#Litha activities
coven-of-genesis · 1 year
light colourful candles
watch the sun rise or sun set
brew a honey & chamomile tea
burn a floral scented incense
decorate your altar with flowers
eat fresh fruits and berries
open the windows and let fresh air in
admire flowers
read a faerie related book
have a cleansing bath or shower
meditate outside
press some wildflowers in a book
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livingbewitchingly · 3 months
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(via Happy Litha Summer Solstice, 2024)
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mamamoon92 · 1 year
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whereiswhatitwas · 1 year
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greenwitchcrafts · 4 months
June 2024 witch guide
Full moon: June 21st
New moon: June 6th
Sabbats: Litha/Summer Solstice- June 20th
June Strawberry Moon
Known as: Aerra Litha, Birth Moon, Blooming Moon, Brachmanoth, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Green Corn Moon, Hatching Moon, Hoer Moon, Honey Moon, Lovers Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Partner Moon, Rose Moon & Strong Sun Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Gemini & Cancer
Nature spirits: Sylphs & Zephyrs
Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishtar, Isis, Neith & Persephone
Animals: Butterfly, frog, monkey & toad
Birds: Peacock & wren
Trees: Maple & Oak
Herbs: Dog grass, meadowsweet, moss, mugwort, parsley, skullcap & vervain
Flowers: Lavender, orchid, tansy & yarrow
Scents: Lavender & lily of the valley
Stones:  Agate, Alexandrite, cat's eye, chrysoberyl, emerald, fluorite, garnet, moonstone, ruby & topaz
Colors: Gold, green, orange & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, balance, change of residence, communication, decision making, education, family relations, full & restful energy, love, marriage, prosperity, positive transformation, prevention, protection, public relations, relationships, responsibility, strength, tides turning, travel & writing
While strawberries certainly are a reddish-pink color and are roundish in shape, the origin of the name “Strawberry Moon” has nothing to do with the Moon’s hue or appearance.
• June's full Moon is typically the last full moon of spring or the first of summer. The June Full Moon will be extraordinary. For the first time since 1985, Full Moon happens precisely on the summer solstice, when the Sun is highest up. Because the Full Moon is always opposite the Sun, this year, you will see that the Moon is 10 widths lower on the horizon than the Sun ever is. 
This “Strawberry Moon” name has been used by Native American Algonquian tribes that live in the northeastern United States as well as the Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. The Haida term Berries Ripen Moon reflects this as well. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.
Known as: Alban Heruin, Summer Solstice & Whit Sunday
Season: Summer
Element: Fire
Symbols: Besom, fairies, God's eyes, sunflowers & symbols of the sun
Colors: Blue, gold, green, orange, red, tan & yellow
Oils/Incense: Cinnamon, frankincense, heliotrope, lavender, lemon, lily of the valley, mint, musk, myrrh, orange, orange pine, pine, rose, saffron, sandalwood & wisteria
Animals: Cattle, crab, horse & octopus
Birds: Goldfinch, kingfisher, meadowlark, owl, robin & wren
Mythical: Fairies
Stones: Bloodstone, diamond, emerald, jade, lapis lazuli & tiger's eye
Food: Ale, bread, cheese, edible flowers, garden fresh vegetables & fruit, lemons, meade, milk, oranges, pumpernickel bread, summer squash & wine
Herbs/Plants: Anise, basil, betony, cinquefoil, copal, elder, fennel, fern, frankincense, galangal, hemp, ivy, larkspur, lemon, lemon balm, mistletoe, mugwort, mullien, nettle, orange, orpin, plantain, rue, saffron, sandalwood, St.John's wort, thyme, verbena, vervain, wild thyme & ylang-ylang
Flowers: Carnation, chamomile, daisy, heather, heliotrope, honeysuckle, lavender, lily, marigold, orchid, rose, wisteria & yarrow
Trees: Elder, holly, laurel, linden, oak & pine
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Aine, Anahita, Dea, Cerde, Dag, Dana, Eiru, Fenne, Gwydion, Kupala, Mabd, Phoebe, Skhmet & Sul
Gods: Apollo, Baal, Balder, Bel, The Dagda, Donnus, El, The Green Man, Helios, Huon, Jupiter, Llew, Loki, Lugh, Maui, Mithras, Oak/Holly King, Ogmios, Ra, Surya, Thor & Zeus
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, changes, divination, ending, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Fire & water magick
• Charge and cleanse your crystals in the solstice sun
• Make Sun water
• Create crafts with natural elements such as flowers
• Burn a paper with things that no longer serve you or that you are trying to let go
•  Invite friends & family over for a bonfire and/or feast
• Gather & dry herbs for the upcoming year
• Clean, decorate & cleanse your altar with summer symbols
• Brew some sun tea
• Take a ritual bath/shower with flowers
• Make your own sun dial
• Craft a door wreath out of flowers & herbs
• Enjoy some sunrise/sunset yoga
• Volunteer at a food kitchen or animal shelter
• Plant trees (especially ones that may provide fruit or berries to feed the wildlife)
• Watch the sunset & say a blessing to nature
• Make flower infused anointing/spell oils
• Eat fresh fruits & berries
• Participate in a handfasting
• Create shadow art
The history of Litha reveals its deep connections to ancient agricultural societies & their reliance on the sun's power. Celebrated as part of the Wheel of the Year, Litha symbolizes the balance between light & darkness. Throughout history  customs such as bonfires, herb gathering & the construction of sunwheels have marked this festival. Today, Litha continues to be celebrated by various communities, with gatherings at sacred sites & private rituals in natural settings. It serves as a reminder of our connection with nature and the cycles of life.
• The traditions of Litha appear to be borrowed from many cultures. Most ancient cultures celebrated the summer solstice in some way such as the Celts celebrated Litha with hilltop bonfires & dancing. Many people attempted to jump over or through the bonfires for good luck. Other European traditions included setting large wheels on fire & rolling them down a hill into a body of water.
Litha is often associated with Midsummer, a celebration that extends beyond the pagan and Wiccan traditions. Midsummer festivities are observed in many cultures around the world, including Scandinavian countries where it holds a prominent place in their cultural heritage. Midsummer dances, bonfires, & feasts are integral parts of these celebrations, often accompanied by folklore and traditional rituals that honor the sun's energy and the abundance of nature during this time.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year & in some traditions, Litha is when The Sun(The God) is symbolically at it's peak time of power & the World will soon be ripe to harvest. It is also when The Goddess is pregnant with The God who is to be reborn at Yule.
• In the Northern Hemisphere the Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its highest and northernmost points in the sky. It marks the start of summer in the northern half of the globe. (In contrast, the June solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky, marking the start of winter.)
Some also believe the history & spirit of Litha revolve around two deities, The Oak King & The Holly King. In Wiccan and Neo-Pagan traditions, each King rules the Earth for half of the year. From Yule to Litha, the Oak King rules. On Litha, the two battled for the crown and it is then that the Holly King triumphs. The Holly King will rule through fall until Yule, and the cycle will begin again.
Related festivals:
• Vestalia- June 7th -15th
Was a Roman religious festival in honor of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth & the burning continuation of the sacred fire of Rome. It was held from 7–15 June & was reserved as a women's-only event. Domestic & family life in general were represented by the festival of the goddess of the house & of the spirits of the storechamber — Vesta & the Penates .
On the first day of festivities the penus Vestae (sanctum sanctorum of the temple of Vesta which was usually curtained off) was opened for the only time during the year, at which women offered sacrifices. As long as the curtain remained open, mothers could come, barefoot and disheveled, to leave offerings to the goddess in exchange for a blessing to them and their family.
For the last day, the penus Vestae was solemnly closed, the Flaminica Dialis observed mourning & the temple was subjected to a purification called stercoratio: the filth was swept from the temple and carried next by the route called clivus Capitolinus and then into the Tiber.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Celebrating the Summer Solstice: A Witch's Guide to Litha
As the wheel of the year turns to the height of summer, we embrace the vibrant energy of Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice. This magical festival marks the longest day and shortest night of the year, a time when the sun stands still and the Earth is bathed in its fullest light. Let's dive into the essence of Litha, explore how witches celebrate this sun-drenched festival, and discover rituals, spells, and traditions to honor this radiant time.
What is Litha?
Litha, celebrated on or around June 21st, is a festival of light, abundance, and the peak of the sun's power. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and is a time of joy, growth, and the bountiful gifts of the Earth.
How Do Witches Celebrate Litha?
Witches celebrate Litha with outdoor rituals, bonfires, feasts, and a deep connection to nature. It’s a time to honor the sun, embrace its energy, and celebrate the fertility of the Earth.
Rituals and Spells for Litha
🔥 Bonfire Rituals: Lighting bonfires or candles symbolizes the sun’s energy and power. Jump over the fire (safely) or a candle to bring good luck and cleanse yourself of negative energies.
🌿 Flower Crowns and Herb Gatherings: Create flower crowns and gather herbs like St. John’s Wort, lavender, and rosemary, which are potent at this time.
💧 Sun Water: Collect water in a clear jar and leave it in the sun to absorb its energy. Use this sun-charged water in rituals and spells for vitality and empowerment.
✨ Sun Meditation: Meditate outdoors, focusing on the warmth and light of the sun. Visualize its energy filling you with strength and positivity.
Litha and Sacred Symbols
🌞 The Sun: The central symbol of Litha, representing life, energy, and power. Honor the sun with sun-shaped symbols, colors like gold, yellow, and orange, and sunflowers.
🔥 Fire: Symbolizing transformation and purification. Incorporate fire into your rituals through candles, bonfires, or even a simple flame.
🌸 Flowers and Herbs: Representing the Earth’s abundance and fertility. Decorate your altar with fresh flowers and use herbs in your spells and rituals.
Other Litha Traditions
🥗 Feasting: Celebrate with a feast of summer fruits, vegetables, and dishes cooked on an open fire. Share your bounty with loved ones, embracing the spirit of abundance.
🎁 Gift-Giving: Exchange small, sun-themed tokens of appreciation and blessings with friends and family.
🏞️ Nature Walks and Outdoor Activities: Spend time in nature, appreciating the beauty and energy of the season. Collect natural items for your altar or as offerings.
Litha is a time to celebrate the peak of solar energy, embrace the fullness of life, and set intentions for growth and abundance. Whether through rituals, spells, or simply basking in the sun’s glory, Litha offers a moment to connect deeply with the natural world and its rhythms. As we honor the longest day of the year, may the light of the sun fill your heart with joy, your mind with clarity, and your spirit with boundless energy.
Blessed Litha to all!
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helgahaze · 3 months
Litha Season: Astrology, Correspondences and Activity Ideas
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Helga Haze on Pinterest
Litha season covers the entire zodiac sign of Cancer and half of Leo. Their ruler planets are the Moon and the Sun. On the longest day of the year — the summer solstice — intertwine obvious and hidden, irrational and rational, internal and external, masculine and feminine, ego and id.
Litha is the Sun at the peak of its power. The Earth is in bloom and abundance. It's triumph of joy, warmth, pleasure, and light. The brightest, most memorable moment before the wheel of the year changes its direction again and starts moving towards increasing darkness. After the summer solstice, the daylight hours will begin to get shorter and shorter.
Litha season is a time to:
🟆 Go public, bring your projects out of the drawer, come out of the broom closet. 🟆 Create a website, portfolio, blog, social media account to promote and showcase your project or business. 🟆 Work on your marketing positioning, personal branding, be clear about «who I am, what I am about, and for whom I do what I do.» 🟆 Try or improve yourself in acting, public speaking. 🟆 Release body tension through relaxation exercises and breathing techniques. 🟆 Learn to relax and rest (truly, not just switch from one activity to another). 🟆 Add creativity to your life, dedicate time to the things you love most. 🟆 Try freewriting, doodling, play, experiment, do spontaneous «silly things» that bring you joy. 🟆 Donate food and clothes to charity, adopt new eco-friendly habits. 🟆 Gather around a campfire, go camping, trekking, have picnics. 🟆 Drink tea on the porch or balcony. 🟆 Watch sunrises and sunsets. 🟆 Dance — in a rooftop café, alone at home, in a garden. 🟆 Swim (especially at night, if it’s warm and safe). 🟆 Go out into nature, take a vacation, travel for a couple of days to a new place. 🟆 Collect and dry St. John’s wort and other seasonal herbs. 🟆 Enjoy food, seasonal fruits, visit a restaurant of your favourite cuisine.
Litha Season is not a time to:
🟆 Try to mend relationships with those who are not interested in it. 🟆 Dwell in the past, escape from the moment «here and now». 🟆 Hold onto «expired» things that cause you pain. 🟆 Deny yourself joy and pleasure. 🟆 Get stuck in the city among concrete and asphalt.
All this is relevant until Lughnasadh (August 1), the point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox.
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have-a-hiddles · 4 months
It just occurred to me. The day the Ghost movie opens (June 20th) is ALSO Summer Solstice / Litha / Midsomer / Alban Hefin. The longest day of the year. The shortest period of darkness. From Summer Solstice until Winter Solstice, the nights will get longer and longer.
I'm Wiccan, so I go by Litha.
As a spiritual holiday, Litha is a time for rituals and ceremonies that honour the sun and the energy of the summer season. It is a time to connect with the natural world and to celebrate the beauty and diversity of life. It is also a time to reflect on personal growth and to set intentions for the rest of the year.
Like Beltane, fire is the element of Litha. Bonfires were lit to assist the sun as it journeyed across the sky, changing course and shortening the days. It was believed that the faerie realm was the most accessible during Midsummer Night.
There's a few traditional ways to celebrate.
Spend time outside, whether that means going for a hike, having a picnic, or simply sitting in the sun and enjoying the warmth
Create a special meal or drink using seasonal ingredients, such as berries, herbs, or honey
Connect with friends and loved ones and participate in a group ritual or celebration.
Lighting bonfires or candles to celebrate the light and warmth of the sun
Decorating altars and sacred spaces with flowers, herbs, and other symbols of growth and vitality
Creating and sharing meals made with fresh, seasonal ingredients
Participating in activities that celebrate creativity, such as dancing, singing, or making art
Sooooo... Ghost concerts are called rituals, yes? So a lot of us will be attending a ritual both together and apart, just as it should be on Litha. And it's day for singing and dancing and celebrating the Light. As I recall, Lucifer means "light bringer". And the trailer was all "this is a celebration of life!" which is exactly what Litha is.
The colors typically associated with Litha include gold, green, and most importantly blue. Copia's color is that bright royal blue in contrast to the others; Primo was red, Secondo was green, Terzo was purple.
Litha is also an excellent time to communicate with "the other side". It has been suggested that Copia may resurrect one or more of the dead Papas.
Am I reaching? Maybe.
But I see you, Tobias! I see what you (maybe) did there!
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magickkate · 9 months
🌿✨ A Beginner’s Guide: Navigating the Magical Seasons and the Wheel of the Year ✨🍂
Hello, witches! Ever heard of the Wheel of the Year? 🌙🌸 Let’s take a magical stroll through the seasons and see how it spins its enchantment in witchcraft for beginners! 🔄🌷
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🔮 What’s the Wheel of the Year?
• Imagine a cosmic calendar divided into eight magical chapters, each representing a unique season and energy shift. This is the Wheel of the Year!
🌳 The Eight Sabbats:
• The Wheel has eight spokes, known as Sabbats. These include Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha (Midsummer), Lammas, and Mabon. Each has its own magical significance and vibe.
🌞 Honoring Nature’s Rhythms:
• Witches use the Wheel to attune with nature’s cycles. From the darkness of winter to the blossoming of spring, each Sabbat reflects the ebb and flow of energies.
🌼 Practical Magic:
• Incorporate the Wheel into your craft! Celebrate Sabbats with rituals, spells, and activities aligned with each season. For instance, plant seeds during Ostara for growth or embrace gratitude at Mabon.
📚 Beginner-Friendly Resources:
• Explore books like “Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner” by Scott Cunningham or “The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book” by Skye Alexander for practical insights into Wheel of the Year celebrations. (Wicca ≠ Witchcraft, Wicca is a religion, Witchcraft is a folk practice! The book by Scott Cunningham introduces the Wheel of the Year and how it is utilized in Wiccan traditions.)
🌱 Connect with Community:
• Join online communities or local groups to share experiences and learn how others incorporate the Wheel into their practice. There’s magic in sharing!
🌕 Celebrate at Your Own Pace:
• No need to rush! Celebrate the Sabbats that resonate with you. The Wheel is a guide, not a rulebook. Feel the energies and go with the flow.
🌈 Begin Your Wheel Adventure:
• Whether you’re a total newbie or a curious seeker, the Wheel of the Year invites you to dance with nature’s rhythms, embrace magic, and celebrate the enchantment of every season! 🌟🌿
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astroyongie · 1 year
Seventeen October Reading 2023
Note: here's the first reading of our October plan! Tomorrow, Pagan Wheel Litha will be out ! <3
Love: I believe that Scoups’s relationship is going through a very tough period. The couple is unable to find time for themselves and he is also lacking from balance in it. In a way, they don’t have much romantic or love complicity and that is becoming a problem 
Career: For his career, everything seems to be going well. He is happy, he has a good relationship with pretty much everyone inside the group and he is also able to use his creativity for the group, so overall he is happy. 
Self: Even if his relationship isn’t going well, I see that scoups is overall satisfied with his life. He still has some wishes about things he wants in his life and wants to achieve but he is overall in a good place within himself 
Love: Everything going well for Wonwoo, his relationship is stable, and healthy and they have been using a lot of their communication in order to keep the love going and solve the issues whenever they come. No honestly, he is one of the idols with the most lasting and healthy relationships. 
Career: I don’t think the company is very honest with him, they are always finding new things for him to do and changing the initial plans without telling him about it. I also see that he has been having some difficulties in his relationship with one member in particular 
Self: He is very frustrated in general, I think Wonwoo has a bad time dealing with delays and changing plans and when those arrive he kept over the edge very easily 
Love: Single, this man is not looking for any official company at the moment and he also doesn’t truly believe in “true love”. Mingyu is just roaming endlessly and having his on-and-off flings without much care 
Career: He is having a challenging time with his career, mostly because the jobs that are offered to him are things he isn’t comfortable with and yet, still has to do them. Mingyu is also jealous of certain members for having it “more easy” or at least for being more popular or having more opportunities that he doesn’t have  
Self: His energy is very negative altogether at the moment, but I believe it’s because Mingyu is having a hard time accepting certain things and he doesn’t want to look at himself or re-evaluate himself in certain situations 
Love: he is currently dating, this seems to be a new relationship or at least something that is pretty new since he is still in his honeymoon phase with the person. I also see that Vernon fought a lot to be with this person, he flirted and courted them until they accepted to be with him 
Career: He is trying to focus more on his own thing, trying to develop his creativity, his lyrics and his music. But he is also seeking for new opportunities, for activities that aren’t related to music directly as well. Vernon feels the need to improve as an artist 
Self: I see some inner conflicts inside his head, probably due to some morals and values that he hasn’t been following or maybe for choices concerning his career. Vernon is also in a moment where he likes to avoid anything that remembers him of his inner demons and self 
Love: I believe that Woozi is still single but he has been having a very recurrent fling that he sees for some time now. He does have certain feelings for them, since he offers the person some material goods and he is overall gentle with them. He just doesn’t want to be official with them yet 
Career: Things are moving very fast, and Woozi is basically carrying the whole group by himself. He does a lot of backstage work, he plans the songs, the release, and the tour, and talks to the staff and the company. He has been more of a leader in that sense than Scoups 
Self: he is happy with his life, he is mentally and physically healthy and just enjoying things. His head is just a bag of roses at the moment 
Love: He is still in a relationship and things seem to be going well, a lot of success and happiness around the couple. I don’t have much to say when it’s like that. 
Career: He has been a little bit impulsive with people who work with him but other than that, he has also been focusing a lot on his job and taking all the opportunities that were given to him. Either they are coming from the company or sponsoring, he is trying to do it all. 
Self: But his impulsiveness also has much impact on his personality and his behaviors, since he makes everything seem like haste. I believe that Jeonghan is also very ruthless with his words which ends up hurting people around him 
Love: This boy is in love, dating and being happy. He doesn’t care about what the world says about him as he just wants to live his perfect life with the person he loves. Hate doesn’t touch him at all. 
Career: I see a huge opportunity being given to Joshua and him accepting that opportunity so he could potentially travel or work with brands and endorsements that he likes. Overall, a very stable career
Self: He feels lucky in his life currently. Both his career and love life are going well and he is just happy with what life is giving him 
Love: He too is currently dating! And boy DK is like shining, his energy is so bright and happy. This person is making him feel completely and loved. Again, nothing to add, other than that he is the happiest at the moment 
Career: Not only does he see his career as being a full-time success with SVT, he was also smart enough to invest a lot of his money in things that are giving him back, the double he invested. So DK is like being blessed at all levels a the moment 
Self: He just has a hard time letting go of some of his past traumas, and it’s honestly the only thing that holds him back or that brings him sadness every now and then. But other than that, he is okay 
Love: He is single at the moment, but Seungkwan is very close to someone he loves dearly and I believe that it’s a friendship that is slowly turning into something more. It just needs some time to actually develop correctly. 
Career: Again, I only see good things coming for him. Career opportunities in both the music department and on endorsements. But also his group continuing to have success and him being happy about it 
Self: Seungkwan went through a tough period as everyone knows, but I also see a lot of recovery. He isn’t alone, he is being followed by friends and professionals who are helping him mourn and also getting better. It’s a positive light for his recovery 
Love: He is definitely in his weird type of relationship, with that older person that is basically being his bank account as well. Hoshi has been living a luxurious and abundant life lately through his partner and honestly, he seems to like it a Lot. 
Career: I don’t see anything new for his career, however, I do see a lot of critics and self-critics. So he basically might have argued with a member and he also has a too much high standard even for himself, which makes him prone to negative talk about himself. And that energy can be seen through his performances
Self: He is way too careless. Hoshi doesn’t take precautions with his life, with his behaviors and on his consumption which would be an issue later on. 
Love: He is really cold-hearted at the moment. Ever since he has broken up he hasn’t been with anyone else, he isn’t seeking anyone else and he just wants to be left in peace when it comes to love. That breakup really did something nasty to him 
Career: I also see so much conflict here. His career has been the motive of huge arguments between him and his family, but his behaviors have also been an issue for the group since it creates a lot of tension and aggressivity. He has been having a hard time keeping his idol image 
Self: I feel like Jun feels heavy, a burden even. He feels like everything is falling on his shoulders, that he has to do it all by himself and that people around him don’t care about him the way he wishes someone to. 
Love: I believe that the8 is equally single and he is also not searching for someone. But in his case, it’s simply because he wants to enjoy his life, to have experiences and to meet people before finding someone to get with. 
Career:  He has been very productive and his mind is mostly focused on his work. The8 wants to give the best of himself and for that, he works a lot, perhaps even too much. But it’s also what makes him being such an idol, his dedication. 
Self: He is honestly balanced and his energy is good. The8 has been emotionally active, been there for people he likes and being diplomatic to solve conflicts whenever there is one
Love: He is in a relationship, but Dino has developed such a lousy co-dependency attachment that I am worried for him. He isn’t capable of being away from his person for long periods of time, he is very dependent and his moods depend on his relationship. 
Career: He has been having a hard time with the company and some of his members, and I kind of see his need and want to go on a hiatus period so he can focus more on herself. Although I doubt the company will give it to him 
Self: his energy is still good, though even if things aren’t as they are, he finds himself being happy with the little finds of life and he doesn’t dwell on his sadness 
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The Summer Solstice: Embracing Litha, Alban Hefin, and Midsummer
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The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, Alban Hefin, or Midsummer, is one of the most significant and ancient celebrations in pagan and Druidic calendars. This festival marks the longest day of the year, a time when the sun is at its peak and the Earth is brimming with life and energy. Let’s delve deeper into the origins of this enchanting celebration and explore ways to honor and celebrate it with joy and reverence.
The Origins of Litha, Alban Hefin, and Midsummer
Litha is a term derived from the Old English word "liða," referring to the gentle and warm months of summer. The term was popularized by modern Pagan and Wiccan traditions to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Litha is a time to honor the sun, the Earth’s fertility, and the abundance of life. The festival itself draws from ancient Anglo-Saxon traditions where midsummer was a significant period for community gatherings and celebrating the peak of agricultural productivity.
Alban Hefin, meaning "Light of the Shore" or "Light of Summer" in Welsh, is the Druidic name for the Summer Solstice. The Druids, who were the priestly class in ancient Celtic cultures, held profound respect for nature and its cycles. For the Druids, Alban Hefin was a time to celebrate the power and life-giving energy of the sun. The Celts believed that the sun was at the height of its power and used this time to seek blessings for fertility, health, and prosperity. The festival also symbolized the balance and interconnectedness of life, as the sun’s peak also marked the turning point towards the darker half of the year.
Midsummer has deep roots in European traditions, pre-dating Christianity. In ancient agricultural societies, Midsummer was celebrated as a pivotal time of the year. The Celts, Norse, and many other cultures held feasts, bonfires, and various rituals to honor the height of summer and to ensure a bountiful harvest. The Christian church later adopted and adapted many Midsummer traditions, aligning them with the feast of St. John the Baptist on June 24th. Despite this, many of the original pagan customs have survived and continue to be practiced today.
​Celebrating Litha, Alban Hefin, and Midsummer Celebrating this time of year can be a joyful and enriching experience, filled with traditions and activities that honor the sun, the Earth, and the cycles of nature. Here are some ways to celebrate Litha, Alban Hefin, or Midsummer:
Rise with the Sun
Start the day by watching the sunrise. Find a beautiful natural setting, such as a hilltop or a beach, and gather with loved ones to greet the sun. Reflect on its energy and the light it brings into your life. Ancient Druids would often gather at sacred sites like Stonehenge, where the sunrise aligns perfectly with the stones.
Create a Sun Altar
Build an altar dedicated to the sun. Use yellow, gold, and orange decorations, candles, and sun symbols. Adorn the altar with seasonal flowers, herbs, and fruits. This can be a focal point for meditation, offerings, and reflection throughout the day. The altar can also include representations of the sun gods and goddesses from various cultures, such as Ra, Apollo, or Helios.
Host a Midsummer Feast
Prepare a feast using fresh, seasonal produce. Include dishes made from fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are abundant at this time of year. Share the meal outdoors if possible, basking in the warmth of the sun. Incorporate traditional foods such as honey, bread, and mead. In ancient times, communities would come together to share in the bounty of the harvest, strengthening communal bonds.
Light a Bonfire
Bonfires are a central element of Midsummer celebrations. Fire symbolizes the sun's power and its life-giving energy. Gather around the fire with friends and family, sing songs, share stories, and enjoy the communal warmth. Jumping over the bonfire is a traditional practice believed to bring good luck and purification. This custom dates back to ancient times when fire was seen as a protective and purifying force.
Engage in Nature Activities
Spend time in nature, appreciating its beauty and abundance. Go for a hike, have a picnic, swim in a natural body of water, or simply relax in a sunlit meadow. Encourage children to create nature crafts, such as flower crowns or sun catchers. In many cultures, gathering herbs and flowers at Midsummer is believed to be particularly potent for healing and magic.
Hold a Solstice Ritual
Conduct a simple ritual to honor the Solstice. This can include lighting candles, reciting poems or prayers, and making offerings to the Earth and the sun. Reflect on your personal growth and set intentions for the coming months. Druids might conduct rituals that include offerings to the spirits of the land and prayers for protection and prosperity.
Meditate and Reflect
Use this time for personal meditation and reflection. Find a quiet spot in nature or near your sun altar. Meditate on themes of light, growth, and balance. Contemplate your journey so far and the path ahead, embracing the energy of the sun to inspire and guide you. The Solstice is a powerful time for setting new goals and letting go of what no longer serves you.
Celebrate with Music and Dance
Music and dance are integral parts of many Midsummer celebrations. Play instruments, sing, and dance around the bonfire or in an open field. Create a playlist of uplifting, sun-themed songs to enjoy throughout the day. Traditional dances, such as the Morris dance in England, are often performed to celebrate the vitality of summer.
Plant a Solstice Garden
Start a garden to symbolize growth and renewal. Plant herbs, flowers, or vegetables that thrive in the summer sun. Involve children in planting and caring for the garden, teaching them about the cycles of nature and the importance of nurturing life. Herbs such as St. John's Wort, traditionally harvested at Midsummer, are believed to have powerful healing properties.
Litha, Alban Hefin, and Midsummer are times of celebration, reflection, and connection. These traditions, rooted in ancient practices, offer a way to honor the sun, the Earth, and the cycles of life. By gathering with friends and family, creating meaningful rituals, and spending time in nature, you can embrace the spirit of the Solstice and carry its light within you throughout the year. Celebrate with joy, gratitude, and a deep appreciation for the abundant gifts of the season.
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livingbewitchingly · 3 months
Happy Litha Summer Solstice, 2024
When is Litha? The summer solstice or “midsummer”, lands on June 20th in the northern hemisphere. It is the longest day of the year. After Litha, the days begin to become shorter until Yule in December, when the wheel turns once again and the days become longer. Litha is a celebration of abundance. Symbols of Litha include the sun, or the element of fire and the oak trees which represent…
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Cryptid Biology Season 2: Mabon
[Previous entry in the series: Here. After setting up for a special event, Bea feels like ditching the party like she did during Litha, but a worried Mountain convinces her to try and enjoy the results of her hard work, and Rain helps her unwind afterwards. Somehow this became angst. Somehow.] Below the cut.
The first day of Autumn brings a strange, new life to the abbey.
The siblings rise early, excited, and set out onto the grounds to relax and play to their hearts content; It's Mabon, and one of the siblings' preferred holidays, thus no one has to work today, nor tomorrow, or until noon on the third day of the season.
Bea, too, has been given the day off, but finds herself restless.
Invited to the main building for breakfast, along with the other members of staff, who usually take their lunch in their offices, rooms, or, in Bea's case, outside, she sits among the siblings, listening to them chatter ceaselessly about this or that around bites of food, only stopping when Copia -or "Frater Imperator" as he's now called, though she likely will never call him that just out of general defiance- moves to the front of the hall to speak.
Admittedly, Bea only half listens to what he has to say, and not entirely because she finds him to be a bore; While she'd normally avoid coming to this sort of thing, she felt as if she deserved a nice warm breakfast made by somebody else after she'd played hell trying to get everything set up for today.
It had been her, along with a choice few siblings of sin and staff members that had thrown everything together both inside and outside of the abbey for the celebration.
She'd spent the better part of the last week laying out a map of where everything should go, shifting things around so they needn't go so far as to alter the landscape, and even laid out woodchips to make a proper trail through the event so that neither the siblings nor their guests would have to walk through wet grass to view the various activity and craft stalls.
It had been a lot of work, albeit no more than she was used to in terms of knowledge or skill, but it was tedious, tiring work, and Bea had reached her limit by the time they stuck that last tent pole into the ground.
Now, her body ached and she wanted nothing more than to climb back into bed, but, at the same time, she felt brimming with energy.
One might mistakenly call it excitement, but Bea does not cope well with such emotions, and instead would call it anxiety.
As Copia speaks, she can't seem to make herself calm down, even with one voice filling the air, his over the top antics and joyful tone do nothing to alleviate the immense stress she feels knowing that if something about the event's set up or aesthetics get criticized, she simply doesn't have the mental bandwidth to stop herself from crying.
She pokes at her yogurt, the only thing she seems to be able to stomach, the smell of everything else combined together leaving her a touch nauseous despite, under normal circumstances, sounding delicious.
Bea wouldn't say it's rare for her to get anxious about her work being judged; And when it is judged, usually it's positive, but lately she can't shake even the smallest slight... and she isn't entirely sure why.
Everything -this event, being around so many people, life- feels like too much.
When she feels her stomach turn again, Bea leans forward on the table, clearing her spot and sets her head down atop her folded arms, taking a deep breath before closing her eyes.
Before long, a large, warm hand settles on her back, and she startles, eyes cracking open slightly as she takes in the sight of Mountain settling down beside her, his fuzzy, unglamoured face scrunched with worry.
"Are you alright?" he whispers, though it's hard to hear him as the siblings resume their conversations.
Bea inhales slowly.
"Just... thinking a lot." she says, and the ghoul nods, "I think I'm going to sit this one out, big guy..."
Mountain frowns.
"Don't give me the puppy dog eyes, Mount, it don't work on me..." she mumbles, but something about the look he gives her does make her reconsider, "...One walk around the grounds, and then I'm going home."
Bea looks at the setting sun and wonders how on earth Mountain managed to drag her through the entire day's events without her noticing; She wants to be mad, but it's hard to be when she actually had a good time, and now all that was left was the closing bonfire.
Technically, there was more they could do during and afterwards, but none of that appealed to her, and Mountain knew her social battery and tolerance for his company was beginning to wear thin.
It wasn't that she hated Mountain or disliked him in any real way, but they were often "too much" for each other.
Although on a surface level, that might warrant a deeper dive into their relationship as a whole, put plainly; If they were to allowed to spend more time together, something would wind up broken or on fire, and not because they were bickering, no, but because, in the way of true friendship, they'd simply choose to cause chaos.
A prime example of this was when, the night after the party for Litha, Bea had decided she didn't, in fact, want to carry a cumbersome, carved statue of a dick back to the abbey -she wasn't sure where it had come from, nor did she want to ask- and the two had put their heads together to figure out the worst place to put it.
A bit of back and forth later, and it'd ended up in the lake for the water ghouls to find come morning.
Though in that case, the dick must've found its way into some deeper crevice -and, oh, the jokes about penetration and sex they had made after that- and disappeared, because there'd been no real pay off to that one... Last year's Samhain celebration however...
Bea shakes her head as she watches Mountain wander away towards the party, walking over to Dewdrop -she's pretty sure it's him anyway, it's hard to tell since she's only met him a handful of times- who is stood by the fire with the rest of his pack, save for one; Rain is decidedly missing from the group, but it doesn't take long for her to find him... or more accurately for him to find her.
Long arms snake around her midsection, cold and clammy, sending a shiver down her spine as he lowers his chin down to rest upon her head.
"Mountain actually managed to drag you out of your cave, hm~?" he teases, and Bea, surprisingly even to herself, doesn't bite back or shake him off.
"He has a way of doing that, yeah..." she sighs, feeling the water ghoul sniff her hair, "Whatcha doin', huh?"
"Nothing." he says, "Stealing the warmth from your body."
Bea snorts.
They stand like this for a time, Rain wrapped around her like a cold, yet comforting blanket, until -like the company of a friend- it becomes too much.
"Go on then." she pats his hands, prompting him to release her, "Back to your friends, I'm sure they miss you."
Rain pauses to consider this before pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, her short hair tickling his nose, and heading off in the same direction Mountain had gone.
Alone once more, Bea looks between the warm light of the fire, and the distant, dim glow of her porchlight across the lake, before setting off into the dark of the night.
She's too tired to fully process that she hadn't left any of the lights on before she left that morning, and though a whisper in the back of her mind hints that, perhaps, something is off, she doesn't have the spoons left to care.
Arriving at the cottage, Bea kicks off her shoes, hearing them thump against the wooden siding, and pops open the screen door to reveal the dark interior of her home.
Flicking on the lights, she takes in the space; Nothing's out of place or missing, but small things... small things are different, and she can feel it the moment she crosses the threshold.
Someone's been in here.
The thought has her blinking, more awake than she'd been all day, but there's no sudden drop in her stomach or a cold wash of fear over her features at this realization.
No, it's a lighter feeling.
She looks at the sink, the dishes stacked up to the faucet for the last week now sat in the drying rack, the hamper of laundry she'd left on the kitchen table because she'd been too busy to fold it was missing, but easily found upon opening her dresser...
Somebody's... tidied her house?
Bea places her hands on her hips.
Occasionally, Mountain would clean up after her, despite her protests, because he didn't like the place becoming cluttered even if he didn't live there anymore, but he'd been with her all day...
"Surprise?" a voice from the doorway says, sounding a little unsure.
Bea turns, catching sight of Rain, who nervously wrings his hands together.
"You did this?"
He nods.
"Thank you, but why?" she asks, and the ghoul steps inside, head bowed slightly as he looks at her.
"You've been working really hard lately, so I thought I might... take away some of the weight?" he offers, but when Bea raises an eyebrow at him, he confesses easily enough, "I thought we might celebrate the holiday together, like... like last time."
The gardener frowns.
"I didn't do it just because I wanted to-" he begins to clarify, but is cut off by Bea, who pulls him down into a kiss, "O-Ohhh..."
"Don't care." she mumbles, "I appreciate the gesture, but, really, you didn't have to... could've just asked, you know I wouldn't turn you down."
"But you could." he says, "I don't know... maybe I want you to."
"To turn you down?" she questions, confused.
"It's... a strange feeling, Miss. Milne." he says, placing a hand on his chest, and suddenly Bea recognizes his game, "A man of the cloth, tempted by a woman such as yourself..."
Bea smirks.
"I see... You want to play that game?" she laughs, running her hands up his sides, "Yes or no?"
Rain shudders as her fingers brush against his gills through the fabric of his shirt, "...Yes..."
There is something to be said about these early fall days, how the mornings are cool as ice, but the afternoon sun reminds you that summer has only just left.
The nights are hot and humid, and in the close confines of the gardener's cottage, the air has never felt warmer.
Rain contemplates this change, buried deeply inside of Bea's body, the heavy rise and fall of her chest entrancing him as he compares the tan lines closer to her neck and shoulders to the paleness of her breasts.
He draws them together, thumb reverently over the softness of them, squeezing.
"Can I..." Bea sighs as Rain rolls his hips, "...ask you something?"
Rain hums, hands abandoning her chest as he lowers himself down on top of her, "Go right ahead."
"...Would you be sad if I left?"
And just like that, Rain feels the temperature drop.
"Are you... planning on leaving?" he asks in a faint whisper.
Bea runs a hand through his hair, playing with one of the many dark curls.
"Lately, I haven't been feeling like myself..." she says, "...I feel... different, and I can't quite place how or why."
Rain pulls back a little to look at her face from above, "...When you say leave-"
"The last time I spoke to Sister Imperator, before she... before she passed, I renewed my contract."
"Then you're staying?" Rain almost lets himself feel relieved, but quickly circles back, "You said..."
"...She said there's a chance, that when this is over, I won't..." she tries, but the ghoul is already lifting her up, the movement drawing them closer together, and for a moment they both groan before coming back to their senses, "...So I need to know... Will you be sad?"
Rain gives a stilted laugh, "You... you make it sound like you're dying, Beatrix, and I don't like it... So... So just tell me what's going on. Don't beat around the bush."
Bea looks up at him, honey brown eyes shining in the dull light of her bedroom, "...I was given a chance to become part of Copia's staff, permanently."
"That's... Bea, that's wonderful news, but why-"
"I have until the end of October to decide." she says, "After that, it'll be too late to change my mind."
Rain blinks.
"I still don't..." he swallows hard.
"She said it's possible I'll forget things, or I might... might not be the same person afterwards."
"...You didn't..." he frets, grabbing her arms, "You can't...!"
"Why not?" she asks, and, fuck, does Rain want to scream.
"Aren't you happy like this?" he questions, "In your cottage, comfortable and secure... Why would you risk losing that?"
"...Rain..." Bea trembles, tears starting to bead on her lashes, "...It's more of a risk not doing it. If I don't... I have to leave. So either way... either way, I could lose everything."
"You could stay!" Rain states firmly, "Papa -Frater- Fuck! He'd be reasonable and understand that you shouldn't have to do something like that just to stay here! It's bullshi-"
"...I already talked to him." she says, "He gave me other options, and I chose this... Sister offered it to me, and I asked Copia after she was gone if the offer still stood."
"...The end of October..." Rain feels his world spin just a little, "That's how long we have then..."
Bea rests her cheek on his shoulder.
"If I do forget or become someone else, you'll have to remind me."
"You'll remember." Rain says, "I won't let you forget."
"That might not be something either of us can con-OH!"
"So do I need to ask or are you just going to come out and say it?" Mountain asks when he sees Rain shuffling into the ghouls' den in the early hours of the morning the following day.
The ghoul offers him a tired stare before plopping himself down in the worn armchair Dew usually steals for himself first thing, "...Y'ever think, maybe, Bea's... not happy?"
Mountain pauses, looking towards his packmate, then sits down on the couch, the old springs groaning under his weight.
"I don't think..." he shakes his head, "People like Milne... no..."
"It's complicated." he settles on finally, "Milne came here to escape whatever life she left behind in the states, and now things are changing here, and she's getting itchy. Anxious."
"Anxious enough to leave?" Rain muses, "Or to forget..."
The earth ghoul closes his eyes.
"Humans are funny creatures."
"I don't think this is terribly funny, Mountain..." Rain trills nervously, "I don't think she realizes how serious this is-"
"And I think she does." Mountain counters, "If you think she doesn't, then perhaps you should get to know her beyond the curves of her body."
"Milne is not stupid, foolish at times, but she knows full well what she's doing." the other rumbles, "...and would it be so bad?"
Rain furrows his brow.
"Maybe you should ask yourself why you're so worried about it..." Mountain says, "Milne joining the church."
"I'm more concerned about why you seem so calm and resigned to it happening." Rain argues, "She's your friend, and you seem okay with the idea of her possibly forgetting all about you!"
Mountain hums.
"I'm not." he smiles sadly, "Okay with it, that is. But..."
"Milne would make a remarkable ghoul."
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pastafossa · 1 year
Using Tarot To Help You Write
Right ok, so I’ve wanted to do this for a bit - there are vague references to tarot in my story TRT and I’ve answered a few questions about how I use the RWS-style tarot to write but now I have a little bit of time while I wait for my laundry to dry. So let’s get into it.
If you’re looking for another tool in your writer’s kit, you could strongly consider adding a box of tarot cards to the bag. Set aside, for a minute, what you’ve heard about it. Set aside any spiritual aspect, telling the future, the ‘OoOOOooOOh evil’, or even the ‘DRAW DEATH MEANS DEATH’ you see in movies. Instead, strip it down to its base.
Tarot is about telling a story.
(Below: Oak, Ash, & Thorn Tarot)
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From a storytelling perspective, the first 18 cards of the RWS style tarot, known as the Major Arcana, essentially tell the Hero’s Journey as the Hero sets out on an adventure and searches for knowledge. There’s disaster, love, temptation, and wise people they meet along the way before eventually finding enlightenment at the end of their journey. The Major Arcana contains major archetypes and themes present through so many stories. When you add in the rest of the cards in the Minor Arcana - the other 56 cards, encompassing a variety of emotions, archetypes, figures, and various life events you might run into - you’ve got something perfect when you want to introduce new elements to your story. I keep a small deck on my desk and use it frequently when creating random OCs, plotlines, or problems for characters to solve.
And before you go, holy shit Pasta that’s a lot to take in, using tarot for your story doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to have 20 years of tarot experiences, you don’t need to be an expert, you don’t need A Great Gift. You don’t have to know about tarot at all, really. You just need one thing:
The right storytelling deck.
More below the cut.
Look, there are a million styles out there, some that focus heavily on storytelling imagery and some that focus more on symbols; some that feature animals or nature, and some that focus on people. I generally lean towards animal-based decks since I’m more familiar with animal/nature imagery, body language, and symbolism, but in reality the best deck to use for writing is simply the one you’ll actually use. If you’re drawn to one, go for it. That being said, if you’re looking for something to use without needing to get into all the symbolism of each card, I generally recommend using a deck in which all cards, including the Minor Arcana, depict a scene you can examine - aka, one that plays up a story rather than a straight up symbol. Let me show you an example with three decks.
Left: Mystical Cats tarot; Middle: Oriens tarot; Right: Children of Litha tarot
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These all depict the same card: the Seven of Swords, meant to depict deceit, theft, betrayal, lies, and trickery. The middle card relies a little more heavily on symbolic meaning (the black widow spider, which ‘betrays’ when mating and uses a sticky web - symbolizing a potential trap), whereas the other two cards show an active scene (Card 1: OH NO HE’S GONNA STEAL YER MOUSE WHILE YOU’RE NOT LOOKING; Card 3: YOU LOVESTRUCK DIPSHITS, TURN AROUND, THE SNAKE’S EATING YOUR EGGS). I’ve found cards like Card 1 and Card 3 are faster and more convenient for storytelling, because you’re basically presented with a scenario/characters/a situation right off the bat, whereas a symbolic card is more open-ended and might require some digging unless you’re already fairly familiar with the symbolism. If you’re going to get a deck that depicts people instead, I recommend looking for a deck that’s diverse. Humans come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and having a deck that reflects that (something like the Modern Witch tarot) is valuable for storytelling. So if you’re picking a deck to help you write, look for:
Decks that use scenes/storytelling imagery for all cards
Decks with imagery/body language you can easily read at a glance
If you’re looking for a deck with people - decks with a diverse range of body types, ethnicities, sexualities, and genders
A deck with imagery you actually like, otherwise you won’t want to use it
‘Ok, so let’s say I’ve found a deck, or I already have one. What does using tarot for fic even look like?’
Let’s do two quick readings for two writing scenarios you might use this for! This will also show you can be as complex or as simple as you need to be. These are also the two scenarios I use tarot for most when writing - character construction, and plotline construction. First I’ll use the Children of Litha tarot, which uses a moderate amount of storytelling imagery. Then I’ll use the Mystical Cats tarot, which is probably the most story-heavy deck I have, imagery-wise. That way, you can see how construction gets a bit easier depending on how scene-heavy a deck is.
Scenario: I need an original character for this chapter or scene! Quick, draw three cards!
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Quick reading: she’s very gentle but there are also two tigers inside her and one of them wants to kill you, especially if you fuck with her pet birds
More complex reading - Personality, Flaw, Backstory:
Card 1 - Personality: This character is someone who’s unafraid and bold in their kindness even when faced with danger, and they know when a gentle touch is needed. They believe strength is found not in being cruel or violent but in responding with love. This usually works out for them, to the point that even Scary People (TM) seek this character out, knowing they’ll find love and affection. Alternatively, this character is one half of the Brooding Rough One Loves The Gentle Soft One trope. Whatever works for you!
Card 2 - Flaw: Despite all that, the gentle character’s got a temper, and it exists in direct conflict to what they believe about strength, thus producing cognitive dissonance. This is someone who’ll dodge conflict to avoid showing their temper, but eventually that repression’s going to blow up into a real fight and it’ll be messy.
Card 3 - backstory: This temper and conflict avoidance is due to some tragic incident in their past that left them deeply wounded. It’s one reason they’re so gentle, but there’s a lot of lingering anger and trauma. These wounds are not healed, and if you look deep enough, you’re going to find blood.
Depending on how important this character is, you could add even more: a card for a strength, a card for a challenge they need to overcome to grow as a person, their family dynamic, etc. Again, you can make it as detailed or as simple as you need.
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Quick reading: holy SHIT your characters gotta move fast, cause there’s a pissed off dude out there who wants revenge NOW and is ready to fuck up a *shuffles cards and draws* religious temple of peaceful cat loving monks, one of whom is the one that fucked up Angry Dude in the first place WHEN HE WAS A BABY WITH HIS MAMA, PLOT TWIST OH NO, IT’S PROBABLY THAT ASSHOLE STEVE IN THE BACK OF THE THIRD CARD, LOOK AT HIM LOOKING OFF INTO THE DISTANCE.
More complex reading - Theme, Problem, Setting, Solution:
Card 1 - Theme: As you can tell from our cat with zoomies, your protagonists are on a clock. The theme here is urgency, it’s speed. Things will start off with a bang and they won’t have much time to slow down. This’d be good for a one shot or a chapter.
Card 2 - Problem: look at that cat, they’re so ANGRY, they are PISSED, someone did them dirty and they’ve been stewing over it for a while. They can’t stop feeling that betrayal no matter how much they try to lick it off shake it off forget about it. They want REVENGE for what was done to them and they’re gonna cut someone up.
Card 3 - Setting: Ah, a peaceful, sunny place where everyone’s just chilling. Everyone’s happy. Maybe a religious place, say, a church or a convent or hell, a nudist retreat. Either way, no one knows what’s coming. Except (and this is why scene cards are so fun)... for STEVE there in the back. Look at him. Everyone’s relaxing in the sun but he’s staring out into the distance. He knows. And just like that, Steve’s the In Hiding person who betrayed our Problem - Steve the Asshole isn’t a part of the Sun card’s meaning, but a storytelling scene card lets you stretch like this and have fun.
Card 4 - solution: Clearly the only person who can stop Bad Person... is their MAMA (or potentially his siblings). Maybe a character goes to find the Problem’s mother and brings her to the church to talk the Problem into giving up. Maybe the protagonists desperately tell the Problem that your family wouldn’t have wanted this, even if that family was hurt - the Empress is generally very nurturing and loving, so that’s a fair bet. Either way, the solution to the Problem is their family.  
Once you get the hang of this, you’ll start to find other ways you can use it. I’ve used it for creating quick or more complex or more randomized characters, for creating plotlines and character arcs, for a few of Jane’s cases in TRT. You can use it for backstories, for settings, for problems and solutions, for deeper themes to explore with your characters. Hell, if you want some practice, you could literally go through the Major Arcana and write one-shots dealing with each card’s theme. Ultimately the possibilities are endless, whether you want to construct a detailed plotline or if you just have a new character you want to randomize or flesh out a bit.
In short: go get yourself a deck and have some fun!
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Midsummer/ Litha
This one is a litte late, as Tumblr decided to eat a couple of my drafts. But its here! The Litha/ Midsummer prompt! We'll start with some informative posts here on tumblr and elsewhere on the internet about the holiday!
Litha On Tumblr
Celebrate Litha
Ideas for Litha
Litha masterpost
Litha on the Internet
Celtic Connection
Learn Religions
The Prompt
Okay! Make a new page, solely for Midsummer!
Write out a description of the holiday. What is it? When is it? How is it traditionally celebrated? Why were things celebrated the way they were? What are the things that this holiday represents and stands for? This is the meat and potatoes of the holiday. Any and all bits of info aside from this are just the seasoning. Mine is a few small paragraphs about the holiday itself.
Now make some lists. What are the colors used to decorate for this holiday? What are some incense/ oils/ candle scents that are commonly associated with this day? Gemstones? Herbs? Is there a moon phase or particular god/goddess associated with this holiday? What about animals? Flowers? Were there any traditional offerings left out on this holiday? And what foods were made on this day?
What are some of the activities you can do to celebrate this holiday? And what about magic and rituals. Are there any specific kinds of magic to perform on or around this day? Are there any poems or blessings associated with this holiday?
That’s a lot of info, I know. But now for the second part of the holiday prompt!
Make it your own!
Now, given all the information you’ve gathered, make your own small ritual to be performed on Midsummer. To do this, I suggest a scrap paper to brainstorm on. Here’s some things to keep in mind and help write out your ritual.
What is the theme/ purpose of the ritual? (Healing ritual? Cleansing? Renewal of intentions? Welcoming the light?)
What are the tools you’ll use and what is the purpose/ association it has? (candles, athame/ sacred blade, incense, gemstones etc)
What power(s) are you calling upon for the ritual and why? (elements, deities, sun/ moon, personal power, etc)
How do you set it up? Is there specific placement of the tools? Direction to face when calling the above powers? Do you cast a circle? Or do you simply light a candle and bow your head in a moment of silent prayer/ meditation?
Good luck and Happy crafting witches!
-Mod Hazel
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smudgingpumpkins · 3 months
Also known as Midsummer
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When is Litha?
It is celebrated on the summer solstice, which is the 20th of June in 2024. However, it can be celebrated between June 20th-24th, depending on when the solstice is or how it may have traditionally been celebrated.
What does Litha mean?
“Litha” is the celebration of the longest day and the shortest night of the year, welcoming the light, warmth, vitality, and power of the summer sun. The summer solstice offers the longest amount of daylight hours of any day in the calendar year.
Who does Litha celebrate?
Any gods and goddesses in relation to fertility, beauty, and the sun are worshipped, including Lugh, Celtic God of sun and light, Helios, Greek God of the sun, and Freya, Norse Goddess of summer, love, and fertility. Modern pagan practices include honoring the “Oat King” or the personification of summer, who is said to be at his peak strength around Midsummer.
Work with stones that inspire creativity, abundance, and renewed strength, like citrine, sunstone, tiger’s eye, amber, and carnelian.
Utilize mood-boosting, aromatic herbs and flowers such as orange blossoms, sunflowers, ferns, thyme, sage, and St. John’s wart. These plants blossom beautifully in the summertime and symbolize vigor, love, and happiness. The herbs may ease stress, and reduce inflammation; St. John’s wart has been traditionally consumed for relieving symptoms of depression.
Eat an assortment of fruits, like early summer peaches, plums, cherries, and blackberries. These fruits are round like the sun, and are plump and plentiful, symbolizing the wish for abundance and fertility.
Decorate and dress yourself with bright, summery yellows, oranges, golds, and whites.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., figurines, photographs, drawings, et cetera) of eagles, sparrows, horses, and bulls, all magnificently free-spirited, powerful, and protective animals.
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Cleanse your face and body. Fill a water basin and leave it under the summer moonlight, mixed with at least one of the seven herbs of St. John (fern, rose, fennel, lemon verbena, rosemary, mallow, gorse, or whatever is available to use). Use this holy water to cleanse yourself.
Write a letter to the fairies. It is said that the veil between the human world and the world of the fae remains thin at this time. Ask for a wish and add gemstones and plants as an offering, and hope that the fairies will grant your wish true.
Take a ritual bath. Add sea salt, sugar, citrus slices and/or essential oils for a calm, refreshing bath time.
Drink refreshing beverages. Lemonade of any flavor, like raspberry or lavender, is a great summer-inspired choice. A traditional Litha tea recipe includes brewed black tea, fresh raspberries, sugar, and mint leaves.
Light a bonfire. Assist the sun with its offerings of warmth and light and safely dance and sing around the fire.
Prepare a Queimada. There is a popular tradition from Galicia where participants would read an incantation whilst preparing the alcoholic "Galicia Fire Drink": made with aguardiente or orujo (or any brandy you can obtain), coffee beans, sugar, and lemon and orange peels. The drink is mixed and prepared in an earthenware pot or hollowed-out pumpkin, kind of like a cauldron.
Here is a link for more information on the Conxuro da Queimada, as well as the English translation for the incantation:
Make a Litha altar. Add an icon or figurine of your preferred Litha God/Goddess in the center of your altar, and surround it with white and yellow candles, abundance crystals, herbs and sunflowers, bird feathers, and gold-colored decorations.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, who is the author of Magicka, recommends a savory vegetable coca. Here is the recipe below!
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