#Luna girl headcanons
killuintense · 9 months
hshhdhsjj okay everytime I see photos like this abt leon is so funny cuz I think that capcom design Leon like a pretty baby girl LIKE you can't be so beautiful and look good at every moment even FIGHTING
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emrickzhomepalace · 1 year
smut headcanons - h.p girls
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hermione x reader (separate)
ginny x reader (separate)
luna x reader (separate)
gender neutral reader
any house
all characters are aged up to 18+
warnings: smut, swearing, kinky shit
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hermione granger
hermione is defff a good girl - but one that likes to be punished, does that make sense?
like she’ll do everything right but do one thing wrong to be spanked or something else
definitely has a thing for being choked and/or spanked
i can also imagine whoever she’s having sex with they definitely have a rule where she can’t swear
and i imagine her being very vocal and foul-mouthed in bed
she’s definitely there to please yk
she’ll wear lingerie and all that
will probably even yank up her skirt a little when her s/o’s around when she’s in the mood to expose her panties
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ginny weasley
ginny is 100% an absolute fucking bratty bitch in bed
whines and moans rlly loudly
she’ll also really likes the idea of doing it in public places to get caught
she’s the kind of person to be so utterly shy and defenseless and then BOOM she’ll be back for round 2 in the most dommy mommy way
ginny is prolly not a lingerie girl, like she’ll wear it, but she doesn’t see the point as she thinks it’d be easiest to take everything off with no interruptions or obstacles
she also tries to conceal all moaning and noises, becuz she likes to tease her partner and make them either earn it or force it out of her
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luna lovegood
luna is super shy when it comes to things like this
she’s definitely into it, she’s just a total virgin
she tries to hide her moans like ginny but not to tease, it’s becuz she thinks she’ll sound weird and becuz she’s shy 🥺
loves loves loves lingerie
she’s also very into being a good girl, but she’s not as vocal or bold as hermione is
hermione wants to be punished, but luna wants to obey, all the time
luna actually kinda feels bad when/if she’s punished, but it feels so good to her also
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lysutsia · 2 months
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Humanization of ponies:3
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liiilyevans · 1 year
Next Gen Girls
The big sister of the group
Always there to lend an ear and is the first to defend her girls when the need arises
Tries really hard not to let her cousins see her cracks (she's a lot like her dad in that way)
She teaches her little cousins (Lucy, Roxanne, and Lily) some French when they're around eight
They all end up on the floor laughing with tears in their eyes because the girls can't roll their r's well and it makes for some interesting pronunciations
She never misses a family dinner at her Grandma Molly's house
If she is not there, something is wrong
Has broken up a physical fight between her cousins before and will do it again
She is close with all the girls and doesn't really have one in particular who she's closer to
She always carves out time to talk to each of the girls and bond with them
No one dislikes Vic
They might hate her bluntness or have disagreements with her, but she does not keep receipts and all her cousins appreciate that about her
Can you say wild child?
She's the reason Bill and Fleur have grey hairs for sure
She's two years younger than Vic and they are like night and day
Dom is the life of the party and also the family's budtender though most of the parents are unaware of this
She's very chill and loves hanging out with her cousins and gossiping
This has gotten her into trouble before
Once Rose walked in on Dom talking about her latest hook up and Rose ended up not speaking to her for over two months
She is really close with Molly
These girls are twin flames, both wild to the core
They go backpacking across Europe together after they graduate Hogwarts
Dom decides to get a tattoo while she's high and it ends up getting infected
Molly takes her to a Muggle doctor and the girls end up giggling over how cute he is
Molly is the same age as Dom, but she was born first
She is supper smart but never flashes it around
Organizes monthly girl's nights for all her cousins
Not all of them end up coming and that's ok, but they know the door is always open if they want to
If they do end up coming, she makes a bunch of 'junk food' like chips and chocolate chip cookies from scratch
She takes after her grandmother when it comes to cooking and the other girls love her for it
If Dom is the budtender, Molly is the bartender
She used to work at a bar and can do all sorts of fancy tricks when pouring shots or making drinks
One night when the girls are all together, she makes a mixed drink for each of her cousins and one for her sister and names them after each of them
The definition of the cool one
She's always off on some adventure or taking some cool vacation
She is six years younger than Vic, but they're still very close
She goes to Vic whenever she needs advice on anything from love to life to her career
The younger girls adore her and think she's the best thing since baked bread
She caught them doing weed (which they stole from Dom) once at the Burrow in the twins' old room and didn't tell the adults
Instead she grabbed them water, helped them add a little concealer so they didn't look so high, and reminded them that getting high with their parents downstairs was definitely not the best idea
Then she winked and was gone
Everyone is always shocked that Ron and Hermione produced such a chill kid
She's Healer so anytime that one of the girls end up with the slightest headache they call Rose
She pretends to be annoyed but she really loves it
She's the quiet one
Not in the shy way but in the if you interrupt me again, I'll cut your head off way
A total bookworm
And swears like a sailor
She's the most reclusive of the Wotter girls
She's the one who comes to their sleepovers the least, even though her sister hosts them
It's not that she doesn't like them or the girls, she just values her peace and quiet
She's is six years younger than her sister and eight years younger than Vic
If any of the girls were going to pull up to a fight, they're bringing Lucy
She is tiny but mighty
Loudest of all the girls and definitely the most likely to accidently break something
She's the same age as Lucy, but Luce was born first
She loves the chaos that is the Burrow when all of her family members are there
Is probably the easiest of the girls to talk to and the most outgoing
Like this girl's mouth does not stop moving for a second
Are we surprised that she's really funny?
No, no one is surprised by that
She is closest with Lily, but Vic is like an older sister to her
She and Lily hang out a lot at school and once they graduate, they move in together
They definitely spend those first few years partying way too much and getting high way too often
But they grow and mature together and they're closer because of it
If you took all of Harry's bad traits and all of Ginny's bad traits and mixed them in a pot, you'd get Lily Lu
She is sarcastic and always has a comeback ready
She can also be a brat and Ginny blames Harry for that
She is the last grandchild born, three months younger than Roxanne
She has green eyes not brown, and yes, this is a hill I will die on
Loves her cousins, but can find them overbearing at times, especially Vic
When she's feeling overwhelmed, she goes to hang out with Lucy
They both appreciate the quiet and downtime
She sites the fact that she and Roxanne both have annoying older brothers as the reason they're so close
Also a wild child, but in a much more self-destructive way than Molly or Dom are
She blows through boys like they're candy, and it's especially concerning to her cousins
She's loyal though and no one is going to say a word about her family without answering to her
You can think Becky (aka @harryissuchalittleshit) for these headcanons because she asked me for them! You should send all the love her way because she is awesome!
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ladynicte · 1 year
Just thinking about how heartbroken Reyna must have truly been when Jason came back to Camp Jupiter and barely remembered her.
Because she met Percy, she does know that even when Juno takes your memories away, if you truly truly love and care and need another person you will be able to remember her, even if not entirely perfectly, but the memory will be there with you the whole way. Like the memory of Annabeth was with Percy.
And then Reyna sees Jason arrive with Piper, and it's okay really, it doesn't even hurt that much, she's Praetor, she has got a job to do, she cannot be getting distracted with silly little sentimental things like that.
And, okay, sure, Reyna can say, maybe Jason and her weren't that close in that sense, it's okay, but they were still good friends, co-leaders of a grand city, he still mattered a lot to her.
And same thing right, Percy did remember Nico, not that vividly or anything, but he did immediately know Nico and him knew each other from somewhere before, because The Ambassador was important to him, in a different way but still, important to Percy.
And then, Jason tells her that he didn't remember her at all, no name, no blurry face, no dreams, no voice, no vague sense that he was missing somebody from somewhere.
That he only started sorta remembering her days after he had already finished his quest, for his new patron goddess, and his new friends, at his new camp, in his new life, with his new girlfriend.
But it's fine, really, Reyna is mature, she doesn't let little things bring her down. She's roman, truly roman, daughter of a fully only Roman Goddess. She's Praetor, she's strong, she will welcome these strange Greek people into her city and throw a feast in their honour, she won't even be salty or rude about it. Really, Reyna is fine, it doesn't even hurt.
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moonyssmommyy · 8 months
Lily Evans Headcanons (more)
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Best color is white
Hates wearing heels
If she does they're short heels
Adores jewelry
Her favs are necklaces and earrings
And when I tell you this girl has SO. MANY. EARRINGS.
it's unnatural
She does not need that many
But she has them anyway and we love that for her 😌
Hates anything sour
Only drinks tea warm
And only w lemon and honey
Has the brightest smile
Every single emotion she feels is visibly expressed in her eyes
Her and Sirius' relationship consists of talking shit about each other and gossiping
Sometimes they will talk shit about each other to other people but like if that person jumps in they'll be like wtf did you just say
She's really super sweet
Always sees the good in people
It's really hard for her to let go
Coffee addict but drinks it SUPER sweet
Still has her childhood stuffed animal collection
Gave Dust to Luna
'lily used to have a really large, grey bunny named dust, and it used to be her best friend when she was five' (hc stolen from @lesbianmckinnonn)
Drinks pumpkin spice lattes all fall long (Mary hates it)
Throws the fit of all fits every time she gets cold
Learned to play the piano when she was little
Such a downtown girlie
Sleeps with socks on
Grumpy in the morning
Despite this she gets up around 9 naturally
She's not happy about it
She tries to go back to sleep and fails every time
Like c'mon Lils it's a little embarrassing at this point 😭
God awful cook
Has never missed one of James' quidditch games
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myrandomthoughtsblog · 2 months
I'm obsessed with gossip girl reboot so here's my headcannons (and cannon) stuff for their sexuality
Aubrey - bisexual and poly
Aki - bisexual and poly
Max - pansexual and poly
*in my mind this 3 end up together I don't care what anyone says*
Monet - lesbian
Luna - aroace (I'll die on this I love her)
Jc - straight
Zoya - bisexual
Obie - straight
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aloeverified · 1 year
Before forming a band together, each member had a miniature career of their own. Luna was a pretty popular online figure for her performances at bars and restaurants, Dusk went viral a few times from her rave shows, and Thorn had a history of starring in plays and talent shows all her life. They eventually found each other online and began talking, and after Thorn and Dusk immigrated to the U.S., they formed a band.
Although they live in America, Luna is the only one who was born there. She's Creole and was raised in New Orleans, Thorn is French-Candian and from Ontario, and Dusk is Japanese and from Kyoto. Due to where they grew up, they all speak different languages as well. Luna is fluent in Spanish and French, Thorn was raised speaking French just as much as English and knows a bit of Italian, and Dusk's first language is Japanese and she's fluent in JSL. They all began learning ASL after forming a band since Dusk is deaf in one ear and hard-of-hearing in her other.
Thorn's real name is Sally McKnight, Luna's is Selene Moon, and Dusk's is Twilight Yami. Thorn picked her name due to her love of roses, whereas Luna and Dusk simply picked names that have the same meaning as their own.
Due to her hearing loss, Dusk doesn't wear shoes when practicing or performing. When coming up with songs, Thorn doesn't wear shoes either since she claims it helps her feel closer to the music. Luna sometimes doesn't and says it's for the same reason but it's actually just because her boots hurt her feet after a while.
They each base their personas after different horror monster icons. Thorn's is Dracula, Luna's is the werewolf, and Dusk is inspired by both Frankenstein monsters. They also have very different gothic styles; Thorn being more of a romantic vampire goth with some witchy accents, whereas Luna is a trad and corp goth with lots of glam, and Dusk being more in the visual kei and metalhead scene with some cyber and bubble goth inspiration.
Thorn is known for being a bit of a bachelorette and dates anyone ranging from a trucker to a theater kid who thinks he's a vampire. Luna and Dusk, however, are in a relationship that they keep private from fans. Luna is a lesbian, Dusk is bisexual, and Thorn doesn't feel the need to label her sexuality.
Their fans often get into heated arguments over the girls' heights since Dusk is typically shoeless and the other wears heels. Thorn typically looks pretty tall since she's in the front and wears high heels, with Luna looking about the same in her boots behind her keyboard, whereas Dusk looks the shortest while barefoot and sitting down to play the drums; but the truth is Thorn is only about 5'4, Dusk is 5'8, and Luna is just over 5'10.
Their fans have nicknames for them based off of different creatures, with Thorn being called a succubus due to her seductive voice and dancing, Dusk being compared to a banshee since most of her back-up vocals are screams and her unhinged drumming, and Luna being recognized for her werewolf persona due to long nails, canine fangs, and loud howl-like laughter.
Rather than visiting a salon, they have nights every few weeks were they touch up their hair. Dusk is albino with naturally platinum hair which makes it so she she has to redye her hair every so often, whereas Luna and Thorn have to actually go through the process of bleaching their hair. Dusk typically dyes her hair a darker blonde or adds different shades of green streaks, Luna switches between dark red and blonde every so often, and Thorn either dyes her naturally brown hair black or bleaches it to make it a bright red — sometimes a combination of both.
They're all university students who avoid actually attending classes by taking online courses. Thorn is majoring in envoirmental science with a business minor, Dusk is a literature major studying philosophy, and Luna is in the process of graduating art school.
Thorn is most inspired by bands like She Wants Revenge and London After Midnight, whereas Dusk takes more after Malice Mizer and Bikini Kill, and Luna is one of the biggest fans of The Cure and the Bauhaus.
They regularly go on adventures together to places that are regarded as haunted or cursed. While on tour in different countries, they make it a habit to try and visit any attractions they haven't seen yet. Thorn particular likes haunted castles and cemeteries, Dusk is interested in asylums and prisons, and Luna is obsessed with any place that has a tragic backstory.
While Thorn is relatively good friends with Daphane due to their shared love of fashion and past romantic interests in Velma, and Dusk enjoys terrifying Shaggy and Scooby, Luna and Fred are actually able to have normal conversations
They love getting together with the Mystery Gang when possible. When she's not flirting with Velma, Thorn spends her time with Daphne talking about fashion and gossiping about their past experiences with stupid boys. Luna is also pretty good friends with Fred and they could have conversations for hours about random niche interests. Dusk and Velma have a shared passion for gothic literature and Velma also enjoys watching Dusk terrify Shaggy and Scooby when she's bored.
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voguericons · 10 months
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sofia lopez for lily luna potter harry potter rpg
like or reblog if you save xxx
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oilith · 2 months
I think eqg Luna and Celestia have a much healthier and closer relationship than fim Luna and Celestia. To me, fim Celestia is a lot worse than eqg. I have a theory that after Luna's "redemption" they never actually talked about what happened. Celestia insists that everything is fine and Luna is too scared of conflict. Meanwhile eqg sisters did. It took a lot of talking and therapy for them to get there, but they're now extremely close. Fim sisters continue to avoid problems until everything goes downhill again.
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cursedwithwords · 6 months
HP Next Gen Headcanons: Lily
Full Name: Lily Luna Potter
House: Gryffindor
Wand: ebony and unicorn hair
Patronus: snowy owl
Boggart: Dementor (like her father, she's more afraid of being afraid than anything really)
Profession: Seeker in the League
Sexuality: straight
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Bonus: Loves accessories, the shinier the better. Got into a fist fight her first week of school because she heard someone trashing Albus. Continued to get into fist fights now and again throughout her seven years at school. Her aesthetic can be summed up by "skinned knees and pretty skirts" or "bloody knuckles and painted nails". Very femme fatale and proud of it. Absolutely worships her older brothers but is also down to clown on them because duh. A daddy's girl, she's got Harry wrapped around her finger. She WILL bite you. Violently protective of her friends and family. Gets along with Victoire the least of all her cousins.
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cha0s-1 · 2 years
[Romeo edition] [ft. REDEEMED! AU HCS]
Normal romeo:
His least favorite enemy/hero is catboy, though CB treats him better than how the other heroes treats him.
Rats are his favorite animal. He'll adopt sewer rats and somehow make some type of chemical that could get rid of any diseases that those rats may carry. That's also the reason he dislike catboy more than the other heroes, catboy's a cat, and cats eat rats.
Romeo is allergic to cats. That's also why he dislike catboy alot.
Romeo is from Germany.
Romeo lives alone.. with no adult supervisor. I'm still making a head canon on WHY they would do that.
Romeo can LEGALLY drive, and actually have a license. (Still making a hc on WHY the law gave a 6yro a driving license)
His goggles has an X-RAY VISION and NIGHT VISION feature.
His only friends (up until like idk 15 or smt) are NN and LG
He's arospec bi
He has poliosis
His father is a famous inventor + rich.
He has a soft spot for people when they're emotional /depressed/ suicidal/ etc. And usually checks up on them every 15 minutes no matter who they are.
He loves plushies. He'll have little tea parties with them, celebrate their birthdays, sleep on a bed full of plushies, make up stories w/them, and plays with his plushies w/luna.
That's all i can remember rn AIGHT GN
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insidereagan · 2 years
im sorry but owlette from pj masks is a Lesbian and no one talks about it enough
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do you have any headcanons for celestia or luna ??
Not much…but I’ll try!
☀️ Principal Celestia ☀️
This background character is her daughter.
Her first job ever was McDonalds.
She’s Bisexual (even though her pony counterpart is Pansexual).
Her reasons for wanting to become a principal is because she wants to help troubled children become wonderful people in society.
With that above said, she was a rebellious in her youth. She mellowed out in high school.
She’s a previous smoker.
She and Luna were students at Conterlot High. The previous principal was their mother.
She and Luna are actually half sisters. They just consider each other as fully blood sisters.
🌙 Vice Principal Luna 🌙
For a long time, Luna was a gamer at heart. Even as an adult she plays video games every now and then.
She’s a Demiromantic Ace.
Despite being the youngest, she acts the most mature of the siblings.
She has a vacation home in Australia and goes there every winter.
That’s all I have right now 😅
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2dfangirl · 2 years
Luna: Sometimes I paint myself blue and lay at the bottom of the pool so I can grab kids and scare them.
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void-kissed · 1 year
So I've been meaning to ask... Luna... I've seen some stuff you've posted and reblogged in the past. Is she canoncially trans? :0 if so that is so cool
Yes, she is!! It didn’t get revealed until the game was completed and the postgame came out, but yes, she is~
Pokémon Reborn actually has multiple trans characters, not just Luna - for example there’s in-game Ame (since Ame herself, the person who created the game, is trans), as well as Shade (the Ghost-type Gym Leader, who literally says he didn’t mind sacrificing his body to save the world because it meant no more dysphoria now he’s a cool spooky shadow). There’s also Ace and Adrienn, as well as the player if you so choose, who are examples of canon nonbinary characters in the game too.
Many game characters are also canonically not straight, like Amaria, Titania, Ciel, Terra, Cain, and Cal - and those are just the ones who first come to mind! And that doesn’t even count headcanons (like Saphira being bi, which I don’t think is ever explicitly confirmed, but come on her hair is literally the bi pride flag)!
Thanks for sending this ask, friend! I hope you’re doing well~
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