But I still feel like it warrants a warning).
“When Gin first told me her and Harry broke up, well, I hate to admit I was a bit sad, you know? Harry’s like a brother to me and just about the only bloke I thought I could trust my little sister with but sometimes things don’t work out the way you expect it to. Harry ran off with the Ferret and insists he’s people now just because he’s his husband. ‘Mione and I split and clearly Harry gave her way too many ideas ‘cause she goes and marries the scariest witch of her age, yeah, I’m looking at you, Parkinson! But today, I am proud, honored, and delighted to be standing by my sister’s side as she brings the loveliest, most pure-hearted witch into our family,” Ron raised his glass, grinning from ear-to-ear.
“Everyone, please raise your glasses for a toast to Mrs.Ginny and Luna Lovegood!”
The Great Hall burst into a roar of laughter, congratulations, and clinking glasses, and even with his heart with nothing but love for those around him, Ron couldn’t help feeling the nagging loneliness settling over him like a second skin with guilt following after it like a wet blanket. He should be able to stay happy for the entire day. He was happy. His little sister just got married, to the love of her life, and he was happy for her. Honest. But, it didn’t change the fact that as the years went on Ron just felt...left behind.
When Draco and Harry had eloped, that was one thing. They’d left for a Potions Masters conference in France that Draco had to attend and came back as Harry and Draco Malfoy-Potter. It was spur of the moment and easier to keep it out of the press was the excuse they’d given everyone but anyone that knew them knew they were just young, in love, and passionately reckless. They had a small, intimate ceremony among friends to celebrate (and apologize) and lived their life as the first newlyweds in the friend group. It had been fine, even when Ron and Hermione had broken up and Ron was a bachelor for the first time since he was a teenager.
Ron kept telling himself it was for the best which was true. Ron and Hermione had realized their relationship was going nowhere. They still loved each other, of course they did. The two of them had so much history together, that wasn’t going to go away overnight, but they didn’t love each other that way anymore. They noticed it slowly at first, the distance, the ‘going through the motions’ of it all, and then it hit them all at once watching Draco and Harry together, so in love, and building something great. Ron and Hermione had love for each other but they hadn’t been in love for a long time and after a long, difficult talk, they both agreed they needed more and deserved better.
Six months down the line Hermione had her first date with Pansy, on a stupid dare from Draco.
Four years later they were married and beginning the adoption process. Hermione’s version of ‘more’ was a happy wife, a Ministry job where she was making real change, and twin four year old boys that kept her and Pansy more than busy.
Now Ginny and Luna were sailing away into their ‘Happy Ever After.’
It seemed like the only one that couldn’t find their happy ending was Ron.
Needing just a quick reprieve from the festivities, Ron slipped away while his mum and Hermione were both smothering Ginny and Luna with hugs and words of ‘married woman wisdom’ or whatever it was they were doing. He inhaled deeply, stepping out onto the front lawn of Hogwarts and just basking in the familiarity of it all. With Luna being the new Divination professor it just seemed natural to have the wedding at a place that meant so much to everyone in attendance but Ron hadn’t been back at Hogwarts in years. While Hermione had been adamant about attending their ‘8th year,’ Ron decided his time was better spent at the joke shop with George. It started out as a way to keep an eye on his older brother after they’d lost Fred but, over time, Ron learned he had a knack for business. It was working with George that gave him the courage and confidence to open the Fred Weasley Institute, a small wizarding primary school specifically catered to kids like Fred and George who didn’t get on so well with traditional learning but were still bloody fucking brilliant. It was small, but, Ron thought Fred would have been pretty damn proud.
“Ah, lucky, me. I stumble out for a smoke and a breath of fresh air and who do I find but the handsomest Weasley? Course Potter thinks Charlie’s the heartthrob of the family but he married Draco, it’s quite clear he has poor taste in men,” a voice drawled from behind him. Ron didn’t have to look back to know it was Blaise Zabini and he quietly cursed at every deity he could think of in the thirty seconds it took Zabini to stride over to him.
“Zabini,” Ron was pleased his voice cooperated with him just enough to not crack, waver, or squeak. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to keep from doing anything monumentally stupid like he had the last time he’d been alone with the git.
“Back to a last name basis, are we?” Zabini purred, stalking around him slowly like an animal on the prowl until they were face to face, his deep brown eyes shining with an intensity that always seemed to root Ron to wherever he stood.
Ron cleared his throat, trying desperately and failing miserably to pretend that Blaise Zabini hadn’t been making him question his sexuality for the past year. “S’not like we’re friends,” he muttered for lack of anything better to say.
Zabini tsked, smirking down at him “Well true, but still, if a man has had your cock in his mouth at one point or another, you’d think you could do him the decency of calling him by his given name. I sullied a perfectly good pair of trousers getting down on my knees for you at the Leaky that night, Ronald,” Zabini tsked again and all Ron could do was groan, immediately feeling his ears and face go hot.
It had been one time!
So what if Ron still thought about the look in Zabini’s eyes when he’d slid down to his knees and asked him if he was sure. And so what if Ron still sometimes thought about that incredible thing Zabini knew how to do with his tongue. It didn’t matter. It had all been a drunken mistake fueled by a single man’s jealousy after Harry had to leave the Leaky early to take his very drunk husband home. He had been completely sloshed and ranting to Zabini about how everyone was moving on, getting married, and he was single, hadn’t had a date in ages, and hadn’t had sex in Merlin only knew how long...next thing he knew...he was in a bathroom stall having a very serious, very slurred conversation with his subconscious as Zabini made him come so hard he saw stars.
He then proceeded to ignore Zabini’s existence for an entire year.
The only person he ever told was Hermione because Harry did silly things like tell his husband everything and that didn’t work out in Ron’s favor when his husband just happened to be the best friend of the man Ron was trying to avoid! He had no idea why he hadn’t anticipated Zabini being at the wedding. He and Ginny were actually quite good friends nowadays and of course he’d get invited because of Draco and Harry if nothing else. Ron just hadn’t expected him to stroll out to the front lawn in an all black suit that looked perfectly tailored to his body, with his locs swept up into the most perfect bun Ron had ever seen, smelling like sandalwood and tangerines and...Ron groaned again, wishing the ground would swallow him up or the Giant Squid would just reach up and chuck him into the Great Lake.
“I like that other noise you make,” Zabini murmured against Ron’s ear.
Ron hadn’t even realized how close he’d gotten, too caught up in the cataclysmic meltdown going on in his head.
“Well, I should be heading back before the Grand Divas known as Pansy and Draco wonder where I’ve gone off to, but, here,” Zabini slipped something into his breast pocket before placing an oddly chaste kiss to his cheek and sauntering back into the castle as if none of it had happened.
Gobsmacked, Ron reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. Zabini’s number was written on the front and, turning it over, there was a small message on the back:
When you’ve got it all figured out, give me a ring. -Z
Ron smiled despite himself, slipping the card back into his pocket and heading back into his sisters wedding reception. He had no idea whether he’d call Zabini or not, but, he supposed he was in the process of figuring things out.
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bazzledazzled · 6 years
I’m not going to lie to you I am 100% pulling these headcanons from the spam of messages i sent @waywardpadaleski​ but I saw Voltron Hogwarts AUs floating around and I decided to make headcanons because I love this idea ive also doodled stuff and may post some or write something just not rn
pretty much the houses just go with their lions— but lance is special snowflake im sorry i know i sound like one of those uber annoying lance stans that shove da boi down everyones throats i cant help it i love him but bare with me this makes sense
Okay so Keith is in Gryffindor because ofc he would
Pidge is Slytherin
Hunk is Hufflepuff
Allura is totally a Ravenclaw
What about Lance, you ask? Well u know how JK Rowling said that there’s things called “Hat Stalls” where people took longer than 5 min to get sorted???
Ye well Lance is one of THOSE
It would work with canon if you think about it because he kinda is stuck between the red lion and the blue lion and like-- I know keef is the same way with the black lion but shush
the sorting hats dilemma is that he’s smart and has the means to excel in Ravenclaw, but at the same time he’s outrageously brave like a Gryffindor
So the hat doesn’t know what to put him in
Then the sorting hat comes to the conclusion that while he could do great in Ravenclaw, he wouldn’t reach his full potential unless he was a Gryffindor (*COUGH* LIKE CANON)
Sooooo-- Pidge is like a year or two behind Hunk, Lance, and Keith because y’know, shes younger and stuff and she kinda gets into the group because of her older brother
So Matt is a Ravenclaw and him and Shiro are besties ofc
(Shiros Gryffindor sorry I forgot to mention it)
Matt was also a Hat Stall because when i was thinking about his house i couldn’t decide between Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor
But he’s Ravenclaw cuz it fits in with an Adashi thing im gonna bring up later
Shiro is also Keith’s older brother, they’re not biological siblings, its just Keefs dad was friends with shiros parents and when he passed away the Shiroganes adopted him 
Shiro is ANNOYED because Keith and Lance are always fighting with each other in the commons and he just wants to read his book in peace
Now here comes the Adashi
Okay okay so Adam is Ravenclaw
I know we barely know anything about Adam (*glares at s7*) BUT based on stuff and how the fanon Adam is, I’m saying he’s Ravenclaw
So anyways
Let’s get to Quidditch because that’s part of the Adashi part of this AU
Keef is a Gryffindor Seeker because like-- he go vroom
I lowkey am making Lance a Keeper not only cuz he would be good at it but also cuz of those cheesy shirts that say things like “He’s a Keeper” and “She’s a Catch” 
Shiro is a Chaser
Pidge and Hunk I think would be Beaters???? Idk
OH! James Griffin is also a Slytherin Seeker byeeee
Adam is the Ravenclaw Keeper
Headcanon is if theres one thing Lance and Adam have in common, its that they can make people flustered very easily 
So ya know what Adam does, much to Shiro’s annoyance???
He flirts with him
Whenever they have games that are Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor Adam will flirt with Shiro, winking at him, yelling stuff across the field, making Shiro so flustered he can’t throw straight (pun intended)
One time Adam gets Shiro so flustered he drops the ball
Matt, a Beater, high fives him
OH! Also Allura is a Chaser and she’s like the best Chaser in the school FITE ME
Okay thats enough of quidditch 
Okay so as for family lineage and stuff
Shiro, Lance, and Hunk are muggleborns
They just are
Shiro’s parents knew about Magic because of keef and were surprised when they found out Shiro was a wizard
Lance is the only wizard in his family and he gets homesick a lot because he’s the only one who goes to Hogwarts and he misses his siblings and stuff
But he always brings niece and nephew home stuff from Hogsmade that he thinks they’ll like 
Hunk, Lance, and Shiro meet because Hogwarts started a club during the summer for Muggleborns where they can meet and talk about concerns with Hogwarts and magic and stuff with other muggleborns that are older
So Lance and Hunk soon become really close friends and Shiro is kinda their advisor and stuff
Keith is a Halfblood, which makes sense because i mean he’s half galra on the show so
His mom was a witch, and idk if im going to have her run away for something or die?? I mean I kinda want her to run away cuz of something so they can be reunited but i have no idea what it would be unless this was during the time of harry potter and it had something to do with Voldemort but i kinda want to stay away from all that so ye
Pidge and Matt are purebloods
But they’re not the stuck up purebloods
They’re literally the Weasleys 
Sam has a fascination with muggle technology that Pidge and Matt share
So like, they have a lot of fancy tech
Pidge and Matt snuck a DS on campus and play Zelda at meals
Allura is probably a Pureblood but shes way less snooty, maybe even compared to her parents
As for teachers
Coran is Herbology teacher or something???
Alfor is Defense against the Dark Arts maybe??? I don’t know either him or Zarkon 
Haggar is obviously the potions teacher
Everyone hates Lotor cuz his parents are teachers and he’s a teachers pet
But back to Haggar in potions
So she’s like the slytherin head thing or whatever they were
so yknow she’s biased
and it doesnt help that her son is also slytherin
(also Zarkon is a Gryffindor sorryyyyy)
(This also could play into keith or lance’s story by them being compared to Zarkon or something and it unsettling them)
(This just in-- I think Zarkon should be the voldemort)
(oh shoot im getting sidetracked with imagining zarkon as voldemort and lance as harry potter)
So ofc she sees that Lance and Keith are always at each others throat
and makes them potions partnets
because it makes it easier for them to get in trouble because they keep fighting and then she can take points from gryffindor 
The one day they are tasked with making Amortentia, right??
Oh god this is so mcfreaking cliche im sorry
So Keef and Lonce are there, both tired from studying or something so already they’re cranky and half asleep
So they’re making the potion right?
And lance just coughs, a look of disgust on his face
“What?” Keef says. Lance plugs his nose.
“U stink, Keith.” And throughout potions class Lance keeps complaining that Keith smells really bad or something or he used too much cologne idk
Ofc like Pidge is in that class and shes snickering
Lance turns to her like “WHAT IS IT PIDGE” 
She asks him if he knows what the potion is supposed to do
He’s just like “It makes people fall in love with u.”
“Yes but what else?” Both keith and Lance stare at her blankly. She explains that when u smell it you smell what u love most
Both keef and lances eyes widen
For the first time in forever they’re quite the entire period
Keith has a gay panic
Lance has a bi panic
they are disasters
Shiro confronts pidge after that day
“Pidge what did u do to keef and lonce they’re broken”
Pidge is all like, “Excuse me????”
“They’re being nice to each other.” 
Hunk, who is also there, just snorts
“Pls explain this to me,” Shiro says, exasperated
Pidge explains the Amortentia scene
Shiro just laughs because of course they were in love with each other
(it lowkey reminds him of him and Adam)
(okay now i have theories that the reason why they made Adam shiro’s boyfriend is because its meant to mirror OTHER ships in voltron *cough* KLANCE and its foreshadowing or something i mean adam does look like lance and shiro and keith are sorta similar)
(shut up candy back to the AU)
Hunk admits that Lance has had a crush on keeth for like ever but he keeps saying its just a rivalry thing
Actual conversation between the two:
“And what’s up with his hair?? It’s like straight out of the 80′s and he has all the bangs over his eyes like an EMO like why is he trying to hide his eyes?” Lance blushes because he’s thinking about how beautiful Keefs eyes are. “Like why? Why is his hair like that i dont understand?? And what does he do to it why is it so soft???”
“You’ve touched his hair?”
“Yeah I was trying to see if I’m taller than him yet” Hunk was just confused but then Lance kept talking about keiths hair and he let it slip when it was like, almost 3am that keiths hair made him look pretty and lance would never be able to make that look good on himself, then immediately said something about the one time keef blew something up in first year because hes an idiot as a coverup
So hunk has known for some time
Even when lance didn’t know
So for the next couple weeks keith and lance act kinda weird around each other
because they don’t know how to handle feelings
they mostly avoid each other, standing on opposite ends of the room and glaring at each other
but of course that doesnt help them at all because for some reason they share a room
(oh my god they were roommates)
The rest of the boys in the room are angry because of all the sexual tension its giving them anxiety and they started sleeping in the commons
I actually have no idea who the other three boys would be because one of them couldnt be shiro because hes older and everyone else is in different houses so
At one point keith just blurts “Whats wrong with you?”
Lance gets all defensive because he takes it in a different way than Keith meant and thought Keith was saying he was flawed or something and he was broken and...
heres the langst
Lance just starts to get upset and is yelling saying nothing is wrong with him and he almost starts to cry because he’s just so confused and doesn’t know whats going on and he feels like hes not good enough for Gryffindor and
He has a lot of emotions
And he says all this, starting to ramble through tears, pouring all of his emotions out
Keef is shook
he doesn’t know what to do Lance never acted like this in front of him before and he’s never seen lance like this, so self conscious and doubting himself 
Keith doesn’t know how lance could even think these things because in his eyes-- lance is perfect
Lance has always been so much better at magic than he was
and He’s so confident and such a good Keeper 
He gingerly touches Lance’s shoulder. 
“Lance I--” Keith doesn’t know what words to say, but apparently he doesn’t need to say any
Lance wraps his arms around him, burying his face in his shoulder, sniffling
Keith is surprised at first because u know keef
He doesn’t know how to react when someone hugs him
He gently hugs lance back, resting his head on Lances and running his fingers through his hair
Lance calms down, his breathing slowing and seeming more relaxed
when he does, keith tries his best to tell him how great he thinks lance is and how hes jealous and all that
Lance pulls away, rubbing his eyes. 
“You mean it?” Keith nods solemnly, not looking at Lance. Lance touches his cheek, causing him to look back up, his brows knit together in confusion
Lance doesn’t know why, but he kisses him
(*klance fangirl in me starts screaming*)
and just??? the moment feels perfect to both of them? This was someone they always thought of as a rival, were always jealous of, and were always thinking about. They never truely understood their feelings for each other, until now
Shiro doesn’t comment when they walk into the dinning hall the next morning holding hands
But Pidge sure does 
Okay im trying to think of more headcanons involving people other than Shiro, Keith, and Lance because i love all the characters and they deserve attention
Hunk makes friends with two other Hufflepuff girls 
he he he yall know who it is
Shay and Romelle have been friends since they were first years and Shay yelled at Lotor for making fun of Romelle
they’ve been besties ever since
Hunk meets Shay and Romelle in Herbology because in like maybe 5th year or something Hufflepuff house was taught Herbology with the Slytherins. Every year before that it was either with Ravenclaw or Gryffindor so he would pair with Lance, Keith, Allura, or Shiro
Pidge was a year or two bellow him so they didn’t have classes together in case u were wondering
For the specific thing they needed a group of three and even though Hunk is a pretty nice guy and can make friends with everyone, everyone sorta had their trio
Because ofc he can find a PARTNER that was left out of their group of three, but suddenly they’re paired off in threes and there’s no sad loner who has no friends. 
Shay and Romelle have an opening in their group
Hunk goes to work with them
They’re honestly the cinnamon roll squad and when Hunk introduces them to his friends Lance and Pidge immediately nickname them that 
Hunk quickly falls in love with Shay
Like deeply in love
He’s always complimenting her and laughing at what she says
Romelle keeps trying to tell Shay that he likes her but Shay just goes “he’s just a nice person, Elle”
The Yule ball comes around ofc
and at this point Lance and Keith are dating
This is probably around.... Sixth year I want to say? 
So here’s the line up 
Keith and Lance go to the dance together
Shiro asks Adam in like this grand way and Adam is just like “wait we weren’t going together before??”
Matt doesn’t have a date but he invites Pidge because she threatened him (she wants to take pictures of Klance and Adashi acting cute and coupley to use as blackmail and Matt supports it)
Hunk starts freaking out because he really really really wants to ask Shay but he doesn’t know how
Lance gives him a pep talk, saying that she obviously likes him of course she’ll say yes
Hunk is still nervous
Lance is all like “C’mon asking your crush out isnt that bad if she says no she says no, but if she says yes then you get an awesome date.” 
“Says the one who had a crush on his boyfriend since second year and covered it up as a rivalry.” Lance looks offended.
“You need to stop hanging out with Pidge.” 
Lance decides to be Hunks wingman and starts asking Shay things like “You planning on going to the Yule Ball?” and “What do you think of Hunk?” He sees that she is very much interested and repots this to Hunk
He helps Hunk come up with a way to ask her
And its like the sweetest thing Romelle is in on it and she gives some stupid excuse as to why she cant study for herbology with them 
then her and lance hide behind a bookshelf, giggling
Hunk gets super flustered
But he manages to ask her
Shay also gets really flustered
But says yes
oof okay thats three of my big ships canon now for the fourth. 
When Hunk first introduces Allura to Romelle, her first thought is “Her. I want to date Her.” 
Now Lance and Allura have already come out to each other as bi disasters
It actually happened when Lance got with Keith and they were talking about him, doing facials (they take care of their skin with each other fite me) 
And Lance is just like “Yeah so I guess I like guys and girls” and allura is like “YOU CAN DO THAT” and lance is like “yeah????” and hes not sure if shes being biphobic or what and hes scared for like 0.1 second
and then allura just goes “Oh my god lonce i think i like guys and girls too”
And then they just start laughing
I guess I should also mention that they dated at one point too???
I don’t think it would’ve been super long, but probably around 3rd year they dated and thats actually probably how Allura got introduced to the Squad??
Lance first saw her when he finally joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team 
He got picked to be a Keeper the second year
So their first game is against ravenclaw
And he’s pretty good for the most part
And then all of a sudden he sees allura flying towards him and she looks so beautiful and how can she be so beautiful and--
She just scored a goal
and he was staring dumbly at her
So Lance and Allura’s relationship kind of developed like it did in the show with Lance flirting with her and Allura being annoyed to them becoming friends and eventually mutual crush
Allura’s actually the one to ask Lance out
They date for a while and theyre actually a really cute couple
(I may be a hardcore Klancer but I do find Allurlance cute on the occasion)
But after a bit... it kinda fades away?? I don’t know they just start to feel like when they kiss its not... not how they thought it would be??
They slowly start to realize that they kinda just want to be friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend
It just adds stress that they don’t want and they want to be able to tell each other anything without having to worry about stuff
so they break up soon after they start dating
but they dont?? feel too broken up about it???
The feeling was mutual
Plus they like each other much more as friends than romantic partners
They’re like the ultumate brotp 
Now they give each other facials every thursday
so allura finds out that she has a crush on Romelle
and who does she go to?
Ofc its lance hes a successful bi with a boyfriend
So he pretty much teaches her how to flirt
like seriously he teaches her how to flirt
And Allura makes it her duty to flirt with Romelle at every possibly oppertunity
Making Romelle freak out because how is she supposed to read this does she want to date Allura or????
They don’t really go any further for a while, its just allura slipping in little things every now and again or blowing kisses at romelle in the stands as she scores a goal
When the Yule ball rolls around, both Allura and Romelle dont have dates (Lotor asked Allura to the dance because they kissed one time in a game of spin the bottle and she responded with judoflipping him)
But they have fun
Everyone has fun actually
Its amazing and fluffy
(i feel like i should write a snapshot of this so i can finally write a fic that isnt centered around klance)
And a slow song comes on
Hunk and Shay awkwardly dance with each other, blushing brightly
Lance and Keith have their heads pressed together, Lance kissing Keith’s nose as they dance and making keith so flustered he stumbles and they both fall to the floor laughing
Adam and Shiro are that couple everyone is jealous of because theyre so perfect?? Like they have matching outfits and they dance gracefully and they kiss at just the right moments??
Pidge and Matt are god knows where probably videotaping the whole thing
And Allura kinda jokingly goes, “Well I guess then we should dance too.” And Romelle surprises her by taking her hand, pulling her onto the dancefloor
and freaking allura is actually really flustered and she’s blushing, having a hard time looking at Romelle
(romelle is having a hard time looking at her to fsajndvjhaio)
They’re both blushing. 
At the end of the song theyre much closer to each other than they started
They look up at each other
And then Romelle squeezes her eyes tight and kisses allura
It barely lasts for a second
Allura is shook
Romelle is in Lesbian Painc
Allura is in Bi Panic
Nobody seems to have noticed
but both girls are dying
And then allura just timidly asks, “Can you-- can you do that again?”
Pidge walks up to them kissing and just goes, “Oh thank god I thought I was going to have to force you two to kiss”
Because pidge oversees everything and knows everyones crushes that theyre too stupid to see
I feel bad for pidge i don’t really know what big moments she should have???
I feel like shes a trouble maker though
Not like cruel pranks or something 
But she likes to play jokes on people
A lot of the times that person is Lance
A lot of the time Keith is in on it
I also feel like eventually Allura and Romelle start to join her??
She recruits them for some big thing
Idk what
Its probably like a surprise for either Klance’s anniversary or Adashi’s 
And they love this way of life
Romelle betrays the cinnamon roll squad and goes to the dark side
Also a little more about pidge
She was almost a Hat Stall
Her two houses were Slytherin and Ravenclaw
But at like 4 min and 43 seconds the hat announced slytherin
her family is actually a mix of slytherins and ravenclaws
her dad and brother are ravenclaws
her mom is slytherin
Lances rivalry with Keith started because Keith bought the last of the candy he wanted on the train
And during like 7th year when they’re cuddling or something and Keith is like “why did u start this rivalry” and lance says it’s because he took the candy and Keith is SHOOK and goes “I would have shared if u asked”
and yeah i may add but heres most of the headcanons i came up with
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