#It's full of wonderful little tidbits
lullabyes22-blog · 11 months
this analysis of Silco tho!! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/M5uFwbOUHfE
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cottagecori · 1 year
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"It’s a FAT ZERO. HELLO!! A little LATE ADDITION to the numerical symbol chart brought to us from our friends in Arabia, a little bit of trivia that I happen to know about the history of numbers. That kind of little tidbit would serve me well in most trivia games, unless it had been RIGGED FROM THE BEGINNING!"
[ID: Image one is a Spotify playlist titled "i’ve only just begun to pull the thread on this sweater". Its cover image shows Brennan Lee Mulligan on Game Changer saying "I know what's going on here." The following images are all the songs on the playlist. Together, they spell out his whole monologue for the "Brennan Cannot Win" game, as follows (with added punctuation):
"Friends, you would think in a game where there are only two possible correct choices, that one would stumble into the right answer every so often, wouldn’t you? In fact, the probability of never guessing right in the full game is a statistical wonder, and yet, here we are. Introduced at the top of the game as a champion, what do you think that means? Icarus, flying too close to the sun. But it seems Daedalus, our little master crafter over here, had some wax wings of his own, didn’t he? Wanted to see his son fall. Fall from the sky. Oh, how close to the sun he flew! Well I’m not having it. I solved your labyrinth, puzzle master! The minotaur‘s escaped and you’re gonna get the horns, buddy! I cannot win!" End ID]
[Caption transcript: "It’s a fat zero. Hello!! A little late addition to the numerical symbol chart brought to us from our friends in Arabia, a little bit of trivia that I happen to know about the history of numbers. That kind of little tidbit would serve me well in most trivia games, unless it had been rigged from the beginning!" End transcript]
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flamingpudding · 9 months
Glitterbombs for rogues
A/N: I got sick over the holidays. So I did not do any of the writing I originally wanted to do. So instead of that Christmas Story you get this Mark Rober inspired little tidbit.
Tim had a new favorite Engineer Youtube. The boy was a bit younger than him but a genius Engineer judging by the hand full of videos Tim had marathoned through. According to the listed self-introduction part of the video, Danny was currently an engineering student in Gotham with the goal to work one day for NASA. (Tim held out some hopes that he maybe could snag the kid for WE if possible. He had already sent out an internship offer after the third video he had watched)
Either way, Danny had potential and ideas that borderlined on mad science. But made his videos of his little projects even more entertaining and interesting to watch. Tim's favorite so far was Danny's explanation on how he reconstructed his toaster so that it would launch itself into space after the third his roommate burned toast with it. He did buy his roommate a new toaster at the end of the video though.
Still Tim liked this guy and his videos. So with anticipation he clicked on one of the newer videos. The title having caught his attention: 'Why Glitter'.
Instead of the usual introduction bit with little highlights of Danny's previous project the video started out with a big fat warning in red letter to not attempt to replicate anything in the video. That had Tim very curious already, but then a little video clip following that had Tim spitting out the coffee he was just sipping from.
Thankfully he missed spitting on his phone, still he jumped out of his cozy bed where he had been watching YouTube on his phone and hurried over to his laptop. The video, meanwhile, was continuing playing. He could hear the usual music from the introduction part as well as Danny's voice explaining his reasosn -which were valid, Tim had to agree with some of them- once that part was done.
By now he had fired up his laptop and was researching. The video in the background was explaining how Danny had build his Glitterbombs similar to the once another youtuber had but slightly modified them since he was not going to use fart-spray. Tim eyes widened as he found the first correlating news articles, wondering how they hadn't seen them sooner, but a glance at the date revealed that they were only posted a couple of hours ago.
Danny in the video was no explaining about his fist chooses victim and Tim dived onto his bed from his desk to get his phone back in his hands. Wide eyed, he watched as Danny obviously with a GoPro strapped to his head, crawled through what looked like an air vent. Once he reached an opening he looked through the slits into what appeared to be Riddlers hide out. Danny took the Camara of his head so that he could grin into it making the sign for silence as he barely contained his own chuckles. The other then waited for a moment, the camera work now getting wonky and the video even glitching out but a second later Danny was back in focuse before pointing down and then directing the Camara to his view. There in Riddlers hideout now sat Danny's self engineered glitterbomb.
"No he didn't..." Tim muttered as the video cut to a different scene. Danny was now walking through the sewers, humming cheerfully while explaining why he chose who he choose.
Another cut and... Tim spluttered. How the hell did Danny manage to just walk into Arkam?! So he hadn't seen wrong at the beginning of the video.
Growing paller with every cut on how Danny delivered his self-engineered Glitter bombs, Tim started to fear for his new favorite youtubers safety. Thankfully he had already done his work on Danny's person when he sent the internship offer. Now he just needed to get Danny to freaking safty.
He dragged himself to his laptop still in disbelieve as various clips of the rogues getting glitterbombed from the bombs perspective started playing. And yep, he definitely didn't see wrong now in the beginning. The Joker was one of Danny's chooses victums. Aside from the fact that he was so going to download and save that video for eternity as well as share it with his brothers and friends, (because as funny as it was that most of them were Gotham rogues, Luther and another millionaire by the name of Masters had also been made victims.), he still had to figure out how to ensure this definitely insane youtubers safer from the warmth of 90% of their rogues now.
Great newly discovered favorite youtuber has just painted a big fat red target on himself.
Tim was just about to call everyone in when a bonus at the end of Danny's video started to play.
He recognized that safe house.
He recognizes the weapons displayed on the walls also.
Oh... that's...
Still laughing Tim still sent out a message to everyone. When asked why all he did was sent them the link to the video with to timestamps.
The first one of the Joker getting glitterbombed
The second one being Red Hood getting glitterbombed.
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chocosvt · 3 months
HER | teaser.
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✧✎ synopsis: wonwoo, a heartbroken and burnt out writer nearing the end of his math degree, wants nothing to do with the seemingly perfect, intimidating girl who has everyone under her thumb. you. unfortunately, his literary talent has got him shoved him between a rock and a hard place when you want to write a book and require his expertise. you two are the furthest from compatible. wonwoo can’t see this going well. at all.
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pairing: wonwoo x fem!reader teaser word count: 1.4k actual word count: 140k (yes, u read that correctly) genres/tropes: writer!wonwoo, university!au, plug!vernon + boyfriend!mingyu as prominent side characters, SLOWBURN (i am not fucking around this is my slowest burn yet), relationship drama, soul searching, strong angst/hurt (i’m coming for the jugular), comfort, romance, smut, a smoothie of every emotion on earth.
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(!) warnings for the full fic: drug use (weed, coke, ecstasy), wonwoo has anxiety + anxiety attacks + fairly dark thoughts, prescribed medication, gambling, intense language, infidelity, throwing up.
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✧✎ a/n: as i descend to one knee and cup my hands together at your mercy, i offer a tidbit to the wonwoo fic i have finally completed after two years (lol). i know i ALWAYS say this, but i truly wasn't expecting the fic to be THIS FUCKING LONG! thankfully, i planned it well and although i lost momentum countless times (nervously side eyes the approximate & several 5 month breaks i took in between), my dedication to seeing the characters through & "completing" their growth was smth that i could not leave behind!
not having posted a fic for two years is prob a little much :0 so hopefully the length of this makes up for it (?) usually my writing is just teehee silly little romance agonizing slowburn surface level dilemmas of the self BUT THIS ONE HAS A LITTLE KICK!
so read it if you want! don't read it if you don't want!
hearts & flowers, xoxoxo (me :*)
UPDATE: read the first part here!
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“I have a relatively big favour to ask of you.”
 No. Wonwoo didn’t want anything to do with favours.
The fact that Seokmin had actively picked out his presence in the coffee shop like he was some shiny contortion of plastic had actually offended Wonwoo. He came here for two things: to not be bothered, which his friend knew, and to work on the book he was halfway through typing and had been halfway through typing for the past six months. Call it writer’s block, or an inspiration drought, or an absolutely depressing lack of drive—it had been hanging over the writer with an annoying persistence and it seemed that no number of lemony scones or cold coffees were going to make it vanish.
“Uh, Wonwoo?”
“Sorry… what?” He forced his gaze to shift from the blank page on his laptop to Seokmin’s apologetic, softly expressional face, slightly flushed from his time outdoors in the chilled March weather.
“I was just wondering if you’d be up for a favour—a pretty big one—and I know this is your special creativity spot, but she’s been like, breathing down my neck about it and I can’t put it off again.”
“Whose been breathing down your neck?”
At first, Seokmin didn’t say a word, or even make a sound. His lips twitched for a moment, but then he pressed them together and his chest visibly sucked in with a breath. God, Wonwoo hated the suspense and he hated Seokmin for interrupting him when he had been so stupidly close to putting a sentence down that he probably would have back-spaced in frustration a minute later.  
“Y’know…” he trailed off, “Her.”
No, not her, you.
But most people—if not everyone—referred to you by an alias that had seemed to stick so well the majority believed it actually was your name. When people said her they meant Her, and so in a confusing mess of finger-pointing they really meant you. Come to think of it, Wonwoo had no idea where the nickname even came from or who gave it to you or what it even meant.
And he was perfectly fine with never knowing.
“What?” Wonwoo deadpanned. “What on earth could she want to do with me? She doesn’t even know me.” He slid down in his chair, fingers pulling at his circle-lensed glasses so they tilted uncomfortably across his nose bridge. “Or, is this a joke?”
“Oh—no! Absolutely not!” His friend was insistent on proclaiming, vigorously shaking his head. “I’m being serious.”
“Why don’t I believe you then?”
“Okay, well, if you let me explain everything, it’ll all make sense. I said I know someone who writes really well—”
“Meaning me?”
“Yes, meaning you. And the only reason that was even brought up is because she wants to write a book.”
Wonwoo couldn’t help it. He laughed—a very short, disbelieving laugh that flashed a transient smile to his face as he readjusted his crooked glasses. You were the last person he would ever envision wanting to write a book. He then navigated the trackpad on his laptop, deciding to close the document simply titled, 01, that harboured the fleet of pages to his own current work in progress.
“Yeah,” Wonwoo disregarded, “sounds like bullshit.”
“I’m telling you the truth!” Seokmin exclaimed, gripping onto the metal back of the café chair like he was squeezing someone’s taunt shoulders. “She won’t tell me about what, okay? Just that she’s been thinking the idea for a while now. It’s not like I didn’t try to get details. But she refused—said the only person who can know is whoever’s going to help her. Look, y’have to understand, she was pestering me about it nonstop. And you’re my only writer friend!”
“Well, you’re about to have none.” He answered, reaching for his coffee cup but stopping it just short of his lips. “How serious is she about this, anyway?” Wonwoo sighed. “Do you know how much fucking time you need to dedicate to writing a book?”
He stomached a slow, somewhat grimacing sip as he tasted the coffee’s coldness, meanwhile Seokmin swallowed heavily, and at last pulled out the chair he’d been white-knuckling to take a seat.
“Yes, I’m aware it takes time. I know that. And she is serious or else I wouldn’t be here, bothering you. She takes everything seriously.” The boy began unbuttoning his sleek black jacket. “Really, who knows what’ll happen? Maybe you’ll meet her once and she’ll decide she can’t stand you, and then you’re off the hook for life.”
“Yeah, well have you ever considered what might happen if I can’t stand her? Are my feelings even being considered? Minutely?”
“Minutely, they are being considered.”
It wasn’t that Wonwoo disliked you.
In actuality, you scared him more than anything. But to be associated with you was to be drawn into your life and caught like a firefly in a glass jelly jar. The proof was right in front of him—to Wonwoo’s eyes, Seokmin was basically your little mailman that scrambled around in hectic nature to do your bidding, because most tasks apparently weren’t worth the time or effort.
“I can’t believe you’re trying to rope me into this. You know I can hardly write my own shit, right?” Wonwoo said bitterly, wishing it was the opposite, “my mind is a desolate, blank canvas of fuck-all and if she thinks I’m writing it then she needs a reality check.”
“No, no—of course you won’t write it!” Seokmin reassured him with his big, opalescent smile. “Really, you’re just giving tips, maybe guiding her process, helping with the planning… you know, this could be facilitated so much easier if you spoke to Her yourself!”
“So, my nightmare?” Wonwoo huffed, shaking his leg.
In an instant, Seokmin had whipped out his phone, tapping around the screen quickly using his thin pointer finger.
“I’m just going to pull up her schedule. It’s always pretty packed, but more into the summer break, it thins out a little. “
Wonwoo exhaled, staring off into the warm, afternoon sunlight that hailed in through the windows, striking all the shimmering flecks and pieces of dust afloat in the café air. When he breathed in again, he could smell the luxurious coffees brewing in their rich and distinctive notes. It was such a beautiful day—still chilly as the snow outdoors began to thaw—but pleasant nonetheless.
“This is such a fucking waste.”
And Wonwoo spent it being miserable.
“No, it’ll be useful. Trust.” Seokmin chirped.
“You’re trying to dip me in your optimism gloss again.”
His friend smiled affectionately, tilting his head.
“This will be good. You’ve been a hermit since I’ve known you.”
“Yeah,” Wonwoo scoffed, “so you think it’s a good idea to shove me with the person I relate to least on the entire planet?”
“Really? The least? So, what you’re saying is, you relate more to serial killers? Or animal abusers? Or like, literal fasc—”
“You want to do this. I can see it in your eyes. I’ll set you up.”
A part of Wonwoo knew there might be no wriggling out of the situation, especially with Seokmin sitting across from him, characteristically eager and brightly pushy as always, like a goddamn salesman. For now, it could be easier to let himself get cuffed.
“Can I at least have some time to think it over?”
“Uh… well… the thing is… the thing with that is—”
“You’ve cornered me?”
“I wouldn’t word it like that.”
“… Okay.” Wonwoo removed his glasses, shoved his knuckles tender but deep into his eye sockets, massaging through flashes of white as he came to accept a fate he didn’t know even existed in his astrology. “Just, I don’t know—fuck—schedule me in wherever.”
“Ha! It doesn’t exactly work like that.”
“I really don’t give a damn how it works, Seokmin.”
“Right,” his friend laughed nervously, “I promise that I’ll get back to you pronto. Sorry for the disturbance. And, uh, good luck.”
 “With what part?” Wonwoo grumbled, fixing his spectacles back on to clarify Seokmin’s sympathetic face, the light bouncing off his head of brassy hair like a disco ball. “My incapability to write a goddamn thing or the fact I have to help your perfectionist friend who’s probably going to chew me up and spit me out?”
 “Both parts.” Seokmin grinned. “It can only go up from here.”
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✧✎ a/n: tada!
this is the introductory scene! i think i've read it so many times that i could probably recite it from memory at this point ;_; anyway! as i mentioned, i know that it's been a hot minute since i last uploaded any scenarios. but one way or another this monster is getting posted! i did NOT have this lurking on my poor tired macbook causing it to overheat and sputter and spew FOR NOTHING!!
i swear that i don't plan for my works to get this goddamn long. before i hardly planned at all. maybe now i plan too much? i guess i have yet to find a happy medium!! but again, i do hope the size of the fic makes up for all that missed time :_( life has been ruff. but this fic was there as a handy distraction mechanism (when i prob should have been facing reality fhwejfhwk) so i guess it's been a double-edged sword!
also just want to preface that the reader goes by an alias throughout the fic. i'm not sure if this is like... a very huge or popular concept nowadays? so if it hits your reading ear a bit weird at first i apologize! but i swear it has purpose!! *chekhovs rule* *winkwink*
ANYWAY! no more rambling!
i'm pondering the idea of adding a taglist for those who are interested, just as i did with honey boy :3 so if that tickles ur fancy then feel free to each out!
the fic in its entirety will be split across 6 parts
the word count of each part ranges from 22-24k!
i do not YET have a set posting schedule, simply bc i am unsure of how long it will take ppl to get through each part
(so that would be smth i'd have to gauge afterward)
i will not be flagging mature/nsfw/triggering scenes throughout the fic as the fic itself already has a heavy nature to it
so pls read the warnings!
if there's any additional questions i encourage u to swing by :3
*deep breath*
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pomefioredove · 5 months
movie night
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summary: vil devotes his time to showing you all the movies you haven't seen yet type of post: short fic characters: vil schoenheit additional info: romantic, FLUFF, reader is yuu, reader is gender neutral, kinda short author's note: I so often think about how yuu is completely unfamiliar with pop culture in twisted wonderland. vil would lose his mind if he found out you hadn't seen a single movie yet. in my heart I know he's a little nerdy about it
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It's to be expected.
Of course. Of course you haven't had the time or the means.
It's perfectly reasonable that you'd put your studies and social obligations before leisure time. He understands.
But hearing you so openly admit that you haven't seen a single movie since arriving in this world, let alone one of his, doesn't sit well with Vil Schoenheit.
As it turns out, the mythological being who doesn't spend their free time absorbed in media is real, and they're standing right in front of him with an apologetic smile.
Oh, you poor, poor thing.
Even after the conversation dies and you part ways on good terms, Vil can't shake this odd, itchy feeling.
He wonders what it must be like- not understanding anyone's references, being left out of conversations, still so dependent on a culture that doesn't even exist here.
Is there something wrong with the people you spend your time with? Surely at least one of them would take the time to show you the classics. Just one.
No wonder everyone regards you as naive and innocent. No one's taken the time to explain anything about this world to you. And he's sure that extends far beyond cinema...
"What is this?"
It's the first thing you ask when he opens the door to you. Ever curious, ever clueless.
"Is that a rhetorical question?" he says, looking thoroughly unamused with your naivete.
A projector. A white screen. And a tray full of luxury skincare essentials that he'll be sure to test on you while you're distracted.
"Seriously," you say. "What's going on? Your message was really vague."
He sighs. "Oh, goodness, just come inside,"
Vil sits you down on the edge of his bed and hands you a plush headband to push your hair out of your eyes. He's more than pleased at your lack of protests thus far, and continues to take advantage of your willingness while smearing a sweet-smelling face mask over your cheeks.
"It needs to set before we start,"
"Start what?"
Vil smirks, standing and drifting across the room to a large wardrobe- no, a cabinet. He opens it- no, a shelf. Packed full of DVDs, arranged by date and in pristine condition.
"Wow, Vil. I never took you for a nerd,"
His gaze sharpens. "Hardly. And try not to talk so much right now, you'll crack the mask,"
He hums merrily, delicate fingers dancing over the smooth plastic cases before stopping at a soft white one. "This'll do,"
You watch as Vil returns to your side, carefully inspects your face, and then walks back around to tinker with the projector. You, of course, wait patiently, hands folded neatly in your lap as the screen ahead of you comes to life.
He turns off the lights and sits beside you as a white light illuminates your face, turning the hue of the mask a strange color.
"This is a classic," he whispers. "It's the first film I remember loving."
"It's that good?"
He chuckles. "No, it's quite outdated, and terribly unfunny. I'm just fond of it,"
If there's anything Vil Schoenheit is, it's honest. The entire black and white picture (which you surmise is quite old by Twisted Wonderland standards) is heaped with unfunny and confusing references, terribly paced, and acted like a primary school play.
And yet, there's a sense of warmth that permeates the external terribleness of it, that of which takes form in each of Vil's awkward laughs.
You revel in each of his little comments, his tidbits about the actors, his trivia about the production. He certainly seems to know what he's talking about, and his grace and confidence almost distract you from how nerdy he's really being.
Though, he's really not paying close attention to the screen. Vil seems far more interested in watching you, your reactions, almost as if searching for some kind of approval in the expressions you make. Do you laugh at this joke? Do you ask about this plot twist? Do you enjoy this song?
It's a completely alien experience, having him looking to you for validation, although you make sure to comment on how much you enjoyed yourself. Just to see him smile again.
"Same time next week, then," he says. "One movie won't be enough to catch you up on decades of pop culture, after all."
And thus, a tradition is born.
It's strange for him to think about how you've made yourself a home in his schedule. Wedged between expensive photo shoots and meetings with luxury brands, there's you. One single name in the same spot every week.
He couldn't admit it, but you've quickly become the highlight of his calendar.
"And this is just after they transitioned to movies with sound. It was a grand extinction event, not every studio nor star survived," he says, nodding to the screen ahead.
You hum in agreement. Your eyes are heavier than usual, and you're leaning against your elbow, absent-mindedly agreeing with everything he says.
A part of Vil wants to tease you for finding his taste in film boring, but he's not even sure if you have the mental capacity to listen to big words right now.
"Grim kept waking me up last night..." you sigh. "I'm paying attention, I promise."
He watches you lie through your teeth, and then he watches as your words grow heavy and your body slumps over, awkwardly positioned against his.
Vil sighs- whatever is he going to do with you and that terrible sleep schedule of yours?- and readjusts so that your head is neatly set in the crook of his neck and your body is comfortably fit against his.
He finishes the movie, and lets the screen play the menu sequence over and over again. It's not really worth waking you up over, after all.
You're so cute when you're sleeping.
He hates himself for thinking that. You're perfectly inelegant- awkwardly breathing, practically drooling. And yet, he could stay here for the rest of the night and not wholly regret it in the morning. He just wishes you'd picked a better time to fall asleep on him.
Someday, he'd gladly return to bed to cuddle with you after he'd done his evening routine.
But... just this once, he'll let it go.
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
It might be a few years until we get to the ending of dunmeshi in the anime but 🥲 I think about it often than Laios' ending is kind of bittersweet. Never full, never able to see monsters in person, having to be a King when thats never been something he's strived for or wanted... I feel a bit sad for him, and Its beyond the story but I wonder if he ever gains peace with all those consequences. Of course he has duties now as a king, but I wonder if theres some depression there given his hunger and lack of monsters. He has his friends at least who've grown to really care about him 🙏
It is bittersweet but I think that bitter sweetness makes the ending great, Dungeon Meshi has a very ideal happy ending that could almost come of as a little "deux ex machina" with everything being resolved, nobody dying and a bright future in front of them.
But in the end SOMEONE had to make a sacrifice to save them, and that someone was Laios, at first it seems like a comic relief moment for the comedy monster eating story that his greatest wish was to be near monsters, but the more you think about it the sadder it is. So there was something to be paid for the happiness of the other characters and I think Laios is great for having sacrificed his desire for his friends.
I'm not sure if you've read the Kensuke Monster Tidbits but I think that one pretty much tells us how Laios is coping with his new situation
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In this he comes to therms with his reality, even if it's sad he must leave behind what he truly desired/loved, it was a risk he took to save humanity and he was willing to pay for it.
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And he did find something new to dedicate himself to! Something he could still do in his current situation!
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In the end, for as sad as it is, I don't think he regrets his sacrifice
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ritcchamadayo · 2 years
a little self-indulgent, but-
Meeting the Family! Ft. TWST Beastmen / Mermen
[headcanons / imagines]
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TWST's Beastmen / Mermen x Reader ;
For the Winter Holidays, you were invited by your boyfriend to visit them at home! You happily accept, but you never know what happens when going to a non-human gathering...
(this is mostly going by my own personal hcs and whatever little tidbits TWST had given us about their families ;;;; TWST please do a family reveal..)
Kingscholar Royal Family
Cue Cheka running towards you in full speed :
Cheka already accepted you as his older sibling since you met on Campus!! He's happy someone's taking care of his Oji-tan at school and helping Ruggie out!
Falena on the other hand is a bit of a wild card. You'd be surprised, who knew the King of Sunset Savanna was so... carefree? He treats you really well as the King and as Leona's brother, and all around just really excited. Sibling-in-law soon i hope~? He'd jump around in joy upon meeting you!
Leona and Falena both had the utmost respect for the Savanna's females and Falena's wife, Leona's Sister-in-law, stood quite high in that hierarchy.. needless to say, she's a really well-respected queen within the kingdom and very responsible. But you seem to have piqued her interest, and she's warming up to you quickly! She'd hold herself back from trying to groom you like she would with Cheka, Falena, or Leona sometimes!
Leona would definitely try to swat away his family from bothering you too much just because they're interested. When else does your Prince, Younger Brother to the King himself, bring back a potential mate?
Cheka would love cuddling up to you! Leona would forcefully pull Cheka away because he also wants to cuddle up to you- but hey, you could take a nap surrounded by warm lion beastmen so you don't need to worry about getting cold!
Bucchi Family
Ruggie's grandma adores you!!! She's so happy to see that her dear Ruggie has found someone who'd look after him and feed him!! She'd prepare Ruggie's favorite donuts upon knowing he's coming back with you, and would definitely try to make you eat as much as possible. She loves her grandchildren, and even though living in poverty, she'd do anything to make you and Ruggie happy.
The kids in the neighborhood though, oh boy. At first they'd be all pouty and angry at you, sometimes sending a snarl or a growl your way. But Ruggie stepped in, and you realize that they just didn't want anyone to take away their big bro away!
It's easy enough to get them to warm up to you though! If you brought along plenty of treats for them, they'd flock around you and would be on their best behavior. Good food, good life. Even just a little candy would get them happy!
Bucchi-grandma would definitely remind you to not give them (or Ruggie) too much sugar. You don't want them to go bonkers on sugar rush.. that would destroy the entire place! Ruggie's more responsible now, but you cant help but wonder how he'd look like on a sugar rush when he was small.
Bucchi-grandma adores when you help out with the chores. She gets tired quite fast doing chores every day, but with Ruggie and you helping out, she could finally sit back and relax. And she's so grateful to you!
Howl Family
Jack's pack is definitely an active bunch. Jack's father, would definitely be on high alert. He doesn't want anybody hurting his pup, even though he's all grown up. And moreover, he doesn't want the newcomer to break apart the pack Jack's grandparents had established together in the Shaftlands.
They're definitely a teensy bit territorial, but it only extends to the area around their house. Jack's grandparents, the leaders of the pack, doesn't necessarily bother their children's affairs much but they'd want someone who could blend into the pack and form a relationship as close as family with the rest of the pack!
Jack's mom was wary too at first, but she'd be the one to warm up to you faster and start coaxing her husband to let his guard down. "Jack's brought home a good pup dear, maybe you should give them a chance. He's all grown up now, and it won't be long until he makes his own pack."
Jack's dad would warm up to you after that. He's a little awkward on showing his emotions (which his wife had laughed at) but he's trying his best!! Congrats! Howl-papa now accepts you as Jack's mate! (though Jack may have a few words to say regarding them calling you his mate already... man's just embarrassed.)
Oh Jack's younger siblings love having you around! They'd be shy and hide behind their mother at first, but when Jack called them over to meet and introduce you, you'd find that they're such sweet kids! It'll take a while for them to get fully comfortable but don't worry, with Jack by your side, they'll come around!
Ashengrotto Family
Ashengrotto-mama loves your company! The first thing you see as you enter Azul's house was this badass lady using all 10 of her limbs to cook up a storm! She even freed a few limbs to give you a little greeting hug!
Ashengrotto-papa doesn't show his enthusiasm as much as his wife, but he greeted you properly nonetheless. While Ashengrotto-mama is the businesswoman of the family, Ashengrotto-papa was the one knowledgeable of laws. No wonder Azul made himself a successful business! (All the while avoiding crimes with his shady activities...)
Ashengrotto-mama would definitely fall for you too when you help her with cooking or compliment her dishes. Despite running a restaurant under the sea, she's very knowledgeable about cooking for humans and her dishes were stellar, you can't help but fall for her too.
At first they were surprised to hear from Azul that he had found a human partner, but after seeing how you acted lovingly around him in his octo-mer form and all in all simply loving him for who he is, his parents were glad. Azul may have had a hard time back in the days about his body, but he's been getting the confidence boost he needed from you and that's all the Ashengrottos could ever wish for!
Ashengrotto-papa would be the one holding in the emotional tears, he's so happy that his son found someone who loves him just the way Azul is. Considering this is Ashengrotto-mama's second marriage as well, and her original husband was nowhere to be found as Azul was growing up, he's simply glad Azul found someone and that his love life was far smoother than Ashengrotto-papa's or Ashengrotto-mama's. He's grown up into a fine young man with you by his side.
Ashengrotto-grandma simply watches on fondly, she loves seeing her grandchild happy <3
Leech Family
The first time you met them, oh boy, you might have mistook them for some sort of mafia family. I swear they're not!!!!! They're just a normal family!!!!!! The sharp-teethed smirk scared you at first, but hey, you've spent a while with literal twins with the same traits. You'll survive, right?
Their parents definitely bet on who's gonna find a partner first
You could find so many similarities between the pair of eel-mers with their two sons! Like how Leech-mama's as excitable as Floyd but also a worrywart like how Jade is sometimes, or how Leech-papa's calmness mirrored Jade but he can show his cocky, confident side sometimes that mirrored Floyd's. The two made for a real power couple 👉👈 but they love both twins equally!
Leech-mama would be over the moon! She'd swim up to you and hug you and your boyfriend with her entire body, exclaiming about how happy she was that her son found someone he cares for on the land. She'd make for a bone-crushing hug, but thank goodness it's not you getting crushed, it's the eel twins.
Leech-papa would be skeptical at first. Considering his placement at business and how people like to butter him up using gifts, he'd thought the humans up on land wanted to strike a deal with him or something. But once he's gotten to know you, he'd be a jolly dad and won't stop teasing his sons about the relationship! ("So have you tried doing *it* in your merform?" "DAD WHAT THE FUCK-")
Leech-mama would definitely make you promise to look out for her boys (both of them) while on the land, so that they don't get into unnecessary trouble.. kudos if you could reel in Azul as well knowing that those three were as tight-knit as ever.
(If you took Jade as your boyfriend) It's Leech-papa's win! He won't stop bragging to his wife how he won the bet. "I told you, people would go for a gentleman like our Jade!" Jade thinks it's amusing that his parents bet on them, and would proudly brag about you to his family. Even if it was her loss, Leech-mama would be cooing over you two for ages! (She definitely didn't give Jade signals to treat you like an absolute royalty... Okay, she might have, but Jade already treats you like one anyway~)
(If you took Floyd as your boyfriend) It's Leech-mama's win! She'd be swimming circles around your group and laughing at her husband while bragging. "See! Our Floyd's such a blast to be around, people would fall for him!" Floyd laughed and swam around alongside his mom, and you could even see him clinging on her side while they zoom around you. You could've sworn you felt obligated to join them on the zooming!
(additional - If you date both at once) Aww! Leech-mama and Leech-papa would have to call it quits on the betting, but they'd take a small W for whoever made the first move~ They're going to definitely pull their two boys and you for a giant family hug~! They're elated that their boys have found someone who loves the twins as much as their parents do!
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lets-try-some-writing · 3 months
Since you said Jack sometimes does a whistle to purposely get Arcee’s attention and Miko would try to, would these two take advantage of other human things bots don’t yet understand how it works? Like Jack telling Arcee that if Arcee don’t take him on a drive he might start aging much faster from being upset, and Miko telling Bulkhead that her brain will downgrade and go numb if she don’t get enough stimulation.
Oh heck yeah. The kids would absolutely abuse the bots relative lack of education and make the best of it.
Jack is by far one of the nicest in his manipulations and generally keeps it to things such as having Arcee take him to see cool new places with the groundbridge because, quote: "A human adolescent who doesn't travel and experience new things will have their brains begin to rot and turn into creatures we call ghouls."
Arcee has no clue what a human ghoul is, but she knows the stories of ghouls back on Cybertron. Flesh eating creatures that devour not only energon, but also organs and pieces of the frame. The idea that a young human may turn into something like that absolutely terrifies her, at least if that human were to be Jack. She makes it a point to take Jack out once a week with her on patrols around the globe in order to protect him from that fate. Ratchet and Optimus are fully aware of the fact that Jack is full of slag when it comes to that particular tidbit, but they let it be since it gets Arcee out of the base.
Miko abuses the ever loving crap out of the bots ignorance. She has firmly made Bulkhead believe that if she isn't allowed to fight, her instincts will deteriorate and she will become braindead. Bulkhead, terrified of that outcome, has now been forced to set up sparring sessions for Miko to compensate for lack of actual combat. Wheeljack for his part has been roped into believing that if Miko isn't allowed to use weaponry and train with it, she will quite literally become thin as a reed since humans need tools to grow (her words, not the wreckers). Smokescreen has also reached a point of fanaticism when it comes to one of Miko's ploys. She told him one time that if she doesn't get at least one lollipop a day, her blood sugar will drop and she will fall into a coma. Smokescreen carries around a bag of candy just to be safe.
Rafael is a little nicer, but he will fight for more screen time by making it clear to Bumblebee that computer lights actually help improve his vision. The more computer light he gets, the better his vision will be temporarily. Bumblebee doesn't know how that is supposed to work, but humans are weird. So he just kinda... lets Rafael abuse his computer rights in base since it supposedly does good things for his eyes. Ratchet hasn't caught on yet. Ratchet also hasn't figured out that Rafael is totally playing him when he asks Ratchet for stories in order to help him retain his memory. Rafael has woven quite that tale that essentially boils down to him needing stories in order to keep his memory top notch. Ratchet hasn't figured out its a bunch of slag yet.
Optimus is one of the few bots no one can pull any fast ones on...
Except Fowler
Fowler has convinced Optimus that he should be allowed to drive Optimus's alt-mode at least once a month in order to keep his joints from withering away. Optimus has wondered why Fowler can't use another vehicle to work his joints, but Fowler always says its easier with Optimus just because if his joints give out, Optimus will be there to help him out.
Optimus questions this logic more and more when Fowler urges him to drive FAR over the speed limit on back roads.
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praisetheaxolotl · 2 months
The Arsonist Theory, Part 2: We Get It, The Billboard Was A Metaphor
Part 1: Mandibles!
First off, I want to say thank you all for giving the first part of my theory such love! I appreciate each and every one of you and I'm so happy that you all like my theories so much!
For those who are new here, the Arsonist Theory proposes that Bill wasn't alone in destroying his dimension- rather, he was used by a third party. This is part two of four, with the remaining two parts coming out very, very soon.
Also, same as before:
Let's get into it, shall we?
In The Great Gatsby, certain motifs have more than one symbolic meani-- no, really, stay with me here!!
...Okay, fine. Let's back up.
In the Book Of Bill, you'll find a webpage called thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com. Go there, and you'll be prompted to enter a password. Go back to the Book of Bill, and hidden in a stretched-text section, you'll see the phrase NEED A PASSWORD? FINE, I'LL TALK / IT'S THE NAME OF THE EYEBALL DOC.
"The eyeball doc" is from the excerpts of The Great Gatsby further back in the book-- T.J. Eckleburg.
(Honestly, this explanation is moreso that context doesn't get lost to time.)
So... Gatsby. T.J. Eckleburg.
Hirsch could have chosen any number of public domain novels for that gag in the book... so why this one? Why tie it in by making it the password?
I believe it has some significance to the greater plot. Furthermore, eye doctors in general are a large point of Bill's early life in Euclidia. Take the silly straws- the red one has a numeric cipher, while the other three use a Caesar cipher.
In the order of RGBY, they read as follows:
TWISTED OUT OF SHAPE AFTER THE KILL / THE GHOSTS OF HIS FAMILY ARE HAUNTING HIM STILL Eye doctor of a different kind / Who wants to make his patients blind The doctor says / Three sips a day / Will make the visions / Go away Fussy eater / Baby Billy / Wouldn't drink / Unless it's silly
These ciphers refer to a certain couple of tidbits Bill tells us about his home.
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One- He could see the third dimension. A rare mutation.
Two- Talking about it at all was illegal.
So, what were his parents to do when their son started talking about nonsense that was illegal to even mention? Well, if your child started acting strange and seeing things that weren't there... you would take them to the doctor.
It's clear to me that Bill's parents were concerned about the "visions" their son was experiencing, and took him to the doctor to cure them- an eye doctor that wants to make his patients blind. The blue straw explains how the medicine is supposed to work. The yellow straw explains why Bill has such a fondness for silly straws- he was a picky little kid, and hated his medicine, so his parents got him silly straws to drink it out of.
I wonder if that's why he collects them- because they remind him of home, of his mother urging him to take his medicine, of his life before all of this happened.
But never mind all that.
The thing is, an eye doctor is crucial to Bill's past, which of course brings me back to T.J. Eckleburg.
In The Great Gatsby, certain motifs have more than one symbolic meaning, and the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg are no exception.
(Okay full disclosure, I have not actually read Gatsby and I'm Sparknotes-ing this shit. But, so did all of you when you were assigned this in high school, so we're even.)
They appear on a billboard in a place called the Valley Of Ashes, and at first, they seem to symbolize God. But as the scenes continue, they take on a different meaning.
See, our POV character, Nick, is going on this journey to meet the mistress of his friend. Nick is aware that this is an immoral action, yet does it anyway. Now, the eyes of Eckleburg cast judgement... along with issue a warning.
They now take on a new meaning-- a foreboding omen about the tragedy that lies in wait, inching ever closer. The tragedy in Gatsby being the death of Myrtle, the mistress, and subsequent string of deaths that follow it-- and, curiously, Nick states that the eyes of Eckleburg almost supernaturally draw him someplace... which ends up being where Myrtle is.
Both a higher being, and a warning of a horrible tragedy that ends in death upon death upon death... curious!
What's more curious is when Bill is admonishing the story and Un-Gatsby-ing us, he says this:
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The billboard is a metaphor? Why mention that? Out of all the symbolism in this book, why the billboard? Is it because it was mentioned in the preceding pages? Then why mention the theme of the American Dream being a myth? That wasn't on those pages! If you had to mention symbolism, the green light would have been the most iconic example of it from the book.
So why the billboard?
Is, perhaps, the image of some sort of higher power watching you, admonishing you of the tragedy you will have a hand in causing, supernaturally pulling you to someone that will be the catalyst for it all.... relevant somehow, to Bill?
(And, as a sidenote- the theme of the American Dream being hollow could also apply here, as Bill got what he wanted- freedom into the third dimension, Weirdmageddon, all of it. But he's still not happy and still wracked with guilt over Euclidia, ultimately an interloper in a place he doesn't belong in, just as Nick says at the end of the novel that he is a Midwesterner unsuited to life in the East Coast city.)
Let's talk about Flatland.
It's interesting to note that in the original novel, A. Square does have help witnessing the third dimension-- a Sphere contacts him, and tells him about the third dimension, intending to use the Square as a conduit to educating the rest of Flatland.
This, of course, leads to mass imprisonments and executions, one of said imprisonments being of the Square's own brother, with the Square being imprisoned himself at the end of the book.
Point being... in the original story of Flatland, the two-dimensional outsider was visited by a higher being, one that used him to alter Flatland and only ended up causing chaos and ruining lives.
All I'm saying is, the Book of Bill and Bill's story in general draws parallels to two existing books-- Flatland, and now The Great Gatsby. It would be foolish to write this off as a random occurrence when the game of Gravity Falls has always been analyzing the smallest of details. I believe the choice in book was on purpose, and moreso, that it was specifically used to hint that maybe Bill wasn't alone in all this. There was some kind of higher being that influenced him, just as the Square was influenced. That looked down upon him with impossibly wide eyes, pulling him closer and closer to ruin.
Oh, by the way-- Bill up there mentions being touchy about his weaknesses ever since... something. This is clearly his death, but... is that all he means? But that's gonna be in part four.
Next time, it's all about the many cycles and the distinct breaking of them present in Gravity Falls itself, and what that means for Bill as the villain and foil to them.
Part 3: Journey To The Vicious Spiral Nebula
Part 4: Blame The Arson, Not The Fire
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plutosbow · 2 months
𓊆ྀི❤︎𓊇ྀི , tgm — bradley bradshaw x f!reader
`` 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐝 . ``
, pt. 2 of ` what's cookin' good lookin'? `
[can be read separately from pt. 1]
summary: bradley seems a bit restless after your affectionate little morning, and it shows once he gets you back in the bedroom.
warnings: SMUT!🙅‍♀️mdni, bradley pining over you so bad bro he's smitten, oral (f receiving), a tidbit of fingering, unprotected p in v, a long slew of petnames + some mild dirty talk, & bradley likes his hair pulled
notes: goddamn i have not written smut in a millennia lmk if this is shit LMAOOO and we're gonna act like this didn't take me a week to write
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you didn't really know what to expect.
how could you? bradley was just about as unpredictable in bed as he was in the sky, and when he gave an order like that — fuck — it twisted up your insides just thinking about it too much. his words were tangled between a silent desperation and an aching desire that were so easy to read in his voice, and you wondered if he'd let the lustful colors in his voice bleed through just to get you going.
the sheets were cool and refreshing as your skin slid against them, body splaying out and melting into the bed with a deep sigh. you could've fallen right back asleep had it not been for the daunting elephant (soon to be) in the room.
bradley 'rooster' bradshaw.
it didn't take long for his burly figure to streak into the bedroom soon after you, now refreshed by a nice cup of orange juice and the coiling heat that had pooled in his belly the moment he saw you cooking that morning. you could wake that man up in a minute with that sweet face of yours, and the mornings — oh, — the mornings were heaven.
he could wake up and find you poised at the counter, slaving away to make him a good meal despite your culinary ineptitude. that was endearing, sure, but it was you. you in one of his old t-shirts, nothing beneath to cover you besides those panties that did very little to hide the soft swell of your ass as you leaned up on your tippy toes to grab a jar. hell, he'd never forget the time he woke up to you wearing an apron and nothing else, pancake batter splattered on your face which he'd licked off like a starving dog (a fleeting but very erotic memory).
god, he needed to fuck you so bad.
"so pretty for me, sweet thing." came his low, gruff voice in a strangled murmur. he practically clawed his way onto the bed and clambered on top of you, his mouth dipping down to your neck as one hand stretched the neckline of your (His) shirt to give him more access.
it earned a gentle little squeal from you, partially in surprise and partially in pleasure as his mustache scratched and tickled the touchy skin of your neck. he inhaled and huffed like a bull seeing a matador's red cloak, shifting so he could lick and suck at your collarbone as he had been doing much more subtly earlier. he painted one sweet hickey there in record time, and you sought to reward him.
"honey," you breath aimlessly, a hand finding his hair and curling into the sunbleached locks with practiced ease. you tug, pulling him back from your tender flesh in order to slot your mouth against his — a perfect puzzle piece, two marble sculptured chipped away to hug one another perfectly after years of clashing. he hums against your lips and laps hungrily to find every trace of your taste.
one of his large hands clasps the side of your ribcage while the other shifts lower, hooking onto the hem of your panties to practically rip the fabric from your skin. a gasp hitches in your chest at his eagerness as you finally kick them off the edge of your foot, and he props himself up with an elbow to let his gaze linger on you.
wide, round hazel eyes reflect down at you, glassy and so full of an adoration tainted with lust. his flushed face already perspires with the heat your passion, and it has his shoulders heaving. he licks his lips and pecks a hard kiss on your mouth before scrambling once more. so intent, so focused. he grabs your hips and hikes you up on the bed a little bit, slotting himself between your legs as he pushed your thighs up.
it earns him a yearning little whine from your lips, the cool air of the bedroom hitting your pussy and making the burn in your gut twist. you clench around nothing, and he watches the way you writhe for something.
"bradley," you mewled, a small voice that had him so fucking whipped. he could never keep you waiting with your head pressed back into the pillows like that, eyes wired shut with a pout on those pretty lips.
"s'okay babydoll, i know." he practically purred as he laid himself down on his stomach, not giving his usual little teasing warnings before simply diving into your weeping heat. his mustache is the first contact you can distinguish as it tickles the apex of your thighs, and it prompts a throaty moan to rip out from your chest.
and he's lapping at your pussy like a dog depraved of water — tongue gathering up slick before dipping down and sliding into your entrance to get every last drop of your essence. he falls into a rhythm quickly, humming as he revels in each squeak and squeal you give in response to him. his nose rubs your clit at each motion, a torturously lewd sound coming from your mouth without a beat each time.
"fuck, f— fuck, bradley," you cried, his name tumbling from your lips in a mantra sacred to him and him only. he could feel his cock throb in tandem as you repeated it, having to stave off the ache — the need to shove it up that pretty pussy of yours — by grinding down into the matress as he graciously ate you out.
your hand found his hair again, curling into his now-sweaty locks. your fingernails dug into his scalp, shoving him and that deft tongue deeper into your entrance because your body yearned for more fulfillment.
and bradley keened, fucking keened over the sensation of you grabbing him so roughly. he moaned something so guttural against your clit as he pulled back to take a struggling breath, and it was so goddamn pathetic. his lips wrapped around that sensitive little bud that was just sobbing for some sort of relief, sucking and licking and producing sounds that would make a grade-A sextape.
while your one hand stayed latched on his head, the other gripped the sheets violently. white began to flood the edges of your vision and your back arched with bucking hips against his mouth.
"bradley, bradley, fuck - fuck, m'gonna .. can't .. can't —" you were a bumbling fool, at his mercy as he sucked harder on your clit. he received a loud squeal, a cry of his name one last time as you fell crashing over the edge he'd placed you so high on. if his cock wasn't on the brink of combustion, he would've ran through his little ritual at least two more times.
but he needed you.
needed your walls to clench around him as he came.
there was a lewd slurp and lick of his tongue as he finally pulled back, mustache dripping with your essence and his eyes glittering with blown out pupils like a boy just rewards with a cup of warm milk before bed. while you tried to gather your unraveled mind, he was already eager to have his cock buried inside you. large hands curled into your hips and surely leave bruises — but he's too busy sitting you up so he can shift positions and have you poised so perfectly in his lap.
you keen softly, a sweet whimper tumbling from your mouth as his clothed cock presses against your aching core — still in recovery from the assault his mouth bestowed upon it. his hands ghost over your behind with a reverence, swallowing thickly as his muddied thoughts consumed him.
he could've fucked you face-down into the bed, could've watched those perfect globes of your ass recoil with each timed snap of his hips. he was mesmerized by every inch of you, and he almost drooled at the thought of leaving a bright red handprint on that beautifully untouched, peachy skin. but he wanted to look at you this time - because your face contorting in pleasure would always beat whatever your body could offer him. knowing he was the only one who could make you feel that way .. it'd probably get him to finish just thinking about it.
"look so fuckin' pretty, babydoll. you get softer every goddamn time," bradley seethed as he tucked his face into your neck, kissing it sweetly while one of his thick fingers dipped down and crept methodically into your folds, gathering up the remnants from before. it made you shiver, heat streaking up your spine as he leaned back just to make you watch him lick his finger clean.
"taste so sweet. so fuckin' sweet. better than any breakfast on the market," her murmured in an incoherent haze to himself, repeating his former motion with two fingers and sucking them clean of your essence. he watched your pupils rapidly contract then immediately dilate as you stared at him.
how could you not? those swollen, pink lips of his getting slathered in your come while he muttered sweet nothings to nobody but himself. he was so goddamn whipped for you and every inch that came with the prospect, and that had the coil winding tight in your belly all over again.
"want me to fuck you, babydoll? want me to come inside you, sweet thing?" bradley almost growled, his words practically incoherent and for only himself as he honed in on your pussy. his finger dipped back down, sliding into your hole with little resistance by the help of your last climax. a soft gasp hitched in your chest, hands grappling aimlessly at his shoulders to steady yourself in his lap.
"uh-huh, please, please — fuck me, honey," you breathed out between pants that began to build as bradley slipped in another thick finger, a soft means to prepare you for the usual ride of your life that you received from him. despite the provocation of it, the gesture was endearing. a gentle man despite his means to fuck your brains out.
he pulled his fingers out after garnering enough saccharine whimpers from your lips, making you sit up just a bit so he could stiffly slide his boxers off of his painfully hard dick. it was always these briefly awkward moments that made bradley so human to you. his desperate attempts to make you satisfied — the way he almost squeaked and whined in frustration when he couldn't get his boxers to slip down his thighs.
"such a rush, baby," you cooed, shifting so your hands could help push down the thin fabric off of his legs. your boyfriend merely grunted as he tried to steel himself, hands wrapping around your hips so he could position you above his aching, weeping cock. his back was against the headboard of your bed, slouching his posture and letting him press the head of his cock right against your entrance with ease.
a whine left your lips by proxy, you could never help it, knowing that the satisfaction and fullness he provided was just inches away.
there was a shitty little smirk on his face that you'd have to wipe away at some point, it was almost thoughtful in a way. he found your presence to be a privilege, and to fuck you? that was a heaven sent ability he was grateful to have.
and he didn't let himself hesitate any longer.
he slid his length in methodically, a slow pace so he could feel the way your walls clenched around him aimlessly at each inch that entered. you keened, thighs spreading against the sheets to open yourself further to the gracious gift that was his precum-coated cock.
after you finally bottomed out, bradley sat there for a moment just to revel in the feeling it created. you were so warm, like he was absorbing the suns rays with each moment he was inside you. your pussy clenched around him in satisfaction at the fulfillment he brought, and the tightening sensation brought a deep groan from his throat. you moaned in tandem, kickstarting his usual horndog behavior.
bradley's hands gripped your hips tighter, lifting you up and then bringing you back down onto his cock into a swift, guided motion. you gasped out, fingers curling into his shoulders, the coil winding itself tighter in your belly.
"that's right, sweetheart. m'gonna fuck you real nice." bradley soothed, tender voice almost making you melt hadn't it been for him being buried deep into your pussy.
he brought you up, then down again. the lewd squelch of your slick and his precum sounding at the collision.
up, then down.
"so fuckin' pretty when you take my cock like this."
up, then down.
"wish i could have you like this everywhere, sweet thing."
up, then down.
"you're so.. so goddamn..." bradley was losing himself in the midst of each bounce he guided from you onto his cock. guttural moans exited him like a cacophony of sin and lust, head tilting back as his lashes fluttered.
and you were no better, whining out his name in that same sacred mantra with each thrust pushing you closer up that mountain to the climax both of you so dearly craved. the rhythm that bradley once had was falling apart, body stiffening as his cock moved to the brink of exploding.
"come for me babydoll, c'mon. can't take this when you're — when.." he was panting, thumbs rubbing over your navel like he was trying to coax out your orgasm. it was doing something, that's for sure, making you sob out his name.
white was flooding your vision, and bradley couldn't fucking handle it anymore. his hips bucked up, slamming his cock into your pussy and making you cry out his name, fingers digging into his flesh. you climax washed over you like a tidal wave, shaking you to your core as your walls squeezed bradley's dick half to death.
"fuck, f—" he couldn't even curse, for godsake. a rasped, gravelly moan escaped his mouth as he bit down on his lip, cock pulsing as he finally came. hell, he practically fucking whined as the painful ache was slowly eased when his cum poured into you and painted your walls.
you collapsed into him, thighs quivering just like his own, the both of you winded and respectively panting despite how .. vanilla this all felt.
the two of you have gone to much more extreme levels of sex, nights that had you sore in the morning — yet somehow, this trumped all of those times in comparison. the warmth. the closeness. the soft intimacy that came from the desperation of your boyfriend.
"feels better each and every time i get to come inside you, my love," bradley murmured, lips pressed into your temple as one hand of his absently kneaded your asscheek out of boyish habit — never really able to keep hands to himself — like a safety blanket.
you hummed softly, your sweaty bodies practically melding together.
"i'm guessing you prefer breakfast in bed, then?" you ask, almost cheekily despite your sudden weariness.
"more than anythin' in the world."
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forgive me if this has mistakes🫶was not proofread
TAGS: [lmk if you wanna be included! :3]
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
what would they look like as villains? I know that some have canonical versions, but I would like to see your intropritation (let's be honest, for most - the evil alterego is an exact copy, but only with a slightly modified color palette and frowning eyebrows)
(I'm sorry for my English)
oh, this was a wonderful ask to get on the eve of spooky month ;D im not god at villain (re)design but it was a fun thinking exercise! (also im assuming you were asking about HoMies xD so)
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I mean, there is only so much one can do to remake protagonists into villains and yet still have them remain recognizable, so no wonder evil!versions often are just recolor/frowny sort, but I tried my best to be creative ;D
(and your english is alright! no worries)
also while you can imagine them being as villanous as you want in these designs, there are some little blurbs/backstories i made up for myself as I tried to design them, if you are interested (they are various shades of dark, since you know, tragic backstory and all that lol):
Kim Possible - Hero for Hire turned Mercenary for Money - Kim is widely known for her profeciency in hand-to-hand and quick thinking when on the jobs, but one time something went terribly wrong. Maybe client info was unreliable, or a freak accident, but as the result both Kim and Ron got hurt, leaving Ron in a hospital permanently, and Kim with scars and trauma. After that the girl who worked on favors and rides lost her trust/belief in goodness of people, becoming jaded by reality of a job she accidently found herself in. Kim changed into someone very cold and calculated, someone who started taking jobs that required using serious weapons instead of gadgets, and more importantly getting paid, so she could support her best friend (who is in coma and thus unable to influence this downwards spiral Kim find herself in).
(in contrast to canon!Kim's free flowing hair, she ties it back in order to never be distracted in crucial moment. has a lot of new scars due to more dangerous jobs. i still cant decide if she kills with her weapons or not, but she certainly learned to hurt people. also a very complicated relationship with Shego, since Kim is also a mercenary now, but Shego still remembers that girl she was and is conflicted about this new Kim)
Danny Fenton/Phantom - Ghostly Hero turned Ice Prince - s3e6 Urban Jungle turned out differently, when in the end, defeating Undergrowth, meant also hurting everyone he had been connected to at that moment (level of hurt depends on your preference for angst i guess lol), but anyway, Danny horrified by what he have done (and with memory of Dan still haunting him), still technically unstable with his Ice Powers, flees back into the Ghost Zone to the one place he knows he won't be able to hurt anyone. Sequestering himself in the Far Frozen, he goes full Elsa, and become a remote Ice Prince, that even Far Frozen Yetis are still nervous around, with his only contact being Frostbite. Slowly he wastes away, freezing from his powers not only physically but also like emotionally.
(fun (?) tidbit: fur on his new snow cape/coat is from yetis, unfortunate to wander too close to ice prince. so there are a bunch of partially bald yetis in far frozen lol. Danny is constantly covered in bits of ice and frost, since his ice powers are unstable due to emotional damage. Danny's crown is not a conscious choice, but rather a manifestation of Far Frozen starting to bond with Danny's ice core to become his lair and also sort of recognizing Danny as future Ghost King.)
Jake Long - American Dragon Guardian turned Corrupted by Dark Magic Dragon - Series Finale The Hong Kong Longs, ended differently, when Dark Dragon left a parting shot before he was inprisoned for another Millennium. Since meeting Jake, Dark Dragon has been interested in aquiring him as minion/apprentice(?), and had been steadily trying to sway him to his side. But as he lost he made a last ditch attempt, infecting Jake with Dark Magic. As the result, Jake now cannot control his Dragon Form, being steadily consummed by the Darkness and turning more Draconic as time passes, until he will become full Dragon all the time and under the thrall of Darkness. The change is harsh and as the result Jake falls into violent moments during which he hurt his loved ones that fight to keep him from changing. In one of his more lucid moments, Jake flees to hide away in order not to hurt anyone.
(it seems an interesting thought to expand on the possiblity that the Dragon form can overwhelm the human part and that it would associate with dark magic to succumb to its baser instincts, and also would be a great opening to all those wonderful draconic fan headcanons fandom made about Jake lol)
Ben Tennyson - Hero Wielder of Omnitrix turned Corrupted/Hacked Ultimatrix Unstable User - During Alien Force Ben tried multiple times to hack/meddle with Omnitrix settings, and when he continuously tried the same with Ultimatrix in Ultimate Alien, something has gone wrong. Ultimatrix has bonded deep into Ben's DNA and body, and now every change is felt acutely, not to mention the alien perceptions are now unfiltered and Ben recieves the raw experience of being a different speices/state. It comes to a point when it start to mess with his mind, only made worse by Dagon's reemergence and all the enemies. In the final showdown of Ultimate Enemy goes differently, how? no idea (again depends on your preference level of angst lol). But as the result, Ben, unstable and a little crazy, is on the run with his corrupted Ultimatrix, his reputation in tatters and is considered dangerous by Plumbers.
(i had a little extra idea of Omniverse continuation, where new Plumber Rook Blonko, now has to hunt his hero turned crazy tragic villain Ben Tennyson. Very emotional and angsty (and a bit gay lol), where Rook continuously trying to unsuccessfully catch crazy Ben and convince him to let Azimuth and plumbers to help him.)
Juniper Lee - Youngest Te Xuan Zhe turned Corrupted/Fallen Te Xuan Zhe - in this case in Out of the Past, what Ah-Mah Jasmine feared about Fallen Te Xuan Zhe Kay Yee managing to corrupt Jun has sort of came to pass. After defeating Kai Yee, being touched by the overwhelming power of Magical Elders has left its mark on Jun, as well as Kai Yee's words and Jasmine's initial fear about/distrust in Jun (she is like 11-12 people, it would FUCK HER UP MENTALLY???). As Jun goes through her rebellious teen phase, the unfairness of her trapped position as protector and the demands of it, grates on her more and more, and she finds refuge in studying magic. As the result, her magical ability grows and as her desire for freedom, and the smallest seed of corruption from the events of Out of the Past grow too. So in the end, Jun learns magic to wield it , like Kai Yee, but unlike Kai Yee, not just for battle, but for personal goal of freeing herself and any future Te Xuan Zhe of her family line.
(fun tidbit, Jun doesn't continue to dye her hair pink, instead she uses blood from battle ;D morbid i know but i couldnt help it i like the imagery of her passing her bloody hands through the white part to paint it. she has lightning scars all over her body, that appear only when she uses magic - a manifestation of her brush with orb of magic elders.)
Rex Salazar - Last Hope Against EVO turned Contained and Controlled Weapon of Providence - Rex's return 6 months after Breach transported him and his introduction to Black Knight goes very differently. Instead of prolonged mind games, Black Knight just imprisons Rex pretty much right away while he is vulnerable, content to attempt to trigger Rex's amnesia ad use the mind-control collar, to turn him into her mindless weapon. She was sorta successful? But with Ceaser on the inside, he managed, with the help of Six and Holiday, to free Rex, even if it was too late to save his mind. As the result, whatever reeducation Rex suffered from Black Knights left him instinctively reacting with force and in defense. The whole last part of the season goes very differently in this state, and the finale also ends differently, with Rex, overwhelmed with power of Omega Nanite (God) but in no mind to actually control it. So in the end he is forced to be contained as his friends and family try to figure out how to save him.
(the angst of mind-controlled Rex is something I enjoy, but since he canonically is immune to it, the idea of an induced amnesiac episode seemed like a best bet for this one, but with like double the angst since Six&Holiday would have to struggle not only with Rex being turned into amind-controlled weapon but also him not knowing them)
Randy Cunningham - Chosen Norrisvile Ninja turned Disgraced/Fallen Ex-Ninja - relatively early in his career, after accidently releasing Tengu and Howard getting possesed by it, Randy makes an ultimate sacrifice by burning the Ninja Mask in order to defeat Tengu. However, he didn't expect that Tengu-possesed Howard to be sealed away together and the Ninja title being taken away from him for his reckless (even if noble) decision. Frantic, because he lost two important parts of his life, his best friend and heroic purpose, Randy tries to get the reborn mask back, but it, along with the Ninjanomicon were spirited away by the Messenger to pass on to another candidate. And thus starts Randy's panicked downward spiral and frantic attempts to get back the mask in order to free Howard. Since he still has his memories, Randy trains to become a better fighter. He knows he has to fight the new ninja for the mask, since he believes the Ninjanomicon would advice strongly against New Ninja helping Randy free Howard. In school He becomes known as resident outcast with bad reputation who lost his best friend under suspicious circumstances, and magical underbelly of Norrisville another antagonist for the Ninja to battle. However he still retains an odd sense of honor about Ninja (because he was one) so when opportunities to team up with Sorcerer, McFist, Sorcereress come up, he either ignores them or uses them for his own goal. The closest thing to hit home for him was when Mac Antfee also tried to get mask back, but for his own selfish purposes unlike Randy, well, lets just say Randy was pissed.
(i feel bad since i practically nipped Randy's career right on the bud, unlike others, but this one felt like a good turning villain opportunity unlike season finale. also! the idea of Randy beng an antagonist to the next ninja, while struggling with his own goodness and desire to save Howard is incredibly interesting to me lol. also he got scars from Tengu)
Zak Saturday - Heroic Fighter for Cryptids turned Cryptid Kur re-Reborn - the last episode, where Argost took powers of Kur and subsequently Zak died for about 3 minutes, Zak didn't reawaken unscathed. Kur is not only powers to control Cryptids, it was a person once, and after Zak died and was ressurected, a part of Kur has come forth, because some part of Zak has been lost in his death. A changed Zak Saturday worries his family, with him being quiet and introspective, not to mention pale/golden eyed and slightly zombie-like from his brush with death. Inside, parts of Zak the Kid and Kur the Olden Cryptid mesh and mix, leaving this new Zak struggling with who he is. As time passes however, Zak the Kid is slowly loosing the battle with a much more powerful older part of the soul of Kur (it wouldnt normally happen but Zak the Kid lost a significant part of his spirit when he died, which was filled with Kur) slowly regain his abilities (like in TGAS). At some point a change happens, and Zak retreats from his family, starting to wander the world as two parts of him struggle for dominance.
(fun tidbit! Zak's outfit is the same from his future vision of him overtaking the world as Kur, it seemed approrpiate lol. Also for some reason I kept thinking of Van Kleiss (from Generator Rex) when designing evil!Zak. they kinda have the same vibe)
Jenny XJ-9 Wakeman - Robotic Hero of Earth turned Robotic Overlord - this is a bit of mixed influences from different points: in season finale Dr. Locust turns Dr. Wakeman's creation against her; Jenny's Older Brother Armagedroid; Vexus attempt to sway Jenny to her fellow robots side; the whole year where Jenny was mind-controlled by a bratty kid and everyone feared her and even her mother planned to create a new XJ-10 in order to defeat her; and also a bit random but that one time Jenny pretended to be a villain Ruby Rocket (hence the red color scheme with bits of Armagedroid/Cluster designs). I have a bit less clear timeline for this, but lets just say its gradual and that at some point a lot of manipulations Jenny suffered turned her against humanity and their use of her robotic brethern. While she does not desire to destroy humanity like her brother, she certainly lost her trust in it, and after a manipulation one time too many, she snaps, turns into a leveled up version of Ruby Rocket/Anti-hero persona, she takes her sisters and leaves to Cluster, where Vega welcomes her. Jenny still protects Earth, but admittingly from afar and in a more evil way I guess?? She loves her mother, but she struggles with Dr Wakeman's previous disregard of her siblings and just callous regard to her creations (Wakeman can be cold/serious/to-the point, without Jenny constantly reminding her that she wants to be like a normal girl).
(Jenny was the hardest, because I couldnt find a clear point of turning in the series for her, so I decided to go with gradual change of mind about humanity sort of deal.)
oof this turned a bit long lol, thank you anyone who read through this clusterfuck! As you can see i sort of went with 'Were a Hero - tragically turned Anti-Hero due to circumstances' kind of vibe, since Im just unable to imagine these guys be like trully horrible evil villains (and this way is more angsty, since, like Fallen Heroes and all that). Im not that creative lol. Anyway, i hope you were as entertained as i was when creating this haha ;D
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triannel · 21 days
I know I posted that I might not write anything for today and I truly do not have a lot of time today but I simply could not resist.
Kindness, truly a trivial thing in Bill's world full of hatred and destruction. Are you kind? Or evil? We may think we are the heroes, but are we really?
Bill accepts that he is evil, that he is a bad person, that he can be terrifying to everyone he knows. Perhaps it disturbs him, perhaps not, but he seems to not exactly give that much thought into it though as he just does what he wants at times, and attains what he needs by all means.
When he met you, he just wonders why do you even strive to be a better person? What's happening in your mind? Why are you so kind to him?
He'll try his best to break you. He wants to see you in pieces, he wants to know just how far you can withstand his awful nature.
If you do manage to keep being kind, to keep responding in a polite and kind manner, to keep being his 'friend' no matter what, and to still be there when he goes to you, it will rattle his brain and would also most likely amuse him as well.
Of course, he will try to manipulate you, realizing that you might be someone he can just ask to do something truly awful in the name of the relationship you have with him. But if you are quick to stand your ground, and you still manage to be gentle while doing so, it should knock some sense that you may not be as much of a pushover as he thought.
His little outbursts and mixed mood swings may be hard to deal with from time to time, but if you do manage to do your best to be patient, you may get heartfelt moments that no one will ever get to experience.
You both won't notice but he might slowly but surely adapt the little tidbits of the things you do.
Psychology says that people mirror the ones that they like, and well, he would never admit it but if you and Bill have been interacting for a long time, he'll most indefinitely grow fond of you.
The way you sometimes cover your mouth when you smile, the way you tap your feet slightly as you listen to music, the way you nod every once in a while as he rambles on about something...the little tidbits you do slowly manages to latch on to him and soon he may not exactly notice how you are eventually changing him.
All the while as he tries to manipulate you, he does end up somewhat shooting himself by the foot because of the numerous times he has tried to trick you.
Each of your surprised, horrified, but still genuine reactions that show compassion and kindness towards situations and certain asks may slowly influence him to subconsciously gain the ability to become a slightly bit more compassionate after a long while.
If you notice though, do not mention it, nor should you even think about it, around him. If he manages to understand what may be happening then it will make him extremely aware of the little things he do and it might hinder the effect you have on him so far.
Though truth be told, perhaps he would find out sooner as time passes by. He is no fool, in fact he is a good observer. But his ego may hold somewhat as a blindfold to himself as he would most likely convince himself that he would never change because of someone like you.
After an extremely long while, he will expect you to want something from him. What are you getting out of this? What's the endgame? Keep being kind to him and perhaps he'll soon think that you are just as insane as he is.
In a clear, breezy day. You sit under the beautiful clouds that drift the sky like wet paint on a canvas. Taking a sip from the cup of tea that Bill brewed, the wind gently graces your shoulders.
Bill sits beside you, rambling on about the numerous number of tea he has discovered by himself. You nod slightly, encouraging him to continue.
As he continues to speak, he slowly gazes back at you. Smiling, you gaze back at him as well and hummed, nodding slightly once more to let him know you're listening, and so, he continues to speak, rambling on any subject his mind manages to think of, as both of you enjoy the afternoon with a cup of tea on one of each other's hands.
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dayyydr3amm3rr · 2 months
BLURB ft Marie Moreau
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BLURB of…having a rough day and just needing your girlfriend and your partner to cheer you up
Warnings//Pure fluff with a bit of sexual tension, mainly cute and funny
Things to know// Reader is female, mentions of titties…bugs of titty talk, very short. Just a little tidbit as I try to work up the courage to continue my IMAGINE⚠️ series 😬 I have so many ideas yet not enough time
You hadn’t even bothered to say hello when you walked into Jordan’s dorm room. You had just sighed obnoxiously loudly as you walked in, tossing your bag aside and kicking your shoes off earning an annoyed teeth click from Jordan as you plopped yourself right onto their bed. Not hearing either of your lovers even say hi to you, you glance around and let out another sigh again, that one more dramatic than the last one. Jordan had rolled her eyes, glancing over towards you with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk, Marie had glanced up from where she was a small smile on her face as she tilted her head at you.
“Hi, baby…everything okay?” She asked, glancing over towards Jordan while stifling a small laugh. You sigh for a third time, glancing away dramatically. “I had a bad day…have I mentioned how much I hate one of my professors?” Jordan snorted at your words. “Yeah…you only complain about her every chance you get..” Marie shot Jordan a look before moving over to where you were, sitting down on Jordan’s bed, looking down at you. “Yeah? Do you need anything? Wanna order some takeout?” Marie suggested softly.
“Titties…I want titties please!” You hummed, causing both Jordan and Marie to freeze before they both looked at you. “Excuse me?” Jordan asked, turning away from their desk. You sigh again and hold your hands up, palms turned towards your face as you squeezed your fingers a few times, as if you were squeezing titties that weren’t there. “Titties…wanna bury my face in ‘em…please and thank you!” You hummed. Both Marie and Jordan snorted out laughs. “What? You just want us to strip our tops off for you and let you just nuzzle on in between us?” Jordan snorted.
You breathe through your nose roughly, glancing over towards your partners. “I said please…I preferably want them in my mouth…but I’ll make due with what I get…so a nuzzle would be fine…maybe even a small motorboat…” you listed, a dopey smile on your face as you stared up at the ceiling. You were nodding to yourself…as if you full heartedly agreed with yourself and your words. Jordan did a better job at concealing their snort of amusement while Marie let out a chuckle, shaking her head.
“Titties? You simply want…titties? Well…what if I don’t feel like taking my shirt off and Jordan doesn’t feel like being in their female form when cuddling you?” Marie teased, raising her eyebrows towards a (at the moment, female Jordan), who rolled her eyes as she glanced over towards you two on her bed. You simply shrug, still focusing on the ceiling. “I’ll bury my face in some man-titties…I don’t mind..” Marie has to turn away as she nearly falls over with laughter, causing Jordan to snort and let out a few chuckles herself.
“Oh my fucking god…” Jordan whispered, watching as you continued to ramble, lost in your own little fucked up world. “Would they still be squishy, you think?” You asked. “…What?” Marie asked, glancing over towards Jordan. “Jordan’s man-titties…” you answered. “Keep up with the program, babe…I have some serious questions here.” You added. Jordan shook her head as she glanced between Marie and you. “Like…think about it—“—“Let’s not—“—“Jordan’s invincible in their male form, right? Which means that incoming physical attacks have no affect on them…do you think if I tried to squeeze their man-titties—“ “—Can we stop calling them man-titties, please?—“ “—would their tits just…not move?” You wondered, paying no mind to Jordan’s interjections.
Marie’s eyes widen as she too now thinks about it. “Wait…” Jordan looks over in disbelief at their girlfriend. “Not you too!” They spoke. Marie raised her shoulders in defense as she tried to hold back a smile. “I mean! It’s not my fault! Y/n brought up a good point…” she tried to defend herself while throwing you under the bus. You and Marie are looking over towards Jordan with wide eyes as you both silently debated the question. Jordan’s cheeks flushed slightly as they looked between you and Marie and they suddenly realized that that night…was going to be a long night…
TAGLIST: @baeberry-2005, @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @dayylighhtt
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littlespacereader · 3 months
It said writing prompts were open, I just read Little Spidey and fell in love with the idea of Hobie being my cg. Would you be able to do a thing where the reader and Pav have a little time playdate with Hobie as cg/babysitter? Please and thank you ❤️
AHHHHHHHH!!!! SO CUTE!! I apologize for this being on the short side. I kind of got some writers block with this fic, but I’m happy with how it came out!! I really hope you enjoy it!! Thank you for the request!!!
The Tea Party☕️🫖
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Caregiver! Hobie Brown, Little! Pavitr Prabhakar & GN Little! Reader (SFW!)
Tags - tea party, spilling the tea (littles gossip about stuffies), naps, and hugs
Hobie was more than excited to have one of his best friends here with his little one, especially since they’re both Littles.
In the past Hobie was always Pav’s go to babysitter for when he regressed and was away from his Caregiver Gayatri aka his girlfriend. Now add Y/N, Hobie’s Little to the mix and you have a recipe that was made in heaven.
Y/N was practically bouncing off the walls waiting for Pav to show up. They couldn’t wait. They already had everything set up for Pav! Their play table was already set up with their plastic tea set, Mr. Bear was already dressed up for the event and so was Y/N.
Hobie decided to get on top of things before he got there. So he was in the kitchen making food and snack for the Littles. While he did, Y/N would periodically check in on him.
“Is he here yet?”
“Not yet love but soon I imagine.” His eyes glanced to the clock. “Actually he should be here anyyyyy….”
Y/N screamed and ran across the small flat to the front door, waiting for Hobie to join them.
Hobie walked over and opened the front door letting in an excited and fancy dressed Pav, all ready for the tea party.
Immediately he hugged Hobie, “Thank you for having me over again!!”
Then he went and hugged Y/N, “I can’t wait for our tea party!!”
Once they broke apart, Y/N took his hand and the two ran into Y/N’s room while the adults talked about boring Caregiver stuff.
Inside Y/N’s room was a small table set up with the works! Little plastic saucers, plastic tea cups, small plastic spoon and more. Chairs circled around the table, some filled with stuffies and other empty for the two of them.
“Please take your seat!” Y/N offered, before grabbing a chair themselves.
“No please! Allow me,” Pav grabbed the chair and pulled it out for Y/N to sit. They giggled as they took a seat and had Pav push them in.
“Thank you good sir!” Y/N added.
“My pleasure.” Pav replied, taking a seat himself.
Hobie walked into the room, hands full of food. “Look alive everyone! I have some snacks for you rascals.”
Hobie made a wonderful set up for the two of them. Mini sandwiches, some crackers, and more. All their favorites set up on a little platter.
He left for a moment only to return with their tea pot. They both too regressed for actual hot tea so instead Hobie brewed the teas cold so that if they spilled it or went to sip it they would burn themselves.
“Alright,” Hobie clapped, “I’ll be in the living room if you two need anything. Enjoy the tea party.” He winked before leaving.
Then the tea party commenced!! The two took some snacks and Pav had the honor of pouring each party guest their cup of tea.
“Thank you good sir.” Y/N said taking a sip of their tea.
“My pleasure!” Pav smiled back, pouring a cup for himself.
The two of them began talking about everything! From drama between their stuffies, to what missions they’ve been on in the last few days, to random tidbits about their favorite tv shows.
“Have you heard what happened to fluffy last week?!” Pav pointed to his rabbit.
“No! What happened?!”
“She was bouncing to the store when she fell down a storm drain and almost got washed away!!”
Y/N gasped! “That’s horrible!!”
“I know! She smelled like trash afterwards too.” Pav laughed, Y/N joined him. “But thankfully she took a bath and now she’s okay.”
“There’s a scandal going on in my room! Mr. Waddles broke up with his girlfriend Mindy and now he’s going out with her sister!”
Now Pav gasped, “WHAT. A. SCANDAL!”
They just talked for hours. But then it got quiet for a while. That worked up Hobie’s ears. Hobie, who was sitting in the living room tuning his guitar, decided to check on his now very quiet Littles. What he found was an adorable sight.
Pav and Y/N slept peacefully beside one another in Y/N crib. Both still dressed fancy with their fancy dressed stuffies around. Hobie could help but smile.
He grabbed a blanket and wrapped the two up in it. With a kiss to each of their head he turned off the lights and turned on the night lights.
I guess you could say the tea party was a major success!
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softshuji · 10 months
You and Hanma make a note of your heights when you first move into your apartment.
You're like kids, giggling as you reach above his head to mark it on the kitchen doorframe, a whopping 6'4 that you can just about reach and even then - only on your tip toes. Childishly, he bends down to mark with a pencil where your head touches the frame and you playfully jab his abdomen when he laughs and says 'How do you manage to be this short?'
Decorating takes weeks, months in fact, Between your job and his, the little time you have for homeware shopping- and even still, neither of you are rich enough to have the apartment decked out the way you'd like. You're both young, starting out even and you think this might be the best part, being able to watch him grow and change, small tidbits of furniture here and there, some bought at second hand stores, because you're much more frugal than he is and neither of you care as long as it's for your own home. You save a lot, though your priorities are somewhat different.
He likes to spend on you. Cute dates, flowers, clothes and most of what he earns goes just like that, on you and the dresses and jewelry you make comments about while you're out. He never misses it, and even though you chastise him often for needlessly spending on you, you know this is how he does it, shows his love.
You look at it every day. The little mark you've made on the doorframe, even as it greys, even as it weathers over the months as they lean towards winter and then spring. Maybe it is childish, maybe you don't care either. And you watch him cycle through the various styles, various changes. His hair as it grows longer, a little more boyish and framing his face, the baggy shirts he exchanges for suits sometimes when he leaves for work in the morning.
'Be safe okay?' you say at the door, like as if it'll change anything by itself. You lean up to kiss him, his hand titled 'sin' around your neck, and yours cupping his cheeks and then he is gone, and you wave and watch him leave, backing away from the apartment with the briefcase in the passenger seat.
Sometimes you wonder how the time passes like this. One day you're moving in, and the next your apartment has a fully functioning kitchen-painted and decorated, the little lines on the doorframe now withered to a faded grey under the white gloss paint. To say you're proud of the two of you would be an understatement, especially when you remember at what little you started with.
'I'm home Princess,' he says later and passes through the doorway of the kitchen, where you turn from the sink to him, drying your hands before you melt inevitably in his arms. He is cold, his hands are chilly when they slide under your shirt and you shiver when they rest on the grooves in your back as he takes you in, your warmth seeping into his bones. You have a habit of staying like that for the first five minutes. Needy kisses that turn hotter and heavier, you shrugging his jacket off to roam your touch over his chest- as if you hadn't seen him a few hours ago, as if it's been forever. Maybe because it has.
'Miss me Sweetheart?' he says between breaths, between soft sighs and eager kisses, his hands resting on your hips and pulling you flush against him in the doorway.
'Nah, don't know what gave you that idea,' you say, pulling open his tie, and tossing it onto the sofa for later before resting your cheek on his chest, the rhythmic thump of his heart now beating on your skin.
'Mhm, sure, the evidence suggests otherwise Pretty Girl.' And he runs a hand from the crown of your head to the dip in your shoulders, holding you tight and against him, where he believes you belong.
'Well your evidence is full of-' You pause, your eyes narrowing shrewdly, your gaze lifting from the little mark on the door, to where a curl of his hair grazes a few centimetres above it. 'You're joking...'
'What? What is it?'
'You're kidding me. Are you actually getting taller?' you say aghast, your lips parting, your jaw dropping in a shocked pout.
He raises an eyebrow in amusement, the amber hue of his eyes flitting from the grey and weathered pencil line on the doorframe to you, still leagues shorter than him. 'oh? Maybe I am, so what? Is there an issue with that Princess?' And he leans over the doorway until your crowded underneath his arm, the shadow of him swallowing the light till you're backed against the doorframe.
'N-no, I mean yes there is! Stop being so tall, I'm going to need a stepladder to kiss you soon.' You huff and cross your arms, and he relishes in how much you shrink under him like that, the soft tremble of your lips that bleeds excitement and anticipation.
'Don't worry, I'll make sure to crouch for you, I know it's hard being so small.'
'God you're so horrible, maybe Draken was right to beat you up nearly 50 times, he wouldn't treat me like this,' you say and roll your eyes for effect, biting your lip to suppress a smirk at how his grin twitches.
'Oh yeah?' He closes a hand around your throat before pulling you flush to him, a lean that closes the distance between your lips before he's sealing them in a heated kiss, his tongue swiping at yours before pulling away when he hears a soft moan. 'Would Draken do that too Sweetheart?'
You blink, your thoughts scattered, a feverish sweat licking across your skin. 'Mhm, maybe not. Never mind, you're forgiven but you're on thin ice!' you say, a finger pointed in his direction, and cursing yourself at how quickly your body betrays you with him, how it chooses him time and time again.
He laughs, presses a kiss to your cheek before wandering to the fridge and strangely enough, somehow, you wonder at how you'll have to fix the strange little marks on the doorframe tomorrow.
I'm sorry, the idea took over and I had to get it out, I was going a bit insane mayhaps. i love him sm i wanna punch him in the face
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hey-august · 7 months
A Line from Me to You - Chapter 2
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Description: Buggy finds a peculiar book on his ship. Enticed by the words contained on each page, the pirate opens up. Anonymity leads to vulnerability. What else will come from this? (Chapter 1, check out the story tag for more chapters) Word count: 1.9k Warnings: This chapter is SFW, but the story will eventually be NSFW - hopefully in the next chapter. Some profanity. Buggy x afab!reader. A/N: Little more plot-building before we get to the spice. Hope yall enjoy!! Tag list: @lostfirefly @rorywritesjunk @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction
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You read and re-read the bonus words written into your book until they flowed through your head like a real conversation. An unknown voice whispered in your ear, adding commentary, a few snide remarks and snarky responses, poignant questions, and narrative asides that you couldn’t get enough of. 
The mystery of your anonymous reading buddy sat with you. It was calm and inviting. You weren’t consumed with a desire to dig inside and pull out the truth, but to let the mystery be. To let it exist like this. Yes, you did want to know whose thoughts and memories you were reading, but it wasn’t a dire need. And more than that, you wanted to keep this secret. A shared secret.
Staring at the next chapter you needed to read, the novelty plummeted as you raised a pen. It felt heavy in your hand, weighed by an awkward feeling. The back of your neck prickled, as if someone was already reading your thoughts. You felt stifled by the odd sense of visibility. Unable to connect your desire to give the story your full attention with wanting to share the book with another reader, you tried to flip those feelings and see if they would fit another way.
It was like a game of leapfrog. You read the annotations added after yours, then jumped into the next chapter you hadn’t read yet and filled in the gaps left in the margins, and, finally, you landed in a new chapter. The puzzle pieces connected as you fell entirely into the story.
Traveling with the cloaked figure, Grey, on his journey, your musings were scribed each step of the way. Phrases and words circled, emotive faces drawn near touching moments, and your own personal tidbits littered the pages. The chapter ended with Grey winning over the sullen rock golem who had been living alone as an outcast. The golem accepted Grey’s invitation to join him on a journey to save the royal family.
A few days later, Buggy was surprised to see the book peeking out of its protective hidey-hole like a mollusk. He noted its disappearance and didn’t expect such a rapid reappearance. Although it wasn’t a long novel, completing the entire journey would have taken a sleepless night or two. A small voice questioned whether the owner was upset at the additional vandalism (even if they started it) and decided to abandon the book entirely. 
Filled with unease, Buggy ignored the book and went about his duties. The poisonous voice stayed quiet as the captain threw himself into work, wondering if he might avoid confronting the question and the book. A lifetime of rejection created a wide boundary of protection that the little voice hid behind, hissing unfounded fears.
The sour feelings were chased away with a mouthful of liquor later that night. While heading back to his quarters, Buggy retrieved the book and walked fast to outpace his own negativity. Although it was only the second time he had the novel, reading was easily incorporated into his evening routine. It felt familiar to him. 
Growing up, Buggy was a voracious reader. Sometimes, he wondered if that’s why he needed glasses now. Maybe his eyes were rebelling against all the words he forced them to absorb - short stories, long epics, newspapers, essays, letters, tiny print, large fonts, hand-written, transcribed. Anything he could get his hands on was devoured in his spare time. Sentences were crammed into the few seconds between duties, chapters read by dim moonlight, and pages became speckled with food as he pored over the books while eating.
Over time, Buggy read less and less. People poked fun at the bookworm. They said he should be careful always having his nose in a book, it might get caught in the pages. Even lighthearted remarks about how much he read began to sting. And as he grew up, Buggy had other things to occupy his time with.
Eventually, guilt took hold in his chest. Roots grew whenever he had time that could be filled by a book, his empty hands missed the feel of pages threading through the fingers, or when he looked at the forlorn stories waiting on his bookshelf. He tried to push through the ache by buying new books that remain untouched. He even bought glasses to try and turn a chore back into a hobby, but nothing relit the spark. It all turned into dirt and manure for his remorse to grow. 
The pirate never expected the pain of turning his back on something that brought comfort would be eased by a silly fantasy novel. Despite being a grown man with hair on his chest and alcohol on his breath, Buggy felt like a kid again as he sank under the covers with a good book. Instead of waiting for a tension headache, Buggy pulled out his glasses, swiped the lenses with a small cloth, and put them on. The first thing he read was a note tucked alongside his bookmark.
“Good notes! Although I disagree that the writer is a ‘self-indulgent asshat who sees the world through rose-colored glasses.’ I read ahead through the next chapter and left space for you. Please do the same and put this back in the ‘secret’ spot. I want to see if you change your mind.”
Buggy chuckled to himself. Of course you wouldn’t agree with him, you picked the book in the first place. Maybe if he pointed out more of the author’s blatant self-insert characters used to tout their poorly thought out ideals, you’d reconsider. He took a sip of alcohol and twirled a pen in his fingers. 
Towards the end of the newest chapter, two things caught Buggy’s attention. First, the fucking corner of the page was folded again. Second, was a comment about the golem and “found family.” You wrote about how nice it is to find a place you belong and people you feel at home with. You felt like the golem character when you joined this pirate crew. The rock golem, named Daisy Lee, had sprouted a flower when Grey extended his hand and companionship. The little heart next to that sentence was a punch to the gut.
Buggy the Clown knew first-hand how it felt to find someplace you belonged. In fact, he’s heard that from his crew countless times. After fights, successful raids, parties brimming with alcohol, any situation full of emotions were bound to be followed with freaks professing appreciation for their captain. But this was different. You didn’t know who was reading these words. You didn’t intend to share them with the captain himself. These weren’t words of performative devotion, honeyed sentiments, or feelings brought forth by adrenaline, but inner-thoughts shared during your own personal time.
It was late and his body was tired, which meant his emotions were delicate. That’s why tears collected in the corners of his eyes before slipping down his heated cheeks. Exhaustion and alcohol. Fingers attempted to fit under his glasses to wipe away the saltwater, but the legs tugged on his ears and the frames dug into his forehead. Buggy dabbed away what he could in the confined space and rubbed the back of his hands on his wet cheeks to dry them. With a face redder than it was moments ago, he swallowed the rest of the sober emotion with the alcohol in his glass.
The next time you found the book, there was another note for you. A short sentiment and a gift.
“Stop folding the goddamn pages. I don’t care if this is your book, I won’t give it back. Use the bookmark.”
The bookmark guarding the edge of your reading area wasn’t anything special. It was just a bit of paper that could have come from anywhere, but the edges were carefully torn into a long rectangle. The scrap used to mark the other reader’s progress was ripped haphazardly and shaped like a squashed kidney. Rolling your eyes, you folded the corner of your new gift. You’d use it, but on your terms.
You followed the same pattern as last time, reading the new notes, the next chapter, then a new chapter. And your reading partner followed suit. Bookmarks jumped over each other, like checkers. Stories were swapped, emotions unlocked, betrayals occurred (the first of which was you creasing the bookmark, which was acknowledged with a little angry face), foes defeated, heroes injured, feelings exposed, and so much more. You wrote about leaving your family and village behind, like some of the adventurers. The other person wrote about not really knowing their family. Not in a story, but as a passing comment to what you scribbled. Unsure how to respond, you simply wrote that you were glad their journey brought them here.
Weeks passed as the book exchanged hands. One night found you hunched over in bed, following your reading buddy as you raced through the final chapter. The sea was as restless as your beating heart, each wave and thump growing erratic through the climax.
Worn down and weary, Grey and his companions approached the castle. Moss and vines decorated the worn stone structure. An abnormal breeze carried the sweet stench of decay. The rustle of leathery wings and tell-tale stomping emitted from the courtyard ahead. Grey turned to Daisy Lee and Jack, readying himself to go ahead on his own. To his surprise, Jack clapped a hand on the man’s cloaked shoulder and nodded to their stone friend, who marched forwards, toward the dragon.
You silently cheered with each blow the heroes dealt and gasped with every set-back they sustained. The fight raged on in your white-knuckled grip, with Daisy Lee crumbling into a smaller version of themself, and Jack throwing himself in front of Grey, only to be knocked out.
Grey shouted in anguish and charged forwards. Landing a mighty blow on the dragon, the fierce beast collapsed with a pitiful roar. Smoke poured from it’s mouth and nostrils, filling the courtyard. Through the fog, Grey could just barely see the large shadow shrink. As the smoke cleared, a naked figure lay on the ground - the victim of a curse. It was Prince Shaia. Grey’s brother.
The rest of the story was wrapped up in two pages. There was a whirlwind of activity when Grey rescued the rest of the royal family, revealed his lineage to his companions who readily accepted the information, Grey’s rapid ascension to the throne, and the multitude of changes he immediately put into place across the kingdom to end every single plight, hardship, and minor inconvenience he encountered. The story ended with the sun setting on a utopia, with no mention of issues implementing new rules and systems or discourse about the kingdom changing hands to a previously unknown individual.
You sat silently for a moment, mulling over the ending. It was an enjoyable story full of adventure and whimsy, but the conclusion was rushed. Very rushed. The last paragraph had a bracket drawn on the side and an arrow pointing to a little face sticking it's tongue out and a note:
“I haven't changed my mind. This wouldn’t happen so easily, it’s so unbelievable-”
Frowning, you scribbled a retort before finishing the rest of the note. “It’s a fantasy book. Of course it’s not believable.”
“-I have a book we can read next. I guarantee it’ll be better than this.”
A buzzing filled your head and reverberated down to your chest. You kept reading the message, studying each individual letter constructing the words that warmed your body. The beating of your heart stopped using adrenaline as fuel and channeled the rushing endorphins instead. You hoped that this secret relationship would continue, and to see that feeling reciprocated filled you with so many fluttery feelings that you couldn’t tease them apart.
“Okay, I’m trusting you.”
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