Hey, Americans, if Kamala wins I genuinely think we'll see domestic policy the likes most of us have never seen in our lifetimes.
I'm not going to pretend that this will be an awful experience for us because it won't be.
I do want you to understand that countries can love bomb too, tho, in as much as they can anyway. When it happens in politics it's called propaganda but I want this in terms that'll make my point more easily understood and relatable.
Like with lovebombing, the periods they have you convinced things are fine, does not mean things are fine. And it does not mean they won't hurt you again. It does not mean the empire has changed or that you should trust them.
Because our government is still going to be committing war crimes, allowing SA in detention centers, systemically oppressing queer people, perpetuating u.s imperialism, and saying fascists deserve to protect themselves from kids like Hind Rajab, who our government gave them the resources to kill.
And you being able to afford rent or go to the doctor doesn't change that under all the bullshit bribes and domestic policy: they are still a fascist surveillance state using every means they have to maintain their position as a world power, including killing babies.
Don't let them convince you of anything else.
Your manufactured consent is exactly what they need to keep terrorizing the world. So no matter what they try and bribe you with, don't give it to them.
Do not say "at least she's not Trump" AT ALL when she's in office.
Push her left. Demand accountability. And organize. If I'm right most Americans will finally be given some breathing room to actually organize.
Don't waste that opportunity being complacent instead.
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In the 1970s, some gay community leaders turned their backs on the “less respectable” (read: trans, gender-weird, drag-performing, poor, racialized and/or flaming) members of their community in a cynical ploy to gain acceptance and power for themselves—at the expense of their more marginalized peers. There’s no better example than when, in 1973, the New York Pride Committee tried to bar trailblazing trans women of colour Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera from participating in the Pride parade because they were giving the organization “a bad name.” This decision by the local Pride committee exemplified a broader trend where some gay activists sought to push out more marginalized community members to win respectability and influence.  Flash forward 50 years and history is repeating itself in Canadian politics. As anti-LGBTQ2S+ hate rises across Canada, with even CSIS sounding the alarm, and trans lives being used as a political punching bag by far-right groups, Melissa Lantsman and Eric Duncan, the two (and only two) openly gay Conservative MPs, and other Conservative MPs who’ve called themselves our allies, are turning their backs on LGBTQ2S+ rights.
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jax-likes-snax · 1 year
Dude it's so weird how monogamous people will take personal offense to your open or polyam relationships, as if it's their personal business how your relationship works and they try to make up the rules of your relationship for you. I'm perfectly happy with the idea of my boyfriend sleeping with other people, yet one of his online friends took offense to that today and told me I was just encouraging him to cheat, and when I tried to explain to him that cheating means boundaries have been crossed and the rules of what loyalty means to your personal relationship means to your were broken he got so mad at me on my behalf and tried saying shit like "This new generation just wants to normalize cheating" as if he isn't the same generation as me and my boyfriend. Like it's our relationship and we agreed that it's alright for him to sleep with others, but this monogamous guy got so offended by it because of his past experiences with cheating. And I know damn well that this is a common occurrence for non monogamous people to deal with. Why do monogamous people feel so entitled to make the rules of our relationships for us?
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manic-pixie-moodboard · 3 months
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dragkingsrule · 27 days
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Papi Churro, Bay Area, California-based drag king
Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4
Artist links: LinkTree, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
ok i know everyone has done similar versions of this poll already but i just like doing polls with my own options lol so humor me. sorry there is not room for an other button!! if you have a different fav not listed just pick one of these that's your second fav and add your fav in the tags/comments 💖
also to be clear i don't mean to highlight or prioritize any specific versions of the initialism i just have limited options in polls lol and i have all the other things i want to have available as well. there are so many possible versions and iterations i simply have to limit it. i am super curious what your favorite or what your preference is! do you use the +? do you add Q or spell it out? which letters specifically do you use? do you use one T or two? what does A stand for for you? what does Q stand for? what is the plus for? do you use a U? H? 2? what order do you put the letters?
is your fave something else? have you come up with a fun or unique or uncommon term or phrase? what do you like to use?
share in the comments n tags!
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ao3-mha-gremlin · 3 months
Everyone is valid!
Also wtf is wrong with people who think aro/ace people aren't parts of the LGBTQ2IA+ community the A at the end literally stands for aromantic/aroace I'm not completely sure though but remember every Flippin one if you is valid (except ped0s and z00s)
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s7ray-cat · 4 months
To celebrate, here's a gif I made (I will probably make more as time goes on, and will make them at request)
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(I accidentally hit post now without thinking lol, little bit early, but I'll pin it)
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januscorner · 7 months
I’m going to start using LGBTQ2SIA+ exclusively. (I might change the ordering but still) I suggest other people do the same Two Spirit people are being MURDERED, the least we can do is acknowledge them more prominently.
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anumacy · 3 months
I was so mad with my school. "We're a safe place!" "We don't accept homophobia!" "We have an All Genders and Sexualites Accepted club!!" So June comes around and not a SINGLE happy pride month. No no. "Happy National Indigenous History Month!"
I'm all for indigenous history being talked about and shone light on but I swore that was November??? When do we get our acknowledgement??? No where. The only celebration we get is one day, which is important, but cmon. And that day is for trans folk. I love trans ppl and love that they're being accepted openly but what about the rest of us? As a possible homoromantic (still discovering myself) im NOT a sexuality and it has 0 to do with my gender! So why can't I be also accepted in the acronym of AGSA? :( the only part of me that is accepted is that I'm basically a lesbian, just no idea if I've ever felt attraction in a sense of I wanna do it with them. I do like women tho, just for sure romantically.
It annoys me. Throughly.
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I think I saw somewhere that the alternative word for transandrophobia/transmisandry is anti-transmasculinity. It’s a term coined by a Black trans person to describe what you’re describing, if that helps at all? I just saw ur post that you wanna re-define or find a better word and I wanted to tell u that it exists! Was very relieving for me to like, discover it esp as a mixed race trans guy
That still aligns me with a gender and I don't want that, that's part of what I want to address actually.
I feel like I aligned myself with the masc term to begin with because women are pretty clear misogyny affects others, but others aren't allowed to center our experiences within it or define our oppression with it which is fine. Transmascs seemed okay with me using their term so I did.
It's just that in looking all this up, like I said I realized I needed a word that didn't align me with masculinity or femininity. I'm not oppressed for being a man or a woman or trans I'm oppressed for being none of it and insisting on it. There literally isn't a word for that experience, not in English.
I'm two spirit and I feel like I'd be just as uncomfortable if I transitioned as I am now tbh, I'm considering it hesitantly because of that. Perhaps the HRT I need just doesn't exist and I'm not smart enough to imagine what it is, idk.
I'm almost a trans man, but I'm not and not for a lack of dysphoria but because I don't think transitioning would help. I don't feel like a man, I'm not drawn to anything about manhood and likewise with womanhood. They're fun to dress up as sometimes, sure, but neither are my gender and neither are my ideal sex. It feels like I am both and also neither because the way they're understood is all wrong. I relate to both but would never identify as either one. I use nonbinary most often for that reason.
Two spirit means a mix/variety of spirits/energy rather than having just one. In this case the very rough English translation would be something like a mix of gendered traits like feminine and masculine (which can happen in Many ways). We were considered queer enough to target when colonizers started their pillaging; they didn't like us or our diversity, if that helps provide an image of how a two spirit could present and act within a community.
The adage goes cis people don't question their gender so I'm not that. And I would transition if I knew what magic (perhaps even impossible) combo would make me happy.
What is it to not be a woman, or (theoretically) trans but still experience systemic gender based oppression? Not just for rejecting femininity or masculinity, but for being something else?
We were grouped in with queer people for being definitely queer compared to the average cishet, but not all of us are trans and have genders easily categorized or understood through colonial language or structures.
But I also know a lot of two spirit people don't like the word queer and are more hesitant to use it because it doesn't encapsulate our experiences.
I want a word that does.
And I feel like "discrimination based on having a gender/sex outside the colonial binary" is a decent definition for the system I want to describe. I don't think that it erases anyone else's experiences either and is even inclusive of them, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
what do y'all think of that?
I'm thinking I'll have to make another word to label being actually affected by it.
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Calgary Stampede has been barred from participating in the annual Pride parade “for the foreseeable future” due to abuse from a former staff member. In a statement to Global News on Wednesday, Calgary Pride communications manager Anna Kinderwater said some members of the LGBTQ2 community approached the organization after the 2023 parade and outlined the abuse they experienced by ex-Young Canadians staffer Phillip Heerema while participating in the Young Canadians School of Performing Arts as a youth. The school, operated by the Calgary Stampede Foundation, puts on nightly grandstand shows during the Stampede. This prompted Calgary Pride to conduct its own investigation that spanned several months, Kinderwater said. The LGBTQ2 advocacy organization then told Calgary Stampede that it would not be allowed to participate in the Pride parade for the foreseeable future. Kinderwater said Calgary Stampede was given “ample notice” about the decision along with suggestions on how to repair its relationship with Calgary Pride and the wider LGBTQ2 community.
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whatthefluffnightvale · 7 months
Today an Oklahoma Senator, Tom Woods, called people like Nex- a child brutally murdered in a school bathroom in Oklahoma for being non-binary and member of the Choctaw nation- filth.
He also described how he would see that children, people, human beings like Nex would be removed from Oklahoma because it is a “Republican State”.
I think it’s essential to point out that the only reason Oklahoma has experienced the progress and development it has today- is explicitly because of the indigenous nations that currently call Oklahoma home.
The non-tribal population of Oklahoma does not produce near as much income for the state despite being the “super majority” compared to the tribal nations altogether contribute $15.6 billion in economic impact in the state of Oklahoma, with the Choctaw Nation contributing $2.5 billion to that total. So despite making up 10% of the population of Oklahoma, Native Americans contribute to the state half of what Oklahoma makes yearly from taxation income.
So when Tom Woods says that it’s “his state”, it’s ridiculous nonsense. That is the land of the people who were there before him and his party, will be there after him and his party, and the land of the people that do more to take care of people and improve their lives than the non tribal members ever could. It’s not “his state”, he’s a lazy child killing bum.
When he calls lgbtq+ folks “filth”, talks about removing them, specifically in the context of a murdered and indigenous child-
That only encourages the genocide and removal of indigenous folks, queer folks, two-spirit folks.
Tom Woods and his party of murderous, vile, lazy, hateful politicians that can’t even read the Bible that they like to hide behind- need to be charged with murder of this child.
A child who was looking forward to life, who loved cats, was going to get to go to prom next year, a child who’d been tucked into bed by their grandma, a child who deserved to live, a child who deserved to love who they are, a child who deserved to be allow to love, a child of the Choctaw nation.
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insiemes · 1 year
today was a good day for queer people
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kristycatz · 11 months
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Smile for the camera!! If anyone is wondering that's my eldest dog Brick.
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