#Martial Arts courses for Beginners
kalisikaransweden · 9 months
Website : https://www.kalisikaran.com
Address : Nygardsv. 18F, 433 32 Partille, Sweden
Kali Sikaran International specializes in the Filipino Martial Art of Kali Sikaran, offering a comprehensive self-defense program. The art, rooted in ancient Southeast Asian martial traditions, emphasizes functionality and adaptability in self-defense, covering various techniques including empty hand combat, stick fighting, knife defense, and more. The academy provides a phased training program, online courses, and seminars, catering to different skill levels from beginners to advanced practitioners.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kalisikarangoteborg/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/kalisikaran
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@KaliSikaranInternational
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/kalisikaran/
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rad-batson · 1 year
Damian Wayne: Figure Skater
or: Damian Wayne Fluff Because Damian Wayne Deserves Joy and Happiness <3
Damian Wayne prides himself on being good at everything he does. He never half-asses anything.
Damian has tried tons of different skills before. He’s mastered dozens of martial arts, become fluent in over thirty languages, earned several PhDs, and he’s not even a teenager yet. Why? He needs to be the best or it’s not good enough.
But there are only so many skills that give him the same joy as when he started. Studio art is his favorite and has always been a constant for him, but he’s yet to find something else. Something that truly invigorates him.
At 12, Damian watches the Winter Olympics with Dick. It’s his first ever time viewing the Olympics, and he doesn’t really know what he was expecting, but Damian is…kind of underwhelmed.
Everyone talked about how the Olympics are supposed to be this grandiose display of the world’s talents, but most of it’s pretty boring.
Curling is boring. Alpine is slow and monotonous. Bobsledding is repetitive, and sled dog racing seems unethical.
But then figure skating comes on. And Damian is captivated.
Without even realizing, he moved right in front of the television and watched an hour of figure skating uninterrupted. Dick notices and smiles.
“Aren’t they cool?” Dick asks. Damian, with his eyes still glued to the screen, nods. “Wanna go to the local rink with me and try it out? It’s even more fun than it looks.”
That pulls Damian out of his trance, and he closes himself off. “No. I don’t need to.”
He just thought it was cool, okay? And he totally doesn’t want to try it himself. And he totally isn’t worried that he won’t be good at it and fall like an idiot in front of his older brother if he does.
It’s just that…it’s so cool!!
Damian knows agility, okay? He can do flips and tricks with ease, and he knows how to do it with both grace and poise. But these people? They can do it on ice! With blades on their feet!!
Admittedly, he goes through a two-month-long period of pretending he isn’t dying to try it. He almost completely forgets. Then, by complete coincidence, Cass and Duke invite him to an indoor skating rink, and he caves. Maybe it’s not that hard.
Spoiler: Figure Skating is Hard
Within five seconds, he falls flat on his face. How do people do this? Cass and Duke say it’s normal, but he still refuses to leave the wall the whole time out of shame.
Once they’re home, however, Damian realizes how stupid that was. He’s Damian Wayne Al Ghul. He can’t just give up! What would the rest of his family think?! What if they go back one day, and he just falls flat on his face again? There’s no excuse the second time, and he doesn’t want the others to think he can’t do it.
So that night, he sneaks back into the rink after hours and tries again. And again. And again. And again.
On the fifth try, he is able to make it all the way around the rink. He realizes that he’s distributing his weight wrong. (Stupid mistake, of course. He’s essentially balancing on knives.) That makes it a lot easier, but he’s still flapping his arms around like a bird.
He spends two more hours improving his balance, then decides that’s good enough. He did what he came here to do, and he doesn’t need to come back.
Two days later, he comes back. (I mean, who knows? Maybe, he’s gotten better.) He didn’t, obviously. But what harm is there in spending some more time on the ice? Other than the collection of bruises he acquires.
He falls way more than he’d like to admit, but once he teaches himself how to do that safely, it’s actually kind of fun. He circles the rink countless times, figures out to start and stop (though it is admittedly a very ungraceful way of stopping.) He can even kind of control his speed.
So he’s done, right? He did it! He can now ice skate to a degree that isn’t mortifying for a beginner. He doesn’t need to come back.
The Short Program
One week and four visits later, he admits that he is hooked. He wants to see how far he can go with this. But he can’t just improve without proper guidance, so he decides to take Tim’s advice for once and use the internet.
That’s when he really starts improving. Exponentially. He pours over articles and videos and diagrams about gliding, stopping, pivots, crossovers, and finally some simple spins. Just basics, of course.
He also purchases his own pair of skates because the rental ones he’s been “borrowing” suck. And they smell. And he forges a membership card (you know, so there’s no paper trail.)
His original goal is to make it to free skate level, but once he’s there, he can’t stop. It’s just so gratifying to add another skill to his repertoire. If he can do front crossovers, then he can surely master them backward. Closed Mohawks shouldn’t be that bad if the open Mohawks were so easy. Before he knows it, he’s spending hours every week developing his skills.
After a few months, his improvement plateaus because the jumps prove difficult. He doesn’t know how to build up the speed, and his stealth and fighting techniques (which he’s been borrowing from thus far) just make him wipe out. So he works on that for a bit and tries to figure out what he’s doing wrong.
During a JL meeting, The Flash happens to mention a rogue who used to figure skate. Lisa Snart, or the Golden Glider, is a famous figure skater from the 90s, but she was kicked from the Olympic team due to her life of crime. Now, she jumps between both petty crime and vigilantism.
Damian tracks her down and claims to be researching the sport for a school assignment. Yeah, it’s a bit thin of a cover story. If she wanted to see through his lie, she’d only have to break into his school and check his teacher’s assignment book, but once he laments about how every other skater is busy, and he was so surprised to learn that she was no longer skating when she’s clearly so talented, Lisa happily tells him all of the secrets to the sport.
For a few months, he applies her techniques and even asks her to skate for him a few times, recording her from multiple angles. “I value the quality of my education,” he explains. She sees through the lie but doesn’t say anything. (And somehow, he doesn’t particularly care.)
In the coming year, Bruce notices a change in how Robin moves during patrol. If he had to describe it…well, there’s a lot more power behind his movement. He redistributes his momentum with ease, which proves extremely valuable. There’s more height to his jumps and speed in his attacks. On top of it all, he can reorient himself quicker.
Bruce praises Damian once they’re back at the cave and even allows him more freedom during missions. Damian totally doesn’t cry about it in his room.
The Free Skate
Damian refuses to let anyone watch him practice for YEARS to save his pride. I mean, yes, he’s at free skate level 5—thanks, Lisa—but he’s not at level 6 yet! And that won’t take too long, right? Maybe they can know once he’s mastered his quad axel (which is a totally doable goal. He’s not overachieving. He’s Damian Wayne Al Ghul.)
Next, he works on transitions. At first, he copies other skaters’ forms, then he slowly develops his own. It’s sharp in some ways and fluid in others like he’s been on ice his whole life but he’s got places to be.
At about 15 or 16, he invites Jon to come with him one day. He shows him “a few spins” (triple axels) and Jon immediately starts encouraging him to join some kind of showcase or competition.
Damian’s response is “No! I’m not good enough yet. I still can’t land a quad axel. That’s insulting.”
Cue Jon’s family-friendly “bitch please” face. He says, “Okay, but you need to show someone else. I can’t be the only person in the world who knows.” so they get Billy in on it.
He’s obviously good at keeping secrets, considering he hid his age and the fact he was homeless from the JL for five years.
Billy also loses his shit, but he’s more understanding about the “I don’t want to tell anyone else” thing. Thus, Jon and Billy become Damian’s cover for every time he’s caught sneaking out. (He was running out of excuses anyway.)
Bruce hears that Damian is hanging out with Jon and Billy every week, gives him a look, and tells him he’s proud that he’s making friends.
Damian nods along, thanking all the gods in Billy’s head that his secret is safe. If Bruce doesn’t have any reason to snoop, then he won’t. Simple as that. The greatest detective in the world doesn’t need to start snooping.
During the next Winter Olympics, Damian watches every single skating performance from the comfort of his room. (Tim can hear him yelling at his TV through the walls but doesn’t have the energy to question it.)
Jon and Billy are his cheerleaders. They go out for lunch then head to the rink with him and mess around while Damian practices. Sometimes, they spend all day together. Doing homework, gossiping, playing fun little games.
Damian keeps mentioning the quad axel to them until Jon looks it up and says, “Um, hey Dami? Apparently, the quad axel is like…almost physically impossible. You know that, right?“ “If Lisa Snart and Ilia Malinin can do it, so can I.” “Okay, Mr. PhD.” Still, they don’t doubt him for a second.
Damian teaches them some stuff during a public skate in Fawcett City. Jon cheats multiple times by floating a tiny bit to keep his balance. Billy falls a lot.
As much as he likes being with his friends, though, Damian finds himself skating more to clear his head rather than to improve or socialize.
When he has a bad patrol or gets into some trouble he could have avoided, he’ll sneak into the rink alone and skate for hours.
He’ll pour all of his frustration into the music and carve it out into the ice until he’s exhausted and lying down with the cold surface against his back, letting it sink some sense into him.
It’s a good outlet. Kind of like his art, but there are only so many pencils you can snap in anger before your dad cuts your art supply budget. Bruce doesn’t know about this yet.
Six months later, when Damian lands his first quad axel in front of Jon and Billy, they all scream for five consecutive minutes and celebrate with hot chocolate and sorbet.
“What’s got you in such a good mood?” Tim asks when he’s back home. Damian tries to hide his smile but fails spectacularly. “Oh, nothing.” He’s never had a problem with schooling his emotions before, but anything is possible now. Even a quad fucking axel.
Competition Season
During patrol one day, Dick sees Damian spinning on the roof and says, “Hey, where’d you get those sick ballet moves? Did Black Bat teach you that?” Damian immediately stops and says, “Uh yeah.” Thankfully, Dick doesn’t ask Cass to confirm.
At 17, Jason catches him sneaking out at 10 pm and unknowingly opens an entire can of worms.
Damian, too tired to make a good excuse: “I’m seeing Jon.” Jason: “Like a date?” Damian, dying inside: “…Don’t tell Baba.”
At 18, he’s able to reliably land the quad axel and do it with style. It’s almost more gratifying than punching criminals in the face. (Almost.) That’s when Jon and Billy finally bring up the idea of telling others about it.
Damian is still hesitant, but he thinks about it.
I mean, he’s made a lot of progress in six years, hasn’t he? The only other thing he’s spent so long practicing was his assassin training, then his vigilantism, and his art. But this one is special because it’s just his. (And Jon and Billy. Kinda.) And getting to show off to them is fun, especially when he perfects another element, and they got batshit crazy together over it. That would be nice, wouldn’t it? Having a few more people to mess around with in the rink?
He just doesn’t know if it’ll be impressive enough. After all, his entire family is great at stuff. Bruce is the world’s greatest detective—how he hasn’t learned about this yet, Damian doesn’t know. Dick is a beyond incredible acrobat. Jason has one of the highest proficiencies in marksmanship ever. Tim is the best bo staff user on this side of the Atlantic...
...And Damian can do jumps and tricks on the ice. Wow, cool. Good job, Damian.
But then he’s twelve again. And he’s sitting in front of the TV watching Yuzuru Hanyu and Yuna Kim do triple axels, and Dick is inviting him to try it out together. And Cass and Dick are taking him to the rink because they thought it’d be fun. And Lisa is rambling about how she misses skating competitively. And Bruce is telling him he’s proud of the progress Damian’s made both inside and outside of patrol. And Tim is telling him he looks happier than usual.
He is happier.
Yeah. Maybe, they deserve to know.
He agrees to sign up for a free skate competition. But not one in Gotham. And only a small one. He wants to test out the waters first. They find one that’s a month away, and Damian signs up.
When the day comes, Damian is shaking in his skates. He did not account for a “small competition” still having over two hundred people watching. What the fuck was he thinking?
What Jon and Billy don’t tell him is that they snuck Dick into the crowd to watch. Dick has no idea what he’s doing there until he sees Damian skate out to the middle in a red and grey top with black pants and matching skates.
He performs to Beggin’ by Måneskin and starts the performance out with his quad axel.
Everyone loses their shit.
He looks so genuinely excited when he’s skating. He completely ignores the hundreds of people watching, doesn’t count points. He just jams out to the song until he’s breathless, spinning and gliding and jumping and turning to the beat, mostly showing off to Jon and Billy like he always does.
When it’s over, he just hears this massive crowd of people screaming, and then overtop of it, Dick shouts, “THAT’S MY BABY BROTHER!!” and Damian almost falls flat on his face.
Dick uses the Emergency Group Chat to send a video of Damian skating then screams into the phone to Bruce, who immediately drives out to the rink with the rest of the family, and his siblings make Damian do it over once the place is cleared out because they can’t believe they missed it.
Dick: When did you learn to figure skate?! Damian: After we watched the Olympics together. Dick: You’ve been hiding this for SIX YEARS?!?! Damian: …It looked fun.
Of course, Damian is still the son of Bruce Wayne so tabloids eat it up.
“Damian Wayne: Figure Skating Prodigy” “Wayne Prodigy Wins Gold at Regional Figure Skating Competition, Baffling Judges” “Is Damian Wayne fit to represent the US during the next Winter Olympics??”
A swarm of coaches ask Damian if he would like to skate competitively but he declines. He just likes doing it for fun.
Thankfully, the performance was recorded by the competition holders (after a suspicious request from the CEO of Wayne Enterprises last week. Wow, wonder why)
Leave it to Damian to spend his rebellious phase becoming an Olympic-level athlete.
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starfallkaz · 1 year
Selwyn x Bree Moments I just know would happen if given the chance
1. so we got Bree cupping Sel’s hair and him relaxing into her touch (everyone say thank you miss Tracy), but we need Bree sitting down on the couch and Sel laying his head on her lap and her fingers stroking through his hair.
Bree quietly muttering under her breathe about how soft his hair is and it’s not fair bc he probably doesn’t need to deep condition and have a leave-in AND twist his hair up, even though sel can hear her the whole time, and he just softly smiles as she strokes his hair
Sel is so content and at peace he starts purring. Like his whole body just vibrates under her touch
after a couple minutes his eyes open and they’re the familiar gold that Bree adores. so quickly he swings an arm around Bree and pulls her down, laughing as she yelps in surprise, and presses their lips together
2. Bree would pretend to sneak up on Selwyn, both of them knowing full-well that Sel could detect it was her for probably over 50m away. And she throws her hands over his eyes. (She’s the only one Sel would ever let do that to him)
3. When one of them wrinkles their brow and the other would just softly kiss away the crease, or if Bree pouted and Sel just lifts his finger up to her bottom lip, tracing it with his thumb bc he could never do that before (he’d just have to stand there looking flustered and clenching his fist like Mr Darcy)
4. Bree when she’s ecstatic or happy (and after squealing with Alice) usually some variation on beaming at Selwyn or throwing herself into his arms. He can’t help but smile or laugh back bc she’s just so radiant.
5, and every time she hugs him and he has his head buried in her neck and the scent of her her her around him he feels like the luckiest person alive. How could she choose him, how?!!
6. Alice convincing Sel that he doesn’t need to come along to watch Bree in her first-attempt at a martial arts class at uni. That’s she’ll be fine and it’s a beginner’s friendly course. And Sel “agrees”.
Of course he’s actually in the rafters looking down. Making sure nobody hurts Bree. Several times he has to physically stop himself from descending to the ground when Bree hurts herself
at the end of the class Alice asks if Bree enjoyed it? Bree declares “it wasn’t for her.” They meet up with Selwyn who ‘emerges from a different building’
He slings an arm around Bree’s shoulder in greeting and she asks “and how did you enjoy my class bat boy?” And Sel tries to play it off but obviously Bree can sense his gaze and knows he was there. And he looks a bit sheepishly off to the side mumbling, “nothing I couldn’t have taught you”
7. I’m also just very here for Alice and Sel having a friendship?!?! Like Ik they argued a lot in Bloodmarked, and Alice was pretty eh about him, but them just softly bickering over mundane things. E.g. Sel commenting that bbq sauce is a disgrace, who would have it on their hot dog? And Alice taking that personally. Bree sighing and smiling bc she knows that Alice is forming a mental list of bullet point rebuttals and she is about to drag this man ALIVE
8. Bree in a crowd at uni and just feels those little pin prick’s on her back and automatically starts searching the crowd for him and moving in that direction. (sel’s heart is beating very fast watching her from the other side of the quad)
9. Sel and Bree still bickering over her safety and how Sel insists that he should be at Bree’s geology trip for a course she’s taking, and Bree thinks that’s silly bc it’ll only be a couple hours and they’re just looking at rocks. And Sel retorts “okay but what if you slip and hit your head on said rocks, then I have to run you back to William.” And Bree laughs, “Sel you don’t need to run me to William everytime I hurt myself in the slightest” and he quietly mutters something about “yes he does.”
10. Sel memorising the feeling of Bree’s body pressed against his when they hug. How he knows her eyes so intimately, how he knows her smile and that little dimple that appears when she’s grinning, and thinks to himself he’d give anything to be the reason for that smile
11. When they’re kissing and Bree kisses his neck, just under his jawline, for the first time. his breathe hitches, and he grasps her and pulls her impossibly close (she’s on his lap at this point). And Bree laughs against his jaw in a way that sends shudders right down his body. Bree pulls away and see’s how he’s barely able to control himself under her touch, his eyes are the deep gold almost brown of melted sugar. And that’s how Bree figures out Sel has a massive thing for neck kisses.
12. Bree endearingly referring to Sel as bat boy, because of his handy knack for dangling upside down, or just reaching high places and surveying the room. Sel pretends not to like the nickname (they both know he secretly likes it)
13. Bree calls Sel pretty at some point and he’s so flustered, he doesn’t know what to say, and not having the right words makes him more flustered which makes him scowl, until he’s just glaring at Bree that she just called him pretty. And Bree raises her eyebrow that she just complimented him but he’s glaring?? At her?? Sel doesn’t have the words to explain, so just pulls her to his chest, pressing a kiss to her forehead hoping that conveys how he’s feeling. Bree just sinks into his touch
14. When they’re kissing and Bree thinks to run her tongue gently along the points of his sensitive canines. The way Sel immediately shudders against her, going limp under her, yet impossibly restrained at the same time. Things escalate from there.
15. Someone calling Sel some vague sort of demon slur, and he shrugs it off but he has to almost physically restrain Bree from defending him. Fully prepared to fight anybody and everybody for Sel.
16. Sel aether drunk and he has to go off and cool himself down in the forest, to get rid of the energy. Bree waiting for him in his room, doing some work at his desk. He pulls himself through the window, stumbling to get his footing.
Bree gently scolds him about using the door when he’s aether drunk. And he stumbles over the room to her and stands between her legs where she’s sitting at the desk. His fingers trace her bottom lip, the shape of her face.
And Bree can just see how bright his eyes are, his flushed cheeks, damp hair. And he’s mumbling under his breathe in welsh, words that sound a lot like she’s beautiful, gorgeous, exclamations of wonder at her
(I need help, I just spent an hour writing this instead of studying. Got me giggling in my bed fr fr). I have many more where these came from if you want them
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hippopotatoe · 10 months
if you don't like to work out literally no one (i hope) is forcing you. humans aren't meant to be sedentary but like all movement is good. if you don't wanna work out: don't. and on't feel guilty about it. it's your life. if you want to work out but find it to be boring or gyms terrify you, here's some alternatives:
dance. sign up for dance classes or turn on a cd or playlist and do whatever you want
play team sports. if you don't have any low stakes clubs nearby, get your friends to play football or whatever. or find like your town's facebook page and ask uf someone wants to get together and play something
climb trees. join a climbing gym. find a large rock to climb: you're now the mightiest goat around and deserve all the tin cans
take riding lessons
swim or sign up for water aerobics. or try to get your friends to join you to a pool or beach and play in the water
play games. do you have friends or siblings? cool. find an open area and play tag. or play whatever you want. hard to motivate your friends to be silly? make it a weekly or monthly taskmaster-esque competition with some shitty prize after a set amount of challenges
pokemon go
find out if there's an obstacle course near you. go with a friend and treat it like a jungle gym, because that's pretty much what it is. if not, does anyone you know own any land (garden, driveway, whatever)? cool, make a little internet search for "ocr diy" or wing it; a rope is now a balance board, a chair can be jumped on or over and tables can be crawled under or climb up on. or hell, go to a fucking playground a play your heart out!
feel too old for laser tag? sounds like a you problem
tabata: workout for 5mins a day. that's literally it
join a fencing or martial arts club, they almost always offer adult beginner classes
trampoline parks are fun. some areas have free outdoor ones. we have a wheelchair accessible, free, summer trampoline park where i live. other places have cool indoor ones. you can also like. buy a trampoline
have snowball fights
go on silly adventures. if hiking feels too serious, put on comfy shoes and hike for an hour or two with an epic soundtrack in your headphones. or listen to the lotr soundtrack while you take a walk around town (there's apps that'll generate a random map point within set distances which makes city adventures more fun imo). try orienteering if you want to learn how to read maps while gamifying your nature walks
here's the thing: most things are more fun if you do them with others, but you can trick yourself into having fun on your lonesome as well. attitude and music can work miracles. it can be extremely challenging to get used to being seen as bad at something or childish, but that will get better with practice. no one cares if you're in your thirties or fifties (except for very miserable people whose opinions are fucking shit anyway). it's totally 100% okay to be new at things. it's equally okay to be bad at things! and the concept of childish is fucking childish and nothing you should ever care about
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stumbling-away · 2 months
I've had this somewhat random idea lately that I've started to play with in my mind while driving to and from taekwondo.
A Joel and Ellie, martial arts modern au (taekwondo when I think about it, but it could work for others).
Joel started after Sarah died, and he's been doing it for 20 years now. He's a black belt in a small studio, seeing most of the same faces, other than a few adults who wander in and sometimes stick around.
He enjoys it as much as he enjoys anything now. It just feels like routine. He avoids teaching the kid classes as much as possible.
And then one day, a new student enters the adult beginner class, 14-year-old Ellie. She's a foster kid who's there as a way for her to burn off energy, or stay out of the way, or because a younger kid in the family she's staying in is in one of the kid classes.
Joel's instructed to teach her the very basics before she joins the main class. He does not want to teach this child. At all. But he complies because he was directly told to.
Ellie is smaller and younger than anyone else there, but she's one of the fiercest people he's ever met. He spends a lot of time trying to teach her how to control herself and her body more than anything.
He tries so hard not to get attached. When she bursts into laughter every time he hits her over the head with a foam stick. When she makes up her own battles cries that definitely do not fit into whatever attack she is doing. When she's literally bouncing on her toes as she waits for him to talk.
He tries so hard.
But of course, he ends up becoming hopelessly attached to this goofy kid who's having the time of her life every practice, before returning back to her usual difficult home situation.
Also, just...
Ellie mouthing off to higher ranks while a long-suffering Joel pulls her aside to scold her for the 100th time.
Joel having little scratches on his arms because Ellie never trims her nails.
Ellie's hair always being a mess, so he starts begrudgingly doing it for her before class so that it stays out of her eyes.
Ellie goading him into doing plank and push-up competitions after class.
Joel just watching with pride as she progresses.
And, of course, eventually taking her in.
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thechikamorilegacy · 2 months
The Chikamori Legacy
Chapter One: "Love and Loss" (Part XII)
Sunday Morning Haruo’s DoubleWide
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Haruo sighed deeply as he looked over at the large number of insect terrrariums that he had stacked in the corner of the living room. A lot of fireflies, butterflies and other insects that he had managed to come across in his rummaging through the dumpsters. He rolled his eyes. Hopefully none of the things would get loose, especially the termite or he would have major problems.
He had been relieved last night when his dad had called him to tell him that he was going to clamp down on Mayumi and that he wasn’t amenable to Mayumi throwing Fiona and her daughter to the streets. As long as he had control of the house, he was going to make sure that Mayumi toed the line. This meant Haruo could live in his trailer without having to worry about anyone else. Sitting down at the kitchen table to eat his apple pancakes in peace and quiet, he thanked whatever deity that passed along that good fortune. He would enjoy his peace and quiet and maybe eke out a living in gardening, fishing and cooking. Nobody to pester him, nobody to make demands out of him that he was not prepared to meet and this way he was able to ease his wounded soul even if he wasn’t healed.
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First of all, after breakfast, he headed out to the mailbox. He had figured that bills were going to show up on either Monday or Tuesday and that he figured he needed to make sure that was paid before the taxman sent the repo-man and the repo-dude decided that it wasn’t necessary for Haruo to urinate or defecate and repossessed the toilet. Let’s just say that would not be good for him or his internal digestive and waste system. It was Sunday anyways so he just enjoyed his little walk out to the mailbox. Tomorrow he’d start searching for the bills today, he would have to drop by the grocery store and pick up some apples. He also decided that he would do some hunting for some wild game as well as wild plants. He had four apples left and he would be good for another few days so he would leave one of the four apples in the fridge and plant the other three. Those three trees would give him a decent bumper crop of apples to make more apple pancakes with. He had enough money to get a few more crop plants that could be used to make money. This way he could get plenty of crops to sell to the grocery stores and make a tidy sum of money with which to support himself.
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And perhaps, he should get into martial arts as well. It was reputed that once you got high enough in ability, you could break apart space rocks and uncover the gemstones within. Maybe he should stop by Mai Liang’s martial arts shop in Chinatown and pick up a muk yan jong and a breaker board. And maybe get Sifu Hu Dun Ly’s martial arts teach-yourself Sim Fu for Beginners course. Break your way to Financial Riches? Well Haruo could certainly live with that plan. After all, all he had to do was get one tiberium. Evidently the going rate for that radioactive gemstone was at least §38,000-43,000 simoleons. And that would get him to the point where he could seriously think about making this house a real house instead of just a double-wide mobile home. Since he’d already borrowed money from his dad and bought a gem-cutter and a Lord Vladimir’s Conjuring Cauldron – Frankly that could conjure a lot of things including gemstones. Trying to conjure gemstones involved a lot of invoking and big headaches, especially when he’d conjured too much and hit the floor.. He did actually conjure a soulpeace from that cauldron which put him over §101,000 simoleons putting him in a financially secure category and he’d conjured several other gemstones as well as cutting the ones that he’d managed to find while dumpster diving. Other avenues he could choose would be to turn around and get a science station. That way he could clone samples and be able to keep himself in high value gemstones.
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That was it. He had to become a gemstone broker that catered to the wealthy. The wealthy would buy the high value cuts off him that made the most amount of money. He knew that the diamond brokers were very vicious about anyone new horning in on their line of business. The diamond brokers were known to consort with Cartel and Mafioso to flout duty and import taxes into the United States and Canada and had no compunctions about spilling a little blood along with their dealings if it made doing business a little smoother. So Haruo would have to become equally ruthless to survive. But he was already hard-bitten and hard-nosed. Could he get the necessary paperwork to conceal-carry in Canada due to dangerous occupation? Perhaps. Or maybe even cross border-lines considering who he would be dealing with. Or maybe he should stick with the lower end gemstones that would get him what would amount to pocket change yet would keep him safe. But Haruo’d had it with his mother who had financially held him down and he was going to make himself financially secure if it meant selling diamonds, soulpeace and tiberium. And if anyone got in his way…Watcher help them, because he would show no mercy.Now that he had a game-plan he would have to execute it. There were two ways to get the kind of money to get an unlocked gem-cutter and that was to either steal one or make enough money to buy a cheap one and start unlocking the cuts himself. The third was just sell cheap cuts that he cut at Aleister’s till he managed to make the 50,000 simoleons needed to buy the expensive gem cutter and thus would be able to cut his gems at home having a finer calibrated blade and polishing feature so that he could get the gemstones looking of highest quality. At least this way he would be able to get started and not have to worry about the front end investment costs.
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There was also the matter of having to deal with having to go down to Aleister’s every time he wanted to cut gems but at least consigning them would allow him to get a somewhat decent return on his investment of time and skill.
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That was until his dad had just shown up with a smile on his face and another expensive gem-cutter on the back of his truck and an innocent query of could Haruo please help him get this thing off the back of the truck mainly because he wasn’t sure what to do with it and maybe Haruo could find some use for it? It was his dad’s way of telling him that Haruo was loved and that his dad only wanted the best for him.
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Haruo grinned to himself. He was going to be a very rich man. His train of thought was promptly derailed by the fact that he did need to get a few more items other than the stuff that he had in his fridge if he wanted to eat well for the next week. With the basic fridge things got raunchy after about three days. So making eight serving meals probably wasn’t the wisest course of action - green fumes and flies didn’t help foster a hygienic environment.What he needed to do was build a financial base and make certain that he was able to build it up so he didn’t have to worry about financial security. The only caveat here was how much of a cushion defined financial security for him? 10,000? 50,000? 100,000? But every bit of that cushion mattered because it would help him to launch into the upper stratosphere of financial net worth.
Haruo sighed as he looked at his watch and realized that daydreaming had cost him about two hours that morning. He had to go plant apple trees. So that he wouldn’t have to keep going to the store to buy his apples. On top of that he was going to have to get a few more fruits to start an orchard. Maybe some peaches or some limes or maybe even an orange tree. Hmmm. If he built a greenhouse he could grow bananas. Well, let’s see what we can do. Haruo thought to himself as he put on a light summer-weight jacket and headed out into what was a Pacific Coast drizzle.As he headed into downtown to drop off the rental vehicle, he noted that he would need to look into getting a vehicle of his own. He didn’t have a big budget for that since he was living on his own. Even one of the small compact cars could set him back almost 10,000 simoleons. Since he was in town, he might as well look at one of the dealerships and see if there was something that he could purchase that was reliable and cost-effective.He would take a taxi back home if he couldn’t find what he was looking for a nice subcompact with enough room for a bag of groceries.
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Would he decided to stay here in Vancouver or move to the island. Upon checking his bank balance, he realized his gem sales had essentially put him personally over the §1M range so he was able to buy something decent in terms of a house; maybe it was time to move to the Island. So he had options. Would he decide to stay in Vancouver or put some distance between him and his family (as much as he hated to do that to his father and to his grandmother, perhaps distance and separation was the best thing to do in his life)? But he couldn’t make that decision just yet because he had tiberium growing so the best thing for him to do was to wait until those spires had grown and he could reap the benefits from that before he made a decision on whether he was going to uproot and move lock-stock and barrel out of town. Perhaps the best thing was to find a place on the Island and settle down.
But one of the first things he needed to do was to return this rental and purchase a vehicle of his own, since he now had a decent amount of money with which to do that. When he got to the rental place, he found that they had a decent selection of pre-owned vehicles that they were selling so that they could take that older inventory and turn them into cash so they could restock newer models in their rental inventory. When all was said and done with a handshake, Haruo walked out of the rental place, the brand new owner of a Vorn P328 pickup, like his dad’s except his dad’s was white and Haruo’s was blue.
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Guess the next thing I should do is figure out whether I’m going to keep the property or offer a deep discount to my dad so that he can buy it off me so that I can make a clean break of it and find a place somewhere quiet to live. Haruo thought. But that meant calling up his dad and seeing the potential fall-out from his choice. But he needed the mobile home maintained. And if he wasn’t going to set his roots in Vancouver, then he would have to sell the property.
One point four-five wasn’t technically the threshold point for being classified as rich. But it certainly was considered well-off. And if he wanted the financial freedom to move around as need be, then he would have to have a value in the high tens.
What about his long-term friends? Phil and Noel? He looked at their situation with pragmatic eyes. They had graduated school. They were into their adult lives and busy trying to build up their own personal wealth. They had jobs, they would be alright. Haruo knew that the friendships that were so important while they were all in school no longer were primary in their minds as each person negotiated their journey through life. What mattered was family. And the only family Haruo had was his father and his maternal grandmother.
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And that was the bittersweet part of growing up. Maintaining childhood friendships were no longer number one in his life. There were some who would come back to you, but on the whole, most wouldn’t and that was just part and parcel of growing and maturing.
And Haruo was prepared to make sacrifices for his own personal peace of mind. Because even at nineteen, he’d realized what was important to his own personal happiness: a quiet life where no-one could bother him. A life where he was alone to contemplate life and his role in the grand scheme of things as an insignificant cog in the realm of capitalism. Yay for fiduciary vision.
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Over the next two weeks, Haruo made his preparations quietly, finally selling off his tiberium and seeing a tidy profit as well as some other conjured jewels. His dad and grandmother were not happy about his wanting to leave for Vancouver Island, but they understood his reasons and promised to hold their silence.
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One week later
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River had made excuses to herself to not go and see him at his new property. And she’d talked herself out of it multiple times. He doesn’t want to see me. I don’t think he’d be amenable to talking it out. I need to get a better argument together before I approach him with a suggestion to get counseling. And it was at Bebe’s urging that she finally got up the gumption to go out and see him out in Richmond. And that was mainly because Bebe threatened to drag her over there.
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“He’s not going to go to counseling on his own, you’re gonna have to drag him there.”
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As Bebe crested the hill and came to a stop at the manufactured home that was or used to be Haruo's home, all they saw was an empty driveway and a large real estate sign on the property - the sign on the property said SOLD. River’s heart fell into the pit of her stomach. “No…no…no…”. She repeated, her heart shattering into pieces, not noticing her vision misting.
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“Oh, no…” was all Bebe could say as she turned to see River in utter agony, tears spilling from her eyes. How could Haruo do this? He hadn’t even bothered to say good-bye.
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If River had thought that rejection of her overtures hurt, nothing compared to this. Haruo hadn’t even bothered to tell her he was leaving. He’d never even left a forwarding address. Fourteen years of friendship had meant absolutely nothing to him? So many times where he’d been longing for release from his situation with his mother and when it came down to it, River had wanted to give him that freedom from having to deal with his mother; that they would gain their freedom together, at least that was her hope. They’d made plans together through elementary school and high-school.
The deep hurt within River coalesced flaring into a sheet white cold anger. This was betrayal at its worst.
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And betrayal did not warrant forgiveness.
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kombathall · 3 months
Learn and master the power jab inspired by the legendary 🐐 JohnWayneParr! This technique focuses on precision, strength, and speed, essential for any martial arts enthusiast. Follow our step-by-step guide to enhance your striking skills and improve your overall performance. Perfect for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.
Visit Kombat Hall to enroll in mastery course.
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theamityelf · 3 months
Aw man, PROXY (the combat training droid) really would fit so well with the DRverse. Like his introduction scene has him randomly ambush Starkiller while using the Obi-Wan training program (complete with hologram/hard-light tech to make him appear as Obi-Wan did during the Clone Wars). And they just playfully banter like "Huh, didn't even know you still had that program, PROXY", "Oh, I thought if I surprised you with an old one, I might finally kill you master". To which Stakiller's like "Lol, better luck next time buddy". The whole relationship just seems exactly like what you'd get with Nagito having a robot as his only friend.
The fact that Vader had it fitted with an Obi-Wan program (as well as a Darth Maul program that's revealed later on) is both logical and weirdly hilarious to me. Like of course he'd want to prepare his Secret Apprentice to know how to fight his old master's lightsaber style, since he's still out there at this point in time. But it's just so hilariously obsessive. Actually PROXY later takes Vader off-guard by using it on him in a heroic sacrifice to save Starkiller (he's revealed to have been rebuilt in the sequel though).
Oh! And speaking of lightsaber styles...what do you think the DR cast members would pick as their main one if they were a Jedi, Sith, or some other lightsaber wielder? I'm not sure how much you know about those, so here's a rundown just in case. The whole made-up martial arts thing is part of the lore I find so endearingly stupid in an awesome way.
Form I/Shii-Cho is the beginner's form. Pretty much every Jedi is required to learn this one first, since it's the foundation for all the others. It was made in a time when they were transitioning from metal swords to lightsabers, and so it focuses a lot on non-lethal disarmament. As well as combatting multiple opponents. It's considered a bit clumsy and unrefined compared to its successors. But a handful of specialists of the form like Kit Fisto, were known for being very fluid and hard to predict.
Form II/Makashi is the most dueling-centric. With a focus on elegant, focused, and precise strikes. It was developed in response to the need for a lightsaber-to-lightsaber form when Dark Jedi became more prevalent. And as a result it fell out of widespread use when the Sith were thought extinct. With Jedi actually having to ask permission for training in it. It's two major flaws though are that's not ideal for multiple opponents, or against loads of blasters. Count Dooku is considered to be perhaps the greatest Makashi specialist, and managed to partly iron out of its weaknesses.
Form III/Soresu opts for a "stone wall" strategy. Being developed to combat massive numbers of blaster-wielding opponents. And allow the user to deflect dozens of bolts per second. And against other lightsaber-wielding opponents, the strategy is to tire them out with an unbreakable defense and then finish things with a decisive blow. It's polarizing among the Sith, as many view it as a weakling's form. Though the smarter ones like Darth Bane had a respect for it, seeing that there were some clear advantages. Obi-Wan is the most famous specialist, and that factored into the decision to send him after General Grievous.
Form IV/Ataru is kind of like the "fragile speedster" style. Since it heavily focuses on acrobatics for quick leaping strikes. Pretty good at quickly taking down single opponents, but not so much in prolonged fights, or while fighting in enclosed spaces. Not great against blasters either. Yoda and Ahsoka are the most notable specialists for it. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were too, though the latter switched to Soresu after finding Ataru didn't work so well for him against Darth Maul.
Form V/Shien is sort of like a more aggressive branch of Soresu. With the focus going from deflecting blaster bolts to redirecting them back at the enemy. It also has a more advanced dueling-centric variant called Djem So, which was made as an answer to Makashi. Requiring a lot of physical power from the user, the aim of it is to defend and then unleash a massive counter-attack of overwhelming strikes. Although they both had expertise in all forms, it was Anakin and Luke's preferred one. With Anakin actually going all in on transitioning from Shien to Djem So after losing to Dooku the first time. Other known specialists include Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Darth Bane, and the legendary Ulic Qel-Droma.
Form VI/Niman was created as an all-rounder form. The idea being to take all the elements from the previous 5 and merge them into a single balanced form. In practice this ultimately led to most practitioners being just average in all fields, with no real strengths. It tended to be favored by Jedi who were more devoted to diplomacy and study. HOWEVER, mastered Niman is another story entirely. As its few specialists (who dedicated at least 10 years of determined study to it) had a style that was great in all fields, and had no weaknesses. With excellent skill at combining Force-based attacks into the style. Those specialists being legendary duelists like Exar Kun, Darth Krayt, and possibly Revan.
Form VII/Juyo is the last and most controversial of them. For its extreme viciousness and the intentional use of a wielder's emotions to fuel attacks. A highly aggressive that's like a more wild and untamed Makashi. Obviously it was the style most heavily favored by the Sith, and was the primary style of Darth Maul and Starkiller (who interestingly were both voiced by Sam Witner). Among the Jedi it was borderline taboo, and sanctioned to the point that only very disciplined masters were given permission to study it. Juyo also had a special variant developed by Mace Windu called Vaapad. Which channeled both his own inner darkness and his opponent's fury through himself, and convert those into attacks. This special technique might have factored into him managing to overpower Palpatine.
And of course there's Jar'Kai, which just means dual-wielding. Technically a lot of characters have used it, though only a handful do so regularly. Those beings ones like Ahsoka, Asajj Ventress, Starkiller's clone, Revan, and Darth Krayt. Tends to overlap a bit with Niman and Ataru.
...Lol, got a bit carried away with that explanation. Anyway, I personally reckon Izuru would be a dual-wielding Niman king. As well as being one of the few people to master Vaapad. Makoto I would see as a Soresu guy. And I'd probably leans towards Hajime favoring Djem So.
Wow, yeah, I think, if we're speaking comparatively, I know nothing about Star Wars. 🤣 This is all very fascinating! And yes, Soresu definitely seems to be compatible with Makoto's whole deal. And the fighting styles for Izuru and Hajime also seem really apt.
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sudaca-swag · 2 years
Top 10 reads 2022:
The starless sea by Erin Morgenstern- absolutely no plot just vibes, a story about stories. Our MC discovers an ancient underground library, some people want to destroy it, but its mostly plotless, it reminds me a bit of the raven boys series tbh. LGBTQ+
Babel by RF Kuang- i would sell my left tit to read it for the first time again, kuang is now one of my top writers. We follow a group of POC oxford language students during victorian times that have the power to sort of do magic through translated words but the catch is they have to do it in service of the british empire, this is a story about rebelling against imperialism, racism, inequality, etc i just love it. LGBTQ+ but subtext (romance isnt a central theme)
Jade city trilogy by Fonda Lee- absolutely urban fantasy masterpiece if you like martial arts (Lee is a black belt), politics, strong family bonds, amazing characters etc. We follow the Kaul family who is the leader of the No Peak Clan and is at war with the Mountain Clan. One of my favorite aspects of this series is that its set in about 30 years so you see the effects that actions and political decision have on the long run. LGBTQ+
Out by Natsuo Kirino- the BEST murder book, we follow a group of four middle aged women working night shifts in a factory, one of the women murders her husband in a rage and the others help her to get rid of the body, suddenly they find themselves trying to both escape the police and some yakuza men who want their help getting rid of other bodies. Ultimately its a book about mysoginy imo, the struggles of poverty and modern life, etc. Search tws because it has some very graphic rape and pedophilia scenes.
Our share of night/nuestra parte de noche by Mariana Enríquez- if you can read in spanish DO IT!! Amazing magical realism-horror tales, i LOVE the south american subtropical settings, the history, the culture, legends and folklore of northern Argentina is shown, its about a father trying to save his son from the rich ppl cult that took away everything from him, its about dark magic and necromancy, and so much more. TWs of course, especially bc it touches upon the dictatorship. LGBTQ+ themes.
Mistborn Era 2 by Brandon Sanderson- i just love the cosmere, but era 2 is so fucking funny, its just a wild west comedy. Predictable ending for me, but that last chapter sill crushed my soul. If you want to dive into the cosmere and dont know where to start, pick up mistborn era 1, but leave era 2 for after youve read the stormlight archive bc the last book will be impossible to understand
The stormlight archive by Brandon Sanderson- simply masterworks of fantasy, a little slow at the beginnning but so worth it, amazing characters and magic systems. You will need to dedicate like one or two months for that first read of one of the tomes, and leave them for after youve read the rest of the cosmere or you wont enjoy them as much. The roshar system is such a diverse and expansive world.
Wolfsong by TJ Klune- i lost all my money bc i bought the entire series. If you need a cozy romance series about werewolves and found families, this is for you. Everyone is gay in this series thats it. LGBTQ+
The Poppy war trilogy by RF Kuang- the 1st book was already in my last years top 10 but HOLY SHIT THIS SERIES!!?? Fucking amazing, its a retelling/reimagination of chinese historical events (although with other countries names) but with chamans and ancient gods who take over warriors, basically its about our MC Rin descent into darkness and madness, its about colonialism, empires, etc. Its explicit and violent so search tws. The characters are amazing, i think rf kuangs strenght is definitely her characters they make you feel everything.
The inheritance trilogy by NK Jemisin- i only read the first book but its amazing, if you like dark fantasy with all powerful gods, read it. Im so excited to see how it ends.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Marital Master Asumi ch.7 thoughts
[Inferiority Complex]
I said last week that Kazuro's looking out for Asumi in a roundabout, messed up way, and while I still think that's true, this chapter makes it clear that his method is further informed, colored and messed up by virtue of the betrayal he feels from Asumi
I had gotten the impression that Kazuro left because he lost faith in their grandfather's ability to teach him martial arts any further, as his teachings weren't enough to save their father, but I hadn't considered that there was a stretch of time between their father's death and Kazuro's departure. It probably wasn't very long, but it was clearly enough for Kazuro to develop a bit of a complex about it
The look of fear on their grandfather's face when he saw all of Kazuro's accumulated black belts, the realization that he was stuck on a loop and slipping further and further into dementia; it'd be hard on anyone I imagine, but in a way it'd be easier on him, who can forget that revelation and won't have to live with the knowledge of it, than it would be for Kazuro, who would have to see that face again and again, all the while being told he isn't good enough right after being praised for his accomplishments
What's even worse is that their grandfather would be seeing what must look like absolutely explosive growth, thinking that Kazuro is an incredible genius when in fact he's merely forgotten untold swathes of his own life and missed every step that his grandson has taken. No wonder he keeps giving him the belts when he normally wouldn't bother, he's seeing exponential growth on a scale he couldn't have ever fathomed before
Their grandfather also keeps saying that he's the strongest, but we've never been given any indication that he was able to attain any level of fame or infamy with his strength. Maybe he was a big name and left it all behind and we just haven't been told yet, but with Kazuro's statement of "who wants to be a tough nobody," I think we have to assume that their grandfather never really did anything with his skills, that he just practiced for the sake of practicing
Philosophically, this does pose the question of whether acquiring a skill really needs to be "useful," as if their grandfather was happy, should it matter if his talents brought in any money? In Kazuro's case, though, skill can't be the goal in and of itself, he can't be satisfied just knowing that he's strong, he needs others to know it too. Perhaps it's because he spent so much time being told that he was still a beginner that he now feels he needs someone to tell him he's a master, but the irony is that the one person who he wants to hear it from is the one person who absolutely can't tell him. Any ranks or titles he achieves will likely be hollow for him, because to his grandfather, he's always going to be that white belt
Asumi is on the complete opposite end of that spectrum, of course. At first he avoided MMA because he thought that no matter what, it couldn't be useful to him; no amount of strength would allow him to live a longer, happier life, so his time would be better served helping people like his grandfather. Whether or not he continues down that path we likely won't see for years to come (if this manga goes that long, of course), but now that he's decided that MMA does have value for him, he's going to start approaching his brother's end of the spectrum. The question, though, is if he'll ever reach it or end up in a different quadrant of it entirely; he was originally considering getting into MMA because he thought it might be a fun way to spend his time and get closer to the girl he likes, but now it has the more concrete, clearly defined goal of defeating his brother and getting him to take on a request. I get the feeling it won't actually be "visit grandpa," but we're definitely too early to make a solid guess what it would be other than that
I do really appreciate that Asumi is transitioning from the idea of a C-average life to having his cake and eating it too; he's no longer content with coasting through life, he now actually wants something that should hopefully bring him fulfillment. Again, what exactly that is we'll have to wait and see, but I'm glad that Asumi isn't continuing to be resistant to the idea of his own autonomy and happiness
Okiba crying over Asumi also helps establish their dynamic really well, making it very clear how invested in each other they are beyond just having someone to spar with or getting to spend time with a cute girl. I think I've said it before, but seeing how they develop in tandem with each other is easily the part I'm most excited to see
I'm not sure if we've officially finished the prologue or not, but I definitely think we've reached the end of the first "arc," as Asumi has gone through a notable character change that's setting up the events of the rest of the series. Watching his growth for the last couple of months has more than proven that this is definitely a series that was worth investing time to do my reviews for
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cantillat-moved · 1 year
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@opscurus [BEACH/POOL STARTERS] [SURFS UP] - our muses go surfing // 4 Archer (ichigo can't surf btw lmao)
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The conditions were said to be perfect – the forecast say the waves would be around 1 to 2 meters, anything more than that wouldn’t be optimal for beginners…Something that both of them would be classified as. The waves were long peeling and gently breaking, the wind was offshore and the sun was perfect – and there wasn’t a lot of crowding, meaning they wouldn’t have to worry about bumping into people.
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❝ Before we start, do you know how to swim ? ❞ it was an obvious question that must be asked. Planting the board by his side, the tall man watched the ginger-haired one ❝ Swimming in the ocean is different than swimming in a pool. I’m a lifeguard so I know how to deal with these situations but let me know so we can minimize any possible hassles. ❞ with that out of the way, he continued ❝ A lot of surfing involves waiting. We’ll paddle out into the ocean and wait for a set of waves, most of surfing is waiting for the right moment to strike and paddling to be in the right position when the opportunity comes. And when the time comes you can’t hesitate or have fear – or the ocean will have you. Once it runs its course you will fall anyway, and that’s why knowing your limits with swimming is important. It is like martial arts: before learning how to strike, you must know how to fall. ❞ Ah, he did it again: rambling. ❝ It seems I have gone on and on. This is a bad habit of mine.  ❞  he acknowledged ❝ Don’t forget to secure the wrap in your ankle, it can be disorienting to fall and your board’s buoyancy might be of help. ❞
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tehamelie · 1 year
So Ken drives a bus. The number 9 bus through the southern district in the big city, in particular. Eight hours a day, every day. He likes it. He likes having a fair, steady union job (and handsome comp pay for the weekend shift), he likes meeting the passengers (mostly) and helping them get where they need to be, and a part deep in his soul gets satisfaction by doing the same thing over and over.
It's his way of getting to know the world. Ken knows it's just a small piece of an unimaginably large world, but he knows that piece so well it's like magic. After ten years on the job he knows his bus, knows when to fill up the tires and the oil, knows the slightest change in the machinery that alerts him it's time to inspect the vehicle. He knows his regulars, he's trained Jake, a big man who likes to sit by the door, to prepare the wheelchair ramp when Gloria gets on board, with just a thumbs up in the overhead mirror.
Only, there's Monster. On the three o clock, four afternoons a week, she steps through the front door, past Ken and the ticket machine, and growls "Monster don't pay," and rides all the way to the terminal. She never bothers anyone, she's the first to give up her seat if someone looks like they need it, and there's no regulations against being a terrifying spiky-shadow-slither creature with smoldering red coals for eyes, so Ken doesn't know what to do.
Of course there's no harm in it. But in Ken's world, you can't make exceptions to the rules. Nobody's above the law. And all the same just the idea of speaking to Monster gives him a mild panic attack, let alone calling her out in front of everyone.
But one Monday night, sleepless in bed, with the words "Monster don't pay" echoing all through his skull, Ken decides he's had enough. He's got no dignity, no confidence, but it has to be possible to earn those things. To learn them.
So Ken goes to school. He cuts down on hours, six hours a day six days a week, to free up the time. He takes courses on business management, project management, teaching; just probing, trying to learn how to learn what he needs. It works, indirectly: One very, very early Sunday morning he goes to a bar with some classmates after night school, he tells them of his troubles and there's Julia asking if he's thought about martial arts.
So Ken starts studying Judo under Julia. She instructs a beginner class on Sundays, all day, and - Ken loves her for this - she instructs him privately every single evening she's free. She says she's found some kind of calling, training him to fight monsters.
Ken and Julia are never lovers, of course. But by the time he's ready for more advanced instruction than she can give they are everything else to each other.
And he advances, slowly, step by step. He's devoted to his training, the day job becomes almost pure routine in the background as he learns discipline and balance and control, builds up core strength and reaction speed and hands of steel.
He even takes time off work to compete. He wins about half the time, because he fights opponents of equal skill. There's always a stronger master, always, always. Winning isn't the point; learning is. He advances in his grades faster than most, but it's still slow progress. The Japanese character for "Dan," he learns, means "to carve steps up a stone cliff," and that's how much work it takes to advance.
But Ken is motivated. And he does learn. He learns the limits of his body and how to push against them, he learns alertness, readiness. To be prepared to fight for real and to be happy if it never, ever happens.
And he notices, belatedly, at some point he's started walking differently. He remembers scurrying, flinching, hesitating. Always worrying about getting in people's way, worrying how he looks to them. But now he walks with casual, yes, confidence. He's aware of all the movement around him on the street, he knows where he's going ten steps in advance, and he walks with a straight back, putting his feet down toes first.
Ken has become a warrior.
He's ready the next time Monster gets on the three o' clock and growls, in her monster voice, "Monster don't pay."
In a split second Ken steels himself, ignoring the falling sensation below his stomach, and he pitches his voice perfectly, steady, assertive, sharp enough so the whole bus can hear it, but without being loud or aggressive. (He's practiced his line ten thousand times.) He says, "And why doesn't Monster pay for her fare like everyone else?"
Monster flinches with her whole body, it seems, stopping on the spot and squirming into herself. Or she's just reaching into her pocket. In a moment she produces a piece of plastic and says, "Monster has month card."
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fixingmysociallife · 2 years
Starting Aikido to overcome my social fears
G'Day Depressos,
I am excited to announce that I have taken my first real-life action for my fixingmysociallife-project! Personally, I despise most athletic activites which led me to being a couch potato during the last few years. But since it's now time for me to finally push myself, I spontaneosly signed up for a beginners Aikido class aimed at college students. This is a huuuge deal for me, because I usually wouldn't do anything without ten hours of research, but this time I just...did it! And after only one time attending I can already feel a positive impact on my life. In this post, I will outline why this class is an important part of my socialization journey. 1. Overcoming my over-controlling self As I've stated above, I am in my head a lot and terrified of making wrong decisions. Therefore, joining on a whim was so much more like to person I'd like to become rather than my current self, it really makes me happy. 2. Socializing with new people Of course, I am not taking the class alone. Seeing and interacting with new people is one of my fears and I want to grow comfortable with it. When I arrived at the dojo, I felt really insecure and stupid at first, but it got better fast. It's hard to overthink your social performance when you're busy slamming another person to the ground and vice versa. Additionally, I now have another topic to talk about with others. A lot of my peers have been interested in hearing about Aikido so far! 3. Gaining self-confidence
Aikido is a Japanese form of martial arts that is focused on self-defense. It's non-competitive and everybody is able to learn the basics, regardless of gender, bodytype and fitness level. Due to that, I was able to get satisfying results quite quickly. Also, walking to the bus stop alone afterwards felt safer already, because I now had at least an idea of what I could do in the case of an attack. Of couse I realistically can't do shit yet, but I was riding the high of my successful class lol.
My takeaway
If you have problems with social activites and self-motivation too, taking a self-defense/martial arts class is really something to consider. Some are even sponsored for students or women in particular. I'm really looking forward to next time and now, three days later, my muscles are finally not completely sore anymore. Yay for that! If you'd like to see more of my steps towards becoming a functioning human being, just browse my other posts and stay tuned for what's to come. Bye!
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karate121 · 20 days
The Best Karate Classes Online
If you’re searching for the best karate classes in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, you’ve come to the right place. Karate is not just a martial art; it’s a way to improve your fitness, discipline, and self-defense skills. Whether you're a beginner, an experienced practitioner, or looking for specialized training, there’s a range of options available to suit your needs. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the best karate training opportunities in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, and beyond.
1. Black Panther Martial Arts in Indirapuram Ghaziabad
When it comes to high-quality karate instruction, Black Panther Martial Arts in Indirapuram stands out as a leading academy. Known for its professional karate classes, Black Panther Martial Arts offers comprehensive training for all age groups. Their expert karate instructors are dedicated to helping students achieve their martial arts goals, from basic techniques to advanced skills.
2. Best Karate Classes for Beginners in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad UP
Starting karate as a beginner can be both exciting and challenging. In Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, there are several top-rated karate classes specifically designed for beginners. These classes focus on fundamental techniques, building stamina, and instilling discipline. With step-by-step training, you’ll be guided through the basics of karate, ensuring a solid foundation for further learning.
3. Karate Classes for Kids and Adults in Ghaziabad
Karate is an excellent choice for both children and adults looking to enhance their fitness and self-defense skills. In Ghaziabad, various karate classes cater to different age groups, including specialized programs for kids and adults. For children, classes are designed to be fun and engaging while teaching essential self-defense techniques. Adults can benefit from advanced training that includes fitness routines and self-defense strategies.
4. Offering Professional Online Martial Arts Classes and Training
In today’s digital age, online karate training has become increasingly popular. If you prefer to train from the comfort of your home, professional online martial arts classes are available. These courses offer step-by-step instructions and personalized feedback from expert instructors. Whether you’re looking for general karate training or specific techniques like weapon training, online classes provide flexibility and convenience.
5. Karate Coaching in Indirapuram
For those interested in in-person training, karate coaching in Indirapuram offers a direct and hands-on approach. Local karate academies provide personalized coaching that focuses on skill development, technique refinement, and overall fitness. With experienced coaches and well-structured programs, you can achieve your martial arts goals effectively.
6. Women’s Self-Defense in Indirapuram Ghaziabad
Self-defense is a crucial skill for everyone, and women’s self-defense training is especially important. In Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, specialized self-defense classes for women are available. These classes focus on practical techniques and strategies to protect oneself in various situations. The training is designed to build confidence and empower women with the skills they need for personal safety.
7. Weapon Training for Boys and Girls Under 18 Years
For younger students interested in weapon training, there are specialized programs available. Weapon training for boys and girls under 18 years includes learning techniques with traditional martial arts weapons. These classes provide a disciplined approach to handling weapons and enhance overall martial arts skills.
8. Beginners Personal Training – Men & Women Above 18 Years
Personal training is an excellent option for adults who want a tailored approach to their karate practice. Beginners personal training for men and women above 18 years focuses on individual needs and goals. With one-on-one sessions, you’ll receive personalized instruction that helps you progress at your own pace.
9. Affordable Karate Classes in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Affordability is a key consideration for many when choosing karate classes. In Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, there are several options for affordable karate classes. These classes offer quality instruction at reasonable prices, making it accessible for everyone to benefit from martial arts training.
10. Fitness Through Karate
Karate is not just about self-defense; it’s also a fantastic way to improve overall fitness. Engaging in karate training helps in building strength, endurance, and flexibility. It’s an effective workout that combines physical exercise with mental discipline, leading to enhanced health and well-being.
11. Online Karate Academy in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
For those who prefer a structured online program, the online karate academy in Indirapuram offers comprehensive training modules. These programs are designed to provide a complete learning experience, from basic techniques to advanced skills, all delivered through an easy-to-follow online platform.
12. Best Karate Classes Near Me
Finding the best karate classes near you is essential for convenient and effective training. In Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, you’ll find a range of top-rated karate classes that cater to different needs and skill levels. Whether you’re looking for local classes or online options, there are plenty of choices to fit your schedule and preferences.
In conclusion, whether you’re looking for the best karate classes in Indirapuram, online training options, or specialized programs for kids and adults, Ghaziabad offers a variety of opportunities. From professional karate coaching to affordable classes and self-defense training, there’s something for everyone. Start your karate journey today and experience the many benefits of this dynamic martial art!
So, take the leap, find the best karate classes near you, and start your martial arts journey today!
Enroll now and take the first step towards becoming a skilled martial artist with BPKTKD!
Address: GHAZIABAD, Indirapuram, GYAN KHAND-2
Contact: [email protected] / Phone: +91-981-894-0401
Website: https://bpktkd.com/
Let me know if you need any changes
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How Can Martial Arts Classes Recover Your Fitness and Focus?
Learning martial arts can grow one's focus and level of fitness. Martial arts improve general physical fitness, agility, and fortitude with strenuous training regimens that contain cardio, weight training, and flexibility movements. By properly directing their energy, practitioners improve their reflexes, coordination, and spatial awareness. In addition, the disciplined atmosphere of martial arts lessons develops self-control and stress reduction abilities, supporting a healthy way of life. In the end, practicing martial arts provides mental and physical power, with overall advantages that go well beyond the dojo.
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Visit Our Academy to Experience Martial Arts Excellence
Greetings from our Martial Arts Academy! We deliver a wide variety of courses for students of all ages and aptitude levels, including adult-specific programs. Our academy proposals a supportive atmosphere for personal development, irrespective of your level of experience in martial arts or your desire to increase your karate methods.
Building Foundations for All Ages through Martial Arts Classes
Each student in our martial arts classes is expected to grow self-control, respect, and confidence. Our program, which is suitable for all ages, highlights basic skills, self-defense tactics, and physical exercise. To ensure that everyone can learn at their own rate and meet their martial arts objectives, every session is designed to suit students ranging from beginners to expert practitioners.
Adult Self-Determination via Martial Arts Proficiency and Health
Our adult martial arts classes provide a special fusion of contemporary fitness methods with traditional training. These programs are suitable for adults of all fitness heights and are designed to improve cardiovascular stamina, strength, and flexibility. Our agendas offer a demanding yet boosting environment to help you reach you are personal best, even if your goal is to increase your general fitness or hone your self-defense assistances.
Karate Academy: The Confluence of Tradition and Excellence
We maintain the historic karate traditions at our academy while utilizing modern teaching techniques. With a focus on character development, perseverance, and respect, our knowledgeable instructors are committed to teaching the art and philosophy of karate. The martial arts journey is deeply appreciated at our institution, where students of all skill levels can refine their sparring methods or learn fundamental kata.
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Martial Arts Center: Your Local Center of Well-Being
We take great satisfaction in providing more than simply classes as the top martial arts facility in our neighborhood. Our facility promotes community among families and students by acting as a focus for wellness. In addition to teaching martial arts, we similarly offer social events, seminars, and workshops that support personal development and all-inclusive well-being.
Decisively, our Martial Arts Academy is dedicated to offer outstanding instruction and guidance within a welcoming and inclusive setting. Our academy provides a route to physical fitness, mental clarity, and personal empowerment whether you're looking for martial arts classes for yourself or your child, investigating adult programs, or diving into the discipline of karate. Come witness the transforming power of martial arts in North Brabant with us!
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david-toaff · 5 months
Harnessing the Power of Martial Arts: A Fitness Guide Inspired by Cinematic Legends
Martial arts movies have not only entertained us but also inspired many to embrace the physical and mental disciplines these arts entail. Legendary figures like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li have showcased skills that are as practical in real life as they are impressive on the screen. Incorporating martial arts techniques into your fitness regime can enhance your strength, agility, and overall health. Here's how you can get started.
Embracing the Bruce Lee Philosophy
Bruce Lee was not just a martial artist and actor; he was a fitness innovator. His training routine included elements that built extraordinary physical strength and flexibility, crucial for martial arts. One of his famous techniques, the "One-Inch Punch," demonstrates how mastering the coordination of your body can lead to incredible power from a minimal distance. Integrating Lee's philosophy into your workout means focusing on flexibility, agility, and the explosive power you can apply to exercises like punching drills and isometric holds.
Jackie Chan's Creative Combos
Jackie Chan is renowned for his acrobatic fighting style and innovative use of his environment. His ability to combine comedy with martial arts has made his fighting sequences memorable. You can adapt Chan's style by incorporating environmental exercises into your routine. Use park benches for tricep dips, swing from monkey bars for upper body strength, or practice balance and precision through obstacle course training. This not only builds physical strength but also enhances spatial awareness and improvisation skills.
The Jet Li Discipline
Jet Li's martial arts prowess is rooted in his Wushu training, a modern exhibition and full-contact sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts. His fluid style and rapid movements require both muscle endurance and control. To train like Jet Li, focus on flexibility and quick, precise movements. Incorporate activities like shadow boxing, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and plyometrics to improve reaction time and speed, along with stretching routines to maintain flexibility and muscle health.
Integrating Martial Arts into Your Routine
Start with basics: Begin your martial arts-based fitness regimen by mastering basic stances and movements. Classes in karate, taekwondo, or judo provide solid foundations, focusing on form and technique before adding intensity.
Add strength training: Martial artists require strong muscles for both striking and grappling. Incorporate weightlifting sessions to build muscle strength, mainly focusing on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, which engage multiple muscle groups.
Work on your core: A strong core is essential for the stability and efficiency of martial arts movements. To strengthen the midsection, include exercises such as planks, Russian twists, and leg raises in your routine.
Focus on flexibility and recovery: Flexibility is as crucial as strength in martial arts. Dedicate time for stretching both before and after workouts to enhance your range of motion and prevent injuries. Yoga can also be an excellent complement to martial arts training.
Safety First
While it's exciting to incorporate these legendary moves into your workout, it's essential to prioritize safety. Always ensure you're performing exercises correctly to avoid injury. Beginners should consider working with a professional trainer who can provide guidance tailored to their fitness level and goals.
Martial arts legends inspire us with their on-screen feats and offer valuable lessons for enhancing our physical fitness. By adopting their training techniques, we improve our strength and agility, discipline, and mental focus. Whether you're a novice or an experienced fitness enthusiast, martial arts can add a refreshing and challenging element to your workout regime, helping you build a more substantial, more agile body.
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