#Leon x Gwen
achillesuwu · 1 year
Messy Arthur, Gwen and the knights return
Arthur who feels like just yesterday he was married to Gwen,
Gwen who fell in love and married someone else, that see Arthur as her old love and think about it fondly but that’s it
Immortal Leon who married Gwen but now it’s more than a thousand years ago
Elyan who does not know about the lifted ban on magic and now his sister grew old without him
Perceval who saw magic becoming legal & build a really close friendship with Gwen, Leon & Merlin
Gwaine who feels like he fell his friend & who feels lost because except Arthur none of them die the same day he did
Lancelot who knew about Merlin magic but at the same time never saw the golden age
Merlin who is not the young & lost man he was, who grew stronger and more confident. Merlin who does not shy away from using magic.
Gwen and Perceval being old belong their appearance, Leon and Merlin even older, Elyan Arthur Lancelot & Gwaine (Mordred and Morgana ? Hunith and Balinor ? Ygraine and Uther ?) being young oh so very young
A return where they aren’t just lost because of where they are but of WHO they are to each other now
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thefabledpheasant · 7 months
The three reasons why I headcanon Leon and Gwen eventually getting together post canon:
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1. Tactical:
Gwen being of humble origins makes her more fit as a ruler than a lot of nobles because she understands the people she’s ruling. She knows the plights of the average life and she knows how they feel. She will rule with a good heart as she always has.
However, there are also advantages to being born noble when it comes to ruling as well. They better understand the other leaders, kingdoms, and the general expectations/customs of being a high house. Leon fits that description given that he’s nobleborn.
Additionally, Gwen definitely isn’t taken as seriously by the other kings and queens because of her upbringing. I imagine that once Arthur is gone, conflict would arise both within Camelot and outside of it because of this very reason. This could be calmed if Gwen had someone of Leon’s status by her side, as everyone would be less inclined to seethe at her on the throne.
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2. Familiarity and trust:
There can be zero doubt of Leon’s loyalties. He’s always been and always will be one of Camelots most loyal knights. Leon is also kind, fair, and compassionate, just like Guinevere.
Additionally, Leon and Gwen have history, even if it’s not elaborated on. Her mother was a maid in Leon’s household. She literally says they grew up together. I guarantee that, even if they grew apart when they got older, they were pretty close as children. They probably know each other in ways the others do not.
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3. Grief:
This is the main reason I believe in this happening post canon. The other two reasons just help support it.
Gwen and Leon loved the same people. A lot of those people died. When you have someone to share that grief with, someone who understands the pain you’re feeling, someone who knows the people just as well as you did, you bond. It’s a natural response to the pain. You grasp at whatever is left of the people you lost that makes you feel closer to them in death. I think both Leon and Gwen would be that for each other.
He showed what he would be like in the event of Arthur’s death in 5x07. He came to Gwen and said she would not be alone. He guaranteed that he personally and the rest of the knights would be there for her forever.
I think their relationship would take a long time to develop into something romantic because of all the trauma. But before that happened, he would be extremely protective of her, always at her side. He would be her closest confidant in matters of the kingdom. He would be her biggest supporter…. He would be her closest friend.
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dragonrasberry · 2 months
My opinion on Merlin ship no one asked for #2
Gwen and Morgana, morgwen. It’s a big yes for me. I love w/w when I see it, they cared for each other and even in the end this could be a drama/angst show that I would watch. I wish their friendship could have been more… idk but it shouldn’t have ended like this, for me it made no sense that Morgana cared so much little about Guieneviere when in some episodes she was willing to do anything for her servant. I could understand some character development if we would have seen it on screen. Yes I’m just critical about the show now but… my bad.
Lancelot and Gwen, I mentioned it before but I love this ship. For me they are canon until the last breath I take on this earth. I can count on my hand the number of straight ships that I ship and they are there. To me their character just feat so perfectly, that could be an actual healthy relationship.
Percival and Gwaine: I do like it. But it’s not a question of death, but I do enjoy a little pergwaine in fics. They are cute together. Gwaine have a big part of him that say ‘’ I love to party’’ and with Percival i have the feeling that it could be the perfect match for this to be a balance in humanity.
Freya and Merlin. It took my soul but not my heart and that’s fine because my soul wasn’t mine anyway. No but seriously I cried in that episode it was so innocent. It was soft. So guimauve. I cried at three movies in my entire life: the danish girl, Luca and some one with dogs in it. But that was one of the top three biggest stab I took in my little heart. It’s too pure. I part of me wich they could have lived together and died happy, but another think it’s good that it didn’t lasted. Of course it’s terrible, she did not deserved that kind of ending, shout out to Colin Morgan and his actings skills. Because really Merlin was broken.
Gwen and Leon… nah… i can’t see that kind of relationship between them, if they did marrieds each other after The king’s death then ok but it was not a loving marriage. It’s political or like it was an option that seemed logical .
Arthur and Mordred, again Mordred is a child.
Arthur x Morgana: they are related, one, two they hated each other. Three even if you could say they flirted in the first episode, I just think it’s Morgana’s personality that was like that.
Morgana, Gwaine: he is now dead and… that’s my argument, I mean they did not talk to each other. But in AU they do have a matching personality and when writers have no one left to pairs them with I can accept it.
Uther and Gaius: it is a no, nah, non, nope , ark and wtf
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I was talking with my friend about which of the knights would immediately support Merlin’s magic when it’s revealed and which of them would need a little more time.
Then we started thinking about how Merlin reacts when Arthur is threatened, and how he doesn’t care who it is but he’ll fight anyone to protect Arthur.
And because I love angst too much, I brought up how hurt Arthur would be at his best knights and closest friends assuming the worst of him.
I’ve had this stuck in my head for a few days so thought I’d share:
There’s some sort of emergency, either a magical creature or bandits while the knights, Arthur, and Merlin are all on a hunting trip. Arthur’s life is in danger so Merlin acts without thinking to save him, revealing his magic to everyone. (Only Gwaine and Lancelot know, but Merlin doesn’t know that Gwaine knows yet.) Merlin is left standing in front of Arthur with his hand out to stop the threat while the gold leaves his eyes.
Arthur: You have magic…
Lancelot and Gwaine both come to Merlin’s defence, saying something like
Lancelot: *standing protectively by Merlin* Sire, he’s done nothing worthy of punishment.
Gwaine: *grabs his sword and stands protectively by Merlin* if you hurt him, and it’ll be the last thing you’re capable of doing.
And seeing them both defend Merlin over his magic so easily, the rest of the knights join in too. Leon knows Merlin and Arthur are as loyal to each other as they come, and Elyan and Percival have both seen magic - good, bad and indifferent - outside of Camelot from their travels so while it took them a second longer, they do side with Merlin.
Leon: Arthur, think this through,
Elyan: *holding his sword* I can’t allow you to hurt him.
Percival: *puts a hand on Arthur’s shoulder threateningly* Merlin’s as loyal as they come, surely he deserves a chance to explain himself.
Arthur isn’t even holding his sword, he dropped it during the fight which is why Merlin had to save him. He’s just looking at Merlin with hurt in his eyes, then at the knights looking something close to betrayed but also hurt for them believing he could ever hurt Merlin. The thought never crossed his mind until Gwaine said it.
Merlin stops looking at Arthur and glares at the knights, stepping away from Lancelot and Gwaine to make it clear that he doesn’t want them to side with him. He then magics Elyan’s and Gwaine’s swords into flowers so they aren’t threatening Arthur. Then he stops holding anything back so his ‘Emrys filter’ disappears and Merlin gets to be threatening while being openly protective.
Merlin: All of you, stop. If anyone harms a hair on Arthur’s head, I’ll reenact every attempt on his life that I’ve stopped since coming to Camelot on you all, but this time they’ll be successful. So help me gods if you hurt him, I’ll hurt you enough that your great grandchildren will still be feel that pain.
Arthur: …
Everyone is stunned, Arthur feels overwhelmed by everything and isn’t exactly processing, but he’s hopeful when he sees Merlin still caring about him.
Merlin: *turns to Arthur* I’m a sorcerer, I have magic. I use it for you, Arthur. And whatever you decide for my fate, I’ll accept it willingly.
Arthur: We’re going home. You’ve got a hell of a lot of explaining to do, Merlin.
Merlin sighs, relieved that he isn’t about to lose his life, and immediately goes back to his servant duties, handing Arthur his sword and getting the horses. The knights collect their things, murmuring to themselves and subtly watching Merlin and Arthur while they talk too quietly to be heard.
Arthur: Thank you.
Merlin looks over, confused and raising an eyebrow in a way he really shouldn’t at his king, but it’s reassuring to Arthur that they’re still Merlin and Arthur despite the magic.
Arthur: For not assuming the worst of me.
Merlin: You’re too good for that, Arthur. Even if you did get angry, you’d have every right to after I lied for ten years. For what it’s worth, I am sorry about that.
And it seems so simple in the way Merlin says it, like they can get through this just like they’ve gotten through everything else so it���s going to be okay. So Arthur tentatively accepts it in that moment, whatever ‘it’ is that gives Merlin magic because he’s definitely still got questions.
Arthur: it’s… well, it’s not great. I won’t pretend I’m not upset, but at least you didn’t go shouting about it in court.
Merlin, flashbacks to when Gwen was accused of witchcraft: yeah… good thing…
That’s all I got. I’ve still got really bad brain fog so I’m not sure how coherent this is, I’d settle for passably readable at best though. I’ll probably write something more for this when I can focus on anything for more than five minutes without feeling like my head is going to explode, but for now I’m just gonna leave this here.
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justaz · 3 months
king arthur and his beautiful wife king merlin with their court sorceress (and princess) morgana and her girlfriend freya. their knights: sir leon, sir gwaine and his boyfriend sir percival and his boyfriend sir elyan, sir lancelot and his wife lady guinevere. merthur’s twin sons sir mordred and daegal (who is training to become court physician). mergana’s daughter of divorce, aithusa who spends one week with her moms and the next week with her dads despite them all living in the same castle. one big happy family. finally.
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merlin-gotcha4gaza · 4 months
Interest Check for BBC Merlin fans for participation in a Gotcha for Gaza event:
If you are not familiar with what a Gotcha for Gaza event is then please check the post below this on this blog :)
Please share this post!!!!!
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The idea of a future AU where Merlin and Leon lived together throughout the years after reuniting and eventually fall in love but obviously the knights, Gwen and Arthur don’t know that when they come back so are absolutely baffled when Merlin just kisses Leon in front of everyone randomly like it’s second nature to him and neither of them seem to notice the others staring at them in shock.
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phd-in-bears · 2 years
Arthur: *Screams*
Merlin: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Gwen: Should we do something?
Leon: No, I want to see who wins.
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vals-sims-world · 1 month
Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the love you've given to my Sims versions of Merlin and the knights!
Since there's interest in my Merlin save I will be sharing some stories about what's been happening in that world. However, before I do I feel I need to explain the way I play this save since it's not your standard Sims 3 fashion. I typically play rotationally, spending a week with each family before moving on and using nraas story progression mod to keep everyone from aging while I'm not there. My nraas setup also keeps sims from changing their relationship status or progressing in their careers when I'm not playing them but they can meet new sims, make friends, declare enemies, and start up a bit of a flirtation on their own. I like coming back to a household and seeing what dynamics have formed when I leave them to their own devices, though I get the final say on what romantic interests they end up pursuing.
Now that's just my standard setup for most of my games. For my Merlin save I decided to add some interest by using Merlin characters for my own version of The Medieval Charter Challenge! For those unfamiliar The Medieval Charter Challenge is basically a sims 2 build-a-kingdom challenge where you start with a small settlement and slowly build your world up until you have a medieval city. There are a lot of rules including a tax system and class structures that I'm not going to go over but if you're interested you can check out the original rules here For those of you who are familiar with the challenge just know that I've tweaked some of the rules to fit better with the sims 3 and I don't always follow them strictly. I treat them more like guidelines than actual rules, especially since I'm using pre-established characters, some of which have magic which opens up excuses for all sorts of shenanigans. So if you see me doing something that doesn't follow the rules don't worry about it.
Mainly what you need to know is that I started with an empty world, 3 households who are not part of my rotation but are there to help populate the town (druid camp, knights barracks, and the Ladies' manor), 5 peasant families (du Lac, Smith, Hopper, Emrys, and Ealdor), 2 Yeomen families (Macken and De Grance), and the royal Pendragon family. As my save is currently I have 9 community lots, 3 peasant families (Hopper, Ealdor, Oliver), 1 yeoman family (Emrys), 1 Merchant family (du Lac), 1 Gentry family (Macken), 1 Noble family (De Grance), and the royal Pendragon family that have all dramatically changed as they intermarried, had kids, built up their businesses, and rose in the ranks.
My plan is to make a post on each of these families explaining their story. This will take time though as I plan to give you guys family portraits, before and after tours of their homes, any screenshots I happened to have taken while playing, as well as writing out the twists and turns of their tales. So please bear with me while I sort that out.
In the meantime here's some screenshots of some shippy poses I did with my sims that aren't part of the save
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Tagging those who expressed interest in knowing more about my save (let me know if you want me to tag you in future posts about this): @tansyuduri @building-camelot @chairwiththreelegs
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Merlin: *stares at Gwen and Lancelot being lovey-dovey*
Merlin: *turns to Arthur* We're not like that are we?
Arthur: Of course not idiot.
Merlin: *grinning at Arthur*
Leon: *standing next to them, receiving war flashbacks of catching the two in inappropriate situations and the public eye-fucking they do* No, you're both worse. Much, much worse.
Arthur&Merlin: *oblivious and confused*
Leon with the face a tired father: *suffering face* I need a drink.
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 6 months
Okay just.. hearmeowt.
I have this insane idea for a Merlin fanfiction and I need y'all to tell me if you'd read it!
So basically it's a Modern merthur au + modern royalty. Imagine this.
Gwaine and Merlin are detectives of the FBI. One day they get a tip from their friends in the royal palace, Sir Elyan and Sir Leon, that the huge drug lord, that has been on the streets for weeks which Merlin and Gwaine have been busting their asses to find the identity of, is Uther Pendragon. Camalot's own king.
Now that they have a suspect they only need to find a way to prove it. They decided to go undercover. It won't be too hard for them to make up a backstory since Gwaine is technically nobility, but they do need some kind of entrance.
That's why they have Guinevere Blacksmith. Gwen worked with them in the force a couple of years beforehand, but she had to quit because someone was threatening her father so she had to go off the grid for a while, Gwen settled in Camalot with her younger brother Elyan, her dad and her best and oldest friend Leon. She became a servant and has been trying to keep a low profile ever since until she could make sure her family was safe.
Gwen introduced them to Sir Lancelot, Gwen's fiance who spent some time with the druids growing up and knows about;
1. Gwen's time in the FBI, 2. Merlin's magic. she said Merlin could go undercover as Lancelot's partner and get into the banquet Uther is throwing as his plus one.
The only problem? He has to be a woman for that.
They can't take anyone else, they decided, since Merlin and Gwaine know this case better than anyone else, and they don't want to risk Gwen in any way.
So Merlin turns himself into Mary - Sir Lancelot's 'girlfriend', the daughter of Sir Lot and Lady Morgan of Caerleon and Gwaine's 'sister'.
But what happens when Lancalot gets injured three nights before the banquet? They can't send Merlin alone without an explanation! It's too dangerous. And Gwaine is refusing to be around some 'stuck up noblemen'.
So Gwen offers her other best friend instead, since she can't offer Leon who has to stay behind and take care of Lancelot, another knight of camalot. Prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. Of course.
So.. let me know what you think! Btw it's my original idea and I hadn't seen anything like this before so PLEASE do not steal! If this sort of thing has been made before I am so sorry and please inform me!
Love y'all~ L
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ebonyfirewolf · 4 months
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Home was never Avalaon. It was Merlin. - Chapter 3 - TheDarkSeaofSecrets - Merlin (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Merlin had never been alone. Not quite. Not with Leon by his side but then....Leon leaves him too and he's all alone in the world until some blond-haired blue-eyed ass gets up him about smoking. Turns out Arthur's still a stubborn prat also turns out. He doesn't know who Merlin is or that He's THE King Arthur, maybe Merlin can do things differently this time. The one thing Arthur does know is that Merlin is broken in more ways than one, and he wants to try and fix him.
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dragonrasberry · 1 month
Ok so, there’s no more electricity at my house, (because of the storm) and I have pretty much nothing to do, because it’s 1am and my sister is sleeping. So, I go in the shower ( yes I know I do it in the dark, for some of you it may be strange but it’s not. I have superpowers to see in the dark, called: it’s been dark for like 4. Hours and my eyes are now adapted)
So like a normal person the shower is where I think.
And like why people have sex in the dark? Do it make you feel more sensation? I know it’s a kink for people to get blindfolded, but like when you have nothing to cover your pretty eyes you can still see some sort of shadow, so like..?
Anyway that was not the goal of that post, I had some Merthur ideas of fics, and like I will probably write them, but like always never going to publish them so as well partage them with some of you. Just like use the hashtag merthur and I will find them.
So like I had this idea of Merlin, Percival, Arthur, Morgana, Leon, Gwaine and Elyan, Lancelot starting a parties of dnd, Mordred being the Dm. Gwen is there sometime to bring snacks and talking so like Mordred use that opportunity to make her play some npc. The party is just very chaotic, Percival being an awful good, but like forgetting sometimes and follow the teams without thinking. Lancelot not being able to stay in roll when Gwen is there. Arthur and Merlin not quitting arguing even in critical moment. Morgana being always like, so? I take her sword, she can’t hit me. Leon alway hitting critical 20 Gwaine, playing a bard and want to seduce everyone/ everything. Elyan being a Druid and is supposed to bring balance in the group is a goblin Druid so is not taken seriously most of the time with the voice he take. Mordred being exasperated most of the time. ( perwaine, merthur, gwen x Lancelot…)
my second idea:
But not that original, Merlin having a crush on Gwaine, and Arthur is neighbors who is a big charo. Arthur bring a lot of girl in is house, so he end up asking him some cues… and they fall in love at the end. Morgana being friend with Merlin and Morgana being Arthur sister, and Gwaine being the best friend of Arthur. A party take place at Arthur’s place, Merlin and Arthur argue about real love, and like Arthur say talk when you find the one you discribe as perfect. And that’s later at the party Merlin meet Gwaine,or Lancelot, come to think of it it work too. And like he have a big crush on one of them. Ask some advice to Arthur, and it’s working at first but like more time past and more he create a relationship with Arthur and more he find that he have nothing in common with, Lancelot/ Gwaine. And find out why Arthur think that about love, and have so many one night stand. his heart was broken by Gwen. ( merthur, Arthur x Gwen, merwaine, merlance)
And a third one because the lasts ones have been AU:
Merlin is under an enchantement, a love spell , with some new knight, and like some times he have those moments where he stay normal but that’s only when he is with Arthur that is. And he is alway with Arthur, so like the knight don’t understand, he promised to Morgana that is plan would work, that if Merlin was distracted, being in love, he would not stay by Arthur. It’s really confusing because it’s like if he was in love with the knight, but when Arthur get jealous and step in the conversation and adress Merlin, he becomes himself again. And all the knights find that very strange that when Arthur is not there the Newbie and Merlin flirt, and when Lancelot asked Merlin if he was in love in front of Arthur he responded no, but when Elyan asked him when the prince was not directly with them Merlin said yes. What is strange in that is that Merlin would never have a reasons to lie in front of Arthur. So they say it’s suspicious to the princess, and they investigate, they find some flasks of potions in Merlin’s chambers that are empty and they ask Gaius and he tell them that the young boy doesn’t have any affliction that he know of. ( merthur and jealous Arthur)
Fourth one:
Uther swap body with a servant. And he start to be friends with Merlin. And one night Merlin ask him to go tend to the prince for him, because he need to do something for Gauis and Uther see how much Arthur is a spoiled prat without the servant tending to him being that boy called Merlin. So when he ask Merlin about it Merlin rolls his eyes and say many things that should be putting him in the dungeons but Uther doesn’t have that power being Morris for now. But Merlin just smile and say at the end, but if it doesn’t bother you I will retake my duties with my favorite clotpople if you excuse me. And the day after that there’s an hunting trip organized and and Uther being Morris need to go in the place of a servant so being there with the Knights and Merlin he take the time to observe his son and the servant and is not so oblivious. When the next day he is again in his body. He decide to have a discussion about THINGS with his son.( merthur and like mentioned morgwen)
Now if you have questions don’t be shy, I know I’m not the most clear person in my ramblings.
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morganadeservedbetter · 11 months
Merlin: What's my sexuality?! I don't fucking know! I'm not straight, and that's all that matters. Well, maybe that's unfair to the straights. Some of my best friends are straight! Well, one of them, and Elyan is perfectly nice person!
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
time to come clean… i’ve only watched s5 ep13 once and that was when i was 8 years old and it aired on Christmas Eve in 2012.
I’ve rewatched the series so many times since then but those last two episodes??? they don’t even exist to me… Merlin only has 63 episodes, i don’t know what you’re talking about ‘Diamond of the Day: pt1’ ‘Diamond of the Day: pt2’
What are these titles you’re making up and why are there two of them?
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merlin-gotcha4gaza · 2 months
Do you have a Merlin rare pair that you desperately want to see more content for? Well, good news, now is your chance!!!!! We currently have an awesome team of creators dedicated to filling prompts to help people in Gaza! So if you have a fic/edit/art/podfic/gifset prompt, then check out the carrd to find out how to get it filled for a good cause!!!
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