#Jonathan Levy headcanon
freelancearsonist · 8 months
please i really need a sfw alphabet about Jonathan Levy. Can you do this please???
i'm sorry this has been sitting in my inbox since august i've been going thru it 😭but thank you so much for the request 🥰 this is kind of a long one sorry i went off a little bit 😅
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
he’s like a big human golden retriever. he wants to cuddle 24/7, wants your hands petting his hair while his head’s in your lap or to be wrapped around you in bed, keeping every inch of you warm. hes always showering you with lil kisses and holding your hand. he’s kinda needy 🥹
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
he’s that best friend you don’t see yourself ever making, it kind of just happens? you learn so much from him because he has a new hyperfixation every week that he info dumps to you about. he’s also the best shoulder to cry on after a bad day 🥺
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
as mentioned above, absolutely yes. he’s convinced himself that if a single day passes without your touch, he’ll die. he tends to be the big spoon when you lay down together, but that doesn’t mean he’s opposed to being the little. anything he can get, he’ll take 😌
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
it depends. before mira? wife this man up. all he wants is someone to spoil and take care of. after mira? he has the same wants and needs, but they’re covered by a layer of doubt and fear. it takes some time for him to warm up to the idea of getting remarried after divorce.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
he’s very straight forward and he doesn’t believe in playing with people’s emotions. it might hurt, but it’s better in the long run to rip the bandaid off and start the healing process quickly.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
as previously mentioned, it depends on where he’s at in life. there’s a part of him that’s ready to propose on the first date, and part of him that knows he needs to wait. it wouldn’t surprise me if he proposed within the first year of dating, just to get a ring on your finger so everyone knows you’re taken.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he’s a little rough around the edges, quite honestly. he’s a little rougher emotionally, especially after being divorced. he’d rather be blunt and hurt your feelings, because that’s less hurt that dragging things out (he learned this on the receiving end). physically, he’s the most gentle partner you could ask for. but he’s not opposed to getting rough if you ask nicely 😌
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
hugs 24/7. all he wants are hugs. he gives the warmest, softest, sweetest hugs and puts his whole body into it. 12/10
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
he’s ready within a week of dating usually. he knows what he wants, and he knows the type of person who fits him. if you’re it, it’s usually pretty easy for him to fall. he’ll wait a while though so as not to scare you off—either let you say it first or wait a month or two until you’re really comfortable together.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
he’s secure enough to not get jealous easily. he trusts you, despite the hurt he’s experienced in the past. and he knows you won’t hurt him. if he’s getting suspicious or finding signs, he’ll have a conversation with you and give you a chance to explain before he starts throwing accusations.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
so soft and sweet and gentle 🥹 he especially loves to trail his mouth along your neck and cover every inch of skin there. anywhere you put your mouth on him makes him melt, but especially his tummy 🥹
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
best dad ever 100000/10. he deserves all the babies
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
he’s an early raiser most of the time. he gets out of bed with the sun and makes breakfast and coffee and gets the day going. he can occasionally be convinced to sleep in with you though ☺️
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
he wants you over every night tbh. probably asks you to move in way too early just so he has you in his bed every night.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
this depends on where he's at in life. pre-/no divorce? you don't even have to ask him questions, he's telling you his whole life story. post-divorce, definitely a lot more hesitant to share himself with other people
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
the most patient. it takes a LOT to get him angry, and even then he's the quiet kind of mad. his anger rarely comes out in a very expressive form.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers everything he's ever read or heard or seen. it's almost like he's got a photographic memory, especially so when he's in a really caring and loving relationship
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time you told him you loved him hands down. he was so insecure up to the moment and hearing those three words was such an instant relief.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
vvvvvvvv protective. he's a little jealous underneath all the security he tries to display in your relationship. he knows you're his, but he likes to prove it every once in a while.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
date night king tbh. like the kind of guy who goes out of his way to make sure you do something at least once a week because complacency is the first sign of breakdown and he'll be damned if he loses you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
smokes (although very infrequently and only in times of very high stress), the kind of guy who leaves dirty dishes in the sink because "they need to soak", but like in every other area he's so compulsively neat that it can be annoying at times
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
more concerned as he ages but also not too worried. he's never had any issues pulling if you know what i mean
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
oh absolutely. he's definitely a partner guy, he functions much better when he's sharing life with someone else
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
his midlife crisis is legos. i'm talking like multi-hundred dollar sets that he spends hours building. you can't tell me i'm wrong
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
he's a little ocd, he needs someone who can take care of their space and make sure it stays neat. if things get too messy it's a major ick for him
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
can't sleep unless he's holding something (there's a pillow in the closet from before you moved in that is permanently shaped into an hourglass from the way he slept with his arms wrapped so tightly around it every night)
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oscarisaacsspit · 2 years
i need jonathan levy smut like i need air to breathe (but in like a normal way)
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xspiderxx · 1 year
nsfw. miguel o'hara
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Have you seen Scenes from marriage? Because I can't stop thinking about Miguel having the same dynamic with his ex girlfriend/wife. Like you ending things, having an ugly break up, screaming at each other, crying...
But at the end of the day, somehow, you always go back to each other.
“you look so gorgeous right now” Miguel moans into your ear, rocking his hips against yours “ah, sí” groans, biting your earlobe.
“fuck...” you whimper, pulling him deeper into you with your legs around him “I lov-” you bite your lips, not finishing the sentence, but you can feel Miguel's lips curving into a smirk against your neck.
You were supposed to just pickup some stuff you left at his apartment after your break up, so you're not sure how you ended up fucking desperately on the living room carpet.
Your walls squeeze around him as you reach your high. He grips your hips, keeping you still, and with a last thrust, a loud and deep moan escapes from his lips, filling you up with his hot semen.
“we're not doing this again” you sigh with him still inside you.
He nods, but both of you know that it's a lie.
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winniethewife · 3 months
Oscar Isaac Characters as angsty Quotes/Lyrics
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Steven Grant: I am not a violent dog, I don't know why I bite
Marc Spector: I am not your pet, I never liked you, I don't care about you, I won't wait for you. I bite.
Jake Lockley: I suppose if it worked, we'd be dead already
Llewyn Davis: I Know I could have Loved you (But you would not let me) 
Kane: I'm well beyond you now, and travelling very fast
Leto Atreides: No good deed goes unpunished
Blue Jones: It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.
Nathan Bateman: Genius must ever be imperfect.
Santiago Garcia: A hero of war, Is that what they see? Just medals and scars, So damn proud of me.
Abel Morales: I can pardon everybody’s mistakes except my own.
William Tell: I lost a game you couldn't even lose in.
Poe Dameron: When heroes fall from the sky, many more will learn to fly.
Rydal Keener: If you're not having me nor I you that doesn't mean I will stop loving you 
Peter Roiter: I love you in every universe
Mikael Boghosion: I got soul, but I'm not a soldier
Miguel O'hara: Listen, don't meet your heroes. If you meet your heroes, you're always going to be disappointed.
Jonathan Levy: Maybe then you could've loved me like you don't know how to
Outcome 3: I could disappear forever and it wouldn’t make a difference.
Orestes: If I'm a pagan of the good times, My lover's the sunlight
Taglist: @silvernight-m @queerponcho @boredzillenial
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female-hysterics · 5 months
So I know there's been a lot of talk about pussydrunk characters, but can I suggest a twist with a guy who's obsessed with your mouth?
Obviously I'm on a big kick for some perv!Professor Levy, so now I can't stop thinking about Jonathan who just occasionally reaches over and sticks his fingers in your mouth. Sometimes he tells you to suck, sometimes he gags you other times he'll pull your jaw open just to see you drool. He loves tucking you up under his desk at home (or at work on a weekend/late at night when no one's around) and having you warm him with your mouth until your jaw is too achey to keep going.
Perv!Jonathan isn't a total monster though. After he fucks your throat and watches you swallow his entire load, it's falling asleep to jaw and neck massages on the couch with your head in his lap while he talks about how he's gonna wake you up from his nap with his face between your legs (cause let's be honest, the professor gets pussydrunk too 😈).
Listen....I love pervy takes on these characters and I absolutely LOVE this twist 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Thank you for blessing me inbox, my friend 😩👌
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Jonathan reaching over to you while you’re talking about your day and slides his fingers into your mouth, his dark eyes heavy-lidded as he stares with intense focus on the way you automatically close your mouth around his fingers, and he calls you his good girl when you begin to suck. 
He will gag you with his fingers or hold your jaw open while he’s fucking you. His gaze never leaving your face as you scream with pleasure around his fingers.
Jonathan would ABSOLUTELY have you under his desk to warm him. At home you have a plush pillow underneath his desk and a soft blanket incase you get cold and at his work he would let you kneel on his jacket. He keeps himself pressed deep into you mouth, reaching down occasionally to pet through your hair or stroke over your cheek, before gripping your hair and moving your mouth up and down his cock with a small hiss.
He’s very much into throat fucking and will make you swallow every single drop that he spills on your tongue. Afterwards he would clean you up and give you soothing massages over your jaw, neck, and shoulders. He will pepper your face in sweet kisses as he massages you, completely besotted, and he would totally whisper filth in your ears with pure adoration and love. 
You only whimper and sink further into his grasp and letting him tilt your head to reach all the sore spots. You do drift off with his warm body pressed against you and his gentle hands working your muscles, but you are eventually woken up by him tonguefucking you frantically. He’s groaning against your slick flesh, eating you out without care over how messy he’s being, and he has your thighs pinned open on the couch so he has full access to your dripping pussy. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut as if he’s trying to memorize your taste and his fingers bite into your soft thighs hard enough to leave bruises. You yank on his hair and sob out his name as he pulls orgasm after orgasm from you, him murmuring muffled words of encouragement against your cunt with each one, and he finally takes mercy on you when you barely have enough energy to whimper his name.
He trails kisses up your body and nearly rips his pants open trying to get his cock out, and then he’s thrusting into you. He has one hand braced on the arm of the sofa, his other his busy sliding his fingers into your mouth with a gruff order to “suck”, and he’s plowing into you with deep hard thrusts that make your eyes roll back. He’s panting like an animal above you, wild eyes darting between your mouth and where he’s sinking inside you, and it’s not long before spills inside you with an almost pained sound. You suckle at his fingers weakly as he gasps for breath and he stays inside you until he gets hard again.
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justafandomgvrl · 7 months
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ivystoryweaver · 10 months
Hey Ivy! Congrats on your 1k followers 🥳🎉
🎮 FMK: Nathan Bateman/Miguel O'Hara/Jonathan Levy
Thank youuuuu
Aw yeah *cracks knuckles*
F: Miguel O'Hara. Need to climb this man 🕷️
M: Jonathan Levy. I knoowwww, I know, there are issues but I feel I have more in common with his goals and desires that could make us work. Miguel seems more work obsessed while Jonathan seems home obsessed and that works for me 🏠👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
K: Bye Nathan 🔪 unless you want a kith 😘
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration
Main Masterlist
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Did I ever tell anyone that the first time Waylon met Jonathan's grandmother she was reduced to tears because Waylon talked almost exactly like her late husband, Levi, and turns out they were from the same neighborhood in New Orleans.
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ave09 · 1 year
moon knight headcanons:
they make you cry during a fight
note: once again, my personal headcanons. jake’s kinda sucks because i haven’t seen enough of his character 😭
i have a lot of inspiration to write for the moon boys, so if you have a specific scenario for a headcanon that you’d want to see, please comment or send it to my ask box
also… y’all interested in other oscar character headcanons..? like poe dameron, santiago garcia, jonathan levy, or even a mister miguel o’hara? let me know :)
steven hates arguing. 
but it happens from time to time. 
and he is absolutely wrecked the moment he sees those tears.
“no-oh bloody hell-luv-“
he immediately moves towards you, cupping your face, trying desperate to wipe the tears away.
“darling, i’m sorry—i’m sorry—i never meant-“
would definitely start crying as well, and pull you into a tight hug. 
he holds you close, patting your head, running his hands through your hair, “i’m sorry. for everything.” 
from that day forward, he did his absolute best to have calm conversations and to not argue because he could not bear to see you in such pain ever again.
now this man is very stubborn. very. he’s a master at arguing. 
he lies his way through anything if he can get away with it. 
but one night, he takes it too far. 
when he sees your tears, he is silent. unwavering. 
he knows he fucked up. just like he does everything, or so he thinks. 
it takes a few minutes for him to snap out of it before he moves towards you, slowly, cautiously.
he then will open his arms for you, “c’mere.” 
marc will hold you close, whispering in your ear.
“i’m sorry baby. i’m so sorry.”
that’s how you will stay. just quiet. alone. together.
marc cannot promise that he’ll stop arguing, it’s in his nature to bicker. 
but he can promise that he’ll never cross a line to where he brings you to tears ever again.
for a man with homicidal tendencies, he’s honestly a sweetheart. 
he shuts up the moment he sees you crying. 
begins mumbling in spanish, cursing himself before approaching you. 
jake isn’t a touchy feely type of guy, but he’ll take your hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze.
“lo siento, cariño. forgive me.” 
he immediately wants to forget about it, so he proposes to do something for you. make dinner for you, help out with chores, he’d do anything to see you smile after what he’d done. 
jake lockley may be a lot of things, but never does he want to be the man who you cry over.
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minispidey · 1 year
I need to hear your most out of pocket HC about your fav Oscar characters that there really isn’t much evidence for but you feel in your soul is right. Can be fluff or nsfw!
For example:
I think Nathan actually likes to be topped and degraded. Do I have any evidence for this? No. Do I know in my pussy gut that I am right? Yeah 😌💅
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OSCAR ISAAC character headcanons
Content warning: just some real filthy shit. Uses female body descriptions. Breeding kink A LOT. Mentions cheating but doesn't get cheated on.
Characters: Nathan Bateman, Marc Spector, Jonathan Levy, Steven Grant, Miguel O'Hara.
Words: a lot.
Not beta read.
Requested by: @boredzillenial
Author's Note: i wish i could've written more bUT MY BRAIN IS JUST EXPLODING. Btw, thank you for requesting! Reblogs and comments are appreciated 💅❤️
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I swear. Nathan Bateman's head... you know exactly what I mean. LISTEN YOU SAID OUT OF POCKET SO HERE'S THE FANTASY: just... just grinding on it, your clit getting stimulated by his shaved head— he's not completely bald so I'm saying that if you caress his head, it'll still feel prickly.
Oh but imagine... breeding kink Nathan (tbh just in general i think all oscar characters would have a breeding kink)
Slow strokes, in and out of you. Nathan holding you still— not even in bed, he just wanted to fuck you in his office while idk doing research, but you were just standing in the corner of his office doing god knows what and he's accusing you of seducing him. And now here he was, his research forgotten and fucking you on his seat.
"Hm? When are you gonna learn your lesson that you can't just strut into my office and expect me not fuck the shit out of you?"
"N-Nathan, I wasn't even doing anything-"
"Shh... this'll be your punishment, okay?"
But at the end of it, just cuddling while he worked... but cockwarming him.
"Keep my cum in. Don't wanna waste God's seed, right sweetie?"
"Nathan, just shut up."
The moment you told him to shut up, something awakens in him.
"Slap me."
"Are you crazy?"
"Love, sweetie, honey bunny... please slap me."
Lets you ride him in your own pace for once, and he tried to stop himself from grabbing your hips and slamming you down on his cock.
"Naughty naughty..."
"Sweetie, please... fuck, you're driving me crazy here."
"Aw, don't you wanna cum in me?"
He fucking whimpers.
"God's seed shouldn't be wasted, right?"
"I'm never letting you be on top again..."
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Marc... oh my Marc. I have a mini series coming soon for the Moon Knight boys where Reader is has such a huge crush on Steven, and becomes his girlfriend after confessing. She meets Marc when he fronted, hates him so much and wants to punch him, but he has the face and body of her boyfriend and didn't want to hurt him. Maybe like an enemies to lovers with Marc and Reader, and Steven being happy that they're getting along. Jake will come later to me idk yet.
Imagine just going to bed in one of his shirts. Drives him CRAZY and the next thing you know, your sleepiness disappears as he fucks into you, just in a brutal pace. He loves groping you, breasts, thighs and all. If you're plus-sized/ chubby, he would hold your waist and giving you a squeeze here and there as he fucks you into oblivion.
Would top a lot but he loves it when you ride him and you get overwhelmed by his size.
"Come on, just a few more inches in."
"Marc... too big..."
Size kink applies to all the Moon boys. Well, because they share a body and uses one dick.
Marc just loves pressing against you. He's pretty experimental with the positions. Aftercare with Marc is just heavenly. Bubble bath, washing your body with a loofa. But then he gets turned on again and fucks you in the bath.
You could exist and just breathe, Marc will get turned on (like Nathan tbh).
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Jonathan Levy... ugh dilf. An actual one. Expect a long one (tw: mentions mira)
Usually it's the teacher-student love affair with this guy (tbh real) but seriously you can treat him better than Mira.
Something about you keeps driving him crazy to the point that Episode 4 and 5 of the show didn't happen 💅💅
He sees that you're absolutely nothing like his ex wife. And he loves the breath of fresh air. You loved all the things Mira hated about him.
Jonathan loves it when you cup his face and just stare into his eyes. Loves it when you pack him his lunch and put in notes. Brags about it a lot with his co-workers.
Just imagine being in love with him since childhood, being broken hearted when he married Mira, but one drunken night he realized he shouldn't have been chasing after Mira and turned to look at you. You finally had him.
His daughter adores you. Jonathan sees you being so good with children and he immediately goes "I want one with you."
Breeding kink dude. This guy obviously has one. He loves children. (Personally i would give him a football team because he deserves it) when you do get pregnant, he would be so caring and attentive. You're pregnant with his baby so obviously he would spoil you non stop. He would just smile at you whenever you get mood swings and start to get annoyed when he chews too loud.
Just a lot of fucking. Shower, bed, walls, even inside closets. He just adores you. He couldn't believe he was so blind not to see how much you've loved him and he would spend the rest of his life making it up to you.
"Jon, too tired..."
"Need you so bad, hun... just a few more, please? Wanna cum in you again..."
Mira hates you, but since you're you, you always one-up her and you two may or may not have gotten into a fight and Jonathan found you more attractive since then.
You become possessive of Jonathan whenever Mira's around, but Jonathan actually finds it really hot. Expect more than one round of sex with him on those days.
He never cheats on you even if Mira keeps pushing it. You were one of a kind, Jonathan knew how broken-hearted you would be if he did. Jonathan would purposely treat you like a lady in front of Mira, 100 times more than he usually does (which is impossible he already treats you so well)
Just... you make him a better person. You got him on a leash. He's not going anywhere.
Also he definitely loves risky sex. House filled with guests and you two are in the bathroom. He would even make you moan loudly that it'll annoy Mira who is passing by the bathroom. You enjoyed it when Mira's pissed off. You just hate her so much.
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Steven oh Steven. Just imagine trying to seduce Steven, and he's just clueless and continues to ramble on about Egyptian history and all, but you're trying to fuck him.
You want him to clear his table of books and just slam you on the table to fuck you. You go back to reality and he's smiling innocently at you as he kept talking.
You just hear nothing. His voice sounded muffled to you as your eyes scanned his face and stops on his nose... his nose.
Big noses. What Doja Cat said.
"Yes, love?"
"I want you to fuck me right now."
Soft sex with Steven. He doesn't want any position but missionary. He loves seeing your face.
Breeding kink? Yes. You all know this by now.
Falls silent when he cums, eyes rolling to the back of his head. It feels so overwhelming but so good. Loves filling you up to the brim.
Sometimes when you leave a pair of panties out, he would fight the urge to jack off to them. He just misses you so so much.
When you come back, he would push you against the wall and attack you with kisses and hickeys.
He also buys you a matching Koala plush keychain for your keys.
Sometimes you just want him to fuck you mercilessly, just slam you around and use you. UGH IM SCREAMING.
And back to the nose thing, he definitely let you grind on his nose at some point.
"C'mon, love... wanna taste you..."
Something about him nerding out just turns you on. You would suck his dick while he's talking. Even after cumming, you don't stop. You love seeing him overstimulated.
They say home is where the heart is. But god do you love the english 💅💅💅
Did he restrain you to his bed at some point? You told him to. And it unlocked a kink.
But do you know what kink Steven would have? Worship. Take it or leave it.
Messy kisses, his light colored shirts are stained with your lipstick. He ends up with his neck filled with hickeys. His back is scarred by your nails.
Risky sex? Fucking in the museum bathroom. Steven looked so hot behind the gift shop that you couldn't help it. Steven's dad material too, talks to kids really well.
So yeah that's when your breeding kink appeared. You wanted him to get you pregnant. He would be a great father.
"Cum inside me, Stevie. Fill me up."
Loves sucking on your tit while groping the other. He wants to make eye contact with you as much as he could while he does it.
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Bree- *gunshots*
This one is obvious though. He has a breeding kink and wants to get you pregnant.
Let's pretend Gabriella's alive here and he sees how good you are with her. He wants to have a bigger family with you.
"Gabby said she wants a sibling..."
Yeah. That's when you know, non stop breeding. Even when you're not even ovulating, he just fills you up. He wants to get you pregnant and see how good you look pregnant.
When you start lactating even before you give birth, he'd suck them out. He didn't want to waste good milk.
He treats you like a gentleman but at the same time you want him to slam you down and fuck you.
He's an old fashioned lover boy, romantic dinner and flowers. Gabriella has a babysitter while you two go on a date. She thinks you two are really perfect for each other. She draws you two a lot and you put them on the fridge.
"Daddy, I saw mommy kissing Spider-Man."
You two choked on your breakfast. Miguel hasn't told her yet about him being Spider-Man. He looks at you and smirks.
"Oh, did she?"
Prepare for a long night of degradation. Pulling your hair and jackhammering into you.
"Such a slut, huh?"
"Dumbass, you're Spider-Man. You can't call me a slut for kissing my husband."
He just fucks you harder. Miguel does get tired easily and lets you ride him.
Just... yes. And yes, he does bite you.
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purplestarkatz93 · 4 months
Random Huntlow headcanons I love/ones that I came up with.
These are the Huntlow headcanons that I have seen on here/on other sites that I absolutely agree with. Plus some of my own personal ones.
-Their flower is the sunflower.
-Willow becomes Grom Queen and instead of seeing her fear of ladybugs, she instead sees possessed Hunter/dead Hunter. (See comics by @marionette-j2x and @belmeran . Although the latter’s comic is on their instagram page.)
-Their favorite movies are Tangled and Howl’s Moving Castle.
-Their pet names for each other are “Hunny Bee/Handsome” (Willow’s for Hunter), and “Sunflower/Captain” (Hunter’s for Willow).
-When they first became a couple they were still awkward with each other, (blushing anytime one or the other shows affection) but as time goes on they get more comfortable, and they became so sickeningly lovely-dovey with their affection for each other.
-Willow still cuts Hunter’s hair for him.
-When they get married, Hunter takes Willow’s last name.
-They make sure to tell their future kids all about Flapjack to keep his memory alive.
-Songs that I believe fit them perfectly are:
1. At the Beginning by Donna Lewis and Richard Marx
2. Because You Live by Jesse McCartney
3. Because You Loved Me originally by Celine Dion but performed by Glee
4. Get This Right by Jonathan Groff and Kristen Bell
5. I See the Light by Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi
6. I’ll Stand By You originally by The Pretenders but performed by Glee
7. They Long to Be Close to You originally by The Carpenters but performed by Glee
8. Will You Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet originally by Carole King and Alanis Morissette but performed by Glee.
-Hunter is really cheesy when it comes to flirting, but Willow finds it cute and endearing.
If I come up with some more or if anyone has one they would like me to add (only if I agree with it), I’ll edit/update this.
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blue-sadie · 11 months
Request Page
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut =🌹 Lime =⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere =🍁
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Temptation - Bucky 🌹
Khonsu's Turn - Khonsu 🌹
Gentle Touch - Loki 🌺
Sit Upon The Throne - Loki 🌹
Praises - Marc 🌹
Five Stars - Peter 🌺
After Class Punishments - Moon System 🌹
Reflections - Moon System 🌹
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Incorrect Quotes
Crusty... What? - Bucky, Natasha
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Drive On - Jake 🌹
Take A Breather - Miguel 🌹
Blood Flood - Peter 🌺
Save Him - Moon System 🥀🌺
Three For The Price Of One - Moon System 🌹
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Different Versions Oscar Isaac Characters: Moon System, Marcus, Shiv, Basil Stitt, Jonathan Levy, Llewyn Davis, William Tell, Cecil Dennis, Robbie Paulson, Outcome 3 (David), Santiago Gracia, Kane, Nathan Bateman, Leto Atreides, Poe Dameron, Peter Malkin, Bassam, Prince John, Orestes, Laurent Leclaire, Oscar Isaac
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Modern Day
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Flashing Lights - Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes 🌺
Kiss The Cook - Peter Parker, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Thor, Bucky Barnes 🌹
Movie Marathon - Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes 🌹
Beach Sun - Bucky Barnes Petro Maximoff,Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Thor, Tony Stark 🌹
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NSFW and SFW Alphabet
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Apologizing After A Fight - Moon System
Dating An Artist - Moon System
they accidentally hurt you when having a nightmare - Moon System
Them when Your On Your Period - Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker
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mandobatemans · 1 year
oscar isaac character masterlist
Nathan Bateman
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Home-Cooked Meal
Laying Out the Welcome Mat
Santiago Garcia
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Poe Dameron
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Blaster Play
Public Sex
Llewyn Davis
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Morning Love Songs
Leto Atreides
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Submit to My Rule
Submit to My Rule II
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To See You in Your Throne
Jonathan Levy
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Age Gap
William Tell
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Relationship Fluff
Miguel O'Hara
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NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons Pt. II
Threesome (w/ Peter B. Parker)
Late Nights
Steven Grant
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female-hysterics · 5 months
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RIIIGHT?? 🥵🥴😩👌👌
(I immediately thought of this gif)
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GIF by spacecowboyhotch
Just....that look when he finally is able to fuck the object of his fantasies, watching your every movement and memorizing every shift of emotions playing on your face, all while wrecking you completely.
He would be absolutely insatiable for you once he finally is able to fuck you. It’s like a dam has broken and he can’t get enough. He constantly wants you on his dick, or his mouth between your legs, and you are overwhelmed by his hunger for you. He would twist you in all sorts of positions, indulging in all of his fantasies, and it wouldn’t be surprising if he took pictures or videos of him pleasuring you. Close ups on your face twisted with pleasure as he fucks you deep and hard, zooming in on his thick cock splitting you open, and then recording your pussy covered in his come and leaking out of you. Which he dutifully pushes it back inside where it belongs.
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justafandomgvrl · 2 years
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Severe dislike to lovers one shot
nothing yet
Fake Lovers to Dating
Kiss to Distract Guards
Caught Making Out
Playing With Their Hair Headcanons
Grog and Pike Platonic Headcanons
Pet Sitting
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Unnamed Chapter One
Unnamed Chapter Two
Valentine's Day
Sharing a Bed
First Kiss
Lockwood x Lucy x Reader
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Stargazing - Poe Dameron
Cramps - Kanan Jarrus
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Sniffles - Steven Grant
Read To Me? - Steven Grant
Is That My Shirt - Steven Grant
Hallways - Steven Grant
Road trip - Jake Lockley
Since When Did You Care - Marc Spector
Kitten - MK System
Sharing A Bed Headcanons - MK System
The Blood Lake - MK System
Moon Knight - Gods of a Feather coming soon
You Don’t Know Me - Miguel O’Hara
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Angels Tears - Blue Jones
Thoughts - Blue Jones
You're Bleeding - Leto Atreides
Cold Hands - Santiago Garcia
December 2023 - Santiago Garcia
Over Again - Llewyn Davis
Touchstarved - Jonathan Levy
Pathological People Pleaser - Jonathan Levy
Art Deco - Jonathan Levy
Not Afraid Anymore 🔞 - Jonathan Levy
Then and Now - Nathan Bateman
Pets - Nathan Bateman
Not A Christmas Person - Nathan Bateman
Flower Fields - King John
False God - King John
Cola - William Tell
Tattoo Artist AU Pt One - Laurent Leclaire
Tattoo Artist AU Pt Two - Laurent Leclaire
Please make requests!
I will NOT write adult x minor sorry!
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ivystoryweaver · 10 months
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My Masterlist
1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration Masterlist
THANK YOU for every single follow and interaction! Every single reply, comment and rb makes my heart explode! I'm a bit overdue for a 1k so I thought I would combine it with a ✨Holiday Celebration✨
There will be 2 parts to this party:
Celebration Part One✨
Based on this poll, 400 of you voted, and the Moon Dads/Hanukkah idea won.
However, the Miguel/Christmas idea was such a close second, I decided to make a holiday event. LET'S DO THEM ALL!
Here's the schedule for Nov. 26-Dec. 30: (I will try to post on Saturdays or Sundays)
UPDATE: They have titles now! Each one is a holiday song title
WEEK 1: 🫂💖 "Jingle Bells" - Santiago Garcia comfort/cheer-you-up ficlet (1000 words or less) for this busy, sometimes lonely time of year. Occurs during the holidays, but is not holiday-specific. Fun fact: Jingle Bells is actually a Thanksgiving song. Thanks to the moots who helped me pick Santi
WEEK 2: 🌙🕎 "Eight Nights (in December)"* Moon Knight System as dads/Hanukkah short story (3500-7500 words). Thanks for voting! This story is your winner! 🏆
WEEK 3: 🕷️🎄"(Everybody's Waitin' for) The Man With the Bag" Miguel O'Hara/Christmas one-shot (1000-3500 words)
WEEK 4: 🎅🏼🐶 “Fairytale of New York” 18+ Pathetic Puppy Llewyn Davis on Christmas Eve one-shot (1000-3500 words) ^ This occurs on Christmas Eve, but doesn't necessarily mean characters celebrate Christmas
WEEK 5: 💫🌳 "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" Poe Dameron/Life Day ficlet (1000 words or less) coming Holiday 2024 *"Eight Nights" is a gorgeous Hanukkah song by Rosi Golan if you're not familiar
Celebration Part Two✨
And here's how you can get involved in the celebration:
I will be taking specific requests for the following characters. Please read this entire post before requesting:
🌙Moon Knight - Marc Spector, Steven Grant and/or Jake Lockley 🕸️Across the Spiderverse - Miguel O'Hara 💫Star Wars - Poe Dameron 🤖Ex Machina - Nathan Bateman 💵Triple Frontier - Santiago Garcia 🎬Scenes From a Marriage - Jonathan Levy
There are a few other Oscar Isaac characters I might attempt, if asked.
— rules: • must be following me & must be 18+ • No request limit at this time, but let me know your top priority request if you have more than one. • requests don't have to be holiday based, but they can be!
Pick a character (above) and request:
1.🖼️- a moodboard - you can tell me the scenario or vibe, or I can pick for you! Telling me a little about yourself will help 2. 🦸🏽- a character blurb from one of my stories My Masterlist 3. 🤔- headcanons for blorbos. Requests for stories/ficlets/one shots, etc. are not open for this event
Ideas below if you need them:
here - romantic confession dialogue prompts here - married life prompts here - tender prompts here - affectionate prompts here - protective prompts here - variety prompts: angst, fluff, smut, bittersweet
4. 🎮 - games - "Would You Rather?" or "FMK" (I'll probably answer you with kiss rather than kill) 5. 📚- fic recs - Recommend a fic for me to read - can be yours or someone else's, OR ask me for recommendations because I've been reading for FOREVER and I have some writer moots who are rad af 6. ❓- questions about me, my stories or anything at all 7. 📸- send me your favorite pic or thoughts about your blorbo 8. 🤍- get-to-know-you questions here or Top 3's here - ask me to get to know me, I'll answer and ask you one back! 9. ➡️⬅️- follow backs - I need more blogs to follow. Tell me why I should follow you. What are you into?
1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration Masterlist
My Masterlist
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