#Kitchen Degreaser
lancshygiene · 10 months
Evans Vanodine Lift Heavy Duty Cleaner & Degreaser 5 ltr
Powerful, high active multi purpose, heavy duty detergent for those really difficult cleaning tasks. Specially developed for a wide range of applications in kitchens & food processing areas. Easily removes fat, grease, oil & ingrained soiling. Unperfumed. Therefore ideal wherever food is handled, served or prepared. Recommended for use on a variety of washable surfaces including cooker hoods,…
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hygieneforall22 · 1 year
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britishhypermarket · 2 years
Top 4 household and cleaning products for a Professionally Clean setup every time !
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We all want to impress our guests, and a home that looks professionally cleaned can do just that. No matter the occasion, your house should look clean not just visually but also from the inside.
Everyone needs a pristine, professionally clean setup, but very often cleaning products fail us in several areas. Prices are too high, products are inefficient, and trying to use them just pumps you out. But, these household and cleaning products will give you the tools you need to achieve that clean and clutter-free space both indoors and out.
 Check out!
 Clean Pro+ Floor Cleaner & Maintainer H25 Concentrate
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If you have kids at your place, your responsibility to clean everything increases even more. This dual-acting cleaner acts as a floor polisher for an extraordinary finish. Also, as it is ideal for damp mopping as well as machine cleaning, the concentrate makes the floor slip-resistant to avoid any accidents.
Chef's Essentials Kitchen Degreaser
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No matter how hard you try, your kitchen surfaces will catch all the grease from the tasty food that you had prepared. You can simply dilute the degreaser as per your requirement and apply it to the desired surface using a cloth.
 Clean Pro Thick Bleach Citrus
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Certain areas of your home need special attention as they have high chances of germ build-up, like your damp and moist washing area. The powerful cleaning action of this bleach kills germs and acts as a perfect disinfectant.
 Domestos Pro Formula Washroom Cleaner
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Leave a sparkling finish after every finishing session with this washroom cleaner in hand. The fresh fragrance and soapy formula allow the cleaner to be used in all places including showers, floors, as well as basins.
Professional cleaners tend to overlook the simple cleaning products you can use to make your job more effective. Make your home look professionally cleaned with these high-strength cleaning products that will make your scrubbing, mopping, and vacuuming a lot easier!
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kosher rules continue to elude me in this place
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cleanhouseservicesinc · 10 months
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guarditsolutions · 2 years
Is Changing the Industrial Kitchen Degreaser Industry
If you need to clean tough grease buildup, you should use an Industrial Kitchen Degreaser. Its highly concentrated formula will dissolve oil and grease without leaving residue. It is safe to use on most washable surfaces and fabrics. In addition, it is biodegradable and phosphate-free. You can use it on appliances and machinery without worrying about leaving a chemical residue. For even more grease-fighting power, you can also use the Powerful Degreaser.
When selecting an industrial kitchen degreaser, consider the safety issues involved. Those working in the food and beverage industry should choose a degreaser with a NSF A1 certification. This certification ensures that the chemical is safe for use around food preparation areas, concrete, and engine parts. Additionally, it reduces the risk of slip-and-fall accidents. Industrial kitchen degreasers should not cause skin or eye irritation.
While you may be tempted to try everyday cleaning solutions, it is important to remember that every kitchen has its own problems. Its buildup can be a nuisance to cook in, and it can even create a bad smell. Using a good industrial kitchen degreaser will help to ensure a more efficient cleaning routine. So, which industrial kitchen degreaser should you buy? If you are unsure, read our reviews and choose the best one for your specific needs.
For everyday cleaning, you can opt for a more powerful product. Vinegar can help you remove thick layers of grease and slime from your kitchen's metal surfaces. However, if you're using it on a daily basis, you'll need to dilute it with water before using it. You can then mix this solution in a spray bottle. It will remove the grease and other oil deposits on your surfaces.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hi love could you maybe write gavi x girlfriend reader where they are enganged and reader forgets to wear her ring and she goes out to a Club with her girlfriends and gavi sees in a insta Story that the reader is not wearing her ring and he gets mad and calls the reader and is there to take her home and is just jelous that peoble think sees her witout ring
Sorry I took so long with this. Here you go, I hope you like it, pls let me know🙂
Think the Wrong Thing -P.G
Summary: When you forget to wear your engagement ring, Pablo doesn't want men to think the wrong thing
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You sighed, dropping yourself into your couch exhausted you just did laundry, folded it, washed the dishes, vacumed and moped your two floor house from the top to the bottom.
You cleaned the stairs, the railings, the doors, the whole kitchen, your backyard, everything. The house was spotless. But your hands weren't that much even with the cleaning gloves.
You hissed watching a few rough marks appear on your palm, you groaned standing up to your shared bedroom with your fiancé, Pablo, to put on some hand cream praying for the degreaser to not pass facture too hard on you and your poor hands.
After you were done, you went towards where your engagement ring was in your night side table next to your phone, usually you never took it off but you have always used strong cleaning products and you learned that lession before with a ring that you bought for yourself and you will never repeat that mistake again and mostly with your gorgeous engagement ring.
Just when you were about to grab it and put it on your finger, where it belongs, that your phone startled you lightly with a call from your best girl friend.
You smiled grabbing your phone and accepted the call, sitting on the edge of the bed, you were dirty and a bit sweaty, you didn't wanted to bring that into changed bedsheets but your legs were asking for a little rest.
"...Wanna go out with us today? We'll be going to that new Bar, Mireya says it's good"
"Baby, I'm really tired" You said shaking your head lightly
"C'mon, even if it's just for half an hour, we miss you, we have a week without seeing you!" You sighed. It was true.
You had left with Pablo to Sevilla to visit his parents and then went to a little two days vacation to Ibiza with him in his free week and when you were back like four days ago, you got into work to not let the stack of papers consume your office, even though you liked doing work in advance so that way you were never in a rush.
Give thanks to your momma who taught you that trick when younger and thanks to yourself to keep it up until now.
"I'll extend it only for two hours"
"That's all we need" You smiled shaking your head "Don't you worry about anything. I'm on my way to pick you up so get ready and quickly!" You stood up going to the shower "See ya in a few!" And with that she hung up the call.
You decided to call Pablo and let him know you were going out but when he let you ring until the voicemail you knew he was still in trainings.
"Amorcito, I'm going out with the girls for a little while, I'll text you if something happens, there's food for you in the oven. Te quiero, lindo😘"
You sent the message and went to shower to clean yourself up and to get ready for your night out with your girls. You knew, Samantha was serious of coming over so you quickly got ready finishing the touches of your light makeup, the sound of her honking came to you as you grabbed your phone and your purse, leaving your house and entering her car.
"You look bella! If Pablo doesn't wife you up in the next three hours, I will" You laughed
"I love you but I'm not changing my man, Sam"
"Ugh, I know you won't" You both laugh as she drives off.
Soon, you forget about everything and enjoy the night with them, dancing with your girls, having a few drinks, eating, chatting and just overall having a good time with them. When you felt your phone vibrate against your front pocket of your jeans seeing the ID you saw: Amor😍 and smiled immediately, you answered him.
"Amor, what's up? Everything good?"
"Don't you feel like something's missing?" Your eyebrows furrowed deeply at that response from him
"Something? Like what?" You ask confused
"Oh, I don't know" You could imagine him shrugging his shoulders and jaw clench "Maybe, look at your left hand and see it" You couldn't help but do what he told you. You inspected it and after a few seconds your eyes widen.
Shot. You forgot your engagement ring.
"Pabs-" He cut you off
"I'm coming over to pick you up" That's all he said before hunging up. You closed your eyes, sighing. You looked at the hour and it was eleven pm. You had more than two hours here, so you figured it was also good that he came to pick you up.
You said your goodbyes to your friends who all showed their sadness for your leaving, when you were on your way to the door, a man came up to you
"Oye linda, wanna have a drink with me and dance for a bit?"
"No, thank you and don't call me linda"
"But you are very linda"
"Stop that" You said still walking when you felt him grab your hand, you turned around "Hey!"
"She said to stop, hombre" You recognized your fiancé's voice and felt secure when one of his arms wrapped around your waist
"And who are you?"
"Her fiancé, asshole. Now, take your hands off of my girl's wrist before you are left without it" Pablo's gaze was extremely dark, he was angry, mad and the man could see it, instantly left your wrist go.
Pablo turned you around and took you to the exit were after being outside you could see his car.
"Amor" You said but he didn't answered to you. He still opened the door for you and got you inside before he marched over the driver's side and entered the car "Pabs" You put your left hand on top of his making him look at it and shake his head lightly
"You truly aren't wearing it"
"It's not like I didn't wanted to wear it! I forgot to put it back on!"
"Why did you take it off in the first place?" You sighed
"I cleaned up the whole house, I didn't wanted for it to mess it up or anything like that and that's why I took it off and simply forgot to out it back on" Pablo shook his head "How did you knew it?"
"Saw Dalia's IG story, she tagged you and you posted it as well; then, after I come back home, I found out the engagement ring is in your bedside table" He shrugged "How can you just forget to put it back on?"
"I was going to but then Samantha called me and I guess I forgot"
"I know I won't forget to put my wedding ring back on again after a match. In fact, it's the first thing I would do" You sighed
"Pablo, I love my engagement ring, I love people to know I'm compromised with you!"
"Going out without it isn't showing people you're mine, because if you don't have it then how people will know it?" He said shaking his head
"Don't be mad, please" You grabbed his hand "I won't take it off ever again if that's-"
"I'm not mad you took it off to clean" He cut you off "I know you do that" He shook his head once more "I'm mad people see you without it and think you're single, because you are not. You are marrying me in two months, I don't want men to think they can hit on you and have the chance because they can't and they don't, señorita. You're mine, I'm yours and it'll be that way forever now" He looked quickly to you before returning his attention to the road.
With his words, you slowly felt the tension leave the car, you leaned over and hug his arm placing your head on his bicep
"They can try all they want but I wouldn't care, I've got my eyes on you and I only want you" You smiled "I want your attention, your flirting, your love, your everything. And you'll always be the one I pay attention to" He smiled lightly as you kissed his clothed bicep "Stop being jealous" He huffed
"Me? Jealous?" He laughed a bit "A fucking lot, didn't you see the way that man was looking at you?" You laughed thinking he was gonna deny it
"Eres tan lindo" You said still giggling
"I really want these two months to pass flying" You smiled nodding
"Wanna wife me up already?"
"So badly" You laughed
"Yes, I want it too" You looked at him "Sorry" He shook his head
"I'm sorry I ruined your girl's night" You shook your head
"Was about to call you anyways" You yawned a little
"The house looks amazing, btw" You smiled "You want a massage?"
"Sounds extremely awesome" You nod "But let me tell you straight away, just a massage, nothing of funny business tonight, don't even try it. Maybe tomorrow though, because I'm tired as hell right now" Pablo laughed as you smiled
"Got it. Tomorrow = Funny business"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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copperbadge · 7 months
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Happy first day of National Clean Your Home Month! (National Novel Writing Month novelists, happy first day to you as well!)
[ID: Five images; top left, potatoes and chickpeas in golden brown sauce on a round of flatbread. Top right, Dearborn the Tortie is lying on a blanket in my lap, propped up by my legs, looking like a boomerang. Bottom images are, left and center, before-and-after of my front hall, first with a raggedy blue carpet and then clean and carpetless, and bottom right is my newly cleaned kitchen floor.]
Started this morning with what looks like a weird deconstructed apple pie but is actually flatbread topped with curried potatoes and chickpeas (lest you think I'm fancy, it's Trader Joe's Malabari Paratha topped with Tasty Bite Bombay Potatoes). Dearborn is unimpressed by cleaning but she is extremely Shaped. Still, after eating I gave her about half an hour of cuddles, then set to work!
I normally clean before showering because you do get grimy, but I noticed last year that my pajamas are not ideal for cleaning in, so I set aside an outfit to change into, which leaves arms and legs mostly bare and doesn't drape much -- yoga leggings tucked up above the calf and a tight tank top. I'm amusedly referring to it as my Slutty Maid outfit.
Anyway, this morning I put on 99% Invisible's "Devolutionary Design", about Devo's first album cover, and set to work. Polk has been destroying the hallway rug, and the kitchen rug was disgusting, so I pulled both up, rolled 'em up, and tossed them, then cleaned the floors. A coating of goo-gone for old carpet tape residue followed by a brief sponge scrub, then a spritz of Grease Lightning cleaner-degreaser and a scrub with the steam mop for both the hall and the kitchen, had them looking at least better.
Cleaning is complicated by the Kitchen Protocol I've had to introduce; the kitchen has a wheat weevil issue, which is pernicious but oddly benign -- after having mice several years ago, all my food is always contained in either a sealed jar/tupperware or its original packaging and they haven't actually ever got into the food, they just live under the kitchen linoleum. In any case, any kitchen cleaning I do in a day has to be the last cleaning I do, and anything coming out of the kitchen first needs to be treated with undilute white vinegar, then rinsed and treated a second time with bleach, to prevent spreading the weevils to other areas of the house. I'm also spraying down all the floors with dilute vinegar frequently.
Anyway, the steam mop is now out of commission until its freshly bleached fabric pad dries, but it did take me exactly the length of the podcast to set up, clean, and clear away the cleaning supplies/wash the sponge afterward, so I'm pleased with the day's work.
Disposable nitrile gloves used count: 1.
Tomorrow's tasks: vacuum all over, then figure out the carpet shampooer I was given, and if I manage that, shampoo the rugs.
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robinette-green · 6 months
I kinda want to write a P&S reader fic purely to give all the anamtronics a good scrub.
HW2 you can see just a layer of grime on all of them and I desperately want to clean them and check their joints
Especially DJ MM. when he stands up it sounds like his joints are grinding a little.
And Chica. If she’s down in the kitchens eating pizza, she needs a good degreasing and maybe to have her stomach lined with something to keep food from sticking to her insides.
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floridaboiler · 7 months
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What Is The Main Ingredient of WD-40?
Before you read to the end, does anybody know what the main ingredient of WD-40?
No Cheating.....
WD-40 ~ Who knew!
I had a neighbour who bought a new pickup.
I got up very early one Sunday morning and saw that someone had spray
painted red all around the sides of this beige truck (for some unknown
I went over, woke him up, and told him the bad news.
He was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do ....
probably nothing until Monday morning, since nothing was open.
Another neighbour came out and told him to get his WD-40 and clean it off.
It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint
job that was on the truck. I was impressed!
WD-40 who knew?
"Water Displacement #40".
The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and
degreaser to protect missile parts.
WD-40 was created in 1953, by three technicians at the San Diego
Rocket Chemical Company.
Its name comes from the project that was to find a 'Water
Displacement' Compound.
They were finally successful for a formulation, with their fortieth
attempt, thus WD-40. The 'Convair Company' bought it in bulk to
protect their atlas missile parts.
Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40
that would hurt you.
When you read the 'shower door' part, try it. It's the first thing
that has ever cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic,
it works just as well as on glass. It's a miracle!
Then try it on your stove-top.
It's now shinier than it's ever been.
You'll be amazed.
WD-40 Uses:
1. Protects silver from tarnishing.
2. Removes road tar and grime from cars.
3. Cleans and lubricates guitar strings.
4. Gives floor that 'just-waxed' sheen without making them slippery.
5. Keeps the flies off of Cows, Horses, and other Farm Critters.
6. Restores and cleans chalkboards.
7. Removes lipstick stains.
8. Loosens stubborn zippers.
9. Untangles jewellery chains.
10. Removes stains from stainless steel sinks.
11. Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.
12. Keeps ceramic/terracotta garden pots from oxidising.
13. Removes tomato stains from clothing.
14. Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots.
15. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors.
16. Keeps scissors working smoothly.
17. Lubricates noisy door hinges on both home and vehicles doors.
18. It removes that nasty tar and scuff marks from the kitchen
flooring. It doesn't seem to harm the finish and you won't have to
scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just remember to open some
windows if you have a lot of marks.
19. Remove those nasty bug guts that will eat away the finish
on your car if not removed quickly!
20. Gives a children's playground gym slide a shine for a super fast slide.
21. Lubricates gearshift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on
riding mowers.
22. Rids kids rocking chair and swings of squeaky noises.
23. Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open.
24. Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.
25. Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well
as vinyl bumpers.
26. Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles.
27. Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans.
28. Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons and bicycles for
easy handling.
29. Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly.
30. Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools.
31. Removes grease splatters from stove-tops.
32. Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging.
33. Lubricates prosthetic limbs.
34. Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell).
35. Removes all traces of duct tape.
36. Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve
arthritis pain.
37. Florida 's favourite use is: 'cleans and removes love bugs from
grills and bumpers.'
38. The favourite use in the state of New York , it protects the Statue
of Liberty from the elements.
39. WD-40 attracts fish. Spray a little on live bait or lures and you
will be catching the big one in no time. Also, it's a lot cheaper than
the chemical attractants that are made for just that purpose. Keep
in mind though, using some chemical laced baits or lures for fishing
are not allowed in some states.
40. Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and
stops the itch.
41. It is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray it on the marks
and wipe with a clean rag.
42. Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has washed
and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the
lipstick spots with WD-40 and rewash. Presto! The lipstick is gone!
43. If you spray it inside a wet distributor cap, it will displace the
moisture, allowing the engine to start.
My discovery, Ants don't like it..................
As for that Basic, Main Ingredient.......
Well.... it's FISH OIL....
Now This Is Definitely Worth SHARING!!
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gtunesmiff · 2 years
I had a neighbor who bought a new pickup.
I got up very early one Sunday morning and saw that someone had spray painted red all around the sides of this beige truck (for some unknown reason). 
I went over, woke him up, and told him the bad news.
He was very upset and was trying to figure out what to do... probably nothing until Monday morning, since nothing was open.
Another neighbor came out and told him to get his WD-40 and clean it off.
It removed the unwanted paint beautifully and did not harm his paint job that was on the truck.
I was impressed!WD-40 who knew?
"Water Displacement #40".
The product began from a search for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser to protect missile parts. WD-40 was created in 1953, by three technicians at the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company. 
Its name comes from the project that was to find a 'Water Displacement' Compound.
They were finally successful for a formulation, with their fortieth attempt, thus WD-40.
The 'Convair Company' bought it in bulk to protect their atlas missile parts. Ken East (one of the original founders) says there is nothing in WD-40 that would hurt you.
When you read the 'shower door' part, try it. It's the first thing that has ever cleaned that spotty shower door. If yours is plastic, it works just as well as on glass.
Then try it on your stove-top. It's now shinier than it's ever been. You'll be amazed.
WD-40 Uses:
Protects silver from tarnishing.
Removes road tar and grime from cars.
Cleans and lubricates guitar strings.
Gives floor that 'just-waxed' sheen without making them slippery.
Keeps the flies off of Cows, Horses, and other Farm Critters, as well.
Restores and cleans chalkboards.
Removes lipstick stains.
Loosens stubborn zippers.
Untangles jewelry chains.
Removes stains from stainless steel sinks.
Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.
Keeps ceramic/terracotta garden pots from oxidizing.
Removes tomato stains from clothing.
Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots.
Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors.
Keeps scissors working smoothly.
Lubricates noisy door hinges on both home and vehicles doors.
Removes that nasty tar and scuff marks from the kitchen flooring. It doesn't seem to harm the finish and you won't have to scrub nearly as hard to get them off. Just remember to open some windows if you have a lot of marks.
Removes those nasty bug guts that will eat away the finish on your car if not removed quickly!
Gives a children's playground gym slide a shine for a super fast slide.
Lubricates gearshift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on riding mowers.
Rids kids rocking chair and swings of squeaky noises.
Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open.
Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.
Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well as vinyl bumpers.
Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles.
Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans.
Lubricates wheel sprockets on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for easy handling.
Lubricates drive belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly.
Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools.
Removes grease splatters from stove-tops.
Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging.
Lubricates prosthetic limbs.
Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell).
Removes all traces of duct tape.
Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve arthritis pain.
Florida's favorite use is: 'cleans and removes love bugs from grills and bumpers.'
The favorite use in the state of New York, it protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements.
Attracts fish. Spray a little on live bait or lures and you will be catching the big one in no time.
Use it for fire ant bites. It takes the sting away immediately and stops the itch.
It is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray it on the marks and wipe with a clean rag.
Also, if you've discovered that your teenage daughter has washed and dried a tube of lipstick with a load of laundry, saturate the lipstick spots with WD-40 and rewash. Presto! The lipstick is gone!
If you spray it inside a wet distributor cap, it will displace the moisture, allowing the engine to start.
And FYI - the main Ingredient is - FISH OIL.
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Eighteen: Introductions Made
Summary- 3.9k Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. You and Claude might be playing matchmaker. When they do take an interest, Curtis suddenly finds himself with more time on his hands.
Warnings- Phone sex and discussing the use of toys.
A/N- As always, Thank you all so much for reading and sharing this little series. I appreciate whenever I get to hear what anyone is thinking about these two and how they navigate a building relationship. Thank you @what-is-your-plan-today for taking the time to beta this project for me. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics
Chapter Seventeen / Masterlist
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You pondered at Curtis’s kitchen table, papers scattered all around, your reading glasses half slid down your nose as you leaned over with a pen poised in your hand, glancing over essays. Or that is what you were supposed to be doing. But, you had something more important distracting you. 
Claude happened to bring up the newest addition to the middle school team, Yona. In particular how sweet, smart, funny, and kind the soft-spoken teacher’s aide was and how she thought that there was someone you both knew who would probably really like getting to know her- Edgar. 
Things between you and Edgar had changed, immensely after that Halloween party, for the better. You two had gotten to actually know one another now that you were a frequent member at Paulie’s for game nights. Yes, he could be hot-headed and run his mouth too far as he proved at your party. But, he also grew a pair and came out to apologize with sincerity, that you were sure of. Now the man would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it. He also proved himself to be funny and caring, a bit shy whenever complimented. You were rather fond of the man now. 
Yona was much more of an observer and tended to be more cautious with things. Claude thought this would be a moment where perhaps opposites attract. Now that Claude put that thought in your head, it wouldn’t stop rolling around up there. 
“How’re the papers going?” Curtis questioned from behind you, startling you a moment to glance over your shoulder to see him coming in from the garage. His hands were covered in what looked like car oil. “Can you get the sink for me so I don’t touch anything?”
“Slow… slower than I like.” You answered his question as you went to turn on the hot water and go under the sink to find the special mechanics degreaser soap. 
“What are the papers about this time?” He had you pump several squirts of the soap in his hands before he started to scrub at them. 
“The winter ecosystem and hibernation of local wildlife.” You went back to the table to sit back down. “Simple enough, but… I need your thoughts on an entirely different matter.” 
“Shoot.” Curtis scrubbed at his nails with a brush before he was satisfied that they were clean once more. Cleaning up around the sink, he turned to dry his hands on a hand towel. 
“Edgar ever have any serious girlfriends?” 
“Edgar? Um- not for a hell of a long time.” Curtis pondered, trying to remember his last serious girlfriend. “At least for a couple years. He was with one girl, but she moved away. He has had dates, but never anyone he was serious about. Why?” 
“Well, there is this woman who started just before Christmas named Yona. She just moved here, really sweet and kind woman. I was gonna mention to Claude about maybe inviting her to Paulie’s, and see if she wants to join in on one of our game nights.” 
Curtis listened closely while settling in the chair across from you. “If you think she would like to hang with us Honey, invite her. I know Edgar showed his ass back at Halloween, but if you trust him, he would probably love to meet Yona. I know he misses having someone, you know?” 
“I picked up on that.” You plucked your pen back up to start working on the papers once more, only having a couple more to go. “He did say he was jealous of you before.” 
“Well…” Curtis moved to a stand, sliding his hand under your chin to tilt your head back to look up at him. “I would be jealous too if I let you get away from me.” 
You rolled your eyes at him playfully, but couldn't hold back the way it made you grin all proud as he dropped a kiss to you. “Good thing you saw me first?” 
“Remind me to thank Gilliam for that. You almost done?” 
“Just a couple more, I just gotta focus.” You blinked up at him. 
“Okay, let’s go out to dinner tonight when you’re done.” Another nipping kiss had you pushing your hand lightly against his chest. 
“You gotta let me finish then, stop being a distraction, Curtis.” He caught one more protesting kiss before backing up with his hands in the air in surrender. 
“Fine, fine. Come find me when you are ready.” He grinned while retreating into the living room, you waited a few seconds before leaning forward in your chair, looking around the corner to see him grabbing a book and settling in the recliner he preferred to read in while waiting for you.
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“I promise you will have a good time,” Claude assured Yona while you went up the stairs to Paulie’s and held open the door. You two had managed to coax Yona to come to game night to meet the guys. It took a little convincing but she relented when you and Claude both offered up rounds of beers. Somehow the guys made out on this deal too. 
Yona followed you up the stairs and stepped inside, glancing around. “Looks like a grungy sports bar with cold beers and greasy food.” You nodded since she basically nailed Paulie’s on the head. “I already love it.” 
“Did Y/N tell you about her first trip here?” Claude smirked as she stepped in behind Yona and you let the door shut behind you. 
“Met your boyfriend here, didn’t you?” Yona inquired and you shrugged. 
“Actually I met him on a school trip, but we did run into each other again here and had a fun night. “ You glanced around, looking for Curtis, Edgar or Gray. “According to Curtis it was our first date, but I say it wasn't.”
“Why not? “ 
“Because he never asked me out that time. We ran into each other.” 
“Fucking fate is what it was.” Claude leaned against the bar. “Paulie, where are the guys?” 
“Out in the back room.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “They already have drinks back there waiting. Maybe. They already came out once for refills.” 
You led them around the bar and disappeared through the kitchen and into the back store room that Paulie set up for you guys to practice throwing axes You could hear the three of them debating near the large bullseye.
“Yeah, it veers to the left because you are not throwing straight Curtis.” Edgar stated while studying the implanted hatchet. 
“I bumped my shoulder the other night.” He admitted, his hand lifting to rub at his shoulder. “Must still be sore.” 
You hid a grin, knowing full well why he bumped his shoulder. The two of you tumbled out of bed right in the middle of making out and Curtis had managed to wedge himself between you and the floor before you both landed. You felt awful at the moment as he hissed in pain, scrambling off to sit next to him, half-undressed while he laughed hard, assuring you that he was okay. 
You certainly didn’t see anything funny about what just happened, worried that you had really hurt him but he pulled you back to him, kissing and pulling you against him till you were lost in the haze that being with him brought. “Get your ass back up on the bed Honey, we weren’t finished.” You never got off the floor so fast in your life. Curtis right behind you, rolling the two of you back together, making you laugh at his enthusiasm.
Next morning, he was lame. 
“Well now I know how I can win against you.” Grey joked. “Gotta maim you.” 
“Fuck off Grey, you been ahead in points since Christmas.” Curtis flipped him off while you three entered the room, breaking up the debate as all three of them saw your small group coming in. 
“Hey guys…” You paused to sling your arm encouraging around your friend. “This is Yona, Claude and I work with her.” 
“Hi, Yona.” They rang out in unison, making the woman next to you laugh with her own greeting back. 
“This is Grey.” Claude pointed him out. “Curtis is that tall brute next to him.” Then she sauntered over to Edgar, taking his hand, not being too subtle at all as she pulled the man forward. “And this is Edgar.” 
Edgar blushed wildly, making him look cute and boyish at that moment. “It’s nice to meet you Yona.” His hand slipped into hers when she offered it, giving a shake. His hand swallowed hers but just watching them, you had a feeling that Yona had the upper hand. 
“You too Edgar, what were you guys doing?” 
“Throwing hatchets, do you want to try?” Edgar perked up, Curtis wrapped his arms around you, invested as well in the interaction. 
“Absolutely.” Yona set her purse down on the table and wriggled out of her winter coat. You watched as Edgar set about finding her some hatchets. Curtis tugged on your jacket, encouraging you to slip it off and settle in for game night. 
“I like her.” He admitted, still listening to her and Edgar talk while they both took up spots to throw with hatchets in hand. 
“I knew you would.” You said softly back while turning to face him, eyeing his shoulder. “Is it still really sore?” 
“Nah, just stiff.” He rolled his shoulders, wincing a bit. “Okay, A little bit. You gonna kiss and make it better?” A wriggle of his eyebrows disappeared under his black beanie. He looked so hopeful at that moment, you had to give him a little something to ponder. 
“Will do more than kiss it better.” Giving a wink, you took his hand in yours and leaned up to kiss his cheek. “But not till later, we have all night.” You tugged him closer to the throwing line so you could watch Yona’s and Edgar's throws, Curtis groaning behind you. 
“Later? Honey you want me to hold out that long?” 
“Hold out for what?” Claude piped up, her eyes teasing at Curtis while you let Curtis engulf you, his arms draped around you and his chest pressing against your back, his groin pressing half-hard against you. 
“Exactly what you think.” Curtis retorted while Claude cackled, you scoffed and looked up at him. 
“Make me.” His grin was wickedly teasing, you let yourself lean back into him while Edgar lined up his shot and swung his arm to send the hatchet spinning in a blur but it planted into the bullseye very close to its intended target. “Damn, keep going and you are gonna be hitting those dead center.” Curtis complimented and you gave a small squeeze to his hand in a thank you. You knew Curtis didn’t give them out to Edgar, not often since Halloween and you hated the rift between the two of them, even though Edgar had been wildly out of line that night. 
Edgar shrugged, trying to brush it off while Grey and Claude added their own input, but you saw the little secret smile he hid when he ducked his head, stepping aside for Yona to throw. Yona approached with some apprehension. Everyone started to yell encouraging, but Edgar motioned for you all to pipe it down. You muffled yourself in Curtis’s arm, still watching as she made her throw. 
And it landed so close to Edgar’s, even though it did bounce off, that you and Claude cheered. Grey and Curtis exchanged glances, grinning at one another. “Let her throw again,” Curtis mentioned. “And give her one of those sharper ones.” 
“Yeah!” Edgar went to grab another, this one gleaming with a fresh blade as he carefully handed it over. “Throw it again, Yona.” 
“Why did you give me a dull one before?” she quizzed him and Edgar shrugged. 
“It was the first one I grabbed that looked like would be a good fit for you.” Edgar tried explaining hurriedly to defend himself, you saw the flash of nerves across his face that he might have screwed up. Yona giggled and bumped her shoulder against him, breaking the seconds of tension. 
“I’m just teasing.” She whirled up to send that one flying. It was closer to the bullseye and stayed in the board this time. 
You all gasped in surprise and Edgar rushed right over to check it, wrenching the hatchet out while placing a marker in the spot. “You are good at this.” 
She shrugged, this time she came off as a bit shy. “Ah, well I did archery every summer at my family’s camp.” She collected the hatchet in Edgar’s hand and swooped down to pick up the first one that dropped. “I have really good aim.” 
Curtis, who was still behind you, watching the interaction dropped his mouth to your ear, whispering softly. “Oh yeah, I really like this friend. Edgar does too.” Your eyes flickered to Claude who was whispering excitedly to Grey, the man nodding in agreement with what she was saying. 
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In the following weeks, Edgar and Yona started to see one another outside of the group. Curtis certainly noticed a change in his friend. He stopped being sullen about things, more enthusiastic and exuberant at work. Although whenever Grey or Curtis mentioned getting together at Paulie’s, Edgar had an excuse for why he couldn’t go out. 
That made Curtis home more often as Grey was also going out with Claude when he wasn’t spending his evenings with Sophia. You as well were busy with after-school programs involved in coaching students who were struggling with their studies. It turned into late nights in his garage working on the Camaro till he wandered up to his bedroom to shower, read and share a few messages with you before bed. 
You offered to come over afterward, but Curtis knew how busy and tired you were. Not to mention the fact your apartment was a lot closer to the school. As a compromise, you always made sure to call him while you were getting ready for bed. 
“I have our flight booked for Florida.” He could hear you shifting the blankets around and the creak of your bed as you got in. He also heard the unsaid questioning part in your statement. 
“I’m ready for some sunshine, sand, and sex with my girl.” He teased as he flopped on his bed, having taken a shower earlier and set the heater for the night, he was just wandering his bedroom in his boxers now, ready to crash after you said goodnight to him. You laughed at his statement, relieved sounding. 
“Sunshine, sand and sex actually sounds really good.” You gave a little moan in the phone, more rustling of your beading, and Curtis could hear the soft hitch of your breath. 
“You tired tonight Honey?” 
“But I hear it in your voice, what is it you are wanting?” Curtis questioned, his legs stretching out as he leaned against the headboard, waiting for your answer. 
“I miss you.” You said hesitantly. “I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever now. I’m sorry, I know it is because of my stuff at the school we haven't.” 
“I miss you too, Honey. I know we were supposed to meet up with everyone at Paulie’s, but what if we just spent the evening together this weekend?” Curtis knew it was late, and both of you would be up at the crack of dawn, but he had to make the offer. For you, he would make that drive. “What if I came over now Honey?” 
“No.” You said firmly, being the more reasonable to the two of them. “Friday is your early day so you can’t be late and I will just be passing out after talking to you.” 
“You, Pretty Girl, are such a teacher.” Curtis teased. “All responsible. Fine, fine… I could help you go to sleep though.” 
“Well I am, but seriously Curtis, you would just be coming here to cling to the edge of my small bed and not get a good nights sleep.” 
“Your bed isn’t that small.” 
“Smaller then your king size one.” You giggled and almost shyly inquired his other proposal. “How are you going to make me fall asleep?” 
His sweet little Honey, how he wished he was there to see your reaction to what he was offering.
“We have never had phone sex Pretty Girl.” There was that whine of surprise, a bit needy and he assumed it was from him using Pretty Girl.
There was silence, but then a tiny breathy “Oh.” reached him. “No, we haven't done that.” 
“We don’t have to if you are not in the mood.” Curtis offered, giving you an easy out if you were not interested.
“No! Um- I’m very much in the mood Curtis.” Your bed creaked once more as you wriggled around in your covers Curtis guessed from the sounds you were making on the other end. 
“Just relax Y/N, I got you.” Curtis tilted his head back, letting his eyes close so he could picture you laying in your own bed. “What are you wearing Honey?” 
“Um, well I am wearing your Highway To Hell tee.” That made Curtis smile, knowing you were wrapped up in his clothing. 
“I left it there for you to use Pretty Girl. Where do you want to touch yourself first, close your eyes and picture it, talk to me.” He was patient, not pushing you further. But he could picture you trying to work through your thoughts, the way your expression would go from unsure to exited at the challenge. 
“My thighs, sliding my hands along the tops of them.” 
“You do have beautiful thighs.” Curtis started, his free hand rubbing down his bare chest and belly to rest above the bend of his boxers. “I love feeling how soft they are as they wrap around me and squeeze.” Your breath hitched at his words, he swore he heard a touch of a whine in your voice. 
“Then to my inner thighs, my hands are not as good as yours though. Or your beard.” You tone started to sound breathy, like you were headed towards something. 
Curtis ran a hand against his chin, rasping it enough so you could hear it. Your breath hitched just as he hoped. “You like my beard rubbing against your skin, marking you all over Pretty Girl?” 
“Yes!” you said with enthusiasm, Curtis cussed under his breath hearing you and moved his hand under the band of his boxers to press his palm against his throbbing cock. “Run your face up and down my thighs.” 
“Play with your tits Pretty Girl, I know you love your nipples licked and sucked on.” Curtis wrapped his fingers around himself, squeezing lightly, resisting jerking himself off listening to you for now. “Push your shirt up off yourself.” 
A rustling started in the phone and then you started whimpering. “I do love when you suck on me like that.” You sounded so sweet, making Curtis grunt lightly as he pulled his hard throbbing cock out, fisting himself tighter. 
“Honey, I would be pulling and sucking on them, kissing all over till you were covered. One day I will fuck your breasts.” He jerked himself, pushing his legs up to brace his feet against his mattress. 
“Your big fat cock pushing through my tits.” You encouraged him. Curtis let his head fall back, letting himself get lost in the moment listening to you. “I want you too.” Your voice drifted off a moment. “I have to touch myself.” 
“Do it Pretty Girl, you must be wet now.” 
“Uh-huh.” Curtis recognized that tone, the soft wail starting to build up, the sound of you rubbing your clit. “I want you inside me. To feel you on top of me, holding me down.” 
“Trust me Honey, I will be soon.” Curtis felt himself shudder hearing you, his cock throbbing, needing to release. He worked his hand harder, chasing that feeling that burned in his belly.
“Have you underneath me feeling so good.” 
“Hands pinned back?” Your covers rustled in the phone like you were kicking them off. The sound of your whines and moans coming more frequently, your fingers now burying into you from the sounds of it. Curtis could just picture you, your thighs spread open and your fingers pushing into your heat till you were messy sounding, your pussy squelching with every squeeze around your digits.  
“Fuck I will tie you up if it will get you off Honey.” Curtis hissed into the phone. “Fuck-” His hips chased his fist, his cum starting to shoot over his hand. You were quiet a moment, just soft pleading whines coming through. 
“Did you come?” 
“Yes Pretty Girl.” He exhaled deeply. “Your turn Honey. You are so good, always feel so good squeezing my cock Honey, feel yourself squeezing your fingers.” 
“Its’s not as good as your cock though.” You sighed in frustration and his phone ruffled a moment. Then a buzz came through. Curtis couldn’t help but grin that you must have gotten a toy. 
“Pretty Girl, have you been holding out on me?” 
You sounded sheepish on the phone. “Well, I haven't needed anything since being with you.” 
“Well damn Honey, glad to have been of service. But I think should take some of those out next time I’m over. Let me hear you Pretty Girl, I wanna hear you feel good.” 
You started softly, rebuilding back up, but within minutes you were chanting Curtis’s name and crying out in need. “You’re so close Honey, fuck you sound so good you are gonna get me hard again” When you came, Curtis started praising you, telling you how good you did for him, that he couldn’t wait to see you. 
You said his name with a curious tone. “Curtis… you really don’t care about the toys?” 
That surprised him for a moment. His brow furrows in his confusion. “No? I think that we should start using them if you didn’t mind. Why?” 
“Well… I have known others to be jealous of me having them.” You stated cautiously and Curtis would have been willing to put money on who exactly that would have been. 
“Honey, toys don’t bother me. You want them, then you should have them. Damn, I will buy you some when I find out what you like.” 
“Oh, you don’t have to-” 
“No, I don’t have to but I sure as fuck want to. I would never tell you that you can’t have them anymore, or ever care if you used them. If you are worried about me feeling jealous of some toys, don’t. I’m not at all concerned that I’m not pleasing you. Adding toys will just make it that much better for us.” He pointed out. 
“You are really okay with this.” You stated almost incredulously. 
“Y/N, I’m serious, It doesn’t bother me.” Curtis stated. You yawned into the phone, making him speak up. “I am gonna say goodnight though Honey, you have an early day.” 
“I’m not tired… much.” You rebutted. “But you are right. Thank you Curtis.” 
“Thank you Honey, it was good hearing you even if I can’t be with you. Goodnight Pretty Girl.” 
You groaned into the phone in exasperation, making Curtis chuckle. “Goodnight, sweet dreams.”
"Trust me, will be dreaming about loving up on you. Talk tomorrow Beautiful."
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
Prompt: All the Batkids are in the kitchen.
Batkids working in the kitchen ‘cooking’ something for Alfred’s Birthday: 
  Stephanie to Jason Todd: ‘Dip shit this is cleaning degreaser not cooking oil!’
  Jason blaming Grayson as always: ‘Dickhead said it was for the kitchen-‘
Grayson who’s seconds away from quitting along with Cass: ‘I didn’t! Cass and I are doing the salad-‘
  Damian trying to find an easy solution:
 ‘Can’t we just do take ou-‘
 Alfred now coming to the kitchen which looked horrific, Batkids were all a mess and so was his once clean kitchen:
  ‘Ughhh... as much as I love and appreciate your effort, I don’t trust your cooking, now get out of my kitchen and wait for me in the living room.’
  Batkids walking out defeated:
  ‘Yes Alfred.’
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dovesndecay · 1 year
I'm not a chemist now, nor was I at the time, but I do feel like a chemist might be upset by my 18-year-old self pouring industrial degreaser into a mop bucket to clean the floor of my hometown 24-hour McDonald's kitchen.
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hostilemuppet · 3 months
no, listen. listen. i can--i can take on the challenge. jd is like a greasy kitchen, you just need the proper mixture of dish soap, chlorine and degreaser. i can do it. listen, where are you going.
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shadowthief78 · 11 months
Going for Dim Sum w/BLLK
I just finished eating i’m so full rn
Just some hcs while i digest.
ISAGI: Good boi, keeps refilling your teacup. Accidentally burns his tongue on xiao long tang bao and whimpers about it. Pretty adventurous, willing to try most stuff, really likes the siu mai and egg tarts (like literally everyone else inthe world does) (egg tart haters dni w/author [lol]).
BACHIRA: Tries to eat at least one of everything even after you warn him that’s a terrible idea. Passes out halfway through one of those huge lotus-leaf-wrapped glutinous rice boiled dumplings and only revives after you dribble half a cup of the degreasing, digestive tea into his mouth with his spoon.
CHIGIRI: Keeps slipping food onto your plate when you aren’t looking. Likes sipping the soup out of the xiao long tang dumplings with the ginger and vinegar. Looks super elegant while doing it as well.
KUNIGAMI: Mouth consistently full of cha sau bao. Eats heartily and keeps reamarking on how well you’ve chosen the dishes. “Here, try this”-es you a lot, like you’re not the one who’s got the most experience.
RIN: Keeps trying to puzzle out what the dishes mean based on their meanings in Kanji. Unfortunately, since kanji and Chinese don’t always match, it leads to some weird questions for you. That’s “beef noodles,” not “beef face” (牛肉面) (yes i know that’s technically not rlly dim sum just let me turn brain off ok?).
REO: Foots the bill. Insists on ordering way too much, probably gets some expensive abalone thing you’ve never tried before. Visibly preens when you refil his teacup or puts food on his plate. Making friends with all the waitresses pushing the carts full of food around by the end.
NAGI: Asks for congee or something since it’s simple and he doesn’t know what he likes (trying new things is a hassle...). Eventually gets entranced with peeling the steamed bao and nibbling on the outsides (aka you hand-feeding him the peels). Asks for dessert soup and pouts when he discovers ginko nut is bitter.
BAROU: Keeps trying to outhost you, the host. You can’t eat all this food. Barou, stop, that’s enough! Have another siu mai or something and let other people have a taste, okay?
KURONA: Munch munch munch. Doesn’t talk much but always chewing when you look over. Gives you the thumbs-up whenever he finds something he likes. Particularly enamored with those super-crispy fried yam balls with mincemeat in the filling.
HIORI: Asks questions about everything and always responds with something along the lines of, “Ah, that’s cool!” Likes the crystal shrimp dumplings (ha gao) the best.
ZANTETSU: Tries to claim the skins of chee cheong fan are something like the remains of silkmaking until you stare at him for too long. No, they’re like a giant steamed rice noodle...
IGARASHI: Distracted by the people rolling out, filling, and pinching dumplings shut in the kitchen.
GAGAMARU: No, he cannot try and carve the Peking duck himself. That’s the waiter’s job. Stares too long at the lobsters and fish in the tanks. No, you will *not* be organizing an aquatic jailbreak of any sort today. Does he want to order something else, or...? Uncanny knack for figuring out what food is in which cart by smell alone.
NANASE: Woah, look at all this new food! So exicitng! Cheeks stuffed all the time, looks adorable while doing it, would probably eat a gravel dumpling if you asked him to. (But it really is all super good, don’t worry about him!)
YUKIMIYA: Tries to communicate in gestures to the staff. Resorts to just smiling a lot. Ends up finishing most of the carrot cake even though he’s not super fond of the yammy taste.
NIKO: Looks like he’s not doing much then when you look back, two full steamer baskets are empty. Salted egg custard supremacy.
KAISER: Tries to get you to feed him by claiming he can’t use chopsticks. You flag down the waitress and ask her for a fork. He gets the only fork they have, a tiny plastic one with a cartoon lion on it, meant for toddlers, and a matching teaspoon + plate. Visibly crestfallen.
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