pcktknife · 9 months
favorite insane emily moment from neverafter GO
there's absolutely no way I remember every little thing that occurred in this show cause I watched it over a really long stretch of time but I think her giving a pep talk to the wolf while he was in the stew was fun and I really can't stress enough how cool the mental image of death. a wolf. the audience knows to be a monstrously changed little girl walking away with 2 dead ppl on her back and behind it is the little girl the wolf once was. That's So fucking Cool Hello?
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callonpeevesie · 27 days
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Hi, thanks for the ask! It's hard to pick top 10 because my feelings about characters keep fluctuating and I'm also kind of out of touch with fandom these days, but here are 10 characters I've blorboed in the past or recently.
Pyala from tenida - I have posted about him before, he's my childhood fave from a series that's very dear to me. I grew attached to him when I first read the stories when I was about eight. I was quiet, constantly zoned out, chronically sick and couldn't Maths, and I really saw myself in him. But what sealed him as my favourite character is his sort of quiet courage,, he's scared of many things but he has this integrity and is brave enough to be honest with himself. I've had so many other favourite characters since, but that connection never really went away. As I grew up and reread the stories I discovered more layers to his character and unpacked just how much he had impacted me in my childhood. He's just really important to me.
Héctor from coco - I was absolutely obsessed with coco for a very long time, this blog even started as a coco blog. It's a beautiful movie and héctor was always my favourite character. He was understandably very popular and I love him for his adorable personality and angst potential, but another reason I'm attached to him is the pushover aspect of his personality. It's something I myself struggled with and it was super cathartic to see him stand up to ernesto. I used to wonder a lot how things would have gone if he had lived longer and got to grow more.
Mia from ace attorney - she's just *chef's kiss*. I got into aa a couple of years back and fell in love with her from the beginning. She's so beautiful and badass but also so much more. She impacts the story so much even though she was present for such a short time, it's fascinating to think about. And she feels more and more layered and flawed and interesting the more I think about her. I'm very normal about her
Grover from pjo - it's safe to say my pjo phase has completely faded, but I have a sort of nostalgic attachment to Grover. He's so soft but brave and adorable and grew so much over the series. I do feel his potential was underutilised in the books. But in a way I like that his backstory and personal journey is left so vague, it makes him more intriguing to me. Part of the reason I like him so much is because his bravery and potential are so overlooked in the fandom and I guess I'm defensive of him, lol.
Sokka from atla - tbh I only watched atla for the first time as an adult, during the pandemic, and sokka just grew on me during my first watch. He's just such a guy, the way he's shaped by the protective role he took on as a kid, by growing up during a war, how calculative and ruthless he can be in spite of his goofiness and how much he cares about Katara, I just,,,, ughhhh. I love chewing on him so much and I find it fascinating how well he was fleshed out even though he's not the most narratively important character
Matsuda from death note - another more recent favourite, got into death note a couple of years back. I enjoyed how silly and goofy he is and he grew on me, how he feels worthless compared to everyone else and wants to prove himself. He's also such a madlad for his yotsuba stunt (and telling mello he was L. wtf was that). His conflicted position and eventual reaction to light's betrayal make him an interesting one to figure out, but what stands out to me is how he seems to use humour to cope and tries desperately to liven things up. It's especially obvious to me that he puts up a facade in the epilogue of the manga
Anne shirley from Anne of green gables - this one is a childhood favourite. She's!! So good!! I became obsessed with her when I first read the book because I related so much to her imaginativeness and her way of admiring beauty, I felt like she was putting into words things I've always felt deep down. As an adult I've ceased to relate to her so much, but I still love the way she interacts with the people and environment around her and how she deals with her flaws and strives to be better. Also demiromantic icon fr
Shen from kung fu panda 2 - truly one of the villains ever. A++ design, actually compelling story, how his struggle with his past and identity reflects and contrasts with Po's,,, it's thematically so GOOD. I just love how he never truly gets over the past even though he claims to tend to the future and he's always terrified of the prophecy even though he acts confident that he's escaped fate. And how po succeeds where he feels,, I think shen can only be fully appreciated in relation to po and that makes me a little insane. I love my drama queen genocidal freak birb
Hobie from across the spiderverse - i think he's my favourite thing to come out of atsv, he's such a guy <33 everything from his design to how well he was executed in spite of so little screentime is top tier. There's a lot to say about his narrative significance, but what i love the most about him is that he embodies the idea that kindness is punk. He's not punk just for the aesthetic, although it seems like he is and that's probably at least partially on purpose; his beliefs are punk and he does not believe in the conformity and suffering that Miguel encourages. He watches out for gwen and miles not just because he doesn't agree with the spider society but because he cares about them. And his kindness doesn't take away from his punkness, compassion and caring IS resistance and I think that's beautiful
Obelix from Asterix - Asterix is one of my all time favourite media I've loved since childhood and it's hard to pick one character because I love all of the main cast so much, but I have to go with the autistic king. He's Wonderful, he's genuinely so funny, his thinking is so straightforward and he feels left out because no one bothers to explain things to him but he cares about Asterix and dogmatix so so much I just. I could cry. And the backstory in how obelix fell into the magic potion adds more to him and his bond with Asterix, like,,, yes
Once again these are 10 characters I thought of now, I might have a different answer later because my feelings about my favourite characters change a lot. But that's my answer for now and sorry for answering so late. Thanks for asking!
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itsmariejanel · 2 years
ASK TIME!! (sorry for hitting unfollow!!)
for Jace: biggest regret?
for Jace: biggest fear? What about "normal" fears, like spiders, the dark, etc.
for Serena: Do they believe in soulmates?
for Mia: what was her first kiss like?
for Gemma: what did they want to be as a child? what is her goal in life now?
for Erwin: waht does he daydream about?
for Raven: greatest desire?
for all the roommates: Cats or dogs? Both? neither?
for Kiara: does she ever see herself having children?
for Makoto: does he get jealous easily?
for Jace and any other 2: fatal flaw? bonus: are they aware of it? (list if you need it)
describe your story in 5 words or less
pick a favorite character. yes, you have to pick, yes, you can only pick one.
which character do you relate to most?
favorite scene of your story so far?
Have fun!! <3
omg VIIIIBBBIBNGGGG, thanks morri! <3 gonna put this under the cut, since its a lot ahahah rubs hands lets do this
jace doesn't have a lot of regrets. he thinks of the things that happen are experiences and we should learn from them and grow :) something he learned from evanora actually! right now, i would say that he regrets not having dealt with the breakup as he should, and that's what he's doing now.
ooooffff, jace's biggest fear is dying actually. having lost his father from a young age made him fear death. normal fears huh, well jace is afraid of spiders kfjfkf
serena doesn't really believe in soulmates, she thinks thats a myth
her first kiss was with j huntington iii, and it was absolute shit. quoting her right now “the guy’s hot, but holy shit he sucks so bad” 💀
gemma wanted to be an austronaut actually! right now, a part of them still wishes they had gone trough with this dream. right now, they just wanna be a good spellcaster. the family has high expectations for them, which is very overwhelming at times. 
ughhhh, erwin daydreams about aliens, and more aliens, anddddd more aliens. he also wakes up in a cold sweat when he remembers what he read on reddit about the earth being flat. 
raven’s greatest desire is to have guidry beside her 😩 she also really wants to open a lil coffeeshop with lots of plants 
jace likes both ; kiara LOVES cats ; makoto likes both ; serena is a dog lover all the way, she doesn’t hate cats tho ; mia is afraid of cats, so dogs eheh 
kiara sees herself having children, absolutely. she wants to be a mom eventually! right now she thinks its a bit too soon, but definitely someday 
hmmmm, it depends really! makoto tends to be jealous if there’s a reason to be jealous if that makes sense. he’s not a possessive guy tho, he would talk his concerns with his partner and figure it out. 
it might not seem, but it’s hard for jace to open up. when he open up for kiara, it’s because kiara has gained his trust. they have become very close friends since sulani. it’s not easy to accept or deal with feelings if that makes sense. he is very aware of this ; serena is a very stubborn person. when her mind is set on something, its vveeeeerrrryyyy hard to change her mind, if not impossible. she’s not aware of this fkjfkf everyone tells her and she’s like “this is not being stubborn” ; erwin tends to be a bit too trusting and often gets hurt. he is kind of aware of this, like he knows he trusts people very soon, but he also thinks everyone deserves the trust. 
ugh man i can’t do this, sorry :/ 
fuckfuckfukcufkcufkcufckffkfkf..................... j....a, jakiakonaliomia :) there you go! and no i didn’t cheat. 
oooooffff, might be cliché and say all, but it’s truly all. when i built my characters i made them with a lot of my own personality and experiences in them. so i do relate to all of them for this reason. i think i relate to kiara the most tho. 
i think i’m gonna have to go with this one - x 💖 such a happy moment between all of them
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meteor752 · 3 years
Dsmp Hogwarts AU, except it’s all the characters and I go into why they are what they are, please reblog this took a long ass time
Man, what a title Huh? Anyways, this will obviously go over the characters and not the content creators, because in some cases those are vastly different
Also, before we start, I will go over an important thing that I will mention probably a few times, and that is the difference between Hufflepuff Loyalty and Slytherin Loyalty.
Both of these houses value loyalty, but in very different ways. Take for example that you’re a spy who has their best friend as their partner, and you’re out on some super important mission. Let’s also say that your partner got shot and is close to death, and the only way to save them would be to abandon the mission entirely.
A Hufflepuff would try to complete the mission because it would be the best for all, while the Slytherin would abandon the mission despite the fact that it could result in countless deaths, just to save their friend.
See it as Selfish Loyalty vs Selfless loyalty. Both are great things to have, but are still different.
Anyways, on with the show
Tomathy Danger Kraken Careful Innit
I have seen people try to argue that this boy is a Hufflepuff because of his loyalty and such, but gosh darnit everyone this child is a god damn Gryffindor. I mean, one of his main character traits is that he’s brash and too brave for his own good. The reason he got fucking exiled is because he burned down George’s house without thinking of the consequences, and then just screamed at Dream without thinking of the consequences. The same goes for Ghostbur’s “death”, it was because he had no real plan except Stab Dream with an axe. So yeah, Gryffindor
Wilbur Soot
Slytherin, 100%. This man has created one and a half nation, one entirely out of spite, he was both a general and a president, he’s a smart lil fella, and he managed to hold his own against the god of the server. I don’t even thing you guys wanna argue with me here
Tuberculosis Underscore
This one is tricky, because it’s really between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw for me. Like, he does possess the Hufflepuff loyalty™ plus he is very kind, but he’s also one of the more logical and observant characters we have in this server (The bar is very low let me tell ya). But I think I will have to go with Ravenclaw, just because like, the boy invented nukes. He built fucking nukes. So yeah, a very chaotic Ravenclaw that will spout bee facts at you, be prepared
My man is a Ravenclaw, no doubt about it. I mean, he started talking about an old greek myth in the middle of a war? Just Ravenclaw things amiright?
Philza Minecraft
I will have to go with Slytherin on this one, simply because of the large amount of Slytherin Loyalty, but also because of his cunningness and resourcefulness, but for real this was very tricky, simply because I don’t like to think about c!Phil too much because as some of you may know, I kinda hate him (Not the cc though, obvs, he’s awesome)
Ranboo My Beloved
Hufflepuff. This boy’s ideology is literally “Choose people, not sides”, he’s an honest and compassionate boy who works hard, and has a very open mind. He’s literally the by the book Hufflepuff
Honestly, Slytherin. I mean, they are ambitious as fuck, both shown by them betraying L’Manburg for the throne, but also by working hard towards their redemption arc. They are also a good leader of the smp, and in general a great role model to have
Nikki Nihachu
This one is actually difficult, simply because Nikki has gone through quite the character arc the past couple of months. She started out kind, sweet and loyal, a classic Hufflepuff. Then she joined the syndicate and straight up tried to kill a child, which is less Hufflepuff but who am I to judge. But in her core, as seen through her discussion with Jack about Tommy’s revival, she is still a good person that works hard for what she believes in, wants the best for everyone (Despite sometimes working in her best self interest) remains kind through it all. So yeah, Nikki is a Hufflepuff, just a bit of a sadistic one. But we can’t all be perfect ya know?
Fun Jonathan Michael Vincent Georgina James Sus Dy Soot
Ah, my favorite character, and also one of the best examples of a Ravenclaw. And I ain’t saying that just cuz I’m a Ravenclaw, Fundy is one of the most Ravenclaw characters out there. He’s creative, Clever, Spontaneous, Witty, Curious, Sharp, and a real trickster. The idea of Ravenclaws being the goody two shoes kids that always does their school work is just false, we never do our Homework and instead sit and read about things we find interesting, and Fundy is a good example of that. Also he was quite the eager learner during the Dreamon Hunters arc, which again is a good example of a Ravenclaw. So if Ranboo is the by the book Hufflepuff, then Fundy is the by the book Ravenclaw.
I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed that Dream is actually a Slytherin, and I ain’t arguing with that. This boy is cunning, sly, a leader, traditional, Self-Preserving, and a master with words. There is not much more to say here, apart from the fact that Slytherins main colour is literally green, so it all checks out, this boy is a snake.
George Lore
Mr not found over here really is hard to pinpoint down, simply because his main character trait is his apathy, which isn’t really a trait for any of the houses. I was discussing this one with my girlfriend, and both of us were pretty clueless of what to do with him. I was thinking if Hufflepuff since they take the ones that don’t fit anywhere else, but then I was reminded of the most recent Dream XD stream, which showed us one thing, and that is that George is clever, observant, and Sharp Minded, all the traits of a Ravenclaw. Sure, he could also be Slytherin as he was both cunning and sly as well, but I think Ravenclaw fits him more personally.
Sappitus Nappitus Boyhalo
Finally we have another Gryffindor, there’s been a serious lack of them on the list. My man is a fighter, he’s bold, he’s brave, he’s passionate, he’s confident, and he doesn’t really think that much of the consequences of his actions (Cough the pet war cough), so yeah this boy a lion.
Ah, Punzie, the mercenary themself. Tbh, I know very little about them because Punz don’t get involved that much in lore unless they are hired for something. I mean, they were in the eggpire, but even then they were barely involved, which is sad cuz I like Punz. But what we have seen of Punz is that they are someone who does not care about you or what you want, as long as you pay them. They are power hungry and self preserving, which means that I have to put them in Slytherin.
Jack Thunder1408 TV Manifold
The boy who I can’t help but be sympathetic towards. Jack is also a hard character to pin point because of the reason that he’s gone through quite the development. Jackie boy is a very broken character that has literally been through hell, so it’s hard to properly sort him. He’s quite confident and clever, yet cunning and resourceful, so for me it’s either Slytherin or Gryffindor. But I do lean towards Gryffindor more, partly because of his stubbornness and gullibility, and part because of all the fire imagery that’s associated with him. I mean, the cc described him as burning inside, he’s been through the scape of fire and death, and he burnt his nation to the ground. In case you didn’t know, Fire is the element of Gryffindor, so yeah, another red and gold boy.
Schlatt is as both charming, charismatic and calm in the early days, using subtle manipulation tactics to get his way and achieve ultimate power. He’s ambitious, narcissistic, cunning, and tyrannical, while still hiding it all behind a facade of smiles and waves. He could also be both cruel and irresponsible at times, aka the time he had an underage child drink during an event, but ya know, mistakes. So all in all, I think it’s pretty clear that he’s a Snakey boy.
As much as I love CC!Quackity, I also fucking hate him because of the many, many different directions he’s taken this character which makes it possible for him to fit in literally any of the houses. The duckie is both Chaotic and lawful, he’s both friendly and hostile, he’s a smart cookie and a fucking dumbass, so like bruh. But, I’m gonna have to go with how he is now, which is manipulative, power hungry, cruel, and strong willed. Aka, another Slytherin.
Karl Jacobs
Finally, a character that is not broken down to the point of barely making out a readable personality. Karl is a kind and funny person, who is very open to new people considering how often he gives tours to visitors and new people, and he is quite literally loosing himself traveling through time in an attempt to help people. Hufflepuff
This one I know will be controversial, but I’m saying Hufflepuff on him. Sam is one of the best cases of the Hufflepuff loyalty, literally letting both Tommy and Ghostbur be stuck and ultimately die in the prison just so he wouldn’t risk Dream breaking out. Before that point he was very kind and gentle towards Tommy, literally building a robot to keep him safe and take care of him. Sam nook is a reflection of Sam’s feelings towards Tommy, and they are kind and gentle.
Ughhhh, another tough one. Ponk is a chaotic being who is mostly neutral in conflicts, but is shown to be very open about their feelings towards those they care about, like Sam or Foolish. They seem to be have strong feelings in what they believe in, and can be a bit brash sometimes, not really caring about the consequences of their actions, which is what makes me say Gryffindor for them.
Our favorite muffin demon. I assume, I don’t know what life you live. Anyways, Bad is like the stereotypical Hufflepuff. The kindhearted, well meaning, sweet, responsible Hufflepuff. The Hufflepuff that’s like in all of those incorrect quotes blogs and “Slytherin and Hufflepuff friendships uwu” posts. But for real, Bad is very Hufflepuff. He does however have Slytherin Loyalty, considering he pretty much sacrificed the entire server for Skeppy, but if you would try to convince me that Bad is a Slytherin I will just laugh at you
It was at this point I realized what I’ve gotten myself into with this post, which you know, not fun. Skeppy is both cocky and filled with energy, with a real ambition to cause chaos. He’s also shown to be willing to sacrifice himself for the person he loves, Bad, when he gave himself up to the egg. I’ve seen some people say Slytherin, but I’m kinda getting Gryffindor from the lad, so yeah, another lion.
Frosty here is a kind hearted person that for the most part seem to be along for the ride. He reminds me a bit of a parent of toddlers, with his patience and serenity towards the more chaotic people on the server, so of course my natural instinct is Hufflepuff. Buuuuut, then there’s again the issue with the egg and the Slytherin loyalty, this time towards his boyfriend Velvet who he was willing to join a cult for (relationship goals) but again, you can’t really say Ant is a Slytherin considering how wrecked he was about what he did while in the eggpire when he was released from it’s grasp. So yeah, Puffle boy
Captain Puffy
Oh captain my captain, you are such a Gryffindor. And some of you may disagree on that, stating that she’s a Hufflepuff or something (I did research before this to check what other people think, I know) but naaah, she a lion. Puffy is very motherly and protective towards other people on the server, especially the minors, but in the way that a Bear is protective towards its cub, which is gentle towards them but fierce towards others. Puffy also falls natural in the role of a leader as seen with Pro-Omelette, but that is kinda expected since she’s a past Pirate Captain. But she wasn’t the leader she was supposed to be, as she waited quite a while to act against the eggpire out of fear of hurting her friends, which lead to quite the damage towards the rest of the server. She’s also been shown to act on impulse, killing Antfrost and taking one of his lives after he killed her son. Idk if this is a good explanation of why I believe Puffy to be a Gryffindor, it sounds more like I’m claiming her to be a Slytherin or Hufflepuff, but she is a Gryffindor I promise!
Foolish Gamers
Foolish is a kind and friendly being, if not a bit naive and easily distracted. He’s also not the brightest person, in fact I’d go as far as to call the guy a Himbo, and he can be a bit skittish sometimes if he’s stressed or haven’t taken a break in a while. But despite it all, the guy is someone who’s creative and hard working, with a brilliant mind for his building. The man is an artist who can get grumpy if you suppress his creative aura, and put his heart and soul into his works. He also has a habit of getting wrapped up in big projects, and ignoring sleep or personal care until he’s finished them. This all leads me to say that Mr Gamers is a Ravenclaw, just not the smartest one. But hey, we can’t all be geniuses, can we.
Slime is very naive and very trusting towards people around him, taking every word they say as a fact. He can also be a bit dark and ominous at times, but quickly shakes it off as nothing important. This all makes him quite childish, which is very hard to sort, so I’m gonna say Hufflepuff for his friendliness and move on.
Purpled Bedwars
I actually started loving this guy the minute I saw him, purely because Purple is my favorite colour, like my man has taste. Purpled, like Punz, is a guy who helps whoever pays him the most. He’s not interested in most things on the server, too busy looking out for number one (And Dogchamp of course). He’s very self reliant and resourceful, but still quite passive. He may not be the most ambitious guy, but Purpled is definitely a Slytherin (It also brings me and my girlfriend Serotonin knowing that the mercenary siblings are both in the same house, we love those two)
I don’t watch Hannah that much, but god I love her voice, it makes my lesbian little heart happy. Hannah is a friendly person who is very naive about the conflicts on the server, thinking it all can can be solved by placing a rose (God I wish). She’s a good decorator and a good hearted person, who unfortunately fell victim to the egg’s influence. I’m going with Hufflepuff on her, but I’m honestly not entirely sure as I don’t know that much about her.
H is a very well meaning person that only really wants people to be friendly towards each other. He had a strict moral code and he keeps to it, as shown where Fundy tried to get his help with blowing shit up. He’s very helpful to those who ask and is willing to back up his friends when it’s needed, which makes me say that the friendly totally not dirty cat maid is a Hufflepuff.
I just want you all to know that I’m writing this before Connor’s lore stream that surely will just go against everything I say because fate hates me, just so ya know. Connor is not a person that does stuff on the server with lore and he for the most part keeps to himself, so this is a bit hard. Connor also has this thing where he likes to say things just to confuse him, and also making a bit of cursed lore, but he’s still a fairly humble person. He does lie and steal a bit, and has this habit of moving into other people’s houses, but I digress. I’m actually leaning towards Ravenclaw on him, for some reason, so that’s what I’m going with until I have more of an established character.
I know she has left the server and stuff, but she was one of the original members so it would be a crime not to include her. Alyssa is a bit chaotic, often going on killing sprees, or burning down the trees outside of L’Manburg. So I’m placing Alyssa in Gryffindor, but to be honest I don’t really know at this point.
How do you sort a person who does not speak, stream, or show like anything of his personality? The answer is, you don’t. Hufflepuff is the house of those who don’t fit in anywhere else, and that’s where I’m placing him.
Please log onto the server I’m begging you, I didn’t watch you as a kid and honestly know nothing about you. From what I’ve seen of Vik he’s a very humble person that tries to stay out of it all, instead forming a land together with his bro Lazar. Honestly my instincts say Ravenclaw and I trust my instincts, so I’m putting him in Ravenclaw
Lazar was actually a big part of the exile arc which I realized after already have written his, so now I gotta rewrite it. Lazar is fairly ambitious on the server, and has the goal to obtain the most powerful objects on the server just to rival the other strong members of the smp. He’s especially against Tommy, and aims to do a lot to be the opposite of him, aka well respected and not a war criminal that got exiled (Totally fair goal). Despite that, he was able to show some empathy to the British child, even going as far as to give him a disk during his exile. This all makes me say Slytherin on him.
Newest boy. Michael is a very apathetic person, showing little to no empathy towards most people’s trauma on the server. The person he does feel empathy for however is Dream, who of course did nothing wrong and is locked up in the prison which is just horrible oh no. Michael just truly does not care about what you’ve been through (as of now) which is why I’m gonna say Slytherin, because he does have Slytherin loyalty towards Mr Was Taken.
So all together we have Seven lions, Ten Snakes, Seven Eagles and Ten Badgers. I think that’s fair tbh
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focsle · 3 years
Vendryth Bio
HELLO here I am with one of my Gigantic Character Bios.
Tumblr media
Name: Vendryth
Nickname: Ven to friends. He also has a number of tacky nicknames in the various small localities he helped out over the years: The Golden Traveler, The Dragon, Trollslayer, Midwinter Hero, ET CETERA ET CETERA. To Neris he is ‘Grandpa’.
Age: Died at age 326. Born 1E 2594, died in 1E 2920. Is Neris’s resident ghost as of 2E 582.
Gender: Man
Race: Dunmer
Class: Battlemage and restoration master
Physical Traits
Height: 6ft
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair: Auburn, pulled back in a long braid.
Eyes: Red
Skin: Dark blueish grey
Distinctive features: Full Van Dyke-style beard. A lot of assorted scars from 300+ years of Fighting Things. Really big gaudy dragon tattoo on his chest.
Mannerisms: He has a confident ease moving and existing in the world, and he definitely takes up space in a lounging sort of way. He also tends to relate to people physically—SHOULDER SLAPPER sort of guy.
Voice: Friendly and booming. Bit gravelly but refined.
Fashion: He likes ornate armors and likes to keep ‘em shiny. In the day to day however, he dresses very simply...keeps his shirt collar as open as possible...
Emotional Traits
Personality: He’s very personable and very willing to help people, to the degree that he is prone to butting into situations that initially don’t involve him. He almost never turns down requests for help and can quickly shift to adapt to situations that call for his attention. He tries to behave honorably, though he hasn’t always done so in his interpersonal relationships in the past and is awkward in coming to terms with that.
Likes a good time. Is boisterous and rollicking and sometimes has an air about him that he doesn’t take things seriously, even though as said above, he can rapidly switch gears to handle grave situations. He’s chummy with everyone. A bit flirtatious & slutty. A pro at entertaining swaths of children. Good at calming horses.
He’s very vain, though not arrogant. He’s surprised if someone isn’t impressed by him, but not upset or offended. He does Heroics partly because he has the ability to and thinks it's the right thing to do, but also because he likes the attention. Likes being fawned over. Doesn’t wanna wear a helmet to cover his pretty face.
Religion / Belief system: He more-or-less adheres to the Tribunal (much to the chagrin of Grandson Neris). He doesn’t believe them to be Actual Gods and thus doesn’t ‘worship’ them, but does recognize and respect them as powerful leaders and has no problem serving their will when it comes to the defense of Morrowind. He later became one of Vivec's Buoyant Armigers, and was quite reverent to both Vivec and Almalexia.
He’s wary of all Daedra. Just expects them to be troublesome and either doesn’t involve himself or actively works against them. He’s pretty straight-laced about all that.
Background: He was born into a minor family in House Telvanni. Despite his lack of Notable Lineage, he proved to be very magically adept, especially in matters of restoration magic. In his early 20s he married a woman named Tendreni Ilyiil. Their marriage was a strategic one centered more on solidifying future power than anything else—his skills, and her more powerful family connections. It didn’t work out, particularly as Vendryth’s interests turned more towards being a healer rather than the acquisition of knowledge or power. He wasn’t good at communicating that it wasn’t working out however. He decided instead to simply abandon Tendreni and their infant child and forgo any connections to his house. While he would come to regret that action as he got older, he never made amends, feeling too much time had passed for it to mean anything.
Over the decades he worked with both the Mages and Fighters guild, intensely studying Restoration but also battle techniques and becoming quite powerful through the ranks as a result. Initially he took contracts through the Fighter’s Guild to assist people. Then he became a bit of a Freelance Hero around Tamriel, chasing the high of Minor Glories in numerous regions. His mastery of Restoration magic enabled him to slow his aging considerably.
His work took on a more concentrated effort when he was a little over 100 years old, in defense efforts against the first Akaviri invasion that earned him recognition among his peers. He would continue to serve in Morrowind's military for a time, and then more specifically for Vivec as a Buoyant Armiger. Through this work he had the flexibility to continue his Pro Bono Heroics around Tamriel, but would respond to calls back home when needed.
By 2840 he was back to his military engagements, operating as a high-ranking healer during the Four Score War. While certainly not always on the front, he was involved for the entire 80 engagement and managed to live through it as a decorated veteran. Unfortunately when Mournhold was sacked shortly after, Vendryth lost his head to one of Mehrunes Dagon’s army while trying to heal someone.
He had an honorable burial in Necrom, though not in the Ilyiil tomb. However, simmering generational anger over his initial abandonment of his first family led to his ghost being tracked down by Ilyiil ancestor spirits who then bound him to protect the family tomb. He was there for 600 years, and lost considerable parts of his memory and identity as the notion of being stuck there for eternity became intolerable and his emotional and mental state deteriorated. He was forgotten by everyone, beyond a few obscure scholars of specific military history, as the people who remembered him died. He became a very angry and violent spirit until he ran into Neris who was reconciling with his own feelings about his family and sense of abandonment. Neris ended up helping to free Vendryth and established a shrine for him in his own house. Kindred spirits in many ways, Neris’s companionship helped Vendryth get a lot of himself back, and Vendryth also helps Neris take his final steps away from House Telvanni.
Place of residence: In life he lived in a fancy Hall just outside Mournhold. As a ghost he hangs out in a dedicated corner of Neris’s library in Middle Of Nowhere Vvardenfell.
Occupation: Local Hero™, Buoyant Armiger, battlefield healer
Habits: He’s very particular about his appearance...a Preener. Will absolutely fuss over his reflection in a breastplate he’s shining. Winds down with smoking assorted combos of psychoactive herbs in the evenings. Tends to touch people’s arms or has a hand on their shoulder or something when he’s talking to them.
Hobbies: Adventuring (and long walks through impressive landscapes), gathering up all the local rumors, fishing, musical inclinations, reading a small always-rotating collection of books he finds in his travels and then leaves at the last inn he stayed at once he finishes them.
Likes: Campfire stories or collective songs i.e. activities that include a lot of people, theater, retelling his adventures, being recognized, quaint little towns with warm rooms.
Dislikes: Having to be sneaky or anonymous in any way (he’ll DO subtlety and anonymity if it is required of him but UGHHHH!), having to constantly confront the mortality/death of people around him, feeling ‘kept’ by anyone, losing sleep for any reason, having to skip meals.
Goals: His interests move from ‘I want people to know who I am and I want stories to be told about me’ notions of fame, and as he gets older it turns more into ‘I want to do what I feel is right and will help people’. He always appreciates public admiration and relishes in it, but ends up feeling a greater responsibility over where he stands in life and how he can contribute.
Orientation: Straight, ish. He’s attracted to women, but he’d be flattered and wouldn’t necessarily say no if propositioned by another gender. But the actual attraction wouldn’t be there.
Relationship status: Had a long string of romances and families across the continent, as well as one dedicated long-term partnership with a General in the Four Score War that was his last relationship. As a ghost…..he’s a ghost…
Notable Relationships:
He fathered 37 children (that he knows of) over his first couple centuries. While he was never completely absent, he definitely wasn’t involved in parenting. He’d write everyone, he’d make sure everyone was materially supported, he’d show up and stay for a few weeks at a time with gifts and stories, but wasn’t much of an Active Partner. He very much considered everyone family and had no personal sense of relationship decay over time; this was met with varying degrees of agreement, acceptance, indifference, sorrow, anger, and resentment across all the different parties.
He grew to be a more somber man once he realized he was outliving them all. Not just partners, but a number of his children too.
Tendreni Ilyiil: His first wife. Their relationship was one of circumstance, duty, and politics. They were quite formal with each other, and had differing senses of ambition. When Vendryth left Tendreni was furious about it, largely because of the principle of the thing rather than because she experienced much hardship without him (though raising an infant more on her own was something she was very angry about, though there was family help for her there). She didn’t feel a loss with him gone. She thought he was a childish coward and wrote him off almost immediately for it. She moved on, but her parents harbored a more significant grudge, as did her child to an even greater degree, especially as Vendryth’s name became more widely known and celebrated. These ancestor spirits, rather than Tendreni, were the ones who ended up binding his ghost to the tomb.
Neris Ilyiil: His great great great great grandson, of Tendreni’s line, who ended up saving him from his spectral imprisonment. Vendryth is very fond of Neris and sees quite a bit of himself in the boy. He loves exchanging adventure stories with him, even though Neris’s tend to be a bit different. He’s grateful for Neris’s help and is also more than willing to provide a sense of encouragement, family, and guidance to him. 600 years in a tomb means he lost the threads of all the rest of his family members and doesn’t know where any other descendants are. As a result he’s really close to Neris because Neris is the only thing that makes him feel like he still...Existed at one time.
Lady General whom we are still working on a name for: A General who Vendryth served under in the Four Score War. She initially thought he was underwhelming which he found…completely baffling and intriguing and his conclusion was ‘she is underwhelmed by me not because I’m NOT great, but because clearly she has done something greater and now I need to find out about it’. Was deeply curious about her from the beginning. Rather than his earlier relationships that were built on initial physical attraction and his usual ‘I am going to charm her with my Gallant Hero Energy’, he grew close to her out of circumstance first and then utter respect and admiration for her as they worked together. She was his sense of grounding through the whole war and was the first person he was actually In Love with. He hoped the relationship would continue beyond the war—that he kept thinking would end the next year, and then the next year, etc. It was unrelenting and he likely wouldn’t have stayed if not for this partnership. He felt it was worth all the enduring hardship. She saw to his burial after the destruction of Mournhold.
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belle-keys · 3 years
I Love Matthew Fairchild aka Incoherent Thoughts about Chain of Iron (2021) by Cassandra Clare
I made one of these rant-rave reviews for SJM's book so check it out if you want, no pressure tho lmao.
Aight so I finished Chain of Iron last night and OMG I HAVE TO YELL like I loved it sooo much like yooo, I have a lot to say. I know the book is new so... beware for spoilers plebs.
Also context: I been reading the Shadowhunter books since I was 12 and I'm 19 now *insert dead emoji face* so yeah, I'm just so happy rn with where the Chronicles have come and the fact that they’re still ongoing *insert uwu face*. I remember when in like 2014-2015 or something when Cassandra Clare teased that Will and Tessa's kids' generation was gonna get a trilogy set in Edwardian London, loosely based on Great Expectations, and holy hell? I think that was perhaps one of the best days of my life considering how much I adore The Infernal Devices (that trilogy really changed the way I see YA literature... don't ask cus I won't shut up about it) (also yes I read TMI and loved it too but there's a “generation gap” between TMI and the other Shadowhunter books stylistically so don't ask me about that either cus I also won't shut up).
Anyway, shoo from here if you want a critical essay on Chain of Iron. I'm not providing that, this is just me raving here for the fun.
Listen... I want the bulk of this to just be two main things: The Matthew Situation, and then all the literary and judeo-christian meta aspects of it.
Okay, the plot and writing and shit, let's get that out of the way:
The WHOLE Jack-the-Ripper-esque ambiance was just sooooo good man wow like I did not expect the book to take this cold turn but it worked so well. There was such a contrast between Jamie and Cordelia's warm little house and then the cold winter and the stabbings and shit and it felt like a nice little callback to the actual Ripper phenomenon that preceded them and a nod to the Whitechapel Fiend story from Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.
Bitch OFC that whole thing with Wayland was a set-up like nawww that was too easy to spot and I get why Cordelia feels like shit about it.
Dawg Lucie was just the Among Us imposter here in that my girl was just venting and sneaking around with dead people and I was like nooooo girl run, don't deal with Fade this is a set-up THINK ABOUT JULES LUCIE THAT'S LIKE YO GREAT-GRANDSON *sobs* but yeah anyway my girl has death powers she gonna kill some bitches next book.
You see that confrontation between Lilith and Belial? MASTERPIECE DIALOGUE like this was the point within which I was just like "yo is this the book of Genesis or a YA Fantasy novel" like when Lilith said "I may have been cast out but I did not fall" like??????????????????? I YELLED she did not have to END Belial like that. What a bad bitch.
More on Lilith and Belial... "You, who brought nations into darkness? Shall I finally be able to tell the infernal realms you have gone mad, lost even the image of the Creator." HAHAHHAHAHA SHE SAID "YO BELIAL GO GET SOME THERAPY AND GET OFF MY ASS" LIKE??????
Ughhhh yasss Clare has improved writing diverse characters in this book compared to in The Dark Artifices in my opinion... I'm not gonna expand on it cus ain't nobody got time for that but like, I enjoyed how she wove Persian poetry and tales into the story and the way in which she writes Cordelia and Alistair. They're not caricatures of Persian people but rather multi-faceted beings who also happen to be Persian and I appreciate that. Also, Alistair and Thomas and Anna and Ariadne were just so fun and interesting to read as coupbles but also as individuals. She really higlighted diversity in a very natural manner. All I need is a hijabi character and I’ll die a happy woman lmao.
The level of META man like the references to Classics and art (I swear, she might have compared Matthew to angels out of Caravaggio AND Rosetti AND Boticelli paintings and I Am Living For It) and just all the quotes from holy books and shit omg I love it here like you really feel catapulted into the time period, she draws reference to external art and philosophy so well and I feel like she upped the notch on it in this book (didn’t know that was possible but it was the prose is BEAUTIFUL, archaic, but not pretentiously so). No, like the characters live in their OWN worlds of literature and art and history in the way we are living in THEIRS. They quote Wilde and Milton while we'll quote Clare. It's awesome.
This is an unusually structuralist take even from me but: I like the way the milieu social of the book, i.e., the high society Edwardian circles and their values, have a direct influence on the plot. James and Cordelia got married because society’s values essentially forced them to, not a demon. Cordelia abandons Jamie at the end of Iron because her shame as a woman in society and fear for her reputation made her, not a demon. Thomas and Alistair can't be together solely because of how Alistair tarnished the reputation of the Fairchilds and Lightwoods by using the horror of infidelity against them. Issues relating to marriage, gender roles, etc, stemming DIRECTLY from the time period rule the sequence of events to the same degree as the epic fantasy aspects (demons, Princes of Hell, the lore itself) do and I LOVE that dear God above.
OKAY THE GOOD SHIT LET US TALK ABOUT CHARACTERS AND SHIPS (N.B. but imma discuss Matthew and the Fairstairs situation separately below this portion):
Alistair's redemption arc: No, cus Alistair's redemption arc is honestly amazing. He really did change and it's not like his betterment as a person was linked to any one heroic deed but rather he simply decided he wanted to be better especially for his family and he decided to become a proper protective son, a caring brother, and an amiable friend. He fully owned up to his Malfoy tendencies and apologized without expecting forgiveness. He shows how he cares in the little ways and omg it's so sweet and tender. I really do want him to love himself now and be embraced by Matthew especially and the rest of the Thieves.
Dawg Lucie and Jesse are so funny to me like it's so hilarious how this girl fell in love with a whole ass ghost that no one else knows about like HHAHA. Are Lucie and Jesse my ult ship ever? Nah, but it's nothing to do with Clare, it's just that their relationship happened pretty quick and feels quite like something epicly romantic that Lucie herself would write. I just like slow burn and friends-to-lovers the most from Clare. To be honest part of me just wanted Lucie to not have a romantic arc all together but like, it's all good, I'm not complaining.
Okay Grace- like yooooooooooo I never hated her yunno. She has been abused and isolated all her life. It's not that she is a bad person, but rather that she does not know what being a person even entails. Can't even say she's a “doll” of a person cus she's never even been pampered like one by her family. I really started understanding her motivations since when they gave us her half-childhood with Jesse. I want better for her but cmon can she REALLY be saved???
GRACE X CHRISTOPHER *pretends to be shocked*... Okay, sometime in the middle of the Dark Artifices series some big brain put together a very thorough family tree of the families and like, it clearly showed that Grace and Christopher got married so like, lmfaooooo, I knew this was coming one way or another, but the journey to this ship is more important than the destination. Like in a way Christopher is such a cute baby lamb that it makes sense he'd end up being immune to her Grace-ness when he's just a cute little Einstein boiii. Like this is just so funny to me cus he's so oblivious to social conventions while she makes the milieu social her entire life so OFC it's gonna work. Like, this is such a worlds-colliding trope like just Give It To Me.
James and Grace - aw mannn Jamie just had me fricking wanting to hit a wall every two seconds cus like yooooooo every single time I think he and Cordelia are gonna stop being emotionally-constipated spouses, Jamie says some kinda shit like "omg me and Daisy are just friends uwu" like DO I NEED TO HIT YOU?????????? See I can't blame him for not slamming the door on Grace's face even tho he totes should- Jamie is so cerebral and kind that even if Grace wasn't using the enchantment on him, I think he would always be soft for her even if it isn't in a romantic way. There's just so much miscommunication cus like he said "Thank God" when she broke off the engagement with Charles and lowkey embraced her but it also wasn't his fault cus it wasn't even romantic BUT OFC IT LOOKED HORRIBLE TO CORDELIA like James literally never told the woman at least once that he loved her so OFC she thought she was back to square one with him dear God above what a mess. Not his fault, but she DID set down one rule for him: don’t cheat with Grace. And yeah even tho he hasn’t properly cheated, it must FEEL horrible to her cus she’s just been enduring the pain of their unrequeted love for so long :((
See imma just say it but if Cordelia thought that James didn't love Grace then she def would have confessed to him about her feelings right but like James, on the other hand, was delaying his own romantic confession cus he was BEING EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED and I can't even say the bracelet was solely to blame cus like my boi was just being so difficult omg I believe he should be lightly spanked by his three parents aka Will, Tessa and Jem *cries*.
Cordelia is such a MOM like she's so mature and stable and her self-preservation instinct? OFF THE CHARTS I love this woman like James definitely treated her well as a hubby but like I JUST WANTED HER TO HAVE CLOSURE ABOUT SOMETHING and boy oh boy she did get that closure she got it good but not from the person she expected in the LEAST *hehe* *pelican screeching*... like Lucie was being sus with the whole ghost business and James was being just, quite a case, dealing with Grace and Belial right and I don't blame them at all for their secrecy and shit but her FATHER DIED and her friends were hiding a lot from her so in a way she turned to Alistair for help but he could only do so much cus of his own pain (she couldn't even talk to her mom cus she's pregnant and she doesn't wanna stress her right) and then there was this emotional block between her and Jamie, Lucie was often absent and conspiring with the dead... the last person remaining was HIM (imma discuss this soon), but yeah my heart just went OUT to her cus she's tryna save herself and her family and she just doesn't know what to do. That's why I love the way her mom told her to stop holding herself back for others and live her own life. Like Cordelia grew on me so much cus in Gold she undoubtedly was a strange Elizabeth Bennet-wallflower hybrid and I... do not usually get attached to wallflowers but in Iron I feel like I finally understood that she was just tryna be unproblematic and self-preserving all along and nottt put her family and friends in a tough situation.... she reminds me of my mom personality-wise so yeah I’m totally rooting for her now that her *situation* in the past seems clearer.
Anna, Thomas and Matthew are such a SQUAD lmfaooooo like united in their gayness they'd be so unstoppable.
Will and Tessa are the most in-love of all the in-loves in this story and I respect that so much.
I lost a year to my life every time the romance between James and Cordelia got cockblocked. Like they were MARRIED and I thought they were gonna at least sleep next to each other at least once BUT NO James couldn't take a hint omg I'm actually gonna eat my fist and sob (but in retrospect, I think this serves a bigger purpose in terms of the narrative structure i.e. the interruption of all the spicy James and Cordelia action serves a bigger purpose which I think brings me to my next section, *exhale*)
Welcome to the Matthew Fairchild Enthusiast Club (this section is me talking out loud; it makes no sense):
Okay like where to BEGIN I think the Shadowhunter boy who I'm most attracted to is Julian while the one I love the most is Will but I think I see myself in Matthew the most. Like ever since that first story where the Thieves all met at the Academy then got expelled, I think that I just KNEW Matthew was destined to be epic. Plus the whole Wilde obsession? I’m no libertine myself but I just love his chaos and passion for life.
Hear me out but I said after finishing Gold last March that I wanted this book to be Matthew's healing arc right so halfway into the book when I realized that we weren't getting all that good healing arcing I was confused just cus I thought it seemed natural to address all of his alcohol issues and sadness by now. LITTLE DID I KNOW CASSIE WAS SETTING UP A WHOLE OTHER ARC WITH HIM THAT I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED WTH.
At first I thought Matthew didn't have feelings for anyone at all, and if he DID develop feelings unexpectedly, I fricking thought that maybe he's catching feelings for James, if anyone??? I mean, I did have some suspicions about Matthew from the get-go: like he's so secretive and as readers we think we know everything there is to know about him since we were all privy to the truth potion incident in his short story right BUT NO I GOT PLAYED AND I DESERVE IT SO BADDDDDD.
Listen I hadn't shipped him and Cordelia simply because I never thought it in the realm of possibility but it MAKES SENSE as a ship... think about it: he never says what he feels, he flirts with her like he does with EVERYONE, he is kind to her in the way he is with EVERYONE. Really, Matthew is shippable with everyone, doesn’t matter if they’re taken cus that’s just what his Matthewnes allows for ya feel. There is such a beautiful irony that CORDELIA herself did not see this coming. Even the little teasers and hints in Gold have only NOW started making sense to me likejhss. I just felt like the hints in book 1 did not indicate to me that Matthew really harbored real romantic feelings for Daisy. I thought he was upset that James and Cordelia were being fakes, not a developing CRUSH on the woman fgs.
Not to mention that you usually sense a ship building when the emotional connection or sexual tension between the characters is made clearer but to me their FRIENDSHIP grew right but it didn’t feel like Cordelia was thought that she liked him or he liked her so that means me and Cordelia are clowns *together* 😤
Okay I was lowkey having SUSPICIONS but I immediately shut them down right... like firstly when he took her to the White Horse in his car and she went OFF and OFF and off about how she felt free for the first time? I thought Cassie was just tryna develop Cordelia's self-liberation arc through Matthew there. Heck, I didn't even think ANYTHING of it when Matthew confession to Cordelia about the "truth potion" incident at all cus I was like they're FRIENDS??? BUT now it's adding up now...
See when they were at the inn place and he was telling her that she doesn't in the least seem like a 100 year-old married woman? I was like hmmmm he's so sweet but why did Cassie phrase it like that like??? When Cordelia later reiterated that she thought Matthew's flirting was “meaningless”?? I was like hmmm kinda SUS tho. And then when he and James had their fight over the way Jamie kissed Grace like again I thought he was just like? ion know? mad at James for it but I didn't think he was in LOVE with Cordelia??? So I immediately put aside my slight suspicions. The probability that he had a crush on James at that point seemed more likely to me.
BUT THEN it started hitting me that every time Matthew drank, even before he explained his issue with the truth potion, that Cordelia would note it, she would worry about him, she would think of her father which seemed so poetic to me, history repeating itself and all that but this time you can FIX it??? Yeah, but again I didn't think the L WORD would be involved man???
Now imma sound like a delulu shipper here but it just makes sense they would develop feelings logically- reason being that it definitely is possible based on the way Cassie set up the story, like there's a combination of little “friend things” that can turn this into a proper ship: Matthew rescues Cordelia in the ballroom when Grace captures James' attention in Gold. Cordelia sees her father in Matthew all the time but knows now she has a chance to be there for him in the way she couldn't have been there for Elias (classic “history repeats itself” trope, she doesn't want Matthew drinking in Paris like dhshghdfhdhch). Cordelia tastes freedom for the first time when driving with Matthew. Matthew caught James and Cordelia making out in the room and was pissed but not even HE properly knew why then??? Umm, when she thinks James is forreal cheating with Grace on her she subconsciously goes to Matthew??? I also found it funny just how every intimate marital moment between her and James got interrupted somehow. Like, it's as if the narrative is just a living force REFUSING to let James and Cordelia as a ship be consecrated. Heck, every time Matthew is scantily clothed Cordelia notes it. LITTLE CRUMBS I TELL YOU LITTLE CRUMBS.
I tell you when Cordelia showed up to Matthew's flat I thought they were gonna f*ck as friends but I got SOMETHING EVEN BETTER SOMEHOW
“In Paris, with you, I will not need to forget.” SHITTRGEGGGDG
BUT CORDELIA LOVES JAMES TOO LIKE I CAN'T DENY THAT... where are we GOING with this like Matthew wouldn't lie about his feelings and yet Cassie wouldn't give us Matthew and Cordelia crumbs to only end it in the next book immediately for her to just ditch him for James. I mean she was clearly holding back on fleshing out James and Cordelia as a ship for this but to WHAT END??? Daisy feels wild and free with Matthew and she feels warm at home warm with James. I can’t advocate for the sinking of ANY ship here.
Imma say what we're all thinking: Is she gonna give us a Will x Jem x Tessa type situation where Cordelia gets both of them cus I'm not strong enough for this but I also think it'd be really funny if James gets a surprise bi awakening in the next books and then we get POLY even tho this would never happen, it’s actually impossible, because of the whole parabatai thing.
Listen I ship Cordelia and Matthew much more than Cordelia and James, not that I dislike James in any way tho. It's just: Matthew is so unrestrained and she's so composed. They seem like an unlikely pair so it makes sense that they hit harder for me. James and Cordelia have such similar personalities but I ALSO don't ship James with Grace at all so like?? Poly would be... ideal... but it can’t happen especially cus they are fricking parabatai... a Will-Jem-Tessa situation seems more likely but mannnn ion know what to expect. I just want FAIRSTAIRS to have their moment in Paris. I mean James and Matthew clearly don't abhor each other for this.
Take everything I say with several grains of salt, take everything I say with the whole Dead Sea actually, cus I damn well know that Matthew is so flirty and whatnot that I’d have shipped him with anyone in their little circle but now that she set him up with Cordelia it all feels so right?? I have wanted this man in a good relationship since he walked onto the page in Nothing But Shadows so-
I can't believe Cassia duped me like this omg, Matthew is gonna have his healing arc in Paris with Cordelia by his side like- THIS IS ALL I HAVE WANTED AND SO MUCH MORE. Question to yall btw: are you all as surpised at Fairstairs as me or did yall see it coming all along like smart people? Am I a lone clown? 🥺
BRUH okay criticisms of CC?:
Lmfao a part of me feels like I GOTTA say something bad about CC or the book but honestly I have no objective complaints about it as of now. Am I saying that it’s the PEAK of Young Adult literature and Urban Fantasy? I mean, I make no such claims tbh. I’m not here to be critical when I read as a hobby and when CC’s writing makes me happy regardless of how flawed some people see it.
Okay what next?
So like I’m excited for the adult high fantasy she’s releasing in the fall and whatever other works she might be releasing outside of Chain of Gold within the Chronicles.
As for TLH itself? Man I’m just VIBING like I suspect I will reread Chain of Iron soon and maybe one of the anthologies just because I am happy that this series actually happened after me waiting like 6 years for it when it was just a concept: a Dickensian retelling filled with poetry and culture and history and the conventions I so loved in TID at age 12. This is all I been wanting tbh. I’m just enjoying watching this series come to fruition for it to inspire and transform me in some way. I feel like in a way my coming-of-age aligns with that of these specific characters yet I ALSO feel like I raised Jamie since infancy. Wack.
Ending with a fun quote: “In the wise words of someone or other, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Maurice.” 😉
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So while Six of Crows has been on my to read list for a while now when I saw that Shadow and Bone was coming to Netflix and realized they were all part of the same little universe I was like *rolls up sleeves* K guess it’s time to read five books in one month to prepare for this new series drop. (special shout out to @darklesmylove​ because it’s mostly your blog posts that convinced me I had to read this series...I give you this as a gift...) 
And now I present to you (in the order which I read them) the events in the Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows books that made me go ABSOLUTELY FERAL (wow there’s a lot more of these than I thought there were). 
- “The problem with wanting,” he whispered, his mouth trailing along my jaw until it hovered over my lips, “is that it makes us weak.” (unfortunately the last time I was seduced by the Darkling - NEVER AGAIN BAD SIR! But this was fucking hot) 
- THE. FIGHT. OVER. THE. STAG. (Just...Alina not killing it, the Darkling is here, now he’s going to kill it. NOW ALINA IS IN FRONT OF THE STAG SAVING IT. NOW SHE WANTS MAL TO SACRIFICE HER. NOW THE COLLAR IS AROUND HER NECK AND NOW SHE’S UNDER HIS POWER AHHHHH) Bonus: “Shhhh. Quiet now, or I will let Ivan kill him. Slowly.” 
- When Alina figures out the dream and TAKES THE POWER BACK!!! (yaaaaasss queen!)
- When the Darkling finds Alina and Mal in Cofton and that whole fight scene and her getting bit and then I had to WAIT UNTIL THE REST OF THE BOOKS CAME IN THE MAIL
- “From what I know of the Ice Court, whoever stole my DeKappel is exactly who I need for this job.” “Then you’d be better off hiring him. Or her.” “Indeed. But I’ll have to settle for you.” (I’m 50 pages in and in love with Kaz Bekker, someone help me) 
- “Not just yet, Inej.” The rasp of stone on stone. Her eyes flew open. Kaz. (ugh my cold cold heart is awake and beats only for them!) 
- Because I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days. (literally like......)
- When Jordie and Kaz get tricked. (I mean all of Kaz’s back story but that was...ugh..........)
- It was because she was listening so closely that she knew the exact moment when Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the bastard of the Barrel and the deadliest boy in Ketterdam, fainted. 
- When Nina runs into the guards and the alarm goes off and I realize that I’m an idiot and OBVIOUSLY THINGS WERE GOING TO GO WRONG. 
- WHEN INEJ TOUCHES KAZ’S FACE. His eyes were nearly black, the pupils dilated. She could see it took every last bit of his terrible will for him to remain still beneath her touch. And yet, he did not pull away. She knew it was the best he could offer. It was not enough. 
- He slammed his fist against the window. “Do not speak my name.” Then he smiled, a smile as cold and unforgiving as the northern sea. “Welcome to the Ice Court, Nina Zenik. Now our debt is paid.” (like FUCK MATTHIAS GOT ME TOO. WHAT A GOOD ACT!)
- I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from this oath. It was the vow of the druskelle to Fjerda. And now it was Matthias’ promise to her. (OMGGGGGG) 
- “This is going to sting a bit,” said the druskelle holding the whip. His voice was rasping, familiar. His hands were gloved. “But if we live, you’ll thank me later.” His hood slid off, and Kaz Brekker looked back at them. 
- The sun was out for once, and Inej had turned her face to it. Her eyes were shut, her oil-black lashes fanned over her cheeks. The harbor wind had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world. (YEAH OKAY. AND THIS IS HIS LAST THOUGHT BEFORE DROWNING.) 
- Nina on parem. 
- “I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.” (SCREEAAAAMS. BANGS HAND AGAINST BOOK. DIES.) 
- “Kaz knew the instant he made his mistake...in that moment of threat, when he should have thought only of the fight, he looked at Inej.” (asdlfkasgkjasglk;sdfjl) 
- I’m going to get my money, Kaz vowed. And I’m going to get my girl. (YEAH BITCH!) 
- When Alina first sees the Darkling while they are traveling the fold (I froze, I read it like four times, I couldn’t believe what was happening)
- When Mal suggests they go to that stupid party and then Alina actually agrees (I literally was like...well something bad is going to happen and I hate it here) 
- When the Darkling shows up after Alina and Mal kiss. “Another otkazat’sya, Alina?” the Darkling mocked. (sdflkajd) 
- “I can’t decide if you’re an idiot, or an idiot.” (ugh Nikolai, marry me) 
- two pages later: “You’re a spectacular actor,” I said drily. “Do you think so?” he asked. Then he leaned in and whispered, “I’m doing ‘humble’ right now.” (FUCK ME)
- “I want to kiss you,” Nikolai said. “But I won’t. Not until you’re thinking of me instead of trying to forget him.” (Am I the only one who found this cute??? Why did Alina get upset??? Do I have Nikolai-colored goggles on??? Maybe...) 
- When the Darkling came to Alina in her sleep and then PRETENDED TO BE MAL SO HE COULD HAVE HIS WAY WITH HER?!?!?!?!?! (ahhhhhhhhhh) “I missed you too, Alina.” That voice. Cool and smooth as glass. (AHHHHH)
- Nikolai stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the parquet floor. “When did you lift the blockades? How long have the roads been open?” (LSDAKLFSDLFDKASLDKLSKLKLL) 
- “Not bad looking?” said another voice. “He’s damnably handsome.” Luchenko scowled. “Since when - “ “Brave in battle, smart as a whip.” Now the voice seemed to be coming from above us. Luchenko craned his neck, peering into the trees. “An excellent dancer,” said the voice. “Oh, and an even better shot.” (And then I damn near died.) 
- There’s a whole three pages (that I will not re-type here) after they arrive at the Spinning Wheel of Nikolai just being *chef’s kiss* flawless. Some great lines include: “Everyone needs a hobby.” “I thought yours was preening.” “Two hobbies.” “Should I be offended that he doesn’t want to dine with us? I set an excellent table, and I rarely drool.” “What a filthy mind you have. I was referring to puzzles and the perusal of edifying texts.” “Last chance to run.” 
- “Alina, I’ll be back to fetch you for dinner, but should you grow restless, do feel free to run screaming from the room or take a dagger to her. Whatever seems most fitting at the time.” (asldjkasl;dkfs;lkd NIKOLAI) 
- Okay gunna skip ahead - you can assume any time Nikolai said anything I screamed. 
- Nikolia’s second proposal (THE EMERALD!!! JUST HOW HE PUTS IT ON TOP OF THE WALL) 
- Nikolai’s third proposal. Nikolai’s skin was warm, his grip gentle. I’d wondered if I would ever feel something so simple again or if the power in me would just keep jumping and crackling. (THIS is why he is perfect for her - no jolt of electricity, just warmth and comfort!!!) 
- SERGEI!!!!
- When Nikolai gets fucking taken over by a nichevo’ya (I HATE EVERYONE)
- When Baghra sacrifices herself 
- When we finally FINALLY find out what makes Mal so special (I mean....his tracking was OTHERWORLDLY I can’t believe people weren’t more fucking freaked out by him) 
- “The Darkling marched on Keramzin.” (Literally screamed: “MY HEART HURTS.” I was crying. I nearly threw the book down. “BUT THE CHILDREN!” I say with my fists in the air. I am become a blade.) 
- Nikolai visiting Alina while he is the monster and trying to make himself better (ahhhhh tears!!! THE EMERALD!!!) The words died on my lips. Nikolai turned my palm over and slid the ring onto my finger. (FUUUUCK. PAAAAIN.) 
- “Please,” I sobbed. “Bring him back to me.” (lkadsflkj this was actually devastating even though I’m not a huge Mal fan)
- “We need more light,” he said. A choked laugh escaped me. I held up my hands, pleading with the light and with any Saint who had ever lived. it was no good. (UGHHHH. MORE PAIN.) 
- Tamar sobbed. Toyla swore. And there it was again: the thready, miraculous sound of Mal drawing breath. (and also the first time I breathed for an entire chapter!) 
- “Alina,” he said and kissed the scar on my palm, “I remember everything.” (Literally the last like twenty pages of this book I just gave up and was like actually Mal is adorable and I need to protect him at all costs.) 
- “Really I just wanted to look at the words.” (ughhhhh) 
- Once a man arrived with a fleet of toy boats that the children launched on the creek in a miniature regatta. The teachers noted that the stranger was young and handsome, with golden hair and hazel eyes, but most definitely off. He stayed late to dinner and never once removed his gloves. (NIKOLAI SIGHTING IN THE EPILOGUE MY HEART GOES ON)
- When Van Eck thinks Kaz is coming to get Inej and then he tells Inej and then she is WILLING HIM to not show up and then it is revealed he wasn’t there all along (BOOM BITCH THAT’S HOW KAZ BREKKER FUCKING WORKS.)
- “Those were my mother’s favorite flower.” 
- “Why the net, Kaz?” I couldn’t bear to watch you fall. (POETRY OKAY?)
- Jesper and Wylan going to see Wylan’s mother and just fucking everything about that chapter. 
- “Pick up the pace,” Kaz said, eyeing his watch. “If I spill a single drop of this, it will burn straight through the floor onto my father’s dinner guests.” “Take your time.” 
- “We’ll fight our way out together,” Inej whispered. Nina glanced from Inej to Kaz and saw they both wore the same expression. Nina new that look. It came after the shipwreck, when the tide moved against you and the sky had gone dar. It was the first sight of land, the hope of shelter and even salvation that might await you on a distant shore. (AHHHHHH) 
- Wylan’s first thought was that this boy had the most perfectly shaped lips he’d ever seen. His second was that his father had sent someone new to kill him. (Wylan you are so adorable it’s adorable) 
- Inej was moving before she thought of it. She couldn’t just watch him die, she wouldn’t. They had him down now, heavy boots kicking and stomping at his body. her knives were in her hands. She’d kill them all. She’d pile the bodies to the rafters for the stadwatch to find. But in that moment, through the wide slats in the banister landing, she saw his eyes were open. His gaze found hers. He’d known she was there all along. Of course he had. He always kew how to find her. He age the barest shake of his bloodied head. (THESE TWO!!)
- “My leg! My leg!” “I recommend a cane,” Kaz said. (cackling) 
- When Sturmhond (aka Nikolai ***swoons***) showed up in Crooked Kingdom. (What actually happened: me reading a description of a “fox-like” man with Genya and Zoya and screaming and saying to myself “OMG WHEN I TURN THE PAGE IT WILL CONFIRM THAT NIKOLAI IS IN THE BUILDING I CAN’T” (did I mention I’m in love with him??? already??? k))
- When Jesper and Wylan FINALLY kiss FOR REAL (this was a big chapter for me) This was the kiss he’d been waiting for. It was a gunshot. It was prairie fire. it was the spin of Makker’s Wheel. Jesper felt the pounding of his heart - or was it Wylan’s? - like a stampede in his chest, and the only thought in his head was a happy, startled, Oh. 
- CHAPTER 33 - just everything, everything about the reveals in this chapter. The money being funneled to the Shu, not being able to trace even the RANSOM NOTE back to Kaz. WYLAN SHOWING UP!!!! “ARE YOU SURE THEY WERE PEKKA’S MEN?” !!!!!!!!
- “Do something,” Matthias growled at Kaz. “This is about to turn ugly.” Kaz’s face was as impassive as always. “Do you think so?” (bahahahahaha) 
- Nina’s just complete glee over the chaos she creates!!! “She was the Queen of Mourning, and in its depths, she would never drown.” 
- Jesper using his fucking power!!!!!! 
- She stared up at him. He was going to miss that look of surprise. (HE’S GOING TO LET HER GO. HE KNOWS HE IS GOING TO LET HER GO.)
- Inej frowned. “I thought you and Nina chose four outbreak sites on the Staves.” Kaz straightened his cuffs. “I also had her stop at the Menagerie.” She smiled then, her eyes red, her cheeks scattered with some kind of dust. It was a smile he thought he might die to earn again. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) 
- “A sedative,” said the medik. “Is that safe for a pregnant woman?” “For me.” (This is just FLAWLESS in its depiction of people who don’t do OB care regularly.)
- Matthias saw the anger there, the rage. He knew it well. But he was still surprised when he heard the shot. (NOOOOOOOO!!!) 
- “Has she at least done it before?” said Kaz. “For this purpose?” asked Sturmhond. “I’ve seen her do it twice. It worked splendidly. Once.” (NIKOLAI I BEG YOU!) 
- When Matthias DIES?!??! (I’M SORRY WHO LET THIS HAPPEN??)
- “You will meet him again in the next life,” said Inej. “But only if you suffer this now.” 
- Wylan getting all of his father’s money because KAZ HAS BEEN PLANNING THIS ALL ALONG??!
- Jesper leaned in and said, quietly enough that no one else could hear, “I can read to him.” (alksdflk;jasfl;jkd that was hot) 
- “Well hopefully the medik will be here to fix my ribs soon,” he said as he headed back into the parlor. “Yeah?” “Yes,” said Wylan, glancing briefly over his shoulder, his cheeks now red as cherries. “I’d like to make a down payment.” (OMG WYLAN?!?!?! IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?!?! IS THIS ALLOWED?!?!)
- At some point, Jesper realized Kaz was gone. “Not one for goodbyes, is he?” he muttered. “He doesn’t say goodbye,” Inej said. She kept her eyes on the lights of the canal. Somewhere in the garden, a night bird began to sing. “He just lets go.” (TEARS.)
- She felt his knuckles slide against hers. Then his hand was in her hand, his palm was pressed against her own. A tremor moved through him. Slowly, he let their fingers entwine. (I gasped so loud i literally woke my cat up from a deep sleep.)
- “Wait,” he said. The burn of his voice was rougher than usual. “Is my tie straight?” Inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair. “That’s the laugh,” he murmured. (THAT’S THE LAUGH. THAT’S THE LAUGH. AHHHHH) 
Okay done. Gunna go stare at the ceiling until tomorrow night/whenever I finally get King of Scars and Rule of Wolves in the mail (BECAUSE YOU KNOW MY SORRY ASS IS DYING AT THE THOUGHT OF TWO BOOKS ALL ABOUT NIKOLAI) 
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
I know so many people would choose R (the red string one) for jumin but how bout R for zen?
Oo I love this idea !!
Red String - Zen (Soulmate AU)
This is from my Soulmate AU ABCs prompt list!
Prompt: red string. Red string ties you to your soulmate until you meet them, but it’s only so long, so sometimes you have to go a certain way because your soulmate “pulls you”
You were lucky that your soulmate didn’t travel a lot. Everyone had a red string that tied them to their soulmate (visible only to you and your soulmate of course) that tied you together until you finally met.
Some people would get annoyed with it, especially if their string was taut and they were always being pulled around, and would travel to the end of it to meet their soulmate and get it over with.
You kind of liked it. Yours never was really that tight; they didn’t pull you often. They certainly didn’t travel. When your soulmate did travel? Well... that was a whole different problematic story.
It took how many years until they actually had to pull you? Quite a while. Still, there it was, a taut string around your wrist, tugging you slightly. Maybe it was an accident? You stayed focused on your work.
Another gentle pull to the string. Another. They wanted you to go. You sighed, standing up and grabbing a coat; your soulmate wouldn’t drag you around unless it was important. You walked to the door, giving a quick gentle tug back so they knew you were going. Hopefully they’d understand that.
You followed them in the direction they were leading, walking downtown until they finally stopped moving, the string running slack. They must have arrived at their destination. You were conveniently pretty close to a coffee shop, so you figured you’d wait there until they were finished.
You sat at the coffee shop for almost three hours.
You felt the slack of the string increase, signaling that your soulmate was probably leaving, and went back home.
Once you got home, you could tell they had too. You had that amount of slack and pull on your wrist downright memorized from when the two of you were at home. There were two tugs on the rope. A thank you from them likely, for following them around. You tugged back to tell them they were welcome, then went to sleep.
The same thing happened the next night. Pull to the coffee shop. And the next. And the next.
It was starting to get in the way of your work. You really couldn’t focus at this coffee shop, so you sat mindlessly playing games for hours.
The next day you decided you’d find them. Even if you didn’t meet, you needed to see what they were doing that pulled you around so much. You hoped they weren’t too far: you couldn’t be positive how long your string was.
So you began walking. Slowly wrapping the slack of the string around your wrist so you wouldn’t be dragging it around. Walking.
It was leading you to a theater? Into the building. The string was caught in the door. Okay... you walked in.
It sounded like the performance had already begun. The person selling tickets looked surprised to see you.
Were you really going to do this? Well... why not? “One ticket please.”
The guy raised an eyebrow. “It started 30 minutes ago.”
“I know. Still. I’d like a ticket if you have any left.”
You were lucky that the show wasn’t sold out tonight; it usually was apparently.
As you found your seat, a woman was singing a ballad, the only one on stage. You knew your soulmate must have been an actor or part of the stage crew or something: the string was leading up the stage behind the curtains. You gave a little more slack in case they needed to move around some.
And then he walked out on stage. Your heart leapt in your chest: he was beautiful. His skin was pale, almost like porcelain, his hair white. His eyes were expressive, bright red, the same color of the string around his wrist.
He was your soulmate? You must be one of the luckiest people in the world.
His voice was beautiful. You were fortunate enough that he had a song in this act. The emotion he held... it was beautiful.
It must have been one of the best performances you had ever seen. The audience gave him a standing ovation at the end, with you included.
Now you just needed to meet him.
You went back to the ticket guy at the end of the show. “Excuse me...” you were almost nervous to ask. “Is there any way you can meet the actors after the show?”
He shrugged. How didn’t he know? He worked here. Ughhhh.
“Some of them go to the back stage door after the performance!” A lady with short hair and glasses said, approaching you. “I’m going now if you’d like to join.”
“That would be so amazing! Thank you so much!”
You followed her out the door, glancing back to the string as you walked away from your soulmate. Well, you’d be meeting him soon.
“Is there anyone in particular you’re going to see?” The girl asked, trying to maintain small talk.
“Oh, Uhm, I don’t know his name. I came late so I didn’t get a program. But, the lead guy. He was amazing.” You could feel a blush on your cheeks from thinking of him. Your soulmate was so talented.
She smiled, finally wrapping around the building and stopping by a side door. “That’s Zen! Isn’t he amazing!? I’m one of his fans, and his friend. My name is Jaehee Kang!”
“No way!” You were excited to meet one of his friends. You introduced yourself. “How do you know him?”
“We’re in an organization together.”
“Wow, that’s awesome. I’ve never seen him perform before but it was amazing.”
“He’s been performing since he was 17. His devotion to his career is amazing. He has quite a fan base too! Luckily, most couldn’t come tonight, since it’s a weekday.”
He has a lot of fans? How would you compare.
The door opened. Oh well, guess you’d find out, huh?
He was so close to you. Most people look worse up close, but him? He was absolutely beautiful.
There were some of his other costars too but... you couldn’t focus on anyone but him. The few girls who did come were screaming, calling his name. It just felt like the two of you, the string hanging loosely from his wrist as he wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead.
“Hi everyone! Thank you so much for coming and supporting me.” His eyes glanced over to you and your new friend. “Hi Jaehe-“ he paused. His mouth was wide open. The girls were screaming.
It seemed like slow motion. He reached for his string, pulling it tight and tugging a little, yanking you forward, sending you tumbling into the girl in front of you. A small laugh escaped his lips, a bright smile on his face.
He took a step past the girl in front of you, stepping close to you, his hand reaching to grab your arm gently. “I’ve been waiting for you to come.” He said warmly. He was so close to you. The girls were freaking out. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Zen.”
You uttered out your name, lifting your wrist slightly. It was so much lighter now. The string was gone.
“I’m gonna miss that thing. Kinda feels a little empty, huh? I promise, I’ll more than make up for it.”
The fact that he was saying these words to you, upon first meeting, in front of all of these fans? You were practically swooning. You were kicking yourself for how flustered you were getting.
“Sorry, am I embarrassing you?” The tips of his ears were turning pink, his eyes squinty from smiling so much. “Would you go to dinner with me tonight?”
“I- yes, okay.”
His smile grew, as if that was even possible. “Okay! I’ll grab my stuff and be right back. Two seconds.” His eyes scanned the crowd. “Thank you everyone for coming, but I’ll have to leave early tonight. I have a date with my soulmate.”
With him being this sweet and romantic upon just meeting, you weren’t sure how you could survive this relationship without swooning to death.
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jasmehraj · 4 years
Batboys and Marinette
Meeting Tim next.
My long time rival, the person I hate but still love is back. My elder sister was gone for a week and now she's back. Ughhhh.
Lets not gush about that.
This is the new chapter . I was so invested in writing it I just forgot to write the other book. Nevermind.
When they landed, Penny woke her up,"Five minutes more."She groaned.
Penny giggled."If I gave you five more minutes the plane is going to fly away with you."
She opened one eye and saw Penny sitting beside her. A few words moved through her mind as she took in the location she was in 'Plane' 'Penny' 'Gotham' and 'SHIT'. She stood up quickly, embarrassed. Her cheeks had turned red. Oh God. She halfheartedly glared at Penny who just giggled and they both exited the plane together with Jagged and Fang of course. Many scents filled her nose. They were all so sad, angry or unhappy. If there was any of them which was happy, she couldn't make it out. They went towards a big and fancy (classical rock-n-roll) car. She shook her head fondly. They got inside the car.
They reached the hotel 'Wayne hotel'. She will ask her uncle what this Wayne is later. They walk in. Her hand itched to draw something. She had seen 5 star hotels before. But this is different, more Gothic styled. Jagged talked to the receptionist and then they all went inside. They went inside the elevator to all the way up to the 11th floor. Seriously why does their room have to be so far anyway? When they reached their room, she immediately pulled out her sketchbook and jolted down the ideas.
"About your school Marinette. You will attend Gotham Academy. Tomorrow is your first day-"Penny cut Jagged mid-sentence."We understand it will be a lot of pressure for you to handle. So, I think you can skip tomorrow."
"No Penny I am going to be fine."Penny smiled,"You know you can tell us if you want something okay?"
"Yes Aunt Penny."Marinette giggled.
"The next room is ours. You can come if you have any nightmares."
Then they left her room. She decided to take a nap. When she woke up it was afternoon. Not wanting to go downstairs. She called room service. She ate her lunch and opened her website. 'Might as well do some work.' She scrolled down the requests to find a commission request from  Timothy Drake, Co-ceo of Wayne enterprises.'What is this Wayne?'
She knocked on Penny and Jagged's door. Penny opened the door and let her in.
"What do you need Marinette?"Penny asked smiling.
"Actually I wanted to ask What is Wayne?"This caught the attention of Jagged.
"Waynes are the richest family of Gotham Marinette."Jagged said.
Marinette's eyes widened,"I just got a commission request from the Co-CEO of Wayne enterprises.
"Congratulations Marinette."Penny said clapping her hands together.
"But How am I going to do this? What if he didn't like my designs? What if I-"
Penny effectively cut her off by putting a finger on her lips.
"This is not rock-n-roll Marinette. Don't underestimate yourself. You are the most rock-n-roll designer and you are my niece."
"Jagged is right Marinette. Have faith in yourself. I've heard that the Co-CEO is your age too. You just need to act normal. You can gain a new friend."
"Thank you Penny,Jagged."
"You're welcome Marinette."
She went to her room almost bouncing on her toes. She quickly replied to Timothy Drake.
To: Timothy Drake
From : MDC Designs
Monsieur Timothy Drake, I have seen your commission request. I am currently in Gotham. So we can meet up. Give me the time and place. There we can discuss about your commission and all other details. I hope we meet soon.
She looked at the time. 'I can read everything about Gotham. I can't go out without precautions.' The ting of her phone startled her. It was a message from Timothy.
From: Timothy Drake
Thank you very much for choosing me. I am a very big fan of your work. I have seen every single cloth you have made for Jagged Stone. I love your work. You somehow personalize your designs and even manage to put your own touch in it. Commissioning you is like a dream come true. I am very excited. My brothers are going to be so jealous. Yes we can meet up today or tomorrow whenever you want. I can come right now. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
We can meet up tomorrow at 'Not poisoned cafe' at 4 pm if that's okay with you.I am looking forward to meet you. This is my number if you want any change in it. xxxxxx-xxxx.
Timothy Drake.
Marinette giggled he looks very excited to meet her. She looked at the clock 2:45 pm. She could meet with him right now. She hasn't been out since they landed. She knocked at Jagged and Penny's door. This time Jagged was the one who opened the door."Yes, Marinette?"
"Can I meet up with him now? I mean I am getting bored inside anyway."
Penny came and said,"Gotham is dangerous city Marinette. We can't let you go alone."
Marinette hummed and said,"I can ask him to come here, then you can meet him too."
"Of course, we can manage that."Penny also nodded.
She went to her room and called the number.
"Hello is this Timothy Drake."
"Yes this is Timothy Drake. May I have your name."
"I am MDC from MDC designs-" There was a sound on the other side that sounded like a mug hitting the floor.
"Oh MDC, I-I am sorry." Marinette Giggled at that.
"Its okay, Monsieur Drake. I am calling you to say that I am free. We can meet up in an hour but can you come pick me up. My uncle and Aunt doesn't want to let me go alone. And we just landed about 12 hours ago. Only if that's okay for you."
"Of course. I can come pick you up at 4 just tell me which hotel you are staying at?"
"Umm, Wayne Hotel. So see you in an hour."
She stood up, stretched and started to get ready. She chose a black tank top and shorts. She pulled her hair in pigtails and wore black shoes. Then she readied everything.
       Measuring tape, check
Cookies for Tikki, check
My Phone, check
After checking everything, she checked the time and took sunglasses. She doesn't want anyone to see her face. Maybe she can tell him to not call me MDC. She knocked on the next door.
"Come in."She went in.
"Jagged, Penny, he is going to be here in 5 minutes. Should I tell him my name or not?"Jagged wanted to say something, but Penny beat him to it.
"That's up to you, Marinette."Penny said whilst typing on computer.
"Okay Uncle Jagged. I think if I felt comfortable, I am going to tell him."
She took the elevators and went down. Just as she exited a boy about her age in a suit walked to the receptionist.
"I am sorry Mr. Drake but I don't know whose name is MDC."The boy looked very confused.
She walked to him and tapped his shoulder,"Are you Monsieur Drake?"
He said,"I almost panicked that I heard the hotel name wrong."
She giggled."My identity is a secret. Let's go meet Uncle and Aunty."
"Okay."He said. She grabbed his hand gently and smiled at him. His scent was very sweet like coffee? and he was an Alpha. She then led him to the elevator. If she had turned to see him, she would have seen the blush on his face as he looked at their interlocked hands.
When they reached the door she knocked on it. A muffled come in was heard. She opened the door and led him inside. He froze. Her uncle and aunty were Jagged stone and Penny rolling? He can tell that they were real when he saw a very familiar crocodile coming to him and sniffing him.
"Ah! you must be Timothy Drake. I am Jagged Stone." Jagged stood in front of him. His scent was very cheerful.
"I-I am T-Tim. Umm."He cleared his throat."Its an honor to meet you Mr. Stone I am a very big fan of yours."He finally managed to say.
"Hello Tim, I am Penny Rolling, his assistant."
"Its really an honor to meet you. Am I hallucinating?"The last part was muttered to himself.
"Now that you have met him and even Fang has approved. Can I go?"Marinette said.
"Of course. Take your measurements in your room and-"He turned to Tim"If you tried anything funny I will make Fang eat you."
"Yes sir."
Then they went to her room. She tossed her sunglasses aside and held out her hand,"Hello I am Marinette." He shook it,"Tim. Can I call you Nettie."
"Of course." She finally looked at him carefully. She had to admit he was very handsome and his blue eyes were beautiful. He even smelled like COFFEE! Why is he not energized though?He had deep bags under his eyes. Rarely sleeps then.
He looked at her face carefully. She had black hair and pale skin. Freckles dusted on her nose and cheek bones. Her bluebell eyes she is going to be the death of him. Who knew his favorite designer will be so beautiful?
They just stared into each others eyes for some time. Marinette broke first. She grabbed his arm and made him sit on her bed..........
Hope you enjoyed.  I got tired. Sorry I am not good at describing clothes.
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btsslowburnfic · 3 years
Chthonic Love Ch. 17
Tumblr media
Series Summary: A Greek Mythology AU featuring Yoongi/Suga as Hades and reader as Persephone. Olympian ruler Namjoon has delivered you, Persephone, as a gift for his brother, lord of Death, Yoongi Chapter Summary: Receiving Master Taehyung
Previous Chapter here As Yoongi walked back from the final reaping of the day he remembered that Taehyung was coming tomorrow. He groaned. He was glad to have the legal counsel but the past few days had been so intense he did not feel ready to receive him. Oh well. Time never stopped moving, even in the Underworld. Upon entering the castle, the King immediately traveled down to the Old Throne room. The dirt had permeated at this point and several spiderlings and their bigger siblings were scattered about, clicking and clacking. He almost thought it was cute. He shook the thought from his head. He did not find things cute. 
“Arachne,” He called out into the dimly lit area. He waited a moment or so.
“Yes my Lord?” She appeared from the passage to the catacombs. “What may we do for you?”
“It is short notice, but would you be able to create something more formal for Persephone and I? We are receiving a guest tomorrow.”
“Oh yesssssssss. I have been wanting to create something fancier for soooooooooooo long. The Lady is so kind, you see? Do you see what she created? It is perfect and she created it from nothing.”
Yoongi pursed his lips and looked around once more, “Indeed. She is a woman of many talents. I expect them to be ready in the morning. Lethe will be by to pick them up.”
“Yessss my Lord. We will have them ready.”
“Oh. And Gloves. Gloves for Persephone,” Yoongi added as an afterthought. Your hands would likely still be injured tomorrow.  
“Yessssssss my Lord.” Arachne bowed and turned around to the catacombs.
With that settled, Yoongi headed to his bedchamber. He rarely spent any time here, preferring his office. It was a sprawling room that consisted of the actual bedroom, a sitting area, and a large dressing room. The dressing room always made him laugh. He always wore the same thing, and it was barely full at all. He walked over to the back corner. Glistening under the purple light of the sconces were the few Treasures of the Realm. There were a few crowns, circlets, unmounted jewels, and his mother’s broad collar. When the three brothers divided up the realms, Namjoon and Jin took most of the shiny glittery things. Yoongi didn’t care. In general he preferred the more simple silver jewelry from their parent’s collection. But his mother's broad collar was one of the few pieces he cared about. He had to act as though he didn’t when they were dividing the treasury or else Namjoon would have taken it for spite.
He picked it up, feeling it’s weight in his hands. It hadn’t been worn in centuries. He smiled, briefly remembering the few good memories he had from earlier in his life.  The large silver chains were encrusted with amethyst and obsidian. He imagined what it would look like on Persephone and felt a dull ache in his chest. What was that? He sat the piece down and shook his head. He picked a small crown for himself to wear tomorrow for receiving Taehyung. He looked through the drawers and picked out a few circlets and coronets for you to choose from. He was certain you probably had some of your own back at the spring court, but you didn’t have time to pack when you were kidnapped, did you? 
He felt himself growing angry with Namjoon once more. How dare he think he could just take you from your home and drop you off somewhere. It must have been terrifying for you to wake up in a strange place, not knowing how you got there or why. He felt his hands clenched into fists. Yes. Taehyung would be able to sort through this mess, he reassured himself. With that, Yoongi put the items on the table in the living area and headed out to his office.
You honestly didn’t realize how dirty and tired you were until you slowly eased your body into the hot bathtub. You manifested a few small flowers which made you feel prettier as the dirt chunks and sand washed off into the water. You sighed and breathed in the hot steam. Some days flew by, while others felt like years. This day had been the latter. You let your mind drift to all sorts of things: what could be on the other side of the mountain, how were the spiderlings doing, why did Penthos hate you, your kiss with Yoongi. Your kiss with Yoongi. You felt a blush cross your cheeks and lowered further into the water. Yep. That had happened.
Neither of you had a chance to talk about it, you know, with the impending structural collapse and such. But now, alone without the threat of being maimed, you allowed your mind to wander back. He had definitely kissed you back. Several times. Ughhhh….you felt slightly embarrassed but didn’t know why. What did that mean for you going home? Did you even want to go home? That was the question you kept facing throughout each day. Yoongi had asked earlier if you missed it. And you did miss parts of it: the sunshine, the wildlife, the plants. But as far as companionship, you preferred your stronger bond with Yoongi and Lethe over the ephemeral relationships with the other Gods and Goddesses of the Mortal realm. 
You heard a knock at the door, “Yes?”
The door opened and you heard Lethe on the other side of the changing screen. “Will you need fresh water m’lady? You seemed...rather…”
“You can just say it, really really disgusting and dirty.” You laughed.
“Well….Yes. You had dirt in your hair and Lord knows where else. It was like a cloud of dust surrounding you. I started soaking your dress and the wash water turned brown.” She mused.
“Yes, I suppose new water would be preferred. Let me get out.” You slowly stood up, looking down at the now dark yellow water. Ew.
You wrapped a towel around your body and sat on a nearby stool. “Alright, I’m ready.”
“Excellent,” Lethe walked around the changing screen and began to drain the tub. “I can’t believe we have a nest of spiders living in the old throne room.” She chuckled.
“The Underworld keeps getting stranger, huh?” You commented. Another woman who you had seen around the palace entered with fresh buckets of water for the bath.
“Thank you.” 
She poured them in and left to get more. 
“Even though the staff doesn't talk much, on account of them being dead, they do appreciate your kindness.” Lethe said as she stirred the water with her hand to check the temperature. “And your leadership earlier. Even though a cave-in wouldn’t physically harm us, many are worried about it restarting their after-life penance if something were to happen to the palace or Lord Yoongi. So thank you.”
“Of course,” You responded, flicking some flowers into the bathtub once again.
“You’re not supposed to use your powers,” she scolded lightly.
“Making tiny flowers is like lifting a teacup for me. See?” you held up your wounded hand, “No harm done.”
Lethe let out a sigh as another girl brought in more buckets. “Pour them both and bring one cold bucket to help me settle the temperature.” 
“Penthos is leaving tomorrow morning.”
“Oh? You ran him off that easily?” Lethe said jokingly.
“No. He’s going to see if he can figure out the cause of the cave in. Maybe we can redecorate the Great Hall while he’s gone and really mess with him.” You said half-joking.
“You mean you don’t like obsidian with a touch of obsidian complemented by obsidian?” The two of you laughed.
Once the bath water was refilled with clean water you eased yourself back in. The water didn’t change color this time, which pleased you.
“Alright, I’ll prepare some food for you. If you need anything else, you know where to find me. Taehyung arrives tomorrow so I will come early to get you ready.”
Crap. You had totally forgotten all about that.
The next morning you were surprised to find several new items laid out for you: two dresses, a pair of gloves, and ceremonial jewelry. Lethe walked in as though she could sense your stirring. She carried a tray of what you assumed was breakfast tea.
“What’s all that?” You gestured, not fully awake yet.
“You are receiving Master Taehyung today as a representative of this court. Therefore Lord Yoongi wishes you to look the part. Don’t worry though, he didn’t order any shoes.” She shot you a light hearted glance.
You crawled down to the end of the bed and further inspected the items. 
“These are too nice. I can’t wear these. I’ll look like I’m playing dress up.”
Lethe clicked her tongue, “Nonsense. You are a lady and these were made for you. Actually literally made for you by Arachne.”
You breathed out, feeling the luxurious material in your hand. “We’ll see.”
You sat down and drank your tea while Lethe began to style your hair. Once that was done you slipped on the dress and gloves. You stood in front of the circlets. 
“Really? Lord Yoongi just has extra crowns laying around?” You asked, gently patting your dress.
Lethe chuckled, “It’s easy to forget that he’s a King sometimes isn’t it? But yes. There was quite an array picked out, I chose these three for you to choose from.”
You blushed at the thought of Yoongi carefully selecting jewelry for you to wear; it seemed so intimate. 
“Alright, this one.” You chose a circlet resembling holly garland. 
“I thought that might be the winner. Here,” She walked over and you bent your head down slightly for her to place it on your head. She stood in front of you, moving some hair tresses so they laid nicely around it.  “There. Befitting of the Lady of the Underworld.”
You smiled, somewhat sadly to your surprise, “I’m not the Lady of the Underworld.”
Lethe turned the mirror around to face you, “Well you are for today.”
You gazed at yourself in the mirror. Pleasantly surprised by what you saw. The gown was dark purple with sheer capped sleeves. The top revealed your collarbones and not much else. It was light and airy, a nice contrast to the dark color of the dress. The gloves were black and you were sure were meant to hide your injuries. Yoongi is so thoughtful, you found yourself reflecting. Everything you had been given so far had been because of him. You looked in the mirror. You did feel like you were playing dress up. Dress up as someone who had it together. Pretend Lady of the Underworld. Who were you anymore? You wondered. You decided, at least for today it didn’t matter. You felt pretty. You liked Yoongi. That’s what mattered to you right now. “Alright. Now what?”
Yoongi waited at the edge of the Stygian shore. He had traded his normal simple cloak and tunic for a black suit and jacket as well as one of his more simple crowns. He hadn’t worn anything so ceremonial in centuries. There was no reason to. Namjoon was the only one who ever stopped by and he was always unannounced and there was no way he was trying to impress him. He shook his sleeves while he waited for the boat. He had seen Penthos off that morning. While he also didn’t like the idea of leaving the castle less guarded, he couldn’t continue to have the crumbling catacomb remain a mystery.
The breeze blew, drawing Yoongi’s attention. Yoongi looked over to the right. What was that? He walked closer. A palm tree? He raised his eyebrow puzzled and looked around as though he could account for its appearance. The tree was small and not brown and green like a traditional palm tree. It’s trunk was black, and it’s fronds were silver. Huh. Yoongi poked at it. The tree remained. A breeze ruffled it’s fronds as they swayed gently. He smiled but didn’t have more time to reflect on the tree’s arrival as he saw the ship on the horizon. The reaping was already done for the morning which meant this would be Taehyung. Yoongi walked over to the Estuary to guide the ship in. Once it had docked, he approached and held out his hand.
“Taehyung. It’s good to see you. It’s been ages.” Yoongi said as he took a few steps back to make room for the other man.
“My Lord,” Taehyung bowed. “It’s my pleasure to serve.”
“Come.” Yoongi turned and headed to the castle. He didn’t have the opportunity to see you before the reaping and had hoped you found the clothing satisfactory. He led Tahyung through the Great Hall. “I apologize for the lack of festivities. You know how dead it is around here.”
Taehyung laughed, “Indeed. This is a nice change of pace from the Plane of Judgment though.”
Yoongi opened the doors to the throne room where you were waiting. Lethe was off to the side.
“Taehyung, may I present to you Lady Persephone, Goddess of Spring,” he said while looking at Taehyung, he then turned and really got to look at you for the first time. His breath caught in his throat. You looked beautiful. And you looked like you were made to sit on that throne. 
You stood up and smoothed your dress. You walked down from the dais, closing the space between yourself and the two men.  “Master Taehyung, thank you for visiting the Obsidian Palace.”
“It is my pleasure Lady Persephone.” He bowed.
You studied Taehyung. His skin was darker than Yoongi’s and his eyes were a light brown. Running along his neck and up onto his face were black lines that formed a small spiderweb along his right jaw. It was striking and beautiful.
“I hear we have this rare opportunity to have you at our disposal for today, so may I suggest we adjourn to the library?” You asked, surprising even yourself with the air of confidence in your voice.
Yoongi was staring at you. You almost thought you had done something wrong until he finally spoke. “Indeed,” Yoongi added. You sounded so sexy to him at that exact moment. He had found himself with a loss of words. He didn’t know where these sudden intense feelings were coming from. Yoongi offered you his arm and you glided over to him. He made very brief eye contact with you before looking away, “Let’s go to the library.”
Lethe almost felt her jaw drop. She felt like she was watching a romance novel come to life. It was as though the peerage had forgotten she was in the room. Indeed for several seconds it seemed to here like only Yoongi and you saw each other. Yes. This was going splendidly, she thought. 
The three of you arrived at the library a few minutes later, with several of the staff poking their heads out while trying to appear unassuming. The palace never got visitors other than the King’s  brother, who they all knew to avoid unless they wanted to be turned into a goat or a tree.
A servant opened the doors for the three of you and you wandered over to the table. After you got ready you had come by and organized the texts you found and added some parchment and ink to the table as well. Yoongi looked over the table, impressed that you had taken the initiative. He made a memo to thank you later. “As you can see, Lady Persephone and I have gathered what we can on the matter. But without the original contract, it remains difficult.”
Tae took a seat and laid his satchel on the table. “Yes, that would make it hard to undo a contract if you don’t know the full terms. Luckily for the two of you. Or maybe not. All contracts that are legally entered and executed are recorded into the Hall of Records. And here,” Tae pulled out a parchment, “is the contract.” NEXT CHAPTER
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cardamom-thyme · 3 years
Hi ! i recently joined a mass effect server and its super fun and its made me want to get back into writing so !!! no thoughts only nikolai / charol (pre-relationship stage lmao)
//alcohol and semi-graphic descriptions below
A frilled figure sat hunched over a drink at the bar. It didn't matter what, Nikolai just wanted to drink until he couldn't remember anymore. Not an easy feat, but he was hoping that with a few more rounds of this "Memory Stealer", he could start forgetting. Maybe he could forget her tinny screams as the fan blades tore through soft flesh, the sound of bones snapping, the tiny hand that reached out in a desperate attempt to save herself, just barely missing his fused fingertips.
Something dripped onto his hand, startling him out of the memory. Tears. Clearly he hadn't drank enough. He lifted the glass to his lips again and-
A three-fingered hand clapped down on his left shoulder, causing the liquor to slosh out of the glass as a wispy, purple Salarian sidled up onto the barstool next to him.
"Didn't think I'd catch you crying this late at night. Most of the time you're already drunk off your ass by now."
"Yeah, well... I'm trying somethinng new tonight." He swallowed, voice wavering. Gods, why did Charol of all people find him like this. Charol, who didn't seem to care about anything but the objective... was here. Right now. At a bar, with her hand on his shoulder and... wow her freckles were cute.
"Barkeep, can i get a round of Y-11?"
Nikolai chuckled. "Isn't that... why are you getting Yorsh-11? I thought you didn't drink.
"C'mon Dreum. If I'm gonna talk you out of drinking yourself to death, I don't want to remember it. I might say something corny and regret it. Plus, you only get to try it for the first time before you never go anywhere near the bar again."
The drell made a noise of acknowledgement, as if to say 'fair enough'. Charol got her weird drink and he got her company and another glass of this poorly-named Memory Stealer. Maybe he should've just gone with straight vodka instead, the burn would be nice and aid in his endeavor to wipe his brain clean. The hand on his shoulder gripped it, and he felt it gently rock him back and forth, though it was tough for the slim Salarian to move him much. He turned and sighed, "It's only my third drink, I promise. Plus, this thing is doing jack shit. Ughhhh, the coffee is the worst part."
Charol rolled her eyes. Was she really this stupid? You only live once, but Charol would *really* like to live her entire 43 years in the galaxy. Whatever, it was too late. The credit chit was charged and the drink was in front of her. Her nostrils flared as the harsh scent of ryncol and batarian ale hit her, though she could also detext faint hints of mint and another blend of human herbs. *Absinthe...* she thought to herself, *Keifer told me. I'm in for a hell of a night but hopefully I can metabolize it quickly.* Shrugging and glancing at Nikolai, she downed the shot and immediately regretted it. She wanted nothing more than to curl up on the floor until the burning sun in her throat and stomach and, hell, her entire esophagus to stop burning. Coughing as if she were about to hack up a lung, she turned to the Drell beside her, eyes watering. He offered nothing but a chuckle.
"That bad huh?" Spirits, she couldn't feel her tongue. All she could offer in response was a pained, raspy "Help."
It started out as a grin. Then it grew wider. After that came the giggle. Nikolai threw his head back in laughter, a wonderful, crackling sound of joy. Through hazy eyes and pained coughs, Charol smirked and made a mental note. *Score, now he won't mope tomorrow.*
Nikolai looked over at his Salarian partn- *friend*. Partner was too friendly a term for now, he wouldn't be able to pass it off as platonic. But oh, how he adored her. Charol, who never drank, ordered the strongest drink in the whole damn bar, made a spectacle with all that coughing, and will probably pass out later. Wait, shit. His gaze jumped to the door that lead to the port. "Hey, Pip, we should probably head back to the ship. Who knows the water quality here and um... I think I've had enough to drink tonight."
"Oh really? But you're not blackout drunk yet, however will you swerve while walking?" she replied in a breathy voice, still clearly in pain, but it seemed the burning had subsided a bit. The biotic alcoholic smiled. There was the snark he knew.
"Yeah, I don't feel like having my memories stolen right now. That drink was shitty anyway."
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clairelutra · 4 years
How about Akirann for Monster/Monster Hunter/Monster Tamer AU?
send me an au for a short fic
full admission that i no longer have any idea what i’m doing
Being a vampire granted Akira a certain kind of immortality that was dead useful for monster hunting, but (perhaps understandably) something he didn’t really want spread around, especially among the clients that hired him to hunt, well. Monsters.
That meant trying to fake the song and dance of being very careful around the siren he’d been hired to put down.
Sirens were a subset of charm-witches, likely but not necessarily humanoid, who sang a deadly song to lure men to their deaths. Truly a terrifying prospect if you didn’t have magical immunity, or so he’d gathered from the the pale faces of the villagers who lived next to the inlet where she resided.
(There’s only been one casualty in the whole time she’d been here, which was making him doubt that this was a siren at all. It could also be a lost mermaid who liked to sing, a lonely river nymph, or even just an average copycat with bad luck. Hell, it could be a human for all the evidence the villagers were willing to part with.
Still. They were paying him. The commission he got would pay for his Phantom Thief guild membership for another year. His pride wasn’t above that.)
All this to say that it was with less trepidation that he maybe should have felt that he tracked the pretty tune that lurked at the edge of the glade down to the water’s edge
The target in question was classically seated naked on a rock, almost definitely a siren, and looking very lonely indeed as she swished her bare toes in the waves.
...Wasn’t he supposed to be immune to charm spells?
All he wanted to do was...
Mmmm, bad line of thought. He shook off the distraction and reached for his silver bullets, quietly loading his gun and cocking it at the siren.
She looked up sharply at the noise, locking slit golden eyes with his own grey, and he waited out that one suspended moment.
(Sirens never failed to surprise, and it had been far too long since he’d had a fight.)
Then she squawked, jumped, and flailed ungracefully until she crashed face first into the water, barely submerged in the shallows.
Akira slowly lowered the gun, bemused.
He had said that sirens never failed to surprise.
She just laid there for a second, then lurched up and backwards, shooting one highly alarmed glance in his direction before scrambling behind the rock with a rather unstealthy series of splashes.
“Um, don’t shoot?” she squeaked once hidden.
He’d be honest here; he’d never met a siren who used ‘charmingly inept’ as a seduction tactic.
(It was working, though. He had to give her that.)
“Are you the siren that’s been haunting that village over there?”
“Um...” she said, and peeked around the rock. Her single visible eye had gone from gold to sky blue. “Kiiiind of? I-it’s a long story.”
“I was hired to exterminate you,” he informed her mildly. It was a much less appealing prospect than it had been before he’d heard her speak, but, well. Siren. That was the whole point. “You’ve been luring men to their deaths.”
“Oh, come on!” she snapped. Her head disappeared behind the rock again, this time with a scowl. “It was just one! And he deserved it!”
“Did he?” All the reports he’d heard of Baron Kamoshida had been glowing. Most were horrified and heartbroken that he was gone.
“My best friend. He ruined her. Death was too kind.”
It was spoken in the flat, hard tone of someone who’d run the question over in their mind many times and come to the same conclusion every repetition.
She sighed, sounding exhausted, then: “Oh! Maybe you’d know—is there any way to unbecome a siren? He’d already been after me, so charm spells seemed like the best way to get to him, but I didn’t realize I’d transform until after I drowned him.”
The scars Father Shido had left on his neck burned for a moment, then he said, “Afraid not.”
“Darn it.”
It was such a mild response for someone who’d been cursed with immortality that he blinked. Come to think of it, Kamoshida had only turned up as a corpse a couple of years ago, hadn’t he?
“...How old are you, again?”
“Uhh... well, I was sixteen, but it’s been kind of a while since then, y’know? I lost track. Can’t be too much older than that, though.” She paused. “Maybe I’m still sixteen.”
“Baron Kamoshida died two years ago,” he said, deadpan-flat.
“Oh!” A forehead, a pair of bright blue eyes, tangled blonde hair, and several fingers became visible over the top of the rock. “Then I’m eighteen... I think. Is it November yet?”
“Next month.”
“Seventeen,” she amended, then poked her whole head over the rock, apparently having forgot about the gun. “How old are you?”
“Around two hundred,” he said vaguely. Definitely closer to three hundred, but still technically two hundred-something. Probably. He should probably check on that.
“Wow...” Her eyes were wide as saucers.
Seventeen might technically be an adult for a human in these times, but...
He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he pulled the trigger here. He wasn’t even entirely sure he’d be able to live with himself if he walked away at all.
(If Sojiro hadn’t picked him up by the scruff and set him on his feet when he’d first been turned...)
He heaved a silent sigh, then started unloading his gun, clapping the bullets into his gloved palm and putting them back in their pouch. That done, he met her gaze and tilted his head in a gesture for her to come over.
She shrank down. “I’m not really dressed for company. Or dressed at all.”
I noticed. It was surprising that she cared about it, though.
...Though. Come to think of it, it would probably make sense that she was a bit body shy, given how new she was to the ‘siren’ business.
He shrugged off his coat and held it out to her, pointedly turning his head away.
It didn’t take much time at all for her to come out from behind the rock, much less warily than he might have expected, one arm clamped over her ample chest and the other absently hiding her crotch.
(In his defense, his peripheral vision was very good and he didn’t look any closer than what he was already seeing.
...Wasn’t his libido supposed to be dead too?)
She covered as much of herself up in his coat as she could, shooting him curious looks as he removed one of his more decorative belts to secure it around her waist.
“Don’t touch the pockets,” he instructed. There was a second part to that, something about there being dangerous things in there, but she was... much more distracting than he was used to dealing with, especially now that she was wearing his coat, and the words slipped away from him.
“So, uh... what are we doing?” she said, chill and curious and sounding like she’d be game for most of it, and suddenly he was very glad that he was the hunter who’d found her.
“Making you my apprentice,” he said, and reached inside his doublet for an empty phial.
“Appre-what?” then, “Meep!” as as he sank one of his fangs into his own wrist and caught the trail of blood in the vessel.
“Apprentice. It’s not good for a young fae to be on their own.” He put a cork in the phial and closed his fist around it—a tracking spell, a protection spell, a minor luck spell, a stealth spell... and that was about as much as he could imbue into an ounce of his own blood. “That’s how monsters are made.”
“Ohh...” she said, watching as he pulled out a cord and secured the charm. “Wait. What?!”
(Expressive. It was... nice.)
He looped the cord around her neck, looping it into a knot and casting another few spells making sure that it couldn’t be used to hurt her and couldn’t be removed until she was strong enough to remove it herself. Stronger than a basic durability spell and made sure she wouldn’t be stuck carrying him around forever if this didn’t work out and he was indisposed.
“They do things they shouldn’t because they don’t know better,” he explained absently. "So I’ll make sure you know better.”
“That’s pretty ominous.”
He shot her a dry look as he let go and gestured for her to follow him. “Don’t touch the shiny rocks. Don’t stand in bright places. Don’t eat anything that can talk.”
“Oh, uh, o-okay? ‘Shiny rocks’...? Is that, like, gemstones, or gold, or— hey wait, where are we going?”
‘Wouldn’t you like to know’ probably wouldn’t be the best thing to say here, would it. He decided on honesty instead: “First clothes, then to register you as my legal charge with the vampire queen, then get you a guild membership, then go take care of a chupacabra infestation in the lower reaches.”
“Chupacabra infe— that sounds kind of important!”
He frowned as he led the way back to the village, trees passing them by in silent vigil. “Does it?”
“Goats are some people’s livelihoods, y’know?” She sounded genuinely upset about this. “How long will the rest of this stuff take?”
“A couple of weeks...?” he said, surprised into seriousness.
“Their goats will all be dead by then!”
...Huh. They would, wouldn’t they.
Akira kept walking through the profound moment of realization that he didn’t spend nearly enough time around humans anymore.
“Okay, how about this: we get me some clothes, and then take care of the chupacabra infestation, and then do the other stuff.”
Innocent, expressive, and conscientious. He found himself half-smiling as he glanced over his shoulder. “Sounds good.”
She let out an ughhhh... of exasperated relief.
Maybe she wasn’t human anymore, but she was only two years out from it, not well over two hundred. Maybe he’d be getting more out of this apprenticeship than he’d thought.
They bought clothes from the village and then moved onto the southern reaches, collected chupacabra pelts for the client and then roasted the bodies so Akira could show his new protégé how to draw the life energy she needed out of them.
Then they headed back to the capital, where he had a conversation with the queen. She shouted a lot and then handed him the paperwork (good old Sae), and it was only when he was trying to fill it out that he realized he’d never asked for his new apprentice’s name.
Sae didn’t shout at him for that, just gave him one of the most long-suffering looks he’d even seen and let him take the paperwork home.
(Lady Ann Takamaki of Shujin was his new apprentice, apparently—though he better knew her as a child of sunshine who had rapidly established herself as his lifeline.
Innocent, expressive, conscientious, and more human than not. All he had to do was glance at her to get a second opinion on his decisions, and that was coming in even more handy than he’d guessed it would.)
After that, it was a guild membership, then Igor telling him to go get Ann checked in with the sirens too or Philemon would get angry, and it was some point during that long, relentless search for Belladonna that Ann finally asked.
“So... why are you doing all this for me, anyway? What do you get out of it?”
“Company. Help with work. Moral support.”
“...Seriously?” she asked. On anyone else, it would have sounded at least a little bit flat, but with her there was only curiosity to be found. “Moral support?”
“Especially moral support.”
She was doing a stellar job at propping them up for him while he brushed away two hundred-odd years of dust and decay under her guidance.
She flopped back on her inn bed with a groan, a soft fwumph of fabric and a little grunt in her lungs, her scent swirling in little eddies around the room. “Well. You do you, I guess. Going to bed yet?”
“In a bit,” he said, instead of only if you join me, because he was pretty sure that would earn him a weird look that said he’d misstepped yet again.
He was learning!
“Okay,” she said, then yawned. “‘Night.”
Silence, except for the rustling of bedclothes and mattress while Ann got comfortable, and then:
“And hey, Akira?”
“Thanks. You really saved me. Literally.”
He glanced sideways, just enough to catch her soft smile amid a pool of blankets and blonde curls, and couldn’t help a little sigh. “...My pleasure.”
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zuucc · 5 years
How To Wear A 3 Piece Suit: W. Nylander I SMUTish - PART 3
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Words: 4400
Summary: Willy and his best friend - and their new found dating - find it hard to keep it hidden when there’s alcohol involved, which leads to a very awkward conversation with Kappy - who still not doesn’t know what the hell is going on. And then they go home, together. 
Author’s note: Now, it actually is SMUTish, I failed with thinking that part was going into the last part... Sorry if I disappointed anyone! 
Warnings: itty bitty blasphemy, cursing and a little bit of smutty business. And a lot of cursive.
Masterlist and parts 1 & 2 linked in bio
“We’re just kissing, Kap, Jesus,” you roll your eyes, making Kappy roll his as well. “Yeah, I know you’re not fucking right now, Jesus, drink some water, get a grip,” “We’re not fucking, Kappy,” you try again, “Chill.” “Then what the fuck is going on?” he’s almost shouting at this point, waving around his hands. “And don’t you dare say I don’t know what you’re talking about, Kappy,”  pointing at you.
You have to fight every drop of alcohol in your body to not say it. I don’t know what you’re talking about, Kappy. But you can’t fight the smirk. Before you can say anything, though, Annika comes along. “Jesus, is that lipstick on your mouth, Will?” she asks. “Also, what are you two making a scene about now?” She’s motioning to both you and her boyfriend – used to the two of you always teasing each other about something. 
“Where do you think the lipstick’s coming from, Annika?” 
And there you where, with an audience. Five people staring at you and Willy like you’d committed a murder in front of them. Every one of them staring at you with widened deer-in-headlights eyes - and none of you knew what to say, they didn’t and you didn’t. To say the situation was sobering, was an understatement. The silence was sobering. 
“We’re dating, okay?” In the end, Willy spoke up. Annika’s expression softened, and so did Freddie’s. “What? How? When did this happen?” What Kappy was feeling, you didn’t know. His eyes were wide like it was the most unthinkable thing he could imagine. You didn’t blame him. After all, you hadn’t believed William either, when he told you he was in love with you. 
“Kappy, can you just sit down and breathe? You’re stressing me out,” you ask softly. And Kappy nods, sitting down as William scoots further into the booth, making room for more people, while you’re still in his lap. 
“You remember when Will came and picked me up at that event a couple of weeks ago, when Will and Kate had been arguing all night and we were wondering what the hell was going on,” Kappy nodded. Everyone else, except for Annika, who’d taken up residence on the on the other side of the table, had gone to let you have some privacy. “We just went to McDonalds and all that, you know – what we usually you – and he eventually told me that he and Kate had broken up - because of me. Because Kate believed that Will was – is – in love with me,” 
“Okay?” Kappy had calmed down now, looking to his best friend.  
“Which I am,” William spoke. “Which I’ve been for a long time and never told anyone about,”
“Until he told me that night,” you added. 
“So, you guys are like in love now?” Kappy asks. He looks as though he doesn’t know what to think or how to feel about it. He’d known you as long as he’d known Will, and you could definitely understand that it was hard for him to wrap his head around. But you hoped, you knew, that he’d be happy for you as soon as he got used to the thought.
“Well, uhm, I’m in love,” William said, looking down. It came out like a sigh, or like a deep breath that he’d been holding for weeks. And you felt your heart ache for him, you just wished you could be as in love with him as he was with you. But at the same time, you knew that you weren’t far from it. 
“I don’t understand,” 
“We’re working on it, okay?” you started, swallowing hard – it hurt to know that it was hurting William. You laid a reassuring hand on William’s neck, and he leaned his head on your shoulder. “It’s not like I’ve been harboring feelings for Willy for six or so years, that were just ready to burst out as soon as he told me he was in love with me. I wasn’t, like, crushing or anything, at least not for a long time. I haven’t crushed on him since I was a freshman in high school and I didn’t even know him yet. But I love Willy to death, you both know that, and you know what we’re like with each other, and he’s my best friend. And I don’t know how to explain it or how to say it, but I know that I’ll fall in love with him, someday. Someday soon, probably. I’m well on the way actually,” you were rambling, your cheeks heating up with the words spilling out of your mouth, but the rambling stopped at that. It stopped when Willy picked up his head.  
“Really?” he asked. And everything and everyone else disappeared for a moment, all the noise from the bar became distant. “Yeah, Will, you’re amazing,” you told him, placing your other hand on his cheek. “ And I’ve been so happy lately, after all this, and it’s all because of you,” you smiled, and he leaned up to kiss you, pressing his lips to yours in such a soft way, so soft you could feel his love for you through his lips on yours and it pushed you even closer to the cliff that was falling in love with your best friend.  
When you emerged from your bubble, Kappy and Annika was still staring at the two of you. But now, even Kappy had an softer expression. “Uh, yeah, where was I?” you asked rhetorically, softly shaking your head with a smile on your lips, and you felt Willy press a kiss to your burning hot cheek.
“I haven’t really talked to anyone about this, and I’m sorry you had to find out this way. You know if it had been any other girl would have told you, but you two are too close and you would not have been able to hold it” William told Kappy, and Kappy nodded, smiling like he knew it was right. “It’s just, I guess I wanted to, we wanted to figure all this out before we told anyone about what was going on,” he explained on a more serious note, looking to you and you nodded to confirm his statement.  
“I’m happy for you, and I’m sorry that I reacted like that,” Kappy said, making you both smile. “I guess it’s just gonna take some time to get used to my two best friends dating, but I’m happy for you,”
“Aw, am I your best friend, Kap?” you exclaim.
“Don’t fucking ‘aw’ me, you little shit! ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, Kappy,’ no, ‘Kasperi’ you even said.” 
And there it was, the constant friendly bickering between you and Kappy. The constant battle of who could torment the other more was back. And so was the normal conversation - if the relationship between you and Willy could be considered ‘normal’ conversation. At least it felt normal. 
“I’m sorry, I gotta ask, isn’t it awkward as hell, though? Kissing and shit?” he asks, making both you and Willy laugh. “Yeah, it is, it’s pretty fucking weird, but we’re getting used to it, I guess,” Will said and you laughed, nodding along with his statement – cause god knows it was true. “And you guys,” Kappy stopped for a second - he looked mortified - “you haven’t had sex, yet?” He even paused before he added ‘yet’. You laughed again, but the question made you both blush. 
“No, Kap,” you shook your head no. 
“Well, that’s gonna be awkward on another level, man,”
You didn’t stay for much longer after that, it was getting late and the last hour had been sobering. You and Willy were standing outside again, waiting for the Uber to come take you back home. “Come home with me,” you mumbled into his chest. You’re standing with your entire body pressed to his, your arms wrapped around his torso, while he’s got his hand rubbing in circles on your back - keeping you warm. “Yeah?” he breathed. “Yeah,” you smiled, standing up on your toes to press your lips softly to his. 
On the way home, he’s holding your hand again. He doesn’t let go until you’re inside your apartment, when you’re kicking off your shoes and hanging up your coats. You don’t say much on your way to bed, just a hand placed on your hip when you both grab bottles of water in a brave attempt at preventing the heaviest of headaches tomorrow. 
William sits down leaning on your beds headboard, to let you get ready first, but you don’t get much more done than pulling your shirt out of your skirt and opening said skirt, before Will’s body is calling on you to dump down between his legs, your head resting on his chest.  William chuckles, his hands going to untangle the knots in your hair. “You tired?” he asked. “Mm, not really, you just looked so comfortable,” you mumble into his shirt, making the soft laughter rumble in his chest again. The vibrations under your cheek making you smile. “Come on, let’s get ready,” he smiles, pushing you up. “Ughhhh,” you groan, making him laugh again, before he decides to scoop you up in his arms and carry you to your bathroom, setting you down by your sink. “Think fast,” he says, throwing you your makeup wipes that laid on the bathroom counter. The packet of wipes hit you right in your boob, but you manage to catch it - but not without pretending to be extremely offended that he’d hit your boob. Not without making Willy blush over having accidentally hit your boob with your makeup wipes. 
“Mm, no, I don’t believe it was an accident,” you tease, reaching out to pull him closer, until he’s standing between your legs. “Aren’t you supposed to be an athlete?” His cheeks are red, but his smile is the smile of an extremely happy man. 
His lips are within close proximity of yours, and you can’t stop looking at them - which he probably notices, because he leans in the remaining inches and presses his lips to yours. You immediately kiss him back, sliding your arms around his neck. When you feel his hands on your thighs, you open your mouth to let him in. When his hands slowly move from your thighs to your waist, you move your legs around his waist. And if it’s him pulling you closer, or if it’s you pulling yourself closer, you don’t know, but you’re closer than you’ve ever been. And even if you’re both still fully clothed, it all feels so naked.
You want to feel even closer, just your hands on his skin. His shirt is still tucked into his dress pants, but you pull it out, letting your hands find their way under his shirt and up his back. And if that wasn’t already making you hotter, Will’s now moving away from your lips, leaving kisses in a trail down your neck, one hand gripping the hair in the back of your neck, the other having moved back to your thigh. His lips soon found a spot on your neck that you didn’t even know could make you that weak, and before you know it you’re letting a moan slip out your mouth. 
Your moan makes a deep throated groan escape Willy, which you realize is the most amazing sound you’ve heard all your life. And you want nothing more than to hear it again. William decides to take his lips back to yours, making you immediately open your mouth for him. He’s gripping your thigh now, and he’s pulling you up and closer - so close that you could feel his hard member pressing to your heat. 
And before you could stop it, you’re bursting into giggles. And you try to stop it, you really do, but you can’t. And William’s face is still pressed to yours, and while you’re laughing, he’s panting. “What?” he tries. But you can’t stop.  He tries again, and you can tell your laughing is rubbing off on him, cause he’s smiling against your neck now. He pulls back to look at you, and it’s clear he has no clue why you’re laughing. 
“I can’t. I can’t” you wheeze out. And he’s shaking his head at you, laughing at you. “It’s just,” you stop to try to get your breath back. 
“It’s just,” you try again. “You’ve got a boner,” you’re giggling again, and William is laughing, too. 
“Yeah, I do, what did you think was going to happen?” he says, throwing out his arms. 
“I don’t know, I don’t know, but I felt it,” you pause, “your dick.” And you’re both laughing, tears rolling down your cheeks. The only time you could remember Will’s dick ever passing your mind before, was that one time when you’d been extremely drunk at some party and weirdly sat down on his lap and he’d groaned hey, you’re sitting on my dick and everyone had laughed as you’d made a weird face and he’d pushed you off of him.
“Are you serious? I can’t have a boner, but you, you’re moaning,” he’s pointing out, making you giggle even more.
He’s coming closer again, grabbing both your thighs, this time. Your intense laughing is slowing down as the smile on his lips is turning into a smirk. He pulls you closer again, close enough to feel his boner struggling against his pants. You’re just mischievously smiling now - until he pulls you even closer, until you can really feel him where you really want him. And he leans closer to your face and lowers his voice. 
“And you don’t think that I can’t feel you?” you gasp as the words trail from his lips. “Feel what?” you whisper, trying to keep a strong voice, but failing miserably. “How you’re basically radiating heat,” he says, confidently - making you completely shut up. 
He presses lips to yours again, and you grab onto his hair, desperate to feel him again. His hand moves up your thigh, underneath your skirt, And then his thumb is pressing against you, over your tights and underwear. And your mouth fall open against his, and you can feel his stupid smile against your cheek as he simply rubs his thumb over your clothed heat.
You place your hands on his chest and push him back, making room between him and the bathroom counter for you to slide to the floor, where you desperately push your skirt to the floor. And whilst you do that, he’s already working on your tights, kneeling in front of you to help you get them off. And as soon as their off, he’s raising again, letting his hand slide up your legs and thighs along the way. His lips are back on yours again, his tongue pushing against yours as he grabs your thigh, hiking it up and pressing his own thigh between your legs. 
“Will,” you pant, desperately grabbing at his bicep. “Yeah?” he breathes, his lips still on yours. “Touch me, please.” It’s barely audible, but he hears you - he must have, because his hand is moving in between your bodies and into your panties, dipping into your soaking wet heat. 
“Please don’t laugh at how wet I am,” you manage to breathe out. 
“You just can’t stop being witty, can you?” he smirks, but easily slides a finger into you before you can even think of an answer, and only moans come out after that. And you don’t even try to kiss him - you know you can’t manage to - so he keeps to kissing and biting at your neck - sometimes just looking at you while he pushes two fingers in and out of you. 
When he decides to put his thumb on your clit, you damn near explode. And you grab onto him, hoping that he understands that you’re so close that you can’t even speak. And he seems to do, cause he speeds up the movement of his fingers immediately, whispering for you to let go while he lightly kisses your neck. You grip his bicep and hope that he’ll support your weight when you come around his fingers. 
He does. He tightens his arm around your waist when you collapse into him, your cheek pressed to his chest. He kisses your head as he pulls his fingers out of you, lifting you back up on the counter when he’s got both hands free again. When you find the strength to pull your head up again you can’t fight the smile. Not the mischievous one from before, not the smirk, but the giddy one. The one you can’t control, no matter how hard you try. 
And while he’s putting his fingers into his mouth, sucking your wetness off of them, you reach out, pulling him back towards you by the waist of his pants - pressing your lips to his as soon as he’s close enough.
And while he’s letting you taste yourself on his tongue, you push your hand between your bodies and cup your hand over his very hard bulge. And he’s groaning against your lips, but just for a second, before he wraps his hand around your wrist, slowly pulling you away, like he doesn’t really want to. 
“Mm, no, no, no,” he speaks against your lips. “What?” you ask, “let me.” “Mm, no, no, I won’t let you,” still pressed against your lips. “No, we need to get ready for bed now, like we were supposed to an hour ago,” he says, pulling away from you, but just a few inches. “But I want to make you feel good,” you protest, but he only shakes his head - smiling. “Not tonight, not tonight,”
“Don’t you want me to?” you ask, all of a sudden a feeling of insecurity washing over you. “No, no, no, baby, no,” he says, grabbing your waist and helping you down from the counter. “No, I do want to, I think I might want to a little too much,” he moves his hands to your cheeks, quickly giving you a kiss before continuing. “And I know you, and I know me, and I know that if I let you touch me I’m not gonna be able to keep my hands off you - and that, that shouldn’t happen tonight,” he finishes, his hands still cupping your cheeks.  
“Mmm, okay - your loss,” you say, smiling and giving him another peck on the lips. And he laughs at your inability to not say something witty, all the time. “Okay, so let’s get ready for bed, then,” he says, letting go of you, and you nod, quickly pulling your shirt over your head to reveal a lacy bralette underneath. Will’s eyes widen, as you’re now left just in your underwear. But you continue to open your bra, anyways.
“What- what are you doing?” he asks, trying desperately to not look at you. “What? I’m taking a shower. I don’t just smell like alcohol, but now I smell like vagina, too,” you exclaim, enjoying how he’s failing at not looking at you. “You’re making this really hard for me, you know that, right?” he says, placing both his hands on the sink. 
“I’m making this hard, or am I making that hard?” you tease, leaving your panties on the tiles before stepping behind the shower curtain. 
“I don’t think this can get any harder,”
When you wake up the next morning, your face is pressed to his bicep. You faintly remember falling asleep with your face on his chest, your arm rested on his bare torso and your legs slightly tangled with his. 
Just don’t touch me below my bellybutton and above my knees. 
Those had been his only requirements after your shower. And luckily, the shower had given you some time to actually think clearly, and made you realize that it was time to stop your relentless teasing now. When you emerged from the bathroom, Willy was lying bed waiting for you, desperately fighting the boner you’d been begging to relieve him off. 
“Just don’t touch me below my bellybutton and over my knees, and we’ll be good,” he’d said. He was only in his boxers, and you were wearing one of the many oversized hockey shirts you’d stolen over the years - a Marlies one, tonight - along with a pair of lace-trimmed hipsters. “I promise, I’ll be good,” you smiled sweetly, going around the bed instead of climbing over him, like you would have done if the situation had been different.
“I’ve waited for you for years, I think I can wait a little longer,” 
And then you’d fallen asleep, head on his chest, with his fingers running through your hair. And now, you’d woken with your head on his arm, facing away from him. And then you felt his fingers on your back, tracing circles on a piece of exposed skin from where your shirt had ridden up during the night. The feeling had you actually wanting to open your eyes, and after some building of strength, you rolled back around, ending up face to face with Willy.
“Hey,” he smiled, blue eyes shining in the light from the window. “Mm, good morning,” you mumbled, sliding your arm around his neck and pulling yourself closer to him, until your face is pressed against his neck. His hands follow you, hugging you to him and pulling your body fully on top of him. “How’s your head?” he asks, smirking. “Why are you smiling like that?” you ignore his question, just bothering about his smirk. “I don’t know, you were pretty drunk last night,” he drags out his words in the effort to tease you. “Excuse me, I remember everything and I especially remember you being just as drunk,” you protest, lifting your head up to be able to see him better. “Well, at least I didn’t strip,” he teased, making you roll your eyes, but you decided to not comment on it.
“I’m glad, though,” he said, softer, making you raise your eyebrows. “You’re glad that I stripped?” you asked and in turn, making his eyes widen. “No, no, that’s not what I meant, not at all. I meant that I’m glad you remember.. everything,” he desperately explained. You decided to tease him a bit more, as pay back for him teasing you. “So, you’re saying you did not appreciate that I stripped?” you tried your best to act offended, but failed - but you still made him blush. “I don’t know how to answer you,” he chuckled, hiding his face in his hands.
“You don’t have to,” you smiled, done with teasing. “I’m sorry about that, by the way. I shouldn’t have done that, I guess I was a little bit more drunk than I would like to admit,” you say, moving your hand to be able to trace his jaw with your finger. “It’s okay, you weren’t that bad, no need to apologize,” he smiled back, softly.
You pressed your finger to his jaw more firmly, nudging him closer to you before you softly pressed your lips to his in a sweet kiss. A kiss which he reciprocated immediately, placing his hand on the back of your neck to deepen it. He deepened it, though, in a way that was filled with love and that sent a wave of butterflies and warmth through you.
“This is disgusting,” you smiled, when you eventually pulled back. “What?” he chuckled, a frown forming between his eyebrows. “This, you making me feel butterflies and all kinds of shit, it’s disgusting,” you fought the need to giggle as you sat up, straddling him. A wide smile spread on Will’s face as he laughed at your statement. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help it,” he laughed, taking both you’re hands in his. You sat there for a while fighting all these urges to kiss him again, until you eventually leaned back pulling at his arms, to make him sit up, his chest pressed against yours.
“I just said that it was disgusting, I didn’t tell you to stop,” you mumbled, biting your lip from smiling too wide. He leaned in immediately as he sat up, face to face with you. His lips were pressed to yours again, and you kissed him back with a little bit more force than earlier. You tangled your fingers in thick blonde hair and let him deepen the kiss - let him push his tongue against yours, let him press his body to yours. You let him, gladly.
And when his hands moved underneath your t-shirt, you let him do that, too - gladly. You wanted him to move his hands further, you wanted him touch you everywhere. You wanted to feel his touch everywhere. You wanted him to remove your shirt, to see you, to feel you - to press your bare bodies against each other.
But you wanted him to do it, to take the steps - the initiative. It didn’t feel right for you to do it, not after last night. Not after you’d begged to let you please him, not after you’d disrespected his wishes and kept teasing him by taking of all your clothes in front of him. But you weren’t sure if he would, not when it was him that was waiting for you, not when it was him that was in love with you. He didn’t want you to think that he was taking advantage of you trying, and you didn’t want him to think that you were taking advantage of his desire to be with you.
The thought, though, of loving him in that kind of way, of being in love with him, was there all the time. It was in the back of your head at all times, and Will - he wasn’t just in the back of your head - he was all you thought about. In the beginning, right after he’d told you, he was there because you were stressed about the situation and all the what-ifs. Now, though, he’s there because you can’t stop thinking about kissing him, about being with him. And ever since he’d looked up at you, the sadness in his eyes vanishing, and said the word ‘really?’ just for you to hear, after you’d told Kappy that you weren’t far from falling - the feeling had been even stronger.
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 150
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Last time, Piccolo was determined to beat 17 before Cell showed up and... aw dammit.
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So why didn’t Piccolo sense Cell coming?  Because he was so focused on his fight, that’s why.   
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Meanwhile, 17 has absolutely no idea what the hell Cell is.   This shocks Piccolo, and it answers something I’ve long wondered about.    It always seemed to me that it would have been smarter to try to parlay with the androids.  When they showed up at Kame House looking for Goku, Piccolo could have warned them about Cell, and offered to join forces with them in exchange for a truce.   I always thought they would be up for that. 
But here we see why that never happened.   Piccolo just assumed that 17 and 18 already knew about Cell, so it never occurred to him to mention it.   Besides which, every time someone tries to tell 17 that there’s a stronger guy than him, he gets all defensive, so maybe he wouldn’t have believed Piccolo even if he had told him then.  
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On the flip side, Cell has no idea who Android 16 is.   He deduces that he must be one of Gero’s older models, but that’s about as far as he gets.   So there’s unknowns on all sides.
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So Cell’s here, the androids are here, and the only thing standing in his way is Piccolo, so all he has to do is power up for a fight.   And so Cell summons his full strength, fueled by ghosts!    Would you like another reason Cell is better than Frieza?   Because this is one right here.
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“Ughhhh... why didn’t you saaaave me, Piccolo!  I offered you a fat stack of billllllllls!”
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Cell just walks right past Piccolo, who’s too horrified to even do anything.   Remember the last time they met, when Piccolo kicked Cell’s ass all over Gingertown?   Yeah, Cell’s eaten a lot of people since then.
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Piccolo asks how many people he’s eaten...
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But Cell says that it’s an honor to contribute to his grand design.   What, you thought he’d do a JoJo reference?   Ask Piccolo how many breads he’s eaten?   Maybe Frieza would indulge that sort of thing, but this is Cell. 
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Back at Kame House, everyone’s anxiously awaiting Bulma’s anti-android remote, as it’s beginning to look like their only chance to get out of this.    Bulma’s at least twenty minutes away, though.   Chi-Chi suggests that one of them fly over to meet her, and that should shave some time off the delivery, so Krillin heads off to handle that. 
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Tien, on the other hand, can’t stand... uh, standing here and waiting to see what happens.    He impulsively flies over to join Piccolo in the battle against Cell.   Roshi calls for him to come back, but it’s too late.
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So then Roshi just sits down in his front yard and laments his obsolesence.   A long time ago, he was the supreme warrior on Earth.   When Tien fought him in the 22nd Budokai, he was thrilled to see a new generation of stronger warriors rise up to replace him.    Now, he’s watching them all facing certain doom in a battle beyond his comprehension.    It’s humbling to say the least.   This is probably the only time I ever really sympathized with Roshi.  He still belongs in jail.
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Back at the fight, 17 talks smack to Cell, and Piccolo tries to warn him about what Cell wants.    17 struggles to defend himself...
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... but he quickly finds himself overmatched.
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So Piccolo has to jump in and sucker-kick him to save 17.
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So now 17 and Piccolo seem to be on the same side.   Cell doesn’t care, and he proclaims that this is the culmination of Dr. Gero’s quest to create the ultimate warrior.    But 17 insists that he’s the ultimate warrior.   Cell literally just had him pined to the ground a second ago, and for some reason 17′s still acting like he’s the superior fighter.
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So Android 16 warns him this time.   Unlike 17 and 18, he can measure power levels, and he can tell that Cell is too strong for him.   Moreover, he believes that Cell isn’t just after Goku’s death like Dr. Gero and the rest of them.   He thinks Cell wants to destroy the whole universe.   Well, yeah, he’s right, but I don’t see how 16 would know that.
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But 17 insists on trying to stand his ground.  
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It doesn’t work.
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Piccolo tries to back him up, but he’s just as badly outclassed.    Arguably, Piccolo’s probably worse off because he’s still tired from fighting 17 a few minutes ago.
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In light of the situation, 16 tells 18 to flee.   17 won’t listen to him, but if she saves herself, then at least there’s still a chance.    Otherwise, 16 believes this will be the end of the world.    How many times have we heard that one in this show?  
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Arguably, 18 has the same malfunction as 17.   She’s not fighting right now, but she seems convinced that she doesn’t need to, because she still expects 17 to handle this on his own.   I think it’s safe to assume that if their positions were reversed, he’d be standing beside 16 just like she is now.   
Meanwhile, 17 is down.   Piccolo’s the only one fighting now, and he’s down to desperation moves, like this big energy blast.   Cell just walks right into it, to give you an idea of how worried about it he is.  
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And 18 naively assumes that Piccolo killed Cell, simply because his blast connected and it blew up part of the shore.   16 informs her that he did not “get him”.   Cell wasn’t even hurt.  
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It’s funny, because Cell is doing the exact same juggernaut schtick that 18 was doing to everyone else a few days ago.    She walked right into Vegeta’s attacks and shrugged them off too.   So why is she falling for it when Cell does it?   Denial is a powerful thing.
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Give Piccolo credit, he’s still standing his ground, even though his last, best shot did absolutely nothing.
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Cell takes him down with one punch, then picks him up to find that he broke Piccolo’s neck.
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So he follows up by blasting a hole in Piccolo, and then tossing him in the ocean for good measure.  
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Meanwhile, Tien’s watching this from the sidelines, because he decided to come here and help, remember?   The least he could do is fish Piccolo out of the water, but I guess it wouldn’t make much of a difference now, would it?
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Up on Kami’s Lookout, Gohan senses Piccolo’s ki vanishing, and he wants to rush over to save him, but Goku insists that he stay here and wait for their turn in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.    Of course, they should have already gone in by now, but Vegeta and Trunks are running late for some reason.  
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And that leaves 17 to face Cell alone.    Yeah, good luck with that.
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I guess 18 and 16 could help,  but they seem content to watch...
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smiles4voltron · 7 years
Angst (A different end to Lmcmb)
sourcandii from Archive of our own posted this Angst idea after chapter 28. 
Here is it. Sob with me, my children. Sob. 
ps. when I read the last bit of this chapter do you know what my first thought was? It was "omg what if he actually kills Lance this time and then Keith/Tellru/Dravla find his body?!" And then it just kept spiraling downward until it got to the point where I'm thinking "The author said the story was coming to a close, what if Lance dies and stays dead? What if the team shows up after it's too late!? What if Keith goes crazy without his true love!? What are they going to do without their blue paladin? Will Keith even be able to do anything without Lance??" and contined until "WHAT IF RURU BECOMES THE NEXT BLUE PALADIN IN REPLACE OF LANCE WTFFFF!?"
I’m dead. I’m sobbing. This idea is here for anyone to do what they will with. Ruru becoming the future blue paladin after Lance dies and I- ughhhh ;-; I’m sobbing. 
I wrote something for this. here it is
The team turned when the doors opened. Standing tall, eyes shining with an excited, nervous look, Ruru entered the room. Having grown taller than even Shiro himself, she strolled into the room to show of the gear that covered her body. The team smiled at her, welcoming her with open arms. “To think today is the day,” Coran mused, recalling the many years they spent training and preparing the child. In truth, no one had been surprised when the Blue Lion had bowed to Ruru on one of their many trips to her planet, opening itself to welcome her. She was younger then, too young to pilot the lion herself, but Allura knew the Lion had chosen its future Paladin. In the years to follow since locating Keith, Allura had been the Blue paladin, piloting it in Lance’s honor. 
To this day she never felt entirely right with the idea, knowing she could never be the paladin that Lance was- but she did her best to live up to his name. They had been too late in arriving at that planet. While Keith was there and alive- he was not without injuries or a broken heart. Someone Coeihn by the name of Rashra had taken Lance’s life while he was parted from Keith- attacking him from behind and stabbing him in the back. When the team arrived, Keith was in heavy mourning, his eyes cold, unable to hear their voices. Through the others Coeihns on the planet, they had learned that Keith had grown to love Lance, and had even become something known as an Equivalent to him in the time they had been separated. Allura had lost many people in her life, and she knew she shouldn’t have hoped that both of them would be alive after how long they had been gone- but hearing that Lance had passed only a day before they arrived hurt more than she could bare. If they had just been a little faster- had just gotten that message a little sooner… well, there was no point in thinking ‘what if’ anymore. So many years had passed since then. Around 14, if she recalled correctly. It had taken a while after they located Keith to get the team able to form Voltron again. Keith had lost so much life in him, like an empty shell of the person he once was. He threw himself into training, refusing to ever bring up Lance’s name in any conversation. Since it was such a touchy subject, they did their mourning, holding a funeral for Lance, but did their best to not talk about him with Keith around. Sometimes, Allura would still see him avert his gaze to prevent looking at Blue directly. They loving lion just reminded him too much of Lance. Sometimes she still worried if Keith was mad at her for taking the paladin title after his passing, but Keith assured her it is what Lance would have wanted. It took years, but Keith eventually started to open up about Lance and what happened on that planet in more detail. He talked about how Lance had changed him- how he had opened his heart again after so long. They had even returned to Earth to tell Lance’s parents of what had happened. Keith had insisted he be the one to do it, asking for a moment alone with the family. They didn’t believe him at first, but then Keith retold them stories Lance had discussed with him in secret. He showed them a ring and told them of their relationship. Allura could still recall the wail of Lance’s Mother as she embraced Keith, then how Keith broke down, crumbling to his knees and sobbing till his voice cracked. Lance’s family had welcomed Keith as one of their own, and he often went back to see them, despite how hard it was for him sometimes. To this day, he still wore a small silver ring on his finger, refusing ever to take it off. Allura was sometimes tempted to tell Keith to try and seek new love, to maybe help mend his heart. Lance wouldn’t want him to stay broken over his death forever- but she could never bring herself to do this. It was still too heavy of a scar and Keith would move on when he was ready. He didn’t need to find new love- Allura just wanted Keith to find some peace in his life. Having Ruru as the new Blue paladin gave her hope of that. When she had told Keith of her decision, he had been angry at first- but the more he thought about it, the more he agreed to the idea. Having Ruru as a paladin scared him, but he knew there was no one better for the role. It also took time to convince her parents, but they knew this is what she wanted. Plus, Zarkon had been defeated eight years before this day, so it wasn’t as dangerous as it used to be. The only role Voltron played now was picking up the damage Zarkon had left, helping rebuild societies that had been destroyed by his tyranny. There were still many planets out there still under Galra rule, despite the death of their leader. “Well…” Ruru cleared her throat, lifting her gaze at them. Dressed in the Blue paladin armor, her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail behind her, which trailed all the way down to her waist, she smiled. “How do I look?” “Like you were born for this,” Pidge says. "It is so good to have you, Ruru," Hunk agreed. Ruru smiles, moving forward to join everyone. When Shiro held out his hand to shake it, she took it with a smile. Looking over the rest of the group, she paused at Allura. “Are you sure this is okay?” she asked her, fully away that she was the former paladin of the Blue lion and not wanting to take her place.   Allura nods, smiling brightly, “The Blue lion choose you. I am honored to hand over the role,” Beaming a smile, Ruru slowly lowered his gaze. She looks hesitant suddenly and takes a deep breath. When she is ready, she looks to her idol and hero. With watery eyes, she says, “Keef?” He had been staring at his feet, his gaze distant. Hearing her call, he slowly looks her over, taking in her appearance with a sad gaze in his eyes. Stepping closer, he pulls something out from behind him. “You’re ready,” he tells her, placing the blue Bayard, Lance’s Bayard, into her hands. Gripping it tightly, she inhales shakily. Sniffing when Keith puts a hand on her shoulder, he pulls her into a tight hug, whispering in her ear, “Lance would be so proud of you,” A tear slides down her cheek, and she quickly brushes it away, nodding. Stepping back from him to lift the Bayard, now officially hers, she activates it. Hunk stifles a sob when it transforms into something that heavily resembles a pistol. Surprised at it herself, Ruru lifts it up to examine it, finding that a blade was also sticking up from it. “Is that a pistol sword?” Pidge reaches up a hand to sigh, “Of course it’s a pistol sword.” Should they really be surprised that it was, considering just how heavily Keith and Lance had influenced her life growing up? Grinning, Ruru extended it out, loving how the pistol seems to stick up from the side of the blade and the trigger was on the handle. She could fire at an enemy as she slashed at it- the ultimate weapon in her mind. “I love it,” she gushes. “It suits you,” Keith agrees, lifting the helmet next and tossing it to her. Managing to give her a little smile when she caught it, Ruru nods. “I’ll make you both proud,” and Keith knows she is talking about Lance too. Lifting the helmet to put it on her head, she freezes when it doesn't seem to want to slide past her forehead. Trying a few more times, her eyes swell, and she whispers, “Keef….” He blinks rapidly, “What?” “It won’t fit over my horns,” she whispers tearfully, horrified that this touching moment was ruined by her species natural appearance. Keith throws a hand up to his mouth, and for the first time in years, he laughs. It’s then that the team knows he’s going to be okay. He won’t ever be the same, and the scar that Lance left when he died will always be there, but he was going to be okay.  
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professor-tammi · 7 years
so due to the lack of anime to watch I instead took to watching MOVIES
I saw the Death Note movie (it was very bad) and the two Chihayafuru movies (which were good enough to cure me), so here are some impressions under the cut in case anybody enjoys rambles,
1) Ok let’s talk Death Note first. I knew going into it that it would be bad, but it miraculously managed to surpass my expectations and be even worse than I imagined it would be, which is kind of a feat in and of itself! Congratulations!!
The movie has three major issues (plot holes aside, I’m not even going to bother going into those): Light’s characterization is the first one. The original Light was an honor student, but also a sociopath, and the contrast between his charismatic outward facade and his inner thoughts as well as the way all of these things influenced those close to him (eg his family) was part of what made Death Note good in the first place. All of that is gone, and instead we have a Light who is motivated primarily by a crush (ughhhh) rather than a god complex, which is incredibly dull and a terrible change
Second issue: honestly everything about BAD GIRL Mia (did they name her that because it’s one letter off from Misa?? idk). I don’t even know where to begin. Ok so, not only is the romance subplot a completely unnecessary change, but it also... makes no sense? She initially only becomes interested in Light because he tells her he saw someone get decapitated, which you’d think would be the biggest red flag ever buuut I guess this version of Light doesn’t think with his brain. Anyway I was going to talk about that bit near the end where she threatens to kill Light unless he hands her the Death Note and he’s all “YOU WON’T DO IT IF YOU TRULY LOVE ME” but of course she doesn’t care and anyway it’s all so dumb that I don’t even know how to express in words how disappointed it makes me so instead I’ll just leave it at “it’s really bad” :)
Third issue: the rivalry between Light and L is essentially gone because this Light frankly isn’t smart enough for L and that rivalry was like, 90% of what  Death Note is about ??? (Near is a successor to L so I am counting him in these 90%.) No doing a high-schooler’s math homework does not make Light smart, movie, haven’t you heard of show don’t tell? smh >:(
Now that I’ve talked about the bad things, I want to mention some things I liked: Ryuk was pretty good, shockingly, because you’d think he would be the easiest character to mess up. L was also quite decent (up until the end where he acts rather out of character but still), which is again shocking because L is not easy to get right. I think that’s about it?
2) In happier news: Chihayafuru! I figured I’d watch the movies since I whole-heartedly adore the anime and they were both excellent and very feel-good-y! I haven’t seen a huge amount of Japanese movies before, so I was a bit surprised by how similar the humor in the live action movies is to the humor in the anime itself... I always thought the exaggerated humor was an anime thing, but maybe it’s just a general Japanese media thing!? Still it’s quite remarkable how they manage to make oddball jokes like Chihaya falling asleep immediately after a match work :D
Speaking of Chihaya, she was perfectly casted and her eccentric tendencies  were all spot-on and very endearing! Actually I kind of feel like... everyone was perfectly casted? I can’t think of any characters that were off, and that includes ones which I’d expect to be a bit trickier to portray, like Shinobu (she was amazing im cry. also Shinobu freaking out over Chihaya’s towel was my favorite part) and Arata (who is very adorable, I love Arata)
The movies do change things up a bit -- notably, there’s no lengthy flashback to how Chihaya/Taichi/Arata came to play together as children, and instead you get shorter flashbacks interspersed throughout the movies, and the meeting with Arata after his grandfather’s death is a bit less dramatic (which made me a bit sad actually because I loved that moment in the anime haha). Oh and I felt like there was a bit more focus on Arata’s relationship with Shinobu than expected? But either way none of the changes felt like they got in the way, maybe Death Note should’ve taken a page out of this movie’s book ; ) i mean movies dont have pages but
Also I feel like I should probably mention that I couldn’t find the second movie with subtitles so I just watched it without and I failed to understand half of what Arata and Shinobu had to say bc their Fukui accents confused me lol. As much as I love their accents I can not understand them :’)
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