#Jared’s milkshake
Can we talk about the fact that all the guys in the land are at least halfway in love with Jared?
Seriously, though.
They’ve been swooning over him ever since he was a wee lad.
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Oh and we can’t forget this one (below), who’s obviously one of the more recent additions to the collection -
Keegan: “I enjoy every single minute with Jared.”
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“Oh man…I love him so much.”
It’s okay. You can’t help yourself.
And the list goes on and on.
Not just actors, of course.
And not just men…duh.
But you can’t deny that Jared does have an uncanny and fucking powerful ability to capture the male gaze specifically.
And I’d be creating this post well into my grave if I tried to include ALL the men who lust after him.
We can hardly be blamed for doing it, though.
Christ almighty…🥵😍
Okay, but anyway.
Enter Jensen Ackles.
Just like all the rest (pre J2 & post J2), he was instantaneously and understandably smitten with Jared.
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“They were hanging out before they shot the pilot, and I remember Jensen describing the guy he was going to be working with. He said, ‘man…he’s kinda awesome.’”
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“-he was like, ‘I gotta tell you…it’s tough for me to say…[Jared’s] a badass. He’s really smart. And he’s really cool.’”
And the smitten just got smitten-er and smitten-er with each passing day.
It was ‘let’s get Jared naked’ this, and ‘I can’t play his brother’ that.
I mean…
Jensen: “He’s got some good old fashioned southern charm…”
(‘so you’ll have to forgive me for blushing and grinning like a twitterpated loon.’)
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But despite having certainly already become accustomed to the fact that his milkshake brings all the boys to the yard…
Jared was all like:
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Hi there…😍
-the frickin’ second the beautiful boy that is Jensen (Jared’s words not mine) walked into his life.
Um. To clarify though, that is not to say that I don’t also classify Jensen as a beautiful, beautiful boy, because…well, I have eyes.
I agree wholeheartedly, Jared.
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And here we still are 😘.
Jared: “He’s my favorite stud.”
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
if one thing in life is consistent, it's Milo's love for Jared. He was BURSTING to mention him 😆
Bursting is the perfect descriptor! 💗 I adore the effect he's had on Milo and pretty much everyone else that's worked with him, even decades down the line.
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69bananitasdolca · 1 year
One day I'll tell you about the dream I had involving Jared Leto, ghosts, an inflatable obstacle course and a milkshake but not yet.
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responses to are you okay pt. 1
"Is anyone?"
"If I was in a snake pit being forced to recite every digit of pi I would be happier. But yes I guess objectively I'm fine."
"Well all the members of my family were kidnapped by a major crime ring and I'm the only one left and I just hurt four of my ribs and my best friend turned out to be an assassin and McDonalds didn't have any milkshakes left. How is your day going?"
"I'm kinda perpetually falling in a pit of infinite nothingness. You?"
"How much time do you have."
"You want the long list or the short list."
"Define okay."
^"Define happy."
^"Um satisfied with your life?"
^"Well I'm certainly not that."
"Uhhh give me 3-5 business days."
"I'm fine so fine ecstatic WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE TO YOU JARED."
"No I'm crying because I'm so happyyyyy."
"Well there were like four monsters in my backyard. And then a ghost tried to carry me to sacrifice my soul. And then I had to stop a demon from taking over the world. And it's not even 9AM yet so I guess I'm fine because it's better than yesterday."
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eisforeidolon · 3 months
Question: So now that the show's over and you've had some different haircuts, I was wondering if there's a favorite one you've had for your different characters or if you really just love the Sam and Dean haircut?
Jared: Uh, I still - I only think I've had one haircut in twenty years outside of [Jensen shaking his head no] work. [looks to Jensen]
Jensen: [away from mic] Oh, okay.
Jared: Outside of work I wouldn't cut my hair, I would just, like well, I dunno they might want it long, they might want it short. And then what was that season where I had, like, down to my waist, um.
Jensen: Your Fabio years?
Jared: Yeah, I don't miss that. Uh, I liked it short 'cause I was in Texas and it's *hot* there? But I haven't cut it since the show ended, so I dunno. Let's see how it goes. My mountain man era, my mountain era -
Jensen: Is back?
Jared: Is back! I'm in.
Jensen: [laughs]
Jared: What about you? What's your [?]?
Jensen: I miss the short hair. It's so much easier to deal with, and I - but my wife is very adamant about, uh, she likes it a little longer, so [audience cheers]. Great. So I've let it kinda grow out and it's here for a while and I dunno, we'll see where it goes. This little [gestures at shaved sides on current cut] whatever you call it -
Audience member: Mullet!
Jensen: Yeah, it's a mullet, I guess? Um -
Jared: Did I tell you the story about when Shep wanted to get a mullet?
Jensen: No.
Jared: Oh my God! I have nothing against mullets -
Jensen: Did he?
Jared: No, he wanted a mullet, but his best buddy in school - this would've been maybe two years ago. And they were coming around again, but they weren't well done like that [points at Jensen], they were like mullets you get at the corner and you're getting like gasoline and a milkshake and like [hick voice] we can give you a mullet, too, for two bucks! Um and so Gen is taking Shep because she's gonna get her hair cut and he wants to get a mullet. He's already in the car and I was like, no, he's not getting a mullet. And she goes, well, you gotta tell him. And I was like, alright. So I storm out to the car, like, Shep! He's like, yeah? I was like, you're not getting a mullet. He goes hah hah hah. You're not getting a mullet. And he goes, wh-why? And I go, because people who have mullets live in the woods and they eat poop. True story! [slaps Jensen's arm] And I got my phone and I went to YouTube and I showed a clip of Joe Dirt. [Jensen cracks up] Like, see?! So he did not end up getting a mullet. But I think he wanted like a full on -
Jensen: Yeah, he wanted like the white trash like full on, yeah. I - This happened [points to head] when I was doing Tracker earlier this year. And the person that was doing hair was actually, she did the last, I think, two seasons of Supernatural? [to Jared] Brit?
Jared: Yep!
Jensen: And so she was the hair assistant the last two seasons of Supernatural, so I was like, ahh, oh my gosh! And so that was really cool and so she looked after me while I was doing that episode. And at the end I was like, well, I don't have any work lined up after this and it's summer time. And she's like, you wanna just do something crazy? And I was like, whatever you wanna do. And so she kind of did this, and I was like, oh, I kinda like it, it's nice and [fiddles with hair] nice and straight at the sides. So I dunno, I dunno what it's gonna look like in a month from now, but - 'Cause I'm starting a new show and that's gonna be [?]. I have to figure out what that guy looks like, but I haven't yet so far. I do - you talked about that Shep story, it reminded me of when I was in high school, the undercut? The shaved kind of undercut was like, really popular? And me and my buddies all had it. And it wasn't like we all went to the same haircut person, we did it in the driveway over a trash can. Like you just lean over [demonstrates] and let all the hair and then your friend with clippers would just like Zzzzzzt. So we gave each other haircuts in high school. [to Jared] So at least he's not doing that. Yet. Yeah, so I dunno if that answers your question, but there's five minutes on our hair.
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girlbenshapiro · 11 months
i could be like the reverse jared from subway
nora from baskin robbins
id be like "these massive ass milkshakes got me SWOLE" and theyd send me on a media tour
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youcouldmakealife · 10 months
LBTE: Jared (118-121)
We head to Vancouver! And Joey makes the news.
If you want to follow along, the series page is here.
TW for a homophobic slur in here.
118. Niceties
Jared calls Bryce back, and manages not to cry on the phone. He packs with the help of an even quieter than usual Julius. He calls his mom, and promises he’ll talk to his dad tomorrow, because he can’t yet, he knows his dad being furious on his behalf is going to be just — too much.
They’re often so united on a hockey standpoint — remember Don’s gone to hundreds if not thousands of Jared’s games over the years, accompanied with almost as many debriefs — that talking to Don about stuff, especially stuff that they’re both angry or upset about, is often hearing his own thoughts from another person. And when he’s trying to suppress some of those thoughts so he doesn’t burst into tears, talking to Don is unhelpful.
He’s got a text from a 604 number when he gets off the phone. Hey, welcome to the Canucks! This is Gabe Markson. I’m probably your new centre. Sorry about the downgrade. Let me know if there’s anything you need. Whether that’s a ride from the airport or help finding a place, we got you.
It’s nice, especially since Jared’s used to being basically the only person he knows who uses proper capitalisation and punctuation in his texts, with the exception of Raf and Grace.
Love that Jared immediately approves of Gabe thanks to the magic of punctuation use.
hi new teammate! it says, followed by a slew of hockey related emojis and four blue whales. Jared guesses there aren’t any orcas.
Dmitry! Who forgot to identify himself.
“I can’t believe my mom gets to see you tomorrow and I don’t,” Bryce complains.
Which one is he more jealous of, I ask?
“We’re going to talk shit about you behind your back,” Jared says.
“Pft,” Bryce says, with the certainty of a man who knows his mother would never, even though his husband totally would.
Elaine is a Saint, and you can’t tell Bryce otherwise (or Jared, honestly)
He grabs a smoothie at Booster Juice, can just see Raf’s judgmental eyes, since it’s like, okay, only a smoothie in the loosest sense — chocolate almond milk and banana and frozen yogurt, a vaguely more socially acceptable milkshake for breakfast. Whatever. He deserves it.
The Funky Monkey is delicious. It also contains 67 grams of sugar. But jokes on Raf, the ostensibly more nutritious one he ordered after loser bought the winner a smoothie in their rookie years? Has 73. (and way more protein, but!)
Jared’s kind of figured out the standard of lying about his and Bryce’s marriage is that lying by omission: cool and also often necessary. Lying by lying? Not okay.
The current status of their compromise.
“I think you just jinxed me to get injured like, my first practice,” Jared says.
“Please don’t, our LTIR is literally just a list of all my former linemates right now,” Markson says.
Gabe is unfortunately not exaggerating. But on the bright side, their D is very healthy!
Raf says Oleg Kurmazov tells him not to take anything his brother says seriously, and between that and Markson’s surprise at how tame the text Jared got is, he’s getting a faintly terrifying picture of what to expect. If he got away from Jacobi just to play on a line with another Jacobi, he swears —
Jared is going to suffer and I will enjoy every minute of it.
That seems like the kind of thing the hockey gods would do. Not that Jared believes in them in a non-joking way, but the irony of Bryce and Jared swapping hometown teams feels exactly like something those non-existent hockey gods would do.
I am the hockey gods. It's a fun job, honestly. And also truly is hard to avoid a bit of sadism, I understand the not-real-but-also-don’t-wash-that-jersey IRL hockey gods.
Jared writes ‘Bryce Marcus’, and, in case there was any doubt it’s just a weird name doppelganger, Bryce’s date of birth probably cancels that out.
It’s not like the Canucks can trade him until the season’s over anyway.
Way less scary to write it in a form than tell your GM in a face to face meeting, but still pretty big.
“The leftovers are the best part,” Elaine says serenely when Jared questions her judgment on portion size. “Just pick whatever you like.”
What Jared apparently would like, is everything. Elaine may have made a good call, because he’s famished.
Her mom sense extends to you now too, Jared. And she’s right about leftovers.
“How jealous are you right now?” Jared says.
“I want to be there too,” Bryce complains.
“We had Chinese,” Jared says. “I’m sleeping over.”
“Stop rubbing it in,” Bryce says.
He's so pouty right now.
19. Acclimation
Jared’s nervous, walking into practice. It feels like the first day of school, but more — maybe the first day of school after you transfer. To a school of your enemies.
Evil Orca High.
Jared doesn’t ask what she needs to be downtown for, because he suspects the answer is ‘so I can drive you home’ but she’d make an excuse, so.
I mean, yes, but also: she's going shopping. Bryce didn't get that from nowhere.
but Elaine’s like Bryce — doing nice shit genuinely seems to make them happy.
Jared does not understand.
“We do not do this last names bullshit here,” Kurmazov says sternly, before tossing him a roll. “Dmitry. I don’t care if you pronounce it wrong, everyone does.”
Unlike his poor brother, stuck being referred to solely as Kurmazov by his own adopted hockey child for literal years.
“Please tell me you’re not like doing a Riley-Lapointe, married to a rival thing though,” Foster says.
“Um?” Jared says.
“Okay!” Foster says. “Okay. I. That’s fine!”
Poor Brian has not learned a key GM duty: keeping his inside thoughts on the inside.
“Good,” Foster says. “Maybe have a chat with Gabe? If there’s anything you’re concerned about, or — he’s good people, he’ll listen.”
Brian leaning so hard on 'please talk to our queer player about this' without actually saying it.
“Have I told you how happy we are to have you on the roster?” Brian says, and Jared has the sudden urge to hug him, but he’s pretty damn positive hugging your GM is not appropriate.
As far as GMs go, he is pretty huggable, despite the fact he could still likely snap Jared in two.
“I redecorated your room a little today,” Elaine says. “Bryce told me which mattress you guys like and they delivered it right away, it was terrific, and I’ve put Bryce’s spare clothes in storage, so there’s space in the closet and the dresser for your things, and in the bathroom too — I got a shower caddy, and the medicine cabinet’s —”
Count is at 3 magic beds now. Also she's nervous, bless her: she really wants Jared to feel welcome.
She’s taken the Canucks stuff out too, which he appreciates, because it was funny when he was visiting with Bryce, giving him shit about it, but feels faintly weird now that’s playing for them.
Can you imagine how much shit he would get. Can you.
“It’s like ten years old,” Bryce says. Jared wonders if Bryce and Elaine rehearsed the ‘override Jared’s protests’ together. “Need to play at your best, you know?”
Well, Bryce had to prepare her for Jared's tendency to turn down gifts.
The Canucks aren’t the Oilers, and if Jared wants to stay in the roster, avoid getting sent halfway across the continent to Utica, there’s no slacking off here.
The Canucks' AHL team is now in Abbotsford, which is a mere 70 km from Vancouver, but for literal years it was in upstate New York and boy were emergency recalls of players a fucking mess. Only arrangement I can think of that was less convenient was Montreal's farm team briefly being in Newfoundland, less because of distance (though there was plenty) and more because of weather and lack of alternate forms of transportation if Canadian winter was being Canadian winter (inevitably, it was).
Anyway, Jared has nothing to worry about: those cursed former linemates are all pretty far off from rejoining the roster.
“Okay, we’re both equally awesome,” Jared says.
“You’re more awesome,” Bryce says huffily.
Even their arguments are gross.
120. Machiavellianism
Jared has now seen a lot of Joey Munroe. Like — all of him.
Joey is not having a good day, everybody.
“You and Bryce don’t send each other nudes, do you?” his mom asks instead of saying ‘hello’.
“What!” Jared says. “Mom!”
“It’s a valid concern!” his mom says. “Just tell me you don’t and I’ll drop it!”
The cold fear that went through her body when she saw that article.
“How was your day?” his mom asks.
“Well, no one leaked nudes of me, so better than his,” Jared says.
“You said there were no nudes!” she says.
“I meant it hypothetically mom, oh my god,” Jared says.
They're both actively shrieking at one another at this point.
Greg’s sent him an email with no subject, the body reading ‘Would this be something to worry about? Greg’ because everyone in his life is collectively trying to murder him with embarrassment.
Greg also had the cold fear moment.
Jared’s too mature to respond with ‘No, oh my god’. Well, he clearly isn’t, because that’s exactly what he said to his mother, but he responds to Greg with a simple ‘No, nothing to worry about’, then, after a moment of thought, cc’s Summers in the email so hopefully Bryce doesn’t have to deal with the mortification too.
This is why Jared's Dave's favourite.
Maybe Jared’s too dumb to be Machiavellian. It’s distinctly possible.
I like that Jared has this thought and then later just goes straight back to schemes, some of which work out…poorly
“You see the thing with the Scout?” Jared asks before their game against the Golden Seals, voice carefully pitched low so Dmitry won’t overhear.
“Yeah,” Gabe says. “That was super fucked up.”
“That he’s gay, or—”
I know Jared's fishing. You know Jared's fishing. Gabe just hears a dude saying 'yeah it's fucked up he's gay' when he's already in a clenched stomach bad mood about this.
He feels even more off when he notices Gabe talking to Munroe at centre ice, both of them looking serious. Maybe they know one another, but Gabe wasn’t talking about him like he knew him personally when Jared brought it up. Gabe skates away, skates back when another Scout calls his name, and Jared watches warily. It doesn’t look like a fight, or like Gabe was giving him shit? But then, there’s no way to tell.
Gabe's a good boy. Reminder that the other Scout was Scratch communing with Gabe, as he is obligated to do with every other Torontonian, while Joey silently sighed at him. Already married.
“What’d you tell Munroe?” Jared asks.
“That I was really sorry that happened to him,” Gabe says. “And that I don’t know what he’ll deal with from other teams, but that none of the Canucks are going to be assholes about it.”
“You can’t exactly guarantee that,” Jared says.
“I know our room,” Gabe says, then frowns at him. “I don’t need to tell you not to be an asshole about it, right?”
All members of Canuck leadership would lose their shit if someone was an asshole about it. Well, that's not true. Gabe would do 'I'm really disappointed in your behaviour', and that would hurt the most.
Oh great, Jared’s just — really hitting his accidentally appearing homophobic stride with Gabe lately.
He could not do better if he tried.
The loss isn’t his fault — the Scouts terrifyingly talented first line is responsible for every single goal
Stupid sexy Willy. Stupid shitty Shithead.
“But would you be cool about it?” Jared asks. “I’m pretty sure he’s going to be cool, he’s the YCP rep—”
“Casterley’s the YCP rep for the Flames,” Bryce says. “And he calls the refs faggots every time we get a goal disallowed.”
Hey remember when Andrew Shaw got suspended for calling the ref that exact thing and became the Canadiens' YCP representative after? Because I do.
Also: you may recall Casterley as the dude low-key cheating on his wife in Luke's narrative. He sucks.
“I get it,” Bryce says. “Good luck?”
Jared’s faintly concerned at this rate he’s going to somehow come off as homophobic when he’s coming out, so he probably needs it.
I mean, if anyone could…
“Elaine and I hate it,” Jared says. “No more fights.”
“You can’t just team up with my mom against me,” Bryce mutters.
“We’re an awesome team, though,” Jared says. “The best team.”
Way to shut Bryce down. Man can't argue that.
121. Confession
“I can—” Jared interrupts, because if he doesn’t get it out soon he knows he’s going to balk. “I’m um. I’m married.”
“Okay,” Gabe says, frowning the exact same way Foster did, like he’s confused by the nonsequitor. Which is understandable.
Generally the wedding ring speaks for itself.
“Dude,” Gabe says. “I’m not kidding. You met Stephen. Like, for a minute, but you met him.”
“Your roommate?” Jared asks.
“He’s my boyfriend,” Gabe says, and the living arrangements suddenly make way more sense.
To be fair if there was anywhere someone making NHL money would require a roommate, Vancouver’s near the top of the list.
“Dmitry, all of the vets know for sure,” Gabe says. “Pretty much everyone who’s been here since before this season. I think the entire roster has figured out he’s my boyfriend. We’re not shouting it from the rooftops or anything, because the media—” he makes a face Jared wholly agrees with, “— but we’re not hiding it from the team.”
Stephen routinely hosting wine parties for the WAGs is a pretty big tell, there.
“I don’t think they’d be adopting my husband any time soon,” Jared says before he can stop himself.
“Stephen’s like the grumpiest person alive sometimes, if they adopted him I’m sure your husband will be part of the crew in a day,” Gabe says.
Yeah, he'll do okay.
“I told him you guys have the same sense of humour and view of the world and stuff,” Gabe says.
Jared is no less confused, and now he’s kind of curious what Gabe thinks Jared’s sense of humour and view of the world is.
“Like —” Jared says finally. “Snide? And — cynical? Or—”
“Yeah, he’s going to love you,” Gabe says with a laugh.
A minion of his very own?! Gabe, you shouldn't have!
Schmid’s in the shower when Jared gets back, and who knows when he got in it, how long that’ll last, but he’s a bathroom hog, takes forever with his whole grooming thing — Jared has no clue what takes so long, dude always looks unkempt, but maybe that’s a purposeful look? — so Jared’s probably safe.
Poor Schmid doing nothing but minding his own business in the proximity of the most judgmental man alive.
And that’s on top of Jared getting to play for Bryce’s childhood team, to live in his childhood home with Bryce’s mom. Jared’s pretty much living the life Bryce would have wanted growing up. Except not even, because Jared’s probably living the life Bryce would never have dreamt he could have possibly have when he was growing up. And there wasn’t a hint of resentment in Bryce’s voice when he told Jared he was happy for him.
“I love you, you know that?” Jared asks.
“I know,” Bryce says, which Jared needs to hear more than ‘I love you too’ right now, though Bryce says it immediately after, because he’s Bryce.
Bryce <3
“Chaz could come, it could be like,” Bryce says. “Chill. Like, we could grab drinks or dinner or something somewhere. Maybe not like — I don’t know if I’d be ready for him to like, know who we are to each other, not when I don’t actually know him, but like — meeting him’s the first step, you know?”
Chaz will not find this chill. Chaz will find this the opposite of chill, in fact.
“Because I’m snide and cynical,” Jared says. It maybe comes out a little snidely, because seriously, how is Bryce still confused.
“No you aren’t,” Bryce says.
“Bryce,” Jared says.
“But like in a good way!” Bryce protests. “I like it from you!”
<333333 Bryce
Though it’s faintly worrying that Gabe picked up on those things within weeks of meeting him, especially because Jared has been on his best behaviour the whole time. Apparently Jared’s best behaviour’s still noticeably snide.
Such a lack of self-knowledge. And actual good behaviour. Jared is admirably true to himself, though!
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sophasauras · 2 years
When lives combine
Chapter 1- The beginning
After, three hours of waiting around in a packed humid airport plus five and a half hours in the air, my flight from sunny Florida finally landed in very rainy Forks. As much as it sucks, I'm happy to have left my mom and her new fiancé behind for a while, to go and live with my older brother Jared in Lapush. I've really missed him, we text and FaceTime each other daily, but it's not the same than being physically with him. My father passed away which devastated my whole family. A few years later my Mom met her fiancé, which is great, I mean she deserves to be happy and she's now extremely happy with him. A few years after my Fathers passing, and once Jared was of legal age my Mom and her Fiancé made the decision to start fresh and move away to Florida, Jared decided to stay in Lapush but as I wasn't old enough to decide for myself, I had to go with my Mom and her Fiancé. My Mom and her fiancé have decided to move again after he was offered a new job somewhere in Texas so this time instead of moving away with them again i've decided to move back home . I'm honestly feeling really optimistic, looking forward to the new start, new memories and new adventures. There's definitely slight nerves mixed in there too though, being away from Mom, and plus I haven't physically been around my brother in forever.
Anyway, what was I meant to be doing again? Oh right, Jared, flight landed.
To J- Yoo J, I've just to get my case but yeah, i've landed! Where abouts are you??? x
From J- Yoooo baby sis, ok cool, just pulling up outside now, i'll be in, in a sec, grab your case then meet me by the door!
I grabbed my case and wheeled it carefully (to avoid running over a small child or knocking in to anyone around me) down the tiled floor of the airport towards the exit. Whilst I waited for Jared I couldn't help but look around me, it always amazes me, all the different families, friends or lovers who are reunited at airports from potentially different parts of the world. Some in tears, others hugging or holding hands. Maybe it's been weeks, months or even years since they've seen eachother, and yet today is the day they can finally be reunited again. Today was my day to, after years of being away from Lapush and Jared today was the day I was finally going to be reunited with my brother again.
Just as my eyes had spotted a very tempting vending machine I turned around to the sound of "CASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" being shouted by a voice I could never forget even if I wanted to. "Oh my god, is that actually you?" He ran over to me, picked me up and I was spun around before set back down carefully to the floor. He grabbed my case for me and we headed towards his truck.
After finally getting out of airport car park we were finally on our way to Jared's. "So sis, i'm not gonna lie, i'm really happy you're here, i've really missed you being around." I stopped looking out at the rain "Yeah, honestly same here J, i've missed your annoying ass too, it's good to be here, it's strange, even though i've been with Mom, and we left a while ago, Florida has just never felt like home." He grinned, "Celebratory McDonalds?" I pretended to think about it, "I don't think i'll ever say no to a milkshake and nuggets." He laughed, and I did to before I went back to looking out my window.
Honestly came to the life conclusion that you can never go wrong with a strawberry shake and chicken nuggets. After we'd devoured our McDonalds we eventually made it back to Jared's where I was in my bedroom unpacking some of my things. Whilst doing so I realised how cold I was. Even though it was still the Summer, Lapush Summers were definitely alot colder than Florida Summers and I was already freezing, despite my waterproof coat and long sleeved top and leggings combo. I was glad to be out of the rain and in Jared's/my new home where it was warm, and a warm bath later sounded perfect. Something I'd noticed is that I had about four layers on, due to the fact that I was freezing, Jared however, had a literal tee-shirt on and was still roasting, when we hugged in the airport I swear I felt his body heat. There's no way that was normal. Was he sick and not telling me? Was I that used to hot Florida weather that slight rain made me freeing, and Jared being used to Lapush weather had adapted and that's why he was so warm? Was he on drugs? Was he a secret polar bear in disguise, and his body temperature helped adapt to survive in colder weather?
Honestly who knows with brothers, i'll question him later. I was so busy with all the thoughts going on I didn't hear the knock on my bedroom door. The door was open anyway, but it was nice that he still decided to knock in order to prevent me having a heart attack. He looked sheepish. "So Cass, I know you've literally just go here, and i'm sorry to be a shitty brother to do this on your first night here, but I sort of have a...a thing tonight, so i'll be away all night, will you be good here on your own?" Away all night, what? "Omg Jared, I can't believe you are doing this! ITS MY FIRST NIGHT BACK HERE AND YOU'RE DITCHING ME. ME. YOUR BABY SISTER." I pretended to be annoyed, which lasted for three seconds. "Chill J, i'm messing, ofcourse it's fine." I laughed at his facial expression. Once he realised I was laughing at him he laughed to. "Am I allowed to know where you're going? Work? You getting laid? Better not be ditching your baby sis for some chick." He looked at me dead in the eye "It's just work Cass, don't worry."
So, chapter 1 is done. This was like an intro chapter to his sister actually arriving in Lapush and a bit of backround on some things, more will be revealed in the story if you want me to continue with it. I'm so nervous about posting this. So yes, Jared's little sister is called Cassidy. She grew up in Lapush until her Dad passed and then moved away with her Mom and fiancé to Florida years ago, Jared was of legal age and decided to stay in Lapush instead. Cassidy is nearly finished high school, i'm saying nothing. Where was Jared off to hmmm? Why was he so hot? You and I know, Cass just dosen't know yet. Thanks for reading. Let me know if I should continue, as explained this was just like an intro chapter.
Word Count: 1028
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Writerblr Introduction
Hi, I'm @grapelollipopenthusiast, and welcome to my blog! Here is a little about me to help us get to know each other.
My pen name is Violet
I'm just a silly little strawberry milkshake cow
I love to write fantasy and dabble a bit in many areas of it
My favorite trope to read is found family
My favorite trope to write is hurt/comfort
Angst is my jam
Some of my novel WIPs include:
project Godly
Molly discovers the secret of the gods and is on a quest to now become one herself. She faces adversity from humans and gods alike but finds an ally in an unexpected place. Is godhood really worth it though?
project Daisy
Couple Genevieve and Roland become separated during a zombie apocalypse and must now find their way back to each other. But with the world in chaos and seemingly no way to deal with the hoards of living dead, can they even survive before they find each other?
project Petals
Florist Marian Willows falls head over heels for Motician Jared Stone after she meets him when providing flowers for a funeral he hosts. But she has no reason to see him again afterward, so she begins desperately finding reasons to work with him again. Even started a few questionable new hobbies...
Posted June 2024
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kudosmyhero · 9 months
Detective Comics (vol. 1) #826: Slayride
Read Date: February 18, 2023 Cover Date: February 2007 ● Writer: Paul Dini ● Penciler: Don Kramer ● Inker: Wayne Faucher ● Colorist: John Kalisz ● Letterer: Jared K. Fletcher ● Editor: Michael Siglain ◦ Peter Tomasi ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● the cover of this issue is stunning. I love the black and white art with “Detective Comics” in red. ● the opening splash is great, too. I can tell the art in this issue is going to be a feast for the eyes! ● “Any port in a storm.” Except maybe this port… Though Joker’s eyes look unsettlingly kindly…
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● Ah, there we go. That’s a bit more Joker-like. ● the timeline jump around is a bit confusing… ● is this Bruce, Dick, and Tim traveling by ship? ● Robin regains consciousness in Joker’s car. he’s tied up with Christmas lights and gagged with an ornament ● Joker’s eyes are kindly again. says he’s calling a truce due to “Christmas spirit” ● yikes, we can just see the top of someone’s head in the backseat. not good, when Robin was thinking about the smell of something rotting moments ago…
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● jeez. I guess we know why this issue is called “Slayride”! ● “Kid’s race car… they have a little boy… focus!” little girls can like race cars, too, Robin… ● so, Joker’s a karen. who knew.
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● I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tim so angry… ● throughout this issue, the light source on Robin and Joker is ambient light from the car’s instrument panel and maybe backglow from the headlights. it creates a really nice effect in how they light and shadow the characters’ faces applauds artists ● whew, Tim manages to make Joker laugh with a bad joke, and Joker seems to change his mind at the last second about running over kids with Santa Claus on the sidewalk ● “Very good! A Marx Brothers quote.” - ah, a bit from the flashback/dream Robin had while unconscious ● Robin’s loose! ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Robin is escaping a gang of drug dealers when the driver of a passing car offers him a ride. He jumps inside and sees too late that the driver is the Joker. The Joker uses a gas to knock him out.
Robin wakes up, bound with Christmas lights. There are two dead bodies in the backseat. The Joker runs over multiple pedestrians as he drives and calls in the hit-and-runs. He takes Robin for milkshakes, and when the employee can't understand his order, he shoots the manager.
The Joker threatens to kill more people unless Robin begs. Robin knows begging won't stop him and quotes the Marx Brothers instead, which makes the Joker laugh. He spares the people. Robin gets the Joker to argue with him about the Marx Brothers, and while the Joker is distracted, he frees himself and punches the Joker in the face.
He gets hold of the knockout gas, spraying it in the Joker's face, and then pushes him out of the car. The Joker is run over by a trunk, but when Batman and the police search for his body, he's gone.
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Fan Art: Robin Poster by pinkhavok
Accompanying Podcast: ● Robin: Everyone Loves the Drake - episode 20
Happy Holidays, you crazy bastards
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abnerkrill · 2 years
THE TERRORRR PLS PLS PLS, also his dark materials 👀👀
omg YES! so the problem with me talking about the terror is that most of the cast is Indistinguishable White Man to me but i do know crozier is played by jared harris and hickey... oh god is his name actually hickey has anyone made the obvious joke yet...??? is played by the guy who was also in gunpowder milkshake (terrible film but i love michelle yeoh and karen gillan so of course i watched it.) and paul ready and ciaran hinds are there too. lots of guys. i’m sure i’m missing a lot. anyway. white men! tumblr lesbians seem to love these white men!
ANYWAY it’s based on the doomed antarctic expedition of, i wanna say the mid to late 1800s, but it adds the element of Giant Fucking Monster to the whole shebang which i think is really sexy. i’m 99% sure the show features cannibalism and mutiny and freezing to fucking death, which i think is super sexy of them all. despite the tumblr fame of this show i have not seen a single episode. mostly because it would be sad to watch it alone, i wanna hoot and holler at these objectifyable men with someone who Gets It, you know? also because i’m a wimp and i need someone to hold my hand :3 i think there’s also an Indigenous woman who shows up but i really don’t know the plot beyond “oh no we’re trapped in the ice boys we’re gonna have to take drastic measures to survive!11!!!” and then they all die. all i know about the characters is that hickey is a jerk and everyone thinks crozier is hot. that is all.
as for his dark materials, i LOVE the lead actress from logan and the actor from the (very bad show but he was great) letter for the king. we also stan whatshername the adult female lead who played cathy in wuthering heights and the lead in true things (2021) what iS her name this is going to haunt me forever. i think lin manuel is also in it? with his polar bear??
and i know the concept of daemons and vaguely that some magical Dust is important, also that james macavoy and cathy from wuthering heights OH HER NAME IS RUTH WILSON YAYYYYY my brain has not failed me--anyway they’re the protagonist’s parents but also fighting each other??? and i know philip pullman was writing these as retorts to CS Lewis’s Narnia/Christianity as a whole so it’s a takedown of Christianity as an institution and canonically lesbian Mary Malone was a big deal because she wasn’t canonically gay in the books? she has something to do with the biblical Garden and man’s fall and how important individual choice is??
i also know that it ends sadly for lyra and will and they’re separated forever :( and i’ve definitely read the tumblr post book excerpt about lyra not being able to use the altheiometer (i am definitely spelling that wrong) anymore at the end but having to learn from scratch. anyway it would absolutely destroy me if i ever chose to watch this show but heyy what’s fiction for if not ripping my heart out!!!!
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Kristen Stewart and Lily Gladstone in Certain Women (Kelly Reichardt, 2016)
Cast: Laura Dern, Michelle Williams, Lily Gladstone, Kristen Stewart, James Le Gros, Jared Harris, John Getz, Sara Rodier, Rene Auberjonois. Screenplay: Kelly Reichardt, adapted from stories by Maile Meloy. Cinematography: Christopher Blauvelt. Production design: Anthony Gasparro. Film editing: Kelly Reichardt. Music: Jeff Grace.
Kelly Reichardt has a sure hand in adapting the essence of contemporary short stories like the ones by Maile Meloy from which Certain Women is derived: the pregnant slice of life that comes to no definitive conclusion within its confines, but reverberates long after you've read it, or in this case seen it. One touch struck me almost immediately: When we first meet Laura (Laura Dern), the central character in the first third of the film, she is getting out of bed after a mid-day liaison with a man. We don't see him again until the second third of the film, when he turns up again as the husband of another woman, Gina (Michelle Williams). But Reichardt leaves this fact undeveloped: It's there as something to be contemplated as we watch the sections of the film that deal respectively with Laura and Gina. The two women never meet in the film, and if Ryan's infidelity has any effect on his marriage, it's only as backstory to the tensions that surface between Ryan (James Le Gros) and Gina when we see them together. This is a film in which nothing is ever really resolved: Laura's client, Fuller (Jared Harris), goes a little mad and she has to talk him out of a hostage-taking situation, so he goes to jail and at the end of the film she brings him a vanilla milkshake and listens as he tells how his wife left him. Gina and Ryan are building a house and their sullen teenage daughter sulks in the car as Gina bargains with an old man for some sandstone blocks in his yard. The old man's mind wanders while she talks, and he seems to address all of his remarks to Ryan, when Gina usually handles business matters. Later, when they're loading the sandstone onto a truck, Gina waves to the old man as he stands in his window, but he doesn't respond. And in the most poignant section of the film, a young woman (Lily Gladstone) who tends to the horses on a ranch wanders into a night class taught by Elizabeth (Kristen Stewart), a stressed-out young lawyer, and develops a crush on her. She returns to the class and takes Elizabeth to a diner several times until the night when a new instructor appears and tells them that the long drive Elizabeth has been making to teach the class has gotten too much for her. The young woman then takes the four-hour drive to the town where Elizabeth (as well as Laura and Gina) lives, seeks her out, and bids an awkward goodbye. Then she gets into her truck and drives back, falling asleep at the wheel but fortunately only running off the road into a field. The sequences meld into one another without breaks, and the whole thing is permeated by a sense of place: the beauty, loneliness, and subtle menace of the Montana landscape.
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roseartsandfics · 2 years
ShadowSilver (Cuphead Universe) New Design and Bio
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NOTE: The design (possibly but not necessarily) and bio might change in the future, which will be unknown for right now.
Here is a new design of my OC ShadowSilver in the Cuphead universe I did last month and with a new bio! Here is the bio now!
Name: ShadowSilver
Nicknames: Shads, Silv, Sil, Silvy, Lass, Princess, Your Highness, Ms. Goodie Two-shoes, twit and young lady (three by the Devil), my dearest flower, my sugar plum (two by King Dice), Miss.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: a normal human, princess with green eyes, a dress with a pink torso with red roses as sleeves, white long gloves, white gown with red roses, rose crown and pink hair
Personality: kind, sweet, caring, loving, emotional, stubborn (sometimes), sassy, fiesty
Hometown: Inkwell Isles
Occupation: first princess of Inkwell Isles
Relatives: unnamed parents (deceased), the teapot family (deceased) and King Dice (lover)
Friends: Cuphead, Mugman, Ms. Chalice, Bowlboy, Elder Kettle, the Henchman, Porkrind, Baroness Von Bon Bon, Briney Beard, Cala Maria, Croaks, Ribby, and Hilda Berg (to a degree)
Enemies: the Devil, Henchman (formally), King Dice (sometimes), Hilda Berg (sometimes), and the Root Pack and other bosses (except Von Bon Bon, Briney Beard and Cala Maria, too lazy to list all ^^;).
Likes: coffee, cakes, ice cream, the cup brothers, King Dice, milkshakes, music, singing (when nobody is around at least lol), roses, breeze, the citizens, foods, dresses, Elder Kettle, the forest, sleepy seas, sweet treats, her friends and the Carnival.
Dislikes: the Devil, demons, bitter cold, scorching hot weather, pickles, people's souls being taken, evil fear, crime, dresses that are WAY too tight, tuna and having trouble sleeping.
ShadowSilver was born in another kingdom, until the shipwreck happened at sea when voyaging to Inkwell Isles. ShadowSilver had survived within the basket, while the ship had sinked, and her parents were lost, possibly went under the sea, never to be seen again. ShadowSilver was raised by some teapots, until when she reached 18, her adoptive parents passed away, and she learned that her biological parents were her real parents, and she never got to know them a lot ever since the shipwreck. Until then, ShadowSilver became the princess of Inkwell Isles, and the first human of the land.
She befriended Cuphead, Mugman and Ms. Chalice, teaching them to be good citizens, until she encountered the Devil, Henchman and King Dice, who originally wanted to kidnap her. When the Devil did, Cuphead and Mugman were on a mission to rescue her, until ShadowSilver had been greeted by King Dice, who she admired his show and the glamor of his style. He was also admiring her duties and beauty. They started talking, getting along just fine and becoming close, until they fell in love.
Until after Cuphead and Mugman rescued the princess, ShadowSilver started looking for King Dice to know if she'll ever see him again, until she found him. They officially started dating, knowing Cuphead and Mugman wouldn't mind these two dating.
Man, what a bio. Probably not as great, but will change in the future ^^
Things have been going well, just emotionally draining and dealing with mental health at the moment, but I had to display some art somehow ^^;. I'll hop in to be in a good mood soon!
Last month, I did some redesign on ShadowSilver in the Cuphead universe and gave her the green eyes as a 30's cartoon style ^^. So a cartoon ShadowSilver xD!!!
What y'all think?
Canon characters and Cuphead ©Chad Moldenhaur, Jared Moldenhaur, and Studio MDHR
Bowlboy and The Cuphead Show! ©Sara Jane Sherman, Chad Moldenhaur, Jared Moldenhaur, Studio MDHR, King Features Syndicate and Netflix
ShadowSilver and artwork ©SuperShadowSilver
No copyright infringement is intended
Used: regular basic pencil, Pen Gear or Sargent Art colored pencil (I believe) and Crayola colored markers
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jellostories · 2 months
AJ the Very Whimsical, Ch. 3: A Night at the Market
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To Jared and my mom
AJ Arquette and her friend Twist Holloway were going shopping at the Cash&Grab Value Supermarket, AJ with her mom and Twist with her dad.
AJ and Twist were looking at the on-sale VHS tapes of their favorite TV show, Dragon Ball Z, while their parents were checking out, so they were left behind...and, ultimately, locked in the store.
“Oh, no! We’re locked in ze store!” AJ cried, doing a weird dance.
“Why are you dancing like that?” asked Twist.
“I can’t ‘elp it! I ‘ave to pee!” AJ answered, cupping her hands over her front.
“Then GO.”
But then AJ abruptly stopped her dance, a look of relief appearing on her face. “Zat’s OK. I zink I can 'old ze rest.”
Twist took a couple steps away from her friend.
A few minutes later...
The girls were walking through the Market in the hopes of finding an emergency exit. Eventually they came across the Wacky and Weird Inventions department, which showcased everything from a Spatula/Backscratcher-O-Tron™ to a simple Forktwirl.
What piqued AJ’s curiosity, however, was a lawn-mower with octo-claws and yellow mini-headlights. It was labeled “GRASSOCIDE V5”.
The silly girl pressed the “on” button and the Grassocide roared into life.
“Must kill weeds!” it roared.
Twist screamed, grabbed her friend by the arm, and zoomed off toward the deli, the Grassocide in (flaming) hot pursuit.
AJ and Twist eventually hid behind the apple counter, while the Grassocide sped toward the video section.
“Crush, kill, destroy, grass!”
Meanwhile, on the freeway approaching Milkshake Street…
AJ’s mom and Twist’s dad found out that the girls weren’t with them and headed back to the store (after Blaze had screamed “AHHH! OUR BEBES*!” and fainted, of course).
AJ and Twist were trekking through the Boy's Clothes section, trying to find their way out of the store.
“‘Ey, Tweesty,” the silly girl whispered, nudging her friend with her elbow and pointing to a nearby shelf filled with boys’ briefs, “Why do zey ‘ave girls’ undies in ze boys’ section?”
Twist turned bright red and was about to fish around for an answer that would make sense to her ditzy friend when the Grassocide suddenly whipped past, headed toward the “Winter Wear” department.
"Must kill weeds!"
The girls backed further into the shadows of the Smelly Boys' Clothes racks, with AJ unknowingly hooking her underwear onto a clothes hanger.
“I want my mommy,” the messy-haired girl squeaked.
Twist turned away from AJ so she couldn't see that she, too, was afraid, and that’s when the scar-cheeked girl saw it: a giant “Wedgie Robot” stationed right in the middle of the Plot Conveniences section, right across the aisle from where they were hiding.
Instantly, Twist flashed a brilliant smile as a lightbulb went off over her head, mesmerizing her silly friend.
“Oooh, pretty!”
Outside the store...
Frank, Twist's dad, was looking embarrassed and angry with himself as Blaze switched rapidly between banging on the door and wiping at her jade-green eyes with an embroidered, lacy handkerchief.
BANG! Sob. BANG! Sob.
A guard answered the door, a donut box in his hand.
“Is there a problem, sir and ma’am?”
“A MAJOR problem, Monsieur Security Guard!” Blaze sobbed, her tears making her eyeliner run down her pretty face, “Our bebes ‘ave been left een ze store!”
She stopped for a fraction of a second to wipe her messy eyes, then added, “And we were supposed to play ‘Fashion Model’ today!”
The guard burst into laughter and showed the two distraught parents into his office.
“Look, peeps, there are motion-sensored cameras hidden all across the store. If anything happens there, I know about it. Well, unless it’s in the bathroom of course,” he added under his breath.
As AJ was trying to follow Twist to Plot Conveniences, her underwear became unhooked from the coat hanger and snapped back against her waist, making her let out a loud, high-pitched "EEEK!". And right at that very same moment, the Grassocide turned around and headed right for the girls, almost as if the robot had heard AJ's painful squeal.
"Crush, kill, destroy, grass!"
Twist screamed while AJ, unsure of what else to do, lunged for the weird lawn-mower and started banging on its engine like a bongo. But the Grassocide just picked her up by the collar with one of its octo-claws and threw her into a pile of basketball shorts.
Twist dashed for the Wedgie Robot and turned it on; its eyes shone the same shade of emerald green as AJ’s as it powered up.
The Robot lumbered toward the Grassocide, and both machines promptly began ripping each other apart, not stopping until the Robot gave the super lawn-mower’s fuel tank a “wet willy”.
“Crush -- weeds -- destroy -- grass -- kill --”
The Grassocide exploded, and the Robot fell from its injuries.
Frank spotted the girls on one of the security monitors, standing amidst the wrecked “Plot Conveniences”, both singed and bruised and covered in clothes tags.
“B-Blaze!” the father Holloway exclaimed, hardly believing his eyes, “It’s them, it’s the girls!”
Blaze gave a startled but relieved squeal. “Mon bebe!”
The two parents zipped past the double doors and into the store, while the security guard nearly choked on his donut due to surprise.
“Holy jelly beans!” he cried, eyeing the monitor with wet eyes, "Freaking third-graders got past the lasers!”
Twist, finally allowing herself to be scared, ran straight into her father’s outstretched arms, tears falling freely down her face as Frank hugged her tight.
AJ, on the other hand, was hysterical as her overprotective, scatterbrained mother scooped her up in her arms.
“Oh, mon petit** gâteau d’opera***,” Blaze crooned, her face now completely covered in eyeliner as she held her child to her breast, “I’m so glad you’re alright!”
“Mommy--” AJ blubbered through her mother’s blue dress in between sobs, “Scary lawn-mower-- r-robots-- really ‘ave t-to pee--”
“Shhh,” Blaze stroked her daughter’s back, “Eet’s OK, mon cher****; Mommy's ‘ere. Oh, and you’re grounded for two weeks,” she added, making AJ wail even louder.
Twist, who had a twisted sense of humor, couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s disposition.
“Oh, I wouldn’t laugh if I were you, Bertha,” Frank said, putting a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, “You’re grounded, too. No TV or word searches for two weeks.”
Twist sputtered in indignation. “Th-that’s not fair!”
“Too bad. Life’s not fair,” said Frank, hugging her again.
Then the security guard got all sappy and they all group-hugged.
A week later, Wallet G. Moneybanks, founder and CEO of Cash&Grab Marketplace LLC, was arrested (as were his teenage daughter Maddie and his company’s treasurer*****, for being involved in the crime) under the charges of selling illegal products (including several barf-inducing food items), and his store was shut down a few days later.
Moneybanks declined to comment on this, but his now-juvvie’d daughter did not: “You guys, like, suck.”
*: Babies
**: Little
***: A French chocolate cake
****: Dear
*****: A treasurer is the person in charge of a company's finances.
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andybondurant · 5 months
New Post has been published on Andy Bondurant
New Post has been published on https://andybondurant.com/2024/04/18/asking-for-a-friend/
Asking for a Friend
In 2024, I began writing in series. This begins a new series on disappointment with God.
Books have been written on these topics, so a handful of posts will never fully cover a topic — especially one as deep as disappointment with God. I encourage you to check out a couple of different books if you would like to dive deeper into this subject:
Disappointment with God by Phillip Yancey
Sandbox to Museum by Jared Scholz
Book of Job
Finally, I know you have walked through difficult, heartbreaking situations in your life. If I address something that triggers a point of pain for you, that was not my intention. I encourage you to seek healing and would love to help you as much as possible.
The Life of Chap
I have a friend who is best described as eccentric. Chap is a great guy who finds himself in all types of interesting situations because he is always interested in others.
Chap recently was in Dallas for a bachelor party and found out our church staff was heading his way for a conference. When he heard the news, he was sitting in the airport, ready to catch a flight home. Instead of doing what most of us would do (think, “Bummer, I missed those guys by a day!”), Chap left the airport and headed downtown, waiting six hours to meet us at the arena to watch a Dallas Mavericks NBA game. The next morning, Chap woke up at 5 AM to fly home.
Chap delivers Uber Eats orders as he puts himself through school, leading to more adventures.
One time, Chap delivered to a group of guys watching the NBA playoffs. Chap is a huge basketball fan and regularly wears jerseys. That day was no different, so these guys invited him to their party. The next thing he knew, he was in the pool with a drink in one hand, a mini basketball in the other, and about to dunk on some stranger’s head.
Chap left with a nice tip.
Time to make a shake.
My favorite Chap story (other than he drives a minivan with an “Archery Mom” bumper sticker on it) is another Uber Eats delivery.
Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash
Chap got a call to deliver an order from a local Steak N Shake restaurant. Whether Chap knew it then is debatable, but this particular Steak N Shake location is sketchy (or ‘sus’ as my kids would say). In the few months since this took place, the location has closed – probably because more drugs were sold there than hamburgers or milkshakes.
So, Chap’s friend Joel received a video text from Chap that night. Chap begins by saying, “Dude, you’re not going to believe this.” Then he proceeds to video himself walking through the restaurant, starting at the front doors. A pattern emerges as he walks through the dining room, then to the front counter, and then to the kitchen doors. No one is around.
The restaurant is empty…of anyone.
Chap walks into the kitchen and then into the manager’s office. The entire building is empty. Then the video ends.
Joel was lying in bed watching this video and leaned over to show it to his wife. As only a woman would do, she began to worry about Chap (guys never think about these things). So Joel texted Chap back. Nothing. Joel called Chap. No answers. Now Joel is truly getting worried.
Just as Joel’s finger began to tap out 9-1-1, Chap called back and said,
“Sorry, dude, I was making a shake.”
Empty shells with God
The Steak N Shake Chap walked into was an empty shell of a restaurant. The doors were open, the lights were on, but no one was home. Just as Chap experienced that night, it is an eery experience to enter an empty shell of a building you expect to be full of life and energy (okay, any energy at all).
It is just as disconcerting to encounter the empty shell of a person.
As a pastor, it is not uncommon for me to talk about their faith with people who are affected like this.
Where they once believed and lived a life full of faith, they are now just an empty shell. Typically, they are dealing with the hurts of life—the loss of a loved one, the break-up of a deep relationship (marriage, friendship, family), a financial crash, a health crisis, the church hurting them, or any other painful experience.
All of these are real, and I don’t take them lightly.
In the past year, I’ve witnessed a mother who learned her son had taken his own life, I’ve had conversations with couples who don’t know if they can continue to keep their marriage together, I’ve walked with people struggling with addiction, and I’ve talked with men and women who have been hurt by the actions (or inaction) of their parents.
It’s easy to allow these experiences to hollow us out. Where once was faith, hope, and joy now reside doubt, disappointment, and bitterness. I talk to people all of the time who are going through the deep struggles of life, and their thoughts often lead to one statement and one question:
”This was not how it’s supposed to be.” “Where was God?”
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Disappointment with God
If I were to condense this into just a phrase, it would be ‘disappointment with God.’
Recently, in Christian circles, it’s been referred to as “deconstruction” or “deconversion.” We may have a new title for this experience, but this isn’t a new activity. It may actually be one of the oldest spiritual crises known to man. We can trace it back to the Book of Job, who lived sometime between Noah and Abraham.
An entire book is written that captures his story of wealth, loss, and reaction.
If you’re not familiar with Job’s story, Job was wealthy in every sense. He had a beautiful family—sons and daughters—and an amazing home. He was rich with cattle, sheep, and goats. Job had everything anyone could want, not just material wealth. Job was respected among all who knew him. Job had it all.
Until he didn’t.
In a matter of days, Job lost everything. His sons and daughters were all killed. His house was destroyed. His livestock was stolen. Even his health was attacked. All that Job had left was his life and his wife, but even his wife told him to curse God and die.
So Job did what any of us would do. He asked, “Why?”
Specifically, Job asked for a meeting with God. He wanted to see and question why God would allow such horrible things to him, who by all accounts was a righteous person. But God was silent.
Job is so frustrated with God’s silence that he says,
“But if I go to the east, he is not there; if I go to the west, I do not find him. When he is at work in the north, I do not see him; when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him.” -Job 23:8-9 NLT
By all accounts, God seemed
absent distant hidden
You are not alone.
It is very possible you feel this way about God.
You may be going through a difficult situation. It might be that your marriage is on the rocks, your health is failing, your finances are plummeting, or your church has hurt you. You may have cried out to God in your pain, and he seems absent, distant, or hidden.
God may be silent in your situation.
Over the next few weeks, I want to share both hope and help. I’ll show you how God uses pain to create purpose and where Jesus tells his followers we are to expect trouble. I’ll share three ways to become real with yourself, God, and others. I’ll encourage you to hold onto Jesus, even when you see no sign of him. Until then, I leave you with this thought.
You are not alone.
If Job’s story and struggle show us anything, it is that faithfully following God will require walking through heartache. All of us who attempt to walk with Jesus experience pain. We all will be disappointed in God. But let me skip to the end (spoiler alert).
Salvation comes to those who endure.
I’ll show you how to endure in the coming weeks, but for now, know we are all walking through this together. We need each other to lean on when times are difficult. I need you to pull me forward today, and you’ll need me to do the same tomorrow.
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You are made for a relationship with God, but you may not know how. My weekly newsletter will show you how to connect with God—to hear his voice, understand the Bible, and walk with him.
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Writing Playlist 
I don’t know if we have the same taste in music, but here are some songs to explore. All the links go to Spotify. While writing this post, this is some of what I was listening to:
Back on 74 (remix) – Jungle + Full Crate
Joy in the Morning – Tauren Wells + Elevation (get to the bridge – about halfway through the song)
Praise – Brandon Lake, Chandler Moore, Chris Brown + Elevation
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Peace of Mind (14x15)
It's a good thing Dean didn't go with Sam to investigate right away because I think that Charming Acres really could have gotten it's hooks in him, because you know that he wouldn't have turned down a milkshake, especially a free milkshake. And if it had gotten both of them...whew boy!
As it is, Cas is wonderful in this episode! "No, I don't eat." HILARIOUS!
And ugh, Jared is so good!
Sam: Fine! Sir, using language like, uh, "H-E-double hockey sticks" You should have your mouth washed out with soap. Castiel: Sam... Sam: It's Justin. [slams door in Castiel's face]
Meanwhile... Dean is so awkward about Jack and the snake, it's fucking adorable. Not knowing, or caring, what snakes eat, "Have you tried bacon?" And then watching to see if Jack chose the angel or devils food cake? Like, babe, that's not... you know what, nevermind.
Castiel: [pinned on the floor under Sam] Sam, I know you want to be happy. And I know what it's like to lose your army. I know what it's like to fail as a leader, Sam. But you can't lose yourself. You have to keep fighting. You can't lose yourself, because if you do, you fail us. You fail all of those that we've lost. You fail Jack. Sam, you fail Dean.
"Sam, you fail Dean."
And that was what did it. Always. Sam's greatest sin (according to himself) has always been letting down his big brother, and the thought of doing that again snaps him out of it.
And now Cas has had both Winchester brothers stab an angel blade into the floor next to his head, and really, just good for him. They both have had the opportunity to stab him in his face and yet chose not to.
Dean: Hey! How was Arkansas? Sam: Arkansas was, uh... It was weird. Dean: Heard you wore a cardigan. [Sam shoots a look at Castiel] Castiel: Yeah, I told him about the cardigan. Sam: Great. Thanks. Dean: And the wife. [Sam shoots another look at Castiel] He said you were, uh, really happy. Sam: Thanks. Castiel: Yeah. Where's Jack? Dean: His room. [to Sam, after Castiel leaves] Really happy, huh? Sam: I mean, I guess I was happy, but... It wasn't real, you know? Just... Dean: Well, not a lot of happy goin' on around here. Sam: I hate this place right now. I hate it. Everywhere I look, I see them. I see Maggie.I guess that's why, uh -- why I was so desperate to get out of here, why I kept running us ragged. But I got to stop that. I-I can't keep running. I -- This is my home. This is our home. Dean, I think I just need some time. Dean: Okay. [Dean gives Sam a double pat on his shoulder before leaving the room. Sam looks on the verge of tears but exhales a steadying breath]
Why are they *gestures vaguely at the Winchesterness of them* like this?
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