genuinelyshallow · 8 months
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sayruq · 8 months
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Brazil has also given its support
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fresh-snow · 8 months
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Full video
The sadness and despair in those eyes...
There are no innocent soldiers in iof, including the women. I've seen female soldiers laughing and dancing at the misery of Palestinian people and doing heinous acts just like their male counterparts.
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enjymemink · 8 months
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Thank you Yemen 🇾🇪
Despite being one of the poorest countries in the world, they showed more empathy than those so-called civilized developed countries.
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moonlayl · 8 months
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From the court today. Israel IS committing a genocide.
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chaithetics · 2 months
EDIT: I've now made a post that you can read here with more information about the ICJ rulings, their powers and what we can do with this ruling here. I had to this morning and will continue to delete, report, and block all comments/asks that are anti-Arab, zionist, Islamophobic, racist, and/or antisemitic.
We already knew this but the ICJ has now ruled that Israel's continued occupation of Palestine is illegal and needs to end ASAP.
They found that Israel's occupation does not give it the right of sovereignty over the West Bank and Gaza and that it is not a temporary occupation but is an illegal, permanent and discriminatory annexation. The ICJ also found violence against Palestinians, Israeli exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, transfer of civilian population (settlers and companies/organisations), extension of Israeli laws to replace local Palestinian laws, forced displacement of Palestinians, confiscation of Palestinian land, annexation. That Israel's 'security concerns' are not valid justifications for any of these measures.
The ICJ has ordered Israel to end its presence in the West Bank and Gaza immediately and to cease all new settlement activity, return all lands and assets to Palestinians that they've ceased since 1967 and that includes archives and items of cultural significance, evacuate all of their settlers from the settlements, pay compensation, and repeal all laws that maintain this occupation and discrimination. The ICJ is not legally-binding but does carry significant political weight and this ruling is important for continuing to advocate for Palestine and to put pressure on our government's to do the right thing and for them to put pressure on Israel. Keep contacting your representatives!
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agentfascinateur · 7 months
A reminder about Palestine:
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Firstly, the existence of the country of Palestine was never in question. And secondly, as per the UK's own words in the oft-referred to "foundational" "Balfour Declaration":
Plain as day.
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la7ma-mafrooma · 8 months
I don't know who they are [the people buried]. Every time I pass by here, I stop and say hello. We found them weeks ago lying and covered in their own blood in the middle of the road, two young men in the flower of their youth seemed as if they are sleeping. We buried them in the eastern region of Al Saraya.
I am sorry to all the unidentified martyrs. I am sorry to every martyr we did not bury till now. I am sorry to all the martyrs we couldn't register the names of or save their pictures. I am sorry to every martyr who offered his soul for the land [Gaza/Palestine] and wasn't given his own grave to rest in. I am sorry to my friend Refaat @/itranslate123 who has been under the rubble for 40 days and still is. I am sorry once to the martyrs we know, and a thousand times for those we don't.
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The idea of having a loved one killed and buried without my knowledge is terrifying. However, it is the reality of many Palestinians who bury unidentified martyrs, and the Palestinians who cannot find their family members and do not know whether they're still alive or not. We must keep talking about Palestine, and we must keep exposing the crimes of the Israeli occupation!
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odinsblog · 8 months
BREAKING NEWS: The International Court of Justice finds that there is sufficient basis for South Africa’s case against Israel and will not dismiss the case as Israel requested.
This is truly an historic moment.
Very well done, South Africa 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
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the-eyespy · 5 months
🇵🇸 Amidst the rubble of his destroyed home, Ashraf Nafedth burns a book he once treasured—a guide to international law. He now sees it as a lie, failing to protect people like him. The unfair treatment of countries like Palestine by powerful nations like the US shatters his trust in these laws. His burning of the book symbolizes his loss of faith in international law's ability to keep him safe and reflects the struggles of many in similar situations.
🇵🇸 وسط أنقاض منزله المدمر، أحرق أشرف نافذ كتابًا كان يعتز به ذات يوم - دليل للقانون الدولي. وهو يرى الآن أنها كذبة، وفشل في حماية الأشخاص مثله. إن المعاملة غير العادلة لدول مثل فلسطين من قبل الدول القوية مثل الولايات المتحدة تحطم ثقته في هذه القوانين. إن حرقه للكتاب يرمز إلى فقدانه الثقة في قدرة القانون الدولي على الحفاظ على سلامته ويعكس نضالات الكثيرين في مواقف مماثلة.
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genuinelyshallow · 8 months
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sayruq · 2 months
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justnews420 · 8 months
From Palestine Thank you South Africa
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enjymemink · 8 months
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Of course those cowards won't show the truth.
Anyways you can go to this thread and find channels who are broadcasting it.
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focusonmy · 8 months
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its-zaina · 8 months
"هكذا علَّمنا نيلسون مانديلا".
~فريق جنوب أفريقيا القانونيّ في مَحكمة العدل الدولية.
"This is what Nelson Mandela taught us".
~South Africa's legal team.
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"نَـعلمُ جيداً أنَّ حريتَـنا تبقى ن��اقصةً بدونِ نَيلِ الفلسطينيين حريتَهم"
~ نيلسون مانديلا.
“We know very well that our freedom remains incomplete without the Palestinians achieving their freedom.”
~Nelson Mandela.
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