#It's a small can of worms but again I tried to keep it short and sweet but easy to understand bdsgkg
madwomansapologist · 6 months
Hi, are you still looking for Baldur's Gate 3 requests? Could you please write something about the main BG3 Companions (+ our boi Halsin) with a Tav/reader who's really short and adorable and just an absolute sweetheart but is horrifyingly powerful in their lore? Like NPCs who know about them back away in fear kinda thing. Maybe Tav can even transform into some sort of battle form where they're like 9 feet tall (as opposed to their usual height of like 4' 10") and can absolutely kick ass on the battlefield?
Thanks so much, I hope you have a wonderful day! Take care!
bg3 companions with a adorably powerful tav
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Navigation | More Weirdos | AO3
synopsis: Who could imagine such a sweet thing as you had the reputation of a hero?
warnings: companions (lae'zel, shadowheart, astarion, gale dekarios, wyll ravengard, karlach, halsin, jaheira) x tav. fluff.
note: thank you for your request! oh gods how i missed writing headcanons. i hope you like this, have a wonderful day!
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Lae'zel knew your shared condition had a cure, and was willing to put herself in danger by taking the entire party with her to the nearest crèche. That being said, how couldn't she judge you?
You were too easy on everyone. Making promises you clearly shouldn't, taking them seriously despite her best efforts to put some sense in your head. The party was supposed to only stop walking when surrounded by githyankis, but no burdened tiefling or hurt animal escaped your careful gaze.
That you knew how to fight surprised her, but to see fear and admiration in the eyes of civillians... that made Lae'zel pay more attention to you. You had a reputation. Not as a writer, bard or patron. You're know for striking down your enemies.
Fighting at the goblin's camp, there were so many oponents even Lae'zel didn't knew if it would be her last fight. You saw it too, so you made sure to use everything you had to win. Even if you would rather not turn into an eldritch creature.
She got enchanted by your battle form. Steel and iron where nothing against the pure strenght of your skin. Whatever crossed your path that day suffered at your hands.
That was the first time Lae'zel got happy for being wrong about someone.
"Perhaps I've judged you too hard. You are fierce, foracious, as sharp as my sword and as brave as a red dragon. Keep on surprising me and a istik you'll be no more."
Shadowheart couldn't care less about the tieflings and their problems, but it was endearing to watch you wandering throught the Coast in an attempt to ensure their safety. It was a sight she couldn't expect to observe in this journey, not when considering the worm twitching behind her eye and the artifact messing with their dreams.
Still, you could shut down her biggest fears with ease. While she tried to remain quiet, you were full of kind words to share with whoever was near. You care for all beings, great and small, and Shadowheart can respect that. A person without a truth to follow is empty, but one with a mission turns into so much more than just a walking corpse.
She focused on protecting you during fights. Always giving you some sort of magic shield, casting sanctuary, begging you to drink potions and elixirs that would keep you safe.
Goblins attacked, and for a second everyone was too surprised to react properly. Except by you. You were quick to defend your party, to fight for them, and won a fight no one was preparad to.
Shadowheart decided not to underestimate you again. Kind words, gentle actions, caring gaze: she was so focused on her own view about you that forgot to pay attention to the way everyone else saw you.
You're powerful. The kinda of powerful that their party had to be grateful that you were fighting besides them.
When you revealed your beast form to her, Shadowheart already knew you were a sight to behold.
"You are full of surprises, aren't you? Good. I like how you keep me on my toes, love."
In theory, he should've been delighted with your personality. You were the perfect prey. A leader so sweet, he could change your mind at his will and you wouldn't even noticed. Others respect you. Astarion would be safe and sound.
But Astarion isn't capable of forgetting how easily you fought back when he tried to fool you. How he didn't even saw you moving, and was alone on the floor before he could understand what had hit him.
Instead of a person, you were a walking question mark. How can you be so sickenly adorable, and still so ready to strike down your enemies? Were did the sweet half of you finished and the other one started?
People know you. He saw respect in druid's eyes, fear when goblins heard your name. Halsin knew about you. And so did Minthara.
Few are able to live up to their reputation, but you're one of those. So strong, so brave, but your kindness wasn't ignored by him. It was as if in your head the whole world deserved your kindness, until it did no more. Only then you react.
Astarion don't know what to think about it.
When you attacked as a beast, tearing spiders apart as if they were a piece of meat in your plate, Astarion laughed until his belly ache.
How could be so right and so wrong about someone?
"Don't mind me, darling. I'm just rejoicing at the sight of your bloody hands. Come here. Let me taste your heroic mess."
Gale Dekarios
Gale learned two things about you when you pulled him out of stone: you were kind, and so damn strong.
You were adorable. A perfect equation between what people must do in order to survive and what they must do in order to live well. He can't see you not being surrounded by friends and admirers, all enchanted by your sweet words and rightful attacks.
He feared the party's reaction to the Orb, but a part of him knew you would let him stay. He never imagined you would give him magic artifacts without a second question, or that you would hug him after he told you his whole story.
You didn't let him go. Neither did Gale.
To say he was willing to agree with whatever you did was to say his heart beats. It was only natural. Maybe you both differ on the path you want to take, but the destination is usually the same.
When he saw you feral, body changing to give space to something else, Gale wondered if he was one of those enchanted people surrounding you. If he wasn't fighting for his life, Gale would gadly gaze upon you for the rest of the day.
"Disgusted? I was unable to look away from you! You are the one I love, no claws or tentacles will ever change that. Must I add, my love, your light remains strong in whatever form you decide to use."
Wyll Ravengard
To say the least, he's a fan. Oh, how lovely are the tales of your adventures through Faêrun. He remember arguing with bards about the accuracy of their versions and the reason behind their choice of words. You were what a hero must aim to.
How long were the nights he spend wandering after he was casted out of Baldur's Gate. Lonely nights, but never silent. Wyll's mind fought against itself. He lost everything to help and protect others. Sometimes he worried if he had lost himself too.
Your tales weren't his salvation. None of them shut down those voices that insisted on telling him about the mistakes he made, neither did them shut Mizora. But they inspired him. If you did all those things, remained human even as a beast, he could survive a talkative cambion. Wyll Ravengard can defeat her by staying loyal to himself.
Wyll didn't had to hear your name to know you were fighting next to him, defending the grove against goblins and worgs. He saw enough drawings of you to recognize you from miles afar. When you asked him to be a member of your party, Wyll felt as if a million fireworks exploded inside his chest at the same time.
He did felt anger and pain because of the tadpole, but never fear. Fighting beside you, Wyll knew he didn't had to fear for his future. And after seeing how willing you were to argue with multiple cambions, he started to have hope.
"I used to read about legends, myths of bravery and rightousness. Some see it as just tales for the naive. Thank you, my heart. For proving them wrong time after time."
She's the only one with an excuse for not knowing who you are. When strangers call you by your entire name, when companions use your epithet: Karlach just never thought about it. She ignored it, paying no mind to others.
But Karlach did knew you were a absolute sweetheart. What you didn't had of height you compensate with a gigantic personality. For her, the way you behaved was simply alluring.
While many prefer to think the world is a bad place and no one living there can chose to be or do better, you are just another reason for her to know that it's bullshit. Because Karlach is good, despise it all. And Wyll. And you.
And Minsc!!!
You had a fire on you whenever you had to fight. She didn't need to know your story to see how great you can be. Some people just have that. She don't know if that fire is born or forged, but some people just have it.
To see you as a beast made her the most happy woman in Faêrun. She got speechless, all she could do was laugh and run around to have a better view of you ending the Steel Watch.
"You got 'em, soldier! Go on, bite his arm off! You see that monster over there? The one with glowing eyes. That's the love of my fucking life."
He saw you before. Druids and harpist fought against sharrans, and you were one of the heroes who joined their cause. At that time Halsin didn't talked to you, but he knew you fought until the very end and stayed to help with the infirm.
When you rescued him, Halsin knew you remembered him too. There was some understanding between you both, a companionship that only those who foght together can share.
He knew you were a hero, one of those who fight wars that don't affect them because someone needs too, but your personality was a good surprise. Halsin haven't imagined you so easy going. Always offering smiles, light jokes, being clumsy without a care when danger was far away.
After the battle against sharrans, he thought those who refered to you as a monster were trying to make others understand how eficient you were. It surprised him to see they were just being honest.
Nothing would stop Halsin from turning into a bear and joining you.
"In this damned city, you are a beacon of hope. The Oak Father graced us with your light. From your fiece strikes to your honey soaked words... I am lucky to live at the same time as you, my love."
As a fellow adventurer, it surprised Jaheira that you weren't already tired. You both lived for so long, did so much, it would be only natural for you to give a pause on your endless smiles and envied patience. She was wrong, but that wasn't a bad thing.
Jaheira knew how this life can steal things from you. Peace feels like a threat, to stop make you feel like a prey, to laugh makes you wonder if it will be the last time. Is impossible to be a hero without losing. She's glad you didn't lose yourself in your path.
There was an unspoken pact between you both. The stories, the songs, the faux memories. So many think to know everything about you two. Sometimes Jaheira will read you a book you're in when she knows it's a shameless lie, and you sing her songs about adventures she did not lived.
Your laugh could make her feel younger. Alive. You both were so differents, but knew each other in a way few could.
Whenever you chose to strike as a monster, she would join you as a myrmidon and had her fun. You both deserve it.
"I did well not underestimating you, cub. It is impossible not to laugh at those who can't see how your bright smile hides sharp fangs. As pretty as a diamond, and as fierce too."
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
BALDUR’S GATE 3 TAGLIST: @citrusbunnies
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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drowning-rat37 · 7 months
☆ Mia/pvr9ing harm reduction and after care ☆
☆ps.- this is not tips on “how to do it better”, this is tips on how to not hurt your body too much while doing it. I am in no way suggesting anyone starts doing it, i am just saying if you are already doing it, try to stay safe❤️❤️❤️
☆anti-acids: if you’re planning to pvr9e, take a couple before you eat, it’ll reduce the acidity of your stomach acid, which in turn reduces the level of enamel loss and tooth decay as well as reducing the trauma on your oesophagus from the acid
☆short nails: if you use your fingers, keep your nails short to prevent scratching/cvtting your throat. Having short nails is also more hygienic as (even if you keep your nails clean) the underside of your nails can carry a lot of bacteria, (this is mainly found in children but has been known in adults) can carry types of worms under the nails. If you have long nails or false nails i recommend going on the utensil route
☆hand sanitizers or antibacterial soap: if you’re adamant that you don’t want to cut your nails short, clean under your nails thoroughly with hand sanitizer and wash ALL OF YOUR HANDS with antibacterial soap to avoid getting ill. Another thing to address about getting ill: you may think “if i get ill/sick then I won’t eat as much” or “i’ll be throwing up so no need for pvr9ing” in theory, great. In reality, it feels awful. I used to think that sort of way and then ever time i got ill i would feel like actual death, just stay clean and hygienic please🙏🙏🙏
☆water: after pvr9ing your body gets extremely dehydrated, make sure to drink enough water, also I recommend alkali water to reduce acid reflux. Take small sips every couple of minutes as to not make yourself feel more nauseous than you probably already are!!!
☆electrolytes: if possible, get yourself a drink with electrolytes or you can also get sachets that are sugar free and put that in water. In another post (i think i tagged it as an update post to a different post i have put a picture of some electrolyte water i bought, i really like that brand)
☆warnings: bl00d, feeling like you’re about to pass out, legs shaking, hands shaking. If you see any of those signs, take a break or stop all together, I’ll get into each signs in detail in a second.
☆utensils: if you’re not using your fingers, keep your utensils clean, weather its a toothbrush or cutlery or something different. Also please use something you know you can easily hold onto to prevent choking on it or letting go of it. If you’re using cutlery, find plastic cutlery, im not talking about the cheap flimsy ones, im talking about the thick type you can get from ikea or other places, make sure it’s rounded in the side you are putting in your mouth, again to not cause trauma to your throat. I can not stress this enough: use👏 something 👏 you👏 can👏 easily 👏 hold👏 on👏 to
☆tools: this is a follow up from the utensil. Please try not to use medication or other methods to induce vomiting, it is extremely dangerous. I have seen a lot of people (specifically on a certain clock app) talking about putting large amounts of salt in water and drinking it to induce vomiting, i can not stress this enough DO NOT DO THAT, it is so incredibly dangerous and by far the most unpleasant way to pvr9e. This is coming from someone who has tried almost ever way, including the salt method. It can cause long term health issues to consume that much salt even if you vomit it back up, there will still be a large amount left in your system which can lead to high blood pressure (which if you are pvr9ing often may already have) and generally if you are going to that extent to pvr9e, take a break from doing it, even if it is hard!!!!
☆food/chewing: make sure that what you’re eating before you pvr9e you chew really well, if you swallow large chunks, it will be hard to get up and you have a chance of choking and it will not be good and is very scary. Bread is especially hard to get up. Some foods should definitely be avoided, such as hard crunchy foods like tortilla chips/crisps, they are sharp once broken and in the time it takes for you to eat, then pvr9e, your body will not have broken it down enough and it WILL hurt coming back up. Try to stick to soft or quickly digest-able foods to avoid pain and trauma to the throat.
☆follow on to the warning signs ☆
☆Bl00d: if you pvr9e bl00d, genuinely stop, i know you might not want to but to avoid damage, stop. If it is anything above a few drops, I greatly suggest seeking medical attention asap. Give yourself a week or two to recover from that, it will be hard but it’s whats best for harm reduction!!!!(this is a very scary thing to experience, the first time it happened i was terrified however as you can see, i am alive, i didnt die although that still doesn’t mean you should just ignore it)
☆feeling like you’re about to pass out/ hands and legs shaking: believe me, you do not want to be found on the floor after pvr9ing. If you’re shaking, take a break, weather its 10 minutes or a couple days, take a break. If you feel shaky, that is a sign you are going to pass out, again, take a break. Sit down in a place you know you won’t hurt yourself if you do pass out, have a drink and rest for a moment!!! I know you don’t want to hear the “listen to your body bull shit” but in cases like this it is vital if you are genuinely trying to avoid permanent damage or injuries of any kind!
☆Thank you for reading, stay safe. My dm’s are open if you need help or advice. If you need to reach out to your local helpline don’t hesitate, you’re weak for reaching out for help!!! ☆
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eggyrocks · 6 months
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bloody nose: kuroo x calloused hands reader
calloused hands masterlist // main masterlist
warnings: violence, blood, swearing; grammatical errors, not proofread, i wrote this just for me so it's probably not great
an: here it is. my self indulgent bonus chapter that’s got my fingers itching. i wanted to write this so fucking bad i genuinely do not even care if it’s good tbh; im sure if you wanted to read this without reading all of calloused hands u could but it’s probably better in context
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their set's not going well.
it might have something to do with the venue; it's a small, cramped basement bar with only one way out and one way in-the old and creaking staircase that looks like it's one bad day away from collapsing. it might be the fact that the bouncer's stopped counting heads and the bar's way over capacity. could be the hot humid air that's suffocating them and only getting worse with each person that claws their way towards the band.
but it's probably the heckler.
yn's generally not really bothered by that sort of thing. it's not like this is the first one she's ever dealt with; normally she'll just play over them until they learn their lesson and keep their mouths shut during their sets.
but the bar's fucking tiny and so ungodly packed and hot it's making her just a bit more irritable than usual. every couple of minutes there's some sweaty dude from the pit getting knocked into her and knocking her hand off her guitar, throwing her off and making her fuck up. it's irritating. it's frustrating. she knows her bandmates are getting fucking sick of it too. tanaka's broken more drum sticks than usual.
so when the heckler starts up again, she doesn't really have any self-restraint.
"you guys fucking suck!" comes his voice, ripping through the crowd in between songs.
yn leans up close to the mic until her lips are ghosting over the cool metal. "uhh, suck my dick," she murmurs into the mic, hearing it echo throughout the small space.
she ignores the crowd's reactions and leans back on her heels to make eye contact with yachi. yachi, who, like yn, got so sick of the heat and had to abandon her outer layer of clothes in favor of her sports bra. just one look at her sweat-soaked friend and yn can tell she is just as miserable as she is.
"heckling us won't make us play better," nishinoya says into his own mic, "we're going to suck no matter what you say."
"why doesn't your guitar player suck my dick!"
the reaction is half boos and half laughter, and yn does her best not to react the way she wants to. she just fiddles with her guitar while nishinoya lets out a string of curses and threats into the mic. he kepts it short, though, they've got a show to get on with.
yn wishes she could spot kuroo. she knows he's out there somewhere in the crowd; she keeps hoping to catch a glimpse of his distinctive silhouette-just seeing him there would help her calm down. just a bit.
kuroo's good at making things better for her. he always does it, even when he's not trying.
but all she can see over the lights that shine in her eyes is a shapeless mass of huddled bodies, indistinguishable and formless. she can't pick out kuroo. she can't see his face and she can't calm down.
"this next song's called rot," nishinoya anounces, and ignores the glare yn shoots him. he's fucking around with their setlist again. "it's about dying and getting eating by worms."
tanaka counts them in, and yn tries to focus all of her energy on playing. she's hoping to take her frustrations out on her guitar; and either way, she always plays great when she's in a bad mood.
but they're not even half-way through the first verse when yn notices something whipping over the heads of the audience. in a fraction of a second, she realizes it's a beer can. sixteen ounces.
and then, the next second, it's hitting her in the temple.
her hand leaves her instrument and flies to cup the spot she got hit. the beer can hits the floor and it's spraying sudsy, warm alcohol all over her. she crouches down in pain, trying to blink away the hot, thick liquid that now drips down into her eye.
there's a hand on her shoulder, and the sweet words of concern in her ear confirm that it's yachi. yn tries to stand up straight, despite the dizzying pain radiating in her skull, and tries to get a look at what's happening in front of her.
strangers are trying to crowd her, to get close to offer help or see if she's okay or just get a better look at exactly what happened. nishinoya is pushing people away, telling them to back the fuck up, now. tanaka's grabbing yn by the shoulder and trying to keep her steady. yachi's pressing one of their discarded tshirts against yn's forehead, trying to slow the bleeding.
and there's a familiar outline of bedhead, stomping up the stairs of the bar, dragging a protesting body behind him.
haphazardly, yn rips wires out of her guitar and shoves herself forward, elbowing her away through the swarms of people, leaving behind her bandmates, bloodied tshirt, and still fizzing can of beer.
once she climbs up the stairs and out of that basement, the cool air is on her skin, on sweat, on the beer-soaked clothes she's left in, and she's suddenly freezing.
but she doesn't really focus on that. yn just stands there and stares as kuroo, her beautiful kuroo, holds the heckler up by his collar, sneering at him. "what the fuck is wrong with you?" he screams into the trembling face of the other man. "you could've killed her!"
"it wasn't supposed to hit her!" he insists, and suddenly does not have the smug edge to his voice he did when he was telling yn to suck his dick. "it was an accident, dude!"
yachi appears at yn's side then, mouth open like she's about to ask if yn's okay, but she stops at the scene before her, just taking yn's hand in hers.
kuroo's grip on his collar is tight, and if the bruising on his knuckles or the bleeding of the heckler's mouth are any indication, he may have already gotten a hit in. he doesn't look away from the man in his grip. "yn, are you bleeding?"
she squeezes yachi's hand. "yeah," is her casual answer. she winces, blood sill trickling down her face, and the pain in her head still throbs.
"kiyoko's looking for something to stop the bleeding," yachi tells him, a nervous tremor. "tanaka's getting the van so he can drive her to the hospital-she's gonna need stiches."
kuroo lets him go, then. dropping him so quickly that the heckler only just gets his bearings before kuroo is pulling his fist back and then slamming it into the nose of the heckler. there's a pleasant crunch. yn tries to appreciate the sight of it, but she's just getting so damn lightheaded.
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by the time they get out of the hospital, the sun has started rising. kuroo's driving the band's van with one hand on the wheel and the other gripping onto his girlfriend's thigh.
her bandmates, who insisted on staying with them the whole night, are now sleeping in the back, and their not soft and not gentle snores are fill the van.
yn looks over at kuroo and grins. she reaches towards him and gently carsses the cut that stretches across his nose. "you got battle scars now. can't believe you headbutted that guy."
he scoffs. keeping his palm flat on the wheel, he stretches out his fingers and examines the the scabbing over his knuckles. "my hands were starting to hurt and i need them for volleyball. i was running out of options."
"it was really hot, by the way," she tells him, teeth poking through broad smile. kuroo flicks his eyes away from the road for just a second to see it. "you were all bloody and sweaty like, 'oh, i'm gonna fucking kill you that's my girlfriend,'" she says, in a poorly done imitation of kuroo.
he laughs. "im just glad you're okay. if you had gotten a concussion i would've had to track him and down and give him one of his own."
"you need more than a beer can to take me down," she boasts. and then, without much warning, leans over towards the driver's seat to place a kiss on kuroo's cheek. "thanks for beating the shit out of that guy for me."
"i'll always beat the shit out of someone for you, babe," he tells her, only half-joking. "you're my girl. of course i will."
she smiles, and places her hand on top of his, resting her head on top of his arm. "i'm totally gonna fuck the shit out of you after i sleep for like, twelve hours, by the way."
kuroo smirks, and from the back, through a haze of sleepiness and snores, nishinoya says, "you guys are fucking gross."
taglist: @wyrcan @rieieieieieiei @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @nnnyxie @cr4yolaas @httpakkeiji @macchiatomegumi @hikikaimar @noodleswastaken @garden-of-bri @rinaheartss @infinitelytimebound @scxrcherr @eyes-ofhell @sleepy-time @polish-cereal @literally-a-ferret @crownj1min @sereniteav @kozuskitten @02shuuu @rasisarchive @marzzn @barricadesenthusiast @yvjitadori @yeehawslap @phoenix-eclipses @lcvestays @thirtykiwis @kitty-m30w @causenessus @notsaelty (i wasn't sure if i should include the taglist since this is just a bonus chapter but u know what. fuck it. here u guys go).
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hxjikonn · 2 years
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(Artist: @/wrt_428 on twtr)
Octavinelle trio x GN!Reader who loves exploring the ocean
☆Staring☆: Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, And Floyd Leech
TW!! Just some foul words and cusses (all in a light hearted manner though nothing serious)
Synopsis: Octavinelle trio reaction to GN!Reader who loves to dive under the sea to explore.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Was weirded out by you. As in “I’m gonna keep an eye on this odd human who like to go down the ocean to play with fish just incase”
He met you at a beach at night (and no not the romantic “beach at moonlight love at first sight” thing) he was looking for coins for his coin collection…and you…you just dived into the water
He didn’t care at first cuz you were just one human, but he noticed it’s been too long since you’ve went down. He thought you drowned😭
Slightly concerned he went after you but then saw you just swimming around following a group of sea horses
He kinda sorta just watched you play around, lay on the sea bed, collect a few shells and rocks you thought were pretty
You occasionally came up for air, and when you do he hides behind big rocks thinking you wont notice. (You did.)
Neither of you made a move to approach each other though. Untilllllll you found a pretty shiny coin.
Azul gasped (underwater?? Idk if you can do that but whatevs) you heard it and for the first time you actually made eye contact with the human octopus guy
Azul thought you’d be afraid of him so he started scaring you that he was a sea witch and that he’d curse you if you don’t give him the coin.
Your dumbass (yes I’m calling you out) laughed…underwater…and you were waayyy down to get up the surface without drowning.
Azul thought he scared you too much (he’s sorta dumb too lol) so one of his tentacles grabbed you and swam up as fast as he could.
Long story short, after you vomited the gallon of sea water in your system, you thanked him and gave him the coin, he was happy but didn’t try to make it obvious (it was very obvious)
You started looking for him whenever you went diving since that day, he was lowkey waiting for you everyday too and is sad when you dont come
When you do come you ask him tons of questions about his tentacles and use them as your personal chair, or cling to one of them when Azul starts swimming just because it’s fun
He acts annoyed, but he really enjoys your company. Even finding ways for you to stay underwater longer so you could stay with him more often
He tries to keep you near shore, he wants to show you around more but you’re a small human. Perfect prey for big underwater predators.
Helps you collect shells and rocks, thinks it’s endearing that you have the same hobby as he does.
And ofc Azul isn’t azul without his contracts, practically sales talk you to make a contract with him so he can make you breathe underwater
Not because he’s worried you accidentally drown or anything no totally not that /sarcasm folks *wink wink*
It’s because according to him “he wants to make you his coin searcher so he can complete his coin collection” (it’s already complete, he has like 25 complete albums just of coins…)
You never agree though 💀💀💀 I guess Azul just has a human to watch after now so they wont drown
Jade Leech
Would be fascinated by you. Bro would “observe” you for hours…
When he found you, you were laying on the sea bed…eye closed…star fish pose…he thought you were a dead body 😭😭
“Floyd forgot to clean up his mess again…” he said to himself…thinking Floyd prolly went on a squeezing spree again
He approached you, because he was gonna pull your body up shore so the other humans can deal with. But when you opened your eyes and saw the long wiggly worm fish man you freaked out
You freaked out so hard you inhaled water 💀 And it took him a few seconds to realize that you weren’t dead…but you were about to be if he doesn’t get you up
He did though, really quickly too. You thought you guys were gonna jump through a different dimension due to how fast he swam.
Once you were up, and you got the sea water you inhaled out of your system, Jade was still watching you…just staring at you with half his face still in the water, his unblinking eyes are the only ones that are surfaced…
You were scared outta your damned body but you still thanked him for saving your stupid ass.
You were more scared when he talked. 💀💀💀
“HOLY SHIT YOU CAN TALK?!!?” “yes. ^^”
He started asking questions about why the fuck you were laying down where he found you cuz tbh who wouldn’t???
You explained to him that you just like to stay underwater and explore, and that you can hold your breath for a long time so it doesn’t bother you that much
He apologized for scaring you and offered to take you to different parts of the ocean when you go diving again…
You agreed of course, and after that he’s stuck to you. Fascinated by the human who loves being underwater.
When he takes you to places, he doesn’t really go exploring with you, he just follows along, watching you curiously look at everything
You two made a signal where you blink two times to tell him you need to go up for air, and he would swim you up and wait for you to catch your breath before swimming back down
He lets you cling onto him when he swims cuz he knows you have fun when you do that.
He keeps you away from danger too, he can fight but he rather not considering you’re a fragile little human who he might put at risk when he fights off predators who’d want to eat you.
Thinks it’s cute that you play with fishes, so cute he almost buys you a collar with “Jade’s pet human” written on it 😭
Is sad when you have to go home, he understands you need to go back to your home up shore cuz your a human and you get tired
But he ALWAYS asks for an extra hour, if you’re tired, you can use him as a bed…underwater…where he’s close to you.
Tries to send subliminal messages to Azul for him to turn you into a fish already so Jade can keep you with him and you never have to leave.
Floyd Leech
Thought you were trying to find creative ways to die 😭💀
He wasn’t in a good mood when he found you, he wanted to squeeze the life out of you for trespassing in his territory
But then he saw you dancing with jellyfishes… “what in the spongebob squarepants are they doing?” He thought.
Saw you get stung a couple of times and expected you to get angry at the jellyfish but you didn’t, it hurt sure but when you got stung you just rubbed it and continued on
You were happy with what you were doing which is what made Floyd more curious, he silently followed you around after that, he didn’t bother hiding from you
In fact you notice him following you, and look at him a couple of times thinking he wants to eat you, but he doesn’t even make a move, just stares
As much as he was curious about you, you too were curious about him. So one time, you saw his tail poking out form behind a rock….you touched it…he was shocked so his first instinct was to strangle you thinking you were some guy tryna pick a fight with him…you passed out 💀
When you woke up you were up shore…instead of the sky though, you saw a couple of dilated pupils staring back at you…
“Uhhh hi?” You blinked at him a couple of times
He thought you died, he was happy you didn’t cuz he was amused by your guts to touch his tail like that knowing you could probably die
He asked if you were okay before squeezing you into a tight soul crushing hug claiming that your “his human” now
He asks you lots of questions and you try your best to answer each one, still shaken up about the near death experience you had just went through
After that he waits for you at the beach everyday, he wants you by his side all the time from then on
He clings on to you all the time when you’re underwater, wraps himself around your little body, does the swimming for you since he thinks you’re slow carrying you with him
Gets bored when you collect shells and rocks but still tries his best to be patient since you looks so cute and small just searching the sea bed for them
He doesn’t see value in the things you’re collecting but when you gave him a green rock he kept it on his shelves at home always looking at it and smiling
His mood cant always tolerate your rock and shell collecting so takes you to a ship wreck to collect shinier things.
Scares, kills, beats the living shit out of any predator who tries to harm his little human companion
He has his mood swings and the first time you encountered that you didn’t know how to handle him, he ended up hitting you with his tail hurting you in the process
You got hit so hard you thought flew across the Pacific Ocean…(I was being sarcastic on this part😭🤚🏻 y’all in replies are sending me💀💀)
When you swam up badly hurt he followed you realizing what he did and rushed to help, but you were already running out the beach when he got there
Floyd was upset the whole week, you didn’t come back and he was afraid you never will come back ever again.
When you did though he squeezed you (gently) trying not to hurt you even more he kept apologizing and for the rest of the day he was just wrapped up around you not letting you go
Doesn’t ever snap at you when he has his mood swings ever again.
Possessive of you, doesn’t want you to meet others like him cuz he thinks you’d make a lot of friends and leave him behind
“Mine.” “Floyd no.” “Floyd yes.”
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A/N: This was fun to make, laughed a lot while writing this. Again…I did not proofread this I never proofread 💀💀 I’m lazy like that
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
The Creeping Fog
"-so I tried reconnecting it here but that just shorted the whole thing out and now I have to- hello?" Donald snaps his fingers in front of Donnie's face.
Donnie startles, cloudy eyes focusing on Donald. "Huh?"
"We were discussing my attempts at bonding with you by working with trash and how it is working out about as well as I expected."
"Oh, yeah. No, I knew that." Donnie rubs his eyes with his palms. "Okay, so you were, um... ooooh, hey, that's shiny..."
"Yes?" Donald tilts his head as Donnie reaches for the small machine on the desk. "It is also live so-"
"-be careful." Donald pulls Donnie's chair away from the desk. "Okay, I know you know lab safety better than that."
"Smells like burning," Donnie says with a slight laugh. "Uh, what were we saying?"
"... Okay... this is unusual behavior from you. I will consult your brothers."
"Don't touch anything."
"Will you actually not touch anything?"
"Uh... yes."
"You're coming with me." Donald grabs Donnie by the wrist, and Donnie doesn't even fight it. His blank expression pinches as they get moving.
"Wait, what's happening?"
"We're going to find your brothers, because you're acting unusually."
"No, wait I know what's wrong. I need... some-something. Mikey?"
"You need your Mikey?"
"Ooooh, butterfly."
"That is a regular fly. Ah, Leo!" Donald comes to a halt in front of the older turtle. "Your brother seems to be experiencing some sort of episode."
"What?" Leo looks confused until Donnie leans in with a dopey smile and boops his not-nose, then seems to lose all energy as his eyes cloud and jaw goes slack.
"Oh, no." Leo takes both of Donnie's hands and guides him to sit on the couch. "Donnie, can you focus up? Hey, Donnie? Are you there?"
Donnie blinks, and nods slowly. He smiles again. "Are we playing a game?"
"Do you remember the last time you took your meds, Donnie?"
"Meds?" Donald pulls up his files on the older turtles. "I don't have any records of medical requirements being mentioned, what does he need?"
"Mikey makes it."
"Your Mikey? The one I saw putting gummy worms into uncooked pizza dough, baking it, blending it, and then pouring that onto a pizza with ice cream on it?"
"Yeah, he's better at chemistry than cooking, somehow. Donnie, how long has it been?"
"Uh..." Donnie blinks. His eyes focus more, and his expression pinches again. "I-I can't remember Leo, I- where are we-"
"It's okay," Leo soothes. he tosses his T-Phone to Donald. "Can you text Mikey and Raph? We need to find his meds."
"On it. What's going on, then? This is normal?"
"For a few years now. There was a chemical accident and... we thought Mikey's concoction fixed him for good, but it turns out he needs to take it at least once a week, maybe more depending on how bad the episodes get."
"And the symptoms?"
"He explains it better-"
"I've got this, bro." Mikey says, entering with Raph and holding a medicine bottle. He hands it to Leo, who begins measuring the dose, and then turns to Donald. He thinks for a second, and then recites it like he's reading a grocery list. "Brain fog, lose of direction, short-term and long-term memory loss, inability to form new memories, Agnosia-"
Donald's eyes widen and widen as the list goes. He looks at Donnie, who's coaxed into taking the medicine by Raph. Leo keeps hold of one of Donnie's hands, and looking back at Mikey Donald is pretty sure he's tearing up.
"And this was a chemical accident?" Donald blurts out. "What kind of chemicals was he working with?!"
Mikey rubs the back of his neck, and Leo grits his teeth and looks away. Raph squeezes his eyes shut and rubs his forehead. Donnie's medicine apparently hasn't kicked in yet, because he's just staring at the wall making mouth noises.
"Our Shredder developed a method of mind-control," Leo finally says. Raph shudders, and Donald is pretty sure he can connect the dots there. "He used them on our Karai." Nevermind, now it's less clear. He's still willing to bet Raph was at some point affected, though. "Donnie was trying to make a way to kill the method, a worm that goes into the brain."
Donald shudders now, feeling phantom tentacles crawling up his shell, sinking in, not painful but invasive-
"I uh." Mikey snaps him out of it. Mikey shuffles his feet and looks away, blinking quickly. "I was messing around in his lab, just like, bored you know? And he told me to leave him alone, and I didn't, and he yelled and I fell right into his desk, and it spilled onto his hand and he started getting all weird and then-"
Donnie leans over the arm of the couch and flicks the tail of Mikey's mask. "Ha-ha, bunny," he snorts.
"That kinda stuff. He spent the whole night and longer losing it, and sometimes he could tell it was happening and sometimes he couldn't and-"
"They worked on making the medicine better together and everything was settled," Raph cuts in, glaring at Donald like Donald has said something (or like he expects Donald to say something). "It's under control now."
Donald nods slowly. "That is... a horrifying story. Are you able to keep up your supply of it?"
"Long as we've got pepperoni, we've got Donnie," Mikey says, oddly grim for how silly the sentence is. So Donald just rolls with it.
"Right. Well, we should let Leon know about this- actually, we should let everyone know, so that we can keep an eye out in case he has an episode again. We should also discuss warning signs of them coming on, if there are any, as well as guidelines for how to handle him in that state."
"Just like that?" Raph moves closer to Donnie.
"While we have little experience with the mental scarring your family endures, as well as the severity of it-"
"Oh, Mr. Sugarcoat over here-"
"-we'd like to be respectful of them. We have our own boundaries as well." Like no pink frosting anymore, for one, and no separating from Leo in the middle of a fight, and no Magic Hands practice in front of Junior-
"It's not a boundary." Leo's voice is quiet, but strong, a mantra flowing out of him as naturally as a breath. "It's an accommodation." Raph smiles a little and knocks his shoulder against Leo's. Leo puts a hand onto one knee, the one Donnie has noticed he tends to favor, and smiles back.
"He'll be okay in a bit," Raph says, gesturing to the now-snoozing Donnie. "We'll let him know you're worried. Sorry for not telling you sooner, we figured he'd do it."
"Ah, ah-ha." Donald shakes his head. "No, if there's one thing my counterpart hesitates to speak about, it's what he considers personal failings." We're so painfully alike in that way. "I'm sure this falls under that."
"Probably." Leo sighs deeply. "Mikey, go with Donald and tell him everything you know."
"Kay. Lemme know when he wakes up so I can make him some sorry food or something."
"That'll make him wish we didn't help him," Raph groans.
Donnie laughs a little in his sleep.
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 6 months
How do the worm holes of tLB universe work?! I'd love to know
I have needed to flesh space travel out for so long so thank you to @milkyfederation for giving me the inspiration and motivation to do this
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Text is in the ID if tumblr decides to be mean about the image quality. In addition to the gate being very small, wormholes are only open for extremely short amounts of time. The smaller, more efficient generators can stay open for a few hours at a time, but most other gates can only open long enough for a single ship to go through. What causes this problem isn’t a lack of or the desire to save energy, but is rather the instability of the wormholes themselves. Wormholes just really do not want to exist, and keeping one open long enough to get a ship through safely is a struggle as-is. Gates can close and reopen multiple times in a short span though, so this isn’t necessarily an issue.
and oh my god long post. uh oh
What is more of an issue is scheduling.
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The way wormholes are scheduled to open in the Little Bird’s setting is heavily regulated by the galactic government. The way it’s set up is that they want all of the active wormholes to bend reality on one plane, kind of sectioning the universe. They do this mostly for safety, because they don’t know what would happen if they tried to bend the universe in too many directions at once. This means that each gate will have a set destination for a certain amount of time, and their destination is determined by where they’re scheduled to go.
The plane reality is bent on does change, usually every week or so, so that each planet’s local wormhole can have a different destination for some time. But overall it does make travel, shipping, and communication at some times to be rather difficult.
Communication is heavily affected by wormhole access, but less so than the other two.
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Little guy. These are allowed onto ships and planets, so you don’t need to go all the way out to a transport wormhole to get the news. Granted. They aren’t really good for talking to other people on other planets. There are a handful of ‘websites’ that run on these guys, but when you’re actually in a populated area you can really only open them for a second or so. More than enough time to download the morning news or send a pre-written email, not enough time to load a social media page.
When on a planet there are usually a few of these in orbit, so anyone on-world can stay updated. These ones can also stay open for quite a bit longer. Or turn off and on again, whatever needs to happen so that your feed is actually up to date. The ‘websites’ that run on them are usually government, military, or the one really large social platform though, so if you want to use those your options are still limited.
The Little Bird having one of these is a little unusual, since it isn’t a deep space ship, but it’s not unheard of.
And uhhhhh
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I'm a little sad I can't put a read more under a read more. anyways map :)
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Alright I can't quite work out how I want to do Chayanne and Tallulah, so... a short piece of Ramón angst as he tries to find his feet! @becauseplot sorry this is more angst and emotions than just kid exploring ^^; xcom au, warning for some stuff with Spreen (he did his best in a horrific situation, Ramón is still fucked up for it) I should also note that q!Spreen is a character I do not know at all well. qxcom!Spreen is going to be a different can of worms, because I filled in a lot of blanks that were not actually blanks. Ramón has been with the group a couple of days, at this point. They'll probably talk more about Spreen sometime, but this is just a short conversation about a really specific sub-topic.
Fit isn't doing much when he is interrupted by the soft sound of nervous footsteps, accompanied by the slap of a thin tail on the floor. He looks up from the notes he is preparing, and then down to see the small form of Ramón half-hiding behind the doorframe.
The other parents say they can feel their children approach; Fit guesses he's just stupid.
"Hey Ramón," he says, not really sure how to be gentle. "Did you need something?"
Ramón is cautious in his approach, moving slowly enough that the legs of his hat barely move. Fit watches, and waits, until Ramón reaches him and raises his arms upwards.
And Fit knows he has gone soft, because he does not even hesitate as he scoops his beautiful baby boy up and into his lap.
"This isn't like you," he says, as his chest is nuzzled into. "Did someone hurt you? Do we need to beat them up?"
The shake of Ramón's head is hesitant, but definitive; Fit leans back on his chair, and tries to remember how to hold someone without using it as a precursor to suffocation. Awkwardly he tries to rest his hand on Ramón's back. Thankfully, the boy takes pity on him, shifting and handing him his notebook.
'I don't want a dad. Is that okay?'
The words sting. They sting a great deal, and Fit does not know what being stabbed through the heart feels like, but assumes that this is what his victims must have felt as shrapnel pierced their lungs. Still he swallows, pushes the gut reaction away; Ramón is just a kid, just an abused and fucked with kid. Fit is the adult. He has to be the adult, and a support for his... Is he allowed to say son now?
"That's okay," Fit says, even if the words kill him. "Whatever you need, Ramón. You call the shots here."
Fit thinks the pain must show anyway, because Ramón's face falls, and he quickly grabs the notepad back. After a bit of scribbling it is handed back, with new words on the page.
'No, wait, I want you to be my dad, but I do not want you to be dad.'
Fit... does not quite get it. He frowns, and watches Ramón scribble even more, words pouring out now as he desperately tries to correct himself and explain.
"Shhhh," Fit tries, all too familiar with putting his foot in it and watching people hurt for the attempt. "Breathe. Take your time. Words kind of suck, but there's no rush."
Ramón keeps rushing.
The page is torn out this time, forced into Fit's hands.
'I don't want a dad. I was told to call Spreen papa. I don't want a papa or a dad or a father. Not again.'
And Fit... He isn't sure just what happened between Ramón and his ex, but he knows it wasn't pretty; Spreen never reacted well to being trapped. Neither of them regretted the marriage per say, not when Fit would have fucking died without them using it to force the twin's hands, but it was a fucking trainwreck from start to finish. Spreen forced into looking after a kid? While kidnapped? With the sort of telepathy bullshit Tazercraft live with going on, but uncontrolled, between him and said child? It's a fucking wonder either of them survived the experience, let alone that Ramón is adjusting as well as any of them.
It doesn't mean that the words don't sting, but Fit can breathe a little easier.
"That's alright, my boy," he answers, careful to keep his tone more even. "What would you like to call me instead?"
'Can you be Fit? Just Fit?' comes the reply.
"We can do that; it's what everyone else calls me, so nice and easy there," he reassures, the sting having become something sad instead. "If I'm just Fit, what do you want to be? Just Ramón? A new name? Something else?"
The pause this time is somehow longer, Ramón even more hesitant in what he writes. Fit worries, not for what the words will say, but for what horrors are going in his baby's little genius brain.
'I like Ramón. I'
It's odd, for Fit to be given a paper with a sentence left hanging. He strokes his head with his good hand, and prompts, "you?"
Somehow, somehow, the words come even slower - like fighting through toffee.
'I want to be your son. Is that okay? To want to be your son, but not to want to call you dad?'
Ramón looks so, so scared as he writes the words. Fit... is not sure how to comfort a kid, so he pets his hair and forces concern into a smile and tells him, "that's more than okay, Ramón. My beautiful baby boy. Whatever you want."
Just as a blush starts showing around his scales, Ramón hides his face back in Fit's chest. It's a hug, just a hug, his arms gripping as tight as they can around Fit.
Fit dares not use his prosthetic to hold his child, but he wraps his good arm across the boy's back. He holds him, as tight as he dares, and thinks that perhaps he realises just why the other parents have turned so soft.
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fluffypandabun · 3 months
A perfect cure for Boredom
AN: I know none of you know nothing about the Wondla book series but Ive read the first book and I love it and also I love these two they're my favorite father daughter duo so I had to write something for them. Its not my usual content but its something so I hope you enjoy.
Summary: Eva Nine is bored, this can only lead to disaster of course.
Eva Nine was bored.
She sighed as she braided strands of her dirty blonde hair together, only to tug them apart again and start all over. She laid back on the moss covered ground idly moving her socked feet.
Rovender was a little ways away, tending to the fire that was in the middle of cooking their supper, some animal he had killed and skinned out of Evas sight at her own request.
The blue Cæruleans back was to her as he fiddled with the brim of his hat, fiddling with a tear in the fabric and huffing grumbled curses to himself.
Eva turned herself over onto her stomach, the twelve year old watched the grumpy blue alien from her comfortable spot on the moss. She considered calling out to him, drawing him in to a pointless fun squabble for her own entertainment. Anything to cure the growing sense of boredom gnawing at her insides.
She was ready to call out for him when suddenly another idea struck her, and she grinned flashing teeth. Slowly she made her way into a crouch, before she stood fully.
Carefully she crept her way towards the fire, where her unsuspecting blue friend sat unaware of the quickly approaching threat.
She moved near silently thanks to her socked feet and and the soft moss covered floor, getting closer and closer to her target. With a wide grin she brandished her fingers into claws and pounced.
"Rahhh!" She growled, landing a top the started Cæruleans back and wrapping her arms the best she could around his larger form. Her small nimble fingers were quick to find where his sides where, digging gently into the soft fur covered flesh. Digging in roughly in order to be felt past his thick dark brown coat.
Eva was familiar was tickling; when she was younger Muther used to play with her in a similar way quite often. But Eva had never tickled anyone else before. she had tried on Muther once but it had no effect on the robot. She hoped that she was doing it right.
And clearly she was, based on the way Rovenders body went rigid and he began to let out choked sounds like he was trying not to cough as his body began to shake.
Truth was he had known the human was there behind him, and had decided to humor her just this once.
However he had never expected an outcome like this.
"E-Eva Nine! You-! You stohohop that!" He fought to contain the laughter bubbling up in his chest, forcing a scowl onto his features as he tried to reach behind himself and snatch the giggling child off his back.
"But this is fun!" She grinned, nimble fingers poking and prodding wherever she could reach, she traveled her hands farther up where she knew his rib-cage would be if he were a human like her and it caused him to hunch over slightly with a funny wheezing sound making her giggle.
"It-! It most certainly is n-nohohohot-!"
Eva smiled deviously, wrapping her arms tighter around the blue aliens middle to keep from getting twisted off.
"Come one Rovee! Lighten up a little!"
She stuck out her tongue and tried to worm her fingers under his arms, causing him to jerk violently.
Said human laughed aloud at the way the Cæruleans voice went slightly more higher pitched then usual. However, her laughter was cut short soon after as a large blue hand grabbed onto the collar of her shirt and suddenly yanked her off sending her onto her back on the mossy floor.
Rovender sat above her hand on his chest, coughing and trying to catch his breath. He sent a glare Eva's way, she simply grinned sheepishly at him. Suddenly she let out a shriek when he quickly reached for her, she tried to scramble away but he snatched her ankle and pulled her back towards him; Eva already laughing long before his large fingers began to poke and prod gently at her stomach.
Happy childish laughter bubbled up from her chest and out her mouth and she squirmed back and forth to try and evade the Cæruleans fingers, but he simply seemed to follow her whichever way she squirmed.
Rovender chuckled "Is this still "fun" Eva Nine?"
"Ehehehe! Rovehehe I'm sorhehehy!"
"Hm, forgive me but I have a hard time believing that."
Eva made a grab for his wrists, holding onto it for dear life with both hands as she laughed. "I wahahas just borhohohored!"
Rovender smiled, feeling a playfulness that only Eva could bring out in him building up in his chest. "Oh? Then please, allow me to help with that."
He reached behind him with his free hand and grasped onto one of Evas kicking feet, holding it up he hummed as if he were deeply considering something.
"I do find it odd that your species requires so many toes to be able to walk properly, how many was it that you had again?"
"Ten!" Eva squeaked, trying to tug her foot free of his grasp, Rovender shook his head.
"Ten? Bah! It cannot be that many; I must check for myself."
"Nohohoho!" Eva giggled, only to squeal as Rovender began to gently tweak each of her toes through her socks, counting softly out loud to himself.
"...nine...ten...hm, perhaps you really do have ten of them....let me recount just to be sure."
"Rovehehehe!" Evas belly was beginning to hurt from laughing so hard for the first time in so long, happy tears of mirth prickled at the corners of her eyes and hiccups had begun to mingle within her laughter and she snorted when Rovender tweaked her kneecap gently.
Smiling softly Rovender chortled himself at the noise before he seized his attack, pulling his hands away to cross his arms. Leaving the human child flat on her back breathlessly giggling as she recovered.
The Cærulean raised a brow "Are you still alive Eva Nine?"
He got no response in return, he was getting ready to roll his eyes at the child's dramatics when she suddenly sprang up and threw herself at him.
For a second, much to his embarrassment, he panicked thinking she was about to try and tickle him again and he was quick to clasp his arms down to his side; but instead of any attack she simply threw her arms around him middle with a happy noise.
"That was so much fun!"
She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him with a big smile, eyes sparkling with playful excitement.
"I haven't gotten to play with someone like that in forever. Thanks Rovee."
Rovender blinked a few times in surprise, looking down at Eva in shock for a moment before he felt a deep fondness began to bloom in his chest, one he had not felt in a long time, and he smiled wrapping his arms around her smaller frame.
"You are welcome Eva Nine....however see that you refrain from attacking me again in such a manner in the future."
He gave the girl a gentle squeeze to her side to get his words across, but she simply giggled squirming away.
"I wont be making any promises."
The Cæruleans sigh was filled with nothing but fondness.
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paganwitchisis · 29 days
"Pint Sized Terror" Chapter 3
Chapter three: Accidental Fire
Word Count: 1,584
Rating: E for Explicit
Link to Ao3 here!
Pairing: AFAB Female Tav/Astarion
I apologize for how poorly this is written. I wrote this towards the end of my burn out and it suffered because of this. This is a short chapter meant to show you I did not abandon this fic and the next chapter will be better. I no longer have burn out so the quality will improve.
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Tomorrow was, in fact, not a better day.
Lae’zel startled Tav awake the next day, upset over something Astarion had done.
“That little menace had better watch out.” Lae’zel stared at Astarion dead in the eye as he sat next to Tav on the bed.
“Watch out? Why?” Tav asked still groggy as she woke up and got on her elbows to better see the woman.
“This child released a dozen frogs in my bed as we slept. He is lucky I didn’t catch him or we would be missing a child this morning. I do not take kindly to pranks.” Lae’zel snapped, pointing a finger at the little boy.
“Lae’zel is the frog princess!” Astarion chimed in excitedly.
Tav was two seconds away from chastising the little one when Lae’zel interrupted.
“It is good that he acknowledges how regal I am, but the warning stands, this will not happen again” Lae’zel looked as if she was proud of the youngster’s comment while Tav had her mouth agape. Lae’zel took a horrible comment (that Tav was going to speak to Astarion about later) and thought it was a compliment. Tav dared not to correct her and instead got up from bed and began getting herself and Astarion ready for the day. As she got Astarion dressed in his black pants and red shirt, she spoke to the tyke.
“You know, what you called Lae’zel was wrong. You can’t call a species of people, the Githyanki, as frog people. That isn’t nice. She is as much Githyanki as you are an elf.”
“Elf?” Astarion looked at her quizzically.
“Your ears are pointed aren’t they? How would you feel if someone made fun of your ears?”
“I’d be sad” Astarion looked at the floor, upset at the thought that Tav gave him. Tav kneeled down at his side and hugged the boy who reciprocated back.
“Aha! I got it!” came a startling voice from the center of the room. It took a moment but Tav recognized the voice. It was Gale.
Of course, it was easy to identify when the man was making his way over toward the pair. Tav and Astarion had just finished dressing when Gale had approached her.
“I found the solution! Look at this.” Tav took a look at the tome in question when she saw what Gale was pointing at. The book said it was part one of two. “I just need to go back down to the trials and get the second part!”
“That’s great.” Tav said. “We can head out today.”
“Oh no” Gale held his hand up to stop her “I’ll take Karlach, Shadowheart and Lae’zel with and we’ll leave at once. You should stay put considering…” Gale gestured towards the little boy.
“No buts, Tav. Let me work how I need to, and we’ll have him back in no time. This tome hints at a cure but the second one may have it.”
Tav sat down on the bed and crossed her arms. “Fine, but I don’t want any of you hurt. Any major battle and I want you to come back to regroup.”
“I can do that” Gale agreed. “Just keep him out of trouble in the meantime. I know that may be a tall order to deal with.”
“Hey! That’s mean!” Yelled the offended six year old.
“Pardon me, I didn’t mean it.” Gale tried to pacify the small child. Gale went to pat the child on the back and thought better of it after his last encounter with the child and his teeth. It wasn’t that Gale and the others disliked Astarion as a child however the antics the child got into was exhausting to say the least. Gale truly wanted to help Astarion, if for no other reason that the worms in their heads. They couldn’t continue their quest with a child in tow which led to the other reason Gale wanted to help Astarion. He really wanted to help Tav. It was clear to anyone with eyes that Tav was hurting from this endeavor but she would not speak it or let anyone know how she felt. Gale will admit he had a crush on Tav in the beginning but after she chose Astarion, Gale allowed that crush to become a friendship. A deep and wonderful friendship that he wanted to preserve and if that meant helping the energetic child become a grumpy vampire again, he would do it.
Tav helped the little boy eat while a few of the companions got ready and headed out to Ansur’s last location so they could access the library within the trials leading up to it. Tav sat on her bed and went through her pack as the little one was eating. Unbeknownst to her, Astarion had wandered away and went into Gale’s things.
“Astarion?” Tav called out when she didn’t see the little boy. Astarion pulled back with the book he had and skimmed the pages. He hid on the side so Tav couldn’t see him easily.
“Ignis.” Astarion read on the book and accidentally set Gale’s sheets on fire.
Astarion quickly scampered away and ran towards Tav as he was scared.
“Fire, mommy! Fire!” Tav sprang into action as she ran to the source of the quickly accumulating smoke. There, she found Gale’s sheets and a book partly consumed by the fire. Minsc and Jaheira were already on board snuffing it out along with Tav. Wyll kept Astarion away from the commotion until finally, the fire was under control.
“Mommy!” Astarion ran to Tav and clutched her leg as Tav picked up the book. The spell on how to use a fireball was still on display on the page, the book still open when Tav found it.
“I’m sorry!” Astarion cried and closed his eyes as he held Tav desperately.
“What just happened?” Tav asked as she looked over the child for any injuries. Astarion was unscathed as far as Tav could tell. The child began to stop sobbing as Tav held him in her arms. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I was reading and fire came out of my hand!” The child showed Tav his hand as if there was something wrong with it. Tav shook her head and put his hand down at his side.
“You can do magic. Just don’t say the word you said before and nothing will come of it.” Tav carried the boy to her bed and put him down. She went to Astarion’s bunk and took his sheets to replace the ones Gale lost to the fire. It still smelled of smoke from the fire so the gang opened up the windows to air out the floor. Tav returned to Astarion to find him missing, scared he went out a window, Tav began searching for the tyke. Tav was pleasantly surprised to find the child at the table and with questionable company. There, crouched down and with tiny cups was Boo and Minsc with Astarion. Tav was surprised as she only left him alone for about fifteen minutes while they cleared the room and remade Gale’s bed with the new sheets. Astarion wouldn’t need the sheets as even as an adult, they shared a bed. The child did as well but in a different kind of manner. Regardless, Astarion would not need the sheets on his bed.
If Tav didn’t know better, she could swear Astarion was having a tea party with the hamster and Minsc.
Tav left the child to his imagination play for the time being. Needing some air, Tav asked Jaheira if she could watch the pint sized terror while Tav left for a little fresh air. Jaheira waved her off and Tav made sure she was ready to go out for the day. Tav checked on the child to see he was still playing with Minsc and Boo or rather, trying to dunk boo in the liquid against Minsc’s advice. Tav shook her head and snuck out the door without Astarion noticing, or so she thought.
Tav left the Elfsong and went on her way to the Blushing Mermaid. Tav felt she could use a drink after everything that had happened in the last few days, but Tav didn’t make it very far. Tav was halfway to her destination when the hairs on her neck stood on end and Tav felt like she was being watched. With her hand on the hilt of her sword, Tav rounded the bend to find it desolate. Not a soul was in sight and inwardly Tav cursed not bringing anyone with her. There were any number of negative influences in the city, from Bhaalists, to Banites. Bandits and mercenaries were also a concern, so why in the world did Tav leave by herself?
Tav drew her weapon for a gruff voice to yell out “Boys! Get her!”
Tav noticed right away who they were – slavers.
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whumpsical · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 10: Difficulty Breathing
contents: noncon, asphyxiation, asthma attack, fear of death
ehehe Jian has been having a bad crossover time with @yet-another-heathen 's Garcia <33
(do i include the regular taglist?? idk but no one can stop me @much-ado-about-whumping @minerscanary )
"Oh, fu-- FUCK! Please, I ca--" Jian's voice gave out into silent, half-strangled gasps as Garcia shifted his weight and found an even more constricting spot on Jian's back to keep him pinned to the floor beneath Garcia's arm. The air grew sluggish in Jian's lungs, and he could feel his body getting steadily weaker while his thoughts ramped up into an electric mess of miserable, defeated panic.
It wasn't until a few long moments after Jian's eyes had fluttered and rolled back that Garcia released the pressure on Jian's chest.
Jian's brain buzzed to life with his first breath of free air. Every racing thought was torturously loud and completely nonsensical, and for a second Jian could only think of tripping hard on a sticky barstool, leaning back against the bar and watching teams of bachelorettes grind on their gay friends for the fun of it, comprehending nothing of their conversations beneath the overwhelming barrage of the speakers and the hazy filter of the drugs.
Always so loud.
Jian gasped and coughed against the cold floor. But he could take much more than that, they both knew it.
It came out as a squeak, congested and exhausted, and was completely ignored as Garcia leaned down between Jian's shoulder blades again. The desperate breath that Jian had managed to suck in was pressed right back out before it could even reach his lungs, and that claustrophobic terror swept through his mind again, like a fire eating up fabric drapes.
All of Jian's muscles went frantically rigid. He tried with everything he had to get himself up off the floor, but he couldn't even move his arms enough to lay his palms flat. From just above him, Jian heard a quiet hitch in Garcia's breathing as his pathetic little instinctual struggle gave Garcia something tight to push through, but he still couldn’t stop himself from giving in to the panic and pointlessly trying to wrestle his life out of Garcia's hands.
It was too late. Jian was already slipping away again, his thoughts going dark and his hands going numb. Garcia relished in it, slowing his pace and deepening the roll of his hips as Jian's body went lax again and his head radiated heat from somewhere deep inside his skull, burning wobbling mirages into the air.
"Good boy," Garcia purred from somewhere near the back of Jian's head. "Like that."
There wasn't anything else he could do. As he finally passed out, Jian felt Garcia's hips rutting flush up against him with no resistance at all, as deep inside him as he could possibly go, and Jian knew the fucking perfectly trained puppy that had wormed its way into his subconscious had taken the praise with enthusiasm. A dry whimper managed to escape Jian's throat as he felt himself getting hard too, but he saw black again before the shame could hit him in full force.
He was underwater at first, then in the deep shade of a small tree, the smell of its leaves hanging thick in the muggy air. One trembling breath drew the sweet smell in, but when it came out as a heaving cough, Jian couldn't remember where he was.
Before he could find real flowing air again, Garcia's fucking scent refilled Jian's lungs, and he had never been anywhere except beneath this man.
Jian tried to stay calm through it, but he knew he would always hit that point where his head started screeching and his body stopped taking orders.
When he had air, it traveled in short huffs that did more to express his desperation than to feed his aching lungs, but it still wasn't good enough. Garcia only listened for a moment and pressed down again, satisfied with the conviction that Jian could survive another round.
Jian spent every conscious moment trapped in a splitting headache spawned by fear and exertion and dehydration. For every round of Garcia's fucking game, he felt more and more drawn to the unconscious instead. But he couldn't quite reach that peak and hold on to it.
This time, Jian could hardly take in his one allotted gasp through a crop of tears. He couldn't even consider faking the strained wheeze and the choked rattling sounds from deep in his chest that they were waiting for. The consequences of Garcia seeing through even one false performance could mean the end of his life right fucking there. All he could do was endure the horror of teasing death, over and over again, until his own lungs gave him an out.
But he'd had a lot of practice.
A rush of gratitude and relief welled through him when his breath didn't immediately return upon Garcia releasing pressure this time. Jian scrambled for purchase, gagging on an empty gasp, when Garcia took a handful of hair and tugged his head back, but the leverage he achieved with both of his hands finally solidly on the floor wasn't enough to clear his swelling airways. It was almost over, he told himself, but whether the end would come with a few puffs of his inhaler or a trip across the River fucking Styx he couldn’t tell yet. It was almost over, but of course Garcia was going to fucking come first.
The river grew closer, and Jian grew colder in its proximity. A large hand startled him from behind, and Garcia cupped Jian's throat in his palm, tipping his chin upward, gentle but uncompromising.
Jian had barely blinked his eyes open before he felt Garcia quicken his pace, thrusting into him with single-minded drive.
Just as he felt his mind start to sink away into some kind of dark, inescapable dream, Jian managed a choke. Then a cough, and finally a gasp, but it was like he was breathing through perforated plastic wrap.
Both of his knees knocked against the hard floor, every bone and joint echoing with radiant pain from every jolt. But he was breathing.
His breath rattled in his chest and he was barely getting enough to keep going, but he was breathing. Soon he found himself able to gasp in more quick shots of oxygen, and to whimper out wordless, terrified pleas when he wasn't coughing his fucking lungs out.
He couldn't take any more, they both knew it. But Garcia still pushed him just a bit harder, releasing Jian's throat to plant both hands on Jian's hips and force them to ram backwards into him, making Jian's head rattle around on the hard floor while he whimpered in a distant voice.
It was too close this time.
Garcia buried his teeth into Jian's left ear, tugged his head back and settled deep inside of him. Intentional or not, the pain and shock of it acted like a flimsy rip cord to Jian's spasming lungs, forcing one deep gasp through his inflamed airways.
It was still too close. Jian's vision was shadowed by a dark, gray-blue film, rotting at the edges. He didn't feel being pushed flat to the ground, or the inhaler that bounced off his shoulder, but he saw where it landed in front of him. He was almost too far gone to comprehend what was going on, much less to do anything about it. A rattling cough brought tears to his eyes, and the blurry darkness rapidly crawling inward from the edges of his vision sent a lightning bolt of fear into his heart.
He had to try. He had to fucking try or he was going to die.
One arm stretched over a slow, shaky path across the floor, but Jian's strength was too quickly waning, and he collapsed again into a dark sinkhole.
He stayed underground until something hard and plastic was forced into his mouth, and the slightly bitter taste of his rescue inhaler hit him like cool water on his face.
Jian’s thoughts swirled together like a funnel of water down a drain. It was still just as hard to breathe, but to administer the medication Garcia had dragged Jian's body up into a position that was becoming familiar: Jian sitting upright between Garcia's legs, his back pressed to Garcia's chest. In that half embrace, Jian suddenly didn't feel as frantic as he probably still should.
He felt drowsy, which he supposed might've been just as bad. But he had Garcia, who he supposed still wanted him alive, encouraging Jian's shallow, labored gasps for now.
Another puff of the rescue inhaler brought him closer to focus, just a reminder that he wasn't finished fighting this battle. 
"Come on, Jian," Garcia was saying quietly. He raked a hand through Jian's hair, sweeping sweaty curtains from his forehead. It was all very gentle, but not quite tender. Garcia was just as invested in Jian's suffering as he was in his recovery. "Keep breathing, baby."
Sure, Garcia may have been following Jian's struggle to stay alive like he was watching one of his wrestling championships. He probably would've been taking bets if they weren't alone. But at least for the moment, Garcia was soft and still, and his palms spread their settling warmth across Jian's chest and forehead. Of course Jian was going to soak it up while he could.
Of course he was. He’d had more than enough experience to know that you never passed up those rare comforts offered by a sadistic captor.
He did miss the mountains.
He wasn't going to think about that.
It was hard not to. North Carolina had charred every corner of Jian's brain, and there was no escaping that fact, especially not while lost in the whirlpool of violently uprooted thoughts and all their chaotic branches swirling around him.
But he would beat those memories to the frozen fucking ground if he had to. Not now.
He felt his heartbeat pounding wildly beneath the hand Garcia had pressed reassuringly over his chest, one finger lightly passing back and forth between his collarbones. Jian let one of his trembling, numb hands drift to Garcia's thigh and hold on. It felt like surrender, and he hoped it would be received that way, but he never fucking knew with this guy.
Nestling deeper into Garcia's lap and taking another puff of the inhaler which Garcia was still holding for him, Jian finally felt his lungs start to fill up a touch more comfortably. He still had a long way to go, but his harsh gasps had quieted down to thin, choppy wheezes. Compared to the deep, satisfied breaths that played across Jian's left ear from Garcia's contented fucking sighs behind him, Jian sounded like he was on the brink of death, which he might as well have been.
Jian wouldn't survive another intentionally triggered asthma attack any time soon, no matter how quickly Garcia medicated him afterwards. They both knew that. Jian just hoped he could find other ways to keep Garcia happy in the meantime, and that the bastard wouldn't get too bored and decide to give it a whirl anyway.
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echoes-lighthouse · 5 months
6, 9, 11, and 12 for the Slasher Orphanage if you'll take Platonic asks for this ask game, please!
Ohohoho I most certainly will!
6. Can your f/o lift you? Can you lift them?
I think that everyone in the house could probably lift me, I'm the second-shortest of the original bunch. (Thank you to Sadako for not hitting her growth spurt yet, but I'm sure she'll spring past me in time.) I can lift everyone except for Jason but most of them I can only kinda do the hug-around-waist and lift a couple inches off the floor! I can definitely carry Sadako and I think I could probably carry the teens as well (Carrie, Stu, and Billy). Maybe in a piggy-back!
9. Has your f/o killed for you, or would they? Have you killed for them, or would you?
The main problem is getting them not to kill for me, if we're being honest! Yes, there have been a couple of casualties through the years: potential members of the house that didn't work out, or people who tried to go to the police and one of us had to interfere. More mulch for the gardens, more bones for the stock! We try to keep the body counts as low as possible.
11. Would your f/o still love you if you were a worm? How about vice versa?
Jason, Carrie, and Sadako might still love me if I was a worm. Vincent and Billy probably wouldn't have any feelings about a worm. Stu and Brahms do not like worms and would not make an exception for me.
I don't think that worms really need love, but I would certainly make sure everyone had enough compost to eat and that no one strayed onto pavement and got themselves stepped on. Maybe that's as much love as a worm could ask for.
12. What was your f/o's first thought about you?
Oh boy. That's a fun question for this bunch. Let's do it chronologically.
Brahms: that I looked bright. I came into the house and he thought that I might be enough.
Sadako: that I reminded her of her mother. She saw me interacting with Brahms the first time she saw me.
Michael: he doesn't really distinguish faces, so it took a while before I existed as a person for him. I think that the fact that Sadako and I were small was the first thing that registered. And then it was my cooking after that: a status as a provider.
Vincent: confusion about who I was. Again, he came in semi-catatonic and was mostly trying to figure out if I knew him: he couldn't believe that a stranger would be taking care of him.
Carrie: that I looked weird. She couldn't figure out how to place me: whether I was an adult or a teenager, a boy or a girl. Either way, she was scared of me because I was another person.
Jason: first, that I wasn't a threat. second, that I didn't see him. (I absolutely did see him, I was just not going to deal with it at the moment.)
Billy and Stu were too busy being like 'oh fuck a person who's going to turn us in' and then being like 'what the actual fuck is happening on this farm' to actually think about me for a while lmao. I think Billy's first coherent thought about me was that I was short, and Stu's first coherent thought was that I reminded him of a kid's show character.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Goofball Iolite Hospital and Dreamlight Valley Antics
why? Because I have been playing Dreamlight Valley while my shoulder recovers, and I made my character in that game Aluminum. So these silly scenarios of how my characters would act in Dreamlight Valley wriggled into my brain like worms.
TW: Brief mentions of Chronic Illness and Swearing
Aluminum, Dr. Cogsworth, Derek, Baxter, Maya and Johnny Doe would all probably share the same house, arguing with one another over who gets the bed until they can afford to buy enough for everyone. Well, Maya and Johnny would probably just stay to the sidelines, alongside Derek, because they are content to all snuggle up on the floor, mainly because Derek is like a pillow. Derek doesn't mind being a pillow. Aluminum would fistfight for the bed, though, and suffer because he needs complete silence and darkness to sleep, and Baxter snores up a storm. Dr. Cogsworth doesn't really care, being able to stay up all night as long as he is wound up, and Baxter sometimes wakes up to Cogsworth staring at him while he sleeps, only to hear him say something both random and concerning, like "Mickey is standing outside our door, again." This then causes Baxter to be unable to sleep for the rest of the night, due to an intense fear of Mickey Mouse.
The group would be absolutely feral compared to the rest of Dreamlight Valley. Aluminum would probably introduce himself to new villagers by saying something along the lines of "Hello! I'm Aluminum! I'm chronically ill!" Only for the other person to already feel overwhelmed by the over sharing. Dr. Cogsworth would feel naturally drawn to Wall-E, because they are both robots. Wall-E might feel a bit reminded of AUTO due to how Dr. Cogsworth tries to always go by systems and rules, while holding a cold outer shell, but might warm up depending on how their interactions go. Meanwhile, Baxter is flirting with the villains, both unaware and not caring that they are villains. Meanwhile, Maya keeps embarrassing him by acting like a goofball, with the intention of ruining his chances to protect him from said villains.
Johnny would hang out at Remy's, not ordering any food, and just bringing in piles of clay and eating them off of the fancy plates he has. He would also beg Derek and Dr. Cogsworth to buy him clothes from Scrooge so he can gnaw on them when stressed. The entire town is also concerned about Johnny's forgetfulness, thinking he might be more susceptible to the night thorns, only to calm down when it is explained that he has short-term memory loss and it isn't the night thorns. Derek would heavily enjoy farming all day, finding that it reminds him of his home world.
I can totally see Aluminum trying to farm, only for some random villager to walk through it on accident, causing him to suddenly burst out in anger. Like, Mother Gothel would walk on through his lettuce garden only to suddenly hear him screaming "YOU!!! HOW DARE YOU YOU LITTLE-" then it turns into a ten minute long tirade full of pure rage and curses. Derek would have to pick him up and take him inside, wrapping him in blankets and giving him something to chew on to release him stress.
Dr. Cogsworth would end up just marching into Remy's and giving him a long list of what each member of the group can and cannot eat, only to absolutely overwhelm him as he explains how Aluminum is allergic to a bunch of things, without knowing what exactly they are. It does give Remy an interesting challenge of trying to make safe to eat foods for them, though, as well as making a small bond between them as he teaches Dr. Cogsworth the safe recipes and asks for any feedback the others give on them. He even tries to remake the other foods on his menu to be safe, so they can enjoy them, too.
Baxter likes to hang out of the beach, trying to learn how to swim. He also likes to catch random fish and just... eat them raw, right after catching them, to the horror of those who happen to see him doing so. Ursula and Ariel would end up having to save him from drowning as he pushes himself too hard as he tries to teach himself to swim in an attempt to impress whoever he's decided to crush on that day. He'd then have to explain that, as a landshark, he doesn't actually know how to swim, but wants to learn how to do so to become closer with his shark ancestors.
Freaking Dr. Cogsworth learns that he has this weird, natural gift for dancing and playing music when he hangs out with Kristoff. The catch is, he can only play and dance waltzes. He can play Masquerade Suite Waltz by Khachaturian off the top of his head on any instrument, but ask him to play Mary had a Little Lamb and he is done for. Sometimes people will ask for him to play music in certain areas, like the beach or meadow, so they can hold little homemade ballroom dances.
Aluminum has to have someone to help guide him around whenever he has to wear clothes that don't have eyes on them. He does his best to draw them on, but sometimes he just doesn't have anything to draw on the clothes with. He gets pretty freaked out during those moments due to having a fear of blindness, which is natural for many of the Eyeless, but most everyone seems kind enough for him to feel relatively safe.
On the subject of clothes, everyone would be cross-dressing for the heck of it. Like, they don't care. Aluminum thinks he looks better in dresses, anyways, and Maya wants to be the "knight in shining armor! The mini Mulan! The cool tomboy who kicks evil's butt!" Baxter loves to wear makeup and finds that skirts are easier to wear when you have a tail, with Derek agreeing. Johnny likes to play pretend with Maya, playing the part of a prince who needs saving, while wearing pretty pink slip on shoes due to the fact that they feel comfortable and look nice. The most Dr. Cogsworth would so is wear a mixture of different gendered clothing depending on what he is doing, all while trying to stay modest and professional. Is it his turn to water the crops, but it is hot enough that his systems will overheat? A nice skirt with a button up shirt will do. Is it cold outside, but he needs to go to the forest and frosted heights to collect wood? Well, the only gloves he has are some sparkly pink ones, and he has to match his clothes to look presentable. Pink glittery, rose shirt with some warm black pants and winter boots. Meanwhile, Aluminum would be running around in crop tops, shorts, pretty princess dresses, high heels, and whatever he feels like because he is at the point where he just doesn't care. His clothes hardly match half of the time, too.
Maya would be running around, sometimes on all fours, making the most random of noises to shock people. A girl has to have fun somehow, and when the only games you know how to play are slinky hunting and chase laser you are going to have a peculiar sense of fun. Johnny joins in from time to time, chipping in on other games to play. He's the one who came up with their knight and prince games. She mainly sticks her tongue out and makes a "blep" noise, but she will randomly screech or growl to catch the villagers off guard for fun. When Baxter catches this, he picks her up and shouts at the top of his lungs "LOOK AT MY NIECE! WHAT AN AMAZING HUNTRESS SHE IS!" out of pure proud uncle energy.
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Save Me
Requested by ur_motha on Ao3
Written August 14th (Posted November 12th)
Warnings: PTSD, (past) child abuse, alcoholism, panic attacks, chronic pain, disability
Ship: Mephimon
Type: Angst | Hurt/Comfort
Words: 1056
Summary: Mephistopheles has PTSD due to past child abuse.
He has Mammon when things become too much.
Notes: This connects heavily to What Holds You On Your Feet! So read that first.
He stood up from his desk, feeling pain explode in his legs.
He had forgotten his cane at home that day. Once Mammon and Barbatos convinced (read: forced) him to use it more often, he became accustomed to using it all day, everyday.
Mammon would get overly worried if he decided not to use it. So, to save himself and keep Mammon happy, he used it everyday.
With the sudden lack of support, his legs lacked in ability to carry his body weight.
How exactly he forgot such an important thing, good question.
He had woken up late that morning, and in a frenzy he rushed out of his room to make sure his little brother, Azazel, was up and read.
Mephisto noticed that he had poured himself a bowl of cereal, and was indeed ready.
They both rushed to the car to ensure they didn't make it late.
Halfway through the drive, Azazel questioned the lack of the olders cane.
That's when he noticed he screwed up.
A small whimper of pain wormed it's way through his lip.
Luckily, Mammon had worried his ass off over him the entire day.
He loved his boyfriend, but he could be a bit much.
When Mammon first found out about his condition, he was in shock.
And in a those months since, he wouldn't stop worrying over Mephisto.
He appreciated the thought a lot. Though, he wasn't use to this much love and care.
Mammon wrapped his arm under Meph's shoulder and around his neck, firmly supporting him.
Mephistopheles gave him a smile before pecking his lips.
He seemed shocked by Mephisto's actions, before returning another kiss.
They pressed against eachother comfortably, relishing in the taste and warmth of eachother's lips.
They only split apart when one of their classmates, Amon, decided to interrupt, "Ewww! Could you two not at least wait. I mean, just because school's over doesn't mean that you can just-"
He was cut off when the two started kissing again. Amon always liked to mess with them, but they never allowed him to.
Why Amon still bothered? They had no idea.
Amon grumbled; and then shouted, "This is why I hate all you high up demon's!"
Mephistopheles laughed, "Okay, Mammon. We really should go now."
Mammon smiled, "Can I walk ya home?"
He smirked, "Wouldn't dream of anything else."
The two started their walk to Mephisto's home.
Mammon all but carried the taller demon. His legs were loosing strength by the second.
At least his boyfriend was strong.
Mephistopheles started walking home as a way to exercise his legs. Still using the cane, he'd make the decently short walk back to his house.
It helped make sure his legs didn't go dead entirely.
Though, they still seemed pretty bad.
That was pretty much his fault. Working them to collapse. Bringing them to the state they were in now.
Mammon talked about the money he lost in a recent gamble.
Passion and anger laced his words. But overall, he sounded happy.
Mephisto felt happy too. He was so close to the greed demon, he was practically leeching off his warmth.
Demon's had really low body temperature. Angels, had really high. Fallen angels reached a fair median.
Mammon was always so nice to cuddle up to. Providing the comfort he needed when nights got bad.
Mammon laughs at his own words, "So then, I tried to convince the vendor I ha- Look out!"
Quickly he was pulled to the ground, body slamming against the cold concrete.
The sound of a window breaking reached his ears before he saw it.
His hands started to shake, body following close behind.
Panic overtook him as his mind shifted the scene in front of him.
He wasn't with Mammon anymore, he wasn't on a road either.
He was much smaller than he is now, curled into the corner of the living room. He hoped to anybody listening that it would protect him.
But, who would listen to the wants of a demon?
He shook and cried, loud sobs raking his entire body.
His father stood in front of him, bottle in hand.
He gasped, prepared for what was going to happen.
Quickly, he covered his eyes with his arms in a desperate attempt to ensure no glass got into his eyes.
The bottle slammed into his head. He fell fully onto the floor.
Lukewarm liquid ran down his hair and face. Mixed in with it, was blood. His hair stuck to his face in an uncomfortable manor.
His sobs became louder as his father yelled about how pathetic he'd become.
A worthless son like him could never amount to anything.
He was destined to die alone.
Nobody would ever love a failure like him.
Why did he even bother trying?
Maybe he should just give up. Give up on everything.
It wasn't worth it.
His father grabbed his arm with a steel grip. He was roughly dragged to the room that was deemed his.
He was thrown inside, head hitting painfully on the hardwood floor.
The click of a lock sounded.
He'd been locked in again.
When would he be let out?
Would he at least be given food?
He laid in the same spot he had landed in, tears burning against his cheeks.
Mammon was hovering in front of him, "Meph, I need ya ta follow my breathin'."
He gasped and choked, shaking his head wildly.
He couldn't. He couldn't breath.
Why was Mammon asking that of him?
It was impossible.
How could he possibly suck in a breath?
Black spots danced I'm his vision. Lack of oxygen overtaking his system.
He gave one last panicked look at Mammon, before everything went black.
Mephistopheles woke up feeling the most comfortable he had felt in ages.
He laid against Mammon's chest, his warm arms hugging him closely.
He was dressed down. Wearing a baggy hoodie and sweats.
A slight blush formed on his cheeks, wondering who had dressed him.
He nuzzled closer to his boyfriend.
Mammon, who was apparently awake, leaned down and gave him a kiss on the top of his head, "Ya feelin' better?"
He nodded, "Now that your here."
He saw Mammon blush slightly. Mammon hugged him tighter, giving him the comfort he knew he needed.
How did he luck out and get such a good boyfriend?
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cas-asiaszymanska · 4 months
Today we played a little with canter lead changes. We started off by going to the open arena and trotting on a lounge to see if Lambi was not lame after the farrier. It stared raining so we went back to the closed arena. We wormed up in trot, tried to soften the contact a little and did some transitions. Later we wormed up in canter, did some circles and rode through a small cross. We repeated this also on the other side. After a short break we tried changing the canter leads through the cross and finished off with some stretching in trot. Lambi did pretty good with lead changes and responsiveness. He was, however, a bit stiff in trot and on the contact. His balance was not perfect, but neither was me seat. The bent was not the worst, but needs a lot of work still.
Today we did some gymnastics. At first we wormed up in trot, did some circles and transitions. Than we rode through some flat poles on a circle in both sides. Than we wormed up in canter, did some circles and rode through the poles. The poles were hop-in-hop-out and there were 8 of them. Later half of the poles were raised and we rode through that exercise again. At the end all the poles were raised. We stretched out in trot and went for a short walk. Lambi did really good with this hard exercise, especially on the right side. He had a hard time with keeping his balance at time and bending properly. He was ok on the contact, but some more improvement is needed. My seat was not perfect, but I can feel the slow improvement.
Today we did some dressage. We started with shoulder ins in walk, worm up in trot, some circles, trying out the responsiveness, doing some bent changes and shoulder ins. Later we did similar things in canter and tried doing flying changes. Lambi did not change his hind leads, but understood the concept – changed the front. To do the full exercise well he will need more collection and responsiveness, but we will achieve it at some point. At the end we stretched in trot. Lambi was pretty responsive today, the bent was a little stiff but improved at the end. He did pretty will with the basis of collection. The contact needs improvement, and so does the responsiveness, but we are going in the right direction.
Today we had a jumping lesson. We started off with usual worm up in trot – circles, transitions and poles. Then we wormed up in canter and jumped a small cross with two poles before with a change of lead after. Later we jumped two lines on diagonals – one was pole, cross, two strides oxer, the other was pole, cross, tree strides obstacle. We jumped that a few times on varying height. At the end we stretched in trot and went for a walk. Lambi was pretty responsive today, did pretty well with balance. He was ok on contact but stiff at times. My seat needs definite improvement, but i am working on it.
Today was an “ugly ride” – its purpose was not to look good, but for Lambi to start using his body efficiently. We started off with responsiveness and leg yields in walk. Then we wormed up in trot, softened Lambi on the mouth a bit, did some circles and transitions. Later we did a hard exercise in walk to activate his bent, responsiveness and hind usage. It was pretty ugly, as he was being pretty stubborn and confused. Me and my trainer worked together to try and do the exercise. After some time he more or less understood. We did that on both sides – this exercise showed how much the right side is better muscled and elastic then the left one. Next we trotted a bit more and tried the same exercise on a smaller scale. Than we wormed up in canter and softened and tried collecting Lambi a little. The hardest part was coming out of a circle on a straight line. At the end we stretched out in trot and went for a walk. Today's ride was pretty exhausting physically, as needed using deeper muscles. There was little focus on my seat, but i did ok. The main focus was on Lambi. I am getting better with general riding and coping with some situations. Lambi was very calm today, responsive at the end and improved his bend a little. He was pretty good on contact, but all things mentioned need further work.
Blog summary 16
The last two weeks we jumped a little, did some gymnastics and went a little further with dressage. Both me and Lambi are slowly improving.. We are working od correct contact, beginning of collection and responsiveness. The work is slow, but the progress can be seen with every ride. Since we started jumping, Lambi rarely refuses of omits the jumps, which is a great result and shows the improvement in riding itself and understanding each other.
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pajorko · 7 months
I rewatched the video of Kulles Kalauer with Sveni and Feli and translated it for you, hope you have a nice evening
K: Welcome to today’s episode of „Kulles Kalauer“. I`m just back from vacation. We`re playing a game. A anti-joke challenge that we call „Kulles Kalauer“. Beneath your seats are water bottles, you can take them now. Cover the tags, it would be covert advertising, no one should see that we`re drinking ***. Open your bottles, fill your mouths up properly.
K: What`s white and watches through a keyhole? A fitted sheet (= Spannbettlaken, a Spanner is a peeper)
K: Well, that was just for getting started.
K: What does a bomb do in a brothel? Puff (= sound of a small explosion and also a casual word for brothel)
*Laughing hard*
K: Okay, I`m gonna put a tick behind this one. Now we continue.
S (to Feli): At least mine hit you in a spreaded way, but you have completely hit me.
K: I think that was on purpose.
S: I think so too. All right, Felicitas.
K: You don´t have to screw the lid every time, you´re gonna open it again in a moment anyway. Well. What sits in a tree and waves? A „Huhu“ (mix of huhu as a casual word for saying hello and Uhu which means eagle owl)
K: What’s red and stands at the side of the road? A ****. Okay, we’re gonna put a minus next to this one.
Feli almost spits out her water.
K: I have to use your current state. What does a gay worm do in the salad? He throws out the snails (snail = Schnecke which is a nickname like chick to call women) This joke also isn´t well received.
Feli + Sveni giggling.
K: The last words of a front seat passenger: The right side is free.
K: You don`t have anything left in your mouth, do you?
K: Two men are talking: Have you ever ****** your wife in the other hole? Are you crazy, she might get pregnant then.
K: Svenja Huth and Ewa Pajor at the bar. „Two shots.“ „I see that, but what do you wanna drink?“ (Shots = Kurze which also refers to their height, you usually say „klein“, but kurz means short)
(Feli had spit out her drink in the middle of the joke)
S: Seriously, Felicitas, seriously? Your’re laughing at that joke?
S (to Kulle): For me that’s a minus on that one.
K: You didn`t find it funny?
F: I did!
K: I’m gonna write down: Was shit.
K: We have a good quota so far, there was a bit of water involved already.
Feli giggles, spits out water.
K: I didn’t even do anything.
Giggling continues
K: Nice here, isn’t it?
F (to Sveni): The way you look!
K: (starts singing a song by Die Ärzte) Und wie du wieder aussiehst (which means „The way you look“)
F drinks water, immediately starts giggling again and spits out the water
K: Do you want a new bottle? Doesn’t it taste good or what?
K (holds his folder between them): Now concentrate.
F tries to hold it in, but spits the water out again.
K: It’s time for a commercial break.
S: Excuse me, but it’s already 6:1, isn’t it?
K: We still have seven (jokes), no, eight.
K: Mommy, can I play with grandpa? – The coffin stays closed.
K: It has been raining for two days and my wife keeps staring sadly out the window. If it goes on like that I`m gonna have to let her in.
K: What`s white and bothers you when you eat? An avalanche.
K: A while ago we had a similar one: What’s red and bad for your teeth? A brick.
K: What´s white and is able to fly? Biene Majo (mix of Maya the Bee and mayonnaise) That one’s also shit.
S+ F giggle.
K: How do you castrate a refrigerator? Open the door, take out the eggs (=nuts), close the door.
They`re shaking their heads.
K: What´s long, vibrates and makes women scream? A chain saw.
K: What to you call the testicles of a pastor? Holy cow. (Heiliger Bimbam)
K: It´s the last joke now. I´m gonna say it now. Last time we had to bleep it. A nun went to a doctor. Young lady, you´re pregnant. **************************** Come, let it out, it was the last one.
S + F spit their water in each other´s faces.
S: It´s not like I didn´t already have enough of your water in my face. Kulle didn´t get his share oft he water at all.
K: I`m sweating. Also I`ve got technical devices on me. I´m not allowed. You have to talk to Felix about it, I´ve got nothing against it.
Wow, thank you so much! It was already translated by @nooneinparticularr, but I love seeing another take on it, because jokes can be translated in very different ways. Great job, you're so nice 💚💚💚
Here's the video:
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starlytenight · 2 years
Are there beauty standards for puffs? How does it translate to other species?
To a small extent, yes! Because of their low numbers and severe gender discrepancy, attractiveness standards by culture are kind of lost but inherent ones seem to still be a thing regardless of gender.
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Most have their personal preferences, like Meta having a slight thing for red eyes, but he does display a standard of enjoying big wings. As mentioned in another post, wings are hugely important for them and can also show their general health and whatnot.
Bigger wings in good condition can indicate good health, better potential for children rearing as well as those dominance displays/association with power.
On a technical level, Galacta and Meta are both considered highly attractive because of their spans in ratio to their bodies. Meta's are attractive despite his tears/rips and his pale eyes are considered a rarity/a beautiful anomaly.
Vladimir was flirting with him very quickly because he's very pretty to their own kind. However, other species find them more 'adorable' and makes Meta a bit uneasy with other sorts.
For other species, it's strictly a preference thing that gets whoever is in question. But a common trait in the cross-species relations is an attraction to kindness, as Puffs are naturally inclined to make friends with others. (Even Meta has this tick but he tries to resist it because the war has taught him not to trust everyone.)
As an example, Velesia is with Orin, a Fairy. She fell for his gentleness and kindness toward her when she was rough/considered too animalistic/mean to be attractive. She was a brute in her glory days and some of that still shows in her current elderly mannerisms.
Meta also fell for Jecra because he was kind to him and didn't make fun of how he looked. He actually took him seriously and gave him a connection he didn't have with his foster brothers Dragato, Falspar, or Noisurat. Jecra was also the one to sort of pursue Meta and broke down his walls a bit.
All in all, Puffs aren't terribly superficial. You'll find most of them are very relaxed when it comes to partners, though some have stronger preferences. But some traits don't hurt when trying to appeal to them.
Another quirk is from the imbalanced numbers between the three variants of Puffs (male/female/both (Batamon relic.)) Males are the ones that are most common and they tend to pair off together because of their lifespans. Females and those who are androgynous are extremely rare and have their own preferences as well.
Meta, as seen in the AU, is strictly gay and feels nothing toward Cypha and Artemis beyond friendship/mutual respect. Cypha is down with whatever but obviously likes a specific someone, Artemis is strictly asexual and has no interest in anyone.
Despite their poor numbers, repopulation/forcing someone to bend their desires for the sake of continuing their race isn't exactly on the forefront of their minds; they're more concerned with stopping the war at the moment. That, and they kind of have this idea that if they do end up extinct, that's just par for the course with nature.
Of course that's not going to happen anytime soon with how long they last.
Hopefully that answers that one! ^^
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