theprideful · 1 year
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L with the T. happy pride ❤️🧡🤍🩷🩵
[Image description: 3 square graphics showing the trans and lesbian flags together over a pink, jagged, washi-tape textured background. The first image shows a single flag with the 5-stripe lesbian colors (red, orange, pink and magenta) blending into the trans flag. The second image shows the lesbian and trans flags crossing their poles in the middle. The third image shows the two flags waving in opposite directions. End ID]
you can buy the first flag on my redbubble <3
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crossdreamers · 1 year
96% of Lesbians are Trans Allies
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Transgender Europe (TGEU) writes:
Happy Lesbian Week of Visibility! 
According to a study by @justlikeusuk, 96% of lesbians are trans allies, compared to just 89% for the wider LGBTQ+ community, and 69% for non-LGBTQ+ respondents. 
And, this doesn’t even mention, all of the trans lesbians out there.
They quote Dragana Todorovic from The EuroCentralAsian Lesbian Community EL*C (@EuroLesbianCon ED):
“Let’s set the record straight: #lesbians stand together with our #trans siblings, fight for a world where all #LGBTIQ+ individuals are embraced for who they are. Our community is stronger because of our mutual love and solidarity." 
Just Like Us report here!
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gettiregretti · 2 years
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nicooriia · 4 months
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LGB with the T
I dont think I'll have time to make a ton of pride art this month, so I made this piece with one of my monster guys from Horns & Tines, a short webcomic about two weird horses finding love. LGB wouldn't exist without the T.
Posted using PostyBirb
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homosexuhauls · 1 year
Can you imagine if a white lesbian public figure brutally murdered two trans women in an interracial relationship and their black son? The headlines, the think-pieces, op-eds...we would never hear the end of it. It would be blamed on lesbian communities as a whole and the transmisogyny and white supremacy we obviously perpetuate on a daily basis just by existing. Cotton ceiling discourse would be back with a vengeance. There would be rallies and vigils, there would be calls to "Stand by your trans", there would be "#LWithTheT" marches. There would be a community in mourning, full of fury and hurt and self-righteous rage at the nasty lesbian aggressors who clearly caused this anti-trans hate crime. There would be no room for nuance and all lesbians would be painted with the "evil cis white dykes want us dead" brush. All of this would be seen as a completely acceptable and understandable response to a brutal act of anti-trans violence by a lesbian perpetrator.
So where is the noise? Where is the clamouring? Where is the sound and fury, when a famous white trans activist murders an interracial lesbian couple and their black son? I don't expect (or want) it to spark a radfem revolution, but why is the silence around the Dana Rivers murder case so deafening? Why does no one in the so-called LGBTQ+ community care enough to loudly and proudly mourn and celebrate these women and their son? Charlotte, Patricia and Benny deserve to be remembered. They deserve our sound and fury. Even if it's difficult, even if the optics don't suit your world views, we cannot ignore some injustices and claim to fight against others. The cowardly LGBT+ media organisations and charities covering their eyes and pretending that this act of violence never happened, they will happily call on lesbians for solidarity this pride month, despite showing no solidarity for a lesbian family slaughtered by an apparent member of our own "community". How can we call this anything other than a cover-up, or at the very least, deliberate and contrived ignorance?
Patricia Wright. Charlotte Reed. Benny Toto Diambu-Wright. Their lives were stolen from them on November 11th 2016. I can find no obituarities, and minimal mainstream media coverage of their murders. For many years, it felt almost as if their suffering had been forgotten. It has taken six and a half years for their murderer to be convicted and sentenced to life without parole, a sentence which Rivers will spend in a women's prison. Is this justice, or a pale imitation of such? Either way, I hope this family may finally rest in peace and power, and that their loved ones may begin to move forwards.
Pat and Char, as they were known to friends and family, are survived by two children. Patricia worked as a school teacher and deaf interpreter for schools, while Charlotte worked in a salon known locally for being trans-inclusive. Patricia was also an artist and talented actor, having considered a career in performing arts after high school. Charlotte had previously been a member of an all-female motorcycle club, which Rivers was also involved in. Both Charlotte and Patricia were also former regular attendees of MichFest, a feminist music festival which was closed down in 2015, following years of protests by trans women including Dana Rivers. 19-year-old Benny had just graduated high school and, according to his brother, hoped to become a nurse.
A victim impact statement was read out by Richard Wright, Patricia's younger brother, during Rivers' sentencing. I can't find the full text but much of the statement can be found in the Berkeley Scanner article below. Wright describes the impact of finding out that his sister and her family had been "assassinated in their own home" and the traumatising experience of searching for important paperwork at the bloodied crime scene that was once their home. According to Richard, Dana Rivers "chose her [sic] entitlement and narcissism over basic human decency" and "chose violence, cruelty, sadism and entitlement — over and over and over again." This is in reference to the length of court proceedings due to Rivers' changing pleas, as well as the brutality of the crime itself, which was carried out using guns, knives and arson. According to the judge, the murders of Patricia, Charlotte and Benny were "the most depraved crime that I’ve handled in the criminal justice field in 33 years."
No one but Rivers is responsible for these heinous crime, but all of us are responsible for ensuring history is not forgotten, and that the stories of those taken from us continue to be told. And when we tell their stories, in sound and in fury, we must ensure they do not fall on deaf ears.
"They were real people, not collateral damage...They deserve to be seen."
- Richard Wright's victim impact statement
For more information, see below:
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sandinmybed · 1 year
making a sign for pride and I'm not sure what to write on it. im thinking #LwiththeT at the bottom because I am L with the T
I wanna support trans people because it's not great in the UK for them
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 4 months
Hi ^_^
Someone may have already answered this since it was on a 100k note post but just in case - 14 hours ago you had a question about #LwiththeT and why it's not just LGB with the T and that's because the movement is specifically focusing on opposing transphobia in lesbian communities. There's an idea floating around that trans women can't be lesbians or aren't welcome around wlw and #LwiththeT is simply trying to show that not all lesbians think like that
ok thats it have a nice day
Thanks! I assumed that was probably it but just wanted to make sure. Here is a picture of my cat.
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bi-trans-alliance · 2 years
#LWithTheT, Trans Pride Brighton, July 2022
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itgetsbetterproject · 2 years
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It's #LesbianVisibilityDay!
Did you know 💜violet flowers💜 used to be a lesbian symbol?
Often featured in Greek poet Sappho's writings, violets also made a comeback in the 1927 Broadway play, “The Captive," about two lesbians, where one woman sends a bouquet of violets to her lover. There was so much public uproar about the play that protestors and police shut down the final performance in France. But the violet became known as the "lesbian flower," and supporters of the play would wear them in their lapels, or as a subtle symbol to other women that they were gay. 🌸
What little LGBTQ+ "symbols" do you wear today - rainbow shoelaces, lesbian flag-colored phone background? Also...can we make violets A Thing again?
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Transbian Pride Flag
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Adapted from original. [transcript: 5 horizontal stripes colored with cyan, pink, white, orange, and hot pink. end ID]
Transbian: describing a transgender lesbian.
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you know what would be fun?
a site that generates money for trans-focused charities every time someone reads Harry Potter fic would be fun
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cassie-darlin · 2 years
terfs trying to radicalize me as a young lesbian is deeply deeply ineffective because theyll be like "hundreds of transwomen are trying to force themselves on you!!" and I'm like women 🥺👉👈 they want me ?? 🥺🥺 which must not be the intended effect
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crossdreamers · 2 years
JK Rowling described as ‘perfect example of how not to be an ally’ by leading lesbian activist
Linda Riley, LGBT+ activist, publisher and CEO of DIVA magazine and the founder of Lesbian Visibility Week, noted the way JK Rowling had supported the anti-trans hate group LGB Alliance during the Lesbian Visibility Week. 
Riley tweeted:  
“Wow! I certainly did not create Lesbian Visibility Week so that people like JK Rowling could use it as a vehicle to stir up more hate within our community.
Remember: Most lesbians, including their activists, support trans people.
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The LGBT+ site Pink News published a list of 21 lesbians who are making the world a better place, Linda Riley (photo below) being one of them. 
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To Advocate Riley says:
I had noticed that more and more, the L in LGBTQ+ was becoming particularly marginalized. I am a proud cis lesbian and a proud trans ally. But many in the LGBTQ+ community were beginning to equate cis lesbians with transphobes, which is fundamentally untrue. I wanted to help create a narrative that shows once and for all that the vast majority of cis lesbians are inclusive. We are intersectional. We want to remove any negative connotations associated with that word. So this is why during Lesbian Visibility Week we celebrate and center all lesbians, both cis and trans, while also showing solidarity with all LGBTQ+ women and nonbinary people.
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edwardprendick1896 · 3 years
BBC: *publishes title suggesting trans women are a danger to lesbians*
me, an afab lesbian:
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shackleyskidd · 2 years
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i made this a while ago but i’m finally posting it since it’s pride now!
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tulowitzki · 4 years
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fuck this fucking bullshit, if you’re a lesbian terf you can fuck the fuck off and i don’t give a single shit if you’re “terrified”, you have no place in our community
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