#Learning Spanish Numbers
on-the-clear-blue · 2 days
Brain worms struck a nerve once more...
Just? Baby Dick, he is just so smol and full of hate.
I am just imagining this small 9 year old, taking on full aged adults and winning, then turning around and grinning like the devil at the remaining crooks
I just think Gotham Twitter would be like
Gothamite 1: Robin 4 is such angy, most stabby boy
Gothamite 2: He isn't even angry??? Like that boy is just autistic, I talked to him about proper pet care for like 45 minutes after getting mugged, Bats had a fucking 1000 mile stare.
Gothamite 3: If you want real angry Robin, you need to look at n.1 or @ Realwing. I was a goon for a bit out of collage, he broke 3 ribs and my collar bone by pushing me down the stairs and then jumping on me.
Gothamite 1: Can't see it, Nightwing is too pure.
Gothamite 2: He has fucking killed/brutally maimed people? Parasocial much??
And like, also more on Baby Dickie...that boy did not speak English as his main language until he came to live with Bruce, Halys circus tours in Europe mostly? Give me little Dickie just looking at Bruce with uncomprehending eyes as the man tries to explain that Dickie will be living with him.
Give me baby Dick with the cutest thick French accent as a boy (side note, have you seen children speak French? It's so fucking cute, they sound so fancy but still so very baby) Like I feel like he spoke a hodgepodge of languages with the carnies? Maybe that carries over to his Robin ages.
Robin, running up to Batman, cycling through 5 different languages and two dialects, then just holds out a frog to Bruce expectantly.
Bruce, who missed about every 3rd word and had to translate French, then German, then Portuguese and then Romani to English in a matter of seconds, "Yes...You may keep it."
Dick, giving Bruce a very concerned look, then to the frog, then to Bruce again "You...want to... to own it? Is it not...giftig? ruim para comer? " Groaning he flaps his hand trying to think of the right word, "Does not...work well with me? Make feel bad? Is sick?"
Bruce nodded slowly, "Poisonous or toxic is the word you are looking for Chum, no its just a cane Toad, Ce n'est pas toxique, c'est sans danger."
(Dickie does keep the toad, His name is Herr Haly and he lived very well in the gardens, he died not long after Jason came around)
Later when Dick went to do Teen Titans, the reason Starfires English is kinda messed up is because Dicks brain is hardwired for like four other things, and English was just the one she was looking for, he mentally translates every word from another language to English, so the grammar is a bit rough some times.
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cardentist · 4 months
I genuinely hate the talking point about americans being bad at geography, because the only stance that anybody can seem to take on it is that you'd only be bad at labeling a map if you're lazy and ignorant
I've never passed a single test labeling American States from elementary school to high school. I kept my schedule with me throughout the entire year because if I didn't look at it every day I'd forget which classrooms I had to go to and when, and sometimes I'd still get it wrong. I have my own home address written down on a piece of paper because I won't remember where I live otherwise.
genuinely there are just people who have a difficult time with rote memorization. some people just have horse piss memory in general.
at some point the talking point shifted from making fun of racists who can't even find the people they're bigoted against on a map to just baseline insisting that being bad at geography is a moral issue in and of itself.
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mcnuggyy · 13 days
animnapu't siyam 😏
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pteropods · 3 months
crazy that indonesian isnt even top 29 help??? its 56(?)
IKR??? esp bcs Indonesia is like the fourth modt populated country in the world ,,, like obv mandarin and english n hindi wld be above it, then spanish n arabic bcs its got so many countries, but its wildddd its so low for native speakers. Even if u include non native speakers its only 11th :0
#lookin at the top 10 tho im.not suuuper surprised#english is 1 which makes sense. over a billion second language speakers#mandarin is 2 and it can get up there by native speakers alone#like literally the number of native soeakrrs os over 300 million more than the third one#hindi is 3 urdu is 10 and bengali is 7#those are all spoken in India +which give them a huge boost just by native speakers (not to mention the other countries its just India has#A Lot kf people)#and then second languahe speakers are pretty high too#spanish duh#its thd go-to second languahe for any english speaker and I assume a lot kf other european language speakers#plus theres all of south america besides three countries#and EG#french is also duh its an official language in lime 30 countries#Arabic actually Kinda surprises me to be 6 only bcs the classification doesnt include dialects#and theres A Lot of dialects#OH WOW actually thatd entirely by second langauge speakers#it doesnt list ant native speakers sjnfe every1 learns their respective dialects first#b4 learnjng standard#thays less surprising then actually#since a lot of ppl wld learn MS arabic after already knowing theur own dialect#esp for like international business n stuff w/ other arabic speaking countries#and then lots kf ppl learn it as a second language#portugese at 8 ... its got PALOP and brazil so I get that yeah#and russian at 9#honestly im just surprised its below portuguese and russian. esp russin tbh#also I didnt know urdu has sk few speakers ....#(“few” its 232 million LMAO)
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english - francais - espanol - patwa - deutsch 1 - 20
zero - zéro - cero - zéwo - null
one - un - uno - yonn - eins
two - deux - dos - dé - zwei
three - trois - tres - twa - drei
four - quatre - cuatro - kat - vier
five - cinq - cinco - sènk - fünf
six - six - séis - sis - sechs
seven - sept - siete - sèt - sieben
eight - huit - ocho - (y)wit - acht
nine - neuf - nueve - nèf - neun
ten - dix - diez - dis - zehn
eleven - onze - once - wonz - elf
twelve - douze - doce - douz - zwölf
thirteen - treize - trece - twèz - dreizehn
fourteen - quatorze - catorce - katòz - vierzehn
fifteen - quizne - quince - kènz - fünfzehn
sixteen - seize - dieciséis - sèz - sechzehn
seventeen - dixsept - diecisiete - disèt - siebzehn
eighteen - dixhuit - dieciocho - dizwit - achtzehn
nineteen - dixneuf - diecinueve - diznèf - neunzehn
twenty - vingt - viente - vèn - zwanzig
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Hi there, really informative and interesting blog, big thanks for the work :) How would you say a weird ordinal number like 49257th? I read your post on ordinals and found scant more searching the interweb. Cheers! - Planetarywalker
I believe it would be: cuarenta y nueve milésimo/a ducentésimo/a quincuagésimo/a séptimo/a
In general, people don't like to use the ordinal numbers after 10
And they definitely don't like to use them after 100; because EVERYTHING has to be adjusted for gender
...The reason for that is when you do ordinal numbers like this, every "benchmark" number has one of the -ésimo words... the numbers in the thousandth, hundredth, tenth and the last number are all specialized which makes it very tedious
In your example: cuarenta y nueve milésimo/a is "49 thousandth", then ducentésimo "two hundredth", then quincuagésimo/a "fiftieth" + séptimo/a "seventh"
Whether it's all masculine or feminine depends on the gender of the thing
...The ordinal numbers primarily past 20 are combined; so vigésimo/a primero/a is "twenty-first", so that's why 57 is combined like that; you have the number in the tenth position + the ordinal number 1-9
To make it worse, primero/a can be primer in front of masculine nouns, and tercero/a for "third" is tercer in front of masculine nouns so it would be even more annoying
You are very rarely going to have to say el vigésimo primer libro "the 21st book"
Typically, if a native speaker saw this they'd probably say something like... cliente número 49257 [cuarenta y nueve mil, doscientos cincuenta y siete]
Even centuries are listed in cardinal numbers instead
el siglo XVIII is "the 18th century", literally "century 18"
No one has time to say el vigésimo siglo instead of siglo veinte for the 20th century
And monarchs will get ordinal numbers between 1-10, like Alfonso X (décimo), but you'll see Luis XIV [catorce] instead for "Louis the 14th"
Again; native speakers have no time and patience for ordinal numbers and they will avoid them as much as possible and God help you if you give them a number that isn't even 100, 200, 300... give them 207th and they'll probably just say doscientos/doscientas nueve instead
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marsixm · 7 months
im in a weird grey area rn where ive learned enough spanish over the last 2 years that i can say small phrases and understand the gists of things so ppl ask if i speak spanish and im like VERY VERY VERY little and they hit me with a whole sentence and im like 😳😅 but then i cant say i speak nothing bc i do understand a little and i can say hi bye thank you have a good day etc. im basically that family guy bit where the guy only speaks 1 sentence of english and the other sentence explaining it
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ALSO after careful consideration (some light googling) I've come up with middle names for the hexsquad
Luz's middle name is Manuela. It's a feminine form of Manuel which I figured could very well be her dad's full name. Luz's connection and similarities to her dad are very important to her and to the story overall, so an homage to him feels sweet and fitting!
I was torn between Amity's middle name being either Regan or Cordelia. Regan because I thought "little ruler" sounded EXACTLY like something odalia would've chosen for one of her kids, but I think overall I prefer the verbal flow and meaning of Cordelia (which means "heart" btw). I just think it'd be nice if Amity had this imposing last name with a threatening legacy and then a first and middle name that represent the things actually important to her
Back when the toh "next time on..."/"pilot" was released and we all found out that Willows pilot name was Paulina/Polleena (I prefer the latter spelling since it's plant themed! Pollen and whatnot), I saw some people suggest Polleena as her middle name, and the hcs just stuck ever since! It fits since (going off the spelling I decided) pollen helps things to grow, and Willow not only has a very fleshed out arc, she's also the catalyst/important to many others! Also again, it just rolls off the tongue well. Can very clearly picture Harvey or Gilbert saying "Willow Polleena Park >:(" in their Dad Voice.
Since Gus' full name is Augustus, I immediately thought of the Roman emperor and started looking at other Roman names for him, before settling on Antony. The most obvious reason for this is alliteration and the fact it sounds really nice to say "Augustus Antony Porter". His first name means "venerable" or "sacred", and Antony means "priceless". Hence, I think it'd be cute if (consciously or unconsciously) when Perry named him he was just hammering home how much he fucking loves his boy. Alternate ideas with the same scheme though is Julian (comes from Julia which means "youthful", Gus' age is relevant to his character in many ways.)
Hunter...doesn't even have a confirmed last name. In demon realm paperwork? It's probably Deamonne. But as much as I love dadrius, I am also a fan of the "it takes a village" approach and you can pry Hunter Noceda from my cold, dead hands. So no matter who he lives full time with, I hc hunter sees a lot of different people as "family". He'd be excited about it! He went from no parents to, like, 4! That's counting Darius, Camila, Eda and Raine (though tbh I hc the latter as more "cool aunt and her cool partner" in hunters eyes but Dells like a cool grampa to him. He's not gonna turndown the clawthorne name!) All this to say, I think Hunter is an elusive tripple-barreler for last names. So I hc he takes part of his alias from ASIAS and uses that to complete his silly, dramatic name, officially crowning himself "Hunter Jasper Bloodwilliams Noceda-Clawthorne-Deamonne". What a guy. I love him
In conclusion I love giving characters middle names so FUCKING much. Get birth certificate-ed idiot!!!
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queerofthedagger · 7 months
a couple of days ago i finished the spanish duolingo course so after some back and forth, i started on french, and not to repeat myself but it really is wild how much you subconsciously keep of a language if you ever engaged with it at all. like. i had three years of french at school which was literally over a decade ago, but between that and my latin and spanish, it's just coming back SO easily. the language brain is just WILD. my most beloved
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toytulini · 10 months
terfs go climb into a hole and start rotting. animals cannot inherently tell your "biological sex" you are all so fucking stupid. All this post is saying is that animals are not infallible judges of character and some of them make really stupid vibe checks and that people should try not to take it personally. Unless youre a terf in which case they know and they hate you and you should take it personally
re that one post tbh i do want to stress i dont think animals are like magically psychic at knowing your True Gender tbh i think ppl definitely get way too weird about Animal's judgement of ppl.
Sometimes a dog will vibe check a man and the dog will be right and you should listen. but sometimes the dog will vibe check someone for no good reason. sometimes dogs have wack judgement. sometimes dogs have biases influenced by their owners or previous owners. like. there are Racist Dogs. its not the dogs fault, but that doesnt make the bias theyve developed less real, or less potentially hurtful. i dont think we need to like, Cancel Dogs Bc Sometimes Ppl Can Train Them To Be Racist, but we do need to stop perpetuating the idea that a dog's judgement of someone is infallible. theyre not responsible for it and its not their fault its developed, theyre just dogs, they didnt choose it, but that doesnt mean theyre RIGHT lmao. i think its important to stress this for many reasons but in regard to that last post specifically, if youve ever been vibe checked as a gender you arent by a judgy dog its literally not your fault. might not even be the owners fault. not the dogs fault cos like. its a fucking dog. you do kinda have to be the bigger person in that scenario cos the other person is. A Dog.
#toy txt post#this was meant to be a quick post it got a bit longer and more in depth than i planned oops#i just hate when ppl act like All Dogs have Inherently Correct Judgement Of People#like from every angle. its funny to joke about but i know theres ppl out there who might be feeling like#very fragile in their gender or smth and seeing a post like that if they meet a dog that normally hates men but not women but it doesnt#recognize your inherent true gender im sure seeing shit like that post can be a horr#got interrupted by a phone call while typing it and the post is glitching so i cant see where that tag is cut off so uh#dogs are like ppl in that they can develop biases and have bad judgement and they dont always get it right#they are not like ppl in that it is not possible to ask a dog to examine its biases. you cannot make a dog take a class on#critical race theory. you have to work to socialize and desensitize them against those biases or at least make sure those biases theyve#developed dont negatively impact ppl. in this sense i guess im morally obligated to try to learn more spanish to see if it helps my dog#chill. shes nervous around all new ppl but parents have anecdotally noted she extra dislikes men speaking in spanish. she was a stray so we#dont really know her history. she also does Not like fire pokers outside. weirdly even tho its basically the same tool she is unfazed by#the indoor poker for the woodstove? but ig she wouldve had less exposure to indoor woodstoves as a stray in Louisiana?#but i can see like ppl having a little backyard barbecue and threatening the big mastiff looking stray dog with a fire poker and i think#that region of the country prolly has a higher number of spanish speaking ppl than our current residence so the odds of her running into a#spanish speaking guy who isnt very nice are prolly higher just due to a denser population as a whole. and we think shes part mastiff which#i think is a breed already prone to disliking strangers that probably cooked up into a little cocktail in her brain#luckily shes bad enough with All Strangers that i think honestly it would be hard to even notice her bias? but. ig i need to see if i can#desensitize her? idk. sighs but im scared to open duolingo now 😭. but i could maybe do it. when other ppl wear hats she fucking hates it#i wear a fucking face covering mask that looks like a giant eyeball she looks at me a little quizzically but is fine. jester hat? fine#i am like that video of the person desensitizing that horse except thats just like. living w me. minus the cat thing. id never do that to#the cats or dog. everyone would hate that. squirrel already cant tolerate being held while a dog is out cos he THINKS im going to do that.#it would traumatize the dog cos he'd injure me escaping and then prolly her trying to scare her off to get past her and shes just minding#her business. solo i cant hold that long but is less likely to injure anyone. shadow. first of all all 3 are way too heavy to be holding#like that#im getting lost in the tags again sorry im chewing caffeinated gum. i should go try to buy some catnip#ive made my Phone Calls. im gonna try to go get dressed and buy various catnip products. maybe lure him with a toy this time. need my#parents to help me but not be so visibly Ready to help me next time cos i do not want to chase his ass again...
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carcarrot · 1 year
would you all still love me if i learned french
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wolven-maw · 2 months
if I get this job I would potentially have the opportunity to improve my French to the point of finally being fluent. If that ends up happening I'm gonna say fuck it and start learning Arabic
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nashstudies · 6 months
Français en español
I look forward to, someday, speaking spanglish. For now, however, I seem to be stuck with españçais...franñol? Either way, my many (mostly unsuccessful) years of French study is making numbers in Spanish really hard. SO, here's a chart that nobody asked for:
un - uno - one deux - dos - two trois - tres - three quatre - cuatro - four cinq - cinco - five six - seis - six sept - siete - seven huit - ocho - eight neuf - nueve - nine dix - diez - ten
Otherwise, things have been pretty productive. Learning Spanish is proving to be a much easier task that French was. That said, my mother spoke Spanish (and spanglish) daily so I've been exposed to it much more. Who would've thought exposure would make languages easier. Lol
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altaparaunhobbit · 2 years
Tumblr media
FREE & easy to use! Listen & identify the number spoken.
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sakhafa · 2 years
spanish speaking oomfies what spanish dialect is the equivalent of the Egyptian arabic dialect in your opinion...
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fulane-de-tal · 9 months
i think it should be required for every single usamerican within 100 miles of the coastline or the mexico-US border to learn spanish i can’t with this shit anymore
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