#Keep the Doctor Away Volume 1
angblood · 1 year
Day 1 of Tumblr Usage (Zine Showcase)
Hi! I have died the last few months and I've returned to try to understand tumblr. Today I am actually gonna try to use this 30 days in a row LMAO. Anyways here's a zine I made a few days ago!
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greenglowinspooks · 11 months
(DCxDP) Drowning in formaldehyde (Pt. 1)
Tw: one instance of canon-typical violence (DC), vivisection mention
Will be crossposted to AO3 eventually
(Prologue) - (Pt. 2)
(Subscription post/masterlist)
Danny has been working for Mr. Cobblepot for over a month now.
The first few weeks he was in the Penguin’s company, he couldn’t do much of anything. Instead, Mr. Cobblepot made sure that he was well-rested and beginning to recover.
Danny cried a lot in the first week that he was there.
He cried when he ate for the first time in years; the GiW had kept him on IVs and a feeding tube, so they wouldn’t have to move him from his surgical table.
He cried when he was given his own room to stay in, when he was brought clothes to wear, when he was given a bodyguard to protect him.
He cried when Mr. Cobblepot’s doctors told him that the damage to his vocal chords was likely permanent, and that he would never sound the same again. That he would find it hard to speak at any volume above a whisper.
Apparently, he had a lot more damage to him than he had thought.
The doctors said that the scarring in his brain stem suggested his entire brain had been removed and had regrown. Danny couldn’t really disprove that, and it did line up with a pretty substantial gap in his memory, but if that was the case then why couldn’t his voice recover too?
The scarring and incredibly new tissue that showed up in scans of several other parts of his body suggested that the GiW had done the same thing with most of his organs, as well as a few limbs, and all of the fingers on his right hand.
Danny could remember that. He just didn’t want to.
Perhaps it was the feeling of pity that kept Mr. Cobblepot so understanding of Danny’s slow recovery. That didn’t really matter much, though; Danny’s energy was focused on keeping his place here, ensuring that Mr. Cobblepot didn’t decide he was no longer worth the effort.
As it turned out, there was an easy enough solution to that.
Danny was the only one who knew how to properly operate and modify the weapons and inventions stolen from the GiW.
And so, Danny had a niche he could occupy. He could be useful, useful enough that Mr. Cobblepot couldn’t get rid of him, even if he wanted to.
And, as it turns out, Danny remembered quite a lot of the theories he heard while he was on the cutting board.
As soon as he had enough muscle control of his arms to do so, he was working away at the machinery created by the GiW and his parents.
No, not his parents.
Doctors Madeleine and Jack Fenton.
Regardless of their creators, he was able to understand them quite intimately.
Maybe it was because the ectoplasm flowing through the weaponry was his own, maybe it was because he had nothing to listen to for three years other than the excited chatter of his vivisectionists as they cut him open. Maybe it was because they were both simple weaponry without a purpose.
Danny found working on the machines soothing in a way that nothing else was.
The smell of oil and grease, the sounds of mechanical clanking and metal joints squealing, the feeling of cold steel beneath his fingertips.
The first thing he did to the machines was replacing the paint, from shiny white to a matte black. That way, they were recognizable as his own modified creations.
It was only a bonus that he didn’t catch his reflection in the metal surfaces this way.
Still, his reflection was starting to become more familiar to him. It was still strangely off-putting to see, but his face was beginning to plump out from consistent eating, and his skin was beginning to lose its unhealthy pale tone, going back to a more natural pinkish color.
His eyes still looked devoid of life, but that could be ignored as long as he didn’t look at himself for too long.
Danny sighed, leaning back in his chair as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. He was working on modifying the ectoblasters so that they could properly hit humans, as per Mr. Cobblepot’s orders.
He probably should feel some sort of moral conflict over it, but really, Danny couldn’t find it in him to care. Maybe it was some sort of deep internal flaw, or maybe it was because he knew that they wouldn’t be shot at anyone without blood on their hands. Either way, he didn’t have any qualms with what he was doing.
As Danny reconnected the circuitry within the gun, the indicator lights on the side of the muzzle blinked to life, a familiar neon green.
Danny would have to change that color too, he thought. Maybe red would be nice instead, or an icy blue?
He was pulled from his thoughts by the door to his temporary workshop opening. Danny looked up, and smiled when he saw that his bodyguard was the one standing in the doorway.
The man, known only as Derringer, was 6’2”, built like a tank, and known for his love of unusual firearms. He was also a big fan of card games, and had been teaching Danny how to play Blackjack during their meals.
He gently closed the door behind him, strolling into the workshop.
Danny hopped out of his seat, hugging the man tightly. Derringer laughed, patting Danny on the back as he clung to him like a koala.
“Good to see you too, kid,” the man said, his deep voice rumbling in his chest, “you just about done in here?”
Danny nodded, letting go of the bodyguard. He picked up the gun on the desk, handing it to Derringer, and pointed to the target resting in the far corner of the room.
Derringer glanced down at Danny, shrugging before aiming the gun.
He pulled the trigger, and a large scorch mark appeared in the center of the target.
Derringer whistled appreciatively, walking over to inspect the damage.
There was a deep dent in the center of the metal target, around an inch in diameter, and a large scorch mark surrounding it. The metal of the dent was white-hot, and the area around it was somewhat warped.
“That’s real nice, kid,” Derringer said, “don’t know how you do it.”
Danny grinned, baring his teeth at the man. He smiled back, ruffling his hair.
“The boss is gonna go forward with the Arkham raid soon, so long as your guns are ready,” he said, “he’s eager to try them out for real. You think you’re up to talking to him?”
“Yes,” Danny signed, nodding to the man.
“Good,” Derringer signed back.
Mr. Cobblepot, not wanting Danny to be limited in his speech by the damage to his vocal chords, had ensured that all of the people who interacted with him knew at least the basics of ASL.
When he wasn’t working on the ectoblasters, Danny was practicing his ASL with a dedicated tutor, or with Derringer, who learned the language when his mother had gone deaf.
“Can I eat first?” Danny signed, “I forgot to.”
“You forgot, or you didn’t want to leave your work?” Derringer asked, signing as he spoke, the corners of his eyes crinkled with amusement, “and yeah, the boss wants to talk to you in thirty minutes. You’ve got plenty of time before then.”
“Thank you,” Danny signed, “let’s go.”
“Hey, just a sec,” Derringer said. His face had dropped into something unusually serious.
Danny nodded, tilting his head as he signed a quick “what’s wrong?”
“You’re a good kid. Even after what you’ve been through, you’re…you’re a really sweet kid,” Derringer said, looking away. “But you…you can’t keep being sweet to everyone. You gotta act tough, alright?”
“You just…” Derringer sighed, combing a hand through his thick, curly hair, “a lot of the guys think that you’re too weak to be here. They’re calling you the Penguin’s pet project, and the problem is that they’re not really wrong. You gotta be scarier to survive, alright? Gotham’ll eat you alive if you don’t. Just make up a persona and roll with it.”
Danny nodded slowly, processing his words for a moment.
“Like a mask?”
Derringer laughed, a bittersweet smile on his face.
“Yeah, like a mask. Just don’t start fighting crime while you’re at it.”
“Okay,” Danny signed, his movements slow. “I can do that.”
“Good on you, kid,” Derringer said, ruffling his hair once more, “now let’s go get lunch.”
The two of them ate quickly, Danny’s mind on Derringer’s advice the entire time.
He was right, and Danny knew it. He’d seen the way that some of Mr. Cobblepot’s men had looked at him.
He wasn’t anywhere near big enough to pull off the looming intimidating look that Derringer did; his doctors back in Amity had told him that he would grow to be over six foot, but his time in the GiW seemed to have stunted his growth significantly. He was only around 5’6”, and it seemed that he was going to stay that way.
In the same way, he wasn’t nearly frightening looking enough to pull off the terrifying stares of the smaller individuals working under Mr. Cobblepot. He just couldn’t get the glare right; his face would always fall back to a blank, dead stare.
Though, maybe if he played into that…
A few minutes before they had to leave, Danny excused himself to go to the restroom. He stared into the mirror, looking into his cold, dead eyes, and let his face drop.
When he adjusted his stance, and kept his eyes a bit wider than usual, he looked downright unnerving.
Danny had already noticed that most of his mannerisms were…unusual, after his stay at the GiW base. Put simply, he had forgotten what it was like to be a human.
He had noticed that most of the people around him would avoid being in his presence, and had begun mirroring their body language as much as he could to seem more normal.
Maybe, though, it would be better for him not to.
He could lean into the whole thing. An unstable young adult, experimented on by the government for years.
Danny looked into the mirror, and wide, icy eyes stared back at him.
Danny left the restroom. Derringer turned to greet him, jolting when he did. After a moment, he nodded.
“That what we’re going with?”
“Yes. Is it good?”
“Yeah. Freaky. Gonna take some getting used to, but yeah. Now,” he said, getting up from his spot at the break room table, “let’s go see the boss.”
Danny felt anxiety bubbling up in his chest, his entire body beginning to twitch. If Mr. Cobblepot didn’t approve of the weaponry, or if he thought they were underwhelming, would he be thrown out? Would he be tortured again, or killed?
Danny shivered when they came to a stop in front of the door to Mr. Cobblepot’s office. Failure wasn’t an option. He had to make sure this went well.
“You’ll do great, kid,” Derringer whispered, pushing the door open.
Mr. Cobblepot had been talking with a few other people, but their conversation died out when Danny and Derringer entered the room. Danny’s skin crawled.
“Ah, Danny! Just the person I wanted to see,” Mr. Cobblepot said, a large smile on his face, “Do you have one of your guns with you?”
“Yes,” Danny signed, nodding.
“Wonderful. I was just telling my associates here about your work. Do you mind giving a demonstration?”
“Where should I shoot? Do you have a target?”
Derringer was quick to translate. Mr. Cobblepot nodded, gesturing for a hired hand in the corner of the room to pull out a small wooden board, holding it up in the air.
Danny paled. He would definitely burn the man’s hands if he hit the target, even if he aimed for the furthest corner of the board.
Still, he was more terrified of disappointing Mr. Cobblepot than he was empathetic towards the man, so he drew a blaster from the holster on his leg and aimed carefully.
The blast hit the center of the board. The man holding it howled in pain, dropping the target and drawing his hand close to his chest. The nauseating smell of burning flesh filled the room.
Danny breathed shakily, in and out.
Mr. Cobblepot, for what it was worth, looked like he couldn’t possibly be happier. He and the others inspected the board on the ground closely, ignoring the hired hand as he ran out of the room, still cradling his damaged hand.
A large hole had been blown into the board, and a good portion of it had been incinerated.
“Look at that, ladies and gentlemen! I told you that Danny would deliver, and deliver he did! Imagine if that had been a person instead! Danny, what would you say would happen?”
Danny paused, trying to wince when he realized that the question wasn’t hypothetical, and Mr. Cobblepot actually wanted an answer.
“It would give them S-E-V-E-R-E burns,” Danny finger spelled the word that he didn’t know the proper sign for, “mostly S-U-R-F-A-C-E. It can’t P-E-I-R-C-E, because there is no bullet, just energy.”
Derringer translated for him.
Mr. Cobblepot frowned, and Danny frantically continued, “but it can be L-E-T-H-A-L! Burns on the head kill fast. Burns on the body make S-H-O-C-K, and kill. Strong I-M-P-A-C-T, too.”
“So they do still kill, just not instantly?”
“Yes,” Danny signed, “they’re fast. They hurt bad. Bad way to die, hurts a lot.”
“Well,” one of the other men in the room piped up, “I guess he’s not completely hopeless.”
“Of course he isn’t,” Mr. Cobblepot replied, fixing a terrifying glare onto the man, “it was my idea to bring him in, after all.”
“Danny,” Mr. Cobblepot said, turning his attention back to him, “we’re going to be collaborating with these fine individuals in the future. I’m going to need twenty guns ready for use in a week. You can handle that, can’t you?”
Danny nodded frantically.
“What kind?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Mr. Cobblepot said, waving his hand dismissively, “semi-automatic is preferable, but handguns and shotguns also work. Just make sure they work perfectly.”
The room was silent for a moment.
“Well, that’s all. You can leave now, and I’ll finish discussing the details with my associates.”
Danny nodded, signing him a quick “thank you, goodbye,” and slipped out of the room alongside Derringer.
They made their way back to Danny’s workshop in silence. Once they were inside, Derringer heaved a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair.
“You really think you can make that many guns that quickly, kid?”
“Yes,” Danny replied, “but I need your help.”
Derringer groaned, a smile on his face.
“Of course you’re putting me to work. I should’ve expected it. Now, what do you need me to do?”
“Well, first, hold this…”
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alreadyblondenow · 8 months
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▸ Assassin Jaehyun x Assassin Female reader ▸ Smut, Smut, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Gore, MATURE ▸ JAEHYUN SMUT SERIES: FUCK, MARRY, KILL ▸ VOLUME I: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
Warnings: THIS FIC IS FICTION ONLY, Smut, smut, smut, MATURE THEMES, Heavy description of killings because most of the characters are assassins, mentions of blood, character death, A LOT OF NCT MEMBERS WILL D WORD IN THIS FIC, unprotected sex, mentions of condoms, mentions of pill, pregnancy, swearing, mentions of alcohol. Mentions of being an orphan, Not everything is proofread, apologies again. Kidnapping, burning of possession, I hope I did not forget anything.
A/N: I will cut VOLUME I into three parts, PART I AND PART II is posted already. Thank you to my readers!!! Im sorry if it took me so long to post a usual. VOLUME 2 will be posted HOPEFULLY BY THE END OF FEBRUARY :( please understand that I want to support Taeyong's second solo album first.
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When Jaehyun needed to let go of your hand and allow the doctors to do their job, everything became silent and he never felt so weak like this before. It was not too long when the others came but Jaehyun already lost himself and kept thinking who did this to you. There’s only one man in his mind though, Kun. 
By the time you were stable and safe from death, Jaehyun couldn’t let go of your hand, even while he was sleeping. But days passed by slowly, and your condition wasn't getting any better, this is where he started feeling angry again, frustrated because he couldn't do anything to wake you up. He didn’t have any choice but to go back to where he’s good at. Killing. 
“Save yourself from the trouble, let us handle this stay here with her, she’ll love it when she wakes up and you’re beside her” Yuta tried to persuade Jaehyun. 
“I’ll do this on my own. Keep her safe for me. When she wakes up… tell her I’ll be with her soon” Jaehyun says before kissing you goodbye, whispering sweet things beside your ear. 
“Please don’t leave me. I will be nothing without you” he says. 
During the days that he’s tracking Kun, Jaehyun promises to himself that from now on, he will be a boss while being an assassin himself, killing everyone that goes on his way, he is blinded by his anger and want for revenge. He will work harder to achieve piece in your lives even tho he needs to bring chaos first. 
When Jaehyun finally met Kun face to face, he did not know why finding and looking for him felt wrong, it was as if the clues that he had never pointed him to Kun’s direction but he kept on insisting on blaming Kun… because he really don’t know who to kill. 
“Do you know why the Phantoms are always ahead of you…. Because you’re stupid” Kun mocks Jaehyun. “I’ll tell you who wanted Y/n dead but I want something big in return”
“You can’t bring money on your deathbed Kun. Come on be creative, ask for something else” 
Kun just gave him a mocking smile. 
“So who wanted Y/n dead?” Jaehyun asked, pointing his gun toward Kun. 
“I think you can answer that question… actually, I think you know the answer already”
It was quiet for some time. Crazy how Kun’s words were true and Jaehyun was just denying the fact that… his father is the one who wanted you dead. He had a hunch already. But blood is still blood. Jaehyun couldn’t swallow that pill. 
“Imagine this Jaehyun… you and Y/n in a faraway place. Get married privately. Away from all the family drama. Build a home. Build a family. Isn’t that what you want? Well… according to Hendery that’s what Y/n wanted” 
Immediately Jaehyun’s world stopped. Kun already knew that he was about to get what he wanted in this life. It's not easy to have a deal with a Phantom, but for you, Jaehyun is willing to risk that.
“Just tell me if I should do the dirty work Jeong” Kun added.
By the time you gain continuousness and finally awake from your deep sleep, you look for Jaehyun beside you but it was Mark you saw first, followed by Yuta who just entered the room with a cup of noodles. Of course, you remember being food poisoned, coughing blood and staining Jaehyun’s clothes, you still remember the horrible memories before you closed your eyes that time. 
“I know you miss Jaehyun even when you’re sleeping— but he just got home from a mission alone… he will be here soon” Mark whispered. “He did it Y/n, he killed Kun. The last of the Phantoms” Yuta added. 
“How long was I sleeping?” You asked weakly. You can’t believe that Jaehyun was back to killing while you were out. He hasn’t gotten his hand dirty for years.
“Roughly 14 days-“
“He tracked and killed Kun in 14 days?” You let out a laugh. 
“Well, we almost lost you Y/n” Mark said and you can only imagine how Jaehyun felt. 
While waiting for Jaehyun to arrive, you fell asleep and dreamt of him kissing and snuggling you under the beautiful sunset, holding hands while enjoying the warmth of the sun, little did you know, Jaehyun was already beside you. Trying to gently wake you up. And by the time you opened your eyes, his lips found yours and you pulled him in for an embrace. He look tired, he got thin in a matter of days. 
“Let’s go far away from this place and live peacefully” he asked of you sweetly. “Do you like that?” His hands found yours, he was cold and shaking, oh how you wish it was warm and relaxed like how you dreamt of him. 
After being discharged from the hospital, he was focused on you. He even discharged you from the hospital himself and drove you home. A new house. Everything happened so fast, and you don’t know why Jaehyun is like this. He never left the house, he’s always by your side but he’s always on his toes, always on the phone, almost not sleeping. What’s happening? 
“Here, you feeling okay?” He handed you your medicine and a glass of water, watching you very carefully as you take everything. 
“Why are you watching me like a hawk Jae?” Your arms immediately wrapped around him. You’re still weak and he can see it. 
“I’m just doing my job” he smiles and kisses your forehead before he returns the embrace. He’s always by your side lately, you’re not complaining but you wish he could be honest and tell you everything. 
“Hmm. That’s my job. Protecting you Jeong Yoonoh” you teased him. He just laughed. 
“Do you know how painful it is to watch you sleep, and talk to you while you were unconscious? I never want that to happen again. I felt so hopeless. It’s like I was ready to die any minute”
Of course you know what he felt. You almost lost him too. “From now on… can you just let me… let me protect you. Let me take care of you. No questions asked?” He looked you in the eye and waited for your answer. 
You just nod. 
After a few weeks of staying in the new house, Jaehyun surprised you with a long vacation in Italy. You already knew that this trip was a secret to the world. A trip between you and Jaehyun only while Taeyong, Mark, and Yuta are on standby protecting you and Jaehyun. “I don’t like this princess treatment. What is going on?” You asked Taeyong sternly. But as per Jaehyun’s request, he did not tell you anything. 
Jaehyun was extremely quiet during the trip. Almost as if his mind is somewhere else but you couldn’t ask him. You feel like he’s somewhere else. 
It was dark when you two arrived at this secluded farm but you trusted Jaehyun’s words, “you’ll love this place” The house was simple. There’s grass everywhere, beautiful garden, all kinds of flowers and shrubs, and you can hear crickets around the place. The moon was shining brightly too. Nothing fancy, when you two walked in. Theres a nice living room, filled with unique furniture and nice trinkets. “Could be better if the family who lived here put up some family pictures,” you said. 
Jaehyun was quiet, but smiling. 
The kitchen was perfect you thought, you remember daydreaming about having your own kitchen like this. Big stove, an oven for baking, a wooden dining table for your future family… its perfect. 
“This place is breathtaking—“ you said as you enter the masters bedroom room and was quickly grabbed by the waist.
“Wait until the morning,” he smiled before kissing you lovingly. 
It was the first time ever again that you two shared a bed. You have no idea what’s keeping Jaehyun away from you but nonetheless, you understand. And since this is the first time you two shared the bed, you noticed that he wasn’t planning on sleeping. It’s either you feel him keep you closer to his body, you hear him text or call someone, and the next thing you know the sun is shining already and he’s making you breakfast. 
“Did you even sleep?” You asked him while he was busy cooking eggs. You hugged him from behind and greeted him ‘good morning’ 
“For an hour, yeah. I needed to take some calls so I couldn’t join you in your sleep. Dreamt about me?” He flirted and kissed you good morning. 
“Yeah. Dreamt about you sleeping beside me… only to find out you didn’t even rest properly” you chuckled and bravely asked, “what’s wrong? If work is so heavy that you couldn’t let go of your phone then why are we here?” 
“I thought you promised that you will never question the way I protect you?” He was smiling but little did he know… you’re already pissed. You couldn’t argue with him anymore because he was on his phone again answering yet another important call. 
For days Jaehyun couldn’t answer your question. He’s not helping you understand him… even though you’re more than willing to. 
It hurts to turn your back on him whenever he reaches out for you. It hurts that you avoid him in this beautiful place that was meant to be enjoyed together. At this point… you just want to go home and leave this beautiful place. 
So you told him. 
“I don’t want to fight. I’m too weak for that. I am forever grateful that you want to protect me but, this is suffocating Jae. You’re not even communicating—“ 
And then Jaehyun get on his knees and took your words away. 
He’s proposing… out of nowhere. 
“I’m sorry. I’m not perfect but I’m really trying to do things my own way. Can you be my wife? And you know… make a man out of me?” He chuckled and waited for your answer. Of course you said yes. You can feel his heartbeat, beating so fast while you hug him tight. 
“I’m working double time and looking for a suitable replacement for my place at the table so we could never leave this place anymore. That’s why” he added and put the ring on your finger. “Wow. You finally said ‘yes’” he teased you and kissed you before apologizing once again. 
Gone are the days that the house was dead silent. Now its full of laughter and sweet whispers, only between you and Jaehyun. 
He changed his ways immediately, making sure you understood what he was trying to do. Soon Jaehyun realized how much help you could been if only he told you a little bit sooner. 
As days go by you two enjoy the place together, you try so hard to make breakfast warmer and sweeter each day, spend the days like a normal couple would do, stroll around the small town and enjoy its uniqueness, swim in rivers and kiss during sunset, appreciate the quiet evening where you can only hear crickets singing while you two sat at the front porch. 
“Good morning,” he hugged you from behind in this cold morning. You were happy he’s back to his normal self and gave him kisses that are long overdue. Innocent kisses that are sweet but wet, you can tell by the way his tongue moves that he missed you too. The way his kisses are soft but you know he’s up to something even more. 
His hands were swift to remove your sleepwear until you’re naked beneath him as the morning sun hits you perfectly. You watch him remove his sweatpants and underwear and he was excited to go back to your lips again. He missed being on top of you, being able to see the woman that he loves like this again. 
“I’m sorry if being like a horny teenager this morning. I really missed you” he apologized and kissed you again, hands reaching both of your legs and spreading them wide while you check your slit with your right hand if you’re wet already and you’re ready for that cock of his. 
“Don’t apologize, you’re not a stranger” you whispered sweetly while you pump his cock and kiss his lips. He didn’t wait for another second to push in. He couldn’t wait anymore. 
He missed your warm walls. He missed your lips. He missed hearing your moans beside his ears he missed your touch. Your hands are around his neck. Never leaving his skin and continuously pulling him back closer to you whenever he tries to pull away for a different sex position. He let out a soft laugh, kissing the shell of your ear and making you weak. The way he fucks you this morning is soft, as if he’s really telling you he missed you. 
The way his cock goes in and out of your hole, slowly but deep. It was addicting. Then he flips you around, putting you on your stomach but never leaving your lips. He pushed in again while your legs are still closed, making your hole tighter to Jaehyun’s liking. This is how he wanted it. Tight and slow, but giving you hard thrust while hitting the right spot. “Fuck,” you said and catch your breath. You felt your high come down already but Jaehyun is still building his. What the fuck you thought with a smile. You feel his lips travel around your back, his strong arms wrapped around your body, touching, pinching and even smacking your skin oh so lightly it tickles you. 
“Marry me”
He suddenly said. 
“Marry me,” he repeated it while thrusting deep inside you. You tried looking back at him to see his eyes but he was quick to catch your lips and fuck you faster. He was near. 
He flips you again so he could see your eyes and beautiful face, still waiting for the sweet answer. Hopefully. He was working hard for it, as you can see.
Rubbing his hand on your hard nipples as he fucks you slow and deep. His lips never leave your lips, telling you how much he loves you. He reached for your hand and intertwined it with yours, “Marry me,” he asked again, this time looking at your eyes and left a kiss your lips which made you completely stunned… and all you did was nod your head with a smile as an answer. 
You saw how Jaehyun’s face lit up the moment you answered him. How he was genuinely happy. That you finally said ‘yes’.
He let go of your hand and put on your legs, spreading them wide while he pushes deeper. You watch Jaehyun moan on top of you, eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed. He was really hard and you feel it stretch you every time he push right back in. 
Faster he fucks you, making your boobs bounce and making you moan so loud. By the time he reaches his high his thrust were harder than before almost hurting you with the impact. But the hurt was so good it’s addicting. 
He rested his head beside your ear, putting all of his weight on top of you. Oh you love it when he do this… 
“I love you. Thank you for saying ‘yes’ I will make you the happiest girl in the world-“ 
“You already did Jae,” 
He smiled and caged you with his strong arms. It was a good day. A good day to start a new life together. 
A good day to get married privately. 
“Don’t you think this is kinda rushed and impulsive?” You said as Jaehyun drags you to the nearby church and talk to the locals for your wedding. 
Well, he’s Jaehyun. If he wants to get married today, then a wedding is going to happen. 
“Don’t you want to get married soon?” He asked back. 
“I want to but—“ 
“Then today is perfect!” He smiled so big as he hands you your flowers and pick the nicest wedding rings for the two of you. You’ve never seen Jaehyun like this before… but what did you expect? He really wanted to marry you and today, nothings going to stop him from being happy. As you watch him wear his smile that you gave, you can’t help but think about how you couldn’t just kill his joy now. 
The wedding was special. Nothing fancy. Just a the two of you, a witness and your promises to each other. 
“We’ll have a proper wedding if you want. We can invite the others and it will be a big celebration” he says excitedly while kissing you softly, motioning you towards your shared room, not even bothering to open the lights even though the sun came down already. 
Jaehyun was gentle and it was clear what he wanted to do on your wedding night. He was doing everything he can, kissing every part of you, touching you on the right places and telling you the perfect words that make your heart skip a beat.
Nothing can make this day even more perfect. 
“Given that its our wedding night, and you’re basically my wife now…” Jaehyun started with a shy smile. You just laughed at him for struggling to tell you what he really wanted. “Can we talk about having kids?” he finally said it. 
You laughed at what he said and looked him in the eye, you trace his features. His handsome features that made you like him, but when his lips caught your hand and showered it with kisses. You remembered how his handsomeness was just a plus, a bonus, and that his attitude is what made you fall in love with him. 
“Of course we can. Half of me, half of you” you said with a smile. 
“I want daughters” Jaehyun excitedly said, “I will spoil them—“
“Just how you spoil your niece huh? got it” you teased him. 
“But seriously. We’ll play every night, I’ll be their knight in shining armor, I’ll protect them and I’ll make this world a better place for them” 
“Hmm. exactly how?”
“I have a few plans in my mind… you wont like it,” he said with a sweet voice and started kissing your neck. He was putting you in the mood again by kissing your boobs and sucking on your nipples. Of course you like the feeling and you immediately forgot what he was saying. All you did was agree in your weakest state while moaning his name. You told him you cant go again because you were still sensitive but of course Jaehyun has his own ways. 
The days you spend together in this house is even more beautiful, it was not long after Jaehyun told you that he bought this place already and that this is where you will build a family with him. He made it official when he put a framed picture of you and him at the top of the fireplace. It was a good start. Just the way you like it. 
“Hows everything back home?” You asked while he’s typing aggressively on his phone, he doesn’t look pleased. You stood up and try to take a look at his phone but he was quick to turn the screen off and give his attention to you. 
“It’s just work, Im having a hard time but there’s nothing I cant handle” he smiled and reached out for a kiss. “Let’s make dinner?” 
Over dinner you couldn’t help but ask him over and over again about the situation back home. Not to mention… you wanted to tell him that you’re happy and that you’re over the moon but you just cant help but think that everything felt so misplaced right now. You also feel like he’s hiding something from you. 
“I’m afraid I have to leave you here for a few days, I’ll come back as soon as I can. I have to take care of something” Jaehyun explains while he plays with your hand and look at your ring. 
“I’ll come with you. We don’t need to rush living like this… I too have loose ends to take care of. Let me go with you” 
Of course you see right through him. He was hiding something. 
By the time the two of you got back at the headquarters, everything went crashing down and took away your peace. You instantly wished that you hadn't left that place. Nonetheless… everything was meant to happen eventually in the first place. 
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Jaehyun’s father had a heart attack and it completely changed everyone's lives. In a bad way. 
“Yoonoh I need you to come with me” Chanyeol said to Jaehyun, signaling him to get in the car. Jaehyun on the other hand, can’t and won’t let go of you because he knew damn well that he needs you and you’re his wife now… you should stay close to him. 
“This is strictly families only Jae, don’t make this harder than it already is” Chanyeol said as he stops you from getting inside the car with Jaehyun. 
This is not the perfect time to announce your marriage. And so as Jaehyun was about to say it, you stopped him and made him follow Chanyeol. “I’ll be here, just come home whenever you can” you said and let Chanyeol take him away from you. 
It all happened so quickly but days went by slowly. It was dark times for everyone even though the sun shines brightly everyday and lights up every color you see. Even though everyday seems to be a gift, but in this world you’re in its just another day for chaos and revenge.
“Jeong Yoonoh’s place as the new head of the family and the new boss cannot be moved or transferred to any candidate….” 
You listened to the lawyer as he recited every last will of Jaehyun’s father. 
This simply means that Jaehyun can’t leave this wretched world and live a quiet life with you.
Privately, Jaehyun made a call. 
A call to someone he thought he could trust with his plans in life. But it ended up giving him the biggest problem he ever faced. 
“The deal was kill him after you replace me. You just made everything complicated. The deal is off. You’re useless to me now. Prepare for your funeral. I will not stop until you’re with your friends” 
As soon as Jaehyun ended the call with Kun. He threw his burner phone and removed his necktie that seems to be so tight right now. He felt so caged at some point. He felt prisoned. 
Only to realize that he doesn’t need to feel this way anymore because… as ugly as it sounds… he’s the boss now and he can do everything. Kill anyone. And no one will stop him now. 
Of course he’s having these thoughts because he’s struggling to get to you. To be with you peacefully. His wife. 
He wanted to tell the world that you are a Jeong now, looking at his wedding ring he remembers the beautiful times you spent together peacefully. And how he’s more than willing to embrace all this power and authority he has just so he could make this world a better place for you. It’s all for you. 
In a matter of days, Jaehyun became the boss of bosses. The head of the Jeongs and fulfilling his birthright. You have no choice but to watch him from the sidelines and be quiet even though you’re already his wife. It was as if you were nobody even though deep inside you’re basically a Jeong too.
That thought… of being a Jeong. Officially … just gives you headaches and heartaches at the same time. It feels wrong.
Ceremonies, gatherings and a lot of business meetings. Jaehyun faced them all and made him grow even more as a leader. You’re proud of him of course, and you’re happy whenever you see him in the news for a quick interview, him cutting a ribbon or whenever you see his face at the morning papers. You’re proud of him. 
And even though all these achievements are all good for his career… everyday, you feel like it’s creating a barrier between you and Jaehyun and it’s becoming thicker each day. 
Ever since the funeral you stayed at the headquarters with the others. You’re back to being an assassin, guarding rich people and providing protection whenever they need it. It’s whatever. Jaehyun insisted that you stop, but you told him that this is the only thing you know how to do even with your eyes closed. 
Maybe everything feels wrong because you’re not yet ready to be a wife to Jaehyun. 
“Don’t blame yourself. I’m sure he misses you too” Yuta said softly and gave you a cup of tea. “He’s been receiving death threats again. I think it was three today,” you just scoffed at that information knowing that Jaehyun wouldn’t be actually threatened by that. 
“People don’t know how he could be such a monster sometimes. Personally I think they should stop” 
You and Yuta just laugh at what you said because its true. For a minute, you and Yuta reminisce how Jaehyun was a crazy assassin at some point. You two also remembered how he used to be a normal person even before all of this happened. He was your friend, but now he’s your boss. Even now that you’re his wife… he’s more of a boss than a husband. 
“We can trade places tomorrow. I’m assigned to guarding Jaehyun’s office. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you” Yuta offered.
“I haven’t seen him up close since we got back” you murmured and looked at your wedding ring. “I wanted to take care of him, I wanted to iron his clothes, prepare him breakfast… like you know…. like a normal wife. Instead… I will guard his office, check every food he’s about to eat for possible food poison, and just… be a wife in my dreams. It frustrates me. I’m not sure if I’m ready to see him… let alone be with him the whole day… as one of his bodyguards”
But even though after listening to your sentiments, Yuta still encouraged you to trade places with him. For him, its better to see him from a far than not seeing him, its better for you to be with him the whole day while guarding his office, than not given the opportunity to do so. “Most wives wanted to guard their husbands 24/7 you know that?” Yuta tried making you laugh, he was talking about the cheating husbands and the wives that became dramatic overtime. 
“You watch too much T.V these days” you said while laughing. 
“Was it beautiful? The wedding?” Yuta asked sweetly only because he wanted to cheer you up. 
“Beautiful. Peaceful. Jaehyun was really happy and I was just feeling things I shouldn’t. He proposed two times already, and I turned him down because I wasn’t sure how can I make him happy… but when I finally said ‘yes’… its the first time ever that I saw him so joyful, so full of life… it was that moment that I realized that I alone can make the man that I love happy, I just need to trust myself” 
“Well, I’m sure you two will find a way back to that place again. Just hold on tight” he cheers you up. 
The next day, you guarded Jaehyun’s office with a happy heart. You left a cup of coffee on his desk with a small note, ‘I’m outside’- wife. It was out of love, and you wanted to know that you’re more than desperate to be with him. 
But Jaehyun burned the note. You saw him do it. 
For someone who is clueless and does not know the truth, it looked like Jaehyun was just burning a piece of paper for fun. Followed by lighting up his cigarette before starting to read the pile of documents in front of him today. Jaehyun didn’t like the idea. After a board meeting, Jaehyun called you inside his office privately. You thought that finally… after all the waiting you did for the following weeks, you will finally get to see him up close. 
“What were you thinking? What will happen if my enemies found out that you’re my wife? My wife. Who’s guarding me so freely. Who works for me” 
It sounded as if you weren’t enough to be his wife… that’s why he hasn’t made the announcement yet.  
Jaehyun wasn’t careful with his words and he didn’t mean it. 
“All I’m saying was, I cant let my enemies see you like this” 
He realized that the more he opens his mouth… the more he offends you without actually meaning it. Jaehyun wanted to tell you that, he wanted to protect you and hide you from his enemies. But that wasn’t exactly what happened. He just offended you. 
He didn’t get the chance to explain himself further or say sorry because you left already. He couldn’t stop you. Afraid that he might make the situation worst.
Driven by concern and guilt, Jaehyun managed to come to the headquarters for you at the end of the day. At least try to talk to you. He wanted to apologize and come pick you up for dinner if you let him. He felt bad about what happened earlier. He was just scared. That’s all. 
Just like a thief, he entered your room uninvited. See you sleep soundly. He wanted to wake you up but he thought maybe you were tired too. So instead of waking you up he just left a kiss on your forehead and made sure you’re all warm. Watching you under the warm light of your lampshade, asking himself, ‘is it really okay to deny you as his wife at this point?’ ‘is this really the only way to keep you safe?’ 
“At least you’re safe” he murmured.  
Of course you felt his presence. And you didn’t care if you were tired or sleepy. You wanted to spend time with him. Even though he broke your heart earlier. You were quick to hug him and kiss him, and told him he’s already forgiven. 
The night carried on beautifully as planned. Even though you two are basically hiding from the world. You two had hot noodles under the moon and stars, you watch your husband eat in front of you and help him wipe his face because he ate too messy. “Sorry. I was hungry” He got shy when you reached for the tissue to wipe his face and help him remove his tie so he could eat comfortably. Deep inside Jaehyun was happy. But he was shy that his ears are so red. 
“Why are you shy? Its not everyday I could take care of you” you said as you put more food in his bowl and pour him another glass of wine. Of course he knew that you wanted to take care of him as your husband, he knew that someday, you wanted to help him and support his and the boss he’s meant to be… but Jaehyun didn’t expect that it would be so hard.
“I’m sorry. I really am. Its just that… I receive death threats everyday. I couldn’t let you get involved in this kind of life that I have now. I’m really sorry, I am. I know you're 100% capable of taking care of yourself and these threats are just nothing... but its different. If the news comes out that youre my wife, the world will not stop until you're dead” Jaehyun explains. His heart breaks a million times because this is not the life he promised you when he asked you to marry him. 
“I’m sorry we can’t go back to our home yet… I sure miss it already” Jaehyun says softly to you. You wanted to tell him that you already forgot about it, that it was just a short dream for you and that the wedding ring that you two shared is the only proof that it actually happened… but you didn’t want to hurt him or start an argument. You’re just happy he’s here with you. 
And speaking of rings… Jaehyun caught you spacing out while looking at his ring. You were actually surprised he’s wearing it. “What if someone dares to ask about your ring?” you asked as if you were suggesting that he takes it off if he really wanted to hide that he’s a married man now.
“This is sacred,” he says sternly and reached out for your hand. “for better or for worse” he reminded you. “Just give me more time…I’ll come to you. As always” he promised.
After eating, he cuddled with you and waited for you to sleep but he was tired too that he slept first the moment he was comfortable in your bed and you couldn’t wake him up or disturb him. He misses your presence, your warmth and your touch. 
The next day Jaehyun met Chanyeol and talked about his enemies and possible enemies in the future. He spent weeks doing background checks, meetings, bribing, and torturing a few people just so he could find who sent the threats. But every time he kills a problem, another problem just pops out of nowhere. It felt endless Jaehyun thought. 
“‘I don’t want to be like my father’ isn’t that your life motto?” Chanyeol asked Jaehyun shamelessly. “I remember when I was just starting to work for the Jeongs… your father loved his family so much, that’s why he had the idea of having his own assassins”  
“Are you suggesting that I use the squad just so I could go and finally come home to Y/n?” 
“No. but the fact that the idea came from you scared me. I’m saying… that you should go on a different path Jeong Yoonoh” 
The next day, Chanyeol officially resigned. Of course Jaehyun couldn’t be selfish this time. His work will be doubled without Chanyeol… but his hyung has his own life too. 
“I have a daughter. She’s 3 years old already and tomorrow I’ll see her for the third time. That’s how much this job has taken from me Jaehyun. That’s the last thing I’ll teach you. You have a wife now. Don’t waste your time” Chanyeol said before saying his final goodbye to his student. 
After hearing what Chanyeol said, Jaehyun tried to be with you as much as he could. But he couldn’t.
He promised to be with you and you wait for him to arrive. But he never did. 
He talks to you but only through phone calls. 
By this time your patience is almost gone. But you can’t do anything about it. You’re married. 
Although, Jaehyun managed to give you your own place as a way of saying ‘sorry’. This way it was easier for him to visit you, but in some way, it became lonelier because you were always alone. Lonelier than ever. Even though, some days and nights were beautiful because you could spend it with him, still… its been lonely for you. 
“Jaehyun has been tiring everyone. Are you sure he’s still sane?” Taeyong complains while you and Yuta watch him do pull-ups. 
“Even you. His own wife. He treats you like shit. No offense Y/n. But… now that he’s the boss now, I think he should grant you your freedom already” Taeyong added. “Instead… he’s sending you to assassinate someone whenever he feels like it” 
“It’s my job” you try to defend yourself. 
“How about his job as your husband?” 
You we’re speechless. 
Changes happened so fast ever since Chanyeol left. The new apartment, new assassins, new people to kill, new bosses, new people to kill, new people to protect. Taeyong was right. Is Jaehyun still thinking straight? 
On the same day, Jaehyun came home and you found him sleeping on the bed with his shoes still on and a cup of untouched coffee on the bedside table. You figured he must have tried battling against sleepiness but couldn’t win because of tiredness. He must be really tired like everyone else, you thought. Even though Jaehyun’s choices in life right now make everyone's lives miserable, you’re sure that Jaehyun must be suffering and struggling alone too. 
“Hey…” he greeted you with a tired voice when he felt your presence, “what time did you arrive? I’m sorry. I tried coming home as fast as I could. I was in Bangkok for days— I missed you” he got up even though its obvious that all he wanted to do is rest. People don’t see this side of Jaehyun. And you’re the only one who could see him weak like this. It pains you. 
“I missed you too?” you said sweetly, he initiated the kiss, you kissed him back, showing him that you still long for him, you still want him every second of the day. But for someone who’s tired to the bone, he sure does have the energy to turn you on and imply that he wanted to have sex tonight. “If you’re tired, we could just lay down and talk until the sun rises” he suggests, he’s aware that he’s been tiring everyone lately too, including you. The suggestion stands, but Jaehyun couldn't stop himself from devouring your neck and kissing you just how you want it.
“Don’t stop my love” you made sure he heard you right. You returned his hungry kisses and quickly unbuttoned his dress shirt. You remember the last time you had sex, it was your wedding night, and the thought of it just makes you want to melt into Jaehyun’s body, grinding on his hardening cock and using each other for your own pleasure. You hold on to him, scratching his back and leaving a few bruises on his skin because you were so so so desperate to keep him close to you. 
“I’m sorry. I’m here now” he managed to whisper. In one swift he put you in all fours, kneading your boobs from behind and pinching your nipples while he enjoys touching your body and making you feel good with his hands alone. Pulling you against his chest, you feel his lips on the shells of your ear, hearing every breath he takes. It sounded sexy, and the sound alone just makes you wet. “Can I be rough tonight?” Jaehyun asks while kissing your body back, hand beside your waist, keeping you still for all the kisses that he’s about to give your body. All you can do is nod and kiss him back with the same hunger. 
From behind, he licked your leaking cunt, you were so wet at the moment only because it has been so long ever since he touched you. Jaehyun can see and feel how you shiver at every touch, every lick he does to you. And he likes what he’s seeing. He decided to be more playful and run a finger slowly to your cunt. Your hole is ready to be fucked but Jaehyun wanted to make you wet even more. Without a warning, he licked your slit followed by his fingers, making small circle on your sensitive bud which makes your knees weak, making you land on the mattress and let out beautiful moan. Jaehyun was quick to pull your waist back up and kiss your back, the tip of his cock sliding up and down on your cunt, which makes you grip the sheets and hold on to whatever you can. You reach behind for his hand, asking him to hold hands with you which he complies before pushing in. You feel his lips on your lips as he slowly thrust in and out but not for long. It was just his way of saying, ‘im going to be rough, if it hurts make me stop’. 
You feel his hand on your waist while he thrust so hard and you hear slapping. Your face is perfectly buried on the mattress as you take every pleasure your husband gives you. You hear him moan and his moans were perfect. It was obvious that you make him feel good and that alone just makes you want more. 
His lips and his thrust were on different rhythms. His thrusts were nothing but hard, to the extent that you let out a small scream here and there, feeling his skin burn yours. Oh youre sure you’ll have bruises when you wake up tomorrow, you’re not even sure if you could walk properly. While his lips bring you comfort, warm like his being. You’re sure that his kisses left marks on your back too. You just smile at every thought running through your head. And Jaehyun caught you. 
“So you seemed to be enjoying. I’m glad” He suddenly stopped thrusting and proceeded to kiss your lips, flipping you once again facing him this time. He caresses your legs for a few seconds, touching your body while he whispers dirty things beside your ear that of course… makes you wet and want for more. When his fingers slide on your wet slit, Jaehyun was amazed at how he made you wet this time. “Can I slap your cunt?” he asks, you nod. 
He slapped your cunt in a way you loved every sting of it. Making your legs closed but your husband was quick to compensate for every sting from a hard slap with a soft touch, a soft kiss, a finger inside or a spit followed by his tongue. And when he was satisfied, he thrusted his hard cock once again and fuck you slowly this time. Looking you in the eye and melting you, making you shy. He just smiles back at you while continuing to make you crazy. When he finally reaches his high, he removes his cock from your hole and came on on top of you. Watching his thick cum paint your pussy and stomach. It was messy but no one cared. 
“I wasn’t sure if you were safe…” he was talking about your pill. “That made me realize, what kind of husband am I… I dont even know if I could cum inside my wife” he reaches for the tissue from the bedside table and wiped every cum on your skin. Kissing lower stomach all the way up until he reaches your lips and stays on top of you. Putting both of your arms on top of your head, and making you swing your arms around his neck. He wanted you to keep him close. 
“Thank you for pulling out,” is all you managed to say. 
“Can you still go for another round? Or a couple more?” He asks while kissing your neck. 
“Yeah just give me a few minutes,” you paused and took this time to express what your’e feeling, “I missed you” 
“I miss you too. You’ve been nothing but patient with me and Im grateful” he kissed your hand which had your wedding ring on it. “everything will be worth it I promise” You rolled your eyes playfully. 
“Kiss me” You commanded he complies. In a matter of seconds he’s inside you again. You clenched around him kept him close to your body held him tight and kissed him deeply. “Come home more often” you managed to moan, and all he could do is nod and return the favor of what youre doing by rolling his hips slowly and thrusting deeper. Kissing you more and keeping you on your toes.
On the next day, it was a cold morning. The room was painted with blue, and the sun was just about to rise. Jaehyun had the privilege of waking you up early in the morning even though he completely worn you out last night. He just wanted to make sure he doesnt waste his time. “Good morning” he says, kissing you softly, waking you up in the most softest way. When you finally opened your eyes, your heart skipped a beat when you saw Jaehyun’s face. His dimples flashing and a handsome smile. 
“Did you sleep well?” He asked, you nod and pulled him in for a hug, making sure youre not dreaming. “I’m thankful for you” he says, making you smile and putting butterflies in your stomach, first thing in the morning.
As you two head on with your day, this is the first time you help him prepare for work as his wife. You picked his clothes, you watch him get dressed, you fix his tie, its perfect. On the other hand, Jaehyun too was happy because he could spend this morning with you, he hugged you from behind while you were drying your hair. And told you that he will try to come home everyday from now on followed by aplogies. Sincere apologies that were whispered beside your ear which sent shivers down your spine. 
“Just give me more time. I love you” 
You were not like other couples, like normal couples and you think its time to face that as a married couple.
Of course the sex suddenly fixed everything. 
He comes home regularly. 
Spend mornings sweetly. 
Spend longer nights together that include moaning his name while his tongue is making you feel good. 
The sex became rougher and its okay because you both love it. 
But of course it didn’t last for long. 
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Days become stressful for Jaehyun because of Kun. He’s now working hand in hand with Johnny, planning to overthrow Jaehyun with being the king of the city, for being the powerful man that he is now. But Jaehyun is smarter than all of them.
As an assassin he is used to research. Researching and studying everything about who he needs to kill, and how.
What is their most prized possession?
Who is the most important person in their life?
If Jaehyun were to ask these questions, you are the answer.
Sometimes, he thanks his father for making him an assassin first rather than the heir of this huge company. He'd grow us useless and stupid if it weren't for Chanyeol and the 127 squad. Maybe that’s the reason why his father made him an assassin in the first place. To gain important experience.
Jaehyun played by the book but played dirty too. He made sure his enemies will remember him. For Johnny, Jaehyun made sure that his daughter is safe… but the catch is, Johnny has no clue where Jaehyun kept her hidden. Yes. He kidnapped her. Which made Johnny beg on his knees one afternoon at Jaehyun’s office. Everyone witnessed it, but they have no clue why.
“Kun. Tell me where he keeps his airplanes” Jaehyun demanded as Johnny begged on his knees.
Soon Johnny told Jaehyun where Kun kept his airplanes. It is where he keeps his money and his gold. Knowing Kun, he’s obsessed with his airplanes, and his riches.
And Jaehyun burned them all down with his own lighter.
You have no idea what Jaehyun has done for the past week, you can only see that he’s exhausted but he’s happy.
While you were sleeping, you felt Jaehyun’s hand creep under your sleepwear, caressing your exposed stomach and trying to wake you up with his kisses. He smelled like alcohol, you bet he’s been drinking with his trusted new business partners. Drunken men who cheat with their wives overseas, rich people who make everything and anything happen.
You don’t ask for too much. All you want to do is for him to come home to you and spend time with you as much as he can. Sober.
“I know what you’re thinking.. you probably smelled it already, but I’m not drunk. Was… but not anymore— can we go for a few rounds?” he asked shamelessly. Obviously he’s horny. But you didn’t like how he was asking you to have sex with him, after not coming home for a week. You felt like… you’re someone whom he just uses for adult stress release.
But maybe he was tired and that he really missed you and you’re just quick with your ugly judgment. You dont know anymore.
“Where do you sleep whenever you don’t come home?” It was just a question, a question out of concern, a conversation starter, but Jaehyun unfortunately got offended.
“I am many things. But I will never cheat on you” he said. Sternly. He got up from his comfort next to you and proceeded to remove his tie. You checked the time and it’s almost time to start your day. But for Jaehyun, he was just about to end his.
“I didn’t mean it that way Jae—“
“Then enlighten me” he asks coldly.
You watch him remove his watch, roll his sleeves and face you, while he waits for your answer.
“I feel like… you just come home to me for sex… but I wanted to understand you more. So I avoided the subject, that’s why asked you instead ‘where do you sleep—“
“In a hotel. Alone. Are you happy now?” he answered, crossing his shoulders in front of you as if he was still waiting for you to talk, “I’m sorry if I made you feel that way. But I guess I’m just one horny motherfucker”
He let’s out a heavy sigh, realizing that his words aren’t right and you don’t deserve to be treated this way. His pride stops him from telling you he’s sorry, even though he wanted to. But Jaehyun turned his back on you and proceeds to take a shower. Preparing for yet another busy day in the office.
What have you done? You told to yourself.
Before Jaehyun leaves you tried to invite him for coffee. But he just kissed you goodbye, answered an urgent call and left immediately.
Jaehyun did not come home for days, he didn’t even said goodbye to you when he left for Macao. At this point, you’re not sure how else or what kind of apology you should do, all you could do is wait for his return.
Without Chanyeol, Jaehyun doesn’t have someone whom he trusts the most when it comes to his armies. Armies meaning… Jaehyun’s assassin. Everyone thought that Jaehyun would pick Taeyong because he is his best friend, but no. Jaehyun hired someone new. Someone who is trustworthy, who isn’t biased, and who will follow and protect Jaehyun with his life. He is Jaehyun’s cousin, Doyoung.
Knowing that he isn’t biased, Doyoung gave the 127 squad equal field assignments while Jaehyun was away. The mission was fine, it wasn’t bloody at all, and it wasn't hard for you, Taeyong and Yuta… but when Doyoung said that Mark is not capable enough to protect Jaehyun and that he needed to finish a field assignment on his own to prove it, everyone protested.
"Mark has been protecting Jaehyun ever since he learned how to hack shit!" you shouted. "Mark can protect everyone through his screens-- are you dumb?"
But even though everyone voiced out their frustrations, Doyoung is still unstoppable.
“I’ve been calling Jaehyun but he isn’t answering” you tried to comfort Mark. He’s been shaking ever since the announcement.
“We will shadow you and assist you secretly,” Taeyong says as he tries to lessen Mark’s nervousness.
“I swear if Mark dies, I’m killing Jaehyun” Yuta jokes, but he was frustrated as well.
“Everyone calm down I’m sure Jaehyun is not aware… no calls have been reaching him” you told everyone but deep inside you wern't sure.
The plan to shadow Mark secretly and assist him went in shambles when Doyoung announced that you, Yuta and Taeyong are supposed to pick up Jaehyun privately from Macao and bring him home safe.
Yes you want to see Jaehyun. Of course you wanted to protect your husband… but Mark needs you and it breaks your heart that you’re so powerless.
When you and the others picked up Jaehyun successfully, no one was talking in the helicopter but everyone is nervous. There was a time that Mark was still reacheable and that he sends signals that he's okay but not for long. And when you guys are back to the headquarters, Mark still hasn't come back.
Until Doyoung officially announced that he failed.
“He got shot and his body went straight to the icy river…” he informed everyone with heavy heart, regret and kept apologizing.
Yuta was quick to start a fight and punched Doyoung too many times, he just let him. Thinking he deserved it. You hear Taeyong punch the wall out of anger, crying and just plainly out of words.
You on the other hand, went out of the room and cried in one space, pulling yourself together, closing your eyes and hoping that this is all a dream. Everyone saw it coming. But everyone did not do anything to save him from the situation. There’s a part of you that blames Jaehyun, but of course, you avoid that thought.
For years of being together, Mark was the source of happiness of the squad. His never ending jokes, his loud voice, his loud laughs over your earpiece. You remember it all and it will never be the same again. He’s the best hacker that you know, and you’re just sad to the core that not everyone appreciates that.
It was dark times, but everything went black out when the days continued and Mark was not with you anymore.
You and Jaehyun constantly fight everyday, arguing, shouting and hurting each other through words you never told to each other before. Of course Jaehyun blames himself for Mark’s death too. It was heavy for him too. You don’t see it, but Jaehyun was looking for comfort too, someone that will tell him completely that its not his fault. But nobody showed up for him.
He did’t showed up during Mark’s funeral. And you got mad at him.
“How many times do I have to tell you? I didn’t know!” Jaehyun shouted for the nth time.
It was loud and clear of course, but he didn’t even let everyone who cared mourned for Mark and made everyone work again like nothing happened.
“It’s just how everything goes around here Y/n!!! We live in a deadly world!!!”
“A deadly world that you and your father built Jeong Yoonoh. If you don’t care about the goodness in this world anymore, I don’t want to be a part of it” you said crying.
Your words pierced through Jaehyun’s heart especially you called him ‘Yoonoh’, he was scared to the core that you might leave him this time, and this fight cannot be fixed anymore. Not to mention your freedom is getting near. You have every right and power to leave.
“So where are you going to build a life now?” You were talking to Yuta and Taeyong about their plans when they get away from this prison. It makes you happy, knowing that they can be free and live the life they want.
“Japan. To my family, I’m taking Taeyong with me. He plans on establishing a bakery there” Yuta answered. “How about you?”
You scoffed, “what about me? Did you guys forget that I’m a Jeong now? I cant leave him”
“We all know you love him. But he’s drowning of power now and — I cant even recognize him anymore” Yuta says.
“He’s not the Jaehyun that we grew up with, he’s not the Jaehyun that you loved anymore. Faced that truth” Taeyong said sternly. “You’ve earned your freedom. Think about it. Think long and hard”
When the day finally arrived that Taeyong and Yuta are free from the Jeongs it was a bittersweet goodbye. You’re happy for them, but you were sad for yourself. You remember the first day that you guys met and the first mission, everything was all worth it you thought.
“Don’t act like you’re still not free Y/n. You too, you’re free now. Don’t stay here” Taeyong explains for the last time.
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Looking back a few years from now, you and Jaehyun were both excited for your own freedom and were of course, looking forward to finally leaveing everything behind. You remember how fiercely you loved each other during those times, and you remember how Jaehyun literally looked like a ball of sunshine. Who lights up your day and make everything better in a matter of seconds.
Now… everything about Jaehyun is dark. His aura, his eyes, the way he talks… everything. He really looked like a Jeong now. High, mighty and scary.
“So did they left?” Jaehyun asks. He was drinking alone at the kitchen counter, he looked wasted. You noticed he has a new tattoo on his hand, you didn’t bother asking the story behind it. You just nod at his question and avoid him for the rest of the night.
Ever since Mark’s death, you and Jaehyun stopped sleeping on the same bed, and stopped talking to each other dearly, but you sure do want to stay. But on times like this, especially when you’re lonely, you don’t know why you keep on staying with him. In this place. Truth be told you would rather sleep on the headquarters than this cold and dark place. It’s not that you hated seeing him, his presence still make your heart skip a beat, happy because he’s alive and well. And well… physically you could be together. You’re thankful regardless.
Jaehyun hears your cry every night, it breaks his heart too. Knowing that he’s not enough to make you happy anymore even though he’s doing everything he can to make this life bearable for you. But no matter how hard he tries… he’s not enough.
This is his worst nightmare. Watching your marriage fall apart because he can’t give you the life he promised.
Even though you wanted to break free, you stayed and work for Jaehyun. You kill for him, train new assassins for him, but you were never given the chance to become a proper wife anymore.
It was a quiet afternoon when you just got back from a mission that Doyoung rushed you to finish. You don’t know why he was in a hurry but you were so pissed that you showed up in his office with blood in your hands and face.
“What the fuck do you want?” You shouted. You assumed that it was Doyoung who’s sitting behind that chair but no… it was Jaehyun. And Doyoung was the one sitting beside the table.
You never thought that this day would come.
The day when you received a mission from Jaehyun. Not from Doyoung. From Jaehyun directly.
It hurt you so much seeing him all worked up and stressed, he can’t even look you in the eye as he explains what needs to be done. But after he’s done explaining the mission, he put out his handkerchief and wipes the blood off your face. “Can you give us the room?” Jaehyun politely asked to Doyoung which he followed of course.
“I know this is hard for you, because it’s hard for me too” he let out a heavy sigh before continuing… you thought that this time he’s going to say he misses you or say something that will brighten up the mood. But he didn’t.
“I need you to not fail this mission” he added.
And that made you mad. You wanted to shout at him, you wanted to punch him but you knew that staying silent and avoiding him at all costs will hurt him even more.
It was quiet. Jaehyun was waiting for you to break the silence.
“Can I have the name?” You asked without looking at him.
“It’s Kun” he says, and after collecting all the paper work that you needed from the desk you bravely left your wedding ring.
You didn’t dare asked how the fuck is Kun still alive. You have so many questions but you didn’t dare asked him because that small room is suffocating you. Not to mention your little skit about the ring. He didn’t even bother coming after you when you left the room. That’s just means you mean nothing to him.
By the time you started the mission, you thought that he will be hard to find but no. He contacted you directly and gave you an invitation for dinner in the skies. Of course you accepted it, even though you had direct orders from Jaehyun that you are not allowed to have a conversation with him.
“Do you love flying this much?” You asked him. He just smiled.
“This way, there’s no other assassins that could kill me, no people listening, just pure privacy. Just you and me”
You watch him pour another glass of champagne and watch him take a sip, you noticed he was shaking.
“I don’t have anything up in my sleeves too because I’m only here to tell you the truth” there was a slight pause, you wait for him to have the courage but truth be told, you’re not ready to hear what he’s about to say.
“While you were on coma, back then, Jaehyun found me after killing my double. I was afraid to die in his hands especially when I wasn’t the one who poisoned you — it wasn’t me, I promise. It was Jaehyun’s father. And I know that because… well we Phantoms are always 5 times ahead” he joke, you agreed.
“But when I told Jaehyun that truth… he made a deal with me. I kill his father and the Jeongs will not come after me anymore, and I become the boss. I fucked up. I admit. Got excited and killed his father first. Not knowing that Mr. Jeong is as smart as Jaehyun. His final will and testament just made Jaehyun untouchable and impossible to replace. Time passed and the man you love changed and now drowning in power—“
“You don’t need to tell my life’s story. I’m well aware—“ you tried to cut him off but he continued.
“ And here you are. He even sent his wife to clean up his mess. Are you sure you’re married to the right person?”
Kun noticed you don’t have your wedding ring. He thought maybe you left him “Good choice” he added without even asking you.
After knowing the truth while watching the sun go down high above the skies, Kun helped you stage his death and you agreed to let him go because he proved to you that he’s innocent.
When you get back, Jaehyun was happy that you didn’t fuck up… for a short time…but soon found out that Kun’s death was just staged. And so Jaehyun killed him with his own hands. He turned a blind eye about you being a traitor because he knew that you’re already fed up of what’s happening to your lives now.
But on top of it all, he already knew that one of these days, you will decide to leave him.
You on the other hand has succumbed into the darkness of your room and stayed there for days without talking to anyone, and without eating anything. All you want to do is get away from this place and live your life alone. Even if the thought of leaving Jaehyun hurts you so much already.
One night, Jaehyun tried to make everything right by bravely visiting you into your room, he promised to himself that he will do everything tonight just to make everything right. If he gets lucky he will hand you your wedding ring again.
He didn’t knock and just welcomed himself into your room. He found you staring at your window while you’re comfortably laying in your bed. He didn’t want to disturb your peace but he has to do this and try to win you back.
“I’m sorry” he whispers sweetly, and lay on the bed with you. He wrapped his arms around you but it felt like he’s suffocating you instead of comforting you. Suddenly Jaehyun doesn’t feel like home anymore.
“What kind of person kills his own father?” You started.
Shocked that you already know the truth, Jaehyun couldn’t handle what’s happening in front of him now.
“I did it so we could live peacefully—“
“Look at us now Jaehyun. You did this to us. You’re drowning of power—“
“That’s not true” Jaehyun defends.
“Then what is. I don’t even know you anymore, I’m hurt Jaehyun. I’m hurt that we’re fighting right now, I’m hurt that were not together anymore but I felt safe when I turned my back on you. I don’t want to be a Jeong”
“So this it? You’re really leaving me?”
“I believe that I’m not the right person for you”
There was silence. Suffocating silence for both you and Jaehyun. You continue to cry and forget that he’s in the room with you, while Jaehyun just sat there on the edge of your bed. The whole conversation did not include any screaming, maybe you two got tired of screaming already.
Jaehyun has a lot to say. But this is the furthest he can go with you.
This is the end.
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Thank you so much for reading this work of mine! If you love what you read, please leave something in my inbox and tell me how you feel! CLICK THIS LINK. I hope we can practice, give and take.
Stay tuned for the next part! -B.
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| Your Salaryman Husband | (Vol 6)
Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 (Not Required) Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9
Salaryman!Kento x Housewife!Reader
Having lunch with Satoru Gojo...
Word Count: 1.6k
CW: SFW, domestic fluff, fem!Reader, Nanami's a bit rude, Gojo...
A/n: I hope I didn't fail Gojo's dialogue too bad, this volume has a bit more plot in it than usual. I'll keep it light next one.
Nanami, your perfect husband, never ceased to surprise you. You couldn’t imagine that a man like him, so perfect and loving, could not have friends. There was Ijichi, a former coworker that he checked in with on occasion, and Ieiri, another coworker that he insisted on be your doctor, but in general he was never one to stay out late to drink with his friends after work, or watch a sports game like other married men his age. He always reasoned, that there was no one he would rather spend time with than you, which was true of course. But still, it didn’t make sense. 
Now a salaryman, a senior manager at an investment company, you had met him when he was a Jujutsu Sorcerer, though he didn’t stay that way for long. Once the two of you started courting, he quickly decided to go back to his former position, something he was already considering before meeting you. For the longest time, you hadn’t met anyone from his past, though he never shied away from telling you anything you asked about.
Now what you didn’t know, was that there were other reasons for his reclusiveness. A great scar on his heart, you could say. Something that could never be healed, for it was formed by a monster.
That monster, was none other than Satoru Gojo, Nanami’s former upperclassman and fellow Jujutsu sorcerer. 
The sheer amount of pain inflicted upon Nanami every time he had to go within a kilometer radius of that man was something most people couldn’t imagine, who was so incredibly annoying that his own brain cells suffered substantially at the sound of his voice. The living being that just might have been his main reason for leaving Jujutsu High way back then. 
And that was the man you two were set to have lunch with, that afternoon. You hadn’t seen him since your wedding, where he was sitting in the front row, making sure to give Nanami a pat on the back before saying “I do.” He was happy to introduce himself, of course curious about the new Mrs. Nanami who had been kept far, far away from him, but the way Nanami was, he quickly hurried the bother away and swept you off your feet as soon as he could to enjoy the rest of the night. 
Your husband, Nanami, tried his hardest to be respectful to just about everyone, preferring to get work done and pay attention to more important things than those who bothered him. However when it came to Gojo, only the bitter honesty remained. He had no problem insulting that pest that called himself “the strongest”, which sadly he couldn’t deny. This was true when you tried to bring him up, asking about the man at the wedding while writing thank you notes to the guests. 
“Don’t mind him,” he said sternly, trying to avoid the topic - as the great perk of getting out of the Jujutsu world might just have been being done with Satoru Gojo, after all. A lifetime long break from that man. “In fact, I don’t think he even needs a card,” He smiled, holding up the envelope, about to rip it into shreds. 
“Of course he does, he gave us such a nice gift,” you muttered, snatching the envelope  back from his hands. That was about as far as you got when trying to bring him up. Nanami would always tell you everything you wanted to know, about his work and past life, and the same was true with Gojo. But something about the way that he scowled just at the thought of him had you wishing you hadn’t mentioned it at all. 
You were running around at home waiting for Nanami to get back, as per usual, though this time your struggle was quickly sweeping and vacuuming up a dropped glass. Reaching into the high cabinets in the kitchen, your apron had gotten snagged on a handle as you stepped down from the stepping stool. If only it had been a small spill, but the large glass jar flew out of your hands as you tried to not fall yourself, and landed, smashing into a million pieces directly in the middle of the kitchen floor. Glass pieces tucked into every nook and cranny of the kitchen and surrounding rooms. Then you heard the phone ring. Rushing to grab it, the unknown number didn’t phase you. Nanami’s work often sent calls to the home phone, after all. 
“Hello? This is the Nanami residence,” you spoke, holding the phone to your ear. “Good, I got the right number,” the voice sighed. “This is Satoru Gojo, Nanami’s coworker?” The voice who you now knew as Gojo waited for your reply. “Ah Mr. Gojo…” you took a few breaths, “Kento isn’t here right now, but he’ll be back in a few minutes.” “Oh he isn’t? That’s great… I mean fine, that’s fine. I don’t need him here.” Gojo let out a few laughs under his breath. “Actually, I was wondering if you two would like to meet up for lunch tomorrow. Theres this great new restaurant that opened up, and I haven’t seen either of you in a while. How does that sound?” He asked. “I’ll have to ask Nanami, though I doubt he’d be busy. I’m sure he would enjoy seeing you…” You let out a few giggles yourself, thinking about your stoic husband. Of course you didn’t want to upset him, but maybe he would enjoy meeting up with a coworker - and of course, you were awfully curious. 
“If you two have any conflicts, just let me know. I’ll make us a reservation anyways.” Gojo leafed through the menu, the sound audible through the phone. “Oh and they have mochi, that’ll be great,” he laughed, “It was good to talk to you, Y/n, I’ll see you later.” “Goodbye, Mr. Gojo,” you responded back, and the call was ended. 
In perfect timing, of course, the moment you got back to work, bending down to sweep up the glass mess on the floor, your husband walked up the front steps. You ran over to greet him, fixing your hair and removing your apron. “Welcome home darling,” you smiled as he opened the door. You took his briefcase and set it to the side of the door for him. “I… I broke some glass in the kitchen, I’ll go clean it up in a minute,” you started, as he looked you in the eyes. “And…” he stared, curious as to what you were so nervous about. “I received a phone call, from a coworker of yours, or should I say former coworker?” part of you wanted to change the subject. “I see… and does this coworker have a name?” he asked, taking a seat on the couch. 
“Mr. Gojo gave a call, actually.” Nanami’s hands clenched, the veins showing down from his knuckles. “He invited us to lunch tomorrow, isn’t that nice?” 
And that is how you ended up in the car, with a very bothered husband on a nice Saturday afternoon. The restaurant was in a nice quiet part of the city, just a few miles away. Threading your fingers together as you sat in the passengers seat, the annoyance was clear on Nanami’s face. “I’m sorry, Kento, but he already made the reservation… I would feel bad to cancel,” he let out a small grunt, gripping the steering wheel. “I’m not mad at you, Y/n, it’s that stupid-” he moved his hand to hold onto yours as he breathed. “Please don’t take anything he says seriously, my love,” you smiled, glad to know he wasn’t mad at you, his humor still coming through. 
After checking in with the waiter, the two of you were led to an outdoor table. “I’m surprised you didn’t show up in a t-shirt,” the two of you sat down as Nanami glared at the man before him. “Of course not, I am meeting with my favorite couple, you know.” Gojo sneered back. “I don’t see why you always ignore me nowadays, Nanami, are we not friends?” he sighed, leaning back in his chair. “Y/n, look at the menu, it has some great sandwich options,” Nanami pointed to the paper in front of him, as Gojo whined, being ignored. 
“To be honest I’ve moved on from all of that,” the food was getting served as Nanami and Gojo continued their conversation. “That kind of work isn’t for everyone,” Nanami explained, eying the ham and cheese sandwich before him. “And Y/n, is he treating you well?” Gojo asked, giving a look to Nanami. “Yes, of course, he’s wonderful,” you responded shyly, the question catching you off guard. “I don’t know how you got that number anyway, but I know Y/n was quite interested in meeting you,” he smirked at you, his nerves having calmed down quite a bit. “Has he met your expectations?” you thought about it for a moment. “Yes, any friend of yours is a friend of mine. By the way, thank you so much for the gift Mr. Gojo,” he smiled back at you. “That toaster is top of the line, it’s got a ton of extra settings so you can use it on more than sliced bread,” you laughed, taking a sip of water from your glass. 
“Anyways, I hope we can do this again, hmm?” Gojo asked, having paid the bill. Nanami looked at you, rolling his eyes. “If we must, then sure,” he responded, grabbing your hand to walk out of the building. “By the way, how is it that my upperclassman is so far behind? I’d think you’d at least have some prospects…” Nanami pretended to ponder, watching Gojo’s face turn into a frown. Thus concluded your first real meeting with one of Nanami’s friends, an interesting experience forever ingrained into your mind.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
I'm Losing You
Having a family isn't always as easy as fairy tales make it seem.
Warnings: Read chapter 1 for warnings. This story is over halfway done now!
Taglist: @phsycochan | @mirillua | @augustanna | @chaixsherlock
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Chapter 17
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It had taken about five hours for your body to fully pass the miscarriage, and during that time you were transferred into a more private room in the emergency wing where a labor and delivery doctor from the hospital’s maternity ward assisted with the pain management.  Not like you were psychologically there, and neither was Law.  You had repeated your behavior from previously, your mind’s go-to defense mechanism being to completely shut down, forcing your eyes closed in a feeble attempt to crawl out of your skin and escape reality.  The reality being you, sitting on a toilet in the tiny bathroom of the private room, a bedpan under your body and the L&D doctor, who you wouldn’t speak to, occasionally offering shallow words of support as you hunched in pain with each agonizing cramp that washed through you.  Law kept his eyes trained on your face the entire time, every exhausted contortion of your muscles as ripples of cramps waved through you throughout the seemingly endless seconds of your time in the private room.
When Law saw it, what had left your body, his lunch evacuated from his stomach into the nearest garbage can.  Maybe it was the way it looked, or the fact that the doctor from L&D was holding it in a cold metal bedpan of all things, or maybe the stress of it all finally caught up to the jaded heart surgeon and he settled it by losing his stomach contents.  You didn’t look at it, keeping your eyes closed, desperately wishing to be in your bed at home.
It was clearly going to be a human.  All of the early human-like traits were there.  Two arms, two legs, a head, a body, but it was still so far away from actually being a person.  It barely had what could be called skin, if anything its external appearance seemed more like a glass frog, only a fleshy red color and not green.  That is to say, Law could see the beginnings of organs inside the shape that rested in the chamber pot.
Law started to judge the gravity of calling the fetus an ‘it.’  The doctor holding the bedpan said it was going to be a boy, based on what she called the ‘Nub Theory,’ and was about 12 weeks along, before she cleaned you up and took the almost-boy away to be discarded somehow.  Law’s mind flashed back to the young boy in the CICU who had passed away a few months ago, and the mother who was so distraught that she left Law with a bruise that took two full weeks to fully heal.
He wondered if you cried like that in the ambulance when he wasn’t there to help you.
He wondered if you would’ve hit him, too.  No… you would never.  Not even in your most distraught, vulnerable state would you do that.
Law felt his stomach twist once more for even thinking about you in such a way.
But when he looked at the almost-human in the bedpan, he had to remind himself that the fetus was yours.  That would have been your son.  That would have been his son.
And the actions of that mother in the cardiac ward, hearing her son pass away surrounded by nurses, her screams of agony and despair at having to go home without her little boy, suddenly made a lot more sense to Law.
And for the first time since the two of you had started trying for a baby, he started questioning if he was really meant to be a father.
“Give me everything that happened,” Law’s pointed glare and monotone words spoke volumes to Ikkaku and Shachi who sat uncomfortably across the small table in the hospital’s cafeteria.  Robin had arrived after her clinic closed to assess your condition, and Law took the brief opportunity to get the details from the two that were with you before he arrived.
“We were eating lunch outside, the group of us,” Ikkaku started.  “Throughout the day she seemed like she was in more pain than usual, but during lunch it seemed to be getting pretty bad.  She went inside to use the bathroom and apparently fainted in the reception area of the office.  We all came back inside when some of our other coworkers were trying to get her to come to, and she started bleeding heavily so we finally called an ambulance.  I tried to call your phone but it went right to voicemail, so I called Shachi to meet us here.”
Law’s posture was eerily still.  “How was the ambulance ride over?”
Ikkaku was clearly growing uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gaze of her best friend’s husband, but she mustered through her discontent and continued to relay her recent memories.  “She woke up when the ambulance got there, and I think she saw the blood in her pants and started to have a panic attack.  She was refusing to go with the paramedics so they… kinda… manhandled her onto the stretcher.  She was screaming and trying to get away so they tied her down.”  The curly-haired woman used her hands to display a crude image of what she was seeing in her head.  “They strapped down her legs and arms and put her neck in one of those plastic brace things to keep her still, and all of that was before the ambulance even left the parking lot.  She couldn’t even move in the ambulance, but they took off all of her jewelry because they were ‘concerned for her safety.’  I said they were stupid, and they told me to watch my language.”
The black-haired man’s teeth ground against each other in his mouth as he remembered a similar retelling from one of the nurses in your room, the excuse for your wedding ring being missing being out of caution for yourself.  Clearly, the situation was a bit more nuanced, but he didn’t wish to strike up some form of argument with his close friends right now.  Thankfully, your wedding ring had been returned to him a few minutes before you were wheeled to the private room, and was tucked safely in the pocket of Law’s slacks.
Shachi piped up, keeping his voice low.  “When I got here she was still crying and screaming, there was a nurse that came up to her on the stretcher and put her hand over her mouth and told her to be quiet.  I honestly wanted to slap her for that.  I mean, what kind of nurse tells a crying woman to shut up?”
An understandable question indeed.  Law ran an incredibly tight ship in his cardiac ward, with his nurses and fellow doctors being well-rounded individuals who worked incredibly under the high pressure environments in and out of the operating room, and based on what Law had seen and heard throughout the afternoon, he was starting to wonder if his was the only department that behaved somewhat normally.
“Sorry for calling in the middle of a surgery, by the way,” mumbled Shachi, awkwardly rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.  
“Don’t be, you couldn’t have known,” Law replied, his own voice low and pensive.
“Law, are you okay?” Ikkaku asked, reaching her hand across the table and giving a friendly pat to the doctor’s forearm which lay across his side of the table.
The man bowed his head, hiding his clearly bloodshot and exhausted eyes behind the feathery wisps of his black hair.  He could feel his mouth growing dryer by the second, his nose still sore from wiping away the snot caused by his crying, his lips dry and chapped with the way he gnawed on them in the failed attempt to keep his sobs at bay.
“No, I’m not,” was all he said.
Ikkaku and Shachi shared nervous, anxious glances with one another.
The redhead reached his own hand forward now, tapping it gently against the surface of the table in Law’s field of vision.  “Do you want us to bring you anything?  Snacks… water… something to read…”
“No thank you, but if you could go and check on Bepo that would be great,” Law muttered, turning down his friend’s offer faster than he probably should’ve.  “Thank you guys for telling me everything, I’m going to go back to her room.”  He turned his back on his two concerned friends before they had the chance to muster out their goodbyes, hoping that he could hide his face once more to quell the oncoming tears that threatened to fall for a second time.
Law hated crying.  He always hated crying.  Crying left him feeling more exhausted than a 12 hour surgery.  Crying left him feeling weak and defeated, like a dehydrated, shriveling plant that gets left to deteriorate on a scorching windowsill.  Throughout his entire life, he had only truly cried a total of three times.  Once when he lost his family in their house fire.  Twice when his adoptive father figure was murdered before his very eyes.
And three times today, weeping over your form over the baby that was lost.  Again.
The hallways of the main corridor were uncharacteristically empty as Law’s feet dragged his fatigued body down the tiled hallways, his shoes scuffing the floor with each labored step.  He fought desperately to control his breathing, his lungs feeling like they were filling with water, his body fighting for life.  How pathetic he was.  You were the one in pain.  You were the one losing the baby.  So why was he getting so worked up?  Why was he letting himself fall?
In sickness and in health.
“FUCK,” Law lost control of his vocal chords as he shouted into the empty hallway, the only witness to his outburst being the LED lights on the ceiling, illuminating his shame.  He hadn’t consciously registered the way his body contorted, his hand balling into a fist as he drove his limb into the wall next to him, the force of the blow making him grimace.  A sizable dent was left where his knuckles had impacted the drywall, blood beginning to seep from the skin of his tattooed fingers as he let his knees buckle and send him to the floor.  He slumped against the wall, gazing at the back of his hand.
D  E  A  T  H
Law was an edgy undergraduate.  He funneled his trauma, his insecurity, his distaste for life into his studies, drowning himself in textbooks and medical demonstrations, filling the blank spaces in his psyche with music that shared the same disdain for the world as he did.  He littered his skin with marks that spoke to him, the marks of his family and the marks of death.  He didn’t care if the tattoos on his fingers gave him less chances of getting into medical school, he did what felt was right.  He had escaped death more times than a kid ever should have, and the ink in his skin was a testament to that.
You had poked fun at the symbolism on the day you first met him.  A doctor with the word ‘DEATH’ written on his hands was an ironically funny image.  You had said something along the lines of, “I think I would trust my doctor more if he had ‘DEATH’ on his hands.  At least it would make more sense if he happened to kill me.”
Law had scoffed at that.  His tattoos were nothing to joke about.  But he came back to you because of the smile that rested on your lips as you laughed, the way the skin around your eyes creased with your happiness.  You were a magnet pulling him into your embrace.  Suddenly, the blank spaces in his mind previously filled with depressing music were filled with the image of you.  Your smile, your eyes, your bubbly giggle, the alluring smell of your perfume, the way you filled every room with light, the way you brought joy to the lives of your friends, your nerdy talks, your voice as you sang along to his music in the passenger seat of his car…
Hot tears plopped onto the tiled floor, some hitting the skin of his knuckles, making the bleeding wounds sting with the foreign contact as Law remained slumped against the wall, staring blankly at his hands as the wounds on his fist continued to ooze dark red blood.  He missed his mother, his father, his little sister.  He missed the way his mother would wipe his tears away with the sleeve of her shirt, kissing his forehead and ruffling his thick black hair.  He missed the way his sister would cling to him on the playground, relying on her strong older brother for support.  He missed his adoptive dad, the freakishly tall, clumsy, blonde ex-marine reserve who smoked indoors and would leave accidental burn marks on his clothes.  He missed the way his dad would pick Law up like he was weightless, singing praises to the child’s accomplishments, even the most menial.  Law always told you how he wished his family could have met you, how they easily would have adored you for everything you brought into his previously dark life.  He wondered what his family would say to him now, as he sat on the cold floor of the hospital’s main campus, alone, bleeding from his hand.
“They’d be proud of you.”
Law’s golden eyes opened at the sound of the voice coming from in front of him.  Shachi was crouched directly in front of him, a soft smile gracing his crooked mouth as he used his shoulder to support himself against the wall in front of his friend.
“I know you.  You’re thinking about Cora and your family, aren’t you?” he asked, retaining his cheeky personality but flooding his words with an air of unabashed kindness.
Behind him, Ikkaku stood, her own eyes welling with overwhelmed tears, but standing and blocking Law from the lights that shone down on his defeated form.  She too had a small smile on her lips.
Shachi moved to stand upright, grabbing Law’s arm and hauling the taller man to his feet.  Law barely stepped forward to pull his friend into a back-breaking hug, releasing everything he was bottling up into the shoulder of his best friend.  Shachi’s arms supported Law, hugging the man back and squeezing him with the might only a life-long friend could have.  
“You’re doing great, Law,” the redhead whispered.
Nobody spoke a word as the two led the doctor back to your room in the emergency ward.  Law’s tears continued to fall, his hand finally clotting.  
When he rounded the corner of your room, you were standing upright, your body wrapped in a fabric hospital gown, your own cheeks puffy with the force of your own crying.  Robin was supporting your arm as you were about to lay back down on the bed, but as you witnessed Law enter your room once more, supported by your two best friends, you pushed past your doctor and threw yourself into the waiting arms of your husband.  His hands circled around you, your personal shield, your knight, holding you against his trembling body as his tears fell into your hair, as his head dipped down to hide in your shoulder and as your own face buried into the crevice of his neck, your unending tears soaking his shirt.  The world vanished around the two of you as you stood in his embrace.
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kainekillinggod · 2 months
Where it All Falls
They all make it to the hospital, Mabel awoke again and her cries filled the emergency room, the doctors trying to stop the bleeding. Dipper sits in the waiting room, tears silently falling onto his shorts with his head in his hands. Stan is standing in the corner, calling their parents. Ford paces across the floor, tense He looks towards Dippers small frame, stopping in his tracks. "What exactly happened out there, Dipper?" His voice was hushed and strained, trying to keep any emotion out of his tone to seem stronger than he felt. Dipper sniffles, drawing his knees up to his chest. "It was an accident," he muttered repeatedly, shaking his head.
Ford took a step closer, kneeling down with a hand on Dippers shoulder. His grip was firm, his suspicion growing. "What happened. Out there in the woods. What did you do, Dipper?"
Dipper let out a choked sob, his nails digging into his arms. "It was an accident Uncle Ford! I swear, I didn't mean to- to-" his voice cracked, covering his eyes. Ford squinted, concern for his niece on his worn features.
He cleared his throat, trying to get some sense of control. "I.. I wanted to show Mabel what you showed me. Back at the UFO cave..." a pang of fear ran down his spine, knowing he couldn't lie about this.Dipper cleared his throat again, making teary-eye contact with Ford. "I went down into the basement. And...." A sense of dread bubbled up into Fords stomach."And I stole your magent gun–" he couldn't listen to this anymore. The mere thought want to make Ford vomit. He stood harshly, any gentleness flushed away.
"You deliberately stole from me? After KNOWING what those instruments can do?" Ford boomed, startling Dipper as he edged back into the seat."They are not TOYS Dipper! What did I tell you, first thing as we went up that hill?" He glowered, a rotten look of disgust on his face.
Fords volume made Stanley pause his call, turning to see what the commotion was. A cornered Dipper and furious brother stood in front of the child."...Stanford? What's goin-" "I told you! The magnet gun can rip the fillings out of a Grown Man's mouth from 100 MILES AWAY! Did you not listen to a word I said?!" Stanford was fuming now, and Stanley went pale.He tried to move to stop this attack on his kid nephew, but some morbid part deep inside of him forced him still. To watch it play out.
Stanford sounded just like their father, when Stanley accidentally punched him in the face and broke his glasses.
Dipper coward further into himself, shaking and crying. Ford continued his verbal assault, but stepped back and began pacing again, lowering his voice when he noticed the looks the nurses around gave him. Stanley went to sit next to Dipper, placing a hesitant hand on his shoulder. "Dipper... what, er, happened after that?" He rasped, glacing between him and his mumbling brother.
Dipper looked up at Stan, and just as he went to speak, his breath hitched and he broke down once more, a blubbering tear filled mess. With a hick and a sob, Dipper tore away and ran.
Part 2
Part 1 here; https://www.tumblr.com/kainekillinggod/757932647684210688/where-it-all-falls?source=share
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queenvidal · 10 months
Welcome To The Sanctuary
Negan x Reader (Rick’s Daughter)
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Chapter 2: Wake Up
Chapter Summary: The doctor of The Sanctuary did everything he could. Anxiety is driving Negan insane, all he can do at the moment is hoping for his Sunshine to wake up.
Wordcount: 3017
Era: Season 7
- Part 5 of the The One And Only Series -
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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Everything hurts. Your heart is beating rapidly for a long moment before it feels like it stopped completely, only hammer violently again. The sound of quick and shallow breathing reaches your ringing ears, it takes you a moment to realize that it's you who’s fighting for breath. You want to open your eyes but you just can’t. The weight of your eyelids is just too much, they feel so heavy. All you have the strength for is to release a quiet whimper. 
Warmth settles on your face and you hear a familiar voice talking. “Y/N? Please, wake up! Please!”
The panic in Carl's voice sets you into panic as well. Your eyes finally open and you find yourself looking up at him. The boy is kneeling in front of you, one of his hands resting on your cheek. Quickly your eyes search him for any injury. 
“You’re awake?” He asks in a quiet but hopeful tone.
Why would he ask that? Confused, you try to move your head to look around but your body feels like lead. Unable to really move, your eyes quickly look around, searching the surroundings. That’s not the infirmary. Wherever you are, you don’t recognize the place. Your heartbeat takes up on speed again. Where are we?!
“Doctor Carson!” Carl yells, the loud volume is hurting your ears. Your eyes close again but your brother begs you to keep them open. A man dressed in a white coat hurries to your side. He forces your eyes open, blinding you with a pen light. You try to squirm away but come to realize you’re lacking the strength to move away. 
“That looks promising,” The doctor affirms. Carl smiles at him in response before looking back at his sister. “I’ll let Negan know she’s awake.” With that said, the doctor moves quickly towards the door, ordering the patrolling guard there to fetch their boss. 
“You’re safe here.” Carl's voice brings your attention back to him. “You’ve slept for almost three days now. It’s not the first time you woke up but actually the first time for you to stay awake.” He’s visibly overjoyed, smiling brightly down at you. 
Your throat hurts, every word feels like swallowing razor blades but you can’t help yourself but to ask, “You okay?”
A small snort. Carl is slightly nodding his head at you, still smiling. “I am." She almost died and still worries more about him than herself. Quickly Carl’s smile vanishes. “Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t”, you rasp. “You’re okay. Then all’s good.” 
Carl attentively rubs the back of her hand. “We’re at the Sanctuary. Negan brought us here as soon as he found out. He-” The boy stops his explanation, taking a closer look at his sister. She fell asleep again. Carl sights, but keeps smiling at you, he is relieved. That’s been the longest time she was awake since they came here. Hopefully she’ll get better soon, stay awake for longer. 
Hurried steps from outside can be heard before the door to the clinic opens. Negan rushes inside, instantly looking at the woman.
“She’s asleep again,” Carl says, believing to see disappointment flashing in the man's eyes.
Negan’s clenching his jaw as he walks further into the room, his attention shifting to Carson. “What you got for me, doc?”
Doctor Carson picks up a clipboard, showing the head of the Saviors the results of his examinations. “We avoided a hypovolemic shock by a mere hair's breadth. Also now I can rule out a concussion as well. Miss Grimes will need more transfusions and supplements but as of right now-” The doctor turns his head towards Carl, “She’s got the worst behind her, she is out of the woods.”
Negan releases a deep sigh of relief, running a hand through his hair. Weight is visibly lifting from his shoulders. He returns the clipboard back to the doctor. “What are the prospects of her recovery?”
“She’s still very weak.” The doctor explains. “Confusion and fatigue are to be expected for the next few days. The stitches look good, but they must not be disturbed and her blood pressure, although slowly, is stabilizing. It’s still very low but it’s treatable. I recommend strict bed rest for the time being and as much rest as possible. Red blood cells replenish in about six to eight weeks, if she takes it slow during that time, she’ll make it through just fine.“
“Sounds good.” Negan sighs again, to say that he’s been stressed would be an understatement. “Is it safe to relocate her?”
The doctor nods. “Yes, intensive care is no longer needed.”
Negan takes one final look at his Sunshine before ordering, “I want her moved to my quarters.”
The doctor places the clipboard back onto his desk, “I’ll see to it.” 
Negan is about to leave when he turns around on the threshold. “And Carson? Thank you.”
Carson nods again, “Of course, Negan.”
Carl quickly packs his things, clearing up his makeshift bed. With a bag in one hand and a small pillow in the other, he waits for the doctor. Carson orders two Saviors to move the woman. Carl follows them closely all the way up to the fifth floor of the factory.
The Saviors place his sister on Negans bed and take their leave shortly after. Carl throws his stuff onto one of the armchairs before moving on to Y/N. Careful not to disturb her too much, he moves one of the pillows more comfortably under her head and tugs her in with the comforter.
He takes a quick look at her. She looks so much better now, color is slowly coming back to her skin. A more than welcome sight.
Carl removes his things from the armchair and sits down. He decides to make himself comfortable and pulls a blanket out of his bag and one of his favorite comic books. Every so often he looks up from the book towards his sister, just to make sure she’s still okay, before continuing to read. Time flies without Carl even noticing it.
Eventually the door to Negan’s quarters opens again. The head of the Saviors walks inside, closing the door behind him. The eyes of the man look at the sleeping woman before moving on to the boy. “Did she wake up again?”
Carl’s shaking his head. “No, not until now.”
After a tired breath, Negan comes to plumb down on the sofa opposite the boy. Carl pretends to read while he tries to watch Negan out of his periphery, but Negan just spreads his legs out, he’s visibly exhausted. The man lets his head fall against the back of the sofa for a moment before looking back at his Sunshine. 
After a moment, he turns his head back to Carl. “You hungry, kid?”
“No, thanks.” Carl answers, looking up from his book. He notices that he can’t recall seeing Negan eating anything today either, so he hesitantly asks, “... are you?”
That earns him a huffed laugh from Negan. “Not really, no.” 
The room turns silent again for a moment, Carl keeps on reading, while Negan watches his Sunsine sleep. Eventually he speaks up again, “You still did not tell me what happened.”
Carl lowers the comic. “You didn't ask.”
“Fair point.” Negan replies, stretching his arms out onto the back of the sofa. “I do now.”
Carl swallows nervously. He places the comic down onto the coffee table, before sitting up straight. “We were scavenging-”
_ _ _ 
It was early in the morning, the sky outside just turned pink and yellow. With another Scavenger lying six feet under, you had to be reinstated in your old team again. You didn’t complain, as exhausting as scavenging is, you still enjoyed the time with your friends. 
That trip your team was accompanied by your father, you were raiding an old apartment complex and could really use another hand. Every apartment worked the same, kick down the door, search the rooms for walkers, loot everything edible or useful and move on to the next unit.
You guys have been already spending the night there and only had to clean off the basement before leaving. It was huge, with an underground garage connected to it. You walked into a lot of small walker groups on your way but that was nothing you and your team couldn’t handle. 
“Think there’s much in here?” Daryl asked you, throwing away an empty can of baked beans. Not the best breakfast in the world but on the road you can’t be picky.
You just shrugged your shoulders. “We’ll see. I think it’s better to really check every room, you never know where people stocked up their little hideouts.”
Daryl only grumbled in agreement before moving on. You walked towards your father and brother, who were coming out of one of the utility rooms. “All clear,” your brother smiled at you. 
“Yeah,” Rick agreed. “But we’ve gotta be careful. There’s a huge hole in the floor, it looks like the foundation is giving in.” 
You had to snort at it, joking, “Been there, done that,” Rick just shook his head. With a smile on your face, you patted your brother on the shoulder. “Come on, let's see if we find anything good.”
Together the two of you went on to search the utility rooms. Curious, you moved towards the ledge of the hole in the ground your father warned you about. You shined down with your flashlight for a quick look. “Oof. We better keep our distance, Carl. The floor around it doesn’t seem too trustworthy.”
Your brother agreed and moved on towards the shelves while you searched the cupboards. Every now and then you checked dark corners and behind doors again. 
“We’ve already cleared it.” Carl sayed from the other side of the room.
“Better safe than sorry, Carl.” you replied, blinding him with your flashlight for a second. He complained, making you chuckle even louder. “I’ll go bring my stuff to Daryl.”
Carl kept going through the shelves. “Okay, I’ll keep on looking around here.”
You’ve been just around the corner on your way to Darly, who was talking to Sasha at your truck, when you heard your brother screaming.
“Carl?!” You quickly dropped the backpack from your shoulders, running back as fast as you could. Back in the room you saw your brother being attacked by a walker. Without a second thought you started sprinting towards them. Carl was pushing him away but the thing wouldn't let go. You tore the walker off of Carl, ready to ram your knife into its skull when you lost your footing. 
Carl watched in horror as his sister and the walker fell into the dark pit. “Y/N!”
His father, Daryl and Sasha were beside him in no time. Daryl immediately jumped after them, shining his flashlight to find them. Rick quickly followed while Sasha stayed with Carl, shining her own flashlight from above.
“She’s here!” Daryl yelled, waving at Rick to come over. “She’s knocked out.”
“Goddamnit.” Rick cursed, slicing his hatched into the walker's head, making sure it stayed dead. “Help me take her.”
An ear piercing scream echoed through the basement, when the men tried to move you. “Don't touch me, don’t touch me,” you repeated over and over again, unable to breathe.
“Christ…” Daryl whispered, when he moved his flashlight down to your belly. The whole place turns silent except for your shallow and rapid breathing. 
When you tore off the walker, the momentum was too great and when you fell, you got impaled by the remains of an old metal railing. A metal rod stuck out of the left side of your abdomen. Lucky adrenaline was pumping through your system, dulling most of the pain but you had to act quickly.
Afraid, you looked up towards the ledge of the pit. “Is Carl okay?”
“He’s alright,” Your father assured you, kneeling down to your side.“We have to get you off it-” Rick tried to touch you again but you pushed him away.
"Absolutely not!” You panted, “That thing is the only thing that’s keeping me from bleeding out right now.” You took in your injury, quickly deliberating if you might have hit critical organs but your mind couldn't focus on anything, still in shock.
After a moment of consideration, your team decided to use the found tools to cut the metal rod from the railing. After half an hour, you’ve been freed and once your team got you into the truck, you quickly took off. 
By the time you were arriving in Alexandria, you’ve been screaming almost nonstop. The soothing effect of adrenaline had already worn off, leaving you in excruciating pain. Even the slightest bump on the road shook you to the core, making even breathing unbearable. 
Daryl carried you into the infirmary with your team running after him. He laid you down onto the cot while Sasha and Carl quickly disinfected their hands and arms. You tried to sit up, your lungs burning from the panting. As you looked down onto the rod, you guessed it definitely went through your intestines but most likely nothing else, although it was hard to determine, as it seemed to be at an angle.
“How do we pull it?” Rick asked you, concerned yet also soothingly calm. "Quickly or slowly?”
You tried to take a few deep breaths, trying to control your nerves. After a moment, you instrucked everyone. “Slowly, while one is pulling the other has to stuff gauze into the wound, all the way through and press it down.” "Stitches?" Carl asks, already holding several pads of gauze in his hand.
“May… maybe.” Your world started spinning and your words to slur. “Imma pass out…”
Sasha quickly came to stand behind you, carefully gripping the rod. “You’re ready?” She asked Carl, who nodded at her. “Okay, go!”
You screamed from the top of your lungs, as the rod slowly pushed its way through your flesh. “Fuck it, quick. QUICK!” Sasha did as she's been told, almost ripping the rot out of your back. 
All of Alexandria heard what was going on in the infirmary, it was impossible not to. The screams were blood-curdling, but what was even worse than that was the silence that followed soon after.
_ _ _ 
Carl’s wiping a tear away. It still hurts to think about what had happened. “We just couldn’t get the bleeding to stop and then… she didn’t move.” After a quiet sob, Carl tries to continue. “Daryl then decided to cauterize the wound out of desperation.”
That’s why the wound looked as nasty as it did, Negan realizes. “Internal bleeding wasn’t a concern of yours?”
“We were desperate, Negan!” Carl’s voice falters. “We didn’t know what else to do.”
Negan scratches his beard. He really can’t blame them, they did what they could in that situation. It amazes him just how brave that woman is. Commanding people around while having a damn piece of metal sticking out of her body? She’s got balls of steel. 
“I was so sure the room was clear.” Carl sobs into his sleeve. The boy is plaguing himself with guilt. “It’s all because of me. She almost killed herself protecting me-”
“And I’d do it again.”
"Sunshine!" Negan bolts off the sofa towards his bed. He’s squatting down to be on your eye level. “Fuck, Sweet-Thing,” He can’t help but to curse, his eyes are full of worry. Carefully he tugs a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “You need anything? Food, painkillers?”
“All good.” You tell him with your still hoarse voice. “Just… tired.” 
He smiles at you but it doesn’t reach his eyes. The concern is still too present in his features. “You scared the living shit out of me.”
You slightly frown at him. “I’m sorry-”
“You don’t have to be sorry about anything, Sweet-Thing.” He tells you, gently petting your hair. “Just get some rest and get better, alright?”
“Alright,” you smile softly at him before drifting off again.
Once certain you’re asleep, Negan rises up to his full height again. He moves into the middle of the room, deep in thought. Eventually he says. “Go to your room, kid. It’s late already.”
Carl fiddles with his sleeve nervously. “Actually I wanted to ask you if I can stay for the night. Just tonight?”
Negan lets out a deep breath through his nose. The kid is just worried about his sister and he sympathizes with him. After a long moment of consideration, he eventually gives in. “The sofa’s yours.” Carl quickly relocates his belongings, while Negan goes for the door. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He announces before closing the door behind him.
The head of the Saviors starts moving on towards the room he let get prepared for Carl. So far it has remained unused. That boy was so worried about his sister, he refused to leave her side even for one minute. As long as he did not interfere with the doctors work, he was allowed to make himself a makeshift bed in the clinic. 
Once inside the room, Negan takes a look around. A chair in the corner catches his eyes and he moves towards it to sit down. He wipes his tired eyes before removing the radio from his belt. He is so tired, the last three days were nerve wracking. It’s not like he did not ask about what had happened to his Sunshine because he didn’t care, but because the whole situation was just overwhelming. Seeing her like that really hit a spot.
Exhausted, he rests his arms on his knees, looking at the radio for a moment before pushing the button. “Rick, it’s me. Negan.”
White noise is his only answer until after a short moment. “I’m listening.”
“Y/N’s woken up.” He informs the other man. “She’ll be fine.”
Silence and more white noise, after a while Negan is certain that Rick had put the radio away until he hears his sobby voice again. 
“Thank God.”
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
Taglist: @starry-night-20 / @joceymoo / @srhxpci / @ladykxxx08 / @sunneeflower / @frombloodandflesh / @aleeeesa /@lanamiller / @fanfic-n-tabulous / @noirfan12 / @abbiesxox / @elinafresk / @obsessiveformiyatwins / @kokushibosgirl / @syrma-sensei / @oceandolores / @raininhell
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 17/05/2024
Athletic Doctor
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 1 Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by Psynwav
I haven't slept in so long...I forgot what dreams were like.
Honestly - what better way could there be for me to celebrate the 365th main post on the blog, than to be fashionably late by a whole weekend? It's unfortunate, but...oddly befitting, really. Back when I was first starting out with the blog, I actually forgot about posting daily for a solid two weeks - and so, some old-ass posts like Chillin’ Like A Villain and (YTPMV) Bob​-​Omb Battlesources were made in quite a hurry retroactively. Nevertheless, it was on May 17th 2023, over on my main blog @melblur, that I suddenly decided that I wanted to write about one SiIvaGunner rip a day just for fun. After File Select Fusion Collab, I realized that it made more sense just to put these on their own blog, and with Snowball Park - Super Mario 3D World I moved everything onto here. It's all been a bit of a bumpy ride, is my point. But today, I've reached the big milestone that I was originally aiming for all the way back with Running Through Cookie Country - a year's worth of almost-always-daily posts on the weird and wonderful world of SiIvaGunner. And what better rip to discuss alongside this milestone than the channel's biggest hit, the milestone rip to stand above all others: Season 1's Athletic Doctor.
Now, I've been following SiIvaGunner since some of the earliest moments of Season 1, following along with the initial GiIvaSunner termination, the entire Reboot saga discussed in I Saw a Brainwasher Today, the Mashup Crusaders arc of Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options, the channel ending of Epic Flintstones... Basically, I was there for just about the entire initial 9-month run, and have with but one Season's worth of an exception (Season 5) been following the channel damn near obsessively since. The point is that, through this, I have been able to follow the channel's most popular videos chart up and down with each passing month: I recall, for instance, how Nintendo GameCube Startup - Console/BIOS Music soared past all other rips back in the day and stayed on top for five month's time. That was, of course, before finally being surpassed by we are number one but with outdated memes over it and subsequently helping kickstart the entire We Are Number One meme trend (funny enough - you can actually find a youtube comment left by me on the rip in late December 2016/early 2017 expressing mild annoyance over the rip's popularity...). Athletic Doctor in comparison was of course always popular, but it took a while to truly climb its way up there - it was in the top ten, then top five, always rising, bubbling in the background. Eventually, starting with Season 3's premiere, the team decided to just make the rip the trailer for the channel for new viewers - where it still sits today, now as the far-and-away most popular rip on the channel.
I feel like the reason the rip became used as the defacto channel trailer, the reason it keeps being referenced in videos demonstrating what SiIvaGunner is all about, is pretty obvious. I've talked a lot in posts like Live and Ooooooooooooooh about how outright *effective* many of Season 1's rips were, and Athletic Doctor is the most prime example of that imaginable - it is a damn near pitch perfect joke executed shockingly well for the time of its upload in the channel's history. EVERYONE knows the music to Super Mario World, either through its usage in the game itself in the 90s, its appearances in games like Super Smash Bros. Melee in the 2000s and Super Mario Galaxy 2 in the 2010s - or just through sheer overexposure to it in just about any era of gaming YouTube. The game's soundtrack is the perfect blend of being immediately recognizable and incredibly easy to hum along to given the entire game basically only has three or so melodies, relying on its central leitmotif to a degree bordering on parody. Likewise as well, EVERYBODY knows Witch Doctor, either through excessive radio play, being a big hit with Alvin & the Chipmunks...or the 2007 Live Action Alvin & the Chipmunks movie that I myself grew up with, it's the kind of vaguely obnoxious (also arguably quite racist) nonsense novelty music that's incredibly appealing to young kids, the same way something like Crazy Frog or its ilk was in the 2000s as well.
Put simply, Athletic Doctor was a match made in heaven - and the joke is pulled off so expertly that it feels redundant to put into words. The Athletic Theme intro is iconic enough to where you're led into a false sense of security right off the bat, the melody swap is subtle enough as to not immediately be noticeable, making the moment you notice it even more noteworthy - only for the track's second loop to become a full-on mashup with the Witch Doctor track. Absolutely perfect escalation, just the right amount of buildup - but most importantly, it ends up actually sounding really good! The joke's great to be sure, very much like Live and Ooooooooooooooh - but I feel like the core reason why Athletic Doctor has continued to endure for so long on the channel, why it keeps getting remixed and referenced and paid tribute to on so many instances, is because it's just a genuinely good listen once the joke sets in. In other words, it is the purest distillation of SiIvaGunner's appeal - a joke so simple, yet pulled off with a magical appeal that remains even all these years later.
Through running this blog, it's that very specific appeal that I've wanted to try and encapsulate with the rips I cover, with what I write about them, to uncover that elusive magic of this dumb shitpost channel. Joel's big Grand Dad reaction that kicked the channel off is a good bit, to be sure, but its not a bit that could've lasted eight years and counting: In its earliest days, its easy to see how the channel could've just become naught but a novelty and fallen off the face off the earth once interest in it died. Yet through each year of the channel's life, with every Season that passes, it's evolved and adapted. Be it the spontaneous chaos of Season 1, the building storyline of Season 2, the mystery and nostalgia of Season 3, the sheer talent on display in the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 and the sheer joy of celebration found in Season 4 Episode 2, the whimsical experimentation of Season 5, the sudden introspection and moodiness of Season 6, the pure adoration and love for everything the channel stands for in Season 7, and the ongoing pure silliness of Season 8 - each period of this channel feels as if it's growing in a new direction, never content sitting in one place for too long - and yet the appeal of a rip like Athletic Doctor remains oh so core to the entire SiIvaGunner experience. The experience of which I've made my best effort to cover across all 365 posts on this blog. To show everyone the layers in which this channel goes in.
That's what I've been wanting to show you... but now, before I end this post, I want to briefly talk about what you've shown *me*. I know its a cliché thing to say, but really - it warms my heart EVERY time I receive messages about the blog. This all began as just a way for me to practice my writing ability, but suddenly I was having the actual rippers - the names that I'd admire from my MP3 player but hardly ever considered able to actually interact with - messaging me in private to express how happy my posts made them...not to mention the people in SiIvaCord discussing rips with me, digging into my writing, sharing anecdotes I'd never heard of, and everyone who requested rips genuinely eager to see what I had to write about them...like, again, its the biggest cliché on the planet, and I know this blog really isn't all *that* big in the grand scheme of things - but I never expected to even get more than five people actually engaging with what I post? To everyone, and ESPECIALLY to the silent majority reading my posts without a Tumblr account, the ones engaging from a distance - thank you SO much for validating all that I've done on here.
Now, there's still plenty of posts I have left in me, plenty of ones already in the drafts and unfulfilled requests well in the dozens. But like...tons has happened since when this all started 12 months ago. I got a summer job! I'm wrapping up what's hopefully my final three school courses! I've started listening to so much new music, expanding my music tastes, in huge part thanks to all the digging this blog has made me do! And, of course, getting to be this open about what's likely my absolute weirdest special interest has honestly made me feel more confident in myself as a person, made me a more outgoing individual in general. And so, to get all of my ducks in a row, to help straighten things out for a bit...I'm going to take a break from regular posting on here. I'm aiming for it to be no longer than a month's time - again, I have much I still wish to write about!! - but you'll of course still see me reblogging fanart and other such things on here just from using Tumblr casually. And hey - if you haven't already, I recommend you take the time to go scavenging through The Archive for daily posts that you might have missed! Having a blog with so much writing on it, so many posts, so much to discover for readers old and new...In a way, I've basically made it so that navigating the blog feels just like navigating the vast seas of the SiIvaGunner channel itself. And isn't that just the most fitting way to leave it all on - an ocean of posts, waiting for you to uncover them?
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓪𝔂 1: 𝓐𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
Tags @undercovergamer @ticklish-n-stuff @chrimsss
—This do have tickles under the cut—
Aether should have known better than to challenge Itto in, well, anything. After all, as the old saying goes, never poke a sleeping, erm, oni... The blonde was currently running through the fields of Narukami island, Itto hot on his heels.
“Get back here, you little brat! You can’t escape the wrath of numero uno!” Itto roared, effortlessly hurdling tree stumps and leaping across rocks.
“I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it!” the traveler whined in reply, keeping an eye on his footing.
In all reality, there wasn’t a bone in Aether’s body that anticipated Itto actually harming him. But, maybe he should have thought a bit before he said that the oni was a bad TCG player…
“Oh yeeeeaaaah sure! Didn’t mean it my left- WAH!”
Aether snapped his head backwards to see that the oni had overlooked a small stone, and he was now face-down in the grass.
“Haha! Smell ya later- woAH-“
Before he could realize, the blonde toppled onto the grass, using his hands to break his fall. Ouch… As he attempted to scramble to his feet, he felt a weight press onto the center of his back.
When his head whipped around, the traveler was met by an amused snort from Ushi, the very same “obstacle” that he had tripped over.
“Ushi! How could you just betray me like this, after everything we’ve been through?!” Aether whined as he tried to push himself upward.
“Haha! Good boy, Ushi! Who’s my widdle babywaby abuubuubuubuububbah-“
The traveler couldn’t help but snort at the incoherent baby talk that was being vested upon the animal atop of his back.
“Oh? Is something funny, mister tough guy? Huh? Got anymore zingers for me n’ Ushi? Eh?” Itto interrogated, effortlessly lifting the little bull, and flipping the blonde over to face him.
Aether squeaked at how easily the oni flipped him, glowing red when both of his arms were pinned above his head with great ease.
“Ohhhh? Someone’s embarrassed, how adorable!” Itto cooed as he pinched the traveler’s left cheek.
The blonde giggled a bit in nervousness from the contact, squirming in the white-haired male’s hold.
“Ohohoho! Got a case of the giggles, traveler? I know juuuuuust the cure!”
The oni formed his right hand into a claw and wiggled his fingers above Aether’s neck. The swordsman squeaked and giggled once more, attempting to wiggle away from the threatening claw.
“No? You don’t want your giggles to go away? Aww, soooo sad. I guess we’ll have to get you to the doctor then!” The oni stuck his lip out and pretended to pour as his fingers continued to wiggle above the traveler’s body.
He moved his hand downward toward the blonde’s middle, coming dangerously close to touching.
“Stahahahap thahahat!” Aether whined as he tried to wriggle a hand free, the ghost tickles not giving him any mercy.
“I haven’t even touched you yet!”
“Ihihi cahahan feheheel ihihihit! Stahaha-AGH Stahahappihihihit!”
“What do you mean? Stop what? I’m not even doing anything!” Itto rebutted as he repeatedly inched his hands closer and then recoiled, accentuating his teases as he dipped dangerously close to Aether’s bare stomach. “Ooooh, Itto’s gonna gETCha! Ohhhh yES he is! Ohhhhhh he’s gonna gETCha!”
The traveler whined incoherently as his giggles grew in volume and his squirms were more desperate. “Ihihihitto! Plehehehehease! I cahahant tahahahake ihihihit!”
“Please what? You gotta tell me what to do, or else you’ll never be free from the wrath of numero uno!”
“Gohohods- juhuhust dohohoho it ahahalreheheady!”
“Oh? What am I gonna do?”
The traveler whined through his giggles as itto’s hand got closer and closer to his bare stomach…
“You want me to… tickle ya? Huh? Want me to get my revenge so bad? You must love it, how adooooorable!don’t worry, Itto’s gonna getcha, ohh yes he is!”
“IHIHIHITTOHOHO!” The blonde’s face were as red as the fresh dendrobium that had toppled out of his bag. “JUHUHUST TIHIHICKLE MEHEHE ALREHEHEADY!”
“Oh, tickle you? You’ve got it, traveler!” With a Cheshire grin, the oni released Aether’s arms and used both hands to gently squeeze at the blonde’s stomach.
The traveler squealed as he regretted his words, hands instantly shooting down to grab the Oni’s wrists. “WAITWAITWAITWAHAHAHAIT! IHIHIHI LIHIHIHIED! IHIHIHITTOHOHO!”
“No waiting now! I thought you wanted me to tickle you so bad? If you’d like, we can go back to the game we played before!” The oni chirped, continuing his gentle, ticklish assault on the poor traveler.
“HYEHEHEHAHAHA! IHIHIHITTOHOHOHO! WAHAHAHAIT!” The blonde shrieked as the ticklish squeezes on his right side switched to gentle pinching around his belly button. “HOHOHOHOLD OHOHOHON!”
The oni paused and let Aether regain his wind. “You okay, little buddy?”
“Y-Yeah. Just, uh… just a bit flustered. Give me a minute to cool off.” The traveler admitted, ears burning a fiery pink.
“Oh you are just so freakin’ cute-“ Itto gushed as he gave a little prod to the blonde’s side.
After a few moments, Aether nodded, resulting in another toothy grin from the oni.
“Just tell me to stop whenever you need a break, cause this oni is getting his proper revenge.” With a swift movement, Aether found his arms pinned above his head once more. “And we ain’t stopping till I’m the one outta breath.”
The traveler rued the day he ever made the teasing comment toward the oni the second he felt Itto’s lips blow a raspberry on the side of his belly button. He threw his head back and shrieked as he realized he had a longggg way to go.
Aether and his big mouth…
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jezabelle9299 · 3 months
Stress Baking pt.3 S.R x fem!Reader
Quick Notes- More super cute fluff, Reader's boss sucks. Reader is taking an art-focused chemistry class, and is kind of struggling. (I wish I could be good at science so bad but I am endlessly confused.)
1 hour left. Then you get to go home, shower, and way overthink everything Penelope said to you. You were just finishing some of your paperwork when your boss came up to your desk. You plastered on a big fake smile in greeting. 
“Y/N. I don’t know what you did, but those BAU boys seem to like you.” Oh cool, he wasn’t going to yell at you, just condescend. And write off the accomplishments of the female agents. Great. 
“That’s nice.”
“Well Maria called in sick, and honestly, it’s probably best if they can keep going with the same person all night. So I need you to pull a double shift, alright?” Awesome. This is just awesome. He wasn’t really asking. Saying no would get you a lecture on being a team player, and an hour of hell while he tries to make you feel guilty. Staying would mean exhaustion, but in addition to being able to afford your tuition for the semester, you could splurge on some online shopping. Plus at least the overnight shift was quiet, not much call for a receptionist at 1 in the morning. You grit your teeth and pretend this isn’t a huge inconvenience as you reply. 
“Sure! Shift ends at 3am right?” He gave a vaguely affirmative shrug and walked off. Nice, really feeling the appreciation. You were in for the long haul now, so you walked over to the break room for some more coffee. 
You were alone in the breakroom, so you popped in some headphones to try and get your energy up. With music blasting at eardrum-rupturing volume, you tossed one more look over your shoulder to make sure no one else was there. Confident you were alone, you started quietly singing along as you got the coffee started. Then you reached for your favorite mug, which someone had unfortunately put on the top shelf, just barely out of reach. When you got up on your toes to try and reach it, a hand came from behind you, and grabbed it for you. Your balance was not great in this position, and that startled you just enough to knock you off balance. A strange man’s hand coming out of nowhere, right in your space, then before you knew it your ankle gave way and the same hand that startled you was wrapped around your waist as you let out a frankly embarrassing yelp. That was followed by an even more embarrassing fit of manic laughter as he touched the ticklish part of your hip when he props you back up. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I thought you heard me come in, I didn’t mean to startle you- and then, uh-touch. I’m so sorry.” He was freaking out about his, actually very welcome touch, so you attempted to be cool and reassuring. Even though you were totally freaking out too, for a completely different reason.
“It’s ok! It’s really-it’s fine. I was just distracted, and was listening to some loud music so I didn’t hear you.” But it was totally awkward now, both of your faces redder than a tomato. He backed away quickly after making sure you were back on balance, but you could still feel the heat of his closeness. And oh my god he smelled good. You searched for a change of subject while he got the mug down and set it gently on the counter in front of you. 
“So-um Dr.Reid, how are things going in there with you guys?” You started pouring some coffee, grabbing one of the precinct mugs for Dr.Reid and pouring some coffee for him as well. 
“Oh! Thank you that’s really-you’re really-nice. It’s going alright, I think we’re getting close. Our boss is filing a warrant request now, and we hope to find a pretty good break. Also you-uh you don’t have to call me doctor, just Spencer is fine.” Well if that wasn’t the most perfect name. 
“That’s nice, Spencer, it’s a good name for you. And, I’m glad the investigation is going well.” He blushed at the complement as he passed you the sugar.
“Not that I’m not happy to talk to you, but haven’t you been here a while? I figured you would’ve had a shift change by now.” 
“Oh yeah, the reception desk has a different shift schedule than the officers, so it’s easier to pass on messages in stuff. My shift was supposed to end in an hour, but the next girl called in sick. So it looks like you guys are stuck with me until 3!” 
“That’s great us-I mean you know the team, because you know you’re very- very good at your job” You couldn’t help but smile, both at the compliment and his flusteredness. You really liked him, and after your conversation with Penelope you thought maybe he liked you too. Now you were near certain. 
“So-um, what are you working on?” It took you a second to realize what he meant, as you’d gotten distracted by the very urgent matter of staring at his forearms while he stirred his coffee. 
“Hm? Oh, I’m just studying. I’m working on my degree right now, but I have this chemistry class as part of it and it is not my strong suit. The class I’m taking is chemistry in art conversation, so super cool, but super difficult.” 
“That is really cool, I could help you, if you like. I have a PhD in chemistry. And engineering. And mathematics. But I could help you study.” He looked more nervous with every accomplishment he mentioned, even though that only made him more compelling to you. 
“Really? That would be amazing, but I don’t want to tear you away from your work.”
“It’s fine, we have to wait for the warrant request to be approved before we can do anything else anyway. So I’m…all yours for the next half hour or so.” All yours? You couldn’t help but smile at that idea. Even though the reality was probably going to be you two, sitting a professional distance apart, as you fumble through flashcards in the middle of the precinct for all to see. But the chance to spend more time with Spencer was well worth that particular embarrassment. You looked up at him so he could see your appreciation of the offer on your face.
“That would be great! Thank you so much, Spencer.” you just had to try out his first name again, it just felt…right saying it. 
“I’ll pull up an extra chair to my desk and meet you there?” you offered, grabbing your mug from the counter. 
“Yeah, I’ll be right there as soon as I check in with the team, just to let them know where I’ll be.” You gave a quick nod and started the walk back to your desk. This was your chance if there ever was one. You just wished Penelope was close enough for you to ask her advice before he came back. 
You wanted him to help you. You thought his name suited him. You were wonderful. You were single. 
He got most of that from just being near you for the past hours, the last part however, came straight from Penelope. After plenty of relentless teasing from Derek and Emily after your first meeting, she pulled him into her makeshift cave for the ensuing interrogation. 
“Boy wonder, finally, you’re here. I only have like 3 minutes until this program is done, since this ancient system is keeping me from doing anything else in the meantime. So let’s hurry this along. You’re like in love with that sweet little receptionist right?”
His cheeks flamed and he knew he was caught. Derek teased him about almost every woman he talked to, but Penelope had never done this before. He had to make some attempt to be cool. 
“What? Garcia, no?” He squeaked it out at twice his usual speaking pace though, with his voice even cracking halfway through. She saw right through him, rolling her eyes, and setting down the pen she was holding.
“Ok, I may only be a profiler by association, but you totally love her. And thanks to my fantastic sleuthing I found out she’s single. So go forth and live happily ever after, thank me later.” With that her computer chimed and she shoved him back out the door just in time to see you disappear into the break room.
He was walking back to the conference room to tell them where he'd be as quickly as he could without raising suspicion. He didn’t tell them about what happened in the break room, in an effort to minimize the teasing so that he could get back to you quickly. Although Derek still clapped him on the back for his “game”. 
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May I request and 1996 Shauna Shipman x Fem!reader? Where Shauna is a vampire and she gets with reader?
It's okay if you can I just wanted to ask
Teeth (pt.1)
͙⁺・༓☾ - Summary: You had been attacked by a wild ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎animal, if it even was one. You slowly ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎begin to question your friends behaviour.
Pairing: Vampire!Shauna Shipman x reader
Warnings: blood/gore
Part two
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A blood rush induced haze, one hand limp, heart heavy with numb ground assailing legs; you ran. You didn't know how long you were running for, but you knew you couldn't stop, because it wouldn't. you couldn't feel the bottom half of your body, you traced the foreboding forest with your teary eyes, unsure of where to go. Looking behind, you'd convinced yourself that it was gone, that bloodlust creature that sunk its teeth into you on your way back home, and so you slid down against a rough tree, the wind healing the soreness in your breathless throat and the scorching heat that built up in your face.
"Yeah, I don't know, I think it was a wolf or something" you sat in the cafeteria the next day with a few of your friends, "Oh my god I'm so sorry (y/n), I knew I should've driven you home" Lottie apologised, "Are there wolves in New Jersey? I'm not sure we have them, it could've been a serial killer y'know.." Van exclaimed spookily to your side, you simply gave her a confused look. "I didn't know you were out yesterday night, is the wound bad?" Shauna asked across the table in front of you, weirdly sincere guilt covering her expression. You adjusted the bandage on your upper arm, "The doctors said it could take a few weeks to heal, luckily I didn't have to stay overnight at the hospital, but goddamn it hurts. The worst part is that they don't even know what could've bitten me." It hurt, a lot. You were taking so many painkillers that you were constantly disoriented, barely keeping up with school assignments. "You can stay at mine tonight if it helps," Shauna offered. It made sense, she lived further away from the place that you were attacked, and you couldn't help but fear walking there again. "And I could drive you home whenever you want." She finished, you accepted the invitation, it would probably cause you less stress, and you'd most likely manage to convince her to help you study. Shauna cursed herself out, mentally - why had she offered? She cant be close to you, nothing good will come out of it. Her eyebrows furrowed in thought, you noticed.
After school you wanted to go straight home. You sat in Shauna's car, "Hey, thank you for this, Shauna." You watched her as a slight smile painted her worried face, "Of course."
"You can sleep on the bed," she gestured, "No, no it's okay, I'm not going to steal your bed too." You chuckled, she laughed back, "No really, I don't mind," Both of you left it at that, going downstairs to watch TV. You caught onto the fact that she would stay as far from you as possible, do I smell? What's up with her.
You felt bad, I mean you basically just decided to live at Shauna's house, though she did offer after all. You admired how she kept her bedroom neat and tidy, the art on her walls, though you noticed something odd when she opened her closet. A white t-shirt, ripped at the torso with a few blood stains. As much as you could brush it off - it worried you, maybe even scared you. You didn't ask, however. It felt weird to pry after she'd been so kind to you after your attack.
You two were listening to music in her bedroom, you watched her as she danced while drawing something, it felt like every other time you'd stay over at hers. You sang along, "This is my favourite song." Hearing you, she turned up the volume, "Me too," she sat beside you on the bed, still miles away somehow, "I have a whole collection of CDs if you wanna check it out? I also have a bunch of movies on VHS if you wanna watch something.." Shauna looked at you deeply, watching the way your hair moved with you, how your body listened to her words closely. And In all honesty you felt happy, you liked being around her.
You smiled, hugging her. "Shit, (y/n)." She stood up so quickly, mouth agape and sad eyes in worry. "Are you okay? Did I do something? Shauna I'm sorry I just wanted to-" She cut you off, you stared at her in attempt to figure out what the fuck was going on, and right before she turned away the bedroom light highlighted a slight crimson glow in her eye, almost unnoticeable. "It's nothing, I mean you didn't do anything, I'm sorry." Suddenly the music felt like dull background noise, you looked away, bewildered. She sat back down on her desk as if nothing happened. You began worrying, worrying too much for your own good. "Shauna, talk to me." Receiving no response, you followed up, this time trying even harder to get her to talk. "Why do you have a blood stained shirt? It's all ripped up - are you okay? Tell me what's going on!" "It's nothing okay? Forget it." Finally seeing more than just the shakiness of her head from behind, you raised your eyebrows as she turned to you. "No it doesn't make sense, you invite me over to your house but don't want to be around me." This time both of you stand up, flaring your arms around as you two argued about nothing. "There's nothing wrong, alright! Gosh why do you have to be so.."
"So what?"
The rest of the night was quiet, her parents weren't home, so she had decided to sleep in their room instead. The only time you two would really speak was when it was necessary. It felt wrong, all of it. Arguing with Shauna was at the bottom of your bucket list, you never argued with her. It's not like you two never hugged before, you were close friends and were always getting up into each others faces, she'd just act weird around you lately.
In the meantime you had noticed Shauna would sneak out in the middle of the night, and on top of everything else, it made you jittery; confused, most importantly distressed.
"Lot, somethings up with Shauna, I know it"
"Shes probably just on her period or something"
"Really, Lottie? That's the dumbest thing you could say right now." You sat in the lockers after practice, on the complete other side of Jackie and Shauna. "You keep looking at her, just to talk to her I mean you guys practically live together now she can't just block you out?" You scoffed at Lottie, it had been a few days since you started sleeping over at Shauna's. "She can and she has, I barely even speak to her, she won't tell me anything." Tying your laces extra tight, Lottie reassured you. "The Halloween party's soon, everything will be fine. But... she could be turning into a werewolf or something, watch out!" She crept up and jumped at you as you finished tying your laces, your heart skipped a beat "Shit Lottie don't do that!" She laughed menacingly before helping you pack up. Admittedly, you were on edge, fighting with Shauna wasn't the best for your stress levels, and your arm hadn't gotten any better. If anything, it hurt even more.
"Hey, (y/n)." Shauna stopped you outside of the changing rooms. "Shauna?" Darkness cast her under eyes, she clearly wasn't sleeping. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight with you." Her sheepish stance didn't bother you, at this point you were just upset. "And yet you're still standing 3 feet away from me." Stern, just how you meant to say it. She swallowed her words, carefully tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, you looked at her every detail, still searching for answers. Shauna wanted to be close to you, she wanted to hug you, she wanted to listen to music with you without having to be careful - but she just couldn't.
"I'm going home today, don't worry." You began walking off. "Wait - (y/n), you don't have to leave," She was cut off, "I do, clearly." You tried your hardest not to sound like an asshole, but you really believed she didn't want you there, and she did nothing to disprove that. Shauna was still staring at you, pleading with nothing but guilt in her eyes. "You can't go, how will you get home? You live so far away from everything I won't be able to drive you home everyday." You dismissed her tries to reason your stay, "You won't have to, I'm not counting on that." Still metres away.
"What? Don't tell me you're going to walk, what if that person attacks you again?"
"Person? Shauna it was an animal, why would a person bite me, and it's probably gone by now. Just forget it."
"No, stay."
A sense of urgency lingered in her voice, you wanted to ask why she pleaded so much for you to stay, but you just walked away.
It would be a lie to say you didn't feel scared walking home. As you inched closer to the place you got attacked, the sun began setting and your hands began shaking, you could almost feel the adrenaline ready to kick in at any moment, but nothing happened. You were out of the forest, or so you thought. Relief began settling until it was broken by the bushes in front of you.
Blood filled eyes chased after you, you stood for a moment, cursing yourself for not just giving into Shauna. You glared at it, as much as you could considering how fast it was moving. It looked human. You ran back into the trees as fast as your legs could carry you, weak from your state. Branches cut and bruised you, reopening the wound that impaled your arm. Van was right all along, and you were wrong to act so reckless.
Ruptured moonlight casted onto your vision, soon distrusted by the red eyes you sought to escape. They moved around, cautious of nearing you. Regaining consciousness, you had realised you failed. You ran so fast and failed. It was now upon you, as you felt a pair of eyes stalking you. You smelled it, the blood, creeping around you like flies to rot. "Oh my god. Fuck." A familiar voice startled you, though you were in such a daze it all sounded distorted. You gave into the voice, seeking aid from anything you could. "Shauna?", weak, but hopeful, you spoke.
"(y/n), I'm so sorry, please just.."
The distortion began to dissipate, fading away into the night as you tried your hardest to get up, vision focusing on the face in front of you. The pale moonlight accentuated her face in all the right ways, her pretty doe eyes looked sadder than they ever were as they attempted to look at you without squinting, her lips were ridden with thick blood as they trembled. You sat up, in silence for a moment as the hurt throughout your body seeped in while the adrenaline left entirely. "Shauna, what happened?" You desperately hoped it was the last time you had to ask her that, hoped that she would give an answer to all of this, hoped that you wouldn't have to be stuck in the endless, incoherent maze that you thought only occurred in your restless dreams. "I'm sorry," She began trying to construct her sentence, you shifted your gaze onto her ripped, blood soaked flannel.
"It's me (y/n),"
"I attacked you."
Another phase of silence stayed within the air momentarily. You closed your eyes for a moment, unable to focus on her words while trying to adjust your eyes. You stuttered for a second, blocking out the pain shooting throughout your entire body as hard as you could.
"I would do anything to take it back, I swear, please just," Shauna despised it, all of it. She hated who she had become and it consumed her. She looked at your fragile state, how you pleaded with your gaze for her to give you an answer, an explanation.
"I'm a vampire, (y/n)." Those were the last words you expected to hear from her. Shauna never even admitted it to herself, she doesn't know how it happened, she just dealt with it, and now you had to too. "Don't joke around Shauna, I'm being serious." Your voice whiny and sore, seeking for an ending to all of this. "I am serious, I swear, just let me take you to a hospital, you're bleeding out" You interrupted her increasingly louder voice.
"Prove it."
"What?" She was metres away from you yet again, it all began to make sense, but it seemed surreal. Vampires were fiction, you couldn't wrap your head around it unless she showed you. Lifting yourself up from the ground, you looked at her.
"I cant do it (y/n), it's dangerous."
"Just do it, please. I'm tired."
Her body whispered towards you, moving alongside the peace bringing wind. You watched her eyes shine red. It wasn't a pronounced red, it was a certain glow that you couldn't describe, shuffling in between the honey brown colour that she had. You, on the other hand, were drenched in red, you knew what it would do to a vampire, though her presence omitted a strange security that wrapped around you. Shauna tried her hardest not to hurt you, you knew how much she cared for you, but this time it was different. You stared at her as she stood before you, the closeness you hadn't felt in what seemed like forever. You wanted to feel the warmth of her again, her touch. After the attack it all seemed to disappear.
If you focused your eyes enough you could see how her canines had been honed all of a sudden, like the edge of a blade. Tears formed in her eyes with every step she took, you steadied yourself as you began to feel the brunt of your wounds. You could tell she was hungry, and it controlled you, just as it controlled her. You began acting more reckless by the second, yearning for her.
"Kiss me"
Her mouth pronounced a shaky o shape, exposing her fangs to you unintentionally. Ever since she had accidentally bitten you, her hunger for you grew, and you could sense it.
"Shauna, please."
Bloodlust eyes watched your fresh wounds in avoidance, unsure hands resting on your body.
She had given into her hunger for you, roughly matching her lips to yours. You fell into the kiss, feeling the stabbing of her fangs onto your bottom lip. Your gashes ached as her hands gripped you like you were prey. Her lust tasted metallic, you ran your hands through her messed up hair, though it was too much for her. In a flash, she had disappeared.
Woken up by the peering eyes of your doctor, the fluorescent hospital lights burned your eyes. You noticed gifts on the bedside table and 'get well soon cards', but none from Shauna.
"Tell me your full name, please."
"(y/n) (y/l/n)."
"Do you recall what happened to you?"
You were unsure of what to say, it all felt like a hazy dream.
"No, I passed out."
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ragingphantom666 · 2 months
G.I. Joe: War Files project plan: Cobra Commander (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
During the Vietnam War, Commander Gregory Wilson falls into the trap of a North Vietnamese scientist called Doctor Mindbender. The experiments warp his mind, slowly turning him into the villainous fiend who will one day become Cobra Commander. First though, he must face Mindbender’s evil monsters to gain his freedom.
Gregory Wilson: A commander of the United States Army Corps. He is captured by Doctor Mindbender and put through genetics experiments.
Dr. Minh Bian/Doctor Mindbender: A rogue North Vietnamese scientist. He keeps his whereabouts secret as he conducts unethical experiments on those unlucky enough to fall into his trap.
Other Information
This series is only planned to have one volume.
The genre of this story is horror for being a creature feature.
Bio-Vipers will be involved.
Gregory Wilson is named after my great-uncle and my Papaw, both served in the Vietnam War. My great-uncle died during the war and my Papaw passed away in December.
Cobra-La is not a part of Cobra Commander’s origin because I am not a fan of that storyline.
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Books for the Hierophile #2
A continuation of the first list. Once again, all titles here are a variety of het, MLM, and WLW romance and erotica and may be purchased in most major in-person and online book sellers in either physical and/or digital form. Everything is listed in alphabetical order and a synopsis.
A Leap of Faith by Mel Gough - South Africa, 1953 – Father Daniel Blakemore is happy on his missionary secondment in a small, rural Providence Hospital on the Eastern Cape. Being away from England makes it easier for him to conceal his homosexuality – a secret that would destroy everything he’s ever worked for.But when Doctor Eddie Raleigh takes up his new position at Providence, the two men are instantly drawn to one another. Their liaison represents both Daniel’s deepest desire and his worst nightmare. If the archdeacon in London learns of his true nature, Daniel’s life in the church will be over.Broken-hearted, Daniel breaks things off with Eddie. And to get away from his sorrows, he leaves his beloved missionary work behind, and returns to Stepney, London.Will time and distance alleviate Daniel’s pain, or will happiness be forever elusive? Or will love, finally, find a way?An evocative tale of love, fear and duty, set against the backdrop of the nineteen fifties, with the emergence of apartheid in South Africa and the criminal nature of homosexuality in the UK.
Blow Me Father, For I Have Sinned (4 part series) by Dirty Mary - This collection of erotic shorts (1. Bad Habits, 2. The Good Wife, 3. Confession, and 4. The Bride) feature various women and their encounters with priests, nuns, and sin. Only available in eBook Format.
Broken Vows by MJ Williamz - Sister Mary Margaret has been a devout nun for twenty years and has never questioned her devotion to the calling. But when she develops a crush on one of her parishioners, Maryann Foster, the passion between them is irresistible and her vow of celibacy isn’t enough to keep them apart. But can she love both Maryann and the Church? She prays for an answer, only to question whether God has truly given her a sign or if she is just afraid to leave the only real home she has ever known. Mary Margaret must reconcile her divided heart or risk losing a love that just might be heaven sent.
Billionaire's Sins: A Forbidden Hot Priest Romance By L. Steele - Part of Big Bad Billionaires series. Father Edward Chase. Brooding. Growly. And... unavailable. He's the hot priest. I am a belly dancer. He's haunted by his past. I am trying to carve out a future for my studio. He’s at war with himself, and I am the casualty. There is nothing he will put before his calling. No stone he will leave unturned for his flock. He’ll never give in to the attraction between us, So what if he stars in all my dreams? He may be a man of God. But for me, he is temptation personified. Making him fall for me is all I ever wanted. Until he reveals his secret.
Cardinal Sins: Seducing the Priest by Liz Steel - “I was never the church going, confessing type—until the hottest priest in a ten state radius showed up. I have to have him. I just need to get him out of his priestly robe…and into his pants. I knew he isn't exactly a saint. But can I pull it off? Will he commit cardinal sins with me? I have to find out. And I'm going to.”
Confessions: Justin’s Penance, Lust and Ecstasy by Luke Jameson - "It can't be wrong if he's a priest." Now, in one complete volume, is the love story between a priest struggling with his beliefs, and his student who goes to great lengths to justify his growing attraction for another man. Justin's Penance tells the story of how Mateo and Justin first meet, and how their explosive attraction forces them apart. In Justin's Lust, our lovers reunite at a monastery in the mountains of Virginia. Both men have taken vows to the church, but as you'll discover, promises are often broken. After an illicit encounter, Justin flees the monastery, praying to a God who isn't listening. In Justin's Ecstasy, Mateo is devastated, and goes to a strange city in search of the man who claimed his heart. Will Justin return Mateo's feelings, or will his promises to the church keep true love apart? ​​Two men are destined to be together, and the only things holding them apart are the vows they have made to the church. Will love win, or will their beliefs be their undoing?
Cardinal Sinner (Divine Domination Book 2) by Megan Michaels - Eliska Petrova grew up as a good Catholic girl in Prague, attending Catholic school, even obtaining a job in the Vatican City working for the Cardinals in the Apostolic Palace. She couldn’t imagine anything better than her job in Rome. That is, until she met the tall, dark, and handsome Cardinal Petr. The problem wasn’t that he was her boss and mentor. The problem was that she was helpless to resist her desire for him. Realizing her deep-seated, dark fantasies of pain and pleasure, power and submission/surrender with a prominent Cardinal seemed like a recipe for disaster. But that hadn’t stopped her from diving in anyway. Her temper got her into trouble with the Petr – often – and he had very creative ways of tamping down her fiery ways, the least of which was an old fashioned, bare bottom spanking. Petr Novak had studied underground in oppressive, Communist ruled Prague, even completing and receiving his doctorate in secret. The Pope ordained him as a Bishop in St. Vitus Cathedral once the Iron Curtain had crumbled, and he’d begun working his way up the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church, becoming a Cardinal in Rome. He’d never planned on falling in love with the young flaxen-haired Czech beauty. Her fire called to him though, and he couldn’t deny himself – even if that very fire threatened to consume them both. How could she commit to a man who had his eye on becoming Pope? Would she be enough – or too much? Could they find happiness with each other and the Church? 
E Pluribus Unum Book 1 - Lesbian Lust By Rowan Buchanan-Brown - 1621....Sister Benedetta is very sick. She has become plagued with demonic hallucinations; all telling her she will rot in Hell. As ministers from the government arrive at her convent to investigate; they uncover a secret relationship she has been having with a fellow Sister....2006....Marcia and Naomi are two lovers who stumble upon a dark cult when on holiday in the Amazon Rainforest. Though they escape to civilisation again, they bring back an ancient evil with them, the same evil which plagued Sister Benedetta and which threatens to turn all the women on Earth to its own wicked ways....
Emily and the Priest by Selena Kit - Her first year away from home has been a disaster for shy, awkward Emily, falling in with the wrong crowd, just trying to fit in with the other girls. When Mark, the campus psychologist, takes her under his wing, she's more than grateful, and under his tutelage, Emily blossoms into ripe, luscious fruit, just ready to be plucked. By the time Mark realizes his mistake, it's too late--Emily has fallen for him, and he for her. God help them both. Available only in Kindle and eBook Editions. Part of the Power Play series.
For I Have Sinned: A James Bay Novel by Kathleen Irene Paterka - Cursed or Blessed? A Man of God Must Make a Choice...Father Greg, a Catholic priest and recovering alcoholic, took a vow of obedience at his ordination-but thirty years later, that Roman collar chafes his neck. His love for God is not in doubt, but the same can't be said for his faith in the church. After a young interracial couple joins his parish in the small exclusive resort community of James Bay, Michigan, Father Greg finds himself waging a fierce battle fighting parishioners' prejudices. When an attractive widow from the parish joins hands with him to befriend the young couple, the problems only escalate-and so do the rumors about a romance. Caught up in a war with church leaders and his own guilty conscience, Father Greg is trapped. He's good at standing up for others, but now he needs to learn how to stand up for himself. It's the only way he'll become the man he was always meant to be-with or without the Roman collar. Part of James Bay series but can be read independently.
For I Have Sinned by Alex Grayson - “Twelve years ago, I vowed to stay celibate when I gave my life to the church. For twelve years, I've kept that vow, and not once have I been tempted to veer away from it. Until she walked into my life. Jersey, the homeless girl who sneaks into my church to steal food. From the moment I first saw her, something about her called to me. She was sent to tempt me down a sinful path, and I have no hope of denying her. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.” A Part of the Itty Bitty Delights series but can be read independently.
For I Have Sinned by Dakota Rebel - “I’ve never been much for church or religion or faith of any kind really. So I never expected to become friends with a priest. And I certainly didn’t expect to fall for one. I spent most of my life pretending that I was a good son, a good brother, a good man, in an attempt to earn my parents’ approval. And now I’m just tired of pretending. Because the closer Father Luke Stone and I get to one another, the harder it becomes to deny the attraction between us. I’m not sure if he’s fighting it, too, or if he honestly doesn’t feel it. He says he wants to save my soul. But I can’t help wondering. Am I even worth saving?” Available only in Kindle Edition.
Fuck Me Father, For I Have Sinned by Naomi Ace - Warning: This 3500 word shorty story is for adults only and features delicious and vivid interactions between three consenting priests. Available in only in eBook format.
Fall Into Temptation: A Forbidden Romance Between a Naive Catholic Girl and a Transitional Deacon by Katy Fox - She’s a naive catholic girl. He's a transitional deacon. Will they succumb to the wild flames of passion? Christie Hart is raised by strict catholic parents who never let her have her freedom. But when she finally goes to Britain to attend her aunt’s wedding, she falls hopelessly in love with Vincent Knight. Fantasizing over a hot downright sexy transitional deacon? Terrible idea. But Christie can't help it. There are many rules a transitional deacon can't break. A transitional deacon cannot marry. A transitional deacon cannot abandon his flock. Vincent has always been good at following rules until Christie shows up and turns his world upside down. Can they overcome the temptation or will they fall deep into it? Find out how this totally unputdownable forbidden steamy romance ends.
For Love of God by Robin Reardon - It’s Manhattan, 1983. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is going strong at the 8th Street Playhouse. HIV/AIDS is still called “the gay plague.” The Twin Towers still stand tall. And Spencer Hill is convinced God has called him to the Episcopal priesthood. There’s just one problem. He’s gay. Determined to stay the course, Spencer avoids Donald Rainey, a young actor he’s attracted to. Then he tries dating a woman, another candidate at General Theological Seminary. Then, as a last resort, he considers a life of chastity. His attempts to deny his orientation fail, and he has a crisis of faith that nearly sends him over the edge. He’s saved by an insightful therapist and by his relationship with Donald, which he can no longer avoid. Then his life is in disarray again when Donald’s life takes a religious turn Spencer cannot accept, and he must find a path where there is no conflict between God and gay.
Grace but No Mercy by Lynn Cooper - “My name is Father Troy Hampton. From the time I was old enough to talk, my words came out as prayers. My life belongs to the church. It’s true that I’m nothing more than a mortal man made up of all the same parts as other men. However, through my devotion and unwavering commitment to Christ, I have been able to resist that which is carnal. I never succumb to the natural, sometimes overpowering yearnings and desires that rampantly pulse through the veins of all mankind. Daily, I rebuke all that is unholy. I cling to my vestments, resisting all fleshly pleasures. Forsaking all others for Him. Until her.”
Heathens (Heathens Series Book 1) by Amanda Richardson - Lily Damewood is trying (and failing) to claw her way out of her dark memories. Her weekly visit to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is supposed to be a way to help her move forward, even though she’s far from the praying type. She catches the eye of Salem Tempest, a seminary student at Notre Dame. When an unlikely friendship forms between them—followed by a white hot attraction they desperately try to ignore—a revelation shakes them both to their core. Lily and Salem soon find themselves connected in powerful and unexpected ways. Turns out, Lily isn’t the only heathen, and Salem is just the right person to stoke the fire within her, despite his sacred vow of celibacy.
Her Priest (Divine Domination Book 1) by Megan Michaels - Divorced and working in Amsterdam as a reporter, Chelsea never dreamed that opening a simple social media account could bring the love of her life back to her. Especially when she still isn’t convinced she was his first love. Despite being his devoted submissive—in all things—she’d let him slip through her fingers—and paid the price of ten years of yearning for him. But could an independent, strong-minded woman be just as accepting of his dominance now? A dream one quiet night in college had shown Emerson his true calling. And that calling meant leaving his girlfriend, his lover. His soul mate. But now he’d found Chelsea again, that calling seemed a world away, his need and his lust for her as overpowering as the first day he’d laid eyes on her. He has to have her kneeling at his feet once more. Even if that means leaving the priesthood. His decade long sojourn has changed him in ways he’d never expected. And now he has his Chelsea under his dominion once more, she is going to find he is even more demanding than he was as a young man. Ten years in a position of power have left him with a taste for commanding obedience. And he intends to exercise that power on his yielding, submissive soul mate. She’s won him back, but is she ready for the new Emerson? Is she ready for his particular brand of religion-tinged, taboo kink?
Lead Me Not: A Gay Christian Romance by Ann Gallagher - Isaac Morris has devoted his life to preaching against the sin of homosexuality. But when his sister proposes a documentary to demonstrate once and for all that it’s a choice—with Isaac choosing to be gay as proof—he balks. Until he learns his nephew is headed down that perverted path. Isaac will do anything to convince the teenager he can choose to be straight…including his sister’s film. When Isaac’s first foray into the gay lifestyle ends with a homophobic beating, he’s saved and cared for by Colton Roberts, a gentle, compassionate bartender with a cross around his neck. Colton challenges every one of Isaac’s deeply held beliefs about gay men. He was kicked out by homophobic parents, saved from the streets by a kind pastor, and is now a devout Christian. Colton’s sexuality has cost him dearly, but it also brought him to God. As the two grow closer, everything Isaac knows about homosexuality, his faith, and himself is called into question. And if he’s been wrong all along, what does that mean for his ministry, his soul, his struggling nephew—and the man he never meant to love? 
The Lake Michigan Affair by JacquelIine Thomas - Rosalie fell into her life, a life she didn’t want. She met Richard, her brilliant surgeon husband, and fellow Catholic as a teenager. One night in the back of Richard’s car, her fate was sealed, to be Mrs. Richard Russo. Her strong Catholic family, where faith dictates all actions, left Rosalie no other choice but to marry Richard, a man who she did not love. Rosalie’s life looked perfect from the outside, the brilliant surgeon husband, a tight-knit Catholic community in Chicago, and friends. One evening in the halls of the Field Museum, she meets the man who will change her life forever, Catholic Bishop Sebastian Cole. The Lake Michigan Affair is a story of a woman finding true love, learning who she is, attempting to flee an abusive marriage, and ultimately risking it all to be with the man she loves. Set in a tight-knit, Italian-American neighborhood on Chicago’s Northside, tradition, religion, and culture collide. The Lake Michigan Affair looks at love, not what it is supposed to be, but how raw and powerful it can be and the force it has on the lives of Rosalie’s community.
My Priest, My Husband by Deede Kress- Last night Alaina agreed when Fr. Ryan said they were an exception to the law of celibacy. But this morning she admitted she was a mere woman involved in a forbidden love affair but Ryan was no mere lover. Unwilling to give him up, how could she compete against God?
The Priest's Virgin Sinner: A Taboo Erotic Short (Her Forbidden Men Book 2) By J. C. Hardin - “I never used to be this person. I never used to have these shameful desires. I was an innocent 19-year-old who went to college while living at home with my family. I went to church every Sunday like you're supposed to. I kept myself away from boys and tried to be a good girl. I never used to be this type of person. However, things changed. Dark desires grew within me. I thirsted hard for my family's priest. It wasn't supposed to happen. But it has. Now, the only thing I want is for this holy man to show me just how unholy this world could be.” Available only in Kindle and eBook Editions.
The Priest and the Prodigal by S. Adam - Only available in Kindle Edition, The Priest and the Prodigal: A Story of Taboo Love" suggests a narrative that revolves around a forbidden romantic relationship between a priest and a prodigal. The title immediately sets up a power dynamic between the two characters, with the priest being in a position of authority and the prodigal being a rebellious figure. The use of the term "taboo" implies that their love is considered socially unacceptable or morally wrong, adding an element of danger and risk to their relationship. The title also suggests a story of redemption, as the prodigal character may be seeking forgiveness and guidance from the priest. Overall, the title suggests a dramatic story of love, morality, and the consequences of going against societal norms and religious teachings.
Pleasing the Pastor by Daisy Jane - “The Pastor looks enormous behind that podium. Almost Godly. He looks at me like I'm unexplored territory and his life's dream is exploration. When I look at him, I’m mesmerized. But you can't fall for your Pastor ten years your senior... can you?”
The Priest and the Princess by Kathryn Kaufmann - She prayed to find Mr. Right… but this has to be wrong.Is asking for a commitment-minded man too much? Laura Daniels didn’t think so, but after wasting too many years on too many losers she’s giving up hope. That is until a chance encounter with a childhood friend sparks some new feelings. He’s exactly the kind of man she wants: sweet, funny, handsome… Except Heaven help her, he’s a priest—the new interim priest at her church. Worse, despite his vow, he has feelings for her and struggles with the pain-staking guilt of believing she could be his one true love, while Laura’s heart is torn between her lifelong love for God and her newfound love for Father Carl. It will take nothing short of a miracle to find a happy ending.
Priest: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance By Flora Ferrari - Stand alone novel in A Man Who Knows What He Wants series, available only in Kindle and eBook Editions. “Coming out of the jungle after almost twenty years, I’m not grappling with my faith as I reconsider my future in the priesthood, it's a different sort of calling. Something I don’t even know yet, until I meet her. I’m not grappling with my faith, but I’m sure as hell gonna be grappling with my Grace. In the horizontal position, if I’ve got anything to do with it.  Her dad Carl is my best friend, we grew up together and he’s saved my ass so many times it hurts to think I’m breaking his heart by loving his daughter, but that fresh calling I got? The one that drew me from the jungle, it all makes sense as soon as I see her, and I know, right there and then that she’s my woman and I have to make a family of my own with her. Starting right now.”
The Priest by Erin Pim - When a good-hearted young woman becomes stressed at her workplace, she ends up doing things she regrets. Unhappy with her immoral actions, she decides to visit the one person she knows can set her back on the right path: a male dominatrix known only as ‘The Priest’. This mysterious character advertises an ability to purge women of their sins - exactly what our woman needs. Available in Kindle Edition.
Priest: True Love by Pamela White - Father Daniel is unlike any man Kelly Hall has ever met; while she struggles to adjust to her federal detention at Carlyle. But even within the mysteries surrounding events leading to her sentence, and her wayward boyfriend still living at home, a growing affinity for the priest of Carlyle church mass cannot be avoided forever. Father Daniel, who has been the priest over Carlyle church mass for two years, is stricken with an attraction for Kelly Hall. When the beautiful young woman begins working for him in the chapel, Father Daniel feels drawn to her and despite his protest, is weakening in withholding himself from the attraction between them.
Playing With Her Priests by S. E. Law - When Pastors Jordan and Jason stepped up to the pulpit, the breath caught in my throat. These were the new pastors at the Village Church? The men had perfect lips, tattoos swirling up their forearms, and cocky, knowing smiles that made my heart race. In fact, all the female congregants let out a collective sigh when Pastors Jason and Jordan got up to preach. But Jason and Jordan are no average men of the cloth. The two handsome priests are godliness personified, yet with a taste for sin. Book 3 of the Playing With Them series, available only in Kindle and eBook Editions.
The Priest’s Lover: A Romance by Maria Avery - On the surface, 19 year old Jessica is demure, shy, and retiring - the very image of what a good Catholic girl should be. But the holier-than-thou teen has been in love with Father Damon for as long as she can remember, and she's convinced that if she can light the fire of passion within him, his desire will turn him away from his holy devotion and towards her. As his lust turns blossoms into love, it the relationship is threatened by Jessica's jealous best friend who uses blackmail to get what she wants. Available in Kindle Edition.
Priest’s Curves: Curvy Girl Romance by Kelsie Calloway - “Ten years ago, my best friend and high school sweetheart left me to become a priest. He says he came back to town to change lives, but I know it's because of me. I'll bring this priest to his knees. Sorry, daddy, I've been bad.Or whatever it is you say in the confessional.” Book 11 in the Curvy Girl of the Month Club series but can be read independently. Only available in Kindle Edition.
Rebel Priest by Adrianne Leigh - A priest is expected to protect his flock, observe a strict vow of celibacy, and honor his vow to God. “I've always been good at obeying the rules. And then she came.With her, I'm eager to desecrate every sacrament. One filthy taste of pleasure and pain--one stolen touch of heavenly blasphemy--a lifetime of sacred torment.Forbidden love is more dangerous and more intoxicating than any other kind, and the sweeter the sin, the greater the catastrophe.By the edicts of my church, I am no longer in a state of grace. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I am a priest and she is my obsession. This is my unholy confession.”
Sexpulsion by Jorge Smith - Having been visited by awakened ghosts throughout the night, a troubled single lady feels she must seek the assistance of a local priest. She complies to cruel and sexual rituals after hearing his perverted directions, in order to restore her tranquility.
The Sinful Priest: MM First Time Straight to Gay Age Gap by M. M. Cummings - James couldn’t let the image of last night go. Ambrose was among the pews doing everything but pray with that man. And now Ambrose was ready to confess his sins. But James isn’t prepared for the truth or the sinful words coating the young man’s tongue. Each one unlocks hidden, forbidden desires inside James. Wicked desires to be with someone. Worse, to be with a man. To be with Ambrose and make him scream. Desperation floods the air. Suddenly, the priest’s collar is suffocating. The confession box, too small. Slight flecks of pleasure peak from the lattice barrier with devilish movements. James is losing it and there is nothing he can do to calm his throbbing need. He wants Ambrose. He needs him. And maybe a fall from grace could land him in a world of happiness and bliss. Only available in Kindle and eBook Editions.
Say Your Prayers by Crystal Ash and Cathryn Moon - Hell has taken over. And Earth’s last sanctuary doesn’t stand a chance. A young woman with horns was the last person Father Stavros expected to see approaching his gate, begging for sanctuary. As a man of God, he learned to never turn away someone in need, especially after Hell’s Rising. But the sinful cravings that follow him and his fellow priests are a whole new obstacle. The horned woman is a succubus--aligned with the very evil they are the last stronghold against.Which begs the question, why would a succubus seek refuge in a church?Spat up from Hell, Deyva’s arrival has made the three priests of Bethel question everything from their faith, their integrity, and the very enemy they face. She may not actually be a monster, but a person truly in need of protection, in need of love, and that rattles the Fathers to their very foundations. When Hell’s Kingdom sends the least likely adversary to Bethel’s gate to retrieve the wayward succubus, the priests are faced with a choice. Throw Deyva back to the pit that spat her out, and take a final stance against Hell with everything they’ve got. Or protect her, give in to their feelings, and risk losing the last grip on their faith.
Sweetest Sin by Sosie Frost - “The priest responsible for my salvation is the man leading me into temptation. Or maybe I’m the one corrupting him? Father Raphael St. Lucian shares my desire, but even he can’t fight our twisted thoughts and fantasies. He promises that we will be saved if we confront our lust and resist this dangerous attraction. But an innocent kiss becomes a forbidden touch, and midnight secrets destroy us in beautiful blasphemy. What happens when our faith is tested and my most honest confession threatens to break his sacred vow? How long can we deny the sweetest sin?”
Stepbrother Priest: A Taboo Love Story by Riley Jones - “I didn't care if it was a sin, I had to have him. None of it should have happened the way it did. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with Jonah. Everything about it was wrong. Not only was he my stepbrother, he was also a celibate priest. I had no right to convince him to break his celibacy, but I couldn't help myself. Jonah was sweet and muscular, the perfect man for a girl like me. So what if the church forbade our relationship? The heart wants what the heart wants. At least that’s what I had to keep telling myself. I just hoped that God would forgive us.” Available in Kindle Edition.
To Become a Priest by Den Adler - Thirteen-year-old Danny Bates is obsessed with becoming a Catholic priest, and he enters Southport, Wisconsin's, Resurrection Seminary in 1957. But a tragic fire in Chicago ignites doubts about the God Danny is so eager to serve, and he falls in love with Jessica Fernettan, his best friend Pat's twin sister. As Jessica urges both Danny and Pat to leave the seminary, and with the Church in a period of dramatic change following its second Vatican Council, the young seminarians face agonizing choices.
This is My Body by Elena Graf - The new rector of St. Margaret's by the Sea Episcopal Church has a secret. Lucille Bartlett was a rising star at the Metropolitan Opera, but she disappeared from the stage and no one knows why. Philosophy Professor Erika Bultmann is a confirmed agnostic, who doesn't have much use for religion, but she is fascinated by Mother Lucy. When Erika returns to her summer cottage in Hobbs to finish her last book before she retires, Lucy is drawn to the enigmatic professor, but she wants much more than a casual affair. Erika has been in open relationships; Lucy wants a commitment. Lucy believes marriage is sacred; Erika thinks it's a vestige of the patriarchy. When Lucy's secret is revealed, she needs Erika's support more than ever. Can they put aside their differences and find common ground?
The Temptations of Heaven by Greg Kauffman-Starkey - Father Leo Brannigan has been a man of deeply religious faith all his life. He is a respected pillar of his community and a man everyone turns to when they’re in need, spiritual or emotional. A chance encounter with a disturbed parishioner after a fire-and-brimstone sermon about homosexuality threatens to turn the good Father’s entire world upside-down. He finds himself strangely drawn intimately to the man he is counseling and is constantly thinking of him in ways he’s not ready to admit. The night he has his very first bombastic erotic dream about the fellow quickly has him questioning everything he thought he believes. Is he falling victim to the very lust he preaches so strongly against? Has the man made him wonder what he’s been missing by being a man of the cloth? If so, can Leo remain faithful in his religious convictions while growing closer to having a sexual relationship with this alluring stranger who has suddenly taken over his every waking moment and many of his sleeping ones?
Vatican: A Novel by Malachi Martin - The subject of this long and intriguing novel is the Vatican's elaborate bureaucracy, in particular its powerful financial network, headed by a mysterious figure known as the Keeper. Another central character, who gives the story its slant, is American Richard Lansing, who joins the Vatican as a young monsignore in 1945, and becomes the confidant of five successive popes. When he reaches the apex of his career, he staunchly opposes any Church bargain with Mammon. (Note: this book is not a romance or erotic story but I include it in this list because it might be of interest nonetheless).
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Plotbunny AU:
Okay, you want more lore for this story? Let's follow this plotbunny down the rabbit hole.
So Jaune did not travel through time. Not really. Alyx did, and Juniper followed her to meet up with Jaune again, but Jaune is more like Rory from Doctor Who: A version of him experienced that time, and he vaguely recalls it, but there's a door in his head keeping the worst of it from his conscious mind. He can open the door to let those years in and take stock, but he's still Volume 1 Jaune who had a bunch of info dumped into his head, which had the effect of making him closer to Volume 7 Jaune.
When RWBYJ left the Ever After, Vol 9 Jaune was de-aged by having the 'extra time' sucked out of him, unaware of this. This was something of a trick the Blacksmith played, at Alyx's behest, though it wasn't exactly what Alyx herself wanted.
The Blacksmith told Alyx they they could use it to make an actual Afteran Knight to stay with her and Juniper, but she protested saying that the 'extra' deserved to go home, too.
The Blacksmith said that the 'extra time' would need a vessel to make the journey, and a guide. Alyx volunteered to take it back to Remnant, but no one could carry it.
Enter Juniper. Whose purpose is and will forever be: Help Jaune. Because she loved him with all of her being, just as he loved her. And if even a part of him needed help, and helping it meant she might see it again, Juniper would gladly do anything.
Juniper became the vessel, and shrunk and slept in a cabbage until the time was right to awaken and share the memories.
And Alyx would be the guide to Remnant and to "the next vessel". She could never return to the Ever After in doing this, but she decided to be brave like the Rusted Knight and her Brother and went forward.
But desire all her time in the Ever After, she's still just a child who never grew up, suddenly in a Remnant that's so DIFFERENT from the one she knew. She doesn't know what a Scroll is, the villages she knew are gone, and since when does Vale not have a King?
She's alone, she's hungry, she's trying not to be scared becase she needs to get to Beacon and meet the Wizard named Oz, who will know where Jaune will be in this era.
But it's so hard. She's alone. She doesn't have Lewis, or Jaune, or the Blacksmith, or even the Cat, and Juniper is asleep....
But just as she sits on the sidewalk she's found herself moping on, contemplating if she's desperate enough to steal some food, someone with a higher pitched but familiar voice asks if she's okay....
And Alyx could admit, she shed a few tears and got a little clingy.
But it was Jaune, definitely. His beard was missing, his armor was almost all gone, and his voice was cracking, but he hugged her like Jaune, and he offered her food like Jaune, and he asked if she was okay like Jaune.
This was it. Mission accomplished.
So why does she hesitate in waking Juniper up?
Why not right away give him the 'extra time'?
Oh, she realizes: he's actually happy.
And Alyx decides that she doesn't want that to end, just yet.
So she takes his offered hand, and asks if he could take her to Beacon, and promises herself and also him.
I'll make sure we're both going to be Better this time.
And so it begins
Okay but this is hella cute?? This is SO so cute?
I love this I LOVE THIS
I love her not revealing Juniper right away even though that was the only reason she came back. Because she’s only known this version of Jaune for five minutes but it’s already so obvious that he’s more happy than the Rusted Knight ever was
And Jaune literally just meeting this girl, but it’s JAUNE so he’s instantly like “I have to help her”
God this is all so good THIS IS ALL SO GOOD!! This is like the fix-it fic to end all fix-it fics
I know you just sent me this but by god I need more
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wrenreid · 2 years
Off Limits
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contents: heavy petting, allusions to sex, greiving
Part Nineteen
“You baked brownies?” I huff out a soft laugh. She’s seriously the cutest.
“My life is uneventful when I’m not with you or doing school,” she tells me, setting the tupperware down on my counter top.
I follow her into the kitchen to grab one of the brownies. I take a bite, and she immediately asks me if they taste okay. I hold up a finger as to tell her to give me a second to swallow the bite.
“So?” She asks, looking up at me.
“They’re amazing, Jade,” I smile.
She grins, looking accomplished. She tells me to eat as many as I want as she makes her way to my couch. She kicks off her sneakers before sitting down, legs criss crossed.
I grab another brownie before joining her on the couch. She’s already turning on the tv to a show we started together. It’s not a new one, but it’s one we turn on whenever she’s over. If I’m being honest, I don’t entirely know what’s going on because we don’t pay much attention to it. Usually, our tongues are in each other’s mouths whenever it’s on.
I haven’t kissed someone this much, and I’m not still not sure I’ll ever get used to her lips. I also don’t think I’ll ever get bored of them.
Jade’s hand turns my face toward hers, and I’m prepared for her to kiss me, but she doesn’t. Instead, she wipes my mouth with a soft laugh.
“Brownies are messy,” I say in my own defense.
“You’re messy,” she teases.
“Am I? Let’s test that,” I grin, pulling her to me.
I kiss her, not caring if it’s perfect or soft. She hums against my lips.
I pull away quickly, looking into her eyes. “Would you want to go out?”
“Like on a date?” She asks, a smile on her lips.
“Yeah,” I nod, my cheeks pink.
“I would love to,” Jade tells me. “When?”
I shrug. Dinner is too serious, and we’re not technically together. “How about 2?” A lunch date seems good enough for our situation.
“Sounds perfect. Let me go get ready,” she hops up from the couch.
It’s only 11am, but I don’t protest or tease her for leaving so soon to get ready.
I hop in the shower after pressing play on my playlist. The music accompanies the sounds of the shower head.
I take my time, washing my hair, shaving, singing to my shampoo bottle, etc. After getting out and drying off, I wrap the towel around my body and a cotton t shirt around my wet hair.
After some time of sitting on my bed and scrolling through my phone, still naked, I get dressed in a cute but causal skater type dress. I take my hair out of the t shirt and dry it the rest of the way with a dry brush that gives my hair some wave and volume.
I keep the makeup simple, knowing I won’t want to take a bunch off at the end of the day.
I’m ready by 1:30, so I wait in my room for Spencer’s text. I kind of hate that he can’t be the type to knock on my door to pick me up, but it’s worth not having my dad attempt to murder the both of us.
We go to a cute café downtown. Spencer’s dressed nice, but still more causal than his work clothes. We sit across from each other in a booth.
The two of us talk about anything and everything as we eat our lunch. I’ve ordered a sandwich and he’s eating soup, trying not to spill it on himself.
I’ve been on a few dates in my life, none serious or with people I truly liked, and I’ve never been more comfortable. Honestly, this hardly feels like a date, in the best way possible.
I’m smiling at everything he says, whether it’s a cute sentence or compliment or a weird fact he has stored inside his magnificent brain.
“Are you ready, my lady?” He says, offering his hand to me. He looks like a dork, but I love it.
“Yes sir,” I laugh softly, standing up as I take his hand. “Or doctor.”
When we get back to my apartment from our lunch date, I’m kissing her before we’re even halfway through my door. I just can’t help it.
Within less than five minutes of kissing, she’s straddling my lap, her hands in my hair. This is my favorite way to kiss her. She looks so pretty like this.
My hands grip Jade’s hips as our mouths practically attack each other’s. I run my tongue along her bottom lip, something I’ve found she likes. Seeming to have a mind of their own, my hands trail down to her thighs. She tugs on my hair that lays on the nape of my neck, telling me she likes that.
I grip her thighs tightly, listening to the soft noise Jade releases into my mouth with pride. My hands find their way up to her ass, I squeeze again.
Jade pulls away, and I’m about to apologize, but she smiles. Her lips hover above mine before she trails her kisses down to my jaw then to my neck. I grip onto her tighter as I let out a low groan.
I can hear her heavy breathing when she pulls pulls away from my neck. Her lips are close to my ear when she says “I like when you touch me.”
Her words trigger something in me, and I let out another noise. The ever-growing bulge in my pants twitches. I’m not sure if she notices, but she rolls her hips against mine as she sucks on my neck slowly. Her core slides against the tent in my lap, and I curse under my breath.
Without thinking with anything but what’s in my pants, I pick her up and help her lay down, back against the couch. Jade looks up at me, curiosity, pride, and nervousness in her eyes all at once. I hover above her, looking down at her before connecting our lips again.
I said before that her on my lap was my favorite position, but I think I’ve found a new one. She looks perfect underneath me.
My hands trail up from her waist. I pull away from her lips. Without a word, she nods and grabs my hand, placing it on her breast. She pulls me down to kiss her again. I take the opportunity to squeeze her. My lips fall back into the rhythm of kissing her while my hand cups her tit, holding mostly all of it in my palm as I play with it.
She moans softly, silently begging me for more. I want to give it to her. I crave to give it to her.
But I can’t.
I stop her as her hand grips onto the hem of my shirt. I don’t let her pull it up. I sit up, breathing heavy. I don’t glance at her because I have a feeling of what her face looks like right now.
Jade pushes herself up, sitting upright too. “Is something…?”
“I don’t want to have sex,” I say quickly. I’m partially lying. I do want to have sex, but not with her right now. Not yet.
“Oh,” she says, pushing the stray strands of hair away from her face. She nods, but I can sense a hint of hurt and confusion in her.
“I’m sorry, I just made this weird,” I sigh, running a hand though my hair.
“No, no, Spence, you didn’t,” she tells me, but I know she’s bluffing, “You’re right. It was getting a little… much. We can just watch the show.”
I nod, feeling a little guilty. She lays her head on my chest, definitely pretending not to notice the fact that I’m extremely hard right now. I grab a blanket from the back of the couch and cover us both with it.
We watch the show that neither of us really know the plot of as we cuddle on the couch.
I’m not entirely sure why I feel hurt by him stopping us, but I do. I mean, he has every right to say he doesn’t want to have sex. But I can’t seem to shake the feeling that it had nothing to do with him not wanting to do it and everything to do with me.
I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. Maybe he realized I’m not what he wants in that aspect of a relationship. Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m inexperienced.
I don’t know, but I do know it’s going to eat at me for the rest of the day.
After a moment’s thought, I realize maybe I wasn’t entirely ready anyway. I mean, yeah, if I’m going to have sex with anyone I want it to be him. But I also don’t exactly know what to do. Obviously, I know the playbook, I read, I watch movies, but I’m not sure if I’ll be good at it. I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of Spencer.
I’ve never thought like this before. Usually I’m confident, and I’m sure of everything. I’m a law student, I have to be confident. But with him, I feel different. I don’t feel like the lion anymore, I feel like the weak-in-the-knees prey.
I try to not let these thoughts consume me as we continue watching the show. He grabs us both brownies that are still on the counter from this morning. Things between us are a little awkward as we sit and eat in a mostly silent environment.
I leave his apartment around 6, feeling like I need some time alone. I’m not upset with him at all for stopping our hormonal touch fest, but I’m still not sure it wasn’t because of me.
“Where do you keep disappearing to?” My dad chuckles as I walk through the door.
“I went to lunch with a friend then I was at CeCe’s,” I lie. “Her brother needed help with homework, and I’m here so why not?”
CeCe’s brother is a senior in high school now, and since his sister is in New York again, it does seem very likely for him to ask me for help. I’ve known the kid since I’ve known his sister, and that feels like it’s been forever.
My father nods, a soft grin on his face. “You know he has a crush on you.”
“What? No he doesn’t.”
“He totally does,” Dad laughs.
I roll my eyes as I make my way toward the stairs.
Now that I think about it, Josh was always very friendly whenever I was at his house. But he was a middle schooler, and I was way too occupied with mine and CeCe’s “mature” problems to even really notice him. I guess it’s kind of similar to my crush on Spencer when I was Josh’s age.
I plop down on my bed and pick up a book. It’s the book I bought when Spencer took me to the bookstore. I crack it open and start reading.
I allow myself to get lost in the words, in the world. When I was younger, I would read to escape my real life. I would get consumed by fictional worlds rather than dwelling on the fact that my father was hardly home.
I’m particularly fascinated by fantasy novels. It’s a bit out of character for me, but I like reading of people and societies much different than what I actually come in contact with.
I set the book down when I can no longer handle reading of a mother daughter relationship. Of course, the one young adult book where the parents are present happens to be the one I picked out.
My heart is pounding quickly.
Grief works in funny ways. Sometimes I’m fine, and I can think of my mother with a smile and a warm heart. Then other times I feel like my entire world is crashing down like it did when I got that call. It’s like she has died all over again, and I’m feeling the unbearable pain of it all over again.
I close my eyes, leaning my head against the head board of my bed. I’ve felt too many emotions today. My stomach has twisted and turned too many times today.
The worst part about this grief is that I can’t talk to anyone. Not anyone who’d understand at least. I would rather suffer alone than bring up my mother to my dad, and even if I did, he wouldn’t quite get my perspective just like I’d never truly understand his.
My brother is too young to talk to about the pain. I know he feels it too, and I wish everyday that I was the one in that house with Foyet and not my four year old brother. He’s just a baby, a little kid. I know he heard what happened to our mom, even if he doesn’t remember it well. It should’ve been me there, not him. But I’m not so sure I’d be as good as a hider as he was. I know my dad believes that if I was there, I would’ve died too. Maybe that’s true.
I just can’t help but dwell on the fact that I wasn’t there. I was an hour away. I didn’t get to say goodbye. I hadn’t even spoken to her in a week.
Deep breath. I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears I didn’t even feel stream down my face. As much as it hurts, maybe I needed this. To feel it. Even just for a minute. At least the pain means I’m here, and that I loved someone so deeply that I’ll never truly get over the loss.
I’ll give myself an hour or so to lay in bed being overwhelmed with all the emotions that have gnawed at my stomach today. I’ll allow the wallowing for some time, then I’ll pick myself up. For my dad. For Jack. For myself.
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @shakespear-picaso-lovechild @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @jazzerbelle14 @kylakins88 @f-me-reid <3
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kob131 · 1 year
What’s your thoughts on Arslan’s arc in Fixing RWBY?:
Well, normally I wouldn't even bother because I am not wasting my time on Celtic's 'Fixing' but I see that he's the one referenced here. So sure.
To defend my own writing choice there, this was what I planned to be Arslan's fate back when I retrofitted her character back during Volume 3. 
Sorry Celtic, didn't you hear? Defending your writing choices is attacking your critics and rejecting criticism.
So be a good little creator, take it up the ass and ask for seconds.
It was only after that in which she appeared in.... Before the Dawn, I want to say? She may have gotten a mention in After the Fall, but that was mostly away from Shade as a locale. When I learned she was in the book I was initially irritated, because I like the arc I did for her, but if they did something with her I would be willing to detour. Unfortunately, they... really didn't do anything with her. She, along with 90% of the remaining cast in that book, was completely wasted, so I felt no anxiety in detouring. 
Maybe because we have these things in the real world called 'limitations' and 'restrictions'. I know you like to pretend you could just write an outline, get some shitty sketches and pretend it's an actual product but actual creators have to deal with limitations while producing an actual product.
Considering I've already deviated by killing some characters, maiming others, and having a handful survive when they weren't supposed to, this change wasn't too big to me.
Keep this in mind. It's going to bite him in the ass soon.
As to why I did what I did with her, while the episode's story is squarely on Cinder, this is the conclusion of Arslan's arc... or should I say, her failure to arc.
... No. He didn't do that, did he?
Her life up until Vytal was defined by trying to one-up Pyrrha and earn the respect of those around her as a competent combatant. Her defeat at the tournament (and subsequent fall of Beacon) should have been the moment she self-reflected and found something else to value in her life, but what ended up happening was emotional stagnation. While she became more jaded and tired, as seen in Fixing Volume 5, she still held onto her world view back when she was trying to upstage Pyrrha. Her desire to seek revenge on Cinder may have seemed noble at first glance (partially because Cinder was also involved in Lionheart's death, at least to her knowledge), but in reality it was her way of trying to find closure to her spat with Pyrrha. She wanted to beat the person that killed Pyrrha because by transitive property, she'd be superior to Pyrrha. Unfortunately for her, Pyrrha was markedly outclassed by Cinder, so Arslan had little-to-no-hope of beating her. She let her obsession overtake her and she made several critical flaws that led to her dying as a result. Arslan should be looked at a dark tragedy.
... He did. He fucking did.
Hey Celtic, where did you get such an idea huh? Maybe from, I dunno...
A doctor breaking down a power hungry bitch?
Raymond McNeil.
You didn't GIVE Arslan her own arc. You copy/pasted CINDER'S arc then cut out half of it.
The whole idea of 'I am obsessed and I died because I failed to move on' is what CINDER is going through. That was the whole point of Watts' tearing into Cinder- to get it through her thick skull that she hadn't proven herself worthy of shit. That she was stagnating and stuck repeating her mistakes. And to cement that even if she got better as a villain- she was still a VILLAIN at the end of the day.
And it works with Cinder because this same inability to move on is shared with other villains like Adam and Salem. All of them are stuck in the past, in their own pain, while the heroes move past that and keep fighting. It's a called a 'theme', Raymond. Try analyzing it sometime.
Here, what is the point of Arslan going through this arc? Does it reinforce a theme or idea? Does it set the tone going forward? Is there any kind of parallel between her and her killer?
Going off of what you deemed important enough to mention- No. None of that is the point. Going off what you say later-
As to my overall process, Fixing RWBY is a lot more wholistic in approach than just making nips and tucks, even if I try not to stray too far from things (a solid example is the upping of the number of episodes that I've stuck too since Volume 1). I make changes to characters, lore building, world building and plot structure all the time because I feel like there's more to be squeezed out of those elements than the show even attempted to show (looking forward to actually working on Penny in Volume 7, we have almost too many ideas where to go with her).
Also gotta love the fact that Celtic is claiming he's changing things for the sake of the series while dedicating time to a character that adds nothing and indicates her arc has no real reason to exist. If it connected to the themes of the series- why didn't he mention it? Unless he doesn't think about themes in a heavily THEMATIC show.
There's also the unfortunate factor that as I move along, making even small changes will cause a ripple effect, meaning we have to account for more and more as time progresses. It's just the nature of the beast. I fully expect by the end of the series the two stories will only vaguely resemble each other. Hell, Volume 6 so far has had to account for so much that it already feels insanely different to the original, even while doing our best to keep specific plot points extant. What started as "Let's put some tournament drama in this tournament to put pressure on Pyrrha" evolved into "Arslan can't let go and this leads to her unfortunate demise."
Then you failed Raymond. Because according to you-
Really the heart of it is trying to figure out the story/stories that Miles, Kerry, Monty, (and later) Eddie and Kiersi want to tell with what they present us and then reverse engineering it to get the most mileage possible
You are writing their story.
And here's the thing- you didn't NEED to bring in Arslan. You try to just this by saying that Cinder killing mooks doesn't sell her threat-
That.... was a lot more than I intended to write, but I hope that ramble helps you understand where I'm coming from with the choice made about Arslan. As to your suggestion, I don't feel a simple mook from the Spiders would have served a purpose, plot or character-wise. Cinder is a serious threat, even at her lowest, and this is the moment that affirms that when she's in play, people's lives are on the table (looking at you, V8).
-but your own words imply Arslan has been living in Pyrrha's shadow for years. Hell,your own words about Arslan's death imply as much. If Pyrrha was better than Arslan but lost to Cinder- no shit Arslan was gonna die.
Could have gone the mook route and avoided all this shit with Arslan. But when you're more concerned with getting your dick sucked- guess basic writing skills need to go.
P.S. I find it funny that Raymond tries to take a potshots at V8 for not portraying Cinder as a serious threat when the finale absolutely did...while still emphasizing that she's stil alittle girl looking for control.
Maybe try boxing on your own level next time. I hear first time self insert harem fanfics could use a spell checker.
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