#Spanish Language Learning Tips
adhd-languages · 2 months
Found a new language practice app!
Polygloss has you describe an image in your target language so another player can guess it. It encourages creative answers. The game works for people of all levels — you can describe simple pictures or try your hand at wordplay.
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It has plenty of options and will let you add any language you’d like — tho it’ll probably be more difficult to find people to play with.
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4theitgirls · 1 month
I love your page it’s very inspiring I’m always looking at new updates and I was wondering do you have any channels for Spanish, French, and Italian language learning. I’m trying some new things and language learning is definitely at the top.
thank you so much!
spanish language learning:
♡ spanish after hours
♡ anna lenkovska
♡ butterfly spanish
♡ learn spanish with spanishpod101.com
french language learning:
♡ learn french with frenchpod101.com
♡ learn french with alexa
♡ easy french
italian language learning:
♡ italy made easy
♡ learn italian with italianpod101.com
♡ shea jordan
general language learning:
♡ elysse speaks
♡ jo franco
♡ tanya benavente
♡ veronika’s language diaries
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
Spanish Media/Input Recommendations?
Can you guys comment me some good media/input recommendations for someone learning Mexican/Spain Spanish? I' talking about any and all that you guys find interesting, whether you learned Spanish on your own or it's your native language!
Tv Shows
Youtube channels
Songs/Musical Artists
Favorite Spanish teachers/tutors on Italki
Literally anything!
Thank you guys <3
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ros3ybabeslanguages · 4 months
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Language Resources 🎀
*that I currently use for studying Spanish. When I pick up studying Japanese again, I will make a list for that as well <3 I currently use a handful of resources for learning Spanish, and they've all proven very useful so far!
🩷 My Current Resources for Spanish
Busuu - hands down my favorite language learning app. So much better than Duolingo, in my opinion (especially for languages with a different alphabet/writing system). I bought the premium for a year, which will expire in Septmeber, but I'm debating renewing again because I love it so much.
LingQ - I like using this for reading in Spanish. It gives me different types of things to read about, and while I don't have premium, I do put all the words I don't know into flashcards on AnkiApp on my laptop and translate anything I don't know using SpanishDict.
SpanishDict - favorite translation/dictionary app. I know it has lessons you can use, tho I haven't tried it yet, but I really do love this app. It's super helpful when I'm making flashcards or writing random vocabulary notes.
Goodnotes - This is a general note-taking app, but I love it because it allows you to import and write on PDFs, and that's just perfect for me! I've downloaded free PDF short stories/children's stories in Spanish and made notes of words I don't know, and taken notes in the app too. Definitely my favorite notes app, ever.
Italki - I know this is a website, too, but I use the app. It lets you work with professional teachers/community tutors in your target language. You can have structured lessons or just use it for conversation practice. I did a trial lesson not too long ago and have an upcoming lesson booked out in about 5 days. You pay per lesson, so there is no subscription, and there are so many languages and teachers/tutors to choose from. I did a lot of research before choosing a teacher, and I'm very happy with my decision so far. Definitely useful if there's not native speakers near you or you're like me and not confident talking to people you know in your target language/their native language.
Quizlet/AnkiApp - I use AnkiApp more then quizlet, and the Anki I'm referring to is NOT the same way everyone else uses, but it's the flashcard app of preference at the moment. I tried the AnkiDroid app and hated it. But yeah, AnkiApp is useful for flashcards and I really like it. I have it on my Chromebook and my Ipad.
Netflix - I love watching shows in Spanish on Netflix so much. I am currently watching La Reina del Sur on it (used to watch that sporadically in the past at a friend's house) and plan on watching some other shows, including Elite.
Spotify - I enjoy listening to Spanish music and podcasts right now. The music is more of an entertaining/enjoyable fork of audio input, and the podcasts help me get a feel for speaking and pronunciation and I choose podcasts that speak on topics of interest tk help with vocabulary in those areas I'd like to be able to speak about.
Textbooks - I have 2 PDF textbooks, Gramatica de Uso del Español: A1-B2 and Gramatica de Uso del Español: B1-B2. I've heard these are great for learning Spanish (and they're both only written in Spanish, like there's no English in them) and plan on using them once I figure out how to take good and useful textbook notes! I definitely need to improve on my grammar.
Those are all my current Spanish resources! I'd definitely say my current level is like a high A1 right now, nearing A2, but I have just a little bit of work to do before I get there. These resources are definitely gonna help, tho!
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babooshkaa · 5 months
ways to make duolingo useful
1. jump units
in the new "tree" all the new vocabulary is in the first lesson, then duolingo makes you study it for like a week if you're lucky, so if you're confident you've learnt all the new words just jump to the next unit (I also find myself remembering my mistakes better if I make them while trying to jump than when I make them in regular lessons)
❗after jumping always come back to the stories you missed, they're like the most useful thing there is in the app
2. use other resources
I know this is a post about duolingo, but people, mostly beginners, seem to think that they only need duolingo to become fluent. my mom has a 700 days strike and she still can't keep a simple conversation in english or understand an episode of fucking teletubbies, that should tell you everything. read content for beginners, watch youtube videos, tv-shows, use other apps, I promise the owl won't kill you for it
3. stop when it starts slowing you down
trust me you don't need to use duolingo when you're intermediate, it's just not worth it. leave it for the days you can't study properly and want to do at least something
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wannawrite999 · 3 months
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ltmidnights-resources · 7 months
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(but make it girly <3)
Get the template here! [$2]
Language learning, the template contains:
Daily tasks to improve your studies
Challenge list
Synchronized dictionary (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)
Notebook area: create topics and take notes, divided by the CEFR Levels
Mobile friendy
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sayitaliano · 2 months
Hi, how can I stop my Spanish from influencing my Italian?
Do you find issues when it comes to how you form a sentence or because you lack some words in Italian? Or it's an accent issue? For the first 2, all I can suggest is keep practicing (interacting with Italians) and listening to Italian (movies, videos, sport commentaries, tv shows...). Write a diary for example or speak to yourself and notice when you end up using Spanish (it's okay, it's your brain habit to use it "unconsciously", but try to check why as it may help you: I personally realize which words/grammar patterns I lack and need to focus on this way). If it's the 3rd... My cousin's husband has been in Italy for many years now and he still speaks with a Spanish accent (it's part of him, and it's perfectly fine). It took him lot of years living here and interacting with Italians to start speaking Italian in a more natural way.
As someone who has been learning Spanish (Argentinian) by myself, I tried to immerse myself into its mood/vibes and listening/reading to interviews and news of native people (eg. I like volleyball and years ago ended up being a fan of Argentina NT and players who came in Italy to play. I kept watching players/trainers videos, read infos and watch volleyball matches in Argentinian until I kind of created a "mindset" for it to keep separate from Italian -back then I was good at this lol but I was into it daily or almost... despite this I never really focused on grammar and only went "by sound", learnt the most of it by keep on reading/listening, interacted with some natives and relied on Italian too here and there and this is where I still lack nowadays, especially verbs).
At the end of the day I honestly don't think it's a problem if you have troubles separating Spanish and Italian, unless you want/need to speak Italian perfectly for any particular reason (maybe you need to learn it for work or want a specific certificate?). We can understand each other pretty well anyway and the main goal is to have another understanding us even if we're not grammatically perfect everytime or at all. But ofc, if you want to separate the two languages better inside your mind, keep practicing and make your ears get used to Italian's sounds and patterns and you'll make it. Give yourself time anyway.
Non arrenderti! :D
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broken-clover · 7 days
Actually the thought only strikes me now that of all the Punch-Out characters the one that's the most likely to be able to bridge the language barrier is, of all characters, Bear Hugger.
I mean, while it isn't explicitly stated, French is a pretty widespread language across Canada (I mean hell, Glass Joe's VA was a Francophone Canadian rather than needing to actually get someone from France), and while it's most prominently centered around Quebec, there are still sizable French-speaking populations in both Saskatchewan and British Columbia (his two given places of origin in the games). There's a markedly nonzero chance that, while maybe not full-on fluent, he'd at least be able to understand some decent conversational French and carry a chat without too much difficulty. Granted it's still just two languages out of idk eight the fact that one of his languages is English means he can translate like a third of the contenders
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jestr333 · 1 year
So, Rap Monster learned english from watching "F•R•I•E•ND•S", yeah? Sooo,,, does that mean that if I listen to "No Mutuas" by "Fake Fruit" while reading the lyrics to "No Mutuals" by "Fake Fruit" for, say, 4 hours, and then listen to "No Mutuals" by "Fake Fruit" while reading the the lyrics to "No Mutuas" by "Fake Fruit" for, say, 1.27 hours, for a few weeks straight, then will my SPANISH improve? Or will it get worse because I cannot hear anyone who would like to converse with me in SPANISH or teach me preterite tense in SPANISH? Por favor, mis mutuas, necesito ayuda. (Gracias para tu ayuda tambien mis mutuas, de antemano.)
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adhd-languages · 6 months
Keeping up your Languages when you’re Busy
Confession: I’ve been slacking on Japanese recently because my life has been so hectic recently. So here are some of the ways I’ve been trying to keep it in my brain when I can’t dedicate a lot of time to studying.
This applies to computers as well! This is the easiest way to ensure you see at least some of your target language every day. It’s good for any level, even beginners.
If you haven’t already done this, do it now. I understand that some things are important and you need to be sure you understand them — in that case, you can always change individual apps to have different languages, just look up the app name in settings.
Find some podcasts in your target language and listen to them before bed, during your commute, whatever. There are lots of podcasts made specifically for learners, or you can look up topics in your target language to find a podcast you might enjoy.
Music is also an amazing way to hear your target language being used. If you find an artist you like, that’s another good way to study your TL! Follow them on socials, look up interviews with them, etc.
Talk to Yourself
Any spare minute you have, talk to yourself in your target language. It doesn’t need to be out loud. You can have a conversation with yourself, try to express how you’re feeling, make up stories, or just describe the things around you in your target language. This is also a good way to see what kind of vocabulary you’re missing.
Duolingo has fired a ton of translators and started using crappy AI translations — so they’re probably not the best choice.
I’d recommend dictionary app that has some sort of flash card feature is also good, or an anki deck. Drops is good, and has a lot of languages, but keep in mind you’ll need audio. Anything that’s easy to get out and do for even just a few minutes is perfect.
Apps won’t teach you a language on their own, but doing a little every day helps remind me the language exists and keeps it in my mind.
Whether your friends know your TL or not, force them to experience it by randomly messaging in Japanese! Or, if you feel fancy, download an app like “HelloTalk”, “Tandem”, “Speaky”, “Tabee”…there are a lot.
If you keep a digital journal (like I do…inconsistently), try to write some entries in your TL.
If you have a blog, which I assume you do, post in your TL. Even if you’re a beginner, you can make a sideblog dedicated to saying stuff like “I’m hungry” and “Green is my favourite colour” in your target language.
Open your notes app and just write random words you can remember or sentences you can string together.
I know it’s really difficult, and don’t beat yourself up because you aren’t studying as hard. A language can be a lifelong companion — you’ll have phases of studying constantly, and sometimes it’ll take the back seat, but there’s no rush to learn it. Have a great day :)!
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narcisoh · 3 months
For any other absolute language-learning beginners like myself, I found this vid extremely helpful as far as getting a foothold on organizing a learning process. This vid is about Spanish specicically but it's got a lot of really helpful advice as far as prioritizing certain skills, resources, study tips, etc that could probably be applied across numerous target languages <3
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amethystlanguages · 5 days
☆*:.。. 100 Days of Productivity .。.:*☆
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☆*:.。. Day 3 .。.:*☆
I'm back for day 3! I've had some bad mental health days recently so I'm trying to practice being kind to myself even when I can't be super productive. Hopefully, tomorrow I can record a study with me video and post a short version here!
Today's accomplishments:
edited three videos
Mandarin listening practice
Spanish listening practice
cleaned AND decluttered the coffee table
Today's vocabulary word: igualmente - you too! (I need to remember to use this word in conversations! I chose this translation because the way I encounter this word everyday is as a response to someone saying "have a good day!" I never remember the polite way to respond to that, so it has become today's highlighted vocab word)
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Daily Check-in: April 3rd, 2024 🎀
Today was a weird day. My anxiety was off the walls, and I think it's because that time of the month decided to occur, which is throwing me way off. Birth control has made that not happen for 2 years so, I was definitely caught off guard. (omg I hope that's not tmi, it's just something I gotta deal with again as a woman)
🩷 What I Accomplished Today:
Reviewed Spanish Busuu Chapters 6 and 7
Reviewed all flashcards once fully through
listened to one podcast episode in spanish
completed question set about renal nutrition from my dietitian mentor
met with an advisor regarding adding a 2nd major in finance
met with my advisor and got some good advice before adding the 2nd major
emailed the director of the Dietetic program at my college to schedule a meeting
wrote chemistry notes (need to finish and catch up with this week - I've missed both lectures)
completed a chemistry homework assignment
planned tasks for tomorrow
met with dietitian mentor
scrubbed my toilet clean
🩷 Good Things That Happened:
got an extension on my chem lab report
got confirmation of taking a make up quiz for my psyc class
took an hour nap
got excused from lecture and lab today (going to make it up tomorrow)
met most of my goal tasks
my meetings with the advisors went really well
got to talk to my dad per usual, and he was supportive of the 2nd major stuff
my boyfriend was supportive of my 2nd major stuff
met a super cute blue heeler puppy that was so cute and friendly, tho she did cut my thumb slightly but it's okay cause she's just a puppy
got 7k steps in today
🩷 What Could've Been Better:
could've managed my anxiety a bit better
could've been more productive instead of doing my "productive procrastination"
need to stop trying to do academic things while sitting in bed
need to stop trying to stay awake when I randomly wake up at 4am
need to drink more water, for sure
need to work on better nutrition
Today was a weird day. But that's okay. Weird days do happen. I know now what made it weird, and I'll adapt.
Til next time lovelies 🩷
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ros3ybabeslanguages · 4 months
does anyone have any tips, recommendations, or like resources for taking language notes from a textbook? I have two Spanish textbooks (pdfs) that I want to start writing notes from to help me with grammar, but I have no idea where to start with taking textbook notes!
if you have tips, or know of a good blog, youtuber, or something that'll help me figure out how to start with textbook notes, I'd really appreciate it <3
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hanaflorbloom · 2 years
introducción ·自己紹介
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hello! my name is sierra and I decided a few days ago to make a langblr so here's an official introduction to my blog:
about me
19, in my second year of university
my major is Japanese, and my minor is Spanish
The goal is to become an interpreter
I'm going to be taking classes starting next year for a translator/interpreter certificate
I've been learning Spanish since 7th grade, so we're in the eighth year of Spanish learning. still not fluent :,(
I had tried learning Japanese before college, but it never stuck, so I've only officially been learning Japanese for a year and a half
There are many other languages I want to learn, but those are being postponed until I feel secure enough with the two I'm focusing on now.
some other hobbies/interests of mine are: reading, makeup/skincare, fashion, music, geography, history, and architecture/interior design
I would love to make friends within the langblr community, even ones who are learning different languages than me.
This is a sideblog, so I will like/follow from @floralsandstrawberries
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