#James Bouche
wausaupilot · 5 months
Under fire, Wausau School superintendent to retire after current school year ends
Hilts announced during a closed session meeting Monday that he will retire in June. Here's the story:
Damakant Jayshi Weeks after the Wausau School Board withdrew approval for the administration’s restructuring plan, Superintendent Keith Hilts announced he will retire in June. Hilts’ decision comes after the board nixed a plan to merge the district’s two high schools and also paused a plan to eliminate five elementary schools. According to a statement release by the district on Tuesday, Hilts…
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loquaciousquark · 2 years
Game Masters of Exandria: Round Table
Good evening, good evening, good evening! Welcome to a special CR episode with our fabulous DMs of the CR Expanded Universe: Matt Mercer, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Aabria Iyengar. Matt opens us up! Don’t forget that the Tal’Dorei campaign guide is out now. He’s so excited for more people to play in this world and expand it at their own tables.
Session Zero: very important, even with people you gel with and know well. It’s important to make lines and veils explicit. Aabria likes to have a tone check-in so everyone has a chance to give input. “It’s an amuse-bouche before you start the story.” Brennan sidebars all of us by just being so excited Matt opened up this sandbox for all of us to play with. Matt, cheerfully: “It was all an accident. It just kept growing like The Blob.” Brennan likens this to James Lipton meeting God at the pearly gates and discovering God has no idea what’s going on. Back on topic, Brennan quotes Voltaire: “I apologize for not having time to write you a short letter so I wrote you a long one.” Prepping for a confined campaign is very different than prepping for an open-world game.
Brennan tangents into a discussion of railroading vs. player agency; when you have a short campaign like this where a story has to hit certain beats, the railroading shouldn’t ever come from the DM. Instead, it should come from the players knowing their characters really, really well, which is all established in session zero. If you can establish really strong player backgrounds and motivations before the campaign begins, the plot can be wholly driven by them/their choices and still achieve the beats needed without ever taking away from player agency. “The rails are gonna be who you tell me you are.” The rails for short campaigns should be designed by the player, not the DM.
Aabria praises Brennan’s character creation style; she went into creation with him with half a thought and came out knowing everything about Llaerryn, and also knowing Brennan completely understood her too.
Brennan has a 13-year-old home game that had no session zero; he talks about how that had no creation session because he knew that game had time to expand and grow with the characters & the players would be okay.
Matt likes having everyone create characters together, or at least a session zero shortly after: this is how relationships started with Vex and Vax, Caleb and Nott, etc. Brennan thinks it’s critical to allow unfilmed sessions as well so the players can find their voices. Matt also likes to make sure people will be comfortable with their characters in the long run, not just the short run. He hates the idea that anyone is ever “locked in” to something they don’t want to play.
Sometimes, like for oneshots/charity games, you can’t have the session zero; in this case Matt likes to email the players just some brief back-and-forths to nail down one or two elements. “Who else in the party owes you a favor and why? What’s one regret from your childhood?”
Brennan tells us the GM is like a one-person Greek chorus. “When you are baking, you find out what you forgot to put in in the oven.” Backstory is meant to give you a trajectory; it’s not where you come from, it’s where you’re going. Backstory has to be a connection to the world; if you just show up with gear and no desires, no goals, “that’s just enlightenment, buddy, I don’t know what to tell you!”
Matt likes one-two page backstories; the more complicated it gets, the harder it is to incorporate things, but he’s also had a player whose whole character was a monk wandering in search of power, and he made that work too.
Backstory should be an invitation, NOT an expectation. Players should anticipate that not all backstory elements may come into play, but the GM should also communicate if they realize they may not be able to use the backstory at all. Players don’t want to wait for three years only to never get into their backstory, but also do have a responsibility to make sure it can be integrated into the world. Communication is key in both directions!
Brennan loves backstory in order to incorporate plot hooks he knows they’ll say “yes” to. If he has a party with no clerics, he knows he doesn’t have to work so much on the pantheon. I identify with this laziness.
Matt made his own settings at first because he was too scared to ruin or incorrectly run an established setting. Brennan enjoys making up canon in established settings, which makes Matt hilariously nervous. Matt: “For most of you, this won’t be livestreamed, so you can fuck it up as much as you want!” Brennan: “Dani Carr, in the corner, with a blowgun.” Aabria advocates taking a break and looking something up for something super critical that you can’t improv. Players always go off the rails; give yourself leeway when DMing for that. Matt also suggests telling players familiar with a setting ahead of time that “this is YOUR version of the world; some things might be the same, different, or conflict with canon, and that’s intended.”
Niirdal-Poc was super fun for Aabria to create. Creating something new in an established world, especially for someone not in love with high fantasy, gave her an amazing chance to pick out the themes she valued. This city was her love letter to the potential of power, whether it’s nature, divine, or wizardly. She ugly-cried when she saw the first map including it.
Brennan was incredibly relieved to get the Age of Arcanum over Aabria’s Kymal, because he was able to use the full weight of the established canon to build the world in retrospect. He especially loved the Aeor arc from C2, so this tied in beautifully with that.
“Fantasy is bad with time!” In Middle Earth, the best sword ever made was made 10,000 years ago; so are blacksmiths today emotionally distraught that they can’t get better? He much prefers Matt’s insistence on a calendar and growth and holidays and such to make it more grounded.
Brennan, on Aeor: “Yes, we have this lapsarian, Edenic thing necessary for the fantasy of populating a world with tons of dungeons and magical items because you need an ancient history for them to have come from,” but Calamity allows a grounding of that history’s existence without undermining the deeply tragic fall of the Age of Arcanum. He loved leaning into the differences between the ancient & modern worlds: Avalir had more technological advancements, Byzantine bureaucracies, etc., and he loved exploring the evolutionary paths of how to feed that into the modern world & Aeor's ruins. It let him fuck shit up without ruining the canon.
(Lapsarian: one who believes mankind has fallen from a higher state)
(Edenic: in the manner of Eden)
(Brennan also talks SO FAST y’all, criminy, and so many of his sentences are abandoned half-thoughts)
Aabria loves that he explained the Shattered Teeth. Matt jumps in here talking about how much he absolutely loves worldbuilding and collaborating on these pieces because it’s so much more freeing than coming up all of it in his brain by himself in his room.
He and Brennan spent an hour once discussing the cosmology and pantheon of Exandria while Marisha was at the vet with Omar (their corgi), including how gods relate to mortality. “I don’t get to have that conversation with just anyone!”
Brennan panicked when Sam & Luis went after Purvan in the show. He meant it to just be a cameo, but they expanded it past his plans. “Don’t make me explain this! This is a part I can really fuck up!”
Both Aabria & Brennan were so worried about breaking canon, but Matt loves that their choices instead clarified and enhanced canon, giving him things to build off of in future: “That’s much cooler than I was anticipating!” They expanded his world rather than breaking it.
“If you’re doing this at home, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Stop the Calamity!” Aabria: “If you see a tree and you don’t know what it’s doing, maybe just leave it alone.”
Aabria: “Every wizard is a yuppie. They wear their shoes to bed.”
What are Aabria & Brennan most proud of contributing to the world? Aabria: being light and irreverent about tragedies like the Chroma Conclave (Chroma spa cave), showing that nature heals and the past is not sacred. Matt loves having Taste of Tal’Dorei as Exandria’s own Casa Bonita. Matt loves finding humor in the darkness of humanity. Brennan: Humorlessness does not occur in nature. “Death is not a punchline, but it is a perfect setup.” He and his wife Izzy loved Everything Everywhere All at Once for the same reason (amazing movie!).
Brennan is most proud of how easily the Calamity crew handled the massive lore dumps he threw at them. Aabria had to learn 40 spell engines as part of her background. Brennan laughs about having texted Matt, “My job today is I’ve come up with 30 fake wizards.” Aabria felt really bad about how Llaerryn treated Madara, ha!
Brennan liked establishing that Vespin wasn’t a nihilist, he was hubristic. Vespin didn’t set out to release the Betrayers, he set out to achieve ambitions, which tied into the pattern of hubris evident in the Ring of Brass. Brennan loved painting the entire Age with this brush, showing that it wasn’t a coincidence, it was a trend over the entire age.
Matt loved how vibrantly Aabria brought Byroden to life--it’s better than he would have done himself. It completely changed his perspective on the city. Aabria shouts out Aimee regarding their conversations about Laredo, TX, and talks about how they wanted to find common threads that would reflect Vex & Vax as well as contrasting against Syngorn, which we saw more clearly in C1.
Brennan asks Matt about the misty history of Exandria. “It’s a little bit of the Matryoshka doll of the genesis” since C1 started in medias res. Aabria: “Who were you when you built this?” Matt: “Younger.”
It started as a city, Stilben only, for a home game for his VA friends. It was a oneshot without a country/continent name intended to be played for six hours on a weekend. Session two he built Westruun; when they got to session 3, he began building Tal’Dorei in Photoshop. He still has the old files of the early country.
He developed the name of the continent Exandria as the players expanded into neighboring countries. It was laying down the tracks right in front of the train, just developing things as needed. He notes that a lot of modern high fantasy is beautifully developed in aesthetic, but breaks down as soon as you try to dive into it. Brennan points out long-lived races with 150-year generations could theoretically date descendants without realizing.
The Calamity came out of Matt’s realization that there needed to be a recent historical event to reset the world. The Divergence was his attempt to rationalize the existence of all-powerful, all-knowing gods walking the planes and guiding the threads of fate, but then leaving great world-shaking danger to a handful of PCs. He wanted to come up with a reason the gods were removed from the world so that the players had to solve the problems themselves.
Brennan loves the idea of visiting the oldest part of a homebrewed world. If he were in Exandria, he’d want to go to Stilben. Oh my gosh, me too.
The Kryn dynasty was partly born out of a book Matt read about the idea of past lives.
There has never been a moment where Matt felt Exandria to be whole/finished. The pressure of having wikis listing out every contradiction he’s ever said does mean there’s a running list of things he needs to correct/address in future, which is its own kind of stress.
Brennan HILARIOUSLY calls out Matt for saying Tal’Dorei isn’t finished while the campaign guide is sitting right on the table in front of them. “This is not done? I’m just gonna go home. Not DONE? I got three months between seasons, okay. Welcome to Biggityburg, here we go. New city, new season. You wackity-schmackity doo, 10 episodes. Help me!”
Brennan points out that a ton of worldbuilding comes from improv in the moment passed off as fact. The players love it when they get the sense that you would pass out before running out of things to tell them about the world.
Brennan made his villains hot because Aabria made a hot spider queen. Matt laughingly says that he doesn’t make hot villains, he makes villains and the internet decides they’re hot.
Matt loves playing with new players and very experienced players; there’s a cycle. “When you first begin, you don’t know a lot of the boundaries. When you’re new to it, you make wider swings, bigger choices, you’re a kid learning how to walk for the first time and bumping into the furniture. Then you start coloring inside the lines because you’ve learned the rules, and then as you get more experienced you cycle back again” to breaking the rules with youthful abandon.
Brennan loves that the game MASTER is actually in a position of service. You’re making dinner for everybody. He praises Aabria for reading her players extremely well and giving them what they want.
Aabria asks about encounter map development. Matt prefers theater of the mind for smaller groups unless they prefer minis. However, with more players, the minis/maps help out a lot. He has been collecting minis for many years.
Brennan extols the virtues of Rick Perry, the production designer for Dimension 20, his D&D show. D20 has a lot of culture mashups (Candy Land Game of Thrones, high school for heroes, etc.), but those beautiful set pieces are often only used once. In his home games he uses lots of dry erase boards, Blu-Tack, and Othello pieces, which can be flipped over and written on the bottom of to track HP directly on the piece. He does prefer maps because he likes tactical play. For theater of the mind, he recommends checking in with the players a lot, because certain classes can get short shrift without clear/tangible tactical advantage (rogues, AoE spells, etc.). Maps with created elements also can lead to grist for player creativity--Reyka in the Bloodkeep series on Dropout was inspired by decorative chains that she used to tactically balloon her way out of a tight spot.
Matt also likes grids and hex maps for simple alignment without requiring a ton of prep. He recommends considering the terrain, enemy advantages and disadvantages, and a few interesting elements (like the chains) just to see what the players can do. He cites Orym’s messing with the augur machine which he’d intended to just be part of the scenery and using it to trap the Shape Mother.
Brennan: if you’re doing theater of the mind, don’t just breeze past environment or mood because that can open doors for the players. In the reverse, Matt points out that going hard into maps/minis can artificially limit what the players may think is useful unless they are experienced enough to ask questions about things in the room that might not be represented by the minis/maps.
Aabria’s prep time is roughly equivalent to the run time of the game she’s planning, just so she feels comfortable improvising. Brennan laughs that one time Izzy found him in the kitchen in the dark holding a container of half-and-half because he was so deep in thought about D&D. Matt will often start thinking about an NPC and embodying the physicality/voice in practice, and Marisha will call him out for talking to himself.
Brennan: “If you’re a dungeon master and you need some voices time, just don’t do it in the bathroom because other people in the apartment need sometimes to get in there, and if you’re in there doing voices time, they might remind you that that’s not the best place for that, and they might be brusque even though it’s kinda quiet and meditative in there.”
Matt has dozens of voice memos on his phone with various NPC voices he’s experimenting with.
Matt obsessively closes every tab in his office every time Marisha comes in in order to hoard his secrets.
Brennan: a home game should never have rails. D&D shows, however, have tentpoles; Rick Perry has to have guidelines for sets to create, so that’s different. He has to have character designs eight weeks before the first episode airs.
Brennan on rails, again: A player is looking for full immersion. Players aren’t generally trying to be storytellers themselves; they’re trying to inhabit a character who doesn’t know they’re in a story and is just trying to achieve a goal. However, the PLAYER wants the arc, so the player and character are at artistic odds. Characters are like water: they are running downhill seeking the path of least resistance. The players, however, don’t want the straight line. The DM’s job is to be the irrigator shaping the river running downhill; at the end of the story, the character ran in the straightest line possible to it, but the DM shaped the channel into something aesthetically pleasing in the process. The DM’s job is to recognize that the player’s & character’s goals may be disparate, and shaping the story to please both.
Matt adds that character story beat prep should be modular so that you can implement pieces that are important when it’s the best time for the story. Don’t lock critical information behind die rolls; don’t tie one piece of critical information behind one single NPC that they might never encounter. There should be many ways to achieve goals. Aabria likes the three-act structure because most people are familiar with that for movies, and good players who are also storytellers are great about lining up their shot in order to serve the plot. Having players recognizing the structure of the form is like having flowers turning towards the sun.
Brennan doesn’t remember a PC doing something that made a weight lift off his back in 24 years of DMing more than Llaerryn blighting the tree. It was such a perfect moment of a player serving the greater story. Aabria also using the bow as the last piece of her machine was a perfect way for Brennan to implement endgame steps, and he credits her for knowing how to help resolve the notes of the story. She was generously giving him the tools she knew he needed in service of the story.
Brennan talks about the first time Aabria DMed for him and mentioned, “And here’s what you don’t see,” and describes his own head popping off in the realization that you can do that?? He stole that immediately and has used it in his games ever since.
Matt talks about being very limited in his own style because prior to CR, so much of DMing was learned in a vacuum or in a limited friend group. He loves watching other live plays and seeing what other people are doing in completely different worlds. That excites him more than anything.
Favorite GM snacks? Brennan immediately addresses the camera in a classic Brennan rant. I’m so happy. “Let me be clear. This was put into this fucking questionnaire to come for me. If you’re at home and you’re afraid to tell your gaming group that you’re a snacker, I’ve got your back, okay? Because it’s okay to fucking snack. Some of us sweat from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Some of our bodies are betraying us constantly. Would I have chosen this paper-white, fur-covered, constantly sweating body? No! I wouldn’t have! Does it require constant almonds? Yes! Almonds all the time, okay? And I’m not going to apologize to these two elevated beings, these two hovering pre-Skeksis pre-mystic light beings from The Dark Crystal--some of us are pod people, okay? I’m a little podling, and I need to snack. If I could have another mouth in my back--the biggest obstacle in my GMing, okay, is that the same place I talk from is where food needs to go! And I’m not sorry! I like to snack! And to answer your question, almonds.”
Aabria says Calamity was the least she’d seen him snack, which is how she knew he was nervous.
Brennan laughs that he hit the five-hour mark and his body immediately demanded a caffeine shot. As scary as the villains were, nothing scared Aabria more than Brennan saying, “We’re off keto.”
Aabria lusted after Brennan’s Funyuns, but couldn’t stand the idea of trying to have a romantic moment with Quay with onion breath.
Matt saw an internet comment about his eating early in the stream and stopped eating on stream after. :( However, he does find himself strongly in the moment DMing and loses his appetite anyway.
Brennan tells a hilarious story of getting in a car accident with some friends and eating a pizza and a half by himself out of anxiety afterwards. I have never identified with him more than in this moment.
And that’s it! What an awesome, meaty episode. Is it Thursday yet?
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fishsticksloser · 11 months
Raph x Yokai reader (gn) who is also the oldest sibling in their family. They haven't confessed to each other yet, so both of their siblings team up to get them to confess to each other
(pss, don't rush yourself and take all the time you need with these requests!!)
La Vie En Rose
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Raph x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, blind date?, confessions, younger siblings (who have common names so you can fill it in), yo'kai/mutant!reader, aged up (over 21)
A/N: Raph! Raph content is lacking. This ending kinda sucks, but I left it open ended so if you want it to end with a kiss or the siblings finding them you have that option. La Vie En Rose -> Life In Pink. I am talking about the original version, translation at the end.
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You should've known your siblings were up to something. They were being too quiet. It was almost like they weren't even home... And truth be told... They weren't. No. They were sitting at Run of the Mill Pizza with 3 mutant turtles and a human girl.
"So... How are we going to do this?" James asks, his elbows are on the table with his fingers threaded together in thought. "If Raphael is anything like Y/N, it will be almost impossible to get them away from us and go out."
"Believe me it will..." Donnie sighs, leaning back in the booth. "But we could trick them..."
"Trick them how?" Sophia questions, frowning at the purple branded turtle. "They're not idiots, they'll know we're up to something."
"She has a point, Dee." April huffs, crossing her arms. "They're both very intuitive."
"I think that's the point." Leo says, sitting up and leaning on the table. "We are up to something, aren't we? So let's make sure that they believe its something bad and we can trick them."
So the plan was set to get you and Raph in the same place at the same time. The boys and April would get Raph to Run of the Mill - your siblings would do the same for you, Señor Heuso was ready for them, a very big supporter actually.
So you when you walked into Run of the Mill after hours, chasing your siblings and saw Raph standing there with a table and candles, you were very confused. Especially when the music started.
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
Voilà le portrait sans retouches
Raph pulled out your chair for you like the gentleman he was and sat across from you. "What's going on?"
"Our siblings have conspired against us." Raph laughs softly as Sophia places wine glasses on the table for you guys.
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Qu'il me parle tout bas
Leo serves the appetizer with the biggest smile on his face. "Why didn't you just leave if you didn't want to be here?"
"I tried, believe me. Donnie is..." Raph chuckles, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck. "Terrifying."
"They seemed to pick the right one to guard the door." You laugh back.
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Mais moi, ça me fait quelque chose
April was keeping the romantic music going, Donnie was keeping you 2 from leaving, Sophia served drinks, Leo served appetizers and dessert, James served the main course, and Mikey was cooking.
When dessert came, Leo whispered something to Raph which seemed to make him blush. "Is something wrong?"
Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une grande part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie
Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie
"I have to be honest..." Raph sighs, you can see the anxiety and nervousness on his face. "I know I can always be honest with you, you're an incredible friend... But I can't be friends with you anymore, I will always see you as more."
You can see all of your guys' siblings peeking out of the kitchen door, waiting for your answer. "We're being watched... You wanna try to get out of here so they don't see?" You ask with a smile. "I really don't feel like answering that with our sibling watching."
Raph grins and stands up, pulling you with him. "I know just the place."
Et dès que je l'aperçois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat
Des nuits d'amour à plus finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des ennuis, des chagrins s'effacent
You two were a few rooftops away, Raph had turned off his tracker so Donnie couldn't ping his location. You looked over the edge and see the Turtle Tank speeding down the streets looking for you guys.
"If you're not careful, someone will see us." Raph pulls you from the ledge so your siblings don't find you. "So..." He rocked on his feet anxiously.
"I don't know if you noticed, but I really like you." You laugh, approaching him. You place your hand on his bicep, letting it run down so you could hold his hand reassuringly. "Pretty sure that's why our siblings conspired against us."
Heureux, heureux à en mourir
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Qu'il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ Translation Below ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘᠃
Eyes that lower mine/A laugh that gets lost on his mouth/Here is the portrait without retouching
From the man I belong to/When he takes me in his arms/That he speaks to me softly
I see life in pink/He tell me love words/Everyday words/But me, it does something to me
He has entered in my heart/A lot of happiness/That I know the reason/It's him for me, me for him in life/He told me, swore it for life
And as soon as I see him/So I feel Inside me/My heart beating/Nights of endless love/A great happiness that takes its place/Troubles, sorrows fade away
Happy, happy to die/When he takes me in his arms/That he speaks to me softly/I see life in pink
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months
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📖"The Taste of You"
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Tags: Fresh AU, dark rom-com, dark!Bucky, pre-serum Steve, cannibalism, kidnapping, yandere/basement wife, meet cute-ish, gay sex n' stuff, dub-con
Summary: Just when he's given up on ever finding Mr. Right, Steve meets the - seemingly - perfect guy at the grocery store.
A dark, cute, funny, fucked up, and very tasty love story.
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A.N.: It's not as murdery as it sounds 😅 But, as per usual: minors DNI. It's a Fresh AU. "If you can't handle the cannibalism, get out of the kitchen"--or something like that
2. Amuse Bouche
Wait! I haven't read the previous chapter(s)
They crash into Steve’s darkened apartment, kissing, James kicking the door shut and shoving Steve up against the nearest wall.
Steve cries out against his mouth, consumed by the feeling of James’ hands all over him, how possessively he grabs his body and how authoritatively he kisses. It’s so sexy. Steve lets him grab at his ass and attack his mouth with that heated desperation, wondering how long it's been for him or how much he must really want Steve, to be acting like a man starved. 
He feels James’ tongue dip in hotly, tasting him, and he moans and follows with his own. James tastes like truffle oil and red wine. He smells fantastic—like expensive cologne and sweat, like a man. Steve is losing his head faster than he ever has, whining and rubbing up against James’ hard body, made useless by how much he wants this man. He hastily throws his hand out to the side, distractedly trying to flip the deadbolt without having to stop kissing the hottest guy he’s ever brought back to his apartment. The lock clicks into place, thank god, and Steve throws both his arms around James’ neck and jumps on him.
James doesn’t miss a beat, grabbing him under his thighs and hefting him in against his body in a shockingly erotic display of strength. Steve moans loudly at the feeling.
James grunts in satisfaction, grabbing at his ass and moving them through the dark apartment.
They bump into the couch, the coffee table, the credenza where Steve keeps his art supplies, but James is strong and keeps going. It’s only a studio apartment so there’s only so much to navigate before they reach the bed. The moonlight streaming in through the windows is enough to help James to find his way. He collapses them both onto the mattress, falling over Steve at the foot of the bed. They bounce, lips breaking apart as they pant in each other’s faces. Steve starts backing up, moving further up the mattress. James grins like a shark and starts crawling after him. Fuck, he looks like a predator.
Steve’s never wanted to be eaten so badly.
James cages him in with his body, lying over him and dipping down to kiss him once more. He pulls back and searches Steve’s face. “This okay?” he asks. “Not too fast?”
Steve shakes his head, heart clenching at James’ concern. He touches his jaw, feeling the shadow of stubble there. James presses into the touch, and Steve’s dick throbs in his slacks. “No,” he whispers, staring at the other man’s gorgeous face. Fuck, how’d he get so lucky? He hopes he isn’t fucking this up. “S’not too fast. I want it.”
James’ eyes get darker and he makes this quiet, aggressive sound in his throat and mashes their mouths together again, attacking him with teeth and tongue, dominating him. Steve’s knees come up of their own volition to cradle James’ large body, trying to get closer. His hips are rolling up before he knows what he’s doing, and heat floods his face as he realizes how horny and desperate he’s being. He can’t help it. 
He moans when he feels James’ dick, hard and big and rubbing up on him so deliciously through their clothes . “Fuck,” he groans, grabbing his broad shoulders to hold onto, to try and ground himself, slow this down before he embarasses himself. “James, oh,”
“Yeah,” James is saying, kissing across his jaw and down to his neck. He lavishes him with attention there, breathing hotly against the skin, scraping teeth and licking up the straining length of a tendon in an excruciatingly erotic way that makes Steve’s breath catch and stutter. James growls in satisfaction, rolling his hips down. “Yeah. Feels good, doesn’t it?” he whispers, right against Steve’s ear. 
All Steve can do is whine high in his throat. “Nnn, y-yeah.”
James chuckles lowly at Steve’s nonverbal state, thrusting harder. “You feel so good under me, Baby.”
Oh, God. Pet names. In James’ deep voice, from those lips. Steve’s balls throb and he has to squeeze his eyes shut at how much he likes it. This is so fucking hot, so goddamn perfect. James is just absolutely mauling him, grinding down on him however he wants, hard and fierce and indulgent. Confident. Steve drags his hands down his back restlessly, hating that he can’t feel skin. He wants to touch all of him, everywhere, never stop.
“James,” he gasps, turning his face away from another overwhelming kiss. His mouth is all spit-slick and sensitive, his pants too tight. “Clothes,” he pants, yanking a little at the back of James’ shirt. “Clothes.”
James shudders against him and nods, “Yeah, yeah.” He still kisses him a few more times—at the corner of his mouth, sucking on his bottom lip once more, like he just can’t help it. “Fuck. Okay.”
Steve watches with heavy lidded eyes as James pulls away and kneels up, hands undoing the buttons of his black dress shirt. Fuck, he thinks, heat flooding him as he finally gets to look at that big, broad body. “Yeah.” He runs one hand down to his own crotch and squeezes. “Aw, lookit you. Fuck.” He licks his lips as more and more of that big, tight chest gets revealed. “Jesus, James.”
James grins as he tosses his undershirt aside, eyes flicking over how Steve’s watching, how he’s touching himself. “Yeah?” 
Steve nods and squirms, and James widens his knees where he’s kneeling, abs clenching from the movement and—fucking hell, how is this guy a vegetarian?! He doesn’t mean to say it out loud, but realizes he has when James laughs, his smooth chest heaving from it.
Steve desperately wants to put his mouth on him there, feel the muscle under his cheek, one of those tiny brown nipples against his tongue. James is still staring down at him as he undoes his belt, and Steve can’t tear his eyes away from the sight of his strong hands working, his elegant fingers, the metal buckle clinking aside and the tent of his dick under the pants. Steve’s lips part as he watches him cup and squeeze himself from over the fabric. “Oh,” he whimpers. “James, please.” James pulls down the zipper, cants his head and watches Steve’s reactions so intently. It’s wonderful, but it’s a lot. Steve isn’t used to feeling so … so seen. 
“Please?” James repeats softly, pulling his pants open, pulling them down. They bunch on his thighs, his underwear wet where the head of his dick is. They’re so tight, Steve can see everything. James slips one hand under the waistband, touching himself, and he brings the other down to Steve’s face to hold his chin, his thumb gently tracing his lower lip. “Oh, Steve,” he murmurs, “I’ve got a confession to make.”
 James’ mouth quirks the tiniest bit, but his eyes stay hot and heavy on him like a physical weight. “Gotta be careful when you’re begging me, Honey. Cause I’ve got a powerful weak spot for pretty boys who say please.”
Oh my god. Steve’s mouth is horribly dry as he gulps, nodding helplessly under James’ scrutiny. He feels captured already, like he has to do anything and everything James wants of him. He wants to, so badly. “Okay,” he manages to croak, sounding like a mess next to how in control James is. He licks his lips, his tongue brushing the very tip of James’ thumb. The salt from it makes his stomach tighten in a visceral reaction, and suddenly his mouth is flooding with saliva. “Please,” he says again, meaningfully. “James,” he whispers, “please.” He flicks his tongue out again, this time on purpose.
James moans softly, brow pinched and wanting as he watches Steve’s mouth, and slowly pushes his thumb in. Steve catches sight of where James’ other hand is still in his underwear, stroking himself beneath the fabric. Steve groans and sucks hard on his thumb, rubbing his tongue over the pad of it, tasting him. It feels so good when James presses it in harder.
“Good boy,” he whispers, watching his mouth with an enraptured expression, as if Steve’s sucking his dick instead of just his thumb. “Oh, Sweetheart. You’re gonna be so good, aren’t you?”
Steve can only whine and squirm, hating that he still has all his clothes on. James seems to understand though, and he pulls his hand back and moves, rolling away so he can get his pants and everything else off. Steve hurries to do the same, his coordination shot, overeager fingers fumbling too long with the buttons on his shirt. It’s awful. But then James is there again, closer this time, and he tuts at Steve’s little sounds of frustration and helps him to get the shirt and everything else off. He crawls back over him, slotting one of those deliciously thick thighs between Steve’s. “There you are,” he purrs, one hand sliding into Steve’s hair and the other holding his jaw still so he can sink down and kiss him.
It’s different this time—less frantic, more intimate; exploring. James rolls his tongue into his mouth so slowly and purposefully that it drags a moan deep out of Steve’s chest. James hums, pleased. “Steve, look at me.”
Steve opens his eyes. James is staring down at him in that same way, like there are images he can see, words he can read in Steve’s eyes that tell him every single one of Steve’s deepest, darkest secrets. He licks his lips and asks, “What do you want, Honey?”
Steve’s heart flips. “I …” He flounders for a moment, but James is patient, watching him and holding his jaw so gently while he waits “.I want to feel you,” Steve finally says, the words falling so short of what he means. He tries to do better, grinding up against James’ thigh, running his hands all over the hot skin of his back. His fucking muscles, Jesus Christ. Steve doesn’t ever want to stop touching them. “James,” he whispers. “Please, I want you to …”
James smiles and takes pity on him, dipping to kiss him softly. “You bottom?” he asks, right against Steve’s lips. It’s presumptive, but in a gentle way that makes Steve’s heart flip again.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Yeah. Lube and … and … in the drawer.”
James moves up his body and over, stretching to root through the bedside table. Steve spends the few seconds he gets with James’ dick bobbing inches from his face, staring at it. He’s fucking gorgeous. “Shit,” Steve says quietly. Oh, he wants to suck it.
James moves back with the lube and the condom and he doesn’t lie back over Steve like before. Steve huffs and squirms impatiently, wanting that full-body contact back. He wants the feel James’ hard, heavy body rubbing against him, pressing him down into the mattress. A whine builds in his throat when James sits back and gets comfortable between his legs. “Nnngh,”
“Shhh.” James runs a soothing hand over his inner thigh. “I got you, Beautiful. Not going anywhere.” He arranges him, guiding Steve to drape his legs over James’ own thighs, spread out and presented. Steve flushes at the intense exposure, but James is looking down at him with a rapt expression. “Oh, Honey,” he breathes. “Lookit you, huh?” He cover’s Steve’s cock and balls with his hand. Steve’s hips thrust up on instinct, and James chuckles and pulls his hand back. “Hang on.” He gets some of the lube in his palm and returns to take Steve in hand properly this time. 
And oh, it feels so good to finally be touched.
“Yes,” Steve sighs, eyes slipping closed. “Mmm.” The lube is cool but James’ hand is warm, and he gives him a few light strokes, feeling him out. Steve peeks his eyes back open after a moment, and finds James’ gaze fixed right on his face, not his dick. James swipes his thumb under the head, rubbing softly there, spreading the moisture around. Steve whimpers and inhales shakily, unable to look away from James’ stare. Fuck, this is intense. This isn’t like he’s ever had it before.
James proceeds to stroke him off, wet and a little tight and not too fast but not quite slow, either, never breaking eye contact for more than a few seconds. And it’s the eye contact that does Steve in, he realizes; James’ keen, unwavering stare that makes this so different from any time before, so intensely erotic. He moans and bucks his hips helplessly, dick swelling when he can feel himself almost there. “Close,” he gasps, not wanting to come yet. James said he was going to fuck him. Steve wants to feel it.
James stops, thank God, laying Steve’s red and wet and throbbing cock gently down onto his belly. He pets it and Steve hisses, hips stuttering upwards. James smiles. “Okay. Hang on, Sweetheart.”
(Oh, and the pet names: Steve’s world is kind of being rocked by those. He can’t handle it.)
The process of James prepping him is just as unbearably intimate as Steve is expecting it to be, with James’ heated gaze flicking from his asshole to his face, watching him carefully as he opens him up on his fingers. He uses a ton of lube, careful to make sure that Steve’s nice and relaxed by the time he’s pressing the tip of his dick inside him. Steve shudders and pushes against it, closing his eyes with a pleasure-pained grimace and trying to breathe through how overwhelming it feels. 
With a little effort, James sinks all the way in, smooth as silk. He stays there once he’s seated, stroking Steve’s rib cage and waiting. “Steve. Look at me, Honey.”
Steve lets his breath out slowly and opens his eyes. James gives a careful thrust, not pulling out very much, just feeling him while he watches his expression. When Steve makes a tight little noise of pleasure, James grins. 
“Mm. Mmhm.” Steve bites his lip and nods, closing his eyes again to focus on the feeling. God, it’s been so long. It feels so big inside him. He squirms, shifting the angle of his hips and pushing against James’ body until—There. Oh, right there. He opens his eyes again, matches James’ grin, and whispers, “Fuck me.”
It’s not gentle sex. James fucks into him deep, a steady pace, their bodies connecting with muted slaps on each thrust. But it’s not rough either, and Steve can’t stop gasping in pleasure, panting up in the space between their faces, embarrassingly helpless to hold back his moans. They kiss, mouths sliding messily together, crying out in sync whenever they roll their hips just right. James stays over him the whole time, never changing position, never trying to make it a production. Steve gasps in pleasure as he fucks him so good. He's shocked at how natural it feels, animalistic even. It’s nothing like the disconnected and impersonal hookups he’s had before, because James stays close the whole time, eyes riveted on him as they fuck, so intense. And his face is beautiful and pinched where he’s panting down at Steve, features tight with the pleasure he’s feeling. “Shit … Steve,” he whispers.
Steve answers with a moan, nodding frantically, shoving his ass up into it. “Nngh. Oh, god.”
They pant heavily into each other’s faces, bodies gone sweaty and slick, skin slapping together. Has it been a long time? Steve wonders. It feels like it has. Feels like it’s been hours. Steve can’t stop looking, touching, grinding up against his cock and whining every time it nudges his prostate just right. “Fuck, James, oh …” His body is so fucking strong and perfect, Steve feels spoiled at being allowed to have it. He cries out at a particularly good thrust and grapples his hands over James’ back. “Please,” he shudders. “Oh, m’close.”
“Fuck yeah.”
He keens and rolls his hips, working for it, feeling his insides coil tighter and tighter as his orgasm builds. This is, without a doubt, the best he’s ever been fucked. “Oh, god,” he keens, the words coming out stilted and high through his clenched teeth and his straining throat. “God, ohmygod yeah …”
“Baby,” James groans. “I’m close.” He shoves his hips hard into Steve, grunting, kissing him on his shoulder as if in apology. “Fuck, I can’t … m’close …”
Steve gasps at James’ hand, wedging between their bellies, grabbing onto his cock and squeezing, wringing up under the head. He cries out, “Oh!”
James seals their mouths together in a filthy kiss, hard, tongue pushing in and hand giving a tight stroke on Steve’s cock. His hand is slick, deliciously wet from lube and precum as Steve shoves his hips up into the tight clutch of James’ grip. “Fuck!”
“That’s it,” James husks; hips working, chest heaving, his panting mouth resting right at the corner of Steve’s mouth. “M’close. Want you to cum first, Gorgeous.”
Steve whines hard and clings to him desperately, legs hitched up high and heels hooked behind his clenching, thrusting ass; arms grasping at his strong back as Steve fucks up into his hand. 
James growls in approval, “Come on, come on." 
Steve shouts as his orgasm hits him like a punch to the stomach. It's forced out of him so strongly that he feels breathless with it, hips jerking and cock shooting off between them in long, drawn out pulses. “Oghn!”
James makes a furious noise and shoves into him hard enough to move them up the bed. His hips stutter as he starts to come, roaring in satisfaction. 
Then his teeth clamp down viciously on Steve’s neck, biting him so hard that Steve screams as the skin is broken.
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Story Masterlist
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lupitovi · 1 year
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James Noël, illustration Zaü - Les algues de ta chevelure
Ta chevelure boucle de nuit dessine des paysages pour mes mains je dis algues et la mer tremble rougit d'un bleu profond ressac des caresses mises à sac par les navires de ton sang je dis algues tu divagues dans ma bouche unie au désordre fertile de tes cheveux
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i watched 120 new-to-me films this year; here are the posters from a few of my favorites in no particular order!!
faults (riley stearns, 2014) out of the blue (dennis hopper, 1980) wake in fright (ted kotcheff, 1971) entergalactic (fletcher moules, 2022) histoires d'amérique: food, family and philosophy (chantal akerman, 1989) the woman king (gina prince-bythewood, 2022) waking life (richard linklater, 2001) on the count of three (jerrod carmichael, 2021)  thank you and good night (jan oxenberg, 1991)
i’ll tag @lesbiancolumbo / @draftdodgerag / @localpubliclibrary / @calicoskiesacoustic / @jerrylandis / @columbosunday / @harrierdoobie  / @sightofsea and anyone else who’d like to do this!! 🌟
entire watchlist from 2022 is below the cut:
the world to come (mona fastvold, 2020)
nancy (christina choe, 2018)
la bouche de jean-pierre (lucile hadžihalilović, 1996)
run (aneesh chaganty, 2020)
the mosquito coast (peter weir, 1986)
mass (fran kanz, 2021) 
a field in england (ben wheatley, 2014) 
angels wear white (vivian qu, 2017)
a cape cod christmas (john stimpson, 2021) 
shook (jennifer harrington, 2021)
outing riley (pete jones, 2004)
love & mercy (bill pohlad, 2014) 
small engine repair (john pollono, 2021) 
the fallout (megan park, 2021) 
clemency (chinonye chukwu, 2019)
red elvis (thomas latter, 2022) 
calendar girls (nigel cole, 2003) 
the little hours (jeff baena, 2017)
out of the blue (dennis hopper, 1980) 
aya of yop city (marguerite abouet and clement oubrerie, 2013) 
fresh (mimi cave, 2022)
jesus camp (rachel grady, 2006) 
bamboozled (spike lee, 2000)
master (mariama diallo, 2022)
the world of us (yoon ga-eun, 2016) 
jezebel (numa perrier, 2019)
the cat, the reverend and the slave (alain della negra and kaori kinoshita, 2009)
cohabitation (lauren barker, 2022)
the queen of versailles (lauren greenfield, 2012)
secret ceremony (joseph losey, 1968)
the northman (robert eggers, 2022)
the silent partner (daryl duke, 1978)
in secret (charlie stratton, 2013)
the ground beneath my feet (marie kreutzer, 2019)
the man who haunted himself (basil dearden, 1970)
woodlands dark and days bewitched: a history of folk horror (kier-la janisse, 2021)
the miseducation of cameron post (desiree akhavan, 2018)
roadrunner: a film about anthony bourdain (morgan neville, 2021) 
karen dalton: in my own time (richard peete and robert yapkowitz, 2020) 
fire music (tom surgal, 2018)
histoires d'amérique: food, family and philosophy (chantal akerman, 1989)
fruit of paradise (věra chytilová, 1969)
a different image (alile sharon larkin, 1982)
preparations to be together for an unknown period of time (lili horvát, 2020) 
candyman (nia dacosta, 2021)
fan girl (antoinette jadaone, 2020)
chicago 10 (brett morgen, 2007)
pray away (kristine stolakis, 2021)
mavis! (jessica edwards, 2015)
M (yolande zauberman, 2018)
wake in fright (ted kotcheff, 1971)
thomasine & bushrod (gordon parks, 1974)
desire me (released uncredited; jack conway, george cukor, mervyn le roy, and victor saville, 1947)
faults (riley stearns, 2014)
premature (rashaad ernesto green, 2019) 
mother joan of the angels (jerzy kawalerowicz, 1961) 
the loft (erik van looy, 2014)
the black phone (scott derrickson, 2022) 
no exit (damien power, 2022)
nope (jordan peele, 2022)
paprika (satoshi kon, 2006)
our eternal summer (émilie aussel, 2021)
playground (laura wandel, 2021) 
not okay (quinn shephard, 2022) 
everything everywhere all at once (daniel kwan and daniel scheinert, 2022)
pressure point (hubert cornfield, 1962)
sharp stick (lena dunham, 2022) 
on the count of three (jerrod carmichael, 2021) 
martha marcy may marlene (sean durkin, 2011)
waking life (richard linklater, 2001)
sicaro (denis villeneuve, 2015)
arrival (denis villeneuve, 2016)
this magnificent cake! (emma de swaef and marc james roels, 2018) 
chevalier (athina rachel tsangari, 2015)
young and wild (marialy rivas, 2012)
alice (krystin ver linden, 2022)
shame (steve mcqueen, 2011)
good madam (jenna cato bass, 2022) 
black bear (lawrence michael levine, 2020)
speak no evil (christian tafdrup, 2022)
wet sand (elene naveriani, 2021)
the catholic school (stefano mordini, 2021)
poly styrene: i am a cliché (celeste bell and paul sng, 2021)
the violators (helen walsh, 2015)
the woman king (gina prince-bythewood, 2022)
the killing kind (curtis harrington, 1973)
oleanna (david mamet, 1994)
entergalactic (fletcher moules, 2022)
the more the merrier (george stevens, 1943)
primrose path (gregory la cava, 1940)
watcher (chloe okuno, 2022)
enemy (dennis villenueve, 2013)
darlin' (pollyanna mcintosh, 2019)
sissy (kane senes and hannah barlow, 2022)
till (chinonye chukwu, 2022)
black panther: wakanda forever (ryan coogler, 2022)
the hunt (thomas vinterberg, 2012)
the other side of the underneath (jane arden, 1972)
barbarian (zach cregger, 2022) 
the intervention (clea duvall, 2016)
sorry to bother you (boots riley, 2018)
the silent twins (agnieszka smoczyńska, 2022)
tahara (olivia peace, 2020)
arranged (diane crespo and stefan schaefer, 2007)
swimming (luzie loose, 2018)
#like (sarah pirozek, 2019)
babysitter (monia chokri, 2022)
chico and rita (tono errando, fernando trueba, and javier mariscal, 2010)
pleasure (ninja thyberg, 2021)
john the violent (tonia marketaki, 1967)
fat girl (catherine breillat, 2001)
lemon (janicza bravo, 2017)
thank you and good night (jan oxenberg, 1991)
what about me (rachel amodeo, 1993)
the KKK boutique ain’t just rednecks (camille billops and james hatch, 1994)
sun don’t shine (amy seimetz, 2012)
zero fucks given (emmanuel marre and julie lecoustre, 2021)
piggy (carlota pereda, 2022)
ladyworld (amanda kramer, 2018)
wolf's hole (věra chytilová, 1987)
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marcmarcmomarc · 4 months
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions:
Kairi is the leader of a team consisting of Riku, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Roxas, Xion, Lea, Naminé, Hayner, Pence, Olette, and Chirithy.
Sora’s mother returns.
While Donald and Goofy revisit the old worlds, Sora visits all of the new ones.
The inhabitants of each world returning from the previous games are, of course, thrilled to see Donald and Goofy again, but are sad to hear about Sora’s sacrifice.
Haley Joel Osment as Sora
Lindsay Jones as Strelitzia
James Patrick Stuart as Luxu
Ray Chase as Master of Masters
Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
Bill Farmer as Goofy Goof
Bret Iwan as King Mickey Mouse
Alyson Stoner as Kairi
David Gallagher as Riku
Jason Dohring as Terra
Willa Holland as Aqua
Jesse McCartney as Ventus
Jesse McCartney as Roxas
Alyson Stoner as Xion
Quinton Flynn as Lea
Meaghan J. Martin as Naminé
Zachary Gordon as Hayner
Tristian Chase as Pence
Ashley Boettcher as Olette
Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy
Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent
Jim Cummings as Pete
Joe Ochman as Jiminy Cricket
Kaitlyn Robrock as Queen Minnie Mouse
Tress MacNeille as Daisy Duck
Corey Burton as Chip
Tress MacNeille as Dale
Enn Reitel as Scrooge McDuck
Danny Pudi as Huey
Ben Schwartz as Dewey
Bobby Moynihan as Louis
Jeff Bennett as Merlin
Corey Burton as Yen Sid
Bill Farmer as Pluto
Kathryn Beaumont as Kairi’s Grandma
David Dayan Fisher as Dilan
Dave Boat as Aeleus
Robin Atkin Downes as Luxord
Kirk Thornton as Isa
Derek Stephen Prince as Even
Vincent Corazza as Ienzo
Ryan O’Donohue as Demyx
Michael Johnston as Ephemer
Madison Davenport as Nameless Star
Kath Soucie as Sora’s Mother
Isabela Merced as Foreteller Ava
Kevin Quinn as Foreteller Gula
Travis Willingham as Foreteller Aced
Matt Mercer as Foreteller Ira
Karissa Lee Staples as Foreteller Invi
Corey Burton as Ansem the Wise
Dylan Sprouse as Yozora
Square Enix Cast:
Doug Erholtz as Leon
Cody Christian as Cloud Strife
Andrea Bowen as Aerith Gainsborough
Britt Baron as Tifa Lockhart
Mae Whitman as Yuffie Kisaragi
Tyler Hoechlin as Sephiroth
Chris Edgerly as Cid Highwind
Hedy Burress as Yuna
Tara Strong as Rikku
Gwendoline Yeo as Paine
Will Friedle as Seifer Almasy
Brandon Adams as Rai
Jillian Bowen as Fuu
Crispin Freeman as Setzer Gabbiani
Melissa Disney as Vivi Ornitier
Shaun Fleming as Tidus
Molly Keck as Selphie Tilmitt
Dee Bradley Baker as Wakka
Matt McKenzie as Auron
Atlantica (The Little Mermaid)
Takes place after The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea.
Jodi Benson as Ariel
Christopher Daniel Barnes as Eric
Cam Clarke as Flounder
Philip Lawrence as Horatio Felonious Ignacious Crustaceous Sebastian
Chris Edgerly as Scuttle
Jim Cummings as King Triton
Tara Strong as Melody
Kari Wahlgren as Attina
Jennifer Hale as Alana
Tara Strong as Adella
Grey DeLisle as Aquata
Grey DeLisle as Arista
Tara Strong as Andrina
Michael J. Gough as Grimsby
Grey DeLisle as Carlotta
Ben Diskin as Chef Louis
Max Casella as Tip
Corey Burton as Dash
Jeff Bennett as Benjamin
Kevin Michael Richardson as Ray-Ray
Kevin Michael Richardson as Cheeks
Rob Paulsen as Ink Spot
Jim Cummings as Shelbow
Charlie Adler as Seahorse
Kari Wahlgren, Jennifer Hale, Tara Strong, & Grey DeLisle as Flounder’s Guppies
Frank Welker as Max
Village (Beauty and the Beast)
Takes place after the movie.
Julie Nathanson as Belle
Robby Benson as Adam
Corey Burton as Maurice
Jeff Bennett as Lumière
Jane Krakowski as Mrs. Potts
Bob Joles as Henry Cogsworth
Jessica DiCicco as Chip Potts
Jo Anne Worley as Madame de la Grande Bouche
Kimmy Robertson as Fifi
Frank Welker as Philippe
Frank Welker as Sultan
Agrabah (Aladdin)
Takes place after Aladdin and the King of Thieves.
Scott Weinger & Brad Kane (singing) as Aladdin
Jim Meskimen as the Genie
Linda Larkin & Liz Callaway (singing) as Jasmine
Jeff Bennett as Sultan Hamed Bobolonius II
Brian Hull as Iago
John Rhys-Davies as Cassim
Jim Cummings as Razoul
Frank Welker as Abu
Frank Welker as Cave of Wonders
Frank Welker as Rajah
Pride Lands (The Lion King)
Takes place between The Lion King and The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride.
Cam Clarke as Simba
Vanessa Marshall as Nala
Kevin Schon as Timon
Ernie Sabella as Pumbaa
Khary Payton as Rafiki
Jeff Bennett as Zazu
Gary Anthony Williams as Mufasa
James Horan as Scar
Andy’s Room (Toy Story)
Takes place between Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3.
Jim Hanks as Woody
Mike MacRae as Buzz Lightyear
Kathryn Cressida as Jessie
Wallace Shawn as Rex
John Ratzenberger as Hamm
Blake Clark as Slinky Dog
Patrick Fraley as Mr. Potato Head
Melissa Sternenberg as Mrs. Potato Head
Sawyer Cole as Andy Davis
Laurie Metcalf as Andy’s Mom
Hannah Unkrich as Molly Davis
Jeff Pidgeon as Aliens
Frank Welker as Bullseye
La Cité des Cloches (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Takes place after the movie.
Ari Rubin as Quasimodo
Renee Faia & Heidi Mollenhauer (singing) as Esmeralda
Phil LaMarr as Captain Phoebus
Jim Cummings as Victor
Jason Alexander as Hugo
Pat Lentz as Laverne
Paul Kandel as Clopin
Corey Burton as Brutish Guard
Bill Fagerbakke as Oafish Guard
Frank Welker as Djali
Thebes/Olympus/Underworld (Hercules)
Takes place after the movie.
Tate Donovan as Hercules
Robert Costanzo as Philoctetes
James Woods as Hades
Susan Egan as Megara
Corey Burton as Zeus
Bobcat Goldthwait as Pain
Matt Frewer as Panic
Jim Cummings as Amphitryon
Barbara Barrie as Alcmene
Samantha Eggar as Hera
Wayne Knight as Demetrius
Lillias White as Calliope, Muse of Epics
Cheryl Freeman as Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy
LaChanze as Terpsichore, Muse of Dance
Roz Ryan as Thalia, Muse of Comedy
Vaneese Y. Thomas as Clio, Muse of History
Paul Shaffer as Hermes
Keith David as Apollo
Lisa Kudrow as Aphrodite
Frank Welker as Pegasus
The Land of Dragons (Mulan)
Takes place after the movie.
Ming-Na Wen & Lea Salonga (singing) as Fa Mulan
B.D. Wong & Donny Osmond (singing) as Li Shang
Mark Moseley as Mushu
Harvey Fierstein as Yao
Gedde Watanabe & Matthew Wilder (singing) as Ling
Jerry Tondo as Chien-Po
James Hong as Chi-Fu
Jet Li as Fa Zhou
George Takei as First Ancestor
Sandra Oh as Fa Li
Benedict Wong as General Li
Wang Deshun as Emperor of China
Lisa Lu as Grandmother Fa
Frank Welker as Cri-Kee
Frank Welker as Kahn
Ant Island/Bug City (A Bug’s Life)
Takes place during the movie.
Dave Foley as Flik
Andrew Stanton as Hopper
Jodi Benson as Princess Atta
Alma Versano as Princess Dot
June Squibb as the Queen
Richard Kind as Molt
David Hyde Pierce as Slim
Flula Borg as Heimlich
Nick Jameson as Francis
Jim Cummings as Manny
Jennifer Hale as Gypsy
Bonnie Hunt as Rosie
Michael McShane as Tuck
Michael McShane as Roll
John Ratzenberger as P.T. Flea
Brad Garrett as Dim
Corey Burton as Mr. Soil
Grey DeLisle as Dr. Flora
Marc Maron as Thorny
David Ossman as Cornelius
Frank Welker as Thumper
Jacob Tremblay as Ant Boy 1
Jessica DiCicco as Ant Boy 2
Andrew Stanton as Fly Brother 1
Jess Harnell as Fly Brother 2
Carlos Alazraqui as Loco
John DiMaggio as Axel
Kevin Schon as Slick
Miles Luna as Bug Zapper Fly
Andrew Stanton as Harry
Sabrina Fest as Daisy
Mariel Sheets as Grub
Ashley Tisdale as Lead Blueberry Scout
Melissa Sternenberg as Bar Waitress
Rodger Bumpass as Mosquito
Jess Harnell as Bus Beetle
Brad Hall as Grasshopper 1
Jeff Pidgeon as Grasshopper 2
Lee Unkrich as Ant 1
Bill Farmer as Ant 2
Dave Fennoy as Thud
J. Michael Tatum as Bouncer Wasp
Debi Derryberry as Baby Maggots
Bob Bergen as Aphie
Deep Jungle (Tarzan)
Takes place after the movie.
Tony Goldwyn as Tarzan
Olivia d’Abo as Jane Porter
Susanne Blakeslee as Kala
April Winchell as Terk
Jim Cummings as Tantor
Jeff Bennett as Archimedes Q. Porter
Monstropolis (Monsters, Inc.)
Takes place after the movie.
Christopher Swindle as James P. Sullivan
Carlos Alazraqui as Mike Wazowski
Mary Gibbs as Boo
Jennifer Tilly as Celia Mae
John Ratzenberger as Yeti
Bob Peterson as Roz
Christopher Swindle as Jeff Fungus
Stephen Stanton as Needleman
Stephen Stanton as Smitty
Bonnie Hunt as Ms. Flint
Regan Burns as Jerry Slugsworth
Stephen Stanton as George Sanderson
Christopher Swindle as Thaddeus “Phlegm” Bile
Phil Proctor as Charlie Proctor
Gregg Berger as Peter “Claws” Ward
Roger Craig Smith, Pete Docter, & Teddy Newton as Child Detection Agents
Great Barrier Reef/Deep Ocean/Marine Life Institute (Finding Nemo)
Takes place after Finding Dory.
Jess Harnell as Marlin
Jennifer Hale as Dory
Tara Strong as Nemo
Ed O’Neill as Hank
Kaitlin Olson as Destiny
J.P. Karliak as Bailey
Eugene Levy as Charlie
Jen Brown as Jenny
Willem Dafoe as Gill
Brad Garrett as Bloat
Allison Janney as Peach
Austin Pendleton as Gurgle
Stephen Root as Bubbles
Vicki Lewis as Deb (& Flo)
Jerome Ranft as Jacques
Andrew Stanton as Crush
Grey DeLisle as Squirt
Idris Elba as Fluke
Dominic West as Rudder
Geoffrey Rush as Nigel
Bob Peterson as Mr. Ray
Jess Harnell as Bruce
Eric Bana as Anchor
Bruce Spence as Chum
Torbin Xan Bullock as Gerald
Katherine Ringgold as Chickenfish
Torbin Xan Bullock as Becky
Andrew Stanton as Seagulls
Metroville/Nomansian Island (The Incredibles)
Takes place during the movie.
Craig T. Nelson as Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible
Holly Hunter as Helen Parr/Elastigirl
Jason Lee as Buddy Pine/Syndrome
Norma Maldonado as Mirage
Sarah Vowell as Violet Parr
Gillian Jacobs as Dash Parr
Brad Bird as Edna Mode (E)
Philip Lawrence as Lucius Best/Frozone
Jonathan Banks as Rick Dicker
Mark Andrews, Brad Lewis, Pete Docter, Peter Sohn, Andrew Stanton, & Jeff Pidgeon as Syndrome’s Guards
Eli Fucile, Maeve Andrews, & Nicolas Bird as Jack-Jack Parr
Bret Parker as Kari McKeen
Michael Bird as Tony Rydinger
Kimberly Adair Clark as Honey Best
Teddy Newton as Manta Jet Computer
Frank Thomas as Frank
Ollie Johnston as Ollie
Teddy Newton as Robot Bird
Nicolas Bird as Rusty McCallister
Radiator Springs/Rusteze-Dinoco Racing Center/Fireball Beach/Thunder Hollow/Thomasville/Florida International Speedway (Cars)
Takes place after Cars 3.
It isn’t combat based. Missions include keeping up with McQueen’s top speed by racing down Radiator Springs’ main street, learning how to turn right to go left at Willy’s Butte, keeping up with Cruz’s top speed on Fireball Beach, avoiding pushy competitors with the Thunder Hollow challengers, and practicing with Cruz at Thomasville, culminating in the Piston Cup race at Florida International Speedway, where the objective is to win against Jackson Storm.
Sora enters the world as a custom-made sports coupe mixing a few real-life sports car models before visits to Luigi’s Casa Della Tires and Ramone’s House of Body Art end with him modified into a next-gen race car sponsored by Dinoco (with Tex’s blessing) and with Cruz’s number.
It’s set during Cruz’s first Piston Cup racing season, so McQueen still has Doc’s colors and spends the Florida race as Sora’s crew chief.
As Sora finishes his story, Mater is certainly unhappy with Xehanort’s actions forcing Sora’s hand. “That dad-gum Xehanort”, he says angrily. Extra points if Sora doesn’t get to the part where Xehanort is dead, then Sarge gets in his face and demands him to teach Xehanort a lesson when he gets back in a militaristic manner. “Is that understood,” Sarge yells. Then Sora tries to correct him, but gets cut off and asked again, “Is that understood,” and has to respond, “Sir, yes, sir!”
Of course, during the top speed races, Luigi is the one to signal the race to begin.
In the Radiator Springs race, Sora’s top speed is tracked by Sheriff’s speed radar, and on Fireball Beach, it’s via Cruz’s personal assistant, Hamilton.
If you fail the “Turn Right to go Left” mission, Sora goes flying into the bed of cacti, and Mater fishes him out.
I know I’ll get hate for this, but Cars 2 elements are here. Heck, maybe Mater can’t be present most for the training because he’s busy with Finn and Holley. After all, does he still owe Holley a first date?
I wanted the player character in this world to be Kairi just so Storm can feel the embarrassment of losing to not one, but two “costume girls”.
The Piston Cup race is announced as a 500-lap race, but no game developer is that malicious to force the player to race 500 laps around an oval, so they’d take after the first Cars game and make it twelve laps with the sun slowly lowering throughout the race.
Keith Ferguson as Lightning McQueen
Cristela Alonzo as Cruz Ramirez
Larry the Cable Guy as Sir Tow Mater
Chris Cooper as Smokey
Bonnie Hunt as Sally Carrera
Tony Shalhoub as Luigi
Guido Quaroni as Guido
John Ratzenberger as Mack
Lloyd Sherr as Fillmore
Paul Dooley as Sarge
Cheech Marin as Ramone
Jenifer Lewis as Flo
Michael Wallis as Sheriff
Laraine Newman as Lizzie
Jerome Ranft as Red
A.J. Hamilton as Jackson Storm
Kerry Washington as Natalie Certain
Martin Jarvis as Finn McMissile
Emily Mortimer as Holley Shiftwell
Nathan Fillion as Sterling
Wendie Malick as Louise “Barnstormer” Nash
Kevin Michael Richardson as River Scott
Jason Douglas as Junior “Midnight” Moon
Teresa Gallagher as Mater’s Computer
Bob Peterson as Chick Hicks
Lea DeLaria as Miss Fritter
Humpy Wheeler as Tex Dinoco
Lewis Hamilton as Hamilton
Bob Costas as Bob Cutlass
Darrell Waltrip as Darrell Cartrip
Richard Petty as Strip “The King” Weathers
Ray Evernham as Ray Reverham
Madeleine McGraw as Maddy McGear
Shannon Spake as Shannon Spokes
Kyle Petty as Cal Weathers
Corey Burton & Paul Newman (archived recordings) as Doc Hudson
A.J. Riebli III as McQueen’s Biggest Fan
Steve Purcell as Tractors
Lori Alan as Millie
Michel Michelis as Tomber
Jason Isaacs as Siddeley
Vanessa Redgrave as the Queen
Joe MacDonald as Stephenson
Christopher Sabat as Prince Wheeliam
Andra Day as Sweet Tea
Angel Oquendo as Bobby Swift
Will Collyer as Brick Yardley
Jeremy Maxwell as Arvy Motorhome
Bob Peterson as Dr. Damage
Will Collyer as Roscoe
Peter Sohn as Mr. Drippy
Patrick Rodriguez as Taco
Anthony Sardinha as Jimbo
Andrew Stanton as T-Bone
Jessie James Grelle as APB
Jessica Nigri as Blind Spot
Kaiji Tang as Pushover
Jen Taylor as Tailgate
Barbara Dunkelman as Cigalert
Dustin Matthews as Fishtail
Kyle Phillips as Broadside
Maggie Tominey as Patty
Tyler Coe as Bill
Brendan Blaber as Pileup
Lindsay Jones as High Impact
Jason Pace as Faregame
Tiana Camacho as Airborne
Django Craig as Superfly
Jen Brown as Jambalaya Chimichanga
Samantha Ireland as Liability
Gus Sorola as Hit
Christopher Guerrero as Run
Alex Mai as Todd
Daniel Suárez as Danny Swervez
Ryan Blaney as Ryan “Inside” Laney
Bubba Wallace as Bubba Wheelhouse
Chase Elliott as Chase Racelott
Kerry Shawcross as Tim Treadless
Corey Krueger as Rich Mixon
Zeno Robinson as Cam Spinner
Alejandro Saab as H.J. Hollis
Adam Ellis as Ed Truncan
Burnie Burns as Herb Curbler
Miles Luna as Aaron Clocker
Garrett Hunter as Harvey Rodcap
Michael Jones as J.D. McPillar
Yuri Lowenthal as Flip Dover
Kyle Taylor as Barry DePedal
Blaine Gibson as Steve LaPage
Aaron Marquis as Conrad Camber
Gavin Free as Sheldon Shifter
Flynt Flossy as Paul Conrev
Travis Willingham as Michael Rotor
Ben Schwartz as Ritchie Gunzit
Nick Landis as Eric Braker
Neath Oum as Spikey Fillups
Connor Pickens as Chris Roamin’
Clifford Chapin as Dan Carcia
Scott Frerichs as Jonas Carvers
Howard Wang as Jim Reverick
Dustin Matthews as George New-Win
Eric Baudour as Noah Gocek
Aaron Dismuke as Will Rusch
Todd Womack as M. Fast Fong
Mick Lauer as Nick Shift
Richard Norman as J.P. Drive
Christopher Wehkamp as Tom W.
Aaron Dismuke as Sudeep
Grant George as Krzysztof
Bryce Papenbrook as Shiriam
Django Craig as Kurt
Carlos Alazraqui as Ronald
Todd Haberkorn as Junyi
Harvey Guillén as Gabriel
Angel Oquendo as Aiden
Michael Malconian as Jae
Robbie Daymond as Ernesto
Anna Hullum as Melissa Bernabrake
Jason Rose as Pat Traxson
Kara Eberle as Laura Spinwell
Anairis Quiñones as Gale Beaufort
Paris/Gusteau’s Restaurant (Ratatoullie)
Takes place during the movie.
Patton Oswalt as Remy
Brian George as Chef Skinner
Lou Romano as Alfredo Linguini
Travis Willingham as Django
Peter Sohn as Emile
Corey Burton as Anton Ego
Brad Garrett as Auguste Gusteau
Janeane Garofalo as Colette Tatou
Will Arnett as Horst
Julius Callahan as Lalo
James Remar as Larousse
John Ratzenberger as Mustafa
Teddy Newton as Talon Labarthe
Tony Fucile as Health Inspector
Julius Callahan as Francois
Tony Fucile as Pompidou
Jake Steinfield as Git
Brad Bird as Ambrister Minion
Brad Lewis, Lindsay Collins, & Lori Richardson as Rats
New Orleans (The Princess and the Frog)
Takes place during the movie.
Anika Noni Rose as Tiana
Bruno Campos as Prince Naveen
Keith David as Dr. Facilier
Michael-Leon Wooley as Louis
Jennifer Cody as Charlotte La Bouff
Jim Cummings as Raymond
Peter Bartlett as Lawrence
Jenifer Lewis as Mama Odie
Debra Wilson as Eudora
Brian Cummings as Eli “Big Daddy” La Bouff
Ritchie Montgomery as Reggie
Dave Fouquette as Darnell
Paul Briggs as Two Fingers
Jerry Kernion as Mr. Henry Fenner
Corey Burton as Mr. Harvey Fenner
Michael Colyar as Buford
Emeril Lagasse as Marlon the Gator
Kevin Michael Richardson as Ian the Gator
Randy Newman as Cousin Randy
Danielle Moné Truitt as Georgia
Kelly Hoover as Stella
Kwesi Boakye as Newspaper Boy
Mick Wingert as Travis
Jennifer Kilger as Swooning Girl
Phil Proctor as Cajun Firefly
Seth R. Williamson as Prince Ralphie
Kingdom of Corona (Tangled)
Takes place after the movie.
Can we have a reprise of I’ve Got a Dream, and now Sora gets a chance to share his dream, to return to his friends?
Kelsey Lansdowne as Rapunzel Fitzherbert
Zachary Levi as Eugene Fitzherbert
Kari Wahlgren as Queen Ariana
Clancy Brown as King Frederic
M.C. Gainey as Captain of the Guard
Brad Garrett as Hook Hand
Chris Marlow as Big Nose
Paul F. Tompkins as Shorty
Charles Halford as Vladimir
Stephen Stanton as Attila Buckethead
Ron Perlman as Sideburns Stabbington
Brian Hull as Patchy Stabbington
Bob Bergen as Pascal
Nathan Greno as Maximus
DunBroch (Brave)
Takes place during the movie.
Kelly Macdonald as Merida
Billy Connolly as Fergus
Emma Thompson as Elinor
Susanne Blakeslee as the Witch
David Tennant as Lord Dingwall
Kevin McKidd as Lord MacGuffin
Craig Ferguson as Lord Macintosh
Michelle Gomez as Maudie
Peigi Barker as Young Merida
Kevin McKidd as Young MacGuffin
Steven Cree as Young Macintosh
Steve Purcell as the Crow
Callum O’Neill as Wee Dingwall
Patrick Doyle as Martin
John Ratzenberger as Gordon
Game Central Station (Wreck-it Ralph)
Takes place after the movie.
Brian T. Delaney as Wreck-it Ralph
Sarah Silverman as Vanellope Von Schweetz
Jack McBrayer as Fix-it Felix Jr.
Jane Lynch as Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Ed O’Neill as Mr. Stan Litwak
Rich Moore as Sour Bill
Maurice LaMarche as Tapper
Dennis Haysbert as General Hologram
Raymond S. Persi as Mayor Gene
Melissa Villaseñor as Taffyta Muttonfudge
Brandon Scott as Kohut
Grey DeLisle as Mary
Skylar Astin as Roy
Don Fullilove as Nolan
Rachael Harris as Deanna
Jess Harnell as Don
Jen Brown as Nell
Jason Douglas as J. Norwood
Pamela Adlon as Lucy
Grey DeLisle as Meg
Katie Lowes as Candlehead
Jamie Elman as Rancis Fluggerbutter
Adam Carolla as Wynnchel
Chris Pratt as Duncan
Josie Trinidad as Jubileena Bing-Bing
Cymbre Walk as Crumbelina Di Caramello
Bella Blanding as Snowanna Rainbeau
Jaeden White as Swizzle “The Swizz” Malarkey
Sawyer Cole as Gloyd Orangeboar
Suzie Yeung as Minty Zaki
Romi Dames as Adorabeezle Winterpop
Josie Trinidad as Citrusella Flugpucker
Suzie Yeung as Torvald Batterbutter
Suzie Yeung as Sticky Whipplesnit
Romi Dames as Nougetsia Brumblestain
Tucker Gilmore as Sugar Rush Announcer
Phil Johnston as Surge Protector
Arendelle (Frozen)
Takes place after the movie.
Kristen Bell as Anna
Idina Menzel as Elsa
Jonathan Groff as Kristoff
Josh Gad as Olaf
Frank Welker as Sven
Ciarán Hinds as Grandpabbie
Chris Williams as Oaken
Stephen J. Anderson as Kai
Maia Wilson as Bulda
Rebecca Mader as Gurda
Robert Pine as Bishop
Paul Briggs as Marshmallow
Lewis Cleale as Cliff
Jack Whitehall as Gothi
Annie Lopez as Baby Troll
San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6)
Takes place after the movie.
Ryan Potter as Hiro Hamada
Scott Adsit as Baymax
Brooks Wheelan as Fred Fredrickson
Damon Wayans Jr. as Wasabi No Ginger
Jamie Chung as Ethel “Go Go Tomago”
Génesis Rodríguez as Honey Lemon
Maya Rudolph as Cass Hamada
James Cromwell as Robert Callaghan
Alan Tudyk as Allistair Krei
Katie Lowes as Abigail Callaghan
David Shaughnessy as Heathcliff
Daniel Henney as Tadashi Hamada
Riley’s Mind/Mindscape (Inside Out)
Takes place after the movie.
Kate Higgins as Joy
Phyllis Smith as Sadness
Lewis Black as Anger
Jason J. Lewis as Fear
Ashley Adler as Disgust
Kaitlyn Dias as Riley Andersen
Diane Lane as Jill Andersen (Mom)
Kyle MacLachlan as Bill Andersen (Dad)
Pete Docter as Dad’s Anger
Carlos Alazraqui as Dad’s Fear
Josh Cooley as Dad’s Fear
Patrick Seitz as Dad’s Joy
J.P. Karliak as Dad’s Disgust
Lori Alan as Mom’s Sadness
Paula Pell as Mom’s Anger
Laraine Newman as Mom’s Fear
Sherry Lynn as Mom’s Joy
Mona Marshall as Mom’s Disgust
Zootopia (Zootopia)
Takes place during the movie.
Ginnifer Goodwin as Judy Hopps
Jason Bateman as Nick Wilde
Idris Elba as Chief Bogo
Jenny Slate as Dawn Bellwether
Nate Torrence as Benjamin Clawhauser
Bonnie Hunt as Bonnie Hopps
Don Lake as Stu Hopps
Tommy Chong as Yax
J.K. Simmons as Theodore Lionheart
Octavia Spencer as Mrs. Otterton
Alan Tudyk as Duke Weaselton
Allison Trujillo Strong & Shakira (singing) as Gazelle
Raymond S. Persi as Flash
Maurice LaMarche as Mr. Big
Phil Johnston as Gideon Gray
John DiMaggio as Jerry Jumbeaux Jr.
Katie Lowes as Dr. Madge Honey Badger
Gita Reddy as Nangi
Jesse Corti as Mr. Manchas
Kevin Michael Richardson as Finnick
Josh Dallas as Frantic Pig
Leah Latham as Fru Fru
Rich Moore as Doug
Kath Soucie as Young Nick
Peter Mansbridge as Peter Moosebridge
Byron Howard as Bucky Oryx-Antlerson
Jared Bush as Pronk Oryx-Antlerson
Mark “Rhino” Smith as Officer McHorn
John Lavelle as Mouse Foreman
Kristen Bell as Priscilla
Jackson Stein as Junior Ranger Scout Bully
Rich Moore as Larry
David Thibodeau as Gary
Fabienne Rawley as Fabienne Growley
John DiMaggio as Jesse
John DiMaggio as Woolter
Zach King as Muzzled Wolf
Cissy Jones as Officer Francine
Raymond S. Persi as Officer Higgins
Fabinne Rawley as Jumbeaux Café Customer
John DiMaggio as Parking Ticket Moose
Melissa Goodwin Shepard as Parking Ticket Mouse
Madeleine Curry as Parking Ticket Hippo Daughter
Brendan Blaber as Beaver Reporter
Kaiji Tang as Sheep Reporter
John DiMaggio as Pig Reporter
Bonnie Hunt as Oryx Reporter
Selah Victor as Rabbit Reporter
J. Michael Tatum as Pig Peace Rally Protester
Jen Taylor as Leopard Peach Rally Protester
Tiana Camacho as Carrot Customer
John DiMaggio as Sheep Officer
Motunui/The Great Oceans (Moana)
Takes place during the movie.
Auli’i Cravalho as Moana
Dwayne Johnson as Maui
Rachel House as Gramma Tala
Temuera Morrison & Christopher Jackson (singing) as Chief Tui
Jemaine Clement as Tamatoa
Nicole Scherzinger as Sina
Alan Tudyk as Heihei
Oscar Kightley as Fisherman
Troy Polamalu as Villager 1
Puanani Cravalho as Villager 2
Alan Tudyk as Villager 3
Land of the Dead/Santa Cécilia (Coco)
Takes place during the movie.
Anthony Gonzalez as Miguel Rivera
Gael García Bernal as Papá Héctor Rivera
Benjamin Bratt & Antonio Sol (singing) as Ernesto de la Cruz
Alanna Ubach as Mamá Imelda Rivera
Renée Victor as Abuelita Elena Rivera
Jaime Camil as Enrique Rivera (Papá)
Alfonso Arau as Papá Julio Rivera
Herbert Sigüenza as Tío Óscar Rivera
Herbert Sigüenza as Tío Felipe Rivera
Gabriel Iglesias as Clerk
Lombardo Boyar as Plaza Mariachi
Lombardo Boyar as Gustavo
Ana Ofelia Murguía as Mamá Coco Rivera
Natalia Cordova-Buckley as Frida Kahlo
Selene Luna as Tía Rosita Rivera
Edward James Olmos as Chicharrón
Sofía Espinosa as Luisa Rivera (Mamá)
Carla Medina as Departures Agent
Dyana Ortelli as Tía Victoria Rivera
Luis Valdez as Tío Berto Rivera
Luis Valdez as Don Hidalgo
Blanca Araceli as Emcee
Salvador Reyes as Security Guard
Cheech Marin as Corrections Officer
Octavio Solís as Arrivals Agent
John Ratzenberger as Juan Ortodoncia
Denise Blasor as Ceci
Libertad García Fonzi as Young Coco
Juan Carlos Tinoco as de la Cruz’s Security Guards
Carla Medina as Tía Gloria Rivera
Montse Hernandez as Rosa Rivera
Polo Rojas as Abel Rivera
Maite Perroni as Arrivals and Departures P.A.
Ricardo Bautista as Battle of the Bands Stagehand
Emilio Fuentes as Sunrise Spectacular Stagehand
Carlos Becerril as Sunrise Spectacular Emcee
Trujo as Policeman
Rosalba Sotelo as Dead Mother
Erica Edwards as Tía Chelo
Miguel Ángel Ruiz as T-Shirt Seller
Emmanuel Bernal as Gustavo’s Band Trumpeter
Lee Unkrich as Skeleton with Corn
Emmanuel Bernal as Héctor’s Cousin
Kumandra (Raya and the Last Dragon)
Takes place after the movie.
Kelly Marie Tran as Raya
Awkwafina as Sisu
Gemma Chan as Namaari
Izaac Wang as Boun
Benedict Wong as Tong
Thalia Tran as Noi
Daniel Dae Kim as Chief Benja
Sandra Oh as Chieftess Virana
Alan Tudyk as Tuk Tuk
Lucille Soong as Dang Hu
Dichen Lachman as General Atitãya
Sung Kang as Dang Hai
Ross Butler as Spine Chief
Dumbfoundead as Chai
Dichen Lachman as Spine Warrior
François Chau as Kahn
Sierra Katow as Fang Officer
The Encanto (Encanto)
Takes place after the movie.
Stephanie Beatriz as Mirabel Madrigal
María Cecilia Botero & Olga Merediz (singing) as Abuela Alma Madrigal
John Leguizamo as Bruno Madrigal
Jessica Darrow as Luisa Madrigal
Diane Guerrero as Isabela Madrigal
Angie Cepeda as Julieta Madrigal
Demián Bichir as Agustín Madrigal
Carolina Gaitán as Pepa Madrigal
Mauro Castillo as Félix Madrigal
Rhenzy Feliz as Camilo Madrigal
Adassa as Dolores Madrigal
Ravi Cabot-Conyers as Antonio Madrigal
Maluma as Mariano Guzmán
Rose Portillo as Sra. Guzmán
Alyssa Bella Candiani, Noemi Josefina Flores, Paisley Day Herrera, Brooklyn Skylar Rodriguez, & Ezra Rudolph as Town Kids
Alan Tudyk as Pico
Toronto, Canada (Turning Red)
Takes place after the movie.
Rosalie Chiang as Meilin Lee
Ava Morse as Miriam Mendelsohn
Hyein Park as Abby Park
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Priya Mangal
Tristan Allerick Chen as Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Sandra Oh as Ming Lee
Orion Lee as Jin Lee
Wai Ching Ho as Grandma Wu Lee
Lori Tan Chinn as Auntie Chen
Mia Tagano as Lily
Sherry Cola as Helen
Lillian Lim as Auntie Ping
James Hong as Mr. Gao
Lily Sanfelippo as Stacy Frick
Addie Chandler as Devon
Lauren Tom as Sammy (Goth Girl)
Anna Brisbin as Lauren
Madison Brunoehler as Kat (Stacy’s Second Friend)
Jackson Parfitt as Carter Murphy-Mayhew
Patricia Summersett as Jaiden (Goth Girl with Green Dye)
Jordan Fisher as Robaire
Finneas O’Connell as Jesse
Topher Ngo as Aaron T.
Grayson Villanueva as Tae Young
Josh Levi as Aaron Z.
8 notes · View notes
fymoonbyul · 1 year
[ARTICLE] Review: K-pop group MAMAMOO keep the ‘Mic On’ for a powerful performance during Bay Area concert debut
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At their packed Oakland Arena stop during their debut “My Con” world tour, veteran K-pop girl group Mamamoo put the spotlight on one of the most underutilized concert instruments: the wireless microphone.
It’s no secret that many K-pop performances rely heavily on pre-recorded vocals, but Mamamoo bucked the trend Friday, June 2, serving up live vocals as well as looks. Hitting the stage in white blouses, bustiers and toreador leggings tucked into black knee-high boots, the quartet — Solar, Moonbyul, Wheein and Hwasa — was dressed to slay. But it was vocal performances on songs like “Make Me Happy,” “Paint Me” and “Star Wind Flower Sun” where they killed.
Mamamoo’s tour title “My Con” forms a portmanteau of “Mic On,” a nod to the name of their latest EP and the way they used their mics onstage. Moonbyul offered additional rationale that received lusty cheers from fans.
“The meaning of the tour is that Moomoos (Mamamoo fans) all over the world are coming together to make this concert happen,” she told the audience through a translator.
For more than two hours, Mamamoo showed why they’re one of the most fearless and well-rounded groups in K-pop since breaking onto the scene in 2014. Solar and Wheein form a potent singing tandem — Solar has R&B in her veins, and Wheein is a pop expressionist — while Hwasa and Moonbyul are double agents, contributing vocals and raps.
Mamamoo’s choreography was also satisfying with top-class execution and clean lines despite carrying handheld mics during the show. They were visually accentuated by eight female backup dancers and four outfit changes throughout the night.
The group’s live vocals gave credence to the “mic on” theory, though some assistive vocals could be detected to the naked ear, especially when members lowered their handhelds to complete a choreographed move.
While Mamamoo didn’t perform with a live band, the instrumental tracks sounded freshly recorded and retooled, which gave their songs a punchy, spontaneous feel — from the drumstick count-off to the big clattery toms-and-cymbals finishes.
Mamamoo injected fresh life into the solo medley portion of the show, by individually covering each other’s key solo tracks: Solar sang Wheein’s “Water Color” and Wheein performed Solar’s “Honey,” while Hwasa covered Moonbyul’s “Eclipse” and Moonbyul did Hwasa’s “Twit.”
The songs even received their own distinctive spotlight and dance routine, showing off each member’s versatility and creativity. The group came together for a performance of four more solo snippets, with Hwasa’s “Maria” receiving the biggest response as the performers executed Hwasa’s iconic body rolls during the number, a move akin to seeing James Brown do the splits.
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But the night didn’t all go according to script. During the upbeat “Starry Night,” the group got a case of the giggles and broke character, before regaining composure to finish the song. Also, there were lulls as well as lolz. Three interstitial pre-recorded video segments (“VCRs” in K-pop speak) slowed momentum to a crawl. One segment lasting seven minutes — an eternity in concert time — showed group members enjoying a meal and talking shop. These would have been better served as pre-show entertainment for folks settling into their seats.
With nine years of music to pull from, it’s fair to assume that some fan favorites would not make the cut. But leaving the 2020 pick-me-up anthem “Dingga” off the setlist felt like a crucial miss. The quarantine-era hit was meant to be played in this exact setting, with everyone back in a concert hall again.
If the main concert served up stylistic amuse-bouches, the four-song encore was a pop feast. Reappearing in denim and tour merch, the women vibed along with the audience to “Travel,” “Yes I Am,” “L.I.E.C,” and closed with their effervescent early hit, “Um Oh Ah Yeah.”
The encore summed up nearly a decade of influence, showing how all-around talent, experience, fearlessness and versatility are keys to longevity.
23 notes · View notes
daddy-long-legss · 23 days
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/ paste this ask to your favorite mutuals 💌🖤
Ahh these are fun ! thank you babes 🥹💕
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La Nouvelle femme
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** DERNIÈRE MISE À JOUR : 13 mars 2024 **
Synopsis En 1900, Lili d’Alengy, célèbre courtisane parisienne, a un secret honteux - sa fille Tina, née avec un handicap. Peu disposée à s’occuper d’une enfant qui menace sa carrière, elle décide de quitter Paris pour Rome. Elle y fait la connaissance de Maria Montessori, une femme médecin qui développe une méthode d’apprentissage révolutionnaire pour les enfants qu’on appelle alors « déficients ». Mais Maria cache elle aussi un secret : un enfant né hors mariage. Ensemble, les deux femmes vont s’entraider pour gagner leur place dans ce monde d’hommes et écrire l’Histoire.
La Nouvelle femme
13 mars 2024 en salle | 1h 41min | Drame, Historique
De Léa Todorov
| Par Léa Todorov
Avec Jasmine Trinca, Leïla Bekhti, Rafaëlle Sonneville-Caby
en ligne gratuitement sur 123movies & Reddit, y compris où regarder le film d'Universal Pictures à la maison. Est-ce qu'La Nouvelle femme 2 est la voie
de Water 2024 disponible en streaming ? Est en train de regarder La Nouvelle femme 2 The Way of Water r sur Disney Plus, HBO Max, Netflix ou Amazon
Prime? Oui, nous avons trouvé une option / un service de streaming authentique. Détails sur la façon dont vous pouvez regarder Buzz La Nouvelle femme 2 The Way
d'eau gratuite tout au long de l'année sont décrites ci-dessous. maintenant
Un week-end d'ouverture élevé pour La Nouvelle femme serait un bon début pour la suite au box-office. Le
l'ouverture annoncée de 135 millions de dollars signifierait que le suivi fera en un week-end ce qu'il a fallu au premier film de James Cameron un
semaine complète à gagner. Cependant, le box-office d'La Nouvelle femme 2 aura toujours du mal à battre l'original. La magie de
L'improbable course au box-office d'La Nouvelle femme est l'incroyable bouche à oreille du film et les visionnements répétés qui ont aidé à garder le
film pertinent et en salles pendant 234 jours. C'est du jamais vu de nos jours, même pour les plus grands films. Pour référence,
La Nouvelle femme a dépassé 161 jours cette année.
Nouvel La Nouvelle femme à long terme: Les projections au box-office du week-end d'ouverture de The Way of Water font que la suite double presque James
Le premier film de Cameron. Le film de science-fiction original de 2009 a battu toutes sortes de records au box-office pour devenir le
film le plus rentable de tous les temps. L'incroyable succès d'La Nouvelle femme au box-office a à son tour attiré beaucoup d'attention sur
combien d'argent va gagner La Nouvelle femme 2. Même si personne ne s'attend à ce que la suite dépasse les 2,9 milliards de dollars d'La Nouvelle femme dans le monde
transport, le gros budget du film et l'investissement de Disney dans l'avenir de la franchise signifient qu'il y a une certaine pression sur
Le film concerne Alice (Florence Pugh), une femme au foyer qui vit dans le bonheur conjugal avec son mari, Jack (Harry Styles),
dans une ville des années 1950 appelée Victory dans le désert californien. Le terrain appartient à l'employeur de Jack, le Victory Project,
qui a amené son personnel et leurs conjoints à vivre dans cette oasis de pelouses irriguées et entretenues tout en travaillant sur
projets d'ingénierie top-secrets. Tous les matins, Jack part au travail l'estomac plein d'un petit-déjeuner parfait
et revient ce soir-là dîner sur la table et sa femme rayonnante le supplie de faire l'amour.
Dès le départ, il est clair que quelque chose ne va pas dans l'utopisme et les habitants suburbains brillants et hyperréalistes de Victory.
Mais Wilde ne prend pas la peine d'essayer d'aggraver un sentiment de malaise, car le film est des visions installucinatoires qui surprennent
Alice hors de son bonheur, et la seule femme noire de Don’t Worry Darling avec un dialogue, Margaret (KiKi Layne), donne un
avertissement précoce que tout va mal avec un discours terrifié qui est pratiquement une copie miroir de LaKeith
L'explosion pétrifiée de Stanfield dans le film de Jordan Peele. sadasa d sadasd
Super Mario Bros, La Nouvelle femme est-il maintenant disponible en streaming ? Regarde, La Nouvelle femme sur Disney Plus, HBO Max,
Netflix ou Amazon Prime ? Oui, nous avons trouvé une option/un service de streaming authentique écrit par Katie Silberman. vie
avec son mari dans une communauté expérimentale utopique commence à s'inquiéter que sa compagnie glamour puisse se cacher
secrets troublants.
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Kung Fu Panda 4
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** DERNIÈRE MISE À JOUR : 27 mars 2024 **
Synopsis Après trois aventures dans lesquelles le guerrier dragon Po a combattu les maîtres du mal les plus redoutables grâce à un courage et des compétences en arts martiaux inégalés, le destin va de nouveau frapper à sa porte pour … l’inviter à enfin se reposer. Plus précisément, pour être nommé chef spirituel de la vallée de la Paix. Cela pose quelques problèmes évidents. Premièrement, Po maîtrise aussi bien le leadership spirituel que les régimes, et deuxièmement, il doit rapidement trouver et entraîner un nouveau guerrier dragon avant de pouvoir profiter des avantages de sa prestigieuse promotion. Pire encore, il est question de l’apparition récente d’une sorcière aussi mal intentionnée que puissante, Caméléone, une lézarde minuscule qui peut se métamorphoser en n'importe quelle créature, et ce sans distinction de taille. Or Caméléone lorgne de ses petits yeux avides et perçants sur le bâton de sagesse de Po, à l’aide duquel elle espère bien pouvoir réinvoquer du royaume des esprits tous les maîtres maléfiques que notre guerrier dragon a vaincu. Po va devoir trouver de l’aide. Il va en trouver (ou pas ?) auprès de Zhen, une renarde corsac, voleuse aussi rusée que vive d'esprit, qui a le don d’irriter Po mais dont les compétences vont s’avérer précieuses. Afin de réussir à protéger la Vallée de la Paix des griffes reptiliennes de Caméléone, ce drôle de duo va devoir trouver un terrain d’entente. Ce sera l’occasion pour Po de découvrir que les héros ne sont pas toujours là où on les attend.
Kung Fu Panda 4
27 mars 2024 en salle | 1h 34min | Aventure, Animation, Comédie, Famille, Arts Martiaux
De Mike Mitchell (V), Stephanie Stine
| Par Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger
Avec Manu Payet, Jack Black, Viola Davis
en ligne gratuitement sur 123movies & Reddit, y compris où regarder le film d'Universal Pictures à la maison. Est-ce qu'Kung Fu Panda 4 2 est la voie
de Water 2024 disponible en streaming ? Est en train de regarder Kung Fu Panda 4 2 The Way of Water r sur Disney Plus, HBO Max, Netflix ou Amazon
Prime? Oui, nous avons trouvé une option / un service de streaming authentique. Détails sur la façon dont vous pouvez regarder Buzz Kung Fu Panda 4 2 The Way
d'eau gratuite tout au long de l'année sont décrites ci-dessous. maintenant
Un week-end d'ouverture élevé pour Kung Fu Panda 4 serait un bon début pour la suite au box-office. Le
l'ouverture annoncée de 135 millions de dollars signifierait que le suivi fera en un week-end ce qu'il a fallu au premier film de James Cameron un
semaine complète à gagner. Cependant, le box-office d'Kung Fu Panda 4 2 aura toujours du mal à battre l'original. La magie de
L'improbable course au box-office d'Kung Fu Panda 4 est l'incroyable bouche à oreille du film et les visionnements répétés qui ont aidé à garder le
film pertinent et en salles pendant 234 jours. C'est du jamais vu de nos jours, même pour les plus grands films. Pour référence,
Kung Fu Panda 4 a dépassé 161 jours cette année.
Nouvel Kung Fu Panda 4 à long terme: Les projections au box-office du week-end d'ouverture de The Way of Water font que la suite double presque James
Le premier film de Cameron. Le film de science-fiction original de 2009 a battu toutes sortes de records au box-office pour devenir le
film le plus rentable de tous les temps. L'incroyable succès d'Kung Fu Panda 4 au box-office a à son tour attiré beaucoup d'attention sur
combien d'argent va gagner Kung Fu Panda 4 2. Même si personne ne s'attend à ce que la suite dépasse les 2,9 milliards de dollars d'Kung Fu Panda 4 dans le monde
transport, le gros budget du film et l'investissement de Disney dans l'avenir de la franchise signifient qu'il y a une certaine pression sur
Le film concerne Alice (Florence Pugh), une femme au foyer qui vit dans le bonheur conjugal avec son mari, Jack (Harry Styles),
dans une ville des années 1950 appelée Victory dans le désert californien. Le terrain appartient à l'employeur de Jack, le Victory Project,
qui a amené son personnel et leurs conjoints à vivre dans cette oasis de pelouses irriguées et entretenues tout en travaillant sur
projets d'ingénierie top-secrets. Tous les matins, Jack part au travail l'estomac plein d'un petit-déjeuner parfait
et revient ce soir-là dîner sur la table et sa femme rayonnante le supplie de faire l'amour.
Dès le départ, il est clair que quelque chose ne va pas dans l'utopisme et les habitants suburbains brillants et hyperréalistes de Victory.
Mais Wilde ne prend pas la peine d'essayer d'aggraver un sentiment de malaise, car le film est des visions installucinatoires qui surprennent
Alice hors de son bonheur, et la seule femme noire de Don’t Worry Darling avec un dialogue, Margaret (KiKi Layne), donne un
avertissement précoce que tout va mal avec un discours terrifié qui est pratiquement une copie miroir de LaKeith
L'explosion pétrifiée de Stanfield dans le film de Jordan Peele. sadasa d sadasd
Super Mario Bros, Kung Fu Panda 4 est-il maintenant disponible en streaming ? Regarde, Kung Fu Panda 4 sur Disney Plus, HBO Max,
Netflix ou Amazon Prime ? Oui, nous avons trouvé une option/un service de streaming authentique écrit par Katie Silberman. vie
avec son mari dans une communauté expérimentale utopique commence à s'inquiéter que sa compagnie glamour puisse se cacher
secrets troublants.
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wausaupilot · 9 months
Mascot debate continues in Wausau School District
One suggestion that remains on the list (aside from the Bridge Street Traffic Jammers) is the Nimrods. And no, it doesn't mean what you think it does. :)
By Shereen Siewert | Wausau Pilot & Review The Wausau School District is continuing discussions on the best choice for a mascot when East and West combine to form a single high school in 2025, with dozens of choices now on the list. Some parents say communication has been problematic and confusing as the district prepares for the change. One central complaint: district officials have several…
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Dune 2 - Deuxième partie
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** DERNIÈRE MISE À JOUR : 28 Février 2024 **
Synopsis Dans DUNE : DEUXIÈME PARTIE, Paul Atreides s’unit à Chani et aux Fremen pour mener la révolte contre ceux qui ont anéanti sa famille. Hanté par de sombres prémonitions, il se trouve confronté au plus grand des dilemmes : choisir entre l’amour de sa vie et le destin de l’univers.
Dune 2
28 février 2024 en salle | 2h 46min | Drame, Science Fiction
De Denis Villeneuve| Par Denis Villeneuve, Jon Spaihts
Avec Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson
Titre original Dune: Part Two
en ligne gratuitement sur 123movies & Reddit, y compris où regarder le film d'Universal Pictures à la maison. Est-ce qu'Dune 2 2 est la voie
de Water 2024 disponible en streaming ? Est en train de regarder Dune 2 2 The Way of Water r sur Disney Plus, HBO Max, Netflix ou Amazon
Prime? Oui, nous avons trouvé une option / un service de streaming authentique. Détails sur la façon dont vous pouvez regarder Buzz Dune 2 2 The Way
d'eau gratuite tout au long de l'année sont décrites ci-dessous. maintenant
Un week-end d'ouverture élevé pour Dune 2 serait un bon début pour la suite au box-office. Le
l'ouverture annoncée de 135 millions de dollars signifierait que le suivi fera en un week-end ce qu'il a fallu au premier film de James Cameron un
semaine complète à gagner. Cependant, le box-office d'Dune 2 2 aura toujours du mal à battre l'original. La magie de
L'improbable course au box-office d'Dune 2 est l'incroyable bouche à oreille du film et les visionnements répétés qui ont aidé à garder le
film pertinent et en salles pendant 234 jours. C'est du jamais vu de nos jours, même pour les plus grands films. Pour référence,
Dune 2 a dépassé 161 jours cette année.
Nouvel Dune 2 à long terme: Les projections au box-office du week-end d'ouverture de The Way of Water font que la suite double presque James
Le premier film de Cameron. Le film de science-fiction original de 2009 a battu toutes sortes de records au box-office pour devenir le
film le plus rentable de tous les temps. L'incroyable succès d'Dune 2 au box-office a à son tour attiré beaucoup d'attention sur
combien d'argent va gagner Dune 2 2. Même si personne ne s'attend à ce que la suite dépasse les 2,9 milliards de dollars d'Dune 2 dans le monde
transport, le gros budget du film et l'investissement de Disney dans l'avenir de la franchise signifient qu'il y a une certaine pression sur
Le film concerne Alice (Florence Pugh), une femme au foyer qui vit dans le bonheur conjugal avec son mari, Jack (Harry Styles),
dans une ville des années 1950 appelée Victory dans le désert californien. Le terrain appartient à l'employeur de Jack, le Victory Project,
qui a amené son personnel et leurs conjoints à vivre dans cette oasis de pelouses irriguées et entretenues tout en travaillant sur
projets d'ingénierie top-secrets. Tous les matins, Jack part au travail l'estomac plein d'un petit-déjeuner parfait
et revient ce soir-là dîner sur la table et sa femme rayonnante le supplie de faire l'amour.
Dès le départ, il est clair que quelque chose ne va pas dans l'utopisme et les habitants suburbains brillants et hyperréalistes de Victory.
Mais Wilde ne prend pas la peine d'essayer d'aggraver un sentiment de malaise, car le film est des visions installucinatoires qui surprennent
Alice hors de son bonheur, et la seule femme noire de Don't Worry Darling avec un dialogue, Margaret (KiKi Layne), donne un
avertissement précoce que tout va mal avec un discours terrifié qui est pratiquement une copie miroir de LaKeith
L'explosion pétrifiée de Stanfield dans le film de Jordan Peele. sadasa d sadasd
Super Mario Bros, Dune 2 est-il maintenant disponible en streaming ? Regarde, Dune 2 sur Disney Plus, HBO Max,
Netflix ou Amazon Prime ? Oui, nous avons trouvé une option/un service de streaming authentique écrit par Katie Silberman. vie
avec son mari dans une communauté expérimentale utopique commence à s'inquiéter que sa compagnie glamour puisse se cacher
secrets troublants.
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lazorcrab · 5 months
My favorite songs that I listened to in 2023 (in no particular order)
Mark Knight & Armand Van Helden - The Music Began To Play
Daft Punk - Revolution 909 (Roger Sanchez & Junior Sanchez Remix)
Oliver Tree & Robin Schulz - Miss You (Showtek Remix)
Armin van Buuren & Mr. Probz - Another You
Party Favor - Too Much
Sans Soucis - All Over This Party (Salute Remix)
Lil Wayne - A Milli (Sidepiece Remix)
Elvis Presley & Britney Spears - Toxic Las Vegas (Jamieson Shaw Remix)
Tiesto, Jonas Blue, & Rita Ora - Ritual
Gorillaz - Silent Running (feat. Adeleye Omotayo)
Mau P - Gimme That Bounce
Tiesto - Lay Low
Armin van Buuren & Stuart Crichton - Dayglow
Jay-Z & Linkin Park - Numb/Encore
Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers - Bustin' Loose
Tiesto - 10:35 (feat. Tate McRae) [Joel Corry Remix]
Meduza and Eli & Fur - Pegasus
Whitney Houston - It's Not Right But It's Okay
Gorillaz - Skinny Ape
Red Vox - Forgetter
Olive T - We'll Maintain
Tchami - Shades (feat. Donnie Sloan & Ricky Ducati)
Climax Blues Band - Couldn't Get It Right
Mack Wilds - Own It
Calvin Harris - Miracle (feat. Ellie Goulding)
Genesi - Everything You Have Done (Meduza Edit)
Metro Boomin, The Weeknd, & Diddy - Creepin' (feat. 21 Savage)
Gorillaz - Tranz
Foster The People - Sit Next to Me
Tyga - I'm Gone (feat. Big Sean)
Avicii - Heaven
Calvin Harris - Miracle (feat. Ellie Goulding) [Hardwell Remix]
Sunday Scaries & Pickuplines - Chill Like That (Odd Mob Remix)
Gorgon City - Voodoo
The Weeknd - Popular (feat. Playboi Carti & Madonna)
Todd Edwards - The Chant (James Organ Remix)
Luke Combs - Fast Car
Armin van Buuren & Sam Martin - Wild Wild Son
Armin van Buuren & Sam Martin - Wild Wild Son (Richard Durand Remix)
Kaskade - Angel On My Shoulder
Deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember (John Summit Remix)
JC Stewart - Love Like That
Will K - Sun Is Dark
The Band - The Weight
Aqua - Barbie Girl (Tiesto Remix)
Notre Dame - Yumi (Tiesto Remix)
Meduza - Phone (feat. Sam Tompkins & Em Beihold)
Major Lazer - Particula (feat. DJ Maphorisa, Nasty C, Ice Prince, Patoranking, & Jidenna)
Major Lazer - Que Calor (feat. J Balvin & El Alfa)
The Specials - Ghost Town
The Chemical Brothers - Live Again (feat. Halo Maud)
The Chemical Brothers - No Reason
Swedish House Mafia - Ray Of Solar (Mau P Remix)
Swedish House Mafia - Ray Of Solar (Tiesto Remix)
Alesso - Caught A Body (feat. Ty Dolla $ign)
Armin van Buuren - Lose This Feeling (Dimension Remix)
Sia - Gimme Love (Armin van Buuren Remix)
The Beatles - Now And Then
100 gecs - Doritos & Fritos
Roy Davis Jr. & Peven Everett - Gabriel (Live Garage Mix)
Casso, Raye, & D-Block Europe - Prada
Tiesto, Tears For Fears, Niiko x Swae, & Gudfella - Rule The World (Everybody)
Doja Cat - Paint The Town Red
Fred again… & Baby Keem - leavemealone
Nicki Minaj - Let Me Calm Down (feat. J. Cole)
Nicki Minaj - Needle (feat. Drake)
Overmono - Good Lies
Tame Impala - Breathe Deeper (Lil Yachty Remix)
Drake - First Person Shooter (feat. J. Cole)
Drake - Virgina Beach
Meduza, Ferreck Dawn, & Clementine Douglas - I Got Nothing
Todd Edwards - Perfect Love (Biscits Remix)
Todd Edwards - When Your Alone (A-Trak Remix)
Fred again…, Skrillex, & Four Tet - Baby again… (feat. Lil Baby)
Lil Yachty - The Secret Recipe (feat. J.Cole)
Lil Uzi Vert - Just Wanna Rock (Malivai & Afrojack Remix)
070 Shake - Cocoon (Martin Garrix & Space Ducks Remix)
Ice Spice - In Ha Mood (O'Flynn Remix)
Gunna - fukumean (Diplo, Maesic, & Chad Harrison Remix)
John Summit - Where You Are (feat. Hayla)
Parisi, Steve Angello, & Sebastian Ingrosso - U Ok?
David Guetta & Hypaton - Be My Lover (2023 Mix) (feat. La Bouche)
Killer Mike - RUN (Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley Version)
Elton John - Daniel
Disclosure - Higher Than Ever Before
Alesso & John Newman - Call Your Name
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)
Nick Jonas - This Is Heaven
Black Sheep - The Choice Is Yours
Davido - UNAVAILABLE (feat. Musa Keys) [Major Lazer Remix)
James Hype & Major Lazer - Number 1
Willie Hutch - Tell Me Why Our Love's Turned Cold
John Summit - Veridis Quo vs. Human (Daft Punk vs. John Summit)
Kendrick Lamar - Money Trees (Duke & Jones Remix)
Missy Elliott - 4 My People (feat. Eve) (Basement Jaxx Vocal Mix)
Flowdan, Lil Baby, Skrillex - Pepper
Steve Angello - Rejoice (feat. T.D. Jakes)
Danger Mouse & Black Thought - Strangers (feat. A$AP Rocky & Run The Jewels)
Metro Boomin & Future - Too Many Nights (feat. Don Toliver)
Skrillex, Missy Elliott, & Mr. Oizo - RATATA
Chase & Status and Bou - Baddadan (feat. Irah, Flowdan, Trigga, & Takura)
Lil Yachty - Strike (Holster)
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struckbythestars · 2 years
Avec émotion et une pointe d'appréhension, voici le premier chapitre d'une histoire qui en contient encore pas mal.
XOXO, les autrices.
PS : cette histoire n'est pas qu'une comédie...
Attention... On s'est un peu laisser aller en terme de langage grossier
Les personnages ne nous appartiennent pas nous les empruntons seulement
Chapitre 1 :
Maraudeurs' Rapsody
Il existe un mot au Danemark qui, en quelques syllabes décrit cette sensation confortable et chaude, cette ambiance douce et calme que l’on ressent lorsqu’on regarde des flammes tournoyer dans une cheminée. Hyggelig. Il n’y a pas meilleur mot pour décrire l’atmosphère particulière qui règne dans la Salle commune des Gryffondor en ce début de soirée du mois d’Octobre 1975.
Le silence de cette pièce teintée de rouge et empli de tapisserie médiévale n’était perturbée que par les pièces d’échecs qui s’entrechoquaient, les pages de livres qui se tournaient et quelques éclats de rires discrets. Mais cette harmonie fut rapidement brisée lorsque le portrait de la Grosse Dame s’ouvrit brusquement.
-     C’était génial, James ! Vous avez entendu sa voix ? Une vrai chanteuse d’opérette !, cria un garçon assez petit et potelé, l’air émerveillé par les 3 autres personne qu’il suivait au petit trot.
           Le premier garçon en tête du cortège, les cheveux noirs courts et pourtant  broussailleux, les yeux noisettes partiellement caché derrière des lunettes rectangulaires, souriait d’un air fier et revanchard en prenant place dans son fauteuil habituel face à la cheminée. James fut rapidement suivi par son meilleur ami, Sirius, ténébreux charmeur aux yeux gris insondables cachés derrières des boucles d'ébène. Le garçon à l’allure élancée et élégante d’un parfait aristocrate, chose qu’il refusait catégoriquement d’être, prit donc place dans le fauteuil faisant face à James, une table basse en bois rustique les séparants. Sirius portait d’un sourire en coin satisfait se rappelant de ce qu’ils venait de faire et pensant à leur prochain coup. Peter, le jeune garçon potelé s’assit à même le sol sur l’épais tapis bordeaux, dos à la cheminée.
-     Tout le mérite revient à Rem’, c’est lui qui à trouver le sortilège, répondit James à Peter alors que le dénommé Remus prenait place dans le canapé.
           Lui aussi souriait. Non pas parce qu’il trouvait que le sort que James avait jeté à Severus était drôle. Mais bien parce qu’il appréciait voir ses amis heureux. Il leur était reconnaissant d’être là. Il donnerait sa vie pour les trois personnes en face de lui, juste parce que sans eux, il n’aurait pas donner cher de la sienne. Grand et élancé, Remus avait l’apparence de la force tranquille du groupe, profondément gentil et presque gentleman, il était considéré par beaucoup comme « l’ami parfait » si bien auprès des filles qu’auprès des garçons. Mais il ne fallait pas se fier aux air tendre et à la dégaine détendue du jeune homme, un rapide coup d’oeil à son visage autrefois innocent prouvait qu’il devait avoir vécu des choses pas forcement très réjouissantes. En effet, trois grosses cicatrices blanches le parcouraient, partant de la tempe pour s'arrêter au menton, elles étaient cachées derrière des cheveux châtain mais bien présentes. De plus, derrière ses yeux noisettes qui prenaient parfois des reflets miels, les plus attentifs pouvait y déceler un profond mal être.
-     Peu importe ! Vous avez vu sa tête quand il a ouvert la bouche et qu’il a voulu parler ?, relança Peter.
-     Un vrai Soprano !, dit Sirius d’une voix aigüe. Comme si ses boules n’était pas encore descendues.
-     Es tu sur qu’elles sont descendues un jour ?, demanda James d’un air réellement intéressé par la question.
-     En possède-t-il réellement ?, répliqua le brun en face de lui se penchant en avant dans un air de réflexion profonde.
           James se pencha lui aussi en avant, plissant les yeux, et secouant distraitement la tête.
-     Hmm, dit il en se caressant le menton. Il faudra vérifier ça.
-     Pouvez-vous, s’il-vous-plait, arrêtez de parler des boules de Rogue au beau milieu de cette pièce ?, les interrompit Remus en reposant le livre qu’il venait d’ouvrir, outré par cette conversation.
           Relevant la tête vers ses amis, il vit alors Peter, une expression horrifié sur le visage, Sirius se mordant la lèvre inférieur dans une tentative de se retenir de rire mélangé à une expression de compassion alors que ses yeux se posaient sur James qui lui était rapidement devenu blême, les yeux fixés derrière Remus.
-     Evans …, souffla-t-il.
           Remus fit volte face pour voir que sa meilleure amie se tenait les bras croisés, les joues rouge de colère derrière le canapé.
Remus se demanda alors si elle avait assisté à toute la conversation. Il eu rapidement la réponse.
-     Waow Potter, je pensais que tu avait déjà touché le fond. Je le reconnais, je m’étais trompée. Black et toi êtes tellement immature que s’en est désolant, dit elle en les dévisageant d’un regard émeraude plus que méprisant.  Remus, j’étais venue voir si tu veux venir faire le devoir d’arithmencie avec moi à la bibliothèque.
           Ce dernier hocha la tête, ne sachant pas trop quoi répondre d’autre et se leva. James, lui, n’avait toujours pas bouger.
-     Maintenant, pour répondre à ta question, reprit Lily. Oui, il en a et je suis persuadée qu’elles sont plus imposantes que les tiennes, fini-t-elle en se dirigeant sans un regard en arrière vers la sortie de la salle.
           Remus jeta un regard à ses amis avant de partir au pas de course derrière la Gryffondor passablement énervée.
-     Ce qui est sûr, c’est que elle, elle en a. Souffla Sirius avant de se prendre un cousin en pleine tête.
           Alors que James commençait à se morfondre du fait que Lily le déteste, Remus l'avait rejoint dans le couloir. Lily était une Gryffondor de la même année, une vraie lionne dans l’âme, chaleureuse et attentive avec ceux qu’elle aime mais mordrait ceux qui entraient en désaccord avec elle. Elle avait de longs cheveux roux qui accentuaient les tâches de rousseurs sur sa peau pâle et avait des yeux verts à couper le souffle tant il semblait être leur propre source de lumière. Il va sans dire que James Potter avait eu un coup de coeur pour la jeune fille dès leur entrée à Poudlard, un coup de foudre se plaisait il à croire. Cependant, il n’en était pas de même pour la jeune femme.
-     Tu sais …
-     N’essaie pas de le défendre Remus. Il est immature et arrogant. Severus ne mérite pas cela.
-     Il nous le rend bien, marmonna Lupin.
-     Peut être. Mais vous êtes quatre et il est seul.
           Remus ne répondit rien alors qu’ils venaient d’arriver à la bibliothèque. Ils travaillèrent sur leur devoir durant les deux heures suivantes avant de devoir partir pour le couvre-feu.
Remus aida Lily à ranger ses affaires et ils se dirigèrent parmi les rayonnages vers la sortie. C’est au détour d’une allée, que Lily vit passer une ombre noire. Elle donna son sac à Remus et commença à courir.
-     Severus ?, cria-t-elle pour le faire arrêter.
           Ce dernier, le corps maigre, la peau pâle accentué par le noir corbeau de ses cheveux lui arrivant aux épaules, s’arrêta dans une allée, loin de Lily. Il la fixa de ses prunelles noires qui semblaient être des puits sans fond quelques instant alors que Remus arrivait à la hauteur de Lily. Les trois étudiants se regardèrent sans un mot. Severus semblait furieux, Lily le regardait avec incompréhension et Remus baissa la tête. Quelques secondes plus tard, Rogue repartait dans un mouvement de cape, disparaissant dans l’ombre des couloirs de pierres.
-     Que lui avez vous fait ?, demanda Lily à Remus.
-     Un sortilège qui lui fait parler avec une voix d’opéra, répondit Remus peu fier de lui.
-     Un simple Finite aurait du lui permettre de mettre fin au sort.
           Voyant la grimace désolée de son ami, Lily l’interrogea du regard. Remus souffla et reprit la parole.
-     Pas si Sirius à indiqué à James comment empêcher qu’il le fasse avant un certain temps.
           Lily regarda le ciel, maudissant les noms de Potter et Black avant de regardait Remus.
-     Combien de temps ?  demanda-t-elle. Remus ? rajouta-t-elle voyant que le Lycanthrope ne semblait pas vouloir lui répondre.
           Face aux yeux verts brillant d’une lueur féroce, Remus se passa une main dans les cheveux, il savait qu’elle ne le lâcherait pas tant qu’elle n’aurait pas toute les réponses à ses questions.
-     3 jours, fini-t-il par avouer.
           Lily souffla une nouvelle fois et se dirigea d’un pas soutenue, traduisant son ras-le-bol, vers la tour des Gryffondor.
-     J’essayerai la feinte de Porskoff et …
           James ne termina pas sa phrase alors qu’il fut foudroyé par le regard de Lily qui venait d’arriver dans la tour. Elle traversa la pièce sans un mot avant de rejoindre le dortoir des filles.
-     Si tu reste comme ça, je pense tu vas gober des mouches, James, le prévint Sirius alors que Potter était resté la bouche ouverte regardant dans le vide.
           James ignora Sirius, se levant rapidement vers Remus qui venait lui aussi de faire son apparition.
-     Rem ! As-tu plaidé ma cause ? demanda le garçon aux lunettes en se jetant presque sur Lupin.
-     Crois-moi j’ai essayé. Mais Lily est ce qu’elle est. Bornée, en l'occurrence.
-     Je suis foutu, conclue James en se laissant choir sur le fauteuil le plus proche.
-     C’est moi la DramaQueen, ici. Donc tu te lève et t’essaies de remonter dans sa haute estime, répliqua Sirius en abandonnant son livre de quidditch.
-     Sirius à raison, il faut que tu arrête ta guerre avec Rogue, ça te cause préjudice, essaya de le résonner Remus. 
-     Alors, j’allais plutôt dire : Il faut trouver un moyen pour que Lily ne soit plus au courant des blagues que l’on fait à Monsieur Je-suis-une-bougie-Rogue, reprit Sirius le plus sérieusement du monde alors que les épaules de Remus s’affaissèrent. 
-     Monsieur Je-suis-une-bougie ? demanda Peter faisant remarquer sa présence.
-     Bah, oui avec son teint cireux c’est du pareil au même, il manque plus que la flamme sur la tête. Merlin ! Faut qu’on enflamme la tête de ce petit merdeux et l’illusion sera parfaite !
           Ce fut au tour de Lupin de se laisser tomber dans un canapé alors que les yeux de ses trois amis brillaient déjà d’impatience.
Le groupe resta à parler plus ou moins calmement dans la salle commune de tout et de rien mais surtout de plan pour aider James à conquérir Lily, de quidditch et de futur farce à faire à Rogue. Ce fut lorsque le dernier groupe de Gryffondor en dehors de notre quatruor quitta la pièce que les quatre garçons se rapprochèrent les uns des autres et commencèrent à parler à voix basse. 
-     Bien. Lunard, la pleine lune est dans 9 jours, comment te sens-tu ? demanda Sirius en posant la main sur l’épaule du Loup-garou.
-     Ça va, Sirius. C’est dans 3 jours que ça va se faire ressentir, tu le sais bien.
-     Oui. Mais je voulais être sûr, répondit Sirius avec aplomb.
           Remus baissa la tête, gêné par les paroles de son ami.
-     Bien ! Maintenant que cela est réglé. Peter. Tu en est où ? demanda James.
           Ce dernier, se contenta d’ouvrir la bouche, permettant aux personnes autour de lui de voir la feuille de mandragore qui y reposé sagement. Sirius ne pu caché son expression de dégout. Voir la muqueuse buccale de Peter n’était pas vraiment sa tasse de thé. 
-     Parfait. Je viendrai avec toi l’enterrer lors de la prochaine pleine Lune. Continua James. Pendant ce temps là, Patmol tu sera chargé de faire attention à ce que Lunard ne nous chasse pas.
-     Aucun problème. J’ai de moins en moins de mal à me transformer maintenant. Et toi, toujours en attente d’un orage ?
-     Oui. C’est pas juste. Toi, une semaine après y’en a eu un. Moi ça fait déjà 3 semaines, se plaignit James.
           En effet, depuis le début de leur troisième année, James, Sirius et Peter avaient le projet de devenir des animagi pour soutenir Remus, loup garou depuis sa petite enfance, lors de ses transformations. Sirius avait réussi cet exploit l’année précédente après 2 ans d’essai. Il encourageait désormais James mais surtout Peter qui avait plus de mal, ne serai-ce que pour finir la première étape. James n’avait pas vraiment de chance, il avait réussi à réaliser sa potion l’année précédente mais l’orage étant arrivé durant l’été, en ce début d’année, il avait recommencé le processus du début. Actuellement, sa potion était en train de reposer dans le parc de Poudlard à l’abri des regard attendant patiemment le prochain orage.
-     Je vous remercie les gars, lâcha Remus ému d’avoir des amis comme eux. Pour ce qui est de la carte, il faut encore le faire pour les cachots puis améliorer les sortilèges qui l’entourent. Elle sera bientôt prête.
           Sur ces plus ou moins sages paroles, le quatuor rejoint son dortoir, se laissant aller à leurs songes tombant lentement dans les bras de Morphée.
           C’est les premières notes d’un petit groupe de rock moldu nommé Queen qui avait réveillait notre quatuor le lendemain matin. 3 d’entre eux avaient encore la tête dans les chaussettes alors que le dernier se déhanchait debout sur son lit, sa brosse à dent lui servant de micro.
-     Y’ai Twouvé !!! s’exclama Sirius alors qu’une bonne parti de son dentifrice dégoulina de son menton jusqu’au drap.
           Lupin abandonna alors l’idée de réaliser correctement son noeud de cravate. Il n’était déjà pas doué pour cela mais ce matin là, il n’y arrivait vraiment pas. Peter, lui, cherchait ses livres de cours disséminés dans le dortoir et James finissait de se coiffer.
-     Et en français, ça donne quoi ? demanda James qui n’avait pas comprit.
           Sirius traversa alors le dortoir pour cracher dans le lavabo, faisant un clin d’oeil à son propre reflet au passage. Il se rinça rapidement la bouche, vérifia une dernière fois ses boucles et revint dans la chambre arrêtant son gramophone duquel sortait les dernières notes de Killer queen.
-     Mes chers Maraudeurs. Dans 6 jours à lieu la fête d’Halloween. Et j’ai trouvé nos costumes parfait, expliqua-t-il pour attirer l’attention de ses compères. Peter, tu seras Roger Taylor, le petit blond de pile électrique. James, John Deacon, le brun aux doigts de fée. Et toi, Lunard, tu es bien sur le grand et discret Brian May. Quand à moi, dit il en remontant sur son lit, prenant une pause théâtrale. Je serai Freddie. Ensemble, nous serons Queen !
-     Et tu veux qu’on donne une représentation aussi ? demanda Remus d’une voix pleine d’ironie.
-     Par Merlin ! Quel brillante idée. Comme toujours Lunard. Nous jouerons Killer Queen au milieu de la grande salle.
-     Tu es bien conscient que nous ne sommes pas musicien, fit remarquer James qui n’était pas emballé par l’idée.
-     Non, mon cher, nous sommes magicien, lui répondit Sirius en lui faisant un clin d’oeil.
La grande salle était bondée en cette matinée, les élèves de toutes maisons et de tout âge si étaient rassemblé pour prendre leur petit-déjeuner mais aussi pour écouter les annonces de leur Directeur, Albus Dumbledore. Lily était assise à côté de Remus lui même à côté des autres Maraudeur, écoutant Sirius parler sans relâche de leur futurs costumes d’Haloween. En face de Lily, se trouvait sa meilleure amie, Mary Macdonald. Elles étaient devenue amie dès leur première année, alors que Mary, maladroite dans l’âme, avait renversé son encrier sur Lily le premier cours, de leur première journée. Mary était un peu plus grande que Lily et avait de longs cheveux cendrés ondulés et de grand yeux bleu ciel. Après cet incident, elles ne s’étaient plus jamais quittée. Pas loin d’elle, il y avait Franck Londubat, grand garçon aux cheveux presque rasés châtain, le regard marron plongé dans celui noisette d’une élève de Poufsouffle à la table d’à côté, Alice Fortescue, une petite brunette, cheveux coupés en carré court et une frange. Ces deux là étaient fou amoureux l’un de l’autre. Personne ne savait depuis quand exactement mais la légende racontait qu’ils s’étaient rencontré dans le train et que le coup de foudre avait été si intense qu’à leur arrivé à Poudlard, ils avaient déjà échangé leur premier baiser. Bien sur, leur histoire connaissait des hauts et des bas mais ils revenait toujours l’un vers l’autre tôt ou tard comme deux aimants.
D’un seul coup, toutes les conversations de la salle, alors que le tintement d’une cuillère contre un verre résonnait encore.
Toutes les têtes se tournèrent alors vers la table professorale où Albus Dumbledore venait de se lever.
-     Bonjour à tous. Pardonnez moi d’interrompre un moment aussi crucial que le petit-déjeuner. Halloween arrivant à grand pas, il serait peut être temps de vous annoncez qu’une sortie pré-au-lard est prévue pout tout le monde, ce weekend. Cette sortie à un but. Trouvez le meilleur costume à présenter lors du concours de meilleur costume qui aura lieu le 31 au soir, ici même. Une affiche comprenant toutes les catégories de ce concours sera affiché dans le couloirs dans le courant de la semaine. Soyez inventif, surprenez nous. Bon appétit.
Il eu un brouhaha assourdissant dans l’ensemble de la salle ( enfin sauf chez les Serpentard), chacun s’imaginaient déjà dans le meilleur costume qui puisse exister, mais le plus heureux de tous à cet instant précis était Sirius.
On ne parla plus que de cette fête durant le reste de la semaine. La sortie pré-au-lard avait été un calvaire, tout poudlard avait débarqué dans les quelques magasins de vêtements, costumes et farces et attrapes. Beaucoup de personne n’avait pas trouvé leur bonheur et à la fin de la journée, les rayons métamorphose des librairies avaient été dévalisées.
En effet, les catégories avaient été rendue public quelques jours auparavant.
Cela avait été affiché en grand sur les portes de la grande salle et n’avait eu pour conséquences que de faire grandir l’envie d’arriver à cette fête car chaque gagnant de catégorie gagné quelque chose. Allant un abonnement illimité aux bonbons au citrons de chez HoneyDukes, à des points pour la coupe des maisons en passant par une chouette et même un balais volant ( et pas le premier prix)
C’était l’effervescence au château, et particulièrement dans le dortoir des filles de Gryffondor, des vêtements volaient partout et le maquillage tant recherché se trouvait généralement sous les couches de tulles de tissus et de dentelle.
Lily s’évertuait à nouer ses cheveux en deux nattes de chaque côtés de sa tête, elle portait une robe assez monacale verte foncé avec un tablier blanc par dessus, des grosses chaussette et des vielles chaussures en cuir. Elle s’était transformé en l’héroïne de son livre moldu préféré, Anne Shirley. Elle esquissa un faible sourire à son reflet dans le miroir, pensant à Severus. C’est elle qui lui avait fait découvrir le livre lorsqu’ils n’étaient alors que des enfants. Ce souvenir lui serra le coeur quelques instants, ils étaient devenu si distant l’un envers l’autre et elle se rendait compte que son ami lui manquait. Elle ne comprenait plus son attitude depuis la rentrée, ni même depuis le début de leur première année vrai dire, mais cette année en particulier il était encore plus distant, sûrement à cause de l’été précédent.
-     Quelqu’un aurait vu mon serre-tête ? S’écria une voix derrière Lily.
-     La dernière fois que je l’ai vu, il était à côté de la tiare de Mary ! Répondit elle en regardant Alice, déguisée en… Alice, se débattre dans un enchevêtrement de jupons. 
-     MARY ! Cria alors Alice.
S’est alors que le porte de la salle de bain s’ouvrit dans un grand fracas. Mary Mcdonald venait d’en sortir.
-     J’AI FAIT UNE TÂCHE ! Cria-t-elle sous les regards effarés d’Alice et Lily qui avaient stoppé tout mouvement. 
Elles avaient les yeux fixés sur la longue trace de fond de teint sur la robe blanche immaculée de Mary.
           Lily fut la première à réagir, cherchant sans relâche sa baguette dans le capharnaüm qu’était le dortoir. Elle fini par la trouvé et lança un evanesco pour faire disparaitre la tâche.  Au même moment, Alice mit la main sur son serre tête avec un nœud noir sur le dessus.
           Elle avait changé son carré brun en une longue chevelure blonde tenue en arrière par le fameux serre-tête. Elle portait une robe bleue bouffante à manche courte et tout comme Lily, un tablier blanc sur le dessus. Leurs costumes étaient assez similaire mais la différences était quand même flagrante et elles étaient toutes les deux très reconnaissable.
           Mary, quand à elle, avait porté son dévolu sur le costume de Galadriel, une elfe d’un livre fantastique d’un certain Tolkien. Elle porté donc une longue robe blanche avec des manches qui trainaient presque sur le sol, sa taille de guêpe était cintrée par une fine ceinture dorée accordée à son diadème doré et argenté qui tombait quelque peu sur son front. Elle n’avait pas presque pas touché à ses cheveux, les gardant cendré et mais les faisant ondulés en cascade jusqu’au bas de son dos. Elle s’était très légèrement maquillé, surtout pour blanchir un peu son teint et le perfectionner. Comme cela, elle semblait tout droit sortit d’un autre monde.
           Enfin prête, les trois amies décidèrent de se rendre enfin à la fête. Sur le chemin, elles croisèrent des vampires, des monstres en tout genre, des héros de films Moldu comme James Bond, des chanteurs et chanteuses, des choses insolites tel qu’un garçon de troisième année de Poufsouffle déguisé en Grappe de Raisin, mais elles croisèrent aussi tout un groupe de Septième année de différentes maison déguisé en professeur. Elles n’eurent aucun ma à reconnaitre McGonagall, Sulghorn ou même Dumbledore.
           Les tables de la grande salle avaient étaient déplacées en un carré qui permettait d’avoir une grande piste de danse au milieu de la salle. Il y avait certaines décoration à la manière moldue mais le cadre du château donné déjà à la pièce un ambiance particulière. Il y avait des gens dans tout les coins parlant, dansant sur la musique mise par Flitwick, rigolant, mangeant le buffet qu’il y avait sur les différentes tables.
Les trois filles commencèrent par prendre place à une table, regardant autour d’elles les différents costumes.
           Elles virent un époustouflant costume de Scarlett O’Hara dans sa robe de velours verte que portait une cinquième année de Serdaigle. Un costume assez perturbant d’un Homard ou toute l’équipe de quiditch de Serpentard déguisée en équipe de quidditch de Serpentard. L’originalité à l’état pur.
           Les jurys du concours, composé de Dumbledore, Bibine et Mcgonagall déambulaient dans la salle, étudiant les costumes et demandant des précisions lorsque cela était nécessaire. Minerva n’était pas déguisée, Bibine arborait un discret déguisement de gang de Londre et Albus, sans grande surprise, avait opter pour un déguisement assez citronné. Il était en effet déguiser en un immense citron.
-     Où sont les garçons ? Demanda Mary surprise de ne pas avoir croisé les maraudeurs.
-     D’après Franck, ils auraient préparé quelque chose de gros. Expliqua Alice. Il parait qu’ils sont restés enfermés dans leur dortoir toute la semaine et personne ne sait ce qu’ils y ont fait.
-     J’ai hâte qu’ils arrivent alors ! S’exclama Mary.
-     Il me semble avoir entendu une liaison de trop, ma chère Mary. Ne voulais tu pas dire, j’ai hâte qu’IL arrive ? Lui demanda Lily d’une voix pleine de sous-entendu.
           Mary lui tira la langue dans un geste enfantin mais Lily ne l’a regardait déjà plus. Elle avait les yeux fixés sur l’entrée de la salle où Rogue venait d’apparaître. Pantalon noir en jean retroussé, chemine à col mao blanc cassé à fines rayures bleues marine, pull sans manche en laine marron un peu vieilli, cheveux plaqués en arrière sous un béret beige. Elle n’avait pas imaginer qu’il puisse venir déguiser. Encore moins qu’il vienne déguiser en Lui. Gilbert Blythe.
           Depuis qu’il était apparu, leur regard ne s’était pas lâché et sans même s’en rendre compte, Lily s’était levée et marché droit vers lui. Severus ne bougea pas. Trop décontenancé par le costume de Lily. Au fond de lui, il avait voulu rendre hommage à leurs livre d’enfance, il n’avait pas pensé une seule seconde, qu’elle puisse faire de même.
-     Gilbert hein !? Lui dit Lily lorsqu’elle arriva près de lui.
           Elle ne savait pas pourquoi elle venait de lui adresser la parole, après tout, il l’évitait depuis le début de l’année.
-     C’est vraiment parce que j’avais que ça sous la main pour cette stupide soirée.
           Lily tiqua. Severus se maudit. Pourquoi avait il lâché ça ? C’était faux ! Il s’était surpris à choisir son déguisement avec soin alors qu’au fond de lui, il espérait que cela engage la conversation avec Lily.
-     Eh bien, en tout cas c’est réussi… Répondit Lily cachant son amertume. Passe une bonne… (Soirée) s’apprêtait elle à dire en partant alors qu’elle fut interrompu.
-     Bonsoir jeunes gens !, s’exclama Dumbledore. Pourriez vous nous dire, l’origine de vos costume ! S’extasia-t-il en les observant de la tête au pied.
-     Euh… Anne Shirley, du livre Anne of Green Gables. Répondit Lily alors que Dumbledore n’avait aucune idée de ce dont elle parlait.
-     Et vous, jeune homme ? Demanda l’homme au costume de Citron.
-     Gilbert Blythe de…
-     Anne of Green Gables ! Fini Madame Bibine avec un grand sourire. Bien sûr ! C’est très réussi comme costume de couple ! Toutes mes félicitations !  
           Sur ces mots, les trois jurys s’éloignèrent, laissant Lily aussi rouge que les couleurs de sa maison et Severus se triturant les mains seul signe du malaise qui l’habitait. Lily bafouilla quelques mots incompréhensible aux oreilles de Severus et s’éloigna rapidement sans un regard en arrière.  
-     Ton costume fait sensation Rogue
-     La ferme Black. Va te trouvez une Scarlett pour la soirée au lieu de me les brisées. Répliqua Severus en prenant la direction de la sortie, il avait grand besoin de fumer.
           Regulus Black, cheveux tirés en arrière, fine moustache, costume 3 pièces dans les tons gris et noir sans oublier le foulard noir à motif blanc était en effet, déguiser en nul autre que Rhett Butler. Ce costume lui collait à peau, affirmant son image de tombeur auprès des filles de Poudlard.
          Désormais seul à la porte, il laissa son regard ombrageux dérivé sur les personnes face à lui cherchant une cible. Robe verte de velour, cheveux chatain, grande, regard azur mesquin. Une Scarlett O’Hara dans toute sa splendeur.
-     Rem ! T’as pas vu mon micro ? S’exclama Sirius en panique.
-     Tu peux pas faire attention à tes affaires pour une fois Black !, répondit Remus d’un ton abrupte  
           Le silence se fit dans le dortoir des Gryffondors. James venait d’arrêter de toucher à ses cheveux, Peter avait les yeux grand ouvert et Sirius s’était figé au milieu de la pièce, le regard fixé sur Remus.
-     Désolé… reprit ce dernier. Je suis un peu sur les nerfs, tu sais…
-     Oui, c’est bon t’inquiète, c’est rien., lâcha précipitamment Sirius
           Il y eu un moment de silence avant que James ne reprenne les choses en mains, invitant tout le petit groupe à enfin se joindre à la soirée.
           Dans la salle, les jurys avaient commencé à remettre des prix. Celui du déguisement le plus original avait été décerné à une élève de deuxième de poufsouffle qui était venue déguisée en téléviseur moldu. Le plus beau avait été décerné à une fille de serdaigle, une certaine Dorcas Meadowes, déguisée dans un impressionnant costume de Morgane, elle était sublime, avec un côté réservé, mystérieux mais en même tant, on pouvait presque sentir la puissance et la magie noire dans le costume. Le costume le plus drôle avait été pour l’élève déguiser Hot dog. Le trophée du meilleur costume de groupe avait bien entendu était remis aux élèves s’étant déguiser en Professeurs.
-     Bien, félicitation ! Nous allons désormais passé au meilleurs dégui….
           Lily n’écoutait plus, le regard dans le vide, elle pensait à son altercation avec Severus, comment leur relation avait à ce point changé ? Pourquoi agissait il ainsi comme si plus rien ne l’atteignait ?
-     Lily ? LILY ?
           La rousse sentit une main s’abattre sur son bras, Mary était en train de la secoué en appelant son prénom. Lily reprit conscience de la réalité alors que Mary la poussait vers l’estrade des remises de prix.
           Elle se tenait là, debout devant tout le monde, ne sachant pas pourquoi, elle observé Dumbledore lui tendre un abonnement à vie aux bonbons aux citrons de HoneyDukes sans vraiment comprendre pourquoi elle avait gagné.
-     Rapprochez vous ! C’est pour la photos ! S’exclama Bibine avec un appareil sorcier en main.
Lily tourna la tête curieuse alors que Bibine désignait quelqu’un à ses côtés. Elle ne pu pas cacher sa stupeur lorsque ses yeux verts rencontrèrent les prunelles onyx de Rogue.
Elle sentit une main se poser contre sa taille alors que sans s’en rendre compte elle souriait à l’objectif. La photo prise, Severus poussa Lily à descendre l’estrade, il la rattrapa alors qu’elle s’apprêtait à rejoindre ses amies.
-     Lily ?
           Par réflexe elle se retourna.
-     Tout va bien ? Demanda-t-il d’une voix étonnamment douce
-     Oui, y’a aucun problème. Dit elle en regardant autour d’elle cherchant une porte de sortie.
           Comment pouvait elle lui dire qu’elle ne savait plus qui il était, qu’il avait changé depuis leur première année et encore plus depuis cet été. Comment lui dire que ce changement dans leur amitié lui brisait le coeur, lui qui avait été son premier ami, le seul à la comprendre quand elle en avait le plus besoin, le seul qui lui vouait un soutient sans faille. Le seul envers qui elle avait eu pleinement confiance, jusqu’à ce jour où le choixpeau avait crié « Serpentard ». Elle n’avait pas voulu le voir au début, ce changement lent, presque doux, de sa personnalité, elle l’avait ignoré ces dernière vacances mais Severus n’était définitivement plus celui qu’elle avait connu, et cela lui donnait envie de pleurer, de le supplier de redevenir ce garçon solitaire, gentil et parfois drôle qu’elle avait rencontré. Comment lui dire ça ?
           Severus quand à lui regardé le regard perdu de Lily, cette lueur de tristesse dans ses yeux incroyables. À cet instant, planté au milieu de la grande salle, il aurait tout voulu lui dire. Lui dire qu’il l’aimait comme un fou depuis le premier jour, qu’il aurait aimait resté en été, dans cette campagne avec elle, et ne plus repartir, la prendre dans ses bras, lui dire que même si il avait changé, ouvert les yeux, elle restait toujours la même et ses sentiments n’avait pas changé et ne changerait jamais.
-     Lily, il faut que je te dises… Commença-t-il sans vraiment s’en rendre compte.
           Elle le regardait désormais dans les yeux, toujours dans le vague perdue dans ses pensées. Severus se pencha lentement, perdant le sens de la réalité, se rapprochant d’elle centimètres par centimètres. Il n’entendit pas un grand bruit venant de l’entrée de la salle. La seule chose qu’il entendit fut un exclamation venant de la voix de Lily alors qu’elle avait tourné la tête et s’était précipiter vers le bruit. « Potter ? » Avait elle crié, laissant Severus interloqué, choqué au milieu de la salle, une monstrueuse colère s’immisçant dans ses entrailles.
-     C’était triste à voir. Déclara une voix derrière lui reconnaissable entre toute.
Severus fit volte face, dévisageant Regulus qui le dévisageait en retour.
-     Pourquoi ton foulard est en cendre ? Demanda Severus préférant changer de conversation.
           Il vit alors Regulus baisait les yeux sur son costume, un rictus sur les lèvres.
-     Disons que ma Scarlett était en peu plus féroce que ce que je m’attendait.
-     Tu l’as baisé ? Demanda Severus les sourcils froncés.
-     C’est pas faute d’avoir essayé mais la McKinnon à préféré me mettre le feu avec son briquet pour me faire partir.
-     Oh, Black a donc comprit le sens du mot non ?
           Regulus eu un rictus explicite.
-     Tu ne vas donc pas lâcher l’affaire ?  Demanda Severus
-     C’est toi qui demande ça, Rogue ? Avec ta sang-de-bourbe ?, rétorqua Regulus alors que Severus s’évertuait à rester de marbre. Elle est canon, c’est vrai, mais pas assez pour passer au dessus du dégout qu’elle me procure. Cependant pour répondre à ta question, je dois avouer que McKinnon, n’est plus dans mes projets, j’ai en vue quelqu’un d’autre, dit-il en lançant un coup d’oeil derrière Severus.
           Severus ne se retourna même pas pour voir qui Regulus avait en tête et se dirigea rapidement vers la sortie de la salle suivant le chemin que Lily avait prit quelques instants plus tôt.
Il fut stopper dans sa fui…ses réflexions par une foule d’élèves dansant le rock. Severus fit alors attention à son environnement et leva les yeux du sol qu’il n’avait pas eu conscience de fixé.
           Face à lui se trouvait une scène de presque un mètre de hauteur en bois, et au dessus ? Son pire cauchemar. Potter, cheveux en bataille magiquement rallongé balançant la tête au rythme de rock, guitare entre les mains, chemise à motifs grotesque presque totalement ouverte  et pantalon bleu ciel patte d’éléphant. À ses cotés, Black en tenue encore plus moulant et excentrique chantait dans un micro qui avait une tige mais pas de pied. Severus se fit la réflexion que la moustache n’allait pas du tout à Black mais c’était hors de propos. Ses yeux se posèrent alors sur Lupin, grand dans son costume plus ou moins bien coupé alors que ses cheveux semblaient aussi soyeux et bouclé que ceux d’une femme. Il jouait de la base et honnêtement il regardait le sol trop gêné pour se rendre compte de la place qu'il occupait actuellement. Et puis il y avait Peter, caché derrière une batterie. Il tapait dans tout les sens et était étonnamment ou plutôt sorcellement en rythme. Severus n’aurait jamais pensé avoir cette vision, et il aurait préférait ne pas la voir mais elle n’était rien face à celle qu’il eu juste après avoir découvert les maraudeurs version Queen. Au premier rang, tout près de la scène, ses tresses rousses volantes autour d’elle, Lily criait, riait, dansait. Cette vision aurait pu être parfaite car elle était sublime mais c’est vers Black qu’elle tendait les bras, c’est le nom de Potter qu’elle cria lors d’un solo de guitare et c’est les Maraudeurs qu’elle acclamait.
           La chanson prit fin et tout le monde applaudit. Severus en profita pour s’en aller. Il avait besoin d’air.
-     Merci à tous ne nous avoir écouté ! Cria Sirius dans son micro alors que la foule devant lui, dont Albus et Minerva faisait partie, scandait pour en avoir une autre.
           Sirius tout sourire se retourna vers ses amis, tous hochèrent la tête plus ou moins convaincu et ils démarrèrent un nouveau morceau. Alors qu’il chantait et qu’il regardait son public, Sirius comprit. Cette sensation d’exaltation qui s’était emparée de lui, ce sentiment de joie de savoir qu’il produisait quelque chose avec ses amis, qu’ils étaient les stars de cette école, que tout le monde les acclamé. Il comprit. Il comprit qu’il voulait pouvoir ressentir cela dans sa vie, cette même sensation que devait ressentir James en marquant un but. Alors à la fin de la chanson alors que déjà plusieurs filles au premier rang lui faisait des clins d’oeil, il reprit le micro chauffant la salle pour les entendre crier, crier pour eux, les Maraudeurs, crier pour lui.
-     Bien, si cela vous a plu, je vous annonce, que nous lançons notre propre groupe !, il regarda vers le ciel étoilé de la grande salle quelques instant. ASTRONOMY !,cria-t-il d’un seul coup. Souvenez vous de nous ! Et à la fois prochaine !
           Sur ces mots, la salle se rempli d’un épais brouillard noire et lorsqu’il se dissipa, sous les cris de la foule, la scène et le groupe Astronomy s’était volatilisé.
-     C’était tout bonnement GÉ-NIAL !, cria Sirius dans le couloir un peu plus loin que la grande salle alors que les autres arrivaient avec leurs instruments volant derrière eux.
           James affirma, Peter aussi mais il avait mal à la tête, une cyballe était tombé sur lui lors du déménagement.
-     Attend attend Sirius, t’as dit quoi à la fin ? demanda Remus qui n’avait pas tout capter, trop concentré à jeter un sort nébuleux.
-     J’ai crée notre groupe ! ASTRONOMY !, cria Black.
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evanwhosjusthere · 8 months
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Video Game Artist Spotlight: Lindsay Collins/linzb0t
Lindsay Collins, also known as "linzb0t", is an artist from Canada. Specializing in character design and illustration. She tends to be associated with WayForward and there games. She also co-created the game Dodge Club Party with WayForward game designer James Montagna. And she is also the lead artist on Cat Girl Without Salad and Vitamin Connection.
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Games Worked On:
Cave Story+ (2011) - Artist
Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom (2014) - Portrait Illustrator
Descendants (2015) - Character Artist
Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero (2016) - Additional Character Design
Dodge Club Party (2016) - Creator, Character Design, Artwork
Dodge Club Pocket (2018) - Artist, Box Art
Cat Girl without Salad: Amuse-Bouche (2018) - Art Director, Animator, Illustrator, Box Art
Double Cross (2019) - Character Art, Concept Art, Artwork
Vitamin Connection (2020) - Lead Artist
Mutant Mudds Collection (2017/2022) - Box Art (Limited Run Games)
XeoDrifter (2022) - Box Art (Limited Run)
Dawn of the Monsters (2022) - Additional Concepts
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